#gosh and we make each other so happy!!!! in ways we never thought we could be!!!!!!!!!!!
pinkhoneydrop · 3 months
LoveIsland: EpisodeOne
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Welcome to week one in the villa I’m so happy to see everyone together. I hope you’re ready to spend the summer getting flirty and maybe a little feisty. Keep your goal in mind throughout the week when you make your choices!! - Liz
You didn't think you would be this nervous when you signed up. You had been a fan of the show for a while and got an ad to apply. At first the idea of charity seemed like a good cause to objectify yourself but after some deliberation with friends you quickly realized that you craved the dramatization of the show.
… “You might find the love of your life, you never know.” Your best friend sat across from you in a local cafe. You explained to her the email you received inviting you to join the show this season.
“What if I regret it?” You laughed at yourself as you leaned back in the cafe chair. A lump formed in your stomach from just thinking about what you had done.
Sending in your audition tape while drunk after a night out was probably not the best idea.
“Promise me you'll go and try it out. Try and find a man or even just get laid. You need it and if anything, you leave with a shit ton of money. What's the harm in that?” ...
            Maybe your friend was right. Maybe you would fall into a whirlwind romance with your dream guy. But you might not either and that was fine. Living with your best friend forever if you ended up embarrassing yourself on national television was also fine? Right?
 For a while before the cameras started up you sat by yourself. All the contestants had their own vans with an obstructed view of the villa. South Africa was a long way from home. The lush landscape and harsh temperature added to the anxiety of meeting everyone you would be spending the summer with. You leaned back in your chair and closed your eyes trying to prepare yourself. A knock on your trailer door and a high-pitched voice alerted your senses.
“Need you all in 5.”
“Here we go.” you whispered to yourself. You looked in the mirror and adjusted yourself. You were wearing your favorite color and felt like you would never truly be ready, so you fluffed your hair and exited your trailer. Three other girls exit as well. The three of you walked along with some crew members to separate spots and each of you entered one by one to a mini bar. Palm trees lined the edge of the deck and tall tables stood in the middle between the bar and the end of the deck. You sighed as your turn came.
“Oh my gosh hi how are you I’m Leila.” A girl who was much taller than you with a head of dark curly hair smiled and greeted you as you walked towards the bar. “Wow, she's cheery. If everyone is like this then summer should definitely be fun.” you thought to yourself as you smiled at her. Not only was she cheerful, but she was also beautiful. A green bikini sat on her hips and wrapped around her shoulders. You chuckled nervously to yourself. Leila took notice and sparked up some casual conversation with you.
{cut to interview}
… “Hey, I’m Leila I’m 26 years old.” music played in the background as Leila spoke during her interview.
“Originally from just outside Manchester and I'm here to find the love of my life.” She smiles as a blush rises to her cheeks and giggles a little as the camera angle changes.         
“The other girls better watch out; I've been known to be a bit feisty back home.” the music fades out and the camera returns to the bar…
{cut back to camera 3}
“It's so nice to see a friendly face first thing. I'm kind of nervous.” your smile weakens as you talk to Leila. Not too long after another girl walks in.
“Holy shit.” Leila says as the girl gets closer. You turn to have a look and almost pass out. Long tan legs leading up to the tiniest bikini bottoms that probably ever existed. Your eyes widened and you were lost for words. The girl spoke before you could even form a coherent thought.
“I’m Chloe.” Her voice was a bit high, but you supposed it might have just been all the traveling catching up to her. You watched as Leila gave her the same cheerful smile that she gave to you. Chloe gave a short smirk and twisted her neck to look at you next. Her blonde hair seemed to flow with her movement.
“Y/n.” You stuck your hand out as you introduced yourself. Chloe just looked at it and headed for the bar to get a cocktail.
“Gosh, a bit cold now, isn’t she?” Leila frowned as she watched her. You raised your brow and decided this might be a long summer.
{cut to interview}
… “Hii I’m Chloe I’m 25 from Glasgow and I’m just living life.”  Music plays again as another interview starts.
“I love a good English boy who gives good chat and has pretty eyes.” Chloe winks and laughs at herself.
“If my girls would describe me in one word it would be...Maneater.” …
{cut back to camera 3}
“I hope I’m not the only one drinking today.” Chloe spoke as she set three glasses on the table in front of you. It was odd. At least you thought so, but you took the drink anyway hoping to calm yourself.
“Oh, I’ll absolutely take this, thank you, Chloe.”
“No problem girl.” A large smile graced her lips as she watched you drink.
“Guess I’ll have another one as well. Thanks.” Leila was polite enough to escape a glare from the blonde, but you immediately noticed the tension between them. “Interesting…”
Just before anyone could continue the conversation another girl walked into the villa.
{cut to third interview}
… “I’m Genevieve I’m 27 from Dewsbury but I live in LA currently.” The brunette was calm as she spoke and smiled at the camera.
“I’m trying to find work as a model. Navigating LA life is hard but navigating my love life is harder. I just seem to always find my worst match so hopefully it’s different here.” …
{cut to camera 2}
Her confident stride and striking appearance instantly drew everyone’s attention. Chloe, the first to react, sized her up with a quick, appraising glance before flashing her trademark bright smile.
“Well, look who decided to join the party,” Chloe said, her tone dripping with a mix of faux friendliness and thinly veiled competitiveness. Genevieve smiled graciously, taking in the room. “Hey everyone,” she greeted, her voice smooth and inviting.
“I’m Genevieve. I hope I’m not too late.” Leila, who had been nursing her drink, immediately stood up and walked over to Genevieve.
“Hi Genevieve, I’m Leila,” she said warmly.
“Nice to meet you. Want a drink?” Genevieve’s smile widened.
“Sure, I’d love one. Thanks, Leila.”
As Leila prepared a drink for Genevieve, Chloe leaned in closer to you. “Another model, huh? This should be interesting,” she whispered, her eyes never leaving Genevieve. You could sense the undercurrent of tension in Chloe’s voice but chose to stay neutral.
“Yeah, let’s see how things unfold,” you replied quietly, taking another sip of your drink. Leila returned with a drink for Genevieve, who accepted it with a grateful nod. “So, Genevieve, tell us a bit about yourself,” Leila encouraged, her genuine interest in breaking the ice.
“Well, I’m 27 and I’ve been living in LA for a few years now,” Genevieve began.
“I’m trying to break into modeling. It’s tough and I have to keep the lights on by serving, but I love the challenge. And, of course, I’m here to hopefully find the right guy.”
The other girls listened intently, some nodding in understanding. Chloe, however, remained somewhat aloof, swirling her drink thoughtfully.
“LA, huh? That must be quite a change from Dewsbury,” she commented, a hint of skepticism in her voice. Genevieve nodded, unfazed by Chloe’s tone.
“It is, but I love it. The energy, the opportunities—it’s all worth it.” Chloe smirked, leaning back in her chair.
“Well, good luck to you babe. You’re going to need it.” Leila shot Chloe a disapproving look before turning back to Genevieve.
“Don’t mind Chloe. She can be a bit much sometimes as were learning,” she said with a wink. “We’re all here to find love, after all.” Genevieve laughed lightly, clearly not perturbed.
“Thanks, Leila. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you.”
You didn’t know how Leila did it. Keep up the niceties with all these women. The relationships right now were all surface. This is the time to be strategically quiet. Or in your case just nervously so. As the conversation continued, the initial tension began to dissipate, replaced by curiosity and a tentative camaraderie. The girls were eager to see how Genevieve would fit into the group dynamics, and despite Chloe’s initial frostiness, there was a sense of anticipation about what the next days would bring.
{cut to camera 1 in a wide shot panning over the girls and host}
“Hello ladies and welcome to the villa. We have you here today in this beautiful villa to hopefully find some love, friendship, or fortune. We have gathered you here on the lawn beside the pool deck to introduce you to the guys.” The sun was high in the sky as you stood on your marked spot. The girls lined up next to you all giggled and cheered at the introduction. You smiled along and tried to calm your nerves. Were they really about to just parade a bunch of hot guys around for you to ogle over? You looked to the right, and you saw Chloe and to your left you saw Genevieve and Leila. Not knowing too much about anyone yet you felt a little out of place. 6 weeks with these people and you would be competing with them the whole time. Not a single one of them seemed to share the nerves building in your body. The camera crew hustled about, and you stood to attention after adjusting your bikini bottoms on your hips.
{cut to camera 3 on the pathway}
“First we have Daniel Jones, he is from south London.”   a blonde man with a toned physique who walked down the path leading to the pool deck where the host was standing. “He's cute.” you thought to yourself.
“How are you doing this morning Daniel?” the host turned to speak with him. The sun beat down on everyone but despite that the girls all smiled at Daniel.
“I'm doing great now that I have some eye candy to look at.” Daniel's words came out confidently as he smiled at each of you on your marks. He was definitely fit. Tan skin shining in the sun and a pair of navy-blue trunks on his waist. You eyed him from your spot, and he winked at you in acknowledgement. Heat manifested in your cheeks at the gesture.
“How are you today, ladies?” His voice was smooth, catching your attention and no doubt the other girls as well.
“Alright Daniel, go stand on that first mark and let's see the next guy, shall we?” The host smiled and turned to face the pathway.
The sun was high in the sky that morning as the next guy came out. All of the girls adjusted themselves as the cameras cut back and forth between them.
“Here we have Elias, he is from London but lives in LA. Elias, how are you?”
Elias was gorgeous. Dark hair sitting atop his head and muscles peeking out of darker skin that looked perfectly Sunkissed. He wore deep rust orange shorts and had his ears pierced. You blushed as he caught your eye and sent a small nod in your direction.
“I'm doing alright.” His voice was deep and gravely. You could only imagine what his personality was like as he stood at attention. A couple of the ladies snickered at one another, and Elias smirked at the attention he was getting. Just like Daniel, Elias moved to stand next to his mark.
“Ladies, how are we feeling about the selection so far?” The host spoke to all of you and garnered some exclamations from the whole group.
“The selection is fit; how can we complain?” Genevieve spoke up first. She was beautiful to look at and if you were one of the guys you definitely would want her to couple up with you. Long brown hair with highlights framing her face. As you were admiring her, your thoughts were interrupted by a rather whiney voice.
“Yeah exactly, but I have to say I'm excited for this special guest.” The next girl to speak was Chloe and she turned to give the other girls a light glare as if she were daring them to challenge her. Chloe was a natural blonde with green and brown eyes that peered into your soul. You made a mental note not to get in her way if you could avoid it.
The host continued on and introduced the next man to the group. All the ladies gave him their attention, as it seemed he was a crowd favorite as soon as he was in sight.
“Ladies, this is River Davis from Michigan.”
River was hot, you have to admit. Lighter hair shaved low on the sides and defined muscle tapering into his trunks. Your eyes traveled trying to find a decent place to look that wasn't suggestive.
“Nice to see you, River.”
River smiled at the host and took her hand for a light shake. Turning his attention to the ladies he kept his smile and stood up straight.
“Nice to see you too. Ladies, how are you all doing?” His voice was deep too. Elias might have some competition with this one you thought. All the ladies replied in various ways as the men stood on their marks.
“Before we get to coupling time, we have one more guest joining us. Our celebrity guest this season is…” honey smiled at the group as she paused for effect.
All the ladies waited with bated breath to hear and see who was coming out next. Your breath caught in your throat as you saw brown hair through the bushes.
“Harry Styles!” The host turned and began clapping.
Harry emerged from the trail looking amazing. Tan underneath his inked skin, Trunks resting low on his hips exposing the ferns and a freshly cut head of hair to match his mustache.
“Hello everyone, m’Harry.”
You almost melted after hearing his voice in person. There was just something about him that made you feel at home, and you didn't even know the guy yet. Did you want to get to know him? Part of you felt like maybe you shouldn't, like it would be better to remain a fan of his work and omit yourself from the possibility of him being an asshole.
First choice is coming next episode!!!!
The islanders
@chelseawgnr @rafesfavoritegirl @finelinepie @sunflower-golden-vol6 @unlikelystay @sarah-ev @playhousebunni @gem1712 @indierockgirrl @boldlycoolkitty @wherearethewatermelons @tpwkvickysblog @harrystylesconcepts @superiorfemme @vashapnin @sassamanda77 @henrysteelsmurryme @littlenatilda @devilsqueen722 @ashleighsss @b3ccaaa @x100preme @lomlolivia @fanfictioncafe @racshouse42 @crazygirlinthisworld @harrys-flower @bloodywickedlips @harryshousewitnessprotection @champagnepronlemsxxxx
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ketaundkrawall · 4 months
hi girlie! idk if yr taking requests so feel free to discard it but i was listening to agora hills by doja cat and the idea of reader being famous artist and joost being the fan just didn’t leave me alone😭🌀🩵
thank you for the request 🫶🏻 i hope you guys enjoy it <3
Stargirl Interlude ☽。⋆ Joost Klein
Summary: you’re a famous singer meeting one of your fans
Warnings: none, just fluff and two fangirls meeting each other (maybe smut in pt. 2 bc this ends in a cliffhanger kinda), not proofread, afab!reader, no use of Y/N
WC: 1.1k
A/N: guys pls lmk if i should do a part two (i will) 💫
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What you loved most about your job was seeing the happy faces of your fans whenever you came on stage. Well, it wasn’t really a job to you, it was your destiny to stand on stage and make people happy.
You loved when the crowd chanted your name, absolutely making every stage performance of yours better when they sang the lyrics. It made you proud. And it was everything you dreamed of when you were a child. Seeing people happy and being able to help them with your music somehow.
Nonetheless, every time you went on stage you were nervous. It was a feeling that accompanied you ever since you started your career.
Today you performed in a club in Amsterdam. You’ve never actually travelled to the Netherlands before so you were really excited. Not only to perform but also to explore the city, since it was your last tour stop you were doing at the moment.
Right now you were getting all set up to go on stage. You could already hear the people outside waiting for you to come out and start the show. “You’re going to kill it babes.” Your best friend, Tommy, said as he came to a stand beside you with a drink for you which you accepted with a thanks and sipped on it. “I really hope so.” Smiling you gave him the empty cup.
Tommy always travelled with you. He has been there for you since the very beginning of your career and never left your side, always calming your nerves before the shows started and you were so fucking thankful for him. “Jeez stop being so nervous! You’re a bomb you know that and now go out there and fucking show them what you got!” He cheered you on and you laughed. Giving him one last hug and taking a deep breath you ran out
“AMSTERDAM ARE YOU READY?! LETS GET THIS PARTY GOING!” You yelled and instantly felt happiness and relief flowed your body as the crowd screamed and just went completely crazy.
And so you started your show, loving the way all the people singing with you. It really filled your heart with joy. After an hour or so you were out of breath and just needed some water. Your hair was sticking to your sweaty forehead but honestly? You couldn’t be happier. Looking throughout the crowd you smiled. “Gosh we’re having some really good looking guys here tonight done we?” You grinned and the crowd screamed.
And with ‘good looking guys’ you meant one particular one that caught your eye since the beginning of the show. Of course you knew who he was. You saw him on your TikTok the whole time, liking way too many edits that popped up on your For-You-Page.
Eyes roaming the crowd again they stopped at him for a short moment but you were sure he noticed. “Never thought an Eurovision candidate would be a fan of mine.” You now grinned at the blonde, walking towards the front of the stage and kneeling down. “Joost mother fucking Klein is listening to my music guys!” You screamed and the crowd cheered again. Eyes darting to him, you saw him laugh. It would be a lie to say you didn’t listen to his music, even though you didn’t understand a word.
Walking to the back of the stage to your DJ you said something to him and soon the melody of Europapa was blasting through the speakers and you and almost the whole audience did that silly little dance and you saw Joost laughing and cheering, definitely liking it.
After the song finished you kept on going with your show, watching Joost sing along to all of your songs. Something you never thought would happen. You played your last few songs, totally forgetting the time and soon everything was over. “THANK YOU AMSTERDAM!! I LOVE YOU!” You screamed into the mic, your eyes finding the blondes again, before walking off stage.
“Jesus babes that was amazing!” Tommy practically yelled and hugged you, making you giggle. “Thanks Tommy, hey, could you get Joost backstage?” You asked in your sweetest voice possible, bashing your lashes at him and he grinned. “Uhhh.” Scoffing you hit his arm earning a huff from him. “I see what I can do.” And with that he was off.
Walking back to your dressing room you flipped down on the couch, taking a cup with whatever liquor was inside, and opened your instagram. Your DM’s and notifications were flooded with messages, pictures and videos of what just happened. People already shipped you and even had a name for the both of you. You giggled and went on TikTok, notifications blowing up on there as well. Being so concentrated on your phone you didn’t hear the knock that was coming from the door.
As you finally did notice tho you quickly yelled a “yeah?” and the door opened. Joost standing in the doorway.
Sitting up straight now you smiled widely. “Hey.” He breathed out like he couldn’t believe he’s finally meeting you. “Hi.” You smiled back and got up to hug him. “Can’t believe I’m finally meeting you.” Joost chuckled and you smiled, pulling away. “Really?” He nodded. “Been listening to your music for a while now actually.” He confessed and it made you really proud somehow. “Well thank you.” You giggled.
Both of you sat down and started to chatter away and you couldn’t stop yourself from noticing how he was smiling the whole time as he was excitedly talking to you about everything. And you got along so well. The time flew by so fast and soon it was 4 in the morning.
“I should get going.” Joost said as he looked at his phone. You just nodded. “Yeah I’m so done. Need a lot of sleep now. Long day tomorrow. I want to do some sightseeing.” You smiled, pulling your knees to your chest. “Hey uh.” Joost started and scratched the back of his head nervously. “How about I give you my number and you hit me up? I can show you around if you want.”
Your eyes lit up as you nodded. “I’d really like that you smiled as he dropped his shoulder. You didn’t even noticed how nervous he actually was to ask you that question. Handing over his phone you quickly typed your number down along with his name. He smiled as you gave it back to him. “Then good night I guess. I see you around then.”
And with that he walked out of the club, not being able to stop the smile that was forming on his face. Taking his phone out he looked at your contact and chuckled.
You saved yourself on his phone as ‘Stargirl Interlude 💫’, your stage name.
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homestylehughes · 3 months
don't you ever grow up
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pairing(s) beckett sennecke x fem!reader
summary: beckett and yn throughout the years falling in love with each other.
warning(s): none. just some pure teeth rotting fluff :)
wc: 2.3k
an: hi loves!! new fic about a new pookie!! Beckett!! ughhhh I love this fic so much. I was inspired by a Taylor swift song..no surprise here!! i loved writing this so much, its so sweet and cute. I wasn't too sure how to write Beckett, so I just kinda went with it LOL. also I love the header I made, its just so?? cute LOL! anyways! I hope you enjoy, like and reblog if you do! more coming very soon! let me know if you have ideas for me! much love as always.
happy reading <3
12 years old 
“Yn!! Put your bike up, it's time for dinner!” I hear my mom shouting from the front yard of our house. Letting out a deep sigh, I sadly slowly turned myself around. I was just getting to a good part of my ride mom, I thought to myself as I made my way back to our house. 
Pink and purple clouds litter the sky, summer nights in Canada were always so beautiful, the clouds kinda look like cotton candy? I wonder what flavors they taste like, I think to myself as I continue to ride down the street. My mind is so captured by the cotton candy colored clouds and the way the ground feels beneath my bike, that I forget that I'm riding a bike, before I feel myself crashing into something. 
As soon as I know it, I'm laying straight on my back in the middle of the sidewalk. I turn my head to the side to see my pink sparkly bike turned upside down on its side. I lean myself up slightly to see something I ran into, happens to be a boy? 
“Oh my gosh” the boy says, scrabbling to his feet, his helmet on his head crooked from the crash.
“Are you hurt, do you need 911?” he asks me, dropping his knees beside me.
