talkingtea · 2 years
I think we’re all aware that she’s an adult who can make her own decisions. And sure, if he and the wife are separated, she may no longer be a “homewrecker”. That doesn’t make her decision to go back to him any better, especially when you factor in his history. Go take a peek at the Controversies section on his wikipedia, re-read what TalkingTea posted about his other girls a couple days ago, and then come back and tell me you think this is a good relationship for her. The man had assault charges against him, got fined for posting a naked pic of his ex-girl, and got his friend killed in a car accident. So yeah, sure, she’s and adult who can make her own decisions. And we’re also adults who get to call her out when she’s making shitty ones. (Such as abandoning her own dog for this man… sorry I’m still not over that.)
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blood-orange27 · 6 years
GG and CP Shit
@talkingtea for everyone to see
I have a theory about CP and GG. I want to preface this by saying it is more than likely a REACH, but eff it, I like to believe in things that are not necessarily true and I LOVE to ship people that might potentially be together in the future even if it never happens. I’m messy bitch that lives for the drama of it all! Also please ignore how much thought and effort was put into this, I was off for a week and got bored/slightly obsessed with TF for a while.
I don’t have an instagram, but from all the screenshots, videos and research all the other Grandice shippers have done I have almost everything I need to posit that GG and CP might be a little more than friendly coworkers and if not now at least at some point in time. But this specifically is all through Instagram posts and a few interviews so bear with me in my analysis of their friendship.
First background evidence: I scrolled through GG’s entire instagram and I noticed that compared to his other relationships (since 2011 anyway) he posts about LA WAY more than any other girl he’s dated. Even his actual long time girlfriend, Hannah, that he was dating when he started the Flash (I think they dated for 4 years), he posted pics of the two of them together maybe 5 or 6 times on his entire Instagram (which might be due to the fact that they broke up and he deleted some photos I know). GG’s photos with Hannah were often way more discreet rather than the constant in-your-face photos he posts with LA.  Especially when you factor in that he didn’t start dating LA until 2016 and then a year later (maybe longer or shorter I’m not sure) they’re engaged?! Now, It could be that GG actually found “the one” and he wanted to jump on the opportunity fast instead of “wasting” another 4 years of his and her life because he’s older now and might think marriage is the most logical step for someone his age, idk. But I mean GG and LA started off hot on Instagram with pics of them together unlike him and Hannah (again maybe she liked her privacy since she was a dancer for Beyonce or didn’t like being shown off), 6but it really puts things in perspective when you consider how in love GG and LA seemed so quickly.
Looking at Hannah’s Instagram the first pic she ever posted of GG was in 2012.
Second photo of GG wasn’t until a year later https://www.instagram.com/p/YjcnmCiBO4/?taken-by=hannahdlaine
In the middle of 2013 she seemed really in love with GG here… him not so much, lol jk :P and this was also the last time she posted a picture of GG on her Instagram (unless she deleted some)  https://www.instagram.com/p/bQfJucCBDF/?taken-by=hannahdlaine
From then on she seems to post more about GG’s dogs than him. I think she’s just naturally private about her relationships in general. Also it seems she was too busy being on tour with Beyonce to maintain a relationship based off her posts. But Jett (GG’s dog) seems to be sporadically in her posts through August of 2015 so they were dating at least until then. I think August is where things might have officially ended for the two. More on that in a bit.
As I said GG only posted about her a few times. Hannah and GG in April 2014 https://www.instagram.com/p/mtUohGAVN5/?taken-by=grantgust
The last photo of Hannah on GG’s Instagram  was in June of 2014 so... https://www.instagram.com/p/pZavdmgVKi/?taken-by=grantgust you see where his head was at once the Flash started.
The first pic LA ever posted of her and GG was in April of 2016 with a seemingly innocent caption https://www.instagram.com/p/BEoz5JcC47I/?taken-by=lathoma3 meaning they could have started dating around then or could have just been friends. But if they were dating then that means GG and LA really did get engaged only a year later, wow! LA posted another pic in May 2016 of two pairs of feet with one pair that might have belonged  to GG since he tends to rock Converses and some of the comments thought it was him too https://www.instagram.com/p/BFW5zUTC482/?taken-by=lathoma3 So they possibly knew each other for a little while.
Interestingly, the first picture GG ever posted of him and LA was not until August of 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BJJNna5BOvd/?taken-by=grantgust which means they could have started dating earlier but he wanted to wait to post her until he knew it was something serious. However, looking at the caption, you wouldn’t explicitly know they were dating yet unless you followed her. From then on he posts pictures of the two of them, starting off slow with maybe one every few weeks then it becomes quite consistent with him posting pics of them every few days.
