#and the headcanon the Miqo'te do it as well
humblemooncat · 2 years
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This is still my absolute favorite head bonk screenshot and I will use it again for the theme of love if I want to. No one can stop me.
#MiqoMarch - Day 21, Love
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Since I have no way currently to get new shots of him with his husbands, I will share these old ones along with shots I took of dialogue and moments where Ki'to here just could not contain his love and I just had to capture it.
I figure that way you can see love through his eyes.
Also, spoilers ahead. I can't mention everything unless I give some spoilers. But! Everything is in chronological order, so you can skip any parts you have yet to see!
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Finally got to sit down and just have a quiet moment with Aymeric.
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Starlight '22 spoilers. Gods, who let this man look so cute in that outfit? I need to thank them. (Also ngl seeing Aymeric being so sweet with a child made Ki'to's heart swell)
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This ain't just about the husbands, btw. Soft Uri had me on the floor in my feels. I love him so much.
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✨ S h e ✨
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This still reads like a proposal to me. This was when Ki'to knew he was in it for the long haul.
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When these goobers walked in unannounced with bags of food in their arms, this boy was so godsdamned happy. Dinner with the gang is one of his favorite things.
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Hyth has a special place in Ki'to's heart. I like to think it's because Azem really loved him as well, and that love carried across shards.
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The relief this gave Ki'to was immense. He never wanted to burden the others with his troubles because he knew they had their own. So Raha telling him this eased so much tension within him. And instead of walking away like he does in the cutscene, Ki'to asked him to stay so they could talk. In all honesty, this was probably the most loved he'd felt in a while. His struggles were seen and acknowledged, and his lover made sure he felt comfortable sharing them.
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Being an inspiration to young adventurers made him extremely happy. If he can inspire generations after him to go out, explore, and learn about the world around them, then maybe Eitherys could be a kinder place in the future.
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Gods, this man loved Venat/Hydaelyn with his whole heart. The way she saw the world was so beautiful to him. He wished things could have been different so she could see the world as it is now, but she went out on her own terms and he respects that. Though to say their battle brought him happiness would be a lie. She'd been there every step of the way and he wept for her before being unceremoniously dragged out of the aetherial sea.
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I cannot even begin to describe the complex emotions running through Ki'to's mind at this point...
There was a S I G N I F I C A N T pause before he answered G'raha here. I hovered on the lower option for like 5 minutes.
"You can't do this to me. Not again..."
It's what he wanted to say. 'You can't sacrifice yourself again. I've watched you seal yourself away, try to cast yourself out with the light of multiple Wardens, be consumed by crystal, and now you want me to watch your very aether be dispersed?'
But in the end he chose to give him strength. 'I can't be selfish when we've come this far...'
Even when Devotion overtook him as he made his climb with the twins, Azem's crystal never left his hand. Stuck as far into his glove's palm as possible. If he was able. If fate allowed. He would summon them all back. He had to.
This shot was taken out of love because he wanted to cling to his words. His promises. The light of hope that they could be realized.
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And here's the relief.
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And lastly, he was happy to see that Meteion finally got her happier ending. She deserved it.
In lieu of being able to just make a post about his husbands and the love they share, I thought I would share the moments where you could see the people and things that he loved through his eyes.
Hopefully that translated well, and that you enjoyed!
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thefinalwitness · 7 months
i've been thinking about my y'shtola headcanons again and i'm trying to wake up for the day so babble post time:
is the 5th born of 12 daughters of y'rhul nunh, and the only daughter of y'ahna karho.
she was born with a weak constitution and barely survived infancy, a fact that made her mother suffocatingly protective of her.
she chose matoya as much as matoya chose her; y'shtola researched several potential mentors, and deemed matoya the perfect candidate due to her unwillingness to break to sharlayan's rules.
y'shtola sent her dozens of letters requesting matoya's tutelage, all of which were ignored. it was only when y'shtola physically appeared at the entrance of matoya's cave that the woman saw something special in her and took her on.
she studied hard at conjury expressly to combat her constitution so she could achieve whatever she set out to do.
she completed her apprenticeship with matoya at age 17, and joined the circle of knowing at age 18. she received her archon marks at age 23.
she's 33 years old when ARR begins. i've based this on a mix of headcanons as well as the fact her being 23 in ARR is mathematically impossible both because of 1.0's timeline and the fact her younger sister is canonically 27 in ARR.
(the breakdown goes like: becomes matoya's apprentice at age 7 (canon), studies under her until shes 17 (canon), joins the circle of knowing and first travels to limsa lominsa at age 18 (headcanon, as is everything after this). she's also 18 when old sharlayan announces they're recalling the dravanian colony, and is one of the first people louisoix recruits to the circle of knowing due to his respect for matoya. the circle works in secret for 6 of the 10 years sharlayan works to withdraw the colony; y'shtola receives her archon marks at age 23, a year before sharlayan finds out about the circle's treason and exiles its members. 4 years later, at age 28, 1.0 takes place, and five years after that, ARR. hence, 33.)
i headcanon that each seeker tribe has a number of clans, and each clan has a nunh; this is to account for the fact that seekers are NOT rare in ffxiv even when you only count npcs LOL. y'shtola's clan lives in the dravanian hinterlands, and many of its members studied in sharlayan. further, i headcanon the stripes on miqo'te faces to be tattoos, and that they also get these tattooed on the body based on traditions and achievements. seeker face tattoos are usually a commiseration for reaching adulthood, while seeker body tattoos often represent feats achieved by huntresses and men. y'shtola has no body tattoos, having never been a clan huntress, and her face tattoos were more or less insisted upon by her mother because it was 'proper'.
it's confirmed to be a bad translation that y'shtola's aethersight is "slowly killing her"; every other translation and the original text describes it more like it's taxing or fatiguing, not draining her life force. i headcanon that overuse of her aethersight gives her migraines, weakness, and muscle aches, and severe overuse leads to problems like irritable bowels and heart arrhythmias. it CAN kill her, but only acutely; with proper rest between uses, she's in no danger.
outside of combat and while not in her own home, y'shtola uses her aethersight near constantly. at home, she relies on familiarity with the furniture and a walking stick. in combat, due to the fatiguing nature of both her aethersight and her spellcasting, y'shtola uses 'snapshots' of the former to find enemies and quickly strike them. she often charges a spell before knowing where an enemy is, then 'peeks' right before firing. the downside of this is it makes her very immobilized, as she can't spend much time looking at the terrain around her, so moving risks running into unexpected obstacles, especially as bodies and debris fall.
aethersight is not the same as typical vision. it's more like a blue and white heat map, with aetherially-dense entities blue and aetherially-sparse entities white. (this can be seen in an alexander cutscene when the aether goggles are used.) she can't make out most details due to this; a person, for example, is more or less a silhouette of blue. she can read books easily though, because most ink is enchanted to be waterproof, fast-drying/non-smudging, etc, making it far more aetherially charged than the paper or bindings.
her "inexplicable fear of aureliae" is a result of her first trip to limsa lominsa, where on the ship taking her there, the deck was overrun by a swarm of the creatures. she also, tangentially related, absolutely hates seafood.
lesib! lebsibn! lisbab! women!
