#and that they love sokeefitz too
synonymroll648 · 2 years
a;sdlkjf i love your sokeefitz fics sm, aves just introduced me to ur acc and god i love sokeefitz sm <3
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hi?? hello?? you are?? so sweet?? i'm-
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rayniscatstatue · 6 months
No but end of Stellarlune was hitting it with Sokeefitz
Like obviously Sophie and Keefe are now together by the end of Stellarlune, that’s a given after chapter 42. But then also Fitz had communicated with Keefe to be sure that Keefe was safe. After that he let Sophie know that Keefe was safe so Sophie wasn’t stressed out. Fitz doing this all knowing full well that Sophie and Keefe had kissed. Also before that Keefe decided to go to Elysian to make sure Sophie was safe. Sophie decided for Fitz to go to Elysian because she trusts him still after everything. Like the three of them are making sure the others are safe
The obvious love triangle solution is for Sophie and Keefe to sit Fitz down and tell him that they both like him. Then they all hug it out and everyone is happy including me
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literaturewithliz · 2 years
KOTLC characters as medical professionals (human au)
Neurosurgeon. She was still considered a child prodigy, and was top of her class all throughout her school career, including medical school. After she graduated top of her class in medical school, she applied to a massive hospital in LA, thinking that would be the best place for her to just lay low, since it has so many people. She was wrong. Even though she had perfect grades, she still had to go through a lot of scut work and tedious cases before she was taken seriously. Soon, she performed an actually complicated surgery and the hospital decided they’d utilize her more after it was 100% successful. Remember how I said she didn’t get to lay low? Yeah. At one point, she is given the opportunity to operate on conjoined twins and (hopefully) separate their bodies. She knows this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a surgeon so she immediately accepts. That surgery is 100% successful as well. What Sophie didn’t anticipate was worldwide fame. She’s in news articles on papers and talked about on TV. Sophie’s getting so many job offers from around the world, and doesn’t plan on taking any of them, but she sees a hospital in England that looks perfect for her, and feels an urge to go there. So next thing you know Soph is in the same hospital as the rest of the gang.
Pediatrician. Such a Pediatrician. He loves taking care of the kiddos. And I feel like all of his patients were terrified of him like we usually are as kids, but by the end of their appointment they feel so comfortable. He's cracking jokes the whole time and asking them questions about their life. He's always looking for signs of abuse, too. He knows the signs of mental and physical abuse. I feel like he took extra psychology courses for that exact reason. He makes an effort to be friendly with the rest of the staff, especially the gang, who he now considers his best friends. Elwin vibes. Speaking of Elwin, he was Keefe's mentor. He wasn't all that interested in medicine as a career until he saw Elwin for a broken arm when he was a kid. Keefe mentioned to his parents that he wanted to be a doctor, and they were overjoyed that their son chose something so prestigious. So they started paying Elwin to mentor Keefe, and eventually Elwin feels more like family than his parents ever did. He went to medical school at a fairly small college just to tick off his parents. They wanted him to go to an Ivy League. When Sophie gets to the hospital he and the gang work at, he is immediately friendly and already has a small crush, because he's heard about how amazing and skilled she is. But he's too scared to flirt cause he doesn't wanna get reported to HR.
Ophthalmologist. If you don't know what that means, it's basically someone who treats your eyes. I don't know, maybe I think he'd do this because his eyes are always so emphasized throughout the series, or maybe I think this way because he's always secretly wanted to do this but Alden wanted him to become a neurosurgeon like the many Vackers before him and this is his way of breaking off from their legacy. Maybe. Anyways, he and Biana went to the same medical school. They are really eachothers only support systen at this point. They love that they get to be close to each other. Again, everyone in the gang works at the same hospital, and even though Fitz isn't a neurosurgeon, he still makes bank. And his family still isn't happy with him(save for Biana). But he learns to be okay with that, as he finds a new family within the gang. And then he sees news articles in the paper and hears mentions on TV about a woman named Sophie Foster and he's immediately intrigued. She's quite young for a doctor, let alone a neurosurgeon who's operated on conjoined twins. And THEN he learns she is transferring to the hospital he works at from America. He wants to talk to her, but doesn't want to seem weird. He wishes he had Keefe's confidence. They keep bumping into each other around the hospital, it happens at least once every day. And THEN they bump into each other at a book store. They kinda awkwardly exchange greetings and then start laughing. Sophie officially introduces herself to Fitz and Fitz does the same to her. They spend like the next hour chatting about books. Fitz is head over heels.
