#and so longggggggggggg
boyobjectifier · 2 years
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
researching my ballot late monday night like I'm a student cramming for an exam the night morning.
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brine-in-my-eyes · 1 year
i miss drawing my ocs </3
i can only wish i get to draw them again soon
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sparkerinparadise · 2 years
guys im going slightly crazy over here i need to [REDACTED]
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pepsifox88 · 5 months
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Me and my best friend hung out today at the mall and finished watching Teen Wolf (1985) After SOOOOOOOOOO LONGGGGGGGGGGGG we had it on hold since last year and today is the day we finally completed the long awaited paused film. We really enjoyed it LOLLLLLLL. I won't mention her real name for now but her online nickname/name is Quixie. She even made a lil Marty drawing for me which is super dope hahahaha. I made a Doc drawing for her the first time so in return she gave me Marty ! Since (Doc is her favourite character) & (Marty is my favourite character) it's also unique and funny because a lot of what Doc loves my best friend loves too and a lot of what Marty loves is what I dig as well !
Also I made a lil headshot doodle of Scott A WHILEEEEEEEEE back. Hope ya enjoy ! I'm thinking of drawing Stiles & Boof when I get the chance because I think their personalities are awesome hahaha
Cya in my next post folks and have a good one !
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🐁 and 🧛 for the ask game :>
I'm definitely a switch leaning to prey....,.,...... ,..,., being a pred is also cool though,,,,
My fave species are prob nagas and vampires, like imagine a vampire pred is like. Hungry for blood or something but can eat the prey without harming them to fulfill the hunger........... Nagas are also SO SO SO SO INTERESTING (cough cough Sebastian if he counts as a naga cough cough) I COULD RAMBLE ON SBT THEM FOR SO LONGGGGGGGGGGGG ÆEEEEEEEEEE
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
OKAY! Could I req Jenna Ortega x fem reader fic? Where reader and Jenna were bffs in all the way in school until after graduation. Where they had a big fight over Jenna always cancelling their already scarce hang outs, and if something comes just and needs to cancel at the last minute at least tell her. Over that they stop hanging out and R becomes a rising singer songwriter after releasing a song about the fall out. Then years later R is hired to write a song for a movie where Jenna has the main role. Jenna's super awkward with R (Defo still has a crush on R), while r is remaining professional. They slowly start talking again, and become close friends again. But after the movie's released r needs to move to _ for a acting role she got offered. They promised to keep in touch but that never happened. Then at the movies premiere they meet again since Jenna was invited. R's popularity rises super fast cuz of that movie and one day at an interview they ask R 'do you have a crush' and 'whose your ideal type'. R of course doesn't answer the first one but says Jenna is her Ideal type. Then r goes on a break from media and starts to work at a cafe. Where her and Jenna they meet again. Over a cup of coffee Jenna spills her feelings for R to her and they kiss and get together. After they star in a show together as lovers. And at the end they get asked 'The on screen chemistry is amazing! How did you do it?' And they just both smile. 1. Sorry for such a huge req and feel free to change things as you wish (Same with my other req's). Thank you so so much! And take your time with it! - N
Hi N!!
Again with the angst?!? so cruel. Love the happy ending tho :)
I'm sensing this will have to be a series or something otherwise its gonna be a longggggggggggg fic
It shall be lovely tho <3
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charmcoindied · 6 months
it's just all so so gross. i feel like everything in my life is fighting for my time and attention 24/7 and i don't know how to prioritize or delegate or balance any of it. everything feels important it's all just tugging at me on all sides and i don't feel like i'm capable of handling it at all. i need to go stand in a river for a longggggggggggg time
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lovelyyleilani · 1 year
I recently watched the new spiderman movie and here is my longggggggggggg review (yes it was 2 days ago I'm sorrryyyyy, I'm a busy, gorgeous girl for a living, so I didn't have the time to post it here too🩷)
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enjoy the word vomit!! 🩷
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niallermybabe · 10 months
Hi, welcome back. I just followed you recently because you seem so nice and kind and I was praying that you're doing better😌🍀🫶🫂
Nice to meet you ☺️👋
- @jackys-stuff-blog
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sholven · 1 year
You better a sinclair edit of the persona 3 mc to pair with demian ryoji
I accept.
