#and slowly starts learning
vikingpoteto · 7 months
anyway fic concept: Kenshi can deal with Johnny while they're fighting, arguing, bickering, etc. but as they become friends Johnny starts flirting with him, as you do with your friends, not seriously (yet) and Kenshi DOES NOT know how to handle with that. Johnny casually comments on how handsome he is or delivers a joking pick up line and Kenshi becomes a stuttering mess. someone should write this and tag me in it.
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 11 months
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Evolution of Eliot/Hardison hugs over the years.
And the one time that Eliot really needed a hug:
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Leverage S02E08/S03E10/S04E01/S04E07/S04E10/S05E09/Leverage Redemption S01E16/S02E06.
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main love language is touch x touch-starved is the ultimate character dynamic btw
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beescake · 6 months
Sorry for the spam (^o^;) I just really like your blog
no need to apologize ayy!
in this corner we welcome all forms of enjoyment, regardless of whether you're a
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happy to have yall here w me,
headin into homestuck 2024 :^)
#was debating if sollux truly was lurker type but then i rmbr'd him quietly reading all of karkat's memos for a good laugh HAHAHAHAAH#ask#aleemie#homestuck#karkat vantas#sollux captor#solkat#2024#vioart#but o. regarding the etiquette learned frm other socmed#spamming here is safe+good! it does not harm the op by shadowbanning like instagram#and its not 💀 like twitter where ur likes/following are permanently set to public#ur tumblr experience is within ur control it can be as free/empty/curated as u want!!#((tho ofc i do encourage rbing for ppl who've been hoping to start that habit!!#s'cool to slowly work ur way up from the extra special posts that hv lingered longest in ur heart and quietly build ur cache trove :-)#for example back when i was struggling to rt on a new twt acc i just started setting nonsense criteria for myself LOL#like “breaking this void is scary holy fuck ok i shall start by rting posts w brownish/reddish clrs bcs its inspo vibes for my art”#and gradually after a while of deliberate sharing i gained more confidence to share a larger variety of posts that make me feel things!!!!#no more training wheels i may be scared but i love loving more!!!!#same goes for engaging w fics too it takes energy to think of how to comment and thats ok‚ do ur best to explore what works for u!!!!#take screenshots of ur fave paragraphs & start annotating in gallery/notes app if that helps!!!!#also tumblr's customizable queue means u can stack posts and bolt hgehehe. my preferred form of existing on the net))
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
Could you maybe explain why the Japanese versions of BOTW and TOTK seem so much less subtle about the nature of Link and Zelda's relationship?
Even when regular folk translate it it seems less subtle, it's almost like Nintendo's localization was deliberately to be as vague as possible
to be completely honest I haven't found many instances of localization altering the nature of their relationship, but I also haven't ever sat down and actually looked at the japanese game as a whole because my japanese reading comprehension is. probably on the level of a preschooler. I can think of a few instances where I know the localization altered specific lines, but only in pieces of the game I've specifically looked at in japanese for other reasons. if you could give me specific examples of places where there are changes to look into I could definitely do it, but im not strong enough to play the whole game with a kanji dictionary on hand just to understand what the hell is being said to me lmfao
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heyyyyyy if u didn’t notice I’ve been thinking about the tadc puppeteer au a lot haaaaaaaa
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I think for all the discussions we have of "everyone hears the jokes and the piano; after that, they stop listening" surrounding Louis, we tend to still simplify his connection to the piano.
Yes, it's very cute that he sings Clementine a little song when they first meet, and it's very cute that he plays a little prank on her while "tuning" the piano. It's super cute that they carve their initials into the piano and Clementine carves a heart around them. It's mega cute that he names his song he wrote after her when she confesses her feelings. Louis playing Don't Be Afraid at the party is, in my opinion, one of the best moments in all of TFS.
But here's the thing: That piano is Louis' heart.
I don't mean to go all metaphorical on you, but I'm dead serious—the piano is Louis' heart, and when you think about his arc and his romance route with that in mind...?
That piano is his one comfort in a world where the dead walk. It's been with him from the beginning of the outbreak. We know from his backstory that Louis wanted to take singing lessons so he could be a real musician, and his father denying him of that was what set him off to be a "vindictive fuckhead." Louis never got those singing lessons, and it's a very real possibility that Louis taught himself how to play.
