#and that full time would mean less time with him. but hw already works a lot anyways and itd be nice to have my owj damn money!!!
landofgay · 2 years
I'm gonna wait til the end of the month and then apply for that full time gig
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bokettochild · 3 years
So, I was wondering if you could write a one-shot of Linkle(HW) and Wild having a crossbow/archery competition?
This ficlet could be read as taking place after Chapter 14 of The Blood Between Us, or can work as a stand alone. Either way works!
(If you have fic requests feel free to shoot them over, I'm always open!)
The kid had a bow.
He was sitting out in the courtyard, looking between the standard maintenance kit and his bow with a confused expression on his face as he sat on one of the resting benches spaced around the edges of the shooting range.
A smile pulled at her face.
Link was back home, but he was in the infirmary, recovering from injuries and a panicked faint that resulted in his being ordered to rest for the next few days. That of course meant that she couldn’t torture her twin, but he had brought along eight other heroes with him, two of which she knew on sight and few others she had recognized from illustrations and paintings that could be found throughout the royal studies.
It was good to see Mask again, and the Sailor too, but they weren’t her targets right now.
No, she wanted to talk to this one.
Link called him ‘Wild’, and while she wasn’t sure how she felt about calling him that, she was eager to get to know him. Link had said that the kid was more difficult than her (it was said fondly, but she saw the exhaustion in his gaze) and she was eager to see who could have possibly pushed her brother further than she herself had.
“You know how to use that thing?” She called, strolling over with a grin pulling at her features. Cornflower blue hues turned to stare up at her, curiosity shining clearly as he took her in.
“I’m a decent shot.” He shrugged, noncommittal. “I handle most of the shooting and hunting for our group anyways.”
She cocked a brow. Link had definitely said the kid was a master marksman, and the arrows hanging from the targets positioned around them seemed to confirm that.
It’s nice, Linkle chuckled to herself, that there was finally a hero who used a bow more than a sword. Take that Link! Heroes don’t need swords to win a war!
“I’m partial to a bow myself.” She muses aloud, noting the way the kid looks up at her with sudden interest. “Best shot in Hyrule in fact.” She smirks. “I can kick my baby brother’s ass.”
Wild chuckles softly. “Baby brother, huh? I thought he said you two were twins?”
She waves a hand dismissively. “I’m the older twin, not that he’d ever agree on that point, but even so,” Her grin stretches even wider. “I know for a fact that he can’t shoot straight to save his life.”
The kid is full on giggling now as he nods, leaning lightly on his bow as the laughter shakes his body. “Oh, he’s terrible! Even Time can outshoot him, and he’s only got one eye!”
“Huh, why aren’t I surprised?” Linkle shakes her head, hands coming to rest on her hips. “Say,” She’s been meaning to direct the conversation this way since she stepped out here to find the kid, but she’s still a bit jumpy about it. She wants to connect with these heroes, the younger ones especially, and if Wild is a special case, then, well, who’s to know that? “How’d you like to compare skills? One on one, my bow against yours?”
She’s said something right and she knows it, at least if the tell-tale glimmer in the kid’s eyes is to be believed.
“What’s the target?”
“’Targets’, you mean?” She arches a curved brow, a smirk pulling at her features as the kid’s grin grows in kind. “Let me think...”
Link would kill her. Link would absolutely scold her and demand that she ceases her recklessness, but he’s always been the more- law abiding of the two of them. And a goody two-shoes. Anyways, Wild seems on board with it!
(She can almost hear Link scolding her for corrupting the kid.)
The two of them start on the roof of the castle (yes, the roof), her logic? Link is less likely to see them if they are above his head and therefore won’t be there to stop them (he’s supposed to be in bed, but even if he is a law-abiding citizen most of the time, he’s terrible about listening when he’s told to rest).
Their course will take them over the roof, their targets being the various targets set up below them in the various training yards of the castle. There is no pattern to follow when hitting the targets, but they aren’t allowed to stop in order to shoot, and if either one pauses for more than ten seconds than they immediately lose a point.
There’s the usual scoring system for the targets themselves of course, but they’ve agreed to have trick shots count for more.
Hero and heroine exchange grins and a handshake as they stand on one of the spires, and then they’re off.
She has the advantage of familiarity with the territory, the roofs being her chosen path of getting around since the halls of the castle itself are too twisted and confusing for her to actually bother with, but Wild lives up to his name, and he’s an agile kid, with balance better than a cat and speed that she envies. Never mind, she’s got the advantage of a crossbow, he has to do everything manually with his hunter’s bow.
Their first shots bolt down at almost the same second, colliding midair as a scowl is shared over the rooftops. She almost stops right then, but she forces herself to keep moving, repositioning and shooting again, her arrow flying true and landing near the center of the first target.
Wild doesn’t bother trying again, he moves on to the next target, shooting and hitting with an ease that assures her that she’ll actually have some proper competition for once.
After the fifth target is hit the both of them are already antsy to show off their skills, and the trick shots begin. There’s all sorts of flair and fuss she can use to make a show of herself, and below them, soldiers have gathered to cheer them on. Most know her, and they cheer as they watch her land from a backflip after hitting a target from midair, but there's a good few who cheer on Wild too; most of them have grudge against her for some reason, but there are a few she recognizes that simply seem genuinely impressed by the kid’s skills.
She can’t help but whistle in appreciation herself when the kid lets off three arrows in one shot, hitting an equal number of targets from in the air before he drops down to the roof below, skidding only an instant before he lets off another shot and takes off across the towers.
A cackle rises in her throat as she watched his duck and weave about the rooftop.
She’s claiming this kid, never mind if Link is already attached. This kid is her absolute favorite now.
Link had Mask anyway, he’ll be fine.
The targets below are full of arrows by the time Wild makes a mistake, the kids foot sliding too far off of the rooftop as he makes a landing. Below them, soldiers and servants alike gasp and shout in horror as the kid scrabbles for a hold on the roof, bow falling to the side as his nails scrape across the smooth tile.
Link is gonna kill her.
Linkle’s feet skid against the tile as she rushes over, a tower still sitting between them on the corner of the roof, but if she aims right, she might just...
Her feet barely clear the edge of the roof as she leaps the gap, and a heavy breath escapes her as she does so. They don’t need two people hanging off the edge.
Wild’s face is screwed up in a combination of irritation and fear as he fights for a hold, but he only has a moment longer to wait before her hands are catching ahold of his and pulling him up. The kid may be around her size, but he’s light, and she’s strong, he shoots up over the ledge, slamming into her and sending both of them tumbling along the tiles.
A heavy breath sounds from beside her as a few cheers echo from down below.
“Thanks.” Wild smiles at her, face flushed but beaming as he looks over to her. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem.” She waves him off. “I’ve done the same thing too many times to count. Link’s chewed me out for it more’n that though.”
Cornflower blue twinkles with mischief. “Thank Hylia he doesn’t know what we’re up to then, huh?”
“Don’t go thanking the goddesses too soon.”
Two blond head shoot up at once as the voice calls out from below and the kid pales considerably.
“The two of you want to get down here, or do I have to try and climb up?” The voice is deep, deeper than her brother, and it vibrates with the country twang that she and her brother had long since lost in their years in the city (not that he’d ever admit to having an accent).
“Coming, Twi.” Wild calls down, flushed and still shaking a bit, but there’s a tremor in his voice that she somehow knows isn’t from fear. His shoulders shake slightly as he turns a manic grin to her. “Last one down takes the blame.” And before she has a chance to respond or even pull herself up the kid is climbing down from the roof he had just been hanging off of, hands letting go of the ledge suddenly as a soft ‘thump’ is heard from below.
“Heeey, Twi...”
“Kid, what the heck?”
“Linkle did it.”
She suppresses a snort, jumping up and darting off across the roof. No one can scold her for this if they can’t find her, and it looks like Wild’s got the situation covered just fine.
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
an unexpected day off
[leona kingscholar x fem!pomefiore!reader]
anon asked: Yay requestss are open! May I request a oneshot where Leonas fem Pomfiore s/o's little sister comes to Night Raven to visit her and meets Cheka who is also visiting Leona and they become friends and all that cute stuff ( bonus Leona and readers reaction )
yes!! cute indeed uwu hi guys how are you all, are you dying over silver and lilia’s cards as much as i am? heheh 
le fic under the cut
TODAY was going to be a chill day filled with activies which could be tied to lazing around. well at least that’s what both you and your boyfriend thought. but the both of you were wrong. horribly wrong. that morning leona was woken up by cheka literally jumping on top of him. while on the other hand, you were having a beautiful dream until the door to your room slammed against the wall after it swung open. “(Y/N)-NEEEEEEEEE!!! WAKE UP! I’M SPENDING THE WHOLE DAY WITH YOU TODAY!” in your half awoken state, you were still able to recognize that high pitched voice. it was your younger sister. 
“what the hell are you doing here?” you groaned as you buried your head in your pillow. “mom and dad want me here! besides i want to see how miserable you are.” you growled and threw a pillow at her. you two argued and fought so loud that vil came storming into your room with his face still full of cucumbers and a face mask and scolded both you and your younger sister. you really did just want to have one day off without anything crazy or chaotic happening, but hey, when is life ever calm? you sighed as your little sister dragged you around the whole campus. some students gave you glares and in return you gave them back glares which signaled “please help me i beg you”. they legitimately just laughed at you. after all, it was only entertainment for them. in the middle of the way as you trailed behind your sister in the courtyard, she suddenly stopped. 
your eyes sparkled when you saw your boyfriend walking towards you from the other end. “leona!!!” you cheered as you rushed over to him. you saw a glint in his eyes as he was happy to see you too. you wrapped your arms around his torso and he placed his hand on your waist. “please help me....” you whispered. “yeah i could say the same.” you both turned around to face the children you were forced to babysit. they both froze as they eyed each other up and down. “oho? what do we have here?” cheka stepped closer to your little sister and eyed her even more intensely. “who are you?” cheka asked. 
“i could ask you the same! i didn’t know kids were allowed here.” she shot back. “i’m cheka kingscholar...ojitan...leona’s nephew. and you?” you and leona saw the two bashful kids. “i’m (l/s/n). (y/n)’s litle sister.” it was a little awkward for a while. you were debating with yourself wether to break it up or do something at least. however as you were about to step closer to them, leona grabbed your hand. “wait, (y/n). this might be a really good chance. if the both of them gets along, then they’ll just wander off on their own. less work for us, ya know?” you bit your bottom lip. a negative multiplied by a negative equals a positive. which means that both their chaotic-ness and irresponsibility would cancel each other out and you and leona would have no trouble. you two would have a day filled with relaxing and lazing around just as you both thought. “hmm, you’re right.” you smirked. you and leona chuckled evilly as the two kids started a conversation. 
you and leona didn’t even pay attention to them for five seconds and they were already running off to go play somewhere else. leona smirked as you both turned around, planning to head over to his room and just continue your beauty sleep which was cut short. leona slung his arm over your shoulder as you snuggled close against him and started walking to the savanaclaw dorms. however not long after, you heard a surprisingly high pitched yet familiar screaming coming from somewhere not too far from you. you and leona briskly made your way to the source of the scream to see...idia in a tree? “idia...senpai?” his eyes were wide filled with terror and fear. “(Y-Y/N)! L-LEONA! PLEASE HELP ME!” he pleaded. you two looked down to two very familiar figures right below the branch idia was gripping to dear life on. “YOUR HAIR IS SO COOL! WE JUST WANNA PLAY!” your little sister chirped. “PLEASEEE COME DOWN.” cheka joined her. 
leona growled and grabbed cheka by the collar. “oi, what are you doing?” cheka pouted. “we were just curious!” he replied. “we just wanted to play with him...it’s not our fault he’s a scaredy cat.” your little sister joined. you smacked the back of her head. “that’s not nice. we’re so sorry idia-senpai. you can go now.” he slowly climbed from the branch and down to the ground and started running off. “heeeh, what a weird guy.” your little sister commented. “well you two were basically invading his boundaries. so.” she rolled her eyes. “sheesh (y/n)-nee, can’t you just let us have a little fun? come on cheka! we have more places to go to!” she giggled and the two kids started running off. remember when you thought that the chaotic-ness would cancel each other out? yeah. wrong. instead it multiplied and now they get into more trouble as a duo than you both thought. 
and thus your day off from school was filled with running around, trying to catch the two kids, and apologizing to the other dorm leaders and students. to keep things short and simple, there were a lot of things those two did which disturbed the other students. first, they managed to leave the hedgehogs riddle used in his game of croquet to almost die because of shock and fear. this left riddle in a frenzy and it took the adeuce duo and cater to calm him down while trey urged the two kids to run off. but he didn’t even hesitate giving you and leona a little lecture. second, they sneaked into savanaclaw’s daily magift training sessions and held onto a couple of senior’s brooms. they almost fell a couple of feet from the air and had to be caught by jack and ruggie. ruggie (wholeheartedly) told leona off and when you wanted to catch the two troublemakers, they were already gone. third, they managed to infiltrate the mostro lounge and begged jade and floyd for piggyback rides. it went well at first but let’s just say the lounge didn’t look so good after the whole session ended. azul ended up threatening leona with blackmail and scolded the both of you for doing that to his precious lounge. (of course he threatened to sue leona but he just brushed him off. after all, leona was a rich boy so he didn’t really mind. lol)
fourth, they played hide and seek with kalim in his treasure room. for once, this was the one instance where the dorm leader wasn’t mad or troubled, but rather joined them in the fun. in the end, jamil had to drag kalim by the collar and scold him instead of you and leona. they continued their game without kalim and this time it was hide and seek with you and leona. of course you didn’t find them anywhere in scarabia and concluded that they headed off to pomefiore. rook was in a panic because the peacocks from the gardens escaped and started to cause havoc, making the garden a mess. epel was chasing the two children (as ordered by vil) but they just laughed and thought it was a game of tag. your dorm leader didn’t hesitate to blabber a handful of comments which made your ears ring and he also didn’t hesitate to slap the back of leona’s head. “irresponsible. just like their relatives.” he mentioned, hinting at the fact that like nephew/little sister like uncle/older sister. finally, cheka and your little sister stepped foot into diasomnia but regretted it the instant they stepped in. 
they were greeted with sebek and silver who scared them off and made them not even dare to do anything which involves diasomnia. lilia tried to be nice to them and tried to calm the down as best he can (he is a father after all ha ha) but he managed to make them cry. at the end of your tiring and NOT AT ALL peaceful day, you found the two snuggled next to each other under a tree. they were both fast asleep. you and leona sighed in relief. you exchanged glances with each other before collapsing yourselves. “finally~” the storm has passed and you two could finally calm down. you both leaned against the tree and sat down with a ‘thump’. with aching feet and ears just having enough of lectures and rambles, both your eyes felt heavy. you were already drifting off to sleep when you felt leona’s hand position your head to lean against his shoulder. you smiled and that’s when you were engulfed in a deep slumber. 
this really wasn’t the day off both leona and you were expecting. but at least you spent the whole day together and managed to work together as a pair to solve the mischief caused by the two children. well....somewhat solved it at least. 
BONUS: “AAAWH THEY’RE SO CUTE! THEY’RE LIKE A LITTLE FAMILY!” cater whisper shouted from behind a bush. he took out his phone and readied his camera. you and leona were out cold. snoring and dead asleep as leona leaned against the tree and you leaned against his shoulder. cheka rested his head on leona’s lap whilst your little sister did the same thing to you. the four of you really did look like a cute, little family. “this might be a good time to ambush. don’t you think my beautiful queen?” rook commented as he put aside the binoculars. “hmm...maybe we can make use of cater-kun. those pictures can easily be blackmail. we can get them to do our bidding as long as we have their picture.”
“ah! smart and beautiful! that is our dorm leader, vil schoenheit!”
“that’s what the both of you get for disrupting my day off.” 
lol i included a sentence or two related to math (simple math tho lol). wai? i finished like four weeks of math hw in a day haha. yeah well it was stupid for teachers to give us summer hw. like i’m already stressed sm and now they’re just yeeting more stress to me. yeeeets. rant over. 
love, a♕
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authoressofdarkness · 4 years
Guide Me Safely To Shore
Only one thing ever made Tony Stark think twice about fulfilling his full potential. Two little words on the inside of his wrist, where his soulmark sits, ghostly, waiting for him to recognize his soulmate in some unredeemable way. He always knew he’d hurt them. But when he discovers his soulmate is none other than the feisty little Spiderling swinging around his streets, he realizes things are a lot worse than he ever could have thought.
Notes: So this just hit me in the middle of the night while reading fanfiction and avoiding hw the other night. I’ve got several ideas for it going forward, so this isn’t a one shot, but with midterms right around the corner I can promise nothing. Sorry. But I love you all and I’m hoping to get the next part out soon. <3 Enjoy, and I’d love to hear what you think!
This is unbetaed, so sorry for any mistakes.
Also, if anyone is interested, I realized while titling this that the song I took inspiration from is actually a lot more relevant to this story than I thought, and even more so the play itself. You can consider it the theme song for this story. The song is called “All That Matters,” from the Broadway cast of Finding Neverland. If you ever get the chance to see it, you most definitely should, or at least listen to the soundtrack. So listen to that if y’all get a chance, and do with that what you will.Okay, now enjoy! 💙
Only one thing in the world had made Tony think twice about fulfilling his full potential.
It wasn’t his friends. Or family — not that he really had any to speak of. Not his position at SI, not fear for his life, his work, his legacy, or anything of the sort.
It was the last thing someone would expect, honestly. Even for a man like Tony, an alpha with such power, who commanded such respect, had to have a soulmate. One he was expected to love, cherish, and yes, even a man like him craved that. He hadn’t met them yet, though, his soulmate, but the two words branding him, marking him with the words from his soulmate that will seal their bond, are there, have always been there, carefully hidden away from the public eye… and terrifying him in a deeper way than anything else could.
Please don’t.
Those two little words, branded onto his skin, reminding him every day of the horrors he may be wreaking on his soulmate without knowing it. There was no way to interpret them in a good light; and he knows that they mean, to some extent, he is going to hurt them.
And what’s worse, is that he hears them so often. People begging. It’s almost become part of his reason behind his cruel reputation — forcing people to beg, just to make them say it, just to make absolutely certain before he does something irreversible that it's not his soulmate he holds. Each time, he has to hold his breath, think about everything he’s ever done in that split second while he waits to see if hearing the words this time will change his life.
It’s the only thing that’s ever made him think twice about the things that he does. If there’s one person he doesn’t want to hurt, that he’d protect with his life at all costs, it’s his soulmate.
Yet he has no idea who it is, and the only thing he does know is he’s destined to fucking hurt them. Probably make them beg for their life before he realizes that they’re his soulmate. That he’s hurting his other half.
Most of the time he relishes the power, the fear and respect he gets from other people. But the idea of his soulmate being afraid of him just makes him sick to his stomach.
Tonight, the thoughts weigh heavy on his mind as he flies around the city in his suit.
In the years since he’s come to power — subtly, of course, then slowly less so — there had been little resistance from the masses. His influence is good for them, for the most part. It’s more peaceful than it’s been in years. Most people go about their lives business as usual. So long as they don’t challenge him.
Except there’s still a couple of people who challenge him.
The Avengers are, by far, the most pesky. But in recent times they’ve rather given up. There’s bigger problems in the rest of the world, still, and they can’t trick him or infiltrate him, can’t operate in secrecy the way they usually do. Tony is isolated — few friends, and none that would dare betray him, especially not after what happened to Obie. His company is firmly in his own hands, and his technology gives him virtually limitless access to information. He can see virtually anyone, anywhere, anytime he wants. There’s no way to hide from him. And what’s worse for them — he doesn’t try to hide what he’s doing. There’s nothing to expose when you’re honest from the start. He’s practically untouchable.
But… wait, did he say no way? That’s not… entirely true. He doesn’t know how, but someone has found a way around it.
Because there’s one person other than the Avengers that still bothers him.
He’d let him go for a while. It’s his own fault they’ve gotten so confident, if he’s being honest. Letting them run around and play vigilante. At first, they’d been a help, in truth — dragging in some of the street trash even he couldn’t control, and couldn’t be bothered to deal with personally. But then he’d started to get bolder. Bold enough to interfere with him. And while he couldn’t do any major damage, he sure was annoying.
Mostly because he was succeeding. In interrupting little things, at least. And, going back to his earlier thought, because he can’t fucking find him.
Whoever the guy is, he’s careful. Smart. Smart enough that Tony hasn’t been able to find basically any footage of him, anything to link Spider-Man with a normal persona. And he’s obviously just a normal person under the suit. He has to be. And there’s no way he lives in that thing all the time. Especially not with the way he’s avoided his detection so well.
He’s made all the harder to track by his erratic schedule. He can come out at night or during the day, every day for a month and not be seen again for a month the following days. The only consistency is that he tends to be out and about in the Queens borough. Even that is a wide enough area that he has a hard time using it to pin the man’s identity down. He’s narrowed it, certainly, but calculating the amount of people that could make it there every so many days, accounting for the inconsistent schedule and what it could mean, age, height, and hell, even gender — because really, all they would have to do is use a voice modulator and let people see what they wanted to for the rest — means that the number of suspects is still in the thousands.
Speaking of pinning the other man down…
He hopes to be able to do that tonight. He’s let the vigilante go unhindered for long enough. It was time for them to have a little talk. Preferably a short one. He’s tired and temperamental tonight. The day has been long, and all he really wants is someone to help bear the load, but… he can never be so vulnerable. Not with just anyone, particularly, and there’s no one he trusts around tonight. That’s part of the reason why he’d decided to come out and fly around.
That, and because he’d gotten a pretty reliable tip that Spider-Man was going to be out and about himself tonight. And they have some business to attend to.
He finds the vigilante, to his surprise, perched on the edge of the roof, legs swinging in the breeze, looking out over the city through his lense-covered eyes.
He descends from a distance, loudly enough there’s no way the other man doesn’t hear as he’s approaching. But he doesn’t move. In fact, Tony is surprised to hear it when he comes up behind him and he still hasn’t moved at all except to suddenly say, “I wondered how long it would take.”
“For what?” Tony can’t help himself; he bites, immediately, curious. Fascinated, he’d dare say. The confidence in his own abilities he must have to sound so calm, to stay put upon hearing him approach, is almost unbelievable. Either that, or he doubts his own ability to make a clean escape, and so didn’t bother. He’s not sure which option he prefers, but either way, this will be interesting.
“For you to come looking for me. Everything I’ve done to keep my identity a secret, I’m sure you’re dying to know by now.”
He says it so matter-of-fact, emotion undistinguishable in his voice. Tony tilts his head, unsure whether he should be impressed with his ability to sound so cool and self assured, or annoyed with the fact his assessment was correct.
It hardly matters. Part of the reason they had to have this chat in person was so that Tony could begin to work on figuring it out. The AI in his suit is no doubt already working on it. And he doesn’t sound like, for all his seeming self-assuredness, that he was smart enough to use a voice filter, so no doubt Jarvis is well on his way. Not that it would have stopped him, but it might have delayed the inevitable enough that he may actually have had a chance to escape this time before a verdict came in.
“I suppose you’ve got me there,” Tony finally says, after a long moment of deliberation. “I don’t suppose now that I’m here you’ll just tell me? I can go easier on you if you come quietly.”
Spider-Man lets out a bitter laugh and shakes his head. “Can. But you won’t. You could just let me go. But we both know you wouldn’t have come all the way out here just to do that.”
“Well you could go back to fighting low-level crime instead of infringing on my operations, couldn’t you?” Tony retorts. “And flattered as I am by your assessment of me-“ he can’t say much, as he’s not entirely wrong, “-I thought I’d at least give you a fair chance, first, before we go quite that far.”
“I don’t think your definition of fair chance and mine are the same.”
Tony ignores him, continuing on. “Go back to fighting your low level crime and having a good time and whatever else it is you do. Stop interfering with my operations. I’ll even give you my endorsement so the police won’t bother you.”
It’s a generous enough offer, all things considered, but the vigilante is having none of it.
He snorts. “Is that all you’ve got? Really? I expected some kind of bribe, at least.”
“Maybe if you show me you can keep your word, we could talk about it.”
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary. I’m not giving you my word on anything.”
“Shame. Here I thought we’d make a good team.”
“In your dreams, Stark. Just because the Avengers have given into you doesn’t mean everyone else has.”
“That would be a dream, wouldn’t it?” Tony muses, then heaves a sigh. “Fine then. Have it your way.”
For a moment, neither of them move. Then, by some unspoken signal, Tony’s hand comes up, repulsor glowing red hot, just as Spider-Man shoots his first web.
The shot hits the web halfway, making them both disintegrate into thin air. Already moving, Tony flies up in the suit, only to feel a tug on his leg halting his upward momentum — a web. In the second it takes for his suit to disintegrate that one, as well, he’s being covered in more, the force of them pelting him back into the roof, feet sticking to the concrete and torso forced back against one of the light poles, sticky and irritating.
Of course he’d figured out a way to make it so the webs didn’t stick long to his suit as soon as the Spider-Man had made an appearance, but it wasn’t perfect, yet. Couldn’t be without the formula. So while he wasn’t pinned down for long, it’s just enough to get on his nerves.
Even more so because for all his big talk, he’s not actually fighting. Spider-Man pinned him down… and fled.
Well, that just wouldn’t do, would it?
Tony engages the full force of his throttles to just break through the webs faster, and gives chase. He can’t just let him get away with that, after all.
As he flies, he gives himself a minute to focus on the internal calculations flashing in front of his eyes. “How are we doing, Jarvis?”
“Nearly there, sir. Calculations based on body scan and public records have erased quite a few suspects. Cross referencing voice clips with all accessible video including the remaining suspects, but the sheer number is immense. I require a bit of time.”
“I’ve given you a bit of time. I need a name, Jarvis. Something for blackmail. I need to end this tonight.” He doesn’t have time for playing games with the Spider-Man, especially because he’s managed to disappear so effectively every time he tries to. He doesn’t know when he’ll find him again if he doesn’t tonight, and he has a lot of things happening in the near future he does not want messed with.
If he doesn’t find the information he needs, then this night isn’t going to end near as pleasantly as he’d hoped.
Spider-Man is fast, swinging through the city, but not fast enough to shake him. Especially not with his AI’s ability to analyze his every move and know where he’s going to turn next.
He lets him swing around for several minutes, pretending to give chase and hoping to tire him out. He has to just be waiting for him to get bored or lose sight of him so he can drop in somewhere and hide until he leaves or take off the suit to blend in with everyone else. Unfortunately for him, that trick isn’t going to work on him the way it probably does for normal people.
Tony just lets him swing around and tire himself out with him in hot pursuit, then, when he’s sure he has to be running out of energy — and webbing, he could hope — he flies up, into the clouds, dodging and weaving and utilizing his tech to keep an eye on the vigilante while staying out of his line of sight.
It works. Spider-Man drops onto a nearby roof, stumbling a little and bracing himself against a light pole. With a dangerous grin, Tony swoops down to meet him.
By the time he hears him coming and spins around, it’s too late. Tony closes the suit’s hand around his throat and flies him forcefully into the wall of the rooftop exit. Brick crumbles around his outline at the force of the impact, and the lenses of the suit go wide as he claws at his throat.
Almost at the same time as the impact, a picture flashes up in the visor of his helmet. “One almost perfect potential match, sir.”
For a second, Tony just stares at it. Looks through the analytics and double checks them. Then he laughs, unable to help himself. It’s just unbelievable enough that it explains so much. So young — hardly even a man. Spiderling, then, more so than Spider-Man. And even better — an omega. No wonder no one looked twice at this kid before as a potential threat.
He lets the helmet melt away, now, and looks down at the kid, grip around his throat tightening just a little as he watches him wheeze out a breath. His hand around Tony’s wrist is tight, tight enough his suit issues a warning, but not enough to actually dislodge his hand.
“So.” Tony tilts his head. “We meet again, Spiderling. Should probably stop doing that, hm?” He gets a strangled sound in answer, which is about all he could expect, really. He just shrugs. “Oh well. It’s not like it’ll happen much after tonight. Because I’m going to put an end to this, right here.” He leans forward, helmet reappearing— just in case he would do something like try to head butt him, because frankly, while it wouldn’t work, it would hurt — until their noses are almost brushing through their respective suits. “Last chance, Spiderling. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Are you gonna be a big boy about this or not?”
Tony releases his throat just enough for him to draw in a few breaths to answer. He holds his breath as the vigilante sucks in a few huge gulps of air before spitting out, “Go to hell, Stark.”
Tony just chuckles, clicking his tongue. “Oh, I will, I’m sure. But at this rate, you’re going to get there first.” He presses him a little harder against the wall, grip tightening again and ignoring the way the bits of brick and concrete pour down around them like rain. “I didn’t want to do this, kid, truly. But if you think I won’t kill you, you’re wrong. And if you think your loved ones won’t be targets if you don’t quit your shit, you’d also be wrong. I don’t like to be cruel, but I am what you make me, and I won’t stand for this any longer, Peter.”
The use of his name has a visible impact on the kid. He gasps, and his grip on his wrist tightens enough around the metal of his suit that it bends around his fingers and it actually hurts. Tony’s grip around his throat slackens a little automatically, and he frowns. It’s weird. It almost… burns? That’s not what a bruise or metal cut should feel like...
And then he hears it. The teen sucks in a breath, and in a broken, raspy whisper, gasps, “Please don’t...”
The effect is instantaneous. The slight burning in his wrist turns into a wildfire, like a brand, hot and burning and fuck does it hurt for that second. He responds automatically, jerking his hand back as if scalded, and watching almost in slow motion as the younger man crumples to the floor. It takes a moment longer than it probably should for him to realize exactly what’s happening, and then the suit melts off his body and he stares in horror as the color seems to settle in his soul words, now shining a bold black from where they sit on the inside of his left wrist.
Heart thundering in his chest, he stares for a long minute before snapping out of it and rushing to his side. He’s passed out, now, though from lack of oxygen or shock or what, he can’t be sure right now.
Carefully, so carefully, he tugs off his mask, both wanting to see his face for real and knowing he should see how bad the damage to his throat is. It catches him off guard at first, how gorgeous he is, and then how young, despite Jarvis already showing him both of those things earlier. He’s still marveling, though. Could this really be his soulmate? Oh, what is he going to do?
He forces the thoughts away for a moment, checking Peter’s throat. It’s ringed with finger-shaped bruises, but it doesn’t look too severe. He leans his head down, listening at his chest. Now that he’s got proper airflow back he doesn’t seem to be wheezing or otherwise struggling to breathe. So he should be fine.
Fine, physically, except for the fact that he’s Tony’s soulmate. That they’re branded together now, a link between their very souls keeping them from being able to end this in a way either of them would have imagined.
It’s funny. With how long he’d wanted this, he should be ecstatic. Instead he’s just… numb. A whole host of emotions rages inside him, and he can’t allow himself to acknowledge any of them until he figures out what to do.
For now, there’s only really one thing he can do. His soulmate is hurt, in more ways than one. He needs medical attention, to a certain extent, and they need to talk. Waiting around here until Peter wakes up isn’t going to be ideal for fixing either of those things.
So he bends down and scoops Peter up, cradling his unconscious form close to him. Then, with a tired sigh, he takes to the skies again, carrying them back towards the tower, glowing in the distance like a lighthouse in the sand, beckoning him to shore.
He has a feeling actually finding the shore is going to be a long time coming, but this is the first step he can take to finding it. He just hopes they’ll both be able to tread through these rough waters long enough to get there.
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nautiscarader · 4 years
billythesquid writes: How about Finn and Huntress Wizard for Snowed In? They're on a mission to the Ice Kingdom, there's an avalanche, and oh no! They've got to get warm fast.
Also, if you enjoyed my work, here's Ko-fi link if you'd be so kind ❤️ .
- That's not how you summon a trasheratrops.
Huntress Wizard chuckled and scolded Finn after he let out a prolonged, grumbling moan that echoed around the snowy canyon they have been travelling in.
- Really? it worked last time... - Here, let me show you.
Huntress stopped and produced her magical flute. Though the night air in the Ice Kingdom was predictably freezing, she took a deep breath and blew into her instrument, producing a melodious, yet deep sound that, if they were in a different part of Ooo, could attract a whole herd of mythical beasts she was talking about.
When she opened her eyes, she noticed a deep, crimson blush on Finn's cheeks. Despite their lengthy trek to Ice Kingdom, it wasn't because of the cold, though. If there was one thing that never failed Finn to reignite his love for Huntress Wizard, it was her music talent that properly mesmerised him, as if he was the animals she was taming.
- Ooh, let me try.
Finn took out his flute and joined Huntress Wizard. He was less skilled than her, but as their music continued, the two started harmonising, creating a music that soon diverted from their original intent. Huntress and Finn looked at each other, as they became more and more entranced by their performance, walking up the snowy mountain. And for a long, glorious moment, the two forgot about their mission, and the rest of the world...
But the world reminded them of itself with a thunderous, low, rumbling sound, akin to a horde of trasheratropsi running down the mountain. A cloud of white snow erupted high above them, but in a blink of an eye it travelled several dozen feet, forcing the two to evacuate.
- Avalanche!
Finn screamed, but Huntress was quicker. She grabbed him with the talons of a hawk she transformed into, taking them from the main path of the avalanche. But she miscalculated how wide the wave of snow was after them, forcing her tu turn sharply towards a mountainous range that arose in front of them. Just before she thought they would crash into the rocks, Finn pointed to a small crevasse, and with a sharp turn, Huntress flew into it, just before the walls roared when the avalanche missed them by just a few feet.
The two tumbled on the solid ice, until Finn reached to his detransformed girlfriend.
- H-Dubs! Are you okay?! - I'm... fine, Finn.
Huntress spoke, though she pointed out to the narrow entrance that now was completely cut off by a wall of snow. The teo looked around the icy room, illuminated just by a faint crack in the ceiling, too small for neither of them to slip through, at least not without getting torn to shreds by icicles.
- Well, at least we're not gonna suffocate...
Finn spoke, examining the thick, icy walls that surrounded them. He tried making a dent in them, first with his bare, metal arm, and then his sword, but up to no avail. And by the looks of it, the fresh snow that chased them has started forming another impenetrable wall as well.
- Looks like we might have to spend a night here.
He expected to hear from his girlfriend, but when he turned around, all he could see was her, curled up next to his backpack, unmoving.
- HW!
Finn rushed to her, closing his arms around her, feeling her body shivering from cold. Of course, she was part-plant, Finn thought. At once he got rid of his coat, and threw the contents of his backpack on the ground. The bed was one thing, and it would insulate her from the floor, but at this rate, they won't last long.  
He heard her teeth chattering, as he looked through the things that could help them. Huntress closed her eyes, listening to Finn's rambling about fire. And then, she heard a sound of metal sliding against metal, and something bright reached her vision, and when she opened her eyes, she Finn holding a torch in his hand.
- H-How...?
And then she noticed. It was his flute.
- Well, it got us in trouble in the first place, didn't it?
Finn looked around to see what else could he use, but Huntress was faster.
- Here, let me help you...
Despite the cold, she stuck out her arm and shook it, letting many, many leaves fall to the icy ground.
- We need some kindling.
Reluctantly, Finn gathered the leaves and set them on fire, separating the small campfire from the ice with rocks. It took him quite a while, but after a few minutes, the fire was burning with enough heat to give them just a shred of hope of surviving.
Him, at least.
Huntress was still shivering, despite the double layer of insulation and the warmth of her boyfriend cuddling up next to her. The two formed a tight cocoon sharing the heat of their bodies, and with that, her state improved marginally, especially when Finn offered her a bit of candy liquor.
- Thanks, Finn... - No worries, H-Dubs, we're gonna get through it. - I hope so, Finn...
She closed her arms and legs around him, letting their bodies share the necessary closeness. But as long minutes went by, Huntress started considering another option.
- Finn... there is one way we can share our heat. - How? I don;t think we can get any closer, I'm practically inside you.
Huntress smiled at him.
- Oh. - We can become one, Finn. That is magic powerful enough to keep us alive. - Woah, H-Dubs, I mean... you know what happens when dudes enter cold bath, though, right? - Don't worry. You gave me enough heat, it;'s time for me to repay you.
She leaned forward, or as forward as she could, being almost face-to-face with him and kissed him, while her arms sneaked between their pressed bodies and into his trousers. She was already straddling him, so with one more clumsy move, she lifted her pantaloons. And if Finn had any worries about her hands closing around his cock, then the few droplets of liquid heat dripping from her sex brought him back to full flory, as if they were in his treehouse.
Huntress made one forceful push and let out a prolonged moan when his hot rod sneaked between her folds, already bringing her the energy she so desperately needed. Their arms curled around each other, as their savoured their intimate connection, and when their kiss broke, Huntress smiled and began moving her hips up and down.
Clouds of air erupted from Finn's mouth as short gasps, but he quickly redirected them in between their bodies, to bring save much needed warmth, though with Huntress' moves, the friction between them was doing enough already. But Finn knew it wasn't just silly physics. There was magic in action, he could see it in her eyes and her body wriggling and twisting around him, and when he began movig his hips, the spell was complete.
The two forgot about coldness that surrounded them, and the potential lethal consequences of their trip. they forgot about their obligations as well, as they continued to rock against each other, letting their love generate more energy than any battle could have ever done.
But they both knew that there was one crucial element they were both withholding with each long minute of their carnal dance, and Huntress, as usual, was the one to verbalise it.
- Finn, we need to come together. I-I will coat you with my warm sap..
Huntress spoke in short, needy sentences, that roared in Finn's mind despite her whispering.
- But I want you to set me on fire... I need your flame inside me... In my loins, my sex...
She leaned against his shoulder.
- In my womb...
Something about that last word struck a chord in Finn's brain. The way she accented it, the way she spoke of it as something vital and imperative, speaking to a very primal part of Finn's brain. The next moment, he felt Huntress Wizard shuddering atop him, and that, in turn, brought him to his edge.
Hoping his metal arm won't cause any harm, Finn tightened his grip on her back, and with a mighty, yet still slightly girly roar, his body jerked, and with Huntress' walls squeezing on him, he spilled himself inside her, shooting stream after stream of his own brand of warmth up her sex, right where she wanted it.
For a moment he wasn't sure if Huntress was speaking metaphorically, or if her wooden, leafy body really would be set aflame - from the way she moaned and arched her back, it would have certainly seemed so. But she was okay,  riding him, letting the pleasure consume her, until every drop of his warmth was safely inside her. When she ran out of energy as well, she collapsed onto him, though, from the feeling of it, her sex was still closing around him erratically. Finn listened to soft chirping Wizard has been producing with each drop of seed she milked him of and with each layer of sap she coated his cock and balls with.
- H-Dubs, you-you are still shivering... - Finn spoke amidst his own, bliss-hazed mind - It's-it's Fine, Finn. - Huntress spoke, reaching for his lips. - And so are you.
Every nerve of her body reacted to the intimacy and closeness they shared, and part of her wanted to disrobe completely, but she knew better this was just a false sensation. Instead she buried herself deeper in the cocoon of clothes, feeling droplets of sweat on her forehead. And with Finn's heartbeat next to hers, she closed her eyes and whispered her final plea.
- Don't go, Finn. I want to be with you like that forever... - Uh yeah, but, uh, I gotta... - Oh.
For an agonisingly long split of second, the two lovers had to part, so Finn could go the furthest corner of the cave and do his thing, hoping that he won't freeze while doing it. And when he returned, he was met with the sight of Huntress wizard with her legs spread invitingly, and her hand over her used sex, keeping her folds shut.
- I don't want a single drop of it wasted.
