#and then Nduli is over there like lol
spottedmischief · 4 months
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in this house we love and respect a teen who will proudly admit that he is the trash king and so is his kingdom
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spinnysocks · 2 months
i've had this idea for a while, to randomise two or more of the outlanders, put them into a platonic/found family prompt generator and see what comes out! sooo here we goooo :3
Outlanders interactions!! (based on a prompt generator)
Mzingo trying to teach Tunu some life skills, but all that ends up happening is the Outlands nearly being set on fire and Mzingo almost breaking a wing. Still, at least Tunu is so innocently unaware of the danger that he has fun hanging out with the vulture anyway :)
It's Kijana's birthday party! Mwoga checks in on the jackals to see what all the fuss is about so he can tell Mzingo the news of the Outlands for the day. Kijana tells him he's invited to the party. Mwoga asks “Isn't this just for your family?” and Kijana replies “You are family!” and invites the rest of the Outlanders so she can have the awesomest party :D
Njano drags Kenge along on his mission to find a supposedly very spicy herb that's a challenge to eat. When they find the plant, Njano dares Kenge to eat it too, and Kenge doesn't back down from a challenge (in the actual generator it said kenge and njano do the tipe pod challenge wtf help??)
Nne has an idea for how to get out of a bad situation. Sumu says it's the stupidest one he's ever heard, but they're going with it. (couldn't really think of what the idea or situation is for this one, but i'm gonna assume it involves violence lmao)
Nne and Tano are tasked with watching the jackal pups. They don't know how, they just are. They escort the pups on a walk, completely lost with the whole Taking Care Of Kids thing, when a rockslide traps Tano and Kijana. While they're stuck waiting for help, Tano learns how to be a nicer hyena and Kijana learns that maybe hyenas aren't so bad :3
The Wet Season is almost over, so Janja spends extra time hanging out with Kiburi before the crocs go into hibernation for the Dry Season :)
Kenge and Mwoga aren't friends yet, being very different with the monitor lizard going solo and the vulture part of a parliament. Encouraged by Jasiri to share experiences with other Outlanders, they talk about their very different lives and how going solo or being aligned with others helped them. (damn this wheel spin generator really favours these two, nne and kijana lol)
Sometimes, Goigoi likes to sing something randomly to pass the time. Janja appreciates his enthusiasm for the musical arts :3
Janja's Clan knows the ins and outs of the volcano's geysers and steam vents better than any animal. It's Cheezi's job to escort Jasiri through them today so she can get to the other side of the Outlands. You can imagine how that goes :]
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if i do any more i will never stop lmaoo, maybe i'll turn this into a mini series if anyone likes it :] tho i am really disappointed that i could only find ONE platonic prompt generator like bffr, but whatever
bonus (human au) one i got for Nduli and Janja bcuz 😭😭
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devilsrecreation · 6 days
we've talked about this before, but i wondered if you had any ideas of what would happen if the outlanders went on a roadtrip in a zootopia/human au? :3
Tbh I honestly can’t remember when we talked about an Outlander road trip but I DO have ideas!
