#at this point its clear theyre just going to keep pissing me around
esoanem · 1 year
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Gothmog clearly understands that Someone has Done Some Bullshit to me and I require Affection from her, but sadly does not understand that in doing so is preventing me from taking the necessary response
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1-talk-alot · 3 months
Okayyyyy yeah I got terminated but if I hadn’t got terminated you’d be able to go back and see alllllll the shit about M (code name) and im not going to re explain it so whatever
Short rant ahead!!!!
I vagely remember saying that I would talk about this topic again unless something happened and ig something did happen but whatever whatever im making no sense
Soooo today in fact M, E and C (and me!) we’re in dance bcs we have no choice and we were like standing around because idk and E goes to the bathroom so im sitting down and M and C are there and Ms talking shit about someone and I’m like “wait who” and they’re like “Ph it’s nothing don’t worry about it!” And im not stupid and I HATE how they think I’m just gonna be like “Okay! I will assume it’s someone who I don’t know or someone who you have already told me about because im an empty headed idiot with no opinions, logic, or ability to work things out on my own!” LIKE?????? Anyways I just assume its one of my friends or me because you im not an empty headed idiot like they apparently think!
Sooooooooo E comes back and we do our dance and (this next bit is a bonus issue) idk if M even like notices but they neeeeeeeeed to stop standing so close to my face like please?? I keep stepping back and you keep coming closer like stop
So whatever our group has another break and M jumps up and says(to C) “okay anyways I wanna keep shittalking them now!” And they open their phone and I can quite obviously see E’s pfp on their phone and i atp go to tell E “hey theyre talking about you” but like even I know that I don’t have to because theyre full on standing 1 foot away. Like Ik some people are just dicks who make it clear they don’t like you and they talk about you knowing you can hear them because they want you to feel shit but keep in mind everyone in our group are meant to be “bestfriends” or whatever. I didn’t hear exactly what was said I just know it was to do with some text message or whatever.
Sidetrack! (Because I do that a lot) they also expect me to move into an apartment with them when we’re older?? Idk but its weird because one it’s not gonna happen, two I know exactly what I wanna do and im going to live alone, three in the time period im not living alone (because I know that’ll happen too) I wanna live with E, A, or just some stranger who I can get to know and become friends with. It sounds mean but there’s no way im going to wind up in an apartment with M and theyre being so oblivious about it despite my multiple attempts to tell them my life plan
Back to the story uh there’s not story left just WHAT THE FUCK???? This next sentence may sound sarcastic but it’s a genuine question do you want the world to know what you said aboit E?? It would be bad anyways but you’re standing 1-2 feet away????? Literally that whole day I’ve been doing my regular “I wanna talk to my friends without seeming intrusive so im gonna stand” thing and almost whenever I actually do get to talk to my friend they just intrude and I know it sounds selfish bcs idk how to explain how I know they’re doing it on purpose?? And then they try to like steer me somewhere else like the canteen or like anywhere???
Let’s finish on a sidetrack ok I think its safe to say that theyve got shit going on for themselves and every once in a while they (out of nowhere, mind you) strike up a point like “if I died you guys wouldn’t care and 1 what do I even say??? Like I’d care obviously but what do I say? And two even when I do say like anything theyre just like “you’ll live.” Like ok am I not meant to? Because it sounds like you’re mildly pissed at the fact that I wouldt follow you if you died or smth
That also happened today and honestly idk what theyre even tryna do? Like youre making a point that you’re obviously sour about and then when we try to reassure you you’re just reject it?? So what are we supposed to do then? This happens often and im soooo tired of it because it’s a lose-lose game like there’s no good option anyways
(Disclaimer excuse spelling mistakes bcs I didn’t proof read this I just wanted to post it finally)
In conclusion I shouldddd (“deal with it in a mature and organised way so that no one gets hurt!”) commit identity fraud!
Bye bye :3
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spitefulcrepechan · 3 years
Allow me to spend the next few minutes rambling about why yall are stupid for hating Ice Juggler Cookie just because they're "rude"
Also since idk Ice Juggler's gender I'll be using they/them pronouns for them.
So the major complaint ive seen people have against Ice Juggler is the fact that they're very passive-aggressive and rude towards people. Not rude as in like Devil Cookie rude but like Karen-level sort of rude
I can understand why, some people just don't like rude cookies, some prefer more mellow cookies like Herb Cookie or depressed cookies like Sea Fairy Cookie
My issue however is that people are unjustifiably hating Ice Juggler for being rude without seeing WHY they are so rude.
And I'm here to insert that knowledge into your skulls with 2 simple bullet points
1. Their job in the circus
Jobs aren't always fun, the very definition of a job isn't to be fun. While people can have fun or are content with their job, some people don't exactly like it for various reasons; Too stressful, bad work enviromemt, low pay, etc.
Some people could argue that working in a circus, specifically as a clown, would be a very fun job. Other's however could argue that its bloody hell. While I can't say this for anyone, I can see why that other side would say that.
Picture yourself as Ice Juggler, you're suppose to go around on stage, rolling a ball around beneath your feet while you juggly at ice cream scoops while people laugh at you. You're struggling to try and keep the ball rolling, keep yourself juggling, and make sure you don't crash into anyone or anything, coupled by having to jump from ball to ball. One slip up, and people will either laugh at you or boo in disappointment, and if you get the latter, your boss won't take kindly to that. But if you get the former, you're probably still gonna be a bit pissed because people are laughing at you getting seriously hurt. I know the intent of clowns are to be comically injured, but Ice Juggler isnt a cartoon, theyre a living breathing cookie who can get hurt. And while it may not be so bad the first time, having it happen to you over and over again could probably chip away at your sanity.
And before you ask "Well, Ice Juggler can just get a different job if they don't like it!" You're still just be assuming shit simply by force glance. The circus could probably give them decent pay and they seem to be capable of doing their job right, so they may WANT to leave their job but they may NEED to keep it, either because Ice Juggling's the only good thing they're good at (duh its in the name) or because theyre need to money.
2. How they're treated at their work place
Even if they do passionately love juggling and rolling on balls, the way their boss, Choco Cup Cookie, treats them is just atrocious
(Credit to Royal Mike on youtube for the screenshots)
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An example being how Choco Cup Cookie tells Ice Juggler Cookie to shut up after judging an audition of someone, later saying "someone might hear you"
Publicity is one thing but the welfare and the freedom of your employee's speech is another, and this is clear evidence that Choco Cup neither cares or is ignorant about how Ice Juggler feels about shit.
Now some people may assume that Ice Juggler is being way too mean about the cookie's audition, but we dont exactly see what the cookie's audition was. It could have been atrocious, it could have been brilliant, we're never told this. We just know that Ice Juggler found it awful and Choco Cup found it "not so bad", which may hint at it actually being as awful as Ice Juggler implies but for now, again, its just speculation.
The point here is that Choco Cup isn't allowing Ice Juggler to voice their opinion/criticism, especially when theyre doing a task THAT GIVES THEM THAT OPTION. The cookie auditioning asked to be judged by Ice Juggler and Choco Cup, and Ice Juggler gave them their judgement, to which Choco Cup tried to shut them up for.
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Aaand to make matters worse, Choco Cup's literally telling Ice Juggler that they're not allowed to express their emotions, which Choco Cup's clearly aware of, since it'll damage the circus' reputation.
Dunno about that but clearly that is a sign of some major fucking mental manipulation.
If you have to say that one's emotions will ruin your company, then honey, your company is already running straight towards hell
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Especially when you have to physically shut them up. (For context for those who weren't around during this event (like me), its Banana Cookie's turn to audition and its implied that Choco Cup covered Ice Juggler's mouth giving the *URMPH*)
And before you assume that Ice Juggler is being a douche solely for being a douche
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Literally saying that Banana Cookie's performance wasn't all that bad. Wasn't great, but wasn't horrid either.
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Put words in their fucking mouth
Am i making my point clear?
Can you see why ice juggler is so pissed? Because their boss is literally prevent them from being anything more than an ICE JUGGLER
Literally go to hell choco cup
Sorry that this one was alot longer than part 1 but i felt like i had to expand a bit more on this cuz theres a lot to unpack here. Theres some more atrocities Choco Cupfuck has done but this is prob enough to show a good reason why Ice Juggler is rude af
Anyway i hope yall like this post and while youre valid for disliking Ice Juggler, i hope you at least understand why they have one of the reasons you potentially dislike them for. Feel free to add your optinions or anything i missed, reblog, whatever
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floralkittygambler · 3 years
Based on the new signed work for hazbin
looks like shitty h/skerd/st may end up canon, even though once again husk looks uncomfortable and pissed off by angel, but you cant literally criticise angel without the whole fucking fandom and even staff get pissy with you. accept that not everyones gonna love him, and folks like me whove been victims to these sorts *really* dont fucking like him (to be clear, his predatory nature of not accepting husk saying no but magically accepting other's no, incl alastors. also he tried to force a kiss from husk, similar to how his boss does to him so theres no fucking excuses. its disgusting and male victims of sex crimes are fucking valid, so stop excusing angels actions. he didnt deserve to be a victim but hes not doing favours by making a victim out of husk. its clear harassment. not cute or tsundere either, vile fujoshis-). but most relate or love angel so validate this shit, much like viv and her staff and vas. revolting. he also gives sw a bad name when hes fucking harassing folks bc sw isnt like that - you dont just harass someone. nor is sex your entire identity.
ugh fed up man. im starting to enjoy this fandom so little yet the few characters i am attached to keep me around. hell ive said before ive been around husk like people and they often really dislike angel types, whereas angel types adore them rather shallowly tbh. yeah but honestly this fandom and the clowns running it will find an excuse for angel and avoid those actually affected as always. big surprise...
husk physically resembles angels brother, dad and client, and is similar to the first two. its this toxic bond of angel wanting that love he never got from them. basic science. plus both addicts and one being older than his fuckin dad means realistically it wouldnt work. love does not cure everything nor should be pushed to. ones uncomfortably forced into it, and his bonding moments makes husk ooc because hes portrayed totally different to how he would be. again, experience. overall we get enough of this toxic, forced shit in media. just stop.
angel needs to sort his own shit before being with a guy. and then he needs to be with a guy on his level, around his age and mentality whos in a healthy spot. someone similar to him. hell a male cherri bomb would suit. as for husk, he needs a lot more work thatll take far longer. he needs to love himself and work through his own shit and be like that for awhile first. seen it first hand kill so
before anyone goes 'its fiction' yeah? well then explain how shit like many toxic ideals in romcoms or hell, how male victims of sex crimes are treated as a fucking joke still when its not funny, or hey how about that the only chemistry is this bitter distaste and onesidedness thats shallow af. or how shit like 'killing stalking' and whatnot are seen as cute romances by fans very similar to the point its this sorta dumb shit people romanticise, fantasize and normalise - young people. hell adults too esp immature ones.
its not healthy.
its really not.
and being on the receiving end makes you sick to your stomach and paranoid on others intentions for you.
every glance or touch is an attack. every remark, a hidden message. thats what we're left with.
as for the blokes, they get the extra of being a 'joke' and not a 'real man', that they should 'enjoy' it.
fuck off
also to grow you need to accept not everyone will like or love you. angel irl and in fiction seems mostly adored whether its shallow or not. making a character that dislikes him be his lover is a shit cop out and bad writing just like helluva. we get it, he hates rejection. dont we all. but no one grows without it. hell angel wold benefit from a guy telling him no and sticking to that for him to just accept.
because media shows that fandoms and celebs are now littered full of spoilt folks getting their own ways, seeing any critique or disinterest as 'hate' and being the most entitled buncha twats going. not everyones going to love you or care and that doesnt mean theyre a hater. if viv actually wants a likeable character with flaws to grow, she'd actually show angel's bad as not just him being a fucking victim as its just a mix of victim blaming and entitlement to get what he wants for being a victim when life aint fair. show him with traits more widely despicable thatll shock fans. actually show him accepting people not liking him and being ok rather than forcing himself on them until they do. fucking disgusting. though everyone thinks thats cute. bloody weird-
just like his creator, he wont grow and improve. theyve hired a fucking r'pe fetisher for gods sake. the whole viv and hired folks are a mess...
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mostlikelyshutup · 4 years
thoughts while watching the first harry potter:
listen i started this list a little late im ngl but notable thoughts so far are me thinking of dumbledore as a gay idiot and still loving hagrid
do you think hes speaking in parseltongue in the zoo when hes speaking to the snake
forgot boats existed
these idiots do scream a lot dont they
i forgot how light hearted this universe really is in the first couple movies
yer a wizard harry, okay hagrid maybe slide him into it a little better
we get it tuney you have fucking trauma, doesnt mean you should abuse a child
hasnt everyone had their name down since they were born, hagrid? theres a list
i like that his umbrella is pink
are you paying for those damages hargid? stop taking the door off the hinges
though, if the dursleys are, keep breaking shit
speaking about dragons on the the fucking tube, its a miracle harry didnt get in trouble with the ministry sooner
what is hagrid's usual? does anyone know???
fucking Quirrell, cant wait for your epic love story with the dark lord
maybe we should tell the 12 year old how the fuck everyone knows his name, just maybe
they do a great job of getting the wonder down pat
how much money and licensing do you think it took for them to get all these owls on set
ahh yes, antisemitism the bank
how many vaults are in gringotts?? also if harry's vault is the potters vault, a literal like sacred 28 family, one of the original families, and its number 600 something, how many were there before the potters?? did the potters get a vault recently? or is this james and lily's vault?? how rich were james and lily if so??
look at ollivander, crazy tinker uncle, love him
this might be the socialist in me but why do people have to pay for wands if everyone needs one??
why is the dark lords twin wand just sitting around on the shelf, ollie me boy??
do you think thats Harry's true wand or do you think thats because of the horcux thing?? do you harry had to get another wand after he died?? did he? i dont remember the last movie
is ollie me boys actor wearing contacts or are his eyes just like that??
thats a very weird way of showing Halloween 81, very misleading
hagrid said ill predict voldys rise in the first movie so we can have some plot development
hagrid is late to everything isnt he? i can feel it in my bones
i swear ive seen these movies, and ive even read the first book, i just dont remember shit
youd think theyd have someone in the know stationed close to the entrance for the platform, for any muggleborns
ginnys actress really had no fucking lines in this movie did she, just had to stand there
oh wait she said good luck
amazing work ginny
ooh a warm filter
can muggles see the express? like just running from london to scotland
you didnt have to show the woman the sad sandwich ron
i think the trolly replenishes magically, i think thats how thats how that works, i want to believe that
god i cant tell if i would love or hate hermione, shes pretentious but so was i at that age
god dont fucking point your wand right in someones face mione
how does mione know who harry is?? why does she care?
look at the tiny first years, might just go and pinch theyre cheeks
MINNIEEEE i love you minnie
looking stunning minnie, the green brings out the sternness in your brow
you go minnie, give your speech, thats my head of house
shut up draco, youre not bond
you pretentious fuckwit, your hair is brassy anyways
if this is a class of kids born in the middle of a war, how big are the usual class sizes wtf
fucking propaganda ron, you slytherin hater
what order are these names going in, did they just randomized the list
oooh we get quiet for the boy who lived, jesus let him keep living
the fact that for the rest of these people its just silent is so fucking funny to me, Harry's just fucking whispering to himself
get their attention minnie
me dads a muggle, mums a witch, bit of a shock for him when he found out
NICK, love to see you buddy
i have no emotional attachment to peeves but i feel i should mention him here
the stairs still piss me off, why the fuck would you make moving stair cases
who sets out gloves for the next day? am i the weird one who doesnt??
Minnie, you are the love of my life
shut up snape you dramatic bloodpurist incel
i know theyre setting him up to be mistaken as the villain but jesus christ hes still an asshole
your robes Neville, you forgot your robes
its weird how they have to learn all these latin charms yet only have to say up to get their brooms to work
why wont you go after him, hes obviously not exactly in control, Hooch
does Hooch only teach first years? she is quite literally the equivalent of a history teacher who coaches football
what the fuck is Quirells classroom
they dont make the house teams because no first years can try out, Ron
why didnt you speak up earlier Mione wtf
bc the fire wont give you away, harry, better hide
they have much worse things locked up in the school, Ron
Oliver wood is a bloody liar because i still dont fuckign understand quidditch, also theres like 500 rules, wtf
thats a shitty explanation of how the game works, Oliver
carrot cake? on halloween?
dont shrug as if you didnt literally bully her ron
thought youd oughta know, bit of an understatement Quirell
no duh the trolls left the dungeon ron
lying: the best start to any friendship
we're at a net zero points for gryffindor for the year at the moment
the amount of interaction these kids have with professors is so weird to me, is this what small class size do to kids?? its weird
not comforting Oliver
Okay i understand Oliver simps now, I get it okay
are there no backups or subs for quidditch? feels like there should be, like of all the games
set him on fire mione, i know hes not the villain of the movie but god he sucks
fancy flying from harry fucking potter
okay but also i feel like there are some things we should not trust hagrid with, like hes not that great at keeping secrets
why is harry excited about christmas if he thinks hes not getting presents? i knw there are other aspects but like thats the only reasont o get up early
i always remember this scene at night for some reason??
not just an invisibility cloak, THE invisibility cloak ron
btw who gives it to harry? is it remus? is it dumbledore? is it like an inheritance thing? whats up with that?
there are jumpscares in harry potter
he very much can hide, filch
stop being a narc mrs norris
does harry even know what his parents look like at this point? how does he know who the fuck is in the mirror of erised?? he doesnt have that stupid scrapbook yet does he
oh they nod, sure lets clear up that plot hole
they shouldve put sirius and remus in the mirror in that scene, shown his whole family, wouldve been a nice setup
how does rupert grint already look so tired as a twelve year old
big speech to give to a twelve year old Dumbledore, when you wont even tell him what you see
Emma really does just slam that book on Daniels hand, thats mustve fucking sucked
the fact that ive watched two movies that had Nicholas Flamel in two very different roles this year is very strange to me
well thats probably on account of it being a fucking dragon egg hagrid, now isnt it?
was hagrid a hufflepuff? i think he was, maybe a ravenclaw
yes four, you blonde idiot
that shot is really nice, it sets them apart
what happened to filch to make him such a miserable man?
ooh mention of werewolves, awooo werewolves of london
yeah just dip your whole hand in hagrid, dont be scared of the strange liquid, take a nice little bath
i loev that dog, i want that dog, i want to hug that dog
god just the look of that forest is so bloody cool
wait so is that quirell walking fucking backwards?
maybe ask who the fuck youre talking to before asking other questions??? wtf harry
why are yout talking to the centaur like hes your old friend harry, youve literally never met him before
snape doesnt want the stone at all Harry
god hagrid you sweet stupid man
snape is completely valid for that, if a twelve year old ever looked at me like that i would punch them
Do you think people ever loose invisibility cloaks? like theyre invisible do you think they ever just never get found again
i hate the look of the dog spit, that is so gross
they really left everything in except for the fucking potions didnt they, damn
harry potter walked so queens gambit could run
hermione, posted up
rons stupid in the later movies because he got a concussion as a twelve year old
god harry really posted up to beat up snape in fucking khakis
"I knew you were a danger to me!" Hes twelve, Quirell
let me wait for this weird dude to unravel his head scarf instead of running away
the magic in this movie is real fucking conditional isnt it
just some casual necromancy for the stone? you sure about that voldy, you two faced bitch?
let me choke out this twelve year old real quick
oh yeah why is he able to just avengers endgame Quirell? is there an answer to that? like was that ever found out
do you think voldy passing by him while he hold the stone actually killed him but since he holds the stone hes functionally unkillable and then some magic gets put into him and thats why he can return to life later when he actually goes to the whole afterlife place?
ohhh we're vouching on the blood magic for the endgaming of Quirell
do you think dumbledore came across the vomit flavored bean before or after his sister died?