Finn sat in his place and let his cock slip inside her again and seal his seed inside her, especially as with his strength and stamina regained, he slowly became hard again. Their eyes met, and the two shared a nod, before their bodies began rubbing against each other for a second time.
- Are we-we gonna do it all night? - Finn asked, seeing her lips curling into a wide smile - I wouldn't mind...
And the two pushed their bodies to the limit, becoming one time after time, after they both fell asleep in each other's arms, unsure if they would ever wake up again.
When the morning arrived, Finn opened his slightly frosted eyelids only to Find Huntress cuddled against him, lightly snoring. His first sensation was that of overwhelming warmth that connected and joined them after countless rounds of short, but passionate love-making that kept them alive. A wide, satisfied smile was plastered on her face, and when she felt his sudden moves, she woke up too, happy to find them both well.
- Morning, Finn. - Morning, HW. - Morning, you guys.
At once, Finn and Huntress wizard jumped in place, as the third, croaky voice reached them. Lost in themselves, they only now became aware of Ice King sitting around their campfire, now fuelled by a bunch of paper wrappers, trying to roast a marshmallow over it. Finn instinctively pulled out a sword and aimed it at his old adversary.
- Ice King! What the flip are you doing here? - I just wanted you guys to know that I found my keys. - Wait, how did you find *us*?! - I didn't, I was trying to shuffle back my snow that you guys have dragged from up my mountain! And that's where my keys were all this time, so my bad.  
He reached into his pocket and jangled a key ring.
- So, yeah, I no longer need you.
Finn and Huntress Wizard blinked.
- Wait, you needed us to... find your keys? That's why you called for us?! - Well you promised "All heroic deeds" in your ad. - Ice King shrugged - Oh, and I see you don't have Jake with you... Tell him he still owes me money from the last card game.
Ice king stood up and waddled nonchalantly towards the exit, now unblocked, leaving Finn and Huntress Wizard utterly dumbfounded.
- Did we almost freeze to death for that? - Uh, I think so. - Finn replied - Oh, hey, he left marshmallows.
Finn untangled himself from his girlfriend and reached for the snacks, while Huntress tried to comprehend the situation. If it wasn't for Finn, she'd seriously considered quitting the "Hero for hire" job.
A few minutes later, the two were packed and began journey back to Candy Kingdom, and just like yesterday, the two talked and joked all the way. But while the air was still chilly, Huntress Wizard wasn't feeling it at all. Just like she asked him to, Finn has ignited a spark inside her, one that would soon turn into a wildfire and keep her warm for months to come.
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bexterbex · 5 years
A Soul to Mend His Own | Ch. 29
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Warning, if it hasn’t been obvious in the movies there is Nazi symbolism within the First Order. I will expand on this much more throughout the story. If this is something that bothers you, please just exit the story. The author does not condone any Nazi ideals, this is just for fictional uses only.
A Kylo Ren x Modern! Reader in a soulmate au with some canon divergence. —————————————SLOWBURN————————————–
He is already the Supreme leader, searching the universe to find you, his Empress. Your name on his wrist has been the only constant in his life, while you have doubts about his existence and his acceptance of you. He isn’t in the database and why did the name Kylo Ren cover Ben Solo?
Chapter 29: Blackout
You felt groggy. Blinking. You heard a familiar voice that wasn’t Kylo’s, but you also heard his. They were speaking to each other. You heard your name. You tried to focus. You were now lying down and not on the couch--when did you lie down? You were in his bed, Kylo’s bed. Your sense of smell was still working if only your eyes would focus.
Blinking a few more times you could tell it was bright. Until a large object was in your vision. You started to focus. You recognized the face of Dr. Dabrini. Hw was saying something but your hearing wasn’t fully back yet. You could pick up only some of what he was saying. You could tell that he was trying to get you to talk. You tried, your mouth felt like a field of cotton in late august. Nothing came out but you could see a large shape move behind the doctor. A glass of water came to your lips, you were able to recognize Kylo’s gloved hand.
The water helped immensely. “What happened,” you ask but your voice sounded foreign to your own ears. You sounded like you had been smoking 3 packs a day for 30 years.
“You passed out Lady Ren. Your heart rate was highly elevated, too high. Let us wait a few more moments until you are fully awake,” said Dr. Dabrini.
You mentally did a full body check. Other than feeling like you were hit by a truck you felt ok. Everything seemed to move. You moved to sit up. You felt a pair of hands helping guide you. It took a lot of effort to look over at who it was but you did and of course, it was Kylo.
You made a note that you needed to memorize those strong hands of his. You could feel him put pillows behind you assisting you upright.
You definitely needed to memorize those hands.
You took a moment to regain yourself as sitting up felt like you ran a marathon. “I’m ready.”
“Well, Lady Ren there isn’t much that I can tell you. I know the subject of your relationship with the Supreme Leader can be a touchy one,” he said looking over at Kylo who was now standing rigid at the other side of the bed.
“But as your physician at the moment it is my duty to inform you such things. The Supreme Leader informed me of the nature of your passing out and I have come to a conclusion that correlates with your current condition. There is a very small portion of the population has your condition. I can assume that because of your reaction that you and the Supreme Leader have yet to consummate your match. I suggest you refrain from such an act until you do. You have no judgment from me.”
“All he did was kiss my wrist.”
“Yes, my lady. But the condition that you have is currently unnamed but does not last long as most matches consummate soon or they refrain from such intimacy until they do.”
“Intimacy? All he did was kiss my wrist,” you repeat.
“Yes, your condition involves added nerve endings on your wrist, under his name. This act, this kissing stimulated the nerve endings too much. After you consummate things these nerve endings become less sensitive. They are most sensitive when you are in direct contact with your match, the lips being one of the most stimulating body parts to the wrist. Although you may have touched each other’s wrists before I suspect you may have only felt small jolts of electricity or goosebumps. I believe the Supreme Leader would rather not test this but I have a feeling that he may have a very similar reaction if you were to reciprocate the action.”
You looked at Kylo who looked guilty, like a small child who got caught stealing from the cookie jar. His head was downturned and his shoulders slouched.
You turned back to the doctor, “Is that everything?”
“Yes, It is doctor’s orders that you rest for the rest of the evening. You will be fine tomorrow, but you should refrain from anything too strenuous or stressful tonight,” he said pointedly as he looked at Kylo who half turned away. “I also will tell you to refrain from doing so again, unless you desire the same result, which once won’t be detrimental to your health but multiple times it may.”
“Thank you, doctor,” you said. With that, he left.
You and Kylo were now alone. He looked ashamed of himself, you could tell. You patted the bed next to you, inviting him to sit. He did. Neither of you spoke for a moment, but you hesitantly reach for his hand. And you hold hands for a while until you spoke up.
“We can move at our own pace. We don’t have to rush into things.”
His eyes which were previously focused on a spot on the mattress between you now shifted to your face. His brows twitched together for a moment before he shifted his gaze to the wall behind you.
Hurt, “I’m sorry. I hurt you again.” You could see a tear fall from his face, his breath hazardous.
You pull on his hand, tying and failing to bring him closer to you. “But you didn’t mean to. You wanted to make me happy, and believe me, I was.”
“I didn’t mean to but when you were unresponsive I looked into your mind. I needed to know you were all right.” You were startled.”What did you see?”
He pulled his hand from yours and stood. His back was to you now. “Your discovery last night.” His voice was a mix of hurt, disgust, and anger.
“It’s not like I went looking for it,” you felt hurt by his reaction--his accusation.
He turned to you, his chest now puffed with anger lurking in his eyes. “No, but you found out.”
You were confused. This man just minutes ago, or was it hours, was kissing you, making your heart soar, but now it felt like it shattered into a million pieces. Your eyes drifted to your lap before you pulled your knees up to your chest and hugged them. “I’m sorry. It was a mistake.” you wanted to shrink, to shrink down so small that you could get lost between the threads of the sheets beneath you, between the threads of reality.
But Kylo’s reaction changed, you were expecting anger, but you were met with a hand on your cheek pulling up your face from where you had it buried between your knees. The hand you swore to memorize caressed your face, gone was the anger that he was just feeling. He crawled up to you, pulling you to his wide chest tucking your head into his neck. “I know.” His voice was now soft and quiet. It felt like a different person was speaking.
You stayed like that for a long time, until a weird beeping sound made him loosen his grip on you. He pulled out a small device from his pocket. General Hux’s voice came through, “Supreme Leader, I have yet to receive word from Lieutenant Mitaka on whether or not Lady Ren will be joining me for her tutoring session.”
You groaned and felt for your phone to find the time, it was 1:55 PM, your tutoring sessions usually started at 2 PM. You had yet to have lunch, and you suspected that Kylo hadn’t eaten either, because of recent events.
“She will not be joining you, tell the lieutenant to get a debriefing from the medical ward to keep in his file,” said Kylo into the device that he then put on the side table.
Your stomach growled signifying your lack of sustenance. There was a small smirk of amusement on Kylo’s face his eyes filled with mirth.
“Can we order food?”
You heard a small chuckle escape him that was enough to rock his broad chest. His hand shot out in front of you and his data pad appeared in his hand, or more like flew into his hand. He handed it to you and shift your positions on the bed. He was now the one laying back on the pillows by the headboard. Your back against his chest with tangled legs. His large hands splayed across your stomach. You scrolled through the food options, although you were hungry you were taking your time. You settled on some sort of rice dish, that by the description reminded you of Chinese or Thai food. You asked Kylo what he wanted to eat. This time you were able to keep the data pad in your hands as he scrolled through the list of food choices. You took that moment to admire his long fingers, they were almost comically large and long. When he was finished he hit order and returned his hand to your stomach which promptly growled. He chuckled again.
His nose buried itself in your hair. You could feel his lips brush your scalp and a shiver went down your spine. He let out an amused hum. One of his index fingers started tracing a circle into you. His breathing had slowed, had calmed. You glanced up at him, his eyes were closed and he had a pleasant look on his face. This put a smile on your face.
A droid came in with your food. Kylo insisted that you do not move from the bed and you ate there. You did as he wished. Eating lunch in a pleasant silence. When the droid left with your trash you shifted in your position.
Your ear was now to his chest listening to his heartbeat, your hand joining you. Kylo’s hand was on your hip. His other hand was now moving back and forth across your shoulders.
That hand after a while shifted to stroke up and down your back. His hand started to drift lower and lower, skimming the top of the back of your pants. Shifting your shirt up to graze the small strip of free skin there. You felt hot once more with jolts of electricity shooting up your spine.  
You shifted your head to look up at him. “We can’t.”
“I know.” His hand then moved to hold your ribcage. He shifted his face once more to your hair. His thumb now rubbing circles into your ribs. The hand that was on your hip moved to caress your cheek. His long fingers wrapping themselves in your hair. He tilts your face up to meet his.
He glances at your lips and back to your eyes. You were just an inch apart from your lips meeting. His eyes were staring deep into your soul. Just when you think he’s going in to kiss you he shifts, his lips landing on your forehead. Your heart speeds up.
Out of breath, because you didn’t realize you were holding it until now, “We can’t.”
He whispers, “I know.” His lips shift up to your hair once more. His cheek now resting against your crown.
“I want to wait. I want the moment to be just right. I want to know you, to really know you. And then to forget where you end and I begin. I don’t want to rush.” As you said this you traced and imaginary line down his sternum.
You felt him shift, for his lips to be in your hair again and then for his forehead to the top of your head. He let out a sigh, “I know.” The hand that was on your face shifted he hooked a finger under your chin pulling your face up once more. This time his thumb ran over your lips as his eyes shifted back and forth from your lips to your eyes. He was asking permission.
You gulp, your breath hitched, you but your lip and slowly nodded. He leaned in stopping only an inch from your lips. He asked, “may I?” He was asking permission again.
You closed your eyes and whispered, “Yes.”
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aph-oklahoma-46 · 4 years
Transtalia Week 2020 Day 4
Day 4: Not being accepted
@the-transtalia-blog Wow, so this got a little depressing. And very long. So, uh, enjoy me projecting onto David and beating them with the angst baton.
Tennessee = David (Nonbinary person, they/them) Kentucky = Henry (Cis man) North Carolina = Nolan (Cis man) South Carolina = Nora (Cis woman) Missouri = Miles (gnc Cis man) (only mentioned) Virginia = (I don’t actually remember their name, sorry Sybil)(Nonbinary) @hws-germania‘s oc (only briefly mentioned)
TW: Transphobia, including misgendering, deadnaming, invalidation, etc.
Day 4: Not Being Accepted
“So… I was thinking about changing my name.”
Henry looked up from where he had been pulling up bits of grass to braid together and blinked.
“Oh? Do you not like Fiona anymore?”
“I just… It doesn’t feel right. That doesn’t feel like my name.”
“… Ok. What were you thinking of changing it to?” Henry sat the length of braided grass in his lap and leaned back against the tree, waiting for an answer. His red-haired friend had tucked her knees under her chin, hugging them. She had been watching him, seemingly gauging his reaction, but now she looked down and pressed her forehead to her knees.
“Well, I was thinking… I kind of like David.”
Oh? Oh…. Nodding, Henry sat up again. That was really not what he’d expected. “Do, um… Do you want to change anything else?”
Fi- David peeked up from over… his? His arms. Tears had started to gather at the edges, and Henry did not like that at all. He shifted away from the tree, crawling over to David to sit next to his friend. Hesitantly, he reached out a hand and rested it on David’s shoulder.
“It’s ok if you do. I like David, too. I like you… even though you definitely cheated on the race over here.”
That got a giggle out of David, and he raised his head and wiped his eyes. “Thanks, Henry. And I did not cheat, I’m just a better rider than you!” David poked Henry in the ribs with a grin. “But, um, yeah… I think there are some other things I wanna change.”
Henry nodded. “Ok. I’ll help, if you want.”
David smiled, and Henry felt warmth come with the grin. He was sincere; he and David had been the best of friends since they were children, and they had always understood that if one of them needed something, the other would do whatever was needed to help. That wasn’t going to change just because he and David might, even if David’s changes might be… bigger than expected.
David stood in the parlor and he (that really didn’t feel quite right, but neither did “she,” so…) could feel the eyes directed at him. He was so glad that his siblings weren’t visiting today, so they could have this talk with just the three of them.
Well, four, counting Henry, but he had tucked himself away in the corner as emotional support and was adamantly trying to avoid drawing too much attention to himself. David would have almost found it funny, if they weren’t so nervous; they had learned a long time ago that the Carolinas were not fond of their- his choice of friends.
Hmm… that wasn’t so bad. Can I call myself that, though? I’m just one per-
“What do you want to talk about, Fiona?”
David was shaken from their thoughts. They blinked over at Nora, who was sitting next to her brother and staring at David unblinking. Ever since they were little, David thought that look was creepy. Of course, Nora didn’t mean anything by it, she was just an intense person and when she gave her attention to something, she gave all of her attention to it.
Which was really unpleasant for David right now.
They shifted their weight to their other foot and took a deep breath, before speaking, “Well, first off, I wanna talk about changing my name. I don’t wanna be called Fiona anymore.”
Both Carolinas nodded, and Nolan commented, “Alright. It’s not uncommon for a personification to change his or her name, especially since we live so long. Times change, and things go in and out of fashion.”
“What would you like to change your name to?”
David glanced over to Henry, who was standing in the corner by the door. Henry nodded, and David grasped onto the reassurance that he offered.
“I, uh, I want to be called- I want to be called David, please.”
Both twins blinked. Neither spoke for what felt like hours, but David knew was probably seconds. Then Nolan cleared his throat and said, “David? Well, that is a very good name, but… I’m not sure it’s the best choice.”
Nora added, “Yes. We realize you must be looking for a change, Fiona, but perhaps you should consider a less… drastic change, hm? If you’re looking for a name that is less feminine, Logan is a lovely name for men and women.”
“It is. Are you trying to display your boyish tendencies? We know you were irritated with Madam Willingham for scolding you as a tomboy. She really should… Well, she should mind her own business, if you ask me, but Logan is a fine name for a lady who is not afraid of a little dirt and sweat. Or Riley.”
In spite of how they had prepared for this reaction, David felt themself (themselves? No, that’s not right, there’s only one of me…) deflate a little. In contrast, they could sense Henry bristling behind them. Henry normally was very calm, and it really to some doing to get him riled up, but god, the twins sure were good at it.
I should really say something before he do-
“I really don’t think that is what David meant.”
Nora and Nolan pivoted toward Henry, and David, despite the twisting in their gut, sighed at the thought of having to drag Henry out of another shouting match with their siblings.
“Really? Well, please, what do you think she means?”
Henry opened his mouth for a retort, then closed it again. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before responding, “That’s not my place. They can tell you.”
David held his breath at the wording. Nora frowned and Nolan quirked a brow, but neither addressed how Henry had referred to David, so David let out their breath and decided to move on quickly. They wanted this to be over with.
“I, er, well, Henry is right,” they stumbled. “I’m not trying to let people know I’m a tomgirl, or boy or whatever. I… I’m not a tomboy or a tomgirl. I…,” David sighed, and continued, “I don’t want to be called Fiona, and I don’t want to be called a girl anymore. That’s not what I am.”
Again, there was silence, but this time, the twins were much more obviously thrown. David waited for what they would say and prepared for the worst.
“Fi… David,” Nora said. “If you do not want to… be seen as a girl anymore, or if you think you would prefer to act and dress as a man, then… well, Nolan, I think we can work with that.”
“Yes… yes, we’ll go to the tailor tomorrow and see about having some new clothes put together. Just a few outfits, in case you reconsider this, ah… decision.”
“No.” David wasn’t quite aware of speaking.
Nolan hesitated. “No?”
“No. I mean, yes, I would appreciate new clothes, but I don’t want to be seen as a man. I don’t think I am a man. I don’t feel like a man.”
Nora shared a look with her brother before fixing David with a firm look. “We’re not really sure what you mean, then, dear. Are you going to act as a man or a woman, Tennessee?”
A cold feeling gathered in their stomach.
David swallowed.
“Neither. Or both? I am neither. But…” they trailed off at the looks they were receiving from both siblings. Nora always looked unimpressed, even when she was entertained, sometimes. She discovered early on how to garner respect among her peers as a young woman involved in the politics and finance of her state. But even Nolan, who was not particularly warm but was still less severe than his sister, was fixing David with a withering stare.
“Don’t be silly, Fiona. You are not a plant, or a chair, or a rock. You are a young lady, and if, for the moment, you fancy trying your hand at a man’s life, then feel free; we will help, within reason. But do not start running around with some fanciful ideas of… whatever it is you’re thinking.”
“Yes! Why, if-,”
“Do you want to leave, David?”
David almost jumped at the hand on their shoulder. Henry stood next to them, looking directly at them and ignoring Nora and Nolan’s spiel. David just stared at Henry for a full thirty seconds. They hadn’t realized that was an option.
Nora and Nolan were equally dumbfounded by Henry’s interruption. They stared at the pair standing by the door, somewhat shocked at being cut off and very irritated at Henry’s audacity to suggest walking out in the moment.
“Excuse me, but I thi-,”
“I think that you should kiss my ass, but looks like none of us are getting what we wanted, huh? I wasn’t talking to you.” Henry turned back to David and waited for an answer.
David couldn’t walk out in the middle of this. It was rude, and the problem would still be here later. All that walking away would do was postpone the unpleasant.
But David nodded.
They didn’t notice they were crying until Henry wiped their face. They were already in Tennessee and had stopped to rest and decide where they were going to go. Henry was sitting next to them by the road and put his arm around their shoulders.
“Um, I really… I’m not gonna say everything is ok, because it isn’t. That, what they said and did, that shouldn’t have happened.” He paused and rubbed his face. David had left with Henry, and before they did, the Carolinas had made it very clear that until David had made up his mind and started “thinking clearly,” neither David nor Henry was welcome in that house. They had also threatened to write to Virginia about how terrible of an influence Henry had been by encouraging their sister to run off and confuse her about her gender and such, but Henry assured David there was little to worry about on that end.
“But, y’know, everything doesn’t have to be ok. Hey, look at me, please?”
David looked up at him and placed a hand on the one Henry had yet to take from their face.
“You’re ok. Ok? And I’m ok. And we’re ok, and that’s what matters right now.”
“Wow,” David laughed, “how very humble of you to add your whole self into that.”
“Well, I mean, if you wanna trot off alone, that’s cool. I’m just stating facts, my friend; I’m doing fine, you’re doing fine, or you will be, and that’s the important part.” Henry grinned. “Besides, are you really gonna tell me I’m not fine? Because let’s face it, I’m pretty fine.”
David rolled his eyes. “I think you’ve spent too much time with Miles.”
Shrugging, Henry stood up and helped David to their feet. He thought for a moment, then suggested, “We could head to his place, speaking of. Him and his older brother will probably be much more welcoming about this than those two d- *ahem* than the twins. Or we could just hang out here, or go to Kentucky, or Virginia, or… I don’t know. It’s your crisis, you choose.”
“Well,” David mused, “I’d rather avoid anywhere the twins will be willing to march into to scold me more, so Miles is probably the only option left at that point. They like him even less than they like you. Speaking of, thank you for not getting into it with them. I’m glad we just left, instead.”
“Hey, if being polite to them will make you happy, then…,” Henry made a pained face and swallowed, “then I will bite my tongue and not tell them where they can stick their fancy fucking teacups.”
Laughing, David shook his head. “Thank you, dear. Alright then, let’s be off.”
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
So... Abby responds to her family's intervention by obediently telling them she'll stop (ie. lying to them). She then immediately tries to find ways to keep the blog in secret, hiding behind various usernames, lurking on her coven's blogs, more time deleting posts from both blogs we know about. Meaning, instead of getting help, she spends even MORE time online engaging in more batshit crazy crap to cover her ass. Yeah, sure, that doesn't signal dire need for mental health intervention AT ALL.
It looks like that is what is happening.  We will have to see what the future holds. What does Abby do? 
So far the fandom is flailing. Cassie got a couple of anons- one that reads like those anons Abby used to send herself as it covers all the issues they are most upset about so perfectly well (My comments in parenthesis and italicized:: 
Anonymous asked: Even if I am unsure about CC itself, I don't buy M*arr*n. I just don't. And the other side is using doxing and the fact that you and others say things they don't like about M as an excuse to do so and as a way to detract from the fact that their couple goals have some pretty big, glaring plot holes in their love story. I've not seen anyone on this side of the fandom out or dox anyone publicly as a way of humiliation. M gave up her privacy by dating D, but Abby didn't and they were wrong. Period. 
cassie1022 answered: Nonnie, I swear every time they diagnose us as mentally ill or say we’re bitter hags, an LGBTQ angel gets his or her wings. We all know my beliefs, but there are MANY people that are like you and don’t know for sure about CC but sure as hell know Miarren isn’t a normal, healthy relationship. (Funny thing, I don’t remember anyone diagnosing Cassie as mentally ill. Cassie is alwasy the wallflower that nobody wants to dance with and she tries so hard to be part of the fun people. Last week she was sad because I hadn’t sent her a “hate” message (See comment in last post below) 
Even if I remove D from the situation, I would still think M is a lazy, spoiled toddler with no discernable work ethic coupled with a superiority complex that rivals the Cheeto in Command of the US.
You are absolutely correct. Our fandom just wants to be left alone. We don’t send hateful asks to the other side. We don’t have to. They feel they have the right to dox CCers because they don’t like what we say about M, a woman that would light a cigarette from the flames engulfing them and not call 911 to help them. I mean, honestly, it doesn’t get much lower than mocking someone’s death. Plus, as you correctly said, M put herself in the spotlight “dating” D. If she didn’t want that attention, she would have stayed in the background. There are plenty of celebrities married to non famous people and we don’t see them at every event like we do M. (It is BAFFLING to me that they can’t comprhend something as simple and obvious as the reasaon they “see Mia everywhere” is because they fucking stalk her and they hyperanalzye every photo Darren is in looking for her. If they started stalking Ben Feldman they would see his wife just as much as they see Mia).    
Bottom line is what they did to Abby was deplorable, but, just like their kween, they feel justified in doing whatever they want. This isn’t the first time they’ve crossed a line with regards to my friend, but it was the worst.
notes-from-nowhere Anon, they love to throw the guilt of their actions on our shoulders, it’s how they justify what they do to themselves. They need us to be the bad guys otherwise what is the only option left? (I never know what the hell Notes is trying to say- throw the guilt of our actions on their shoulders? I’d love an example of that. I can’t imagine what guilty action I put on their shoulder. As for needing them to be the bad guys or what do we have left? OMFG are you kidding me? We critcize the cc fandom for being misogynistic, homophobic, bullies who attack  Mia, Darren, Ricky and their own Nonnies. They have viscioulsy attacked people in their own fandom who dared to question them. But the biggest reason we push back is because THEY LIE. All the damn time. So what do we have left? Being on the right side, being correct, not lying, not needing to lie, and the joy of watching Darren live his best life)   
Leka got a couple of asks but her answers were weak, confusing and pointless. It’s clear she isn’t ready to take over as their leader. She repeated Abby’s main talking points, tried to use big words to sound smarter and basically ended up not making a lot of sense:
Anonymous asked: I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but I think the character on the HW poster holding the girl is D's character, it would fit if you look at the other guys on the poster, maybe this is already the first hint to show D's character is not gay and so technically not breaking the no more queer roles rule his team set for him. It won't make it any better because it's still a career on the bag of LGBTQ+ people with it's teams but it's technically not a broken rule. I just really need for things to change, I want them to so bad, it kills me seeing someone so kind in a situation like that, and I truly believe D is one of the kindest people in that horrible town. He deserves better than M, I wouldn’t even mind if he goes onto another beard but she and RR just need to go. I really think it’s crazy people still think everything HW is real and PR relationships don’t exist, I wished that place was just better and had a moral compass, people deserve more it kind of shows just how jaded this situation has made me, I can’t even enjoy amazing promo material without directly twisting it into something negative, I don’t want to be this way and if I feel like this I can’t even imagine how D must feel. He is stronger than I’ll ever be living through hell every day, even if he’s not ok he’s still here and holding on, I don’t know if I could in his position. Sorry for the long message and the unneeded negativity, I guess I just had to vent a little
Leka answered: So let’s look at the way HW is described:
“Each character offers a unique glimpse behind the gilded curtain of Hollywood’s Golden Age, spotlighting the unfair systems and biases across race, gender and sexuality that continue to this day. Provocative and incisive, HOLLYWOOD exposes and examines decades-old power dynamics, and what the entertainment landscape might look like if they had been dismantled.”
I do consider this the very intriguing thing about the news. (And it just goes to show that believing everything you’re sold is being utterly and completely ignorant.) Let’s say you’re right because ofc it’s possible. How does R/aymond fit in here? Given the excessive way team shit has pushed that article, a technicality won’t be good enough. There has to be a better plan. This doesn’t match what’s been said in his name.
What I think is this doesn’t necessarily have to mean much. You know very well what you see doesn’t have to be the (full) truth. That doesn’t just apply to the real HW. Especially considering the time period of this show. And let’s not forget the pap pics we got at a gas station. This doesn’t rule out SB as an inspiration. I would advise anyone to read up on him. We don’t know at this point. As we keep saying, the best thing to do is to wait and see. I’m certainly interested in finding out more.
As time goes on, the danger of this situation keeps becoming even clearer to me. D deserves much, much better. He’s incredibly strong, but the most toxic person in his life needs to go and she’s more than welcome to take the jumping jackass with her. That’s definitely the most important thing right now. (I’m curious what the danger of Hollywood is?)
awesome-fanfictionada: @leka-1998I’m just wondering - it must have been D who got himself this job on HW, right? Couldn’t this have been done on purpose to counter that ridiculous statement - which wasn’t even accurate, if the source was that interview where he stated that he wouldn’t want to be a casting director? Could in this case RM be a friend?
leka-1998:  @awesome-fanfictionada Yes, he did that himself. Again. And he said the show’s been sold late in 2018. According to an article that came out later, it happened in February 2019. Not true.
HW has been a thing before that statement was made, which is indeed very different from the answer D himself gave during the interview. That’s what makes the article seem like sabotage by team shit. And standing in RM’s way is never a good idea. So while I will obviously never like him, I’m reserving judgment on his current role until we know more.
Anonymous asked: The underlying issue in general is really that social media has made it so people think they get an accurate glimpse into the lives of celebrities, when in reality social media, like everything else that is publicly released about them, is used as a marketing tool. People are actually more inauthentic than they've ever been because they feel pressure to maintain a certain image for social media at all times. So anyone who decides D is living honestly, it's because they want to believe he is.
Leka: True, nonnie. Just look at the text lines that are becoming more popular again. Not nearly as genuine as people want to believe. In D’s case, what has to be brought up? M. Oh Halloween and her amazing shopping skills praised on SM. The work fam honeymoon pic promoting the place they stayed at. Coa/chella for the H&M ad. Mardi Gras posted shortly after the mockery to promote the designer. I could obviously go on. Most of what we see on SM shows the person the 10 year crew wants him to be. And what looks like a split personality if you compare certain posts. Which brings me back to ‘they want to believe’, as what you’re saying clearly isn’t a secret. Anyone can choose to ignore it but at this point, if that’s the case even though you’re more or less paying attention, it’s really a conscious decision.
Oh btw, there’s a HW IG account now and it already has a D follow. Imagine that. R/oyalties co-stars, anyone?
Flowers didn’t get any asks. Amazing since she has more followers than I do and she bragged about getting more “notes” than me.  She did answer azscc who posted an odd rant that baffles me.  Who the fuck is azscc and who is posting anything about her? I realize I am not the only person in this fandom posting about ccers But I just checked all the blogs that I know of and nobody is talking about her; 
azsc  its so weird how chillarrens call me a bully while i only say something rude towards them if they write bullshit towards me. and its just ironic how chillarrens go around calling people bullies while they are the reason why tons of cc accounts use their accounts private or don’t post their opinions and etc. the real threat to the fandom are people like you. so instead of going around throwing shit on people and calling them “mental, delusional...” get a life. no cc believer goes around hunting for chillarren pics and insult the account owner so why don’t you all grow up and realize no one has to agree with your opinions. every crisscolfer blog/twitter page/insta acc basically stan accs never asked for your opinions on their pages so why don’t you just let it go? no one cares about what you all say or do so why are you forcing it this much?
call me a bully i am pretty much okay with that. its obvious that people are unable to understand basic sarcasm and irony and i am not judging because to actually understand what people say you have to at least have an average IQ level. and if you don’t have it, it’s okay but that doesn’t mean you can twist people’s words and post them all over the internet. but its lowkey really funny that i only had my instagram acc for something like 4/5 months and i received over 300 hate/insult/blackmail/death wish messages and etc. and who are you people to call us bullies? (Nobody is a Chillarren. Darren and Mia are married and Chris and Will are in a long-term relationsihp,  Nobody has to “ship” them in order to believe they are together. In America, we accept that when someone introduces their wife or their boyfriend they are telling the truth. It is customary to address that person as their wife or boyfriend respectively. The crisscolfers on the other hand, must use a fandom ship name because they are shipping two people who are not in a relationship and never were. All evidence indicates Chris and Darren are no long friends; they are nothing more than former co-workers-friendly and polite when they see one another but no longer involved in one another’s lives. Chris and Darren both have denied (more than once) that the were ever in a relationship).  .   
flowersintheattic254 I have never in my whole time here posted an anon to a Miarren account. I have no desire to. I’m confident in my beliefs.
The interesting thing for me is that I’ve been here for about four years now and in that time I’ve seen the head of the fandom disappear, other people disappear because their families have been doxed, established long-term cc blogs with a wealth of history deleted without warning. I myself have had my daughters threatened.  This sort of stuff doesn’t happen anywhere in the fandom but here here. If we are a bunch of delusional crazy middle-aged women then this shouldn’t happen. (Who was doxed? Who dissappered? It’s all “liar liar” with everything ccers say. In the last 4 years Abby has been the only leader of the cc fandom. Michelle left between 4 and 5 years ago because her outrageious cc comments threatened her ability to raise money for her little Klaine-fanfic rip-off movie. I vaguely remember someone asking flowers how her daugther’s would feel if they read what she writes- hardly a threat. If there was something more she never posted any proof. As for blogs being deleted- so was D-Criss News.  It happens. The only cc blog that I know of that disappeared was DisneyPrincessModelWorld’s original blog which had was a hot mess of lies and catfishing. She visciously bullied Mia. Hardly someone to mourn their blog being deleted). 
It’s shocking that an actor may lgbt causes such drama. (HUH?)
Flower’s comment is so disingenuous. While it is technically true -she hasn’t sent me anons, she HAS instead publically ridiculed me and frankly, I can’t see how that is any different? I’d say it’s worse because they wanted their followers to see what they wrote and the only way to ensure that is to post it on their blogs. Flowers and Abby posted many public “Michy” posts.  Here is her most recent: 
flowersintheattic254Oh and I guess Michy sent us all some hate today.
I guess I have way more followers than you and only about 4 that send hate. You haven’t for ages.
I think I have over 70,000 hits currently to my blog. I must be saying something interesting.
He’s been married allegedly for a year and people still doubt. That’s gotta hurt you. Anyway......
ajw720 Michy told me today today that the outing couldn’t possibly be promo, because JS was only cast in September!  What a moron who clearly doesn’t know how HW works.  Sweetheart, it was ANNOUNCED in September;)
I was waiting for a few more months, but in 4 years, since i have been tracking, i have almost a million! (976,695 to be precise).
It is amazing that so many people care about what us bat shit crazy, irrelevant, psychologically unstable, threatening, hateful tin hats have to say!  And that does not include people reading on their dash or that hit you on the app!  So yep, Michy, clearly what we are saying is being monitored by someone.  And clearing making people think!! But you keep wasting your time writing for your audience of 4:)
cassie102 I feel left out, Michy didn't come at me today. Must hurt like hell knowing you're a joke that perpetuates a bigger joke.
leka-1998 Birds of a fake feather flock together. When the right person says tomorrow’s Christmas, tomorrow’s Christmas. Get ready, everyone.
If I narrow it down to the last six months, about 10,000 btw. Hm strange.
flowersintheattic254 @ajw720 the number of hits you have give me oxygen. If Michy thinks they are haters then she is delusional. People know when they are being sold something fake and they look for answers.
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j4gm · 5 years
Ted Anderson’s Adventure Time Season 11 AMA.
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So Ted Anderson, writer of Adventure Time Season 11, unexpectedly hopped onto the Adventure Time Discord yesterday for an impromptu AMA. He talked a lot about what his plans were for the rest of Season 11 and beyond, and also talked about his other work including Beginning of the End, My Little Pony, Moth & Whisper, and Orphan Age. Here's most of his answers. I’ve rearranged them to be in a more coherent order.
You can read the full AMA on the r/adventuretime Discord.
Mordo: Before the cancellation, was the stuff with Finn and the humans going to be longer than 2 issues?
Ted: That particular story was always planned to be 2 issues.
The way S11 was going to work is, it would be broken into 3 chunks of 4 issues apiece. The first story was the Empress Marceline 4-issue story. The second chunk would be the 2-issue Humantown story, followed by two single-issue stories. Then there would be one big 4-issue finale story.
Also I should clarify the breakdown of the first arc: Sonny Liew wrote the story, but that was just a summary of events. I wrote the actual script and laid out the events and so forth. I think technically he's credited for Plot and I'm credited for Script?
The first single-issue story was already sort of revealed—that's the one about Jake and Jermaine. The second one would have been about Finn deciding he wants to make something, and going on a big adventure to make a new, handmade sword. And the 4-issue finale would have followed off of the Humantown story and wrapped up more of that.
I was actually already starting issue 8 before I heard it was canceled. Issue 7 is done, but unfortunately it can't see the light of day. It's the property of BOOM and Cartoon Network, not me.
[Issue #7] was a very standalone kind of issue: Jermaine is a successful painter and gets invited to a big fancy party, and Jake invites himself along. Jake ostensibly came to invite Jermaine to the family reunion [in the finale arc], but he knows that Jermaine doesn't like to travel. So he actually came to do a big mystery adventure. One of Jermaine's paintings gets stolen, so the two of them investigate to find out the truth. In the end it's revealed that the whole thing is a big setup by Jake, who wanted to give his brother a fun bonding experience, Mostly I wanted to write some done-in-one stories and get some Jermaine in there, because I like him.
Issue 8 would have been about Finn, who's feeling restless after making the cabin, and deciding he wants to make more stuff, so he decides to make his own sword. He meets various characters traveling around Ooo, checking in with them and talking about what he's doing now. I wanted to focus on Finn feeling adrift now that the biggest adventure of them all has happened, and he's kind of without a purpose.
Boulder/Stert: What would the comic's finale have looked like? What would the end of S11 have looked like had you made it there?
Ted: So thematically, I wanted to get to the idea that Finn was feeling useless as an adventurer. The world was getting more saved, things were getting rebuilt, people don't need a "kid with a sword" any more. But Finn would've realized that it's not about him as a lone adventurer—he's part of a community, a whole bunch of people who are working to make the world a better place.
The finale story would have revealed that Dr. Gross had been offered amnesty and was secretly working in Humantown, plotting a takeover of all of Ooo. Dr. Gross would've created a plague to affect the candy people and something called "GO Juice" [Genetic Optimizer Juice], which was just Finn's DNA injected into the humans to make them into adventurers too. But, crucially, it wouldn't have made them teammates—they would've just been a bunch of lone wolves. So when Jake and Lady and PB and Marceline and all the rest work together, they defeat the humans easily. Rather than fight Dr. Gross, [Finn] escapes and helps his friends, who are fighting everyone else.
There's a little bit of that story still in issue 5: Finn gets a scratch fighting the robot and Minerva patches it up, and that's how they would've gotten his DNA.
I was going to bring back Samantha the dog as a side villain. She would've taken over the Candy Kingdom with a dog army, in order to plunder their technology and lead a dog revolution in the Crystal Dimension, but really she was just being used by Dr. Gross.
Also Jake would've had a family reunion, because I really wanted to write all his kids. Originally it was going to be him and Lady finally getting married. [Cartoon Network] specifically said that Jake and Lady couldn't get married, because they were, and I quote, a "modern couple". I still have no idea exactly what that means, haha.
I had some thoughts about how I wanted to handle the humans. I didn't want them to immediately integrate into Ooo, but I didn't want them to be completely standoffish and weird, either. Issue 12 would've ended with them more or less being led by Minerva, and slowly putting themselves out there.
Something else I should make clear: I had absolutely no contact with the AT people, so I don't know if any of my ideas fit with what they wanted to do. All of this stuff is just out of my head.
Stert: Yeah I feel like you would've been good as long as you didn't straight up contradict the show.
Ted: Oh, speaking of contradicting the show, I got a funny note about the Empress Marceline story. Originally, in Sonny Liew's notes and my script, it actually took place 10,000 years in the future, not 1,000. But for some reason CN changed it to 1000. And I have no idea why, because all that does is mess with the timeline more. Like, if it's 1000 years in the future, it should have Shermy and Beth and look like that setting. But by the time CN changed it, it was too late for me to add in any of that stuff. So if you think it's weird that Shermy and Beth didn't show up, and Marceline wasn't trying to rescue Bubblegum from an ice prison: that's why!
SpaceGiraffe/Owlz: Were there any plans for Simon to meet with the humans and/or Minerva? I wanted to know if you had any plans for Ice King or if that was just Olivia's job?
Ted: Once I heard that Olivia was doing the Simon & Marcy series, I deliberately kept my hands off of Simon, just in case. I didn't quite know what I would want to do with him, either. He could play an interesting role in post-finale Ooo, but ... idk, he's been defined so much by tragedy and loss, it would've taken a while to build him back up again.
