#and some of the panels suffered immensely and i just want to fix them
zocchini37 · 6 months
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They're everything to me
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tsarisfanfiction · 5 years
Wax and Feathers
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rated: Gen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family Characters: Scott, Gordon, Virgil, John, Tracy family
Sometimes limits need to be broken. But a limit is there for a reason, and breaking them has consequences. Episode tag for 3.20 "Icarus"
It was fact that everything had a limit. No matter who, or what, there came a point when they just couldn't push any further. This was even true for International Rescue.
Scott liked to pretend it wasn't. Acknowledging limits felt like giving up, but when Thunderbird Two went underwater, or into space, and barely survived the experiences, or Five's immensely strong structure cracked under too much gravity, those limits almost took the lives of his brothers. So, as much as he hated them, he couldn't quite ignore the fact that limits existed.
Thunderbird One was the fastest aircraft in existence. The idea that speed could ever be an issue for her was ludicrous. Her full capability was rarely exercised, unnecessary in all but the direst conditions and, as John was fond of saying, everything Brains designed had a huge safety margin. Even her limit wasn't really her limit; Scott had never tried to push her more out of respect for his father's impressive record than anything else. He didn't want to know if he could beat it. Not without his Dad watching, anyway.
Something was wrong. Experienced pilot, more or less one with his Thunderbird from so many flight hours together, Scott knew the moment he engaged the VTOL to leave the air show and head for home that Thunderbird One wasn't going to make it back without considerable skill and a healthy dose of luck. The noise of her engines was just off kilter to usual, a change that he could feel more than hear it was so subtle.
Subtle, but there. The controls weren't one with him. For the first time in a long time, Scott actually had to dedicate conscious thought to them, counting carefully the beats before the next shift to account for the airspeed. Ever his Thunderbird, One worked as closely with him as she could, responding to his touches, but it was impossible to fall into her usual rhythm.
He ignored the hologram of his brother appearing in his line of vision, focusing on the readouts flickering up instead and not even daring to spare the time to swipe the floating image away.
Mach 1.3 seemed to be the sweet spot, Thunderbird One purring along almost as though nothing was wrong, but it was tough to keep her at exactly that speed without autopilot – and with something seriously wrong somewhere in her engines, Scott refused to trust autopilot.
"Thunderbird One, respond!"
John barked in that tone that meant answer me or I'll take control of your Thunderbird. Anyone else taking control of One right now would be disaster. Scott responded.
Short, curt. Uncharacteristically so, even for him at his most stressed.
"Thunderbird One's flight pattern is erratic. Are you okay?" His brother sounded worried. Scott didn't have the concentration to spare on reassuring him.
"You don't sound fine."
Scott ignored him as Thunderbird One shuddered. Whatever was wrong in her engine wasn't fixing itself, and instead seemed to be worsening steadily. He was still several hundred miles from base.
Gritting his teeth, he slowed to sub-sonic flight. At least now if she crashed, he had a chance of walking away from it.
"Scott what's going on?" Virgil's hologram appeared beside John's. Gordon quickly flickered into life to complete the trio of concerned looks. "Why have you dropped speed? Did something happen?"
"We're ahead of you, slow poke," Gordon chimed in. "Feel like doing the dishes for once?"
"Gordon!" Virgil snapped. "Scott, speed up or I'm turning around."
He opened his mouth to protest, instinct rebelling at the notion of his brothers coming back to help him, before common sense prevailed. Thunderbird One was deteriorating too quickly. Either he landed her now, while he was over land, or he would get an unwelcome swim somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.
Thunderbird One had hit her limit. She wouldn't make it back.
"John," he said. "Somewhere remote I can land. Now."
"Scott?" Virgil asked, but John's F.A.B cut across him. Scott gritted his teeth as Thunderbird One juddered again, more fiercely this time. Alarms began to wail, belatedly telling him something was wrong with his 'bird.
"Scott, what's going on?" Virgil demanded.
John was still silent, hopefully calculating somewhere he could land with minimal damage and audience.
"I don't know," he lied. "Some sort of engine trouble."
He knew exactly what had happened. Thunderbird One's operating limit was Mach 19. Her top speed was Mach 20. In pursuing Icarus, he'd pushed her past Mach 21.
His brothers thought he'd stuck to Mach 19, closed in using Kayo's flight path, and not sped up past that until he'd hooked Icarus, at which point he was being effectively towed so the only strain was on the tow cable.
At their comparative speeds, the sudden strain from a craft going Mach 19 latching onto a craft reaching Mach 22 would have torn both ships apart. A difference of Mach 3 was no small feat. In order to keep both intact – and consequently both pilots alive – Thunderbird One had had to attempt to match speed. It hadn't gone perfectly, still enough of a difference that the ships had threatened to tear apart, but he'd caught her and slowed Icarus down at least for a while.
"Sending co-ordinates now," John told him, and Scott glanced up at the new destination as they flashed up, making the adjustments to his course. Dimly, he could hear the lower roar of Two's engines over the sound of One's struggling and despite himself relaxed slightly. The sound of a Thunderbird really was the sweetest thing to hear when in trouble.
It was not his best landing, not by a long shot. He tried to set her down gently, feather-light as usual, but the various small shifts in the engine power required to land a supersonic jet proved to be the final straw for his poor, damaged 'bird. With a concerning snap from somewhere behind him, the engines cut out entirely just before the landing struts engaged and she ploughed, nose-first, into the dirt.
"Scott!" a chorus of brothers' voices sounded, and he groaned, straightening up and bringing a hand to his head. No whiplash, hopefully no concussion either he self-diagnosed as he pushed the restraints up and rolled his shoulders. There was sure to be some bruising from that, but nothing worse.
"Thunderbird One, respond!" John snapped as One shuddered in the familiar way that meant her sister was landing right next to her.
"Scott!" Gordon's voice sounded through the comms in stereo with a faint noise from outside One.
"I'm okay," he told them both, fumbling for the emergency override and opening the cockpit. Gordon leapt in before he could get out, pushing him back into his seat.
"We're gonna be the judges of that," his younger brother told him. "Seriously, what the hell happened?" Scott suffered through the brief medical exam, lengthened by the arrival of Virgil who promptly took over from Gordon and did it all again. It spoke volumes of how worried they were that Gordon didn't protest that he'd done it already.
"She couldn't quite hold long enough," Scott admitted. "Something in her engine's broken." He tried to stand, itching to go and see the damage for himself, but his brothers stopped him.
"I'll check the damage," Virgil said, stepping back. "You and that concussion of yours are staying right there until I get back."
"What concussion?" Scott demanded, then flinched as Gordon's gloved hand brushed against the back of his head.
"That one," his blond brother told him. "Why didn't you put your helmet on?"
"Wasn't time," he defended himself. Gordon raised an eyebrow.
"If I could get mine on with a volcano landing on top of me, you could have got yours on when you knew there was a problem." Scott flinched, mind flickering back to the nightmarish sight of the crumpled Thunderbird Four and her limp aquanaut as Penelope pulled him out of the wreckage.
There went any chance of sleep tonight.
He was saved from having to reply by Virgil's reappearance. The dark-haired Tracy looked grim.
"She's not flying anywhere," he declared bluntly. "Her main engine core's completely burnt out. Two'll have to carry her back." Scott had feared as such.
"But Two's already got a full load," Gordon pointed out. "She can't carry One and Four at the same time."
"I'll just have to drop Four off then come back," Virgil sighed. "Gordon, wait here with Scott. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. I won't be long."
Scott bristled at the implication he might try and get her airborne again. He wanted her home in one piece, and he knew the only way that would happen was by the grace of Virgil and Two now.
The behemoth in question lifted away from the ground slowly, only to engage her thrusters to full as soon as she was fully in the air and disappear off in the blink of an eye. It was easy to forget that although she was sluggish compared to One, Two was still an incredibly fast craft. And Virgil wasn't hanging around.
He went to stand up again, and growled at Gordon as his younger brother put a restraining hand on his shoulder.
"You've got a concussion, Scott," the aquanaut reminded him.
"So you've said," he retorted. "But concussion or not, I'm getting out of this chair and seeing the damage for myself so get out of the way."
Gordon did not get out of the way. But he did, after a moment, remove the hand from his shoulder and offer it instead. Scott tried to deny that he appreciated the help as the interior of his beloved ship swam slightly before his eyes.
"You'll be riding back in Two anyway," the blond menace shrugged. Scott ignored him as he stumbled his way down through the fuselage to the main engine. The internal access panel was still open from Virgil's investigation, and immediately he could see why Virgil hadn't been gone long.
Burnt out was a rather understated way to describe the charred lump of metal that had once housed the engine core, and his engineer brother hadn't even bothered to mention the relay. It was sheered clean in half – clearly the snap he'd heard as his 'bird had fallen the last few metres from the sky. No doubt her other engines were in a similar condition.
Virgil was right. There was no way Thunderbird One would be able to get back in the air under her own power.
"Brains is going to kill me," he groaned, pressing a hand to his face.
"Join the club, bro," Gordon chimed in, before giving off a low whistle. "Woah, how the hell did that even happen?" Scott shrugged, unwilling to admit that Thunderbird One had gone too fast.
