#can you tell this is my favorite videogame lmao
italeean · 5 months
And this event sounds so fun so I had to send in something (no pressure ofc ^-^)
Description: I literally had to go around asking my friends to describe me bc I couldn’t think of much besides that I’m an introvert and pessimistic about myself lmao. So from the intel I’ve gathered: I’m shy, friendly, kind, care a lot about those closest to me, and worry too much about things. My interests are pretty boring, all I do is play videogames (mainly rhythm games nowadays) and watch anime occassionally, although I can get very passionate about them. I don’t have much of a preference to the people I surround myself with, as long as they can handle my more reserved nature and respect my boundaries.
I am a lee leaning switch :3
And I’d like to choose genshin impact as the fandom. I started playing not too long ago and it’s been my new hyperfixation.
With a romantic relationship with a male character!
Oh and my name is Sakura!🌸
I hope I did this correctly kahdjahdjahsh
Have a good day/night‼ And take your time!
Sakuraaa 🥹💕 After months of inactivity, I'm taking back the reins of this event and I'm more than ready to match you up with your special someone hehe ✨️ Thanks for your patience, e spero ti piaccia il mio lavoro 💚🤍❤️ (and I hope you'll enjoy my work) 🍡 *hands you the dango to eat while you read*
🔮 Without further ado, your match is... KAZUHA
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
1. You say you're pessimistic about yourself, and this little ray of sunshine is the perfect way to bring some light in 2. He's delicate and soft-spoken, which won't make you feel overwhelmed by endless talking 3. He's super perceptive, which means he'll understand how you're feeling without you having to tell him, which can be hard sometimes when you're an introvert 4. If you play rhythm games, he might play a tune with leaves to match the rhythm you're playing in the game! That would be so cute... 5. Even he's usually a ray of sunshine, he can have his bad days, especially when he thinks about Tomo, and you'd be able to support him quietly thanks to your personality and your emotional baggage 6. Kazuha is a generally quiet person, so expect many, MANY successful sneak attacks... and if your sides or ribs are sensitive, you'll be in for a bumpy ride 7. He's the personification of gentleness, so he'd be sure to inquire about your boundaries without you even needing to tell him anything 8. He likes the sound of your laughter even more of the song of the wind between the leaves, so tickling you is one of his favorite ways to "bring some light into your pessimism" 9. I feel like he'd LOVE to blow some air into your ears or pepper kisses on your neck if those spots are sensitive 10. He also does mind a few pokes if he needs to be cheered up... and if you do that to get his attention, he'll get the hint and proceed to tickle you as much as you'd like!
🔮 Tickle scenario
Kazuha couldn't ask for a better morning than this. Azure sky with some fluffy white clouds, the music of nature made by the wind that caresses the leaves, lying on the grass in silence with his eyes closed...
... and you.
You and him had started dating a few months ago. He was the best thing that had ever happened in your life, and he thought the same about you. You two didn't need loud love, your relationship could be compared to a warm, soft cocoon. You expressed your feelings through little gestures and by being there for each other.
Unless you were bored.
Don't get me wrong, Kazuha loved every aspect of you, but when you were bored, you were quite the handful. Little pranks, pokes, silly jokes... you would try everything to distract him, and that's what you wanted in that exact moment.
Calling him was an amazing option, since he was a samurai with an astounding control of all his senses, but where was the fun in that? You surely could do much better, so you got up, making as little noise as possible, and approached him with your hands shaped in claws ready to attack.
His eyes were still closed, perfect. You just needed to attack. 3... 2... 1... Now!
Or so you thought...
As soon as your fingertips came in contact with his ribcage, you felt something gripping your wrists and in a fraction of second, you were on the grass, facing the blue sky and a white-haired guy with an ominous smirk that you had learned to fear.
"Were you trying to wake me up, love?" He asked in a sweet tone mixed with a hint of playfulness, "Alas, your reflexes seem a little sluggish, like a lethargic bear cub." He tsked with no annoyance in his voice, just a little mocking.
"Maybe you're the one who needs a little awakening, aren't you, little cub?"
Before you could make up even the faintest argument to object, his hands started zapping your sides with ruthlessly, relentlessly and with the meticulous precision provided by the knowledge of every single spot that made you squeak, squeal or even snort.
"Ka- wahahahait nooo..!" You begged, but your pleas fell on deaf ears, as the tickle assault only increased in intensity. You attempted to swat his hands away, but that was futile as well. His reflexes were much faster than yours.
"Not good, your reflexes don't show any sign of awakening yet. Such a lazy little cub..." He joked, enjoying the blush that invaded your cheeks because of the nickname, "Do we really need to take extreme measures to make the lazy cub arise?"
Your eyes widened in shock and glee, and your laughter became much more nervous. "No no nohoho w-we dohohon't... we don't need to..! Please we do-" Not even Kazuha's refined lexicon had a term to define the high pitch of your scream, and the samurai knew this was his stop signal.
He raised his hands and helped you sit up while you were gasping for air, using his Anemo vision to create a gentle, refreshing breeze for you.
When you recovered, you looked at him with a gaze that meant war and pronounced the words: "I swear to the Seven Archons, I'll get you back."
Your warmongering glare was met with a smug, playful one. "Come at me then, cub, and show me your awakened reflexes" He chuckled, getting ready for a day full of combat.
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wetcatspellcaster · 5 months
very kindly tagged by @cursedhaglette, thank you for giving me a chance to talk about my writing :)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
11! :)
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
lmfao. 985,659. That's nearly ten thesises (theses?) in the time of my PhD programme, so I'm going to just go quickly walk into the sea.
3) What fandoms do you write for?
the majority of my fic is for videogames with love interests and OC potential (BG3, Dragon Age) but I did briefly fall prey to the darklina disease, which I have to admit to here in order to answer some of the other questions
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1- Pieces Still Stuck in Your Teeth (bg3)
2- Party Favours (bg3)
3- A Bleeding Heart (bg3)
4- The Stars Don't Shine, They Burn (shadow and bone)
5- An Honest Lie (bg3)
5) Do you respond to comments?
as best as I can, I typically clear out a previous chapter just before I post something new (so that's one way to monitor or predict my posting activity lmfao)
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Lmao. Sunblindness (shadow and bone) which takes an 'eye for an eye' approach to an amnesia AU. I actually wanted to end on a major character death but my pal's response was "jesus Emma, this is something people read for fun" so I watered it down :')))))
7) What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Party Favours currently!! Happier endings incoming, IMO.
8) Do you get hate on fics?
yes, occasionally, I'm still in single digits thankfully. i always find it so funny bc nobody is more critical of my fic than me. you think you can hurt me? babygirl, we're in the 5th dimension of insults in my brain, your surface level comment barely touches the sides.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope! call me the Astarion!spawn ending, the way I fade-to-black :')))))
10) Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I crossovered Stardust and Shadow and Bone, but it was not a straight crossover it was more a chewed up, swallowed, and digested version of both premises. I similarly wrote a Wintersmith/Shadow and Bone crossover that I never posted bc the sickness left me.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
lol. lmfao, even. :)))))
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have had requests made of me and given permission for that to happen, but I do not know if it was ever posted!
