#(she must have hung up as soon as it connected)
esoanem · 1 year
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Gothmog clearly understands that Someone has Done Some Bullshit to me and I require Affection from her, but sadly does not understand that in doing so is preventing me from taking the necessary response
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homeofatlas · 2 months
Wasted Days
Summary: Being in the public eye isn’t easy. Especially when you’re in love with your best friend. 
Authors note: Y'all.......I'm sorry this has been sitting half finished forever and i just needed to get it done and out there. Not edited. Also yes this is lowkey based on that line from call me by your name. but not really but inspired from it.
Word Count: 3.2k
Being somewhat famous isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. You loved the fans' sweet messages, the way they encouraged you and supported you when you had bad games, and how much dedication went into the edits and the fanpages. You’d even be lying if you said you hadn’t looked up your own name on tumblr to see if their was any fanfic of you. It flattered you, all these people you didn’t know idolising you and watching your interviews. What you didn’t appreciate was how they began to read into your relationship with your best friend. Could you call it reading into when they were just calling it like they saw it? It’s hardly their fault whenever you and elisa posted pictures of your excursions or you had interviews together you were staring at her like she’s hung the moon and the stars. It seemed quite rude of them to have to point that out though, in your opinion. 
The recent influx of comments asking whether or not you two were dating made your heart beat faster in your chest. Surely there must be something there that other people can see and you aren’t just making it all up in your head, right? If not then it’s blatantly obvious for the entire internet to see how in love you are with your best friend, Elisa. You honestly can’t help the way you allegedly look at her. You’ve tried to rein it in, you’ve tried to like other people, you’ve tried to not tell anyone and make it go away. But apparently no matter where you go as soon as anyone sees you interact with her it’s like you’ve got I’m in love with her tattooed on your forehead. 
During your professional football career you’d been at Montpellier with Elisa for a year before she’d left to join PSG. Giving you just enough time to learn everything about the girl and fall in love with her, convince yourself she might feel the same way, and then be heartbroken about her transfer. You’d kept in contact and tried to see her as regularly as possible but with training and games and travelling it’d been difficult until one day when you got the call from your agent telling you PSG wanted to sign you. Immediately you’d said yes in every way but in formal writing. 
Upon your first connection with the PSG team they’d noticed something was different about you. The way your hug reuniting with Elisa lasted longer than it potentially should have. The way she was more distracted with you around. The way she stuck to you like glue and smiled more than she had before. You’d gotten into the habit of constantly being around each other again. When you two played together there was no stopping you. You could read what the other was thinking before they did it. It was like watching one person be split into two bodies. Unfortunately none of these things made your crush on her go away or dull even a little. That old saying “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”? They had a point. 
In your time away from Elisa you’d forgotten the way her eyes crinkle when she smiled and the sound of her voice without the glitchiness of the phone. Constantly being around her again made everything better and worse at the same time. You were so screwed it wasn’t even funny. Which is why it took less than three weeks for the girls to corner you and ask about your relationship with Elisa. They’d assumed something had happened in the past or you were currently together. Either way that had been your first inkling you weren’t hiding your feelings as well as you tried to. Realistically there was only so much you could do before you started to avoid the girl or be constantly dead faced. You couldn’t help smiling at her the way you did or being the one she ran to when she scored a goal. If you’re being honest, it’s her fault for being so loveable. What were you supposed to do?
Pulling into the PSG parking lot you ready yourself for the teasing you know you’ll face. Elisa posted a photo last night which showcased you two looking awfully close together while on a night out with the team. You’d already skimmed the comments and they were the same on every post which had the two of you together. 
“Are Elisa and Y/N together?”
“They are such a cute couple!”
“My OTP”
Yeah, you thought bitterly, mine too. Scanning the parking lot to see which of the girls were already getting ready your eyes landed on Elisas car. Knowing she’s already there puts a pep in your step. Walking towards the change rooms weaving into corridors and making turns you come up on the hallway before the change room. You can hear voices inside speaking with one of the voices distinctly agitated. As you move to enter you hear your name. It’s Jackie and Elisa speaking about you. Deciding to wait for a moment, you want to hear what they’re talking about. You hear Elisas voice cut through the tense silence. 
“Drop it Jackie, we’re just friends. I don’t have feelings for her and I never have. Plus if anything was going to happen don’t you think it would have by now? We’ve been friends for years.” 
You can practically see the face Elisas disbelieving face as someone once again questions the nature of your relationship. Are you really so bad she can’t even see how someone else could see the two of you together? Your stomach turns at the thought. It never gets easier to see her with other people, or hear her refer to your love as being strictly platonic. It never feels strictly platonic whenever you shiver and she immediately throws an arm around you pulling you into her side. Or when she grabs you to tell you something when she could have called your name to grab your attention. Or when she cracks a joke and she looks at you first to see if you’re smiling. Those moments rarely feel entirely platonic. 
The words straight from her mouth saying she hasn’t got feelings for you makes you want to turn around and call in sick for training but you have to get over this at some point. You have to learn your place in Elisas life, her longtime friend, perhaps even her best friend. Not her lover. The realisation never hurts less despite the dozens of times you’ve come to it.
You give it a couple more minutes letting the conversation truly die out before walking in as though you hadn’t heard a thing. As you walk in you notice the way Jackie glances between you two. You’re sure your melancholy is written on your face, everything always is. You avert your gaze before she can decipher why. Thankfully she’s quiet while you change silently you really can't handle any teasing right now. Small bits of you break off every time you have to tell someone you and Elisa are just friends. Going up to the pitch and beginning to warm up Elisas words are still ringing in your head. Day 1067 (roughly) wasted thinking of a girl who doesn’t want you back. Story of my life, you think to yourself. 
A team dinner is the last place you want to be tonight. It’s good for bonding but you’re attached to Elisas side the whole time anyways. You aren’t sure you can get anymore bonded to her. You wonder how much of it is you sticking close to her and how much of it is her keeping you close. You wonder how far you’d get before she pulled you back into her orbit. Not very far, you reckon. 
Sakina slides into the seat opposite of you. You’d say her grin is wolfish but her features are too soft for the term. 
“So you two looked pretty comfy on instagram the last couple of posts. Anything you’d like to share with the team?”
Your eyes flicker to Elisa beside you only to find her making eye contact with Jackie a couple people down. Whatever telepathic conversation they’re having right now makes your chest burn. You’re supposed to be the only one who knows her that well. Your mouth is filled with a bitter taste and something clenches and flexes in your chest. You look down trying to contain yourself before replying to Sakinas comment. 
“We hang out a lot, sue us.”
You can feel Elisa nod more than you see it. 
“Plus Y/ns a good photo taker I’ve got to put her skills to use when I have them!” She says jokingly. She leans forward in her chair propping one elbow up on the table the other coming up to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. You glance to the side meeting her eyes and smile. Yes keep your focus on me, the beast in your chest sighs and relaxes. 
“Yeah but she’s been here for a while now. You’d think you guys would be sick of each other. I mean you’ve been friends for so long. What else do you even have to talk about?” 
You have a feeling it's time for Sakina to start drinking water. Luckily Elisa saves you from having to answer again. 
“Anything, everything, whatever we feel like mostly. Sometimes we talk about nothing at all and it’s the best conversation I'll have all day.”
See? It’s stuff like that which makes you wanna scream and shout and call bullshit on being platonic. 
It's like watching everything you've ever worked for go down the drain as Sakinas eyes light up. Something in her brain seems to scream BINGO!
“So have you guys ever….you know?” She looks between you two, clearly hinting at something. “Clearly you’re great together and have been in the same places at the same times coincidentally.”
Yeah coincidentally, you think. 
Elisa leans back in her chair seemingly nonchalantly, “I mean I liked her when we were younger but it was never the right time.” She shrugs as if she hasn’t just blown up the ground you’re standing on. 
“I mean we were young and starting out in our careers, we didn’t know where we’d go. There was no point in saying anything at that point.” You try to recover. Jumping in so it seems like you’re also unbothered and knew this information. You might pass out. It feels like the lights got brighter than they were a minute ago. 
Sakina puts down her drink and seems to take a pause before replying. She goes unnaturally still for a moment before she relaxes and looks between you two with a confidence you see projected towards crowds but rarely in spaces with her friends. You’re starting to think she’a lot more sober than she’s let on and this a massive ploy or some sick fucking prank you’re the victim of. 
“So why aren’t you now?”
Oh, Fuck. 
Damage control. 
Act like this is the first time you’ve thought of this. 
You see Elisas eyes darken and an intense look in her eye directed at Sakina which the girl seems to pointedly ignore instead putting on a vague attitude of indifference which seems to suggest she’s just come to an observation, not blown up your carefully constructed weird homoerotic friendship. 
“We could never jeopardise our friendship.” Elisa answers lamely. 
You feel nauseous. Someone might need to call an ambulance because you aren’t sure if your heart has beat at all in the past five minutes. You’ve got to get out of here, you need to be alone. Just as that crosses your mind, a warm palm goes to rubbing circles on your lower back. You know she’s trying to soothe you but right now she’s a match stick and you're an old crumpled newspaper. Glancing back you give Elisa a tight smile before excusing yourself to go to the bathroom, instead you walk out the front door and go home. 
You aren’t expecting to hear from her. She’s made it abundantly clear in the last 12 hours she values your relationship but strictly as friends and used to like you but doesn’t anymore? You sigh, needing a minute to shut your brain off. 
So when there’s a knock at the door you’re confused about who's at your door on a thursday night at almost 11 pm, you know it’s the one person who would’ve noticed you slip away. 
She’s the last person you want to see and the first one you want to go to about all of this. Being in love with your best friend is too frustrating, you think as you unlock the door. 
“You left.” She’s pouting in your hallway. 
“I’ve filled my quota of hearing why I’m not relationship material to you today. Thanks, come back tomorrow.” Crap. You’re tired and you just want to go to bed, it slipped out. 
“So this is about dinner?”
You’ve had enough. 
At 11:08 pm on day 1067 (roughly) of being in love with Elisa you’ve decided you’ve had enough. 
“It’s about us. I’ve loved you for a quarter of forever and I've spent all day listening to the ways you don’t like me in front of our teammates so excuse me if i had enough and came home.” 
“Can I come in? This feels like an inside conversation, not a hallway conversation.”
You hate how she’s right and how she places her jacket on the hook that’s unofficially hers. When you turn and she’s made your home hers. She does that a lot, gets into your stuff and makes it her own. Your heart was the first thing she ever did too. 
The moment you make eye contact with her again, it comes spilling out. 
“I’ve loved you since forever. Honestly I can't pinpoint a specific moment in time where I knew I was in love. But when I listen to music there’s montages of your smile running through my head and your spirit feels like everything good in the world. Violins and guitars remind me of you. You’re music. You’re art. I love you, I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I didn’t.” Everythings comes out of Elisa at rapid fire. You’re left blinking at her tiredly. 
Word’s have done enough today. You’re too tired to talk. You walk over to her and tangle her hands with yours. Her fingers run along the sides of yours and you’ve never felt simultaneously at home and like you're on a rollercoaster. You love that feeling best when you’re with Elisa, she makes everything down to going on a walk feel like an adventure but also like you’re coming home and taking off your shoes and falling into bed when you’re tired. Safe, you realise, she makes you feel safe. No one ever felt this much like home before. In fact, you think if there is a home where all the atoms in the universe started your’s would be next to hers. 
She pulls you closer to her body and before you can register it you feel a soft kiss, tentative kiss on your lips. It feels so right. You’ve always felt like your bodies were made to fit together and now you have confirmation. 
“Sorry, I had to do that, I couldn't wait any longer.” 
You hum at the sentiment. 
She pulls away before bumping your foreheads together and letting it rest there. You love how Elisa knows you. Kissing is great but you know there’s more way to be intimate in a moment without you being attached to each other. Sitting here in this silence with her is filling your lungs with life again. You hadn’t noticed how little air you’d been breathing before, now every breath is a big heave and you’re trying to fill all your senses with her. You can see her, you can hear her breaths, you can feel her warmth against you, you can smell her, you can taste the chapstick she keeps in her car. This is where you’re supposed to be, you’ve never been more sure of anything. 
Her hand comes up to cup the side of your face. Speaking quietly she utters,
“We wasted so many days.” 
She sounds like she's laughing at the irony of it all. You know her well enough to detect the hint of bitterness in her voice. You think back to all the days you spent throwing her longing looks, waiting until she looked away or turned to look back at her. Everytime she smiled or laughed or frowned and they all went into a file to document exactly what she looked like. When you were younger and she would run up to hug you after a goal or the late night phone calls or the times where the moment hung just long enough for you to consider saying something. A light on the dark sea looking for a boat to say I see you, come home to me, I'll keep you safe. You wouldn’t trade any of those moments for the world. 
“No, my love,” you whisper back bringing your own hand up to clutch hers, “I haven’t wasted a single day loving you. You make me feel like I’m somebody when I'm next to you. I don’t care about how many goals or assists I have, none of that matters. I don’t need to be somebody to anyone, I want to be someone to you. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
You love her so much it’s utterly overwhelming, you can feel your throat beginning to close up. Sometimes it’s hard for you to tell her you love her because she means so much to you. Words could never portray how essential she is to your being. All you can do is hold her and try to give her the same sense of safety and wonder she gives you. Your hands tightly grip hers. You can feel her lips ghosting over the skin of your face. Her warm and heavy presence reminds you that this moment isn’t a dream. 
You feel her press small kisses from your temple to your hairline, her hand moving to cradle the back of your head. Eventually she trails her kisses along your nose before hovering over your mouth where you meet her to connect your lips again. This kiss isn’t as soft as the last. This is the kiss which tells you she’s waited long enough to have you, she isn’t going to waste another moment. Your arms creep up to wind around her neck pulling her closer to you. A deep inhale from your nose tells her you don’t want to let go just as much as her. With a small bite to your lower lip, you knew you’d been right in assuming your chemistry would translate to the physical side of the potential relationship. 
Pulling away with great effort you ask her to stay over tonight. 
She replies by kissing you harder than before. 
Perfect, you think, you’re not going to waste one more day.
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yelenaslyubov · 5 months
Twin Size Mattress (yelena belova university AU)
main masterlist || yelena belova || requests
a/n: heyyyy everyone! well i kept my promise one way or another and i finally have a piece written for you all! i’m sorry if it’s not up to par compared to my other stories, but it’s been a while and i feel a little rusty when it comes to this type of thing. i wanted to try something different for this time around and i think i accomplished that. also, let me know if you guys like the university AU aspect of this bc i might just be able to continue it a little bit (i say maybe loosely lol). in addition, i added a fun little moment of adding the outfits the characters would be wearing!! i hope you guys enjoy this new story and hopefully there will be more to come! it’s good to be back🥹🥹i hope to see more of you soon🫶
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ pairing: yelena belova (AU) x reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ warnings: MINORS DNI (18+) smut, fingering, oral, dom!reader, mentions of alcohol, language
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ description: you and yelena have been going to college together for the past couple years. when a college football game commences, you and yelena spend the day together and finish it off with a bang
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ word count: 3.7k
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ yelena’s outfit
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ reader’s outfit
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The pressing weight of your backpack dug into your shoulders as you quickly made your way to Yale’s school of art. Though your major was in English, you had connections that allowed you to use the photography facilities located elsewhere. Your bag was full of books, film equipment, and the negatives that you were anxious to develop.
It was college game day, the Harvard vs. Yale game to be more specific, so shoving through blue and red crowds of students was at the bottom of your list. Your trip to the dark room had to be short because even though you hated the idea of all things sports, you felt that tradition outweighed your personal grievances.
As you shut the door to the room and found yourself alone with the quiet, red space, your mind seemed to lighten. The pictures you had brought with you made their way out of your bag and into the developing process. You went through the usual motions until you hung them up to dry. Before you were beautiful headshots and silhouettes of your roommate, Yelena.
While most were taken with the consent of Yelena, there were some too extraordinary to possibly miss out on. The red hues accentuated the curves you so desperately longed to stroke. Of course, this information was unbeknownst to her.
She was the reason why you were so anxious to develop the pictures. Looking through the lense that wonderful day made you so much more excited to see them all finished. The day had been an exciting one. During the summer before the two of you went back to school you had a day at the beach. The weather was perfect, and she was perfect. She wore this lilac swim set that complimented her blonde hair and summer kissed skin so well you thought you would never be able to tear your eyes away from her.
As you went through each picture of her smiling, laughing, and being her usual self you came across the pictures that you tried so hard not to take. Your desire got the better part of you at this moment. The pictures arose of her laying belly down on her towel, a perfect view of her toned back paired with her other curves you could barely speak of. It was hard not to think about that day without becoming wildly sad that she had no idea you liked her with everything inside you.
These few intimate pictures would go where the rest of them are; hidden away in your journal. It was easier this way because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship that you valued so much. But what if she felt the same? You pulled yourself out of your delusions or else you might start to have hope.
She must have read your mind because your phone started ringing and as you pulled it out of your bag, Yelena’s face was vibrating on your screen.
“Hello?” you answered
“Where are you? You better not still be in that stupid dark room!” The sound of massive crowds were loud on the other side of the phone, but your voice drowned out every noise that could be taking place.
“Ha, funny story…”
“Seriously! The game starts soon, y/n. Hurry!”
“You miss me or something, Belova?”
She chuckled once. “And if I did?”
There was silence on your end because your one moment of bravery was already spent, leaving you speechless. “Uhm I’ll start heading your way right now. I should only be about 15 minutes out.”
“Perfect, I’ll save you a seat!”
“Thanks, Lena. Love you, bye,” you said naturally.
It was only then did you realize the words that slipped out of your mouth. Love you, really? You hoped that she thought it wasn’t how you really meant it.
After your stupid mistake, you took your pictures, tucked them away in your journal, and took off out of the building. The day was sunny but the fall crisp in the air took the edge off of the heat from the sun. Even from far away you could hear the triumph of the marching band playing their game day songs. Though your dislike of sports was one thing, there was a certain feeling you got on days like this; the music, the people, the adrenaline, that really made you succumb to the American tradition.
Finding Yelena in the crowd would be the easy part, the hard part would be keeping your eyes off her the entire afternoon. Luckily, she generally picked the same area each game day to sit so it wouldn’t be an extreme challenge to spot her out.
Your suspicion came true when you saw her jumping up and down a few aisles up from the front towards the 40 yard line. She was dressed in her usual Yelena chic, but with a hint of school spirit. You smiled to yourself at her excitement for the game and waited to see if she noticed you walking up to greet her.
“You’re here!” she yelled. She shuffled through other people on her row and fell into your arms. The strong smell of her cologne filled your nose and warmed your heart. You hugged her tightly back and squeezed the leather jacket that was draped around her. “You almost missed the game,” she whined.
“Lena, kickoff hasn’t even started, but I see that hasn’t stopped you from starting early.” You eyed the cold beer she had in her Yale koozie.
“Oh hush and let me be. Now get in there so we can watch.” As you were sneaking past other students Yelena tapped you on the ass and giggled. This was nothing unusual for Yelena, but each time she did it, it made your cheeks glow red.
The two of you settled into your places in the stadium surrounded by a couple of your friends and watched the game begin. The first half of the game was intense with each team up and down on scores. When the buzzer sounded to notify it was halftime everyone seemed to sigh in relief. The crowds started to shuffle again to take a quick intermission before the second half.
“So y/n, what photos were you able to get this time?” Yelena asked.
It was the question you were avoiding answering. If you pulled out the few you wanted to show her, the rest you spent your time hiding would be exposed as well.
“Oh they weren’t anything important, just a couple rolls I hadn’t developed yet.” You tried to play it cool not to give it away.
“Everything of yours is important to me.” Her saying that just made it so much harder to keep them all a secret. “Come on, please show me.”
She gave you her best pouty face and it was so unfortunate that it worked. You rolled your eyes and tried to open the journal in your bag so you could find the pictures you wanted her to see. Once they were all collected you passed them over to her and her face lit up.
“The day at the beach! I remember these.” She flipped through them with a grin on her face. She laughed when the picture of you popped up with your pants soaking yet from the ocean waves. “You were so pissed.”
“Pissed is an understatement,” you added. She smiled up at you and your stomach was tied up in knots. You weren’t sure whether it was the dimples that just so sneakily showed up, her rosy lips, or the bright green eyes that you could finally see without her sunglasses getting in the way.
“These are so amazing— you’re amazing. I need copies of these,” she begged.
“Anything for you,” you smiled.
“Anything?” Yelena smirked.
Your cheeks darkened red. “Shut up.” You shoved her a little with your shoulder.
By the time you showed all your creations off to Yelena the second half of the game was in full swing.
The second was more intense than the first due to Yale being behind for most of the game. Yelena was starting to become too anxious for your liking, and you hoped for her sake that you guys could pull out the win. There was a minute left on the clock and Yelena practically had your arm in a chokehold.
“Fucking run the ball, jackass!” Yelena yelled.
“Hey now, you wanna simmer down a little for me?” you asked, hoping to calm her down a bit.
She chuckled a little and leaned into your arm more. “Sorry, sorry. Anything for you,” she mocked from your previous words.
She quickly turned her head back so she could enjoy the last minute of the game. Her grip only became tighter around your arm as the clock ticked down to the wire. The whistle sounded to indicate that Yale called for a timeout. They needed to sort out their plans if they were going to try and pull out this win. They were down 28-24 with only around 30 seconds to go.
Once they were back in the game the crowd went wild, Yelena included. Number 13 got a hold of the ball and ran all the way to the end zone for a touchdown. Yelena screamed like she never had before and threw her hands up in the air. You cheered along with her at your school’s win. Yelena jumped into your arms out of excitement and you held her tightly as you swept her up in the air.
“We did it, Lena!” you cheered.
She found her footing back on the ground and she grabbed your face and looked into your eyes. “We did it!” The pure shock on your face made her recoil back a bit which resulted in her having matching cheeks just like yourself. “Uh- I- I’m sorry.”
“No, no. You didn’t do anything wrong,” you smiled. “Let’s just get out of here before we’re all packed in.”
You said goodbye to your friends right before a Yelena grabbed your hand to lead you through the crowd. You knew it meant nothing, but having your hand in hers was a dream come true.
When you had made it out of the crowd, it seemed as though the two of you forgot you were still linked together. You quickly broke it off before she could say anything about it.
“So, are we going to keep walking with nowhere to go or are you taking me out?” Yelena smirked.
“Am I what?” you questioned.
“You really are worked up today.” Yelena laughed, but you knew it was true and you didn’t know how else to hide it.
“Why don’t we go back to my dorm? My roommate isn’t there like usual so we could watch a movie or something?”
“Do you have popcorn?” she asked and you nodded. “Then it’s a deal.”
The two of you talked and laughed on the walk to your dorm. Like usual, Yelena made it so difficult to not stare at her. She had such a unique confidence that drew you deeper and deeper into her presence. The way she carried herself was like no other.
When you made it into your room Yelena immediately started searching for your snacks that you kept in the drawers under your bed. You set your things down on your desk and sat down in your chair.
“Do you mind if I borrow some of your clothes?” Yelena asked.
“I don’t know why you even ask anymore, Lena. Your closet consists of half of my clothes anyway,” you laughed.
She rolled her eyes and started taking her clothes off to change. Trying not to watch her change was not easy to come by. You turned around in your chair and pretended to unload your back from the day. What Yelena didn’t know is that your mirror allowed the perfect angle to see different parts of her.
What really got you was the matching black bra and underwear that revealed itself as she took her clothes off. This surprise caused you to knock a few things off your desk in the process, one of them being your journal. Naturally, Yelena turned around to try and help.
“What did you do, get angry and throw things off the desk?” Yelena laughed. It was awful timing to have other pictures that Yelena did not see poking out of your journal. “What are these?”
“Oh, you don’t have to-”
“Y/n, what are these?”
“Just pictures…”
Yelena stared at you puzzlingly as she picked up the journal off the floor and opened it to reveal the hidden pictures inside. Her brows furrowed as she inspected each one in great detail.
“Y/n, these are…so beautiful.”
You stood there staring down at the pictures or anywhere else in the room, just so you didn’t have to look at her.
