#and the other probably scrolling his socials and seeing some spicy posts
pinkyjulien · 8 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 655/?? ▶ When the heat of the afternoon puts you in the mood 🔞
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Gold Strings & Red Picks- PT 1
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Pair: Ron Weasley x Reader; he/him.
Summary: The Weasley's invented a band! Having a band, means you need a band manager; someone to help find venues, gigs and sponsors. After finding one, Ron seems to be hopeless drawn toward them.
Warnings: flirting, swearing, bickering, sexual tension??, Punk Pining Ron but also Smug Ron, naming a guitar ‘Cherry Popper’, dm me if I missed any.
Notes: I plan on having some chapters kinda spicy. I made an entire gif for this and yes it is Rupert playing 👀 and god is this self indulgent. Hope you guys like it!
It was a Friday morning when you quit the Static Dragons and posted the news on every piece of social media you had. It didn’t take long for you to edit your bios to state you were looking for a new band, and it managed to catch someone's eye just as quickly. It was Monday evening when you got a dm on Instagram from a user called ddchrmrs-official. The user basically sent you a paragraph about how he was the lead singer of a band he and his siblings threw together and they were looking for a new manager. You agreed to meet with them and talk about the potential of the band and he agreed, using more than a few explanation marks after his reply. He even sent you a few of their songs once he deemed you worthy enough.
So, you found a dining hall, an equal distance from your house and theirs, and with the lead singer's approval, Fred, you booked it for Tuesday afternoon. Fred even made a post explaining the good news- why he was acting like one of the Weird Sisters followed him back, you weren’t sure. You couldn’t help but be excited too. The songs were good- more punk-rock than you assumed from the band's name. Something about the name Daydream Charmers gave off a softer, boyband type.
The day of the band meeting couldn’t have gone much worse. You missed your morning alarm, you couldn’t find your laptop charger and the clothes you picked out the night before ended up covered in stains from breakfast. GPS even gave you the fastest route and you still managed to be 10 minutes late, but you managed to find the right hall. It was a bit different compared to the pristine image shown on the website.
The roof looked like it was caving under an invisible weight and the actual size of the hall looked like a small barn. The walls were made of red and black bricks, most of which seemed to be chipped, broken or bending, like it was being crushed. The door frame was slanting, the door’s white paint was chipping, the sidewalk was splitting at almost every corner. You were desperately hoping the building was enchanted so it was bigger (and nicer looking) on the inside.
You parked your car on the pebble covered asphalt, right next to an equally old and rusty blue car. You had no idea how four people, a sound system, a bass, an electric guitar and a full drum set fit inside of the small wagon, but figured they managed to spell the inside bigger. You weren’t bothered by it- how could you be? You felt your wand hit your laptop inside the bag as you threw it over your shoulder after climbing out of the car. Shutting the door, you hurried up the broken concrete, shoving your keys in your pocket.
You chewed on your lip, adjusting the collar of your shirt as you approached the door. A smile pulled at your lips at the refreshing sound of genuine laughter and bickering. You had an internal battle of whether you should knock or just barge in. It sounded like they were having their fun and you didn’t want to interrupt anything. Soon enough, the laughter was dying down and someone was strumming a bass quietly, practicing a few chords from one of the songs Fred gave you. You raised a fist to knock on the door and the silence that followed was close to defining. Soft footsteps followed the silence and you swore you could hear soft breathing behind the door before it was yanked open.
“Hey! You made it! We were worried you got lost on your way here.”
You weren’t expecting to be face to chest with an individual. Their band's logo was printed across the front, red letters with a gold outline that clashed drastically with the bright orange fabric of the tight shirt. You tilted your head up, meeting cocoa brown eyes and a crisp white smile. His ginger hair was spread across his shoulders, his ear lobes were pierced with two shiny black flat stud earrings and the little white nostril piercing on the left side of his nose was reflecting the sunlight.
“Fred?” You asked, matching his smile. You could tell he had fun, you could sense it. His arm raised, inadvertently showing off his muscles, and rested against the door frame. 
“The one and only.” He grinned, clearly just joking. Before he could say anything else, he was rudely interrupted by a foreign voice behind him. Fred’s smile dropped into a frown like he was suddenly slapped across the face.
“Is it the pizza guy?” The voice asked from somewhere behind him, excitement clearer than crystal. Fred looked over his shoulder to respond.
“No, Ron. That’s not for another twelve minutes.” He rolled his eyes after looking back at you and letting out a loud sigh. “I’m sorry about him. His appetite is larger than Big Ben and it literally never stops. Anyway, I hope you like pizza! I tried to message you about it.” He pulled his phone out of his front pocket, unlocking it and scrolling through his messages and swiping right on notifications he didn’t care for.
“I was using my phone for GPS. Must’ve missed the messages.” Your hands slid into your front pockets, your weight shifting between your feet as embarrassment began to settle in. Maybe this wasn’t the best first impression. Before you could think about it too long, a low whistle was resonating from beside Fred.
Without warning, Fred was being nudged aside by a slightly shorter ginger, his piercing blue eyes staring into yours. They didn’t stay there very long though. They slowly dragged down your body, taking in your form, and his head tilted in appreciation.
“Oh.. I’m not gonna complain about the pizza when Merlin delivered us a cutie.” He gave you a dizzying side smile. “What’s your name, sweetheart? Surely, it’s something as handsome as you are.” Just as quickly as he appeared, Fred was pushing him back, faking a gag while driving the unnamed individual back with Fred’s hand against his forehead. 
“Ew! Ron, down! Seriously? Keep your yap shut! He’s our new band manager and I’d actually like to keep this one, thank you.” Fred groaned, a sneer pulling at his lips. He blocked the smaller ginger from the door with his body before turning back to you with a sigh. “I’m sorry. He’s usually not like this. Usually he’s moping about his ex-” You could see Ron jumping behind Fred to get another look at you. The reaction had you snorting into your hands.
“Fred. Fred, move, mate. I wanna see ‘im again!” The ginger whined, tugging at his older brother's t-shirt. He was dodging around Fred’s constant moving hands to get one more peek at you.
Fred let out a groan, his head falling backwards in agony before letting out a loud “George, please help!”
“Wait! Wait, wait!” Ron’s voice matched the panicked hand trying to hold onto the door frame before it was hilariously slapped off the wood and was dragged into the mystery hidden behind the lead singer. His begs and pleas began to echo and soften which you thought caused you to giggle a bit. 
“I’m sorry. We’ll put a muzzle on him or something. Come on in, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Fred shifted out of the door way, allowing you to enter the hall. It was bigger on the inside than the outside, that much had you relieved. Fred shut the door behind you with a satisfying click and let you soak the place in while he sat himself down on a velvet red coach. It was dimly lit, about half the lights were on, and the walls were painted a light tan, which easily could’ve been mistaken for white, if white wasn’t used for the tiling. 
Next to Fred on the couch, was a girl with long, slightly darker, ginger hair. Her hair went well past her shoulders, and a bright orange base sat on top of her crossed legs. She had gone back to laying a few chords once you entered, just relaxing as her two brothers basically wrestled each other.
“Ginny, this is (Y/n).” Fred spoke up, pointing from his sister to you, then back to her. (Y/n), this is the youngest Weasley in the family, Ginevra.” Fred smirked, but it turned into a pained expression when she landed a hard slap to his chest.
“Except if you call me that, I will break your legs. It’s Gin or Ginny, nothing else. It’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/n). Fred hasn’t shut up about you.” She smiled at you, reaching a tattoo covered hand out to shake yours. 
“Really?” You couldn’t help but grin. You shook her hand proudly, knowing it was probably your reputation that kept the oldest Weasley in the band chatting up a storm. “It’s nice to meet you too, Gin.” You gave her a cheeky grin before turning to the other side of the hall, noting another Fred standing in front of Ron, who was sitting in a chair quiet grumpily. 
The double picked up a deep red guitar covered in stickers and shoved it into Ron’s lap, causing the younger to gasp out a wheeze. It was obvious he had chewed Ron out for his behavior, but nevertheless, he gave his unplugged electric guitar a few strums, which seemed to satisfy Fred 2 because soon enough he was storming back to the couch, shaking his head the entire walk there.
He sat himself down on the arm of the couch, right next to his doppelganger. His arms crossed back over his chest once again. Fred 2 had the same length hair, different piercings though. He only had one set of black earrings, but had an industrial across his left ear. He had a straight line of freckles across his cheek bones and right across his nose. The spots went down his neck and across his forehead. 
“He’s bloody useless.” He grumbled out, his snake bite moving to the right as his tongue ran across it. “Oh, hi!” Fred 2 scooted over to the edge of the arm rest, reaching his hand out to shake yours. “You must be the band manager! I’m George, Fred’s twin bro-”
“Younger twin. I’m the oldest.” Fred interrupted, smirking again as he pointed a thumb to himself. His smirk dropped when he was smacked in the chest again- by both George and Ginny. 
“I’m his twin brother. Ignore him, he has a God complex.” George rolled his eyes, smiling at you while he shook your hand. He pulled his hand away before scooting back to rest his back against the back of the couch. You could tell he wasn’t comfortable, but  he seemed dedicated to the spot. “I’m sorry you had to meet Ron the way you did. Usually he’s tamer than that.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, your gaze turned down to your shoes. Your cheeks were beginning to heat up as his flirting rebounded through your head again.
“Nah, he wasn’t that bad.”
“I wasn’t?” Ron’s sudden voice behind you had nearly jumped out of your skin. You spun around, your backpack strings nearly catching on one of Ginny’s bass strings. You swallowed down a squeak. “Georgie was trying to convince me I was being inconsiderate and rude and that mum would smack me if she saw.” He was still holding the guitar by the neck, and that was when you noticed the bright gold strings with a red pick trapped between them.
“Well, it’s not like you were asking about my shoe size… “ Your eyes landed on the hands holding the black neck of the instrument and you couldn’t help but gawk at them. Rings covered his finger knuckles, veins popped out from beneath his skin. “Wow.” You didn’t mean to verbally gawk over the hands, so you had to force your gaze down to the instrument and ignore the urge to stare at the pale, freckle covered skin that was making your mouth dry. 
You shook your head, looking at the shiny strings. You had you stop yourself from reaching out and caressing the polished neck, the textures strings and hidden pick. It was clearly loved and carefully taken care of.
“Beauty, isn't she?” Ron grinned, showing off the red body drowning in decals- most of which were bright orange Quidditch themed or terrible chess puns. You almost forgot to check if they were a muggle band, but this told you enough. “My best friend got it for me, he’s a blessing. Mum didn’t approve, of course, said we all had better purposes, but dad said rock on.” 
“She really is. I’m guessing you named her?” The second the question fell from your lips, the three sharing a spot on the couch groaned in agony, but Ron was grinning in pride.
“Of course I have! Her name is Cherry Popper and she’s the love of my life. Unless,” Ron was taking a step closer to you, a twinkle in his eyes as he continued speaking, “you plan on cha-” His flirting was cut off suddenly.
“And that’s enough of that! Please sit down and, for the love of Merlin’s beard, rename the damn thing!” Ginny cried out, almost knocking her own instrument straight into the tiled floor. She ran a hand through her hair, her free hand holding the bass hard enough to make her knuckles pure white.
“I mean, come on! Name it something classic like ‘Bertha’ or ‘Jasmine’, or, and here’s my personal favorite, don’t name it at all!” Fred waved his hands while he spoke, counting the names on his fingers before doing jazz hands at ‘don’t name it at all’.
“Fred, that’s hypocritical. You named your mic.” George spoke up, pulling two white marble drumsticks from his jeans pockets and began to spin one between his fingers. 
“That was a joke.” Fred stuck his tongue out at his twin. “At least I don’t do it seriously. And leave Echo out of this.” Fred ripped the non spinning drumstick from George’s hand, holding it out of his twins reach.
“Shut up and give me Crystal back!”
“No, if you wanna talk about terrible names, we can talk about the band's name! Merlin, Fred, were you sky high when you made it?” Ron shot back, his arms crossing over his chest, one still holding the guitar.
Knowing this kind of fight could go for a good while, you slipped past him, patting Ron on the shoulder while you walked past while a pained gasp rented the silence that flooded the hall. You set your backpack on the white table, opening the zipper and pulling out your laptop. You sat down, pulling the laptop onto your lap before opening the notepad application.
“I made the name! And dammit, I think it was clever! It even has a unique backstory! At our school, we had a um- small business and it was quite successful. By ‘we’, I mean George and I and by successful, I mean we run an online joke shop. I thought it fit the shop pretty well.” Fred held a look of pride- a smirk was, once again, drawn across his lips as his eyes twinkled.
“Mate, it’s horrible.” Ginny spoke up, not even bothering to throw the truth as a curve-ball causing two of her older brothers to nod in agreement. She copied Fred’s movement by yanking the drumstick from his hand, but handed it to George, smiling at him. 
“Why couldn’t it have been something cool? You named your shop something cool. Why’d you give the band something’ shitty?” Ron rolled his eyes, leaning his back against the door, the guitar balancing on his sneakers and leaning against his ripped jean covered legs. His attention didn’t stay with his siblings for long. Soon it was shifting over to you, like he was naturally drawn toward you. He grinned at you, sticking his tongue out. The little gold ball stamped into the middle of his tongue had your full attention.
You swallowed thickly. The ball and his guitar strings were the exact same color and reflected the same light. You felt butterflies fill your stomach from the simple action and noticed, almost suddenly, the ginger was actually quite attractive and funny. You sucked on your tongue, hoping the blush across your cheeks didn’t give too much away. Ron looked back at his brothers, his side grin screaming he basically saw your body temperature rise.
“I was led to believe you all loved the name, but no! I’m starting to think you guys are just trying to embarrass me in front of the (Y/n), but since you think it’s so easy, come up with a new one.” Fred cried out, crossing his arms over the printed long sleeve t-shirt, and was pouting like a child now, sinking lower into the couch.
“It makes us sound like a cheesy boy-band going after 12 year olds.” Ginny scoffed, propping her bass up against the couch. She looked over at her slightly older brother, nodding her head in Fred’s direction.
“It does. We could’ve been Fire Wicks.” Ron pointed at Ginny and the teaming up began. “Or like Solar Skips.”
“Or The Red Bloods.” Gin nodded, pointing back at Ron while her other hand pulled out her phone. The game was ‘Who-Cares-If-It’s-Bad-Let’s-Prove-Fred-Wrong’ and you could tell it was for shits and giggles. You were going to pitch in an idea, but someone beat you to it.
“Or FireBolt Bitters.” Spoke up George, who was now gazing up at the ceiling, shaking his head in mock shame, but you could see the edges of his smile growing at the corners.
“Ooh, I love that one!” Ron leaned over, stretching his arm as far as it could to give  George a high five, before turning to look at you. He grinned at your confused expression. “Are you writing these down?” He pointed at your computer before giving you a wink. The butterflies came back, doubled in strength, and you couldn’t help but laugh. You shook your head no, laughing louder when he waved his hands in a panicked manner. “Write them down, mate!”
You rolled your eyes, typing random shit down just to please the younger one. Your eyes trailed across the dumplings, noting three quarters of them were smiling. Fred’s crabby expression made it was clear he didn’t get picked on very often.
“Charlie texted saying ‘The Copper Horntails’ would’ve been better.” Ginny said, looking up from her phone. She dropped the phone onto her lap, wincing a tad when the device collided with the instrument on her lap. She quickly forgot the pain and leaned back, enjoying her brother's pain.
“You asked Charlie?!” Fred squealed loudly, his hands holding his head. Right beside Fred, George had begun to tap his sticks together, improvising a beat to go with the arguing.
“You know what? That’s a great idea! Let’s ask Percy next-” yelled Ron over Ginny’s laughter and Fred’s agonizing scream. His smirk only grew when Fred tossed his head back. 
“Ok, damn! I get it! But I already made t-shirts so deal with it.”
“Fred, we have magic. We can always change the print.” George piped up, tapping the white wooden sticks against his thighs in some random pattern, his head nodding to a beat. He shrugged his shoulders, not focusing on his words all that much,
“George!” This time it was Fred’s turn to smack George in his chest. He glared at him before leaning over to whisper in his twin's ear. It was something you couldn’t make out, but you figured they were debating over your status. You rolled your eyes, reaching behind you.
With a clear of your throat, you gained their attention before pulling out your wand from your backpack. While waving it, you locked eyes with Ron, playfully chewing on your lip to try to hide your smile.
“But-” Fred scrambled to grab his phone. You knew he was going to pull up one of your profiles to show none of them mentioned magic or wizarding or anything.
“The quidditch stickers were a dead give away.” You pointed to Ron’s guitar with the tip of your wand before putting it back in your bag. “That, and the tiny blue car that somehow carried four band members, and all of their equipment even though, that should’ve been impossible. I do enjoy Firebolt Bitters, though.”
Your own smile grew when the siblings broke out into loud snorts and sniggers, save for Fred’s. Ron walked over to you, and you were sure his cheeks were hurting from how hard he was smiling. He laid his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side as he faced his band members.
“I like this one.”
A smile stretches across your face as your cheeks get warmer. Out of everything to come out of today, this was something even the strongest and most willed seer’s couldn’t have predicted. It wasn’t even half past noon and you’d already started to develop a crush on a punk guitarist who shares a band with his siblings. You were clueless on how you were going to do your managing and keep it strictly platonic when he grinned at you like you were everything he wanted.
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mooniefics · 4 years
— in the grand scheme of things [ 1 ]
pairings : zeke jaeger / reader, referenced eren jaeger / reader
word count : 8.4k
tags : unhealthy relationships, relationship discussions, implied cheating, drinking, break ups, eventual smut, praise kink, mutual infidelity, dubious morality, love triangles
warnings : contains nsfw, sexual coercion, intoxicated reader, rlly toxic behavior
summary : you and eren hadn't been doing the best these past few months, and no one that you knew seemed to have any answers for you, or pointers in the right direction. who better to offer you some sound, insightful relationship advice than his older brother. or so you thought.
note : i apologize if the text convoformatting is a little yucky, i pinky promise it looked wayy better on ao3 (//▽//)
— originally posted 1 / 20 / 21 on ao3 —
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you would reluctantly admit that you and eren had been experiencing a few issues as of recently.
it was the run-of-the-mill turbulence: ignored texts and phone calls, unexplained hostility, hanging around with your shared group of friends—more his than yours—without you. you'd been able to ignore it around midterms, being so busy with studying and getting all your family affairs in order for the end of the year that you didn't have much time to worry about how he hadn't bothered to respond to your "happy new year, baby!!!" message you'd sent days ago.
but winter break came and went with no reply from him, you spent christmas and new years in the company of your parents, who couldn't seem to keep quiet about asking about "that jaeger boy". you couldn't really blame them for their questions, you'd been friends for nearly four years now, in a relationship since the night of senior prom, even followed each other to the same university with a few other high school friends just to stay close. the summer that preceded your first year of college was so full of love and life, celebrating your newfound freedom that you had always thought would come with adulthood. but you supposed that it was just the hopeless romantic in you talking, it was called the honeymoon phase for a reason.
consulting his best friends about his sudden detachedness yielded nothing—mikasa had never held much besides poorly hidden disdain for you, and all armin had to offer was nervous glances over to the uninterested girl as he assured you that he was probably stressed about his classes, or had another disagreement with his mother about his choice of major, just excuse after excuse for his friend's behavior. you were feeling desperate. you had little desire to break things off, to throw away nine months of commitment despite how your relationship had soured. you were in love with him, and he hadn't explicitly expressed that he wanted to end things, just left you out of the loop for a bit, nothing that couldn't be fixed with a nice long conversation over dinner, right?
but how could you reach him if he wouldn't answer your calls, if his friends only seemed to want to placate you rather than actively help, you felt like there was nobody to turn to—except him.
zeke, the ever-elusive older brother. you'd met him upon one of your first visits to eren's house, a brief, somewhat awkward exchange when you'd ventured into the kitchen by yourself to grab a few things for your friends in the living room. he'd startled you when you turned out of the pantry to find him standing by the fridge, eyeing you and your armful of chip bags curiously, only wearing a pair of thin-framed glasses and grey sweatpants, revealing the sculpted expanse of his muscular arms and torso, an unopened can of beer in his hand.
"you one of eren's friends?" he'd asked, cracking open the tab and taking a generous gulp.
you replied with a quick nod, adding a sheepish "yup..! everyone else is in the living room, i'm on snack duty" with a shaky smile.
he chuckled, shaking his head and running a hand through his shaggy blonde hair. "typical eren. 'm zeke, good to meet you."
he didn't bother to ask your name before he disappeared into the adjacent hallway, the distant sound of a shutting door finally letting you release the breath you didn't know you'd been holding. that was how a majority of your exchanges went over the last few years, the longest conversations you'd had was when he'd offered to help you on your physics homework more than a couple times, his number was only in your phone because of the one time you'd worn the teeshirt of a band he happened to like and he wanted to send you a playlist. there were plenty of things you didn't know about him, but he was eren's older brother—half-brother, if you wanted to get technical—and after seeing the deflective nature of his closest friends, zeke seemed to be your next best option.
so now you were here, nervously standing at the door to his new apartment, dressed nicely so you didn't risk making a bad impression after not having seen him all these months. he seemed sympathetic over the phone when you'd called him last night, not minding how you'd contacted him out of the blue or that it was only for the sake of asking something of him, inviting you to discuss things more thoroughly over dinner. you didn't know whether he'd extended a helping hand for his brother's sake or your own, but you would be grateful no matter what if he gave some sound advice and a few words of reassurance.
you were startled out of your thoughts by the sound of the lock unlatching, the door swinging open to reveal zeke, smartly dressed in a pair of dark jeans and dress shirt, the top few buttons left undone. "sorry if i kept you waiting," he said, stepping aside to allow you in, "dinner's just about ready."
"no worries." you replied quickly as you slipped off your heels, hoping the heat warming your face wasn't flushing visibly on your cheeks.
he had always been a good-looking guy, an effortless sort of attractiveness that was only magnified by the relaxed yet perceptive air he carried. but he'd changed since that day you first met—his shaggy hair had been trimmed back into a shorter, more manageable style, the usual scruff of facial hair had grown out into a well-maintained beard, frames that similarly complimented his handsome features perched on the bridge of his nose. flashing a polite smile, you stepped into the apartment, trying not to let your anxiety get the better of you as the door was shut and locked behind you.
"nice place." you mused, peering about at the spacious, well-decorated interior as you followed beside him.
"thanks, honestly i'm glad i could find someone that was willing to split the rent," you felt nerves stir in the pit of your stomach, the thought of having to meet the other tenant leaving you feeling a bit uneasy. he turned down to glance at you, grey eyes glinting as he offered you an easy grin, "you don't have to worry about my roommate, i kicked him out for the night so you didn't feel uncomfortable."
you were sure the blush on your face was evident now, biting at the inside of your cheek as you both entered into the kitchen. "oh.. thank you. sorry if i caused any trouble, i know this was kind of last minute."