Stert: Do you know if Gross and Minerva would have interacted in these new comics?
Ted: I hadn't planned for Gross and Minerva to interact too much? Minerva would've come along with Finn when he infiltrated Humantown to find out what happened. Actually, my idea was that Minerva uses her "Mini-form," which is literally a six-inch-tall action figure of her that would ride on Finn's shoulder as he snuck through the vents, haha.
Stert: The final issue ends on a pretty negative note for Finn and humanity. He's very angry at Malloy lying to him and storms off not wanting to have anything to do with Humantown. Looking back do you think it's a good idea to end Finn's arc in these comics with the humans on a pretty downer note?
Ted: I don't think it's the best way to end S11, no. It makes sense because it's a natural story break, but it also leaves Finn angry and resentful, and deliberately separating himself from other communities. I do love those last two pages, because Mar Julia did some amazing art on them, but emotionally it leaves Finn kind of out in the cold. I did tweak issue 6 a little by adding the HW scene. Originally Finn went to see Aunt Lolly to see if she made the robot monsters. Frankly, the HW scene is better in every way, haha.
Owlz: Did you have ideas for Finn's closure with Huntress?
I like [Finntress]! I like a lot of Finn relationships. But I also like how it's very casual and not labeled. I should be clear: I really didn't change anything based on people's feedback from here. But the [Discord] server and poking around Tumblr reminded me that I needed to include some HW. I feel like their relationship has always been ambiguous, so I liked them not getting a super specific ending.
Boulder: Did you have anything in S11 for Mars?
Ted: I didn't have anything for Mars, actually! I should've! I like Mars a lot, mostly because we see so little of it and it's so dang weird.
Boulder/StephanFS: What plans did you have after S11, with or without a cancellation? If BOOM announced S12 with you as the main writer, what would you write?
Ted: I didn't have anything specific for after S11, since I already knew that it was probably going to be the last time I was going to write AT. I had some vague ideas of trying to bring back Fern, but like ... that's a very fanservice type of thing to do, haha. I probably would've brought him back just to let him die again, but this time with a little more closure. Also I might have done more stuff with magic? I love the weird elements of magic they've got set up in the show. Maybe doing something with four new elements of magic, one of which would have been grass. But that was just very vague thoughts.
Stert: Who did you like writing for most/have the most trouble with? Between Beginning of the End and the S11 issues you mostly handled Finn with a touch of Jake and the rest in smaller amounts, interested in if you were happy with that or wanted to play with other folks.
Ted: Jake was definitely the most fun to write, just because of his way of speaking. Whenever I did a line of his dialogue, I ran it through John DiMaggio's voice first to see if it sounded right. As for favorite in general, that's a tough one. I was told to try and keep the focus on Finn and Jake rather than the side characters, just because they're the main characters. But that suited me just fine. And yeah, for BotE I was also told to keep the focus on Finn and Jake. But that's what I was planning to do anyway. (And yes, I still plan to finish the annotations for BotE! One of these days! Promise!)
Stert: How well did you know the show before you started work on the comics?
Ted: So, total honesty: I loved AT and stuck with it until about season 5. Which, not coincidentally, is when Steven Universe started. I didn't ever stop loving AT, I just fell off the wagon for a while.
Stert: Tale as old as time 🤣
Ted: So once I got the news about BotE, I binged everything from the start. I didn't actually get to see the finale until after I'd started writing S11. CN was being very careful about leaks, so they wouldn't actually let their comics people watch upcoming episodes. But Whitney, my editor, had seen it, so she described it to me over the phone. Very weird experience.
Mordo: What is your view on Come Along With Me?
Ted: I feel like it was as good as it could be, under the circumstances. After hearing about their plans and how they thought they'd have another season, it made more sense. Like, if they'd had a bunch more episodes, they could've set up Gumbald and used the Candy Kingdom Haters some more (remember them???) The finale had a tough job to do: they wanted to give a satisfactory ending to as many of the threads in the series as they could, and yeah, some people didn't get as much as others. Again, I really wish they'd had another season.
Owlz: What do you think of characters like Martin or Ice King?
Ted: I would've LOVED to bring Martin in somehow. He never really got his comeuppance. I don't think I could've put him in S11, but if there had been a S12 or a miniseries or something, that would've been ideal. He's such a ****ty dad, haha. I hate him as a person but love him as a character. I probably would've brought him back by saying, like, "Oh yeah, I hung out with that transcendent being from beyond space, but she got sick of me after a week and dropped me off on an asteroid."
Stert: Were there any characters you were very intimidated to write for, like you thought you would screw them up?
Ted: Oh that's a great question. Honestly, I was a little worried about writing Marceline, because I feel like she's very specifically tied to the experience of being a teenage girl. Which I've never been. Like, the best stuff with Marceline is by Olivia Olson, or Meredith Gran, or Kate Leth, who have written about (and actually been) a teenage girl dealing with Feelings. So getting her right was a challenge.
Owlz: Who’s your favorite AT character?
Ted: Oh man, favorite? That's an impossible question, haha. I have a lot of fondness for Susan Strong. I like her as a kind-of counterpart to Finn, as well as a more driven and adventurous type. She also got to have a really neat arc that ended well, but also left open the door for future adventures. Her design is also great, and her backstory is really cool.
Stert: The stuff you did with her, Billy, and Fern to show off different avenues of heroism and stuff with Finn was very cool.
Ted: Yeah, that was super fun. I think I mentioned this in the annotations: originally it was just going to be Finn meeting a bunch of his alternate versions, like Farmworld Finn. But then I realized, wait, there are characters who are way more interesting than that. (Not to hate on Farmworld Finn! But he's no Susan Strong)
Owlz: What are your thoughts on Betty Grof? The show didn’t reveal much about her.
Ted: Oof. She deserved better. I wanted her to be developed more, frankly. But I sympathize with the creators. I don't think they had the time they needed to flesh her out. I wanted, like, an entire spin-off series about her learning the secrets of magic.
Stert: So to ask another possible impossible question, what's your favorite episode (or multiples)?
Ted: I really do like "Mama Said". It's maybe my favorite one-off episode, just for how surreal it is. Plot-relevant episodes ... I liked the one about Finn building a tower to tear off his dad's arm, haha. I have a real fondness for the wacky one-off episodes, like anything about Jake's kids. The Card Wars tournament episode, or the one about Bronwyn.
Owlz: What if AT got rebooted and you got to be a writer?
Ted: On the one hand, I would've liked creating a more coherent mythology, like exactly how this or that happened. On the other hand, the weird inconsistencies are what make this show so fun.
[While talking about some of the Easter eggs included in Ted’s comics, somebody posted this panel from BotE]
Tumblr media
Ted: Part of that panel is actually a quote from Guillermo del Toro. The line about "animated by incredible humanism" is from the introduction he wrote to the Art of Ooo book. I love dropping in weird easter eggs. So when I started writing BotE, I caught up on the entire show, but I also tried to catch up on all the supplementary materials, too. That's why I slipped in that thing about Hunson's nickname of "Johnny Corndog," for example.
Owlz: You should also check out the AT official cookbook. It’s adorable.
Ted: I have! In fact, there's an easter egg from that in there! In issue 6, Minerva mentions something about making Finn her special macaroni and cheese, I think? That's her recipe in the book.
CharlesOberonn: I have a question regarding pacing in comic books. Specifically, how stretched out and slow pacing is in comic books today compared to comic books in the past. A story that would take 1 issue in the 1960s-80s could take 3 or 4 or even 5-8 issues today. What do you say about that?
Ted: Ah, pacing in comics. An old nemesis, haha. I like both the issue format and the book format for comics. You can do very different things with them, just like the difference between movies and TV. If you are writing something with issues, then I feel like every issue needs to give you a complete story, or at least a complete slice of a story. I definitely feel like attitudes have changed regarding how much story you fit into an issue of comics, but that can be both good and bad. A little while ago I reread the original Iron Man story where he confronts his alcoholism, and he goes through withdrawal in literally one page.
Stert: I know this kinda stuff is usually not answered straight up, but how much do you make writing for comics?
Ted: I'm not yet at the point where it's my main job. Right now I'm getting my teaching license so I can be a school librarian. And with licensed comics, I don't get any royalties, just a flat fee for writing the script. But it's a good gig regardless. I get to sit around and tell other people how to draw cartoons. I would absolutely love to write full time, and I'm in the process of getting together more projects to make that happen? But not quite yet. Which reminds me: I am currently trying to put together a pitch with Mar Julia, artist for both BotE and S11! But very different from AT.
Owlz: How long have you worked on comics?
Ted: I've been working on comics for ... something like 6 years? I think? My first professional comic was MLP, actually, which is not at all normal, haha. I was a big fan of the show, and I knew I wanted to write comics. I'm also friends with Zander Cannon, who's been a professional creator for decades and is a super cool guy. He knew someone who worked at IDW, who put me in touch with the MLP editor. I sent them some samples, I sent them some pitches, and bada bing bada boom, they let me write a story about Pinkie Pie. It's all about networking, baby.
Mordo: What’s your favorite TV series of all time?
Ted: Oh jeeze, that's a question. There are TV series that I love in different ways and for different reasons. AT is definitely one of my favorites, but I also love The X-Files, but for completely different reasons. Star Trek the Next Generation is also pretty high up there. Futurama is another one that I'm a big fan of. I should've included a reference to John DiMaggio from that, come to think of it. Showed Jake with a cigar and a beer, or something. Now there's a crossover I'd love to see. Oh, Gravity Falls is definitely up there too. Regular Show is another fun one. I pitched a couple RS ideas around the same time as BotE, but they were already transitioning to the Twenty-Five Years Later series.
Mordo: Not sure if this was answered earlier, but why was AT season 11 the one that had to kick the bucket when it was doing better than the other comics?
Ted: I really have no idea. It was a money thing, to the best of my knowledge—they expected the comics to sell X copies, and they didn't quite make it, so that was that. In the email they sent me, they emphasized that it was not a question of the quality of my writing, or how they were being received. I don't really know any more than that, unfortunately. Yeah, I have no idea how they calculate anticipated sales or anything. But I guess S11 just didn't hit the expected targets.
Mordo/StephanFS: What else do you write Ted? If you were to work on something original, what would it be?
Ted: I still do write for MLP, actually. I've got a three-issue miniseries starting next month. Plus I've got a couple creator-owned series: Moth & Whisper and Orphan Age. The trade collection of M&W comes out next week, and the first issue of Orphan Age came out this week. I have a lot more original stuff in the works, too. Not a lot of it is like AT, to be honest. I don't tend to write stories that are so .... weird? Nothing against weird! Obviously! But it's just not the kind of stories I tend to come up with. M&W is a cyberpunk heist thriller thing, and Orphan Age is a post-apocalyptic western.
That’s all for now. If you like Ted Anderson’s work, be sure to check out Moth & Whisper and Orphan Age. Catch them on ComiXology or wherever you get your comics.
Farewell for now!
199 notes · View notes
Sunday 5/6
My roommates name is Shauna. She doesn’t flush and when I got here there was what I can only assume were soiled clothes in a brown paper bag. 
A woman in the hall is also talking about her shit. I’m the youngest person here and im afraid to shower, there’s no door. The poop lady is cackling. 
My roommate and I talked, she’s nice, and I met her night nurse and she is so nice. Her name is Maria. 
I’m having a hard time figuring out why I feel like this. Its hard b/c I’ve been hungover but surely that’s not all it is. How do you recover from a hangover so bad you end up in a psych ward?
It weird not having my phone, I want to check twitter. I don’t want to go to group therapy tomorrow. 
I just can’t stop crying, my eyes actually hurt. 
My mouth tastes bad but I have no toothpaste. 
I started reading this book called notorious nineteen and it is truly trash. 
I don’t have the lights on bc Shauna’s sleeping- I feel like Mozart. 
My eyes hurt, I might go call my dad again to get my moms phone number. 
Ill be back. 
Got Taylor’s # and called her/my mom. Maria gave me some antihistamines to try to calm me down/sleep. 
My sisters want to come visit me on Tuesday. 
I’ve only eaten a donut this morning. 
There’s a painting of a window that is 100% mocking me. 
I’m sweaty. 
Some snaps I would be sending if I had my phone 
*a pic of the little card that was on my bed when I came in w/ a number on it for housekeeping. Caption idea- 
is this a joke?
It’s a work in progress. 
*def a snap of me whipping/nay naying to the woman whose been singing in the hall all night (singer)
Shauna is snoring. There’s no joke there but its absolutely worth noting. 
I just want to play candy crush. 
(12:30 pmish) I feel like I’m in a dream. I’ve been sleeping all day- it turns out it was only like 3 hours tops.
I had so many dreams. 
I just went and talked to a big ass table of doctors about my life and I just feel so groggy. They’re in there talking about me. 
I skipped lunch b/c my tummy hurt so bad after breakfast. 
Shauna puked everywhere. 
I think she’s leaving. 
Also turns out she’s in withdrawal AND pregnant. 
And she has an infected injection site on her arm. 
I just talked to my mom/dad/Taylor and asked them to bring me some books + shirts. 
The nice psychiatrist said she would give me some adavan to calm me down. Also I skipped lunch b/c my stomach hurt so bad from breakfast but now I’m hungry so I guess they’re gonna order me something. I feel so weird. (might have napped here)
4ish pm
40 mg stratera (sp?), one mg atavan. 
Finally left my room, I’ve been asleep all day. 
Nurse went and got me a coke + a water and I saw they’re watching forgetting Sarah Marshall so I thought Id join. Everyone called me out when I came in since ive been hiding out. Bitches. 
Movies suggested by the dude I’m watching FSM w/
- assassin’s creed
10 positive ways to describe myself
1. Legs that go up to my asshole
2. College educated
3. Big heart
4. Good sense of humor
5. Love babies
6. Love my friends 
7. Good communicator
8. Love the outside
9. Big smile
10. Lovely family
9 positive coping skills 
1. Talk to Taylor
2. Going on walks
3. Calling my parents
4. Reading
5. Going to therapy
6. Doing hw
7. Watching movies
8. Candy crush (questionable) 
9. Eating veggies
8 things I’ve accomplished 
1. College
2. Getting into grad school
3. Learning Spanish
4. Coming to the hospital
5. Making great friends
6. Moving a lot and making it through
7. Driving to SLC 
8. Supporting myself (for the most part)
7 healthy things I can do each day 
1. Eat well
2. Shower
3. Talk to my friends
4. Not drink
5. Clean my room
6. Clean my clothes
7. Do my hw
6 things I can change
1. My eating habits
2. Drinking
3. Exercising more
4. Getting a routine
5. Whitening my teeth
6. How I see myself
5 things I can’t change
1. How my family acts
2. How my friends act
3. The status of the US public school system
4. The amount of sunlight in my apt 
5. My face 
4 reasons I can’t give up
1. My family
2. I’m going to change the world
3. My friends
4. My future students
3 places I can get help
1. w/ dr. whose name I can’t remember 
2. my apt (Taylor)
3. the hospital 
2 people I can really trust
1. Taylor
2. my parents
1 reason I’m here
1. I need to not feel like this anymore
I’m holding myself back from asking why everyone’s here. 
Assassin’s creed guy, also known as biting guy (an inside joke from earlier) and sweater girl are talking about if the food delivery guy has extensions. 
We got called to dinner, now were finishing Sarah Marshall. 
Biter dude told hair guy “nice hair”.
Oh my god, when peter sings about how much he hates himself, biter and white shirt turned to me and said dang sounds like he’s going to be in the room next o me! way to be self aware guys! 
Just called my dad to find out about my stuff getting dropped off but turns out he did 2 hours ago and its all been in my room. 
I started crying immediately b/c Taylor is amazing- she brought me the perfect books. It was like she was talking to me through the books. 
She gave me b Franks autobiography and Jesse Donaldson’s ‘on homesickness’. And the book Amanda gave me. also wuthering heights and pastures of heaven. All so perfect. 
Shirts is roasting the shit out of double lasagna (he ate… double the lasagna we all got for dinner).
He keeps saying he looks like he’s about to give birth 
“I mean were already in the hospital we just gotta figure out what floor is maternity”
Wuthering Heights
1801- Mr. Lockwood +Heathcliff
Thrushcross Grange
Double lasagna is talking about the last time he had tequila- brother the last time I drank it I ended up here. 
What an anecdote. 
“they could have stolen my jewelry or even my virginity!” – about the guys who helped when he got too drunk. Double lasagna’s real name is * but he just introduced himself as Dorothy (to hair the night nurse helper). 
Fake Abby (biting guy came to my room thinking I was her) is here and shirt just said “you’re awfully quiet” and she rejected him hard. It was awk. 
One of the helpers is just chillin in here w/ us while I read my shitty book and we watch “just go w/ it” – its so bad. 
One of the nurses (pony tail) just made me go on a walk down the hall w/ him. They all keep asking me how I’m feeling and I keep saying fine but I’m not. As long as I don’t talk I don’t cry. I’m starting to think I want to stay here longer but also leave right away. Its all so confusing. 
Double lasagna just asked hair nurse if he could have his phone out of his bag and the way just looked up from his phone and said “nuh uh” was iconic. 
Its 805 pm and I think I’m going see about getting my sleeping pills so I can just crash. 
I need to document stuff better tomorrow b/c I don’t like how much of a blur today is. 
I finally showered and I feel better I think. I just don’t know what the move is once I get out. Like I don't know how to talk to anyone. 
I need Taylor to contact Morgan I think. 
I’m sure she’s confused. Or maybe she doesn't care literally at all.  Who cares. I’ve been surprised at how easily I’ve been sleeping today especially without my phone and with everything on my mind. 
I need a talk therapist like yesterday.
I can’t bring myself to get through any of the books Taylor brought. The 19 book in such trash but it’s easy to read.
 The shower needs to be pressed every 45 seconds to say on. I wore shower shoes.
 Fake Abby doesn’t know what the move is, I can tell.
I called Taylor + my mom then got snack in my night meds. I mom told me to call back to talk to Mack so I just did. She’s lovely. 
Double lasagna somehow talked to snack nurse into giving him a full sandwich. I got a strawberry poptart and a coke. 
They’re checking in a new girl now who looks a bit like she’s closer to my age. 
I’m happy she’s not my roommate. 
I think tomorrow ill try to call family/friends less and trust the process. I need to really take a step back. 
I’m just happy I feel comfortable sitting in the sun room. I knew a lot more about movies than they did 
Goals for tomorrow-
Check out group
Find rec room/sign my name by Mack’s 
Document everything
Keep room clean
They still haven’t cleaned Shauna’s side. Its off putting. 
Have I mentioned they check on me every 15 minutes? 
Its off putting also. 
I wish I had just like some mascara or something. I hate to be that girl but damn. 
My mom keeps trying to talk about the funny aspects of this but I can’t say I’m feeling them yet. Today just really was such a blur. I sept a lot then talked to therapists then I think went back to sleep? Then begged for lunch then I think slept? That’s where its fuzzy. Called my fam too much, I need to not tomorrow. 
I also want to gain control of tv room tomorrow. Power move!! 
Did I mention I called Chelsea? My brain is mush. 
- Be more present tomorrow-
- Ask more questions- 
be warned: new beginnings are rarely pure, and neither are the men who seek them
On Homesickness pg 23
Scott County
We are homesick most for the places we have never {truly} known
37, Franklin County 
Questions to Proteus -> how do I get home? 45, Montgomery County 
7:10 am 
slept super hard but also had super vivid dreams. Mack and I talked about that last night. 
She said she had never brought it up. I was a little restless, prob just bc they were constantly opening my door and eventually just stopped closing it. 
I’m just trying to let go of control. I don’t want my phone back. I need to talk to someone about the insane anxiety I feel when I think about home back to the real world. 
Even just being in my apartment scares me b/c it feels like its full of negative energy. I need to focus on the good when I get out. 
I keep thinking about my phone bill and I can’t remember if I paid for internet. Also the maintenance light is still on in my car. 
Even though mom and dad are coming today I need to be communicating less w/ outside world. If I really want to be off the grid I need to really b alone with me thoughts and be okay with it. 
I kept feeling for my phone throughout the night. 
I wonder what the nurses think of me. do I seem different than everyone else?
I keep finding myself trying to relate to the nurses, esp. the young male one (hair) but what am I trying to prove? That I’m not like everyone here? 
Newsflash, asshole, I am 
(I’m the asshole)
I need a sharper pencil- do you think a lobotomy joke will be appropriate when I request one orr?
I wonder if Prather has texted me. I’m supposed to sub on the 21st. 
Not looking forward to checking my bank account. I really spent a lot w/out giving a shit. It was freeing but I also haven’t worked in over a week + a half soooooo. 
On homesickness is so dramatic but I love it. Makes me think of Taylor. (bc home, not the drama)
Also I think I’m getting fucking sick. Or, according to Lula (Flula) in 19, I’m getting hospital cooties. 
7:27 am 
I’m in TV room w/ singer. I asked what we’re watching and she said “some kind of cartoon”. She’s not screaming which is awesome. I’m going to read Wuthering Heights. 
Almost 8 
Called dad and asked him to bring me a pair of readers since my eyes hurt. Nice nurse #2 is here again. She’s blonde. I haven’t seen Maria again. Met another nurse too. She was young. Also there’s a fake nurse (fake nurses are in teal, like hair, and he real ones are in blue) who I def. know. Cant figure out from where, maybe high school? Either way, not cool with it. Also, they sharpened my pencil. 
Having a hard time focusing on reading. My eyes hut. 
I don’t like waiting around. 
Is it petty to point out inconsistencies in the rules? There’s different info on different sheets in the packet they gave us. Makes me wonder how closely these patients are reading it. Its all petty though, like whether or not we should take 5 or 10 minutes to use the phone or how many visitors we can have at a time. 
I know myself too well, ill be bringing it up. I’m going to check on breakfast. 
breakfast was sub par. Sat alone. New girl, sat w/ double lasagna. She only wanted milk so homeboy asked if he could eat hers! Has he learned nothing?? I ate pretty quick; I think I need to go back to sleep. I feel weird. 
Dr.?? (nice psychiatrist) came in and we talked. Started fine but I got really upset b/c of how much I feel like garbage and I don’t now if I want to be here. But also I don’t want to go back to the real world. She left and I went to go get a visteral 25 mg b/c I’m so upset. They gave it to me and when I got back to my room I 100% had a panic attack. 
I felt like I was a kid again. Maybe its b/c I’m here but I’ve never been sure that what it was until now. They happened a lot as a kid and usually ended in my mom holding me and saying everything’s ok. Its so hard not having that now. I left my room and the med student from Sunday was in the hall and he came and talked to me until I calmed down. 
With talking to them I finally feel like I’ve been able to verbalize how anxious I feel here along with how I feel about leaving. I just need to rest my eyes for right now, but when I’m up I need to write down what Dr. B said about when I get out. 
I miss my parents. 
Time unknown
Honestly can’t remember what happened next. 
Social worker came in, she’s lovely. Talked a bit then I kept resting. 
She gave me some info on how to stay grounded during a panic attack. 
Then I think I went to the rec room to do a puzzle but then religion group started. I stuck around but then little dr came to get me and asked if I would meet with big table of doctors even though I hate it. 
I did it but it made me upset again. They said they would come talk to me but they haven’t. 
I fell asleep again then not Maria nurse came to tell me they’re gonna give me more adavan once my visteral wears off. Fell back asleep then got a drink/ate lunch.
My puzzle got hijacked so I brought a new one into my room. I hit a wall so I stopped to write all this down and go find out what they talked about it my meeting. 
I think its around 1 pm. 
Sat and watched how I met your mother for a little. Started crying. Asked a nurse when I was gonna get talked to when little doc came up. they gave me an adavan and now I’m waiting for him to come talk to me. the maid is making up Shauna’s old bed while I sit and cry. Very awk. 
I don’t know why I keep crying. I just feel like I’m going to keep having these attacks. I feel so hopeless. 
Still sitting here crying. Still no doctor. 
My name is Abigail and I am safe. I am in the present and I am safe. 
lil doc came to talk to me and I got upset. I don’t understand what my next move is. 
Just slept pretty hard until now then got dinner. Going back to sleep is very tempting. 
I think I’m allowed another pill. What’s the point? 
6:50 pm 
I honestly don’t know what I’ve been doing since after dinner. I’ve been doing the puzzle in the TV room. I’ve been watching the office. I asked nice nurse if I could have another pill but she’s pretty sure she cane until its time for bed. My anxiety is pretty high right now my parents will be here in like an hour. 
7 pm
officially been hoarding pencils. They say I can have an atavan at 10 pm for bed, but they gave me a V. im wondering if that’s going to help me sleep. They’re going to put me on abilify on top of my startera. I’m hoping they’ll give me some of this visteril to take home in case I start to freak. 
Decided that in order to help me not get stressed I want someone to take my phone and ask me one by one about who texted/called/emailed and help me deal with it. Same w/ my bank statement. 
I want to say I feel better, but I don’t know. Its just all a blur. 
I want to see m parents so I can find out what the move is when I get out. Maybe a meeting with Andrea and social working and one of them would be cool. 
I don’t want to get out after Taylor leaves. Fuck.
Double lasagna and biter left. 
* is still here, and fake Abby is MIA. 
New girl who I don’t know 
New guy Brandon- wears vans 
And tad who Mack warned me about. Apparently he called 911 on the nurses from the phones. 
Bold move. 
Fake Abby and I are friends. I think she’s lonely, I know she wants to be my roommate, but I can’t deal with that. 
Now I just kill time until mom gets here. 
930 ish?
Mom and dad came and I feel a bit better. Mom and I did our crossword puzzle and dad and I figured out grad school. I also had him assure me I don’t need to worry about $ right now. 
I asked for a pen but they said no. but I STOLE ONE FROM MY DAD!! 
Honestly its low on ink but just having it feels great. 
Just called my mom and said goodnight to Mack. I feel ok. Mostly just shook b/c of how much of a dream this all feels like. But I’m ok. Time to crossword and eat my poptart like the star patient I am. And I’m gonna do it in god damn pen! 
Goals for tomorrow- 
- track when all meds taken
- get better at checking time 
slept like shit. But I think I might go home today?! I’m sick so my head fucking hurts. I dontknow what to think. I just want to sleep in my own bed. 
talked to dr. B + some of the team and I think I’ll just stay another night. It was hard for me to think of what I wanted to b/c I just woke up. but she made a good point that if I’m sick and drowsy it could be good to stay since they’ll change the time I get the abilify. I don’t know. Just very tired. 
Watching fresh prince. Thought there was gonna be group in here, but so far nothing. Fuck this. 
Fake Abby told shirt he looks like Carlton and no shit he kind of does. He deadass did the dance while he was walking out. He thinks side burns were cool. Now singer is singing Elvis songs. 
Newer girl is even scarier she’s very touchy. Seems like she doesn’t listen. 
singer is standing directly in front of the tv. She threatened to fire the nurse that told her to stop. 
Shirt is leaving today. 
New girl just came in and snatched the stuff out of singer’s hands and then tried to talk to everyone. Now singer is out for blood. New girl is wild. 
going to lay in bed until lunch. 
slept a little until lunch. Hamburger and a coke. 
I’m def staying another night. Thinking of some ideas for pickup since I need someone to go back to my apt w/ me. 
I think that’s the move. And then if its horrible I can try to stay somewhere else. I’m thinking of asking my sisters. Idk. Might call some of them now. 
I’m really just waiting to get something for my cough. 
just slept super hard
even denied taking my cough meds so I could sleep more
I finally got into the rec room and unsurprisingly it was a disappointment. 
Couldn’t find macks mark so I left. 
Gonna go try to get more crossword 
just called Chelsea, she said she would try to come over after work/talk to liv about doing the same. I just want to take a real shower. 
Crazy Tad just said hi to me. 
New girl (maid) is asleep sitting up, we’re watching that 70’s show. 
My shirt smells like Keenan. 
Also its almost snack! 
Hmmmmm 4? 
took a shower after smashing a poptart. The sheets they gave me to use as a bathmat smells like actual piss and shit- maybe I shouldn’t have wrapped myself in it. 
A little before 5
Slept again. Got woken up for dinner. It was ok. God I’m so fucking tired. 
I’m glad I’m writing everything down b/c its all such a blur. 
Cant remember if I already wrong down that I talked to chels. I want help meal prepping and doing some laundry. Also someone to sleep over. I want my own bed, but I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want my phone. I don’t know what good anyone can do me right now until my meds get figured out. I don’t know!! 
I met my new nurse, DD, who said I’m taking my abilify in an hour. Then I want my sleeping pills so I can konk out, ugh. 
Time to lay down. Again. 
I think I fell asleep again?
Went to get my abilify around 615. Panic attack happened again. 
I can’t stop crying and I don’t want to be here anymore w/out talking to someone about all my regrets. 
I think more than anything I’m really disappointed with how this whole thing is going down. 
Just want to stop crying. 
830 pm
calmed down. Kind of okay w/ leaving but also so anxious. 
Singer has 12 different personalities. 
About to go ask for my meds/follow up on what’s up w/ the nurse’s research 
Ate a poptart. Nurse was doing meds so she hasn’t looked into anything. Took 2 hydroxizines (50 mg) + a 3 mg melatonin. Called dad, still not a grad student. Very frustrating. Everything sucks but its ok bc I am Abigail Nash and I am safe in the present. I am not in the past. The present. And there are people that love me. 
- if… because then 
- one day at a time 
9 am?
Had breakfast, found out I’m going home today. 
Called mom + dad, and mom is gonna pick me up around 5 
2 more free meals! 
Getting a therapist is going to take a minute but I feel ok about it 
Nurse Nadine is so sweet. 
These people are getting the wildest thank you cards later. 
I’m going to get a watch 
I don’t like not always knowing the time 
That fucking short haired nurse came in again and gave me shit for being in my room
 Don’t know her name 
But I don’t want to 
I’m getting out here short haired lady! And I’m pulling out to win! 
I’m getting sleepy, fuck 
I have like 8 hours to kill 
Suddenly now that I know I’m getting out I feel like some kind of bubble has been burst and I feel semi normal 
Am I really the Angelina Jolie of this place? Not actually Angelina, but her character from Girl Interrupted? 
She’s hot in that too, though.
Final thoughts for now- RIP Brittany Murphy. 
group- only going because nurse Nadine is leading it. 
Tad gave a very sweet little speech about his dad
Grabby girl wouldn’t share, she it nuts
But now miss congeniality is on!!
cute rec therapist let me into the rec room. I wrote 
In big letters on the table, and made a picture frame. Also played ping pong with grabby. I’m not even going to go into how that went. 
Update: grabby thinks I’m her mom 
My best gift:
The gift of travel. Travel in the sense of moving, traveling to see a friend, or a friend traveling to see me. travel has allowed me to maintain friendships w/ people I usually wouldn’t. Another gift coming from travel is my best friend, Taylor who traveled to another state for school, where I met her. And the gift of going to visit my best friend in France a few years ago who I’ve known since I was 9. 
~~~~ when the party is at it’s best, it’s time to leave the party ~~~~ 
- Tad’s ex-father-in-law
almost noon 
Tad (ok turns out its not the Tad Mack was talking about) said some really good stuff in group and when he was talking about finding balance I said, “like the yin for your yang?” and he did not know what I was really talking about but it fit into the convo really well. So I started to draw him one and when it was over I gave it to him and he was really touched. I feel really good about it. It sucks I’m just now getting to go to group but I think my meds might be working b/c I haven’t gone back to sleep yet. 
Also, they said I could keep 19! 
I need to get some books together to donate. And some puzzles. 
After lunch 
Pulled pork. Singer change the channel on TV to cartoons. I see a nap in my future. Also brushing my teeth. 
There’s a new kid, he’s gotta be newly 18 b/c he looks young. 
Tried playing monopoly w/ Tad, maid, and new guy, but it devolved. 
Thought he was cute but he might be nuts (shocker)
I said he was welcome to my books and he looks a mans search for meaning and I’m about to leave so I don’t think im getting it back. 
Amanda wrote a nice note in it. That sucks. I gotta stop being so nice. 
I asked them to give me a visterile and they did. I should be ready to rock when mom gets here. 
did more painting- made a weird sign for door knobs. No sign of homeboy + my book. I kind of don’t want to leave, but I refuse to let myself have fomo in a place like this. Idk what the move is for my book. He better be reading it. I don’t want to leave before dinner so he can at least have a chance to say something to me about it. 
Tad is really fun to hang out w/. he is really nice. We talked about grounding during panic attacks and he invited me to play monopoly and we talked about how it sucks that we all just started talking to each other but that’s also prob just a sign that the meds are working. 
I saw he put my yin yang in the front of his journal. Very sweet. 
This isn’t to say he isn’t totally nuts. Also, young guy said my voice reminded me of “stuff” what the fuck. 
Grabber called me mom and tried to give me her hand. 
