#and shes related to blaze in a sonic and tails way i think? and i want blaze to be the only gaurdian in that kingdom
tatck · 9 months
infinite could technically be guardian of the life/death white emerald but i want it to be more of a gravekeeper type who tends to the dead, and infinite is too much of a edgy joke for that. i think the phantom ruby fits him, and it's the gem he's already connected to in canon. i think this one will either be an oc or just none.
for water i did consider chaos but he's already guardian of the chao.... #mysoginist, because Tikal did not even come to mind when i was brainstorming. and she would fit perfectly. literally intrinsically linked to chaos, a guy who is 99% water.
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galaxygermdraws · 4 days
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Finally designing the Sonic cast. or. at least. Some of them. There are too many characters in this franchise these are just the ones I think about the most often. So uh. Ya. I will leave any notes under the cut since I have a lot, although not every character will have notes because we haven't explored every character (and share them with @shadesofvermillionvoid)
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
Sonic's earring is Chip's bracelet. I don't think Sonic particularly likes having anything on his wrists, and Sonic Forces made that worse
The regulators are based directly on Sonic Prime, as I love the regulators in that show and think the idea of giving Sonic something similar to Shadow's Inhibitor Rings makes a lot of sense
He got those little markings due to accidentally absorbing some of Chaos' DNA
Tails has goggles like in Sonic Boom, because I like Boom Tails' design
He still has his robotic bits from Sonic Lost World, he still managed to keep his free will, but what happened was Zavok used his ability to control robots to force Tails to fight Sonic. Since then, Tails has updated his cybernetics so he can filter out any suspicious frequencies that could take his free will.
The cannon arm from Lost World is now basically like the guns from Mario and Rabbids, where you hold it in your hand and it like covers your arm. It's like that
Tails is a skeptic. This is the funniest bit but also thanks to Boom (the bad luck episode) it has some precedence
Knuckles in our lore is deeply spiritual (we are developing Mobian belief systems because we are Insane) , and the first time he saw Sonic he noticed he looked similar to the murals in Hidden Palace. So when Sonic turned out to be good, that made sense to him, as Sonic was common in a lot of prophetic murals around the island.
Knux actually thought Sonic was a god at first. Then he saw him choke on a Chili Dog.
He put beads around his spines after the events of Sonic Forces, since the war was over and he could relax for the first time in months.
Amy, like Knuckles, actually has a deep connection to her belief systems. We haven't figured out everything exactly, but she and Knuckles quickly bond over this aspect of their lives
I styled her quills differently because I kind of like giving her something that makes it obvious she is a hedgehog
Similarly, I gave her a back spine, and the hedgehog nose, since I had never realized she has the same kind of nose as Tails or Cream
Shadow wears eye makeup. He puts it on every morning. For a while he had to have help with it (from both Rouge and Amy), but eventually figured out how to do it himself
He has yellow sclera due to the Black Arms blood. Similarly, he has a longer tail than most Mobian hedgehogs, and he cannot retract his fangs. His blood is green
He has some less favorable urges. Mostly related to the whole "Black Arms feed on living creatures" things, but they don't crop up often
He and Rouge have matching earrings
I based her design off of Sonic Prime because I honestly prefer that design more. One because she looks like an actual spy, and two because it's based on her Sonic Heroes design. Similarly, she has Prim's hair tuft
Gave her the bat nose a lot of people do because I like the way it looks
I don't have a lot of thoughts about Rouge as of right now I am so sorry.
She and Shadow have matching earrings
Silver has a lot more scrapes and burns from his future, even though it's been fixed several times
He is displaced from time. He doesn't feel connected to his current future, especially since in our lore he is one of the few people to remember Sonic 06 (it's because in our lore, Timeline B Silver got his powers from Mephiles, in the sense that those time powers had to go SOMEWHERE after the timeline reset.)
I am going to be designing a weird messed up form for Silver (like Werehog or Doom Morph for Sonic and Shadow) based probably on Mephiles to some extent
Like Silver, she has remnants of powers from the previous timeline. She already had fire powers in Timeline A, but she has much stronger ones now, as she still has Iblis inside of her, although the powers are no longer destructive, as they were never provoked
Her dimension is actually a result of Solaris ceasing to exist. That power still existed and had to go somewhere, so it ended up resulting in the Sol Dimension.
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emthimofnight · 6 months
What are Stellar's relationships like with the other main Sonic Co.?
I'll break down a handful of relevant relationships for you!!
Sonic - Stellar's dad
Stellar loves her dad, and is most like him in personality. This makes it so they are usually on the same page when it comes to what they do and don't like, but it also means that there is no one on earth who can annoy Stellar like Sonic can. 😂 As much as she loves joking around with him, sometimes his teasing and sarcasm can get on her nerves. Sonic has truly adapted to his role as an embarrassing dad, so dad jokes are non-stop in the hedgehog household. Even so, Stellar loves Sonic a lot and nothing makes her happier than running all over Green Hill with him! She wishes he'd take her on more of his big adventures.
Shadow - Stellar's papa
Stellar and Shadow are very close, but in a way that is different than how she is close with Sonic. Shadow is a quiet, steady, and responsible force in her life, one that she appreciates greatly. She knows she can rely on him for almost anything, and she finds a great amount of comfort in his presence. Shadow would do almost anything for her, and she knows it. That being said, Shadow can come across as overprotective, which becomes a point of contention between the two of them.
Tails - Uncle figure
Since Tails and Sonic were living together when Stellar arrived, he's always been an active part of her life. Once he got over the drama surrounding her existence, he was SUPER stoked to be an uncle! He was one of her regular babysitters growing up, and she really likes trying to bring out his more playful side. Even so, she finds it a bit hard to connect to him and his interests at times, as she's not very techy. She might not understand all of his brainiac lingo, but she does love all the fun gadgets he comes up with! He actually helped create her skates as a way to help vent her excess chaos energy!
Knuckles - Uncle figure
Knuckles is probably the uncle she relates to the most, as she shares his love of adventure and the outdoors! She often spends time listening to him tell stories of all the adventures he and Sonic have gone on, her eyes filled with stars. She admires him greatly, and thinks he's super cool! The only thing she doesn't get is how he can spend so much of his time sitting around and guarding the Master Emerald. She has far too much energy to be able to sit still for that long!
Amy - Aunt figure
Amy was another of her regular babysitters growing up, which is also how she and Camellia became so close. Amy would come over to visit with Camellia in tow, and the two would spend a majority of the time playing together. She sees Amy as a warm, loving person, and she feels like she could tell her almost anything. She does know not to piss her off, though! Amy is a force to be reckoned with when she's upset! Of course, she's delighted whenever she comes over, and it always helps that she brings yummy baked goods with her!
Rouge - Aunt figure
The aunt she's closest with, Rouge helped Stellar shape a lot of her personal style. She's the rich auntie type, always coming over with gifts and taking Stellar out to have girl time. She is responsible for a lot of the more feminine aspects of Stellar, seeing as she's the one who introduced the world of cosmetics to her. If it wasn't for her, Stellar would have been dressed in oversized t-shirts and running shoes all her life!
Blaze - Aunt figure
Being softer and more reserved, Stellar finds it harder to connect with Blaze. It's not that she doesn't appreciate her, she's just can find her a bit hard to read at times. She definitely exudes that queenly energy, and she can find that a bit intimidating at times. Even so, she's always happy to get opportunities to know her better, and she recognizes she's an empathetic and responsible person.