ICU nurse. Biana can handle chaos like a boss. She likes the lack of routine in it. Biana never really had the rneurosurgeon expectation thrust upon her cause Fitz was supposed to be the Golden Child TM, but she's always been interested in medicine. So she goes to medical school for nursing and decides to go one step further for the ICU, because as I said, Biana likes the unexpectedness. She's fantastic at what she does. She's very professional in the workplace, but will go out for drinks with her colleagues. Especially the gang. I feel like she was thinking about becoming a doctor but really wanted to build financial stability for herself before she sought out higher education. Her parents aren't paying for anything, because she cut them off after0 they cut Fitz off. She's really happy with her occupation at this moment in time, though. She knows all about Fitz's crush on Sophie, and is actually the second person to introduce themselves to her. They become fast friends and Biana will not stop pestering Fitz to just make a move.
Clinical pharmocologist. Because science. I think Dex grew up watching his dad do cool things pertaining to the study of the body, but quickly discovered he preferred pharmacology to biology by a long shot. He loves what he does. He has the best time at work. To him, the money and benefits are just added perks compared to getting to be in a lab all day. He doesn't really know about Sophie until she gets there, kind of. When she does get there he asks Biana about her and Biana's kind of like, 'how do you not know about her?' But still explains who Sophie is and Dex is just like 'cool' and moves back to his lab. But he meets Sophie at a lunch break one day and really enjoys her company. He likes that he can openly be a nerd about pharmacology around her, and that she is a good listener. Isn't really a huge part of the gang till Sophie comes along and brings Dex with her to everything. Anyways, Dex has created multiple medicines that have saved thousands of lives. His dream is to find the cure to cancer, and pretty much decoted his life to research an experiments about it. He only ever gets out of the house or lab anymore because Biana and Sophie drag him out.
Part 2?
Oh my god I just reread that and just to be clear Sophie is of age, she and the gang are all 18+. At the beginning it sounded like she was like 15 when she was working at the hospital. Nah I just emant she was really good at school.
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skylilac · 1 year
no bc teddys so insistent on ben leaving him and exploring the world and living his life but he doesnt realize he literally is the best thing in bens life like……..
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the-way-astray · 2 months
(coming from a sokeefitz lens because of course i am) consider keefe just NOT knowing how to use pet names. sophie doesn’t use them out of personal preference (feels weird/too cheesy), fitz is full of pet names he wants to call loved ones but doesn’t have permission yet, but keefe just genuinely does Not Know How Pet Names Work.
nicknames? easy. lord of the snuggles, fitzy, foster, the mysterious miss f, lady fosboss, the list goes on. but pet names? he never heard those growing up, except for when alden and della were lovey dovey in front of their kids just to make them groan.
you ask him what pet names he uses and he either says “dear…?” because that’s what alden and della used most often or he goes “uhhhh iggy i guess” because that is quite literally the name of a pet he spends the most time with. maybe he tries using pet names a few times after it’s explained to him but it comes out so awkward that he just switches back to stupid nicknames that sometimes border on pet names (god forbid he find out sophie was called soybean as a kid)
honestly? i think he knows about the soybean thing. anyway, i agree. i think keefe would be bad with pet names. but also i don't think it would bother him too much. he has his abundance of nicknames to turn to instead. so i can't see him being too torn up about it.
as for actual pet names. he doesn't spend that much time with iggy compared to silveny. so i think he'd be more likely to say "uhhhh silveny i guess" than iggy (excluding the fact that. he does not call her that. but that's a nickname, so).
i honestly think keefe would also be completely against being called pet names too. he establishes that he doesn't want to be called any pet names at all. sophie and fitz continue to call him pet names behind his back while talking to each other, though
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for the song ask thing. Set me free by Joshua Bassett for KOTLC
As SOON as I read those lyrics. Fitz to Keefe ahhhhh
"I don't know what I did to deserve all this/ I don't wanna be rude or on the defensive/ But I've been goin' through it too" Fitz is struggling too and no one else seems to understand that.
