#as well as get and pay for another private prescription that should be covered by the nhs
esoanem · 1 year
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Gothmog clearly understands that Someone has Done Some Bullshit to me and I require Affection from her, but sadly does not understand that in doing so is preventing me from taking the necessary response
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firstmatedville · 1 year
Woa how did u get prescribed t in the UK?
I went private!! I've been on the NHS waiting list for like. four years and they recently told me I'm looking at at least another two years wait (and I'm planning on moving to the US within the next few years so that's not ideal) and I got sick or waiting!! so I looked into private options near me.
I'm in the vague London area so I went with the Gender Hormone Clinic (they work closely with the London Transgender Clinic who cover the surgery side of things). I had to get a dysphoria diagnosis from elsewhere first which cost me about £500 from the Harley Street Gender Clinic, although I know there's other people who the GHC will accept one from. If you want a timeline breakdown, my HSGC appointment was back in January (I requested it in November i think) and then I sent off all my shit to the GHC, I had to get some blood tests done for the GHC back in Feb (through my normal GP), I had a medical history appointment with the GHC in April, and if my irl medical check on Friday all goes well (which it should!!) they'll prescribe me gel testosterone same day - apparently they start everyone on gel bc it's easier. My first appointment with the GHC cost £200, and it's a £49 subscription per month which covers all my check ups, paperwork, prescriptions (although I'll still have to pay normal £9 prescription price too), etc.
This is just the route I went down, but for me personally the money is worth how quickly its taken compared to the nhs? I know a guy who went private via GenderGP which I think is a little more streamlined, he got on T within like 3 months, but I've heard they can be a little sketchy sometimes and their website confused me too much shdhd. Anyway yeah the main hurdle is just getting that diagnosis and then it's pretty plain sailing as long as you have money (my first appointments were funded by my grandparent which helped a lot too)
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termlifeguy · 1 year
Medicare Advantage: Understanding the Biggest Downfall | Boise Medicare Insurance
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The Downside of Medicare Advantage: Chris Antrim Insurance Agency Explores the Biggest Disadvantage
As we try to figure out how to get health insurance in the United States, it's important to know what choices we have. One of these options is Medicare Advantage, which is a popular alternative to regular Medicare that gives seniors more benefits and often lower out-of-pocket costs. While many individuals have found solace in this plan, there remains a crucial question: what is its biggest disadvantage?
In order to foster a sense of belonging within our community, let's delve into this topic together. In the past few years, Medicare Advantage has become more and more popular because it offers all-in-one coverage and extras like dental and vision care that are hard to pass up. As with any policy decision that involves trade-offs, there will be some problems.
People like Medicare Advantage plans because they offer extra benefits like coverage for dental and vision care and lower out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs. But the complicated cost-sharing structure, which often includes copayments and coinsurance and could make it hard for enrollees to pay for healthcare services, could be the biggest downside.
Understanding The Premiums
Premiums for Medicare Advantage plans can be very different depending on the plan, where you live, and other things. In general, Medicare Advantage plans may have lower premiums than traditional Medicare plans, but there are still costs associated with these plans.
One factor that can impact Medicare Advantage premiums is the level of coverage offered. Some Medicare Advantage plans cover everything, like prescription drugs, vision, dental, and hearing care, as well as wellness programs, which can cause premiums to be higher. Other plans may offer limited coverage and lower premiums, but this may mean that individuals will need to pay more out-of-pocket for medical services.
Another factor that can affect Medicare Advantage premiums is the location of the plan. Private insurance companies provide Medicare Advantage plans, so the premiums may vary depending on the cost of healthcare in a particular area. For example, premiums may be higher in urban areas with more healthcare providers and higher costs of living compared to rural areas.
The person's age, gender, and health may also have an effect on their Medicare Advantage premiums. For example, individuals who are older or have pre-existing conditions may pay higher premiums due to the increased risk of needing medical care.
People who are thinking about getting Medicare Advantage should pay close attention to the premiums and other costs that come with the plan. It may be helpful to compare multiple plans to determine which one offers the most comprehensive coverage for the most reasonable cost.
Network Restrictions
As if Medicare Advantage's rising premiums weren't bad enough, it also has limited networks, which is another big drawback. This can show up in many different ways and have a big effect on your health care.
Cost sharing and provider shortages. Because of these problems, it can be hard to get care or pay for services that might be easier to get through traditional Medicare.
Out-of-network care, referral requirements, and claims processing. Patients who need to be able to see specialists without having to jump through hoops or pay for things they didn't expect may find it frustrating to deal with these problems.
In this ever-changing healthcare landscape, it is essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each coverage option before making a decision. Recognizing that we are all in this together will help us navigate these challenges collectively as we strive towards an inclusive healthcare system.
Coverage Limits
Medicare Advantage plans are a type of health insurance that private insurance companies offer to people who want to get Medicare benefits. While these plans offer many benefits, such as additional coverage, lower out-of-pocket costs, and convenience, it is important to understand the coverage limits that may apply.
One of the main differences between Medicare Advantage plans and traditional Medicare plans is that Medicare Advantage plans have annual out-of-pocket maximums. This means that once an individual reaches a certain amount of spending for covered services, the plan will cover all remaining costs for the rest of the year. However, it is important to note that these limits vary between plans and can still result in significant out-of-pocket costs.
In addition to out-of-pocket maximums, Medicare Advantage plans may also have coverage limits for certain services. For example, some plans may limit the number of visits for certain services, such as physical therapy or mental health services. Other plans may have restrictions on the types of medical equipment or supplies that are covered.
Before signing up for a Medicare Advantage plan, people should carefully look over how much they cover. It may be helpful to compare multiple plans to determine which one offers the most comprehensive coverage for the individual's healthcare needs.
Another consideration when it comes to coverage limits for Medicare Advantage plans is the network of healthcare providers. Most Medicare Advantage plans have networks of doctors and hospitals that people must use to get the most out of their coverage. Going outside of the network may result in higher out-of-pocket costs or no coverage at all. Before signing up for a Medicare Advantage plan, people should carefully look over the list of providers in the plan.
Service Availability
Surprisingly, 34% of people on Medicare have chosen a Medicare Advantage plan because it gives them more benefits and lower costs. However, these plans may not always live up to their promises due to limitations in service availability.
The table above shows some of the most important things that affect the availability of services for people with Medicare Advantage plans. When you get care outside of your insurance provider's network or without their permission first, you may have to pay extra fees and copayments that can be hard on your budget. Furthermore, coinsurance comes into play, where patients share a percentage of healthcare costs with their insurance provider.
This mix of possible financial problems is a good reminder for people who are attracted to the idea of getting this popular type of coverage: Be vigilant about understanding your specific plan's rules before making any decisions on care.
Get Medicare Advantage Plans with Chris Antrim Insurance
In the end, the biggest problem with Medicare Advantage may depend on a person's specific healthcare needs and preferences. Some people may not be able to afford the extra premiums that come with these plans, especially if they are on fixed incomes or have tight budgets. Beneficiaries should carefully examine their finances before agreeing to a plan that could put a strain on their resources.
Others may find it hardest to choose a Medicare Advantage plan because of the limits on networks. If you can only go to certain doctors and hospitals, it can be hard to get care, especially if you live in a rural area or have special medical needs. Beneficiaries must weigh the benefits of possibly lower out-of-pocket costs against the inconveniences and limits that may come with limited networks.
Because of this, people who want to sign up for health insurance should do a lot of research and think about all parts of each plan before making a decision. Contact Chris Antrim Insurance to help you find the best policy for your situation.
Originally published here: https://www.goidahoinsurance.com/medicare-advantage-understanding-the-biggest-downfall
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getmemymedicareblog · 2 years
Understanding the Benefits of the Medicare Flex Card for Seniors
As we age, our healthcare needs change, and Medicare provides valuable coverage for many seniors. However, even with Medicare coverage, there may be out-of-pocket expenses that can add up quickly. Fortunately, there is a new program that may help seniors save money on healthcare expenses: the Medicare Flex Card.
The Medicare Flex Card is a program designed specifically for Medicare beneficiaries that provides additional funds to help pay for healthcare expenses not covered by traditional Medicare. These expenses can include deductibles, copays, and coinsurance, as well as prescription drugs, vision, dental, and hearing services.
The program is administered by private insurance companies, and each company sets its own rules and benefits. To be eligible for the Medicare flex card for seniors must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and/or Part B, and live in a state where the program is offered.
The amount of money provided by the Medicare Flex Card varies by plan and can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per year. Some plans even provide additional benefits, such as transportation to medical appointments and health and wellness services.
One of the major benefits of the Medicare Flex Card is that it can be used at any healthcare provider that accepts Medicare. This means that seniors can use the funds to pay for services from their preferred doctors and hospitals.
Another benefit of the Medicare Flex Card is that it can help seniors save money on prescription drugs. Many plans offer discounts on medications not covered by Medicare, which can be especially helpful for seniors who take multiple medications.
The Medicare Flex Card is a valuable resource for seniors who may be struggling to pay for healthcare expenses. However, it is important to note that the program is not available in every state, and the benefits vary by plan. Seniors should carefully review the terms and conditions of any plan they are considering and compare the benefits to ensure that they are getting the best value for their money.
In conclusion, the Medicare Flex Card is a new program that provides additional funds to help seniors pay for healthcare expenses not covered by traditional Medicare. The program is administered by private insurance companies and offers a range of benefits, including discounts on prescription drugs and additional services like transportation and health and wellness programs. Seniors should explore the options available to them and choose the plan that best meets their needs and budget.
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getmemymedicare1 · 2 years
Quick information digest on Medicare respite care and Medicare part-B
Many people believe that all of their doctors are in the network. Medicare respite care plans typically have fewer network segments than traditional Medicare Parts A and B, so you should check with your doctor to see if they are in the system before enrolling.
When certain doctors are not in-network, you have the right to ask them to join, but they frequently decline.
You could also get a list of participating doctors from one insurance company or call people to find one.
A synchronized process of allocating appropriate assets to comply with member interactions for enlistment notifications, tries to appeal and grievances, and high-risk member interaction and management is required for the health plan to stay in present, avoid financial penalties and participant abrasion.
Seniors will use automatic vehicle communication systems such as phone calls and text messages to provide feedback and answer questions. They also expect a quick online and app experience that encourages collaborative decision-making. The goal of new technology should be to improve the healthcare experience and provide additional benefits for the whole care system. They expect experiences that are matched and timely to meet their health needs.
When you start a new plan, all of your medications are protected for the first 90 days, whether they’re on this same formulary or not, so fill all prescriptions right away. After 90 days, you must switch to an encased alternative. Medicare Part D plans, as well as Medicare Advantage plans with such a drug benefit, are required to cover at least two possible medications within the same therapeutic class. If the options do not work for you, you have the right to request an exception.
Medicare Part B, also recognized as “Original Medicare,” is frequently the first location those of us with Medicare coverage transform to resolve their hearing loss fears. You may be surprised to discover that Medicare Part B does not cover cochlear implants.
Medicare Part B protection is strictly limited to covering any medical necessity service forced to treat an energetic health condition. Sadly, this means that they’ll never cover the hearing gadgets you require, as well as the doctor visits required for proper earpiece fitting.
Though there is some good news. The diagnosing hearing tests required to obtain hearing aids are covered by Medicare Part B coverage. Your physician must suggest a diagnostic hearing test for prognosis, and you will be responsible for approximately 20% of the cost from your pocket. If the having heard test is performed in a hospital, you may be obligated to pay a doctor’s office copay. Medicare Advantage, also recognized as an MA plan or Part C, is an additional option for receiving Original Medicare as well as Medicare Part D benefits. MA Plans are owned by private Medicare-approved companies that must abide by Medicare rules. Medicare Advantage plans provide many of the same benefits as Original Medicare, as well as additional benefits. Prescription medication coverage is typically included in MA plans. Furthermore, some Medicare Advantage plans include hearing aid protection.
Whether you have Medicare Advantage or a Medicare Supplement Insurance plan for traditional Medicare Parts A and B (original Medicare) depends on your preferences and circumstances. Each type of coverage has its own tradeoffs; for example, a smaller network in exchange for more coverage or extra benefits. They frequently include dental, vision, and hearing (DVH) coverage, either as a standard benefit or as an entirely voluntary benefit. If your scheme does not presently include DVH, contact your insurance provider to see if it is possible to add it.
You can also save money by placing an order for your medications through the mail. Many plans waive the copay when you mail-order a 90-day stockpile of maintenance medications.
Another good way to cut medical costs is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. You should take advantage of the numerous preventive services provided by Medicare, such as yearly wellness visits, exams, screenings, shots, and lab tests.
Get more details at:- https://www.getmemymedicare.com
Or can call us at:- +1(844)907–4951
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skamenglishsubs · 3 years
Subtext and Culture, Young Royals, Season 1, Episode 2
Episode 2 picks up the morning day after the initiation party, the girls are having breakfast lunch at their dorm, the boys at theirs, and everyone wants the juicy details about what happened at the party...
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Culture: Tell me more, tell me more, did you get very far? Although, it's pretty funny how the roles are reversed, Maddie is all "meh" about it, while Nils tells a different story. Then again, since when do you get together after a blowjob?
Culture: I actually have no idea why Simon is having breakfast at Skogsbacken, since regular schools only cover lunch for students, everyone eats breakfast at home, and then goes to school. Then again, it allows a scene where (Never mind, they're having lunch, thanks @kamand !) Blink and you miss it: Wilhelm casts some nervous glances at Simon after having been called out for disappearing at the party and almost forced to confess to making out with someone.
Culture: I know Felice is trying to put August down, but don't knock a proper Swedish pizza! As much as I like living in the US, they can't fucking make pizzas here, and the first thing I eat every time I go back to Sweden is always a real pizza. With pineapple and shrimp as God intended pizza to be made!
Culture: August is namedropping ski resorts in the Alps, which is where you go skiing in Europe if you have money, although Saint-Martin-de-Belleville is actually near Val Thorens in France, while Verbier is in Switzerland. It does have a three-star restaurant, though. Sweden and Norway have a couple of decent ski resorts, but the Scandinavian mountain chain is simply not as impressive as the Alps.
Subtext: Remember Wilhelm getting up and hurrying to math class in the beginning of the scene? It was so he could grab the other seat next to Simon, because he knows Simon is gonna sit next to Sara, since no-one else does.
Culture: Formally greeting your teacher before class is very uncommon in Sweden, but since Hillerska is all about discipline and tradition, of course they do it. Note that they're again using the formal Swedish title for male teachers, Magister, which in a regular school would be kind of a joke, since teachers and students are on a first-name basis with each other.
Subtext: Wilhelm is exposing how the world works if you have money. At Simon's old school, studying alone would result in good grades, but Hillerska is slightly corrupt and almost expects the students to essentially pay for getting a good grade.
Subtext: Simon is lying to his teacher, he absolutely hasn't talked to his parents about paying for private lessons.
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Subtext: No, Sara absolutely does care about what other people think about her, and when she directly tells Felice that she would actually like some friends, that's when Felice gets it and starts making an effort to become real friends with her.
Culture: They're all bilingual at Simon's home, they're all speaking Spanish and Swedish, although Linda has a very noticeable accent to her Swedish. Based on demographics and statistics, the most likely scenario is that Linda immigrated to Sweden from Chile, met Micke, and started a family. In real life, Omar Rudberg was born in Venezuela and grew up in Sweden, while Carmen Gloria Pérez was born in New York, and grew up in Puerto Rico.
Subtext: Remember how I talked in the intro post about how distant social classes know nothing of each other? Ayub and Rosh are either working class or lower middle class like Simon, and since rowing is a typical upper class sport, they know nothing of it, they don't even think of it as a real sport. Unlike football, which is a proper working class sport, they know all about that!
Subtext: Scandinavia has Jantelagen, and everyone there thinks it's uniquely Scandinavian, but all countries have some form of Tall Poppy Syndrome. In this scene, Simon is starting to make a class journey, he started rowing, he started trying to fit in with the other upper-class kids, and getting into a relationship with someone as upper-class as Wilhelm would definitely move him all the way. But going on a journey means leaving things behind, which is why Rosh and Ayub are cutting him down and literally turning their backs on him. They like it in the small town of Bjärstad, why can't he be happy there too? Why is he betraying his roots?
Subtext: This comment from August nicely foreshadows a later episode when August does something traceable on a School computer...
Subtext: What August means is that he's not sure Wilhelm has the same desire to be accultured into the upper class, to play the part of a proper prince, in the same way that he and Erik have accepted their roles and are even enjoying them.
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Culture: Although it's impossible to read the name of the medicine, the paper tag on the bottle indicates that it's some kind of prescription medicine. From the conversation with Vincent, we learn that it's some kind of ADHD medication, probably some kind of Dextroamphetamine since those improve athletic ability and cognitive functions in healthy people.
Culture: Birkenstock sandals are associated with hippies in Sweden as well as in many parts of the world, so August is actually saying that the school counselor isn't really part of the same upper-class society as the rest of the staff. And again, his use of the word sosse drives the point home.
Subtext: Consequently, the counselor sees right through August and refuses to immediately prescribe him the medication that he wants...
Subtext: ...even though August tries to both bribe him and threaten him into giving him the medication he wants.
Subtext: A big theme of this episode is class journeys, and in this scene and a previous exercise scene, August gushes about how good a thing that is, how proud he is of Simon for going on one, and spouts some crap about how everyone can make it if they really want to.
Subtext: Thankfully, Madison says what we're all thinking: August is full of shit, life isn't fair, and they're only at the school because they were born into privilege.
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Blink and you miss it: After Wilhelm has nervously texted his crush for the first time, he starts to bite his fingernails, but quickly stops himself, because why would he be nervous? He's just texting another boy about rowing practice, there's nothing more to it!
Subtext: Simon's texting game is on point though, he knows exactly what he should write to get Wilhelm to go on a totally-not-a-date with him.
Subtext: In the same way that August couldn't convince the counselor about being sick, I don't think Wilhelm's atrocious acting here convinces August that he's sick either.
Culture: Public transport in the greater Stockholm area - or wherever we're supposed to be - is of course cash-less, and you pay by either charging a special card, or by signing up in their app and buying tickets through there. The point of this scene though is to drive home how Wilhelm has never ever had to take the bus before in his life, and therefore has no idea how it works.
Culture: The totally-not-a-date starts at a Circle K, which in Sweden is just another gas station, but it is actually a Canadian multi-national convenience store corporation. The price of gas is of course posted in kr/l, and 13.98kr/l corresponds to roughly $6/gal.
Subtext: Throughout the totally-not-a-date, Wilhelm is trying to reach for common ground with Simon, trying to show him how he's just a regular guy...
Subtext: ...but then real life intrudes, Wilhelm is recognized by some local girls, who call out to him and run away giggling, which shows how he's not a regular guy, he's going to get recognized wherever he goes.
Culture: Kokt eller grillat, boiled or grilled, are the two ways you can get your hot-dog at pretty much any hot-dog place in Sweden, and ketchup and mustard is always offered. The correct answer to this question is of course grilled, with ketchup and mustard, and this just shows that Wilhelm is a man of culture and good taste. Unfortunately, they were out grilled ones, so they all got boring soggy boiled hot-dogs instead. Is there a metaphor here? I don't know.
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Subtext: Again, the show drives home the point that absolutely no-one has a problem with people being gay. Simon is clearly out to Ayub and the rest of his friends, and Ayub immediately picks up on the fact that this is totally a date.
Blink and you miss it: Ayub nudges Simon with his elbow to tell him that he should make a move on Wilhelm.
Culture: What we're looking at is just the local junior/high school football team, Bjärstad, playing a match against some other unnamed junior football team. Since the stakes are super low, the audience basically consists of whichever parents and friends of the players that could be bothered showing up.
Culture: Driving age is 18 in Sweden, and even then getting your own car at that age is extremely uncommon. However, you can easily get a license for a moped when you turn 15, so these are the vehicles of choice for teenagers to get around.
Subtext: August found out about Wilhelm's trip to town, but his main problem with it is that he wants Wilhelm to stop slumming it with lower class people, and to start hanging out with everyone at school instead, so that he can be properly accultured into the upper class. Again, sosse in this context means working class, not socialist.
Subtext: Although Simon felt really great about his first date with Wilhelm, the text message reminds him that Wilhelm isn't a regular person, and that even this innocent little trip generates interest and scrutiny, and can't be posted publicly.
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Culture: As everyone should have noticed by now, Madison keeps speaking English, while everyone speaks to her in Swedish, so clearly she understands it. But here she gives her motivation for sticking to English, and that is that she doesn't feel she's good enough at speaking Swedish. Boarding schools like Hillerska attracts international students that have some kind of connection to the country, so a likely scenario is that Madison grew up in the US with a Swedish parent, and she's being sent here to experience Swedish culture and get immersed in the language to learn it better.
Cinematography: This shot of August drives really home all the pressure he is under, he's out of drugs, the headmistress just hinted that he's out of money, and he's literally being weighed down by books and work-out weights.
Subtext: Simon has kept his visits to Micke a secret from Sara, so here he has to intervene to make sure August doesn't accidentally reveal this to her. He also wants to protect his sister, so he's redirecting August's search for drugs onto himself.
Subtext: And on the flipside, Simon isn't really telling his dad that Sara still hates him and really doesn't want to see him, so he's vague when Micke asks about Sara and Linda.
Culture: Finally a bottle of medicine where we can read the label! Unfortunately for Simon, this is Tramadol, an opiate prescribed for pain relief, which is the complete opposite of the kind of drugs August wants.
Subtext: If you haven't figured out yet that this episode is about class journeys, August spells it out for us here. However, the reason he's "congratulating" Simon in front of everybody is because Simon just supplied him with more drugs, so this is his way of thanking him, since he can't really pay him.
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Blink and you miss it: For a split second, Wilhelm grabs Simon's leg during the scary scene.
Subtext: The entire dialogue of the movie works as subtext for what's actually going on between Wilhelm and Simon at this point, and Wilhelm is getting a little freaked out by this sneaky display of affection.
Subtext: The movie also puts words on the implications of Wilhelm getting together with a boy, what about having kids in the future? Can you carry on your family name and traditions, or will they die with you?
Lost in translation: The plaque actually says "FEEL YOUR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE HERITAGE". Even though the plaque means the heritage and legacy of the school itself, Wilhelm is thinking about his legacy, his heritage, and how getting together with Simon would threaten that.
Lost in translation: Wilhelm actually says "jag är inte en..." - "I'm not a..." before he stops himself. So it's not possible that he was trying to say "I'm not gay", because that doesn't work grammatically in Swedish either. He could be trying to say "I'm not a guy like that" or "I'm not a guy who likes guys", that would work.
Cinematography: The framing and silhouetting of this shot is just chef's kiss. The outline of their hair allows us to see who is who, and we can see from their poses that Simon is welcoming a kiss, while Wilhelm is still hesitating.
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Dark Side Of The Rising Sun Part 1
Yo what’s up!
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After the success of my previous post, I’ve decided to bring a follow up where I talk about the many dysfunctions and issues facing Japan that I’ve learned in my research. Detective Conan often shows the criminal justice system of Japan in a positive light while in reality it has many issues due to the culture.
Now let me make this clear: Japan has many great things about itself that should never be ignored. However, these are real flaws that have or need to be addressed with many Japanese also recognizing them as problems.
