#and the villain (that hired jason) was like '??? red hood youre supposed to be on MY side'
roseworth · 2 years
wait that post about deathstroke is so hilarious isnt he supposed to be better than bruce 💀
fsjhfasdjfhad yeah lmaoooo dc loves to act like deathstroke is a god amongst men and the greatest fighter ever but. i mean he regularly gets his ass kicked by a team that has TEEN in the name. im tired of dc acting like hes so cool and dangerous. he is just some guy
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redjaybathood · 2 years
Roy and Jason really do make sense in a lot of ways. Their backstories allow for so much character reflection and growth. I really think putting them on a team together is brilliant and considering at one time Jason was going to be Nightwing Outsiders would have had him and Roy on a team. I think if instead of Kori Blackfire had been the third member it would have worked better. Lobdell has a lot of interesting ideas I think that he not only can't execute but some how ruins with his writing.
*gasps* Jason was going to be Nightwing? I never heard that and honestly, I would have hated that T_T. Stephanie was supposed to be a Nightwing (Smallville comics universe), and she would have been a great one. Alas.
I don't know if a team-up Jason - Roy - Komand'r would have worked. Unlike Dick, a common element for their respective backstories if it's Kory on the line-up, there's nothing I could see that ties them together. If we take Komand'r, we replace Roy, too. But who we replace Roy with? Eh, say it's Grant Wilson. Hear me out:
1) Everyone gets a redemption arc; in this case, all three of them need a redemption arc (and Roy and Kory didn't because they did nothing wrong! Nothing to redeem!)
2) Shitty parents galore + traumatize your father back attitude (only instead of a father it's basically any family member). So - common themes, dealing with families being shitty along with you being shitty to your family. Because it's not a mutually exclusive thing and, in fact, very related in a lot of cases. Families are complicated!
3) Jason and Grant bond over being formerly dead, Grant and Komand'r bond over being victims of non-con human experimentation
4) Their siblings being heroes, an important point. Their siblings on the same team, this is the, whatchacallit, a ready-made foil. Being on opposite ends, never to be forgiven, while also being people who know a very private part of your soul the best because shared experiences. Layers and layers of sibling dynamics. Ideally - reconciliation between Komand'r and Koriand'r (retcon some of the worst shit Komand'r did to Kory; honestly, I liked what Titans did, for example); Grant and Joey enmity weren't an enmity in the first place but more like, you're a hero and I'm a merc for hire, how can we even interact and not betray everything we stand for - but they don't really need a reconciliation when Grant still an Outlaw but not a merc anymore; and Jason and Dick... Possibly, NO reconciliation. Just to round it out. But it's a dealer choice, really. It doesn't have to play out exactly as I described but some focus should be on Outlaws vs Titans, Outlaws & Titans, and the respective siblings dealing with each other.
Also, the series would have been called not Red Hood and Outlaws, but just Outlaws. And Jason wouldn't be Red Hood at all, but instead taking up Red X moniker.
Re: Lobdell and ideas. Eh, he needs a really good editor. And sensitivity readers.
I would rather Winnick wrote Outlaws, tbh. I know Winnick has his issues. For example, his GA stuff is widely hated by Green Arrow fandom. But UtRH was good. And that's exactly the quality of writing and characterization and ability to make a villain (or anti hero in this case) endearing that Outlaws need. I am open to other suggestions, but I just don't know the writers of that era that much.
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soulmate-game · 4 years
“Alright, so tonight is going to be fairly standard. Arkham is silent, and there’s no solid leads on what any of the free rogues might be up to. Harley is sick and Ivy is stuck at home taking care of her, so they aren’t going to be up to anything on either side of the law for a few days. Catwoman is the only person we’d have to look out for right now, but her kleptomania has taken her out of the city for a change,” Barbara was typing away at the large Batcomputer keyboard as she brought all of the Gotham vigilantes up to speed on what to expect for patrol that night. “So, Red Hood and Black Bat will take the Narrows and surrounding area patrol route like usual. Nightwing and Batgirl, Upper east side and fashion district patrol route. Red Robin, you’re taking the route that passes city hall and through Old Gotham and Diamond District, and if you don’t throw a fit maybe you can take Robin with you. Batman, crime alley and Newtown patrol. Robin or no Robin, pick your poison,” the redhead offered, finally spinning her wheelchair around to look at everyone. “We’ll be pretty spread out tonight, but like I said, there’s nothing. No whispers of anything planned on the dark web, no news from any of the rogues, Blackgate and Arkham are, dare I say, peaceful right now. But if you see anything, I’ll redirect you guys so you can get backup ASAP.”
