#and the art of achilles tending to patroclus' wound
deadbaguette · 2 days
I don't want to be repetitive but I love how you make the characters so tender and loving,,, so here's a weird request, do you have any scars hc? I mean, do (insert character) hide them? Or let their lover kiss and caress them? Oh, which characters I mean you say? Your pick, have fun!
It’s not repetitive at all 🥹 I love LOVE LOVE it when people describe my art as tender and loving because that’s absolutely my favourite thing to draw. But omggg scar headcannons … you just spoke to a specific part of my brain bcs I love thinking about scars, beauty marks, etc. I don’t have the time to make a fully fleshed out scar map, BUT alongside a small doodle for the character I have a definitive scar map for (Diomedes) I can share all the scars I hc and how they’re treated :D AUUGSGDH thank you for giving me the excuse to do this I always have so answering your asks <3
Scar hcs:
Firstly I think the only character I have a set in stone scar hc for is Diomedes! I draw him more often than I would like to admit, so the ones on his face are: one across his left eyebrow, one by his lip/mouth, one across the nose, one on the right cheek, one on the shoulder, one on the foot. He is the most scarred character I draw, and this is largely due to the fact that I hc him (it’s probably also to an extent canon) as reckless in battle. He’s not a pristine clean warrior, he’s all too familiar with blood and war. He carries the reckless scars he gained in Thebes with the other Epogoni throughout his adulthood, and for so long they served as a reminder of where he came from. Death and violence that’s haunted him throughout his entire life, and these scars are symbols of that. So, what’s a few more to gain in Troy? It’s not like it’ll make him look any less battle scarred if he gains a few more. He hasn’t had a good reason to care about his life until now, scars not only remind him of that but also make him feel like he can’t change it. But… I like to imagine the people that care for him (whether this be Odysseus, Sthenelus, or in an AU Penelope) treat them with such delicacy and care that it almost creates an entire other association for them. Sthenelus gently tending to a wound that will surely scar, so that when it does heal it no longer carries the association of a mistake in battle but instead a tender moment shared between them and them only. Odysseus and Penelope kissing the scars on Diomedes’ face is their favourite pasttime, because if he won’t love them (he feels indifferent to them), they absolutely will. A tender kiss to the cheek, a gentle kiss to just above his eye, a quick peck against the side of his mouth, a loving press against his nose that they would have to tiptoe to reach. Diomedes never felt any love, hatred, or feelings in general towards his scars. He never made any more to hide them, he wore what was convenient. If his new scars weren’t covered by the clothes he would wear, so be it. But in a way he’s grown to love them, or at least the memories and feelings they hold.
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Will be more hcs below the cut!
Achilles is very unscarred. Like the only scar on his body by the time he was dead was the one on his heel. Patroclus is also relatively unscarred, but he has a few. There is one on his hand that Achilles loves to kiss, but like in a very specific way. I hc Patroclus to almost always the one to initiate the physical contact, and he tends to cradle Achilles’ face with his hand (literally one of my fav form of physical touch) and Achilles always leans into it and kisses the scar on his hand. Patroclus never really liked his scars, so he tends to cover them up. But I think I believe Achilles loved wholeheartedly every part of Patroclus and movements he’s spent with him and vice versa. Every scar he’s gained will have a story to tell, so even if Patroclus doesn’t show it to others, there is a story that Achilles will hear. It would be something as dramatic as gaining it in battle or something as small as “you got this when you fell from a tree? I love it.” They’re as much friends as they are lovers, and they actively choose to continue to be in each other’s lives. If this means sitting together recounting the tales of how Patroclus nicked himself carving wood a few years ago and scarred, so be it.
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Hector… I need to talk about this one!!! So normal and sane about him. He’s undoubtedly scarred, what with him fighting at the front but he’s no Achilles. Hector hides his scars but not because he’s ashamed of them, it’s quite the contrary because he in a strange way enjoys looking at them, but rather that he knows it causes his family worry. Hector loves his family so much, and he sees the worry and sadness in their eyes when he comes back with new scars to Andromache. How she’ll stare at them like it’s another piece of him lost, and it won’t be long until he is wholly gone too. He hides them so she can focus on the him that’s there now, and comforts her saying that he will come back to her. When Kassandra looks at the new scars on his chest and she can’t help but sigh. She told him to be more careful, but truly in the end they’re both fighting a fruitless fight against the fates. Kassandra knows this, and she keeps count of how many her brother has until he gains his last lethal one. He’s hiding them so as to not cause his sister distress. She knows he will never believe her if she tells him what will happen to him, but she cannot help but mourn for the living man.
Agamemnon has quite a few scars. He’s the lord of men, the shepard of the people, and wealthy beyond what he needs. The scars don’t mean much to him, and if anything they’re even more a testament to his power. He’s no Achilles who can come out of battle unscarred, but perhaps that’s the difference in what makes him the leader of the Achaeans. The scars he bears are a symbol of his humanity and but don’t take away from his power and image. He SURVIVED these scars. But deep down? I do think it’s a little more complicated than this. I don’t think I’ve discussed Agamemnon that much, but I do find his character really interesting. His family name is uhh tarnished to say the least, but throughout all of it he’s had his brother with him. Agamemnon cares a lot about Menelaus, he goes to war for him, he sacrifices his daughter for him, and they endure 10 years of war together. Agamemnon maybe doesn’t care about his own, but he remembers every scar Menelaus has. Like that one scene in book 3 yk where he just starts doing all the dramatics of MENELAUS I WILL AVENGE YOU MY DEAR BROTHER and Menelaus is just sitting there… ever so slightly wounded… being like brother it’s fine and Agamemnon still goes like MACHAON DROP EVERYTHING AND TEND TO HIS WOUND IMMEDIATELY I WILL SLAUGHTER THESE DISHONOURABLE TROJANS FOR DARING TO LOOK IN YOUR DIRECTION MENELAUS. It’s just kinda silly and sweet how much he cares about his little brother. Ever scrape Menelaus got growing up I imagine it was Agamemnon tending to it, and remembers them all to prevent him getting hurt further. As an older brother, he made it his sworn duty to make sure Menelaus grew up strong and out of harms way.
