#and sometimes a movie is bad bc it's boring and you struggle to connect to it even if it's a masterpiece otherwise.
randomly, I'm just missing Roger Ebert very much
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Unpopular opinion (mostly bc I know you agree with me and want to see what you have to say)
WHAT IS WITH FANON CHARLES!!!!!! Weird horny twink with sapphire eyes and ruby lips!!!! He lets Erik walk all over him & then gets sad about it I guess??? But lets him back into his life ?? Charles did not almost break his hand on Erik’s cheekbone in dofp for that. Charles has like. Nuance and strong convictions (he and Erik being on opposite sides of a political debate are proof of that). While he does not have the best boundaries they’re certainly not nonexistent. Also, he may literally throw himself at Erik when they first meet but that’s not a pattern of behavior for him he’s not constantly doing that.
& thus concludes my defense of Charles I’m gonna go back to my corner where I psychoanalyze Erik for fun
HEFRDNKFNEKJDSN COME ON IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! under the cut im gonna talk a little bit 
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send me xmen opinions and i’ll either let you in or lock you out!!!!
i feel like fanon charles can come in a couple of different flavors but generally has less of a spine than movie charles but somehow just enough spine to have fun debates with erik and then thats it ??? like its so... hes somehow extremely passive in most stories but then people remember he disagrees with erik & they write it as like just a fun quirk... hence why i call him fluffy bunny fanon charles he is so boring & annoying to me it takes away all of the fun of canon charles 
part of this is because like half of the cherik tag was written before dofp so there’s a little bit of wiggle room there but even so. sometimes that man does not match up with the charles in first class even😭 and hes just so soooo boring to canon charles where is his slight bitchiness that can become full on bitchy wheres his giant ego and his belief that he is generally always Right. (PEOPLE WHO WROTE CHARLES AS SHY? WHY? he is deeply lonely but he is not shy) where is his hypocrisy... he cares so so deeply about other people (such as raven) but he struggles to connect sometimes & understand what they actually need.... i do not care about “lonely sad boy charles who is treated so awfully by erik and raven ohhh noo!!!!” also then when erik just gives up half of what makes him erik for fluffy bunny fanon charles........... the part that makes cherik fun is they both have spines. neither wilts easily. stubborn dickhead4stubborn dickhead.   
this is also why dofp charles fucks so hard . loses everything hits a bad place and his recovery from that. ooooo. 
and then well i mean there are the charleses of the movies after that ig 
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autumnrory · 3 years
this is random but I wanted to tell you I enjoy how unapologetically anti steggy/endgame you are. i’ve never bought into that whole love story, because it‘s literally just a couple of interactions with no greater depth to it. when I point out they barely got to know each other people will say ´well in the old days people who barely knew each other got married all the time!’ but that’s just an excuse for poor writing, cause i hear this same excuse in other fandoms to defend every boring het ship that barely talks to each other....we’re a modern audience and we deserve better than that kind of lazy writing. a relationship without genuine development is not going to connect and will only fall flat when there are clearly better options.....(anyways sorry for coming into your inbox to rant, i‘m just a casual fan who sometimes has opinions)
thank you haha i know i repeat myself a lot but it's just bc i'm so mad!!! and every once in a while i will be like AND ANOTHER THING that shows why it's all bad and illogical for the characters
yeah and it's such a silly argument because......sure things were like that back then, where if he'd not crashed into the ice, they might've gotten married real fast, but that's not how things happened? and sure, steve grew up in that world, but by endgame he'd lived a long time in a world where that's just not the norm. and as i've said, even if you DO believe steve and peggy had known each other enough to have fallen in love, he had moved past that relationship. like basically the entire point of catws is showing him moving forward and making a life in this century, even if he is (naturally) struggling with it. i think part of the reason buy into it is because 1. endgame hit them over the head with the peggy references to be like see! he loves her so much! when they just did that to convince the audience it was believable, because looking at previous movies, the endgame ending is decidedly NOT believable. and 2. because age of ultron basically ignores catws entirely so people see all the discussion of family and a normal life and steve's nightmare scenario but instead they don't recognize it as a nightmare scenario and don't recognize that he's not the same person he was in the forties. like. i don't think joss whedon was TRYING to prove anything because avengers 2012 really shows he just doesn't understand steve's character at all and just views him as an old man even though he's like 26, BUT i think ppl just misinterpret things from aou to be like "this is the life he's always wanted actually! he finally gets to have it!" when it's all just unhealthy and not at all true of steve's character