This was a rare night. Usually there was at least a plot or red flag to investigate, but not that night. For some reason, it seemed like Gotham had gotten a dose of sanity that it had been desperately missing.
“Actually,” Alfred took that moment to walk in, a slight pep to his step that seemed to catch everyone’s attention. “I do have news. Batman, you of course know that I have been keeping a close eye on Paris’s situation as per your orders, yes?”
Bruce, who had already been inching towards the batmobile none too subtly, suddenly stood stock still and slowly turned to look at his father figure. He could feel the eyes of his many children honing in on him, silent questions behind those orbs.
“Of course, I remember,” he confirmed cautiously. “You haven’t had an update for me in years.”
Years? Tim furrowed his eyebrows. That meant this had to be something that stretched very far back, because everything that Batman tried to keep secret from him since he became Robin had already been outed. Right? Well, he supposed there was always the possibility that Bruce could have snuck something by, but not a large one. Between him and Oracle, any new secrets he tried to squirrel away were unearthed pretty swiftly. So, most likely this was something Bruce had asked Alfred to keep an eye on at least back when Jason was still Robin. Maybe even further back than that.
“Yes, well you wouldn’t have appreciated any prior updates, sir,” Alfred said pointedly, raising an eyebrow. He always would be the one to understand Bruce Wayne and Batman the best out of all of them. “But this is a big one. I used our inside contact to check up on the Paris situation like I do every month, and this came up,” Alfred pulled out a remote from his pocket and clicked it at the computer, triggering it to bring up an article that likely had been hidden and only accessible via that remote signal. If Barbara had had any reason to check for hidden files she would have found it easily, but Alfred was good at never giving any hints as to when he was hiding something.
But what was on the computer was far more interesting than the all-too-familiar, cryptid ways of Alfred Pennyworth.
Because it was a news article from an online Paris newspaper. It was still in untranslated French, but nobody in that room had any trouble reading it. It was dated to have been published two weeks earlier.
On the cover picture for the article was a man that everybody also recognized, being high-profile and extremely influential in the fashion industry. Most of them had even met the man at least once, the aging Gabriel Agreste. In his early seventies, it was odd to see the man being herded into a police vehicle. He didn’t seem all that threatening, though he still struck an oddly intimidating figure with his cold glare and straight back. Being herded behind him was a woman of around Bruce’s own age, with long brown hair in several elaborate braids. Her dark, almost muddy green eyes bore into the camera and a snarl was on her face. Lila Rossi, the model that had been employed under Agreste for quite some years now and had turned into a sort of reality TV celebrity after she got too old to be hired for as many modeling gigs. She was known as highly untrustworthy, a lie monger and the most infamous gossip in the celebrity world. The headline for the article was;
Underneath that title picture was another, this one detailing the Parisian heroes to stop Hawkmoth, who had been replaced years ago by his female counterpart Monarch, a play on the Monarch Butterfly. The Heroes, on the other hand, had remained mostly the same after the infamous confusion of the early years of Hawkmoth’s reign of terror, where Ladybug had temporarily started adding hero after hero to the team before mysteriously and suddenly retiring almost all of them.
On the right was Ladybug, who stood proud with her arms crossed and a somber gaze directed towards the two unmasked villains. On the left was Chat Noir, in a weird black leather costume that was like a bizzare yet fashionable meld of DiscoWing and the classic Batman uniform. Minus a cape or cowl, of course. Standing behind them, all fanned out, were the last four members of their team. Viperion, in a dark teal snake-themed costume. Ryuuko, standing next to him in a black and red ensemble with her elemental symbol proudly on her chest. Bunnyx, in her bright baby blue and white, and lastly the imperious Stinger behind them in her black outfit with gold accents.
As everyone but Alfred and Bruce read the article and examined the photos as quickly as they could, the eldest vigilante in the room slowly removed his cowl. His eyes were wide, disbelieving as they stared only at the two pictures on the screen and didn’t pay any heed to the article itself.