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babybrothershaped · 9 months
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achilles and patroclus//sam and dean
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moncuries · 2 years
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a-d-nox · 2 years
apollo, god of sun, arts, healing, wisdom, archery, agriculture, and prophecies (asteroid 1862)
when talking about such a popular god or goddess i am going to for warn paraphrasing - of course all these stories have more details and all these popular gods have stories within stories. i would love to share them all/in detail but i would need a book and a lot more time to write it. my attempt in writing these posts are to inform you on the high level story of the god’s or goddess’s life. that being said if any one of the events regaled in the post pique you interest - please let me know i don’t mind giving a more in-depth tale of any of the events mentioned.
but without further adieu: apollo
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When referred to as the sun god he was called Phoebus (meaning bright), as a prophet he was called Loxias (meaning the person who speaks crookedly), as the god of healing he was called Paean (meaning the thing of praises) - but we all know him best as Apollo. Both Apollo and Artemis are the twins of Zeus and Leto (a titan). Zeus’s affair against Hera turned her spiteful. And out of wrath, Hera sent the dragon, Python, after Leto so she couldn’t birth the illegitimate children in her world. Having nowhere to go, Leto birthed the twins on an island called Delos (allegedly it was Apollo who whispered to her in the womb to go there), where she balanced on an olive branch while birthing Artemis - who then helped her mother to birth Apollo. The twins were only fed nectar and ambrosia after their birth and within four days they reached full physical maturity. A short time later - somewhere in the first two days, Hermes invented the lyre and stole a cow from Apollo - this angered Apollo and in order to appease him, Hermes traded the lyre (there was a turtle (chelys) involved in the making of the first lyre haha) for the cow. Ever since, Apollo has been associated with music. On the fourth day, Apollo was vengeful to hear what happened to his mother so he hunted down Python, who he fatally wounded with his arrows. This led Python to hide in Gaea's sanctuary located in Delphi (Python succumbed to his wounds and died), where Apollo threatened to paint the place using the dragon’s blood. Zeus intervened at this point and explained to him there would be no more bloodshed at Delphi and that he was his father (*darth vader voice* “apollo, i am your father”). Delphi was then considered a sacred place for Apollo where he would predict prophecies using an oracle, called a Pythia, to channel his messages. After that, Apollo only grew stronger and more daring - competing with Marsyas - the satyr (flayed alive - it was a flute duel), Pan (unscathed, the judge (Midas) - not so much - pan flute duel), Cinyras (imploded after losing to Apollo or committed suicide - very unclear - another flute duel), etc. Apollo (son like father) had many love affairs as well. There was Coronis (who birthed Asclepius), Marpessa (who was able to choose between him and another man - chose the other guy), Cassandra (the Trojan princess), Cyparissus (the man who was turned into a tree), Hyacinthus (turned into a flower), and, most famously, Daphne (who took a vow of celibacy with Artemis and turned into a laurel tree to avoid Apollo (the reason he tends to always be depicted wearing a laurel is to represent his undying love for her)). Apollo is deeply ingrained in many stories of mythology - his time spent as a mortal because Asclepius was going to cure mortals of aging, the Walls of Troy he built with Poseidon for an attempting to overthrow Zeus, his killing Achilles after his best friend's, Patroclus, death (seems like a love triangle to me - those that know know ;)), and so much more. All that being said IN MY OPINION Apollo in a chart can represent a) poetic abilities, b) how and in what area of life you can heal others, c) archery abilities, d) agricultural abilities, e) predestined occurrences in your life, f) where you tend to be relentless in life, g) bisexual relations, and/or h) where in life you tend to be punished most for your actions.
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i encourage you to look into the aspects of apollo along with the sign, degree, and house placement. for the more advanced astrologers, take a look at the persona chart of abundantia AND/OR add the other characters involved to see how they support or impede apollo!
OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: artemis (105), leto (68), zeus (5731 / h42), hera (103), pytho (9431), delphi (73769), ambrosia (193), hermes (69230), gaea (1184), pythia (432), midas (1981), marsyas (343158), pan (4450), asclepius (4581), kassandra (114), daphne (41), poseidon (4341 / h47), achilles (588), and patroclus (617)!
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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johaerys-writes · 3 years
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Fandom: The Song of Achilles
Pairing: Achilles/Patroclus
Patroclus is a sailor, and Achilles a merman that saves his life when his ship is caught in a storm. The two end up on a deserted island, and the friendship that develops between them will change both of their lives for good.
Chapter 3: The Nymph Who Became Star, the penultimate chapter of my Merman AU Fall Into Your Tide is up! Art is by the wonderful @katartstrophe​ :)
Read on Ao3! Or read from the beginning
Once upon a time, deep in the Laconian mountains, there lived a nymph. The forest was her home; she walked the woods and swam in the streams, protected the animals that lived there and helped the trees and plants grow strong.
