#and shes also a thief this leads credence to my ''i like thiefs'' thing
wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Send me "alt!" and I'll introduce you to a character I've rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
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"You again?!" The two felines yelled aloud, each expression toned quite differently, memories of their last encounter filling their heads.
Neither really know how the yellow feline--or, green feline, actually--came to be in their life. But suffice to say--they were here now, and both had their feelings of utter dismay from that fact.
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"You gonna cry again, kitty?"
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"H-Hey!!! I don't cry anymore!!! Not often anyway."
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"Excuse me if Iun't believe that for a single second. Last time you were here you kept annoyin' me with your dumb sobs. Cry over this, cry over that, wah wah wah--"
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"Yeah, w-well, I wouldn't have been crying so much i-if you hadn't kept scratching me!!!!!!!
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"Wait, weren't you a lot smaller back then? I swear I don't remember you being this tall--"
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"We are not talking about that. Ever. That was nightmarish."
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"C'mon, it couldn't have been that bad, I think--"
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"An' your yellow ass ain't make it much better."
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"I mean, I don't think I'd take much issue with it. I'd certainly have a lot less problems--
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"Hey! I resent that!"
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"I'm not wrong, am I?"
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"I mean, I guess from your perspective--"
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"Which is the correct one, thank you very much."
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"Hey! I have my own life experiences too!!! You can't just walk all over them like that.
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"I mean, I was doing all sorts of stuff. I had my whole journey ahead of me and I was kind of ripped away from it like it was nothing. It wasn't exactly fair or nice to me, either."
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"Yeah, and what were you doing, exactly, that was sooooo important? Because last I remember, you were practically half naked--"
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"Full naked, actually. The bra and panties were just painted on--"
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"Ya realize that ain't much better, right?"
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"Yeah, well...!
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"Actually, yeah, lets not talk about what I was doing back then. I'm a lot cooler now."
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"An' why is that so hard 'ta believe?"
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"It's true!!! I'm apart of the Mages' Guild now!!! And I beat this really jerky asshole who mind controlled my clothes off me and--
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"Wow, that sounds a lot worse when I say it out loud."
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"Listen, how about I just... go. Is that okay? That'd probably be better for the both of us, right?"
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"Yeah. Don't hit your ass on the way out, mmkay?"
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"Y-Yeah, okay."
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banditthewriter · 4 years
Trust Is Earned - Charles Vane - 2
The response to the first part of this series was so amazing. Thank you to everyone who has read/commented/liked/reblogged. I appreciate it so much. Here we have part two.
Remember, we’re not really supposed to like Vane yet. 
Pairings: Eventual Charles Vane x reader. Past Billy Bones x reader.
Warning: Mild violence. Also a general dislike of Eleanor Guthrie, sorry!
*gif not mine*
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“You look like you could use a drink,” a feminine voice said from your side. You looked over and gave half a smile to Eleanor Guthrie. “On the house?”
You handed over a package to Mr. Humphries, one of your most loyal customers. He smiled as he paid the rest that you were due, but the look on his face said that he didn’t think you should be standing so close to the Guthrie woman.
All of the people who had been friends with your parents protected you on this island, but that didn’t mean they protected you from just the pirates. They also protected you from the Guthries as best they could. 
You were one of the very few people on the island who didn’t rely on them for anything and they didn’t like that.
“I’m actually just heading back to my shop,” you said politely as you tried to turn past her and back into the street.
“I understand. It’s just that I’ve heard some worrying talk of late and I wanted to have a word with you about it.”
You hoped that your face didn’t show the irritation that you felt. Instead of fighting her on it, you gave a tight smile and gestured down the street towards the tavern. Inside she grabbed a bottle of something or other from her man Mr. Clark before she ushered you into the room she used as an office.
It wasn’t your first time there. She’d brought you in not long after you’d taken over the shop from your parents. They hadn’t been willing to bend their knee to the Guthrie rule, had their own contacts in and out of Nassau, and you had kept up that tradition.
She hadn’t been happy to say the least, but there wasn’t anything she could do about it when the entire island was basically against her in that regard.
You sat down across the desk from her and when she poured you a drink, you accepted the glass but didn’t actually drink any. You didn’t have much tolerance for alcohol and the last thing you needed was to be inebriated while not safe.
“What’s this worrying talk and what does it have to do with me?”
Eleanor gave a bit of a laugh as she poured a drink of her own.
“You just cut right to it, don’t you? That’s why I like you Y/N; you’re not afraid to say what’s on your mind.” She swished the liquid in her glass before she took a long gulp from it. “The talk that I’ve heard is that you were sheltering a thief on your land.”
You simply stared at her, not giving credence one way or another. When she realized that you weren’t going to give anything away, she cleared her throat and stood up to pace towards her balcony.
“Thievery isn’t acceptable and the man that’s accused is someone that you know; Billy Bones, from The Walrus.”
You put the glass down on the desk.
“Again, Miss Guthrie, what does this have to do with me?”
That seemed to throw the woman off her stride. You had to admit a perverse pleasure in ruffling her feathers.
“As I’ve just said–”
“You’ve said that there’s been talk. You can’t even be sure that Billy Bones is actually the thief since you’re referring to him as the accused and not the culprit. So it seems, Miss Guthrie, that you’re putting credence in a pirate’s word and dragging the citizens of Nassau into it erroneously.”
You had seen plenty of fish on dry land and you had to applaud Eleanor’s impression of one. Her mouth opened and closed as if you had stolen the words straight from her throat.
She cleared her throat and marched back to the desk, her hands going flat on the surface as she leaned down towards you.
“Where is the map?”
Gossip in a place like Nassau wasn’t just frivolous. Gossip was almost a currency. You might have just called Eleanor out on putting belief in word of mouth, but you knew that there was some gossip that could be relied on.
At one point in time, Eleanor Guthrie and Charles Vane were together. You weren’t sure how serious it had been, but you do know that it had ended rather messily. It was whispered among merchants and pirates alike that since that split, Vane’s crew hadn’t been getting the same treatment they used to in the way of leads.
You’d never given it much thought before, but with her in front of you, you had to wonder if Eleanor was what was called a scorned woman.
You were tired of living your life at the hands of others. Your store was still in shambles and now you were dragged in front of Eleanor as if she was a parental force and you were a naughty child.
No more.