"Scott," John buzzed in from his comms channel. "I just reviewed Thunderbird One's flight telemetry. What were you doing at Mach 21.7?"
"Catching a plane," he said, overriding Gordon's yelp of "Mach what?
"No wonder her engines are fried!" the aquanaut continued. "Thunderbird One's top speed is Mach 19. Nine. Teen."
"Technically that's her operating limit," Scott corrected. "Her top speed is Mach 20."
"Mach twenty one, Scott. Twenty one is higher than twenty. My point still stands."
"Point seven," John corrected Gordon. "He reached Mach twenty one point seven."
"That's even worse!" Gordon cried dramatically, hands in his hair. "What even possessed you to do that?"
"We had to catch the Icarus," Scott reminded him, even though his gut churned as he remembered that despite pushing Thunderbird One into this state, he'd still failed. The success story had been the combination of Two and Three. Wrecking his Thunderbird with nothing to even show for it gnawed at his mind unpleasantly.
He heard Gordon sigh and a hand returned to his shoulder.
"Come on, let's go outside."
He didn't move, staring into the depths of his 'bird and the carnage of her engines. She was going to be grounded for weeks with that much damage while Brains repaired her.
But Brains was working on the T-Drive engine.
He sank down to the floor, one hand blindly reaching out to trace the cool metal of her hull as he did so.
Brains would have to stop working on the T-Drive to repair her. They didn't have time for petty delays yet he'd gone and wrecked his Thunderbird without even a success story to excuse the damage and subsequently put a huge dent in their too tight time frame.
Unless he told Brains to leave her, keep Thunderbird One crippled until the Zero-X was complete and Dad was home. But International Rescue needed her.
The Zero-X or Thunderbird One.
Unbidden, bile built up in his throat, catching him off guard as he retched.
"Geez, Scott." Gordon's voice was softer now, and his hands were gentle even as they hauled him to his feet. "That concussion's not happy with you, is it? Let's get you outside." Drained, too burdened by the realisation that he would have to choose between two equally important craft to have any fight left, Scott let himself be led out of his 'bird's cargo bay door.
Gordon guided him to her nose cone, splattered with dirt and streaks of silver cutting through the red where the impact had damaged it, and coaxed him into sitting on the ground with his back leaning against his downed Thunderbird.
"Stay there," he said before disappearing back inside One. Scott watched him go, looking down the long silver fuselage of the plane to the blue stripe around her engines. From the outside, there was no sign of the wreckage. A slightly scratched nose cone and the lack of her landing gear out were the only signs that she hadn't simply landed there.
"Here." Gordon reappeared seconds after vanishing, holding something that glinted in the sun in his hands. "You're trembling," his younger brother explained as the foil blanket wrapped around him. "Nothing to be done about the concussion, though." He sat down next to him, slinging an arm around Scott's shoulders lightly. "She'll be okay. Brains'll fix her up, better than new."
"Brains is working on the T-Drive engine," Scott reminded him. "He doesn't have time to fix her."
"Then we'll fix her," Gordon said matter-of-factly. "You, me, Virgil, Alan. Well, mainly Virgil. Just like we fixed Two up after her little swimming adventures."
Thunderbird Two's damage had been nowhere near as severe as this.
"It'll be okay, Scott," his brother continued. The arm around his shoulders tightened slightly. "We'll save him."
That was his line, to be recited to younger brothers whenever they needed it. Not for them to recite back to him.
It was comforting to hear.
"Yeah," he said as the roar of Two's engines came into earshot, the green behemoth appearing as quickly as she'd vanished. "We will."
"Budge over," Virgil ordered, their comms crackling back to life in unison and with no ceremony. "I'm going to land on top of her and I don't feel like explaining to Grandma why two of my brothers are fried worse than her cooking."
"I'd pay to see you tell her her cooking is bad to her face," Gordon retorted, but he was already on his feet and pulling Scott up with him. Together they backed up, Scott knowing exactly how far was safe and reluctant to get any further from Thunderbird One than required. Gordon pulled him back a little more.
"You couldn't afford it," Virgil scoffed as he positioned his 'bird over her sister. Without a module, she looked flimsier than usual, even though Scott knew she could lift greater weight without one. "Why is Scott in a foil blanket?"
"You said to make sure he didn't do anything stupid," Gordon chirped, a huge grin on his face. "So I make sure he couldn't."
"Resourceful," Virgil commented approvingly. Scott scowled, even though he knew Gordon was lying – or at least, partially lying. He wouldn't put it past his prankster brother to have had multiple reasons for bringing out the blanket. Two's landing struts deployed to their full extent and Scott watched with rigid shoulders as they came down either side of his 'bird, the rear pair barely missing her extended wings.
Thunderbird Two wasn't strictly designed to land on her fully-extended struts, but Virgil made it look easy as she settled daintily over her sister. The grapples fired down and Gordon ran over to secure them. Contained in foil, Scott could do nothing but watch as his younger brothers secured the two craft together. It looked terrifyingly flimsy, four relatively thin cables trailing down from the walls of Thunderbird Two's module bay the only links, but Scott knew that it would hold. Brains put safety first, and in a gift of forethought and paranoia had installed specific places on Thunderbird One's hull for just such an eventuality. She was far better secured to her sister than any other craft could ever be.
Once all three brothers were satisfied, Scott unable to resist joining Gordon if only to instruct ("I know, Scott!"), Thunderbird Two's platform lowered. Mild concussion or not, Scott refused to be treated as a rescuee and won the argument over whether or not he could grapple up to the platform by himself. That didn't stop Virgil from manhandling him into the nearest seat – usually Alan's, directly behind the pilot – while Gordon slid triumphantly into the co-pilot's seat, which was technically Scott's right as commander, but his brothers were clearly having none of it.
"You sit back and call Tracy Island," Virgil told him when he tried to resist. "Kayo's having kittens about what could have brought One down under her watch and Alan's not much better. Now shut up and let me get your 'bird home in one piece."
Scott scowled, fighting his way out of the foil blanket before tapping his comm unit. Beneath him, Two's powerful VTOLs roared into life, straining for a moment before they began to gain altitude.
"Scott!" Alan's voice burst out of his communicator, the small hologram appearing above his wrist. "Are you okay? What happened? Did you crash? Virgil didn't say much."
"I'm fine, Alan," he cut in, silencing his youngest brother's babble. "One's engines gave out, that's all."
"What happened, Scott Tracy." Kayo flickered into view, pushing Alan aside as she scowled at him, eyes sparking dangerously. "Thunderbird One performed just fine during the air show, and no-one unauthorised got near her at any point."
Scott gritted his teeth for a moment before letting out a sigh. His head throbbed and his shoulders ached – reminders that no matter how lucky he'd been, it had still been a crash landing.
"It's nothing to worry about," he told her, conscious that Virgil was listening in from the seat in front of him. Gordon was tapping his own flight controls, already aware of the cause thanks to John earlier and hopefully on standby to prevent any erratic flying from Virgil. Kayo opened her mouth, clearly about to protest that it was clearly something to worry about if it could take a Thunderbird out of the sky straight after a public event. "Catching the Icarus just put too much strain on the engines."
"Mach 19 should not have strained Thunderbird One's engines like that," Kayo disagreed. Scott winced, and her hologram's eyes narrowed. "Scott?"
"Mach 21.7," Gordon interrupted, and Scott shot him a glare as Thunderbird Two dipped slightly. His brother had firm hold of Two's flight controls, which was fortunate as Virgil whipped around to stare at Scott incredulously.
"Excuse me?" Kayo asked, taken aback. "Thunderbird One's operational limit is Mach 19. Even taking into consideration Brains' safety limits, she can't exceed Mach 20."
Control of the conversation was slipping away – if he'd ever had it – and Scott wanted it back.
"Well she did," he snapped.
"And murdered her own engines in the process," Virgil retorted, regaining flight control from Gordon. "Good job."
"But you're okay, right?" Alan piped up again, shoving Kayo back out of view. Blue eyes, washed out slightly in hologram form, looked up at him in concern, and Scott softened.
"I'm okay, little brother."
Alan's worried look gave way to one of relief, and Scott was content to sit back and let him talk, revisiting his part of the rescue – the successful bit, his brain muttered mutinously – and all the fun he had at the show when they weren't saving Professor Kwark. Virgil kept sending him disapproving looks over his shoulder, which he studiously ignored.
"Tracy Island, this is Thunderbird Two." Virgil cut through Alan's retelling of how he swept up Professor Kwark from the remains of the Icarus for the fifth time. "On final approach now. Alan, Kayo, get ready."
Scott's communicator blinked out.
He looked out of the window to see their home looming in the distance, growing by the moment. Two's palm trees were folded back already, a blob of green sitting on the runway. Gordon made a strangled noise of protest.
"Did you just dump Four?" he demanded of Virgil, who raised an eyebrow at him.
"Two can't enter or leave her hanger without a module," he reminded him. "That's where her wheels are."
"Point," Gordon conceded with a shrug.
"Now go get ready to unhook One," Virgil ordered, and with a cheeky salute Gordon headed to the rear of the cockpit. "Scott, you are not leaving that seat until Two is back in her hanger."