One day, she met a young man from a nearby village. He was a healer’s apprentice, and had ventured deep into the forest in search of medicinal plants. Touched by his gentle manners and dedication to his craft, the nymph decided to help him and share her knowledge with him. The man returned the next day, and the day after that, bringing her gifts of flowers and honeyed sweets. His visits became a regular occurrence; they would spend hours together, talking and gathering herbs, exploring the forest. It wasn’t long before the two fell in love.
Months passed in peaceful bliss. However, when the next summer came, a terrible war broke out with a neighbouring state, and the man was called away from his village and sent to battle.
Endless days rolled by without him. The nymph waited and waited, fearing the worst, for she knew well how fickle and short the lives of humans were, winked out in a fateful instant like the flame of a candle. Finally, after several months, the war came to an end. The men who had gone to battle returned— or what was left of them.
The young man did not come to her. Overcome by worry, the nymph decided to approach the village in hopes of seeing him, even though she had always kept her distance from humans and their settlements. When she finally found his house amidst the multitudes of others, she hid in the trees of the garden and peeked inside.
She was overjoyed to see that her love was still alive, but her relief was short-lived. He had been grievously wounded, and his life was hanging by a thread. The healers of the village had done what they could, and all that was left was prayer. Incense burned around him night and day, while he lay on the bed, pale and unmoving.
The nymph's heart ached with longing and grief, such that she had never known in her long life. Tearful and distraught, she returned to her forest, determined to find some way to help him.
She searched for the other nymphs, much older and more experienced than her in the art of healing. None knew of a way to bring back someone that was only a breath away from crossing Hades’ rivers.
“Death cannot be healed,” they admonished her, “and it should not.”
The nymph listened to no one. She kept asking, kept searching. Only a dryad, knowledgeable and wise and older than the forest itself, her skin tough and leathery like an oak tree’s bark, knew of an answer. She told her of a herb, one that grew on Olympus’ highest peak. It was the rarest plant there was, unmatched in its potency. It could mend the deepest wounds, cure the most severe of illnesses.
"The gods guard their home well," the dryad warned her, "and do not tolerate trespassers. No one dares enter the Olympians’ realm without their consent. Anyone who does, must pay the price.” T he nymph thanked the dryad for her help. There was nothing else for her to do other than to brave the long and arduous journey to Mount Olympus.
She was quick and silent as she travelled, yet her movements did not go unnoticed. Zeus' eyes were on her long before she'd reached the foot of the mountain. For an oread, a mountain nymph, to leave the safety of her forest and travel such great distances, to cross rivers and plains and deep ravines and pass so close by so many human settlements was unheard of. So he watched, curious, and waited.
When the nymph reached the middle of the mountain, he disguised himself as a centaur, and presented himself to her. When asked where she was going, the nymph told him the truth:
"I have come to gather a herb, to heal the one I love. It grows on Olympus' highest peak."
Zeus was angered by her boldness, but her earnestness intrigued him more. He warned her, not unkindly,“If you continue on your quest, you will make the gods angry. They do not take kindly to such insults.”
The nymph thanked him for the warning, and continued on her way.
Zeus kept following her, taking on many disguises: a deer, a hunter, a satyr. Each time, he told the nymph the same thing, and she responded in the same way: she thanked him warmly, and continued.
When she finally reached the peak, and her satchel was filled with the precious herb, Zeus presented himself to her. He thundered and shone, blindingly bright, in all his menacing godly glory. I nstead of cowering before him, the nymph stood tall.
“I am aware that this is your land,” she told him, “and this plant belongs to you. Whatever price you command for it, I will gladly pay it.”
Zeus thought long and hard. The nymph’s insolence was unparalleled, but he found her bravery refreshing. In the end, he decided to let her go, allowing her to take with her not only the rare plant she had gathered, but also enough provisions for her journey home to Taygetus’ misty peaks.
The nymph returned to the young man’s village as swiftly as she could. In a matter of days, he had regained his full strength; he was lively and healthy again, as bright and fair as he had been before he had left for the war. They were both so glad, that their love shone like a midsummer sun.
It was then that Zeus reached down and plucked the nymph from the earth and her lover’s embrace. He placed her among the stars and tasked her with guarding the very plant she had stolen, for all time. Before he left, he set one of his fearsome eagles upon her, to make sure she would never shirk her duty.
The price for saving her lover’s life had finally been paid.
The Guardian star shines in the midst of the constellation of Aquila, Zeus’ eagle. The star shines the brightest during the summer months, when the plant is in full bloom.
Achilles let out a sigh after I had finished. The sky had darkened while I recounted the story, and the stars were now twinkling above us. We were lying on our backs on the sand, still warm from the sun that had been beating upon it all day.
“Olympians,” he muttered darkly, “and their cruelty.”
Many times before had Achilles expressed his dislike of the Olympians. The nereids were Titan-born, and the Titans had not been on good terms with the powerful and arrogant sons and daughters of Cronus for millennia. By the way Achilles’ brow furrowed whenever I told him tales of their many transgressions or fierce punishments of those who displeased them, I could tell that this animosity between the old and newer gods was far from forgotten.
“Why did not Zeus simply let her take the plant?” he asked. “He didn’t need it. He wouldn’t miss it. What could one mortal’s life have meant to him, in the grand scheme of things?”
“In truth," I said, "I do not think it was about the plant at all."
“What was it about, then?”
“Perhaps it was because the nymph attempted to hold on to something she was never meant to have," I told him earnestly. "She wasn’t meant to have a long and happy life with that man; he was dying. Nothing could change that other than this plant, and it was forbidden. She wished to avoid the pain of losing him, therefore she was punished."
Achilles frowned. "Anyone would wish to avoid that. That doesn’t sound like that serious of a crime to me.”