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So, I have this XIV AU where it's the real world slowly combining with the world of XIV, starting with anyone who plays XIV becoming their mains, including features modded in and not featured in game, and their belongings (clothes/IDs/etc) become best suited for their race; furniture, houses, and vehicles become best suited to all races, though, unless there is lore to one's main that such stuff would be custom made to accomodate them. Over time, the world slowly becomes more and more absorbed and subsequently transformed into the world of XIV, albeit more technologically advanced since XIV doesn't (at the time of writing) have anything within its lore akin to things like TVs and the internet, so what objects doesn't have a counterpart just kinda... Remain, albeit with recorded media mildly altered to have a more varied cast made up of the XIV races based on player and NPC statistics. All the while, people are trying to reverse things, if it is even possible. Over time, people will slowly get their in fame mounts, minions, gil, items, and such, including what was modded in and/or only included in said character's lore, so long as the items/gil/consumables aren't sold/used/traded off prior to receiving. did your buddy log into your account and fantasia you into the opposite gender as well as of a race you dislike and now you're stuck like that in the real world? Don't drink your fantasia until after you get a real world fantasia, as you won't change in the real world unless you drink your real world fantasia after the in game one was completely used.
A lot of the logistics as to how various races exist and interact with objects in a world like this mainly aren't too difficult, as Roegadyn, Hyur, and Elezen just live life as normal, aside from a potential difference in clothing size/skin tone/hair color/eye color/gender than they used to.
Viera and Miqo'te will need hats modified to accomodate their ears, and pants/shirts/dresses/kilts/and the like modified to accomodate their tails; I am a firm believer that Viera should have tails, by the way. Furniture and car seats will also need holes in the backs to accomodate said tails.
Hrothgar will need the same accommodations made to their clothes as the Viera and Miqo'te, plus some special shoes for their digitigrade paws for feet; I also headcanon that Hrothgar actually have paw feet, as I find anthro characters that don't have animal feet to be strange.
Au'Ra will need to have clothing toughened to withstand their tough scales and potential body spikes and scutes, as well as horn and tail accommodations in their clothing and helmets. Car seats will need to have tail holes with toughened liners, likely plastic, to prevent being worn out as fast from their tails.
Lalafells, though...? Aside from an increase in stools/step ladders available/owned and clothing sized to fit the small, more rotund physique that Lalafells have, the biggest issue is cars and other vehicles. Whatever happens in game with the XV car mount is not what will happen to a 'fell in a car, though, as real world cars have pedals that need to be reached in order to be driven, unless the car is modified to have stuff on the steering column or something; plus, standing on a car seat is dangerous. I will have to research on what to do about this, but will reblog with any updates.
If you wanna use this AU concept for yourself, please credit me for the AU and @ me with what you create! I wanna see the chaos you all unleash as universes collide.
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that1nkyone · 4 months
hmmm... u know what, a full set- 1, 2, 3 AND 4 for Ash'li?
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender? Ash'li is a cis male. Just how he feels, and he's comfortable like that. He grew up in a traditionally matriarchal culture (Moon Keeper Miqo'te), but his childhood was a little unconventional as even when he hit a certain age, he stayed with his mother and sisters rather than going off to a bachelor tribe. While he did struggle standing out as unusual, he didn't feel uneasy about his identity. Despite the traditionally gender-based lifestyle of the Miqo, Ash'li's own definition of masculinity and femininity is fairly hand-wavy. His Mum and one of his siblings, Okhi, are both trans.
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it? He is greysexual, poly and bi - the latter two being discoveries he made when he was twenty-one.
He wasn't interested in pursuing any relationships until he met Haurchefant, and was super caught out when he got to know him, wishing he knew anything about how to display his affection. Ash'li did manage to make a reciprocated move... not long before the Vault incident. He didn't start a solid relationship for a while after that.
In the future, he would get to know an adventurous Miqo Scion named F'liisha he'd met earlier during the Coils of Bahamut. It was around Stormblood that he realised she made him happy, too, and entered a relationship with her.
He would also find himself fond of G'raha, primarily Romatically - but also a little shy of his Praises. He would like to climb down from this pedestal Raha's put there before anything further happens between them, first.
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know? Ash'li did start to worry that something was wrong with him when his siblings started talking about partners and relationships, and he wasn't interested in the discussion at all. His Mum supported him, saying that he didn't have to get into this stuff if he didn't want to, and that she'd met a couple others like him. But Ash'li felt like he was already an oddball, and didn't really bring his orientation up to anyone until he met Y'shtola (who i also headcanon as demi/ace) who was like "Well in my experience, there's now less things for you to fuss over." which made him laugh for the first time since joining the Scions.
(The debate of gender attraction wasn't a big deal to Ash'li. The Jinjahl family already has four members who are gay and/or trans.)
4) Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them? Ash'li's immediate family is a little rough around the edges, but has always been close-knit to the point where if someone comes out and they don't 'get' it, they accept them and go out of their way to learn more about how they identify. So he was very supported - but was surprised when there were folks outside his tribe who thought ill of people simply for who they loved. The fact that it's usually the norm in-canon for miqo'te to have multiple partners is a factor for him being poly. Communication is always Vital, of course. And some miqo prefer a single-partner relationship.
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lookbluesoup · 2 years
Like any good monster fucker I do spend some time wondering what is in the pants of the various beast-adjacent races in ffxiv. Maybe all the male-sexed of the races have a normal human dick but that's boring to me. So.
I typed up some headcanons about the appearance, refractory periods, functionality, etc. for Miqo'te, Hrothgar, Viera, and Au Ra. There's also some musing about things like heat cycles!
