#and some others just want to make money with tea bags and dakimakuras...
randomnameless · 11 months
Also, the fact that Edelgard assumes every person fighting against her is one of the goddess' vanguard is fucking stupid. People are fighting for their lives because of a war SHE started and invasions SHE started. But if they defend themselves, if they don't want to be turned into New Adrestia What's Fodlan, they're just "the goddess' vanguard" now. Not, you know, people defending themselves/their home/their families. You're either on her side or a vanguard of the goddess. There's no for her or against her for her violent actions causing the deaths of your countrymen, friends and family as she tries to reform your entire land into New Adrestia.
She doesn't care about the people. She cares about wiping out the Nabateans and conquering Fodlan like every Adrestian emperor before her has tried to. She wants to wipe out the Nabateans and the other leaders because she doesn't want anyone else to exist who is powerful enough to stop/kill her in the future.
I want to say it's so gross that people actually defend this shit and say that she's a heroic figure who is "uwu progressive", but that's not really even a strong enough word anymore for what they do and the lengths they go to defend her. I bet if this happened to them in real life, what she does to other people, they would change their tune REAL quick.
Given what is happening right now in a certain server, I don't even want to guess what some people who think this writing presents her as a "progressive" character are actually thinking.
Back to the game,
Her reasoning - explicited in Nopes - is clear, you are either with her, or against her. And if you are against her, it must be because you oppose her reforms/uwu ideals.
No one gives a fuck about the "blood pooling" at her feet, unless it's to express her sorrow at the sacrifices she had to make to reach her goals.
(that's what I ranted about in the Zahrofl post about Claude and consequences, who deals with consequences of people dying in a war ? Dimitri, who has to deal with Flèche's resentment. There's no Flèche on Supreme Leader's route, aka a NPC that gets a special event where they try to kill her to avenge someone she "had to" cut down in her path of conquest!).
And as Supreme Leader makes everyting about her war centered on "war against church'n'the goddess" PR, while leaving the "MAGA" motive only for the narrator or Hubert to give any exposition, the game cannot have anyone oppose her because, no, they don't want to be part of Adrestia - m-ass-terful writing strikes again, the only person who "complains" about her conquest receives the award winning "no u" explanation, and the game leaves this "issue" at that, no one gets to call her out on her war of conquest, and actually challenge her.
I still find it fascinating how, in CF, Supreme Leader explicitely calls for Dimitri's head - when she can let Billy spare Claude - because she realises (something Nopes erased from her character because elsewise no "uwu what if golden route uwu") Dimitri, aka Faerghus, cannot exist if Adrestia has to be Great Again - Dimitri will always want to oppose her vision and Adrestia's expension in Faerghus (and people will rally behind him).
Opposing Nabateans though, while I think Rhea would be opposed to a continental MAGA war, if Adrestia never targetted Garreg Mach, I wonder if she would have lent the KoS to either the Alliance or the Kingdom - she might try to stop the war and asking for peace talks or what not, but intervening in a human, on-going conflict ? Remember, she only stepped in when Loog already defeated the Adrestian Emperor, aka when Adrestia "lost" to act the end of the War.
So, imo, taking Rhea out isn't due to her possibly opposing with her knights a conquest of Fodlan, but it's more due to the shape of her ears - FE16!Supreme Leader really really really doesn't like Nabateans, and the idea that they can exist and have any sort of influence on "Humanity" - Rhea has to go beause her ears are pointy.
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moemoemammon · 3 years
Headcanon for bros' morning routines?
The Brothers and Their Morning Routine 🌅
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
Despite how nice it is to wake up before the others, Lucifer isn't a morning person. But the call of duty doesn't offer him the luxury of sleeping in very often. Between Diavolo and his brothers, there's a lot he needs to prepare for.
Diavolo also likes to call for a chat first thing in the morning, so he naturally wakes up early. He's told the Demon Prince A THOUSAND TIMES to stop calling like that, but Diavolo insists that he likes "hearing his morning voice". It's annoying..
But Lucifer takes his morning prep slowly, brewing a cup of coffee for himself before he does anything else. He'll slowly drink it while reading the RAD newspaper. It's like a little slice of paradise, having the chance to relax.
And once that's finished, he washes up and brushes his teeth, making sure everything about his appearance is perfect before he dares to show himself.
He'll also take a bit of time to look over the work he has to do, maybe even taking a few papers down to the table with him. Now all he had to do was prepare his nerves for whatever shenanigans his brothers subjected him to for the day, and the headache that was bound to come from it.
Mammon moves a lot in his sleep, so he's usually all tangled up in his bedsheets if he hasn't kicked them away completely. And there's the rare occurrence where he just falls out of bed-
Kinda sloppy, but who's graceful first thing in the morning? He peels himself out of bed yawning and scratching his stomach while he stumbles off to the bathroom.