“Thirty years,” Jason remarked, turning to face Bruce angrily. “Paris has been under attack by magical madmen for thirty years, and you never told us? We knew nothing about this, and this has been going on since before us. Since before you, even,” he waved a hand at the screen angrily. “You know that they have been under attack since before Batman was even a thing, and you never said anything? We could have helped! The league could have—“
“Been a liability,” Bruce interrupted, but it was the uncharacteristic softness to his tone that ultimately shut Jason up and attracted everyone else’s rapid attention. “The league knows. The founding members, anyway. It was something I briefed them on back when we first founded the League, but we were careful to keep any mention of it off of any electronic system. The magic behind the attacks stopped any word of the terrorism from getting out through normal means. We pretended to put the JLE in Paris, when really they are centered miles out of city limits and never set foot inside Paris’s boundaries.”
“Why?” Dick asked, his own mask off so that he could glare into Bruce’s eyes without it obscuring his expression at all. He wasn’t explosively angry like Jason, but it was clear that Dick wasn’t happy either. “They all look to be your age, Bruce. Which means they’ve been fighting HawkMoth since they were teenagers, on their own, since before there was any Justice League or very many other established heroes at all to provide backup. And I get that HawkMoth and Monarch seem to have controlled or fed off negative emotions and a lot of us would have been liabilities, but there are Leaguers who have extreme control over their emotions. You could have gone. Or J’onn, you could have even sent Tim. Anybody to help even a little.”
“Paris isn’t my city, it’s Ladybug’s city. The League and most metahuman heroes stay out of Gotham because I asked them too, but I am not the first to have the idea that keeping other heroes out of a volatile city can be beneficial for damage control. Ladybug herself told me not to allow any interference in the situation,” Bruce braced himself against the back of one of their metal debriefing chairs, leaning forward so it could take most of his weight. That, and the way he never looked away from the photos displayed on the computer, tipped off everyone else that Bruce might not have stayed uninvolved willingly. That he had a deeper connection to the whole Paris mess than just keeping a shrewd eye on a possible issue.
“You know Ladybug?” Tim decides to speak up, leaning back against the desk that housed the batcomputer keyboard. His voice was decidedly softer than that of his elder brothers’.
Bruce nodded, still in an odd partial trance. “We met when I was on a trip to Paris, before I became Batman. It was twenty-three years ago, I was eighteen and found out the hard way about the situation that the rest of the world was somehow oblivious to. I was able to meet Ladybug during one of her patrols, and confronted her. Even after I became Batman two years later, she refused any help. It wasn’t until about a year before I adopted Dick that I finally decided I couldn’t keep worrying about a situation and people that I wasn’t being allowed to help, so I told Alfred to use the sources that Ladybug had given me back when we first met to check in on the situation every month or two. I know that it was not the best decision, making Alfred do what I couldn’t bring myself to, but by the time I adopted Dick I had mostly forgotten about it. I was too worried about trying to figure out how to raise a kid and then deal with raising a vigilante kid after that, for the first time.”
Silence reigned for a while. This was, essentially, news that Bruce had been waiting to hear for over twenty years. An outcome that he had been barred from being a part of. Talk about bittersweet, especially when Bruce seemed so passionate about wanting to have helped. Probably too guilty about not being allowed to.
In the end, it was Damian who made the connection between this news and his father’s foreign mood and behavior first. Or at least, he was the first to vocalize it. Cass probably noticed it sooner.
“You have feelings for Ladybug,” Damian somehow managed to make the declaration sound like a reprimand. “I admit, she is likely much better of a suitor for you than that mangy cat, but I hardly think that trying to start courting her again after so long apart is reasonable. She could have changed from—“
“I know, Damian,” Bruce’s knuckles were white from how tightly he was gripping the chair. “Trust me, I have spent more than enough hours contemplating calling her again to catch up, but I knew it was best to stay away. I had grown busy with Batman and the League anyway, and adding the time difference on there was no way any relationship between us would have been feasible.”
“So you cut yourself off from even being her friend. Which, might I remind you, I heavily advised against,” Alfred finally cut back into the conversation, hands clasped behind his back. “The two of you had maintained a perfectly stable long distance friendship for over five years, and I still consider the day you cut her off to be one of your stupidest mistakes, master Bruce. On an unrelated note, I received a call from the designer that you always commission your more high-fashion suits from, sir. She is coming to Gotham for a time, and I gave her an invitation to come visit for dinner tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind.” With that said, Alfred turned on his heel and walked away.
“That man never raises his voice, but somehow still makes you feel like absolute shit when he gets mad,” Stephanie mused aloud when the butler had left, earning silent nods from everyone else.
