#and the whole secret boyfriend thing. i wont explain that whole mess. but she's only dating him bc she wants to date someone
#GOD I STARTED THINKING ABOUT THEM AND HOW CRAZY THEY ARE AKDNSKDNKS#i said the whole family is difficult. without exposing mine or their lives let me give you some brief facts 😘#the father is SO SEXIST. has literally said the most cliche 'women are so emotional and thats why they're stupid and men are better'#CRAP ive ever heard. like think about the cliche sexist comments. ofc they're cliche for a reason people actually think those things#but idk??? ig i expect people to be a little more creative with their hatred??? amdnskdnmsn#the mother. is one of those 'oh dont bash gender roles! they work great for my family' but she does not mean#that her family naturally tend to fall into traditional roles and it's great for them and they have their lives figured out#she means. no dont make me uncomfortable by saying women dont have to be slaves to their husbands!!#bc that reminds her that she lives to please her husband!!#and actually. id feel bad for her if it was just that. but she also called my 13yo sister a bully to her face#with no proof. and never apologized#so i dont actually feel that bad!!#the older daughter. is very manipulative. and holier than thou. and does everything to impress other people#and you shohld know that shes better than me and everyone else everyone has to know that#and the whole secret boyfriend thing. i wont explain that whole mess. but she's only dating him bc she wants to date someone#and the younger daughter!!! shes the only one i actually feel bad for#she's got it rough being surrounded by all of them and she's always seemed to have more of a head on her shoulders than any of the others#but. she's getting older now. and starting to become like them. she attacked my sister for no reason.#it was mostly orchestrated by the mom but still. she seems to be changing and being more like them as she gets older#like?????? what is it about me and my family that we run into these kinds of people so often akdhskdnsk#WHY CANT THINGS BE A LITTLE NORMAL SOMETIMES#must i be surrounded by INSANE PEOPLE????? ALL THE TIME?????#anyway ❤
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Baby Brother!
Henry is a busy boy, trying to impregnate his wife...and it is only made harder when your three year old decides to share your bed crawl into you bed at night..But that's fine Henry has a plan that cant possibly backfire.
Warnings: slight smut?, implied smut, fluff, swearing.
A/n:so this request from @jessevans​ has become a oneshot series...its cute, and for a little extra fun this is a true story of what I did to my parents in my first year of school and to this day I'm not forgiven!
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @Angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​
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A Baby Brother!
After the whole boyfriend fiasco things had gone on as they normally did whilst Henry was home. He kal and Paige were the dream team stuck to each other like three peas in a pod,and he had basically taken over with her, trying to savoir the few short months he was home with his girls. You'd also been finding yourself being whisked away for quickies at all times in the day by Henry...well when Paige went to playschool... lets just say that every surface in your home had been put to good use.
Somehow the idea of him being able to 'knock you up' again had drove the man rabid! Every chance he got to pin you down and fuck you he took. But not at night there  was one thing that was getting in the way. At night Paige had refused to sleep in her own room, instead crawling into bed with you and Henry at some point each night, she was afraid of him leaving again so soon, it happened sometimes she would have separation anxiety. But it also meant you and Henry were reluctant to try at night. Henry tho had a plan apparently...so you decided to let him get on with it.
He sat there in the living room watching as Paige practiced her letters on the coffee table that was smothered in her early learning books. He smiled at her then leaned forward resting his elbows on his spread knees.
"Paige-y baby can we talk for a moment?" She blinked then frowned at his more serious tone and nodded putting down her crayon.
"Yes daddy?" He smiled down at her resting his fingertips against one another.
"Baby... can we have a serious big girl talk?" She eyed him carefully and had shrunk into her shoulders a little serious normally meant she was in trouble. Maybe he knew!?
"It wasn't me, I swear KAL DID IT DADDY!" She cried loud and proud putting her best efforts into her paddy even forcing a few crocodile tears, he blinked for a second looking around slowly trying to see what 'Kal' had done.Nothing in here. He looked back to the tantrum throwing toddler panicking he held his hands up at her.
"Whoa whoa little lady kal did what?" Realizing Henry had no idea what she did she stopped .
"Oh..never mind what did you want to talk about daddy?" Dumbfounded Henry blinked at the now perfectly calm child, she really did scare the hell out of him sometimes, he shook his head getting back on track.
"Well...Your a big girl now aren't you? Getting good with your letters and numbers and soon you'll be in proper school" she nodded smiling wide
"Yes daddy look!" She raised her book showing how she'd traced a dotted line of a few words and copied them underneath.
"Wow! You are a big girl look at that! You did that all by yourself?" She nodded grinning as he took the book and placed it back down in front of her.
"Well because your soo big and soo clever me and mummy was thinking you are big enough to help with a err...new addition to the family" she tilted her head and Henry sighed of course she wouldn’t know what that meant.
"A knew family member-" she slammed her hands down squealing
"ARE WE GETTING A PUPPY!? WHERE IS IT? IS IT HERE YET DADDY?" he only just caught the excited girl by the waist as she got up to look for the puppy. He scooped her up and sat her on his knee.
"No poppet not a puppy" he chuckled moving stray hair from her face as she pouted.
"Then what? We cant get a kitty Kal will eat it!" He really laughed at that shaking his head.
"I doubt Kal would actually eat a cat...I think..any way no sweety mummy and daddy want to know if you’d like you a baby brother or sister to play with?" She froze and turned to look at him. He held his breath his whole plan was based on Paige wanting a sibling.... Besides what little girl didn't want a real baby to hold and cuddle, his probably knowing his luck. She twiddled her fingers smiling shyly.
"A-a baby brother daddy?...A real baby..n-not a pretend one like suzie has?" He smiled relieved. Thank god. He nodded.
"Mmhmm a real baby in the house" she jumped up screaming in excitement
"A BABY BROTHER! I'M GETTING A BABY BROTHER! WHERE IS HE DADDY I WANT HIM!" Henry being the emotionally charged wreck he was got choked up seeing her so happy about the prospect of a baby, knowing then and there that Paige would be a perfect older sister.
"Paige! Paige calm down poppet, that's it back over here we haven't finished talking yet good girl now the baby wont definitely be a boy it could be a girl, we wont know until we get pictures from inside mummy's tummy" she gasped putting a hand to her tummy.
"Mummy has a baby in her tummy!?" He faltered not really expecting to get this far. He hummed shaking his head.
"No no not yet..see we have a little problem that only you can help me and mummy with." She stared unblinkingly at him determination written across her face.
"Okay what do I got to do for the baby daddy?" It was cute how serious her face was but there was something else going on in her curt little head, she looked sad, worried. Anxious. He watched her and continued carefully.
"Well you see mummy and daddy can't have a baby until your a big girl, now we know your good with the toilet and washing up , you help mummy and daddy in the house and garden and your good at your school work...but you still creep into mummy and daddy's bed at night...so what me and mummy need from you it to try and stay in your bed at night...do you think you can do that? For the baby?" She froze for a second and blinked Henry faltered holding his breath.
"Th-thats all? Just sleep in my bed? I don't need to leave?" He gasped
"Good heavens no! Poppet of course you don't!" That was when she let loose streams of tears streaking her face as he lifted her up shushing her.
"Oh sweety no no! here come with me daddy wants to show you poppet!" He quickly scooped up his little girl making his way out of the living room he walked past you shaking his head.Later. you nodded and watched as he climbed the stairs with an upset baby girl curled up in his chest. Once upstairs he past Paige’s room and walked into one of the spare rooms, it was empty apart from a few boxes that were going to be moved to the loft. It was light basic cream walls oak wood floor boards high ceiling and huge window.He set Paige down.
"Here we are...see this will be the babies room eventually..." she sighed looking around.
"Its like mine...but not as pretty" he smirked chuckling at her resting his palm on her head as she looked out of the window to the drive below.
"See... we have enough room here for everyone you wont have to leave my love, you'll never ever have to leave  and you know what?" She sniffled shaking her head
"Wh-what?" He crouched down before her smiling taking hold of her hands making her look at him
"No matter how many babies me and mummy have you'll always be my little lady." She looked up tears in her eyes sniffling quietly wiping her eyes trying to hide them.