I should also mention that the only one out of this group that she genuinely sees like blood family is Tails. Everyone else are kind of like god parents or something, haha! She doesn't see any of the other fankids as cousins, basically. She sees them as peers/friends.
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mstormcloud · 8 months
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More fankids!! Both because they are genuinely fun to make and give lore to but also because I made Mirai and then wanted to make sure she had friends!
Aster is designed by my friend Duetland!! (The last art is by them!!) They aren’t on tumblr but you can find him on Instagram @duetland :)
Lore for each of them under the cut! (LONG POST WARNING!!!!)
Gold and Aster:
Shadow and Sonics kids. They’re twins (with Aster being older). Both were babysat by Tails a lot and ended up picking up a lot of stuff from him as well as their parents. Gold became more responsible and significantly more polite (far more than either of his parents lmao) meanwhile Aster became interested in robotics. Specifically those related to space like rockets or planet rovers.
When the two were born there was immediate concern about their power imbalance. Aster was born with no powers at all, meanwhile Gold’s chaos energy was so high Shadow feared he would burn himself up unless something was done. Due to them being twins, it essentially ended up where instead of two moderately powerful hedgehogs - Gold got enough power for two while Aster has none. This leads Aster to resent Gold, less because she actually wants superpowers but more because Sonic and Shadow are always fussing over Gold (to make sure his powers aren’t harming him) and she feels like her parents don’t care for her. Causing her to push them out even more. She listens to Shadow more than Sonic, but they don’t end up talking through all this properly until Espio gets involved since unlike Sonic and Shadow who had powers all their lives - Espio had to teach himself his abilities and is able to empathize with Aster more.
3. Rhine
Rouge and Knuckles’ child. I’ve thought about her way less WHOOPS but!! Despite not being an echidna he looks up to his father a lot and promises to be the best guardian of the master emerald he can possibly be. Has a habit of just picking up shiny things like a magpie and will turn them into jewelry. Is blunt and gullible like her father but likes thinking things through before she moves. Uses the shovel claws more as weapons than actual shovels - he’s a bit of a neat freak.
Mirai and Gummy:
Mirais story is on my previous post! Not much has been added since then other than that I’ve decided she’s a bit of a troublemaker and very energetic, sarcastic, silly and kinda stupid. As for Gummy he’s about 7 years younger than Mirai, and I haven’t quite figured out what he’d be interested in yet haha
Eli and Anchor:
These two are half siblings! Eli’s parents are Amy and Metal. While investigating the ruins of a disaster, Amy and Metal find a child who who had been incredibly injured. They happen to be closer to Eggmans new hideout (where he has retired and is just kinda pouting by himself forever) than anywhere else - the two break in and force Eggman to help them save the child. Since the current Metal is Amy’s size, there were several smaller models for when he was “younger” - Eggman uses one of these scrapped smaller Metals to give the child cybernetic parts and saves their life. Amy and Metal then take the child back to their house and raise it as their own, with Eggman forcing them to bring Eli over frequently so he can see his grandchild.
Anchor is the child of Blaze and Amy! I’m just letting Amy be poly I think she has a lot of love in her heart and now she has two wifes. Anchor lives the Sol kingdom, and takes after her aunt Marine quite a bit with her love for adventure and especially sailing! When she was young, much like Blaze, she was brought before the Sol emeralds and blessed with a power. I feel like she’d be able to control / harness winds rather than fire though - to help with her sailing.
If you read all of this - thanks!! You didn’t have to but it was very nice of you!
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head---ache · 1 year
New character charts!!!
Edit: Added new info to Lash's section + Added a link to Emmie's section.
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They're here!!! The only new info is in the charts themselves btw, the long text under this is the same, except very minor changes. I just thought it would be better than having to go to the old charts to read all of this.
Emmie: She's now officially the one and only Tube Baby of the group!!! I imagine Tails will later use the big fucking tube in his lab, just not for any of the kids in this group (here's three posts about it: First, second, third).
Just to quickly mention it, her full name is Emily, however, everyone in her life just calls her Emmie, because, according to her, 'it goes with her vibe' (first talked about here + in universe explanation here).
She has Black Arms DNA, and although it's uncertain how it affects her, they (Emmie and her dads) know she has green Black Arms blood (shown here) and has access to the hivemind, which as a baby she used to communicate with Shadow (here), but as she grew older she stopped using it, and now finds it harder to access to it.
She also, of course, has Chaos Energy. She can perform Chaos Control (in this one) and turn Super (that second thing they don't know until she's a teenager, shown in this comic). She also has all the abilities Sonic and Shadow share (such as spindash).
Sparks: Like I've said before, Sparks is a Belly Baby, Blaze carried (here's context).
Sparks has fire powers, similar to Blaze's, though they find it a bit harder to control. They get Blaze and Espio's help to learn to use said powers, since they require a lot of concentration. Also, again, like Blaze, they can turn into Burning Sparks (here), but that form is more unstable and drains their energy pretty fast.
I am also taking this space to clarify this about the entire family (including Tulip). Since Blaze is a princess, Amy, Sparks and Tulip do acquire royalty related titles, however, they're very informal and don't hold that much power, since Blaze didn't want them to have any responsability simply because they're related to her. So they're royalty just by name.
Lash: Another Belly Baby, your local surprise baby representation.
Like is said in her chart, her main ability is acrobatics. She also has some sort of super speed but she doesn't rely much on it.
It's not said in her chart but she has both mommy and daddy issues and is often at Aim's house. The first time she stepped into that home and Tangle and Whisper welcomed she immediately felt glued to that family (here).
She also has two younger siblings, Strike and Decay (post introducing them here), and at first she didn't have that much of a relationship with, since they're younger than her and closer to each other, and since Lash spends a lot of time away from home, however, she eventually steps in and tries to be a part of her siblings' lifes as their parents' should've been.
Aim: I finally decided that he's also a Belly Baby, mostly because the timing didn't add up, since him and Emmie are the same age and there's only one Baby Making Tube.
Like it says in their chart, he does archery, which is his main fighting technique, however, during battle they also use their tail to move around faster (otherwise he just keeps it under his cloak) and teams up with Whisper's wisps in very rare occasions.
He does not speak, unlike Whisper who simply speaks quietly. Aim doesn't speak at all, but everyone around him eventually just finds a way to understand him (because I think it's funny). He very usually is the braincell carrier of the group.
Bria: Bria's a Belly Baby as well, it just felt like something Sonia would want.
They don't have any special ability, but they did learn martial arts as a way of self defense, consdering the group of people she often is surrounded by.
Even though Bria's hard of hearing, his biggest passion is music (over being a hero). She plays piano and guitar.
He's also the extrovert of the group. The loudest and friendliest there is. (Should I also add they're Emmie's cousin?)
Tulip: I was a bit more indecisive with him, but in the end I decided to also make him a Belly Baby, because otherwise it felt weird for that to be the one thing he has in common with Emmie. (In-universe explanation here!)
He hasn't shown any special ability yet -he's the youngest of the group though, being only ten years old-, so he isn't allowed to be around the other kids when there's danger, however, he's very sneaky and often gets things to work in his favor anyways. He does have an interest in tarot though, thanks to Amy, and he also shows to have an impressive intuition.
