#and the way she spoke to her father!!! ohhh obsessed with it
ewwgene-fitzherbert · 2 years
#i am genuinely obsessed with im/ogens homecoming in the last ep it was so delightfully awkward and painful#everything from the fact that she didnt hide her identity and just glared at the townsfolk#and the way she spoke to her father!!! ohhh obsessed with it#and her 'daddy you couldve warned me' 'i havent asked anything of you in a long time' 'i never want you to be afraid of me' OUGHHGHG. cries#lau/ra ba/iley how do you expect me to just live my life after this#rly into the whole thing with her dad not showing her physical affection woahhh#and then theres lau/dna and fea/rne la/udna always holding her hand sleeping next to her fe/arne obsessively touching her arm#(to cast guidance obv. cute little pretext to touch ur lady friend. im onto u f/earne)#idk just!! the way bh arent afraid of her or repulsed and dont feel the need to distance themselves from her#also the way rel/vin was so bitter abt lil/iana leaving him fdhdjhfj tragic but i laughed#i mean its so sad but ?? there Has to be smth abt the fact that she never told him abt her powers right. lol#i also loooove the parallel of: parent sees danger; needs answers (li/liana; ollie) but then with the call/oways its: the couple goes#together; leaves the child behind- and with the te/mults its: the husband refuses(?) to follow- stays home with the daughter#idk its just. smthing abt the fey fam sticking together and lil/iana going alone#wheres the 3rd couple who takes the kid with them lmao#or maybe li/liana just left:( with her new gf i guess if ot/ohan was so hot and sexy and was into astrology and shit woah. fair thats gay#also rel/vin not even acknowledging laudna wow?? so like does he know why imogen snapped and murdered a bunch of ppl or.#does he think it was on a whim lol. i need mORE LOREEE#also him getting so defensive when fe/arne asked for lil/ianas belongings lmao fair fair#i liked that he did the im/ogen thing that she does where she takes a while to formulate a response#and they like rethink each and every word. and they hesitate so much and then their response is so short Yes thats so good. thank u matthew#when u could tell he wanted to say something but he couldnt figure out how or if he should and he just. gave her a pat on the shoulder. yea#ugh terrible SO GOOD#big fan!!#love it when characters cry at just the mention of their hometown thats how u Know its gonna hit#huge#huge big fan#my post
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Reasons (Donny x Fem!Reader)
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tammykelly @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182 @marlenemarauders @what-the--curtains @taikawho @spookybearlandtaco Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
*TW: Single mother, war/violence
Requested by @redrosewritingsstuff
You'd been working with the basterds for a while now as a nurse, though you were an agent for the MI6 once. There was a botched mission, and in order to keep yourself alive, you had to leave the MI6. But, your department also happened to owe a favor to the OSS. For all intents and purposes you were considered a ghost. You did not exist in either organizations' paper work. Anything that could hint at your transfer was heavily redacted. Your aliases and IDs were burned, and you were on your way. You stayed behind the scenes as much as possible. Your mission was now  to be the basterds' saving grace.  
You didn't talk much, but you weren't quite on the same level as Hugo. But, if any of the basterds could get you to laugh a little, it was Donny.
You were sitting on your own, looking intently at a locket, enclosed in your fist. Donny sat by you, "What'cha got there?" You looked away for a moment, smiling, but shook your head.
Donny's voice was softer when he noticed the locket. To him, (and most people) a locket like that meant there was already someone out there with your heart. He respected that, but he couldn't take seeing you upset. "Shoulda guessed." He chuckled, trying to soften you up a bit. "He got a name?" You shook your head, smiling a little. You were amused. "No. It's not like that." You didn't say anything else, and for once, Donny didn't either. You just sat there together, and he wondered what that meant. In war, most of the possibilities were grim. *********** Time went by, you marched through the forest with the basterds, near the edge of a village. Things had been too quiet lately, especially knowing there was a patrol you had been looking for. You found them, as you always did. The nazis had cornered a family, threatening the life of a child, who was maybe three or four years old. You heard the mother's screams, saw the father being beaten. You didn't think twice, you jumped in between them all, blowing your own cover and that of the basterds. You acted while the boys still hadn't realized what was happening. You were nearly killed, but Donny and Hugo rushed in to help. In the end, you saved the family. Aldo had the nazi scalps to prove it. But, he wasn't happy. You had jumped in without a loaded gun, and no knife. You were the nurse, but you were also a basterd. You could not be replaced. None of them could. "Of all the stupid, wreckless shit I seen done by soldiers, this is damn near at the top of the list. And if there's one thing we ain't need way out here, L/N, it's goddamn impulsiveness." You sighed, lowered your head, and rested your hands against a dusty table top in your hideout. He was right. But you couldn't help it. You had to save that family. That kid had a whole life ahead. You couldn't stand by and wait for Aldo’s orders. Aldo sighed, knowing perhaps he had been a little too hard. After all, you did save a family, as the basterds should, granted, you could have been a little more prepared. "Y/n, there ain't many nurses out here we can trust. We lose you, we lose any chance of us makin' it to the end. Y'understand?" "Perfectly." You murmured, still not fully willing to analyze what had happened that day. *****
Not long after, you were all sharing a drink together in your hideout. After everyone had gone to bed, you hung around on your own, with your locket in your hand. "Y/n?" You needed to say it. You didn't know why. You didn't care if you sounded like a coward, or like a cliche. "I've got to get home, Donny." Donny was caught off guard. From what he knew, you were one of the best basterds. It never crossed his mind that you'd ever say something like that. But he understood. You were all only human, at the end of the day. "We all do, kid." You were silent again, and he said, "If it's about today...you did what anyone would have done. Aldo didn't mean it. We just can't afford to lose ya. We lost Andy, Simon, and Michael. We can't lose any more basterds. That's all he meant by it." You shook your head, "You don't understand..." "Let me." His hand rested on yours, and he looked into your eyes. "He was just a baby, Donny. Three, maybe four at most. What was I supposed to do?" "Y/n." He kept his voice low, warning with his eyes that there were unkind ears around. But, he was also trying to calm you. "You did the right thing." You sighed, your grip around the locket loosened, and you set it on the table. "Go ahead." Donny raised his eyebrow for a moment, then reached for the locket. The moment he looked at the tiny, oval, black and white photograph, his heart broke. It was a picture of a baby. "She'll be four years old in a month." You smiled softly, though your heart was breaking, "She ain't seen me since. This is the only picture of Abby that I have. If I go back at all...she won't remember me." "What? No! Y/n, don't say that, she will! She's...your..." Donny was still processing it, but he managed to say, "You're a fucking hero, Y/n. You're unforgettable..." Donny meant every word. "How can I be when I was never there for her at all? They took her from me, they said I was an unfit mother." You looked down, "I was young. I wasn't married. Her father was killed in the Pacific, he never had a chance to know. I had nothing. Our town was bombed, I couldn't take care of her the way she needed. I couldn't keep her safe, Donny." You looked at him with teary eyes and