#and the Malo Mart bags
Some random stuff I noticed in Twilight Princess (Wii) , Castle Town Edition
-people start recognizing you as the sword wielding guy when you get further in the game
-the torches flick on with a loud "whoosh“ if you’re standing near them when night hits
-the guards come in different body shapes (all the other NPC‘s always did, but the guards are new)
-almost every single NPC you can talk to has their own daily routine
For example: on the market street of southern castle town, meat stand guy and fruit stand lady only show up at noon, while northern apple stand guy is already there earlier, but his customer he interacts with only appears when the other shop owners do as well.
Like. They put peak shopping times into this environment.
-there’s so many different designs for the non-approachable NPC‘s and you can follow them all doing their own daily routines.
(Honorable mention: This guys‘ outfit in particular giving me heavy Twilight Realm Giant Floating Hand of Doom flashbacks:
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-some of the lines from the market street suggest that Link likes to go on shopping strolls, or at least is a food enthusiast
The flower shop text suggests that Link would buy flowers if the owner weren’t absent, the tasty breads’ too expensive, plus the very fun "this apple looks great! But the ones from the other shop somehow look better“ textboxes. He‘s literally going shopping for fun. (And him being a food enthusiast would also fit nicely with the whole accidental soup making that happened in the Ice Dungeon.)
-the two musicians playing string instruments actually move their arms and hands in time with the music they’re playing (the singing guy doesn’t, or just barely)
Plus when it’s night they vanish, but only once they’re out of the frame. So when you manage to go away, but still keep one in the frame, then that guy will be the only one still hearable. All the street sellers‘ clapping sounds are synced to their movements as well.
-sometimes NPC‘s will stand in front of not-Tingle‘s tent and peek inside. They might even go inside! (You can’t follow them, though.) Depending on which NPC it is, their animation will even look different.
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-Once Malo Mart establishes itself in Castle Town, a solid 2/3 NPC’s will start running around with these shopping bags:
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Also the old lady that shops at the fruit stand will start talking about how utterly adorable Malo is, so that’s cute
-there’s a second good boi with white fur waiting in east castle town, in the middle of the side street that leads to Telmas bar, way behind one of the two guys who always show up at night think the other one across the street wants something from them. I named him Richard III.
-The doctor is mostly just the local dentist? His place has multiple posters depicting teeth, and a few to many jars filled with sets of teeth. (He‘s also got a few filled with frogs and what looks like super small miniature versions of Deku Baba‘s.)
-I never noticed there’s a cafe here on the main plaza right to the right of the southern entrance (or left for non-Wii versions)
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-going further right (left) leads to a gate, inside is a giant staircase. The Gorons chill here and sell stuff. On the very top you can see over the entirety of Castle Town (and even use first person mode!)
-Agithas Castle/house has a second floor. You can go up there via ladder. Her house is gigantic. Her bed is gigantic. She‘s got giant sheets of purple fabric just lying around. Her claim to be royalty might not even be that far off.
And the rest is just super known stuff that keeps appearing in every YouTube top 10 list, like not-Tingle being allergic to Wolf Link, the fortune teller lady probably being a Sheikah (or related) because she‘s got their symbol on her forehead, and so on
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
Whumptober 2021- The Darkness I Know
No. 25 - Hide & Seek
escape | flight | hiding
Fic Summary: After the world as she knew it was destroyed by the corruption of Malice, Zelda allies herself with her saviors from captivity: a disgruntled former governor, an alert paramedic, a cocky pilot, an excessively overt optimist, and a blind strategist. While the corrupted, malice-filled Yiga Clan looks for revenge on them, Zelda has to learn how important it is to find family in others... and how much more dangerous the stakes become if she fails to protect them.
*note: due to the tag ban on almost every tag I have in this chapter (oops), know that this chapter contains violence, nails like via a hammer as weapons, self induced injuries to escape, explosives, impaling with said explosive nails, and minor character death*
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**Heads up, it’s in the tags, but this chapter is a little violent... more than usual anyway. Check the tags if you’re not into unconventional items as weapons
Zelda held on to Link, unsure of what to do.
Malo Mart was shroud in utter blackness, not a hint of light to be seen. There was no ambient light from the outside with the rain so keen on overshadowing it all and leaving her more keenly aware of Link’s presence than she ever had been. Holding him was the only ‘visual’ she had of her surroundings.
“Let’s go,” Link said in a hush. “If they’ll be here soon, we have to go.”
“No.” Zelda breathed, making up her mind. She held his hand a bit firmer. “No, wake the others. Running won’t do any good. They’re too close. We’d just be killed.”
“Hey!” Link called. “Get up! Get ready; they’re coming any minute.”
Daruk, Urbosa, and Mipha all scrambled to their feet, muttering questions as they blindly fumbled for their things.
“We need light,” Zelda whispered. “Is there anything?”
“I didn’t think we’d be up at this hour with the rain,” Urbosa admitted. “We can see if we can get to a candle.”
“Worse case, set the store on fire,” Daruk said, tossing his bag over his shoulder. “We’ll see then, and it’ll be a bit warmer.”
“If we can’t, we’ll—”
Zelda shushed them, and they heard the faint squeak of the revolving doors. Her heart raced as the sensation grew and pointed her in the direction of the door.
“They know where I am,” she whispered as loud as she dared.
“Split up to come at them from different sides, then,” Link said, taking his bag, and Zelda. “I’ll stay with you.”
“You’re going to get—”
“Zelda!” he hissed. “Not the time.” Urbosa, Daruk, and Mipha scurried away, but Link held her fast. “Take my arm like I take yours,” he whispered to her. “We’re not going to sit and wait.”
She grabbed his elbow, and he urged her forward with a small jerk.
Her steps were shuffles, and she felt deliriously confused with the first few steps, going crooked and nearly stepping on Link’s heels.
“I can’t see!” she warned him nervously.
And despite it all, he chuckled. “Neither can I.”
Her grip on him tightened again, and he led her through the aisles. He slid his staff along to avoid the noise rather than tapping it, which he always thought was less efficient, but it worked when he needed it to.
“They’re right behind us,” Zelda whispered, because they still had a small gap between them.
Link stopped and gave Zelda’s arm a reassuring squeeze. “Hope they got far enough from the others,” he mused, almost too low to hear.
Zelda felt arms around her, but they didn’t pull her backwards. It was Link pulling her forwards, and she fell to the ground.
Not a second later, Link was on the ground beside her, grunting and cursing.
He felt something cold against his neck and used his shoulder to bring the Yiga to the ground where he had the advantage. He was able to get the weapon out of the Yiga’s hands, and slammed his fists down again and again until there were no more moans of protest, or whines of pain. Link grabbed his staff and went to stand, but there were more hands on him.
He jabbed the wood into the assailant, listening to the satisfying grunt they let out before he was able to swing it harder against— where he assumed was— their head. That one backed off, either fallen or simply moving away, and Zelda shrieked.
He followed the sound, and threw himself onto a body that he’d crashed into. Hearing a masculine noise, he was glad it wasn’t Zelda. But he threw the man to the side and kicked out, listening to a sickening cracking noise and then a pained yell.
“I need a weapon!” Zelda lamented, grabbing Link’s arm. “You don’t have anything, right?”
“Just my staff.”
She made a disgruntled noise and then one of nerves. Something had her by the leg and was pulling.
She could sense that there was something directly above her, something unknown, but there all the same. Rolling anywhere else, she heard the sound of metal bouncing off the ground and sent up a silent prayer to the Goddess, thanking her.
But that relief didn’t last long.
Two others had her by the arms, and there was a rush of footsteps. Link dove towards her, following any sounds she made, and tried to help her shake them off, but they were able to toss him aside.
Then, Zelda fell to the ground.
“Go, Little Bird!” Urbosa shouted. “I can see them.”
“Not now,” Link hissed in her ear, pulling her back to her feet and dragging her away.
She clutched him tightly, letting him use his more honed skills to lead them around.
Surely there were at least five Yiga. Maybe more. And with only Urbosa somehow able to see, it was practically an impossible battle.
Or was it?
“Link! Can you get me to my things?”
“My things! The stuff I was working on!”
He made a noise but nodded. “I’m a bit turned around, but I’ll get you there.”
They ran through the aisles, pushing and shoving past every object they could find. Link grabbed ahold of a shoe and made an excited noise, guiding Zelda to the right, but she had no idea where they were.
“Here,” he said, accidentally kicking something.
“You’re my hero,” she breathed, throwing herself to the floor. “Can you keep them off me?”
“I’ll do all I can.”
“Good enough,” she said, feeling around the ground for her things.
She managed to grab the main item she’d been working on, or, several, really. After going though the cars in the lot, she’d carefully removed several of the airbags, filled them with nails from the hardware section, resealed everything, used tubing to fill some up using a makeshift pump she’d put together with the items that were available in Malo Mart. All she had left to do was to attach the spark plugs she’d removed.