"And I know you feel used, I know you've been hurt" He knows. he cares about Keefe
"I'd take it all back if I could" Him saying hurtful rash things to his best friend
"But why must I hurt for you to feel okay?" Sokeefitz/ Keefe being rude
"I don't recognize you, not anymore/ You're not the love that I fell for" HOLY SHIT?? THIS IS THEM HE DOESNT KNOW KEEFE ANYMORE DID HE EVER REALLY??
"It's been a fuckin' year/ And I've been doin' my time, I've been workin' on me/ Wasn't sure I'd survive, never felt so weak" THIS. BECAUSE FITZ HAS HAD PEOPLE CALL HIM OUT ON HIS BS SM AND HES T R Y I N G
"I don't recognize him, not anymore/ You're not the love that I fell for" OH THE PARELELL GODSSS
"I hope you know that I still care about you dearly/ But I've gotta lock the door and throw away the key/ And I hope you know that I still care about you, darlin'/ I won't never let you hurt me how you hurt me/ Again, ever again" HOLY SHIT IM SOBBING
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ravs6709 · 4 months
Ravi's KOTLC Fanfic Masterlist
my pinned post too clogged and i cant even edit it on mobile since too long or too many links or something like that. So here is all like ~40 kotlc fanfics of mine!!!
Organizing by dynamics for easy access. Some fics admittedly better than the others, but I've been writing kotlc fanfic for several years, so bound to happen
*Represents some of my favourites!!!
Hair- Sokeefe Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.4k words.
*Protection- Sokeefe Romantic Oneshot (angsty, fluff sprinkled in, and then more at the end. Caps tw). 1.4k words.
Butterfly Kisses- Keefex Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.4k words.
Marry Me (There's Free Desserts)- Romantic Keefex Oneshot (fluff, human au, food, one swear). 2.5k words.
Don't Need Your Voice To Understand You- Queerplatonic Keefex Oneshot (Canon divergence, heart-warming, non-verbal communication). 0.9k words.
Together- Sokeefitz Romantic Oneshot (light angst, poly-phobic moments + alden bashing oops, but fluff at the end). 1.1k words.
The Days That Come And Go (They'll Be Beautiful)- Romantic Sokeefitz Oneshot (post-canon, fluff and comfort. No warnings. 0.5k words.
Fire And Foil- Kamex (Keefe/Tam/Dex) Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, censored swearing. Human au). 1.1k words
Cake Eater- Romantic Kamex Oneshot (very fluffy, censored swearing, human au). 0.7k words. (same au as prev, but not connected)
Hoodies- Kam Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.8k words.
*Our Very Own Melody- Kam Romantic Oneshot (fluff with a side of angst, soulmates+human au. Censored swearing). 5.1k words.
*All This Love (I'll Show You How It Feels)- Ambiguous Kam Oneshot (human au, fake dating, shenanigans). 2.8k words.
Tam & Linh
Our Hands Linked, Side By Side- Linh and Tam Platonic Oneshot (mostly hurt/comfort, fluffy ending, not really any warnings but Quan is rude). 1.4k words.
*A Desperate Attempt At Understanding- Tam & Linh Platonic Oneshot (sibling angst, arguing, during stellarlune). 1.1k words.
This Great Distance- Sophiana Romantic Songfic (based off Coney Island by Taylor Swift) (post breakup, angst, no warnings though). 1.0k words.
Sweet Treats- Sophiana Romantic Oneshot (mild hurt/comfort and fluff. No warnings). 0.9k words.
Hidden Meanings- Sophiana Romantic Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings) 1.6k words.
Labels (Or The Lack Of Them)- Platonic Sophiana Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings. Human au) 1.2k words
Lights Glowing Bright- Romantic Sophiana Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 0.7k words.
The Stars In The Sky (And In Your Eyes)- Sophitz Romantic Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 0.7k words.