he shook  his head, "Hey, don't say that," as he wrapped his hands around your shoulders. "You did keep her safe. You did the hardest thing a mother could do! She's safe because of that. She's waiting for you. You'll get her back. I'll make sure. I promise." "Don't say things you don't mean." "I don't." When you looked at him you knew he meant that. You couldn't help but cry into his shoulder, and he didn't mind. As the years went on, you became closer to all the basterds, but in Donny you confided the most. You realized then, it was because  you loved him the most. It was 1945 now. Wicki and Hugo had been hurt. Bridget hardly had any hope in any of the basterds, but she asked if any of them could speak a language other than English. You spoke Italian. (A lot better than Aldo did, at least.) Donny turned around. He was going to volunteer himself. He didn't want to lose you. He couldn't imagine a life without you. He couldn't lose you, and he knew he wasn't the only one. "Y/n, you can't." "It's the only way, Donny." "No, it's not." "You promised," you didn't have to remind him. You were their only clear chance at pulling off the Italian charade. If the basterds failed operation Kino, the war would go on, maybe even for years. Donny knew that. He knew how much was at stake. So the mission went on. You went with him, Bridget, Omar, and Aldo to the cinema. Things didn't go as planned, but with the basterds, they never really did. "Donny. Don't do this." He looked at you with wide eyes, his  voice was soft for a moment, "I'm sorry, Y/n." At the very last second, he locked you out of the theater. You pushed against the door as Donny gripped it, "Y/n don't make this harder than it has to be." "Donny let me in." "You know I can't do that." He looked you in the eyes, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. "Don't..." You couldn't say goodbye either. "Donny don't do this." "I promised." He pushed you and locked the door as he ran back through the inferno to find Omar. When smoke rose to the sky and ash and glass covered the street, you thought it was the last you'd ever see of Donny. But it was only the beginning. When you gave up, you tried to force back tears as your knees grew weak. Then you saw the impossible. Omar and Donny limped out together. "Donny!? Omar!" "Promised I'd make sure, didn't I?" He chuckled as he sat down by you, as the three of you watched the war end right before your eyes. ***** Donny couldn't wait to see his family, but he figured he'd waited so long, he could wait just a little longer. It was the day the basterds were receiving the medal of honor, but Donny was standing with you in a train station somewhere in the countryside of England. He refused to be there if Hans Landa was receiving the medal of honor. Hugo was 100% planning a million ways to get rid of Hans, and a million more to get away with it, but...well, once a basterd, always a basterd. 
 Anyway, Donny figured he'd get his in the mail, though he did hope his little brother didn't open it before he got home. You wouldn't get one at all, because, well, for all intents and purposes, you were a "ghost,". You didn't mind. You didn't care for crowds.
Besides, you just couldn't wait another day. You called in every favor you could to make this happen. Donny was there for you every step of the way, just like he said he would be.  
This should have been goodbye. You were all flown from France to Britain when some of the injured basterds had healed enough. From there, they'd go to Washington D.C for the ceremony, even Archie and Bridget were going. After that, they would all go home. Hirschberg hadn't really thought things through and asked, "What could be more important than a medal of honor right now?" He figured you could at least be there one last time for them. He wasn't really that good at saying goodbye. He never had been. Omar rolled his eyed, and "Dumbass." "What?!" Hirschberg turned in confusion, and Smitty said, "Her kid, that's what!" "Ohhh..." He nodded, finally realizing as he hugged you. "At least promise to visit?" "I will," You smiled. You figured you could make it to a basterd reunion every once in a while. Besides, you'd already promised all the other basterds you would. You watched them all go. Then it was just you and Donny. He looked around excitedly at the city, "Where we headin', kid?" He grinned in excitement. There was not a hint of regret. He really wanted to stay by your side no matter what, and it broke your heart to love a man so much. He'd have to go eventually... "I thought you were just going to stay to say goodbye..." "Well....I could walk you to the train station!" You smiled, "But you have a flight at noon!" "Ah, I can just run back." He shrugged, "Come on, doll." He walked you to the train station, but then convinced you he could stay with you till you got to the country side. He convinced himself he'd just fly home some other day.
**** He looked around at the blue sky, the fluffy white clouds scattered. The incessant hum of overhead planes and military engines was replaced by the chirps of birds and wind in the trees. "Thought England's always gray and rainy," he laughed, and you said, "Not always," You smiled, but your breath escaped your reach,   "Not now..." You saw her.  You walked toward her, through the crowd. She wasn't the tiny baby you had to give up years ago, but she was still your little girl. You knew that smile anywhere. She saw you before the social worker did. "Mama!" The tiny toddler ran to you before you could even process it all. How she knew you? Well, you'd later find out she slept with a picture of you under her pillow. That picture and a teddy bear you gave her when she was a day old were the only things in the world she could call her own. "Y/n?" Meanwhile, Donny turned around searching for you. He ran through the crowd, and slowed down, and walked with a smile when he figured out what had happened. Abby was basically a tiny version of you, though her eyes were a different color than yours, they had the same light in them. Donny had told himself he wouldn't stay. You had a family to care of. You had a whole life in England. He had a life to get back to in Boston, too. He told himself that for years. It had some truth to it, but you quickly became his world when there were days the sun refused to shine. But, now that the war was over, how could he forget all that you were to him? Just like that? He told himself he'd just walk you to the station. Then he told himself he'd just stay for the train ride, remembering England being nice on the brief time he had been there before being sent to France. But now that it was time to go, he was out of excuses. "Donny, this is Abby. Abby, this is Donny." Abby giggled and saluted him, like she'd seen so many do on newsreels. Donny laughed as he saluted her back, "Cutest soldier you got there, Y/n." You chuckled as you picked Abby up, never wanting to let go, though you realized you couldn't let go of Donny's hand either. "Miss L/n." The social worker waited with a patient smile with a stack of papers. "RIght then," You explained to Abby you would only be a minute, then looked to Donny. You didn't even have to ask. He was a natural, after all, he had  a little brother and plenty of little cousins. He had Abby laughing and takling in no time while you signed the papers.
"Donny..." He was sitting on the ground with Abby sitting by him, watching the trains go by as he told her a story that had her laughing and your heart melting. He looked up at you, and his heart felt heavy. He was out of excuses to stay. "Would you like to come over for tea?" You smiled as you picked Abby up. "Tea?" He was caught off guard for a moment, but he smiled and nodded. It was a long trip back to London. Even longer counting the cab ride to your place. The war had gone by in a moment with you by his side, but he wondered, what was wartime to a lifetime with you? "That would be nice," He smiled, taking your hand, seeing a lifetime in your eyes. London, Boston, it didn't matter. In that moment, he knew if he went he would never run out of excuses to stay. You and Abby were all the reasons he ever needed.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 1,970 words.
