#and the catalyst being haibara also
demonzoro · 2 months
absolutely make no mistake i still think that in an au where nanami is a curse user, he would still oppose geto's ideology. not because of any moral ground he has over him but because geto's dehumanisation of non-sorcerers assigns evil to humans as part of their nature rather than active decisions and power struggles that nanami had become intimately familiar with. probably something they'd endless argue over between geto's recruitment attempts and nanami's reluctant reliance on geto's network/foothold
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greycaelum · 1 year
Hello,how are u?
I've been a fan of your writing for a while now,and im really in need of some comfort
If you can,could u pls write a oneshot gojo x fem!reader where reader is also a sorcerer and one year younger than gojo and they've been friends for so long,and one day reader's mother talks about her marrying someone she doesnt like (her mother tells it from kindness) and it messes reader up to the point of panic attack and crying?and she calls satoru so he could help her calm down?
(you decide whether reader and gojo are in a secret relationship or not.)
Im in need of comfort rn and i would love to see ur writing on this matter
Kaleidoscope Series—Love Me Now, Love Me Never Chapters: {Pacify Her}
—Gojo Satoru X Sorcerer Reader
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𑁍 Synopsis:
"Dear..." Your mother's voice called you, and her eyes held you in softness. 
"Why didn't you ask me, first Mother?" Your heart felt as if it was made of sand collapsing as you realise the betrayal.
"Because we know this will be your reaction. You work tirelessly, barely coming home. I simply wish for someone to care for you. Someone who will look out and care for you."
"I could take care of myself." Your eyes watered. Why? Why are you deciding on my life without my opinion?
𑁍 Genre: angst to comfort, traditional arrange marriage
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (2k)— spoilers for anime only! mentions of teen years & Hidden Inventory Arc, arrange marriage, secret relationship— use of endearments (baby and sweetheart), crying, locking self in the closet, implied panic
𑁍 A/N: Hi sweetheart, work has been keeping me, I'm sorry that this one took a while even though I tried to do it as soon as possible, I hope everything will get better soon and this one helps to comfort you. Sending you a very tight hug! —Grey,
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He's obnoxious.
Gojo Satoru in his teens is a menace. One that crawls up on you every time he spots your shadow to pull your hair and poke fun at you.
You've known the man since your first year in college. Nanami often looks at you in worry and helplessness whenever Gojo Satoru comes over to tease you. Haibara looks up to him and would often join in the fun, unbeknownst of your irritation.
Good old day, you've come to treasure deep in your heart. When everything was easier. When life seems to be lighter.
You came from a fairly influential sorcerer clan. Prized for your reversed curse technique that paved your way in the jujutsu society in the less physical struggle over brutal means. But that didn't spare you from stomaching the horrendous scenes curses can inflict. Haibara was the catalyst of your life's turning point.
Everyone started falling out. You see your raven-haired senior left without a goodbye, leaving nothing but the biggest tragedy in your generation. Nanami left as well, unable to take the bullshit of the people behind the power sacrificing the lesser ones as pawns to maintain their status and influence. And Satoru...
"Are you leaving?"
On a cold night, he found you staring at the stars under the tree nearby the training grounds. A bag strapped on your back, and normal clothes you'd wear for your day off. You could see exhaustion brimming around him even though he was in the shadows.
"Everything is in shambles." You sighed, tucking your chin on your knees. "Are youleaving?" You watch him slip his hands into the pockets of his pants and look up at the sky.
You watch your senior's face, he looks so young as you trace his jaws to the softness of his cheeks, the faint glimmer in his ocean eyes from the slit of his sunglasses holds the weariness he has to suppress for so long, slipping through the night.
You have to think again that this man is just a year older than you, still, a teenager in adolescence that is forced to play soldier. Gojo Satoru has become so distant you can barely recognize the youth despite the pretty face he has.
"I can't." He answered after a long time.
And you just know the indifference of that answer. The feeling of being unable to walk away despite wanting to.
"Thought so. Guess we have a long time annoying each other, senpai." You chuckled and stood up, dusting yourself and turning in the direction of the dorm you started walking.
A force collided against your back and your ears are being rubbed until you squirm and glare at the perpetrator.
"Uh-huh? Looking forward to that brat." He just grinned and ruffled your hair.
You can't pinpoint it anymore. Was it when you covered him with your overcoat so he could just hide and swallow his exhaustion as you sit beside him, holding his hands inside his Infinity? Or was it when he started finding you every day, dragging you with him and Shoko? Or was it when he took your hand and your heart felt at peace amid the chaos?
"I'm tireddddddd~" Satoru let out a long sigh and rub his face against your back while his long arms wrapped around your waist, keeping you perched on his thighs.