I took a breath, letting my gaze drift over the dark sky above. Achilles’ scent of ocean currents, of salt and sand filled my lungs, warming me. His hand was so close to mine, I could feel the faint heat emanating from his skin, yet I did not dare close the distance between us. Something held me back. It always did.
"Pain is only a natural consequence of living,” I said, and the words sounded dry to my ears, harsh. “Death, separation; those are the rules. Life is the exception. This is how it’s always been, for humans. If the souls in Hades’ halls were released, they could fill the earth ten times over— there are so many more souls down there than up here, an infinite supply of them. The only certainty for any mortal is that, one day, they will die. For gods, it’s different. Life is guaranteed; death is but an improbable outcome. The nymph wished to defy this rule, to give her lover something that wasn't hers to give, or his to keep. In so doing, she would have challenged the order of the world itself. It could not happen. The gods could not allow it.”  
Achilles turned his head to look at me, his large, feline eyes piercing me to the core. The light brush of his breath against my shoulder sent a roll of warmth cascading through me.
“Do you think she shouldn’t have done it, then?”
I stayed silent for a moment, pondering his question. "That is not for me to say," I said after a short while. "I'm not sure it was a matter of choice for her. It is said that, when you love someone, you act to keep them with you for as long as you can." I shook my head lightly. "I have never loved someone like that before, the way the nymph loved this young man. But I think… I think I can imagine what it must have been like, for her.”
The truth was, I had never let anyone too close to me. I did not know what it was like, to care about someone deeply enough to risk everything to keep them by my side, the same way that no one had ever fought to keep me by theirs. My father had given me up when I was far too young to know the difference, and since then I'd had to largely rely on myself for my survival. I always tended to keep my distance from most people I met, and never lingered in any one place or ship for too long. Xanthos was my closest friend; we had known each other for years, but even he would go away for months at a time to return to his family, while I stayed at sea. I had always been alone, and I always told myself I preferred it that way.
I had thought my life peaceful, comfortable, even. A life of hard work and few luxuries, yet it was mine. I was a free man, depending on no one. I had thought myself content. It wasn’t until I had come close to losing my life in that storm, until I had found myself on this island, until I had met Achilles, that I realised how drab and colourless my life had truly been.
Achilles was looking up at the night sky now, his profile illuminated by starlight. The stars shone bright, like a multitude of silver pins on a dark blue canopy, keeping it in place. He lifted his arm, pointing at a cluster of stars right above us. "Is this the nymph's star?"
"No," I told him, "it's this one." I took his hand and moved it slightly to the left, until it was pointing right at the Guardian star, the smallest of the bunch.
He gazed at the star for a long moment. Then, he asked, "Whatever happened to the young man? The one she fell in love with?"
"I don't know," I replied. "That was where the story ended. I never learned the young man’s fate."
He sighed. “I would have liked to know what happened to him,” he said. “What his life was like, after the nymph was taken.”
“You would?”
"Yes." Achilles tilted his head to look at me. “It is the greater grief, after all, isn't it,” he said softly, “to be left behind when another is gone?"
The nightbirds cooed above us, and the chill breeze stirred the leaves of the cypress trees that lined the coast. The world was peaceful, and in the silence that lingered, I thought I could hear his heart beating, a quiet and steady thump between us. His skin reflected the pale moonlight, and in its feeble glow he looked very nearly transparent. When his eyes focused on me like this, soft and dreamy, almost wistful, I knew that I wanted nothing more than to be where they could see me.
I swallowed, willing myself to meet his gold-flecked gaze. Gods, I could drown in those eyes. I would gladly let their shifting currents swallow me whole.  
"It is," I whispered.  
Read the rest on Ao3!
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thegoatsongs · 5 years
Homer: Patroclus was a goddamn shark when in battle and the fiercest of men respected him
Ancient Achilles/Patroclus art: *shows Achilles tending Patroclus' wounds after a hard day's battle, not the other way around*
Madeline Miller: Patty was a soft 🧽 unproblematic bean 😇 who never 🙅🏻 fought in the war. A good medic 💉 boi staying in the tent healing 👨‍⚕️ 💊 his man and dreaming of fruit 🍇 until 😞 one fateful day with a heavy heart 😭 he had to fight
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akhilleuskcsmcs · 3 years
🥝, talk Lyre to me.
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🥝  :    does my muse have any  ‘  unusual  ’  habits, interests,  and  /  or talents?  do they hide it,  or are they proud of it?  
Well, here’s the thing, Achilles was trained by Chiron since he was young (maybe about 9 years old, this was before he spent time on Skyros). Chiron’s skills match those of his foster father Apollo, the centaur was known for his knowledge and skill in medicine, herbs, music, archery, hunting, gymnastics and prophecy. Most of which he passed on to Achilles, the exception being the art of prophecy. 
So, Achilles is knowledgeable in medicine, herbs (how to find herbs that’ll help and how to identify those that would not help), music (Achilles isn’t as talented as Orpheus or the muses but he’s good at playing the lyre! Which, really, only Patroclus knew about since they spent a lot of time together but according to the book, Silence of the Girls, Achilles also played for his men.) He’s also talented with the bow despite it being considered a coward’s weapon at the time (I mean, just look at Paris of Troy). 
Point is, Achilles is multi-talented and he takes advantage of all the knowledge that Chiron gave him. He’s just as good at fighting off an army as he is tending to wounds using actual medicine rather than praying to the gods and burning offerings. Achilles, as usual, is rather proud of his skills and isn’t one to shy away from using them and boasting about them, though he’s not arrogant enough to claim he’s better than someone when it’s clear he isn’t. For example, he’s good with a bow but he’d never say he’s better than Odysseus, Teucer (half-brother of Ajax) or Chiron himself. He respects the people who take their craft to its utmost limit and goes as far as to hype them up as THE prime candidate for a task due to their talent and skill. 