“Why didn’t you show me these?” Yelena’s voice was softer now, more gentle. “Y/n?”
“I-I don’t know… I guess I thought you would think it was weird,” you replied shyly.
“Why would it be weird?”
Shit. If you told her why then she would know how you felt, but if you say nothing at all that’s not any better. You were stuck.
“I don’t know…”
She searched your face from any indication of an explanation. There was so much happening that you almost forgot Yelena was half naked.
“These are beautiful.”
“Only because you’re in them,” you bravely said.
Yelena blushed, something you didn’t see very often. “Damn y/l/n, you sure do know the way to my heart.”
“I’m serious.” You felt like your world had stopped at the thought of where this was going. “You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, Yelena. How could I not take those pictures that day?”
Yelena was quiet now. You weren’t sure whether this was good or bad. You were tired of being subtle, especially now that you had her right where you wanted her.
“I don’t know what to say,” Yelena said. Her eyes were full of something you hadn’t seen before.
You looked at her for a moment trying to build up your confidence one last time because you knew if you didn’t then you would never be able to do this.
“For once Belova, I would love it if you said nothing at all.” You stepped closer so you could delicately slide your hands up behind her neck. She looked taken off guard, but she definitely was not fighting it. When Yelena took her hands and placed them around the straps of your overalls and pulled you closer so you were face to face, you knew she might’ve wanted this just as much as you.
“Just kiss me already,” she whispered close enough you could feel the breath on your lips. With her words you threw your lips against hers in a kiss that you waited much too long for. Your lips moved against hers as your hands were tangled in her blonde waves. Yelena pulled and grabbed at anything on you just to make you even closer to one another.
You shifted your position to try and push yourself against Yelena so that she may lean against the bed. You knew exactly what your intentions were as of now, but you were not sure how Yelena would feel about it.
The first brush of her tongue against yours sent shivers down your spine and you weren’t sure if she heard your quiet moan or not. You saved your restraint for so many months, so now there was nothing holding you back. Your lips traveled away from hers to down her soft neck. You placed rough and hungry kisses along the nape of her neck and you could tell just by her demeanor that she was having a hard time keeping quiet.
“Uhm, what about your roommate?” Yelena asked in between heavy breaths
“What about them?”
“What if they, you know, walk in?” You must have found a sweet spot on her neck because her question ended with a whine.
“They’re never here.”
“But what if-”
“Just shut up already,” you said.
You smiled against her lips as you threw her shoulders down on the bed as gently as you could. It was hard to take things slow when you had been craving exactly this for far too long.
As your hungry lips continued to move against Yelena’s, you found your fingers playing with the band of her underwear. Your fingers traced all along the skin that was covered.
“I want to see every part of you that was hiding in these photos,” you said. Your mind went back to the day you took those sexy pictures of her and it made you even more desperate for what was hiding beneath Yelena’s garments.
“I just need you to touch me,” Yelena said, breathless. “Please touch me.”
You were quick to pull down her panties to reveal a sight you never thought you would have the pleasure of seeing. Even the panties that brushed against her pussy made her wince in pleasure.
“Please,” begged Yelena.
After undressing her bottom, in one swift motion you unhooked her bra.
“You want me to touch you like this?”
You placed your lips around one of her nipples as you watched her head fall into the bed. Your tongue made its way to circle around her nipple, slowly building up her desire.
Without thinking, you slightly tugged on her nipple with your teeth. Yelena moaned just loud enough for you to hear. It was the most beautiful sound that you had been dying to hear since you met her.
You wanted to move on further.
“Or I could maybe touch you like this?”
Your hand was almost shaking as it made its way down to get center. Your fingers slowly but surely made small circles on her clit. Now, Yelena was panting with lust and trying to keep quiet despite what you wanted.
“Fuck, Lena. You’re so wet.” You couldn’t help yourself from pointing out the obvious. The wetness that covered her only made yours grow.
Yelena had her mouth covered now, most likely paranoid that others would hear her like she had said earlier.
“I want to hear you,” you demanded.
Yelena was moaning softly through her hand now, a reaction to your words.
“Be a good girl and take your hand away from your mouth. I want to hear you.”
She did as you wished and removed her hand. The hand that previously resided over her mouth was now gripped onto the bed.
You took a minute to admire her before moving on further. Her body was even more gorgeous than you could’ve ever imagined. Her toned arms that held on so tightly to the bed, her curves that wavered like the ocean down her body, and her perfectly kissed skin, just how you liked it.
“Maybe you want me to touch you… like this?”
You went even further and slowly slipped your fingers inside her pussy. As you sunk your fingers deep inside her, Yelena became even more worked up.
“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “Please keep going. It feels so good.”
Seeing Yelena drown in the pleasure of your fingers inside her was something you never thought you would live to see.
“You feel so good, baby.” Yelena seemed to like the name because she let out a long whine. “Good girl. Be louder for me.”
You loved the power you had over her in such a short amount of time.
The pace of your fingers stayed quite steady now. Yelena moaned with each stroke that went deeper in her pretty pussy. There was one more thing that you longed to do before she reached her limit.
“You want me to touch you like this, baby?”
Finally, with your fingers still keeping a rhythm inside her, you lowered yourself down on the bed so that you could taste her.
Your tongue made its way to make contact with her clit. Yelena was the loudest now, and with her noise came her restless body. Much like her, you were just as overcome with pleasure.
Her hips bucked into your face with each increasing second. Your tongue explored every single part of her, almost as if you would never get to do it again. Your fingers sped up now that you could tell she was getting closer.
“Holy fuck, right there,” Yelena moaned. “Keep going, I’m so close.”
“Good job, baby,” you murmured. “I want you to cum around my fingers.”
Your words only sped up the process more. Her hips moved even faster which made it hard for you to keep your pace. Your tongue and fingers moved rapidly as she started to reach the peak of her climax
“I’m gonna cum baby,” Yelena said breathlessly.
All at once, Yelena let out a loud stream of moans that you were sure echoed through the hall in your dorm. You didn’t care. You were happy to have her all to yourself, and now, everyone knew it too.
“Good girl, let it all out,” you praised her.
Yelena laid there on your bed to try and catch her breath. You couldn’t help but watch the result of your doings as she looked so worked up.
You took your last opportunity to soak her body in by kissing all the way up her thighs, stomach, chest, and face. Yelena seemed to be hiding her face a bit, most definitely different from her usual demeanor.
You moved her hand that shielded her face. “You okay?”
She gave a thumbs up
“Does that mean it felt okay?”
She had a surprised look on her face. “The entire hall heard me and you think it didn’t feel good?!”
You laughed. “Just checking.”
You both laid next to each other for a while in silence before Yelena spoke up.
“So…how long have you felt this way?”
“When did you start school here?”
“Uhm…two years ago?”
“Then two years.”
Yelena looked over at you. “Really?”
“Really,” you nodded. “How could I not, just look at you.” Yelena smiled at your words.
“Well, I’ve worked up an appetite after all that fun. What do you say we make some popcorn and watch a movie and pretend like no one heard all of that?”
“That sounds perfect to me.”
The two of you spent the rest of the night in each other’s company talking and reveling in the day’s events. You laid in bed thinking about how happy you were to have taken those pictures that day on the beach.
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ichatake · 2 months
Can I PLEASE request for a young kakashi, obito and reader ? Like what if kakashi and obito have a crush on the same person? Maybe the reader is like part of this super prestigious clan that makes her train a lot and they want her to succeed in everything. That’s why she might have a very strong attitude?
So when Obito Kakashi and her get teamed up for a mission, she ends up getting hurt but refuses to let the mission go to waste? How would Kakashi and Obito act?
Once again, YOUR AMAZING!!! THANK YOU! 🍀
HC: Young Kakashi and Obito liking the same person
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Requests are open! (Request rules)
The first one to fall is Kakashi, considering Obito was too distracted with Rin to think about anyone else. Kakashi found you interesting, because you were the first girl he ever saw training so hard—well, as much as a seven year old can train. You were part of a prestigious clan, so being a girl was already a burden. You’d been pushed to train ever since you could walk, so even as a child, you were already climbing to the top.
The first time he ever noticed you, was when he was taking a walk with his father. They’d passed through a training ground that always seemed to be empty, but today, it was different.
A man stood tall, watching his little girl struggle to throw kunais and shurikens in a straight line.
“Some kids your age already know how to do this (Y/N), you’re falling behind” the man would say, his back turning, revealing his clan symbol. Kakashi had recognized it as the same symbol you wore. That must’ve been one of your family members—your father maybe.
Kakashi’s father stopped, looking back at his son who seemed to stop and take a look at the people training, “Kakashi? Is something wrong?” He asks and looks at you and your father, “Ah, the (L/N) clan,” he shakes his head and takes Kakashi’s hand. “They train their children as young as possible, so they can succeed quickly. That must be his first born,” he starts walking with Kakashi, much to his distaste,
“Why?” Kakashi asks, looking back at how you huffed and tried the same technique for what seemed like the hundredth time. “Because they thrive off victory. If their children are not good ninjas, then they are no good for the clan,” he frowns, “such a sad thing,”
Ever since then, his interest in you has peeked. When both of you entered the academy, he didn’t really make a move to talk to you. You interested him, yes, but that didn’t mean he would just go talk to you. You sat right in front of him.
You were a very attentive student. You took your grades seriously—even more than him! He wasn’t surprised though, since his father’s words still echoed through his head.
As time passed and everyone in class began to become friends, you seemed to get along well with all the girls, especially Rin, so Kakashi took this opportunity to bud into your conversations once and a while. That’s how he got to know you better.
As for Obito, he’d take a little longer to fall for you. He was head over heels for Rin, so you were simply just ‘Rin’s friend’.
Since you were such good friends with Rin, you found yourself hanging out with the three of them. Kakashi had never seen you smile as much as you did when you hung out. It was like you could finally enjoy being a kid and not be worried about your clan’s honor for once.
You climbed up the ranks quickly, and as soon as Kakashi took the graduation exam and succeeded, you decided to try out as well. Your father’s wishes were to be obeyed, and though it took you a few tries, you did succeed.
“What?! You too?!” Obito exclaimed once he saw your new headband. Kakashi on the other hand, was quiet.
“Yeah, I thought if Kakashi could do it, then maybe I could give it a try,” you say, as your eyes connect with Kakashi. “Took you long enough,” he says. He mentally facepalms at what he says. He wasn’t good at complimenting people—even the girl he liked.
Your facial expression seemed to die down as you nod, “It did,” you say and sigh before shrugging, “I was just giving you a chance to shine,” you joked and smiled at Kakashi, making him look at you with crossed arms, “or maybe you just like copying me,”
“As if—,”
“Now, now, guys, there’s no need to argue,” Rin cuts you off, smiling and taking your hands in hers, “I’m so glad you made it,” she smiles and hugs you. That was the first time Obito noticed you a little more than he already had.
After everyone had graduated, you still hung out together. The four of you seemed to become really close, but of course, were separated into teams. You had been separated from the three, and it made several people sad. Those several people being you and the other three.
Thankfully though, you got assigned to many missions with them. One time in particular, Kakashi, Obito, and you were called up to the Hokage’s office. Due to Rin being sick and not able to go with Kakashi and Obito on their mission, you were assigned to it.
“It had to be you,” Kakashi says with crossed arms, earning an eye roll from you, “you always have something nice to say to me Kakashi, I might think you’re in love with me,” that made him choke on air, and Obito laughed at him.
“Oh (Y/N), I don’t think he’s capable of actually liking anyone,” Obito snorts as he walks out with you and Kakashi. You didn’t catch the glances the silver haired boy took of you.
As you walked towards your destination, which just had to be a very far away village, Obito chatted you up. It wasn’t something out of the ordinary, and you didn’t mind it either. You had to admit the dark haired boy grew on you. You’d giggle and laugh at anything he’d do or say, which only fuled him more than he was.
Thankfully, you couldn’t see the annoyance on Kakashi’s face, this boy was a very jealous boy. No one can tell me otherwise.
“You guys are driving me crazy,” Kakashi scoffs, “can you keep quiet and focus on the mission? It’s already bad enough that Obito is here,”
“Hey! What the hell does that mean?!” Obito yells at Kakashi, making the three of you stop.
“It means you’re annoying as it is, I don’t need two people chatting up my ears until they bleed,”
“You take that back—,”
“Guys keep quiet,” you quickly say, grabbing your kunai. Mist filled the area around you, and you could barely see anything. They caught onto this quickly and took out their own weapons. The three of you positioned yourselves back to back.
“Someone’s here,” Kakashi says, squinting his eyes to try and see through the mist, “There’s more than one person,” you correct, gripping onto your Kunai.
Obito seemed nervous, or maybe he was just excited. You couldn’t tell the difference.
Of course, you were right. There were more than one ninja waiting to strike the three poor hidden leaf kids.
When you thought that Obito and Kakashi didn’t fight well together, you didn’t think it would’ve been to this extreme. They were all over the place—you had never seen a team so out of rhythm before. While Kakashi took the lead and fought on his own, Obito went his own way, fighting—and struggling—with one of the ninjas. You were attacked by two of them, and barely managed to win! You were cut up and bruised while the other two struggled with the rest.
You knew Kakashi could keep his own weight, but you and Obito weren’t at his level. Even though you craved to be as strong as him, the truth was, you were just a normal genin.
Since both the boys were fighting on their own, no one was watching each other’s back, so when three kunais came lunging towards Obito, your feet moved on their own and you quickly jumped into them. They hit your back, and you fell face first to the ground. You gasped for air, the sharp pain of the blade and the fall had knocked the air out of you.
You tried to stand up, but you couldn’t seem to. You were… paralyzed. The blades must have some kind of poison in them that made you immobilized.
Kakashi was the first to notice and was quick to throw you over his shoulder, “Obito, let’s go,” he says and pulls the dark haired boy. Running away wasn’t something he’d usually do, but right now, you were hurt and vulnerable. It was the best choice they had right now.
Somehow, they managed to outrun the ninjas and hide in the forest.
Kakashi laid you down on the ground and looked at your back. You were filled with blood and you were pale.
Obito was crouched next to you, panicking. You had just saved his life, and you were paying for it, “Kakashi, she’s bleeding so much,” he says with a shaky voice. No one had ever jumped into danger for him before, and yet you did it with no second thought.
His heart tightened at the thought. You were so brave… so humble.
“She’s going to be fine,” Kakashi says, but even he sounded unsure. He went through your bag as you tried to speak. You were dizzy and out of it. You were basically incoherent, but you forced your finger to move and point towards your bag.
You carried bandages and medical supplies that might help along the way, but you never thought you’d have to use them on yourself.
“Obito, take the blades out,” Kakashi says, preparing everything he needs to at least stop the bleeding. “What..?” Obito hesitated, his hand shaking for a moment before he closed his eyes and pulled one out.
Your scream was one of the most horrifying ones he’s ever heard. Both Kakashi and Obito winced as you cried out in pain, but they couldn’t wait much longer. With a heavy heart, he pulls out the remaining two and shut his eyes, his teeth and fist clenched. This was all his fault.
He helped Kakashi pull off your shirt and wrap you in bandages while you quietly cried. The pain was unbearable.
Kakashi had never prioritized something else over the mission, but he found himself considering leaving it behind just to bring you back to the village.
Once they were done patching you up, they laid you against a tree.
“Can you talk?” Obito asks gently as he sat beside you.
“I can,” you say softly, but you were weak.
“We’ll head back to the village once the fog is cleared,” Kakashi states, making you snap your head towards him, “no,” you hissed at the pain in your back, but you still shook your head. The poison had somewhat faded, and you were starting to regain strength. “We’re completing the mission,”
Obito shook his head, “(Y/N), we can’t complete the mission. You’re hurt. We need to get you back to the village—,”
“I am not the weak link,” you snap, your body shakily standing up, “I will not go back to the village with my tail tucked between my legs. We will complete this mission,” you walk towards Kakashi, “you can’t make me go back,”
Kakashi didn’t like how stubborn you were, and he didn’t want you to get hurt, “you’ll drag us down if you continue the mission,” he says, but he didn’t mean it. He just wanted you to go back and get treated. However, you didn’t take that lightly. You jumped on him, making both of you fall the the ground.
“(Y/N)!” Obito quickly got up and ran towards you both.
“Don’t ever say that! I’m not weak!” You pull on Kakashi’s shirt, “I am not a burden to anyone, you hear?!” You look down at him, as his eyes were wide and staring at you in shock. Your eyes were glossed with tears. He understood that this meant a lot. Your family would’ve shamed you…
When Obito tried to pull you off, you shrugged his hands off, “we’re completing this mission even if I’m missing an arm. Do you understand me? I’m not going back to the village like a loser,”
After everything that happened, you took the pain like a champ and completed the mission. You got into another fight with the same ninjas, but this time, Kakashi and Obito worked together with you and you managed to beat them.
You got to walk back to the village with a completed mission, though when you passed those gates, you immediately fell to the ground. Kakashi and Obito quickly panicked and rushed you to the medical ninjas.
You were fine, thankfully, just exhausted. You were in the infirmary bed, and when you woke up, the two boys sat right besides you. Kakashi noticed when your eyes opened and stared at him, quickly looking away with crossed arms, “you’re so stubborn, you know that?” he says, catching Obito’s attention.
The dark haired boy quickly stood up and grabbed onto you hand, “you’re okay! You almost gave us a heart attack! We thought you died,”
“He thought you died,” Kakashi corrects, before finally looking at you again, “how do you feel?”
You look at them and then smile before sitting up and hugging them tight, “I'm doing just fine,” you say but quickly hiss and lay back, earning an angry “be careful” from Kakashi.
“You need to take care of yourself,” he scoffs while Obito keeps babbling about how he’s sorry and that he should’ve been more attentive. You couldn’t tell, but Kakashi’s cheeks were flushed red.
“You’re so strong—I can’t believe you kept going even after you were hurt. You’re so amazing,” Obito compliments you, holding onto your hand tightly, “I promise you (Y/N), if we ever get assigned on a mission again, I’ll make sure to protect you with my life,” he says and grins, looking determined, “You better believe I’ll give my life for you,”
“Let her go idiot,” kakashi buds in, “get your sweaty hands off of hers,” he crossed his arms, earning a ‘huuuuh?!’ from Obito.
Once again, Obito and Kakashi started arguing and bantering, but you didn’t care. You giggled which made them turn towards you, “Thank you, for always making me laugh,” you say with a smile, making Obito grin with red cheeks, and Kakashi looking away with a bashful look.
They didn’t know it yet, but this was the beginning of a very complicated love triangle.
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drak3n · 6 months
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ꨄ. SYNOPSIS: the launching of a new platform magically re-connecting seperated people has shaken the entirety of social media. after many months of contemplation and denial, you give in to your urges.
ꨄ. SENA’S NOTE: this merely serves as a way to introduce all eight parts of the mini-series! as they’re all characters from different fandoms, there clearly won’t be names or any specific action in this! so this is a little short :)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
it was everywhere you went. following you around like it was your shadow, cornering you at any given possibility.
you knew the drill. once something went viral anywhere, it would stick around for some time and then be forgotten.
that wasn’t the case with this damn live show. not at all. the first time it had been announced on international tv must have been ages ago, like around the beginning of the year. yet, the hype never seemed to die down, with more and more people freaking out online and in real life about how it changed their lives.
you were convinced it was a scam. like come on, who even believed in a fairy tale like that? being reunited with a lost lover, or any kind of lover who it didn’t work out with?
there was a reason it hadn’t worked out. because if there wasn’t, you’d still surely be with that person.
it started with trailers being shown on every channel you zipped through, announcing free slots for their newest season and putting emphasis on their confidentiality. how people had the choice to stay anonymous while spilling their private and embarrassing matters to so-called love experts.
such bullshit.
now, it went way past that. you ended up avoiding watching tv, just to literally be haunted by that cursed show in other ways. through flyers and stickers flying around, through posters hung up on subway stations and even inside of said subways, hell, a couple of days ago, there was even an airship promoting it.
TO ALL THE MEN YOU’VE LOVED BEFORE. a silly name for a concept just as silly as that.
what did you have to do again to apply?
right, as if there was any way of forgetting with how much your coworkers were babbling about it. they made sure to remind you of that every day.
“i’m still thinking if i should just call them the next time and try my luck,” you heard one of many tell another while you were waiting in the line for your lunch. “i really, really want to make up with my ex. they’re my only hope.”
their conversation went on for many more minutes, and you were glad when you finally were next in line to greet the lunch lady with a tired smile. as she filled your tray in a halfhearted manner, your smile quickly faded away upon hearing her talk to a fellow worker behind the counters.
“my son and his teenage love reconciled after he applied there. they are awaiting their first child soon!” the elderly woman gushed while placing a cup of pudding onto your tray, waiting for you to scan your employee id before you shuffled away from the line to plop down on an empty space in the crowded lunch hall.
it was all the same. love, love, love. always those same old problems. getting dumped, being abandoned, or doing the dumping and abandoning.
regret, sadness, frustration, desperation.
you came home that sane evening with thoughts plaguing your mind; with the big question if those were all signs for you to see. if everything you’d been hearing and seeing for these past couple of months were meant to open your eyes, somehow. to get the hint.
making a beeline to your bedroom, your eyes darted to the package placed on your bed. still untouched and waiting to be sent. the pastel pink stamp had been placed on the corner of the box yesterday by you. those fuckers made so much money with their hit show that they distributed stamps, to force them to send more drama their way for them to indulge in.
it was stupid that you had even put in the effort to package what was meant to have been tossed away long ago. it might or might not have been long yet, but why did you keep that?
as a writer, you couldn’t contain yourself. even back then, you had always known you’d end up becoming anything connected to writing, journaling, whatever. it was almost annoying how you used to document all those feelings you couldn’t put into words.
specifically writing letters had always been your passion. writing down your heartbreaks and grief into words and making them come to life on paper.
words you failed to tell him.
the recipients were all written on the envelopes inside the box, some years ago, and some recently, and you didn’t even know if they were still the same addresses.
for some, you knew for sure they weren’t.
even if the cast of TO ALL THE MEN YOU’VE LOVED BEFORE — if they picked you, that is — wouldn’t find their current addresses, you were for sure going to be relieved. those letters had been a significant burden on your heart ever since you had written them.
for the first time in your life, you didn’t feel any kind of satisfaction from writing. these letters existed to be sent. and you were realizing it just now.
they were meant to be read aloud, understood. they had to be read by others for you to be at peace with your unresolved feelings.
the very next morning, you handed the package to the post office, bidding farewell to years of bottled-up and hidden feelings.
it wasn’t until a week later that you received a letter, with the same pink stamp and sender the same you had sent your letters to. you found yourself reading it in front of the door to your apartment:
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
dear contestant,
we thank you for your package and were enthralled to read about your experiences. upon short discussions within our team of experts, we soon decided to choose your case to present in our next live airing, which is going to be this saturday!
the letters have already been sent out to their respective addresses — some of which we had to adjust as there have been changes.
it is up to you if you want to join us for our next airing — it be via call or even by showing up at our studio! we will welcome you in any case and make sure you will reunite with one of your lost loves.
please do not worry, as we will handle all of your data with the utmost care and make sure that none of it is leaked for other purposes.
up until then, stay lovely and trust the process!
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ♡•°`.
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earthtoharlow · 17 days
Don’t Like The Lights
Sequel to Flashing Lights series, must read Flashing Lights first to understand
Series Masterlist
4. Flights Booked
When last did we feel this close together? Chasing sunsets in California. Don't make me wait, babe, it's been forever
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Jack taps his fingers along the steering wheel as he waits for his phone to connect to the Bluetooth in his car. “Hey, CoCo, it’s Jack Harlow”
CoCo answered, her tone teasing. “Do you always answer the phone by saying your first and last name?”
Jack chuckled, “Only when I want to make a good impression. Got a sec to talk about Maryse’s schedule for the next two weeks?”
Her tone shifted to one of curiosity. “Sure thing, what’s up?”
“I was hoping to plan a surprise vacation for us before things get too hectic,” Jack explained. “Just wanted to know if she has any free time coming up.”
