#and then my dad got home and we went inside and i was snuggling missy and she was crying
drivemysoul · 1 year
i just had the worst nightmare i’ve had in a long fucking time and i feel like sobbing
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
13 - Rebellious Teenage Years
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Part 14
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams
A few weeks later
“Now be easy on your mamma. You hear me, Evelyn.” Georgie warned her since she was the one pushing my wheelchair through the hospital lobby. I was finally getting released from the hospital but we couldn’t go back to Texas yet. Since our baby boy had to be delivered a couple weeks earlier they needed to monitor our vitals closely.
Aurora was carrying my overnight bag so that their daddy could be in charge of carrying his son out to the truck. She opened the door and saw that some duct tape fell on the ground by her feet so she picked it up. “Daddy, why is this in the truck?”
“That’s because I couldn’t get the stupid car seat in the backseat again. Seriously you would think they would make it easier than we had issues with Aurora.” He huffed handing little Montana to his older sister.
Wrapping my arms around his neck he picked me up bridal style gently sitting me down on the front passenger seat. Grabbing the seatbelt strap I clicked it on me, smiling up at him. “Hey, we’ve done good with two. The third one should be no trouble at all.”
He moved around to the driver's seat of the truck getting inside. Evelyn and Aurora were squeezed up against each since the car seat was taking up the remaining room. The drive home was good and we let the girls head inside the apartment. Carrying little Montana in my arms I laid him down in the crib flopping down on the bed. “How you doing, darlin?” Georgie came into the bedroom sitting down at the side of the bed.
"Completely exhausted…sore…hungry.. everything." I grumbled trying to get comfortable but this pregnancy had taken a lot of stress on me.
He moved, taking off his boots and his jeans climbing into the bed beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist where I snuggled into him. "Get some rest baby. I'll check on the baby in a few." He whispered and I was out when I placed my head in the crook of his neck. It was unknown to the young parents that their two daughters were sneaking out to their fathers truck. Aurora sat down in the driver's seat having long enough legs to reach the pedals. Evelyn was in the passenger seat where they were going to see their uncle Sheldon at his workplace.
It was two hours almost by the time I woke up. Climbing out of the bed I went into the kitchen halting in my tracks seeing a note on the table. “Georgie! You’ve got to be kidding me. Georgie, Georgie wake up now!”
“What’s going on…” He asked when I bolted into our bedroom pushing him harshly awake throwing the note in his face. “What is…don’t be mad mommy and daddy but Rora and I borrowed the truck to go see uncle Sheldon at work.”
Running my fingers through my hair I started to panic seeing my husband stumbling out of the bed searching for his boots on the floor. “What are we going to do, Georgie. God they are acting like Missy did!”
"Calm down. Aurora's been learning to drive on that little tractor we got her for Christmas a few years back. She'll be fine-" I slapped him on the shoulder harshly.
"It is different from driving in the small town of Texas. We are literally in the big city!" Throwing my hands up I grabbed my phone dialing someone who was the closest to us. "Penny, this is Y/n. I'm sorry to ask this but could you come pick me and Georgie up. Our daughters have stolen our truck for some joy ride."
Everyone was furious and concerned since Missy had taken her dad's truck in the middle of the night. George and Mary had been sleeping in different houses since Evelyn had been born. “I can’t believe that girl. Did she even think how worried we would be?”
“Wow. You have become a dad fast.” Connie pointed out, sending Georgie a smile.
He shrugged his shoulders where I glanced at him sitting down at the kitchen table. “It just happened.” He sat down on the other end while I was holding baby Evelyn in my arms. Aurora was watching tv at Connie’s house. Neither of us wanted her to be worried or hear the parents fighting over whose fault it would be.
“I can’t believe the last thing we did was yell at her.” Mary sighed with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Now don’t go blaming yourself-“ George got cut off by her.
“I was blaming both of us.” She responded back.
He shrugged his shoulders in annoyance, glaring at her. “So we weren’t supposed to punish her. Kids do stupid stuff, parents yell at them.”
“Yeah ya’ll did it to me. I’m gonna do it to my kids.” Georgie responded looking in my direction. “But I feel like Y/n will be more stern than me. So we will knock them in the butt.”