"no worries." he echoed your earlier sentiment, motioning you to the table just beside the kitchen before he returned to the skillet on the stove. the warm scent of coriander and turmeric filled the air as he lifted the lid and set it aside on the counter, stirring the simmering contents within. "hope you like curry," he said over his shoulder, turning down the gas on the stove and opening up the cabinet beside him to pull out the plates, "i didn't make it too spicy, just in case."
"i don't really eat it too often, but it smells amazing."
you felt yourself starting to relax into the chair, shedding your jacket and hanging your purse on the side of the chair as you watched him scoop a generous portion of white rice onto each plate. it was just you two here, he was willing to help, and you were incredibly grateful for his hospitality.
you pulled your phone out of your pocket to fiddle with while he was still plating the food, aimlessly tapping through your apps to kill some time. your text to eren from a few days ago still read "delivered", and you felt a slight twinge prick in your chest as you closed out of your messages, opting to scroll through your feed on one of the few social medias your friends had convinced you to download. it was relatively safe to look there, seeing as eren didn't post all that often, if at all, but seeing everyone your age, people that you knew from your classes posing with their boyfriends and girlfriends and going out on excursions with their peers made you feel jealous. you couldn't have imagined what you had done to deserve such a shitty situation.
your thoughts were interrupted by the dull clink of the plate being set before you, the clatter of silverware following as he rounded over to the opposite side of the table to place his things down. you switched your phone on silent just in case, tucking it back into your purse and sitting up a bit straighter in your chair. but instead of sitting down, he wandered back over to the kitchen, reaching up into a different cabinet to fetch two glasses.
"i'm assuming talking about your relationship troubles isn't the easiest, so pick your poison. i've got gin, tequila, beer—" he listed off the myriad of drinks he had at his disposal, pausing to throw you a glance. "but i honestly pegged you as a vodka kind of girl."
you felt a nervous giggle bubble up in your chest, fingers twisting in your lap, feeling more than juvenile as you replied. "i'm still under twenty-one, so i'm not really much of a drinker.."
"come on, you're in college now," he said, pulling a bottle of vodka from one of the lower cabinets and stepping over to the fridge, "most of the people hosting parties don't give much of a shit whether you're of legal drinking age or not, and i've got a feeling that you really don't either. i know i got shit-faced plenty of times during my freshman year."
you mentally debated the principles of accepting, he was right in saying that you had attended plenty of parties where you drank with your friends, suppressing a grimace at the memories of you throwing up in a stranger's bathroom while an equally drunk historia or sasha held your hair back. but those times you'd been looking to get wasted, drinking in this context would just be for the sake of loosening up, easing the sting of ripping off the metaphorical bandaid that was the thought of your relationship slowly crumbling right before your eyes.
"you're right," you relented, much to his delight, "and, yes, i guess i am a vodka kind of girl."
you didn't appreciate how charming the grin your words garnered was, fixing your eyes on the steaming plate of chicken curry in front of you before you could embarrass yourself. you were here to figure out how to smooth things over with your boyfriend, not oogle at his unnecessarily attractive older brother.
"here, something simple to start you off." he set down the glass on your place mat, finally taking his seat across the table, "there's plenty of ginger beer and limes in the fridge, and plenty of vodka still left."
you stole a glance at his drink. "whiskey, on the rocks.. how refined."
he gave a low chuckle at your sarcasm, taking a slow sip. "it's an acquired taste, i wouldn't expect someone your age to appreciate it." that was right, he was older than you, significantly older than you. just because you were legally an adult didn't mean your life experience could crop up to zeke's.
"old man." you murmured, a small smile perking up at both of your lips as you spooned some of the curry and rice into your mouth, "wow, thi' i' really gu'!" you managed to speak around the mouthful of food, grey eyes watching you intently with an obvious bemusement from across the table.
"i'm glad you like it. guess those years working at a couple restaurants around town weren't a complete waste." he said, tasting his own bite of the food, "cumin's a little off, hope you can forgive me for that."
"are you kidding me? this exceeds restaurant quality. i can barely put eggs in a pan without burning the kitchen down."
you were nearly a quarter through your plate already, setting your utensil down to take a sip of the drink he'd made for you. it was simple, bubbly, a nice mix of ginger, vodka, and lime to cool off your tongue. you could barely taste the alcohol, which somewhat eased your worries of becoming a drunken mess that required him to babysit you for the rest of the night.
you were both silent for a moment, the air occupied with the scrape of spoons and quiet sips from your respective glasses, and you were beginning to dread ruining such an easy mood with the topic of your emotional turmoil. but zeke beat you to the punch, clearing his throat as he settled his gaze onto you.
"so, you and my brother. you wanted to talk about that, right?"
you allowed yourself to frown a bit, taking a generous sip of your drink before you answered. "yeah. i don't really know where to start.."
"when did you first start noticing problems?"
you felt somewhat eased by his calm tone, bright grey eyes that were entirely focused on you, wordlessly reassuring you that you could trust him with this. you'd come this far, there was no point in trying to back out now.
"well, i guess it was around november." you began, scraping all of the food left onto one side of your plate to keep your hands occupied, "we'd all met up for halloween, me and eren and mikasa and armin—" you prattled off the other names of your friends, even some that you weren't sure he knew from your high school days, but he nodded along all the same. "and we all had an amazing time. got all dressed up, wandered around campus and crashed in on the frat parties, drank ourselves stupid, like you said. and at one point i just completely lost track of eren, and i didn't see him or anyone else besides sasha, connie, and mina for the rest of the night. after that, he kind of dropped off the face of the earth, wouldn't pick up my calls or answer my texts, always told me he was busy when we ran into each other on campus, and he wasn't at his dorm most of the time i came to try and check on him."
by the end, you'd finished off your drink, zeke wordlessly getting up to grab everything to pour you a new one without you asking. you were more flustered at his attentiveness, forcing yourself to chalk it up to him being an excellent host as he returned with a freshly opened can of ginger beer, pouring it over the ice in your glass and adding at least two shots of vodka, finishing it off with half a lime before returning to his seat. had he put that much alcohol the last time?
the thought slipped your mind as he swallowed a few spoonfuls of curry and spoke. "hmm.. so everything was going just fine, and then all of a sudden radio silence?"
you nodded, working on your remainder of rice, watching his face take on a pensive expression.
"if i'm being honest, eren has always been a little shithead." you suppressed a giggle at that. "he's rude, he's immature, and most of all, he's a terrible liar."
"mhm, the ears are a dead giveaway." you added, earning a grin over the rim of his glass.
"exactly. my stepmom— his mom always called him on his shit with that." you shared a moment of laughter at that, the memory of how defensive he would get over in when you'd first pointed it out making you feel a distant nostalgia creeping in the back of your mind.
you remembered how easy the days where all you had to worry about was catching up on all your late work and forcing yourself to learn about nintendo games for the sake of impressing your crush. now on top of school, you had bills and parties and shitty professors and an even shittier situation with your first long-term relationship that had started off so well yet devolved into feeling like you were a million miles away despite living on the same campus.
"so, eren is a shithead. and a terrible liar. go on." you took a long sip of your drink, unable to distinguish the warmth of the alcohol from the warmth of the curry in your stomach.
"well, he's just— how do i say this..." zeke murmured the last bit more to himself than you, pushing up his glasses on his nose and scratching the back of his neck, "he doesn't know a good thing when he sees it." you felt your heart skip at that. "like that mikasa girl, her and eren have been friends since grade school, and never once in all those years has eren ever acknowledged the way she's fuckin' head over heels for him." the mention of mikasa made you feel a sharp pang echo through your chest, suddenly feeling much more disheartened than before, especially at the mention of her perpetual affinity for him.
"but, i do have to give the kid some props," he continued, taking a sip of his whiskey, "at least he had enough of a brain to realize that you're a real catch. if i'm being honest, you're out of his league, and when you first started dating, he knew that."
you couldn't tell if your face was feeling hot because of his words or the fact that you'd just finished off your second drink in one long gulp, already reaching for the unopened ginger beer and vodka. blinking away the glassiness starting to settle over your vision, you met his gaze, suddenly feeling much smaller before him. he waited until you'd finished refilling your drink before he began again, not saying anything about how you'd accidentally poured much more vodka than you meant to.
"i think eren's problem is that he's getting too cocky," your appetite was starting to disappear as you focused on his words, still trying to finish what was left on the plate, "doesn't know his ass from his elbow, but he still thinks he's got everything figured out. you know what i mean, right?"
you nodded with an affirmative hum, a series of incidents that made you want to rip the boy's head off flashing through your mind only added credence to his claim. your tongue was starting heavy in your mouth, movements sluggish as you washed away what was left of dinner with more of your drink. you hadn't been truly drunk in months, not since that halloween party, only indulging in the occasional mimosa over breakfast with your family and your celebratory champagne for new years.
you hoped the heaviness weighing at your lids didn't show on your face, or that your words didn't string together when you replied. "i know exactly what you mean, can't imagine how hard that was to deal with for the last nineteen years."
he chuckled, finishing off his whiskey. "i've saved that kid's ass more time than i could ever care to count. being the older brother is a thankless fuckin' job if i've ever seen one. you done with dinner?"
"yeah. thank you again, it was amazing."
he grinned at your praise, rising from his seat as he spoke. "here, table's kind of crowded, we can move to the couch. i'll take care of dishes later. you want a refill?"
"sure." you responded before you could really think about your answer, trying to subtly steady yourself on the table as you got to your feet, head already starting to spin.
blinking away the blurriness fuzzing at the edges of your vision, you wandered past him through the kitchen and into the adjacent living room, falling into the cushions of the couch before you could trip up over your own feet. you felt embarrassed by your lack of tolerance, but felt some of that tension ebb away when he made his way over to sit next to you, fresh glass of ginger beer and vodka in hand. you didn't expect to feel the warmth of his thigh pressing into yours when he settled down, placing your drink on the coffee table before he turned down to speak to you.
"alright, i haven't said much in the way of advice, so here's what i think."
you grimaced internally, reaching over with an unsteady hand to grab your glass and take a long sip to brace yourself for his thoughts. you weren't expecting that it would be an easy pill to swallow, he'd probably be realistic about things and tell you to just suck it up and break things off while you could still maintain a shred of dignity.
"i know this is probably not what you want to hear, but i really think you should break up with him."
your lips pressed into a thin line, partly from his assertion but mostly because of the burn of alcohol sliding down your throat. there was definitely much more vodka in this than there should be, but you didn't want to seem weak before him, trying not to shudder as you continued to take small, fast sips.
you nearly spat it up on yourself when his hand settled on the skin of your thigh exposed by your skirt, wide eyes raising to meet his intent gaze. "don't tell me you think a guy that ditches you for just about three months now is worth your time, even without everything else considered."
"everythin' else?" your words were starting to slur together, but you still tried to drown out the dread tangling in your gut with the bubbling contents of the glass.
"you haven't figured it out yet, have you.." he faltered, a slight frown drawing across his lips when you gave a hesitant shake of your head, sighing as he pulled his glasses off of his nose and folded them neatly to place on the coffee table. "think about it; he disappears on you while he was drunk at a party, most likely with hanging around alone with the female friend that's clung onto him for a majority of his life, and then after that night he just completely gives you the cold shoulder, avoids you every time you try and come talk to him, like he's running away from you." he paused, adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "like he's hiding something."
you felt your heart sink, biting firmly down on your bottom lip, a thick lump forming in your throat, eyes stinging. "s-so, you're saying th-that—"
you couldn't blink away the first tears as they dribbled down your cheeks, choking back a small sob. he carefully took the nearly empty glass from your hands and replaced it on the coffee table, you could make out the expression of pity drawn across his handsome features through your watery gaze. you didn't protest when the arm closest to you moved to wrap around your waist, the other curling around your shoulder and drawing you against him. restrained sniffles gave way to hiccuped sobs, your own hands linking around his neck and squeezing him tighter against you as you wept out into the empty air behind him.
normally you would've put on a brave face, maybe excused yourself to the bathroom to let out a few silent tears before you returned to thank him and stammer out some excuse to leave and spend the rest of the night wallowing on your own. but the alcohol had melted away any barriers you would've put up against zeke's compassion, made you crave the security his warmth provided as he pressed his face into your shoulder, a large, gentle hand rising to stroke over the crown of your head. he let you cry on your own for a while, not minding how your fingers clutched tightly at his shirt or how your snot and tears wet the pale fabric, petting your hair and rubbing soothingly over your shuddering back.
your adjacent thighs were nearly overlapping each other, but all you could think of was how your hammering heart felt like it was one beat away from bursting at the seams, the dim glow of the lamp in the corner that blurred into a shapeless ball of light, his steady breath fanning across the skin of your neck.
"that asshole doesn't deserve you." he murmured, voice low as his lips ghosted over your shoulder, strong arms fastening their hold around you.
you couldn't help but shudder at the feeling as you sniffed, swallowing down the tension balling in your throat before you managed a shaky reply. "h-he's your brother, i thought you'd b-be on his side.."
"what makes you think i'd be on his side after hearing how he treated you?" his fingers worked their way deeper into your hair, palm cradling the back of your head. you forced yourself not to squirm when his face nestled further into the crook of your neck. "you deserve someone mature, someone who can treat you right.. someone who can make you feel good..."
you let out an alarmed breath at the feeling of a soft kiss over your skin, then another, posture stiffening as your grasp around his neck slackened. "wait, i c-can't," you started, the sudden sensation of his fingers sinking into your waist and drawing you closer against him making you lose your words for a moment, "i haven' officially broken up with eren, just because he might've ch-cheated on me doesn't mean-"
"there's no use trying to deny what he did.. what's done is done, you need to do what's best for you—right here, right now." his voice lowered even further, barely a whisper as he implored, "what do you want to do?"
you bit back a weak sound when his tongue drew a slow lick over the sensitive skin, the involuntary heat stirring between your legs making your thighs clench. this was wrong, you shouldn't be here, you shouldn't be letting this happen, an endless stream of muddled thoughts flashed through your mind as you desperately searched for some sort of excuse to buy yourself a few more moments to think. a distant memory popped into your head, the blurry mental image of zeke with his arm draped around a dark-haired woman when you'd dropped by to visit eren just before you'd both moved in on campus.
"g-girlfriend!! don't you have a girlfriend?!" you blurted desperately, a small whimper slipping out of you as he gave a brief suck over your pulse.
"girlfriend?" he paused his motions, chuckling lowly and giving a small shake of his head when he realized who you were thinking of, "oh, pieck? i'd hardly call her a girlfriend, just an old buddy. honestly, it's no wonder you got stuck in this sort of situation, you manage to find an excuse for everything."
you couldn't ruminate on his patronizing tone for longer than a moment before he returned to kissing at the sensitive skin of your neck, testing the waters of your resilience. you were afraid of your responsiveness to his touch, your body's unabashed honesty, afraid of how your protests had devolved into uncertain whimpers and shifts in your seat.
"good girl," he murmured, sending a jolt of heat racing up your spine, "see how easy that was? this is what you want, isn't it?"
you allowed the fingers in your hair to gently tug your head back, exposing more skin to his eager mouth as he teased a bite just under your jaw, drawing a soft whine and an even deeper flush of heat over your cheeks from you. your movements were sluggish, limbs leadened with inebriation falling down easily when he urged you down onto your back. in one slow blink he'd settled on top of you, warm lips melded easily against your own as his fingers began to work at unbuttoning your blouse.
maybe he was right, maybe you just needed to accept that you and eren's time had come to pass and indulge in what you really wanted—and now that he'd made it an option, what you really wanted right now was to feel the warmth of his bare flesh on yours, taste more of the whiskey on his breath as his tongue slid between your teeth, replace every hint of eren that still resided on your skin with his scent of expensive cologne. you could already feel the ache of a forming bruise at the base of your neck, fingers messily tangling in his hair and back arching up to his hands when they began to smooth across your chest, snaking under your body to undo the clasp of your bra.
"you never told me what exactly you wanted, baby.." he murmured over your lips, low-lidded eyes meeting yours, "do you want us to just kiss, or do you want me to touch you?"
"touch me, please.." you mumbled restlessly, quickly becoming impatient with the fact that his hands had halted after slipping the straps of your bra free from your arms and tossing it somewhere behind him to be forgotten.
but even after you answered, he didn't continue, a smug smirk tugging at his lips as he gazed down at you. "and then what after that? do you want me to touch you here? his fingers ghosted over the swell of your breasts. "or here?" one hand trailed down the length of your abdomen, forefinger just barely hooking onto the waistline of your skirt and giving it a teasing tug.
"zeke." you whined in frustration, mind foggy with lust and alcohol, uncoordinated hands wrestling with his shirt despite not having undone the buttons first, "you're being mean.."
"sorry," he said without a hint of remorse in his voice, only pride as he returned his hands to your chest, "you're just too easy to tease, so responsive, i'd never get bored of playing with you."
you took it as a compliment, as praise, rather than what it really was. it was easier to think of it like flattery in the moment, to push the obvious reminder that his brother had gotten bored of you out of your mind. despite the implication of such a statement, you couldn't help the odd sense of safety you found in such an equivocal intimacy, hazy, not sound of mind, not entirely yourself as you offered him your body, his to kiss and grab and bruise if only for the night.
you hummed with approval when his lips trailed down to the valley of your chest, fingers sinking into the soft flesh of your breasts, but making a point to avoid your nipples, only further denying you the stimulation that you thought he'd finally assured you with that last arrogant taunt. you could feel his smile on your skin, nearly huffing at the realization that you couldn't squeeze your thighs together to give yourself some friction with him positioned between them like he was, buzzing with warmth yet entirely unfulfilled.
"patience is a virtue.." he murmured sagely, unfazed by your second sound of annoyance.
"what about trying to fuck your brother's girlfriend is virtuous." you bit back, momentary anger leaving you in a surprised pant as he gave a gentle tug to one of your nipples.
"ex-girlfriend." he corrected after a quiet chuckle at your forthrightness, mouth closing around the pert bud not being rolled between his slender fingers.
you moaned out a soft curse, hand threading back into his thick hair and pressing him further against you. the fog that had been momentarily sobered clouding your senses once more, hips rutting up into nothing as he worshipped your skin with his lips, teeth, and tongue. you felt the spark fully reignite when one hand moved back down your stomach to wrestle with the button of your skirt, the zipper sliding down easily after it was undone, fingers delving under the loosened waistline to palm at you through your underwear. he pulled away from your nipple with one last gentle bite over the tender skin, low voice at a husky mutter.
"have you ever had sex before?"
you quickly nodded down at him, seeing your own dazed stare reflected in his darkened eyes, pupils almost entirely overtaking the cool grey.
"was it with him?"
you swallowed thickly, suddenly finding yourself unable to meet his gaze, turning away to focus on your long finished drink on the coffee table, ice already half melted in the sweating glass. "yes." you barely whispered.
"was it good?"
you bit the inside of your cheek, blinking fast, trying to dispel the blanket of unease that was quickly settling over you, suffocating you. you only answered with a non-committal shrug, feeling your face burn with a humiliation that he couldn't have thought such a line of questioning would have not inspired.
he maintained a steady gaze with you for a moment longer, lowering his head back to rest at your shoulder without another word and picking a place on your neck to bite and lick at, fingers rubbing slow circles over the drenched fabric beneath them. a small moan bubbled up in your chest, squirming at just the easy attention over your clit, lids falling shut as your head sank back into the cushioned arm of the sofa.
you sighed out a small whimper of relief when he finally tugged your underwear to the side, fingers instantly slicking with your arousal when they met your bare skin, sliding in with little resistance. he'd started out with just two, but the incessant desire to be filled was quelled for the moment with them, drawing a pathetic mewl out of you when they curled just right within you.
"are you always this excited?"
another question you didn't know the honest answer to, but you shook your head anyways, accompanying it with a weak "n-no" to stroke his ego like you knew he wanted you to. you went stiff with a sudden tension when felt a third finger prodding at your pussy, eyes flying back open as you made a disconcerted sound of protest.
"relax.." he murmured into your shoulder, biting softly over one of the fresher marks, "if you can't handle this, how can you take me?"
you took a shaky breath, taking your bottom lip between your teeth as you let your thighs fall open a bit more, doing your best to not clench your muscles. and you could feel how he let out a low groan over your skin when he finally slipped in all three, burying them knuckle-deep, rewarding you with a smattering of open-mouthed kisses across your bruised flesh.
"good girl. good girl." he nipped at your jaw, adjusting the speed of his wrist to match how your hips rolled up to meet his hand, the pad of his thumb rolling firmly over your clit.
you could feel that warm knot in your stomach tangling further, the tantalizing thought of release ebbing every bit of trepidation out of you as you allowed your moans and whines to spill out into the open air, heels digging into the felt of the couch around him. but just moments before you could find your high, his touch gone, and he was rising off of you to sit back on his calves, absentmindedly wiping the wetness from his fingers away on his pants, making quick work of his shirt, standing briefly to kick off his pants and help you out of your displaced bottoms before he settled back over you.
your skin was hot with need against his own, arm linking around his sturdy back and pressing his lips back over yours, letting him guide one leg up against his side as he lined himself up with you. you squeaked when you felt the tip of his cock press into you, hands bracing themselves on his shoulders, wide, unfocused eyes gazing up at him for some sort of reassurance. and that sense of security filled your heaving chest, that knowing look he focused solely on you, only made for you in this moment, forehead pressed to yours, breath fanning over your lips.
a strained, shuddering whine broke from your throat as he eased himself inside of you, inch by inch, barely able to hold your eyes open enough to maintain his fixed stare, mouth falling open in a feeble attempt to gasp back in all the air he'd pushed out of you.
"fuck." he growled lowly, fingers sinking almost painfully into the thigh in his grasp, trying to fit his body as close as it could possibly be to your own.
another sound rumbled out of him from deep in his chest when your nails dug into the firm muscle beneath them, hungry, greedy lips capturing yours. his pace was mercifully slow, given that he was probably just as eager for his own release as you were for yours, but the overwhelming fullness that you felt each time his hips met yours drove whatever tiny breath you'd been able to catch between his kisses.
you spread your legs as far as the narrow space of the couch allowed it, whimpering, feeling how you were already making a dripping mess of your thighs and the fabric beneath you. your heart was practically beating out of your chest, so loud in your ears that you wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it too, his mouth catching every pant and moan he drew from you, the steady pace of his movements falling away into an ardent, frenzied rhythm. his mouth strayed back to your neck, grunting and biting into the abused flesh, and without the barrier to muffle your sounds you were whining out into the open space of the apartment, gasping in the air humid with your shared arousal, nails scratching down his back without care for whether they'd leave a mark, only dragging them back across his hot skin over and over again just to hear him groan out your name once more.
you could feel yourself climbing back up towards that delightful precipice, legs wrapping around his body and forcing him deeper into you so he could reach that spot that made white stars burst across the darkness of your close-lidded eyes. you tried to force your mouth to form coherent words, to warn him about how dangerously close you were, but all that spilled from your lips was more breathless sounds, body arching up to press against his as heat scalded over every inch of your bare skin, limbs shuddering and clinging desperately to him as he continued to roughly thrust into you.
tears were pricking at your eyes by the time he moaned a jumbled string of curses into your neck, arms nearly giving out beneath him as he spilled himself inside of you, your chests heaving in an unmatched, ragged unity against each other. he stayed there for a few moments, still inside you, struggling to catch his breath but still pressing the occasional kiss over your neck and shoulders. your fingers released their grasp on him, not realizing how hard you'd been clenching your hands until you felt the stiff ache resonating through your joints.
you tried to murmur something to him, but all that escaped was a weak whimper, legs slipping back down to lay on the couch, arms resting heavy on his back. you hadn't meant to fall asleep so fast, but your head had already been spinning from warm shocks still echoing through every fiber of your body, let alone the alcohol and the sheer physical exertion. you let your eyes fall shut, lids far too heavy to keep open, and slipped away easily into a dreamless slumber.