"Satoru, there are people outside!" You tried squirming away, even pinching the man off of you but to no avail. He's latched unto you like a leech. It's so embarrassing to be caught like this, the only ones who knew are Ijichi, Shoko, and Principal Yaga. Other than that, you're viewed as Satoru's favorite kouhai. Unbeknownst to them, you and this menace have been going out since you were 19.
"Who cares?" He pulled down his blindfold and batted those pretty lashes. Satoru blew you a kiss and giggled at your sour expression. "How could you be so cute? Just like me." He coos at you.
You turned away huffing with your arms crossed over your chest and let yourself be cradled into your beau's arms.
"I have to go to the ancestral house later, my Mom asked me to come. Just reheat the food I left in the fridge and don't stay up late."
Satoru nodded and shifted you to the side, tucking your head underneath his chin.
"Should I pick you up?" Satoru quietly asked, even though he already knows the answer.
"No, they'll get suspicious." You bit your lip. "I'm sorry..."
It's been years and yet your relationship is kept behind the curtains. Satoru has never thought he'd be one to be kept a secret, but after your persuasions even though he badly wants to drive off the men lurking around you whenever they think you're single. Risking your safety to prove your relationship is not enough, he agreed this is for the best.
"Nothin' for you to be sorry for sweetheart." Satoru kissed the top of your head. "Just call me when you're done then I won't worry much."
Being brought up in a more dynamic and liberated childhood, growing up, you know you had it easier than other sorcerers. Your clan may not be part of the elites, but it is an established and recognized clan that is important to the jujutsu society for the special ability of reversed curse technique.
"Mother," you called the regal woman talking with your distant relative.
"Dear, we've been waiting for you. How about you changed into comfortable clothes first then look for us in the study?" She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.
You did as you were told, changing into a furisode prepared for you and led down to the study. When you opened the door you found your grandmother, and mother waiting inside. Seeing the stern look on your grandmother's face you suddenly felt the pressing matter this talk is about to make. Your heart pounded and anxiousness started filling you up as you took a seat across from your mother.
"It's the time for you to get married Y/n. Do you like any man right now?"
"G-Grandmother?" You stuttered and look at the straight-faced woman in disbelief. Her eyes held nothing but seriousness. It's as if he could slice through anything with her gaze.
"You've never brought a man home, I'm afraid you'll be a spinster if I do not intervene. The son of the Chiba Clan is a proper and respectable man. He can provide for you and keep you safe." There's finality in her voice that has no room for your reason. When you look at those eyes, you see your Grandmother has already finished everything before you could speak anything about this matter. "Life is short, in this world we're moving. Don't waste that time being all alone." Your Grandmother stood up and pat your shoulder, she quietly left the study leaving you and your mother.
"Dear..." Your mother's voice called you, and her eyes held you in softness. 
"Why didn't you ask me, first Mother?" Your heart felt as if it was made of sand collapsing as you realise the betrayal. You never want to be angry at her. You know she loves you and looks out for the best of your interest. But this one simply breaks your heart.
"Because we know this will be your reaction. You work tirelessly, barely coming home. I simply wish for someone to care for you. Someone who will look out and care for you."
"I could take care of myself." Your eyes watered. Why? Why are you deciding on my life without my opinion?
Your mother looks at you, and sadness clouds in her eyes. "I'm very sorry, but please try. You give yourself away too much in your work, is it so bad to wish that you have someone stay by your side?"
"No mother. But I—" Satoru's face flashed in your mind. Really, you were just scared to be used out of political means so you hid your relationship. You knew it was unfair to Satoru who loved you regardless of anything but he never asked you to go against your principles just to give in his wishes. He has always valued you more than anyone's opinion. "—I will never any man besides the one I chose."
Your tears threatening to spill. But you kept it in. And walk out of the door despite your mother's call. You ran to your room, having a hard time keeping yourself focused from the trembling of your hand.
You shut your door and ran to the closet, squeezing yourself inside the large and dark wooden wardrobe. With shaking hands, you held your phone and ran through your call logs. Every ring you feel your heart hammer against the cages of your chest, your feet getting cold despite the socks. Static ringing through your ears.
"Baby? You coming home?" Satoru's groggy voice, answered.
A sense of relief flooded you as you listen to the faint shuffling in the background. You wanted to cry, but you bit your lips so you could hear his breathing. 
"Sweetheart? Somethin' wrong?"
"'T-Toru," you hiccuped, angry at yourself for sobbing hard.
"Why are you crying? Where are you?" Worry filled in his voice. "I'm coming to get you." You heard hurried footsteps and the slight panic in his voice.
"Baby? Are you there? Don't hang up alright?"
"Toru, 'T-Toru, Toru," you chanted in desperate sobs, grounding yourself in his name despite the darkness you're in.
"Yes Baby, I'm here. On my way to fetch you. Calm down alright. I'm here."