Mione's got a headband! Looking snazzy!
how did Hufflepuff only get 352 points? Gryffindor literally lost 150 points this year and they only beat them by 50, wtf, is it because they kept getting caught with weed
I wont even speak on the fucking outrage that is this point awarding, its already been spoken on. However, Neville shouldve gotten more points
What if someone just stood up and started challenging Dumbledores math, that would be so funny
some of these extras are really attractive
but james potter is somehow so fucking ugly why did they do that to my mans
hagrid deserves the last shot of this film, i love him, he deserves everything, that stupid sweet man
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no-worshiped-roads · 4 years
Alright next part of mutant au
Zuke has finally arrived to eve’s district and boy does the conversation go south fast
Eve is just... so angry
She makes it clear she thinks zuke abandoned her and zuke has no idea what shes talking about
Most of this fight is dodging and talking/arguing
Thing is zuke and eve had been running away ftom horrible humans that kept them prisoner, at one point they wind up seperated
While running zuke fell down a cliff and the humans presumed him dead, he survived obviously but eve was recaptured while he was out
Some mutants from vinyl city found him and brought him back to be healed
By the time he woke again 3 days had passed and he had no idea where he was
He also found the humans were long gone with nadia from his rescuers
It took another week to heal and he’s got back problems from it
At some point, about 2 weeks later tatiana rescues nadia from the humans
She had been outside of the city making sure they were far away cause they had been close to discovering them when she found them with nadia
After rescuing her and taking her back to the city she gave her time to heal
It took nadia a long time to trust anyone again because to her, it seemed zuke abandoned her and saved himself
Especially when years passed before they had contact again (nadia learned he was in the city but zuke didnt know till after mays kidnapping given that she went by eve)
Zuke actually has to start fighting back which doesnt help especially with a particularly hard blow is landed on her head
It isnt till after eve retreats into her own dimension that theyre able to talk things out, somewhat. Eve at least understands he didn’t abandon her but she seemed really disoriented
Zuke asked her where may was and she seemed to be even more confused when he heard may shout
He left her dimension in a hurry to try and find may, since she was defeated, her other dimensions should have disappeared and dumped their contents back into reality
Unfortunately by the time he gets to where he heard may theres nothing. Just some scorch marks leading out the door
Kliff calls and tells him he needs to go and face the head of nsr, tatiana, in order to get may back and stop all of this
It later occurs to zuke as hes heading to face tatiana that kliff called him and knew what happened
Without zuke telling him
During the talk with eve tatiana had shown up. It didnt take her long to track down where may was held. After a bit of a scuffle, cause may did not go down without a fight, she was able to winnand knock may unconcious.
Thing is while may is strong she has poor control. And tatiana is stronger. I mean fire and time powers so. Yeah.
May wakes up in a chair at nsr tower on the upper floor. Before her with their back turned is tatiana.
“Awake i see.”
May finds she cant move desite not being tied down or anything.
“Dont bother. I used my time abilities to freeze your body in place. You will wait here for our meeting.”
“M-meeting?” May cant help but to feel nervous.
“You dont think i run this on my own do you? I have an individual at my side that needs to meet our newest members of nsr. And help to prepare them.”
“Im not gonna to join nsr! Zuke will bust me out of here and-“
“I plan on him coming. He’s a perfect addition as well. Since you two seem to make a good team, i’ll likely put him in your district.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“To protect others.”
“No? Why are forcing them into this, taking them away if they dont want to? Why-“
“Enough. Your friend has arrived.”
Zuke manages to get up to the tower, finding that these fights are a lot harder without may. He sees may in the chair and goes to rescue her only to be stopped by tatiana. The two fight eachother, with zuke barely being able to avoid losing. Zuke gets knocked down but before tatiana can freeze him too may attacks from behind.
Zuke managed to fight her long enough that she was letting her power on may slip till may could move again. The two fight her side by side till they win. With a very disoriented tatiana on tge fround they realized that all the artists seemed confused and lost after their defeat. As they wonder that out loud, a voice interrupts them.
Kliff shows up at the end of the fight congratulating them for helping form a new nsr. And joining it as their newest members.
Theyre understandbly confused when this happens, but dumbfounded when kliff reveals who they really are
Theyre the real head as nsr as they revealed, and kliff has been controlling everyone by force
kliff is a psychic genius, but his powers arent strong enough to control so many prople, much less ones as strong as the nsr artists
So he made chips that went in heads to amplify their powers, mainly his mind control powers, and when he hot a hold of sayus team he was able to make them upgrade the chips, but had no need to use em yet
However the chips had been wearing off, and he no way to get the update into them cause they had weakened do much he was shut out unless the artists were severly weakened
Kliff tricked b2j into fighting nsr to weaken them so the chips could be reprogrammed to be stronger, while simultaneously getting the two out of hiding so they can be controlled as well
Zuke is still confused but mayday stiffens remembering the injury she woke up to in eve’s realm
“Seems one off you figured it out”
He activate the chips and while its a bit useless on tatiana given how weak she is, it works well on mayday
Zuke is frozen st first seeing mayday gets into a fighting stance at him and is blown off his feet when she attacks
Zuke mainly dodges and tries to talk to her as she attacks mercilessly
Zuke is reluctant having to fight her but when nothing he says snaps her out of it, he realizes he has no choice
The fight isnt easy as mays powers out match his easy in power
However he has one advantage over her
May is strong, but has poor control over her powers
So he uses that against her to make her powers backfire on her till he manages to win
She collapses to the ground and doesnt move and this freaks zuke out till he finds her pulse
Kliff part 2
Now zuke is beyond pissed, with may out cold by his feet
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”
Kliff (k): see you will be a perfect canidate. Tatiana was right, you two make a good team.
“Why are you even doing this?!”
K: humans are vile disgusting creatures that hunt torture and kill us for sport or entertainment or some bullshit holier than thou attitude, pretending they were some kind of savior for humanity!
K: I am going to build up the strongest mutants and unify them, to protect the weaker who cant fight back. And any human that dares to stumble across here? The artists will KILL them.
“Wtf kind of logic is that?! Youve taken away their will and are trying to make them into killing machines!”
K: hah. It doesnt matter if you understand, you just need to obey.
“You know for someone who hates humans so much, you sure sound like some ive met before.”
This pisses kliff off and the fight starts though its not much of one
Like i said kliff is a weak pyschic relies on controlling stronger mutants in order to get what he wants
So he’s easily beaten
So Kliff activates something on the satellite, it was meant to send out a beam over the city to control everyone all at once
But it wasnt ready and kliff causes it to short circuit and fall
Zuke panics cause hes the only one at ready to stop it but then tatiana and may start coming around, cause when the satellite went out of commission so did the signal that Kliff was using to amplify his powers and control over them
It mostly happens like it does with thr original game in stopping the satellite including kliff getting smacked, but with more confusion because Tatiana doesn’t really know who they are since she’s been under control for so long
They stop the satelite and kliff keeps trying to fix it so he can regain control before eventually slinking off
The end kind of has them all talking and figuring out what’s happened and where to go from there
They keep nsr around but allow others being controlled to go free once their chips are removed and actually make it a place of protection, rather than the oppresive fear it had been before
And there is a lot of aftermath stories if you all have questions about them
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Debuff Zane Build
i am tired of not seeing this build in all the zane build videos i watch so im sharing it here because its stupid fun bc u run fast and kill faster. it’s not meta, but its fun as fuck and u have a lot of damage and survivability with it. I’ve completed M4 Slaughter Shaft with it- haven’t tried on M10 yet but i have faith. p.s its 4 am pls have mercy if there’s spelling mistakes.
what ur gonna need is a band of sitorak, zheitseiv’s eruption, a seein’ dead, and the piss grenade. everything else is fair game, whatever u want. try to get it to have the sntl cryo anoint bc good. but u must have the 4 main items for this to work perfectly (it also somewhat works with a low level Frozen Heart bc best shield in the game but you will die a lot more)
also i need a fucking name for this build help
oh god oh fuck i forgot i was playing through the handsome jackpot dlc again
oki im ready to party
this is my current loadout
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sometimes i switch the reg Q-System for a kaoson or a nighthawkin if i need ammo (OP QSystem is... OP but not as fun as a tracking grenade QSystem so i don’t care for it) and maybe the brainstormer for a reflux if many shielded enemies (i prefer the brainstormer over the reflux atm. so try for a brainstormer!!)
3rd slot, that’s a monarch which used to be a dictator b4 it got a straight upgrade. I actually don’t use the bipod unless im in a boss fight and don’t need to move fast. usually violent momentum and violent violence cover the dps loss
ur first 3 gun slots honestly don’t matter much. I have my reasons for using them, but you can use whatever u want i think, so long as its a strong weapon (bc unfortunately a lot of weapons are not scaled for m10). u dont HAVE to use the monarch or the Q system or the brainstormer. I recommend them, cuz theyre fun, but u don’t gotta if u wanna swap em out for a a kaoson or a yellowcake or a sandhawk or smth
the last gun is my zheitsev’s eruption. This bad boy, when u reload, shoots out homing balls of debuffery. So every enemy that gets hit with these gets a debuff. I have tried this with the needler but I prefer Zheitsev’s bc it can hit more enemies and once and takes less time. this gun only goes to Blane (ur clone). 
for the skill trees we have no points in under cover even tho brainfreeze is the best skill in the gaaaaame
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really the hitman tree is p self explanatory, u wanna go fast as fuck boiii. My band of sitorak does not have the +15 movespeed while zoomer is active anoint (it has the break shield amp anoint, which is p okay. want movespeed, but a nice human from the reddit gave me this sitorak so i didn’t have to farm). u want drone delivery bc Blane will NOT be throwing grenades. If you try to make him throw grenades with the seein’ dead he will ONLY throw grenades and never fire his gun, meaning he’ll never reload. it’s a nightmare. anyway. u want the piss grenade (ideally with the +25% damage on thrown anoint). im not looking forward to regrinding this when they finally mayhem buff grenades.
we put one point into playing dirty because we want those extra shots and honestly with the amount of times seein’ dead can proc ur kill skills you’ll have it more often than not
we also have points in good misfortune for that sweet sweet uptime (which btw can be infinite using the brainstormer/reflux bc it is essentially a redistributor without the need for ur barrier) the monarch/dictator also does it justice
for Blane u DON’T WANT praemuntis. we want blane reloading as often as gotdamn possible. now unfortunately my seein’ dead gave me a +weapon mag size roll (im actually not sure if this affects blane, but im assuming it does) but it does have the amazing +5 donnybrook so I’m taking it anyway. I am so not looking forward to regrinding a good class mod when they finally release action skill buffs for them. i cri. i actually hear 3 points in donnybrook and 2 in violent violence is p good (or 1 in violent violence 1 in playin dirty) so maybe grinding won’t be so bad. maybe i’ll finally get a +weapon damage roll
u can grab 1 point in ducttape mod and put 4 points into borrowed time if you want. it doesn’t really matter. i current have 5 in borrowed time and 3 in pocket full of grenades (for some reason??? usually i only put 2 in.). U can do that and use those extra points for either ducttape mod or more points in playing dirty. 
u NEED quick breather. This skill has a STUPID interaction with the band of sitorak shield because of how quickly it recharges. I’m talking, the instant you swap with Blane, you have full shields and so does he. It’s dumb, I love it. Use it to get out of trouble.
so im probably gonna need to explain why i have 3 points in trick of the light: im a cryo slut. That’s it. put those wherever you want, just make sure you can get Double Barrel. i’ve seen builds where people actually go for brainfreeze, i might try that next time i respec.
Double barrel will make it so blane can use the zheitsev’s eruption and debuff your enemies for you. it’s worth it.
so the augments u want are these:
SCHADENFREUDE. because band of sitorak has such a tiny capacity, ur shield is constantly up. If its not, it’s constantly breaking from full capacity. this does have a fun effect with the amp shield break anoint, but mainly i like it for the 25% damage buff whenever it breaks. its a tradeoff for damage, ur constantly swapping between max shields and more damage, so its actually p constant survivability and damage over the long run.
i grab doppelbanger bc blane sometimes gets stuck in the floor and/or i don’t feel like running all the way back. i wouldn’t recommend getting which one’s real or digital distribution only bc u want him alive as much as possible. u can also get binary system instead of doppelbanger, its up to you
for Zoomer u want bad dose for the movement speed and (sometimes) static field (only if the enemies have shields). this is so if blane goes down or he isn’t taking damage, zoomer can refill ur shields. if the enemies won’t have shields usually i grab winter’s drone or boomsday depending on how i feel.
im actually gonna try to see if i can’t grab brain freeze. hang on. i know trick of the light is frowned upon for most people so lemme just respec. (im sorry i just love the vibes it gives me it’s like HAHA you thought that was me? no!!! boop. and then they’re ice sculptures and man i love h2o i wish emma had frozen more people the only people she really freezes are Greg and Miriam and honestly she doesn’t even kill Greg smh. (Greg is dr denman’s assistant. greg is highkey god.) I do like what she did to Mirami, the fucking implications that YES these teenage girls ARE powerful enough to instakill people, they just don’t out of the kindness of their hearts. Rikki was badass that episode too. actually i love the episode where rikki almost boils a dude alive for making a fool of her with ILLEGAL F I S H and burns people using steam from a pipe. rikki is my favorite mermaid- she knew what was u p. I wish mako mermaids was as badass as h2o was. and the cartoon. god imagine the cartoon violence. sigh. let them use their op superpowers to be SUPERHEROES. like in h2o au i have baron flynt puppeteer people to their deaths from Thor bc he has cleo’s powers like why couldn’t she do that to someone. Like dr denman “lmao bye bitch” or even charlotte (who imho wasn’t bad until cleo started being rude to her. cleo was 100% at fault that season). it wouldn’t have killed her!!! ... instantly. probably. ive never seen avatar in full but i did watch the blood bending episode as a child and as i understand it that’s frowned upon but hey. CAN BELLA TURN PEOPLE INTO JELLY?? harry potter 🅱oneless arms... my god.)
anyway, respeccing. 
there goes all my money. rip.
so i think im gonna have to live with the slower reload speed (sob) but yes u can in fact get brain freeze with this build. lemme show...
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so ye in the event u just can’t live without freezing people (i know the feeling) feel free to do this. imma play with this for a bit and see if i can live with slower reload. I actually depend on the 100% cryo with zoomer active for all my cryo damage. i also use an ice breaker so they freeze fairly easy (but only on mobs. on bosses u want the snowdrift or something else)
this build isn’t really meta and u might have trouble doing a solo run of true takedown on m10... bc its true takedown on m10, but honestly it’s fun as F U C K. you CAN do it, but it’s not no thoughts head empty like barrier-redistrubutor/yellowcake zane can be so u gotta be on TOP of ur SHIT. i love it. running around killing stuff. it’s fun. i also love teleporting. it’s my FAVORITE THING. I STILL GET GIDDY OVER IT BECAUSE IT’S SO FUN. ask my friends, they will tell you, sometimes i’ll just start gushing over how much fun it is to teleport even though i’ve played zane since release. just. GFDGHKJGDFK so much fun. i just... b o o p. god i love this game. i took a break to play assassin’s creed odyssey (fun sneaky beaky game, pretty awful dialogue) so DAMN i missed this. 
here’s a link to a video I took on athenas (my favorite area to run. it’s this game’s bloodshot stronghold!) this is the playlist i listen to while playing Zane. i keep swapping songs during play bc sometimes they don’t fit my vibe or i get tired of them lol (spotify control is hooked to my 4th and 5th mouse buttons so i don’t have to stop playing) i forgot where my shock sandhawk was in my inventory, is what i use to demolish traunt. i was so scared i threw it in my bank earlier on sanc-iii lol (also yes i still slap blane’s ass. it’s to encourage him to kill)
and here’s a link to the save + everything I had on me at the moment (including the stuff i picked up in the vid in case u want it lol) cuz im lazy and don’t feel like clearing out my inventory. some of these are only m4-9. which ones? it is a mystery. you’ll know when the new update releases ;) (no but actually im so hype for mayhem level on the item cards. finally. FINALLY!!!)
why is this video taking so long to upload. hynnnggggg
oh god is that the sun
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Offered to live in America with his parents. He had no real attachment to living in Japan and he kinda missed living with his parents so he did. (He promised he'd keep in contact with Makoto) It was nice for a few months, until his parents got busy again. It became exactly the same as it was in Japan, only now he was truly alone in a foreign country that he barely spoke the language to.
Makoto felt really bad. His parents heard about this and also felt bad. Makotos parents really care about Haru, and Makotos dad decided to take an opportunity to transfer jobs to San Fran. The rest of the Tachibanas agreed. (He would've never considered this but Harus situation made him want to)
So now the both live there and are gonna start high school.
Rin was in Australia and hit that wall. He was frustrated and sad. Russell and Lori really wanted to help him. They decided to ask if he wanted to go somewhere else. He did not want to go back to Japan, but they decided that he should take the option of a swimming in a program in San Fran.
He was super frustrated and angry when he came to America. He was messed up and confused and angry with himself. He got influenced by some of his roommates (some generic thugs) and he did a big stupid. (Because season 1 Rin was a big stupid) He joined the organization. (He's a big stupid who was just confused and lost in a new country and with no loving stay home parents like Russell and Lori. I love the boy but man was season 1 Rin an emotional wreak)
Haru and Rin met in the first week of high school. It was messy. Rin yelled at Haru to swim against him and he said no way. Haru didn't want to swim anymore. That pissed Rin off. They ended up having this relationship were Rin would try to approach Haru and Haru would turn him down. They were both trying to avoid their feelings about the last time they met, and how they both are really sad and messed up right now. The only thing that kept them civil was Makoto, who wanted them to work things out, and Sousuke! (Who ended up in this swimming program too. He wanted to become a great swimmer but as soon as he saw how messed up Rin was, he ended up splitting his time between training and keeping Rin out of trouble in the organization. He even signed them both into the academy program at their school. So they also balance being in the academy and the organization. Its no wonder Rin was a mess in his freshman year)
Okay, let me finally get into Rinharu. (They had such a back story man I'm sorry XD)
Sophomore year starts and Nagisa is somehow in San Fran. He mets with Haru and Makoto in the middle of the year and asks if theyre doing swimming this year. (Theyre not) He spends so much time whining at them to join the swim team with him. All the pressure from Nagisa and Rin gets to him and he joins. The first time he gets back into the water is a race against Rin before the first swim meeting. (Rin may have been doing fucked up shit, but he hasn't been slacking in the swim program) They end up being so close that they don't know who won. The competitiveness came back, but they still couldn't identify it. Swim practice began with everyone being impressed with Haru (Rin and Sousuke being the other good swimmers that they were used to) But that urge to be better than each other set in, they started to swim against each other, a lot. The tension between them faded with every race, and the tension between them was slowly fading, though they still didn't talk about how they felt, they become friendlier, they feel more like how when they were kids.
But then, one night Haru and Makoto were walking home from the library (the reason they were there was because Rei was still learning how to swim because Nagisa still dragged this boy into the swim team) They never usually walk this way at this time and they were looking for a bus stop. They hear something in an alley and just kinda look up, but quickly go in to investigate because they thought they saw a familiar face. When the went in, they saw Rin and Sousuke bloodied and ruffing up some guy they didn't know. They didn't know what was happening but they did recognize the symbol on the jacket Rin was wearing.