─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
zeke blindly reached about for the towel he'd set aside near the sink, finally grabbing it and pressing it to his dripping face, patting his skin and beard dry before tossing it into the hamper by the door. replacing his glasses onto his face, he blinked away the grogginess in his eyes, running his fingers through his hair to flatten it into a somewhat presentable style. he turned to the open door, catching a glimpse of you nestled under the comforter of his bed, a small smirk tugging at his lips.
he'd carried you to his room last night, but didn't get the chance to clean you up until this morning. by then, the bruises that had been an angry shade of red over your neck and chest had settled into your skin and darkened significantly, some bordered by deeper teethmarks that still had yet to fade. you hadn't stirred when he'd pulled the covers away from you for just a few moments, peeling off your underwear that he'd haphazardly replaced on your body to keep the mess to a minimum and gently wiping his cum away from your skin with a wet washcloth. he'd really tired you out, and something about seeing you so exhausted after just one night with him made a flicker of pride swell in his chest.
flicking off the light in the bathroom, he didn't bother to add a shirt over his relaxed attire of just a pair of sweatpants as he left his bedroom, making sure to quietly shut the door behind him.
"rise and shine." his back was still to the kitchen when he heard reiner's voice, turning to face his roommate who was looking at him with a mix of disapproval and curiosity, most likely having gotten a good look at the scratches you left down his skin last night.
"how was your time at bertholdt's?" zeke asked, ignoring reiner's frown as he glossed over his intrigue, wandering over to the fridge to grab some water for himself.
"not great." he grunted, reaching into the cabinet below the stove and fetching a pan, "he decided to invite annie over when he heard i was coming. you can imagine how boring it was to watch those two make eyes at each other the entire night."
zeke chuckled at that, cracking the top off of the cool bottle in his hands and taking a refreshing gulp, glancing at the table and noticing its lack of plates and the leftovers of night-old curry. "oh, you did the dishes. thanks."
"yeah, yeah, just glad you had your fun last night without me having to hear it." he stepped aside to let reiner put a carton of eggs and the butter out of the fridge. "but seriously man? the couch? you're gonna have to get that dry-cleaned or something, and i'm not helping you pay for it either."
"don't worry about it, i'll take care of it." he replied with a lazy smile, quickly adding on to his smooth response, "and be nice, alright? it's someone we know."
"who?" he asked, not at all looking it but obviously interested in his answer, flicking on the gas under the pan and dumping a spoonful of butter into it.
"one of eren's friends." reiner's eyes shot briefly over to him at that, prompting him to give a brief description of you, "remember? you saw her that time we all met up to watch that horror marathon while i still lived with my parents."
"wait.. you told me about her. isn't she dating your brother??"
"was dating my brother." he corrected, rolling his eyes at the disgruntled bewilderment etched across his friends face, "what? i had to show her that this generation of jaegers wasn't a complete disappointment.."
"whatever, man. your business." he finished off his water bottle in silence, watching reiner crack a few eggs in a bowl and whisk them together with a fork, finally breaking the silence with a generous offer. "you want me to make something for her?"
a slight grin broke out across zeke's face, dumping the empty plastic into the recycling bin, slapping reiner's back affectionately. "thought you'd never ask. thanks again, man."
"at your service." was his grumbled, monotone reply, the shadows weighing under his eyes clearly showing how late he'd arrived home last night and how little sleep he'd gotten. zeke was sure that once he'd got some coffee in him he'd cheer up a bit.
he was sure reiner wouldn't be done for another few minutes, so he wandered back into his room, wondering if you'd woken up yet so he could direct you to the shower if you wanted one. in the time that he'd been in the kitchen, you shifted around in bed, having rolled onto your back and knocked the covers away to reveal your bruised chest, hair covering half of your face but still identifiable. perfect.
zeke fished his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants, unlocking it and tapping into the camera app, taking a few steps closer to the bed and zooming in a bit before he snapped a picture of you.
                  10:39 am  you you sent an image to eren
eren  10:40 am uhhh did you send that to the wrong person
eren  10:41 am wait hold on who is that zeke who the fuck is that
eren  10:42 am is that my fuckingngirlfrined
you missed a call from eren
eren  10:43 am why the fuck aren't you fuckign picking up
you missed a call from eren (2)
eren  10:45 am holy shit what the fuck this can't be fucking happening zeke what the fuck is wrong wjth you you piece of fucking shit
zeke tapped out of his messages with his brother, sliding over his notifications setting to "do not disturb" before dropping his phone back into his pocket. he couldn't help the low chuckle he let out at his frantic replies. maybe if he'd held the same enthusiasm with you then he wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. moving over to your side of the bed, he took a seat on the mattress beside you, perking up at the sound of your small groan, eyes sleepily fluttering open to gaze up at him.
"g'morning." you murmured, letting out a quiet yawn as you sat up in bed, holding the sheets up to cover your bare chest despite him having already seen you naked.
"how'd you sleep?"
"like a fucking rock." he laughed softly at your bluntness. "my head kinda hurts.. sorry i fell asleep on you last night."
you looked positively adorable right now, and he was glad you weren't panicking or having any second thoughts about him, that you had fully digested the reality of your situation and come to peace with it. well, at least the situation before he'd sent that picture to eren.
"don't worry about it," he assured you, keeping the thought of his brother probably blowing up his phone and leaving the usual voicemails of him screaming at him when he was angry in his inbox, "i'll get you some breakfast soon. need any ibuprofen?"
"yes please." you smiled gratefully up at him, his heart twinged. "and could you grab me my purse? i left it in the kitchen, my roommates probably wondering why i didn't come back last night."
he began to say yes, but thought of how you were probably receiving a similar slew of alarmed messages by this point made him stop. "how about a shower first? you'd probably feel a lot better after that."
you hummed thoughtfully for a few moments, rubbing the sleep from your eyes with the back of your hand. "a shower sounds nice.. if you don't mind."
"wouldn't have offered if i did, babe." he grinned at the way your cheeks flushed, waving a hand over to his bathroom door, "shower's in there, plenty of towels on the rack by the tub."
he stood, turning to begin making his way to the door to give you some privacy, but felt your fingers gingerly wrapped around your wrist. "zeke.. thank you. for everything. i've been in a really tough spot for the last few months, and now everything seems... it all seems a lot clearer to me, like i just took the hardest step and it'll be a breeze after this."
your smile was genuinely, infectious, eyes full of gratitude, and had it not been for the heavy news that you would most likely be finding out about within the hour, he probably would've responded with one of equal radiance. but he managed to perk up the corners of his lips for you, tracing back to press a quick kiss over the top of your head.
"at your service."
he was pleased to see that his copied, more charmingly delivered words garnered such a positive response from you. and so he made his way back out into the kitchen, pulling out his phone to briefly check the amount of notifications that had racked up on his lock screen. thirty-six messages and sixteen missed phone calls. damn was that little brat persistent.
despite having essentially thrown you under the bus, he didn't feel any semblance of guilt for the action of having sent that incriminating photograph. the only remorse he felt was for leaving you as the sole recipient to his brother's rage, and the fact that he was starting to feel a strange sort of affinity for you, something lighter and more innocuous than the lust that he had shown you the previous evening. so he slipped over to the dinner table, acknowledging reiner's announcement that your eggs were ready with a short hum, finding your purse exactly where you said it had been.
he could hear the sound of the shower being turned on, and he felt safe unzipping the small bag and rummaging around to fish your phone out from beneath your other belongings. as he'd expected, there were a few missed calls from a "sasha", who he assumed to be your roommate, the messages from "eren <3" quickly beginning to pile up on your home screen. and as the "incoming call" text showed on the screen and the phone began to vibrate, zeke held down on the power button, completely shutting it off before he pocketed the device.
he just had to keep you busy, get you to focus on anything besides your desire to get to your purse and check your phone, or figure out a polite way to quickly shoo you out of the door and get home before you realized that you didn't have it in your bag. he hadn't really planned for this outcome, he usually didn't have this sort of compassion for others when he set his mind to getting something done, but he had a feeling that the extra work would be worth it in the grand scheme of things.
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fallen-in-dreams · 3 years
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Also on AO3. Pairing: Gaara/Sakura. Summary: Sakura overhears a spicy rumour about her relationship with Gaara and their friendship will never be the same again. GaaSaku. Canonish. Prompt: Week 1: Dating. Rated: T. Words: 4,433. Status: Complete.
Author note: My first of the weekly prompts for the tumblr GaaSaku Events. *Cross your fingers that I can do all of the ones I'm trying to finish.* Enjoy. ^_^
Warnings/tags: Just some mild angst and mentions of ShikaTema.
This is for the 2021 GaaSaku Event @gaasaku-fanfests​. I seem to be posting for events late or barely on time this year. Sorry. :)
“Sometimes your heart sees what your eyes can’t.”
  It was supposed to be just another harmless outing. Sakura often took Gaara with her when she went shopping for presents. He was so hopeless at remembering birthdays and holidays like Christmas that she was doing him a favour by dragging him around with her.
And picking out gifts from both of them.
She hadn’t really thought there was anything wrong with that. Or that anyone would read more into it than it really was. Of course, the Kazekage spending time with a foreign kunoichi would get everyone’s attention, but like all exciting new things it would get old, and they’d soon move onto other things.
This was why, all these months on from their first public shopping outing, Sakura was still brushing off the curious glances as she pulled Gaara along, by the sleeve of his work robes. Twelve months she’d been in Suna. Six were spent aiding in a joint training of medical personnel as a part of a healing exchange program to further relations, and then eight weeks as the head of the hospital because Gaara was adamant nobody was doing it better. The last four months had been her lazy months, which consisted of her usual physical training regimen but also acting like a tourist and dragging Gaara along for the ride. So just what she’d been doing before, minus the teaching and hospital visits. Sakura had already achieved what she’d set out to do in this mission, but it hadn’t even crossed her mind to cut her time here short.
And she was finally used to being a constant source of scrutiny for the people of Wind. So here she was, for the second time this week, dragging Gaara out of his office on the rare occasion that he didn’t have either a shit load of paperwork or overdue training of his own to do.
The retailer looked up at them as they stepped into her shop, then smiled and bowed lightly.
“Welcome, Lord Kazekage. Haruno-san.”
“Kitana-san,” Sakura addressed her quickly before tugging on Gaara. He obediently followed and as usual, she did not notice the knowing smile of the elderly woman as she led the redhead around. Her eyes perused the rows of trinkets instead. They were supposed to be getting an engagement present for Temari and Shikamaru. It had been three weeks since the date for their party had been announced and nothing seemed to be good enough.
“Maybe we should get them each a present,” she thought out loud. “What do you think, Gaara?”
His eyes widened slightly. “One from each of us?”
“No, I mean one each from both of us.” He still looked confused. “A total of two presents,” she added, and he nodded. She didn’t remark on how he had stiffened and then relaxed at her words. Gaara was just weird like that.
“Ino got them a weird sex toy,” she said, rubbing her cheek with her finger as Gaara’s face turned pink. “Uh, and I think Hinata said she wanted to get her some wind scrolls.” Her friends’ letters had been all over the place. Everyone was excited that Temari and Shikamaru had finally gotten official and were moving their relationship forward.
“I…uh.” He crossed his arms over his chest, which was actually more of a nervous habit for him these days. “Well… we can do better.”
She giggled and locked arms with him. “Of course. I was thinking,” she said as they moved through the shop slowly. “Temari’s always gotta pretend to be this tough, warrior woman. But I’ve smelled the candles coming from her room. I was thinking of bath salts, but it isn’t a good gift for Shikamaru. But that was before this whole individual gift idea.”
Gaara thought that Shikamaru could use a decent salt bath. They could use it together. The idea of it made him blush and he pointedly avoided eye contact with Sakura as she babbled on about clothes accessories. Apparently, Shikamaru had once confessed to her that he thought belts were interesting.
“Maybe bath salts and candles.” Gaara said, interrupted her gushing about the embroidery on a handmade belt. “His & Hers style.”
Sakura squeezed his arm affectionately. “Brilliant idea.”
She pulled him along gently, not needing to tug too hard because he was fine with following her lead. This shop was mostly popular among young women and older couples. Their wares ranged from scented candles to antique dolls and handmade clothes.
“What do you think about this one?” Sakura asked, taking a strange bust off a shelf. Maybe his mind just went to stationery too quickly, but it just looked like an oversized paper weight to him.
“No good?” She asked when Gaara didn’t respond. He sighed and she tossed it aside. “Okay, next odd little smelly thing.”
He let out a light chuckle at that. Gaara pointed out a few more ideas and they half-heartedly argued over them. They picked up a few bath salts anyway, since Sakura was interested in some for herself, before leaving the story without a present for his sister and future brother-in-law.
“We’ll just have to keep looking,” Sakura said, nodding to herself as they made their way through the crowds of the downtown market. She was oblivious to the interested stares and giggling children.
Truth be told, Gaara was fine with letting Sakura make the decision for him. He hadn’t had to worry about choosing gifts for almost a year and he was happy with that. Growing up with no childhood had ensured he had little experience in the matter, but she was a good teacher when it came to social situations.
They agreed their last chance for a good gift would be the ninja resource store on the edge of the market. Such a place would normally not be in the civilian district, but the proprietors were very good at preventing civilians from buying shinobi utensils. Gaara bought an ornate spear from them two years ago that had been imported from the Land of Iron. He’d started collecting special weapons and suggested to Sakura that they have something ordered in.
It would solve the problem and save time. Not that he wasn’t enjoying himself. Gaara looked forward to these outings more than he was willing to admit out loud.
“Geez.” She hip-butted him. “You’re full of great suggestions today.”
Sakura watched as he blushed and mumbled about looking for something for himself in the shop and as he wandered away, this gave her the perfect time to sneak away. She knew full well he was collecting unique weapons and had one in mind for him. It wasn’t a gift for any special occasion, and she didn’t bother guying things for his siblings unless it was for something in particular, but Sakura couldn’t help herself with Gaara. Her friendship with him was on another level compared with Kankuro and Temari.
When it came to birthdays, Christmas, or just her wanting him to have something special, she’d long ago stopped agonising over the “what does one even buy a kage who doesn’t seem to want anything?” question. Personal gifts that showed she knew him were always well-received. He still had the katana shaped candlestick ornament that she’d bought him for his birthday, sitting in his study. Temari said he never lit it up, which to anyone who knew him, meant he loved it. It would never get used and therefore last.
Sakura kept one eye on where Gaara was in the shop at all times, and the other on the aisle of antique weapons as she perused. That was how she ended up standing in an aisle listening to two gossiping kunoichi. She’d just been minding her own business, looking over a row of ornamental kunai, when the voices carried over to her from the other side of the shelf she was leaning toward.
When she heard her own name being uttered, Sakura peered through the gaps in the shelf. They were a couple of chunin and either had below average sensory skills and didn’t notice her or didn’t care that she was eavesdropping. Sakura didn’t recognise them, so they definitely weren’t a part of the medical units she’d trained, nor did they frequent the hospital. They were also both staring off in the direction that Sakura knew Gaara to be.
The blonde giggled. "Lord Kazekage dotes on Sakura-san, it’s so cute! They just have to be dating!"
The brunette nodded. “Of course. But why haven’t they announced it?”
“Because they’re shy, silly.”
“Yeah right.”
“I’m serious. Minamo said everyone’s talking about it.”
“He’s probably still innocent I bet.”
Sakura rolled her eyes. It was so weird to hear people claiming she had a romantic relationship with Gaara while discussing whether or not he had sexual experience. But it was just a couple of awe struck chunin (and the claim of some random friend of theirs). She decided to turn away but stilled at the next line out of the blonde’s mouth.
“Maybe Sakura-san took his v-card,” the girl snickered, much to the appreciation of the other chunin. “Can you just imagine?”
Sakura flushed from head to toe, struggling to hold her composure. She didn’t want to imagine that. Her heart might just explode. Sure, Gaara was… attractive. But would she have sex with him? He was her friend. They’d never been anything other than friends.
Not that I would want more, she told herself, holding a hand to her chest.
“I bet he’d be a tender lover,” the other girl said, sighing deeply. “Haruno-san is so lucky.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” the blonde said, a devious look on her face. “I think Lord Gaara’s hit the jackpot too. Sakura-san has all that medical knowledge about the body. Imagine what she could do with it.”
“Like what?”
“Get his blood pumping. Warm him up. You know,” the blonde waggled her eyebrows and they both giggled. “She’d have him hard in no time!”
They giggled again and the brunette snorted before covering her mouth, mortified at herself.
Sakura stood there like a stunned mullet as they turned away from watching Gaara and started giggling and whispering among themselves. What the hell had she just heard?
She spun on the spot, startled. She hadn’t noticed his approaching chakra, engrossed in the conversation she was overhearing. Sakura turned beet red. He looked concerned when she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. When he made to move toward her, Sakura went into panic mode, charging at him and grabbing his arm. She ushered Gaara away, hoping he hadn’t heard any of that conversation. Knowing him, he wouldn’t even realise what they were talking about.
Gaara leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I found something special for you” and Sakura let out an involuntary sound she’d never heard before.
“Are you okay?”
Am I okay?
Two random chunin had just inserted mental images of her having sex with Gaara into her head. She was not okay. But she nodded anyway, not wanting to explain why her heart was now thumping. Blood rushing to her head. His hand fell to the small of her back. The warmth of his touch had never been more prominent than it was right now as he added a slight pressure to steer her toward the front counter. He wasn’t pushing her. Gaara never pushed her. He was always kind to her. It was so stimulating when he did that.
Feelings she’d kept buried for almost twelve months started bubbling to the surface and Sakura wasn’t prepared for the onslaught. How could she have forgotten this? Suddenly, she remembered the first time his touch had affected her. They’d known each other for years and two weeks into her long-term mission to Suna, she’d been lonely and exhausted when quite suddenly, Sakura realised those warm and fuzzies she’d been feeling were directed at a certain Kazekage. Her twenty-first birthday had come and gone, and she didn’t have any life goals other than revolutionising the medical world. It was a great goal. Professionally.
But after an innocent comment from Hinata about her love life, her birthday had gone from celebrations of “I have my whole life ahead of me” to morose “I’m going to die alone” thoughts, which were reflected in her spending the rest of the night drunk and being shadowed by Ino who was worried she might bring down a building or two, in her destructive angst.
Gaara continued to watch her as she worked through her mental problems but said nothing. He didn’t need to tell her he was concerned. It was written all over his face. It was just another thing she loved about him.
“Let me take you home,” he said. That deep voice of his made her shiver. Sakura felt her body flush again when she heard giggling behind her. (Were those girls following them now?) There was no way they hadn’t heard that.
After a few moments, he started rubbing her back in what he obviously thought was a soothing manner and she blinked heavily at him. Right. She needed to get out of here.
She cleared her throat. “Sure,” she said, her voice a little strained. Out of habit, she wrapped her arm around his. He was a lifeline as she tried to sort out her dysfunctional thoughts. The chunin girls’ conversation had opened a can of worms and she didn’t know how to put them back in.
Sakura glanced backwards in time to catch the women whispering behind their hands and staring at her and Gaara unabashedly. When had her outings with Gaara started such salacious rumours?
And more importantly: why did these people think they were dating?
  “Gimme a screaming orgasm!”
Kankuro took the seat next to Sakura as she made her order to the bartender and chuckled.
“You might want to tone that drink down a little,” Kankuro said with a wink. “Gaara might get jealous.”
“Ugh!” Sakura groaned. “Not you too!”
“Whatever do you mean?”
She pointed a finger at him. “You all are talking about me behind my back. Starting rumours and talking about my sex.”
Kankuro snorted. “Your what?”
“I’m a joke, Kankuro-chan.”
“Please don’t call me that.” He grimaced.
She sighed. “What are you doing here?”
Kankuro waved a hand at the bartender. “Another screaming orgasm, please.”
Sakura snorted. “You’re getting more than I am, then.”
He chuckled. “Never delved into the local cuisine since you got here?”
Well, there was this one guy she danced and flirted with the first weekend after she started this mission, but her burgeoning feelings for the Kazekage wouldn’t let her do anything more. She wasn’t a slut and she appreciated that Gaara wasn’t one of those guys that slept around and used their testosterone to excuse it, either. So, she’d been able to settle into routine with him. Friends who gravitated toward each other. Friends who had dinner with each other (alone) quite often. Friends who decided important decisions together instead of alone. Friends who rarely had eyes for anyone else. Friends who didn’t have lives outside of each other...
She groaned and dropped her head on the bar. The awareness of her situation was painful. She wished she could go back to being oblivious. Because it was clear now that Sakura had been accidentally dating Gaara for almost twelve months. Did he know? Or was he as oblivious as her? Everyone had noticed apparently, according to two chunin and their friend. Did Kankuro and Temari know.
“I’m secretly but not secretly dating Gaara,” she mumbled. “And I didn’t know.”
Apparently, even though her face was pressed into the bar, Kankuro had heard her.
“I didn’t know it was supposed to be a secret.”
Sakura groaned again. “We’re not dating!”
“Uh-huh.” He clearly didn’t believe her. “Going back and forth then. You’re in denial.”
“Why are you here?” He didn’t respond and Sakura lifted her head up slowly. “Kankuro?”
“He’s lonely,” he said, staring into his drink thoughtfully. “I know everyone thinks Gaara’s put together and doesn’t need anything more in life than family and friends. But I know that under that oblivious and calm exterior that he’s a romantic at heart. He wants what you two have. But he just doesn’t know how to go about getting it.”
She frowned at him. His seriousness was giving her a bad feeling. Everything had come together so quickly, and she wasn’t even sure what to do with her feelings yet, let alone whatever Gaara might be feeling.
“He’s a bit clueless.”