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pathofregeneration · 7 years
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Achilles tending Patroclus wounded by an arrow Tondo of an Attic red-figure kylix (c. 500 BC)
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THE RE-UP: Tu’er Shen, the Leveret Spirit 🐇
“While other gods may proclaim endlessly over the power they have over their domains, causing no end of trouble for their fellow pantheon members and their followers as a result, Tu’er Shen patiently and quietly tends to those who request his services with unmatched loyalty and dedication.”
Name: Tu’er Shen, the Leveret Spirit​
​Pantheon: Chinese, Minor Diety​
Class: Hunter/Healer Hybrid, Medium Difficulty​
Positives: Healer, High Movement​
Negatives: Hybrid Specialisations​
please click on the read more for everything else lol
appearance details 🐇
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old (above) vs new (below)
so perhaps i made him a bara rabbit after all lmao. blame the new outfit and how much better it’d look if tu’er shen has big ol bitties to work with :^) it’s still the same hair as the ears work really well with that colour but the basically the whole face has changed to be a lil more Dramatic(tm). the makeup skills have also improved with new tu’er shen rocking more subtle eyeliner alongside some very pretty and shiny pink liner. the eyes are also another major change, they’re a pretty grey as it goes nice with his hair. i still love the idea of his eyes changing colour according to his mood and grey is just a neutral mood :^) anyways, yes he looks beautiful, yes you can compliment him!
outfit details 🐇
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tu’er shen now has an in-game outfit!! yay 🥳 it’s been a while coming mostly bc i have no art or visual character design skills but i’m pretty proud of how this turned out lol. it’s super cute and p goddamn chinese if i say so myself but it’s still very hoe and feels modern enough to fit smite’s standards i feel lol. big thanks to @izahunny​ (who is dead on that blog but a clown on twitter) for helping me with designing the outfit, the back layers and lil extra dress fabric for the front bottom left corner of the dress were his idea and they make everything much more balanced 🥰 i didn’t add a weapon but he’s just using a bow, i might update this later if i care enough to add that lmao
abilities 🐇
(please note that i am terrible with stats and don’t care about how viable in-game he actually is, these are just general ideas and the stats can be changed lol)
PASSIVE - Protector​
Tu’er Shen passively grants a medium range aura of regenation around him to his allies, increasing their HPS, MPS and magical and physical protections by 5% of their totals for each statistic. Additionally, Tu’er Shen gains a 3% movement speed bonus every 4 levels.​
40 unit aura radius, 5% increase of total HPS, MPS and protections​
3% bonus movement speed every 4 levels, total bonus is 12% at level 20​
ABILITY 1​ - Passion Arrow​
Tu’er Shen charges his arrows with passion, amplifying his next basic attacks with a small AOE on hit or at max basic attack range and causing them to go through minions. If Tu’er Shen hits an ally while Passion Arrow is active, he heals them for a flat amount. If an enemy is hit the charges deal increased damage on impact and if they are hit 3 times they are charmed and walk harmlessly towards Tu’er Shen for 1.5 seconds.​
Cooldown: 10 seconds
3/3/4/5/5 charges, Heal: 50/75/95/125/150 + 30% scaling​
Extra damage: 10/30/60/90/120, Mana cost: 55/60/70/75/85​
ABILITY 2​ - Matchmaker​
Tu’er Shen calls upon his matchmaking skills to select and connect two allied gods or one ally and one enemy god with each other in a 55 unit targeter. If two allies are linked then their damage is increased by 10% and they receive a heal over time. If an ally and an enemy are connected then the enemy is revealed to Tu’er Shen’s team and the enemy deals 20% less damage to their partner. Additionally, the connected ally receives 50% of their enemy partner’s healing.​
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 secs​ 
Duration: 6 seconds, Heal over time: 20/25/30/35/40 + 20% scaling​
HOT ticks every 1 second, Mana cost: 50/55/60/65/70​
ABILITY 3​ - Bunny Hop​
Tu’er Shen hops in the direction he is currently travelling. If Tu’er Shen hits a wall, player-made deployable or god he bounces off the surface, doubling his movement. Additionally, enemy gods are stunned for 1 second upon impact. Tu’er Shen can store 1 charge of this ability.​
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 secs
2 charges maximum, range of 55 with an amplified range of 110 units​
Damage: 100/150/200/250/300 + 100% scaling, Mana cost: 70/80/90/100/110 mana​
ULTIMATE​ - Romantic Rush​
Tu’er Shen, after a short duration, channels the full extent of his love powers, amplifying all of his basic attacks with the effects of Passion Arrow for 10 seconds. If an ally is hit and they are at full health they receive a a health shield equal to half of Passion Arrow’s healing. On enemy hit, the charm duration is doubled but they cannot be charmed again while Romantic Rush is active. The effects of Matchmaker are doubled and Tu’er Shen receives a 20% damage buff if he is linked with another male god.​
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Duration: 10 seconds​
Mana cost: 80/90/100/110/120 mana​
lore 🐇
While other gods may proclaim endlessly over the power they have over their domains, causing no end of trouble for their fellow pantheon members and their followers as a result, Tu’er Shen patiently and quietly tends to those who request his services with unmatched loyalty and dedication. For he is not a god who takes to the spotlight easily, but one who will see his responsibilities through to help and protect those who he serves, an opportunity he was once not afforded in his youth.​
​Such are the origins of Tu’er Shen, the Leveret God. ​
​Once a young man known as Hu Tianbao, he fell deeply in love with a handsome imperial inspector of Fujian Province. Such was the intensity of his love that he looked upon the inspector while he bathed, peering at him through a bathroom wall. Tianbao was caught in the act, confessing his sincere affections for the other man in hopes of reaching an understanding. The inspector was quick to retaliate in violence, sentencing him to death by beating.
