#and then i be back talking about how much i love dteam and their friends
midnight-stormm · 1 year
I've decided to take some time away from social media. Maybe a week, who knows. There's too much going on, negative I mean. Good to give yourself a mental break from time to time. Hope you have a good day/night❤️
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carpedzem · 1 year
some thoughts about how fast dteam make friends. i just adore that despite of how famous they are and how probably some people are probably scared to approach then and just casually talk, they seems to make friends all the time. during dsmp, but also outside smp and even now, when dsmp ended. it feels a little bittersweet sometimes, when you look how many friendship died with dsmp or at least is not as public (not only dteams ones), but dteam just keeps going, and now they can meet people and befriend them even faster. and idk for me at least i dont feel like they look for idk popular cc, they just go straight for the vibe. and theres so many people who is just friendly towards them as well. not best friends, but friendly enough for everyone to have a great time and to look back at time spent together and think 'oh yeah dteam they were fun people i like them'. maybe its because dt are such a good friends or maybe they are just so easy going people despite all their little habits. idk it just feels so good to know by the end of a day dteam are loved and have friends and so much fun and so many reasons to smile about being cc . i hope they will continue meeting people and befriend them and by the end of it they will surround themselves with people who love them and care about them and are ready to help them when things get hard sometimes. they deserve it :]
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pray4saint · 1 year
how are you doing lovely! <3 make sure your drinking and eating enough💓
who do you think is the most vocal 👀 really
loving everything you're putting out, can't wait to see what you're up to after all these requests xD
how vocal the dream team is in bed
masterlist & descrip. rated r. 16+. implied/mentions of smut. gn!reader. obviously constant talk of sex toys.
a/n. you didn't exactly specify who you meant so i assumed dteam since that's who you talked about when you first submitted into my inbox / also thank you, i've got one planned post after the requests but they keep coming in so idk when it'll come out
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dream, no. #1
the! most! vocal! (extra loud for the people in the back!!)
absolute puppy of a man, letting out all the little noises he knows you love when he ruts against you or into you or while you jerk him off.
absolutely leans over when he's inside you, pulls your hair closer to him just so he can moan in your ear. he loves how it makes you squeeze around him and squirm and moan louder than he was.
definitely the type to send you whimper audios when you're away on trips with your family or friends or when he's away on business and not sharing a hotel room. (i might be joking about this, i might not.)
he lives for your praise, for your approval, this has been well-established and i think that's where he gets the being so vocal from. he loved how your body reacted when he didn't hold back how he felt vocally and he got addicted to it. to him it feels like physical praise.
also he feels that you deserve to know how good you make him feel.
sapnap, no. #3
out of the entire dream team, i think sapnap is the least vocal. not to say that he isn't vocal, but he's the least of the three.
when you're with sapnap it's more so ragged breathing and low, under the breath grunts and groans than moans and whines and mewls from him. this is partially because he prefers being able to hear how you sound and he always likes having enough consistent breath to talk you through it, to praise and/or degrade you.
also just something he'd never really thought about and didn't see the need to change it unless you asked it of him.
HOWEVER, when he's giving you head????? loud as fuck. whining, moaning and groaning against you while sloppily making out with your sex. absolutely doesn't care how loud it is, he's too focused on making you feel good.
overall just not as vocal as dream or george, but he makes up for it in other ways ofc.
george, no. #2
with george, i have a theory about how vocal he is and why.
most of the time i'd say he's not very vocal, even less than sapnap but there was a moment you and him shared during sex one time that stuck so deeply in his brain it changed him.
he'd kept his mouth buried against your shoulder and in your neck and as much as you loved it, you wanted, no needed to hear him, so you told him so.
ever since then, he purposely moves his mouth closer to your face, especially one of your ears when you're fucking, just so you can hear everything. every moan, every grunt, every mewl, every mumble of your name, all for you.
nobody had ever allowed him to be as vocal as he was with you and it was quite exhilarating for both you and him.
also this is definitely something you praise him for, for showing you another piece of him.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
my personal tldr of all this is:
- george (and hell i’ll throw dream in here too) needs to be smarter with who he flirts with and decides to trust because we saw how easily ppl can become back stabbing pricks given enough leeway and public pressure (won’t name names but ifykyk). I almost selfishly am glad this happened because it’s one hell of a wake up call for both of them. THESE BITCHES CANT BE TRUSTED. THE CC WORLD IS FULL OF SNAKES!! protect yourselves bc yall have been testing your luck waaaayy too much for my liking lately (still love them tho my stupid little munchkins)
- caiti needs ACTUAL adults in her life, ones that will tell her to talk about it in private before making public statements that ended up hurting her more than helping (well, i guess she got an apology that she refused to look at and then claimed it didn’t exist so whatever) and for the love of all that is holy drop those bitch ass friends that care more about their personal vendetta than your own safety girl 💀 they left you alone in a room with a person they thought was groomer (drallegations weren’t beat yet) and left you on a couch cuddling with his best friend. bffr. YOU. NEED. BETTER. PEOPLE. IN. YOUR. LIFE.