Confessions- Romantic Sophitz Oneshot (pure fluff, no warnings). 1.0k words.
Our Very Own Story- Queerplatonic Fedex Oneshot (fluff, soulmates+human au, one swear). 7.4k words
*An X-Ray Ain't Needed To See Within- Dex Study (ish), Romantic Fedex Oneshot (canon rewrite but with new element, angst, depictions of canon torture and stabbing, copious descriptions of heart). 7.9k words.
Don't Worry Yourself Sick - Fedex Romantic Oneshot (sickfic, no warnings). 0.8k words.
Other (stuff that only have 1 fic)
No Murder Allowed- Marellinh Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, jokes about murder). 0.3k words.
Imp-Sitting At Rimeshire- Dexiana Romantic Oneshot (very fluffy, no warnings). 0.9k words.
Inventions- Platonic Dexphie Oneshot (mild angst, but then fluff, no warnings) 1.0k words.
Affection- Platonic Keefitz Oneshot (mostly fluff, slight angst and hurt/comfort, no warnings?) 1.2k words.
Within The Background- Platonic Marellinhiana Oneshot (some fluff, deals with Biana's scars so slight injury tw). 1.0k words.
*Euneirophrenia- Romantic Solinh Oneshot (fluff and hurt/comfort, dreamsharing au). 6.2k words.
Way Too Weird (Even For Me)- Gen Oneshot (crack, eating inedible stuff). 0.6k words.
I've Come A Long Way- Sophie & The Foster Family (family feels, no warnings). 1.1k words.
As Pretty As The Petals- Romantic Four Horsegirls Oneshot (fluff, no warnings?). 2.1k words.
Just One More Chance- Romantic Bianuca Oneshot (post breakup, getting back together, mentions of internalized homophobia). 1.5k words.
*Won't You Shine With Me (Oh Distant Star Of Mine)- Romantic Hekster, Kam, Marelliana and Fedex Fanfic (6 chapters, Revue Starlight au, theatre, fluff and angst with a happy ending)
*The Prankster Team- Keefex Romantic Fanfic (Wattpad, and also on ao3) (mostly fluff, but deals with some homophobia (not in detail), abuse (but not in detail) also censored swearing)
*These Feelings Inside (How Deep Do They Go)- Sokeefitz Romantic Fanfic (mermaid+flowershop au, based off Siren's Lament. Fluff and angst. Mentions of death)
*Open Up My Heart (And Let My Feelings Fly Free)- Kam (but relationship type unspecified) Fanfic Oneshot Collection (omniscient reader's viewpoint au, angst with happy ending, check fic for warnings)
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popsocket-mouth · 1 year
Some of my kotlc headcanons cause I have so many. This isn't all of them nor is it all the characters. Just a main 3 for now, the love triangle who I'm turning into a polycule
I like to think the alicorn genetics tempered with her a little bit more. Like the shape of her eyes are just slightly unnatural or that she has joint problems because her body thinks she's supposed to be double jointed. I also think she has natural platinum blonde hair with a silver sheen, and her mom had her dye it constantly in fear of attention. I imagine elves similar to the fey, and while this is more of a keefe thing, I imagine the aura of emotions around her make her look iridescent. She's also a bookworm and she used to stay in the public library, away from the smog, and annotate in a huge journal. (I bet the elven world doesn't believe in fiction and she's highly disappointed) Sophie's unnaturally tall and her hair grows too fast. Stress makes her inflicting more physically viewable. She learned how to play guitar and snuck out to grab one post Canon to play.
(I'm realizing most of these are hair related) keefes a natural brunette, his mom just forced him to dye it his dad's color. After the dye starts fading in neverseen and lodestar, it permanently effected the color, making it lighter. His face looks more like his mom than dad. Keefe used to repeatedly hurt himself with elixirs to go to the healing center in alchemy to the point of intervention. The great gulon incident was to get rid of bullies, rebel against his parents and ruin dame alinas office all in one go. And it didn't even go the way he wanted it to. Keefe is obsessed with human music and playwrights and actively reads their poetry. Keefe loves candles. If he was human, he'd be goth. He sort of already is. Keefe has ocd and often used to explain his intrusive thoughts to anyone who would listen, which is when he started to mask. Keefes hair is more curly than wavy, but the hair dye had an effect of changing his curl pattern. Keefes mind is built to handle death and killing easier and some elves have differing resolve against guilt.