Prompt Time! Since this is what consider to be a Drabble I’m using @wackydrabbles Prompt #77 “I didn’t mean to worry you.” It’ll be in bold in black.
Song And Story Inspiration: Fallen (Video Edit)-Mya | Break Of Dawn-Michael Jackson
Tag List: @lifeaskim @choiceslady @pixie88 @lucy-268 @bebepac @sfb123 @secretaryunpaid @choicesficwriterscreations @wackydrabbles
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you. 😁😘
This story is ongoing as the game chapters are released weekly. So as soon as I read them (or reread the latest chapter), I’ll write the chapters to this story.
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Chapter 1.) Call Of The Wolf.
It had been a 3rd straight week of weird dreams for Naia Evans. She would wake up in a cold sweat, a racing heartbeat and goosebumps on her skin. And like clockwork she would lay in bed staring up at the ceiling for 2 hours. And when she was never able to go back to sleep, she would put on jogging shorts and a tank top and go for an early morning run to clear her head.
All of her dreams started after she did research about her mom’s hometown of Hunt’s Peak West Virginia. She wanted to know more about it. Because every time she asked her mother about Hunt’s Peak, her mother immediately shut her down. She was all but forbidden to mention it, but it didn’t stop her from wanting to learn more.
She would look up Hunt’s Peak on Google and see pictures of the forest, mountains and the town square. She would think of meeting the uncle she never knew. But mostly, she wondered why her mother left a seemingly sleepy town in a mountainous area.
After her early morning run, Naia hopped in the shower then got ready for work.
Life for her was as normal as it gets.
She was born Naia Michelle Evans on October 30th 1988 in Raleigh North Carolina to Laurie and Shane Evans. And being an only child, she was spoiled rotten, especially by her daddy. She had a good job as an interior designer. But she wasn’t so lucky in the love department though. After two failed relationships, Naia was back to living at home with her parents in the Washington D.C. area. Although in some way, she felt somewhat unfulfilled. She felt like there was always something missing but could never figure out what it was or why she felt that way.
After coming home from a long day of work, she was in the shower. After the bathroom filled with steam and she stepped inside the shower, she heard a voice.
It was a man's voice. One she’d heard for weeks now.
She leaned against the shower wall.
“Go away!” She whined.
“Come home.”
She groaned and closed her eyes trying to block it out.
“Come to me…”
When she opened her eyes, the voice was gone. It was just her and a hot shower. She showered, changed into her pajamas then climbed into bed and went to sleep and began to dream. In her dream is where she saw a wolf.
But she wasn’t scared. Strangely, she was calm even a little bit curious. She watched its fur bristle as it walked towards her. As it got closer, she saw its beautiful eyes.
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They were golden and bored into her. When she reached out to touch the wolf, it changed into a man. He was what she always known as tall, fine and chocolate. But the one thing that struck her were his eyes. They were just as golden as the wolf’s eyes.
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He reached out a hand and she took it. Soon she was in his arms, looking up at him. She felt safe, wanted, needed and desired. She felt his strength and passion while she stood in his arms. She reached up to touch his face and watched him lean into her touch. He looked real. And when he kissed her, he felt real. Her knees felt weak and her body temperature skyrocketed. She needed him just as much as he needed her. Her body yearned for him. Her heart raced. And when their kiss ended, she was dizzy.
It felt real to her. She wanted more, especially after seeing his golden eyes. She felt a connection with this dream man and couldn’t explain it.
“Touch me…” she begged.
He tilted her chin up then whispered, “soon Beloved. Very soon we’ll be together.”
She woke up gasping for air right after those words were uttered. Breathing heavy, heart pounding in her chest and in a cold sweat with goosebumps all along her arms. Just like many nights before but this time was different. Because her body felt like it was on fire. Craving to be touched but not just by anyone. Her body craved him and his touch. When her heart stopped racing and her breathing calmed down she checked to see what time it was.
That’s the time her phone read after she woke up.
She sighed to herself and laid back down then eventually went back to sleep. Dreaming of his golden eyes. As weird as that dream was to her, she wanted it again. She wanted to see him again. She wanted to feel his arms around her again. She wanted to kiss him again.
Later that morning after breakfast she was in the kitchen, having a conversation with her daddy about Hunt’s Peak.
“I don’t know why you won’t but I wish you would drop this, Naia.”
“Daddy you know why I can’t.”
“Naia I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“You and mama never do! It’s like you’re ashamed to tell me anything!”
“There’s a reason for that! Just leave it alone!”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
Just then her mother walked into the kitchen and their conversation.
“Because it’s better for you to never know. Baby I know you want to know but it’s nothing that concerns you!” Her mother snapped at her.
“But mom!” She began to protest.
“No! No more! This conversation is over, Naia!”
Once again her mother shut her down.
“You two are absolutely impossible!” She fussed.
Her mother sat down at the kitchen table and looked at her daughter.
“Trust me baby, I’m doing what I know best.”
“And what is that mama?” Naia asks.
“I’m protecting you!” Her mother replies.
“From what? What could be so bad about a small sleepy town?” Naia asks.
Her mother took a deep breath before she spoke.
“When I was 18 something terrible happened. And I told people. But no one believed me. They said I was lying. That it couldn’t have happened. The people in that town said I was exaggerating the truth. So I packed up and left and I never looked back. That town and those people are dangerous. And I am telling you to stay away from it and them.”
Naia’s eyes went wide.
“Oh my God! Mama were you?” She asked in a panicked voice.
“No I wasn’t sweetie.” Laurie replied.
“But what about your brother?” Naia asks her.
Laurie scoffed and replied, “ohhh you mean the coward, who wouldn’t protect his only sister?”
Naia went quiet.
“Listen to me baby. You are a grown woman. More than capable of doing any and everything you set your brilliant mind to. You can be anything from being an architect like your daddy to a nurse like me, hell I can even see you being the next and first black female president. Hell for all I care you could even be a drug dealer both legally and illegally. As long as you apply yourself and you enjoy it. But this? I can’t allow this. Now I can’t tell you how to live your life or what to do with it. But what I am telling you is this: you are NOT to go anywhere near Hunt’s Peak! Do I make myself clear?” Her mother asks.
“Yes mama. I understand.” Naia replies.
Her father cleared his throat then spoke in a stern tone.
“Naia baby, your mama and I love you more than we could ever tell you. And we are only trying to protect you. Hunt’s Peak isn’t the friendly place you’re thinking that it is. I am begging you to listen to your mother. Hunt’s Peak is no good. So trust us when we say that you are NOT to go there!”
Naia knew she wasn’t going to win this argument.
“Okay. I’ll drop it.” She said to her parents.
Laurie reached out and took Naia’s hands in her own.
“Good. I know you think that we’re not being fair but sweetheart you have to trust us. Especially me. Because if something were to ever happen to you because of those people and town, I would never forgive myself. So you need to drop this once and for all.”
“Yes mama.”
Her mother kissed the side of her forehead.