“It’s curious,” you said as you sat up and straightened out your skirt. “Billy Bones supposedly stole the map which means it’s going to Flint already. I can’t think of any other captain that you would’ve sold the map to besides him.”
Her eyes went wide. The hands she had placed on the desk twitched, not nearly proof that you were right but you continued anyways.
“I almost thought that the issue was that someone had been stolen from, but you wouldn’t have cared if Vane lost in this. I bet that’s part of the draw. No, your issue is that the map means something to you. You couldn’t care less that Billy might have stolen the map. You just want to have it back for your own reasons.”
“You’re out of line,” she said as she raised a hand to point at you.
“I thought you liked that I spoke my mind,” you reminded her with a pointed look. Then you stood up, enjoying the look on her face as she scrambled a bit to come around the desk and face you. “I have no idea where the map is or who has it but if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. I don’t find myself moved by your facade and I would rather not help you benefit from it.”
Without waiting to be dismissed, you simply turned and walked back towards the door. You had no intention of staying longer than necessary.
“Charles Vane won’t stop if he thinks you have answers for him. What was done to your shop is just the beginning.”
Your hand rested on the handle of the door. For a long moment you just stared at the wood. Then you turned over your shoulder to meet her gaze once more.
“Then I suggest you find a better way to spend your time rather than wasting mine.”
It occurred to you as you approached your shop that perhaps there was a layer to the theft that you weren’t aware of. Maybe Eleanor had sold it to Flint as you suspected but it had either been stolen before she was able to get it or the inclusion of the cook was a variable she hadn’t foreseen. He was a new recruit to The Walrus so it was possible that she was worried he would sell it to someone else.
He didn’t have loyalty yet, but Billy did. That would explain why Billy was with Silver when they came to your shop. It wasn’t because Billy stole it, but he was making sure Silver did right by the captain.
As caught up in your thoughts as you were, you almost didn’t realize that the door of your shop wasn’t locked anymore. You pushed it open and stepped in before you realized you hadn’t had to unlock it.
A hand wrapped around your mouth and you were pulled further into the room, your back slammed against a wall. The door had been kicked shut so the room was mostly in darkness, but the man that held you stood close enough for your eyes to pick up an outline.
You hadn’t had much interaction with the man, but you recognized Charles Vane. You reached up to grab his wrist just in time for his other hand to wrap around your throat and give a squeeze.
“Don’t even think about screaming.”
You were tempted to bare your teeth and bite the hand that held you silent, but you kept your calm. Instead you pressed your nails into his wrist about as hard as he squeezed your neck.
“Careful. I could snap your neck in an instant.”
This time you did bite him. Not hard enough to draw blood, but just enough to surprise him. He pulled his hand away and glared at you.
“I couldn’t exactly speak with your hand over my mouth, could I?” Your own glare paled in comparison to his, but you didn’t let that stop you. “I don’t suppose you’re here for some of my highly requested candles, are you? A lot of them were ruined by your crew yesterday, but I’m sure I can find some somewhere for you.”
The hand around your throat squeezed until you didn’t have enough breath to continue.
“Where is my map?”
He released your throat to allow you the chance to respond. After you took a few gulping breaths, you dropped your hands to your sides. It was best to try to appear nonthreatening when he was this pissed.
“I don’t know,” you admitted. When he started to squeeze again, you pressed against his shoulder as hard as you could. “Goddammit Vane, I mean it. I have no idea where the map is. I have no idea where Billy or the cook is and strangling me won’t get you the information any faster.”
The hand he had used to cover your mouth slammed into the wall beside your head.
“I should kill you for lying to me.”
Where was the spine that had you standing up to Eleanor Guthrie and calling her bluff? You took as deep of a breath as you could with the grip on your neck and how close Vane was to you.
“You could,” you allowed in a cold voice, “but think of what hell that will rain down on you. There are few merchants on this island that are as necessary as I am and there are none that could step into my shoes.”
“What makes you think I care about that?”
You knew there were plenty of crews on the island that would defend you if something happened. And the merchant’s would be less than pleased, would stop selling to anyone on The Ranger crew. Perhaps Vane couldn’t see that far ahead or maybe he was just blind to it at the moment. 
Either way, you didn’t want that to happen. 
“Is the boatswain worth dying for? Is that why you lied?”
“I lied to protect someone I care about. Isn’t there anyone in your life that you would do that for?”
His hand let up on your throat a bit. Not much, but you noticed it. You thought about your conversation with Eleanor and realized that maybe you had more options than you first thought.
“I can’t help you find the map but maybe there’s something else I can do for you.”
He stepped in a little closer, his body pressing along yours. It made it clear what he thought you were offering. The hand that was still on his shoulder shoved hard to put some distance between the two of you.
“I was thinking something a little longer lasting,” you said forcefully. And then with a tilt of your head, “Although it would be easier to explain the proposition without a hand around my throat.”
He released you and then stepped back. He gestured for you to speak before he crossed his arms over his chest.
“The whole of Nassau has heard about how things ended with you and Miss Guthrie. And the whole of Nassau has whispered about the effect that might have had on your business relationship with her. My proposition is this. Instead of selling your haul through her, you come to me. I have more contacts than she could imagine, more than anyone on this island is aware of.”
“You want to be the new fence?”
You shook your head at that.
“Not at all. This is a one time deal, offered to you and you alone. We’d negotiate terms like any deal. I’d be able to garner a profit that Guthrie would only be able to dream of.”
You knew that you had him on the fence, could see it on his face as he looked away from you. He was most likely thinking about the last few prizes he had brought in and what the profit had been. 
“There’s a flaw in your plan,” he finally said as he turned back to you. “If I stop going to her, she’ll stop giving me leads. Can’t bring in a profit on a haul that doesn’t exist.”
“Has she been giving you any real leads lately? I hear those are going to much smaller crews.” You shrugged your shoulders purposefully. “I would be able to provide you with leads without contest since you’d be my only client.”
He took a step towards you.
“Where do you intend to find these leads of yours?”
This time you smiled. This was something you had thought about, but you’d never needed the complication or extra work. If it tempered the anger of the captain, you’d happily take on the extra work.
“Again, I have contacts that span the entirety of the globe. I can get the leads from anywhere. I know of three large prizes that launch in the next few weeks alone at this minute and that’s without me actively searching for leads.”
He seemed impressed but not sold yet. You had one last card to play but it was a tricky one. If you misread his feelings on the matter, you could be setting yourself up for trouble. 