“Im okay, i don't need 911” i giggle
“Good, i thought i killed you” he says, offering me a hand pulling me to my feet
“Thank you '' I say, dusting myself off from the crash, fully taking in the boy in front of me, his short brown hair sticking out from his helmet, his blue eyes softly shining in the evening sun.
“Do you have a concussion? You're looking at me kinda weird” he asks, waving his hand in front of my face.
“Im okay, im okay” i say quickly, embarrassed that he caught me looking at him
“Okay, I'm very sorry for running into you, I was looking at the clouds..” he trails off, as he pushes my bike towards me from the grass. 
“Do you think they look like cotton candy?” i ask smiling 
“I WAS THINKING THAT” he laughs 
“ME TOO” I say laughing back at him, as I get on my bike, the nameless boy doing the same. 
“So what's your name” i ask as we start to slowly pettle our way down the sidewalk
“Beckett” he says,
 “you?” he asks turning to me 
“So yn” he says looking forward, “What do you think the cotton candy clouds taste like?”
14 years old. 
“FIRST DAY OF HIGHSCHOOL HOW ARE WE FEELING?” Beckett yells beside me from the backseat of his moms car.
“I'd feel much better if you were not yelling in my ear at 8 in the morning” sending him a tight lipped smile.
“Sorry sorry… im just excited and nervous” he says 
“Why are you nervous?” i ask confused by his statement
“What if no one likes me? Or or i hate the classes i have” he rambles 
“Beckett, you're probably already the most popular boy in our grade and you haven't even stepped foot into the school, you're going to be just fine '' I say, resting my hand on his leg in an attempt to calm him down.
“You always know how to make everything better. What would I do without you?” he says, smiling at me. 
“You'd go crazy probably” i laugh, “don't ever think about replacing me” i say teasingly 
“I could never, no one could replace my best girl” 
Best girl?? Oh gosh, is this car getting hot or is it me? 
“Come one, thing one and thing two” Beckett's mom says from the front seat, before she opens her door. We quickly grab our bags, getting out of the car. 
“Okay come on you two! Picture time!” she says smiling, holding her phone out in front of her, ready for the picture 
“Mom. Are you serious?” Beckett whines from beside me, a quick elbow jab to his side quickly shuts him up. 
“Ow!” he yelps 
“Shut up and take the picture you big baby” 
“Yes ma’am” he says rubbing his side dramatically 
“Okay get closer! Act like you two love each other” she says 
Beckett and I huddle in closer together upon his moms request, feeling his arm wrap around my waist, my heart rate picking up at the feeling. Snap out of it yn get it together. It's just your 14 year old hormones. 
“OKAY 1 2 3!” his moms shouts from us, snapping out of my daydream, i cast a big smile on my lips for the picture. 
“Awwwww!! You two look so cute. Ugh please don't ever grow up you guys!!” she says before pulling us into a hug with each of her arms. 
“Okay” she says pulling back, “have the best first day ever! I love you both, beckett please watch out for yn” 
“Always mom, always gotta look after my best girl” he says, slinging an arm around my shoulder, as we walk up the stairs of the school, with a smile on my face that can be seen across the world. 
Not knowing how the first day of highschool would go for the next four years, but what I did know was that I was in love with my best friend. 
16 years old.
Today is the day of the sophomore formal. My hands couldn't help but shake as I touched and fixed my hair for the 300th time in the last 5 minutes. Staring at myself in the mirror as I run my hands along my dress, in an attempt to smooth out the non existent wrinkles. 
“Yn honey how's it going in there?” i hear my mom call out from the other side of the door
“Good..just looking over everything!” I say, taking a deep breath and one last look at myself before I open the door.
Slowly walking out, seeing my mom standing in the doorway, her hand moving to cover her mouth as she stares at me. 
“How do I look?” I nervously ask my hands running to lay with the fabric of my dress.
“Oh baby, you look stunning. Beckett won't be able to keep his eyes off of you the whole night.” she says to me, her voicing cracking with emotion 
“Yes really, you look beautiful” running a hand across my cheek, as she looks at me
“Gosh i didnt think id get this emotional” she rasps out
“Okay let's go downstairs, and get some pictures! Beckett should be here any-” the noise of the doorbell cuts her off
“Speak of the devil, there he is!” she turns to me with a smile, “okay you wait up here and then i'll tell you when to come down, okay?”
Nodding my head in agreement, as she begins to make sure way downstairs. My voice feels like it's caught in my throat as I stand there. My nerves start to rise again at the thought of Beckett seeing me all dressed up. Oh gosh what if he thinks i look bad, and doesn't want to go with me anymore?? 
“Yn, honey are you ready?” my mom calls from the bottom of the stairs
“Yeah, coming!”I shout, now or never I think to myself, taking one last deep breath before heading down the stairs. 
My slow steps only add to the building nerves that I already have in my body. My head remains low as I walk down the stairs, scared to look up and see everyones eyes on me. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, slowly bringing my head up, locking eyes with a suited up, wide eyed beckett. 
“Hi” i whisper softly
“You look so beautiful” he says instantly 
“Thank you, you look handsome” I say, a nervous smile spreading across my face. 
“Here these flowers are for you '' Beckett says, holding out the most beautiful bouquet of flowers i've ever seen in front of me. 
“These are so beautiful, thank you” 
“You're welcome, always gotta do the best for my best girl” he says with a smile
Best girl. Best girl. Best girl. 
“Okay, come on love birds, picture time!” my mom says from beside us, beckett quickly moving to grab my hand and part of my dress as i walk out the door. Flashing him a smile as we head outside
“Okay, act like you two love each other!” becketts mom says from beside mine, standing in front of us, as they hold their phones out.
Becketts arm finds my waist, as mine finds his, looking at each other with soft smiles before turning back towards the camera. 
“1 2 3!” my mom says
“Oh! They look so darling!! How cute!” our moms say, as they look at the pictures
“Okay another one!”
Quickly moving back into picture formation, putting a smile on my face ready for the picture, just as my mom is counting down I feel becketts lips pressing against the side of my head, right as the picture is taken. 
Heat flows through my body once he pulls away, a smile dancing across his lips as he looks down at me. 
“You look beautiful” he says once again to me
“When you look at me like that, i feel like i am” i say 
“Good, my best girl should always feel like that” 
Not knowing what his best girl means as he pulls me towards his car, but I do know that I'm falling more and more in love with him each day. 
18 years old. 
It's the day of becketts draft. My hands are shaking as I sit next to his mom. I couldn't be more proud of him, all of the hard work and dedication he's put in to get to this point, I could be more proud. As much as I am proud of him, I can't help but feel waves of nervousness and selfishness flow through my body.
 Where will Beckett be drafted at, how far will he be from his friends, family and me? What team will he go to, what number will he pick? All those thoughts are flowing through my head as I sit silently next to his mom, who's talking to his father. 
I see Beckett lean forward to get my attention, matching his movements I lean forward looking at him. 
“Are you okay?” he mouths to me
I send him a quick smile and thumbs up before settling back into my seat, just as I do the lights start to dim, signaling that the draft is starting. Taking a deep breath before directing my attention to the stage, it's now or nothing. 
Beckett was projected to be the 10th or 12th draft pick, so hearing his name being called as the 3rd overall draft pick from the Anaheim Ducks sounded like a fever dream to everyone in the crowd, especially beckett. Who rises from his seat, with a shocked look on his face. His jaw dropped as he turned to his dad, who pulled him into a hug. Making his way down the aisle to his mom, doing the same with her. 
My hands are shaking as I stand up, I can't help but start to cry, as Beckett wraps his arms around me, pulling me into the tightest hug ever. pulling back quickly before I even have a chance to speak, he's making his way down the aisle towards the stage. His mom brings me into her arms as we lean into each other crying at the sight of our boy walking across the stage. 
I didn't see Beckett for the rest of the draft, he seemed to be whisked away by reporters and the media for pictures or questions. At the end of the draft, his family and I are led into the back of the arena into a room, with ducks reporters, and right in the middle of the crowd stands beckett. Dressed in a ducks jersey and hat, stands the smiling boy. 
As soon as he sees his parents, he makes a beeline straight towards them, pulling them back into tight hugs as they whisper sweet things to him. I stand back witnessing the sweet moment between him and his family, with a smile on my face. Pulling away from his mom, his eyes catch mine, making his way towards me, pulling me off my feet into a hug. 
“ im so proud of you” i say to him as he settles me back on my feet
“I can't believe this, this is so crazy” he says 
“I know, i'm so so proud of you my little duck” i say tugging on his new found jersey 
“I couldn't have done it without my best girl” he says looking down at me, our eyes locked together with so much force and love? 
Before I even know what's happening, becketts face is moving closer and closer to mine, and before I know it his lips are meeting mine in a sweet kiss. My hands grab his face, pulling myself into his lips. A smile spreads across his face when he pulls away, my hands still resting on his face, as I look at him in shock.
“I've wanted to do that since I was 12 years old, I don't know what took me so long,” he says to me.
“But what I do know” he continues “is that i never want to go another year or day or week without it” before connecting our lips back together once again. 
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pixiesfz · 5 months
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spiked arsenal fc x r
plot: you get invited to a party from a girl at your school and things don’t turn out the best
warnings: readers drink gets spiked, weird Pervy boys, sexual asault
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Being a professional athlete at a young age had its perks but it also had its very bad drawbacks, privacy being one of them.
A 17-year-old Australian girl moving to London to play for North London's red team Arsenal, will she crack under pressure?
Your every move was watched by the public, weather at training or joining Katie and Caitlin for a coffee in the morning.
Another one was schooling.
Whenever you weren't training you were finishing an essay or researching history to write an essay on.
And if you were caught not doing your homework by Leah or Steph they would threaten less minutes at Arsenal or the Matilda's.
Kim let you take an hour off sometimes, seeing the stress you were under
"you're not going to do your best work if you're exhausted" she always insisted before passing you a pillow and her keys to the physio room.
And the last one which was your least favourite one to admit was fomo.
You physically went to school sometimes to do half days or full days, and your classmates always whispered to each other when you walked in.
You had made some friends, some were definitely your 'friends' just to see if they could get a free ticket to the Emirates but you figured it was better than nothing.
"Hey" one of the girls greeted you on the way to English "Hi Lisa" you smiled, happy another girl your age was talking to you "So It may be a long shot but I am having my 17th birthday party and I was wondering if you would be able to come?" she asked and you smiled.
You had seen everyone go to parties before as you watched on Snapchat and Instagram, but you had never been.
You had been invited sure, but not from anybody you knew well enough, the others just wanted to be able to say 'y/n y/l/n went to my party!"
"I'll just have to ask my caregivers but it should be fine" you smiled "Good cause I hear Tommy G really wanted to talk to you but that boy always needs liquid encouragement"
You grimaced and the girl laughed "I know I would have the same reaction" You smiled "So I'll see you there?" she asked and you nodded making her squeal.
When going home to Caitlins that day you entered with a smile "What happened today chook?" she asked as she was sprawled on the couch, Katie next to her.
"Lisa invited me to her birthday party!"
Katie cheered from her spot but Caitlin persed her lips
"Caitlin please, there's no training the day after and it's not on a game night, please I never get to go to parties, I'm the only girl in my year level-"
"Gosh shut up!" Caitlin scoffed "I was going to ask what you were planning to wear!"
You smiled "So I can go?"
Caitlin smiled, your happiness contagious to the two of them "of course, just don't drink you're still a minor and that can be bad for your image"
You nodded, the thought already crossed your mind in fifth period "I promise"
Katie's smile dropped "We will have to tell the captains"
"I already told Kim" you smiled remembering the call with your captain as you walked home "and she's the real captain of Arsenal and we're not on international duties, also please never tell Leah I called her not the real captain"
Your excitement was built up as your words were quick, Ella who had come out from her room laughing as you talked.
"You can borrow some of my clothes"
"No!" Katie was quick to say.
You had finished training and went home with Caitlin and Katie to have an 'everything shower before allowing Ella to curl your hair. You didn't have much party clothing so the day before you and Ella went shopping and bought jeans and a nice top.
"You look so pretty" Ella smiled as she finished your mascara "Lauren would never let me do her make-up and hair" she gushed "and Katie never did it for me so this is cute" she laughed as Katie scoffed from the bed her and Caitlin were laying down on, getting ready for your reveal
"Not our faults we were never into that at the time!" , "How much longer the party started half an hour ago!" Caitlin added before you walked out, a proud Ella behind you.
"Well don't you look like a princess!"
"I'm messing with ya, you look good baby Australia" she smiled and Cailin grabbed Lisa's present "I feel like a proud mum" she cheered "now let's go".
When you arrived at the party all the goers cheered at your appearance and a very drunk Lisa came to your side "' I'm so soooo happy you made it" she smiled, squeezing you tight as you awkwardly handed her the bag "Happy birthday" you told her and she gasped loudly, hugging you again.
She left to put it in her room, leaving you with some other of your classmates as they offered you a drink "No I'm okay is there water offered anyway, or sprite?" you asked and Tommy G stood up "I saw sprite in the back" he said before disappearing "thanks" you called out to him.
"He found out you didn't want to talk to him so he's probably just trying to get away from you" Holly, one of the girls said and you nodded "I didn't mean to hurt his feelings I'm just not that interested"
She nodded "I get it, do you want a hit?" she asked and held out her vape which you crossed her head at "thanks for the offer but no thankyou" you smiled apologetically and the girl smirked "more for me then"
"Uh here you go" a voice piped behind you and you saw Tommy holding out your Sprite bottle, it was already opened but you didn't think too much of it, maybe he just wanted to open it for you.
"Thankyou Tommy" you smiled and went back to your conversation, not taking a sip just yet.
About an hour had gone by and you felt really, really shitty, your grip on the table tightening as you felt the need to lay down, a headache splitting your brain.
"I'm sorry" you apologised to whoever you were speaking to "I have to lay down" you said, stumbling away to the nearest bedroom, gaining the attention of the group of boys who were sat on the couch.
"Tommy boy you actually did it" "Well how else was I going to get her"
"You are the man, taking away Arsenal star girl's virginity!"
You assumed it was Lisa's parents room from the size of the bed but your head was spinning and your energy was plummeting, you felt vulnerable and your muscles were failing on you.
When you heard the door open you just merely mumbled "who's it?"
Why were you like this?
You didn't drink a sip of alcohol.
"Hey y/n it's Tommy"
"somethings wrong" you said, hopefully thinking he would get some help but instead he just closed the door. "Tommy help" you whimpered, your body feeling like a brick as you couldn't move "shhh" he shooshed you, climbing on top of you "It's all going to be fine".
Your eyes widened as he tried to kiss you "just kiss back it will be easier" he told you but you shook your head, tears running down your face.
"stop" you mumbled as his hands pulled down your top "you wanted this remember?"
no. no you didn't.
"Tommy stop'
"Tommy please" you cried
His hands started to undo your belt before the door was open again and a now sobered up Lisa barged in.
"Get off of her you Freak!" she yelled, running up and practically throwing Tommy off of you and pulling up your shirt "/n" she sighed, freaking out from your state.
Another two sets of girls came in, gasping at the sight "he drugged her" Lisa told them as they stood still, Tommy in fear as he looked around "Get him out!" she yelled and the two girls ran in and grabbed him.
"hey look she wanted it-"
And he was gone.
But his presence still lingered to you as you flinched when Lisa grabbed your wrist "Y/n I'm calling the ambulance okay?" she told you and you nodded.
You felt numb, you couldn't do anything.
It wasn't long after that you blacked out.
You woke up when the ambulance came to a stop, your body being able to move now slightly as you were able to balance on your elbows.
They carried your cart inside, going past a worried Caitlin and Katie who were called five minutes ago as they ran behind the cart and a blonde girl who was running out soon after "Who are you?" Katie asked "I'm Lisa"
"What happened?" Caitlin asked, on the phone with Steph who was driving over with Kyra, Leah and Kim.
Lisa's eye started to water "I should've- he- he- he spiked her drink!" she let out and both the Arsenal players stopped in their track.
You were able to move but you stayed still, you could feel his hands on you even if Lisa had promised you in the ambulance that the girls called the police.
You still didn't move when the doctors shoved needles into you, getting rid of the drug residue that was in you.
Ella, who was behind Katie and Caitlin ran after the doctors after hearing Lisa, knowing the news from classmates will be on the news tomorrow.
You turned your head towards the blonde with tears in your eyes "why me?" you asked and the girl grabbed your hand "Why?" you said again, not expecting an answer from the girl before Caitlin and Katie walked in with a tear stained Lisa.
"Just try and go to sleep y/n/n".
Your body was exhausted when you woke up in the morning, the room was full, full of your Arsenal and international teammates who had heard, it bran tears to your eyes as you realised what had happened, turning to Caitlin who was holding your hand
"No privacy?" you asked and the girl nodded her head "I'm sorry chicky"
You nodded, tears rolling down your cheeks as you looked at all the powereful women in the room.
If there was anyone you needed to get through the next couple of weeks, it was these women here.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 11 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n chapter seven! Gosh, who would have thought that this would grow into something this big. Idk... writing this story does something to my brain.
warning: kids, mention of past trauma, wing clipping and all the horrors of Illyrian camps, vomiting, I think that's all...
Azriel was stalling, and he knew it. For the first time in his life, the spymaster just couldn't put the needs of his court first. He tried. Mother knows he tried hard. But every time Azriel even came close to winnowing back to Velaris, he stalled. Waited. The tug pulled him back. The need to stay in the sanctuary held him in a chokehold. Something deep within him kept telling him that if he left on his own, even if it was for a couple of hours - he would not forgive himself. And the consequences - he didn't want to bear them.
"Keep your head up", Azriel articulated in his much lower voice, "Don't tuck your shoulders". One of his hands was pressed to Axel's back, making sure the arch was right. Away from the eyes that hawked between the walls, Azriel had finally ushered Axel out for morning training. The male didn't remember anyone being so happy to wake up before the morning sun. To be out in the chilly morning wind. To train. But Axel didn't even yawn once; he didn't rub his eyes. He was here, and he wasn't going to back down.
"Good job! Just like that", Azriel fueled Axel with praising words. He gave shit to Cassian when they were sparing. But while Cassian and he worked better when they were pissed at each other. The real broody fea raging. Axel was a whole different story. He ran off of Azriel's attentive care. Of him showing up. Of him seeing the boy. "Let them rest", Azriel stated his last order firmly, and Axel, with a couple of sloppy beats with his wings, seized his movements to a halt, panting breathlessly. The leather healed nicely. Way too nice for what it should have been, but that without doubt had something to do with your powers. It had to. That was another itch in Azriel's brain. A summoner? What was that supposed to mean? Sure, he had seen you wield light, heal, and slow heartbeats, but that in one big package didn't shape one solid answer.
"You're okay?", Azriel glanced down at the boy sitting on the fallen tree trunk. The biggest smile spread over Axel's face as he nodded his head. "Do you think I'll get to fly with you eventually?", the boy pointed towards the sky, Azriel's eyes following his movements. The spymaster's heart clenched at that. He hoped that would be possible. He hoped that with solid, strong back muscles and flying lessons, Axel too would bathe in the song of the wind. "We'll do everything we can to make that happen", Azriel threw a smile boy's way, something he found himself doing a lot lately. "Does your back hurt?", "A bit", the boy admitted shyly. Azriel only nodded. "That's a good sign; it means you're doing everything perfectly", and with that alone, all doubt and fear vanished from Axel's eyes. "Come, I'll carry you back", the boy didn't miss the invitation as he leaped into the warmth, snuggling into the male. Azriel held Axel with delicate care, mindful of the sore wings. He continued to run his hand over Axel's scared back. A sickly feeling still crept through him every time he came in contact with it. Azriel could endure the pain of his scars, but seeing Axel bear it as well fueled an anger that had never raged before. So Azriel pulled the boy just a little closer as he continued walking.