When he's not around Sparks he is often found next to Big, probably complaining to him about something.
Destiny: One and only Code Baby!! She's basically made from the same programming as Nicole, but more advanced and sophisticated.
Being an AI herself, she can hack robots and similar things, which helps during battle. They can also get into anyone's computer if they want to (they rarely do).
She usually takes the leader role very naturally, immediately making a plan on the spot and guiding the rest of the group. However, she's quite shy (even while being an extrovert. This forms a bit of a problem for her, wanting to be around people but being too shy to do it). Her more confident side mainly showing when assuming the role of the leader. She has great friends tho, who encourage to speak up and lead:]
Spades: She's a belly baby just because of the timeline, there simply wasn't a way without changing her age to make it make sense for her to be a Tube Baby -and I like her being 16-. Unfortunately I backed myself into a corner here JSKDJSKFJWKFKS I don't have many details on how she came to be because, guess what!! There's no real way for her to be the way she is the way I want it to happen:]]] So let's just use our imagination and say that it's possible for two amab people to have a kid who's biologically related to both of them because this is a world where magic color changing hedgehogs are a thing so this isn't super crazy, okay? Okay.
Like I said in this post, Spades has trajectory manipulation, so basically she will never miss her target, and can move away whatever is thrown at her, so that's pretty handy:] She also trains with Espio, so she has a lot of his abilities. She doesn't really want to be a ninja but has many of the skills.
She's the mom of the group!!! And the braincell carrier. She is very sweet and caring, but also quiet and calculating. Her strategy is the best, and her stoic appareance makes her look a bit threatening, but she's actually a total sweetheart!!
Also about swimming!! She really likes it because she finds it relaxing. You can't hear anything underwater so she likes to close her eyes and just swim around.
She gets along with everyone in the group, but is usually hanging out with Aim and Lash:)
And that's it for the individual kids!!
Here's some other links of interest:
-1. Character reference sheets for all most of the fankids, including a height chart.
-2. Voice claims!!!
-3. The old charts!!
-4. Ideas for weapons:)
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ultim8life4m · 1 year
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these came to me in a dream
there is a thought process behind every single one of my choices and it’s under the cut
Sonic - Sailor Moon - duh, this is sonic and sailor moon were talking abt
Tails - Sailor Mercury - both r very smart and technologically advanced lol
Knuckles - Sailor Mars - red. also bc usagi and rei (moon and mars respectively) r rlly big rivals lmao
Amy - Sailor Venus - they have VERY similar personalities, she’s besties w jupiter, minako (venus) wants to be an idol rlly bad and amy has that energy
Metal Sonic - Sailor Jupiter - both have electricity related to them, Metal Sonic + Amy r besties just like Jupiter and Venus cmon you know it’s true, also bc Jupiter is known for her unfathomable strength similar to how Metal is unfathomably strong in reference to sonic bc. yk.
Shadow - Sailor Saturn - THIS IS RLLY RLLY RLLY FLESHED OUT IN MY HEAD SINCE THEYRE BOTH MY FAVORITES LOL, both r seen as “ultimate lifeforms” in a way, shadow being in cryosleep for years and saturn being “forbidden to awaken due to her being the soldier of death”, hotaru and shadow were both in some way scientifically created, hotaru and shadow r both the children of (mad) scientists, shadow being gerald and hotaru being PROFESSOR FUCKING TOMOE, both had a rlly traumatic event alter the course of their life, and both died tragically, were reborn, and have a found family after being reborn, shadow being team dark and saturn being uranus neptune and pluto
Rouge - Sailor Uranus - rouge arguably COULD have been neptune but she lacks the grace that neptune has , and i feel like overall she suits uranus waaay more
Silver - Sailor Pluto - pluto is the soldier of fucking time why do you think she’s silver
Blaze - Sailor Neptune - blaze has that grace that rouge kinda lacks in regards to neptune, plus blaze and neptune r rlly similar in vibes, and i think it would be ironic to see blaze do a deep submerge lol
i am insane
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katlyntheartist · 5 months
Knuckle series is out!! Any thoughts? Does it affect your Jojo and Gang au?
Spoilers for the Knuckles series people! Avert your eyes children!
First, let's talk about the things I liked:
- Sonic and Tails were great for as little screen time as they had. And Maddie trying to be patient with Knuckles while also not strangling him was great, haha. As someone who worked at a Daycare, I related to her dealing with kids like Knuckles and Maddie's facial expressions when she was grounding Knuckles were on point. Also THEY HAVE A PLAIN BED FOR TAILS AND A TRUCK BED FOR KNUCKLES AHHHHH!!!!!
-Pachacamac is a Jedi Force ghost? Alright then. I don't know much about this character outside of Sonic X but I thought that he was fine. And Christopher Lloyd does a great job as usual.
-Wade was not terrible. I like how he has some character growth through the series and at the end he isn't a master warrior/fighter. He's still a goofball but now he's thinking things through and using what he has and his current surroundings to his advantage in a fight, and isn't just hiding and waiting for Knuckles to save him. But him breaking out of the cage in episode 4 was a bit ridiculous. What was that cage made of, cardboard? He really should have broken his hand or something.
-I liked the villains but I wish that we got to see them more involved in the story, especially the buyer. Who was menacing for about five minutes and then was crushed to death like, dang 0-0
-Knuckles was the best part of the show. He's the strong tough warrior but with a big heart and good intentions, though a bit misguided at times. Idris did a great job, nothing new there.
And now let's get into the things I didn't like:
-The show is %70 Wade bowling story and %30 Knuckles adjusting to earth and his backstory with Pachacamac and his tribe and his connection to the master emerald and everything else that the show should have been about. The Wade sub plot takes up so much time that we don't get to explore Knuckles. I wished that we had gotten to see him learn to appreciate and call Earth his new home instead of him just accepting it at the end. It just felt so rushed.
-Episode four wasn't awful but I didn't care for it. Also you can NOT show us the Flames of Disaster from '06 and not have Silver or Blaze show up. You can't do that >:(
-Knuckles and Maddie didn't get to have a heart to heart conversation which is what I and many others thought that was what the show was building up to. Also he never gets in trouble for running way and we never cut back to seeing Maddie or Sonic and Tails realizing Knuckles is gone, or even Sonic and Tails trying to cover for Knuckles. I get that the CGI was expensive and voice actor and actor schedules might not have worked out for it to happen, but my point still stands.
-Wanda was useless and you could have cut her out and lost nothing. Don't get me wrong, the actress is good but she feels wasted here. Her character is so annoying and serves no purpose other than to be mean to Wade. And why do we have to have the "siblings who hate each other but make up at the end" cliche? I would have liked Wanda more if she was nicer to Wade from the start and if they had a fun sibling bond with each other. Also if she was able to actually use her skills as an FBI agent to at least hold her own against the gang when they attack Nanna Whipple's house. Also the dad needed to be more comedically villainous, he was too generic.
-Like I said the villains here are fine but the Buyer's whole character is to just show up, have a cool robot fight, and die. We don't get to see him be a threat to Knuckles at all, he just appears for the climax and then is offed in a snap. And the two agents were fun but a lot of their dialogue was graining.
