#and then on saturday we can take all the big stuff and hopefully finish that in the morning and then do all the cleaning. i have to hire a
zemnarihah · 1 year
of course im moving literally during finals week and i didnt think to get work off or plan ahead to make it easier for myself literally at all
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gracefulsunflower · 2 years
PUBLISHED: 05/07/2022
Part 1
Saoirse trotted downstairs, and came to a stop in front of the roaring fireplace, between Finn and I in our armchairs. She shifted restlessly from foot to foot. Finn Junior came up and rubbed against her legs.
"What's up?" Finn asked her tenderly, setting down his newspaper and watching as she fiddled with the hem of her dress.
"Well — I've been to sleepovers at all of my friends houses, but none of them have been to a sleepover here. Can I have one here, for my birthday next week?" Saoirse asked, swaying from side to side.
Birthday. She was turning eight. My little sister, the one who's nappies I used to change, was turning eight. Part of me refused to believe it.
"Sure." I replied unsurely, side-eyeing Finn, hoping he would catch the hesitation in my tone.
"I can't see why not." He added, which made Saoirse grin and run back upstairs.
"Finn you bastard, you should've said no!" I hissed quietly as I went and sat on the arm of his chair so I could speak softly, without fear of Saoirse hearing me.
"Why? Surely kids'll be able to come." He reasoned, placing his free hand on the small of my back, making me sigh.
"Finn, you're the brother of the most feared men in Birmingham. And I'm your wife." I said matter-of-factly, "Surely you see why people would be hesitant to let their kids come here, especially overnight."
"I know they'd be hesitant. We'd be able to get some of her friends to come here somehow." Finn replied, taking a sip of his whiskey.
"How? Rocking up at their houses and saying 'Your child is coming to Saoirse's sleepover by order of the Peaky fucking Blinders!'" I snapped, and Finn made a face that told me he agreed entirely with my stupid suggestion.
"No, Finn, we're not going to order kids to come have a sleepover! Use your common sense!" I barked then pinched his ear, making him yelp.
Serves him right for being an idiot.
"Well what about Lynn and the rest of the girls? They can put in good words for us, can't they?" He pointed out, and I suddenly felt bad for thinking of him as an idiot.
"Let's have a piss up with them and their blokes, at the Garrison or somewhere else, and everyone can see it. They'll ask about us, and they'll tell them good things. Hopefully." Finn said, and I nodded.
"Hilda can probably put in good word too, she has influence. I'll ask if I can help her with a bake sale, sell some of my stuff at her stall." I added, knowing the power her baking skills held over the women of Small Heath.
Along with having bake sales every Thursday afternoon, she also ran a book club which met every Tuesday afternoon, and went to Church every Sunday, as well as playing netball every Saturday and attending netball practice on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. How she found the time to do all that with her job at the factory and with her rambunctious daughter, I'd never know.
I put the finishing touches on the icing on top of Saoirse's cake as Finn finished organising the last lolly platter. Today was the day. My baby sister turned eight.
We woke her up with breakfast in bed, and a decorated house. We put streamers damn near everywhere, balloons everywhere, and a banner along the wall of the living room that said 'Happy Birthday Saoirse'. She loved it all, nearly too excited to open her presents.
Saoirse's big present from us was in the back yard, meaning that we had to keep her towards the front of the house so she didn't see it.
Her little presents we allowed her to open. I had gotten her netball shoes (she played in the junior games, alongside Daisy, who she had become fast friends with), new clothes and hair ribbons, and new books. Finn had also gotten her new clothes (we went shopping together so we weren't doubling up on anything), a new bracelet, a pair of (faux) pearl earrings because she was forever asking to wear mine, and some new toys. Together, along with her big gift, we got her a new silver heart locket with a picture of our Shelby-Gold-Jesus family on one side, and her mother on the other.
Other people had been dropping off their presents for her all throughout the day.
We weren't going to have a party, decided by Saoirse, only a dinner with family and friends, then a sleepover. Rose made a tradition that started with Ezzie and kept it going with the rest of us that we never entertained other people on our birthday, only having parties and sleepovers and other things if we wanted to. Our birthdays were our days, no one else's. We could do whatever we wanted, on our birthdays.
I loved that rule, because Marian had always forced me to have a party every year that I lived with her. I hated every single one of them.
I was slightly happy that Saoirse didn't want a party, because there would be a lot of people there. My family always had a lot of people at the birthday parties, and that amount would only grow with the gaggle of friends Saoirse had made.
If Saoirse was going to be like the rest of us, she would only have an eighteenth. I was yet to have mine. Ezzie had an eighteenth, but she was asleep by midnight, everyone else still partying on. Bonnie's eighteenth carried on for a week, and it was only at the end of that week long bender that we were all sober enough to realise that Bonnie was MIA. It turns out that he ended up halfway across the country with a few mates.
I snorted at the memory, making Finn look at me in confusion, momentarily stopping his walk over to the table with the lollies.
I waved for him to keep going, then placed the cake in the fridge.
The dogs started barking, making me look out of the kitchen window. Ada and Karl had just arrived in Ada's car. The first of Saoirse's guests for the sleepover. She only had Daisy left to come, but her and Hilda lived only a five minute drive up the road, it wasn't like they were going to be late.
"It's Ada," I announced, heading out of the kitchen, through the living room and mudroom, opening the front door.
"Aunt (Y/N)!" Karl said happily, racing up the path to meet me, hugging me.
I returned the hug, then he wiggled out of my grip and ran to Finn, then inside to Saoirse, who was doing a puzzle on the floor in front of the bay window.
Ada came up the walkway, a present under each arm.
"The boy's bag is in the backseat of the car, I'll grab it after Saoirse opens our presents," Ada said, making me nod.
"I'll grab it," Finn offered, passing her on the stairs and jogging down to the car.
"One present from each of us," She told me, adjusting them under her arms as we headed inside, Daisy, Duke, and Tuck following us.
I heard Finn come back inside, the door shutting behind him. He went and placed Karl's bag on the couch, then came back over to me, standing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, laying his cheek on top of my head. My hands came up and rested on top of his.
"Happy birthday, little miss!" Ada greeted Saoirse, and Karl hopped up, coming over to grab his present from under his mum's right arm, then turned and faced Saoirse.
"From me," He declared as she came over and grabbed the present, which was a long, rectangular shaped box.
I could hear something rattle softly when she took the present from Karl. She looked at me, and I nodded, then she gently undid the white bow, then carefully stripped the box of the blue wrapping paper. She was one of those people who hated ripping wrapping paper, because people took so long and put so much care into wrapping stuff, a trait she got from Dad. Under the wrapping paper was a cardboard box. She took the lid off to reveal a sky blue soprano ukulele with a black outline of a butterfly on the front, under the bridge and to the right.
"Oh, thank you!" She squealed, putting the box on the floor then pulling Karl into a tight hug.
The boy hugged her back, laughing. My heart melted at the pair.
"Look on the back of it," Ada advised, and Saoirse quickly stepped away from Karl and grabbed her ukulele by the neck, gently lifting it out of the box.
She flipped it so the back was facing up, and ran her finger along it. I could see some gold wording glint under the light.
"To my best friend Saoirse, from Karl, with love," She read, and looked at Karl.
"Thank you. Truly," She said softly, and you could tell she meant it.
Karl just replied with 'S'Alright'.
"Aren't they the cutest," I mused, and Ada nodded, Finn humming in agreement.
"They make me want to have another one," Ada admitted, watching as Saoirse tuned her ukulele.
"One couldn't hurt us, aye (Y/N)?" Finn asked, making Ada look at us in surprise.
I knew he was joking. We didn't feel ready for a baby yet, although I doubt we ever would. No one truly feels ready for a baby.
"You have one before you turn eighteen and I'll strangle you and my brother with the umbilical cord," Ada threatened, but there was no malice behind her words, just worry.
"I don't plan on having one anytime soon," I reassured her, and she relaxed her posture, nodding.
"Here, Sersh, come look at what Ada's got for you," I called out, and Saoirse bounded over, handing her ukulele Karl to hold.
She took the very medium sized box from Ada, and her eyebrows scrunched together.
"It's — heavy," Saoirse said, sounding surprised.
Karl bounced on his heels, waiting for her to open it.
Saoirse painstakingly unwrapped this present, and gasped. It was a light blue jewellery box, painted to look like a cloudy blue sky, a butterfly on the top of the lid. She opens it, and it immediately started chiming, playing a tinkly tune.
"Oh, it has a butterfly and it spins!" Saoirse gasped, flipping the box around to show us.
"Finn told me that he was going to get you jewellery, so I decided to get you something to put it in," Ada explained, and Karl tapped the back of it.
Saoirse tilted the box so she could see what he was tapping it for.
"To darling Saoirse. The sky is the limit. From Ada dearest," Saoirse recited the words on the back, and grinned at Ada.
"Thanks, A," Saoirse said, then started fiddling around with the key on the back as the song stopped.
"Why don't you go put your jewellery box upstairs, then we can go and look at your new present in the backyard?" Finn suggested as he stepped away from me, and Saoirse nodded, running upstairs.
"Don't run on those stairs!" I hollered after them, even though it would have fallen on deaf ears.
"Have you made dinner yet?" Ada asked as I lead her and Finn outside.
"No, starting it as soon as Saoirse sees her present," Finn replied, then turned back down the hallway, "Karl, you cover her eyes, this is going to be a great fucking surprise!"
"Stop swearing at the kids," I chastised Finn, swatting him on the arm.
He just chuckled in response as the kids came down the hallway, Karl obeying Finn's orders, his hands securely over Saoirse's eyes, the pair giggling as they walked.
Karl's jaw dropped as he saw Saoirse's present.
"She can look now," Finn told his nephew, and he quickly let his arms hang by his side, uncovering Saoirse's eyes.
Her brown eyes went wide with shock as she laid her gaze on her new, baby blue playhouse, and play equipment. The playhouse itself was two story, with a cute little picket fence front yard, with a toy kitchen and dining room down the bottom, and a bedroom up the top. The bedroom itself held a daybed with a metal frame that made it look like a couch, a privacy screen, a full body mirror, and a trunk full of dress up clothes.
The play equipment was brown, the wood unpainted, but the accessories were dark blue. On the left side of the sky loft was monkey bars, which connected up with the sky loft, so you could land on the floor of the loft. The sky fort had a bench underneath, and a patch of grass next to it. The sky loft itself was empty. A set of steep stairs was connected to the back of it, with blue railings to help climb up it. At the front of the sky loft, connected to it, was a climbing wall and a slide. Then, to the right of the sky loft was a lookout (which was accessible from the inside of the loft). The bottom of the lookout was attached to the beam that held the swings. We had two slings swings, one horse gilder swing, and one nest swing. The beam holding up the swings was metal, painted to look like wood, so I didn't have to worry about the beam collapsing.
We decided to get her play equipment because she only had 'inside ' stuff, no outside stuff. The house was big enough for her to have play dates inside but it got stale eventually.
"That's the best present a big brother and a big sister could ever give!" Saoirse screeched, coming over and hugging Finn and I quickly.
"I love it! Karl, come down the slide with me!" Saoirse demanded, grabbing the boys hand and leading him to the play equipment, making us laugh.
I heard a sniffle to my left, and looked over at Finn, who was rubbing his eyes.
"You okay, darling?" I asked, feeling concerned for my husband.
"She called me her brother," Finn mumbled, cheeks going red, and I gave him a soft smile, reaching up and brushing away a stray tear on his cheek.
"She loves you, you know," I replied softly, turning back to the kids and placing my head on his shoulder.
"We both do," I added, moving my head to look up at him, just in time to catch the ends of his lips quirk up.
The Golds (bar you and Saoirse), the Shelbys (bar Finn and Karl), The Jesuses, Johnny Doggs and his brood, Charlie Strong, Curly, and Hilda had not long ago finished dinner, then the rest of the guests went back to their houses, having spent the afternoon with Saoirse.
You sat in Finn's rocking chair, watching as Daisy, Karl, and Saoirse played with Saoirse's new toys, now dressed up with outfits from the dress up chest. They had dressed up the cat and the dogs too. You had also been roped into dressing up, putting your wedding dress on, as well as a pair of wings from Saoirse's dress up chest, borrowing a stick from the garden outside and wrapping some streamers around it. You made a damn good faerie if you did say so yourself.
Finn was currently in the office, doing something for Tommy, which annoyed you slightly. Tommy couldn't even respect the fact that it was Saoirse's birthday.
"Faerie godmother (Y/N)! Make Finn come out here and play dress up with us," Saoirse demanded, making you snort.
"Oh, my dearest goddaughter, princess Saoirse, I don't believe I'll be able to pull the noble Mr Shelby from his work," You sighed theatrically, throwing the back of your palm onto your forehead to add a dramatic effect.
The children giggled at your antics.
"Well, if you can't pull him away from work, maybe we should," Daisy suggested, fiddling with the tail on the dinosaur one piece she was wearing, making the rest of the kids cheer.
"Chivalrous knight Karl, lead us on this journey!" Saoirse commanded, and Karl hopped up from his spot on the floor, then helped the girls up, leading them to the office.
You followed them, intrigued about what was going to happen.
Karl knocked on the door, and Finn called out 'come in'. Karl swung the door open, and the trio entered the office. You came to stand in the doorway, leaning against the door jamb with your arms crossed.
"Finn, you've got to come play dress up with us." Saoirse ordered, looking at the man sat at the table.
Finn sighed, rubbing his temples. You frowned at the sight of your obviously stressed husband.
"Sersh, he's busy, come on," You said, getting ready to usher the kids from the room.
"No, no. I'll come out and play, just give me a few seconds to pack up," Finn reassured your sister, finally looking up from the papers that littered his desk.
He walked around his desk, and rubbed his knuckles against her cheek affectionately.
The children cheered and ran past you, back down the hall to the living room. Your husband came over to you, leaning down and planting a kiss on your lips.
"You sure you're okay to play dress ups? There's cupcakes in the oven, I'll remind them of those, they'll forget all about it," You told your husband, who shook his head, walking back over to his desk.
"I'll be fine," He replied, gathering all of the papers and putting them into the file they belonged in, then placing that file into the bottom drawer and locking the drawer.
He looked back over at you, taking in the sight of you in your wedding dress, hair loose and over your shoulder. You looked gorgeous. An absolute vision.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," You teased your husband, gave a boyish grin in reply.
"A picture wouldn't be able to hold a candle to the real deal," Finn said cheekily, making your cheeks flush.
"Finn! Hurry up!" Saoirse commanded from the living room, and you and your husband headed down the hallway to them.
"I'm here," Finn announced as he stepped through the doorway, and immediately got a clown costume thrown his way.
"Go put that on, then we're going to paint nails," Saoirse informed him.
"Yes boss," Finn replied with a grin, then headed back down the hallway to the bathroom.
"(Y/N), come sit. Karl's got to do your nails, then you do Daisy's, then she does Finn's, and Finn does mine. I've already done Karl's nails," Saoirse explained, and Karl showed you his orange nails.
"They look very nice," You complimented as you went and sat in front of Karl, who was already opening a yellow bottle of nail polish.
Smart boy.
Finn entered the living room, his curly hair ruffled by the clothes he had taken off and the costume he had put on. You bit back a laugh as you looked at your husband.
Saoirse explained the nail polish order to him, and he sat in front of Daisy, who gave him a set of immaculately painted hot pink nails.
As Finn blew on his nails to dry them quicker, you couldn't resist a laugh at your husband. Daisy then scolded you for not paying attention to her nails, and you hurriedly went back to painting her nails red. Once you had finished her nails, you got up to check on the cupcakes.
As soon as you walked through the doorway to the kitchen you heard the timer you set go off with a 'ding!'
You got the cupcakes out of the oven, and placed them onto a cooling rack. You placed three cupcakes onto a tea towel, then hid the bundle in the pantry, and headed back to the living room, cooling rack in your hands.
"Alright, you lot, let's head up to Saoirse's room and settle down. We can eat the cupcakes once they've cooled down." You announced, and the kids started to move upstairs.
You noticed how sluggish they seemed, but you knew they'd get second wind once they ate the cupcakes.
"I'll start popping balloons," Finn told you, and you nodded, then headed upstairs, being careful not to drop any cupcakes.
"Hey, (Y/N), can you braid our hair?" Saoirse asked as you sat the cupcakes on the foot end of her bed.
You heard Finn popping a balloon already.
"Yeah, I can," You answered, kicking a balloon out of your way.
Daisy and Duke didn't seem bothered by the balloons, to your surprise.
"Want Finn to pop these balloons or leave them?" You questioned, gathering all of the balloons on her floor near the door.
"Pop those ones," Saoirse decided, and you kicked them out into the hallway and shut the door.
Karl handed you the brush, comb, and hair ribbons. You thanked the boy, and started with Saoirse's hair first, doing twin French braids.
"Want the same ones as her?" You asked Daisy, and she shrugged.
You decided to go the same as Saoirse's. Once she was done, you told the kids they could have their cupcakes. They all got three each. They ate their cupcakes in silence as they struggled to stay sitting upright. You chuckled at the trio. Once they were done, you tucked them into Saoirse's bed, then turned on her nightlight, and left the room, cooling rack in hand.
