#and then asougi was like RIGHT THERE and NOT SMILING AT ALL this is too funny 😭😭😭 i miss his smile so much *starts crying*
ryutarotakedown ¡ 1 year
Word count: 2467 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Gen Relationships: Susato Mikotoba/Haori Murasame, Susato Mikotoba & Kazuma Asougi Characters: Susato Mikotoba, Haori Murasame, Kazuma Asougi, Yuujin Mikotoba Additional tags: Missing Scene, Foreshadowing, An Ungodly Amount of Dramatic Irony, Canon Compliant, (i think), POV Susato Mikotoba, Character Study
Hold it! Susato’s hand flies up to her mouth as the gears in her brain finally start to spin. It’s the day — the day they’re about to set out to Great Britain — and she isn’t even done packing yet! “I’ll be right there!” she shouts to her sort-of-brother and her best friend, before dashing towards her own luggage.
Or: In which Susato Mikotoba sets out on her journey to London, featuring complicated siblings, the slow onset of a blossoming crush, and the beginning of a story that will definitely go well for all involved.
Read on AO3 or below!
Haori’s vocal chords are truly impressive — her voice manages to reach Susato even from two floors below. Susato peers out the window and is greeted with the sight of Haori waving at her from the courtyard.
Susato grins and waves back, then squints. Rubs the sleep out of her eyes. Is that Kazuma next to her?
Yes, it is — he lifts a hand in greeting, mouth ticking up in obvious amusement at Haori’s enthusiasm. In his other hand are several bags, and on the ground is a very large trunk. Susato’s clearly not awake enough for this, because she could swear that trunk just moved…
Hold it! Susato’s hand flies up to her mouth as the gears in her brain finally start to spin. It’s the day — the day they’re about to set out to Great Britain — and she isn’t even done packing yet!
“I’ll be right there!” she shouts to her sort-of-brother and her best friend, before dashing towards her own luggage.
A few minutes later she’s dragging her two bags down the stairs (one for books, one for everything else) and into the sunny courtyard. Haori rushes to take a bag for her, then nearly doubles over from the weight. “Rookie mistake,” Kazuma murmurs, and Susato can’t help but laugh even as she eases the luggage out of Haori’s grip.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” she says to Haori, who is still massaging her arm with amazement written all over her face.
“What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t see you off?” Haori smiles at her while Susato tries to hide a wince. She’s only met Naruhodou-sama once, but Kazuma speaks of him often. Why isn’t he here, after Kazuma helped defend him against murder?
Kazuma quirks a reassuring smile in Susato’s direction, like he’s read her mind, and she relaxes. He explains, “Murasame-san insisted on accompanying us to the harbor, so I insisted on sharing our ride with her. It should be along soon.”
Susato nods. She and Kazuma said their goodbyes to Grandmother yesterday — too cruel to force her to wake up at the crack of dawn for this — so that just leaves… “What about Father?”
“Professor Mikotoba’s at the docks already,” Kazuma says. “He wanted to get the paperwork for our exchange student trip in order with the sailors.”
Susato’s still not used to hearing Kazuma call her father — their father — Professor Mikotoba. She understands why, of course: Kazuma Asougi’s adoption into the Mikotoba family is on strict need-to-know basis. It’s secret even from Haori, who comes over to study almost every week; it’s why Father refers to him as Asougi-kun outside their walls and Kazuma-kun within it. But she’s never been able to call him anything but Kazuma-sama, even though on his part —
“Judicial Assistant Mikotoba, could you help me lift this trunk?”
There it is.
“Coming,” Susato calls. Kazuma, she thinks, is deceptively good at facades.
The two rickshaws are waiting on the road already. After Susato and Kazuma heave the trunk into one (maybe she’s still not fully awake, because there’s a sound like a human “Ow!” as they tip it into the compartment) and they pay the drivers, the two of them — plus Haori — squish together on the seat of the other rickshaw, and they’re off.
“I still can’t believe you’re both going to England,” Haori gushes as the cart’s wheels rattle under them. “We’ve read about it so much, haven’t we, Su?”
“We have,” Susato agrees, smiling. “Oh, that’s right — I told Father to give you the Randst Magazine issues that will arrive while I’m gone, so you can keep reading The Bride of Hallow’s Eve.” It’s a time-honored tradition between them: Susato reads every monthly issue from cover to cover (though really the highlight is always The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes), then gives it to Haori so she can read her favorite parts (usually the serialized romances). Susato would hate for it to stop just because of the addition of an ocean between them.
“Oh, thanks so much, Su!” Haori clasps her hands together in delight. “You’re so gallant!”
“Th-that’s not the right adjective for a girl, I think,” Susato deflects. Heat is rising to her face. Kazuma smirks sideways at her but stays silent.
“But there’s no better one for you!” Haori giggles, the smile lines of her eyes creasing, as Susato’s face goes even redder. “You’re like a gentleman in a girl’s body, Susato.”
“Um,” Susato says. Alongside the embarrassment, there’s a confusing, fizzy joy filling her chest that she doesn’t know how to deal with. Susato Mikotoba, gentleman. She could get used to that. “I—”
“Would you look at that, we’re almost there,” Kazuma swoops in. Susato shoots him a grateful look for the rescue. “Judicial Assistant Mikotoba, you remember what to say when we embark, yes?”
“Of course,” Susato says. They had practiced how to get past the expected questions — why Kazuma’s judicial assistant was female, why she was not yet of age, how they had met each other in the first place. “If all else fails, I’ll simply give them my best Susato Toss!”
“And I’ll come running with Karuma.” Kazuma pats the sword that’s always hanging by his side. “Just give me a shout.”
“I will,” Susato promises, as the cart rounds a corner and she first glimpses the hulking silhouette of the S.S. Burya. At least the happiness that buoys her now is familiar. It’s really happening, isn’t it! She’s going to England with Kazuma by her side, and she’ll finally get to practice in an actual court, and she’ll make her father proud and have so many stories for her grandma, and…
“I just wish you could come too,” she tells Haori. Then the tableau in her head would be flawless. “I’m sure you could learn as much about medicine as I could about the law in England.” That was close to what her father had done for six years, wasn’t it?
Haori sighs. “I know… but Su, you deserve this most out of anyone! You studied so hard to go! Don’t hold yourself back because of me!” She leans forward to stare intensely into Susato’s eyes. “You’re the most upstanding judicial assistant I know!”
Susato is fairly sure she’s the only judicial assistant Haori knows, but still she blushes when she answers: “Well, I doubt I deserve it more than Kazuma-sama, but I’ll… try to remember that. Thank you, Haori-sama.”
“There you go talking like an old man again,” Haori laughs, settling back into her seat. Susato immediately misses the weight of her gaze. “Just remember to write.”
“Of course I will,” Susato says, the words as light as air, just as the carriage grinds to a stop near the entrance to the harbor and the driver hollers for them to disembark.
As Kazuma heads towards his luggage (to… sweet-talk it down? She loves Kazuma, but sometimes he really is strange), Susato offers an arm for Haori to step down from the rickshaw. Haori takes it gracefully, and Susato wonders at how easily their hands fit in each other’s. Haori has a singular calluse at the base of her thumb — testament to the years she’s spent writing medical reports, Susato knows — and suddenly Susato’s heart aches.
She’ll miss Haori. For all that her father calls her mature for her age, this realization hits her with all the impossible longing associated with being a sixteen-year-old in love.
(Not that Susato is — not like that — not —)
How long until she sees her again? It’s not as though Susato is anyone special — what if she returns to Japan and Haori has forgotten all about her? What if England tears the memory of her best friend away from Susato and she comes back unrecognizable? What if…
“Judicial Assistant Mikotoba?”
The voices reach her simultaneously and she realizes she’s been staring at Haori for… entirely too long. Kazuma’s trunk is already being carried away by some sailors, in fact.
“Ahhhhh! I’m sorry!” She lets go of Haori’s hand, face burning, and picks up her luggage. “I’ll go put this on board!”
“Susato—” Kazuma calls after her, but she’s already gone.
The sailor she meets doesn’t know any Japanese and Susato doesn’t know any Russian, but they manage to meet in the middle with awkward English. She’s studied enough British law books to at least warn him that the bags are heavy before he takes them, though he’s not convinced until he fails to lift one and has to call another person over. Susato frowns to herself as she walks back to where Kazuma and Haori are. She really needs to brush up on her general English once she’s on the ship…
She spots Haori standing quietly next to her father, who’s discussing ship logistics with Kazuma, when she returns. “Judicial Assistant Mikotoba,” Kazuma says easily as he looks up. “So you didn’t need any violence after all.”
“They didn’t ask me anything,” Susato reports. She’s almost disappointed — she had practiced the right level of friendliness and all. (And the optimal method for a Susato Toss.) “Perhaps they will upon boarding?”
“Perhaps,” Kazuma agrees, then steps aside respectfully as Susato’s father hands her a boarding ticket. She runs a finger over the gilded paper, the excitement rising again despite herself. How thrilling, being on a steamship for the first time! It’s like a scene straight out of the Adventures! Oh, to be carried through the waves and inhale the salty air of the seven seas!
She only barely manages to rein herself in enough to hear her father say, “Asougi-kun, your cabin is on the top deck. Susato, yours is in steerage.”
“Oh.” Susato blinks. For some reason she’d been imagining them in adjacent rooms. “We’re going to be far apart then?”
A split second of conflict washes over Haori’s face before it resolves into determination. “That isn’t right, Professor Mikotoba! Su shouldn’t be separated from the attorney she’s assisting!”
“Yes, it’s quite unfortunate,” Susato’s father agrees gently. “But as I understand it, the other priority cabin has been reserved for someone boarding at… Shanghai, I believe?”
“Shanghai, China,” Susato murmurs to herself. She’s read about it in some magazines as well, but she can still hardly imagine the place. “That’s where our kanji characters come from.”
“That’s right.” Her father sighs. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you a better cabin, Susato.”
Haori looks downward, a little wistful. “It’s so unfair how they’re making you stay alone…”
“I’ll be fine,” Susato lies. “It’s not as though Kazuma-sama could bring anyone onboard, either. And I need the studying time!”
“Speaking of which.” Kazuma casts a glance at the ship. Is that guilt in his expression? No, it can’t be. “We should probably get—”
The ship’s horn blows. They all jump, Susato clapping her hands over her ears.
“—going,” Kazuma finishes. “I think I have to check in with the sailors guarding the first-class deck as well.”
Susato nods, then turns to face her father and her best friend, trying to conjure up her resolve. “I suppose this is goodbye for now, Father, Haori-sama.”
Her father takes a few steps closer and then, unexpectedly, wraps her in a hug. She buries her face in his shoulder — she’s almost as tall as he is now, she realizes. “Be careful,” he whispers into her ear. “Remember that you’re a young woman in a foreign country. Safety is always the first priority.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Susato says, as he lets go and looks her up and down, like he’s trying to memorize the look of her even after ten years.
“Good.” He turns to Kazuma, doesn’t hug him but does ruffle his bangs affectionately. It’s a dangerous action around someone like Haori who doesn’t know about their family situation, Susato knows, and her throat aches at the sight of Kazuma’s answering smile. “The same goes for you, young man. Be careful. Some things should be avoided even when you’re carrying Karuma.”
Kazuma’s hand drifts to his hip, brushing over the hilt of the Asougi clan sword. He'd fought for weeks to gain permission to carry Karuma onboard, Susato knows. His voice is a little rough as he answers, “I know.”
“Hey Su,” Haori pipes up, and Susato turns. “I, um, got you something. Hold out your hand?”
Susato does. She watches Haori fish around in the folds of her clothing and find something that she presses into Susato’s palm. Susato has enough time to process that it’s small and made of iron before Haori gently closes Susato’s fingers around it. For someone who spends a lot of time in laboratories, Haori’s hands are surprisingly warm, Susato thinks.
“It’s a good-luck charm,” Haori explains. “From the temple near our house — they said it would protect against any natural disasters and sea monsters. I know you’re a scientific person and everything and so am I but I thought you might want one and I wanted you to have it because I’ll be worried about you because who knows what could happen on a steamship—”
“Haori-sama,” Susato says.
“Eep!” Haori stops. “Yes?”
Susato swallows. “I love it. Thank you.”
“You haven’t even looked at it yet,” Haori says, a pink tinge settling on her cheekbones.
“I’d love anything you gave me,” Susato says. It comes out far too sincere, but when Haori blushes harder she finds she doesn’t mind.
The horn blows again, making Susato wince. “I suppose we really must be going now, Kazuma-sama?”
“Right,” Kazuma says. “Thank you for seeing us off, Professor Mikotoba and Murasame-san.”
“Of course,” says Susato’s father. “Ah — Susato, you know your grandmother can’t stand chilly mornings, but she did want me to pass on her well wishes.”
“Tell Grandma I’ll write,” Susato responds.
“We’ll miss you, Su, Asougi-san!” Haori clasps her hands together. “You both have to tell me all about London!”
Susato’s throat suddenly feels tight. Oh no, is she about to cry? She blinks quickly and only just manages to say, “Of course.”
“Judicial Assistant Mikotoba,” Kazuma warns, flicking his eyes towards the Burya.
Oh, and despite how long she’d practiced for this day it’s so hard to leave them. Her father, her grandmother, Haori… Is it wrong of Susato to board this steamship now? To abandon them all the same way that, sixteen years ago, her father —
No. No, she can’t think that way. Susato forces a wobbly smile on her face and says, “Yes, let’s be off.”
And as they walk up the gangplank, as they stand on the deck of the mighty S.S. Burya, as the ship’s horn blows its final warning and they wave to the two tiny figures on the ground — Susato comforts herself: at least she knows that Kazuma will always be by her side.
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arda-ancalima ¡ 1 year
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Chapters: 4/8 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke, Asougi Kazuma, Mikotoba Susato, Sherlock Holmes | Herlock Sholmes (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Barok van Zieks, Iris Watson | Iris Wilson, Tobias Gregson (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Gina Lestrade (Dai Gyakuten Saiban), Mikotoba Yuujin Additional Tags: Dai Gyakuten Saiban | The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles Spoilers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, What-If Summary:
Spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney 1 and 2
Alternative universe - Kazuma makes to England, but their trip is nothing like Ryunosuke expected. Caught between his convictions and his best friend’s wishes, will Ryunosuke be able to support Kazuma as increasing pressures put him at risk of losing his soul?