“Thank you baby. Now if you don’t mind I have an anniversary trip to finish packing for.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to go with you?” She asked.
Her father scoffed then replied, “we barely want you in the house so no. You’re not going.”
“But daddy it’s Paris! I’ve always wanted to go to Paris!” Naia whined.
“And one day you will go to Paris. Just not today.”
They all laughed.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Her father stood then wrapped her up in his signature bear hug.
“Baby we know that you’re curious about your mom’s hometown but it’s safer for you to just let it go.”
“I promise I won’t bring it up anymore.”
“Good. Now what are you gonna do while your mother and I are gone?” Shane asks.
“Netflix, Hulu and takeout. Ohh and maybe porn.” Naia replied.
Naia chuckled.
“I just wanted to see what your reactions would be.”
“Laurie…get your child!”
“Ohhh so NOW she’s my child? Any other damn time you’d be willing to fight me to claim her!”
The rest of her Saturday went on as it usually does. But that night was anything but usual. After drifting off to sleep, Naia began to dream. And in her dream she saw him and his golden eyes. She was happy to see him and he was happy to see her. She couldn’t run into his open arms fast enough.
“I missed you.” She said to him.
She could feel his arms tighten around her, lovingly and protectively.
“I’ve missed you too, Beloved.”
“It’s time, Beloved.”
“Time for what?” She asks.
“Time for us to be together. It’s time for you to come home. To come and be at my side.” He replies.
“Where are you?” She asks.
He looked deep in her eyes then replied, “Hunt’s Peak.”
“I can’t. I promised my parents that I wouldn’t.”
“We are destined for each other Beloved.”
“But I…”
He silenced her with a kiss so powerful that it made her body weak.
“Come to me. Be with me. Answer the call.”
She woke up soon thereafter. She sat up in her bed and it became clear to her: she had to answer the call.
She HAD TO go to Hunt’s Peak. She had to find him. She had to be with him. So she made a plan to go to Hunt’s Peak. She knew it was a risk and she knew that she was disobeying her parents. But she knew that she had to take it. She needed to know. She had to know.
The next day she set her plan in motion. She waited until after her parents left for the airport, before she packed up her personal items, loaded them into her SUV and left her parents a note before leaving.
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“Dear Mama and Daddy,
I’m sorry to write this but I’m going to Hunt’s Peak. I have to go, so please don’t be mad at me. Please forgive me. I love you. Again I’m sorry.”
After driving for several hours, she checked into a Days Inn on the outskirts of town to rest before she continued on.
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She was sitting on the bed, blow drying her hair after stepping out of the shower, when there was a knock at her door. When she opened the door, her jaw hit the floor. It was him. She couldn’t believe that he was real and he was looking at her.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Jotaro - Sister
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
Y/N is Jotaro’s sister
I want to make clear that this fic is non romantic. I don’t write incest.
"Papa, since you're here, I have to show you Jotaro and Y/N's old pictures~" Holly cheered excitedly while dragging her father to the living room.
"Oohhh can't wait!" Joseph joined, enthusiastic to see some hidden treasures of his grandchildren.
The commotion of Holly and Joseph going through photo albums caught you and Jotaro's attention as you both walked past the living room.
"Look at this one, Papa! Their first time going to the beach together! Y/N was scared and Jotaro brought her a starfish!" Holly squealed and you furrowed your eyebrows.
"Uh, mom what are you doing...?" You carefully asked.
"Oh! I'm showing your baby pictures to your grandfather!"
You glanced at Jotaro next to you who had a pearl of sweat gliding down his forehead. Oh no...
"Oohh ohhh!!! This one is my favourite! Jotaro and Y/N taking a bath together~" You both flinched.
"Ooohhhh!!!! OH MY GOOODD!!! How cuuuteee~" Joseph cupped his face in his hands and was almost dying at the cuteness before him.
"You know! Y/N would always tell me this, 'When I grow up I want to marry Jotaro onii-chan!' " You blushed madly and gasped at the embarrassing memory.
"MOOOM!!!! WHAT THE HELL?! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN REMEMBER THAT???" Joseph burst into a fit of laughter while your mother had a sheepish look on her face.
"Yare yare daze..." Jotaro walked away with his hat resting low on his head, effectively covering his reddening face.
You were Jotaro's younger sister. Despite your age difference being negligible, your relationship was very complex. It changed and switched a lot throughout the years.
As children you used to be really close, nothing could separate you. You would share and do everything together, from toys, to beds and everything in between.You both took care of each other in your own way.
But as the years passed, Jotaro grew colder and more distant, which was to be expected from a male teenager who had been overwhelmed by feminine compagny, whereas you became calmer, more patient and less cheerful than before, trying to learn to not depend on your brother's presence as you used to in the past.
Despite your differences, you two still kept that unconditionnal kindness that seemed to run in the family.
Currently, you both lived your lives on your own ways. You couldn't really say you were close, or at least, not as much as before. You didn't think your relationship could progress any further from there, at least, not until a certain day.
You both walked out the door after receiving your usual goodbye kisses from your mother Holly, and went on your way to school.
You used to always make the walk to school together, but since highschool, Jotaro would just walk in front of you and leave you behind without even looking back.
The first few times, you'd run after him, calling him out to wait for you, but after a few days, you gave up and accepted to just make the walk on your own. You were used to him ignoring you even at school so you grew to not mind it anymore.
From his point of view, it was to protect you from having a stressful walk surrounded by fangirls, being the potential target of bullies who wanted to get to him, or to prevent you from being in the middle of a fight between stupid thugs who wanted to meddle with Jotaro.
But as you didn't know that, in your eyes you were just a burden to him. You didn't want to be the annoying clingy sister and as he was already very edgy, you left him be.
You continued your lone walk to school, your brother long gone before you and already out of sight. You heard voices behind you and you flinched.
"Oohh isn't that Kujo? Hey yeah it's her! Kuuujoooo~" You kept on walking, but they caught up to you.
"Hey, hey, babygirl, don't ignore us like that~ What's the matter, where's your big brother?" One of the guys said, sliding an arm around your shoulders and leaning a bit too close to your face.
"Yeah, where's your big strong bro? Not very nice to let his sister all alone in the street. It's okay though, you don't need him, we'll take care of you~" The other snickered, towering next to you and taking a strand of your hair between his fingers, playing with it as you looked down.
These two guys again, for some reason they had this weird obsession with you and just wouldn't take the hint.
"...Please go away, I don't have time for this." you quietly said, not even bothering speaking up. They wouldn't listen anyway, but you still tried.
"Don't worry sweetie, you're okay with us, we'll protect you!"
"I don't need protection, go away."
"Awww, don't be like that~ It makes me want you even more." The shortest slid his hand from your shoulders down your arm and laid it on your waist.
You sighed and swatted their hands off of you. "Shut up, you're so annoying!"
"Ooh she's trying to act all tough like her bro, how fucking cute!" The tallest one then forcefully grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him.