You're welcome to adopt parts of these for your own fics/headcanons/etc if you like them, I don't mind! You're also welcome to keep doing you if you don't. To each their own dick. If you like dicks.
There is a lot of penis talk under the cut. If you don't want to read about dicks then don't click the cut. There is also a version with illustrated dick diagrams on my Pillowfort (here), if you do not want to see dicks, do not click the link. The post was intended to have the visual guide alongside it, but I have to leave these out on tumblr bc of content restrictions.
These are "averages" but ofc size, shape, color, hair content might vary significantly between individuals! Also note that minimum time to ejaculation is if they're speed-running it. They can, of course, draw sex out longer if desired, though if their refractory period is low they might not need to worry about it!
Miqo'te are among the more "human" of the animalistic races so their dicks get to be, too. Still, hope you like hairy balls. Or else can convince your man to shave. Miqo'te scrotum are entirely covered in thick fur, their main distinction from hyur. They also have some soft "barbs" along their shaft that add a bit of texture and help keep them seated while mating, but shouldn't be painful unless their partner is much smaller than them.
Males do not have heat cycles, but females do. Heats commonly last between 2-14 days, and reoccur every 2-3 weeks if medicines, magics, or potions are not used to limit it. If pregnancy occurs, heat will end "early" within the next day, and the heat cycle will be suspended until roughly a month after birth. Pregnancy is possible outside of heat cycles, but extremely uncommon.
Females in heat have an extremely strong drive to mate that is often impairing to other senses, and bear a distinct scent which will arouse and attract male miqo'te. Males can also smell when females of other races are fertile, though this doesn't (usually) cause the same physical reaction as to miqo'te in heat. Possessive and aggressive behavior toward receptive females by males is more common in Sunseeker tribes, but appears primarily to be a cultural phenomenon, not a biological one.
Male Sunseekers, in particular, have a quirk wherein their bodies are primed to treat victories in battle like a mating rite. Only Nunhs generally get to reproduce in Sunseeker society, and this title is won by defeating the previous Nunh in combat. So... victory equals mating rights. Which equals arousal. Sunseeker males who emerge from conflict on the winning side are going to have to deal with a short term, well, not heat, but something like it.
Average Refractory Period: 10-15 minutes Minimum Time to Ejaculation: 2-5 minutes
Hrothgar have furry, animalistic sheathes over a girthy, tapered penis, and much more distinct barbs which grow more prominent close to ejaculation and can be painful on withdrawal.
They have a heat cycle similar to miqo'te, however, female Hrothgar only go into heat every 3-4 months.
Average Refractory Period: 15-30 minutes Minimum Time to Ejaculation: 20-60 seconds
Viera in game-lore, to my knowledge, cannot be sexed until puberty. So they have nether regions that appear relatively vague even as adults. Fur obscures a "slit" between their legs. Their balls are stored inside - viera scrotum do not hang down, rather they frame either side of the penis slightly above it. Usually these are not visible, but in hot weather or while very relaxed, the outline may become distinct.
Viera have the fastest refractory period of all races, though fertility decreases significantly at this pace. Like other races, a male Viera intending to breed should generally only attempt it twice a day.
Flaccid males are very difficult to distinguish from females. Erect are reminiscent of real-life transmasculine dicks, since I personally find the idea affirming. Your mileage may vary!
Female viera have no heat cycle. They are, essentially, always in heat except when pregnant, but this is not a distracting fever like it is for the more catlike races, simply a biological convenience.
Average Refractory Period: 2-8 minutes Minimum Time to Ejaculation: 20-90 seconds
Au Ra, despite their impressive height, do not possess elezen-sized cocks. They are, however, erect 24/7. Au Ra reproductive parts are concealed inside a cloaca, alongside their urethra and anus. So yes, the cloaca is a magical hole full of goodies.
Au Ra dicks are small enough to fit comfortably inside the females of their race, and emerge fully erect from the cloaca when aroused. The cock has a fairly wide opening at the tip. So if you were wondering, also yes, you could probably fit your tongue in there.
Having a smaller penis is generally preferred among traditionally-raised au ra women, since it can't do its job very well if it doesn't even fit inside. Sorry, Magnai.
Au Ra do not have heats, but do have yearly "mating seasons" when the drive to reproduce is stronger for both sexes, and offspring are more likely to be conceived.
Average Refractory Period: 1 hour Minimum Time to Ejaculation: 7-10 minutes
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miqomonkly · 1 year
When was your OC the most angry they have ever been? What about this situation made them so angry? Was it the person who provoked them? The injustice of the situation? Or their own powerlessness in the face of circumstance?
The first one that pops to mind is a scene I've had in my head for a while.
Around the time Stormblood ends, Raubahn informs you that Resistance forces have captured two fugitives that have been in the run since the attack on Baelsar's Wall. These two are none other than Laurentius and Yayafuto, former Crystal Braves and accomplices of the late Ilberd Feare, known as the Griffin and the orchestrator of the massacre at the Wall.
In my headcanon, rather than simply ask our opinion, Raubahn invites I'lyanna and company to speak with the captives. Yayafuto is quiet, as his attempts to bribe his way out of danger have been met with rather vicious denial. Laurentius, on the other hand, is on the verge of tears, begging and pleading for his life. He casts blame upon his lalafell cohort, Ilberd, the Braves... anyone but himself for his crimes. At the last, he begs for mercy.
All fall silent as I'lyanna mutters the word. They turn to the Miqo'te, standing in the back of the group, head bowed low, fist clenched, muscles tight.
The seething woman raises her head and glares holes into Laurentius's skull, violet eyes alight with primal fury. She strides forward, clasping the man's coat and yanking him off the ground. Guards twitch, swords are drawn but stayed by a wave of Raubahn's hand.
She didn't care. There was only him and her.
And he would know her wrath.
"Was it mercy your fellow Braves showed to Wilred when he found out the truth?!"
"I nev--"
"Was it mercy you showed the other Braves who refused to ally with you!?"
"Was it mercy to allow all those at the Wall to DIE!? For a foolish cause you never believed in!?"
The room fell silent. Resistance soldiers stood tense; her friends were afraid but said nothing; Raubahn held his peace, his gaze firm and cold like steel.
Laurentius shook in her hands. His eyes were closed; tears flowed down his face. Each sob was quiet, as if he dared not utter it aloud lest he suffer more of her ire.