-And that leads me to the main problem with the series. The writing. I'm aware that the writers for the main movies didn't work much on this series, except Jeff did do the first episode. Which is why it's the best one. There is no balance between the jokes and the emotional moments. The show is so focused on trying to make you laugh every five minutes that it sacrifices genuine emotional growth for the characters especially for Knuckles. You know, the whole reason for the show existing in the first place. It suffers the same problems that the live action Ton and Jerry movie had, where the main stars weren't allowed to be the main stars of their film. All of the screen time there went to the human characters who weren't interesting or just plain annoying and mean.
And the dialogue for the show teeters back and forth between actually funny/well written and being dangerously close to obnoxious. And kids shows having jokes all the time isn't a problem. Rottmnt and the Lego Movies are both kid properties that fire off a joke every minute but they knew when to cut back and let the emotional moments shine. The jokes in the Knuckles show felt more like they were pandering to four year old's then actually trying to be funny and the emotional moments felt kind of forced.
I don't want to give any of the writers or anyone who worked on this show a hard time. I can see that everyone worked hard and had fun with this. And I had fun too. There were some good moments between Knuckles and Wade and even a few jokes that got me. But the problems I listed above are just to hard for me to ignore. If you liked the Knuckles series then great for you! I'm happy you were able to have a great time! But for me it was just ok.
Not great. But not bad either. 5/10.
Now, about this affecting Jojo and Gang. I think what I'll do is have comic take place a month after the Knuckles series. And use my AU to focus on Knuckles getting accustomed to Earth and learning to call it home. Basically my AU will do what the Knuckles series didn't.
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hevexns-realm · 24 days
Hello! I came here with another random question:
What type of games characters in your AU like: Video games, board games or sport games? And which ones? 👀
Sonic, tails, and silver all love video games. Even if Sonic loves physical sports, he tends to make video game nights for everyone who wants to participate. While Sonic plays a few more edgier games like COD or even Diablo, silver and tails prefer cozier games like Minecraft or animal crossing!
Shadow is more of a board game type of guy, and the game of life is one of his favorites! Although he does play the occasional call of duty with Sonic. Sometimes he uses the voice changer Iris lets him borrow for his drag queen role and uses it to mess with little shits online who are being assholes. It’s funny as all hell, and when the villain group gets ahold of the shadow clips, they’ll be laughing about it for a few days-
Mephiles isn’t much of a gamer, he’s more into novels, audiobooks, the dark academia type stuff. HOWEVER, he does play horror games or mystery type games on occasion, when he has the time. (He refuses to admit this, as he doesn’t want anyone to associate him with his snapcube alternate counterpart. He hates the bastard with a passion, even more than I do-)
Blaze, Nazo, and seelkadoom are all similar to mephiles. They view most video games as a waste of time, or at least the violent/stressful ones. Although, they each have a comfort game of some kind. For blaze, it’s coffee talk (episodes one and two) while Nazo and seelka have a soft spot for cult of the lamb, as it’s a co-op game that they can play with either each other or can take turns playing with Iris when it’s a quiet night.
Adding onto Nazo, he really likes games where there’s always a little something at risk. The higher the risk, the more competitive he gets. This especially goes in gambling, when he knows that there’s a giant pot on the table. When it comes to physical activity, he prefers fencing, speed skating, and a little bit of the waltz on occasion!
Seelka is really into physical sports. His training is arguably the most vigorous, and is the most athletic of the three. It shows through his physique in his work attire, and Iris needs to restrain herself every time she sees him in that suit. (Every other day tbh- and nazo isn’t much better about it either.)
Iris doesn’t really know what games are, but she loves dancing and swimming! She’s actually participated in the Solaris festival as a dancer multiple times at this point, and she loves it even more throughout the years! ^^ outside of the physical stuff, she loves messing with people’s heads. Making them think she’s one thing when she isn’t. She does this with a lot of older rich men, and once she’s gotten larger spoils, she shares them with her friends! (Nazo and seelka get the largest amount before her-)
Iblis loves monopoly, the game of life, anything that relates to mortal life the way she wants everyone to live. She wants them to live their happily ever after, as long as it’s safe, she’ll be happy to support her subjects achieve their dreams!! ❤️❤️
Aeon is a valorant/league of legends player, but she plays a ton of other video games as well! (Non-toxic player, but she’s more than happy to match energy if needed-)
Rouge loves monopoly, but she and iblis have a serious rivalry with the game. Any other game they’re fine, but since both of them are good cheaters, they tend to try and expose the other! ^^
Amy loves card games! UNO, go fish, even some solitare, you name it, she’ll play it! Although, she really likes to play with nazo, as he’s literally a high-class gambler, he knows every trick in the book. She learns a lot of things from him!! ^^
@thebreadmeower @hunniegl4zed
Sorry it took so long, school was long, got some press on nails, and currently getting sick QvQ||
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egg-emperor · 10 months
Feels like some want to put emphasis on family in almost every relationship in this series; and quite a bit of others where it's not biggest theme. Occasional maybe, but not the whole aspect. (And for something that is complex as family; biological, found or otherwise, people seem keen on making each one virtually the same in concept.)
Gonna drop a hot take and I fear angering a bunch of people at once, I just hope they hear me out all the way through first lol. But I wanna be honest about how I feel about this
They really do. There's a huge push for every dynamic between the characters to be familial and for all to have family of some kind lately. You have tons of people going "x and x are literally related and found family/adoptive family and everything else is wrong", acting like it's undeniable canon, in places where it's never been explicitly labeled as such, or doesn't exist at all, or is only somewhat resembling of a family dynamic but still up to interpretation, or is a lot more complex than the typical expected nuclear family structure and simplifying it removes what's interesting.
For example, I can see how Charmy is like Vector's son if you consider he's taken him into care and the dynamic they have in games but even then it's not said outright. But then people act like Vector signed adoption papers and with Espio as his other son and Charmy's brother even though he doesn't have anything like that dynamic with him in the games at all, and say it's "literally canon"... Why is Espio forced into that box? People decide on ages alone as if they've ever been a huge important point in the series but they're barely acknowledged
Then there's a push for Team Dark to have Rouge as a mom/sister and Shadow and Omega as kids/brothers when none are implied. Rouge isn't motherly just because she cares for Shadow, she's only 18 (plus in a bio they considered her having a thing for him so) and isn't sisterly either. Shadow treats their team ups and interactions like business with the objective in priority and goes off and does his own thing when it's over, he's not implied to live a domestic family life with them. And Omega is Omega, he doesn't think of himself as family to Rouge nor Shadow just because Robotniks created them, he just wants to destroy Eggman's shit lol
Team Rose is what I think of being one of the more familial types, but again only really from how Big acts like their big brother in the Heroes saying he's gotta get tough for them and looks out for them like that. But even then that's not set in stone as they're barely together as a team and it's all just based on vibes and they only call each other friends. But there's definitely more of a logical case than the other teams, but again I think as only in a much more casual and mild way than what people want. So I just think of them as being good friends with things in common with family dynamics but it not meaning they're literally family.
I even think of Team Sonic as all friends first, despite brotherly esque interactions depending on how you view Sonic and Knuckles interacting maybe, and how Tails was said to be seen "like something of a" little brother to Sonic in a bio and called his bro a couple times in game. But people kinda overemphasize there too as it's much more casual and not in the way they signed adoption papers to play strict family roles. For the most part, it feels like they're friends and parts of their dynamic can resemble the dynamics but it's not a strict family structure and role assignment.