I’m guessing it all depends on which Outlanders are going. It’s chaotic every way tho fjfhfh
The destination: The Tree of Life
Jasiri would obviously be the one driving while Reirei rides shotgun
Janja, Kiburi, and Mzingo are riding in the back….that’s gonna be fun. Janja DEFINITELY isn’t gonna annoy the fuck out of everyone hfhfhf
Shupavu and Njano are there too cuz they don’t take up much space (if it’s the Zootopia AU, if it’s a human au then they have the third row to themselves)
Kenge drives the skinks and Sumu on their road trip. It’s fine until some asshole cuts him off and he gets road rage
Kiburi’s mostly keeping himself busy by looking out the window or listening to rap music
When the car runs low on gas, everyone plays rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to fill the car up (nobody wants to do it). Reirei loses and she has to witness the boys either being smug (Mzingo) or laughing and flipping her off (Janja and Kiburi)
Janja’s fun doesn’t last long since Jasiri tells him to buy everyone snacks. It’s mostly candy and beef jerky for Kiburi. Shupavu and Njano only get one measly pack of gum and nothing else
At some point, the skinks take an interesting picture of Janja sleeping on Kiburi’s lap like a pillow
For a croc road trip, Tamka and Neema are the one in a weird position. You could mistake them for a sleeping couple hfgfvfgf
Nduli and Cheezi are in their own world while everyone else is arguing. They’re just happy to be here
At the most inconvenient time, Njano has to pee. Same goes for Chungu, Goigoi, and Tamka 😭
Mzingo’s phone has the GPS plus he knows a couple shortcuts here and there so he’s very useful
Unfortunately they forget him at a gas station and it takes them like an hour to realize it. Dw they go back for him
On a hyena road trip, Janja “accidentally” forgets Nne and Tano at the gas station. With the crocs, they almost forget Neema. Jackals? It’s poor Goigoi. The skinks THINK they forgot either Nyeusi or Sumu but it turns out they just moved to the trunk lol
Lots of arguing happening no matter which Outlanders are on the trip
When everything’s quiet, Janja turns around out of curiosity and catches Shupavu and Njano making out (nothing NSFW just kissing)
Jasiri’s eyes start to droop a bit but is woken up by death metal on max volume (thanks, Janja lmao. Reirei was just gonna yell but that works too)
If it’s just Janja, Reirei, and Kiburi on the trip, then it’s like this
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Constant fighting over music. Jasiri plays pop music, but Janja changes it to a rock and roll station, which is changed to country by Reirei, then classical/opera(?) by Mzingo, then rap/hip hop by Kiburi. In the end they all jam to “What is Love” along with the head bopping thing lmaoooo
Thank god the trip is a win and everyone has a good time!….until the ride home where everyone starts arguing again
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spinnysocks · 24 days
Any hcs for the skinks and the crocs meeting?
ooh ooh ooh! i assume this is based on the headcannons that nikki and i made about the croc-skink friendships - well, i'm very happy to elaborate!! :D
to set the scene: in canon during scar's reign over the outlanders, kiburi's mainly the one who talks to the skinks, but he doesn't care for them more than being told news of course. things change when scar is defeated and jasiri becomes leader; kiburi's float and the skinks no longer have any link, at least not until the skinks slowly reform along with kiburi's float because of jasiri's efforts (which include enticing the skinks to stay in the outlands, as they weren't sure whether to stay or go). as before, the skinks like to slink around the outlands so they come across kiburi's float eventually
njano is pretty outgoing so i can imagine him just showing up out of nowhere and chatting to kiburi at his watering hole! njano doesn't leave him alone after that lmao, he becomes kind of like his little messenger but kiburi grows to see a friend in him more than he'll admit :3
nyororo is looking for someone to trick for fun when she happens to hear tamka in the middle of practicing acting. she cringes at how bad he is at it first, then gives herself the challenge to at least make him a little more convincing. tamka is probably a bit sceptical at first, but he loves acting so he finds it fun! they have a loose mentor and student sorta friendship but they have fun talking about the best ways to fool other animals! in a human au, nyororo would be the best of her drama class and takes tamka under her wing
i- kinda forgot what exactly me and nikki came up with for nyata and nduli's friendship BUT i do imagine nyata also overhearing the crocs, specifically nduli being all sassy when the crocs chase out a trespasser or smth. she finds his attitude amusing, reminds her of herself, so she chats to him. i can't remember exactly what they bond over but, kinda like nyororo and tamka, nyata encourages nduli's sassier side :]
nyeusi and neema like to watch the drama of the outlands from the sidelines, and that's exactly how they meet. neither of them ‘talk’ but they pick up what each other are saying, and they're both aroace, so they become friends pretty quick! in a human au, they'd be the ones watching the chaos with a bag of popcorn lol - also i just wanna add that i hc nne and tano being friends with neema so they're friends with nyeusi by proxy, despite janja and the skinks' rocky relationship. they don't really care about it bc they just like to watch the drama together, even if it's between their leaders lol
outlanders interacting my beloved! :] i have a second outlander interactions prompt generator post in the works that i'm really excited about bc i love developing ideas for this silly found family!!