not to be all "you're not a real fan if" but i just think it's not that ppl who liked the endgame ending don't really like steve, i just think they don't really GET steve
in fairness i think a lot of marvel fans pretty clearly don't care that much if the relationships don't have a lot of depth, because let's face it, a lot of the canon romantic relationships don't AND a lot of the supposed friendships don't - for example, people think civil war was this tragedy with this fight between steve and tony, but let's face it, they were never close friends, they didn't get along from the start, if not for joss whedon i imagine avengers 2 would've shown a better dynamic between the whole team, but we get the nice party scene at the beginning and then it's back to their regular arguing (which hey creating ultron WAS tony's fault so like. it should've been called out lmao!). but yeah, like. i get that marvel is supposed to be fun and not that deep or whatever, BUT they have their emotional instances and near-criticisms of government (i mean........the whole point of catws is that they cannot be trusted! and people think steve should've signed the accords! yeah right!) and then they just don't follow through and especially recently, and ESPECIALLY with endgame, they chose not to follow through on anything they'd built up to that point (look how it ignored catws, aou, civil war, infinity war, ragnarok, it contradicts all those movies), they chose to go for the exact kind of garbage superhero movies are accused of being, instead of telling a cohesive story. it's embarrassing.
but yeah like you really have to think that steve probably knew old peggy better than he knew peggy during in the forties.....so how do they think it's acceptable or logical for him to know about the life she had, to know she wanted him to have his own life and to go back, ignoring all that. not even getting into what it does to his friends, what it means to have all this knowledge of the future and whether or not he would mold the timeline into something else. it all just specifically makes steve's character look bad in pretty much all regards and he would just......never do a single thing he did in endgame. he would not have sat around and not tried to do something to undo the snap or at least help out his remaining teammates for FIVE YEARS he just wouldn't. that's why for me i have to ignore the whole movie, not just the ending.
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sotorubio · 4 years
hi if it’s not too much trouble do you mind elaborating on the post about the cinematography being better in s7? bc i 100% agree and have been thinking the same but also haven’t really been able to articulate why? like if someone asked me this anon i wouldn’t be able to give them specifics but i KNOW it’s different. sorry 😅
it's definitely not too much trouble i already know this is gonna be long as shit bc i have so many Thoughts on the matter
it is indeed p hard to articulate so i'll give some examples & comparisons n share my thoughts based on that!
first i think it's important to recognize the context of a show like skam. it is made to represent every-day teenagers who might enjoy but not ever relate to characters & stories on some fantasy/murder mystery shows abt teenagers. the very core of skams is realism n accuracy to real life. we as the audience are not only supposed to be onlookers of the events we're meant to feel connected to the stories n relate to the main characters.
skamfr has some VERY beautiful shots if u look at them independently. if someone just showed me a screenshot of one of them i'd be like wow! that's stunning! but that's not what i'm supposed to feel when it comes to skams. if i go watch an artistic full length movie at the theaters i Do want to see beautiful shots that look like art n have a lot of symbolism behind them but when i watch skam i'm supposed to think "that could be me. that looks like my life" i'm not a lowly spectator who could never have such a beautiful life but instead the audience should see their lives directly put on screen.
skam france has been rly consistent w it tho! it's been their brand since like season 3.. but it did get worse in s5 & 6 i think bc they started to try too hard for original storylines. i think it's very intentional n if they were making another show i wouldn't say it's bad rly (altho sometimes it is that too bc they try too hard fmgjkd). out of context a lot of their cinematography works bc they usually tie it into the plot to represent the events but they just picked the wrong style for a web series. like babes u are not submitting this to the academy pls chill.