"LET GO YOU PSYCHO!" You pushed him as hard as you could, which sent him stumbling over a nearby parked car.
"You asked for it you stupid bitch!" He then slapped you hard across the face, so hard, the impact made you lose balance and you fell down on the ground, dropping your schoolbag.
"Dude! Stop, that's too much!" the short one quiered, overwhelmed by the turn of events.
"SHUT UP! I gotta teach her a lesson. Get up, Kujo."
He didn't even let you react and pulled you up by the arm, slamming you straight against his chest. You struggled, but he locked you firmly in his surprisingly strong arms. "So what are you gonna do? Where's Jotaro now, huh?"
"I'm here, motherfucker."
They flinched and both their jaw dropped. They slowly looked up to see the huge form of your brother, standing so tall he was blocking the sun behind him and casting a shadow over you three.
"J-j-j-.....JOTARO???!!" the shortest one stuttered, shaking like a leaf and sweating bullets.
"...What the FUCK do you think you're doing to my sister?" Your behemoth of a brother growled.
Before they could even retort, Jotaro grabbed you and abruptly snatched you out of the boy's hold, making you stumble against him and he caught you effortlessly in his arm. He sent a murderous glare to the two boys and they whimpered, taking the warning very seriously.
"I-I-.... Shiiit!!! I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU KUJO!!!" The tall one stormed off with his friend following close behind.
"Yare yare daze..." Jotaro sighed in annoyance as he turned towards you. "Are you okay?"
You nodded quietly, looking down at the floor. He harshly held your chin in his large hand and lifted your face up, inspecting your bruised cheek.
"Tch... That asshole...Can't wait to dance on his fucking grave." You put a reassuring hand over his arm and he relaxed slightly, letting you go.
"Don't. It's not worth it, Jojo. Let's go, Mom will be worried if we're late to school again."
You spoke softly and he stared at you in silence, not moving an inch, but before you could question him, he started.
"Stop looking at me like this."
"I can't bear that melancholic look on your face. Wipe that out."
"That... That's just my face, Jojo..." You trailed off softly, quite confused with your brother's shenanigans.
"I know I made you like this."
You stared at him for a moment, then looked away, silently. Maybe you were colder than you used to, but you wouldn't put the blame on him, after all...
"I made you like this too..." You replied, looking off to the distance. "Your stone cold glare...Your burning hate for girls...It's all me, isn't it."
He fell silent. Your silences spoke more words than any of your actions, this is how it came to be. You finally looked up at him, both sharing the same stare.
"You're one to talk about a cold glare. Just look at you."
As he said that, Star Platinum manifested in front of you, surprising you as you let out a tiny gasp. He then held your cheeks and tugged slightly on them, forcing a smile out of you.
"Oh...! The spirit's back!" You were too fascinated by the weird spirit that started following your brother to even care that he was childishly playing with your face.
Jotaro cracked a tiny smile at the interactions of his Stand and his sister. He couldn't understand you sometimes, but at the end of the day, you two weren't so different.
The tall male pulled out his pack of cigarettes and brought one to his mouth before lighting it up.
"Girls are fucking headaches..." You looked up at him, deadpanning as Star Platinum and you were squeezing each other's cheeks.
"But your my little headache." He mumbled under his breath before puffing a thick cloud of smoke.
You wanted to scoff at his weird confession. Oh great. He didn't hate you as much as the others. How cute.
You looked down, your features softening into a smile as you held onto Star Platinum's arm who was now playing with your hair.
"Let's just go now, Jojo."
The moment you both started walking he noticed you wincing and limping a bit.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah... It's nothing, I just scraped my knee when I fell earlier." you tried walk again, but winced at the pain from the open, bleeding wound on your knee.
Before you could even step any further, you saw your brother crouching in front of you, his back turned towards you.
You stared at him in utter confusion. "It's okay Jojo I ca-"
"Yare yare daze, I don't have all day. Hurry up." He pressed on and you couldn't fight his stubborn nature.
You leaned over, putting your hands on his shoulders and let your legs rest on either side of his waist as he steadied them with his hands. He effortlessly hoisted you up and walked you both to school.
It felt so nostalgic, being carried by him. The world was so much more beautiful from the view of your brother's height. You didn't care for the view though, as you leaned further against his back, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your head on his shoulder.
"Just like old times... Right? Oni-chan..." You uttered quietly, calling the name you stopped calling him for years now.
He chuckled lightly, which was also something that you didn't hear in years.
"Yeah... Just like old times. Except now you're cheesy as shit. You're starting to sound like Kakyoin."
"Hmm? What's wrong with Kakyoin? I like my men cheesy." You purred.
He immediately stopped in his tracks and turned his head to glare at you. He suddenly felt angry as his brotherly instincts kicked in.
"...Take that back right now."
You were walking out of the nurse's office with Jotaro.
"See you later." He turned the other way towards his classroom.
As you were about to walk away yourself, you turned around to be met with a group of girls blocking your route.
"Y-you're Y/N Kujo, right?" Started a shy-looking girl.
"Oohh you're Jojo's sister? Cool!! Could you give him my number~?" added another one, excitedly.
"Actually, you do look like him a little bit!" Continued a third one, as they all interjected one by one.
"What? Noo they look nothing like each other, what are you saying!"
"Hmm they do have a.. Family likeness, kinda? Maybe it's the eyes, or the lips, I'm not sure, but there's definitely something!"
"Now that you say it, they do have the same cold frown on their face." they all giggled and your face was red with annoyance.
"Get lost. All of you. This is why you don't have boyfriends." And just like that, you stormed off, leaving the girls in a love-struck daze.
"Waaahh~ she's so cool~"
"She's kinda cute when she's angry."
"She could insult me all day~"
"Being hot runs in the family, so unfair~" they all squealed to themselves as they watched you leave.
Brothers kinda suck, but they're also a blessing.
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leejeongz · 6 years
Stray kids reaction to their s/o’s ex
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🤗idk if this is what you wanted but I wrote this anyway so I hope you enjoy, sorry🤗
Bang Chan:
A night out is just what you needed. Work was very stressful these days and the deadlines were closer than you ever thought so one night away from all that really would help (even though you knew it wouldn't). You got all glammed up and chan did too. As a little present, chan brought you some new perfume so you decided to wear it tonight.
“Let’s roll baby you look HOTTTT” he shouted getting into the taxi. Soon enough you reached the club. VIP admittance of course, Chan couldn't be bothered to wait in line... ever. You sat down in the modern egg chairs while chan brought you some drinks.
“Y/n is that you?” A familiar voice asked you while you spun around to see who it was.
“Oh I didn’t know they allowed rats in the VIP area” you snapped, turning back around to see chan stood with two drinks.
“Y/n? Who’s that? Do you guys know each other?” he asked flicking his head up in your ex’s direction.
“You smell really nice, honey” your ex said leaning down placing his head on your neck.
