#tlg skinks
spinnysocks · 4 months
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we're doing this again
you ever get consumed in thought about a character who never even fucking speaks /silly
sum extra silly images 💀
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i didn't even screenshot these myself i found them LMAOO
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devilsrecreation · 4 months
Skink personality headcanons
Inspired by/adding onto @spinnysocks ‘s post
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-Along with being the stealthiest skink, he’s also the quietest of the bunch. While Ed and Neema don’t talk but still communicate through sounds, Nyeusi prefers to stay absolutely silent. When he does make noises like hissing or flicking his tongue, it’s only around the skinks (and Ushari when he was alive). Only time where he hisses or flicks his tongue at someone else is to insult them
-While he doesn’t have anger issues like Kenge does, it’s not that hard to piss him off. All you have to do is shove him aside and he’s already plotting revenge against you
-The skinks sometimes forget he’s there. They’ll be talking, Nyeusi suddenly flicks his tongue to comment on something, and Njano would be like “Have you been here the whole time?”
-Romance repulsed aroace; you can go do your thing with your partner, he’ll just he over by his favorite rock trying not to puke
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-She’s one of the least likely to get mad other than Njano. She gets more amused if anything
-She’s very sassy and quick-witted. She can come up with the best comebacks on the spot and it never ceases to amuse Shupavu
-She’s definitely very smug, often mocking Nyeusi after beating him in a race. She’s competitive like that
-Honestly has a little respect for Kinyonga. Not everyone can outrun her. I like to think after Kinyonga escaped her and Nyeusi, she went “Huh…respect” before getting up to go after her. I’m not saying she likes being beaten, but she’s a good sport lol
Green female skink (who my friend has named Nyororo):
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-I have a feeling she’s the flirty one, managing to sweet-talk her way into getting what she wants. All she has to do is bat her eyelashes, maybe tickle someone with her tail, and she’s getting her way no matter what. It’s only until after she’s long gone when you’d realize you’ve been tricked
-She always knows exactly what to say in every situation in order to trick someone, it’s actually kinda scary
-She’s actually known Shupavu for a while, about as long as Njano has. Maybe even longer. They’ll tell each other everything and it’s the one time Nyororo’s sweetness isn’t a trick. It’s why she sometimes joins Shupavu and Njano on missions
-You could definitely beat her at her own game by flirting with/complimenting her back. It’s not super easy though. You have to have a certain trick up your sleeve and that trick is being a girl. She can handle guys, but if it’s a girl flirting with her, she’ll get all flustered
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-Waza’s the mediator and the most chill of the group. When two skinks are arguing, he’s the one to step in and resolve it either by talking to them or by slapping them with his tail (whichever is easier at the moment lol)
-I like to think his keen eye is…inconvenient at times. He notices when someone tries to sneak away or catches someone doing weird stuff when they think they’re alone, yet he couldn’t see where Kinyonga went when the skinks were chasing her. Waza wasn’t paying attention when someone does something suspicious but somehow knows all the cutesy nicknames Reirei calls Goigoi when she thinks she’s alone
-He’s sometimes quick to assume
-Has a plan for everything cuz he comes up with all kinds of scenarios in his head
Orange skink, who that same friend has called Hasira (anger):
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-You know those grumpy, sometimes old characters who get annoyed by just about everything the main character does? Yeah, that’s Hasira
-He’s definitely the eldest in the group, about middle-aged in skink years
-He’s seen it all, but not in a “wise mentor” kind of way. It’s more like “I’ve been through a lot of bullshit and I’m just done” lmao
-He’s also kind of a reluctant babysitter to everyone. Shupavu may be the leader, but he’s the one making sure no one actually dies hfhfgfg
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megaruquin · 2 years
my top 5 lion guard characters bc idk im rooting for this show again
also uh s2-s3 spoilers of tlg
5. dhahabu
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honestly she’s probably one of the only few visually appealing characters and plus she’s voiced by renee elise goldsberry and i watched hamilton so 🤷‍♀️ and i stg i rewatched her song like 50 million times as a kid
4. makuu
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omfg before my 10 year old self used to fucking hate makuu so damn much but ever since he had a redemption arc i just loved him. he’s actually a pretty good leader and just needed people to give him a chance instead of assuming the worst will come from him just because of who he was in the past
3. ono
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before i didn’t rlly like him bc he was so nerdy and i didn’t rlly like that about him but ever since the time skip i just liked him more idk why and especially after that ep when ono babysits a bird i loved ono so much it was just so wholesome to see ono doing something else instead of just spitting facts at the lion guard and looking around in the sky
2. janja
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jesus fucking christ i am so glad he got a redemption arc bc it was great. janja was such a cool villain although i have to admit his schemes (pre scar’s revival) are so dumb and it’s no surprise how his ass gets kicked by the lion guard every single time but oh well it’s a kids show so what can i say
1. jasiri
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i have to fucking thank jasiri for being a good influence on janja bc it actually worked. like before i just thought to myself that there’s no way janja would ever turn to jasiri and hell maybe even fall in love with her bc all jasiri kept saying to janja was ‘si si ni sawa, we are the same’ and at first janja brushed it off as some cringey and untrue saying but at some point janja actually for once took it into consideration and when jasiri says that janja doesn’t have to side with scar janja full on hesitates for a long time but still refuses but u could tell by the sound of his voice he was very unsure. after the skinks report to scar about janja’s hesitation scar decides to throw the hyenas under the bus by misinforming them about a plan which subsequently causes the near death of janja’s clan and of course janja realizes that scar never cared for those who worked under him and in the end they were just tokens to scar’s disposal when and wherever
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spinnysocks · 6 months
Humanized!Skinks plus personality headcanons!!