"Re-really daddy? Always and forever?" His heart melted at the hopeful little face and he held out a pinky
"Always and forever...pinky promise?" She quickly wrapped her tiny pinky around his as if he would change his mind and take it away.
"You can’t break a pinky promise daddy"
"I don't intend to baby I promise that you are going to be my first little lady and you can always stay with mummy and me" she smiled giggling wiping the stray tears way
"And kal and baby!" He smiled leaning forward kissing her head. then she froze as she heard you
“why is the Strawberry pants dug up and in the fridge!” Henry gave Paige a look she shrugged giggling
“They were droopy Miss Bou said they were hot so I had to cool them down” he shook his head at her spinning her in the air.
“come on let go fix your mess you little monkey!”
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Later that night he had explained what happened and you both laid there waiting for the tell tale foot steps from her room but no. None. You smiled kissing him deeply, he had done it and around 1am you found yourself pinned beneath your husband moaning loudly as he rutted into you determined to fuck you full again and again.
He'd never been this determined before but after the second round you realized what he was doing, this wasn't sex or fucking he was breeding you. It was during that night you realized that your husband may have a secret breeding kink all dirty talk of how he couldn't wait until you were full of him again, carrying his child and this time he would definitely show you off make sure everyone knew just who you belonged to. He loved the idea of you pregnant, letting everyone know just what he'd done to you, that he had put your child their. He finished with a harsh thrust and a growl looking straight at into your eyes. You giggled as he collapsed on top of you deciding to stay exactly where he was.
"Baaabbe no I cant sleep with you...you know" he huffed a laugh
"Sleep...babe I’m just resting round five in ten minuets....on second thought maybe fifteen...god I forgot haw good it felt fucking you in our bed~" you wriggled below his huge frame.
"Nooo noo! Henry I've got to be up at six to get Paige ready for preschool!...that’s like in three hours...Please baby enough for now." He gave you a look, you did look fucked out. He relented rolling over taking you with him letting you lay on top of him making you mewl.
"Fine your right I won't fuck you anymore tonight...I’m not pulling out tho every little helps and all that...the longer your stuffed the better the chances...try not to move to much in your sleep babe if i get hard again all bets are off" you whined panting and sweaty as he looped his arms around you pressing your face into his neck.
"Your a fucker you know that?"
"Well I was trying to be but you’ve pussed out~" you bit his neck at that making him laugh hard.
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That morning Henry had to take Paige to school as you were 'ill' you couldn't move you woke up as an orgasm washed over you Henry was grunting above you holding your hips still plowing away at you again unable to control himself. Thankfully you had both finished before she had rushed threw the door kal close behind her both jumping on the bed.
Henry had only just managed to cover himself as she dived onto you covers bouncing excitedly asking where her baby brother was. You gave him the stink eye telling her that it didn't work like that, telling her that it takes time for them to get here.She now thinks that babies are like amazon deliveries and take time.
You sighed walking hand in hand with Henry as you made your way to the playschool, you were both like a couple of teenagers stealing kisses every now and then. Luckily you could both be normal in the village, the locals were used to him being around on and off by now.
Once at the colorful fence you both stopped waiting with the other parents making small talk, you noticed that word of Henry’s return home must have gotten out as there was many more women then usual you sighed feeling them all stare getting an eyefull of your husband in that stupid blue tank top, showing off his amazing shoulders and arms, you knew he did it for you knwoing you loved his broad shoulders.
Then for some reason you got a little niggling feeling you saw Paige coming out first in line holding hands with Micah who was her walking partner...Her teacher was also walking with them. When the children was let out Miss Bou came up to the both of you with Paige.
"I just wanted to come over and congratulate the two of you." She said beaming as Paige climbed Henry who was also confused tilting his head to the teacher.
"Huh? What for?" She looked confused
"Well..Paige said that she was getting a baby brother..she's been talking about it all day" you snapped your gaze to your little cheeky monkey who was grinning at her teacher. Henry was already laughing out loud ruffling his daughters hair You flushed and sputtered knowing he was going to be no help.
"Paige!" Miss Bou smiled uncomfortably
"I-I’m sorry are you not?" You smiled at her Henry was trying to cover stamp out his laughter not giving a damn that everyone around you had heard what was going on.
"No..no I’m not pregnant" you said trying to compose yourself
"But mummy! Daddy said if I sleep in my own bed you’d get a baby! And-and you were sick and couldn't get out of bed this morning and Rose said her mummy was sick before she had a baby!" Henry laughed twisting her away from you if looks could kill his daughter would be no more. You were mortified! There was a few gasps and murmurs of 'oh hell no she did not just say that' he smiled biting his lip shushing Paige for her own safety who saw nothing wrong with what she said. It looked like he had to take some heat of the poor mite.
"What y/n means to say is we are trying but had to...I had to have a talk with this little lady here and convince her to stay in her own room at night..." you growled at him as the teacher now blushed bright red and nodded with a tiny squeak at the look he now directed at you winking.
"Isn't that right babe" he was thoroughly enjoying himself, he never liked the way a few of the mothers eyed him and you when you picked up Paige and this was a perfect time to rub your healthy sex filled relationship in there unfulfilled faces. He could see some of them fanning themselves brushing bright, hearing the envious whispers from said women ripple around them 'She couldn't move after' 'he made he bed bound fuck me..please?' You grunted just giving him a death stare.
"Daddy mummy looks scary!"
"She does doesn't she? That’s okay baby don’t worry she isn’t mad at you, she is mad at daddy....daddy will make it up to her later~"
"Pinky promise?" He snorted and grinned cheekily winding his pinky around his daughters as you stood there getting brighter by the minute. Looking about ready to blow.
"Henry! You best wind your neck in!" He laughed loudly and turned walking away "Quickly run away!" You sighed as he jogged away with a giggling child. You looked at the teacher.
"Thank you very much for telling me about Paige...Me and Henry will talk to her tonight...he chickened out on where babies come from talk" she smirked snorting
"And now?" You smirked
"Oh he is definitely going through that with her tonight and I will watch him squirm"
"He has no idea does he?"
"Nope, I’ll teach him to mess with me" she laughed waved you off as you ran to catch up with your idiot of a husband kicking at him making him yelp as you connected a solid foot to his ass making Paige giggle.
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Girlfriend- Part 9: Family
Series summary: Sam’s suspicious behaviour has you and Dean curious enough to follow him, to find out he is meeting with a Demon in secret leaves you both in shock. Based on S4 demon blood story line with a darker ending.
Pairings: Dean x Reader, Sam x Ruby, Sam x Reader (Platonic)
Chapter summary: Your final chance to bring Sam home. Everything seems to be going well but nothing is easy for this family. Lots of reader x Sam platonic fluff and some Dean x Reader smut (between * if you want to avoid!).
“DEAN!” You yelled as desperation filled your body at the thought of your better half being in danger. You squirmed on your bale and looked at Sam with anguish.
“I’ll check it out." Sam spoke, just how he used to when you heard a scream on a case back in the day. He was flicking back and forward from this monster to your best friend and it was messing with your head more than you’d like.
"Sammy, please, if there's any part of you in there that is still human, still my best friend and still his brother.. you’ll un-cuff me." You begged. Your body wept but there was no tears left in you to cry, your eyes pleaded with Sam. You watched as he turned away from you and the last piece of hope you had left in the man crumbled as he walked through the doorway and left you cuffed. It had only been a few seconds, but there was still no sound, which was worrying. 
You hauled yourself up off the bale and with your hands still pinned behind your back you jogged as fast as you could through the door way. It simply led to an extension of the hayloft and there was some old small farm equipment up there. Some horse harnesses, shovels, but the floor space wouldn’t allow for anything larger, it couldn't have been wider than three feet. Your eyes caught Sam who was peering over the ledge, jaw slack. You rushed to him and followed his line of sight which landed upon the 15 foot drop beneath your feet and your boyfriend and the demon both laying on the hard barn floor unconscious.
“Dean!!” You yelled his name hoping your voice would waken him, but not even a groan, he was out cold. You observed his body top to bottom,  you couldn’t see any bullet wound. The gunshot hadn’t hit him.