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, it's not for me unfortunately, I was that horrible kid in group projects who just wished she could work alone :')))))))))))
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
honestly there are many but the two that are indelibly written on my soul are Howl/Sophie and Spike/Buffy like the simple bitch I am.
In terms of things I've written? zevran/surana, hands down.
15) What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Anything I post I will eventually finish, out of social anxiety alone. At the moment I'm worried about the stuff sitting unposted in gdocs.
16) What are your writing strengths?
hahahahahahaha i don't fucking know i think i can make character voices distinct so you can usually tell which POV I'm writing from once the perspectives are established?
I have been complimented on my dialogue.
I think I'm usually brave enough to take a risky decision, even if it doesn't pay off. These decisions also land more than they used to so it's a skill I've built with time and one I am proud of.
My jokes don't seem to just be for me anymore, I like it when other people say I made them laugh.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
If there's something that can be said straightforwardly in a sentence, you know I'll say it in three paragraphs instead. I wouldn't be surprised if people think I'm a purple-prosed motherfucker.
Smut and lack thereof
the repeat of 'conversation, stage direction, eye contact, expression, repeat' is not a weakness but it is something I become intermittently self conscious of.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am a fan of it and I appreciate it when its done well (pour one out for Naomi Novik's fic/writing where the language work is cringingly poor), but not something I can personally do. Admirer in others, of the skills I lack.
19) First fandom you wrote for?
*dabs* Dragon Age, the OG. It was the pandemic, and I didn't want to replay Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts bc I hate timed sections, so I wrote a fic instead.
20) Favorite fic you’ve written?
I feel bad writing this on the blog that's currently 99% BG3, but The Stars Don't Shine They Burn. It was my first time plotting something that diverged greatly from source material, and I was going through some stuff at the time that I can feel viscerally when I return to it and read the words. It is a work of personalised comfort. There's one scene in it that still gets me, every single time.
I don't know, it's funny to see Pieces get attention and I'm very, very proud of Pieces, but some of what I'm thinking through in that was in its proto-form in the other fic, which is finished and I'm really proud of it... so let's see if anything comes along to bop it off the top spot once I have a critical distance and am not in the writing trenches lol.
Tagging wise, I actually want to do an open call on this one!! this was a really pleasant exercise, so anyone seeing this who wants to talk about their writing or celebrate their achievements can take this as my personal invitation :)
scared? do it anyway x
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cow-legs · 7 months
What are some of your favorite videogames? ♡ ♡ ♡
(extremely long post incoming lol turns out i have a lot of things to say on this subject)
usually i have too hard of a time trying to remember anything i like to have answers for questions like these but thankfully for this one i have answers prepared since this is something i try to think about a lot
realistically if i had to pick one single "favorite videogame" above the rest itd probably just, like, ocarina of time & majora's mask (i'm considering them to be one videogame because i said so, it;s a package deal), just on account of how much of an impact they had on me from an early age combined with just how often i Still go back to revisit them in one way or another, but this is just about the most basic boring answer a person can have for this question unfortunately
thankfully you asked for some of my favorites instead of just one so i can unveil my Actual list of favorites instead of the one that only holds the top spot by technicality and not because i actually like it "the most". all of my favorite games have such a range in style and quality it's hard to really compare them in any meaningful way
crypt worlds, space funeral, and off-peak are all pretty different games made by very different people but i usually group them together when talking about stuff like this since collectively finding them all back in the day at roughly the same time kind of shaped my perception of indie games as a whole which probably gave me a very weird and skewed perception of the media but who gives a shit really it's a perception i hold dear. (they weren't the first indie games i ever saw of course but they were the most personally impactful ones that made me go "holy shit, this is awesome, you can do literally whatever you want")
they've pretty heavily influenced my own games, too. there have been multiple times i've started a project and then days later realized "wait shit this is just space funeral again. i'm just making space funeral again but slightly to the left. fuuuck" which is a pretty good problem to have i think.
gadget: invention, travel, and adventure is an old point and click game i found a few years ago that struck me by just how unique feeling its atmosphere is. strange looking people turn to you and say even stranger sounding things, the soundtrack feels like its having a nervous breakdown, the main character is given so few meaningful decisions/actions (read: basically none) by the people around them that it can barely be considered a game at all…it is a very fascinating experience, and one that i think back to a lot
i like Your Turn To Die a lot and am very excited to see how it ends, though i feel like i don't have too much to say on it here. one of those games that has me going "oh man i should draw more fanart for that one of these days" every time i'm reminded of it only to then remember that i Can't Fucking Draw right now lmao
myhouse.wad is something that extremely deserves to go on this list but a large part of my brain is telling me not to just because somewhere along the line i fucked up and became allergic to anything that has ever recently become popular & trendy on youtube because i don't want to look like a poser even though literally no one but me cares about where i hear about these things so i can only bring myself to include it if i also state that i played it BEFORE it was cool &all the streamers started covering it like some kind of shameful hipster. but for real though its awesome, very inspiring stuff. i wish my brain did not force me to want to distance myself from it for literally no good reason. fucking ocarina of time is on this list why is this the thing that makes you afraid of looking like a normie
i have a lot of appreciation for myst in a kind of "i've never played more than 5 minutes of this nor have i even bothered to watch a playthrough of it but i understand what you have done for me and the games i love that came after you" kind of way. i have purchased 3 different copies of it over the years as well as a copy of riven and i don't intend on playing any of them anytime soon. great game, probably. i wouldn't know.
i like a lot of kitty horrorshow's games but i don't really know what my favorite would be. lethargy hill is probably the one i think about most often though.
i like (the steam version of) dwarf fortress a lot and have been trying to play it more often. it is very funny having 80 hours in a game and still not feeling like you understand half the mechanics in it. figuring it out as i go along has been fun though. in a similar vein i also like elden ring a lot and despite being at over 160 hours on that one i still haven't beaten it. i need to get back to it before the dlc comes out but i stopped playing for so long that most of my muscle memory is gone…
for something much more recent than all of the above, absolutely perfect specimen is something really incredible that gave me a lot of stuff to think about, though it can be a little hard to recommend since it's extremely 18+ and has a whole big list of content warnings you definitely need to take heed of. extremely interesting work though, i like it a lot.
i'm running out of things to list off and should probably stop just for the sake of time even if there is more shit that deserves mentioning so i'll just end it off with CLONE ON NET YAROZE BABYYYYYY LET'S FUCKIN GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💯💪🙌💥💯💯
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imjustabeanie · 7 months
Hey there! It’s Morgan (@whiskersz) here for the matchup trade! First of all, I’m very happy that you came to me for a trade, I didn’t even know these were a thing before seeing your work!