Evelyn made some noises tugging on my hair where I winced a little. I knew they were blaming themselves for what happened. But I will make sure to treat all my kids the same. That way they won’t do crazy things like steal trucks in the middle of the night. “Okay I figured it out. Based on pictures she’s ripped out of magazines. She’s a big fan of actor Luke Perry.” Sheldon came back into the kitchen after going through his twin’s room.
“Who is that?” Meemaw asks her grandson.
Georgie got up to his feet leaning against the countertop moving his head in my direction. “He plays Dylan on Beverly Hills 90210. Your classic bad boy.”
“Your classic bad boy?” His father asked with a raised brow.
He nodded, smirking at me. “Yeah like me. Right mama?”
Getting to my feet I handed him Eve so I could wrap my arms around him. “Awe sweetie Texan. You can pretend you’re a bad boy but you are the opposite. You’re sweet on me.”
“Yeah maybe. But I won’t be nice if our girls ever do something like this.” He mumbled where I nodded in agreement.
“The show not only takes place but is filmed in Los Angeles California. That’s obviously where they are going.” Sheldon declared thinking he had figured out what they were doing. Until the phone rang and we learned that her and her friend Paige were heading to Florida.
Slamming the passenger shut I was in the front of the car with Penny driving. The city streets were going crazy since most people were either heading to lunch or it was just the regular normal life. “I can’t believe she stole the truck. I mean why would they do this. I mean it wouldn’t be as bad if we were back in Texas but no they have to do this in the freaking city. I mean, are they nuts!”
“Back in my town of Nebraska I did stuff like this all the time and I turned out alright.” Penny shrugged her shoulders focusing on the road in front of her.
Georgie shifted in the backseat leaning forward placing a hand on my shoulder to get me to calm down. I slumped my shoulders until he spoke up. “Yeah I mean darlin’ don’t you remember when we egged Dale’s store and he let us keep our jobs. Or the time we snuck out to go to a college parry. Or the time we-“
“Georgie just stop. I love you but you’re not helping…gosh I am a horrible mother. I mean I thought I raised them to not be so rebellious.” Running my hands through my hair I threw my head back until my phone went off. “Hello, who is this?”
The person on the other end responded. “I am calling to speak with a Mrs. Cooper. Dr. Howard reported that he saw your children coming in from the parking lot. They are here at the university asking to visit their Uncle Sheldon.”
“Oh my gosh. Thank you. We’re on our way.” Hanging the phone up I glanced at Penny. “They are the place the guys work at.” She quickly turned the car in the direction of where they worked while Georgie intertwined my hand with his smiling with little Montana was passed out asleep in his car seat.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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lokisgame · 5 years
A Generous Donation [13]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
Friday morning was kinder. Mulder's back didn't hurt that bad and the nausea was gone, and even if he was still a little weak, he felt almost like himself again. After breakfast, he decided to kill some time cleaning his desk and fell down the rabbit hole lined with old papers until hunger pulled him from the basement. He was reheating some soup for lunch when the doorbell rang. A quick glance out the window revealed Scully's car in the driveway and somewhere between pulling the doors open and saying hello, a pair of arms around his neck drew him into a tight embrace. "Everything okay?" Mulder asked, hugging her back. "Yeah," she breathed, kissing first piece of skin she could reach, "how are you?" "Cold, a little," he chuckled, relieved, "wanna come in?" 