"She's my 'bird," Scott retorted, standing up. Gordon pushed him back down and before he knew it the foil blanket had been wrapped back around him and the safety belt fastened over the top of it. "Gordon!"
"Concussions don't go away that fast, bro. Don't worry, I'll take care of your 'bird." Scott groaned and let his head fall back, wincing as the headrest made contact with the source of his headache.
"Good thinking with that blanket," Virgil told Gordon. "We should use it more often."
"You should not," Scott snapped, but went ignored as Virgil turned his attention back to their approach and Gordon got ready to rappel out of the hatch.
Two pods trailed out of Two's hangar, set up as landing gear cradles. Scott watched them vanish underneath Two's bulk and a moment later Virgil opened the hatch for Gordon to disappear out of.
The operation began. Scott listened as his three brothers and Kayo co-ordinated the two pods and Thunderbird Two to get One nestled safely on the landing gear and had to bite his lip to prevent himself cutting in. Unable to even see the holographic display Virgil was referencing clearly, he was stuck waiting, and dwelling.
Scott did not do waiting or dwelling well. Never had done, and now so much was weighing down on him at once, it was even worse. Gordon's words had helped, but they couldn't clear all of the worries away. He'd been useless – worse than useless, now an actual detriment to International Rescue – in trying to save Professor Kwark, and now he was useless in even getting his crippled Thunderbird home.
What was he even doing?
Two's engines increased their thrust, pushing the behemoth back into the sky. Below, the two pods carefully manoeuvred back into the hanger, carrying Thunderbird One.
"Still with us, Scott?" Virgil asked as he brought his 'bird down over module four, finally bringing Gordon's beloved sub into the hangar.
"Yeah," Scott grunted, watching as Thunderbird Two finally came to a halt. "I'm fine."
"No you're not," Virgil corrected him, flicking through post-flight checks rapidly. "Your Thunderbird fell out of the sky and you have a concussion. You're not fine, Scott, and none of us expect you to be."
"I'm fine," he snapped.
Virgil sighed heavily and stood up, smoothly stepping around his chair to stand in front of him.
"Come on, big brother," he huffed, releasing the safety belt. "Let's get you in the house."
They were all waiting for him when the platform lowered, Virgil's arm firmly around his shoulders and keeping the foil blanket in place despite his efforts to dislodge it. Alan barely waited for him to step off of it before tackling him into a hug, while Gordon sauntered over at a more leisurely pace to slip his arm around his shoulders from the opposite side to Virgil. Kayo's arms remained firmly crossed but her eyes were soft, and even John was there, standing next to Brains and looking as though he'd come Earthside in a hurry. Grandma wrapped her arms around as many of them as she could reach.
"What-" he started, wondering what had prompted the sudden family gathering in Two's hangar.
"Don't you scare us like that, young man," Grandma overrode him briskly, squeezing tighter before letting them go. "Now, let's get you upstairs."
"I-I'll get started o-on the repairs," Brains excused himself, and Scott's mouth fell open.
"What?" he demanded. "But the T-Drive-"
"Dad wouldn't want us to prioritise him over International Rescue," John overrode him quietly. "Thunderbird One takes priority. You know this, Scott."
He grit his teeth, wishing he could refute what his brother was saying, but John had the annoying habit of always being right.
"EOS and I will continue calculations for the T-Drive," John continued. "This isn't a setback, Scott."
"It shouldn't have happened at all," Scott spat. "It didn't even help."
"Stop talking nonsense," Grandma scolded, hands on her hips as steely eyes glared up at him. "You might not have saved her by yourself, but that isn't Thunderbird One's role. Thunderbird One brings hope, and you, young man, brought the Professor hope that she would be saved. Don't you forget it."
She reached out and rested a hand on his cheek, breaking into a smile.
"Besides, your father would be delighted that you broke his record."
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The Not-So-Amazing Mary Jane Part 5: The Return of Mysterio
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We finish off our coverage of Mysterio’s history by bringing us up to date. We will also be covering more MJ centric events as we set up for AMJ #1.
Welcome to the 2010s!
Beck’s Back Baby!
Marvel truly brought the original Mysterio back in early 2010 as part of the overarching ‘Gauntlet’ event running through Brand New Day. However, later retcons from the ‘Spider-Men’ mini-series revealed he’d actually been back even earlier than that. He simply opted to concentrate his efforts on Earth 1610/the Ultimate Universe.
Because I do not want to go through the agony of refreshing my memory of BND or Slott’s run I shall instead simply take note of one significant event Mysterio participated in during the latter.
In the ‘Ends of the Earth’ arc (ASM #682-687) Mysterio was knowingly complicit in Doc Ock’s scheme to seemingly fix global warming. In reality it was the dying doctor’s goal to mass murder half the planet so that he’d be immortalized in the minds of the survivors as worse than Hitler.
Long story short, Otto planned to use space tech to manipulate the sun’s rays and direct them at whatever areas of the Earth he chose. In effect he could heat up or cool down whatever areas of the planet he wished.
It all kicked off in ASM #682 when Otto used his weapon to target half the world and heat it up. Known areas affected included New York City, Illinois, Rio De Janeiro and Ontario. The art depicts animals suffering or dying along with masses of people enduring severe pain and with some passing out; presumably from serious heat stroke.
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Ock claimed this was merely a demonstration of what the real life effects of global warming would be. His intent was merely to shock people into accepting his solution of using this same technology to resolve the climate crisis. However, even if he were sincere (which he absolutely wasn’t) he still would’ve caused a lot of unnecessary harm to up to 3.5 billion people and many more animals and wildlife.
Sure, this is all Ock’s scheme and none of the Sinister Six seemed to know his true intent. But his initial demonstration was still sadistic and harmful even if no one died (which is frankly contrived and ridiculous). Mysterio still went along with it, and as ASM #684-685 proved it was for purely selfish reasons. As payment for ending global warming Otto wanted to have the Sinister Six’s criminal records expunged and $2 billion paid to each of them.
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Granted later (for equally selfish reasons) Beck switched sides. But that still demonstrates what a bad person he ultimately was.
The thing to bear in mind is that this was all highly public. EVERYONE on Earth knew about this and MJ was depicted on panel as a witness among the billions of onlookers. So she knows Mysterio only helped save the world out of selfishness and was willing to harm billions of people out of similar selfishness.
One last time skip brings us to the home stretch; Nick Spencer’s run on ASM.
In the first issue of Spencer’s run we learn that Mysterio has fabricated a highly believable alien invasion (chiefly utilizing practical effects) at the heart of town.
Daredevil, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy are among the heroes who’ve assembled to deal with the crisis. Beck’s effects are so convincing that he has all of them fooled and thus unable to resolve the situation. That’s pretty impressive when you consider that between them they’ve got immense intelligence, scanning technology and hyper senses.
This is yet further proof of just how skilful a trickster Mysterio is.
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Peter defeats Beck but almost dies in the attempt.
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Prompted by his experiences that night and by Mysterio’s own words, Peter sought out MJ.
Upon finding her he relayed (without specifying details) how he almost died earlier and how this put things into perspective for him. The end result of their talk is that he and MJ finally reconcile.
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In the last instalment I spoke about how Peter clearly keeps MJ abreast of most of his super heroics; or at least did when they were married.
Let’s bear that in mind as we consider this specific situation
After years of separation and false starts at reconciliation, the magic has finally been rekindled between them.
It happened the very same night as, and in direct response to, an event involving Mysterio.
An event we already know Peter mentioned to MJ without specifying details.
An event that involved a deliberately public staging of an alien invasion at the heart of Manhattan! An invasion that involved the Avengers no less! And one of whom (Iron Man) MJ worked for until very recently.
Whether that night or soon thereafter it is extremely likely Mary Jane would’ve learned that Mysterio was behind the event in question.
Peter would’ve told her. It beguiles beliefs that he would’ve done otherwise. In the seminal ‘Kraven’s Last Hunt’ storyline Peter was completely missing for two weeks, buried alive by Kraven the Hunter. Within hours of crawling out of the ground Peter reunited with Mary Jane and the dialogue clearly conveys that he informed her what happened off-panel.
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Furthermore, in the one shot ‘Soul of the Hunter’ Peter deals with some of the aftermath from ‘Kraven’s Last Hunt’. Specifically he believes he has seen Kraven the Hunter’s ghost. After this encounter Peter’s told MJ what happened, further proving my point. However, his dialogue also implies he regularly confides in her or feels obliged to be honest with her.
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Additionally, as discussed last time, off-panel he obviously must’ve told MJ that he confirmed Mysterio’s death.
For the sake of argument though let’s say Peter didn’t elaborate. That being the case, then Mary Jane would’ve likely asked for a little more information.
Peter’s nearly died countless times before and during their separation. But on this specific occasion he was prompted to seek her out. Why? What was so special about this time?
Let’s remember MJ has studied psychology and worked as an actress, both of which entail a healthy dose of inquisitiveness.*
She also has a knack for getting in Peter’s head. This fact was stated and demonstrated as far back as Spec #85 (if not earlier).
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Another example of this skill can be found in the ‘Soul of the Hunter’ one shot. In this story MJ recognizes Peter’s guilt and trauma over what Kraven did to him and the hunter’s consequent suicide.