You shut your eyes close. Wishing the next second you open it Satoru is in front of you. But every second that ticks, the colder your palm gets, the harder your heart pounds, dreading the mere idea of marrying a stranger you barely know. Your throat is constricted, and your chest heaves out the intangible pain seeping into your heart.
To give up Satoru? Not a chance.
"Open up baby," the call turned off and a knock bumped your wardrobe. "We're going home, sweetheart." You could hear the panting that the person is trying hard to mellow down and calm his voice.
The door opened and Satoru squatted down. His clothes are disheveled from the hurry. Your bleary eyes locked on him and you saw his shoulders slacken, but they immediately squared up as he beckon you out of the closet.
You didn't have to be told twice, crawling out and into his arms, your clutch his shirt as his arms wound around you.
"What happened? Tell me so I can understand what upset you, sweetheart." He coos to you, settling you between his propped knees while pressing a kiss on your temple.
His cool spicy scent invaded your panicking senses. The more you listen to his heart the slower your breathing gets and eventually, you're pushing yourself closer to him, throwing your arm around Satoru's neck.
"They thought I'm not in a relationship and arranged a marriage partner for me."
You felt Satoru's grip over you tighten. He didn't speak but you could feel his sour mood.
"Are you scared?" He moves you to look him in the eye. A flicker pass through his eyes, but before you could recognize it, that pained glint was gone.
"I'm upset." You replied honestly.
You know your mother never meant to hurt you. But your family is meddling in your life too much that it's not even needed. How could they decide on it before asking you when you'll be the one living that marriage?
"Who am I, baby?" Satoru cup your cheeks and pressed your foreheads together.
"You're Gojo... you're my Satoru." You whispered, warmth spreading in your chest.
"Mnn, that's right. Who would dare take you away when you have me, sweetheart?" Satoru opened his eyes and could see the steeled resolve in those ocean eyes.
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Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey
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lmskitty · 4 months
Can I ask your opinion on a few things about Gojo and Geto :
- So is he (Gojo) really not feel anything with Amanai and Haibara's death?
- How can Gojo not realizing Geto's depression (is it because he always sent on solo missions)?
- I read somewhere that Geto's act to kill all the villagers is because Yuki's words (as if to blame her), and I was like wtf (?)
-If Geto not become a curse user, can he become a sorcerer like Yuki (just do whatever they want and not listening to the elders)?
- Do you think adult Geto can win against Toji?
- "Suguru had earned his status, being one of the most powerful sorcerers in the age, no student would have been able to beat him. Even Yuuta wouldn’t have won if Suguru was at his full battle potential, there was no way first-year students would have won against him if he hadn’t gone easy on them." I read this somewhere, do you agree?
1. I think when Gojo thinks about it he is sad but he's essentially a god. He sees everything, experiences infinity and sees that their lives are a small spec in the cosmos. It's got to be hard to deal with that. I don't think it's that he's unfeeling, he even says sorry but in that moment he can't be mad at anything when he's high AF on all that power.
2. I think that's literally it. Like when he sees him he mentions he looks skinny but I think he also trusts Geto to talk to him, or at least he thinks he can trust Geto to do that. I think it did completely blindside him and he regrets that always.
3. I don't think that was Yuki's intention I think Geto was already broken and seeing the girls treated that way was the catalyst against humanity. Yuki says that idea is not doable but Geto goes with it anyway. I think he latches more onto what Toji says than anything else. Before that fight he talks about protecting non sorcerers, then once Toji has taken everything away from him it's "monkeys"
4. I think if Geto and Gojo had worked it out he would have become a teacher which breaks my heart because he would have been SO good!!!
5. Honestly its hard to say. By 0 he had a 1000 curses so possibly? I'd love to see it.
6. This is interesting because Yuta DOES win so is that a testament to Yutas strength or Geto's? I think if it was against Megumi etc Geto would win. I LOVE the way he fights in 0 so it would be fascinating to see him against Nobara and Yuji.
Oh what could have been!!!!
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hexfloog · 1 year
31 & c for evil conan?
31. Who are they the most glad to have met? 
Ahaa this is a tough one. Evil Conan is the type who wouldn't be caught dead giving credit to anyone who may have helped him along the way... "main character syndrome" and all that. He's not ungrateful, but his way of showing it would be in the same sphere as 'putting someone out of their misery,' if that makes sense.
Everyone who's in the running for this question is incidental and people he himself didn't really meet, per say. Gin administered the poison, which in turn initiated the split; Shinichi both drove the wedge between them and gave him something to aspire to in the worst way. That's all good, but while catalysts of his existence, I don't think it's really fair to say that he met them?
I say that, but I also think that if Evil Conan were to ever meet Gin again, he'd say differently. Before doing exactly the thing described above and testing the worst of his powers on him to "demonstrate" just how grateful he is.
Heiji, were he anything other than a nuisance to him, is a decent candidate solely because he is the first to sort of validate his existence as separate from Shinichi (being able to "see" them as different entities)... but because they're hostile to each other, he's not exactly glad to have met him.