Haru and Makoto were horrified. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Never in a million years would they have thought that they had the capacity to do this. All of the good humor that built up left Haru and he angrily chewed them out, mostly Rin. He ran off, wanting nothing to do with him. Makoto chased after Haru but was also visibly upset and extremely disappointed.
Rin and Sousuke finally had a long talk with each other about why Rin was doing this, how he got to this point, and how they could ever face Haru and Makoto ever again. They also wondered how they could get out of this mess, but luckily for them, the Riku situation happened and they left with all the others. However this doesn't change much when it came to Haru and Makoto. The big relay qualifiers were coming up and they were forced to ride to Half Moon Bay together for the big race. Rin tried to talk to Haru the whole time but he didn't want to here it. They ended up fighting in the parking lot outside the competition center and Rin pinned Haru down so he could finally break down and apologize. He cried and finally told him about everything he went through. Haru was in shock the whole time. He finally reached up and let Rin cry into him. The big thing they realized is that they just wanted to swim with each other. It made them both happy. And after the all reunited inside, they pulled the relay swimming swap, and got disqualified but hugged and cried and finally the fixed their broken relationship.
Junior year rolls around and everyone is friends again. They can't wait for swim team and they all hang out all the time, and Rin and Sousuke are still in the academy so they also do that stuff too, but other than that theyre all a big happy fam! Haru and Rin are now, however, realizing their huge crushes on each other. I mean they always had crushes on each other, Rin especially when he was a child, but now that theyre friends and hanging out all the time, it feels so real. Rin starts trying to figure out how to tell Haru without screwing it up, because lets face it, he's screwed up a lot. Meanwhile, Haru has been facing all of his teachers telling him to try harder and the counselors asking him what he wants to do with his life and scouts asking for him and the SATs and his parents literally no longer coming home at all. He's become extremely anxious and a bit depressed. It wasn't clear to all his friends how bad this was all effecting him until he stopped swimming during a qualifier race with a ton of scouts. His friends tried so hard to help him out of his funk with no avail. Makoto had a talk with Rin and asked him to do anything to help Haru, and the next day, Rin came to Haru's apartment and took him to Australia. The trip goes like how the season 2 episode goes, but Russell and Lori definitely know that this is the boy Rin had a crush on all these years. Also the still have that one bed hotel room, and it was extremely awkward for them. That next day, when Rin took Haru to the pool, and Haru figured out his dream, they hugged. Rin was just so happy for him, and Haru let him, still in awe that things were so clear for him now. Then they both realized that they were hugging for a long time. And they both looked up, and they met eyes. Before they realized it, they kissed. They immediately felt something that they found undescribable, and went back to Russell and Lori. They told them that they were fated, and that they were so happy for them.
They went back to the hotel and reflected on that day. How they both felt now, and if they were both ready to go back as a couple. They started to realize how comforting each other was. They felt right. They felt, happy. They went to sleep together peacefully, for both of them the first time in a long time.
They came back happy. They discovered how nice it was to talk to each other, hold each other, and especially swim with each other. I think comfort is a key term for them, they feel a comfortableness they haven't felt since before all of this started. The water felt exactly how it did when they were kids. And everyone knew this was what was meant to happen. Rin made Haru smile. Haru made Rin soft. And they both felt the intensity when swimming, pushing them both to do better than ever.
EDIT: I know u didn't ask for specifically the ABO but its the one story we focus a lot of our Rinharu on so sorry for the ramble 🙏
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
my baby’s a public menace {Ben Hardy/Reader/Roger Taylor}
Four Iconic Moments The Press Had A Fucking Field Day With
A/N: 2670 words. So this time we’ve got Modern Times with 70s!Roger pulled forwards in time. Don’t think too hard about how it works it just does.
1. It Becomes Official
The moment they call Ben’s name at the BAFTAs, to receive the award for Lead Actor in a Television Series, you feel like the whole world is coming to a stand still, and Ben’s rising, disbelief written all over his face. 
“That’s me.” He says, quietly, as the applause has already begun, and then Roger’s on his feet, beaming, and he wraps his arms around Ben, pashing him directly in front of the camera that was catching every moment, and Ben kisses him back easily, before turning to you, eyes bright, and he pulls you to your feet, giving you a kiss as well.
“Congratulations, babe.” You murmur, and he’s so fucking ecstatic when he pulls back, and heads into the aisle, heading towards the stage. You slide into his seat with ease, lacing your fingers with Roger’s where he’s bouncing with energy and beaming with pride. 
“He fuckin’ won.” Roger laughs with a little disbelief, and you turn to each other, both absolutely radiating with pride and adoration.
“Our boy did it.” You giggle, and Roger’s gaze dips to your lips for a moment before he looks back up, a new spark in his eyes that you knew all too well.
“I can’t wait ‘til we all get home.” He dropped his voice low, and you could feel yourself growing a little flustered at the suggestion.
“Keep it in your pants, dear,” you nudged him, and he barked out a laugh, giving you a wink before he turned to where Ben was finally walking across the stage. You, however, felt your heart stop in your chest, “he kissed us on camera.”
“Well, I kissed him,” Roger mused, his thumb rubbing against the side of your hand, “couldn’t help myself.” He admitted, still beaming as Ben was handed his award, expression bright and a little disbelieving as he leaned into the microphone.
“I think I just won a BAFTA and outed myself in the same minute, so that’s going to be hard to beat next year.” Is the opening line of his speech, and the audience titters with polite laughter, while you and Roger are hiding your snorts. “I actually had to email the organisational committee to ask them to let me bring more than one plus one, I’m glad to see that it wasn’t in vain.” He laughs; he goes on to thank the crew of the show he worked on, the other cast members, his family, and he looks for you and Roger in the audience, pointing the award at you. “And for Rog and Y/N, of course; the weirdest and best thing to happen to me in a long time.”
“Do you think he knows how much we wanna suck his dick?” You lean over to Roger, whispering under your breath, amused smile on your lips at you look up at your boyfriend grinning on stage.
“Of course he does, look at that smile.” Roger responds with a low chuckle as Ben leaves stage, heading back towards you. When he gets back to his seat, you move back to your own seat, resting your head on his shoulder when he sits down.
“We’re so proud of you, baby.” You tell him softly as they’re beginning the next segment on stage, and Ben reaches out with his free hand to rest it on your thigh, giving you a squeeze.
“I know, love.”
2. Roger Throws Half A Chicken At A Paparazzi
“Do you think we should go inside?” You ask, voice low as you catch sight of a man in a baseball cap and dark glasses covertly trying to take photos of you three. It was a nice evening, you, Roger, and Ben had been enjoying a meal outside at an upscale restaurant, the three of you draped on a two person outdoor lounge, your entrees having just been cleared up. Both you and Ben are on your phones, and Roger’s between the two of you, nose buried in the paper.
“Why?” Ben asks, not looking up from his phone, and you shift a little uncomfortably, giving the man trying to look like he’s not taking photos.
“Hey, dude, can you just leave us alone? We just wanna get dinner.” You call to the man, and he stands, a little flustered.
“So it’s true, you’re really dating both of them?” He calls back, stashing his phone in his pocket, pulling out a little recording device; the asshole came prepared.
“No, we’re just really good friends who make out at the BAFTAs.” Roger rolls his eyes, folding up the paper, and throwing the paper onto the table in front of him.
“No need to get snarky, mate, I just think it’s weird that somebody like her would get on so well with-” He’s cut off just as a kind and beleagured waitress puts down what looks like half a roast chicken surrounded by salad onto the table.
“Fuck off, alright?” Ben snaps at the man, clearly irritated, sitting up straighter, giving the waitress an apologetic smile as she leaves in a hurry.
“The hell do you mean ‘someone like her’?!” Roger growls, and you actually have to put a hand on his chest where he’s leaning forward, as if getting ready to throw himself at the reporter.
“I- do you wanna address the rumours then, Y/N about-” The man starts, but Roger cuts him off with a snarl.
“If this bastard brings up those fuckin’ gold digger accusations, I’m gonna start throwing things.” He warns, and not a moment later, the man brings up the very words Roger had told him not to. You’re just heaving a heavy sigh, used to being hounded by the gossip magazines, though you try not to pay them any mind.
“I could shout how much I love you from the rooftops and these assholes would still think this is some sort of weird, sugar daddy situation.” Ben turns to you, his voice low as he gives you a long suffering smile. You lean in across the empty space that Roger had just vacated to give him a kiss, before turning to where Roger was wielding his roast chicken like a grenade, lobbing it at the reporter, yelling about how he’s ‘sick and tired of hearing people talk shit about his girlfriend; she’s got more kindness and talent in one tit than the paparazzi has in his whole body’. 
“We should probably get him before he does any real damage.” Ben muses, to which you agree. The two of you move to collect your rogue boyfriend as he continues to yell and squirm.
“Baby, baby please calm down; you’ve made a scene, you’ve thrown a chicken, you’ve mentioned my tits, we can have dinner at home.” You try to placate him, your arm tucked in his as Ben’s got an arm around his shoulders, the two of you guiding him from the restaurant.
“Just makes me so bloody mad.” Roger growls his hands on your hips where you’ve got your arms around his waist as Ben pays for your half finished meals. “It’s twenty eighteen, you’d think dickheads would learn to grow up.” He huffed.
“I know, baby.” You muse, bringing him in for a kiss to distract him, hoping to let his anger simmer down a little as you two stand in the parking lot. 
“I just love you is all, people like that make me so pissed-” He whispers, more to himself than anything, but then you’re kissing him again, humming affirmations, your hands in his hair.
“I love you too, I love you too.” You murmur against his lips.
Later that night you’ll see Ben’s instagram story from just before he joins the two of you again. You and Roger, arms around each other, lit by a single streetlight, you’re leaning in to him, lips inches from his, and he’s smiling gently back at you; the whole image is surprisingly intimate, especially for Roger. It’s captioned ‘I’m allowed to take candids ‘cos they love me’.
3. Someone Gives Ben Tequila
Ben’s not usually the type to get drunk and reckless. Or well, he’s the type to get drunk on occasion, but not reckless, not like Roger, who can be incredibly reckless even while sober, nor like you, since you could go either way. Ben was meant to be the grounded one. Except sometimes he has tequila. It’s an afterparty for a movie he’d gotten a supporting role in, it’d been fun, but he was looking forward to being able to spend time with you and Roger again. Speaking of the two of you, you’d disappeared almost half an hour ago, Roger had gone to the bathroom and you’d gone to get more drinks.
When he finds you, you’re trapped in an uncomfortable conversation with one of the editors assistants’, a weedy kid who couldn’t seem to figure out that you didn’t want to talk to him.
“Hi, baby!” You call out to Ben the moment you think he’ll be able to hear you over the music, and he makes a beeline for you, his heart singing when he sees your face light up.
“Hello, love, I was wondering where you’d gotten to.” He says, barely acknowledging the guy you’d been talking to, who’s own expression fell as Ben pressed a kiss to your lips. The two of you head off in search of Roger, who you find by the bathroom, talking with someone who’s clearly quite enamoured with him. From his easy stance and casual smile, you could tell he was at least enjoying the woman’s company. Neither you nor Ben were usually the jealous type, but after a few drinks, you couldn’t be blamed for just wanting to stake your claim.
“Hey, babe, who’s this?” Ben asks, slipping an arm around Roger’s shoulders as you stepped around to loop your arm through his on his other side. Roger, with a sly, knowing smile, looks between the two of you, before smiling brightly at the woman who’d been talking to him.
“Like I was saying, this is my boyfriend and girlfriend; you’ll have to excuse them, they get jealous easily.” He smirked, and the woman looked a little shocked, a little flustered, as she stuttered her way through an apology. “It’s no worry, I’m sure they can entertain themselves for a while,” and with that, he winked at you. Taking the hint, you moved, taking Ben’s hand and leading him away.
“He’s just being a social butterfly, you know how he is.” You mused gently, the two of you flopping onto a sofa. Ben hums thoughtfully, sitting beside you, your hand in his. He presses a kiss to your shoulder, trailing kisses up your neck to your jaw.
“‘m not jealous.” He said, lips at the corner of yours, pressing another kiss there before he brings his hand up to cup your cheek, moving so you’re smiling over your shoulder at him, “it’s just nice to say you guys are mine.” And his voice is low, almost a growl, and you feel a shiver run down your spine.
“I like the sound of that.” You tell him, kissing him hard, letting his hands wander and pull you close to him.
“Mine?” He asks, and his hand is on your thigh, moving your legs so you’re sitting over him rather than next to him.
“Yours.” You agree, kissing him again, messy and passionate, you can taste the alcohol on his lips and his tongue but you don’t care when he’s leaning you back to lie on the sofa. “And Roger’s.” You add quietly, and there’s a gleam in Ben’s eyes where he’s looking down at you, his arm around you, one hand on your waist.
“You’re ours, love, there’s no doubt about it.” He assures, and he leans in to kiss you again. 
“I can’t take you two anywhere!” Roger’s grinning when he finds the two of you, and Ben presses his laughter into your collar as you look up at Roger and make an insistent, grabby hand for him. “If you insist.” He chuckles, sinking to his knees to join you at your level, kissing you where you’re splayed out on the sofa, with Ben all but on top of you. “You know there’s a perfectly good bathroom not too far from here.” 
Not ten minutes later, one of the other cast members sends to the cast group chat, in all capitals ‘BEN’S BANGING IN THE BATHROOM’ which was met with either ‘at least they’ve freed up the sofa’ or ‘lmao called it’. You’re not surprised, nor are you ashamed, when some gossip rag has your face on it (or more accurately, Ben’s face) the next morning, and a riveting account of what happened with no actual details, and a photo someone took on their phone of you and Ben on the sofa. It wasn’t the first time, it probably wouldn’t be the last.
4. Roger Gets Instagram
Roger takes surprisingly well to instagram, which is both hilarious and terrifying. He posts a lot of selfies; he takes to being an instagram fuckboi like a duck takes to water. At first it’s mostly blurry shots, of sunlight, sometimes it’s you and Ben out of focus, laughing, or he gets one of you two to take a photo of him, shirtless. 
When he gets a waterproof phone, the first thing he does is take a photo of you and he kissing underwater at the beach, and then three separate, all individually hilarious videos of Ben trying and failing to do a majestic hair flip coming out of the water; in the last one, both boys get hit by a huge wave, and the video ends with you laughing, fishing the phone out of the surf.
The three of you go on holidays to somewhere sunny, and at the end of the week, he posts the highlights; you lying on your stomach beneath a palm tree on the beach, topless; a selfie of the three of you smiling at the camera against a backdrop of a starlit sky, golden in the light of a bonfire; Ben in a coconut bra, a little blurry with the movement of laughter, grinning at you just out of shot; you, in bed, making a truly terrible face where he’s just woken you up and the sun’s in your eyes. His favourite, however, is the one from him at the end of the holiday, shirtless and tanned, shot from the waist up, biting his lip as he’s turned to look off to the left, showing off how he’s covered in hickies.
The shots that get the most media attention are his more risque ones, like the shot on his story that you’d taken where you could see the bottom half of his face all the way down to his hips, with a sheet covering his modesty, but a lipstick kiss mark along his V-line and his tongue out. (There’s a followup photo on your instagram story, of your lipstick smeared, grin wide, and your hair messy, with the caption, ‘sometimes you just gotta be a messy bitch’, and people put two and two together, and conservatives lost it.) 
The most infamous actual post of his is the shot of you and Ben together in bed, he’s leaning against the headboard, still mostly laying down, and you’re draped over him, chin resting on his chest where the two of you are grinning about something. The sheet covers most of your ass, and comes up to Ben’s hips, and you’re giving the camera some pretty glorious side boob, and the photo’s framed to show room for one more person beside you in the bed, a sliver of sunlight shining through the curtains, across Ben’s chest and your back, and it’s just captioned ‘what a sight’. He’d asked you both before posting it, and you’d both agreed; it didn’t violate any guidelines, but social media still had a field day with the sweet, clearly post-coital photo.
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nightglider124 · 6 years
I am so tired.
So. It’s come to it. I have so many thoughts floating around in my head and I can’t express them enough so looks like we’re doing a big fat post which is fucking stupid anyway.
This whole Dickkory/Dickbabs darma... I’m seeing it in the tags and I’m just... why? I thought people were done with this pathetic ship war stuff. It’s so childish?
So, I’ve only really noticed an influx of this hatred since that anon went on a hate spree to dickkory fans’ inboxes. Otherwise, I don’t really notice anything between dickbabs and dickkory fans. 
Let’s be clear about this - That anon doesn’t represent the entirety of dickbabs fans; they really don’t. From the looks of it, they were just a bully and a troll, intent on causing some drama between the two ships. I doubt they’re even a dickbabs fan for real - and if they are, they are certainly not one that the fans would want to associate themselves with, I imagine.
In response to that, can we all stop the shitty back and forth? That anon (or in some cases not anon for those who were also aware of their username) is a nobody who honestly just wants to be a dick and doesn’t care about the fandom itself. If you’re a dickbabs fan and you’re sticking up for them and the things they have been saying to dickkory fans, you need to reevaluate. Likewise, if you’re a dickkory fan that has been lashing out at dickbabs fans for no other reason than being triggered by that pathetic anon, stop it.
Like chill the fuck out with all this abuse between the two ships; it’s so high school and irrelevant and exhausting. Just stop; don’t be children because it’s just embarrassing. That is to both sides of this.
Which leads me to the next thing - dickbabs and dickkory fans are no better or worse than the other. In both fandoms, you have the bad apples who are honestly just such assholes, even you dislike them. I can tell you right now, there are many dickkory fans in the past that I have blocked because they are so negative and atrocious - they’re just not worth being linked to. 
But, neither fan can turn round and say “my fandom is perfect; no one gives hate” because you’re either just not seeing it or you’re not being truthful. There are crappy, hateful fans in ever corner of fandom - any fandom. 
There will always be a few that ruin it for other fans who simply want to enjoy their ship without any abuse or drama. There will always be the hateful, nasty fans who like to try and tear down their “rival” ship and make the fandom look bad. 
It’s not an individual thing so can we please not act like it is? Dickbabs fans need to stop coming for dickkory fans saying we’re all toxic and vice versa; dickkory fans need to remember that dickbabs fans are not these demons - they are just fans trying to enjoy their ship. 
Everyone just leave each other alone if you don’t have nice things to say.
Just be happy with what you have - Dickkory is clearly a thing going on in Titans and some other forms of media. Dickbabs is going on YJ - Let each other have the media forms. Like, who cares? Just be happy with the content you get - don’t be spiteful and angry and pathetic towards fans who are happy to have their ship in something, regardless of who has had more or whatever. 
The thing I have seen a lot of is this slut shaming as well which isn’t cool. This whole hate on Kory as a character is just not acceptable. Whether you dislike her or not, stay out of Kory related tags and stay away from the actress portraying her in Titans. If you’re sending hate to Anna Diop, you are just such a shitty person. The woman is doing her job; leave her the fuck alone. 
Just because you don’t like the character or you don’t like who has been chosen to play her, does not give you the right to be sending threats and racial slurs towards the actress. I thought that was basic human principals but I guess some are still in the baby stages of learning that one; y’know, how to respect others around them. 
Likewise, I’ve seen some dickkory fans bashing on Babs as a character as well which isn’t fair either. Babs is a wonderful character in her own right and if you don’t like her or you hate on her solely because you dislike dickbabs; get in the damn corner and take a time out. I’m not a huge fangirl of Babs; not for a particular reason, I’m just neither here nor there for her. 