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In her younger days MJ also had a curiosity regarding Peter after she initially learned he was Spider-Man. In Untold Tales of Spider-Man #16 displayed this acutely, depicting MJ even following Spidey on one of his adventures.
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More poignantly let’s put ourselves in MJ’s shoes for the moment.
The love of your life just randomly showed up at your home, proclaimed they nearly died and now wants to get back together after years apart.
Wouldn’t you  want some more details? Wouldn’t scepticism or basic curiosity or concern lead you to discover more?
But let’s severely stretch the suspensions of disbelief. Let’s say that at no point did she nor Peter talk about what led to their reconciliation. Even accepting that, surely Mary Jane would’ve heard about Mysterio’s involvement.
Super powered people are hot news in general. Peter for example was able to reliably make money from selling Spider-Man photos for years. In Mysterio’s case, he was one of the few costumed criminals who actively designed his look and schemes to be attention grabbing. It was pivotal to his plan back in ASM #13 and his entire life has been built around a desire to put on a show and be centre stage.
More importantly, the sheer scale of his crime and the number of heroes involved in combatting it (which included ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’) would’ve been serious news. It would’ve been covered by pretty much any news service Mary Jane cared to consult. That’s not even mentioning just general conversation occurring around MJ during her daily routine.
Basically osmosis would ensure MJ learned of Mysterio’s involvement.
That’d be especially true considering he is a villain she, her lover, her friends and her family have had direct dealings with. If it were Moses Magnum she’d have still found out about it. But to say she would’ve remained in the dark when it was specifically one of Peter’s enemies is ridiculous.
Within MJ’s memory Mysterio isn’t a villain who’d simply be lost in the sea of freaks and weirdos Peter combats. He’d stand out even among them due to various factors:
His duels with Spidey. Spider-Man has battled a lot of costumed villains but when you look at his history he doesn’t actually fight all that many repeatedly. The ones that he does amount to just over two-dozen. It basically amounts to most (but not all) of the villains introduced in the first 50 issues plus several few others, most notably Venom, Carnage, Hobgoblin and Jackal.
His bizarre appearance. Mysterio designed it specifically to be attention grabbing and even amongst Spidey’s regular rogues it’s the most baffling. He wears a fishbowl for a head!
His involvement acts of public terror. These include his TV message from ASM #66 and ‘Ends of the Earth’. The latter was probably the single most global scheme any of Peter’s villains have ever participated in and a highly publicised affair. In fact all six of the villains involved in that would realistically stand out in most anybody’s mind!
The regularity of his fights with Spidey. Mysterio isn’t the Big Wheel or the Hypno-Hustler. He’s one of just over two-dozen foes Peter regularly tangles with.
His personally targeting MJ and her loved ones. MJ was abducted by Mysterio (remember she didn’t know it was actually Berkhart) and lived a fake life as a result. One of MJ’s mother figures had her death faked by Mysterio, which broke the heart of her beloved Aunt Anna. The love of her life was framed by Mysterio early in his career and had his sense of sanity and confidence attacked by him, not to mention his workplace (see FNSM #12). If you wish to count it, Mysterio also faked the death of her ex-boyfriend and long time friend Harry Osborn.
His actions violent actions in ‘Guardian Devil’. Even if one argues MJ only knew what she heard on the news the extreme level of violence Mysterio engaged in was unusual for one of Peter’s foes. The Goblins or the symbiotes might do stuff like that, but most of Peter’s other foes aren’t nearly as bloody as Mysterio was in that story. In fact Mysterio himself hadn’t been prior to that so this would’ve been a surprise. As such this would very likely stick in MJ’s mind on some level.
His suicide. Arguably above anything else he’d done, Beck’s suicide would’ve made him stand out amongst Peter’s foes. Few of Peter’s major enemies have seemingly definitively died and only 3 could be said to have done so by taking their own lives. Considering how Mary Jane isn’t going to be forgetting Kraven in a hurry someone intentionally copying him is inevitably going to stick out to her.
All of which is to say that MJ isn’t going to lose track of who Beck is. She isn’t going to treat him as simply another costumed creep in a city chock full of them.
He might not stick out in her mind in the same ways (or to the same degree) as some of Peter’s other foes. But he’d definitely be among the foes that would stand out to her.
Heading for Hollywood
The fallout of Mysterio’s ‘invasion’ was chronicled in a back-up story in ASM v5 #1, wherein he stands trial. This further proves how serious and public his crime was. But it’s relevance lies in how it contextualizes Beck’s actions going into AMJ.
Mysterio is represented by lawyer Janice Lincoln (secretly a super villainess herself) who tries to get him a lighter sentence on the grounds of insanity.
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Abruptly though, everyone (sans Beck) seemingly die as the courtroom is transformed into a nightmarish sight. Mysterio is then confronted by a powerful and demonic figure (eventually referred to as Kindred). 
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Their consequent conversation heavily implies that following his suicide in ‘Guardian Devil’ Mysterio went to Hell, was recruited by Kindred and resurrected to fulfil a mission on his behalf (the specifics aren’t clarified).
This mission is part of a larger campaign against Spider-Man, whose secret identity both Kindred and Beck are aware of. In fact Beck’s staged alien invasion was intended to dispense with the collected heroes on Kindred’s behalf.
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Kindred gave Mysterio one more chance and Beck suddenly found himself back in the courtroom as though nothing had happened. 
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Convinced of his insanity he was sent to the Ravencroft institute for insane super villains, which is where we find him next in ASM v5 #24-25.
In these issues, we discover that Beck has manipulated his psychiatrist (Dr. Winhorst) into believing he is in fact Mysterio. At the same time Beck has readopted his guise and Dr. Rinehart. As Rinehart, Beck further manipulated Winhorst (dressed as Mysterio) into having a therapy session and nearly revealing Kindred’s real identity. This prompted Kindred to appear and murder Winhorst.
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As Rinehart, Beck gave a statement to the police regarding ‘Mysterio’s’ death. This confirmed that the authorities had found a body and at least at that point in time believed it to be the real Mysterio. Since Beck has faked people’s deaths before (including his own) it is entirely plausible that he had the means to fool their methods of verifying the identity of the body. This would be the case even if the authorities used Marvel universe pseudoscience.
However the story never confirms if Mysterio’s death became public knowledge, the police may well have been keeping it quiet as they investigate further.
These are factors to bear in mind when we go forward.
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Kindred catches up to Beck and reveals he is fully aware of the attempted deception. He chastises Beck for failing to fulfil his mission for him. Kindred admits though that had Beck done as he was asked he’d have been returned to Hell. 
Instead of punishing him though Kindred instead produces a film script Beck wrote. He suggests that in his remaining time alive Beck fulfil his life’s dream and make the film a reality. His rationale for this is that Beck’s goals align with his. 
Specifically that in giving Beck what he wants it will somehow deny something to someone else Kindred has a vendetta against. This leaves Beck confused.
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In this same issue the new Electro takes an acquaintance of Mary Jane’s hostage and threatens to kill her on social media. Using her acting skills to deceive and distract Electro, Mary Jane manages to rescue her ‘friend’. Her social media performance is lauded and swiftly followed by her old agent contacting her and offering her a role in a new movie by a new writer/director, one who asked for her by name. This is of course Mysterio.
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In ASM v5 #29 we see MJ rehearsing the script with Peter, as I mentioned earlier in this essay series. Something else to take note of though is that MJ and Peter mutually praise the script.
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Anyway, as the issue proceeds Peter is divided about MJ’s departure. He wants her to be happy and pursue her career but also doesn’t want to lose her (again). Unfortunately Spider-Man business crops up causing him to miss her departure for L.A. There are no hard feelings and the couple are committed to maintaining a temporarily long-distance relationship. Nevertheless, this saddens Peter as we learn he was hoping to propose to Mary Jane.
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I bring this issue up because it is not only directly continued in AMJ #1 but it provides potentially important context for our analysis of Beck moving forward.
Beck is making this movie for himself. However, he is fully aware his dangerous demonic overlord wants  him to and has a vendetta against Spider-Man; whom Beck also knows is Peter Parker.
Kindred claimed that by allowing Beck to make his movie he’d be denying someone something they want. It is extremely likely that this ‘someone’ is Peter and the ‘something’ being denied is Mary Jane. This is evidenced by Kindred’s portrayal up to this point coupled with the sadness MJ’s departure caused to Peter.
What is a little more debatable is if Mysterio personally wanted MJ in his movie or if he requested her presence on Kindred’s orders. There is no on panel evidence of the latter and Mysterio’s confusion in ASM v5 #25 implies he doesn’t understand how making the movie will help Kindred.
On the other hand Beck is not unintelligent so if he knows Pete is Spidey and that Kindred is targeting him then it’s unlikely he couldn’t deduce Kindred’s meaning. After all, its unlikely that Beck wouldn’t do a little homework and found out the man who famously took photos of Spider-Man also had a long romance with the actress/supermodel Mary Jane Watson.
Furthermore there seems to be little rationale as to why Beck would want Mary Jane in his movie other than due to her connection to Spider-Man. Her acting credits are small and wouldn’t be all that impressive in his eyes. This supports the idea that MJ’s inclusion in the movie was due to Kindred not Beck. Or perhaps her involvement was something Beck wanted but that was due to her connection with Spidey, making her a pawn in his scheme.