[bonus] hope her parents also restrict her access to those people in the meantime, get her in some therapy bc clearly this has fucked her up and just help her live a normal life away from those brighton bastards because i doubt they’d improve her life in any way.
okay yes I think unfortunately this is a good wake up call for dnf to realize they need to stop messing around with other CCs because it is only going to end badly
and I think caiti needs to completely gut her friend group and surround herself with better people because they only used this situation to make themselves look better and fueled their dteam hate boners
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kumezyzo · 1 year
i was rewatching the dream team all stars MCC and was thinking about streamer!reader cause im actually sick in the head :) so now everyone else has to deal with it 😌 so, as much as i love bad, reader does happen to be an honourary Dream Team member according to bf!sapnap.....
i like to think during this time (Nov. 2021) reader and sapnap are well into their talking stage and like, reallyyyy close to dating (they prolly start dating two weeks after this stream of sum). so this is technically crush!sapnap [so cutee]
also just bsf!george and dream moments cause why not (and cause i need some more fluff to feel gud)
lots of swearing (particularly fbombs lol)
so enjoy.... or dont lol :) m.list
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crush!sapnap who cant help but giggle when you text him about the 'serpnerp and gerge' bit he did before the event started. when you ask about the fake kisses they gave eachother, he would be tempted to text you back with "i could give you real ones if you want" but refrains from it.
crush!sapnap who secretly had your stream pulled up on the side just so he could see your face as you hyped yourself up for the event.
if youre faceless, he'd just want to listen to you and hear the way you pause to read a text he sends you. he'd feel so cocky if you happened to quietly giggle at something you he sent you.
crush!sapnap who forgets youre on the call for a moment when he makes comments about needing to take a shit...
"if i really wanted to, i could insta-shit"
"ew wtf 😭"
"i actually forgot you were here for a moment, my bad" (he would be blushing so hard)
crush!sapnap who hypes you up so much during parkour tag (and makes sure youre not getting tagged) when youre the last person to be tagged
bsf!george who also hypes tf out of you when youre tagging people. he gets so loud that you have to tell him to stfu at times
crush!sapnap who subconsciously tries to protect you during the first round of sky battle until you call him out for it
"sapnap, dont worry about me! just try to get the other fucking teams. holy fuck..."
"y/n is getting toxic~"
"george shut the fuck up."
(it was mostly cause dream was getting heated at you but dw sap gets it 😌)
bsf!dream who blames you for a block placement glitch during sky battle
it led to a strange disagreement about where you were standing before crush!sapnap interjected and told you guys to leave it be. (we stan)
crush!sapnap who feels his heart flutter when you giggle about heated dream was getting over you standing on a rail in grid runners.
bsf!george who gets very hyped when you dont mute yourself during ace race.
"y/n are you muting yourself?"
"nope, are you?"
"Lets go!!!!...... but shut the fuck up a little"
crush!sapnap who tries to gather your materials whenever you need them during buildmart and ultimately pisses off dream when he doesnt bring back what people need.
"Sapnap, how the fuck are you leaving but not bringing back fucking anything we actually need!?!?"
"okay! okay, what do you need?!"
bsf!dream who gets wayyyy too heated at you during battle box.
"y/n just use the fucking bow!"
"i am you dumb fuck!"
"oh my-"
crush!sapnap who gets annoyed too, but tries to not direct it towards you.
"george if theyre building to middle, block them!"
"y/n is supposed to be covering me!"
"they are, so pull your weight!"
bsf!dream who gets yelled at by his chat for yelling at you.
'say sorry to y/n'
"what? you know what, fuck y/n! ive known them for over 5 years, im not saying sorry!"
"good! i dont want your apology anyway! we are no longer friends!"
(literal toddlers lol)
crush!sapnap who says a small 'hi' when he passes by you in sands of time. even if youre in the same call. and have been for 2 1/2 hours.
dteam who just lets you do youre own thing in the last to games of the event (sands of time & tgttos).
"i actually havent hear y/n speak in like five minutes," george said with an impressed smile. "i thought they just left the call for a moment, ha."
"me too for a second-"
"both of you shut the fuck up, im tired and tryna get this over with."
bsf!george who could help but cackle when you yell at him during dodgebolt.
"george if you dont stop talking about the arrow, i will fly to london and shove it so far up your ass-"
crush!sapnap who calls you after both of you end your streams to talk about how you feel after the event.
"how are you doing, you seemed..."
"angry? annoyed?"
crush!sapnap talks with you until either one of you has to hang up. you feel like youre back in highschool talking to your crush for hours on end.
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ngl, i dunno how i feel about this one. it might be too much tbh but im tired asf writing this and dont wanna change much. and i got a little carried away having fun writing it....sorry... -Nony
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salted-caramel-tea · 6 months
What are your thoughts about?
I was gonna try and collect my thoughts coherently before I started talking bu ti cant be bothered doing that so like. about the dream and that one circle of mcyt that just fucking hate them .
actually this is about how I have felt observing the dream space recently.
im uncomfortable?? not with the dream team, I still really love them and I enjoy their content and I do still watch sap naps streams if im awake for them but honestly taking time just to spend time on my f1 blog has been like a weight lifted from my shoulders.
just talking about dtblr, ive seen people trying to make the best of the situation by live-blogging sapnaps streams making jokes spreading positivity for all 3 of them but it doesn't really of much to take away from the pressure of the situation. Every day it seems like some cc somewhere has something to say about dream or George or sapnap and every day we rush over here to discuss it. it almost feels like theres this pressure to perform and to respond to what is being said, we need to discuss everything as a controversy no matter how stupid or insignificant the situation is and we contribute to the snowballing of tiny things that honestly dont need the attention the theyre getting and its tiring to watch. like im at the point where im scrolling past 'did you see what x said' because honestly I dont give a shit I dont give a shit about a cc who spoke to the dteam on discord maybe twice talking about their 'truth' I really dont care .
im genuinely just fed up with the way the creator space and fan spaces behave. Dream posts 'pls talk to me' and creators say 'but that won't get me clout' back to him.