That in mind, you took a few careful steps away from him.
“Think of how much it will piss her off. Not only would you no longer need her, but you’d be thriving without her and she won’t know why.”
The gamble made, you could only wait. His face didn’t show any inclination as to what he felt. Then he turned towards you and held his hand out.
“We have a deal. We’ll sit down and draw up some terms on the particulars another time.”
You let out a breath before you stepped back towards him. Carefully you took his hand and gave it a brief shake.
It was the first touch that didn’t have the hint of violence. You had to admit that the roughness of his hands felt nice against your skin.
Then you dropped your hand back to your side.
“Now that that’s been decided, I suggest you get out of my shop. I still haven’t repaired everything from your last visit and I’d hate for that to color my opinion of our new partnership.”
You thought you could see a hint of a smile on Vane’s face before he turned towards the door. He stopped before he opened it.
“If I find Billy Bones, I might kill him.”
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.
“Perhaps. Or perhaps you won’t. We’ll see.”
He didn’t say anything else, just slipped out of your shop. You went over and did your best to lock the door again even though it had obviously been kicked open when Vane had snuck in before you got there. 
Hopefully you made the right choice.
The morning sun had already started to heat the shop. You cursed under your breath as you moved the broom around the backroom, sweeping up the last of the damage from Rackham’s rampage as you had started to refer to it. 
There were plenty of things broken, but not everything. Nothing that you would have trouble replacing at least. 
A shadow passed over where you were sweeping. Startled, you looked up to see who it was.
Ah, this wasn’t a meeting you expected. Standing in the doorway to the backroom was Captain James Flint. His hair was partially tied back, clothes in order for a man who spent most of his time on the sea.
You thought he might have been in the Navy before… before Nassau, before his piracy days. Everyone had a life before, even the fearsome James Flint.
“Captain Flint,” you greeted as you continued to sweep up the broken bits of pottery on the floor. “What do I owe this pleasure?”
He took in the general disarray of the shop and then looked back at you.
“I’m looking for my boatswain.”
You nearly snapped the broom in half at that. You were getting really tired of people asking you where Billy Bones was.
“I’m sorry captain, I honestly have no clue. Last I saw him, he said he was going back to the beach.”
Flint nodded. He gestured around the room with one large hand.
“I doubt he did this.”
“Does it matter who did it? It’s been done and it must be fixed.” You looked down at the floor and then sighed. “Billy and the cook, Silver, did come here for shelter but once it became knowledge that The Ranger crew was aware of my connection to Billy, we decided it was best if they left. He told me to tell Vane and his men that he went to the interior, to someone named Mr. Blackwell.”
Flint’s eyes grew wide at that, the corner of his mouth turning up.
“Thank you Miss Y/L/N.”
So the name wasn’t just to confuse Vane; it was a code for the captain. Hopefully he would have better luck at finding the men than just about everyone else on the island had at this point.
Flint turned to start to leave but he hesitated at the door. His hand tapped once, twice, before he turned to face you again.
“Billy is sweet on you. He wouldn’t want to think of something happening to you because of him. I can… take you to the beach, put you on The Walrus until all of this is done. You’ll be safe there.”
You smiled and crossed into the store properly. With one hand on the counter, you looked around the store fondly.
“This is my home, Captain Flint. No danger will make me leave it. When you see Billy, tell him I said he’s a fool, but he’s not to blame for this.”
You could actually see the surprise and respect in Flint’s eyes at that. He gave you another nod and then opened the door. On the other side you saw Mr. Gates, the quartermaster. He gave you a quick nod before the two of them disappeared, heads together as they discussed what they now knew.
That Flint would offer to shelter you from danger on Billy’s behalf made you pause in your cleaning. The two of you were close and you did care for the man, but it wasn’t anything more than that for you. He was good company, surely, but you had never made any indication that you wanted more or that you felt more for him.
Hopefully the captain was speaking generally. Otherwise you might have to have a difficult conversation with Billy once things settled down.
The map had been located but in a turn of events that no one could’ve seen coming, it had been lost to the sea in the ensuing scuffle to retrieve it. The mere idea that this map which had been the cause of so many problems was gone without anyone able to salvage it was almost laughable.
And more than that, Silver and Billy hadn’t been able to decode the map before it had been lost. 
Billy had come to see you once but it hadn’t been for more than an apology. He helped you lift some of the shelves that Rackham had torn down but he hadn’t even looked at the door that led to your rooms.
You weren’t mad at Billy for what happened. It might not have been a smooth transition, but it actually led to you having a growth in business. You and Vane had come to agreeable terms in your negotiations and both of you benefited greatly from the new business venture.
You’d be tempted to thank Billy if you didn’t think it would anger him beyond belief that you were in business with the man who had threatened to kill him.
Such was the life with pirates though. Threaten to kill you one day, work at your side the next. Your neck was still sensitive to the touch after the night Vane had visited you. You knew the feel of his hand on your throat but you also knew the feel of his hand in yours. 
Money had a way of making other things seem insignificant.
And maybe the next time that Billy did make overtures towards you, you might think twice before you let him back into your bed. It was merely to protect your new business venture.
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novaursa · 7 years
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Imagine being Eris, Goddess of Chaos, daughter of Zeus and Hera and twin sister of Aries; and Loki being enchanted by your beauty and power.
Info for role-playing is below: 
|| Biographical Information ||
"Better you battle Zeus himself, than me." - Discord
- Real Name: Eris
• Meaning of the Name: Strife
- S.H.I.E.L.D Name/Alias: Discord
- Other Aliases: Bellona, Enyo, Discordia
- Nickname: Tony Stark sarcastically named her Sunshine (much to her displeasure).
- Born: N/A
- Age: N/A
- Birth Place: Olympus
- Current Location: Earth
- Base of Operations: Olympus, possibly the Areopagus.
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- Occupation: Goddess of strife and discord.
- Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Eris’ existence except as a mythological character.
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|| Personality And Traits ||
- Personality Types: Wicked, vindictive, judgmental, fun loving, passionate.
• Eris represents true malevolence and deviance, she has no morals of good and/or nobility. She is seen as spiteful, vindictive and passionate when it comes to the prospect of the world potentially crumbling into chaos; which she refers to as being a glorious event. She is seen enraged at the fact that she has gotten her way which shows her to not be one who likes fair and square events. Eris is also seen as wickedly intelligent and takes a dullness tone to the happy endings which often gets her into a fight with her half-sister Aphrodite.