now let me introduce u to the most despicable shot in skam history (in my humble opinion)
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now before anyone says. yes i know this sequence of shots has a purpose. this is exactly what i mean that if it was some other show w different goals it wouldn't be such an issue bc yeah this looks great right? it's a "sensory clip" we r supposed to "hear" what it's like to be deaf n specifically what it's like for arthur. but.
let's put this into skam context. we as the audience should see ourselves in arthur, not necessarily entirely but we should feel he's just like us, a teenager w his own unique struggles & life experiences. now tell me, when u feel depressed or sad or have had the worst week of ur life n u must drag urself to the shower... is this what it feels like? first of all do u take the shower in the fucking dark???? just for the aesthetic?? do u stand DIRECTLY in the middle letting the water hit u exactly on the top of ur head forming a symmetrical shade on u while u just... stand there. do u feel like ur ascending in the shower as u dramatically raise ur chin literally what the actual fuck is this. don't get me wrong sometimes u just actually do stand there doing nothing bc u just feel so horrible but that's not rly the feeling this clip awakens?
this leans a bit into the romanticization of arthur's season which wouldn't be as bad (still cringy but not as bad) if arthur had already accepted himself at this point but no he's basically suffering in the shower n we are looking at him like wow that's so pretty. let's imagine how we could make this clip feel more real n how we could actually see ourselves in him here:
stop making ur main characters of the season the main characters of the world. just bc arthur is feeling terrible doesn't mean the whole world imitates his feelings. in a symbolic movies masterpiece it would but not in a concept like skam. one of the worst things abt feeling terrible is seeing how the world just goes on around u. imagine how real it would feel like if he was in the shower w the generic yellowish light on that a lot of bathrooms have. we could see his silhouette slouching in the shower through a shower screen. or maybe a shot similar to the example pics but the ugly lights are on n the water is annoyingly dripping in his eyes & he doesn't look like they're trying to give him a halo n make him into a jesus archetype. the bathroom would look the same it looks on a rly happy day or a boring day bc this day only sucks for arthur n the universe isn't gonna come to his house to give him a cool background bc of it
same w this comparison
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two underwater shots, both rly pretty & heavy on symbolism but the other one is literally waiting for those "this looks like a renaissance painting" comments n the other is rly pretty but still looks like real life humans who r not doing a photo shoot for vogue. which do u find more relatable? which situation makes u think Yeah that's real life?
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like look at this camera position of "barely above water" this is like.. almost "ugly" but it's so fucking real n probably closest to the feeling of a first person point of view shot that u can get to
now the s7 camera decisions seem sooooo much better compared to all this. they have a lot of time to still make super dramatic shots that distance the viewer from the story line but so far so good. maybe they'll pick this up again to make the world revolve around tiff as she faces hardships but let's hope not 🙃
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i genuinely love this shot like it's super down to earth & feels real but they have still easily kept in the symbolism. like tiff is literally putting walls between others n herself. jo feels like she's literally talking to a wall. tiff feels alone & secluded even tho someone is in the same room as her. yet they didn't have to make it look like smth out of an obscure indie film whose purpose is to have the audience in awe instead of representing them.
yeah the first person point of view of jo going in and out of frame while doing sit ups mightve been weird or cringy but 1. that's skam for y'all & 2. i'll choose that any day over arthur ascending like jesus in the shower.
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tossertozier · 5 years
you mentioned possibly doing a ben or mike writing guide.. would you.. be willing to post a mike one. i'm plotting a fic and im struggling to get my mans down?? also i think abt ur fics weekly bare minimum.
hi there!!! i did my best. i tried to not sound preachy or like a know it all bc y’all know i can barely write. i hope this is helpful in some way!! disclaimer of of course this is all just my opinion & there’s no wrong way to write, you’re the only person who can tell your story!!
i think the first really important decision you have to make as Person Writing Mike is his
family & background
-are both of his parents alive?
-if yes, what’s their relationship like?
-if no, who’s his primary caretaker? what’s their relationship like?