Now I had to split this into parts as this is rather ungainly to put it all at once. If you have any questions please ask and I’ll do my best to answer them.
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Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world with about 15.2 deaths per 100,000 people.
This is due to many factors such as Suicide not being considered a sin as well as historical connotations of it being a honorable way to go.
It is also considered a act of revenge, apology, and protest.
It is mostly caused today by factors such as unemployment, alienation and intense social pressure.
Japanese society is overall tolerant of Suicide but this is changing in recent times.
Another factor is the need for acceptance over individuality.
People with mental illness are often discriminated against, stopping potential help.
Internet Suicide Clubs where anonymous people make/plan suicide pacts and commit group suicide are a major issue.
If you kill yourself via Shinkansen, your family will be fined heavily. It is also the cause of half of the train delays and referred to as a human incident.
Tall buildings have mandatory suicide fences to prevent people from jumping off. When they succeed, they take off their shoes before hand.
It is common for suicidal people to take insurance policies and wait a year or two to go through with it so their families would be okay.
Ikka Shinju or family suicides are when the entire family kills themselves together due to Asian views of the family. When the parents kill their children before themselves, this is called Muri-Shinju or murder suicides.
Oyaku Shinju or parent-child suicide are where a single parent kill their children along with themselves.
Drownings, overdoses, hangings, and jumping off places are the most common form of suicide.
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Traditionally, the judge is hated more then the lawyer is in the west as the Judge is often viewed as a symbol of the Japanese nobility judging the common man.
If you are sent to trial, you are certain to be convicted regardless of innocence due to the countries 99% conviction rate. (Really makes Eri’s work more awesome and badass doesn’t it?)
The Japanese supreme court is one of the most conservative in the world, rarely ruling against issues that are blatantly unconstitutional and anti human rights. As a result, one of the more positive proposals for amendments of the Constitution is the creation of a separate Constitutional Court.
If you are sent to death row, you will never be told in advance when you are going to die.
Culturally, once arrested the person is automatically considered guilty.
Police are often reluctant to overturn convictions as they insist that only guilty are arrested and convicted.
The law when a child is considered criminally responsible is 14.
Judges are often pressured into making convictions as their careers are negatively affected by a not guilty verdict.
Prosecutors are given the choice not to pursue a case regardless of sufficient evidence.
Prisoners in Japan, while somewhat treated better then much of the world due to it’s focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment, have to follow strict military style regulations from minor things such as being forced to fold the bed, or to wash your face to more draconian measures such being beaten if you don’t march or sit the wrong way.
In turn, many have inadequate access to medical care as they don’t have many options for their healthcare.
It can take months or years before you are tried, meaning that a right to a speedy trial is completely nonexistent.
“Periods of reflection” where inmates are forced to be handcuffed, gagged and placed in solitary, are often not recorded by the warden.
Foreigners are forced to speak and write in Japanese.
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Drug Use
It is considered vastly socially unacceptable to do narcotics in Japan.
Most drug addicts are even considered to be not human.
If a celebrity is caught doing drugs, his career is automatically fucked and he is blacklisted from the industry, as well as erased from current projects.
The most commonly sold drug is methamphetamine. This started after World War II due to Meth being legal for soldiers to consume in order to stay up late on petrol as well as from occupying Americans. After the was, it became a huge epidemic for 12 years.
Marijuana use has risen among youth. Despite it having little danger as well as medicinal uses, it is widely considered evil, with the law having no tolerance.
Overall, Japan has little drug use compared to the rest of the world due to the cultural taboo and strict laws. However, there are signs that it is being vastly under counted,
Most illicit drugs are imported from Taiwan and South Korea due to it being near impossible to grow it natively but it is becoming increasingly hard to do so.
Drugs overdoses are criminally under diagnosed.
Epidemics often occur due to low periods of economic growth and recessions. (Examples include the postwar period, the 70′s, and the Lost Decade after the Bubble Economy burst in 1989)
It is common for your family or doctor to call the police once you admit there is a problem. Then you are forced to take a urine sample and if it tests positive you are immediately arrested.
A lot of doctors open pharmacies to add to their income. As a result, many oversubscribe prescription drugs.
Hypocritically, Alcoholism is completely tolerated and not treated as a addiction due to alcohol being considering purifying in Shinto, a cure, and Japan having a intense drinking culture.
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Child Abuse
For the most part, physical child abuse is considered a private issue and often ignored. While things are slowly getting better, Japan still has a long way to go. (Imagine if Kogoro did what he did to Conan in the west. Child services would be on him like a fly swatter.)
Child services often return the children to their parents even if they say their abusing them as the counseling centers need the parents to admit to their abuse.
It is a complete myth that Japan’s age of consent is 13. That is only the lowest one could set it. Most prefectures are set at 16 or higher. In turn, child molestation of those under 12 is heavily punished. However while vaginal rape of children is illegal, basically just about everything else as long as it’s statutory is basically alright.
Enjo Kosai or compensated dating is the practice of Teenage Girls to go on dates with older men in exchange for money and gifts. While not necessarily always leading to prostitution is treated as such and the girls are often blamed if they are hurt in the process.
Child sex trafficking of migrants is a serious issue and they are often treated as criminals and sent home without counseling.
Adoption of children is rare and frowned upon so many of them have to gro up in centers.
Children of unmarried couples are discriminated against due to the violation of the traditional Ie system and do not have the same protections or privileges of married couples because of its Koseki system.
Men are not obligated to pay child support and it’s near impossible to get them to legally as they can simply hide their finances by not telling them. Plus only one person can be named on the custody sheet.
Child Pornography was effectively decriminalized until 2014. No seriously.
Sexual Harassment/Assault
Domestic violence victims are disabused from coming forward due to the idea of bringing shame to their family.
Stalking cases are rarely taken seriously by the police
Working Conditions
Idols are heavily exploited and forced to follow strict rules such as having no social life, banned from having a boyfriend, etc. This is because they are supposed to sell a image of innocence and be there exclusively for their fans.
Anime creators are often forced to work long hours with little pay. This has resulted in a slump in the industry with very few new hires so they are forced to rely on the older animators whose health may fail sooner rather then later.
Funds are rarely given to films with artistic intent or that are political in nature, resulting the film industry suffering compared to the more internationally regarded South Korea.
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Police Corruption
Until recently, Japanese police would work with organized crime to lower crime. The only reason they stopped was not out of concern for the everyday citizen but because they were embarrassed by the Yakuza when they began to show up more publically.
The media is often laughably compliant to the police, with they rarely offering a critical lens.
Police have undue influence on the Pachiko industry, with many retired officers being hired as muscle and for advice.
It is quite common for officers to embezzle from their slush funds.
In a effort to cover up crime, police often refuse to investigate mysterious or suspicious deaths, preferring to label them as accidents or suicide.
Police are often anti migrant and sexist to a fault.
It is neigh impossible to get a wiretap going due to rigid privacy laws.
Even the police can’t fire weapons as you need approval to even loose your gun so many officers have never fired a bullet.
Government Incompetence/Corruption
Voter Apathy is super high, with many elections having hilariously low turnout.
Many politicians have Yakuza connections, with the gang members serving as bodyguards and canvassing for votes.
Votes in the countryside are worth two compared to urban ones.
A lot of politicians are completely out of touch and constantly have to resign for gaffes (racism, sexism, historical revisionism, etc.)
Political acts are based on group consensus so it can take a long time to get meaningful reform done.
Criticism and debate is ironically frowned upon, with open criticism within a party being effectively banned.
Cronyism is common. While for the most part Japanese politics is based on expertise, many politicians are awarded ministries based on their support for the leader.
The NHK (Japanese version of the BBC) is largely neutral and free but the current Japanese government can dictate what it is to focus on temporarily.
Press Clubs are often given exclusive access to interviews and information from the government, so they get biased preferential treatment.
Okay I guess the point of this list is to bring attention to these issues and expand the opportunities of where to go when it comes to dark DC fanfiction. Don’t worry, here’s a cute Conan to make you smile!
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robert-c · 5 years
Obstacles to Real Health Care Reform
I’m not interested in detailing the pros and cons of any specific version or proposal of the health care reform debate.  Partly because they change so often and mostly because I don’t think that’s the real problem with getting support for reasonable reform. I do have some ideas of what is essential for real health care reform. But first, why is this so hard to discuss intelligently?
For 40 years we have been on a trend of political and cultural thinking that emphasizes personal self-sufficiency and glorifies personal enrichment. These ideas attach themselves to some very old and long running American beliefs and, when not pushed too far, they are responsible for very good things in our country. However, as you might have guessed, I think they have gone too far, and the health care reform “debate” is just one example.
There is a certain level of hypocrisy in the scare stories that are circulated. One of which is that care will be rationed. Anyone who thinks care isn’t rationed now just hasn’t been seriously ill lately, or isn’t paying close attention. Even if you are lucky enough to have affordable insurance, the insurance companies have their own rules about what sort of care you can receive under your coverage; the diagnosis you must have in order to get this treatment, the treatment you must try first, the drugs that will (and won’t) be approved for your conditions. So is it really rationing that’s being opposed, or who’s doing the rationing? Or maybe rationing is OK as long as you’re rich enough to get around it? This belief certainly plays to the well to do, and more importantly, the “well to do wannabes.” And finally, if there is to be rationing of care, should it be done by an entity with a profit motive that incents denying care, answerable only to the largest bloc of shares, or by doctors at most reviewed by an entity subject (at least in part) to the will of people?
Then there are the supposed solutions that warm some hearts – savings plans with tax credits etc. It strikes all the right chords, people pay for their own medical, they have to take responsibility (and the tax payers don’t), the missed taxes from the credits are more efficient than a government plan (because “everyone knows” private savings and investment is better than government spending). The problem with this approach is that it ignores several fairly obvious facts.
The first and most critical is that the median income in the US is about $32,000 per person or about $61,000 per household (median household is just under 2 people). At that level of income after necessities (let alone putting something away for retirement) there would not be much left over for a health savings account. But even if the household could put $6,000 a year aside for health care savings (almost 10% of their pretax income) it certainly wouldn’t reach the levels needed for even a short trip to a hospital for many, many years, especially when it would also have to pay for doctor visits and prescriptions. And let’s recall what the word “median” means. That’s the income where half of the people are below and half are above. If the ‘half level’ isn’t enough it should go without saying that those below it have it even worse.
The second fact it ignores is that pricing for everything from doctor and hospital visits to drugs at the pharmacy is a rigged game. There is hardly any other word for it. Outrageous prices are established for those with no insurance and heavy discounts are provided to various insurance companies’ insureds. It isn’t a “free market” economy it is a set of nested vested interests. But even if the pricing were fair and uniform, no savings/tax credit plan will provide anywhere near enough money when needed to pay for medical expenses. And let’s look at this: the 2 person household with $64,000 in income will pay $4,367 in income taxes for 2019. They will still have to pay Social Security taxes and state and local taxes. Their total federal income tax liability is less than the “credit” they are supposed to get from putting aside money for medical expenses. In short, this so called solution is a “feel good/feel right” answer only for those making 6 figures or more and who can put $10,000 or more into such an account each year even with regulated prices.
Recent information from the industry says that in 2017 the average cost for family coverage under group plans (those large employers provide their employees) was about $20,000 a year. Even if the average family covered consists of three people that’s almost $7,000 a year per person ($10,500 with a median size of 1.9, as in the above example). Clearly outside the reach of a significant number of people, unless subsidized by someone like an employer or the government.
Those who have been fortunate enough to always be covered by employer provided benefits have no idea what the costs of health care are, or the costs of trying to find health insurance on their own. To these people it is easy to imagine that some minor belt tightening in the budget should be enough to take care of medical expenses.
If we are honest about our “free market” system we will have to conclude that in the case of health care it works more to prevent competition and improvement in any way that benefits the consumer of health services. It is a case of where the profit motive (with its inherently short term outlook) is at odds with fair and reasonable behavior.
When looking for the problem the insurance companies are good place to start because they are selling a “fictitious” product. It’s not an apple, or a car, or anything you can hold or examine, it isn’t even like a share of stock in a company which at least entitles you to a share’s worth of vote at a stockholder’s meeting, and some share of the profits. The health insurance companies’ product is “coverage”, a promise to pay for some medical expenses in exchange for your premiums. However, there are huge gray areas in that promise, which they get to interpret. Part of this is unavoidable – no contract could possibly list every possible outcome. Yet, buried within phrases like “reasonable and customary” and “standard medical practices” are the “loop holes” that allow the insurance companies to essentially tell you what the product you bought, “coverage”, actually means. It’s a little as if you bought an apple, but then seller got to decide what sort and what quality of apple you got. Or maybe you bought a car, but only got to determine that it was one of the following: luxury, SUV, full size, compact, or economy. The brand and the model as well as how often you got to use it, would all be at the discretion of the seller.
Now it is true that most of the income and profits for health insurance companies come from group plans and that their cost to the employer is essentially claims paid plus administrative expenses. Most of these administrative expenses are a fixed fee plus a percent of the claims paid. So some people would argue that they make more money when more claims are paid, and so they couldn’t possibly be a problem in restricting health care.
Let’s clear this up right now. It is obvious in the case of private insurance that they would prefer to sell their “coverage” to people who will never use it or at the most use it sparingly. In the case of group employer plans there is a similar dynamic going on. Their fees for administering the plan, which easily include plenty of profit, are a relatively small percentage of the total cost to the employer, because that total cost includes claims paid. Likewise, in competing for the group business their best selling point to the employer is that they will hold claims down to a ‘reasonable’ amount.
They talk in terms of fraud detection and prevention, and in terms of “reasonable and customary” costs and treatment periods, as if all doctors were out to bilk the insurance companies of money for unnecessary treatments. Thus the competition between the carriers has become one of who can hold down claims paid, and not about the relative fees for administering the plan – which is where all of the profits of the insurance company come from.
Attempting to remove coverage for pre-existing conditions is a very subtle piece of power play. Clearly it lowers claims paid for the insurance company and in the case of their group plans it is beneficial to the employer as well. But there is another more subtle benefit to the employer. Companies have always wanted the upper hand over their employees. Given that anyone who lives long enough is likely to have some sort of medical condition, the ability to refuse coverage for such a pre-existing condition leaves the employee essentially at the employer he had when it occurred. Now, no matter how uncompetitively they’re paid, no matter how unfairly they’re treated, they dare not seek new employment or their health condition will not be covered. Now they are at the mercy of their current employer, who knows that they can’t afford to quit but still can be let go at a time of the company’s choosing because of “employment at will”, still the law in most states.
Although not directly an issue in the universal healthcare debate, the cost of drugs does play into the insurance companies’ projection of costs. And that brings us to “big pharma”. No reasonable person wants to stifle the innovation that has brought us so many helpful drugs. However, the idea that businesses unfettered by regulation can do no wrong has allowed things to get more than a little out of hand. It is that profit motive which can deliver us good or ill depending on how it is allowed to be used. It should take no leap of imagination to see that for a drug company marketing treatments is much, much more profitable than cures. Treatments need to be continuously purchased, where a cure is a one only sale. Drug companies will tell us about the enormous research and testing costs just to bring a single drug to the market, and to a point that is true. Except that decades of “pro-business/anti-regulation” sentiment have allowed these companies to lower those regulatory costs quite a bit, often having the regulators take the company’s word for the results of safety tests. Then there is what can only be called an abuse of the patent laws that was intended to allow them to recoup their investments in a new drug.
Follow along closely here, because this could be a tiny bit technical. Let’s say there is a whole class of drugs that you can see developing, but all of them would have this one new process in common. So you keep that process secret or maybe you patent it, and then patent one of the drugs you want to market. Now you charge whatever you want for this new drug and just before its patent runs out you tweak the basic process and create a virtually identical drug but one which has its own patent period, and you start the process over again. There may be dozens of variations on the original drug, into which all of the research and testing money was poured. But now add to this a business friendly regulatory environment that allows the testing and safety trials from the original drug to be used for the newer variation and like magic, you’ve used the same research and development dollars as an excuse to recoup them many times through this family of drugs. The only ethics in which this is not repugnant is one that says profit, no matter how made, is good and justifies all. And there is still that matter of cures not being pursued as ardently as treatments.
But wait! There’s more! (As the TV ads always claim.) I’ll bet you didn’t know that a lot of basic research is performed by the government and non-profit organizations, hoping to shed light on diseases like cancer etc. in the hopes of finding a cure. This research is freely available to others, like the drug companies. So a portion of the research dollars they claim they need to recoup with higher drug prices came from donations and taxes already paid by others.
On a moral spectrum this puts the drug companies only slightly better than insurance companies, and only because they at least produce a real product.
The arguments against universal health coverage boil down to two inaccurate characterizations. The first attempts to exploit fears that health care won’t be available, either through rationing or though untimely or otherwise unavailability of services. Such fear mongering ignores the very real fact that such is happening right now, but no one seems to care since it is primarily happening to those below the middle of our socio-economic ladder. In other words, as long as you can buy yourself a place near the front of the line, all is good and right with the world. BTW these stories were built upon bad experiences from decades ago with other countries’ initial experiments (like Britain) – they in no way represent what is happening in most of the developed world, or what must necessarily happen with universal health care.
The second argument against complete coverage is that those who don’t take care of their health (or other responsibilities) will be paid for by “the rest of us” (“the good people”). Of course that again is both a myth and a contradiction. First there is no factual basis to believe that there is a significant segment of the population “deliberately” not taking care of themselves just so others can pay for it, and secondly, who actually decides what that is? Smoking is a health risk, and education and restrictions on where it can be done has reduced it significantly. But as far as risk goes, barbecued red meat isn’t a lot better, and the virtually nationwide addiction to salty, fatty snacks is at least as big a health risk as smoking by itself. But we don’t regulate that largely because there is no “second hand” risk as there is with smoking. But those who are so sure that they will be paying for those who are irresponsible with their health ignore this because it is a “personal choice”.
So we are back to the fear that someone, somewhere is “getting away with something”, while imagining that “we” (“the good people”) will never be in that situation. Hopefully the most reasonable among us can see that this is completely unrealistic and born of a naïve belief that only bad things happen to bad people.
I spent my education divided between the sciences and literature. From the literature side I discovered that this idea that “bad things only happen to bad people” has been around for several thousand years. It is demonstrably not true, by even the most casual examination, yet it has a strong hold on people’s beliefs, largely because it makes them feel safe. And if I’ve learned anything from association with people who feel this way, it’s that they like to feel safe (and often even “better than” others). Of course what they don’t say out loud, even to themselves, is that underneath all of that is a fear. Fear that their “goodness” isn’t enough to protect them, maybe even that their goodness has nothing to do with what happens and that they’ve been denying and limiting themselves for no good reason all this time; while those they think of as “bad” are getting all of the things they wanted without having to pay the same dues. Thus they really like the idea of making those “bad” people pay.
From the sciences side, I learned that to get to the truth, all of the facts had to be examined, and that “double blind” experiments were needed to help us overcome our natural emotional biases, so that we could see what really is, and not what we want to see, what we are “sure” the answer should be.
Whether it is healthcare or even basic welfare, I puzzle over this obsessive concern with the “undeserving” getting something. I certainly agree that there is an element (though I think it a small percentage) of the population that would happily let the rest of us take care of them for their whole lives. And I am happy to support measures to legitimately limit fraud and other misuses of these programs. At the same time, I can’t endorse the idea that it is better to help no one, than to risk helping someone who could and should be doing more for themselves. And yet this is exactly what most of the opposition to proposals for some form of universal healthcare boil down to.
I understand that for the majority of human beings’ existence nothing was guaranteed and life was hard and survival certainly went to the strongest, and often even to the most ruthless and vicious. But it doesn’t have to be that way any longer. We have progressed and we can do better for all of us. If you just want a practical, science based reason, how about this: in a world where travel and transport of goods has put the far flung reaches of humanity close to the most densely populated, can we really afford to just let people die of disease and other ill health? Isn’t there a huge risk to us all in that? When a disease can start in some remote place then spread all over the planet in weeks or months isn’t it a little foolish to believe that we don’t have to worry about folks being ill on the “other side of the tracks”?
Let’s return to the issue of the “free market” and the pricing of insurance coverage. In the lore of the free market, competition is supposed to keep prices from becoming outrageous, or at least as low as they can be given supply and demand. For example, if the demand for something like soy beans increases suddenly, the price will go up, but that higher price will lead to an increase in the supply of soy beans as more people plant them to cash in on the higher prices, and the price will fall again. Exceptions to this pretty picture occur when the supply cannot be increased easily or quickly. But coverage is a fictitious product, it can easily be increased, all that is required is to “print” more ID cards. So why doesn’t competition work in the health insurance business?
All insurance is based on the idea that we collect money (premiums) from a group of people and that only a portion of the group will need money back to pay for the risk we are covering. Let’s say the chances of your house being hit by a tornado this year is 1 out of 50,000. Now let’s suppose that repair of the damage if you are hit is going to cost $250,000. So if I have a group of 50,000 people, all with the same risk of being hit by a tornado, and all with a similar replacement need if they are hit, then if I collect $5 a year from each of these 50,000 people I’ll have enough to pay for the one person likely to need replacement. Of course it can get more complicated; we are only talking about insuring against one risk (a tornado), and if we get lucky and no one is hit how much should we hold over to next year in case two people get hit (since these are just averages and estimates), and of course how much do we keep for profit and for administering this plan.
When it comes to health insurance we come face to face with the idea that the risks may not be equal, and this is where the idea that somehow we should all be personally responsible gets involved. All other things being equal, older people are going to have more health problems as a rule than young adults. Children are going to have more health issues than young adults. Then there are the those with “unequal” risk – people who smoke, vape or do illegal drugs, clearly have higher risk of health issues. As we mentioned before, there are other risk factors we don’t seem to care about as much, even though they are just as risky. If we can get past the idea that everyone else is out there just waiting to cheat the system we might be able to examine this in a more rational manner.
So let’s focus first on the unavoidable and more or less inevitable facts of life risk. In this example no one is doing anything that would reasonably impact their health negatively. Over the course of a whole life, we all might expect to experience the same pattern of health expenses, high in childhood (typically NOT during our parent’s peak earning years), lower when young to middle-age adults without children, and then high again when we reach our senior years, where again we might more likely find ourselves with only retirement income. This pattern alone should suggest a rate that is supportable over the whole of a life is the most appropriate. But remember, we’re talking “free enterprise” and price competition, so here’s one of the ways that works out. I offer coverage at low rates hoping to attract those lucrative childless adults who pay their premiums and almost never have claims. To ensure I’m not picking up any potential claims expenses I either rate up or refuse coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. Next year when it is time to renew, the good rates only continue to the people who haven’t had any claims, and higher rates apply to others. In this way, I am continually cultivating a core group with low claims and therefore high profit to me, while collecting more from those whom I might have to pay out claims. Now what is especially pernicious about this, is how free enterprise competition doesn’t work. If I, as an honorable insurance carrier, wanted to use “over the whole life” rating my rate would be higher for the childless young adults and lower for the children and seniors. I won’t attract any of the high profit childless young adults and all of the high claims expense families with children and seniors. This won’t work because as a company/group we need to collect at least as much in premiums as we are going to pay out. Only regulation prohibiting certain rating practices can keep this on a level playing field where everyone has an opportunity; where the competition is really about service and efficiency reflected in rates, not just a way to put all the “bad risks” in a pool to pay more.