You shuffled along the hall, kicking all of the balloons in the upstairs hall down the stairs, where your husband was having a spot of fun stabbing them to pop them. You grabbed all of the streamers that were in the upstairs hallway, and ambled downstairs and into the kitchen, washing everything up, then sitting them on the drying rack. By the time you were done, Finn had started pulling the streamers down. You pulled down the ones in the kitchen and the downstairs hallway, then placed them on your armchair, Finn doing the same. Once you were done the streamers, you pulled down the banner, carefully folding it up.
Finn felt slightly disappointed that there were no more cupcakes left, but no matter. Saoirse had a good day and that was all that mattered.
"We've three cupcakes to share," You informed your husband, making him grin as you lead him into the kitchen and into the pantry.
You grabbed the tea towel and unfolded it, giving your husband a cupcake and devouring your own. Finn wasted no time eating his. When you reached for the last one, you heard the kitchen door swung open, making you freeze.
"I'm not sharing a cupcake with a child half my size," Your husband whispered as you stood up, handing him the tea towel and cupcake.
"Shut up," You hissed, but he words held no malice.
You exited the pantry, and found Daisy there, looking very tired.
"Thirsty," She mumbled, and you got her a bottle of milk from the fridge, telling her to take it up to Saoirse's room so none of them had to come back downstairs.
She did what you asked, and you headed back into the pantry, where Finn was in the process of splitting the cupcake in half.
"You can have the big half if you give me a kiss," Finn offered with a smirked.
You rolled your eyes, smiling softly, and placed a chaste kiss on your husband's lips.
"I would have kissed you anyway," You told your husband, who grinned.
"I would have given you the big half anyway," He replied, making you smile at him.
"To a successful sleepover!" You declared quietly, holding your cupcake half in the air.
Finn did the same, and you started giggling again.
As you sat in the pantry in your wedding dress, your husband in a clown outfit, the pair of you giggling into the night you decided that life, as this very moment, was good.
Not proofread because I am tired Oof
Also you guys aren't ready for chapter 43; I've got the biggest surprise AHHH
Also sometimes the published date can be earlier than the date I published it here because I use the date that I published the chapter on Wattpad :))
Love y'all ❤️
- Sunflower x
Part 34
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mirrorfad · 3 months
my roommate and i got rear ended coming home from something on Saturday (rip her poor car, even tho i love my car i kinda wish it'd been mine so i can just be rid of the engine problem the dealer refuses to fix 😑), and nobody was injured but we did both get whiplash symptoms, so we went to urgent care/er combo clinic lol and it was all minor stuff. but now my day job is REQUIRING a letter from a doctor stating that I'm got to come back to work and any limitations i have/need. like y'all I'm FINE I'm not sore anymore LMAO!!!! and as much as i love not having to go to that job that is making me so insanely miserable, i also like... need money... really fucking badly :") especially bc i have to move AGAIN now even tho i just moved again late last year. i have not even been in this apartment complex for 2 years yet and this will be the THIRD unit I've lived in LMAO. og roommate is surprise jumping ship on me and other roommate with like less than a months notice :\ luckily the way he's doing it this won't count as us breaking lease (i was 10000% ready to take him to small claims court if he was intending to fuck us over that way). So now me and other roommate are moving literally 1 floor down lmao, and we're losing our in unit washer and dryer bc only 3 room units have those *BIG SIGH* but good thing i basically never unpacked much of anything since i have so much trauma due to having to move CONSTANTLY that I'm too scared to ever unpack anything. i have no idea what it's like to have a nice room all set up and not 80% full of storage boxes 🙃
and whatever anyways this continues to be THE singular worst and most cursed year of my entire life and i truly and genuinely hate being alive 😑
now to finish what i was doing (i forget what i was doing lol) and then finish trying to set up a gofndme to try and raise enough to declare bankruptcy ($1,800 LMAO like I'll ever save that on my own) and then to hopefully find some jobs to apply for bc i just can't mentally start at my current one which SUCKS bc it was a dream to get hired there and ANYWAYS why are all work from home jobs stupid scam insurance shit or debt collection and etc etc etc
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f1 · 1 year
Hamilton hails amazing day in Monaco as Mercedes get first glimpse of upgraded W14 out on track
Lewis Hamilton showed his appreciation for his Mercedes team after what he described as an “amazing day" of running in Monaco. The Silver Arrows put their upgraded W14 through its paces on track for the first time during the practice sessions on Friday. Hamilton had a strong first outing in Monaco, as the Briton traded fastest times early on in FP1 to end up third fastest, before finishing sixth in second practice following the qualifying simulation runs. FP2: Verstappen leads Leclerc while Sainz crashes during ultra-close second practice in Monaco When asked how the upgraded W14 felt to drive around Monaco, Hamilton replied: “I’ve generally had an amazing day. I’ve really enjoyed driving today. I want to say a big, big thank you to everyone back at the factory. “To build, and design and develop a car is not an easy thing. Everyone has put so much time in, so many hours of hard work, to have us here today. I’m glad we were able to keep it on track for them and I think we got a lot of data. “It’s not the place to ultimately test an upgrade, but the car was generally feeling good. It’s a shame we weren’t as close as I’d hoped at the end of the session. This feature is currently not available because you need to provide consent to functional cookies. Please update your cookie preferences 2023 Monaco GP FP1: Sainz, Norris and Hamilton skim the Monaco barriers in first practice “But I definitely felt the improvements and I’m grateful for them. I've just got to keep chipping away and see if we can squeeze any more juice out the car.” When asked whether there was one specific area on the car that he had seen the most improvement with the new update, a coy Hamilton responded: “There is, [but] I’m not going to say where it is. AS IT HAPPENED: Follow all the action from second practice for the Monaco Grand Prix “But there is, and it is very clear where there is a lack of performance for me. We will talk about that in the debrief. We will put our heads together and try and figure out how we can do that within what we have. But, hopefully, this gives us a platform moving forward.” Looking ahead to Saturday’s qualifying, Hamilton was asked whether a surprise pole position could be on the cards. He responded: “In FP1 I thought maybe we are looking good, but we are always looking pretty good in FP1 for some reason. Russell finished 15th in FP1 and 13th in FP2 in Monaco In [FP2] we were close to half-a-second off, maybe that could have three-tenths maybe, but I don’t think we have half a second in the bag, so we will see. We will work on it and see if we can squeeze some more out tonight.” On the other side of the garage, George Russell did not enjoy as smooth a day as Hamilton, finishing 15th in FP1 and 13th in FP2. While the Mercedes racer says it is too early to draw conclusions, he admits there are “positive signs”. READ MORE: Williams offer fans chance to choose their livery for Singapore, Japanese and Qatar Grands Prix “I think, as we said yesterday, in Monaco – [it's] such a unique circuit – it's not really the place to be evaluating any updates for changes," said Russell. "We knew that coming into the weekend. "So... we'll worry about that next weekend [in Spain] and just focus on trying to improve around here, a really unique circuit. “Qualifying is obviously the most important part of the weekend and qualifying is a part of the weekend where we generally struggle; we always do better on a Sunday when you look at the last 18 months. “So, we'll need to try and figure some stuff out overnight. There's definitely some positive signs to take from the session, definitely improved from FP1. "It's never easy around this place… We'll need to work on our qualifying pace for this event and reassess the car globally next weekend.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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euphoriabled · 1 year
@forwardmoved sent:
a tentative ,  exploratory kiss between friends .  ( Ruth & Peter )
Last week was the big day; the day everything was supposed to change. As of last Saturday, Ruth’s longest relationship had finally ended: she no longer needed her headgear. The twelve hours of daily torture were finally over, and she could finally stop worrying about her hair getting caught in the wiring. Her parents, somehow both overly excited and fully out of touch with their daughter, told her to invite some friends over for a party to celebrate. Yeah, thanks dad. I’m sure everyone wants to come celebrate my teeth. That’s not embarrassing at all. 
It wasn’t as if they were going to listen to her anyway, though. So, Ruth invited all of her closest friends: Richie, Grace, Reese, and Pete. Grace couldn’t make it because Ruth’s party was on a Sunday, but the others could -- so she did her best to be a good host. Personal pizzas for everyone; no cheese on hers, but extra cheese on Reese’s. Her parents insisted that she tell everyone to pack a swimsuit now that their apartment complex had finished renovating the pool area. And while she did, she heavily hinted that they’d probably just stick to watching a movie and eating pizza. 
After the movie ended, Reese left -- for a cheese lover, she sure had one hell of an intolerance. And after ice cream, Richie had to pack up too -- film camp and anime expo were practically back-to-back and he had to pack. His parents were so cool to go to LA with him for something like that. Her parents just didn’t get the nerdy stuff she was into. She was bummed -- just a bit -- as it was her first semi-cool party and she was hoping she could try playing one of those party games that involve getting kissed. They were always in the movies -- 
13 Going On 30 came to mind.
She used to sit criss-cross applesauce in the living room watching that movie back in middle school. She always wanted to know if one of her friends was secretly her Mark Ruffalo in disguise. If everyone except for one person had left, she’d be brave and ask if anyone wanted to play. The odds were in her favor; they were all a little desperate.
It was just her and Pete now; handsome, helpful Pete. Her party playlist was still going as they cleaned up the empty plates and half-finished milkshakes. She couldn’t seem to look him in the eye; all her thoughts about being alone with someone causing her heart to race. God, she was pathetic. It’s not like anyone would think of her like that; even if her smile was perfect now. Still, she could ask. God, she could ask. She could always say it was a prank. That’s what those creepy losers on YouTube do, right? They say it’s a prank?
              ❝ You know, now that I don’t have to wear that medieval torture device for half the day, my chances of having my first kiss just skyrocketed from zero to ... four percent? ❞ Ruth says, somewhat hopefully as she puts the leftover cookie-cake into some Tupperware.
              ❝ Have you had yours yet, Pete? Maybe we could practice, so -- so, um, so we’re good at it when it really counts. I wouldn’t tell anyone. I know Richie would get all weird and commission ship art or something -- and I’m sure you wouldn’t, like, y’know ... want anyone to know, so. Um, do you want to ...? ❞ Ruth takes a deep breath and does her best impression of someone who can be assertive. ❝ You -- You should sit on the couch with me, and, um, and we should kiss. It wouldn’t really count since we’re friends and it only really counts if it’s someone you have a crush on, so it’s basically like playing the tutorial first instead of jumping right into a ranked game. ❞
Somehow, after some conversation -- they were sitting there. On her couch. About to kiss. And every cell in Ruth’s body was overflowing with nerves and excitement; Pete Spankoffski was just about the cutest nerd in school, which was kind of like it’s own level of popularity ... if you really thought about it for a while. Her hands were shaking slightly, so she folded them on her lap, so he couldn’t tell. She makes eye contact with him briefly, but her cheeks heat up and she has to look away. Thank God, she thinks. Thank God people kiss with their eyes closed.
              ❝ A-are you ready, Petey? ❞ There was no turning back. They were doing this for science; for the betterment of their social lives and for self-improvement. And she was going to know, in just a moment, if he was her Mark Ruffalo. She moves one of her hands to touch his cheek; did they do this in movies so they could aim better while they leaned in? It felt right. She took a small breath and closed her eyes as she moved closer; vaguely knowing where to go, due to her hand placement. Their lips connect and Ruth remembers what it felt like to see fireworks for the first time. She feels sparks. So, this was human connection. This was what it was all about. She understood. GOD, she understood!
She deepens the kiss; all those years of watching corny romance movies finally doing her a favor. It’s awkward; it’s foreign; it’s a little clumsy, but she’s doing her best. Her hand drifts to his hair, she wants to wrap her fingers around it; memorize it, but she knows she has to pull back. Knows this is her last kiss for a long time. Knows this is probably the best things are gonna get til she finally gets that “glow up” people always talk about.
Maybe she should start listening to subliminals again.
              ❝ Would you, um. ❞ Ruth finds herself laughing nervously, backing up on the couch and playing with the hem of her sweater as she speaks. ❝ Would you want to try that again sometime, um, for practice? And stuff? It’s, ha, it’s totally cool if not. ❞
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achitachi · 2 years
fair warning i'm going to be venting in this and it's going to be long
it's been a shitty week. i'm so exhausted, physically, emotionally, and ofc mentally. we just moved. we had to move to because they raised our rent just shy of $700. who tf has an extra 700 for rent these days? and it's like that all fucking over, in the area i live in. it's insane. we had to switch cities. so now we are northwest of where we were. further from the ocean. =grumble=
i thought we had found a good new place to live. two of D's friends had just moved into this community and it looked really nice. all tile. no carpet, which is great for my oldest allergies. lots of natural light. decent paint color - a grayish color instead of the much hated milk+coffee color (look it's alright for a drink, but not on my walls tyvm). i could picture where stuff would stuff would go. and it was within our price range. things looked good. we found a unit that would be open with 3/2 and on the first floor. w00t! we gave them an extra week before we would move in.
fast forward to the friday we're suppose to pick up the keys and move in saturday. we figured we could move some small stuff in when we got the keys. NOPE. thursday late afternoon we get asked if we can wait till tuesday. uh, no. we have to be absolutely out of our current place by the first. not a chance. we're allowed to get the keys and do a walk through late friday after work, but in no way are allowed to drop off anything as the apt isn't "fully" ready and that we won't be able to move in stuff till late afternoon saturday (specifically told the later we move in the better <_< ugh)
so at the walk through things are still being worked on. they're putting in all new appliances - new stove, fridge, dishwasher. (this would later be realized as a red flag). things looked alright.
i should note we weren't really prepared for the move. none of us wanted to move and time was in not on our side with both of us working full time. so just moving stuff from one place to the next was a mess and a long ass process. we started saturday, took off monday and then wednesday to finish. i was up from 5:30am-2:30am wed (yesterday) i am not human rn. i am a sentient blob of aches; and yeah i took off from work today too cause i can barely function and much less move.
once we got the stuff done from saturday, we noted a bunch of cosmetic and utility things wrong or left undone that needed to be fixed. not too big. it would all get fixed...eventually. =shrug= it is what it is in apartments. however, then the previous tenants "old roommates" started to come out - FUCKING GERMAN ROACHES. TnT WHY? why? we had moved a majority of our stuff. we had signed the papers. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.
and this is where my memory really checks out cause i went into survival mode, so my memory is kinda shit for the time order of things. but i went and bought traps and bait. D called the front office and let them know. later i went to the front office and got managements cards - they weren't available at the time. i was out for blood. the pest guy came and with that stuff and our stuff it's been lessening. also maintance guys are really cool people and will be back on friday (tomorrow) to work on fixing the cosmetic/utility stuff.
gawd, i can barely see straight. the good things are - maintance noted our neighbors are clean people (it was just the previous tenants were POSs) so we should hopefully be bug free soon! =fingers crossed= also the neighbors seem really nice. we met our upstairs neighbor who has a cute dog. also seen a lot kids here. plus the view outside our rooms is gorgeous - there's one of those artifical mini lakes. yeah, nice view and during the day we basically keep the blinds open and don't have to worry about people peeking into our windows.
today i'm taking it easy. i want to continue to organize our stuff and get my barings for this new area. however, that may have to wait till tomorrow. i am very tired and just need today to recover and recharge.
send good vibes our way and keep your fingers crossed the bugs get the message that this is NOT there home anymore and to GTFO and die.
wishing you all the best and hope you all are happy and safe. also happy september. i'm gonna go pass out now.
0 notes
biancaateee · 2 years
Currently- laying on my bed at 9:50pm, finally. I planned to stretch while I blog my feelings but Now that my head is on my pillow I don’t think I will.. lol.
Anyways, it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here to spill out all my weird, sad, empty feelings. I figured I’d update tumblr since In a way my tumblr is my diary, Even though it’s public, I don’t think anyone actually reads these. So back to my current status, yes I am still laying down. I finished a 8 hour day at my job (which I’ve switched recently, 6 months ago) and after that 8 hour work day, I hit the gym for about 2 hours. I drove home in the pouring rain, it’s raining today, obviously. Got home, made me a protein shake for tomorrows breakfast and had some left for my post work out Saturday morning. Also made me a sandwich for lunch. I packed for tomorrow’s work day since I plan to hit the gym at 5 am before work. I plan to do this because I have a dinner to be at tomorrow evening and I really don’t want to skip a gym sesh. So moving on, I’ve packed for tomorrow and now Im laying here typing this all up for no freaking reason.