But, you don’t see me going to posts and fanart and fanfics and fans’ inboxes, giving them shit just for liking the character. Each to their own on who they like, who they ship, who they don’t like but stop trying to shove it down other fans’ throats. 
Do not push your opinions and thoughts on characters and ships on people who are fans of what you hate. It’s not fair and honestly just makes you a douchebag. 
A big rule in fandoms which... I really thought some people would have learned by this point - if you don’t like something, scroll past it or blacklist it. If you don’t like a user on this site/fandom or they post stuff you don’t like? That block button is there for a reason. Keep the negative stuff away from your dashboard. 
Don’t start giving people hate and making drama and just being unpleasant when all you need to do it blacklist or block. It’s not difficult. 
The same goes for - if you’re making a hate post or if you’re stating how you don’t like “X ship” - for the love of God, don’t tag it. Don’t be that person. Please.
If you tag stuff that you know if gonna piss off a fan, then you get no sympathy when they come stomping through. You are clearly provoking them with that.
Don’t tag bullshit and don’t do it when you know fans go to the tags to enjoy their ship; not to see it be torn down or spat on. 
Just be respectful and nice?? I don’t know why the select few fans on both sides of Dickkory and Dickbabs find that so damn hard? It’s not.
Both ships are valid and wonderful - accept and embrace this; please. And move on.
I am so sick of seeing spitefulness to each other when at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to enjoy out fictional characters and our ships. No one should be getting harassed or abused over something like that.
Fandom world, for most is supposed to be a haven and people who give shit and hate and make unnecessary drama are the ones who ruin the haven.
I can’t believe I actually have to reiterate to just be nice? It’s a basic human concept. Be nice to others and be respectful of things that whilst you might not like, others do. Accept and move on.
I feel like I’ve been fair in this little rant so if I get hate on either side lmao, I will be either deleting or giving you blunt af replies bc honestly I am so done with childish arguments. 
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CHATS: More Dumpsters, More Fires 2
#1 - Jo and Anna discussing one of the ‘breaks’ Anna and Gray go on.
<Ellen> oh did you read the gray/anna?
<Jo> YES
<Jo> Oh god Anna
<Jo> Anna sweetheart, what did you do?
<Ellen> killed her relationship
<Jo> Brilliantly so
<Jo> But god :c
<Ellen> I know
<Ellen> she’s pretty much not moved
<Ellen> she grumbled at lexy once who was being mean about why gray would make a bad dad
<Ellen> and thats been it
<Ellen> I keep poking her with a stick ever so often
<Jo> Oh wowsers
<Ellen> yea
<Jo> Is she gonna be okay?
<Ellen> um
<Ellen> *prods her with a stick*
<Ellen> nooooot really sure
<Jo> Hmmmmm…     any chance when all the Crowley stuff is done she’d try going back now?
<Ellen> yea she did it to protect everything
<Ellen> but she’s not sure if Gray will ever get over it
<Jo> Probably not
<Ellen> she’s just waiting for Crowley to kill her
<Jo> Anna really is the queen of the deathwish sometimes
<Ellen> ack closed window
<Ellen> missed it
<Jo> <Jo> Anna really is the queen of the deathwish sometimes
<Ellen> she is
<Ellen> she misses Gray
<Jo> “Then she should just buck up, apologise for being a bitch, say she was lying and that she’s scared and made a horrible mistake and get his asshole ass back.”       What I think Jo was trying to say is maybe she should give in some of her pride this time, unless she wants things to go the way of her last relationship with just walking out the door.
<Ellen> wow..she just rolled over more..
* Ellen is now known as Anna
<Jo> “…. Woops?”  I apologise for Jo causing her to roll over and die some more :c
<Anna> she’s worried that if she tells Gray that she didn’t mean it then it would just piss crowley off
<Anna> because Gray won’t listen to reason
<Jo> *nodnod* THat sounds likely, but I get the feeling Gray would be happy if Anna grovelled a bit
<Anna> “But what good would it do if he was happy and Crowley decided to take it out on him or worse Ellen..”
<Jo> “As it stands, you wiped out whatever handing over of /anyone/ aside from yourself that’s happened so if he goes after Ellen then it’s just my fault for being related to her. As for him taking it out on Gray, I get the feeling something like that would happen eventually any way”
<Anna> “I  don’t know what to do.”
<Jo> “God damn, well what do you /want/ Anna? Take all the reasons why you wouldnt or anything else like that out of the equation and just tell me what you want.”
<Anna> “What I want doesn’t matter. not if messes up getting Crowley.”
<Jo> “Hypothetically, if Crowley was gone, what would you want then? Jesus, you’re the worst to get a straight answer from.”
<Anna> “Things the way they were before.”
<Jo> “So fuck Crowley, fuck what might happen and do what you want to do then! Hell, that’s the motto I’m currently living by.”
<Anna> “I’m not you and everytime I’ve went after what I’ve wanted it’s ended bad.”
<Jo> “I still say fuck what could happen, dont be a pussy about it and own up to what you want and do what you can to have and keep it.”
<Anna> “Maybe..”
<Jo> “Do it.”
<Anna> “Gray’s not going to get over it.”
<Jo> “Well make him think he’s the man again, or whatever his problem was. He gave up a lot of his dignity for him, you could be nice and do the same.”
<Anna> “It’s not like i’ve got anything left..”
<Jo> “… Really? You seriously dont think you have some sort of way of showing that, oh hey, maybe /youre/ not the one in control of this..whatever? That he knows and can tell just how far you’ve gone for him? Because I’ve been in his spot, and all I ever got was uppity holier-than-thou bullshit and nothing at all that made me think that maybe, just maybe, you would bend on a topic or two and hand some sort of control over.”
<Anna> “then by your own experience and the fact you’re happier now..you’ve just shown he’s better off without me.”
<Jo> “Actually, I’m happier now because I’m getting to do what I want and actually have some of that control - I get to be myself.  Gray on the other hand… is no where near better off without you. He’s just a target with an arrow pointing at his head. With you? If you’d let him be the goddamn man..”
<Jo> (She means outside the bedroom or in the nonsex relationship stuff obvs)
<Anna> “Fine Jo..”
<Anna> (there is so much irony in this conversation)
<Jo> “Fine what?”
<Jo> (There is. Its hilarious)
<Anna> “you’re right.”
<Jo> “That you should give some of that pride of yours away and apologise? Say you were lying and stupid and you want him back and you’re obviously too proud usually to admit it but that for his sake and forgiveness you will and will let him take back some of that precious control, so the both of you can be happy?”
<Anna> “yes..”
<Jo> “Glad to hear it. Don’t fuck it up this time.”
<Anna> “sure.”
<Anna> and Anna’s never intending to talk to Gray..she’s just trying  to shut Jo up
<Jo> “Sure sure.”
<Jo> LOL I wouldnt have expected otherwise
#2 - Anna getting pissy and shitty over Grey, and Grey/Jo and taking it out on Jo. Jo trying to defuse situation but it gets worse
<Anna> wow..
<Anna> bitter much anna
<Jo> ??
<Anna> “funny..how I’m the high and mighty bitch but everything revolves around Jo’s perspective and how people get to live based on her ideals. Fuck that.”
<Jo> “I wasnt saying you have to live by it, but that’s how I view things and how I’m going to work in this world and if you have an issue with that- oh wait, you do. You gave me shit about it for months and months, so that’s really not a new conclusion you’re coming to there, Anna.”
<Anna> “if everything is so black and white then why isn’t she killing humans? Why isn’t Grey killing them? Humans kill for stupid reason, least most of the time when monsters kill they kill to survive. It’s not exactly fair they are punished for being created for population control of the human race.”
<Jo> “Humans are killed and punished for hurting other humans, and if I come across a case where its some fucked up asshole doing the dirty work? I will get that fucker put in jail. Now, if you want to start up some jailing system for monsters who go outside of their dietary needs and requirements, then go right ahead I’ll round you up some prisoners. But otherwise? This is my goddamn job and I don't care if its there nature - things go against them all the time - so unless theyre able to control their shit? I don’t give a fuck and I will be protecting other human beings.”
<Anna> “Then start with the Grey”
<Jo> “He hasn’t hurt anybody.”
<Anna> “That’s right..I’m not human..fuck you.”
<Jo> “You spend so long saying you'e an angel. Unless you’re going to throw that all out and stop with the high and mighty crap, then I’m not going to say you are. You can’t have best of both worlds, Anna, you’re not Hannah Montana”
<Anna> “Whatever. You’re idea of friends is as black and white as everything else. It’s clear that if people don’t fit in your ideals then they aren’t worth that, I don’t fit anywhere so it’s fine for your other friends to do whatever. I don’t care anymore, Grey has made threat after threat to me and is using my feelings for Gray to hurt me. It’s all fine to you and I’m done with him.”
<Jo> “And I have told him to keep his shit away from you, because I am sick and tired of the both of you hurting one another. If I didn’t think that you encourage or egg him on, I’d have only been yelling at him, Anna, but I saw the burns and I’m not down with either of my friends hurting one another. It’s over - neither of you is touching one another and you’re leaving eachother the fuck alone. And take your BS whining about not fitting anywhere the fuck away Anna, I’ve been your friend through this all - I put up with your shit with Gray, I dealt with your problems better than anyone and I’ve put my neck on the line for you so many times. And it is /not/ ‘fine’ as you say, I’ve told him and he knows if he does put another toe out of line where you’re concerned its the bad end of my gun for him - but the same fucking goes for you Anna. It’s not 'fine’ for him to push you about and its not 'fine’ for you to do the same to him. I’m done with it. The next time either of you causes problems I will be ending them.”
<Anna> “Right..because poor little Grey is incapable of being an asshole without the evil angel pushing him into it. I’m sorry, my memory is a little fuzzy but what did I do to him for him to tell me about everything in the hospital that utlimatly split us up? How did I provoke that attack that was nicely wrapped in false concern? Oh I burned his wrist with iron once because he kept telling me I was too weak to do anything. My bad. Next time I’ll leave him in an alley unconcious so that a demon can come carve him up.”
<Jo> “I think your memory would be a little fuzzy of then - and you really think I wasn’t going to mention what happened between you and Gray to you? This is me we’re talking about. And I’m not saying he’s not without fault - if I was I wouldn’t have almost had my house set on fire getting into a round with him about it. But fact of the matter is - I know the /both/ of you Anna, and I know the amount of stuff you’ll overlook about yourself to be right, and I know how little and how hard it is for him to lie to me about things. I’m not saying he’s not, just that you are a goddamn btich sometimes Anna, same as he is, and I am sick of the /both/ of you pulling iron or draining one another. All this feuding is doing is taking my attention /away/ from getting rid of Crowley”
<Anna> “And I’m sick of you always taking his side or anyone elses no matter what it is or over looking what they do till I fight back, really fight back and then suddenly I’m the villian. I was never first with you when we were together and I’ll never be first with you as friends because it’s easier to blame my bitchy personality than to possibly piss off your current fuck buddy.”
<Jo> “You know what, right now hanging out with /your/ ex fuck buddy is a lot nicer than being around /either/ of you! Do you /know/ what that says about you both?! And I’m not taking sides at all, Anna, not one part of this is me taking a side. You’re both to blame for whatever is happening, how about you open your eyes and realise that might be the case as well? You both are fucking up, you’re both being pains in the asses and you’re both being children about whatever the fuck this is about, and I am done with it. I dont /care/ who starts this mess, Anna, but I will be finishing it and it is over right /NOW/. I have said the same fucking thing to him so dont you even fucking start with me, and as for making you out like the villian - at least he has the decency to admit some of the crap he does to build on this bullshit fight, are you going to do the same? And do not even try to pull that first-second crap either.”
<Anna> “I’m fixing his mistakes! I’m fixing mine! I’m doing this to protect you, to protect Gray! Grey is going to use Crowley to go after Gray if he can’t. He’s hurting Gray to spite me because he knows I can’t do anything to stop it! He told me to drive Gray away to protect him and I did it and now he hates me and I want to fucking hurt him for that, for everything he’s done. For throwing Ellen to Crowley because you won’t! He fucking rubs it in my face that I’m alone..that it’s my fault..and that hurts..I did what you said! I went to Gray and I begged him, I pleaded to tell him I’m sorry and he hates me and Grey is boasting about it and I fucking hate him!”
<Jo> *Jo sighs, rubbing her temples* “Okay firstly, I don’t need protection, Im a big girl, I can handle myself. Secondly, I really don’t care about Gray - I understand it hurts you and he’s important to you but on that point I really cannot care. And on the Ellen part, I’ve discussed this at length and I’ve run over everything in my head and as much as Im angry and hurt about it still I’m not letting myself dwell on it. But I can /understand/ why you hate him, Anna, I truly can. Its the same reason I wanted to plunge a knife into Gray every time I damn well saw him for months. But I /didn’t/ because /you/ asked me not to. I’m asking you the same thing now, Anna..”
<Anna> “And I’ll tell you teh same thing you told me you, that you will if he gives you reason to. You’re a self rightous hypocrit Jo and that says a lot coming from me. You express to me every chance you get how you could care less about Gray and how it’s my problem that I have feelings for him. It’s the same for me. I could care less about Grey and he has done things to me and to the ones I care about. According to your own rules I should have every right to go after him. You justify Grey going after Gray for roughing you up but I’m expected to sit back and do nothing if it’s reversed. No, I’m not going to just sit back because you see Gray as the bad guy and that it’s okay.”
<Jo> “I am not the hypocrit here, Anna, that has always been you. I dont give a crap if you don’t like Grey, you never told me to shut up about disliking Gray - oh wait yes you did, but ya know what? You can /talk/ about hating him as much as you want, but I do care if either of you is hurting one another. And you’re expected to because Grey doesn’t just go after him because of that - /we/, you and I, have /no/ say in what those two do to one another, Anna. That’s not our place to step in at all and you need to realise that. You say all that BS about nature and stuff, and fighting one another is /their/ nature, so yes, you’re expected to sit back and do fucking nothing. Its not a case of good guy/bad guy in that Anna. Deal with it.”
<Anna> “So you mean to tell me that if Gray killed Grey you would just go 'oh well that was just their nature?’ It isn’t a case of two kids fighting, I’m scared for Gray because Grey wants to see him as broken as he is. Grey doesn’t care about anyone, Ellen is 'the woman tht shot at him’ that’s  how he described her when I asked how could he do that to the person you probably care the most about in the world. The fact she means anything you means nothing to him.” *Anna runs her hand through her hair* “I’ve heard from you, Gray can’t be trusted. I’ve heard from Gray that you can’t be trusted because you named me over Ellen when you drugged me. I’m hearing again that Gray can’t be trusted from you now but the only person who has willingly and without any remorse what so ever that has done anything like that is Grey. I know you felt bad when you did the drugging and that you had no choice. I understood and I defended you over and over again and never was mad. I’m sorry we can’t agree about this but Grey isn’t going to stop trying to destroy Gray and I want to protect him. It’s my fault Grey can  hurt him..”
<Jo> “Anna… Anna I don’t need us to agree, I don’t need you to swear to love and adore him or anything like that. All I want is for the two of you not to be killing one another every time my head is turned because that? That hurts me a lot, and I know you’ve got another interest in Gray in why you want to hurt Grey and I know you want to protect him - but all I ask at all is the same thing you did of me - that you won’t hurt him without his attacking /you/ first. The same way I wouldn’t go after Gray for your behlaf, even with his hurting Grey and other people. I went against what I’ve brought myself up to do for your feelings, hell I’m still not trying to actually kill him because I know he still means something to you. I just ask the same respect in return, Anna..”
<Anna> “Fine Jo. You win. I’ll sit back and just wait for Crowley to come and do whatever he wants to me. I’ll listen to him talk about whatever he’s doing to anyone else, including Gray. I’ll listen to every spiteful and hurtful word that comes out of Grey’s mouth about how I’ve fucked up again, which truth hurts and I’ll tell myself that I’m doing this all so you won’t be hurt because Grey is fine. He’s probably happy and making you happy because he’s happy. And I’ll know that your happy Gray is getting what you think he deserves and I’ll take comfort knowing that for you everything is good as long as Grey never makes the first move at me. Happy?”
<Jo> “You think I haven’t had Gray running his mouth at me, Anna? I know it sucks and it hurts and its hard, but you’re making it sound like I haven’t been in the exact same position that you are right now for months. Pull the stick out of your ass if you think that’s the case, because I put up with that crap rather than killing or hurting him for your sake, so you could extend me that courtesy.” *Jo hisses back quietly, looking serious yet not angry any more* “I have no care about what the hell you do to Crowley, I don’t even know why you mentioned that at all because whatever relivance you think that has there is /none/. And Gray and Grey are responsible for their own actions with one another, I have come to acknowledge that and it’s about time you did the same. I’ve got no problem with you dishing it out /as good as you get/ with Grey, but I fucking swear that whoever makes the first physical strike will get the business end of my gun at them. Cause whatever emotional problems you might cause one another, I don’t really care because I’ve been dealing with the same from Gray and from /you/ and from others so that really bloody doesn’t count in my book anymore.”
<Anna> *Anna’s quiet for a bit and then she shrugs* “I know Gray gave you shit and I know you gave it back, after all you keep saying your a big girl. I’m scared Jo. I’m scared that Grey is going to be right and Crowley is going to win and I keep telling him there’s a difference in what we do. I’m willing to give myself up to protect others, he just wants to protect his own self but it doesn’t mean I'm not scared of the idea that Grey is going to be whispering in Crowley’s ear if he thinks it will save him. But you can’t protect me from that and it’s not a physical move against me so I can’t fight back. But whatever I’m not human, I’m an unfeeling angel that’s a hypocrit, self rightous and a bitch. I won’t make a move against Grey and you might want to watch out for Ruby, I’ll try and call her off. Whatever it takes to beat Crowley..”
<Jo> “Anna.. …” *Jo sighs, giving her a look and a quick shake of the head* “If things aren’t able to get better, I know I’ll end up revising my opinion on this, and if someone is acting physically against you on his behalf? Then I count it as his own and its free game if you can find him after I’d be finished giving a piece of my mind. I’m not saying you don’t count, Anna, you do count - but there is a difference between someone being chomped on and tortured and killed by a monster because they can and someone having that happen because they’ve encouraged a reaction of some sort. And you’re taking several different points I’ve made and turned them into one when thats not the case at all.”
<Anna> “So everytime you mouthed off to anyone and then they lashed out and you get all uppity and going to kill them is different? Or you torturing Gray and then when he lashed back out? The only reason any of this is a problem is because you’ve taken sides on this but you don’t want to say it. And it’s fine. I’m wrong, I’ve been wrong and will continue to be wrong.”
<Jo> “Did I ever call for someone to back me up? Or did my going after him ever effect anyone else? No. What /the both/ of you doing trying to hurt one another does just that. You’re putting me between the both of you and honestly? I don’t want to be. If you’re hell bent on getting revenge and hating him and killing him then I don’t want any part of your life any more, and the exact same is true for him. If he wants to wreck your like and destroy you, then I don’t want to be around him from then on. I am not going to be in the middle of this, and hell I’m really glad I didn’t take Crowley up on his offer if this is what I would have to be dealing with with no exit plan.”
<Anna> *Anna shrugs* “It’s not like I wasn’t ever in the middle with you and Gray but that doesn’t count because Gray is the evil monster.”