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spinnysocks · 10 months
fun lion guard au: a royal mjuzi for the outlands.
now hear me out, i think it'd be SO cool to see an animal in the outlands chosen to help jasiri with her duties. i know in canon mjuzis are chosen at birth... but if you go with the presumable concept that no animal communicates with the lions of the past besides mjuzis, then it could've easily been a missed vision, especially as it seems mjuzis are usually mandrills and they seem to focus mainly on the lion royal family. besides, if rafiki got a vision that an outlander was chosen to be a mjuzi, he'd probably be in such disbelief that he'd play it off as mufasa pranking him lol
also you could argue that ushari got a vision opposed to just wanting revenge against the lion guard, and that's he's the royal mjuzi of resurrected!scar. he's by his side advising him. he doesn't necessarily do everything a mjuzi of the pridelands would because... you know... he's working for scar?... but it could also be room for a redeemed ushari au :D
but all in all, any outlander as jasiri's royal mjuzi would be fun and interesting!
i wanna like to add who i personally think would be funniest :3
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this guy. yes, nduli. partly because i love him BUT i do have some reasons behind my choice for this specific au! including:
he's a crocodile
he tried to kill king simba. just imagine it, a mjuzi- who are typically aligned with royalty- who attempted assassination of the king of the pridelands
he was banished to the outlands, which makes him being the outlands' mjuzi even more funny seeing as he's originally a pridelander
he was involved in fights with jasiri multiple times, and now he's her royal mjuzi. i mean, come on, that's hilarious
to add on to that, kiburi's float are listed as neutral allegiance after scar was defeated. they don't have any alliances, or at least kiburi wouldn't care to, but then his float member has to, or even willingly, becomes mjuzi LMAO
have i mentioned that he's a crocodile? there's likely a reason mandrills are royal mjuzis, because of they can use their hands and feet effectively. but a crocodile? man's only got his mouth and maybee his tail
the reason i picked him over others is because, as with @devilsrecreation's great headcanons, i think he's the youngest of the crocodiles and one of the youngest in the outlands too. because of that i like to think he's pretty optimistic towards any situation, to the point where he's naïve. just imagine it. jasiri comes up to kiburi's float like, "hey, uhm... nduli's supposed to be royal mjuzi... :|" and while kiburi is confused af, nduli's just goes "oh, okay!" because he's a bit of a follower. no shame on him tho i think it sells the whole thing more lmao
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spinnysocks · 9 months
random lion guard outlanders hc's! :3
under the cut because Long Post time :D
after the defeat of scar and jasiri becoming queen, she reformed and reconstructed the volcano. her clan (but mostly her) remade it into a more positive space where the outlanders could meet. jasiri makes everyone go to a mandatory summit there lmao
while she's working on it she tells all of the outlanders they can go there anytime to talk to her, but everyone's either too full of pride or don't know her well enough at that point to do so lol. eventually some of them suck it up. no matter the past, jasiri strives to become friends with all of them, not just their queen. she's sweet
i feel like after janja's clan joins jasiri's, janja might still want an important role, but boy does everyone know it's not gonna be lead hunter or anything lmao. i actually feel like he'd be a real good caretaker/pupsitter while most of the clan is out hunting, but he does enjoy patrolling around their territory and the outlands every now and then despite basically being banned from hunting lmao
i saw from a hc from a post once (can't find it atm) that mzingo joins jasiri and janja in hunting! i think that's cute because it's like a 'raven helping wolf for the benefit of both' dynamic. i love jasiri and mzingo's alliance/friendship so much. i'd even go as far to say what mzingo is to jasiri is a bit like what zazu is to simba, except mzingo still has his parliament to care for so he's not always around. but still