My current physical and mental health is way better then it was a year ago. I thank God for that. Like I mentioned before, I hit the gym for 2 hours after work today. I’ve been doing this consistently since February, so 6 months. I feel a bigger difference in my energy and in myself. Though physically being a little happier with myself I’m still so empty. These last 6 months I’ve realized that I wasted A LOT of time on unnecessary shit. I get so mad about it honestly. I think that’s why I still haven’t learned to love myself the way I should. I think me being so prioritized in other stuff like drinking, partying, smoking, eating, it really took a toll on me. Now that I’ve kindaaaa matured in some aspects, I wish I could go back even 2 years to make it up. Maybe I could’ve been closer to finishing my first part of school. Oh yeah, I’m trying to get back into school. It’s a process right now since I fucked up pretty bad, TWICE. So now I’m waiting to be interviewed, once I’m interviewed and hopefully passed to taking some classes, I can finally start my educational journey, forreal this time. I’m pretty nervous and excited at the same time. I’m hoping I can really discipline myself to get it done. Crazy, I had to fuck up not once but TWICE, to actually realize how much education really makes a difference.
I feel like a year ago, the same people who were important to me then are the same people who are important to me now, and who have been for years. I don’t have manzzzz, which kinda gets boring, but I’m alright. I do want love, but real love. I see couples these days and all their flaws and I get SOOOO turned off. Like even my ex, he still hits me up and he has a girl. Which on my end, I’ve lead him to think he could. But whatever, the point is, I see others in their relationships and I’m terrified. I don’t want another toxic, one sided, relationship. I want that love that makes you feel like nothing bad could ever happen. Ugh, If I ever find that, it’ll probably be a dream.
Now that I’ve been so dedicated in the gym, I have a whole new mind set. It’s pretty cliche of me to say it’s changed me, cause I do feel like a lot of people go through this journey. BUT, I also gotta get that mind set out of my head. I get so discouraged when I feel like a lot of other people do things that I wanna, or have been doing. It’s always been that for me, like I wanna be original. But the gym has really changed my life. Loosing over 30 pounds all by myself?! I feel like that’s some really crazy shit. I know alot of ppl won’t recognize it as a huge accomplishment but for me I am. I’ve always always always, since I can remember, struggled with my weight. I feel like NOW, I have it under control. I’m no where near where I wanna be, cause if we talking big dreams, I wanna be a whole body builder (minus the really really buff arms and legs). I wanna be the girl with a small waist, the nice toned arms and legs, and the big big booty. I feel like I can get there with more hard work and dedication. Actually, I WILL get there. I pray on that.
So, ending this long post on a good note. I WILL, get into school. I WILL, finish the first semester with A’s. I WILL, get the body I deserve. And I WILL, learn to save my money- which that’s a wholeeee other venting sesh-
0 notes
(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Monday
Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Thursday (Part 2)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Pairing: SBI x sister!reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, toxic friends, panic spirals/attacks, injury, taking pills for pain
Summary: you have a very bad week, how will you manage? (Characters are fully human, but based on their DSMP characters. High school AU)
Word count: 4,818
(A/N): I’ve never played volleyball or watched Haikyuu before, so I’m not 100% certain how games work. Also, I probs should’ve split this into two parts, but eh.
“(Y/n) love, you look homeless in that sweater, it’s literally so fucking ugly.”
“Haha, yeah it is. I guess I just wasn’t really trying today.”
Adrian snorted, scanning your body with his cold eyes. “Today? You don’t try at all. You always look like trash.”
“More than trash, you always look like you just rolled in dog shit.” Sammy threw her head back and cackled at her own joke.
Your friends around you erupted in laughter as you four walked down the hallways of the hell that was your public high school. You awkwardly chuckled alongside them, you didn’t really find it funny, but you didn’t want to draw more attention towards yourself. 
“Seriously, (y/n), I really don’t know why we still hang out around you anymore. You really let yourself go.”
“Yeah, now that I think about it, you did gain like five pounds in the past week.”
“Really not a good look on you, love. Then again, nothing you do can make you look good anymore.”
You tried to not let their comments get to you, you really did, but sometimes their comments just rooted themselves deep into your subconscious. You didn’t try looking good anymore, you couldn’t wear anything without them criticising it. You could never win. 
“Awe,” Adrien poked your cheeks, “stop looking so sad. We’re just trying to give you advice. You really need it.”
“Yeah, (y/n). You’re so sensitive, get a grip.”
“Guys look, I think she’s gonna cry!” 
You wiped at your welling eyes with the sleeves of your sweater. “I’m not. I just got allergies.”
Annie rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh. Anyways, what are our plans for Halloween? We should totally dress up like sexy angels! I think that’d be so cool. Like, Clint’s party won’t be ready for us.”
“Oh, about that Annie…”
“God, what now (y/n)?”
“I was actually planning on spending Halloween night taking Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating with my brothers and dad. I won’t be able to go with you guys, I’m sorry.”
The group groaned loudly. “C’mon (y/n), you never hang out with us anymore.”
“Oh my god (y/n) you still go trick-or-treating? We’re juniors.”
“I’m sorry, I’ve just been busy with my AP classes and studying for the SAT. My team captain’s really been pushing the team hard with volleyball practice. State finals are soon and we want first this year.”
“No matter how much studying you do, you’re gonna fail. You’re stupid, so why try? Just give up and hang out with uuussss.”
“Yeah (y/n),” Adrien looked at you suspiciously, “you’ve been ignoring us lately. I thought we were friends. Do you even wanna be friends anymore?”
You felt a flare of panic flare up in your gut. “I do! I-I just have so much going on right now. It’s starting to get hard to juggle everything.”
“We’re starting to think that you don’t like us anymore, we want our (y/n) back!” Sammy whined. The others agreed with her, making you feel guilty. You were ignoring them, it was selfish in your opinion. You supposed that you could skip out on taking Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating, there’ll be other years you could take them. 
“I guess I can take Tommy and Tubbo another year. They’d just have to go without me this year.”
They cheered, giving you praise. You beamed at that, they seemed down lately and you loved it when they’d give you compliments. They didn’t do that much, so that made their praise more special to you. You strived to get compliments.
You four went off to your separate first classes for the day. Yours was statistics, a class you’ve been struggling in lately. You didn’t know anybody in there except for your oldest brother Techno, so you tried to stick with him. Unfortunately, the teacher’s seating chart placed you both on opposite ends of the room, probably because of your last names indicating that you’re siblings. You placed your stuff down on the table and plopped down into your seat, already drained. You had a long day ahead of you; you had a major AP world history test in your next class, you had to give a presentation in your AP english class that was worth a quarter of your final grade, and you had a semifinals volleyball match that would last until late in the night. If your team won, you would be going to state finals, so it was a lot of pressure on your shoulders. You were the main setter, so you had to really focus tonight if you were going to score your team points. 
“Alright class, pull out your homework!”
Fuck, you had homework? You looked in your folder, only to see the unfinished sheet full of equations you didn’t understand staring back at you tauntingly. Mr. Mullins walked over to your desk, took one look at your blank homework, and just walked right past you. Another big fat zero in the gradebook for you, just what you needed. At least he wasn’t in the mood to berate you today. You didn’t need any more stress piled onto your shoulders. 
The lesson felt like it dragged on forever with you frantically trying to copy down the notes on the board and trying to understand the content at the same time. Overtime, he would call students up to the board. Hopefully, he would skip over you today. “Ms. Minecraft.” Goddamn it, you spoke too soon.
Your head perked up and you looked at him. “Yes sir?”
“Come up to the board and solve this.”
Gulping, you felt panic rise up in you and stood up with shaky knees. On the board was part of the newer content he was just teaching. Something that you understood only a little bit better than the rest, and that’s not saying much. You still didn’t understand the content completely. Your writing was shaky as you wrote what you thought was right on the board. Finding the answer, you circled it and looked at Mr. Mullins. He looked disappointed. 
“That’s wrong, Ms. Minecraft. Please sit down.”
You felt like your face was on fire as you saw the entire class burning holes into you with their eyes. Though they looked dead inside, as per usual with any morning class full of tired teenagers, their effects still took hold on you. You wanted to crawl into a dark hole and die. You sat back down and stared at your note packet, you couldn’t focus on the lecture anymore. Your attention was fully on your surroundings, you were hyper aware of every little whisper and bouncing leg in your peripheral vision. You could feel yourself spiraling, usually that wouldn’t happen until after your third class. Today was going to be rough. 
The loud chime of the bell startled you out of your thoughts. You shakily put your papers back into your binder and put the binder back into your backpack. Right as you were about to walk through the door, you heard Techno catch up to you. “Hey, you good?”
“Yeah Tech, I’m just peachy.”
“Are you su-”
“Technoblade. I’m fine. Now if you excuse me, I have to get to my next class. I have an important presentation I’ve gotta prepare for.”
Without giving him any room to argue, you rushed off to your english class. You had Adrian and Annie in your class. For your presentation, you were paired up with people that you hardly knew. At least they did their part in the project, you were certain you were going to die if you got paired up with Adrian and Annie again. You loved them, but they never did any part of their portion of work. They left it to you to finish at midnight the day the project was due. To be fair, they both told you they had family emergencies, so you covered for them just that once. 
You pulled out your flashcards only to have them knocked out of your hand when someone bumped into you. You quickly crouched to pick them up so you could have them in order by time class started. “Oops, sorry love.”
It was Annie. She and Adrian towered over your crouched form smirking at you. Looking back down to rearrange your cards, you murmured “it’s ok.”
“Are you ready for this presentation, I know I am.”
You smiled a little. “Actually, I think I’m going to ace this. English is my best subject.”
“Yeah (y/n), I wasn’t asking you. I was talking to Annie. Besides, you’re probably going to fail this.” Adrian scoffed. 
“Thank you for asking, Adrian,” Annie shot a pointed look at you, “at least someone cares.”
The bell rang, signifying the start of your second block. You felt like you had a lump in your throat blocking your breathing. If Adrian, one of the smartest kids in your english class, said that you were going to fail, then you probably were going to fail. That would take a huge hit on your grade, this project was worth a quarter of your final grade after all. You were zoned out for the entirety of your classmate’s presentations putting yourself into a spiral. You jumped when Mr. Todd, your teacher, called your group up to present.
You stood stiffly in the middle of your two groupmates and clutched your flashcards with clammy hands. Luckily, your part of the presentation was not first. When it came to your part, you were stuttering and tumbling over your words. You even dropped your flashcards in front of everybody, causing half the class to snicker. Your face burned as you hurried to pick them up and your other groupmate took this as a signal to continue the presentation. You still had an important point to make that was integral for the set up to your other groupmate’s part of her presentation. You stared at your flashcards for the rest of the presentation. 
When the bell rang, you made a mad dash out of the classroom. You didn’t want to talk to anybody, especially not Adrian or Annie. It was a relief that you had your lunch period at the moment. You could hide yourself in the bathroom nobody used and let your panic attack ride itself out. 
You ducked inside a stall and sat on the toilet, bringing your knees up to bury your face in them. The tears and panic you were holding in all day let itself out with explosive effects. You started to hyperventilate as you muffled your sobs with your knee. Your chest painfully clenched so you couldn’t breathe. Your limbs felt like they weighed two tons each and they were shaking intensely. You didn’t hear the end of the lunch bell ring. By the time you calmed down slightly, you were five minutes late to AP world history. 
You packed your stuff up in a hurry, power walking through the halls. You probably looked like shit, but you didn’t care, you had a class to get to and a test that you probably wouldn’t be able to finish now. You lost ten minutes of your test time. When you tried to open the closed door, you found that it was locked. You had to knock if you wanted to get in. You raised a shaking hand to knock, but the door was opened by a less-than-impressed Ms. Osborne. She ushered you to your desk and gave you your unit test. 
You couldn’t focus. The multiple choice section was usually a breeze to you, but you couldn’t comprehend any of the questions. When you could comprehend them, you couldn’t concentrate on choosing an answer. You did your best to find the correct answers, but you were almost positive that at least half of them were wrong. Your handwriting was nearly incomprehensible and your essay topic was something you didn’t study for. When you were done with half of the body paragraphs, the bell rang and you had to turn in your unfinished test. 
You had your independent online psychology course next in the library. You usually worked alone secluded in a corner deep inside the library where nobody went. You would get some solace in being alone. Maybe you’d calm down enough so that you could ride home with your brothers and not go for a long walk so you could avoid them. 
You settled down in the comfortable chair and pulled out your laptop to get started. Psychology was your favorite class. It was easy for you to understand, it didn’t have much of a workload attached to it, and it was fun to learn about. It always calmed you down reading about the intricate workings of the brain. 
By time the day was over, you got most of your psychology work done and you were on your way to the car you shared with Technoblade and Wilbur. You took out your spare keys and slumped against the window in the backseat. You were absolutely drained after your terrible day and you still felt panic swirling deep within you, waiting for the right moment to strike. 
You stretched out your legs across the seat and leaned your back against the door. For the first time that day, you felt peaceful. You still had at least fifteen minutes to yourself until your brothers would start to make your way to the car. You felt the panic subside slightly and you fully relaxed. You closed your eyes and let yourself drift off into a light sleep. You needed your energy for tonight’s match. 
The door you were leaning on swung open and you tumbled backwards smacking the back of your head against the metal frame of the car and reverse scorpioning onto the pavement. Your entire upper back and the back of your head exploded in pain and your lower back hurt slightly from having your back bent uncomfortably. You heard laughter above you as you felt tears of pain start to slip out of your eyes. Your legs swung out from their place above your face and landed on the ground with a painful thump. 
You saw three blurry figures above you laughing at your pain. You reached up with a shaky hand to wipe at your tears and saw Adrian, Sammy, and Annie. They were cackling as you shakily stood up and sat on the comfortable seats of the car. You waited patiently for them to calm down. 
Eventually, Sammy calmed down enough to explain what happened to you through chuckles. “I’m sorry (y/n), it was just too good to resist. You should’ve seen your face.”
She and the others broke back into uncontrolled laughter as they remembered your embarrassing fall. You were used to their antics, and quite frankly it felt good to make your friends laugh, even if it were at your own expense. Just as they were calming down once again, you saw Wilbur and Techno walk out the front doors of the school laughing at something the other said. Annie and Sammy heard their laughter and quickly turned around to watch them. They had massive crushes on both of your brothers, many in the school did. 
Your brothers made their way to your shared car and stopped to look at you in slight confusion. “(Y/n), were you crying? What happened?” Wilbur asked worriedly. 
“Oh Wilbur, it was terrible, (y/n) fell out of the car. I don’t think she closed the door before she leaned on it.” Annie interrupted you with a faked concerned tone, a complete contradiction to her reaction before your brothers came.
Techno hastily made his way to the driver’s side door. “Well, if she’s hurt we better get going, right Wilbur?”
“Yes! We better get going, please excuse us.” He sat in the passenger seat and closed the door without hearing Sammy and Annie’s desperate attempts to stop them so they could talk to them. Your brothers thought Sammy and Annie were annoying. They absolutely hated being around them. 
Waving apologetically at your friends, you pulled yourself into the car and closed the door. Annie and Sammy looked offended that you had let Wilbur and Techno get away from them. Avoiding their eyes, you looked down at your tightly clasped hands. They were shaking slightly. 
After pulling out of the parking lot, Techno glanced at you from the rearview mirror. “You ok (y/n)?”
“Yeah, my back just hurts and I have a headache.”
“Well, do you wanna go and get some ice cream? We still have some time left before we have to pick up Tommy and Tubbo. Dad doesn’t have to know,” Wilbur asked you.
You sighed, you wanted nothing other than to take a nap before your match. “Sorry, but I need to watch what I eat today. We have semifinals tonight and I can’t have anything sugary. I just wanna go home and take a nap.”
Your brothers were quiet for the rest of the car ride until you reached your driveway. Techno twisted his body around in his seat to look at you after he put the car in park. “Did you actually fall out of the car?”
Shit, should you tell him the truth? If you did, they would almost certainly get mad at your friends. Sammy and Annie would never forgive you if you turned your brothers against them. You decided that you would take one for the team again. “Yeah, I wasn’t paying attention.” 
Techno snorted. “Well, that was stupid,” he jokingly said. “Next time you’re gonna get run over by a parked car.”
You knew that he meant that as a joke, but it still stung. Stamping your emotions down, you laughed with him and Wilbur. It was stupid of you to do, you shouldn’t have let your guard down if you weren’t at home. 
You winced as you slung your bag on your back and walked the best you could back into your house. Your upper back was killing you. You made a beeline to the bathroom and rummaged through the medicine cabinet looking for some pain relief pills. You took some and shambled off to your room to take your well earned nap. You set your alarm’s setting to its loudest volume and passed out. 
You jolted up and gasped when you felt a wave of pain hit your upper back. You blearily looked at the time. You had a little under two hours before you had to get back to the school for your match. You groaned when you pulled yourself up, your head pounding with every turn. You pulled yourself out of bed and once again took some pain pills. You went downstairs to grab an apple or something to eat. Your dad was at the stove stirring something around in a pot. 
He turned to look at you with an excited smile. “You ready for your match tonight? You’re gonna kill it!” 
You only nodded halfheartedly and plopped yourself down at the table with your apple. Philza frowned at your lack of enthusiasm, but he figured that it was just because you just woke up from a nap. You’d bounce back eventually. 
“Wilbur told me that you fell out of the car? How’d you do that?”
You shrugged, wincing slightly as it moved your back slightly. “Dunno, must’ve not closed the door.”
Philza was at your side in a hurry, his hands hovering over your shoulders. “Did you get hurt? Show me where it hurts.”