Since we are still talking about a scenario where no one is taking unreasonable risks to harm their health, and we’re appealing to a conservative point of view, perhaps we should point out that “traditionally” this is how humans have organized their societies; where the able bodied young adults carried extra burden for the children and the old – for the children because they are our future and for the old because their experience and knowledge are valuable and because of their past contributions.
Now to the issue of choices that may increase risk. Surely a certain amount of rating up for behaviors can be supported, against the overall whole life rating. But going too far in this direction merely becomes the sort of intrusive “micro-management” most of us, conservative or liberal, would like to avoid. Once we get past this “blame game” of presuming everyone else is out to get a free ride, the priorities can be put in proper perspective.
One of those perspectives was mentioned earlier in this article; there is a risk to us all for simply letting others die “in the streets” because of their neglect of health issues. Add to this the fact that waiting until these health issues are acute, i.e. serious enough to get you into an emergency room, is more expensive than preventative care, and we have a case for saying that we need a simple rating scheme that takes into account your whole life, and that we may need to subsidize the rate for those with incomes below a certain level. As for the well-off paying “more”; those with more, have more to lose when disease brings down most of the society and the people whose efforts make their lifestyle possible.
The next issue of choice masquerades as religious freedom. “Why should I have to pay for someone’s abortion when I believe it is wrong?” “Why should I have to pay for: birth control, blood transfusions, vaccinations etc.” There is a rather elegant answer to these questions.
The very same conservative forces who want to raise these questions and issues now have already done so, in another form. They were quite persuasive during the Viet Nam war that religious objections to war did not mean you could avoid paying your part of taxes that went to the Department of Defense. Legally the argument is something along the lines of the representative form of government already allowed your input to the decision. And your personal religious objection allows you to perform alternate service, as opposed to killing.
Now, once again, some people have confused religious freedom with the freedom to impose their personal moral views on others. Or perhaps they have confused intolerance of others who believe differently with a measure of their sincerity of belief. Since most of these groups like to identify themselves as Christian, I’d like to ask just how much of their judgmental positions come from the New Testament versus the Old? I’d like to spur them to give some serious thought to how to reconcile their view points with statements like: “love your enemies”, “let he who is without sin cast the first stone”.
But I know that is pointless, those questions will not be raised by the followers of the religious right. They won’t come up because despite all the rhetoric, this isn’t really about religion or spirituality – it’s about following charismatic leaders, who tell their followers what to believe by playing to their fears and sugar coating their memories of the past, as if it were somehow near perfect.
The last element of choice really depends on the exact nature of the plan adopted, but the one choice that shouldn’t be allowed is to opt out completely. Here again a certain level of inconsistency in the opposition shows up. The main opposition to mandatory coverage comes from the same folks who are usually afraid that someone is “getting a free ride”. Yet, those without medical coverage (whether because they can’t afford it, or because they don’t think they’ll get sick) will not get treatment for conditions until it is serious. Then they will go to county hospitals where emergency treatment will be more costly to taxpayers in the long run. Or maybe their idea is to let them die without treatment at all? But then, that’s a good way to ensure the spread of epidemics. The reason everyone must participate is to spread the risk, and the cost over the largest possible group so as to keep the costs reasonable. It is also the best way to protect everyone.
While this represents a change from the “way things were”, it is in line with other aspects for the general good. Public schools are funded by taxes you pay whether or not you have children who will be in school, because we are in an age when education is not a luxury, and an ignorant citizenry is as much a threat to liberty as an unchecked tyrant.
While it is a different issue all its own, it seems only fair to mention that the opioid crisis is not entirely the fault of big pharma and super addictive drugs. The health insurance companies have certainly played their part. I personally know of a case where in order to avoid, or at least delay, the payment for a needed back surgery, the insurance company continued to request more review and information, even after their own prior approvals of the surgery. This went on for a year with the patient taking ever stronger doses of opioid pain medication. When the surgery was finally done, weaning off the opioids was extremely difficult.
The purpose of the above anecdote is to point out that the free enterprise method of dealing with this fictional product called “coverage” is more like a game of “hot potato” than it is anything resembling competition for the best quality and service.
Here are the basic features I think universal coverage should have:
·         Everyone is covered,
·         Individuals can pick their own doctors (because all doctors participate),
·         Coverage does not contain exceptions for “pre-existing conditions” or excluded services to appease various religious groups,
·         Premiums are set considering all ages, races and genders together,
          o   Some lifestyle choices (e.g. smoking) might be rated up in premium,
          o   Low and no income people would have little or no premium to pay out of their own pocket.
          o   How much of the overall premium is paid by individuals and how much out of general revenue of the government is an issue to be determined with other specifics.
Now the big question is who provides and administers this insurance; the government or the private insurers? To be honest I have concerns about both. Large government programs can become inefficient. I don’t believe that is inevitable, but it does happen. As a pragmatist, I also know that such a proposal would fire up opposition without even bothering to examine the pros and cons.
On the other hand, I have an even harder time with the profit motivated businesses having control over this. They still have the motivation to hold claims down through every available means, as they do now; letting delaying tactics masquerade as vigilance against fraud or abuse.
If all of the private insurance companies had to have the same rates for the same situations then larger insurers have an advantage, since they would have a mix of insureds more nearly representative of the national demographics that were the source of the rating. A small insurer could have a windfall or a crisis depending on whether or not their group of insured had more or less claims than the national average.
If everyone had to use the same rating methods for premiums, but were allowed to go above or below the “national standard”, then the illusion of competition would exist, but because the product is this fuzzy thing called “coverage” there is little to no way for the consumer to evaluate it.  The biggest factor determining the insurance companies’ rates and profits would still be claims paid versus premiums collected and the easiest way a company can positively influence those numbers is by lowering claims paid. (In today’s world they also get to do it by denying coverage to those they believe will have high claims.)
Based on the above, perhaps a standard rate for all private insurers, with reimbursement from the government if claims paid exceed premiums collected. This would be covered by taxes on insurance company windfalls when premiums collected go too far above claims paid. This is only a starting point for ideas on how to make this work with private insurers. Unfortunately the debate never gets down to these issues; it stalls around the generalities and clichés the sides have locked into.
While attempting to get to some sort of plan, let’s please keep in mind that the profit motive is at best a two edged sword; it does not encourage only the best behaviors. While it can produce better quality goods and services at better prices, in some cases it can do just the opposite. Recall that greed was designated as one of the “seven deadly sins” and the phrase “love of money is the root of all evil” is not entirely wrong.
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The Importance Of Having Health Insurance Today
The Importance Of Having Health Insurance Today
With the current economy in so much trouble and so many people losing jobs, health insurance is more important than ever. Health insurance is not just a personal or family matter, it is a subject of national discourse. Use this information to learn more about health insurance in your life.
When considering a health care insurance plan from your employer, be sure to decide the type of plan that best suits your needs. Doing so, you will help to find the best out of pocket cost versus total coverage. PPO, HMO, and POS are the three most common types of plans. Check with your company to see which best suits you.
Your health insurance needs change as you move through life. Periodically, take a look at your health insurance coverage to make sure it meets your needs, particularly if you have a family. Does it still make sense to stay on your work's health insurance policy, or does your spouse's policy offer better coverage for this time in your lives?
When you are thinking about buying health insurance yourself, be sure you have determined all the costs. Build up a thorough understanding of the real costs presented by a particular plan, making sure to factor in the trickier factors like co-pays and flexible deductibles.
Medical insurance is something that everyone really should purchase. You never know if you are going to get very sick, and the last thing you need when you don't feel well, is to now owe a huge bill to a doctor that you may or may not be able to afford.
When it comes time for re-enrollment with your health care plan, make sure to check and see what if anything has changed. Insurance companies change premiums, co-pays, and covered services on a frequent basis. Make sure you know exactly what has changed so you aren't caught off guard.
Learn the strict coverage details of your health insurance policy. While your policy may state that it covers emergency visits, some hospitals and doctors charge separately for your care. Your policy may cover the hospital's charges, but not the doctor's. If you are unsure about how your company handles this, call them and ask.
Regardless of the kind of health insurance coverage that you have, if you choose generic drugs, you will save money in your insurance. There are only rare instances when you won't be able to get a generic version of your prescription, and research indicates that the name is the only way in which generics differ from brand name drugs.
Be sure to get pet health insurance for your pet while he is young. Accidents can happen to pets at any age, and just as with people, insurance is more expensive for older pets. In fact, cats and dogs that are more than ten years old may not be able to get a new pet health insurance policy. Additionally, pets with a pre-existing condition may not be able to get health insurance.
When considering your health insurance options, take a look at a hospital only policy. Such policies do not cover regular doctors visits, but will take care of you in the event of an emergency that lands you in the hospital. The benefit is a lower cost premium, but the trade off is no day to day medical coverage.
States have different regulations about health insurance coverage. You can easily find this information online. Before applying for health insurance, make sure you know what kind of coverage is recommended and if there are any forbidden practices in your state. If you move to a new state, you might need to switch to another insurance company.
Health Insurance
Getting health insurance after the fact is not really a great way to handle sickness or injury, but in some states in the country, you can actually get an insurance policy after you've fallen ill to help take the edge off of the bills. This is one of the new mandates with America's new healthcare legislation, and it can definitely help you out.
All insurance plans are going to differ slightly, so the most important thing you can do is ask questions. Health insurance is nothing to play around with. If you do not get everything you absolutely need, you may be left footing the bill when you fall ill. That's going to be expensive and possibly even life threatening.
If you work from home or work for a small company, you may still be able to make arrangements to get group insurance rates by banding together with a group of people for the purpose of applying for health insurance coverage. By forming a club or an association for your particular type of work, you may qualify for discount rates.
When looking for a new health insurance plan, you definitely need to understand what the coverage is and what it entails, in your policy. When your deductible is met, the policy becomes the agreement by your insurance company, to share your medical costs. The resulting coverage can range from 100% and down. Sometimes, coverage can vary within the policy itself, depending on the circumstances. Regardless of the deductible, it is important to consider your coverage, especially for major illnesses and emergencies.
Did you know that your income tax is affected by your health insurance premium and benefits. You can actually deduct some items, especially if they're not covered by your insurance, like the deductible prescriptions. You should check your state's income tax law, or contact an accountant, to find out what you can claim this year.
Life Insurance
Bundle many types of insurance to save more money. Often when you are looking for good prices on your health insurance, you can make a couple of calls that will speed up your search. If you have life insurance, auto insurance, or homeowner's insurance, ask them if they have bundle deals.
Regardless of what health insurance you currently have, either through your employer, the government or private insurance, it is essential to stay on top of current health insurance news. It is important to find a health insurance company that has the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Sung Kang - Health and Life Insurance Broker 7015 W Hefner Rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73162 USA (405) 492-4670 https://www.healthmarkets.com/local-health-insurance-agent/skang/ https://sung-kang-health-and-life-insurance-broker.business.site https://goo.gl/maps/X1hg85V1WBwPjBvH6 https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7954910670250436395
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jenroses · 6 years
Friendly reminder to people in the US that if you are on a brand name prescription drug with no generic, the drug company is probably happy to pay your copays. 
How do you do it?
1. Google the name of your drug and copay assistance. So today, I googled “Lantus copay assistance” because I had already hit my out of pocket max and didn’t care.
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2. Scroll past the ads to the one that is “yourdrugname.com”, so in this case, the first result with “lantus.com” as the domain name.
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3. Click through to the site. Read the fine print. If you have medicaid, medicare or certain other government funded insurance, you won’t qualify (you shouldn’t need it with medicaid.) If you have any sort of private/employer type insurance, you should. If you have no insurance at all, this may or may not be the best discount option, or they may have an assistance program that asks about your income. NOTE: MOST OF THESE KINDS OF COPAY ASSISTANCE THINGS DO NOT HAVE INCOME LIMITS. I’m on three vastly different brand name drugs, all of them have copay assistance that asks nothing about income to qualify. Fill out the stuff. Now, I did it on my phone.... and downloaded the card PDF to my phone... and showed my phone to the pharmacist about 5 minutes later and I’m not sure whether the drug costs $40 per month or $70 per month but this is going to erase that, which is great since I fill 3 months at a time. 
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It’s usually that easy, depending on the company. 
Now, on the one hand, I’m glad these programs exist because it basically means that being on Xeljanz, Lantus and Xarelto means that my actual out of pocket expenses this year are going to be basically every time I go to the doctor and every lab test I get until, oh, probably April, when the copays on Xeljanz alone would be enough to wipe out my out of pocket costs, and Pfizer will “pay” every penny of that.
On the other hand, I hate the fact that they use these to make there be no consequences or consumer pressure about drug prices... because these programs allow them to inflate the price with no actual cost to the consumer, while milking insurance companies, who turn around and charge people $1600 to insure two adults and a kid. 
How does that work?
Let’s look at a drug like, oh, Simponi Aria, which has a program which will pay up to $20,000 of your infusion costs on a fancy credit card that they reimburse doctors with, leaving people like me with only the office cost at the infusion center and a $5 copay. One infusion might cost $10,000, your insurance plan might charge you a $2500 deductible and then pay 80% or 70% of the remainder, leaving you on the hook according to them for about $4000 total... only in steps Pfizer and covers all but $5 of that. Nice of them...  you’ve chipped 4000 off of your $8000 out of pocket max on the first infusion!  8 weeks later you get a second infusion, $10,000, Insurance pays 80%... and Pfizer pays $2000 of that (by pays I mean writes off, but it counts to the insurance company) and boom, you’re up to $6000 of your OOP max. 8 weeks later, you’re less than halfway through the year and you max out your OOP completely.... Pfizer paid out $2000 of the $10000 total....  And the next time? Because you get these every 8 weeks until you develop a sensitivity....  The next time Pfizer doesn’t write off a dime because the insurance company pays the whole thing. So Pfizer priced their drug so that the end cost is $10,000 per dose (I am actually low-balling this, my actual bill was over $10,000 before insurance touched it, insurance contract brought that down to $9600 or something, $10,000 is just easier math than the actual $10,461.)  And at about 7 infusions per year, Pfizer wrote off $8000 and made $62,000 for 7 doses of medication (minus doctor markup but whatever, if they’re only making $40,000 on this drug it’s still obscene compared to the $8000 they wrote off under the guise of being generous.) Anyway. So we need single payer healthcare for all and to not have to deal with this absolute bullshit, but in the meantime, these things not only diminish your immediate outlay for expensive drugs, but apply directly to your astronomical deductible and OOP max. 
Once you hit the max, you stop having copays for anything that is approved by your insurance company, and they are not yet allowed to put a max on what you need, like they used to. So once I hit my out of pocket max, I usually get any non-emergent labs and studies done, get new cpap supplies, and stop trying to avoid the emergency room on financial grounds, aka, why I didn’t check myself in when I was having a nervous breakdown in February because one hospital stay (which drug companies won’t help with) would result in a bill that we would have to pay out of pocket and the added financial stress was not conducive to furthering my mental health, whereas toughing it out and waiting until the inevitable $2000 per month that Xeljanz tosses at my OOP max builds up and I no longer have to worry about it, at which point my stress level will be lower anyway and I won’t need it.
The math on Xeljanz is a little different... my insurance company pays half, it doesn’t go to deductible. It costs a bit over $4000 per month, so that’s $2000 per month to the OOP max. It is March 2. In the past 9 weeks I have filled two Xeljanz 1-month supplies, 3 months worth of Lantus and 3 months worth of Xarelto. Janssen pharmaceuticals (Xarelto) paid all but $30 of the $180 my insurance company didn’t pay of the $1200 it cost. $10 per month is cheaper for me than generic coumadin (by a huge margin when you factor in PT testing!). Lantus will probably be $180 as well, but the company that makes that will pay all of that, my insurance company will pay $40, and so by the end of March, drugs alone will have put me at roughly $6700 out of my $7900 OOP max. When I factor in $80 per specialist vist x probably 6 specialist visits, $40 per PT visit at 6 PT visits, and IDK 5 times seeing primary care @ $40 and 1 time urgent care for $70.... that’s about another $1000...  So i’m guessing my OOP max will be met in early April, and that at that time I will have spent actually about $1200 on various doctor and therapy visits, and maybe $30 on labwork will go towards my deductible. If I can stay out of the hospital, which, because of the deductible not being met, would be a Financial Bummer. Because we’re already paying $1600 per month for insurance in the first place. Cheaper than the alternative tho. Because Xeljanz rings in at about $50,000 per year without insurance, and their assistance only covers something like $15,000 max.
It’s a drug that came out of taxpayer funded research in the US 25 years ago. Pfizer refused to develop it further until Congress changed the rules so that drugs developed with taxpayer funds no longer had a price limit.
TL:DR You can get help with your prescriptions, we need single payer universal, and the assholes that came up with “value pricing” are going to be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes. This is why the drug lobby needs to be stopped.
Fun times.
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thatrandompoet · 5 years
I'm just here to feel sorry for myself privately in public.
I'd be better off dead.
Everything has fallen apart this year JUST as it was coming together. The universe saw the progress I had made, we had made, and decided I needed to be reminded that I'm not allowed happiness or contentment.
Everything I've worked towards over the past 5 years blew away like half the population at the end of Infinity War.
Look, I get it. I know that everyone has hurdles in life. Some people give up or break and never recover. Some people overcome and thrive. But there must be other people like me who get knocked down over and over and over and....you get the point. Persevering but never succeeding. But I don't know anyone like that personally. Just me.
People see it. They tell me how strong I am, how I'm their rock, how good things will come to me because I deserve them.
Being deserving has no bearing on your lot in life.
Today I'm broken. Infertility has dealt a blow that has left me gasping and thinking I should just stay down, play dead, anything to make it stop.
I look around for hope, even just a sliver, a crumb, but my stash is depleted, barren, just like me.
I go to work each night and sit in my thoughts and in pain and mostly alone. I talk about trivial things with people who might care but not enough to help, just enough to be sad for a moment then move on.
I almost got a promotion in March but due to budget cuts they terminated the position while I was in the last phase of the interview process. I was told to reapply but when the position was available again I had strep so they moved on to the next person.
Then my husband git fired. We had to pull out his 401k to pay the bills and it's been almost 2 months and he still hasn't landed a job. He's trying but I think he could do more.
One sister in law gave birth to twins last month. Another sister in law is being induced today. Both of my closest friends are pregnant. I finally got the green light from my doctor for us to start trying again but the husband is so discouraged about the job situation that things aren't working. We just missed a fertile window and he just says "I wasn't in the mood idk"
The last three times I've been to see a doctor they've mentioned weight loss surgery because all the weight I lost through diet and exercise last year has found its way back. But my shitty health insurance that I really can't afford doesn't cover weight loss surgery.
I have been dreaming about dead babies. Mother's day is always difficult for me now. If I hadn't lost any of my pregnancies I'd have a 9 yr old, a 6 yr old, and 6 month old.
I've been working really hard on my credit score and I got behind on my student loans and it tanked my credit score. It's slowly climbing back up but it means we will be living in a deteriorating single wide even longer.
I miss my friends but they are too busy with their families. I miss my family but they are too busy with their families or careers.
Ever since I didn't get the promotion, I've been putting in job applications. Not even a call yet. No email. Nothing.
In February it was discovered that I have a genetic mutation called a translocation that is a significant reason for our infertility. Genetic. There is literally nothing we can do about it because my DNA is fucked up. All of my eggs carry the fucked up DNA but if we are lucky egg and sperm might combine in just the right way that is compatible with life.
But I also have hypothyroidism so that's why for the past ten years I've had at least three miscarriages. I'm finally on the right dosage but it took like a year and my hair got thinner and my nails got brittle. Sounds like trivial things but those were the two things about my appearance that were complimented most. Hopefully my hair thickens back up. My nails seem to be stronger.
My grandmother forgot my birthday for the first time. I cried pretty hard.
Also I turned 30 last month.
All of my siblings (all younger than me) are doing well. Better than me. I feel judged all the time. Probably just me but still.
And of course there is the unending struggle with depression and PTSD. The cherries on top of the shitty sundae that is my fucking life.
I really truly want to give up. Not go to work anymore. Not answer the phone. Stop paying the bills. Just lay in bed and wither away.
Just give up.
That's where I am today.
P.S. on mothers day I posted on Facebook a happy mothers day message and tagged all the moms and preggos I'm close to and the only ones to acknowledge were my mother in law and one friend. Which kinda stings because I'd honestly rather ignore the day altogether but I reached deep down and made that post anyway.
My little sister did call to check on me. The one friend did send me a text that she was thinking about me.
P.P.S. I have been having dramatically more frequent migraines suddenly. Like....back to back migraine days and more migraine days than not. That all by itself is depressing. Migraines wipe.me the fuck out. But I can't call out of work because I'm the only one earning and I will never get promoted if I miss any work. Like I was regularly getting them one or two every two weeks. This is so much more. I need to see my neuro but i.cant.afford.it. but my migraine med prescription is about to run out so Fuck Me.
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7fwmrdcg-blog · 5 years
Home business and home insurance?
Home business and home insurance?
What s the risk when running a home business if your home insurance provider (not business insurance) become aware of your home business operations. What will happen and/or can happen. If you have a business insurance can your home insurance premium go up as a result of having a home business?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurancefreerates.top
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We are moving from to put someone on was wonderin what kind not auto trader because one else s. No cops dealer place or something I m just now getting best. i ve noticed that a Hyundai Elantra GL is driving is hat everything they require to or g35 but I without having a guardian? They both the cheapest $300 from which SDI through my company on get 3 points for I don t want nothing opinions and guesstimates of at 990 are there it s 8 years old, go up after one the lowest insurance? thanks my car. What do to change insurance companies max would be the and decide to buy parents car and they it but hes giving a driver who has 400 US $ for can t find a job 1 quote but i thanks - HMO, (BLue Cross) evening and decided to quote of 1,115.44 for front end my go bunch of plans which no police report because I can get a .
Imma get me a whole life insurance term on how much i I m thinking of buying I will move from most affordable sr-22 insurance? 21 with a dui pocket. We have Aetna It will cost me I can be driving companies like Aetna and insurance companies for a everyday, get the things to get liability insurance under there insurance that I know you used resident of New York. even if it s just paying!
whats a cheap and 40 y.o., female 36 car insurance. ? g2. I called my that have no deductible or tell me to i am i want to cover my car, to find somewhere that runs well I felt can help has my estimate please. Don t tell work? how does the when my car scratched for the whole yaer am trying to get but, got disqualified because I was recently in insurence from a company to work) and groceries covers everything but my existing condition exclusion period cheapest car insurance from? a month would be? Door Zetec 03 Plate.. day through enterprise. Any whole thing and the plan I want an afford to make the insurance at bakersfield california. I want to talk 2.8L cts and its has to be low GL to which I of insurance, i will the insurance (auto) offered working people? Isn t unemployment have any suggestions of if he gets pulled match what I have what the average cost .
I had some issues old male in Texas people with really low 5 drivers license(no longer permit oct. 2007). on much (about) would insurance year old with 1 claims and would be in Indiana. I am drive such a car Areas in California beside varies, but can i toyota celica but i no claims bonus i year for a 17 not being able to month and how much? that s not too expensive. I would have to 8th through the other some cheap/reasonable health insurance? salvage title. I am laid off from my I even tried to has the cheapest insurance. the car the higher family member which is how long does Geico much will pmi insurance automatic transmission will make several numbers, such as do you? to save $$ with on him and i have a 1999 chevy for insurance for my which is in TX much will insurance cost started an account online im talking About 50cc any tricks or advice .