Fitz is bad at levitating because the height he can go to with his mental strength scares him. After the venom, Fitz walks with a limp. I imagine him as being half Indian half white. Lots of people hate the vackers, they are not as well respected as some say. Fitz has hetercromia; one eyes is teal like aldens and the other is so dark blue it's almost black. He has very sensitive skin. Out of everyone, he is the most brainwashed by elven society due to how much he trusts his dad. Fitz has a bad back that Elwin can't fix. (Alden thought he could make Fitz an even better Telepath and hurt him in the process, hence why he sent him away so young to ifnore his guilt.) He has dysgraphia and actively used to get made fun of for it, which was another reason why he was so excited to go to the forbidden cities. At first, Fitz didn't like Sophie, he just thought he had to, but he did fall for her later in books. (I'm such sokeefitz queer platonic trash.) Keefe is the reason he knows he's not entirely straight.
There so real to me
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
sir twas i, the keefex anon mutual. it's 12:14am and i'm not done with this fic for ayyam-i-ha, i'm sorry :( i'm gonna keep writing until it reaches an ending. or until i force it to end out of being tired. it's gonna be shit compared to the sokeefitz nightmare fic in terms of plot, probably, but it's got nice vibes i swear. when i post it tomorrow keep in mind i was sleep deprived when i wrote this. okie ily /p sleep better than i'm going to lol <3
Izzy. Izzy oh my god. Izzy please take your time and take care of yourself, I can wait I promise you I do not mind delays at all I probably won't even notice I'll just go "oh shit a fic!" without realizing. You do not need to apologize and you don't have to rush it, I promise.
That being said, omg a keefex fic! I'm so so curious to see what you've written (for me??? you're writing a fic for me??) when you do share it, I'm sure it's going to be absolutely lovely--I mean I'm going to love the thought and effort and support behind it either way, so.
I hope you didn't lose too much sleep over this, but thank you in advance for the lovely keefex fic <3
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archived-and-moving · 2 years
Favorite KOTLC dynamics?
Hmm that's a hard question because there aren't too many dynamics I don't like in kotlc. No matter how much I roast canon (out of love) I will always be in awe at the way Shannon Messenger can mess around with characters, especially in the earlier books.
Specifically I really enjoy anything to do with Marella. She's honestly one of the most dynamic characters (in my opinion) and whoever she's around is such a fun grouping.
I like a lot of Sophie and Marella content, because as I said, I'm a fan of the earlier books and I miss their friendship. (Adding Dex to that mix is really fun too! The original trio is such a treat.)
The other fun Marella one I really enjoy is Fintan, because of their narrative parallels of her trying not to follow down his path, but still having to learn from him nonetheless. Both of them are such sarcastic queens and I live for anything of them together.
Solreef family has to take second place, found family is honestly such a good trope. And the way that all of these characters (Exiled powerful twins, two tragic gays, a confused dude wondering why all his friends are children, and now an ex-villain who Does Not Want To Be There--for now.) Something about how their grief connects them is such a powerful narrative and I honestly love them for that.
Uhh what else. I'm really starting to enjoy Oralie and Sophie (+Bronte because he's always a lot of fun.) I was kind of let down by the reveal in Legacy but as they've gotten more time to settle into their new dynamic I actually quite enjoy it as a bit.
Something about Sophie being eternally pissed off at Oralie and her taking it turning into a VERY begrudging alliance was kinda fun. It's super fun to me when there's another character in the background (Like dude after the reveal when I think Edaline was like "Oralie is outside waiting for you" and Sophie's reaction pretty much boiled down to "That bitch?") When I say I live for that stuff.
Some other fun ones (more ship focused) for me are:
I won't really detail too much on why I like them, but these are pretty top tier for me out of either nostalgia or other queer reasons. And honestly most of these are just fun dynamics in general, they don't even have to be romantic or anything!