this one may be a tiny bit ooc... but i think it'd be so funny if jasiri forced the henchmen & goigoi to make a 'Sorry For Plotting To Eat You' party for thurston. it's funny bc he's still completely oblivious like, "but you DIDN'T eat me, right?" and they just choose not to remind him that the guard had to save him from them 💀 even funnier that it's barely a party and more of a formal apology yet he still has a good time
the skinks, ushari, sumu and kenge are their own friend group. they all say they hate one another, but they care about each other more than anyone :)
each of them used to live in different spots all over the outlands but then they all ended up living the cave(?) equivalent of Right Next Door, likely after scar was destroyed and the outlands reformed. njano is the sorta guy to walk into any of their homes uninvited in the middle of the night and ask if they're awake bc shupavu ain't gonna put up with her roommate's late night questions/antics lmao
since the crocs are... not the best at showing their true feelings, every month or so kiburi and his float bring a big catch to the other outlanders as a sign of their alliance... and also to show off a bit. for the hyenas, jackals and vultures who live primarily off of small things, it's like the equivalent of a massive turkey dinner. the crocs used to just Straight Up Leave as soon as they gave the food, but they're learning to stick around
in fact staying for those 'dinners' was how tamka came up with the idea to get something out of his passion for acting. he notices madoa, reirei and goigoi struggling with wema, tunu, dogo and kijana. he's like, "hey, wait... if we're bringin' them food for bein' nice... maybe i can get somethin' in return for entertaining the little ones!" and thus, from that day on, he became a pup sitter!
and you know what? he's actually really good at it! the pups can't tell/don't really care whether he's "acting" or not, cause tamka is the best climbing frame they've ever had in their LIFE. credit to @devilsrecreation once again for inspiring this, especially of tamka giving piggyback rides! i imagine nduli kinda gets in on the fun of entertaining the kiddos too while kiburi and neema glance at each other from the sidelines wondering how they got to this point of their float playing with pups 😭
i imagine at some point a river that runs the small amount of water that goes into the outlands suddenly stops, and jasiri brings like everyone with her to go find out what happened. most of them are pretty reluctant to leave the outlands at all, but they can't survive without the water for long, especially the crocs. so they're all forced on this big trip for their survival. i guess this would be the outlanders version of 'the journey to the tree of life'
in reference to this au, nduli leads the way as shenzi is guiding him! i like the idea that because the outlands are all kinds of animals- especially with a hyena in reign- he has the ability to see and talk to other species that are ghosts, or whatever mufasa is lol. ghost shenzi just shows up whenever she wants instead of nduli 'summoning' her and gives the most vague directions ever before she peaces out again. it drives nduli and jasiri into complete confusion and frustration about where the heck they're going lmao
also they're like halfway through the journey before janja even realises nduli is literally talking to his mom. it's probably a pretty bittersweet moment when nduli successfully summons shenzi so that she can talk to janja and the hyenas. banzai and ed greet them too :)
despite everyone's grumbles they get the water back, with many of them having to save one another from various perilous things, cuz bonding lol. i imagine they all get to put their skills to use too. also we all know the skinks would have to be saved the most cuz they're tiny little instigators
expect more of these. every time i think i'm done with all my ideas another one pops into my head lol
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devilsrecreation · 9 months
TLG Crocodile headcanon
It is an unspoken rule that everyone needs to protect what the crocs call “The Untouchable One”, meaning that one of the crocodiles is so likeable that they need to be protected at all costs no matter how good at fighting they are. You can do whatever you want to the rest of the float, but if you try to go after the Untouchable One, it’s game over for you.