That was an understatement. Sakura used to think he wasn’t clueless, since he often said things with such confidence that she believed he was more aware than he let on. But then moments like that day in the shop with the chunin girls and Gaara seemed completely oblivious to what was going on. She had no idea what to think of him anymore.
It was why she’d been ignoring him. She couldn’t handle the idea that he might actually return her feelings. She was a coward.
Kankuro put his drink down and patted her on the back. “Just… don’t hurt him, okay?”
Right. Easier said than done.
  There were many things Gaara was good at. And so many things he sucked at.
He was proficient with multiple types of weapons and political nuances. But in matters of the heart, he found that he still hadn’t learned anything. He had no idea why Sakura was avoiding him and why his siblings were being more careful about how they talk to him. It felt like it had been back when he housed Shukaku and went on rampages.
The knock on his door startled him and Gaara debated ignoring that chakra signature out of spite but gave in and called her in.
He looked up and the slight drop in her smile told him that she’d seen the hurt in his eyes. She’d been avoiding him, and they both knew it.
“I need to tell you something.”
Gaara swallowed heavily and braced himself. Her contract in Suna had only a few weeks left but since the particulars of the mission had already been fulfilled, she was free to leave at any time, if she wanted to. This made his hear race. More than anything he didn’t want her to go. He enjoyed her company and valued her friendship. What he truly wanted from her was more than that and it had taken him months of going along with her intrusion into his life for him to realise what that “more than that” meant for him.
Gaara wanted to date her. He wanted to be doing all the things with her that Temari did with Shikamaru and that Kankuro was currently trying to do with Matsuri. And for that to happen, she had to stay in Suna.
Temari and Shikamaru are dating and he’s still living in Konoha, he begrudgingly reminded himself.
But he didn’t care.
Gaara sat back in his office chair as Sakura closed the door behind herself and shuffled her feet, twiddling her thumbs. She was nervous. And worried about his reaction. He attempted to smile and shift his body language to put her at ease. It seemed to work and before he knew it, she was approaching him with a sad smile and sitting down across the table from him.
“Does this have something to do with why you’ve been avoiding me?”
She nodded, biting her bottom lip. “I, uh… found out something. And kind of overreacted to it, got drunk, and took it out on Kankuro.”
Gaara couldn’t help the snort that accompanied a chuckle. “Story of my life.”
She smiled a little wider now. “It does seem easy to do that.”
“Did you hit him?”
“A little. In the training grounds,” she added quickly. “He’ll be fine.”
She went back to twiddling her thumbs.
“You wanted to tell me something.”
Sakura nodded. “There’s no easy way to say this so I’ll just come right out and say it. The whole village thinks we’re dating.” She paused to see his reaction, but he just stared, stone faced at her. “And uh… we kind of have been.”
“All the outings and joint gift giving.” Not to mention how he treated her so preciously in public.
Sakura frowned. There was no question in his voice, just his usual factual tone. He wasn’t surprised. “You knew?”
Slowly, he nodded.
“Why… why didn’t you say anything?”
He blinked heavily and lowered his gaze to the table. Parchments were lined neatly across it as he rarely let them fall out of place. The only matter in his life that Gaara let get messy were his relationships. They were inherently messy, so he had no problem dealing with them as such. Which was why he was so anal about everything else.
Gaara didn't seem to want to explain himself.
He didn’t want to deny or confirm that he may or may not be dating the Fifth Hokage's protégé, to the public. He let the rumours spread and did nothing to quell them. Gaara had even played up to them which he’d known was wrong but couldn’t help himself. There was no way that admitting this to Sakura would go well for him. Perhaps he could inform her over time, but right now the realisation of what had been going on was too raw for her.
And she could see his hesitation for what it was. Avoidance of setting the record straight. Sakura frowned. Was it because of appearances? Or something more personal? It could be embarrassment. She knew he’d grown up with little human contact, none of which would’ve prepared him for adult relationships. It left him in the lurch for so many important social interactions.
But why wouldn’t he want to fix this? It would look bad for the village if the Kazekage was pretending to date someone. Especially since she was going home in a few weeks. Her heart clenched at that, and she had to close her eyes to stop herself from losing control. Sakura had only just allowed herself to remember and acknowledge that she’d developed feelings for Gaara months ago, she didn’t want to break down in front of him now.
Why didn’t he tell me?
What was he playing at?
Maybe it was because he liked her? Sakura felt her skin flush at that. No. It was probably pride or indolence. Likely, he didn’t fully understand the ramifications.
“He’s a bit clueless.”
Had Kankuro meant that romantically? Or sexually? Or perhaps socially? She bit her bottom lip as Gaara turned his head away. The skin along his neck was tinged pink and his face looked slightly flushed.
All of the above, then.
Maybe he really was too embarrassed to push back at the rumours. Gossip was a poison though. In order to successfully rebuke it, you had to do so fast. And with the truth, not silence or denial on their own. Sakura knew this from experience back when she was still listening to Ino’s ramblings about Sasuke. This rumour had run its full course and nothing short of a very public breakup would get them out of it.
“Is it…” he started slowly, breaking her out of her thoughts. Gaara looked up to catch her gaze. “Is it really so bad?”
Is the idea of us really so horrible?
She heard that unsaid question loud and clear.
Sakura stood up and circled the table to stand in front of him as he swivelled on his chair to face her. “No.”
Gaara smiled. But it didn’t reach his eyes.
“You want this?” She asked.
This was the moment of truth. He could lie and revert their relationship to the way it was before, except with them being more conscious about not appearing to be a couple. Or he could take a hold of her and ask for the one thing that had been plaguing him for months. He swallowed heavily and she watched the way his Adam’s apple bobbed. Was it weird to be turned on by that?
“Yes,” he said huskily.
Desperately, yes.
She didn’t react for a moment, just scanning his face. He held his breath, waiting. Then Sakura leant forward, closing her eyes as his widened. But he didn’t pull away as she pressed her lips to his gently. His hands went to her hips as she rested hers on the arms of his chair, caging him in.
Gaara deepened the kiss, making her gasp and then plundered her mouth. He’d never done this before, that much was obvious to her. So, she took control, slowing their pace and sucking on his lips gently when he tried to hasten her. Sakura fell into his lap, her hands tugging at his hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist. As she straddled him, she lost herself to the feel of his body beneath hers and Sakura moaned.
The sound broke their reverie and the Kazekage bit her lip. Without pulling out of their kiss, he sent his sand out to lock the door and knocked everything from his desk with no concern for their wellbeing. Fuck caring about that right now.
Sakura grinned into their kiss as he pushed her back onto the table. This had been the right choice after all.
  Sometime later, Sakura emerged from the Kazekage's office to find his siblings nearby, like they’d been waiting to find out the result of her talk with Gaara. She knew she needed to reprimand them, but she was too happy right now to care.
Kankuro raised an eyebrow at her. She looked dishevelled. Like someone had snogged the crap out of her. He fought to keep himself from grinning like an idiot.
She cleared her throat and stared down at him. “You’ll be interested to know that Gaara is no longer clueless.”
Temari groaned as the Leaf kunoichi sauntered out of hallway. Kankuro waited until Sakura was out of earshot and gave his sister a shit eating grin then stuck his hand out expectantly.
“I won,” he said.
She scoffed. “No, you didn’t.”
“Hey! I said they’d end up dating!”
Temari shook her head and took a sip of her drink to hide her smirk, then said, “you said they’d sleep together within an hour of resolving this. They clearly just made out.”
“Temari!” Kankuro pouted.
“Not paying up,” she sung, before following Sakura’s lead and sauntering off.
He huffed. Siblings were evil.
38 notes · View notes
lady-divine-writes · 3 years
Kurtbastian one-shot - “Carolina in My Mind” (Rated PG)
Summary: Things get a little spicy when Sebastian decides that Kurt and Blaine are going to start doing TikTok challenges... in part to exact revenge on his boyfriend for covering him in glitter and posting photos on Instagram. (1845 words)
Notes: It's not as lurid as the summary makes it sound XD Makes a reference to an earlier quarantine one-shot 'All The Glitters'.
Part 67 of Outside Edge
Read on AO3.
"We're doing TikTok challenges now!?" Kurt groans, sliding to a halt in front of his boyfriend, arms crossed over his chest before he comes to a stop.
Sebastian beams, flashing Kurt his iPhone screen with the app already open. "Ah. I see you got my message." 
"Aren't we already living through hell? Do we have to add humiliation to the mix?"
"You're one to talk! If you get to cover us in makeup and glitter and post photos on Instagram, I get to do this!"
"But that performance makeup contest was hosted by the ISI," Blaine points out. "What merit does a TikTok challenge have?"
Sebastian watches Blaine glide to a stop beside his boyfriend and pulls a face. "Well, Doubty McDoubterson, tons of people join TikTok every day, including figure skaters. You two were worried about staying in the public eye during the pandemic. This will be great visibility for us within the skating community."
"A-ha." Kurt shares a skeptical side glance with Blaine. "Now, why don't you tell us why we're really doing this."
Sebastian gasps, stumbling back as if punched in the face. "Kurt! I'm wounded! Deeply wounded! I'm being completely honest here! I'm only thinking of you guys, working hard to keep your names in the mouths of... "
"Before you say another word," Kurt interrupts with a finger raised, "may I remind you that you have a five o'clock sesh riding on this answer."
Sebastian's mouth hangs open, caught around the next word. But a beat later, he snaps it shut. "Fine. We're doing this because we've been on lockdown for about ten years and I'm bored to tears!"
"Nice," Kurt says, "seeing as you've spent all of quarantine with us."
"Will you be partaking?" Blaine rushes in before Sebastian can shove his foot any further down his throat. He's not being entirely selfless, but he'd rather not admit out loud that Sebastian's plan is a decent one, ulterior motives aside. Blaine has a TikTok account and has wasted plenty of precious training time scrolling through clips. Sebastian is right - a lot of figure skaters post on there, even some big names in their sport. It's a better platform for it than Instagram. If they pull this off, they could become TikTok famous, and that wouldn't exactly hurt when they make their comebacks.
"I am." Sebastian wiggles his camera in front of their faces. "I'm the cameraman."
"Of course," Kurt mutters under his breath. "So what's the challenge?" he asks, eager to get this over with, hoping he doesn't regret it too much later. "It is a skating challenge, right?"
"Of course it's a skating challenge! In fact, you guys get to perform your routines... " Kurt stares at his grinning boyfriend, waiting for the shoe to drop. And it does when Sebastian picks up a small paper bag off the boards and holds it out to them "... after you've eaten this pepper. There's one in there for each of you."
"I guess it's too much to hope it's a bell pepper," Kurt remarks as Blaine takes the bag and opens the top. He reaches a hand in and pulls out a bright reddish-orange vegetable the size of his thumb. Kurt recognizes it right away, his eyes going wide at the Carolina Reaper pinched between Blaine's fingertips.
"A little bit, yeah," Blaine says.
"What th---? Aren't those things illegal?" Kurt asks, on the brink of turning and running, leaving his friend behind to suffer the consequences.
"Nope. They're perfectly legal," Sebastian says. "And they won't cause any permanent damage. I checked."
"That's so nice of you."
"Come on! This'll be fun!"
"For you! You're running the camera!"
"I've got you guys. Look! I brought you some milk for after," he says, producing the smallest, middle-school carton of two percent in existence. How he expects the both of them to share that, Kurt doesn't know. It's probably part of the schtick, Kurt thinks, to cap off the hilarity - the two of them fighting over seven ounces of milk with their mouths on fire. "Also... " Sebastian deliberates when he feels himself losing ground, running through options in his head he hopes Kurt might jump at so he can get his TikTok "... I'll let you pick the next challenge. Then you can be the cameraman."
A malicious grin spreads across Kurt's face, but Sebastian squashes it with the stipulation: "But remember - whatever you make me do, Blaine has to do, too."
"Don't I get any say in this?" Blaine asks.
"No," Sebastian answers without looking at him.
"Well, do I get a turn at choosing?"
"Maybe... provided Kurt agrees to my conditions."
Kurt glares at his manipulative ass of a boyfriend, putting him on the spot in the name of social media currency. But what the heck? This could be fun. Plus, turnabout is fair play. He'll get Sebastian back. 
Oh yes. He'll get him back.
Besides, Kurt isn't a stranger to spicy foods. His dad has put plenty of red and green gremlins, each residing on different ends of the Scoville scale, in that disastrous chili he makes every fourth of July. How much worse could eating this one raw be?
"Fine." Kurt snatches the pepper out of Blaine's hand but doesn't bring it anywhere near his mouth.
Blaine, on the other hand, goes all in, grabbing his pepper out of the bag, popping it into his mouth, chewing like crazy, and then swallowing, probably in the hopes that it would hurt less if he did it fast, like pulling off a Bandaid. Then he skates off.
His plan doesn't work too well though. Thirty seconds into his backward crossovers, his face scrunches. He puts a hand to his forehead, squeezing his eyes shut, cheeks flushing beet red before Kurt's eyes. "Jesus Christ! I can't see!"
Kurt fixes steely eyes on his boyfriend, filming and giggling like a fiend as Blaine attempts a triple Axel and singles it, arms flailing when he tries to fan his mouth at the same time. 
"I'm picturing a Speedo," Kurt says as he prepares to drop the Reaper into his mouth. "An embarrassingly tight Speedo, seven gallons of honey, an angry beehive... " He carefully places the pepper on his tongue. His salivary glands kick into overdrive when its waxy exterior makes contact, but he can't persuade his teeth to bite.
"Ooo," Sebastian coos, provoking him. "Blaine covered in bees? That's going to be hilarious! And I can't wait to see his face when he finds out it was your idea. But what are you going to make me do?"
That does it. 
Kurt's teeth clench inadvertently, catching the pepper as it rolls off his tongue and pummeling it to bits between his pearly whites. The burn washes through his mouth, spreading in an instant with the obliterated pepper sitting for too long on his tongue.
"Shit!" he yelps, swallowing what remains whole. He coughs violently, almost puking up his lunch. "Shit shit shit!" 
"Don't die," Sebastian teases. "Not for TikTok."
"Nice to see you have priorities," Kurt growls, overcome by a sudden urge to get as far away from his insufferable boyfriend as his skates can take him. 
Now he has to pull this off so he can rub it in Sebastian's face.
Remembering that Blaine has a head start on him, he forces his feet to move. A swiftly blossoming headache completely erases his new routine from his brain so he begins improvising, starting with the opening of his last Regionals piece. He opens with a pancake spin.
Big mistake.
Crouching low over his bent leg as he spins forces his mouth closed, everything from his gums to his cheeks aflame. 
"Nope!" he sputters. "Nope nope nope!" He ends his spin prematurely, hacking as he settles into backward crossovers. 
These are worse. 
Since he's pushing into the air with his back, none of it hits his face, depriving him of relief. He catches sight of Blaine skating as fast as he can with his mouth wide open, preparing to enter another jump. He performs a double toe loop, then another, then another. Kurt doesn't understand. Blaine doesn't perform doubles in his routine. He's beyond that. 
Then it hits him.
Blaine can do a row of doubles faster than he can perform consecutive triples. He's using rotational inertia to cool his face.
It's genius.
Kurt launches into the air, stringing together three of the most lopsided double Salchows he's ever landed. And he barely lands them at that, overestimating his edge and nicking his toepick. He gives up on his choreography altogether, performing whatever move he has to to shove ice-cold air into his mouth. Element by element, Kurt's routine devolves until his goal becomes keeping his mouth from bursting into flames. 
He can't remember the last time he flubbed up this badly. He and Blaine probably look like drooling dogs doing the most, but his throat burns so badly, he couldn't care less. Kurt's nose runs like a faucet, but nowhere near as much as his eyes, which he has the hardest time prying open. 
He decides to skate blind, praying he doesn't collide with Blaine, whose blades he can no longer identify on the ice. By the time Kurt strikes his final pose, he's puffy-eyed, sweating like no one's business, with his lower jaw hanging to his chest, wheezing as he sucks in mouthfuls of cold air. He can't hear much for the ringing in his ears, but he suspects Sebastian may be laughing his ass off. 
Why did he agree to this again? 
"How did I do?" he asks, skating back to his boyfriend, trying not to touch his tongue to his lips, or his lips to each other.
"Meh. You've done better," Sebastian replies, replaying the video over and over, snickering at choice scenes.
"Thanks, coach," Kurt seethes, wondering how well Sebastian would skate if Kurt shoved one of those peppers up his nose.
"At least you fared better than Blaine."
"Why?" Kurt pants, scanning the rink through the narrow slits of his swollen eyelids. "What happened to him?"
Sebastian jerks a thumb over his shoulder. "Took himself out of the running before his second Axel attempt, the poor schlub."
Kurt peeks over Sebastian's shoulder and spots Blaine, lying on his stomach, tongue pressed flat to the ice.
Kurt makes a face. He doesn't blame the guy, but still. 
"Blaine? Honey? That's not a good idea."
"Yeah, weirdo. We have milk."
"I 'as saving da 'ilk for 'urt," Blaine explains, not moving his tongue while he does.
"Oh!" Kurt sighs, pressing a hand over his heart, overdoing the swoon because he knows how much it will irk Sebastian. The jerk deserves it. "That's so sweet!"
Blaine smiles. At least it looks like he does.
Sebastian grimaces. Great. Upstaged by a boy who looks like he just Frenched a patch of poison ivy. "Yeah, yeah. Cavity inducing. Get your ass up, Anderson. You're just making it worse. Besides, you're burning a hole through my ice."
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voiidsalts · 3 years
since I'll be blabbing about my elder scrolls ocs a lot, I thought it'd be a good idea to have a post introducing them and stuff! note: this will be LONG....
also, all of them (as of right now!) live in Skyrim's timeline! Quyance, Vash, Virile, Livio and Zha'kaar all were made in Skyrim, Syldis and Sirion were made in Oblivion and Dreet-Jah was made in Morrowind! but they're all in Skyrim's timeline
edit: added Livio <3
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FULL NAME: Quyance Meris (kway-ahns mair-is)
AGE: 28 y/o
GENDER: cis man, but Spicy (he/him, but they/them is fine too) [also: gender apathetic, gnc (on occasion), genderqueer (in a cis way)]
RACE: Argonian
AFFILIATIONS: Thieves Guild (guildmaster), Nightingales, Dark Brotherhood (listener)
NICKNAMES/ALIASES/TITLES: Quay (close friends ONLY), Dragonborn, public nuisance (in Solitude but also in general)
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: bitch <3 he's a rude asshole who hates people and socializing. his idea of socializing is flirting and sarcasm. he is also a horny bitch. there's more to him than that but that's the basics
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: okay, it's really hard to fit his backstory in a little snippet, but I will try lol. never met his birth parents, born and raised in High Rock by Breton parents, they got wrongfully executed when he was 18, so he just went on a slaughter spree, killing authorities until he was 23. main questline, thieves guild questline and dark brotherhood questline are all part of his backstory (though the lengths of each quest are lengthened). the majority of his art and stuff will be in the middle of the main questline tho. I could definitely be more specific here but then this would be wayyyy too long lol. but bitch got trauma and it's kinda his own fault for doing it to himself (meaning, the majority of his trauma stems from his own actions, not from what other people did to him. he does have some trauma over the whole dark brotherhood thing tho)
Vash- guildmate. neutral-positive relationship, mutual respect. Quyance tries to keep their relationship strictly professional. they get along well, but Quyance gets very annoyed by them calling him boss.
Zha'kaar- fellow dark brotherhood member, enemy. VERY negative relationship, hates Zha'kaar's guts lol. would absolutely kill him if not for his moral code and the rules against harming a fellow assassin.
Finch- fellow dark brotherhood member. neutral-negative relationship, thinks she's annoying but mostly doesn't interact with her because he knows better than to mess with a 200+ year old vampire
Virile- friend (vaguely. he doesn't consider anyone to be his friend but y'know). mostly positive relationship. lots of mutual banter and insults towards each other. they're actually very close (to the point where Quyance sees her as a sister), though Quyance would never admit that out loud. frequently breaks into her house at ungodly hours to have a mental breakdown on her couch.
Syldis- friend (again doesn't consider him a friend, but they are friends). mostly positive relationship, respects him and values his knowledge but dislikes the fact that he's just... So Good. often finds him to be annoying.
calls everyone love
borderline alcoholic. the only reason he isn't is because he doesn't get withdrawal lol
VERY prissy about his feathers. do not mess them up, he will stab you
primarily dual wields scimitars or chillrend and the nightingale blade. also will use an ebony bow
he's a terrible dragonborn bc he gets severe side effects from p much everything. absorbing dragon souls will give him a debilitating migraine that'll fuck him up for a day or so. shouting can also give him migraines and other awful side effects depending on the shout lol
really talented at getting himself mortally injured on a near-weekly basis (like dude how)
man's got deadn't disease, much to his own dismay (and as much as the world really tries to kill him). he could probably get stabbed through the heart and somehow manage to survive that. how? who the fuck knows. he's Quyance.
can and WILL mention the fact that he's gay like every five seconds
has no magical capabilities, but he really wishes he did :(
will say fuck 20 times in one sentence
bitch doesn't sleep. ever. the only time he sleeps is when he straight up passes out from sleep deprivation (is this realistic? no. but who cares, it's a fantasy game and he's dragonborn. it doesn't matter)
lives in Riften!
he's the first skyrim/elder scrolls oc I made (not the first character, but the first one to become an actual oc) and he's on every instance of the game I own! (on xbox 360, switch and two times on pc (once for normal skyrim, once for special edition)
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FULL NAME: Vash'ka Frostfire (vahsh-kuh)
AGE: 25 y/o
GENDER: demi-man (he/they)
RACE: Khajiit (Suthay-raht)
ORIENTATION: demisexual, demiromantic (guy really just said fuck it, I'm demi everything <3)
AFFILIATIONS: College of Winterhold, Thieves Guild
NICKNAMES/ALIASES/TITLES: Vash (preferred name)
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: overall pretty nice and polite. somewhat sociable, but can get easily annoyed by people lol. has absolutely no interest in being nice or polite to racists or just assholes in general, he has no time for that. super petty and vengeful, if you do something against them, they will remember that for the rest of their life. just don't be an asshole and you'll get along great with him
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: also a bit of a complex backstory, but nowhere near as complex as Quay's. so basically, he was born in Elsweyr, and traveled around there and a bit into Valenwood with his parents and caravan. when they were 8-10 (undecided lol), bandits ambushed their caravan and killed everyone except them. they decided to let him live but gave him scars to remember them by (his mouth scars and snaggletooth). he ran off, ended up getting adopted by a Bosmer family. once he's an adult, he decides to go search for those bandits and kill them, because... revenge lol. (I explained their backstory a little bit more in depth over here!)