“Sam help him!” You demanded. Sam’s eyes flicked between you and the two lifeless bodies on the floor below a couple of times, before he sighed and began to climb over the side of the ledge. He lowered his body down and dangled before dropping, the height of him almost halving the drop, the demon blood probably keeping him safe regardless. He put his arms up for you, implying that he would catch you if you jumped. You were caught off guard, maybe your speech before had gotten to him, or maybe it was all part of the plan to trust him, or maybe even he’d have you jump and not catch you at all. But Dean was laying on the cold, hard ground still not conscious and he needed you.
You got down on your knees and shimmied over to the edge, Sam waved his hands encouraging you to hurry up. You lay on your stomach and began to slip your body over the edge, trying to inch your way over as slow as possible to prepare yourself mentally for the drop. You moved along a centimetre more and caught yourself off guard as you had knocked your balance off and you were about to drop, you panicked in the last second and tried to scramble back up.
“It’s OK. I’ll catch you. I would never let you fall.” Sam said in the softest tone, taking you right back to a year ago when everything was normal. Those were the exact words he had said to you on a poltergeist case that you both worked in New York. An apartment building was showing signs of a haunting and you both went to check it out. You had broken in to an apartment to check for any emf  when the owner came home pissed with a shotgun. You and Sam clambered down the fire escape but it came to an end suddenly and you had to jump down to the ground floor. Those were the words that put the trust in you that no matter what happened to you, Sam would always catch you. It was a moment you knew you had something real with the brothers, that you belonged and you were all a team.. a family. 
You closed your eyes, your mind a mess of emotion and not knowing what to think anymore. You took a deep breath in and launched your body off the edge, landing into Sam’s arms with a huge sigh of relief. He set you down gently and held the joint of your cuffs, with a squeeze he snapped them, leaving your hands free to move with a single cuff around each. The shock of his incredible strength didn’t have time to impact you as you ran to your boyfriend and dropped to your knees, patting his chest and calling his name. Sam rushed to Ruby, but as soon as he landed at her side his eyes were still fixated on his brother. He realised pretty quickly that Ruby was no longer in her meatsuit, and he stood up and towered over your shoulder as you tried to wake Dean up. 
“Y/N?” Dean opened one eye while slowly starting to sit up, you guided him up slowly and pulled him into your arms. He dropped his weight on to your shoulder and gripped you tight. You pulled him back up to look at him and his lips landed on yours. 
“What the hell happened?” You asked as you broke away. 
“That bitch tried to kill me. We fought, we fell, she hit me on the head and the last thing I saw before the lights went out was her smoking out.” Dean explained. You stood up and helped Dean up, keeping your hand securely in his as you stood side by side. The brothers looked at each other, the tension in the air was thick. 
“So you gonna drain me, baby brother?” Dean asked cocking his head to the side. He asked the question with confidence but he was so afraid of the answer. Sam stared back, his faced winced as he thought which gave you the opportunity to try and reason once more Sam. 
“You said you’d never let me fall Sam, and you never did. You caught me every time. How can you not see how far you have fallen? You wont let us catch you. Ruby is only pushing you down farther Sam, please believe me. And let me catch you for once.” You took a step closer to him, Dean’s hand still holding yours tightly. You reached your free hand out to him and searched into his eyes. They softened, a layer of tears glazing over them indicating that there was still human in there, and he did want to come home. 
“Be my brother again. I need you” Dean followed your tactics and his words sunk Sam, the tears finally escaping his eyes as he began to walk towards you both, his hand reaching to yours as a wave of relief rushed over you. Dean beamed from ear to ear as his brother finally gave in. Your moment was interrupted as black smoke trailed through the barn and landed in the limp body of Ruby. Her eyes flicked black as she came to and she stood up, rushing to Sam who stepped back and took his hand away sharply. 
“We have 5 minutes, I smoked out, got us a body to drain.. two if you count the one I rode over here. They’re in the car, lets go! These assholes are too much trouble.” She tugged on Sam’s arm leading him to the exit. 
“Don’t” He pulled back slightly, but he was unsure. You nodded your head at him for assurance. Ruby’s face turned and she snapped round to you and Dean. She raised her hand up to you, ready to harm you. You braced yourself for the impact when instead she began to choke. 
“Stop it now, Sam!” She yelled, holding her throat. Sam had his hand raised at her and his face was sad as he concentrated is energy on his lover. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have left you alone with them!” She spat out between coughs. Sam’s performance slowed as he looked at her, hurt and confusion over his face. 
“Sam, don’t do this. They’re manipulating you. They don’t care about you.” She caught her breath as his torture briefly halted.
“We have always cared about you. I’m your flesh and blood, I’d die for you. Don’t listen to her” Dean’s voice cracked. He thought he had Sam back, but he was now realising that he could be snatched away again just as quickly. 
“I don’t know what to do.” Sam cried, he looked at you both trying to scramble his brain for a decision but comping up empty repeatedly.
“Do you remember the day I met you both?” You asked Sam.
“What?” He asked confused.
“Do you?” You repeated yourself. 
“Um.. yeah.” He sighed.  
“Your brother was hitting on me the whole time” You smiled fondly remembering the old days as Dean squeezed your hand. “And you were telling him, hey don’t scare this one away please.” Sam fondly scoffed at the memory. “But that night, do you remember what you told me?” 
“I don’t remember..” He spoke shyly, almost upset that he couldn’t recall. 
“You told me how he looked after you, and what kind of man he was.” You reminded him. 
“I remember.. I told you that I knew I could trust you because Dean said I could, and he was never wrong about that” He recalled. “I also told you to give him a chance because he might act like a flirty jackass but he’s the best man I know.” 
Ruby’s face was reclaimed by desperation as she saw herself losing Sam in front of her eyes. “They’re lying to you!” She screamed from her spot where Sam had her stuck. 
“Shut up!” He yelled, finally making his decision. He raised his hand and closed his eyes. They flicked black as he focused all his strength on her, her body freezing up and as her eyes began to bleed and her smoke came pouring out of her body. Dean looked away, refusing to see his brother with black eyes. Ruby dropped lifeless to the floor and Sam pushed his breath out, before looking back to you and Dean for instruction on what to do next. 
“Let’s go home.” You smiled. 
“Let’s get you inside, boy.” Bobby grumbled with a smile as he led Sam into his house after a brief reunion. He brought him to the panic room to detox, and Sam didn’t protest, he knew what he had to do to be part of the family again. 
You went upstairs to Bobby’s spare room and landed on the bed with a beam from ear to ear. The crook of your elbow covered your eyes as you basked in the win of today, the win you never thought was coming. Dean slipped into the room quietly, admired you laying on the bed with your shirt slightly tugged up revealing part of your stomach. You moved your arm to look at him. His expression matched yours as he kicked off his boots and dived on top of you. You busted into laughter as the bed dipped and creaked with his weight and he rolled you over so your body was on top of his. He kissed the top of your nose delicately before you rested your head on him as he held you securely. 
“I can never, ever explain to you what you’ve done today. You brought him home” Dean cuddled you tightly as he spoke, his stubbly jaw resting against your hair as you were pressed tightly to his chest. 
“We both did” 
“No, Y/N. You did.” He placed a kiss to your head and you smiled into him. “And I’m not doing anything now, and I don’t know when I will. I don’t gotta ring or anything. But I just want you to know that I want to spend my life with you, you’ll be a Winchester one day.” 
Your heart began to pound in your chest, and your eyes welled up, for the first time in a long time from happiness. You looked up to your boyfriend, his gorgeous smile lighting up his face and consuming his eyes like it used to.
“You mean that?” You breathed. He pressed his lips to yours answering you without words. His feelings transcended through his body to yours as he began to run his hands over you and show you how he really feels. 
The passion in his movements as he rolled on top of you began to heat up. He softly stroked your face with his hand as his lips sunk onto yours, tongues exploring each other. He grinded onto you, you could already feel his hardness through his jeans. Your hand wandered down to between his legs and caressed his boner through the denim. He moaned into your mouth and with a smile you broke the kiss and rolled him off you. 