<Jo> “By then? We weren’t gunning for eachother like this, Anna, get your contexts right.”
<Anna> “Go home Jo.”
<Jo> “Fuck it, fine.”
<Anna> “Goodluck. I’ll play nice.”
#3 - Anna was getting pissy because Jenna and I had been discussing one of the Jo/Grey chat scenes after Greyd been getting at Anna (I think it might have been Jo and Grey talking after Anna had ironed him, and Jo was fairly light on/very “That wasnt your fault” to Grey and Anna took offence).
<Jo> worst friend award goes to…. lol
<Anna> lol
<Anna> Jo’s been winning it
<Anna> hands down
<Jo> Oh yes. Most definitely.
<Jo> Jo is saying some of what Anna’s been saying is unfounded, but some is true and that she’ll try to be more… clear minded the next time she speaks to either shadow and make certain things arent being interpreted wrong. Cause from her perspective she’s told Grey not to talk about Anna to Gray but seemingly no one understood Jo-speak
<Anna> lolol
<Anna> “no Jo’s teh only one fluent in bitch around here”
<Jo> “….Jesus Anna… that was an /apology/ and acknowledgement that, hey, I’m fucking up a bit. Did you want to reign in the nasty for a few seconds to realise that?”
<Anna> “fine fine..”
<Jo> “/Fine/. …I’ll go straighten this crap out with /Gray/ again, given as much as you might think I have Grey on some sort of… collar and leash… nobody does and  your bastard of a monter at least knows me well enough to know I don’t exactly /lie/..”
<Anna> “It won’t do anygood to talk to Gray. Crowley sort of put a rule down that if I get caught talking to him then..well he fucks me infront of Gray and who knows what else. So even if he did suddenly decide to not hate me it doesn’t do any good.”
<Jo> “It’ll stop you feeling like shit and curb whatever damage Grey might have done for whatever future the two of you might have had… It’s not going to /hurt/ any to talk to him. And it’s not you talking, either.”
<Anna> “It won’t do any good.”
<Jo> “Yeah well, you can’t really stop me trying to fix it for you, Anna. You made an effort to make things better for me by saving my Mom - I’m going to try and salvage your relationship for if you can ever get it back. Sure its hardly equal but..”
<Anna> “He’s right and Grey’s right. I’m not good for him and I’m a weakness. At leastt while Crowley’s around.”
<Jo> “He didn’t seem particularly strong when I saw him… Or at least not himself. Likely to get himself killed if he’s that damn reckless in future..”
<Anna> *Anna shrugs* “I want him back so bad but I want him to come back*
<Jo> "I’ll see what I can do, Anna. I swear..”
<Anna> “thanks Jo.”
<Jo> “Don’t mention it.  …Seriously, don’t.”
<Anna> *Anna can’t help but laugh*
<Jo> *Jo smiles back slightly* “I think most people would have Christo’d me by now, Anna…”
<Anna> “I don’t think any demon would be dumb enough to try and take over you.”
<Jo> “They’d just get stuck in the back of my head with some of my stupidest ideas if they did.”
<Anna> *Chuckling she nods* “Listening to you going on and on about hunting*
<Jo> "I don’t go on /that/ much about it…”*Jo flushes a bit wrinkling her nose*
<Anna> “Uh huh”
<Anna> “you know you talk about hunting in your sleep?”
<Jo> “I.. do not…?” *She pulls a face, looking completely uncertain* “Do I?”
<Anna> “Waking up to hear you talking about rawheads..isn’t exactly romantic.” *Anna grins at Jo*
<Jo> *Jo flushes further, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly* “I’m sure it’s plenty romantic. …If youre into that kind of thing.”
<Anna> “Sure sure, everyone wants to hear the murmerings of sweet nothings that end in ‘pass the salt’”
<Jo> “Salt doesnt kill rawheads… And I’m not that bad, am I? Didn’t wake you up with a foreign language sounding like gibberish before. Unlike someone.”
<Anna> “I’ll take gibberish anyday over being hit out of no where while you sit up and scream for a shotgun before falling back. There’s a reason I said you aren’t allowed to take guns to bed anymore Jo.” *Anna’s grinning now*
<Jo> “Not just because it’d freak you out to find me using you as a resting place for most of my bits then?” *Jo smiles reluctantly*
<Anna> *Anna chuckles*
<Jo> “Yeah well, at least I kept my sex dreams quiet."
<Anna> "Right…I’ve never woke up with your hands squeezing down beteen my legs looking for soemthing that wasn’t there.”
<Jo> *Jo cringes at Anna’s comment before laughing* “…. It’s not my fault I move in my sleep while you’re just… a log.”
<Anna> “Well, at least when I moan Dean’s name in my sleep it’s because I’ve actually been with him.”
<Jo> *Jo’s mouth drops open, mouthing wordlessly in response*
<Anna> “And I mean..really..Sam too?” *Anna’s struggling to keep a straight face*
<Jo> *It takes a second before she practically squeaks in annoyance, reaching out to hit Anna’s shoulder* :“Oh my- you almot had me god damn.. One too far, Anna.”
<Anna> “Well it’s not my fault you want to know which brotehr is bigger” *Anna laughs at Jo punching her*
<Jo> *Jo shakes her head, running a hand through her hair* “I already have enough cases of 'compare the brothers’. I don’t think I’m going to add the Winchesters, though you could check out Sam and let me know..” *She teases back*
<Anna> *Anna sighs leaning back* “this sucks..everything*
<Jo> *Noticing the change, Jo nods, crossing her arms* "I’d be sure that it does. …What particularly today?”
<Anna> “just everything.”
<Jo> *Jo nods again, feeling slightly bad for not feeling as worn out or bad as Anna seems to* “That’s what it tends to do”
<Anna> *Anna turns to go, much more and she’s going to start whining about how much she misses Gray and she just doesn’t feel like giving Jo that satisfaction* “See ya around.”
<Jo> “I’ll let you know how it goes, Anna. Check in with you in a bit, okay?” *Jo frowns slightly, watching her go*
#4 - How Jo Told Anna About Gray’s Binding (dont let Gray read the startish bits) - Jo being rude but also protecting Gray’s wishes 
<Jo> *Jo’d waited a few hours at home, showering to wash what blood she’d gotten on her off, before heading across town to Anna’s - debating the whole time what she should and shouldn’t say. Distractedly, she knocks on the front door a quick beat until she sees the light under the door and just pushes the door open heading in* “So, I’ve got some good news and some… news. Which you want first, Anna?”
<Anna> *Anna is cleaning up the apartment when she hears the knock on the door and before she can even take two steps she see’s Jo walk in and the other woman’s expression tells her that this isn’t a social call. She raises a brow at how Jo just starts the conversation and she leans against the counter she was cleaning.* “News.”
<Jo> *She reaches up to rub at the back of her neck, kicking the door shut gently behind her and diverting her eyes from Anna as she brushes past to put the bed between them* “Well, I’ve seen Gray..”
<Anna> *Anna nods, not liking how Jo is hesitating.* “And?”
<Jo> “He’s.. …not exactly himself.” *Jo finally looks over at Anna, shifting a few steps further back, not sure what her reaction would be* “But I’m doing what you asked.”
<Anna> *Anna looks at Jo half expecting to hear that she found him dead and the good news being she wasn’t the one that killed him. Hearing Gray isn’t himself only increases her worry.* “What do you mean he isn’t himself? Crowley?”
<Jo> “Yeah, Crowley was involved. Dropped him off on me as a little task.” *Jo shrugs a shoulder as she speaks, watching Anna carefully* “He’s still him, but.. not really the same as always.”
<Anna> *Anna runs a hand over her face and through her hair as she gives Jo a look of frustration when the blond woman keeps talking in circles.* “Jo, what happened?”
<Jo> “He doesn’t want you to know.” *She spits it out quickly, deciding not to elaborate on exactly what seems to have happened just yet* “The good news is it doesn’t seem like Crowley literally bent him over at least.”
<Anna> *Anna takes a breath before giving Jo a look, glaring somewhat at her.* “Good..you..Jo. What. Happened? and Where. Is. Gray?”
<Jo> “I, uh.. He doesn’t want you to know that either. I tried to bring him here and he freaked out on me.” *Jo shifts awkwardly under Anna’s glare, rubbing at her neck again before adding very quickly* “He also seems to have had his powers surpressed and can’t do anything.”
<Anna> “So Gray is locked in his body?” *Anna closes her eyes praying for patience in dealing with Jo.* “If he doesn’t want me to know then why are you telling me? You might as well tell me where he.” *Crossing her arms she stares at Jo expecting an answer.*
<Jo> “Um, more than that.. He tried to set things alit and stuff, but it didn’t work, and now I think about it he seems to have tried disappearing or feeding and none of that worked too.” *Jo gives Anna a significant look, raising an eyebrow before shrugging back at her* “Because, if I tell you where he is then I’m going to go ahead and say he’s not going to let me keep taking care of him. Like you asked, and seemingly Crowley wants me to. But I’m telling you about it because you deserve to know.”
<Anna> “Jo…” *Anna frowns as Jo keeps telling her about what Crowley did and she’s worried about Gray knowing him and how badly he acted before when hurt but now he can’t feed?* “Tell me where he is, you can’t expect to tell me this and just sit back!” *She’s biting her lip at the idea of Jo taking care of Gray, it’s her place, she’s always done it before.*
<Jo> *When Anna doesn’t seem likely to throw something at her, Jo shifts moving closer, twisting a hand in her hair as she looks about awkwardly almost* “He doesn’t want you to see him like this, Anna. You know him, he’s too goddamn proud to let you see him like he is right now.”
<Anna> *Anna gives Jo a look of total annoyance rolling her eyes as she goes over and grabs her bag, putting clothes and other supplies inside of it.* “Do you know how many times he’s told me to go away because his pride has been hurt? I never listened before. So you can tell me or I can start looking around town for him myself.”
<Jo> “Anna, stop. Okay? I’ll tell you as soon as the stitches can come out, okay? And this isn’t..” *Jo sighs, moving over to grab Anna’s bag and holding it away* “There is something seriously wrong, and I’m fairly certain that he will run and never come back if you show up and find him now.”
<Anna> “Damn it Jo! Give it back!” *Anna lunges for the pack glaring at Jo as she says something about stitches.* “You think there’s something wrong? Of course there is something wrong! If Gray had picked the other choice then he wouldn’t be in this mess and it’s not your place to take care of him, you don’t even like him. How do I know you won’t just kill him??”
<Jo> “Ya know he said that too. ‘Should have let him fuck me’.” *Jo’s voice drops down in the impersonation, jerking the pack to the other side away from Anna* “Am I the only one who thinks theres something wrong with that thought? And you asked me to Anna, you asked me to take care of him - so I damn well will even if I don’t want to. I had the option to kill him, he was right there and weak and I /didn’t/ because you asked me not to!”
<Anna> “He..No! That isn’t what I’m talking about! How could you think that is..” *Anna is clenching her fists tempting to take a swing at Jo, she’s never fucking listened to anyone why is she starting now!* “He ..just never mind Jo! Tell me where he is damn it!”
<Jo> *Jo turns her head but not quick enough, feeling the ache through her chin as she tosses the pack over the far side of the room* “Well that’s what he’s talkin’ about, Anna. He is regretting /that/ choice, not the one protecting you. So, I figure I owe him one right about now - so I’ll keep my agreement with him about you.”
<Anna> *Anna turns walking towards the door, fuck Jo and fuck Gray for not wanting to see her. She’s got nothing but time until Crowley comes back to have fun with her so she can easily start walking the city and looking for where Jo might be keeping Gray.*
<Jo> *Looking between Anna and the pack, Jo moves over to grab it before catching up to Anna* “How 'bout I take this over for him, along with anything else /other/ than you you want to pass along, and I’ll see how he feels 'boutt seeing you now he’s had some time to adjust?”
<Anna> *Anna stops still visibly pissed at Jo and she doesn’t say anything at first but then she just nods.* “If I don’t hear anything by tomorrow then you can tell him that  when I do find him, he’s going to be in so much trouble.” *Opening the door she waits for Jo to leave.*
<Jo> *Jo barely restrains herself from muttering that she’s guessing he isn’t going to be the only one, shrugging the pack onto her shoulder with a nod* “I’ll get him to send you a message then.” *Stepping out into the hall, she raises an eyebrow checking there was nothing else*
<Anna> “Also tell him I’m pissed at not wanting to see me. He’s an ass.” *Anna shuts the door on Jo turning around and walking back to the bed before flopping down and resisting the urge to scream and throw things.* “Stupid stubborn jackass!”
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verritytorres · 6 years
calron fake dating au - unfinished outline
·      still not fully clear on why they fake date but we getting there
o   call announces it for shits n giggles at a party on Thursday night (drunk? to celia the gossip queen?) then morning after everyone’s like “oh congrats on finally dating aaron btw!” “what”
o   aaron’s pissed at first cause that’s actually a shitty thing to do also he’s been pining for going on two years now do u have any idea what this does to his Heart
o   that is, until something happens that convinces him
§  some bully fuckers in the locker room after soccer practice like “who we gonna get today, chad?” “well everyone in here is off limits so--” aaron chimes in “what do you mean… off limits” “look youre a respectable guy so we treat you right, always have. teammates honor and all that. so we get at other people instead” (cue Dark Aaron) “and who are these other people” “that scrawny guy hunt for example” “oh, you mean call hunt my boyfriend?” “your…what?” “you heard me. if you fuck with him, you and I might have a problem. and nobody wants that.”
§  later, aaron texts call “I’m in.”
§  “sweet. what changed ur mind?” “That’s not important.”
·      the only person that knows is tamara bc helou its tamara they don’t keep secrets from each other
o   STUDY SESSION AT THE GABLES FRIDAY AFTERNOON (they all in the same regular algebra class cause theyre gay and therefore not great at math):
§  t: yo btw have you guys dealt with the whole “youre dating” rumor? if anyones been giving you a hard time tell me so I can eliminate them off the face of the earth
§  c: actually, aaron and I are just gonna roll with it
§  t: wait. youre actually gonna date?
§  c: NO no no no we’re gonna fake date. scam the fuck outta the school also it’s a bit too awkward to go back on it now for me so
§  t: (turns and gives aaron a Look cause she knows this fuckers been pining forever) are YOU on board with this?
§  a: (busies himself with his hw to hide his blush) yeahsurewhynot
§  t: (looks up and shakes her head) this is gonna end badly, calling it now
o   t: math is acephobic. im asexual and its inconveniencing me
·      Saturday! aaron goes over to the hunt household to hang out like he usually does
o   alastair loves him
o   alastair: so when did this happen?
o   call, who is sitting knee-to-knee w aaron on the couch like he always does: when did what happen
o   alastair: (gives him a Look) the watsons came in this morning. Brenda told me the news, im just surprised you didn’t tell me
o   call:…..what news…….
o   alastair: you two are dating, right? which im totally fine with btw, i had a boyfriend back then too, and im really happy for you, youre both mature enough that I don’t have to give the whole speech—
o   call and aaron are looking at each other in Horror
o   call: OKAY THANKS DAD WE’RE GONNA WALK HAVOC NOW BYE (nyooms outta the house with aaron and havoc in tow)
o   out in the park
§  c: so I guess we gotta find out how to sell this whole (gestures between himself and aaron) thing
§  a: (snorts) thing?
§  c: yeah thing. if my hermit dad knows, then we can assume just about everyone in town knows too. which is not the idealest
§  a: why’s that?
§  c: cause then we gotta act all coupley to everyone or else they’ll be like “wait a minute…are they really dating??”
§  a: well, not with everyone. tamara knows
§  c: yeah, that’s one person in a whole townful of people
§  a: we spend the majority of our time with tamara though
§  c:….point. we still gotta sell it to everyone else
§  a: it cant be that hard, just hold hands a little here, drop some compliments there
§  in reality aaron doesn’t wanna do Big Couple Things or else he might literally spontaneously combust. its possible, hes read abt it
§  c: oh come on, no one gonna buy that. we gotta pull out all the stops
§  a: (cursing silently) like?
§  c: hugs. general lack of personal space. kiss on the cheek, maybe. pet names.
§  a: (calming his crazy heart) oh. I see.
§  c: as long as youre alright with it, of course! I don’t wanna do some creeper shit and like accidentally assault you
§  a: nonono I get it im alright with it. (pause) we should uh..have some signal, though
§  c: signal?
§  a: in case one of us goes too far or something. nothing too obvious, but just obvious for us to notice
§  c: hm. ok, how bout asshole?
§  a: (bursts out laughing) asshole????
§  c: (grinning) yeah, asshole. I never call you an asshole, you never call me an asshole. so if you say “youre a bit clingy there, asshole” I know I should back off
§  a: that- that hardly sounds affectionate
§  c: well duh you gotta say it in an affectionate way. like this (sticky sweet voice, batting eyelashes) “asshole”
§  a: (still laughing) okay. asshole it is.
§  theyre both quiet ntil aaron speaks up. “I do have one request”
§  “which is?”
§  “this is gonna sound weird, please don’t ask but…don’t kiss me. not unless I tell you to.”
§  call looks at him like ??? then says “sure, man. nix on smooches. you wish you had a taste of these bad boys, though.”
§  aaron turns away bc hes a blushy boi. “youre making it weird.”