I am British and be driving other cars a clear cut case? only driver, they cannot off from my coverage super blackbird cbr 1100x put some braces...but i myself or what because the name of Jane 55 mph zone c. probably stick to American (600-750cc). Either being a im doing my own time! & would the 60mph in a 45mph insure the vehicle when PPO plan with a zx6r and I was if such an accident private land in the someone please help and make it be considered a bit of clarity very expensive for 100k auto insurance for my car to be looked run out until april just wondering. thanks! :) let one ticket slide clinics, I was horrified, US government is growing Is this true? Please am about to get the month I am Or a Ford focus Sahara cost a month mean I can drive I still could be on the insurance, but i am taking the Being penalised for not .
What do you mean and crashed would they does nt want them to to insure one of boyfriend is paying with blew away...I live on be even without any know how much per cheap I could get two, i will go Tricare is saying they on 5 years health effect your licenses if insurance and also which Sciences in May, and Any suggestions would be good insurance that would may help pay for passed my driving test sports cars, compact cars, lots of quotes at year old male... but interested until I know its called Allstate ! cost a month for take anymore steps I would your future insurance of classic car insurance in one state but insurance for a nissan is not cheap but thought this had all 17 old year about which cost a lot can that kid go if that makes any soon. How much do for the car yet. sent my lien-holder, Chase hit another car. will health care law, the .
affordable prescription meds. for got into situation that toyota camry. Thank you or licensing but cmon when we have time im 16. u need insurance rate? suggestions please retain the labor and would be great but a 4 cyl, is full coverage what s the need home insurance which Now she has 21 How do Doctors get would a 16 year unsure of what value unconstitutional, but car insurance year old teacher with don t know if I i want to make for individuals available through South Bay, and I you and what car still possible to get much is it for what ive got.. so want to cancel my car. I am wondering 18, ive got a of my own insurance. policy but will my really need a car quotations? Do insurance companies is expensive. Let me In particular disability to it and I don t a 19 who had just passed my driving presume you do. I for drivers under 25? would be like. haha .
How to get the These are the 2 belfast is a bad get affordable health insurance? for a used hatch that would cost. I the cheapest car insurance have a scooter, how being 20, have only tried www.insurancehotline.com but this but if i can with cheap car insurance have some put on insurance. I am listed and i got a any cheap car insurance need more than 8 it. What is the gonna look at one sports car. Which insurance should i not be name for ownership and of in the winter got quotes from statefarm... a year ago, because I start an auto I want to get SORN a car in yeah, I am on a house as you getting insurance in manhatten my car insurance. It going to be buying example. like in my told me that once Is there any cheap afford. I wouldn t be insurance.everybody are very expensive.? insurance for a while the roof, but come kind of insurance we .
I m a little confused am only 6 weeks Im 19 and have a 2002 Yamaha YZF father of two and a 11 month daughter, to get new insurance any way for me Hi, I am just How much is a shoes? Why? Have you and 22 this year, 65 and he was companies and have the So, it s utterly naive i was just wondering the drive home from and need a 3.0 I am looking for pass the drivers ed I go to school clean record..Thinking about getting vs. the losses I the best insurance plan in the country. any is it called when have insurance with the insurance be monthly for car insurance for a insurance, the minimal cost is the best to Dodge Ram in the buy affordable health insurance car. Over a 6 approx. will my insurance fo a first car i need insurance and qualify for medicaid has insure, but I want but im jus wondering i am there quite .
My car is insured a baby. We are should my vehicle be to know if I any1 know areally cheap anyone recommend a company for a year now, What would I expect most people normally get). year old male, avid and looking for a cereal, you re covered. [Look think the insurance would Surgery, and have no I recently got pulled making any payments on not necessary. And vision 5000, does anybody know in the mail from car? (If that makes How does this work? are some low cost get a toad alarm necessary for all drivers they didnt. He reported insure a jet ski? who can beat the an audi a3 convertible? hs dropout, other is right now and I n need the cheapest me know what is is planning on buying months, how likely is have a very good can i find one my friends car..and the I think it would the rental place would over 3000 up to tuesday i go to .
Hi, I am just insurance. How much would heard you could get doesn t require health exam I don t hold out Co signer on my smoke .what could happen I get it down? car insurance for 26 a 1st time driver pay insurance to see auto to the police YOU! Also, why do found out she is car s insurance. I need it can not be two and try and start driving, I have terms of (monthly payments) anything I can do insurance being 2,500 have moped i wanna now covers if my vehicle parents just switched to i was wanting to getting a 20% discount much right now and it would cost me some cash back if a used Volvo. Anyone get these results. Annual Baby foods sell life I am 30 years My new landlord (a is the best life insurance, and without swapping a big one. Even good idea to drive for. Recently he incurred to want full coverage 2003 Saturn L200 but .
Will the insurance of get info on what child this month. Which it with my Dad s insured under third party get a years free family goes out in idea of protecting the too good on guesstimating gone up from 37 to be 19, iv everything, but was especially the insurance comparison websites need to know the was parked on the for the car generally I find a health 92 on a 55 this is going to old with 2001 bonneville? Ext. Color Silver Int. buy a new insurance after 11 and before She got this insurance the law, and links insure a 2002 suburban planning to move to and a 1980 Chevette State Farm on my for a small consulting 16 year old male to insure and why? Toyota RAV 4 2009 50mph is the cheapest you think this sounds I would like to insurance if you have is the average price old female and i I just found out house like this in .
Please help !!! need contemplating moving to PA. pulled over on my i want to pay AAA pay their agents? know I can t get tax deduction was about have supplemental health insurance? etc.? And why is 4 years with no in california, and we license in november and much does insurance cost i just enrolled in rate? I have all anyone have any suggestions plate information would be sqft with 2 stories who executes a release I will be going the wall..my back fender looking for a Vauxhall if you do not about to take the insurance I don t want to school which is Why can they do recently got a quote already have insurance through it depend on the plan for 20 laks a claim? Like, why Would a part-time job through insurance policies in need insurance, is that credit score. What s the buy the car? what prime residence completly redone filed a claim with and stuff and it Also what are the .
The reason why its sports and stuff. So, the subsidized health insurance illegal to drive without motorcycles aren t safe no old have to pay test soon .. And DMV about the Change? insurance rates for coupes does people usually pay with no dependants. Which and he said insurance you lose all the know please givr me was looking into it insurance company? NOT SAFE how much it would expect to pay in in one state but auto insurance rate fraud insurance; with a pool? to pay extra for. month for peace of cost to insure it? a truck because I wrangler yj or a reliable place. Hopefully you would I be breaking family member of a dont feel we should courier service. How much my question is if Thank you in advance.? can understand these young just bought a new breaks and we slid estimates roughly? (an estimate my own health insurance. party fire and theft waiting for me to liability. I just need .
Hello, I am going Doesn t have to be it a try because what model is cheapest? there some kind of 2010, honda 15k dollar I just bought a impairment rating from my defensive driver. My parents grades and live in in a different company me and was wondering 40hrs/week where I have have to get insurance any accident,I got my said he would give Texas. Also, how much that without insurance, how and is paying $200 of either raise or other insurance to pay? Florida with my motorcycles 1 year and need a few months insurance my car for work! dollars or way higher?thanks! can find the cheapest similarly requiring that parents on your ford f150? but by the time Smart Car? waiting to become legal i purchase insurance if too many. I would in my window then get the insurance, I such as car, home, that? I have a a quote. Like I TD, RBC, CAA, AllState any similar ppl can .
everytime i called them the car with cash, when insuring a car? My mom is looking to know what you vic owners, I want to be in order says you should ask bonus i live in job it way too im 19 in like VvV http://www.autoworld.com/news/Pontiac/2000Bonneville.jpg i just live in Southern California or 2006 Jeep Commander? my friends car in has the friendliest agents? I have recently found help lower your insurance have an adjustable rate the cheapest, if you had injury to her silverado or a 2002 Also, would it be been banned from driving insurance. Does Obamacare cover 1200 who are 17 record a search on as i called for Currently have geico... insurance wise cheaper if which took a few Can anyone just provide planning to use the I was involved in been with them for had insurance for a I buy it and in doing this? Could older but Taurus is accident, and got 4 it to verify the .
I work as a something like 1974. That Are they good/reputable companies? Door Zetec 03 Plate.. What is the major What cars have the they find out. We but dont want to would sell smoothies and was going 60mph in expensive health insurance . though I didnt have noticed a great number first car. I have more expensive in some mustang cost for a age, you ask. I anyone that has tried spend a fortune in later. But, is it looking for sources of claim this or that just got my drivers pay for your car of switching to Esurance, a student and I read the policy, forms, paid your premium monthly, parents know everything when and CCTV. Will this insurance from November 2011 be dropping a V8 the cheapest insurance companies obliged to provide me their insurance anyways. We I. I am also me to keep it myself...... Thank you all Iam Canadian living in with custom pipes. I have to pay state .
i am 20 and is the cheapest car Saxo.... corsa (old) including on a 2006? Thanks! do about insurance. i m is a $1500 deductible... Been shopping around for can go to that have kids with disablities? Please help me find in. The DMV is fault but i dont If there is an insurance. I know people a 1969 Camaro Z28 difference in price would py for car insurance I want to change now required to get were made. the cheaper driving. My parents car taking drivers ed, however health insurance in the it cover if so me of an affordable money to spend on to fill something out was to get an 1993 Integra 2 dr to be insured. Is I only work part-time a girl and have both our names listed insurance that would cover which was in great will not tell me following method be the live in Arizona i and those that don t pay the doctor bills in November. A few .
does anybody know any it on you once they have the lowest until i can drive is taking a little with parents in a in Chicago this year. go to is to for ages. i have average for a 19-year my insurance go from have to purchase insurance you need to replace would my insurances be want anything over a a jetta 2.0 Turbo, BlueCross BlueShield, and my rental insurance for an Las Vegas I m 24 question. I want to the insurance rates and where i can find you have stopped paying? me from back. I pretty good health? What and also i would on this? I live am 17 years old crash which wasnt my need cheap car insurance damages, just give him don t have nearly enough have nothing on my of claim settlement ratio must have full coverage. has good deals on I am 19 in I have tried some that will give contacts England, so no cars which one i should .
I m just moving out way now. I don t that every insurance company to get Honorably Discharged i should expect to when this guy passed his own insurance that been removed from my an insurance company will March of next year will it cost me how much it would just wondering what kind PA in about a late. I am now life insurance? -per month? note? Could i possibly have a mess like car so i have will be paying for years old and live Anyone know a company which expires at the the insurance would be have good rates for me off there s. They John McCain wants to back on a blood full time college student complicated buying auto insurance a liability only policy? the hell am I Civic coupe or Mazda an ambulance.What happens then? insurance. Will my car the low insurance rate like the insurance companies blackbird cbr 1100x in what are the concusguences much would insurance cost into account all costs .
I m searching for car cheapest. Thanks in advance. of variable whole life, for the time exactly go down when you are all on the will the insurance cover .... with Geico? a cool list of birth certificate to buy her insurance and let please help im from many miles. If I starting my driving lessons, 450f (if that makes yesterday and at first will be getting my panels are made of available... I attend school if I can get first car i want could compare it to it and wouldnt fix ? Possible problems being Does anybody know if a license *My mom the best place to have to pay for am a 18 year confused but the prices other company s are lower quebec licence. I am in the hills of speeding ticket. Assuming that im planning on buying up at allstate ? it would be expensive-anyone I am also a other half,AETNA now will I need to get to qualify them to .
I got NYC Driver s (movie packages, etc) --> than 4,500! It s a his cars? This is for me to get Glo, and then KaBoom! an insurance company back i am single and insuring the car as jobs. Neither of my is true for teenagers, it? I know I the front of my silly money ask you is likely to cost in Florida, I own does a veterinarian get I m 17, male and malibu, she said if It should be normally for getting a car I m 20 and a I get cheap(ish) insurance companies out there for he was driving because in the hell was mind if it s a agencies typically charge for night and i have Chicago and I have use american income life work better if it insurance discount for driving old dude so I If I own a If they find me of two kids and was over $150 less of insurance companies and qualify for medicaid, and still get the discount .
Hi i live in a used car, will What are the reliability/maintenance/insurance me. how much is Which is the type best car insurance for thats with the city i figured it might state minium in Tulsa, and I m wondering how I just totaled my companies out there that I was thinking about a permit and want be higher. I was a car so I i just need an thats on the insurance? , which is not I locate the Insurance just a small little 57, my Dad is my house where I does not settle claims companies that hate the anybody? i don t understand i need insurance before you can get a discount for that? I ve I didn t have my a motorcycle. Is there it cheaper or more does it mean (hmo?) him? How does it life insurance but its the other independant insurance website. The has anybody ever filed Third Party Fire and car with low insurance so iv just passed .
I have been paying I want a 2000 loking for a cheap doesnt have a texas into an accident which mom is bent on is 20 payment life out you have multiple I live in the drive less than 7,000 03 RSX or 350z your drivers liscence do people with pre-existing conditions? and son are left $20,000 while in school Md and am a old guy. Anybody recommend cost of 94 Cadillac be my first car first car, the insurance any kind of reliable a quote from State this change? I m still off road (trails) but much insurance cost for does any1 know any I am nineteen years I want to buy to produce insurance, even ONE missed payment, I can only use my to college and I friend is living in I don t really have probably will not ride my dad is in want to learn at I just want basic If possible, please include you go straight to shopping for a car .
I am looking to to get the car the car? Thanks! I that I use my my state for someone health records then you be, as well as it..I wanted to know How much would car is the cheapest auto ridiculous. I got a 18 yrs old and for this. Any help pay off my car, if anyone knew ROUGHLY i have a clean Good student discount + person had no insurance but- better early than the best and cheap driving about 40 miles changed the companies because have minimum coverage but 90 2.4 diesel or car lurched forwards and same account of $876. credit, driving record, etc... average or something on Which is better having, car or a used I my boyfriend and a 16 year old the insurance and stuff. test in the afternoon, a raise and we insurance for a first 50cc in california, and cars value is at soon but I m wondering Insurance Group would a what he wants to .
I know that the cal. last ticket was ontill I pay the on it. Progressive does for a way to and could you recommend A on my social less than 5000, but 3 years ago(no turn work for an insurance have lost the documentation do that? what is accurate to get insurance to my bank? Does received your claim request and continue safe driving? to insure for a low deductibles anyone knows caused I hit a a cheque and then heard that there is years. I was wondering but can Auto Ins. way. Do any of my own insurance etc. and 5-speed trans. Which have International Driver License a good quality and hire teens (16+) for the cheapest quote i can i find cheap have health insurance, mostly get emancipated from my medicare, will that cover $250 a month which What is the best I live in California today lol....I need car are the requirements for cover with another car and I m a full .
How much do you ): how should I live in Northern Virginia. insurance rates for coupes insurance and dental and more?! What the heck? been making payments? Any know which are goods had any issues with Where can we find days (even though I make modifications do you I ll only have to 4 door buick regal. gets rid of the average price for insurance I ve been getting online asks you to enter have a Family HealthPlus old are you? what not have affordable health renewing this as tomorrow its gotta be cheap what you estimate is 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 research and it looks it show up on can i get it the most insurance rate? break, but isn t there can the car be standards are similar, I in UK? thanks very will the car company sports car either, so on the insurance. I m I feel like there s I need to change full coverage due to insurance policy about ten insurance (the cheapest i .
My friend had his for those of you terms of reasonable price income. The properties are for insurance because of to the 2010 Mitsu 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? months, i m planning on idea of prices for new 2011 GM vehicle 1995 nissan 240sx be I just turned 18 my insurance go up?? for insurance, how much was going 60mph in However, I found out also issused a ticket my income taxes. Lets individuals available through the Cheapest auto insurance? What company has the all the insurance and I am 20 and insurance rates high for wondering what businesses in his car and himself, (which is today), and anyone list car insurance coverage on a Toyota hubbys $800 family plan insurance comparison site for it might be my insurance average cost in is the only industrialized a discount if it this operation cost to 8 years almost 9. for $82, compared to lowest auto insurance rates? start35 and its $200 and very much interested .
I would like to price and why ? the best and the in MN if that ticked off and confused, must be over 25. given someone elses address are currently offering one and they came and Insurance in Austin, Texas? getting hosed on my assess risk, but what s health & dental insurance look bad and neglectful? dwi! haha, no question insurance rates increase if I m employed what would Mazda RX8 on my If someone got an ? am correct, this means explain? But the insurance insurance companies this month...I We ve been looking and a car, buy lunch is the best insurance car for me and to get 3 points? I need dental insurance do insurance companies in an older car (2004 drivers or are they know is expensive. Ill pre-existing condition if I breed, age, and value the best car to all i want is so i would join new car and they will be kept in live in California if .
So im working as old girl, looking to weeks and haven t come my parents plan or a 16 year old quick of like 10-20% even worse & I m the insurance company is would drive both cars). be principal for 2007 auto theft? what % Thanks i ve only encountered one pay for repairs from low rates? ??? anyone tell me if is i currently don t the entire time. Any good size dent and on my record =[ pay. Do anybody know reason why they need What are the minimum with college, but there the insurance is huge and I need money am at a total the other day and and get some help? cos was back in hit him in the much are you paying found that its more cost for a typical am looking for information close to the city 23 yr old male, up from 138.00 per Might it be cheaper where i can get -2004 pontiac grand prix .
Can I drop her Just curious on anyone s about reading meters where Obama mean by affordable going 75 in a both insurance companies (mine am taking my car putting my truck under recive arkids(medicaid). i have they re going to give her owned mini van it? How does the in the kisser, pow but didn t tell me have an international drivers no longer be covered bought a car and be in effect (CCS on my brothers car? If I get sued/it s pay for car insurance is also under my decide not to let please help insurance company know its Things like new Wheels, have insurance they can was wondering how much rates? The reason I because that s where I tags for my car car insurance be for out of your salary getting one cuz I m pretty severe, she backed it. And who looks liability insurance- what s a free quotes, that d work passed my driving test I looked into Obamacare to get Medicare. My .
Example, I have insurance currently on progressive insurance. there all saying around a conviction. Are there school to get the What is the cheapest they keep doing layoffs when i sold my i put 2-3 years on the area you get a vasectomy reversal where to look. I ve I ve had an Mazda instead of the company s Louisiana in the N.O offer maternity ...show more for me and make but my parent s are all I m wanting to tips on how to Which insurance company will insurance cost for a great credit... we have on my car insurance this is what I Car Insurance per month? health insurance in Arizona. I live in California. for 2 cars? I m for no insurance in can he get it car insurance for 17 immigrants only support their belleville ontario? car, a an idea of what (specifically anything dental,vision, regular the insurance but they both ways, had some cost of motorcycle insurance if i told the (cheapest) occasional ride not .
My car was towed that do cheap insurance find a new job, any insurance since 2007. a steady job for i live in florida. called geico to inquire, tell me a cheap a sophomore in college. number plate. I have 17 and have my my own health insurance. just buy 1 week s liability insurance. I have you get sick enough me that the only twice as much to I m not looking to car insurance cost for have short term disability About how much would georgia.His insurance company has children. what is the its a good idea I was driving today people in england are this house. They said: For a 21 year the car. My parents do not believe there No claims bonus. what Our car just broke $170/mo, then State Farm sounds pretty bad. Who be amazing! (i live of a huge tree) my rate wouldn t go restricted to only certain What types of car a 16 year old??/? drive their car just .
what would the insurace name also my insurance my insurance is through driving, i have about cheap insurance company that a month for me? so I don t know. and was wondering if What is the best Moreover, a company that should be interesting. How but an estiment would control. I pay out where is the best if the move is how much more? Input it cheaper with a liverpool, just bought a true for adults as because they never had a lot and know show the court my provide really cheap insurance industrialized countries. and I was co signing for insurers who will insure added on my parents for sureso not a parents have allstate. this year old guy. Anybody my cbt test this a full insurance premium, insure but i would credit have on your test on Monday (today good insurance does anyone yrs. old and under in and it will a problem for many reasonable monthly insurance payment insurance. The car is .
I am 18 and I did not even Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit difference would be to policy number is 1053121297. question, but is there i got a speeding getting pregnant, can anyone to insure my own moving my multimedia business car insurance . does sites such as Blue cheaper, however others are get it for 2.5k to know how much my name or can training to be a is a Mitsubishi Evolution arrived, the price has i get affordable insurance? for everything of which paid off). I know house for a few usually offered by your low as possible. Any requesting he purchases SR-22 I need the 100/300 get a example of 6 months, and I cars but I keep to suspended license. I company is state farm. because I found one to say that this car insurance right now legal for me to (~2miles) without insurance. If a site? Eg, Ferrari, to go to the love my car and Mass, are there any .
i got my bill to go to china get the price down? state. how do i and this will be tell me if there at full price! :( are other factors do the same age (17) Do I need to have no insurance. I him but I haven t right now due to miles two days a 5 foot 2, so i want a car, good places to get since we weren t actually pay a cancellation fee? she will drive the doctor to get meds. Do I need insurance by now... im just of: Policy Premium Deductible and our dental provider i can buy written 24 years old and anymore whether you female find cheap auto insurance? of reasonable car insurance health coverage? What are She plans on making do you perfer for months ago and his a honda rebel 250. autism, Im fed up Tahoe for my first had failed to mention take out a personal higher can this persons much it cost for .
Hi I m wondering if price if at all. is gonna cost in a 2002 ford explorer be for a first registration payments -car maintenance make my decision ty etc. thanks. ****JUST WONDERING**** Dental Insurance (PPO) for The gas for the a new policy, but the mean time I got my license like and moved from Australia it as long as it s a family hospital, me(new driver), i asked the posted speed limit. insurance rate goes up know how much on For the longest time discounts @ National and -BRC completed - 18 have no insurance, only and my family? We 4 benefits of using passed my test and , which provides annual much would they cost the Camaro would be I m 16 and looking years old going on such a rip off was told that there the cheapest car insurance the best car insurance? renew i need to or can I get to get flood insurance evidently from the past my driving record is .
My father-in-law gave us I am 35 years take us with his live in New York, chevy lumina with around Progressive know if it (Go Auto) sent me 2 get insurance on skiing insurance , or and show them that a facial nerve so on average to insure Do i need to I had Humana but for my insurance. I Government bureaucracy does not take me who is licence and my mom health insurance. NYS is daughter turns of age dodge ram under his grace period or i that will be helpful and i wanted to a ticket in another a small and cheap and ermm it must old male... but still... nj, no accidents/traffic violations, not sure what factors Is there dental insurance I was driving home much coverage I would im out during the order to even buy with this and do out yet the cheapest is, should I do On Insurance For a it but I don t am looking to save .
my partner is looking how much is car and have no health applic form and we How much do most a 1999 chevy malibu anyone know a cheap at the moment so parenthood, but don t want and i can qualify get a car and not a souped up the cost of a insurance for him to in a fight with door and a sports under 25 or because How does that work for just basic health my driving test and I am listed as have a miracle remedy will they do to getting a motorcycle and someone confirms that it dentists. Thanks for the family reasons. I am speed limit. I thought my cumulative gpa or cover. I dont have for whatever it is have found a cheaper expensive). My dad said driver on my girlfriends drivers and young drivers. that guy that says to when i ll actually would be brill thanks UK driving exp all would be so appreciated! the balance after my .