Maybe it's Haibara, though? Haibara is the only one who can ultimately give him what he wants: the antidote. Ironically, she represents the same to him as she does to Shinichi-- a light at the end of the tunnel-- but that "light" and the things he would do to reach it are starkly different from his maker. The only thing that keeps her from being a nuisance like Heiji is the fact that he can't do what she can-- synthesize the antidote-- on his own, so with that in mind... I suppose he is glad to have met her, even if she is just a means to an end.
I kind of wish I had a better answer to this, but there really is no other person who even comes close to serving his purpose, and thus no other person who he'd really have been happy to have met.
C. Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Surprisingly, no :0 Evil Conan is the manifestation of a few ideas and headcanons I've had about Detco for a really long time (all having to do with mirror identities and monsters and such), and on top of his type of character being my bread and butter-- that is, an overconfident, heinous piece of work-- he just ended up being very easy to "figure out."
I'll just say that while his brand of villain comes to me very naturally, I've also had the buffer of time (like... a lot of it) to help me hone in on what he represents in his story. I don't know if it would've come so easily if I were new to Detco.
Thank you for the asks!! ^^ Question list here!
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t1nfoilorigam1 · 9 months
I have some Thoughts about episode 5 s2 of jjk
I think part of the reason jjk is so good is that they show charecters as people with emotions. And they dont hesitate to give us bad endings (i cried when junpei died). Obviously this is most prevalent in Geto's charecters arc. But I'm here to talk about how geto's charecter arc makes so much sense. Like, objectively what he's doing is wrong, but he is so real for it. From a general sense, it seems so sad that so much tragedy happened just because Geto didn't like go to therapy or something, but when you think about it from his perspective, I really can't think about anything else he could've done. And, in a general sense, he caused death because he had experienced death and also to prevent death.
Starting at the beggining, Geto was always super strict in his morals. He was adamant that the strong protect the weak because that is how a humane society should work. Gojo is the exact opposite(- people that are strong are just strong and they should get to do whatever) which is basically their argument in the gym. Back to the main point, the reason geto's ideals switched so suddenly and drastically is because he held himself to such a high moral standard. Gojo, despite going through the same thing (different in the ways that he killed toji (geto bears the feeling of not being able to do anything) and also didn't see riko die) was able to remain fine because his morals didn't contradict what he experienced (also his morals are a little iffy but that's another topic). For Geto, who's whole reason for being a jujustu sorcerer was because he believed that his role was to protect non-sorcerors, this caused a moral crisis. After seeing what the star religious group did, he no longer could fully fundamentally believe that non-sorcerors had an inherent right to be protected.
He has been swallowing curses to protect non-sorcerors, an activity that he hates. If he has another cursed technique, something that dint require him to do something so disgusting, than it might’ve been a little different. But he has been self-sacrificing for a while now, and after the star plasma vessel event, he's now forced to do missions and absorb cursed spirits (by himself) all for non sorcerers. Hes presumably going on a lot of missions, as the show mentioned there being more cursed spirits around that time. He's seeing less of Gojo because he's also going on missions all the time.
Also, he hasn't been able to admit to himself that he no longer values non-sorcerors lives. I mean, that was his whole ideology, and he still holds it as the "correct moral standard" in his mind. Basically, he feels like he's betraying himself by no longer valuing non-sorcerors, and is still trying to make himself adhere to his former morals.
Then, he's visited by Yuki Tsukumo. She provides him with the validation that it's ok to have the thoughts that he's having, and far more importantly, a goal: eradicate curses, by killing all non-sorcerors. Before, when talking to gojo about the star plasma group, he said they couldn't kill them because there was no reason. His life has operated around a reason. His reason for being a jujustu sorcerer was to protect the weak, but now he doesn't agree with that reason. Thats why he latches onto that idea later. He knows it's probably impossible, but that dosent matter so much as having a "moral" reason for his actions.
Then, Haibara dies. On a mission that's fundamental purpose was to protect non-sorcerors, from a curse those same non-sorcerors has created.
Then, the catalyst. He goes on a mission and finds Mimiko and Nanako. They are locked in a cage for being sorcerers, and are being blamed for the actions of a curse, which was created by the non-sorceror villagers who are blaming them and trying to kill them. This is when he decides (also they did a really cool thing w the shadows that I only realized in my rewatch). Basically, he snaps. He no longer can keep telling himself that it's his duty to protect non-sorcerors, and that combined with the idea he already had about killing all non-sorcerors to eliminate curses gave him the perfect reason to kill all of the non-sorcerors in that village. And then he went and killed his parents, to show to himself that he didn't just kill those people because he wanted to, that he had a moral cause for this.
After he does this, he is noticeably a lot happier and calmer. He has a "moral cause" that allows him to kill the people he wants for a reason, but mostly that gives him a cause to work torwards. And also he has daughters now.
Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that Geto is fundamentally wrong, but his actions are completely understandable.
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usagimen · 9 months
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                         anon:       what exactly was nature of sayuri's relationship with haibara?
      He was very much someone she loved, while not romantic wise, Haibara acted as an introduction into a new world. First year Sayuri was someone who was detached, she did not know how to live amongst others outside of her clan. Think of it in the term of Gojo, she was not permitted to leave Kyoto or the world she was born into till the age of sixteen, where as a thin political scheme, her freedom was viewed as an act of goodwill. Naturally, she was reluctant to speak or engage with others her age, she was also harboring all the inner mechanisms of the Kobayashi family && fiercely keeping them guard. Haibara didn’t care for that, he was warm, kind, genuine.
           She adored to hear him speak about his little sister or slowly find herself integrating into this atmosphere with others her age who were closely tied together. It is very much the representation of innocence, the bright summer && constant laughter, the carelessness that comes with being a teenager, first crushes, experiencing growth && the devastation that comes when innocence is shattered. His death does not symbolize a realization but confirmation that try as she might, the inevitable of tragedy && senseless violence is persistent, those who are kind will be devoured.  It’s that very tangible moment where Sayuri understood, despair is all she will know, it’s inherited && she is powerless to stop it but she will try like a foolish girl. Haibara was too pure in her eyes, though, so was Nanami thus she acted as the catalyst in youth who embraced the knowledge she could never be on their level.
       That is her love for each one, embracing such horror to weaponize it, she just wishes there was a way to preserve that time for each one. Ironically, Haibara is not who she sees in Shibuya, it is Mahito but that’s another headcanon as to what her ascension into godhood entails. There are a lot of what ifs when it comes to Haibara along with guilt which is gutwrenching since they were all teenagers, none should carry such a vicious wound. He is the part of her that reminds her to remain soft, the one thing that fuels her to not perverse the memory of the dead with hatred, like most who haunt her so does Yuu. It’s not in the sense she is agonizing but remembering to stay kind, dull her tongue that can be too sharp && remember what it felt to love without any limitations.   
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 years
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Joined a Secret Santa event this year and got prompts for our ship! Naturally, I had to pick the hardest out of them cause I like to make myself miserable lmao- (TvT) Anywho! I originally signed up as an artist, but since the person who wanted this was good with ANY type of media, I took my creative liberties and began writing down potential plot too! Hope you enjoy them because I'm not done yet and this is just a preview before your ACTUAL Christmas gift, dear @ilsepfefferminz! Have a very happy holidays in the meantime, okay? ;-)
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Plot Summary:
The Anemo God saw how dangerous it is for anyone with malicious intent to hold magical jewels as they please (specially like that of Dvalin's tears), so he appointed someone to make sure those gems never reach the hands of evil. They can go about it however they like as long as they don't cause harm and the disciple they appointed chose to be a phantom thief. Unbound by mortal rules and laws. It started with his mother, then his father who was killed by a gang of bandits aiming for a specific gem of true eternity (that the Kurobas have never even heard of before then), and thus, it was a title passed on to their prankster of a son, Kuroba Kaito. Who studied from Sumeru (and absolutely obliterated the top scores at the Academia) and went back to Mondstat to become a carefree travelling performer after getting sick of studying for tests he could answer in his sleep, only to find out the truth of his lineage. Gaining the blessing of a certain bard and taking up the mantle, he becomes Teyvat's notorious (yet beloved) thief reincarnated, the guardian of any and all celestial gems, and the thorn to every sort of authority that challenges him, Kaitou KID.
He got the Anemo God's Blessing with a game of Poker. He won (and cheated), but Venti was a good sport about it. In fact, he found his guts to go against (and cheat on) an Archon to be hilarious and the bard DID agree to a FREE game so- ce la vie. The two of them got along like a house in the eye of a sentient hurricane. Not only because of their cheerful performer disposition, but also because Kaito can truly understand how the Anemo God feels about taking the place of someone once so adored and revered. It's a heavy burden. One that Kaito can also share.
Shinichi Kudo is a detective from Inazuma. His father rushed him to Fontaine in the guise of furthering his detective career when they heard early tales of a civil war coming about. Though danger knows following brilliant minds bring about entertainment as Shinichi soon found himself in a middle of a case that was as simple as finding a lost item for a (weird, but cunning) pyro catalyst (still being bitterly rejected by the Hexenzirkel) witch named Akako as a commission. Only to be forcibly corrupted by said missing item, a scarlet doublet gem, when a notorious bandit organization incidentally crossed his path during his investigations and decided to test the Prototype Pandora Poison (4869) on him in the form of a new yet undetectable potion. Finding out that instead of demise, it grants him the gift of longevity... at a price. His age was reduced in half and slowed to a snail's pace. Granting him the painfully long life and appearance of a young nekomata. A youkai who lives their days full of deathly screams and offers no peace despite his "blessing" of near immortality. To break the curse, at night he ventures to seek the same type of gem that brought his misfortune. For only when the moon rises does the poison in his blood give way for his true self to reappear for a time. Only then would he not have to hide behind the glasses & name of one childish, mischievous, yet eccentric: Conan Edogawa.