He heard shuffling on the other line before CoCo said, “Hmm, let’s see… Well, she has a couple of interviews and a few studio sessions lined up, but nothing that can’t be moved around. You’re in luck—she’s relatively free the next two weeks.”
“That’s perfect! Can you shuffle things around without giving away the surprise?”
“Consider it done,” she replied with a smile in her voice. “And just so you know, this is incredibly sweet of you. She’s going to love it. I’ve been begging this girl to go on vacation for years now!”
Jack profusely thanked her before hanging up, he then called Doja’s number, hoping she’ll be up for the challenge. He knew that keeping a secret from Maryse was no easy feat, especially when it involved her wardrobe.
“Hey, it’s me,” he greeted Doja, who answered on the second ring. “I need a favor. A big one.”
“Uh-oh, what did you do?” Doja teased.
“Nothing bad, I promise. I hate to interrupt the girls trip but I’m planning a surprise vacation for Maryse, and I need you to help pack her some clothes. Just tell her it’s a surprise if she asks,” Jack explained.
Jack could hear Doja’s excitement through the phone. “That’s so sweet! Of course, I’ll help. When do you need this done?”
“As soon as possible.” He tells her. “I’m still in Kentucky but I’m going to surprise her at the airport when she’s on her way back. From New York we’re going straight to our destination.”
“I’ll get Saweetie involved, and we’ll handle it. You just focus on making this the best surprise ever!”
“Thank you, you guys are lifesavers,” he said, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.
“Anything for you two. She’s going to be over the moon.”
After they hung up the phone Jack started booking the private villa and making sure his plane was ready for the two of them. He wanted this vacation to be perfect.
A few hours later as Jack was finishing up packing for the trip, he heard his phone chime with a text and he knew it was Maryse. “What are you planning, white boy?!
Jack snickered, texting back “What are you talking about?”
He laughed out loud when he saw the string of angry emojis she sent his way. He proceeded to send her a voice message letting her know that he loved her and that he couldn’t wait for her to come home. Jack stayed up a bit longer to organize a few more details for the trip before he finally turned into bed knowing he would have to get up early to make the short trip to New York to surprise Maryse.
Maryse walked into the airport, tired but happy to be heading back home. She still couldn’t believe Kentucky was home now. She had no idea what was in store for her. As she made her way through the terminal, she spotted Jack waiting for her, a huge smile on his face. She quickened her pace, her own smile spreading as she approached him.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, surprise and delight in her voice as she leapt into his arms and squeezed him tight.
“I fucking missed you.” Not caring that they were in a crowded airport, and crashed his lips against hers. Jack could have stayed there just kissing her forever and it seemed like Maryse was intent on doing that but Jack pulled away, saying, “I have a surprise for you.”
Maryse looked at him curiously, but nodded. “Okay, lead the way.”
Jack couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he led her through the bustling New York airport. He could tell the suspense was eating at her. Maryse kept glancing at him, eyes wide with excitement.
“Where are we going?” she asked for the tenth time, her voice a mix of excitement and impatience.
“You’ll see,” he replied, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
Finally, they reached a secluded part of the airport. Maryse’s eyes widened even more when she saw the sleek, private plane waiting for them on the tarmac. She stopped in her tracks, looking from the plane to Jack in disbelief.
“What is this?” she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.
“This,” Jack said, turning to face her with a wide smile, “is our ride. We’re going on vacation.”
Jack was living for the look of pure joy on her face. He swore he would have done anything just to see that look on her face that only grew when he explained, “I called CoCo and got everything taken off your schedule for the next two weeks and we’re going to Brazil right now.”
“Right now? I haven’t even packed, and do we have somewhere to stay?” The planner in her was stressing out as she began to ramble.
Jack pulled her back in arms as he brought his lips to hers, kissing her deeply. “Everything is taken care of, Doja emptied out your suitcase while you were out and put everything you’ll need for the trip in there.”
“You did all this?” Maryse asked, stunned. They had talked about taking a vacation a couple weeks ago but Jack hadn't brought it up again so she thought he forgot about it.
He nodded, his smile widening. “Yep. Just for us. I wanted everything to be perfect.”
Tears welled up in Maryse’s eyes as she threw her arms around him. “You’re amazing. I can’t believe you did this.”
Jack hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth of her embrace. “You deserve it,” he said softly. “We both do.”
They spent the 12 hour flight cuddled up on the couch of the plane, trading kisses back and forth. Their phones were off, they were in a plane alone, and they had nothing on their schedules for the next two weeks. They were truly going to be able to relax.
Hours later, they landed at a small, private airport in Brazil. From there, they were whisked away to a stunning, secluded villa. The moment they arrived, Maryse's eyes widened in amazement at the sight of their temporary home. The villa was nestled on a pristine beach, with crystal-clear waters stretching out as far as the eye could see.
“This is unbelievable,” Maryse said, her voice filled with awe. As she looked out the balcony of their bedroom. “It’s like a dream.”
Jack wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “Welcome to paradise,” he said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. “I wanted to give us a place where we could really relax and reconnect.”
She looked up at him, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. “You’re incredible,” she said, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Thank you.”
“I need to see what Doja packed for me.” Maryse said, pulling away so she could go to her suitcases. “She didn’t pack one bikini that will even cover my ass, and I’m pretty sure the rest is just all lingerie. There’s only like 3 dresses in here!”
Jack put his hands on his hips looking at the clothes. “I don’t really see the problem.”
Maryse shook her head at him. “I guess she doesn’t expect me to leave this house based on what she’s packed for me.”
Jack grabbed her hips, pulling them up against his own while he told her, “I’m still having a hard time figuring out what the problem is.”
“Of course you wouldn’t, but can we take a nap before we start exploring? I’m sleepy,” she said, turning in his arms and snuggling closer to him.
“Yeah, c’mon,” he replied, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “We have all the time in the world.”
He helped her to her feet. The bedroom was just as luxurious as the rest of the place, with a king-sized bed that looked incredibly inviting. Maryse sighed with contentment as she crawled under the soft, white sheets.
Jack joined her, wrapping his arms around her as she settled into his embrace. “This is perfect,” she murmured, her voice already drowsy.
“Just like you,” he whispered back, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
She smiled sleepily, not even having the energy to call him out for being corny. “Thank you for this. For everything.”
“Anything for you,” he replied, watching as she drifted off to sleep. He stayed awake for a while, holding her close and listening to the sound of her breathing. It felt surreal to be here, in this beautiful place, with the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
As he finally closed his eyes, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. They had gone through so much, but they had come out stronger on the other side. And now, they had this time together to heal, to reconnect.
Maryse woke up before the sun had full risen, she turned to see Jack still asleep beside her, his mouth slightly open, soft snores escaping his lips. A smile tugged at her lips as she watched him.
Unable to resist she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Jack stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. “Good morning,” she whispered against his skin, trailing kisses down to his cheek and then his lips.
Jack groaned softly, a lazy smile spreading across his face as he woke up to her tender kisses. “Mmm, morning,” he mumbled, reaching up to pull her closer. “This is the best way to wake up.”
She laughed softly, her fingers tracing the lines of his jaw. “I thought so too. How did you sleep?”
“Perfectly,” he replied, tightening his hold on her. They lay there for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, soaking in the peace of the morning. The sound of the waves crashing gently against the shore outside added to the calm atmosphere.
“I love you,” she whispered, her heart full.
“I love you too,” he replied, his eyes shining with sincerity. “So much.”
“Let’s get up and shower together. I want to start our day right.”
He chuckled, stretching his arms above his head before pulling her closer for a lingering kiss. “That sounds like the perfect way to start the day.”
They untangled themselves from the sheets and made their way to the spacious bathroom. Jack turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature before they stepped in together.
Maryse tested it with her hand and frowned. “This isn’t hot enough,” she complained, turning to Jack with a playful pout.
Jack laughed, shaking his head. “The temperature doesn’t need to be in hell, you know.”
She giggled, rolling her eyes. “I like it hot.”
“Clearly,” he teased, but he adjusted the temperature a bit more to her liking. “How’s that?”
“Better,” she conceded with a satisfied smile.
The shower seemed to grow warmer around them, the steam mingling with their breath as they held each other close. Jack’s hands roamed her back, and she felt a familiar thrill of excitement and comfort all at once.
Maryse leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against her skin. She closed the distance between them, pressing her lips to his in a slow, passionate kiss.
The kiss deepened, and Jack backed her against the shower wall, his arms coming up to cage her in their bodies pressed together. He pulled back slightly, his breath mingling with hers. “Tell me you love me,” he said, his voice a husky plea.
“I love you,” she responded without hesitation, her eyes locked onto his, as she slid her hands back up his chest, resting on his shoulders as she pulled him closer, pulling him back into the kiss.
Breaking away for a moment, Jack pressed his forehead against hers, both of them breathing heavily. “Is it bad that I wanna keep you just like this for the rest of the trip?,” he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of the water.
“Not bad at all,” she said, pressing a kiss to the freckles on his shoulders. “In fact, I was thinking the same thing.”
“I mean, exploring Brazil is great and all, but being with you like this… it’s perfect.”
“Perfect, huh?” She teased, her hands running up and down his chest. “I like the sound of that.”
“But we should actually shower before we turn into prunes,” Maryse said, gently pushing him back with a playful smile. “So, keep your hands to yourself.”
Jack grinned, reluctantly letting her go. “Alright, alright. But only because you asked so nicely.”
She laughed, turning to adjust the water temperature. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy this,” she said over her shoulder, “but we did come here to see more than just the inside of this shower.”
“Fair point,” he admitted, watching as she rinsed the shampoo out of her hair. “But just so you know, you’re making it very hard to focus on anything else.”
“Focus, mister,” she teased, handing him the body wash. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later.”
He sighed dramatically, but took the body wash from her. “Fine. But I’m counting down the minutes.”
She rolled her eyes affectionately. “Of course you are.”
After the shower, they decided to put on their swimwear and take a walk along the beach. Maryse slipped on the only one suit that her friends seemed to pack while Jack donned his favorite swim trunks. Now afternoon the sun was shining bright.
“Ready to go?” she asked, adjusting her sunglasses.
As they made their way to the shore, Maryse stopped and tugged on Jack’s hand. “Wait a minute,” she said with a playful grin. “Let me put some sunscreen on you so you don’t turn into Larry the Lobster.”
Jack chuckled. “Larry the Lobster? Really?”
“Yes, really,” she replied, reaching into her beach bag and pulling out a bottle of sunscreen. “Your skin’s too nice to get all burned up.”
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, turning his back to her. “Lather me up.”
Maryse squirted a generous amount of sunscreen into her hands and started applying it to his back. She took her time, enjoying the chance to touch his skin and make sure he was well protected. “You know,” she said as she worked, “I always thought you had great skin.”
“Is that so?” he asked, looking over his shoulder with a smirk.
“Yep,” she confirmed, moving her hands up to his shoulders and neck. “Now turn around so I can get your chest.”
Jack obliged, turning to face her. As she applied the sunscreen to his chest, he couldn’t help but admire her concentration. “You’re really taking this Larry the Lobster thing seriously, huh?”
She laughed. “I am. Can’t have you looking like a cooked crab.”
“Well, I appreciate it,” he said, leaning down to kiss her lightly on the lips. “Now, your turn.”
“Oh no, I’ve already put some on!,” she started to protest, but he was already squirting sunscreen into his hands.
“Turn around,” he instructed with a grin.
With a resigned smile, she turned her back to him, and he began to apply the sunscreen to her shoulders and back. His touch was gentle but thorough, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands on her skin. “You only wanted an excuse to touch me.”
Jack laughed, not denying it. “Can you blame me?”
“Not really,” she admitted with a smile, feeling her cheeks warm under his gaze. “Now, make sure you get every spot. I don’t want any sunburn.”
“As you wish,” he said, his hands moving gently across her back, spreading the sunscreen evenly. “Just doing my duty to keep you safe.”
“You’re such a hero,” she teased, feeling more at ease with each passing moment.
“Since day one.” Jack said, pressing a kiss to her head.
Once they were done they walked further down the shore “This place is beautiful,” Maryse remarked, looking out at the horizon.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Jack replied, giving her hand a squeeze.
She rolled her eyes playfully. “Corny.”
Just as they were getting comfortable, Jack suddenly stopped and turned to her with a gleam in his eye. “You know what this beach walk is missing?”
“What?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Without warning, he scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder. “A little fun!” he declared, sprinting towards the ocean.
“Jack!” she shrieked, laughing as he ran. “Put me down!”
He charged into the water, the cool waves crashing around them. When they were waist-deep, he gently set her down. The surprise and exhilaration made her giggle uncontrollably.
“You are such a kid,” she said, splashing him with water.
“And you love it,” he replied, splashing her back.
They played in the water, their laughter echoing across the beach. For a moment, all past worries and concerns were washed away by the ocean. It was just the two of them, enjoying each other’s company and the simple joy of being together.
Jack watched as Maryse people watched from her beach chair, he couldn’t help but take his phone out to snap a photo of how beautiful she looked. Knowing this would be his only time on social media for the whole trip, he wanted to make it count.
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liked by urbanwyatt, yungskylark, dojacat,joeywagner, torikelly, jaytatum0, lifeofmonet and 856,789 others
jackharlow: if you need me….
view all 7,456 comments
user: the world is better now that y’all are back together
user: finally taking a vacation? I’m shocked
CoCoGram: thank you for getting her out that studio
urbanwyatt: oh so that’s where you escaped too
user: you get to wake up to that every morning and it’s not fair
dojacat: 🇧🇷
lifeofmonet: do not disturb 😌✌🏽
Maryse was doing her makeup in the bathroom mirror, carefully applying the final touches to her look for the evening. She was focused, making sure everything was perfect, when she glanced up and saw Jack standing in the doorway.
He was dressed in all white, looking almost god-like. The sight took her breath away. For a moment, she wished she could skip dinner altogether and have her way with him right there.
“You look incredible,” she said, unable to hide the admiration in her voice.
Jack smiled, walking over to her. “You’re not looking too bad yourself.”
Her cheeks warmed, turning back to the mirror to hide her smile. “You’re going to make it hard to concentrate on dinner.”
He leaned down, his breath warm against her ear. “Maybe that’s the point.”
Maryse shivered, a thrill running down her spine. “We have reservations, you know,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady.
“Reservations can wait,” Jack replied, his hands gently resting on her hips. “But if you insist, I guess we can make it quick.”
She laughed, playfully swatting his hands away. “As tempting as that sounds, I think we should at least show up before we cancel all our plans.”
Jack sighed dramatically. “Fine, but you owe me later.”
She turned to face him, their eyes locking. “I think I can manage that.”
They shared a lingering kiss before finally pulling away. With one last glance in the mirror, Maryse took Jack’s hand, ready to head out for their dinner date, even though part of her wished they could stay wrapped up in each other all night long.
As they sat down for dinner, Maryse found herself seated across from Jack, enjoying the cozy atmosphere of the restaurant. However, Jack had other plans. With a mischievous grin, he motioned for her to switch seats and sit next to him, wanting her closer.
Maryse laughed, but obliged, sliding into the seat next to him. “You just can’t bear to be apart from me, can you?” she teased, nudging him playfully.
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “Not even for a second,” he replied, planting a kiss on her cheek.
As they perused the menu, Maryse noticed that parts of it were in Portuguese. Having picked up a bit of the language from her time during tour last year, she was able to help translate for Jack, pointing out dishes that looked promising.
“Here, this one looks delicious,” she said, tapping on an item. “It’s a local specialty.”
Jack grinned, grateful for her help. “Thanks, love. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he said, giving her a squeeze.
Like always when they went out to dinner, they always ended up switching plates. As Maryse was taking a bite of his food she felt a chill run through her. Looking up, her heart dropped as she saw Nate walk into the restaurant, holding a girl's hand. What were the odds that he would be here at the same time as her? 
She froze for a moment, feeling a surge of unexpected emotions. Despite the time that had passed, seeing him brought back a flood of memories of their last encounter. 
Jack noticed the change in her demeanor and followed her gaze, his expression turning serious as he saw her ex enter the restaurant. “Is everything okay?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.
Maryse took a deep breath, trying to compose herself. “Yeah, it’s just… I didn’t expect to see him here,” she admitted, her voice slightly shaky. 
He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Hey, you don’t have to worry. You’re with me now, and I’ve got your back,” he said softly, his gaze steady and supportive.
They both continued dinner with Nate in the back of both their minds. Maryse decided to go to the restroom just as they were getting ready to leave the restaurant. She cursed to herself when she realized she would have to walk past him to get there. 
She tried to maneuver past Nate, hoping to avoid any interaction, but he reached out and stopped her.
“Maryse, wait,” he said, his voice pleading.
She turned to face him, her expression guarded. “What do you want? And let go of me.” she asked, her tone curt.
Nate immediately dropped his hand from her wrist. He then took a deep breath, visibly nervous. “I just… I wanted to apologize,” he began, his words coming out in a rush. Maryse had never seen him this nervous in her life. 
“I’ve been going to rehab and therapy, and I’ve been working on myself. I’m actually in a new relationship now. I know I messed things up between us, and I’m sorry. I just want you to know that I’m trying to be a better person.”
Maryse listened to his words, feeling a mix of emotions stirring inside her. She appreciated his efforts to change, but she couldn’t ignore the pain he had caused her in the past.
“I’m glad you’re getting help, and I really hope you’re treating her a lot better than you treated me,” she said finally, her voice tinged with resignation. “But the damage has already been done. I need you to respect my boundaries and leave me alone. I’m trying to move on with my life.”
Nate nodded, his expression crestfallen. “I understand,” he murmured, taking a step back.
She gave him a brief nod and turned around back towards the table deciding she just wanted to go back to her villa with Jack. As she got back to the table she could tell he had caught the tail end of her conversation with Nate. 
Jack reached out, gently squeezing her hand in reassurance. “If you ever need to talk about it, I’m here,” he said softly.
“I know.” Maryse said, bringing his hand up to her lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of his hand.
On the walk back to their villa, Maryse couldn’t help but be amazed at how much she had grown since the breakup with Nate. A year ago, an encounter like that would have sent her spiraling into a whirlwind of emotions, but now she felt a newfound sense of strength.
Jack was relieved to see Maryse handle the situation with such grace and composure. She seemed unfazed by Nate’s presence, and her boundaries she sat spoke volumes about her growth.
However, he couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that her Nate’s reappearance might stir up old wounds or trigger insecurities. He made a mental note to keep a close eye on Maryse in the coming days.
When they got back to their private villa from dinner, Jack carried Maryse in his arms, her laughter bubbling up as he strode through the doorway. He gently threw her onto the bed, a playful gleam in his eyes.
“Don’t rip my dress,” she warned, a teasing smile playing on her lips. “It’s expensive.”
He leaned over her, his breath warm against her skin. “I’ll buy you a new one,” he whispered before kissing her, silencing her protests. His lips were urgent, as he kissed her and she melted into him. His hands roamed her back, unzipping the dress with a practiced ease, his lips never leaving hers.
Maryse found herself caged in his arms, feeling the intensity of his need for her. “I love being in your arms,” she whispered, her voice barely audible against the rush of their shared breaths.
“And I love having you in mine,” he replied, his words a vow as much as an expression of his feelings. He kissed her again, slower this time, savoring the taste and feel of her, and she knew that this was where she was meant to be.
Hours later they were tangled into the sheets as they listened to the waves hitting the shore. “I’m obsessed with you,” Jack murmured, his lips brushing against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
She looked up at him, her eyes softening. “Good, because I’m obsessed with you too.”
“Say it again,” he demanded softly, his hands tracing gentle patterns on her skin.
Maryse loved how he always asked her to say it again, as if he needed to hear the words to believe in their reality.
“I’m obsessed with you,” she repeated, her voice filled with emotion. “I always have been.”
He kissed her deeply, a kiss that spoke of love, longing, and a future they both yearned for. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the two of them, together, wrapped up in their own world.
“I don’t ever want to be without you again,” he whispered against her lips.
“You won’t be,” she assured him, pulling him closer. “We’re in this together, now and always.”
As they drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but think about how much they had been through together, and how much stronger they were for it. The road to get back to this point wasn’t easy but it was worth it.
AN: I love them I really do let me know your thoughts!!
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ghoul-bonez · 11 months
~Anywhere Will Be Home If You’re With Me~
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(Neteyam x Fem! Na’vi! Reader)
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Summary: When the battle against the sky people begins you are determined to fight, even after being off of your feet for a few weeks, and you are lucky you decided to go.
Word Count: 3.3k
Author’s Note: Second to last chapter so ONE MORE after this one!!!
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~Last - Next~
~Series Masterlist~
~Main Masterlist~
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Anywhere Will Be Home If You’re With Me
You had arrived a few weeks ago now, and as you sat in the Sully family marui you felt a sense of unease. You felt the need to be constantly moving, to be useful and helpful. Jake had told you to pull your weight, and currently you were not doing that.
You were bored, and frustrated, with nothing to do, so you sat alone, watching as Neteyam and his siblings learned the Metkayina ways with Tsireya and Ao’nung. You had heard that Lo’ak had a few mix-ups with Ao’nung, but all you heard were stories as you were not allowed to join them, not yet anyway.
Ronal had told you that you could not swim for a few weeks. Your wound was large, and in a high movement area, so you were not allowed to do anything until the stitches came out. She also insisted you must build up the muscle more, some of it ripped apart from the trauma. Your leg needed to be strong enough to swim, and that would take even longer than just waiting for the stitches to come out.
On top of not being able to swim, Ronal had not allowed you to help her in Tsahík duties yet, telling you that you needed to rest until you were healed. She insisted you stay home and allow yourself to heal properly, unlike you had been doing before. She was determined to heal your wound successfully after you had torn it further on the flight there.
The most interesting your day got was when you would hobble to the Tsahík’s marui to allow Ronal to check on you. She said you were healing well, and you would be on the move soon, but soon was relative, and soon was not soon enough for you.
Soon was certainly not soon enough when you started hearing news of attacks on tulkuns from other surrounding villages. You had been allowed in the water once, for the return of the tulkuns, and because of that you knew how important the Metkayina people’s spirit siblings were to them.
Watching them connect was beautiful, and in some ways you envied their closeness to another creature, something so pure that there was nothing else that could compare. You craved that type of connection, all of your relationships a little rough around the edges, some because you weren’t the same species, and some because of your fears of other people.
Not long after the news of the initial attacks came there was more news, this time closer to home. This time it was one from your clan’s pod, and when they went to investigate it was discovered that it was Roa, Ronal’s spirit sister. What was worse was the loss of her calf who had passed alongside her.
When Jake and Neytiri returned, heads hung low, defeat on their faces, you knew something was wrong, very wrong. You weren’t sure what was coming next, but you had a good guess of what was going to happen.
War was coming.
War was coming, and soon enough it was here.
You had caught wind of a rally happening while you had been sitting in your marui, and when you arrived Tonowari was standing above everyone else, Ronal stood in the middle, face to face with Jake.
Ronal stood strong, but anger and grief were hidden in her eyes, “My Spirit Sister and her baby have been murdered by the Sky People!” She shouted, and everyone around her shouted angrily. Everyone’s emotions were running strong, anger and disbelief on faces and voices as they shouted.
Tonowari spoke now, “This war has come to us. We knew about this hunting of our tulkun people, but it was over the horizon, far away. Now it is here!” There was another uproar from the crowd, snarls and war cries sounded through the space, unrest among the people.
Jake growled in frustration, he was keeping his voice steady but you could tell he was edging on shouting, “No you dont… You gotta understand how the sky people think. They don’t care about the Great Balance.”
Someone you didn’t recognize from the crowd shouted out, “We don’t answer to sky people!” The crowd was already riled up, but there was another uproar, this time agreements ringing through the air.
Then a familiar voice called out, Neteyam, and your eyes snapped to him. He was holding some strange human technology that you didn’t recognize, but you knew it was bad. He shouted over the crowd, “Listen. Listen to him.” He begged the people.
Jake took his son’s words as a signal to talk more, giving a little more insight, hoping to get the people to understand what he was saying, “The sky people are not gonna stop. This is only the beginning. You gotta tell your tulkun to leave. You gotta tell them to go far away!