“How are you still alive, Father?” Damian asked, raising an eyebrow over one vibrant green eye. “If you cut off Ladybug only to continue to commission the person that I assume is her civilian identity on a regular basis, how has that idiocy not blended into the rest of your life?”
“It has,” Jason added in, always up for a game of Rag on Bruce. “He’s just always had this annoying ability of surviving even the shittiest situations he ends up in. It’s like he has plot armor or something.”
Bruce only grunted, pulling his cowl back on. “Patrol. Robin, you’re with Red Robin today. Don’t kill each other.”
“Oh no, I want to live to see the girl you’ve apparently been crushing on since you were a teenager,” Tim said as he ambled over to his motorcycle. “Seeing THAT reunion is gonna be way better than picking another fight with Demon Spawn.”
“Your tie won’t get any straighter,” Barbara teased Bruce, watching as he fiddled with the tie around his throat for the millionth time in just the past ten minutes. Alfred had made sure that he couldn’t escape this, even going so far as benching Batman for the night.
And to make matters worse, it was still far too early for patrol so all the Wayne kids were present. Stephanie had other obligations to see to, unfortunately, but other than her even Jason had come over to the manor to see the fallout.
“Master Bruce, she is here,” Alfred’s voice cut through the almost palpable nerves emanating from the usually stoic or charismatic man. Batman was nowhere to be seen at the moment, but neither was Playboy Billionaire Brucie Wayne. No, this was Bruce Wayne, as genuine as anybody could see him. And more nervous than his kids had ever witnessed.
The door was opened, and in stepped someone that defied any of the Batkid’s preconceptions. They were expecting someone suave, sophisticated, with hard-earned muscle trying to hide under her skin. Like a Wonder Woman type of person, bursting with strength except for when they made an effort to disguise it. But that was not what they got. No suave, sophisticated bachelorette of a businesswoman and reputable fashion designer. No goddess-masquerading-as-a-human. Not even a femme fatale like Selina Kyle or most of Batman’s exes.
But there was a distinct observation that the kids made the moment they saw her.
Black hair, so dark that it seemed to reflect blue in the light, and clear blue eyes that were dark, vibrant, and seemed to glow with intelligence and humor, with just the slightest gray tones that hid in them grim experiences and disillusion.
She had a smile that was eerily similar to Dick’s when she laid eyes on the family and let it spread across her face. It was like the warmth of the sun, and instantly made the impersonal foyer feel cozy and welcoming. But the sharpness in her eyes as she scanned over all the people gathered, more than she expected if her eyebrow raise was any indication, was just like Tim. Too much like Tim.
She came to a stop a few feet away from the Wayne clan, and rested one hand on her waist as she popped her hip out. Jason’s attitude.
Her hair was up in a simple but elegant bun, with a braid curling around the base of it. She was small, about five foot four if their estimates were correct, and the sleek sleeves of her midnight blue dress simultaneously emphasized and disguised the lithe, corded muscle mass that seemed to flow smoothly down her arms. Not a brawler’s muscle, but an acrobat or gymnast’s. The delicate silver embroidery along the sleeves and trim of her dress, and curling around her waist like a belt of thread, was in actuality a string of bats in various flight poses interspersed with silver swirls and tiny ladybugs. Her own playful personality, it seemed, something innocent and daring and subtle all at once that didn’t quite fit any of the kids, it was solely hers.
“I am Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” the woman finally introduced herself, holding out her hand even as her radiant smile stayed firmly in place. When her eyes found Bruce again, they stayed there. “An old friend of your father’s. And by the way, Bruce. If you ever cut contact with me again without ever explaining yourself, I will not stay twiddling my thumbs in some other city again. I will hunt you down and get you to tell me what exactly possessed you to freeze me out, and only if it is some really good reasoning will I let you off without giving you a remedial lesson in the importance of dodging.”
Damian’s fire.
Dick looked over at Bruce, then at Marinette. She caught his eye, nodded and winked, and looked back to her old friend.
“But I do have to say, this looks suspiciously like a family we might have had if you had ever gotten up the courage to ask me out all those years ago instead of not realizing that I never specifically forbade you from visiting Paris, only heroes in general. You’re lucky I’m patient. I spent thirty years waiting to get back the Butterfly Miraculous and lock those two up for good, but making me wait twenty years to finally confess to you is a bit much, don’t you think? And adopting kids with only blue eyes and black hair is a bit on the nose, even for you.”
Scratch that, Damian’s loyalty.