“Yeah it’s the perfume I brought them so how about you run along and go spoil your s/o, oh wait you can’t get one for yourself that's why you have to unsuccessfully try and steal other people’s” Chan said with a stern look on his face. He put down the drinks, grabbed your hand, pulled you out of the chair and kissed you passionately right in front of your ex. All your ex could do was drink your drinks out of spite. 
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Yours and Woojin’s hand felt perfect in each others. Neither of you had any objections when it came to showing each other off in public. You were just going on a nice afternoon walk when you saw the “new parenting group”  coming out of the community centre across the road. You know your ex had recently become a father but never in a million years did you expect him and his new girlfriend to join that group, far too mature and sensible for them you guessed.
“Y/n, you haven’t congratulated us yet!” Your ex shouted dragging his girlfriend across the road. “Aw look you’re holding hands, only another 700 years till you ever progress to actually looking into his eyes. Remember when we didn’t kiss for what the first year?”
Woojin’s hand never left yours. He began to speak for you. “Just because we are in a relationship doesn’t mean we have to have sex every night, and pop out children after 3 days” Woojin didn’t hold back. You’d never seen him like this before, especially when he firmly pulled you away from the speechless pair.
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Lee Know:
He staggered his way over to you in the street, his usual way of walking.
“Y/n you know that guy?” Minho laughed. You shook your head even though you knew him far too well. “He’s coming this way, shit I think he might want to buy some drugs or something.”
“Hey babe long time no see” your ex slurred out, he’d clearly been drinking but that wasn’t your problem anymore.
“Erm babe?” Minho quoted, a puzzled look becoming more and more apparent on his face.
“Ohhh you must be the new guy, be careful with her, the first sight of fun and she’s out” your ex explained putting his hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder. You’d told him of this ex many times. How he was really into partying and doing drugs and that reallllly wasn’t your style.
Minho shrugged off his hand and put his own arm over your shoulder.
“That’s cute you think illegal activity is fun, how about you get your life together before you start ruining everyone else’s” Minho’s voice got louder with every word, almost like he was going to cry. That’s when you knew Minho was the one.
“Come on babe” he strutted away with you securely under his arm leaving your ex with nothing but the bottle of cheap vodka in his hands.
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Well parties weren’t usually where you and Changbin would be but you couldn’t really say no to Jisung. He’d been planning it for months and most of the other members had gone home during their break. Changbin said it would be you two and a few of Jisung’s old friends that he didn’t know. You and Changbin walked in hand in hand to the dorms as if Changbin didn’t live there and wasn’t there just 20 minutes ago before Jisung told him to go to make him look more popular by looking like a couple of his friends. You spotted Jisung and pulled Changbin towards him to go and say happy birthday for the 73rd time today.
“Oh y/n, that guy over there thinks you’re cute. He didn’t want me to tell you though” Jisung said pointing to your ex.
“That prick” you muttered catching Changbins attention.
“Listen here” Changbin announced, edging closer to your ex with his fist in a threatening position. “Speak like that about my s/o again and you’ll be 6ft under” Jisung tried to pull him back. “Get out of my house before you regret it” and with that your ex left leaving Changbin kind of ashamed but happy that he stood up for you for the first time. 
Even if Changbin didn’t know it was your ex, he still felt he should stand up for you, even if his reaction could have been seen as excessive or whatever. 
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As if it wasn’t annoying enough to have to deal with disgusting stays hating on you for being in a relationship with Hyunjin, you now had to deal with your ex who had recently become a jyp trainee. He was always at the building and seemed to have grown quite close to stray kids, excluding Hyunjin who knew exactly who he was. One evening you went over to your boyfriend’s dorm to watch a movie with his friends.
“Oh you’re here” you said rolling your eyes as you spotted your ex making some popcorn in the kitchen.
“Yeah like the good old days! We even used to cuddle on your parents black leather sofa” he laughed pointing at the pretty much identical sofa in the living room of the dorms.
“Well that won’t be happening tonight, pal” Hyunjin intervened “y/n put your shoes on Babe, we’re going out”
Saying no clearly wasn’t an option and as soon as you left the house Hyunjin started to apologise.
“He’s practically indoctrinated the others, I’m so sorry, I did tell them not to invite him! They just wouldn’t listen to me! At least you’re out now though, don’t let him get to you, especially when I’m here”
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Was your ex obsessed with you? Maybe.
Every time you posted a picture of you and Jisung he’d message you saying you look cute, like he didn’t even see Jisung besides you.
You didn’t want to block him and cause unnecessary drama so you decided just to disallow messages from him. The next post, a picture of yours and Jisung’s hands tightly in each other’s showing off your matching couple rings, you never expected your ex to comment but he did.
“Even your hands look cute, even cuter when they are in mine”
Jisung commented back within seconds “aw I’m glad you like my hand, maybe it would look good slapping your face.”
You didn’t want to admit it after such cruel words but you felt safe even when he wasn’t with you. Your ex soon deleted the comment and Jisung messaged you multiple times asking if it was too much even though he knew you couldn’t say no. 
(this gif doesn’t go but angry jisung is no where to be seen so accept it)
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Who was this boy you were laughing with? Felix’s conversation was interrupted when he noticed you and some boy he’d never seen before laughing together with your friend.
“Ugh yeah bud that’s great I got to go” he said tapping Chan on the shoulder as he passed him abruptly. He sprinted over to you and threw his arm over your shoulder.
“I never want to see you get hurt, but if you wanna be with him then I guess it’s unavoidable ” and with that you stormed off leaving your friend and your ex.
“Hey hey babe what happened?” Felix asked running slightly to keep up with you but slowing you both down when he reached you.
“Her, him that what’s happened. That guy he’s my ex, the one that cheated on me with my own sister. And now my friend is wanting to be in a relationship with him. I’m not angry at her, but I know he’s gonna hurt her and I’ve told her so many times and she hasn’t listened”
Felix embraced you tightly, he didn’t care that you were in public.
“But wait, why were you laughing?” Felix asked pulling back from the hug.
“It was a fake laugh Felix, you need to learn how to do that babe” you joked, he’d cheered you up without either of you even realising it.
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Sluggishly typing away in your school’s technology room, you and Seungmin sat silently while finishing your homework when suddenly the door swung open. You paid no attention to the student who had made his way over to you and sat on the table next to you.
“Ah some things never change do they” the boy said, sighing while watching you work. “Still the nerd of the school with one friend it seems” he said throwing himself off the table onto his feet.
You looked up to see the arrogant boy to be your ex.
“Sorry who are you, and why does it matter?” Seungmin questioned viciously much like he hadn’t thought before he spoke.
“Oh I’m y/n’s ex, I made her cool for a month but she wasn’t fit for it so... I dumped her” he seemed proud of what he was saying which angered Seungmin more.