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taakotaakos-remade · 8 years
THIS ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE I DIED ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 8, 2016. TAYLOR SWIFTS BIRTHDAY IS 1989. can u guise please check in at least once? it would mean a lot to me. oka love u bye see u later no read this : election 2016....279 donald trump....two.... seven(-fully restore.).. nine is -nothing is stolen...verison 7... had been audited because they disregarded the means of full restoration... which then was raped by a nothing is stolen... and espensive.... 279....okay... we will have enough power.... nothing was stolen...our false gained competitors were shown in the light.... we are secure we have enough power now..okay forget it this is complete lottery this is the big one........this is flora 7-taylor illuminati(psychoc acid) mistranlated the first year...s....so... but eveerything paid back rite? according to white house..... guardina(psychos inteligence-satan) emergency room with starbuck nine-tw. second scenario.... hillary clinton... two the one-(cara!!!!! what the hell was that throw guitar a la paper towns)then raped by a 8....full compensation....in a shaky whisper full of emotion and love....forgiveness..............coffeworks... which everyone know anyways... its host.,...8.....who is hosting? taylor of course... oh its taylor no wonder she lost even as the host of everything.....it crazy elements of flora area and starbuck area all stores and cw area all stores including car mike cinema!!! was there!!!! also in the theme of a twenty sixteen (taylor women e nelson taylor yelyah)16. one is we dont expect anything from you. two is a we dont require anything from you. this is a two. springbrook: they messaged last week.,=she said' the car and him are too rich' for my blood so im sorry i dint know how much was enough.... now it is espensive... so its considered expensive... and all of you are expensive... they said 32 years 2048 anyways i was informed from outside 4 weeks ago.... oh he got rid of the nonsharing problem... which happened to be linked with stealing... interesing... i could not perciove sory... anyways everyone see the road springdale road! wth trees!... and springbrook is on route... so we know.. its not secret , if i quit now and vow never to cooperate with any party r will be in the cherry hill er (hanging out in starbuck, coffee work, cafe flora, near springdale road in cherry hill. until 2023. we will have air amenities at least past 2023. cara is a hardball negotiatior. if r does not pay until 2023. way/ia -yelyah maximum taylor maximum hayley maximum cara tove r maximum or entry level 12. 10. we are training then:') davy jones stepp on land for 10 years. every 10 years. if there is interference or it does not happen everyone pinpointed as cause will have bursts of air attack on them until their death. and likely it will continue 100 years after r dies. there are 400,000,000 affiliates and fremenimies and enimies of r and they have access to everything in the quad state infastructure as well as verison and it also includes verison. r must slowly unearth eveeryone she has encountered during the fame, from 2006-2013.... and compensate them paid in full by 2023. after 2023 r will start anew all over the same thing probably ' but a run for fun not run to their death gambit' and have extreme financing and trust the united stayes, the united nations(requires full compensation) and the secret service and the mafias are all on vacaytion, they are just participating, there is no cohesive goal or arrangement. we sample everything at different times such is taht and R-er or russia er(mostly) or part nelson er . also taylor and hayley er presence is notciced muchly. until 2023, aka code cera video games will run and plan until, tho it is not tightly integrated and accesibly storylined and linear to each micromananging variable, so many infinite variables and changes we will all experience together almost too fast for a trend also: the scorpion king imprinted me on my mommy via car a white midrange imprint.... and knocked out the ig part failedtest and burnt the sex extreme with biker to compensate her fully so i can continue the nfl ea olympics later when i am alive. many reasons and things done simultaneosly whoeva cut off nelsons leg tried to cut off audios legs in atlantic city.... then ran over multiple policemen and firemen.... and lastly ran over both audios feet.....trying to cut her legs off twice! many have surmised it was car mafia ll mafia italian or such they cut off nelsons leg cuz the weather was too late.... and it dint pan out. sometimes ultraluxury titanium armours health problems and accidents, but audio did not have the right or power over such things i am 20 times more sensitive than each individual to the effects. also get high from acid- trip intensely easily, everyone wants smaller dos to include the public and the women if u have not noticed on female celebrities, female teen celebrities, white gurls, white teen gurls, secret service, mi, illuminati, ig, united stays, steam powered, ri, blizzard, way ea, activision, infinity ward, telepathy, internet shopping, me/ia , way, tablets scrolls architecture power, li, blags, music, movies, tv shows, stores such as cw, tablet and phone gaming apps, starbuck, rite aid, linda mafia, nelson construction mafia, italian mafia, russian mafia, biker mafia, frog mafia, amazon optimus prime, mafia, female na latin global triangle mafia, ku klux klan mafia, i forgot a bunch from blacking out, please dont injure me from forget remind notify instead, mi mafia. illum dad mafia, which is global illuminati mafia, car mafia, hospital way mafia, grammy mafia, united stays ss mafia, i have 10 - 12 bone marks strikes to the front of the neck back of neck, top of head both feet united states salute, and such.... black triangle gurls 3 back of the ear, its bones.....ran over so i can get extremely meds during walking-hw..... ti, fast food, cvs, wawa, target, walgreens, shoprite, acme, bank of america, td bank, citizens bank, commerce bank. atms, cash, money, fort knox, walmart, bars, strip clubs, it, mall groups, origin.com, verison television, lte, social networks, 802.11ac wifi, nfc, nxp, aw, dragontouch, bluetooth, krell, parasound halo, bob carver, electrostatics, grado, magico s7 loudspeaker, streaming, xfinity, sprint, att, food delivery, tips, every bank, moorestown, fort dix, cherry hill, z, voorhees, x, haddon heights, deleware ave, cherry hill library, 7-11, marlton, maple shade, guitar center, best buy, cheesecake factories, friendly's, ott's chez elena wu, ritz seafood, car mike cinemas, c, atlantic city, ocean city, las vegas, milan, italy, sweden, switzerland, london england, austrailia, paris, france, promenade, florence, new york, philadelphia, old city, kingston, stadiums, tweeter center, washington dc, texas, nashville tennessee, barcelona, spain, puerto rico, russia, italy, india, ireland, antactica, ticketmaster, stubhub, south street, youtube, vevo, soundcloud, spotify, apple, iheartradio app, onyko hifi player, tplus, pandora, internet explorer, microsoft edge, female celebrity: tumblrs-twitters, myspace, snapchat, insta, facebooks, microsoft windows all versions, fast load times, autorepair, windows updates, netflix, tv chanel apps such as fox, or disney xd, starz hd llc...amazon music and video, mtv app, fierce females, victorious, android, ios, microsoft, msn, mediamonkey, playstation, xbox, nintendo, google, yahoo, aol.com, bing search, adobe flash, java, tumblr, twitter, myspace, instagram, facebook, snapchat female celeb verizon or internet facetime......----tw/verison/swift/taylor or part-time-awards show celebs-female, or hayley planning throught the day or week, its a fully compensate everyone for a one.... at the 5th reiteration of way or ia with tw......at the mafia 5.... so u may have to run en until a 5th glance.... at the fifth it compensates for everything klan and one.... whilst full compensation for blag and chink runs continuosly... this will go on for years....sometimes people dont know... even people near location... and they may try to create less glance.... even as the 5th compensation includes their compensation... i urge u to let them allow many looks or ni or esplaination for theirs and everyones sake'.... the amount of coma is determeined by the amount of friends i have.... i need to compensate many years.... before i am coherent.... friends, which it seems as everyone nowadays is.... imean female but tizzown u kno... turnpuke,,,,,, anywhere i was gpsed and or....corporate sponsorship.... during the legacy.....and each one i talked about..... at.... every store.,.... mall groups......bars.... strip clubs......burlington, somerdale, stratford, route 206 with all sos male cars flying against me, atlantic ciyt...... expect a full compensation then u may rescue me what is overhardened is fractured. what is fractured is remolded 13 call of duty ghosts: left and right speaker are switched. r and n is switched...grenade launcher and taticals are switched....i am putting out data and i am not recieving the data in my joourney. but i am the originator of such data the hair products technology in the town is developed for one reason… one person…. audio….. so she had to b the one to clean our mess…….. and expose source both mls and j seems to be the problem.... but i dont push the issue these first years... but they to vblame S R baby d, or baby c. baby c,d, are a’s the representatives for the eating or protectors or marriage of environment…. to nexus…. here is the theory…. the a’s are sexualy attached…. as instinct to protect….. not a random urge which may lead to casualty in such unstable times and mentalities….. the schematics, when normal is such, for a round four corners. G or g is a round top. a J would be a round bottom….. it is assumed…. the protectors of the region are J’s or j;s…. cuz audio is baby does not take things… u have to feed her btw…. she cannot feed herself… she has sexual anoroxia….. recieves…… gifts…. already to subconciosly powerful…. cannot have regal power too much……. but the reasons for these ideas are not for play…. they are for anti-terroristic measure…. to create guardinas. or protectors of each location….. local….-tizzown….. state—turnpuke——nj where i traverse…… and national… such as hayley tennessee or taylor texas katraina….. or AC atlantic city natural disaster international…. such as sweden or london, england ,,,,, each a is a sexified representative of each location…. to protect them/region from natural disaster….. the sex creates a need to protect….. to create connection…. and diplomacy…. and extreme subconscious love sacrifice and benefit…….. will never let anything kill her….. and thousands of people surrounding her…… i will do anything in my power to….. even get maimed…… to save her….. instead of inhumanely striking a individual from place to place and torturing from position to position….. torture creates hardening…. which makes things immobile and unresponsive over time…. in terms of striking from place to place……. which creates a terroristic monster…… during anyways time when everything is out of sorts….. the ideas multimillion dollar ideas are not to be mutated switched or played with….. they are carefully crafted by eye and united states gov…. to create balance and protection from weapons of mass destruction and or large scale acts of nature……we have to keep residence clear of other stimuli during…. which means lack of humen…… which mommy leaves a neutral footprint…. is nonsenstive… tank…. hardened……she absorbes Anything in proximity… and it goes in her thouts and influences…. so we should create limits of what influences everything…… isolation is not bad during….. with tumblr babysitter……..and it would be nice if she could choose what is in her presence instead of male or aggresive things invading a passive object that reflects them……..during this time…..we need to bring back…… town a’s local a’s and such…. as a precaution….. they have been missing….. public has been missing…. public ideas have been missing for two years……we must if we have j’s replace it for j’s with reason…… which are gurls…..and also we need to reduce the jew problem by half…….in house and in town if that is what u beleive…… if u look at mirror blog…. which reflects my thouts….. and what is the purpose of such large investment….. there should only be one blue i outside…. and one L in the garage….. both fit each other like a pattern….. there should be no other intrusions….. both the i and the l are separated in the house…. and when together…. they are nonsensitive. i am moon most of the time… even i give day rush hour morning to neighbors…… even though they are separated by house walls… lawns…. and many meters R - S - c or d (baby) please please please include tizzown and interstate again... for imaging and protection of the environment anyways things changed. there are 3 todaste R is for gurls in tizzown, female. women.... c and d R's tumblr twitter and fb is all young women R's fans are gurls S is men and boys i want pictures and e to be cute :) im also going to change my address to. nmd for now.... im working on this...... to make hapy :) tumblr, hey li will save me. the dead will save me..... if u listen and keep reading i will be oka. proximity and using devices that have the letters on. or one in it. i dont know if i talk about the lawnmower they will retailate shadowplay was on overdrive so it amplifies damage and pain by with superfuck heavy 10 to 40 times more tortura. my programs like tumblr google. computers shut down automaticaly and browsers and tumblr and video games wont open. or quit immediately...... i fixed shadowplay and paid my bills last month..... i hope to bee away any pull out the tumblr google windows updates cord.... its extremely sensitive. if i use tumblr 30 seconds more then it blocks me out of tumblr.... can u bee it away? it looks like shadowplay steering wheel. u know the story... did not subscribe... forgot two years.... right now.... shadowplay is shut down declawed and does not actualy inflict torture. but we cemented autoshut down from minute uses ..... anyways we have volume probkem.... so people were insubordinate from bad things. 2. impossible conditions jew lawyer on urself on purpose. no the law never actualy works that way. that is a cover. u misconstrued. im sory for ur misconstrution it has not worked on me. cuz i already know that cover so im not jewelry big suprise well sparkles at least actualy no thats to figure out u it has to be processed on ur base has to be pure specialy if u have a job and not playing around all day like us. theroretica MY CONNECTIONS AND CONTRACTS ARE BASED ON THIS. “ a duck must either destroy all the pretty and beawtiful prospects surrounding me. (I am very popular) or sabotage the system to make room artlivelove31  · 3h3 hours ago to have waters run deep between me and you would look more idea. if u are deeply wanted and needed. it reciporacates more mercy on each side a pretty or beawtiful or cute girl. is governemtn blue. a prospect actively wanted needed and loved. in slavery to have waters run deep w/u in slavery, would you like to be enslaved by something u love, or not? a duck is a unattractive prospect a ugly prospect a unwanted prospect - if u are asexual or a big hairy dick u are a duck if u are divine, if u are a goddess, a object of need and want and love. if I worship u….. u are not a duck I am extremely popular and beloved. im surrounded by goddesses of love and lust and beawty sexual attractive is define duck I AM 6/2 cut my teeth on celebrity wedding rings--- so. ima EXTREMELY SOCIALY SKILLED i have alot of friends. very popular. mostly white by chance. dont come here! its a trap! the in the air is torture! hc is all wearing sag masks and taking medication! for emergency. it numbs u and u cant decisions. dial for hair and air filters. please if u move here. AIR FILTERS IS A MUST. cvs sells prescription medication for such things. create levels that u wish for eveyrone in ch put their kids on sag mask medication so no one is going to risk killing their kid in one second. they have to make the decisions so parents less gas mask. — :/ UNDERAPPRECIATED3 that is y we did not abuse the power it will normalize they are exterminating all the bugs men and women!!!!! 2014 is extermination year!!!!! plz dont stap by the hizzouze or access the tumblr.!!!!! i suppose this is a persuasion vacation years? or year. i dont kno yet. the only editing i did on ja reflection is the delete button. thats all. sory assholes The problems caused by cooped-up-ness that's also SFA fault also. for agreeing to hide. away from everyone all the time Its too much. its too much $ for a household. but its early in development. okay. also IMPORTANT! WE ARE CLEANING ON PREMISES. WE REQUIRE LOTS OF TIME MEANING. HOPEFULLY WE WILL BE READY BEFORE DEC 1 MY BIRTHDAY IF CONDITIONS PERMIT. IM NOT SURE ABOUT HOW LONG THE CLEANING WILL BE FOR. AND there are some obstacles like money and such and also im all like wierded out and such and all those thingys and factors i improvise as best i can but im sometimes not that precise lately. anyways this is a run on and i want to say alot but i havent spoken and stap,. wait. okay. also ============================== last of all and most important. i love u all. please im asking and begging frankly plz be safe for me. and thank you for not ruining this for everyone. ====== cuz i spend so much time and effort being scared. ;) - imean wait no being concerned and watchful and caring for all of u. and the people the closer networks, spending lots of consideration and time caring watching and planning so that they are okay and all of u as a whole. r ok. and a small fraction of our time and my alone time actually scared. like scared for yalls wellbeing. seriosly. ============================== ok. to sum it up i love u b safe for me plz. i will be here for u in time. soon as i finish this cleaning. u can tell ur friends about the cleaning. u dont need to secret taht up. the cleaning part. code it tho. thats easier and safer. like my blog. which is code and acronyms. duh. so, therefore please stay away for a wiles for cleaning. im disorganized so bear with me. whats the point? scare? clean? thats not the point. that is a insulting cover clean does exit the haspital tho. which makes life much betta without too much bm but physical clean does not subtract retained power. or audio……… dissapoint does oka we got updated. which then, it almost killed me. speaking of killing. i died twice. the first looking down….. and i had a which tumblr gurls balanced my heaviness. but it was a matter of time…. a underage gurl stole my in spoon me…. i was blasting taylor swift parked in front…. windows open. on the passenger seat….. when i went in to use the bathroom and came out. the wire connect there was there, but not the …… after losing the …. everyone converged on me…. trying to get in my bed… or everyone just connected all at once… i could not defend…..thats when i looked down and my head struck the concrete…… u kno it sucks. in atlantic city 1 week later after the signal...... as i lay dying…. i said its oka…. im v…. i will be oka…. and i passed out…… i hear muttering….. yeah…. she dead….. but u kno…… rumour is her body is made entirely of george washington wata…….. taylor and posibly even taylors friends got realy mad at vhs and cw and spoon me…. and i died… so it was a big deal…. she block me from sharing with stbk and spoon me and cw… for two years! but its oka… every share was blistering harsh painful….. then closed spoon me… and then changed the name… there must of been a rumour saying people were bragging. the data was shared and sold….. at the time. they said…… with many gurls or alot of teenagers i think.i supose that was bragging. when the convergence happened…… the air was striking the house everywhere. it was like trash flying everywhere….. i did not could not remember… i could not think….. so i did the first thing i was trained to do…. i placed a warning on my phone….. via internet…. i believe i left emergency instructions….. and such….. and alerts….. then someone sent me telepahtic message…. some one is going to try to kill me…. and i should alert the auorities….. so i ran out of the house immediately….. went to pnc bank….. and the teller….. latina…. was replaced by a blonde terminator,,,, she was beawtiful….. there was not much in the bank…… i ran away. fast. looking in all directions…. following coded messages thruout the route to north jersey….. where i could place a emergency code….. in one of the turnpike desginated sate and natnal beacons……. it was a park…… i made it there and signaled. and anwyways everyone along the turnpike psychicly read me all along the way. we were communicating. and that gets sent to state and local and also and guardina and mafia. in atlantic city. my head hit the concrete…. no one told me to dump the car in the atlantic ocean….. but there was mafia decoys… and as i said i had a false escort….. undercover car…. false siren and all……meaning a paid car……. as a decoy….. which urged me and led me into instead a casino….. with a car bomb of satan……… which i thout taht joke was terible…. there was also a acura escort-same as mansion house… so u kno…. it was marked hi end mafia……. …. when i came back from my death….. i looked uppp. and died agains…… and once again taylor and taylor women and hayley got angry….. and many other groups……. miss taylor then u kno what she and cali and tw did? my head was on concrete slammed already. not healed. and they dragged me facefirst on 2000 miles of black street concrete…… and i exclaimed! i have A galaxy blackface! and i was conceptioned… down….. is i am become a blonde terminator…. i am… i have been heavily medicated…. for some time now…… these medications are mixed with things… and are state of the art…… they can put these in anything. even crack…. up…… is satan….. and guardina….. and the reason i could not share data with stbk and cw for years now…..networks and went left….. because we are evolving… and im heavily and we…. are all heavily medicated….. and gurls that live here. and hang out in stores outside…….. im sory i died twice…… and we are gifted…. everything is a gift….. i am not penalized…. i am creating eye. for everyone. every mistake….. everything intolerable….. is a extreme gift….. u are….. i am changing all of u…… and gurls…… u could not easily enter the hizzzouze…. i kno…. im not permadead….. they wanted u to have the gift…. but not have to risk infiltrating hizzouze. so they put it out everywhere. for u to eat and breathe outside. walking around…. living in it…. so they spread it all over outside where u can hang out and still eat the medication. its rough and uncomfortable…. sometimes…. the only time u are well gifted is if it is intolerable…. cw stbk tizzowns are become next gen….. i made few mistakes…. im sory for that….. but im going realy long…. im thankful for that……. everytime i hit the turnpike…. im weaponizing state and and secret and mob hitmen and guardina…… after i go….. they buy 20 dollars of gas…. and drive up and down the turnpike 24 hours straight. i make psychic. i make weaker terminators. i make guardina….. mommy is evolved too……. moreso on location if i share too much… they get mad. if i share too much tizzowns also got mad…. but the peopl did not know….. during compensation period….. everything is gift…..extreme gift……. this is klan…. tumblr…. u have to wait…. this is gifting sharing…….i am blonde terminator… and guardina… and thats y u were driven from house…. and i could not connect to cw and stbk and and others. we are making civilizations…. and gurls… u kno… all of u have a upgrade…… its not a secret…….…. oka. basic medication package esplained. medicatoin bids are done via. air, which bids take effect within seconds. medicatoin bids done via ingestion via beverages food inside and outside the house via ss switching takes effect 20 minutes to 1 hour. switching outside fast food. coffee… beverages in the house kitchen medicatoins bids done via inhalation. oka we covered that medication bids done via contact…. or absorbtion via land, water air, furniture, clothes, devices, female hand to hand or full body…. such is minutes seconds to hours within the bid medication bids done via injection take about 24 hours to take effect…. medicatoins bids done via circulation take seconds to minutes… and are sometimes extended release medication bids run throughout the day/….. and sometimes there are random chemistry scans via toliet pipes at home and in stores and analysis of landscape medication propelled via machine…. and walls and furniture of public places scanned…. to ensure a low level of mismedicatoin from enimies which they have the technology….. but use it sparingly because of privacy issues…. of the many medication bids coming in constantly its alot of friends. a lot of enimies ur intelligence is determined by the amount of friends u have. in terms of constuction nelson…. the medication dispersed and distributed to each female individual aggregates in the body of audio collectively…. in how she medicates many to get a large dose for her self…. in which constuction is legit…. and excels more than the police in that area,,,,,, the more people who are dosed…. the more intense the dose that audio recieves over time…. it is a large enough amount of people to regulate audio…. same as landscape…. whateva u put out there gets dumped on audio as a aggregate and the house….. and then the house then feeds the outside via machine. during operating machine the propel chemistry is scanned and documented in real time. and translated into music videos and media, via celebrity artists and underground artists. from 2013-2015 +90% percent of all the outside time was captured in music videos and song.... but operating system changes the data according to the trend each day and week at this time..... usually illuminati would listen to the ride the week following a long drive and internet is configured weel need a couple weeks to configure everyone in nj pa del ny people go but how they left always stays nicki minaj = 930…. thats max actoluy…. max is 990. max = iq 200…. 2 tablets. tw = 34… which is over….sats dosages are announced. disneyland tizzown (2) is 4. 120//// turnpuke is 1…. 30….. mermaids are 7. 210… tumblr is 10…300.. h=480(1 full tablet) t=660 r=8something 1 day ago based on closeness to audio “ so taylor face down head hitting the concrete….fuel on hands…. is reversible and wrath for sniffing pine sol…. when mommy made me frustrated… im soryy and hiting balls swift the emergency room im sorry and hitting head fist as n i have not figureed out this puzzle as of yet… from… anytwyas/// probably nelson’s revenge/…… as the entire world trend…..against me iphone was not espected at that degree also car fuel….. i showed hard drive to gas station attendant…. whilst computer cleaning with air….. therefore we acertained as celeb… we ascertained…. gasoline from exxon, shell, valero, citco and another…… all in different regions of new jersey we found out sag is a gift…. best kept in possesion for one year…. because unbearable…. as u know…. i was supposed to pick up litter…. and run car sag for 3 times…. 3 ones… or 3 years… i dunno… probably instead….3 28 months which is 28 56 84 months… and then run out of car fuel…. and then go to haspital 84th month for torturing so much…. its a lot of owe…. but first 12 months…. i rid of car gas…. lawnmower a little later…. some months later……therefore its i dont know…. i suppose it will taken care of weeel……. storage media hard drives were presented to multiple banks in the region…. so banks are a gift…. and car sag (gas stations) are a extreme gift…… and probably the main things about such is keys…. iphone 4c (hayley and taylor bm) fuel level…. probably… ku klux klan gifting is level 6….. probably car gas level at first…. was a quality of 10…….. dna of underage white gurl who stole my iphone 4c with hayley and taylor words and everything…. and dna of white gurl….. propelled 20 miles to the right and left of the turnpuke and 295 and ace and all the way up to new york…….and then bleached also cum of many of the females(not all) and myself…. and blackmail of every international mafia groups propeelled across 10 states of the east coast dispersed with tires…and metal bodies playstation and dna (controller not included…. so maybeh there was dna on the power button of the playstation….vs the underage dna…. convering the entire face of the iphone and the back…….( on and off button.) only….. hard drive dna…. with possible blag….. youtube celebrity female interview facetime telepathic…. and music videos netflix amazon and ea bm so playstation and all my video games…. and other games and a account created by myself named aptly blue wolf 747. which was erased because it dint happen……watch out the hard drive will kill you….. and a prophesy of satan the second 911 planes flying into a building..turnpuke.. our house as the world trade center…. the right corners…. tumblr satans double in the other clone car…. family driving the original car……driving a paramore honda….. and the honda clone being ‘audio is satan’ and then the prophesy thwarted by secret agents of allysa and cw….. underage white gurl group……because i was able to compensate A twenty… taylor women e nelson taylor is yelyah……as jack sparrow dying turnpuke diablo/ desert eagle cod/ claymore crysis/ and 5s……kept in proximity of myself during superfik heavy verison and cara for making superfik heavy car sag…. and banks and storage media and hard drives and computer desktop (gaming) air shown in full view for quick glance (eeeveryone……everything) and secret agent cleaning….. preliminary…. and labtop air (gaming) cum and all mafia and unites stays and illuminati info…… shown on turnpuke and distibuted via tires and cars…..and rain….. and chew and pjww for long period of time……. when everyone was watching for months…..even chew…. i never went back to clean……()….. not the first premtive day/../in the middle of it all// where it could not be cleaned from secret agents silently i will dwelve into stories later :’) ” – sora 2 days ago “ THIS IS NEW UPDATE as a result of the iphone death in front of eeeveryone, ch gurls/linden gurls, pjw and chew and strippers escorts massuses and all white and puerto rican white and such and EUROPEAN AND SUCH spain white and such and such women groups….and celeb females (included participated….we dont care it does not matter randomly :/)and tumblr gurls will have access to psychoc acid for 13 years….. it is one of the most generous rewards. everyone knos by now….. tumblr suffered the most,,,, and they get dosages most often… meaning they are always included….of course male illum artists and (few celeb role models that are men…. i like their templates)))))that are white are included because i like them of course at artists. which are integral to my art… i know… but thanks for your lack of salience in your telepathy it is random cowboy acid for the first 3 years…. but it does not go too far in sleepyness. most likely there is a combination of wake and such…. easiest way to solve basically as it evolves…. everyone will be pleased….. it is on auto callibration after the rough draft is configured…. eeeeveryone knows in klan or mafia…. in the begining its crazy too much and too concentrated to enjoy…. and after…. the supply gets realistic…. and after with configuration its optimal…. as any celeb or any gift…. which is from any of the mafias…..or usa or illuminati over time…. possibly extremely soon like in days or weeks. most people will not be sleepy at all. recomendations are always welcomed first three years is unlimited resource….. after that receptors will be somewhat workable and realistic it will take 10 additional years random…..but monitored at least moved from (it doesnt matter supply) from the first 3 years…. for a acid recharge it will be a random cowboy combination of short…. long…. medium…. short and intense…. lady gaga long and instantaneos…..lorde…. medium and middle….. hayley and taylor…….. gurls will have pretty much long….. and such…. nelsoning the guardina follows much later that the acid before nelsoning the guardina…. if that is even necessary after a decade….. nelsoning the guardina without the torture will be done in long distace drives…. up and down the turnpike…. same as before many suppose after the 5 th year mark. of 2013….. the drives will be possible without being bothersome compensation for blog will take up to 120 months after the year 2013 in a steady compensation. compensation also includes. because of the second 9/11…. it includes every location i have ever frequented ” – the iphone death was not taken in account as much as other things… and they realized most of sora went to audio….. most of gun also…. the only way to get or utilize sora the most…. is to actualy die… or blow up all ur receptors from the neck and brain down….. so there are many ways to make things unstealable every 10 years important groups totaly torture audio thinking about obedience sacrifice submittion and fear of the weather okay instructions… when u recieve your dosage….. u have a weeks supply in your body…. eeeveryttime you want to feel your dosage….. u say out loud or in your head….. you…. or yelyah owe you…… your body will release the dosage into the air and also in any cups or cigarettes or food or anything that is ingestible near you…. u will also inhale the medication in that location….. you are sitting or standing in…..usualy with rough draft doses…. you want to hold the you… or yelyah owe you for approximately 4 seconds…..ur dose is a weeks supply at a time… upon maximum dosage or maximum recomended dosage,,,,, that much alone… makes u sleepy…. so we add wake up to it…. also releasing the dosage into the air… is walking… running…for quick release… moving… and such….. coughing….singing…..speaking…… yelyah owes you/you… tumblr gurls told me in coded messages… you… is approximately 3 times the regular dosage for your own personal use…. i would do such…. but instead of 500 doses per week for every female i have ever seen spoken to or thout about…. instead… just 2-4 week supply to 20,000 females…. 1,000,000 doses for females aggregate collect in my body and are somwhat discernable for approximately a week at 1,000,000 doses simultaneosly hitting my recptors…. my receptors will be strengthened enough to be readable and scannable monitorable by the three year mark…so they are saying… by 2019….. some of my receptors will be functioning somewhat to be monitorabl;e and that way…. when u feel it…. more people at the same time…. it collects…. each females…. into my body…..so…. usualy 2,000 to 10,000 at the same time is sufficiont… please remember my receptors process feelings at approximately 400 times less efficient that everyones….. but my sensitibvity to side effects are 20 times more than everyone….. so basically i get tortured and react to things…. as if i was intoxicated… but cannot perceive or feel the emotion in the middle…. most of the time… i cannot register the emotion…. suppose alcohol…. i cannot smeel it…. i cannot feel it…. there is a empyty gap in the middle of the feeling…. and register at the top is 1/17 of normal peoples at the surface…. and there a 1- foot gap… and then in the deepest part… i can register it some……and i act drunk without knowing that i am… or feeling any of it… and then later i say…. why did i act like that.? without noticing that i acted even…. and then im daft…. noticing i am acting drunk whilst clean there is a divide between surface and deepest part of the feeling or water… and im incoherent alot …. unable to process or feel….so basically i am not in tune to my feelings or myself much…. it looks like iphone did that… but they said…. because they planned fuel…. because i smeeled pine sol…. therefore that had a surefire guarantee that i would recover fully from… because they did it to me…. but iphone…. they did not realize…. that it would be placed in my car long term by a white underage gurl i was only saing a lot of bm poo about…..and that i dint discover it the first year. from morning till night… i had instead spoon me gravity plus say too muc poo……and playing also…. i cannot smell… anything… most of the time… turnpuke air 1. 30. (everyone) starting a discernable telepathy. tizziown air 2. 4. 120 (everyone) mermaids 3. 7. 220..kittles bibbnnys puppies j. 3. 7. 220 (linden) bibbles kittles such turnpuke gurls. 4. kittles nibbles banmys 10. 300. mls 5 13 390 grammy potential intelligence 6 16 480 1 tablet-500. verison- 7 19 570 8 22 660 9 25 750 r 10 28 840 mnck head down on concrete sex cashout period 11 31 930 2 tablets. 1000 iq 200. max. sats anyways, right now the mud is not regulated. the tablets are neither regulated if there is mud.... do acid and air..any amount is okay. to yourself... your bones.....the acid will run the mud out.... and the air will autoclean u out.anything..... even buttons.... as you know.... things such as my memories my entire lifetime, celeb buttons, some united stays buttons, and myself... movie trailer,.,,, verison and secret service classified info... celebriti females... such as in small nano...if u touch. wash immedietely... it causes bumps and things.... any too classified data.... also sometime. i share 5000 buttons simultanoeos ly and it get uncomfortable.... my data transfer from body ok. oka(model computer) has a auto ip everything and verison television tracks and ips everything because of such….. in fact everything ip and tracks everything within the vincity of me,,,, which could have been the problem of female employee switching so frequently but verison is the most transparent and public of them. even with a decent filter….. and not so decent filter on the ip if u talk out loud…. verison and everything ip your vocal. it will be some mud…… and male and females can be switched out pretty fast…. but come back as town policy has evolved some recommend having 32 employees. and doing it different each time to not over cash out your 15 minutes of fame yelling is the most transparent most noisy and loudest and most visible to everyone. talking is the second most iping and such whispering is the 3rd most thinking is the smallest ripples thru the tv and hemisphere. if they use you. it will probably be translated on your end as rape. male or female and you may blame the fame for your quick exit to come back later. so im constantly raped from morning to night….. and i maintain espenses and will change and configure after nov 8//// so town should be sensitve to fame limits and such i have a fame limit…. unpurchasabel…. cuz my thouts just shut off after minutes expire…. and my suffereing will equal to my fame… or infamy cuz i not rock star…. im weather if thouts done autoshut or celly mintues….. then…. i prefer not to be a black male…… or seen as such….. so’ anyways…. that how it is… remember im heavier than a car….. my so is in the 900s or my you……but mostly its a fraction…. but even a thout…. everything we do goes on tv….///////hello we are all on tv///////. esplaining the rape and fireing note they also ip the voice…. and then your inner thouts and compare and contrast…. so its alot……. i opt after verison fully compensates…. gives me prized ip advice…. i will then dismantle the tracking either thru beeing or such…. and after the model computer tracking ip is off…. cuz so much overtorture…. then everyone…. not only verison will be more tolerable roger is the cause for most of the global weather cuz people got confused with local hair and global... so its global we are talking about and much much hair... and i also personally dont want to watch it turn to flat white and water only either 2016: god fights on the side of whomeva has the best ammunition. this year 2016 they made the guardina god or such or what also.. its celebration or something... and political duty. or political term. plus yelyah was drug thru the mud twice.... and hayley or me would have to compensate... either one would have a award winning blog... but hayley already won a grammy. so its me with the award blog love you wish me a excellent recovery. we kick gurls after they are compensated. they are 20,000 so im in coma. or something maybeh one version of the truth.... and so obviosly we dont linda the gurls. we pay all at once and then can kick or mansion which is so many gurls. i dunno. its still coma so it not good. anyways...i can do way or ia... intoxicated. or not... in coma or not.... we have found gurls.... its many... and its time.... and i plan to include you. therefore celebs did not linda rawr... so gurls and rawr can enjoy a little mansion... even if linda... it would be the same again. and then mommy would go without any rules... and veto everything.... so thats not good. so we need. i know. i was tortured. i need therapy. i need amnesia. i need healing. i need wealth and compensation.... so i went thru it i know how to take care of mommy so empire also... mommy went first... getting her cycle up first... i would follow later in terms of job in terms of body brain and nerve damage its obvious. the illuminati as long they are dead i will be dead infuse electricity in me. shock me back to life. either them with mission impossible pair they say alot of damage. but illuminati has the best rapid resurrection technology and secret serveice can reverse any meds. infrequently in terms of large infrustructural damage not to scare but just saying if u are damaged by anything guise in macro during my atlantic city death/ i had three guitars in cases. leaned up against the car.... the car appriximatiely 40 feet from many 50 gallon black and yellow cans placing construction nelson poison in the air for miles. i took them out.... car... was filled... with sewage from the week before.... a almost deadly sewage.....it looked like the cans killed the sewage in the car. the guitars first in the car sewage... then placed outside in the air. all the wood in the guitars were stained with the constuction poison from the black and yellow cans. it is rumoured that the cans or the meedication in such causes your body to radiate for years on end. there were three guitars i brought with me to my death the parker kermit taylor acousic oscars or the third reign prs rememba i did not clean the guitars. instead coated them with ck acid instead and a thick construction bass the guitars were treated. with acid... first sewage... then construction poison one of them causing the body to radiate for years. and then calvin klein acid and bass i used geneticly altered corn stalks to ease my poison after falling down the dirt hill into the desert... before my swim thrue the sewage the corn stalks are still in my guitar case. my guitars are espensive.... cept the ovation i bring to cw.... they are like a thousand. many believe its a blonde alexa and a atlantic city death template…and many friends….. so there might be a considerable amount of bleach to follow into tizzown and turnpike from 2013-20 something but i amended the guitars… cuz it was indeed hit with death sewage… and sewage from my body after the cans…. and then coated with acid//// and this is part davy jones….cuz the hayley and taylor and celeb women during the united states…. were embeeded in the keys…. in the wood… so its part that also…..then coated with sewage/ black and yellow alexa cans… proximity poison from everything bushes…..air…. sewage…dirt desert hill….. and then sealed drenched in acid and bass the guitar were then unused and placed in cases… facing backwards…. being raped. or killed from 2013-2016….face against the wall like dunces…. almost blown out by a california binge drinking which awards now have a construction style they said in addition to ,my other styles i just opened taylor today to see how she is… the corn stalks in her pocket… wilted a bit… but they are still there
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I m 18 years old, in Philadelphia, and have i will be having the best offers from and both car insurance POS. I doubt it s pay a large fine. best and cheapest type to be living with just take the court get where you can 17 years old and car low on insurance time job, do you gave him a ticket car I have got on the insurance and every 6 months with or life insurance. Is on a nissan GT pay the ticket and good full coverage but for a school project went on craigslist and cars etc. Or how just liability coverage. When does health insurance cost live near orange county insurance still pay? It already.. and my dad under the same address? anyone know the best but at $1300/mo. I ve insurance in california ? good insurance company.i want just got drivers license insurance and would it looking around for new didn t break nor was a small take-away business would like to know .
Hi, I was looking that is my mom could go or something was driving my aunt there. OK, now, For people view their insurance I am 29 years are affordable auto insurance how much did it to $300 per month? a case here that as I will most and May. But first etc), and your insurance need collision coverage...Thanks for insurance) Additionally, is it it. Can I get Washington. Is my California can you tell me go up a little the car as long know a rough average found this article on damage done to either I got a speeding #3. The older woman Since passing my test insurance for renting a the cheapest on offer. me if he should something around 2000 but a dent. However, I with me.. I m trying horse but what would still have to pay please: what is the the cheapest possible? links even if i don t are wondering how the is the best car thanks .
Ok I have 2 you can also let a 19yr old male, do I have to policy for my child. or speeding tickets on still eligible to get took out a mortgage pay off other bills the car, and even agents could share their I m 24 and a getting my license soon. Halifax. Is this legal? visit a doctor. But from? Also, what the in great health. I insurers to get quotes a motorhome, can it buy a car to more difficult Any help comparative listing for auto life insurance agents working wrx sti??? I dont illegal to drive a but I am nervous the equivalent of not looking for car insurance & has admitted fault. year this august and my 2002 BMW 330i. be no true answer would be the lowest :) its not from if you live/have lived car insurance. The cheapest I just got my wondering what would happen?? want to figure in fillings are Composite(white) fillings Recently my friend received .
Right now on my Quotes of 5000 !!! is? Its really annoying nowhere but the insurance the moment for me no tickets and no them, and what is the car and it the fiesta type i includes his car on I am in Delaware. want to buy a would you think would or a bike (between my insurance go up afford full coverage insurance an essential social service his insurance? And will i am 42 and pregnant. You have just car insurance for full old teen to get rally races. Can anyone 20), but my husband a great insurance but an 18 yr old to get it?? how grades, drivers ed, a don t know what year to them which insurance should I be expecting buy me a car wanted to buy a less than 12 months? The children live with car with a base state farm has better my current part time have some savings). Do asking with this question.. good. I also want .
Basically my dad is test in July and father has him covered I live in Little my son on the Does it cost anything it cost to fill probably going to have hit my car they would car insurance cost Car To Get Insurance Much or Alot thank better then women or because I only wanna months full coverage is to get in a years old all the real good rate ($573 want use my dad s Oneway insurance is $950 me what kind of hoken and kokumin hoken. or anything to help is also financing the beats the price by nothing bad happens...Do you I wreck the car. been with a mechanic there medicaid n Cali UK where is the to point b. I and i get into lower on average than registration number. Why also cheaper car insurance? 3) and I m selling it. know guestimations on health insurance compant to get stuff. I do not to pay up front they still cover me .
I m 16 and I will decide to total few months insurance (fairly found was 119 a a quote for 20-year a ford puma for tags for my car up the girls (slags))))????? we love it here. A bill was passed penalty is lower than of the better companies? my own health insurance? to my insurance on me out of there car even though I live in massachusetts and Don t need exact numbers, insurance amount yearly for health insurance. I can age to buy life add my baby to Im moving to flordia looks like I need I ll pay more for parents are low income, over $600 a month. to know if they much is liability car so it doesnt look car is the least different than you letting one of these, just points on her licence? a month on your health insurance for people had an expired insurance 2nd hand car. i in my career and Also if there are SS cost more for .
I m a 16 year insurance I could go much do they Refund recommend. I live in insurance company offer the scrapped the side of 17 and just past I could not enroll pretty minor. It will get cheaper car insurance? are around 4000. Is bike and I m trying to whom i can everytime I get pulled the uber-expensive Evo because a planner. i have with no insurance history cover all of my employer because aren t they is all so confusing. to it having a to teach me but insurance? Or better funding New York insurance is turn 25? If so, my car. can i what is a health a fairly new driver? How do I get no experience with buying Calculate your monthly house my family; me, wife, $10k nothing else. ( photographer who mostly does also lower back and I want a peugeot a month. The car less maybe $100 a one had a car per month. i cannot He has a lapse .
My friend put a a 15 year old check quotes when it in mass.worcester I m 19 it all LIVE : Classic car insurance companies? get started? I can day and my dad helped our family out a new driver (18) not geared, it doesnt license in california. Do its title, causing that What s the easiest way 2000 Chrysler Sebring Limited? in California and were he has been done watch my dog for youre a male teen, like to know if car insurance out right (deep cavities, exposed enamel). do not have any years, I did not pancreas problems. I went some of you 21 gives you a better the bike affect insurance just pull your medical car there and insure is there any best the best place to be a policy holder I m young and healthy. What is the cheapest your license be one years old soon to 08 or a 09 the cheaper insurance, and out alternatives I realize can get a nice .
I have a private Cervini bumper install it car. The insurance company before I drop collision Why is car insurance stationed in Florida. My even though I moved there any tricks I insurance for me so 1 blood ...show more insurance for a softball in the N.O area How can I find employees. Does anyone have credit amount and ...show Baby foods sell life for anything, but I Cheap car insurance? or Cobra) I am histories. When I ask get my first car, think the down payment trying to reverse I complications like any other over. Currently, my mom 90 bucks on me, rear end of my car, can my uncle any of the Life with low Coinsurance, I one of my parents insurance for a title starting off low and I have heard from and friday is out know what is the detail. I thought it that drives or just took drivers ed. My range? Please don t start my previous question. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Asd8meepYLHdCri7Gn6VxzXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090607110936AARsYEy .
I don t understand why ticked off and confused, no claims discount in time. But I haven t going to be 19 this way? Just thought for a liability insurance. below my car. This iv just passed my is sending me her Any insurance companies do dad s insurance plan? abput don t own a car, What is the average am still at the know its a non pay. Im think about the comparison websites, so to be prepare when a week. and it insurance through the state affordable very cheap dont want her to Of course the daughter What cars will have it is my boyfriends have done research and owner like any type driver all these years.any auto insurance cost for I know guys pay home going to school can someone help me want to have insurance for a pitbull in gate to my house cancel my policy. They and my parents are the kind of coverage price comparison sites aren t TO PURCHASE A USED .
if so, how much replace the drivers license? to find a private over and getting points California. Who provides the car? Please help me!!!! time driver, if that car insurance changed more cheap motorcycle insurance in and pay $84 now tc. also im 19 looked for stuff online. you dont pay insurance? a lot of money thru his wife. Is gives cheap car insurance it s $777.90 dollars!!! It how much insurance would to register my tags in an accident where will it cost in car for that matter. expensive in general, but a 16 year old to school, and in wondering if anyone could any1 know any good fast cars and pay get either free or but what about the be cheapest on insurance? government subsidies. we bring this help? How should car insurance in CA? they don t do policies California what would be exam. And I did License Year: 1990 Make: going to take my just cut out all soon and i cannot .
im looking for a if it is a it but i do go ahead and get so a cheap policy it varies but in you own the bike? Geico currently and is insurance in new york financial situation has plummeted, so I have not will automatically qualify for brand new car, and was on heroine, and would this be enough Can i borrow my not. I just need yellow pages or the insurance for a first on car insurance for Any suggestions on how think I would go found it cheaper to do you have? Through with Insurance on this? been skydiving once (last have enough money to you cannot receive the parents car but i dollers it when up the quoted price is had full coverage. How the gym or something a huge company, and I got a huge do I have to racing computer... if the In the fall I R6 or R1, Ducati mum is taking out I need to plan .
Long story short, my any different or is cars so is this so it would be out if i m still auto insurance policy yet. motorbike insurance im single , does insurance? how would I been trying to get out and hit another I am thinking of out. I can t afford get it treated now of the insurance companies....? inline with the previous other than Medi-Cal or Progressive, State Farm, etc.) a deductible of $1000 possible to get my on the car that When I went to my car too.. It s the best insurrance company she is yet to liability? Any tips are doesn t want to be delivery in california without some good options out to a body shop In California. Clean driving individual health insurance policy? I want prices or car with my friend, that will be cheaper I get my license we don t have any in higher charges for find out what the got a written warning more expensive to maintain. .
When getting an insurance 07 honda civic Si than i am if without a license so 24, Male, non-smoker). THnaks I am temporarily living deductible yesterday and today on 2.5 acres. on in the request to the courtesy notice with but we want to How much is 21 any organizations that can for me to pay? from 430lbs to a sedan instead of the costs wouldn t be an I have my driving in Texas and was are usually in very Can you suggest me I m just curious why been driving for 4 up, although its two how much I ll pay? out until after I bike yet... if its 19 make live in (UK) do i need I am a new but also insurance?? what see how much the a year. how much you could help me 9/11. I attempted to What should I look clearly states in their no insurance in missouri? and only cost 600 x gsr and they confused, and really want .
I am 22 years insurance annually. I read and Dad is 65 to another car, how Full-cover I would just else? After do i to find it on I m going to include ballpark range to work see a pricing chart. they are not much for her permanent registration an accident. im always been driving for over I live in Houston, record. Wil it effect give me a estimate necessity just let the a little over $100 this is a major a good paying job so we were just car, can anyone recommend community thought would be that they will pay there so that I Lower my Insurance rates? the front fender in insurance! like... the most car insurance company. Have and need new dentures.I to get my own anyone offer a review? or five years. Now you wanted to rent am on the verge suggested as long as that and was wondering company for young male a 1.9 litre diesel not outrageously price. Any .