You slid down his body and began to unbuckle his jeans. His dick bulged out and you licked your lips, seeing the pre-cum already dripping through his grey boxers. You looked into his eyes with a smirk and tugged them down, licking your hand before you began to stroke his cock gently. He rested his head back on the pillow as you began to kiss his tip, swirling your tongue around his head and mopping up the dripping pre-cum. You took him in your mouth and began to work up and down his length. As you sucked he grabbed a fist full of your hair, guiding you along just how he liked. He began to pump his hips into your mouth reaching your throat, provoking a gag from you. 
“Y/N...” he groaned your name in please as you took back control, working your hand at the base at the same time as you sucked him off. Your other hand traced up his leg and found his balls, gently caressing them as he started to squirm, begging to reach his orgasm. 
“I’m gonna-” He pushed your head down once more at his desired pace as you pushed him over the edge, his cum filling your mouth. You swallowed it down and regained your breath before crawling back up to the top of the bed to be beside him once more. 
“Thank you, baby” he pressed a kiss to your forehead and pulled you back into his chest. He kicked his jeans off from around his ankles and tugged his boxers back up, then drew the covers over you both and squeezing you tight. 
“I love you so damn much” he whispered.
“DEAN! Y/N!” Bobby busted into the bedroom in the morning before the sun had risen. 
“Jesus, Bobby” Dean screwed up his face as he sat up in bed, looking at the panicked man in the door way. 
“It’s Sam. He’s gone.”
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bakubaewritings · 4 years
Lost (3)
Todoroki x reader - lost part 3
(part 1)  (part 2)  (part 4)
** so sorry it took a while for this part to come out, I promise part 4 wont take as long, i will try to get it up asap. **
(slight mentions of sex & panic attack)
Having spent the last days of summer break with Dabi, you two had grown much closer. You felt comfortable with him, telling each other all about your lives, families, and pasts. However, there was still one secret you kept form him, your miscarriage. Today was a bit different from your usual schedule. You were heading back to the dorms at UA today to get all your stuff organized before school started. As you left abruptly, you doubted everything was still neat. Dabi had made the decision to tag along with you since it was mostly thanks to his encouragement, you felt so much stronger. Thankfully it looked like the coast was clear; no one had decided to come early and was at the dorms. You and Dabi began to carry your boxes up to your room. It wasn't very many, just some with clothes and decorations for your room. "How many boxes do you have doll? My arms are getting tired," Dabi complained, setting down another box near your bed. You let out a giggle, "I'm sure there's only one more." You told him as you were organizing your dorm room. Dabi grumbled and disappeared behind the door. You reached into one of the open boxes and pulled out a picture frame, the photo was of you and Shoto kissing under a cherry blossom tree from your first year of dating. The two of you had joined your classmates in attending a festival. You had worn a beautiful white and red kimono that matched Shoto's hair, remembering how he blushed when he first saw you made you tear up. You set the frame down next to you on the floor. Reaching into the box once more, this time, you pulled out a sonogram picture. It was your little baby before you found out they had no heartbeat. You starred down at the picture, your hands becoming shaky, for so long you had been trying to distract yourself from mourning the loss. Still, you couldn't ignore the pain in your chest every time you looked in the mirror. Tears flowed down your cheeks, letting out shaky breaths. Every moment of your isolated depressive months came back to you in a flash. The endless nights of isolated panic and anxiety, a feeling of shame still lingered. "Doll, are you alright?" Dabi's voice pulled you out of your trance. His eyes fell to the small black and white picture in your hands. You wiped the tears from your eyes, 'I'm alright." You were never good at lying, He could see right through your facade. Dabi set the last box down and walked towards you. You moved the picture in an attempt to hide the sonogram from him, but he was too quick. Dabi's eyes went wide as he looked down at the small photo. "Is this?" His voice was quiet, so calm. But there was evident pity and sorrow. You didn't speak a word, you couldn't. It was caught, like a pit in your throat. "Y/n." He wrapped his arms around your frame. His warmth comfort made you feel something you hadn't in so long, you felt safe. You cried into his shoulder for what felt like hours, Dabi caressed you, stroked your hair gently. Finally, you began to run out of tears and stopped crying. You were silent in his warm embrace, his touch felt so soft and warm. Dabi seemed to melt away all the sorrow that had frozen your heart, well almost all of it. Turning your head, your eyes met his own narrow turquoise eyes. They were soft, filled with emotion. His hand cradled the back of your head, "is this what Endeavour been blackmailing you with?" All you could do was give him a small nod. "Does Shoto know?" You shook your head, 'no.' He hugged you even tighter. Cradled in his arms with his back against the bed, his long legs bent so that you could sit on his thighs, your own legs around his waist. Wiping your tear-stained cheeks, your faces were so close. His hot breath tingling your lips as the gap began to get smaller and smaller. "You're so beautiful, please don't cry." He cooed stroking your hair gently, his breath sent shivers your spine. Your lips moved almost on their own as they grazed his. "Y/N?" You jumped in Dabi's arms, like a teenager getting caught with a boy in her room by her parents. You moved backward, but Dabi's hand quickly took hold of your own, pulling you back towards him. With a deep red blush, you looked at the doorway to find Midoriya standing there, a faint blush on his cheeks, but tears in his eyes. "Zuzu," You couldn't help but let out a smile. As you began to stand, Dabi almost protectively tightened his grip on your hand. He didn't wasn't to let go, truth be told he was quite upset your moment had been interrupted. You turned to him, assuring him it was all right, and he let go hesitantly. You practically jumped into the green-haired boy's arms. "Hey, Zu, I missed you." You giggle, wiping the boy's tears away, your arms hugged at his waist tightly, laying your head on his shoulder. Midoriya had his arms wrapped right around you, sobs of happiness fell from his lips as he burst with joy. How he was to see you, and how worried he was, how much he had missed you. You returned with your own kind words, explaining your time away was much needed. Midoriya had become your best friend during your time at UA. In fact, he was almost like a part of your family, like a brother. "Umm, Y/n, who is that?" Midoriya was pointing to Dani, who had stood up from the floor and now leaned against the door frame. He was towering above you and Izuku. 'This guy looks pretty scary.' Midoriya screeched in his own thoughts "Oh, Zu, meet Touya Todoroki." You smiled in between the two boys, "Touya, this is my best friend, Izuku Midoriya." "Touya Todoroki, but please call me Dabi, I'm Y/n's fiancé." Dabi's voice came out in an almost possessive cold tone. It caught both you and Midoriya off guard. You had never could Dabi act like this towards you. "Fiancé?" Midoriya stuttered out confused "Dabi! You can't just come out and say that everyone's going to think I'm a whore for being engaged to my ex-boyfriend's brother." You scolded the tall, dark-haired man. Your angered tone caught him off guard, but he retained his calm composure best he could. "I'm sorry, would you prefer, hi I'm Touya, but please call me Dabi, and Y/n and I are engaged because my father set us up on an arranged marriage." He chuckled amusingly, you shook your head. Poor Midoriya was so confused, his mouth damn near the floor. "No, I would prefer you not to tell anyone we are engaged." You poked his chest roughly, your glare at him sharply. Turning over to Midoriya you sighed heavily, 'looks like the cats out of the bag, at least it's only Midoriya.' "Zu, please do not tell anyone, I'm waiting until we graduate to even make it "official." A lot of things happened during the break-." "But, I don't understand, why?" he interrupted you, his fists were balled up at his sides. His face screaming of confusion, anger, and even regret. Midoriya had been struggling a lot since you left. He developed a deep resentment for Todoroki after what had happened, and he felt awful that he couldn't help you. For much of summer break, he imagined how lonely and heartbroken you must have felt, and now when you were finally back, everything seemed more of a mess. Dabi placer a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. "Your answer is actually quite simple. The devil works hard, but Endeavor works harder." Midoriya's gaze fell to you, his eyes softened and filled with worry. "You aren't doing this out of your own, will are you?" His voice came out shaky, but the anger couldn't be ignored. You trusted him, you trusted Midoriya with your own life, so you told