Regardless, Mysterio likely knows MJ’s involvement plays heavily into what Kindred wants, even if he hypothetically doesn’t know exactly how. This makes his insistence upon using her unethical and his lack of honesty dangerous to her and her loved ones.
That just about brings us up to speed on Mysterio. Now we’re ready to truly get into the meat of the matter starting with Amazing Mary Jane #1.
*It could be argued this is the rationale behind making her a journalist in other continuities such as the Ultimate Universe or the Gamerverse.
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cordoniasmost · 5 years
Crash and Burn - Part One
Story: MoTY
Pairing: Guy x Vanessa / Thomas x MC
Word Count: 1512
Warnings: Graphic death, NSFW, language
Summary: Post-trial, Guy and Vanessa go on a trip that doesn’t end like they think it will.
Author’s Note: I know, I know. The pairing is giving us all WTF vibes, but hear me out. No way will PB give us the satisfying death Guy and Vanessa deserve so I wanted to write it out here. This was inspired by a convo with @desiree-0816​. Yes, I Googled “What are the worst ways to die” as research for this piece. You’re welcome. It’s going to be two parts.
(I tried to use the [more] feature but it wouldn’t work so sorry for the length in your feed...)
Tag List: @furiouscloddonutpeanut​ @averysheart-raleighsdick​ @dr-brianna-casey-valentine​ @desiree-0816​
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The Hawaiian Islands.
Guy knew he’d end up here someday. Making millions of dollars selling snack foods to yuppies gave him the pathway to achieving the greatness he knew was always inside of himself. A satisfied smirk broke out across his face.
The flight took forever, but at no point had he wished for a co-pilot. As soon as his flight instructor began to insist he needed someone else to share the burden of this journey, he’d shut down.
He scoffed. Like he was some helpless child. No, he’d show him. Now his gaze wandered across the horizon, taking in the lush, green landscape, and the turquoise water below his plane. The islands swept out below him, and from this altitude, he could see them all.
He glanced to the co-pilot seat, his eyes raking down the fiery auburn hair and slim figure of his only passenger. Guy still couldn’t believe she agreed to come along and leave her sons with their father. He planned to make the most of the opportunity now that he found himself single again.
He yelled into the headset both of them wore to hear over the buzzing of the plane’s engines. 
“Ready for this, V?”
She narrowed her eyes at him, turning her nose up haughtily. “I’m ready for some alone time on a white sand beach with a cocktail sipped from a coconut if that’s what you’re asking.”
He chuckled. “Sure. Alone time. That’s why you were all over me during the trial.”
She rolled her eyes. “I may have fought dirty, but it’s because I like to win, and I wanted that bitch of an ex-wife of yours to suffer. It had nothing to do with you.”
He turned back to the plane’s console, preparing to radio in their descent. “Right. My ex-wife forced you to blow me during the late-night trial prep sessions you insisted on.”
“I don’t seem to remember you complaining.” Vanessa turned back to stare out the window.
Guy grew hard at the memory of that night. This week, he’d convince Vanessa to be his fuck buddy at a minimum. He could be persuasive when he wanted something, and he always got what he wanted. 
As they approached the volcanic island, a shudder ran through the body of the plane, shaking Guy out of his thoughts. The constant beeping of an alarm rang out, filling the cabin with an unsettling energy. 
Just as he began to check the instrument panel, a sharp crack thundered through the plane, and it listed to one side, smoke billowing throughout the cabin.
“Oh, fuck!” he shouted, ripping his headset off. 
He couldn’t see, the smoke surrounded him entirely. His stomach lurched as the nose of the plane tilted downward, the sound of rushing air silencing the blaring alarm. He faintly heard Vanessa scream beside him, but the wind carried the sound away before it could really register.
“No, no, no,” he chanted, unsure what to do to fix the situation. His survival instinct kicked in, and he stood, running blindly to the back of the plane, hands stretched out before him searching for anything that could save them. He grabbed what felt like a backpack and, assuming it was a parachute, slung it over his back. 
Clipping the harness around himself, he yelled, “V! I’ve got a chute. Let’s get the fuck out of here!”
He hoped she heard him, but he’d be jumping in about thirty seconds with or without her. He groped his way to the emergency exit door, straining his muscles with effort as he turned the handle. He pressed against the door, but it didn’t budge.
Vanessa stumbled against him, gripping his arm. 
“Please tell me you found a way off this goddamn thing! I am not dying here with you!”
Guy briefly considered letting her find her own way off the plane but thought better of it when he remembered how her lips felt wrapped around his cock. If he made it out of this, he’d have to waste time finding someone else to spend the week with.
“I’ve got a parachute. Turn around,” Guy commanded, pushing her shoulder until she spun, pressing her back to his front. Guy clipped her into the harness attached to him. 
“We’ve gotta get the door off!” he yelled over the rushing air. The plane was precariously tilted at a sharp nose-down angle in a full dive, and he suspected they only had seconds before it slammed into the ground or, more likely, the ocean.
“What do we do?” Vanessa’s eyes were frantic and wild, her chest heaving with the effort to breathe through the panic.
“When I tell you to, shove your weight against the door.”
She nodded, and her body trembled against his, but he couldn’t focus on how good she felt right now. He needed to make sure they survived first, then he could go back to thinking with his dick.
“Ready? Push!” They ran the few steps to the door together and rammed their left shoulders into the heavy metal as hard as they could. The door gave way, and before Guy could process, they were free-falling through the sky, tumbling end over end.
He flexed his muscles, forcing his body rigid to stop the end-over-end rolling so he could take stock of their situation. He had never skydived before and had no idea what he was doing. 
Vanessa failed wildly, and he tried grabbing her arms to keep her still, but she was hysterical. 
She’s going to get us killed.
He pulled his hand back and slammed it across her face. She immediately went limp against her harness. 
So. Much. Better.
At least now, he could hear himself think. As he flattened them out, he glanced around, noticing how fast the forest-covered mountain was rising up below them. He threw his hand out, frantically searching for the ripcord to deploy the parachute.
That’s how these work, right? Fuck.
He’d only ever seen skydiving in movies, but it had to work. His movements grew more frantic as the seconds ticked by, and he realized he was quickly dropping into the center of what was apparently a volcano, the glowing red magma already giving off enough heat that the warmth coated his skin even at this distance.
He threw his hands as far back as he could, his shoulders aching with the strain of his muscles, and his joints popped as Guy pushed his arms to their limits, but still he came up empty-handed.
“FUCK!” he screamed into the vast sky surrounding him.
Beads of sweat broke out across his forehead as the heat directly below became intense. His mind became frenzied. His thoughts were no longer clear, scenarios running through his mind so quickly he couldn’t manage to focus on anything. Every idea that popped up dissolved almost immediately as it came in like a wisp of smoke blowing away in the wind.
Vanessa still laid unconscious against his chest, and he wondered if unbuckling her would give him momentum to propel himself away from the lava directly beneath him, lava which was now so close that his skin was dripping with sweat.
Guy made one last attempt to find the ripcord, shifting his weight to pull the bag to the side. Finally, he made contact, his hand closing around the black cord even as his skin began to blister. He yanked the cord and heaved out a sigh as the chute poured out of the pack on his back, spreading out and catching the breeze. His stomach dropped as he and Vanessa were jerked upwards.
Guy closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to try and slow his racing heart. His pulse slowed, and his eyes popped open in surprise as they began to swing side to side. He raised his eyes to the parachute and breathed in sharply as he took in the holes starting to form in the nylon fabric.
Smoke began to rise from the holes before flames licked up across the sail. His eyes dropped to below where the glowing orange magma bubbled and sparked, his heart rate skyrocketing again as he realized his last hope was quite literally going up in flames.
I’m going to die. Fuck.
The realization washed over him, and rather than his life flashing before his eyes, he got angry. 
How could this have happened to me? I’m Guy motherfucking Ledford.
Just feet stood between Guy and his end, and, as he began to roar, Vanessa suddenly regained consciousness, her screams piercing his ears. Neither of them could focus on anything but the immense heat overwhelming them now, their skin bubbling and melting as they sank further into the glowing orange liquid bubbling below.
Their cries of agony echoed off the rocky walls until silence descended once again, the peaceful quiet of the gently bubbling magma the only sound outside of the distant rhythm of waves crashing on the white sand. Their lives were now nothing but a series of memories easily forgotten.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
212. Sonic the Hedgehog #144
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Mobius 25 Years Later: The Die is Cast
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Steven Butler Colors: Jason Jensen
We've finally made it to the final installment of this damned arc! Man, that doesn't seem to leave us a lot of time to solve the main conflict of the world ending, does it…? Well, I suppose we have to read the issue first. Knuckles arrives back home after his visitation to Locke's grave, and tells a delighted Lara-Su that he's rethought his stance on training her as a Guardian and plans to start straightaway - after, of course, his current mission with Sonic. When he makes a vague allusion to asking her mother for help on her instruction if he doesn't come back, Lara-Su tries to insist she come along to help, and Julie-Su, who was listening in, becomes indignant.