Another thing I noticed after they started dating is what some people have pointed out in that GG does not seem to post or interact with CP as much since. But it seems like they were actually interacting more after he met and started dating LA. I used to believed that all the social media interaction and “flirting” you used to see between CP and GG may have caused his relationship with Hannah to end. 12But after going through his Instagram it seems like he was less likely to talk or interact with Candice on Social Media until the end of 2015 and into 2016. Some interviews may prove otherwise but for the most part not really. I’ll explain why.
Looking back: when GG and CP first began the show in 2014 it seemed like all the photos of the two of them were platonic or group shots and he rarely posted just a photo of the two of them. Probably bc he was still in a good relationship with Hannah and was not trying to look thirsty. Most of GG and CP’s 1st pics together are group shots of him and the cast and the captions are friendly but not flirtatious at all. I cannot speak for twitter tho. The only post that seemed mildly spicy during this time was this one and it refers to both CP and DP in June of 2014 https://www.instagram.com/p/o3xg3AgVD4/?taken-by=grantgust and even that was nothing to get excited about. Some people even pointed out that GG was acting weird or distant during the 2015 San Diego Comic Con which might have been due to the fact that his relationship with Hannah was starting to crumble. That’s when things began to change in October of 2015 when GG posted this, calling CP his Bae https://www.instagram.com/p/86yZm8gVK1/?taken-by=grantgust Which seemed a bit flirty even if only for the show and Westallen shippers. I think GG and Hannah were already separated during this time and he wanted to start publicly flirting with Candice. Also if you look at his Holiday pics around the end of 2015, https://www.instagram.com/p/_uRaiXgVJM/?taken-by=grantgust
Hannah is nowhere to be found and usually you bring and show off a partner during the holidays especially if they’ve been together so long. This makes me think they definitely broke up around the end of the summer in 2015.
When 2016 started he was full on macking on Candice because he knew he could do so more now that he was single. As soon as 2016 started GG and CP were flirting A LOT more (possibly to push the WestAllen storyline or maybe they actually just like to flirt). But it seemed to be more blatant in 2016 with Grant posting a pic of them with the smirk emoji in January at the Golden Globes https://www.instagram.com/p/BAZF5jRAVD9/?taken-by=grantgust and notice how the other pics he posted with women at the Golden Globes were captions stating how they were homies but not with CP https://www.instagram.com/p/BAZGTwpgVEa/?taken-by=grantgust
Grant posting those tweets about his kissing skills to CP was in June 2016. https://twitter.com/grantgust/status/746735191276675072?lang=en
There is no way of knowing exactly when he started dating LA so I can only go off of his 1st Instagram pic with her in August. But it did seem like when the pics of him and LA became more consistent, the flirting between him and CP slowed down a bit.
Let us examine for a moment Candice’s Instagram pics and see if they align with Grant’s. Starting right off the bat Candice was also in a relationship in 2012 that she showed off a little with a few pics like this https://www.instagram.com/p/OXUGUcRb9M/?taken-by=candicekp but she was still quite private about the whole thing so I’m not sure when this relationship ended. As 2014 starts and she’s casted in the Flash she seems to follow the same procedure as Grant for the most part. Only posting group shots and nothing flirtatious in the slightest (I’m guessing because she was being respectful of GG and Hannah’s relationship) and she may have still been dating the guy from earlier I mentioned, again who really knows. She did post a lot of pics with the Rick Cosnett during this year (Eddie from TF) https://www.instagram.com/p/3AQAEuRb2W/?taken-by=candicekp
So there may have been something between those 2 or it might have just been because they had a lot of intimate scenes together season 1 and got close.The first pic of just the two of them (GG and CP) outside of the show was at the end of 2014 with a behind the scenes shot with no discernable flirtation going on in the caption but the photo looks a little spicy https://www.instagram.com/p/wzwy6zxb1t/?taken-by=candicekp The 1st pic that showed any feign of interest was in early 2015 when she posted a pic of just GG asking fans to vote for him at the KCA’s https://www.instagram.com/p/zjMbz2xb9Z/?taken-by=candicekp which was probably just a friendly gesture.  I know she was single in 2015 bc she posted memes of being single.https://www.instagram.com/p/zGG-wuxb6o/?taken-by=candicekp https://www.instagram.com/p/3kEPySRb6_/?taken-by=candicekp
I’m not sure how long she had been single but if was for a while judging from the posts. The next day however she posts an animated fan art pic https://www.instagram.com/p/zlKdFyRb6t/?taken-by=candicekp of Westallen kissing so again, she could just be her showing appreciation to the fan art and promoting the show, but who knows! A few weeks later she posts just a pic of GG saying he gives the best giggles which is suspicious but not too much https://www.instagram.com/p/z22Rncxb8z/?taken-by=candicekp
However, In May of 2015 she posts a sneaky photo of GG and uses the hashtag #toocute https://www.instagram.com/p/28r2acxbxg/?taken-by=candicekp which seems a little flirty but again he was still with Hannah at the time even if it was falling apart. It seems as GG’s relationship was on the rocks with Hannah he began getting closer to CP.