Some basic info – I’m 20, use he/they pronouns, I’m Bisexual and Nonbinary and I have no preference for the gender of who I’m gonna be matched with :) I'm also Italian!!
So, I guess I should start by saying that I’m quite the introvert. I find it very difficult to start a conversation with people I don’t know and even when we’re already acquainted it takes me a while to open up fully. I’ve been called scary before, which happened also because I naturally look a bit annoyed all the time and apparently I don’t laugh at many things.
Once I open up though, I’m very silly! Literally the definition of ‘just a guy’; I like cats, drawing, painting, watching series and playing videogames and shipping myself and my OCs with my favorite characters, and writing about cute scenarios; I also love shopping and ‘dressing to impress’, I never leave the house with a random outfit, I dress in hopes that somebody in the streets will look at me and think that my style is awesome. So, I would say I kind of like attention in a way. Speaking of my style I always dress like I’m straight from the past, I own stuff that used to belong to people who bought it in the 80s, but even earlier! I also really love anything vintage and I’m somewhat of a maximalist, my desk is a mess of trinkets, action figures and jewellery.
As for what I dislike, I really hate gory scenarios, I can’t stand seeing that kind of thing at all and I actually pass out a lot from just hearing the description of such things. I also generally dislike annoying noises such as loud chewing, and people who don’t respect my boundaries. If somebody is like that, I’m not afraid of telling them that they’re getting on my nerves, though if we’re close I’ll be way kinder to them as I tolerate stuff from my loved ones way easier.
It’s maybe unexpected, but in a relationship I’m very loving and caring and I will worry about anything and everything, I’m also very empathetic so if my partner is feeling down I’ll unfortunately feel down as well, but I’m very willing to ignore my feelings since I’m just basically mirroring what they feel as I would rather be supportive and positive in times of need. My love languages are a mess, I basically express my love through words, actions, gifts and expressing that I want to spend time with each other all together; the last one is a bit more special maybe since I rarely feel up to doing things with people in general.
I don’t want to make this too long, so here’s my deal breakers and then we’re done! I’m not a fan of clinginess, I care about my loved ones a lot but I need a lot of space to practice my hobbies and to do my thing in general. I also dislike people who get angry easily, I’m a very chill person so I’d rather be surrounded by equally chill people. For the rest, just be loyal and honest and then we’re chill!
Hope this is all good! Take your time with this and happy writing :3
I nearly answered the wrong ask lmao. So sorry for the wait I hope you like it!
Your hazbin Hotel match is.....Vox!
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For husker:
Don’t judge or blame me….your match is…Vox! I was surprised too since I initially hesitated between Husk and Vaggie….and somehow ended up with Vox.
Vox is a passionate man (demon?) to say the least. You did say that it’s difficult for you to start conversations in general so he’ll be the one starting them (and he likes it). What’s annoying with Vox is that it takes a little something special (his own interest) for him to start considering the person if you know what I mean. That’s why my scenario here is that you were a friend of someone in the Hotel (it can be anyone). Vox is interested in the hotel so he socialized with you to get inside infos. When he realized he actually started enjoying your company he acted like a schoolgirl and completely isolated himself because well it’s the first time! After the V’s saw him in that miserable state of mind they finally decided to confront him. It was effective cuz he confessed a week later.
Vox, as the other V’s, sometimes doesn’t respect boundaries (but not as much as the other two) by wrapping his arm around your shoulder or waist without asking first. But once you put him in his place he’ll accept it and then apologize by treating you to a nice date (plus a bouquet of flowers ofc). Something that’s nice is that he does take criticism (unless it’s from Alastor) but he’s too prideful to apologize properly by words. Instead he’ll take a step back and think about his actions so he won’t repeat the same mistakes.
He loves how good you dress up. He also dress to impress and likes someone that’s like him. He commissions new outfits for you almost weekly and always goes all out (velvet helps with the choices and coordination)! You’re the couple that everyone wants to dress up like if it helps. He relishes in the envious looks people give you both, it’s obvious from the big grin on his face (if you let him, he’ll kiss you and basically give the middle finger to everyone watching). Getting matching jewels is a must. I also see him as a watch type of guy so if you get him one he will wear it all the time. When in public, he speaks first and always starts the conversation so you don’t get awkward. If he feels you getting shy he’ll take over.
Vox is basically vintage himself. I can completely see him collecting stuff from all time periods (beside radios) His house is basically an organized hoarder house. Which means he has strings to bring you some very good and rare stuff. Each month he makes it his personal quest to bring you a box of a few rare items. He also brings with him vinyl for you two. After a long day he enjoys listening to music over a nice diner with you. Then he takes your hand and dances around the kitchen/living room. When he comes back home to you, he gets softer/more honest. He tells you about his ups and downs. He takes your opinion very seriously too.
I believe he is too date with all new series/movies (to be expected since he’s in the entertainment industry). That’s why you can always count on him for good recommendations. But if you introduced him to human world series/movies he’d welcome it! This means that you two always write a recommendation list to the other and it makes up for many common topics!
He sucks at video games. He’s too impatient and loves the fast types of games. He does try to have a healthy competition I promise but he gets all sulky when he loses lol. He’d like to get into more time consuming games but he doesn’t have much time (he did get the idea that it’d be good to get into the game industry to bring/brainwash more demons….). He gets jealous easily and it’s not uncommon to find him criticizing every character you matched yourself with. Oh boy I can’t imagine if it’s an actor….poor actor getting glared at will be so confused.
He enjoys your drawings! He gifts you with the supplies since he knows you like drawing as a mean to encourage you. If you actually started a career he’d back you up. If Vox finances animated series he’d give you a shot of actually present your characters to the artist for inspiration. He’s genuinely proud of you for that. He does criticize to help you out of course and if he doesn’t like it he’ll tell you why. Now for cats…I love cats but I don’t see him as an animal person. He won’t stop you from getting a cat but will get jealous if the kitty gets too much attention. Ironically cats love him….He likes that you support him all the time despite his obvious evil ways. We can say that love is keeping you two together.
Now for some bad parts….It happens that Vox gets all worked up (when a certain someone is involved). It’s very rare that he blows up on you due to stress but it happened once or twice (the reason you’re nearby is that he usually hugs you to calm down). He was fully apologetic afterward and even expected you to break up with him for it. Also he has an unhealthy rivalry with Alastor so yeah….
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outlawwithaheart · 2 years
How would the modern RDR2 characters be playing video games?
I thought of this idea when I (as always) woke up in the middle of the night (1-2 am). My sleepy brain was giggling.
Not spell checked/I looked over it once I think
Asks always open :)
These are the characters that I think would play video games often! So if it seems like a random grouping of characters that's why lmao!!! If you wanna see other characters you can ask!