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Aww, that's actually sweet. I think that's the first time we've seen actual, real affection between any of this arc's married couples. Julie-Su sees Knuckles off to his shuttle, driven by - who else - an elderly Harry, and Sally makes him promise he'll bring her husband back to her. He tries to find Lara-Su for a final goodbye before his mission, but is somewhat baffled to not find her anywhere, assuming she was too angry at not being taken along to stick around. The shuttle flies them out through the worsening storms to the "badlands," a horrifically-polluted section of the planet that's so toxic the group has to wear sealed suits as they traverse the terrain and make their way to Robotnik's old hidden base.
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Sonic immediately volunteers himself to go back in time despite the dangers Rotor warns him of, and we cut away to the shuttle for a little surprise - Lara-Su has stowed away in a cargo box, determined to come along and help despite what her father thinks. However, before she can even take a step outside the shuttle, she begins to vanish from reality like that scene from Back to the Future. What could be causing this? Well, back in the base, we might find our answer:
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And… that's it! No, seriously, that's literally the end of the arc. No context is given for what we just saw happen. It's not explained if this time travel venture indeed caused the world to end, or if Sonic going back in time erased this timeline in favor of another, or what. This is such an abrupt and unsatisfactory ending that I have to wonder if Kenders was forced to end the story early on short notice, because absolutely nothing is explained here. We spent over a dozen issues building up to something, enduring trite teen drama and old stuffy adults arguing at each other while locked into loveless marriages, and got the most vague and useless ending possible, after all of that. I mean, what was even the point of all this then? Some chapters in this arc had literally no plot or character progression whatsoever! The aversion of the end of time and space was literally the most interesting potential plot hook in this entire arc, and it's basically swept aside in the last few pages with no explanation. This almost makes the actually good writing of last issue seem useless, if this is what came directly afterwards. *sigh* Ah well, we're finally free of this nightmare. And as it turns out, we're very close to the end of Penders as a whole! Those of you who have read the comics before might have noticed that we're rapidly approaching the 160th issue, which is when a certain fan-favorite writer took the reins and started to fix a lot of the messes that the previous writers left him with. So if you're one of the ones who despises everything Penders ever wrote, you don't have much longer to suffer - just a few more issues and we're in the clear!
Love and Loss
Writer: Romy Chacon Pencils: Jon Gray Colors: Josh Ray
This story is a bit of a bizarre one, being very unlike any others we've read so far. There's very little action and a whole lot of solid blocks of text to read, but in a way, I do feel it's interesting and contributes to several characters' arcs in a positive manner. A poor bear is doing his best to sell some newspapers to the denizens of Knothole one Wednesday evening when he suddenly finds himself mobbed by a horde of rabid women all grabbing for a copy.
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Now that is quite interesting. No, I don't mean the love advice column - I mean the little signpost in the second panel, the one listing the prices for products at the stand! Now, Jon has a habit of making up things to put on posters and the like in the background of his art, many of which are clearly just meant to be humorous and not to be taken seriously, but this is literally (as far as I can tell) the very first instance we've ever seen of an actual unique currency in this world! "Mobiums", huh? They seem to be kind of equivalent to Japanese yen, in that a single one is barely worth a penny - I mean, I'm pretty sure they're not meant to be like dollars anyway, as $75 for a single comic seems incredibly steep. For now, I suppose we'll have to add "Mobiums" to our list of potentially-canon bits of worldbuilding info about Mobius.
Anyway, as you might expect, several of our favorite girls in this comic have gotten themselves a copy today, and as it turns out, they've all written in their own letters and are eager to see the advice this "Aly" will give them. First up is Bunnie, who writes in under the pseudonym "Feeling Terribly Alone." Obviously, her main problem is with Antoine. She details how they've grown apart and how she feels like she doesn't even know him anymore - and yet, despite all their recent difficulties, she's still in love with him and wishes things could go back to the way they used to be.
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Poor Bunnie. One of the things that seems to crop up for her now and again is her well-hidden insecurities about her cyborg nature. From her recurring nightmares, to her concern over the idea of Antoine still being able to be attracted to her despite her robotic parts, it's clear that she struggles a lot more with her nature than she lets on, and her relationship with Antoine boosted her confidence immensely. They were clearly happy together, and just as they were getting past the honeymoon phase and settling into a more steady relationship, he became cold towards her without a clear explanation as to why. It's clearly broken her heart at a time when she desperately needs to be able to hold it together, and the idea of her sitting in her house at night, alone and sobbing to herself uncontrollably, is really sad.
Next up is Mina, AKA "Singing the Blues." Her letter discusses how lately she's feeling torn between old crushes and new relationships. Her new boyfriend, Ash, was briefly shown in StH#134, but apparently they've grown quite close in the year that Sonic was gone. However, with Sonic back, Mina has been feeling the old familiar butterflies around him, and questions whether she truly loves Ash in the same way she cares for Sonic. (Obviously, however, in the usual vein of these kinds of ask columns, everything she says is vague, not mentioning any names.) Aly's letter advises her to not give up on a current happy relationship to chase someone else who may not even be interested, and Mina appears to genuinely take this to heart, deciding to give her boyfriend a call despite the late hour.
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Well, good for her! Mina's a sweetheart, and it does seem like she and Ash genuinely care for each other. The third letter comes from Amy, or "Wishing for Love," who lays out her crush on Sonic and how she's tried to get his attention here and there, including going so far as to "look and dress older" (bit of an understatement there, Ames) to catch his eye. However, she's frustrated that she can't seem to gain his affections, and wants Aly's opinion on whether she really is putting too much effort into a silly crush, or whether she actually has a chance. Aly begins by tactfully pointing out that it sounds like she's still young, and it's not a good idea to rush into love too quickly when there's so much more life ahead.
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…yeah, that's about what I'd expect from Amy. After all, remember that despite her physical age, she still mentally skipped half her childhood up to this moment, and she's also the hopeless romantic type, so it's not surprising she'd be unimpressed by advice telling her to look away from her crush. The article appears to be winding down, but everyone reading is struck by what they see in the last entry, from someone called "Royally Scared." The writer dives into her story, about her deepest love and how they made a commitment to each other only for her love to be "lost," which broke her heart. When he came back, she tried to get him to walk away from his "job" for a better job in her family's "business," but he refused and they had an ugly break-up as a result. She still loves him, but she's too scared of losing him again, especially because he's so brash and throws himself into danger without a care.
Everyone immediately realizes that this is Sally's letter, and are riveted to the page for Aly's response. Aly admits that she doesn't have a solid answer for this one, but says that it seems like they both have valid points. She points out that Sally's "dramatic confrontation" might not have been very fair to her lover, and urges them to both talk it out like adults after they take some time apart to reevaluate their own priorities, before wishing her luck and concluding the article. I just want to point out that the entire section where she lays it out and Aly responds is masterfully put together, with the heart-filled background slowly transitioning to a deep, tangled mass of purple and black as the letter goes on, interspersed with silhouettes of Sally crying and looking very alone in a dark void. I've pointed it out before, but Sally was very clearly traumatized - badly - by everything she's been through, with Sonic's supposed death being a breaking point for her, and the backgrounds of this issue symbolize this struggle very effectively. But here comes the real twist. After all, "Aly" is clearly a pseudonym, and no one knows who's really running this column. So who do you suppose it is?
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God damn. Even in the middle of dealing with severe PTSD, Sally's still got a damn good head on her shoulders. It seems that people were starting to suspect her as the writer, so she deliberately wrote in a letter that was obviously her, and then answered it herself to throw readers off the scent. And her answer to herself was well thought out and reasonable - it's clear that she wrote her entry letter first, then forced herself to take a step back and evaluate her situation as though she were a third party who didn't know any of the finer details. The result is a response that doesn't betray her true identity, and isn't obviously colored by her own biases, where she gets a chance to look at her situation with a clearer head (probably helped out substantially by Nicole as an outside perspective). She flat-out acknowledges that her own actions on the stage the night of Sonic's welcome home party were unreasonable and unfair to him, and calls herself out on it in a public newsletter (even if most people aren't aware of the circumstances behind this entry). I feel like this only supports what I said about The Slap several issues ago, that she wasn't acting rationally that night and needs to be cut some slack on account of her (now-canonically-acknowledged) trauma. And in the end, her Aly persona is right. While she and Sonic still love each other, their differences have made a stable relationship between the two currently impossible, meaning it's best for them to take that time apart to figure out what each of them want before they think about getting back together. I think this is a really good follow-up to what happened in that issue, and gives a lot more insight into just why Sally did what she did, and how she's handling it after the fact.
This issue ends with a single page reminiscent of the Sega Data Files of issues past, this time covering the entire Acorn Royal Family. There's not much info here that we don't already know, but we do find out that Elias and his wife Megan's child has been born by now, a daughter named Alexis. Hope we get to see them all again soon!
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mastcrplanncr-a · 5 years
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issue #23 made me really heccin’ emo over eggman and sonic. i was prepared for it, but also ?? not prepared??? holy frick im just gonna ramble under the cut.
first of all, i’m just gonna’ idly ramble about some things i noticed.
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Eggman, literally 11 issues ago:
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he makes these off remarks and then changes his mind whenever it’s convenient for him smh. that or hes a freaking liar and. WELL THAT’S PRETTY TRUE HONESTLY.