Underworld officials, seeing his crime as one of love, sought to justify his death by appointing him the god and safe guarder of homosexual affections. A month after his death, he appeared in the dreams of a man from his hometown – not as Hu Tianbao but reborn as Tu’er Shen. From this came the erection of a humble shrine for his worship and Tu’er Shen has dutifully served those who seek him ever since.​
​The battlefield of the gods is a strange place to find Tu’er Shen, usually one so far removed from the world of ugly violence and mindless bloodshed. Even so, perhaps love can soothe and heal the wounds caused by the warring of pantheons, or maybe it can even help end the war in some way. Knowing firsthand the true cost of thoughtless hate and violence, Tu’er Shen picks up his bow in the hope that he can protect even one person of those who cannot protect themselves in the war of the gods.
voicelines 🐇
god selection
“Tu’er Shen!” (duh)
“Is anyone in need of my services?”
“Let’s see what I can do.”
“Wonder if there are any cute gods around? Wait, no! Work first, then play later!”
“In their own ways, everyone here is fighting for love.”
(this isn’t an official one but as a joke it was highly entertaining) “Come on Season 6 let’s get sickening!”
ability 1 - passion arrow
“Fallen for me yet?”
“I’ve got you!”
“Coming for your heart!”
ability 2 - matchmaker
self/ally match - male gods only
“Our connection is strong.”
“Let your heart speak to me.”
self/ally match - general
“Together we’re stronger.”
“I’ve got your back.”
ally/ally match
“You’d make a good pair.”
“Another successful match.”
“Swipe left next time!”
“This’ll end badly.”
ability 3 - bunny hop
“Excuse me!”
“Coming through!”
ability 4/ultimate - romantic rush
“Feel the love!”
low health
“I will not give in just yet.”
“I don’t mind playing rough, but this is a bit too much even for me…”
when placing wards
“Reveal their hearts to me little ward.”
“Any romantic confessions I should be aware of?”
when buying consumables
“Isn’t this interesting?”
“The colour is lovely.”
when buying offensive items
“I don’t want to harm others but if I must.”
“Love hurts indeed…”
when buying defensive items
“Will this protect my ears?”
“Hope this won’t slow me down.”
“Even the gods have to use a little protection.”
when in a killstreak
“I can heal them later on, right?”
“Love never misses its mark.”
when killing a jungle boss
“That creature was awfully big…”
“Thank you for your sacrifice.”
when destroying a tower
“Love conquers all, man and structure alike.”
“Ack, that’s so loud!”
“You’ll never kill my spirit…”
“Love is eternal…”
directed voicelines
Aphrodite - “It’s a great honour to finally meet the goddess of love, I have much to learn from you.”​
Cupid - “Speaking from... past experiences, it seems as though you should work on your aim.”​
Jing Wei & Xing Tian - “I admire your perseverance in the face of insurmountable odds, we are not too dissimilar in that way.”​
Loki - “If you haven’t already, I suggest you pay Chiron a visit at some point. He is single after all...”​
Bellona - “Any luck asking Amaterasu out yet? She’s still waiting for you to make a move you know..”​
Raijin - “I’m willing to bet you’re more satisfying in bed than you are an opponent on the battlefield.”​
Bacchus - “I’m not the drinking type... but perhaps you’d like to come in for tea?’​
Achilles - “How’s Patroclus doing? Maybe you should spar with him more often, you’ve gotten rusty.”​
Apollo - “Playing the lyre isn’t the only thing you make look easy.”​
Ravana - “When I see you, the term ‘rope bunny’ comes to mind...”​
“I hope Cupid doesn’t get jealous of all the time I’m spending with Aphrodite…”​
“Technically I’m not this closely associated with actual rabbits, but the aesthetic was too cute to pass up.”​
“Considering what I’ve been through, I think I’ve earnt the right to proud of who I am.”​
“It is technically homophobia if you hit me. Just saying.”​
“The Jade Rabbit? He’s certainly cute... but I think there’s another rabbit who’s cuter.”​
Animation: Tu’er Shen draws a neon heart in the air, shooting an arrow through it shortly after.
“[Yawns] I think I might have a nap, perhaps that’ll give you a chance to catch up.”​
“You have an awfully big weapon there, are you compensating for something?”​
“I’ll show you why they say love hurts.”​
“Fighting for your overblown ego isn’t a good reason to wage war.”​
“Take it from a matchmaker, I don’t think anyone’s standards are low enough for you.”​
skin concepts 🐇
new tu’er shen body
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floral fairy
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squeaky clean, night corps, bunny server
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country cowboy, casual, devilish
old tu’er shen body
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kitsune, spring revelry, leather bunny
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hello nurse, debonair devil 
old notes 🐇
this concept is super inspired by Kaios’ concept for Tu’er Shen (which you’ll find linked in the description of this post), i loved his ideas for rabbit lad and wanted to add more to the concept. my final kit concept is a lil bit similar but i think i’ve changed enough for it to not be a copy lmao. anyways, i’ve wanted a hunter support since i played tyrande a while ago in heroes of the storm. she was super fun and the mix of dealing strong consistent damage and still being able to support allies is something i’d kill to have in smite​
​tu’er shen is also a really cool god, and recently I’ve been prokoved by my mutuals making lots of god concepts when i haven’t made any in a very long time lol (if you remember my other smite oc you’re a real stan). obvs i don’t think hi-rez would do him justice and gamerbros would totally complain about the Gays™ shoving their unsatiable need for Representation™ down their throats and what not but it’s still a fun concept regardless!