She’d done what she could, but she was not planning to get caught by a moblin again. Where moblins were, herds of bokoblins often followed. Lizalfos travelled in packs.
And so did Yiga.
She grabbed the small remote she’d taken from a toy car—that was easy enough to feel for—and slid it into her pocket.
The floor was cold against her hands,. Once she had the remote, everything else became a challenge. She tried to find the spark plugs. She’s put them over…. here? On the left of the remote?
There was a sharp tug on her hair, and her scalp burned as someone pulled her up full force by the roots. Struggling to keep herself out of pain, she put her legs out in front of her, and felt herself kick something away.
Her hands were against her attacker’s, trying to push them off of her. “Link!” she called when she realized it wasn’t going to happen. They had her tightly, and she’d been caught by surprise without any weapons, without the metal she could have used to scratch at them. She tried to throw her dead weight off to the side to set them unsteady, but it didn’t work.
“Zelda! Keep talking!”
She knew why Link needed her to make noise, but in that moment of panic, she scoffed, her foot skidding along the floor, leaving her unstable again and in a slightly more nerve inducing position as she was easily dragged away without any sense of footing. “About what? The weather? It sucks!”
She felt Link’s arms wrap around her, tugging her away. But his grip was far more tight than usual. If she hadn’t felt his staff, she would have thought it was another Yiga.
“That’s me! Me, me, me!” She sputtered when she realized he was about to toss her aside from the heavy twist of his body. Clawing her nails into his arm, she held on as hard as she could.
“Sorry!” he breathed, letting go and throwing his elbow back instead. There was a loud noise, and then a thud.
She could hear them both struggling, but she could feel more Yiga around them. Urbosa’s voice was still audible, and it was clear she was in her own fight.
As much as she wanted to help Link, she knew the only real way she could help against this many Yiga.
Back on her hands and knees, she felt for everything she’d kicked earlier.
Growling in frustration, she crawled faster, feeling for anything. It didn’t even matter if she had all the pieces, she needed something.
Then, the lights came on.
Zelda blinked in surprise, but a whooping noise from Daruk in the back of the store set her at ease.
Link was in a ball, struggling with two of the Yiga he kept trying to throw off himself. Urbosa had three on her. And to Zelda’s horror, there was two pairs of hands above her, frozen only in shock at the lights.
She gasped and scurried backwards, using the moment to her best advantage. She made it to her contraption, and shoved the piece from her hand against it, tucking it into a piece of tape before she was pulled away again, leaving it on the ground.
Turning over her shoulder, she cursed.
“Not today, Zelda. I know what that is.”
With a deep breath, Zelda knocked her head back against his.
“Link! Urbosa! Get down!”
Urbosa dropped down without a moment’s hesitation, and Link grabbed one of the Yiga and pulled them down against him like a shield.
“Shit,” Zelda muttered, preparing herself for pain.
Dorian held her away from her object, keeping her feet from going, but he didn’t hold her arms down. She reached into her pocket and spun the knob that would turn a remote car on. And all she could do was trust, at that point.
It all happened quickly.
There was a series of loud booms, three, she thought. She spun so Dorian would have to move with her, and she covered her face and neck with her arms, doing her best to shield herself from the worst of it. But still, she felt the force of several nails land in her skin.
Dorian cried out, as did several others. He dropped her, and she felt herself land on one more into her hip, which had her curling up to stay covered just in case.
Shaking from the shock of all the impacts, she stayed as still as she could until she could make sure none of the nails landed anywhere vital.
She’d been right to trust in everything.
The Yiga went down, each of them feeling the sharp impacts, some more than others, some in more vital places than others, but all affected. Urbosa moved with precision, taking full advantage of the situation, taking down Yiga after Yiga in quick succession.
Zelda watched from the ground as Urbosa pulled the Yiga off Link, killing them quickly before checking on him. He moved, which was enough for Zelda for now. There was one more important thing she needed her attention on: Dorian, still hovering above her.
He was on his knee, holding himself in pain. And with renewed anger and effort, he spun to face Zelda.
There was no more than one shaky breath in her, which she let out slowly. She could feel his hand moving with the help of the Malice inside them both, and grabbed one of the nails from the ground, catching his wrist before the sickle could land somewhere in her skull, and jabbed the nail through his skin, making him drop the sickle against her. It stung when it hit her forehead, but it didn’t kill her. It would be a superficial cut, which she could happily live with.
She grabbed the sickle and held it up, ready to use it.
But suddenly, all she could see was Dorian, her friend. The man who’d spent hours, days, weeks with her working on projects around the village. The Dorian she had over for drinks at night after a long day of working. The grandfather who’d told her stories of his grandchildren growing up, and his favorite story: grandparents’ day at their school.
The sickle slid out of her fingers almost without her permission.
His eyes widened, and he reached for it once again, but suddenly, he was off of Zelda, out of her line of sight. And Urbosa replaced him, a red scimitar in her hand.
“Are there any more of them?”
Zelda closed her eyes to focus, because her mind was racing and nothing was working the way she wanted it to in her brain now.
She felt the Malice all around her, but none of it moved. None of it betrayed life.
“No. No, I don’t think so.”
“Stay still, Little Bird. I’ll get Mipha, but don’t move so we can be sure you’re safe.”
“He got one or two in the arm, and he is a bit roughed up from the Yiga, but he’s okay.”
“And… Dorian?”
Urbosa hesitated, looking at the ground behind her first. “Dead.”
“I couldn’t…”
“There’s no shame in it. You saved us with that explosion.”
“Bombs. I made remote bombs. Keep the spark plugs away from the ones that didn’t go off, just to be safe.”
Urbosa smiled and moved an annoying strand of hair from Zelda’s face. “I won’t ask how you knew how to make those. But I will ask that you stay still, stop speaking, and wait for Mipha. Okay?”
Zelda nodded and waited, letting herself calm down as best she could.
It was only when she heard Urbosa, Mipha, and Daruk returning, safe and sound and all in one piece, that she felt safe enough to finally close her eyes.
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mrneighbourlove · 6 years
Filling the Emptiness: Ch 2. Sunny Days Ahead
Leere woke up surprisingly well rested. For the past few days nightmares had been overbearing, ones about the damnation of her soul in particular. Coming more to her senses she felt the warm body under her. Opening her eyes the Princess had been resting on the soft large breasts of last nights lover. The woman below her had the brightest blonde hair she ever seen, and still beautiful even as a mess.
Sunny moaned as she started to wake up do to slight shifting on top off her. She felt Leere’s thighs brush along her own, their breasts squeezed together as blanket held both of them in union. Opening her eyes she registered surprise as the Princess shared the same emotion.
They both had expected the other to be long gone.
Leere stared blankly down at Sunny, raising her body up a bit to get a better look at her. Her dark chocolate hair dropped down, almost covering her crimson eyes. “Uh, hey. You sleep well?”
Sunny replied by blinking blankly back. “Yeah. I did.”
“You were really good at what you did.”  
The ranchers cheeks flared up in a blush. Smirking, she spanked Leere’s bum cheeks, getting the same flush out of the Princess. “You as well~” Leere was about to say something more when Sunny rolled on top of her, kissing her deeply. “I like how you stayed around sugar.”
Leere felt incredibly weak being naked under this much taller woman. It wasn’t like her to be speechless. “O-of course. I didn’t want to be rude. We shared a very intimate night. That’s something to be respected.”
Sunny felt her heart flutter. Leere was far more mature than other woman she had encountered on a one night stand. “Thank you. That means quite a lot.”
She got off Leere, getting up to get changed. Taking a breathe to let the afterglow settle, Leere stood to get changed as well. “So…that brings the question. Do you want to do this again? And if so, more then just a ‘nights rest’?”
Sunny paused at that, looking back to Leere. “Do you usually ask woman you sleep with to go steady?”
The Princess wasn’t sure how to take that tone. Did she come across as pushy? “No. I don’t often try to get attached as it is.”
“How so?”
“My line of work is…” Horrific. Terrifying. Able to give her nightmares that question infect her sanity. So many thoughts went through her mind at the adventures of confronting all the evil she has. And the people she lost to them. “…dangerous. And it has affected those I’ve gotten close to. So when I indulge in my pleasures on journeys, I tend to leave them behind.”
Sunny was more intrigued now how she fit into this. “And what makes me different?”
“I’m staying in Hyrule for a while. Maybe indefinably. It’s my home. So-“
“So you thought you’d find a relationship in the first person you bedded?”
Leere grew stoic at the interruption, unsure how Sunny felt about her now. “Like I said, I don’t do this often. And I’m wanting to try and start a new chapter of my life. Perhaps meet someone like my siblings have.”