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|| Physical Information ||
- Species: Olympian Goddess
- Gender: Female
- Hair Color: Silver/White (albino)
- Eye Color: Purple (albino)
- Skin Color: Pale
• Note: Eris is an exceptionally beautiful woman who is said to look like "a vision of the good spirits in flesh, though they themselves would fear her". She has long silver hair and intelligent, piercing, lilac eyes. Eris had a soft, silken voice and is always clothed in a fine golden or red dress. She never grins, though she produces disarmingly subdued smiles. She detests flattery, because "vacous flattery is the sound of a prybar, a tool used by a thief as he tries to get what she has." Her least favorite color is pink.
|| Eris | Pictures ||
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|| History ||
"She takes after her mother." - Zeus about Eris
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Eris is the daughter of the Zeus, Ruler of the Olympian gods, and his wife, Hera. She often entered into the schemes and plans of her older twin brother Ares to ignite the dissension that often leads to war. Possibly as a way to cause dissension between gods and mortals, she stole the golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides guarded for Hera and had it engraved with the words, “For the Fairest.” She then tossed it among the guests attending the marriage of King Peleus of Aegina to the goddess Thetis. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite then tried to claim the apple in the dispute that triggered the Trojan War. Her activity after that event is unrecorded, but after the war, several Trojan refugees lead by Dardanian prince Aeneas conquered the area upon Rome was built on. During the Roman Empire, Eris was intensely worshipped by the Romans as one of their most important goddesses. During this time, Hercules most often antagonized Eris as he prevented most of her attempts to cause dissent and strife among mortals.
"Discord, you are my wrath. Send their bodies to Underworld and bring me their heads." - Hades
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During one of his skirmishes with mortal heroes, Hades gave Eris the ability to turn into giant tapian snake called Enyo. She has bitten heads of mortal heroes off and brought them to Hades in the Underworld. Eris later used both this giant and small form of tapian snake to spread more strife among the mortals.
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In his visits to Earth, Zeus became incensed that Eris was taking an active role in exciting her followers into killing Christians in his name. He decided to break off ties with Earth and allow the worship of the Olympian Gods to fade away. Eris retaliated by assisting many of the gods eager to preserve their ties to earth into hunting down mortals. Zeus faked his death to lend credence to an end of worship of the Olympian gods. To all who had seen these events, it appeared as if the gods were dead, but Zeus had several spells in effect that any god that was killed would be restored to life. Eris in meantime tried to hold on to whatever worshippers she had, but it all ended quickly. Defeated, Eris retreated to Olympus for some time.
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In modern years, Eris became intrigued by the forces of terrorism and racism on earth and even masqueraded as a mortal to stir up trouble between blacks and whites, Jews and Anti-Semitics, left and right wing liberals and other potentially controversial groups. Seeing as her brother Aries had fared unsuccessfully against Hercules, she began training her own modern champion, Centurion, as a worthy ally. She eventually sent him to kill Kyllian, a mortal man imbued with the power of a trio of Celtic Gods, many of whom the Olympian gods beheld with some enmity. After Kyllian defeated Centaurion, Eris realized that he might make a better pawn or ally than a new adversary and she vanished back to Olympus to plot her next scheme.
|| Recent History ||
"You humans are so predictable." - Eris
• Her first appearance is noted by Tony Stark; he claims that he first saw her in Afghanistan for a very brief moment not knowing her true identity. Their conversation was short and it ended with her saying, "You know what I like about you, Stark? You don’t have a heart." Then she just vanished into the thin air with misty fashion. After he was critically wounded Stark wandered more about her true nature.
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• Her second appearance is after the death of Stane. Tony confronts her about past events asking was she somehow involved in all that. Her response was that he must be more specific because- "a lot of things are her fault." She then introduces herself as Eris Goddess of Discord, before vanishing once more. After the defeat of Vanko, Tony found his home in a chaotic mess and a note on his desk which said: "Discord favors the heartless." Hinting that he is favored by Goddess Eris. She appeared a few times more after that, usually to protect him stating that "nobody is allowed to decapitate her favorite mortal". She also had a few ‘interesting’ encounters with Clint Barton and Bruce Banner who aren’t that much fond of her.
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|| Extra Information 1.00 ||
"There’s my Sunshine!" - Tony Stark to Eris
- Likes: Chaos, tipping the balance of good to evil.
- Dislikes: Losing, being proven wrong, defeat, nobility.
- Group Affiliation: Olympus, Ares, Hades, herself.
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- Ancestry: Zeus (father), Hera (mother), Ares (older twin), Hephaestus (brothers), Eileithyia, Hebe, (sisters), Hercules, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus, Perseus (half-brothers), Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite, Persephone, Panthia (half-sisters), Poseidon, Hades (uncles), Demeter, Hestia (aunts), Asclepius, Cupid, Janus, Deimos, Phobos (nephews), Harmonia (niece), Triton, Rhode, Benthescyme, Neptunia, Arion, Pomona, Consus, Vertumnus (cousins)…
- Common Olympian Powers And Limitations: immortality, regeneration,  shapeshifting, flight, the ability to become invisible to the human eye, telekinesis, superhuman strength, stamina, heightened senses, speed and they have the ability to "teleport." Some possess the ability to manipulate matter and the elements of nature and are able to create natural phenomenon or natural disasters. They also possess a wide range of seemingly magical spells such as the casting of fireballs. One Olympian god cannot restore humans or gods to life. It took both Zeus and Hera to restore the life of their grandson, Evander. Also, most of them cannot heal others without the blessing of either Athena or Zeus. The only gods that were able to do so were Ares and Hades. Only a very few things can kill an Olympian: Hind's Blood, the Ribs of Kronos and Zeus.
- Eris’ Strength Level: Eris possesses superhuman strength enabling her to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions.
- Known Superhuman Powers Of Eris: She possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Olympian Gods. Like all Olympians, she is immortal. She has not aged since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any known conventional means. She is immune to all known terrestrial diseases and is invulnerable to conventional injury. If wounded, her godly life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for Zeus or a number of gods working together to revive her. Also, she is able to make herself invisible to mortals, or only visible to one person she chooses to, which makes easier for her to plant discord and hatred in the heart of mortals, however, gods and half-gods are immune to this effect and can see her all the time. Eris does have some superhuman strength, but she is not quite the powerhouse as gods like Hercules or Ares. Her Olympian metabolism gives her far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. Eris also has limited mystical powers common to all the Olympian gods, such as shapeshifting into a tapian snake. According to her, each Olympian has personal object foraged by Hephaestus that enables their powers; hers is known as Discord’s Ribbon Device and it gives her many supernatural abilities.