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i’ma be honest fam starline is a freaking mood rn. it’s ?? so dumb?? LIKE EGGMAN WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING FAILSAFE UR SOLUTION WAS “not touching the robots hurr durr” PL EASE.
In retrospect, though, this is an interesting parallel to Forces because he’d apparently learned from his mistakes. TBF, and it has been brought up elsewhere on tumblr, this is a man recovering from amnesia. He must’ve just not gotten to that part. OR HE’S JUST. DUMB AND ARROGANT. Like, yeah, sure, there’s no vaccine - lol the heroes can’t fix anything & it also means you’re valuable because you’re the one person who can. BUT COME ON EGGMAN.
my friend actually predicted this holy shit. i was rambling abt a discussion we had in the egg cult, where we were talking about the possibility of sonic infecting eggman to blackmail him into getting the cure because he’s reached the point?? hes so done with eggman’s shit??? all his friends are in danger and hes backed into a wall what else is he to do than do the one thing he doesn’t want to: use eggman’s tactics against him?
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and my friend was like:
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THIS CONFRONTATION WAS SO FUCKING RAW YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND. I thought I was ready for it but I really, REALLY wasn’t. I love the little details of Starline bein’ like: “oh fuck” - usually he’s pretty cocky around Sonic but uh. HE’S INFECTED NOW. And the zero remark - idk if that’s intentional on the writer’s part but ZERO TO HERO anyone?
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anyway toxi broke down crying at this point. you have no idea how much i was sobbing over my blue son just. pouring out his heart to his nemesis. that’s top tier tearjerking material.  also starline passive aggressively readjusting his outfit lmfao. BITCH IM FABULOUS. but man the usage of ‘ BE’ and ‘LIKE’ - Sonic knows who Eggman is; he’d never ask him to be something he’s not. but it’s also a reiteration of sonic’s want to see good in him; being LIKE tinker is a statement in that he wanted eggman to be who he was, but NOT to go back. to do good for the world. have it be his own decision, because deep deep down:
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isn’t that what he really wants?
Also, although there are those sickly sweet descriptions, the usage of ellipses in this narrative really fucks me up because you can practially hear the gradual realization in eggman’s voice. his mockery starts out so !!! but it just eventually gets straight to the point, as a list. as a routine. because he was used to it. and because, some part of him misses it. notice the usage of ‘need’ and ‘use’. they needed him, and yet he used the people that appreciated him sm like puppets.
some nice guilt there, huh, doc?
ALSO I SPENT LIKE, HOURS TRYING TO FIND THIS EXACT DIALOGUE, but Eggman has a conversation in Dark Brotherhood with Sonic and makes this remark:
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LIKE??? this isn’t new to his character, actually? Ignoring the ken penders thing bc smh. Going by this game he’s actually kind of okay with that set up. And he just works so well with the others too??? this isn’t even taking into account the other games he’s teamed up with them. I’m sorry but my head just goes back to this line so many times; it’s one of the ones that stick with me, along with ‘complicated guy’ from lost world. HE COULD!! legitimately do good. and he actually doesn’t find it too bad??? IM EMO MAN...
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and IMAGINE making super cool things that people genuinely like... eggman has a HUGE ego, that much is very apparent; he’s super big on appreciation as comes with. and with tinker? he had that - he felt appreciated and loved. people LIKED what he made, and he didn’t have to bend over backwards to have that. his work felt included and he didn’t have to take that appreciation by force like he did with his lackeys (which half the time was fake anyway) .
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first and foremost - WE SEE THAT OPEN YOUR HEART REFERENCE, IDW. also sonic’s frustration here, in comparison to the lil smile the panel before - he’s just!! “WHY CANT YOU WAKE THE FRICK UP OLD MAN”. the justification here seems a tad bit like DENIAL to me. and the justification seems... kind of odd from him? since when does EGGMAN justify anything he does? He does what he wants and when he wants, because he’s the E.G.G.M.A.N. he doesn’t care what anyone thinks... right?
it’s because - especially with the usage of better - he didn’t like where that train of thought was going. for once, he’s justifying himself - because the alternative is admitting sonic is right. that he did like that life. that he’d want to go back. throw it in a hierachy and it’s all so simple, right?
also the inclusion of open your heart lyrics here. the incident with chaos was just as catastrophic. and these lyrics in context of the previous panel, highlights how sonic and eggman both seek unity and peace but in their own ways; eggman’s is just evil. it seems a little bit of a diversion to me - to antagonise sonic and make him forget about it. what better way to do that than to relate to him? ‘own styles that we won’t change’ highlights a stubbornness in ways, too, especially with the current context of eggman denying his old life. ALSO IT IS LITERALLY TELLING EGGMAN TO OPEN HIS HEART.
and ngl this seems like idle banter to hide the fact he genuinely felt remorse for his actions for a second. because lbr he has a habit of being all talk when a plan goes wrong or suffering inside,
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which starline does quite pointedly explain.
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As I was saying above, Sonic has no choice in what to do now - he’s reaching his limit. OR ELSE. hes pondering doing the thing he doesnt want to do. and honestly, ‘you can’t stop me. no one can,’ is so hardhitting not just because of its looming threat, but because of how much it solidifies for sonic that he can’t take the chance anymore. if anyone is going to change eggman, it has to be himself.
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also can i just cry over how much sonic trusts tails. im getting sa2 flashbacks.
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also man i’d like to point out the specific use of ‘lock you away forever’. it coooould be a reference to sonic’s time imprisoned during the events of sonic forces. bitterness?
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NOT SAYING I CALLED IT, BUT I CALLED IT. it still hurts though. and wow, it really is horrifying when eggman fears his own heccin’ creation, huh?
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i live for sonic being passive aggressive with eggman. give me more please.
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im immensely concerned the direction starline is going, honestly. but it does say a lot about eggman; how he’ll keep trying the same things expecting different results, but failing and never seeing that. because he’s EGGMAN; every plan is brilliant by default!
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i love how sonic just !!! SHOT... THE MOMENT HE WAS REMINDED WHAT WAS AT STAKE. son i love you so much you’re doing great sweetie
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also, man, can we talk about eggman avoiding his blatant faults, and shoving his failures onto someone else? because this little scene here - eggman ur literally the one who crashed the thing. it had absolutely nothing to do with sonic. i feel as though this is symbolism of his self-destructive nature, honestly. hes always gotta make things harder for himself. (also starline’s face is killing me)
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Eggman does what he has to, but technology won’t work every time you kick it. he thinks he can get everything through force but we have several instances in idw where force did NOT work out; you’re not gonna get far, egghead.
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MHM, and just who does that sound like, Eggman? honestly the mirrors between these two are seriously destroying me. although sonic is in a horrible position, so is eggman; he likes to think he’s won the war, but hes surpassed his own expectations, and that’s going to backfire on him eventually. hes stubborn to admit he has NO REIGN over this and they’re all doomed, so he’s pinning his failures / loss on Sonic.
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is that the amnesia kicking ya in the shin, eggman? or sonic’s reality check? either way, the doc hates emotions. dammit man why you gotta make him emo
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future eggman is going to kick past eggman in the kneecaps. it’s times like this ur reminded how much of a kid he is. eugh but that’s work i want my victory and senseless destruction now. honestly if the doc is after success, he is certainly not getting it this way and I AM FEARING FOR EVERYONE’S LIVES. he’ll probably have to work with what’s left of the resistance like the back end of most games at some point.
I’m getting a little burnt out but i can’t forget my son and how much he hurts me.
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first of all that third panel terrifies me. the fact it GOT that far does me great concern. the RED EYES? that’s pushing it fam i dont like that. the expressions are also just freaking destroying me; they’ve been PERFECT this issue. and the fact sonic is at his weakest when he feels like he’s failed everyone hurts me deeply. he has SO much on his shoulders and its getting too overwhelming for him.
also man... the whole thing with eggman... just stuff me man. but it hurts all the more because it’s so glaringly clear that there is?? some good in eggman??? he just. doesn’t want to admit it. and unfortunately these aren’t good circumstances to debate on that.
ANYWAY, THAT ISSUE WAS AGONY AND IM STILL REELING AND HAVENT EVEN. TALKED ALL THAT MUCH ABOUT SONIC HERE (on account of this being eggman’s blog) but idk if i’ll write anything on that.
gonna go cry about an egg now brb
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droneseco · 3 years
Govee Lyra Review: Time to Upgrade Your Floor Lamp?
Govee Lyra
9.00 / 10
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The Govee Lyra is a stunning freestanding accent light for any part of your home, capable of gorgeous dynamic multicolor displays that'll be sure to wow guests. However, voice control is limited and the app could do with some streamlining. If you just want some flashy lights, Govee RGBIC LED strips offer better value for money with the same feature set. 
