#and the possibility of byler
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Reading reddit bro theories can actually be fun and educational if it's just speculation about the supernatural happenings and the lore surrounding everything going on, completely seperate from byler. Now I wouldn't say this about all of them or the posts on there, but a select few do get input in the comments from people that are smart.
And this is because a lot of them are nerds. Like they know about weird shit most people don't. I remember reading something a while back about the significance of shadows in the story and someone went into grave detail about how it made sense for the revelation of the UD and everything to be tied to the meaning behind this repetition of shadows being talked about throughout the series. And it's like, they're so close. The only problem is they completely ignore a big lens of how to look at the show, so it's not like you can take everything they say as gospel or anything.
But still, it does help to get a different perspective. What happens often with people with differing interpretations is that you'll both tend to miss/pick up on things that others don't! And so there are pros to getting some brainstorming about theories over there... but then there's also the con of homophobia so its like, I'd rather not.
#byler#stranger things#reddit rambles#its so weird when ppl get borderline angry at the mere mention of will and mike on there#like i've seen probably 100s of post on there over the years with people coming on to say they found Erica annoying#and those posts stay up no problem#w people in the comments just spewing hate over a character...#and they have the nerve to flag and report posts merely mentioning/speculating about byler#bc there repeat posts...#like i know for a fact after being on there for a few years that byler used to be something that came up rarely in the past#now with wills sexuality being confirmed#they're seeing an influx in posts about will being gay#and the possibility of byler#but it's like maybe a couple dozen#NOTHING compared to repeat topics that circulate in that tag daily#and yet they're using this concept of too many byler posts being a valid reason for removing them...#when usually they only have like one post in their overall catalogue comparable to it...#bc 1 post about byler is too many#like they're soooo uncomfortable is hard to watch#and that's why i left there#bc on the rare occasion a will byers/byler post would come out#it would be annihilated with snappy assholes#and then of course they keep up posts that hype of milkvan and hate on any possibility of byler#like they'll start it with 'unpopular opinion'#only for everyone on reddit to agree with them minus like maybe 2 100 downvoted comments being considerate of the possiblity#and then be like oh nvm not an unpopular opinion i guess#THERES A REASON THE DUFFERS RESENT YALL#BC YOUR SO CLOSE MINDED#YOU ARE THE FAN SERVICE REMEMBER THAT
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fairyrona · 4 months
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when everything's made to be broken (i just want you to know who i am) by @hoteadepresso pt 1
‘Stop.’ Will forced out, shaking his head in disbelief, hurt painting his features ‘Mike, that’s not funny. It’s mean.’ He thought he was joking. Mike was throwing his bleeding heart onto his floor, and he thought it was some sort of a prank. Fuck. ‘You really think I would joke about it?’ his voice sounded like it came from far away, weak and broken. His hand twitched, yearning to touch Will, to take his hand, to brush his fingertips against his warm skin for just one second even if that was all he could ever get.
late happy birthday present for Alex, the bestestest person out there!!!
a little bit of backstory; Once upon a time user @hoteadepresso wrote a fic (click here!!) (read it, its fucking amazing!!!!!!) which I immediately wanted to make fanart of, so, ofc it took me like, over a year to finish just this pt 1 <33
thus, the artstyle changes, which are a thing in this thing
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conanssummerchild · 17 days
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that one post that was like mike needed his platonic bestie rubbing his back and calling him petnames to tell el he loves her or smth
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kaiminluu · 10 months
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"when you slam the door i think you know, that you won't be away too long, you know that i'm not that strong"
hi @campbyler you destroyed me
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axquiva · 10 months
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unlockedcuriositydoor · 10 months
Joyce being the one to whom Will once said, "I'm not gonna fall in love," and Joyce also being the one to whom Will finally says, "I love him."
That'd be quite nice.
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strawberrybyers · 2 days
if the rumors are true about casting a younger mike, will, and jonathan then i think i will actually go into cardiac arrest if we get a flashback scene of them. like i truly feel like if they’re going to have a scene of them when they’re much younger then it’s because vecna is showing memories to mike or will. i’m praying it’s mike who gets vecna’d because we need a tour of that boy’s brain
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ghostlycleric · 8 days
I’m pretty sure Mike and El are the only couple in the show that don’t have shared interests.
Lucas and Max: Arcade games
Dustin and Suzie: Science/Technology
Jonathan and Nancy: Documenting life (Through Photography/Journalism)
Joyce and Hopper: Investigation (Hop was a cop, Joyce is Joyce) +caring for their kids
Mike and El are never given any interest that they both have and do together. Their relationship isn’t even given much volume beyond their trauma bonding. They actually went out of their way to have El dismissing Mike’s interests and only have El gain her own when she’s away from Mike.
With every other couple we have scenes of their shared interests adding to their relationship. Scenes that prove that their dynamic is rooted in a real, not-purely-physical connection.
There is one other couple who didn’t have shared interests… (*cough* Steve and Nancy *cough* who are broken up *cough*).
Mike and Will by default have a lot of shared interests. They’d be the only best friends to lovers in the show (which is actually crazy in a show with so many couples and friendships). DnD, despite being the root of the party itself, is specifically tied to these two in an interesting way. They’ve used dnd a few times as text above a more romantic subtext, which I feel like deserves its own post.
(I feel like it’s worth noting that technically they have Art (writing and painting), but Mike’s interest in writing has never been specifically confirmed in the show, so I’m not counting that.)
I’d be really interested in seeing canon byler having an isolated interest in season 5 that goes beyond subtext. Even if it’s still dnd, just isolated.
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cloudycleric · 2 months
i believe inside mike wheeler has a love for the world & his friends that is unmatched by anything or anyone he has ever met, i just know that boy is capable of having & does have a heart filled with love. that boy is a love filled boy & i cannot wait for him to realize that
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snixx · 6 months
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chirpsythismorning · 1 month
s5 byler real
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wheelercurse · 1 year
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He definitely wouldn’t have let them do that shitty plan in s4. 
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starbylers · 4 months
The thing I’m most anticipating is the moment that everything clicks for Mike. That precise second where he realises just how deeply and irrevocably in love with him Will is. Will. His first friend. His best friend. Will who made him that amazing painting (his words!) and told Mike how important he is, how inspiring he finds him. The person he trusts more than anyone, the person he’s the most emotionally open with in the whole world. The weight of that realisation is going to be insane, like imagine being in his position. It’s the kind of turning point in a friendship you just can’t come back from. How do you be normal after that? How do you speak to him in the same close intimate way you did before without looking into his eyes and thinking….what if?
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kaiminluu · 1 year
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cleradin fixes my allergies so well you could call them claritin
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bylertruther · 1 year
once mike realizes and accepts that he's not straight he's gonna think back to his "i'm the only one acting normal here! i'm the only one that cares about will!" outburst at the dinner table and cringe himself to death at 3am on a school night btw
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apocalyptic-byler · 4 months
the sharing a room and/or bed theory is getting truer and truer by the minute btw
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