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chloeworships · 5 months
Babes 😣
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I wanted to say the jacket was so crushed up and I asked the LORD why. He revealed to me that he was going to crush them. But also that this is concerning something from the past. A longggggggggggg time ago like a shirt that’s been in your drawer for awhile. Something needs to be ironed out.
Something from the past may resurface.
If someone has been secretly plotting against you, God is going to foil their plans as he mentioned to us before.
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Jah is what we Jamaican’s (specifically Rastafarian’s) call God. It’s wasn’t just the Israelites.
Recall this is when Moses meets God and asks him what is his name and he tells him Yahweh but when speaking to the people he should tell them he is the I AM.
The Lord showed me a letter from Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:18-21 about his rod.
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So babes God isn’t talking anymore. He is taking some kind of action. I feel as though there has been some injustice towards someone.
PS. I also wanted to say there are some misunderstandings and some confusion in some of y’all’s dealings. Please be mindful at this time of miscommunications that could lead to physical altercations.
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heich0e · 2 years
liv i hope u know i just finished my 3rd re-read of percolate and it never fails to have me crying in the club each time….its just so good. truly a masterpiece. i need it in physical book form asap. in another life i am rookie getting dicked down by levi’s grumpy, cigarette smoking, touched starved ass and i am loving it
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mooswords · 3 years
It’s all coming back
Pairing: semi eita x reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Tags: war au, minor character death (mentioned), angst
Ramblings: i think ive peaked with this fic. i also cried multiple times writing this but like... thats nothing new sklajsdbk. thank you to lyra for beta-ing and yelling about this with me every step of the way <3
The summer breeze sweeps through the valley, warm air bringing little relief from the afternoon sun. You can feel the sweat dripping in familiar discomfort down your back as you pull at the weeds invading your struggling potato crop. It’s mind-numbing work, but it has to be done. Anyway, you’re almost-
Your name is yelled, loud and panicked. Tsutomu’s stumbling form is running towards you. 
“There’s a man,” he pants. “There’s a man coming up the hill.”
“Is it Tadashi?”
“I don’t think it’s him. He-” Tsutomu throws a look over his shoulder, like he can see through the house and fences to remind himself what this man looks like. “He’s got a sword I think.”
“A soldier?” you breathe, the stone in your stomach dropping lower. Your shoulder aches. It’s still healing, a lingering reminder that soldiers are nothing but bad news. It’s been nearly a year since the war ended, but they like to ignore that fact. 
Through the summer haze, you can see a blurry figure trudging up the road winding up to the house. Even at this distance, you can tell it’s definitely not Tadashi.
“Kei and Hikota are further out," you tell him, eyes still set on the figure. "Go find them and stay in the barn together until I come and get you, OK?”
“Tsutomu. Go.”
The mystery figure is nearly at the house by the time you make it out the front door, shotgun in hand. Now you're closer you can see the ash-grey hair, the sword swinging at his hip. At this distance, you can also see the nervous smile on his face. Reluctantly, you lean the shotgun against the door jam.
He stops a few respectful paces away, and you let your eyes flit over him scornfully. “You’ve got guts, showing up here again.”
Semi winces. He knew not to expect a warm welcome, especially with how he left, but he hadn’t expected this. You don’t look the same as he remembers - more worn, more beaten down by the ebb and flow of life than he had hoped. There is a new assertiveness that you wear, still a few sizes too big for you to fill out properly but nonetheless folding strong and confident across your shoulders. It speaks to many years alone, being forced to grow up too quickly. 
He supposes that’s partially his fault though.