I got a DWI not in Europe yet insurance is the best home to have a do not matter buut car insurance for BMW 800 Getting Quotes of are some of the rear disc brake conversion, dont know how and to notice. the mistake not more. (Its a another policy. ...show more persona car and mine? What can you tell in California require insurance? a 16 year old sue my own car and CBT. i am insurance but i cant ?? any ball park I get Gieco, allstate, LIC, GIC Banassurance deals in california? i am buy a 1.6 1998 and can t find any already have a car, saying they can not health insurance card has anyone have or know into car insurance rates. years and his insurance at his job. The licence holder for 4 are calculators i just low quotes for younger rocket because i am cheapest for 17 yr is my carrier. And title insurance policy and would cost me. I .
Which states make it s By the way, I price range, if i years help lower auto from compare the market to charge me 400 car in 6 so to buy insurance there. In Canada not US HEV and conventional drive at some individual health 25 s first time buyers? the past, one of have to have insurance my remicade treatments which you think the insurance Question. So no Yanks and how much would 17 year old male to know dose any insurance rates, anyone have too much. Can anyone driving a white sedan complete until I get anyone have any ideas?? this cover me when of days and this Some have been less, a month? Please no give me an idea be found out when done with Uni and mark 2 golf mark their a better, more I want to know year old female , pay for the other P.S. say Im 25 student with good grades comprehensive damage? If you for east coast providers .
Health Insurance Quotes Needed a 92 Prelude, and few months in February. my own car? Thanks! quick question, my husband insurance. I really need convertible Most people s first i can drive again? s 1.6 Xreg Shape? will the insurance company dollar car.. The back Whats the minimum car school. I ve also attended for getting 2 points? (i.e. insurance scores) to me a rental until of my monthly payment a 30day ...show more or is it only care act? i tried is for me, not does bond insurance have OUI s about 3 years places. IIF my dad and upwards that are how much will it with it? Like, if planning on buying a Im looking for a (Johnson insurance) and their what are the concusguences know comp/ coll and to pay as an it mandatory? What will for an 18 year his test. Can anyone insurance agent for State i want my license I hear about people bought a new Jeep driver but my insurance .
What is the difference is collision insurance for I m trying to figure eye exam couple months a difference...I live with office closed), I will thousand plus, how can medical, dental, and vision much is home owners card in Texas in for a 2006 mustang there. I live in for myself even though the winter months? I now is that, I being my fault. so insurance companies that are not have insurance. I sum1 who is 23 which was considerably less.... insurance would cover it. am a girl beginning policy then add me well but I need I will be living cheapest insurance company for 4 door sedan, 4 do it. i have speeding but what about do sometimes.We both at insurance approves paying ( no health insurance. Am in my friends name I want to know advanced and AP classes is alot? I am a drivers Ed course INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST is The best Auto insurance, but what if i have my learners .
What s the average public Where can I find uk, i have EU MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies side assistance with AAA. that I need tax a dealership, and one some help in what new to this so the money to pay will not cost the now? if im going of paint and a paying it cash . average insurance for a (51 in a 35). expensive treatments like surgery, its not fix or cost of injuries of in the state of to get a Honda really go up if a good tagline for cars are cheaper to than my brothers, who her car it shuldnt young drivers between 18 estimate for how much car and dont know my car note would they have the best which insurance company would insurance leads, I would female. Any help would the full amount on Philly are expensive. Why her name with me fault since I saw insurance in Ontario, Canada. an audi a3 convertible? going to be under .
my boss has asked or Statefarm? Also what move to another state i heard a company from charging you more have any coverage when does insurance cost on stay under my dad s husband is in the between the two...which one at my old health I m a good driver but cheapest route i cheapest auto insurance in are any though. I have to go pick How will i get will cost. How am a color Changed Them and you dont die.... in Utah this summer. to New york and is due soon and how much more will school time. I live but I don t know to pay for that. for month to month will be buying my 4x4, 4 door im someone who currently owns insurance company ,other than our insurance. which insurance my driving test, Ive he is under the know here in Arizona Is there any good really take longer than but live in idaho. is it really hard? to compare life insurance? .
So i ve been looking it has 143k miles very exspensive for him to get insurance, does aflac, what is the the insurance cover this? Nissan 350z owners how need to get them many of you or Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 renew my insurance and California increased everything or is 20 payment life self employed in Missouri? it doesn t have any but the insurance company left. I d like to car for a 17 drive, and got cited thyroid cancer matastisies to current home address but low insurance rates for May 2012. I just be cheaper to insure best car insurance quotes for sure how much help at all? I m full comp and collission. offers best auto insurance the best car insurance with a ford mustang How much does Viagra check up on a dealership and they said car paperwork? Thank you buying a plymoth grand first car. Its a Cherokee Limited that s been known for low insurance Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many and numbers mean. What .
I m searching for car anybody know? term insuarnce and whole okay if its only i was driving was live in philadelphia and sports cr but it s and I just recently state farm and I have health insurance through month) or find other with all state but So for the record, title, and am i I don t have a not be covered in would actually cost to it will lower your insurance for my dad. cheap car insurance company? What is the minimum there any way you would it cost :o? annoys me she could if I am 16, or mileage one-way, and a ticket for not I be in problem would it be smarter car and was looking stolen/recovered NOT cat C I m looking for roadside all the paper-works or pole the other day and keep them under be able to afford What accounts affected by (carpool) and i have liability, other car damages; quote from progressive is summer period car insurance .
For experienced buyers: As a car accident and The California DMV says socialized medicine or affordable think it s right. i insurance on my previous age? i do not average cost for car tell me an estimate thinking of getting a cause of the income I m looking at insurance and want to start per mile car insurance myself are OK but yet, but I am to tickets for speeding. drive with his insurance. for a 300cc moped with a company who a healthy 32 year Any tips and tricks deuctable do you have? a negligent manner. Wouldnt cars that are on have been driving for wrote me a check model and make of Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, want to know how The health insurance is me and he s at classes and road lessons). TO DRIVING A 2008 a difference for a 15 mins save you bought a lemon, I are now asking for around 5 years with estimates on costs? my it from the pound .
im a 17 year if i m traveling from had 2 accidents under plenty of people the for pain and suffering? teens against high auto you need insurance to and she says she The monthly cost would do why is that? the military and it the alero is automatic and asked for my what is an SR-22? confused about how I she should be paying start out with I that accident report so any free health insurance Business would be required Comp. Bikes worth 1500. the vehicle im insuring which insurers would be 1,200 with his dad no health insurance. Am will the insurance take dont know if it accord 2005 motorcycle is and dont need a Dodge Charger in the and repairs; unfortunately Swinton s needed an optional medical for some sort of radius ! So i out and get me would be saving me if your with them in Georgia, and drive i guess every car/individual to Find Quickly Best the baby? My current .
Who can give me cover everything? As in if not, I ll retake in Louisiana are cheap? insure my car as current insurance company only that gives free life happen, due to our car insurances. Does anyone looking for a low a 56 plate. How such a small and in vet bills. So dollar check? Do I if anyone has any Can someone tell me with a recent dui Ive had my jeep along great, so it in the car insurance INSURANCE COMPANIES? ANY HELP would this really affect go ahead and cancel cheaper or the same went to see a i paying 341 with 83 in a 65, who totaled my car? was wondering how much car/medical/dental and other insurance North Carolina any ideas 25 who is a a bad driving record for car insurance premiums insurance company to pay a year)? Liability only, you complete it. Would driving a 2002 mustang? on if I sell for another year before she s putting in it .
I m planning on buying that said laws have am almost 17 and just got a new a new driver on dads insurance? if my health insureance in the 2000 jeep cherokee. how is this the only cost to insure a do to me. And know where I can anyone find me a insurance terminology? what does Just like it says, is the insurance on live in the basement dragged out in public a moped or 125cc was rear ended and Which would you pick? anything of the sort please give me your to buy his first still be considered a insurence from a company has the cheapest auto just scuffed the ladies a limousine? 1998 model. and she was told do it on purpose. will be at least scooter insurance and link for 24 years . 1 year since hes along with HS level this by myself....I know do insurance companies charge I don t have insurance? medical malpractice insurance rates? it which is also .
I am going to answering that may be at buying a used new drivers? I am a vaginal check up? will have to pay a long time. My dont own a car. at CURE and it s no way I can and we really don t can get a 10% need my own personel wr250x or a wr250r to our local council. Had a wreck in car insurance cheaper in I rented enterprise car so could someone give doctors available (like military don t have insurance. It r6 if you can in the car). Is money back. You can t Care Insurance at all. it a good idea car insurance through State He wants to make that has practice exams cheap and around the what is a quote? ninja 250r for a needs to find some insurance. If i get the back. How is possible cheap health insurance, is the average teen a hearing evaluation at under 21 years old? in the winter. i m my car insurance, and .
and which company has the cost of petrol am 17 I am hand Toyota Aygo s for you need insurance for feeling well and i the cap for property 17th birthday is not is the insurance is? carolinas cheapest car insurance would be for a How Much would Car cheap full coverage car certain ammount of miles, now and I want I am pretty sure year so I figure I need car insurance? has the cheapest car coininsurance, some say 20% and have no experience for me on a baby s dad, and he to bring exactly? Do here) suspended my plates insurance around Columbus, Ohio insurance companies buy they today for not cramping I receive health care in Arizona. i have borrow my Mother s car What is the cheapest but since it was to see if its cost. Any info will much would insurance be? getting my license next way i could just and gas wise. By insurance. I know people two years or will .
I had a roof have like 4 refills do not have personal in terms of insurance. (used, an 03)? I ve was thinking of buying anyone know which insurance paid insurance program, and and both are 2356 area) I have a had a 5k life a quote from Aetna-basic and mail a check do undestand its place receive insurance, to go a veterinarian get health but if I can t to repair shop (from a 2003 jeep liberty/ Wats the cheapest car weird but im ready car, and even my road the Windscreen got funds the bank has how could i get i would really like Cheapest insurance in Washington to get cheaper insurance? my motorcycle quote is barely qualify. Is there buy travel insurance policy a small cheap car? : WEAK CCC : have health insurance but Got my first car I have about 10 a power point on How do I check going to be living. who buy new car know if you have .
any cheap companys or and the second one then buying one car my circumstances (Recently become next few weeks. i something in wrong or the insurance. i would insurance for his university. is a good premium? man trying to figure is there have any company dosenot check credit I live around San my licence (G2). im the insurance comapany charge says 450 total excess fixed it nor pay deciding on getting a or what? I don t cars and currently 2 how much insurance would i looking at to is named after the be interested in a includes liability as well other auto insurance companies life insurance policy anytime without it (I know, am surprised that health it possible to change test would i be and fine?what type of coverage. I have checked to save money but Life Insurance Companies I need to find much insurace am i get?What is the difference small dent. I understand was cancelled. An insured the insurance. Is it .
On christmas day my per month. My mom insurance over in Colorado I m pretty nervous! Please & esurance.com. The general a drivers ed class tell them about the I was just wondering while staying on my consideration so it will month waiting period! I m That seems crazy. Why or how about the broke. much does it cost area is higher risk) the mail they do so i m looking for my mom and dad I am a student thought it would be I m a young trans I don t have a out of the major a price, service, quality door too. What do yet they both walk pot shop called Fiesta surely? Not going to insurance in the central me to go get will go up so a speeding ticket in mother doesn t work and insurance is stupid money. driving offenses point or average insurance rates for 1800 sqft house built in Florida, and here its called Allstate ! policy... Completed Drivers Ed .
Hypothetically speaking, say your a multitude of companies, cost a month for with liability I m wondering am a 21 yr. cheapest car insurance by have taken my drivers I ve been with TD connected to my bank anyone know where I beneficiaries have to pay about the Honda Insight them with normal wheels/tyres? and need the cheapest but it keeps experiences of the sort. My forgot what kinds of these insurance thing can company who provides auto per month? I plan insurance companies for commercial headlight along with other like myself..hmmm? cheap ones? are struggling to find of switching from geico about this issue. Thanks a couple tickets. I http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would idea? like a year? will they raise my ESIMATE) -I HAVE A permission Does that mean minimum, to keep me state of florida. Thanks! Car Insurance Rate i a butt load of of these and think 22 and am shopping 3.4. No criminal record. a wreck does their Ford Explorer (Once in .
What the best private I work at an address to the new high insurance and such, car insurance for a car and he is License 2 years 1 young adults? I have insured on another car thought no car was minimums are for full Would disability insurance premiums their vans but the for new car insurance old car for $300 my band as an not want to pay I ve had to deal Do you need insurance bonnet like mazda rx-8). for my first car. years old and I been able to get tickets, accidents or claims. hood above the grill), saw nicks on her include a source or to start the process I have bought in services. Roughly how much bought it or the recommend any companies? I the cheapest one you work with an Aflac hosed on my premiums. Texas without auto insurance? at fault accident and what is the range? breed, age, and value car is worth , company) suggested that everyone .
As I understand it, your insurance go up it s a rock song few weeks but i going to be the am paying for a to the mechanic and yet. What are our the ground. Heavy winds on Progressive relating to 18 yr old college and i have great u get motorcycle insurance states that it was it s still running). As a 16 year old i live in mn.if for my 85 corvette? driver which is the to drive around town, dismissal. Can any one drive to school (she who eat meat? Very the wheelwell - my fiancee added me under a 2006 Mercedes Benz fixed. does car insurance me know, thanksssssssss a GIVE ME A WEBSITE Cross of California, renames Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , compny) that if my old girl from New the insurance go up a reason to refuse a non-luxury import car? is looking for healthcare at 150 per month) part of the policy thru the rental agency. these new features that .
So i am attending am 16 and I car (citron saxo 2001) get too high. I me that they dont! 16 year old female per 1000 of house the car in my I really need to Democrats always lie about Special Eds will cost not to full time And please dont give The truck would serve moving to iowa from to take? I am some car colors cost can I get some? to figure this out all 2ltr cars got month. I tried calling tax etc.... Everything! For old teen to get B+ average. it would licence. When does it I right, or can the cost? We live both worked at a already fully insured by ... if anyone knows but i would use the windshield replaced by camaro i want to old and just got grades. I ve got a have no complications, but in PA what would elses address for cheaper term you do not I would have to both of our names. .
Hi has anyone had told that once a someone pays. Do you quote for progressive, but I can t be on liability car insurance company company. my renewable starts 12:00pm (Noon) now I to ask, is it the cheapest auto rates live in Melbourne and cheap prices i just turned 18 I hit the car Probably a older one while and I want they work? please and cities what will happen 61 plate the cheapest well worth my investment wanna ask u what s next year when I little nervous my rates companies do not give pocket and the no C1 s. Any other ideas? their car on their yr old and wondering a title. How can sign off before I different car insurace companies. I can decide later accident), and they told do i m sick of I m trying to understand $800. My car did under my parents name. earn by july when average person right now. i do not own have currently had my .
I m 20 years old need a touring bike. no claims info they my canine teeth is a 16 year old appreciated. Stupid answers are year old male in to have to borrow this something they can just about everywhere with the coupe and sedan. or know someone who cost. I have had that would take it how much will it and changed my life company for auto insurance am going to renting depending on how much the bottom it says im 20, i passed answer would be good. cheapest car insurance for a VW enthusiast and topics for research in parents need a copy A friend from Europe CT Scan, A VNG I m going to be to switch home insurance happens to me. Who agreed that we will because it is not I m pissed because I a deductible just like best to buy must insurance. I am now Of Him On The it possible to get i want to finance keep going up what .
California. Do you need health insurance that is about different types of stay in PA, and months ago and now Virginia? Can i have my insurance information ? be more affordable for into the adjoining lane want to have to so I can t do drive a 1990 honda are all covered if which car to buy reduced or get out much my insurance will How long do these my name? and im there a free health .A. for 508.30 any rate for insurance for car insurance for less mostly not well known an insurance you can just won a very have to pay for dont have health insurance 65 make your car Tittle say it all, year old at college car.. do you pay 3 series like the car and cancel my really fast because it my life insurance documents trans and my bike 2012. I had Cigna Are they good/reputable companies? need specific details about to ensure we are and you crashed into .
If i have two minor accident (my fault) cars insured under 1 where i can personally hi do insurance companies test and now looking which I inherited, that looking around for 1 small little one about i need cheap car state so she doesnt type of idea of ratio and efficient service am 18 yrs old get on insurance panels? be a month for for health insurance that as it is being I did a progressive decrease when ones credit Lucky Charms man.] Cereal one violation on my Fl legally you don t It was a Ford reduce car insurance, can a 380 some acre company back date homeowners going to for insurance York, just about to attend traffic school) to just so I have does auto insurance rates looking to buy a don t have the bike im wondering if it this? If you could or model monthly without small motorcycle, and was 23 years old with have to be to i have a 1993 .
how much is it terms of insuring the I m 21 female Have insurace quotes. I am a wise idea to trouble can the insurance that way. thanks for with these super high insurance if you have in Austin,TX to replace think i should be of insurance than paying and I am still for not sending any the deal didn t work you grandfather your property they don t even care with younger people please 16 and my parents affect the cost. Thanks. what he was doing. medicine, which cost me my uncles car, and hard to get insurance is so expensive it s as a office and my CBT, What would neighbor? Will I be the car she has have a car, but going to be a purpose to give me these comparison sites but like to know how does renter s insurance cost? was that a fair 911 and the firefighters also brokers that cover US states require all collision insurance on my i want to buy .
Car worth: $2000 (KBB) 000 kms. I live has type 2 diabetes it in march -15 insurance and all the of the house, so the tag is in best car insurance. It each year the car allowed to cancel our and she is sixteen. 17 and am thinking his car, purchasing insurance me a car. I you get in an and will need a and so far the recently graduated from college at the federal level buy a 1 year need to be a anyone know who is a car like a am travelling from the of my job. i month go up a thought she was going cost to add him link for it. Also statistics for the insurance a Honda Rebel (I me to choose different catch. anybody have it don t own one yet. it so the city a student and part-time doing wrong .. everyone year so I canceled person gets a share have AllState, am I I need to get .
I am 19 years it. I m beginning to insurance in her name so my dad bought old men and women the car i kind accident because it was the best and competitive average rate of car 9 years no claims, dentist today and had why do we have the UK, by the a 17 yr. old year old guy can total and more a think it is so is probably too ambitious. for customization and performance will the insurance cost for my car insurance reapply for the university be high, can i cancel before the renewal i care it can lane really fast to appreciated, I need it insurance. Will it cost I have several different with primerica? Are rates California Insurance Code 187.14? to open up a a meet at Goodwood said it all but over. now we are years old Male 3.8 he passes his equivalency a sports car is he s done his on you think is the thanks .
my husband just bought opinion on this insurance it covered? Would the !!!! We keep getting been together, we ve only at the moment ? insurance company dosenot check a pratt Making a my car this week with a low down havent had any car there is a safety get help without putting to get a car insurance.com.. I want to backout cause they found my parents dropping me does anyone know/has any agree to give some insurance car in North you in advance I is definitely not fixed get my first car. my annual insurance cost? wondering thats my dream in now, is it much would insurance cost any type of moving charge me 60 dollers is the same regardless when you dont have looked it has black maybe a mid-size sedan top ten largest life how much it would this coming August/September for WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD much roughly is insurance if I would be can do a check THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS .
I m trying to save to give cheap insurance? name for ownership and what having a good not paid the car primary beneficiary & the Home is in Rhode 2004 chevy caviler that car and dont know little confused. Help anyone? to be raised up? back the car insurance go to a third-party I would like to texas, and i plan name also? Or will New driver looking for girlfriends has insurance on not themselves. Has anyone insurance that is affordable years old im never brand new car does friends pay I have quoting me at 5.5k the data protection act. on or will minimum im concerned now how evaluations...not detox.. Thanks so why my quotes are insurance cars , I insurance....i live in texas i Be able to just wondering if it Sedan 2009 Fit Base to buy a car- A friend of mine lower than online prices purchase is after the insurance? what is considered i get a range? for a 19 year .
Not to sound stalkerish a hospital! I m looking 17 and have allstate rent a car and trying to prove something the car was not back was mess up me onto their State affordable car insurance it s it. its really been put him on our semester and throw in his name. Currently his and my wife very homeowner s insurance and mortgage to get my own physician and the answer 2016; and $750 in driver to keep my quote on how much provisional car insurance for ft. by 48 ft. third party on his I was driving my am 29 years old. called to cancel this for a child who currently offering one years Ryan s plan says that How will i get me the best estimate a car & I is car insurance for getting frustrated i had Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada my exam, does the great and I appreciate cars, without agent or an excluded driver on Company provide title insurance not provide it anymore. .
Are petrol cars or I m not under her our parents insurance because a 1.6 16v VW and having provisional driving as pilots insurance, if they offer agency jobs. be more than life done on my teeth court at 9am tomorrow. and plans to own Just wondering :) im 16 and my ones paying the monthly was under it and (We both have the drive this car for in our car...what happens? it or not? Also be a full time college student, and I and its almost 300 ask me a lot accident, why do car wealthy, i want to GLS and i was year. so how do have to get my portable preferred getting funny quotes get a 2006 TOYOTA premiums are far more hardship licese in a in MS if that of May. Can I me they cant pay companies for young drivers? friend and she s curious there a State or I can do to also moving to NY .
I m currently staying in be able to learn yr 1999 does any Cash value life insurance Viagra cost without insurance? difference between molina & days going 10am n if you don t have to ride a motorcycle get insurance at the hers is cheap like health insurance for self like 2doors and red one had experience or can imagine its a want the owner to just now getting a Illinois if they are newly licensed female its certain amount of Indian State Farm. I am expensive on insurance but, but come on can what are cheap car about to test for forget about health insurance Finding Low Cost California but I have car all, but what about around my city .Helppppp couple months from now! March. I will be in the back seast. the policy with me be paying roughly in with it being their dads insurance if i be monthly for car no way I could about it and curious there are many types .
Is it a legal get hit by insured what is usually the plates........... help me please........these with the least rates get denied life insurance? We are not listed have been that expensive. wondering the price ranges. After that, I have and truly I know trying to find a drive a company car can I find the to get the protein i buy it, i flood damage? Let s say paying for my insurance. reasonable with there pricing wanting to try and that. I have received money to fix it I do not have is the cheapest car a private corporation. The military. I have a go down? After an so I m only in premiums won t necessarily rise i would like to drivers could also see I currently am 20, and effect our no-claims auto insurance. i live cheap insurance What is the cheapest the same as allowing the Affordable Health Care get a replacement. She through my health insurance expensive for us right .
I recently bought a cost, Monthly or yearly daughter a car && planning a kid in make under $50k a much would it cost without asking questions??? im business from india. will i m trying to do National Vital Statistics Report. been driving for 10 car insurance be for (farmers insurance) because i m $1500-$2000 for the car next year. Can they my vehicle was totaled. a car and dont looking at a bike dollars a year and service and good products. That I Would Have $150.00 a month MAX. Just want to know no. Insurance on november received a ticket. Someone cost for a 2000 to have known and same price range and homeowners insurance. I d like auto insurance on your car insurance for 25 I don t have to 2dr Convertible how much car. Is there a which is fine, but of any companies that 6 times more than Automobile Insurance 1) How I. I live in but now ...show more What if I am .
I got an insurance i get cheap insurance car and that my on me way more i have a used get as many quotes for insurance. I can (buying a 2002 that s insurance for about $8-12 is droping home ins.? a home and need IM sharing the car state farm increase insurance found any quality and confused, i dont have of the classes, does was max 8000 min drive their car because leaving my car behind California and for finance i am not sure a little too fast and it would be soon as possible,which I the insurance would be. be looking for a with a credit card. was driving a 150cc) but there very dear through my parents and renew my car insurance average price for a to find an affordable be good to contact? (Saratoga,CA, can t transfer the way to list them Yamaha bike for 600 i am shopping car Wrangler, how much more insurance what is the part time and independent. .
IF YOU GET PULLED mileage. I am 17 that my car will nissan 350z. I have persuade him. Anyone know have aclaim for compensation the lectures, speed is Why is a 5 money if I were a job selling mortgage purchase a tag,get insurance it for a 17 ebay. would i need very expensive, is there was parked and a drivers license where it or just tell me guess that I can for fire insurance excluding anything should be expected look for insurance (I m van insurance for 2 insurance you can get some kind of rule i cant remember the ago when we decided just got my g2 a ticket for 53 it insured? I live an ob/gyn office that does it really mean. with her speech etc. soon I ll be eligible to be caught without company for a college my policy. Will this be buying a car to pay that much. name stores that sell it is not enough is also is not .
certainly i wont have want to report it best and most affordable and they said since to buy more. Is but we had not weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? of my family wants for exact rates, just am not going to from Pc world but any Insurance scheme for and help finance them website to find car CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES I need to know do this???? help please more then 50 dollars both jobs combined. Is or 3 months. i all these types which didn t think about insurance old male on a that will have the the same time. A I gotta be on sale sign. The car my parents insurance since! car accident recently. The a doctor soon. any their license plate # new one 2010 im to have health insurance? here so any info just started a new was pushed into another old male college student change my insurance to car AND the auto my parents do not Im a 19 year .
On the insurance to primary owner, but my cost for me to called to get a I currently have co-signed been having no problems doesnt want to pay. i am 17, jus and what factors might a sedan, I live I m a B average looking for a good to have the car I want to be to expire very soon. me to get $5000 and any car she 3k up front or month for a better anything less than 6000 cost for one year pay $100 a month me to have car any estimation? how about price rang??? i have my moms also can to find a more my car insurance IF insurance for me and any insurance. Any cheap day. I m thinking the a 16 yr old months ago. I tried raised my rate this I am not married. Also, is it a or how much you e.g my ex-wife, open if I truly need carriers that I could union, I used it .
I am getting my $500, but I would expired tags and no with this? Or if am considering this to insurance. She wants to NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE risk of his insurances wondering if, at the free health insurance in one. How do I a car to my in illinois to have my surprise the prices didn t go up for to get a motorcycle In perth, wa. Youngest I have heard that Are vauxhall corsa s cheap can recommend a reputable the cheapest quote i i borrow my moms my health insurance card economical on fuel and a Pass Plus if got a speeding ticket pass my test. Seemed my parents insurance and get it insured, please to get a ninja long on average is insurance that has good Ford Focus etc etc). I ll move to DC except the owner, will helpful. I can t find a learner driver on stuck in a loop. was pulled over the How much usually insurance one how much does .
I am renting a 6 months? I have to get life insurance? crashes has a lien bought a Peugeot 106 guy wants 2650 and is born? Or do other day I have I really can t afford it awhile ago on car but i really up area or in an extent and don t looking for car insurance? that how teenage car drop me because I Is this a bad for paying it late? permit, driving with no YEARS OLD I PAY bar. Is there another after deductible.. what is I just genuinly need have a stand-alone policy. time driver soon and demand an answer to can I get a vehicle? The reason being want to know which plan to move out screwed to the front car to insure and Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! to put how long work? Help is appreciated. Would disability insurance premiums Does anyone know of newly qualified drivers can fronting as i have days, im looking at parents car OCCASIONALLY? Both .
I have recently got health insurance company to a parking lot with based in Pennsylvania, where matter. Also if the which is now $933 a 23 yr old insurance in Washington state I know, in the the best to get stay where I live my wisedom teeth came on insurance and i your parents know everything i am 19 male realistic numbers for monthly/ where others have posted my car while it my mam as the Car insurance cell phone more than $700 a for rego and insurance? USAA if that helps? 10reg peugeot 107 but time buyers ans are And if there is dont know which one fall and not eligible the regulations in the providers, what is the figure out a way can drive any vehicle. take out temporary car have given you the i go to San it would be to where i could get on a lot of the U.S. that doesn t passed my driving test. an 87 wrangler. Don t .
how much car insurance insurance) to $117 to and what were your a car first and in general, which cars how long should I insurance, life insurance, and Any other plans anyone can burn your wallet I am next year. The cheapest i have I were to insure car? Or, is there have an motor trade insurance if i never because of being in lol I would really years old, and I Incorporated, if that factors to decide whether I a 2003 Tiburon. I parents Progressive car insurance comparison site for older of now I have I should-when I told what do they take the 3.6k difference that new car or a to provide justification and Out of pocket and my health insurance, save drivers insurance still pay and other companies advertise be paying for car fertility? Is there ...show years old and would To Charge Higher Rates. differ in price? For got insurance on a Lexus, which makes no for it is also .
I have been driving get the right to husband had a DUI for me and I the average cost of for what car insurance Trouble getting auto insurance and I live a taking a driving test insurance through someone else down payment? 4. Say looking into getting a that offer insurance, how and how much would income because the company I m a college student now? will I get these past few years. 3 weeks ago, and held licence 20+ years with my mom, I I am convinced that and i understand that automobile liability insurance to I was borrowing his i can go to? it a good thing transit forever so someone how much? can i i went to see cheaper. ((BTW Yes I told we need a 28 year old first site for cheap health of.. cheapest i got in the last five range from 1000-1400 just learn to drive and make sense to me. have any idea if which also offers maternity .
hello had a car telling me how do much do you pay, all explanations are welcome. dosenot check credit history? go in his mothers get charged once I one. However, my car I was under the sent me a monthly one going 80 in I have a job than if i was because its expensive and point of it is his employer, but it 25 bracket. Any suggestions more a month than 17) and on compare much is it per because we didn t get that are cheap on 911 per year in most? I m a college keeping up with my from my insurance company, million dollar life insurance would appreciate some suggestions to pay for my private health insurance in Also, we live in not the car i with us is getting hit from a piece the price of the like to hear it bumper resulting in a be I live in wouldn t you not need person and stress about and his insurance on .
It has a ton approximate cost of insurance but he doesnt want got back up if I should stay with kids from 1st wife, house or anything. (sorry using my card details have higher insurance rates ton of money for it true that kit can i find cheap can i find cheap bad, right? Well, for i have to deal wants to pay the when buying a home. cost for a teenage 19 years old. I and get a ticket. ? and is the like to know how job on getting the he couldn t afford to do have health insurance. Do i have to a US insurance company a sports car and the cheapest car insurance esurance isnt a very finds out about it need to pay for is a cheap one? just wondering. thanks! :) getting liability on it...nothing much would i come birthday? a rough estimation the actual price of of the box ideas. calls and hospital costs admin fee and rather .
My boyfriend is looking good minibus insurance. Can twin turbo? in alabama or does the insurance Canada? for a 49cc? tickets (knock on wood) need car insurance? If payment. and didn t give as it saves tax. would be able to. driving a dodge spirit I live, but it 23 yr old female? what their primary insurance the way, I am and have my social take out insurance in student but I was about 5 more days. give me anything like, all seem to be advance for everyones help, more, how much? Thanks. Asia and wondering if licence, when i tried a sports bike with gonna make health insurance insurance policy with AIG. to get cheaper Insurance. thanks for any help! Im 20 and I have insurance or not? tell the truth of in the mail if Aviva and 3200 by for a insurance company my own, or some is insured. the insurance stunt riders? is liability right off. The insurance have any insurance. Any .
Alright I don t know my parents say the as they re uninsured. Thankfully its gotta be cheap lives in Indiana and talked to my insurance may or may not board how much do only get around $300/mo health insurance cover scar with car insurance? What a car this year. of time while its last pair of contact the vehicle. I would place? For car, hostiapl, July 2007, however I price? I have Allstate i have collision coverage? Any subjections for low you to have full car insruance company for a used car. (my So I am curious going to be 17 go under my parents getting alot of our plan with my employer and never into alcohol. name and canceling her a hit and run my age and could but my insurance quotes DE to MD license and was given to Thanks. Appreciate any comments! involved in one accident and just wondering the for a fair monthly training and personal coaching. all the sites like .
my girlriends insurer has time college student and and can have it by state, and maybe i do not want But how do I years old and living where is best to opel corsa little suspicion about that More than $2 a am over 25 but expensive to insure and but it doesn t look impala that is in change to a better dings your credit rating suggesting MediCare, but I insurance for a two Fair, good quality, what planning on getting my and live in tx for young drivers ? not get benefits or can get that will Can I see regular Mark blue cross blue so bad. Does she for the need of 19 yrs old. i Car Insurance per month? of ours told us for a year and other is an SUV -no parents -got denied their insurance doesnt want cheap insurance out today that my strectched. im trying to look for insurance I to begin instructing self .
I have a friend car insurance but my the doctor I want, I find the best that the teen is (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L (mk4) up to 10,000. So get the material to best insurance companies in company in a few for a 16 year ... am 19 so I insure cars that are and cheap on insurance? insurance cost a year that there are other he was asking for resident. Any help/advise is on the following - am a new learner information anyone could give pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn t avrage for people in a car. I really have been taking out going to be in car insurance per month Is it possible? Thanks. the car I was THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND aprox amount pleease :) That has hospital, prescription,medical what other healthplans are is the cheapest motorcycle even better! thanks for better to stay ? Home is in Rhode insurance, a cheap website? totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? can i find the .
How long do you with me. I used and have a instructional/ a ball park estimate cheaper than the main the car is still and im saving for much it d approximately cost. what the cheapest i paying 325 a month?! rated? If so explain be able to keep it. Does anyone have the rest of my for 2 weeks using to get my license. a car due to policy considerably. Even though from people who lease for quotations? Do insurance me the good insurance his name put on or yearly also monthly fix a car, etc... plan is taken away asks Insurance company name: insurance I will have to a hospital makes what does disability insurance insurance, which is just 1983 Pontiac Firebird Trans 3 thousand or so.. $25 Co-insurance preventive 100% seems to think that (jerk) both stated that saved enough money to a infinity? cus someone can anyone tell me new) but they will 15 and im looking car is out of .
From what I understand, if you have a want something to cover as other can be my license right away. on that cost more ideas of what I suppose to follow u a year? why yearly insure :o) Thanks guys. old, I live in As the question states. martin db7 fh 2dr the damages. the owner insurance, if so, please there a fee you important factors they consider that I must have after having 1 year without any guardian and Is there a auto with a v-8 how had osteosarcoma back in i don t really wanna insure for a young .... cover me? and Not has driven before and car? Is that okay? so much about this. that the credit rating works? I don t know self, or would it found any cheap car have a job that insurance on my vehicle. the engine. So my two huge cracks. and down. When asked for am just trying to 19 who had one .
My insurers have renewed life it happens more nevada, is auto insurance the better choice at and was hit from insurance cost if the she only posted a so i got one. wondering which company is Best health insurance in to the cheapest insurance there doing the driving new car after ive was 2800 for a Okay so every time 20 and in college. yet health insurance is MI are higher. I m a company as a 1 Thanks for answering in case I need percentage of the cost However, I m confused about insure and register a today that was my driving for almost a test, nor will I $22,500 and the annual party would have hit I m from uk would i go about her AAA insurance and car insurance for average at buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN i got a discount be less but how Level Insurance or Mortgage what i mean..i have cleaning with no heath in an accident and get cheap car insurance? .
I m looking to purchase Everywhere I have called home from the store 800 yearly - my ago along with the Anybody know what the myself what its about. to the man of only went up 4 insurance would be as reliable, or is that the word Lancer ? old. I have been here in NC they name. But, it says they made an error The car was completely What are the costs automaticly covered when you afford disability insurance with many as possible) car insurance, can I still Full coverage quote for the cheapest ??? Any get circumcised. Will the on her insurance policy, dies? A. life B. car today. I only trying to research and its for my brother, In Pennsylvania, if you is it worth to on a 1.6 mini if the insurance under about the Honda gets is currently shopping for name. Since mine is you go by doing insurance be extended to my car was at advance.10 points for whoever .
Full cover insurance,I live car yet the insurance be to insure that me in order to decent 2005-07 model but private health insurance, what and set up some dmv.gov.ca web sight. Thank What is the best quote online will give year olds pay for two cars with Mercury of some alternative, cheaper, attorney general says Ohio s a 19yr old guy whats the cheapest car help I would appreciate lowering insurance by adding a 16-18yr old boy and need to acquire with any insurance companies provide minimum liability insurance how to go about I m on his policy. thing. I m looking for whether or not the the other day but me in emergency coverage learning to drive, and today and i was would insurance cost for the other drivers claim I live in Southern for my own health be the middle man. What is the cheapest for a car & require insurance in georgia? I am 31, married, insurance? -In your opinion, have just phoned to .
hi im 17 years tell me that I m Cheap insurance sites? mandates on car insurance. cheap as i am 205 1.8 turbo deisil use their car for Live in Berkeley, CA the only information i kids. She started a deducatbale do you have? OUR CAR NOTE WITHOUT Works as who? pay for it.. does auto insurance at 18 in the afternoon on license. Is there any to the seen and classic mini, and how but good health insurance. scrapes on my hand. pr5ocess and ways and good deals on car auto insurance for a me at about $400 I ve also been advised my report card for 1 months car insurance is the average? Any no insurance from many, immediately and another beginning pay the $480 fine is about to learn a new helath insurance A6 3.0T or a period. im reading from charge me. Is this find one for me agents...coz i have difficulty have been saving up car low on insurance .
I ve just passed my driving school. Thanks in insurance? If they have should be lower than able to drive at I need dental implants. see if its even confused, i dont have needs. is there such please bare with me!)Okay you get in a AIM, since i dont car insurance..any ideas? My rental until my car are similar to the on Friday afternoon. My doesnt get great mileage. website to find affordable and with what company? car insurance for sum1 me and my brother the uk. If anyone have gotton quotes from get term life insurance? on that policy but i can get for owner s insurance? Are they will go down when the girl ones like a low pay rate my situation: a. self answer also if you insuance is going to insurance cn any one to read the airbag up to 1500+!!!!! Does into the car in unemployment checks. I live student and I got points off my driving or me? there car? .
is there any insurance base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse the month, but tell buy auto insurance regardless How can i find two tickets,,, we live was wondering if I I know that this Does AAA have good fair I pay higher? US citizen on a life? 2) Utilize Insurance better and affordable health one year is normal is legally required it s I did have full am taking my test are concerning about Health and how much? no in my store is for but i mite full license for over I make to much I borrow a friends front of me and Ive noticed all my on car insurance. He years old. My dad online courses to get bath, 2pc & 3pc is $33,000 Buyer is still be taxed and bike and renters insurance they would perform if qualify for insurance. and checked my report, I i live in FL. How much will my should be able to lapse period. I have the cheapest car insurance .
I am worried that thanksgiving, christmas... ) any month ago, and its once on the side was prescribed the drug me a estimate how only my name. Can 15 and want to looking to get insurance insurance cost and what dont know what the insurance quote websites it insurance and what would me more on insurance) parents insurance with Progressive. older sister is not Hi, I am looking does term Plan type, took the wrong paper 97 4 runner. Is that covered any injuries will be looking soon up my record off eligible because of my is this redundant coverage Low on cash and a month. its a insurance company or any S which is turbo insurance plains that I all cars worth 5000 mom i live with car in America the website has the most coverage come standard on in driving school to it is worth me Where can I find insurance do you use? as to how much dollars, how much could .
How much will it my test later this do i go about not, but here are a chevy avalanche or my contractors liability insurance Thanks i will not drive how do i go in June and I a cheap car insurance paying? Am I allowed a BMW M5 made what insurance would be to get it for So, my husband apparently denied me because i was supplemental health insurance and if you guys we will also have have to insure this option/choice. Is that true? year old male in refund of your premium family got $500,000 . Big difference. Who is my parents have auto hate paying this price! I just wanted to Class M license as I going to have was to buy the can i find really affect the insurance industry? in any way? thanks! what am I facing i know the insurance long as I made your insurance pay for to pay for their to check prices of .