who gives a shit if dreams stole punz girlfriend. who cares if dream sent a dm that might have been considered rude to Sara Simons a fully grown ducking middle aged woman with better things to do than start twitter drama. who gives a shit about sniff having one insignificant negative interaction with dream over a year. none f this is your fucking turret its just airing out high school level petty drama that could easily be fixed with a fucking dm . its pathetic. the way so many creators are going 'I too am a victim' and its 'he sent me a private message I didnt like' who fucking cares. and all of this 'ill stream explaining my story' what story. that he made a joke in bad taste. its performative. they want views they want twitters support they want to seem like theyre on the RIGHT side so theyre just pulling any old story out of their ass to add to the mentality of the mob and make it seem like yes I too hate dream because he is so awful when in reality he was probably just a bit of a twat like a lot of guys in their early 20s are . the only way hes gonna know that he did something that made u annoyed or upset or even mildly fucking miffed in the case of Sara fucking Simons is if you tell him. and we saw that bc 5 mins later shes saying oh its all fine he messaged me . see how fucking easy it is to actually fix these tiny ass issues if you actually have a conversation before launching a hate campaign on twitter dot com . and people going off to run with it and add it to the pile of 'poof' they have. hell ive seen someone saying they appreciate dream saying they want to talk about situations and saying they want to chat with him about an experience they had with one of his friends like what does that have to do with dream actually why not just take the initiative and talk to the actual person involved instead of making dream do it for u. its all just drama mongering
on a more serious note I really dont know how to feel with the whole situation with caiti. George didi fuck up and im not moving from that stance- whatever happened he made her feel uncomfortable and went on the defence instead of prioritising apologising to her for the way she felt about the situation.
what I cat fucking stand is how weirdly this situation has evolved. the initial statement was that he had touched her waist and tickled her and cat didnt like that. THAT CONTACT the touching of her waist was spread across twitter as a sexual assault. which its fucking not and it pisses me off as a victim to see how loosely terms of sex crime are being thrown around bc no matter how uncomfy you are touching your waist is not a sex crime. there was no mention of inappropriate touching actually, just that he had crossed a physical boundary with her and ive already talked about why I can empathise with that delayed reaction in feeling deeply uncomfortable with the situation . so it confused me as to why people on tiktok were spreading misinformation that his hands were down her pants and cat coming out of left field with he was grabbing my tits. because none of that was ever discussed in any of her prior statement and that seems like pertinent information when were discussing sexual assault. and from what ive seen her friends timeline of events dont match up with hers. her timeline of events onset even match up that well with her other comments on the situation and all of it just feels so fucking odd. why do the details change depending on who you ask and when you ask them
but I wasn't there. I dont know what actually happened. having experienced it you automatically hold that understanding towards her despite all the backlash because people blamed me too, they didnt believe me either and you never want to completely dismiss it no matter how weird the story seems because what if. keeping myself in the situation is stretching myself in two different directions where one is dismissing the claims of assault because nothing adds up and the other is she might be like me .
the reaction to caitis initial statement has snowballed extremely out of proportion if u ask me. nobody needs to know everyones personal grievances with dream or George or sapnap and to say that youre sharing these to support victims is a straight lie bc it has nothing to do with victims they receive nothing from your story that he made a bad joke 3 years ago or whatever and everything to do with the fact that you are utilising an opportunity to gain relevancy again and I dont want to partake in their relevancy.
I dont want to partake in any of this fucking drama actually. it's non stop. it's constant. its all over my dash all day every day but maybe its just the ppl im following idc. but I dont want to come back into a community where im going to find myself fighting to justify why I still enjoy the content of some creators while there are other creators receiving less vitriol for breaking the literal fucking law . its exhausting . its been years of it for me .
im not mentally well. I have a lot going on in my family life and I didnt realise how bad things were until I told my work friend I hadn't seen in a while my 'family drama' and she and the assistant manager pulled me aside and said 'im so sorry youre going through that right now are you dealing with everything alright?'. I have my final exams within the next month. I need to pass these to graduate. I have so much that is already causing me stress in my life and so much of the misinformation around the situation is so triggering and untagged and I dont want to log on and see another bout of 'x responds to x' 'x talks about dream' 'x shares thoughts on George situation' . I cant fucking do that right now.
people have called it the cowards way out, bailing at the burden of controversy but im not switching sides. im not deactivating. im not becoming a dranti. I still talk about the dteam i still like the dteam but I cannot force myself to endure other peoples stresses at the time being . thats all ive been thinking about rlly .
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purpleglitch · 9 months
-> -> -> -> (CLICK HERE) <- <- <- <-
Ok warning this is very long, i'm gonna ramble about the fic on itself here because UGFHGHHG i cried 😢💖 nunki tqm te debo mi vida entera
Starting with RS!George's pov during the prison break i love that so much, he's so chaotic in this au i really liked how he's the main focus :((( ohhgg the scrungly, and besides dnf being the main relatioship of the story i can't stop thinking about the silly dynamic of george and techno and the vibe of "we're not that close but you're my best friend's lover so i'll help you i guess :/", and them immediatly rushing to hana kingdom looking for dream with the compass.