-if no, when did they die? did he cope well with it? what’s his relationship with their memory like?
these are really really where you gotta start to write mike imo. or any character! i think one thing stephen king is to be admired for is he doesn’t neglect the parent-child relationship as so many people who write youth do. your parents are the most important people in your life for a long time. i don’t think there’s a wrong or ooc way to answer the above questions tbh. canon has really left a wide open field for you to run amuck in.
(example: i’ve mentioned in the past that my & tfat mike being a small adult is no mistake and intentional. it’s a bit of a throwaway scene, but i mention in on pointe that mike’s parents are coming. it’s intentionally done there too. mike is goofier, more outgoing, more immature in general in that fic in the small bits he’s in & that’s all a response to his familial life. )
culture + friendships
after you answer those questions, important follow up questions are:
-are the losers his first set of friends?
-how much social exposure has he had?
-has he dated? who is he attracted to?
-who influences him? (celebrities, family, culturally)
-what are his cultural interests? what does he do in his free time? how would that impact how he interacts with the rest of the world?
again, no wrong way to answer these. i’ve seen a super broad spectrum of indirect answers to these questions. even thinking about where he might pick up patterns of speech can make him feel much more like a realized character. i’ve noticed some people dip fully into aave to an extent that doesn’t even seem logical in their character’s current situation & it can really seem like a caricature, but i think to write mike without any sense of aave at all is a little ?? too. just be cognizant of it is my only real advice here. it doesn’t so much matter as long as you don’t forget who mike is which next point
humor & personality
-what do you think he would find (shows, comedians, youtube videos) really funny?
-does he have something he quotes often? something he started saying ironically but never stopped?
man i know i’m all there’s no wrong way to write mike !! in this post but i will say real quick that i think mike is funny and i don’t really respect depictions of him where he’s not. i think this is where the movies really just fucked up. book mike drops some of the funniest lines of the book. and honest to god tip is to write out a scene as you feel the urge too, look away for five minutes, look back and give half of richie’s lines away. (or... dialogue.) this sounds like a joke but it was what i did when i first started writing & tfat
i’d always be like “n the funny part goes... to richie.” and thats a fandom inclination too. nooooo. avoid this trap. it doesn’t even make sense. have u ever been in a friend group where only one person... makes jokes? that’d be genuinely so weird. especially bc if you give the joke away to someone else, you can also build on it. amazing things start happening when u start thinking of the characters in flexible patterns. like for example, i almost always give absurdist humor to stan now. wholesome to ben.
mike’s humor is largely situational to me. solid comedic timing & he’s an observant person. sometimes i read back my own writing & have to change the pov bc richies making jokes about things he would never ever notice to make fun of. mike would. mike genuinely sees all. i think he’s just got one of the most analytical brain of the losers. & i think intelligence is subjective and people are smart in different ways but i think it’s foolish to write him as anything other than incredibly intelligent both academically and emotionally. he’s just a natural observer and pattern notice-er. which brings me to my next mike thing:
love & selflessness
i think the biggest part of mike being harder to flesh into a fully realized person is the fandom tendency to make him kind and nothing else. here’s mike. he’s nice. next. bc the book kind of points out his selflessness in his decisions and it makes itself one of his strongest character traits.
especially bc nice seems to trump him having any other emotions. ...no?
i believe in general, but ESPECIALLY in the case of mike, that kindness is a choice. it’s one i genuinely believe he’d make, over & over again. but a choice he makes. he gets annoyed with his friends being annoying like anyone else would. he gets hurt when he feels left out. he feels tired & anxious & hungry and all those other human things. sometimes he might not let it show outwardly, but there’s a difference between that and not giving him feelings at all.
people are selfish. it’s a defense mechanism. it’s to protect us. it’s not a bad thing. we think of how the world impacts ourselves first. we don’t always act upon those thoughts or voice them, but don’t forget to let mike have them. he doesn’t need to be happy for his friends all the time, or rooting for them or supportive. he should have his own things going on.
also. mike’s not a doormat. yes, he stays in derry. but those were life-death consequences for generations of children. it’s really not comparable to almost any decision mike would make in a pennywise free universe. yes, he made a sacrifice in the book but i don’t think he’d just lay himself down in any given universe to whatever fate wants to hand him. but this is where i end this topic bc i’m actually only barely beginning to get to this topic in my own fic!