"Yes, sorry," she said, slipping away, blushing slightly. He kept her close for one more kiss and asked against her lips. "How's Will?" "Awake," she laughed and stepped inside, slipping out of her coat. "At least awake enough to kick me out." "Rude but smart," he said and led her to the kitchen. "You're just in time for lunch." "That's what he said." "That's my boy," Mulder chuckled bustling around the stove. Scully froze for a second, stunned, and Mulder caught the silence, looking over his shoulder. "You want cheese or pastrami on your sandwich?" "Cheese," she said, burying the fear and when he turned back to the food, she wrapped her arms around his waist, cheek pressed against his back. "Why are you so good to me?" She asked softly, feeling expelled breath before soft laugh reached her ears. "Why do you keep questioning this?" He said, buttering a piece of bread. "You want me to be mean? I can hold the mayo." "That would be cruel, indeed," she smiled, hugging him tighter. "Yeah, I can be a real jerk. Charlie left pie, it's in the fridge." "My brother shared the pie? He must've really liked you," she said, letting go. "You didn't say he was a cop." "Narcotics squad, we don't like to talk about it." "And the girl, Emily? I gather she's Missy's daughter." "There's four of us, Charlie is the youngest, then there's me, Melissa and Bill Jr., the eldest. Melissa is divorced, Bill and his wife, Tara, have a son, Mathew. They live on the west coast." "You must have been quite a gang as kids." "Not really, no," Scully said, setting the pie on the counter, where Mulder already laid out the pan. "Once Charlie grew out of his big brother worship and Missy became too independent to play with her little sister, it was us against them." "Did you always win?" He chuckled, taking two bowls out of the cupboard. "As much as you can win against someone as stubborn as Bill or independent as Missy, we never got him to do anything and she only did what she wanted, so it was fifty-fifty at best." "Family politics never cease to amaze me." "We all listened to mom though," she chuckled, rinsing the pan, "at least until high school. We helped at home and got good grades, and in return were allowed a certain freedom." "Sounds fair," Mulder said and made room for her by the stove. "So you and Charlie stayed here and they moved away." "Bill followed in our fathers' footsteps and joined the navy, so he moved all over the place, and Missy," she moved the pie into the pan and paused to lick her fingers, "Missy always was a restless one. Last day of high school she decided she's not going to college and will go on a road trip and hitchhike all the way to L.A." "From?" "Annapolis." "Maryland?" "Yeah, military brats," Scully said, closing the oven door and setting the timer. "My dad went furious, didn't speak to her for days." "Which didn't change her mind," Mulder guessed and took the bowls to the table. "Not one bit," Scully said following with spoons and sandwiches. "Couch?" Mulder grinned and turned for the living room. "Sure, so Missy went hitchhiking." "We didn't hear from her for months," she said, folding herself on the couch and taking the bowl, speaking between blowing gently on the soup. "Occasional postcard at best, phone call for birthday, that sort of thing, until she showed up for Christmas that year." "That's harsh," Mulder said, wincing because he burned his mouth. "Yeah, but by that time we were just happy to have her home, safe and sound. She made her point and my parents didn't try to tie her down anymore." She paused to take a bite of sandwich. "It went on for a few years, until she had Emily in '87 and came back to settle closer to family." "How long did that last?" "Good fifteen years, Em and Will were like siblings." "And in that time you went to college, then med-school, did a residency in neurology and had Will." "Not only that," Scully sipped her soup, avoiding his gaze and talking about Will. "Charlie joined the force, my dad died, Bill moved a few times, got married, then Mat came around, you know, life happened." "And there was no guy for you, in all that time." Mulder pressed on, amused. "Well, there were men, obviously." "But?" "No one quite right," she said quietly, looking up from under her lashes. "No one?" Mulder teased, scooting closer. "Single mom, lots of overtime." "I would babysit for you."   "I bet you would," she smiled and focused on soup and his warmth. "I like Charlie," Mulder said after a while, swallowing last of his sandwich. "What's his story?" "He's a workaholic, like me," Scully said, fishing her soup, "a little crazy too, restless, like Missy. And he's a shameless flirt, but I don't know where he got that from." Mulder laughed. "Maybe that's your father's gift, sailor's soul trapped on land." "And the work part?" "Ocean makes people tough, persistent," he grinned, taking her empty bowl. "You funnel that drive into your job." "You really got us figured out." She said and when he leaned over to set the dishes on the coffee table, she pulled on his sweater, tugging the t-shirt up. Mulder tired to catch her hands. "Wow, you don't waste time." "It's not that," she laughed, swatting at his palms, "let me see the marks, I want to make sure you're healing alright." "From those little pinpricks?" "Don't give me that." He laughed, but hissed when she pulled on the tape holding the gauze. "I feel fine," he said, felling her cool fingers, "the nausea is gone, my appetite is back, I can go back to work on Monday." "There's no inflammation around the