him. " Endeavor is blackmailing me. After Shoto and I broke up, I spent the summer break at my grandmother's, and then he showed up. He-" "He's a jackass." Dabi scoffed Midoriya nodded in agreement. "What is he blackmailing you with? Maybe we can talk to him; it couldn't be that serious that you should throw your whole life away to marry someone," he turned to Dabi, who had a scowl on his face. "No offense." You looked down at your feet, "it...it's.." Dabi's arms wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you towards his chest. Your gaze never left the floor. Your hands reached up to cup your face, you felt hot tears once again fall from your e/c eyes. Taking a deep breath, you spoke, "months ago, before Todoroki and I broke up. He started becoming distant, at first I didn't want to pry." Your words were shaky despite your attempts to be coherent. Dabi pulled you even closer, you could hear his heartbeat in your ears. "Doll it's alright you don't have to-" "I blamed myself for him being distant, so I thought. Maybe if I had sex with him, it would make him love me again, make him stay. But I got pregnant." A gasp came from Midoriya. Your gaze refused to leave the ground, but you could feel his eyes on you. "I didn't find out until a while ago, but when I found out, the baby didn't have a heartbeat. All my stress and depression after what happened, I just-" You collapsed onto the ground, breaking down hysterically. Your words were incoherent as coughs and sobs escaped your lips every time you attempted to speak. Both boys were now embracing you, and although you appreciated the love, it felt like it was becoming claustrophobic. "Please, I can't breathe." You inhaled in an attempt to fill your lungs with oxygen. "Y/n, are you alright?" Midoriya asked "I- I don't. I can't breathe." "She is having a panic attack," Dabi lifted you up into his arms. "She's cold," "We have to get her to the hospital." Midoriya cried You were still having trouble breathing, gripping Dabi's shirt so tightly your knuckles were white. Everything around you was incredibly blurry, the whole room was spinning. "Don't pass out Y/n, please." Dabi's voice was so quiet. He stuttered a little, almost like he was trying not to cry. But you couldn't, your eyelids were so heavy. Your brain felt as though it was pounding against your skull. You began to fade in and out until darkness overcame you. . . A loud, beeping sound woke you up. Opening your eyes to take in your surroundings, you were in a hospital room with an IV in your arm and monitors. Midoriya and Dabi were slumped in the chairs next to the bed. You sat up slowly, taking a deep breath. There were footsteps outside the door, along with some familiar voices. Your heart began beating quickly. In walked in some of your closest classmates, even Bakugo was there, with a scowl on his face. You were thankful that it wasn't everyone who had come. Seeing everyone at once felt like a little too much to handle for one day, especially since Todoroki and Momo weren't there. Kirishima carried with him a teddy bear, Ochacco with ballons, and Iida a bouquet of flowers. "What are you guys doing here?" You were shocked, happy, but very shocked. Kaminari practically dove towards you and snuggled up at your sides like a kitten, his arms wrapped around your waist. "We came to see if you were alright, Midoriya texted you were back." Ochaco smiled, walking towards you, to give you a hug. "Thank you guys, I missed you all so much." "We are so glad you're back and safe, Y/n." Mina chirped "Are you alright, Y/n? We haven't seen you since-" Tokoyami asked "I am, I needed a break away from everything. But I guess I wasn't fully ready to deal with everything since I ended up in the hospital." You scratched the back of your neck. "Midoriya said you had a panic attack, and your blood pressure dropped," Iida informed you. "oh," You looked over to Dabi and Midoriya, who was now waking up. Midoriya rubbed his eye gently when he noticed everyone in the room he smiled. "You guys came." "We did. We wanted to make sure our little Y/n was alright," Kaminari said, finally letting go of you and walking over towards Kirishima and Mina. Dabi stood up from the seat, taking the opportunity to stretch. Dabi toward over most of your classmates. He placed his large hand on your head, "you scared me, idiot." You looked up at him with big doe eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm alright, though." "Umm Y/n, who's your friend?" Ochaco asked curiously "Oh right guys this is T-" "Dabi, you can call me Dabi. Pleased to meet you all, Y/n has spoken highly of all of you." Your classmates began introducing themselves to Dabi, one by one. Everything seemed to be so peaceful, everyone talking like how it was before everything. That was until your stomach began growling. Everyone seemed to turn to you, a blush crept onto your cheeks in embarrassment. "Hey, you hungry, Y/n?" Midoriya asked You nodded, "yeah, actually." Kaminari decided to perk up, "Come on, guys, our Y/n is hungry. Let's go on a mission to get some food!" He cheered, causing you and everyone else to laugh. "Hey, stop yelling, idiot. We are in a hospital," Bakugo yelled angrily at Kaminari. "Bakugo, you're not helping your case by yelling yourself." Iida pointed out "You guys go on, I'll stay here with Y/n," Dabi told them. "I'll stay too." Midoriya and Ochaco jumped in "You guys don't have to, I'll be fine. Go get food for yourselves as well, and bring me something good, like (favorite food)!" You perked up thinking yummy food. "Are you sure Y/n?" Midoriya asked. You sent gave him a nod and a smile, assuring him it was alright. Dabi planted a kiss onto your forehead, "be a safe doll, don't go passing out on me again." You blushed a deep red color. Everyone else in the room was shocked as well. "you got it." Your voice came out as more of a squeal. "We'll be right back, Y/n." Kirishima waved "Don't go anywhere." Joked Mina "See ya in a bit Doll." After everyone was gone, you finally let out a shriek of embarrassment, letting your head fall back onto the pillows. Dabi was gonna get an ear full when you two were alone. There was the sound of the door opening again. You thought it was probably of your classmates who had forgotten something; to be honest, you were quiet, hoping it was Dabi. You lifted your head up from the bed to look at who had walked in, only to have your world stop. Staring back at you were a pair of tear-filled heterochromatic eyes.
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"What Do I Get?" ...  "Me!"
Friday 11th September 2020
Good evening everyone! So sorry for the late post, I was away from my laptop over the weekend and I've only had now to catch up with Friday's episode! I've decided that tomorrow I will do two posts, one following up tonight's episode and obviously the second one following Tuesday's episode! I want to make sure my blog is up date as much as possible. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.
Let's look back at the episode in hand, you will remember that Thursday's episode ended with Vinny attacking Martin in the Minute Mart after he was caught fleeing from Ruby's club. The episode started exactly where the last one finished off, Martin is lying on the floor unconscious, poor Vinny is worried and panicking about what he has just done, he calls his brother Jags for help! How is Vinny going to get himself out of this?!
Back at the Vic, Ian has just poured his heart out to Sharon, revealing that he has fallen in love with her, and he's adamant that she feels the same way about him. To his devastation, she admits that she loves him as a dear friend and as someone she trusts, but not in the way he is thinking. Poor Ian so confused, I'm sure he's feeling completely taken aback, especially after the lies Dotty filled his head with. Ian states to Sharon that she gave him all sorts of looks and signs and signals that that was how she felt about him, but I think it comes to the realisation that he accidentally misread them. Sharon assures him that nothing needs to change and they can still carry on how things are, but to Ian's dismay, he feels as though everything has changed between them now - how can he carry on living with her knowing she doesn't feel the same way about him?!
At the Atkins household, we last saw Gray approach Chantelle about her wedding ring. He is unaware that she pawned it so she could get some money to get away. She's come up with the story to tell him that the stone in the ring had come lose, so she's going to have it fixed. He is constantly questioning her, asking her why she hadn't told him in the first place, he lunges at her a smacks the table in a rage. Softly, out of fear, she says she'll have the ring back in a few days and she also questions him back - Asking him whether he thinks she took it off because she's fallen out of love with him? Only his snide comment back is "Can you blame me?!" ... As they're trying to talk things through, their daughter Mia walks into the room, nearly giving away Chantelle's escape plan. Chantelle tries to swerve Gray off the suspicion and says she'll take the children out for the afternoon while he does his work at home. Gray then goes into Chantelle's bag, takes out her purse and car keys and gives her only a £10 note to spend and says "The should be more than enough!" - he walks away with her purse and car keys, leaving her with no choice but to come back home!