Quyance- guildmate/guildmaster. positive relationship, mutual respect, honored to work alongside him, would like to consider him a friend, but they're not there yet. likes to tease him and try to get Quyance to loosen up a bit since he's always so professional around him
Virile- acquaintance. neutral relationship, has only met her a few times. mostly knows her through Quyance.
he p much never takes his face covering off
he enjoys reading, writing and cooking as hobbies! and he also really wants to get into painting
they can and WILL chug a bottle of vinegar as a power move
known for straight up climbing over city walls if guards are being racist and won't let him in the front gate. if he wants to get in the city, he's going to get in the city lmao
they consider their thievery a secondary thing. they're a mage first, then a thief
he's a mage for the Aesthetic. literally only ever uses fire magic in his left hand and ice magic in his right bc it corresponds with his eyes lol
yes they are indeed very poofy <3 that was not a stylistic thing, their fur is just really thick
literally built himself a cottage on a mountain bc he didn't feel like dealing with racists
they either use a sword and shield (changed from dual wielding swords because god damnit I need to do something different for once and also I Never use shields), dual wield magic or have a sword in one hand and magic in the other. typically they do the third option
unlike other khajiits, he pretty much exclusively talks in first person. but he can just like flip a switch and go to third person whenever he wants
in game, he's dragonborn but it's not actually part of his character and I don't even use any shouts in game. I really only did it because Lucien and Inigo kept pestering me about going to Whiterun lol
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FULL NAME: Syldis Rosevale (sil-dis)
AGE: 18 y/o
GENDER: cis man (he/him)
RACE: Bosmer
ORIENTATION: asexual lithromantic
AFFILIATIONS: honestly idk, I made him in Oblivion even though he lives in Skyrim's timeline, so I have No Clue. he's supposed to be part of the Mages Guild but uhhhh that disbanded so (shrugs) lets just say maybe there's a group of people trying to rebuild the mages guild and he's part of that?
NICKNAMES/ALIASES/TITLES: Syl (most people don't call him this tho)
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: absolute sweetheart, I love this guy to death. can and WILL be your friend, you cannot stop him. but also he's very lawful so do not commit crimes around him or he will turn you in :( he's also very jumpy and easily startled
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: low key idk. I mean, I know he was born in Valenwood, but decided to leave to further pursue his interest in magic and knowledge and stuff. that's about all I got. oh wait, also I know that the being in jail part in oblivion is true for him, tho he doesn't follow the main questline. he just walked into the imperial city right after someone had stolen a bunch of shit from a place and he got wrongly accused of doing it. [update, i actually have more figured out but i don't feel like writing it lol. i'll do that eventually]
Quyance- friend. mostly positive relationship, believes there is good in him and is determined to make him see that. he's not a fan of Quyance's whole being a criminal thing, but, surprisingly, is willing to look past that. relationship is a bit one-sided tbh. Syldis cares more about Quyance than Quyance does about him. Syldis is very aware of this, but hangs out with him anyway (sometimes he's not even sure why he does)
Virile- acquaintance. neutral relationship, has only met her a few times. mostly knows her through Quyance. he tries to keep his distance from her because she intimidates him lmao
Zha'kaar- acquaintance. negative relationship. only met him a few times but does Not like him
and he canonically doesn't know Vash but i need to say that if they met they would be BESTIES.
I have an ongoing joke that his hair is so fluffy/thick that if you shot an arrow into it, the arrow would just get stuck in his hair
when he gets startled (which is a lot), he has a tendency to shoot fire in the direction of the sound that startled him
man is PHENOMENAL at archery. he could probably shoot a target dead center while blindfolded from 50 feet away
I also joke that he's so good at archery because his ears are so huge, so he just hears Everything (this is true tho. his hearing is Very Good. and also Very Sensitive)
primarily uses destruction and restoration, but can use other schools too. he just never does anything related to necromancy
hates/distrusts all daedric princes, the undead, necromancy, werewolves, etc. yeah.
primarily uses bows and magic, but if he has to fight up close, he'll use a short sword
NEVER commits crime. ever. I'm very thankful he's on Oblivion and not Skyrim because holy shit it would be so hard to not commit crime in Skyrim (I'll make a character like that eventually. and I'll suffer for it)
always carries a little journal around with him and writes down important notes, interesting things he's learned, sketches of things, etc
literally will study for fun. if he didn't hate daedric princes, he'd be a perfect follower of Hermaeus Mora (he doesn't even like the bosmeri form of him, Herma-Mora)
despite being as lawful as lawful can get, if he's in Skyrim and traveling with Quyance, he'll turn a blind eye. but also him and Quyance kinda have a system where if Quyance is gonna do some illegal things, he'll vaguely mention something to Syldis and Syldis will turn away. otherwise, if he saw Quyance do it, he would feel like he would have to turn him in. the ONLY reason he does this is because he knows Quyance is good deep down and really wants to help him see that
top ten autism coded guys <3
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FULL NAME: Zha'kaar Avandi (zhuh-kahr uh-vahn-dee)
AGE: 24 y/o
GENDER: cis man (he/him)
RACE: Khajiit (Suthay-raht)
ORIENTATION: [redacted] (doesn't use labels and is entirely uninterested. not aroace, just uninterested)
AFFILIATIONS: Dark Brotherhood
NICKNAMES/ALIASES/TITLES: Zha'kaar the Exiled, Zha'kaar the Unforgiven
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: bastard cat. absolute bitch, just does whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants. does not care at All about rules or laws. he just greatly values his freedom and having the ability to control every aspect of his life. just a manipulative, egotistical control freak. literally is just evil for the sake of being evil. has no reason outside of that. he just does what he does because he thinks its fun
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: born in Elsweyr, was the youngest of five. even as a little kid he did evil shit, but back then it was more just stealing shit, damaging property, etc. but he got away with it because he pulled the cute card (would act super guilty and be really cute until he got away with it). then his parents had another kid and he was no longer the baby and he got pissed about that. because now he didn't get all the attention and he wasn't able to pull the cute card anymore. so then he straight up started killing people, but only got caught when his baby sibling "accidentally" slipped off a cliff and died. and it was very obvious it was not an accident. so he got kicked out of Elsweyr (and god damn they should have just killed him :/).
Quyance- fellow dark brotherhood member. neutral relationship, doesn't really care about him nor have any opinions apart from finding him amusing. he likes to purposely get on his nerves sometimes.
Finch- fellow dark brotherhood member. neutral relationship, no real opinion on her, they don't interact much. very slightly threatened by her but doesn't normally show that (literally the ONLY person he is threatened by, even if only slightly)
Virile- acquaintance (a bit more than an acquaintance but y'know). neutral relationship, again, doesn't really care about her but finds her amusing.
not even the dark brotherhood wants him there. he keeps breaking their rules and just killing anyone he wants but they can't manage to get rid of him.
climbs trees a lot. will literally travel around by just jumping from tree to tree
pretty much exclusively uses bows, but will dual wield daggers if he has to. but he only does that until he can get away far enough to use his bow again. he's not very physically strong lol
dude is OBSESSED with sweets
he's pretty much my stress relief character bc I can just go to him and kill whoever I want lol
Virile literally bullies him as a form of therapy from having to do customer service. he does not care at All and keeps telling her that if she's gonna keep using him as a form of therapy, he should be getting paid for it (she will never pay him)
"nobody's born evil" except zha'kaar. zha'kaar was born evil.
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FULL NAME: Finch Rosegold
AGE: 222 y/o (looks 21)
GENDER: is it not enough to simply be a lesbian? (she/her)
RACE: Khajiit (Cathay), vampire
AFFILIATIONS: Dark Brotherhood
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: murderous glitter. that's it. she's super nice and bubbly but also can and WILL fuck you up. all while still smiling. also a bit manipulative but it's fine <3 she's actually relatively similar to Zha'kaar, but she has morals and is a lot more tolerable.
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: I actually have it figured out now but I'm too tired to try to figure out how to condense it to a lil snippet. so uh. yeah 👍 [i'll write this eventually lol]
Quyance- fellow dark brotherhood member. neutral relationship, respects him but also doesn't really interact with him much. a bit jealous of him for being listener tho
Zha'kaar- fellow dark brotherhood member. neutral-negative relationship, finds him a bit insufferable and too arrogant for a mortal, but mostly just ignores him
Virile- friend. positive relationship, finds her entertaining, and appreciates her work for the dark brotherhood. she hangs out with her semi-frequently and gossips and shit (Virile doesn't really get it but engages anyway)
she's obsessed with shiny and sparkly things. she wears so much jewelry, it's ridiculous
tends to walk on the tips of her toes. why? who knows.
uses daggers, bound swords/daggers and crossbows. she tends to throw her daggers and carries at LEAST 10 on her at all times. up to 8 will be thrown, always keeps 2 on her for exclusively melee combat
always wears her locket, it's very important to her
she was part of the dark brotherhood in cyrodiil, joined during the oblivion crisis (also where she became a vampire). she's just kinda. jumped around a lot as they all kept dying off :(
I love morally reprehensible lesbians so much <3
also important to mention that she's friends with Cicero. she was with him when he was in cyrodiil, but she moved to skyrim before he did
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FULL NAME: Virile Arthelle (vee-ril ahr-thehl)
AGE: 30 y/o
GENDER: cis woman (she/her)
RACE: Breton
ORIENTATION: bi with preference for fem-aligned people
AFFILIATIONS: Dark Brotherhood (kind of? she doesn't directly work for them, but she assists with cleaning up messes and creating cover stories for them)
NICKNAMES/ALIASES/TITLES: Vi, Viri (vee-ree. from Finch)
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: angry lesbian, but make them bi instead. that's pretty much it. very rude, dislikes dealing with people (despite literally being a waitress) and is not afraid to tell others off. can and will punch a man in the face. but then will also walk into a wall if she sees a pretty lady
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: fuck if I know lol. she just Exists. I know she was born in High Rock but moved to Skyrim. that's about all I got. and also she has a younger sister (who is not in skyrim).
Quyance- friend (for the most part). positive-ish relationship, constantly insulting him (and calling him a twit), and decking him over the head, but they are actually very close. much to her dismay sometimes because Quyance can get very annoying (and she really would like to be able to sleep without him breaking in at 2 am to sob on her couch)
Finch- friend? positive relationship, finds her a little strange but also finds her company entertaining.
Zha'kaar- enemy. VERY negative relationship, literally bullies him as a form of therapy, not that he cares.
primarily uses magic (mostly conjuration, alteration and illusion) or a war axe
idk I honestly don't have much on her. she's mostly just a background character tbh
I love her tho, she's wonderful
whenever she sees a pretty man, she gets really mad at them gjnkfmld she flirts with men by insulting them and flirts with women by becoming a disaster and walking into walls lmfao
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FULL NAME: Oblivion Chaos, Livio Kay for short
AGE: 21 y/o
GENDER: trans man (he/it)
RACE: Bosmer, werewolf
AFFILIATIONS: none? he's a thief, but he's not affiliated with the thieves guild
NICKNAMES/ALIASES/TITLES: Liv, Livie (close friends ONLY)
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: little bastard man. very arrogant, thinks he's hot shit but he's really not. he thrives off of being a little edgelord. it's surprisingly friendly, but I really do not recommend interacting with it much, it's insufferable to be around lmao. he also has a pretty fiery temper and is extremely destructive. weirdo (affectionate and a little bit derogatory)
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: absolutely no idea lmao
he probably doesn't really know my other characters much, if at all.
almost exclusively uses destruction magic (fire), but occasionally will use a bow
scummy little arsonist twink
we love some problematic trans rep in this house <3
(I haven't drawn him yet lol. but he's 6'7", has red hair pulled back into a ponytail, typical yellowy-tan skin and yellow eyes. and a constant "leave me alone, you're annoying" expression.)
FULL NAME: Sirion Aedius (seer-ee-in ay-dee-uhs)
AGE: 37 y/o
GENDER: cis man (he/him)
RACE: Altmer
ORIENTATION: idk tbh, haven't decided on that
AFFILIATIONS: Thieves Guild (Cyrodiil)
NICKNAMES/ALIASES/TITLES: Highlock (thief alias)
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: a little bit of a rude asshole, but not like most altmer. he's definitely pretty arrogant, but he actually does have a lot of skill, so he has the right to be confident lol. his rudeness mostly comes from him just not really liking people. he doesn't think he's inherently better than them, he just thinks people are annoying and he doesn't want to deal with them. which, fair.
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: no idea lol honestly haven't done much with him
he doesn't really know any of my other characters lol
yeah I really don't have that much info on him jnfkmld he just Exists. haven't really fleshed him out much
uhhh primarily uses bows. I think also swords? I genuinely don't remember, I haven't booted up Oblivion in a bit
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FULL NAME: Dreet-Jah (jreet-jah)
AGE: 20 y/o
GENDER: nonbinary? (any pronouns, but typically he/they. literally you can call them anything tho)
RACE: Argonian
ORIENTATION: asexual panromantic
AFFILIATIONS: no idea tbh, I made them in Morrowind and have not done much with them
PERSONALITY SNIPPET: chaotic dumbass. there is only one brain cell up in that head of his, and it is Chaos. super loud and kinda annoying, no sense of personal space or anything. can and will climb on a roof and scream at 2 o'clock in the morning just for the fuck of it
BACKSTORY SNIPPET: also no idea!! apart from knowing he was born in black marsh but for some fuckin reason moved to morrowind at a young age. they do not like it in morrowind but they haven't bothered trying to move yet. that's bout all I got
doesn't know any of my other characters lol.
yeah, again, don't really have much to say here
but uhhhh he exclusively uses magic so there's that
currently my only elder scrolls oc that exclusively uses magic
unfortunately probably will not get much done with them bc why is Morrowind Like That......
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simply-trash5 · 4 years
Okay not even going to lie this was my favorite chapter to write and I REALLY hope you guys like it. 
<3 Chapter Five
The week seemed to drag by. You wanted nothing more than for it to be Saturday so that you could see Lee again. You both were going to have a very busy week so you both decided that you wouldn’t hang out again until the date on Saturday. Just because you couldn’t see each other though didn’t mean that you couldn’t stay up till obscene hours playing dumb games or sending each other memes. You spent the week with your phone in your hand constantly and you kept finding yourself waiting to hear from Lee. He surprisingly texted you a lot, and seemed to be a huge fan of emojis. 
He always sent you a good morning text, which usually had a meme accompanying it. These of course always made you smile. One night when you fell asleep while texting him you woke up at 3:00 A.M. to find your phone gripped in your hand. Just before you put it on the charger you saw that you had an unopened text from none other than Lee. The text read: “Good night Y/N. I really hope that you sleep well. I am really excited for our date on Saturday! :)” Even in your sleepy stupor you found yourself smiling and feeling the butterflies in your tummy flutter. 
On Saturday morning you woke up bright and cheery at 8:00 A.M. as if you hadn’t been up till 3:00 doing homework. Despite only getting a few hours of good sleep you felt so rested and so excited. Today was the big date and you had absolutely no idea what Lee had decided on. You decided to text Lee first this time, telling him Good morning, and asking him what to wear on your date that night. He simply replied “Dress for fun. I’ll be there to get you at 6:00.”
For fun? What did that even mean? The day seemed to fly by and you questioned what you should wear for ‘fun’.  You rummaged through your closet and finally decided on a deep purple bodysuit under ripped black skinny jeans. You added a denim jacket for warmth and a pair of black combat boots. The body suit hugged your curves and gave a nice amount of cleavage without being too revealing for your liking. You decided to wear your hair naturally with a black knit beanie because you had no idea what Lee had up his sleeve. 
You didn’t hear much from Lee after the morning but that was okay with you. You were so nervous that you weren’t sure you would even be able to form responses to whatever he may say. By 5:15 you were completely ready and nervously scrolling through social media to pass the time. You checked on a few friends pages and even found yourself checking Lee’s feed to see if he had mentioned anything. At 3:00 that afternoon he posted a single smiley face and his dad liked it. You rolled your eyes thinking of how he must have looked crafting such an eloquent post. 
At 6:00 you decided to head down to the front of the building to see if Lee had shown up. Right on time he was there scrolling through his phone in one hand and had the other placed strategically behind his back. When he heard you approach he beamed and put his phone in his pocket. Just from his smile alone you could feel your cheeks heat up.
“Y/N, you look so pretty. Oh, erm, I’m sorry. That was probably really weird and forward. Uh, I got you this.” He outstretched his arm and in his hand was a single pink daisy. The joy on your face told him everything he needed to know. He gave you a thumbs up, which he seemed to do often when he was happy. 
You took the flower from Lee’s hand and gave him a huge hug. You both stood there for a minute in the embrace, this hug definitely felt different than your one from a week ago. There was something exciting and warm in this hug. You both stood back from each other, both blushing slightly. “So, Lee, what do you have planned for us?” you said excitedly.
“Ah, yes.” Lee began, “Well I have such a fun plan for us. Our first stop is a ramen shop downtown. Now here is my question for you, would you like to walk there or take the bus?” You thought for a minute and carefully weighed your options. He took your silence as a sign that you wanted to walk. “Lets go Y/N! I can’t wait for you to try this place!”
You and Lee walked the few blocks into downtown chatting and talking about your week. Lee talked about all of the tests he had this week and you talked about how you were completely over writing papers. Before long you both had made it to the shop. Lee held the door open for you as you both entered the small hole-in-the wall restaurant. You walked to the counter to order and you quietly whispered to Lee, “I’ve never had Ramen, what should I order?”
Lee looked at you in complete shock and then a look of determination washed over his face. “We will have two orders of the spicy ramen!” The gentleman behind the counter began to ring in your order. He talked with Lee as if he had known him forever. Lee introduced you to the man with a smile. The gentleman asked if you were Lee’s girlfriend which caused Lee to sputter and stammer. You told the man that you were on a date but you were friends. You would have never known it but Lee’s heart dropped a little at the mention of you being friends. Lee led you to a small table by the window where he continued to tell you about himself. You both laughed, ate, and talked for about an hour when Lee finally spoke up. “Well Y/N, we have a few more stops on our night of fun. Ready to go to our next location?” You laughed at how formally Lee was speaking and he gave you a bright smile in return.
Outside the restaurant you looked at Lee inquisitively. Lee looked down at you and gave you a wink. “So, Y/N, I thought you may want something sweet after dinner so I have just the place. Did you know that every saturday this month there is a town bonfire down by the river?” You gave Lee a surprised look with a smile. “I was thinking that maybe we could go make smores before our last stop. You know, just something sweet for the sweetest person I know.”
You blushed and giggled just a little. Once you realized how silly you must have looked you rolled your eyes with a smirk and punched Lee lightly on the arm. You weren’t fooling him though, he saw the way you turned pink at his little compliment and he thought it was one of the cutest things he had ever seen. His heart was beating just a little harder as you guys walked toward the river than ran through town. Once there you both had a blast making smores and sitting around the fire. You wondered how Lee had heard about this spot but instead of asking you just told him more about yourself. Lee checked his watch, the time read 8:00 and he began to stand from his spot. “Okay Y/N, I have one last stop for us. This may be the coolest one in my opinion.” He held out his hand to help you stand from the log where you were sitting. Lee’s hand was so warm and felt so nice wrapped around yours, you almost hated to let it go. Reluctantly you let go of Lee’s hand, not wanting to make your need for affection awkward for him. 
Lee led you to a small bar in town, which made you question why you would be coming there. You never thought Lee was a drinker. Lee cleared his throat, “So you’re probably wondering why I brought you here. Well, one of my favorite local bands is playing here tonight and I think you would like them. We can obviously leave if you want, but I thought it would be fun!” You gave Lee a smile and a nod reassuring him that you wanted to go inside. 
Once inside the bar you both walked toward the stage where the band was playing. There set had already began but you could tell that you really liked them already. You and Lee exchanged some glances and smiles throughout the first few songs until the band took a quick break. Lee went off to the bar and grabbed you both a beer. You both drank your beer and listened to the music. Lee was singing and dancing a little when it was a song he knew and before long you found yourself swaying along too. The band announced that they were going to be playing a stripped down version of one of their songs and encouraged the crowd to dance with a “special someone.” Lee’s cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink. He began to walk to a table to sit when you reached out your hand and grabbed his arm. Lee looked at you a little confused. You weren’t sure if it was liquid courage or your need to feel his arms around you but you asked him shyly if he would dance with you. Lee shook his head so violently that you thought it may fly off. You began to giggle at his goofy grin but stopped as soon as his large hands found your waist. 
The next 3 minutes were the best part of the date so far. You two definitely danced like no one was watching. Neither one of you were sure how to dance with another person, but you gave your best shot at it. You two were still in each other’s arms long after the band had finished. Neither of you would have moved if the band hadn’t announced it was the last song of the evening. Lee leaned down and asked if you wanted to head back to campus and you gave him a nod. 
Outside the wind was blowing lightly. The lights in the city seemed to glow even more with the cloudy sky. It was quiet in town as most of the nightlife was coming to a close. You two began your walk back to campus. You pulled your jacket a little tighter remarking about how chilly it was. Lee immediately reached his hand out for yours. You stared at his hand in shock for a few seconds before taking it. The feeling of Lee’s hand wrapped around yours made you feel so warm inside you would have thought it was summer. You were pulled out of your quiet thoughts by Lee. “Earlier I gave you a daisy. Do you know anything about flowers and their meaning?” You shook your head and said that you didn't. Lee cleared his throat and began to speak in a thoughtful tone, “The daisy is a symbol of new beginnings, specifically a pink daisy is sometimes seen as a symbol for new romantic feelings.” 
Your mouth made a small o and you looked up at Lee with a sparkle in your eye. You two didn’t speak again till you got back to your building. You looked at Lee standing in front of you. He was so handsome and sweet; you were sure you had never met a better guy in your life. “Lee, I had a really great time tonight. Thank you for such a fun and thoughtful date. The flower was very thoughtful too.” Lee looked down at you with a small grin.
“Y/N I gave you that daisy because I wanted you to know how much I like you. Everyday I wake up and you’re the first thing on my mind. At night, before I go to sleep, you are the last thing I think of. I don’t mean to be forward, but I just wanted you to know how I feel.” Your eyes grew wide. Immediately Lee thought he had said the wrong thing. The corners of your mouth turned upward into a bright smile.
“Lee, I like you too, so much more than just a friend. You make me so happy. You’re an amazing man.” Lee’s cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. Lee closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.
“Y/N, can I kiss you?”, Lee asked bravely.
“Lee,” you began, “I’ve been waiting on this since the day you carried me up to my room. I would want nothing more.” Lee’s hands travelled to your cheeks and held your face tenderly. He leaned down to you and gave you a soft sweet kiss. Time stood still for just a minute and just like that it was over. When you both pulled away you both stared at each other with small grins on your face. 
“Y/N, thank you for being you. I can’t wait to see you again,” Lee whispered in your ear as he gave you a tight hug. “Can I come see you tomorrow?”
You gave Lee a small peck on the lips in reassurance. 
 “It’s a date lover-boy.”
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Elisabeth & Noah in the origin world (2/?)
First date
He is not sure if he should text her or not.