Bruce really had adopted kids that reminded him of Marinette in some way, and the way he would grin or smile at Damian when he was displaying his usually subtle but steady loyalty, or the way that Bruce had almost unending tolerance for Damian’s stubbornness, it all started to make sense.
Bruce had tried building a family around the one he imagined he could have had with Marinette.
“Nope. You’ve made me wait this long, you don’t even get a hug until after dinner. Then we can catch up, and you’ll take me out to dinner in a few days,” suddenly what was happening seemed to creep up on the woman, and she fidgeted. Sheepishness rose to her face, and she winced at her own words. But damn, she had imagined this day for so long, she couldn’t help but get assertive! “I mean, if you want to. I get it if you lost interest in dating me, but—“
“How about I set up a private dinner on the top of Wayne enterprises, day after tomorrow. We can even do a patrol afterwards if you’re up to it.”
His sons all facepalmed, some inwardly and some outwardly. Barbara groaned and Cass pinched the bridge of her nose. But, to their astonishment, Marinette’s smile just came back full force.
“Aww, you know I can’t resist the offer of a patrol. But just one, I want to enjoy some time off now that I’m not perpetually on-call as Paris’s main hero.”
Bruce finally grinned back, his eyes soft for the first time in a while that wasn’t directed at his kids. In way that they had never been soft towards Selina or most of his past flings.
“Just one patrol, then.”
“Sounds like a date.”
First attempt to upload this goofed and deleted the first part, so here is attempt number two! Again, Brucinette has been invading my dreams.
Apparently there is a part 2 now.
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The Robins as...
Tumblr media
Are you even from the DC Universe if you aren't aware of how physically stunning this man is?
Consummate performer? ✔.   Previous modeling experience (in canon)? ✔. Linked to a Tamaranian super model? ✔.
>>> --- <<<
Photographer: "That's it! Keep posing, darling! Ugh, you're amazing! Now, you're an animal!”
Dick: "You mean like this?
Photographer: ...
Dick: *contorted*
Entire crew: *grimacing*
Photographer: "It’s, um... It's a wrap."
>>> --- <<<
Dick: "Guys, pizza's here --"
His friends: *busy watching a commercial on TV*
Commercial on TV: *in a sexy, masculine voice* "Easy, Breezy, Adorable - Cover Boy" *winks at the camera*
Roy: *snorts*
Wally: *covering his mouth to stifle his giggling*
Garth:  "Wow, Grayson... You could sell water to me and I'd totally buy it."
Roy and Wally: *break out into belly laughter*
Dick: *places the pizza box on the coffee table and switches the channel* "Ha ha, very funny. I'm undercover, remember?"
Donna: *grabs a pizza and nods in mock seriousness* "Oh, we know, UnderCover Boy." *winks*
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Chiseled features? Ooooh, ✔. Previous modeling experience as a villain pretending to be Nightwing (in canon)?  ✔. Also linked to a Tamaranian super model?  ✔ (But they’re “just friends, okay?”).
Discovered by an agent while trying to break into a warehouse of a well-known fashion corporation to rescue child laborers (accepted the job to gain access to the higher-ups)
>>> --- <<<
Red Hood: "That's me, dude." *gestures at a billboard before lighting his cigarette*
Arsenal: "Where?"
Red Hood: *takes a drag* "There."
Arsenal: "That's a calloused hand and a Bear Grylls watch."
Red Hood: "Yup."
>>> --- <<<
Jason: *catwalking*
Designer: *takes a bow onstage after their entire collection is presented*
Jason: *pounces at the model in front of him*
Audience: *slow-clapping awkwardly*
Batman [on the comm link]: "It really couldn't wait, Jason?"  
Jason [hiding backstage]: *frantically searching for wet wipes in his weapons bag to remove his makeup* "He was the mark, Bruce!"
Batman: *gritting his teeth* "I know. But did it have to be in front of everyone at Gotham Fashion Week?"
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Used to traveling and working long hours? ✔ and ✔.
He doesn't model for anything you'd know (unless you're a superhero, that is).
>>> --- <<<
Edna Mode [visiting from the Disney universe]: "Walk for me, Timothy. I want to see how it fits on you." 
Red Robin: *struts, then abruptly stops* "Ms. Mode, I know you're not a big fan of capes, so I was thinking maybe we could add wings instead? I've tried them, and they're actually pretty awesome. They're also weaponize-able." *fumbles for his sketches in his utility belt* "I could show you some designs I've been working on --"
Edna: *widens her eyes at him* "No wings!"