What's funny is Silver and Blaze were stated to have a sibling like dynamic, with Blaze seeing Silver as a brother in a bio and people get mad when it's brought up because they ship them. That's when they stop caring about family type dynamics, if it gets in the way of their ship lol. I have no problem with people who wanna ship them as they're not literally adoptive like I said for the others so do your thing. But people getting mad and rejecting the idea that's official if it gets in the way of their ship, yet claiming other family type bonds are official when they aren't is ironic XD
And now with Eggman just because of Sage, people act like literally every single robot ever of his are all canon sons and daughters and he's the best wholesome dad and nothing more than one and all he does is play with them and have family days out and isn't his own person anymore. Kinda heavily reminiscent of the nuclear family dream propaganda pushed all the time that irks me as a gay guy who had had that forced onto me incessantly... Seeing a comfort character forced into all the things he's helped distract me from by fans when it doesn't exist like that in the games is rough.
Plus it involves ignoring the specific selfish, egotistical, and shallow reasons that Eggman accepted Sage as being as a daughter and why he half-heartedly entertained her desire to see Orbot and Cubot as brothers, which are very different reasons than "he was lonely and had no purpose in life so he wanted to become the nuclear family stereotype of a dad and thanks to Sage he is and he's actually a good likable character for it now!" It pushes the idea that everyone needs a romantic relationship and/or family to be whole and worth something and it's uncomfortable :(
Even more for how shallow, manipulative, and conditional his dynamic with Sage is and how he treats Orbot and Cubot like shit which, if he entertains the dynamic of them being Sage's brothers, it makes him an absive father already and doesn't magically undo that. (Plus in games past Frontiers he continues to be cruel to them.) And he's never seen other creations as kids, closest is calling the E Series brothers but only referred to himself as their creator, not dad. Calling himself Metal's dad is IDW only and doesn't make sense to be canon. But even if it was, the dynamic is a casual silly thing and not a deep meaningful thing there, just like it wasn't with the E Series so it worked.
But people want Eggman and his creations to replicate a nuclear family structure and dynamics one to one, as if his bond with Sage isn't anything but ordinary and he isn't terrible to his creations. He doesn't see all of them as his kids and all of them don't see each other as siblings. It's even more clear in how I see people asking members of Sonic Official like "will Eggman get a girlfriend/wife so Sage can have a mom" and it makes me feel ill. It's clear they don't understand Eggman's dynamic with his creations and why it exists and just want him to replicate the nuclear family dynamic, get a romantic partner, and conform to the life script because they think he's better that way.
And man one of the many reasons Eggman is special and appealing to me is he's a middle aged man that doesn't show an interest in biological family or romantic relationship, instead happily living without that, embracing his commonly considered childish passions and unconventional dreams. You have no idea how happy I was about in character terms of Eggman and Sage's dynamic in the game and how he expressed aversion towards biological natural reproduction. That's special to me. Not to be dramatic but seeing fandom act like he's not good or likable until he perfectly replicates the life script nuclear family structure dream instead is kinda heartbreaking.
Like even if you want to look at any of these bonds of a case of found family, why does it all have to be in the structure of nuclear family dynamics and all these specific strict labels and dynamics forced onto them where they don't even exist, or at least are much more casual and still more friendly than familial? Why does it need to have everything about it be exactly the same aside from the biological blood relation? Like you said, there's way more forms and complexity than that. It can be way more interesting and meaningful to show how it can transcend that, how it doesn't have to follow the guidelines of the expected life script and nuclear family structure just with a different coat of paint.
Intentionally or not, it pushes the idea that one has more purpose and worth if they create the nuclear family structure in one way or another, that one is missing something without it, and life has more meaning and is better with it. It gives the vibe of conservatives and those that feel we should all follow the life script and have more purpose and meaning when we create a family- because it's helping make virtually the same concept look appealing and pushing the idea it's always needed. It can still serve as propaganda that can give an impression to the audience they should comply, find it or create it to have more meaning in life, and put pressure on them the same way instead of it being optional, because it's been shown to them exactly the way biological relation ones are.
If it was presented that way in canon, it would be propaganda and that makes it uncomfortable to me being aro and gay. Not saying everyone has to agree and appeal to me, I'm not the main character of the universe lol. But I don't like to see romance or forced family dynamics from nowhere or being made to replicate the nuclear family structure they're expected to end up with. That's just like if they had gotten into romantic relationships, without the relationship but still the results. With the way fandom has been pushing it, it's no different to the concepts displayed in nuclear family propaganda, only biological relation aside. And that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable for how it replicates it otherwise, it's just the nuclear family structure disguised at that point and can have the same effect.
I like how the series has a big focus on friendship instead. Romance is very rare and small in this series focus and there was very little focus on family before Frontiers too. It was always the power of friendship overall. You can be friends without being anything like a family and it's just meaningful, in case everyone is forgetting. What was once the people saying "stop shipping everyone with each other, not everything is romantic" are now like "ALL the characters are all/should be family, everything is familial". And I dunno man, I kinda just like them all being friends like they're literally meant to be for the most part lol
Of course people can do what they want in fanon but the insistence that its all literally canon or the push for it to be played that way in it if they acknowledge it isn't feels bad with all this in mind. But again that's just my opinion and I'm not demanding everyone to cater to me with their fanon creations. I'm not focusing or hating on specific creations, just sharing my thoughts on the general concept and dynamic that I'm free to dislike just like anyone is free to like, and talking about why I wouldn't want fandom's take on all of it to ever become canon to the series. Some that get mad may twist my words either way but just wanna clarify anyway.
But yeah, tldr the way people are really just using the idea of found family and characters having any kind of familial esque dynamic between each other as a way to replicate nuclear family structures exist in them because they think it's "better and more interesting" that way is starting to make me really uncomfortable and dislike it for how it simplifies and waters down the dynamics to force them into that box. I know there are plenty of good ways to present and explore such dynamics without it going that route, it's just that this has become so much more common instead and people get mad if you're discomforted or not a fan for any reasons and it sucks.
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redpenship · 1 year
i made this a long time ago but here: my sorting of which robin certain sonic characters would stan
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full justifications under the cut:
dick grayson tier:
sonic - blue-themed and likes the bird motif jewel - she's boring jet - toxic nightwing stan who swears hes better than the other robins at literally everything and WILL get mad if you say that tim is a good detective within earshot orbot - dickbabs shipper who fights with dickkori fans online silver - grew up on teen titans go (its still airing in the future) knuckles - doesnt know there are other robins
jason todd tier:
shadow - he's just like me fr (died and came back) rouge - he's just like my friend fr (edgy loser) charmy - thinks the idea of an ex-robin who kills people is really cool (he's six) rough and tumble - they think jason is right and criticize batman's no-kill rule in youtube comment sections storm - unironically enjoyed new52 red hood + the outlaws cubot - hes just like me fr (father figure is mean to him)
tim drake:
starline - relates to tim trying to fix someone he admires tails - kid with a cool older brother complex vector - grew up with robin tim and still hates damian for replacing him whisper - friends died eggman - gets beaten up by kids way younger than him
stephanie brown:
belle - dad is a villain big - likes her purple costume
damian wayne:
amy - thinks it's cute when he kills people zavok - really into grant morrison wave - talia defender that supports damian by proxy cream - animal lover omega - violence is always the correct answer to a problem blaze - relates to his struggle to be his own person in the shadow of responsibilities placed on him
duke thomas:
espio - can turn invisible + forgotten in most major arcs
carrie kelly:
tangle - youthful optimism mimic - believes 9/11 made frank miller a better writer metal sonic - dreams about aiding in the defeat of his world's blue boy scout
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owololcat · 1 year
Pspsps hey sonic exe fans im making an au where Sonic is self-aware from a game standpoint, but unintentionally trapping himself in a cycle of bringing back his dead friends through console commands, only for the person he brought back to cause (directly or indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally) another death of another friend.