For her part, Lyanna could only glare and breathe. Her soul was on fire; every muscle in her body itched to throw this pathetic excuse for a man to the floor and crush his skull underfoot. To bash and batter and beat him into nothingness. To watch as the light faded from his eyes.
No one would stop her. Raubahn wouldn't let them; he knew her anger. The same anger that led him to slay Teledji, to attack Lolorito and fight Ilberd on the night of the banquet. The same anger that led to his imprisonment before she and her friends saved him.
He knew her anger. He would not stop her.
Though they both knew he should.
As quick as the fire had risen, her anger died in her bones.
A cold, ill feeling soon crept in as she realized what had happened.
What she could do.
What she didn't want to be...
Laurentius fell to the floor with a thump, curling into a ball and sobbing upon the cold, harsh stone. Several members of the gathered assembly, Raubahn included, let go of a breath they hadn't realized they'd been holding. Whatever fury they had expected to witness was past for now, and all would be well.
Lyanna stared off into space for a time. The thoughts and fears and anger she had just experienced - nay, had just delivered - ran through her mind like a whirlwind. It scared her... it hurt her... it liberated her...
Her eyes fell to the sobbing mess at her feet, and for a brief moment she felt the faintest hint of pity. It died to the cold in her heart as she spoke once more.
"I offered you mercy once. I will never make that mistake again."
(Not sure if this really answered your question, but I've wanted to sit and write this scene for a while now. Thanks for the ask regardless! ❤️)
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ishgard · 7 months
g'raha tia and/or krile for the character asks? alternately, your WoL?
Oooh fun!! thank you so much!
G'raha Tia:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Male (but tbh I could see him being fluid about it)
A ship I have with said character: I love all of the WoLG'raha ships, it's so good, so delicious. Recently I've been a little 👀 about Thancred x G'raha also, that's got me Intrigued.
A BROTP I have with said character: I really love seeing bits and pieces of his friendships with each of the Scions tbh, esp now that he's free of the Exarch's yolk. Him and Urianger or Y'shtola nerding out, or gosh his relationship with Alisaie feeling more like siblings is so much fun and delightful. (I also really wanna see him interact with Thancred more just in general oops.)
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't think one exists 🤔 If anything I'd probably just be more ambivalent towards such a thing.
A random headcanon: It's nothing flashy or unique but (and apologies) I subject him to my usual miqo'te HCs of purring, biting, both keepers and seekers having fangs and eyes that adjust to light/dark, and yeah, the less sfw things (not pokey penis, that's where I draw the line).
General Opinion over said character: I love him so much??? I can understand why some people have their grievances with him, especially in regards to how he might 'come on strong' sometimes, but I never really got why people hold long-lasting grudges against him for the whole lying thing. (Though that's probably largely because Ahru isn't bothered by people lying to her if the ends justify the means.)
Krile Baldesion:
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual (female-leaning)
Gender Headcanon: Female
A ship I have with said character: Is it too obvious to say Tataru? I wanna say she had hearteyes for Minfilia, too. (Thinking about it though, a crackship with Estinien is forming in my head, oh no.)
A BROTP I have with said character: Even if not from a shippy point, Tataru for sure. Also I didn't mention this on his, but G'raha.
A NOTP I have with said character: I do NOT ship her with being forgotten and abandoned by the narrative.
A random headcanon: Listen, definitely had a crush on G'raha at some point, (and yeah Minfilia). I'm not sure if teaching Alphinaud how to paint is a headcanon or was actual canon now that I think about it (am I imagining there was something said about him asking her for advice?)
General Opinion over said character: Less of an opinion but I really can't wait to see more of her in Dawntrail, hopefully she gets a chance to really flourish. I enjoy her a lot but I feel like she's been sidelined so much (and I barely did anything with Eureka admittedly) so I just don't always feel like I know her as well as I wish I did. (Maybe I just need to replay MSQ tho.)
Ahru Hiraeth :D
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual
Gender Headcanon: Female, has a sort of loose concept of gender in her head though in regards to herself
A ship I have with said character: ...there are a few, but the big one at the moment is Deryk x Ahru, they've got me in a chokehold.
A BROTP I have with said character: Estinien! The minute he called her "aibou" I was sold. She's also always in close cahoots with Thancred no matter what.
A NOTP I have with said character: This is going to seem so out of nowhere but as a lover of enemies-to-lovers I have TRIED to imagine it just for shits and giggles but no, no, she hates him so so much.
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A random headcanon: She loves mint (in food, drink, smoke) and though it's very slight it has a soothing quality that helps her relax. (catnip being in the mint family, yada yada) [She doesn't actually smoke a lot anymore though.]
General Opinion over said character: She is so powerful. Like. To me. Over me. I am so weak and I love her so much and she has been such a delight to explore over the years. Seeing her Go Through Some Shit and Get Worse and also Get Better has been beautiful and I want to cry I love my cat so much.
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musesofawolf · 8 months
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
hc + 🌞 for a day-themed headcanon
Oh the night, the night, how he loves the night! I say that sarcastically and quite literally. Bryn was never afraid of the night, in fact, he felt rather at home in it for most of his young life. He had no idea why, and even now, with his shifts, he does not fear the night. But the moon... Well, different story. Ironically, while being a creature of the night, he is wholly ill-equipped to be in the night. He stands out in darkness unless on a light background, so he prefers his Hyur form at night over anything else.
Ah, the sun. The warmth of it, the feel of it on white fur, that's where he is most comfortable! Even with a thick coat, you might find him laying out on a warm rock, or on the sand, or anywhere that his wolf-like form finds comfortable with a ray of sun. Part of that love for the day and warmth comes from a few harrowing and traumatizing (although he would never say as much) experiences with snowy areas at night. You can't see it, but he just shivered at the mention of snow.
Kaleh'a loves the night. As a Keeper Miqo'te, he grew up with a reverence for the moon and its patron, Menphina. To him, they are one and the same, and he even has a little something that his parents, and he, like to claim puts him closer to Menphina: white tipped bangs! He is considered "Moon Touched", a special Keeper that has the blessing of the Moon Goddess, which amounts to...nothing! Well, according to him at least. He doesn't feel special, he just feels like himself, with reverence for Menphina and the moon and long moon light walks.