“My back and the back of my head.”
“Can I move your shirt so I could look?”
“Sure, go ahead.”
You felt him gently pull the neck of your t-shirt away from your body to peek at your back. You heard his breath hitch as he looked. Was it that bad? “Good god (y/n),” he breathed out.
“What, is it bad?”
“Don’t you feel how bad it is? Your entire back is bruised. I think there’s some blood too.”
“First, language. Second, that’s all you have to say? Aren’t you in pain?”
“Yeah, but the pain pills are gonna kick in soon. I’ll be fine.”
“Would you be able to play tonight? I really think you should sit this one out.”
“No, I’m playing tonight Dad.”
“(Y/n),” oh no, he was using his stern dad voice. “It’s not a good idea to play tonight. You’re hurt, I’m sure they’ll understand if you sit this one out.”
You felt frustration rise up in you. “We’re in the semifinals. They need me, I’m the main setter. They’d lose without me playing.”
“(Y/n), I’m serious. You’re not playing today.”
“Dad, I am playing today. Look, I’ll talk to Coach Williams to see if I could be rotated out more often. I know she’d let me.”
He stared at you for a while before sighing. He knew there was no convincing you. “...Fine. But you better talk to Coach Williams about sitting out for a bit if your back hurts too much or I swear I’ll drag you off the court myself.”
You smiled a little at the small victory. “Thank you! I promise I’ll sit out if needed.”
He quirked an eyebrow at you. “If needed?”
You sighed, “when needed.”
He walked over to the pot, stirring the contents slightly. “That’s better. Dinner’s almost ready, I made some pasta.”
“It smells good, but I think I’m skipping out on it for today. I already ate this apple and if I eat any more I’ll probably hurl on the court.”
He made a displeased noise in the back of his throat, “fine, but you’re eating something when we get home tonight.”
He walked off to go get your brothers and Tubbo for dinner. You could hear their booming steps racing down the stairs towards the kitchen. They raced into the kitchen and almost crashed into the back of your chair. You stood up and looked at the two excitable fifth graders. “Careful boys, don’t want you getting hurt.”
“You’re no fun (y/n),” Tommy whined.
“Sure, sorry bout that,” Tubbo beamed at you.
You chuckled, making your way upstairs to get ready for your match. You took off your clothes with great difficulty and slipped on your jersey and your spandex shorts. They were way too short for your tastes, but you couldn’t wear longer ones, they’d just get in the way. You fondly remembered how your dad flipped out when he first saw you in them, he hated them with a burning passion. He still hates how short they are.
When you were struggling with pulling your hair back into a tight, sleek ponytail, the back of your head throbbed continuously with pain. You most likely bruised your scalp. 
You slipped on your shoes that were made specifically for playing volleyball and headed downstairs. You were met with Tommy and Tubbo jumping in excitement seeing you in your uniform. They loved going to your matches, even if they would always pass out in the car after them because matches usually ended late at night. You grabbed your dad’s keys and headed to his car. Before you could lead the boys out the door, Philza’s voice stopped you.
“(Y/n), coat.”
You huffed, grabbing your coat and putting it on before tossing him his keys. You four got into the car and set out for the high school. The short drive was filled with Tommy and Tubbo asking you questions about volleyball and encouraging you. “(Y/n), you’re gonna kick their butts!”
“Yeah!” Tubbo cheered 
Despite their voices causing a spike of pain to shoot throughout your head, you laughed at their enthusiasm. It was always nice to hear your little brother and pseudo brother in the stands cheering you on, they were your and your team’s personal cheerleaders. 
Not long after you got to the school, you were stretching with your team on the gym’s floor. Your posse found their way into the stands, sitting in the front row. The away team watched your team like a hawk, analysing every single player for any weakness. It was because of them that you tried to not show any pain when you moved your back. You talked to Coach Williams before the team stretch and she was obviously sympathetic with your situation. She agreed to switching you out with the standby setter every few rotations. 
The echo of the whistles caused pain to ring in your head every time someone scored or a foul was called. Your team captain, Haley, was constantly, yet discreetly checking on you throughout the game since she was always next to you. She was the team’s main spiker after all. 
The game droned on and on before you realized that the opposing team was targeting you when they were offensive. They probably realized that you were injured a round ago. You tried your best to block every ball that was sent your way, but a few managed to slip past you when you couldn’t move fast enough. This team was good, but your team was better. 
The score during the final round was tied and the clock was on it’s last ten seconds as the ball soared your way. You dove to hit it, landing on your shoulder on the hard floor and hitting it up high enough for Haley to spike the ball down. The crowd went wild as the ball bounced off from the opposite end of the court almost simultaneously with the screeching of the referee’s whistle, signifying the end of the game and your team’s victory.
You laid on the floor in pain, you thought you must’ve pulled your tender muscles in your back and shoulder. It hurt to move it. You felt one of your teammates grab your hand to yank you up into a giant full team group hug. You yelped slightly in pain as you felt arms press against your back and hands firmly patting your bruised shoulders. You were whisked away into the locker room to change into the pajamas you brought with you. 
“(Y/n), are you alright? That was a pretty hard fall.” Haley’s soft voice asked you. You felt your heart sing in your chest. 
“Yeah Hales, I’m fine. I just pulled a few muscles.”
Her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed together, “are you sure? As your team captain and your friend, I’m worried about you.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face. You felt warm knowing that she cared about you. “I’m sure, worrywart.”
She rolled her eyes playfully and breathed out a soft laugh. “Sorry for asking, grump.” Her laugh sounded like music to your ears. 
Your phone vibrated in your pajama pocket, alerting you of your family waiting for you in the car and for you to hurry up. You sighed, “sorry Hales, I gotta go. Dad’s getting impatient.” 
She gave you a small smile. “Oh, well, tell your family I said hi! Good work on the court today, I wouldn’t ask for a different setter.”
You felt your cheeks warm up and you watched with wide eyes as she left the locker room. Your phone vibrated again, your dad was really starting to get impatient. 
You walked out of the school as fast as you could to find your dad’s car waiting for you up front. Jumping in and softly closing the passenger side door, you slumped against the window. “(Y/n),” Tommy’s tired voice slurred. “That. Was. Pog…”
You glanced back to see him and Tubbo snoring away in their seats. Your match was more exciting than usual, so that must’ve really tired them out. You chuckled, turning back around to lean against the window. You took care not to put any weight on your shoulder or back. 
“(Y/n), you were amazing out there, but why did you dive for that ball? That fall looked like it hurt.”
You hummed tiredly, “thanks Dad. I just did what I thought would win us the game. We’re going to finals!” You quietly sang. 
“Did you hurt your shoulder?”
“I actually don’t know, but I think I might’ve pulled a few muscles. Nothing too bad.”
“...I scheduled a doctor’s appointment for you tomorrow morning during your first and second blocks. I want you to get your back, shoulder, and head looked at. You looked miserable the entire match.”
You sighed, too tired to argue, “mmk.”
He chuckled before the car fell into a comfortable silence. The gentle bouncing of the car and the subtle hum of the engine was lulling you to sleep. Your eyelids were drooping by the time you pulled into your driveway. 
You drug yourself out of the car and into the house, leaving Philza with the sleeping boys. You walked straight to your room and plopped down on your bed, passing out instantly for the second time that day.
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years
Painter’s Hands and Guatemalan Coffee: Part 6
Pairing/setting: Levi Ackerman x Female!Reader, modern!college!AU
Summary: When you catch your idiot boyfriend cheating, your grumpy roommate is there to pick up the pieces and watch your back as you toe a carefully drawn line in the metaphorical sand.  
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: fluff, romantic vegetable chopping, the chapter of realizing things
AN: Well, it’s been six fucking months, but it’s finally here!! It’s a little shorter than I’d prefer, and took a lot of iterations to get here, but I’m very satisfied:) Thanks, as always, to my lovely @doinmybesthere for editing and encouraging. I hope you all enjoy! I think there’re maybe 1 or 2 parts left in this story, that’ll hopefully be out more quickly than I managed this one. Please let me know what you think! Be kind to yourselves and others. ~valkyrie
(read chapter 5 here)
Finals week passes in a slow blur, barely leaving enough time for you to breathe between essays, exams, and one presentation that you think takes at least a year off the end of your life. It’s much the same for everyone else, as well — you barely see Levi, not counting the nights you spend alternating between your bed and his, and you don’t see Hange at all. Consequently, there’s no opportunity to break apart what happened on Saturday. No chance to peel back its layers and find how you really feel. Although, to her credit, Annie doesn’t appear again, so you’re able to shove it into a corner of your mind for the time being.
Saturday brings with it both a new winter storm and an overwhelming sense of relief. You let it fill you completely as you sit and watch snow swirl outside. The street below your kitchen window is bustling with students trying to outrun the storm to get home for vacation. But you have nowhere to be, nothing to do. It’s nice.
The door opens, bringing with it the stomping of Levi’s boots. You turn to watch him shake snow from his hair, sinking deeper into the reassurance of knowing that everything you need is here under your roof. Safe.
Hmm. What the fuck?
You choke on the next sip of your tea as the realization of what you just felt hits you square in the chest. Through your coughing and hacking, you reach again for that fleeting sense of home. Childish, content, warm.
“Are you okay?” Levi calls from the entrance, looking at you with pinched brows halfway through hanging up his jacket.
“Fine,” you cough out, pushing back from the table to hunch over and catch your breath. “I’m okay.”
It takes a moment for you to stop breathing hard, though when you do, your heart rate doesn’t return to normal, instead pushing blood to your face and neck and making your body feel light. Levi doesn’t help when he finally joins you in the kitchen, all floppy hair and bright cheeks from the snow. All leisurely about the way he stretches his lean body to take his favorite blend of Earl Grey from the top of the fridge.
“I was thinking about dinner,” he starts, completely oblivious to the way you’ve started sweating under your cardigan. “We shouldn’t order because of the snow, so I brought home stuff to make soup.”
“What kind?” It’s a miracle the words come out normally.
“Chicken noodle.” He turns to face you. “My mom’s recipe.”
“I don’t get why guys are always so uppity about kitchen knives,” you say, picking up what Levi’s told you is a utility knife. “Like, it’s just a knife. I’m not about to stab myself with it.” Your finger drags along its sharp edge for only a split second when Levi’s slim fingers are suddenly around your wrist.
“Don’t. Touch. The knives,” he growls, taking the utility knife gently from your other hand and placing it back on the counter. “I just sharpened them last week, you could’ve seriously cut yourself.”
His steel eyes hold yours for another long moment until you nod your head mutely. You haven’t been able to shake the knot of hyperawareness that’s been settled in your belly since your what the fuck moment, and it only twists tighter when he’s so close to you. His hair is dry now, curling slightly because he hasn’t bothered to comb it since he got home. You have to actively resist the urge to twist a particularly enthusiastic curl around your finger in the split second before he backs away again.
Muttering under his breath, he returns to the simmering pot on the stove that he claims has turned into stock, though you hardly believe it. Growing up, you’d never been taught kitchen skills, let alone anything close to actual labor.
For a while, you’re content to watch, sitting at the table and nursing both the ache in your chest and a fresh cup of chamomile, but the urge to join him in his quiet work overwhelms you as he’s washing the vegetables.
“Levi, please, can I help?” Your tone edges on whining, prompting him to huff and shift on his feet. “I promise I won’t touch the knives! There, just, must be something I can do.”
You see him roll his eyes, swear under his breath, then turn towards you with a glower.
“No talking, no questions, and go wash your hands.”
“Yes!” you cheer and stand up with a bounce.
The scent of the bar of soap as you lather and wash cuts pleasantly through the spices and thick scents already filling the kitchen. It’s not something you’ve experienced often, and you relish in what you realize must be home comfort, your grin settling from enthused to contented.
Levi is arranging carrots, celery, and onions next to the cutting board when you join him again.
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to touch the knives?”
“You’re not, until I show you how to do it without chopping off your fingers.”
“Oh, ye of little faith,” you tease, but nevertheless settle in beside him to watch as he lines up a carrot and picks up the utility knife.
“We’re generally going for even pieces, though it doesn’t matter much because it’s a soup. Put your fingers like this,” you lean over a bit to see how he’s arranged his left hand holding the carrot, the tips of his fingers just barely tucked under the knuckles, “so that you can chop like this—“ he begins slicing, knife guided by his knuckles “—and not lose your fingers. Always point the blade away from yourself and others, and never hold the handle like you’re going to stab something. That’s not effective, anyway. If you have to use this as a weapon, it’s much more effective to slash rather than stab, considering bone density—“
“Uhh,” you cut in, “pause. Are we slicing carrots or fending off home invaders?”
He stops chopping. “What did I say about asking questions?”
“Right. Sorry.”
“Anyway. Considering bone density, you’ll have better luck aiming to cut big veins than forcing through ribs.”
He’s done with the first carrot, now, lithe fingers flipping the knife so the blade is up.
“Never drag the blade along the surface sideways. Flip it over and use the blunt edge to move food.” He demonstrates, moving the little pile of carrot slices to a corner of the cutting board. “Your turn.”
And then, like it’s nothing, he’s offering you the handle with a flat expression.
“Uhm.” You press your lips together and eye it for a long pause. “Are you sure?”
“It’s just a carrot. You’ll be fine.” He lets another unsure moment slide into being, then sighs and reaches out to wrap your hand around the handle. “Here, like this.”
And like you’ve suddenly stepped into a poorly-written romcom, he’s guiding your hands under his to the next waiting carrot, curling your fingers exactly like he showed you before, and scooting over to let you stand in his place. You just let yourself go along with it, hoping desperately that he won’t feel your hands grow clammy or see the way your chin has tucked itself shyly to your chest so you can watch.
Fucking shit carrots, useless goddamn root vegetable, can’t chop itself, has to make me do all the work—
Your aggressive inner monologue takes you all the way through the second carrot, then his hands are leaving yours and he’s placing a third under your waiting blade. Time to fly solo.
When you fall asleep in the armchair that night, sated and full of comfort food, Levi sketches in pencil on scrap paper. He sketches his hands over yours in the kitchen and he sketches the steam rising from the pot on the stove. He sketches you sitting with a bowl of soup in your lap, face illuminated by the TV and he sketches your sleeping body curled up, hair in your mouth. He sketches a close-up of your face, with special attention to the curve of your bottom lip, and he considers it practice for finishing the painting in his room.
Levi doesn’t think about how if he doesn’t do something soon, all of this will change. About how you’ll get over your heartbreak and move out at the end of the year and he won’t see you every day and every night. And he definitely doesn’t think about how he’ll have to adjust back to sleeping without your soft body tangled in his, and he doesn’t wonder how he ever slept before you.
No, instead of thinking, he just cracks his knuckles and gently scoops you from the chair and into his arms.
It’s as he’s climbing into his side of your bed that you stir and snort and blink sleepy eyes open.
“What time is it?”
“Ten forty,” he whispers, “go back to sleep.”
You hum and turn on your side to face him, face half hidden by the squish of your pillow. He settles more comfortably in, tucks your head under his chin even though you’re taller than he is, and drapes his free arm around the curve of your waist. 
Quiet breathing is the only thing that fills the room for a long while, and he finally thinks you’ve drifted back off, when:
“Hey, Levi?”
“I... I’ve been thinking a lot, and...”
The tone of your voice is odd and it makes Levi’s throat seize up for a moment while you hesitate. He swallows deliberately.
Your next words are more confident, like you have really been thinking a lot, your voice not sleepy in the slightest. It’s matter-of-fact and soft and lovely. 
“And you make me feel really safe. Just, like, all the time. And I’m glad I met you. You make me feel, um...,” a small sniffle, “You make me feel held.”
Levi tightens his arm around you and swallows again. It feels like he’s balancing on the head of a pin, and a thousand angels are swirling around him, and it’s taking all he has not to get pushed off.
“Well, I am holding you.”
“Psssssht,” you wriggle slightly back so you can look at his face. You look simultaneously exasperated and vulnerable in the shadows of your bedroom. “You know what I mean.”
“What if I don’t?”
“Well, I guess...” 
You pause to think for a moment, eyes flicking away from Levi’s face for a split second. Then, they’re back on his and he can feel the vulnerable honesty already spilling from you. 
“I’ve never really, um, gotten a lot of physical affection? From people in my life? And, uh, it’s not just that, it’s that you’re so... so— so familiar, and not just because I know you, godimnotmakingalickofsense, but because it feels like I’ve always known you?” It’s said like a question, like you want to know if he feels the same. “And you just make me feel held.”
You pause on a shaky inhale of breath, then cover your face with your hands and roll onto your back away from him. 
“God, I’m sorry, that doesn’t make any sense at all, I’ll just—“
“Stop,” Levi cuts you off, pushing up to lean over you and grasp your wrists in one hand and cover your mouth with the other, a mirror of the pair of you in the kitchen weeks earlier. “It makes sense. I get it.”
Your doe eyes stare up at him just like they did then and he selfishly indulges in an extra second of staring back before he releases you and slides back to rest on an elbow. Your hands stay demurely tucked by your chest where he put them and your tongue flicks out to lick at your lips as your eyes follow him. 