it’s hard writing the losers young sometimes bc i do feel relationships are naturally a little unbalanced based on basic maturity levels as young people. sometimes friendships just are unbalanced bc of who people are at that time. everyone involved can still be good people in these relationships. it’s about growing together and learning how to be good friends to each other.
for example, in &tfat: certain losers are always checking in with others. others are really wrapped up in their own shit and don’t really notice what bothers the others. it would probably take a chart the size of a textbook to explain how i think this dynamic wholly pans out in full. and yeah, i think it grates on mike a little bit that he is always the checker and never the checkee.
but even when mike snaps, even when he gets upset, i always write it coming out of him with a lot of love. i genuinely think mike, regardless of experience in that fic, has the deepest understanding of love as its own concept and an understand of how exactly it rules his life and and his relationships. mike knows to feel strongly about something he has to care about it. there are lots of things he just doesn’t care about. in the book it’s stated he’s difficult to connect with as an adult. he’s distant. he’s focused on what he wants to focus on. i think mike is actually the most interesting when he becomes a little bit of a disaster man with very little time for what doesn’t interest him.
which last thing, dislikes & disinterests
-what annoys him?
-what makes him genuinely angry?
-what bores him to tears?
i always make jokes that i bring up the nastier parts of the losers bc i love nasty boys but thinking of things people don’t like is as much a part of them as the things they do.
for example, in &tfat, i write richie as making fun of “nerdy” things like anything you could find at comic con. i write bev as not giving a fuck about sports. bill doesn’t care about richie’s music tastes. eddie hates getting condescended to.
bc of the ... kind thing, mike’s one of the harder losers to do this with. i genuinely think mike would listen to any of his friends tell him about anything. & he knows, in return, they can’t say shit when he wants to ramble about history. but dislikes can also be super situational.
again, for example in & tfat: mike doesn’t like when his friends talk about college right now. no one is really being sensitive to him at all. he hates getting blamed for stuff that isn’t his fault, mostly bc it keeps happening.
anyway. i based a lot of my mike (mostly sense of humor and personality) off of a mix of real life friends of mine. it’s a luxury. i know. i’ve been blessed to have friends from literally all walks of life & for me borrowing little habits & quirks & sayings & jokes to slip into my fics and characters is my way of writing one massive love letter to those ive known. i hope i’ve helped you in some way anon. n if not.... don’t be sad i’m hardly one to take writing advice from anyway jandjxjx
overall, as i used to do often, i’d genuinely stop myself and say: is this a person, or a convenience for the plot? and if it was the latter, sigh, and get my backspace key ready.
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dcmiiniic · 5 years
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hi, it me, mini from the block --- bringing you another muse, and he is my lil bb. also @maddisvn’s brother bc i love lia. so uh, read the intro (srry if its a bit long), like this and I WILL mssge you for plots and threads. the messier the better, bc im a messy biiih. ily.
❛ new york’s very own Dominic Parker was spotted on broadway street in  Off-White White 3.0 Off-Court Sneakers. your resemblance to Reece King is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty third birthday bash. while living in new york, you’ve been labeled as being impatient, but also idealistic. i guess being a sagittarius explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be reading a book by the beach, torn up runners, and neon highlighters & ( cismale & he/him )
Basic Information
Full Name: Dominic Omar Parker
Nickname(s): d, dom
Age: 23
Date of Birth: December 20th 1995
Zodiac sign: sagittarius
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
Ethnicity: african-american/white
Nationality: american
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic
Language(s) Spoken: english 
Accent: american
Weather: summer
Colour: green
Music: logic, big sean, etc.
Movies: the lion king
Sport: track + field, basketball
Beverage: hennessy or red label
Food: doubles! and plantains with cheese.