Now his parents though do have a theory about his hair. From a young age, the little Miqo'te child with white tipped hair would frolic in the sun far longer than any of his fellow Keeper friends or adults. In fact, he seemed to soak up the sun and soon his skin grew tanner than his moonlit counterparts. His father and mother were both Keepers, through and through, but their wide eyed son certainly seems to be a bit of a Seeker. Which is where their theory about his Moon Kissed status comes in. They believe Menphina imparted the gift to absorb and reflect the sun, like Menphina does as she rises and the sun sets, catching those last rays to light up the night sky. Kaleh'a doesn't believe that too much, but he also doesn't question it. Who knows, maybe they are right, and he's just special!
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okami-zero · 1 month
Some random headcanon shit that popped into my head on the longest drive to pick up my brother from work:
I think the radio may have contributed, but was thinking about a random scene with Rav being attacked from behind, and then thinking about Akagi being attacked from behind. And with Rav, the attack has a chance to land, but the effects would be negligible for several reasons.
But with Akagi, it would be more difficult. Putting aside the Echo for a moment, I recall reading lore on au ra, and how their horns are how they hear, and also allow for spatial awareness and perception. The part that is head canon-y, that I was pondering on, was what if the shape and size of the horns also factored in? Taking Akagi and his ginormous horns for example, they extend quite far bot ahead and behind, and are fairly wide vertically, so I imagine sneaking up on him would be difficult/require distraction as his range of awareness is better than some others. Like, miqo'te and viera (especially viera) have the sharpest hearing, hands down, but I think au ra spatial awareness is a bit more than just hearing, and while not necessarily good for distance, would be especially perceptive in the area around them dictated by their horn shape and size. I could probably poke at this more when I am more conscious later.
All that to say it is difficult for Akagi to be snuck up on, with some exceptions - Yugiri and some of her more seasoned shinobi; Gevial, sometimes; Lyse has managed it a time or two; and, of course, Thancred, though if he is doing something like in Endwalker in Garlemald, Akagi might be able to get a solid bead on where he is. The twins keep trying, but have yet to succeed and are undeterred in continued attempts x3. Ascians don't count, they cheat. And Ardbert....well. Not... really? That one is complicated.
So yea, with the Echo, his training and range of awareness via horns means Akagi is less prone to sneak attacks. Not IMMUNE, mind you, just more to plan for. XD
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bardtothestars · 6 months
On Au Ra Horns, Scales, and Moulting
I personally headcanon that races like the Miqo'te and Au Ra molt and love to think about how this affects the two races as a whole, especially applying it to Akshay. A large chunk of this actually was written by me being brainrot about the whole thing at first, then built using xBlutkatze's Au Ra and Skin Care Guide after I found it later! As such, it is kind of a mashup of that hc and my own.
The molting process of Au Ra to me is similar to how a gator sheds (shedding individual scales periodically versus one large molt, oftentimes rubbing them off on rocks or hard surfaces), while the scales themselves are more akin to armadillos in material and texture (scutes, a bony layer in the skin covered with horn/keratin).
Au Ra horns, on the other hand, are not made of the same soft scales/scutes. I see the material as more akin to the casques or crests cassowaries have, which help with sound reception and acoustic communication. They are keratinous and hollow, allowing for soundwave vibrations to enter into the hollow inside of the casque and be processed and amplified as they bounce along the fine fibers inside. The horns also help to regulate body temperature, offloading heat at high temperatures and restricting heat loss at low temperatures. Because of this, I also imagine piercings to not pierce through the horn as other races have, despite how earrings appear in the game. Drilling holes into the horns would damage the fibers in the ear, and the vibrations from such a process would be quite painful. Additionally, earrings swinging around would make an audible noise through a hole like that and be really distracting. I personally think Au Ra would instead have metal clamps to attach them by, or, more easily, loop them around the horns.
I like to think that the tribes would have sweat lodges and purification ceremonies similar to many Indigenous tribes like the Chumash or the Aztec peoples. Botanists can get Steppe safflowers there which can be turned into a carrier oil to make into soap or used directly for molting. These oils can help to allow the scales to release and also remedy the cracked, tender skin left behind by lost scales. Also, things such as fatty fish and raw milk can help with molting as well, of which the Steppe has plenty.
Pumice stones or smooth river stones could be utilized to remove tough scales while inside a sweat lodge. I envision this practice as a loving bonding ritual within a tribe. Close ones, such as family or lovers, would be allowed to help in removing scales that are difficult to reach for an Au Ra on their own. I imagine it to be a bit awkward for Akshay to allow non-Au Ra to do this, but a sign of major familial love or trust.
In Eorzea, I imagine Akshay utilizing hot baths or saunas whenever he can to privately remove his own scales to the best of his ability, stubbornly refusing any help. The molting rituals he grew up with in the Steppe do make him highly adept at skin and scale care, though, and he often carries tools to help with shedding on him (such as pumice stones for scale removal and medical salves/carrier oils to help with cracking). He would also catch and eat fatty fish for himself to help his body molt- not that he doesn't already have a preference for it due to him growing up accustomed to fishing and eating the aggressive fish that are indigenous to the Azim Steppe
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thefinalwitness · 1 year
still working out what the "function" of atlas was, as venat's concept. i think she created them during her days as azem, hence the starry nature, as some sort of assistant with some very specific purposes. specifically i recall how venat always felt like her work "wasnt done" after her time as azem, and i wonder if thats part of what atlas was designed for—to help her find her calling.
she chose the moth similarities because of how moths are typically "drawn to light"; to venat, this sort of meant, at least, that atlas was designed to guide venat out of the dark places her work would take her. they were a beacon of hope, perhaps. sending them after meteion had been an impulsive response, as she hadn't had time for much else, but that's also fits in with the role of hope and guiding light. for 12k years venat kept her vigil in the aetherial sea, and while i believe she had billions of good reasons (love for every single person on etheirys), i think one of those reasons was knowing one of the stars in the sky was atlas, pursuing meteion.
as for atlas and meteion's relationship, well. they never hated each other. if anything, they pitied each other. meteion, in her despair and delusion, wanted to give atlas the finality and peace and release of death, to spare them all this ceaseless struggling. and atlas wanted to save meteion, to find that small person whose wonderment they had once cherished so. meteion expects them to hate her after the endsinger is defeated, but they don't. they're just so relieved she's found the light they were trying to show her.