>>> --- <<<
Tim: "And this --" *dabs a brush on some blush, then onto Conner's face* is supposed to make your face melt."
Conner: *examining his pinkish cheek through the tiny mirror* "Uhhh... Was this specially formulated for Kryptonian skin?"
Tim: *disappointed that nothing was happening to his best friend's face* "Oh, dang, that's right! I figured you were just healing really fast."
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Mention "OshKosh B'gosh" to him one more time, he dares you. (And learn the hard way, as Jason did, why you’d better not.)
Let's just say that you don't hire him; he hires you.
>>> --- <<<
Damian: "I would like to model for you."
Receptionist: "Sir... This is the Gotham Animal Welfare Society."
Damian: "And I am Damian Wayne. Did I stutter?"
>>> --- <<<
Damian: "Perhaps it is time I tell Father to set up a meeting with you and his 'friends' in the fashion industry."
Alfred: "Master Damian, while I am truly flattered, I hardly consider myself a designer."
Damian: *admiring his reflection in the mirror as he gently sways the green-and-red, hand-sewn thobe with gold accents that he's wearing*
Alfred: "Besides, why on earth would the world want to see some bloody old butler's --" 
Damian: "Shush, Pennyworth." *looks down at his feet, his eyes glistening* "You put them all to shame."
Alfred: *pulls him in for a hug*
~ * ~ * ~ * ~
Oh, @fleetof-fandoms, how I wish I could tag you properly. Thank you for another cool suggestion!
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addicted-to-dc · 7 years
Jason Todd/Red Hood X Reader- I Need A Vacation
Some people would pay or do anything to be in the situations you were in on a daily to weekly basis.  You understood that all of the heroes had good intentions, but randomly swooping to rescue you during a conversation gets old real fast.  It drawed a lot of attention as well, but luckily there were no photos of your face.  It wasn’t your fault that the heroes decided that you were in danger and needed saving, but you couldn’t understand why they would rescue you if you weren’t in distress.  
“I mean, come on, that was probably the third time it happened this week!” you complained to your friend, who was walking beside you.  “How hard is it to talk to someone without being snatched up in the sky?!”
“Heroes think they can do anything,” Harvey growled, kicking a small rock away from him.  “Plus you are almost always talking with one of us, the villains.”
“You may be villains, but you are way better to talk to than other people,” you pointed out.  “I prefer you guys anyway.  People are crazier than villains, especially when they’re trying to get into your pants.”
“Do I have to deal with anyone?” he asked, cracking his knuckles.
You laughed, “No, Harv, you don’t have to do that.  I handled it like an adult and got home safely.”
“I swear it’s the regular citizens that should be locked up,” Harvey sighed, looking over to you.  “How do you meet all of us anyway?”
You shrugged, “Gotham is a small place, you would be surprised how often I see you guys around when you’re not doing anything highly illegal.  The first time I met Harley was at the grocery store and she-”
You were cut off by someone lifting you off of the ground, making you let out a shriek.  Harvey stood on the sidewalk, his arms crossed as he rolled his eyes.  You were carried a few blocks over when you were finally placed back down.  Your hair flew all over the place, telling you that all of your hard work to style it went to waste.  Clenching your jaw, you turned around and glared at Batman.
“How many times do I have to tell you I’m fine!” you shouted, throwing your hands up in frustration.  “The first time was okay, but this is the fourth time you dragged me away for no reason!  Thank you for your concern, Batman, but you are not needed to remove me from friendly conversations.”
Stomping away, you headed back to Harvey, pissed beyond belief.
----------------------- “Are you sure we should be walking around?”
“We’re fine, (Y/N/N)!” Harley said, adjusting her hold on the leash attached to her dog.  “I highly doubt B-man is going to swoop you off of your feet again.”
“I highly doubt it,” you muttered, watching the small weiner dog pad along the cement.  “It’s ridiculous, I was just talking to Harv and then he snatched me off from the sidewalk!  I seriously need to go on a vacation or something, I swear I’m gonna rip my hair out.”
“I bet Red would love to go to the Bahamas or somethin’,” Harley smiled, looking over to you, “but I agree you need a break.  Heroes can be annoyin’ sometimes, but they’re helpful when you don’t want the world to end.”
“Yeah, when they’re far away from me,” you said, shooing a bug away from you.  “I’m tired of being yanked away because I’m talking to you guys.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Harley said, picking up her dog, “they’ll soon realize that you’re just a weird citizen that likes to talk to the criminally insane.”