Animal: sea lions + turtles
Father: henderson parker
Mother: cassandra parker
Sibling(s): maddison parker + older bro (WC)
Children:  aaliyah strawberry parker, 1 yr. (stormi webster fc)
Pet(s): a turtle named franklin
dominic grew up in san francisco, california. his favorite thing growing up was hanging out at pier 39 and just watching the sea lions chill all day on top of the boards. regardless of the smell. he loved the fact that it didn’t rain or snow, the weather was just ideal. it allowed him to thrive when things were constant with minor changes.
dominic feels most at home by the ocean. he finds it peaceful since it’s calm and quiet besides the sounds of the water crashing together.
@ 15, dominic and the rest of the parkers moved over to NYC cos their dad got a job there and tb he hated it. 
he had to be the new kid, at a new school, in a new city but, dominic is the type of person to blend in so making a whole new life barely came with challenges. he was able to work a room, and he was smart to figure things out easily. 
he made a lot of friends, went to the randomest of parties, all while maintaining a high average in school and keeping A1 appearances.
since the parkers were well off, dominic didn’t have to work for anything when it came to getting things he wanted - but what he did have to work for was getting his father’s approval on almost every part of his life.
being one of the only two boys, there was a lot riding on them to do things. going to school, getting the best grades, making sure you’re always presentable - and bc dominic just wanted to please his dad, he did everything he could. he studied a lot, he did a lot of volunteer work and thankfully for him he liked to study, so studying a lot wasn’t a problem.
dominic rlly struggled being the middle child, but don’t get him wrong, he loves his siblings. believe it or not, he still loves his dad, and he’s a big time momma’s boy. 
even while his dad talks a lot of smack about him, dominic still attends family events, dinners and the works, to please his dad and so it wouldn’t be stressful on his mom. 
dominic is a nerd, a smartass. his grades were always high, especially when it came to liberal arts.
it wasn’t really his choice if he went into university, it was expected. dominic didn’t think much of it besides that he had to do it. 
he went to columbia university for law, and he got his degree in that, and he was doing his graduate legal studies until he got scouted by the New York Knicks.
he grew up with a lot of stress riding on his back, and being the middle child really sucked when you had to have as much of responsibility as the oldest, still be looked at as the younger sibling but at the same time having to take care of the youngest. 
what he did on his past time was run. whether it was around the block, or around the track, dominic found it peaceful just to be by himself where his heart rate went up to the point he couldn’t breathe and he’d fall onto the ground. years of doing so earned him a spot on the track + field team, and because he was good at it, his dad put him in on basketball teams since he was fast enough to make home runs - multiple times.
Basketball was never his first choice at anything, if he could, dominic would do track and field but as far as his dad was concerned, basketball was the better path between the two. so that’s what he did to please his dad. 
dropping out of columbia though, that was dominic’s choice. he figured, he already got his degree, his masters could be put on hold while he played basketball. 
it seemed like a good idea to him, but since then he has a pretty rocky relationship with his dad.
he was never meant to be the black sheep of the family. he was supposed to have this picture perfect image, probably be the next Barack Obama - but that didn’t work out. 
Being an athlete wasn’t the same as being an academic. it took a lot of work physically, and at the end of the games he was left with such a rush. it was a completely different kind of satisfaction.
for once dominic didn’t have to worry about hitting the books or the next test. his main focus was basketball and keeping an image that was easier to maintain. this came with a lot of partying and a lot of - accidents.
one night, when he was too drunk to function, he woke up the next day in a random girl’s bed. not that that was anything special but it definitely was when he got a call saying she was pregnant. so 9 months later, aaliyah strawberry parker came into this world. she is currently 1 year and a few months, and that little babe added a light into dominic’s life. 
he was never prepared to be a dad DILF, but he’s a damn good one! he keeps his life separate when he’s with his daughter.
he’s not with his baby momma, but they have a solid relationship, sometimes rocky, sometimes not but y’know. it happens. 
so far, dominic hasn’t introduce aaliyah to any of his family members except maddison. it’s not a secret, it’s just something he doesn’t want to do considering the rocky relationship he has with his dad. 
currently, besides being a baskeball player and a dad, dominic is just figuring things out as he goes. he loves to read, and paint, and sometimes when he’s bored he’ll take a class on something just to feel mentally stimulated. 