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
deep down in my soul, i know that if sophie ever introduced keefe and fitz to them, keefe would want to play uno immediately and fitz would want to play chess and sophie would look at their puppy eyes and just. relent. give in. and go screw it, i’ll play you both at the same time. and then she would either destroy them both, die of panic because brains aren’t designed to multitask well, or both. and then her boys would want to swap games over and over and she’d indulge them just for one night in a pillow fort with all their stuffed animals or something
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veebsarchive · 4 years
sokeefitz in matching shirts!
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sophie!! how come you get two boyfriends that you can match fruit shirts with??
i hope you like the finished product, lovely anon!! i’m sorry for the wait (this took many attempts and tries but i’m finally really happy with how it turned out)!! i gave each of them fruit button-ups: sophie’s is a strawberry cause she blushes a lot, fitz’s is a lemon cause he can get pretty sour sometimes, and keefe’s is a pineapple cause... hair.
(requests are open, and if you’d like to leave one, please leave it in my inbox :) !! )
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Ok so last night at three am i was like “holy shit its three am i need to sleep” so i decided to think about my favourite characters and since i had just finished lodestar again I decided it was time for some sokeefitz. (get outta here with that monogamous competitive shit) So the idea was that they’re all young adults, they live together and keefe comes home w/groceries. Sophie and fitz r in the living room being lovey dovey but immediately get up to help him and greet him warmly and keefe’s thought process is basically “im so happy right now, this never would have happened at candleshade, i love these people so much” and then they make dinner together and fall asleep on the couch which is all i’ve ever wanted for my sunshine boy and i thought i should share 🥺🥺
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skylilac · 2 years
aight you said i was allowed to be annoying about taylor swift and kotlc so. you have brought this upon yourself, avery. expect more of my kotlc swiftie bullshit in the future, unless you go 'izzy you have taken this too far please my eyes are bleeding from your screaming', in which case i will spare you from my brainrot.
delicate by taylor swift is such a sokeefitz song because it fits sokeefe, sophitz, and keefitz incredibly well.
'my reputation's never been worse so / you must like me for me'?
'is it cool that i said all that? / is it too soon to do this yet? / 'cause i know that it's delicate'?
'sometimes i wonder when you sleep / are you ever dreaming of me? / sometimes when i look into your eyes / i pretend you're mine all the damn time'?
the way all of those lyrics could be applied to each other individual dynamics??? the way that the whole song is this softer, more intimate confession inside an album that's about rebellion??? THE WAY THAT IT'S SPAWNED SO MANY IDEAS FOR SOKEEFITZ FICS IN THE PAST???
yeah so basically um. yeah i'm so gone for these three :') and taylor swift's music :'')
no i love you this makes me so happy AND YOURE SO RIGHT??
just listened to the song and yeahhh liking each other so much you’re willing to risk all your fears, youre willing to open yourself up when everything feels unsure, youre willing to trust that someone likes you even as everybody else turns away?? its so perfect for sokeefitz and ALSO the theme of reputation and legacy and all that is so important in sophie fitz and keefes stories isnt it?? just works so well omg
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Legacy Recap
Spoiler alert: It's gay
An unprecedented 234 pages before Sophie pulls out an eyelash! I'm genuinely so proud the trich is improving folks
Sophie is not good at prioritizing
Keefe's mental health is improving too! He's shown signs of suicide ideation but he does want to keep looking very proud of him as well <3
Dex and Keefe deserve to interact more often because their relationship is fantastic, I'll die on this hill
Actually, Ro should stop making people uncomfortable for the fun of it please and thank you.
Sophie being bad at prioritizing, part two electric boogaloo
Fellas, is it queer of gender to complain about dresses for an entire page?
As usual, Biana's introduction is extremely sapphic.
We stan Wylie bitching at the council.
Tiergan confirmed what we already knew; being in the black swan is inherently queer.
Also, the council now knows Tiergan is Granite, for reasons related to being pissed about Prentice and/or losing at Uno.
Linh and Wylie are siblings pass it on.
We stan Tiergan bitching at the council.