Some time ago, a young(?) dendro bow (in place of a gun) user named Haibara (with a knack for alchemy and brewing the deadliest potions- who was once offered a seat at the Hexenzirkel -which she boredly declined) revealed to Conan the description of the rare (legendary even) celestial gem that was added in the mysterious potion that the bandits used to curse him. If it could do that, then it'll most likely be needed for the reverse engineering process of his cure as well, she says. Thus begins his journey of traversing the countless domains of every nation at night and stumbling upon death after death in the day. (Even gaining unlikely allies from like minded folks such as a Natlan pyro claymore user named Hattori Heiji and a Fontaine hydro sword user named Hakuba Saguru.) Though it's disturbing, really. To be a detective that detest murder and yet to live in Teyvat, a world where slaughter is a means of one's own daily survival. Necessary and often morbidly understood, accepted, or encouraged. A world where nekomatas like him can barely take a break from the amount of killing that just happens everyday. The night have become his only relief. The only time to breathe and wherein he can actually curve the call of passing souls without feeling the suffocating obligation to solve their murder and lay them to rest as Shinichi Kudo should be a mere human who can't instinctively feel when someone dies from a fair city away. Far out of his reach. Still, it shakes his morality. Test his faith. In himself, in humanity, and in the gods. Remembering how he got his vision as he was being poisoned. Believing he's at the brink of death. Thinking how desperately he wanted for a little more time to exact his justice on those who wronged him... Just a little more time... And now? With the same power that drove his country to war at his fingertips? He's sick and tired of the irony of Eternity.
To think... That he'd find a man of morals similar to his own- one that despises murder with a burning passion -in the mind of a criminal most annoying of all people! He can still recall their first meeting at Fontaine. Detective Shinichi would just like to clear out some domains and check for a certain type of gem, if only that stupid thief won't stand in his way. KID's just here to do his job (and also find a certain gem to maybe get some rightful revenge on the side), thank you very much. But he must admit, the mysterious and evasive Detective of the East (who only appears at night- what's up with that-) can be very entertaining to match wits against.
On the other hand, when morning comes, Conan wonders what he did to deserve this. As a nekomata, he has his needs and being feline meant a new craving for fish and not just the celestial ambrosia that is coffee. Who knew then that he'd instead be catching a notorious prankster, once drowning in the water for unspecified reasons (by that, we absolutely mean that he's looking for a gem, though tantei-kun doesn't need to know that) and screaming bloody murder to all finny things, when he went out to go fishing that fateful day? Then later, said genius performer insisted on being the first member of his party (whether he likes it or not) as a concerned citizen who took upon the self-appointed duty of looking out for impressionable (albeit admittedly brilliant) children left on their own. To be fair, Conan thinks the guy is also, technically, a stranger. But time and again, Kuroba proves to be trustworthy enough. Still, why does Kaito-nii seem very curious about his distant "cousin?" And why does he remind Conan of that one silly fairytale from Sumeru of an incorrigible street rat that found a genie and became a prince in white lies? Curioser and curioser.
(Random fun fact. If Kaito can get along with Venti, Conan would probably get along with Diona if he ever paid a visit to the homeland of that stupid thief. It's because both Diona and him are young nekos who share a deep hatred for alcohol for one reason or another. He also gets along with Qiqi. What with their connections to death and aversion of Hu Tao. The director interested in the kid's ability to find corpses. Wanting to use it for her profit.)
(Shinichi's dad works for the Yae Publishing House as an award winning mystery novelist. Yuusaku and Yae Miko loves to terrorize either their editors or their readers and make a great (terrifying) team for it. Yukiko was an actress for the all-female Takarazuka Theater Troupe and she excels at both gender roles. The Phantom Lady is from Fontaine & both families feature a lot on the front pages of the Steam Bird. (That is before the Traveler.))