Only issue is, I'm saving Eggman for a later plot point and dunno who to replace him with, so you get to decide where the story goes from here!
Amy and Rouge will die later on in the story if they're not picked regardless, but I still can't decide which would make the most sense.
One of the votes on Amy doesn't count, as tumblr is a bunch of idiots who don't let people see how their own polls are coming along without voting themself.
The causes of death because yippee why not?
Rouge: Knuckles charges guns blazing into an Eggman base Rouge is burglarizing, causing a loud commotion that leads to her thinking she's been found out. She bails, but ends up being shot down by a turret during her panicked escape. She causes the next death due to the next victim simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time when she accidentally sets off a trap due to reasons I plot to reveal later when I drop the timeline
Metal: Ceiling collapse crushes him after a blissfully unaware Knuckles angrily beats up a wall too hard. After many pain-filled hours of clawing through rubble, Metal escapes, but their legs and jets are heavily damaged. They swear vengeance, eventually causing the next death by simply murdering them, leaving their mangled corpse out in the open to send a message.
Amy: Amy and pre-death Knuckles, while fleeing the fire that kills Tails, end up finding a special stage ring that could serve as a potential escape, but only one can use it. Knuckles, clueless of the ring's fucked up-ness, tells Amy to use it, and that he'll find a way out for himself on his own. Amy does so, but the special stage is bugged and glitched all to hell because of Sonic's code shenanigans. She escapes with her life, but not without the corruption spreading to her. Next death is caused by her corruption accidentally causing something to go haywire, which then catches the nest victim in the crossfire.
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nottheweirdest · 6 months
I was unable to read ao3 for a couple of Time, but omg, now I know why you couldn't take the 10 buck bet, can we say that eggman literally save Sonic from a miserable life?
This was a fantastic story! I cry with the way that Amy tried so hard to retain Sonic (yes,I re-read the allí story :3), it make hate her but she was trying to save her lover, I dont know if Blaze will hate Sonic now, Cream is just too good to hate someone (maybe not?)
And sailor Tails, daaaaaaaamn I know that he was screaming to Eggman even that he send the chaos emerald, It will be funny if Cubot or Orbit are congratulating the new couple in name of His creator.
Thank you so much for taking part of your time to created something beautiful and amazing!
Ahhhh thank you so much!! ❤️🙏 Eggman actually did save the day for once haha doesn't happen very often huh? 😋
As for Cream and Blaze, I hope the epilogue sheds a bit of light on that ☺️. I tried to squeeze as much as I could into the epilogue without making it a three chapter bonus 😂.
As for Amy, that's definitely a key take away. She isn't a villain. She's not setting out with bad intentions. She's a person who's scared she's losing not only her partner but the life she's dedicated to him and the future she built around him. People do stupid stuff when they're scared or hurt. Look at basically every character in this fic. They're all flawed. I think that's what lets us relate to them 💓.
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skaruresonic · 10 months
Can you explain why you feel Blaze is overrated? (Just curious)
Part of it is personal bias. I feel Shade works better for this particular character archetype of "serious, reticent female character who learns to open up to people" because it makes more thematic sense given the context, considering she's a soldier who was abandoned by her traitorous lord to the mercy of her enemies. For her, opening up is a matter of survival. She has no choice but to work together with Sonic, which is especially poignant considering Sonic can refuse. For Blaze, the personal stakes of failing to overcome her foibles should arguably be just as high, since the two dimensions will be destroyed if they merge, but it doesn't... really feel like it, the way it was written. Blaze is a princess and the guardian of the Sol Emeralds. We get a lot on the latter, but nearly nothing on the former. How does being a princess shape her behavior? Does she not relate to common people? Did her parents - does she have parents? - keep her so mired in matters of state that she never grew up learning how to make friends? Why is she this awkward? The guardian thing can only go so far as an explanation imo.
In addition, there are various aspects of Blaze's character which feel informed at best, or not fully realized. I've described her as a grab-bag of traits before because it really does feel like there's not a whole lot of overarching cohesion to her character. She tends to be whatever the plot needs her to be, and this is reflected most saliently in the differences between her role in '06 and the Rush games. In the Rush games, she has a pretty active role, but she may as well be a backpack Silver lugs around for much of '06. Her fear of heights is an incidental quirk mentioned maybe once or twice in Rush. It doesn't impact her gameplay in the slightest, as she pulls off aerial maneuvers with the same degree of aplomb as Sonic. Perhaps I'd buy her phobia more if the gameplay reflected it, like if her mode was Hard Mode and it was more difficult to fill her Trick Gauge or something along those lines. As it stands, it's more or less an informed trait. Her poor cooking skills and her physical insecurities regarding her small ta-tas, while amusing, don't really tell me much about her character other than she's clumsy, which isn't exactly an uncommon trait. But then you get to thinking about it, and you start to wonder, what's the context behind this? Amy doesn't just read tarot cards simply because it's a Girl Thing in Japan; she uses them to tell her where Sonic will be. Conversely, why is Blaze insecure about the size of her breasts? Is she insecure that she won't grow up into a mature queen or something? And why is that fear manifested via an insecurity about her breasts of all things? Likewise, why is her being a bad cook a common anime comedy trope all that important when she's a princess and can just have her staff cook for her? She does have staff, right? So why does it matter? It's just there to make her seem adorkable and not really anything that reveals a new aspect to her character.
In Rush Adventure, she's suddenly able to tell Tails in detail which materials he needs to build a radio tower, despite not having displayed any particular aptitude for mechanics before. And Tails is wowed by this. The abruptness of such a trait makes me feel less impressed and more like, "Ehhhh, you're kinda being Mary-Suish right now, Blaze."
By contrast, even though the game more or less turns her into an exposition fairy, it makes sense that Shade can tell you about the various races of the Twilight Cage since she's languished there for 4,000 years. It makes sense that she's familiar with the technology of her own people. We have the proper context necessary to understand her knowledge and where it comes from. But it wouldn't make as much sense if she suddenly began telling Tails how to build his machines. You know what I mean? Until Trip and Amy in Superstars, Blaze held the distinction of being the only female games character to receive a Super form for quite some time. While it's cool to see the notion of "only male hedgehogs can go Super" be proven false, it also kind of makes her seem special-snowflake-y in that regard. It gives people like Flynn grounds to single her out as the only "legitimate" female badass in the cast since she has Big Boy Powers (a... chain of thought loaded with unfortunate implications), as if badass normals like Cream and Rouge are rendered invalid by comparison.