(Read Chapter 1 here)
Chapter 4
The next morning, a certain gloom fell upon Baker Street. Sholmes’ mood was incomprehensible as usual, but Ryunosuke knew why Kazuma was withdrawn at least—he was still considering what he just learned, and undoubtedly lost sleep over it. If he had drawn any conclusions, he was not inclined to share. In addition, he had an impending deadline for a thesis chapter to send to the university that kept him glued to his desk, barely speaking except to ask Susato to reference a book.
Since they were busy, Ryunosuke went by himself to the door, putting on his cap and cloak. As he was about to open the door, Iris appeared.
“Ooh, can I come with you, Runo? Are you going to the Great Exhibition?” She clasped her hands together, beaming.
He almost caved at her smile but was determined. “You can come, but I’m actually going to the Prosecutor’s office.”
“Oh! Well, that sounds fun too!” She hoisted her smoke gun, ready for any adventure.
“I want to see if Lord van Zieks is well after the attack in the paper this morning. Just, um…don’t tell Kazuma, all right?”
“If I come along, then I won’t have to keep the secret!”
The October breeze grew chillier by the day. That was why he was shivering, Ryunosuke told himself, even when they stepped out of the wind and stood before the door to the Reaper of the Bailey’s personal lair. He took a breath to prepare himself and contemplated giving up the whole thing, until Iris went ahead and knocked on the door herself. Before he could lose his nerve, he went in.
Continue reading on AO3
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quillandink333 ¡ 2 years
Beyond the Screen
Kazuma Asougi × Author
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Rating: E
Word Count: 2.7k
WARNINGS: unintentional public indecency, power imbalance if you squint, marathon sex, oral (male and female receiving), biting, hair-pulling, cream pie, one singular brief mention of smoking, totally 100% platonic displays of affection
Summary: When a dedicated fan snagged herself a front row seat to one of Kar(u)ma’s concerts, she was certain that she wouldn’t have the chance to stand so close to the world-famous singer and activist ever again.
Part I • Part II • Part III • Masterlist
Key: *「ああ、完璧だ」 – “Ahh, that’s perfect.”
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“So, how did you like your exclusive tour of Kazuma Asougi’s private residence?”
Once he’d finished showing me around, it was past midnight. He’d just walked in after washing up and changing into a fresh set of sweatpants and a tank top, having left me to make myself comfortable in his bedroom. His bedroom.
“What were some highlights? Just curious.”
For a moment, I was too stunned by his wet-haired, bare-faced glory to even realise he was actually standing in front of me and asking me a question.
“Oh.” My cheeks glowed with warmth. “I don’t know. It… It’s just all so…a-amazing,” I so eloquently replied. His place was the opposite of ostentatious; a narrow, two-storey studio flat in a terrace on the quiet and suburban Briar Road, which I’d never even heard of before he’d brought me there. There were two bedrooms, one of which he’d converted into his studio where he wrote, recorded, and produced nearly all his music, and the other boasting a pleasant little veranda that overlooked his pleasant little backyard. His studio was just what I’d always imagined it would be, and all throughout the flat there were small things I recognised from historic events in his career and various posts on Instagram and so on, such as the Eurovision trophy being proudly displayed on a shelf above his work space and the Queen vinyl records hanging on the wall of his room. On the other hand, in addition to the things I recognised, there were others that had never been shown publicly as far as I knew, like an award for some kind of high school debate or speech tournament or some such in Japan. “I don’t think I could pick a favourite thing about this place,” I simpered and silently added, other than the fact that you live here. “Honestly I’m still not one-hundred-percent convinced this isn’t a dream.”
“Yes, well…I can see why you’d feel like that.” His ears had taken on a glaring shade of red for some reason, making me want to scream from the rooftops how candidly adorable he was being. He cleared his throat. “I think I’ve shown you just about all that’d be of interest to a very important fan like you.” I was about to correct him by saying how everything about this place, and about him, was interesting—beyond interesting—when he turned to face me in earnest. “You’ll be sure to keep the, uh…sensitive information to yourself, right?”
“Yes! Of course!” I nearly shuddered. “Oh, God, I would never even think about…you know, not doing that. I mean it.” As guilty and ashamed as it might’ve made me feel knowing that I and I alone had just gotten a glimpse into the Kar(u)ma’s everyday life, I was obviously going to have to act like tonight had never happened, for my own sake just as much as for his. Shaking my head, I thought it best not to dwell any further on the weight of it all. I probably wasn’t the first person he’d ever brought home with him after a concert anyway. I couldn’t be.
But I was.
It was a relief to see him smiling at me again, at least. “I appreciate it.” I returned the look, watching him take a seat on the edge of the mattress. “Right, then. While I have you here…” Already teasing at my waistline with his eyes, he gave the space beside him two indicative pats: a silent invitation.
It wasn’t much longer before my prized tee, ruined skirt, and borrowed jacket were all abandoned in a heap on his floor.
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She didn’t seem like the very physically active type. Her delicate constitution combined with the way her legs shivered in the effort to carry her weight above me gave away as much. She kept using my shoulders as leverage to support herself with her arms as I took matters into my own hands, holding her in place with my palms and driving myself up and into her with my legs. My mouth found a spot on her heaving chest and latched onto it, sucking one breathless moan out of her after another as my mind continued to wander. What are her turn-ons? What are her most perverse fantasies? What kind of person is she? Do she and I have any of the same tastes? What are her hobbies?
This was getting out of hand. On any other night, I’d have been satisfied knowing just the fact that the person I’d been fucking had been my fan. On any other night, I’d have sent them home from the venue without thinking to ask so much as their name, let alone what they liked to do in their spare time or how many people they’d dated. That I was wondering all of the above about her was unfair, for one thing, and dangerous for another.
Even with all the things about her that were still a mystery to me, one thing was alarmingly clear: she was gorgeous. I couldn’t put my finger on any one feature that she possessed, but I swear her beauty was double—no—triple what it had been when I’d first lain eyes on her in the crowd just a few hours earlier. On top of that, I couldn’t place it, but something about the way she carried herself had me in the clutches of a striking sense of nostalgia. I dismissed the thoughts, fallaciously writing it off as nothing more than a side effect of being so deep in the throes of passion with her. Naturally anyone would look prettier and feel closer with my marks scattered prodigally across their skin while they got drunk and delirious on the feeling of my dick plowing into them from below.
Giving into my fatal curiosity, I fell out of my unwavering rhythm for a moment and into an easy, unhurried, yet deep-as-hell grind as I said, “I’m sorry. I don’t think I caught your name.”
“Hnhh…?” Her eyes opened. “Oh. Emily.”
“‘Emily…’” My own eyes fluttered closed as I thought out loud, 「ああ、完璧だ*」
Saying the name again and letting my head roll back, I savoured the way each sound rolled off my tongue. Even her name was pretty. My head was followed by the rest of me, sinking into the mass of pillows behind me as I picked up my previous pace with my legs.
I held her steady by the waist when she started teetering, and her movements became noticeably more fluid as she relaxed in my hands. Each time she did something that I subconsciously found cute, which really was everything from biting back a whine to squeezing her tummy in around my throbbing heat, her infuriatingly perfect name would echo from the bottom of my throat as I railed into her quicker and harder and sloppier. In no time flat, my breaths were hitched and heavy to match hers. I wasn’t taking my eyes off her faltering frame, nor my ears off her soft, kittenish voice, for one second, and all the attention was getting to her, by the looks of it.
Just when I caught her legs faltering, I angled my hips in such a way as to hit her A-spot, and her eyes flew open. “Kazuma!” she gasped wildly.
Her face flushed, hips frozen in my grasp while my own pressed on harder and faster still, spurred on by her every expression. “Emily…!”
Her brow was scrunched in apparent horror at her crumbling self-control as she folded over flat on top of me, chest-to-chest, gagging herself on my semi-clothed shoulder. My arms wrapped around her automatically. “Kazu-mA—aHh!”
Her broken squeals were raw and vial and everything I’d ever dared to dream of. The sheer ecstasy splitting her voice in two was addictive, making my whole body ache with need. “Fuck—!” My thighs were on fire, as was my face, but I couldn’t stop. Mouth wide and panting, my words started stumbling into one and other. “Emily, you’re doing it again, you’re gonna make me—nh-hahh, fuck! Fuck!” My nails sank into her arching back. “Emily!”
It was the strongest, longest, highest high I’d experienced since farther back than my blissed-out brain could reach, and I could tell she was feeling no lower nor less weightless than I was.
As we slowly came floating back down from cloud nine, our bodies lying limp and heaving in a carefree heap, my mind was clear of any and all thoughts save for one; this feeling—the feeling of her spent limbs tangled together with mine and her warm torso pressed flush against me and her tender insides weakly clinging to both my softening shaft and my white-hot seed—was too precious to ever let go of.
For a moment, I returned to my senses, turning my head and seeing hers nestled motionlessly in the crook of my shoulder. A gentle call of her name caught in my throat, dissipating into little more than an apprehensive puff of air as it passed my lips. The poor thing was quickly fading, that was if she wasn’t completely out already, but she still had mascara coating her lashes and concealer covering her under-eyes and everything. There was the guilt of putting her fair skin at risk by allowing her to sleep with her face caked in makeup to think about, but the alternative was to commit the unthinkable grievance of waking up someone so deathly tired, not to mention how perfect she looked in that moment with the smile in her closed eyes and the soft parting of her lips.
Before I could conceive of a solution to our dilemma, I found myself jolting awake, realising her exhaustion was rubbing off on me. At that point, all I could think to do for her was undo what was left of her ruined ponytail. I mouthed a heartfelt apology against the shell of her ear, then with care, let the shimmering river of bronze flow out over her shoulder and waterfall down her side and mine. Her hair tie never quite made it out of my loosening grip.
Just as I finally closed my eyes and surrendered to the overpowering pull of sleep, it distantly occurred to me that I hadn’t lit a single cigarette that evening.
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My eyes watered in protest of my first attempt to peel them open. As I came back to life little by little, the first thing to greet me was the feeling of sheets against my otherwise naked body, tucked neatly up over my shoulders.
These weren’t my sheets. This wasn’t my bed.
I opened my eyes, but my host, whom I’d so carelessly fallen asleep on, wasn’t where I’d left him.
“Kazuma…?” I wheezed. Wheezed. When in all my days of life had been the last time I’d actually wheezed from a place of authenticity? Maybe after a BTS concert, I supposed. My voice was in absolute ruin. Could I really have overdone it that badly the previous night?
Donning my clothes—Shit, how long has that rip been there?!—and stepping out the door to his room, it didn’t take me long to figure out that I was the only one there. The place was silent, and it was compact enough that I was confident I’d have been able to hear any happenings from that spot in the hallway where I stood. Without purpose, I withdrew into the bedroom again. My eyes went to the clock on his dresser. “10:12 am.” God, he’d probably left home hours ago. Nice going, Emily.
But when I went to check my phone, there was a sticky note attached to its screen, and placed next to it was a pack of what looked to be makeup removing wipes. As if this morning wasn’t embarrassing enough already…
The handwriting on the note was rushed yet refined, each line straight and sharp with barely a break between each letter, just like what was scrawled all over the special piece of confetti from the concert.
“Sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up. Manager said I was needed at the stadium asap. There’s stuff for breakfast set out in the kitchen. Help yourself to whatever looks good. The front door locks automatically so feel free to stay as long as you like. xx
“Text me if you need anything → 020 7946 0732”
My hand dropped to my side, still holding onto his note. You’ve got to be kidding… It was common knowledge that he, as stated in a plethora of past panels and interviews, had more faith in all those that supported him than in anyone else, and this was reasonable enough to believe considering all that ‘Kar(u)ma’ stood for both as an upstanding activist and outstanding figure of society. Notwithstanding this, I couldn’t have imagined the sheer depth of the absolute trust he had in his fans, until that moment.
Apart from that revelation, however, my eyes couldn’t help but linger on the two little ‘x’s appended to the foot of the main paragraph. As they peered back at me, a spot on my forehead tingled with a strange warmth that faded just as soon as I’d noticed it.
Swallowing my shame, I took the makeup wipes to the bathroom to clean myself up. There I stood in front of the mirror, and the girl staring back at me, her neck and chest peppered with bite marks and bruises, was another brutal reminder that I hadn’t just dreamt the whole thing. That all of the events of the night before had been completely and undeniably real. As my face grew hot with a rush of excitement and horror and disbelief all at once, the girl in the mirror’s cheeks turned bright red, both of us struggling to hold eye contact.
Once satisfied that I’d gotten all the product off my flakey, broken-out face, wondering in vain which of this person’s features he’d found so exceptionally attractive, I made my way down to the kitchen where I helped myself to some cereal and perched on the stool at the counter. As soon as I was finished, I would gather my things and head for the nearest bus stop. I’d already lingered here for far longer than acceptable, regardless of what was written on that piece of paper. Thank goodness I didn’t have any major responsibilities today. Even after a full ten hours of sleep, my body was still recovering.
While I sat there pondering my current circumstances over my bowl full of milk and carbohydrates which I’d just consensually stolen from my number one celebrity crush of all time, I figured the least I could do was shoot him a text. To just leave without saying anything would’ve been unspeakably rude of me.
“Hello, Kar(u)ma.”
No, no, way too formal. Backspace backspace backspace.
“Hi Kazuma!”
Ew, what…? No. Backspace backspace.
“Good morning Kazuma~ It’s Emily. Just thought I’d send you a text saying thank you for breakfast as well as the amazing time I got to spend with you. Hope the next two nights of concerts are just as much fun as last night’s”
There, good enough. Send.
Afterwards I politely put my empty bowl and utensil in the dishwasher. I was just on my way out when a buzz from my phone made me pause in the entryway.
It was him.
“No need to thank me, I had fun too. I like you :) We should do this again some time”
As if his note hadn’t been enough, I read these words at least five times over, hands shaking and heart pounding and rattling my ribcage. I kept staring at them until I could make out every last pixel.
What had I gotten myself into?
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I clumsily set my phone face-down on the vanity behind me. “Damn it, Emily…” I slumped lower in the chair, legs spread, breath hitched, and face flushed. Footsteps echoed busily outside the locked dressing room door. I groaned, holding back from bucking up into my hands while they pumped recklessly at my rigid, precum-leaking cock. My mind kept wondering how beautiful she might’ve looked without her makeup.