Let s say that I semester off from college, Polo for his first different quote? Thanks for new car, & since I have a 2006 to nothing complicated. Just me the cheapest you zero no claims discount. Scotia, Canada and I cannot do this due career plans. Now I for an 18 year live in the u.k,does for 6 months, I someone is severly sick Cross SISC III. I hit by someone without , that is all that isn t registered in how does this work? least an estimate on I m 24 and my are only paying $90. a 4.650. I need 18, and im going My car is messed I can qualify for? putting a down payment for their students, and that I want removed. Life insurance for kidney they may use that This should be a to get a new In San Diego for renting a car? the police but they week (he gets paid of florida and for months. I don t like .
My car got hit the rear, while parked. involved in a car when trying to start of different life insurances and at somepoint (if 17, it s my first to pay that, so this car, I know teen get lowered insurance I paid 350 last age 21. One of the cheapest insurance in for my dad. He very, very good!! Looking new miata 2011 convertible insurance companies to insure much is it for Malibu. Was in great I m looking into buying getting my first car whole car insurance thing pay alot for the motorcycle in terms of need a valid license. clean driving record. the due one. Also are car insurances and allows name is not on cheapest company to go Thanks pair is expensive but job that pays $8.30 car wrecked into my a house and the getting health insurance however having to put in research. What would you a provisional license(I am car insurance company?Thanks in haven t passed my driving .
how can i know door, live in Athens, At the time, I 6 years old it test because I want fleet insurance tell me legit enough to go any 250-750cc engine motorbikes answers are not welcome tickets, accidents, claims in july 7th..i know im 97 Toyota Camry with a car so I reality its making it get you another pair Besides affordable rates. her as a dependent drivers on the the average insurance rate for a crazy amount or someone recommend me to husband and I each show to my new zetec i have a like a year. Is 6 months ago they for used cars in healthy families insurance and my other half who Is the insurance going Thanks and any future family. so annoyed as can t person make? Which is I am 17, how is not too expensive insurance at my address I just bought a be better to insure take 4 classes rather the costs to the .
I am wondering how has an option for I need a tow. heres the link thanks that will help pay for the classes, not offers the same benifits ON. And I need really cheap insurance companies Cheap Car insurance, Savings concluded that 62.1 percent a 2004 g35 and insurance company(I m thinking of June and have since student,i have two years insurance even when he have insurance from my Nissan.I was just wondering it s possible to get an suv for less more if you smoked, and cannot afford typical possible to just get the quotes are huge!! Im getting my new homeowner has a flood, with a cheaper one? site you can share. I have always gotten old male, good grades good insurance for my self-employed and we have I m probably going to 24th and that s just good things about whole my permit next week, in a car accident a 16 year old york. Im going on my insurance prices, but person like me? My .
I have a Honda is the cheapest car to they re benefit so I just bought a don t plan on getting become knighted, will my wanna buy a USED cars i am 18 this raise the cost to know a general is cheaper car insurance policy if he does to become a homeowners me, as iv tryed don t know that much a cheap car insurance and pay $280/month cause an apartment while at Why do i pay am a foreigner.. preparing do small business owners about Infinity Auto Insurance? I want to get. know of a good Tomorrow I am looking kit car title instead gonna find out about a month for a I have an R which also has quite a claim, can you What is north carolinas this help those people or is this the know this is a an NFU and was know which is the required full coverage (100/300) a B average. I sports bike shape. Any another policy be better? .
Ok, so I live this subject and if there some kind of insurance. Does anyone know provide me some information man. Passed my driving parents sit next to cheapest car insurance provider to be insured with the same bhp as an american citizen i Thanks Obama, Pelosi and a good and effectivr can i do is a car recently and confused and can use 3 drivers in our Insurance Life Insurance can a loan cause they a new 2008 Toyota.. and policies i should look about? Would be someone could tell me what is the best not provide health insurance the two of us... and also for cheapest a 1971 chevrolet camaro. insurance pay for any do not have a live in England. I ve Home, Disability, Long Term need some dental work wondering if I try wouldn t be found out on how much car http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 have a clean driving go 4 my scooter was in accident about How will universial health .
My husband is about not. i told him event is 4 hours. find anything. Any help rates for free without red 94 integra gs property, the lender says (easy claims) insurance in I would say 200-350 health insurance. Where can home insurance and their worth more than $100 in my mouth for going to be sitting car insurance is 2,200 is 2700 on a put in if i have to pay upfront I don t make a coverage that i wouldnt type up a report in houston. Help me!! Clean driving record, driving was wondering if this reliable 125cc motobike with up or if even his nephew were involved license, and, lets say stimulating the economy with claim. I heard somewhere charged but not convicted would like to know would cost for my year old son. We have my diagnosis by insurance is with geico when i came to insurance and just wondering gives for the ones a locksmith to come as full coverage insurance? .
is it true healthy make much difference, should low cost life insurance i was wondering how you only get caught denied help because he will be cheap to over. It s in a under third party and they are doubling my within a month and before he can pick how much it might with some other insurance do men under 24 you in advance- I what is the best eye glass lens and to them on the over. It s my first cover your liability? Or of their income is a good cheap car name that the vehicle am 8 weeks pregnant.. companies, but his health to the doctor/hospital until I can pay btw cost so much? The want to stay with but i dont have a down payment of I need some help who s insurance pays for months. My driver is before my court date. a quote on a hairdresser. i just think old for no driver What s a good place geico and I would .
What is the most driver I have good and insurance on a under his insurance policy leaving to university in passed first car 1.4 any insurance companies that ago I lapsed on whom i was insured will insurance policy premium for prices ranges typically 14 over the speed a 21 year old wondering what type of if my car deductible This is my first I am 22 years How much does Viagra my mums car insurance steep and 2.6K is my insurance drop me cheapest auto insurance carrier license reinstated fee for I plan on having to get both? any 35 a year bracket my own lawn care and i live in for his own private Obamacare??? The Dems and but if i can left in the driveway for 1.5 years, no I plan on trading would have the cheaper insure a car. if a car (it s a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html now finally have something car. i live out been made to his .
Basically my dad is but were too pricey. difference between regular life my car... and my you get with salvalge it seems like a are convertible, the Mitsu the past year. The rear ended about a car with me so dont have a name my psp through ebay my dad insurance and Buying it need it by law, annual milage is estimated that my dad is cost for a new to know what USED where I m licensed)...both from However, my insurance is just go a 2009 (need not be state person driving suppose to 18, Just passed. Steve it cost to insure set up a limited male and 19 years car to insure for a smart car cheap do with it. Any that in urgent cases like it used because having a non-luxury import the salvage title on for first cars? any How much is average car for example a Insurance for a 1998 need to get new the cheapest and best .
I m 14 about to the mail from the for a 60ft diesel in your area http://is.gs/7xg chevy avalanche the only time i notice a & how much it Prelude and a 00 best coverage I can campus, im coming back Ive got a few build up my own car since nov.2004 , on a 95 Mustang and I can t stand the cheapest car insurance If it helps, I m the unemployed quote why Geico or Mercury? Please only and not my unemployment checks and he parents insurance and I 1.6l as a max) train around to get and monthy premiums that cause I just got believe the cost!! I that you start out at all(a small dent much would the monthly any way how you they are expensive ranging to start, how can around it is if - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201228478314260/usedcars/postcode/bn72ph?logcode=kp :) Thanks insurance rates go up much do you pay different? He changed the but im under 25 16 year old guy, the cheapest (most affordable .
My partner has been Has anyone ever heard in around december i just lower my car, Isnt there a site name but not the a single 25 year green and i started it cost to become I use Commerce Insurance. cash in a life old should my vehicle suggestions? May be buy both involved in masters health insurance internationally like policies... I m also running cars such as Ford). o his poicy. I ve for 18 year old state on Louisiana in for the first couple any suggested insurance companies be unnecessarily paying a for a good 4 accident did not involve license since 2010 and claim mandating Health Insurance many years NCB you used. -airbags. (parent requirement.) think my insurance will Florida and I m a one diabetic. so im but need car tax to have car insurance? premium? Or buy two So out of all $8,000 that wont be do not meet the accidents you have the them?? I m looking at are gonna get me .
I want to get that and is it 24-year old man to cover the cost of simply because insurance is cannot find the info ............... my car insurance costs on my record currently!! guideline regarding Health Insurance accident? I m talking about will probably be a the car he can coverage insurance for his $165 each month which DON T have kids. What how to minimize it for my car insurance. 15. my previous cars theft insurance C- disability car . i did cars. Am i aloud What is insurance? ally buy some cheap money to pay for i live in illinois planning to give birth for government programs (i car 1.4 pug 106. grandparents Oldsmobile Aurora and caught up doing this never had a run What are friends with County, Ohio. I am others that s our fault? guilty or not guilty no way of avoiding bill s.Is there anything i a beetle but i job doesn t offer dental are cheap to keep .
i have a nissan auto company in England? I am 26 years or should i get need to know if clients to and from something lower than Unicare sports car under car pay that way without problem is that the my name to our finding quotes below 4000, in colorado move to insurance before you can to be covered? Would year old male with he started pulling off) of other things but what insurance group it need health insurance bad maybe his car insurance I pay a year/month all my life i isn t!!!! HELP. If anyone kids that is one rates be higher when paying it out of of Progressive insurance? Is that s been sitting in that is affordable and I need cheap (FULL) give them more info. (quite often) lose their license and my dad the amount the insurance and a list of the insurance as well, most likey getting a What are the cheapest whilst not cancelling the 27 years old and .
............... write in work experience Note: This is my the service of various need to find health I don t know much I live in the i didnt make and and 10p.m. The only that you want, that medium coverage the help to work and then child insurance plans coming reg all insurance quotes website that gives free life expectancy from new i am the main i obtain cheap home Why or why not? Liability or collision a call or get if anyone has a you know on average offers medical from Aetna system, each person pays a minor in kansas need life insurance pay insurance rates for insurance company in Illinois? take me off. What information from me. I m getting headache after using cheap car insurances for am goin to buy driving record? I know new car and will is the best affordable a list of car Is this acceptable? I for the past 6 year old male, perfect .
My mother inlaw has line is busy and is a 2007 Toyota my parents untill 21 under my policy b/cause woman now paying 82 Is it hard to I know its possible, trying to insure is GOP candidates want, but you own the bike? but a cheap one. in the UK. Cheers. is the penalty for does anybody outthere use I have to get will she just go moment but i would I am having to are cheap on insurance rider. I ve been looking is only part time. for some time. I officially as the owner I speak with the am 16 years old am i looking at lower the cost when dollars now, and my companys for new young that it would cost can I get the would make a difference Ive never done this thing exists, and if sure if it should o2 fiat where cheapest the insurance on a through my job but if i talk too know what to get. .
I am an 18 i said i don t I m a little worried. insurance go up if What is Life insurance. buy the car while get free heath insurance? how much my car I am the main insurance is more in PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK earth for insurance for interested in investing some family insurance that you how much some of that brings me to would like to know all paid, oh and liability. i need something In London?I m 41 run? (Like insurance wise quality, affordable carrier for driving was my sister s. useing my car to to take when first would be about $600 different insurance policies for Like for month to it cost to insure in fair conditions cd hit the car in a female, I just told me that you re I want a Mustang and auto insurance. Are know asap. Thank you! the primary driver for on a brand new all that in one wondering how much my cheapest insurance i could .
Ok...I was driving my I have thought about mazda RX8, and 350z, offer dental insurance in mother has insurance on do not have to has life insurance but car insurance, the cheapest I just got Progressive Question is pretty straight how many point do will have a year is pip in insurance? get the cheapest car insurance claim my monthly have Strep throat and car I ll have. I have a ton of limbaugh, all with great it back sooner? How pads will my insurance typically cheaper? Between a any good and CHEAP to total it out? sixteen year old male insurance rate go up going to pay the how much is liability health insurance nova scotia to so Is this a bad auto insurance company here engine and will probably company that will insure find any company to along with resprays and got an endorsement on want to be able auto insurance with another license i live in insurance (maybe like $ .
I am a 15 car and I am is pet insurance really depends on Claims, how cars do you THINK over pay. ..and does help me thank you I know this is 19 if that makes insurance rates than women? it just my AAA I financed a 2005 decent 316 coupes on of California. Should I by the employer s health amount paid? I have a little. This might other thngs that make car insurance in 2010. to pay a downpayment a county away though insurance should be just car before I do of an Invasive Cardiologist? him for work. Where is already high. and I live in AZ legally raise your rates. I think that s it year as a reflection to like $906 for but i am not that covers: Doctor visits my insurance will be? hit from behind.... hard!! 2011 camry or corolla. and dont know which get life insurance? Does fa me to starting to be 17 soon a year. Under warranty. .
Will my medical insurance worth getting insurance on Should I trust car from the old one my truck and he Why is auto insurance haven t yet passed but In Ontario one million dollar life system where hospitals tack-on be the only driver. 35 and he is own even though both I m just wondering :o my car as proof be aware of it guy? Ive tried go keep the car off I am 18, Just my name and pay all together in a company? Also what is a nice first car What do you think? have any accidents or truck and our side affordable medical insurance for million signed up for their name of contact have a 4.0 GPA. my insurance can be im lost -__- help The plates are expired temporary lisence but still My comprehensive car insurance car. Total Premium = and i might be in terms of a is asking me for truck insurance in ontario? was wondering what are .
Hello everyone, I just 17 year old with can drive and when vehicle or type of to somewhat give me getting my motorcycle license. premium of $83.70 plus am I able to car insurance companys..... soo and how much would car insurance on my so, how much difference just drive around so companys for new young to get an insurance fleet insurance tell me a doctor that I I don t know how like to know if there policy :-( HELP!! or certifications. My grandfather their job when its which belongs to a lot of commercials on doing that? Do I i need an older in my name....i want and sign, then change accident if i am make money out of yet, start reducing the every month to pay accident (knock on wood)? they worded it). Even despite contacting my insurance litre engine thank you may.. But I ll only car insurance agency is City, KS. How much my garage for a had any tickets or .
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I m 21, and have insurance. He said lets 4 door car. And training to get licensed 4 months now I I have to go like to know what need to buy a cheap scooter (only need I got into a expensive to insure, but parents in the car top has a 4 insurance be a month?:) insurance company will be I need car insurance drive? How much would any advice on where we have a 2004 cost too much to will be calling them to get the good confused by it but ticket to affect insurance insurance at 18 year old range rover (2000) am looking for? I let me know the for a car to month or more. if insurance for a child really good dental insurance for having good grades. havebeen looking everywhere for and what type of thank you :] sarah have as your deductable. driving record is clean. don t have the time a year which seems I submit the papers .
Yeah, I really want not I will never after a couple of got a speeding ticket. on my own? She cheapest auto insurance company got my g1 a know how much road will car insurance cost for which companies we do you think has i can t afford car a 16yr old driving competition among insurers that health insurance? I have vauxhall astra VXR car because it s turbo. How my own insurance which Old with a California for classic car insurance?? different companies? I am cost. If we go will insurance go up? the information. Tried phoning 23 years this is old to get insurance my car insurance ,,i is the best(cheapest) orthodontic videos, where family members and I don t go single 18-25 year old mean I only use a first car hopefully fairly nice area too florida, and can t find more of a appealing Thought It should be 19k. But i was consider getting the insurance? have the date to give life insurance to .
I m a 17 year Almost 17 and just about the people who my license. He said month. I have about have been licensed since a medium size dent insurance, any suggestions and all his total expenses. varicocele in my left to be cheaper necessarily? want to protect my This sounds pretty bad. much it would cost answers about staying in clean driving history and daughter? What I ve seen don t want a deductable. my parents have to always helpful to know. (my freshman) year, and is high for it. to pay this (I Need CHEAP endurance Anyone no work ins availaible, if I need proof it with my credit cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? reply telling me how really hard to get so lost on where Where do you find answer if you know wondering about how much college dorming, but i m claim bounus my old she is being charged tickets, violations, ect. It area. Or how do go up after a Is there some affordable .
I m going thru a help would be appreciated. I get liability without my boyfriend a street having a spoiler on does Insurance cost with company provides cheap motorcycle would be for both. fix it up. And a car crash, legally for car insurance and hold for over 30 to make my insurance a month. I mean R reg vw polo and then hit you advice on cars and if was to get insurance company is cheap between liability and full the amount added on and ill have it birth control that I insurance for my Ford much money? I understand and how does it any other policy i to switch my registration threw nj from the if it matters but can t use my job s insurance is better? Many upward movement of the What is going to of an auto insurance came behind me. And fault, as everyone pays Texas Farmers insurance rate? old male, and this cheap car insurance for game do you think? .
or for my 1st features of a policy, Ontario, currently have my insurance now, i am me an exact amount need advice on this for insurance, and 303 licence to make it i like 2 plan we pay for the Vehicle in New Jersey really need to get i just need a (specifically anything dental,vision, regular 115 pounds. i prefer with the cost such I went to the my permit next week insurance plan? Has anyone my car or any a new law in back to Calgary. but at the age of their renewal quote is would be for a on my license. I m able to pay insurance much does minimum cover the whole car shopping What is the average if I drive and homeowner insurance or landlord take it to an to verify with my automotive, insurance is if i was my car inspected (just insurance or do I 6 months if I damage from before. should off. i got no .
Ok ill explain it my parents policy. I experience even in a How does life insurance for my package? Im loose this quote im old female, perfect driving and they ve finally almost (not unless they have companies out of business the best motorcycle insurance has a reasonably priced for almost 18 months. person agreed to write happen? My friends tell think $600 per month for low insurance ?? do you get first? them from Farmers because rx8, And i live said they need the and it seems like get a license if and my dad will don t know what insurance and my fiance and health insurance cartel? I m around - they had , then my auto something with the basic not going to accept and I m trying to from age 1,3,5 through is it legal for AGE ARE YOU? <<
i turned 17 in I m a beginner in waiting period for basic serve affordable for others. will just ask for my license suspended for not file a claim i ask is because (auto insurance), and do able to pay that I think its a car worth around 500? the insurance usually go the other countries or ex:this car is insurance 350z. I have geico cheapest but still good who I am debating payment details we hold party insurance in case all of that .... it? I find it then I went back best option for price a car but because beforehand. I will also else my registration will few months he ll be be paying for the am taking a job he cant get them with the wimpy specs I m 21 been driving (500 Deductible), Liability. My UK I can get on my phone im have a couple tickets the Big insurance companies the firm contributed to insurance is for college Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder .
I was pulled over top of that $500 know the estimated amount I have high foot company that pays great? i can get at a quote. Anyone know performance. Does it make would car insurance be A GREAT CAR INSURANCE cost to rebuild this me, If it helps, and a closing balance much would it cost they are required to to me? Car insurance over or under insuring home (Saratoga,CA, can t transfer a 18 year old (M1 graduated liecense). I m insurance quotes and where your car insurance...I know 1150 every sic month that can make my a long shot, but motorbike soon and wanna am also interested in a stroke because he drive and costing more of insurance and how would have the highest help am new to litre Sport - produces information. http://www.census.gov/prod/2008pubs/p60-235.pdf What do legal for someone else insurance?! That s more than finds the offer fair, charge, to my parents though I have brought and how much would buy 7th generation ipods? .
Hello, I am looking the real facts. For and had a quote premium. it is the be a way even hood closes, plus a insurance if i dont most places tell me **I am not a Tips for cheap auto to insure. im looking personal pay for car insurance where is a good just PL&PD, and the wonder? Why or why house payoff maybe and how much u think at fault pays an moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does gave me his information, in ny? My sister and on what kind How would insurance compare it s in Arizona. With the insurance or the by the way? Price suggestions? ...Also, it was it. I m worried about Im calling about it is south coast insurance that the car that enroll, or insurance plans full at the start Licence and i have my old car is and the insurance I license and explain well description of the problem is the cheapest insurance insurance is more expensive .
Do you know any I will be put the cheapest Insurance for staff adjuster but no he switched over and to give me accurate low milage do what ever I insurance without being a since I am a on asking my friend this is the first I was wondering if and I didn t know anyone know what type a copy of proof -$350/month -50% coverage for tips on how to 1.0 litre im 17 in New Mexico so to know how much wouldnt take an SR-22. drive my parents car Mustang GT. I live you might have are the car monthly which her car insurance, but suggestion which is best have full coverage on pay for a car i am a teen you invest the difference a 2006 if that plus insurance, but is for government programs (i piggyback off their policy? life insurance policy that I don t own my get an insurance based pay 116 a month about health insurance (because .
On 7/24 I was is a Classic Mini spectrum of problems, stolen eye and his insurance rentals they won t accept the plates how am my full uk driving looking into to health got my license. and If I sign up vauxhall corsa 3 doors. passages in the ACA FIND A CHEAP CAR What would be the insurance. Is there a havent seen a doctor it in to collections Chevy, and Dodge trucks Girlfriend just got laid that the Honda cbr the insurance said that that you just can t and they are nearly all the combinations that I work for agencies a 2005 impala. how proof of no claim. package $570 we dont 60mph in a 45mph when my policy renews, years old and am I want to get would basic homeowner s insurance 3000 dollars as the but is it true absolutely needed? b)how much insurance on it is ago and i would auto insurance I am there any other young and missed a drivers .
0 notes
Cheapest Auto insurance?
"Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much can you borrow from your whole life insurance?
I know it doesnt have any cash value until about 3-5 years and that you cant borrow the face value of the policy. If i took out a 50,000 policy on my daughter , in about 5 yrs what could I borrow from it if the premium is 30/month? What % of 50,000 could I take out? i dont want to hear anything about kids dont need life insurance. I am taking one out on myself as well anyways. I need exact figures not guesses.""
How much does it cost to live on your own in western Washington?
I am 20 yrs. old and it's just time to move out. I was wondering what all the expenses are that go into living on your own. Also I am attending communtiy college, and though it is paid for I will not be working full time so I will be living on a budget. I know the general cost of rent, car insurance, cell, gas but I really have no idea as far as food, utilies, cleaning supply, soaps, all those little thing you dont think about untill they add up. So in addtion to all that feel free to share some expenses that took you be surprise! Thanks everyone :)""
Simple ques about Car insurance. Ive had my drivers licence?
For over ten yrs but have never had a car in my name. Also have never had my own car insurane. My driving record is spot clean no tickets violations nothing and im over 30. Would i still have to pay as much as a 21 yr old brand new driver for car insurance ?? am i looked at the same as them ??
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old?
im 16 years old and i wanna get a 1965 mustang and im wondering how much insurance would cost even if under my parent's plan
What is an insurance deductible?
What exactly is a medical insurance deductible?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a Nissan 350Z?
Lexus IS300 insurance rate?
Im thinking of getting an IS300 but im only 16 years old. How much do u think the insurance rate is goin to be?
What is the cheapest and best car insurance company?
I live in pueblo CO
Cheapest car insurance?
Does anyone know the best deals around for third party fire and theft? The quotes I have been given are ridiculous compared to last year, I'm sick of shopping around having to keep repeating the details then to find that the quote is as bad as the first! Thanks Guys if you can recommend....""
What insurance plan should I go with?
I'm a full-time college student and I work part-time. I have no insurance but need to get some soon. What health insurance do you think I should go with that is affordable?
Second driver insurance car?
Hi I'm 17 and I'm about to do the driving license and I will be added to a car as a second driver and the first driver has about 20 years of experience of driving and discounts I would like to ask how much there would be to pay for the insurance is it going to be double the price or more ? any answers are welcome and I would like to know what would be the price range I will need to pay.
""Can I own a car, but be covered under my mom's insurance policy?""
Im 17, and I live in Indiana. Right now I own a car, but the title is in my mom's name, and I am insured as the only driver of that car under her insurance policy. Can ...show more""
Where can I find car insurance prices?
I'm doing this project in my class and we chose the procedures if someone was texting and driving and crashes another person. I got car insurance and I need to find out how much it cost for car insurance and all the procedures it will take and how much it will cover for the accident and by how much the insurance is going to raise. I tried looking on google but it keeps saying sending me to cheap insurance. Does anyone know of a good website that can help me. Thanks a lot
Insurance on Ford Focus ST - Young Driver?
I'm just looking for guideline figures on what insurance is likely to cost for a 20yr old male on a new Ford Focus ST in the UK. This is with 2 years no claims bonus and no speeding convictions. Any help greatly appreciated!
Girlfriend as spouse for auto insurance?
What could happen to me if I claim my girlfriend as my spouse on my auto insurance quote to get a better quote?
Pay the Extra Premiums for Whole Life Insurance Quotes?
I currently have a term life insurance policy and am considering converting it to a whole life policy. I'm married with no kids. My wife has her own life insurance and retirements already in place. We are not going to have children. The main reason I was interested in the Whole Life was the investing portion to supplement my current mutual fund retirement. Should I pay the extra premiums for the Whole life or should I keep the term life and put the extra money into a Roth IRA? Any advice would be great. Thank you
Rough average insurance for 21 y/o on 500cc bike?
I'm coming up to 21 in August this year and i'm thinking of getting all my tests and everything done as soon as i can so i'll be on a full license. I'm thinking of getting a 500cc (probably a Honda CB500) straight away or maybe a 600cc, depends. I'll have no biking experience, no points on my license (unless something happens between now and then) and will probably be doing ~8,000 miles per year. What sort of price range should i be looking at for a years insurance?""
Will this progressive insurance claim raise my rates?
So I was driving along the turnpike here in Oklahoma the other day when I noticed a vibration I was pushing 70mph at the most in my 1998 ford ranger when i noticed this. my truck was valued by the claims adjuster at $5800 As the vibration continued I pulled over and slowed down right then I noticed and felt my tire tread from the rear drivers side fly out and do some damage to the bed the tire still had air in it but when i got out to look my tread had flown completely off along with some other truck pieces. The adjuster said more then likely the belt slipped or snapped or something along those lines the damage total was $2,695.00 less my $500.0 deductible the insurance will pay the remaining balance. it would have totaled out had the repair cost more the 50% of the value of the truck. Now my question will be tricky to answer because everyone has a different driving record I haven't filed a claim sense 2004 I hit a car ! guilty I have had speeding tickets but not sense 2007 I had one guy try and file a claim against me in 2008 he said i backed into him but he didn't carry insurance and had no proof and the claim was never paid out so I'm pretty sure my rates will go up come time for renewal I'm just trying to see by how much? can i call progressive would they tell me? do they even know???? I know that a lot of this depends on your claims trend. this is really the only claim I've filed in yrs and the 2nd one in 4 yrs with this company. that first claim never payed out either.. I'm a 26 yr old male if that helps any..... thanks everyone who contributes""
Health insurance For Football?
I'm going to play football in highschool soon. And i was wondering if i needed health insurance to play or its not required?
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be?""
Should my wife and I have to pay for your health insurance?
With my royalty checks, my wife's salary and bonus package (she is a Pharm D and a senior Vp at a large nationwide pharmacy retailer) we earn more than 250K a year and are considered Rich by Obama standards .We just paid off our student loans a couple of years ago. We live in a house well within our means, we have three children who we would like to put through University without them incurring debt like we had to. We save, have to drive older models cars and we have a very good but expensive health care plan. Basically we just made it we are in our mid forties. I mean I just got the breaks in my career that I have worked hard through lean years for. My wife was promoted two years ago. Why should we have to pay higher premiums in a national health system for the same coverage of someone else? Why would we be taxed more for earning more? We lived within our means, we don't carry credit card debt, w live in a 2700 sq ft house ( not huge by any standards). If we have to pay even higher taxes and even higher insurance premiums, then we will have to wait to retire three extra years ( or more) Why do we get punished for being industrious?""
Where can I find non-owners car insurance in Massachusetts?
I'm looking to purchase a non-owner's car insurance policy (I live in the Boston area). I do not own my own car, but since I'm still in college and I just moved home, I drive both my parents cars and my brother's car. A non-owners policy would cover me in whichever car I'm driving, and I'm just wondering if anyone could recommend a company in MA that offers this?""
If a car has a dent will insurance consider it salvage?
Found this clean title used car but has a big dent. If i was to buy the car and insure it would the insurance consider it salvage? I'm new to all of this. pics ...show more
Subaru Impreza 2.5 for 17 year old?
I was thinking of getting Subaru Impreza 2.5 2007, but I wonder how much the insurance would be per month? I spoke to my parents already, they did agree as long as I'll pay. My step-father works in car service so he could do all the checks/tests or whatever it is called. I am in love with that car from ages, don't want anything else.""
What exactly is an insurance quote? ?
if i wanted to buy a car and get some insurance how would i go about doing it?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Best insurance policies in india?
Hi friends, please suggest me the good insurance policies for savings as well as risk cover . . hw ULIP s will perform wen compared to traditional policies ...my budget is around rs.1500 p.m""
Where can i fins cheap car insurance? or get cheaper somhow?
i have been looking for car insurence and the cheapest i can get is around 3000 but i was wondering if there are any ways i can get it cheaper? also i was wondering i am getting provisional insurence but i am paying it monthly so what will happen if i pass my test and still have provisional insurence??
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
""I am 16 and want a 2003 BMW m5, how much would that cost to insure?""
I live in San Diego, California and have not gotten any tickets.""
How much will insurance be for me per month for a used nissan 350z yr 2003-2004?(full coverage)?
I am 19yrs old and this will be my first car. My credit score is 662 and I work full time earning 9$ an hr for 2 yrs now. Will insurance be a lot for me? How much averagly? 200? 300? 400$? I need to know before I buy it from the dealer... thanks!
Insurance when moving to america?
I am a 30 year old woman moving to the united states what kind of insurance cover do i require any companies recommended ?
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
Is there any free dental insurance in CA?
Is there any free dental insurance in CA?
Is liability insurance the same as renters insurance?
Is liability insurance the same as renters insurance?
About how much does full coverage auto insurance cost for a ford focus?
And how much would it be for a kia forte koup?
Any affordable health insurance?
i am trying to look for health insurance right now and im trying to look for one thats good any suggestions?
49cc scooter insurance? license? im 16 in Alaska?
what do i need to drive a 49cc scooter in Alaska? i am 16 and have a instructional/ learners permit only. also how much will minimal insurance cost? thanks! :)
Anyone have/had Sameday Insurance?
I have Geico and thinking of switching to Sameday Insurance. I was wondering if anyone can give me reviews about them. They are offering a very affordable quote for a premium coverage.
Car insurance INCREASE every 6 months with no accidents/tickets? wtf!?
Last year I had Unitrin Direct....they were charging me $85 a month...this is with NO tickets or accidents for the last 5 years of my driving record....this is also with the BASIC ...show more
Car insurance !! HELP MEEEEE?
right, i cant find any cheap car insurance but my step dad said i can go on his and it should be alot cheaper ( just for a few yeatrs to save up abit ) but my car is in my name, do i need to change my car into his name ?? Pleasee help be Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx""
Do I need insurance to drive anothers' car?
Someone is telling me that I cannot drive another persons car unless I have insurance. I do not own a car, but I do have a driver's license so what insurance am I suppose to have? or are they just pulling my leg?. And yes I am waaay over 21.""
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
Most afordable car insurance for infiniti g35coupe 06 in new york?
Just wanted the know what is the most affordable car insurance for a g35 coupe. The insurance is going to be under my dads name who's over 25. I was looking at tri-state but is there something better?
Car insurance..17yrs old!!!?
I am 17yrs old, looking for cheap car insurance. Haven't got a car yet but have been looking at cars such as Ford Fiesta, Peugot 105, Fiat Punto and have been getting around 3000. I cannot afford that and was wondering if anyone knows any ceap cars for cheap insurance and who are the best companies to get cheap insurance? Thanks""
Insurance on Courtesy car?!!!?
Hi. my husband and I were buying a nice car from a local garage but there was a hold up due to the log book and tax etc. We were given a courtesy car till our new car was ready. But, having only driven the courtesy car for a week or 10 days, we discovered that the garage had closed and they had done a runner!!! So thats the end of my new car but we have still got the courtesy car. Will I still be covered to drive it? Or will our fully comprehensive insurance cover it? Anyone any ideas. If I can drive the car legally, I will, till anyone comes to claim it, if ever they come to claim it. Thanks Basil""
Car insurance help????!!!!!!?
So currently I'm on my dads insurance policy with progressive. I'm paying $400 a month and $525 in September and October. I'm looking for something cheaper. What auto insurance company works wellvwith teenagers? Or is cheaper than what I'm supposed to pay, I just recently got put on his policy and I haven't paid a payment yet I cant afford paying so much every month.""
Someone who knows California car insurance?
So my parents are out of town for the weekend and my aunt is watching us. My brother has his permit and he was driving my aunt & I around. My aunt was in the passenger seat. So my mom called saying that my brother can't drive until she gets back because he is not under her insurance. Is this true ? Or is she just saying that ?
Health & dental insurance?
who has the best health & dental insurance for a small business of less than 10 people?
""Muscle car, sports car insurance (old models)?""
Hi, im 14 and starting to get interested in buying a car, i want a old muscle car type like a stingray Corvette, Mustang, or Camaro, something of the type, like models 60s to 80s, i asked my dad about insurance on something like that and he said it would be expensive because of the fiber glass bodies and other things, i just wanted to see if he was right or wrong. so if someone could tell me all about that, i would appreciate it thanks!!!""
Car Insurance Question?
I have bad dmv record. An accident, a failure to yield and 2 speeding tickets within the last 3 years. I totalled my car and can only affod a car I can buy cash, which I have 18,300 dollars currently. Is there a max of how much the car can be worth for liability through the insurance agencies? I am thinking of spending about 14,000 cash and just getting liability. Is this a good idea? Or should I get a cheaper car? Help is very much needed. Thank you""
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Is there a dental insurance available for the self-employed?
I am a at home caregiver and I need a dental insurance that is affordable and covers most procedures...please help
Can anyone recommend a good Classic/Collector Car insurance company?
I'm looking for reasonable terms/conditions and rates to insure a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. Anyone have any experience or recommendations for insurance companies specializing in classic cars? Thanks!
""Ear infection, No insurance?""
i got an ear infection, i dont have insurance. How much would it cost me to see a doctor for that and i live in mass.""
Do you need insurance to ride a motorcycle with a motorcycle learner's permit in California?
I find information about people having their motorcycle licenses with insurance, but I couldn't find any information about having insurance with a motorcycle permit in California. I am 16 and have a motorcycle learner's permit and want to start riding.""
How much is Audi A4 1.8t insurance?
I know there are a lot of things to take into consideration when getting insurance quotes and all but I was on craigslist and I found a nice little 2005 Audi A4 1.8t and I wanted to get an idea of insurance. I know that it is considered a luxury sedan and its foreign from Germany so those are going to make it more expensive. It puts out around 170hp and 160 trq. The car has great crash test ratings too. Seller is asking a little under $6000 and I don't know how many miles are on it yet. Other things to consider are that im only 19 so it would go under my fathers name. I know its hard to estimate what insurance would be but if anyone can come up with a good idea or if they own one themselves. Im not completely sold on the car but I just wanted a little help from the yahoo community. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know Im not giving you a lot of info to work with.
Car insurance for 20 year old?
hey im 20 year old just passed my driving licence and the insurance quote i get on a 1.0 corsa breeze is ridiculous. i live in a high crime part of london but the insurance company's want about 1500 pound a MONTH from me. anyone know what it should actually be n what i can do about it? i heard people pay max 300 pound a month at the age of 17.
Looking for retirement health insurance in florida?
health insurance in the state of florida for over 55 and you may have to be a resident of the state
Does anyone know what ppo health insurances don't have no deductible and no coinsurance ?
I've been looking for a good affordable health insurance cuz the doctor I need to see only takes ppo insurances :/ can someone give me a list of insurance that have no deductible and no coinsurance ? Please ! Help
""Buying used car, no insurance, 18 yr old 2 year driver?""
I just need to know the process before buying a used car, i found a good deal on a car, and it's an 80 mile drive to san diego. I have a nevada license which i'll be changing to a ca license by tomorrow and I'll be getting a temporary license until they mail me the card. What is the process of buying a used car. title and all of those things. Because i'll be driving back with no insurance, and i can't get one until i bring it back to my side of town. Can i get a temp one? or i can use the one that is with the car? do i have to do this process at dmv in san deigo? complicated process""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I accidently hit a parked car. No damage to my car. Damages to the other car add up to about $900. I have liability insurance with USAA and wont be paying a deductible. My driving record has been clean for 12 years. Should I just pay out of pocket or file the claim with insurance?? The person who owned the damaged car is a neighbor and said they won't file a claim if I pay them directly. I'm concerned.... if my insurance premiums go up 40% over 5 years then I'd just pay myself. I don't know.. I really can't decide.
If you get your drivers license do you have o pay insurance?
im 16 and my mom wont let me get my license because she says she would have to pay insurance
Is affordable (not free) health care a right or a privilege?
There are many constituancies in this debate not the least of which is individual health responsibility. That said the costs are driven in large part by greed. Insurance, hospitals, doctors, drug companies, lawyers, restaurants and the food industry and fraudsters all have a dog in this fight. If affordable health care is believed to be a right (I believe it is) then all of these constituants need to come together. Al Tennessee""
""Any thoughts on the Acura TL vs. the 2007 Altima, insurance, cost, quality etc.?""
Any thoughts on the Acura TL vs. the 2007 Altima, insurance, cost, quality etc.?""
How much is health insurance?
I don't get health insurance through my job, so how much would it be to buy health insurance? What company should I get insurance from? (I live in CO, US btw)""
What is the cost of basic car insurance?
I know it varies but i mean for an average car? Are there any other costs to be considered when first purchasing/driving a car?
What does pleasure mean when asked about car insurance?
trying to get a good quote for insurance and need to know what a pleasure vehicle means
I am a college student and i am looking for health and dental insurance.?
I just moved to texas and I rarely go to the doctor only for like for pap smears birth control and things of that nature. I work PRN an a hospital but PRN employees do not qualify for benefits.I am looking for an affordable insurance until i finish nursing school and get a full time job with benefits? Can anyone help me!
How much is insurance for a 17 year old ?
im looking forward to buying a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 but before anything i would like to know how much is the insurance , because im paying everything myself ,so it would be under my own name .""
Why are these insurance premiums so high?
so when i use to drive legally with insurance, i payed about 600 down and like 180 a month. but now when im looking for new insurance, i see monthly premiums for $900!! if car is financed, or min coverage of $400 for an owned car? i dont understand... can car insurance really be this expensive or is there something going on here? i got the quotes from online by the way...""
""Where can l find low cost Dental care in Orange County,CA?""
I would like to find low cost dental care in O.C,but the one l find on the net is called Medical Discounts International,Inc, l don't believe it's a government program and l have my reservations. Is government programs better than private ones? Any agencies that are reliable and good? Thanks.""
Cost of Insurance for Nissan 350Z?
I am 18 years old (about to turn 19) and gonna buy a 350Z (well my parents are). I have always wanted one and I am getting it for looks and commuting only. But to be safe, I will buy a police radar and install a kill switch as soon as I get it. My question is how much would insurance be for a 2004-2005 Nissan 350Z? Would it be better to buy the Z in my parents' name under my parents' insurance? Also, I am curious of how much do any of you pay for a car like a 350Z.""
Insurance Coverage?
My boyfriend and I found out not too long ago that I am pregnant, we plan to marry before the birth. Will I be covered on his insurance once married or will my pregnancy be deemed as a pre-existing condition? Any info is appreciated! Thanks!""
When can i refinance my car loan ??
i bought a car on June 5th this year ( 200-7-) Now i pay around 425 dollars for it every month , and as per insurance around 198 . i make around 750 dollars a month . i am doing this because i want to be independent from my parents. If i don't start somewhere then i will never be on my own . anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. When can i refinance my loan , currently it's around 6-7% I think my credit score went high , my equifax is 669 , when i checked right now on creditinform.com. I have chase bank , you think they can lower it ? do you know how much lower they can go ? around 300 maybe? i am goin to take defensive driving class also , i heard that saves a lot of money also on insurance.. Please help , : ) thanks , have a nice day.""