On Monday, upon waking up with every ounce of alcohol finally off his bloodstream and after he has spent the entire Sunday recovering from the worst hangover he’s experienced since his college years, Noah is back on his reserved nature, the timid one, the one lacking the amount of whiskey-infused courage it takes for him to deal with matters revolving around human interaction, especially with women. He’s not a social outcast per se, but his confidence mostly accompanies him in the career-oriented side of his life.
It’s not like he’s not interested. He crossed the line of “interested” when he stooped to the lowest level possible, looking her up on Instagram, of all things, via Agnes’ account.
(His little sister has a long list of questions and he has a long list of brotherly favors that he promised to fulfill in exchange for her seven-digit password.)
She doesn’t have a vast presence on social media, a quality they apparently share. He keeps a long forgotten Facebook account and a professional LinkedIn one and acts blissfully ignorant towards any other platform that isn’t YouTube. Her Facebook account - oh yeah, he checked that one too - is a mix between personal and business, opinion posts about socio-politcal matters on the grounds of their country to the entirety of Europe to the endlessness of the globe and take-action events in regard to the causes she supports, occasionally interrupted by a reunion selfie with an old friend or a brunch date with her mom and her sister. That particular post redirected to some Instagram link, so, unwittingly, his curiosity was peaked.
Her Instagram account is colourful, vivid, filled with adventures and laughter. Just from an idle scroll, Elisabeth Doppler - Winden born, age twenty-four, Energy Engineer, Berlin based - can easily be perceived as someone that quite enjoys life. Her group of associates and friends seems endless and her gallery consists of photos of dinners with young professionals, pub-crawling with girlfriends, road tripping across Europe, Erasmus Programme memories, tree-planting projects, women’s rights marches, snorkelling, paragliding. Noah spends the whole Sunday afternoon feeling overwhelmed and in awe, tapping picture after picture, mesmerized by her lovely smile that adds a softer undertone to her busy bee of a life.
He finds it fascinating, her mindset and her lifestyle, but, at the same time, he fears that their personalities may clash, his more keeping-to-himself attitude the polar opposite to her seemingly outgoing one. Then, it’s also the age barrier. He thinks that thirty-two might be a little off-putting for someone in their early twenties, a decade that comes with a whole other set of expectations and milestones than the one he is currently in. The major problem, though - a chronic problem of his - is that he’s thinking too much.
Fortunately, that’s not a thing they have in common.
Elisabeth texts him on Monday morning, at 9.54 to be exact. He’s in the middle of a lecture, teaching History of Religion 101 to an auditorium filled with sleepy freshmen, when his phone screen lights up, its glow illuminating in the dimly lit room. It’s a simple “good morning” paired up with a smiling face emoji but it’s enough to cause his heart to race and his mind to short-circuit, leaving him reciting things off the projection screen without really registering what comes out of his mouth until the lesson is over. With sweaty hands and in the mist of internal panic laced with excitement, he texts her back at 10.38 an equally casual “hey, hope you’re having a good morning, too”. He beats himself up for not asking her anything the minute he presses send, like, how she’s doing, if she’s at work - literally anything, Noah, Jesus Christ, now she’ll think that you don’t care, nice work, you idiot - especially as the hours pass and there’s silence from her end. He spends the rest of the day drowning in miserable self-pity, checking his dead phone literally every minute, until there’s a new message from her, telling him that she had a very busy day at work and asking him how his day was.
(Thank God, because he was about to send her an embarrassing word vomit apologizing for having zero social skills whatsoever.)
They continue their back and forth texting for the rest of the week, casual conversations about their everyday lives turning into debates about the best places to eat and the best movies of all time to metaphysics and social justice that keep them up till the small hours of morning, Elisabeth sending him blowing-a-kiss face emoji’s for goodnight and Noah smiling like a silly teenager at his phone screen. Right in the middle of one of their more “serious” conversations, Elisabeth venting about income-based discrimination, Noah asks her out. It’s abrupt and totally irrelevant to the context of the rest of the bubbles that litter their personal chat at that moment but he can’t really help himself. She is a woman he wants - needs - to know more about, not through a screen, but in person, sit there and watch her express all the things she has in her brilliant mind.
They arrange to meet on Friday night, after she finishes work, since Noah has to attend a seminar in Dresden on the weekend and since both of them are too impatient to wait any longer. Noah arrives first at the bar she gave him directions to and decides on waiting for her outside but decides against smoking a cigarette, even though he’s itching to, out of habit and nerves. She rounds the corner barely five minutes later, strutting towards him in an electric blue pantsuit and a plaid maxi grey coat, her whole face brightening with a stunning smile when she notices him, and, just like that, everything else fades, his anxiety about their first official date, his mental fatigue after holding office hours, his insecurities, his worries and she is the only thing that exists, the only thing that matters.
A wave of panic washes over him momentarily, his inner perfectionist making a huge deal out of not having a clear plan of how to greet her. A handshake is too impersonal, a kiss too presumptuous. Ultimately, he attempts an awkward, one-arm kinda hug - which is ridiculous because a) he’s a freaking grown-up and b) her tongue has already been inside his mouth and he doesn’t recall his hands being particularly respectful the night of Jonas’ wedding, when she pushed him against a wall and stole his breath with a glorious kiss - an action she probably misconstrues as a leaning in and this results in them doing a clumsy dance right there on the pavement, but she giggles and her eyes shine with amusement, so his self-deprecating frown gives its place to a handsome smirk, when she moves closer to him and leaves a soft peck on his cheek, as a belated greeting. She smells of sensuous jasmine and intoxicating amber, her perfume aery but with a spicy twist that succeeds in stimulating all of his senses. He holds the door for her to enter and his hand lingers lightly on the small of her waist, as they make their way through the tables to the bar.
They settle on two empty barstools and order their signature drinks, Gin and Tonic and Whiskey on the Rocks. Elisabeth takes her phone out of her tote bag but before she gets to type anything, Noah holds her attention. He thinks for a moment and then makes his hands move, forming tentative gestures that lack any grace or flow but succeed in signing “It’s nice to see you. How have you been?”.
Elisabeth beams, impressed, her lips mouthing an excited “how?”. He just shrugs and shyly pulls out of his messenger bag a thick sign language book, a recent purchase of his which he’s been studying with every chance he got. Her whole face softens, touched by his sweet gesture, before she types on her phone.
That’s very thoughtful of you, thank you. Even though you shouldn’t have; apart from technology’s assistance, I’m pretty good at reading lips.
He uses his phone to reply. Yeah, I gathered that much. I just want to talk to you in your language.
The look that she gives him under her fluttering eyelashes is so tender and lovely that he can’t help but stare, a foolish grin plastered on his lips and a hot blush painted on his neck, creeping from the collar of his grey shirt.
They talk - type, to be exact, with the occasional mimic of a word or two - about everything and nothing, fast thumbs trying to keep up with their effortless conversation on the notifications’ section of their phones. He learns about her childhood in Winden, her hellish pranks to her older sister Franziska, her loving parents that separated when she was a preteen but never stopped caring about each other or being there for their daughters. She talks about her hometown friends and her honor roll high school experience, moving to Berlin to attend university and falling in love with the lively vibe of the city, getting her Master’s in Energy Engineering and recently landing her first job on the field at the Tiedemann Enterprises, a very prestige corporation in the industry of renewable energy. She’s still particularly excited about this, being part of a team of researchers thriving to improve energy efficiency based on an environmental friendly strategy.
Noah tells her about his memories as a young boy in Vechta, how he lost his mother when he was only six, due to complications while giving birth to his sister, how his father was never really in the picture after that tragic incident. How the local church and especially Sic Mundus, a church based organization for neglected children and troubled teens, contributed to his and Agnes’ well-being and education, helping him land a university scholarship and get a job, so he could afford moving his sister to Berlin, too, after he got his bachelor degree, and offering her a more stable living situation and a normal life. How, apparently, his aptitude for the humanities and his upbringing in a religious environment drove him to follow an academic career in religious studies, a field that he finds beyond interesting, especially its anthropology aspect.
Somewhere along the conversation, too absorbed into their own little world to register the fewer people in the bar and the clock ticking towards closing time, his hand, as if it has a mind of its own, slides slowly over the wooden top of the bar, her slender fingers meeting his hesitant approach halfway. They’re barely touching but it’s electrifying, the feeling of even an inch of his skin against her skin so exhilarating and powerful, like the impact of meteors colliding or the universe exploding into pieces. It feels like a Déjà vu, like a glitch in the Matrix, like they know each other from the past or recognize each other from their future. It’s a feeling both of them kept seeking, a feeling that they silently vow never to lose.
Noah pays for the drinks, despite her objections, and Elisabeth insists that, next time, the bill is on her. He smirks, a tad tipsy on the whiskey, a lot tipsy on her, and teases her that he must have done something right, because this is the first time a girl agrees on a second date with him this fast. She just shrugs, a cheeky smirk playing on her lip-glossed lips, as she types, if I left it up to you, we’d still be on the PG-13 “good morning” texts. He laughs, an effortless, loud laugh and he catches her staring - no, not staring, checking him out - the corner of her longing smile trapped between her teeth. He fights the insane urge to kiss her senseless right here in this empty bar with the bartender mentally plotting their death for keeping him past his shift.
He accompanies her to the U-Bahn station and his heart skips a heartbeat at the prospect of sharing ten more minutes with her, according to the information display over their heads. She wishes him to have fun in Dresden and he confesses that he wishes he could stay here, to spend the weekend with you, he wants to add but refrains, in fear of confessing too much too fast. Instead, he tells her that he had an amazing night and he’s so relieved and purely happy when she nods vigorously in agreement, her low ponytail bobbing lightly and her beautiful face radiating even under the harsh fluorescent light of the station. The atmosphere around them is suddenly very charged, their bodies gravitating towards each other, and their eyes engage in a stare off that speaks volumes and holds so much unresolved tension. He can hear the bright yellow train approaching and his breath quickens as he takes a brave step forward, invades her personal space, and his eyes declare defeat, falling to her lips. He’s the one to kiss her this time, a soft peck that turns into a needy battle of dominance when she melts into his arms and angles her face to kiss him more, deeper, hungry mouths dancing together in passion, his shoulders hunching over her smaller figure, his hands cradling her cheeks. Her own hands sneak under his coat and suit jacket, delivering a heavy caress over the material of his shirt before she closes her arms around his waist, Noah letting a trembling exhale into the kiss and his lips forming a lazy smirk against her giggling ones. Smugly, Elisabeth tugs lightly at his lower lip with her teeth, a naughty essence to the playful action, and this fuels another round of heated kissing, their bodies pushing and pulling, their heavy PDA a thing they’ll be embarrassed for in the morning. For tonight, though, they’re just two people getting drunk on each other in the middle of a train station, as if tomorrow will be the end of world and they’ll cease to exist.
When they pull back for air her lips are lipgloss-free and her eyelids, still closed, are fluttering over scarlet cheekbones. Noah has never witnessed a most beautiful sight in his life.
Elisabeth gets on the train with a dazed and dazzling smile, promising to text him when she arrives at her apartment. They refuse to let go of each other’s eyes until the train vanishes into the dark tunnel and Noah is left there, on the empty station, a finger reaching to his lips, not quite believing that the fruity taste of lipgloss that still lingers in his mouth or the woman whose lips left their trace behind are real and not a product of his wildest fantasies. There’s an extra hop in his steps as he walks up the stairs to catch the train to the opposite direction, boarding the vehicle at the last minute and sliding quickly on a seat, lovesick smile intact and a newfound feeling of contentment and thrill nested in his chest.
He takes his phone out of his pocket and types, unable to wait any longer.
I get back early on Sunday. Would you like to have dinner with me?
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parkjess · 4 years
Hi! I’m back! Sorry if I’m getting annoying but you are kinda the only person I know of who does Astro reactions😅! But anyways I was wondering if you can do one with all the members when their s/o is also an idol and their relationship gets outed by the media? Thanks🤗!
Thank you for requesting!🥰
Don’t ever feel annoying for requesting🥺 I love it.
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You sat in front of you laptop at your place, staring at whatever site it was, becoming pale within seconds as your eyes flow over the words of the article you just clicked on with the speed of light.
The topic was your boyfriend, Myungjun, and the name that was attached to his, as only you and him used to see together, was yours.
Without leaving your eye sight from the bright screen, you dialed Myungjun’s number on the phone you didn’t even take a look at.
“Baby... did you see what they posted?” Your words come out as if you just saw a ghost. Your relationship wasn’t supposed to be published and both you and him always wear a mask and hat when you’re outside. Your voice became shaky as tears approached, yet your heart somehow felt a bit relieved that you don’t need to hide anymore from cameras.
-“Calm down baby, tell me what’s wrong? I’m coming over.” You heard him grabbing his car keys and heading to his car while listening to you on the other side of the phone.
“Myungjun, they saw us yesterday at the restaurant!” You freak out and try to relax at the same time, what doesn’t seem to be working. -“Oh...” was all he said, driving away the parking lot, luckily you lived only couple of minutes away. “What do you mean-“ the tone of your voice got higher and you nearly yell at him, don’t get how he can be this calm.
-“I’ll be there in 2 minutes, okay baby?” He says and hangs up because he was still driving.
Finally arriving at your place, he welcomed you with a hug. Neither one of you want this relationship to be publicly known, because you know how toxic people can be and make this end, no matter how powerful the love is.
-“Baby... you know that no matter what the internet people will say, or do, I won’t ever leave you. Okay?” He cups your face while looking straight into your eyes, you just nod at his words. -“Now, lets go get some fresh air at the park, you’ll like it, and don’t worry, paparazzi don’t go out this late at night.” He smiles at you and takes your hand.
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It was a regular December evening you spent with Jinwoo at fantagio building, teaching him English because he was asking for help. Although you tried to focus on helping him, the news you got from your best friend a few days ago, couldn’t leave your mind.
The korean kpop sites collapsed in a while after they announced Park Jinwoo has been seen lately with a girl, which was you.
No matter how much time he spend on trying to get you out of the bubble these news created in your head, he couldn’t, but that’s not what he thinks.
“Baby? What are you staring at?” He finished marking all the words he didn’t understand in the book you bought him as a gift and lifted his head only to meet your focused stare. He snaps his fingers in your face to wake you up from the daydream, and you apologize quietly.
-“Ah sorry, what were you saying?” You ask and pull the book closer to you. “Oh come on, I know that face, you’re thinking about it again aren’t you?”
-“I’m sorry, it doesn’t leave my mind...”
“You don’t need to worry as long as I’m here with you, the fans won’t hurt you, nobody will.” He placed his hand on yours and caressed the back of it, while only staring in your eyes.
It was comforting.
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You told your manager you want to take a break from having schedule in the next two weeks, your mental health wasn’t the best you knew since you started getting hate comments on social media because you’re dating Cha eunwoo.
Your manager totally accepted it and luckily understood your condition, but he also told that to your boyfriend, which you didn’t want to happen.
This afternoon you got a phone call from Dongmin, “Baby is that true? I’m coming over right after I’m done here.” He decides, not even listening to your answer. He was busy filming his new drama and you barely saw him lately. -“Uhm... yeah you can come over.” You replied, not even in the mood to talk, but you guess it can’t be bad if he comes, you needed any kind of help right now. He hangs up without saying anything more.
“Babe it’s me.” He knocks at the door after half an hour since you last talked.
-“Hey...” you open the door to see your boyfriend standing there with your favorite box of chocolate. He pulls you immediately for a hug before you say anything else, his bear hug felt like you haven’t seen each other for years.
Pushing the door behind him with one hand and then caressing your head softly and gently, kissing the top of your forehead.
“I missed you hon’.” He confesses, you only mumble, -“Me too...” as a reply against his chest and tears fill your eyes.
“I’m not leaving you, okay? I’m here. We’ll take care of everything baby.” He pulls away and cups your face, then placing a peck on your nose.
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Bin won’t look at the exposure of your relationship as an issue, he even thinks it’s even better now that you don’t need to hide in public, and doesn’t care what other people think about it.
As much as he loves his fans and yours, you always come first so he asked his fans to stop spreading hate and toxic at both of you. The high confidence he had about the news, because he knows how powerful the love you two share, made you feel less scared about how people will react or what they will do when you two go outside together.
He hired a van to stay in for the weekend in the woods, since you love camping together but hate sleeping on the ground.
It’s your second anniversary as a couple, and he decided to cook your fave meal which was also the first meal you ate together back then. “Binnie...” you call him with soft voice, while your eyes are reading what’s on your phone screen- the article about him dating, it’s now trending all over the internet.
-“Yes, dear (jagiya😉)?” He takes a quick look at you and back on the oven, watching the food that was almost ready.
“Take a look at this please.” You hand him over the phone, and he sighs. -“Ah, this. I talked to my manager already.” He says, feeling too comfortable with the topic you find as an issue.
“And... you didn’t mean to tell me everyone know about us?” You ask him, slightly pissed off. -“Hey~ and bother you with things you don’t need to worry about?” He holds both your shoulders, looking into the stars in your eyes.
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Minhyuk was busy with his schedule in the studio, working on a new song, while you were scrolling down Instagram, suddenly your eyes meeting his name on the top of one article, attached to ‘dating’. It was one of the things you were scared to be known by your fans, since you didn’t want to disappoint them, but also was scared of their reaction.
You thought about this a lot and had a short anxiety attack every time it passed through your mind, but he was there always to calm you down, but now.
Knowing he was working and probably recording his new song, you decided to not call him but go physically to his studio as your heart started to beat faster and your blood felt like it was boiling.
-“Minhyuk? It’s me...” you knock 3 quick knocks on the studio’s door, leaning in to try and hear if he was singing.
“Oh? Baby, why didn’t you call me? Did something happen?” He opens the door and you don’t even hug or kiss him as you usually do when you meet him after hours you haven’t seen him. Walking straight into the darker room, as he closes the door and slow downs his voice at you strange behavior, you are playing with the charms of your bracelet.
“Baby, chill, are you okay? Are you hurt?” He asks worriedly, trying to hug you but you push him away slightly, ready to almost burst into tears. -“Did you see this?” You quickly show him the articles that were added to the social media since you first saw that one.
“Oh... oh my god.” He takes your phone and his other hand is holding yours. -“What are we gonna do?” The warm tears slowly stream down your face, as he pulls you into a hug, comforting you with little taps on your back.
“Please don’t worry, we are gonna go through this together, okay?” He cups your face and kisses your lips slowly, you try to pull away but there was pure comfort in the taste of his lips, so you tried to enjoy it as much as you could.
-“You promise?” You ask and pull your pinky up, waiting for his to intertwine his pinky, “Only if you let me kiss you again.”
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In this case I see him freaking out more than you.
You were both eating lunch at fantagio building since he just made a comeback, this is the place where you could hang out most of the time nowadays.
He took a mouthful of hot, spicy ramen, then back to scrolling down Instagram.
“Oh-mygahd...” he murmured unclear words you tried to understand, when he just turns his phone to you. Your eyes widen at the title that includes both your names.
-“Who the hell publish-“ you grabbed his phone and yours in your other hand, calling your manager as fast as you could, but it was too late since you saw the amount of comments the article already has. “Y/n what are we gonna do?” Sanha asks, trying to calm his senses which doesn’t seem to be working.
After talking with your manager, it looks like she knew they were going to announce it this week, and the company didn’t want neither of you to be hurt because it might affect your performance.
-“I’m even more pissed now because she didn’t tell me earlier...” you said, furrowing your brows after pushing the food plate away from you and leaning back on the chair.
At this point he couldn’t show you how angry and nervous he felt, so he tried his best cheering you up. “Ya~ you know they love us, right?” He leans forward, reaching out his arm for you, mentioning the fans. You nod your head slightly at your boyfriend but barely look at him. “C’mon, what can I do to cheer you?” He thinks out loud and sticks two fries up his teeth, making that cute monster voice he does that makes you laugh usually.
-“Ugh, shut up.” You burst out laughing and hit his arm playfully. “That’s the y/n I want for the rest of the day. And life.” His warm words approach your heart and make you smile eventually.
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 4 years
Replay ch. 4
Callum gulped as he sent the text to Rayla.  She was fully in her rights to reject a drawing session in the woods.  Not only that, but he was asking her to bring her own clothes because he didn’t know her exact measurements.  Was he asking too much?  He read the text again.  ‘If it’s not too much trouble, I was really imagining drawing you among the trees, like a faerie or an elf.  If you have any flowy clothes that you are alright with getting dirty, please wear those. I’ll send you the location if you’re comfortable.  If not, we can do the beach or my backyard.  I just can’t imagine drawing you in a confined space like my studio. I don’t think it would fit your spirit.’
Callum internally screamed. Did he really send that?  She was going to rescind her acceptance of his request to draw her, wasn’t she?  ‘Her spirit’? He had met her once!  What was wrong with him?  It was true, though.  That was something about her that, despite the suit and the situation that they met in, made him feel like she would be more at home running barefoot through the forest or relaxing by the sea.
Either way, now all he had to do was wait for her to reply back.  If she rejected the offer, well, he didn’t want to think about that, because that meant he probably was never going to see her again.  Meeting her once was enough to make her haunt his every thought for the past three days.  While he and his friends had finally ironed out how they were going to go full-time with YouTube, she had been right in the back of his mind.  
He had looked up her name and ran across a few things.  She really was the daughter of two bodyguards of the British royal family and her adoptive fathers ran a famous Celtic jewelry shop in Aberdeen, the designs being a mix of traditional shapes and styles and new materials.  She did dance for years as a way to channel her energy. There was even a video online of her at sixteen doing a ballet routine to a Kylie Minogue and Madonna compilation. She had inserted traditional Irish step dance in a way Callum never would have thought worked but it did. Maybe that was because of the sheer joy on her face as she moved.  That made her departure from dance all the stranger and it’s also where information about her basically stopped.  The most recent thing he found was that she worked for Patel and Associates Anti-Fraud Law Office.  
A lawyer…his faerie was a lawyer.  It certainly explained the suit but it was almost absurd.  Here he was imagining her running through the trees and she was surrounded by paperwork in her daily life.  Did she enjoy it?  Did she like spicy food?  What was her type?
Callum hit his head against his desk.  He needed to stop letting his mind drift to her and whether or not she could ever be interested in him.  There was no way someone like him was her type.  She couldn’t hide just how toned her long legs her in her suit.  She probably worked out often while he was a lazy twig that indulged in sleeping in too much.  Also, she was a lawyer.  A lawyer falling for a YouTuber/artist?  Yeah, right.
A stray chip hit his forehead.  Callum looked up to glare at Soren.  “What?”
“You thinking about that hot girl at the cheese shop again?”
“What?  No!”  Callum could feel the blush creepy up on his cheeks and all the way to his ears.
“It’s fine if you were. She was smoking hot.  I never thought I would find white hair hot, but DAMN.”
Claudia hummed in acknowledgement.  “I’m calling it now; she’s Bi or Pan.”