it's easy enough for atlas to befriend minfilia too. she is, after all, infused with hydaelyn's essence, and is therefore the closest thing 'to' venat that still exists in the world. atlas thinks of her as something like venat's descendant, this related but unique person, who has chosen to bear venat's legacy forward. atlas could almost be considered minfilia's knight in that way, thrown through time to a world where her original ladyship no longer exists, but this little seedling of her great tree does.
similarly, this is why they're drawn to the warriors of light, who each possess the echo and are therefore touched by venat. they specifically like l'aiha because she, like minfilia, was infused with more of hydaelyn's essence; l'aiha FEELS a bit more like venat to atlas. and they do genuinely infantilize her miqo'te features a little, thinking of them as cute or charming, but they respect those bearing the echo unwaveringly. anyone who has the echo is immediately precious to them; in a way, these people become their own 'light' they ever seek.
they, like all of venat's creations, love all the people of etheirys, and the star itself too, of course. but the way they were designed was to guide and protect venat, so their heart naturally latches onto those that radiate any small essence of her. they seek endless happiness for these souls, and failing that, they seek reprieve for them. funnily enough, they describe bearers of the echo as 'little sparks'; now where could they have gotten that from? 🤫
im trying to decide if i want to give them the ability to traverse reflections too... if they have it, i don't think they know about it yet, as their departure predates the sundering and they've had no need to attempt crossing reflections since their return. they're also very out of the current patches loop, though i highly suspect they'll come into play in 6.5, given that zodiark's essence has been awakened in zeromus AND i think y'shtola is smart enough to reach out to the two living creatures (other being meteion, of course) that travelled the expanse of space with nothing but their own bodies for insight on reflection travel, in case those things are fundamentally similar.
which is also a great way to reintroduce minfilia to the msq, and MAYBE meteion, tho im more inclined to keep leaning on my "shes traumatized and scared of being near people in case she turns again" headcanon. at least for all of 7.x. just to give the msq some time to see if they want to bring meteion back in canonically, which would mean i'd have to work around whatever they do, bc i get weird once im caught up in a story and start making my own adaptions that come back to bite me when the actual story reintroduces characters <3 it's the adhd sorry <3
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kintsugiscars · 8 months
WOL Questions! Who was your WOL before meeting the Scions? Are there any relationships/friends maintained outside of the Scions throughout the story?
I throw open my 17+ page lore document for Lex
Who was your WOL before meeting the Scions? Lex was a mainstay of Limsa Lominsa. Through various circumstances (which will be further explained in a proper lore update/headcanon post) he was adopted by Baderon and the Rogue's Guild around the age of 9. He ran around doing odd jobs for both of them and for the rest of Limsa to earn his keep. He attracts quite a bit of attention for a while, since he has all the makings of an outsider outsider. Male Miqo'te children are incredibly rare outside of their tribes, and most people have never seen a male Keeper of the Moon - never mind a Keeper child. Thus, he worked incredibly hard to be taken seriously and be accepted. All the guildmasters know him as an efficient errand boy and Thubyrgeim especially took a shine to his curiosity and love of arcanium. Though Jacke is still his favorite and he is an unofficial member of the Rogue's Guild as well.
Are there any relationships/friends maintained outside of the Scions throughout the story? Plenty! Most of the guildmasters in Limsa, all of the Ironworks crew (especially Nero), Lyna, Ryne, Gaia, the Watcher, Magnai, Aymeric, Jullus, the Chais, Gerolt, Vrtra, Vidofnir... he ends up making friends really wherever he goes and tries to keep up with everyone he can.
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shinigxmicrew-ffxiv · 3 years
   Various headcanons for the races that populate the world of FFXIV!
Greeting and Tradition HCs [Miqo’te]:
Seekers (of the Sun) greet family/loved ones by pressing the crown of their heads together. 
Keepers (of the Moon) greet their loved ones with nose touches. 
Keeper/Seeker close greetings are cheek-to-cheek. A middle ground for them both. 
Largely put into motion by Hyur (and related) influences, Miqo’te have also added in a hand-greeting for those who wish to not get so close. (Also as a way of being polite to strangers of either Miqo side.) The way this is done is one offers a hand- palm up- and the other reaches out, as if to give a “low-five.” Instead, fingertips graze over the palm.
Up to palm is the usual, yes, but keep an eye out for those who's fingers touch the wrist; typically this denotes secret lovers in Miqo'te greeting-language.
Seekers tend to have a deeper version of "catspeak"; huffs/chuffs to denote playfulness or "calm down", deep growls with bared teeth as a show of aggression, tail wagging in anger, and so forth. 
Keepers are more domestically catlike in their "catspeak"; purrs of delight/happiness....even as a way to self-comfort. Open body language makes them easier to understand than Keepers- with some patience and a careful eye on ears and tail- but their chirps might be a little harder to translate. Just be wary of when the low growls and hissing start! 
What both can agree on, regardless of Keeper or Seeker, is the importance of their tail. Head pats aren't uncommon from other races, like the Hyur, who want to good-naturedly show positive reinforcement. A light touch of ears is fine, but petting them requires more trust. Their tails, even more than that!!! Only very close friends, family, and loved ones can pet a Miqo'te's tail without issue or fuss. 
We don't talk about the catnip. (A leafy "drug" that energizes Miqo'te to "frisky kitten" levels of wilding. Even Seekers aren't immune, and it's one of the rare times their pupils get wider. Keeper's eyes look like pools of black on catnip, always a fun sight to see!)
Body Care [Miqo’te + Au Ra]:
There’s hair care....and fur care. Ears/tails are washed with different, specialty soap that’s different from hair care. However, some of these products do overlap into two-in-ones. 
Showerheads are designed much the same: small, to avoid hitting the ears (or at least being gentle when it happens).
Horn washing is a serious business, whether Xaela or Raen. Two-in-ones for washing and prep polishing horns, then an after-polish for post-bathing cleanliness.
Seeker Names [Miqo’te]:
It’s well known that Seeker culture is quite unique...especially when it comes to names. There is an importance of their abbreviated or personal name that isn’t found elsewhere. An example being X'rhun Tia. X refers to the X (Lynx) tribe. Rhun is his given name....and Tia, his status. 
 So it is stressed, due to this interesting difference, that saying a Seeker's true name (ex: Rhun) is a highly personal and intimate matter. Either dear, close friendship or to indicate romantic ties; either way, it shows a closeness in words where nothing else might.
