#and submit a complaint because jfc
esoanem · 1 year
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Gothmog clearly understands that Someone has Done Some Bullshit to me and I require Affection from her, but sadly does not understand that in doing so is preventing me from taking the necessary response
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celabi · 2 years
It's me the first sage of buer (first anon of celabi)
I have not written any thoughts for scummy scara in FOREVERR but I have a few rotting in my brain so here you guys go enjoy loll. This one is based around punishing our lovely greasy boy 😈
The punishment doesn't have to be prompted by something bad Scaramouche did, sometimes we just wanna tease and torture him, yk??
Imagine tying up scara to his bed, he complies without a single complaint, not even a question, because why would he? He trusts you completely. He can feel himself getting excited at the thought of all the things you're going to do to him, he submits himself to you completely and utterly. You make a show of undressing yourself, scaramouche moans at each section of skin he sees, he licks his lips. He's already so achingly hard when you're sat before him nude, he can't wait until you undress him next…
He waits patiently, but before you make any move to tend to him, you start touching yourself before his widened eyes. It was certainly something he didn't expect, but he wasn't complaining. He loved seeing you this vulnerable, the sounds you made, the show you were putting on. It was all for him. He tries to keep his attention on you, but his cock becomes increasingly hard to ignore, it's throbbing wildly at the scene.
He groans, pleading for you to just take his pants off, relieve him just a little, please. You smile and shake your head, thrusting your fingers into yourself more.
He's getting a little impatient now, as all he can do is watch you, painfully hard
"My love.. pl-please..haah~.. t-touch me too..please"
He whines, tugging at the restraints. He can see your juices run over your fingers now, making a mess on his bed. He's definitely going to suck on that spot later. But he wants a taste, right now. Please, he'll beg, just slip your fingers into his drooling mouth, let him taste you, he pleads. You just chuckle at his tearful and desperate state. Poor poor boy, this is truly the worst torture one can receive.
@ celabis 87 anons, I'm free on Feb 14 who want me 🤭🤭
(I have another thought, like a part 2 to this I will write laterrr enjoy this for now, I hope you get better celabi muahh)
- ☔️
And when he he and how he does what he when yes
Jfc I’ve missed u and ur thoughts so much ☔️ 😭🫶 always written so well… tbh u portray him so much better then i do lansosnen but I’m not complaining because THEYRE ALWAYS SO GOOD!!!
God I wanna ruin him so bad, make him whimper and stuff 🤭 errrrr if I have some downtime, I’ll add like a little drabble on to this If you don’t mind 🙇‍♀️
Errhsma I also have a scummy alhaitham draft in the works… tehe, tbh I would like to make this like, a whole series with every one soooo look out for that (coming 2030 😎)
Lysm ☔️, kisses xoxo
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sapphicscholar · 3 years
Fanfic Writer Question Meme
Having just submitted 45 dissertation pages, I decided today is the day to do this fun little fanfic writer thing I’ve seen floating around on my dash lately!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 89
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?  2,031,148 ... jfc. I aspire to be this prolific in my academic life.
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?  Only 5 shows, though a variety of ships in one of them! Supergirl, Grace and Frankie, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Wynonna Earp, and This Way Up (I’ve got some draft-y stuff for a Hacks fic but dissertation stuff sent it to the back burner)
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos? -Stronger Together (Supergirl, 1-shot compilation with a variety of ships) -Welcome to the Gayborhood, Danvers (Supergirl, Sanvers academia AU, my first ever fic, too!) -6,500 miles away...but getting closer (Supergirl, Sanvers long distance epistolary fic that I co-authored with my wife; we actually ended up, unexpectedly, writing a big chunk of it while we did long distance for the first--and hopefully only--time) -Noise Complaint (Supergirl, Sanvers neighbor AU that’s mostly canon compliant) -Supercat Sanvers 2020 (Supergirl, Supercat and Sanvers political AU)
5) Do you respond to comments, and why or why not? I try to because I really do love and appreciate them SO MUCH! But I often binge write during my breaks from the academic year and post when the semester is at its busiest, and then I do the thing of going “oh no! it’s been 2 weeks and now I feel weird, I shall let it go another 4 months until I feel much too awkward to ever reply!) But I’ve been trying! 