THE VISUALS!!!! i love love love how it was all described, the imagery, all the plants and flowers surrounding the castle and after reading it, thinking how a big part of it was probably HD's influence on the world trying to keep dream hidden (and trapped), the fact that the kingdom was meant to be a safe place for "war criminals" according to dream, and they both thinking he meant a safe place for george,,, hheartbreakign reading about sapnap's absence in the kingdom to keep an eye on dream and also not appearing during the chase to capture george after breaking out of pandora like MAN. (also FUCK Q) my poor fucking cat george dealing with so much pain for a year im goign to throw uo :(
george knows thanks to techno that dream is going to welcome him back with open arms but still he's scared of the small possibility of dream not being in his room and all the scenarios of why that would be, but not wanting to show that panic to techno so he covers it with insults and deflection. and how for a split second he thought the worst case scenario happened and someone killed dream on their way there (ALSO GEORGE'S PARANOIA MENTION :c ). I love the imagery of dream being like the sun for the flowers and how even the sunflowers are ignoring the actual sun to point directly to a sleeping dream, they're dependent on him, like the world's connection and pure love for its admin but amplified by HD's wish to keep him for himself (or i'm reading too much into it lmao).
I keep thinking about the rs!dteam flashback because it's making me insane,, sapnap adoring dream's admin powers but george not caring too much about it because he cared more about dream himself, and deciding that he's going to protect him and sapnap following him and training together to become dream's bodyguards and if i keep talking about it i will burst into tears,,,,,,,
the fact that the flowers and vines and plants are covering dream even blooming from his own chest and holding him down as he sleeps,,, this would go hard as a painting like if you agree. but also george defending dream and how HE is the one that knows dream the best not even any of their other closest friends like sapnap, punz or even techno, his jealousy demons are insane like if you agree. I also kept jumping on my seat whenever i noticed a referenced to lore we've talked about before like the dnf chains and dream pleading techno to rescue george from pandora ooohhggg the details,,, and techno joking about how it's the last time he does dream a favor but deep down he also cares about him that's his dearest rival and he really doesn't want him suffering :((
PAUSEEEEE I LOVE THE STORYY OF HD, XD AND PVP AND THEIR BATTLE FUCKKKK i was thinking about it because i didnt know what to do to make both pvp and xd die so hd could become a lonely god (and also applying it to dsmp canon with dreamxd) and this way is SO GOOD!!! they were doomed and my chest hurts thinking about them, “Sometimes people do stupid shit for those they love, I dunno,” I'm biting my arm off oh my gODDDD.
AND NOW HD'S BIG ENTRANCE YASSSS, and the reveal of george having talked with hd multiple times in prison and his warning of staying away from dream, and how possesive he is with dream while he's sleeping, I LOVEEEE the way it's added the uncanny valley to hd's appearance, it's my fav hc how xd and hd look so perfectly like dream and george to the point of no humanity, their faces so perfect it's evident they're pretending to be human, trying to replicate all in looks and flaws, like george's pride, and george defeating hd by making him realize that dream never cared for him, he only wanted george and only wanted hd because he was replacing george but also hd wanting dream because he was replacing xd after he died.
and george realizing that it's his fault dream got hurt by hd and him during the dethronement so he wants to free him and let him choose next even if it meant him staying away from george, that's why george telling hd that "life moves on" also soothes his soul, they both lost their lovers (by not being able to stop his fight against their other friend, and by trying to keep him away from conflict he drove him away) so george thought he also needed to move on if dream hates him because of what he did. but finally dream wakes up as hd's curse is lifted and he doesn't hate george, he's angry because he left and didn't came back for him (until now) and they still have feelings for each other YIPPEEEEEEE
can i say that i imagine off screen dream and george taking a bath together and dream tending george's wounds from torture and putting bandages on him and they're soft and cute and cry and TALK and it's an intimate moment where they connect again and it's a new beginning for them together again <3
and george's version of the gods story having a happy ending, giving hd his own happy ending too :( and it's what he believes as the story is mentioned to have multiple versions, so i think that as long as george believes that HD XD and PVP lived and are happy, it would be true :) or idk at this point i kinda zoned out i probably misinterpreted this LMAO SORRYYYY. but anyway DNF CUDDLING!!! THE REAL GOOD ENDING!!! and finally,,,,, dream is finally free from hd's curse to sleep for longer, the flowers are gone. he's gonna wake up to an embrace of his lover and start living <3
I BELIEVE IN HAPPY RS!DNF ENDGAME!!! AGAIN THANK SO MUCH FOR THIS FIC I KEEP SAYING THIS EVERYWHERE I CAN BUT IM SO GRATEFUL FOR THIS AND ALL THE ART YOU'VE MADE AND FOR LISTENING (reading¿) MY SELF INDULGENT STUFF 😭😭💖💖💕💕 i hope this made sense i started zoning out at the end of writing this so i'm really sorry if i misinterpreted some scenes!!! feel free to correct me nunkito :3 and thank u nov for hosting dtblr secret santa i loved this,, ooghghgg
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rat-rosemary · 4 months
Ough vent but I'm just thinking about the friend I used to have who is a qsmp-er
Just venting under the cut
I genuinely can't belive I settled for a friendship so shitty. I'm very loud irl!! And aggressive!!! I can't belive I let them just... drag me along like that. I would accept their explanations and listen to all their rambles about the qsmp but if I even tried to take about my interests they would look at me weird.
I can't belive how much effort I put in. I have a shitty memory but I made an effort to remember their headcannons!! I drew them fanart when he was sad! God, I bended myself backwards to respect every single boundary they set (and mostly they were reasonable, but...)
It was one of the last times we talked that I fully realized they would never do any of that for me. It was at the start of the school year, after "The Truth" and before that, I had agreed I would not talk about the Dteam around them until the video dropped because the topic it was a bit of a trigger for my friend. When we talked face to face again it had dropped two months ago. But when I brought them up (after they talked about the qsmp) they looked at me weird and I realized they were never going to even attempt to match my energy. They just expected me to chance and stop liking what I liked.
(The way they hadn't even watched it or attempted to learn anything about it. It broke me a little. Just a few days their favorite CC had dropped a document talking about his abuse and I READ THAT SHIT. Even tho I didn't need to.)