0 notes
thesimpsbasement ¡ 2 years
Request for Mod Betty! Can I ask for headcanons about how would Herlock, Kazuma, Barok, and Ryuunosuke react if their crush remembered something they mentioned a long time ago please?
Sorry this took so long ! Didn't have motivation to write so I'm sorry for the delay! But I hope you enjoy reading nonetheless! 
Fandom: Ace Attorney 
Characters: Herlock Sholmes, Kazuma Asougi, Barok van Zieks, Ryuunosuke Naruhodo 
Author: Mod Betty
Warnings: Spoilers if you squint ( mainly on Kazuma's part so beware!) 
Reader is gender neutral 
Word count: 1340 words
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ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕞𝕖𝕤
-Herlock tends to boast a lot about his oh so great adventures, especially his book
- You had to admit those stories did leave you in awe of the detectives bravery and recklessness but some stories did leave you giggling much to his embarrassment 
-It's been years since he first told you about his first ever case a detective with his partner 
-You figured that today is a day to celebrate a little anniversary if you will, the good the detective had to be rewarded for all his years of solving crime right?
-If Iris' help you 2 planned a perfect little party for 3 of you since Ryuunosuke and Susato left for Japan 
-While Herlock was busy doing who knows what you were off to a store with Iris to guy ingredients 
-Ingredient for what exactly? For a cake of course! 
-Iris was a good helper and at keeping secrets from our dear Hurley 
-As soon as you 2 got home you started preparing the delicious goods 
-By the time Herlock got back everything was already set and ready, with you and Iris already seated on the couch 
-" Welcome home dear" you greeted him getting up from your seat " What's the occasion? I'd hardly doubt you'd mistake my or Iris' birthdays" The boy asks, drooling at the sight of the food " We've prepared a little party for our great detective silly!" Iris chimed in " I figured since it's been over a decade since you became detective we'd celebrate your hard work, I remember you told me way back when that this day was the day you became a detective all those years ago" you explained while putting his coat away on the coat hanger next to the door 
-You actually remembered something as small as that!? Looks like you've got a detective's memory just like him
-He's so moved " Oh dear you shouldn't have , come here , you too Iris" he said before engulfing you both into a tight hug,in which you both reciprocate the gesture " Oh what would I do without you two!" He cried out hugging you tighter before letting go and wiping his yes 
-" Come now this deliciousness isn't going to eat by itself " he said while dragging you both to the table in the living room
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𝕂𝕒𝕫𝕦𝕞𝕒 𝔸𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕚
-He's not one to talk much, often busy or just preferring to sit with you in silence 
-However he does enjoy talking about his life when he lived in Japan and honestly he's a great storyteller,  only when he doesn't use complex words you don't understand 
-One thing that interested you was his sword he always carries  
-You walked to your usual spot where to often talked about whatever was on your mind and you remembered about the sword 
-" Hey Kazuma I remember you telling me about how your sword is sort of like a symbol of the Asougi family right? Mind telling me how it became that in the first place?" You asked looking at your boyfriend " Oh you want to hear about the history of Karuma?" He asked , masking his surprise " Yeah I mean it seems something important to you right? Especially since you have it with you anywhere you go" you replied to his question with a smile while pointing at the sword on his waist 
-He started telling you the first ever mention of Karuma and how it was kept for generations leading up to the present and how many people in the Asougi family changed their name to Karuma in honor of the sword 
-You sat and listened as he kept telling you more thing with a smile on his face 
-Despite his calm exterior Kazuma was still surprised you actually remembered stuff he tells you about his family and generally anything he tells you which he very much appreciates 
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𝔹𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕜 𝕧𝕒𝕟 𝕫𝕚𝕖𝕜𝕤
-Whenever Barok feels like it he likes to reminisce  old stories about him and his brother as you sit next to him and listen 
-It's nice honestly to remember these nice moments,it was bittersweet nostalgia for the prosecutor 
-One thing you recalled was him and Klint playing chess together,  Klint being the older one, often had to teach little Barok the ins and outs of chess but he got the hang of it quickly 
-You decided maybe it would be nice to play a round or two of chess with him,since he spoke fondly of those memories 
-You already knew he had a chess board somewhere all you needed was a good moment to ask him 
-You yourself weren't too skillful at chess but maybe you can improve on those skills with Barok's help 
-One day you managed to catch him reading a book on a sofa, legs crossed,  completely focused, he seemed to have finished work for the day 
- " Oh hey Barok!" You call out ,a bit too excited for your liking as you enter his office " Why hello dear, you seem awfully cheerful,  might you enlighten me on what brought this excitement?" He asked closing the book after leaving a mark of where he left off " Well I've been thinking,  I remember you mentioned on how you and Klint often played chess and I was wondering if maybe you can you know… teach me a couple of tricks" you asked looking at him 
-He was surprised you remembered something from his ramblings but he quickly recovered from his initial shock, a rare smile showing on his face " Why I'd be delighted , Wait here I'll bring the board and we'll begin our little battle of wits if you will" he said before getting up and grabbed the chess board that was sitting on a stool next to his desk 
-He first explained the basics, like what piece goes where and how it moves on the board 
-The first couple of rounds he obviously beat you but he had to admit he was having fun 
-If you eventually won against him he'd praise you while you cheer in glee 
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ℝ𝕪𝕦𝕦𝕟𝕠𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕖 ℕ𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕙𝕠𝕕𝕠
-Despite his more shy nature he loves to talk to you about all sorts of things, he could tell you like 10 things per hour if he really wanted to 
-One thing that stook out to you was his hobby of talking fast and learning tongue twisters, you haven't heard anyway that does that in their spare time especially as a hobby
-You were curious about his abilities but usually found both of yourselves busy and it eventually sort of slipped out of your mind till one day
-So on that day you came up to him and asked if about his little hobby 
-'' So mind telling me more about the whole talking fast and learing tongue twisters hobby of yours? I remember you said that once but I sorta forgot to ask about it till now hehe.." you awkward Laughed as Ryburgh looks at you with shock 
-You actually wanted to learn more!? Well he's pumped 
-" Well there are many I managed to learn back in Japan. Do you want to hear some?" He asked giddy like a little kid who just got candy 
-He also told you about the story of the speech competition and how Kazuma practically humiliated himself by not being able to say " men and women of all ages" which made you laugh at the thought of the stoic and serious student messing up so bad 
-Ryuu probably has a book with tongue twisters on him so he'd probably drag you to his room and you 2 start your little tongue twister club 
-The first couple of times you messed up pretty badly which caused both of you to laugh at your bumbling mess 
-After thousands of reading different tongue twisters you were getting the hang of it and actually had even more fun 
-Ryuunosuke usually found himself silently smiling as your eyes light up when you finally managed to say a particular tongue twister without messing up 
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cubedmango ¡ 3 years
"i think you're afraid to be happy" + asoryuu ?? (sorry idk your live action blorbos)
20. “I think you’re just afraid to be happy”
“A—sou—gi!” comes a whine from his left, and Kazuma looks up from where he's been idly staring at the road they walk upon. Naruhodou's face is terribly flushed as he speaks, “It was supposed to be your night of cele— celi— your night of party, but the only one who got drunk is me. What's with that?”
“I had some drinks, too,” he replies. His friends from Law at said night of party had made sure of that. “It's not my fault you can't hold your alcohol, Naruhodou.”
“Rude,” his friend mutters, nearly trips on thin air, and continues, “I'm not that bad.”
Kazuma smiles, says, “Sure, I'll believe you,” and returns to silently looking down at nothing in particular.
It's a fairly cold night, for a day in mid-October, but he finds himself not minding at all. He's happy to endure the frosty bites at his face, and even happier knowing that Naruhodou's dormitory is a ways away from the bar they just left. That means he has time—time to not think about what they just celebrated.
“You're so quiet today,” Naruhodou remarks, after a beat, “Who'd think you got such great news, huh?”
Great news. Right.
“You passed. You got in. Everything's great.”
He passed the exam. He got into the student exchange program. Everything should be great.
With awe in his voice, his friend says, “You're going to London.”
You're going to London, that judge had said, but there's a catch.
“I wouldn't shut up about it, if I were you,” Naruhodou tells him, waves a slow hand in the air in front of the both of them. “Imagine it. Defense Lawyer Kazuma Asougi, international attorney at law.”
That gets Kazuma to snicker. He'll be a lucky man if he gets to keep his job by the end of all this, much less his freedom.
“But I just don't get it.” A drunken hiccup. “You don't look excited at all.”
He should be. It's what he's wanted for years. He should be, but he's not.
“Y'know what I think?” Naruhodou says, slowly, “I think you're just afraid to be happy.”
Kazuma stops dead in his tracks.
That's not true, he wants to say, but he'd be lying. You don't know anything, he wants to yell, but it's his own fault. Please come with me, he wants to ask, but he can't.
His friend takes plenty of steps ahead, alone. Kazuma just stares at the ground he's frozen on.
He is afraid. There's too much that could go wrong. London is not a place he knows, not with people he knows. He can't trust the city, not when it had already betrayed him years ago.
He is afraid. There is a mission and there is a man. He's expected to stain his katana with blood for knowledge in return. There's the catch.
He is afraid. The last time he was really, truly happy, it had ended with him receiving a trunk of his dead father's possessions, the burden of burying his mother, and a letter in English cursive proclaiming him a killer.
He is afraid. Of course he is.
“I am happy,” he asserts, because Naruhodou doesn't know anything, and it's better to keep it that way. “It's just hard to believe it's happening.”
“I know, I know.” Naruhodou smiles. “I was just joking.”
The tension gently uncoils, just like that, and Kazuma lets a warm breath out.
For something he was just drunkenly joking about, supposedly, it held more truth than most things Kazuma has heard in a long time.
He catches up to the other in a few quick strides, ruffling his hair. “Next time, don't sound so serious about it. You started seeming like a wise old sage, for a moment.”
“Hey, don't blame me for talking weird. I'm still drunk,” argues Naruhodou, and clings to his arm. “Now keep walking and get me home, Mr. Exchange Student.”
Kazuma complies without complaint. The rest of the stroll back, Naruhodou manages to make him promise several things for the time he'll be gone. First, to write back as much as possible, especially about the intriguing cases he'll get. Second, to send those fancy photographs of the foreign city, and the foreign people, and especially the foreign food. Third, to not forget about him, even if he ends up staying there. To those, too, Kazuma complies without complaint.
Naruhodou wishes him a good night with a wide grin when Kazuma leaves him at his dorm building, but despite the practiced smile he gives back, the lawyer anticipates anything but. He thinks about it as he walks back to the professor's house. He thinks about it as he sleeps. He thinks about it the next sunny day, waking from a certain fitful dream.
When he receives his documents for travel, hearty pats on his back, and an order of, “Do well. I'm counting on you,” Kazuma has only his friend's keen observation on his mind.
He is afraid, it's true. He just doesn't want this next chance for him to be happy to get snatched away, too.
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allie-writes ¡ 3 years
foreign waters
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen, M/M Relationships: Mikotoba Susato & Mikotoba Yuujin, Sherlock Holmes | Herlock Sholmes/Mikotoba Yuujin Other Relevant Tags: The Great Ace Attorney 2 Spoilers Word count: 1,348 Language: English Read on: AO3
“It was the distance to Japan and his friendship that allowed me to find my footing again. He managed to fill an aching gap in my heart.”
Susato’s eyes are wide as she stares at Yuujin. The first rays of proper sunshine begin to spill over the horizon, painting the world a soft pink. “Father,” Susato says, sounding winded. “Father, do you love Mr. Holmes?”
Freshly out of European waters, Yuujin has a talk with his daughter.
cw: implied past suicidal thoughts
They leave European waters on a cold December morning.
The sun does not rise before eight around this time of the year, so the deck is still mostly vacant as Yuujin meanders about. Ship hands are busily tending to what needs to be done before the other passengers get up under dim lamplights. The waves below crash against the ship’s hull in a familiar whisper.
There is plenty of noise to go around, yet it is calm all the same.
Susato finds him as the sun begins to creep up on the horizon, its light grey and dreary. Wordlessly, she comes to stand next to him at the railing Yuujin is leant up against, watching the colourless sunrise in pensive silence.
Eventually though, she turns towards him. “Good morning, Father,” she says and dips her head in a shallow bow. “Did you sleep well?”
Yuujin smiles. “I did. Thank you,” he says. “And did you?”
Susato gives him one of her long stares in reply, then turns to look back out at the sea. “We have left Europe now, haven’t we?”
“We have. It is a rather wistful feeling, isn’t it?”
“I would have loved to spend more time in London,” Susato says, quietly. “I was there for only two months, yet I miss it all the same.”
“You could have stayed with Asougi, had you wanted to,” Yuujin reminds her. She would not have, of course, having come into her own as a judicial assistant alongside another young lawyer.
Susato knows that he understands as much, if her meaningful sideways glance is any indication. “Kazuma-sama did not begrudge me for leaving,” she says. She settles a hand on the railing, despite how freezing the metal is, clasping it tightly. “I will miss him, too, of course, but… oh Father, I am just so glad that he isn’t dead.”
She and Naruhodou had been left to mourn him for months; even now, her eyes grow misty as she recalls it. Yuujin begrudges Holmes for it, just a little, though he had been in the know himself and is no better for it.
He places a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I trust that he will be all right,” he says. “Perhaps it is better for him, even, to remain in England and sort through his grief.”
“As it was for you?”
There is a frigid undercurrent to Susato’s words. Even the dark December winds lapping at them are not half as cold. Yuujin takes his hand back and grasps the icy railing as well.
“I cannot undo the decisions I made nearly seventeen years ago, now. And by no means did I do right by you, my dear,” he says. His words feel more like a sigh. “But I can’t say what would have become of me had I chosen differently at the time.”
It is as close to confessing his sentiments following his wife’s passing as he has ever gotten. The waves parting around the ship’s bow still look the same as they had when he had left for England nearly two decades ago, though their allure had faded with time.
Susato hesitates and purses her lips before she speaks again. “I have long since come to accept that you left, back then,” she says, taking her freezing hand off the railing to settle it on top of her father’s. “I had Grandmother—Grandfather, too, for a while. I was well taken care of and not lonely at all. I do not love you any less for it now, but…
“When we learnt that it was you who had been the great detective’s partner, I was angry. Not just because of my original misapprehension that you were Iris’s father, for which I am deeply sorry, but because I came to think that you had left Grandmother to care for me while you were off in England going on wild adventures.”