“What makes you say that?” Soren mumbled around a bunch of chips.
Claudia winked.  “Gaydar.”
“Wishful thinking?”
“Maybe some of that, too,” Claudia shrugged.  
“She’s got two dads,” Callum mumbled.
Soren, Claudia, and Ezran all turned to him.  “Does she now?” Claudia asked.
“Yeah.  She told me at the shop.  It was the painting of Aunt Amaya and Aunt Janai that made her accept my offer.  She was raised by her parents’ friends, hence, two dads.  They run Gael Jewelers in Aberdeen.”  
Claudia immediately pulled out her phone, probably to look them up.  Shortly after, she whistled.  “Wow. She comes from a really good-looking family.  Her mom is a totally MILF.”
Soren rolled his eyes. “Claudia, you can’t just-” Claudia shoved the picture in his face. “MILF alert.”
“Mm-hmm.”  Claudia scrolled through.  “Ethari and Runaan and are also incredibly attractive.  Damn.  What is in the water in Scotland?”
Callum rolled his eyes. “Guys.  Let’s focus.  Do we need a production manager?”
Claudia shrugged.  “My vote is you’re in charge of creative for group projects, we run our own channels, and we hire an editing assistant.”
“We also need a social media manager.  Ez can’t do it all on his own while he’s in school.”
Ezran nodded.  “It’s nice that you guys do your own channel stuff, but, sometimes, it would be nice to have some help.”
“Do we need a strong social media presence?  We have YouTube and Twitter.  Isn’t that enough?”
Ezran scratched the back of his neck.  “Maybe? Claudia’s got a large following on Tumblr ever since she came out during one of her make-up tutorials.  Her super casual ‘my ex-girlfriend taught me how to do this and this is the first time I’ve done this eyeliner look since we broke-up’ just made her blow-up and our channel gained thousands of followers over-night.”
Callum nodded.  “We gained a lot of followers after I did that art tutorial with Janai, too.  A lot of people just went gaga over her and I see a lot of requests for her to come back on the channel.”
“Which is where a social media manager could come in handy.  Maybe they could track requests so we don’t have to?”
Soren sighed, taking another handful of his chips.  “We also need someone to help us with events.  Getting us into them, working booths…being famous is hard work.”
“We aren’t famous, Soren.”
“Beg to differ.  I get stopped all the time.”  Soren flexed his arm.  “And it’s not just because of these guns.”  The other three in the room rolled their eyes.  
“Himbo,” Claudia coughed, no-so-subtly.  
“WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?! Stop using words I don’t know!”
“Stop being a himbo.”
Ezran and Callum shared a look, snorting at their childhood friends’ teasing.  Soren and Claudia couldn’t go five minutes without teasing each other or making a serious situation humorous.  “Can’t take them anywhere,” Callum whispered.
Ezran nodded.  “Bait is better behaved.”
Callum eyed the frog in the glass bowl Ezran took with him wherever he could.  “He’s glaring at me again.”
“Because you won’t stop thinking about that girl.”
“It’s not my fault she won’t leave my head.  You saw her, Ez.”
“Yeah, she’s beautiful, but she’s not running through my head like she is your’s.  Are you even ready for another relationship?  After Melissa-”
“Melissa was a nightmare. She constantly asked to be introduced in our videos.  I didn’t know at the time, but you were right, she approached me because she wanted to piggyback off our growing fame.”  Callum ran a hand through his hair.  “I was an idiot.”
Ezran put a hand on his shoulder.  “I wasn’t going to say that.  I was going to say that Melissa really hurt you and I want you to be careful.  You didn’t even like her that much, if I remember correctly.”
“She was nice, pretty, liked some of the same things I did.  But she didn’t really inspire me to be better or push my art.  She only encouraged the YouTube thing, not what I actually like.”
“She is why we got almost fifty thousand subscribers in one week, though.  That story broke and you had to give that little video and it really stuck with people.”
Callum remembered that video.  As a way to quiet down any questions, he had made a short video detailing how they had met (in a coffee shop), why they had never gone public (he had wanted to keep his private life and his YouTube life separate), that she had met his family but they kept it hush-hush (impossible not to meet Ezran after knowing Callum for a week), and that the break-up had not been mutual.  Callum had broken-up with her because he had felt that it wasn’t working because they wanted different things.  Melissa pushed the YouTube thing, and there was nothing wrong with that, but, if Callum was going to be known for social media and videos, he wanted to be proud of what he put out into the universe.  He loved his art more, and, if he could, that would be all he did.  Melissa had wanted to do sponsorships and Callum hadn’t.  They just had different values and desires and no one else was owed this knowledge, but Callum had been forced to do damage control because people would not stop asking.  “Yeah. I was really surprised that that happened.”
“People value honesty. I think it comes across in our videos and your art tutorials that you are not in this for the fame.  We’ve done meet and greets and you are just awkward as anything.  Melissa showed her true colors on her own with posts afterwards.”  Callum didn’t even want to think about how Melissa had tried to monetize their break-up.  It had been bizarre to see her sponsored by a make-up wipe company to tell her side of the story, which basically confirmed everything in Callum’s video, but with the caveat that she had wanted him to reach new heights and that YouTube and not his ‘lame art’, as she had put it, was the way to do that.  Their fans had not taken kindly to that and Melissa had lost thousands of followers she had gained overnight in even less time.
“Social media is weird, Ez. No matter what, we have got to stay away from the drama.  We do not want to be involved in any of that.”
“Yep.  That’s why I think a social media manager could help.  A good one.”
“I’m all for it if that’s what keeps our noses clean.”  Callum straightened when his phone alerted him to a text.  
He opened it to see it was from Rayla ‘The woods?  OK.  I’m still bringing my friend.  When’s good for you?  It would have to be on a weekend for me because of work.  Sorry about that.’
“Holy shit,” Callum whispered.
“What?” Ezran looked over his shoulder to read the text.  “That text sounds weird.  Callum-”
“I know, Ez, but she didn’t say ‘no’.  She didn’t reject me.”  Ezran raised a brow.  “You know what I mean.”
“You’ve got it bad.”
“I just need to draw her to get her out of my system.”
“Either that or she is your muse.  Poor Aunt Janai.  She was having so much fun being your muse.  So was Khessa.”  Callum chuckled.  Khessa, Janai’s older sister, did enjoy modeling for Callum.  His exhibit on women of color had been a smash hit in part because of her always accepting when he asked.  She had once modeled with a crown while sitting on a throne and that particular piece now hung in her house in her living room, showed off to everyone who came over.  Callum smiled as he remembered that exhibit.  His crowing achievement, to this day, was the portrait of his mother, eyes softened, and an easy, loving smile on her lips.  People thought of her as this rough former military general and tactician who once taught at military academies.  They didn’t know that she had a sweet tooth or that her relationship with Callum’s father had led her to leaving the military because she saw that the push for peace was more important.  
She was now known for her discussions on US-South Korean and US-Thai relations because both her parents were immigrants and her own history in South Korea.  Sarai and Amaya had both spent half their childhoods in South Korea in Korean schools, helping Sarai learn how the rest of the world saw the States. She and Amaya and joined the military because it helped pay for university, but both found they were really good at it. So good at it, they extended their contracts before finally leaving to focus on family and peaceful negotiations. Callum was proud of his mother’s work and was proud of the picture showing the softer side of her so many people didn’t see.  
He shook his head and sent a quick text to Rayla that next Saturday worked for him if it worked for her.  This Saturday was in a few days and, if things went how Ezran wanted, they were probably going to be doing interviews all weekend for a social media manager.  “Let’s get a social media manager, Ez.”
Rayla smiled at the text. The woods was a bit of a strange option, but she was excited.  She hadn’t had a chance to go running through the trees barefoot in years.  She was going to have to ask Corvus if he was willing to head out early so she could do so.  She mentally thought of her wardrobe and realized she didn’t have anything flowing that she was willing to get dirty.  She was going to have to go thrift store shopping.  
Was she really going to go buy a dress so a random artist that she had met one time could draw her surrounded by trees?  Yeah, she was and she was going to look so good she was going to haunt his mind like he haunted her’s.  His voice followed her and she had watched all of his videos in three days.  She barely slept because she wanted to hear him more or see him smile or laugh.  She felt like one of those stalkers who was convinced a famous person was in love with them, but she had met him in real life.  He had approached her, he had asked to draw her.  Either way, she wanted him to be tongue-tied when he saw her and, hopefully, she was going to quell some of the fire that refused to leave her belly since they had shaken hands.
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blood-orange27 · 6 years
GG and CP Shit
@talkingtea for everyone to see
I have a theory about CP and GG. I want to preface this by saying it is more than likely a REACH, but eff it, I like to believe in things that are not necessarily true and I LOVE to ship people that might potentially be together in the future even if it never happens. I’m messy bitch that lives for the drama of it all! Also please ignore how much thought and effort was put into this, I was off for a week and got bored/slightly obsessed with TF for a while.
I don’t have an instagram, but from all the screenshots, videos and research all the other Grandice shippers have done I have almost everything I need to posit that GG and CP might be a little more than friendly coworkers and if not now at least at some point in time. But this specifically is all through Instagram posts and a few interviews so bear with me in my analysis of their friendship.
First background evidence: I scrolled through GG’s entire instagram and I noticed that compared to his other relationships (since 2011 anyway) he posts about LA WAY more than any other girl he’s dated. Even his actual long time girlfriend, Hannah, that he was dating when he started the Flash (I think they dated for 4 years), he posted pics of the two of them together maybe 5 or 6 times on his entire Instagram (which might be due to the fact that they broke up and he deleted some photos I know). GG’s photos with Hannah were often way more discreet rather than the constant in-your-face photos he posts with LA.  Especially when you factor in that he didn’t start dating LA until 2016 and then a year later (maybe longer or shorter I’m not sure) they’re engaged?! Now, It could be that GG actually found “the one” and he wanted to jump on the opportunity fast instead of “wasting” another 4 years of his and her life because he’s older now and might think marriage is the most logical step for someone his age, idk. But I mean GG and LA started off hot on Instagram with pics of them together unlike him and Hannah (again maybe she liked her privacy since she was a dancer for Beyonce or didn’t like being shown off), 6but it really puts things in perspective when you consider how in love GG and LA seemed so quickly.
Looking at Hannah’s Instagram the first pic she ever posted of GG was in 2012.
Second photo of GG wasn’t until a year later https://www.instagram.com/p/YjcnmCiBO4/?taken-by=hannahdlaine
In the middle of 2013 she seemed really in love with GG here… him not so much, lol jk :P and this was also the last time she posted a picture of GG on her Instagram (unless she deleted some)  https://www.instagram.com/p/bQfJucCBDF/?taken-by=hannahdlaine
From then on she seems to post more about GG’s dogs than him. I think she’s just naturally private about her relationships in general. Also it seems she was too busy being on tour with Beyonce to maintain a relationship based off her posts. But Jett (GG’s dog) seems to be sporadically in her posts through August of 2015 so they were dating at least until then. I think August is where things might have officially ended for the two. More on that in a bit.
As I said GG only posted about her a few times. Hannah and GG in April 2014 https://www.instagram.com/p/mtUohGAVN5/?taken-by=grantgust
The last photo of Hannah on GG’s Instagram  was in June of 2014 so... https://www.instagram.com/p/pZavdmgVKi/?taken-by=grantgust you see where his head was at once the Flash started.
The first pic LA ever posted of her and GG was in April of 2016 with a seemingly innocent caption https://www.instagram.com/p/BEoz5JcC47I/?taken-by=lathoma3 meaning they could have started dating around then or could have just been friends. But if they were dating then that means GG and LA really did get engaged only a year later, wow! LA posted another pic in May 2016 of two pairs of feet with one pair that might have belonged  to GG since he tends to rock Converses and some of the comments thought it was him too https://www.instagram.com/p/BFW5zUTC482/?taken-by=lathoma3 So they possibly knew each other for a little while.
Interestingly, the first picture GG ever posted of him and LA was not until August of 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BJJNna5BOvd/?taken-by=grantgust which means they could have started dating earlier but he wanted to wait to post her until he knew it was something serious. However, looking at the caption, you wouldn’t explicitly know they were dating yet unless you followed her. From then on he posts pictures of the two of them, starting off slow with maybe one every few weeks then it becomes quite consistent with him posting pics of them every few days.
Another thing I noticed after they started dating is what some people have pointed out in that GG does not seem to post or interact with CP as much since. But it seems like they were actually interacting more after he met and started dating LA. I used to believed that all the social media interaction and “flirting” you used to see between CP and GG may have caused his relationship with Hannah to end. 12But after going through his Instagram it seems like he was less likely to talk or interact with Candice on Social Media until the end of 2015 and into 2016. Some interviews may prove otherwise but for the most part not really. I’ll explain why.
Looking back: when GG and CP first began the show in 2014 it seemed like all the photos of the two of them were platonic or group shots and he rarely posted just a photo of the two of them. Probably bc he was still in a good relationship with Hannah and was not trying to look thirsty. Most of GG and CP’s 1st pics together are group shots of him and the cast and the captions are friendly but not flirtatious at all. I cannot speak for twitter tho. The only post that seemed mildly spicy during this time was this one and it refers to both CP and DP in June of 2014 https://www.instagram.com/p/o3xg3AgVD4/?taken-by=grantgust and even that was nothing to get excited about. Some people even pointed out that GG was acting weird or distant during the 2015 San Diego Comic Con which might have been due to the fact that his relationship with Hannah was starting to crumble. That’s when things began to change in October of 2015 when GG posted this, calling CP his Bae https://www.instagram.com/p/86yZm8gVK1/?taken-by=grantgust Which seemed a bit flirty even if only for the show and Westallen shippers. I think GG and Hannah were already separated during this time and he wanted to start publicly flirting with Candice. Also if you look at his Holiday pics around the end of 2015, https://www.instagram.com/p/_uRaiXgVJM/?taken-by=grantgust
Hannah is nowhere to be found and usually you bring and show off a partner during the holidays especially if they’ve been together so long. This makes me think they definitely broke up around the end of the summer in 2015.
When 2016 started he was full on macking on Candice because he knew he could do so more now that he was single. As soon as 2016 started GG and CP were flirting A LOT more (possibly to push the WestAllen storyline or maybe they actually just like to flirt). But it seemed to be more blatant in 2016 with Grant posting a pic of them with the smirk emoji in January at the Golden Globes https://www.instagram.com/p/BAZF5jRAVD9/?taken-by=grantgust and notice how the other pics he posted with women at the Golden Globes were captions stating how they were homies but not with CP https://www.instagram.com/p/BAZGTwpgVEa/?taken-by=grantgust
Grant posting those tweets about his kissing skills to CP was in June 2016. https://twitter.com/grantgust/status/746735191276675072?lang=en
There is no way of knowing exactly when he started dating LA so I can only go off of his 1st Instagram pic with her in August. But it did seem like when the pics of him and LA became more consistent, the flirting between him and CP slowed down a bit.
Let us examine for a moment Candice’s Instagram pics and see if they align with Grant’s. Starting right off the bat Candice was also in a relationship in 2012 that she showed off a little with a few pics like this https://www.instagram.com/p/OXUGUcRb9M/?taken-by=candicekp but she was still quite private about the whole thing so I’m not sure when this relationship ended. As 2014 starts and she’s casted in the Flash she seems to follow the same procedure as Grant for the most part. Only posting group shots and nothing flirtatious in the slightest (I’m guessing because she was being respectful of GG and Hannah’s relationship) and she may have still been dating the guy from earlier I mentioned, again who really knows. She did post a lot of pics with the Rick Cosnett during this year (Eddie from TF) https://www.instagram.com/p/3AQAEuRb2W/?taken-by=candicekp
So there may have been something between those 2 or it might have just been because they had a lot of intimate scenes together season 1 and got close.The first pic of just the two of them (GG and CP) outside of the show was at the end of 2014 with a behind the scenes shot with no discernable flirtation going on in the caption but the photo looks a little spicy https://www.instagram.com/p/wzwy6zxb1t/?taken-by=candicekp The 1st pic that showed any feign of interest was in early 2015 when she posted a pic of just GG asking fans to vote for him at the KCA’s https://www.instagram.com/p/zjMbz2xb9Z/?taken-by=candicekp which was probably just a friendly gesture.  I know she was single in 2015 bc she posted memes of being single.https://www.instagram.com/p/zGG-wuxb6o/?taken-by=candicekp https://www.instagram.com/p/3kEPySRb6_/?taken-by=candicekp
I’m not sure how long she had been single but if was for a while judging from the posts. The next day however she posts an animated fan art pic https://www.instagram.com/p/zlKdFyRb6t/?taken-by=candicekp of Westallen kissing so again, she could just be her showing appreciation to the fan art and promoting the show, but who knows! A few weeks later she posts just a pic of GG saying he gives the best giggles which is suspicious but not too much https://www.instagram.com/p/z22Rncxb8z/?taken-by=candicekp
However, In May of 2015 she posts a sneaky photo of GG and uses the hashtag #toocute https://www.instagram.com/p/28r2acxbxg/?taken-by=candicekp which seems a little flirty but again he was still with Hannah at the time even if it was falling apart. It seems as GG’s relationship was on the rocks with Hannah he began getting closer to CP.
Then BOOM 2016 starts and she reposts GG’s photo of them at the Golden Globes with a caption of “avec mon ami” (meaning something along the lines of “with my friend”...yeah ok) https://www.instagram.com/p/BAZ_6btxbxh/?taken-by=candicekp  From then on she seems to post more Westallen fan art and some other suggestive photos that make me believe their “friendship” was growing stronger in 2016. Even at the 2016 San Diego Comic Con they had their arms linked in one interview. But it seems as though as the year went on, just as GG started posting their friendship less, so did CP. Which could be due to GG being in the Honeymoon phase of his relationship and investing in LA hard. But we cannot forget this adorable photo he snapped of CP in the Beginning of 2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BPwcPEgBgx2/?taken-by=grantgust Also SDCC 2017 happened and GG and CP seemed to be quite close during their interviews. There was the “Daddies” comment CP posted on Tom’s Instagram and then GG liked it. There was also FanExpo they did in Vancouver in November 2017 which was great Grandice tea as well since GG kept interacting with CP and Zoe throughout the entire panel.  If anything, I would say 2016 and 2017 were their years of the most flirtatious interaction, so far.
Also around the time GG and LA got engaged in April 2017 GG disabled comments on his Instagram posts from then to August of 2017. If anyone has any evidence of why he chose to do so, I would greatly appreciate it. I think he did it because of all the backlash he might have gotten from fans about the engagement, since it wasn’t to CP LOL! But it was definitely strange to say the least.
*Now I have nothing against LA personally, I actually want to like her because she reps my alma mater, The Ohio State University, constantly, and she may even be from Ohio like me and it kinda makes me happy that GG might have found a nice girl from Ohio. However, after reading multiple threads and accounts about her personality and potentially being racially insensitive or problematic that made me reconsider things (but I did not see explicit PROOF of this so I am still on the fence about it)*
But it is quite strange that GG posts about them like they’ve been together for years. It could also be because they’re still in the Honeymoon phase and that’s when people usually take the most pictures together and want others to know they’re in a relationship. Now they’re engaged and I thought I heard somewhere that the wedding won’t be until next year (I could be wrong tho). This will really put their relationship to the test because wedding planning can make or break a couple in some cases. And since they are long distance most of the time, it could prove fatal for their romance like it did with Hannah. Again this is all speculation and probably means nothing because I don’t know them personally and don’t see all aspects of their relationship on a daily basis. But isn’t it weird that you want to show off someone that much that you haven’t dated that long?? There are theories about it being fake and that’s the only reason I would believe it, because it seems to be a little rushed.
People who think CP and LA don’t like each other seem to forget this pic https://www.instagram.com/p/BehDLHYn2tn/?taken-by=grantgust from Grant in January this year, showing that they can all hang out outside of the show and it not be weird. Although we weren’t there and CP and LA could have been side-eyeing each other the entire time lol, but again not likely and we will never know for sure bc we were not there.
Here is how I think it all went down if you believe that GG and CP ever liked each other, hooked up, dated briefly, etc. GG and Hannah seemed to be in a loving relationship, especially in 2013 which was one year after they supposedly started dating (remember Honeymoon phase). That’s also when Hannah had the most photos of him on her Instagram. In 2014 they were still dating, but as Hannah became more busy with Beyonce and Grant got casted in the Flash, they didn’t get to see each other as much and maybe their relationship suffered or they naturally drifted apart. Seeing as the last pic Grant ever posted of her was in 2014 it seems he had gotten too busy or maybe it was meeting Candice that made him rethink things.  I also believe Hannah doesn’t like to post about her relationships as much as GG does which might be why he likes to post so much with LA since he never really could with Hannah since she was always away and she liked to keep her relationship private. Since they broke up around the end of 2015, it makes sense why he started openly flirting with CP more on Insta, he knew he could and maybe he wanted to be to see if there was something there. Perhaps CP turned him down because she didn’t want to be the rebound since he was just getting out of a long-term relationship, but she didn’t mind a little harmless flirting. LA didn’t care obviously and dated him anyway. If GG and LA really did start dating in early 2016, it looks suspicious for him to be that smitten that quickly after a breakup like that, but what do I know, he could really love the girl. But remember GG didn’t start posting  pics of LA until towards the end of 2016 and during that summer at SDCC he and CP seemed to interact more, were closer in some interviews and were linking arms in one interview and he seemed happier than the previous year. Also it’s weird how close and touchy feely GG was being after he got engaged to LA during the 2017 Comic Con and FanExpo interviews.
REACH ALERT!! All the flirtation in interviews and SM interaction is GG and CP’s way of being together without looking too suspicious and soon GG will realize this and ends things with LA. Or both CP and GG want to be together but want to wait until the Flash ends so it doesn’t interfere with the show’s dynamic if it doesn’t work out. That doesn’t explain why he’s marrying LA tho unfortunately :/
But in all honesty I think in general GG and CP just like to keep their friendship private unless they’re in public which makes it harder to hide. Once again I want to say this is all just speculation and fun. More than likely they’re just friends that sometimes like to play up their relationship in public for the show to keep the viewers interested and ratings up.  Maybe they’re attracted to one another and they just don’t click well as a couple or they don’t want to ruin their friendship bc they know it will affect their interaction on the show.
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beardyallen · 6 years
Days 4 thru part-of-Day-6-because-this-takes-forever-and-I-have-to-go-teach-soon
Yikes. Turns out keeping up with this is going to take some serious time-management voodoo on my part. I’ll figure that out eventually, I guess.
Alright, so where did I leave off? *scrolling thru Day 3...* *still scrolling...* *still scrolling........* Ah! There we go. The bank.