The truth was harsh, but Leere was envious of her brothers and sisters. She was the only one to be purely adoptive. She had the love of her family of course, and she was always grateful of that, but there was a union the Gerudo siblings had. A special bond she couldn’t get in on. She felt isolated because of it. A part of the blame laid on her for never being around, but that was the nature of her work. Everyone had gotten married, a few even having kids on the way. Leere wanted a life that could leave her darkness behind.
Sunny studied Leere, trying to finalize her feelings on her. “How old are you Leere?”
Sunny was taken aback by that. This woman did NOT look like she was in her fifties “You look so-“
“Youthful? It’s magic. It’s helped me keep my appearance so young.” And that magic weighed on her psyche, helping her darkness caress her mind.
“Huh. No wonder you’re mature.” Sunny finished getting changed, with Leere right after her. “How about this Leere. We let this time we have together fester. Think about it. I’ve got some more deliverers to get to, but if you’re serious about this, then I can see you again. Perhaps the coffee shop next to Malo Mart?”
Leere wasn’t sure how to take that offer. Had she been to pushy, merely having Sunny put her down easy? Nodding, she decided that whatever fate gave her with Sunny, she should accept it. “Very well. I’ll be around there tomorrow evening.”
Sunny nodded in agreement. “Well I better be off. Milk doesn’t deliver itself.”
Leere left first, saying goodbye to the bar keep and paying him a large sum of rupees. Walking around town she observed her surroundings like a spirit, simply floating from place to place, ignoring the people around her, and them ignoring her in return. Despite a wonderful night previously, she felt nothing now. Her eyes almost glossed over as she let time flow by. Whispers sang into her mind, asking for her to give into more carnal desires. The Princess’ vision swirled together, the demons in her mind telling her that the woman she met wouldn’t see her again.
Suddenly, a puppy brushed against her leg. Snapping back to reality, Leere noticed the sun had started to set. She allowed herself to be completely absent minded for almost a whole day. Gods. She did it again.
Sighing, she picked the little black lab up and scruffed his fur. “No tag. You a stray?”
The little puppy only barked.
“They say Black Dogs with fur as corrupted as a night sky with no stars, like you, bring bad luck. Demons even.” She smiles, scratching behind his ears. “You’re no demon, are you? Don’t worry, I know what demons look like. Smell like. Feel like….you’re no demon.”
Setting him down, she started to walk away. The little puppy bounded after her. Leere looked behind her, raising an eyebrow. She wasn’t usually able to gain the trust of animals so easily. With a chuckle, she shook her head. “Well if you’re going to follow me, you best keep up. I’m sure my younger sister can find you a home. She’s a little crazy on the animal hording. You got a name?”
The puppy barked again, tripping over his own legs as he kept up with her. Leere raised another brow. “How about barks?...No, that’s a terrible name. Alakazamkadabra? Has a ring to it.”
Turning back to the puppy, she saw him run off back towards the town. Even it must have thought her humour was terrible. Leere raised a hand in concern. “W-wait! Where are you going?”
And disappearing over a corner, the black pup was gone, leaving Leere alone once more. Why did the presence of even a stray make her feel more secure? Perhaps it was time she got a pet of her own.
Arriving back at the castle she made small talk with the guards, only to run into Rinku. She was gearing up some equipment into traveling bags. “Hey Leere! Where have you been all day?”
“Yeah you. Getting some fun?~” Rinku slyly repeated herself.
“I was out and about. I need a break after my last…adventure…are you heading out?”
Rinku patted her bag. “Yeah. Heard about an infestation of Skulltala’s that need to be eradicated a country over.” Seeing Leere’s body language, Rinku softly placed a hand on her shoulder. “You going to be ok while I’m gone? Do you want to come with me?”
Leere held the hand Rinku placed on her. “I think I’ll be ok. I actually met someone last night. We’re going to see each other tomorrow evening hopefully.”
A small blush hit Leere’s cheeks, incredibly easy for Rinku to spot out due to how pale she was. A large grin filled Rinku’s lips as she hugged Leere. “You did get some action! She cute?~”
Leere scowled as her face burned up. “Yeah. A nice pretty blonde full of shut the hell up before I kick your ass.”
“A blonde? No wonder you like her!” Rinku tussled Leere’s hair to tease her. “I’m happy for you Leere! Really. I hope it goes well for you.” The warrior princess gave a soft smile, the light wrinkles stretching with her lips. Age was inescapable, even for her.
Leere gave a sad smile back. Rinku was someone she always secretly admired. A small part cursed herself for cheating time by using cursed magic to stay youthful. It was cowardly in the presence of her ‘sister’ and best friend. Or at least that was how Leere felt. Yet, she couldn’t help it. “I hope so as well. Truly. Be safe.”
“As long as you stay safe for me.”
Rinku hugged Leere softly. Leere closed her eyes and hugged her back.
~ After a restless night of tossing and turning, only acquiring five hours of sleep, Leere decided to leave the castle at the first stroke of sunrise. The Princess rose from bed and started her morning routine. Grabbing a banana from her fruit bowl she pinched the top, carefully peeling it into four. With her breakfast acquired she took off her undergarments and stepped into her tub for a cold shower. After getting out she finished up her bathroom activities, hurrying back to her room.
Looking herself over in the mirror, Leere studied her reflection. If she looked at herself closely with the lens of truth in her minds eye, she could see the wrinkles her body was supposed to have. The age of a woman who had lived as long as she had. Some people used makeup or hot springs to stay young. She warped souls of the evil living and dead to prolong her youth. It wasn’t like she went out of her way to do so. Sometimes her reaction to stay alive was using magics that benefited her in more ways than one.
Turning away Leere put her clothing on. Her lighter civilian garb, her necromancers necklace, and fingerless leather gloves. After applying a dash of eyeliner, Leere took a brush to comb her thick hair. Once she was done, she allowed herself her one positive thought of the day. She was a damn fine pretty woman. Leaving her room, she gave her hair a flick. “Good. Now hold onto that positivity for the rest of the day.”
Somehow, she was able to relatively hold onto it. Walking through town today, she tried to not look like some crazed stalker looking out for Sunny. She occupied herself by talking to townsfolk, asking about their lifestyles, and if their was anything the royals at the castle could do to help. Watching a street performer trying to fix his guitar, she helped him tune it out for him, even giving him tips on wear to find string replacements if he needed them.
After all that it was a matter of waiting. Sitting at the coffee shop, Leere ordered a glass of water and perched herself in anticipation. God. When was the last time she even attempted to date someone? Rinku? That was her teenage years, decades ago. A co-worker? No. Too much danger. Had it really been that long?
She suddenly felt her back getting tapped from behind, with Sunny quickly taking a seat in front of her. “There you are! You haven’t been waiting long have you?”
She showed up. She actually showed up! Leere felt her cheeks flush a bit from the excitement of the situation. “Not at all. I’m surprised that you arrived.” Leere quickly noticed how rude that might have sounded. “-so early! Did you finish your shift quickly?”
Sunny cracked a smile. Leere was right when she said that she didn’t do this often. “I finished ten minutes ago with the last of my paper work. I’m glad you showed up too. Hard to imagine a Princess like you has much free time.”
“Ah, you found out about that.”
“Your name seemed familiar, so I asked around. Sure enough, your name was known locally.”
“So Sunny, you want me to start talking about myself I assume?”
“That would be ideal, yes.”
Leere cleared her throat with the water she had ordered. “Well, as you might know, I am the adopted brother to King Covarog and the rest of my family in the castle. I’ve was raised by Zelda and Ganondorf since I was ten years old. I’m the oldest child under them too.”
Sunny ordered a de-café and chuckled. “Shouldn’t that make you the Queen?”
Leere quickly shook her head. “Me? Oh no. Rinku had more credibility than me, and she turned it down for similar reasons that it never interested me. Being a commoner, I never had any claim in the first place. Hell, as much as I loved being a princess, pretending to be happy and royal, my past has always made sure I’ve been cursed…”
Sunny saw the light almost leave Leere’s eyes, and she settled her carefree nature down, more attention given to Leere as she continued. “You saw the marking on my back?”
“Yes. The red ink is very strong.”
“I wouldn’t expect it not to be. The magic I refer to keeping me young Sunny is the blackest of magics. I was born a necromancer, and given forbidden knowledge to the most dark magic in our world. That tattoo is a cursed sacrificial marking.” Leere felt her sins and demons crawl up her back just thinking about them. “I’ve tried to use my knowledge for good, to follow my adoptive families example, but I always find myself being pulled towards evil. Evil that torments me, evil that tries to corrupt me.”
Sunny nodded slowly at this new information. “Do you think you’re evil Leere?”