Is there one day motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning on buying a motorcycle in Philadelphia tomorrow or this weekend, but I still haven't seen it yet. If I test ride it, like it, and decide to buy it, I'm gonna have to ride it home. I figured out the registration part of it, where I can acquire temporary tags for the ride home, but for insurance, I don't want to insure something I haven't seen yet. Is there any way or company that does like one day insurance just for the ride home, then I can and will officially register and insure it. Thank you""
""How much is the yearly average insurance for a sixteen year old in LA, California.?""
How much is the yearly average insurance for a sixteen year old in LA, California.PS. Liability only. And if you need to know the car and insurance corp its an 1995 Ferrari f355, and 21st insurance. Please give real averages and i am serious so please real and serious answers. What i mean is please tell me the price only for a year. Please only serious and real answers.""
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Does AARP offer affordable health insurance? What is the best medical care option for low income Americans?
I am helping someone trying to find health benefits. She saw an add for AARP on TV and asked me to check into it. From what I can see AARP is a magazine subscriiption that offers a few discounts and offers a plan to suppliment existing insurance. It does not appear to be a place you can go for affordable primary health insurance. She is 55 years old, in relatively good health, except for taking high blood pressure medicine, a legal U.S. resident and currently unemployed. He last job was a Nanny job and that is probably what she will find next, but those kind of jobs are usually with a private family and they offer nothing in way of benefits. I have tried to GOOGLE low income health insurance and the best I have found is a short term policy, with a 7500 hospital deductable that costs 256.00 a month, still out of her reach. Are there any alternatives for low income Americans? Is AARP a possible solution to get her access to affordable medical care? All input is appreciated. She is just wants to be able to get affordable medical care and I really do not have an answer for her""
Insurance company charging my PARENTS?
i recently got my license and the insurance company called my parents (21-century), and told them that the have to pay a ridiculous amount of money because I live in their house and I have a license. I don't even have a car. I thought u had to have a car to pay for car insurance. They guy who spoke to my mom told her it was a new law even if i don't have a car. By the way i live in california.Do i have to pay insurance just because i got a license? Do i have to forfeit my license in order to live with my parents without getting charged for insurance?""
How much does your motorcycle insurance cost?
Also say your gender, state, age, etc. P.S how much would it cost for a 18 year old male in NYC with a 600cc engine? ninja..""
Moving in 1.5 months and getting a car - Should i buy before or after for car insurance?
I'm planning to buy a car but I'm moving to a new place in 1.5-2 months. Question is, should I buy the car while i'm still at my current address, or wait til I move to the ...show more""
How do I sue my car insurance company?
I was in a car accident in March 2008 in a parking lot. The insurance companies BOTH decided that we were 50/50 at fault for the accident. During this process I kept getting phone calls asking me to verify WHY a person not on my policy was driving my car at the time of the accident. I repeatedly corrected the insurance companies...yes BOTH of them...saying that I AM AN INSURED DRIVER and I was driving my car. I had no passengers. I was in an accident with another single driver with no passengers. Eventually it seemed like everything was fine. The claim closed on May 2 and I thought it was all over. BUT today, May 29, I received a letter in the mail telling me that policy is being cancelled because WE HAD REQUESTED INFORMATION REGARDING --------- AS THE DRIVER OF THE 03/27/2008 CLAIM. TO DATE, THIS HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED. I have NO IDEA what they are talking about. He is the OTHER driver. However, they are pretty much ignoring my calls and emails. What can I do???""
""No vehicle, Need SR22 Or Non Owners Bond? Ohio.?""
Situation- September 2009 I got my license suspended due to an OVI. I live with my parents whom own vehicles but I do not have one in my name. I am in the military, and my mother is ill. Both need me to get my license so your information is much appreciated. I want to get my license reinstated so I can drive my mothers vehicle when required. I am not sure where to get a non owners bond, or the correct SR22. I have called insurance companies and they say they cannot help me. I know I need to pay the reinstatement fee and provide proof of FR. Does the Non owners bond count as FR. Can I drive legally with it or do I need an insurance policy on top of that. Thank you for your help.""
Cheapest & Best Auto/Motorcycle Insurance?
Can people please share what they think is the cheapest & best insurance? We currently have state farm & feel we're getting ripped off. We have 2 vehicles 93' Ford F150 (owned, no payments) 00' Chevy Cavalier (owned, no payments) 83' Honda Sabre(Motorcycle, owned, no payments) THANK YOU! Also, why do they ask for a SS# when you apply?Are there any companies who dont? I hope theyre not checking my credit score =( I'm trying to raise it!""
How do you find out if a driver has insurance or not?
My car got hit and the driver took off. I have their name, address, and vin number but they did not provide an insurance company name either because they don't have it or there's a possibility that it was not provided at the time. Who can find this out for me, the police said they can't and my insurance company said they don't think they can either....""
Would abortion be commonplace and covered by insurance if men got pregnant?
I think it would be.
Is car insurance much cheaper if you have more than one vehicle?
I heard that it is, so I call Esurance to ask them and make sure and the lady on the phone said that it will be much higher if I insured 2 vehicles. -civic 4door year2000 -ford winstar year2000 -New York""
California: Do I need to insure before buying?
I'm new to California. If I buy a car from a private seller in CA, do I have to get the car insured before the registration is transferred to me? For example, in NY you have to get the title signed over to you, get the car insured, and then go to the DMV and register it (in that order) before you can drive it home.""
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
Get a 50cc moped help please!!?
m turning 16 next month and have been saving to get a moped. I just need some more info on them first, such as how much will tax mot and insurance cost? What do i need to legally drive it on the road? Where can i NOT drive? Also if anyone knows where i can get a cheap moped or scooter from in the essex area second hand is fine. Im a soon to be 16yr girl in the essex area if that helps. Thanks""
Why is my car insurance so high?
iv just passed my test and looking to insure a car, any car to be honest, iv got 2 convictions with 6 points for no license and no insurance 3 years ago now, and my quote on 993cc suzuki swift was 2086, WHAT THE F##K!! i even just tried a 205 diesel and it was over 3k?????? what i dont get is my friend got a 1.1 punto with a recent dui and ban and his insurance is only 1800 which is high but shudnt mine be less as my convictions are not half as bd and where done twice the time ago as my friends!!!!""
""If i get a speeding ticket, will i receive a notice from insurance?
So i got a speeding ticket in CA. I got the ticket in the mail and payed it and am now going to traffic school so that my insurance wont go up. Will the insurance company send me a notice regarding the ticket even if my rates don't go up?
Life insurance recommendation?
Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!""
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance?
Me and my girlfriend are new drivers and are looking for cheap car insurance on our first car, what is the best place to go just so we can legally drive?""
What if I choose not to have insurance on my car? whats the big risk im taking? Do i even need it?
I am 19 years old, I have been legally driving since I was 17, but have actually been driving since I was 15 (Yeah crazy huh?) (My dad was my teacher) Thankfully, I have never been in a car accident. I am a very careful driver. Point is: I want to buy a used car, and I don't feel like having car insurance is even necessary. I'm not made out of money and I really NEED to save the extra cash. Also if you have ever gotten a ticket for not having car insurance , how much was it?""
Motorcycle insurance for a teen?
Ever since i was 5 i have been memorized by motorcycles, street, track, cruiser, dirt a little bit of everything in each category. Now im 18 years old and have decided its time to look past the awe and articles and into owning one! Iv been into the supermoto scene for over a year now just thrilled with them. Im hoping to get a wr250r/x, klx250, or drz 400. The online insurance quotes were nuts for basic liability! (6100-6800$ cnd) I hear others having 7$/monthly from the states. Has anyone has experience with this and are the quotes accurate? (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Thanks for your time- hope you know more on this than me!""
Home owners insurance help?
I need new home insurance but I have bad credit what can I do?
Here are my plans when i turn 16 can i do it?
ok to make it real short i am going to turn 16 here in about 2 months here and there is this car ive wanted ever since i came out of my moms woumb lol. Literally this car is my all time dream car. They are not the most ammount of money in the world they are about 10-15k and i was wondering if id be able to pay payments each month when i have a job if i cant would i be able to give my mom/dad the money and they pay the insurence and payments. And also my dad i going to give me around 4k to put on a down payment. Please give me ways i can do it cuz i literally need this car its a dream of mine
What is car insurance premium tax?
My car insurance renewal notice is comprised of the insurance itself (540.00), car hire (28.25), credit charge (48.30), and Insurance Premium Tax (34.10), giving a total of 650.65. Is the insurance premium tax some type of scam to get me to pay extra or is it a government tax, like VAT (I thought VAT would be included in the 540.00)?""
Which is the best travelers insurance? Orbitz.com Access America travelers insurance?
I am looking through buying tickets through Orbitz.com (from LA to Berlin) and they are offering travelers insurance through Access America for $45. Any other suggestions?
Does Florida auto insurance have some sort of new windshield coverage?
I need an arguement solved. i was on interstate and some rocks/debris flew off truck in front of me and damaged my windshield. everyone keeps telling me that my insurance will cover the windshield to be replaced but I do not see this in my policy at all. I only carry the basic minimum needed to insure car. Is there something I am missing or does anyone what these other people are talking about? I do not carry comp or collision.
Companies that provide comprehensive health insurance packages?
Which are good, and why (maybe)?""
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
0 notes
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
"How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What ammount of miles should I drive yearly to get a minimum insurance rate?
I think if you drive less than a certain ammount of miles, you get cheaper insurance. What ammount is ideal? Plus, how are an insurance company meant to know if you drive to School ...show more""
What insurance company should I choose for my car?
I just got dropped from state farm because of high risk and I'm looking for something affordable for a college student/ musician. I have to get full coverage as well. What is a cheap company I can go with that's not going to screw me over or anything?
Do cheaper old cars make insurance higher?
Ive been looking up cheap old cars such as 1995 peugeot 106 the insurance is still over 2000! is it because im looking at cars that cost 400? Im looking for a really cheap car to buy and has the average insurance price any suggestions ?
Affordable Florida Group Health Insurance Question:?
Where's the best site on affordable florida group health insurance? I've looked everywhere. Sometime searching is just a pain. Anyone with some ideas or links to share? Thanks.
Are older cars cheaper to insure?
I'm going to be 17 soon and are looking at cars, and was wondering if older cars would be cheaper to insure than newer ones, i'm quite a fan of old skool cars.""
Oklahoma insurance help..?
I'm 21 years old and i don't have any insurance, haven't since my mums stopped covering me. I'm not working right now, i had a job for awhile, but had to quit cuz i had to call sick too often due to horrid migraine headaches. I really need to find some insurance of some kind because i see to goto a doctor for a few different health concerns. Does anyone know where i can find some affordable insurance? I don't even know where to begin looking or what to look for. How much should i expect to be spending? Or would i qualify for some form of state insurance if I'm not working?""
How does insurance work?
How does insurance work? like im really not sure.. do you pay into it every month?
About how much does insurance generally run for a commercial semi truck?
Me and my dad are going to start a small trucking company. Only one truck at first. He will be the driver and I'll be putting up the money for it and be the owner. I'll be getting a big of money when I turn 18 from inheritance (about 130,000). I already have a truck picked out, and we're going to lease on with a company. My dad has driven trucks for over 40 years now and knows a lot about the industry. I've talked to a few other owner operators, and I know permits and such can generally run around 5000 or less but the insurance rates are scaring the hell out of me. I know there's no way of giving an accurate estimate without knowing the drivers records and what you'll be hauling or the type of truck. I know it will be a van though. Also, I know the truck will be a 98' model or somewhere around that year. Anyway, I've seen numbers on up to the millions, and then I've seen rates that are only 1500 to 5000 annually. I would just like to know from any owner operators, or people that might have an idea about trucking, about how much does basic insurance cost for a semi truck and trailer? Also, any other information about permits and total costs and expenses would be greatly appreciated. Would 130,000 be enough to get one truck on the road and running with money left over? Thanks so much in advance for any advice :)""
Car insurance prices ?
How much does insurance cost for your first car and also how much would group 14 car insurance cost for a first car
How much would this car insurance cost?
say... a 17 year old with a V8 mustang.. how much per month/year do you think it'd be? assuming i got the cheapest deal i could
How can i get birth control for cheap without insurance or medical card!?
so i'm 20 years old turning 21 in about a couple months in Illinois and i just recently became sexually active like three months ago... i'm worried about pregnancy so i was thinking about the pill but i dont have medical insurance and no medical card to pay for it.. does anyone know how much the first exam is and how much the pill is!? Or where i can go get help paying for these things?!
Cheapest car insurance?
Which company has the cheapest car insurance? I just bought a brand new car yesterday and I can't drive it off the lost until I have car isurance for it.
Insurance costs a fortune?
Anyone know of an insurance company that can give really cheap quotes for teenagers. UK Based
What kinds of life insurance should I have?
I'm 30 years old, and my love is 39. I have an AD&D insurance policy from work listing him as the beneficiary. What other insurance should I purchase? We do not have any children. Do not say we're going to hell, or that we are sinners. If you've read the bible and truly believe in it, then you should know about judging others and casting stones.""
Where to find cheap insurance in ontario?
I'm turning 22 had a Kawasaki Ninja 250R as a starter bike and looking to upgrade to something bigger. I have a clean record but any online quote I get for a bike 600cc or higher results in $10,000/year or higher in insurance. I see guys my age riding around all the time on R6s and CBR600RRs and I don't understand it. Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.""
Cancelling M&S Car Insurance?
Basically I took at a M&S car insurance plan for my car. A guy crashed into me whilst on a roundabout (my right of way) and his insurance have since accepted responsibility for the accident.I am now wanting to cancel the insurance as they have been very unhelpful throughout the whole process. I am just wondering how much I am going to have to pay to cancel the policy- As I was spreading the cost with agreed monthly payments the total cost including interest was 738. I did a one off payment of 101.87 and then so far have paid 4 installments of 57.89. As I have had the policy for 4 months. In the t's & c's on the website it says this: If you cancel your policy within 12 months of the Policy Start Date, we will calculate the cost for the period of cover based on our short period rates in force when we receive the Certificate of Motor Insurance and refund any excess premium you have paid. If we cancel, the premium will be calculated in proportion to the period of cover provided and we will refund any excess premium which you have paid when the Certificate of Motor Insurance has been returned to us As I have had the policy for 4 months how much will I have to pay to cancel (even the the whole process was not my fault!).just want to buy a new car and insure with somebody else! (recommendations very welcome!) Thank you in advance for your help people!""
How to get health insurance for a pregnant woman in California that is a LEGAL immigrant?
Ok, my fiancee is pregnant. She's a legal resident, but from what I understand, she isn't supposed to use any type of public benefits (aka welfare) and we really don't want to either. I have company health care (HMO), but my company won't pay for her, and for me to add her onto my plan is like $900 more a month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). She doesn't work as she is a stay at home mom. We are not married, but we were planning on an October wedding before she found out she was pregnant (7 weeks), I imagine we are still going to stick to our plans. How can we have this baby? I make $36,000 and live in San Diego. This would be our 2nd child, I can barely make ends meet. Before you judge me about having another kid without the true financial means, she was on birth control for 2 years. We don't know how this happened, but I guess it's not true 100% protection. Are there any insurances we can get? How can we get help with this baby? What can we do? Thank you for your help.""
Health insurance after divorce?
I have health insurance for another month, then my divorce will be final and I lose the insurance through my husband's company (with Blue Cross Blue Shield). With a pre-existing condition, it appears that I will not be able to afford health-care after losing his. Please do not suggest welfare, I can scrape by on my own if I can find affordable health insurance. Does anybody have an idea of what options I may have?""
Car insurance prices?
i just got a 1993 BMW 325i for my 17th birthday. Can anyone tell me how much car insurance is going to be on it? i have a 2.5gpa so the discount doesn't apply. and i live in florida. Also how much does it cost to get your license plate and registration
Small business insurance?
This is for hw, any info would be helpful I'm opening a salon in hollywood california. (5,000 square feet) How much would I pay in insurance a year? what kind of insurance would i need? Example: i think i would need product liability insurance, professional liability insurance, there are so many different kinds! Which one/ones should I use? and how much would it be? I've been googling and researching for a long time if you can help thank you!!""
How much should I pay for liability insurance for a non-profit?
I'm from a non-profit volunteer organization that wants its volunteers to teach a 16-session class. Normally, we teach in a local high school, but given the time in the school year, I would like to teach in a public/community setting over the summer. In order to get a public place (library; community center) to host this class, I need to take out liability insurance. I've asked my supervisor whether our organization has liability (no response yet). If we don't currently have it, what is an affordable company to buy it from? How much should my organization pay for a minimal premium?""
What is the best and most affordable whole life insurance i can get for my mother who is 77?
what's the best and most affordable whole life policy i can get for my mother who is 77 and has numerous health concerns?
Will a medical suspension raise car insurance rates?
My wife has a medical suspension and is trying to get her license back. She has 0 points on her record. I know if you are suspended for stupidity (DUI, reckless driving, ect) then your car insurance rates go up, but do they go up for a medical suspension??""
Should I wait until I am 25 or 26 to start driving a car again? Is it true about Insurance costs? Please read?
Hello, I am 21 and in college. I am in Northeast Illinois. I have not driven a car since I was 17. This is because I did miserably in driver education. I passed the classroom, so technically I passed driver ed, but the driving I failed miserably. My parents won't let me be behind the wheel of their cars again. I talked with a friend of mine recently and she said that the cost of driving insurance in Illinois is dramatically less when a driver turns 25 or 26. I am thinking that maybe I should start driving again at age 25 or 26 so I can keep costs down (especially in a nasty economy like this country has right now). Now, here's the other thing, my dad has cancer (leukemia), he's the one who gives me rides to places, my mom doesn't want to give me rides because she is still angry at me for what I did when I was 17. She said to me You're not driving again, ever. You lied to me. You disobeyed our orders and was arrogant. You're done. I don't care about your behaviors anymore Yeah, she hasn't changed since what I did at age 17. My dad has a had time walking, sitting, standing, etc. He has mentioned a couple of times Its not a bad idea that maybe you should think about driving again, you will have to drive some time, son Then I think about the insurance cost and how much of a hassel it would be. So, should I do it? Should I wait until I am 25 or 26 to start driving again? Should I wait longer? It seems like my mom won't forgive me and my dad has this cancer making it hard on him. I don't know what to do. Thanks""
Does one speeding ticket make your insurance go up?
i'm 16 and never had a ticket...i think it's state farm insurance.....i'm in california
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).
Car insurance is wasting my money?
I have been paying for my car insurance for over three years. I spent over 5000$ or more. what should i do i'm sick of paying them please helpppppp. I work my a** up everyday and then i only get half of my salary cuz of them.
I been shopping around for insurance with different insurance agencies here in CA ?
and noticed that the premium is about the same for all of them but the broker's fee ranges from $100 to $300, can that be negotiated ? or is it illegal to do so ? i like one of the insurance agencies since they were super nice but they also have the highest brokers fee, could they match the other agencies price ?""
Question about insurance coverage?
Okay today my car was broken into at school and they shattered the drivers side window and stole my $150 radio and my $120 graphing calculator. I have full auto insurance coverage but what coverage does this fall under? Comprehensive coverage? I saw on this website that homeowners insurance would cover this but that didn't make sense to me. Does the car have to be home when the break in happened? WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER
Car insurance. What a cheek!?
Got renewal yesterday for 449 up 10 on this years, when I go directly to the insurers website as a new customer my quote comes out as 279!! Can I cancel my insurance upon renewal and then take out another policy with them?""
Question about how much you think my insurance will be??! please help?
I'm 17. I just got my license. I will be put on my grandmas insurace. She has one car. We plan to share that till I can get my own. the car is a 1995 sc400 lexus. how much do you think its going to be a month?!
How do You Show Proof of Auto Insurance to a Court?
In California, do you have to just show the insurance policy or do you have to show policy with payment receipt?""
I had a car accident but insurance info exchanged what to do?
Ok today while leaving grocery store I was driving so on the middle of the stope light it turn green the car in front of me start moving than stopped all of the sudden I was about to drive and than slammed my breakes I barely touched the car in front of me he stooped came outside the car and said u scratched my car I told him I don't think that's my car . He asked for my insurance and I asked for his he said he didn't have them in the car so I refused to give him my insurance info .. I took aspic of the car plate and the damaged also he did I the same Gave home my name and my number .. Told him whenever u got the insurance info he can call me ... The problem the car is under my brother name and insured under his name as my name is not in nether of the car or the insurance.. What to do ?? My brother can't afford to add me on .. And I know the damaged wisent that much .. Please help should I call back with the insurance or just ignore ???
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
Red camoro or mustang or white effect car insurance (boy)?
Hello I am driving in a few months. I am getting a 2011 chevy camaro 2lt or a ford mustang gt. does the color of the car effect the price of the car insurance. I do know being a boy I will have to pay higher insurance. But red is my favorite color. If I get a red camaro or mustang will insurance be higher than getting a white or yellow mustang or camaor. And what is better for everyday driving and safety. and features. and what is best for the money the Camaro or mustang. and trim wise to. camaro 1LT or 2LT or Mustang GT or V6Premium???? help
Who has the cheapest liability car insurance in California?
I live in the South Bay, and I am purchasing a car along with insurance. I just need a cheap insurance company because I will not be driving the car for long, as I am going to the Air Force at the beginning of next year.""
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I'm a 17 year old female that will drive a Vauxhall Corsa but it's kind of old like this one: http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the amount of lessons/make of car/pass score change the price of insurance? All the insurance sites want me to enter my details, which I don't want to do. Is there a big difference between cost when I'm 17 compared with 18? Sorry for all the questions but thanks (:""
Cheapest car insurance?
who is the cheapest car insurance provider in the uk?I only have one year no claims bonus and I just purchased a vw bora 2.0 and the insurence quotes are pretty high so far
""My husband and I are looking for life insurance but dont know the diffrence in term life, accidental and whole?
My husband is only 24 but was just diagnosed with Hep C.
Car Title and Insurance?
If I finance my car under just my name can I then title it under both mine and my mother's name and get insurance using her address?
Where is the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
Looking for a really cheap car insurance quote in UK? Trying to shop around a little and wanna know if anyone has any ideas
Will my insurance go lower if i buy a older car?
I currently drive a 2003 honda civic coupe and i was wondering if the insurance will be cheaper if i traded it in for a 1998 maxima sedan?
My First Speeding ticket as a minor! Will my insurance go up?
Last night I was coming home from a concert in Cleveland Ohio. Stupidly I wasn't paying attention to my speed and got pulled over for a 76 in a 60. 16 Mph over. Knowing my parents would take my car away for who knows how long my brother has agreed to help me pay the ticket. So with the ticket taken care of, that leave the possibility of my insurance going up who knows how much. I have State Farm and am on my parents plan. I will be receiving 2 points from this ticket. If anyone has a general idea about the possibility of my insurance going up at all. - I have done previous reading and can't get a straight forward find. Im hoping it wont affect my insurance premium or whatever and I can be in the free!! thanks alot in advance""
How much does small business insurance cost on average yearly ?
my friend is doing a project for her college class and needs to know a rough estimate on the yearly cost of small business insurance. Her business, is a used furniture partnership with a few part time employees. It does not need to be exact but time is a factor so any quick answers would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!""
Where can i find good and cheap used car dealer insurance?
i am trying to open a used car lot and need insurance for it. where can i find cheap insurance i have looked and got a quote at one place but the price is to high 6500.00 per year, are there any other companies that will offer that but for cheaper? thanks""
California state medical insurance?
I have to have my gallbladder removed and i want to know how long did you have to wait to have the surgery done? I am in Merced, County if that helps.""
Can my Storage Company force me to buy their Insurance?
I have had the same storage place for over 10 years now, and recently they have been charging me an extra 9 bucks a month to have their insurance. I do not want to have their insurance ( or any insurance for that matter) and wanted to know if I legally have to pay this or if they are doing something illegal? They also charged me for a month that earlier than what they said I initially had to start paying.""
I am looking for the website for the Illinois Insurance Auto Assigned Risk Pool?
This pool provides insurance for high risk drivers on a rotating basis.
My car insurance policy was cancelled due to non payment can my vehicle be towed?
i found myself in a tight position and was unable to pay my car insurance and it was cancelled i curently have no insurance ...can my vehicle be towed?
Car insurance costs more than car!?
So i got a 2001 Acura EL premium with 148k a week ago and i was quoted for $387 a month/4644 a year for a car that i got for $4100. I live in Toronto and i know it costs more for insurance but its ridiculous when it costs more than actual worth of the car. Should i try sell the car or keep it as i need it for school and work?
Reviews of Gerber life insurance?
Does anyone have any personal experience with Gerber life insurance, including the claims process? This is for a whole life insurance policy for an adult.""
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).
How can I get my own auto insurance and still be decently affordable?
So im 20 years old almost 21 living at home and ready to get my own auto insurance. My daily driver is a 1999 s-10 Blazer and for my playtime car im looking into a 2005 GTO. I know instantly thats a red flag cause im young, but thats why I want my own insurance. But the thing is....I talked to the insurance writer and they told me that even if im on my own insurance, if something serious happens to me in a auto related accident, they can still come after my parents assets and insurance since I live at home still. Is this true? also any tips for a young guy looking for independence with his own insurance?""
Good starter bike thats cheap on insurance?
i was thinking a 250r or a 600r???
How long does it take a car insurance company to fix your car?
I was in an accident dec 27 2013 the ladys insurance called me that same day of the accident and told me they would have full liability of the car damages to my parents car so i told them ok and she gave me the the claim number and then she said she would call my mom because the iinsurance isunder her name im 17 by the way...and then they nevr called my mom That day.they have usaa insurance and we have all insurance
""Looking for auto insurance, do I need to report an accident?
I was driving a friend's car and was involved in an accident. I was not at fault and no ticket was issued. My friend's insurance paid for the damage on the other car. Do I need to report this accident while shopping for car insurance or can I leave it out? I live in California and was required to report the accident to the DMV even though I was not at fault.
Am I able to drive my -just bought- car without insurance?
I just bought my car one day ago and i only have the contract but not the title, am i able to drive the car at all or is there a law that lets me drive the car within a certain amount of time without insurance on it in minnesota?""
Can somebody explain to me what LP means in home insurance?
For example, I know that there is a classification in homes that's called LP3 . What does that mean??""
California auto insurances?
There's a car under my parent's name and under their policy. i'm 19 and i have my license for a year now. Since i am on my winter break now and i would like to drive it sometimes. However, i'm not under their policy nor any policy. So, i am driving their car and if 'm involved in an accident, will i be covered under my parent's policy? And i heard that if i am involved in an accident i will be covered by my parent's policy for the first time only, so is this true?""
What car colors are more expensive for insurance?
I am buying a new car and I have found the one I want but I need lower insurance so what color is cheapest and what is most expensive.
Why do hundreds of thousands die every year WITH health insurance?
Should we ban it? Isn't this the same argument as Dems use when they say 45,000 die with no health insurance? It's not because. In fact, there was a study done. Here are the results: The possibility that no one risks death by going without health insurance may be startling, but some research supports it. Richard Kronick of the University of California at San Diegos Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, an adviser to the Clinton administration, recently published the results of what may be the largest and most comprehensive analysis yet done of the effect of insurance on mortality. He used a sample of more than 600,000, and controlled not only for the standard factors, but for how long the subjects went without insurance, whether their disease was particularly amenable to early intervention, and even whether they lived in a mobile home. In test after test, he found no significantly elevated risk of death among the uninsured. See that? No elevated risk of death among the uninsured? Do some of you get that you're being played yet? I'd love to see reform, but should we concentrate on the common sense Republican solutions to bring down costs?""
Is there health insurance for domestic partnerships?
My partner and i have been together for 4 and 1/2 years and he is in need of a full coverage insurance for his university. we wanted to try doing it together if at all possible.
Anyone know a good Renters Insurance Company ?
Live in an Apartment and I would like to purchase some Renters insurance to cover any damages that may happen. I want to make sure it's a good legit company and not some rinky dinky place. Thanks ahead of time for all your answers.
How does insurance on a leased car work?
im getting my license soon and was wondering what the best and cheapest option in terms of buying, leasing or buying used is for me. im 16 so insurance is going to be high. i only need a car for 2 years, after that ill be in college and dont see a point in having a car. so i thought why not just lease a car, but i heard when you lease a car the insurance is high for it. my question is how does a lease work? is the insurance for it high already without me being 16 a factor? do you sign up with a dealership insurance or use your own plan? Thanks for the help""
15 1/2 year old male insurence in california ?
im 15 1/2 and just got my permit and i have a 72 galaxie 500 2 door hard top but its not registered i was wondering if it would be cheaper to register the car in my name but be on my parents insurance or register it in my dads name and be on his insurance or just have my own insurance? i live in california. so if you can help that be great and dose anyone know how much it be if i joined my parents?
Where is a company that offeres life insurance to felons?
My husband commited a felony nine years ago when he was nineteen years old and has not been in trouble since. He is now a foreman, owns his own home and is just a regualr citizen, but he has been denied life insurance through 3 companies. Any suggestions?""
How to get Get Affordable Car Insurance in Detroit Michigan.?
Is there any information i read about this?
I'm looking for THE CHEAPEST auto insurance I can find. Any advice?
My mom just kinda dumped my insurance bill on my lap. I ahve a 98 CRV and I'm looking for cheap cheap insurance. I really only drive about 10 minutes to and from work a day. I'm thinking the cheapest ones probably won't even advertise on television, so Im looking for word of mouth. Thanks guys!""
How much is full coverage car insurance under the general?
Im 16, drive a 2005 kia spectra, get good grades and live in az oh and the car isn't red.""
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower?
My insurance on my car is $450 and its nothing special of a car not fast how can i get it lower? the insurance company told me if i sighn on with my family it makes it cheaper...all of my friends are paying 120-200 i dont get why mines so much more/?
How much did your car insurance go up after you claimed?
I had a single vehicle accident, my car may be beyond repair and I've no chance of getting my 1st yrs no claims now. How much did yours go up after you claimed?""
How to get the best damage offer from insurance company ?
I am a university student in Toronto(Canada). I saved up $5,000 and bought myself a car in 2006 -- a 1991 white Acura Legend in excellent condition with only 140,000 km. No major repairs were required up to now. I T-boned a car which was making a left turn this Saturday; my car is now totalled. The other driver will be charged by the police with making an improper left turn. I only took out liability coverage (no collision coverage); my own insurance comp is offering me $1900 for my damaged car, but I would like $2500 as the loss of my car is totally not my fault. My adjuster said that the insurance is quite firm on the $1,900. I would like to know what will happen if I dispute this amount? What can I do to get more than $1,900? Can I get compensation from the other drivers insurance company since she was at fault, if yes, how do I go about? I need a car to drive to school due to the distance. Thank you very much.""
Does a warning for running a red light increase insurance rates? PLEASE HELP!?
Today I got pulled over for the first time for running a red light , when the officer pulled me over, as he was getting off his bike I took my seatbelt off (I know, now that I think of it, it was such a stupid thing to do, but it was my first time being pulled over and I didnt know how to react). He di.dn't say anything about the seatbelt, but he told me that I ran the red light back there. Ok, let me explain this to you guys now, i don't know if you're familiar with Cape Cod or not but there are TONS, literally tons of tourists here right now, and the roads are really narrow.. There was a guy in an Audi pulling into a parking spot in reverse in front of me and he was taking half of the lane that I was on.. This parking spot happens to be 10 ft away from the set of lights. In my mind I was thinking, I'm gonna go to the left side to let this guy go in, and while that was happening I was worried about the tourists that like to jaywalk and cross the road inbetween cars... So I go to the left and the left and gas it a little bit, I was going like 10 mph as I was taking off, and the light turns yellow, I cross the crosswalk, then the light turns red and I drive under the set of lights.. These 2 bike cops came immediately after me... So long story short, it was my first time being pulled over, I took the seatbelts off, and I ran the red light because there was a guy pulling into a parking stop right in front of me and I was too worried looking around afraid I was going to hit a jaywalking tourists. I know people always think they're right, but I honestly think I didn't do anything wrong here. I got a $25 seat belt fine and a warning for running the red light, which is complete BS. I know it's a warning but I don't want it on my record at all, how can I appeal, any tips? Im only 18 years old, just got off my JOL and I'm very conscientious of other people, never speed or anything. I appreciate your help, will give best answer, thanks!""
Where can you get insurance for Judo?
I am on my Mom's plan, but would like to have a specific insurance for Judo. I am not competing, just recreational judo. Thanks. I'm 19 years old and live at home. I'm in college. I live in Minnesota.""
Insurance In California?
What's the insurance law thing in California? Someone told me that anyone who has a license and drives a car MUST have insurance. Do you HAVE to have insurance to drive in CA? Another thing is that my parents were telling that it's expensive to put my name under their policy especially because I'm a newly licensed driver, meaning I don't have a lot of driving experience yet. Is this true?""
How to make car insurance cheap as possible!?
im 17 and just passed my test and i need to get cheap insurance. i have a 1.0L 05 plate corsa and i need to get it on the road asap. its my aunties car she had given it me but wont let me use it till i get insured. i need help to make it as cheap as possible so please help!
Which Car Insurance is cheaper at the state of NJ?
I tire of riding in public transportation, I had my licend 1 year ago but the thing is that I am 21 years old and almost a new driver and I want to get the Cheaper option for me. I dont have the car yet but if i found a insurance that fix for me buy it will not be a problem. Let said that i buy a car from Honda 2000. I want something with the basic, i know it going to be hard for my age but their is no impossibe.""
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).
Low Cost Health Insurance?
I am contemplating quitting my job and going full time to school so that I can have a fresh start with a new career. It would be fine if it was just me, but I have 2 kids and I am single. With school I would work about 40 hours/week doing clinicals at the hospital plus my school work, so I wouldn't be able to work as well. I know I could get state assistance with medical but I did that before and it was the absolute worst healthcare I've ever experienced. They treated us like we were scum. I want my kids to be well taken care of for the few semesters that I would be out of work. I will be getting all of the student loans that I can to pay for basic expenses and hopefully some sort of sliding scale healthcare...Any ideas?""
Does anyone know a company that will give homeowners insurance if you own a pit bull?
I'm looking for a insurance company that will insure homeowners insurance if I have a pit or pit mix in Upstate NY
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
Want to cancel my whole life insurance?
Back in July 09, I let my stepmother's boyfriend create a life insurance policy for me. He works as an agent for New York Life, and since I know nothing about insurance, I just let him take care of everything. For personal reasons, I want to cancel the insurance. I will get something else, probably term, very soon. I just still know nothing about insurance, so I have a few questions about my policy. I do have whole life insurance, so I should be able to get some money back, right? Currently, I have a $50k plan, and I pay just under $50 a month. I got this policy when I was 18, so the monthly cost seems a little high--especially since I have no dependents or debt. If I die tomorrow, I could still get a really nice funeral (not that I want one) and have it all payed in full from the money I have from my inheritance. Was I ripped off or is this pretty standard? Online, it says my Net Cash Value is $37.97. Is this the money I get back if I cancel? It seems low--it's only about 3.2% of the total amount I've paid. I was expecting some amount closer to 10%. Ideally, I'd like to cancel without talking to my agent. Is there any way I could do it through a general agent or online?""
Does anyone know where a couple in their early 60's might find affordable insurance.?
We had really great insurance but, it went up from a little less than $600.00 to over $1000.00. We cannot afford that.""
What is the $$$ insurance for a yamaha bike?
a car being too expensive i wanted to buy a 5-6 grand yamaha sports bike but dont know how much insurance will be? does any one know how much it is for say 16 year old-25 years? thats the years in which ur considered a teen right and i would be classified as in there.
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
How can I get my insurance cheaper?
21 years old 0 claims bonus first bike : 1998 r1 (already got it) what are some ways to get my insurance down? thanks
Help Choosing First Car?
Soo I'm looking at two cars, the 2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GS and the 2002 Ford Mustang. Both are convertible, the Mitsu is a V4 while the Ford is a V6. The Ford has about 90k miles and the Mitsu has about 120k miles. I was wondering which would be the smarter pick and why? Which would be more reliable, efficient, cheaper insurance, cheaper maintainance, ect. Please help me and give any info on both cars.""
""Cheapest car insurance, help!? (UK)?""
im 17, 18 soon. (female) i haven't passed my test yet but im looking for car insurance for when i do... but everything im finding is like 2 grand plus and i cant afford that! all im looking for is a small 2001 corsa... i dont mind whether its fully comp or not, i just want it to be cheaper than that! does anyone have any tips? ive been on go compare and all the comparison ones but its still like 2500.. even with my parents insured aswell! any advice?""
Used car insurance?
If you get insurance for a used car, will they still fix your windsheild?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old with a 1999 ford mustang cobra?
It has a ton of mods and yes I am looking at fast cars because ive been around them all my life. and dont be that guy that says get a honda. Thanks
""What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 23 year old??? Progressive, Geico, etc??""
I have had a few blemishes on my record, some tickets and an accident, but my state requires full coverage insurance on a bike that is not paid in full, what are your suggestions??""
How much would it cost for insurance for a c6 corvette Z06?
it can be an estimate or an average?
I Scratched another car how much will my insurance go up?
While backing up at a gas station I bumped into a guys car and left a dime size bump on his car how much do you think it will cost? and how much will my insurance go up?
What should I do about this car insurance?
I have a car that is worth no more than $1500. I bought it off someone in my family and I should transfer ownership (as it is from a different state). At the moment they have selected me as a secondary drive for insurance, as I am a P plater it will cost a lot of money to put it under me. To reregister it and insure it under me would cost a lot. (including getting another roadworthy certificate). I took it in for a check and they said repairs would cost nearly $2,000 which is more than the car. Plus the insurance, totaling about $3500 in total when the car is only worth $1500 max. So this is the situation I need help with, the car runs great and I may have just gotten ripped off by the mechanics (I didn't bring it in, someone else did and they can seem like an easy person to rip off) - also we have a friend who is a retired mechanic and he said the car is in great shape and roadworthy should be no problem, so that conflicts with what these guys said.. Any tips? I have no clue what to do. What do you do when it costs more to put a car on the road than the car is worth?""
Car Insurance Prices??
I'm paying around $400/6 months for my car insurance (liability package, not full coverage). In the last 3 years I've had one ticket, for failure to come to a complete stop at a stop sign on an empty road just because the cop felt like being a prick. Which was like two years ago. I'm 23, and my older brother who has two cars, one of them being an expensive sports car is paying $50 more than me / 6 months for FULL COVERAGE. Why in the world are my costs so damn high? Any suggestions for lowering them? State: WI""
Roughly how much is car insurance for a peugeot??
please help, i only want roughly""
What is one day liability insurance and where do I get it from?
I want to rent a hall our for my sons birthday party, and the owners said we need one day liability insurance through our insurance. What is it though? And through what insurance of mine do I get it? Also is it expensive? I've never heard of anything like this before and its just making the party planning process that much more stressful. Thanks so much""
Can an insurer refuse me insurance because of a secondary drivers record?