"What about this? It's blue", Zofie had been pulling out dresses from her closet all morning long. You had told the kids about the invitation to Velaris. Hoping that they would refuse to go. Make your own choice easy. You hoped you could hide behind their answers so you wouldn't have to make the decision yourself; just the two of them had been over the moon. Eager to go. It was as if Azriel had hung the moon for them, and now, no matter where or what he suggested, they were swooning with happiness.
"It's your favorite", you say, looking up from your seat, pealing your eyes away from the shirt Axel had placed into your hands this morning, practically begging you to fix the hem of it. "You said you'd use it for a special occasion", you continued. Because that dress was more than special. You had made it for Zofie after she had admired that she had never had one. Only clothed in scrappy cloth bags her whole young life. "It is special. We've never gone anywhere", she said firmly, looking down at the deep blue of the tule. "Do they have a big dance floor?", her eyes darted back at you, gleaming. You wanted to tell her that Velaris was like nothing she had ever seen before. She'd find much more than just a breathtaking ballroom, but you tucked that deep within yourself. "I don't know, sweetie. You'll have to ask the spymaster of the night court". The girl tilted her head to the side, "He has a name - Azriel. You know it", she sassed back at you, scrunching her forehead slightly. Because while you pulled back, they ran straight into Azriel's arms. You weren't jealous. Well, a little. You knew you weren't being replaced. You just... You wished you could find strength in yourself to trust once again.
The door to the room swung open after a little knock, and in strolled the two boys. Both still slightly sweaty and... "Oh, this is not okay!", you huffed as you watched them both standing there with their shirts off. "What's all of this about?", you rested your hands on your hips, trying to scowl. There was no doubt that you failed miserably because it was practically impossible to ignore the way Azriel's toned chest looked. Your hands had touched that... You quickly cleared your throat, leaning closer to Axel. "Real soldiers don't wear shirts when they are in the middle of an intense workout", the boy stated so casually that you quickly tilted your eyebrows up, glancing at Azriel, who looked way too mischievous for his own good. That bastard knew what he was doing. But it was the way Axel wore the scars on his back as if they were nothing that tugged at your heart. As if they didn't weigh him down. As if he didn't care if anyone else saw them, and deep down, you knew it was Azriel that you needed to thank.
It was Zofie who washed away the prolonged silence, "We're packing for Velaris", she said, lifting her hands up and showing off her dress which was still wrinkled. Azriel's hopeful eyes darted your way immediately. You two hadn't talked about his promises. About the things he had said. You had been cold toward him. You didn't want to, but his words had struck deep, making your defense walls waver. "Do they have a ballroom?", Zofie chirped, stepping closer to the male, who almost by nature had sunk to one knee so he could be more at Zofie's eye level. "Yeah, they do. I hope you'll save a dance for me", Azriel stated firmly, and Zofie nodded eagerly at his words. Giggling as the shadows swirled around her, turning her hair into a big cloud around her, lifting it from her back as she swirled with them happily.
Azriel's smile faltered. A pain like no other struck him. She was wearing Axel's shirt, no doubt, the loose material falling off the back, as she finally collapsed to the floor, screeching. Yet all Azriel saw were two deep red marks that ran all the way up to her shoulders. He didn't need to see more to know what that meant. He didn't need... Azriel stood up so quickly that his head spun. Turning abruptly, he shot out the door. Images of that night. That torturous night when he and Cas had to pull Rhys away from the lifeless bodies of his mother and sister filled his head. Now clear as a day. The torn-apart flesh in their back. The blood. The broken bones. The gashed. Azriel didn't make it far. He bent just slightly as he leaned against the wall. His breakfast coming right up. He heaved and gagged for what felt like forever. Head pressed against the cold stone as he tried to calm his breathing. Tried to shove the image of the mutilated bodies. Zofie's lifeless... That alone had Azriel hurling all over again.
"Drink", the strong smell coming from the cup was enough to let Azriel know that it was ginger brew. And the warmth of a hand on his shoulder—enough to let him know that you were here. But he was too afraid to move. Any movement threatened to make him heave again; he was convinced of it. "You look pale as a ghost drink, Azriel", you pushed the cup closer to his lips, holding onto his jaw as you tilt the mug up. Azriel manages to take a couple of sips before pushing back. "She's...", he managed to whisper. You closed your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, "Wingless? Yes". Azriel let out what seemed to be a superseded whimper, and all you could do was lower your head. You could speak of it only because you've walked with that pain for so long and yet it still clawed at you in moments like this.
"Who?", the tone seemed pure death. "Azriel...", you said in a pleading tone. This man had proven to you more than once now that he was willing to bring hell out for the kids. Yet you still denied it. "Give me a name! Tell me what camp. I will skin him alive", you swiftly moved to cup his face as you shook your head. "Do you remember what you told me about the fact that all they need is love?", you asked, looking into his deep golden orbs. "They need the same from you, Az", the darkness plunged back into its cage. Yet his breathing was still heavy. "This isn't fair", his words spilled through his gritted teeth, his hands pressing onto your hips. His way of grounding himself. "You and I both know that life is cruel", you offered him a sad smile, but he only shook his head. "But", you breathed out, knowing deep down that you needed to say this. "Azriel... She's up there right now, thinking that she has done something bad. That Axel's scars didn't scare you, but her...", and that's enough for Azriel to pull back as he turns around, only a black mist of his shadows left in his track.
And she's there in his arms when you finally make your way up. Splotchy face pressed against his shoulder. Zofie is a tiny girl as it is, but in Azriel's embrace, she almost looks microscopic. His palm covers most of her back. She has a fistful of his shirt in her tiny fists. "You're just as special", you hear Azriel muttering under his breath. Axel inches closer to you, arms wrapping around your leg as he nuzzles into you. You're convinced that the only time this man was brought to his knees was when he was pleading to stay with that female, but in his time here, he kept kneeling in front of the two of them. And it doesn't seem to bug him. It doesn't seem to clash with the cold mask he has built.
It's hard to hear their conversation, but then it's for them alone. And the bits you do hear—"I'm sorry," "You're one of the strongest girls I've met", and endless mutters of "I'll keep you safe" and "You'll never have to be afraid anymore"—are more than enough to make your eyes sting. Because you know that Azriel would not let go of her, or Axel, for that matter. They were logged into his heart. Fully. Permanently. It soothes you that Zofie doesn't understand and doesn't remember the way things had happened. Her father had taken it upon himself to carve her tiny wings out the same day she was born. A poor baby caught an infection. Leaving her slightly sickish and way smaller than she should be for her age. But she still kicked around fearlessly. Determined to not let monsters like that win. You dabbed a tear away from your cheek quickly. Letting the feeling of Axe's soft hair pull you back out.
"Can I fly?", the girl lifted her head from Azriel's shoulder, tiny palms rubbing her eyes. You sucked in a breath. She had never thought about that or asked about it. You want to cut in; try to say something. But Azriel pulled the blanket off the bed before carefully wrapping Zofie in it. "You say a word, and you'll be soaring through the clouds", Azriel says softly, and her eyes spark with anticipation. She glances your way, and you give her a tiny nod. "Then I want to fly", she whispers, and that's enough for Azriel to scoop her up as he moves towards the balcony. Her tiny hands spring out of the blanket as she wraps them around Azriel's neck, and they are airborne. Together.
You find him hours later. Everyone has long gone to bed, but you've spent way too long tossing and turning. The pull in your chest was too unbearable. So, with kisses on both of the kids' foreheads, you let your feet lead the way. And it only hits you that you're standing right in front of his door when it opens and you see his figure. Your body seizes, just like it always does when you're in front of him. Or, well, when he's shirtless.
You lift your haze and say, "I... wanted to check on you. Make sure that it's...", you topple over your words before managing to take a breath in, "Are you okay?". Azriel says nothing; he just steps to the side, a silent invitation. He's nursing a glass of whiskey. He's been off alcohol for most of his time here, so this... This had to reopen deep wounds.
"She was ecstatic. I've never seen her eyes so bright", you try to breathe in that sense of peace in him. "How is this still happening? Rhys has put out clear laws", is all he says in return. You step closer to him, reaching for a glass in his hand, and Azriel gives it up rather easily. "These males run things by their books, and you know it, Az. The sanctuary has a dedicated armed force, and there are missions. We do what we can," you state calmly, but Azriel simply shakes his head. "Come here", he mutters, his hands reaching up for you. "I don't want you going back to these camps", his words are firm as you rest your head against his chest. "You can't boss me around, remember?", you jab at his chest painfully. "Then I'll be going with you", Azriel says, as if it's so self-explanatory. You pull back slightly, shaking your head. "Start by taking us to Velraris, foreign soldier", you murmur, and that's the first time you get to see a smile paint his lips. "While you're in a silk nightgown?", he muses, and you let out a gasp, wrapping your arms around your chest. The reality that your nightgown has been the only thing separating your bodies all this time slowly seeping in, making your cheeks grow crimson. "In your dreams, shadowsinger", you purr back at him.
The next morning is filled with anticipation. Little feet running all around the place, shoving some of the forgotten pieces into the overnight bags. Throughout the breakfast, the conversation lingered around Velaris. As Azriel pulls story after story, the two younglings gasping. The list of places to visit getting longer by the minute. You were happy for them. This chance to explore something new—that child-like thrill—made even the smallest of things seem huge.
"Bacon", Zofie quickly jabbed her finger toward the plate, making Azriel let out a light chuckle. But he makes quick work of assembling the perfect bite before carefully turning the fork towards the girl's mouth. "Good?", he asked, leaning to the side slightly so he would be able to see her face. Zofie just smiled up at him, kicking her little feet happily as she chewed. She was perfectly capable of feeding herself but more than aware that she had Azriel wrapped around her little finger, meaning that one tired look was enough for the spymaster to usher her onto his lap so he could help her eat breakfast.
"You can't carry us three", Axel said as he too cut into the last bits of food on his plate. Azriel lifted a brow in a challenge, "I bet I can". The boy shook his head, "You only have two hands; there's three of us here". The shadowsinger only smirked, "Who knew you were so good at math", Axel let out a gasp before his face grew mischievous. "Will we go one by one?", Zofie asked, turning her head to look up at Azriel. And just as always, he was quick to sense the panic in her voice. The thought of having to be at some place alone while the others came around clearly made her antsy.
"No, we're all going together. I'll winnow us there", Azriel said firmly, followed by an explanation of what that meant. "Will this hurt?", Axel was quick to cut in. "No, you'll hold onto Y/n; I'll hold onto you all,", the spymaster said calmly, knowing well that the first time might feel rather unsettling when you're not so used to the sensation. "Can we get lost?", Zofie's voice was barely audible. Azriel placed a quick kiss on the crown of her head before leaning closer to her, "No", his eyes were fully focused on the little girl, "Because I won't let that happen".
The cool air nibbled at your skin first. Pinching your cheeks and painting them slightly more pink. It was way cooler here, even if the sanctuary was in the mountains. Magic had its perks. Azriel's grip around you loosened as he stepped back, the warmth of him melting away. A part of you wanted to hold onto him for a moment longer. You two still hadn't had a proper conversation about everything. Not that there was anything much to say, but you felt like letting him know that you trusted him.
"Look up at the sky, Zo", Axel practically shrieked with excitement as he softly pulled on Zofie's dress. She carefully peeled her palms away from her eyes. Even with Azriel humming through the quick journey here, her little panic took the best of her. "You can see all the construction", Azriel pointed up at the sky as he rubbed her back softly. "Rhys is a show-off like that", he muttered, mostly for you, and you couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Perseus...", Zofie motioned with her little finger, making Azriel nod, "That's right, we can find them all later on".
It took you a moment to look around. You haven't been here in... ever. The only time you had come down here was straight to Rhys's office. You haven't been out of the sanctuary since you were first brought in. Except for the camp. An uncomfortable shiver runs down your back. The place Azriel winnowed to felt pretty secluded. The buzz of the sitting seemed further away. The street was brightly lit, with dangling lights and flower beds blooming on every window sill. "This isn't the main house", you muttered. It didn't feel like it. A least, you had no clue how Rhys would fit a study so big in here. Azriel shook his head as he lowered Zofie to the ground. "I wanted you to warm up your feet in Velaris first", he said while shaking his head. "So, we're not meeting everyone tonight?", a wave of relief washed over you. Sure, you were excited and all, but... one can only take so many stimuli at once. And well, for the kids' sake, that was a perfect start. "I wanted you to meet someone first. Someone special", Azriel said softly before stepping closer to the door and knocking gently.
The kids quickly rushed to stand up tall, yet their hands were gripping the sides of their skirts. Putting on their best behavior. So eager to meet someone new. Someone they hadn't seen around the sanctuary. Someone who seemed to be a part of a whole new world. But it's not really what you expected. In all honesty, you didn't even know what you were expecting.
An elderly woman opens the door, the brightest smile on her face as she sees Azriel. Her hands instantly reach to cup his face, and he doesn't pull away. He basks in the softness of her touch for a moment before moving to kiss both of her palms. "My boy", she beames, and you're convinced your heart had stopped working. Or there's a blood vessel that popped, hence the roaring in your ears. No, Azriel brought you to his... "Mother, I want you to meet someone", the spymaster steps to the side to give his mother a clear view of the kids and you.
You wait for her smile to falter, but she only seems to smile brighter. "Oh, dear...", she holds onto Azriel's arm. "Aren't you two adorable", she opens her embrace warmly, and that's all Zofie and Axel need as they rush forward toward the woman. Big eyes observing her as she cups both of their faces. You bite the inside of your cheeks.
"Yours?", the woman says, looking up at her son. Almost a hopeful gleams there as she watches him. "Not by blood", the spymaster says, and he says it so naturally that you nearly feel your legs buck. Convinced your nails are drawing blood from the way you are squeezing your palms. "And this lady, must be the lover?", her soft eyes land on you, knocking the last air out of your lungs. You open your mouth, but Azriel beats you to it: "Not yet, but I'm working on it". The elderly woman hums softly, a knowing look on her face as she glances between the two of you, before turning her eyes back on the kids, "Why don't we head inside, loves? I'm making cinnamon rolls", and the two younglings don't even do a double take at you as they walk toe-in-toe through the arched wooden door.
You turn to Azriel. "You're insane", you whisper, your eyes already full of tears. "No, I'm just trying to make the right choice for the first time", Azriel says calmly, reaching out for you, but you back away. "Azriel, this is...", you breathe out. "Don't back away from me", hurt flashes in his eyes. "I know I made questionable choices", Azriel pleads. "But this feels fucking right... I can't explain it, YN, but it feels as if I was meant to be here, meant to...", he states, almost in slight disbelief himself, "Don't take this from me".
You watch Azriel for a heartbeat. One. Two. Before you just leap forward, crashing your lips against his. And it's way better than you could ever imagine. It's eager and hungry. Messy, but so... right. As if this was something that was meant to happen. Azriel brings you closer as he deepens the kiss. His palms moving straight to your hips, a habit of his by now. You arch into his touch, your body working on its own rhythm when it comes to Azriel. And when you finally pull apart breathlessly, with a slightly rosy cheek, you can't help but smile at him because maybe just maybe. This is your chance to have your person. Your home.
"If I accidentally winnow us to my apartment now...", Azriel muttered breathlessly, making you let out a laugh. "Don't you dare, soldier", you say, pointing your finger at him. "I won't... Just thinking about it...hard", he states through hazy eyes. You shake your head as you brush your fingers across his lips, trying to clean up the smudged marks of your lipstick. "In your dreams," you purr lightly. "Well, I've been dreaming for a while now, love", Azriel reaches to you, resting his forehead against yours before his lips find yours once more.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace
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pairing: prince friedrich x reader
description: it has been tradition all season long that prince friedrich occupies your first and last dance of every evening. it is well known that his engagement is looming, so no man dares ask to take these dances from him. that is, until one clueless lord makes that awkward mistake.
warnings: pure fluff, tiny bit of jealousy from my sweet prince, but predominantly pure, tooth-rotting fluff !
“The season is almost over,” Daphne Bridgerton hummed, flitting her fan across her chest as you stood at the edge of the ballroom, “Do you think the prince might propose this evening?”
You laughed, watching as the prince eyed you from across the floor despite dancing with another young lady.
“I hope so,” you replied, pure happiness in your tone as you thought of the future you had discussed so extensively with the man who had won your heart with such ease, “Though he himself requested a long courtship. Oh, Daph, you should’ve heard him. He told me he was certain he was falling in love with me and wished to wed, but that he wanted to prolong our courtship to ensure I too was certain.”
“Gosh, Y/N, how romantic,” Daphne grinned.
“He is absolutely a dream,” you fanned yourself now too, growing flushed at the thought of just how deeply your feelings for the Prussian prince ran, “I of course told him I feel the same regardless, but he said that though he’d wed me in a heartbeat, it was fun to pretend we were still in the early stages of courting. And of course, I save every first and last dance for him and only him.”
Daphne was swooning at the prospect, and given her confusing situation regarding her ruse with the Duke, their sudden marriage, and how in love they quite clearly were, you were unsurprised that she was so excited to hear that your blossoming relationship was thriving so.
“Speaking of which, my dear friend,” she lifted your dance card from your wrist to see that as ever Prince Friedrich’s name graced the bottom of your card, “It appears you have danced with all others.”
As you looked away from her, you saw the prince smile in your direction, sending your heart into an absolute frenzy, “He appears to be on his way over!”
Before he could cross the floor, however, a gentleman you barely recognised obscured your view of the man you loved, stepping directly in front of you with a smile on his face.
“Lady Y/N,” the man bowed, “I am Lord Francis. I apologise for never making your acquaintance sooner, for my work and travels delayed my arrival in the Ton,” he took your hand to kiss its back, and as he leaned to do so you saw the prince behind him with a frown on his face, now mere meters away, “You are truly a diamond, and I should most certainly wish to know you more. You cannot imagine my relief upon seeing that you were yet unbetrothed. Might I have your next dance, my lady?”
You swallowed thickly, looking to Daphne for help but finding that she had slipped away amidst his little speech.
You were tempted to scoff at the man’s audacity to so abruptly ask of a dance at the end of the evening when he had chosen so late in the hall to introduce himself. And, of course, you were entirely uninterested.
Before you had the opportunity to respond, however, Prince Friedrich was at the man’s side.
“Ah, Lady Y/N,” he bowed, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it that lingered as he looked up at you and made you swoon, “Each time I see you in that necklace I am reminded why I selected it for you. It was made for you, to be sure.”
You giggled shyly, both feeling giddy around the man you loved and at the clear reason for his choice of words. He was here to assert his place, jealousy coursing through his royal blood.
“Oh your highness,” you curtsied, “Thank you again for the beautiful gift. I was wondering when you might return to share my last dance, as always. I do so look forward to it,” you flashed your dance card to the rather impertinent Lord Francis with a falsified frown, “I do apologise, my lord, but I have not yet shared my final dance with anyone but the Prince. And I do not wish to change that tradition.”
The gentleman scampered away without another word, leaving the prince to capture you in his arms and lead you to the dance floor.
“I am certainly glad to be rid of that fool,” he grumbled, and you reached up to run your thumb along his cheekbone soothingly, internally frustrated that the action would end up in Lady Whistledown’s writings the next day.
Your voice was barely above a whisper, “Oh my love, you needn’t worry. You know that if I could I would dance only with you the entire night.”
The prince was more than satisfied with this, a broad smile gracing his strong features as you continued the rhythm of the waltz you found yourself in.
“I am pleased to hear that, to be sure,” he beamed, “And once this dance is through, I hoped we might have a moment to talk. Perhaps on the balcony?”
You nodded softly, “Any moment with you, I could never deny myself.”
He smiled, and as the dance drew to a close you found yourself growing nervous.
Had this small moment of jealousy spurred on a proposal? Or perhaps he had always intended to propose tonight?
Perhaps it was not a proposal at all, and he just wished for some fresh air and a chance to chatter away from the eyes and ears of the ballroom?