“I can assure you that Iris makes it sound much grander in the stories,” Yuujin replies feebly. Susato’s hand trembles where it still rests upon his. He takes it between his own.
“Holmes all but forced me back into life. He did not care about my grief, did not care at all that I was still in mourning. He was more callous, back in the day, and whenever he needed my assistance, he would drag me along. He kept me so busy that the pain losing your mother had caused me eventually started to abate.
“It was the distance to Japan and his friendship that allowed me to find my footing again. He managed to fill an aching gap in my heart.”
Susato’s eyes are wide as she stares at Yuujin. The first rays of proper sunshine begin to spill over the horizon, painting the world a soft pink. “Father,” Susato says, sounding winded. “Father, do you love Mr. Holmes?”
The question does not come as a shock. Susato is a sharp girl, after all, and Yuujin already feels as though this is a confessional of sorts. He smiles but lets his daughter’s hand go all the same. “Does it bother you?”
“I… don’t know.”
Susato purses her lips, brows furrowed. She buries her hands in the shawl she has draped over her shoulders against the cold. “I have come to know and appreciate Mr. Holmes as a good friend,” she says. “I just never would have thought…. Father, does Mr. Holmes know?”
“He does.”
Yuujin stares down into the water. The rippling waves are painted halfway pink as well, where they face the rising sun. “Holmes and I have been together for some twelve years now.”
“You have been in Japan for more than ten of those years,” says Susato. She sounds almost angry about it, and Yuujin smiles. “Father, all this time, you haven’t seen each other!”
“There was no opportunity to, my dear,” he says. “But we’ve never stopped exchanging letters. I even subscribed to Randst Magazine, just to humour him.”
Some people clamour onto the deck behind them. They pay them no mind, though Susato turns briefly to observe them. When she turns back from the distraction, her eyes are misty. “I just don’t understand, Father. Doesn’t it hurt?”
The question gives Yuujin pause. He exhales, and his breath trails through the air as a white cloud. “Perhaps, in some ways. Though even having only recently parted from him, the joy of seeing him again outweighs the pain that comes with saying goodbye.
“I had, back then, resigned myself to the fact that the love of my life had turned to ashes long before her time. So what is half a world’s distance, compared to that?”
Susato leans into his side rather suddenly, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. It is more physical comfort than she, in all her propriety, would usually afford him, and Yuujin rests his head atop of hers for a moment.
“If you are happy this way, I could not possibly object to it,” she says. Her voice is thick with held-back tears. “If you truly love Mr. Holmes, then I could never mind that you found someone else after losing mother, or that he is a man. Especially one that I have come to befriend, myself.”
She pauses. “Oh, we really must go visit everyone in England again, soon.”
“I believe we already promised a lovely young lady something along those lines,” Yuujin says with a smile as he rights himself again. Susato takes a step back and smiles as well, a little watery but no less happy for it.
The sun hangs low on the horizon now, a deep orange circle fighting to rise to the skies. They stand in silence as dawn spills over them, listening as the other passengers aboard and the crew begin their day.
Eventually, Naruhodou finds them. He stands with them for a while, out of place and unsure of what to do with himself until Yuujin takes pity on the man and suggests they go take their first breakfast outside of European waters.
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pinkprincessrebel ¡ 3 years
Spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. 
It’s a short drabble about Lord Strongheart receiving an unexpected visitor.
Strongheart is haunted by the ghosts of his past, quiet literally. 
It’s a normal night at Barclay Prison when Lord Strongheart sees a figure hiding in the shadows. It’s way past visiting hours, so he ignores the figure thinking it’s a guard. That is, until the figure speaks. “It’s been ten years Strongheart.” He freezes. He knows that voice. He shouldn’t hear that voice. Klint van Zieks died ten years. He must be hearing things. Yes that is exactly it. Perhaps he somehow developed a moral conscious and his mind is now confronting him with his wrongdoings? No, he still believes what he did was right. He knows what he did was right, everyone else was too weak to see that though. So why did he hear that voice? He, remembers that a figure is standing in the shadows, he plans to ignore it. That is until the figure steps forward into the light. Lord Klint van Zieks emerges. For the first time in his life, Strongheart feels true fear. Then he laughs. That Klint van Zieks costume was really well made. He looks exactly like the man did when he was alive except he’s much paler, than the real Klint. He slowly starts clapping his hands together. “I must applaud you on your performance. You nearly had me fooled for a second there.” The figure is unimpressed by Strongheart’s response. He just smiles revealing long sharp fangs. It’s at this point Strongheart begins to realize he’s dreaming, before the figure phases through the cell bats coming face to face with him. Strongheart is unamused with this dream and he wishes to wake up at once. Klint places a hand on his shoulder so Strongheart will know for certain that he is real. “May you feel the fangs of the beast at your throat every time you swallow.” Klint leans in, about to rip into his throat with his fangs, before Strongheart screams, demanding for the guards to come at once. A guard comes running down the hallway, and Klint vanishes from thin air. “There was a ghost in here. It was Klint van Zieks. He must be exorcised at once!” He decrees, as if he was still Lord Chief Justice, with the power to make demands. Strongheart had never been a religious man, but now he would like nothing more than to get a priest in his cell right now. The guard just stands there with his arms crossed unimpressed by Strongheart’s response. Seeing the guard refuse to follow his orders, he becomes more aggressive. “Send in a priest now!” “......” The guard doesn’t move an inch. Strongheart starts to bang on the cell bars, looking into the face of the prison guard. “That sounds like a you problem.” Strongheart pauses, for he too recognizes this voice. And he screams the name of Genshin Asougi. END Don’t worry about Strongheart, Klint didn’t actually go through with his threat. All they did was give Strongheart a good scare. And yes, it was Klimt who roped Genshin into this plan. Not that Genshin had any trouble with paying Strongheart a visit. Later on, Klint and Genshin tell their story to Kazuma and Barok. Kazuma wonders if they plan on paying Jingoku a visit, to confront him on what he did. Yes ghost Klint has fangs. It sort of reflects his mental state when he was dying. He thought he was a monster so he became one in death. I think ghosts can choose how they appear so he could get rid them if he wanted to but he keeps them as a reminder of what he did in his life, so that he’ll never go back down that path in his “unlife.” Besides scaring Strongheart with his fangs gave him the tiniest bit of amusement, so he’s definitely keeping them now.
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askaceattorney ¡ 3 years
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Dear Anonymous,
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I still have yet to play (or watch) DGS2, unfortunately, so we’ll have to save that part for another time, but I’d love to delve into the shared adventures of this adorable duo in the first game.
When Ryuunosuke first meets Susato, she’s nothing more to him than an ally in his defense in court.
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He doesn’t see her again until he and Kazuma find themselves at the end of their rope.
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It makes you wonder if she’s the one who founded whatever School of Interrupting at Just the Right Time so many Ace Attorney characters apparently went to, doesn’t it?
When she appears, “calm and dignified, in our desperate final moments,” to use Ryuunosuke’s words, she causes quite the stir.  Luckily, the five minutes granted to her by the judge to present some crucial evidence is all she needs to help him and Kazuma pull off the first turnabout in Ace Attorney’s history.
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The mysterious legal assistant’s wish for Ryuunosuke’s good fortune was granted, apparently.
Thus Ryuunosu--  Um...  Is it okay if I call him “Ryu” for short?  Thus Ryu’s life was saved by a humble young woman who had the courage and decency to collect, summarize, and present the evidence that turned the case around in the nick of time.  After leaving to finish his acquittal procedures with a humble bow, she disappeared, never to be seen by him again.
Or so he thought.
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Similar to Phoenix and Maya’s first encounter, Ryu and Susato's second meeting occurs under the most tragic of circumstances.  His close friend and classmate has been found dead in his cabin on the ship he managed to smuggle himself onto.  Unlike Phoenix and Maya’s situation, however, it’s the lawyer (or soon-to-be lawyer) who is initially blamed for his death.  To make matters worse, the young woman who helped to save his life isn’t feeling quite so compassionate this time around.
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Her anger and distrust are understandable, considering that the evidence seems to point to Ryu as the culprit, on top of the fact that Kazuma was her foster brother.  Luckily, she’s polite and reasonable enough to hear Ryu’s side of things, and even claims that she wants to believe him, so the two of them are at least able to treat each other civilly.
That is...until he tries to start investigating.
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There’s a bucket load of energy beneath that demure countenance of hers, it turns out.  Her move even has a special name -- the “Susato Toss.”  Who would’ve thought she came straight out of Street Fighter?
Thankfully, she still has a reasonable side.
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By presenting evidence of his innocence, Ryu not only vindicates himself, but finally starts to gain Susato’s trust.
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Sadly, her trust only lasts until a certain world-famous detective shows up to accuse Ryu of being a Russian revolutionary.
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It’s hard to blame her, of course.  Who wouldn’t trust THE Sherlock Holmes’s logic?
Nonetheless, her determination to find out more about Kazuma’s death is strong enough for her to begrudgingly continue the investigation with Ryu.  One notable moment occurs here when he attempts to gain favor wither her by appealing to her love of mystery novels.
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She’s no fool, of course, and only dislikes him even more for expecting her to fall for it.
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If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this was the “main characters don’t get along until they’re forced into a situation together” cliché.  This situation may not fit that cliché perfectly, but it’s not too far off if you ask me.
When Ryu is finally allowed to investigate outside the cabin, Susato begins to show a bit more sympathy for him.
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I have to give her some credit for that -- it takes a special kind of person to show compassion for a possible murderer.  It also seems like she’s beginning to see Ryu as more of a human being than a heartless criminal.  Baby steps, as they say.
From that point on, their dialogue begins taking on a more friendly tone.  Thus Susato, whether on purpose or by fate, takes on the role of the first official assistant in Ace Attorney’s history.  And boy, does she pull it off like a pro.
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To make a long story short, their cooperative efforts combined with the ridiculous logic of a kooky detective (as well as the assistance of the less kooky Detective Hosonaga) bring them to the truth of Asougi’s death in the end.  While this clears Ryu of the crime and offers some much-needed closure for both him and Susato, his death still affects them deeply.
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Something wonderful stems from this tragedy, though -- a crucial moment, not only for the two of them, but also for the Japanese and British Empires.
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With Asougi’s passing, the exchange program between Great Britain and Japan is forced into suspension, unless, somehow, a replacement attorney can be found before the ship reaches London.
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It’s a shame it has to end this way after all they’ve been through together, but that’s just the way it goes someti--
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...Oh.  Well, then.  Who would’ve seen that coming?  (Besides us, I mean.)
And strangely enough, the young woman who once saw Ryu as a cold-blooded murderer has this to say about him becoming an attorney:
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Thus a new attorney/assistant pair arises from the ashes of one attorney’s passing (pun fully intended), and the two of them step into a new journey in their lives together.  And thankfully, it wasn’t exactly the cliché it appeared to be -- the two of them are now trusted friends, and Susato even offers to let Ryu toss her three times as punishment for not believing him.  (It doesn’t quite end that way, but that’s beside the point.)
The first leg of said journey takes place in the “centre of the world” the incredible city of London.  What a place to begin, am I right?
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Thus their incredible legal adventure begins (or adventures begin, I should say) in beautiful Victorian Era Britain.  To describe their encounters here briefly (and so I don’t spend a whole year on this essay), they learn together how the British court system works...
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...about its imperfections...
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...how it feels to pull off a turnabout in a British courtroom...
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...and perhaps most importantly, about the value of trust.
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To say nothing of their misadventures with Mr. Holmes, his young genius assistant, and several other unforgettable British folk.
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And a fellow Japanese immigrant, too, of course.  Who could forget him?
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You know, I’m starting to wonder if he might be one of Larry’s ancestors.
The game throws one final curveball for the great legal duo before it ends.  After telling Susato she’s the world’s best legal assistant, Ryu gets a very unexpected response from her:
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When he attempts to confront her about it, all he gets is another Susato Toss.
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What could someone like her, who’s already proven her worth as a legal assistant several times, be hiding?  Unfortunately for Ryu, he’s unlikely to find out soon, since her father’s illness has called her back home, leaving him to pull off his next turnabout on his own.  She doesn’t go without leaving behind as much helpful evidence as she can muster, of course.
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But, as fate would have it, a storm prevents her ship from departing for at least half a day, giving Ryu and his new flatmates a chance to see her off.  On top of that, it gives Ryu the chance to find out precisely what inspired Susato’s words of doubt.
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He catches her preparing to throw a copy of the British Empire’s Code of Law into the sea.  What would cause her to do such a thing?
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It turns out she broke one of the rules by tampering with the scene of the crime, and another by concealing that fact.  Her intentions may have been good, but her conscience became a little too heavy for her to let it go.  She takes it a step further by claiming that, for one moment, she began to doubt the law.
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She may not be wrong in stating this (she learned it firsthand in the British courts, after all), but it still caused her to see herself as a failure of a legal assistant.  Luckily for her, though, Ryu had learned some things himself in the time they spent together.
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While her methods were questionable at best, Ryu recognizes something in Susato that sets her and every just person apart from a criminal: a desire to protect the innocent.  Whereas Chrogray used her tampering as a way to protect himself, her only desire was to protect Gina’s life and to ensure that Ryu would be able to prove her innocence in the end.  In other words, her faith in the system may have been lacking, but her desire for justice, like Ryu’s, never faltered for even a moment.  With that knowledge in mind, the two of them can part with a better knowledge of the law, a better understanding of each other, and smiles on their faces.
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So, to sum it up, Ryu and Susato go from being friendly acquaintances, to a murder suspect and suspecter (for lack of a better word), to investigative partners, to full-fledged legal partners, and finally, to a legendary legal duo.  Will their relationship ever go any further than that?
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Also, full disclosure -- it’s been a long time since I watched Dai Gyakuten Saiban, so I had to do a hefty amount of re-watching in order to remember some of these details...hence why this essay took so long.  Thanks for waiting!
And hey, how’s that for good timing?
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Don’t know about you, but I’m eagerly looking forward to revisiting this unforgettable saga.  And, y’know...doing it the proper way instead of depending on fan translations.