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"Do you really want to test my powers?" - Eris
- Her Normal Abilities: Eris has great skill in the use of all the implements of war used in the time of ancient Greece and Rome.
|| Discord’s (Clawed) Ribbon Device ||
"Put your hand down!" - Clint Barton
Discord’s Ribbon Device, is a multifunctional Olympian apparatus foraged by Hephaestus. The hand device is a gold colored, forearm-length glove worn on the left hand of the user, with a red gem in the center of the palm. It is controlled by a neural interface and is powered by DNA in the user's blood, functionally rendering it impossible to use except by Eris. The device has numerous functions with a variety of controls on its surface that can be used. It can also wirelessly control Olympian technology, triggered through a button on the back of the palm.
|| Discord’s Ribbon Device || Its Abilities ||
- Conducting a scan of a human - though it is unknown what the scan actually detects.
- Firing a powerful kinetic energy wave, capable of throwing grown humans several meters with significant force. It can potentially kill the target if they impact a solid surface nearby.
- Shooting a deadly fiery energetic neural link that connected to the brain of another person with the intention of torturing or killing them.
- Creating an energy shield that encompasses and protects Eris from harm. This shield only stops things that are incoming at high velocity and blasts. Arrows and thrown items go right through the shield.
- Paralyzing a human.
- Giving Eris ability to use pyrokinesis and telekinesis.
"You never were one for flowers." - Ares to Eris after she burned down Persephone’s garden.
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|| Extra Information 1.05 ||
- Theme Song: Everybody Knows by Sigrid
-Signature Look: Seen can usually be seen in a golden or red dress. Most commonly, however, she is seen in black armor.
- Her Sacred Animals Are: Tapian snakes and Hydras.
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• Note: Hera raised three Hydras. She sent first one to kill Hercules, and the last two she gave to Eris.
- Love Interest: Loki
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|| Discord’s Quotes ||
"Glorious chaos."
"I'm missing some excellent chaos here."
"Every argument has two points of view. Otherwise, there would be no room for discord. Think about it."
"You are far too hard on yourself, my dear, sweet, mortal friend. What would the people do without you? Dance? Sing? Smile? Grow old?"
"The last time I was this bored I took hostages."
"No! You can't take away my power!"
"Only two of those times were my fault."
"The kid was raised by wolves; until she killed them and ate them all…"
"I’m a simple girl who’s into anarchy and chaos. I also enjoy walks during sunset through battle-torn wastelands."
"Do you want to see the face that launched a thousand wars?"
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|| Quotes About Discord ||
"Discord is here?! I hate it when I can’t see her!" – Clint Barton
"Discord thinks only of discord." – Tony Stark
I’m looking forward to role-playing this very much. You can send me an e-mail if you are interested: [email protected] -much love, NovaUrsa
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                                              ——— (part 2) ——–
Fandom: Fantastic Beast and Where They Come From
Even longer list of fanfics :)….
top favourites, part 1
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Believe In What You Can’t
Author: Crimson_Voltaire
Summary: "How good and thoughtful he is; the world seems full of good men, even if there are monsters in it." - Bram Stoker, Dracula 
Credence walks into a book store on a rainy day, and the world changes. 
Mob!AU Series
Author: themunchking (themuchking)
Part 1: Two-Headed Boy (Put On Sunday Shoes)
Summary: Everyone who knows Percival Graves knows about his boy, too.
Part 2: Sinner’s Delight
Summary: Credence is like silk, and he loves to be wrapped in it.Or—Credence greets Percival after a long day.
Perfect Fit
Author: classicasshole
Summary: Bonded Alphas Percival Graves and Theseus Scamander are looking for an Omega to add to their bond. Credence Barebone recently presented as an Omega and had to be removed from his mother's 'care'. He is exactly what the two Alphas are looking for.
sidenote: Credence/Graves/Theseus ship
What’s New PussyCat
Author: canis_m
Summary: Credence learns the Animagus transformation. It's all downhill from there.
My Greatest Weakness Is You
Author: CinnabunAngel
Summary: Credence loves Percival so he would do anything for the man...Including wearing lingerie, while still at MACUSA. Percival Graves is the most respectable man, can keep his composure, that is until Credence is in the room. Then his eyes go straight to his chewed up lip, how are they so distracting?? Or more so, I needed this and I ended writing this instead of sleeping...
The Boy In The Thunderbird Mask
Author: Binary_Sunset
Summary: It's been two years since Credence has set foot in New York City, and in that time, it seems his whole life has radically changed. He's travelled all around the world in the suitcase of a British wizard. He's seen creatures he never could have imagined existed. And now, after getting a job with MACUSA, he's heading back to the first place he ever called home.But with a new outlook and a strange fascination with a man he thought he knew, everything comes to a head at MACUSA's annual masquerade ball.
We Met, We Kissed, We Married
Author: TheSilverQueen
Summary: “Angels above and demons below,” exclaims the god. “You are one of Hecate’s children.”“Who?” says the boy.  The god rubs wearily at his brow. “Credence Barebone,” says the god, startling the boy, who had given his name, “what do you know of magic?”’
Percival is the god of pumpkin patches. Credence Barebone is just the boy who wanders into one of them.
What Is All This Sweet Work Worth (If Thou Kiss Not Me)
Author: Rrrowr
Summary: Credence had never felt more so than he did at Graves' feet, with a large hand settled over the crown of his skull. There were people all around them and Credence was wearing dreadfully little -- barely more than his underwear and a gauzy shawl -- but he felt safe.
"Darling," Graves drawled, tugging a little at Credence's ear. He was smiling as Credence looked up, eyes half lidded and drowsy with love. "Get me a drink from the bar. If you spill so much as a drop, you'll get a spanking."
Author: inb4invert
Summary: It wasn't about Grindelwald. It wasn't even really about Graves and his wounded alpha cop pride, either. What Piquery and Detective Graves had both known, the unspoken thing that swirled around like a curl of black ink suspended in the depths of their mutual stare-down, was that this was about the omega. The one Graves knew would be haunting his dreams tonight, languishing and panting all unseen in the sweat-dampened sheets of his empty bed.