“Yeah. I get it.”
“Okay. Good.”
Suddenly, Levi doesn’t feel like going to bed. He feels like running for miles or painting until his hands ache or hitting something, anything to distract him from doing something incredibly stupid right now. The mattress sinks as he sits up and spins his legs out of bed, muttering something about tea and not tired yet, and he almost doesn’t catch the sensation of you sitting up behind him. 
He turns halfway back to tell you to go back to sleep, but your fingers catch his chin and he’s abruptly out of breath.
The curve of your bottom lip is perfectly, exactly the way he sketched it in the semi-dark. It’s slightly chapped.
When you kiss him, soft and certain, he topples off the pinhead and back into his body just in time to do something incredibly stupid and kiss you back.
(read part 7 here)
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alliedbiscuit · 3 years
msr fic / s7 post-closure but pre-all things / wc: 3398
Scully takes Maggie out for a birthday dinner, and you'll never guess who they run into.
“So, how are feeling about dessert?” the waiter asks hopefully.
Maggie Scully scoffs. “Oh, no. I couldn’t eat another bite. Maybe just a cup of coffee? Decaf, please.”
“Mom, are you sure? You should get dessert,” Dana Scully prods, stopping herself short before she could let it slip, “It’s your birthday!” The last gift her mother would appreciate is a gaggle of underpaid waiters singing some public-domain-compliant version of a birthday song while the whole restaurant turns its attention toward her. Like mother, like daughter.
Well, the daughter made an exception and found that kind of thing charming exactly once. But at least she got a nice keychain out of it. All her mother would get was humiliation and a chocolate lava cake.
As soon as the waiter leaves to fetch their after dinner coffees, Maggie reveals her true intentions.
“I was thinking we could go to that ice cream parlor down the street. If I’m going to indulge, I think I want a hot fudge sundae. Or maybe we could split a banana split?”
“Or you could get a hot fudge sundae and I could get a banana split, and we could split both,” Scully suggests.
“See, that’s why you work for the FBI.”
“Dessert Conflict Resolution was part of my training at Quantico.”
Both Scullys giggle.
“Does Fox have the same specialty? Or is that what you bring to the team?”
“Mulder’s dessert strategy is just to eat everything and then swim a mile and run five the next day. No, he’s a Takeout Menu Marksman, though. He knows where to order from and what to order so it travels the best and doesn’t get cold and congealed by the time it arrives. Might sound like a trivial skill, but it’s a lifesaver on movie night.”
Maggie continues smiling but cocks her head slightly. Dana realizes why almost instantly.
“You have movie night?”
“It’s not a set thing or anything. We just…if we’re not busy with a case.”
“You just watch movies? As coworkers?”
“As friends.”
“Just friends?”
Dana lets out a long sigh as she stares her mother down. Her mother, maintaining that gentle yet challenging grin. Dana considers her response carefully. She could offer a simple yes because that is the fact of the matter. They are just friends. She could criticize the wording choice. “Just” friends? Why does it have to be “just” friends? As if friendship isn’t somehow enough or isn’t valuable?
She could realize it’s her mother’s birthday and she’s the only other Scully woman left to confide in about matters of the heart, and although she doesn’t want to bring up the New Year’s kiss because she still doesn’t really know what it meant, maybe they both need this little gift of honesty, filled with tempered excitement and promise.
“For now,” Dana Scully finally admits.
Maggie’s grin grows as Scully just shakes her head and manages to keep her slight eye roll from reaching embarrassed teenager level. The waiter does bail her out a bit by choosing that moment to deliver their coffees.
“How is Fox doing? After his mother…” Maggie trails off, but her daughter knows not to expect any more specifics.
“Better? I mean, as well as can be expected. The thing is, right after that, he found out some more about his sister. About what happened to her. It was just so much all at once. I was really worried…”
Maggie reaches across the table to lay a hand on hers.
“But, it was almost like he was ready for it. He finally had some answers. Like it brought him some peace.”
“That’s wonderful.”
“Yeah. He needed that.”
“We all do.”
Maggie is the one to spot him first as they’re heading for the door.
“Is that- is that Fox?” she asks her daughter.
“What? No, he wouldn't…” Dana trails off as she looks straight ahead to where her mother was indicating and confirms that it is indeed Fox Mulder, standing with his hands in his pockets and his eyes trained to the floor as he appears to be waiting near the vestibule for the restrooms.
“Mulder?” Scully questions as she approaches, her voice giving away her confusion and growing concern.
His head darts up in surprise, but a beaming smile of recognition quickly overtakes his face.
“Hey, Scully! Mrs. Scully, it’s so nice to see you!”
“You too, Fox,” Maggie kindly replies, although a quick glance to her daughter confirms her suspicion that Dana is still very confused by his presence.
“Did you…did you need something?” She suddenly feels silly for presuming that he must have come there with urgent news or a case or something, but why else would Fox Mulder be at Petrino’s on a Saturday night? Did his informants trade in clandestine meetings in parking garages for family-style Italian?
“Hmm?” Mulder asks.
“You didn’t come here to find me? I told you I was bringing my mom here for her birthday, didn’t I?” He didn’t look like he had rushed to the restaurant from the office or his apartment as she had originally assumed. He had clearly shaved and combed his hair nicely. He wore an olive green sweater with dark blue jeans and a black wool pea coat rather than his leather jacket. He had definitely made an effort.
“You did, but I thought you were going out tomorrow night on her actual birthday. Happy birthday, by the way, Mrs. Scully.”
“Thank you, Fox. I’m going to have lunch with some ladies from church after mass tomorrow, so I asked Dana if we could do Saturday night instead.”
“Ah. What a weird coincidence then. I can’t believe we didn’t see you at all during dinner.”
Oh God.
Mulder was on a date.
Mulder was on a date in this restaurant on the night he thought Scully wasn’t going to be there. Mulder was on a date right after Scully had confessed to her mother (and herself) that their “just friends” status was in the process of changing. Mulder was on a date right after he’d been through so much pain but seemed to come out lighter and more open and he wanted to share it with someone…who wasn’t Dana Scully.
“So, you’ve already eaten then?” Maggie asks since her daughter appears unable to form a coherent statement at the moment.
“Yeah, we just finished. I’m just waiting for her…” he seems to trail off just to motion towards the restroom rather than say anything indelicate, but then he notices Maggie’s poorly masked look of concern toward Dana, and then he notices Dana’s completely unmasked look of shock.
And then he gets it.
“Oh, no! It’s not…I want you to meet her,” Mulder insists as he grabs a hold of both of Scully’s elbows and then glances anxiously toward the restroom door.
Dana Scully looks like she might be ill.
Thankfully Mulder only stammers a moment longer until the restroom door opens and he finds reprieve when a tall, thin woman appearing to be in her mid-60s walks through the door.
“Aunt Helen,” Mulder calls.
Somehow Scully’s eyes manage to get even wider as some of the color returns to her face.
“Aunt Helen, there are a few people I’d really like you to meet. This is my partner, Dana Scully, and this is her mother, Margaret Scully.”
Aunt Helen smiles widely in recognition, first shaking Maggie’s hand and then Dana’s. “It is such a pleasure to meet you both. I’ve heard such wonderful things.”
She lingers with her hand holding Dana’s while she says this, and the younger Scully is left blushing. She hazards a look at Mulder, but he doesn’t look embarrassed by this revelation. He holds her gaze with nothing but pride.
“This is my aunt, Helen Briggs. She’s my mom’s sister. She’s visiting for the weekend from Charlotte.”
They all kind of marvel over the fact that they were in the same restaurant and what a coincidence and oh, we were seated near the back bar, that must be why we didn’t see you and Scully is just starting to feel her pulse return to normal as Aunt Helen laments not having a chance to talk with the Scullys.
“Well, Dana and I skipped dessert so we could go to The Big Dipper for some ice cream. Would you two like to join us?”
“Oh, that would be lovely. As long as we’re not intruding,” says Aunt Helen.
“Not at all,” Scully assures her. “There is one catch, though.”
“It’s not real ice cream. It’s that Tofutti nonsense, isn’t it?” Mulder groans.
“It better not be,” Maggie insists. “I don’t know how she eats that stuff.”
Scully ignores her mother and her partner’s bad mouthing of her frozen treats as she returns her attention to Aunt Helen.
“I’m afraid if you want to come along, you will have to reveal a few good Young Mulder stories. And by ‘a few,’ I mean as many as you’ve got. And by ‘good,’ I mean the more embarrassing the better.”
“I’ll start thinking now,” Aunt Helen laughs.
“I knew I should’ve picked a different restaurant,” Mulder says regretfully.
They’ve just sat down to a small, round table for four with their ice cream when Mulder stands up to get them all more napkins, and Aunt Helen retrieves a small, rectangular piece of paper from her purse that she then deftly slides to Dana.
“Oh my god!” Scully exclaims with joy.
Staring back at her from the paper is a very young Fox Mulder. She guesses he must be around 8 or 9 in the school photo. His long, sandy brown hair falls just above his eyebrows. He doesn’t have his distinctive nose yet, but his bottom lip is already a little pouty. The real give away is the eyes. He’s grinning for the camera, but his eyes still have that soulfulness, that slight sadness.
She’s surprised. She knows she shouldn’t be. His eyes didn’t suddenly change when Samantha was taken. His eyes were probably always like that.
But she had always assumed that the great tragedy had flipped a switch for Young Fox Mulder. That before that single event, he had certainly been a perfectly happy child. Funny and athletic, popular for sure. But the humor developed as a defense mechanism later in life. And the sports were a great physical release as well as an excuse to be out of the house as much as possible. She didn’t actually know what he was like before, but now that she thought about it, home life was probably never all that great if it eventually led to a father sacrificing one child and leaving the other to always live with the guilt and loss.
It was very possible that Fox Mulder had always been a little boy with a lot on his mind.
In contrast, present day, adult Fox Mulder looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world as he returns with extra napkins, ready to tuck into his chocolate peanut butter ice cream in a waffle cone – that is until he realizes what his friend and partner Dana Scully is looking at.
“Oh come on. I was gone for thirty seconds, and you have the visual aids out.”
Scully continues to beam as Maggie finally gets a glimpse of the photo in her hand.
“Oh, Fox!”
“Okay,” Mulder said exasperatedly. “Does this meet your embarrassment quota?” he asks, looking pointedly at Scully.
“Not even close! This isn’t embarrassing. It’s adorable!”
Mulder rolls his eyes but can’t hide his bashful grin at her comment.
“It’s only fair, Fox. I know you’ve seen family photos of Dana at my house,” Mrs. Scully says, sounding like a mother well practiced in settling disputes between children.
“Just a couple. I do like that high school graduation picture, though. I still don’t know how you kept your cap on with all that hair.”
“That was the style back then. Everybody teased their hair and used a ton of hairspray.”
“I thought it might be a religious thing at Catholic school. The higher the hair, the closer to God,” Mulder teases.
Maggie and Aunt Helen chuckle, though the latter gives him a good-natured swat on the arm in admonishment.
“See, this is what I need, though. I need something from the teen years. That’s peak embarrassment fodder,” Scully says.
“If you ask our colleagues, I think my peak embarrassment fodder would come from about 1991 to present,” Mulder points out.
Aunt Helen just looks slightly regretful. “I’m afraid I don’t have many stories from those years, Dana.”
Mulder makes eye contact with Aunt Helen. “You didn’t miss much,” he insists. She looks like she wants to debate him, but he just places a hand on hers reassuringly, and they seem to make a silent agreement to not argue the point any further.
Mulder had never really mentioned any other family before. She knew his grandparents had all passed before she met him, but she had assumed, just like with everything else, that any other extended family connections had disappeared along with Samantha. That no one would know how to comfort and console The Mulders in a situation like that, with no explanation.
His aunts and uncles must have had questions, probably even had their own theories. Did his mother’s side suspect his father’s involvement, or did his father’s side blame his mother somehow? Did any of them blame…no, she couldn’t go down that route. Besides, did anyone ever suspect horrific things like that before the days of cable news and supermarket tabloids?
The point is, it was a tense situation, so Scully assumed they had all done what wealthy white people in places like Martha’s Vineyard and Boston and Raleigh did with any uncomfortable subject – they avoided it completely.
And that meant avoiding the little boy with a lot on his mind as he became a teenager with even more on his mind.
Scully had accompanied Mulder to a small burial service for his mother in Raleigh a few months ago. It was just the service. No gathering or dinner after, or at least not one that Mulder told her about. The attendees at the service were all pretty spread out, not much mingling. Again, it was another sudden loss shrouded in mystery. They all avoided particulars as much as they could.
Scully didn’t remember seeing Aunt Helen that day, but maybe she was there and just couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Maybe she wasn’t there because she couldn’t bring herself to go and then regretted it. Dana Scully didn’t know, and it didn’t actually matter. The point is that she’s here now. And that’s exactly what Mulder’s look of reassurance and acceptance seems to say.
It seems to help her perk up because she offers playfully, “Oh, what about that summer on Quonochontaug? I think you were 9 or so, and you were collecting leaves for one of your Indian Guide badges.”
“Oh god!”
“I’m hooked already. Not to jump ahead, but please tell me there’s poison ivy involved,” Scully says gleefully.
Aunt Helen’s bark of laughter and Mulder’s exaggerated eye roll are all the confirmation she needs.
“It was heavily involved! But that’s not the worst part. While he was working on his Leaf Collecting badge, he also earned credit towards his Wildlife badge when he came across a skunk in the woods.”
“No!” Scully shouts.
“Ivyed and skunked at the same time,” Mulder admits.
“Oh you poor thing,” Maggie adds sympathetically, but with barely contained laughter.
“He had to jump right from a tomato juice bath for the skunk smell…”
“Which didn’t work!”
“…into an oatmeal bath for the itching.”
“Which worked better, but I still smelled like a Grateful Dead concert.”
Both Scullys are full on giggling at this point.
“Do you remember what Grandpa Ralph said when he walked in and saw you and mom dunking me in a tub of oatmeal?” Mulder asks.
Aunt Helen pitches her voice deeper and amps up her Southern twang, “Why don’t cha dip him in some egg and flour next? We toss him in the frying pan, we got supper! We’re havin’ Fried Fox tonight!”
Now they’re all in hysterics. Even the man who usually hates his given name can’t help but laugh along, especially when it makes his lovely company so happy.
Scully enters the basement office Monday morning to find Mulder already there, flipping through an open drawer in the filing cabinet.
“Good morning,” she says cheerfully.
He looks up and smiles. “Good morning. Long time no see.”
“How was the rest of your weekend? Did you guys do any sightseeing or anything?”
“No, we just had a late breakfast yesterday before I took her to the airport, but it was good to catch up some more. She told me to thank you again for letting us tag along for ice cream. It was really nice.”
“It was,” Scully agrees.
Mulder appears to be considering something for a moment before he crosses over to the desk and picks up a small envelope.
“She also told me to give this to you,” he says almost bashfully, extending the envelope in Scully’s direction. “She told me I couldn’t look inside, and I didn’t. But I think I know what’s in there, and if I’m right, you don’t have to keep it. You can just leave it here on the desk.”
Well, now she’s intrigued. Scully opens the envelope to find a small handwritten note at the top.
“I thought you might like these. I have plenty more too, if you’d ever like to see them or want any more stories. Please don’t be a stranger.”
Scully lifts up the note to see the remaining contents inside and finds a small stack of photographs, a mixture of more school photos along with a few wallet-sized family portraits and a couple candids taken on the beaches of the Vineyard or Rhode Island, she can’t tell. But she sees the same set of eyes in all of them.
She looks back to read the rest of the note.
“I’m so glad I got to meet you, Dana. Take care!”
Below Aunt Helen’s elegant signature, she has also written her home address and phone number. Scully will have to call and thank her.
“She tried to give some to me,” Mulder explains, “but I didn’t really want…and like I said, you don’t have to…”
“No, I’d like to keep them,” Dana insists.
Mulder lets her statement hang in the air for a moment, but he can’t help but diffuse it.
“You just want more blackmail material.”
“Something like that,” Scully says teasingly, but there’s no bite behind it.
“I knew I should’ve picked a different restaurant.”
She chuckles lightly as she shuffles the photos into a neat stack to place back in the envelope, thinking that this is the point where they get back to work. Mulder stays standing in front of her and appears to be considering something again. Does he have another envelope that he’s afraid to give her?
“You know it was pure luck that we ended up at Petrino’s the same night as you. I actually gave Aunt Helen a few options and let her choose. I was pushing more for that Thai place in Arlington, just off Old Dominion. The one that’s been there forever,” Mulder explains.
“Oh, the one with the secret menu? I’ve still never been there. Can’t say I’m surprised that Aunt Helen wasn’t up for Thai food, though.”
“Yeah. Fair point,” Mulder nods for a moment too long before continuing. “Would you like to go there sometime? Like this Saturday? With me?”
Scully slowly looks up from the envelope to see Mulder’s face because in all matters, other than the divine, Dana Scully needs to see to believe. And the slightly nervous yet gentle grin that she finds allows her to believe it to be true – Fox Mulder has just asked her out on a real date.