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Forgotten, But Not Gone! Thanks to fan demand I turned it into a 2-part series, but that first fic ends on a note that is, at best, a kind of gesture at some sort of future but with no guarantees (which is the kind of ending my wife likes best of all haha)
7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? Hmmm I often don’t love super sweet endings, but one of the few where I’ve given an epilogue that’s pretty straightforwardly sweet and happy is Her Knight in Tiny Spandex 
8) Do you write crossovers? Not really where the characters from one universe mix with another, though I’ve done some, like, Buffy AU type fics, and I had a series where Supergirl characters were active participants in other shows’ fandoms
9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Holy shit so much hahah! I took a break from fandom for a while after the worst of it, and even though there are some really lovely people still in that particular ship’s fandom, my level of involvement and investment dropped considerably. I’ve been much more...cautious since then about feeling out fandoms before really jumping in 
10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yep, plenty! I’ve only ever written for femslash ships and poly arrangements, though
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Uh yeah once or twice several years ago, but I think I was able to report it and show proof of my posting it on AO3 many, many months before it showed up on Wattpad or something
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? No, I got a request once, but it was for a longgggg fic and I don’t think it ever appeared (totally understandable, it would’ve been a huge endeavor!) 
13) Have you ever co-written a fic? Yup! A couple with my wife, plus one with a group of Supercat writers where we rotated and did a sentence at a time
14) What’s your all time favorite ship? I genuinely don’t think I can pick! I rotate through my ship-of-the-moment, and have plenty that I’ll probably never write for (came late to the fandoms) but love reading 
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? I do aim to finish all my fics, but I have 2 WIPs (one dystopian AU that suddenly felt very close to the world we were actually living in, and one that involves a major character death that I put on hiatus after having a number of family members pass away in a single year) that I think it’ll take me some time to get back to
16) What are your writing strengths? Dialogue! I like to think I also do a good job of infusing humor into fics--something that makes the reader smile, even in what can be a fairly heavy fic
17) What are your writing weaknesses? Fighting scenes. Oof, they take it out of me, and especially writing for a fandom like Supergirl where so much of what happens includes fighting...damn am I out of my element! I also have no vocabulary for it, so it’s like...she punches a thing. Then another punch. Then a kick. Then an elbow. Also I think people use knees??
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I think there are ways to do it that can be really important and ways to do it that can veer into shitty fetishizing (e.g., when characters will slip into a language other than English only during sex and always with the exact same phrases borrowed from fic to fic). I only feel comfortable writing in other languages myself it if it’s a language I actually speak to avoid the weird awkwardness of Google Translate speak, but I know some writers who will find a language beta for this purpose, and that’s really awesome!
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Supergirl (I arrived to fandom much, much later than my wife!)
20) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written? It’s a total cop out, but I don’t know/it changes depending on the definition of best! I think one of my recent favorites has been I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bone
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krpsays · 2 years
This blog and every single one of y’all submitting to it complaining about rps are disgusting. Jfc, most Krps these days require typists to be 18+, so are y’all all full grown adults acting like children or are y’all actual children pretending to be adults? You’re worse than fucking high schoolers with the drama and bullshit you’re spewing and it’s fucking exhausting. Grow the fuck up. Admins are real people with real jobs and they create these spaces purely because they enjoy rping and love the community. They’re busy most of the time and they do their adminning as a hobby outside of real life responsibilities (you know, the responsibilities that actually matter). They can run their space how they want, with the rules they want; they don’t need to listen to you and they aren’t required to consider your opinion about THEIR SPACE, so tbh if they do then consider yourself fucking lucky. You are, for lack of a better comparison, a GUEST in their space and some of y’all are acting like you’re entitled to it and like y’all own the place. It doesn’t matter if they were an admin of anywhere else before, or who their muses are, or if you think their spaces are cliquey or unwelcoming or have ridiculous rules or anything. It doesn’t give you the right to be as toxic and abusive as you are being on this awful blog. ADMINS DON’T OWE YOU SHIT. If you hate their rp that much: pack up your shit and leave, because more likely than not the admins and the people who actually enjoy their rp don’t even want your negative ass there anyway (in fact your negativity might, JUST MIGHT, be the reason you’re struggling to make any fucking friends). Your departure would do wonders for your mental health by removing that ‘toxicity’ in your life, and would get a load off the admins’ shoulders because they wouldn’t have to deal with your countless, stupid fucking complaints any more. So girl bye. Sincerely, an actual fucking adult with a job and a life who just wants to enjoy a fucking hobby without all this BULLSHIT. And before you comment, because I can feel all your butthurt asses jumping to the askbox to defend your bullshit: no, I am not an admin at any rp and no, I don’t agree with everything admins do, but I either a) talk to the admin like they’re a human with emotions that are worth considering (because they are), b) put up and shut up, or c) leave.
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