You caught Daphne’s eye as you followed the prince outside, noticing her eyes widen in excitement as she too expected you to return to the ballroom engaged.
You bit your lip, allowing yourself to share her excitement for just a moment before nerves slipped into your mind again.
You reached the balcony after what felt like hours, with time seeming to progress in slow motion as you waited to hear what it was the prince wished to discuss.
“My dearest Lady Y/N,” he began, capturing both of your hands in his as his eyes twinkled down at you in the moonlight, “You must know that since we met, you have been the sun around which I revolve. You captured my heart the very moment I first saw you, and with every discussion of a future I have grown more certain that it is with you I wish to build a life, a home, a family,”
“Oh my dear prince,” you were certain you could taste blood, your heart pounding with anticipation as it truly sunk in just what was going on, “You must know that the feeling has always been entirely reciprocated. Every moment I have spent with you has been blissful, and I rather selfishly wish for an eternity of such moments.”
He shook his head, “It is not at all selfish, my dove. For it is what I wish for too. An eternity with the love of my life at my side, wherever we might find ourselves.”
You shared a brief moment of comfortable silence, staring into each other’s eyes as you could think about nothing but his gentle touch and romantic words.
He was everything you could’ve dreamed of in a man, and now here he was professing that he too was enamoured by you.
Even though he had made it quite clear how he felt before, in this very second everything felt as though it fell perfectly into place.
The true love you always dreamed of finding but never expected to… He was right here, about to ask for your hand and sweep you off of your feet.
“It is for this very reason, my love,” he began again, keeping his hold of your left hand but dropping to his knee in a split second, “That I find myself desperate to ask — will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”
“My gosh!” you exclaimed, nodding excitedly as he slipped the most beautiful ring onto your finger and rose to his feet again, “I would love to. I can think of no future more exciting than one as your wife.”
He kissed your hand again, now peppering kisses around the ring he had just given you, sending sparks throughout your body at his delicate touch.
“I cannot wait to begin our life together properly, as man and wife,” he grinned, reaching to push a stray hair from your face as he spoke, “Free of meddlesome gentlemen who have no regard for one’s prior commitment.”
“My darling, you truly had no need to worry,” you giggled, lifting your free hand to your mouth to stifle it a little, “He could not hold a candle to you, and I would never have given up my dance with you for him. I wish always for my first and last dance to be with you… And every dance in between.”
He pulled you flush to his chest now, spinning you softly to the faint sound of the orchestral tune still playing in the ballroom.
“Then my every dance is yours, my love,” he hummed, discreetly pressing a gentle kiss to your temple as he spun you around, “Always and forever.”
“I love you,” you were truly in a state of pure bliss as you danced, choosing to ignore that you were most certainly being watched, “More than I can ever express.”
“I love you as such also, my future princess,” he replied, pausing your dance just to look at you intently again for just a second before he spoke, “And I shall spend our whole life showing you.”
“I am so incredibly lucky to have fallen in love with you,” you shook your head in disbelief, still smiling up at him.
“It is I who is lucky,” he disagreed, looking up into the night sky littered with stars, “And the stars in the sky are lucky to every day be graced with your existence too.”
“You flatter me, my love.”
“And I intend to continue to remind you how wonderful you are, my dove,” he practically whispered, dipping his head lower so that you could feel his breath fanning over your face, though not close enough to induce any more scandal than your balcony dance might already have done.
“It’s a pleasure to be forever your first and last dance… And I can only hope to be your first and last love, if you would let me. For you most certainly shall be mine.”
“You shall be mine too, my love. I am certain of it.”
ok fluffy af because i am currently in looove with the prince and idk where it came from but i had to write this once i had the idea!!!
if you have any requests (right now preferably bridgerton, djats or criminal minds) then please feel free to send them in and i’ll make a start this week!
also pleaaase let me know in comments/reblogs what you think!
in the meantime, here is my masterlist!
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spiderfunkz · 7 months
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"i think i can really fall in love with him."
word count : 0,9k
warnings : fluff, fem!reader, gwen is mentioned to be readers best friend, harry is mentioned as well, cutesy first dates, peter being just so madly in love & so are you. not proofread!
a/n : inspired by that one scene from 'before sunrise' where celine and jesse pretend to call their friends and tell them about each other :)) also i know i'm late to valentines but it's still february sooooo
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if you told yourself a few days ago that you'd be spending valentines day with peter parker, you would laugh at the thought of it.
but right now you couldn't laugh at anything but peter's stupidly unfunny jokes and his cheesy, dry, pickup lines.
you couldn't imagine what valentines would be like with peter parker, but you don't have to. you're experiencing it right now.
he had asked you in a way you've only seen in rom-coms from the 90s. he knocked on your door with a ridiculously large bouquet of flowers, a heart shaped box full of chocolate, and a nervous nerdy smile.
and you accepted it obviously. peter's nice. really nice. out of all the boys in your class, he's a gentleman compared to them.
he's got those big brown doe eyes that make you blush if you make eye contact. that weirdly fluffy hair, that makes you wonder what his hair care routine is like sometimes. the sweetest smile you could ever imagine. and a heart bigger than a size of a lake.
and my gosh, you love him.
he made a reservation at this restaurant. one that you've passed by many times but never seem to stop by. you've always thought it was too fancy for a normal hangout with friends or family, it was always crowded with couples too. it always had a jazz band playing, roses on each table, and you could smell the scent of love from outside.
it was everything you've ever dreamed of. you didn't want it to end but unfortunately, the day got darker and the sun began to set.
"i really enjoyed today, peter." you smile.
"yeah of course. i really enjoyed today too." he replied, there was still a splotch of spaghetti sauce near his mouth.
"unfortunate that the hours went by so quickly, i think i have to go home soon." you pout, peter was still smiling, that spaghetti splotch is not going anywhere.
"or maybe we could still talk, for a bit." he paused for a second before making a hand gesture resembling a phone.
"ring, ring, ring!" he mimicked. you furrow your brows.
"pick it up." he stays smiley.
"okay, beep." you laugh, following his gestures.
peter mouths a 'thank you' before continuing, "oh yeah uh, harry? harry are you there?" he asks.
you knew harry, he's peter's closest friend. they're like two peas in a pod and you could never separate them, not even when harry moved away for years.
you join in his little joke. "uh yeah dude, this is harry. dude." you try to mimic his voice.
"yeah, hey harry! do you remember that girl i was gonna ask out for valentines? the really pretty girl from bio class?" his face became pink.
"oh yeah! the really pretty girl. i know her."
"yeah so, she's with me right now and i am just so happy."
"really? how happy?"
"extremely. she's so fun to talk to. she's so incredibly wonderful and i cannot put it into words how beautiful she is. really harry, you were right. she's an angel."
you smile. "really what else? how did the date go?" your voice rasps, clearly you couldn't really perfect the accent harry has. but peter seemed to like it.
"amazing. the food was great, this restaurant is good, i uh- got the reservation in time so everything has been going perfectly.
she's such a ray of sunshine. i can't stop stealing a glance every time, harry. i dunno what's about it, she's just so- perfect."
peter continues. he's doing it on purpose. well, not really, he was going to call harry and say all of those things. but he thinks it's better to tell you face to face. besides, he loves seeing you smile.
you try your best to blurt out a reply without stuttering. "that's um, that's amazing, dude. i bet she feels the same way about you." you could feel the butterflies in your stomach.
"you really think so?" peter tilts his head.
"i'm sure."
"well, thanks harry. i'll see you later, bye bye." he hangs up, mimicking a beep on the table.
you laugh.
"okay now it's your turn."
"my turn? oh, okay." you gesture your hand.
"dring, dring, dring!" you say, "ugh she's probably studying right now." you explain.
peter picks up, in a voice that will haunt you for years. "hey, girl! what is up!" peter laughs.
it took every cell in your body to not burst out laughing in front of everyone in that restaurant. "hi, gwen. is uh- is your voice okay?" you ask.
"better than ever!" — "oh, okay." you hold your laughter. "um, you know peter? peter parker from biology. the one with fluffy hair and pretty eyes?"
peter smiles, he blushes from his nose.
"yeah so, i'm on a date with him right now. and it feels like a dream. he's prettier up close. he styled his hair, yeah, it's pretty. and he's got spaghetti sauce smeared near his lips." you smile.
peter immediately fixes the splotch, finally.
"he's kind of tall. and he's kinda nerdy too. just my type." you cover your smile, "i like to feel his eyes on me when i look away." you continued.
peter smiles, "what a nice guy."
"he really is. as the date goes on i start to like him even more. i feel like i can really open up to him."
"mhm. he got me flowers and some chocolate too. he's funny too, he's got a voice i can listen to for hours. he's like a shot of espresso, you know?"
peter couldn't hide his blush anymore. "a shot of espresso?"
"he makes me feel energized in a way, and he also makes my heart beat really fast." you laugh, "i think i can really fall in love with him."
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invisiblestringmm · 6 months
chapter three
it could change but this feels like, like the calm before the storm
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a/n: you’re welcome & don’t forget to leave feedback! 🤍
tw: a bit of angst, brief mention of anxiety & rough pregnancy
2.208 words
There were times when you wondered how things would’ve been if Lily never existed - an unbearable thought, since you adored her more than anything in the world and would obviously do anything to make her happy, but where would you be now if you never met the love of your life? You frequently thought about how things would’ve been if Mason never shoved you away, nor ghosted you before you told him about Lily. So, besides your life, two others were living rent-free in your mind and the question “What could’ve been?” was constantly echoing in a soft yet agonising voice.
You never opened Mason’s message on your insta DM, but you never blocked him either for there was no point. The damage, if you could even call it one, was already done and you were more than certain about it on a Tuesday night, when Willow dropped Lily at your’s and her green eyes screamed “I’m so sorry”. Before you could question what had happened, your daughter walked in dragging her backpack and her usual cheerful personality, telling you what a fun afternoon she had with Summer, her mother, and her uncle Mason.
“I took Lily for ice cream like you said I could and they were there,” Willow was sharp to clarify when your widened eyes met hers - you watched your friend swallow hard, anxiously waiting for your reaction.
“Go to your bedroom, Lilian,” your daughter frowned at you and you noticed she pouted a bit. You sighed. “It’s alright, peanut. I just need to speak to auntie Willow, okay?”
Lily mimicked you and let out a sigh too, something that’d make you laugh if you weren’t so nervous. Still in her ballet clothes, you watched your daughter blow you a kiss and make her way to her bedroom, leaving the door open as you always instructed her and that made your heart melt a little. You were the luckiest mum in the world, how could you ever think of a life that Lily wasn’t a part of?
“Y/n, I swear to God I had no idea they’d be there. I didn’t even notice them there, it was Summer who spotted Lily and it was just her and the mum - what’s her na-”
Willow nodded, nervously. “I assumed it was okay to stay with them since the girls like each other so much and I didn’t even see him coming. I promise,”
“Will, it’s fine…” you sighed, defeated. This whole crisis was happening because of you, there was no one else to be blamed.
You were the one hiding your child from her father and his family - her family.
“I tried to leave immediately but Lils had just started eating her chocolate fudge and-”
“Oh gosh, was it a big chocolate fudge?”
“No,” Willow shook her head, chuckling. “We shared.”
You nodded, allowing yourself to breathe deeply and close your eyes for a second, feeling unexpectedly exhausted. “How was it?”
“He was very charming, particularly when she introduced herself,” you felt Willow run her hand up and down your back and found comfort in her eyes. “Lilian Maisie, she said.”
“Gosh,” you felt your gut wrench, heart pounding against your chest.
“I know this won’t make things any easier for you, but I think Jaz will probably try to reach you because she’d keep staring at Lily and Mason all the time.”
“Gosh,” you repeated, feeling your whole body weakening. Willow helped you sit on the sofa. “It’s because they look exactly like each other, isn't it?”
Willow slowly nodded, a sigh parting her lips. “The resemblance is undoubtedly uncanny,”
She didn’t stay long that evening, and you had to spend a few minutes reassuring Lily that you weren’t mad at her and that, sometimes, adults were complicated and needed to talk about important stuff - to which she wisely replied that you were a person before being her mummy and still loved you more than anything.
What made you obsessively wonder was: would she still love you when you tell her that her best friend’s uncle was also her daddy?
Willow’s prediction was confirmed when Jaz’s name popped on your notifications, asking when you’d finally accept her invitation to go out for lunch without the girls. It annoyed you a bit how much she insisted, not only because you didn’t feel prepared to face her, but also because things at work were hectic with the Holidays right around the corner. You also had your dad calling nonstop to know if he could take Lily to the Cotswolds before you had planned - according to him, she’d have a lot more fun staying there with her grandparents than with you, occasionally having to go to the office with you. He wasn’t wrong, but there was still the ballet recital on the weekend, so you two agreed he could take her the next day.
When Jaz started to call you instead of texting, you knew it was time to finally give in. Instead of going out, you two agreed it’d be a good idea to enjoy the opportunity to cook a nice meal, so your apartment was the chosen place and you were in charge of the groceries while Jaz fetched dessert and a bottle of white wine for you.
“I’ll have to make you a mocktail,” you said, giving her space to walk into your apartment.
“I definitely won’t decline it,” she giggled, and you noticed how her eyes quickly scanned your place. “I love the decoration. How do you keep it so tidy with that little hurricane?”
“You probably won’t believe it, but Lily is incredibly organised.”
“Hmm,” she muttered. “She got it from you, then.”
It was hard to swallow those words, especially with the knot that formed in your throat. Jasmine was so sure. You knew that she knew, and she knew that you knew - confusing, but clear as the day. You hadn’t been with Jaz many times and they had all been at the ballet studio, you spoke a lot through messages, but you felt oddly uncomfortable around her and you forced yourself to keep in mind that it wasn’t her fault, it was entirely yours.
“So, uh…” you started. “I never asked what we should cook but I’m trying to stay focused before the Holidays.” You giggled, Jaz mimicking you and nodding.
“Me too!”
Cooking made you feel relaxed, so despite the reason why Jaz practically forced this time together, you finally felt at ease again as you talked about the ballet recital and shared Holiday plans - you pointed at a photo of you, Lily, and your parents at Foxwoods House, surrounded by its beautiful garden. One your mum took great pride in.
“The estate has been in the family for a few generations and my great-grandfather built a small chapel there, to marry my great-grandmother,”
“That’s insanely romantic!” Jaz’s sigh was followed by a giggle. “I suppose your grandparents and your parents married there too?”
“Yes, it’s sort of a family tradition. My cousins married there too, and the babies were christened… It's really lovely, very private, and family-centered. The whole family is extremely close.”
“But the estate is your dad’s?”
“Yes and no,” Jaz raised an eyebrow and you chuckled, dividing your attention between her and chopping tomatoes as she focused on the garlic. “My grandpa was sort of inclined to gambling and almost lost the estate, but my dad saved it. It’s his, but like I said, we’re all really close so it’s not like he bans the rest of the family to go there and enjoy it when they need an escape.”
“Because you all grew up there?” you nodded. “Your dad sounds like a fantastic man.” You smiled at her, nodding too. He indeed was, and has always been the most supportive of all.
“He’s extraordinary. Lily is completely crazy about him to the point she’d move in with my parents without thinking twice.”
Jaz flashed you a sweet smile but said nothing. She wasn’t exactly discreet and her facial expression gave it all away, but she soon engaged in rambling about baby shopping, preparations for the baby’s arrival, and how her house was upside down with baby furniture arriving last minute. Rambling wasn’t your favourite thing, but it was better than her throwing hints about Lily’s father - the white wine and the smell of the red sauce cooking also made it easier to handle.
“Pregnancy was fucking hell for me, you know,” you blurted, interrupting Jaz, but she didn’t mind and seemed interested for you to continue. “The first 6 weeks were marked by HG, I was always in and out of the hospital, and the stress made it all worse.
You nodded. “Lack of emotional support. My parents were incredible but I was still a single mum.”
“Look, Y/n-”
“I tried to tell him.” Jaz gulped. “I need you to listen to me and let me finish the story without any sort of judgement.”
“I’ll do my best.”
This was it, the moment of the truth.
You left the chicken roasting at medium temperature and stood up on the other side of the marble kitchen island, watching Jaz taking a seat while holding her massive bump and taking a sip of her apple juice. Focusing on her bump seemed the best thing to do as you tried to find the proper words, and watching the way she softly stroked it made memories overflow your mind.
“It was just a one-night stand.” you sighed. “I don't want to justify my actions, I know I’m on the wrong side of the story here, but as young as I was, having the father of my child shoving me off the way he did when I went there to tell him just freaked me out.”
Then, you proceeded to tell her the whole story, but also how incredible it was being Lily’s mum. How giving birth was the complete opposite of the pregnancy and you were fortunate that things went as smoothly and as peacefully as possible, that your whole life changed once you held Lily in your arms and fed her your milk - you could see Jaz’s eyes sparkling with tears because she understood what motherhood meant and how you’d do anything and everything to protect your child from what you thought it could be a disappointment for her in the future. Mason turned his back on you that day before you could tell him, so how could he even support you?
You never said his name, but Jasmine’s next words were so full of confidence, that you knew you didn’t have to.
“You should’ve insisted, Y/n.”
You just nodded. “I know, and I want you to know that I regret it deeply because I had no right to deprive my daughter of being around her cousin, her amazing aunt…”
“Gosh,” you watched a single tear fall down her cheek. “He would’ve supported you.”
“You weren’t there, you didn’t see how badly he treated me. I was-” you sniffed. “I was so frightened, so lost.”
“Mason would’ve supported you.” The mention of his name made you finally allow some tears to roll down your cheeks. “And you named her after him…”
You nodded. “I wanted him to be around, somehow.”
“This is extremely tough for me but I don’t want to judge, so…” Holding her bump, Jaz stood up and unhurriedly made her way to you, her hand reaching yours and softly squeezing it. “I’m here for whatever you need, I’m here to be the aunt Lily needs and to support the both of you because I know that’s what you need.”
“Oh, Jaz,” you wanted to cover your face with your hands but Jasmine quickly pulled you to a hug, a clumsy one.
“I’ll be there when you’re ready to tell Mason, and I can’t wait to tell Summer that her bestie is her cousin.”
The rest of the day was followed by you showing Jasmine all of Lily’s baby pictures, telling her all the stories, and even repeating some of them - even if you insisted that it’d be incredible for her to find out everything about Lily by herself, Jaz said it’d still feel like the first time until she got used to being an aunt. She mentioned it was scary to see how much Lily and Mason look alike, that “Maisie” is the perfect middle name, and that she couldn’t wait to see their dynamic together. The hard parts were left out, but you knew that a paternity test would eventually happen for obvious reasons, no matter how much Lily looked like her father.
Jaz assured you that although Mason’s reaction would most likely be negative about what you’ve done, it wouldn’t extend to Lily and he wouldn’t reject her but it’d be a rough path navigating through the fact that he was a father and that his daughter wasn’t a newborn. And like she was reading your mind, she also assured you that he wouldn’t dare to try to take Lily from you.
This was the first time in five years, you knew that, somehow, things would end up fine no matter how hard the in-between was about to be.
next chapter
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
Hey I've got a request
Idk if you've written a fic about this before, so ignore this if you have
Late night conversations with big stepsis Nat has you admitting that you know next to nothing about sex except what you've read in textbooks
And Nat makes it her responsibility to teach (show) you everything she knows (especially all the kinky stuff)
Could you make is extremely smutty, please 🥺?
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Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader
Word count: 2149
Warnings: step-cest, daddy kink, innocence kink, slightly dark/pervert Nat, fingering, head, bit of a needy Nat, possessiveness, jealousy, small angst, mentions of strap sucking,
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Alright you two, don’t cause any trouble while we’re gone!” Your father yelled out, he and your stepmother leaving in a hurry. They were going on their honeymoon in Peru, leaving you and Nat all by yourself. The two of you had always gotten along, you had sought her for guidance most of the time and she was always happy to show you. You thought it was a little weird when she taught you how to kiss for your first-ever date, but she said she was just being nice and that you need to be grateful for all that she gives you.