new notes 🐇
he’s back and 10x beefier and sluttier looking than ever lmao. the self-insert squad may be missing plenty of people (y’all better come back like...) but it’d be a waste of time and effort to not do more with tu’er shen. also i love him so! i’m still kinda sad over twink tu’er shen being replaced by bara tu’er shen but it’s for the best, he’s v handsome now and big ol bitties in that dress? iconic. he does fit better into the male cast, the added beef makes him more attractive to basically everyone (he’s serving taric teas now lol) and he was a soldier so there’s plenty of reasons to make him a hunk. anyways... i don’t have much to say about the outfit than it’s flawless lol. it was interesting and p fun to make although i always feel awkward about posting drawn stuff in a serious context. it’s weird but i’m happy about the final product 🥰 i’ll try to write more stuff about him soon but don’t expect too much lol
links/resources 🐇
headcanons (they’re a lil outdated in reference to his body lol)
tu’er shen’s tag
original post
my smite oc tag
kaios’ super cool concept for tu’er shen you should check out as it’s cooler than mine lol. his art of tu’er shen goes full furry and it’s kinda cute ngl
other links you can read for more information about tu’er shen: 1, 2
a beautiful short film about tu’er shen helping a guy accept his sexuality, gore warning towards the end
thanks for reading if you got to the end! please send asks or whatever, i’m dying for any excuse to talk about him lmao 🐇
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maydei · 6 years
What is it about Hannibal (the show + person) and his relationship with will that you absolutely love about? They do seem like an interesting couple (I haven’t seen the movie so I cannot relate much) but what about them? I genuinely curious and am interested with your thoughts and opinions.
Hi Anon!! This is a really big question, but I’ll do my best to answer it. I’m definitely gonna put most of this under a cut, because it got really, really long.
First of all, the relationship that I love in regards to the Will//Hannibal dynamic comes from the TV show Hannibal, which was written by Bryan Fuller and ran on NBC from 2013-2015. It was an extraordinarily unique and in-depth take on the Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham friendship that was based on the books, insofar that Will Graham was one of the few who deeply understood Hannibal Lecter prior to the revelation that he was a cannibal. Of course, Bryan took that concept several steps further.
My first suggestion? If you can stomach any kind of horror or gore, watch Hannibal. It is without a doubt the best television show I’ve ever seen, if only because it is visually beautiful, every character is complex and has clearly outlined motivations of their own, and is a really deeply intellectual piece of media. It’s not an easy watch, and I don’t mean that because of content. The story itself, the character drives, even the dialogue will challenge you. It’s not something you just sit down and understand, it really did take a lot of work for me to grasp the full spectrum of what was going on at any given time during my first watch. I’d never encountered something that pushed me that hard before, and even with a week between episodes or more (since I watched when it was originally airing), I was often left like ?????. Think of it like Black Mirror, except every episode is tied together. It’s gonna screw with you a little, so you’ll want to be prepared. 
The thing other than the fantastic writing that brings this show and these characters to life: the actors. Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter presents a character that you better not take your eyes off even once. Hannibal says things so smoothly and with such conviction, but it’s only if you watch his face at all times that you will see the micro-expressions of what he is actually thinking and feeling. There’s a reason he’s often referred to as the Devil, as smoke. 
Hugh Dancy as Will Graham presents a man who is haunted by his own desires from empathizing too closely with killers. He can feel what murderers feel, and that gives him a unique perspective. He puts himself inside their minds to recreate their thought processes as they kill, and that gets to him. It haunts him, and sticks with him. It puts him in the position of needing someone to help him find his way back to himself when he gets in too deep.
It’s such a unique dynamic. I really couldn’t tear myself away. And that’s only where their story begins.
It starts as a sense of curiosity. Hannibal by nature and necessity is a solitary creature, and he has been pretty damn happy that way. When Jack Crawford asks him to profile Will Graham and clear him for field work, it is a unique opportunity for him as an already-established killer to see inside the workings of the FBI. That’s advantageous for him, of course. He can then keep tabs on the investigation against him. But in the process, he discovers Will, who thinks like a killer. Will, who has forcibly shoved his own personality into a very safe box of isolation and rescued dogs and fly fishing, things that require control and perfection. Will uses these constructs as shields to keep the darkness inside him at bay. He absorbs killers to gain their insights, but once they are inside, he has a really hard time getting rid of them. 
It may seem backwards, but despite Hannibal meeting other killers who are very much like him, he ultimately rejects them because he doesn’t want someone exactly like himself. He wants Will because he is so incredibly human, but trying so hard to restrain his own darkness. What Hannibal wants above all is to set him free, come hell or high water. And fundamental transformations can be exquisitely painful, even in their beauty. Hannibal wants to see what will happen.
The Hannibal/Will relationship doesn’t stay stagnant, ever. There is a constantly shifting dynamic of power once we reach S2 and Will is aware of Hannibal’s nature. Will puts himself in a position to learn more about Hannibal, and in doing so, finds himself feeling the pull that Hannibal described, discovering the ways in which they are so alike. And the tension in these scenes is indescribable. If you’ve seen any of the gifsets I’ve reblogged, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Every molecule of space between them is charged with intent. Every word is carefully weighted. Every glance is measured to not be too soon or too late, hoping to glimpse beneath the other’s veneer of civility and see the creature inside. They are so cruel to each other as they learn one another, but in their cruelty, they push each other to higher heights, and the friendship never quite fractures. 