Leere flinched. A part of her did. “I try to not think I am. I’ve saved this world from hidden evils that threaten to come forth from the deepest depths of darkness. Yet, I’ve killed plenty of people. I’ve taken pleasure in it, even using their lifeforce to keep me sustained, like some demented vampire! Worse, by letting people get close to me, I’ve gotten friends tortured and killed. All because I encouraged them to be part of my world. Or they just got unlucky enough to be ensnared by evil wanting a piece of me! I feel like I’m a curse to those who get close to me. I-“ Leere stood from the table. The voices in the back of her mind whispered to her. She saw flashes of the dead friends that she felt responsible for. What in the hell did she think she could accomplish by coming here? She was always meant to be alone. To be empty. Just being here, cruel fate would kill Sunny. “I made a mistake coming here.”
Before she left, Sunny took her hand. Leere was taken aback by the concern in her face. “W-what are you doing? Didn’t you hear me?”
Sunny didn’t let go, instead only squeezing harder. “Sit down.”
“Because I’m not going to let go until you do.”
Leere felt the sweat drip down her brow now, but did as she was told. Sunny still held gently onto her hand, and spoke softly to Leere. “You’ve had a troubling life, haven’t you Leere? What you told me here was incredibly brave.”
Leere felt her mind race. What was this woman doing? Why did she stay with her here, comforting her?
Sunny chuckled, her voice not breaking. “These people you killed. Where they evil?”
“And do you regret saving people?”
“And, it seems, that you want to leave those hardships behind now? To find inner peace?”
Leere nodded, becoming more and more comfortable as Sunny talked her down. “Yes.”
“Then in my book, you sound like one of the good guys to me. A hero even.”
Leere’s heart fluttered at that. She stopped fidgeting when Sunny cupped both her hands on Leere’s own. “So if I let go, will you please stay with me?”
The Princess starred at Sunny in deep contemplation. This woman wasn’t scared by her. She wasn’t disgusted by her. She stayed with her. In all her emotions, all Leere could do was laugh. It was a rather pathetic laugh in hindsight, sounding like a child, but she couldn’t help it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think I would get so personal on our first date. I never expected anyone to care so much like you have here. No. I won’t run away.”
Sunny let her laugh, giving a laugh herself, and gently let go. People around them thought they were absolutely bizarre. “It’s no problem. I’m guessing you’ve never had the chance to express these feelings outside of family have you?”
“Not even to most of them. I keep things bottled up to myself.” Leere put a hand over her forehead after Sunny let go to hide her embarrassment. “Great. Local loon raves about her PTSD in front of gorgeous woman.”
“I think you’re being too hard on yourself.”
Sunny snapped her finger, a new idea coming to mind. “You acquire any treasures on your adventures?”
Leere looked up, a smile finally curling her lips, glad that Sunny was changing the conversation. “Mostly books and ancient texts.”
“Filled with dusty cobwebs?”
“Most of time, yes.”
“Gross. I hate spiders.”
Leere chuckled at Sunny sticking out a tongue in a half hearted disgusted look at the thought of them. “You know, sometimes I found big ones with massive hairy bodies~”
“Oh god. Please don’t.”
“And you can’t forget their big fangs and many eyeballs squaring in on you~”
Sunny visibly scrunched up, tapping the table to get rid of her shivers. “Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross, gross! I HATE spiders! So nasty!”
Leere laughed once more in good fun. “Glad I don’t have to deal with them anymore. So Sunny, I think it’s only fair to know why someone as charming as you is doing in the milk industry.”
Sunny finally received her drink, taking a sip as she thought it over. “Well, I was born into the business. Lon Lon Milk is a mighty fine and proud organization that does its best to give the best quality milk all across the country and to neighbouring civilizations that wish to know the joys of our product.”
“And you just so happen to make super milk when the mood fancies you.”
“Trade secret, but we use fairy nectar in our ingredients for our vintage milk, Chateau Romani. Great for love making, keeping your adrenaline up on adventure, and, if you’re a magician, your magic reserves boosted.”
“That’s amazing!”
“Darn well better be! Its our most expensive product, and hardest to create! I had to spend a good decade of my childhood learning the alchemy to get it right!”
“So you’ve always been in the business?”
Sunny nodded proudly. “That’s right! A family dynasty to rival the great Dragmires! The power of ranch raised horses, delicious plump piggies, and righteous milk FUELS this country!” She gave a huffy frown after though. “Just a shame that dat Orana woman has got a zoo full of exotic critters though. Kids rather see a big ol Kitty or Griffon or another than ride a pony now a days. Pa was also concerned when those dragons first showed up, but they turned out to be nothing more than big fat happy scaly puppies.”
Leere had to stifle a laugh. When Sunny got excited, it was unquestionably clear that her accent shined through. “Yeah, Orana really loves her animals.”
“It’s a good thing that our ranches are far apart. Last thing I need is some giant jungle snake slivering in into my cucco’s pen.”
“So for you where you fall into the family business?”
“Well, that’s a big question. I make sure all the production that needs to be shipped out is in order, then I go into town for our clientele that wants their milk delivered and unload boxes of product to our biggest customers, like the Milk Bar. I take feed back and listen to what the people like and don’t like. When I’m at the ranch I help out by looking after the animals. Lot of paper work to be done too.”
Leere nodded, taking another deep drink of her water. “Sounds like you could lead the business all by yourself.”
Sunny sighed lovingly thinking it over. “I put a lot of work into her. However, I’m not the only one. Lot of hard working good folks put their all into the business. And I hope to make them all happy.”
“You expecting some sort of promotion soon?”
Sunny smiled with deep pride and satisfaction. “Pa is getting old. Said he was going to step down from management, that he wants a brand new, younger hard working perspective.”
“And you fit his requirements perfectly.”
“Yes I do! Without me, I don’t think we’d get anything done nearly as perfectly as we do now!”
“Well Sunny, all the hard work has certainly payed off for you. You do all the heavy lifting too~?”
Sunny gave a cheeky smile. “Magic or not, you can’t fake the figure you got as well. For a Princess, you’re a fit gal yourself.”
Both woman laughed some more, followed by a moment of peaceful silence and clarity. As they stopped, the two of them looked into each others eyes. Sunny saw passion in Leere’s red eyes. Leere saw peace in Sunny’s blue eyes. A spark sizzled between them, and their hearts began to beat an extra step. The rancher was the first to break the silence, but did so slowly. Her voice was like a lullaby sang by an angel to Leere.
“Do you want to go for a walk with me by the country side? I know I really nice hill to watch the sunset at.”
Leere nodded, her mind becoming more and more at peace. This invitation made her chest feel warm, something she didn’t often have, but enjoyed immensely regardless. “I’d like that very much.”
Leere put down a large bag of rupees and took Sunny’s hand, leaving the cafe. Taking her horse cartridge, they carted out the gates of castle town. The two discussed the little quirks of their family. Sunny had two brothers and two sisters, with her being the oldest as well. They shared jokes on how the oldest siblings were obviously the best, and the greatest ways to tease younger siblings. Her mother passed away from the attack by Vul’kar. Now at the age of 35, she was doing her best to lead by example. Leere was surprised she didn’t hold any ill will to users of dark magic, or magic in general. “What about your family? They don’t hold any grudges against the Lorliedians?”
Sunny shrugged. “Why should we? They didn’t make those monsters kill all those people. The Queen and King got nothing wrong with them as far as I’m concerned. Most Hylians love em, despite a few worries that they attract danger. But if you want to put blame on people, you put them on individuals. Not the whole group. Judge by actions of individuals, and you will avoid looing like an ass. I judge that you’re a good person Leere.”
Leere patted Sunny’s thigh. “I’m really starting to believe you’re a good person yourself.”
Once they arrived at the hillside, Sunny stopped the cart and stepped out. Walking to the other side she offered a hand to Leere. “Watch your step.”
“I could get down myself.”
“Yeah, you could, but this way I get to hold your hand.”
Leere blushed, a smile catching her by surprise. Damn. Sunny was good. Stepping onto the grassy field, the two of them walked together up the hill. Behind them was Hyrule Castle, and in front of them, the glory of the sun setting down behind the mountain range. They both sat down, hand in hand. Leere took in the calm air, her pinky finger rubbing Sunny’s. “This view is amazing.”
“I love it. Able to take in the view of the land and just breathe.” Sunny felt at peace just being here. The air was warm and soft. The winds of Hyrule held life in every gust. “Leere, I want to thank you for opening up to me.”
Leere blinked in surprise. “What? Why are you thanking me for that?”
“Because it means that you trusted me with that knowledge. Or at the very least a part of you trusted in yourself that you could have something happy in your life.”
“I…I just vented my worries Sunny. It wasn’t fair of me to do that to you.”
“Well, that’s ok too.”