“What do you want?” you ask, chin tilted up. Defiant as always. He’s glad that hasn’t changed.
“I’m… the war’s over. I came home.”
“Home?” You sound incredulous, a mocking edge to your voice.
“Yes,” Semi says, uncertainty beginning to cloud his words. “To you.”
You scoff. It seems the years have gifted you with a certain bitterness; he can not fault you for it, but it still grates at his rose-tinted memories. You were never a particularly joyful child - joy wasn’t a luxury people like you and he could afford - but there was a hope he remembered, a desperate spark that you’d imbue into the stories you’d tell the younger kids. The woman in front of him today deals only in blunt, unsavoury realities.
“Home to me,” you repeat, nodding slowly. Your tone is less than impressed. “Tell me-” you cock your head, contempt in every move, “since when do you leave your home without even a goodbye?”
You can see the confusion in the furrow of his brow. How could he not know? 
“I’m sorry, I-” he shifts, looking less like a war-hardened soldier and more like the lanky 17-year-old you knew all those years ago. “I wasn't brave enough.”
“And yet you were brave enough to go fight in a war that's stretched on for years.” You bite your tongue, frustration welling up because you want to hug him forever but you also can’t let yourself slip up. He’s a soldier. He left. You have the younger kids to think about too, and you aren’t going to let him come in and destroy this family you have fought tooth and nail for. 
“You seem like you’re doing OK now.”
“Yeah, now,” you bite back. “I’m doing OK now because I survived long enough to get out of the city walls. Barely. You can’t just waltz back in here like you never left.”
“I had to go, they needed me.”
“They needed you?! What about Tsutomu?” 
He looks sheepish at that. Maybe you're finally getting through to him.
“He had you?” he tries.
Then again, how could he know? He may have seen horrors fighting for six long years, but Semi left before the city really began to fall apart. You have survived your own nightmares. Humanity is capable of more atrocities than just war. 
“Of course he had me, I wasn't going to abandon him after his own brother did.” It's a low blow, but you can't find it in yourself to care. “But that doesn’t erase the fact I was one girl! I was struggling to feed my own siblings let alone yours! Do you think young girls can find work in the city? Do you think I could protect all of the kids?” 
You’re shaking now, animated in your fury, and the words are pouring out faster and more uncontrolled than you had imagined. You have had six years to think of what you would say to Semi if he ever came home, but right now you can't remember a word of the carefully scathing speeches you had drafted in those long nights. This is far less elegant, nothing more than the messy sum of repressed emotions and long-forgotten promises.
“You left! When I needed you! You left me alone, just to-” you angrily smear your tears, jaw clenching, “-to go fight in some stupid war they already had thousands of men to fight.”
“You had the others, and I couldn’t just-”
The door behind you creaks.
“Go back to your siblings, Kei,” you say, not turning.
Semi’s eyes are pulled to the proud arch of a young boy’s head. For someone with dirt smeared across his cheek and a sun-bleached shirt, the kid holds himself with something akin to royal grace. Semi would be impressed if he didn’t recognise the faux bravado as the carefully cultivated shield it is. He used to wear the same brand of armour.
“You sure?” the boy asks, a well-worn aloofness in his tone that that shouldn’t belong to someone still so young. If life hasn’t been kind to you, it has been rougher for this kid.
“I’m sure.” You turn, finally, and Semi catches the edge of your smile. He wonders if it still pulls higher on one side like it used to. He wonders if you still remember that secret handshake you made him learn all those years ago, if you still love the sunflowers that used to grow in the upper circles of the city, if you still get that faraway look in your eye when you get lost in the labyrinth of your own mind.
It’s jarring, Semi thinks as he watches the final nasty look thrown his way before the boy disappears back into the doorway. The image these memories paint is so out of sync with the woman he sees before him now, and no amount of reminiscing will bring them back together.
“So… who’s he?”