-The Co-Mod
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snowpeawritings ¡ 4 years
Okay ! Then can I request a scenario of asougi's s/o being on the ship and reacting to what happens? Maybe even with them having spent the earlier part of the night with him before they went to bed? There is no dgs content I've been starved for years 😳
wait if im reading this correctly does that mean asougi and s/o are getting it on b4 he goes kaput while Naruhoudo is in the closet???? I mean i know he was drugged but the thought of him being in the closet while his friend and friend’s s/o going ham is so fucking funny iONFSDKNS
Reader is gender neutral
CW (CONTENT WARNING): Sexual content, swearing, spoilers for DGS case 2
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This was a horrible plan and you couldn’t believe Asougi-of all people-made this idea.
You couldn’t believe that Asougi would stow you away into a spare suitcase and have those big burly Russian sailors throw you away like a rag doll. While you pummeled Asougi lightly when he opened your case, you nearly screamed when Naruhodou was also with you, who’s just as surprised as you are.
Asougi’s answer was as clear as it was ridiculous. “What better way to celebrate our arrival in Great Britain than with my best friend and lover?”
Despite your other raunchy plans with your boyfriend when he was alone in his cabin, you were fine with Naruhodou and you talking when Asougi was away. Even with him, your will to quell your laughter was dwindling each night you two talk to each other. It was risky, sure, but how you and Naruhodou sneaked in the ship reminded you of the times you three sneaked around private areas of your middle school.
Sucks to sleep in a tiny closet with Naruhodou, though.
One night, you were ready to wait for Asougi’s scraps of meals until you saw his plate. You laughed at the drumsticks that seemed to taunt Asougi. “What a meal, eh Asougi?”
He huffed at your comment, taking a portion of the mashed potatoes towards him as he tried to push the chicken away from him. You and Naruhodou share a laugh before taking your portions of the meal. You took your portion of mashed potatoes and gave the rest of your chicken to Naruhodou.
“You’re looking pretty thin,” You said to his bewildered expression, “you should eat more meat.”
His jab to your side didn’t deter your guffaw but Asougi slapped his hand on your mouth. Right after him eating the entire chicken, you and Naruhodou hurried to the closet but before you could, Asougi grabbed your wrist.
“I wanted to talk to you, if that’s alright.”
Despite his tone, you listened as you bade the other man goodnight. After going into the closet, Asougi pulled you onto his bed as he sat you down. He took your hands in his naked ones, the worn palms of using his katana calming you.
“We’ll be arriving in England soon.” He whispered, not wanting Naruhodou to hear. “I would be lying to say that I’m not excited for the three of us to see it for the first time.”
You smiled softly at him, leaning your forehead against his shoulder as you sighed from the closeness. “I can’t wait to see the sights! I heard that their delicacies are out of this world.”
He chuckled at your desire for new food, taking your chin in his hand as he lifted it up to meet your eyes. He leaned in slowly, stealing a kiss from you before kissing you deeper. You hummed in the kiss, returning it as you fiddled with the collar of his coat.
He parted from you, lips brushing against yours as he spoke. “We have a few hours for ourselves. I’m sure Naruhodou is already asleep.”
If you weren’t so dizzy from the kiss, you would’ve made a better rebuttal but all you could muster was kissing him once more. Your hands grabbed his hair band, pulling it out of his hair as his own pushed you down on his bed.
God, it was so long ever since you and Asougi did this. How long was he able to touch you so unabashedly without any restraints? It’s been too long apparently, with how he hurriedly strips you of your clothes without taking care of his. You tried to help him out of his clothes but he snarled and bit your neck.
You gasped at the pain, hoping that your clothes would cover the mark as he continued downward. You tried to steady your noises because not only is Naruhodou right inside the closet but you were also an uninvited guest on the ship. Even with the terror that someone will find you, the thought thrills you as you bucked your hips on Asougi’s crotch.
He chuckled, deciding that enough was enough. It was clear that he was impatient as he entered you hastily. Thankfully you were well lubricated enough as he laid down his body on top of yours, his chest touching yours as he rolled his hips forward. It was understandable why he used this position, not wanting to make his bed creak as he continued to thrust his cock inside slowly but with impact.
You sunk your teeth on the meat of Asougi’s shoulder as he gasped. “C-Close...”
With his forearms braced beside your head, he thrusts harder, making sure you feel every inch of him before pulling out and cumming on your stomach. You keened at the cum on your stomach as you came down from your high.
Asougi went and wiped the cum on your stomach with a rag as he put his clothes on again. “I would’ve loved to tease you further but I’m afraid we’re short on time.”
You hummed, turning to your side as sleep slowly has its hands on you. He chuckled, fixing your clothes as he carried you to his suitcase instead of the closet. He was sure that Naruhodou wouldn’t want to smell the musk of sex when he wakes up.
Now that his room is spotless (save for the rumpled sheets), he goes back to his study table and practicing his writing. He would’ve continued before a knock sounded on his cabin door.
After another knock, he stands up and opened the door. The outside was barren until he spotted a head of platinum blonde hair and a meek face.
"Ah, excuse me milady."
Oh how fate was cruel for you.
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naruhoedou ¡ 4 years
Ryuunosuke Naruhodou/Seishirou Jigoku
Susato thought he could do it. Convincing their government, however, was a different task.
-Slight spoilers for DGS and DGS 2-
Of course he never thought it would be easy, least of all as easy as the Great Detective made it sound. But it was a logical decision and he was hoping that’d put things in his favor. As disrespectful as this all felt, even more so with the weight of Karuma resting in his lap, he couldn’t just let them get shipped right back to Japan. That’d be too cruel to Susato, who lost a brother apparently, when he could just sacrifice a bit of his mental health to honor his fallen friend. 
As he sat on the desk Asougi Kazuma wrote his last journal entry on, pen heavy in his hand, he silently thanked his literature major for his knowledge in writing formal requests. Although, knowing the format didn’t really help much when the situation was so unbelievable and complex. Did he start by mentioning how the star student of the Imperial Yuumei University lost his life by hitting his head too hard? Or that said student smuggled Ryuunosuke on board? Wasn’t the Minister of Foreign Affairs already aware of these things? Or was it just formality…
Would he even get accepted? If the country only chose to send the best of the best, would they even want to send some mediocre literature student for an education in law ? As these thoughts swirled and swirled in his mind, he realized he’d already begun writing. Reading over the lines he jotted down proved them to be acceptable. Now, if you asked anyone who knew him, they would say Ryuunosuke worked well under pressure. But what he did on impulse, he wouldn’t exactly clarify as such. With a heavy sigh that trembled towards the end of it in remembrance , he let his hand do as it pleased once more and the letter was completed. All that was left was a once-over by Susato in the morning... which ended in her exclaiming that she didn’t expect it to be so well written, a sheepish smile blooming on Ryuunosuke’s face as shame pooled in his gut. Noticing how backhanded her compliment was, and maybe not caring much about it, Susato took the letter and floated out the room. She’d give it to the sailors for it to be mailed out.
What? As Ryuunosuke held the (supposedly)formal reply in his hands, he felt a familiar feeling of shock run through his body. Now that he’d told Susato they’d gotten accepted and got her to leave, he had all the time in the world to read over this.. this personal threat of a letter in his hands. At least, until he had to throw himself into his law studies again, though he felt more like throwing himself...overboard. This was a joke, right? A funny joke from that Sherlock Holmes fellow who had somehow acquired the letter the sailors sent out a month ago, an official Japanese Government seal and also managed to copy the Minister of Foreign Affairs' handwriting and signature. Honestly, how these things kept happening to him, he had no clue. 
He’d heard some stories from Asougi(a pang went through his heart), about the law students both male and female who sold their bodies to get through law school. Prostitution, he’d called it. Tragically contradictory. Ryuunosuke remembered the other man smiling as he’d said it, wondering if Asougi really thought it so tragic after all. “It’s wrong to break the law you’re studying!” he heard a whisper through the room. Bitterly, “The law didn’t save you.”, he whispered back. He leaned forward, taking a deep breath as he usually did. 
So, what if the Minister of Foreign Affairs wasn’t immune to such attractions? It’s not like they’d meet for a long while. By the time he got to face the repercussions of the choice he was about to make, it’d be a year at least. Or however long this program was supposed to last. And, he thought he owed at least this much to the girl a few doors down. The girl who didn’t even get to be the last person to see her brother alive. He looked down. There probably was a good reason Asougi didn’t think to tell him about her, and it was no use feeling scorned by the dead. 
Did he really have to write a reply to this letter? He debated just ignoring it, how would anyone know if it didn’t just get lost out there? It probably wasn’t easy delivering letters to and from a ship. A lot of calculations and estimates… but he was getting off topic. He steeled his nerves and picked up the pen again. Feeling more and more like some kind of doll every second, he wrote an affirmative reply. He didn’t even want to think about Asougi getting the same treatment as this. But of course, Asougi was above agreeing to such an indecent proposal just to be able to go somewhere. Ryuunosuke huffed hysterically, placing the offending letter in an envelope. Writing back a letter of thanks was kind of normal in this situation, right? Susato absolutely could not find out what kind of.. transaction had just been made inside innocent, white envelopes.
He could say in good conscience that there were very few things that could surprise him anymore, especially with all that had already transpired. This happened to be one of those things. Who knew waiting with Susato for Professor Mikotoba to arrive would lead to a premature heart attack? All this action would surely end with him in an early grave. The moment of blissful ignorance that came with him not recognizing the tall, imposing man as his flittering nightmare these past few months had quickly passed. In its place was a cold sweat that persisted even as they lined up for a photograph. The man’s arm around his back was sending all signals except fatherly. If Ryuunosuke had a habit of fainting instead of his unbelievable perseverance to stress, this would be the perfect time to topple onto the floor. It might still be, the more shame-free part of his brain supplied. Surely everything would be forgotten if he caused such a ruckus? 
He was sure his heart would flee out of his chest when Jigoku took the moment of father and daughter reuniting to lean into his ear, making him feel the vibrations of his words, “Hello, Naruhodou-kun.” rather than hear them. Sure, it sounded kind of silly out of context, but the towering figure of the man behind him did a swell job of erasing any sense of comedy Ryuunosuke could have felt. After giving a tense but polite nod, he felt Jigoku’s hands meet his shoulders, slightly shaking with a friendly chuckle. Distantly hearing some form of reassurance being said to him, he wasn’t aware of much until they were leaving. Susato gave him a light poke on his back to get him to move. Upon feeling him jump under her finger, she gave him a concerned glance, and Ryuunosuke was once again amazed at how far they’ve come.
With the cold, cold sweat drying on his body, he couldn’t be all too sure that’s what was causing the shiver running through him. His fingers idly traced the piece of paper in his pocket. Probably slipped in there while the photo was being taken, he thought.
The Old Bailey was a risque place for something like this. He found himself growing colder and colder by the minute. He knew why he was here, the note was clear enough in its subtle way. The English government appointing a foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs a whole office, even for such a short stay… The line between courtesy and belittlement was truly a fine one. 
As he ascended the stairs, he was strangely calm. Like a death row inmate marching towards the rope. A fate he’d narrowly missed, funnily enough. His steps echoed in the grand hallway. The building was quiet but far from serene. For him, at least. As familiar as the courtroom itself had become… The rest of the courthouse, mainly the offices, would always remain alien to him. The door was large and imposing as all the others around it. He knocked twice, somewhat nervously. “Do come in, Naruhodou-kun.” a voice called from the inside. Ryuunosuke entered, closing the door behind him. He stood stock still, like that one time he had to go to the Principal’s office because he forgot his student ID number. Jigoku was no less condescending under his friendly façade.
The large man smiled at him, mischief burning in his eyes. Ryuunosuke thought about the door again. Maybe the scariest thing about Jigoku… was that he fit in, here. Huffing in amusement at the younger man’s refusal to sit down before being told to, he gestured loosely at the chair in front of the desk. “I’ve heard much about your cases, though I’d love to hear them from you. Would you have some tea, or perhaps… a drink?” the man’s voice was warm and rich, but it was no secret that he was sizing Ryuunosuke up, trying to make heads or tails of the man so devoted to the dead(or so bored, he might’ve thought) that he’d go to such lengths. “Tea would be alright.”, Ryuunosuke replied, voice lacking the stutter of his heart. Jigoku laughed heartily, getting out two cups from a cabinet behind him. “I had a feeling you’d say that,” he said leaning down, drawing the other’s attention to the kettle sitting on a miniature stove. 
After pouring the tea, the man raised a hand to halt Ryuunosuke, reaching under the desk to pull out a bottle of rum. “I’d say English tea is horribly bland on its own, no?” he said humorously. Sensing the other’s apprehension, “Oh, don’t be so shy, young man!” he said, topping both cups with the alcohol.
Ryuunosuke Naruhodou was a fair man. He did not leave anything out when recounting the events, regardless of how it made him look. The mix of black tea and rum burned his mouth, but it was nothing worse than some of Iris’ more experimental blends. That is not to say she made bad tea, most of her teas were heavenly, but some flavors were just not meant to become… tea. 
Besides that, as much as he’d like to be, Ryuunosuke was not as kind to himself as the Grim Reaper, and he did not drink. That is why, despite all his conflicting feelings, he refused any attempts to refill his cup. The older man did not seem to share the sentiment, however, for he doubted Jigoku would even remember much come tomorrow. Or maybe he himself was just a lightweight, it didn’t matter.
It didn’t matter because he already felt the wood floor creaking under his knees. And, as meaningless as it was now,
Close your eyes, Asougi.
He swallowed up the salt of shame, tongue dragging across his lips.
He laid calmly, in the safety of 221B’s attic. His debt had been paid. Do you see, now?