Some of the games he plays are Resident Evil, COD, Valorant, Minecraft and more
He comments stuff like, "I'm not gay but.." on posts about Leon, and other typically simped for male characters
He yells so loud
He swears a whole lot
If he's playing with other people
He's competitive, and chaotic
He's bashing his shoulder into yours to get you to lose
That filthy cheater
He's SKILLED at geometry dash
Mario Kart lmao he would main Waluigi
I think he'd play videogames the most, but Sadie, Tilly, and Marybeth aren't too far behind
Cried while playing FNAF
She would play Stardew valley
Also she's better at geometry dash than Sean (Which is nearly impossible to do, because Sean is so good at it)
She doesn't speedrun or anything, she takes her time and enjoys the journey, okay?!
She does steal from villagers (like everyone else), but other than that she's nice to the villagers and to the traveling traders
Also does NOT kill the Iron Golem. Never.
Mario Kart! She would main Baby Mario
She's not too competitive
But maybe just a little 👀
Insults the men that insult her while playing games like COD, Valorant, Overwatch, etc.
And she wins
Every time
And they go silent
Every time
She's very very good at the video games she enjoys
In Mario Kart she will almost always get first place, and probably mains King Boo (totally not being bias because I always play as King Boo)
She is scary when she plays video games
She's more competitive than Sean
She's not as loud and Sean but damn she yells a lot
Plays Stardew Valley and secretly gushes over the characters with Tilly
She also probably plays Obey Me!
She likes otome games
Her favorite Obey Me! character would be Simeon
Also Minecraft, and Mario Kart
Can you tell I'm a firm believer that all of the gang would like Mario Kart?!
She would main Princess Peach
She plays Minecraft more to build cool stuff than for survival
Also RPGs too!
As a young girl she would be a sans fangirl
Plays the least out of the others, but still plays quite a bit
He likes a lot of games
Minecraft, COD, Valorant, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing for some reason
He plays Minecraft not for survival mode, but to build cool stuff (usually builds stuff with Marybeth)
But he also very much enjoys survival mode
Swears and yells in Spanish
Almost as loud as Sean
The occasional horror game too
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Heyo! Hope you're having a great day! Tysm for opening your match-ups! Anyway here's mine(Romantic please):
I'm a straight woman that uses she/her pronouns, I'd like to be matched up with the MHA fandom! (Excluding all of the villans, Endeavor, All Might and Mineta please!)
I'm a pretty energetic type of person when I have a good night's rest 😅 Especially if I get a good breakfast, I'll be running around a bunch. I consider myself confident and extroverted, mashallah. But on the flip side, staying up at night has a huuuge effect on my personality. I become very tired, grumpy and I start hating people💀💀.
I like to be as straightforward as I can, because what's the point in softening the truth when we could be struck by reality any second? Being truthfull is a very important thing to me, since it is one of the things that helps me pick my close ones!
My favorite past time is video games!! I absolutely love them!!! Especially Genshin Impact, Overwatch, and The Escapists 2.
I love staying up playing, I know I shouldn't buuutt.....Who cares am I right?🤨💀
It's very important that there is balance in any relationships I have, I absolutely hate it when a relationship is one sided. Either we both contribute or we just don't have a relationship. Contributing can be doing things like work to help us, cleaning around the house, making dinner, being nice and respectful to relatives, etc...
I like a guy who is able to match my type of energy, a guy who can stay up and binge watch/play games but at the same time have a stable job. For the guy to be tall or short isn't of any concern, but not shorter than 150 cm...
Some people find this odd, but I don't listen to music. I find it pretty distracting and a temporary solution to boredom. My love language is a mix of Word of Affirmation and Quality Time!
Tysm for reading all of this, and have a great day/night to you and all that read this!❤️‍🔥
omg hi!!!! i am so so so so glad i can do a matchup for you!!! i have the absolute perfect man, so let's get right to it shall we???
the character I chose for you is...
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not only because you simp for him but think about it
you want a man to match your energy, well here you go! this man is nothing but energy HOWEVER when he's not working he's usually exhausted, but still able to have that high energy with you
when you're staying up late playing videogames, expect him to be asleep on your lap
stable job you say??? well this man has 3 LMFAOOOO and he still manages to have time to give you all the love you need
you both have a run around morning routine and it's super cute because one of you are bound to forget something, so the other has to run up to them and give it back, placing a little goodbye kiss on the other's nose
he will cuddle you so it's easier for you to fall asleep so you arent grumpy the next day lmao
teach him how to play videogames and then realize it's a bad idea because he gets REALLY GOOD
like one minute your absolutely knocking him out and the next, you lose. that one's on you lmao
he is such a nice and respectful guy, it's adorable
your family loves him
when you have to work late and he finally has a day off expect to come home to a nice clean house and food on the table
he will spoil you with how he treats you: kisses, cuddles, gifts every now and then, a clean house, food, etc.
and when you do the same, he will love you forever
he loves a two sided relationship just as much as you
like he understands why, but he will get you to try to love it
and because of that, you actually like music a little more (only if he's the one who made it lmaoooo)
he will take you on the most fun dates. like totally random places: bowling, amusement parks, arcades, etc. they're cheesy, but fun
this man will tell you every day how much he loves you
the voice hero is not lacking of those words of affirmation, so expect a lot of it
he is full of unconditional love and that makes you appreciate him so much
matchup rules --- pinned post
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nose-bl · 2 years
hi nose! here are some random questions for you :D
do you get along with your siblings well? what is your dynamic with each of them?
did you have a favorite teacher in middle/high school? if yes, what was the subject they taught?
same question, but for uni :)
do you have a favorite comfort food?
:0 sam in my asks hii
yeah! we used to hate each other but now we have united the fight against my parents lmao. we're really close and share many interests, we sometimes still fight but in general we get along well and play videogames or watch films together
one of my favorite teachers was my last french teacher. he was a really cool man, wore a lot of weird but cool shirts and he was also gay which is a nice bonus. he helped me a lot. honorable mentions to another french and theatre teacher, a history teacher, and a spanish teacher who also helped me a lot with my personal stuff
my 2D animation teacher is very cool and chill and he teaches very very well i love him. another teacher i love is one that i've gotten in multiple classes, she is wild and chaotic but at the same time relaxed and collected? and she always uses gender neutral language (which, in my country, is impressive) and makes sure to not exclude queer and trans ppl in any context and she is the only teacher who calls me by the nickname i tell ppl to call me to avoid my deadname!
saltines. at least right now. i can eat a whole box in an hour while watching silly cartoons. also platanitos maduros which idk how to translate. they're one of my favorite snacks ever
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beyourownanchor6 · 4 months
Thank you so much my friend! I'm planning a chill bday. Gonna indulge in some of my favorite foods, watch a movie, maybe play some videogames... and i'm glad you love dudette! "dude" is gendered and I try to respect people's pronoums always so since you go by she/her I had to find the female of dude. Apparently dudette was big in the 90s.