scabs," she agreed, then ripped the rest of the tape away, making him flinch. "Sorry, I need to change these." "And here I thought you had such pleasant bedside manner." "One more," she said and tugged. "Ouch!" "Done, you won't need these anymore, simple bandaid will do." "Upstairs bathroom, behind the mirror." "I'll be right back." Scully kissed the tip off his ear, and leaving him laughing, dashed up the stairs and back, a second later. "You're fast," Mulder chuckled when she climbed behind him again. "Have to," she said, "thanks for keeping my toothbrush." "Thought you might be needing it again." "Definitely. This will feel a bit cold." She cleaned the spot on his left side, stuck the bandaid on and moved to his right. Few more swipes of her cool hands and she was done. Resting chin on his shoulder, she wrapped her arms around his waist, warming fingers on bare skin under the t-shirt. "Wasn't that bad was it?" "No, when do you need to get back?" "I promised to be back by dinner time," she said then sighed. "I hate this waiting game, it makes me feel helpless and it's driving me crazy." "I had terrible dreams," he confessed quietly, "Will's blood turned into green acid and melted right through his body." "Mulder," she crooned and pulled him closer. "When was the last time you really slept?" "Last time I was here, Tuesday?" She shook her head and hugged him tighter. "Feels like a lifetime ago." Unlocking her arms gently, he turned and put his arms around her, pulling her down on the seat beside him. "It's too early for bed," he said, leaving her room to snuggle against his chest, "but if you want we can move." "No, this is okay," she sighed and wriggled a little, hand searching for skin under his sweater, tickling lightly. "Blanket?" "Sure." Covered, they warmed fast. "Try to relax," he whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Now I'm good," she sighed, and melted into his side. "When did this happen?" He mused, absently drawing circles on her shoulder. "A week ago we were hardly dating, and now look at us." "Old married couple," she murmured under her breath, "sleeping in the middle of the day." "We should get out more." "And do what?" "Get out of town, go stargazing." "In December?" "Could be fun." "Can't we go someplace warm?" "The movies?" "And neck in the last row?" "I love the way your mind works." "It's a date then," she laughed softly, "now let me sleep." And together they slept, peacefully.
He was helping her into her coat later that evening. "You really don't have to stay up for me." "It's no problem, I'm a bit of a night owl, you know." "Mulder," she sighed, taking his face in her hands, pulling him down to kiss then rest her forehead against his. "Sleep is important, it helps you heal, and even if you feel better, you haven't healed yet. Go to bed, rest, I'll be back tomorrow." "But you haven't told me what you're thankful for, yet." "I'm thankful for you," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck, "for everything you are, and all you've done." "That sounds awful like a goodbye," he whispered, hugging her tighter. "I know," she hugged him back, "but trust me, it's not." Fingers tangled in her hair and his lips were on hers, a deep, hungry kiss that stole breath and wiped out reason. This was Mulder who needed her as much as he cared for her. She heard the words I love you before, but never felt them painted on the roof of her mouth, hugged into her heart and filling her lungs, and she never felt more alive giving them back. "Thank you." Mulder breathed, breaking the lock. "For what?" "For not shutting me out," he said, softening the embrace, tucking the raw need away. "That's what I'm thankful for." "You're easy to please," she sighed, brushing his lips before letting go. "I really have to go." "Tell Will I said hi." "I will." Mulder smiled and leaning on the doorframe, watched her go, remembering to add one more thing to his shopping list for tomorrow.
It was almost noon when Scully stood on the porch, ringing the doorbell again and again, getting nothing, despite his car in the driveway. "Aren't those heels a bit high to sell girl scout cookies?" Asked a warm voice behind her and as she turned, Mulder was coming up stairs. He paused two steps from the top and she met him on the edge, eye to eye for once. "Four dollars," she said talking his face in her hands. His cheeks felt cool, but lips were as warm as always, soft and yielding and parting for her. He tasted like nuts, raisins and chocolate. "Have you been buying cookies from someone else?" "Never." Mulder smiled and kissed her once more before letting go, arm around her waist guiding her to the door. "I stopped by the bakery," he said rummaging through his pockets searching for keys. It took a second but he found them and when he dangled the ring in front of her, she noticed it oddly bare, a single key, no keychain. "What's this?" "For you," he said, letting go and leaning against the wall. Her eyes went wide. "Mulder, I can't." "Call it a spare," he smiled, "for as long as you'll need it." Looking at the key in his outstretched hand then up at him, she saw humour laced with sincerity. "Whenever you need me, use it." "What if I never give it back?" She asked and Mulder shrugged, giving her the same cheeky smile he passed on to his son. "God, you're serious."   "I'm cold and I've got cookies, but the coffee's inside, so?" Scully took the key and slipped it into the lock, it turned smoothly. "Let's have coffee." "You've got the best ideas," he said and followed her in.