In a word, they get close. There are moments standing in firelight and shadow, genuine smiles shared, tension that builds and grows until every inch of darkness between them is thick with it. Flirtatious glances. Familiar, intimate touches that hold such rich subtext. They understand each other like no one else does. They stand on the very edge of becoming something more, becoming family, when everything collapses, and they are both devastated by it.
Their relationship is the very definition of “can’t live with him, can’t live without him”. They are described by others as being “identically different”, as being “nakama [friends, but more like… family. like a group of people tied together by life and circumstance who would not easily be broken apart]”. 
Hannibal’s revelation of love for Will Graham comes in their separation. It hits him like a train, to be honest. It’s the first time the viewer realizes that underneath the very polite and elegant and put-together man that covers the vicious killer, he really does crave companionship. Even in his solitary life, Hannibal has never been actually solitary. He fills the gaps in with friends and acquaintances, people he cares for to an extent, but mostly people he uses for their advantageous nature. Will is the first person who really sees Hannibal down to his bones, and the loss of him, and the loss of their mutual potential, deeply wounds him. 
Like. I can’t even fully explain all the things about these characters that get to me. I think the thing I like most is that, even as a serial killer, Hannibal is still so very human. He finds pleasure in art and architecture. He enjoys history and philosophy and educational pursuits. He’s a talented artist and musician and chef. He gets annoyed by rude people the same as the rest of us. The main difference is that he eats them. 
This show is visceral. It’s a game of cat and mouse, a chessboard of intellectual bad decisions, but every choice is born from emotional need. And the best thing about it is that Bryan Fuller fully accepts, welcomes, and acknowledges the love between Hannibal and Will canonically in the show. Not just “haha that’s gay” jokes. Everyone else can see it. Everyone has some sort of parting shot about it. But in the end, even Will is faced with the point-blank realization that, yes, Hannibal is in love with him, and has the question turned back on him: but do you ache for him?
By the end, there is no doubt that the call has been heard, and the draw between them culminates in what Hannibal has really desired all along: he and Will hunting together, fighting together. Achilles and Patroclus, as they have been described by Hannibal himself. 
This show is a masterpiece, honestly. It unfolds the confines of civility and sees predators set free. It sees them together, reunited. It sees them in love. It sees them from beginning to end, where even the end is not really the end. 
I dearly, desperately hope for a season four of this show. I’m comforted by the fact that all the writers, producers, and actors have voiced their support of doing so, if they can find a production company to pick them up and get the rights of the other Hannibal characters [re: SotL] the way Bryan desires.
The fandom is incredible. Everyone is a little bit older than my prior fandoms, and people tend to be well-seasoned to the concept of reading what they enjoy and silently passing over things that are not to their tastes. There’s… not really any fighting the way there is in other fandoms. Those who disagree have civilized discussions, because the first and foremost rule of the fandom is the first and foremost rule of understanding Hannibal Lecter: “Whenever possible, one should always try to eat the rude.” 
And the fandom is alive!! It’s actively creating new art and new gifsets and new fics and new everything every day, and not on a small scale, either. There are thousands of people still out here eagerly awaiting the revival of a truly groundbreaking show that showcased LGBT relationships (not just Hannibal and Will, mind you. Margot/Alana is real and alive and nourishes my soul to this day), a diverse cast, riveting and powerful female characters, and the kind of plotline and visual storytelling that the ancients would weep if they could see. 
TLDR:  I love this fandom. I love these characters. I love these monsters, and I see myself inside them in ways that is absolutely concerning to polite society. I love the imagery, the depth of morality. I love that it’s feasible for me to write a fic in which the characters can love each other and are constantly working around one another to achieve their own ends, and that every fic I read by everyone else has a different insight to their relationship. That every fic I read is a fucking masterpiece, seriously, oh my god, the quality of fiction in this fandom is so high, it’s amazing. 
Join us, Anon. The Atlantic is a little chilly this time of year, but you’ll get used to it, I promise.
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lostprofile · 6 years
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The red-figure vase painting technique emerged in Attica around 530 BC. Within 30 years it had supplanted the 300-year-old black-figure style, and, with modifcations, it remained the default pottery painting method into the Roman period. In the 5th century, Athenian ceramicists and red- figure vase painters dominated the market for earthenware vessels and the ceramics industry was a pillar of the city-state’s economy.
1. Berlin Painter, Singer Playing a Kithara, c. 490 BC, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2. Oedipus Painter, Oedipus and the Theban Sphinx, c. 500 BC, Città del Vaticano, Museo Gregoriano-Etrusco . 3. The Funerary Pyle of King Croeses, c. 530 BC, Paris, Musée du Louvre. 4. The Trophy Painter, Nike Erecting a Trophy, c. 450 BC, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts. 5. Kodros Painter, King Aigeus Consulting the Priestess of the Oracle at Delphi (F2538), c. 400 BC, Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Altes Museum, Antikensammlung. 6. Boxing Match, c. 490 BC, Private Collection. 7. Andokides Painter, Achilles and Ajax Playing Dice, c. 520 BC, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts. 8. Sôsias Painter, Achilles Tending to the Wounds of Patroclus (F2278), c. 500 BC, Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Altes Museum, Antikensammlung.  9. Two Jumping Athletes Accompanied by a Flautist, c. 500BC, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art.
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