Ronal looked shocked, scowling at him, “Leave?” she scoffed in disbelief, “You live among us, and you learn nothing!”
Another voice you didn’t recognize rang out, “We will protect our brothers and sisters!” Whoops and hollers erupted from everyone, agreements being shouted all around.
Jake was becoming more frustrated and you could see him unraveling by the second, “No, no, no.” He shouted, “If you attack, if you fight, then they will destroy you! They will destroy everything that you love.”
You heard gasps ring out, and your stomach dropped, everything that you love. You had already almost lost them back in the forest, and you couldn’t do that again. You trusted Jake though, if he said not to fight, for the sake of your safety, you would stay put.
You knew others were feeling the same way as you, as Ronal placed her hand over her stomach, and people shouted frustratedly all around. Hisses and snarls were passed around. It was like anger surrounded you and you felt like you could never escape it.
This time you tried to do damage control, “Listen! Listen to him! He knows what he’s talking about!” Your voice came out louder, stronger, than anyone had heard before, and Neteyam looked at you, a proud smile on his face as he nodded towards you.
“No!” Jake shouted at the rebels against his words, “You hear my words!”
Another shout tried to drown him out, determined that they would get their way, they would not listen to the outsider, “We will fight! We will fight!”
Neteyam tried to create some peace in the crowd, loudly, but calmly, saying, “Stay calm. Stay calm! Listen to my father.”
Jake gritted his teeth harshly, teeth bared. He was really getting frustrated now, and it showed as he shouted, “Damn it!”
“He speaks the truth.” Neteyam hyped Jake up, backing up his words, everything he had said.
Jake moved quickly, stalking over to Neteyam and grabbing the device in his hands. He ran to stand where Tonowari was, on higher ground, where the people in charge would give their orders, and he held it up above his head. Everyone watched, a silence fell over them like a blanket smothering a flame, breaths held, as they waited for Jake to say something, “You tell your tulkun that if they’re hit by one of these, they’re marked for death.”
It was like all of the energy had been pulled from the room, the silence sickening as everyone awaited instruction from either of their clan leaders. The tension was palpable and you felt anxiety surge through you. You were just as involved in this as anyone else, and so you waited.
Finally Tonowari sighed, looking at Jake who continued his speech, “The calls for me, I’ll silence it. Saving their lives, that’s all that matters. Right? Saving your family…” He turned to Tonowari and Ronal, silently begging them to do something, anything.
It was like you were back on the beach the day you arrived as Tonowari and Ronal spoke silently to each other. As their eyes met each other you could tell they were unsure. They didn’t know what to do, but eventually they came to an understanding, an agreement.
Tonowari spoke, “Tell the tulkun…” That was the final verdict. The final decision. To tell their spirit siblings to leave, to get to safer waters, and you felt the energy shift in the room. It was a sense of mourning, for Ronal’s spirit sister, and for the loss of their time with their Tulkuns. Nobody knew the next time they would be able to see their spirit siblings, and that was a great loss for everyone involved.
When there was a pause where people seemed to still be awaiting instruction, was this their real decision, Ronal spoke loudly, practically shouting, “Go. Go!”
Then chaos broke out, people frantically calling for their ilus and tsurak to take them to their spirit siblings as quickly as possible.
Amongst the chaos of people rushing around you watched Lo’ak walk off, watching him carefully. You knew what he was doing, he was going to warn Payakan. Payakan who was a loner, who didn’t have anyone else to warn him, but you couldn’t allow Lo’ak to go.
As you watched Lo’ak run off to warn Payakan you had a bad feeling about it, like Eywa was telling you this was a bad decision. With her dread in your gut you tried your best to convince Lo’ak to stay, but he was having none of it. You practically begged him, not wanting any trouble, but he was determined and set off soon after.
When Neteyam and everyone else took off after him you felt panic surge in you. You had a bad feeling about this, like the Great Mother was putting a seed of doubt in your heart. You couldn’t stop the negative thoughts as they flooded your mind. What if your feeling was right? What if something happened? You wouldn't be there to help. You needed to be there to help.
Instead of following after them on your own you decided to find Neytiri and Jake. You would need backup, backup from someone you trusted, someone who knew what they were doing when it came to the sky people. You frantically looked around for them, eventually finding them asking a group of people if they had seen their kids.
Then as you were about to call out to them static crackled in your ears, someone was on the coms. Soon after a voice came, Lo’ak’s, “Dad. I mean, Devil Dog. Do you read me?” Your eyes went wide at hearing him, one thought rang through your head, they were in danger, “It’s Eagle Eye, do you copy?”
Jake was quick to respond, “Yeah, Lo’ak.” He didn’t bother to use the code names he was so insistent you all use.
Lo’ak was breathing hard and you felt your heart sink, what was going on, “Dad! We’re with a tulkun that’s under attack. Killer ship’s inbound. It’s about two klicks out.”
Jake seemed shocked, terrified. He had not expected his children to go out with this danger on the horizon, but this was Lo’ak, the one who never listened, “Who’s with you?” He rushed out.
Lo’ak was quick to answer back, not hesitating like he had in the forest what felt like years ago, but was more like a month, “It’s all of us. Ao’nung and Tsireya too. We’re at Three Brothers Rocks.” All of them, except for you, and you raced over to Neytiri and Jake, placing a hand on their shoulders to let them know you were still here.
Jake looked at you, taking notice you hadn’t gone with them, he nodded at you before talking back to Lo’ak, “You get to cover, and you do not engage. Alright? You hear me? Do not engage. We’re comin’.”
Lo’ak’s voice was shaky as he answered. “Yes, sir.”
When Neytiri stood there for a second, in shock, you shook her shoulder, jumping into action, “Let’s go. Let’s go!”
As you started running off, the adrenaline in your system numbing the pain in your leg, Jake quickly caught your arm, “You are not going anywhere. You are gonna sit your ass down and stay here.” He ordered.
You hissed out, “Okay. Fine, sir.” and Jake was shocked with how quickly you had agreed, usually you were more stubborn, but at the same time you were a rule follower. However what he didn’t know was that you fully intended to join them. You planned to fly in after the initial wave of warriors went out.
You headed back to your marui, and began silently gathering your weapons. You left your bow to make sure Jake wouldn't notice any of your weapons were missing when he came to gather his own, and when he did he didn’t seem suspicious of anything. You smiled slyly as he went around the marui, noticing your bow was still where it was earlier that day, he smiled at you.
When he and Neytiri left you gathered up your healer’s pouch, tying it around your waist securely before you hastily shoved a couple throwing daggers in it. Those would be your weapon of choice today, and you prayed they would be enough.
You took deep breaths, trying to keep yourself together, trying to keep yourself from losing it, and after you were confident you were okay you set off. You called your ikran to the beach, and mounted her swiftly. You made tsaheylu with her, thanking her for helping you before you shot off into the sky. She flew at record speeds and you used your nose and tracking abilities to find your way to the battle.
When you arrived you feared it was too late, many tawtute bodies were scattered all over, alongside fallen soldiers from your side as well. You gave Eywa a silent prayer before circling the area once more.
This time you saw something that made your gut twist and heart sink.
He was being drug out of the water, and as you watched him unmoving you feared you had already lost him. You feared you were too late. You watched with watery eyes as Spider, Lo’ak, Tsireya, and Jake all held him by different limbs, and you heard shouting about watching his head.
You had to get down there.
You allowed them to get him onto the rock before you landed on your ikran, quickly dismounting her and running to Neteyam’s side. You collapsed to your knees next to him, and looked him over carefully. He was pale, a hand held over his thigh where blood was seeping through his fingers.
“Neteyam!” You shouted, or more like sobbed, and his head lulled in your direction, eyes narrowed and tired, “No, no! Ma Neteyam.” You practically sobbed out, grasping his other hand.
“Ma tiyawn…” He whispered, his voice was weak, “I’m sorry, so sorry.”
You wiped away your tears, trying to clear your vision so you could focus on him, “No! You will be okay. I’ll… I am going to help you.” You let go of his free hand and pried his other one from his thigh, and when you saw what was wrong you gasped.
He was shot.
It went in, but there was no exit wound as you flipped him over enough to check. You didn’t know how to heal that, but you were going to figure it out. You pulled Jake over by the arm, ordering him, “Put pressure on it. I’m going to look through my pouch.”
You opened your pouch, dumping out its contents and cringing as your knives clambered on the ground. You looked through everything you had, studying the situation.
He was bleeding, a lot, and fast, and soon he would bleed out, so you had to address that first. You pulled out a paste, and as you dipped your fingers into it you knew it would sting, so you spoke to Neteyam calmly, trying to distract him although he was on the verge of passing out, “Talk to me, Teyam. Talk to me, don’t stop. Stay awake.”
Neteyam didn’t answer right away, crying out in pain, his hand moved to your thigh to grip it as you applied the paste, “Talk to me.” You ordered him again, “Neteyam talk to me…” You practically begged him, also begging the Great Mother momentarily to allow you to keep him with you. You needed her strength to get through this.
Neteyam whimpered, but he responded this time, “Now we’re matching…” He tried to joke, his hand gently rubbing your thigh, fingers grazing over your stitches, before continuing, “I’m sorry (Y/n). I’m sorry…” His eyes were squeezed closed, and you watched helplessly as tears rolled down his face.
You were quick to hush him, trying to calm him, “Shh, shh. It’s okay, you don’t need to apologize.” You finished applying the paste, placing a kiss to his forehead, before turning back to his father, “Jake, keep pressure on it until the bleeding stops.” You ordered him, and his hands went back to applying pressure as Neteyam flinched away, trying to get away from the pain it caused.
Neteyam gasped for air, trying to stay awake and not pass out from the pain Jake was causing, although it was necessary, “I know you want to go back to the forest, I’m sorry you had to come here. I’m sorry. I just want to go home… I want to be home with you…” He sobbed, more tears rolling down his face.
You followed his lead, tears wetting your cheeks as well, “You are my home. Anywhere will be home if you’re with me. I will be happy anywhere with you. I promise.” You tried to reassure him, “I just need you to stay with me!” You cried out.
“It’s stopped…” Jake muttered in disbelief, and your head whipped to him, “It’s stopped!” He shouted, relief flowing through his veins, “Thank you! Thank you (Y/n)!”
He lifted his hands, and you watched intently, making sure it wouldn’t start up again, and when no more blood poured from the wound you let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you Eywa. Thank you Great Mother!” You shouted, face up to the sky. You would be forever grateful to her.
The peace only lasted a little longer before Neteyam was groaning again, trying to reposition himself to get the pain to go away, “It hurts. Please, (Y/n), do something…”
You sighed, cradling his face in your hands as Jake kept him from moving too much, his hands pushing down on Neteyam’s shoulders to keep him in place, “I can’t yawne, but you can rest now. Rest…”
It was like that was all he needed before his eyes slipped closed, and you watched him sleep as his chest rose steadily, you laying your ear against his chest to hear his heart beating. He would be okay, and that was what mattered right now.
“What is going on?” You heard Neytiri shout, and you realized she must have just flown in, “Is he okay?”
You didn’t have the energy to respond, instead just breathing with Neteyam. You had helped him successfully, saved him, and you figured someone else could respond for you. Jake answering her faded into the background, sounds becoming fuzzy as adrenaline oozed out of you, leaving you exhausted.
You truly meant it when you told Neteyam, “Anywhere will be home if you’re with me.” and you thanked Eywa for allowing you to keep your home. Your safety. You were relieved he was okay, and would be in the future. If he was okay, you were okay.
As the relief that he is okay floats away from you other thoughts consume you. Thoughts of revenge, thoughts of murder. You had to get revenge, had to make whoever did this feel just as scared as Neteyam did, make them feel pain like he had. You would kill whoever did this to him, or whoever was in charge.
You would kill Quaritch.
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Word Bank:
Marui (Metkayina homes)
Metkayina (Ocean Na’vi)
Tsahík (Spiritual leader)
Tulkun (Whale-like creatures)
Ilu (Metkayina animal transportation)
Tsurak (Skimwing)
Eywa (Na’vi goddess)
Ikran (Mountain Banshee)
Tsaheylu (The Bond)
Tawtute (Sky people, humans)
Tiyawn (Love)
Great Mother (Eywa)
Yawne (Beloved)
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@xstarsmvxz @netedoongie @c-h-i-l @rose-brulante @purple-imaginess @n7cje @celi-xxmoon @innercreationflower @btsiguess-kpop @hana-yuri
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Hi guys!
I don’t write by for Ingrid usually, I admit to having trouble imagining it with someone else than Mapi ' I hope you will like it anyway ♥
The requests are always open, I try to answer them as soon as possible:)
TW: Complicated breakup, sadness
Your breakup wasn’t easy. Not because it took place with screams, arguments and fights, perhaps it would have been easier if things had gone this way.
No, your breakup with Ingrid was on good terms, with mature discussions despite your young age and a good understanding afterwards. This didn't stop your heart from being broken and never being able to repair itself despite the time that passed. Because you loved her, you still love her actually.
Playing both in Barcelona, you made the decision to broke up after finding that your personal quarrels could have an impact on your morale and therefore your game. And it was obviously for both of you that the rest of the team doesn't have to suffer because of you.
So you decided to stop there, plunging yourself into a kind of constant gloom. Fortunately, you could count on your friends to be there for you and cheer you up. Even your friends were perfect because none of them took sides and interfered in it, just offering to go out when you couldn’t hide your sadness. Seeing Ingrid every day on a continuous basis may not have helped so much that you move on, but you were still happy that she continues to be part of your life.
Things started to change this summer when a new girl joined your team. You promised not to date anyone else on the team out of respect for each other. Not that you were ever interested in someone else, still recovering.
But you would have been blind if you hadn’t noticed the connection that quickly developed between Ingrid and this new girl. The Norwegian seemed happier and who were you to stop her? You weren’t sure you could bear to see this though, and even though you knew perfectly well that Ingrid would never break her promise, it was too hard for you to watch it.
So when your agent informed you that Real Madrid had made an offer to FC Barcelona for a loan in september, you agreed. And here you are.
To be honest, the first thing you did when you arrived in Madrid was to cry your eyes out. You didn’t want to be here, but you didn’t give yourself a choice. Barcelona already missed you and it was nothing compared to the lack left by your friends. Far from your native country for your profession, they had gradually replaced your family.
After a few hours, you finally got up to go drink a big glass of water and refresh your face. A good idea since a few minutes later your phone rang, displaying Ona’s name, asking you for a Facetime. After taking a look at your appearance, you pick up and put a superficial smile on your lips.
"Hola chica!" says Ona smiling and you quickly realize that she is not alone.
Beside her are Lucy, Alexia, Claudia and Jana. You settle down on your sofa repatriated from Barcelona, feeling once again your throat tighten.
"Hola. What's up?"
"Nothing, we just wanted to know if you had arrived well"
Alexia embellishes her answer with a smile and you start to tell your adventures of the move, before showing them your apartment at their express request. You clearly don’t feel at home, but don’t mention it. You know you have to take responsibility for your choices and it starts with not asking where Ingrid is.
"I must hang up, I haven't unpacked the boxes of my clothes yet and I must find myself a pajama"
Your excuse sucks, but none of the five show anything. On the contrary, they say goodbye, Ona informing you that she gave your number to Olga and that she will contact you quickly. You thank her with a smile before you hang up.
"She’s not ok" Alexia said after she hung up.
"Not at all" confirmed Lucy and Ona in one voice.
As Ona informed you, Olga quickly contacted you to offer to accompany you to training, which you accepted. You don’t really know what the Catalan woman told her, but Olga seems to have taken on a mission to take care of you and ensure that your integration goes as smoothly as possible. This helped obviously, even though it apparently created a new ship on TikTok.
You’ve been avoiding social media like the plague these past few weeks, tired of seeing edits about your ex’s with her likely future girlfriend. At the same time, if things are going this way, it’s all your fault, leaving them free to be.
The training is going pretty well, even if it doesn’t look like the ones you live in Barcelona. But thanks to Olga’s introduction you quickly formed some friendly bonds with other girls, even if you still miss your friends terribly. You call several times a day, appreciating that they sometimes mention Ingrid’s name to give you news.
The next time you see them is during the famous derby between Real Madrid and Barcelona. Your team is making the trip, but you feel like you’re going home. Arriving by train in the morning, you don’t have much time to spend with the Barcelona team. The truth is, you don’t find them again until the teams training the same day.
You were busy stretching when you heard a cry of joy and a body jumped on your back a few seconds later. You smile despite yourself by recognizing Jana who comes down from you after a few seconds. When you turn around, you face not only Jana but also Ona, Alexia and other of your teammates. But not Ingrid.
"It’s so good to see you again" Lucy said, pulling your cheek like an old aunt would do to her niece.
"For me too, until now" you joke, snaping the English hand before greeting each of them with a hug.
You start a conversation, some of your new teammates come to greet the players of Barcelona. You lose the thread however when you see finally appear a silhouette in the distance, which you would recognize between thousand. You feel your heart miss a beat and you find yourself foolishly making Alexia repeat the sentence she just said.
A strange relief takes hold of you when you see Ingrid making her way towards you, smiling and hugging you quickly. Unfortunately, the reunion between you two is quickly cut by your coach who calls you. Saying goodbye with the general hand, you turn around before following the rest of your team.
You lost the game, despite an endless battle throughout the game. Playing against your team has been difficult for you and you have not been able to find the way for the girls for the first time in several matches. That was what you were supposed to do, score goals.
After your shower, you declined the offer of your teammates to meet in the hotel bar. You pretended to have something else to do and they didn’t look any further, probably imagining you were going to join your friends in Barcelona. They did offer to join them, but you simply replied that you would see.
You preferred to join the field, settling on the central circle to think. Completely deserted, the lights are however still on and do not plunge you into complete darkness. It’s a bit cold and you regret not putting on a jacket over your sweatshirt. Wearing white and the Real Madrid logo always makes you feel weird, but you think you’ll get used to it.
"I was looking for you"
You heard the sounds of hesitating steps approaching you, but you did not move. Ingrid’s voice brings you back as always to all the good memories you shared and you close your eyes a few seconds before turning back to her.
"Can I sit with you?"
You nod, pointing to a place next to you. You are not sure of your voice and don't want to take the risk of seeing it waver when speaking. You feel your jaw tighten anticipating what she will tell you, certainly announce you her couple. Ingrid is quite the type to want to inform you face to face of the thing rather than impose it on you via networks.
"I'm sorry I didn't call you" Ingrid mumbles while playing with the grass "things were kind of difficult"
You frown. How falling in love and being happy can be difficult? Lost, you look at her for the first time in since like forever.
"Why did you leave?"
She looks at you and man, those eyes... You’ve never seen another eyes so blue, so pure and innocent. You swallow with difficulty and look down, suddenly finding the tip of your sneakers particularly fascinating.
"I wanted more experiences and see other game techniques" you shrugs, never looking at her.
"No. Y/N, why did you leave?"
Of course she wasn't going to believe you. You sigh and briefly close your eyes, regretting your gesture when you feels tears burning the corner of your eyes.
"I couldn’t take it anymore" you finally answer, your troat burning.
"What?" asks Ingrid, her voice so low.
"You. Her. You deserve to be happy and if it's with her, it's ok. But I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing you both every day. And I knew you would keep your promise. I didn’t want to be an obstacle to you again."
"You're such an idiot."
You look at Ingrid to see that she’s not looking at you. Leaning on both hands, she looked up at the stars but shook her head with a bitter smile.
"What?" you ask, completely lost.
She sighs and you see her jaw contracting, as if trying to correctly formulate what she's about to tell you. You give her time though, too happy to have an excuse to admire her.
"It never was a love affair between me and her and it will never be. I was never interested in her other than as a friend."
"But... Wh-Why" you stutter, trying to make sense of that information.
"Oh my god Y/N!" Ingrid half-screams, throwing her arms in the air as a sign of exasperation.
And that scares you. Angry Ingrid would scare anyone. You don't understand though, you were doing everything to make her happy and it doesn’t seem to work. Still lost, you keep looking at her without understanding.
Next thing you know, your face is trape between your ex-girlfriend’s hands and her lips are on yours. The kiss is neither gentle nor delicate. It's rather full of urgency and almost despair. You lose your balance in your embrace and you find yourself lying on the grass that was turned into a battlefield a few hours ago. This does not interrupt your kiss, and now that you have regained your senses you respond to Ingrid’s kiss with as much intensity as she does.
Ingrid half lying on you, you feel your lungs screaming for air. But you don’t want it to stop, fearing it’s your last kiss. So when you feel the Norwegian coming off of you, you press on her neck and chase her lips for a new kiss.
Soon after, you find yourself again immersed in her gaze as she whispers
"It's you. It has always been you. I missed you so much, I can't stay here without you. Please come back here. Please come back to me. I'll do anything you want."
So you do. Instead of extending your contract, you’re back in Barcelona for Christmas. To Ingrid.
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Heart heart heartbreak -JJ Maybank
Warnings: swearing, violence, talking of throwing up, drinking
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It was the first kegger of the year at the boneyard and you were there with the pogues, completely wasted as your body moved to the best of the music. As the night started to get later, your actions started to get more and more sloppy; especially when you spotted your ex boyfriend there with his new girl of the night.
It caused you to down 3 drinks one right after the other, JJ appearing at your side as he watched you across the beach. “Woah, woah woah. Let’s slow down, alright?” He took the red solo cup from your hands, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as your body started to droop and stumble. “You gotta quit it with the drinks, okay? I think that’s enough and we need to get you home.” You barely heard his words as the alcohol all came crashing down on you at once, a groan leaving your lips. The alcohol coursing through your system was too much and you started to feel the world absolutely spinning in circles. You let out a soft groan as you leaned your full weight on JJ; hoping and praying you wouldn’t puke all over him.
He steadied you as he started to walk you back to the Twinkie, getting John B’s permission to use it to take you back to the chateau. Everyone was worried about you and they all knew how hard you were taking the breakup. “Man, Maybank. Should’ve known she’d be on your dick as soon as I ditched her.” JJ’s jaw tightened the second he heard the words, the other pogues walking up as soon as they saw your ex boyfriend approaching. “JJ.” Kie’s voice could be heard as warning as she stepped up to put her hand out and between the two boys, blue piercing eyes looking down at you. You were absolutely miserable thanks to this asshole and JJ couldn’t have that.
“Hey, pretty girl. I’m gonna send you with Pope and Kie, okay? I’ll come find you in a few, I promise.” His voice was soft as he carefully handed you over to his other friends, ignoring the glares from both of them. “You know, you have a lot of nerve showing up here.” The words coming out of the blonde boys mouth sounded foreign even to him as he squared up to the taller boy, a knowing look on both of their faces. This was not going to end well and they both knew it.
“This is my part of the island too, if you didn’t remember. Besides, I had to come see who she was whoring herself out for now.” Your ex had a wide smirk on his lips and JJ wound up to end the guys whole life when you showed up beside JJ, stumbling slightly. You shared a look with the blonde boy before your fist connected with your ex boyfriends cheek, causing him to stumble backwards and fall over a branch. You had caught a brief second wind and intended to use it to make him pay. “Say that again, I didn’t hear you.” Your words were laced with venom as you spit in the sand beside him, Kie and Pope both coming up to put their arms around you. “I said, I’m checking who you are whoring around with now.” The wind was quickly knocked out of him as the words left his lips, JJ’s boot connecting with his stomach.
He watched the man squirm and groan in pain in the sand before he turned him over with his boot, standing on his chest with one foot. “You’re gonna fucking leave and never come back, or I will fucking end you.” JJ’s words were laced with a promise, fire flashing in them as he showed the gun in the waistband of his pants. “And if you think I’m scared of going to jail for killing you, you must not realize how little I have to lose.” The blonde leaned down for the last part to be heard, his hands finding way to hold your ex up by the collar of his shirt. “Yeah, end up in jail like your good for nothing father.” The words hung in the air for all of a second before JJ absolutely lost his temper, striking the man under him repeatedly with his fists.