Hormones and Dating [Miqo’te + Au Ra + Elezen]:
What defines a Nunh from a Tia is typically hormone levels. Their innate aggression and want to lead typically is what sets some Tia above the others for potential Nunh positions.....but, of course, isn't always guaranteed. The biggest messes of power-changed typically happen for later-in-life Nunh or if they've come upon an illness. While it isn't uncommon for there to be two Nunh to a tribe.....they rarely go well for the long-term. (But quite a few have worked out, due to the nature of some Seekers simply preferring mind over matter.....or numbers above all else.) 
You can actually see some Seeker cultured mirrored in the Xaela; their penchant for violence oft sees them using it to draw eyes their way.... 
Though that makes the Raen and Keeper tribes similar, as well; Raen Auri would prefer to woo their prospective loves with a variety of things (items to shows of prowess, such as dancing), though it depends on location of said Raen. (Doma/Higanshi warriors, for example, still feel that occasional, primal need to draw eyes via a sparring match out in public eye.) Keepers are a pickier bunch, but it's not uncommon to see men vying for attention from would-be mates in any manner of show or keepsake.....shame that so few (if any) ever stick around. 
Elezen dating culture is quite similar to the Hyur and Lalafell (likely due to proximity most have encountered). The Duskwight might be more "simple" with their gifts, but they have been renowned as heartfelt items (or tools), as they are typically handmade. Compare to the Wildwood or Elezen of Ishgard, who either rely on Hyur tactics (gift-giving; bought and occasionally made) or- a popular option with those from Ishgard- to make or commission a gift specifically made for their love. Tailoring gifts to suit needs is- regardless of race- an endless Elezen custom.
On the note of Seekers, it isn't uncommon for Tias who have left or otherwise deflected from their tribe to start experiencing a hormone boost. With no rule over their head aside from their own judgement, the urge to become the "Nunh" of their own "tribe" often becomes a persistent thought. 
And yes, this has led to the creation of potions to soothe these hormones into something more docile. Though another, albeit emotionally painful remedy, is social isolation. The less time a Tia spends around the populace, the better for their hormone levels. 
 No such luck has been offered yet to the equally hormonal Xaela, who typically refuse outsider help, anyways. And given that they are more energetic and driven than the Raen, it doesn't take a scientist to note that such potions made for them (the Raen) would not well enough suit a Xaela.
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rokachan · 2 years
with   the   information   of   your   muse   ,   including   headcanons   ,   etc.   if   you   fail   to   achieve   some   of   the   facts   ,   add   some   other   of   your   own   !
NAME.      Roka Cookielicious She's never been one to give her surname to people, even prior to marrying Tobi and taking the name Cookielicious in complement to her wife's title of Ruglicious.
AGE.     Honestly this is anyone's guess. She's long since abandoned keeping track of her namedays, and she spent two years dead. If you based it on the age of her current body? A few months.
SPECIES.       Appears to be a clanless Keeper of the Moon, Miqo'te. Was born a Raen. Is eldritch monstrosity a species?
GENDER.        Female
ORIENTATION.       Demisexual panamorous
INTERESTS.        Books, cooking, punching things, books, 'hunting', aetherical studies, books, 'gardening', morbols, books...
PROFESSION.     Officially? On paper? She's a cook and moonguard for the Elysium free company.
BODY TYPE.      Thin, waifish, lithe, petite
EYES.       Right eye is pale pink, the left is pastel green
HAIR.       Pale blonde
SKIN.      Ma'am have you even seen the sun? Maybe passed by a window? Read a book that mentioned it?
FACE.         Sharp features, lips often thinned and turned down in a frown or curled up over sharp teeth in disdain. Thick lashes rim large, unsettling eyes. A dash of freckles dance over the tops of her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.
HEIGHT.     4′5″
COMPANIONS. Ezekiel (who is totally just her guard and that's it. Yep. Stop looking at her like that!), Ilan (Excuse you! How dare you imply that he's anything other than herdoctor and very dear friend?!?! What did you see?!?!!?), Renaux (look you can occasionally fantasize about your friends. It's fine. You can also acknowledge when they're damn fine looking. That doesn't mean your friendship has been anything other than platonic), Certo (ogodogodogodogod), Em (you can be loosely friends with someone even when you're mad at them, or were hurt. They just... Have to earn your trust back), Pim (friend-shaped? Excellent guinea pig when testing new dessert recipes), Artoirel (oh what a marvellous thing revenge is...)
COLORS.      Pastels, soft and inviting. Richs greens and warm browns. Crisp whites and inky blacks.
FRUITS.       I'm sorry but this gremlin doesn't do conventional food very well.
DRINKS.       She'll pass, unless you're offering her something hot she can hold in her hands while awkwardly never bringing it to her lips, staring intently at you the entire time
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ?     Not often, it doesn't do much for her, but on occasion she can be tempted to sip some bourbon just to enjoy the nostalgia of it. Then proceed to have regrets later when her body decided to aggressively regect the substance it isn't designed to ingest.
SMOKES ?     She carries a small cigarette case with smokes in it. Vanilla and clove mostly with the occasional rolanberry flavoured one thrown in. She isn't seen smoking them often herself anymore though.
DRUGS ?      Ever since a proper detox and rehab under the close scrutiny of some of her dearest people she's been clean of most things. She won't touch the stuff for personal use now, she'd take her soulstone and dash it to bits before she ever returned to her old habits and hurt the people she cares for like that.
DRIVERS LICENSE ?   Roka owns a chocobo who is ironically named Love. Please do NOT go near the bird if you value your life. Also please do not bring a saddle anywhere near the 'bo. She might be classified as a mount, but she is not remotely rideable.
TAGGED BY @wpip-raham
TAGGING @adellennehocoleux @pim-possible @doctor-sasslady @zhauric @vazaymir @bloodybattles @an-unknown-imperial
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lookbluesoup · 1 year
Here's a part II to my original NSFW ffxiv headcanons! Someone requested an afab version :3
Some of the information below will be repeated and expanded on from P1 since it's relevant, but this post will focus mostly on the female sex and also delve a little more into reproduction. It's more technical in wording than the original post, mostly because I've spent more time thinking about this since then, fleshing out my ideas.
You're welcome to adopt parts of these for your own fics/headcanons/etc if you like them, I don't mind! You're also welcome to keep doing you if you don't. To each their own pussy. If you like pussy.