Way back when, before Makuu and the other known crocs were even born, Kuimba (Tamka’s mom and Pua’s mate) had that title. Even Ungwana (Kiburi’s mom), who was known for being a pacifist would gladly join in and attack whoever messed with Kuimba
When Makuu and the other crocs were hatchlings, Nduli held the title since he was so young and innocent. He still has it in Kiburi’s float. Even though everyone was focused on their own battles during the events of Season 2, they’ll still whoop you if you so much as threaten Nduli
Nowadays, Hodari has the honor of “The Untouchable One”, even as an honorary crocodile. Doesn’t matter how powerful you are, you lay a paw on Hodari, you’re getting your ass beat
Jasiri’s clan kinda does the same thing with Wema and Tunu for obvious reasons. But I’m pretty sure that’s canon lol. Like have you SEEN her reaction when Chungu and Cheezi were chasing them?
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spinnysocks · 8 months
appreciation for @devilsrecreation's janja and kiburi swap au (post here) bc i've had SO MUCH BRAINROT over it and i want to share some thoughts :3
for kiburi
first of all and mostly importantly, HE SINGS! LIKE, A LOT! it would be so fun to hear Tonight We Strike, an already A*** song, in his voice. i wonder if the songs would be different because he and his float are crocodiles 👀
more tamka and nduli screen time! :3 they'd be way more fleshed out and we'd get kiburi calling them "fish-for-brains" all the time <3
neema taking the place of nne and tano... kiburi gets so annoyed at tamka and nduli one day that he appoints neema to second-in-command. yeah, it goes downhill 💀
i feel like nduli in this au would enhance my mjuzi au even more if it was put into this! mainly because he'd be the mjuzi to makuu (because he swaps with jasiri)
on that note, makuu taking the place of jasiri is SO FUNNY. he's got practically the exact same personality as when he becomes a respected leader in canon, but he's... cheery? compassionate? helpful? basically enough of a small difference for him to greet kion like jasiri does in canon
makuu singing Siwi Ni Sawa 😭 i want to see that so bad. this is making me wonder if makuu and the other crocodiles would be teens maybe? unless kion just makes friends with a whole ass fully grown crocodile from the outlands who happens to be friendly hgdgf
and on THAT note, makuu and kiburi replace jasiri and janja, so gay croc bfs!!! kiburi's personality is obviously slightly altered to fit janja's role but it's so funny cuz dude just has internal gay panic. him singing A New Way To Go would be fucking amazing
as i'm typing this i realised that makuu x kiburi reminds me of that Go For It, [Insert Character]! meme. kiburi's the one who has to go for it and he's surrounded by images of makuu lmao
makuu and kion having a close friendship would be so fun, it's such a cool twist from canon cuz makuu is just that little bit more compassionate. it also means he becomes leader of the outlands! now THAT would be something to see
reformed kiburi 😍 who doesn't wanna see that?? him defending makuu's leadership and everything! what a twist from canon huh
i can just imagine the scene of makuu and kiburi reaching the tree of life, it takes all of kiburi's self control not to snap at bunga when he pounces him lmao. also he'd so be scared of lightning but pretend to be chill in front of makuu adsjjdhh. i love janja and azaad's friendly rivalry in canon, would be funny to see that with kiburi because "afraid of water, cheetah?" would make so much sense since he's a croc lol
also i love kiburi and reirei's allyship in canon so it'd be funny to see them bicker, and they'd get a song!!
the weird twist of hodari and kinyonga being the spies for scar's army while the skinks live in the pridelands as good guys. shupavu and njano actually being friends with the lion guard is really weird but also would be fun. njano wanting to be a croc! and SINGING!!! 🥺
in general, it would just be so goddamn funny for the lion guard to deal with kiburi's attitude all the time lmao
for janja
actual asshole janja is not something i thought of before but now i'm rocking with it. he literally just hates jasiri's rule, is like "nah, fuck you, i wanna be leader!" and gets his tail kicked like an idiot /affectionate
jasiri taking makuu's place and maybe being a bad leader at first?? that'd be pretty interesting to see especially with her personality. imagine her not being trusted at the savanna summit!