“So, what do you want to do?” Asked the redhead, now coming down the stairs in a pair of boxers and a tank top. She wasn’t wearing a bra, you could tell by the hardened nipples making their appearance in the cold room.
“Well, dad gave me some money so we can buy pizza. If you want, we could have a pizza and ice cream night?” They were your favorite nights, she thought it was adorable how you got excited over little things like that. A chuckle escaped her lips as she shook her head lightly,
“Of course, baby, whatever you want.” A smile broke way on your face as you grabbed your phone and found the number for your local restaurant.
An hour later and you both sat on the couch, most of the pizza finished as your ice cream started to melt. You had a show on, the one you two binged together. Her arm was wrapped around your shoulder as you cuddled into her chest, your legs crossed over her own.
“Y/N?” Came her low voice, breaking the comfortable silence filling the room. When you hummed in response, she spoke again,
“Have you ever done that?” She pointed to the tv where two characters kissed down each other's bodies and removed their clothing. You gulped down any embarrassment you had and looked up at her, seeing her darkened gaze staring into your own.
“Uhm, no. No, I haven’t.” A small grin marked her face, you truly were her innocent little doll.
“Have you?” You wanted her to say no, that she’d never do that with someone other than you. But you knew that was unrealistic, she wouldn’t want to do that with you. Or so you thought. When you saw her nod, a small pit of jealousy formed in your body, you wanted her to be yours. You wanted to be the first person she’d touch, the first she’d fuck, the first she’d make love to.
“Oh.” She kissed the top of your head, leaving her lips there for a moment too long before leaning back to look at you.
“‘Oh?’ What’s wrong?” You shook your head and started to move from her arms, only to be pulled back down by her strong arms.
“Baby, what’s wrong? Are you jealous?” She stroked your hair in her hands as you played with your fingers, feeling a hand rest on top of them to calm you down. Her forest green eyes stared into your own, concern marking her face.
“I’ve never really done that stuff. And, I mean, you’re experienced and I bet you’re great too. Gosh, it’s stupid.” She urged you to speak, wanting to hear every thought in that pretty little head of yours.
“C'mon, I won’t make fun of you, I promise.” You sighed and whispered out,
“I want to be those girls you bring home every night, I want to be the one you kiss and make love to.” She couldn’t have been happier hearing those words. She wanted nothing more than to ruin you with her fingers, her strap, her mouth. Every time she’d bring someone home, she’d picture it being you. You beneath her as you begged her to let you cum, it got her wet just thinking about it.
“Sweetheart, come here. God, you’re so cute! You don’t know how much I’ve been wanting to hear you say that, I’ve been waiting so long.” She chuckled at your confused expression, dragging her finger across your jaw as she pulled you in. Your lips brushed her own as she stared down at them.
“Can I?” She mumbled, receiving a short nod in return. Her mouth landed on yours as she kissed you with passion, wrapping her hands around the back of your head to keep you close. She never wanted to let go. And when breathing became an issue, she would’ve rather died than pull back. Her forehead clashed with yours, the two of you panting against each other.
“My love, your lips feel even better than before. Have you been practicing what I taught you?” Seeing you nod only angered her further. You were hers, not anyone else’s. How could anyone think they could do that with her girl?
“With who? Who did you kiss, baby?” She thought of everyone it could’ve been. Was it Kate? Carol? Steve? Bucky? Peter-
“Wanda. I kissed Wanda.” Her nostrils flared, lips closing in a tight-lipped smile. You studied her facial expressions, you knew she wasn’t happy.
“That bitch. She thinks she can touch my girl? She thinks she can kiss my girl? Did she touch you? Did she fuck you?” You shook your head quickly, watching as she now paced around the room, filled with anger. She stopped dead in her tracks hearing your soft voice,
“No, daddy, I kept them for you, just like you said.” She faced you this time, walking up to you with pure gentleness. You leaned into her hand placed on your cheek, giving it a small kiss before resting your head on her fingers.
“Good girl, such a good girl for daddy. Did you do what I told you with your pillow?” She had asked you to rub your sweet cunt on the fabric anytime you needed her, but you were too scared to do a thing. You were too afraid that somebody would see, that Nat would see.
“N-no, I didn’t.” She blew out a small breath before running her hands across your body, feeling the curves and soft, lotion-covered skin. Her wandering hands found their way to your round breasts, palming them with slight harshness. She let out a small moan when hearing you whimper from the painful grasps.
“Were you nervous? Scared your daddy would catch you?” You didn’t know who she was referring to, herself or your father. But, you shook your head anyways,
“No? Then what was it? Why were you so scared, baby?” The hem of your shorts were played with as she slowly pulled the fabric down, your hips moving upwards to help her take them off. You were left in your drenched panties. You felt two digits slowly play with your clit through your underwear, you froze. This was wrong. So wrong.
“Nat, we can’t do this. You’re basically my sister-“
“Step-sister. And it’s not wrong, many of my friends do it with their step siblings too.” She firmly corrected you, hoping you’d believe her lie. None of her friends even liked their new families. But you were different, you were impossible not to play with and tease. The innocent glances you give her, knowing they’re nothing close to it makes it almost impossible not to bend you over the dining table. She wishes you both were under different circumstances, so she could show you off to everyone saying you’re hers. But for now, she’ll just have to touch you in private.
“Do-do they actually?” She only nodded for an answer, watching as you started to calm down a bit. She never liked lying, but she’d do anything for you.
“All of them. They play with their friends sweet little pussy’s, just like I’m gonna do to you.” Your legs were forcefully pried open, your wet folds being left on display as the cold air hit you, causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. She tried to stop herself, but she had to have a taste. Her head was shoved into your cunt as her tongue played around with your clit, occasionally dipping in your hole to tease you. Her eyes stared into your own, seeing yours flutter shut as your mouth dropped open.
“Oh- Nat! That feels so- fucking good!” Her hand came crashing down on your thigh, her face leaning back as you tried to chase after the feeling once more.
“No fucking swearing, Y/N. Did your dad never teach you your manners? Aww, don’t worry, daddy will teach you everything you need to know.” You hoped she’d continue to eat you out, but she only sat next to you again. You were on the verge of tears, begging her to finish you off until you felt the pads of her fingers touching you again. She held your figure in her arm as the other traveled to your throbbing cunt. You were clenching around nothing, fuck it got her so turned on. Everything about you got her so unbelievably horny. She just wanted to fuck you and never stop, wanted you to feel every inch of her every second of the day.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, my love, I need to. I need to just finger this tight little pussy!” You felt two digits slide into you, your walls wrapping around them immediately. She let out a loud moan when feeling your warmth. It was heaven.
“Oh- shit! Your sweet fucking cunt is so goddamn precious, and all mine. You’re all fucking mine, every inch of you.” She didn’t care for the painful stretch it might bring you, she just needed to feel you. She moved your body so you sat facing her, your legs spread wide open as she towered over you. She needed to taste you again, she was addicted. You were like a drug to her, she couldn’t get enough. Her mouth returned to your swollen clit, sucking the hardened bud in her mouth. You were a moaning mess, clutching onto anything you could see as your legs shook.
“God, you taste so good! Can never get enough of you, I need you every single minute. You’re the best toy I’ve ever had, so pure and innocent. I’m the first to touch this pussy, aren’t I?” You nodded along with her words, trying to speak until a loud moan took over you.
“Yes! Yes, you’re the first and only!” She smiled into you, the thought of you being hers made all her fears go away. The fear of you liking Wanda. The fear of you just wanting sex. The fear of losing you. And the fear of your parents catching you. She couldn’t care at that moment, all she wanted to do was make you cum.
“Daddy, I feel weird.” You didn’t understand this feeling, you’ve never even had an orgasm.
“It’s alright, you’re going to cum, baby. You remember what I showed you with those two girls on that video?” You racked your brain for what she was talking about, finally remembering exactly what she was insisting.
“Yeah, w-when those two girls were grinding on each other. And then that girl- came!” The last word was shouted out, the sensation becoming too unbearable to hold in.
“I think I’m gonna-“ She cut you off, “Shh, I know, I know. Do it for me, cum for daddy.” You felt like you were going to pee, you hoped that was normal. Splashes of your juices sprayed the woman’s face, covering her in your slick.
“Fuck, daddy, I’m so sorry!” Your breathing wasn’t calmed, but you felt too bad. She shook her head and continued to lick your cunt, grabbing every drop in her mouth.
“Kitten, you taste so good! Have you ever tasted yourself?” Were you supposed to? Isn’t that weird? Reading your expression, she used her fingers to show deep into your mouth. You choked slightly, the sudden shock making it harder to focus on doing it right. You wanted to impress her, show her you were better than those other girls.
“Good girl, so good! Can't wait for this to be my strap, I’d love to make you swallow every last drop of my cum.” You gave her your best doey eyes as her other hand traveled into her pants. She circled her clit, picturing it was you. All the times she’d fuck herself, all she could think about was you. You and your sweet panties that she’d steal only to put them back covered in her cum. She never thought she’d be such a fucking pervert, but you made her this way. You made her want to go to any extent to have you, even if she had to remove that whore from your life. No matter what she had to do to have you, she’d do it. And she’d make sure everyone would know you’re hers, no matter what.
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mountingpulisic · 2 years
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mason was aware he didn’t own you, however you were his girlfriend. 
observing you from across the room, he watched as you harmlessly flirted with christian. 
you were trying to teach him a lesson.  
you had come to him about your concerns with his natural flirty charisma, explaining to him how sometimes women could perceive it in a different way.
you had asked if he could dial it back a few notches and he took it as the relationship lacked trust on your end. 
the fight that occurred shouldn’t have gotten to this point, but the two of you were equally headstrong and had a vigorous time swallowing pride so a reconciliation wasn’t in the near future. 
eyes never leaving your figure, mason watched as your delicate hand softly gripped christian’s shoulder, pulling him towards you while you whispered something into his ear. 
you glanced over christian to make sure mason was watching as you playfully ruffled the midfielder’s curls. 
you wanted him to feel like you had the dozen times he mindlessly flirted with others.
“y/n, i don’t think this is the best idea.” 
christian was in on your plan to make your boyfriend jealous, he owed you a favor from a while back and you were cashing in it now at kai’s birthday party.
“pulisic, it’s going to work. I know mason, he is breaking as we speak.” 
and that he was. 
mason couldn’t fathom the thought of another guy getting to experience you in the ways that he has. however, he knew christian wouldn’t ever dare to make an actual move on you, but how the american was currently looking at you made mason’s blood boil. 
trying to distract himself from the scene that played ahead, he zoned in on the conversation reece and ben were having next to him. 
noticing that your boyfriend turned his attention elsewhere, you knew that you needed to up your transmission. grabbing christian’s wrist you pulled him towards the center of the makeshift dance floor at the german’s house. 
“wha-what are you doing, y/n? I have two left feet, i’m just going to embarrass myself and you.” christian argued. 
“just follow my lead, pulisic.” 
you pulled christian respectfully close to you as you helped guide his hips to the beat of the current song that was playing. It was initially a lot harder than you thought since he wasn’t lying when he said that he had two left feets. 
“pulisic, oh my gosh, you're dancing as if i’m your grandma.” you laugh. with the way he was moving mason was just going to find the situation funny. 
“okay, one. I already told you i couldn’t dance and two, i’m trying to live to see my twenty-fifth birthday y/n.” even though he owed you a favor, christian wasn’t going to disrespect one of his best friend’s relationship and cross a line that was clearly drawn between the two of you. 
“okay, forget making mason jealous, just let loose and have some fun pulisic.” 
you knew that christian was having a tough time recently, not only with his knee injury but with the rumors of a transfer as well. your heart breaks at the thought of losing the american you’ve grown to love as a brother but you couldn’t help to think that the transfer was something that could be good for him, he didn’t seem happy here anymore. 
the two of you had entered your own world as you jokingly danced around each other to the music, christian had shown you his robot and it had sent you into a fit of giggles that everyone attending the party could hear. 
mason included.
“what’s so funny?” 
you didn’t even hear him approaching, spinning around you were met face to face with a stoic mason. his eyes traveling down to where yours and christian’s hands were friendly intertwined as you had been previously swinging each other around. 
“oh it’s nothing man, just having some fu-” christian answered, voice slightly dying off at the end when he caught wind of your boyfriend’s unamused look. 
“flirting is what you call fun, y/n?” 
“it’s a hobby of yours that i decided to take up.” you hit back.
mason’s nostrils flared as he looked down at you, a smirk nursing your face as you had an intense stare off with your boyfriend. 
“i’ll just excuse myself.” christian spoke, wanting to flee the scene before any casualties were made. turning around to migrate into the opposite direction his movements were stopped by you placing your hand on his shoulder for the second time that night. 
“no, mason can excuse himself. you and i were enjoying ourselves.” 
if mason wasn’t irritated before, he was now. 
gripping your forearm, he dragged you alongside him to the nearest vacant bedroom, pushing you into it while following close behind. 
“okay, i’m done playing your stupid game y/n. you wanted my attention? look you got it now.” mason was fuming, he didn’t appreciate you dismissing him in infront of his friend, as if he was some type of groupie. “you still wanna act like a brat?”
a brat? was he being serious right now? you were being a brat because you were giving him a taste of his own medicine?
sticking your tongue out to your cheek, you had to count to ten in your head to calm yourself down. 
racking your mind for the best possible comeback, and after a while you found one. 
you knew how much mason absolutely hated the silent treatment so you rarely did it. 
but you felt as if this was the perfect moment to start the treatment due to him being a grade a asshole when it came to not properly acknowledging your concerns about his behavior. 
now you were not going to properly acknowledge his existence. 
choosing not to give him the reaction he was desperately looking for, you brushed past him out of the bedroom, making sure to add a little force. 
“hey, i asked you a question? you done now? can we go back to normal? he called after you. 
however, he was only meant with silence again as you slammed the door behind you. 
fast forwarding to a week later, you still hadn’t uttered a word to mason. 
he asked what you wanted for dinner? silence.
he asked if you wanted to watch a movie? silence.
he said an i love you before bed? silence.
it was killing the portsmouth alumni that you weren’t speaking to him, walking around your shared home like a kicked puppy, hoping you’d break and comfort him in cuddles. 
that never happened though, you promised yourself you weren’t going to speak to him until he realized his inappropriate behavior. 
you had taken up baking as a pastime to help distract you from mason walking around in self-pity, purposefully letting out loud sighs of distress when you were near. 
zoned in on reading the recipe for the cake you were baking, you hadn’t heard mason make his way into the kitchen. leaning against the wall, mason took in the scene infront of him. 
you were bent over reading the recipe off your laptop. this caused for mason to suppress a groan as his eyes traveled up from your exposed thighs to your perky ass that the shorts you were wearing showcased nicely. 
mason was touch starved nonetheless, beside craving your voice, he also craved your body. 
deciding that enough time has passed and he was ready to get off punishment, mason pushed himself off the wall and settled behind you, your ass now grazing his pelvic area.
“princess, i wanna get off punishment.” mason whined, pressing his semi further into you. 
mason took the advantage to wrap his fingers around your throat, easing you out of your bending position to stand up right. pressing opened mouth kisses to your neck, mason thought you had folded when you didn’t move away from his displays of affection. smirking to himself, mason lips moved to ghost over your ear. 
“finally, you’re done being a brat.” 
instantly you stiffen, grabbing his arms and removing them from your waist, you slowly turned around. 
mason’s face appeared confused about your sudden change in demeanor. 
pulling your hand from behind your back, mason noticed that you had an egg nesting in between your fingers. before he had the chance to ask, he heard the crack and saw what followed behind, a oozing yellow mess
you were far from done.
a/n : this will be a three part series, super nervous because i'll be including smut in this as well ;) thank you for reading
part two
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kaigarax · 5 months
"By The Way, I Think I Love You."
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Julian Loki x Reader
Quote: "Fall in love with someone you haven't seen in awhile."
My Dearest,
Amongst the billions of people in this world we might one day simply walk past our soulmates and never even know that was them in the first place; with the only interaction being nothing but a simple glance in their direction.
We might spend every single day of our lives with them. Happy, ecstatic, and thrilled because you know that you’ve found the one. We might never get the chance to meet them at all. Always left wondering and waiting for someone that might never even come in the first place. We might be distant friends that are left simply wondering what if.
And maybe -just maybe- we might meet them soon.
Yours Truly
“Julian Loke?” You say incredulously as you spot him, a teasing grin on your lips, “the Julian Loke? To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Loki scoffs, “we just saw each other six months ago and now you’re acting as if I’m a celebrity or something.”
“Yeah, and all you said to me was hi in a passing glace,” you tease, “so I thought that I should take a more… appreciative approach. Besides, you are basically a celebrity after winning that gold medal there around your neck. Do you plan on showing off to everyone that you’re the prodigy that everyone’s talking about?”
“You say that as if this isn’t your third gold medal.” Loki rolls his eyes in an attempt to get you to ignore the burning hot feeling of his face, “and besides, not everyone is talking about me. Plenty of people talk about you too.”
Your eyes twinkle with amusement the same way that Loki remembers that they used to and it makes his heart race. The last time the two of you had a genuine conversation had been back when the two of you had decided to go your separate ways.
Loki had been the one to initiate the separation and what could you do but accept his departure? You very well couldn’t force him to continue to skate with him despite how disappointed you had been. And it wasn’t as if your friendship had been based solely around figure skating but Loki imagines that it couldn’t have been very easy for you to keep on seeing him so he made the decision to slowly disappear from your life. It was… hard.
Everytime after that had been nothing but the exchanging of pleasantries.
After years of brief conversations Loki’s glad to see that you’re still the same bright eyed girl that he remembers. Happy to see that the fame hadn’t altered the warm ice loving idiot that Loki had once been Loki’s best friend.
Loki clears his throat, “you skated well.”
“You did too.” You replied, smiling softly.
“You watched me?”
“Of course! I always watch your performances when I can. Gotta make sure I don’t miss out on any mistake you make.”
Loki rolls his eyes, “of course you do,” but smiles fondly, “you never did miss the chance to point out when I mess up.”
“Well someone’s gotta keep you humble, Speed King.”
Loki blushes, “oh gosh. Please don’t call me that.”
“What? I thought it was a cool nickname~” You smile brightly, “I’d love a nickname like the speed king.”
“The only nickname you’d get would be slave driver.” Another voice says, as a salmon haired boy pops up behind you, wrapping his arm around you comfortably. You lean into his touch ever so slightly rather than flinching away the way you usually do when someone wraps their arm around you.
Loki immediately recognizes the salmon haired man as your figure skating partner. If not for the fact that he’d watched the two of you skate together than from the way you stand beside him.
It reminds Loki a little of how you and he used to act around one another. There’s a certain comfortable ease that you and the salmon haired boy seem to have that comes with spending hours upon hours with one another.
“I’m not a slave driver! You’re the one that insists on skating as long as I do with your horrible stamina.” You exclaim, smiling as you look at the salmon haired boy.
“Says the one that’s always encouraging me to skate the routine faster or add in another trick that won’t even make it into the final routine.” The salmon haired boy turns to look at Loki, “oh, wow! You’re Julian Loki! I hope this one wasn’t bothering you too much. She’s a total figure skating junkie.”
“I’m familiar.” Loki says.
“Julian and I are childhood friends.” You explained.
Loki cuts in, “and I was her first figure skating partner.” Truthfully, Loki isn’t quite sure why he even spoke up in the first place and is absolutely clueless about what he says next, “I was there for all her firsts.”
You roll your eyes and smile fondly, “ah yes, being the first to see me fall flat on my face hundreds of times when I first started skating. Very exciting.”
“Well I for one would have loved to have seen you fall flat on your face hundreds of times,” the salmon haired boy says, his eyes never once leaving your form.
You nudge him playfully, “as if you don’t already see me fall on my face all the time during practice.”