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madelinecoffee · 6 years
Is This Seat Taken? Ch. 8
Is This Seat Taken? Ch. 7
Summary: Rucas Senior Year AU. Riley’s a loner who doesn’t really have any friends, besides her twin brother Josh but she keeps to herself in school. Something happened the year before where she missed the 2nd half of the year but she’s back for senior year and Lucas’ heart is ready. He’s had a crush on her since he moved to Philly in 3rd grade and he’s convinced this is the year they’ll move up from the class-friends label and into something more. This is not a completely fluffy fic, I’m going to be diving into some deep shit so if that’s not your cup of tea please leave *this does  include some serious depression if it goes beyond that I will trigger warn it* A/N: Hope you guys are enjoying this story, if you are let me know your thoughts!
Tagging:  @roadlesswandered @celluloiddreams @imaginarybird Words: 1560 Previous: Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch.4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7
Maya was the first one up she sat up to look around, it was obvious that her and Lucas’ parents had come down when they were asleep. Her and Josh were covered in another blanket, as was Zay. He was snoring lightly and Maya had so suppress her chuckle. When she looked over at her brother her heart melted. Riley was laying almost completely on top on him with her head on his chest and her fingers gripping his shirt. Lucas had both arms wrapped around her waist and his cheek resting on the top of her head. They were covered very slightly with a blue blanket Maya was sure their dad put over them, but in the scuffle of sleep it seemed to have been bunched down.
Maya quickly took a picture and sent it to the group with the caption “look at the love birds”, she crawled out of bed careful not to wake anyone and went upstairs.
Her parents were drinking coffee on the island she gave them both a hug as she turned on the kettle to make some tea.
“’Morning Maya” her Dad greeted her while grabbing her favorite mug from the shelf and handing it to her
“The rest of the gang still asleep downstairs?” Her mom asked
Maya nodded as she prepped her mug, “Yeah but I’m guessing they’ll be up soon, there’s no way though that Riley’s getting up without Lucas. Oh let me show you the picture!” Her parents shuffled in close to see the picture she had snapped of the two.
“They are just too cute for words!”
“Jumpin’ Junebugs, those two are really going for the long hall aren’t they Katy?”
Katy chuckled, “Sleeping together like that, yeah we should just start calling Riley our other daughter already. Gosh send me that picture Maya. Anyway, I was thinking of making waffles for you guys? What do you think?”
At that moment the rest of the gang traipsed up the stairs, Josh and Zay were joking around and laughing about the picture. Lucas was carrying Riley on his back with her arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist.
Maya’s mom was concerned when she saw them, “Oh is everything alright with Riley?”
Lucas and Josh both laughed while Josh answered, “Yeah she’s fine just sleepy and kind of incoherent until she has coffee”
Lucas’ Dad chuckled, “A girl after my own heart, we just made a fresh pot. You kids grab your mugs and help yourselves!”
Lucas nodded as he maneuvered around the kitchen with Riley still on his back, he got her a purple mug and prepped her coffee.
Josh just shook his head at them while Zay cheered Lucas on as he went through the steps before placing Riley on a stool with her coffee, Riley gave Lucas a kiss before he got his own coffee.
Maya sat down next to Riley and nudged her, “Wow he’s putting you before his coffee he must love you a lot”
Riley blushed as she started down at her coffee “Well he likes me enough to let me use him as a pillow, thanks for that picture by the way its my new background”
Maya beamed, “I’m honored!”
The gang laughed and ate breakfast together, Riley had been so worried that telling them would have her end up loosing them but she felt relief as they carried on like normal.
Later that day Maya and Riley were out together shopping, they girls were having a good time chatting on giving each other different clothing options.
As Maya gave Riley a floral dress she thought she’d look good in Riley spoke up. “This is really nice, thanks Maya.”
Maya gave her a confused look, “Thanks for what? We’re friends and its nice to have a close girl friend, the boys are not that much fun to shop with”
Riley nodded, “For that, for being my friend even knowing about all my issues. Like I don’t always respond to your text and most of the times when we hang out we just hang out at home because I’m too tired to get out of the house”
Maya shrugged, “We all got stuff, I love you like you’re my sister which no doubt you will be someday. I’m not going to treat you different for the way your mind works” Before Maya could think or make another movement Riley gave her a big hug,
“Oh Peaches!” Maya smiled and hugged her back, when they were friends in elementary school Riley had called Maya that and it warmed Maya’s heart to hear it again. “You know I love you too right?”
 Maya nodded, “I do, don’t worry. Lucas told me you were concerned that we were going to leave you once we found out about your stuff.”