Here's my advice: never put in more love then what you're being given, back out of any relationship that is hurting you and BY GOD DO NOT BEFRIEND A QSMP-ER
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grace122 · 2 years
god my thoughts today, i-
imagine having thanksgiving with each of the guys, but my mind is so far in the gutter:
- being with foolish all day for thanksgiving, and you’re both getting ready to spend time with your friends for thanksgiving, and before you guys leave, he’s like “let me show you just how thankful i am for you.” and getting ready to go out, has turned into all your clothes on the ground while he eats you out for hours.
- at family dinner with punz and he goes to another room, and you get the message and follow. you guys end up in your old room and he ends up fucking you, maybe saying something along the lines of, “don’t be too loud, baby. don’t want your whole family to hear, do you?” and he’s so condescending but it’s so fucking hot.
- having thanksgiving with the dteam and karl and quackity, and karl is just soo moody. he doesn’t complement the dish you made, he’s turning down pie, and not drinking the punch you all made. so you talk to him, alone, and he’s just needy. needy as fuck. he misses you, and isn’t jealous per say, but he just wants you all to himself. being able to cuddle and watch anime while he sucks on your tit (which he’ll do later when you guys get home).
- you and sapnap going out to get food to make dinner for everyone, and when you get back home, he says some shit like, “i’m gonna gobble you up, darlin’” and literally eats you out while your trying to cook dinner. idk, i feel like he would say something kinda funny like that.
- dating corpse and you guys don’t do thanksgiving dinner. your families aren’t the most supportive of you guys streaming and corpse isn’t comfortable with face revealing to all his friends yet. so you guys stay home together and he just want to, “show you how much he loves and appreciates you.” and he shows this by being so sweet during sex. i don’t see him as a “soft sex” kinda guy, but i do think he could be soft at certain times.
- sam is definitely a family man. he takes you to his childhood home, and loves how sweet you are to his family. he can’t stop thinking about how innocent you look, pure and happy, helping his mom make the turkey, talking to his dad about the football game on. so he really can’t help himself when he drags you home early to fuck you over the kitchen table.
okay idk about george and dream. im whored out of writing
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claylor · 23 days
No one asked for this but im doing it anyways.
As i mentioned before I had a deep conversation about george with my friend because I have realized some things. Before I go in, caiti will always have my support! Nothing I say changes how i view her, she was a victim. She was hurt.
I don’t think George is evil. He is not a repeater of these horrid things, unlike Wilbur, who’s constantly hurt the women in his life. Parts of me wants to see the good in him because for three years he had this idea about him that he would never do something like that. While it wasn’t intentional, what happened, happened.
Anons can pour into my inbox, behind anonymity and call caiti a faker, and all types of names. It will not change anything. You could see her broken. No one here kept up on her unless she made some comment about cat beanies. She was young, in hospitals a lot. She is human. You cant fake that type of pain.
She got no financial benefit out of this, she never did. She lost her passion for what she loved to do and if she comes back and says hi, or bye again, what warrants any of you to basically shit on her like shes not allowed to talk to her community SHE built?
I can tell it has a lot to do with internalized misogyny and the fact that the GNF situation “cooled down” and her being back makes you scared for it to be revived.
You don’t get the pain until you have been there, crying to your friends realizing what has happened to you. If it was SA, mental abuse, rape, PHYSICAL abuse. The pain will sit there and make you look at yourself differently. I can’t imagine the fear of coming out with your truth about someone so much bigger then you.
It feels a lot of this place lacks any compassion or empathy for a young girl who was hurt and was telling HER story. You can believe George meant no harm while also just being a decent human being to her.
Its why when i get anons about “oh well youre friends with a golo” whos done nothing but fucking understand what caiti went through and does not hold discussions on wether her story was valid or not.
If i bring up females that were around dteam who were treated awfully by crit, im a radfem who hates all men. Im too woke. I think its insane. Like the dream team are farthest from innocent but youll shit on a woman for stupid shit.
“Pili is toxic, shes a cunt” and dream isnt equally as toxic towards her? I fear we know too much about his sex life and openly allow ourselves for project onto these women and think its okay to harass them because “shes vaguing him” i never understood dumbing her down to a nickname either. If youre going to have discussions about her while anons spew shit about her just say her name.
Women deserve better on crit and caiti deserves an apology.
Moral of the story is, george is not evil, but he did hurt a girl and just because you personally think its a misunderstanding, doesnt make it any less true that george apologized and admitted to what he did and to continue to hold male ccs accountable. 🤞
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bastardbvby · 2 years
It may be selfish of me to say, but thank you for sticking around. Everyone seemed to have such a reactionary stance as soon as it happened (and totally not blaming anyone, you should step back when you need to), but I want to still be able to enjoy mcyt, MCC, and even dream team content. seeing other people that took a few days to take in what was going on and evaluating that they could still interact with the content makes me feel better and lets me hope that maybe some people will find their way back to the community as time goes on.