“I would like that,” Scully says gently.
“Good. You wanna say 7:30? Or we can always figure out time later,” Mulder states, aiming for practicality to keep him from grinning like a complete idiot. He ends up grinning like a moderate idiot, but he’s okay with that.
“Sounds good.”
Yep, Scully will definitely have to call Aunt Helen and thank her.
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bakubub · 3 years
Best friend rigs the Secret Santa for Bakugo and yourself to get one another...
A/N: Hullo everybody!! This is part 2 (find part one HERE) of this Pinterest Prompt and part 3 will (hopefully) be the final part. I honestly thought this would be a 800 word fic but now we're barreling towards almost 5k all together whoops lol-
Warnings: Just a few swears here and there, SFW, its literally all Bakusquad shenanigans.
Word count: abt 1.5k, ENJOY <3
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"Soooooo~ Who d'ya get for the cringle?" Kaminari asks, leaning back on his chair dangerously to look back at me, sitting on the desk behind him. I raise my eyebrows, since I can't just raise the one, and flick my pen expertly in my hand.
"Mr. Aizawa," I answered seriously. "I'm thinking of getting him another sleeping bag. The musty yellow one isn't really his colour."
Looking genuinely confused, Kaminari looks around to see if anyone else overheard our conversation.
I laugh at him, and kick his chair forward, causing him to shriek as he sits squarely on his butt. I look down to see a folded note on my desk, opening to read it as Mr Aizawa tells us to settle down;
Lover boy was TOTALLY just greasing off Kaminari for making you laugh. I think someone's still jealous from the whole sleeping incident...
Catching Mina's eye, I give her an I don't think so look, which she promptly rolls her eyes at. Its been a whole weekend since the 'sleeping incident', where I had woken up with Kaminari's arms wrapped around my waist and his head nestled on my stomach. Accidentally of course. We, along with Bakugo and Kirishima, had fallen asleep on the couch in the common room, talking late last Friday night.
It really wasn't a big deal... Kaminari apologised several times. I got over it, he got over it, and I don't see why Bakugo, whom Mina just loves to call 'lover boy', would even care.
Plus, I have bigger problems. Like what to get said lover boy for the Christmas Cringle we were supposed to be exchanging this Saturday. He's literally impossible to buy for. Well, I could always just buy him a new pair of shorts or something, but since I've had a crush on him since literally the first day of school, it needs to be perfect.
So far I've thought of a cookbook, an apron, a scarf since he's always wearing the brown one, or maybe even a matching beanie; then again his hair has such personality I don't even know if he CAN put a beanie over those suspiciously natural spikes...
"Hellooooo, come on, Aizawa dismissed us," Mina says, nudging my shoulder.
I snap out of my daze and gather my things, following out of the nearly empty classroom.
"Decided on what to get monsieur Hothead yet?" I sigh, already having predicted this question.
"Nope," I say, popping the p as we walk to the dorm rooms. "I'm thinking of maybe getting-"
"Hey girls, wanna meet at the common room at 6 for a rematch of UNO?" Kaminari asks, coming up from behind us and slinging an arm over my and Mina's shoulders like he always does.
"Yeah sure, we're down." Mina answers, pinching him in the side so he lets us out of his grasp. We duck away, laughing and continuing our banter, before I catch Bakugo's gaze.
"You coming too, Bakugo?" I ask, walking up next to him, ignoring my heart trying to escape its cage.
"Coming where?" He grumbles, still looking disgruntled and angry.
"We're playing UNO around 6 today in the common room. Come on, it'll be fun," I say, trying to persuade him into coming, since he never usually participates.
"HELL NO! I don't have time to waste, especially with you extras," He yells at me. I huff, rolling my eyes and continuing to ignore the feeling of my heart beating in my eyeballs, as I grumble, "you never do," and walk back next to Mina, who was now somehow in a water fight with Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero.
Overall certain that I didn't let my nerves peek through while talking to him, I don't register what's happening as Sero grabs Oijiro's water bottle out of his bag, unscrews the lid, then promptly dumps it over my head.
With Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and even Bakugo gasping in the background, I wiped the water off my face, before realising my mascara had probably smudged all over my cheeks and glared at Sero, who was slowly backing away.
I practically growl before chasing him, blindly grabbing my own water bottle out of my bag and drenching him, messing up his styled hair which has him shrieking "sorry, I'm so sorry!" and has me cackling in sweet, sweet revenge.
"PLUS FOUR?! AGAIN KIRISHIMA! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Mina screeches as she pounds Kirishima's arm from next to him, who is laughing and judging from his reaction, barely feeling her punches. I know from experience, that Mina punches hard. He has to be really tough not to show an inkling of pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just really have to win this one!" He says, shooting a guilty smile Mina's way. Maybe he just doesn't feel pain in general...? I stare at him with suspicion as Mina huffs and she rolls her eyes at him, promptly dropping a four plus for the next person in our circle, who just happened to be me.
"Hey! Not cool, hypocrite." I mutter.
"I had to get my anger out somehow. I'm pretending you're Kirishima. Go on, pick up those cards, you slimy rat," Mina says smugly.
Giving her a confused look at her weird logic, I continued the game, Shoji and Hagakure also having joined in half way.
Just as I'm about to announce UNO, Bakugo stomps through the common room and sits right in between myself and Mina, crossing his legs on the floor and leaning back on his two hands.
"BAKUBRO! YOU CAME!" Kirishima yells excitedly, Kaminari and Sero also whooping and cheering.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up. I finished my work and came to see what you idiots were doing." He says, voice gruff but not screaming for once.
I raise my brows at him, and he scowls and looks the other way, not being able to face me after he so rudely rejected my invitation a few hours ago.
"Oh please, you just couldn't handle the FOMO." I say teasingly, smirking at him without fully turning my face so the others can hear.
Sero stifles a laugh and Kaminari looks confused before the dots connect and he also has his hand clamped around his mouth.
"She has a green 7," is all he says, a sadistic look of satisfaction overtaking his features. It takes a moment for all of us to realise what he just said.
Mina cackles as she changes the colour to red, effectively stopping me from winning the game.
Shooting him a dirty look, I lean over to grab another card, simultaneously elbowing him hard in the shin, which he doesn't even react to.
What is it with these guys and their weirdly high pain tolerance?
Ignoring him now, we continue the game, Kirishima practically slamming his last card on top of the deck. "I WON, I WON, man that was so MANLY," He celebrates as I see Mina rolling her eyes and silently fuming. I begin to shuffle and hand out the cards deliberately skipping Bakugo, which doesn't go unnoticed by him.
"Oi, where are my cards?" He asks, annoyance evident in his tone as Kirishima continues to gloat in the background about how manly his win was and Kaminari complaining about how he never "gets the good cards." When I don't respond, Bakugo steals my cards from in front of me, leaning forward to play with the others.
Snarling, I grab my cards out of his hand, causing him to snarl back, until we're fighting for the 7 cards.
"What are you guys doing, there's a whole ass deck here, you know," Sero says, eyebrows raised and nudging Kirishima.
"These. Ones. Are. MINE." I gasp out, my knee coming around to jab him in his side as his hand pushes me down from my sternum. Oxygen knocked out of my lungs, I gasped for air as I tried to hold the cards out of his reach, my hero training kicking in as I snake my other arm around the back of his neck to hold him in an upside down headlock. Trying to push his forehead onto the ground, I give the cards to Mina, who laughs and takes them, after taking a photo of us.
Having apparently heard the camera click, Bakugo (after struggling a great deal might I smugly add) gets out of my head lock and zones in on Mina. "Delete that photo, Racoon Eyes," He snarls.
"Not in a million years. Awww, look Bakugo are you blushing?" She says, pointing at her phone.
Eyes widening and red creeping up his neck, Bakugo snatches the phone out of her hand and deletes the photo, before getting up and leaving.
"C'mon Bakubro, she's just joking," Kirishima says, following him out.
"Yeah man, you didn't even play a game yet," Sero adds.
"I HAVE STUFF TO DO!" He screams, seemingly going back to his old self.
"Didn't you just say that you finished your homework?" Kaminari asks, furrowing his eyebrows.
"SHUT IT, CHARGEBOLT! I DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN MYSELF TO YOU," he says a tad too harshly, turning slightly to glare at him with bulging eyeballs. Kaminari closes his mouth and shuffles his cards, trying not to set him off again.
"Bakugo-" I start, but when he doesn't turn, I find myself letting him leave.
Staring dejectedly at Mina, she gives me a giddy smile and grabs my phone, going onto her messages and smirking as she shows me the photo he just deleted.
"I sent it to you as soon as I took it. Thank me later," she says, winking, as she gets up to leave, dragging Sero and Kaminari with her.
I look down at the slightly blurry photo, seeing me handing Mina the UNO cards under Bakugo with a desperate expression. He has his hand pressed down on my sternum, straddling my waist and looking down at me, with an unmistakable smile gracing his features. Unless that's just a new way of scowling.
The phone dims and all of a sudden I'm confronted with my own expression on the darkened screen.
A lovesick fool.
That's all I can see.
A/N: Ngl pretty proud of that ending. JUst in case I'm not as slick as I think I am, she meant herself and Bakugo, hehe <3
Notes, interactions and reblogs are highly appreciated <3
Find part 3 HERE
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"Predator and Prey" ~ Hawks x reader x Mirko
So again with smut it's hard to do gender neutral language but I tried my best and this was pure self indulgence. I do want to do a second part but it might be a while and either way I had a bit too much fun writing this
How you got into this situation you'll never know. Here you were working your shift at a local bakery down the street and you were getting ready to close when your boss had left to take out the trash, leaving you to lock the register and clean the cases that had previously been filled with baked goods.
You had wiped the tables off and wrapped up a few treats for yourself and your roommate when you heard the door open. You didn’t turn around and continued to clean the counter,
“Hello, I’m sorry but we’re closed right now. You can come back tomorrow if you want to buy something-”
“Yeah, no. You’re going to hand over whatever is in the register and be nice and quiet.” You jerked your head up to see a person wearing a hood and a black mask holding a loaded gun pointed at you. You slowly stopped cleaning and froze,
“Hey, the register is locked, I don’t have the key. My manager-” They cut you off, “Bullshit! I just saw you closing it minutes ago. Now hand it over.” Well, so much for lying. Your manager was probably locking the back door and should be getting back now but it could make matters worse. considering you were quirkless, you decided it’d be better to comply than risk getting shot.
“Okay. Okay. I’ll get the key. Just don’t shoot.
Even if you could defend yourself, it was useless when the person had a gun And it wouldn’t help to purposely get hurt anyways. You went to get the key and clicked a button under the counter, signaling a distress call to the police station and nearby agencies. Hopefully, you could stall long enough for them to get here.
Inserting the key into the lock and hearing the click, slowly opening the register and hearing the criminal yell at you for taking so long. You threw him a glare and put the money on the counter for him to grab, carefully glancing outside and the hallway leading towards the back door.
“So, any chance that I can get you to stop this?”
“What do you have a death wish? What’s with the small talk, bitch?” I mean you didn’t really have many life preservation skills, so that was a maybe. “Honestly, I have no idea, just curious I guess if these are my last moments.”
They raised an eyebrow at you and just shook their head, seemingly not bothering to respond to your last comment. You saw a blur of red and someone shouted ‘Duck!’ It probably should have given you a warning sign that your first thought after you crouched was ‘quack’ but I guess it didn’t matter.
You heard some yells and grunts, objects falling onto the wooden floor. A couple noisy moments passed when it was quiet and you peaked your head up to see what was going on. Seeing a pair of big vermillion wings take up your vision, blinking to see the light turn back on and fully getting up.
“Oh hey, kid. Everything’s all good. You okay?” The winged hero caught your eyes and walked over to you, leaving the intruder to the others behind him. His eyes looking over you for injuries and meeting your eyes, a smile plastered on his face.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Just a bit shaken up.” Looking around the shop to check the damage, “I’m surprised how quickly someone got here. I was expecting to have to stall a bit longer,”
Laughing halfheartedly at your poor excuse for small talk and trying to recover what was left of your mind to come up with a sentence. Hawks stood in front of you in his usual attire, looking very attractive, still occasionally glancing around the room but keeping his gaze on you.
“You know what they say, I’m too fast for my own good. You still look as stunning as you were before, so I say you’re all good. Are you the only one working?”He said winking and smirked seeing your face flush softly.
You shook your head and tried to ignore the flirty comment he made, explaining to him that you were working with your manager and she left to take out the trash.
Noticing her talk to an officer by the front door and worriedly making hand movements. You both continued to chat and make small talk, the blonde hero throwing in small flirts or compliments here and there.
Having no idea why Hawks was flirting with you of all people but you returned it every so often, knowing many others would dream of being in this situation. Well, not the robbery part of it but the after effects. A loud voice interrupted the two of you, and the hero put her arms on his shoulders.
“Hey, I heard there was some commotion over here, so I decided to hop over. Oh-” The bunny hero spotted you and smiled, “Hi cutie. Were you going to keep this one all to yourself, birdy?”
She turned to Hawks and raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer. Her red copper eyes flicking to yours, lifting her arm and stepping over to you. An arm wrapping itself around your waist and pulling you into her. Woah that escalated quickly.
“Well, I was here first, Miruko and I think you interrupted something. Me and this beautiful worker here were having such a pleasant conversation until you rudely barged in. Don’t you think, baby bird?”
Well. This had turned into a dangerous territory and you weren't sure if you liked where this was going. You went to respond, when Hawks cupped your face and brushed his thumbs over your bottom lip, preventing you from saying anything. He smirked and glanced up to Miruko, still having an arm wrapped around your waist, as if daring her to continue.
Your mind was racing, you could see some people still in the shop and would rather have no one see the two pros having a competition over who could make you blush harder. As much as you loved what was happening to you, you still had to focus on something and was dragged back to earth when the white-haired woman tightened her grip.
Tilting her face towards hers and pushing his hand away, sweetly staring at you. She leaned in and pecked your cheek, her soft lips meeting your skin for just a moment. A part of you wanted it to be more but you were too flustered to respond,
“Aw look, I broke them. You okay, darling?” She angled her head to the side cutely and laughed. “I’m sure I can put them back together, after all it was your fault.” Hawks peeped in and playfully glared at the other, while her arm wove around your waist as well. You were being pulled from both slides and you weren’t really complaining, deciding to speak up so this could continue not around others.
“U-um, as much as I love this and I do. Why don’t we do this away from everyone else? After I close, I promise we can continue this wherever you want. Yes?”
They both looked at each other then back to you, “Are you afraid of others seeing us fight over you? Because I’m sure we could make such a scene, don’t you think, Hawks~?”
“I know we could, Miruko~” He whispered back and tilted your head, kissing you quickly. You made a noise of surprise and returned it just as he pulled away. Being turned around and kissed by the red eyed hero behind you, breaking away for air at the last second. Humming,
“I do think getting out of here is a good idea. Wouldn’t want someone stealing you from us,” They both loosened their grips on you, letting you go and waving at you to close up with your boss. Walking over to talk to you and reassuring her that you’re okay, grabbing her shoulders when she started to look over you inquisitively.
“I promise that I’m okay. Now, I can clean up if you want?”
“No, No. I can handle that. Why don’t you get home safely and I can finish up here. Some officers are going to stay here to collect more details so I can’t close up until they're done.”
“Oh okay, thanks! What’s going to happen tomorrow?” It would be nice if you had a day off but you doubted it. As nice as your boss was, you still had to work to pay rent.
“We’ll have to start late, but if you don’t mind coming in around 1 tomorrow afternoon that would be very helpful. No one else is scheduled tomorrow except for the two of us and everyone else is on a vacation or it’s sunday coincidently.”
You agreed and left to get your stuff from the back after confirming with you, glancing back once more at the two pros still in the shop chatting with each other. If someone told you that both Hawks and Miruko would flirt with them after they were rescued from a life threatening robbery, you would’ve called them crazy.
I mean it’s hard to believe that a slow Saturday morning turned out so chaotic and eventful, you thought as you picked up your small bag holding all your belongings.You played with your keys as you thought over whether or not they were both serious and also trying to push the anxious thoughts away that ate away at your mind. If they weren’t serious then they could have just left you after you got your stuff or they wouldn’t have continued to flirt with you.
If both of the heros were still there when you got back then you could be sure that they weren't playing around. If they were gone then you could at least treasure the time you did have with them. Walking back you spotted the two of them leaning against the wall with a bored expression on their faces but lit up once they spotted you.
Hawks and Miruko were still there, guess that means they weren’t kidding. You met them at the door, “So should we get going?” Smiling, they both nodded and had some form of contact with you,, the rabbit hero holding your waist and the winged hero holding your hand, swinging it lightly.
The night air was cool and blew at your face, fluttering Hawk’s big crimson wings and Miruko’slong silver hair causing her ears to twitch slightly. You all walked in peaceful silence as you looked up at the stars, aware of both of them gazing at you in adoration. Laughing you, spoke up,
“I know you guys are staring but could you make it anymore more obvious?” Hawks lifted your intertwined hands and kissed the back of them.