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chaoxfix · 2 years
Back when you were doing Sally redesigns/concepts, I think I remember you mentioning that you'd want Sally to have a more Sonic-y name if she were in the game-verse. If that's true, what do you think qualifies as a good mobian name?
thanks for asking!
this ended up taking a while, thanks for your patience-
i think a good mobian name is one that works as a description of the character. it should be related to what they can do (sonic, espio, blaze), or what they look like, usually a color (silver, shadow, rouge, cream) or a prominent feature (knuckles, tails). in other cases, they should be a noun or adjective that simply sounds like the character. charmy sounds fun and little-kidd-ish (the ee sound at the end), vector sounds like a cool mature adult (mathematical concept; he's the only adult aside from vanilla, as when he was created 20 was the age of adulthood in japan).
in the end, sonic characters' names should sound a bit like pet names or code names. descriptive and fitting in a way that we don't really get to name ourselves.
this is why i think amy rose doesn't gel as well with the rest of the characters, as it has a very human-sounding name. but in a way it suits her, as she's the most normal-seeming character by name and original power set, a bit like someone who happened to get swept up into sonic and eggman's battles -- which is kind of what happened.
sally acorn is a lot like amy rose in that respect; one of the only characters with a last name
i think if sally were sega-ified a bit more, in modern conventions she should have a "Name the Species" kind of name, which is important to keep in mind, as it should flow like Sonic the Hedgehog or Knuckles the Echidna does.
For her species, I think I'd prefer her to be a squirrel and for them to play up squirrel-y design aspects. she'd be cute with buck teeth and a bushy, curved tail. so whatever her first name is, it ought to flow well with 'the squirrel' .... which is difficult as squirrel doesn't really roll off the tongue well at all. for that reason i think we can also consider, 'name the ground squirrel' instead of just 'the squirrel' -- plus, we do already have ray the flying squirrel so idk. ... and i'm also preparing a backup 'the chipmunk' name as well (though she'll be compared to alvin and the chipmunks regardless with a name like that)
for traits sally could be renamed after... 1) she's a tough leader, and we'd fall on that, as she's never really had powers. she's also a princess. 2) she takes no shit and wants to be fair and just. 3) she has an affinity for computers 4) she is associated with the color blue (though i'd also redesign her to be orange rather than brown as a base, with hair that mostly blends into her orange fur), 5) wildcard, things that just seem to fit with her role
names about leadership: monarch
names about fairness: dawn, phi (φ)
names about technology: zinc, data
names about color: blue associated: sapphire, cobalt, sky orange associated: citrine, spice
wildcard: maps, gambit, echo
i bolded and italicized the ones i liked best. i think of all them, i like maps best.
maps the ground squirrel.
the reason i like this one best is because it doesn't fully give away what she does, and sounds succinct and precise. maps. you could follow a rebellion leader named maps, she'll tell you where to go and what to do.
i wanted to find more names related to royalty or tech or even stealth, but i really didn't find much that worked as a code name without being taken, or too on the nose it was cringe.
anyways. many of these i think would be great names for OCs or future characters. i could definitely imagine a character named gambit, whoever she is she'd have my whole heart. (maybe as a fiona fox redesign?)
my runner-up for sally might be citrine the ground squirrel, as it has an s sound to the name, and isn't too on the nose. i do still like spice (what i went with for a previous redesign), but i think it's my third place choice now, after looking into more of these.
anyways, thanks for asking and i hope u enjoy
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yellowvixen · 1 year
I would love to hear who’s who for the lotr au
Oho 👀 alright get ready for a LOT of rambling >:]
This au originally started out as an idea for a continuation of the Sonic Storybook games, where the story in this case is Lord of the Rings. The other games just kinda throw characters into their roles without a lot of thought, like how the Lady of the Lake, Lancelot and Galahad are all related whereas Amy, Shadow and Silver decidedly are not (canonically. I know ppl have headcanons but this isn't about that lol) so I basically did that too. For some of the characters I do have legitimate reasonings for, but a lot of them are a combination of "hey wouldn't this be really funny" or "what the hell can I do with this character" lmao
So without further ado, here is the list I have so far!
Sonic - Sam Tails - Frodo Chuck - Bilbo Big - Gandalf Mighty - Merry Ray - Pippin Knuckles - Boromir Amy - Gimli Blaze - Legolas Shadow - Aragorn Silver - Éowyn Rouge - Galadriel Eggman - Saruman Mephiles - Sauron Metal - Gollum
Putting all my reasonings below the cut bc uhh it's kinda long
Sonic and Tails as Sam and Frodo: This one was obvious to me and was what started this au in the first place. It's a sort of "both are both" situation, they both share the burden of the ring and some of the scenes in the movie that exclusively happen to Frodo happen to either Sonic or Tails (e.g. Tails is the one in boat yelling to Sonic that he's going to Mordor alone, but Sonic is the one to put on the ring and see Mephiles [Sauron]). This is also where I need to put the disclaimer that the relationships in this au are not the same as in lotr. I'm NOT shipping these two for the love of god. They're brothers.
Uncle Chuck as Bilbo: This just felt natural to me as Bilbo is Frodo's uncle. I honestly don't know a lot about Chuck canonically but here he raised Sonic and Tails and of course had some wild adventures when he was younger.
Big as Gandalf: Ok honestly! I thought of this before the "big naturals" joke hit me skjfhkdg. Big always turns up in games where you don't expect him, he's super chill and he would definitely be the type of character to turn out to actually be a sort of god. Instead of going around smoking his pipe, he goes around fishing. He definitely tried to fish in the lake below the walls of Moria lol
Mighty and Ray as Merry and Pippin: These two I had a bit of trouble with. I was originally going to make them Knuckles and Amy as I wanted the hobbits to be classic characters but eventually settled on Mighty and Ray instead, as they have a stronger sibling dynamic. It also fits will with the scene where the orcs take Merry and Pippin under the impression they're the hobbits with the ring, but in this case they're like "it's the small yellow one with the ring" and mistake Ray for Tails.
Knuckles as Boromir: This fell into place after I figured out Mighty and Ray - they're friends!! They spar together!! I also like the idea of Knuckles being the one to fall prey to the ring, as he really wants to use it for good, to save his people (but it doesn't work like that). Unfortunately this means he dies :') sorry Knux. I'm also thrown for who could be Faramir and Denethor. I'm sure there's some characters from the comics that could fit but I've never read archie so fhfkjghgfk
Amy as Gimli: Axe? No, big hammer. That was the extent of my thought process for her lmfao. I just think it would be cool for her to hit things
Blaze as Legolas: I originally had Legolas as Silver but figured no wait, I can get blazamy into this au! Legolas is also a prince, so Blaze being a princess fits perfectly with that. Instead of walking on top of the snow, she simply burns it out of her way
Shadow as Aragorn: This was just because they're both kinda edgy kgjhkdgjdf you know Shadow would brood in the corner with his drink. There are some difficulties raised with this - who is Isildur? (Doom???) Who raises him? Where does Maria fit into his story? I haven't sorted those out so if anyone else has ideas please lmk :'D
Silver as Éowyn: Originally Blaze, but I swapped them out. Again with the relatives, idk who Éomer and Théoden would be. Definitely a case of "where the fuck can I fit this character" aghkghkf up for changing if anyone has better ideas, but I do think it would be funny for him to slay the Witch-King (could he be Zavok perhaps. Lol.) Instead of the "I am no man!" "Oh noo the prophecy was about gender and not the race aughh *dies*" scene, it can be "oh noo the prophecy was about race and not the gender aughh *dies*". And also Silver is nonbinary so it was the gender too. Idk man
Rouge as Galadriel: Another one I had trouble with. Originally Elise, I decided to make her Rouge just bc I want to redraw the scene where she's tempted by the ring for a hot second lmao. Also I think it would be funny for Amy [Gimli] to be like damn she's kinda hot
Eggman as Saruman: This gives me the hysterics. Please think of the scene where Saruman keeps closing the doors on Gandalf, but it's Eggman and Big. Anyway it DOES fit though, he creates badniks instead of orcs and wants to be more powerful. Getting in way over his head trying to get on Mephiles [Sauron]'s side and ending up dying for it. Also might make Gríma be Orbot and Cubot lol
Mephiles as Sauron: It just fits. He's evil, he's a god etc. Not sure where this would place Iblis or Elise (or Solaris) though.