i think this past week has been a very strange time for everyone and i cant say enough how much i respect and understand anyone who has left the community whether that be a step back from mcyt content as a whole or specifically from dream team like there was an overwhelming amount of information that came out last weekend and so i do get where people are coming from,,
gawd i said i wasnt gonna write a Statement™ and i dont think i can write my thoughts as elegantly as jan did but allowing myself to talk through the situation with irls and even some friends on here in dms really allowed me to get a better grasp of my own thoughts on everything that's gone down,, this past week has felt super divided with there being two strong opposing stances with no room for those whose thoughts fell in a more middle ground which is mostly where i've been hanging,, i think one of the most important take aways people, including myself, got from this is that we were Way too emotionally and mentally reliant on this community and its creators. like i've seen so many people talk about how good they feel without having to constantly be on top of every single moment of content and i think thats really important. like i'll say it right now, i still plan to interact with dteam's content on some level, But it will definitely be different from before which i think is something many of you can relate to ! i respect and love anyone who wants to unfollow or block if they dont want to eventually see this type of content on dash <3
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gladiolidiaries · 11 months
do you think we'll ever get a good content schedule from them? i feel like a broken record talking about it, and maybe i'm just too hopeful but i miss their dynamic and fun silly minecraft videos. now it just seems like they can't settle on what to do since they need to work on the next big thing or just something new that hasn't been done before.
tbh i get it for dream the pressure is always high on him especially as the top mc channel who was known for being one of the best at the game, manhunt, the speedruns, and having consistent hits. plus he just has so much shit going on 😭💀 people hate him for crying, and ppl are now calling him random ass nasty words like everyone is out to get his ass 💀. and his mc content could honestly in my humble opinion change things positivity for himself and dteam as a whole. plus the drituation thing// whatever is going on with that... so i get him if he wants to plan new things because pressure is definitely high. at least we get some casual still fun mc videos in between. the problem is when that's going to be released.
now george idek what's going on he said he got a project he's working on./but what if it's really just some behind the scene work/business and we've just fucking delusional. can someone just make him a model he would love it tbh. plus we're never going to get another minecraft but my friend is... because he said they're old now (?) or boring i forgot what. i really want his youtube career back, but if he doesn't want to i wish we could get fun irl streams again. i feel like if he at least was consistent doesnt have to be a weekly thing maybe even monthly would be good with some tweet announcement in advance it would be so much fun..
now sapnap,,, i like his mc content the last dteam videos were so good, but everytime i finished a video i would just get sad because we wont have another one for who knows how long.. plus he's not overly obnoxious in his youtube vids so it's fun and makes me like him a lot... his streams --he's so inconsistent,, bro keeps lying to us-- i like them sometimes but i get annoyed at how he practically has nothing planned (i get it's a 'daily' thing) and sometimes when i see him yawn i get annoyed because broooo... i wish he could actually play his hardcore world and do fun little adventures on there that would be fun to watch,, but bro just sings along to songs (it just happens all the time)..
they fumble so hard.. like sapnap could be doing so much more on his streams, but since he just waits around obviously only his very dedicated fanbase will watch or others would just watch recaps since it's not really a you need to be there thing. dream needs to get his shit together and start giving himself harsh deadlines or something like that so he can start pushing things out. george well i wish he could stream, we /hannah give him countless ideas..... just miss dreamteam honestly,, give me back the three mc nerds please.... i really just want their mc videos back
honestly i'm past waiting and i'm past caring at this point. i think its bc my hyperfix died but i can't even make myself care anymore, i've reached acceptance about how they handle their career and content.
i don't think that regular dteam content is coming, ever 😭
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jestbee · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 1,075 times in 2022
That's 380 more posts than 2021!
589 posts created (55%)
486 posts reblogged (45%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 938 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#mc - 598 posts
#jane answers - 231 posts
#dnf - 170 posts
#dream - 96 posts
#dnp - 81 posts
#gnf - 56 posts
#atsoop - 42 posts
#dnf fic - 41 posts
#dreamnotfound - 38 posts
#dteam - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#dream was like here is where u dud an awesome play and fished some pearls and george was like yeah well here is where i died multiple times
My Top Posts in 2022:
I choose to believe they're getting the entire howell-lester clan together for Xmas, somehow I think Adrian and Cornelia might get along?
80 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Oh noo hope you feel better soon and it heals fast!!
I'm thinking about sapnap. How devoted he is to them, how much he loves them. He moved to dream and drove from Texas to Florida with one day notice and when George said he was lonely in London, the next day he renewed his visa :(( they all have such a strong bond, they choose eachother over anything else..
Sapnap is ride or die. Dream once said the thing he loves most about Sapnap is that he "has never once doubted that Sapnap is [his] boy and will have his back through anything". And you can see it.
Like, however much Sapnap and George have a sibling-like rivalry, Sapnap would go to war for George if he asked. (And he might, knowing George).
He was "just the cameraman for now" and made sure George and Dream were both okay during their meeting and was happy to take a back seat and that in itself is fucking amazing.
And it's not just dteam. He and Karl have a tax that if you cross one you pay the price of having crossed the other by default. He defends his fans in valo lobbies when people try to talk shit. Hes allowed to rio the shit out of his friends but if anyone else tries it he'll kill them with a glance. Heck, even for all the ways he has a tendency to get caught up in trying to seem cool, he's never once rolled over on his friends or what they do and the game they play even when it would have been easier to do so.
Sapnap is ride or fucking die.
83 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
i like how phil sits next to dan when they eat rather than across from him
If I had Phil Lester in the house I'd sit next to him too
104 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
I cannot shut up about how Dan was in that video. Like, it had such good vibes. Relaxed, mature, comfortable?
The persona as we know it was gone, remember when he seemed so angry all the time? It's just so so sooooo nice to see him happy and proud of a thing.
After everything he's been through to come out the other side like that. You love to see it
189 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
All the sunlight of our past (COMPLETE)
Phan, E
Tags: Exes to lovers, canon divergence, secret identity
YouTube is a mess.
Phil's been struggling with it for a while and has just taken a job as a video editor to make ends meet while he figures out whether he still loves it anymore.