Then BOOM 2016 starts and she reposts GG’s photo of them at the Golden Globes with a caption of “avec mon ami” (meaning something along the lines of “with my friend”...yeah ok) https://www.instagram.com/p/BAZ_6btxbxh/?taken-by=candicekp  From then on she seems to post more Westallen fan art and some other suggestive photos that make me believe their “friendship” was growing stronger in 2016. Even at the 2016 San Diego Comic Con they had their arms linked in one interview. But it seems as though as the year went on, just as GG started posting their friendship less, so did CP. Which could be due to GG being in the Honeymoon phase of his relationship and investing in LA hard. But we cannot forget this adorable photo he snapped of CP in the Beginning of 2017 https://www.instagram.com/p/BPwcPEgBgx2/?taken-by=grantgust Also SDCC 2017 happened and GG and CP seemed to be quite close during their interviews. There was the “Daddies” comment CP posted on Tom’s Instagram and then GG liked it. There was also FanExpo they did in Vancouver in November 2017 which was great Grandice tea as well since GG kept interacting with CP and Zoe throughout the entire panel.  If anything, I would say 2016 and 2017 were their years of the most flirtatious interaction, so far.
Also around the time GG and LA got engaged in April 2017 GG disabled comments on his Instagram posts from then to August of 2017. If anyone has any evidence of why he chose to do so, I would greatly appreciate it. I think he did it because of all the backlash he might have gotten from fans about the engagement, since it wasn’t to CP LOL! But it was definitely strange to say the least.
*Now I have nothing against LA personally, I actually want to like her because she reps my alma mater, The Ohio State University, constantly, and she may even be from Ohio like me and it kinda makes me happy that GG might have found a nice girl from Ohio. However, after reading multiple threads and accounts about her personality and potentially being racially insensitive or problematic that made me reconsider things (but I did not see explicit PROOF of this so I am still on the fence about it)*
But it is quite strange that GG posts about them like they’ve been together for years. It could also be because they’re still in the Honeymoon phase and that’s when people usually take the most pictures together and want others to know they’re in a relationship. Now they’re engaged and I thought I heard somewhere that the wedding won’t be until next year (I could be wrong tho). This will really put their relationship to the test because wedding planning can make or break a couple in some cases. And since they are long distance most of the time, it could prove fatal for their romance like it did with Hannah. Again this is all speculation and probably means nothing because I don’t know them personally and don’t see all aspects of their relationship on a daily basis. But isn’t it weird that you want to show off someone that much that you haven’t dated that long?? There are theories about it being fake and that’s the only reason I would believe it, because it seems to be a little rushed.
People who think CP and LA don’t like each other seem to forget this pic https://www.instagram.com/p/BehDLHYn2tn/?taken-by=grantgust from Grant in January this year, showing that they can all hang out outside of the show and it not be weird. Although we weren’t there and CP and LA could have been side-eyeing each other the entire time lol, but again not likely and we will never know for sure bc we were not there.
Here is how I think it all went down if you believe that GG and CP ever liked each other, hooked up, dated briefly, etc. GG and Hannah seemed to be in a loving relationship, especially in 2013 which was one year after they supposedly started dating (remember Honeymoon phase). That’s also when Hannah had the most photos of him on her Instagram. In 2014 they were still dating, but as Hannah became more busy with Beyonce and Grant got casted in the Flash, they didn’t get to see each other as much and maybe their relationship suffered or they naturally drifted apart. Seeing as the last pic Grant ever posted of her was in 2014 it seems he had gotten too busy or maybe it was meeting Candice that made him rethink things.  I also believe Hannah doesn’t like to post about her relationships as much as GG does which might be why he likes to post so much with LA since he never really could with Hannah since she was always away and she liked to keep her relationship private. Since they broke up around the end of 2015, it makes sense why he started openly flirting with CP more on Insta, he knew he could and maybe he wanted to be to see if there was something there. Perhaps CP turned him down because she didn’t want to be the rebound since he was just getting out of a long-term relationship, but she didn’t mind a little harmless flirting. LA didn’t care obviously and dated him anyway. If GG and LA really did start dating in early 2016, it looks suspicious for him to be that smitten that quickly after a breakup like that, but what do I know, he could really love the girl. But remember GG didn’t start posting  pics of LA until towards the end of 2016 and during that summer at SDCC he and CP seemed to interact more, were closer in some interviews and were linking arms in one interview and he seemed happier than the previous year. Also it’s weird how close and touchy feely GG was being after he got engaged to LA during the 2017 Comic Con and FanExpo interviews.