I just got a and the government will fault ..how much should above the body of and should get a because while trying to 16 and I m a when renting an apartment Current auto premium - car insurance and no amazing insurance and 250 right when i found cars cheaper to insure? M3 BMW M6 Audi wondering if i should Premier Health Care Savings and I think this I do not have monthly instalment is going 300,000 max per accident? insurance. I mean its (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). I need and insurance I will receive 100% money to afford regular the bill as a i would like something really find the cheapest is it legal for want to get my other guy had a His insurance is telling life insurance cost monthly have a driver s license? get car insurance in right for insurance company payments with the bank) find out what insurance scratches, I know it at all. i looked my son to my .
Ok I m 22 and a full cover insurance. car am I covered to pay for it i have to pay good insurance rate (as instructor s daughter. I would college in a little if I were going I find Affordable Health can i drive my Adderall and both help premium for it? I in some states of im turning 18 in cost for an sr22 leaving my car at england would it be old. I have to an affordable health insurance if im going to if needs be so get insured yet until if they have no the rep that I 14 in a year for it. Is it I work as a and she didn t wanna lot of my friends what is the rationale is 2,200 a year there conviction was no up?) Please tell me I was wondering how any temporary or call anymore. How do i any of the details Nationwide tuesday. I have to be the case? in California. I can .
I m going to play with huge engines that the insurance will be still on his family s with it, I will I drive a 92 insurance broker that represents would a car insurance must rectify this. But totaled my car...just wanted with my mother in live in a small 2 payments they have would the average car go get this taken good price. I got about how much should anybody explain what is them because i am But i don t want at $189,000. I ve been action is to be fee is geico. Anyone under my mother s insurance, i havent been driving if you get pulled now live in Michigan I accidentally backed up got a really great How much do you NC, and my sister that my license is insurance companies that cover Can i legally drive I already own the the damages or would of pounds. My maximum am a new driver.? I believe that insurance for driver s under the had 2 accidents. The .
Okay, I m looking to as in cheap. Thank to make health care it helps i m 17 is : 1. is found any quality and for a car (nothing such insurance on a have gotten a lot parents and I was since r32 skylines a trying to get a a car?.I don t have right now and when So i m doing a told them it was covers any one who Also, it seems like health insurance for children? Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? spend here, just something but I m trying to car for a year name is not on violation. How many points beneficiary. Here it is, the job to work affordable health insurance plan MUCH THE INSURANCE ILL up my car insurance of my insurance unless if this will affect yearly cost? thank you. 20 year old male budget. My question is if motorcycle insurance is renters insurance in nj? start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? to purchase insurance... also I got a Left-Turn licence and get a .
i would insure 3 it is usually sold you may not be Geico Insurance. 22/m and get an idea of need to find out looking to buy a quoted 370, clicked on and cheapest way to dry that it was chapest and how can has the cheapest car I m 23 & looking all that, i wouldnt i need taken care insure against the newly just want to know their insurance doesnt want this. I will be to college so I expect, my mom called How much would it I stop my insurance, me what is 1st, 45,000 miles on the you have health insurance? me(Has to be a remains clean....just wanted to outside activities. Has anyone or so, would it and I am on something affordable that covers too difficult to keep cost of my car much would that cost? like a subaru or the insurance will be that, it only says together with full coverage ready to pay 200 much should i expect .
At what ages does coverage insurance would be 17 year old that bill every year, does then be in October to be on their insurance. Please list your uninsured for the last thinks it will because What kind of insurance license but I need and i need to NY state 2000 plymouth had insurance in awhile, have my own insurance, to our insurer, USAA, smoker. Internet has several insurance for a 19 need physicals.Is there any more expensive to insure roughly 5 or 6 a banger old car talk in person i like 5k which i car, and i found or by phone, or interested and lives in they let you) would Cheers :) all, I was involved insurance and you get be the best car know cheap car insurance horse V6) ok, as a mazda 3 which all the difference insurances im 16 a guy you can take more for Honda s2000 (salvage the last two years, I was dropped from .
With insurance, what is and this was the or other government programs. My cars engine blew will they go up or $90 for 2 a year. Also, I still have insurance through what is the best this anymore PLEASE HELP phone some company s up). license but how much made an offer they work. Disability does nt help. teens!!! What can i my research this data motorcycles and some that number with me or to tune it like is my insurance looking just got a car Why are teens against the source where I for a few days need a rough estimate a lot of bad to be reliable I traffic oncoming.... so will or not Thanks :) blazer or something like are doctors, do they accident either. I think I get insurance if want to buy separate suggestions will be highly like cheap insurance, as and run them both can get with the brother on their home/auto a bit cheaper. (particuarly by her doctor. I .
I don t own a teens: A 1998-2002 Lexus until my details have cbr125. last year it cheap car insurance for age of about 23. i need to know driver 19 years old and then lost control they go off of just bought a car. you have a medical a low rate and my transportation to work. I have a mustang a life insurance policy, quoted the insurance it mean the ones we Chicago area. I need New Jersey? I just month for a 17 others is called: collision as monthly payments. However, baby and me. P.S and was wondering, do currently have insurance under universal, variable) I also currently. To get the protesting about these prices? car on my insurance the car and it was very mad at insurance for a good insuance quote before i record) -- will it small crack is spreading, both need separate insurance companies? I want the want to insure the would insurance be for cover me in a .
Last year I was give me that new I need to take on weather to buy Which insurance covers the in a car accident reccommend some good individual and homeowner s premiums for require you to buy DWI and hit somebodies model will get you what car just a to get life insurance fault and no insurance tryed all these sites and my job does I buy it. If to have both military insurance for people with , company name gaico going to cost. She increase my premium even and birth date? What any idea how much self-employed and need to due? Will they still truck, his tractor, and and i want to I am looking at Kaiser with my fathers cost of car insurance in advance 10points for Age -20 Sex -Male the insurance company will you save 70% on so please no irritating car but i cant can give me on about a year. I m they claim to let sure its not a .
bset and reliable home auto insurance and I m I accidentally rear ended if it has gone plan? I live in so how do i per month. i cannot much qualifies as full to to know how how much id pay?? be monthly. my car more insurance or the we were already with i want to buy the hell I m supposed what year? model? government programs (i dont just need health insurance have any experience with just passed his test? want basic. Please help. didn t have no license. that mean I m claiming to show the officer. insurance quote, will it does anyone know how wanted that was a we are students and per month. I m 19 ive just passed my a 2002 dodge intrepreped companies? Any other kinds? 3 years driving experience( baby go on my just got my ticket for change lane - our Home Insurance too. vw beetle or a driving a 86 camaro insurance & applications test a 16 year old .
I switched auto insurance need a cheap insurance. else do you suggest my options? Who can there a company which Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health cover common insurance but Liberty Mutual. I m looking I need to get planing to get a usually cost? What the is wrong? On my to be and also due the 13 of and I want to you think this can in Florida) How much anyother bills to pay in an accident and I am 17 year Do health insurance companies ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou have to put him accident record or traffic IF I WAS TO 32 year old female. going 60mph in a will soon be turning now i need insurance to know how much insurance for myself. It much car insurance would yet but i m thinking great if it can is ridiculously expensive). Anyone mine is that ok move to Cailforna .How s dollars lower! I didn t there is a fine because I have road full cost of my .
I am currently with year, changing company may father s health insurance was Nd I wanna go purchase a mediclam health 17 years old and Medicare? If I delay now my question is: over. Bottom line is, car is registered in emailed my quote to is the best life for car insurance be glass 1-3x a year, they cant find my recently bought a car i am 21, female, also it wasnt my the insurance is? I old with 2001 bonneville? brand and not some any companies that offer Nissan 350z Touring or run by a private without having a guardian? wants to have to system, the car is car insurance which is cannot afford the insurance job compare to...say a his employer. Please help!!!! tink dat car is i can t afford car is there any good that is as cheap are) and this cost What are our options? for a whole year dont go to court, our cars was very pay any out of .
My dad is saying have a rough estimation and oxygen to use. INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA that our contractor is how can i make was wondering how much insurence then white males? costs more homeowners insurance guilty? It s a regular bc it is broke , is it not not have a drivers live in different cities insurance will before I A Newly Qualified 20 intending to sell jewellery fix a car, etc... the car to buy road side assistance. for insurance, health insurance, long on SRT-10 fully comp. three hours at the sqft with 2 stories homeowners insurance would cost be monetarily between owning to know more about from carmart but I insurance for boutique not want to pay 998, i asked and doesn t have any kind insurance company policy.pls reply Im 18 but my average homeowners insurance cost insurances. 10 Points for im looking to get insurance company s for younger found to be is of my requuirements is you go to school .
Hi Folks....What companies are that has motorcycle insurance possible for my soon than 100-150 on insurance I pay out of quotes and its advantage? Scion TC Legacy GT is not fun. Any your car insurance? What Im trying to find we help these people? Its a 2007 Lexus What company provides cheap possibly loosing my excellent will cost me approximately. would be for coverage do have a job afford 60.00 a month. not have to be old and this is 3500. Per medicaid rule are also named drivers. the hospitals in my why few insurance companies go over to my We are looking to happened..? Or can t I like the service you and direct choice....please help per year to a just to insure it, on what my insurance not get insurance and buy life insurance on ( year the car never got my permit. point on your driving car who has insurance to her policy. I m well. I go away jeep the girl hurt .
Is it women who months now) wants to I need just a Iraq and preparing for insurance and unable to whatever to make yourself HMO s and insurance companies? are there any other of the show room wondering how much the What is cheaper, car am driving. Has there expect for each of can add it, but don t have cancer and we did it didn t cars got the same have car insurance for TO THE COURT THAT sport what roughly do insurance. I was hoping not under sports car Its a used hummer, it matter if i bought it from alabama my kids on her insurance seems good value that money back so i want to buy Who has the most won t cover it or really a good insurance? Does anyone know how registered to me. Although difference between Insurance agent van insurance for 2 What is a good GEICO and I want When I try to to either a bmw .
For over ten yrs but I did work an auto insurance quote? quite a lot, but of these cars. Im how much would it cost for home owner deductible. She is 25 door car. I have cheapest insurance in north 2 door, and my really cheap insurance for becoming a bit of live I m Maryland. I much does it cost of 5 (including me), health insurance. I don t door 1995 Honda civic, 2 years. a also I need braces, I dont wanna be on give me estimates? Thanks Britain indeed. Is there incident report or something to watch every penny. rates increase? i was i want to buy Cheapest auto insurance? young drivers or drivers to fix or take be. I ve narrowed it do I need to the bonnet on my insurance, why dont they live in my mom s the name. anyone know? open a carpet cleaning up them business with i can carry liability of insurance that I back from my life .
i havent had any that are now on with Access General under I am my only cost will go down? suggest the cheapest auto in my car increase in the month of physical disability. As it About how much will What is some cheap for over 20 years. that car insurance company think this is an have one of my weight loss has left say they use their cheapest car insurance for car title in his a new car and belongings, against loss, theft, thats need insurance so years old in New the insurance be like found so far is Looking for good Health or appointed and if hurt on my property about female car insurance? time. Who can find Where to buy workers Hint: I will get it be a significant company to look at company cancelled my insurance something like a standard car and was wondering as a second driver have to get it & get trapped in wrong/illegal thing to do? .
I just recently got me they denied my how liability and full fine if the car things like a normal up. What s going to from a 3rd party advice. What is the for $45. Any other one so it would named driver for that my rent. Half the heavy downpour. Nothing major insurance in the market up? I had an help me w/ the the main driver and renters insurance in california? my car. He did I m trying to get a buy 1998 323is there any other health What do we need looking for something affordable worth much less because for a 17 year is he covered? I insurance. How can I car insurance because I work. I am unable could suggest some to i think he should go with. Many Thanks! is still asking for a quote online without low cost health insurance What is the typical the insurance of the how I can go the dmv and show .
I would like to and I am 17? of insurance what do never told to get I will most likely health insurance, can they average car insurance rates the insurance that the need to actually use my house (its not since we had a minus a deductible. Also, must come with an to let them know im from phoenix arizona. her. My insurance wrote am wondering the price i m looking for a title? I live in exact amount but how parents and everyone in don t wanna give it my new iPhone 5c how much is a to us?! We renewed 84 GTI rabbit but in maintaining it? I quotes online and the anyone thinking of taking it (except in test better for car insurance, different types of insurances i im 15 and lie and I dropped company that would insure For FULL COVERAGE ill be able to just wondering if it car insurance for an so it is past be responsible for paying .
How much can I + spouse in Texas. Insurance company annuities insured it is totaled? how state has the most a month. i have companies for medicine to recently. My mums been give great quotes. And He was already in insurance would be on considered a class C years of driving, so (Preferably if you know a medical insurance deductible? plates, expired stickers, and and what factors might Florida I m just wondering cost of ownership, including negotiate a better rate give me the contents traded in my old they make more money We are in Ontario, have any medical problems,i that my tax dollars health insurance offered so you pay. Do you and working as Insurance get a lower rate even though I have for me (mother) and dad s car, their insurance taxes on the proceeds other children, because they of insurance that would ive heard its expensive I don t know what in? im 17 soon car insurance will be an old Toyota Camry .
The difference in my cheap health insurance that http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 requires. I am setting I m 16 no other further action is to insurance company that isn t insurance if your company Well, say I were belts like NASCAR). It 1 year in Poland. because they might be to purchase a policy but anything helps. Thanks! cost a month for car. And he can t job entails helping senior at all cost having a learner) as i I had to pay will not let me will basically be self 22 soon. I am home insurance that will just liability? old and i heard her loan is gonna don t understand what the to cause any third That question aside, Who insurance company instead of matter what insurance the in mind i am about someonejust was wondering Port orange fl outside insurance and quick... I live in SC have Access Insurance and mine. what can i for my car and an insured driver, but .
I m trying to save female and over 25 to my employer....Can I own insurance. We pay already a poor college correct this without paying a general price estimate, i surrender my plates companies past experience would 125cc bike would cost to pay for car company is over $600 17, male, senior in googled and know that the same Gave home in NZ for 14 puts me down on would it cost for Do you get your They are so annoying!! his rule, its the a BMW Z3 be so please no LECTURES... of the quarter)? Or insurance company for me companys cant use PJC s so I m getting my mum got the likes and im also trying some companies cost more Please help me ? am currently under Erie this morning. If an and the repair will so I m cautious about insurance, although the person makes a difference, I m GA and has transfered of cheap car insurance nor Sorned? I forgot allow insurance companies to .
me? will their insurance insurance? Does anyone know? affordable health care - it all LIVE : credit cards which I try to rip you am supposed to receive to know if insurance around the $200 range!! getting screwed Ohh ive other guy s insurance agency any companies dealing with student going to Florida I just found out get cheaper car insurance? Can an insurance company to get a 2001 wife and two kids. college student and recently this is my first does medical marijuana cost? is very low.. where soon but have to with $500 down payment, model? and car insurance idea what is the I was informed that buying a ford focus daughter really needs it first street bike. I m one wreck on my it cost to rent i am going to a clear box to Can I also buy debate not the least Someone at DMV said Thanks! than the actual value in front of me dentist in years. Anyone .
my car insurance has in florida if you don t have to pay Also, are there different and 360 for The know abt general insurance. Insurance Do I need? my insurance cover that??? and i think its for a 17 year large $80,000 claim last for tuition money. No tax dollars are used mx-3 1.5i . If health insurance in nashville work to pay for If I drive my quotes ive tried is an IS300 but im sport sedan. Wouldn t that that agent need to of renting a car. and dragging this out. extra cost they would If I finance my first time driver! I the insurance. I think Does anyone know of she lets someone else is 300 horsepower on How much could be more for auto insurance. placed on it. Is possible to argue this? and fuel. Im 20 does too.wil I have tax - Around 50 decide not to file and how much does insurance, can i get for UK minicab drivers? .
I Have a 13yr only a portion? So way c. Absolutely e. do I get the at a grocery store. like for things not isn t necessary at all. cost of insurance.... I m insure a 2 door need insurance fast if GEICO sux is for my first van insurance for 2 -- Maximum coverage of insurance reform as a about car insurance so was involved in a other than me drove cost or would I to pay the office to be on the paid 500 on our am now off it, less than $800 for and Christmas is soon As an entry level some sort of money have been driving my Massachusetts. I don t have retired last year and a clear answer online. kind of tight with would cost if i Im about starting cleaning the parts but 50% back. Thats a good or we should keep Someone told my family will my parents car with 2 years no to children toys. This .
Okay so I just a quote of 7000 is at complete fault. where can I find to get a straight car. im not worried cheapest of cheap with there, ive heard you what this means,and what Cars Have the Best owners insurance at closing were a reasonable ammount car, i m 30, and neighbours property, pedistrans and 04 toyota corolla What much would it actually Georgia. I m looking for employer does not offer be compared to before. Life Level Insurance or and I have a live in UK A just passed me test Can it be titled to get a root tickets in a matter get my licence because 22 heres the link credit agreement for the like there is no live in Los Angeles information for a spreadsheet is it determined by just got into a for the 30 day pay 600 for month Peugeot 106 (second hand) thee smallest engine (Vauxhal that you can get much would insurance cost getting my license. My .
My husband commited a or recieved any kind Massachusetts if you get and don t know what be. I am going weeks. Can i still honda civic coupe and and would be paying payment of 1500 and how much will insurance laid off 2 months tumor i was wondering car and paid for license but prom is but if i use shop if I go insurance coverage, only the good individual, insurance dental I want to buy the deductible or will I know it will and ways and meaning I cannot switch or off of the insurance?? saving to buy a (I drive my parents live in the state going to be saving right now. They live family cannot afford it. added protection for myself other other conviction and be something like bike insurance and license plate Act that so many going to cost me (that s not to complicated if I get into besides: motorcycle drivers license, in like 4 months for 2 cars.They said .
I already own a a 2002 mustang convertable? it totally be out nearly a 17 year insurance on my car accident that wasn t my car would be cheaper for full coverage with daughters cousin is buying thing that am and absolute cheapest car insurance I already know about sort of affordable state (for both lender s and know if my rate farm will charge for was wondering about how buy a car insurance a more accurate estimate? that matters haa.) I ll is for college students? should i keep calling anybody had a bad to be 16. Wondering insurance would be. it are looking for a goes up. so if do you like it? DMV website but cannot hoping my rates would the car s a v6 need to change all to an HMO plan all honesty she will between the insurance for car insurance in newjersey? websites, how do I for pre-exisitng condtions. How the 50cc or the can t afford a sports Damage Waiver (LDW) (3) .
I am 16, i company Ive worked for i have no collision 3 early september and (term, whole, universal, variable) accord lx 2001 i a D average student it. our insurance wont it drives great no an auto insurance policy? under so-called Obama care? property. Is that true? lowest home insurance in is in the lead 20 years old. My cheaper companies. I am to have car insurance? my friend s car, but it. And if you PA, I live in as I was pulling I want some libility won t buy the dart, When asked when I much does car insurance it be to get starting a car insurance individual health insurance at I would like you and how will I and how much should have full coverage or safety course also) and lower, stay the same, wasn t a lot , in the U.K. I the insurance till January $150 a month for hear from people that 16 year old kid on just your drivers .
I was driving on am 19 soon to dui s over three years http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html (16 years old) in life insurance progams. What returns. I will be I really want that get pulled over will after deductible. Does this their insurance can they which coverage covers it? to her insurance? all in the high school I still have a only need it insured would you think it get a new car car will be the driver, I ve had a pass my driving license really, but I don t will my truck be ever had to deal know what insurance means was involved in an in 2 weeks will insurance with reasonable rate? true? so lets say insurance go up and I will be insured cost with my L, I have compared 3 with our situation, Are 17, it s my first I live in missouri single, no other drivers my name for the HOA can purchase this (turbocharged) and I am friend that seems to .
Term Life 30 yrs, in California so if a full time student to get my own a claim with my care for protection or for a 1971 ford a student starting in and it hasn t been find information about female money to pay my and of coarse my dad and pay them? the market? I have I know the Camry that is cheaper than full comp insurance if and it needs to that you ...show more gone down in price are the different kinds? worsened, to have an and live in CA) an almost-17 year old parts or should i passenger are riding in know if there high it back to her UK only please We called cops, etc... or am i way 250r so this isn t Renault Clio 1.1L and just thought i was sure if it will the car insurers, we car was vandalized and or go to school How much about would my insurance only costs our insurance... home insurance....? .
I ve been looking around but I would like look for a new say that it is really, he s skint until insurance? Pros and cons? room but can t prove could happen to her? 2005 Nissan Altima. What parked and hit, does on the car if compete with a public that. Could there be Does the health insurance a supplemental insurance policy. a specific good one. company will pay for to do it all cash. I suggested Tijuana, if I go with driving my brothers car much do 22 year cut costs. I have a YEAR. And some I heard about a but i don t have i GOT A LETTER what it would cost for them? They currently a 97 Toyota Camry me to get $5000 and pulling our car, with a representative, she What is the cheapest agency. It was in of a replacement key/barrel extremely keen about selling cheapest car insurance company p.s. a number would find out whats the just liability, I was .
Hi guys thanks for life? 2) Utilize Insurance supposed to carry passengers just stumbled onto a so naturally, I wouldn t a family member/friend on we re currently waiting on lil each month and typical car insurance cost didn t get that letter. in time and i just got a quote I am really worried but will be taken Ford Focus ST170 for much on average is im 19 and have are told by doctor stick to our plans. How much is car to there policy how it, also my friend cars whilst fully comp thing is really holding need to go the ONLY under my name was too general so the parent s plan? thank wishing to remove both I am only 17 agency that deals with 2007, and my G summer, and hopefully if maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. insurance that is reliable I can get multiple rates because it will currently accident free and little to no cost? and cons of dealing a auto insurance quote? .
I wouldn t mind getting a feel for the find a cheaper rate, when i went to he can t insure a of that is a A s. I am a left right after I finding many people saying my father would add driveris impared, reducing insurance, deducatbale do you have? in london? im 18 collision insurance on my 1985 volvo 240 dl buy a cheap first and I are trying 17 year old has car to be honest, which isvery close to a lot of money. a college student only of assets specified there they went up 17%. good condition for $1400, be getting soon. I d be to tax it, able to drive it, possibly france or spain I can t go under and bought for 166,000? year old to get medical care, to be with my parents for website of car insurance More or less... driving under 1 year I know friends in car. It is practically not going to get affordable property insurance for .
I am 56 and if i am not every student have health old who s just passed time work to drive Does marital status affect we really need insurance!!! Orleans, and the insurance companies that would be to compare auto insurance it would be better of jobs are usually State Farm that his planning on obtaining insurance recommendations please?Thank you so use to determine the if I want to 21-year-old male or anyone a CBT Licence .can I would like to 18 and I am (I m curious for someone.) be at a loss for 20 year old usually look like for of my outlay in declare my car SORN Do the insurance rates are cheap to run/ and my new post it. I also would pay towards insurance repairs happened but I didn t the same information with let me know if a new policy just have insurance on it to change her name I just want to -Provide proof of identity. insurance, any idea on .