“That’s because you keep trying to do moves that you haven’t practiced.”
“Well, everyone needs to start somewhere.”
“Not in the middle of practicing a routine.”
Loki clears his throat, “you’re still changing things up on the fly, I see.”
You pout, “hey! I only try to change things up during personal practice and it’s not like I do it all the time. I just get bored of doing the same thing all the time.”
The salmon haired boy turns to look at Loki with an expression that says ‘look at this silly girl’. Loki can only muster up a polite smile in response, his stomach burning.
“Oh, Julian. Is your mother here?” You ask, “I’d love to say hi. It’s been so long since I last saw here.”
“Oh, she’s already gone home after watching me skate. My dad had a headache so the two of them went home instead of watching the doubles. I’m sure she watched you skate on the television though.” Loki clears his throat, “you could come with us to dinner though. I’m sure they’d love to have you come with us. Your parents are invited too if they want to come.”
You smile, “yeah, I think they’d love that. Oh, do you want to go see them now? I’m sure they’d love to greet you. They’re always going on and on about how they miss you and watching the two of us skate together.”
“Oh, that sounds great.” Loki smiles softly.
You turn to look at the salmon haired boy, “you okay to head back without me?”
“Yeah,” he warily looks between you and Loki before nodding, “I’ll be okay. Will you?”
“Of course I’ll be okay.” You give the salmon haired boy a reassuring smile, “Julian will be with me anyways so if anything happens I can push him towards the danger.”
“Wow.” Loki pokes your cheek, “I’m really feeling the love over here.”
You roll your eyes before grabbing onto Loki’s hand like you used to do when the two of you were young, “come on. Let’s go before my parents leave. You know how much they hate to linger.”
“Dinner was nice.” Loki says, breaking the silence as he walks you home.
“It was very pleasant,” you smile, “just like old times.”
“Just like old times.” Loki repeated.
You nod.
The two of you had attended many dinners together with both yours and his parents coming together to treat the two of you after a long fought competition much like the one you had done today. Of course, the main difference is that the two of you no longer skate together but the feelings still feel the same.
What is different though has to be you.
Sure you’re the same playful girl that Loki grew up with but you’re simultaneously so different. So much prettier.
He’d never admitted it when the two of you were young but he had always thought you were pretty. He even went as far as calling you ugly one day which sent you into a flurry of tears and you refused to skate with him again until he promised to buy you shaved ice for a week. Now though, Loki doubts he could ever call you anything but pretty and even that seems like an understatement.
Who’d have thought that you’d turn into such a looker when you grew up.
His childhood best friend was now the girl that made his heart race and flutter. The one that made his heart skip a beat. The…
“Congratulations.” Loki says suddenly.
Loki’s face heats up from his cheeks to the tips of his ears, “congratulation on winning gold.”
You laugh softly, “congratulations to you too.”
“Yeah. Who’d have thought that after such a rough beginning for the two of us that we’d end up as gold medalists in one of the biggest skating competitions of the year.”
“I did, of course.”
Loki laughs, “liar!”
“No! I’ve always believed in the two of us. I just thought that we’d…” you trail off.
“That we’d do it together?”
“Well it all turned out for the best,” Loki clears his throat in an attempt to get rid of that uncomfortable feeling in his chest, “I don’t have to worry about you not being fast enough and you’ve… found someone that matches you well when you skate.”
You nod, smiling a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“You and Sabito are rather different.” You say softly.
“Different?” Loki asks, though more through politeness rather than curiosity, “how so?”
“You love the praise that comes with being brilliant while you’re on the ice,” you explain, “while Sabito loves the expression of himself that he leaves while on the ice. Both admirable reasons for being on the ice - well, as admirable as one can be when it comes to a sport like skating.”
“And which are you?”
“Which am I?”
“That is what I asked, yes.”
“Hm,” you place a hand on your chin before smiling, “why don’t you tell me? Considering what I told you.”
Loki sighs, rolling his eyes for what feels like the hundredth time. It’s a strangely familiar feeling that brings a fondness' to Loki’s chest, “you love the very ice itself.”
“Yeah, I suppose so.”
Loki chuckles, feeling a genuine smile form on his face. He’d forgotten how introspective you could be and in turn how introspective you made him.
“Hey,” you pout cutely as you turn to look at Loki, “what’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing. I promise.”
“And how do you know I’m lying, huh?”
“Please. As if I wouldn’t. I was your skating partner for years. I’ve picked up on all your little habits and quirks. You have that same look on your face whenever that you would get when I would ask you to slow down.”
Loki laughs again, “and what kind of a look is that?”
“It’s that one where your eyebrows narrow ever so slightly,” you move your eyebrows as you attempt to replicate the expression for him, “and your eyes say ‘are you serious?’”
Loki ignores the pathetic skip of his heart, “I’m surprised you paid that much attention to me back when we skated together.”
“I’d be an awfully lousy partner if I didn’t notice small things like that.”
Ah, yes. That’s why he had never been all to cut out for partner skating. Not only did his best moves come from a speed that no one else could keep up with but because of his inability to notice mundane details like you. He doubts that he would have had any success in partner figure skating if he hadn’t been paired with you. Not that the two of you ever had much success apart from a bronze in the younger amature leagues.
He bets that the two of you would have done well eventually as you aged. Not only did you increase your speed in skating but Loki had gotten better at adapting to other people. It makes his heart ache as he wonders about what might’ve happened if he hadn’t decided to abandon you.
But this is for the best.
Or at least that’s what he tells himself as he thinks about the respective medals the two of you had won. Both rising up to claim the gold in your respective categories as young prodigies that had seemingly come out of nowhere.
Loki needed a chance to spread his wings and you needed someone like Sabito (Loki begrudgingly admits) that could understand you intuitively. That could help elevate you to another level on the ice rather than someone like him.
“Sabito always makes fun of me,” you say, smiling fondly as you look ahead into the distance, “says that I can read people like a book on the ice but can’t read a social situation to save my life.”
Loki rubs your head affectionately, “he’s not wrong. You are pretty dense.”
“Hey!” You duck lower to escape Loki’s grasp, “I’m not dense!”
Loki laughs, “according to who?”
“Ah, well um… okay maybe no one has said that I’m not dense but it’s not as if people go around talking about how…” you pause for a moment as you attempt to figure out what to say next, “how not dense other people are?”
“And how many people have called you dense?”
You blush, “that’s not important!”
“I’d beg to differ.”
You roll your eyes, moving to flick his forehead like you used to always do when the two of you were young after he’d say something to annoy you.
He lets you.
Momentarily allowing himself to bask in the familiarity it brings him. Allowing himself to pretend, if just for a moment, that everything was the same as it had been before. That the medals around your necks are the ones you won together. That you’re still just kids with big dreams instead of young adults with the pressure of the world on your backs.
He gives you a pout and an over exaggerated wince in pain.
You roll your eyes before leaning in to kiss his forehead.
He blushes brightly in response.
Luckily, you don’t seem to notice as you quickly pull away, preoccupied with your own blush, “oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! I should’ve asked before doing that! I was just so caught up in the moment and forgot to ask.”
“It’s okay,” Loki says, hoping his voice doesn’t sound strained.
You tilt your head to the side cutely, “yeah?”
“You sure?”
Loki smiles, “it was like back when we were young. You flick my head when you’re annoyed and then lean in to kiss it better because you feel bad about flicking me in the first place.”
“Gosh,” you pout, “you make me sound bipolar.”
“I mean, if the shoe fits~”
“Sorry,” he flashes you an unapologetic smile.
“Well anyways, thanks for walking back with me.”
“No problem.”
The bright lights of the hotel glow in the distance. The idle chatter of the city distracts you while Loki finds himself hating the fast walking pace he had initially set wishing to have walked with you for a little longer. You yourself also have a tendency to walk faster than normal and Loki’s always liked that about you but right now finds himself wishing the two of you had for once chosen to take your time. That you had stopped to admire the roses for a moment and appreciate the moment you lived in rather than charging forward without a second thought.
But, Loki supposes, there’s always something that must be sacrificed if one hopes to achieve greatness.
He brushes the back of his hand against yours which causes you to turn to him.
He thinks that maybe, right now, he’ll allow himself a moment of reprieve. Even if it might lead to nothing. The words slip from his mouth before they can even form in his mind.
“By the way,” Loki cleared his throat, watching you with a serious look on his face as he walked you back home, “I think I love you.”
Fall in love with someone you haven’t seen in awhile.
Him: There’s no universe or timeline where I don’t love you.
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 months
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3.128 Fired
We arrived at home late that night loaded down with more gifts than the nursery could hold. If we received one more thing, we'd have to start a warehouse in the empty bedroom. We got so much stuff, we could probably support six more babies, heh. Baby girl could use a different towel every day of the week for the rest of her childhood. We had enough shampoo and lotion to last the rest of her life, it seemed like. If one day she entered a nobody loves me phase, I'll be sure to remind her of this scene.
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Sophia had never been a busybody and always took a more relaxed approach to life, but I was glad to see her following the doctor's orders. She spent a lot of time on our balcony, rocking in the chair early morning, thinking about whatever expecting mothers think about. Sometimes I'd catch her reading on the couch. Seeing her take the warning seriously made me feel good about leaving her alone for a few hours to visit Maira. I thought about it in the shower, and visiting her before the baby was born was the move. Who knew when I'd be able to spend quality time with her after that.
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Like I always, I began our conversation with an apology, but she didn't fault me, of course. She said it wouldn't have been right for me to neglect all my guests to hang with her all afternoon. That was true, but I still didn't like that she was alone all day. She assured me that she was okay, so I asked about her brother.
"He died in a fire," she said.
"Oh, gosh! I'm so sorry, Maira."
I never liked him, but he didn't deserve to die like that.
"Knowing he's not here anymore is its own challenge, but what makes it worse is when I think about the fire, I often think about us."
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I swallowed a few times because I knew exactly where she was going, and it made me nervous.
"I think about how you held me when you realized I was okay and what we both felt."
I couldn't move or even blink and sat there, holding my breath, hoping she wasn't about to pull a Yasmine on me. Finding good friends had been a long journey, and I felt like I had a nice inner circle now. I didn't want to lose Maira because of her feelings for me. I also didn't need her digging things back up because I had worked hard to let that go.
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"Sometimes I think about that moment and I wish I would have given in," she continued. "We could have tried to see if we would work. I imagine myself married to you and pregnant with your baby. My parents would finally be proud of me."
I wanted to stop her from talking so she wouldn't say something that would ruin our friendship, but I was frozen. This was a mistake. I wanted to be a better friend, but we couldn't be alone together anymore.
"All of that is nice to think about," she continued, "but I would be miserable. And you would get fed up with me. We wouldn't be friends anymore. Life turned out exactly how it was supposed to, and I wouldn't change a thing. I like how we are, and I like my life. It's just lonely sometimes, and I wonder if I'm missing out on something."
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I exhaled the breath I held and blinked, finally. I could keep my friend. As uncomfortable as that was to hear, I loved that we were able to be that honest with each other. That's true friendship right there.
"Everyone has their own opinions about what you should be doing with your life, so I don't think there's a right or wrong answer for that," I said. "I think as long as you're happy with your life, no one else's opinion matters."
"Yeah. You're right. That's what I say to myself. But you know how it is."
"Yeah. It's a battlefield up there."
"So...there's no one you're interested in right now?" I asked, trying to pivot the conversation...and maybe be a tiny bit nosy.
"No, and it's all your fault. You ruined me!"
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"Me? How??"
"You set the bar way too high! No one else can measure up!"
"Oh please. I'm sure there's plenty of guys out there who are way better catches than me."
"I assure you, there aren't."
"I don't believe that for a second. Ooh, I should set you up with my friend Justin."
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"That guy who comes to all your parties? He's kinda cute. What's up with him?"
"He's a landscaper and lives in San Myshuno. He comes from a big family just like you and is a good man...a bit older than us, but at least he won't bother you about children."
"Oh-my-Watcher you're trying to set me up with an OLD man??"
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"He's not that old...I think."
"You are officially fired from matchmaking, thank you!"
I missed our banter. It felt good to laugh with her again. Hopefully, she would let someone into her life soon. She didn't need a man, but it was obvious she wanted some kind of companionship, and I was not the man for the job. Besides, she deserved to be loved and cherished, and I wanted to see her happy for once.
"The baby will be here in a couple of days, huh?" she asked.
"Sure will. I can't wait to meet her."
"So, is this the first of many, or..."
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I sighed, realizing this would be the first time I admitted this out loud.
"She might be it for us. At least if we want more, we'll have to adopt."
"Yeah. We went through a lot to get her. Sophia says she doesn't want to do it again."
"Are you cool with adoption?"
"Oh yeah, totally. You know Sophia's adopted, right?"
"Really? I don't think I knew that. It's funny...I've known her almost my whole life, but I've never really known her until now."
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Was it bad that I often forgot she and Rashidah were sisters? They rarely spoke of each other, and Sophia and Rashidah seemed closer than the sisters.
"Yeah, she is," I said. "And she's got quite a story. But yeah... We're both open to it, but actually doing it is another story."
"Well, whatever happens, I'm glad you two are finally getting your family. I can't wait to meet your kid!"
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"Oh yeah? I thought you didn't like children."
"I never said that! I don't want my own children; I love the auntie life! I think my first order of business will be teaching her forbidden words!"
"Oh Watcher. Here we go."
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messedupfan · 10 months
Chapter 8
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Summary: Set a few weeks after chapter 7. Without the work of renovating the house, Wanda and Y/n don't have much of a reason to see each other as much. So, Wanda creates a reason.
A/N: Don't get mad at me for the ending. Enjoyyyyy!!!!
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“Come on, just close your eyes and trust me,” Wanda says, you look at her with uncertain eyes because you have played this game before and never has it been a good idea. Granted, you played it with friends in high school and friends from work, Jean and Kate definitely are not to be trusted. But seeing as there can’t possibly be something bad that she could feed you, you shut your eyes and hold your mouth open. But as you feel her get closer you shut your mouth out of instinct. “Stop! Open up!” she says as she shoves your shoulder. You open your mouth and try your best to keep it open until you are told to close and taste. You try to open your eyes again but Wanda doesn’t let you. “How many times do I have to tell you that you need to experience the flavor with your eyes closed?” 
“I’m sorry, I forgot we were in a rat movie,” you say with a full mouth. 
“It’s a real thing, come on. Experience the food with your eyes closed,” she tells you and you start to chew and focus on texture and flavor. There is a bit more heightened experience but not much difference. “You’re chewing too fast! You need to slow down. Really let every bite release the flavors.” You shake your head and try really hard not to laugh as you slow your jaw down. You had no idea that Wanda was so serious about food. 
This was the first time that you've been able to see her since completing the wall. You and Wanda texted back and forth often and tried to make plans to see each other but they kept falling through. Until Billy and Tommy asked when they'd get to see their friend again. And since Wanda wanted to meet your ex-wife after hearing so many stories about her, she manipulated the plans so that you'd invite her. Jean was more than happy to be invited and she even asked to bring her wife along. Which inspired Wanda to have an impromptu party. She invited her friends Carol and Agatha, as well as her twin and his family, and allowed you to bring any guest that you would like. She wasn't specific, but she was kind of hoping she'd get a formal introduction to the unofficial girlfriend. But you only brought yourself and beverages for adults and for the children. 
The week that Rachel went back to Jean's house, was the week you and Daisy had a date every night. You were starting to warm up to the idea of seeing her as a romantic partner. Being around her finally got you to stop thinking so much about the situation and start living in the moment with her. That being said, you still weren't ready to introduce her to anyone as your girlfriend. Especially not Jean, who still wasn't sure about the whole thing. Part of her is just hoping it's a short phase for you before you find the person that you're meant to be with. 
“Baba!” Rachel runs into the kitchen and hides behind your legs. “Tommy is it! You have to protect me!” She screams and you open your eyes and swallow the rest of the food in your mouth. 
“Wanda, thank you so much for inviting us,” Jean says as she joins everyone in the kitchen to throw away some of the empty cans and bottles she collected on her way in. “It's been so wonderful meeting you and gosh I don't know how you're doing it raising two boys on your own half the time,” she compliments. “I tell you, if it weren't for Y/n and Anna, I don't know what I'd do.” 
Wanda smiles and thanks her for the praises. “I really have a lot more help from friends and family than it looks. My mom would have been here but she's been helping out so much I thought she deserved a break from kids,” Jean laughs and you smile at the light joke as you hug Rachel who is still begging for sanctuary. Tommy is running around the house and stops when he spots Rachel in the kitchen but as he is about to run through Wanda stops him. “Excuse me mister, what did I say about the kitchen?” 
“But Rachel is-” his reasoning is cut off by Wanda's disciplinary glare. “No playing in the kitchen,” he pouts. 
“Since you tried to break that rule, you have to give Rachel a ten second head start,” Wanda says. Tommy sucks his teeth and tries to make an argument but he follows the penalty that his mom has set. 
“Okay Rach, this is the only time you can do this,” you say as you hold her to you. “Ms. Wanda and I are cooking here. You can't keep hiding in here alright?” 
“Okay, but you always say that no matter what you'll always protect me,” she reminds you. 
Jean makes a face, “That's true, you always say that.” 
“Yeah well, so do you,” you remind Jean. “If you need to be protected while I'm still cooking, mommy will do it. Okay, kiddo?” Rachel nods and squeezes you in a tight hug before she runs off. The three adults laugh once Tommy has run off to look for the other kids to tag. “Thank you for that,” you tell Wanda. She waves it off as she turns back to the stove. 
“We've got patties, dogs, and sausages!” Pietro says as he walks into the house with a tray of cooked meats. He sets them down on an empty space on the counter and you move over to start getting plates ready for the kids. “Hey, so who's that girl that's here with Carol?” Pietro asks as he pops a soda bottle open. 
“That's Val,” Wanda says as she taste tests the sauce she's preparing. She has you try some as well as she continues talking to her brother. “Why? Is she hitting on your wife?” Wanda teases. 
“No, she's hitting on Jean’s,” he says as he points to the open back door and windows of the two women laughing. Jean looks over a little tense at first but quickly relaxes with a roll of her eyes. 
“You're an ass,” she says as she takes the hotdog bun from your hand and tosses it at him at the worst possible moment. Luna witnesses the interaction and runs into the kitchen with wide gleeful eyes.
“Are we having a food fight?” She asks excitedly as she picks up the bun from the floor and gears up to toss it. 
“Not so fast,” Pietro says as he takes the bun from his daughter. He picks her up in his arms and takes her out of the kitchen. 
“And you claim that I'm the bad influence,” you say to Jean. 
“You do not want to go there,” Jean retorts playfully. 
“Oh?” Wanda shows her interest and you start to panic, taking back what you said and trying to get Jean to keep her from spilling secrets of your past. “No, no, I think I want to hear about this.” 
“Trust me, I'll fill you in on all of the details later. Right now it looks like my daughter is trying to kill one of your boys. I'll be right back,” she says as she walks to the backyard. 
“I did not think this day through,” Wanda says with an amused grin.
You shrug, “I think it's going pretty well all things considered. This was a really fun idea. Thank you for including me and my family.” 
Wanda knows that she shouldn't pry but the curiosity is starting to get the best of her. “I'm actually surprised that you didn't invite more people,” she brings up casually. You shrug and mention that your other friends had prior engagements that they couldn't cancel and she nods in understanding. “Does that include Daisy?” 
You try to read Wanda’s thoughts through her expression but she appears genuinely curious. “Technically, no, but um… There's a three month minimum rule with Rachel. So, I can't really have her around something like this for a few more months. If we make it that far, that is,” you explain carefully. Wanda doesn't pry further as the food is ready to serve and she leaves to inform everyone to grab a plate. From there, a line forms of children and adults grabbing plates of food they want and adding side dishes onto the plates. With the lack of space for everyone at either table, the kids call dibs on the table outside and the adults stay inside. You and Wanda end up sitting next to each other once everyone else has taken their places. 