inspired by @devilsrecreation's post! i've just done the underdeveloped members of shupavu's group :)
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the sneaky guy! i really like him but there's not much i can think of to say about him, except i imagine he's kinda-friends with neema and ed in nikki's hc/au where the original hyena clan comes back. i think he'd be good at dissing people, and them not even knowing :)
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possibly my favourite design?? it was unintentional but i made her a little similar to nyeusi which is fun because i imagine they're a duo like shupavu and njano are, especially because they're the fastest skinks. i imagine they're competitive fuckers and keep trying to beat each other in races
Female Skink:
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i think i'm going to headcanon her name to be Nyororo, which means "soft" or "smooth", because of her voice! the only thing we know about her lol. i also picked the name because it matches nyeusi and nyata. while making her i started liking the flowery design so i've headcannoned that she'd dress up all flowery-looking to help decieve people into thinking she's sweet, along with her smooth voice. admittedly i was getting kinda sick of green, and i noticed she has a slight blue tint around her eyes, so i gave her a little clip! why not :)
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i'm actually really happy with this design, or maybe i just like blue lol. i found out that Waza means "mediate" so i'm wondering if he's the mediator of the group in some way. he doesn't talk, but he isn't shown to communicate using his tongue like nyeusi does, so i'm wondering if he literally just shakes his head at others when he dissaproves of what they're doing 😭 he could communicate with head and tail movements, because he's the keenest of sight he would alert the others of what he sees in silence
Male Skink:
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i'm going to go ahead and headcannon this guy's name as Hasira, meaning "vex" or "angry" because literally the only notable thing about him is his constant grumpy face. i've also headcannoned him and Waza as friends, and i think Hasira and Waza sounds nice. because of his supposed grumpiness i wonder if he might be one of the older members of the group. like a reluctant adult around a bunch of rowdy teenagers kinda vibe. who knows, he's completely free reign for personality like waza lol
not sure if i'm 100% happy with the designs but that's bc i'm a perfectionist- the picrew didn't have too many colour options but i think everyone looks alright despite that. btw hair was completely random bc i don't fucking know 😭 i hope you liked tho :)
i used this picrew <3
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spinnysocks · 26 days
Any hcs for the skinks and the crocs meeting?