“Thanks, Harls,” you rolled your eyes, scratching behind the dog’s ear.  “Good to know that you’re an excellent friend who always has my back.”
“No problem!” she smiled, “Oh, I forgot to ask you about your job interview.”
“I think it went well,” you shrugged, stuffing your hands in your pockets.  “They said that they would notify me in a day or two if they hired me.”
“You’ll get the job, i know it,” Harley said, looking behind you with a gasp.
“What is- not again!” you shouted, watching as Harley waved at you.  “Really?!”
“See ya later, (Y/N)!” she shouted, laughing as you were taken away.
Gripping onto the cloth of the hero’s outfit, you held onto whoever it was for dear life, not wanting to fall the height of a forty story building.  Once the hero swung to a roof, you unlatched your hands and turned around, ready to scream at whoever it was.
“What in the- oh,” you stopped yourself, realizing that it was the Red Hood who snatched you away from Harley.  “Hi.”
“Hello to you, too,” he said, tilting his helmet.
“Well, thank you for saving me from that conversation,” you said, placing a quick kiss on his red helmet, “but I think I should be going.”
“Did you just kiss the helmet?” he asked, grabbing your arm.
You rose a brow, “I did.  Isn’t the hero supposed to get a kiss for rescuing someone?”
“That’s a bit outdated isn’t it?” he chuckled, releasing your arm.  “So why were you talking to Harley Quinn?”
“She’s a friend,” you responded, folding your arms.  “Why do you go around and pick up random citizens?”
“Fair enough,” he shrugged, removing his helmet, “but can the hero get a real kiss before you go?”
“What kind of victim would I be if I didn’t,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes as you turned away.  “I’ll save that kiss for later, Lover Boy.”
“How are you going to find me?” he asked, watching as you walked to the fire escape.
“I bet you’ll swoop me away again, Hoodie!” you shouted, climbing down the ladder.
“Oh my gosh you guys are so cute!  Wait til I tell Red about this!”
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gokinjeespot · 4 years
off the rack #1300
Monday, February 10, 2020
 I was waiting for our new comic shipment Tuesday morning when I realised that I have been working in comic book retailing for 40 years now. That answers the question grade 8 me had while sitting in Social Studies class while I was at Glashan Public School. I am so lucky to have landed in a job that I love and am still doing. Who would not want to work somewhere where you get 52 Christmases a year?
 Young Justice #13 - Brian Michael Bendis & David F. Walker (writers) Michael Avon Oeming, Mike Grell & John Timms (art) Gabe Eltaeb (colours) Wes Abbott (letters). Conner gets life lessons from Travis Morgan/Warlord in Skartaris while his team mates come up with a plan to hit S.T.A.R. Labs to try to get him back. The mission gets a few more rescuers so next issue will be wall to wall heroes.
 Black Cat #9 - Jed MacKay (writer) Kris Anka (art) Brian Reber (colours) Ferran Delgado (letters). Boy, I haven't heard that alias in a while. Felicia lands in Madripoor to steal a painting. The last know owner is a guy named Patch. You got that right. It's a Black Cat and Wolverine team-up. I was wondering where Kris Anka would go next after he left Runaways.
 Lois Lane #8 - Greg Rucka (writer) Mike Perkins (art) Gabe Eltaeb (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). The two-page spread where Rene Montoya fights the skull-headed assassin was poetry in motion. No words necessary. Lois is proving herself without her hubby's help in this book.
 Daredevil #17 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Jorge Fornes (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Just call Matt Murdock the Red Robin Hood. He and Elektra stole from the Stromwyns and gave to the people of Hell's Kitchen. The bad guys don't get mad, they're going to get even. Their solution to their Daredevil problem has me all aquiver.
 Doctor Doom #5 - Christopher Cantwell (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I may not like the return of ruthless dictator Doom but I sure do like the art in this book. I'm also not a fan of the time hopping Kang but his presence makes things interesting. This is one book that I would stop reading if the art wasn't so nice.
 Batman #88 - James Tynion IV (writer) Guillem March (art) Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). Oh man, this story just keeps getting better and better. Catwoman is exhuming a body while talking to the Riddler. You won't believe who's resting in peace. Meanwhile, the Penguin makes a grave error in not killing Deathstroke. Finally, when it looks like Selina is going to be buried alive, someone comes to her rescue. Waiting around to find out who the Designer is adds to the fun.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #15 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Javier Garron (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). If you're a fan of big bad super villains fighting super heroes then this issue is for you. The new Green Goblin trashes Miles's school looking for Spider-Man. Huge fight, then bad guy runs away. Miles's secret identity could be compromised during the debacle. This one had me guessing.
 Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #3 - Kami Garcia (writer) Mico Suayan & Jason Badower (art) Annette Kwok (colours) Richard Starkings of Comicraft (letters). I love this serial killer mystery and not just because the art is so pretty. The alternating black and white pages with the colour pages highlights the two main characters, Doctor Quinn the profiler and John Kelly the possible psychopath. I can't wait to see if the killer gets caught.
 Ant-Man #1 - Zeb Wells (writer) Dylan Burnett (art) Mike Spicer (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I like Scott Lang but I don't like loser Scott Lang and that's the Scott Lang that's in this new 5-issue mini. This story starts with him and his son Stinger making a drug bust. When did he get a son? Scott is hired later to find out why bees are disappearing which leads to him fighting Swarm. They lost me when they introduced three new bad guys: Vespa the spectre of hornets, Thread the Silkworm ghoul and Tusk the Rhino beetle hulk. Stinger is in 4 pages and then poof, he's gone. Scott's daughter Cassie shows up and then she exits stage left. The three insect themed villains crawl out from under a rock with no explanation so all the nonsense turned me off. This is supposed to be fun but I just found it dumb.
 Dark Agnes #1 - Becky Cloonan (writer) Luca Pizzari (art) Jay David Ramos (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). This is bad. I expected a lot better from Becky Cloonan. I did not find the adventures of the red-headed swordswoman in 16th Century France to be very appealing. Agnes was okay in short doses teamed up with Conan in Serpent War but this solo story bored me. Here's another 5-issue mini that I'll take a pass on.
 Conan: Battle for the Serpent Crown #1 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Luke Ross (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). It must the week for new 5-issue minis from Marvel to hit the racks because here's another one. Conan's adventures in the modern world continues as his wandering brings him to Las Vegas. He's tazered by the guards while trying to rob an armoured truck but is saved by a fellow thief named Nyla. They then decide to team up and rob a hotel of money and jewels but someone beats them to the booty. That someone and the surprise villain at the end of this issue was enough to make me want to read the next issue.
 The Immortal Hulk: Great Power #1 - Tom Taylor (writer) Jorge Molina (pencils) Adriano Di Benedetto & Roberto Poggi (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Attention Immortal Hulk and Amazing Spider-Man fans; this $4.99 US one-shot featuring an amalgam of the Hulk and Spider-Man is well worth adding to your collection. You will discover that Tom Taylor is an excellent writer and this story of friendship and camaraderie is a nice change from the typical super heroes fighting. The guest stars are fun too.
 Marauders #7 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Stefano Caselli (art) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I know that I said that I was going to bench this book but there were rack copies left over after pulling subs and I can't resist a book with nice art. I still think there's too much going on plot-wise that makes following storylines difficult and I hate when I see art mistakes. Emma is wearing sexy thong panties in one panel and 5 panels later she's wearing granny underwear. I think Stefano's original drawing in the later panel wasn't chaste enough for someone at Marvel/Disney.
 X-Men/Fantastic Four #1 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Terry Dodson (pencils) Rachel Dodson (inks) Dexter Vines & Karl Story (ink assist) Laura Martin (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I've been looking forward to this 4-issue mini to hit the racks because I like both the writer and artists involved. This story establishes that Franklin Richards is a mutant. Charles Xavier thinks Franklin should be with his kinfolk on Krakoa. Reed and Sue don't want their teenage son to be away from his family. Instant drama. When Franklin stows away on Kitty's ship returning to Krakoa you know more super hero fights are in the future. But first we have a super villain attack. I thought it was Doc Ock since the attack happens at sea but I was wrong. I'm reading the rest of this to see how the two teams resolve their differences.
 Batman 100-Page Giant #3 - These $4.99 US one-shots are a great value. There are two new stories in this and 3 lengthy reprints. I consider these excellent teasers for the trade collections on the shelves if you want to get the whole story.
 DC's Crimes of Passion #1 - This may not seem like a good deal at $9.99 US for just 80 pages but there are 10 new stories inside featuring more Batman heroes and villains than you can count on two hands. Please don't be discouraged by the cheesy cover, none of the stories inside are that bad.
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