“What can I say, I can’t help but look at the beauty in front of me. You’re just so god damn attractive baby bird. The way you look so cute just taking in the stars and not to mention how calmly you can handle stressful situations.” You chuckled humorlessly,
“I can tell you right now, I was so anxious there. Normally I’m a mess with that stuff but knowing someone else was there helped a bit to mask it. I’m not as strong as you think-”
He cut you off and stopped walking, facing you with a serious expression, “Fuck what you say because you made it out of there with little damage to yourself or others. I know it may not seem like it but you’re so strong for just making it through the day if what you say is true.”
Miruko chimed in, “He’s right for once,” she laughed playfully, “Even though you think your faults make you weak, they don’t. You have to overcome obstacles that others don’t have to and I know it’s tiring but you are so brave for just getting through each day. And this isn’t some hero shit I’m saying,”
You smiled and kissed her cheek, thanking both of them for cheering you up, “Hey- where’s my thank you. I’m sad you forgot about me, kid.” Hawks pouted, brightening up when you gave him a peck and continued to walk to your apartment.
When the three of you arrived, you hugged the heroes and kissed their lips quickly. You got pulled back when you started to walk up the stairs, being captured in a passionate kiss with Hawks. Returning the kiss and tilting your head to deepen it. His warm soft lips colliding against yours and bringing a hand up to the back of your neck.
The blonde bird rubbing circles on your hip with the other hand, breaking apart and running his thumbs against your bottom lip, “Now, we can say goodbye. For now obviously.” You blushed and turned to Miruko, giving her a passionate kiss as well. Her silver hair brushing your legs as her tongue grazed your bottom lip, leaning back just as you were going to allow her access.
“Next time, we can pick up where we left off cutie~” She said as they handed you bits of folded paper. Smiling back at them as they left, a gust of wind being forced your way as Hawks took off into the dark sky and Miruko running off in the opposite direction.
You stood there for a few seconds recalling everything that had happened in the last 2 hours. Blinking and shaking yourself out of zoning out, you went up the stairs and used your key to get. Running up to your shared apartment and slamming open the door, panting,
“River! You’ll never guess what just happened to me!”
After explaining everything to your roommate, River, what had happened last night and having a small moment of shock with them that you indeed flirted with two stunningly attractive pro heroes, turning in for the night after all the excitement. You did have another shift the next day but at least you could sleep in.
Part of you was curious if you’d see them again and you hoped you would, but you did understand that they were probably very busy and had their hands full. Even still, you couldn't help but imagine what your life would be like if they were in it.
Surprise visits during their patrols or romantic date nights on their days off. Your mind could go on and on about the possibilities and your memories of tonight only fueled it. Eventually, letting sleep consume you and leading you off to a wonderful dream, only to be abruptly woken up hours later by your alarm signalling that you had to get ready.
Getting out of bed, you spot the small bits of paper they gave you last night and pick up your phone to text them a good morning as it couldn't hurt.
Y/N: Good morning you guys! <3
Short and simple, adding a heart for good measures. You headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day, brushing your teeth and running your fingers through your hair to get out the bed head. Deciding that you were good and slipping on your work uniform because it was comfortable and pointless since you’d be going to work soon.
“Morning River! How’d you sleep?” You speak to them as you walk into the kitchen and pour yourself a cup of lukewarm coffee, making another for them. They groan a bit then rest their head on their folded arms,
“Could have been better. Just some insomnia and binge watching keeping me up. How about you?” Taking the coffee and drinking a bit, sighing contently at the caffeine buzz it gave them. You sat down next to them with some toast in hand, taking a bite and swallowing before answering River.
“Good, besides some scenarios that popped into my mind after last night.” They laughed as you hit their arm, “Hey! Stop laughing! It’s not my fault that it's the most significant thing that happened this week-”
“No-no, I’m not laughing at you but at how you kept thinking of what might happen in the future~” they said in a playful tone, stealing your toast for a bite causing you to elbow them and take it back. “I’m just shocked that it happened to me of all people. I’m not complaining whatsoever, I loved every second of it. it's the most attention I’ve had on myself for a while,”
You sipped your coffee again and continued to talk with your roommate about today and what it could hold. River had a job as a teacher’s assistant but since it was the weekend they had work off, both of you helping out with the rent. Taking a look at the clock and and seeing it was 11am,
“I’m heading out to the store to get more milk and coffee since we’re pretty much out of it and I don’t want to deal with your ass without coffee.” River stuck their tongue out playfully and you did it back to them, slipping on a light jacket and heading out.
Stepping out onto the streets it was mildly busy, certain pros were patrolling and people were chatting as they walked down the sidewalk. You put in your earbuds and put on a random song as you made your way to the nearest convenience store, feeling your phone buzz with texts.
Hawks: Morning dove <3
Miruko: Morning <3
Hawks: r u free tonight? Say around 8ish?
Miruko: We’d love to hang out with you again, baby.
You blushed at their greetings and went to text back yes, looking back up for the store across the street. Taking a quick look both ways before jogging across and being greeted by the cool air of the shop, buying some coffee and milk.
After you got what you needed, you headed back to your apartment when your phone buzzed again and picked it up thinking it was them again. Miruko’s contact popped up, surprising you a bit but answering it nonetheless and putting your earbuds in for privacy. You heard her smooth voice speak,
“Hey Y/N. How are you? I’m so excited to see you again tonight~” She purred.
“I-I’m good. I can’t wait to see you too! How are you doing?” “Better now that I’m talking to you, cutie,”
Shaking your head to focus so you didn't walk into anything while you talked to Miruko, “God, you two never fail to fluster me,” You laugh, “I hope you didn’t ignore work just to call me. I wouldn't want to be the cause of any trouble-”
You hear her chuckle over the phone, “No, I’m not. Just doing boring paperwork, the uneventful side of being a hero that you don’t see. Don’t worry, I can easily listen to your sweet voice while doing something else.”
Almost at your apartment, you kept walking past in favor of talking with Miruko more and starting your day with a pleasant start.
“You know, I can’t wait till we are alone with you. I get to have you all to myself, taste those soft lips again and see that blush on your cheeks just from my praise, my voice.”
Shit. It suddenly got a bit warmer, a heavy blush filling your face and letting out a noise of surprise. Wasn’t she worried about someone hearing her? At least you had headphones in, you can’t imagine the embassament if you had answered this in your apartment. The amount of teasing you’d get from River about how ‘they’re practically all over you and how lucky you are’.
“Oh, what was that? Do you like all my praise I’m giving you? Get a look at that wonder body of yours, worshipping all your curves and don’t even get me started on those plush thighs of yours. Perfect for marking with hickeys and bites, just screaming that you’re all mine.”
You were thinking of sitting down somewhere so you wouldn’t drop anything or bump into anyone because of how hazed you were. Trying to push your lewd intrusive thoughts back as they crept up, and focus on walking like a normal person.
“How I would love to see your face right now, I’m sure it’s bright red. Unfortunately, I’ll have to save the rest for tonight. Duty calls. Later, darling~” You stutter out a goodbye before hearing her hangup and it’s safe to say you walk back to your apartment in silence. Desperate to calm your blush down so River doesn’t ambush you with questions you don’t have the answers to.
Unlocking your door and putting the groceries away, calling to River that you were going to make lunch then head to work. Making yourself a quick sandwich and scrolling through your phone while you wait for it to be done. You went onto social media and coincidently saw some photos from a shoot that some pros must have done.
You spot Hawks striking a pose, in casual clothes, wearing a white shirt under a black bomber jacket, navy jeans with a couple tears in them, and a silver feather charm on a chain. Smiling at the camera, no doubt charming every person who saw the post, including you. Scrolling down to see a picture of Miruko, also in much formal clothes, smirking at the camera while playing with a collar of the navy suit she was wearing.
To say that they were both attractive was an understatement and it seemed unfair because they were both so gorgeous, but you got a little confidence boost. Knowing that they flirted with you and only with you, and were interested in you enough to have a date with you. At least you thought it was a date.
You weren’t sure if it was but with Miruko’s words in your head still, calling it a date seemed like an understatement too because how… flirty she was. Scenarios again filling your head, you could only imagine what Hawks would be like since they both seemed so competitive and trying to one up each other by flustering you as much as possible.
The timer on your phone rang and you ate your sandwich, luckily being distracted by your roommate making lunch as well while chatting with you about some drama that happened to the teachers where they worked. Enjoying the calm and fun moment that didn’t have you blushing on cloud nine, even though it felt amazing.
=“Alright, I’m headed off to work. See ya River!” They waved goodbye and took a bite of their sandwich. You locked the door behind you as you headed off to work, seeing the streets were busier now and different heroes were on patrol, catching sights of what must be students working with pros. The sun was beating down on you and everyone else and you were grateful to work in a place with AC.
You called out to your boss as you walked in and returned her greeting, heading to the back to put your stuff away. Getting behind the counter and taking the next order as she was making the previous customers’, people coming in and out occasionally sitting down with their food or drink. You didn’t blame them with how hot it was today and continued making drinks and ringing people up.
An hour passed as the shop grew quiet and you and your manager were talking quietly about last night and how clean up went, when the bell rang signalling someone came in. You went back to the register, calling to your manager that you got this one. Making your usual greeting but halting when you saw who it was,
“Hello, welcome to Delights Cafe! What can I get you- Hawks?” You nervously laughed under your breath, “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be working or patrolling right now?”
The red winged hero smiled, “Aw I’m so happy you remembered me. I was just on my break when I was passing by and saw this place again, thinking I should take my break here.” You smiled back and shook your head in disbelief, it couldn’t be a coincidence that you heard from both of them today.
“Of course, well what can I get you, Hawks?” he scanned the menu behind you, “Everything here sounds so good, but I don’t suppose you’re on the menu?” You couldn't help but laugh at the lame pick up line and attempt to stifle your laugh to remain professional.
“That was so cheesy, but no, I’m not on the menu.” You responded, still containing your laughter as he winked at you again “Damn. Guess I’ll have to wait until tonight~” Hawks got closer and leant over the counter as you anxiously scanned the shop to make sure no one was looking. The cafe was practically empty and your boss was busy making food for another customer, not paying any attention to you.
“I heard that rabbit got some time alone with you and I can’t say I’m too happy with that. As far as she’s concerned, you’re mine. Those beautiful hips and gorgeous eyes luring me in, how you taste so good when I kiss you. I love how flustered you get when I tease you, just a few words and you’re practically all red by my hands.” Shit. What’d you say! They’re competitive and you were the prize that came with bragging rights.
Even with that small praise, you were already blushing quite a bit and it only made the hero’s smirk widen, which made your mind go even more hazy. You went to say something but you couldn’t make a cohesive sentence,
“How did- How did you find out-” You were interrupted as he brought up something on his phone, showing you a series of texts.
Miruko: Hey birdy, guess who I got to spend some quality time with? I can’t wait to see them mewling out my mine and completely helpless over me.
Hawks: Like that would ever happen, you saw how flustered they were when I was giving them all that attention.
Miruko: Well safe to say that they’re mine now, bird brain.
Hawks: Guess I’ll have to even the odds.
Putting his phone back into his pocket, “Now you why I’m here. She may have got a moment with you this morning but she’s not here to stop me now.” He lowered his voice an octave and whispered, “I know you’d be moaning out my name with everything I want to do to you. How your thighs would squeeze me as I ate that delicious pussy of yours.”
“How you love me teasing you, edging you till you see stars and tasting all your juices as come undone under me.” Your cheeks burned as you met his gaze, those golden yellow eyes piercing you, and your mouth opened to say something but again nothing came out. How could he say something so lewd in public. In plain sight?!
“Hawks-” “The number 4 looks great! I’ll take that and an iced coffee.” The blonde quickly spoke in a happy go lucky tone like nothing happened while you shook your head, clearing your mind. It stunned you how quick he could change attitudes and cover everything up with just a smile. Nevertheless, you nodded and told him his total, giving him his receipt as he paid. You could feel his eyes on you as you made his order, tracking your every movement like ….well like a hawk.
You gave him his food and drink, thanking him for coming but not before receiving a kiss on the cheek seeing his wink and walking out the doors, flying off somewhere to eat. Standing there in somewhat of a shock at what just happened, again they managed to leave you speechless and flustered.
You could only imagine how tonight was going to be and you were counting down every hour till you saw them. Brushing off your thoughts and cleaning the counter, waiting for the next customer to order. Hours passed as people came and left, the afternoon turning into night as 6pm rolled around and your shift ended, helping your manager close the store.
Both of you made sure everything was locked up and secure so no one could break in. You said farewell to her and you basically ran to your apartment, overjoyed that it was almost 8. Running up the steps and throwing open the doors, not hearing the usual shout from River to not slam open the door. Everything was in its place and nothing was moved except for some dishes in the sink which they had probably left.
You put your bag down and took your jacket off, hanging it on a hook to the side of the closed door. A yellow sticky note on the counter caught your eye, and you walked over and picked it up reading it.
Hi, Y/N! One of my coworkers called me upset because of some rumors spreading about her through some shitty teachers and I went over to her place to work things out. Sorry, I didn’t tell you but I know you’ll find a way to have fun without me.
See ya later.
You laughed softly and threw the note away, happy that you had the apartment to yourself tonight. Washing the remaining dishes and putting them in the cabinet, going to your room and cleaning it up. Searching for someone to wear other than your uniform and finding something cute to wear.
Preparing some food for you guys to eat, and turning the stove on, figuring pasta was good. Thoughts filled your head once again as the time got closer and closer to 8. You were in your head when someone knocked on your door, pulling you out of your head and you turned off the stove to go meet them.
Bright red wings and a pair of soft white ears greeted you, they both smiled at you walking in and shutting the door behind them. Miruko walked over, giving you a peck on the cheek, “Evening cutie. I missed this cute face of yours.”
Hawks came over after slipping off his jacket and captured your lips in a gentle kiss. “You look amazing as always.”
“You both look stunning, I can’t believe this is actually happening. I don’t know why you both are interested in me when you could easily go for someone else-”
“But we’re not and we chose you because you’re just so adorable and alluring to resist.” Miruko spoke as she wrapped an arm around your waist and cupped your jaw, kissing you passionately. Her soft lips pressing against yours and taking short breaths. She ran her tongue along your bottom lip and nipped it.
“Miruko-” “Rumi. Tonight it’s Rumi. I’m not a hero but someone enjoying their date with a cutie like you.” Nodding you smiled and reached up to touch her ears, feeling the soft white fur and silky white hair behind it. A feather brushed your cheek and turned your head over to Hawks.
“And we couldn’t just let a beauty like you be taken by someone else. Call me Keigo.” You buried your head in his chest and sighed, “Thank you Keigo. Why don’t we eat?”
He smirked and brought you closer toward him, tilting your head up, “Gladly. I’ve been waiting for this all day” Keigo got down on his knees and ran his hands over your hips, the sight below causing you to blush.
He hooked hands on the sides of your pants, glancing back up at you just to make sure you were okay with this (A/N:Cause we love consent and it's sexy) and slowly pulled them down once you nodded, humming as it got lower and lower.
Rumi mumbled something and pulled in for a kiss, passionately slamming her lips on yours and massaging your lips. She tilted your head up as you felt warm hands rub your thighs, placing kisses and bites all over them. He pushed you legs apart for a better position and put one leg over his shoulder, blowing some cold air on your clothed clit causing you too to whimper into the kiss.
“Damn. I can’t wait anymore.” Throwing away his self restraint and moving your panties down to your ankles, licking a slow lineup from the bottom to the top. Your moans were swallowed by Rumi taking the opportunity to push her tongue into your mouth, claiming your mouth as she explored every inch of it.
Letting you breath as she placed small kisses on your upper lip, but going back to kiss you and bite your lip. You felt light headed as Kiego ate you out, his tongue swirling around your bud and sucking your clit. Enjoying the lewd sounds you were making all because of him,
“Your pussy is so fucking delicious, I could eat it out night and day, baby bird.” You felt his warm breath fan your clit and blushed at his words, “Let me hear that beautiful voice of yours crying out for me.” Keigo spoke before he dove back in and thrust his tongue deeper, making you let out another loud moan. He laughed and continued to move his along your sensitive walls, sucking on your bud simultaneously.
Rumi broke the kiss and tilted your head to the side, “That was mine, Kiego. They clearly enjoy me much more.” She bit your neck as you cried out, “Rumi! Keigo! It feels so good. Please more,” A mewl escaped your mouth as Keigo bit your labia and you caught his gaze. His blonde wiry hair strewn about as your hand grabbed it and those bright golden eyes examined your pleasure ridden face.
Kisses and bites covered your neck as Rumi found your sweet spot, abusing it mercilessly and sucking it. She peppered kisses all over your neck and nipped it whenever your attention was directly away from her. One of her hands around your waist and the other crawling underneath your shirt and cupping your chest, flicking your nipples as you arched your back.