Sweet Like Honey
Author: kovisk
Summary: He still had it somewhat, but a new identity was to be ushered, because he'd been careless, because he'd slipped up for a doe of a boy with dark hair and poppy lips soaked in opium, drug enough for them both.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: ‘There’s a really handsome guy over there,’ he signs, and as she starts to turn he makes a frantic, ‘Queenie! Don’t look at him!’
AU Credence was born deaf, and his past has left him insecure about the likelihood of anyone ever really loving him.
Author: TheZ1337
Summary: Percival Graves decided to buy a sex slave, to help around the house of course. What he gets is an emotionally jaded and highly anxiety-ridden Credence Barebone whose not good at anything, except being in bed.
Early In the Morning
Author: gold_pebble
Summary: Graves couldn’t really remember when he had first started living for the Sundays, but there he was, in bed with the prettiest boy in the world, ready to spend the morning in lazy sex.
Devil’s Kiss
Author: shionch
Summary: (No magic / Modern AU.) Credence Barebone, an impressionable young man from a poor family, all-but-accidentally (it might or might not be Newt Scamander's fault) meets Percival Graves, a handsome & well-off older man. It leads to a strange relationship, with neither Credence nor Mr. Graves being certain how it might end.
Sins Of The Father
Author: Anonymous
Summary: Graves takes care of his son through every heat he has, and has him almost wrapped around his fingers.
Ripped At The Edges, But Still A Masterpiece
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Percy is a Fourth Year Wampus, who comes across a new First year wandering the halls.  He doesn't mean to rescue the kid, but it ends up happening anyway.  Percy Graves, retriever of strays. Stray would-be Obscurials, that is.
What Can I Do?
Author: NaughtyLokiStories
Summary: Graves comes home and finds Credence distressed and in his obscurus form. He does his best to please his boy and make him feel better.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: The guard escorting him, who wears the name tag Scamander yet introduces himself as Theseus, shows Graves to the tiny cell that he will call home for the next twelve months. It’s empty, but when he goes to place his things on the top bunk, the guard chuckles. “I wouldn’t recommend it. Credence likes the top bunk.”
It Was Easy (Natural As Breathing)
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: Credence has spent his entire life in a shadow of orders barked down his spine, every movement under strict control. And now everything is different, and new, and he is drowning in his own freedom. Percival is there to guide him through.
The Stripper!AU Series
Author: intravenusann
Part 1: I Like The Way Your Body Moving (I Like The Way You Spread Confusion)
Summary: While attending a faith conference with his family, Credence Barebone finds an opportunity to leave behind his small, ordinary life and indulge the fantasies he's always carried inside his head — if only for a few hours.
Part 2: I Like The Way Your Heart Is Blooming (On And On, You’ll Never Be Mine)
Summary: After a wild time at the strip club with Mr. Graves, the best night of Credence's life quickly turns into the worst when he tries to return to his family. If he doesn't go home to New York, where will he go? Will he ever see Mr. Graves again?
Part 3: Would You Ever Take A Chance With Me? (Would You Ever?)
Summary: Just as Credence feels settled into something like a routine with his found family in Atlanta, his sisters arrive in the city. Also what exactly is his relationship with bartender/strip club owner/general hottie Mr. Graves?
Pretty Little Thing
Author: gold_pebble
Summary: Out of all the omega boys in the world, Percival had been so lucky to find one that didn't need to get into heat to beg for his cock.
See You On The Other Side
Author: bluebeholder, Truetomorrow, writingramblr
Summary: After recovering from Grindelwald, both Percival Graves and Credence Barebone have been putting their lives back together, with Credence working in MACUSA under the watchful eye of the Goldsteins, while Percival tries to pretend he doesn't feel obsolete.They're friendly, but neither of them wants to make the next move.Help comes in the form of a magical toaster.
Breaking & Entering
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Graves is a Gentleman Thief with a dash of vigilante, on the way to his next target, he stumbles upon a veritable princess in a tower. Or, Credence lives in Grindelwald's attic and likes to sleep naked.
Author: Anonymous
Summary: Graves' pet is very distracting.
Author: Kaleido_dance
Summary: Percival Graves, following the wishes of his dark master and old friend Grindelwald, seduces the obscurial to get him to join their side in the fight for the greater good. But he loses himself in Credence's charming innocence while trying to teach him about love and sex, and ends up adopting him as his son, giving him everything he can think of and spoiling him to his core.
Penitence, Absolution, Salvation
Author: KissMeCthulhu
Summary: (Modern AU.) Mary Lou Barebone is convinced that the new principal of the local high school, Percival Graves, is a wizard, and ceases homeschooling Credence to send him to investigate further. However, in order to get close to Graves, Credence has to keep getting in trouble so he is sent to the principal’s office. Unfortunately for Credence, Mr. Graves takes discipline very seriously – especially when it’s a pretty boy causing all the trouble.
Silent Souls
Author: Yeoyou
Summary: Percival Graves didn't allow himself the delusion of thinking himself a good man. But neither did he believe that he was particularly bad. So the rumour that he had no soul should have been without foundation. And yet the suspiciously spotless skin of his wrist seemed to say otherwise. For what other explanation could there be for the absence of any markings, any words stitching his soul together with another's, than that he had no soul at all? No soul. No soulmate. The logic was irrefutable.
Safe From The World
Author: Truetomorrow
Summary: Credence and Percival were roommates in college; now Percival is an up-and-coming lawyer, and Credence is in his last year of undergrad on a trip to visit Percival. They are best friends. Sometimes they undress each other. It's platonic. Totally platonic. (Until suddenly it doesn't have to be)
Call Me When You’re Sober
Author: hiikigane
Summary: Having a roommate sucks when you're a socially awkward gamer/programmer starting your first year in college. It sucks even more when you're a studious, uptight senior who applied for a single room in the first place. But Credence and Percival learn to get along and with a little outside help, learn that being roommates can be pretty fun.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: The first sign of trouble for them is always Queenie making that face. The one that she is wearing right now; her mouth open just a little, eyes wide but vacant, like she is a thousand miles away. By now they know that look. It has them all on their feet immediately, gearing up and getting the jet primed to go.
AU Percival is part of the Superhero team known as the Aurors. Obscurus is the thorn in his side that gets innocent people killed and refuses to join his team.