He might not be as vain as Asmo, but he cares about his looks, too. A quick shower and a little bit of styling for his hair, and he'll be ready! Oh yeah, he's gotta brush his teeth too. Wait... he forgot to buy toothpaste!
It's probably fine.. He'll just borrow some of Levi's. It's not like he'll know. And some of his mouthwash, too. Maybe his hairbrush, since it's just laying there?
He either takes forever to get ready, or he's done at the speed of light. Either way, he's in a hurry to get down for breakfast because he knows Beel's got an eye for his plate! And he's gotta head out soon anyway. There's money to be made!
Not much of a morning person himself, but every morning is a blessing when he gets to wake up with his lovely Ruri-chan dakimakura in his arms 💕💕
That aside, he starts his day by giving Henry his breakfast. Only the best for his best friend! Then he'll check a couple of gaming forums for the latest news, and bases the day's schedule around that.
He's not really in a rush to get ready if it's not a school day. He's got plenty of snacks in his room in case Beel eats his breakfast, and he can always order something through DevilDash.
But still, he wants to freshen up a bit so he'll go for a shower, and brushes his teeth. Wait.. was there always so little toothpaste? He swore he just bought a tube last week! Well, whatever.
If he chooses to eat with everyone else (or Lucifer forces him to), he's always in a hurry. He's wasting so much time! The schedule of an otaku isn't one that should be taken lightly! Do you know how much level grinding he could be doing right now?!
Satan has a tendency to pull all-nighters when he just can't bring himself to put a book down, so he usually looks ROUGH. I'm talking messy hair, bags under his eyes, looking like he just got beat up by his bed.
And he's not a morning person despite usually waking up the earliest, so it's best not to make eye contact until after he's finished getting ready. He's stomping around, irritably making his bed and getting his clothes ready for the day.
But after he's showered and gotten dressed, his mood has significantly improved. And since it's still early, he has time to brew some peppermint tea and read a book by the window.
It's nice to wake up before everyone else, so he can have some peace and quiet before the idiocy begins.
But the quiet also gives him a chance to consider the day's schedule. What new prank could he harass Lucifer with today? He’d been looking into cursing Lucifer's coffee mug, so whatever liquid was poured into it would turn into vinegar. Maybe he should try it out?
When he wakes up, he removes his silk eye mask and pulls the scrunchy out of his hair, blinking away the sleep from his eyes. What, you thought he woke up like a Disney princess? That's only when he's got company, love ❤️
Asmo's got the world's longest morning routine. He draws a bath and pours in some oils to help invigorate him and wake him up. Slathers on a green tea and mint face mask, pops on the cucumbers, and lets the water soothe away his worries ~
Until Mammon bangs on his door to shout that "Lucifer says to hurry it up!" So annoying! Don't they know it takes careful preparation to take care of so much perfection??
Still, he doesn't want Beel to eat his breakfast, so he's gotta speed it up. He's used to getting ready in a pinch, even if he's not happy about it
Carefully picks out is outfits for the day while he lets the curlers in his hair do their job, and viola! Now he's ready to grace his family with his lovely presence! If you wanna take pictures, make sure you get his good side. Who's he kidding, EVERY side is his good side!
He wakes up disappointed sometimes, usually because he was just enjoying a wonderful dream about eating a mountain of delicious food!
....Only to pull the remains of his half-eaten pillow out of his mouth. What a waste... that endless pancake stack was heavenly...But there's no time to mope around. The sooner he gets up, the sooner he can get downstairs for breakfast.
He starts his morning by taking a shower while holding back the urge to eat the bar of soap he's using. Beel specifically makes sure he doesn't choose anything that smells TOO good, or he'll give in and gobble it up.
Brushes his teeth as well as he can so his food will taste twice as good! After that is usually when he goes to wake Belphie up, dragging his twin into the bathroom so he can help him dry his hair once he's done showering.
He can't eat well without Belphie, so he makes sure he's all cleaned up and ready for breakfast before he goes down, carrying his brother if he has to. Ah, and he should probably head out later to buy another pillow.
Haha. "Morning" routine. I think you mean "noon or later" routine. That is, when Beel lets him sleep in. Otherwise he's being woken up and carried off to the bathroom, where he's forced to take a shower against his will...
And he takes LONG showers. Mostly because the warm water lulls him right back to sleep... while he's standing up. Isn't that a little dangerous?
Once he's out, he leaves it to Beel to dry his hair while he lazily brushes his teeth. Isn't all this morning care a little excessive? Who's even this energetic first thing in the morning? What a pain...
Doesn't even bother to make his bed. He'll be back in it in a few minutes anyway, so there's no point. He coaxes Beel into carrying him down the stairs (which Lucifer scolds them both for) and tries his best to keep his eyes open for breakfast.
Those pancakes... aren't they TOO fluffy looking? Almost like a pillow.... ah..goodnight...
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