ooh ooh ooh! i assume this is based on the headcannons that nikki and i made about the croc-skink friendships - well, i'm very happy to elaborate!! :D
to set the scene: in canon during scar's reign over the outlanders, kiburi's mainly the one who talks to the skinks, but he doesn't care for them more than being told news of course. things change when scar is defeated and jasiri becomes leader; kiburi's float and the skinks no longer have any link, at least not until the skinks slowly reform along with kiburi's float because of jasiri's efforts (which include enticing the skinks to stay in the outlands, as they weren't sure whether to stay or go). as before, the skinks like to slink around the outlands so they come across kiburi's float eventually
njano is pretty outgoing so i can imagine him just showing up out of nowhere and chatting to kiburi at his watering hole! njano doesn't leave him alone after that lmao, he becomes kind of like his little messenger but kiburi grows to see a friend in him more than he'll admit :3
nyororo is looking for someone to trick for fun when she happens to hear tamka in the middle of practicing acting. she cringes at how bad he is at it first, then gives herself the challenge to at least make him a little more convincing. tamka is probably a bit sceptical at first, but he loves acting so he finds it fun! they have a loose mentor and student sorta friendship but they have fun talking about the best ways to fool other animals! in a human au, nyororo would be the best of her drama class and takes tamka under her wing
i- kinda forgot what exactly me and nikki came up with for nyata and nduli's friendship BUT i do imagine nyata also overhearing the crocs, specifically nduli being all sassy when the crocs chase out a trespasser or smth. she finds his attitude amusing, reminds her of herself, so she chats to him. i can't remember exactly what they bond over but, kinda like nyororo and tamka, nyata encourages nduli's sassier side :]
nyeusi and neema like to watch the drama of the outlands from the sidelines, and that's exactly how they meet. neither of them ‘talk’ but they pick up what each other are saying, and they're both aroace, so they become friends pretty quick! in a human au, they'd be the ones watching the chaos with a bag of popcorn lol - also i just wanna add that i hc nne and tano being friends with neema so they're friends with nyeusi by proxy, despite janja and the skinks' rocky relationship. they don't really care about it bc they just like to watch the drama together, even if it's between their leaders lol
outlanders interacting my beloved! :] i have a second outlander interactions prompt generator post in the works that i'm really excited about bc i love developing ideas for this silly found family!!
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spinnysocks · 8 months
because there's like. no picture posts or even posts in general about the skinks
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there's always together <3 can't scheme without your best friend (or partner, if you see it that way :3)
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idk what it is specifically about her but shupavu is a great leader. maybe it's because she's not dealing with idiots 😭 the skinks are pretty damn smart. scar's army would have been useless without them
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i love this shot. they are small but mightily posed for battle
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nyeusi was cool. he started the trend of each of the skinks being the best at something. he literally speaks with his tongue lol
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i wish the green skink got a name :( her voice was pretty. also this episode was funny because on one side it was sweet that beshte wanted the skinks to be safe meanwhile they were plotting to kill him hdfgh
curse the ten picture limit 😭 more in a reblog :)
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spinnysocks · 2 months
ok but like. what would the skinks even do after the events of season 2/3?
ok ok ok SO
the outlands reforms when jasiri becomes leader, and she slowly reforms all of the inhabitants/scar's army. though the skinks are one of the last groups since, you know, they're sneaky and they don't really care that much. jasiri eventually convinces shupavu to remain in the outlands as there's plenty of room for them to stay. along with the rest of the outlanders, the skinks gradually become better animals. though still with their devious personalities, they improve and have less of an evil drive, eventually letting go of ushari's death. he was the only animal who gave a shit about them, until jasiri, but that doesn't mean they're immediately gonna drop everything to reform for her. still, she does hold a vigil for ushari and that earns their respect for her. they still enjoy sneaking and spying, it's what they're good at after all, so over time they become jasiri's unofficial spies! though this time they're spying for "good". there's not a lot of drama or action going on anymore, so they tell jasiri how everybody's doing :) and by doing so they learn to be more compassionate
for example, @devilsrecreation and i thought of this scene where the skinks see janja all sad and they ask him what's up. they never really got over the mutual hatred, until this moment where they show they care, even if it's in a small way of looking out for him and everyone else in the outlands, so ya :]
TLDR; they remain spies but eventually, slowly, reform and help jasiri check on the rest of the outlanders
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spinnysocks · 4 months
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thinking a lot about the skinks and kiburi. this scene with kiburi is so funny in general
"....I thought you said he was a crocodile."
"No, YOU said that! :)"
but it's kinda interesting how shupavu and njano were spying ON the crocs from the start (in the rise of scar into song) and now they've spied FOR him (theoretically. they're only really allied to scar of course but let me think about complex dynamics okay??)
as always, the expressions are great. kiburi looks so tired of njano in that second pic LMAO
and the details are great too, such as the skinks sticking around to watch what happens. even though it's their job in the army, they just genuinely enjoy spying and watching shit happen 😭
they're a pain in the ass for reforming the outlands for sure, but i love them hfghjfhg
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
I have a theory about Ushari and Shupavu's group about why they get a lot of good relationships. I think it's because Ushari found them when they were much smaller than now, and instead of completing the circle of life, he protected them from larger predators.