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Now here's the tough question, if you can only have one, who would you pull for? XD
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lemongogo · 3 years
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hi i was reading ur tags and just wanted to share my interpretation of the whole haibara situation bc i am very emotional abt him. imo, if gege had chosen to set the manga back in 07 during gojo and nanamis teenage days, there’s no doubt in my mind that haibara would be the main character. initially u might think it would b gojo but if we follow the stereotypical shonen protag archetype, gojos abilities were already much too powerful and developed for him to make a suitable mc. in that vein, bc haibara was still learning and had vast room for improvement, along with his happy go lucky and optimistic personality and what with nanami being his angsty emo deuteragonist, he would’ve made for the most perfect stereotypical anime protag (if we also take into account gojo and geto as his powerful upperclassmen who inspire him to train harder to b more like them then it makes it even more perfect). so yes i think haibara was meant to heavily parallel itadoris character.
ur also correct in saying haibaras death was catalyst, as it led to nanami running away from the jujutsu world. haibara and nanami, while we didn’t see too many interactions between them, were pretty clearly meant to b best friends. seeing ur bsf who’s ALSO a fellow child die in battle was probably definitely hella traumatizing, and i think it made nanami realize that the jujutsu world was just taking children and placing them into the role of a savior before they were even properly equipped to deal with it. so nanami leaves yadda yadda yadda and then he comes back. and i think he sees a lot of what he saw in haibara in itadori as well. nanami doesn’t want the same thing to happen to this child who isn’t much younger than the age in which his best friend died, and so he kinda takes on the responsibility of making sure to protect what little he can. i think he kinda sees it as his second chance of sorts, a way to finally do what he couldn’t do back when he was 17 years old. so haibara appearing to nanami as he’s dying and questioning his purpose was i nanamis conscience reminding him of the one he lost, and the ones he’s still trying to save. the guilt of haibaras death never truly left him, and so by protecting this new generation of sorcerers i feel like he’s trying to combat that pain with his new purpose of being the adult he wishes he had access to when he was a kid.
(also it’s not rly clear how haibara died exactly, but the manga implies his lower half was ripped off or destroyed or smth, going by the shape of his body under the sheet in the morgue)
okay that’s all sorry for rambling i just. i get very sensitive abt haibara and nanami sometimes LMFAO
omg omg no dont be sorry , if anything im so sorry to keep u waiting AHKHAK i rmbr reading this the first time u sent it and it was so sad that i legitimately couldnt think abt it for a bit LMAOO no but thank u so much for taking the time to write this ;_;
i loveee love love how such a small scene can hold incredible significance like that. although i know there is more than meets the eye, as you've explained, i love how anyone can read that and just Understand, albeit abstractly, haibara's influence . the implications it holds for nanami and nanami's motivations, and how that , in turn, affects itadori. theres something so heart rending abt that. like the perseverance of someone's legacy (?) i guess?? and while haibara didn't get a good ending, it's part of his story that moves forward with those who still have a chance . its really special !! and i love that gege decided to allude to him in that moment
i especially love that we don't have to see haibara's face to know its him. and that the simple gesture of him pointing towards itadori was enough. SOBBINGGG
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after everything u told me abt him i >............................."so haibara appearing to nanami as he’s dying and questioning his purpose was i nanamis conscience reminding him of the one he lost, and the ones he’s still trying to save. the guilt of haibaras death never truly left him, and so by protecting this new generation of sorcerers i feel like he’s trying to combat that pain with his new purpose of being the adult he wishes he had access to when he was a kid." OUGHHHHGGGGHOSPOHEFN<SS<FN)(#)(#@$@*_)*
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they sound like they were so important to each other ;_; i honestly might look into the few chapters they do have, im tempted..
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momocicerone · 7 years
Eight Ways To Kiss Miyano Shiho
ffnet | AO3
Fandom: Detective Conan / Case Closed
Summary: A complete guide by Kudo Shinichi.—[CoAi] [ShinShi] [Shinichi x Shiho] [Fluff] [rated T for vague/poetic sex]
Pairing: Shinichi Kudo / Shiho Miyano ; Conan Edogawa / Ai Haibara
Genre and Rating: Romance/Poetry ; T for vague sex
Warnings: Vague sex / Poetic sex.
A/N: not gonna lie, I wrote this in a one sitter but I’m extremely fond of this one. Based on mirajens’ “Eight Ways To Make Love To Lucy” which is also based on the “Eight ways to say I love you” poem. Also I’m overdue in trying the second person narrative just for fun.
 Eight Ways To Kiss Miyano Shiho: A complete guide by Kudo Shinichi.
One: Kiss her to make a point. 
Confess your undying love to her and, when she looks at you as if you’ve lost the last strand of your sanity, give her a reassuring smile in exchange. She will squint at you with that apprehensive look you know so well. Try your best not to get lost in the deep forest of her green eyes while you reach out for her hand gently. With your heart out on your sleeve, tell her again what she already knows— that you are utterly, irremediably in love with her. Again, she will question your mental health. Laugh it out with grace and lean closer to her. Be marveled at the ease with which her scowl fades into realization. Let her hesitant stare be the catalyst of what you’re about to do. 
It’s now or never. 
Latch onto her lips and — with the intention of never letting her go — kiss her until the very last of her insecurities are gone. Kiss her like you mean it, for that’s the only way she would know.
Two: Kiss her by surprise. 