“You think you’re cool huh? So tell me why you’re in here... alone, two hours after school has ended. If I didn’t know any better maybe you’re the freakish one in constant need of human interaction” Seungmin snapped “so you came in here to talk to MY s/o since you don’t have one for yourself. Nice going” he hit print on his work almost breaking the mouse as he did so. 
(this is the meanest gif I could find of satan himself wth)
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He peeked over your shoulder as you stared down at the message you just received.
“I see my replacement is a pretty boy” it read. You thought you blocked your ex’s number but he probably got a new phone, that was the only explanation.
“Who’s that” Jeongin asked as he looked from the phone to you and back down to the phone again.
You realised there was no point in lying.
“It’s my ex, he’s really not that nice, he never was”
Just as you finished your sentence your phone beeped again.
“You know I’ll always love you, I’d love you better than he would.”
“Just block him for now y/n, just give me a second”
Jeongin left the room to grab his own phone.  Soon enough he was calling your ex with a no caller id saying that it was his maths teacher that he had just text that message to just to mess with him.  yeah it was funny at the time but your ex never did it again. 
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Gifs aren’t mine
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jaehyunsboomvocals · 7 years
Part 3
After meeting the rest of mx and hanging out for a while, it was time for the boys to leave and everyone started saying their goodbyes ... tris had waited for woohyun and soyou to say their goodbyes to ki before she went up to him.. ash and lala had already left and were waiting outside in the car for her .. The other guys were now alone and mingling amongst themselves and tris had no more reasons to stall her goodbye. .. ki pulled tris in for another hug.. it was one of her favs.. the hug where she couldn’t breathe... the hug that said i dont want to say goodbye to you... tris felt the tears fill up in her eyes.. "you have no idea how proud i am of you kihyun... nothing makes me happier than seeing you up on stage doing what you love...”
Ki finally let go and tris wiped her tears "yah do you need me to personally bring food and shove it down your throat or are you going to eat more from now on… " tris scolded ... ki smiled "you know i like food best when you feed me" "dont be cute with me yoo kihyun... absence has made your smile lose its effect" that was not true at all .. no amount of time apart could ever change the way his smile warmed her heart... "I should get going now ... ill call you tomorrow okay" tris held onto ki’s hand until the very last moment when he left her at the door and patted her head goodbye..
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And there it was again .. that feeling of not being able to breathe...
Ki closed the door once tris left and came back to find the 6 guys giving him the ooooh you just held a girls hand look... ki simply ignored them and started getting ready to leave... holding tris' hand was different than holding other girls’ hands...  he had been holding her hand since they were babies.. As they grew older, most people thought they were a couple, because it was so natural for them to hold hands . he liked the feel of her fingers in his, the softness of her skin, the way that they were small enough to fit inside his... whenever they sat together... he would instinctively take her hands in his... Even though ki thought his hands were fat and ugly, tris liked how warm they kept her cold hands…
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Hyungwon, who had been watching the whole goodbye went up to ki. “Yah kihyun-ah, how come you never told us how cute tris was?” All the guys looked at hyungwon and then back at kihyun before they added in their comments of how he was trying to keep her all to himself. Ki had always thought tris was cute but somehow it had gone over his head that other guys would feel that way too… “But I have our picture frame in my room, you have seen her before” Ki responded… “yah pabo-ya, you guys were like 15 in that photo and all that showed us was she’s stronger than you” Ki hadn’t realized that the picture he had of the two of them was from so far back… It had been a good memory even though it was one of the worst days… it was a photo of tris carrying him on her back... He could still remember the way her hair smelled while she carried him… Ki was known for his sense of smell and no matter how many times tris had changed her shampoo over the years, her hair always had a distinct scent to him…
Tris and Ki had grown up with soccer nets in their backyards because of their dads…  So it was no surprise when ki had joined his school’s soccer team…
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When ki turned 15, soccer became more prominent in his life… his team had a big game coming up and ki had been practicing in his back yard every day after school… so much so, that he didn’t even have time to hang out with tris… On the particular day the photo had been taken out… Ki was getting more and more anxious about the upcoming game… woohyun and soyou were not home as yet and ki had decided to go to the soccer field at school to practice… in his state of mind, the only thing he took to the field was his soccer ball, leaving his cellphone behind with no note regarding his whereabouts…
Tris had been in her room the whole afternoon catching up on 2pm and shinee… they had debuted that year and had become her fav groups… she used to keep telling ki that he had to become main vocal when he became an idol because her biases of the two groups were the main vocals… She started editing songs so that only the main vocals’ parts were left and would give it to ki to listen… “If you can sound like my loves when you debut, you will have every girl’s heart” Tris had said to him… From that moment on, ki focused more on becoming a main vocal rather than just another vocal in an idol group… At about 8 pm, in the middle of practicing the dance to replay, bora had yelled for tris to come downstairs… Soyou and woohyun were in the lounge with bora and dongwoo, worried looks on all their faces… “Tris, do you know where woohyun is, soyou thought he was here with you but I told her that he hasn’t been over here in the past week” bora asked tris hoping she would give a response that would bring relief to everyone… “He didn’t tell me he was going anywhere, did you try calling him” tris could see the look of disappointment of the parents’ faces. “His cell is in his room and the battery is dead, he usually leaves a note if his battery is dead, he’s never just gone off like this alone… he’s normally with you when he disappears for long periods of time” Soyou had begun to tear up as she spoke…
Tris stood there for a while in shock… she knew where ki was pretty much every second of his life… even if he hadn’t told his parents he was going somewhere, he would have definitely told her… “Let me call the guys from school and see if anyone knows anything” After many phone calls to all the friends she could think of, tris went back downstairs to find the mother’s chatting amongst themselves after the fathers had gone out to look for him… The first thing tris did before anything else was go next door, she went up to ki’s room and could not find anything that would tell her where he could be… She then went into the backyard and that’s when she started running as if she knew exactly where he was at this very moment… By the time tris had reached the school, she had realised that this was the first time she was out alone at night by herself and she probably shouldn’t have run all this without telling someone… The school was dark and spooky and tris had wished she had brought the baseball bat she kept in her room… She made her way down to the soccer grounds and when she got there her heart sank… Across the field lying on the floor was kihyun… tris felt like she was going to collapse but she somehow gathered up all her energy and used it to make her legs move… Kihyun was lying on the floor in only his shorts and a tshirt one of the coldest nights… By the time tris had gotten to him, her eyes were full of tears… “Ohhh wasseo” Ki smiled at her… “what took you so long?” as if he had known all along she was coming… “What the bloody hell happened to you… do you know how worried everyone is” tris put her hoodie onto ki… Ki started wiping tris’s eyes… “mian, I came here a few hours ago to practice, the backyard felt too enclosed, I needed an open field… I forgot to leave a note, and then I tripped on the ball and sprained my ankle.. I tried to walk on one leg but I didn’t get very far before giving up knowing you would find me…” ki explained as he patted tris’ head…