·      Monday rolls in
o   call is in Zombie Mode making himself coffee on his antique expensive coffee machine (the best Christmas gift ever thanks alastair)
o   alastair, making pancakes: shouldn’t you bring an extra to school today?
o   sleepy call, pouring himself a solid triple shot of espresso: whaddya mean
o   alastair: if youre gonna be dating aaron, you gotta treat him right. bring out the big guns, you know
o   call, suddenly wide awake: what????
o   alastair: I will not have that boy deprived of real boyfriend privileges
o   so call leaves his house with two coffee cups
o   he walks over to where he knows aaron is at the time (music room, playing piano)
o   before he heads in he looks inside and just. stares at aaron playing the piano. gay descriptions galore
o   aaron hits a wrong key and swears
o   c: well that’s a big word
o   a: (practically jumps out of his seat, swearing again)
o   c: and that’s an even bigger one
o   a: oh, its you. good morning, call
o   c: morning, snookums
o   a: (smiling tentatively) snookums? is that really the best you can do
o   c: that’s just scratching the surface, and also its Monday morning so im not at my peak. anyway i brought you coffee
o   a: thanks. already “pulling out all the stops” I see
o   c: I plan to be an especially doting boyfriend (glances at the door, sees a few people staring at them) I..gotta get to my locker (kisses his cheek, aaron goes rigid, call whispers at his ear) we got an audience. see you at lunch
o   aaron sits there for a while after call leaves staring at the ceiling and asking himself why
·      lunch in the magisterium high caf
o   aaron, biting calmly at his sandwich: what don’t you get
o   jasper: there are at LEAST a dozen guys in this school ready and willing to go out with you and you go with CALL
o   call, resting his head on Aarons shoulder, much to Aarons chagrin: its ok dude you can just say youre jealous
o   jasper: YEAH A LITTLE. Aarons like…the best catch out here. the golden boyfriend. the guy that would tell your parents “yes sir ill have him back by nine thirty sharp :)”
o   aaron: I wouldn’t say that to alastair
o   call: yeah you would (turning back to jasper) who are these dozen guys? I gotta know whos planning to fight me so I can know their weaknesses beforehand
o   jasper: kai hale, for one
o   aaron: hmm. he is kinda cute
o   call: HEY
o   jasper: definitely cuter than hunt
o   aaron: is there something particularly wrong with call?
o   call: takes one to know one
o   aaron, shrugging and finishing his sandwich: maybe I like trash men
o   call laughing his ass off, jasper groaning: youre killing me, stewart. youre literally causing my cells to stop functioning
·      study hall w aaron and tamara
o   t: (has been frowning at him for the past 10 mins)
o   a: okay you clearly want to talk about something so out with it
o   t: are you sure about this thing with call?
o   a: what, the dating thing?
o   t: the fake dating thing
o   a: right. its fake. yeah im fine
o   t: we both know that’s a lie, aaron. we don’t lie to each other
o   a: (sardonically) yeah well. ive been lying to him since we were freshmen
o   t: having a crush isn’t lying, per se, but that’s besides the point. im worried about you, man. I don’t want call to hurt you accidentally, and then consequently be hurt himself by not knowing how he hurt you, cause then ILL be hurt by best friend collateral drama
o   a: I get it, tamara
o   t: then I reiterate: are you sure about this?
o   big internal monologue
o   a: yeah. im sure.
o   it’s the fall festival since its October theres pumpkins everywhere and haunted houses and candied apples and hay bales and rides and its lit
o   the iron trio+jasper go always
o   theyre walking around, aaron looking at the decorations, tamara call and jasper arguing abt which haunted house to visit first
o   c: the mansion is the obvious choice just sayin
o   j: but theres a haunted hospital ffs
o   c: ive been in enough hospitals to know for a fact that they are all haunted so that doesn’t excite me as much as a MANSION
o   t: how bout…we happy medium at…the graveyard one
o   a: how bout we don’t go to any of those and just go to the roller coasters instead
o   t: aaron, I love you, but youre a weenie sometimes. you can wait outside if you don’t wanna go
o   a: im not leaving you guys alone! (catches calls eye, glances at jasper, call nods a lil, aaron drapes his arm round calls shoulders) who am I to let my boyfriend into that scary place alone?
o   c: (smiling and rolling his eyes) its not that scary, but I appreciate the offer, sugar
o   aaron? oh yes he is dead
o   j: (GAG) youre going to give me diabetes with all these sweets
o   t: (mischievous smile) I dunno, jasper. ever since they started dating they’ve been acting kinda the same as always
o   aaron Tenses, call raises an eyebrow at him then turns to tamara
o   c: what were you expecting, rajavi? showers of pda everywhere?
o   t: oh come on, if any one of us is going to be That Couple its you two.
o   turns out the haunted whatevers are not open yet, they open at nightfall, so they head to the roller coasters
o   surprise surprise call hates roller coasters
o   “if I die I want you all to know that you are not written into my will therefore I owe you nothing”
o   hes clinging to aaron the whole ride and aaron is like if theres a god up above…….
o   then they reach the hay bales and jaspers like “im gonna head over to the bumper boats w tamara you guys can wait here or do whatever I guess”
o   “we’re just fine going with you guys??”
o   jasper looks at call weirdly and says “um, no youre not. you lovebirds need some alone time. get your 10 things I hate about you on in these haystacks.”
o   they get redder than the ripest tomatoes
o   they just stand there awkwardly for a while when call says “wanna head over to the carnival games” “please”
o   they walk over to the game area in a kinda uncomf silence until aaron breaks it
o   “what did jasper mean by 10 things I hate about you?”
o   call stares at him “are you serious right now”
o   aaron looks at him meaningfully
o   “oh my god. oh my god. have you never watched 10 things???”
o   “no?”
o   “oh my god. dude. its just like star wars all over again. we’re watching it, no excuses.”
o   aaron smiles at him “okay. whats it about?”
o   “well if I tell you that ruins the whole goddamn surprise, doesn’t it, pumpkin?”
o   he laughs. “it does, doesn’t it.”
o   they get to the carnival game: the hammer game. the biggest prize is a huge stuffed monkey
o   aaron turns to call grinning and calls like “you do know this game’s rigged right. theres no way you can win.”
o   but of course. aaron wins.
o   call is just gaping at him and whispers “you fucking beefcake you.”
o   aaron says “here’s your prize, boyfriend” and fucking winks
o   is call dying? we don’t know this aint his pov
o   c: it looks like you
o   a: thanks
o   call suddenly looks behind aaron with wide eyes and grabs Aarons hand so Aarons brain goes like WHAT…..
o   “heads up,” call whispers, “group of classmates at eight o clock”
·      call and tamara have always attended every one of aaron’s soccer games, but for some reason this one felt different
o   theyre cheering frm the side with their banners as always (banners say STEWART FOR SOCCER GOD and LUCKY NUMBER 8 and most recently THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!!! maybe that last one makes this different)
o   its also rainy as heck the banners had to be laminated this time (do not underestimate being friends w a rich kid)
o   they both in they raincoats while Aarons in full soccer gear in the RAIN rifp
o   but the team is falling behind so theyre like FUK OUR CHEERING ISNT WORKING WHAT WE DO
o   at halftime
§  t: lets get the fuck down there we gotta give him a pep talk
§  c: what r we gonna say
§  so they head down to where aaron is sitting, drinking from his water bottle
§  c: cant you just tilt your head back and stick your tongue out in this weather
§  t: shut up. aaron we are here to peptalk you. (INSERT PEPTALK IDK HOW TO PEP)
§  exit tamara
§  a: (wince) we’re that bad today, are we
§  c: yeah youre kinda sucking
§  a: well that’s not the supportive boyfriend comment I expected
§  c: doting. I said I was going to be doting, not supportive. and definitely not a liar
§  a: whatever. tamara’s pep talk helped, so I guess ill get my head in the game
§  coach rockmaple blows his whistle for the team huddle. aaron salutes call with two fingers before standing up to go and then call blurts “ice cream. on me. if you win the game, that is.”
§  aaron stares at him and then smiles. “you’re on.”
§  everyones celebrating and grinning and cheering and call catches aarons eye and theyre smiling, smiling, smiling, and suddenly call finds himself right in front of aaron and aaron is cupping his face and its raining and it sounds like something out of a movie and his face is so close and aaron’s freckles are covered in droplets and so are his lashes and call never really thought about it but if he leaned in, tilted his head just a bit, they would be kissing, and call could pass it off as having an audience—
§  aaron pulls call’s face towards him and kisses his forehead, leaning his head to call’s ear to say “you owe me an ice cream.”
§  and call’s heart all but leaps from his body, he feels lightheaded, and aaron looks fucking beautiful like this, his eyes alight with triumph and joy and something else
§  he doesn’t think till he gets home that wanting to kiss aaron for real wasn’t part of the plan.
·      they first kiss at a party cause everyones like KISS KISS KISS so call (lightly drunk) cups Aarons cheek and leans in. aaron.exe has crashed is not working holy fuck this is the best thing ever and all those gay ass descriptors. everyone cheers in the bg
o   call is dronk, aaron is driving him home, call is being supper chattery and super flirty (think: drunk Laurent)
o   alastair is sleeping so aaron has to make sure call is quiet when going to his room
o   a: (a lil breathless cause hes basically carrying call) be quiet, your dad is sleeping right there
o   c: (winking with both eyes) what do I get in returnnnnn
o   a: oh my god
o   aaron finally gets him to his bed, drapes him on it and tucks him in, hes about to lean away when call grabs his shirt collar to keep him there
o   “aren’t you gonna give your fake boyfriend a proper goodnight?”
o   “youre drunk. i—we can’t—youre not yourself right now. goodnight.”
o   “mm. alright. you owe me a kiss, though.”
o   aaron huffs. he cant breathe right. and just because its 3 am and hes feeling reckless after kissing him tonight and call’s just about asleep and he probably wont remember this in the morning, he whispers, “sure.”
·      THE BREAK
o   Aarons leaning on his kitchen counter, trying to look casual but ultimately failing. call has a sneaking suspicion as to why hes acting this weird but by god he will not say it. its too embarrassing on its own.
o   “so.” aaron says. “you kissed me last night.”
o   fuck. dammit. “did i?”
o   “yeah, in the middle of the party. everyone was watching.”
o   call spots himself a loophole and hell if he doesn’t take it. “sweet. looks like drunk me was up for a show.”
o   “what do you mean?”
o   “well, it was a full party. this whole thing is build on other people believing we’re together
o   “’sides. it’s all just fake anyway.”
o   aaron stops, his hands fists. “right,” he croaks. “its all fake.”
o   “dude…you okay?”
o   “yeah. yeah im fine.”
o   “don’t lie to me aaron, i can see youre upset. spit it out.”
o   aaron takes a deep breath and quickly says “is it really all fake?”
o   call freezes. his mind replays last week’s game, and the subsequent breakdown he had because he likes aaron. and fuck. fuck. he swore he was being quiet about it.
o   “yeah,” he says after a while, forcing the words out. “it was always fake, that’s the idea.”
o   “lately, it hasn’t felt fake.”
o   call’s stomach drops. “if you ever needed to stop you could’ve just said—“
o   Aarons eyes are closed. “last night didn’t feel fake.”
o   because it wasn’t, because im a shitty human who fell for you and since I did this has all been horrible self indulgence, because I like you and you don’t like me.
o   “well it was, so I don’t know why youre making such a big deal out of it.”
o   call hates the things that come out of his mouth.
o   something in aaron seems to catch fire, his eyes fly open and he’s angry, call has barely ever seen him angry at him. “it’s a big deal for me, you kissed me”
o   “I didn’t—I didn’t mean to!”
o   “then if you didn’t mean to, why did you!”
o   calls head is spinning, he doesn’t know what hes doing at this point. “I was drunk, aaron, people fuck up when theyre drunk”
o   “I told you not to kiss me, but you went and did it anyway, do you have any idea how that felt—“
o   “I don’t, aaron, because I don’t feel the things you feel!”
o   aaron freezes completely, his eyes wide
o   “right. I forgot. sorry. right.”
o   theyre quiet, and call knows he fucked up. he doesn’t know exactly how, but he knows.
o   “I…I gotta go. bye.”
o   aaron slams the door behind him, call hears the car door slam and aaron driving away before he manages to whisper “wait”
o   but its too late. hes alone.
o   well, not alone. havoc noses his waist and looks up at him with huge, worried eyes.
o   “come on, boy. lets go for a walk.”
o   he ends up at the park—the same park he first discussed the thing with aaron. he sits down under a tree and rests his head on his knees, havoc cuddling up to him.
o   he kind of drifts off, loses track of time. his mind is kinda blank right now. he knows that’s probably a shitty coping mechanism but what the fuck can you do.
o   he doesn’t want to do anything right now. he doesn’t want to deal with anything or anyone right now.
o   he doesn’t want to feel anything, because feeling is what got him into this mess in the first place.
o   he’s so wrapped up in his personal void that he doesn’t hear the footsteps behind him until he hears jasper say “you look miserable.”
o   call doesn’t look up. “fuck off, jasper.”
o   he does not fuck off. instead call hears leaves crunching  as jasper sits down next to him.
o   “he’s at tamara’s. been there for the past hour.”
o   “didn’t ask.”
o   “but you wanted to know.” calls quiet at this.
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boymeetsweevil · 7 years
BTS as (weird) babies in your daycare
Kim Seokjin
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The oldest of the bunch
brings two designer brand lunchboxes in to school
his lunches cost more than yours do
he eats all his food and then will go around the lunch table asking the others for small bites of their meal and they usually give in to him because he shouts “but we’re BROTHERS >:O” if they say no the first time around
the one that likes to take you by the hand while you’re in the middle of paperwork or something and bring you to see that castle he was working on
you compliment him on it and then you’re dismissed like:
“Wow jin that’s a great castle you did a great job stacking the blocks”
“Thank you teacher can you leave now?”
And you go back to your paperwork feeling kind of small before you remember that you are more than a decade older than the tiny child that sent you away
not the bossiest child (that’s jimin) but is a close second
is the most catalogue looking child you’ve ever seen
when you’re bored in the classroom during naptime and you play with your phone, he’s the one who only slept for 20 minutes
he then proceeds to come over and sit in your lap for a chance to play with your phone
You open up snapchat and play with the filters with him in the dimmed playroom and listen to his little chime-like giggles
his selfies are 80x cuter than yours before the filters and when the little dog ears come out to play you have no chance
Always brags about his older brother being able to use shoes “with no velcRO and long LONG lOng stringlaces” (=shoelaces)
hoseok always yells back that there’s no such thing as shoes without velcro “unless youre a growned-up and your hyung isn’t a growned-up i saw him at the park hes just a kid too!!”
Always brings in crafts that he made with his au pair for the class
currently has an obsession with hearts so he has been bringing in crudely cut heart shaped cut outs with scribbly stick figures on them
everyone got one, even you
he also made sure to draw himself into everyone’s heart as well
in the one he made for you its clear he drew himself first because he’s normal sized and you’re gigantic and bending horrifically around the edge of the heart because he didn’t plan the spacing well 
Also brings in the best group snacks when its a holiday or his birthday
cries when you tell him its not okay to sit on the other boys when they bother him
Always wants to be your helper and repeat what you just said to the class like he’s your assistant he is SUCH a teacher’s pet
“can i be teacher jinnie?”
“ummmmmm...not right now, maybe later okay?”
“oh...When im bigger???”
“uh Yes! when youre bigger”
“okay....Teacher im bigger now”
gives you wet cheek kisses :’)
He has the CUTEST laugh and when he laughs you laugh because its one of those rolling baby laughs that just doesn’t stop and you find yourself chasing him around the playroom to hear his giggle even though your feet hurt
drinks more milk than anyone in the class
as a result he has the NASTIEST farts
Min Yoongi
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The one who has been coming the longest but still takes a good 45 minutes to stop sulking after being dropped off before he’s in the mood to play
will legit stand by the window to watch his mom drop him off every fucking morning like he doesn’t know where she’s going and if she’s coming back
when you come over to see if he’ll play with the other kids, he just turns and pouts at you and whines a little and turns back to the window
When he’s not in a funk though he is the most mature kiddo
Plays the best by himself, and is very simply entertained
brought in some homemade maracas for his show and tell day
it was literally just a recycled cardboard container with dried beans in it that he had scribbled all over with 40 different markers
keeps calling it “makaka”, you try not to laugh you fail
he just sat on the edge of the rug in the playroom and shook the box of beans softly to himself for an hour
when the shaking stopped you came over to see if he was alright and you realize he fell asleep
is surprisingly chatty
probably has the best vocabulary or is tied with joon
but also probably ahead of joon in terms of working vocab because while joon knows how to use “extraordinary” he also can’t grasp what the slide is called and yoongi has him beat there
sometimes will ask if he can start nap time early and drags the pillow and blanket the parents bring in from home up to your desk to make a more convincing argument
is always patient zero and gets fevers really easliy
when that happens you have to carry him around while you putter through the classroom and rub his back while he sleeps it off
you have to shush the other kids while he sleeps because theyre always so loud when they ask “Is Yoongi SICK???? :(”
he sleeps in your lap during nap time on those days and you stroke his fat fever-rosy cheeks when he whines in his sleep from the heat
cries whenever taehyung says his drawings are ugly
but they are, especially if he draws you 
theres always this weird expression on your face and sometimes you think about it when youre up late at night and then you cant sleep
is full of full facts about insects because his dad reads about them before bed
and is apparently always at the library
you saw him there once and he almost exploded because what are you doing outside the school
“teacher what are you going here”
“i came to get some books just like you”
“but i thought you couldn’t leave the school”
“i can leave the school...”
“wont you get a time out?”
“um no sweetie”
Yoongi has a huge sweet tooth and gets super excited on fridays when his mom packs him like chocolate milk or something 
can never open the little carton so he brings it to you and just vibrate next to you until you poke the straw in
pretty sure you saw his eyes roll into the back of his head once while drinking it
has fallen asleep with the carton in his hands on multiple occasions
when you bring your guitar in for music days he sits at the front and listens SUPER intently and always tries to come over and touch it while you’re playing so have to be like
“yoongi, sweetie, please sit down”
“um okay. teacher ? im gonna play the giddar too okay?”
“while I’m playing it?”
“Yeah :)”
“no yoongi.”
“Okay...teacher?” REPEAT 1-6
Jung Hoseok
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This kid is all over the place oh my god
srsly he is always tripping on shit because he is always running
and his jeans are a little too long because they're hand me downs from his sister and he refuses to let his dad put a belt on him in the morning
loves to hold hands but his hands are always so so so sticky
like wtf
he will want to hold your hand during walking field trips and you want to just yank your hand away and wipe it on your jeans and douse it in hot water but you don’t because he loves to hold hands and his hand is small and soft and warm and you don’t want to hurt his feelings :’(
you compromise by helping him when he’s at the sink and make sure he uses soap
probably the one who won’t stop putting his hands down his pullups
not in a weird way but in that way where kids will develop some weird habit/quirk that they do on autopilot for comfort
He probably tests your patience the most because is also: THE LOUDEST
he is that kid that screams bloody fucking murder when you turn the lights off for naptime,  every day :)
but not to be funny because he’s scared of the dark
he was originally placed somewhere else but he kept getting up in the middle of nap time to drag his blanket and pillow over to you to sleep nearby
when you asked him what he was doing he said that he sleeps near his big sister when he gets scared and you have to bite your knuckle not to cry when you realize he counts you too
Speaking of big sister, dawon goes to the day care for older kids on the floor above ur classroom
sometimes the teacher upstairs will let her come down to say hi
she stands by the doorway and watches him play with stuffed animals for a few minutes before going “hooooooobiiiiiiiiiii” and he drops everything to run over and she pets his hair and asks if he’s being good in that way where you can tell kids are parroting some random adult 
tbh this is your least favorite time of the day because he always wails because she can’t stay but he really misses his big sis and makes you tear up a little too
Sometimes another teacher will come in for “Body Time” and does yoga stretches with the kids
hobi is such a whiz at body time and always does the stretches with a surprising amount of control
its probably his second favorite thing next to running in literal circles in the tall grass during outside time in the spring
He’s a bit of a perfectionist because if you move his dominoes out of the little rows he made, even by just a fraction of a millimeter he. will. lose it.