Sweeter Than Honey
Author: ozean
Summary: Basically where Percival Graves gets off on getting a certain Credence Barebone off and then paying him for the "experience."
Tucked Away We Are Found
Author: nerdygaycas
Summary: Credence Barebone survived that fateful month of November after the metro attack, but MACUSA deemed him a hazard to himself and the rest of the world, and so he was sent to Kästner, the place where ill-fated witches and wizards, untreatably sick or mentally disturbed, suffered in shame, completely forgotten. Exactly one month and eleven days had passed since Graves was officially reinstated in his charge, but despite his best efforts to forget the whole ordeal, like a cut that would not stop bleeding in his mind: Credence, the Second Salemer boy. Haunted by the weight of his conscience and a strangling sense of duty, Graves decides to travel all the way up to Kästner, and pay Credence a long-overdue visit.
We Fight Ourselves
Author: writingramblr
Summary: Germany's Ambassadors come to MACUSA to discuss ever evolving laws and borders that may change, but instead of keeping things professional, Director Graves manages to end up on the other side of a seduction game that just may turn his worldview upside down.
The Name Game
Author: secondsodomites
Summary: Credence first sees Graves at a bar. Two days later Graves waltzes into Kowalski's Bakery & Deli and shenanigans ensue.
Author: projectoverlord
Summary: Everything goes quiet. In the boat, underneath the blanket, is a man.
AU Percival is a pirate captain who finds Credence unconscious in the middle of the ocean in a little boat.
There’s Nothing Wrong With Me (Loving You)
Author: intravenusann
Summary: When Credence — who has been living with the Goldsteins for six months now — learns that Mr. Graves feels ill, he does whatever he can to make sure the man is… comfortable.
more fics: part 3
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THE OSWALD HANCILES COLUMN (July 25th 2019 edition)
PONDER MY THOUGHTS BY Andrew KeiliPRES. BIO: “THE REPORTS OF MY DEATH ARE GREATLY EXAGGERATED.” Who wants our President dead? Well, President Bio should not be unduly worried as he is in good company as we learn later in this article. The fact is that conspiracy theorists also abound.I, more than most people acknowledge that conspiracy theorists are in our midst. One of my uncles in my village of Baiima prevailed on my dad to open a shop for him. Unfortunately, he got his two rascally sons to run the shop, which obviously ran at a loss as things kept disappearing. He was made to believe by his sons that his neighbor across the road, another relative had “Indian magic” and made things disappear from the shop with a wave of the hand. This was the story line he had for us when we visited on holidays. The neighbour had one ear clipped off during an altercation with someone on the train, who chewed off one of his ears and the half ear was very noticeable. My uncle was explaining this “Indian magic” phenomenon to me on one occasion when the neighbour popped up in his front verandah in his “bobani”, yawned and stretched his arms up-obviously out of tiredness. “You see what I was telling you, Karmoh”, my uncle exclaimed. What?, I asked. He hid behind the door, peeped through a small door opening and touched his ear as if he was going to clip it- obviously calling my attention to the neighbor with the clipped ear. “Shhhh-He is signaling again. More things are going to disappear soon”, he tried to convince me. No matter what my protestations were, he kept insisting the neighbour had “Indian magic”. The poor neighbour did not even notice he had such powers! The sons emptied the shop in no time and that was the end of the business!The way some people try to convince others that the President is sick is worrisome. It has been going on for quite a while and more recently the rumour has got translated to death. There was a time when the rumour mill was rife with talk that President Kabbah had died when he was in office. President Koroma also endured “many sicknesses” and “near deaths”. But why do people wish our leaders dead? Why the false news and exaggeration? In May 1897, the great American humorist, novelist and social critic Mark Twain was in London. It was one of the stops on a round-the-world speaking tour he’d embarked on in 1895. He hoped to use the fees from speaking engagements to pay off the considerable debts he owed in the United States, due to a series of unsuccessful investments and publishing ventures. While Twain was in London, someone started a rumor that he was gravely ill. It was followed by a rumour that he had died. According to a widely repeated legend, one major American newspaper actually printed his obituary and, when Twain was told about this by a reporter, he quipped: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”   The story is also told of Northeastern University political economy professor Barry Bluestone who found himself quickly eating his words after publicly wishing death on President Trump. During a lecture about the rule of law and inequality in the U.S., Bluestone told his students, “Sometimes I want to just see him impeached. Other times, quite honestly — I hope there are no FBI agents here — I wouldn’t mind seeing him dead." The video was posted on YouTube, causing controversy for the private Massachusetts-based university. Northeastern quickly issued a statement to the Boston Globe condemning the video. “The university and its leaders steadfastly oppose violence in all its forms,” the statement read. ……As a result, we have decided to take down the video of this event.” Realizing that the university didn’t back him and that his 17-year career at the school may be at risk, Bluestone attempted to conduct some quick damage control, calling his comments “stupid”. "What I should have said is, ‘I would love to see him disappear, I’d like him out of the White House,’” Poland's leading Archbishop deplored comments by a senior conservative priest who had wished Pope Francis a quick death if he does not open to "wisdom." Krakow Archbishop Marek Jedraszewski said he heard about the comments with "great pain and regret". In his speech, Staniek, who is a prominent theologian, said he was praying for wisdom for Francis and a "heart open to the Holy Spirit, and if he does not do that, for a quick passage to the House of the Father," meaning death. He said that Francis has departed from the teaching of Jesus and was wrongly interpreting mercy as opening up to Muslims and allowing communion for divorced Catholics, who, according to the church, live in mortal sin and are not allowed communion. Nigeria has had its share of Presidential deaths and “exaggerated deaths”. From the reality of death for Sani Abacha and Yar’Adua to the constant rumours about President Buhari, the rumour mill has always churned. In the case of Abacha, one columnist quipped “Till now, we cannot tell with confirmed certainty if it was liver cirrhosis that killed Abacha or the mysterious “Indian escorts.” In Buhari’s case the President’s spokesmen constantly talked about his  “annual vacation” and “medical trip” to the United Kingdom. As rumours swirled about the President’s death, one supporter wrote: “Those who want the President dead are malevolent souls who are still sore Buhari defeated their candidate in the 2015 election”.Let’s come back to our own President. Seriously, why would anyone want our President dead? Rumours have swirled a while about him not being well, only to find out that he robustly copes with his punishing schedule. It would seem this time the rumour went from sickness to death. The situation was not helped by the President’s spokesmen keeping mute on his whereabouts. Rumours were rife that he was in a hospital in London.  