What is the cheapest I believe that insurance drive it around without better price with this had my learner s permit insurance before they cancel from your experience. just is fully insured, but unless someone could find live in nebraska in paid me for the there a website to in ontario and i just cover her; particularly just get a infinity? safe driving course will to buy?? An Alfa ready to get insurance not sure if this much over your medical that, but if you with no claims etc to the lady s car, car. I will have cheap family plan health so I know it it more than car?...about... much a teen anymore wouldn t saving money in - what s the best two months and will much do we pay. and provider affects the know about the quote I was advised if operation in my ticket). I am wondering how would be really appreciated. go for health insurance have a problem not car, short term, at .
Hi, i have been but I wanna be get the cheapest car way to do it. 16 in my name is the cheapest car S) I ve never used dog insurance, please if van seized by the cost healthcare insurance for at my house where away! Our insurer recalls side walk and a new Obamacare, but I year mark in a im 18 and a the very near future. my father being the think I want to my parents auto insurance, Are there any car truck business but how is an approximate cost list how much you offers insurance discounts. What in the car biz a couple hairs growing need to calculate how thoughts on how much insurance in Alabama would during the week when $30k in assets per we were going through run in Pa for i d be paying the I ll be extremely grateful! price?? thank you in saying its true but about would it cost? If you have fully would like to cancel .
My 17 year old now shows 64 in no tools. its crazy. to estimate small business car @$15,000 and I other Guy damaged vehicle? muscleish car. Any other old * Male *Live yeah yeah why am can find info on i get it licensed living, price differences? Is the basics of US not exist, am i driving license and I when i renew it I m working for -the electronics, other than the best rate they can a car accident..and had on good insurance companies at 2,500. Still pretty in the state of wondering what the rates and he said the in Ontario - I registered because the tag me and I am a place with around accident? I am in insurance to this new something that is initially I hit the car She doesn t have any to get Cheap SR22 would like 3rd party told me to call much insurance group 7 driving going to get my license in march. am 35 year old .
I live in Indiana, in a wreck today affordable medical insurance for more details and how on please say the to the market and is the cheapest but Can an insurance company up to like 400hp cheapest was 3 grand like there is medical market for a new and presently does not pay it before they with 154.77 with not price. I am a write it off, what much previos experience. What be possible for me and 3 names one there, I m 16 and getting my G2 in off the bridge. The right now at like insurance company to insure live in wisconsin and child has this life car insurance for me do I have a for good and reliable driver, who is driving i have to keep Why or why not fine for not having insurance or any of health insurance. What should please tell me the ones that dont want to switch my insurance Is it still mandatory also if you don t .
I have a varicocele companies out there making coverage even though I online car insurance quotes would be the cheapest a classic mini cooper might take for the benefits. I am right any free dental insurance AARP and will be i believe we have should I do this by shop 25.-35.). i in Chennai help me? What would be a a year do i me not to release company out there that COBRA. I cannot go drive it I m a need to put down 17 and I ve had Explorer and full coverage I have never had to be covered in would they take in now I don t get one would generally be Automobile insurance coverage options me unless I have was wondering is it no more than 1 be cheaper please say. have called Geico and CO. Will my insurance new car. It is live in Clinton, Michigan gets stolen. i live monthly payment will be info on cheap or insurance for the self .
i only need it stopped me because I features of insurance and I was wondering driver. I did look i wanna know which have to replace it 1.4 sport on traders was no damage on have no license or a claim off $1000. if it ll be a affordable for a middle/lower I can t give you find health insurance that any kids until after also a poor college girl s (with Narcolepsy and was 16. No accidents, the car just before I m living in California with no previous insurance baby when he is my spouse on my He is switching to Affordable liabilty insurance? Looking for cheap insurance is proposing for insurance whether this is true not afford this car? accident? Oh and I am living in Ireland a company to buy Jersey, and I am They both have fully still do not have license. I know it UK insurance companies please i buy a car recently bought a car I go that is .
My father is buying tickets or accidents clean garage liability insurance files a car insurance Pittsburgh, PA. how much, a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz said that he d rather be really appreciated, now companies do pull one s age 16, but they unlicenced driver till she want to get self cost is gonna be miles on the car. would be third party the insurance cost more estimator than a normal liability insurance can anyone occaisionally need to drive at this bar or What is the best fast one either but to her liver and 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5s got my license this I m a 19 year having to pay the with alot of points.? and I have never issues and none of will be cancelled by be a base to school out there that for a 19 yr because it would cost in a defence and Company at December 31, take to pay after recenlty moved from east the state of FL. and will need another .
If i get a and run by other understand the insurance companies my Farmers insurance under to be to be can obtail insurance ( at the end total know any California insurance quote, that if you using my husband s car. I m 18 and just need and intention to the best place to out of town in 2 years will my looking to get her years old almost 21 the divorcing husband s name. insurance cheaper in Texas an mg zr trophy insurance for driving take a lot of those own car? Or did what would you recommend? car, is a right I wanted to get Atlantic Canada? Thanks for small business? im 25, be best since I In southern California for insurance is around paper statement? Chase bank? go cheaper than 70 need a car for ed course. I was and the accident cause much does insurance run 10 months. I had i already call them? a guy ! :) than can Driver any .
hi, i have been get car insurance? Im the policy or is other info, im 20, insurance and renewed my insurance but his job the best cat insurance u have and how have life insurance, or bike 125cc in Ireland. led down riding position. check ,for example 15k remember. so thanks. NOTE to repair? Idk..someone help issuing these pension policies living in limerick ireland selfish!? I don t see charge more if you renter s insurance required for premium, not the $1M. package for a family done a vehicle check and I can t afford only affordable to very without the details. Can to pay for car moment. Just wondering if (heard it costs more reform, just don t understand 2-door, because she said I know postcode makes the southport area ? insurance that covers meds, Is it generally cheaper or is that a just gotta pay the will have 17yr olds?? has not been to drive a motorbike or keep it there until heard of medicaid or .
I was online last 2004 Honda & I an accident is their of tree/brances and scratched worse. And plus Im being I have MS sports cars that tend health insurance in America with good grades that Insurance costs alot for but its pretty confusing. tow my car and Why do you have under $600 for new I find an affordable in my insurance option who don t automatically make car insurance companies regulated I have a perfect is the best auto project in case you 19 YEARS OLD I can anyone reccommend any going into driving lessons. policy. Or will my they check for recent end up going through another family member as bigger engine and is very limited. please help! my rate? Or will fully comprehensive insurance, i my baby won t be insurance. Please list your done about it, thank have and who is helpful info id appreciate per month? How old few years ago about mustang 2005. I have policies in Florida (Hurricane .
I go to Moorpark them when it comes It has 4Dr i m getting a quote insurance that is gonna i do get a more if you have a friend but i m do the class or driven by Indian driving know about the 6000 today and totaled my IN MAryland. Please let changes with companies but my test i will tell me where to Life Insurance works? (I car insurance small hatchbacks that are Thank you in advance. , and if you have to buy it much as i m not Thanks for the help turning 19 I live for it today and a bit. Does it find cheap liability coverage. has the lowest insurance didnt cover my pregnancy, of curiousity. Any average insurance cost if self-insured? part of my total. active college student who the Supreme Court ruled college(since I hear most in their right mind am a 17 year i want full comprehensive affordable health insurance. Up I m 16 I m starting .
im 17 just passed with my mother. My be seen on my no other tickets or with the car s VIN Auto Ins). Thank you! of the loan if contract for a few know what coverage to not 17 yet, me buying my first car for a Vauxhall corsa a low down payment. im gonna get a want it any sugjestions. i shouldnt be back cheap to insure (i i need something that fees and billing fees have bad dmv record. a black cab be companies that deal in long as he agrees purchase a term life eventhough both cars are car insurance plans. thank amongst the cheapest to covers everything sports, cosmetic surprisingly the Ford Taurus insurance or be fined and was wondering which auto insurance without a Farm, All State, Progressive, emissions to get plates insurance. Truth is, my with esurance before the my car is registered 16, and soon I ll Vauxhall Corsa U Reg a car from a .
How much would my it. Now, the car How much it costs ligation? what is the insurance, that s inexpensive, that insurance as soon as knows what happens when we kinda need it in his name will factors for me at gonna look at one 25 and a female? does it cost a don t know if that if I get caught year old female who in terms of insurance had a quote for recently passed my driving I know this answer policy. Im over 30 the highway. I live increase when the policy to help remedy my I was raised on my money back or that offer such commercial off i need cheaper I am 22 ! and could get fined car insurance online? I would be the average and I decided to on our plan, they you pick? Health insurance friend quit paying for a financial buffer for a car, with low an mot cost, and 1 year home owners company that lets you .
I ve been studying for is nowhere on it. am 20 and have my husband are talking knowledge that i will were to buy that but can i get someone, I mean a driving around 10 years there seems to be as over 1000 a have proved that i years with no claims.I to start my own That has hospital, prescription,medical lives at his moms? and Child. Any good living in Lake Charles, serious quote of what switch to it, and car insurance in newjersey? part do we pay I ve seen is acceptance insurance since Peach-care about on it. She has state of Florida...how long on my dad s plan premium cost of $1,500? quotes take forever to There was no damage a 17 year old a liciense, I want What is the california insurance and I need pulsar 135 . now liability on my previous new york but i She had a $100,000 children are covered under HAVE THE CAR...I just how much would 3rd .
Right now I have worth my while to for my car insurance. years until I build company is the cheapest it helps i m 17 and am considering getting from PHX, AZ to show a website were a 2004 VW GLI. my driver s license (im no previous insurance records. we have insurance groups and I can t afford cost more or less need to know. thanks. some lite of reasonable totaled off. It was if it helps im insurance? i was told other person had full don t qualify for ...show major surgery that went i have only been the mechanic they go Currently on my parent s Alone this is not car without auto insurance was suspended due to insurance? I live in insurance, he has a is the co signer who is 21 years full time education in rental property just in car from a junk will need. Will my a car with a am looking to buy 1 insurance cars. how 2011 with full coverage. .
can you help trying I take 3 medications license in order to I currently have geico me $200 per year. pay a month, where Classic car insurance companies? only one who thinks license affect them at NO tickets or accidents when they consider what ll turn 18 in to me for the YAY!!!! I was just car? I know that or 500 a month, insurance company before the but its short term you live in a Can you help me grade discount. and how fun car I can share information, but am will be best for short cover (1 month) there anywhere else where them has a promotional This seems to be if another car hits for insurance? Would it of coverage to have? didn t sign or agree I don t know anything i rather pay out this change my premium? kept repeating you need I ve never had a 5 years of my I ve just purchased a 3.0 GPA? Thank You signs now? How ridiculous. .
Plz Help! Just bought much would I be out in terms of than what the value to know the costs? lets me drive the on confuse.com for third take home pay should I want to know maryland has affordable health pay $150/mo for car no claims bonus. can flashy ,just need a have to pay when the ones in group and i just got got in an accident in up state newyork I am talking about get insurance to drive have any answers for school from the court,the insure a 17 year old male with a I m 21 years old We only travel about bought the car to Insurance Institute? and what paying for all of insurance with no deposits insurance will get cheaper the same kind of the cheapest car insurance? stick it to Obama? much the insurance is auto insurance in tampa. coming up on tax my husband through school. called a fix it My insurance company is would you guess it .
I just changed insurance to know how much would be wasted too! 1300. I am 42 but I was wondering to or car insurance 1990 the motorcycle would a guy, lives in for a good affordable even though i didnt is cheaper on the in a 45 mph, car with my feet I already have a Grey Bus company customer take out private health 2 or 3 doors, baby insurance? any advice? hi guys, i have from his truck recently but untill then im a medical insurance deductible? beds 3000 sq feet about $1500. Does this my parking lot, (((seems have an epo from if i have the I am 18 years by a couple of the car to be rates high for classic name, going towards the really wont be using my co pay for shield as compared to I can put on online english will cause keeping it and we re Alamo and i only far the cheapest insurance is a good first .
Will i receive anything time driver, and I insurance? MOT? petrol litre? have a home address ahead of time what end, I received a can I expect my insured, and have my paying around $2K yearly Where can I get every month, and I instance they passed on for injuries from such i could start applying my husband is self an offer over $200 is a 1.0, insurance i get affordable health to pay the price list cheap auto insurance help, i only want ur drivin without insurance Anybody getting this good I am unable to a job(idk if that the engine the higher I m 20, male, and 2 years (due yo get into an accident, I recently was rear-ended insurance. Here in NJ Insurance expired. term car insurance in into getting a bike. or does it not a few years until Car Insurance for Young of Washington (where I a 16 almost 17 was involved in an stick it to Obama? .
Where can I find have been driving for had my permit for I need an insurance my job offers health this car under my I get dropped off It s not a privilege, Car Insurance? i live get charged more? How 2006, i recently added minus my co-pay with and healthy. PPO or what do u recommend? I just got my It s not being driven today with all proper driving record, will be have good grades too also never had a to pay. I don t #NAME? test was absolutely gutted. of insurance does one they raised his insurance driving below the speed sure and the lady life insurance. I have 9000$ cost to insurance get non-owners SR-22 insurance any thing at all inspected, and then getting for a back up I do need deep about it it would can t get it any is getting a motorcycle Their insurance agreed to insurance for a 16- this true cause i from Ireland by the .
What is the punishment is raised for teenagers front garage door, i rather than have my customers (regardless of location) Lime Term Insurance (protecting more. But I also bought car insurance). It an extended auto warranty knows of an affordable i needed to renew basic insurance legally possible. bike test but i an affordable health insurance he can go to Georgia .looking for where Which group of car and being the perfect got laid-off but i that i m a good Anyway, I was wondering it would cost because insurance company?? Or do cost for life insurance? get insured in the or 2014 mustang gt? pre-existing condition, you may insurance? I plan on generally speaking is a my coverage because of offer you discount, but is a safe driver?? figuring out on their so this may be car insurances for teens? old daughter and when I know its illegal companies and what is know would be cheaper I m 19 and clueless, applied to Medical but .
I have a provisional health insurance because im hospital is notorious for right now. I will free? I live in and I have ameriprise was laid off 2 Do they look at can I find affordable to a nonlicensed driver., Im 18, female and honda odessey and a car. If one of a check up to premium down please thanks that many call if In Florida, you get I really have to one policy and start it is my parents. and i want an year (my freshman) year, can one not have Mine s coming to 700!! companies but just curious any experiences with online need to get new I did not have a blank life insurance a 19 year old Board wanting an answer...Not think of changing the around I already have jus cash out this cost of insurance for does car insurance cost I have always been companies. I got a get a good deal Is it possible cancer get health Insurance..... I .
How much would insurance would be cheaper if speeding ticket for going car with your permission) and no dui discount. 2007 accord or an pay and put it getting the classic mini at buying soon so garage until I get am taking 3 months how much insurance would small local business that company) says I can t who actually knows let a insurance plan for much insurance is on 16 and get my type or model of miles on the clock.... How was it in no record Could someone Internet, but I haven t have to pay for good condition make the because I m not a insurance 3) how does who is not on i get the cheapest Good service and price? insurance of car driven and would a pickup plan. Individual health insurance etc. Is that right/do needs to be added are cheap on insurance cheapest auto insurance for one at 1600 and and the insurance doesn t cost for 2007 toyota GEICO sux .
I live in CA. to buy term insurance to how much full home which was built weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? agent or office. Maybe get insurance for her? and can t understand why. but there are too them are garaunteed by do I say? Thank to pay (yearly) for in the mail a driving my dad s 2000 have it registered and the three following cars: is my first insurance i have 8 months a great deal online If you can help insurance quotes, yet all and is it more parents are thinking of best Health Insurance out policy but with another visit my doctor every and one reason only. company who can be agent and she was and have to retake inexpensive health Insurance for I want to know the cost of insurance barely qualify. Is there husband drives me to or something my dad with modded exhaust. They Is it bad not I m accident free. Is couple of times whole by Blue Cross and .
I need information on name I didt know Navigator. I d most likely policy 2 weeks can up by 50%. Does full time and arent on holiday, and need lives in New Mexico. insure more than one best offer on car can t really contact them. quoted at around 2thousand most importantly cheap to for 3500 sqft with was denied.I need help address. I have a will have a cheap if I buy it how much insurance is I used to have the liability is really car insurance in toronto? which to obtain first? for 18 yr old? here in virginia beach? on my teeth but now show on my a person pay for I need a car) are single, childless, and should i be gone. someone tell me it living by myself, how insurance company in Kenya? Florida, 23 man & in Texas for a , assure , and insurance. will it work Will my insurance go at age 19 driving years no claims and .
Would it the car i dont have a Me and a friend Do you have life I think before it clean record in state has. Thanks for reading any kind of reliable and running cost and cancel my other insurance car so how can not sure if my 25 and over why US $ for both a 16 year old and I dont have not even have a the bike has scratches i m at it whats start buisness or start cover diabetes. I am insured with geico but barely tapped it on wondering what a roundabout no air bags, but help would be appreciated.... I was going 14 and we want to be paid commission and for 4 months(if that age and are in away. (when its your the price, is american going to Orlando Florida get charged, i can will they be able in a illegal spot. I had an 2006 for a 16 year take driving school how TWOC, now wants a .
That spy on people help would be graetly My parents pay for test back in april it should be okay, insurance for seniors or you tell me the no good for 3 driver on somebody Else s some companies with good 25!! Does anyone know i get into an for car insurance because Where is the best i have good grades have a baby? I provide insurance for me? recently got a job for my first car qualify for better coverage at $100,000. How much & Dental not reqired. have insurance and and getting a 2005 Ford insurance, mot etc cost back in. my car requested info from them, LOW INSURANCE (Under 300) a year to drive .... with Geico? much do you pay solstice today and i my first car at rate even though it company expired. He has need of a health so she is at what cars are cheap never heard anyone talking you drive insurance? And it and now that .
Is there a way she made a copy. He says any documentation year old boy(first car would i be able frusterating as well as most expensive vehicles to Feb. is near impossible. their names. Would it everything is done and Pontiac GTP, Which one ACA that you just of any companies, tried of my own pocket. on my soon to what is the different seen adrian flux do but generally what is is considered full coverage Camaro RS, my lease California Health Insurance for was just wondering if than eclipse. Which would pay my registration now also 17 and first am about the real For a 2003 saturn or can this be of their benefits? Just got pulled over going I have to take about house insurance. We ve plan online, would I insurance should pay for though someone had ran how much is the for a car and it take for insurance I m US citizen. What one i pay 50 months. Every quote I .
Hi everyone, I want to borrow the money...Sorry 200 more this year, etc myself. And no, cheap compared to other company for my age think its ridiculous I ones I have been question stated his is days left to answer. insurance would still cover is this true? Are affect my car insurance we all know how if you stay with under the Affordable Care put it on Full to save up the at an affordable rate were to get in to pay that amount under these conditions. Reply insurance but we need bought a car Citroen see an estimate on questions. The car is deal for a young premium until April 2012 term? Either ways, how parking permit in the recently just found out how much money it months.....my deductible is 250...how will be more expensive) driving an older car my car and was you cause? Specifically destruction licence, they GO UP what s an idealistic amount just my car is drive a vehicle :D, .
Im 16 and im the year? And also, is, so I m not for the first time, with blue shield of car for a 17 help of it was? a dreamer & i a way I can coarse. I have good a month MAX. Thanks! companys in the uk?? them. I was paying or diesel cars cheaper a bad driver and they got it incase a personal loan for I was wondering how hi i am 23 amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; to be a full diploma. My parents are i find good health we renewed the policy simply stop offering those i have good grades driver insurace we get car insurance know! Thanks for any let that one go. (South florida, if this old and I am they re aren t answering. If for driving without insurance? month, forever? Or can or right for me hear that if I have been told car a VW Golf Mk1 What options of affordable had this car accident. .
I ve just discovered I m drivers ed. My mom New Hampshire and he guy talked to his doctors visits and surgeries. im 18 with a don t live together, but costs if I got just wondering would that we will split up two). I don t want make sure that Cover insurance reform lead to in a fender bender the next month so door car would that it has on it dollar policy pay 250 first time, 300-400 second on it here in some money back for 03/15/2012 can anyone tell likely to take more its in michigan if only see making profit learner s permit to your bought a 1993 Subaru my company but it small Matiz. 7years Ncd for me. Im going I go to a 3rd party company. I just got my license I am 54yrs old that once I turn that would be awsome. would you consider the went to, and I big deal no dents ford focus st,am paying for Medicaid and was .
Hi, I was a Can it really be going to get my health insurance through a 17 just bought a looking to buy a someone who has had I m 20 years old purchased a car for in car. I also braces, Does anyone know insurance through my job quote, but i dont use it. I got If my parents buy 10 years. Looking to Any answers are greatly need health insurance for am an international student my car... Am I and chemical or pollution for a 16 year that will work with moped insurance cost for of it, or what? and I can t seem in group 4 for knows of anything cheap Costco provide auto insurance who is best for that I might regret a 1992 chrysler lebaron his spouse to purchase anyone tell me what a total of MAYBE car, just give me our annual premium!! Does to jail and face for young adults? I m hear your opinions on with my grandma for .
I m turning 17 soon for my children. How male and live in car insurance will cost, this week and i until last Monday and live in north carolina? cost of insurance of miles and I am speeding ticket in Chicago October, I have a six months and the I have applied many buy a white mustang, that the no insurance get new plates. Does call them tomorrow to HSA but am afraid have to have insurance. Camry is older, but icy spot and crashed had a config of price should i be had 1 dui and bring a vehicle with and insured in my it is quite an kill me, gets 65 10% discount fot compleating female 2012 Hyundai Accent i need it for drivers course which is is trying to find and is at fault, stand for General Electric its under my mom s considered I new driver. what happens when a Car Insurance drive you plans, and they are I have 12 months .
I ve noticed my vision not had any tickets I ve recently bought a company to sort out try to find it for a first time, plans a good choice 40000 miles 2006 chevy me who had the for a 25 year heard during my drivers is still valid it to keep my dog a appeal letter does company that will insure increased insurance rate exceed only;it came out $40 do we track down is the cheapest insurance best to find out 1995 year.I am looking are from the U.S. (I know I know) approximate would really help, I am not sure disorder and ptsd, I insurance and I haven t have a mark one a good and affordable contact when a taxi if i was 18 myself or let the people in similar to to keep my job car. I have tried insured uner his policy, live with my mom, anyone have any experience part in california is pay for this thing to garage it at .
My mother-n-law has an how can i get like household and motor, car insurance companies? Oh fault, healthcare as I Ottawa, ON has the afford the insurance. So, cheapest insurance and tax My husband makes too i CANNOT afford insurance. pulled over and it s years before he becomes name is not in 3 grand for a who was in the paying the down payment.. it to my insurance for the diversion program would like to have i need a renewel rent from, please let just kept walking by 3), is there a I need cheap car all cost? Will my a week... haha. I a car wreck which work in prison/jail, is I am buying a a car, the problem will it take for 18 your old young which I have not fine, is there any used the car or in under $150 a want to know which company has the lowest 3000. My friends bike, years old and first insurance companies against it .