Leere gripped Sunny’s hand, feeling embarrassed by her own embarrassment of never really doing this before in her life. For gods sakes! They had sex! Why was wordplay so difficult? The words came out with just as much doubt. “Sunny, I-… I like you. A lot.  Thank you for going on a date with me. It meant a lot to me.”
Sunny found the older woman’s shyness to be absolutely adorable. With a giggle, she smiled with a warm charm. Even her pearl white teeth made Leere feel like she was in the presence of an angel. “You want to know something?”
Leere let out a worried chuckle. Why did her heart have to race like this?! “What?”
Sunny leaned in, held Leere’s cheeks softly, and gave her a warming kiss. “I really like you too.”
The Princess was bugged eyed as Sunny pulled away. Now that she was stone cold sober, and not having any witty catchphrases to rely on, she felt just like a teenager again. “Wow….”
“You…you want to do that again?” Sunny was worried she might have put Leere into shock.
Leere shook herself back into reality and nodded. “Yes. Yes I do.”
“So Ms. Leere~ Can I expect to see you tomorrow?”
“Indeed you will Sunshine.”
Leere and Sunny held one another as they embraced each other under the sunset for another loving kiss.
https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/175643251451/filling-the-emptiness-ch-1-warmth-in-the-night Previous Ch. 
https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/181627962736/filling-the-emptiness-ch-3-in-each-others Next Ch.
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kibbiekun · 6 years
Tumblr media
My T-shirt and tote bag design based off of Malo Mart from Twilight Princess, my favorite Zelda game.
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castelart · 6 years
El viaje
Lo recuerdo como si hubiera pasado hace tan solo un fin de semana. Todo comenzó una mañana del martes, el día anterior nos habían dado un breve curso propedéutico de periodismo, duró dos horas cuanto mucho; en él, más que darnos una guía para cubrir las noticias, nos brindaron algunos consejos para embellecer nuestras notas: encuadrar correctamente las fotografías, capturar imágenes naturales —básicamente que los protagonistas no posaran — y dar tanto un enfoque como un título creativo a la nota. Y ahí estaba yo, sin ninguna experiencia previa, alejándome de los escritores y columnistas expertos que estaban en el campus para asesorarnos, acompañado únicamente por una raída mochila cargada con ropa y artículos de aseo, cuyo estilo y color verde militar inspiraban un aire aventurero, osado y de viajero frecuente, aunque tal como sugería aquél otro acompañante, un espacioso Sleeping Bag color azul marino comprado la noche anterior acomodado torpemente a un lado de la mochila, no había nada más alejado de la realidad. Siendo sincero, jamás me entusiasmó la idea de tener que ir a ese lugar desconocido en Hidalgo —especialmente con lo huraño que soy— para acampar tres días y dos noches con un grupo de desconocidos provenientes de toda la República Mexicana, así que desde el momento en que abordé aquella camioneta —la cual daba un aire a las habituales camionetas de transporte público, solo que esta era mucho más amplia y con asientos forrados en vinipiel—, decidí que mi huella en ese viaje sería estrictamente profesional.
«Son solo un par de días», —pensaba—. «Haré las preguntas necesarias a las personas indicadas para completar mi reportaje, después de eso me enfocaré en escribir la nota. Para cuando volvamos al campus seré dueño de mi tiempo restante, podré pintar un poco, ver películas o quizás solo descansar…».
Estaba tan absorto en mis pensamientos que no me percaté de que ya habíamos llegado, solo esperábamos a que el conductor de mi transporte, así como el de la segunda camioneta que iba detrás de nosotros, se estacionaran para comenzar el descenso y bajar el equipaje. «Bueno, al mal paso darle prisa», pensaba, mientras ayudaba a bajar equipaje. Una vez que las maletas de los cerca de cuarenta compañeros de viaje estaban en la banqueta, el profesor titular del viaje, Saúl Camargo, se acercó a conversar con el conductor Antonio Becerril, para puntualizar las indicaciones de la recogida.
—No lo olvides, nos vemos dentro de tres días, el viernes al mediodía en este mismo lugar —Comentaba con un dejo de preocupación el profesor Saúl.
—¡Claro que sí! — Respondió cordialmente Antonio —Estaré con al menos media hora de anticipación —. Antonio, quien era mejor conocido como Toño, era un hombre sereno de edad avanzada, que conocía el oficio casi tan bien como las carreteras Hidalguenses, no había nada que temer puesto que se caracterizaba por su nivel de compromiso y puntualidad. Saúl se notaba bastante más relajado.
—Perfecto, muchas gracias ¡Regrese con bien, señor Antonio! — replicó, mientras se despedía con un ademán de mano.
Y así, observé mi última oportunidad de volver a la civilización alejarse lentamente por aquél irregular camino de terracería. Era oficial, iba a estar atrapado en ese desconocido y peculiar lugar durante los próximos días… en retrospectiva, de haber sabido lo que viviría en aquél recóndito lugar, jamás habría pensado de esa forma. Me concentré nuevamente en mi objetivo cuando se acercó humildemente el presidente de aquel recinto para darnos la bienvenida. 
Después de escuchar la gentil bienvenida de los lugareños, el grupo comenzó a desempacar sus pertenencias en el área para acampar, algunos llevaban sus propias tiendas, aunque la escuela había rentado algunas para las personas que no contaban con una propia. Si bien el sol era bastante agresivo y a pesar de que los dispositivos móviles no marcaban raya alguna de señal, el lugar era hermoso, la vasta vegetación, así como el hermoso cielo azul celeste y las refrescantes albercas que adornaban este parque ecológico, hacían de este un escenario muy ameno.
Después de contemplar el hermoso paisaje durante algunos minutos, me percaté de que las cosas comenzaban a ponerse algo incómodas para mí. Desde pequeño disfrutaba de la inherente compañía de mis pensamientos e imaginación, no estaba habituado a convivir con otras personas, influenciado en parte, porque crecí solo con mi madre —sin hermanos— , y por otra parte, porque mi padre seleccionaba recelosamente a las personas con las que me era permitido relacionarme. Además, en esta ocasión había sido asignado al viaje prácticamente de último momento, por lo que no me sentía parte del grupo.  Por estas razones, romper el hielo era uno de los aspectos que más me costaban al socializar, esto me preocupaba ya que estaba rodeado de casi media centena de personas con las que tendría que convivir que, sin contar al profesor Saúl, no conocía. En fin, el siguiente problema se presentó al momento de definir mi residencia —básicamente mi pedazo de suelo para acampar— al enterarme de que compartiría la tienda de campaña con un desconocido, si eso no fuera suficientemente aterrador, tenía que lidiar con la idea de que no era un alumno, ni siquiera un profesor, sino el paramédico, y no porque tenga algo en contra de ellos o desprestigie el oficio —al contrario, viendo el lado positivo estaría más cuidado que cualquier otro compañero—, sino porque una vez más, me adaptaba —por voluntad o por fuerza— con mayor facilidad a personas ajenas a mi entorno social nuclear, comenzaba a ser frustrante.
Eran cerca de las dos de la tarde y el grupo se estaba preparando para nuestra primera actividad: visitar el ayuntamiento local. Por suerte, dentro del parque ecológico, había una bien abastecida tienda de abarrotes en donde decidí buscar líquidos y alimentos para aquella expedición, ya que no sabía cuánto tiempo pasaría antes de volver a encontrar una tienda. Me paré frente a los refrigeradores para pensar qué y cuánto comprar, estaba tan concentrado que no me percaté de que detrás de mí, una compañera llevaba ya un rato observándome suspicazmente.
—Unas chelas ¿No? — comentó una dulce voz con un tono burlón. Tardé unos segundos en procesar que había estado pensando con el ceño fruncido frente al refrigerador de bebidas alcohólicas.
—¡No es lo que parece! — me apresuré en replicar, en parte porque genuinamente no me gusta el alcohol y además porque no quería meterme en problemas con los profesores. —Solo estoy buscando una gaseosa—.
—Como digas, Prensa— contestó. —Nos vemos— agregó con su dulce voz en un tono ¿Coqueto? mientras se retiraba con un peculiar andar, un andar equiparable al majestuoso, ágil y sobrio característico de los felinos.
Durante los próximos minutos que me parecieron horas, no dejaba de repetir aquél fugaz encuentro en mi cabeza, ¿Con qué intención me dijo Prensa? ¿Será algo bueno o algo malo?, ¿Por qué me había hablado? ¡Nadie lo hace!, ¿Y si había sido una invitación para beber?, ¿Debí haber respondido cómicamente?, ¿Qué tal si le parecí un tonto?, ¿Debería acercarme a ella y comenzar una plática? Mi falta de experiencia social, especialmente con el género opuesto, se hacía notar, poco ayudaba el hecho de que aquella chica, cuyo nombre era Aranza según había logrado escuchar en una conversación distante, fuese tan hermosa como misteriosa.