I agree Dylan hasn't made a bad movie! I'd say my favorite is The First Time, because it's the first movie of his that I saw. Also i was heartbroken he didn't come back for the tw movie lmao. Oooh what movie was that? I love lifetime movies and a good villain, something tells me she'd play a great villain. She has the range.
Oooh a vacation! Nice!! I hope you have fun doing nothing for a bit. I'm a big snacker too and that's a great snack list!
Ok, next question: favorite ships. Specifically on 911 and tw, but really any fandom. (sorry if I already asked this, i have pretty bad memory lol). Also do you like disney movies? What is your favorite?
ooh that sounds like the perfect bday! it’s always nice to just relax and do some of your favorite things. i feel like people don’t use dudette enough lol. and love that it was popular in the 90’s since i’m a 90’s girly (gn)
love the first time! it was one of the first i saw of his as well. i will always be devastated that stiles and theo weren’t in the tw movie 🥲 i also really love dylan in love and monsters. the lifetime movie with holland is called: obsessed to death. always love me a good lifetime movie lol
thanks! i’m looking forward to relaxing and refreshing 🤗
oohh let’s see, and it’s ok i have a terrible memory too lol. for 9-1-1 i’m pretty basic. buddie ofc, love me some madney and henren. idk what their ship name is but i loved david and michael (bring them back please!!) for tw: thiam ofc, as much as i love sterek i’m a stydia girly at heart. scalison but also allisaac. love jethan and morey and whatever the ship is for melissa and argent. ngl tw is one of the few shows i multi-ship with. thiam is probably my otp but everyone else i ship with multiple people 😅
disney movies: i prefer more of the classic ones mostly. i’ve seen aristocats and 101 dalmations (animated) way too many times to count. other notable favorites are: monsters inc/sleeping beauty/toy story (the second is my favorite)/fantasia (i know i’m weird lol) /lilo & stitch/finding nemo/nbc/tarzan…thats all i can think of off the top my head lol
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astuckathometome · 8 months
Alright, well for all of the 3 people that will actually end up seeing this, hi, hello, I've been not-tagged by @articulately-composed, cause I felt like doing this, lmao. It helps me think about things I don't process.
1. Were you named after anyone?
Originally, my father, but I had my name legally changed to swap my middle and first name, so technically, Joseph from the Bible, lol.
The names I go by, that's just. My username from when I was a kid, mostly. It's been a while, but I like Ciel being on the list.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I couldn't tell you the exact date, it was recently though. I've had car trouble and that really fucked with my head for a night or two. The desire to just have things work for once, is a strong one.
3. Do you have kids?
Lord no. I'm a quarter century but I'm not planning on it anytime soon. I am absolute ass at dealing with children, and to my knowledge, none of my partners want them at the moment.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Bowling, kickball, tiny bit of flag football, nothing important, that's for sure.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Fairly frequently. Not all the time, but enough that it's noticeable I think.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Honestly? I'm not sure. I think voice is a big one, but it all depends on the context and place. If it's a date, I'm gonna notice the face and outfit, if it's a family party I'll be thinking who they look like, but, in general especially since I mostly live online, voice/typing style.
7. What’s your eye color?
Hazel, with green on the outside and brown on the inside. Nothing too fancy, but I've gotten compliments on them before.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Always the happy endings, at least as a preference. I can get down with a bad ending sometimes, but like. Endings in general are the important thing, which sucks cause I read so much fanfic, and those are never finished, lmao. Same with Manhwa.
9. Any talents?
Mmmm, I can sing and voice act fairly well, slightly above average bowler, good hugs, and a wealth of strange trivia that I cannot control the flow of, which makes me an ace at trivia games.
I also read fast, but that's not much of a talent.
10. Where were you born?
In a log cabin, or at least close to one, and I'm not kidding.
11. What are your hobbies?
Mostly videogames, watching youtube videos, and occasionally, so occasionally, writing and drawing.
Voice acting too, but it's hard sometimes, lmao.
12. Do you have any pets?
No, but I'd love a sweet self sufficient kitty eventually.
13. How tall are you?
6'1, there's a part of me that wishes I was a twink, but alas.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Probably English or Science. Was always a big fan of those two.
15. Dream job?
Voice acting, streaming, something with flexible hours and a creative bent. Please. For the love of the gods.
Anyways, I'll tag @soundwavefucker69 cause fuck you, I'm off to read about a pigeon.
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hard-core-super-star · 11 months
I don't know how I didn't stop to think that being anonymous actually makes me very mysterious - you just avoided my villain era. Oh yeah, there should be a complaints box, so we could inform and complain about this total mutual discomfort we are going through.
who knew my messy essay would save my neck, thank you for your mercy. I think it could be a result of the second star, the power has gone to my head, I'm going to try to change that😔
now you kind of have to tell this joke or I won't be able to sleep peacefully.
yeah! they actually did a titans show and it looks like it was something like 8 or 80, I didn't watch it either but the reviews are always someone either liking it or hating it, never in between. buying all the comics is my princess dream- but okay, since you're talking about game universes, I agree with you, but tell me I'm not crazy when I say that nightwing completely eat in the Lego games.
that's exactly why I started watching Legends of Tomorrow lmao, they're so silly and chaotic and I love it, not to mention it's the kind of humor that makes me laugh genuinely when I least expect it. OH NO- WAIT In that case I would happily get started for you with an honorable mention to the kiss after their first date and the phrase “I can't be normal” and right after the “I don't want you to be normal” HJSJWKSNDEKK time passes but I'm still stuck in this moment.
they... they canceled the show? haha what? 😀
“slightly traumatized” LMFAO- this shouldn’t be so funny but yeah, I totally get it. I know there's this supercorp thing (I think that's the name) and they are literally the golden retriever gf and the black cat gf 😭 do you still have this blog? asking for scientific research
– 🌟
you're welcome, i'll be here all night [ignore the timezone difference] to remind you how cool and mysterious you are. i would joke and say my inbox is technically a complaints box too but i feel like we'd make one joke about it and somehow add another conversation to our list 👀
i'm not saying i told you so but i did warn you that the second star would be too much. keep that in mind if you ever want to ask for a third one.
honestly, the joke was just going to be the blood-sucker thing which is a direct reference to vampire [both the song and the fic] but then you made the blood-sucker comment for me so my reference is kind of irrelevant by now 😶
i would poke fun at the show for that but i think all my comfort shows have those types of reviews too. i'm pretty sure hawkeye didn't do that well with the general public so i can't hold it against titans. i cannot believe you're bringing up the Lego games because, this is embarrassing to admit but, i was OBSESSED with the Lego Batman 2 game and that's exactly what led me to fall down the DC rabbit hole and eventually the Nightwing rabbit hole. after Lego Batman came Injustice and then the Batman Arkham series which is still my favorite videogame series to this day. even though i never finished origins.
i'm serious do NOT encourage me to talk about this show, i can go on for ages, it's so silly but so important to me and it honestly has the best queer representation of all the Arrowverse shows. [with the exception of Batwoman which was taken from us too soon. and yes that is another rant.] ajksdfhjaghjhdagjh that episode will live in my mind rent free until the day i die! i remember watching it when it aired and i lost my damn mind at the "i don't want you to be normal!" outburst. i love them with all my heart.
whoops, i didn't realize you didn't know. i don't know what season you stopped at but basically, without spoiling anything, Season 7 ended in a cliffhanger and then the news came out that both Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman were cancelled AKA the two shows with the most queer representation. meanwhile, the flash [aka the show with like literally zero rep unless you count subtext] got to do its last [awful, btw] season. as you can tell, i'm still pissed about it.
i have a love-hate relationship with supercorp because i adore them but [to no one's surprise] the CW ruined them and just used their relationship as queerbait since the show was obviously going downhill. the blog is actually still up but i am far too embarrassed to leak it because...yikes.