Riley nodded, “Yeah, but now I don’t!” Riley beamed as Maya chuckled
“Let’s go try this stuff on, and find an outfit that’ll knock Lucas over!”
The girls laughed as they headed into the dressing room. Unaware of someone listening intently to their conversation
As the normal school week progressed Riley generally felt well, Lucas was with her and always supportive of what she doing or try to do. And her friends and twin were a good distraction at lunch. But Riley had a nagging feeling that someone kept watching her. When she mentioned it to her friends, they told her they’d keep an eye out but so far nothing had come up.
Until Friday near the end of the day, Josh was off to work on his boxing with their grandpa who was in town so Riley was going home with Maya and Lucas. Zay was going to come over and they were going to play some games. Before they left though Maya had to go to the bathroom, so Riley went with her. While Maya was in the stall a girl that Riley did not like much approached Riley, Missy and Riley were never friends and Missy was always a bit rude to Riley.
 “You know it’s never going to last?”
Riley spurred, “Wh-what are you talking about?”
Missy laughed a cruel laugh, “You and Lucas, and those friends of yours. Sooner or later they’ll get tired of dealing with you. I mean really, you and Lucas go on one date and suddenly your dating? I’ve been trying to get with that since eight grade and there’s no way you little nothing-Riley-Matthews will stay with him”
Riley was in tears now and her breathing was getting shallow, before Missy could start again Maya came out of the stall.
“Missy back the fuck off, my brother has never liked you everyone and their mother knows he’s only had eyes for Riley. And just because you feel entitled to date him doesn’t mean anything. Get your shit together and leave Riley alone” Maya seemed so cool and collected but inside she was filled with rage, Lucas wasn’t the only one with some anger problems.
Missy just smirked cruelly at Riley, “Think about what I said Riley, and don’t worry we’ll talk again soon”
Riley started crying harder once Missy left and once Maya washed her hands she grabbed both her and Riley’s bags and pulled Riley out, “Come on Riles we’ll go see Lucas okay?”
Riley nodded shaking slightly, everything Missy had told Riley was what she was afraid of. She was so in her head about it that she didn’t realize they had made it to the jeep until she was in Lucas’ arms. She realized she was still crying as she tuned into his voice, he was stroking her hair and murmuring words of comfort and promising her what Missy said wasn’t true. Lucas tossed his keys to Maya as he picked up Riley and put her in the back before he climbed in himself.
On the way back to his place Riley had stopped her crying but was still sniffling.
Katy immediately gave Riley a big hug when she came into the house.
“Oh Riley dear what happened? Did you fall?” When Riley was younger she was quiet clumsy and when her and Maya played Katy was often patching her up
Lucas spoke up angrily, “Some bitch corned her in the bathroom spewing bullshit.”
Katy glared at Lucas but let the swearing go, she knew how upset he was about the situation.
 Riley spoke up softly, “It’s okay, and Maya defend me. Thanks Maya”
Maya came over and gave her a hug, “Always Honey”
Zay nodded, “Alright Sugar, do you want to talk about it or do you want to be distracted from it?”
Riley took a moment to think as Lucas came over and took her in his arms, she snuggled her face into his chest as she made her decision “I would like to be distracted, for now. And I want to cuddles”
Zay chuckled, “Well I’m sure Lucas can give you cuddles while we hang out, why don’t we play a game.”
Maya nodded, “That sounds good, let’s play a video game!”
Lucas grabbed Riley’s legs putting them around his waist as he held her closer to his chest, “That sounds like a plan”
They headed down Lucas carrying Riley, “I know you’re still thinking about what she said, but you’re not nothing. To me you’re a princess”
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Project Echo: Chapter 10
I think this is officially my favourite chapter (so far) in terms of plot and character interactions.
Here’s a link to everything I have out so far: https://www.inkitt.com/stories/scifi/175868
Or you can just read chapter 10 below.
For context (aka spoilers): Elise has entered an alternate universe and found her other self living the life she always dreamed of. She knocked her other self unconscious by accident, but then seized the opprotunity to lock her other self away in the shed and take over her life. Jeremy is her other self’s significant other, Missy is their cat, and this is morning 2 in the other universe.
Tagging @thelilknight because you’re awesome.
Missy's purring woke me up.
I wasn't used to sharing my house with anyone... let alone a significant other and a cat.
I turned away from Missy and came face to face with Jeremy.