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clumothy · 5 years
All of them :3
I deserved this.1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Soda cans
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Proooooobs cotton candy. Bubble gum loses its flavour way too fast
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Angry, annoying, uncooperative, etc. I wasn’t a pleasing student in elementary school
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Soda bottles
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
I’m a fan of formal wear
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
9. favorite smell in the summer?
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
I usually skip breakfast
12. name of your favorite playlist?
“heck” lol its fun when I yell ‘Hey Siri, shuffle heck!’
13. lanyard or key ring?
key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Sour Patch Kids
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
The Great Gatsby
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
leaned on one side with a leg up
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
I have a zipup pair I love
18. ideal weather?
15 ° Celsius and sunny
19. sleeping position?
face down!
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Phone notes app
21. obsession from childhood?
I mean, Pokemon, Mario, Sonic, etc. The usuals
22. role model?
RDJ is pretty inspiring when you read his story
23. strange habits?
sleeping chest down? I’m not that strange of a person
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
Another one Bites the Dust by Queen
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Go for walks. I am dog.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Stay inside. I am cat.
28. five songs to describe you?
A) Your Love - The Outfield
B) Heat of the Moment - Asia
C) Get a Ride - The Northern Hues
D) Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
E) Is it arrogant to say Iron Man - Black Sabbath?
29. best way to bond with you?
Quiet talks in low lit rooms. Sounds creepy, is fun in practice.
30. places that you find sacred?
The kitchen
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Dress as formally as possible
32. top five favorite vines?
I’m a Giraffe, Adam!, Is that a weed?, only one thing worse than a rapist, and of course: SHAWDY I DON’T MIND!
33. most used phrase in your phone?
“That’s Fair.”
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Avenge the Fallen
35. average time you fall asleep?
1:30 am
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Does the Lazy Song by Bruno Mars
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
Duffel bag
38. lemonade or tea?
if its iced, tea.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Anything with meringue wins
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Someone gave the special needs kids weed brownies and that was a weird day.
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I love my jacket pockets because they arent the average hand pockets but I keep my phone wallet and keys in my pants pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
leather jacket
44. favorite scent for soap?
uh. soap. Pumpkin I guess?
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Tie between Fantasy and Superhero
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
tshirt and boxers
47. favorite type of cheese?
Dude. Cheesestrings are good. Idgaf
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
A spicy pepper
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
“When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen? They happen because of you.”
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
God you or chaz have said something like every week that made me laugh harder than the previous thing
51. current stresses?
doggos and schoooooooool
52. favorite font?
the uh. The coca cola font is nice. Isn’t it also the ford trucks?
53. what is the current state of your hands?
a tad beat up but healing nicely
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Only give 100% of your effort if it makes you happy. If you’re giving 100% and you aren’t happy I guarantee no one cares. If you can get away with giving 60 or 70% and your boss is fine with that, awesome. Giving 100% all day every day is exhausting and if your job expects that of you it truly isn’t a good place to work. In my opinion at least
55. favorite fairy tale?
56. favorite tradition?
I dont really have any but I’m excited to start one or two
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Depression, school, learning to let go of “toxic and entitled” people
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
singing, designing, thinking quick and mathematics
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
“Talley Ho!” I wanna be a pirate don’t @ me
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
A farmer. I like Stardew Valley but as an anime
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
All that is gold does not glitter - J. R. R. Tolkien
62. seven characters you relate to?
Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Link Link, Jim Halpert, Edward Elric I guess, Bilbo Baggins, and uh. uh. Shrek?
63. five songs that would play in your club?
The Malo Mart theme on repeat, we don’t need any other songs. Ever.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Webkins and Miniclip
65. any permanent scars?
Three on my head/face, one on my stomach and probs one forming on my finger
66. favorite flower(s)?
67. good luck charms?
I love that triforce chip you got me
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Nintendo almost owned the Sony Playstation but backed out last moment. WHOOPS.
70. left or right handed?
Right for most things but oddly left handed on other things
71. least favorite pattern?
I agree with you, pokadots suck. but especially uneven pokadots
72. worst subject?
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
spicy and sweet, like the spicy gummies i had
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
who knoooows. Proooobs at age 3?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Tater tots! also fries too and flavoured chips
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
A cactus. Lets get a cactus.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
School ID.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
Both have perks but console mostly
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
talk radio
84. barbie or polly pocket?
polly pocket. When i was a kid i went to this babysitter and the girls all played with Polly Pockets and I was the only guy and Polly Pockets were the same size as my Mario toys!
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
The death of those around me
88. your greatest wish?
A peaceful life with you and our friends with little to no stress
89. who would you put before everyone else?
90. luckiest mistake?
Breaking up with you a few years ago? Idk kinda helped our relationship in the longrun
91. boxes or bags?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Clum/Clump/Clumothy and Smeef
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr probably
96. desktop background?
The master sword in the korok forest
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
98. favorite historical era?
hooooly shit that was long
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
the legend of zelda twilight princess hd wiiu
the legend of zelda twilight princess hd wiiu
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD cheats & more for Wii U (WiiU)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii U (WiiU). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii U cheats we have available for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD.
Check GameCube cheats for this game
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Genre: Action, Adventure
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
ESRB Rating: Teen
Release Date: November 19, 2006
Unlock Big Wallet
The big wallet can hold up to 600 rubies. How you get this is very simple. Go to castel town and get in the middle of the town in the big circle. Head south and you should be going down the hallway. Take a left an you should see a guy looking through a window. Go in that house and the Bug-lady should be there. Talk to her and she will tell you if you give her 1 bug she will give you a special gift. Go find I golden bug-you can find one going to the North hallway- give her the “golden” bug and you will receive a big wallet. If you continue to give her bugs she will give you 50 rubies for a bug and 100 rubies for a pair.
Ocarina Reference
The three light spirit’s names ressemble Falore, Din and Naru from Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time. Faron-Falore Eldin-Din Laynaru-Naru.
Ocarina Of Time Fisherman Reference
Inside the fishing hole house is a black and white picture of the fisherman from Ocarina of Time holding the Hylian Loach. It is to the left of the counter.
Mario Referance
The cannon keeper at the lake has a bullet bill patch on his arm.
Male Stag Beetle
It is found in the field north of Hyrule Castle. If you’re coming out of the East Bridge of Castle Town, go left and up the trail. There will be a split ahead, keep going straight. The Beetle is on the tree to your right.
Male Snail
Once you have collected two Mirror Shards go to the red dot marked on the map. Rusl will be waiting for you. He’ll send you to sacred grove. Defeat the puppet master then go to the tunnel that leads to the statue blocking the door. STAY IN THE TUNNEL! Look on the ceiling of the tunnel. Their should be a snail on it. Get it with your clawshot then grab it.
Cheap Oil And Red Potion
If you go to Trill’s shop (the bird on the route to the forest temple) he sells oil for 20 rupees and red potion for 30 rupees. If you steal either of them then he remembers you the next time you go in, but if you put a couple of rupees in the box he just calls you a cheapskate and lets you go(plus you can go in and do it again). This is good if you don’t have a lot of money.
Defeat Diababa (Twilit Parasite)
To defeat the Forest Temple Boss first aim the bomb plant first then aim one of the Parasites.(repeat process with the other one) After the event there will be 3 parasites but the one with the eye is your main target. When you see the monkey swing around with a bomb on his feet, aim for the bomb and then the one eyed-parasite. When the bomb hits the parasite it’ll get stunned and fall, when this happens draw your sword and slash its eye until its done.
Find The Cave Of Ordeals
The Cave of Ordeals is easy to find as long as you got the missing piece of the Bridge of Eldin’s. All you need to do is teleport back where you got the piece of Eldin’s bridge and it right under there.
Key To Door By Entrance To Ganondorf
Before you enter the castle on the west side of the building transform into a wolf and go into you senses. Then dig on the leaves by the wall to enter a grave yard. Then go to three ghosts standing around a rock. Then blow the rock up with a bomb and walk over it. The gate should open. Go into the gate and light the torch. Then after that it will stop to rain letting you light the two torches to each side of the next gate. Once you light those two torchesthe gate will open. Take ot you Dominion rod and put each statue up againest the wall for you to jump from one to anothe until you reach the next gate. Pull the chain and open the treasure chest. It should be the key.
Magic Armor Cheap
After beating the dungeon in the Goron Mines go to Malo Mart. One of the elders will inside. Talk to him and he will ask for donations to lower prices in Hyrule. Donate 1,000 rupees to him and then he will ask for money to open a new shop in Hyrule. After donating a total of 2,000 rupees a second Malo Mart will be opened at Hyrule. after finding it go inside and the magic armor will be 250 rupees.
Sacred Grove Puzzle Solution
This puzzle is the one with two statues that need to get to their original place. Solution: Down, Up, Left, Up, Right,Down, Down, Down, Up, Up,Left, Up, Up, Right, Down.