he’s always curious, and loves to travel to wherever he can. 
he’s a mfng fuckboy. just bcos he had a kid, doesn’t mean it’s gonna stop him from messing around. he’s just extra careful with it. 
even tho he’s not talking with his dad, and he’s doing his own thing, he rlly still hopes in a way he’s making his dad proud. 
he gets emo sometimes bc he didn’t turn out the way his parents wanted him to, and cos he doesn’t have the best relationship with them - but that’s why, at the very least he has close friends and siblings. 
he lives by himself in a fairly decent apartment with his turtle that he named franklin, bc he can’t own a sea lion. 
dominic is always fun. he was the one in the group of friends that made the jokes, and made everyone feel comfortable. he was always out there hugging his friends and chilling, laying around.
this was the guy that brought a textbook to a party bc he wanted to get lit but also had a test the next day to study for.
he’s been given so many expectations his whole life, he really doesn’t like it now. he just wants to be free and do his own thing.
he cares a lot about people, sometimes he’s too nice and doesn’t see the way it’ll back fire on him.
he’s smart in a lot of other ways. take him to a museum and it’s like returning an alien to the mothership. 
he believes in positive thinking, his mind is always open, and is never one to judge - or he tries not to judge bc he grew up judging other people that he doesn’t want to do that anymore.
he loves to be outdoors and walking around barefoot on the grass. 
a lot of things come easy to him. he’s sociable and charming, and loves adventure.
some connections based off of muse posts :)
besides that, i’m down for anything !
unrequited connections
toxic relationship/friendship
give me a SQUAD
first loves
childhood friendships
sibling type friendships
exes on good and bad terms
all the fwb~ 
creative type friends
enemies plots pls
crossword puzzle friends pls
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glowing-gravity · 5 years
OKAY so the short version? I love rex a Whole Lot and honestly his existence made me appreciate emmet even more
the long version? I really love rex’s character bc once you’ve seen the movie and rewatched it, his actions make sense but they aren’t always actually... logical. like in some cases, they even kinda seem like a totally counterproductive idea. but they make sense for him, as a character, to believe/do. I kinda got into this in my response to this post, haha, but like?
you can really tell he’s still emmet, as much as he totally reinvented himself to try not to be. who else would go back in time to try to keep themself safe, even while in doing so preventing the event that initially shaped their life after that point? it’s so emmet to want to rescue himself and show himself how cool he’ll become, and then try to help him become cool the easier, safer way.
and emmet’s always struggled with feeling ignored, too boring and average, too naive and unhelpful. the whole first movie’s full of people telling him that. so of course when he decides to become someone else entirely- rex dangervest- he’s going to be Everything Exciting Possible. he’s going to be a galaxy-defending archaeologist-cowboy-raptor trainer, because who could ignore someone that cool? more action and skills means more noticeable, more memorable, someone people want to be around, someone who’s good at everything, right? (although the irony is, he’s still following the mainstream tropes, just different ones than before)
but then there’s that key thing that makes him not emmet anymore- his anger. that’s not to say emmet never got mad in either movie, but as we all know, rex kinda defined himself by it and the masterbreaking technique that came from it (but also?? he named it masterbreaking??? no matter how he tries to distance himself from emmet, that’s still such an emmet name). and it’s just?? it’s so interesting, how the anger has shaped him into someone that isn’t emmet but is still so recognizably, fittingly still emmet as soon as you think about his persona beyond the surface level. 
emmet’s not really the kind of person to hold a grudge. and honestly? I think rex still isn’t either. because even with how mad he was, he still had to consciously hold onto that anger. he had to be angry All the Time. and sometimes he couldn’t even do that- his face softens when he and emmet see their “brainwashed” friends (who rex is Definitely Mad At All The Way, except, is he?) at the wedding, for just a moment, but it’s clear he still cares about them somewhere deep down even if he’s trying his absolute best to convince himself he doesn’t.