REACH ALERT!! All the flirtation in interviews and SM interaction is GG and CP’s way of being together without looking too suspicious and soon GG will realize this and ends things with LA. Or both CP and GG want to be together but want to wait until the Flash ends so it doesn’t interfere with the show’s dynamic if it doesn’t work out. That doesn’t explain why he’s marrying LA tho unfortunately :/
But in all honesty I think in general GG and CP just like to keep their friendship private unless they’re in public which makes it harder to hide. Once again I want to say this is all just speculation and fun. More than likely they’re just friends that sometimes like to play up their relationship in public for the show to keep the viewers interested and ratings up.  Maybe they’re attracted to one another and they just don’t click well as a couple or they don’t want to ruin their friendship bc they know it will affect their interaction on the show.
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
I'm low key tempted to reblog all of @talkingtea's responses to asks sent in about Candice saying she and Grant are flirts.
But that would srsly clog up y'all's timelines, so imma resist.
For now.
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drnotreallystrange · 4 years
Talking turd cp shipper in the wild
This is what their brain rot ultimately leads to.
While the rest of humanity tries to eradicate injustice and inequalities, these morons want to re-establish 19th century racism with their “melanin superiority” bullshit. Whoever uses “bland white...” as an insult, makes blanket statements about whole ethnic groups, or thinks that she has some magic hormone that makes her into something special is NOT ONE BIT better than a KKK asshole thinking his dumb ass is the master race. And whoever gives these morons any kind of power will only regret it.
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iriswestsallen · 4 years
Are u talkingtea
i just looked it up & apparently these are the people that run that blog @briellableu and @teletalker   x
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tea-related · 4 years
Recently I started listening to talkingtea podcasts to learn more about the many facets of tea and the cultures surrounding it. The podcasts are very informative and focus on one theme per session, inviting a guest to talk about their expertise on the specific subject.
The newest podcast is about the Korean way of tea and gives more insight in the tea culture and history in Korea. If you are interested in cultures, histories and tea definitely give this a try!
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yeahwestallen · 6 years
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Somebody better get this man @talkingtea wtf
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agentsofsheilds · 6 years
Thank you, @witchlights​ for tagging me!
Rules: tag 9 people with excellent taste
Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: pink, white and blue
Last band I saw live: some romanian band I think
Last song I listened to: Tip Toe- Jason Derulo, French Montana
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick, usually none
Last TV Shows I watched: Agents of SHIELD, The Originals, The 100
Last YouTube video I watched: The Flash Star Candice Patton Plays “Who’s most likely to”
3 Characters I indetify with: Tony Stark, Peter Parker and Jackson Whittemore
Books I’m currently reading: City of Ashes- Cassandra Clare and a lot of fanfiction
i’m tagging: @stephanieelionheart @18-sweet-poisoned-heart @barryandiriswest-allen @gcddessofdeath @stilesbaby @stileshale @talkingtea @trash-writes-thiam @fandomtrashwhore
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gr-andice · 6 years
an addition to shady post 2...
1. Unconscious self-grooming (stroking his tie, smoothing – or tousling – his hair etc.)
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*bonus twinning moment ;) oh and there are probably a ton more i can’t find right now
2. Standing close to you (this has cultural overtones, but in general a man will approach you and stand as close as socially acceptable)
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3. He checks out your body (he’s already done that, but now he lets you see him do it)
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4. He will lend you his coat (it’s a protective and possessive gesture. **Or if someone beats him to it he’ll whisper-yell across several people to let you know he cares**
**can’t find it but cue paleyfest 2017**
*Not to be left out, women have their signals too…
1. Pouting and licking her lips while lowering her eyelids and gazing upward at the man
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2. Laughing At Your Jokes. While it’s true that women like a man who can make them laugh, it’s worth noting that she might not be laughing because you’re the funniest guy at the bar. She might be laughing just because she likes you.