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oiks-tofu · 1 year
The moment I tried to pronounce "extracurricular ", because I'm an idio, you slipped in here. Thanks for that lmao
11. Favorite extracurricular activity?
When I'm not at work I usually sleep, talk shit with friends or watch some videos. I used to play videogames most of the time but... ya' know.
12. What kind of day is it?
It's a work day so everything is kind of shit. And it's Monday so no further questions asked-
13. When was the last time you ate?
Uh... about 3 hours ago?
14. Do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
Hell yeah I adore this stuff.
15. Are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
I'm a proud dad of a smol and slightly stinky kitty.
16. Can you drive?
I can drive people crazy but I cannot drive a machine on four wheels.
17. Are you farsighted or nearsighted?
I have a really bad corneal irregularity. I can't do anything right without my glasses.
18. What hair products do you use?
Barely anything besides shampoo and hair gel sometimes...
19. Imagine we're at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
I could try- But I would draw on people's faces when they sleep-
20. Do you say soda or pop?
Actually... none of those... Usually it's just beverage or beverage with bubbles. Either many or not so many bubbles.
21. Something you've kept since childhood?
22. What kind of person are you?
That's a tough one... People tell me I'm fun to be around. I'm a little introverted silly goose. I can adapt to certain situations pretty well. Most of the time I may seem and look calm but actually I'm anxious 24/7... it's hard to describe...
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Some random stuff I noticed in Twilight Princess (Wii) , Castle Town Edition
-people start recognizing you as the sword wielding guy when you get further in the game
-the torches flick on with a loud "whoosh“ if you’re standing near them when night hits
-the guards come in different body shapes (all the other NPC‘s always did, but the guards are new)
-almost every single NPC you can talk to has their own daily routine
For example: on the market street of southern castle town, meat stand guy and fruit stand lady only show up at noon, while northern apple stand guy is already there earlier, but his customer he interacts with only appears when the other shop owners do as well.
Like. They put peak shopping times into this environment.
-there’s so many different designs for the non-approachable NPC‘s and you can follow them all doing their own daily routines.
(Honorable mention: This guys‘ outfit in particular giving me heavy Twilight Realm Giant Floating Hand of Doom flashbacks:
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-some of the lines from the market street suggest that Link likes to go on shopping strolls, or at least is a food enthusiast
The flower shop text suggests that Link would buy flowers if the owner weren’t absent, the tasty breads’ too expensive, plus the very fun "this apple looks great! But the ones from the other shop somehow look better“ textboxes. He‘s literally going shopping for fun. (And him being a food enthusiast would also fit nicely with the whole accidental soup making that happened in the Ice Dungeon.)
-the two musicians playing string instruments actually move their arms and hands in time with the music they’re playing (the singing guy doesn’t, or just barely)
Plus when it’s night they vanish, but only once they’re out of the frame. So when you manage to go away, but still keep one in the frame, then that guy will be the only one still hearable. All the street sellers‘ clapping sounds are synced to their movements as well.
-sometimes NPC‘s will stand in front of not-Tingle‘s tent and peek inside. They might even go inside! (You can’t follow them, though.) Depending on which NPC it is, their animation will even look different.
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-Once Malo Mart establishes itself in Castle Town, a solid 2/3 NPC’s will start running around with these shopping bags:
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Also the old lady that shops at the fruit stand will start talking about how utterly adorable Malo is, so that’s cute
-there’s a second good boi with white fur waiting in east castle town, in the middle of the side street that leads to Telmas bar, way behind one of the two guys who always show up at night think the other one across the street wants something from them. I named him Richard III.
-The doctor is mostly just the local dentist? His place has multiple posters depicting teeth, and a few to many jars filled with sets of teeth. (He‘s also got a few filled with frogs and what looks like super small miniature versions of Deku Baba‘s.)
-I never noticed there’s a cafe here on the main plaza right to the right of the southern entrance (or left for non-Wii versions)
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-going further right (left) leads to a gate, inside is a giant staircase. The Gorons chill here and sell stuff. On the very top you can see over the entirety of Castle Town (and even use first person mode!)
-Agithas Castle/house has a second floor. You can go up there via ladder. Her house is gigantic. Her bed is gigantic. She‘s got giant sheets of purple fabric just lying around. Her claim to be royalty might not even be that far off.
And the rest is just super known stuff that keeps appearing in every YouTube top 10 list, like not-Tingle being allergic to Wolf Link, the fortune teller lady probably being a Sheikah (or related) because she‘s got their symbol on her forehead, and so on
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
hello may I request a romantic matchup for final fantasy vii?
my pronouns are they/them and I don't have a preference for the gender of my match^^
my mbti is intp. I'm a very shy and reserved person in public, I try not to cause too much attention but also express myself openly. I suffer from anxiety ( I don't take meds or anything so I'm usually on edge) and overthink about people/other things. If you get to know me, im a huge extrovert and cheerful person. I love making jokes and laughing <3 I'm airheaded and clumsy. I'm a very random person too, more eccentric for sure. I do the most offwall things because I'm bored ( like jumping off things or asking off-putting questions). I love talking! About anything I'm hyperfixated on atm ( as in old interests or new ones!) and I can go on for hours . I'm pretty childish, but mature and mother like when I need to be. I love physical affection (even tho I say I hate it) anything like hugs is nice for me! I'm a caring person and mostly a listener. Very sassy (which people say it's "cute" from me) and sarcastic, with a whole lot of blunt. I'm a flirt too, but anything flirty from someone else gets me shy. I get very bad mood swings and it is causing trouble for me to make friends or keep them, since I'll just isolate myself from them- I also have insecurities regarding my looks (particularly my body) so I get v sour when I think about that. Alot of the times you can tell when I'm in a mood bc I get quiet. Anyway I'm a lazy, procrastinater and plainn lmao.