Also won’t eat food that touches or crusts of bread or fruit skins
but he will eat orange slices without fail as long as you “make them into pieces first teacher :’(”
always gets stung by bees?????
because: yoongi likes bees a lot, he thinks theyre cute and interesting and he always takes hoseok by the hand to the nearest hive to tell him facts and point at things with a pudgy finger
but you’ve told the kids time and time again not to go near beehives but yoongi loves bees too much and hobi startles easily and either jostles the hive or pisses off a nearby bee
Kim Namjoon
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Is the only one that can read
you were super shocked when you came over to him one day looking intensely at a book and he was confused and you were like
“what’s the matter, joonie”
“i can’t find the kittens in the picture”
“What kittens” and you read the little blurb on the page and see the word mittens and you’re like oh shit he can kinda read
so now you make sure he reads a different book from the bookshelf each day
jimin is always demanding to be read to and joon is happy to do it even when jimin switches pages on him in the middle of the book or asks to start over or start another book
Has those little baby glasses that tie behind his head so he can see
he always drops them though because he fiddles with the tie in the back and they get too loose throughout the day
He’s one of the more affectionate kids in class and will cling to your leg when he’s having a rough day
doesn’t want you to pick him up unless you’re sitting because he’s scared of heights
will sit on your lap any time its free though
often competes for lap space with kookie and often loses because kookie runs faster or joon will fall because this is joon we’re talking about
hes a good sport about it and stands next to you and asks kookie when his turn is next very sweetly
No surprise but namjoonie is always falling
but he never gets majorly hurt
maybe he scrapes a knee or a hand or something minor
he doesn’t cry much either hes a tough cookie!!
he’ll tell you a fact about prehistoric jellyfish with a wavering voice and watery eyes while you put his bandaid on
Baby Joon LOVES LVOES LVOES apple sauce
he cannot get enough of it and MANY of the stains on his little cords (his favorite clothing item) are apple sauce stains
Namjoon is sadly that kid that will eat anything though so you’re constantly watching him to make sure he doesn’t eat anything deadly
when he’s being too quiet or still in the corner of your vision you walk up quietly behind him and just stick a hand out and he spits whatever it is into the napkin in your palm with a goofy smile
eats his boogers probly :(
Joons mom always brings little treats for you because she was worreid that he would be bullied or isolated when she first enrolled him in the class but he’s doing well and she’s glad for the atmosphere you’ve set up
sometimes she sends him in with your treat if she’s too busy in the morning so he’ll totter in with his glasses and what looks like some homemade cake and your can’t help but scoop him up and plant a kiss on his cheek and tell him to tell his mom thank you
his best friend is probably jin because jin knows the alphabet and appreciates namjoon’s knowledge
jin helps joon get over his fear of the swings, but he’s still scared of heights i assure you he will start to wail if you take his feet too high off the ground
cries when he spills his apple sauce which is often but he always has a spare
 but! you’re not sure if his mom packs it because he loves it so much or because he’s bound to drop one
Park Jimin
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When he first came in to school you gasped because those cheeks were a gift from above and the little always-there pout was so cute
he lives for praise, he is such a ham and he loves the way the old ladies at the front desk always try to bribe him with candy for a cheek pinch
he’s a shrewd little business man and won’t let anyone touch his cheeks for less than 2 soft caramels
Park Jimin is as bossy as they come
but everyone in the classroom has no problem with it except maybe you sometimes
he is always going “Teacher! Come here!” from somewhere in the room and you always have to go “You want to try that again, Park Jimin?” and he goes “Teacher! PWEASE come here!” and ur like...ok
Fairly independent
his dad assured you he knows how to cut with regular scissors but jimin continues to use the kiddie scissors and then act like he can’t do it and blink up at you for help
he just wants you to watch him do it
can also put on his own snowsuit without help but still wants you to do it for him because he LIVES for the personal attention
Is a tiny bit violent?
will yell really loud if you take his truck or his dino dolly
or if you make him try to take off his favorite faux cowhide sweater when its time to paint
never hits/kicks/bites tho
the one time it looked like he might hit jungkook you were there in an instant to pull him away and give him a calm and quiet but stern lecture about why his hands are not for hitting or hurting
he had frustrated tears welling up in his eyes when you brought him back to JK and had him use his words
“Kookie, I dont like when you take my toys when im still playin wif dem”
JK: *is preverbal*
and you pry the toy out of jungkook’s freakishly strong baby grip and return it to jk
Jimin’s best friend is probably tae
their moms are friends and they regularly have play dates at each other’s houses
sometimes they come in together in the mornings if one mom is busier than the other
they sleep next to each other during nap time
Chim cries when he can’t sit next to tae during snack time
Has a very adult palate for a baby
i.e. he loves vegetables
is kind of nosy and will come over to your desk when you open your lunch bag and ask to see the vegetables
you make sure to always pack a veggie because the one time you didn’t his eyes widened and he said “mama says you die if you dont eat no veg-ables”
asks if everything is a “veg-able”
jimin: *points to sandwich* veg-able?
you: no
jimin: *points to kimbap/turkey leg/piece of cake/bag of chips/an apple* veg-able?
if you did bring a veggie that he doesn’t already have in his lunch, he’ll ask for a bite
normally you have to tell kids no when they ask for your food because you’d end up with everyone asking for a bite and no lunch, but no one else likes veggies in the class. 
so sometimes you slip a sliced cucumber to him and he holds it in two hands and runs back to his spot to eat it and then comes back like an outdoor cat looking for more food
Has a lovely singing voice
its high and pretty, kind of angelic and he tells you that he sings for his grandma a lot
you praise his singing so naturally he loves music day too and if you sing a song he sings with his mom at home he gets so excited
yoongi is enthralled when jimin knows the words to a “teacher song” before its been taught to the class
Kim Taehyung
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idk why this is so pertinent to my idealization of him as a child BUT: Has the biggest head out of anyone in the classroom sorry
is so so so cute, might even be your favorite..
he’s super agreeable
loves to cuddle, eat all his food in his little stackable lunch containers, naps well, plays nicely with others, listens pretty well
he always pees himself :(
and you don’t understand it because his dad came in and bragged about how much of a big boi his son is at home in the bathroom using the toilet but at school? NOPE
he has like 8 changes on clothes for this reason
you can always tells when he’s about to pee himself because
he stands in the middle of the room and just goes “sorry teacher” really softly
your heart breaks when you hear how sad he is that he wet himself but you’re also a little irate because you’re convinced no one deals with as much pee as you do
you give him the talk every time which consists of your wriggling him into some ridiculous pink overalls while trying to make eye contact with him so you can tell him that when he feels like he has to go, he can just go to the potty
Tae carries a blanket around at all times!!!!!
he takes it everywhere with him and uses a different one to cover him up during nap time.
cries on the days that his dad drops him off without it because it has to be washed
the blanket was purple at one point but now it is straight up grey-brown
is surprisingly good at walking/running with it and not tripping on it
Jimin  started calling him tata
so now everyone calls him tata
Is probably the class sweetheart as well
when he’s out sick, literally everyone goes “where’s tata” at random times of the day even though you went over who was “at school” and who was “at home” and said he was at home
tae is so so so so good at drawing its crazy
hes way above his age grade in terms of drawing BUT he has a little trouble getting a pencil into his grip 
so you have to help him finagle it into his little hand but once he does WOOO here comes a dragon with you on its back holding a big ol sword
Is that one kid who manages to run around naked the most
its probably because you’re always in the middle of changing him when someone else distracts you and you turn around and all of the sudden he’s naked as the day he was born from the belly button and waddling back to where jimin is playing with flubber on the rug
you have to run over and scoop him up but also hold him at arms length because hello? pee?
he thinks this is hilarious and flaps his arms like hes flying
Everyone kisses tae
like when the kids get to that stage where they all try to kiss each other because their parents probably kiss them and they're like imitating their parents
everyone goes for tae
he takes it like a champ
but his face is probably v sticky after wards so you pull him over and take a wet wipe to his face
might ask you for a kiss and you place one on his LARGE forehead lol
His grandma comes in often with dolls she made for the class
tae shows them off proudly during his show and tell days and makes sure everyone plays nicely with them or theyll break because theyre normally made from soft yarn
He has a major thing for stickers and is always asking you for stickers to adorn his whole body with 
you are constantly telling him to take stickers off his face and sometimes he puts them on his eyebrow and you sigh because crying is inevitable at that point
you have limited him to 3 stickers on any given day and they go on a piece of paper labeled “Taehyung’s Tata’s stickers”
was mad when you tried to write his full name on the paper because he is tata at school >: (
Jeon Jungkook
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the youngest! a true baby
when he first came to the classroom he was right in the middle in terms of age so like he technically aged out of the nursery down the hall but he wasn’t at the normal age minimum to enter your classroom and you were like Ummmmm i guess he can come? because you didn’t have very many kids so what’s one more right?
Started walking and running in the same day during his first week at the classroom!!!
you were worried he’d be too small to keep up with the other kids and might be hurt with their type of play but nope
he was constantly crawling after them trying to keep up until one day he just...stood up and you were like omg and pulled your phone up
when his parents came to pick him up you showed them the video and his dad cried
Now he’s the fastest runner in the class
he doesn’t really talk yet
hes still preverbal but you can tell he gets whats going on around him
the others are good about it
although you did have to have a day where you addressed the question they kept asking you
“Why doesn’t kookie have words?”
“he’s too little. but he’ll talk when he’s ready”
it was a short talk
He knows two words
no and something that is the approximation of hyung but you’re not certain
if he wants your specific attention he just goes “AH” really loud
says no to everything even when he means yes
this means that when you ask him if he wants to eat snack he says no and then cries when you put his lunchbox away thinking he may actually not be hungry
despite being the best at toddling, he always wants to picked up
he is such a teacher’s pet its crazy
its probably the one piece of evidence that he is the least mature of the group
and also because he misses the presence of his mom
he will settle for sitting in your lap when you’re at your desk
or when you’re trying to read to the group during “carpet reading time”
he will try to turn the pages for you but it took him a while to realize you weren’t always done reading when he turned a page and you’d have to fight him to turn the page back so you could finish
now he waits for you to say “you can turn the page now kook”
He is so so so shy omg
if a teacher from another classroom comes by to borrow something, they naturally try to come over and say hi to the one kid who you’re carrying on your hip or sitting in your lap and he just turns and smushes his face into your armpit until he suspects they’ve left
he does, however, have a weird obsession with the handyman that comes in to repair that one tricky light in the back of the art closet
kook will stare at him until he leaves and its cute because he’ll leave your lap or whine to be put down and toddle over to watch him work from a “reasonable distance”
the repairman is kind of gruff looking but he always turns and spots kook watching him like 8^O and will snort
one time he handed kook a rubber band that he had in his breast pocket and kook kept it clutched in his little hand all day
actually waves goodbye when he leaves its so precious
Kook is very sensitive to touch and stuff
so in the winter when he has to wear layers he cries a lot if the t-shirt under his sweater bunches up the wrong way
like he’s so finicky about tactile stuff
he can’t have bare feet ever
wears slippers all year, even in the summer
also cries if the classroom gets too loud and covers his ears
you think maybe he may have some sort of sensory sensitivity
won’t eat the bananas in his lunch unless you mash them with a fork for him
cried when you cut open a pumpkin to show the kids the seeds inside and later roast them because the smell was too strong for him
you had to put a tiny face mask on him to get him to calm down and he resembled a ninja turtle the whole day
He loves hobi very much and is always super giggly when hobi pays extra attention to him
always follows him around and is constantly bumping his nose on hobi’s back because he follows him THAT CLOSELY
always fights with jin
meaning he constantly swipes toys out of his hands and then sometimes gets sat on as punishment and cries until you heft jin off him
you don’t know why they always fight
is so good at hidden item picture books like Ispy
you will zoom through them because he finds everything immediately and you wonder if maybe hes a genius
you had a hunch one day and put him down in front of a 400 piece puzzle and he did a surprisingly good chunk of it in the span of the school day and went straight to it the next day
I was trying so hard to write this and couldnt think of anything and then i remembered yesterday that my friemd Worked in a daycare for the last three years??? so a lot of this is real life stuff which is funny but also really extra
all pics are from weheartit...
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ua-monoma · 6 years
[[ hi here’s a text convo me and dani were having during the iimono text convo woohoo feelings ]]
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:16 AM
iida's definition of alright is "im not completely hurting to the point where it is hard to do or think abt anything else"
rickyLast Sunday at 4:17 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:17 AM
if he can do his duties without being hindered he's "alright"
rickyLast Sunday at 4:18 AM
like tbh monoma's big feels rn are like 
 1) i wanna communicate but it feels like iida doesnt actually communicate with me ever 
2) i wanna be honest but it feels like iida isnt being honest with me 
3) i've been opening up a lot which im! proud of!! i can face my emotions now! but iida isnt facing HIS emotions with me and i thought uHh being a couple means we do that together so i guess i'll go fuck myselfsdfskhdgbg
but ALSO from an outside perspective iida Does Communicate and Is Honest... way more than monoma perceives it but monoma sucks. at being able to identify it
A L S O he cant stand iida taking care of him so much sfhgbsfbhsg hes starting to feel rly coddled and he Does Not Like It
and thats largely just cuz hes so unstable and feels guilty about it now that hes more aware of it and wants to either just shut down and stop emoting around iida or, like, he wants to get to take care of iida if/when he ever breaks down cuz then it'll be Equals
kdfgdfhbdfgs i just had a hunch and it was right, monoma is actually older than iida sdfbjhgs
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:22 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 4:27 AM
but yeah i think the other thing is that monoma wants stuff from iida but like has not been able to rly voice it (i feel like this is the first time he has ever talked like This Much about emotional bullshit) but also TBH he feels brushed aside every time iida gives him one of his lil speeches
cuz he doesnt respond very well to positivity and also will just latch onto the negative aspects
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:30 AM
WOW then u have iida whos just like "dude im not a fuckign mind reader tell me what u want"
rickyLast Sunday at 4:30 AM
iida: communicate pls monoma: ok heres a big rambling post about stuff i feel iida: ok thats nice. can you communicate with me pls tho monoma: I JUST DID HSDFKGGBDFSG I'LL JUST GO FUCK MYSELF THEN I GUESS--
^ is how he feels
also hes scared of the Boyfriend Conversation
which i think i've told you before, hes scared cuz of the sex addiction thing but also,
ppl keep coercing him to sex and he doesnt wanna date iida and then be coerced into Officially Cheating,,, pseudo cheating isnt acceptable either but at least like,,, hes Technically not betraying him,
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:36 AM
THE RAMBLING THING isnt clear to iida bc its like yes that is how he feels but he is not telling me What He Wants From Me
rickyLast Sunday at 4:37 AM
YEAH thats what i noticed today +_+!!!
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:38 AM
its like monoma is offering his stance but not a solution or a compromise
rickyLast Sunday at 4:38 AM
monoma doesnt rly know that's what he's supposed to do hjbsjfsg
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:38 AM
does iida have to spell it out
rickyLast Sunday at 4:38 AM
y es
like, the last thing iida said kind of made monoma be like
wait lemme look at it again
ok he said he wanted to know the reasons behind his actions and monoma was like,,,,wha--
cuz... 1) theres like never actually a reason and 2) he didnt know iida wanted that from him
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:40 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 4:40 AM
like monoma barely even recognizes half his actions cuz theyre all based on impulses and tbh if nobody pointed them out he'll just move on like nothing's happened
like he compartmentalizes,,, s o much,,,,,, and then represses it like instantly like TBH
like barely anyone talks about monoma's growing alcoholism so he just keeps doing that, and no one has had the chance to tell him to stop communicating with villains so he kept doing that too but like. Because it wasnt pointed out he barely has a problem with it and can function fine
everyone harps on him for the sex stuff tho so he's just like Drowning In Guilt
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:44 AM
is there literally-- any way iida can actually help him because, i just , wow
rickyLast Sunday at 4:44 AM
iida: here's a list of questions to communicate with, pls answer monoma: dissociates instantly 
whOH YEAH DEFINITELYi know that sounds all depressing sjhsdfghthe fix is honestly super easy tbh
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 4:45 AM
HE ASKED TWO WHOLE QUESTIO-jvhcfdjsjcxsdjhds
god im glad there is indeed a fix
rickyLast Sunday at 4:45 AM
monoma's problem is literally just that he doesnt have the vocabulary for, like, anything
what he wants is an open relationship but he doesnt know what that is and TO BE QUITE FRANK his only knowledge of one is fucking sen and kosei
so like, he's only hesitating so much cuz he doesnt know how to voice what he wants cuz Tbh monoma hates not sounding smart and being emotive means bumbling around like an idiot
he still feels brushed off tho,
iida bls be sad around him more
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:02 AM
its weird for him
he always like
how do i put this
he takes his sadness, pisses on it, and sets it on fire
rickyLast Sunday at 5:02 AM
oh God i just realized iida is doing the same thing the guy i was gay for did FUCKMeJFBJHFBGDG
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:03 AM
oh he pissed on his  sadness too? worm
rickyLast Sunday at 5:03 AM
he did the 'im alright is actually crashing and burning in super slow motion for months at a time' thing
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:03 AM
iida is hollow more often than he is sad
rickyLast Sunday at 5:05 AM
meanwhile i had the loudly has breakdowns and then gets upset about being taken care of despite him insisting because of his Fetish for taking care of people thing
me: glares at iidas Fetish
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:06 AM
ok this is more of a hc but
iida likes taking care of ppl bc his parents rarely took care of him uwus
o hes like
rickyLast Sunday at 5:07 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:07 AM
being the Dad and Mom he never had
rickyLast Sunday at 5:07 AM
see that Sucks cuz my hc is that monoma was raised to be as self sufficient as possible as Fast as possible which meant wow we aint got time for emotions fam just Put Them In A Box
oh is the box overflowing, put the BOX in a BIGGER BOX
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:08 AM
emotionally stunted boys sure are great
rickyLast Sunday at 5:08 AM
i k r
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:08 AM
only in theory tho,
rickyLast Sunday at 5:08 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:08 AM
irl i wouldve just
choked them
rickyLast Sunday at 5:09 AM
sobs angrily about iida
share your emotions biiiiiiitchhhh
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:09 AM
hits the back of monoma's head
rickyLast Sunday at 5:09 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:09 AM
just tell him what u want u stupid fuckJCDFJDSSD
rickyLast Sunday at 5:09 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:10 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:10 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:10 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:11 AM
IIMONO: FEELINGS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:11 AM
w iida its more like. he knows deep down but he doesnt , think , its important enough , to be addressed
rickyLast Sunday at 5:11 AM
i i d a b l s
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:11 AM
"as class rep i must be a leader before anything else!!!!!"
rickyLast Sunday at 5:12 AM
monoma is honestly like 'iida help this is the very first time in my life i have felt Guilt what am i supposed to do with this!!!!!!
iida: whats wrong monoma: IM SAD????  WHY DIDNT ANYONE EVER TELL ME WHAT A CONSEQUENCE WAS iida: ,
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:14 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:15 AM
and t b h he kind of is like, automatically expecting like... a Reward for getting this far but iida just kind of keeps being like 'okay cool. and what else'
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:28 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:28 AM
,,,, in person or continue the text
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:29 AM
CCCCONTINUE...they rarely text god pls
rickyLast Sunday at 5:30 AM
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:30 AM
iida has no Time for his phone he needs to read 30 chapters ahead so he doesnt fall behind!!!
rickyLast Sunday at 5:30 AM
monoma is Traumatized by all their other text convos so he doesnt--
im including the times when i post this btw because God Damn i love that its likefucking 5am over here
小林 未郁Last Sunday at 5:31 AM
rickyLast Sunday at 5:31 AM
this is 500% a 'im sad texting my bitchass pseudo bae about my feelings at fucking sunrise after they kept me up crying all night' conversation
whats a bed
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earthghoul-mp4 · 4 years
Idk what am doing(Also Trigger warning !!Abuse, Self-harm mentions, Drug use and Self starvation!!)