What do you think
I never really went into the lore of how Ushari and the skinks know each other but that seems like the best reason. He helped them out of a bad place (and dying lol) and they repay the favor by being his little spies. Having said that, they grew to actually become friends
Based on this and my hc for how he and Kenge became friends, I’m gonna hc Ushari to love helping animals. He probably does it for respect but also bc of the goodness he has deep down. He helped quite a few reptiles, but had nobody to help him
…..Fuck I just made it sad sorry 😭
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
What are your thoughts on Ushari and his arc? Would you have changed it?
I don’t have too much of a problem with him turning to the dark side. It was understandable cuz he was treated like shit (sometimes an object) for laughs. It makes sense that he would have enough and want both respect AND revenge. It seems that the skinks are the only ones who respected him from what we’ve seen. I assume Kenge too, even though we’ve never seen it. I’d say Scar as well, but we ALL know he was just using poor Ushari for his evil scheme. Even though Ushari was loyal, I don’t believe it was mutual.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I would have made Kion question why Ushari was on Scar’s army. All we got was Bunga saying “So it’s a snake and a few lizards! We can take ‘em!” in The Scorpion’s Sting. If I were writing for the show, I would have made Kion ask why Ushari turned to the dark side in Battle for the Pridelands after he git his new scar. Everyone knew he was a Pridelander so what made him change? Ushari would have went off on them and you know what I would have made Kion’s response to be?
He apologizes.
He and the guard would think about it for a minute and actually apologize to Ushari (yes, even Bunga) about everything. They would tell him how he was essentially right, but went about it the wrong way. Kion would say how it doesn’t have to be this way and promise to respect Ushari from now on. Maybe then he wouldn’t have died 😭
If the other Outlanders got to redeem, why shouldn’t Ushari?
On a separate note, imagine an AU where the pack leaders learn that Scar was only using them and would betray them the MINUTE they defeat the guard. Imagine they find out through the skinks and they all had their moments where they were questioning if they were on the right side. Imagine all the Outlanders join the Pridelanders to defeat Scar. THAT is something I’d like to see
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
I will never get over Njano’s little 😈 grin it’s so adorable
Look at this evil lil gremlin
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
I just thought of this:
So I’m thinking in my crackfic, after Jasiri and Kenge come back from Oz (as in wake up from a dream) and she’s telling everyone about it, Janja jokingly says “Next time, I’m goin’ to a fantasy world”, hinting at a joke sequel crackfic which I’ll never make.
And now I give you…..Janja in Wonderland
Janja follows what he swears is Ushari’s ghost down a hole or an Aardvark den into a strange new world where everyone seems to be crazy
The cast:
Janja as Alice
Ushari as the White Rabbit (ghost snake)
Sumu plays the role of the Doorknob but instead is the gatekeeper
Cheezi and Chungu as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
Mzingo and his Parliament as the Flowers
Shupavu and Njano as the Cheshire Cat (skinks)
Kenge as the Caterpillar
Reirei as the Mad Hatter
Kiburi as the March Hare
Goigoi is that little door mouse inside the teacup cuz he’s so sleepy
Zira as the Queen of Hearts
Scar as the King of Hearts
The rest of the Outlanders as cards
Azaad gets the role of the Dodo, with the Night Pride participating in the Caucus Race
Extra notes:
-Janja’s the self aware one this time. He recognizes all of his friends but decides to play along for the hell of it
-Wema and Tunu play the role of Dinah (Alice’s cat), who follow Janja until he falls into the hole. Then they do that little kid “BYYYYEEEEEE!!!”
-Janja never cries, instead he gets pissy and fed up with everything. “Hey, that ain’t fair!” and “Oh, that is some bullshit” is a running gag
-Kiburi gets an accessory this time. He wears a gold chain and a cute little bowtie
-Instead of smoking, Janja finds Kenge using a tree as a punching bag. He’s also carved vowels in various trees with his claws. He gets mad when Janja grows bigger than him
-The scene where Alice gets stuck in the White Rabbit’s house doesn’t happen here. Mainly cuz I wouldn’t know what to do with it
-The “eat me” and “drink me” things still exist, but it’s a bone instead of a biscuit and a drink bowl instead of a bottle
-The minute Janja sees Scar and Zira, he immediately believes he’s gonna die 😭. It goes as well as you would expect
-Mzingo and his parliament are basically a club where they talk about random stuff while holding various types of flowers
-The fic ends with Janja waking up from his dream and everybody thinking he’s crazy Jfhhfgdg
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spinnysocks · 1 month
everyone tell me your favourite part and least favourite part of Battle For The Pridelands, go :3 /nf
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devilsrecreation · 2 months
2, 4, 9, 12, 23, 25 AND your ship ratings for njano :3
Favorite canon thing:
I LOVE his design and how deceptive he is! You’d THINK he’d be a dumbass with his tongue sticking out like Cheezi but he’s surprisingly the farthest thing from it! Plus, he’s adorable!