There is a lot of vulva talk under the cut. If you don't want to read about genitals then don't click the cut. There is also a version with illustrated diagrams on my Pillowfort(here), if you do not want to see vulvas, do not click the link. The post was intended to have the visual guide alongside it, but I have to leave these out on tumblr bc of content restrictions.
There is also some mention of the role of things like tail docking and food restriction to maintain body shapes, so if you're sensitive to these themes, read with care.
Descriptions of genitals are "averages" but ofc size, shape, color, hair content might vary significantly between individuals!
Miqote vulvas are pretty similar to Hyur in size, shape, and variation. It should be noted, however, that instead of pubic hair, Miqo'te women grow fur similar in texture to that of their tails, which may also be similarly patterned. Fur does not grow around the anus, leaving a smooth gap between the tail and mons pubis.
Most healthy Miqo'te have a "primordial pouch", a pair of fatty deposits around the lower abdomen, stretching to the start of the legs. It is generally soft and warm, used to insulate and as a bit of natural protection over their organs. A prominent pouch is considered attractive in traditional Tribal environments, where it represents being well fed. Though the novelty of its softness can be quite enjoyable to non-Miqo'te, some working as dancers or in Ul'dahn pleasure houses may be encouraged to restrict their diet and reduce its size so they might appear more conventionally appealing to patrons of other races.
Males do not have heat cycles, but females do. Females in heat have an extremely strong drive to mate that is often impairing to other senses, and bear a distinct scent which will arouse and attract male Miqo'te. Heats commonly last between 2-14 days, and reoccur every 2-3 weeks if medicines, magics, or potions are not used to limit it. If pregnancy occurs, heat will end "early" within the next day, and the heat cycle will be suspended until roughly a month after the end of the pregnancy. 
Ovulation is induced by genital stimulation, particularly from the soft "barb" like structures on the surface of an erect Miqo'te penis. Pregnancy is possible outside of heat cycles and with amab partners who have smoother dicks, but both are extremely uncommon.
Because they are induced ovulators and have heat cycles, Miqo'te do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts about seven months. Fraternal twins and even triplets are extremely common, and may have different fathers. Miqo'te children learn to climb often before they can even walk very well, and infants are known to put this to use escaping cribs and getting on top of furniture where they absolutely shouldn't be
(Note this section is subject to potentially significant rewriting if we ever get playable female Hroths and more lore)
Hrothgar vaginas are relatively small, though the single set of labia around it are quite large by comparison and covered in short, thick fur, joining in a point near the top. The clitoris is deeper inside the vagina and not usually visible from the outside. There is a small hairless patch directly around the anus, but otherwise the nether regions are entirely covered in fur.
Like Miqo'te, Hrothgar often have primordial pouches around their lower stomach and upper legs. These tend to be less common in Hrothgar, however, and less prominent. They are visually more obscured by fur, and may not be noticed without being touched.
They have a heat cycle and traits similar to Miqo'te, however, female Hrothgar only go into heat every 3-4 months. Cross-race pregnancies for Hrothgar mothers are especially rare, as the barbed penis of male Hrothgar is necessary to stimulate ovulation. Mating between Hrothgar can be painful because of these barbs, so it's probably not done for pleasure much outside of heats, unless the gal's really into masochism.
Because they are induced ovulators and have heat cycles, Hrothgar do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts around 9 months, and while twins are far more common than in other races, usually only a single child is born. 
Viera vulvas are not terribly different from Hyurs, though on average tend to have much larger labia and prepuce, and a smaller vagina. The clitoris is quite large and erects significantly when aroused. Viera naturally grow a lot of pubic hair, which if left unshaved will typically completely obscure the genitals. 
Viera are born with fluffy tails that curl upward to around the small of the back. In traditional villages, these are usually docked off of infants and magic may even be used to remove the scarring during the healing process. It is not widely discussed with outsiders, to whom it often appears that some Viera have tails while others do not.
Female viera have no heat cycle. Ovulation occurs during arousal and genital stimulation. Because they are induced ovulators, Viera do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts around 18 months, but can go on as long as two years, at which point a single child completely devoid of hair is born. Twins are very rare.
Au Ra vaginas are tucked inside a scale-covered cloaca. The cloaca is the only rear orfice, concealing also the urethra and anus. This slit is convex (curving inward) usually, but when aroused, will convex out as it swells. The cloacal entrance usually does not reveal anything internal on its own, and must be pried open (y'know, with a dick. or fingers. or a toy.) However, during orgasm, it's known to "flash" open in time with spasms.
The "labia" are fused to the walls of the cloaca and large. While the vagina appears narrow between these and the large clitoris, it can be stretched open fairly wide. Note that "fairly wide" is relative - Au Ra women are quite small and races like Roegadyn and Hrothgar would likely cause pain if their dicks were forced in very deep. Small dicks are generally preferred, unless, like that Hrothgar lady, you're into it. 
Au Ra do not have heats, but do have yearly "mating seasons" when the drive to reproduce is stronger for both sexes, and offspring are more likely to be conceived. Outside of these conditions, Au Ra females enter a period of estivation where their reproductive cycle is suspended. This may lead to decreased interest in non-reproductive sex. Au Ra do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts around 5-6 months. Au Ra children are born extremely small, but grow quickly and from one year up until about 10 years of age, tend to be larger than children of the same age in other races.
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miqomonkly · 1 year
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Somehow, I knew this was coming xD
☄️: Most just assume she's "another Miqo'te." Whatever their definition of that may be varies by the individual, but in most cases, those who actually get to know her find she has far more personality than whatever they originally assumed.
🔥: Whenever a dour mood of any kind strikes her, she will often isolate herself. It doesn't just mean shutting herself in; she'll make an effort to be away from those she knows and loves. "To avoid ruining their day," she might justify.
In reality, these are the days she needs people the most. When she closes off from the world, she stews and broods upon the mistakes she has made in life as well as the tragedies she still wishes she could correct. Living in the past, so to speak.
I'lyanna has been like this since she lost her family. It's taking a bit to break the cycle, but the more she connects with those around her, the easier it becomes to at least try and reach out to others for help.
☁️: I'lyanna is something of a seamstress, and finds that the opportunities she's had to design glamours for others warms her heart. In particular, after being invited by Zhloe Aliapoh to design custom glamours for her, she's taken the liberty of designing little outfits for all the orphans of Menphina's Arms.
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