There wasn’t a whole lot that happened on Day 4, other than my first meal in one of the main cafeterias. From what I recall, their standard chicken wing (which looked like something you would get from KFC) had a breading that probably puts it somewhere in the top 30% of the spicier wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. Not too spicy, but for sure spicier than I expected from just a lone piece of chicken in a buffet-style dining hall with no labels. I also grabbed semi-gelatinous purple thing that turned out to be lotus and honey. Not really my favorite consistency, but it was pretty yummy nonetheless. But the cucumber. Man, let me tell you about the cucumber!!!!
It tasted like a normal cucumber but with a nice vinaigrette. Nothing crazy special, but it was still my favorite part of the meal. *shrug*
If memory serves, which it might not, I think I spent the rest of the night reading Dan Brown’s Origin. The handbook for the Guest House (where I live) only has one line in it about alcohol consumption in the apartments. It is strictly forbidden to engage in alcohol abuse. That’s pretty much it. Not real specific. So I texted ML if it was okay to have beer in the apartments, she assured me that it was totally fine, and I breathed a sigh of relief as I took another sip from my second beer.
Day 5 (Friday, if you’re keeping track) was slightly more interesting. ML, her boyfriend (S), R (now NR) and I were going on an adventure the next day, so ML, S, and I had to go shopping to get snacks for the trip. Turns out one of the banks (one that doesn’t allow people staying for less than 6 months to open an account) pretty much monopolized relations with Chase. We stopped there to get some cash to deposit into our Chinese bank accounts at our actual bank, then went to our ATMs. I was first in line in our group, dropped some cash into the slot/box that counts your money, and I was only then informed that I can only deposit 100 yuan notes at the ATM. It spit out my 20′s and 50′s, and I added an extra 100 when prompted. Then things went downhill.
Unbeknownst to us, this machine was malfunctioning that day, and I had just tried to do something that it didn’t like as I deposited around $60 into my account. I checked my receipt, it didn’t indicate that any money had been deposited, so we hailed an assistant. Fortunately, S has a much better grasp on the language than ML and myself, so he communicated the issue, and (30 minutes later) we were face-to-face with a banker. ML, as she hadn’t deposited any money yet, had a seamless transaction with him. *phew*
Me, on the other hand...well, I would have to come back on Monday to see if the money made it into my account. I didn’t have a good understand of what transpired during the conversation. It may be the case that the machine worked it out, or maybe the employees had to do some stuff on their end, but as it stood, I just had to wait. *shrug* Oh well. C’est la vie.
We still went shopping, and we set up plans to get sushi that night (to see if it’s what we wanted for lunch the next day as well!), and then our plans changed abruptly. ML was invited over to a colleague’s house for drinks that night, and I was welcome to join. So naturally, I brought a bottle of wine and tried to pretend like I could socialize well with strangers.
All in all, we had a good time. I kept my mouth shut for the most part as the conversations tended to be about things necessitating multiple years of residency in China. Or any country other than the US, really. Eventually the conversation drifted over to topics about which I felt I could contribute (education, books, television shows), and I finally opened my mouth. I’m fairly certain I didn’t embarrass myself. I was, actually, invited to join their book club! (Which mostly just involves getting together to drink wine/beer and eat cheese while we haphazardly dissect the book.)
Day 6 required that I wake up at 6am, which actually had been my routine already. So it wasn’t too bad. While I was out getting the wine the previous night, I had managed to scrounge up enough food and drink to get me through what I was imagining would be a long day. The idea is that we would take a train to a bus stop, then busses to the entrance of some underground cave that has a river in it. After walking for about a mile underground, we would then climb a mountain, and then visit an ancient village that still has some residents who get by as subsistence farmers.
Now an official veteran of the subway station and bus routes, I was completely at ease. Or I would have been, if any of the three of us would have had the foresight to look up exactly where we were meeting the rest of the group! Fortunately, plans had changed with the group, which put them a bit behind schedule as well! We somehow ended up at the bus stop with 5 minutes to spare, met our guide(s), and a couple of other tourists.
I kind of had to cram myself into my seat on the bus, but eventually got comfortable and pulled out my book. I would finish on the bus ride. For Dan Brown, it was alright. I sort of predicted most of it well in advance, but I have to admit I didn’t see the twist with the Spanish King and the Bishop coming! That made me happy.
Anyway, the bus stopped once before the cave to pick up the rest of the crew (which included two more tourists I didn’t know, another tour guide, and last but certainly not least, NR). 
The bus ride was almost completely uneventful, although the other passengers might say that his driving left much to be desired. In fact, at one point, the second tour guide, while drinking some water, may have tossed her cookies... Fortunately, we were only 5 minutes from the cave, though none of us knew that except the bus driver.
Once off the bus, we were in what looked like an open square or pavilion sort of thing in small, mostly vacant village. In the distance, you could just make out what sounded like a radio. From where we stood, the mountains on our left were a stone’s throw away, and the ones on our right were not much further. Centuries ago, the sides of the mountains on our right were carved in tiers to make room for ample farmland. This was quite common in this region, apparently.
As for the cave, we had to wait 30 minutes before it opened. I distracted myself by wandering over to what looked like a series of 12 (turns out there were 12 more on the other side!) images depicting life long ago. One of them had a tiger mauling an older gentleman. Curious, I asked NR for help translating as the top right corner held three characters, two of which I knew said “24.” These were, to the best of our understanding, 24 ways to be respectful. The one with the tiger was apparently supposed to represent protecting your elders from wild animal attacks. Seemed a bit specific, but...*shrug*
I stuck pretty close to NR’s side for the rest of the day as ML and S were enjoying each others’ company, and everyone else in our group seemed to be in some sort of non-platonic pairing. This worked out as I could ask her question after question about the characters we saw, about the language, and I got to find out that, while I likened the long trek into the cave and our merry band of travelers to the 7 Dwarves heading off to work, she had apparently immediately thought of Indiana Jones.
The cave itself was fascinating, although no description I give will really convey much that you can’t glean from an American cave. Turns out rocks over here are pretty similar to rocks in the States. Who’da thought? *insert sarcastic look here* What was so interesting to me was how prominent the influence of their culture was on how they named the formations. They would describe something as looking like a dragon or a Buddha, but those were the furthest from my mind when I looked at them. I’ll post the pictures we got from the cave here later, so stay tuned for those!
As I mentioned before, there was a freshwater river in the cave, and we got to take a boat ride down and back! None of us could really articulate how strange this experience was better than, “I can’t believe I’m in a boat on a river about 1 km below the surface! How neat!” There are just some things that words fail to express.
And now that you’re away of just how far below the surface we were, you may be able to appreciate how arduous the walk back was! On the way in, we had the anticipation of impending coolness to keep us occupied around every turn. On the way out, it was more a drudge. And stairs. So many stairs. Just when you think you’re done with the stairs, you go through a doorway and there’s just as many more staring you in the face. *wordplay partially intended* After what felt roughly like the same amount of time I spent waiting patiently in the bank on Day 3, we were finally back on the surface and could enjoy our dried crab(?), crackers, dried plums, and cookies.
And there were dogs. Dogs with no collars. Dogs that just begged and begged for food. (Don’t worry, Mom, I didn’t pet them. At least not after the first one bit me...) I’m not really sure what breed they were, but I’ve definitely never seen any quite like these. They seem rather common up in the mountain villages, though. *shrug*
After our snack, we started our hike. Which had more stairs. Because of course it did! Why wouldn’t there be more stairs? A sloped path would have been one thing, but actual stairs?! The audacity!!
In actuality, it was quite nice. The fresh air was...refreshing. We didn’t have a weird sense of being slightly damp and mildly cold but also warm anymore as we were hiking in the sun. And judging by the small huts (I would learn later that they are called, or at least one is, a Phoenix Nest), we would have several opportunities for breaks!
I was somewhat mistaken. When we got the first one, everyone grabbed a spot on the benches, conversation picked up, and we munched on our snacks again. By this point, it couldn’t have been more than 30 minutes since we had last been relaxing. The view itself was outstanding, and I think everyone in the group really learned to appreciate what was almost certainly not a radio after all, but a local singing karaoke into a loudspeaker. And she only seemed to know one song. But she sang it nonstop for the entirety of the hike...
But I mentioned that I was mistaken. We could see more of the Phoenix Nests on higher and higher peaks around us, and the valley was nicely sprawled out below us. After 5 minutes of sitting there, I began to suspect that things were not what they seemed. Nobody seemed anxious to keep going. At all. In fact, everyone got rather comfortable. We probably sat up there for another 30 minutes chatting about whatever came up before the guide finally called us back to our feet. (Yes, one of the Europeans asked who I voted for in 2016; he approved of my response, and a long conversation about modern politics ensued amongst the 8 travelers, representing at least 6 different nations. It was quite fascinating. And I was the resident expert on America! Go figure!!)
Anyway, once we got our feet beneath us again, we made our way back to the trail.........and started going back down the mountain. That was it! That was the entire hike! But that was quite alright; I didn’t bring very good shoes for long walks or hikes, and I’d already been on my feet for 3+ hours.
After the uneventful descent, we got back in the van and made our way (uneventfully) to the ancient village. This village looked...very much like the one we came from. It was here that we had lunch (way more food breaks than I expected on this trip!), and we entertained ourselves with more conversation and bigger dogs. I’m guessing the tour guide wasn’t sure how to graciously convey to us that we should probably get going, because after sitting for waaaaaay too long with some of our food still unpacked, one of us had the bright idea to put it away, as a means to convey that we were maybe ready to see the village. Within seconds, our guide had us back on our feet and moving along.
The ancient village itself was something to behold. Very few of the buildings were still occupied, but there was a small restaurant in one of them with stone tablets of Chinese writing laid about. Probably 15 or 20 of them, each one giving me the impression of a Chinese-10-Commandments-Tablet.
The last stop in the village was the old farmlands, with the tiered bits of land making their way up the mountainside. We were primarily relegated into just one of these, but S managed to climb around, up onto the next one above us without the tour guide noticing. I felt his route was a bit too circuitous, so I just pulled myself straight up the wall, bracing myself with the lone tree in the area. I’m pretty sure ML and NR were concerned that I would get hurt. #lol
Eventually the guide called us to come back, to not venture too far, so S and I skulked back to the edge with our tails between our legs. Before the girls knew what I intended to do, I had already jumped the 10-or-so feet back down. S wasn’t quick enough, and he was preemptively admonished for considering it. Classic. I told him he needed to be quicker about it, and that there was a reason I jumped down when they weren’t looking.
After meandering about for a little while longer, we made our way back to the vans and began the long drive back to Beijing.
I alluded to this above, but it’s getting to be about that time that I have to go teach, and this is a somewhat-natural-stopping-point for the story. When I get back to this tomorrow morning (because I’m grabbing beers with colleagues after I teach), I’ll upload pictures into this post and finish the story!
0 notes
seo78580 · 6 years
IHob’s SEO Berson Is Brobably Buking Right Now…I Know I Am
It must be tempting for a brand to try to do the fun, edgy social media thing, like tease a new promotion or rebranding:
For 60 pancakin’ years, we’ve been IHOP. Now, we’re flippin’ our name to IHOb. Find out what it could b on 6.11.18. #IHOb pic.twitter.com/evSxKV3QmT
— IHOb (@IHOb)
Dear Internet, we abbreciate your batience. Now let’s see who guessed right. B-hold!!!!! #IHOb pic.twitter.com/Fh3SkZ7s3Y
— IHOb (@IHOb) June 11, 2018
com/IHOb/status/1003682801042915328?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>June 4, 2018
IHOb? What could it b? #IHOb
— IHOb (@IHOb) June 5, 2018
This b is an A+ #IHOb pic.twitter.com/QI5rg1sJSP
— IHOb (@IHOb) June 6, 2018
Our NEW burgers are so burgerin’ good, we changed our name to IHOb. For burgers. Go ahead, burger one today. #IHOb pic.twitter.com/lyciVZxAuH
— IHOb (@IHOb) June 11, 2018
Of course even when these campaigns go well on social media, we often see brands totally ignore the SEO components that could get the word out to those few people who for some reason aren’t using Twitter to find a place for lunch.
So I headed down to the local IHopb for lunch yesterday to grab a pburger and take a look at their SEO strategy, which surely they launched to support this bet-the-brand effort right?
As I pulled into the lot, my first impression was that this IHob thing is probably not a true rebranding and more like a temporary promotion to get us thinking that they are now a place to grab lunch cause, just like our President, everywhere I looked I was still getting hit in the face with P.
The signage on the door was a bit schizophrenic. They clearly were making a push for the “b”, but it was as if they hadn’t anticipated that stores might still have a lot of signs, again just like certain statesmen, that were covered with “p”.
So it shouldn’t surprise you that their website has similar issues.
Despite the rebrand, IHob was still rocking the ihop.com domain:
The good news is they had acquired ihob.com but apparently this burger thing was moving too fast to change domains or even put something up on Ihob.com. Probably not a bad idea as that can be tricky SEO-wise, but how about just redirecting ihob.com to ihop.com? Ihob.com would have likely acquired a spate of backlinks yesterday which would have helped when it came time to redirect ihop.com, and it probably would be ranking #1 in Google for “ihob” queries v. all these news results:
IHob SERP with search box and tweets removed
I guess this wasn’t a huge issue yesterday as the news is more important in spreading the word than the brand, but this SERP could easily start to show articles ridiculing the strategy or about how Wendys totally pwned them. And then they are going to want that ihob.com domain to be #1 for that query to try to control the message, or at least to help drown out the snark.
(note: sometime after 5pm PT they actually put a pic of a burger up on ihob.com but for most of the day it just read “coming soon”. Oh yeah and there are multiple indexable versions of the homepage)
And while the site sported an updated IHob logo, someone had forgotten to invite the store locator guys to the meetings: Scrolling down the homepage below the fold, it appears that maybe folks were a bit too busy with coming up with fun Tweet ideas to give the app team a heads up: But who cares if the branding on the site is inconsistent as long as people know we’re now all about burgers right? Good thing they updated the homepage title tags and meta descriptions to make sure people searching for them get the “we’re all about burgers now baby!” message:
Hey, I understand. The CMS is a POS and that “update title tag” JIRA ticket is on hold until we can find the guy who knows how to find the guy who knows how to update the title tags. So you did what any resourceful marketer would do, you had the dev guys create a hack so you could add a new “what’s new” page to showcase your new pbrogram:
For those of you without zoom capabilities, the title tag of that URL reads “Big Bold Omelettes and World Famous Pancakes”. This may not be so wrong as one of their new burgers is the “Big Brunch”:
I ended up going for the Jalapeño Kick which the manager mentioned was the most popular burger on the menu. But again the restaurant was sending me signals that this rebrand hadn’t really been well-thought out. For example, at the end of my table there was a sign for their burgers, but instead of bottles of ketchup and mustard, here’s what I saw:
Who doesn’t like a slathering of blueberry syrup on their burger? Actually, maybe I’m in the minority. Why else would they give you side options of fries, onion rings, fruit or…
Is it me or does it seem like iHob, like some other people in the news these days, really can’t quit the p?
And speaking of reluctance to change, let’s not forget about those Google My Business listings:
If IHop truly had rebranded they would have changed all of their GMB names (although I wouldn’t have been surprised if Google would have algorithmically rejected the change. I think Bill Slawski found a “just too damn ridiculous” patent once).
While I can’t say I am particularly impressed with the SEO effort, the burger had a surprisingly spicy jalapeño kick. Nothing a real chili-head would respect but it wasn’t super wimpy like most QSR spice-trend dishes. All in all, a fine low-brow burger.
As for the fries? They tasted pretty much like home fries that had been reshaped for lunch with a slight hint of yesterday’s Crispy Fish & Chips. And they only supplied me with a single flimsy napkin.
Of course they were as stingy with the napkins as they were with their new burger URLs in their XML sitemap.
Look, I get it. We’re doing MARKETING here baby and we don’t have time to do all your fancy optimizing. But think about how much time, effort and $ iHopb is putting into this campaign. Even if this is just a temporary stunt, iHopb does not appear to be appreciating the long-term advantage of tying an SEO strategy to a social campaign. Remember “Puppy Baby Monkey?” I bet Mountain Dew’s SEO guy remembers it as the time his company’s ad went viral on the Super Bowl but they never bothered to try to get the site or Mountain Dew’s Youtube channel to rank for the damn term: Speaking of time, I asked the iHopb manager when he was informed about the campaign. He said corporate had told him about a month ago and sent new menus, signage and videos with cooking instructions for the new burgers. Unfortunately his cooks had ignored the videos until that morning and now weren’t sure how to cook all of the different burgers which is what everyone had been ordering that day.
SEO in large organizations is a lot like those burger cooking videos. Requirements get sent to decision makers but they get ignored, or pushed down the priority list, until there’s an emergency and then there’s a mad scramble to figure out what went wrong and fix it.
As we like to say over here:
SEO is always the lowest priority, until it’s not…
— Andrew Burger (@localseoguide) May 6, 2016
And as they like to say on Twitter:
— Brad Dayspring (@BDayspring) June 11, 2018
The post IHob’s SEO Berson Is Brobably Buking Right Now…I Know I Am appeared first on Local SEO Guide.
from DIYS https://ift.tt/2JLQrUl
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notcryaotic · 7 years
Kelly and Acacia
"What's a wingman?" Kelly is almost baffled by the statement given to him,"Wha-What?" He brings his hands to his head, deciding if he even wants to pull his hair out which he votes against, it was much too pretty for that. "Okay, A wingman is me." "You?" He almost stutters in response at the questioning," PFT! Yes, Me. I'm the guy that's going to set you up with a lucky gal or pal." Abit of his Napoleon complex kicks in as he stands at the tips of his feet, trying to make his point as he spoke up at his taller pupil. Acacia cheeks marbel in pink, his face in his scarf to hide the sudden shyness he was venting out. It had been such a long time yet it felt too soon to be doing this,"I-I don't think I'm ready. I thought you said we were just going to get a few drinks." "And we are." Kelly had told Acacia prior that they were going to get drinks, but not that he wanted to set him up on a date. It would do the unicorn prince some good; He was a nice guy, had charming looks, and one of those magnetizing personalities. "Look," he steps into Acacia's lane, holding a hand to yield him from walking any further," You don't have to do it, but maybe you should talk to some people hear and there. Maybe you'll find someone who catches your intrest." "I guess you're right. It wouldn't do anyone harm," Acacia presses a smile. He notices that they've coincidentally reached their destination. The hanging sign above read 'Tavern' and it had a stunning view of the layout just from outside; Acacia had the broad window to thank for that. Again, he's about to step in but Kelly keeps that hand of his in it's stead. What a small baker, he inwardly comments. Kelly tug off the winter hat that reveals a giant patch of brown that held tons of body. It needs a small tousel that Kelly provides with his own hands. "The most important thing-" pausing, he untucks the casual button up from the other's shirt and hitches the wooly coat before continuing,"The most important thing you've gotta note is to be yourself." "Be myself?" "Yeah! Now tell me you're handsome." Acacia does his best to stifle a laugh but to no avail, apart of him sheepish to even do so," Why?" "Confidence booster, It's simple." "Okay." He inhales,"I'm handsome." Kelly is quick to jab his fist at the healer," Say it with ya chest!" "I'm handsome!" "Atta Acacia, I'll give you a pass," Kelly waves, stepping back into the open door entrance where the two were immediately greeted with warmth that flushed their cold faces. The Bar had been more filled than Acacia immediately thought outside. Of course he was nervous. He wasn't the type to go person to person, holding a conversation but Kelly was right. All he had to do was be himself. Eventually the right person would show intrest," Kelly." "Yeah?" He leans over, his voice much softer than usual. The two whispering as some eyes burn holes into them. "I think I've got this." "You sure?" Acacia nods reassuringly, leaving Kellian standing in the middle of the hazy lit area. The Baker sighs, it's sympathetic but proud as well. He's glad Acacia is taking it upon himself to socialize and meet new people. Still, Kellian keeps a close eye on his friend, tracking the hint of yellow that stuck out of the coat Acacia decided on wearing. Rest assured, Kelly leans against the counter, pulling out his phone, scrolling through a the chat forum he was apart of. It had been an hour or so since his last active post. SynthHya: So I've just finished my lastest chapter PomPercy: Good Job, You're such a dedicated artist.☺️ InquisitorBell: Hand it over, I'm already showing symptoms of withdrawal AsheSandstorms: Not a good sign. InquisitorBell: Only Joking Old man PomPercy: 😏Gideon might say otherwise SynthHya: My Eyes. InquisitorBell: [InquisitorBell has logged off] SynthHya: 😂 PomPercy: Oh my. PomPercy: Wait! Comeback! SynthHya: I don't think he's coming back 😂 NoFace: Is it time to put Cannolis in Donuts, Ash? SynthHya: 💀😂 Nice one PomPercy: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 AsheSandstorms: [AsheSandstorms has logged off] "I'll have two glasses of Spicy vodka on rocks. One for me and the guy on his phone." Of course Kelly is quick to turn his attention to the voice next to him. His face, It had an indescribable expression. The only emotion that could be put to it was anger, not really geared towards him, but at something far greater. "Uh?" "The man you came in with, he mean something to you?" Damn, Well that was strait to the point. Acacia caught himself a fish. Kelly's ear perks up, in full intrest, a smile creeping on his face at the guy who had to be about the same age as he,"Friend of mine," he takes the glass that is place infront of it, just barely bringing the edge to his lips,"Interested? He's a really nice-" A hand reaches out to take a hold of the wrist just before Kelly could even take a drink. Heat radiating from the touch, skin intaking some of the growing flame. The man's hair almost seemed to grow more vibrant than ever. Brown? Gold? Orange? He couldn't put a color to it but they reminded him of marigolds. Kelly's face darkness, and he's not his usually cheery self, certainly not the sweet baker boy everyone knew so well,"Might wanna let go, Handsome. Now is not the best time." "Let go? Now why would I do that when I can cook you here and now," Jie matches the threating tone, his voice lowering a few octaves as he spoke into the Misfit's ear. A small smile twists into Kelly's lips, wincing only slightly as the burning flames of his new acquaintance's hand began to sear at his fair skin."Well," He gambles," You don't want to hurt Acacia, what if he get's in the mix. Whose's to blame?" Much to his dismay, Acacia's friend was right. His own abilities though powerful were not all that tameable and thus he had some troubles controlling them to their full extent. Acacia was probably the only person he cared deeply for. "Smartly said," Jie admits, releasing his grip," Next time, you won't be so lucky." "And the last thing you want to do is underestimate me." Jie makes his leave, tucking both his hands in his pockets and exiting the Tavern with a growing smirk on his face," We'll see about that." Whoever he was had to have some sort of connection or relation to Acacia. It alarmed Kelly and raised a couple of flags. How could they possibly know each other? he wonders, rubbing the bubbling skin in his wrist. "Kelly." "Y-yeah?" He almost shoots out his chair and brings the sleeve down to hide the burn. Acacia is surpise with how unsettled Kelly had been just now, he seemed fine when he left him about fifteen minutes ago," You alright?" "...I'm fine."
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