Metal as Gollum: This also gives me the hysterics but again... it works!!! I figure here that the ring sort of has a metal virus effect - you keep it on you for too long and you become more robotic. So he would have started out as a normal hedgehog but then got fucked up. (Also means that Chuck might be partially roboticised). It also fits in with Gollum kinda looking like a tiny orc, and the orcs in this are badniks so. Yea. I also want the Sam, Frodo and Gollum dynamic where Sonic is like I hate this guy. Awful. Let him die. And Tails is like noo he's ok... he could get better...
So YEAH there we go!!! A lot of things still need working and characters to sort out. I mentioned Zavok being the Witch-King, but maybe he could be the balrog. Fuck knows. I DO wanna draw stuff for this au but it would be... a lot of work. I'll get to it though!! It's a fun thing to have on the back burner.
But yeah if anyone has more ideas, feel free to talk to me about them!!!
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head---ache · 1 year
Edit: Added Spades + Some links.
Character charts!!
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This is kind of a long post btw.
I kind of want to add a bit of information about the kids that didn't seem relevant enough to add to their charts but I still would like you all to know, and I prefer to have all that information in one place.
Emmie: She's now officially the one and only Tube Baby of the group!!! I imagine Tails will later use the big fucking tube in his lab, just not for any of the kids in this group (here's a bit of context for how this happened) (Another short explanation here).
Just to quickly mention it, her full name is Emily, however, everyone in her life just calls her Emmie, because, according to her, 'it goes with her vibe' (first talked about here).
She has Black Arms DNA, and although it's uncertain how it affects her, they (Emmie and her dads) know she has green Black Arms blood (shown here) and has access to the hivemind, which as a baby she used to communicate with Shadow (here), but as she grew older she stopped using it, and now finds it harder to access to it.
She also, of course, has Chaos Energy. She can perform Chaos Control (in this one) and turn Super (that second thing they don't know until she's a teenager, shown in this comic). She also has all the abilities Sonic and Shadow share (such as spindash).
Sparks: Like I've said before, Sparks is a Belly Baby, Blaze carried (here's context)
Sparks has fire powers, similar to Blaze's, though they find it a bit harder to control. They get Blaze and Espio's help to learn to use said powers, since they require a lot of concentration. Also, again, like Blaze, they can turn into Burning Sparks (here), but that form is more unstable and drains their energy pretty fast.
I am also taking this space to clarify this about the entire family (including Tulip). Since Blaze is a princess, Amy, Sparks and Tulip do acquire royalty related titles, however, they're very informal and don't hold that much power, since Blaze didn't want them to have any responsability simply because they're related to her. So they're royalty just by name.
Lash: Another Belly Baby, your local surprise baby representation.
Like is said in her chart, her main ability is acrobatics. She also has some sort of super speed but she doesn't rely much on it.
It's not said in her chart but she has both mommy and daddy issues and is often at Aim's house. The first time she stepped into that home and Tangle and Whisper welcomed she immediately felt glued to that family (here).
Aim: I finally decided that he's also a Belly Baby, mostly because the timing didn't add up, since him and Emmie are the same age and there's only one Baby Making Tube.
Like it says in their chart, he does archery, which is his main fighting technique, however, during battle they also use their tail to move around faster (otherwise he just keeps it under his cloak) and teams up with Whisper's wisps in very rare occasions.
He does not speak, unlike Whisper who simply speaks quietly. Aim doesn't speak at all, but everyone around him eventually just finds a way to understand him (because I think it's funny). He very usually is the braincell carrier of the group.
Bria: Bria's a Belly Baby as well, it just felt like something Sonia would want.
They don't have any special ability, but they did learn martial arts as a way of self defense, consdering the group of people she often is surrounded by.
Even though Bria's hard of hearing, his biggest passion is music (over being a hero). She plays piano and guitar.
He's also the extrovert of the group. The loudest and friendliest there is. (Should I also add they're Emmie's cousin?)
Tulip: I was a bit more indecisive with him, but in the end I decided to also make him a Belly Baby, because otherwise it felt weird for that to be the one thing he has in common with Emmie. (In-universe explanation here!)
He hasn't shown any special ability yet -he's the youngest of the group though, being only ten years old-, so he isn't allowed to be around the other kids when there's danger, however, he's very sneaky and often gets things to work in his favor anyways. He does have an interest in tarot though, thanks to Amy, and he also shows to have an impressive intuition.
When he's not around Sparks he is often found next to Big, probably complaining to him about something.
Destiny: One and only Code Baby!! She's basically made from the same programming as Nicole, but more advanced and sophisticated.
Being an AI herself, she can hack robots and similar things, which helps during battle. They can also get into anyone's computer if they want to (they rarely do).
She usually takes the leader role very naturally, immediately making a plan on the spot and guiding the rest of the group. However, she's quite shy (even while being an extrovert. This forms a bit of a problem for her, wanting to be around people but being too shy to do it). Her more confident side mainly showing when assuming the role of the leader.
Spades: She's a belly baby just because of the timeline, there simply wasn't a way without changing her age to make it make sense for her to be a Tube Baby -and I like her being 16-. Unfortunately I backed myself into a corner here JSKDJSKFJWKFKS I don't have many details on how she came to be because, guess what!! There's no real way for her to be the way she is the way I want it to happen:]]] So let's just use our imagination and say that it's possible for two guys to have a kid who's biologically related to both of them because this is a world where magic color changing hedgehogs are a thing so this isn't super crazy, okay? Okay.
Like I said in this post, Spades has trajectory manipulation, so basically she will never miss her target, and can move away whatever is thrown at her, al that's pretty handy:] She also trains with Espio, so she has a lot of his abilities -which is why in her chart it says 'ninja but not really'. She doesn't really want to be a ninja but has many of the skills.
She's the mom of the group!!! And the braincell carrier. She is very sweet and caring, but also quiet and calculating. Her strategy is the best, and her stoic appareance makes her look a bit threatening, but she's actually a total sweetheart!!
Also about swimming!! She really likes it because she fines it relaxing. You can't hear anything underwater so she likes to close her eyes and just swim around.
She gets along with everyone in the group, but is usually hanging out with Aim and Lash:)
And that's it for the individual kids!!
Here's some other links of interest:
-1. Character reference sheets for all the fankids, including a height chart.
-2. A bit about Emmie's inhibitor rings.
-3. A bit more about how Emmie came to be.
-4. Voice claims!!!
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