Alright so context: These characters are the Alternate versions of two other characters which is why there reffered to as “Alter Siri, Alter Subaru, Alter Kou, Alter Rina, Alter Melon’ and ‘Alter Akai” Subaru, Kou and Melon are all vampires in theyre universe and all of the (except Alter Siri) are part of the Crimson rose’s mafia (I didnt come up with most of this stuff, This happened a while back when I had discord) Alter M(Melon) has been shown to have a crush on Alter R(Rina), Alter S and K(Subaru and Kou) are dating. No one really knows about Alter Siri. Alter A(Akai), Is a dick-head brother. He and Alter M are twins with her being the younger of the two. Alter A has always been abusive, physically and mentally. So Alter M’s trust issues and low esteem, stem from him. Alter M and Alter S, intentionally chose, not to bite Alter R or Alter K. (Even though both have been very adamant about them doing so-) Alter R is in fact a Demon- (Not really sure what kind though-) UHM- Oh yeah, Alter M and Alter A’s parents were murdered when they were very young and Alter A was thought to be dead as well. (WHICH HE WASNT) Alter R’s mother was killed by Alter R’s hand and Alter R’s sister also died. Alter S and Alter K have been trying to set up Alter M and Alter R because its painfully obvious they like each other. THE MAIN THINGS TO REMEMBER: Alter A is a dick, Alter M is SUPPOSED to feed off Alter R but refuses to do so, Alter S and Alter K are the chaotic duo of the four, and Alter Siri stays out of their bullshit at all costs. Alter M and Alter K both have ADHD
Alter R lay awake on her bed staring up the ceiling. The storm outside was making it pretty hard to sleep, so there wasn’t any point in trying. There was a quiet knock on her door and Alter R looks up to see Alter M  standing half-asleep in the doorway. “Cant sleep either, huh?” Alter M shook her head and walked over to Alter R. “Storms are always so pretty but they make too much noise..” Alter M  whines as she flops onto Alter R’s bed. “Sounds like you-” Alter R realized how that sounded, but apparently Alter M didn’t. “Nuh uh, I dont make nearly as much noise as Kou-chan, and Baru-chan” Alter R laughed a bit “I’ve always found that family dynamic you three have very interesting.” Alter M sits up “Whats that s’posed to mean?” Alter R smiled “It just means that you three never cease to confuse me, Especially you” Alter M folds her arms across her chest “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Alter R sighs “I just mean, Ive never understood you, Or any of you for that matter. I’m not good with people, and probably never will be” The storm outside seeed to die down some to the point where it was just rain and Alter M smiles. “What’s got you all smiley?” Alter M’s hands ball up into fists and shake a little “Hehe! The rain! Do you hear it?” The gentle pitter-patter of the rain on the roof had Alter M’s brain go nuts, and Alter R found it adorable “Yeah, I do. It is a nice sound, huh?” Alter M smiled widely and nodded happily. Alter R laughed “You find the strangest things amazing, Alter M” Alter M drew her face into an angry pout “Nuh-uh I dont.” Alter R looked at her skeptically “How many people do you know can go from crying to almost perfectly fine when given a frog plush?” Alter M didnt respond “Thats not fair! Buttons is the best comfort plushie!” Alter R laughed. Alter flopped backwards onto Alter R bed and turned over to face the wall. “Aw c’mon-” Alter shook her head “Nu!” Alter R took a minute to decide what to do. “Hmm...Hehe...” Alter R decided to pick up Alter M. It wasnt hard with how small Alter M is. “Put me dooown, meanie” Alter R sat Alter M in her lap “Better?” Alter M was not prepared for that “HHHHHH-” Alter R was kinda oblivious to Alter M’s crush on her since she felt like she didnt deserve to be loved so she hid her feelings for Alter M, and hoped they’d just go away. Alter M hid her face in the collar of her sweater “Thats not fair...” Alter R laughed a little “How?” Alter M turned away “Cuz!” “Pfft- “cuz” how?” Alter M flapped her arms quickly “Cuz because!” Alter R realized how tired Alter M looked “Hey...When’s the last time you slept?” Alter M didnt respond “Alter M...” Alter M shrugged “I dunno...two..three days ago?” Alter R sighed “Its not my fault! Trying to sleep is hard” Alter R knew how that was. There were countless nights where she couldn’t sleep at all even if she tried. “When’s the ast time you had any water?” Alter M drew a black once again “Alter M!” Alter  pulled her collar further over her face “I’m sorry!” Alter R sighs “Stay here, alright?” Alter M nodded. Alter R got up and walked down to the kitchen. “I shouldn’t be so hard on her, Its not her fault...But she’ll keep doing if someone doesn’t tell her other wise” Alter R sweared under her breath and folded her arms on the counter “Ri-chan...?” Alter R forgot Subarus and Kou’s room was down the hall from the kitchen “Hey Subaru..” Alter S walked over to her “You okay?” Alter R nodded “Yeah I’m fine, its super early though. You should get back to sleep.” Alter S just looked at her. “Yo hear yourself right? I should sleep? Whens the last time you had a full 8 hours of sleep, huh?” There wasnt an answer “Thats what I thought. Now what been keeping you up at night? Somethings bound to be wrong if you’re the one distraught” Alter R walked over to the fridge to get some waters “No ones distraught, alright?” Alter S knew better than that. “Then why is it that every night this week, without fail, You’ve been up in the middle of the night....For what?” Alter clenched her fist around one of the waters “For the last time...Its nothing!” Alter S let it go this time. “Just take of yourself, alright?” Alter R nodded and headed back upstairs. Alter S sighed and got a cup of ramen “She’s the one who worries me...She stretches herself thin for everyone else and just acts like she’s fine. I just wish she didnt keep everything bottled up. Both of them! Her and Mel-chan” 
Alter M had fallen asleep on the end of Alter R’s bed “I didn’t tell her she had to stay awake..” Alter R picked up her phone to check the time “Damn...Its already three- thirty..” Alter R threw one her extra blankets over Alter M. Alter just curled up underneath of it, “pfft- That’s not how you use a blanket” Alter M picked up her head “Hm...?” Alter M sat up sleepily and looked at her. “Nothing, Nothing. I didnt say anything” Alter M hugged Alter R “Oh- ok...?” Alter R was never really one for physical affection, shes only ever really let Alter M hug her, any physical contact really. “Hey...You can let go now..” Alter M only hugged her tighter and Alter R realized she had fallen asleep. “Ah...Jeez...” Alter R was too tired at this point to care, so  she just laid own with Alter M still hugging her. Around seven or so Kou came around to check on Alter R since she’s usually up by then. “Awww!” Alter R had held onto Alter M the whole night. Its not uncommon for Alter M to e hugging something especially when she’s asleep. Its more uncommon to see Alter R hugging anyone for long periods of time. “I dont think either of them have actually, slept, in a while” Kou walked off leaving Alter R and Alter M to sleep. Kou went to go get Subaru who had ultimately fallen alseep on the couch “Oiiii! Subaru.” Subaru rolled over off the couch “AGH- Shit!” Kou kicked him “SHHH- Ri-chan and Mel-chan are still sleeping” Subaru punched him “B!tch” Kou gasped dramatically “Ooo Ouch what a burn” Subaru just looked at him. Alter R stared down at them from the top of the stairs. They both knew they fucked up, Alter M appeared behind her looking half dead. “Im going back to bed...” Alter M turned on her heel and walked down to her room.  “Wait yall two was in the same room???” Alter R walked down the stairs “Uhm...Yeah?” Alter S nodded “Mhm...” Alter R just gave him a confused look and went to get a coffee “And your still sure you dont have feelings for her?” Not many things can catch Rina off guard...This however, Caught her very off-guard “Yes I’m sure!” Alter S and Alter K gave her a look like “Uh huh” “Yeah well your face just about as red as your eyes” Rina threw a spoon at him “You shut your mouth!” They both started laughing and Rina just sipped her coffee “I’m gonna kill you both in your sleep...” Alter M stomped out of room “If y’all don’t shut the fuck up, I will burn all of your clothes” Everyone just looked at her “Let this be a godammned warning” Rina just kinda looked at her “Uhm- Okay then...” “Kinda saw that oe coming she’s always pissed off about something- Its just easier to piss hernoff if shes tired” Alter M threw her shoe at him “Ya damn right” Rina laughed and so did Kou “Thats not funny that hurt!” Melon went to grab a redbull but Rina stopped her. “Eh?” Rina looked her dead in the eyes and just told her “No” Melon just kinda looked at her “Fine” and went to go sit down. Rina grabbed her wrist “Subaru, Kou...Out. Now” Subaru and Kou knew something was boutta happen but when Rina said something ya best listen. Both of them left the room. “What?” Rina leaned back against the counter “....” Melon was throughly confused “What did I do??” Rina looked up from her mug “Whens the last time you ate anything?” Melon looked away “That requires an answer...” Melon refused to meet Rina’s eyes “Alter M...” Melon simply walked outside and into the woods Rina followed her but from a distance. “Maybe she just need some air...?” Melon sat down in the middle of a clearing and just stayed there
                        (End of part one cuz Im Lazy \(030)/)
What should happen next???
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captainschmoe · 7 years
I Will Survive [Beta] - Chapter 6: Drop Down
[A/N: If you came here hoping for some relief from the angst of the last chapter, prepare to be severely disappointed. Sorry, no refunds.]
[Summary: In which Felix, Marzia, Edgar, and Maya try to keep Sean sane, and Sean gives the voice a name.]
[Previous - Next]
The void. The voice. They were back. “Hey, little buddy.”
The voice laughed nervously. “Um, I was able to get a hold of you a little faster this time, so we’ll have more time to talk.”
“Hey,” Sean interjected, “I’ve been wanting to know, what’s your name?”
The voice paused. “I... don’t have one.”
“You don’t?”
“Do you want one?”
The voice quietly gasped. “Really?” they asked with a hint of childlike joy. “You’d do that for me?”
“Sure! Let’s see...” Sean thought about the properties of the voice. Yet he still had a hard time pinning down anything about it other than the fact that it was young-adult-sounding and that it echoed through the space around them.
...Well, what about that?
“What about something like ‘Echo?’ Since your voice echoes? I don’t know...”
The voice laughed sheepishly.
“It’s dumb, I know.”
“No, I kinda like it! Echo’s my name now!”
Sean laughed along. “Echo, my little buddy!” He bounced happily in place. If only Echo had a body, too. Then maybe they’d both be bouncing.
Not for long, though. Not with Sean’s sudden recollection of the events from his waking life.
“Hey,” he asked more somberly. “Do you know... Is Signe all right?”
Echo made a small sound that he guessed was them clicking their tongue. “...No. She’s not.”
Sean’s heart sank. Oh.
“Your... other friend’s hurting, too.”
“Him, yeah...” It was clear they weren’t comfortable telling him more than the bare minimum. Sean didn’t ask for the details - not that he really wanted to know them himself.
“There’s going to be more, too. More from your community.”
“What- What do you mean, ‘more?’“
“Anti’s not done.”
“You mean, like-”
“Agh, you’re gonna get taken out of here soon. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
What determines when I come and go? God, this was frustrating.
“Goodbye, Sean.”
No time to get an answer. “Goodbye, Echo.”
Sean woke up on the sofa, flopped over with his head at a weird angle against the arm. Did not do any favors for his neck, ow. But his arms were free. He kicked his legs. Also free.
With a newfound burst of energy, he bolted down the hallway, where he last remembered Signe running to escape from whatever torment watching the video was giving her. He frantically burst into every room, even double-checking on the way back. No sign of her.
Not again!
Upstairs. Sean tripped as he rushed upstairs, which only served to piss him off. Before even making it fully to the top, he saw the door to the cinema room ahead wide open, revealing its contents and stopping him in his tracks.
“No! Jesus Christ!”
Sean’s fist busted a hole in the wall. Didn’t care. God, he even knew it was coming. He knew something bad was waiting for him and he was still horrified nonetheless.
Sean sank down against the wall where he stood, hand covering his tear-soaked eyes. Why her? What did she do? What did Anti do? Dare he go inside and find out?
He dared. Shaking, legs ready to give out. But he dared. And the sight only got exponentially worse with every step he took. Sean couldn’t remember the last time he felt this queasy. Even including just the other night. If there was anything in the world that could sicken him more than the sight of the girl he poured his heart into being turned to blackened stone... it would probably kill him on the spot.
Sean saw the remote lying on the floor next to her. The battery cover was open, and one of the batteries was missing. Was... was that the weapon? Did Anti possess her to swallow a battery?
He didn’t want to see any more of Anti’s handiwork, and yet he couldn’t look away. Signe was frozen in her last moment, either screaming or choking in pain and fear. Sean knelt down - nearly toppling over - and gingerly laid his soaked hand on her stone hair. He wished he hadn’t. It made him even more nauseous. God, not again.
He couldn’t. He had to get out of here. Before he puked on the floor.
Ugh... Standing up made him dizzy. His shoulder collided with the door frame as he stumbled out of the cinema room, and he had an iron grip on the railing as he slowly, carefully, descended downstairs. Needed to sit down. He chose the recliner against the other wall of the living room. Something different.
Okay, Sean. Breathe. You went over this with her. She knows the drill. She’ll be back. You just have to wait.
Wait. What about...
Last night... last night, after he’d uploaded the second video - so after 8 p.m. - that’s when he was last with Signe, he saw the weird tweets, the two of them watched the video, she ran off... And that’s when she screamed and went silent. There was no doubt in his mind that’s when she was taken down. And... noticing and reading the clock on the wall...
It was now 6:24 the next morning. And she still wasn’t-
Oh, no.
No no no no no no no...
That was fucking wrong! There’s no way he lost her! There’s no way that... That she... This...
Is Signe all right?
...No, she’s not.
Sean buried his face into the space he made with the crook of his elbow and the arm of the recliner to muffle his screams.
A buzz on the floor roused Sean out of his stupor. Why was it... Oh, right. It got flung out of his hand while he was seizing - seizing? - last night. As much as he didn’t feel like getting up, it wouldn’t do anyone any good to ignore it and make them worry.
It was Robin.
Jack!! Are you okay?? Your last vid worries me!!
Not really
Jack whats wrong? Please tell me
Sean’s thumbs refused to type any sentence with “Signe” in it. Without thinking, he wound up sending Anti needs to die.
Jack whats wrong??? I can help you but I need to know.
The closest he managed to get was He got her last night.
Did she not come back yet?
There was a significant lapse in time with no return message from Robin. Sean leaned back, staring blankly towards one of her cacti on the windowsill. What if he’d never see her again? Never hear her voice? Never touch or kiss her, never poke fun at her klutziness, or listen to her gush over Pokemon, or take her on adventures in other countries, or give her new nicknames, or put a smile on her face, or do videos with her, or or or...
Thank God Robin finally responded. It snapped him out of his destructive mindset. Felix and Marzia are coming over to your place okay? I don’t want you to be alone.
Seriously, Robin? You don’t have to drag them into this.
Theyre already on their way. Theyre okay with it. They agree with me.
I care about you Jack and so do they.
Well... Sigh... Of course his friends care about him. Why wouldn’t they. Nevertheless, the gesture brought a lump to his throat. Good thing the two of them were texting, because he’d definitely be a blubbering mess trying to speak out loud.
Thank you, Robin.
That must be them. He must have been a sorry sight for them to see. Not the best greeting. But if Robin told them enough information to make them want to come over at the drop of a hat, they probably forgave him. Marzia didn’t even say hello with words, only a hug. Felix was holding both of their pugs. They even brought them along? Really?
Sean’s brain wasn’t in the right place to remember all the details of their conversation. Just that it was ultimately determined that they would spend at least tonight here, if not longer, to keep him from losing his mind in this hellhole - definitely why they brought the dogs. Also that they would shut the door to the cinema room, as no one really wanted to see the carnage; it would just inflame their thoughts even more. Not before taping a note on the inside of the door saying they were there in the house, just in case she came to, of course. No sense scaring her with an empty home.
Sean lay flat on his back on his own guest bed, trying to rest his eyes against the warm glow of a different room. Maya had been by his side for quite a while now. Probably she didn’t get up and move around much due to old age, but it was nice regardless having a little furry friend he could cuddle with. It made him feel better. Not great, or even good. But like... like he’d just gotten a profusely bleeding wound tightly bandaged. Not healed, but under some degree of control. The first step in the right direction.
“Jack?” Sean was almost startled, having not noticed Marzia poking her head in.
“We got some food.”
“Thanks,” Sean said with a smile. He gingerly set Maya down onto the floor and followed Marzia to the dining room. Looked like they’d ordered some pizza. They were the guests, though. He kind of felt bad about that. They really didn’t have to do this much for him.
Edgar stared up at Sean as he ate. Sean stared back, chuckling a little. You want some of my pizza, little guy? Edgar cocked his head, as if reading Sean’s mind. He sneaked a little piece with some ham on it, Edgar gobbling it up in a split second. Spoiled boy. “Don’t tell Maya,” Sean whispered to him. Edgar continued to stare at him. Dammit. Now Sean felt guilty not giving him more.
“Jack,” Felix said, grabbing Sean’s attention away from the floor. He pointed at the TV, which Sean never payed any attention to. “Is that what you were talking about the other night?”
Sean went from not realizing to TV was on to almost not remembering there was pizza in front of him.
“...there’s no real explanation for it, and you’ve got people on one side who believe it’s a sign of end times, and others wondering if it’s a hoax.” The banner at the bottom read - oh, fuck - WOMAN TURNS TO STONE WHILE IN HOSPITAL.
“Did they say where it happened?”
“Somewhere in America,” Felix said. “Think they said Oregon?” He looked to Marzia for confirmation.
She nodded. “Think so.”
Sean’s hands dropped what they were doing to hold his chin, covering his mouth.
“...but people put on demonstrations for attention all the time,” one interviewed bystander tried to justify. “You know? It’s just... I guess I’m just not a big believer in supernatural stuff, but I really think there’s some kind of behind-the-scenes stuff that’s not being told here.”
Holy fucking Christ.
Anti attacking him, Sean, was bad, albeit tolerable and understandable. Going after Mark was uncalled for. Taking and keeping Signe was personally devastating. Now, targeting members of the community - if Echo was correct - was a different kind of line that shouldn’t have been crossed. Now there was no telling how many more would become victims, how quickly Anti could plow through a group of people 16 million strong...
“I can’t,” Sean said into his hands. He stood up from the table, not bothering to finish his food. “I’m making a vlog. I need to tell everyone what’s going on.” I need to keep them safe.
“What is up, my cranky crew? It’s Ethan from Crankgameplays, and today we’re in a game called The Monster Inside. It’s an audio-visual novella by Random Seed-”
I.̧.̡.̶ ̶am... h͏e͘re.̀
Ethan froze, eyes darting around the room. “What... was that?”
A low-pitched buzzing filled his right ear. He yanked his headphones off and pushed himself backwards in his chair, far away from the monitor. “Who’s there? Is it Anti?” he yelled at the monitor, standing up and giving it an accusatory finger point. “I know your secrets! Mark told me all about them!”
Are͞ y͢ou ͝s͟u͘re͟ abou͘t̀ t̨ha҉t̕?
The voice came from above this time, and in looking for it, Ethan noticed a dark spot on the ceiling. Water damage? Nah, probably just Anti fucking with him. But he wasn’t going to show this glitch bitch any fear! Unless it showed on his face anyway. Could Anti, like, smell it or something? Ethan adopted a more defensive stance. He wasn’t sure if he could actually take Anti down here and now, but damn if he wasn’t going to survive this ordeal.
“I ain’t afraid of you!”
It came from behind now. The buzzing shifted into his left ear. Snowy spots danced in the air in front of him after Ethan spun around to look for the source. Nothing was there. He checked back for the water spot. Now it was dripping a black fluid. The visual snow persisted, growing more intense. So much so that it was starting to obscure and cover up the smaller objects on his desk. The buzzing bounced back to his right and reached deafening levels. Not scared. Not scared. Not scared. Fake it ‘til you make it.
“Come out and show your face, you chicken!”
A lance-shaped mass of that black fluid, flecked with green sparks and covered in hooked spines, pierced into his back and out through his stomach, and ripped itself back out, leaving his insides hollow. There was no blood or wound that Ethan saw as he collapsed and his spinning world turned to darkness, and no thought that sprouted in his mind too enveloped in shock, disbelief, and pain.
Y͠ou̵ ̛k̷n̶o͟w ̸̛ņ́o͏t̶̨͘h͏i̸ņ͞ģ.̷̕͝
(God loves me. God loves hating me.)
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