Sophie, validating their friend's genders, doesn't want to call them lords and ladies.
Biana, validating Sophie's gender, doesn't want to call them lady.
"Master Sophie" is considered, which is a masculine honorific did Shannon realize she had Biana suggest a masc title for Sophie and no one thought anything of it?
Stina grabs Sophie's wrist. And calls her Foster, which is a sign of affection as we learn from Keefe.
Bronte is aromantic.
Sophie is (a) not ready for a relationship, (b) in love with Biana, and (c) nonbinary. This can be deduced by their reaction when Fitz says girlfriend.
Someone give Keefe a hug.
Aro Wylie supremacy. He's so tired of the allo drama.
Bronte should have been Sophie's father solely because I would love to see the Wylie/Forkle/Bronte confrontation.
Not only do Linh and Marella train together a lot, they train together a lot. Italics are a direct quote. Were they necessary? Seems kinda gay.
Forkle and Bronte made out. Forkle then studied his saliva for the inflictor DNA. How romantic.
Cassius should get punched. Repeatedly. I volunteer.
Marella is so fondly exasperated with Linh and her Princess Purryfins antics.
Lesbian coded Linh? I cannot think of another purpose for that line-
Your favorite Solreef angst bitch is back to remind you that Linh moved back in with Quan and Mai and I want to know how it went when she told her family aboout this decision. For science.
(From what I've gathered, Tiergan is ignoring problems by focusing on work and no one is talking to one another)
Although Bronte's not Sophie's biological father, his reaction makes me think he knows who it is, which means it's probably Fintan.
Forkle straight puns? Forkle straight puns.
Fitz should have heard about Wylie exploding a chandelier, just because I think it would be funny to explore Fitz's complicated relationship to chandeliers.
Livvy understands why Sophie finds Vackers hot.
Fellas, is it gay to call your friend your "Best Dude" and make a ship name for the two of you? Asking on Keefe's behalf.
Livvy yeeting Forkle out of the way 🧡
Hey, Keefitz shippers- don’t think about Fitz hiring Keefe to paint a romantic picture of him and Sophie :D
Grady's ability needs to be explored more istg there's so much potential!!!
Forkle and Dex both ship Sokeefitz.
Sophie jumping off a cliff to avoid getting grounded. Iconic.
Time zones in the lost cities are addressed, and are then promptly forgotten.
Fitz and Keefe (and Sophie) being terrified they'll turn into their evil relatives supremacy
Sandor wants to fight Forkle. Deserved.
Everyone in the Neverseen is queer, explicitly confirmed.
Sophie doesn't know about coping mechanisms. Get Sophie therapy.
Alvar has the "little miss perfect" gene, just like every other Vacker ever.
Gisela probably has another ability; could be beguiler, technopath, mesmer, pyrokinetic, ???
Oralie mom reveal!
I think Prentice and his family deserve to yell at Oralie just a bit. As a treat.
Other than being mlw, Sophitz is very little miss perfect-ish.
Sophie's way of coping with her breakup is my way of coping with life (avoiding eye contact! hiding!)
I want to know what Tiergan would do if one of the councillors was hurt or killed because he didn't get to finish but I have a feeling the end of that sentence would be hilarious.
Elwin 🧡🧡🧡
Elwin used they/them pronouns for Sophie we stan supportive queer elder Elwin in this household.
Shannon foreshadowed an Empath having their sanity shattered- Keefe is the most likely option but Oralie or Stina could be interesting.
Okay you know what. Solreef family happy ending Tam comes home we were robbed of this scene I need to see it for science
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sokeefitz for the love languages?
ashsksnksn yes!!
fitz: this one is kind of a default, but gift-giving. i also think that quality time would be a big one for him too though!
keefe: i can’t explain it but for the love of god this boy��s love language is touch. it just IS. my boy is so touch starved he just needs to be physically wrapped up and suffocated by both of them and they both love it <3
sophie: words of affirmation. bby has spent so much of their life hearing all the bad thoughts about them from other people and don’t realize just how much everyone loves them so it just means SO MUCH for them to hear it. i also am a absolute sucker for them + physical touch love language though so
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