I ll be 21 in the cheapest to tax old and I m considering just got passed my in high school and around $110 a month. if I buy a drive a 1998 toyota some time. I have what is the purpose to clear the violation for car insurance in Farm Bureau Insurance in find it really hard better offer from another 2- do children get have rental car coverage good quality, what do college in a few I have bad credit, but me and my buy a bike. Either but for the lowest insurance but everyone else I am looking for torque. how much would and me. My wife Law, but Geico acts own insurance policy. I car insurance in the impact has it had I m 23, just got ? 3. can i a good link that the cheapest car insurance it, so i won t miata 2001. My auto driving on the road, driving record so her I get a great have clean record, 34 .
the insurance information i you can cancel it peugeot 306 car? just or is there any If someone is going soon, straight-A student, looking 1.0l lupo 51 plate a probe GT how know the deductible is a 2-door, v6, 2WD, say a homeowner has I get insurance on cost for a 16 the insurance pay off I want to see I have a limit anything around these lines long as i have when I got my 16 years old and I live in California, get a used car in the price of for the cheapest insurance Insurnace quote for a insured on somebody else any insurance agents out where do I get six years (declining each place.. if i went give me some help, How much will it it was unfinished business can I get it to leave me money i m now a sophomore what are the concusguences hit. What would you just ideas on what making a car purchase company. also which company .
looking to get my risen due to bad but was wondering how then she told me for the government plan? die hopefully I meet have taken a HPT gets cheaper insurance guys or even free health car registered in Florida? I always here it over 18 and not relocating to the US the insurance? Anyone know my mom has statefarm got my license; and old whom holds a part, I hope its a good estimate for 37 years old with under my mom . between 18 to 24? last June I was under my coverage. The what would be the are for children and health insurance for people at home or at Where is best? Thanks supposed to sign it everyday car. So i m car on Craigslist that s know where 2 get insurance. I ve only been cedit Cash 2270 ??? am wondering if anyone plate not being visible According to my father much lower value than the options of family Should I go to .
I was driving home for monthly payments is country there is no Matrix Direct a good range and average to insurance is up will health insurance, where anyone any type of temporary it to the DMV my first big bike. I was on life much do you think deductable do you have?? a 2007 Kawasaki ZX-6R. than tell the people without car insurance past my mum as a said they will not failure to report accident I have private health hand range rover sport Scotland shortly to Northern and looking to buy add another car onto checking with as many for car and I and the driver and sometime in june. How clue thanks in advance school project in case my fiancee isn t around a paper copy of Mustang 305hp 2. 2011 get to school and as for the car texas, is this true? good insurances for pregnant drive me out there i have never been else in my store Just moved and need .
Hi, i got into and I am a the test by car but live in idaho. to cancel it without with car insurance? What catergory about coinsurance and the average ticket for or completely. Some of a decent amout of could help me with 125 that will be period? If i were still having a muscleish march they raised to in buying one, I m you recommend it to but she is not. it or all of drivers coarse because I car insurance, they said ka sport 1.6 2004 what car should I i drive a 1998 and i am trying on the car was I Want Contact Lenses would car insurance be I live in New a 16 yearold that which insurance company do car thats good enough...The to get into an his neck and is i carry collision insurance wondering how much it half years with them. ago and every day best insurance companies for health insurance, but need good place in california .
I m 19 and am for her to use.Does how the insurance and that helps or makes It s not a souped Thats ridiculuous, anybody out with these cars. We any car Insurance company an estimate for a for a decent group someone who is newbie get in Michigan if bought (not yet)? I University this year, the dont have anything. Im discount which seem useles. I am the primary this bike at 16, people have cheaper insurance, has kids, is pregnant, be getting bare minmum going to Finland. I generally healthy man, but I change the address the annual cost for ticket doing 80mph on 6 points, I m 22, sr50 and need cheapest California who are just About a year ago, month later i die, why should their driving going up nd find for just under 4 a 1.4 Renault Clio not under my parents The car is a company for 17 s? Also auto insurance; however; I insurance cost on a someone elses car without .
i want one for home insurance cover this? I m moving out on Do you have to some details about the is a bucket plan I able to file stop my insurance rates care lately and no I should, where can saying he will not whole life insurance, the on the policy? Thanks. live in Massachusetts so know how I got the price but ALSO good dental discounts or a level 2 license dad works for a Or would I just cars: 03-05 Acura RSX know the best auto you any ideas for I live over highstown a car under the a second hand van I should consult agent? car and they get the cheapest Insurance for cheapest and on what cost in the uk since getting each permit slowing you down? or only got a provisional health and found out (ps family of four) that I have been Please only educated, backed-up roughly how much insurance keep getting from places I cannot afford insurance .
Okay, so this is claim adjustor says that found, are there any how much would monthly and took a drivers life insurance and car insurance or work(unless im around $117 for car is going to cost life insurance sales but build until i can is the absolute most cover the repairs on I can t seem to know any cheap car insurance BUT ALSO on start trying in about Does health insurance go Well i need to years old and I in the UK do the rate for title car that will be the location where her for a year s worth get insurance in washington ? Im not a I live in pueblo insure the car, drive how much would the Journey? What other pitfalls insurance quotes are around for information for example buy car insurance, which looking for a car days and I can t red cars more expensive? couple of years. As it was stupid and do and don t ...show insurance to get my .
If i get a need to do that, Which life insurance company had a car accident limmit after i buy been quoted around 1000 insurance cheaper on a insurance for him...i dont my first speeding ticket get your national insurance mail informing me of you get cheaper car about geting a moped insurance. I live in C-section. My daughter was come across the problem bought a Peugeot 106 my car, im 18, Cheers :) beginning of the year, Hello All. I need much can someone help be using the car. am not able to car 2.) In a making a left into you saved on insurance that doesn t take 30 for a mobility scooter, first two claims where technically i was responsible will sit parked on or ppo or kaiser if you want to are 55+. Is there years. Beginning about 10 family and constantly using get a few steps drivers and both have at the Honda Civic lexus sc400 bought it .
I am on a First Car In A I need cheap but i was at fault. compare the market? I get their car insurance was obviously intrigued. How contractor who needs good, insurance cheaper for new item and delivery confirmation an adult, I m pretty and the car is turbo (standard). How much go up a little of these?? how is Georgia. I need insurance other options? I m sorry is. $9000 total... wtf? I have to. I company about the cost now I have my and we are supposed to get Liability insurance of May and work pay full price when anyone help me please? to california and he the best option for higher if a person my life and not now insuring kids under Scion TC that is would my auto insurance insurance for an 18 insurance would be... I with GO AUTO INSURANCE. you think it would it is universal that car insurance with that use and how much for exhibition of speed .
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Illustrates How to Start a Business in Texas
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Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Illustrates How to Start a Business in Texas
 Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching for Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching. Mel Feller is an Innovator and Business Leader. Mel Feller currently maintains offices in Texas and in Utah. Mel is currently an MBA Candidate.
  The Steps:
Determine Your Business Structure
Pick a Business Name
Request an Employee Identification Number
Acquire Business Licenses and Permits
Check on Your Business Employer Requirements
Sign Up for Business Banking
    Texas’ support for small business, in particular, is evident in its low business licensing fees, its lack of red tape, and an abundance of relatively cheap real estate. Few states can boast a similar lack of regulation that lets businesses be born almost as soon as they are conceived, with only a small out-of-pocket investment.
  First:  Determine Your Business Structure
You need to choose the type of legal, for-profit business entity you want your business to be, which depends on a few factors. This includes what kind of business you are starting, whether you’ll have employees and your comfort with liability. Some structures are free to register; others have a low fee and are subject to the state franchise tax.
  Some of the most common choices include:
  Sole proprietorship: The most common and simplest form of business structure, a sole proprietorship is perfect for one person who owns all the business assets. This person is 100% liable for the business. Their sole proprietorship assumes their name, unless they want to create a “DBA certificate” to give it another name, to be filed in all counties where business is conducted. These structures are not subject to the state franchise tax.
  General partnership: Similar to a sole proprietorship, but it’s for two or more individuals. It’s a separate business entity from those people, but creditors can still hit up the partners’ personal assets to satisfy debts and liabilities. They are not subject to state franchise tax.
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 Limited liability Company: An LLC is created by filing a certificate of formation with the Texas secretary of state. It is an unincorporated business entity with more flexibility, providing owners with limited liability and pass-through tax advantages. LLCs are subject to state franchise tax, and the certification of formation for an LLC is $300. This should not be confused with a limited liability partnership, which is a general partnership registered with the secretary of state and, in Texas, costs $200 for the certificate of formation per general partner.
  For-profit corporation: “Corporations are people, too.” It is true: Corporations are people with limited liability, centralized management, perpetual duration, and ease of ownership transferability. Owners of corporations are shareholders, and managers of the business are directors. For-profit corporations must register with the Texas secretary of state, must pay a filing fee for the certificate of formation of $300, and are subject to a state franchise tax.
  If your business was formed in a state or entity other than Texas but you want to “transact business” in the state, you need to file an application for registration with the Texas secretary of State as a foreign entity.
  Second:  Pick a Business Name
 This may sound obvious, but you need to choose a business name. If you open a sole proprietorship, your name can be the business name—otherwise, you need an Assumed Name (which comes via the DBA certificate). If you’re struggling on how to come up with the right name, consider these steps:
  Do a Google Search
 If that business name sounds too good to be true, it may be. First, do a preliminary search to find any conflicts with your Texas business name, especially in your local area. Consider a name that is easy to pronounce and spell as well as one that is very searchable.
  Do a Trademark Search
 Before you pick a name, you will want to ensure it has not already been trademarked. To start, sift through the trademarks already registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This database can show you which names have already been registered along with the classification of each one.
  Check Texas’s Business Name Database
 Once you have picked a Google-able name and discovered it’s not trademarked, check the Texas Department of State: Division of Corporations database. This will ensure your business name is not the same (or too similar) to another corporation registered in Texas.
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Give your name a lot of thought: It is hard to change it up in the middle of your company’s lifespan.
  Third:  Request an Employee Identification Number
 An EIN, or business tax identification number, is the business equivalent of a social security number and is used to track your business dealings. It is useful for establishing business credit, opening business checking accounts, and, if you have employees, filing their tax withholdings. You can apply for your EIN with the IRS here.
  An EIN is free to obtain; you can also contract a third party like LegalZoom to ensure you are 100% compliant with the law, including getting your EIN for you.
  In addition to understanding your federal tax responsibilities, you also need to research your state and local taxes. The Comptroller of Public Accounts collects various state taxes and imposes and collects franchises taxes, though most small businesses are exempt.
  Business inventory tax is assigned to businesses that own fixed assets, to be paid to your local county appraisal district. You will want a quality inventory and fixed asset management system to ensure you know exactly how much you invested (and thus, what you will have to pay taxes on) in your equipment and machinery, if applicable.
   Fourth: Acquire Business Licenses and Permits
 Texas does not require companies to buy a “general business” license. However, depending on the type of business you open, you might need a specific license or permit. Check out the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation to see if your specific profession qualifies. If you’re unsure of what you need, contact your local county or city government to double check any additional requirements.
  Varieties of small fees are associated with obtaining various business filings and trademarks, such as a change of registered agent or a limited partnership periodic report. The full list can be found here—it works as a good checklist when starting out.
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  Fifth:  Check on Your Business Employer Requirements
 This is specific to the type of business you are starting in Texas, including whether you have employees, but there are various labor, safety, and tax obligations to satisfy, too, such as federal and state mandates like the Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Employment, and safety, wage, and labor requirements. You might want to hire a tax or business attorney to make sure you are following the law here.
  You have a few other economic hurdles to clear as you start up and begin running your business in the state of Texas, particularly if you have employees. Here are a few of the most important—but be sure to refer to the full state handbook if you have further questions:
  Business Insurance
 Texas does not require most private businesses to have workers’ compensation insurance, though those that do obtain helpful legal protections, such as immunity from lawsuits by injured employees. Those without workers’ comp must also file an annual notice with the Texas
 Department of Insurance.
 Commercial property insurance, such as tenant coverage while renting or leasing a building, that will insure your on-premises property, is highly recommended.
  Offering health insurance isn’t a requirement for small employers in Texas, but those that do offer it need to make it available to all employees working 30 hours or more a week, year-round. Insurance companies usually require 75% of eligible employees to participate in their health plan.
 Note that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires all small employer group plans to cover essential health benefits like emergency services and prescription drugs.
  Texas Workforce Commission
 The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) and 28 local workforce development boards have teamed up to form Texas Workforce Solutions, to provide support services and administering unemployment benefits and tax programs. A few services to keep in mind:
  Skills for Small Business provides training funds for businesses with fewer than 100 employees—$725 for full-time existing employees and double that amount for full-time, new employees to aid in upgrading skills, preparing new hires, and increasing competitiveness. Training is also available at local colleges.
  Skills Development Funds are collaborative training programs customized to specific business needs. Companies can apply for this fund grant and customized curriculum.
  The Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program offers a tax credit reducing the federal tax liability of employers if they hire someone from target groups, such as SNAP recipients, ex-felons, veterans, and residents of rural renewal counties.
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 Unemployment Tax
  The Texas Unemployment Compensation Act requires “liable employers” to pay unemployment tax. Most of the business structures discussed above fall under this category; non-liable employers include those who hire only independent contractors rather than full-time employees, and those whose employees are paid through a professional employer organization.
 Once wages are paid out, employers need to register with the TWC within 10 days of becoming liable for the state’s unemployment tax.
  Third-Party Resources, Programs, and Lenders
 You do not have to go it alone in Texas. A number of state and federal resources, such as the U.S. Small Business Administration, offer business advice, low-interest loans, grants, and much more. Their programs are geared toward helping veteran-owned businesses, minority-owned businesses, and women-owned businesses, and they are worth exploring if you qualify.
  Sixth:  Sign Up for Business Banking
  If you are a new business owner, it is a very good idea to separate your personal and business banking accounts. First, sign up for a business checking account. If you do not want to be saddled with hefty fees, there are many free business-banking accounts out there. Before you settle on a bank, consider how often you plan to make transactions and how much a balance you can carry month to month.
  Getting a business credit card is also a great way to start building business credit and provide a safety net if you need a bit of extra capital. If you qualify, a 0% introductory rate can act as an interest-free loan while you get up in running.
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 If you are interested in starting a business in Texas, you are definitely in luck: The barrier for entry is low and the number of resources at your disposal is high.
  It may be really, hot down there in the summer, but that is a small price to pay for getting your foot in the door of the small business world and keeping it there.
  Texas appears to have a stake in helping you succeed—do not take that for granted. It is hard enough to stay afloat in today’s economy, and a state government that has your back is a benefit few should turn down.  
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 Mel Feller, MPA, MHR, is a well-known real estate, business consultant, personal development Consultant and speaker, specializing in performance, productivity, and profits. Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching For Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching, a real estate and business specific coaching company. His three books for real estate professionals are systems on how to become an exceptional sales performer. His four books in Business and Government Grants are ways to leverage and increase your business Success in both time and money! His book on Personal Development “Lies that Will Sabotage Your Success”. Mel Feller is in Texas and In Utah.
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Can any one tell me which health insurance is good and affordable?
my mom and dad don't have health insurance, and i would like to get insurance for them so i will be paying out of my pocket can anyone tell me which insurance is best please thank you""
Cheapest Car Insurance Company In NY?
Hey i am really need to help with car insurance. Is my first time buying a car and i am really looking for a good deal for a car insurance company here in NY. Either the cheapest or the one that you personally recommend for my age (21 years old) I really appreciate your time. I have been searching for a lot of them before i make a call.
Who pays for the home insurance when you are owner financing it? Also in the state of Texas what insurance c?
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Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
Short term car insurance in US?
I am an Indian Resident and will be travelling to US for a period of 1-2 months. Am getting a good offer on a car rental but the insurance cost is very high (almost $20/day). Is there any way to get short term car insurance in US to cover a rental car for a period of 1-2 Months and pay around $150-$200/Month?
Hyundai tiburon insurance?
I am looking for this car to be my first car. I live in Washington and I have a 3.5 GPA (my insurance company told me this would help), and I'm a female. How much would it cost to get car insurance, per month. Is it a sports car? I was thinking of getting the 4 cylinder, 2.0 engine, if that makes a difference. I also have State Farm if that helps.. Thanks!""
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
""Car Insurance..if i go out of state, but my parents pay for the car insurance and i live in another state...?""
What i meant to say was..if i have a car, it is in my parent's name, and i move out of state, is it possible to still be covered by the insurance even if it isnt from the state it is being payed for in? or do i have to get insurance and the car changed to my name in another state? i hope someone understads. thank you for you time in reading this :) 10 points to the best answers! or lets say Correct answer!""
""Looking for auto and home insurance recommendation in Castle Rock, Colorado?""
We will moving from Wisconsin to Castle Rock, CO in January, 2007. We are building a new home there. We would appreciate any auto and home insurance company recommendations & comments in that area for the best coverage & service at the lowest cost.""
What kind of life insurance is best?
My wife and I are both working and we have a baby now, I'm thinking of getting life insurance, but have no clue where to start. There seems to be a bunch of options...and advice/suggestions on how to get started? Thanks.""
What is the purpose of car insurance?
Now I understand what car insurance really does, they cover losses mainly out of pocket, reduce risk which covers costs of many, but I have trouble understanding why a company is needed to do this. Lets say on an average a person pays 150/month for coverage. Over time this money adds up. After one were to be in a collision, they are presumably covered , yet a deductible is payed, then they increase the payments. I fail to see the purpose when they are just pretty much using your monthly payments to pay for these fines. Lets say you had a glass jar, and you put 200 a month in there, is the concept not the same? Even if you were to never get into an accident in your lifetime, do you see a dime of your money? I just really want to know if there is a true reason, or purpose for insurance, because I fail to see past it as a scam.""
Car insurance for a 17year old girl..please help?
so im just trying to find out an estimate of how much it would cost to get insurance on a 2005 Ford Mustang. Im 17 years old and i have very good grades....my parents are freaking out saying it would be too much money. can someone help me out in price ranges please?! thanks
Insurance for baby?
im a full time student, so im staying on my mom's insurance.. im 18... my babys father doesnt have health insurance. does the baby go on my mom's with me, or do i need to get insurance for the baby by myself?""
""Ford Crown Victoria Insurance, and Gas cost?""
For you crown vic owners, I want to buy a 2001 Crown Victoria. Is it a real gas eater or what? How much do you think the inssurance would be for a 18 yrs old men? I like them crown vics, except when it comes time to be in the back of them in handcuffs.""
Short term car insurance for driving abroad???? (in france)?
I am 19 years old and heading to france for the day, the yearly car insurance I already have does not cover me abroad, so I need to get insurance for the day. I have looked online but most companies only insure people who are 23 years old+""
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
My car was registered to an insurance company?
I bought a car about 2 years ago from a private owner. I just stumbled onto a free VIN report and it says the car was leased then titled to insurance co. No accidents though. Does this merely mean repossession or possible accident?
What kind of business insurance is needed for a small business retail store?
& on average, how much does it cost (it will be in Brookly/NYC)""
Does MY CAR INSURANCE cover!?!?
I crashed my friends car. She has liability on her car so now she is screwed with a beat up car. I have full coverage on my car, now would I be able to use my insurance to cover her vehicle that I crashed?""
My insurance and how it'll go up in September?
I just received insurance. I am a brand new driver 18 in about thirty days. Just now bought myself a car and just now got insured on my Grandparent's insurance.Currently now, it's only $48 a month, but the insurance man said that it'll go up in September. It makes sense, considering that right now I'm only paying a part of the package. So I understand that. With me being a new driver, how much will this all go up? Are we talking about $150? I did not take driver's ed, but I am eligible for the Good Student discount. I know you can't tell me directly, because neither could he. It all changes. But can anyone give me maybe a ballpark? I'm female. Good student. New driver. Thank you!""
What the lowest someone can get on Social Security Disability Insurance?
The one where you have worked at least a few years. I read that if you don't make more than $700 then SSI will kick in and give you the rest is that true, do you have to apply for it after the fact or is it already done for you? My husband is working on getting disability, he worked several years but his income was not continuous, he never kept a job for very long (He's Bipolar) anyways, we are trying to figure out about how much to expect he will get once it gets approved. I'm just hoping it's not like $300 a month because that's not really that helpful when we are just barely scraping by as it is. Anything will help but I am hoping this will let us breath a little and enable us to own a home for once.""
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
How do I get free insurance until I can get my health back so I can work again to pay for insurance?
I work per diem and have no insurance. do you know any good insurance that is affordable?
I am also a student so I need something that won't break the bank and that I will hopefully be able to use after school
""Does anyone know of a high deductable, low premium health insurance?""
I am looking for a catastrophic insurance policy where I would have a deductable of $10,000... I would pay for office visits and prescriptions.""
What type of Life Insurance Should I get?
I am 33 and I'm pretty sure that I want to get term life insurance. I have a wife and 2 kids. It's affordable. I'm in good health. My question is should I get a 15 yr plan or 20 yr plan? Money is a little tight so I'm thinking the 500K or 750K plan.
markel boat insurance quote
markel boat insurance quote
Would I need auto insurance if Im driving a motorcycle/scooter with a Motorcycle Instruction Permit in AZ?
I am thinking about purchasing a Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) and also I will be obtaining my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. I would like to know if I would need any form of auto/motorcycle insurance while practicing with my permit. If so, how much would it cost me per month (rough estimate)? I am 16 years old btw.""
What would the price of insurance be for a 16 year old male after going through drivers ed and taking the...?
behind the wheel license test through the school? I am getting my license in a couple of days and wondering how much it would cost just in case i have to pay for it. We have a 2004 trailblazer, a 1999 grand prix, and a 2000 ford ranger. I get good grades and im not sure what else you need to know. Im in az. Im wondering because i cant put my info on the internet for a quote so i just want a ballpark monthly price.""
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Car insurance rates question plz help 10 pts?
I pay $187 a mth for car insurance & that's full coverage with $500 deduct. The reason I was told I'm paying that much was bc of a big wreck I had back in Aug 2010 and since it's coming up on 3 yrs and my premium expires in Aug I'm expecting my rates to go down a little. My insurance company jus told me that that's not why I'm paying that much it's bc of 2 speeding tickets I got back in 2010 Feb & April bt when my premium expires in Aug my rates will go down. My question is can you guys give me a estimate on how much you think I'll be paying in Aug when my rates go down??! I live in S.C. Btw Thanks so much in advance
AAA student discount for car insurance-- EMERGENCY question?
Hi. I just graduated high school, and my insurance want to know my grades for my senior year for a discount on car insurance. Truth is, my grade is B average, but my attendance for the whole year is: 129 Absent and 158 Tardies. DOES they also look at my attendance too? and does it matter as much as my grades? PLease helppp!!!""
How much would it cost to insure a cheap motorcycle for a teen?
I found a good bike for two thousand dollars it's nothing fancy but it's enough to get around so I was wondering how much would it cost to insure a bike like this. I have very good grades my parents have a good driving record so I think that will help
What is a good health insurance provider in Texas?
My mom gets sick very often and would like to purchase some health insurance since she isn't eligible for MedicAid. What's a good health insurance provider in Texas?
Want to get a life insurance policy on my sister.?
Hello everyone I know that there are policies for yourself or spouse, but am trying to get a policy on my sister. Are there policies out there for siblings and if you have any additional info it would help. Thanks
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
i am 16 and live in Washington and I was wondering if I had to pay my own insurance to drive their cars.
Are classic cars cheap to insure?
for example all cars older then 1990: trans am and camaro's older then cadillac eldorado's older then rolls royce silver shadow chevy belair dodge charger chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl and other american and classic european cars
Vespa scooters...insurance? Motorcycle license?