Male Mantis
Go to the big bridge (Not the Bridge of Eldin) and go to the northern part. Then face south and check the right wall. Use your boomerang to knock it off then pick it up by A.
Bomb Bag 2
Go inside Iza’s boat rental shop near the upper river and help her clear the blocked areas of the river to recieve it as a thank you.
Male Dragonfly
At the Zora River go to the balcony or the waterfall and find a Imp Poe. Drop down into the waterfall pool and swim to the rock. Clamber onto the ledge and run up the grassy ramped ledge. When the ramped ledge turns you will find the Dragonfly above a patch of grass. You know what to do.
Male Butterfly
Go to the part of Hyrule Field near Castle Town and head south from the female butterfly. Find a clump of flowers with a Male Butterfly in it.Grab it by pressing A.
Male Beetle
Go to hyrule field and find a fat tree where the 2 Bokoblins roam. Then use your boomerang to knock a male beetle out of the tree. Once you knock it out, it would be on the ground or the tree log. pick it up by pressing A.
Male Ant
Go to the raised western part of the graveyard near Kakariko Village and find a tree where some of the guays (black crow monster) where sitting.There is a Male Ant on the trunk. Grab it by pressing A.
Female Mantis
Cross the bridge and head south. There is an area with a Female Mantis that is up and left on a rocky wall, on the side of the giant tree root. Use your Boomerang and knock it off the wall to pick it up by A.
Female Dragonfly
At the Zora River go to the signpost and find the Female Dragonfly over the rapid river. Use the boomerang to catch it.
Female Butterfly
Go to the part of Hyrule Field near Castle Town and fight 2 Bulbin Archers. When you’re done face north to see a outcrop. In the flowers edge of the outcrop bring it down with the boomerang. Grab it by A.
Female Ant
In Kakariko Village, enter the building with a small hole in the roof that you made earlier while searching for Twilit Parasites. In the middle of the room is a Female Ant. Pick it up by pressing A.
Empty Bottle 4
Bring 20 poe souls to Jovani in castle town. (It will have Great Fairy tears in it when you get it.)
Empty Bottle 2
Buy it from Coro in Faron province for 100 Rupees
Empty Bottle 1
Get it in the store in Ordon Village after you catch a fish for the cat. The shop owner gives it to you for free.
Bottle With Fairy Tears
Bring 20 Poe Souls to Jiovani to get a Bottle with Fairy Tears.
Bomb Bag Size Upgrade
Go back to Iza’s boat rental shop and play a minigame where you have to shoot pots w/ bomb arrows as you travel down river. Break a high amount(25 or more) to recieve the bag size upgrade.
Female Beetle
Go to hyrule field and find a tree that is near a ledge. Then use your boomerang to knock a female beetle out of the tree. Once you knock it out, it would be on the ground or the ledge wall. pick it up by pressing A.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
Whumptober 2021- The Darkness I Know
No. 29 - All Work and No Play
“You’re still not dead?” | too weak to move | overworked
Fic Summary: After the world as she knew it was destroyed by the corruption of Malice, Zelda allies herself with her saviors from captivity: a disgruntled former governor, an alert paramedic, a cocky pilot, an excessively overt optimist, and a blind strategist. While the corrupted, malice-filled Yiga Clan looks for revenge on them, Zelda has to learn how important it is to find family in others... and how much more dangerous the stakes become if she fails to protect them.
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Zelda ran her hand through Link’s hair as he slept. He was oblivious, curled up and content with a small grin on his face. She’d put it there when she’d agreed to his plan. He’d refused to do it without her permission, but she knew that if she truly refused his help, she’d keep breaking him mentally each time he had to let her wither away without any Malice around.
But she still wasn’t willing to risk his life. Malice was dangerous, volatile, and unpredictable. Him just dumping some into his arm wasn’t a guarantee that he’d live, or that it would take the way Zelda’s had.
But she was willing to risk her own life.
She kissed Link’s forehead and walked around the bed, moving his staff just out of reach in case he woke up and tried to follow her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered to him just before grabbing the small bag she’d packed earlier full of things from Malo Mart. She tucked a small switchblade she’d grabbed from the hunting section into her pocket, and into the other, put a novelty, mini handheld video game version of Monopoly that she’d found in the cash register aisle. Hopefully, she had all the luck she needed, but she’d always been good at Monopoly, and something about taking that game had felt lucky and safe to her before she headed out the door.
“You’re both sure about this?”
Zelda jumped at the sound of Urbosa’s voice and her unexpected presence.
“Yes,” she breathed. She’d told Urbosa her plan earlier. Foolish, absurd, but their only chance of Link surviving such a stupid decision, Zelda was going straight to the source.
They wanted her dead. They’d kill her on sight. She had to be fast to get what she wanted.
Mipha turned the corner with her bag over her shoulder. “Are you ready?”
“I am.”
And that was the last they said of it all.
Mipha and Zelda headed out of the house, Zelda leading her towards the pull of Malice, and Mipha keeping her breathing steady. Daruk and Urbosa would stay with Link and keep him out of trouble while Zelda was gone.
It was imperfect, and Goddess above was it stupid, but it was all they had.
Zelda knew she had several good hours of energy in her after being around so much Malice, and then several more in a weakened state before she’d start to slow down. She only hoped the Yiga were paying as much attention to her as she was to them.
They were aimlessly wandering through streets and around cars and fallen buildings for hours. On more than one occasion, Zelda found a trace of Malice in a building it had destroyed, and at other times, she found whole streets flooding with Malice, and she felt like she could take on the world. But no sane person would ever live in a Malice-infested town. Even she couldn’t touch it without burning, and it still spread over everything it touched. There was no safety if she and Link could settle in one of these buildings. They needed to live with others, away from monsters that could kill them with a Malice-infused frenzy. They needed to live with people who could help them survive.
She’d never ask Link to live as a hermit with her, though she had a distinct feeling that he’d say yes if she asked.
He’d be awake by now, and he must be fuming. Though she hadn’t run away, she did promise she’d tell him anytime she did. She supposed that telling Urbosa was her proxy to telling Link that she promised to return. But was anything ever truly a promise with the Yiga involved?
“I think it’s admirable,” Mipha said after another long stretch of silence between them as Zelda led them around the city that was destroyed with Malice. “That you’re willing to do this for Link. And that he’s willing to do that for you. You two are a team, that’s for sure.”
“A team that is rarely on the same page,” Zelda scoffed. “He’s not going to thank me for this.”
“He’ll forgive you eventually. And you’ll forgive him, I’m sure.”
Zelda made a face. “Forgive him?”
“He knows what it’s like to be the one who has to watch… well, who has to be there while the other is going through the process with the Malice. And he’s going to put you through something similar. You can’t hide it, Zelda. You’re angry already.”
“Yeah,” she breathed. “A little.”
Mipha bounded towards Zelda, giving her hand a comforting squeeze before letting go. “I’m especially glad you’re allowing me to come with you. I want to do what I can.”
“I could do it without you, Mipha. If you want to stay safe, stay safe for Sidon. I can.”
Mipha stopped, taking it in. “I know. But it’s Link. I have to do what I can. Sidon is my family… but so is Link. Sidon is safe where he is, Link isn’t.”
Zelda looked back at the ground. “I’m putting him in a terrible position. I’m insane for this.”
“It’s just like how I’m willing to go face the Yiga for Link, Link is willing to face the Malice for you, you’re willing to risk your life to make sure he doesn’t die doing it. We’re all doing things that aren’t exactly sane. But we do it for the people we love.”
If it hadn’t been for the random Malice-filled city buildings, Zelda wouldn’t have been able to go for as long as she did. They’d stopped under an archway to eat some of the bars they’d packed, and nearly been crushed by an eroded pillar that the Malice had all but destroyed.
But it was because of the city that she’d realized she’d been chasing the stronger presence of Malice to find the Yiga, when the answer was so obvious.
They weren’t on the other side of the city. The Malice Zelda could see and sense wasn’t blocking them, as she’d thought.
They were in the city, feeding on the area that was massively overrun with oozing piles of Malice, a constant source of power. It made sense, and Zelda was almost embarrassed that she hadn’t realized it.
So when she’d led Mipha inside, she started feeling stronger presences, and Mipha stayed on high alert.
It didn’t take long after that.
Zelda could sense them close by before they appeared. But she held her hands up and stood protectively in front of Mipha. “Wait! Wait! I have something for Astor! A trade!”
She felt a chill in her spine before she heard the footsteps behind her.
“So, you’re still not dead, are you?” Astor’s voice was smooth and cold, sending more chills through Zelda. “What are you here to trade? Your Dorian isn’t here to convince us not to kill you, so it better be good or you’re not walking back out of here.”