Sure, others could've taught him; we know Minerva was musically talented, perhaps she showed him a thing or two. But learning piano, or any instrument, is brutal even with professional guidance. It takes hours of practice until numbness wears fingertips raw; dedication to memorize every key and finger placement to make music pleasing to the ear; self-discipline to keep going through every fumble, every failure, every single cruel thought of self-doubt; intelligence and a creative ear to write his own songs.
And yet, it's severely under-appreciated by everyone. It's annoying. It's distracting. It's unimportant. It's an excuse for Louis to mess around and not do any real work. He doesn't have any actual talent. The music and the piano are brushed off, unheard.
Yet, Louis keeps playing. He keeps singing. He keeps making jokes.
Creating music, the one thing he wanted so badly as a kid that he destroyed his parents marriage, was possibly the greatest comfort he had... a welcome distraction to disassociate from the horror and death happening around him.
It's bittersweet, like a purpling bruise that you can't stop pressing on; it hurts, but there's something else below the pain. The piano is out of tune and it's something that brings him joy... but will always act as a constant reminder of who he was and what he did, why he's at Ericson to begin with.
We first meet him while he's playing; Louis' heart is exposed, but is it really? Is he playing to his true potential? Louis hides behind the mask of a charming, charismatic goof. It's what is expected of him, so he plays a silly song intended to poke and prod at Clementine, to gauge a reaction. That's something we see him do at multiple points in episode one. In fact, we can consider a majority of episode one to be like the song he's playing when we meet him; it's mostly cheery or fast-paced.
Louis is able to soothe AJ with his "alluring" music after the kid bit Ruby is an indication that the two of them will share a bond. Louis is a natural at communicating and bonding with the younger kids [another talent that's overlooked] so it's interesting that he praises AJ for being a natural at piano, as well.
But the song stutters just a bit when Louis and Clementine are in the woods together, though; "There's only one guarantee: this moment. That's the only you got, only thing any of us got. Might as well enjoy it." ...Only for Louis to compose himself and send her away.
It's only when Clementine has a gun in her face, held by Marlon, that the music isn't fun anymore; it's rainfall and thunder and the words "I thought you were more than that" sung through the wind in a melody only Louis can hear.
Then Marlon's dead. The song is over, and reality has arrived.
I've talked at length about Louis in ep2 and his vote in the past. It's one of the most compelling things about Louis' arc and romantic route. It's a tragic mistake driven by trauma and guilt. It's people simultaneously telling him to shut up and telling him to be angrier than he is. Telling him to stop burying his head in the sand when he's never been more aware of everything happening. It's AJ peering up at him with pleading eyes that Louis can't stand to look at. It's Clementine wrapping his heartstrings around her fingers and tugging just enough to hurt, but not break.
Louis missed Clementine. He says as much when Clementine admits she missed him first. I don't even know where to begin with that! I can think of no other way to describe it other than they are half agony, half hope over this... and if you get that reference, you get a gold star. I just- the ache, the tension, the conflicting feelings of finally having a quiet moment to talk but Louis not being ready yet.
Y'know how someone carved "you suck at playing" in the side of the piano? It's something you might not initially notice while playing the game, just as Louis' insecurities aren't apparent at first.. but they're carved in him; never fully healed, still scabbed and bleeding... Until Clementine offers him a bandage.
She won't clean the wound for him, but she'll be there. She'll help him figure out how to do it himself so he can heal. She'll listen to him, not belittle his feelings or pain. She'll make an effort to know his keys and notes and practice playing his song until she understands.
When Clementine chooses him to spend time with him, it's a mirror of their first time meeting... but this time, Louis plays something real: a song he wrote, one that I believe he crafted during the two week time skip... a song he wrote with Clementine on his mind, for better or worse.
If the piano is Louis' heart, he literally asks her to sit there and try to tune it, which ends up being a joke but I say she's already tuned your heart, my guy. It's there before them, changed in the warm candlelight. He plays for her and opens up about how no one actually listens, but Clementine did.