her being humbled by the pridelanders saving her clan would be awesome to see, i'd really like to see her personality shifted to the point where she's cocky and disrespectful but she betters herself
a hyena mashindano between jasiri and janja 👀 damn that'd be cool
i think i like this au of jasiri a lot bc she is involved in the pridelands, and it reminds me of this post <3 which could be even more fun if inserted into this au, with makuu as leader of the outlands accepted into the summit, cause crocs are a lot more dangerous than hyenas let me tell you that. it also adds depth bc it would be personal healing for kiara, as she was attacked by outlander crocodiles in TLK 2!
i wish i could talk more about janja but kiburi is canon does not have too much depth tbh 😭 but the concept of them swapping is soooo cool. it would be so trippy for them to be swapped when they meet in Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
i'm probably gonna get even more ideas after i post this i guarantee. just a very cool au with a lotta potential!!
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devilsrecreation · 10 months
Outlanders episode/fanfic idea
Body swap/position swap with the leaders (except Jasiri, she’s safe lol)
1. The position swap is pretty simple. Janja, Reirei, Kiburi, and Mzingo are all arguing on who has the most responsibilities. Sick of the arguing and bragging about everyone’s problems, Jasiri decides everyone needs to walk in each other’s shoes and orders the others to switch places. Janja switches places with Kiburi and Reirei switches with Mzingo. Shupavu and Njano get to watch all the leaders suffer and realize leading the different groups isn’t as easy as they thought
2. The body swap is the more fun version. The problem’s basically the same, except there’s a shooting star involved. Upon seeing it, Madoa is like “Wow! A shooting star! Make a wish, Jasiri!” and Jasiri half-jokingly says “Lol I wish everyone would get to walk in each other’s footsteps”. Little does she know, the leaders wake up trapped in different bodies. And thus, hilarity ensues.
- Janja: Janja thinks ruling over the crocs is a piece of cake since Tamka and Nduli are basically Chungu and Cheezi as crocodiles. Little does he know, it’s a lot harder than it looks, since Janja has to learn how to fight as a reptile while also making sure he gets enough water. I like to think Janja would try to spar with Tamka or Nduli, only to have his tail handed to him
- Kiburi: Kinda similar to Janja while he gets used to being a mammal, but he’s pulling through. However, he’s GOT to teach the other hyenas how to fight cuz during a sparring match, he whooped everybody’s tails. Now it’s up to the rest of the clan to teach Kiburi how to loosen up
- Reirei: Reirei is not doing well as a bird. She may be good at being a mother and the voting isn’t so bad, but she cannot eat an already decaying animal for her life. And it takes about all day to learn how to fly properly
- Mzingo: He’s raised Janja and his clan pretty much their whole lives, he’s sure he can handle a litter of pups and teenagers, right? …….Right? Well, not si much. Turns out his parliamentary rules don’t really work with jackal pups. And on top of that, Goigoi keeps forgetting Mzingo isn’t really Reirei and keeps trying to kiss him (Mzingo may be gay but Goigoi is NOT his type) 😭
Not even the skinks are safe, cuz Shupavu and Njano have switched with Kenge and Sumu hfhfgf. I guess bc they thought Kenge and Sumu’s lives were easier just cuz they had venom to protect themselves
- Shupavu in Sumu’s body: Shupavu was confident Sumu’s life was easy (save for his lack of friends when he was a child) cuz of the stinger. What she DIDN’T realize was that apparently, her new stinger could come off easily and not affect certain predators like hornbills and baboons. She also learns that like Ushari’s venom, Sumu’s venom is rather precious to him and she has to be careful not to use it too much