“Let’s go before you die of hypothermia and I don’t get my ponies... get onto my back” tris carried ki all the way back to her home. Once they had arrived home, the parents had been too relieved to scold either of them… Ki didn’t want anyone but tris to carry him back to his room… Woohyun had taken a photo of them the moment tris stepped outside with ki on her back… and that had been ki’s favourite pic of them since that day…
“Yah, what are you day dreaming about” Hyungwon had brought ki back to reality… Hyung was keen to find out more info about tris since the moment he saw her… More than anything he wanted to ask ki why on earth he wasn’t dating her… Ki often told the guys stories that about tris or how much he missed her so they all knew how much she meant to him and assumed she was just another one of the guys to him… But after hyung saw her in person and realized she is most definitely not just another one of the guys, he didn’t understand why ki hadn’t seen her in that light… “So what is the deal with you guys? Why aren’t you dating” hyung asked directly… Ki was not surprised by this question… Half the school had wondered the same thing so it was not the first time he heard it…
“Why are you interested” Ki teasingly asked back to which hyung responded “Yeah I am, so I just wanted to make sure there’s nothing going on between the two of you before I do anything” Ki’s face went blank and he did not know how to go about reacting to this confession… Ki remembered the first time tris told him she had a crush on someone apart from celebrities… they were 13 years old… and there was a new boy who joined their class… all the girls were fascinated by him and soon enough they all had crushes… ki never liked the new guy, he had no idea why because he didn’t know the guy and he had done nothing to ki, but he never liked him… Her next crush came at age 15, he was a close friend in kihyun’s soccer team… She had told ki she liked this boy and asked him if he thought he liked her too… kihyun was not happy about playing cupid, he blurted out to the guy that tris liked him and she only came to soccer matches to watch him and she had pix of him in her room… Ki made it seem like she was obsessed with him and scared the poor guy off before even finding out if he liked her too… At the next game, tris tried talking to that guy, and he avoided her.. she eventually cornered him in the school hallway one day which just freaked him out more after ki’s story.. and he told her what ki had told him… tris was beyond furious… it was the biggest fight she and ki ever had… she did not understand why he made up those lies about her but ki insisted that guy was exaggerating his story… Tris had her first bf when ki had left home to become a trainee… Ki never got a chance to meet him but instantly disliked him the moment tris told him shes dating… That relationship ended after 3 months when the guy cheated on her… The worst part about being away from tris during his trainee years was that he couldn’t be there for her first break up… It was a while since ki had this feeling again. That feeling he had every time tris told him she liked a guy…
“Jinjja, tris joah, wae, you don’t even know her?” Ki blurted out… Hyung laughed, “pabo-ya, that’s why im asking, because I am interested in getting to know her… unless you mind” Ki wasn’t sure if he minded or not… Why would he mind his best friend dating one of his mx bros? Surely that should have made him happy… Hyung is one of the best guys he knew. He would make tris happy… Tris would make him happy… tris would make anyone happy… suddenly ki felt selfish… wanting to be the only one who tris made happy…
“Aigoo, where does your mind keep going” hyung yelled out… “If you don’t want me to date her just say so” …ki wanted to tell hyung he could date tris but he would need her back before shes 35 because they have a pact to get married if they are both still single… but he couldn’t manage to get those words out… al he wanted to say to hyung was that he didnt want him to date her at all let alone until she’s 35…
It was tris’ 16th birthday and she had been the only one out of her friends who was single… “sooo what did you wish for” ki had asked after the party was over and they were sitting on her bed opening gifts… ki and tris knew about the telling a wish wont make it come true theory but they had decided that this didn’t apply to them… “This years’ is really silly, but I was desperate, I wished I could get a bf so I didn’t have to be a 3rd wheel anymore” Ki shook his head… “You know how precious these wishes are and you are wasting them on stupid guys”… “I know, but I figured it’s time for me to stop wishing for you to become a singer or wishing for things I want since you are going to eventually buy everything for me when the first part comes true…I know I’m still young but sometimes I feel like Im never going to meet a guy who likes me and then I can’t have my fantasy wedding because I’ll be the only single person left on earth” ki took tris’ hands in his and looked into her eyes… “if we are both single when we are 35, I will marry you okay… and yes I will wear a pink suit to our wedding crazy girl”…
“if I told you not to date her, would you listen”… ki asked hyung… “I would listen if you liked her, not because you didn’t want me to date her. I know if you had to choose between the 6 of us, who you would want to date her, I would probably not be the top pick” hyung said rolling his eyes… “Ahh hyungwon-ah, you wouldn’t just not be the top pick, you would be last on the list, actuall no you wouldn’t be on the list at all, she can date the other 5” ki teased… “So you would be okay with one of us dating her then? Im going to ignore my ranking… look can you just talk to her and let me know if she wouldn’t mind you giving me her number.. if she’s not interested then I will let it go… but will you ask her for me? Say NO kihyun. Tell him you don’t want to ask her. Speak dammit speak. Ki’s thoughts seemed to be the only part of him able to say anything.. “Okay I’ll speak to her…”
Tris, lala and ash were on their way back to their campus dorm. Tris had been silent since they entered the car while ash and lala went on about how amazing monsta x are… Tris thought about the saying out of sight out of mind… this was the least accurate thing she had ever heard of… why would you forget a person who is no longer around… you would just miss them even more… Absence makes the heart grow fonder.. now that was something tris could relate to… Tris’ phone rang… “aww missing me already” tris said to ki on the other end of the line.. “you know I never stop missing you crazy girl” ki had replied… tris tried to get out the words ‘me too’ but she couldn’t. “What are you doing next monday, I’m going to be alone at the dorm, the boys have individual schedules and plans so I thought maybe you could visit, I know you have been dying to see how I live” Tris opened up her day planner hoping her Monday was empty… “I am available; well I have a lecture in the morning so I will come by straight after” tris said excitedly… “Ok I’ll see you then! Sleep well tris, saranghae” The rest of kihyun’s week seemed to drag along. He was going to hang out alone with tris after months. He kept planning what they were going to do,, what food they were going to eat, what topics he needed to discuss with tris. One of those topics he just wasn’t keen on at all.
Monday had finally come along. Tris spent the entire lecture checking the clock counting down the minutes until it was over. She could not wait to see ki… it had been too long since they had a proper hang out sess… Tris got into the car and made her way to the mall… she had a few things she needed to pick up before she met ki…
Ki spent his morning home alone the usual way; cleaning up after the guys. Once he was done, he spent some time vocal training while he waited for tris to arrive… He was often told by people that he had received soyou’s singing talent since she used to participate in competitions as a child..
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Tris however, told him that he definitely got his voice from his father… Ki liked that he was exactly like his father in terms of soccer and singing… he knew he took after his mother with regards to everything else… except those times when he did something that was a direct result of knowing tris… they clearly shared no genes but sometimes they were so similar it was freaky… Ki liked that he and tris were different people but so in sync… The pair never felt the emptiness of growing up without siblings because they always had each other…
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