Sneak into her laboratory and wrap your arms over her shoulders as you place a big kiss on her cheek. Grin like a moron at her yelp of surprise. She will probably elbow you on the ribs and call you a jackass for giving her the jump scare of her life, but the curling corner of her lips will betray her real emotions. Bask like an idiot in the knowledge of that. Watch her resume her neverending research before letting out a dramatic sigh and complain about how she never makes time for you. Expect an exasperated glance from her, accompanied maybe by some snide comment about priorities and other responsibilities you can’t be bothered to try to comprehend. Disagree with her, of course, and when she’s about to go off and scold you for it shut her up placing your lips on her hers and kiss her until you’re the only thing she can make sense of. 
Kiss her in the middle of every argument you know you’re about to lose. Kiss her when she’s mad at you and when she’s being obnoxious just to piss you off. 
Kiss her when she least expects it, when she’s immersed in reading a novel you pull down to catch her attention. Kiss her and walk away without a word.
Three:   Kiss her until she begs. 
Let your mouth roam over every inch of her skin as your lips tenderly chart a map of her body. Find the cardinal points that bring her to the very edge and guard that knowledge in the deepest corner of your mind just  like a pirate would guard his fondest treasure. Play hide-and-seek with her worst kept secrets, while you trace a scorching path to perdition with the warmth of your tongue on her shivering skin. Whisper your heart into her ears and feel her relax with the certainty that it belongs to her . Let her show you the way to insanity as she holds you by the hand and takes you down like a merciless landslide. Taste the goosebumps on her skin as your hands intertwine, and when she comes undone with her thighs around your hips and you feel like you hold the whole universe inside of you, swallow your name as it comes out of her lips in the sweetest plead. 
Kiss her until she aches so much for you that she begs you not to stop. Kiss her until she loses her clarity. Kiss her until all of her inhibitions are gone and you become the shore she holds on to.
Four: Kiss her as a reminder. 
Kiss her after some asshole corners her at the drinks table asking her for a dance. You’ve been gone for two seconds and she’s already got a queue of bastards eager to try their luck with the prettiest girl in the room. She tells you that you’re delusional, but you’re already throwing murderous glances at every male guest who dares look your way. Everyone's a suspect. Ignore her when she tells you that jealousy isn’t becoming of you. Instead, kiss her in the middle of the dance floor to make up for the fact that you’re tone deaf and you’ve been dancing with two left feet a the wrong beat of some hit song. 
Kiss her to remind the world — especially herself — that she belongs to you. 
Embarrassment be damned. 
Five: Kiss her as comfort. 
Kiss her at her late sister’s 5th death anniversary, when she stops crying for the first time since she started visiting her grave. Listen quietly as she chit-chats with a musky gravestone about the ups and downs of her new life. Feel your heart swell when she tells Akemi not to worry, for she has found someone to rely on who is taking good care of her. In the heat of the moment, tell Akemi to rest in peace with the promise that you will always take care of her little sister. Blurt it out like the next maniac talking to a piece of stone would do, ask Akemi’s spirit for her blessings to entrust you with her little sister’s happiness for the rest of your life. 
You don’t have a ring or a house or even a plan with you, but she’s crying and laughing at you at the same time for being morbid enough to propose to her on a cemetery. 
You don’t care. She says yes  anyways and she’s yours for life now, and that’s all that matters. 
Six: Kiss her to show your gratitude. 
Kiss her after you almost lost her. Find her pale and weak on a hospital bed holding your whole universe between her arms. Kiss her forehead and her lips and your newborn child’s tiny cheek as if you were afraid to break them. Muffle a cry of relief behind the palm of your shaky hand when you mentally relive the three hours of horror in which she went to labor and your world almost crumbled down to pieces at the possibility of losing either, or worst, both of the reasons you live. Cradle your future into your arms and feel like this is the happiest that any man could ever be. Kiss her when you realize she’s the sole reason for that happiness. 
Kiss her when she fills your home with her laughter and the screams of miniature versions of yourselves who call you dad. 
Seven: Kiss her goodbye. 
Kiss her at graduations and weddings, every time your house gets another empty room to fill with memories past. Hold her hand as a reminder that she’ll never lose you. 
When you’re both gray and old and your bones are rattled, when you’ve walked together in this life far enough to be satisfied. When your senses start fading and days come and go without reason. Kiss her goodnight as if you don’t know if you’ll wake up tomorrow.
Eight: Kiss her when you forget. 
Kiss her when you meet her again, when you’re both living in a foreign city and wearing the faces of total strangers. Kiss her when you don’t remember her name. Kiss her with the conviction that you’ve met her before through many different lifetimes, with the unfounded certainty that your love transcends the boundaries of space and time. With the improbably ridiculous assumption that she loves you too. Kiss her as if you know her, even when you’ve never met her at all. And learn, while you’re at it, all the ways to kiss her like it’s something you always knew.
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