Dan's channel has been dead ever since he started working at BBC Radio One and the two haven't seen each other in years.
During a chance meeting in 2019, Dan gets papped coming out of a gay club and his life is sent in to turmoil. He blames Phil, because it had been his idea to go there in the first place, so they're straight back to not talking.
The only recourse Dan has to salvage his career is to return to his YouTube channel after all these years and make a coming out video on his own terms. What he doesn't know is that Phil is the editor he just hired to help him with it.
Written for @oldschoolpbb with accompanying art by @snekydingdong
[Read on ao3]
195 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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loopscereal · 2 years
Back in late 2019 i had never even heard of twitch, I was on minecraft youtube watching hermitcraft, i had just recently found this funny video series on youtube by Wilbur Soot where he challenged his viewers live. Back then I thought Technoblade was just another reoccurring viewer of Wil’s! Thats so absurd to think back on!
Early 2020 I watched tommys vids in youtube where he ran around being purposefully annoying twoard the dteam, speedrunning challange, yt vids became yt vods, and he would mention checking out twitch, so would wilbur. By July of 2020 I was following wilbur on twitch, by September I had followed tommy, October I had followed tubbo.
Soon enough I was following a whole new chain of creators on a new platform, invested in their story. I hadn’t yet really registered that their timezines matter much since i was accustomed ti watching vods. I *STILL* regret having missed the pog2020 vs swag2020 election because of this! I still regret that!! God!
November 16th came and went, I was enamored with all the art that came out because of it, then Wolf the witch, then known as “channel without a name” had uploaded their animation of the 16th in the 20th. I was there, in that live chat, and after the premiere, I had made friends. I didnt think that would last, but here i am, almost two years later, and most of the “premier gang” members are still active we still talk regularly.
We watched origins together and fell in love with the vod, learned how to install mods and use fabrics launcher! I installed minecraft java edition fir the first time ever because of this, we played minecraft together, we branched out and screenshared to eachother when one would play any other game.
We had a channel specifically for when some damned streamer would go live to scream about it and summarize the premise to each other if we had missed it. By the time Tales Of the SMP rolled around we would all sit in vc together and watch as someone screen shared.
We’ve had three “seasons” of our origins smp, with shops snd community houses. I remember building water tunnels for our resident merling, and my friend would make awnings for me since i was an enderian and couldnt leave the house when it rained. We pulled pranks on eachother, my whole wheat farm was replaced with carrots, me replaced a friends house with jack-o-lanters and acacia wood!
I found other common interests with friends, we found we coult talk about other things other than minecraft incredibly easily, we made comics together, played new games together, suggested music together, celebrated together, we grieved the death of a fucking music bot together! I still miss groovy, we had so many late night ham sessions with groovy.
We still talk about c!tommy, c!tubbo, a friend makes animations about the eggpire and recently got new egg lore. It feels good after havjng seen and heard them hold on to it for so long, and thats what we’ve all done. Holding on, i guess.
I really have had so much fun, playing with my art style along these two years, creating little ficlets for my friends about characters i adore, going insane about new animations from the community. Ive had a personal au about clingyduo for well over a year now, maybe even two years? No idea, but god its been so fun, fullfilling even.
My vocabulary has deffo been changed, example A is right there, “deffo” was ages ago and hasn’t left me since. I dint think dsmp is going to leave me even if i stop interacting with it (which i don’t think I will just yet)
I love all the results I’ve personally gained from being a part of this.
Thank you so much to the streamers, the artists, the musicians, *some* of the clips channels, everyone who wrote character analysis, wrote fics, or just screamed in twitch chat or posted in the youtube comment section or live tweeted/ live blogged any moment they loved.
Thank you to the fanbase, more than anything, for making this place so loved.
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wildpeachfarm · 1 month
Do you think George or Sapnap will ever move out? Like I remember Dream saying he wanted George to leave or go to live LA if he wanted and stuff like that. And the Texas Farm that Sapnap was talking about back when Punz was still a dteam friend.
I like knowing the 3 of them live together. But they are 3 adults. And realistically they might want to live by themselves for a bit.
Also didn't George or someone talked about living next to each other, not in the same house but connected or something like that before he actually went to live with Dreamnap?
Sorry if it's a weird ask (maybe I just miss my ex- roommate)
Honestly, I get the vibes that sapnap is probably the most likely to move out simply because of how comfortable he seems doing his own thing (not in a bad way!! its just what his work demands sometimes!) like going to LA and doing nrg stuff and all that. But that's like...ONLY if i had to pick a dteam member that HAD to move out y'know? Because at the end of the day, sapnap loves chatting with his friends and the dteam setup is perfect for that because he doesn't need to do it on stream, etc.
Thinking about George, it seems like he's a little bit of a socialite in LA and he doesn't need a car as much so I can imagine that's appealing but also I feel like he's probably not feeling very much like a social-butterfly-influencer right now so I think that whole idea is probably off the table (not that I really think he would move to LA alone though, let's be honest)
Obviously, it would be epic if they all stayed together forever but also these are men in their 20s and eventually, I'm sure they will want spouses and families. And I don't think the dransion-frat-house is suitable for that LMAO
And yeah George said they should all have houses next to each other with an underground tunnel system haha which could still happen I guess!