I love playing the piano, anime/manga, true crime (i rlly wanna be a forensic scientist), horror/gore, sanrio, videogames (i'm ur classic gamer, mt dew and doritios), oversized clothings
I dislike insects, hot weather, exercise, any bright neon colors,crowds/parties, people telling me what to do , injustice , and mornings
my music taste consists of everything (exepct country or rap music) so like Deftones,Slipknot,Korn,Ethel cain, lana del ray, HIM, tyler the creator, any vocaloid or anime songs (specially nightcore) or i love video game music
as for my fashion i dress very alternative (ihaveaseptum), kind of like a pinterest board but mostly black or like chainsaw man (power style lol). I'm a big metal head so band t'shirts or recently scene emo is my favorite
hi there! you are my first person to request from any final fantasy games and I am so over the moon about it!! i didnt know how many people actually enjoyed the series on here or wanted writing from it so thank you!!! <333 i have the perfect character for you!
the character I chose for you is...
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now consider
your more dark style contrasted with her more bright style
i think it'll work beautifully
she helps calm your anxiety and truly does love you
she laughs at all your jokes and will definitely bring out that cheerier side of you when she's around
she will answer all of your weird questions honestly and surprise you by asking one too lmaooo
she will listen to you talk for hours
loves to hear what you're passionate about
you and her are both very similar by being childish and mature at the same time and you both annoy Cloud because of it lmfaoooo
you'll flirt with each other, but get flustered when it's the other person's turn lmfao
play the piano for her
she loves the piano
supports you in your dream to become a forensic scientist, thinks it's amazing that you want to do that
she will sit on your lap and hug you while you play videogames
is a literal sanrio character, so you're all good (she will buy you hello kitty merch tho frrr)
you and her both beg Cloud to be the one to kill any bug in the house lmfaooooo
lots of cuddling and just being by each other's side in your perfect little contrast :)
matchup rules --- pinned post
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softshiin · 3 years
hello! i read your post about tokyorev boys taking you on a night ride and i just wanted to say that i love this concept and i really enjoyed your headcanons, they were so cute T_T
may i ask you the same setting but with kazutora, smiley and kokonoi? thank you so much <3
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summary: they take you on a late night ride <3
characters: kazutora, smiley, koko
warnings: pure fluff
note: hello!! tysm for requesting this~ i’m really happy that you liked the first part!!
pt1 <3
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; this is def something he had planned before, not telling you ofc
; that day he just said to you “don’t go to sleep earlier”
; and you found him, hiding behind a tree in the street in front of your house
; as soon as he noticed you peeking thru the window he smiled and pulled out a huge signboard with written “wanna go on a date with me?<3”
; you dressed yourself in like 5 seconds, and hurried to him
; def wants you to constantly hug him while he’s riding
; loves when you play with his jacket while doing so
; he just rides all night thru the streets, without a precise destination
; at the end prob takes you to a lil square, and pulls out some fireworks
; yk, those little ones that you can put in your hand
; takes a lot of pics with you holding them <3
; he’s deeef the type that knows everything that there’s in your daily schedule.
; what you do in the morning, what you eat, what classes you have, at what hour you go to sleep ecc
; so yeah, he basically showed up while you were taking your nighty walk and asked you out for a date
; “will my beautiful s/o give me a lil bit of their time please?”
; he had everything already planned <3
; prob took you to the arcade or some place with videogames, and plushies machines
; def won a lot of plushies for you
; you were kinda disappointed, i mean he only won plushies and not iphones? 😒
; still loved him lmao
; ended up spending the whole night with him, and returned at 5 in the morning
; actually wanted to show up all dressed up only for you
; didn’t do that cause he was only with his bike and not in an expensive car
; he brought you your fav flowers
; if you don’t like flowers then he brought you some snacks or chocolate <3
; as soon as he saw you he wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss on you lips
; romantic af even if he doesent want to show it
; shy baby as weellll
; you never get bored with him
; during night his soft side comes out, and he’s surprisingly clingy
; wants all of your attention for him and only him
; takes you down the streets, and you just do stupid things without any sense
; def wants you to dance with him once you’ve arrived to your (both yours and his) favorite place <3
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shuttershocky · 2 years
So I got persona 5 awhile back used, have only played a little of it, and now the royal deluxe version is on sale. I was wondering if it’s worth buying the royal version and switching to it or stick to the one I have. Is it worth it?
Don't believe the reviews written at launch, they probably had to submit the review before finishing the game. It is absolutely worth buying P5 Royal even if you already have P5. Royal is the game that P5 SHOULD have been. It is the game people remember in their minds when they think about how they loved P5 but haven't actually replayed P5 to see all its problems laid bare.
Some stuff that makes buying Royal worth it
The original Persona 5 had a very, very obvious Light and L thing going on between Akechi and Joker (they even look like them lmao). They also didn't pull it off. Royal greatly rewrites and explores their relationship both in their brand new confidant (the new name for social links) and in the newly added month, making it one of the best relationships in the series.
They rebalanced the combat entirely. Guns are finally usable instead of being worthless, and there's far more depth and creativity possible in the Thieves' movesets. Some people complained the game was made too easy, but honestly that's an easy tradeoff to make up for the ridiculous number of quality of life changes added that make the whole thing a smoother, more dynamic, and fun experience. Also, Royal reworked how status effects work, allowing you to use them to knock down (and thus combo) enemies that normally do not have weaknesses. It's fucking rad.
Every confidant event now also has extra dialogue where they call you over your cellphone. Social links / confidants have always been the biggest appeal of Persona, getting more out of them is a big plus.
The new director (they changed directors in Royal)'s storytelling ability is just... Better. Like, it's crazy, at some point you can actually obviously tell which parts of the game are new in Royal and which were in the original game because of the quality of the dialogue and the overall writing is just that much better (and Royal keeps the original games' scenes). The original P5 had many, many problems with its writing, from being unable to hold on to its plot to just sometimes having cringy dialogue. There's straight up a whole scene where the villains explain EVERYTHING to each other despite both of them knowing all the info already. It gets that bad. Royal's original writing on the other hand, has a grasp of both plot writing and an emotional understanding of its cast to really make the most out of the setting's potential. The difference is night and day, get Royal for this reason alone.
They added talents / passives to Personas which can be inherited through fusion, which can make some EXTREMELY funny personas if you figure out an overpowered combo.
Morgana doesn't force you to go to sleep at night as much anymore. You can read books or study or clean the cafe or play videogames, basically DO shit that raises your stats rather than wasting time. Anyone that's played the original game might see this as the number 1 reason to get Royal honestly, it feels incredible to not waste so many days on a game with limited time. (You can finish all possible confidants in a single run without it even being very strict! Holy fucking shit!)
You get the P5 DLC for free btw lmao. Royal had its own DLC, but if you open the PlayStation network and own Royal, the original P5 DLC is free for you. Get it, some of the personas (like Kaguya) are stupidly fun.
The original P5 had one horrible final boss (he's still there in Royal, he's just not the final boss anymore.) Royal's final boss on the other hand, is legitimately one of my favorite final JRPG battles ever. I like it even more than Persona 3's Nyx, it's that good (though nowhere near as hard). If you like Ursula K Le Guin's work, the final arc is thematic inversion of one of her short stories. I love it so much.