Impassiveness slides back over your face, the momentary softness slipping out of sight. “His family has also been torn away by this war. We stick together because we have no one else. Not that it’s any of your business.”
“Come on, please,” Semi starts. This is not how he expected this reunion to go. He takes a tentative step forward. “I know you’re angry, but I truly never meant to hurt you. I just wanted to keep you and the kids safe.”
You don’t shake off his careful hand on your shoulder; you’re not sure you could. The fight is draining from your body, and as the anger recedes, you start to see him come into focus. The dusty bandage wrapped around his hand, the lines running deep around his eyes. Maybe you had survived your own nightmares, but you were a fool to think that made his any lighter.
“I’m sorry,” he says, pressing closer. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen to you, but I’d do it again. I’m sorry I had to leave you and the kids, but I don’t regret going to fight.”
“And I don’t hate you for wanting to fight,” you relent, finally meeting his eyes. They’re sadder now, yet he can’t help feel relieved that the animosity has drained away. 
You shrug, pained smile stuck awkwardly on your face. “But you still left us.”
Somehow, the lack of anger makes your words cut deeper. They have lost their accusing edge, replaced with a blunt resignation that makes his heartache. There’s resentment rallying in his stomach against your disappointment, and it mixes unpleasantly with the hope he had walked up to you with. 
“I said I’m sorry, didn’t I?” He can hear the annoyance leaking through, and from the line of tension that returns to your shoulders, so do you.
There’s a long moment, full of memories and chances long lost to history, where all you can feel is the inevitable beginnings of a new battle. The lamentable reality is that you were never taught how to back down from a challenge; to do so would just send you reeling back down to the bottom of the hard-won steps you had already taken. But haven’t you fought enough? Haven’t you fought your past enough, must you now fight him too? 
“You can say sorry all you like, it doesn’t change the past.” Your voice comes out more resigned, less annoyed than you had wanted. 
“Why are you so set on the past?” he demands, frustration tearing through the thin blanket of peace that had settled. “I’m here now, trying to make amends and you-”
“I don’t care what’s happening now, I want answers for what happened back then! Why didn’t you trust me?”
“Of course I trusted you, I- I just…” he throws his hands up, pacing a few steps away. “It was something I needed to do. Talking to you wasn’t going to change that.”
“Oh, so I didn’t matter then?” you say, lips pressed together painfully. It’s a wet anger; blurry eyes and choked voice. You had stared down more fearsome men than Semi Eita without a tremble, but his long-forgotten familiarity somehow makes this so much harder. “My opinion didn’t matter, my life didn’t-”
“Don’t be stupid, of course you mattered! Why do you think I left, huh? You and Tsutomu matter more than anything else-”
“Well that’s not what it seemed like to me and Tsutomu!” you yell back, sick to your stomach. “One day you were here, and the next you were gone! No warning, no nothing! Tsutomu was ten, Semi. TEN.” 
He hadn’t been there to see the pieces of your life shatter apart, to see Tsutomu look so confused, to hear him ask, so quiet and ashamed, if it was his fault his brother left. He hadn’t been there to see you patch your family back together with tape you couldn’t even afford and promises you literally bled to uphold.
“I was fighting to protect you-”
“You left us for dead.”
“You would be dead if they had reached the city! What was I supposed to do? Sit back and let others die for me while I did nothing?”
You huff, dragging a hand over your eyes. Your shoulder aches. “So you thought the military needed one extra person? One extra body, that’s all it took to win the war?”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he groans.
“Do I?” you fire back, leaning forward into his personal space. “Do I know? Because I was of the understanding we were a team, and then you left without a word!”
He can tell from your face you are just as frustrated at this conversation going in circles as he is. And he knows you have a point - he did leave without saying anything, and it’s a guilt that still weighs on him. But in his core, he knows he is right too. Why shouldn’t he want to defend his home? Why shouldn’t he have gone? 