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kamennoryuusha-blog ¡ 5 years
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[ one thing I don’t think I have written down anywhere on the about page but I DO want to talk abt is that in contrast to how for Asougi Jigoku’s voice is the “driving voice” that he hears constantly that drives him to England, for Ryuu it’s Asougi’s voice that reassures him that he’ll get to England. Ryuu already knows he needs to go to England when he wakes up, it’s not something that the hallucination orders him to do like with Asougi, but rather Asougi’s voice acts as the reassurance that Ryuu falls back on when he feels like he can’t do it.
  he recognizes Asougi’s voice the first time he hears it after waking up (which is right after he smiles at Asougi and scares the bejeezus out of him), and so Ryuu knows that something about Asougi must be important if he can subconsciously recognize him. maybe it isn’t that he knows Asougi, but rather that he is someone who can be trusted; maybe it is that Ryuu knows Asougi, and he is recognizing Asougi even through his amnesia; maybe all of this is a simple coincidence and Ryuu is reading too far into it. no matter what the truth is, Ryuu uses Asougi’s voice in his head as guidance.
  once he remembers who he is and stops needing that guidance, the voice goes away. it was only ever there to help him, and now that it isn’t necessary, it fades out. unlike with Asougi, who probably deals with the hallucination after 2-5 and has to heal from it, Ryuu doesn’t need to so much heal from it as he does move on, which he is able to ]
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novirp13 ¡ 6 years
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What I’ve been doing these past two months, besides working a part-time job for my college, of course, are reading manga and light novel and watching anime~
INTRODUCTION!! Characters from the left to right, top to bottom :)
THE EVERLASTING WIND TROUPE (I’m not kidding. Their bandana and sash/obi keep flying all over the place even tho’ they’re inside and there’s no wind)
-Dai Gyakuten Saiban (game); still questioning how the heck Sherlock didn’t realize that Asougi is still alive [SPOILER]. Maybe there’s an explanation as I stop watching the vids midway cuz they haven’t finish subbing it. Or maybe he was just stupid like that :’D
-Itsuwaribito (manga); when his hair is down, he really resembles Gin from Bleach. Maybe Utsuho is Gin’s alive sibling lol
-Kaitou Joker (manga  and anime); What if, Conan’s rival is not Kaitou Kid but Kaitou Joker? Because, unlike Kid, Joker really steal the treasure. Huh…that’ll be a cool crossover, I wanna read it. Also, shut up, take my money and gimme that image gum cuz I wanna prank someone with it!!
-Nanbaka (manga. Haven’t watched the anime  yet); Besides his skill in jail-escape and picking locks, he’s not someone you can depend and practically useless, his friends’ opinion
-Chemistry (Korean Light Novel); reminds me of Re-Life manga. But, instead of shrinking your body into teenager state, the pill give him an abundance of scientific knowledge and an ability to see and move atoms at will. 
-Moyashimon (manga, anime  n dorama); can see, talk and interact with the microbes. Though he already has this ability since ever and not obtaining it via outside influence like Chemistry LN
-Black Clover (manga. Don’t intend to watch the anime); Cuz the anime has too many fillers, damn you Pierrot! Tho’ I’m curious cuz people seems to hate Asta as he has a tendency to shout every time, anytime
-Fire Force (manga); sometimes I’m still confused if the MC is a hero or a villain. His habit of smiling when nervous is really scary
-The Autophagy Regulation (man…hua??); I love how the creator gives you a hint about the MC’s past here and there via chapters’ cover and not a full blown story like other manga did. And the MC is actually strong. He just acts stupid to cover his real self. That sudden change threw me for a loop when I first saw it
-Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba (manga); I don’t know how many times I’ve cried reading this manga. I’m weak against family theme story, okay??! Also, I can’t wait for the anime next year yes!!
-The Duke of Death and his Black Maid (manga); I hope at the end of the manga, he can finally live happily ever after with someone he cherishes and love. Curse you, witch!! He’s just a poor lad!! TAT
-Crimson Prince (manga); I’m not a fan of reincarnation story. But still following this cuz the story is fluff and fluff is life!!!
-Royal Tutor (manga. Haven’t watched the anime  yet); Black Butler slice-of-life version, enough said :’D
-Yankee wa Isekai De Seirei ni Aisaremasu (manga); MC is the very definition of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. He may look scary, but actually weak against cute things, it’s cute!!
-Isekai ni Tobasareta Ossan wa Doko E Iku? (manga); If I ever stranded in Isekai world, I definitely want his power. He can access the Internet, buy everything via online—he even bought a motorcycle at one time!!—and have an AI like JARVIS. He’s also very strong because of God blessing so he’s basically an OP. But I just want his ‘internet skill’ `3`
-Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi (manga  and Light novel); his internet skill is not as powerful as the Ossan. He can only buy foods, drinks, anything that involves farming and body care as of now, idk the LN is still ongoing. He’s just a normal person, wanting to live a normal life~
I like waiting for the manga to have more than 50 chapters before I read it. Cuz then I can just read them all in one sitting. I only need 6 or 7 hours to finish all of the 163 chapters of Black Clover `3`
All of the pictures are transparent~
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susatodrop ¡ 7 years
if wishing made it so (DGS2 fanfiction)
SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE DGS SERIES, meaning both DGS1 and DGS2 in their entirety. Please do not read this if you do not want to be spoiled.
if wishing made it so (AO3 Link)
Fold it up, call it love, and bring it to a quiet place.
Characters: Naruhodou Ryuunosuke, Mikotoba Susato, Asougi Kazuma, Iris Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Barok van Zieks
Notes: Some writing I did as a breather in the midst of working on my actual DGS2 celebratory/appreciation fic. DGS2 has completely ruined my life (in a good way)
.…Writing to take a break from writing… what madness is this…
A note about honorifics - since they all speak English in London, my way of treating the honorifics used by the characters in-game is to make just the Japanese characters keep them (specifically Susato since she’s the most relevant example) even to the British characters if there’s not a good equivalent. …Well, I fully admit I just dealt with it as I pleased to make my life easier.
An inexpressible amount of gratitude to airisuwatoson and turnaboutancestor for their DGS playthroughs, without which I wouldn’t have been able to write this. Each and every update always had me on edge. Thank you!!!
One last warning that this fic contains spoilers for all of DGS2.
A story of a thousand wants.
“And then, you fold this triangle down to make the head.”
“Like this?”
“Yes! Very good, Iris-sama!”
At the double cheer resounding from behind, Ryuunosuke tears his eyes gratefully away from his textbook and glances over his shoulder, curiosity prickling at the back of his neck. “What are you two doing?”
Susato turns to face him, beaming. “I was just teaching Iris-sama how to fold a paper crane. Look how well it turned out, Naruhodou-sama!”
“It was only because Susie was so good at teaching me!” Iris Watson chirps, lifting her arms to proudly show Ryuunosuke the small, folded crane that rests on her hands. “It’s so cute!” The girl whirls around once, bright pink curls spinning with the motion, and the crane very nearly seems as if it could take flight right then.
Ryuunosuke crouches in front of her to get a better look, admiring the piece. “It’s really good considering it was your first time, Iris-chan.” Indeed, there is barely a careless crease or wrinkle in the paper, only straight, clean lines that are evident of a studious precision. “I still remember when I first tried folding one when I was younger. You couldn’t even tell it was a crane at all.”
A good-natured giggle spills from Susato’s lips, her hand going to her mouth. “That’s very like you somehow, Naruhodou-sama.”
“O-Oh, is it…?”
“But origami is something that can be done by anyone,” she continues, looking back fondly to Iris’s crane. “All it requires is a little patience.”
“Well, true enough.” His disastrous first attempt had left a bitter taste in his throat, and Ryuunosuke recalls the indignant determination that had refused to let him rest until he had folded a successful crane. “I actually got pretty good at it as I kept folding more, although I haven’t done any since we came to London.”
“There’s still paper here if you want to make one too,” Iris calls, waving the sheets in his direction.
After a moment of contemplation, the words escape of their own accord. “…I think I will.” He reaches over to take one of the proffered papers. “…Wait. These papers are my notes from previous cases!”
“Oh, are they?” Yet the untroubled tone with which Iris responds tells him that she is perfectly aware. “They were just scattered all over the floor, so I figured they were just going to be thrown away later anyway.”
“I might’ve wanted to look over them for reference in the future…”
At the excuse, weak to even Ryuunosuke’s own ears, Susato places her hands on her hips and looks at him sternly. “Is that how you should treat valuable documents, Naruhodou-sama? By leaving them without care or organization on the floor?”
“Besides, if you are in need of references from our past cases, I have also recorded information in my notes.” With that, Susato fishes out a small, bound book, a certain pride brimming in her motions. “You may look through them at your leisure.”
“…As expected of you, Susato-san.” It is certainly not the first time, and he knows it will be far from the last, that awe at her diligence washes through his entire body and leaves a strange warmth in its wake.
“It is simply my natural duty as your legal assistant, Naruhodou-sama,” Susato smiles. “With that, I trust you have no objections to the usage of your scrap paper?”
My case notes were downgraded to “scraps”... He allows himself only a small sigh, relenting at last. “I guess it is better than just seeing them all over the ground.” Without further ado, Iris hands him a sheet and cheerfully sets about folding another one.
At that moment, the door to the attic suddenly bursts open and a tall, lanky man waltzes in, a wounded expression on his face. “What’s this? No greeting when I arrive home, and instead I find you all cooped up in this dingy, dusty attic? Without me?”
“Please don’t talk about the room you rented us like that,” Ryuunosouke retorts, barely glancing up from his task. “Welcome back, Holmes-san.”
“Sherly!” Iris squeals and bounces to the self-proclaimed great detective, wrapping her short arms around his waist. “Welcome home! How did the case go?”
A jubilant laugh rings in the air. “Need you even ask, Iris?” Sherlock flicks his distinctive deerstalker with his index finger in triumph, a wide grin meeting Iris’s sparkling eyes. “Another case closed by the great detective Sherlock Holmes! We can rest easy about rent for the month.”
Is that really the sort of conversation you have with a child? Ryuunosuke does not say, but Iris, unperturbed, claps her hands together with equal delight.
“And now,” Sherlock continues, turning to survey the rest of them. “It’s my turn to ask again, just what you all are doing cooped up in this dingy, dusty, decrepit attic—Ah!” He holds a hand up to forestall the exasperated shape that Ryuunosuke’s mouth has formed, smiling slyly. “Allow me to make a deduction!”
“I was doing some origami,” Susato interrupts brightly without heed for the detective’s grandiose conduct, gesturing to the short lineup of small shapes on the table before her. “And Iris-sama was curious, so she allowed me to teach her the most classic design, a crane. And it turned out beautifully, Holmes-sama!”
In a rare occurrence, Sherlock’s depressive episode at the interruption of his deduction does not linger and he straightens immediately. Taking Iris’s crane up in his hand, he tilts his head, examining it from all angles. “As I recall, origami is the traditional Japanese art of folding paper into intricate designs, am I right?”
“Yes, that’s correct.” With a nod of satisfaction, Ryuunosuke places his own completed crane next to Susato’s skillfully folded pieces. There is only a mild twinge of disappointment in himself as he eyes his crane’s slightly uneven lines compared to Susato’s delicate work. “So you’ve heard of it, Holmes-san?”
“As expected of Holmes-sama!”
“What kind of great detective would I be if I didn’t know this much?” One hand returns the crane to Iris, the other lands in a pat on her head, making her giggle. “It might be news to you, but I know how to make a few things myself!”
Ryuunosuke’s eyes widen. “Really? Did someone teach you?”
“I suppose you could say that.” But to his surprise, Sherlock does not elaborate, and Ryuunosuke catches only a snatch of something faraway and fond in his eyes before the detective blinks and turns his gaze back on the scattered papers. “But I must say, the two of you work fast.”
Susato and Ryuunosuke blink in unison, looking down. There is a small pile of cranes sitting between them both, clearly flourishing in their absentmindedness. Ryuunosuke feels his ears grow hot, and he throws half a sheepish glance at Susato, who returns a soft laugh.
Iris leans over the pile, starry-eyed. She scoops a handful up and lets them fall from her hands, smiling as the cranes scatter back to the wooden floor like large snowflakes. “Hey, Susie? You said that the crane is the most classic design, but why’s that?”
“Oh!” Susato brings a finger to her chin, tapping in contemplation. “If I had to say… There is a type of crane native to Japan that is said to be a symbol of good fortune and longevity. These paper cranes are representations of it.”
Something stirs in the back of Ryuunosuke’s mind at Susato’s words—stories and laughter from a childhood that seem like from a lifetime ago. He sweeps a look over the cranes in a quick estimate. Certainly, not a number that any would call ‘few’, but at the same time, not nearly enough. “There’s a famous legend about paper cranes, too,” he finds himself saying, words from his memories filling his throat. “They say if you fold a thousand of them, you’ll be granted a wish.”
“A wish?” Iris echoes, her deep green eyes widening.
“Ah, that’s right!” Susato nods in agreement. “There are many variations to that legend as well. Some say that you must finish the thousand cranes within a certain period of time. Others say that it only works if one person folds them all by themselves. But the fact that there must be a thousand cranes is the one, absolute constant.”
A wistful sigh escapes Iris. “That’s such a nice story. Wishes, huh?”
“It is a nice story.” Ryuunosuke smiles, a little wryly. “When I was younger, everyone wanted to do it, and they’d try. But one thousand cranes is actually a lot more than you’d expect, as it turned out. Most children would get tired of it quickly.”
“Why don’t we give it a try?”
All eyes snap to Sherlock, who is still standing serenely, now with his pipe in his mouth. He smiles down at them with something beyond his usual frivolity. “You seem to be off to a good start, anyway,” he continues, eying the numerous cranes sprinkled across the floor. “With the four of us, one thousand doesn’t seem so far away, does it?”
“I want to do it!” Iris chimes in, nodding energetically. “It sounds like fun!”
Susato clasps her hands together, merriment dancing in her eyes. “It does sound like fun. I’m sure if we keep steadily at it, we’ll reach one thousand cranes in no time.”
One thousand paper cranes. He rolls the phrase around in his head, trying to visualize the end number. Not an impossible goal, by any means, but a question presses insistently forward. “I don’t mind,” Ryuunosuke starts, “…But who gets to make the wish?”
The small sound of realization Iris makes is enough to make him feel ashamed of himself. “Not that it’s a bad idea or anything, not at all,” he hastily adds. “I mean, I’m just saying that according to the legend…”
“An excellent question, Mister Naruhodou!” Sherlock cuts in, unfazed as ever. He spins on the spot with a wink, a solution clearly on his tongue. “Why don’t we let the lucky person who folds the last crane make the wish? In any case, there’s still a while, is there not?”
Enthusiastic nods from Susato and Iris, a grin of satisfaction from the detective—not that it was ever an option, but how can he say no? “Well, let’s do our best, then.”
“Yay!” Iris skips to the table for more paper, beginning the folding process in quick, dainty motions, while Susato turns curiously to Sherlock.
“What would you wish for, Holmes-sama?”
Sherlock snaps his fingers. “A case from a rich client!” he announces dramatically, squaring his arms in the strange pose he makes when in high spirits.
Ryuunosuke tilts his head quizzically. “If you want money, why don’t you just wish for money?”
“Goodness, Mister Naruhodou.” Sherlock wags a finger in his direction, shaking his head as if the answer is obvious. “Do you think I take cases just for the money?”