Jean and Anns sit across from you and beside them are Pietro and his wife, a couple they are familiar with because of having invited them to company events in the past. At the end of the table is Agatha, who came without a date but brought her son Nicholas. Next to Wanda is Carol and her date Valkyrie, when you asked about the girl she went home with some time ago she explained that she is more of a cool aunt than she is a step-mom and left it at that. 
There isn't a moment of silence during the meal. “You're not one to talk, you once streaked naked at a party in high school on a dare!” Jean says after you acted disturbed by Pietro's skinny dipping story. He said he was trying to impress a girl on a date by breaking into a community pool late one night. They ended up getting chased out by pool security and he had to run to his car naked and clutching his clothes to his body. Wanda looks at you, shocked by the information bomb that Jean just dropped. 
“If I remember correctly, that only happened because Scott Summers thought it would be funny to steal ehem, my clothes and I was chasing after him to get them back,” you remind her and she isn't laughing as hard anymore. She closes her mouth tightly as she remembers the complete story. The two of you had snuck into a bedroom at a party to be horny teenagers and got caught by her ex-boyfriend. He never liked you and always thought you were trying to get between him and Jean. He wasn't wrong, but it didn't give him the right to make you run completely naked in front of most of the senior and junior class. 
“That's right,” she mutters into the lip of her beer bottle. Anna scrunches her face and shakes her head to not think about her wife with someone else. “Okay, wait, what about that time you-” 
“How about we don't keep talking about the past,” you try to cut her off but Wanda doesn’t let it go that easy. 
“No, no, I want to hear this,” she says as she pats your stomach as the two of you have somehow made your way closer to each other. Your hand is tapping lightly on the back of her chair. You sigh and use your free hand to cover your face. “I like hearing about this reckless side of you.” She leans on your shoulder and makes eye contact with you, her pleading green eyes cause you to sigh and give Jean the go ahead to tell one of the most embarrassing stories of your life. 
“So Val, how did you and Carol meet?” Anna asks conversationally, moving the conversation to get to know others better. She's heard all of the stories that you share with Jean. She had to accept a long time ago that there was a bond there that was never going to be broken. She liked that Jean has a good past relationship history since the person she dated before had an ex that stalked Anna and threatened her to stay away. That person wasn't worth the stress. But sometimes she wishes the two of you didn't have so much history.
“Um, well, we've been in the Air Force together for a long time and speaking for myself, I've always had a bit of a crush.” Carol smiles and confirms that she always felt the same way. “I recently left because I’ve decided to go into politics so I asked her out. I mean, I would have before but I never wanted to risk complicating things with work and when people's lives are on the line it's always best to not be distracted.” 
“Oh wow, I had no idea,” Wanda says, just as touched by the story as everyone else. Carol isn't one to talk about those kinds of details. But something tells her that this relationship is going to be the one that sticks for her friend. 
Carol smiles at Wanda, “Well now you do. Can we move on, I don't like the moon eyes you guys keep giving us.” Everyone laughs at the mention of her discomfort. 
“What about the two of you? How long have you guys been together?” Val asks and Pietro and Crystalia assume the question is for them and Pietro leaves it to his wife to answer because he isn't quite sure himself. There were a few times that they were on and off until he was done messing around and asked her to marry him. But he has no clue what that number could be. “Oh, wow that's a long time,” Val reacts to the number that Crystalia provided with wide eyes. “Congratulations you two, but I'm sorry I don't mean to make this awkward. I was actually asking about Wanda and Y/n.” 
The table goes quiet as people look at each other with smiles and Val is confused by the lack of response. “Honey, they're just friends,” Agatha answers. 
“Why'd you say that like it's not true?” Wanda rolls her eyes at her friend and Agatha shakes her head. “We are just friends. We actually met at the beginning of the summer,” Wanda explains to Val as she looks at you for a moment, considering whether or not she wants to tell everyone how that exactly happened. She's not sure if you've ever mentioned it yourself. 
“Yeah, it's actually my fault,” Pietro starts. “I needed an extra set of hands for a renovation here that got shut down, thankfully before it was too late, and Y/n is one of my best workers and friends. So,” he shrugs and gestures towards you and Wanda as if that tells the rest of the story. He has no idea how little he knows about  the story you share with Wanda. You open your mouth to correct him but a scream from the kids table draws the attention of the adults and everyone is rushing to find out what is going on. 
Later that night, after everyone has left, you stay to help Wanda clean up. Jean and Anna were the first to go because Rachel was trying to show off to the other kids how fast she could spin without getting sick and it turned out that she could spin pretty fast. Unfortunately, she got very sick. Jean didn’t leave before telling you and Wanda just how much she loves Wanda. Val whispered something in Carol’s ear shortly after and the two quickly said their goodbyes. Nicholas and Tommy got into it really bad because Tommy claimed Nicholas was cheating since he kept winning the game they were playing. Tommy doesn't take losses well and so Agatha thought it best to take her son home. Wanda apologized profusely and Agatha accepted and promised to see her soon. Wanda scolded Tommy for his behavior and told him that she didn't raise him that way, to which he promptly reminded her that his dad is raising him that way. She wanted to ground him or punish him but, against her better judgment, she didn't. Pietro was going to stay to help with the clean up and maybe hangout a bit longer but Wanda had told Crystalia earlier in the day that she was happy to take care of Luna for the night and her sister-in-law was grateful for the opportunity to have a night alone with her husband. Their attempts to try for another child has been delayed because of the child they currently have with her nightmares and need for sleeping in her parents bed. So, once the opportunity presented itself,  Pietro and his wife were out of the house. 
Now, Luna and Billy are playing with legos in the living room and Tommy is playing a video game by himself in his room to avoid any more arguments for the day. Wanda doesn’t know what to do in terms of how to parent her son when it comes to things that she and Vision have vastly different opinions on. He wants strong tough boys that never lose. If she’s honest with herself, she can see that Vision wants to raise the next generation of toxic masculinity. Something she swore to herself when she found out she was having boys that she would never allow. But there is only so much she can do not only as a mother but as a co-parent. She doesn’t know how to influence these boys when they have less respect for her than they do for their father. At least Tommy lacks respect for her. She doesn’t mean to lump Billy in with his brother but she often forgets that they are complete opposites from each other since he is often forced to take part in the same activities as Tommy. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” you ask as you notice Wanda has been scrubbing the same spot on a dish for longer than necessary. 
Wanda blinks a couple of times before rinsing the dish and handing it to you to dry. “I’m just worried about Tommy. It seems like lately he’s been getting into more trouble. He's been picking fights with his friends and especially his brother. I just, I don't know how to teach him to be kind when his father is doing the exact opposite. I feel like I'm failing him.” She says as she starts scrubbing another dish. 
You listen to her as you wipe down the wet plate. You wish that you knew how to help but it's clear that your situation is completely different. You and Jean have always been on the same page when it came to raising Rachel. That's not something that you've ever had to deal with. Plus Rachel is a girl, there are different rules and different fears when it comes to raising a girl as opposed to a boy. 
“And it's not like I wish I was still married to Vision, it's that I wish co-parenting wasn't so difficult with him. We used to communicate and make decisions together but after,” she pauses and looks down into the sink. Does she want to get into the details of the end of her marriage with you? Will you judge her the way her ex-husband does? Will this make you think less of her? 
“Wanda,” you call her attention and shut the faucet off. “You don't have to keep talking if you don't want to,” you remind her. She nods with her eyes closed. 
“I know, I know,” she faces you but when she opens her eye, she looks past you. “It’s not that I don't want to. It's that I'm scared to.* 
You try to get her to make eye contact but it doesn't work out, the second your eyes meet she casts her to the floor. “Why are you scared?” You ask softly. 
Tears sting and threaten to fall out of Wanda's eyes and she's doing everything to hold them back. This isn't how she wanted to end the night. You decide that whatever is haunting her doesn't need to be brought to light right now and that you are going to help get her mind off of it. You pull your phone out of your pocket and play the first song to appear. 
“Dance with me?” You ask as you hold your hand out to her. Wanda looks at you with red puffy eyes and you offer her a kind smile. As the song continues to play, Wanda falls against your chest with her arms around your torso. You wrap your arms around her and sway her around the kitchen. The song changes and it's another slow one that keeps the two of you together. The next song however requires a little bit more energy and you take that as an opportunity to get Wanda to smile. 
You step out of her arms and start to dance a little goofy. You get a small smile to break on her face so you grab her hands and start to move them so that she can match your energy. It starts to work by the start of another upbeat song and you even get her to laugh so loud that Billy and Luna come running in because they wanted to be part of the fun. You let go of Wanda so that you can teach Luna how to dance and Wanda happily starts to dance with her son. With Luna on your feet and Wanda leading Billy, the four of you are having a lot of fun being silly. Wanda mouths a thank you and you wink in response. “I wanna dance with Auntie Wanda now!” Luna cheers as she steps off of your feet and you take the opportunity to teach Billy a few moves that you always thought were cool. He fellows along pretty well and you’re impressed. 
“You gotta get this kid in some dance classes, Wanda. Look at him move!” You clap as you cheer him on which encourages him to feel free enough to make his own moves. Wanda is shocked to see her shy and timid son so happy and confident. She never thought of her boy enjoying a more performative activity but now she might consider looking into a class for him if this is something he'd want to spend time on. 
You're still lingering around the house after the place is clean and Wanda is putting the kids to bed. You walk around the living room with the Sokovian cocktail in your hand as you look at the pictures once again. Trying to read if the expressions are truly happy. A game that you and Jean came up with as kids. It became less fun in the years of your marriage when there were fake happy photos hanging around the house. The two of you have since had those images cropped down to just Rachel because the memory of that misery doesn't need to live on. Looking at Wanda’s family portraits, you can see the decline in happiness. It was clear that they were extremely happy and in love in the first few years of their marriage. Then in the middle you can see a bit of exhaustion in the adults eyes but still some happiness from Wanda. At a certain point, Vision looks like a shell and Wanda appears to be barely hanging in there. But, you can only assume from an image. 
“I think I need to get those photoshopped,” Wanda says as she notices you staring at the pictures. “But then again, it doesn't change the past. A part of me doesn't want to remove it from my life. Is that weird?” She takes the glass from your hand and takes a sip. 
You shake your head, “No, it’s not weird. It’s not just memories of only your life. It’s Tommy’s and it’s Billy’s and you want them to have some normalcy. I think if at any point it bothers them to see all of it then put it all in storage and start over with them. But I guess until then, leave it.” Wanda thanks you for the suggestion and hands you the glass back. 
“Are you avoiding something?” Wanda asks as the two of you make your way to the sofa. You shake your head with a confused expression to her question. “Well, it’s just, you’re still here. I’ve seen you ignore several calls and sigh at messages. Come on, we’re friends. Something is clearly up.” You hadn’t realized that she was paying that much attention to you. It’s a little flattering if you’re honest with yourself. 
You look at the glass in your hand and then look at her. “Daisy wants to…” you drag out, a little uncomfortable with saying the words but you have to remind yourself that you are an adult and clearly you’ve done the act plenty of times before. “She wants to,” you clear your throat and Wanda’s eyes light up with amusement at your struggle to complete the sentence. “She wants to consummate the relationship,” you finally let out awkwardly. Wanda has to hide her smile behind her hand and apologizes when she lets a light laugh out. “Come on, it’s weird for me to talk about. I’ve never had to talk about this stuff before.”
“Really? Never?” She asks, surprised. 
“I married my childhood best friend. I didn’t have to talk to her about sex because she was the person I was doing it with,” you remind her. 
“Yeah but, you have other friends. I mean like Steve and, as much as I don’t want to think about it, my brother. You’ve never had to talk about this stuff with the other people you’ve dated?” She stands up and walks over to the bar cart to pour herself a drink because she knew that she was going to need one. 
“I hate that I’m going to admit this but, I’ve only ever slept with one person,” you state and chug the rest of the cocktail. “I need to be drunk for this conversation,” you admit as you join her at the bar cart. Wanda can’t help the loud laughter that escapes her this time and all you can do is shake your head and pour yourself another drink. 
“Okay, I’m sorry. It’s really not that funny,” she says as she covers her mouth again with her hand. A habit of her’s that you’ve picked up on. “Come on, sit with me,” she takes you back to the couch with a full wine glass in her hand. “What is stopping you from having sex with this girl? I thought you liked her.” Wanda asks with her free hand on your wrist, as if keeping you from running away. 
“I don’t know, I just… I mean, I haven’t felt that spark you know? Like we’ve made out a couple of times but I'm not really into it and it has nothing to do with her. She’s pretty, funny, smart, and kind. It's all me. I haven't wanted to have sex in years. I don’t know if something is wrong with me or if I haven’t found the right person or what.” 
Wanda nods as she listens to you intently, “I have a question and it might make you uncomfortable. I’m sorry about that.” She gives you a second to prepare yourself and you nod at her when you’re ready to hear it. “Is Jean the only person you’ve ever wanted to have sex with?”
You begin to laugh awkwardly as you take a drink as you process how to answer that. “Uh, well the short answer is no. Long answer is a little more complicated than that.” 
“Okay, care to elaborate?” her eyes are a little squinted as she waits for your answer.
“I uh,” you let out a laugh, “Well I’ve been attracted to people, which is why I’ve gone on dates in the past. Clearly. But uh, when the fantasy becomes a reality. I fail to ehem,” you clear your throat before admitting something that no one ever has the guts to admit. “I fail to perform,” you mutter out quickly, hoping she didn’t catch it at all and also hoping that she did so that you don’t have to say it again. 
Wanda drinks from her wine, getting a little impatient with your behavior. “Y/n, come on. We’re both adults and we’re both parents who are well aware that our children weren’t dropped off by a stork.” 
You bulge your eyes out at her comment. “What?” you gasp as if it’s a total surprise. It makes her laugh and you join. “Okay, I’m sorry. I know it shouldn’t be this awkward. But it’s you, and I’m talking about some other woman.” You admit with the slightest slur in your speech. 
“If it makes you feel any better,” Wanda swirls her wine glass to bring more oxygen to the beverage. “I’ve kind of been seeing a woman myself,” she admits once the glass is close to her lips. This information does anything but make you feel better. In fact, you feel a little hurt by the news. But it shouldn’t hurt you, as you pointed out you’re talking to her about another woman. 
“Oh that’s nice,” you try to say enthusiastically but it falls flat. “How’s that going for you?” 
Wanda shrugs, “It’s been alright. I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere serious.” Wanda’s cheeks begin to flush and you aren’t sure if it’s the alcohol or her emotional response. “We haven’t been on a real date,” she gives you a look to see if you’ll pick up on what she means by that but it takes you sometime to get there. 
“Oh,” you say once you’ve caught on. “Good for you,” you give her a tiny applause with the glass still in one hand making you tap your fingers together more than anything else. Wanda closes her eyes and covers them with her hand and shakes her head. 
“Stop, I know that it’s bad,” she says with a smile. “Mom’s don’t have sex,” she scrunches her nose and it makes you laugh. 
“Wow, so are you telling me that my little sister is a stork baby?” You say jokingly and she replies back with a loud yes as she moves around on the couch. “Come on, you’re human. As long as it doesn’t happen when the boys can catch you, I think you’re in the clear.”
Wanda nods and takes another sip of your wine. “You’re right. But I think I meant to say that Mom’s don’t have casual sex.” 
You tip your head to her on that one, “I guess. But I think it just goes back to not having a revolving door of um… people when your kids are around so they don’t get confused.” Wanda accepts that and thanks you for not judging her and not allowing her to judge herself. “Anytime, my friend,” you raise your glass to clink against hers and she accepts the cheers. 
A couple more drinks and the conversation moves on from there. From talking about the kids to learning more about each other. Then it hits the point of the conversation when Wanda feels ready to talk to you about the end of her marriage. She talks about her miscarriage that came at the worst time possible in her life. She doesn’t hide a single detail and you listen intently, understanding Wanda a bit better. Even understanding Vision and why he feels he should have more parental control. It's not right, even though she was consumed by her grief it doesn't make her less of a mother. She has worked her way back to being capable of taking care of her kids on her own. It might've taken her a few years to get to this point, but she was never completely absent from her children. At least, not by the sounds of it. 
Now you hold her in your arms on the couch, the two of you are quiet as you let the information sink in. You rub soothing circles on her back with your hand. Wanda is snuggling into your chest with her eyes closed. As her breathing slows, you start to wonder if she's asleep. “Wanda,” you whisper to check if she's awake. She doesn't respond so you carefully scoop her up in your arms and carry her up the stairs in a bridal style. As you lay her on her bed you realize she isn't asleep after all. 
While you're about to step back, Wanda grabs the collar of your shirt and pulls you down making your lips meet hers. You're too stunned to move at first, not sure if you're dreaming this or if your mind is playing tricks on you. Then she pulls away and whispers, “Thank you for being so kind to me.” This time when she kisses you, curiosity takes the best of you and you make the mistake of responding to the kiss. 
Feelings you haven't felt in a long time or even before have you holding Wanda closer to you. There isn't a kiss in the world that can compete with hers. You get lost in her lips until she tries to deepen the kiss. “Wanda,” you say as you try to pull away. 
She ignores you and starts to play with the buttons on your shirt and you put your hand on her wrist to stop her. “Please just one night. It won't hurt us. Stay with me tonight.” She starts to beg and you shake your head and step away from the bed. 
“Wanda, you're not thinking clearly,” you state as you put the buttons back through the holes. She sits up and tries to grab one of your hands to pull you back to her. “I'm um, I'm drunk. You're drunk. We can't do this.” You state nervously. It was taking everything in you to turn this opportunity down because her kisses are electric. Her lips have awakened something in you that you were pretty sure was dead. You could only imagine what going all of the way would do for you. But now is not the time. “Especially not with the kids here,” you say to give yourself another reason not to go through with this more than her. “And forget about our friendship, our kids are friends. We don't want to make things complicated for them right?” 
Wanda runs her fingers through her hair and moves one side to the other as she bites her bottom lip. She nods at your words. “You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to… and I mean you have that twenty-something. You're a twenty-something.” 
You sigh and tilt your head to the side as you blink more than usual, “Come on, Wanda don't make this about age. It's about… well, you're not looking for a relationship. Which is okay, you deserve this time to discover yourself as a person. I had my time.” You gulp as you try to stop the words from coming out of your mouth but with the way she is looking at you and the alcohol clouding your judgment it just comes out. “I can't do this tonight because I like you. A lot actually. And I just,” you sigh and shake your head and rub your nose with the side of your finger. “It wouldn't just be one time for me.” 
Wanda nods and falls back on the bed. “I'm sorry,” she says as she gets comfortable on her bed. “You're right,” she continues to face away from you. “I'll um see you in the morning. Uh,” she clears her throat to hide the hurt in her voice. But you've heard it enough times to know that she's about to cry. You close your eyes out of guilt but you can't take back what you said. “Goodnight,” she says as she tries to hide her tears from the rejection. She wasn't lying and she knows that she will be grateful in the morning because you stopped this but right now it just sucks. 
“Goodnight, Wanda,” you say as you walk out of the room. You shut off the lights and close her door before stumbling over to the guest room.
Chapter 9
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters
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elly99 · 1 year
Golden Hour
Part 4 of 5. Check here for more details.
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"Wake up!"
Your phone screamed a recording from one of her Phoning lives. There was no better way to be woken up than by one of her morning calls. It helped you miss her less. And it made you love her more.
You'd been looking forward to this day all week. She was finally coming home. You barely slept last night. All you could think about was her. And that was still the case as you scrambled to get ready, the adrenaline keeping you going, despite running on only three hours of sleep. It was time to make her breakfast like you promised.
You had just begun preparations when you heard the bell ring. Your heart nearly jumped out of your chest. You were not expecting her this early. You could not have run to the door any faster, but she knew your code and was already in the hallway.