I didn't know which was worse: having a cat rub against your face or sharing your air with a complete stranger.
I decided Missy was more tolerable for today and turned back around. After that, I was uncomfortably aware of Jeremy's breath on the back of my neck.
I had no idea how I was going to fall in love with someone, who already loved me, who I was 'previously in love with', and yet who I didn't really know at all. Was I just in love with the idea of love? What did I actually like about Jeremy? Or did I only like the idea of waking up next to someone and of having a partner who was funny and kind?
"Mn," I heard Jeremy groan, which saved me from my thoughts.
"Hun?" I replied.
"Is Missy bugging ya 'gain?" He slurred.
"Nah," I replied. "She's an angel. Besides, I love inhaling cat fluff."
Jeremy snorted. He slowly leaned up. He reached over me, I felt his weight nearly crush me, and he grabbed Missy with one hand. Jeremy pulled her over to his side of the bed and that was the end of it.
I closed my eyes and snuggled my pillow. I felt cold now that Jeremy wasn't as close to me as he was before. It echoed the feeling of loneliness that I usually had when I woke up. I shuffled backwards, eager to feel him closer again. I needed contact to complete that sense of not being alone.
My leg found his and I fell asleep with just that contact. It seemed like only seconds later that I blinked awake to the sound of an alarm.
Jeremy sat up. I watched him shut off the alarm then stand tall. His eyes found mine. "Oh, did I wake you? Sorry. Go back to sleep. You were out cold when I came home last night, and your face was really warm. I think you really might be sick."
I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Yeah, must be coming down with something," I whispered. I reached beside me where I had placed my phone.
"Did you remember to text your Dad to ask for the day off?" Jeremy asked.
I slowly shook my head 'no'. "I forgot to. I laid down for a nap and just passed out."
The truth was that yesterday's events exhausted me, but I wasn't about to explain why to Jeremy.
I texted Dad quickly. Then I stepped out of bed. Jeremy gave me a questioning look while he stood in the frame of the bathroom. I smirked, "Just grabbing some medicine. And making tea. Want some?"
"Ewe," he grimaced. "Can you get the coffee ready?"
"Anything for you, babe." I nodded.
"Thanks." He nodded back at me then stepped into the shower.
I groaned and turned on my toes towards the kitchen. I took each step as slowly as I could. I valued the quiet house, the time alone to think, but I didn't want to get lost in my thoughts just yet. Maybe I should try thinking like the other Elise? What would she be thinking about - or rather - what would I be thinking about if this really was my home?
It is your home, I reminded myself. For as long as you want, this is your home.
I sighed as I reached the dining room. I touched a chair. It was smooth beneath my fingertips, cool from the air conditioning, and yet rough where an intricate pattern of vines and flowers had been carved. I felt the table. It was about the same as the chair - smooth yet cool. The table had small bumps though and didn't seem to made of quite the same wood.
I spotted a candle in the centre of the table. I reached for it. I brought it to my nose and inhaled slowly. It smelled like vanilla. I brought the candle with me into the kitchen and placed it on the counter. As I searched for mugs (having already forgot where I saw them yesterday), I found a shelf with matches and barbeque lighters. I grabbed a lighter and set the candle ablaze.
The light bounced around the ceiling. It was then that I noticed only the stove light was on. I went to the dining room and turned on the lights - setting it to a medium glow. This, combined with the morning sun peeking in through the windows, was the perfect morning light.
I set out two mugs. I found a bag of chai tea. I started boiling the water for my tea just before I got Jeremy's coffee ready. The scent of the candle was beginning to spread through the kitchen, mingling slightly with coffee. I didn't really smell the chai at all until I poured the boiling water into a mug, set the bag in, and let it sit for a minute.
By then, my stomach had woken up and started growling. I was making toast when Jeremy stepped out of the shower. He was in a dress shirt, but he wasn't wearing pants.
I felt my cheeks grow warm.
He scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously. "It would seem that I forgot to grab pants."
I blinked. "Yeah. It would seem so."
He spun around and disappeared down the hall. A moment later, he returned with his dress pants on. I gave him an awkward smile as he reached for some of the toast I'd made. He cracked open two eggs and fried them while I sat down at the table with my toast and tea.
Jeremy hummed as he sat down. He was almost bouncing in his chair.
I raised a brow at him. "So, good day ahead of you?"