- Njano in Kenge’s body: I think Njano is the only one who loves his new body. He’s big, he’s got venom, and he has way too much fun scaring other animals for the fun of it. I think his only downside is that he can’t exactly sneak or spy on anyone cuz they all know he’s coming lmao. Like his og form, Njano tends to leave his (or should I say, Kenge’s) tongue sticking out, making Kenge’s body a little less intimidating, much to Kenge’s chagrin
- Sumu in Shupavu’s body: This has got to be the strangest one. A scorpion in a skink’s body. While Sumu kinda enjoys the new look (and he has a much easier chance of making a new friend if he wanted to), he’s no longer venomous. And he’s got a lot more predators than he usually had, making him turn to Shupavu and Njano for protection. Also he internally freaked out when he accidentally detached Shupavu’s tail, thinking he was gonna die (which is realistic for scorpions)
- Kenge in Njano’s body: This is probably the funniest one yet. Kenge, the big venomous monitor lizard with a hatred for anything little is….well, little. And because he doesn’t have any venom either, he’s pretty much harmless. He can’t even be taken seriously cuz Njano’s face is so goofy, he appears angy and that just makes everyone laugh and go “awww”. Lmao poor Kenge
Thankfully, everyone only has to deal with this for a day, since Jasiri manages to reverse it (as for how, off the top of my head, she wishes on the north star)
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devilsrecreation · 20 days
i'd love to hear some headcannons for the crocs in makuu's float! :3
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-I named him Usumbufu (annoyance/inconvenience)
-He’s just a bit younger than Pua, but the eldest since Makuu took over
-Was and still is a good friend of Pua’s. He definitely visits him the most out of everyone in the float next to Hodari. Pua appreciates the snacks he brings (like a wildebeest leg)
-He wasn’t the best with the hatchlings, but he of course tried to help raise them in any way he could. Pua is very grateful for that
-Like Hasira/the orange skink in Shupavu’s group, he’s seen some shit. But while Hasira’s experiences were more comical, his were more traumatic. He’s basically a war veteran for what he’s been through, tho he doesn’t like to talk about it
-Being the eldest, he always has a story to tell. All you have to do is ask him. Kinda nice to talk to someone once in a while, though don’t expect a heart to heart
-You know how Skips always says “yeah I’ve seen this before” before telling Mordecai and Rigby how to solve the problem? That’s him. He’s the Skips of the float
-He essentially opens up a bit to Hodari after the gecko asks him how he’s doing. One simple question, that’s all it took. And Hodari didn’t just listen, he was supportive too. While Bufu appreciates it, he just goes “ah you’re too good for this world”
-He will not lie, he got a little attached to Nduli. He wasn’t expecting to cuz they aren’t related, but Nduli reminds him of himself when he was younger: innocent and naive. He knows he shouldn’t care about Kiburi’s float bc of the trouble they caused, but he secretly hopes Nduli never changes
-So I’m kiiiiinda toying with a possible hc that he’s Makuu’s father? If I decide that, I won’t say he was a bad one but he…wasn’t the best. Ig he was too hard on Makuu in the past, which would probably explain his teaching methods. But then again, I still really like the idea that Pua was essentially the father figure in everyone’s lives
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- Name: Kutegemea (dependable)
- Makuu’s new BFF since the rift with Kiburi. The two were always close, he just got an upgrade lol
-Very smart for a crocodile, as a parallel to Tamka’s stupidity
-The muscle of the group (also a parallel to Tamka’s weakness lol)
-Being bothered by smaller animals happens to him a lot. He doesn’t know why he has to be the unlucky one, but he is. He just wishes no one would bother him while he’s resting, is that too much to ask?