“Stop looking at me like that. No! If the case is a worthy challenge to the intellect of the great detective Sherlock Holmes, then all the better! I didn’t make my fame by only taking cases based on how much I was paid, you know.”
Despite the lightness in Sherlock’s voice, the twinkling look in his eyes, the undercurrent of deliberate resolve is all genuine and Ryuunosuke cannot help but smile. “No, I didn’t think so.”
“And what about you, Iris-sama?” Noticing the younger girl’s progress, Susato presents her with more paper just as Iris folds down the head of a new crane. “Do you know what sort of wish you would make?”
Iris happily accepts the sheet, her expression bright with the possibilities tumbling through her mind. “There’s a lot of things I’d like to wish for! I’ll have to think it over.” But abruptly, her fingers slow in the middle of a fold, her gaze seeming to travel elsewhere.
“It should be for something important, shouldn’t it? The wish.” Her voice comes out subdued, solemn, as she continues to stare at the half-formed crane in her hands. “Something important like… being able to meet my papa soon.” The note of uncertainty makes something in Ryuunosouke’s chest twist.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he thinks he sees Sherlock tense.
“...I think,” he begins carefully, “you can wish for anything you want.” He thinks for a moment, and then nods, decisively. “That’s what wishes are. Whether or not you think it’s important, or whether or not you think it’ll be granted, all that matters is that it’s something you want, right?”
Only for a moment, he wonders who he’s really trying to convince.
“That’s right, Iris-sama,” Susato speaks now, resolutely. “Please don’t fret about it too much. If you find that you need another wish…” She gestures triumphantly to the still sizeable stack of papers they have gathered and deposited onto the table. “All we have to do is fold another thousand cranes!”
“…You’re right!” Just like that, Iris’s smile is back on her face, the shadow of doubt from moments ago nowhere in sight, and she and Susato giggle briefly at each other. Ryuunosuke marvels at the scene and hears a sigh of what might be relief from behind him. “What about you, Susie? What would you wish for?”
“Me?” For all her enthusiasm about folding cranes, the slightest thought of the end goal does not have appear to have crossed her mind. Susato tips her head into her chin, contemplative. “I… I don’t know. There’s nothing that I feel warrants something as grand as a wish—ah!”
He jumps slightly at her exclamation. “Did you think of something, Susato-san?”
“Yes, I think so.” Susato turns to look at him, and for some reason, her eyes seem very bright. “I would like to wish... for Naruhodou-sama to become the wonderful attorney he hopes to be.”
“Huh!?” The less than flattering sound leaps out as Ryuunosuke’s own eyes widen. “No, no, no, that’s- that’s not— I mean, shouldn’t you wish for something for yourself? I-I can’t possibly accept—”
“Do you truly think that it’s only for yourself?” There is fire in her gaze and steel in the words she returns as she stares at him, unwavering. “It’s something that I too desire, from the very bottom of my heart.” Her eyes travel downward, landing on the object at his hip, and soften. “Wish or not, I believe that it will happen. This is simply… asking for a little assistance.”
He has nothing to respond with but a meek nod, something hot building up in the corners of his eyes and an lump in his throat.
“Mister Naruhodou, do you need a handkerchief?”
“N-No!” Ryuunosuke scrubs briefly across his face with his sleeve, leveling a scowl the best he can at Sherlock before glancing back to Susato. “Susato-san... thank you. I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations.”
She only smiles at him again, an infinitely gentle expression. “What would your wish be, Naruhodou-sama?”
“A wish, huh…” He has pondered the question from the moment their shared goal was decided—but he is sincerely at a loss. “I… really don’t know. I guess I’ll think about it when we get close to the end.” A wish meant a desire, a hope.
A want.
…I wonder… if it would work…
He glances out the window, from where he can see sunlight spilling in and a few, fluffy clouds drifting lazily through a blue, blue sky. Sherlock may have called the attic ‘decrepit’, but bathed in a golden glow, there is not a sight more welcoming.
A warm breeze blows into the room, sending a few papers whirling.
...Probably not.
But he reaches for another sheet.
“…How are you doing? Are you surprised to see a letter this soon? Just after we left, I remembered a few things I forgot to tell you, so when the ship stopped at a port to resupply, I took the opportunity to send this.
You’re probably still getting used to London, aren’t you? I wanted to mention that there are some things left in my old room at Holmes-san’s place that you might find helpful, like books and stuff. As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t take everything back to Japan with me, so if you’re up to it, you can go over to Baker Street sometime to take anything you’d like. In fact, it’d make me really happy if you got some use out of them…”
The sound of the horse carriage clattering noisily away is quickly replaced by that of his own heartbeat, pounding loudly in his chest. It seems silly that such apprehension should eat at him, compared to everything else that has happened, and for the life of him, he cannot find a logical rationale for it.
He takes a deep breath, lifts his hand, and knocks solidly on the door of apartment 221B.
Immediately, pattering footsteps race closer from the other side, and with a click the door swings open. Deep green eyes blink up inquisitively up at him, before they widen in recognition and delight. “It’s you! Come in, we’ve been expecting you!”
Asougi Kazuma inclines his head briefly, unable to stop the corners of his lips from turning up at the child’s enthusiastic greeting. “Good day, Miss Watson.” If the still-puzzling facsimile of her in court hadn’t been lively enough, she is a thousand times more spirited in person.
“Just Iris is fine,” she says cheerily, ushering him in. “Have a seat anywhere you’d like! My special herb tea is almost ready!”
“Ah-” he starts, “You don’t have to-…” But Iris has already vanished elsewhere into the depths of the apartment, presumably to the kitchen. Bemused, Asougi looks side to side, his gaze sweeping over the cluttered sitting room. Despite her encouragement, an assortment of strange contraptions litter every possible place to sit, and he does not particularly feel like carelessly engaging with them.
“Why, if it isn’t Mister Asougi!”
The airy voice from behind him sends a jolt down his spine and Asougi whirls, a hand automatically reaching for the saber at his side. In the next moment, his eyes land on the voice’s owner and he relaxes with a huff. “Detective Holmes.”
“There’s no need to be so wary.” Sherlock Holmes, sans his usual distinctive hat and overcoat, shrugs whimsically, appearing utterly unconcerned with Asougi’s instinctual reflex. “You’re our honored guest for today.”
He bows slightly. “Thank you for your invitation.” It’s not that he means to be curt, but cautious uncertainty still holds him in an iron grip—how should he react to the man who pulled the strings behind his interrupted first journey to London?
But Sherlock only beams, undaunted. “Think nothing of it. You’re Mister Naruhodou and Miss Susato’s dear friend, after all—how could we disappoint them in treating you otherwise? In fact,” He fishes a folded paper from his front pocket, waving it before Asougi. The scrawling handwriting from what he can see on the envelope is achingly familiar. “Mister Naruhodou explicitly requested us to look after you and lend you a hand where possible.”
“Naruhodou… he worries too much.” A wry smile escapes him nevertheless. “But I’m afraid I won’t be staying long. I’m only here to pick up some items Naruhodou left behind before I return to the prosecutors’ office.”
“Mister Naruhodou mentioned those as well.” Sherlock snaps his fingers in the direction of the stairs. “Take whatever you’d like! I told him anything left is fair game for my experiments.”
He bows a second time, turning away. “Excuse me, then.”
“Ah, just one moment, Mister Asougi!” Sherlock calls, striking a strange pose. “The bottom of the lowest shelf in the farther corner of the room. I suggest you take an especially close look.”
Asougi pauses with his foot on the first step, puzzled.
Sherlock winks at him, mischief and goodwill in equal measure. “I think you’ll find something very interesting there.”
The attic glows with midmorning light, exuding an atmosphere of welcome despite the clear lack of inhabitants. Asougi stops at the top of the staircase, letting his eyes wander from corner to corner and taking in every sight of the cozy, if slightly lonely space.
This is the room where his best friend stayed and learned and lived, in their year of separation.
The room is sparse now, but by no means empty—a number of packed boxes and heavy-looking hardcover books still line the shelves against the wall. When he runs a finger along the desk, only a few specks remain on his glove; someone has been up here to dust recently.
A soft splash from nearby catches his ear, and Asougi turns to see a small glass tank filled with water—and prawns, of all things. He peers dubiously into the tank, wondering what in the world possessed his friend to keep such tiny sea creatures. As far as prawns go, they seem quite healthy—not that he can tell. Perhaps Sherlock, or more likely Iris, cares for them now in Naruhodou’s absence.
There is a door at the end of a shallow recess that branches off from the attic, still bearing Mikotoba’s name. He smiles briefly at it before moving past to the shelves at last.
Naruhodou Law Consultation Office may be labeled at the entrance, but it is Mikotoba’s influence that is clear in the level of organization present. Boxes are neatly labeled and books sorted by subject in a way that is not quite believable of Naruhodou, as far as Asougi remembers. He sifts through them one by one, pulling out the files he deems useful and putting the rest carefully back with a mental word of pity for their eventual fate at the detective’s hands.
Although knowing Sherlock, the threat might have been made in nothing more than simple jest.
Speaking of the detective—Sherlock’s words from earlier float into his mind.
The lowest shelf in the corner, was it?
In that spot, there is another large box tucked away, unlabeled. When Asougi lifts it, the box feels surprisingly light for its size. He sets it on the table, raising the lid to set aside, curiosity prickling at the back of his neck.
The box is filled to the brim with strangely shaped paper.
Asougi picks one up from the multitude, eying the crane as it sits inoffensively on his palm. Paper cranes. The classic shape of origami, a common pastime in Japan. He has not expected to see one an ocean away. And moreover, this many of them. There is only one explanation.
A thousand cranes…
There is not a child in Japan who has not heard the legend, and Asougi recalls it dimly in his own memory as well. A pretty, fanciful story of wishes and hope, but ultimately, nothing more.
Yet somehow, here in Naruhodou’s room, he is not surprised to see them at all.
A single square piece of unfolded paper he had missed at first glance flaps conspicuously from a corner of the box, and Asougi pulls it free.
His eyes widen as he turns it over and catches sight of his own name in familiar scrawls, messier than usual as if written in a haste.
I folded these cranes with everyone here, although we didn’t get around to finishing the very last one.
But, I don’t think I need them anymore.
So if you’d like, if you want—…”
Vaguely, Asougi becomes aware of a quiet, choked up sound that is filling the attic. At the same time, breathing is strangely difficult.
Then he realizes—the laughter is coming from himself.
He presses a hand to his mouth, his friend’s note shuddering in the other. There is a bizarre obstruction in his throat that threatens to leave him gasping.
But in illogical contradiction, his heart feels lighter than ever.
Ahh, I have never been a match for you, Naruhodou.
When he makes his way back downstairs, Naruhodou’s note in his pocket and boxes balanced in his arms, Sherlock and Iris are there to greet him and grin knowingly at the look on his face. The fragrant smell of tea wafts warmly through the air.
“It’s still hard to believe we folded all these!” Iris says as she lifts the lid up to marvel once again at the collection of cranes.
“A nostalgic sight indeed,” Sherlock nods in agreement, puffing from his pipe. “Well? What do you intend to wish for, Mister Asougi?”
Asougi starts at the question. True, Naruhodou had indicated that the cranes be left to him, but if it had been a group effort as his friend mentioned, can he really accept them? “…Are you sure I can take them? After all, I didn’t help fold a single one.”
“We don’t need them!” Iris’s response is bright and immediate. She closes the box with a flourish, leveling a kind gaze at him. “Not anymore. Besides, if they said you should take the cranes, you should.”
“That’s right. It’s not as if I hoped you would gallantly proclaim that you needed no such thing and then I could wish for a rich client—”
“Now, now, Sherly, drink your tea.”
Asougi chuckles at their banter. “…Thank you.” But as he glances back to the box, thinking, an idea comes to mind. “Detective Holmes, Miss Iris, will you help me with something?”
They turn inquisitive expressions on him. “Hm?”
“Do you have string?”
The journey back to the prosecutors’ office is uneventful, and he spends most of it gazing aimlessly out the window of the carriage.
The box of cranes sits by his side, slightly emptier.
“String?” Iris echoes, her head tipping to the side in question.
“In Japan, it’s traditional to hang the thousand cranes in groups on string,” he explains. “It makes for easier organization, as well.”
It takes Iris little more incentive to hunt for the material, and the three of them begin the arduous task of threading the cranes together in sets.
“What about your work?” Iris asks, snipping another length of string.
He waves dismissively. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
At length, they finish the job, and Asougi silently marvels that there really were nine hundred and ninety-nine cranes stuffed in the box.
He turns and holds several strings of cranes out to them both. “You have my gratitude for taking care of Naruhodou and Assistant Mikotoba during their time in London. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”
Iris takes the cranes, bundling them carefully in her arms, and smiles widely. “Come visit us any time!”
Sherlock places a hand on his hip, a playful, knowing look in his eyes. “Bring that gloomy reaper with you too, Mister Asougi.”
Barok van Zieks looks impassively up from his desk as Asougi enters the office, nudging the door open with his foot—his arms are otherwise occupied. “It’s unusual for you to be late without reason,” Barok remarks.
“My errand took longer than I thought,” Asougi replies shortly. “I’m prepared to make my work up in full.”
“Hm. No matter. There is little to do today, in any case.”
“Is that so?”
Brief, concise, void of unnecessary tangents. Their conversations have always been this way so far. The vast abyss of tangled, convoluted feelings that lie between them still runs deep, after all.
It is precisely for that reason that Asougi reaches into the box, scooping out a handful of the contents.
Without a word, he walks up to Barok’s desk, and scatters the cranes onto the tabletop.
For several entire seconds, silence falls over the room.
Barok’s gaze flickers from the pile of cranes on his desk back to Asougi. To Asougi’s pleasure, there is no mistaking the genuine bewilderment in the other prosecutor’s eyes—he has well and truly caught the man off-guard for once.
At last, Barok opens his mouth. “…Prosecutor Asougi. What exactly are these?”
He cannot help the grin that spreads across his face as he turns tail and strides purposefully out of the room with the rest of the box, laughter on his lips and satisfied amusement in his chest at the former reaper’s flummoxed expression. “Wishes, Prosecutor van Zieks.”
There are still many, many left to give.
A few more strings go to Inspector Gina Lestrade when he comes across her delivering a report. Her loyal companion sniffs playfully at Asougi’s boots while he places the cranes in her outstretched hands—a silent word of appreciation and apology all at once even as she accepts them skeptically.