Key Features
58-inches tall
Aluminum profiling
Opaque silicon LED diffuser
Brand: Govee
Integrations: Alexa, Google Home
Protocol: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
Hub Required: No
Music Reactive: Yes
Multicolor Capable: Yes
Dynamic, multicolor scenes are incredible
Music mode works well from the built-in microphone
Bluetooth app control as well as Wi-Fi means you can take it elsewhere for instant effect lighting
The app has a bewildering number of color options
Limited voice assistant control
Can't save scenes to the remote
Doesn't support Apple HomeKit
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Govee leads the way in affordable smart home lighting, but until now it's mostly been focussed on DIY options like LED strips. The Govee Lyra is its first freestanding floor lamp, and the sleek design means it wouldn't look out of place in any modern home. Is it time to upgrade your floor lamp?
Read on to find out more about the Govee Lyra floor lamp, how it compares to other smart lighting products, and whether it's right for your smart home.
To celebrate the launch, Govee is offering a Lyra floor lamp to one lucky reader: just enter your details in the giveaway widget at the end of this review to be in with a chance of winning. The competition closes one month later, and the winner will be notified by email.
What is "RGBIC"?
The Govee Lyra uses RGBIC technology, which is another term for Neopixels, or pixel LEDs. The "RGB" part refers to the LEDs being capable of color mixing with a full gamut of Red, Green, and Blue. "IC" is short for Integrated Circuit, referencing the fact that each LED has its own control circuit, hence each can display a different color.
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Most RGB strips you'll find for sale can display only a single color at the same time. The Govee Lyra (and other Govee RGBIC products) can display multiple colors simultaneously, resulting in gorgeous rainbows and aurora patterns.
Govee Lyra Hardware
The Lyra arrives in a relatively compact box, which of course means there's a fair bit of construction before you can start using the lamp. Inside the box you'll find:
Heavy base with attached control box
Three milled aluminum profile sections
Connecting brackets and screws
Silicone-encased LED strips
Power cable
Remote control
Optional remote control holder
Fixing it all together is quite an involved process, but took me no longer than half an hour, and a screwdriver is included. However, you should follow the instructions closely, as one of the aluminum profile sections is not like the others, and has a different set of screw holes to attach to the base. Once the main tower has been constructed, you should plug in the LED strip, then carefully squeeze it into the profiling.
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The optional remote holder snaps onto the Lyra in any position you choose. The remote control itself is magnetic at the rear, so it can be attached and pulled off easily. It's optional though, so feel free to not use it if you feel it ruins the overall aesthetic.
The Govee Lyra stands at 58-inches (147cm), though the LED strip is only 47-inches (120cm) of that. To ensure it stands upright, you'll find a heavy but slimline base, with the footprint of the Lyra only a 6-inch diameter, meaning it should fit neatly beside any bulky furniture.
That said, I'm not a fan of the white plastic around the base, and would have preferred a wider, flatter, brushed aluminum look to match the profiling sections. It also seems like a wasted opportunity that the power brick and electronics are not built into the base.
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Ultimately these are small complaints when the base and cable are likely to be hidden behind some furniture, but it does mean you may not want to put the Lyra in an empty corner of the living room. At 58-inches tall, I also found myself wanting a small table to put it on, rather than the actual floor. It feels just ever so slightly too short, and just one extra section would have made all the difference. To me, a floor lamp should stand about as tall as I am, or a little less.
The Govee Lyra looks best when placed about a foot back from and facing a wall, allowing a wide area of light to be reflected back.
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Of course, if you'd rather the harsher look of the striplight itself, there's no reason you can't do that, but you'll get a much less impressive reflection.
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Controlling the Govee Lyra
There's a number of ways you can interact with and control the Lyra:
Physical remote control
Govee Home app
Voice assistant
Remote Control
The remote has buttons for power, built-in music reactive modes, one color selection, brightness, and warm or cool light modes.
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However, notably absent is the ability to select multicolor scenes that aren't music reactive. To initiate those–which are arguably one of the biggest differentiating points of the Govee Lyra–you'll need to use the app.
Govee Home App
Thankfully, getting set up with the Govee Home app is easy, and I was able to reliably add the device within minutes. Operating over Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, just choose the Lyra from the indoor lighting tab, provide your network access details, and name the device. The device will automatically use Bluetooth if you're within range, but otherwise, it all works fine over Wi-Fi.
The app is relatively easy to use to select premade scenes or more music reactive modes, but creating your own custom animations can get more complex thanks to confusing color options. Having trouble deciding on some colors to use? The "Recommended color schemes" sounds like it would be an easy to choose list, but instead requires you to select no less than an initial style, a basic color, a scene, and a color matching method; none of which are really explained.
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The "Effects Lab", which features at the top of the list, is particularly bizarre. It appears to be a vast selection of color palettes created from photographs, from which you can then choose a single color and apply it to the lamp, or save the color to your personal favorites. To me, an Effects Lab is somewhere you can go and choose, say a fireworks animation, or log fire. Instead, you'll find those sort of animations down in Mode -> Scene.
The app also includes the options to share your scenes, though it's not clear where to access others' creations.
In short, there's an awful lot of choice in the app, and the basics are easy to get a hang of, but there's just too much complexity when it comes to customization. Govee could do with taking a leaf out of the Nanoleaf playbook when it comes to custom scene creation and community sharing.
Voice Assistants
The last option is to use either Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. Apple HomeKit and Siri are not supported. The voice assistant control is also limited to power, brightness, and color; you can't select multicolor scenes or music reactive modes.
In my testing, I found the remote control and app to be the most useful. Despite not being able to export animated scenes to the remote control or voice assistants, the Lyra does remember the last scene used, so you can at least resume your favorite (assuming you don't turn it off at the plug). The lack of HomeKit support might be a dealbreaker for you though.
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Which Smart Lighting to Choose?
Govee is our favorite when it comes to great value smart lighting, but it's not the only option. Let's take a look at some other ecosystems to compare.
Govee vs Hue
The Govee and Hue smart lighting ecosystems crossover in many places, yet differ immensely. Both sell smart color bulbs, LED strips, and standalone lighting fixtures. Govee even has its own version of the Ambilight technology, which uses a camera to "watch" your screen and dynamically adjust the lighting color.
The main difference is price: Philips Hue devices cost two to five times as much as their Govee equivalent. Consider the Govee smart LED strips, around $20 for five meters; vs the Hue equivalent Lightstrip at $60 for three meters! Philips even has a smart floor lamp, but it's twice the price, and only outputs a single color. There's just no competition here.
The Hue system requires its own smart hub, creating a separate Zigbee mesh network. This has the benefit of not cluttering up your Wi-Fi if you have lots of fixtures, and means you can install lighting in places your Wi-Fi might not be able to reach. On the other hand, it's a high added cost if you only have a few smart lights, and modern Wi-Fi routers should easily handle some smart lighting. On top of that, Zigbee transmits over the 2.4Ghz spectrum, the same as 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi. S you (or your neighbors) may find your Wi-Fi experience suffers.
Govee smart products use either Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. If you have good Wi-Fi coverage and a modern router, you should have no problem. Though rarely used outside of initial setup, Bluetooth is a welcome addition for me. If I'm running a small event somewhere, such as a haunted house, I can pick up some Govee LED strips and set them up as effect lighting or a custom music reactive mode using only my smartphone, without needing to worry about programming in new Wi-Fi access details.
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Govee vs Nanoleaf
Although the Nanoleaf smart lighting panels are a vastly different product (more akin to wall art installations), they are generally going to be considered for the same purpose as the Lyra: lighting up a wall or corner of your home.
Both Nanoleaf Panels and Govee Lyra share a lot of similarities:
Connect to Wi-Fi, and have voice assistant integration
Capable of displaying more than one color simultaneously
Offer music reactive modes
Offer dynamic scenes, such as a rainbow or aurora
Have a comprehensive mobile app with custom design modes
Have physical control buttons, either on a remote or on the device itself
So where do they differ? Nanoleaf panels are infinitely more customizable, and expandable. The app even helps you to design a shape to place them on your wall. Nanoleaf panels are also compatible with Apple HomeKit, and voice assistant integration is generally more developed, with individual scenes exported.
Of course, Nanoleaf panels are more expensive: two to three times as much as the Govee Lyra for a basic 9-panel music reactive starter kit. In my experience, the Wi-Fi control is lot less reliable too, and I frequently have to do a hard reset to get them responsive again.
Should You Buy the Govee Lyra?
If you want a stylish, minimalistic floor lamp, capable of stunning multicolor dynamic and music reactive displays, along with plenty of customizable options and app control, the Govee Lyra is well worth a look. It's certainly the fanciest floor lamp we've ever seen, perfect for everything from impromptu living room raves to subdued romantic nights in.
It'll blend into the background when not in use, and take center-stage when needed. It's gorgeous, customizable, and has a physical remote control. You'll need the app for the more exciting scenes though, and voice assistant integration is limited.
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But while we think the Lyra is a great-looking smart floor lamp, it's let down only by the fact that other Govee products offer even better value. Much of the cost goes on the aluminum profiling, and there's only 47-inches worth of actual LEDs for the RRP of $150. For the same price, you could buy almost 100ft of Govee RGBIC LED strips, which would have the exact same features, and produce enough light to blind you. Clearly, a big chunk of the price is on the presentation—metal isn't cheap. If you just want some smart effect lighting, and don't mind sticking the LED strips to an existing bit of furniture, then some basic LED strips are a better choice.
Govee Lyra Review: Time to Upgrade Your Floor Lamp? published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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