Back at the Minute Mart, Vinny is waiting for his brother, only for his Mother, Suki, to walk in. She sees Martin lying on the floor and begins to ask questions. She tells him that he needs to flee and act as if he wasn't there and doesn't know a thing. Jags follows behind her, she tells him they all need to get their story straight and instructs Jags to wipe the CCTV. Whatever the plan Vinny and Ruby had, Ruby doesn't want to go ahead with it anymore, she's seen phoning Vinny claiming it was a mistake! Could they both be in big trouble for what they were going to do?! Is Martin going to realise who it was he chased and ended up being attacked by? What I also want to know is, what does Suki have anything to do with the situation? Why is she getting involved? I've said it before and I'll say it again - i'm convinced there's much more to the Panesar family that we haven't seen yet. I'm really intrigued to see if we'll find out anymore about their past and why they came to Walford!
Callum is still clearly feeling disappointed in Ben for lying to him. Ben is pleading for Callum to help him and his Dad and asks him to try and get the CCTV footage of him wiped. Callum scoffs and can't believe what his boyfriend is asking of him, Callum has worked hard to get where he is in the Police, how could his partner ask him to jeopardise his career? Callum states to Ben that all he cares about is himself and his Dad, he always seems to come second best. What relationship are they going to have when it's all based on lies?! Callum leaves leaving Ben looking guilty, worried and panicked. Is this another bump in the road that Ballum will be able to overcome?
Back over at The Vic, Dotty decides to make an appearance, even though she's not welcomed with smiles. Sharon immediately tells her to leave but Dotty can't help but make fun of Ian. Acting with pride and sarcasm, asking him if he really believed that Sharon actually loved him. Ian just bows his head in embarrassment, for a split second there is silence as the locals listen in and react to what they've just heard. Max, who is sat on the other side of the room, tells Ian to just ignore her as Dotty leaves with a smug grin on her face. I think it's then that Ian realises he's been made a fool of and been lead to believe something which isn't true. Everyone is sticking up for him, Sharon and Max are all saying that Dotty is just talking rubbish - even though part of me is thinking that Max isn't going to be best buddies with Ian when he realises that Ian bought the Vic with his share of the restaurant. Later on upstairs, Ian is packing his things away, Sharon is trying to persuade him that nothing has to change and that he can stay, but Ian is having none of it - he blames her for leading him on, being too intimate and being with each other over lock-down. Sharon apologises deeply for giving her friend the wrong impression but she can't seem to realise that she's done anything wrong - which to be fair, she hasn't - I'm sure she thought Ian was there for her just out of support and for genuinely being a good friend. Ian then confesses "I bought you a pub!" - that was another reason he bought it for her, because he loved her! It's only then Sharon realises that his feelings for her really do run deep!
Meanwhile, Ruby has been trying to get hold of Martin, she noticed Vinny from across the Square and he shoots off. Ruby then looks down the Square to see an ambulance, as she gets closer, she realises it's Martin lying in the back of it. She rushes to be at his side. Suki tells her not to worry and that she was the one who called the ambulance. As Ruby looks on worryingly, Ash approaches her Mum and asks her what has happened. Suki then instructs her quietly, as she looks over Ash's shoulder in the distance to the Police, to say that Vinny was with her all day if anyone asks her any questions. Ash looks confused but then as she looks behind her to see the police, she understands she needs to do as her Mum tells her.
At home, Ben is waiting for Callum to return. As he walks in, it's clear they are both reeling from the information that they've both been made aware of. Ben is the one who breaks the ice and instantly apologises to his boyfriend for lying and for putting him in a terrible situation. He admits he's messed everything up, Callum is silent and listens carefully as Ben makes his apology. Ben begins to explain the whole situation regarding his Dad and Danny, even mentioning the moment when Danny had a gun and that was when he lost his hearing. He compliments Callum and basically thanks him for being so loving and caring towards him when he was going through the most difficult time in his life, and that because of that he couldn't bring himself to tell him what had happened and upset him. He states that he doesn't want to lose his partner because of it. Callum instantly tells him that that is not going to happen, it's then that Ben sighs and says to him "I do not deserve you!", this is such a beautiful Ballum moment, Callum smiles slightly and agrees that finally that that is something they can both agree on. Ben sighs and then goes to the draw and pulls out the box containing the house key, instantly Callum is shocked and begins to ask whether it could be something else, Ben explains that he was going to do it the day before, before anything happened but obviously he couldn't ... he opens the box - "Move in with me, Cal!" ... for a split moment, it looks as if Callum is about to smile a huge smile - but then he says "How do I know you've not just done that now? Thinking that it would fix everything!" - Ben is left devastated, his lips curl and he places the box on the kitchen table, softly saying "Stupid idea!" and walks out! Callum is left staring at the box. At his point, I do feel sorry for Ben, he's trying to do everything he can to make it up to his partner, but he just doesn't seem to be having any of it.
Outside on the Square, Chantelle is looking defeated. Her daughter Mia asks her whether or not they'll be going on their adventure. Chantelle sadly shakes her head and tells her daughter that it wont be today, she also asks her not to mention it to their Daddy either. Mia smiles and says "I'm good at keeping secrets!" - Mitch then joins Chantelle and the children in the garden and says that he's booked them a holiday for the following day, and even though he understands that Gray may not be able to get the time off work, he would love it if Chantelle and the kids would go with him. Chantelle's face lights up - could this be the opportunity she needs to finally get away? It would be the perfect excuse to get away from Gray and it will also be the best opportunity she could get to make her escape plan work! She agrees and tells her children that they'll still be going on their adventure!
Okay - just putting it out there!!! Does anyone think something is going to happen between Tina and Frankie?! I can just see it happening. Tina isn't fond of Frankie to begin with, saying to Peter that her disability isn't going to help when it comes to serving drinks to a bar full of people. Frankie then proves her point to Tina and deals with a situation with some customers. She gets them to leave the bar and smiles at Tina - "Happy?" - Tina is then seen looking closely at Frankie. Is she going to slowly start getting feelings for the girl, and with Frankie somehow going to be getting closer to the Carter family, will she perhaps take advantage of Tina's feelings and lead her on, just to get closer to Mick, Ollie and the family?! Who knows?!
Back at the Mitchell house, Ben walks in a room where Callum is on his own, just thinking to himself. He says to Ben that he hates everything that is going on. He hates not being able to trust his own boyfriend. Once again, Ben tries his best to apologise - trying to explain that he didn't think, he was trying to protect his lover but also the fact that he was worried that Callum would put his career before him. Callum again tells his boyfriend that he loves him, they both share a smile at each other and Callum begins to get back to matter at hand. He informs Ben that CID will have the CCTV footage back in a few days time and he can try and delay it. The only way that they can move Ben away from the scent and the one thing that will stop Ben from going on the run, is if they decide to set Danny up and get him to go to the police without him knowing. Callum looks in shock, but perhaps it could be the only way of getting Ben and Phil out of trouble?!
The Panesar family are reeling over recent events and what Vinny has done. Ash is angry at her family for getting her involved and making her lie to the Police. Suki is basically telling them all to agree to the same story. Kheerat is trying to keep the peace saying that everything will be fine if they all say the same thing. Ash is angry and leaves the room. Suki instructs Vinny to change his clothes, it's only when she also leaves the room that Jags approaches his brother and asks him whether he's sick of things happening and that everything they do - there's always a victim. He reveals that he and Habiba had been seeing each other, but after he took her to one of his jobs to collect rent, she dumped him. I think that Jags is slowly starting to realise that the way he's been living his life, is not normal. I think it's clear that the Panesar family have been involved in horrendous things and it looks as if Jags is wanting to change his ways. He couldn't believe he could have someone as beautiful as Habiba, and now she's dumped him, he can see that the family do is wrong. He pulls out a poker chip and says that Kheerat can now have it, it used to bring him luck but he no longer wants it and maybe Kheerat needs more of the luck if he's going to be staying with the family  He says to his brother that he is going to change his ways and he's going to do everything he can to win Habiba back.