She waves goodbye as she dashes into the prosecutors’ office, the cranes trailing in flight behind her and Toby at her heels.
The next name on the list Sherlock wrote for him is a woman by the name of Viridian Green, a woman he has never met—
But Naruhodou has.
And Asougi thinks, there will never be enough gratitude in the world to Naruhodou for all the lives he has touched.
The box has never been heavy, but there is a strange weight in the remainder of the contents despite the fact it should feel the exact opposite now.
When he arrives at the gates, the sunset burning at his back, his feet freeze in place. But if he should stop here, it will have all been for nothing.
He weaves lightly through the rows upon rows of marked stones—these are not what he is searching for. There would have been no inscription, no indication—not for a murderer. It is only by the allowance of the prosecutors’ office’s records that he knows where to go.
At last, he comes to a stop, his eyes fixed on the blank headstone before him. For a long while, he can only stare at it wordlessly, everything he has ever wanted to say suddenly, inexplicably lost in his throat.
So instead, Asougi takes a step forward, and lets the last of the cranes in his arms fall to the dirt on his father’s grave.
In the dimming light, the cranes seem to faintly glow.
It is much, much later, after he has pulled himself away, that he realizes Naruhodou’s note is still in his pocket. He brings it out, smoothing the creases, looking down at his friend’s messily inked words, and recalls how to smile.
He begins, by folding the paper in half.
A/N: Dedicated to Miryul for the many long hours we spent screaming over Asougi- I mean DGS2, haha. PLEASE LOOK AT HER ART IT'S SUPER BEAUTIFUL! (and be care of spoilers)
I also want to thank everyone for all the love towards my DGS fic from two years ago. I'm so glad Asougi's alive.
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quillandink333 ¡ 3 years
The Great Thaw
Kazuma Asougi × Original Character
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Rating: T
Word Count: 1.3k
WARNINGS: amnesia, minor displays of aggression (verbal and physical), mentions of malnutrition
Summary: Just when the Englishwoman starts to think she’s on the right track, her attempts to befriend the lost soul she met in the East backfire horrifically, after which she decides to take a different approach.
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Day by day, Cecelia continued her diligent efforts to chip away at the ice separating herself and the mysterious man with whom she’d embarked on this half-year-long voyage to Great Britain. A whole month had passed since they’d left Hong Kong together, and the Vitesse was next set to land in Sri Lanka. Her bunk mates, all lovely ladies ranging from late twenties to mid thirties who thrived off stories such as hers, saved none of their encouragement as she kept them updated with her progress. He had yet to smile for her or to be the first to strike up a conversation, but she had gotten a “Thank you,” out of him once or twice, which on its own was already more than she’d hoped for. Things were looking up.
So when she bumped into him one morning on her way to the mess hall for breakfast, she thought nothing of it. “Oh! Terribly sorry,” she chirped, straightening his scarf for him after their unceremonious collision. “You know me.”
She nearly lost her footing when he grabbed her by the wrists hard and backed her into the cold, steel wall of the passageway.
His shoulders were poised and his upper lip furled in a vicious snarl. “You just don’t know when to leave well alone, do you?” The way his eyes tore into her with so narrow a gap between them had her throat tightening, making it harder and harder to breathe. “What do you want from me, eh?!” he snapped, his grip intensifying. “Why do you insist on treating me like we’re old friends?”
Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. “I, I thought—”
“No, you know what?” Her wrists were hurled back down to her sides as he shoved himself off of her. “I couldn’t care less. Just stop acting like you and I know each other.” As he turned on his heel and stormed off, she could only just make out what he then muttered under his breath: “I hardly even know myself…”
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The day he’d lost his temper with Miss Gardner, the young Eastern seaman had failed to take into account the fact that, on watch, the two of them were assigned to the same post on the starboard side of the main deck. As such, he’d also failed to consider that he would be forced to stand in close vicinity of her not even twenty four hours later, and for a period of three hours uninterrupted.
When evening came that day, even with them stood outside in the salty sea air above deck, it was just as suffocatingly awkward as he’d all too late come to know that it would be. It was impossible not to notice the way she pointedly kept as much geographic distance from him as she could. The minutes were ticking by like weeks. All he wanted to do as he stood watch beside her doing nothing was…he didn’t even know, but frankly, quite literally anything else would have been preferable.
But then, about an hour into their shift, she broke the silence. “Mind if I tell you about something?” she asked innocently.
“What is it?” he asked back, not letting his gaze stray from dead ahead of him. He did mind, but really there was little point in offending her by refusing to even indulge her in as little as that.
He saw her shrug out of the corner of his eye. “Oh, nothing much. It’s just a story, from when I was in my late teens and just striking out on my own for the first time.”
He stayed still and said nothing, both of which she took as signs that he was listening.
“When I first moved out of my family home and into my uni dorm, I didn’t have a clue as to just how frightfully demanding the adult world really is. Which sadly meant I was…severely under-equipped in terms of basic skills that one needs in order to live independently.” She sighed, but the smile in her tone could still be heard. “And to make things worse, I had no roommates, which I was proud of myself for at the time, but in retrospect…”
Expecting her to finish her sentence and surprised when she didn’t, he caved and turned his attention her way.
She shook her head in exasperation. “I was a totally different person back then. You wouldn’t believe your eyes if you saw me acting like I used to now, I’m sure.” He raised a brow at her in response to her challenging him. “I’m serious!” Her eyes went wide, emphasising her seriousness. “Like for example, whenever someone would offer to cook for me—good grief, I was terribly malnourished back then—or to help me with things like managing my chequebook or setting up a bank account, I’d lash out at them and accuse them of belittling my competence in taking care of myself.”
She’d been right about one thing. What she spoke of was indeed very difficult to fathom. He crossed his arms thoughtfully in front of him.
“Eventually I realised that, well...I’m sure you’ve long since figured this out about me, but I’m not the type of person who can do absolutely everything for herself.” This made him crack a smirk. She was right once again. “That’s why I’m always putting my faith in others, because I know I couldn’t get by otherwise. Once I’d started doing that, it was obvious how silly I’d been to think that people actually thought less of me when they noticed me struggling to get by, while really they just wanted to help because they cared for my wellbeing.”
It wasn’t until she’d started with that kind of talk that the story’s true level of seriousness really started to get itself across. Until now, it had been masked by her relaxed posture and happy-go-lucky expression, the intentionality of which he was finding difficult to determine. There was as yet more to her tale left unsaid, though, as he would soon discover.
“Of course, that isn’t to say that asking for a hand when you need one is guaranteed to end well every time, as I’ve already demonstrated to you.” A few stray puffs of laughter were sprinkled throughout her little admission. She must have been referring to the incident during which the two of them had first met, he inferred. “But I still believe taking a risk every now and then is better than just...wasting away like I had been.”
For the first time since she’d approached him that evening, her smile vanished, even if for just a moment.
“I don’t understand,” he finally said, sensing she’d reached a conclusion. “Why have you told me all this…? What’s your point?”
A short but powerful “Hah!” burst out of her and caught him unawares. “I just wanted to, that’s all,” she chortled as if it were the silliest question she’d ever heard. That, or he was making her nervous. “Need I have a reason beyond just that?”
She seemed sincere enough in her answer. However, given the current circumstances between her and himself, it was hard to believe that there wasn’t more to her motivations than mere spontaneity.
They didn’t speak again for the remainder of the night. All the while, her story continued to play on his mind, confounding him to no end. How dare she imply that he was ‘struggling’? He didn’t think he was. Thus far, in fact, he’d been living up to the profession of ‘able seaman’ quite well. Unless she thought he was struggling in other ways. In which case, what did she care? Why would she care? He wanted to be sceptical, but then he remembered the part in her tale about how she’d experienced feelings similar to these in a situation similar to this herself.
The way she’d chosen to lecture him like he was a teenager was beyond irritating. And yet, he couldn’t explain the anomalous feeling of warmth that spread throughout his chest whenever he had the thought of, She cares about me.
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naruhoedou ¡ 4 years
Ryuunosuke Naruhodou & Satoru Hosonaga
-A false arrest and getting thrown in a dark room might not be the best way to end an otherwise pleasant afternoon.-
It all happened so quickly. One moment Satoru Hosonaga was in the kitchen, minding his duties as a waiter. The next… a gunshot rang out through the establishment, startling the undercover officer into action. He ran out into the restaurant, his eyes landing upon the scene: a university student holding a gun in his hand, standing before another patron with a matching gunshot wound on his chest.
Hosonaga tackled the young man as he was trained to, dragging him off to the kitchen and into the storeroom at the back. He briefly debated just throwing the student into the room by his lonesome, before deciding to get in as well and lock the door from the inside. He'd be damned if he let a murderer end himself without a fair trial! With a heave he threw the shorter man onto the floor, swiftly locking the door behind him.
Hosonaga waited for the sound of movement in the dark. A desperate last-ditch attempt to claw his way out of the room, or to take the detective's life as he did with that old gentleman… 
Or even just to right himself into a sitting position. But the young man made no movement or sound, aside from the few groans after he first got thrown. Oh, Hosonaga heard a few hitchings of breath. They didn't sound angry, though. Well, this sure was an anticlimactic arrest…
As he waited in the dark, his mind began to wander. What could've possessed this seemingly spineless man to take a life? He could swear he saw the guy beaming at the victim a few minutes prior. What changed… Ah! This must be his arrestee's plan! Distract the detective with his own thoughts so he can take him off-guard. Well, that wouldn't work on Hosonaga. He waited for the telltale sound of fabric swishing.
A sob.
Wait-that's not what he was expecting.  Was the murderer… crying? Perhaps sensing Hosonaga's eyes on him, Naruhodou tried to quiet himself down, but it didn't really work. Soon he was quietly sobbing, hoping the detective had the decency to just ignore him. The detective was at a loss. He leaned down in the dark and, against his better judgement, poked Naruhodou with a finger. The smaller man was shaking like a leaf. It may have been an anticlimactic one but this arrest was far from boring. For all the wrong reasons, Hosonaga thought. As Naruhodou started to sporadically gasp for air, wheezing painfully, the detective jumped into action once more. This murderer, for whatever reason, was on the verge of a panic attack!
He hesitantly wrapped his arms around the other man, coaxing him into a vertical position. Getting out of the room before reinforcements arrived was out of the question, so he started gently rocking the student. When that didn't do much, he started humming an old lullaby his mother used to sing him. Comforting people may not be his profession, but damn if he wasn't going to do his best! Gradually the man in his arms calmed down, and the room filled with an awkward air. Naruhodou couldn't decide if he should move or not, or even if he should be thanking the man who threw him in here in the first place. The detective wasn't much different, unsure if he should move. In the end, the suspect was stuttering out a "T..thank you, sir." when strong, loud raps on the door signaled the arrival of the police. 
Surprisingly, Hosonaga held out a hand, pulling Ryuunosuke to his feet before he opened the door.
Needless to say, the rest of the police were about as gentle as repeatedly getting hit by a speeding carriage, and he didn't even think about breaking down in their presence. Well… too much, at least.
A month later when Asougi opens the door to the closet one night, asking what tune he's humming in the dead of night, Naruhodou just smiles mysteriously.
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kamennoryuusha-blog ¡ 5 years
[ x ]
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      “I thought that you would never ask, Naruhodou-sama!” Ryuutarou says, before remembering himself; err he clears his throat, and his voice drops an octave lower. “Or rather, I suppose the correct way of address would be… R-Ryuunosuke-kun.”      The informality doesn’t roll off his tongue well, he thinks, but perhaps this is just an at first more than anything.      “In truth, it’s not a name that I chose; but rather, one that my father did in order to forge paperwork so that I could stand in court as an attorney to defend a dear friend of mine. Initially, I thought it a singular happenstance, but… As you can see…” and then, a gesture down to his attire. With the blue suit and the bowler cap, one could say that Ryuutarou was a dead ringer for a ten years younger Yuujin. “…It’s become habit now. I will admit that I am grateful for the resources to craft this identity. After all, presenting as a man allows me more freedom — and all the more opportunity to assist you and Kazuma-sama.”
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      He can’t help but frown, though, realizing whom he’s speaking with. “I never did get to request your permission to borrow your name, though, did I. In truth, I felt horribly guilty at first. It is likely that I still do. I stole the name of a person thought deceased, and so soon after that incident…” Ryuutarou suppresses a shudder as he takes in a slow breath, so similar to the selfsame used by his ‘cousin’ in his first and last trial. “Is it… Truly all right for me to do so?”      And suddenly, he is not fearsome fledgling attorney, but a young adult who has had to witness, bear, and do too much than any youth should ever have to. The guilt of seeing what should have been the corpse of her dear brother’s close friend, if not something more, is one of the many.
     Ryuunosuke smiles in response. It’s not just a smile to express his own happiness, but rather also one to reassure; he’d learned long ago that the easiest way to put someone at ease was to show that you were at ease, too (whether it was a facade or not was irrelevant, for the most part). While the appearance of the young person in front of him marks Ryuutaro as unfamiliar in Ryuunosuke’s brain, he knows this is Susato-san. But if he’s going to support her in this, then he should change how he thinks, as well. Right now he is not speaking to Mikotoba Susato, Asougi’s sister, but rather to Naruhodou Ryuutaro, his own cousin.       “I’m happy that it’s helped you so much. ...it’s a good name, isn’t it?”      There is a funny familiarity in being referred to as Ryuunosuke-kun, something that truly, nobody else has ever done. He has always been Ryuu-kun to his parents, Naruhodou to Asougi, Naruhodou-kun to his friends, Naruhodou-sama to Susato, Narudie to Iris, Master Naruhodou to Mr. Holmes. This marks a new name in his personal dictionary, which is truly an amusing thing to think that the simplest, most direct informal way to refer to him is the only name that has yet to find regular use. Ryuunosuke supposes it has it’s place now, spoken by his cousin.      “You don’t have to worry about using my name,” Ryuunosuke says. “Its not only mine, anyway. You can’t steal something from me that I don’t own. If it helps you, and you like it, then it’s a perfect name for you.”      Ryuunosuke wonders if he should explain to Ryuutaro the history of the surname he carries now. He doubts that Professor Mikotoba could have known for certain how appropriate it had been to choose Naruhodou, but... well, maybe he had, but he likely had not explained why even if the professor had known.       “There are plenty of people who have taken the name Naruhodou. You’re carrying on a tradition, in a way.”
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