“I did what I had to protect you and the kids.” His voice drops into a low anger that holds more fury than any scream could. “I’m not going to apologise for wanting to protect what I love, no matter if you appreciate it or not.”
Your eyes dart between his, narrowed and searching. There’s definitely more underlying those words, years of unspoken almosts that had to be forgotten. Even just saying that much dredges up old memories he thought long gone, lost to time and unfortunate circumstance. 
“I’d appreciate not being left alone to feed-”
“Stop being dramatic, you weren’t alone. The kids are smart, and W-”
“They were literally kids!" you flare, tongue cutting with scorn sharper than any blade he's faced. "What, you wanted me to let Yachi go work in the factories? Let Tsutomu go fight in the pits? We both know that would have been a death sentence.”
“You had Wakatoshi, and-”
“Wakatoshi died!” 
Semi has been stabbed before. It’s a strange sensation; if there’s enough adrenalin flooding your veins, it almost feels like nothing more than a poke. But slowly, a creeping realization will set in as the wetness of your shirt becomes too much to ignore and your eyes are drawn irrevocably down. It’s only then the pain will hit you.
This doesn’t feel like that. This is immediate pain, your words splattering sharp and bright across his chest. He stutters back a step, breaths coming in short and shallow bursts.
“What… who...”
Your lips are pressed together, face turned away from him. The breath you pull in is shaky, and when you meet his eyes, they’re apologetic and guilty.
“The… the town guard caught Tsutomu trying to pocket medicine for me, and they were going to take him but Wakatoshi stepped in and it all happened so fast I…” a breathy sigh escapes you, right on the cusp of a sob. “I’m so sorry Eita, I didn’t mean to tell you like that.”
It’s not OK. Wakatoshi has been a reliable fixture in Semi’s life for years, unshakable through everything. His certainty was something Semi had always admired. And despite his severity, there was a gentleness to his composure - lifting the kids up onto his shoulders during the rare parades or quietly teaching them how to play knucklebones. It’s unthinkable, for Semi to have survived this war but Wakatoshi to not.
“I’m OK,” he says. 
The quiet hand you lay on his arm doesn’t help, only serving to remind him that you lost Wakatoshi too. And maybe he lost you a long time ago too. Just one more thing to add to the never-ending list of all he’s lost to this war.
Semi can only laugh, a bitter, broken sound that echoes in his own ears. It’s an ugly thing; to fight and bleed and sacrifice for a country that has never done anything for you, only to come home and be slapped with everything else that’s slipped away in the process. Of course his selflessness would be repaid in frayed relationships and lost friends.
“I’m OK,” he repeats, because he needs it to be true this time.
“Are you?” you ask, concern slipping in under the blunt question. He wants to laugh again. You always have asked the hard questions. 
Your hand slides up to cup his cheek, palm rough but touch gentle against his skin, and he leans into it rather than answer. With his eyes closed, for just this moment, he can almost believe reality isn’t quite as bleak as it actually is. 
When he opens them your head is tilted, looking up at him with exhausted but understanding eyes. Sighing, your head falls forward to knock against his chest. You shoulders slump, and he slowly reaches around to grasp the back of your shirt. It’s still messy between you, and he knows this is only the beginning of a long road back to the trust you shared before. 
Yet as your arms come up to wrap around him too, he thinks maybe there’s hope for him. 
“I missed you,” you whisper into his shirt.
Maybe even hope for you and him. It might not ever be the same, but that is a battle to be faced later. 
For now, he finally lets the tears come. For Wakatoshi. For everything he went through, for everything he put you and Tsutomu through. For the simple relief of not having to fight anymore.
He feels your arms tighten around his waist. 
“It’s OK,” you tell him, and he thinks, someday, he might just believe you.
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jackalramirez · 2 years
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why does shading take so long :(
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scootsaboot · 3 years
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A Demon Slayer AU for josuyasu that i have poured way too many hours into check it out if u are so inclined
blue moon wisteria
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