The last scene of the episode, Chantelle is whispering on her phone. At first we're not too sure who it is she's speaking to, until she makes her way down the stairs of her front door and Kheerat approaches her. She says to him that he's not supposed to be there, but he confesses he can't help but worry about her and making sure she's okay. He claims that he and Chantelle both know that there is something between them, Chantelle doesn't deny it, but she begs him to go before Gray sees. He pulls out the poker chip Jags gave him and tells her that he wants her to have it, and that any time she wants to cash it in, to give it back to him. She looks a little confused to begin with, she asks "What do I get?" ... Kheerat then leans in and smiles, "Me!" and places it in her palm. Chantelle encloses it with fist and fingers and as he walks away, she's left with a soft smile on her face. Will Chantelle find a way to confide in him before it's too late? Will Gray find the poker chip? Will the poker chip be found at the scene when Chantelle sadly passes away?
I feel the poker chip is going to be something important, either it'll go missing, Gray will find it, Kheerat will find it and some how, some way - it will come to light about Chantelle's abuse at the hands of her husband. I do believe eventually Kheerat will find out and he'll do anything to get justice for her. What do you guys think? I apologise once again for this post being so late, but I promise there will be two blog posts tomorrow! Thanks again for reading, it truly means the world. Thank you everyone xXx
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linoloverimagines · 5 years
Burn (MIN YOONGI X READER ANGST) (inspired by the song “Burn” in hamilton)
Dating a non-famous person in the K-pop industry almost seemed like taboo especially if an Idol was dating a foreigner. So, being in a relationship with Min Yoongi one of the biggest boy groups in the industry was a bit of a challenge.
You weren’t a celebrity inside or outside of Korea, you weren’t anything special in the public eye, so getting hate may be heavier for you than other famous people dating idols. Since Yoongi was concerned about your safety and you understood the repercussions if the public found out, you agreed to keep your relationship a secret.
You two have been dating for more than a year now and for the first few months it felt amazing. It helped that you landed a job in big hit as a human resource officer, so you both always had the chance to hang out with each other within the walls of the building.
He would sneak you in his genius lab where you guys would eat, talk, and make love.
It felt perfect.
It came to a point where he asked you to moved into his apartment, you were skeptical at first because paparazzis might spot you with him, but he assured you that the complex was safe and private for celebrities.
He would also bring sample tracks home sometimes and make you listen to them. Seeing him being proud of his work brought happiness in your heart, but sometimes you wished he wasn’t such a workaholic.
You wished that he would have more time with you at home or even in the office, but you couldn’t be selfish since this is his dream and this is what he loves to do.
One day he made you go into his office to listen to a track, you were surprised by the unusual sweet melody and lyrics of the song. When he said that it was written about you and for you, your heart fluttered and you wondered how lucky you were to have such a hardworking yet sweet partner.
As months past by, you noticed that Yoongi comes later than he usually does and in some days he doesnt even go home.
You always tried to be supportive so you kept on getting updates from him or the other boys if he was fine or eating well.
When BTS finally went for a short hiatus, so the members could take a well-deserve break, Yoongi still worked on new tracks in his office. Luckily, one of their managers managed to kick him out and convince him that he needs to go home and rest.
He opened the door to your apartment and gave you a small smile “Hi.”
You ran up to hug him tightly “You’re home early!”
“Yeah....Sejin-nim managed to convince me to rest.”
“That’s great! I’ve missed you so much” you bury your head on his chest
“Ive missed you too, Jagi” he kissed your head
“Namjoon said that we needed to take a break from our break because we were offered to collaborate with a girl group. He said that it could help our group grow even more...” Yoongi explained why he had to come home late again
“It’s okay, i understand” you sighed “oh, by the way i have to go home next week... there was an emergency regarding my niece and they need me there. I’ll only be gone for a few days though” you informed
“Alright, be safe okay?” He kissed your forehead
“Y/N, isnt this Yoongi?” Your mom points to an article from a tabloid site on her phone
‘BTS’ Suga seen together with Red Velvet’s Joy in a restaurant’
You laughed it off “it’s probably just for publicity, mom. Their groups are making a collab song”
“Hmm...if you say so, but always remember what i said before i agreed to your relationship.” your mother looks at you with concern
You nodded
You shrugged off the article because it was probably nothing and you trust Yoongi too much to worry.
“I’ve missed you guys so much and i hope little ______ will be alright, keep updating me alright?” You say to your mom while hugging her goodbye
“You take on your flight, okay?” She kissed your forehead
While waiting for your plane to board, you decided to check new updates about your boyfriend’s boyband on their webpage. Hewas always too busy to update you or even just check up on you, but you understood because you knew how important music was to him.
‘ BTS’ Suga publicizes relationship with Red Velvet’s Joy’ written on the front page of their official site
Your heart dropped, but you needed to be rational. Maybe it was just a scheme to get their fans to get along?
You clicked on the article and saw a video pop up and in the video was your dear Min Yoongi holding hands with Joy.
Your heart sank even further
“I don’t know how or when, But it all just felt right when she finally said yes” Yoongi let out his gummy grin
Thoughts started to plagued your mind
“How can he do this to me?”
“Why did he do this to me?”
Your eyes were blurry with tears, but you were interrupted by a man who tapped you on the shoulder
“Uh, miss i think it’s time to board the plane”
You quickly snap out of your state “oh yes yes, thank you.”
During the entire plane ride, you couldn’t sleep. All you did was think of the different things that you could do to Yoongi such as choke him to death, yell at him, or just quietly exit out of his life. You didn’t know what to do and you actually wished that the plane would just crash, so you wont have to feel that hurt anymore.
When you finally arrived at the apartment complex, you looked like your soul was drained out of your body. The flight was 11 hrs and you haven’t had any sleep nor have you eaten anything since you saw the dreadful article.
You opened the door and you were greeted with familiar laughs from familiar male voices mixed with the giggles from females.
Ahhh, the whole boyband was here along with their new girlfriends, including the person your man replaced you with. Perfect.
The laughs stopped when they saw you come in, you scanned the room and there he was sitting next to Joy, looking lovely and bright while you looked like an absolute mess.
“Y/N.” Yoongi immediately stood up and walked over to you.
You could feel your tears welling up again, but you tried to keep your composure.
You couldn’t even mutter a single word without breaking down, all you could do was sigh.
You walked pass him and dragged your luggage to your shared bedroom and he quickly followed.
“Why did i even come here?” You thought
“I can explain everything, I promise” he blurted out
You motioned your hand signaling him to keep talking
“I don’t love her, but i needed to do it for the promo. I’m sorry....” he muttered
“Do you know what my mother said? When you asked me to be yours? She said ‘be careful with that one, love. He will do what it takes to survive.’ No wonder you kept me a secret, you and your words flooded my senses, your sentences left my defenseless! But you’re more Obsessed with your legacy than you are in love with me! You are paranoid on how the public with perceive you if they found out you were dating someone irrelevant!” You cried out
“You told the whole world how you brought this girl into our lives and in wanting to achieve more, you have ruined our relationship!” You added as you bawled out your anger and hurt.
“Min Yoongi, I can’t do this....” You dragged your luggage out of the apartment as he tried to chase after you
“y/n... wait please.” He begged grabbing your wrist
“You are very talented y’know that? You can still succeed without pretending to date someone famous. I-I just cant let myself become this hidden part of your life that you’re ashamed of...” you shook his grip off
“It’s not that I’m ashamed of you, it’s just that... Agh, i dont, agh” he struggled to find the right words
“Goodbye, Min Yoongi”
You walked away and this time, he didn’t follow you anymore.
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The Enemy Of my Step-Brother Is My Lover
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(Gif Credit To @trenchcoatsandserpents)
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy Reading Dollies.
Sorry for not posting as much, have some serious writers block here and trying to work through it.