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**this vid: https://www.instagram.com/p/BeiHfwdFRFZ/
*And of course there’s mirroring…
1. Mirror Image: Here’s an interesting fact: men (and women, for that matter) will subconsciously start mirroring your movements or gestures when they’re feeling flushed. You might notice certain aspects of your body language are being adopted. The bigger and more common replications are things like how you’re standing, how you’ve positioned your body, how you’re sitting, etc. But a guy might be head-over-heels if he starts mimicking your hand gestures and other smaller ticks.
**see first image in this post and....
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credit: @talkingtea​
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talkingtea · 2 years
wait does the westallen fandom really want iris to divorce him? the original Barry from the first 5 seasons (right until EW took over and wrote him OOC) would do literally anything for the love of his life and she was his literal rock. he would’ve spent every waking moment looking for her and would be depressed any other moment. this isn’t our Barry, just a terribly written version. and if we want them to divorce then aren’t we doing what EW wants?? making Barry neglectful and dislikable enough to the point where we wish they break up? he wants us to feel this way so westallen will be gone!! the real westallen is the heart of the show and would do anything for each other. they don’t deserve a divorce because of stupid ass EW who hates Black women trying to ruin them ://
It’s a joke…but at the same time, not really. Iris deserves a man that loves her, protects her and puts her first and while that used to be Barry that’s not him now and we highly doubt with Eric in charge try that anything will change.
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xswestallen · 6 years
I think Grant is done with IG for good. He hasn't been on in a week. I'm so mad at the haters who hated on his relationship because it's their fault he's gone. They bullied him and La. Now his real fans don't get to see his pics and vids. I confronted the talkingtea bloggers about their hate and they actually had the nerve to blame Grant! I hate them so much & I'm not alone. I'm glad people are standing up to them recently. They are getting more pushback for their hatefulness.
I agree with you and I hate that blog too. But honestly, I think you’re wasting you’re time trying to talk to them. They don’t listen to reason. They know what they’re doing is wrong and they don’t care. Instead of hearing out people’s criticisms, they just make a snarky, wannabe funny comment and their hardcore followers just praise them for their saltiness. It’s a sad cycle.
Report them, block them, and move on. They have always been bullies and probably always will be. I think it’s great people are calling them out, but they’re only going to respond with more bullying. It’s all they know how to do.
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
I've been curious about this for a long time...why do u think gg is with LA if he has had feelings for CP since the start of tf?
I think b/c being w/ CP would’ve been too complicated and had too many immediate negative consequences (i.e. Pressure from the media + hate specifically towards Candice from everyone who was already not a fan of Iris). Grant doesn’t really know how to function w/o being in a relationship (even if it’s just the appearance of one), so instead of waiting for the appropriate time to pursue Candice, he sought out a new significant other as fast as he could. Once publicly involved w/ her though, that also proved difficult to even gradually get out of while not looking horrible, so he pushed the relationship forward and embraced how good it looked on insta instead of slowly letting it deteriorate on all sides, and now he’s stuck w/ what he’s got. Idk if what he had w/ LA was ever all that real. If it was in the beginning, there’s still no denying she was a rebound, so…
I’m sure @talkingtea has more thoughts on this though.
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drnotreallystrange · 4 years
Dumbest post today...
 ... comes of course from talkingtea your friendly neighborhood blog.
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You wish ... because black people
would never lie
would never toss out the “racist” slur just to further their own agendas
are always literal angels, selfless and trustworthy
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No, you dumb bitches, it does not work like that. You don’t get to cancel people just because they did not ass-kiss cp enough.
I’ve one for you: cancel those who use racist slurs like “Uncle Tom” or “mammy”, or “coon” LIKE CPs FUCKING THUG STANS DO ALL THE TIME on Dani Nicolet.
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You should check out kyannaj and/or talkingtea's blogs for info about GG's blocking spree
Thank you, and I will, I just hate how people are hating on Grant for NO reason!!!
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emmaspirate · 7 years
Spill it girl (re: GG 's S, M interactions with CP). I think it's because of his fiancée. Either she's insecure and jealous or perhaps GG wants to prove to her (or the world) that he's bf/fiancé #goals. That's my theory 😉
I defs think LAT plays a part. Whenever GG has a significant other he seems to get a little cagey with CP at least on social media. same thing happened with Hannah. I also think that GG had/has a thing for CP, not saying that anything ever happened and I’m sure it’s harmless but he treats her so differently from the rest of the cast, and yet when we see them irl they seem to be close, that it makes me think there’s something going on with her specifically. And yeah I def agree that GG has a tendency to try and be “the best bf” in his relationships even if he doesn’t always back that up. There’s a great blog (@/talkingtea) that explore that dynamic and while I don’t agree with everything on there they make some good points
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