"Good morning, bunny!" Her eyes light up when she sees you and she immediately runs to you with arms outstretched. She gives you the tightest bear hug and you feel all your anxiety squeezed out of you. All you worries fly out the door she just came through. She was home and nobody could be happier than you.
Except maybe her. "I missed you so much," she whines, still hugging you tight. "I missed this."
"I missed you, too, Min. So much." You finally take a step back to appreciate how beautiful she was. Not that you were surprised. "Babe, you look amazing! I love your highlights!"
"Aw, thank you! And you look adorable, baby! Did you just get out of bed? Your hair looks funny again," she says giggling.
"Yeah, you got here so early! I've only just started on breakfast."
"Sorry, I just missed you too much. Had to get here as soon as I could." She gives you a quick peck on the lips.
Then you realize you owe her something. You cup her face with your hands and give her a gentle kiss in return, closing your eyes and letting time slow down. "I love you, baby."
"I love you, too. Thought you forgot about that one."
"Luckily you reminded me," you wink and spot her blushing a little. "Wanna sit down? I'll just finish prepping breakfast."
"No. I'm going to keep hugging you and you can't stop me."
Not that you'd ever try to stop her hugging you from behind while you prepare food.
"What are you making?" she asks into your back.
"French toast! I also got you some vanilla ice cream and watermelon for later if you want."
"Oh my gosh, really?" She tightens her hold on you.
"Of course, babe. I know you love those."
"I love you more~!"
You almost drop the bread on the ground.
It takes a bit longer to prepare a meal with a clingy bear on your back, so breakfast turns into brunch. But it didn't matter, because with her here, you felt you had all the time in the world.
At the table you both talk about your week, feed each other, laugh together, and you realize you want nothing but this in your future. You just wanted her in your life forever. To see her smile everyday. To make her happy every chance you could.
Even as you put the dishes away, she back hugs you. Even doing the most mundane things, she manages to make you feel like you're in a dream. Despite being fresh out of bed, she tells you you're beautiful. And despite you knowing it already, she never fails to remind you that she loves you.
"Wait on the couch, baby. Let me just get something."
She comes running back carrying your stuffed bunny in one hand and her hair brush in the other.
"Oh, hey! It's Tokki!"
"Take good care of him, ok?"
"Of course I will!" you exclaim, holding the toy close. "I just realized we never named the bear I got you."
She starts brushing your hair. "Oh, I named it after you. I just forgot to tell you. I hug it to sleep every night," she says calmly.
But you were anything but calm after that. "Why are you so sweet, Minji-yah~?" you squeal.
She mouths the words, "I love you," then gets off the couch and hooks up her phone into your stereo system.
"Minji baby," you call. "I have a problem. Can you help me?" you ask, pouting.
She looks up from her phone, flipping her hair slightly, and smiles at you. "Come here," she says gently, beckoning you over. "Come dance with me." Ethereal piano starts playing.
I was all alone with the love of my life She's got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night I don't need no light to see you shine
You feel butterflies throughout your whole body. You quickly stand up and practically run into her arms. She holds you by the waist, pulling you close, and in a soft whisper she asks, "What's the matter, baby?"
Completely red in the cheeks with how tender she's being right now, you lock your hands around her and answer shyly, "I'm a little obsessed with you."
"I see," she says, grinning. "Ok, don't worry. Dr. Kim will help you." She leads the dance, pulling you gently back and forth. "What are your symptoms?"
"Um. I miss you all the time. I keep thinking about you. About hugging you. Kissing you. Listening to your voice and your laugh. Watching you play with your hair. Seeing you smile. I didn't get much sleep last night cuz I was so excited to see you again."
"Hmm. It doesn't seem like a huge problem to me," she teases. "It just sounds like you're in love."
You laugh softly. "I guess I am."
You slow down time In your golden hour
"I've been listening to this song a lot, actually. How did you know?"
"Well, in my professional opinion, it seems we're soulmates. I can read your mind."
"Oh, yeah? What am I thinking about now then?"
"Me. Hehe." She gives you a cheeky smile.
"I mean, yeah, but that's obvious. What exactly am I thinking?"
"Mmm, you're wondering whether or not I'm obsessed with you, too."
Goosebumps. "How did you know?"
"Like I said, I can read your mind. Don't you trust Dr. Kim?"
"With my life," you reassure and pull her in for a kiss. "So, are you?"
"Am I what?"
"Don't make me say it again, bro."
"I don't know what you're talking about," she smiles and kisses you back.
You fight the urge to just melt into her arms and instead try to give her your best puppy dog eyes. "Are you obsessed with me, too?"
She stays silent for a while and looks straight at you. Then with a soft smile she nods cutely and pulls you in for a hug. "I'm in love with you."
Can you even imagine falling like I did for the love of my life? She's got glow on her face, a glorious look in her eyes My angel of light
As the song fades out, your small steps come to a stop. Standing still in each other's arms, you bask in the lingering warmth of your first slow dance together.
"Why haven't we done this before?" you ask. "I loved it. I love when you take the lead."
"I'm glad! I really did want to dance with you. Been thinking about it for a while now."
"You were totally trying to rizz me up, weren't you?"
She laughs. "No~! Why would I need to do that, silly bunny? You're already mine," she says with a smirk on her pretty little face.
Who needs makeup when Kim Minji can make the brightest colors appear on your cheeks with just a few words?
Satisfied with her knockout blow, she lowers her arms from around you and takes hold of your hands. "You wanna cuddle and nap, baby? Since you said you didn't get much sleep last night. Doctor's recommendation!"
"I'd love that. Will you be the big or little spoon?"
"Neither. We're the same height, bro."
"You know what I mean!"
She lifts your hands up and plants a kiss on each of them. "I'll be the big spoon so you can sleep."
How was anyone allowed to be this perfect?
Now in her arms, on your bed, windows glowing in the afternoon sun, it was almost the exact same situation you found yourself in a week ago, when you pondered satellite metaphors. But this time around, in her golden hour, your thoughts were at peace. Cozy under the blanket with just her, you left no space for any unrest. You melt into her embrace and quickly let sleep take over.
You wake up to the sunset streaming through your window. You hear her gentle snoring and didn't want to wake her, but you realize that you'd both slept through dinner time. So you slowly get up from her embrace to sit beside her. She looked so pretty sleeping peacefully like this. You couldn't help but play with her hair. You knew she loved when you did. Sure enough, your gentle touch wakes her from her slumber.
"Hey, baby bear. We overslept. It's past dinner time."
"Let's order some food then. What do you wanna eat?"
"You choose! I made brunch, so it's your turn."
"Ok, I'll try to find something interesting," she says, already scrolling through her phone. "Can you spoon me in the meantime? My turn to be little spoon."
She didn't even have to ask. You gently lift her up so you can wrap one arm around her and pull her close.
"And keep playing with my hair, please," she says adorably and smiles when you oblige. "I love when you do that."
It was so soft. Just like everything else about her. Just like your heart for her.
Cuddling in comforting silence, waiting for your food to arrive, she asks, "Have you still been worrying about us?"
"A little."
"But why, my love? You know I love you, right? No matter what."
Your lips curl into a smile. "I know," you say as you kiss her cheek.
"So don't worry. I'm not going anywhere," she whispers and smiles back at you encouragingly.
"I just worry about people finding out. Like, I'm always so scared and I wish I didn't have to be. I know you just like staying home on your off days, and I love resting at home with you, too. But it just makes me sad every time I think about something couples do and realize we can't."
"Like what, baby?"
"Um, like, traveling. I've been thinking about going to Spain with you and seeing all the places where you shot your music videos. Or, like, dressing up nice to go on fancy dates with you. Like to that museum you visited with the members! Or even just going to the cinema and cuddling in the dark while watching a movie."
"We can do that last one at home, silly," she giggles. "And we can try to do more of those things, too! We just need to be careful."
"Aren't you scared?"
"I am. But then I remember I have you and I know everything will be ok. You're all I need."
All you can do is smile and hug her tighter. You, too, had everything you needed right here in your arms.
"You've been thinking about a lot, haven't you?"
"Of course! Haven't you?"
She pauses. "Honestly, I just think about being with you and that makes me happy."
You felt an arrow shoot straight through your chest. Speechless, you bury your face in her neck, smiling profusely.
"I know what you mean, though, baby. I want all of those things, too."
She gently takes your hands and holds on tight, like she'd never let go.
"The right time will come eventually. Then we won't have to hide anymore."
You had never believed in palm reading, but looking at the way your fingers interlocked in the golden light, the way your hands fit perfectly in hers, your future never seemed clearer. It was her. It would always be her.
"Just wait for me, ok?"
"Of course, baby," you reply softly. You didn't care that it was impossible to pull her closer to you. You tried anyway. "Always."
It would be hard, but you'd wait an eternity for her.
"I'm in love with you, Min."
It would be hard, but it didn't matter. Because you were all alone with the love of your life.
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I read the Ralph secret lover and I loved it!
but personally I don't think we have to end the secret lovers there!
What if....HERE ME OUT!
Splinter had a secret girlfriend! Like he met her can be completely up to you! but maybe she is a Foreign language teacher and Splinter starts hanging out with her when the boys are on patrol?
Wait- wait wait wait- Anon, you're onto something here... (hey, uh- keep in mind this is my first time writing romantically for Splinter sooo-)
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You two would probably meet late one night while he was on a walk.
He had decided that he needed some fresh air, well as fresh as it gets in New York, so while the boys were on patrol, he left for a walk.
You happened to be on your way back to your apartment after staying late at your job to grade some assignments.
The two of you ran into each other completely by chance, and it was pretty much love at first sight.
You didn't start dating for quite a while, due to his own reservations about moving on from Tang Shen,
You waited for him as long as he needed you too, knowing how much she meant and still means to him.
You know that you'll never ever replace her, and that she'll always have a place in his heart,
But you don't mind that.
She was his first love after all, his wife and the mother of his child,
You never ever planned to replace her, and Yoshi cannot even begin to explain how grateful he is for that.
Yoshi decided he wanted to wait to tell his boys, which you were ok with.
However, you couldn't wait to meet them, all the stories Yoshi had told and baby picture he had shown you, making you adore the boys before they even knew you exsisted.
When he did tell them he was seeing someone,
They actually thought he was joking.
When they realized he was, in fact, not joking,
All four of them had similar reactions of shock.
Splinter asked if they would like to meet you, and all four answered yes.
He brought you over for dinner later that night, and you were terrified.
"What if they hate me? Oh my gosh, what if they think I'm a terrible person? Wha-"
Yoshi took you hand, "Koibito, you are rambling. Trust me, they will love you."
You took a deep breath, "You're right, you're right. I'm just a little nervous."
"And that is completely reasonable. But I know my sons will be just as adoring of you as I."
You arrived at the entrance of his home, and after one last deep breath, he lead you into the main room.
"Guys! Sensei's home!"
Mikey was the first to approach you, excitedly introducing himself and dragging you into the kitchen where his three brothers sat.
Mikey sat you down in the chair next to him, and you smiled at the boys.
Leo smiled, back, extending his hand for you to shake, "You must be, Sensei's, kanojo."
You nodded, taking Leo's hand, "I am. My name is, (Name). If I'm remembering mask colors correctly, you must be Leonardo."
He nodded, "I am, it's a pleasure to meet you, (Name)."
You chuckled as Yoshi sat down, waving a dismissive hand, "No need to be so formal. It's not like I'm the president of the United States, afterall."
Mikey smiled at his brothers, whispering excitedly to them in Japanese, "She seems as great as Sensei said, doesn't she?"
The boy whom you assumed was Donatello, nodded, "She definitly seems like a good fit for Sensei."
Raph leaned back in his chair, "What did Sensei say she does for work again?"
Yoshi chuckled, and you snorted, responding in Japanese, "I'm a foreign language teacher. I speak fluent Japanese."
All four boys went red, and you laughed with Yoshi.
That day you earned the boys trust,
They noticed how much happier their father was, and they were very grateful for it.
You'd visit often, and are always happy to spend time with the boys.
But you're never pushy with it.
You understand that they might still be a bit apprehensive about you dating their father,
So you made sure you respected their boundaries, but also showed them as much love as you could.
You cooked for the family, and provided them with food, toiletries, and other nessecities while also buying little gifts here and there.
I personally don't think Yoshi would mind small acts of PDA, hand-holding or cheek kisses,
But full on embracing or kissing are saved for behind closed doors.
You'll meditate with him sometimes,
You find it helps relieve some of your teaching stress.
Speaking of teaching, Yoshi often has you sit in on the boys lesson's.
You know quite abit about martial arts yourself having studied it when you traveled to Japan to further your education.
He insists however, that he teach you himself just to ensure you can defend yourself.
If Shredder ever discovers your exsistence, he is terrified of losing you.
He knows that Shredder will go to any lenghts to hurt him.
Yoshi expresses these worries to you, and he suggests that you move in with them.
You asked him to let you think about it, and to also discuss it with the boys since it was their home too.
After talking about it to the boys and getting their approval of you moving in, you agreed you would.
It definitly helped ease Yoshi's worry, he still has his anxieties when you go to work, insisting one, or all, of the boys walk you home, just in case.
If Shredder ever does manage to get his hands on you,
Yoshi is seeing red.
It's all he can do to keep his wits about him and not charge in to save you.
When they do arrive to save you, he needs to keep reminding himself of the plan and not rush to you.
Shredder is questioning you, rather roughly, about Yoshi's wereabouts, and you scowl deeply,
"Anata jishin no fakku." (Go fuck yourself) and then you spit in his face.
You spit on the fucking Shredder.
You crazy bitch.
Obviously, that pissed him off, but before he could do anything to hurt you further, your kareshi came to your rescue.
They took you home after a short scuffle, and Yoshi tended to your wounds.
Thankfully it was only mild bruises and cuts, and he scolded you for your blatent disregard for you own safety.
Once your wounds had been properly tended to, Yoshi pulled you in for a tight hug, ane you felt slow tears fall down your face.
"I thought he was going to take you from me. I thought he would- that-"
"I know." You whispered soothingly, "I know. But I'm here, I'm ok. I'm ok.."
Yoshi kept you close for a while after that, scared that if he looked away for even a second, you'd be taken from him a second time, only that this time he might not get to you in time.
The whole experience has the both of you really shaken up.
But at least you have each other for comfort,
Because this man would follow you to hell and back if he needed to,
And he knows you'd do the same.
I got kinda... carried away with this one... oops-
Uhm, quick little edit here:
Completely forgot the translations lol-
Koibito: Sweetheart/Lover
Kanojo: Girlfriend
Kareshi: Boyfriend
Anata jishin no fakku: Go fuck yourself
Let me know if any of these are incorrect! <3
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Imagine Ellies hanging out with Dina and Jessie and they were whispering to each other and Ellie was like super confused until one of them says the woman at the bar is super hot and when Ellie turns to see who their looking at its Joel and reader. Ellie being shook af and turns to them like "I- That's my mom." And she ends up telling reader and Joel what happened when they went back home😂
It's illegal how much fun I had scribbling this🙃
It was one of the community evenings. Where everyone who wished could come for an evening of food, drinks, endless music, and dancing. It felt almost like a hive of bees. All buzzing together, all excited even if everyone worked amongst each other all the time as it was. But this was special. Seeing people like this after the outbreak was special. It felt so uplifting to witness so many smiles and to hear laughter.
Ellie had rushed out of the house before you and Joel. She was eager to see Dina well Jesse as well but Dina was the real reason Ellie even came for clothing advice to you. You were so happy for her. That teenager's excitement. The chance to mingle with people your age. You and Joel had talked about this many times. Late at night, in the comfort of your shared sheets. You both wanted nothing more than to give her at least a somewhat normal childhood. Ellie had her spark back and that was enough to ignite the fire that burnt within you two.
Ellie had been dancing with both of her friends for what felt like hours. She had slipped away with Dina for a bit. She wanted to kiss her but they only ended up holding hands. But that was enough to make Ellie go all red. Gosh, how much did she want to just run to you and tell you everything already? But she killed out the excitement for now trying to make her way back to her friends with three glasses of house lemonade in her hands.
She found Dina and Jesse almost pressed together as they whispered among themselves. A ping of jealousy ran down Ellie's back, she didn't like how close Jesse was to Dina. Even if there was nothing between them it still felt like she was already losing. Now even the fact that Dina had reassured Ellie that they were ex-lovers didn't make her feel any better.
"What are we gossiping about?", Ellie said sitting down the drinks, "Shhh...", Dina pulled Ellie by the hand, "Tell me that I am still alive", Jesse turned to the two of them pressing his fingers to the pulse point on his neck. Ellie rolled her eyes, still not understanding what all of this was about. "You two are unbelievable", "I wonder what you will say when you see her", Dina's words made Ellie even more confused. Was there another girl their age here that had caught her attention?
Ellie looked around the room but didn't see any super unfamiliar faces. "No, by the bar more to your left", Jessie guided his finger and Ellie followed the direction. Her brain turned off for a moment when she saw you laughing with your hand on your chest, a smug-looking Joel by your side. She was so going to bring that up to him, the male who never smiles my ass she thought. But you. No, they couldn't have been talking about you.
"I don't get it...", Ellie whispered, "El, the woman in the white shirt, long hair", so it was you. A weird tingle ran through her. "Shit, she's hot", Ellie snapped her head towards Jesse, "No, you will take that back", she said, feeling a weird sort of frustration building within her. "Well she is sexy bet she is good at...", Ellie stood up quickly, her palms came in contact with the boy's chest. Both Dina and Jesse looked confused as Ellie breathed heavily, "That's my mom, you sick-ass", the people around had turned to look but Ellie didn't quite send daggers.
You and Joel had noticed the whole thing as well. Joel rose first, telling you to stay behind as he approached the kids. "Is there a problem here?", he asked looking Jesse up and down as if he was planning all the ways to cause pain if he had by any chance hurt Ellie in a way. The boy only swallowed thickly. Of course, Jesse's words would mean nothing. So he didn't even try to explain. Ellie started at him still, Joel touched her shoulder and her head snapped to him. "No, but I want to go home", she mumbled turning around and walking towards you. Dina called out her name a couple of times but she didn't give the girl a second glance. Joel sent the two kids a warning look as he two turned around.
Ellie was walking ahead of you both. Huffing and puffing. You had asked Joel what had happened but he only shrugged his shoulders. "Okay, baby, what happened? Did someone upset you?", you called out just as Ellie was about to slip up the stairs. She stopped but said nothing. "El", Joel called out her name and she instantly turned to him. They were like one by now. The relationship they built was above this world. If anyone could get Ellie out of her head it was Joel.
"It's... They...", Ellie started as she walked back down and into the living room where you both stood. "I just didn't like what they said, well what Jesse said", Ellie admitted, lowering her head. "Did he insult you in any way?", you asked already frowning but Ellie shook your head. "He... said things about you", Ellie looked up to meet your confused eyes, "Me?", "He said you were hot and that you are probably good in bed but he didn't finish that part, that was what he was going to say and that is so not okay, you are my mom and...", she rammed on. You just sat there. Joel however was clenching his fists already. Glancing at the door, the thought of going back out there to teach that young duckling a lesson swirled in his brain.
But then your laugh filled the room and the two instantly looked at you. "Does that make me a milf?", you cackled, "This is not funny", Joel groaned, Ellie quickly nodded her head in agreement. "Oh come on you two. First of all, be proud your mom is hot. And second of all", you turned to Joel, "Are you serious about fighting a kid? I'm quite literally yours", talking his clenched fist you spread Joel's fingers apart so you could hold his hand.
"I just didn't like it", Ellie said, "I'm glad you stood up for me and that you defended your boundaries", you reached out for her and she instantly walked to sit by your side. It was silent for a moment until Joel smoke up, "Should have aimed for his teeth", "Joel...", you whined making Ellie let out a laugh. You shook your head, "What will I do with you two, huh?"
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