he doesn’t even seem to have a clear idea who he’s getting revenge on in this plan- he centered it on protecting himself, but beyond that, it’s unclear. when working with emmet to save their friends, he takes the opportunity to twist it into destroying the temple and causing the apocalypse. he refers to watevra as an evil queen, and seems convinced (genuinely?) that their friends have all been brainwashed. so is he mad at his friends for being unable to save him because they weren’t in control of themselves? or is he mad at watevra and mayhem for taking them away and brainwashing them in the first place? and is he just mad at apocalypseburg in general for not believing in him?
either way, the anger seems to center on his friends when he’s explaining to emmet, but he seems to be mad at basically everyone. you could just take it as bad writing, a product of making the twist harder to figure out at the beginning, but I like to see it more as it being kind of a glimpse into rex’s actual thoughts- he really doesn’t know why no one came for him. he’s really not sure who he’s supposed to be mad at. but he saw everyone having a good time without him, so whether it was intentional, or they just forgot about him, he’s decided it’s best to be mad at everyone, just in case. it’s easier than confronting possibly complicated answers and the greyer areas of who the blame should fall on.
especially since he’ll never really get answers anyway (even if he wasn’t back-to-the-futured in the end) since he’s totally changed the timeline and it’ll never happen. he never got saved, and he’ll never know exactly why. it’s an unresolvable loose end he just has to deal with.
but then there’s still the exception of his raptors, which is another thing I love because... even when he’s decided it’s him against the world, he’s still emmet, and especially after years of being completely isolated from any interaction, he still needs something to connect to. so he adopts an entire pack of raptors. and he really does care about them! he looks totally distraught when they go missing on the jungle planet, and then again when he thinks they’ve been brainwashed.
no matter how he tries, he can’t totally maintain that gritty “I don’t care about anything but myself and being cool” attitude. he can fake it impressively well- he certainly wasn’t that good at lying, acting, or manipulating in the first movie- but he still breaks it regularly, whether it’s because emmet mentioned his friends, or because he loves his raptors, or because lucy’s there and he can’t stop glaring at her as if that’ll somehow resolve anything for him.
so I just... idk, I love that he kinda gives us an idea of the point where emmet’s positive attitude stops, but also how emmet would react to his greatest insecurities being an extreme reality- no one cares about him, he can’t do anything, he’s totally ignored and forgotten, everyone’s left him behind. we got a little glimpse of that in tlm when the police questioning didn’t work because no one knew him, but this is really a whole different ballpark. and his reaction being able to save himself from that nightmare- and, oh yeah, hurt everyone else before they get the chance to hurt him like that again- well, it’s just... it’s really telling about both of them.
ALSO HE CAN LITERALLY MOVE ON HIS OWN, HE’S GONE FULL TOY STORY, AND I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT. obviously emmet’s already had a glimpse of the world beyond theirs, but rex having lived in it- knowing it’s “real” and theirs is “fake”- has to have caused quite the existential crisis that I’m sure was the last thing rex’s disaster of a mental state at that point needed. I love when there’s One Character that really knows the full extent of the truth like that, and really, if there’s one thing I would’ve loved to see in tlm2 that they didn’t do, it’d be use that more, expand on it more. but hey, we’ve always got our theories!
as like, a final note on rex, I think part of the reason he’s so relatable is bc I’m pretty sure there’s not a single person on the planet who wouldn’t want to go back in time, given the opportunity, and help out their past self in some way? even something minor, like telling themselves they’ll make it through this, or showing themselves a glimpse of the future they have to look forward to? and rex DID that- but in doing so, got carried away, aimed too high, let himself become the villain, didn’t pay attention to the glaring fact that despite being from the future he didn’t know the full story. he got too caught up in the past, and didn’t think about his own present (he could’ve found his old friends, talked to them, asked them why) or his own future (he could’ve just moved on, let his anger go) and I mean? I think we all kinda know what that feels like, even if we don’t have the literal experience of going back like he did.
THIS GOT REALLY LONG AND I KINDA RAMBLED but hopefully it’s not too hard to follow?? ahaha like I said I have a LOT of thoughts on rex and also I kinda love doing character analysis stuff like this so. thank you SO MUCH for asking for my thoughts on him...... I owe you my life cosmic....
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