When nobody could trace our President, the Deputy High Commissioner in the UK muddied the waters, lending credence to the maxim “silence is golden”. No doubt the Press release was puerile and further raised suspicions.The Release started with- “This is to inform all that our President Julius Maada Bio is very Well and Hearty.  He is only relaxing and enjoying a little break from his very hectic schedule in London.”. She might as well have said “Our President is chilling!”  It continued- “VP The Honourable Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh is holding the fort and he knows that the President is very well and fit and that there is nothing to worry about.”. Why for goodness sake was the VP brought into the equation? “There is nothing to worry about” reminds one of the Krio statement attributed to a thief -“Una lef me, a nor go run away”.  Suspicions were further raised. Then the press release went for the jugular of detractors- “It is unfortunate that some people are still bent on spreading lies. It is unfortunate that the rumour is said to come from the High Commission. I can authoritatively state that it just a figment of someone’s imagination and nothing else.” Come to think of it, Governor Clarkson’s prayer could have come in handy here! Non-government commentators like Dr Sylvia Blyden seemed to tell us more about the President’s whereabouts in Kenya-with pictures and all, than any government spokesperson. Anyway, all is well that ends well. Someone said, “Being a good Catholic, he resurrected from the dead three days later in Kenya”. We were all pleased that our President was vacationing with his family in Kenya and even had time to discuss ways of promoting tourism and boosting trade between Kenya and Sierra Leone with the Kenyan President.The President’s media team has not covered itself on this issue with glory. There is nothing wrong for the President and family to go on vacation, especially with his recent punishing schedule of local and international travels. Many others have also legitimately questioned his spate of overseas visits with a coterie of government functionaries to a host of countries and wondered about the costs and benefits to the nation. This is always fair comment that  his spokesmen have an obligation to address. A President is not judged by the number of trips he makes to foreign countries. There are legitimate questions to be asked-“Does he bring home the bacon?. “Is he running to stay in the same place?”. When there is a news blackout, the rumour mill takes over. Such rumour mongering may be a response to the failures of the government to properly communicate with people. When people cannot get reliable official information, they make up their realities and hawk them around until they acquire some truth value.One Nigerian columnist writing on such an issue opined: “Until our leaders learn to preempt rumours by making their health conditions public information, they will expend themselves putting out fires. In the post-truth world, rumours and fact-free truths travel the world without a visa and debunking them, unfortunately, sometimes assert their validity.”I wonder the point of rejoicing at someone’s death when none of us is beyond mortality. Death is one of life’s many realities. We must instead pray for our leaders. Nowhere is prayer more needed than for the leaders of our government and nation. Whether your prayer is for the President, Parliament or the Judges of our land, they need prayer support. Even our Policemen!No matter who is leading our country as President, we offer our prayers on behalf of his/her position. I rather like this prayer I have edited for our President after all this death wish. “Almighty God, thank You for our President who has pledged his life in service to our country. Give him a true servant spirit. Anoint him with the Holy Spirit’s power, that he might feel Your strength in every situation. Let integrity and honesty guide every decision as He first looks to You for divine help. Turn his heart from distractions and temptations that could bring harm rather than help to his life, his family, and to the people he serves. Make him a leader in every respect, morally and spiritually strong. Enlighten his mind with discernment, wisdom, and fairness. When others tempt him to embrace arrogant power rather than humble service, give him an undivided heart. Help him to stand firm, knowing that You will fight his battles with him. As You surround him with godly counselors, give him accountability to them and the people he serves, but first and foremost to You. Bless him with joy when righteousness and goodness prevail. But give him a heart that weeps for the injustices and sorrows around him. Guard our President against unfair criticism and unfounded accusations. When he stumbles, give him the courage to admit his mistakes. Strengthen his character, guard him against hurtful compromise, and give him a listening ear for the people he serves. In danger, surround him and our country with Your angel protection. From the time he begins in office until his time is complete, may he serve you and our country as a true leader with an undying love, an unswerving faith, and an unending hope in the only One who can make our country great.Amen” The death of our President is greatly exaggerated. Let us pray for him that he may lead us with discernment, wisdom and fairness. Ponder my thoughts lled from SLAVE SHIP-FREEDOM SHIP Group 1 forum ☝🏾Posted by Engineer Andrew Keili in SLAVE SHIP-FREEDOM SHIP Group 3 forum. (Engineer Andrew Keili has over 20 years as a mining engineer in the diamond and titanium industries in Sierra Leone.  After the RUF rebels attacked the Sierra Rutile mining where he was working in 1996, Andrew Keili joined two other veteran  mining engineers  - Alex Kamara; and Tani Pratt  - to establish the engineering consultancy, CEMMATS. CEMMATS has grown up to be incomparably successful in Sierra Leone; clinching engineering contracts in African and Asian countries; providing employment for hundreds of Sierra Leoneans over the past twenty years.   Andrew Keili was an aspirant for the SLPP candidacy a couple of years ago. He failed there!Andrew Keili was Vice Presidential candidate to the candidacy of Kande Yumkella of the NGC in the 2018 presidential election.  He failed there!!Methinks, Engineer Andrew Keili should just eschew politics and stick to writing where his talent obviously shines. I pause, Oswald Hanciles, The Guru.  July 25, 2019 12:40 hours in Freetown, Sierra Leone When I grow up, I will want to be an excellent a writer as Engineer Andrew Keili!! Look for the three best Sierra Leonean writers today and Andrew Keili will be one of them.   Andrew Keili is probably the best columnist in Sierra Leone today! (Of course, that does NOT include "The Guru" - of THE OSWALD HANCILES COLUMN  -  in that contest!!💪🏾💪🏾). Andrew Keili writes his wisdom, and profundity with captivating wit.  'Nar Andrew Keili wan grain normore sabi cuss man pan ee article dem and di cussed would applaud him! The downside of Andrew Keili's writings is that he is always too nuanced; using a surgeon's scalpel even when a butcher's axe would be  necessary.  But, then, what would you expect of this son of the first non-Krio bishop  of the preeminent Krio church in Sierra Leone? I pause, Oswald Hanciles, The Guru.   July 25, 2019 12:24 hours in Freetown, Sierra Leone
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