“JJ!” The scream that left Kie’s lips was shrill and loud, gaining the attention of the entire party. John B was running over by now, him and one of their other friends dragging JJ off the other man. “Are you fucking mad, dude?! You’re gonna fucking kill him!” John B pushed him back with both of his hands on JJ’s chest, watching the blonde boy stutter step back with a sick smirk on his face. “Too bad I don’t care if I do.” John B shook his head and pointed at you, your body now bent over a stump on the sand as you expelled all your stomach contents.
His face instantly softened and he rushed to your side, dropping down to his knees in the sand beside you. You let out a sick groan as you felt JJ’s busted hands on your back, one hand coming up to pull your hair out of your face. “Let it out, I’m here.” His voice was now soft and laced with concern as he slipped his shirt over his head to help clean you up with. “I wanna go home and sleep.” Your words were enough to shatter his heart as you said them between heaves, tears rolling down your cheeks.
He nodded and picked you up in his arms bridal style once you stopped throwing up, your head lolling against his shoulder as he carried you to the Twinkie. He carefully set you down on the seat as he put a jacket over your body. You passed out cold on the drive back to the chateau, JJ peaking back to look at you as he drove carefully. “I love you. I wish you knew that.” The words left his lips and he shook his head, pulling into the grass and getting out to carry you inside. He would be there for you as long as you needed him, that was his job as your best friend. But, he couldn’t help but want to be more for you especially now.
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Friendly Competition
Thor x plus size reader x Steve Rogers
Thor and Steve were always competitive and what’s the best way to figure out who’s better? Obviously it’s an all day sex marathon with their perfect little sub who can't keep up.
Request: At bottom of post
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, double penetration, use of a safe word, aftercare, fluff, oral (m receiving), fingering, overstimulation, slight d/s dynamics, sub!reader, mentions of sub dropping, Steve and Thor are not together but we know Thor is veeeeery affectionate with his friends, humour and fluff
WC: 1.7k
Minors DNI
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“Fuck doll! You’re so fucking tight!” Steve was pounding into Y/N violently. One of her plump thighs was thrown over his broad shoulder while the other was wrapped around his thin waist so he could get his cock so deep in her she could feel it in her stomach as her head hung off the other side of the bed.
“Her mouth is like Valhalla.” Thor could see the outline of his own dick embedded in her throat as she struggled to take his godly length. She gargled around him, her gag reflex being pushed to the absolute limit. “Of course you wouldn’t be a giver.” Steve snarled. “You just want to use her for your pleasure.”
Then, as if to prove his point, the soldier’s thumb connected with her clit, shoving her over the edge of yet another orgasm. “I am not a selfish lover.” The other man growled viciously, yanking himself away from her mouth. A thick line of spit and pre-cum dripped from her swollen lips as she coughed, trying to regain her breath. “Guys.” She attempted to speak but it came out as more of a croak.
“Pick her up, Rogers.” Without so much as a break in his rhythm, Steve lifted Y/N, fitting her to his chest as he stepped back from the bed. “G-god.” She whimpered, tucking her face into the crook of his neck while he continued to thrust up into her. The tip of his nine inch cock was bashing into her cervix in an almost painful manner but kept pushing her higher and higher. 
Her ankles locked over his tight ass, keeping him embedded within her. “That’s it doll, you can take it.” He murmured lovingly into her h/c hair, letting his arms wrap around her thick waist, his hands coming to rest on the side of her plump stomach. 
Thor watched the pair for a moment, mesmerized by the way the light of the setting sun illuminated their sweaty skin, making their coupling look as if it was painted by the gods themselves. Steve’s short blond hair was sticking up in a multitude of different directions from Y/N burying her fingers in it as he ate her out what must have been an hour or two ago. His blue eyes were blown out with a lustful fire that didn’t seem like it was going to extinguish any time soon. 
They were both covered in a multitude of bruises and bites, that would fade quickly for the super soldier, but remain for days on their little sub. They were marking her from the inside out, both reminding her who she belonged to and competing with each other for who truly owned her. Fat tears rolled down her full cheeks, further spreading the mascara that she applied this morning, across her face, staining her s/c skin even darker. 
The god’s gaze traveled down to where the pair were connected. Y/N’s pussy was stretched tightly around his length, struggling to take him fully even after hours of fucking her already. Her thighs were coated in not only her own arousal but also the remnants of both of their seed. A waste, he tutted, wishing he could push it back deep inside her, where it belonged.
Y/N gasped as she felt Thor’s muscular body push tightly against her back, his cock, which was somehow even bigger than Steve’s, fitting into the cleft of her ass. “Prepare yourself for me.” He whispered into her ear, allowing the fingers of his right hand to trail down her spine slowly. Her back arched away from the super soldier, and let her head loll onto Thor’s knotted shoulder, her nose finding the spot just under his jaw that made him shiver with delight.
As the tips of his fingers finally reached the end of her back, she braced herself from his godly touch to breach her ass, a personal favourite of his but he kept going lower until he was pressing into the place where Steve’s cock was splitting her open. “Fuck Thor, don’t do that.” Steve whined as more pressure was added to the sensitive underside of his cock, making his hips stutter for a moment.
Thor grinned wickedly before he pushed his index finger inside her. The air was immediately knocked from Y/N’s lungs. Her pussy burned with the stretch, something she would usually enjoy but now just felt painful to her overstimulated body. “I’ll make her feel better than you ever could Rogers. We both know she prefers my cock.”
A second finger joined the first, attempting to scissor her open even further. “What’s your record for the times she’s cum for you? Oh right it’s 14. Do you remember what mine was? Don’t answer that, it’s 23.” Steve snarled back, readjusting his grip so he now held her thighs, allowing him to punch even deeper into her. Y/N’s mind was going hazy with pain that was quickly overtaking her pleasure.
“14 just from my cock, you had to use your mouth and your fingers.” The words were caught in her throat as she struggled to breathe. She was too full, too overworked. She felt a third digit threaten to breach her and suddenly she could speak again.
Immediately everything stopped. Thor carefully withdrew his fingers and stepped back, knowing that too much touch could send her hurtling towards a sub drop. Steve didn’t pull out yet, waiting for her to tell them what she needed. “Dove, are you ok?” 
She shook her head and clung to Steve, her body slumping against his strong chest. “Thor, go start a bath.” Ever the Captain, Steve takes charge. His large hand comes up to cup the back of her head, guiding her lips to his ear so she doesn’t have to speak very loudly. 
Y/N vaguely hears Thor leave the bedroom and the tap begin to run but is quickly distracted when the blond lifts up her plump body just enough for his cock to slip out of her. “Shhh it’s ok, pretty girl. I’ve got you.” He coos as she hisses in pain, her tears wetting his skin. 
“S-Steve.” Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, clinging to him. “What do you need doll?” “You n Thor.” She murmured, nosing at his neck for some sort of comfort.
“Can you stay awake long enough for a bath?” She nodded. “One more thing, are you hurt anywhere?” An arm slipped under her butt as his other hand gently massaged her neck, his bulky body swaying slightly like he was trying to rock her to sleep. Y/N shook her head. “Jus sore.” 
“Bath is ready.” Steve sighed in relief at Thor’s call from the en suite. He kept his steps light as to not jostle the woman in his arms too much while he carried her to their partner. The God had already taken his place in the tub, his long hair tied up out of his face as he settled in the scalding water. 
Without a word, he lifted his arms to take Y/N from the other man, carefully lowering her into the bath in front of him, fitting her soft body between his legs, her back to his chest. Y/N groaned as her sore muscles were submerged in the hot water. “There we go dove. Just relax.”
There was a beat of silence, Steve having left the room to clean up in preparation for them all going to bed, before Thor spoke again. “Do you wish to talk about it?” That was the great thing about her men, they never pushed if she wasn’t ready, providing a silent comfort that always made her feel incredibly safe. 
Thor fit his chin into the crook of her neck, pecking the delicate skin that was littered with bruises. Y/N placed her hands on top of his which rested on her plump stomach, giving them a little squeeze. “It just got to be too much.” She simply said.
He hummed in agreement. “I am sorry we didn’t notice sooner. But you were such a good girl for using your safe word. I am so proud of you, my perfect little dove.” Thor rubbed his scruffy cheeks under her jaw, making Y/N let out a soft giggle and further relax into his arms.
They watched in silence as the last of the sun’s rays began to disappear over the horizon, splashing the evening sky with deep purples and oranges before they faded, leaving the stars to shine brightly down on them. The bath soon grew cold and as Thor helped her from the deep tub, Steve walked back in now dressed in a tight shirt and sweats, a warm towel for each of them in hand.
“There she is. How are you feeling doll?” He flashed his pearly whites at her, purposefully laying on the charm thick. He pulled her into his embrace and wrapped her up tightly in the oversized towel so she couldn’t wiggle away. “‘M better.” She replied sleepily, letting him pick her up and carry her back to the bedroom, Thor closely trailing behind, his own towel hanging lowly on his thin waist.
The sheets had been changed and the multitude of ruined clothes put in the laundry. There was even a tray of snacks already sitting on the bedside table along with a copy of her favourite book and three steaming mugs of hot chocolate. “Did you do all that Stevie?” 
Placing a kiss to her forehead, he carefully set her down. “‘Course I did. I want only the best for my best girl.” 
“Thank you very much for this feast, friend!” Thor boomed. Steve barely had time to react before the god cupped his clean shaven cheeks and planted a very sloppy kiss to his lips then walked over to the food like nothing had happened. 
“Huh.” Y/N breathed. “Guess I’m awake now.” She shrugged and let the towel fall to the ground as she joined Thor on the bed. With a kiss to her own lips, he began to feed her some berries in a comfortable silence.
Steve still stood in the middle of the room, blue eyes wide in shock. “This better not have awoken anything in me.”
Request: Hi Lou, hope you’re doing good. Based on my last ask here me out for a request which you don’t have to do if you don’t want too 😂 Thor x plus size reader  x Steve So basically a threesome between them and reader because there cocky  and competitive little shits that we love  and We know they are rough in bed it’S Thor and Steve come on now, however because of this and the competitive they keep saying things like. “ I’m making her feel good not you look at her” ect so caught up in that they don’t see reader is getting overwhelmed and tired and can’t go no more. ( maybe they been going for like hours and reader has a high libido but with Steve and Thor she just can’t keep up anymore) So she uses a safe word but it’s just fluff at the end and all that fun stuff
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ashintheairlikesnow · 8 months
For She Was Afraid
Sigh Not So | Secrets Hid Away | Shed Tears Aplenty | Fire Down Below | Rolling Down | Won't You Go My Way? | The Seas No More | The Nightingale's Song | Bones in the Ocean | For She Was Afraid |
CW: Magical whump, nonhuman whumpee, creepy whumper, it used as pronoun for nonhuman whumpee
"You have had this power a year," Atabei hissed as soon as the door to the study closed and the two of them were alone. Her hand around his arm felt like claws digging in to his skin, she had gripped on so tight. "And you have killed two people?"
Gilly swallowed, looking around to avoid having to face Atabei directly. The study had a large wooden desk - Eliza's late husband's apparently, from the old-fashioned design, the masculine weight and size of it. Correspondence scattered across the top, with a few books at one corner, and comfortable chairs on either side.
The walls were lined with bookshelves. There must have been two hundred books in this little room, and this wasn’t even the library.
Being the young widow of a very rich man had its benefits, Gilly supposed, and it seemed Atabei’s lady love had made the most of all of them.
“Guilford!” Atabei snapped her fingers in front of his eyes, making him jump. “I asked you a question!”
"I know! I know, my sincerest apologies-... it’s just, I didn’t kill two people…. Well, I did, but it was only one done with purpose," Gilly admitted, shamefaced, stopping to touch the spine of one particular tome. This shelf held Atabei's books on magic, carefully inconspicuous in a study full of reading material. In golden relief, the title read An Uncertain World: A Treatise on the Toa Volcano and Its Magical Properties as Befits the Pursuit of Certain Sciences. He was nearly asleep from boredom simply finishing the title. "The other was… well, very much so an accident."
Atabei stood with her back to the door, arms crossed. Here at home, her hair hung loose in its thousand braids, a glimmering waterfall of black, and she wore pants much like his own and a loose white shirt.
"An accident?" Atabei huffed an irritated sigh, fixing a glare on him he could feel even without looking up to see it. "I am not as stupid as you must think me to be, Guilford."
"No! No, Beibei, not at all. I'm not lying to you." He went to her, but she did not look at him directly. Her jaw was set with the stubborn distaste he knew so well, but had almost never seen aimed at him. "The ship's captain had a weak heart. When I commanded the siren to make him too afraid to tell what he was, it gave out. I did not mean for him to die."
“And why did the captain discover what the siren was in the first place? Hm?” Her changing accent was heavier here at her home, too, the low drawl more pronounced. Her eyes flickered to his and then away again, but it wasn’t weakness.
Not with Atabei.
“You did not keep him clothed?”
Well, no. He hadn’t. But Gilly didn’t think that was relevant. “He… misunderstood the nature of my connection to the siren. He thought it was a young man, and that…” He trailed off, face burning with embarrassment merely retelling the conversation, the captain’s sly accusations and subtle threats. “Well, the captain thought… he thought…”
Atabei’s voice was desert dry and even less forgiving. “He thought you were fucking him.”
“Beibei!” Gilly’s mouth dropped open in shock. “I’ve never heard you speak so vulgarly!”
“And yet now you have, and I am the same Beibei I was when you first made me flower crowns,” Atabei said, and there was a gentle teasing softening her voice that made him think perhaps she wasn’t truly angry, or not so angry he could not break through it anyway. She took a deep breath. "I can see now. He threatened you, threatened to expose you, and you thought the siren could help wipe his memory clean.”
Atabei didn’t need to know any of that.
“Yes, yes exactly.” Gilly leaped on this lovely lie, so much kinder than the truth. Better than telling her about the captain suggesting he might make good use of such a fine young man with such a lovely face and strong, lithe body. Better the softer lie than the truth of Gilly’s answering negotiation into sitting in the corner and watching it happen. Better than admitting that the captain had been pushing the siren down onto the bed in his quarters when the creature had sung him into fear. Or that Gilly had made sure the ship believed fully that the captain had died in flagrante delicto with a pretty passenger, which the crew had seemed… unsurprised by.
In any case, she swallowed, keeping her eyes on the windows with their heavy drapes on the other side of the room. "Fine. I can understand the accident. And the other?”
“Not an accident. The widow Neumann, who let me the rooms I was staying in?”
“Yes, the sweet little old lady.”
“... right. That one. Well, her death had a purpose. She left me everything, you see. I am… a wealthy man these days. If I had small ambitions, I would have enough to live on in comfort for the rest of my life.”
Atabei’s eyes searched over his face. “You have larger ambitions.”
“I do. This is only how I begin, Beibei. I’ll be a king, or more, before I am done.”
She nodded. There was a distant sadness in her, as if she mourned the gift he had asked of her, that she had given him. “You want that more than anything. I am happy I could help you take the first steps on your path.”
She moved away from him to sit behind the massive desk in a well-loved leather chair, leaning back and putting her feet up, crossed at the ankles. She was so very different here at home, with the coastal breezes fluttering over the drapes. So much more herself, more like how she had been when they were children. “Is there evidence? Can they trace it back to you?”
“No, no.” He waved away her concern, taking his own seat on the other side, wishing he had a glass of liquor in hand, but… Atabei was not one for alcohol here at home, and he knew there would be none unless this mysterious Eliza enjoyed it. “I was with her, but… she signed with her own hand, steady and strong. You couldn’t possibly have said it was forged. I mean, it wasn’t. I watched her sign each and every one.”
“Hm.” Atabei looked a little confused. “And then?”
“Then she drank a glass of strychnine mixed with wine, and died.”
“I didn’t know she had such a fondness for you as all that,” Atabei said, her expression of confusion deepening, although her wry humor was still intact. She even smiled, just a little, as he head tipped back against the back of the chair. “It is a great love one must feel for one’s downstairs tenant to drink deadly poison simply to expedite the tenant's inheritance.”
“Ha! I hated her more than any other soul and I daresay she did nothing but pity me, but it didn’t matter. I brought my sea creature up with me, and had it sing to her. After a while… she began to see things my way. I did her a kindness, really, if you think about it. She would have died in terror eventually, alone in her gigantic house, her little dog chewing on her toes-”
“Guilford, please,” Atabei said, face paling. “Let’s not talk about that.”
“Right. Anyway, this way she had someone she adored with her at the end, and I even gave her little dog to a friend of hers.”
“You hate that dog.” Atabei’s eyebrows raised again. “You used to joke about tossing it into the ocean for the sharks.”
“And you will yourself note that while yes, I did say that, it was a joke. It wasn’t the dog’s fault it was bred and born to drive me absolutely raving mad with its noise and that it had to be the size of a small tea kettle. The stupid thing is living a life of sheer luxury with the widow’s oldest and wealthiest friend, who has a dozen servants on hand at all times and a granddaughter who will no doubt adore the dog’s decidedly ugly smashed-up little face. And the way it breathes…” He shuddered.
“I… all right. Well, that is reassuring.” She tapped her fingernails on the desk, utterly at her ease in here. It must be her study and hers alone, now, if she kept her books on magic in here and felt them secure. “But… wait, Guilford. You said you had the siren sing.” Atabei’s eyes widened. “The siren’s song doesn’t work on women. It is well known. Only men can be fooled by their voices.”
“I know, I know, but it did work on her. And it’s worked on… three other women besides, since then. I’ve tested it.” At Atabei’s thoroughly nonplussed expression, Gilly flushed and hastened to add, “Simply to make them forget they had seen its markings, Beibei! I’m not a monster.”
Besides which, he had the siren itself to slate his lusts on now. Something about the way it still sometimes wept with his hands around its neck or dropped its human glamor to bare rows of sharp teeth without any ability to use them on him did more for his desires than any woman’s softness ever had.
The siren was a creature who should have torn him limb from limb, but Guilford controlled that power, that ferocious rage. It took real effort not to have arousal overtake him just thinking about it.
“Good. I will not aid a man who uses such a power to do harm to women.”
“I am not a man who has any intentions of doing any such thing,” He said, a little soothing, leaning forward. His elbows rested on his thighs. Downstairs, somewhere outside and presumably sitting under a tree or something, the siren began to sing. It was nonsense notes, something trifling, without any power to it.
Guilford had been pleased with it, and given it leave for the occasional making of merry tunes to pass the time, as long as it only cast a spell with its voice when Guilford commanded. He enjoyed seeing its pathetic gratitude at these small mercies, ones he could remove at any time for any reason or even no reason at all.
Sometimes he did, and forced the siren to debase itself all the more in order to earn them back.
Atabei looked over to the window, tensing slightly until she could tell there was no new magic in the air, nothing to try to override her own. Then she sighed and looked back to Gilly, nodding slowly. “Perhaps it works now because it is your will and not his? Since it’s not his magic any longer, only yours, that must go through him. Maybe that’s why… Hm. Fascinating. I will have to read more on this, try to understand…” She trailed off. “One wonders why no one has captured a siren for these purposes before.”
“Who says they haven’t?” Gilly raised his hands in question. Half-hidden by a stack of books that had never been placed back on their shelves back behind Atabei, he saw a small portrait that had been set on the floor, sticking half-out. In it he could see a woman, a man, and a little girl.
“Remember the Verenni king, a few hundred years ago?” Gilly spoke while looking over the portrait, letting his thoughts wander as he considered the family of three. “He came from the Sea Peoples, from nowhere, and it seemed like he took over every land he touched for half a century until he was killed in battle. Maybe he had a siren who sang what he wanted, and someone killed the siren first. It’s possible.”
The man in the portrait was older, hair already silvered, with a prominent beard. The woman clearly decades younger than her husband, and with the solemn look of those who must pose for hours in heavy dresses. The little girl looked very much like her, but for her nose.
“True. But why haven’t we heard of it? It should be in every history book…”
“Unless, of course, the people who come up with how we remember our histories don’t want anyone to know sirens can be so used-”
Outside, the sound of a carriage, and the siren’s song stopped. Atabei all but leapt to her feet in a sudden panic, interrupting Guilford. “Eliza! She won’t know not to talk to him-” She ran for the door and down the stairs, Gilly pushing himself up to follow her.
Atabei darted like a silverfish through clear water - he could hardly have hoped to keep up with her speed. He heard her cry, “Eliza, watch out!”
By the time he made it out the front door, huffing and puffing, Gilly saw quite the tableau.
Atabei, holding the siren’s arm with a grip so tight Gilly knew he would have lovely new bruises to appreciate before he slept tonight, was speaking in a rush to a lovely woman wearing a simple dress and tilted, wide-brimmed hat that kept the sun off her skin, with a little girl standing beside her dressed in the pantaloons and shirt common to the young.
“-was only saying hello,” The woman - who must be Eliza Howe - was saying, affronted. She had the heavy molasses accent of the northern colonies, as if she considered every word before she spoke it. “I can handle a simple polite greeting of a guest, Bei.”
There was a tremor to her voice, though, that suggested she had been relieved Atabei appeared so quickly.
“He is not a simple guest, ‘Liza,” Atabei said in return, her tone apologetic even if her words weren’t. “Remember I told you about Guilford Wentworth, and why I had to go visit him in the islands?”
Eliza turned back to the siren, who was trying subtly to pull himself free of Atabei’s grip, and failing. The monster looked away from her, confused and uncertain. Gilly felt himself think strange, strange thoughts - it has no idea what’s going on. It meant no harm. He shook himself and strode forward, catching up to the little group. The siren cringed away from his very presence, and he ignored the stir of desire that roused in him.
The little girl hid herself behind her mother, peering out with wide eyes.
“This is the thing that Guilford Wentworth captured? This? Bei, this is clearly a man,” Eliza said, and then caught sight of Gilly. Her expression pinched. “Oh, and here is another. Who... is this, then?”
“This is Guilford,” Atabei said, with a smile, gesturing to him. He bowed to Eliza, and she inclined her chin just barely to him. “Guilford Wentworth. Guilford, this is… my wife, Eliza Howe, and her daughter Sirene.”
“Siren,” The creature said, speaking words aloud for the first time. Its had an accent after losing its ocean-tongue, something that sharpened each syllable. Its eyes went to the little girl, who looked at it in something between anxiousness and wonder. Its expression was much the same. “The young are called siren?”
“Sirene,” Eliza corrected, uneasily emphasizing the differences in pronunciation. “It’s her name. She’s a girl, a-a human girl.”
“A girl, yes, this I see,” The siren said, and Guilford blinked. Had it-... used the same wry humor that he and Atabei had always enjoyed, in that sly tone? He would beat it for the pretense later tonight. Beat it black and blue and bloody and begging. “Siren is… human name, then? What I am, siren, is a name given to human girls?”
The monster stepped forward, leaning down to look more closely at the little girl even as Eliza grabbed her arm and held tight.
Its gaze reminded Guilford of his visits to the Royal Zoo, the way sometimes the great apes of the Largest Continent would watch the visitors to the zoo right back, with much the same expressions of awe and delight. Gilly thought about how deeply uncomfortable that sight made him, the bars that separated them from the people only a few feet away. The identical expressions. The reality of the strength and power the bars held in check.
“Sirene,” Eliza repeated, stepping back, her eyes flickering between Atabei, Guilford, and the siren. She looked more nervous and uncomfortable with every passing moment. “It isn’t the same.”
“Oh. I see. Hello, Sirene.” The siren emphasized the name now, too, the same way, although it didn’t seem mocking. More like it had simply decided that this was the way to pronounce the sounds, to mimic Eliza’s humanity. “I am a siren.”
“Hello,” The little girl whispered, without coming out from behind her mother's skirts. “It is very nice to meet you, Mister Siren.”
The siren’s face changed. Gilly realized, with a start, he had never seen it try to smile before. The siren tipped its head to one side. “It is very nice to meet you. Is that what humans say?”
The little girl frowned. “When they are polite it is.”
The siren made a sound - Guilford felt irrational fury when he realized it was gentle laughter, musical and melodic. "Polite is good?"
"Yes." The girl nodded, solemn as the grave. "One should always be polite, Mama says."
The siren's seemingly gentle smile faded slightly. "Mama," It repeated, voice low. "Sirens call ours mama, too."
