#and then 13 chapters later...
bakuliwrites · 1 year
I swear to god, I start a fic with every intention of keeping it short and sweet and then all of a sudden, it's run away from me and I black out and then when I wake up, it's some 20,000+ word monstrosity that has a fully fleshed out plotline and a mind of its own.
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keferon · 3 months
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plothooksinc · 3 months
In which there is a hostage exchange and Splinter definitely does not have Rat Flu.
[If you are a scientist, please pretend this chapter makes sense <3]
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spock-adoodledoo · 1 month
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sanfan (sanhao?) appreciation post
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xiiiwayfinders · 9 months
Do you ever think about how much Barret cared about Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge because I do
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stayteezdreams · 11 months
And His Name Was Death {Part One} - Teaser
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Slowly, the man smiled, showing his bright white teeth. Bowing to you, he peered up, and as his eyes met yours you could see they were now completely black. Your heart jolted with shock as you felt locked in place.
"And to answer your other question. I am Death."
Plot: What happens when you accidentally summon Death himself, and he decides he doesn't want to leave?
Teaser to Part One of a ? Part Series
Part One Coming Late October (As a part of my 13 Days of Halloween)
~Taglists Open~
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every-yumichika · 10 months
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miss-celestia13 · 8 months
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“This is the final hour, the silence hovers where dark and light devour”
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sesshy380 · 6 months
To those who have patiently waited for a new chapter of Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real (aka TKB 2nd chance fic), you will be thrilled to learn that there are TWO chapters coming in the near future!
Both with be posted at the same time, as they kind of go together. It started out as one chapter, but it started getting a bit on the long side. Also, I realized there was a change in the chapter theme, and I was able to find a good cut-off point between the two.
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nico-drives-badly · 3 months
Holy shit guys I finally found the perfect Life Rewritten theme song for Nero
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lsfrevanfan · 10 months
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we’re so back
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elialys · 10 months
Hey *waving like dumbdumb that I am :)
I have a question: I just read through your answers of the 20-question game/tag thingy, and stumbled over your Polivia "In Reverse"… now, i do absolutely adore your writing, stories and style, but before I get started with that story, i just wanted to know… is it a HEA? or are they just breaking apart, full stop? I can work and gladly read trauma and angst, but only if it has a HEA or at least a silver lining/hopeful ending…
otherwise Im just gonna dive into "Shivered Bones" again ;)
Thank youuuuuu! :D
In Reverse is a bit tricky to be honest 😅 It is known (within the group of P/O readers I had especially back then anyway) as my biggest tearjerker. The premise of the story is basically Peter and Olivia's life in that 'bleak' timeline we see in 3x22 "The Day We Died". It starts right after Olivia's death in 2026 and slowly goes back in time through each chapter until 2014, so it covers their 15 years of life together...in reverse format 😅
Does it have an HEA? Well, not exactly, because the last chapter of it (spoilers) is basically all about 'future' Peter in 2026 making the decision to change the timeline to save Olivia--which he does, erasing himself from time in the process. We know he does reappear canonically though, so it's not TRAGIC, and I tried my hardest to make it hopeful despite how bittersweet it was.
I always put a strong warning on this story though because back then, I decided to explain Peter and Olivia not having children in that future timeline by writing them almost having a child in the early years of their relationship, but the baby died near the end of Olivia's pregnancy. And all of that is written in rather sad details toward the end of the fic (and has been the cause of many many tears from me and readers😭).
That being said, although the first couple of chapters are very sad because future!Olivia is dead and Peter is grieving, and the last..3/4 chapters are quite rough because of them losing their baby, a big chunk of this fic is just...them, being in love, trying to survive in this bleak world, having their ups and downs, being domestic, and very co-dependent haha
Soooo do they break apart? No, never, although they go through hard times, but they're together through it all. I'm still extremely fond of that story, nearly 13 years later, but it is on the intense side, so it's really up to you.
No matter what you decide, thank you so much for your kind words!
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theetwinkleboy · 7 months
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i'm on chapter 302 and i'm struck once again by the way that natsuo's anger in the present doesn't seem to stem from his own past anger, but his brother's. touya is falling apart at the seams at the prospect of being cast aside by his father, while natsuo, who has never been given the time of day by their dad, can't even muster the energy to wake up and be angry with his brother. because being ignored, being kept out of his father's world, has always been a fact of life, whereas for touya it's a new and devastating development.
but in the present, natsuo can't just ignore it. he can't make nice. he tells his father he'll never be able to forgive him, never be able to let go of that anger and hurt, and i wonder how much of the anger he holds in the present day is from his own hurts, and how much of it is an attempt to keep touya's memory alive. because touya's not around to be angry for himself anymore, so natsuo carries his anger for him.
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morning-star-joy · 1 year
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Woke up to hitting 500 kudos and TWENTY-TWO COMMENTS!??? Taylor Swift’s 22 itself!?!!!!? Good god I’m going to have a heart attack, thank you guys so so much
Lowkey wanna do something to celebrate the 500 kudos milestone. I might try and throw together a short side-story or something for the fic on here (I’ve had a couple of ideas floating around). I have DND later so we’ll see what I can think up afterwards💜🥰
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ebbpettier · 2 years
i could probably post about six or seven fics right now if i could ever let myself post a WIP, emotionally
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dontmindme2600 · 2 years
Sometimes I wonder how many people now think poorly of Trigun because of that one garbage translation for the manga that somehow is still spread around
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