#and sometimes the bamboozler can obtain a concussion because realistically being hit in the head by a large piece of metal would do that
galacticnova3 · 2 years
Fuck hater anon i smite there ass with lightning and hitting every single red light while driving for the rest of there life. What if Magolor had a evil murder imposter(haha just like in a mongooseTM) and not the boab, what would that be like?
Read to charge like to cast spell of eternal lightning and red lights on anon
Anyways that is a fun question! Since I don’t want to just make this theoretical baddie Lon But A Catboy™️ I imagine Magolorn’t would be much more magic focused, as opposed to physically/biologically oriented like Lon. Probably a staunch believer in Lor as an incredibly powerful/influential one-of-a-kind vessel who would want to basically just do RtD again but worse. Being a more magical adversary opens up the possibility of copying the egg’s appearance perfectly(not that it would matter because Lor’s vision isn’t exactly stellar) down to how their soul looks on her scanner. Maybe also mind reading for information. However this plan would fail relatively quickly for two reasons:
1. Trying to seem like you aren’t lying/are trustworthy while also trying to impersonate a habitual liar is a very difficult thing to do, specifically nailing down what exactly would and wouldn’t be lied about, and this ties in to
2. Lor knows Magolor very well at this point and would be able to pick up on minute differences between him and the fake, like which hand he lifts first to shield his eyes from bright light or how close he puts his face to something to smell it
The first thing I thought of in regards to Lor confirming who the real Magolor is was more or less shitpost material, but also reflects how things would probably go down once the two appear in the same place at the same time.
Lor: >… Hm. What’s something only the real Magolor would know… Where is your secret stash of catnip that I know you have?
Magoliar: In the library, in the small dresser between the fourth and fifth rightmost main shelves, kept in a small box just outside of the view of the neutral position of your cameras.
Magolor: …
Lor: >Sweet, that solves two mysteries. Anyways the real Magolor would have tried to talk his way out of answering that.
Magoliar: *starts sweating* No, haven’t we established I’m breaking that habit? Especially at a time like this, when hiding information just sounds suspicious!
Lor: >Me and the real Magolor are working on that, but he still has a ways to go before it becomes second nature to not lie under pressure or if personal enjoyment is at stake. If you want a head start before I take appropriate action in this situation you already missed your opportunity.
Magoliar: …A- *coconut thunked unconscious by one of Lor’s oars*
Magolor: Whew… Glad that’s over! I’ve had enough of trying to clear my name for one lifet-
Lor: >We’ll discuss the catnip later. The Halberd is on its way because I imagine Meta would know how to deal with someone like this, but chances are he’ll have questions for both of us.
Magolor: Oof dangit…
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