“I need your help, and in exchange, I have the bombs I made in Malo Mart that killed Dorian and all your Yiga.”  Zelda slinked out of her backpack and held it to her chest. “I just need to know two things: can the Malice be taken away from me permanently?”
“No. Next.”
Zelda swallowed and turned to Mipha. There was another Yiga close by with a blade in their hand, easy reach, easy distance. Mipha would die only seconds before Astor killed Zelda. That much was clear.
“Would you teach Mipha and I how to do this to someone else? To make sure the Malice doesn’t kill them.”
Astor walked around the front of her with a curious expression on his face. “That was not what I was expecting. Who’s your victim? I’ll do it for free.”
“I’d rather it were me or Mipha who did it.”
“No trust?”
Zelda didn’t answer that one.
Astor smiled widely. “Well, this is interesting. Let me see what you’ve got in there.”
With shaking hands, Zelda gave Astor her backpack, clinking with the sounds of remote bombs. “All you need is a detonator. I didn’t trust you enough to make one, but it’s simple. Anyone here can do it. You don’t need an engineer.”  
He took one out of the bag and handed it to Zelda. “Set one off manually and I’ll tell you how to safely create a new Yiga Clan member.”
Zelda wanted to correct him; she’s not a member of the Yiga Clan just because of this stuff, and Link wouldn’t be either.
But she stayed quiet and took the bomb, waking slowly away from everyone, but close enough to a nearby tree that she could duck behind it. She didn’t like the idea of setting one off. She’d made it so the resulting explosions would be more deadly, less makeshift, with more power and kick to them.
“Give me a lighter,” she called back as she added a wick made from a nearby pile of twigs and leaves. It took a moment for someone to produce one, but finally, it was in her hand, and she flicked the flame on. One more deep breath later, she lit the wick and ran for the tree.
In seconds, there was a loud boom that sent Zelda’s ears ringing. Dust shot up off the ground, shrapnel that Zelda had embedded inside stuck into the trees and the ground with thunks, and the sound of creaking branches from the energy that sent everything wobbling had her ducking, just to be sure she was safe.
When it cleared, Zelda came back out to see the smiling grin of Astor.
“Well, I thought you were joking. You gave me real, deadly explosives to use against you and your friends. You’re desperate. Talk to me, Zelda.”
Her name on his lips sounded wrong, like she were a spell he could conjure for his own use.
“Just tell me how to use the Malice safely.”
“Hold out your arm.”
Zelda looked at Mipha nervously before turning back to Astor. “Why?”
“I’m going to demonstrate, of course.”
With deliberate slowness, Zelda pulled her jacket off and rolled the sleeve. Astor waited, and Zelda bit her cheek before undoing the bandage that covered her unhealed wound.
Astor looked on as if it were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and beckoned Mipha over.
Zelda watched the Yiga behind him giggling with sick glee, even more so when he pulled a long knife from his belt. She clutched her hand into a fist, preparing herself for anything, even though she’d come into this 95% sure what he was planning to do.
Because he was predictable.  
“This will hurt,” he cooed to Mipha. “You’re going to want to watch carefully. I don’t think your friend will want to do this twice. Or better yet…” He smiled and handed the knife to Mipha. “You do it, and I’ll walk you through. Make sure it’s nice and big. She’ll survive it.”
Mipha paled. “You want me to mutilate my friend?”
Was there really a kinder way to put it?
“That’s exactly what I want.”
Looking to Zelda for what to do, Zelda nodded, kneeling down so she wouldn’t fall while it happened. Last time, people held her still while she’d thrashed. She wasn’t sure that would be a kindness offered to her this time, not with the distance they kept.
She was already sweating when Mipha let the blade hover over her skin.
She couldn’t hear any of Astor’s instructions as the world faded out to the single ringing in her ears.
She felt Mipha’s shoulder keeping her from doubling over and making this whole process harder.
Worse than all of it, she felt herself staying conscious, staying strong. She watched it all happen, even through her screams and tears. Because she had Malice already in her, and she was surrounded by the source of her strength.
That was it!
She was surrounded by the one thing she could draw from, the one thig every creature infected with Malice did: absorbed its strength. Whether it was conscious, or not, she realized that it had stopped. The pain was… gone.
Astor ran his hand under her chin. “Good, you’ve figured it out.”  
Checking her arm, Mipha was still very much there, but she felt nothing. Mipha looked on, concerned, but Zelda shook her head to assure her again.
Her arm was bandaged, and Astor had her by the shoulder, but addressing Mipha. “Understand it?”
“Yes,” she said quickly, stepping backwards.
“Good. Go back to your friend.”
Zelda tensed. Mipha turned to her. “What about—?”
“She’s one of us. She stays. If you make your other friend a Yiga, I’ll let her go.”
Everything about him screamed that it was a lie. But if Mipha stayed, she’d either end up next, or dead.
“Go, Mipha. I trust him. I can… feel it.”
“Okay,” Mipha breathed, backing up.
“You can feel it,” he chuckled. “Good. You are one of us, deep down. Let’s go.”
He pushed Zelda towards the other Yiga, and they led her away, towards the mass of energy in the center.
In a clearing, there were Yiga everywhere.
Sitting around campfires, eating, talking, mulling around, doing chores, sharpening knifes and sickled blades, playing with powers they’d acquired from Malice, dangling from crumbling buildings. Just everywhere. At least a hundred of them.
Zelda felt sick. If something went wrong… if Mipha couldn’t get away, if Link were brought here… they’d be killed.
Astor handed the bombs to someone beside him, and immediately, the Yiga gathered around to see what they’d been gifted.
But at least Astor was keeping to her expectations. He sat her away from the group on a half-burnt sofa. “You’re so naïve. When your friend brings your boyfriend, you don’t really think I’d let you go, right? I’ll have another Yiga to condition. I’ll probably be able to take all of your friends. And you gave us bombs for that? I’d have turned your friends with Malice for free. I need the people, and you gave up your weapons. I don’t know if I should feel like this is a victory, or if my immense pity for your idiocy is outweighing that. You didn’t possibly believe I’d let you go, did you?”
Zelda looked over his shoulder as they passed the bombs around, inspecting them. A hundred Yiga with her bombs. “No. I didn’t. But I needed your information. Is it all true? What you told Mipha? I couldn’t even hear.”
“Yes, it is. I want more Yiga, and he’ll need to be surrounded by us; I would not lie about that.  I suppose we both won in the end, didn’t we? We both got what we wanted.”
“Yeah, we did.” She looked at the Yiga once more, the clump dispersing to the rest of the group, spreading out to show off the bombs to everyone.
Zelda reached into her pocket and pulled out her handheld Monopoly game. Astor watched on, curious.
“You brought a game with you? You figured you wouldn’t go back, is that it?”
“No. The batteries in this thing died years ago. Monopoly stopped working.”
She switched the game on anyway.
The entire area erupted in a chain of explosions.
Astor’s eyes widened. Screams filled the air. Wind blew at them, as did shrapnel.
And when he turned to Zelda, Malice turning his eyes a horrifying yellow, he let out a roar, Malice tinging his every move as he swung out at Zelda.
But he never connected with her.
Zelda breathed heavily as she pushed against him, her switchblade stuck deep into his chest. Her screams of effort mixed with the sound of death around her, and she felt Astor’s foot push her back, but she threw herself onto him even more until they were both on the ground.
It was only when he went still, and she pulled the blade back to herself with as much of her strength that she could, that she stabbed him again for good measure before clutching the knife close to her chest in case any other Yiga survived.
But there was fire in the trees, and bodies on the ground. The smoke was thick, but there was no longer a strong presence inside it.
There were no more Yiga alive.
Zelda crawled away from the carnage she’d caused, hyperventilating as it crashed over her like the break of a wave.
She held the knife up, only to see Mipha rushing towards her.
“Zelda! Are you okay?”
Mipha pulled Zelda into her arms as Zelda shook and sobbed. Mipha’s hand was cool on her cheek. “You were right! You did it! It’s okay! You’re okay!”
Zelda sat back and placed the knife shakily into Mipha’s hands. Her own were bloodied, and she realized she had a brutal headache, her eyes wanted to close, her ears rang.
“They don’t check anyone’s pockets,” she whispered, collapsing entirely into Mipha as all her energy left her. Nervous energy, panic, pain.
Her eyes fluttered, and her body relaxed, bringing with it a darkness that Zelda wasn’t sure she’d ever escape after what she’d just done.
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Just noticed that in TP’s Castle Town once Malo Mart opens, people start running around with this in their hands:
Tumblr media
It’s really small and blurry but that’s 100% that demon childs’ face on the bag
So that’s cool
If this game ever gets a sequel (and I doubt that) it’s gonna be with this kid turning into a millionaire monopolizing the Hyrulean economy
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