-Is always ready to attack. Potential food? Someone trying to pick a fight? Bring it on, asshole >:)
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-Name: Majadiliano (talkative) but everyone calls him Maja
-The parallel to Neema. Neema only makes sounds and doesn’t actually talk, Maja usually doesn’t shut up when you talk to him jfhfhg
-Seriously he and Ucheshi once had a 2 hour long conversation about literally anything on their minds
-He’s more social than the rest of his float. He’s not making new friends anytime soon like Beshte does but it’s nice having someone to talk to. He’d make an excellent public speaker
-While not childish or immature by any means, he is a bit of a jokester and would play small pranks on his float members here and there on a slow day
-He was the crocodile that got his tail stuck under a rock, causing Makuu to hurt his leg in “The Little Guy” (which is canon). He felt incredibly guilty afterwards and kept apologizing profusely to Makuu, even offering to get him some food so he wouldn’t have to move much. While Makuu appreciates this, he claims he’s fine and tells Maja not to worry about it
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Name: Wastani (average)
-He’s Wakali’s parallel: He’s the average joe, a role model, everything a croc should be. Don’t get him wrong, he’s fine with that, but he wants to be at least a LITTLE different. He wants to stand out, he wants to have a gimmick of his own. Just one thing, that’s all
-He’s currently trying to find said gimmick. Hasn’t had much luck, but he will….someday. Closest thing he has are his ideas that are actually pretty helpful
-He had the chance to talk with Wakali while she was training with Makuu. Wakali told him she wished she could be like him and he responded with how he wished the opposite. In a way, he played a small role in her journey to accept who she is by telling her to keep being different
-Guess he has a thing without realizing it: he helps animals. It’s not worldly advice but it’s the little things that count
And they all got Makuu’s back :)
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
*appears in your askbox again* hi :3 i hope you don't mind me sending so many asks LOL
how about 2, 5, 7, 12, 25 and a few of your favourite screenshots for nduli :333
Fav canon thing:
Literally everything about him but if I had to pick one, it’s his design. WHO GAVE HIM THE RIGHT TO BE THAT ADORABLE?!?!
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?:
Okay so this is more about all the idiots rather than just him, but it’s “Anything you can do I can do dumber” from Smosh. It’s basically Chungu and Cheezi vs him and Tamka having a friendly competition to see who’s dumber. Goigoi joins in soon after hfhfhfg. It’d be funny if Nduli bragged about building a robot and then having Tamka go “that ain’t dumb, that’s actually kinda smart” 😭
If you want a song he would sing, then it’s “All 2 You” from HB in a really angsty AU where he, Tamka, Neema, and Wakali leave Kiburi’s float permanently and go back to Makuu. For one reason or another, Nduli ends up singing this (with Makuu and Ucheshi as backup singers) and it straight up breaks Kiburi’s heart
Personally, I prefer the first one
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?:
Spinny I’mma be honest, we’re the fandom when it comes to him. He gets so little recognition/fanart otherwise. But I LOVED how we developed him more. In the very few moments where I see him in a fic or Deviantart….at least he exists?
Hc I have:
I actually do have a couple more headcanons for him!
—Nduli calls out bullshit a lot like Elle Woods does in Legally Blonde. The scene where Elle calls out a saleswoman is him calling out an animal’s lies for whatever reason
“Are you sure a croc tried to eat your food? You saw it happen? Well that’s impossible cuz you gotta stick your tongue out to lick that part of the carcass. And fun fact about us crocs, we can’t, well at least we didn’t learn yet. If a croc wanted to taste your food, it’d be gone by now cuz we eat our meals whole! So there!”
It’s part of the charm about being a detective.
—He used to have a crush on Ucheshi when they were kids. He’d get all tongue-tied and giggly, sometimes getting lost in his own daydreams before one of his friends had to snap him out of it and she had no idea (she still doesn’t). He obviously grew out of it over time and they’re still really sweet to each other. Ucheshi loves him like a brother
First impression of him: Acknowledging he exists, at most going “haha derpy croc go brrr”
But like can you blame me, he’s like the CUTEST croc ever
As for the screenshots, I can’t decide. They’re all good lol
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