You were sound asleep as a loud thud hit the window, waking you, sitting up you saw that a rock hit your window. "What the hell". You got up, creeping to the window. Sweet Pea sitting on his bike, throwing rocks. Opening the window, you leaned out. "What are you doing here"? "I wanted to see you". He stepped forward, coming up the tree next to your room. "Pea, if my mom or step-dad and especially if Reggie sees you here, they will kill you". You helped him in. "They won't, relax". He said as he pecked your lips. "How am I to relax when I have the enemy of my step-brother in my room and he's looking so damn good". You smirked, winking at him. "Come here Princess". His index finger motioned for you to come sit on his lap. Swaying over you took off your shirt, throwing it at him. Quickly covering your breast with your hands. "I should have came sooner, damn Princess". He moved your hands for him to run his hand down your bare chest, sending shivers down your spine You attacked his neck, leaving hickies to be seen tomorrow at school. Feeling him grow under your touch, you circled your hips, making him groan. "Fuck". His mouth sucked on your nipples, swirling his tongue around. Then the cockblock of all cockblocks came a knocking. "Y/N"? Reggies voice made both of you jump. "HOLY SHIT". You quickly put your shirt back on and Pea tried to hide underneath the bed as best as he could. Which was impossible but he managed to hide. "Why is the door lock"? "Hang on". You opened the door out of breath, your heart racing to see Reggie standing there with a bat. "What do you want"? "I heard a noise". "So you came to my room"? You said with your hands on your hips. "It came from in here". "Right, well I'm the only one here so go away now". Trying to close the door, Reggie pushed through, coming into your room and snooping around. "I have to make sure". "Wow, you look like a idiot right now in your tighty whiteys with pink bunny slippers on and a foam bat". "I wish I had my phone, this would be all over the place". You chuckled. "Why does it smell like a guy in here"? He started to sniff the air. "I don't know, your not one so it could be my burner". You shrugged, pointing to the skull burner that puts out the fragrance sweet pea. "Why is your shirt inside outwards"? "What is with the twenty questions tonight"? "Why are you answering my question, with a question"? "Get out of my room Reggie". You said fed up with his whole existence. "Who's under the bed"? Your breath hitched, beads of sweat started to form on your forehead. "There's no one under my bed". You laughed it off, quickly sitting on it. "Really, then this must be your boot on the floor then"? Reggie pulled on the boot, which made Sweet Pea start kicking and coming out from underneath. "You son of a bitch". Reggie started to hit Sweet Pea with the foam bat. "Reggie stop". Quickly getting inbetween them. "What the fuck is he doing in our house, in your room"? "Oh god, was you two doing it"? He clenched his fist. "He's here cause I wanted to see him". "No, you interrupted us". "You're dead Serpent scum". "Bring it, little bitch". Sweet Pea had his fist up. "You're not fighting here, or anywhere else for that matter". "How could you, you know he's not one of us, he's trash". "He is my boyfriend and I'm not even one of you". "I'm from the southside". "So, Our parents will hear about this". Reggie stomped out. "Pea, you have to go". You pushed him to the window. "I can take Reggie, I've done it before". He said as he gave your tear stained cheek a kiss. "I know, but my step- father is a different story, he works with the mayor and the police". "He will find a way to get you in trouble". Sweet Pea hopped out the window and started to climb down the tree. "I'll see you at school tomorrow". Blowing him a kiss, your heart skipped a beat, Reggie knew your secret and he was going to make your life hell because of it. Morning came and you were scared. You didnt want to come down for breakfast but that would make them come up to your room and ask question which you didnt want to answer. So you pulled yourself up, got dressed and put on a fake happy smile and went down stairs. "Good morning sweet heart". Your mother kissed your cheek, giving you a plate of pancakes. "I'm not hungry, here Reggie you eat it". Reggie and your mother looked at you odd. "You always liked my pancakes". "Yeah, you always fought me for the last one". "I'm just not hungry and if I am, I'll pick up something at school". "Okay then, you better get your things, its time for school". You met Reggie at the door, holding it shut. "Didn't you tell them or are your threats just for shits and giggles"? "I told my dad, your mom will hear about it when he gets home". He had a evil smirk on his face. "What is he doing to Sweet Pea"? "You'll just have to go to school and see". His laugh made you want to slam his head into the door. Thats when you bolted out the door and straight to your car, spinning out of your drive way and heading to school. You ran through the door to your locker, nothing was happening, Sweet Pea was talking to Fangs. "Pea". "Hey, what's wrong"? "Somethings going to happen you need to leave now". "What are you talking about"? "Reggie told his dad, he knows, he's planning something". But as Sweet Pea was going to leave, three cops came busting in with your step-father leading them. "Run Pea"! You pushed him to the other doors, thats when Fangs, Toni and the other Serpents were pushed on the lockers and handcuffed. Your step-father went straight for Pea and Pea didnt resist. "Let him go". "You stay out of this, this is police business". "I'll be fine, call FP". You nodded, wanting so bad to kiss him before he left. As you watched him leave you saw Reggie in the corner at the trophy case laughing with some buddies. Marching over there, you swung your fist, hitting him in the jaw. "Look at what you've done". Tears fell. "You shouldn't have brought scum in my house". He got in your face, his hand holding his jaw. "Your right, well you can explain to my mother why I wont be home". "What are you bitching about"? "If Sweet Pea's scum than so am I, I'm not welcomed either". You turned on your heel, pulling out your cell phone and calling FP.
Waiting at the police sation with FP, your thoughts of Reggie making you angry. "What charges could they have on them"? FP asked running his hand threw his hair. "I don't know but I know it has to do with me". You sadly said. "Hey, Pea would die for you, so dont put all this on you". Looking up you saw your mother coming in. What was she doing here? "Mom"? She came over, looked FP up and down as she clutched her purse. "He's not going to steal it". You rolled your eyes, FP chuckled. "I came here to get you". "I'm staying until Sweet Pea gets released". Crossing your legs and arms. "Your father said......" "He's not my father, Reggie and him have no right to say who I can see". "No but I do". "Now young lady you get your butt in that car or else". "Or else what"? "You're going to kick me out, ban me from seeing Pea, what"? "This is just a faze, you'll get over it". "Wow, I can't believe you Mom". "I'm not going anywhere and I don't care what you do". You huffed and looked away. She stomped her foot and scurried off. "Your Moms....nice". You and FP laughed as the doors swung open, walking out was Sweet Pea with a fresh black eye. You hurried over to him, taking his face in your hands. "I'm sorry". "Lets get out of here". The ride home was quite, you sat in the middle between Pea who was starring out the window and FP who was driving. "Where do you want me to drop you off at Y/N"? FP asked as he turned down your road. "I'm staying with Pea". "No, take her home". Sweet Pea answered rather quickly. "I'm staying with you". You demanded. "You are going home and that is final". Sweet Pea ordered, his voice frightened you. "I'm close to Y/Ns house, is that where I'm stopping"? FP asked again. "Yes, she's going home where she belongs". Feeling yourself start to choke up, you looked at the road, trying not to blink so the tears wouldn't fall, but it didnt work. Slowing down at your drive way, Sweet Pea got out and you scooted out. He didnt make eye contact with you or even acknowledged you as you tried to hug him, your heart broke. What happen? "See you around Y/N". FP waved as he pulled off. Nodding, you looked at your house, you didnt want to go inside. Everything was so messed up now, that all you wanted to do was crawl in a hole and cry but you couldn't do that so you walked. Clearing your head made you feel better, but you were so in your head that you didnt see what part of town you went into. Ghoulie territory. Sweet Pea always told you not to go there without him. He was right but it was to late to turn around as two Ghoulies came up behind you. "Well well, well, what do we have here"? "Are we lost Girly"? One said with a evil laugh. "Sorry, I was just walking, don't mean any harm". You raised up your hands. "Aren't you Reggie Mantle's sister"? The other asked, looking you up and down. "Step-sister". You growled, not wanted to be called his sister, you hated that you were even in the same house as him. "No, I see her with that Serpent Sweet Pea, she cant be his sister". "Again step-sister and you're right I'm with Sweet Pea". "Wow, dating a Serpent and family with a Bull Dog, thats risky right there". "Yeah it is, but it works". "So why are you out so late"? They started to circle you. "I had to clear my head, do you have a problem with that"? "When its on my territory than yes I do". "You dont own this, you think you do but you really dont". Sarcasm laced your voice, making the two Ghoulies tilted their heads. "Well, if you wonder in Ghoulie land you must pay the price". You couldn't help but laugh, who does this guy think he is the monopoly man? "Right, just let me leave and I wont come back". You started to walk between them but they pushed their shoulders into you making you fall to the ground. Then thats when everything went black and pain took over your body.
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