If you could put this character in any other media, what would it be:
Oh, that’s easy! In fact I made a couple posts about it! I can see him in both Monsters at Work, with he and Shupavu acting as Randall’s little spies AND I can see him in the game “The Baby in Yellow” cuz they’re so similar (even made a mini au about it and now he’s a demon lmao)
The whole AU is right here if anyone cares lol
Could you be roommates with this character?:
And they were roommates/ref
Yes. Yes I could and it would be great
Headcanon I have:
I mentioned quite a lot but one of the newer headcanons I’ve been playing around with is how he and Kenge are found/unofficial brothers :)
He actually has a soft spot for siblings in general. He’s always encouraging his friends to be nice to their siblings and not to take them for granted cuz they never know when they might lose them someday. It sounds lighthearted when Njano says it but he’s absolutely speaking from experience
Favorite picture:
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He looks so innocent and silly here dhdhhehegeg
What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
When I first came back to the fandom, I just sorta acknowledged his existence (much like many minor characters). Now, I see he’s an endearing little shit and also my son
Ship ratings:
Aaaaaaa the only characters shipped with him that I know of are Shupavu and Hodari cuz he’s such a minor character. 10/10 for all of them though
Omg wait new ot3 idea: Shupavu x Njano x Hodari let’s goooooooo
Although if Shupavu x Hodari exists as a crackship then lemme put in Njano x Kinyonga cuz that shit makes no sense :D (1/10 lmao)
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devilsrecreation · 6 months
I keep thinking about how savage the skinks are in my headcanon. Even in my “Janja in Wonderland” crackfic idea, they’re still sneaky little bastards albeit more unhinged
Especially when Cheshire!Shupavu and Cheshire!Njano frame Janja and piss Queen Zira off. Like she or Scar will threaten Janja and Cheshire!Njano would say something inappropriate/stupid the minute her back is turned
Queen Zira of Hearts: Listen here hyena, if I lose my temper, you lose your head! Understand?
Janja: *gulps* Uh…y-yeah! Whatever you say, your majesty!
Cheshire!Njano: *when Zira turns her back* HEY ZIRA YOUR MOM GAY
They just say/do whatever they want and I’m here for it
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devilsrecreation · 3 months
Rating Outlander headcanons the generator made pt 3: Reptile (and Scorpion) edition
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Yk what? I think she would. I can see her thinking “Hm…this could be interesting” despite not really knowing what it is BUT it’s super fun to think about. 6/10
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Njano driving in ANY au scares me. Imagine the skinks in general pulling a GTA and stealing a poacher’s truck with Njano steering the wheel while running on it and maybe Kenge (even though he isn’t a skink) controlling the pedals since he’s big enough. Imagine Njano blasting music in a tiny skink-sized car in a Zootopia AU. Imagine him stealing his brother’s car in the HS AU just for fun. Imagine him taking over the helm of Kiburi’s ship in a Pirate Au.
I’ll take a point off cuz humans/poachers don’t exist in the canon TLK universe but it’s still hilarious. 9/10
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Ehhhhhhhh half right. He’d definitely steal a lollipop as a kid, but would he feel guilty? Hell no. 5/10
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Nyata being a singer is pretty interesting to me. I like to think she’ll sing along to a song early in the morning just to spite a neighbor. I’ll give it a 7/10
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The most Waza would do is get a little bit annoyed if someone cuts him off and that’s more of a Kenge thing anyway. 1/10
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It’d be mildly amusing only if she had to do it as a dare. 2/10
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Yeah, I feel like he’s capable of hugging his fellow skinks, he just isn’t really the affectionate type. 8/10
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Oh that is such a Kenge thing jfgfhfht. He’s just rough like that. 10/10
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Maybe in some sort of human au and only when he’s REALLY nervous (which is rare). 2/10
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😭😭😭😭 He’s totally the type to do something like that in any au. It happens so often that whoever notices always puts a blanket over him to keep him warm :)
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