And remember, this is the night of the raid. They don't know it's coming, but they know it'll be soon. Louis understands that he could very well die, so what does he do? He carves his initial into the one thing he's always had, and he asks Clementine to do the same.
I'm sorry, how are we NOT more feral about this? Prior to this scene, the only thing we see carved into the piano, into Louis' heart, is an insult. This thing that Louis cares so deeply about, this instrument that's become so intertwined with who he is... he wants to leave his mark on it just in case he dies. A reminder that it was his and he belonged to it just as much. Something so important, and he asks Clementine to carve herself into his heart where no matter what, they will be immortalized together in this moment.
And when Clementine carves a heart around their initials? Yes, his reaction is very cute and that's great... but she's not ashamed of him, or her feelings for him. She wants everyone who looks upon his heart to know that. She tells him how she feels and Louis is so giddy, and warm, and he names the song after her and I am going to start biting anything that moves, I can't-
Oh, and let's discuss the party scene in episode three, shall we? Y'know, where the heart covered initials are on full display? Where Louis tells the story of why he was sent to Ericson to everyone?
Louis is so... vulnerable. Sincere. Ashamed of what he did. This is the exposed nerve, the one he was so afraid of showing Clementine but there it is... and she doesn't reject him. Sure, she can say it's fucked up if you choose to, but she doesn't break up with him over it.
Also the fact that everyone sitting around him finally listens when he's at his most unshielded only for Tenn to ask him to play Don't Be Afraid for them after...? How do you not see the connection? Are you trying to make me cry? In that moment, Louis' heart was heard and appreciated and beautiful and strong and-
Listen. I am fine. I'm so normal about this. And fine. I'm fine.
But I also have to add that during the walk in episode four, if you let Louis choose what to add to the imaginary house, he picks a brand new piano because he wants a new heart to reflect the confidence and growth Clementine helped him achieve and because he loves her and AJ so much that wants the new heart to not just be his but also theirs and I am so fine with this, okay.
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sketchyracoon · 7 months
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I'll admit it I watched Nimona and it changed my brain chemistry.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 3 months
So, that AU where Glamrock Freddy & the others forget Glamrock Bonnie, and vise versa? Well, I do have a couple of other things about it that I wanna say.
For Glamrock Bonnie, they don’t forget right away. It’s not much of a quick thing. As he’s stuck there, damaged, he starts realizing over time that they are forgetting as his condition in there gets worse.
He’s worrying, worrying so much, and then... one day, he does forget. Glam. Bon forgets everything due to the excessive damage—Glam. Fred and everything else. He’s still online for a little while longer after this.
Then, with Glamrock Freddy and the others... everything of the bunny has practically been stripped away that possibly can—not just all of their memories that happened to actually involve him.
One of the only things related to him that’s still around is Bonnie Bowl—that can’t really be gotten rid of. It sticks around, but so much else goes.
Like, Glamrock Bonnie plushies and everything else are gotten rid of you. You know Glam. Bon’s area in Ruin? That’s still technically there—but everything that was in it is gone.
Glamrock Freddy—or any of the others—could potentially have a tiny feeling of “Is something missing?” but they’d never know why—they’d never know what—who was truly missing.
Any of them may walk past Bonnie Bowl or something, but Glamrock Freddy doesn’t feel sad or anything... after all, he’s never known a Bonnie as far as he’s aware.
As for when the AU actually takes place, it’s set after Ruin... sort of a happy-ish ending? Cassie leaves the Pizza Plex with Roxy, Glamrock Chica, and Eclipse—and Glamrock Bonnie.
When she does manage to meet with Glam Fred, Vanessa, and Gregory, Glamrock Freddy is happy to see most of his friends—and excited to be supposedly meeting someone new.
So, while all staying with Vanessa, and most likely trying to help the others get fixed, the two are pretty quick to start hanging out.
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gayleafpool · 3 months
i think a big thing people get wrong w leafpool’s character is thinking her passivity comes from like fear or insecurity or being shy or something when really it comes from like. defeat. she’s been burned so many times so now she just accepts it there’s no point in fighting back
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pretty-toru · 1 year
Recently I've been thinking about how Gojo would introduce his non-sorcerer s/o who's completely unaware of cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcery about that part of his life. And he'd maybe start by explaining his blindfold or black-out sunglasses.