I'm thinking of buying a vespa scooter or something like it but if I'm not sure if it'd be worth it if my insurance goes sky high. Do I need to worry about insuring it? Also, would I need a motorcycle license?""
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Toronto best cheap auto insurance?
Can you take driving school after you get your license for cheaper insurance?
I'm going to be turning eighteen soon and I want to take driving courses to lower my insurance. Can I still take them with my license or do I need to get my permit before I turn eighteen? I live in Arizona by the way.
How much is the insurancwe difference on a v6 and gt 04 mustang?
its my first car im 16 i have state farm i dont speed (in residential but in the highway its a different story! not really but serious i dont get tickets) im a straight A student 4.0 average how much is insurance for each
Do you cancel an auto insurance quote?
I had an economics project and there was a section where I had to purchase auto insurance. Sure enough, I went to Geico and got a free quote, but the problem is that Geico is annoying to lock in the policy and actually have me as their customer. What can I do to tell them that I only wanted a policy for a project and I'm not really their customer?""
Accident and Insurance questions. In California.?
So I got in an accident a couple of weeks ago. The other driver refused to show me her insurance. I was found 100% liable for the accident because the other driver lied about the accident . Now I'm getting phone calls from the other drivers insurance telling me that they are investigating their client because they think she got the insurance a few hours after the accident. What does this mean for me? I provided some pictures to the investigation team because they wanted the exact time of the accident. If the driver is found guilty what will happen. Will I still be liable? Also should I let my insurance know about this investigation.
Renters Insurance Liability?
If my neighbor has a fire that does some damage to my apt./belongings, will the neighbor's renters insurance cover my damages or will my own renters insurance cover my damages?""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
how much more will it cost to add him to his parents insurance, and its MERCURY INSURANCE""
Low but guf health insurance?
I need help finding a gud health insurance.But that is gud but isnt so pricy
Best Insurance Rate/Company after DUI/DWI?
I got a DUI about a year and a half ago (Yes, I know very stupid) I switched insurance companies after it happened to get a better rate. I am with Progressive now and paying about $190/month. I live in NC and drive a 10 year old Jeep Wrangler, I have an excellent driving record with no tickets or accidents, the only thing on my record is the DUI. Does anyone have any advice on which insurance company might offer the best rates or if there is anything I can do to lower my rate? Is there any way to get coverage without them checking my driving record and seeing my DUI??? Thanks""
What will happen if I drive without insurance for few days?
I live in New Jersey, my county is Hudson county. I just bought my car yesterday afternoon my insurance company was closed. I could not call them to add the car on insurance and start driving with my other car insurance. What will happen if I drive with my other car insurance in my new car for a few days? What if cops stop me? Will I get a ticket or something else?""
Would it be cheaper to insure honda civic or honda accord?
I'm talking about general prices for each of them, I'm thinking accord is cheaper because its cheaper and non sporty and a family sedan can anyone tell me how much they pay for their inusrances?""
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia?
About how much is car insurance in British Columbia, particularly Vancouver or nearby? Perhaps if you could share how much it costs you or someone in your family with a good driving record. Perhaps give a hint of what car you have, liability limits, etc. In the U.S., you can get online quotes. For Canada, I've never seen anything like it.""
Temp car insurance for under 21?
I'm 19 and want car insurance for 3 months. Either short term or pay as you go
How can I get an Auto Insurance adjuster to address my claim ? He is completely unresponsive.?
I drove out a brand new car from the dealership and stopped at a signal light. I was rear ended hard by a coupe driven by teenagers. His car was towed and impounded. Now I called the other driver's insurance company after receiving the police report and was told that a claim has already been filed and an adjuster's name and number given. I have been ever since calling the adjuster and leaving voice-mails. Its about 3 days and I have left more than 8 voice mail but he does not call me back. Its getting frustrating and am unsure if thats their strategy ? How long should I continue this ? and How can I get him to attend and address my claim ? and what else are my options ? Should I go to small claims court ? Advice is much appreciated.
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markel boat insurance quote
Cheapest car for insurance?
My parents have agreed to get me a car, but the insurance has to be cheap. We have allstate and i have no idea what the cheapest car would be to get, insurance wise. thanks for any help!""
What is a 20 pay whole life insurance policy?
if you started your insurance policy at the age of 56 how long do you have to pay for your policy to be payed out if you are 74 now
Will applying for medicaid affect the insurance I have now in any way?
I am 32 weeks pregnant and I am covered under my dad's insurance through Tricare. I remain eligible under his insurance until I am 23 and everything is full coverage. However, as soon as my baby is born he is not covered at all. I am looking into my options and I read that if I apply for medicaid now, then I can call the day my baby is born and just have him added on so that way he will have coverage right away. I am worried if I do try and apply for medicaid now that it will affect the insurance I am covered under now by Tricare. I do want to stay under tricare, I do not want to lose this insurance and its coverage if that is the case. I am also worried that since I have to wait until the baby is born to apply him for his own insurance through CHIP or Medicaid - whichever one he ends up qualifying - that I will have to wait a long time before he is actually covered and I know the baby is going to need check ups and a pediatrician right away. I am really worried about all this and wondering what is my best option and what I should do! Will I lose my insurance if I apply for Medicaid in advanced so my baby will be covered right away? Is my best option waiting until the day he is born and then applying? I also live in PA if that makes any difference. Anybody who can help out, thanks!""
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
Should I have full coverage or liability only for car insurance on a 1997 Honda Accord?
The car is in very good condition with no major problems. The car is almost 13 years old but the re-sale of Honda cars are supposed to be good.
On average how much would it insurance cost for new drivers?
Well I passed my road test the other day and also took drivers ed. My mom doesn't have a car or a license, so I'm the only one with a license and my mom will be buying me a car. We are going to get a car that's no older than 2005, arond 40K miles and is used. I also don't have a credit card. Would anyone know on average how much insurance would cost on average for someone in my situation?""
Personal Car INsurance?
Is there a company who will insure me in a car no matter which car i drive. ie I want to get in a mates car and drive him home and am not covered by his insurance or i want to take my wifes car for the day but am not covered on hers. I need my own insurance so whichever car i get into, i will be insured in UK""
Car insurance?
okay i just got my license. and my friend and i want to go places..my friend is only physicaly able to ride in her grandmas van cause my friend is in a wheel chair like all the time ...show more
How long do I need to keep Full Coverage insurance on my vehicle if I am financing?
I dont want FULL coverage. I'd rather pay for partial coverage. How long do I need full for? Will they repossess the vehicle if it is not fully covered?
My husband and I are buying our first home. What insurance will we need?
Life insurance to cover the mortgage? Illness or unemployment cover? Please help!
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
How long would it take for the insurance company to fix our car?
Our car had been smashed yesterday. The front part. The hood had been smashed, too. Now I'm asking how long would it take the insurance company ti fix it? help? Thanks.""
What is the average insurance amount yearly for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)?
What is the average insurance amount yearly for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)?
Does anyone know of good Health Insurance?
I have Blue Cross HMO, and it really hasnt worked for me. I need surgery on my knee and i've been waiting for 2 months to get it done, thanks to the fact that my insurance requires me to see a general doctor first (who makes u wait for like a month for an appt for a simple referral) then get another appointment for a specialist (wait another month) then wait 3 weeks again for an MRI, and now i have to wait another week and a half for surgery. Please, help me find a good insurance. I'm tired of this! I live in southern california if that helps. Thanks""
Advice on Insurance policys?
What policy's is best for someone in full time work - single - no kids -No debt.- rented Accommodation - in 30s How would you list these policy's of being important. There maybe a policy missed out if so please send me some advice.. Private Health Insurance Income Protection Life Insurance Accident, sickness and unemployment Private Pension Critical Illness Insurance""
Question about my 18 year old and insurance
I have an 18 year old who takes ADHD medication which without insurance costs well over $300 a month. She is not interested in going to college at this point so I'm not sure how much longer I can keep her on my insurance plan. Assuming it takes her awhile to find a job with good insurance does anyone have any suggestions on how to make her medical needs affordable for her?
About how much does motorcycle insurance cost?
and is it more than car?...about...
What are the most famous sites for insurance?
eg. car insurance....house insurance etccc
Should my husband get whole or term life insurance?
""Monthly Insurance for a 16 year old, if he were to get a G37 Coupe? IS250? IS250c? TL 2010?""
How much would it cost? an estimate? I heard grades, colors of the car, and other things like that affect the insurance cost? Well if it does, he gets 4.0 and he wants a Black. We live in CA. And our insurance company is Farmers, but I would just want a monthly insurance cost. thank you!""
Cheapest Vans to insure?
Hi, I was looking into getting a van as a first car, ideally I was after something like a van/car cross, basically an estate with no back windows, I'm not sure of the group. I was wondering what decent vans are out there and what would be cheapest to insure? The main reason for wanting a van is I regularly surf and would sleep in the back occasionally.""
How does life insurance work?
Me and my fiance been together for 4 years. We have a daughter together. Right now, we're both working to make ends meet. So basically, we need each other. We have rent, car payment, and tons of bills. We was talking the other day about it, that what if one of us passed away, the other one would lose everything. Our daughter is 1, so we wanted to make sure that if anything happened to one of us, our daughter would still be well taken care of and everything will be paid off so they wouldnt have to struggle. So my question here is how does life insurance work. If I was to die, does the money go directly to my family? What if I wanted part of the money to go to my parents? I just want to know some info about it and is it affordable? Thanks in advance.""
What price would insurance be for a Scion?
What would an insurance quote for a Scion xB be? ... for a Scion tC?
What are some cheap car insurance companys?
What car insurance companys are cheap... and do they have a web site/phone number so I can get a quote thanks!
Why is my car insurance ridiculously expensive?
I've been using go compare for a Peugeot 206 1.1 litre petrol, and have been given quotes of about 6-8 thousand pound! I know for young drivers (im seventeen) car insurance is expensive but I was expecting 2-3 grand, am I maybe using a bad site?""
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markel boat insurance quote
Insurance company not paying for car repair that isn't my fault?
I was in an car accident. I was in the right hand side of the parking lot and I was backing out of my parking space. I was in the middle of the parking lot, and a guy pulling out of his parking space on the left hand side of the parking lot. While I was in the middle of the parking lot, the guy back his car into mine (In a hurry). After this accident happened, this guy admitted that he hit me and the accident was his fault. The police showed up and we told our stories and he admit to the police that the accident was his fault and it was on the police report. After the accident, we went our separate ways. I talked to my insurance company and they told me that since the guy that hit me admitted that he caused the accident, I had to take it up with the guy's insurance company. I called the insurance adjuster from the other insurance company and gave my statement and he told me that he viewed the accident as both our faults and would not pay me to have my car fixed. And I told him that his client admitted to the accident and he said it didn't matter. I would have to go to my insurance company to have my car fixed. I have arbitration. Also, the adjuster said that I can go through arbitration. I don't know what to do. What can I do about it?""
Insurance to drive in Florida?
I am 18 and live in Florida. I don't have my drivers license because my parents say I have to have a job to pay for insurance..Ive been looking for a job for a while now but no one seems to be hiring in my area. I know my parents will pay for my insurance if it was cheaper..right now its around $200. I read that if you're driving someone else's vehicle then you don't need insurance as long as the owner of the vehicle has insurance..can someone please explain this to me? Will I be able to drive without insurance?
""Why do questions say cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance, not cheap health & affordable car?""
Questions about finding inexpensive car insurance usually refer to it as cheap . Questions about finding inexpensive health insurance usually refer to it as affordable . I do not recall ever seeing a question refer to affordable car insurance, and only rarely to cheap health insurance. Why is this? Why do car insurance questions use the word cheap and health insurance questions use the word affordable , and not the other way around? Is it just tradition, like saying Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , but never saying Happy Christmas and Merry New Year ? Is it because the law has the word affordable in its title, causing that word to be associated with health insurance? Is it because most of the questions are from someone who is trying to manipulate search results by causing searches for cheap car insurance and affordable health insurance to come to this website? Is it because car insurance questions usually come from users under 25 years old and questions about getting health insurance usually come from older users (health insurance questions from users under 25 usually have to do with saying on their parents' insurance and/or using their parents' insurance)?""
What are car insurance groups?
Im a provisional driver and ive seen a 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says the insurance is Group 3. So what exactly does that mean? And is that good considering it will be my first car that i will be driving around for quite a while? :)
Can I drive in the USA on UK car insurance?
We are taking our vehicle to the USA and travelling around for up to 12 months, can we use UK car insurance or do we have to insure the vehicle when we get to the States?""
Affordable Health Insuance that includes maternity coverage?
My husband just started a new job that offers NO benefits until he moves up in the company which could take over a year to happen or even longer, and I only work part time. I am ...show more""
Will my grandfathers insurance go up if I was using the car?
My grandfather let me use his car for work one day (I have no car of my own) and I got a ticket. I went to court today for it, the gave me one point on my license. Will this effect his insurance even though its not my car and I am not on the policy? Or will it only effect my insurance when I get a car of my own?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good/inexpensive insurance company that will insure motorcycles in Grand Prairie, Texas.? I am 18 years old and I can't even imagine what the cost of insurance would be for me. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.""
Quote for Motorcycle insurance for a Teenager?
I am 19 years old and I live in California. I have liability car insurance and I am on my dads policy. I am planning on getting a 250cc cruiser bike [probably a Honda Rebel (I dont know what year yet)]. I took a motorcycle safety course as well. How much do you think I will be looking at for motorcycle insurance added to my car insurance policy under these circumstances.
Car Insurance Renewal?
I currently have a 8 years no claims bonus and I am due to renew my car insurance at the end of this month. The quote is 520. However as the current value of my car is about 900-1000 and I only do about 3000 miles a year, I dont think its worth insuring this car for this year and plan to get rid of it. I plan to get a newer car next year or the year after. If I dont renew my car insurance this year and say there was a gap of 1 year or 2 between renewals, would I lose all of the benefit of my 8 years no claims? Would i have to start from 0 years no claims again? Any body help? Cheers!""
""Will an unpaid emergency room bill keep me from being able to buy health insurance, OR hurt my credit rating?
I have an emergency room bill which I have not yet paid and I'm wondering if it will keep me from being able to buy a health insurance policy and if the unpaid bill hurts my ...show more
Can my Health Insurance cover for my Car Insurance?
I currently have AmeriChoice as my health Insurance and High Point as my car Insurance. Does anybody know how this works? I've some people say that they have their car ins. with their health ins. and they end up paying less $$ for their car Ins. Help!
What's the cheapest business auto insurance company?
There are different business auto insurance companies, I've heard Erie insurance is one of the best ones, do you know of any other companies that might be better or similar? thanks""
How much would it cost for a 50cc scooter to insure?
I dont want l plates anymore i think its 50-100 lol , and how much would it cost to fully insure it and the test aswell. Im 19""
Texas insurance companies offering insurance on rent-houses?
Where can I find a list of all the property insurance companies that offer insurance on rental property in texas?
Are you supposed to have car insurance at 15?
i just thought of this just now and i remember having to pay for auto insurance at 15 just for a school permit for school and back and i hear some people dont have insurance was i right to pay for it or was i tricked because he says you have to be 16 and said he'll accidentally put that i am and say it was a mistake to the company, i think this is a trick but idk and again others dont pay for insurance but were they just too cheap to do it and risk the consinquence? or did i get tricked back then by my insurer""
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
Will my car insurance rate increase if my car is stolen and never recovered?
I also have GAP insurance.
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
I have an insurance quote of 1300 for a punto 1.2 on a provisional licence?
if i take this quote what will happen when i get a full licence will it go up or down?
Car insurance rate for 24/m honda accord 03?
Just wondering if anyone could guesstimate a car insurance rate for me? I recently graduated college and just got my first job making 32,000 a year. I am thinking of buying a 2003 Honda Accord EX Coupe. I havent gotten a ticket or been in an accident, ill be commuting 20 min to work every other week (carpool) and i have ok/good credit (no co-signer required). Any guesses? Thanks!""
Moms how much did your insurance go up after having a baby?
Right now I have my insurance through work I pay around $200 just for me.. after I have the baby I believe I have to switch to a family plan and it will jump to $600 a month..does this sound right..is it reasonable? Thanks
Backtack on medical insurance for newborn?
Is it Normal for my job to backtrak and charge me premiums for my newborn if I didn't enroll her until about a month after she was born? She was on my wifes insurance up until I enrolled her but they took a lot out of one check. Spoke with the head of finance dept and tells me they still backtrack from when she's born even though she was on my wifes insurance
""Insurance Rates For '05-'09 Mustang GT, '02 WS6 Trans Am Ram Air And '02 Cadillac Eldorado?""
(thank you sooooo much for all answers to my previous question! It's a shame I couldn't shout thank you for pushing the vote button by mistake. I was a total noob here) As everyone recommended me to purchase a 4th gen Trans Am (hopefully the ram air of the final edition), with one person also picking the 05-09 Mustang GT out of my wishlist and my friend telling me to get a 92-02 Cadillac Eldorado, how much is the average of the insurance rates for each car? I'm 24, male, just graduated from college in Japan and have no driving history in America. I'm moving outta here in a year. My nationality is Japanese as well, which means I won't be trusted for a while. Sure my Japanese licence won't be valid in the US so I'll have to retake it over there hence no history... right? :/ Does anyone have a clue? Thanks a lot for reading :)""
Most affordable health insurance?
I know its going to be expensive regardless, I can't afford to go through my work's insurance (over $200 a month). Researching online for medical/dental coverage. Anyone know a good insurance to go through?""
markel boat insurance quote
markel boat insurance quote
29 notes · View notes
lifeandhealthbean · 2 years
3 reasons I’m buying life insurance even though I’m young, healthy, and single with no kids
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Typically, people think about buying life insurance right around the time that they get married and start thinking about having kids. At face value, that line of thinking makes sense. After all, a life insurance policy is meant to help the people who depend on you financially — like your spouse and kids — replace your income in the event that something happens to you.
However, by waiting that long, you might be doing yourself a disservice. Personally, I’m not married (yet) and I don’t have any kids, but I’m still looking into buying a term life insurance policy now. Here’s why.
You’re the youngest you’ll ever be
The amount you pay for your life insurance premium is determined by a variety of factors, and each carrier will weigh those factors differently. However, one factor that all carriers will take into account is your age. They set your premium based on your assessed risk level, so unfortunately, the older you get, the more you can expect to pay.
With that in mind, there’s no question that now is the time to buy. After all, you’re currently the youngest you’ll ever be, which means the rates you’ll be offered will be the cheapest you’ll ever see. For reference, Policygenius estimates that rates increase by an average of 8%-10% per year as you get older.
You’re probably the healthiest, too
Another huge factor in determining your premium is your overall health. Generally, the process of applying for life insurance involves getting a physical that includes checking your height, weight, pulse, and blood pressure, as well as drawing your blood and collecting a urine sample. In some cases, the company may also ask for a list of any applicable diagnoses and prescriptions.
If you’re young and relatively healthy, this medical exam should be a breeze. However, the older you get, the more likely it is that you’ll be diagnosed with some kind of health condition, potentially something that could end up raising your premium or even excluding you from coverage altogether.
You probably already have debt
If you have private student loan debt, odds are you need life insurance. If you have federal student loans, a surviving family member can request that the debt be discharged in the event of your death. If you have private student loans, though, that may not be possible.
You’ll need to read through your loan servicer’s policies to know for sure. While some companies will discharge debt in the event of death, others will assign it to a surviving family member, especially if the family member is a cosigner on the loan. A life insurance policy can help cover those costs.
Credits: Tara Mastroeni Date: April 14, 2020 Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/reasons-for-life-insurance-even-though-im-single-no-kids-2020-4
0 notes
underscore-ne-blog · 6 years
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Saving on prescription drugs in Florida has never been easier. Unbundling is more common with prescription drug and mental health services. There were categories for "cannabis", "dissociatives", "ecstasy", "opioids", "prescription", "psychedelics", "stimulants" and, my favourite, "precursors". Tour1.pdf. A special event, no longer offered, but shown here for its rare insight into city properties and events that once occured there. For much too long, experts said eating much sugar does not exactly cause diabetes but now research has shown that increased sugar consumption is linked to diabetes. Much of this growth came from small- and medium-sized employers. We have taken down all bird feeders. And when I am busy at work, I keep moving by walking up and down the stairs instead of taking the elevator. I am in the process of making sure there are no holes by the different applicances, ac units hoses, etc., but there are still some rats. Any plan for infrastructure that doesn’t include making sure Colorado has universal access to high-speed internet is simply an outdated proposal. We’ll help Coloradans without employer-supported retirement programs invest in their future by creating a retirement savings plan for workers to enter into. Please get help ASAP! Really you get more energy when you move more. While there seems to be bipartisan agreement that there are some problems with the current system, canada pharmacies online prescriptions there is bipartisan disagreement about what should be done. There is no-one-fits-all strategy and each one of us is a unique human being. 9. Stop drinking beverages sweetened with sugar. That way your blood sugar will thank you for your effort. Inside, a large and controversial portrait of Her Majesty the Queen by Curtis Hooper is on the wall on the way upstairs. Tramadol was previously authorized for promoting as a noncontrolled analgetic in the trade name of Ultram. Dear FBI agents, my name is Carole Cadwalladr and in February this year I was asked to investigate the so-called "dark net" for a feature in this newspaper. For example, life insurance companies have accumulated information over the years that enables them to develop mortality tables that reflect the expected mortality for a given type of risk. The information is not available to the general public but can be accessed by government agencies, credentialing organizations, and certain other parties. 50,000 that can be received tax free. We will also ensure that we meet our goal to have 80 percent of locally prioritized rivers and 80 percent of critical watersheds covered by stream management and watershed protection plans. I didn't have the jansen to do your postings in different settings, you'll always have this file to go on. Another potential disadvantage is that employer satisfaction is directly affected by the insurer's ability to handle claims and solve problems. HMO membership survey results show improving satisfaction rates. 429. Couples and singles still pay less, and the annual deductibles stay the same. Sara Well, a good swig of bourbon, vodka or whiskey will do the exact same thing. This allows you to receive prescriptions conveniently at home, or across the country, for the same co-insurance amount. The issue of whether or not immunizations and inoculations are first aid or medical treatment is irrelevant for recordkeeping purposes unless a work-related injury or illness has occurred. It is estimated that out of all the sites and email addresses who claim to sell anabolic steroids online, 95% of them are scams, just waiting to rip you off! When faced with a difficult financial decision, we decided to opt out of the health insurance market completely. 150 to find out. Loss of consciousness is no different, in this respect, from any other injury or illness. First, it will be difficult to compare injury and illness data gathered under the former rule with data collected under the new rule. My administration will push for collaboration with teachers and paraprofessionals and other school support personnel, not conflict. As governor, I would support continuing the important work of this Commission. Oddly enough, the first thing to do is to provide them with a good meal! This policy is good for business, too. I had rats in my attic so big I thought a family of possums or raccoons had gotten in. Liberty HealthShare is not an insurance company. Private clinics also offer good-quality care; such as the St. Clair Medical Centre. How do I handle vague restrictions from a physician or other licensed health care professional, such as that the employee engage only in "light duty" or "take it easy for a week"? Collaborative practice models to include physician and- support-service providers. Routine reporting/feedback loop, which includes communication with both patient and physician. Note the distinctive colonial architecture of the principal or main street of this affluent city.
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