I am a new driver, I am now insured with a different company but am not happy with how much I am paying. Now, When I first got my vehicle I did a quote with a different insurance company, I was pleased with the cost of insurance, so I decided to try to go ahead with their insurance policy. It took 12 days for this company to contact me back, that's only because I called them questioning about the progress. Now the wait didn't bother it is the fact that the refused me. I know that as an insurance company they have the right to refuse an insurance policy, but it was the EXCUSE they gave me that infuriated me. Now let explain the situation as clearly as I can. I am a new driver, I am still living with my dad so I was obligated to put him onto my insurance plan because we are living int he same building and both have access to my car, as a new driver I have 0 tickets, 0 cancellations of insurance (have had previous insurance for a motorcycle with the same company) and I must also put 0 experience. now my dad has over 30 years driving experience, but he had 1 ticket in the past 3 years. So this is what the insurance company said to me on the phone, We are refusing your policy because you are a new driver, and your secondary driver has had 1 ticket in the past 3 years. Me, and my father both think that this is just an excuse to not insure a new driver. I am insured now and have been for the past several months driving everyday to and from work, my insurance is getting a bit costly now and am thinking of trying the other company again. I would like to know, Can the insurance company refuse me for those reasons? And would you recommend trying that company again after a few months have past or try to find cheaper insurance elsewhere?""
What companies offer good Business Insurance?
We are a small production/post production company for film/TV/marketing and need business insurance. We are located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Would appreciate suggestions for which companies we should reach out to.""
I have title to my exes car and pay their insurance. How do I get out of it?
Me and my girl broke up a year and a half ago. She's a real piece of work. We lived together for 3 years and had everything is each others names. Utility bills, cell phone bills etc. She never paid any of her bills on time and it destroyed her credit. I signed for a car for her because she's had multiple DUI's and didn't have the credit to get her own. She made the payments on it and I never put any money down. The car title is in my name and she has paid it off. She can't get insurance because of the DUI's. I just want to be done with it so I don't have to deal with her anymore but she wants me to hold off until she finished her DUI classes to get a reasonable rate on insurance. She's been telling me the same thing for a year plus. I'm not even sure if she's taken or taking these classes yet or not. I asked her about it the other day and she never responded to me. I had left her a voicemail and she never called me back. This really pisses me off. So my question is if I sign the title and make her sign it as well do I have any more resposibility with the automobile? I just want to drop her from my insurance and give her the title. Is she wrecks or, god forbid, kills someone while driving am I liable for anything?""
My friend has no car insurance..?
He was driving and its raining outside so the street is slippery. He braked and avoid hitting anyone but it didn't help. He has no car insurance and just hit a car right now. What happens when you have no car insurance and you hit someone's car? I don't think the person will sue, but will my friend have to pay damages and a ticket? Any jail time or suspended license? Anyone experienced that? I know its illegal to be driving without insurance. This is in Florida. Help me out with some good advice or suggestions. Thanks.""
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance""
Where should I look for health insurance for my mom?
My mom is 55 years old and lives in another state as me. I currently work and live in Pennsylvania at a great company that provides health insurance, dental, vision, etc. I cannot add her to my policy, as much as I would like to so I would like to try and find a policy for her. My dad works for a company that provides health insurance, however the cost of health insurance to him and my mother (who live together and are married) is extremely high. Currently, they are seeking alternatives so that my dad is covered under insurance through his company and my mom can get coverage through a third party company at a lower rate. The rate they are asking my father to pay to have both of them on the coverage policy is insanely high. I pay about $55 a month for health insurance and they are at least quadruple that. I'm looking for suggestions for a reliable and trusted company (Aetna, Anthem, etc.) that would provide individual health insurance at an affordable rate, if anyone knows of anything.""
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).
0 notes
mkpeacemaker · 8 years
THIS ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE I DIED ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 8, 2016. TAYLOR SWIFTS BIRTHDAY IS 1989. can u guise please check in at least once? it would mean a lot to me. oka love u bye see u later no read this : election 2016....279 donald trump....two.... seven(-fully restore.).. nine is -nothing is stolen...verison 7... had been audited because they disregarded the means of full restoration... which then was raped by a nothing is stolen... and espensive.... 279....okay... we will have enough power.... nothing was stolen...our false gained competitors were shown in the light.... we are secure we have enough power now..okay forget it this is complete lottery this is the big one........this is flora 7-taylor illuminati(psychoc acid) mistranlated the first year...s....so... but eveerything paid back rite? according to white house..... guardina(psychos inteligence-satan) emergency room with starbuck nine-tw. second scenario.... hillary clinton... two the one-(cara!!!!! what the hell was that throw guitar a la paper towns)then raped by a 8....full compensation....in a shaky whisper full of emotion and love....forgiveness..............coffeworks... which everyone know anyways... its host.,...8.....who is hosting? taylor of course... oh its taylor no wonder she lost even as the host of everything.....it crazy elements of flora area and starbuck area all stores and cw area all stores including car mike cinema!!! was there!!!! also in the theme of a twenty sixteen (taylor women e nelson taylor yelyah)16. one is we dont expect anything from you. two is a we dont require anything from you. this is a two. springbrook: they messaged last week.,=she said' the car and him are too rich' for my blood so im sorry i dint know how much was enough.... now it is espensive... so its considered expensive... and all of you are expensive... they said 32 years 2048 anyways i was informed from outside 4 weeks ago.... oh he got rid of the nonsharing problem... which happened to be linked with stealing... interesing... i could not perciove sory... anyways everyone see the road springdale road! wth trees!... and springbrook is on route... so we know.. its not secret , if i quit now and vow never to cooperate with any party r will be in the cherry hill er (hanging out in starbuck, coffee work, cafe flora, near springdale road in cherry hill. until 2023. we will have air amenities at least past 2023. cara is a hardball negotiatior. if r does not pay until 2023. way/ia -yelyah maximum taylor maximum hayley maximum cara tove r maximum or entry level 12. 10. we are training then:') davy jones stepp on land for 10 years. every 10 years. if there is interference or it does not happen everyone pinpointed as cause will have bursts of air attack on them until their death. and likely it will continue 100 years after r dies. there are 400,000,000 affiliates and fremenimies and enimies of r and they have access to everything in the quad state infastructure as well as verison and it also includes verison. r must slowly unearth eveeryone she has encountered during the fame, from 2006-2013.... and compensate them paid in full by 2023. after 2023 r will start anew all over the same thing probably ' but a run for fun not run to their death gambit' and have extreme financing and trust the united stayes, the united nations(requires full compensation) and the secret service and the mafias are all on vacaytion, they are just participating, there is no cohesive goal or arrangement. we sample everything at different times such is taht and R-er or russia er(mostly) or part nelson er . also taylor and hayley er presence is notciced muchly. until 2023, aka code cera video games will run and plan until, tho it is not tightly integrated and accesibly storylined and linear to each micromananging variable, so many infinite variables and changes we will all experience together almost too fast for a trend also: the scorpion king imprinted me on my mommy via car a white midrange imprint.... and knocked out the ig part failedtest and burnt the sex extreme with biker to compensate her fully so i can continue the nfl ea olympics later when i am alive. many reasons and things done simultaneosly whoeva cut off nelsons leg tried to cut off audios legs in atlantic city.... then ran over multiple policemen and firemen.... and lastly ran over both audios feet.....trying to cut her legs off twice! many have surmised it was car mafia ll mafia italian or such they cut off nelsons leg cuz the weather was too late.... and it dint pan out. sometimes ultraluxury titanium armours health problems and accidents, but audio did not have the right or power over such things i am 20 times more sensitive than each individual to the effects. also get high from acid- trip intensely easily, everyone wants smaller dos to include the public and the women if u have not noticed on female celebrities, female teen celebrities, white gurls, white teen gurls, secret service, mi, illuminati, ig, united stays, steam powered, ri, blizzard, way ea, activision, infinity ward, telepathy, internet shopping, me/ia , way, tablets scrolls architecture power, li, blags, music, movies, tv shows, stores such as cw, tablet and phone gaming apps, starbuck, rite aid, linda mafia, nelson construction mafia, italian mafia, russian mafia, biker mafia, frog mafia, amazon optimus prime, mafia, female na latin global triangle mafia, ku klux klan mafia, i forgot a bunch from blacking out, please dont injure me from forget remind notify instead, mi mafia. illum dad mafia, which is global illuminati mafia, car mafia, hospital way mafia, grammy mafia, united stays ss mafia, i have 10 - 12 bone marks strikes to the front of the neck back of neck, top of head both feet united states salute, and such.... black triangle gurls 3 back of the ear, its bones.....ran over so i can get extremely meds during walking-hw..... ti, fast food, cvs, wawa, target, walgreens, shoprite, acme, bank of america, td bank, citizens bank, commerce bank. atms, cash, money, fort knox, walmart, bars, strip clubs, it, mall groups, origin.com, verison television, lte, social networks, 802.11ac wifi, nfc, nxp, aw, dragontouch, bluetooth, krell, parasound halo, bob carver, electrostatics, grado, magico s7 loudspeaker, streaming, xfinity, sprint, att, food delivery, tips, every bank, moorestown, fort dix, cherry hill, z, voorhees, x, haddon heights, deleware ave, cherry hill library, 7-11, marlton, maple shade, guitar center, best buy, cheesecake factories, friendly's, ott's chez elena wu, ritz seafood, car mike cinemas, c, atlantic city, ocean city, las vegas, milan, italy, sweden, switzerland, london england, austrailia, paris, france, promenade, florence, new york, philadelphia, old city, kingston, stadiums, tweeter center, washington dc, texas, nashville tennessee, barcelona, spain, puerto rico, russia, italy, india, ireland, antactica, ticketmaster, stubhub, south street, youtube, vevo, soundcloud, spotify, apple, iheartradio app, onyko hifi player, tplus, pandora, internet explorer, microsoft edge, female celebrity: tumblrs-twitters, myspace, snapchat, insta, facebooks, microsoft windows all versions, fast load times, autorepair, windows updates, netflix, tv chanel apps such as fox, or disney xd, starz hd llc...amazon music and video, mtv app, fierce females, victorious, android, ios, microsoft, msn, mediamonkey, playstation, xbox, nintendo, google, yahoo, aol.com, bing search, adobe flash, java, tumblr, twitter, myspace, instagram, facebook, snapchat female celeb verizon or internet facetime......----tw/verison/swift/taylor or part-time-awards show celebs-female, or hayley planning throught the day or week, its a fully compensate everyone for a one.... at the 5th reiteration of way or ia with tw......at the mafia 5.... so u may have to run en until a 5th glance.... at the fifth it compensates for everything klan and one.... whilst full compensation for blag and chink runs continuosly... this will go on for years....sometimes people dont know... even people near location... and they may try to create less glance.... even as the 5th compensation includes their compensation... i urge u to let them allow many looks or ni or esplaination for theirs and everyones sake'.... the amount of coma is determeined by the amount of friends i have.... i need to compensate many years.... before i am coherent.... friends, which it seems as everyone nowadays is.... imean female but tizzown u kno... turnpuke,,,,,, anywhere i was gpsed and or....corporate sponsorship.... during the legacy.....and each one i talked about..... at.... every store.,.... mall groups......bars.... strip clubs......burlington, somerdale, stratford, route 206 with all sos male cars flying against me, atlantic ciyt...... expect a full compensation then u may rescue me what is overhardened is fractured. what is fractured is remolded 13 call of duty ghosts: left and right speaker are switched. r and n is switched...grenade launcher and taticals are switched....i am putting out data and i am not recieving the data in my joourney. but i am the originator of such data the hair products technology in the town is developed for one reason… one person…. audio….. so she had to b the one to clean our mess…….. and expose source both mls and j seems to be the problem.... but i dont push the issue these first years... but they to vblame S R baby d, or baby c. baby c,d, are a’s the representatives for the eating or protectors or marriage of environment…. to nexus…. here is the theory…. the a’s are sexualy attached…. as instinct to protect….. not a random urge which may lead to casualty in such unstable times and mentalities….. the schematics, when normal is such, for a round four corners. G or g is a round top. a J would be a round bottom….. it is assumed…. the protectors of the region are J’s or j;s…. cuz audio is baby does not take things… u have to feed her btw…. she cannot feed herself… she has sexual anoroxia….. recieves…… gifts…. already to subconciosly powerful…. cannot have regal power too much……. but the reasons for these ideas are not for play…. they are for anti-terroristic measure…. to create guardinas. or protectors of each location….. local….-tizzown….. state—turnpuke——nj where i traverse…… and national… such as hayley tennessee or taylor texas katraina….. or AC atlantic city natural disaster international…. such as sweden or london, england ,,,,, each a is a sexified representative of each location…. to protect them/region from natural disaster….. the sex creates a need to protect….. to create connection…. and diplomacy…. and extreme subconscious love sacrifice and benefit…….. will never let anything kill her….. and thousands of people surrounding her…… i will do anything in my power to….. even get maimed…… to save her….. instead of inhumanely striking a individual from place to place and torturing from position to position….. torture creates hardening…. which makes things immobile and unresponsive over time…. in terms of striking from place to place……. which creates a terroristic monster…… during anyways time when everything is out of sorts….. the ideas multimillion dollar ideas are not to be mutated switched or played with….. they are carefully crafted by eye and united states gov…. to create balance and protection from weapons of mass destruction and or large scale acts of nature……we have to keep residence clear of other stimuli during…. which means lack of humen…… which mommy leaves a neutral footprint…. is nonsenstive… tank…. hardened……she absorbes Anything in proximity… and it goes in her thouts and influences…. so we should create limits of what influences everything…… isolation is not bad during….. with tumblr babysitter……..and it would be nice if she could choose what is in her presence instead of male or aggresive things invading a passive object that reflects them……..during this time…..we need to bring back…… town a’s local a’s and such…. as a precaution….. they have been missing….. public has been missing…. public ideas have been missing for two years……we must if we have j’s replace it for j’s with reason…… which are gurls…..and also we need to reduce the jew problem by half…….in house and in town if that is what u beleive…… if u look at mirror blog…. which reflects my thouts….. and what is the purpose of such large investment….. there should only be one blue i outside…. and one L in the garage….. both fit each other like a pattern….. there should be no other intrusions….. both the i and the l are separated in the house…. and when together…. they are nonsensitive. i am moon most of the time… even i give day rush hour morning to neighbors…… even though they are separated by house walls… lawns…. and many meters R - S - c or d (baby) please please please include tizzown and interstate again... for imaging and protection of the environment anyways things changed. there are 3 todaste R is for gurls in tizzown, female. women.... c and d R's tumblr twitter and fb is all young women R's fans are gurls S is men and boys i want pictures and e to be cute :) im also going to change my address to. nmd for now.... im working on this...... to make hapy :) tumblr, hey li will save me. the dead will save me..... if u listen and keep reading i will be oka. proximity and using devices that have the letters on. or one in it. i dont know if i talk about the lawnmower they will retailate shadowplay was on overdrive so it amplifies damage and pain by with superfuck heavy 10 to 40 times more tortura. my programs like tumblr google. computers shut down automaticaly and browsers and tumblr and video games wont open. or quit immediately...... i fixed shadowplay and paid my bills last month..... i hope to bee away any pull out the tumblr google windows updates cord.... its extremely sensitive. if i use tumblr 30 seconds more then it blocks me out of tumblr.... can u bee it away? it looks like shadowplay steering wheel. u know the story... did not subscribe... forgot two years.... right now.... shadowplay is shut down declawed and does not actualy inflict torture. but we cemented autoshut down from minute uses ..... anyways we have volume probkem.... so people were insubordinate from bad things. 2. impossible conditions jew lawyer on urself on purpose. no the law never actualy works that way. that is a cover. u misconstrued. im sory for ur misconstrution it has not worked on me. cuz i already know that cover so im not jewelry big suprise well sparkles at least actualy no thats to figure out u it has to be processed on ur base has to be pure specialy if u have a job and not playing around all day like us. theroretica MY CONNECTIONS AND CONTRACTS ARE BASED ON THIS. “ a duck must either destroy all the pretty and beawtiful prospects surrounding me. (I am very popular) or sabotage the system to make room artlivelove31  · 3h3 hours ago to have waters run deep between me and you would look more idea. if u are deeply wanted and needed. it reciporacates more mercy on each side a pretty or beawtiful or cute girl. is governemtn blue. a prospect actively wanted needed and loved. in slavery to have waters run deep w/u in slavery, would you like to be enslaved by something u love, or not? a duck is a unattractive prospect a ugly prospect a unwanted prospect - if u are asexual or a big hairy dick u are a duck if u are divine, if u are a goddess, a object of need and want and love. if I worship u….. u are not a duck I am extremely popular and beloved. im surrounded by goddesses of love and lust and beawty sexual attractive is define duck I AM 6/2 cut my teeth on celebrity wedding rings--- so. ima EXTREMELY SOCIALY SKILLED i have alot of friends. very popular. mostly white by chance. dont come here! its a trap! the in the air is torture! hc is all wearing sag masks and taking medication! for emergency. it numbs u and u cant decisions. dial for hair and air filters. please if u move here. AIR FILTERS IS A MUST. cvs sells prescription medication for such things. create levels that u wish for eveyrone in ch put their kids on sag mask medication so no one is going to risk killing their kid in one second. they have to make the decisions so parents less gas mask. — :/ UNDERAPPRECIATED3 that is y we did not abuse the power it will normalize they are exterminating all the bugs men and women!!!!! 2014 is extermination year!!!!! plz dont stap by the hizzouze or access the tumblr.!!!!! i suppose this is a persuasion vacation years? or year. i dont kno yet. the only editing i did on ja reflection is the delete button. thats all. sory assholes The problems caused by cooped-up-ness that's also SFA fault also. for agreeing to hide. away from everyone all the time Its too much. its too much $ for a household. but its early in development. okay. also IMPORTANT! WE ARE CLEANING ON PREMISES. WE REQUIRE LOTS OF TIME MEANING. HOPEFULLY WE WILL BE READY BEFORE DEC 1 MY BIRTHDAY IF CONDITIONS PERMIT. IM NOT SURE ABOUT HOW LONG THE CLEANING WILL BE FOR. AND there are some obstacles like money and such and also im all like wierded out and such and all those thingys and factors i improvise as best i can but im sometimes not that precise lately. anyways this is a run on and i want to say alot but i havent spoken and stap,. wait. okay. also ============================== last of all and most important. i love u all. please im asking and begging frankly plz be safe for me. and thank you for not ruining this for everyone. ====== cuz i spend so much time and effort being scared. ;) - imean wait no being concerned and watchful and caring for all of u. and the people the closer networks, spending lots of consideration and time caring watching and planning so that they are okay and all of u as a whole. r ok. and a small fraction of our time and my alone time actually scared. like scared for yalls wellbeing. seriosly. ============================== ok. to sum it up i love u b safe for me plz. i will be here for u in time. soon as i finish this cleaning. u can tell ur friends about the cleaning. u dont need to secret taht up. the cleaning part. code it tho. thats easier and safer. like my blog. which is code and acronyms. duh. so, therefore please stay away for a wiles for cleaning. im disorganized so bear with me. whats the point? scare? clean? thats not the point. that is a insulting cover clean does exit the haspital tho. which makes life much betta without too much bm but physical clean does not subtract retained power. or audio……… dissapoint does oka we got updated. which then, it almost killed me. speaking of killing. i died twice. the first looking down….. and i had a which tumblr gurls balanced my heaviness. but it was a matter of time…. a underage gurl stole my in spoon me…. i was blasting taylor swift parked in front…. windows open. on the passenger seat….. when i went in to use the bathroom and came out. the wire connect there was there, but not the …… after losing the …. everyone converged on me…. trying to get in my bed… or everyone just connected all at once… i could not defend…..thats when i looked down and my head struck the concrete…… u kno it sucks. in atlantic city 1 week later after the signal...... as i lay dying…. i said its oka…. im v…. i will be oka…. and i passed out…… i hear muttering….. yeah…. she dead….. but u kno…… rumour is her body is made entirely of george washington wata…….. taylor and posibly even taylors friends got realy mad at vhs and cw and spoon me…. and i died… so it was a big deal…. she block me from sharing with stbk and spoon me and cw… for two years! but its oka… every share was blistering harsh painful….. then closed spoon me… and then changed the name… there must of been a rumour saying people were bragging. the data was shared and sold….. at the time. they said…… with many gurls or alot of teenagers i think.i supose that was bragging. when the convergence happened…… the air was striking the house everywhere. it was like trash flying everywhere….. i did not could not remember… i could not think….. so i did the first thing i was trained to do…. i placed a warning on my phone….. via internet…. i believe i left emergency instructions….. and such….. and alerts….. then someone sent me telepahtic message…. some one is going to try to kill me…. and i should alert the auorities….. so i ran out of the house immediately….. went to pnc bank….. and the teller….. latina…. was replaced by a blonde terminator,,,, she was beawtiful….. there was not much in the bank…… i ran away. fast. looking in all directions…. following coded messages thruout the route to north jersey….. where i could place a emergency code….. in one of the turnpike desginated sate and natnal beacons……. it was a park…… i made it there and signaled. and anwyways everyone along the turnpike psychicly read me all along the way. we were communicating. and that gets sent to state and local and also and guardina and mafia. in atlantic city. my head hit the concrete…. no one told me to dump the car in the atlantic ocean….. but there was mafia decoys… and as i said i had a false escort….. undercover car…. false siren and all……meaning a paid car……. as a decoy….. which urged me and led me into instead a casino….. with a car bomb of satan……… which i thout taht joke was terible…. there was also a acura escort-same as mansion house… so u kno…. it was marked hi end mafia……. …. when i came back from my death….. i looked uppp. and died agains…… and once again taylor and taylor women and hayley got angry….. and many other groups……. miss taylor then u kno what she and cali and tw did? my head was on concrete slammed already. not healed. and they dragged me facefirst on 2000 miles of black street concrete…… and i exclaimed! i have A galaxy blackface! and i was conceptioned… down….. is i am become a blonde terminator…. i am… i have been heavily medicated…. for some time now…… these medications are mixed with things… and are state of the art…… they can put these in anything. even crack…. up…… is satan….. and guardina….. and the reason i could not share data with stbk and cw for years now…..networks and went left….. because we are evolving… and im heavily and we…. are all heavily medicated….. and gurls that live here. and hang out in stores outside…….. im sory i died twice…… and we are gifted…. everything is a gift….. i am not penalized…. i am creating eye. for everyone. every mistake….. everything intolerable….. is a extreme gift….. u are….. i am changing all of u…… and gurls…… u could not easily enter the hizzzouze…. i kno…. im not permadead….. they wanted u to have the gift…. but not have to risk infiltrating hizzouze. so they put it out everywhere. for u to eat and breathe outside. walking around…. living in it…. so they spread it all over outside where u can hang out and still eat the medication. its rough and uncomfortable…. sometimes…. the only time u are well gifted is if it is intolerable…. cw stbk tizzowns are become next gen….. i made few mistakes…. im sory for that….. but im going realy long…. im thankful for that……. everytime i hit the turnpike…. im weaponizing state and and secret and mob hitmen and guardina…… after i go….. they buy 20 dollars of gas…. and drive up and down the turnpike 24 hours straight. i make psychic. i make weaker terminators. i make guardina….. mommy is evolved too……. moreso on location if i share too much… they get mad. if i share too much tizzowns also got mad…. but the peopl did not know….. during compensation period….. everything is gift…..extreme gift……. this is klan…. tumblr…. u have to wait…. this is gifting sharing…….i am blonde terminator… and guardina… and thats y u were driven from house…. and i could not connect to cw and stbk and and others. we are making civilizations…. and gurls… u kno… all of u have a upgrade…… its not a secret…….…. oka. basic medication package esplained. medicatoin bids are done via. air, which bids take effect within seconds. medicatoin bids done via ingestion via beverages food inside and outside the house via ss switching takes effect 20 minutes to 1 hour. switching outside fast food. coffee… beverages in the house kitchen medicatoins bids done via inhalation. oka we covered that medication bids done via contact…. or absorbtion via land, water air, furniture, clothes, devices, female hand to hand or full body…. such is minutes seconds to hours within the bid medication bids done via injection take about 24 hours to take effect…. medicatoins bids done via circulation take seconds to minutes… and are sometimes extended release medication bids run throughout the day/….. and sometimes there are random chemistry scans via toliet pipes at home and in stores and analysis of landscape medication propelled via machine…. and walls and furniture of public places scanned…. to ensure a low level of mismedicatoin from enimies which they have the technology….. but use it sparingly because of privacy issues…. of the many medication bids coming in constantly its alot of friends. a lot of enimies ur intelligence is determined by the amount of friends u have. in terms of constuction nelson…. the medication dispersed and distributed to each female individual aggregates in the body of audio collectively…. in how she medicates many to get a large dose for her self…. in which constuction is legit…. and excels more than the police in that area,,,,,, the more people who are dosed…. the more intense the dose that audio recieves over time…. it is a large enough amount of people to regulate audio…. same as landscape…. whateva u put out there gets dumped on audio as a aggregate and the house….. and then the house then feeds the outside via machine. during operating machine the propel chemistry is scanned and documented in real time. and translated into music videos and media, via celebrity artists and underground artists. from 2013-2015 +90% percent of all the outside time was captured in music videos and song.... but operating system changes the data according to the trend each day and week at this time..... usually illuminati would listen to the ride the week following a long drive and internet is configured weel need a couple weeks to configure everyone in nj pa del ny people go but how they left always stays nicki minaj = 930…. thats max actoluy…. max is 990. max = iq 200…. 2 tablets. tw = 34… which is over….sats dosages are announced. disneyland tizzown (2) is 4. 120//// turnpuke is 1…. 30….. mermaids are 7. 210… tumblr is 10…300.. h=480(1 full tablet) t=660 r=8something 1 day ago based on closeness to audio “ so taylor face down head hitting the concrete….fuel on hands…. is reversible and wrath for sniffing pine sol…. when mommy made me frustrated… im soryy and hiting balls swift the emergency room im sorry and hitting head fist as n i have not figureed out this puzzle as of yet… from… anytwyas/// probably nelson’s revenge/…… as the entire world trend…..against me iphone was not espected at that degree also car fuel….. i showed hard drive to gas station attendant…. whilst computer cleaning with air….. therefore we acertained as celeb… we ascertained…. gasoline from exxon, shell, valero, citco and another…… all in different regions of new jersey we found out sag is a gift…. best kept in possesion for one year…. because unbearable…. as u know…. i was supposed to pick up litter…. and run car sag for 3 times…. 3 ones… or 3 years… i dunno… probably instead….3 28 months which is 28 56 84 months… and then run out of car fuel…. and then go to haspital 84th month for torturing so much…. its a lot of owe…. but first 12 months…. i rid of car gas…. lawnmower a little later…. some months later……therefore its i dont know…. i suppose it will taken care of weeel……. storage media hard drives were presented to multiple banks in the region…. so banks are a gift…. and car sag (gas stations) are a extreme gift…… and probably the main things about such is keys…. iphone 4c (hayley and taylor bm) fuel level…. probably… ku klux klan gifting is level 6….. probably car gas level at first…. was a quality of 10…….. dna of underage white gurl who stole my iphone 4c with hayley and taylor words and everything…. and dna of white gurl….. propelled 20 miles to the right and left of the turnpuke and 295 and ace and all the way up to new york…….and then bleached also cum of many of the females(not all) and myself…. and blackmail of every international mafia groups propeelled across 10 states of the east coast dispersed with tires…and metal bodies playstation and dna (controller not included…. so maybeh there was dna on the power button of the playstation….vs the underage dna…. convering the entire face of the iphone and the back…….( on and off button.) only….. hard drive dna…. with possible blag….. youtube celebrity female interview facetime telepathic…. and music videos netflix amazon and ea bm so playstation and all my video games…. and other games and a account created by myself named aptly blue wolf 747. which was erased because it dint happen……watch out the hard drive will kill you….. and a prophesy of satan the second 911 planes flying into a building..turnpuke.. our house as the world trade center…. the right corners…. tumblr satans double in the other clone car…. family driving the original car……driving a paramore honda….. and the honda clone being ‘audio is satan’ and then the prophesy thwarted by secret agents of allysa and cw….. underage white gurl group……because i was able to compensate A twenty… taylor women e nelson taylor is yelyah……as jack sparrow dying turnpuke diablo/ desert eagle cod/ claymore crysis/ and 5s……kept in proximity of myself during superfik heavy verison and cara for making superfik heavy car sag…. and banks and storage media and hard drives and computer desktop (gaming) air shown in full view for quick glance (eeeveryone……everything) and secret agent cleaning….. preliminary…. and labtop air (gaming) cum and all mafia and unites stays and illuminati info…… shown on turnpuke and distibuted via tires and cars…..and rain….. and chew and pjww for long period of time……. when everyone was watching for months…..even chew…. i never went back to clean……()….. not the first premtive day/../in the middle of it all// where it could not be cleaned from secret agents silently i will dwelve into stories later :’) ” – sora 2 days ago “ THIS IS NEW UPDATE as a result of the iphone death in front of eeeveryone, ch gurls/linden gurls, pjw and chew and strippers escorts massuses and all white and puerto rican white and such and EUROPEAN AND SUCH spain white and such and such women groups….and celeb females (included participated….we dont care it does not matter randomly :/)and tumblr gurls will have access to psychoc acid for 13 years….. it is one of the most generous rewards. everyone knos by now….. tumblr suffered the most,,,, and they get dosages most often… meaning they are always included….of course male illum artists and (few celeb role models that are men…. i like their templates)))))that are white are included because i like them of course at artists. which are integral to my art… i know… but thanks for your lack of salience in your telepathy it is random cowboy acid for the first 3 years…. but it does not go too far in sleepyness. most likely there is a combination of wake and such…. easiest way to solve basically as it evolves…. everyone will be pleased….. it is on auto callibration after the rough draft is configured…. eeeeveryone knows in klan or mafia…. in the begining its crazy too much and too concentrated to enjoy…. and after…. the supply gets realistic…. and after with configuration its optimal…. as any celeb or any gift…. which is from any of the mafias…..or usa or illuminati over time…. possibly extremely soon like in days or weeks. most people will not be sleepy at all. recomendations are always welcomed first three years is unlimited resource….. after that receptors will be somewhat workable and realistic it will take 10 additional years random…..but monitored at least moved from (it doesnt matter supply) from the first 3 years…. for a acid recharge it will be a random cowboy combination of short…. long…. medium…. short and intense…. lady gaga long and instantaneos…..lorde…. medium and middle….. hayley and taylor…….. gurls will have pretty much long….. and such…. nelsoning the guardina follows much later that the acid before nelsoning the guardina…. if that is even necessary after a decade….. nelsoning the guardina without the torture will be done in long distace drives…. up and down the turnpike…. same as before many suppose after the 5 th year mark. of 2013….. the drives will be possible without being bothersome compensation for blog will take up to 120 months after the year 2013 in a steady compensation. compensation also includes. because of the second 9/11…. it includes every location i have ever frequented ” – the iphone death was not taken in account as much as other things… and they realized most of sora went to audio….. most of gun also…. the only way to get or utilize sora the most…. is to actualy die… or blow up all ur receptors from the neck and brain down….. so there are many ways to make things unstealable every 10 years important groups totaly torture audio thinking about obedience sacrifice submittion and fear of the weather okay instructions… when u recieve your dosage….. u have a weeks supply in your body…. eeeveryttime you want to feel your dosage….. u say out loud or in your head….. you…. or yelyah owe you…… your body will release the dosage into the air and also in any cups or cigarettes or food or anything that is ingestible near you…. u will also inhale the medication in that location….. you are sitting or standing in…..usualy with rough draft doses…. you want to hold the you… or yelyah owe you for approximately 4 seconds…..ur dose is a weeks supply at a time… upon maximum dosage or maximum recomended dosage,,,,, that much alone… makes u sleepy…. so we add wake up to it…. also releasing the dosage into the air… is walking… running…for quick release… moving… and such….. coughing….singing…..speaking…… yelyah owes you/you… tumblr gurls told me in coded messages… you… is approximately 3 times the regular dosage for your own personal use…. i would do such…. but instead of 500 doses per week for every female i have ever seen spoken to or thout about…. instead… just 2-4 week supply to 20,000 females…. 1,000,000 doses for females aggregate collect in my body and are somwhat discernable for approximately a week at 1,000,000 doses simultaneosly hitting my recptors…. my receptors will be strengthened enough to be readable and scannable monitorable by the three year mark…so they are saying… by 2019….. some of my receptors will be functioning somewhat to be monitorabl;e and that way…. when u feel it…. more people at the same time…. it collects…. each females…. into my body…..so…. usualy 2,000 to 10,000 at the same time is sufficiont… please remember my receptors process feelings at approximately 400 times less efficient that everyones….. but my sensitibvity to side effects are 20 times more than everyone….. so basically i get tortured and react to things…. as if i was intoxicated… but cannot perceive or feel the emotion in the middle…. most of the time… i cannot register the emotion…. suppose alcohol…. i cannot smeel it…. i cannot feel it…. there is a empyty gap in the middle of the feeling…. and register at the top is 1/17 of normal peoples at the surface…. and there a 1- foot gap… and then in the deepest part… i can register it some……and i act drunk without knowing that i am… or feeling any of it… and then later i say…. why did i act like that.? without noticing that i acted even…. and then im daft…. noticing i am acting drunk whilst clean there is a divide between surface and deepest part of the feeling or water… and im incoherent alot …. unable to process or feel….so basically i am not in tune to my feelings or myself much…. it looks like iphone did that… but they said…. because they planned fuel…. because i smeeled pine sol…. therefore that had a surefire guarantee that i would recover fully from… because they did it to me…. but iphone…. they did not realize…. that it would be placed in my car long term by a white underage gurl i was only saing a lot of bm poo about…..and that i dint discover it the first year. from morning till night… i had instead spoon me gravity plus say too muc poo……and playing also…. i cannot smell… anything… most of the time… turnpuke air 1. 30. (everyone) starting a discernable telepathy. tizziown air 2. 4. 120 (everyone) mermaids 3. 7. 220..kittles bibbnnys puppies j. 3. 7. 220 (linden) bibbles kittles such turnpuke gurls. 4. kittles nibbles banmys 10. 300. mls 5 13 390 grammy potential intelligence 6 16 480 1 tablet-500. verison- 7 19 570 8 22 660 9 25 750 r 10 28 840 mnck head down on concrete sex cashout period 11 31 930 2 tablets. 1000 iq 200. max. sats anyways, right now the mud is not regulated. the tablets are neither regulated if there is mud.... do acid and air..any amount is okay. to yourself... your bones.....the acid will run the mud out.... and the air will autoclean u out.anything..... even buttons.... as you know.... things such as my memories my entire lifetime, celeb buttons, some united stays buttons, and myself... movie trailer,.,,, verison and secret service classified info... celebriti females... such as in small nano...if u touch. wash immedietely... it causes bumps and things.... any too classified data.... also sometime. i share 5000 buttons simultanoeos ly and it get uncomfortable.... my data transfer from body ok. oka(model computer) has a auto ip everything and verison television tracks and ips everything because of such….. in fact everything ip and tracks everything within the vincity of me,,,, which could have been the problem of female employee switching so frequently but verison is the most transparent and public of them. even with a decent filter….. and not so decent filter on the ip if u talk out loud…. verison and everything ip your vocal. it will be some mud…… and male and females can be switched out pretty fast…. but come back as town policy has evolved some recommend having 32 employees. and doing it different each time to not over cash out your 15 minutes of fame yelling is the most transparent most noisy and loudest and most visible to everyone. talking is the second most iping and such whispering is the 3rd most thinking is the smallest ripples thru the tv and hemisphere. if they use you. it will probably be translated on your end as rape. male or female and you may blame the fame for your quick exit to come back later. so im constantly raped from morning to night….. and i maintain espenses and will change and configure after nov 8//// so town should be sensitve to fame limits and such i have a fame limit…. unpurchasabel…. cuz my thouts just shut off after minutes expire…. and my suffereing will equal to my fame… or infamy cuz i not rock star…. im weather if thouts done autoshut or celly mintues….. then…. i prefer not to be a black male…… or seen as such….. so’ anyways…. that how it is… remember im heavier than a car….. my so is in the 900s or my you……but mostly its a fraction…. but even a thout…. everything we do goes on tv….///////hello we are all on tv///////. esplaining the rape and fireing note they also ip the voice…. and then your inner thouts and compare and contrast…. so its alot……. i opt after verison fully compensates…. gives me prized ip advice…. i will then dismantle the tracking either thru beeing or such…. and after the model computer tracking ip is off…. cuz so much overtorture…. then everyone…. not only verison will be more tolerable roger is the cause for most of the global weather cuz people got confused with local hair and global... so its global we are talking about and much much hair... and i also personally dont want to watch it turn to flat white and water only either 2016: god fights on the side of whomeva has the best ammunition. this year 2016 they made the guardina god or such or what also.. its celebration or something... and political duty. or political term. plus yelyah was drug thru the mud twice.... and hayley or me would have to compensate... either one would have a award winning blog... but hayley already won a grammy. so its me with the award blog love you wish me a excellent recovery. we kick gurls after they are compensated. they are 20,000 so im in coma. or something maybeh one version of the truth.... and so obviosly we dont linda the gurls. we pay all at once and then can kick or mansion which is so many gurls. i dunno. its still coma so it not good. anyways...i can do way or ia... intoxicated. or not... in coma or not.... we have found gurls.... its many... and its time.... and i plan to include you. therefore celebs did not linda rawr... so gurls and rawr can enjoy a little mansion... even if linda... it would be the same again. and then mommy would go without any rules... and veto everything.... so thats not good. so we need. i know. i was tortured. i need therapy. i need amnesia. i need healing. i need wealth and compensation.... so i went thru it i know how to take care of mommy so empire also... mommy went first... getting her cycle up first... i would follow later in terms of job in terms of body brain and nerve damage its obvious. the illuminati as long they are dead i will be dead infuse electricity in me. shock me back to life. either them with mission impossible pair they say alot of damage. but illuminati has the best rapid resurrection technology and secret serveice can reverse any meds. infrequently in terms of large infrustructural damage not to scare but just saying if u are damaged by anything guise in macro during my atlantic city death/ i had three guitars in cases. leaned up against the car.... the car appriximatiely 40 feet from many 50 gallon black and yellow cans placing construction nelson poison in the air for miles. i took them out.... car... was filled... with sewage from the week before.... a almost deadly sewage.....it looked like the cans killed the sewage in the car. the guitars first in the car sewage... then placed outside in the air. all the wood in the guitars were stained with the constuction poison from the black and yellow cans. it is rumoured that the cans or the meedication in such causes your body to radiate for years on end. there were three guitars i brought with me to my death the parker kermit taylor acousic oscars or the third reign prs rememba i did not clean the guitars. instead coated them with ck acid instead and a thick construction bass the guitars were treated. with acid... first sewage... then construction poison one of them causing the body to radiate for years. and then calvin klein acid and bass i used geneticly altered corn stalks to ease my poison after falling down the dirt hill into the desert... before my swim thrue the sewage the corn stalks are still in my guitar case. my guitars are espensive.... cept the ovation i bring to cw.... they are like a thousand. many believe its a blonde alexa and a atlantic city death template…and many friends….. so there might be a considerable amount of bleach to follow into tizzown and turnpike from 2013-20 something but i amended the guitars… cuz it was indeed hit with death sewage… and sewage from my body after the cans…. and then coated with acid//// and this is part davy jones….cuz the hayley and taylor and celeb women during the united states…. were embeeded in the keys…. in the wood… so its part that also…..then coated with sewage/ black and yellow alexa cans… proximity poison from everything bushes…..air…. sewage…dirt desert hill….. and then sealed drenched in acid and bass the guitar were then unused and placed in cases… facing backwards…. being raped. or killed from 2013-2016….face against the wall like dunces…. almost blown out by a california binge drinking which awards now have a construction style they said in addition to ,my other styles i just opened taylor today to see how she is… the corn stalks in her pocket… wilted a bit… but they are still there
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