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passmethemolly · 4 years
dteam + friends as old navy employees
 Bad is the manager. a very tired one, but he keeps everyone in check
bad: guys please make sure we’re asking for cards today- we’re behind and-
dream: its georges fault
george: it’s not! i ask and everyone says no-
dream: thats because you aren’t asking them right 
george: how the hell do you ask for a credit card right???
bad is long gone by that point. he’s quietly sitting in the office watching george and dream bicker
he has a photo of his dog on his desk and will smuggle her into the workplace sometimes 
will deal with the difficult customers but will feel bad for being mean even though its his job
sapnap is on the floor bc he can perfect fold things
hates every second of it and always hides in the fitting room or goes up to cash wrap to bother george
purposefully messes up piles of clothes so dream has to refold it
scares tommy whenever he hides in said fitting room
overall, super chill and will go where ever he needs to but folds like a sloth
once caught someone stealing but he didn’t say anything
george is always up at the registers and he absolutely hates it
he will never ever ask people to open up a credit card unless bad is there or unless dream gets put up there with him and they compete against each other
as soon as a customer has an issue with something, george calls bad up to the register to deal with it and he walks away
george will ignore customers and let wilbur take them instead
he steals the candy all the time
dream is tossed around all over the place
doesnt do anything, yet still manages to meet his credit card goal which annoys the fuck out of george and sapnap
he hits george with hangers 
george will always hit him back
the kids are fighting again ft. hangers 
he attracts the weird customers which makes for good stories
he once fell off a ladder and george saw that and he will never let dream live that down
a BOPIS beast- not a single order goes unnoticed by him
sapnap likes to fold the kids clothes since theyre easy and bad never checks kids
dream is a huge wingman to sapnap through the walkies 
dream: sapnap, tell that girl that the boyfriend jeans are 100% off at your place.
sapnap: dude i have a girlfriend 
dream: okay, say it for me then
sapnap: dream im not saying that-
george: will you please shut up i can’t hear anything but you two idiots
alternatively- also the biggest instigator
dream: george, i dare you to not talk to the next customer
george: what? no, i have to it’s literally my job to talk to them-
dream: do it, trust me
george: im not gonna ignore them as i check them out
dream: if you dont, im telling bad that you dont ask to open credit cards and you didn’t count the money from last night and youve been stealing the kitkats
long story short, they got a complaint and george was tasked with cleaning the bathrooms that night as punishment
tommy is in fitting room and he loves it 
he was put there since he was “too aggressive” to be on sales floor
but hes the only person at the store that can open more credit cards than dream due to his aggression 
he gets to go on his phone and drink coke whenever
once locked sapnap in the fitting room for three hours 
whenever he has to return the ‘go back’ clothes, he sprints through the store. he literally runs the clothes. 
once fought a customer that told him he was wrong about a price. 
tubbo is holding him back while bad is apologizing to the customer and offering them 70% their entire purchase
wilbur is on register with george and they gossip about the customers 
wilbur is the best dressed there 
everyone swoons for him, which racks up sales since everyone wants to be checked out by the cute cashier
him and george are lowkey the power duo on register 
he cares very much about sizing and taking proper care of the clothes
he drives tommy and tubbo to work
dream and george go get lunch together on their break
dream will occasionally bring george mcdonalds if he feels like it
george, in return, won’t do anything special <3
jk- george just helps dream fold the floor after closing instead of hiding behind the cash wrap counter
george will always bring dream a starbucks cookie on fridays
one time, bad wouldn’t let george wear one of his supreme shirts and he had to wear dreams hoodie to cover it up
techno is a ghost at this old navy. hes never scheduled to work but when he comes it- everything is perfectly folded and they have a spike in customer satisfaction- but people rarely see him do these things
small rivalry between dream and techno obviously 
they will always make a competition out of everything
always a closing time employee- he never opens the store. 
dream is obsessed with how he perfect folds and will stalk him around the store when he does work
techno just wants to work tbh  
tubbo is in fitting room with tommy 
hes more…passive… with the customers 
will always wish everyone a nice day even if they leave the room a mess
will take the time to clean each room while tommy sprints in and out with his arms full of clothes
does whatever tommy wants to do
except when it comes down to who is cleaning the bathrooms at closing time- then its a battle
(just rock paper scissors) 
tubbo and dream sometimes trade places, but tubbo always goes back to the fitting room since he has no idea how the sales floor works 
dream ROCKS old navy clothes 
he abuses the fuck out of his employee discount 
sometimes he’ll get george to give him a bigger discount 
george always wears stuff with brands even though its against dress code (he will not give up his hypebeast shirts) 
bad will let it slide most of the time but not all the time yk?
sapnap shoves his phone into clothes and plays games 
on the quiet days- everyone is on sales floor except tommy. tommy is forbidden from being on sales floor.  
tommy watches from afar as his friends slap each other with hangers and talk shit about the public
his time will come. he will get out of the fitting room
at closing time, dream and george hide in a blind spot and talk for the rest of their shift
sapnap: can you guys please stop flirting and go fold in mens? bad says if we fold everything we can leave early-
dream throws a bundle of socks at sapnap 
george wants to be on sales floor so bad, he complains about register everyday
dream wants to be on register since sales floor is boring to him
bad wont let them switch 
tommy, tubbo, and wilbur always start fights with george, dream, and sapnap
a ‘war’ broke out one night when they were closing
bad made them stay an extra two hours to refold the entire store since they trashed it
george once parkoured over a jean table
sapnap is always friendly to the customers and will ask them how theyre doing as soon as he sees them
scares the shit out the customers at the same time. he’s a ninja
tommy got out of the fitting room once and hid in a rack of dresses so bad couldn’t find him
bad just wants people to open up credit cards
sapnap would bring his girlfriend in a lot and now bad is considering hiring her since shes here so often
on their breaks, they will all sit in a circle and watch the cameras and make fun of people
they have a groupchat called “the navy soilders” and they literally just send the same video of dream falling off the ladder that george pulled from the cameras
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