The girl nodded, as if this made all the sense in the world. Eliza, though, gave Atabei a look of something like panic. "Bei-... What have you done?"
Atabei cut her eyes at Gilly and he cleared his throat, stepping forward, blocking the siren from the little girl's line of sight. “You don’t have to say hello to it, Miss Howe, and it is not a mister. It’s not a person. I know it looks like one, but that’s a silly little trick it plays on people. It’s more like… a dog, maybe.”
The little girl looked up at him, eyebrows furrowed. Her face - and voice - held a faintly hostile accusation he didn’t understand. “I say hello to dogs, too."
“Right. Well. Hm.” Gilly blushed, and wished he could order the siren to sing this whole moment out of existence for them all. It only made him angrier. “Perhaps not the best example…”
Eliza swallowed, stepping back, the girl moving with her in a stumble, slightly surprised. “Ah… Bei-... can you-... he’s very… very close to me, you see-... the sea thing is, I mean… but also your friend..."
“I understand.” Atabei pulled the siren backwards and shook its arm. “Don’t move. Let my wife go inside. Be still, sea creature.”
The siren stood, even without the magical compulsion, and watched as Eliza ushered the little girl away and back down the stone path to the front door of their home. She glanced a few times over her shoulder as she went, waving to the siren. "Goodbye, Mister Siren!"
"Goodbye, Sirene!" The siren called out. Guilford smacked it on the back right over some new marks from the belt he'd used on it last night and it cried out, stumbling before it caught itself.
"Silence!" Gilly hissed, and hit it again. And again. And again-
Atabei caught Gilly's arm in her hand and clicked her tongue against her teeth. “Not here, Guilford. Eliza fears the anger of men. Her late husband was… unkind, when upset. Unkind to her."
“Of course.” Guilford nodded, already breathing hard. He pushed his glasses back up his nose instinctively. “We won’t trouble your beautiful wife with this nonsense. Simply show me where I can put it and it will not be seen by anyone other than you and I."
Atabei found a smile for him, and he smiled back, and for a moment - the two of them out in the grass of a front yard, with a rope swing tied to a large tree branch off to one side and a herd of cows lowing somewhere just beyond sight behind a hill - it felt like they were children again.
Atabei looked over the siren, who didn’t meet her eyes in return, staring down at the ground in the way Gilly had painstakingly taught it to. Her smile faded into a frown. “So, two deaths-"
"One by accident, remember!"
"... and wealth. What comes next? Where do you go after you finish your visit here?"
“Oh, that’s an easy question to answer,” Gilly said, watching as the siren, ignored again, crouched down and stared openly at a line of ants crawling along within the grass. “I’m heading to the northern half of the Largest Continent, back to visit my... mother. Where we will become significantly less estranged, thanks to this thing.” He kicked the siren lightly in the thigh, watching it wince without moving, attention still focused on the insects below it.
“Returning to the line of inheritance,” Atabei said, nodding, crossing her arms before her. “I see. And after she no doubt dies quite a tragic and well-mourned death?”
“Well… then maybe the next time we see each other face-to-face, I won’t be Gilly Wentworth, down on his luck sailor surgeon any longer. I’ll be… King Wentworth, or Emperor…”
“You aim high,” Atabei murmured. “You want to be like the Virenni King, the conqueror. They killed his siren, Guilford, if your theory is true. They killed the power he used and then slaughtered him as well, on his own battlefield, with one blow.”
“Right, well. I’ll be careful.” Gilly reached down, gripping into the siren's curls - he never tired of its soft hair, the way it tensed and shivered every time his fingers moved along its scalp - and pulled. It immediately tipped its head back, knowing the command by instinct without even needing to hear it by now. Its breath caught, and he knew if he touched beneath its jaw its pulse would be fluttering, like a horse about to bolt.
But it couldn’t go anywhere at all.
His mouth felt dry, just thinking about it.
“Your magic worked, it worked so well, Beibei. I can make it do anything I want, make anyone do anything I want, and no one who isn’t under its spell is ever going to know about it.”
"Except me," Atabei murmured, a strange tremulous quality in her deep voice. "Except for me, and mine."
Gilly, for the first time, looked into the eyes of his oldest friend and realized that if he could use the siren's power on women too, then even Atabei was not safe from him, not truly, and she knew it.
Atabei was afraid of him.
Gilly's eyes went back to the siren, who was looking up and watching the wind rustle leaves on a nearby tree. The creature's lips were parted, just a little, as if at any moment the song would begin.
Gilly smiled.
"Let's go inside," He said, smoothly, "And have tea."
Tag list: @grizzlie70 @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @theelvishcowgirl @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @bloodinkandashes @squishablesunbeam @mj-or-say10 @apokolyps @wildfaewhump @shrimpwritings
For @whumptober prompts 19, 21, 22
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unabashegirl · 2 months
Vicious 6 || Harry Styles x Mafia
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Summary: Harry Styles, the cold and calculating son of a powerful mafia don, must consolidate power after his father's passing. He faces challenges from his unpredictable younger brother, Silas, and navigates a complex world of alliances, ruthless decisions, and family loyalty. Amidst the intrigue, the elegant and alluring Y/N Castellano, the daughter of an Italian mafia boss, attends the funeral and finds herself drawn to Harry. As power dynamics shift and the future remains uncertain, the story explores the dark and dangerous allure of the mafia, the weight of family legacies, and the potential for unexpected connections in a world defined by secrecy and ruthlessness.
Author's note: here is a new chapter of vicious. let me know what you think and if you would like to get tagged!
— vicious masterlist —
Word count: 1.8K
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Exhaustion gripped Y/N as she continued to run, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The fear of capture propelled her forward, the urgency echoing in her heartbeat. The crunch of fallen leaves beneath her shoes added a surreal soundtrack to her escape, while the chilling autumn air hinted at the approaching night.
Desperation compelled her to glance over her shoulder, seeking reassurance that she had eluded pursuit. As the woods seemed to grow quieter, Y/N cautiously slowed her pace, hoping the pursuit had ceased. In a moment of respite, she retrieved her phone, intending to contact Giana for guidance. The realization of no signal sent a wave of frustration through her, quickly overshadowed by the distant barking of dogs and the flickering glow of flashlights. They were closing in.
With dread seizing her, Y/N sprinted once more. The haunting echoes of the pursuing dogs and distant voices added to her terror. Tears welled in her eyes as she ran, the urgency intensified by the proximity of the search party. Then, with a sudden and violent lurch, one of the dogs sank its teeth into her ankle, sending Y/N crashing to the ground, the pain radiating through her like a lightning bolt.
Y/N's cries of pain resonated through the woods as she clutched her injured ankle, tears streaming down her face. The loyal dog, sensing her distress, barked incessantly, calling the attention of the approaching men. As they swiftly gathered around, her heart sank at the sight of her soon-to-be husband.
"Boss," she heard, looking up to find Harry leaning over her with an unreadable expression. His command to bring her back echoed in her ears as he turned away, retracing his steps toward the house. Y/N winced, realizing the extent of her mistake.
Harry seethed with anger. He had been summoned from his office by Charlie, only to discover Y/N's disappearance. What could have been a chance to mend their earlier interaction now seemed lost. His thoughts darkened as he contemplated the corrective measures he would take.
"Where, boss?" Charles inquired as he lifted Y/N's body, ready to transport her back to the house.
"In her room," Harry ordered, then turned to Lex. "Get the medic to her room." The gravity of his impending actions hung heavily in the air.
As Charlie gently laid Y/N on the bed, she couldn't help but voice her questions, her eyes still red from crying. Her soaked sock bore witness to the dog's bite, a painful reminder of her ill-fated escape. "What are you going to do to me?" she asked, and the room filled with tension. “Why would. you let your dog bite me?”
Harry, standing at the foot of her bed, didn't mince words. "Someone needed to take you down. Either the dogs or one of my men with a bullet," he explained, watching her grimace in pain. "Where were you going?"
Y/N retorted with defiance, "That’s none of your business," just as the doctor entered the room. "Boss," the doctor acknowledged Harry with a nod before turning his attention to Y/N. "May I?" Harry gave a quick nod, permitting the examination.
The doctor efficiently assessed the wound, offering a glimpse of relief. "It’s not that deep. We’ll just need to clean it and pack it and give her some antibiotics and painkillers."
"Do it," Harry commanded, "let me know when you are done," before leaving the room in search of a drink.
Left alone with the doctor, Y/N saw an opportunity. Whispering her plea, she hoped to find an ally. "Please help me." She dared to suggest an escape, but the doctor merely chuckled, dismissing the notion. "What is everyone so afraid of?" she asked, her eyes searching for understanding.
“You know this could be way worse. You are lucky,” the man said as he applied antibiotics to the wound, hoping to prevent any infection from the dog’s saliva. “Most people that escape don’t have your same fate. They are usually diseased by the time I get there.”
That didn’t make her feel any better. Y/N was shaken. She had seen him almost kill her brother, who shared blood and parents with him. She barely knew him, and she was just an obstacle in his life, a means to rise to power and live the life he had always dreamed of.
“Thank you,” she said, feeling immediate relief as he dressed her wound.
“I am going to administer the antibiotics by IV. Let me see your arm.”
“Can you just get a pill?” She was scared to get drugged. Perhaps she was just being paranoid, but she couldn’t help thinking that the doctor was going to drug her from keep her from escaping, obeying Harry.
“I don’t trust you to take them,” he truthfully said as he changed his gloves and prepared everything to find a vein and canalize it. Y/N hesitantly stretched out her arm. He tied the tourniquet, cleaned the area, punctured her. “You might have an upset stomach. I suggest you have dinner.”
“I am not hungry.” The doctor didn’t respond; he was used to it. He had seen and taken care of many things within the walls of the house. He didn’t feel sorry for her. Harry had given her a room and hadn’t dragged her downstairs, which meant he cared for her in a way. The dogs would usually tear people into pieces when found.
“Right. I’ll be back tomorrow to administer your meds and change the dressing,” he informed her as he hung the bag and adjusted the drip. “Liquids, food, and rest.”
“What’s your name?” Y/N asked as he finished packing everything that he had taken out and threw away everything else.
“Cameron,” he said before leaving the room, leaving the door wide open.
Y/N looked around, searching for her phone. She looked at the door, wanting to just run out. Unfortunately, having an IV prevented her from escaping. Before she could get up for her bag and search for her phone, Harry walked in. He made sure to close the door behind him.
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A cigarette between his lips and a glass of scotch on the rocks. He had discarded her blazer. His hair was messier from running his hands through it. He wanted to drag her downstairs, chain her to a chair, and have his way with her. He wanted her to regret ever leaving but hurting her would only cause issues with the Italians.
He just knew that he needed to punish her.
“Where were you going?” Harry asked again as he opened the window, the same one she had escaped through. He lit up his cigarette and sat down on the small futon by it. She didn’t say anything. “Are you deaf?”
“I already said it was none of your fuckin' business.”
"Watch your mouth," he sharply said, pointing at her with the cigarette held between his fingers. "You keep thinking this is all a game. I am very tempted to take you downstairs and punish you the only way I know how to. You are not down there merely because of your father."
“I was doing us both a favor,” she shrugged. “You don’t want me here. You’ve made that very clear.” Y/N hoped that Harry continued to believe her father loved and cared for her. The only reason he hadn’t killed her was the consequences he thought it would bring. However, she was sure her father wouldn’t care if she were dead.
“Where were you going? To your father’s?” Y/N laughed and shook her head.
“I am not telling you.” Y/N didn’t want to get Giana in trouble. She still wasn’t sure how far Harry would go to make a statement. Giana’s husband was just as crazy or worse, and she knew he would do crazy things to Giana.
By not telling him, her silence led Harry's mind to a different place. He couldn't help but think she was escaping for a man.
"A man," he said out loud as he took the last drag out of his cigarette. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the sound of his exhale. The air was thick with tension as Harry tried to process the implications of her silence. “Don’t play games with me. Don’t ever, ever think you’re capable of that” He warned her as he banged his hands against the feet of the bed as he stared at her.
“You think you can intimidate me?” She giggled, “My father terrorized me my whole life. You are just a rookie in this game”
Y/N sat on the edge of the bed, her injured ankle throbbing with pain. The dim light in the room cast eerie shadows, creating an unsettling atmosphere. Harry extinguished his cigarette, the embers glowing in the darkness as he approached her. His eyes were cold and calculating, and a sinister smile played on his lips.
"What game are you playing, Y/N?" Harry's voice was low, a dangerous edge cutting through the air. He towered over her, making her feel small and vulnerable. "You think you can just run away? Escape? You're mine. You were promised to me and you don't get to decide when this ends."
Y/N swallowed hard, her gaze shifting away from his intense stare.
"This is your home now," he sneered, pacing back and forth like a caged predator. "You belong to me, whether you like it or not. Trying to escape will only make things worse for you.”
“What do you want from me?” Y/N's voice wavered, but she mustered the courage to meet his gaze.
Harry leaned in, his face inches from hers, and the smell of his cologne mixed with a faint hint of smoke surrounded her. "I want your obedience, your loyalty. You'll do what I say without question. And if you think running away will save you, you're mistaken.”
Y/N's heart raced as she felt the weight of his threat. She had seen the brutal side of him, the violence he was capable of, and the thought of being at his mercy terrified her. She clenched her fists, trying to steady herself.
"I won't be a pawn in your twisted game.”
His hand shot out, grabbing her jaw forcefully. "You don't get to talk back to me," he hissed. "Remember your place, or I'll make sure you regret every moment you thought you could defy me.”
With that, Harry released her, leaving Y/N breathless and shaken. As he walked away, she couldn't shake the feeling that the worst was yet to come, and the walls of her gilded cage closed in around her.
A few hours later, the door creaked open, shattering the quiet sanctuary of Y/N's room. Startled, she looked up to find Silas poking his head in, a small, enigmatic smile dancing on his lips. Surprise washed over her at the sight of him; she had half expected him to be buried six feet under. Since the brutal beatdown, she hadn't heard a whisper about his whereabouts.
"Let's go!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with a hint of excitement. Despite the sunglasses shielding his eyes, Y/N could discern the remnants of wounds and stitches etched across his face.
Confusion knit her brows tightly together. "Go where?" she inquired, setting her book aside and rising from the bed, a surge of curiosity flooding her senses.
"Anywhere but here," Silas responded cryptically, his gaze flickering around the room as if he anticipated an unwelcome visitor at any moment. "Come on! Before they get back!" he urged, glancing anxiously over his shoulder. "It's now or never."
Anticipation quickened Y/N's heartbeat. She had yearned for a change of scenery, even if it meant incurring Harry's wrath. Without a moment's hesitation, she nodded in agreement and followed Silas out of the room, her spirit alight with the promise of adventure.
If you would like to read ahead and get access to 7 more chapters of vicious and more writing pieces then check out my Patreon and join our community.
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'Awstengyem - Jake Sully x Na'vi!OC x Neytiri
A Na'vi woman raised by the humans, a human who became Na'vi, and a Na'vi warrior. It sounds like the beginning of an interesting story. After being orphaned as an infant, and raised by the scientists at Central Command, she must help Jake Sully connect with the Omatikaya clan, while also making her own journey of self discovery. Plus, everyone is hot. I don't make the rules.
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One person liked my post and now you all are going to see it. I have never done such an intense deep dive into into a fandom because... My God... There are so many details that are so central to one's identity as a Na'vi. So, just know that I always do my research to get the most canon-like stories out possible because it's what you deserve. Yes, this is another OC story, but it was that or adding (Y/N) and that just... seems wrong.
Origin stories always seemed to get a little fuzzy, it helped if you knew your own history and not what was taught to you by a second hand source. But her mother told her that she was a child orphaned by a fatal altercation between RDA soldiers and a lone band of the Olangi clan. She was all that was left, a three foot tall infant. They had almost left her to the viperwolves. But, the woman she called mother, Dr. Grace Augustine, urged them to spare the child. That she could important to human-Na'vi relations.
Lotta good that did.
The only Na'vi thing about her was her name:
Rey te Tawtute Kìreysì'ite.
Live of the Sky Person, Daughter of Grace. She couldn't figure out if Grace named her Rey because of its meaning, or because it would be easy for non-speakers to pronounce.
After learning that the sky people had corrupted a child of their clan, they refused to even look at her. And none of the neighboring clans wanted anything to do with her either.
None of that ever really bothered her though. Rey learned to speak Na'vi from her mother, learned about the flora and fauna of Pandora. She shared the love and fascination of every individual creature that lived. She knew of Ewya, but had never experienced the great mother a part from the moment after her birth, where communication with Ewya was a sacred practice. Now Rey couldn't get anywhere near the great spirit tree without getting shot at with arrows laced with poison that would stop her heart before she could bleed out.
Now here she was, watching the as new Avatar pilots exited the helicarrier that brought them to Central Command from the window of the lab. Soon enough, two scientists would be sleep walking in genetically altered Na'vi bodies that were grown from a petri dish and stuck in a pseudo-womb for a couple years.
"New recruits get here yet?" Max looked out the window.
"Yeah." Rey sighed, taking a breath of out her air mask that hung around her neck, "Can't wait for them to gawk at me." The oxygenated lab was fine for breathing comfortably, if it didn't make her a little light headed after a while. Her mother had created a blend that worked similarly to the masks the humans wore outside of the lab except this mask brought Pandora's atmosphere to her allowing her to be inside longer. Most of the scientists didn't care for her presence in the lab besides Dr. Max Patel and her mother.
"Well, that one." He pointed to the man who looked around the world with child-like wonder, "That's doctor Norm Spellman, he's a anthropologist, xenolinguist and xenobotanist."
"Goodie." She looked closer, "What about that one. The one in the..." It appeared to be a chair... with wheels on it.
"Wheelchair." He supplied the word.
Rey shrugged, taking another breath from her mask, "Yeah, that."
"That's Jake Sully."
"I thought his name was Tom. That's what it says on chamber two." She stood up from her hunched position, nearly hitting her head on the ceiling.
"Doctor Tom Sully was supposed to be the pilot for chamber two, but her died suddenly. So they brought his twin brother, Jake."
"Mom's gonna be pissed."
"Oh trust me, that ship has sailed." He patted her arm, walking away from her. She watched the human in the wheelchair, he wasn't looking around with his mouth wide open like doctor Spellman, he seemed to be seeing everything with fresh eyes.
He was interesting. Hopefully, he didn't die.
Rey sat in the bio-lab, looking over Tom Sully's avatar, well... Jake Sully's avatar. He seemed pretty handsome as far as Na'vi standards. There were features that would make him stand out against the others. Avatars, having been genetically matched to their drivers, had human DNA. So these Na'vi look-alikes had eyebrows and one extra finger and toe on each hand and foot. She touched her fingertips against the glass, watching the avatar jerk and twitch. It was a living thing, yet an empty shell. In a few hours, they would be decanted. Which was just a fancy word for birthing them from the machine that grew them. She was kind of excited to meet them.
Walking into the link room, Rey got a few annoyed looks from the newer scientists, but the older ones, ones that had known her for practically her entire life, smiled and waved. Leaning, against the wall, she crossed her arms and waited. Waited for her mother's face when she saw Jake Sully.
"They're comin' out!" One tech called. The PA system announced that that the current drivers were coming out of link.
"Oh god." Grace sighed as she got out of the chamber, her red hair shining in the lights. "Who's got my goddamn cigarette?" She was already grumpy. "Guys, what's wrong with this picture?" She held up her empty hand, promptly filled with a cigarette and lighter by a technician whom she thanked.
"You gotta stop smoking, mom, it's bad for your teeny tiny lungs." She pushed off the wall and walked towards her. Her bare feet padded against the grates of the lab.
"I'll stop smoking when you start wearing shoes in the lab." She said around a puff of tobacco.
"You're the one who told me I needed to start acting like a Na'vi, Na'vi don't wear shoes." Grace smirked up at her, batting away her blue tail as she attempted to flick her with it, smiling as she laughed.
"Grace Augustine is a legend." The lab doors hissed as the avatar drivers entered, escorted by Max. "She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book. I mean, literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany."
"Well, that's because she likes plants better than people." Max chimed in. "Here she is, Cinderella herself back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and Jake Sully."
Grace's smile fell from her face, shrugged on her lab coat and sliding on her glasses from the coat pocket. She took a long drag from her cigarette and looked over them. Norm seemed bright eyed and bushy tailed, and he couldn't seem to figure out who he wanted to look at Grace or her.
"Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?" She asked.
"May the All Mother... Smile upon our first meeting." He spoke in fluent Na'vi, even adding in the 'I see you" gesture for good measure.
Kiss ass.
"Not bad. You sound a little formal." Grace replied back.
Norm chuckled, "I studied for five years... But there is much to learn."
Grace looked up at her. "Introduce yourself."
She could almost see Norm bracing himself for her to speak, like he was preparing to translate every word she would say so he could come up with a reply.
"How's it goin'?" She smirked, holding her hand out, "Call me Rey."
"Oh." He let out another nervous chuckle and reached up to shake her hand, "You speak English. N-not that I didn't think you wouldn't be able to." She shared a glance with Grace as she pulled her hand away.
"Grace? This is Jake Sully." Max brought her attention back to the other avatar driver.
"Ma'am." He held his hand out for her to shake.
"Yeah, yeah, I know who you are, and I don't need you. I need your brother. You know, the PhD who trained for three years for this mission?" Rey subtly flicked Grace's leg with her tail.
"He's dead." He said with no emotion, his arm had gone down to his lap. "I know it's a big inconvenience for everyone."
"How much lab training have you had?" Grace asked.
"I dissected a frog once." He replied.
What the hell was a frog?
"You see?" Grace looked to Max, "You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. I'm going to Selfridge." Grace began storming out of the lab.
Max followed, "No, Grace, I don't think that's a good idea."
"No, man, this is such bullshit!" Her boots stomped against the metal floor, "I'm gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in my department."
Max walked back to Jake, "Here tomorrow, oh-eight-hundred. Try and use big words."
"I think that went well, considering." Rey held out her hand for him to shake, "Nice to meet you, Jake."
"Rey." He nodded to her and shook her hand, glancing at her digits for just a moment.
She pulled her hand away, "Don't take it personally, those corporate assholes will do anything to see the native population as nothing but trees to be cut down. She's just really passionate about getting passionate people."
Jake sighed through his nose, "I really don't know a lot about this place. But Tommy did, and I think I owe it to him to stick it out."
She gave him a kind smile, ears perking up, "Good to know. And you never know, Pandora might grow on you." She winked and made her way out of the lab. He followed behind her, though, keeping up with the pace of her long legs. She had to lean down in the lab, it killed her back but she was used to it.
"So, uh, you an Avatar Driver?"
"Nope." She smiled down at him, wiggling her four fingers, "I'm the real deal."
"What's your story?" He asked and followed it up with a hasty: "If you don't mind me asking?"
"I don't. Most people don't ask." She took a breath from her mask, "Those trigger happy assholes opened fire on a nomad clan, I was the only survivor. Grace adopted me as her own."
"So, she's your mom."
Rey smiled, "Best mom in the world. It's really touching when the biggest bitch to some people is the most caring person you know. It makes you feel special." She nudged his shoulder, "And don't worry about Grace, you'll grow on her, I can already tell."
They traveled on for a while before she looked down again, "What about you? What's your story?"
"Uh, I'm a marine vet. I got paralyzed from the waist down in one of the many wars happening on Earth. Couldn't afford to fix it. Then... Then Tommy died. And now I'm here."
A hum echoed around them in the now empty hallway. She had led him all the way to his room without him asking for directions.
"Look, I know you probably feel out of your element here. I know I do. If you ever want to talk or just get away from it all. Let me know, I got a little place just outside the tree line. Whether you're in the Avatar body or this one."
Jake gave her a kind and genuine smile, a small one, but a smile nonetheless. He gave her a nod of thanks and opened his door by typing in the code to unlock the door.
"I might take you up on that, Rey."
"Hey, by the way..." He turned back to look at her, "What's a frog?"
The next morning, everything was in a rush. Rey watched as the team decanted the avatar bodies, moved them to observation, then came to the link room to send Norm and Jake off.