He froze almost as if he'd been caught with something he shouldn't have. Jeremy kept his eyes on his eggs as he said, "I've got a good deal today. I could end up making the company a lot of money and that could lead me to a promotion."
I smiled. "That sounds great!"
He looked up at me. I felt like he was staring, trying to read me. Jeremy said, "Yeah, it's gonna be great. Uh, has your Dad messaged you back?"
I blinked. Now he was avoiding the subject? My real Dad did this whenever he was trying to hide something from me. What was Jeremy hiding? Was it good or bad? More importantly, did the other Elise know about it? Would it be a good idea for me to ask her?
I realized I hadn't answered his question. "I'll go check."
I stood up, half a piece of toast still in my hand. I took a bite and chewed it as I made my way down the hall. My screen lit up as I approached the phone.
It was a message from Dad. It read, 'Sorry to hear that you're sick, Elise. It's a good thing we're done for this week. Feel better soon! Let me know if you need to cancel our weekend plans, alright? But do it before tomorrow night! Love, Dad.'
I gulped. Now that I thought about it, didn't Dad already say I could have today off? I needed to pay more attention, but I wasn't a details person. Abigail was right in her analysis of me...
"Elise?" Jeremy called.
I flinched and nearly dropped my cell phone. "I've got today and tomorrow off! Dad says everything's good. We're still on schedule!"
"That's good!" He called back.
I sighed. My nerves were pounding. I put my phone back on the side table. I opened the drawer and put the keys to the shed into my pocket, then I left the room. I returned to Jeremy and sat down across from him at the table.
He finished a bite of egg then said, "You know, I've been thinking... It's been a while since we've enjoyed breakfast together."
I gulped and nodded to play along.
He took my hand. "We should do it more often."
Goosebumps. I had goosebumps. I mumbled my agreement and took a sip of tea.
Jeremy let go of my hand and my anxiety slowly faded. I licked my lips and said, "This was really nice."
He didn't look at me. "Yeah. I'll see you after work. I'm running late! So very, very late!"
I chuckled as he grabbed his jacket and bag then left. I poured the leftover coffee into another mug, grabbed some toast and some leftover eggs, then I went outside to the shed. I had to set the coffee down to unlock the door.
I slipped inside. The other me was sleeping with her head slumped back against the pole. I frowned.
I placed the food down on a tarp then shook her shoulder.
She opened her eyes and they sharpened into a glare.
I sighed. "I brought you some food. Same deal as yesterday, got it?"
She nodded, as much as she could with a gag wrapped around her skull. I removed the gag and placed it on the tarp. Then I held the coffee mug to her lips.
She frowned at me. "I'll drink it because it's warm, but for future reference, I only drink coffee with cream."
"Beggars can't be choosers."
"I'm not a beggar. I'm a prisoner. In my own shed, I might add," she snapped right back.
I sighed and took the coffee away from her face. "Want to starve?"
"No," she answered.
I held the mug back to her lips. She gulped down about half of it before she stopped. I helped her eat the toast and eggs, then she finished the coffee. I placed the dishes near the doors then sat in front of her.
She slowly looked me over then asked, "What?"
"Is Jeremy hiding anything from you?" I asked. "Do you suspect that he's hiding anything?"
She shrugged. "I really don't care. He and I are together because it makes us both look good. Sure, we have some fun together, but we both know it's just for show."
My eyes widened. "What? How could you even consider doing something like that? He's really fun, and you're just using him?"
She chuckled. "What do you care?"
I shook my head. "Because he seems like a really great guy!"
"He's just charming you." She rolled her eyes. I felt my blood begin to boil.
"That means he does the same to you!" I almost shouted. "Don't you care at all?"
"Nope!" She leaned forward and grinned at me. "And next time that you see him, ask him how his nights with Steve go. You know how he asks from time to time to hang out with Steve? He's cheating on you - well me - with Steve, but I don't give a shit. I cheat on him with loads of people. He and I just don't care. We're together for show, like I told you."
I wanted to throw up. "I can't live like this."
"Good," she replied. "Then give me my life back. Go away."
Okay, I was lonely, but she was... she was just messed up. I couldn't fathom sleeping with multiple people, especially while I was supposed to be committed to another human being. This was gross. What did I walk into?
"You still don't believe me?" She asked. "Go log into his computer and read the emails. His password is in my phone under his contact information. Go check it out."
In my haste, I left the plates behind. I also forgot to lock the door.
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