The soundtrack is bitchin.
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jupitersmiles · 3 years
haikyuu boys as
little things i think they’d do with you
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a/n: this is pure chaos and was built off of a single intrusive thought that has extended into something bigger (yeah it was the one about screaming HAGASH) i love all of these. and yes, one of tadashis was inspired off of strawberry mentos !!
also this is my first time making one of these and im not too confident with it so if you have any feed-back for the kitchen, let me know !!
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─ kōshi sugawara
◟ gives up his seat on the bus for you <3 
◟ lets you ramble on for hours. you’re rambling and sometimes you hesitate because you’re scared you’re talking too much, but he just smiles at you and tells you “go on, im listening.”
◟ plays the tambourine for you during karaoke, occasionally joining in to sing the lyrics with you
◟ buys you lunch when you don’t have one
( bonus: if you forgot yours, he’ll share his with you. he does not care if you say no, hes sharing and thats it. he’d also bring you lunch if you were in a different club/place as him, if possible )
─ asahi azumane
◟ he !!! he plays with your hair when you get anxious !!!
◟ also absent-mindedly fiddles with your hand/fingers :,)
◟ he likes to compare hand sizes with you
◟ lets you sleep on his shoulder on the bus !!
( bonus: one time, after practice, he and you sat beside eachother on the bus. you were both exhausted, and before you knew it, your head was on his shoulder, and his head was atop of yours. sugawara took a photo of it and teased asahi for it HAHA asahi still asked for it and made it his background on his phone )
◟ sometimes you catch him staring at you and he just quietly mutters, “can i kiss you?”
◟ sometimes the both of you wake up at dawn just to scream at the sunrise. when he’s frustrated and doesnt know what to do or how to express it, he just goes to his roof top and just... screams. the both of you thought of it as therapeutic and honestly, it felt rejuvenating
─ yū nishinoya
◟ SCREAMS song lyrics with you
◟ the type to go on 7-eleven runs at 1am to get slushies and go on spontaneous road trips to the city with you
◟ also the type to run over to your house when its pouring rain and you’re sad. he’ll stand outside and wait for you to unlock the door for him.
( bonus: one time he and you got into an argument-- it was over something dumb, and it spiraled out of control. to apologize to you, he ran over to your house, held a boom-box up, and started playing stupid romance music whilst screaming “im sorry” and, “i love you” at the top of his lungs. you ended up forgiving him LMAOIASU )
◟ makes you laugh at 2:30 in the morning because you were feeling anxious </3
─ tobio kageyama
◟ teases you for small things but ends up apologizing a million times when you act upset
◟ gets really annoyed when he has to untangle his headphones so he has you untangle them for him
he’s baffled by how easily you disentangle them. appreciates it way more than he should, its gotten to the point where he just wordlessly hands them to you and waits HAGJHSA
◟ bashfully holds your hand
hes so awkward about it sometimes :(( he tries to reach for your hand, hesitates, goes for it again......
◟ gives you blunt compliments all of the time LMAO
─ kei tsukishima
◟ rests his head on top of yours just to make fun of your height
◟ pokes fun at you when you’re mad at a videogame
◟ he covers your eyes and gives you forehead kisses
he’s kind of embarrassed to let you see him do it directly LMAO
◟ he holds your hand in crowded places because he’s scared of losing you to the mass of bodies he wont admit to this even though you know it
◟ sometimes he claims he doesnt know what you’re talking about just to watch you struggle to explain it even further. he always knows what you’re talking about, he just thinks its cute when you’re a bit exasperated and pouty
─ tadashi yamaguchi
◟ always scared to kiss you because he doesnt want to fuck it up
◟ takes you out for ice cream at ungodly hours of the night because you asked. he’s always tired in the morning, but he doesn’t mind
◟ he likes to eat your favorite candy so when you kiss, it tastes like them
◟ takes you to on silly and cute dates !! 
◟ stands on the edge of the sidewalk so you’re not in danger 
◟ gives you giggly kisses !!
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─ kōtarō bokuto
◟ absent-minded touches <33 he doesnt mean to startle you, but he just wants to feel you there beside him. whether it be brushing his hand against yours, holding your hand, playing with your fingers... baby just loves to know you’re right there beside him
◟ stays up late until you fall asleep because he just wants to talk to you
◟ reciprocates your rambles !! when you get going on a topic, he will happily listen and/or provide his own opinions
◟ will talk to you about animals for hours
◟ takes you to the zoo specifically to pet the goats 
◟ holds your hand on rollercoasters, especially if and when he gets scared of the tall drops
◟ spontaneous facetime calls at any hour !! 
◟ lets you ride in the shopping cart and he pushes you around, vice versa !! 
he’s crashed into things more times than you can remember, but neither of you mind !! the employees, however....
─ keiji akaashi
◟ insists on buying you that one thing you loved even if you say you dont want or need it that much 
◟ HE READS !! YOU !! TO !! SLEEP !!
◟ answers your 4am calls and listens to you when you’ve had a nightmare :(
◟ takes you on picnic dates. he’ll pick you up and he’s already packed snacks and lunches !! 
◟ gives you wrist kisses <3
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─ astumu miya
◟ plays footsies with you while on a date LMAOSHAK
◟ looking at you with suppressed laughter when hearing a reference to a private joke. one of you always ends up busting out with laughter whilst others remain confused as to what was so funny
◟ watches movies with you, even if he doesn't like them
◟ plays games with you COMPETITIVELY. sometimes he shoves you to get an advantage when hes losing like the cheater he is
◟ has playful arguments with you about board game rules. he often says that you “rigged the game” because you were winning, or vice versa. 
you always accuse him back, though, given he has tried to make you fail numerous times
◟ he takes you on late night drives all of the time. sometimes, the two of you will park on the side of the road, headlights on and the radio playing your favorite song. he’ll drag you out of the car and dances with you, albeit sloppily, but the both of you are laughing and having fun :,)
─ osamu miya
◟ makes you homemade breakfast, lunch, or dinner
◟ he slow dances with you in the kitchen when its way too early in the morning. you’re both just lazily swaying back and forth, but it doesnt make it any less special
◟ has you taste test food for him <3 
◟ loves to cook with you. sometimes in the morning when he wakes up after you, he’ll find you in the kitchen, bed head and all, making something for breakfast. he wordlessly joins you, slack in his own pajamas, and you both exchange sleepy “good mornings” and tired smiles as you work your way in the kitchen
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─ takanobu aone
◟ wordlessly ties your shoes for you when he notices they’re untied
◟ loves to listen to you ramble. he isnt much of a talker, but when he hears you going on about something you love, see’s the way you’re glowing with passion... he swears he falls even more in love every time
◟ also loves to absent-mindedly hold your hand <3
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