"So, how much link time have you logged?" Grace asked Norm, speed walking to her chamber. She noticed her mother always seemed to rush to her bed, like she couldn't spend one minute longer in her human form. When she was a little girl, she told Rey the reason was that Grace could actually pick her up and hug her in her avatar body when her human body couldn't. Her running theory was because Grace loved Pandora and every living thing on it, and being human reminded her too much of where she came from.
"About five hundred and twenty hours." Norm said, walking beside her. Jake and Rey followed behind.
"You're there." Grace pointed, "You're here."
"How much have you logged?" Grace asked the marine, pressing buttons on the pod's screen.
"Zip. But I read a manual."
She turned to look at Jake slowly, "Tell me you're joking." She watched Jake poke into the gel that would hold his body in place, a grin on his face.
"This is cool." He said, then used his strong arms to move himself into his bed, swinging his legs into the correct position. Grace attempted to help him with his, but he shook his head.
"Don't. I got this." He said. His legs swung like they were dead weight. She wondered what kind of accident had done this to him.
Grace's sigh brought her attention from his arms, "So you just figured you'd come out here, to the most hostile environment known to man, with no training of any kind, and see how it went? What was going through your head?"
Jake smirked, "Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I couldn't do." Grace just gave him a look before pressing on his chest to lay him back.
"Keep your hands in, arms in." She reached to move the chest plate over his body, "Head down." She pressed his head against the gel frame as he tried to look around. He tried to look again.
"Down. Just relax and let your mind go blank. That shouldn't be hard for you."
"See you on the other side." Rey gave him a small wave.
"Kiss the darkest part of my lily white-" Jake's words were cut off my the chamber closing, a hissing sound meaning it was locked tight.
"I like him." Rey said.
"Initiate link." Grace called, then looked up at her, "Good, then when he gets killed, you can host his funeral. Now head outside." She walked towards her pod. She shrugged, walking out of the link room and towards the doors that led to the outside.
Grace was the first to meet her after the Link had completed. She wore her usual outfit, a cropped tank top that read Stanford and shorts. Her mother's avatar always made her smile. As much as she loved Grace, human or Na'vi, there was just something so special about having a connection with someone who looked like her. She especially loved her hair, the two small braids that framed either side of her face were Rey's handiwork, even the multicolored beads.
"Oh look at me." Grace moved her head from side to side, looking in the mirror in the avatar lodge, "So pretty." She smiled down at the Na'vi child.
"Thank you so much, yawntutsyìp!" She picked Rey up in her arms, cuddling the giggling child close.
Those were the good old days.
"Is that a new skirt?" Her mother asked, pulling at the forest green skirt around her waist.
Smiling, she nodded, "Made it myself out of some old curtains laying around." She definitely didn't steal the curtains. Definitely. And she definitely didn't dye the curtains a green color and adorn it with beads.
"It's cute." She complimented. "Not very good for hunting, but it's cute."
"I don't think the fkio I hunt are really caring what I wear." Before Grace could reply, commotion came from the main compound.
"Jake! We're not supposed to be running!" Their ears perked up at the sound of Norm's concerned call. What they witnessed was Jake Sully, running. Actually running. For the first time in years. Rey couldn't imagine what it felt like, to be given something you had lost long ago. She grinned as he laughed, pushing his legs further.
"Don't get attached, Rey." Her mother nudged her, a hint of a smile on her face.
'Too late.' She thought to herself. The two of them walking towards him.
"Hey marine." Grace called. He seemed to look them both up and down.
"Grace?" He asked with a smile of disbelief.
"Well, who'd you expect, numbnuts?" She grabbed a spartan fruit from the orchard that Jake had stopped in, throwing it to him, "Think fast." He caught the fruit and inspected it.
"Motor control's looking good." Grace smiled. She knew that he would grow on her.
Jake took a large bite out of the spartan fruit, the juice leaking down his chin. He stared at them in amazement, letting out a noise that told them that it was good.
"Rey, why don't you show him around. Maybe find something for him to wear." Grace said, walking past him. Jake suddenly became aware that the back of his hospital gown was wide open.
"Oh, uh." He used one hand, reaching behind him to close the gown. But he release it suddenly when he felt his tail touch his hand. He turned around in a circle, attempting to get a glimpse at his new appendage. Rey giggled at him, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the lodge.
"Come on, sngä’iyu."
After finding some clothes for him to wear, see shows him around the Avatar Plaza as she called it. There were plenty of options for exercise, some obstacle courses for the RDA Avatars. She showed him the different crops they grew and their Na'vi names. He seemed to be taking in some of the information, but his eyes mostly remained on her.
"So..." She nudged him as they walked side by side, "What's it like?"
He shook his head, grinning widely, sharp canines framing his smile, "It's... Incredible. It feels like every breath I take is a blessing and..." He chuckled, "Hell, I can walk. I can run. Jump. Come on, you say jump, I say how high, ya know." He playfully jogged in a circle around her backwards.
"Careful." She brought him back to her side, "Last thing we need is for you to trip in your fancy smancy body."
"Yeah, yeah." He grinned, looking down at her slightly. He could have never imagined looking at Rey from this angle. Even though she was alien, Rey was just familiar enough to what he knows. She spoke like him, cracked jokes, she was easy going. She was fascinating. He hadn't noticed, but his long, blue tail was moving towards her, something that he would have to get used to.
Her amber eyes caught his staring, a little blush on her cheeks, "I did your hair, you know." She batted at his neural queue, hidden underneath an intricate braid.
Jake grabbed at the braid, looking over it, then he got a little surprised when he felt a unfamiliar pull at the back of his skull. As he felt it more, it felt like the tail connected to him at the base of his spine.
"It's called a neural queue. You can use it to connect to other life on Pandora. Think of it like a symbiotic connection. It can link you with direhorses, banshees, you can share one mind with any creature that has one."
"What about other Na'vi?" He asked, looking at her own braided queue.
Smirking, she waved her hand in front of his face, "Hey, my eyes are up here. And yeah, you can use it to connect with other Na'vi, but it's not a casual thing. It's mostly used in mating rituals. And Na'vi mate for life. So you better find someone special before you think about making a tsaheylu with just anyone."
"You, uh, make a say-loo with anyone yet?" He asked, a smirk on his face.
What a tease.
"Tsaheylu." She corrected him, "And no, I haven't."
"Haven't found the right person?" He asked, pausing as they came closer to the lodge. The eclipse was nearing, the world covered in a soft golden glow. His eyes seemed to glow in the light, a softness about him that made her heart grow fonder.
Letting out a scoff, she rolled her eyes, "I don't think you've noticed, but most of the people around here aren't in it for the long haul. They're not trying to settle down with me in my little bungalow." She nodded towards the tree house just outside the facility. "But who knows, Norm's pretty cute." She teased, continuing to walk ahead.
"Norm?" His face scrunched in confusion, letting out a chuckle, "Nah, I can't see you with that goody two shoes. He's way too much of a kiss ass. Besides," He leaned a little closer, whispering loudly, "I think he's got the hots for your mom." He nodded ahead. Norm was talking excitedly to Grace, who was talking back just as enthused.
"Damn, you're right." She crossed her arms over her chest, tsking to herself, "The one that got away. You got anybody else in mind...?" When she turned to look at him, she hadn't realized he was so close still. His face was mere inches from hers, a cocky smirk still on his lips.
"I got a few ideas." His voice was low, a rumble in his throat made her shiver. He was so close. His lips were so close. And that damn smile wasn't helping her heart beating against her chest. Something that his new ears seemed to pick up.
"Alrighg, Avatars in the lodge!" She heard her mother call out. She stepped back from him, hoping he didn't notice her blush.
He did.
"Come on, gotta get you inside." She brought Jake inside where he was led to his bunk.
"Come on, everybody, quiet down!" Grace called over the crowd. "Alright, gang, light's out." She clapped, making her way to her bunk. As Rey walked behind Grace, she watched Jake staring at the tendrils at the end of his neural queue.
"Don't play with that, you'll go blind." Grace scolded.
"That's kinda freaky." Jake said, dropping the queue, looking around. "Where's your bunk?" He asked, hoping it was near him.
"I got my bungalow, remember?" Rey patted his cheek, "Don't worry, you'll see me in the morning." She faked a pout.
"I'm looking forward to it." He smiled, a twinkle in his eyes.
"Rey, you two can flirt tomorrow, let's go." Grace called, causing Rey to blush, ears flattening and tail tucked between her legs as she hurried through the lodge. Her exit was followed by whistles, furthering her embarrassment.
"Mom." She muttered under her breath as she passed Grace.
"Goodnight, Rey‘itetsyìp!" Grace called, an amused smile on her face as she closed the gate, locking it behind her.
"Night, ma!" She called back, slightly annoyed. She wasn't flirting with him.
Or... was she?
Jake wasn't a bad looking Na'vi hybrid. He wasn't a bad looking human either. As much as she would like to pursue something with him, odds are he wouldn't stay on Pandora forever. He would go home as soon as the mission was over. And what would she be left with? An empty Avatar body that she would be forever connected to. It seemed like torture, seeing the love of your life alive but not truly living.
As she lay in her hammock, Rey closed her eyes, lulled to sleep by the sound of the wildlife of Pandora and dreaming of Jake Sully. He would be trouble. But she liked trouble.
Translations per learnna'vi.org and the Fwew app.
Read part 2 here!
‘awstengyem [ʔaw.stɛŋ.ˈj·ɛm] vtr. bind / bring two or more things together (ii)
yawntutsyìp [ˈjawn.tu.t͡sjɪp̚] n. darling, little loved one
sngä’iyu [ˈsŋæ.ʔi.ju] n. beginner
tsaheylu [t͡sa.ˈhɛj.lu] n. bond (neural connection)
‘itetsyìp [ˈʔi.tɛ.t͡sjɪp̚] n. little daughter (term of endearment)
Y'all are just gonna have to deal with another throuple story, I make the rules around here.
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skynapple · 4 months
Budding Romance | Ch. 4
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Love and Deepspace | Jeremiah x MC / slow-burn / friends-to-lovers
warnings: none
Multi-chapter | A03 link
Beginning | <- Prev | Next ->
Back in the present, new friends begin to reconnect. Pizza will be had.
“She…died.” He had said. The air hung around them, dust sparkling in the glow of the grow lights around the store.
Her stunned expression turned somber, crystalline eyes brimming with compassion. ”Oh my God, I'm so sorry. What..." Her sentence trailed off as she hesitated to ask.
It’s not that he’d wanted to bring up the subject so quickly, but he couldn’t help it. After years of being one of her closest friends, all he wanted to do was catch up, brimming with desire to share his happenstances. He was trying his best to keep it contained, remembering the fact that he had no right to expect immediate closeness with someone who was nearly a stranger.
"I was young. Brash. In love. Proposed after like, 6 months. I guess she was into that.” He shook his head, reminiscing. “She passed away before we got married. Car accident."
More like the Deepspace Portal event 30 years ago.
"But it was... humbling, and beautiful, being with her. She loved this little shop.” I wish you could have met her. She would have loved you. You would have gotten along so well.
"Philo...It means love. Because you loved her."
He nodded. The dirt he’d accidentally smeared on his brow began to irritate the skin, and he instinctually rubbed it again, making it worse. “Don’t worry about me. I’m ok. It was years ago now.” After so much time had passed, it was the truth.
Meanwhile she stood across him, only a little comforted, a light ache in her heart at the topic and slight embarrassment after being the one who initiated the conversational direction.
Seeing her expression and immediately wanting to comfort her, he smiled, "Trust me, she's looking after this place. I've had nothing but good luck here." His grin widened. "Even you walked in."
A season later, it was a warm spring day, with flower blossoms floating through the light breeze, adding a romantic touch to the environment, but the shop was closed, and Jeremiah had no idea what the weather looked like. There he sat in the secret back room of his shop, plugging away at research and data. Several chat windows were open - an entire network of Lightseekers utilizing adapted technology with the remains of what was with them from so long ago, still quite advanced compared to what earth contained me.
He’d instant messaged Xavier a few coordinates and some wanderer identification, paused to stare thoughtfully at his phone and added,
[Take care of her if she's with u.]
Seconds later, [Not coming.] was all he received in response.
Course not. Let me guess, ditched her. Again. He only thought it to himself, stretching his right shoulder. The hours had passed quickly, and he’d completely lost track of it all. When he finally stood, his knees cracked from lack of movement. Grogginess threatened to plague his mind. There was still so much to do.
A growl escaped his stomach. He grumbled. Not enough groceries for anything quick. Instant noodles for the 3rd day in a row? No. Delivery was too expensive when he was quite literally in a walkable downtown area. He grumbled once more, sleepily grabbed his keys, and headed out the door.
He ended up at a nearby pizza place and despite the noisy interior, found himself beginning to nod off as soon as he sat down at a booth in a far corner to await his order.
Unbeknownst to him, several minutes past. A warm hand on his shoulder stirred him, although it took him moment to get his bearings. He straightened, rubbing his eyes, straining to identify who the hand was connected to through his bleary state.
"Wow, birds of a feather." A familiar voice said.
What is she doing here?
"I wasn't sure if it was you, but then they must have called your name a dozen times. I grabbed your order for you."
She indicated to what she placed across him.
"Oh, sorry. Thanks."
"You ok?"
He rolled his neck, not entirely remembering the sequence that put him in the shop, and still processing her presence. Sleeping in public too? Now that was something he hoped Xavier never discovered. "Just pulled an all-nighter. I'm good."
"That's what Xavier said. Hah. You two really are similar.”
Ah, so they’re talking at least. That’s good.
Jeremiah picked up his slice, not minding that she was still sat next to him. "Did he also tell you he's headed to the no-hunt zone without you?” He prodded, half-curious, half-hoping that this would fall back on Xavier somehow.
Her flabbergasted expression rang genuine to him, making him chuckle. Got ‘em.
"You did not hear that from me."
She spent a minute texting Xavier, muttering to herself under her breath. Immediately after, his own phone lit up. He decided to not look at it.
"You gonna join him?" He said between chews. The restaurant seemed to pick up in business now, and he glanced non-chalant at the growing line. Distracted, he observed it.
She scowled, leaning her head on her hands, almost pouting. "I wasn't assigned like he was..." A sigh. "And today's my day off."
“The guy can handle himself, don't worry." A bubble of irritation rose through him, and he felt the fought the urge to roll his eyes. It was a habitual response, born from years and years of needing to reassure her. Of course she was like this cause he left her. She didn't have to try to sound so tough about it. "He'll return to you before you know it."
Except, this time, she only shrugged. "Yeah ok. You know he just does what he wants. Shows up when he wants. And hey, pizza or wanderers... tough choice but I think I made the right one." She nudged him with a free arm.
He felt himself smile tiredly. Despite still getting accustomed to the differences in her personality, he appreciated that it felt like he could be friends with her in this life too. He was beginning to look forward to the ways she surprised him. Just what was in that brain of hers?
"What are you doing after this?" She asked casually enough.
"Going to bed."
"Makes sense.” She stood finally, brushing a few long dark strands behind her ear and smiled warmly. "Well, I'll let you go. I'm meeting up with an old friend today. Don't wanna be late."
“Have fun. See ya.”
It not that he wasn’t thrilled to see her, it wasn’t even the tiredness in his brain, but the fact now that she was a little more playful, a little more curious, a lot more casual, he was struggling to wrap his head around it. There were moments when it felt very surreal being around her. The fluctuations in her tone, the way she pointed things out, obviously her appearance and the way her eyes were so expressive all stuck out to him.
It’s her, but it's… not. But it unmistakably is.
And yet it was a very comforting thing, being reunited after all this time. When he was around her, he felt a little more like his old self, an old self he’d nearly forgotten. He smiled to himself and finished his now cold pizza, a little amused at himself that she’d been the one to find him in this state. Memories of late nights in encampments, watching over each other through the long nights, chiding each other over small things, the bickering, the banter.
Fine, I missed you.
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RECOMe again?
The reader must navigate interacting with their fellow recoms despite having betrayed them as a human! Does anyone know their secret?
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Chapter 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5
Notes: Y/N (Your name), Y/LN (Your last name), na'vi dialogue in bold, fic will contain swearing, violence,
If there are any specific triggers people would like warned for let me know (^・ω・^ )
Tag list: @buzzing-honeybee @lazyassmermaid @secretflowerobservation @hihhasotherfixations @perseny @ratchetprime211 @symptoms-of-moonlight @totesnothere04 @bxnnywriting @itsyoboysparkel
Chapter 6
Everything was Miles right now. His scent burned in your lungs with every breath, his touch still firmly against you as he pulled you tighter to his chest. Every connected inch of skin buzzing with electricity. If you opened your eyes all you could see in the gloom was his broad blue chest. You did, tracing the constellations on his skin with your eyes. You didn't dare move for fear of breaking this perfect moment.
Still you had to get up, there was a cave around you, a team and kid lost and a horrid guilt rising to your throat. You sat up, his arm reaching for your form before falling. He grumbled but didn't wake. The guilty feeling continued to eat away at you. It should all be over so soon, just escape with Spider. You could do them a last kindness and get them free of this cave, then leave their lives for good.
This cavern seemed to split off, tens of tunnels connecting to it. The center of the web came to mind but you shook the thought away. No use dwelling in your past fears when new ones awaited. Each route never quite smelled as fresh as the room you stood in. Maybe the spirit roots had something to do with that, cleansing the musty air. It gave no clue for a possible exit though.
A feather light touch brushed against your shoulder, you swiveled. An Atokirina, a seed of the tree of souls! There were so many now, floating in from a tunnel on the other side of the cavern. You followed back to the alter area where they swirled in the air. Settling on the stone, on Miles sleeping form and now on you.
The roots hung lower here, you reached up to touch one. It felt alive under your fingers, buzzing slightly with an energy you didn't understand.You felt down your queue, your hands reacting moving on their own. You brushed the braid up, tendrils unspooling and latching onto the root.
Your mind flooded. Images of na'vi people, living whole lives before your eyes. Singing, talking, their voices echoing in you skull, it was overwhelming. Their emotions crossing past you as if they were your own, grief for dead you never knew, joy of births and unions. The very room you were in alive with night blue skinned na'vi, celebrating, lovers alone taking communion in front of their Eywa bodies bare on the smooth stone.
Then there she was, all around you. Fizzing through your blood, a strong force vibrating through your bones. Grace spoke of her, a voice tinged with a skepticism. You could feel Eywa in your being, scrutinizing? Searching through your soul until she stilled.
Then there she was. Grace before you, as real as Miles' still sleeping form. She wore no mask, her face unaged in the 15 odd years since the last time you'd seen her. She smiled, her face haloed in orange curls.
"How..." You began, her smile spreading wider as she came closer to you. Hands out stretched and your own rising to meet hers. She was surprisingly solid, not some ghost or hallucination though her form shimmered in a pinkish glow.
"Could ask you the same, look at you! Look at him!" She laughed face swimming with mischief as she looked down at a blue Quaritch.
"Karma really has a funny way of doing things. Became the very thing he hated! Worth me getting killed for!" She laughed. Your face blanched. You'd not considered it fully, how she could be here. She was dead, Grace hadn't made it out. She saw this on your face now or maybe felt it through Eywa. Glimpsing Mo'at above you singing your way through the roots to her, Grace's memory.
"Oh child, its done now. Your getting out of here and helping that kid, the rest is what it will always be." She came closer again, reaching up to hold you arm, her touch felt real and warm. You felt her calm, her acceptance as your own, even as you fought to hold a rage storming inside.
"How could he!" You sobbed, unable to hold back tears. Anger was too far but sadness was closer. The connection flooded you with hundreds of lives lost to RDA. You wailed, the force of it all too much. Dropping to your knees, Grace's body seemed to disperse, Miles' form crowding into your vision now.
Panicked hands gripped your shoulders, calling out to you. His hand traced up, removing your queue from the root. The seeds dispersed from around you both, trailing back to the tunnel slowly.
"Y/n...y/n you hear me?" He snapped fingers infront of your dazed expression. You felt so suddenly weak, your mind felt exhausted, drained beyond anything you'd ever experienced. Grace's words echoed, you had to get them out. You had to get Spider out of here.
"The seeds... Spider's with them... we've gotta" Your hand limply pointed as their glow slipped into the tunnels opening, getting lost in the gloom.
"Wait your not okay we gotta wait a minute!" His hand gripped your chin tilting your face to his, brows furrowed as he scanned your face. Roughly you pushed off, standing on shaking legs and staggering towards the exit. Blood beginning to boiling, he killed Grace. His arm snaked around your middle again, you were poised to scream at him but his face was forward. He was taking some weight off you and helping you towards your goal.
"Spider first, then we talk." His palm flat against your side as you shuffled after the Atokirina. You felt your anger lessen to a simmer as you went. Tufts of the woodsprites settling on his head and shoulders as you marched on. Eywa's will, she must want Spider back with her, with Jake. You were her vessel to do this and Quaritch was too, however unwilling.
You remembered the stories about the seeds. Pure spirits, signs of Eywa and her influence. Jake told you about his encounter with them, the way they'd landed all over him. You wished you'd known a Tsahìk, like Mo'at, you wanted to know for sure what it all meant.
The burning pain in you ankle seemed to lessen as you went. The injury minor enough that the brief 'rest' seemed to have eased it greatly. You took the chance to untangled yourself from Miles. His hand lingered on your arm until you heard commotion ahead.
Instantly he was in front, gun drawn and pacing low. The tunnel opened out to a cliff edge, bellow inky black running water rushed as far as you could see. The glowing seeds drifted down to the water, the only light in the darkness around you. Across the gap you saw another opening, further down from yours. The same seeds flowed out and again down to the water bellow.
You heard screams now, the whole rest of the team came barreling through the opening and tumbling straight down into the water bellow. Spider tucked under Lyle's arm as he fell.
"SPIDER!" You shrieked diving down after him. You heard Miles call your own name before you broke the surface. The current was fast pulling the team quickly away. Lyle struggled against it shouting back to you. His head kept dipping down, water garbling his speech. He held Spider up above the surface.
"Lyle he has an air mask! Please try to stay above surface!" You called to him, watching the realization cross his face. He kept a hold of Spider as you swam towards them. Ahead you could see Zdinarsk and Mansk gripping onto one another. You dived low trying to spot Prager. He tumbled around bellow the surface, unable to get a baring. His skin scraping against jagged rocks, one smacking right onto his head.
You pushed towards him, catching up with the aid of the current. He knocked and bumped against you as you tried to grab at him. You hooked hands under his arm pits and kicked off the surface bellow. Breaching the surface you gulped for air before being pushed down again. Prager's panicked flailing was knocking you down as he tried to remain surfaced. You tried to swim up but he kept pushing, desperate to breathe himself, mind lost in confusion.
He was ripped from you suddenly, your body plastered against a firm chest as you both broke the surface. Prager sputtered but managed to keep his head up in front of you. Your head turned to Miles, who looked furious. You couldn't tell who he seemed angrier at in that moment. Prager for almost drowning you or you for jumping off a cliff.
There was no time to get a lecture though. A horrible gurgling caught everyone's attention.
"SHHHHIIIITTT!" Zdinarsk screamed as the group was sucked closer to what for all intents and purposes looked like a drain. The seeds were being sucked down into it, lighting a tunnel below the surface. You gulped a deep breath in and braced as it sucked you all in.
Miles' arms were around you, holding close to his chest as water rushed past your ears. You couldn't open your eyes from the burn so kept them screwed shut as the current sucked you to your destination.
The seeds had lead you all here, surly it was safe enough? That you'd be able to hold breath long enough to reach its end. Unless it was meant to kill you all? Spider had an air mask, he'd survive a long journey. Your lungs burned, desperate to breathe, to suck in the water around you. Did Eywa intend that? Was this her plan to save Spider, to kill you all in the depths of her stomach.
The underwater river spat you all out. Flying up into air for a moment before crashing into far warmer water. Miles thrust you above the surface. You took gasping breathes of fresh salty air. The sun beamed down, brighter than anything you'd seen in days now. You blinked in the blur, Miles' arm wrapped around your torso as he swam towards land.
You could see it more clearly now. White sand, deep blue waves, cloudless sky, it looked like a postcard. The beautiful beach was curved like a crescent moon. Turquoise waters stretched out into the horizon. Ocean smoothed rocks and thick forest surrounded the expanse of sand.