I'd like to think that he still sometimes forgets about the small things and shows up at your doorstep in his teacher's uniform paired with his blindfold after a tiresome day of work. You've never really seen him outside of his sunglasses and casual attire and Gojo has kept the details of his profession hidden from you for good reason. Now he's less careful about his appearance since he feels ready to reveal more about himself that's "otherworldly".
Besides, Gojo thinks that it's easier to break the news about how he's part of the Big Three Clans, inherited this special pair of Six Eyes, and he's the Strongest Sorcerer who exorcises curses for a living AFTER you've fallen so hopelessly in love with him that you'll choose to stay with him no matter. (You'd probably flat-out reject him if you knew from the beginning).
So when you answer the door doing a once over of a strange and tall man dressed in dark clothing with his eyes covered sporting a wide grin upon seeing you, you're almost wary as you keep the door open enough just to see out.
"...Can I help you?"
"I've had a long day, sweetheart. Aren't you going to let me in?"
"???" "Sorry? But who are you?"
"Ah, right right. Gimme one second." Gojo then removes the cloth obscuring his eyes and his soft white hair cascades over his forehead as he switches to his sunglasses and you suddenly realize that the stranger is indeed your boyfriend. "You know, I'm actually hurt you didn't recognize me because I'd know you anywhere, angel."
You're dumbfounded as you lower your guard and Gojo enters your apartment and places a kiss on your pretty lips, commenting about how something smells amazing and asks what's cooking for dinner while he unzips his outerwear and tosses it on your couch. But you're still dazed about what just happened and it felt too weird to simply gloss over the fact. "Hang on, aren't we going to talk about what just happened?"
"Hm? Talk about what?" Gojo feigns perfect innocence, making his sweet way to your cabinets and drawers to retrieve two plates and utensils after observing the table hadn't been set yet.
"Your blindfold? And what you're wearing?" Your hand is placed firmly on your hip with a skewed expression, gesturing the wooden spoon in your grip that was used to stir the pot of beef stew at him.
"It's my work uniform. The blindfold is part of it."
"I'm confused, I thought you were a teacher? How are you able to see in that?"
"I'll tell you all about it once I have some of your delicious food in me, okay hun?" Gojo's quick in his stride to set the dishes in their rightful places before he's gently cooing your suspicions away and leading you back into the kitchen with his hand on the small of your back. "C'mon I'll help you finish dinner then I'll answer your questions. I promise you."
You deflate with a sigh. "...Okay."
After enjoying dinner, Gojo helps you clear the table and with all the promises he makes to you he earnestly keeps. He's quite sure you'll come up with more questions than you already have as he's slowly but surely eases you into his world as a shaman — his way of telling you that he’s serious about you. Gojo loves and trusts you enough to reveal all the parts of himself to you in due time, and he can only hope that you'll wholeheartedly accept him in his entirety.
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voidlesscreator · 2 months
Reanimated AU
Band name - "Reanimated"
First drawing (drawn by both myself and @The_Art_Imp on Instagram).
Danny's stage persona "Crown Prince"
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
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tysm for 100 followers!! i decided to finally solidify my hermie designs and make a fun little reference sheet of sorts w all of them!
(update this is so old now and ive made quite a few changes to my hermie designs since this agkdj)
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rat-rosemary · 7 months
AAAAAAAA fuck, of course Apple struggles to see her fate as a bad thing, other then being groomed to love it, he villain is fucking RAVEN!
Briars villan is literally time, but Apple? Apple knows Raven, and all Raven has ever been is reliable and trustworthy and handworking and kind. Why would Apple ever be scared? Her villain is her friend who every single day chooses to the the most kind and gentle version of herself.
To Apple, she isn't getting tragically poisoned by an evil person, she's trusting her life and the start of her future to a dear friend who she knows won't make this painful
In Apple's eyes, this is a incredibly vulnerable moment that Raven is helping her through
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werepires · 2 years
Sooo insane about Dean and Cas realising they get to have without fear of losing
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tj-crochets · 4 months
The options with the * are the ones I've already scanned, and all but the blorbo are sewing patterns (I've already shared the blorbo sewing pattern)
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