You shrieked a laugh, a hysterical sound that conveyed the joy, relief and horror of they days past in one noise. It startled the group but you couldn't find it in you to care what they thought of you in that moment. You were free of the cave and closer to freeing Spider.
Miles' hands stayed on you, moving up to your shoulders as you waded onto the beach. You still felt so drained, you didn't have the strength to shrug him off. You weren't even sure you wanted to.
Lyle and the others waded in, collapsing on the warm sand. It seemed a good idea, your knees buckled. Miles caught your intent, lowering you slowly to the ground as he stayed standing. Eyes searching the area.
Spider crawled to your side, flopping down on top on your outstretched arm. He didn't speak but his eyes sparkled and his toothy grin said it all. He'd felt her too. He'd been lead from danger by her. Now all you had to do was finish the job.
Quaritch hadn't spoken to you yet. You'd felt so drained that you fell asleep right there in the sand. When you stirred Spider was up and helping prepare a place to camp out for the night. A blanket had been draped over your sleeping form. You honestly couldn't say who'd done it or if your blue skin would have even burned anyway. Spider would know you thought to yourself, watching him across the beach. Quaritch was with him, showing him proper knot tying. They laughed together a moment and you couldn't help but smile at them.
"Daww look at the happy family!" Lyle spoke in a goofy baby voice, cooing at them. You shifted up to sit, slapping his leg lightly. He laughed flopping down to join you.
"Can't believe you finally did it." You turned to him frowning, his own eyes stayed locked ahead. A lazy smile across his lips, the one that made little dimples form on his cheeks. You rocked to bump him again.
"Just sayin' I owe Zdinarsk big time! She was always in your corner, even back when we weren't so blue!" You flushed, realizing his meaning. Of course they'd all know. The quick soak hadn't rid you of his scent, nor him of yours. You steeled yourself not wanting to look so embarrassed by it.
"Jealous?" You smirked at him, sticking your tongue out. Lyle clutched his chest, flopping back into the sand dramatically.
"Oh my poor heart! I cannot take it! Y/n! In the arms of another!" He overacted, flinging a hand to his forehead. You barked a laugh, catching Zdog smiling over at you as you did. Mansk waved at you from her side. Their fighting long over it would seem. Lyle sat back up again wrapping an arm around your shoulder and tugging you in for a quick hug.
"Hey you've never been the one person kinda folk. I'm happy with this the way it is." He smiled softly. You smiled back, though you're sure it wouldn't reach your eyes.
It was all going to be over soon. You didn't want it to be but what could you do at this point? Free Spider and stay? Could you keep up that lie? Even if you could 'kill Jake' were still your orders and you couldn't help them. Your team was gonna hate you, probably gonna get orders to kill you too but you had to leave. Leave a life you'd always wanted with them. One last night then you'd sneak off on your watch.
Mansk called you both over, pulling you out your head. You didn't miss the way Lyle's eyes stayed on you. He knew something was eating at you but he wouldn't pry, he never did. The others set up a big bonfire and prepared the provisions on it. Spider boasted of his hunting abilities but Quartich hadn't taken him up on his offer of fresh meat.
You sat together in the warm glow, the suns heat leaving the air around the fire cool. The horizon was cast in purples, pinks and oranges. The tiny constellations appearing in the sky and on the skin of your once friends as they spoke.
Moods were high. Lively chatter and stories being shared. Spider was more comfortable with the others than he'd ever seemed. Maybe a dangerous adventure without you or Quaritch had bonded them better. You hoped he wouldn't miss them.
Quaritch joined you as you took in the sight. His thigh pressing against your own, he sighed deeply. For a moment you thought he might not say anything. That you could enjoy the simple moment with him but he turned to you.
"So what happened back there, huh?" His eyes glinted in the firelight, locked on yours. There was little point in lies now, in a matter of hours you'd be gone. He deserved some truth at least.
"I saw her." Your voice still came out strained. Some last instinct clinging onto secrecy.
"Who? Their God?" Quaritch's brow furrowed, lip curling slightly at the idea.
"No." His face softened. "Grace." His face slackened. A colder expression, some sting of emotion on the wind. You knew him too well, he wouldn't regret killing her but maybe he regretted you finding out. He'd known before you were close, you worked with her so often and never really hid your fondness for her.
"I don't understand it. Not really. But she was there, in the roots somehow and it was real." He stayed silent as you spoke. You couldn't even summon the anger from before, you felt a numbness overcome you now. Like the end of a really wild drinking session, when everyone was gone and you were alone in the still cool night. Nothing but the buzz in your ears and your swimming mind.
"I...I can't forgive you... for her but I care about you all. I think I love you." You couldn't stop the words from coming out but you held the tears that wished to follow. His own eyes betrayed a moment of shock, his tail shooting up but he recovered quickly. Leaning forward he placed a gentle kiss against your lips. It was quick, sweet, his own answer he couldn't voice.
"Your gonna be okay, we're all here with you." His hand found your shoulder, gently rubbing it. He was trying to comfort you, to assure you. You knew he could tell there was more, that there was something else bubbling bellow the surface. He was making space for you to come to him, when you were ready to talk. To know that any of the others would listen. He couldn't know how it cut daggers through your heart to hear that now.
Zdinarsk flopped down to your side resting a heavy head on your shoulders, Mansk followed laying his head on her lap. Lyle and Prager stopped whatever game they'd been playing and joined you all. He sat between your legs, head resting on your thigh, Prager laying across his legs. Even Spider had appeared, leaning on Quaritch's other side. A big pile of the people you loved most.
In another life this would have been perfect, even in this one you tried to allow the joy, the feeling of safety and belonging to wash over you. To enjoy this moment while it lasted but you couldn't. Your unease burned so heavily in the air that your sure that even Spider could have smelt it. Still you all stayed like that, others whispered stories filling the air until folk started to nod off.
You didn't sleep. On the third change you took the watch. The night was cold and filled with life from the forest. The ocean waves crashed against the shore, providing cover. Once Prager's breath had stilled into the gentle rhythm of sleep, you nudged Spider awake.
You'd removed your shoes and abandoned anything traceable in the sand. You shifted slowly over to Spider and held a hand over his mouth. He woke with a start but Quaritch stayed sleeping by his side. Without a sound you lead him off into the trees. The mass of sleeping forms not stirring. Once you were satisfied they wouldn't hear you slipped the second mask out.
Spider knew what you were doing immediately, eyes widening but he said nothing. You helped remove the first mask, slipping the second one into place. It hissed as it sealed, you nodded to him before leading on further into the forest, tossing the first mask into the bushes.
"Are we really going?" He finally spoke up. You nodded, not trusting you voice just yet. You had to stay strong, keep moving.
"Where do I take you? Where would Jake and Neytiri go if they couldn't stay with the tribe?" You kept walking ahead of him, he may see the uncertainty you managed to keep from your voice. Spider was quiet, deep in thought as he considered the question.
"Maybe a nomad tribe? The flatlands are easily scanned so maybe the cave dwellers north? Or the Ocean clans?" He didn't know. You weren't too surprised, after all he didn't seem that close to the parents of the Sully family.
"I should take you back to the Omatikaya, maybe the avatar's there would know. At the very least you'd be home?" You offered. You were unsure how you felt about going there yourself. You'd only known Norm, Max and Grace. If you came with Spider though the clan might not be too hostile to your presence.
"Uh yeah, home then I guess." You didn't like the way he said it. It stirred the same concern you'd felt before. Though the numbness hadn't left you yet. It was like someone had died, maybe you'd died a little. The part you left behind with the others, still on watch, still part of the team.
You couldn't be that person anymore though. You knew what they were doing with Spider was wrong. What they'd do for RDA was wrong. So you buried that feeling, lasering your focus on Spider and survival.
Morning came as you walked on. You couldn't afford to rest until there was more space between you and them. You kept smiles and jokes with Spider but you knew he sensed your unease. He didn't have the words to help so kept to joking but it was half hearted. You moved swiftly, sure that the team could be on you any second.
Spider filled the air with stories as the days continued. Jake's kids had been his friends, Kiri especially. You saw his blush and joked with him, making big kissing faces as you taunted him gently. He laughed, more genuinely than days past and you felt yourself do the same.
The mountains drew closer now. Your spirit felt lighter again, distance made it easier to forget their warmth. The scent left on your skin wore away, the mix of the group replaced with the forest and sweat. You focused on the idea of a new life, new friends, even old ones. Spider had spoke little about the humans that remained but had let slip that Max and Norm were still alive. You grew anxious to see them again.
Spider showed you how to hunt like a real Na'vi. Even teaching you prayers to say over kills. Ways to thank the life around you for sustaining your own. It reminded you of your time with Grace before all this. You enjoyed Spider as a teacher, his awe and love of his world shone through. It fed his pride to pass it on too, it was nice to see him so confident.
It was on the last day before the mountains that you felt a familiar unease crawl up your tail to your spine. You whipped around gun raised into the green around you, Spider behind dropping into a protective stance knife raised.
"Be calm." A voice called from the trees. Omatikaya pushed through the leaves, making themselves visible to you both. Their own weapons lowered, you followed suit. They recognized Spider of course and maybe the lack of restraints on him put them at ease about you.
"Spider!" You heard Norm call out, tears welling at the sound of his voice. He rushed forward, tugging the boy up into a hug in his avatar body. You smiled over at him as Spider dangled in his grasp.
"Norm!" You called, grinning as you approached. You didn't know how you'd explain yourself but just seeing him put you at ease. You stilled though, his expression catching you off guard. It was beyond shocked, pale and his tail betrayed a frantic shift in mood. There was a horror in his eyes that you didn't understand.
"Y/n? but wha.. how the.. you were..." He stammered out, Spider slipping out of his arms and dropping to the grass bellow. Spider seemed to mirror some of his unease, fidgeting as he seemed to be trying to form an explanation. You shrugged, you'd have to be the one to break the ice.
"Sorry I know it must be weird, seen as I died..."
"You didn't." The world could have crashed around you and you'd fail to notice. Everything was gone to you. You could only focus ahead as you watched yourself come into view.
You were older now. New wrinkles behind the exopack your human self wore. Their face was stern, something hardened it over the years you'd not experienced yourself. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat quickening. This was why Spider was so strange talking about you, he actually knew you.
You tried to speak, to ask questions but your throat was so tight. A pounding in your head grew until it felt like your skull was going to explode. You dropped into a squat trying to remember how to breathe slower but it wasn't happening. Pain erupted in your chest now too, tears flowing freely as your world shattered around you.
You were dimly aware of Spider with you, gripping your hands and trying to speak. You couldn't understand him over the ringing of your ears. It felt for all the world like you were dying.
Your head shot up to meet your human selves steely gaze. They sighed, looking aggravated at your state before stalking off. Norm came forward then, helping Spider calm you.
Eventually you slowed your breathing, following Spider's instructions and matching his. Norm helped you stand on shaking legs, walking you back to where they made camp.
He kept looking away when you caught his eyes. The man who'd been a friend so many years ago. Maybe it's because you weren't the you he knew. Maybe the you he knew had burned that bridge long ago. You wanted to speak to ask him to explain it all but you couldn't bring yourself too.
The camp was sparse. Nothing like the village you'd heard stories of from Jake before. A shadow of the former tribes lives. Pieces of it hung from walls and were formed into make shift tents. Human weaponry was pilled up beside spears and more traditional equipment.
Everywhere you followed after Norm, eyes shot daggers. You couldn't blame the people, you looked like military. A warrior took your gun and knife from you before a young Na'vi male stood before you. The feathered shoulders clued you in, this was the new Chief. You bowed your head, remembering Grace's lessons and let Spider speak for you.
The young Chief allowed you to stay under the watch of the avatars. You were to be escorted with them or Spider where ever you went. Not a warm welcome but a gracious one considering what experience they'd had of your kind before. You followed Spider into the area the humans stayed, he passed you an air mask and took you through to the labs.
"Oh good you're not dead." The human you walked into your field of vision. It was still startling to see them. They wore clothing more similar to lab wear than you'd ever worn. More like Grace's style. It came to you in a wave of sadness, those were actually some of Grace's clothes.
Spider seemed agitated next to you, this human you making him uncomfortable. You felt yourself shift just slightly, shielding him from them. They didn't notice or didn't care, simply sitting in an office chair and looking stone faced up at you.
"Suppose you want to know what happened then. I got out. I enacted my plan. Took whatever information I could and met Jake and Norm out here. Grace was already dead but we had a fight to win. We did win, though we lost Trudy too but we won. Well for a time anyway. We've been with people out here ever since. Fighting alongside them again. Glad you at least kept my fight." They told the story coldly, no hint of sorrow for who they'd lost nor any sympathy for you hearing it fresh. They seemed to look at you with some distaste, maybe they remembered how you'd still felt about your previous allegiance.
"If I'm honest I'd forgotten all about the Recombinant program until, Socorro here got himself kidnapped."
"Spider." You said firmly, feeling that rage waking in you.
"Sure. Still I'll have to give Max an earful, you weren't supposed to happen." They turned in their chair, facing the computer, conversation over. Spider touched your arm gently urging you to leave with him, his face masking a deep sorrow.
You seethed, letting the tears fall. Screw this you. How could you be so callous now! Did they not remember how it had felt, the guilt? Or had rage burned away the compassion for their once friends. How could they be so cruel to Spider?! Did they even care he wasn't dead! The only question left slipped out as a whisper.
"Don't you give a shit about him?" You kept your eyes on them. Spider quickly tugging you, maybe trying to stop you from speaking but not daring to talk himself.
"hmm?" Your own voice hummed the question, not listening, not even turning. You stormed forward, yanking the chair to face you. Their face betrayed the shock, the sudden fear of their larger stronger self.
"He needed someone years ago and you didn't care. Were you even going to help him now?" You screamed into their face, watching as their eyes darted to your fangs. Spider shrunk back, unable to intervene. You watched as your human self composed, face falling into a neutral mask.
"Why should I? He's not mine." Your human selves face curled, disgust at you, at Spider. This foul reflection angered you, they had what you'd been trying to move towards this whole time. How they wasted it!
You couldn't stand to be anywhere near them now. You saw right through them as your sure they saw into you. They hated the kid. He was a reminder of what they lost to be here.
Spider shifted uncomfortably you turned back to him now. Softening your features you reached a hand to his. He looked at you with glassy eyes and took it. You walked out that room before you pulled him to you, hugging him in close.
"I'm so sorry." You sobbed, feeling him break against you. He cried, wailing against you. It felt like years of repressed feelings boiling over into one moment. His fists smacked against you, then gripped and hugged you.
You couldn't imagine what he must feel. To have been neglected by this person all his life only to be thrust into a horrible situation with their doppelganger. Then for that them to treat him like you had? He must have been a mess of contradictory feelings.
It was a long time before you both stopped crying. He led you to his room here and you both collapsed. It had been over a week since you'd slept soundly but you did now.
You followed him out to the camp the next morning. He showed you where he met Kiri, where they played as children. Around you the Na'vi looked on, their undisguised mistrust and disgust at you. You were worse than a 'dreamwalker' you must seem like a demon to them. The face of their friend warped to look like them, a false body designed to lure them in to their death.
You felt self conscious about your army gear, opting to let Spider bring you more traditional Na'vi clothing. Your laughable attempts at getting the stuff on led to Mo'at showing you. You'd heard of her before from Grace.
Mo'at seemed to be the only one to treat you kindly at first. Though through her closeness others seemed to drop their walls. You were still foolish and unskillful to them but that was better than being the hated demon.
You wanted to talk to her about the seeds. About what you'd witnessed in the cave but you couldn't. How would she react to knowing you'd desecrated a holy space. Would she even believe Eywa would help your kind? You dropped it, it didn't matter anymore anyway. Why the seeds landed on him didn't matter anymore.
You were settling in the best you could even stopped tugging at the scant clothing you wore now. It had been weeks and Spider's continued lessons had helped make you feel less of a burden. He was with you now, showing you how to build a bow when Norm crashed through the tent. He was a flurry of motion, tripping over baskets as he barreled forward.
"Jake's called, Kiri needs us, come!" He pulled Spider, who grabbed your arm. You stayed rooted.
"Y/n come on!" He tugged.
"I...I can't, go please." Spider hesitated, hand still wrapped around your arm. You couldn't face them now, maybe in time but right now it felt wrong. Your heart was still aching from betraying your friends. What if he sensed it somehow? You didn't want to see the disgust he'd feel if he knew how much you yearned for them.
Spiders fingers slipped, letting Norm lead him to their transport. He kept looking back at you, you waved but stayed still. Watching until he was gone from view, then you were alone. No one said anything or stopped you as you made your way to the forest bellow.
You weren't supposed to go anywhere alone. They didn't trust you still, you supposed but you needed to be alone. You couldn't bare Mo'at or the others seeing you cry for the unit you longed for.
You wandered aimlessly, not even sure yourself where you were going. Here you never really were alone, every animal and plant buzzed with life around you. It felt nice, comforting. The scents of the forest, the breeze through the leaves, the feel of the soil between your toes. It was worth it right? Leaving behind the ones you loved to save this.
You wandered far, not realizing until you were there that you'd gone to 'the shack'. It was as it had been months back. Broken building, abandoned AMP suit. You went to it without hesitation now, peering down at Quartich's skeleton.
Oddly it was headless now. Searching you found the fragments in the dirt. Dimly you remembered Quaritch had not ordered himself be recovered. That he'd taken his tags off but left the body here. Had he done that to his skull? It put you in mind of a phoenix, that he'd rose from his ashes into his new life.
You wished you'd done the same. Bitterly imagining your human self back at camp. You wondered if they'd even notice Spider's absence this time. If they'd even check if he was out or missing. You remembered how Quaritch spoke of his human selves orders back in the cave. Maybe he didn't like his other self much either.
You barely felt the twitch of being watched before pain flooded your senses. Screaming you gripped your side, looking down at the bright tranq jutting out. The drug worked quick, you'd barely taken a step before your legs turned to stone. You tumbled into the grass, the cold numbness spreading up. You tried to scream, to crawl but it was no use. Your body simply wouldn't obey, stilling in the clearing.
They'd found you, they must have found you! Your vision hazed, a wobbling blur as the drug flooded your senses. Human figures stalked forward. Brow furrowing you tried to look at them.
"Hardly recognized this one all dressed up! Or down eh? Ardmore better give me a raise for taggin one!" A boot by your head sneered out before it struck you.
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inposterumcumgaudio · 6 months
Prudence Holmes?
So Prudence's story should be serving a pretty crucial point to the narrative, but it gets impeded by design flaws and glitches. People also get hung up on the "mystery" of Mr. Kite and disregard how Prudence's escape connects to the rest of the story.
The most glaring problem for understanding Prudence's story is that Prudence's body in the tunnels suffers from a glitch in that game that will sometimes fail to spawn narrative-triggered corpses. The same thing will happen with Bobby Hickinbotham, for example. He should be passed out on the couch when you arrive at the Reform Club, but sometimes, all you find are his things strewn about. Lucky you don't have to search him to get the ID card you need!
Same thing happens with Prudence when you get to the motilene mines. And if you're the sort of player who isn't paying rapt attention when Arthur comments on it anyway and connects that to the ongoing plot about her, you may then never find out what happens to Prudence.
And that's assuming that you have been dutifully answering the telephones in the Garden District every morning and are invested in that. Which one may very well not be. I play quite efficiently these days, but I think even most new players do not spend enough time in the Garden District to be there on ten separate mornings to answer the phone ten times.
I do wonder if the quest "An Awkward Courtship", in which you're asked to return to the same Garden District set piece five nights in a row to eavesdrop on a couple meeting clandestinely, wasn't meant to sort of nudge the player into spending more time in Lud's Holm than they might have otherwise. If you look at it as trying to set the player up to be in the Garden District at dawn to answer the phone, then that quest seems a little less like a pointless time sink.
And all of this stems from the larger problem WHF has that the areas are so large and so samey unless you are in a set piece that one gets environment fatigue. So a player is probably wanting to get out of the Garden District as soon as possible, rather than linger about.
So they then also made it an achievement to listen to the phonecalls. A merit badge that Steam reports only 1.5% of players having collected. Welp. The generous thing to do would be to make your progress on the phones carry over to Sally's act, but I suspect we'd be asking quite a lot. (And then you'd miss Agent Sally the Super Spy's meandering and astute observation that it must be some sort of secret message.)
Speaking of environments, you're also supposed to be guessing at what the coded language in the calls means, but that's hard to do if you've never played the game before and don't know the landmarks or characters yet.
WHF is a game that very much benefits from multiple playthroughs, but let's be real, it's kind of a slog and most people do not complete it even the once. (High five it if you're here though, means you made it!)
But let's imagine a world in which all the information about Prudence that the player should have collected from those phonecalls is given to them in a way memorable and in the course of the average playthrough.
Like I said, people get hung up on the whole thing of who Mr. Kite is, but that's actually not important. It's okay for a plot element like Mr. Kite to be simply be without further explanation. You already know everything you need to know about him.
And actually, you already know everything you need to know about Prudence's escape too!
The important thing is that Gemma doesn't.
Prudence (and to a more obvious but muddy degree, Johnny Bolton) are your clues that Gemma does not have the entire picture of the situation on her conspiracy boards and is unknowingly trying to fit pieces of separate puzzles together. That she has Bolton, Prudence, and Harry Plantagenet all together means she suspects Verloc in all of their disappearances. By the time you're reading Gemma's boards, you could have met Bolton in Lud's Holm and know that he's alive and well-ish and even with all the impediments to Prudence's story, you probably picked up her journals in the Barrow Holm and Maidenholm hatches and would know that she left of her own accord and has been following Mr. Kite's path out of town. Prudence is the most reliable point that what Gemma has concluded is not the the actual facts, but merely supposition.
If - big if - you're following the phonecall stuff, you'd know Prudence is still kicking about and not locked in Haworth Labs.
Other Proodle thots:
Arthur was apparently smitten with her when they worked together at the Department of Archives, Printing and Recycling (such that Prudence even notes his making "googly eyes" in her journal), but does not recognize her voice on these phonecalls.
Which I personally elected to mean that it's not actually her or Mr. Kite on the phones and that when it's a message for them, it actually is. Prudence does mention coming back from the phonebooth herself in her journal, being chased by the bobbies she's electrocuted in the Maidenholm hatch, but bobbies are rarely seen in the Garden District, the only place in Wellington Wells with working phonebooths. She also writes that she's "leaving a message" when she needs to inform Mr. Kite that she needs a new shelter because the Maidenholm hatch smells like rotting corpse. She could be euphemistic in her own diary (it's par for the course in Wellington Wells to speak that way), but you could also interpret that literally as I do.
Prudence also says in her diary that Victoria always suspected a resistance movement plotting away, but that Mr. Kite says there isn't one. And I think that is the case. There are some disparate resistance actions happening in Wellington Wells (Mr. Kite's Underground Railroad, William Godwin's overt protests, Johnny Bolton's operations, whatever it is the Reform Club is doing) but none of them are organized. They don't know about each other and aren't working together.
Isn't it very interesting how Arthur more or less forgets all about his infatuation with Prudence the second Sally reenters his thoughts? He really only mentions Prudence when faced with her existence, when he's answering a phonecall.
I like to think that his two week "holiday" from the O' Courant and sudden move to civil service was related to his feelings for Sally. And that he ends up working under Victoria? The Ploughboys call him her "pet" and she does seems somewhat invested in him. She very likely took him under her wing so she could keep an eye on him and encouraged him to move on, chemically and otherwise, in any direction other than Sally. So maybe Arthur's attentions on Prudence were never really founded on anything other than that he already had those feelings but was willfully forgetting their actual subject and needed someone else to hang them on.
Which would be quite convenient for Victoria if it worked out. Much as everyone loves the idea of Victoria/Prudence, I have to think it was unrequited. Obviously Victoria would never act on those feelings if she had them, but what a character doesn't say is as important as what they do and not once in Victoria's DLC does she ever mention Prudence. She doesn't even remember Prudence's goodbye letter in her own recollection of her house.
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