“That’s it baby~” She cooed as she continued her attack on your neck, rubbing your nipple in between her fingers, you pushed your body into hers. Keigo meanwhile was feeling left out and sucked on your clit and moved his tongue in and out, feeling your walls clamp down on his tongue. Your legs shook as a knot built up and if not for their hands holding you up you would’ve fallen.
“Cum for me songbird. Let me hear that voice cry out in pleasure~” Rumi used both hands to push up your shirt and gave attention to both breasts. Giving one a lick, feeling you to tense up and moan, pinching and pulling the other as you sucked and licked the other. Switching position to keep the pleasure growing and smirking as she heard you breath hitch, Keigo swirled his tongue around your bud and coaxed two fingers in your pussy.
The wonderful stretch nearly pushed you over the edge as his finger pumped in and out, using his tongue to give you some outer stimulation. Humming when your grip on his hair tightened and sent waves of pleasure crashing down on you with his vibrations, feeling his hold tighten on your thighs as you shook. Keigo used his tongue to help you ride out your orgasm and Rumi played with your nipples, pulling you in for a kiss and capturing your moans.
“Damn, Baby Bird. You’re so goddamn attractive. How’d we get so lucky?” The red winged man spoke, running circles on your thigh and lovingly looking at your expression twisted in pleasure. That must have been one of the best climaxes you’ve had, even with your vibrators and exes. You caught your breath and opened your heavy eyelids, seeing Rumi and Keigo look at you, no doubt a mess.
“That- That was amazing. Fuck. You both are incredible. I guess we’re skipping dinner then?” They laughed at your joke and stood up, still holding onto your hips to keep you steady just in case. Keigo buries his head into your neck giving it light kisses, “I don’t know I’m still pretty hungry~ I mean we haven’t even gotten to the main course, songbird.”
Rumi spoke up, “I’m waiting for my turn too. Won’t you do me the pleasure of eating me out?��� A crimson blush spread over your cheeks and you took a step back onto the wall, both of them caging you in, “I’m going to fuck you till the only thing you remember is our names.” He whispered in your ear, biting your lobe, “Now, where is the bedroom?”
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chyrstis · 3 years
WIP Sunday...?
Whoops. So much for Saturday, but Sunday I can definitely do. :D
Tagged by: @adelaidedrubman ​ @vasiktomis @ma-sulevin @fadedjacket and @starsandskies! I want to thank you all for thinking of me, especially since it always takes a few extra days if not a week D: to be able to get to it. <3
Tagging: @writerofblocks ​ @hunnybadgerv ​ @twistedsinews ​ @painterofhorizons @shallow-gravy ​ (I know you just posted, so don’t mind me at all, or *eyes*) @cobb-vanthss ​ @amistrio ​ @tommymillers @jackiesarch @geronimo-11 @unlikelynick @redroci @scarlettkat86 @jackalopestride ​ @jenchwuq @faithchel @consumedkings @belorage @tomexraider @scarlettkat86 @aceghosts @chazz-anova but no obligation intended at all! 
First, a little more the Hana/Sharky fic I’ve been working on for a bit now, which hopefully I’ll finish by the end of next week? *crosses fingers*
The chair screeched forward, and her eyes snapped open.
She didn’t even breathe as she took in the stretch of darkness in front of her. The black of it all stained red for a minute, but it faded. Didn’t see a single thing change in front of her - not the trees twenty feet out from her or the bushes, or the figure on the ground off to her right.
But there was no room. No chair. Just her as she adjusted. Let her eyes settle the longer they were open, and tried to push herself up only to have her pillow all but slip out from under her.
“Uh, H? Hana?”
That’s when she caught the green out of the corner of her eye. Right where she’d decided to nestle her cheek, and sat up fast enough for Sharky to jolt right next to her.
“Whoa, chica. You okay?”
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine!” Her hands shot out to steady herself, all while her heart hammered in her chest. “Really, I’m-I’m fine.”
Just repeated it over and over as she sat there, breathing in deep in the hopes that it would out. That she would even out, and rubbed hard at her face before deciding to look his way.
“It was just a really, really shitty dream. I think that’s the only kind I’ve been able to have up here. But see? All fine,” Hana replied, gesturing towards herself. “All awake and ready to jump up and-just really go and put foot to-”
Exhaustion hit her like a truck, making any words she’d meant to go for next disappear straight into a yawn. One of the loudest and longest she could recall in recent memory, and covered her mouth with her hand as she waited for it to pass. But it stretched on, and by the time she was finished, Sharky’s expression had gone from concerned straight to delighted.
“Damn, H. New record there.”
“So, maybe I'm a little tired. A little!” she said, pinching together her fingers. “But that’s just one, and all you’ll be hearing from me.”
Sharky shrugged, but when she saw him stretch and give an exaggerated yawn himself, she couldn’t even roll her eyes before having another slip out. It was nowhere near as long as the other, but that wasn't playing fair at all, and she lightly punched him in the shoulder for it.
...A little something I wrote out last night that if all goes according to plan, will absolutely be added to a certain fic, but we’ll see if these two decide to cooperate and if Hana manages not to light herself on fire either
“I’d like to file a complaint.”
“About what?” John asked, his tone short. 
He gave her a look, and Hana smoothed out the remains of the wanted poster she was holding. After tearing if off of the wall, she hadn’t been delicate with it, and as she turned it towards him was suprised it had come off in one piece at all.   
“Is this how I look to you?” She jabbed a finger at it. “How I look to the person that drew it out to begin with?”
He didn’t say a single thing to contest it as he aimed a flat look at her, and the fact that she quickly became a perfect match for said poster in that very instance wasn’t lost on her at all.
He smiled at her, his amusement only growing at her irritation, and she settled for tearing the poster into the finest shreds she could manage instead, hitting him with half of them when she tossed them into the fireplace.
“Fuck you. You know what? Fuck the both of you.”
John wrinkled his nose as the paper drifted down onto his lap, but he brushed it off right back at her.
Hana flicked on the lighter and froze. “Excuse me?”
“...I thought it was an accurate likeness myself, but complaint noted and filed.”  
He swept his eyes over her, lingering on her growing scowl. “Even if that expression couldn’t be any more of a perfect match if I tried.”
“Capturing you properly proved to be a challenge, but it was one I was more than willing to rise to.“
“You drew me.” She circled her face with her hand - the lighter still tightly clutched in it as it burned - and came a little too close to setting the longer strands of her bangs on fire with it. “All of this?”
“The artist on hand refused to listen while I guided them, and took heavy liberties even when photos and actual references were provided, so that task fell to me. To make sure that-”
Her eyes widened. “Photos? Where the hell did you...?”
“Did you really think I wasn’t watching, Deputy? At any of my outposts? But as I was saying, nothing could be left open to interpretation even for a second, so, yes. I did draw all of this,” John replied, mimicking her motion with his own hand, “and quite well, I might add. Nowhere near poor enough to earn a fuck you over, let alone twice.”
And finally some of the No Cult AU, b/c I’ve been missing this and them a bunch lately (and has it been almost a year since I’ve started this? I have a feeling it’s getting close). I also don’t think I’ve posted this segment here, either, but if I have? Whoops
“Now John’s got me like pinky swearing not to make it too big, but you give the word and it’s on, man.” He glanced up just in time to catch John’s exasperated look and waggled his eyebrows a bit. “Like, we could throw down a bonfire that’ll get everyone talking.”
“Which we expressly do not want. You know exactly why I requested something smaller and manageable.”
“Only if it blows off somewhere else and catches. ‘Sides, even if it did, it’d hardly be the kind that’d knock your socks off.” Giving him a little less stink eye than he deserved, Sharky leaned against the table and huffed. “If you knew how to have some fucking fun, that is.”
“And you’ll have a pro on hand, so consider that stuff, you know. Handled.”
“Handled, he says.” John snorted. “So it’ll only be a minor violation rather than a large one.”
“Fun?” John’s eyes narrowed. “What I think is-”
“John,” Joseph said, cutting him off. “Enough. There’s no need to argue here.”
Sharky watched John open his mouth, then clap it shut. Pressing his lips into a thin line, he didn’t argue any further. Just stayed silent as Joseph walked over to join him on the other side of the table.
“Forgive my brother. What we want is the same here, simply to repay you for your work in some form or fashion, and if this gives us the chance, then please let us take it. You’ve already done so much for us with little to ask for in return. So, if there’s anything we can offer, please allow us to.”
“Dude, it’s nothing. I really don’t mind this,” Sharky said, holding his hands up. “’Sides, I wouldn’t be here without your bro steering me your way to begin with, so…”
John’s posture went rigid. Went ramrod straight as his eyes locked right onto him.
“So, uh…yeah. That’s all on him.”
34 notes · View notes
Kiss of Death
Warnings: nonconsent (fingering and intercourse)
This is dark!(mob)Loki and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You (literally) run into a powerful man but find it hard to shake him.
Note: So we’re taking a tiny break from Painted Windows. The last chapter was intense and even my heart needs some respite. So I let myself wonder down the backstreets and wrote some mob!Loki with a good chance of a sequel.
Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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After a long day and a longer week, you were looking forward to the small get together. Several nights in a row you came home late and gulped down a microwave dinner before passing out on the couch. An unglamorous life, to say the least.
For Nisha’s birthday, you agreed to meet up at a nice restaurant downtown for drinks and hopefully dinner. Tiana and Ana were already there with Nisha as you rushed in. You weren’t used to being the last to arrive. Usually you were the first there and waiting for at least twenty minutes.
You gave a frantic greeting to the small group and dropped your purse in your empty chair.
“I’m so sorry. Nisha, happy birthday but I’m gonna burst,” You said as you caught your breath. 
They laughed at your panic and waved you towards the restrooms. You snaked around tables and to the narrow hall that led to the facilities. You were quick to sweep inside and into a stall. Your pants were barely past your thighs before you sat; the stream was painful and squeezed your bladder terribly. You sighed and took a moment to gather yourself as soft classical music plucked from the speakers.
Finished, you washed your hands and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your jacket hung open over your flowery blouse and pressed slacks. You wore a pair of low wedges that gave you a few inches. You were exhausted and you looked it. A night of drinking would surely wake you up… or at least lull you into the sleep you’d been lacking.
You smoothed out your shirt and slipped out of the jacket. You slung it over your arm and tried to fix your hair as best as you could. Your latest client was demanding and worse, a perfectionist. Usually, your suggestions were accepted without a single glance but Stacey Forrest was very particular. She needed to impress her new circle of peers; many twenty years her senior. Just thinking of her stabbed your temples with frustration.
You shook off the moment of chagrin and took a breath. Work was done. You had Saturday to sleep off the hangover you planned on feeding tonight. Sunday was far away at the present. 
You pushed open the door and strolled back to the dining room. You spotted the table of women awaiting you, giggling as they sipped from their respective glasses, and set off to join them. In your tunnel vision, you didn’t notice the party to your right. The man whom you walked directly into and barely kept you from tripping over his leather shoes. You were so embarrassed, you hardly realized how the entire room had gone silent.
You backed up and slipped free of the man’s grasp. You looked up at him and caught your coat before it could fall to the floor. 
“Oh, sorry,” You said as your cheeks burned. “I wasn’t…” You glanced around. “Paying attention…”
“It’s quite alright,” The lilt in his voice surprised you as much as the glimmer in his green eyes. “These things happen.”
“Yeah, I… Sorry again.” You sidestepped between some tables. “Um, okay.”
You spun away awkwardly as you tried to ignore your audience. Even Nisha, Tiana, and Ana had turned to watch the debacle. Well, the night was never complete without you making a fool of yourself. You hung your coat over the back of your chair and moved your purse as you sat. The room was still in a hush.
“Smooth,” Tiana raised her brows.
“Shut up,” You grumbled.
“Only you.” Nisha chided.
You peeked around at those who whispered around you and followed their own attention to the man you’d nearly tackled. He was with a group of several men and was shown to a booth near the back of the restaurant. You turned back and shook your head.
“I need a drink.” You declared.
“I’d say you do,” Tiana shook her head. “And a knock in the head.”
“You do know who’s foot you just stomped, right?” Ana asked.
“When do I ever know what is going on?” You said dryly. “So we doing just drinks or dinner?”
“She doesn’t even care,” Tiana gasped. “We should leave before she gets in anymore trouble.”
“Oh my god, what is the big deal?” You demanded.
“Take another look at that man,” Ana intoned.
You huffed and turned in your chair. You looked at the man as the server listened intently to him and you felt as if he was familiar but you couldn’t place him. He smiled at the waiter and then his eyes met yours. You blinked and spun back so quickly your chair wobbled. You shrugged as you steadied yourself.
“His name, which I’m sure will shake something loose, is Loki Laufeyson.” Tiana scoffed. “You might have heard that somewhere through that haze you call sentience.”
Your eyes rounded. A waitress appeared and asked for an order. You opted for gin on ice and rubbed your forehead.
“Shit.” You swore. “Well, I mean, it was just an accident. Not like I pulled a gun on him.”
“You scuffed his shoe,” Ana mused. “I’ve heard stories of him taking offence at less.”
“Don’t,” You warned. “I already have enough on my plate without worrying about…” You lowered your voice. “...the mob.”
“Oh, we’re teasing you,” Tiana insisted. “So how is Mrs. Forrest.”
“Nee Marris,” Ana added.
“Oh, you know, the same girl she was in uni,” You grinned. “Only this time she’s married her sugar daddy.”
“And she hired you to style her new house?” Nisha asked.
“Manse,” You corrected her. “As she prefers.”
“Definitely hasn’t changed,” Tiana smirked.
You all laughed as the waitress set your drink in front of you and you thanked her. You continued to gab over your menus and eventually ordered. You forgot about the bumpy beginning and were soon lost in the cheer. You had longed for a night out. A rare occasion when you reverted to the college girl procrastinating on her studying.
When your dinner came, so did another round of drinks. You paused and stopped the waitress before she could flit away.
“Sorry, but we didn’t order another round,” You wondered.
“Compliments of Mr. Laufeyson,” She said quietly. 
You froze and the other women looked at you curiously. You raised a brow and tried to subtly look over your shoulder. You didn’t turn all the way as you sensed another’s gaze on you.
“You can thank him but we can pay for them,” You insisted. “Really…”
The waitress blanched and your friends tittered.
“Oh, what’s the harm,” Nisha chimed. “Better than him sending something else.”
“Loosen up,” Tiana took a large gulp. “The free drink should help with that.
You sighed and Anna added to the plea with a grin. You rubbed your chin and relented. “You can thank Mr. Laufeyson.”
She exhaled in relief and agreed to do so. You grabbed your glass reluctantly and sneered at the girls before you forced your finest smile. You turned and found the man in question watching you. You raised your glass at him as a gratitude and quickly righted yourself in your chair.
“Oh,” Ana preened. “You think he’d pay for the whole meal? Give him a wink or something.”
“An,” You warned. “Really. That’s not the type of man you want to owe favours.”
“Really?” Tiana challenged. “Twenty minutes ago you barely recognized him.”
“Maybe not but I’d heard of him and his… supposed deeds.” You said. “You aren’t really encouraging this, are you?”
“He must like the whole clueless vibe you’ve got going for you,” Tiana trilled. “Rather endearing even if it does leave your toes a bit tender.”
“Hush,” You hissed. “Really. Let’s eat and then we shall relocate so that I do not entangle myself further with thugs.”
They laughed and you flaked away a piece of salmon with your fork. You shook your head. You had the sense of being watched and didn’t need to look to know why. It sent a frightful tickle along your spine. You were always quite skilled at walking, or rather, tripping head first into trouble.
That night was just another fleeting thrill in a series of missteps that never quite came to fruition. You didn’t need to worry about the mobster or your little stumble. Sometimes a kind gesture was just that and a coincidence was nothing more. No serendipity, no fate, just another anecdote about how your clumsiness had nearly gotten you in trouble.
You finished your dinner and found your way to a pub just down the way. The music was a little young for your tastes but the cocktails were on special and it wasn’t too rowdy. It was like Sex and the City but duller; and likely sadder. You shared stories of failed dates, workplaces peeves, and the latest drama witnessed on the tube. Provoking stuff.
Nisha crashed at yours. You woke on the couch, the birthday girl was offered the bed. You drank coffee with the curtains drawn but she didn’t wake up until noon. When she did, she finished the pot and dressed in her wrinkled clothing. You saw her off to the station and stopped by the shop for some orange juice and paracetamol.
You spent the rest of the day in the dark with Netflix in the background. You dreaded another day of Stacey’s obstinacy. What kind of person needed more than a dozen bedrooms in one house? Oh, and she did mention their summer house in the south? Well, if you couldn’t start appeasing her Cher Horowitz tastes, she might not need you for that.
The only thing you could do to prepare was set your alarm and sleep off your hangover. When you woke, the ice pick had dislodged from your skull and the fog outside helped mute the harshness of the sun. You dressed, had your coffee, a small breakfast, and readied to face off with Stacey.
The drive was an hour out of the city. Your small car puttered along but never failed to get you where you needed. You sang along to Petula Clark on the scratchy radio station as you yawned over the steering wheel. The old house rose before you; a hideous mishmash of an old Tudor cottage and a modern geometric renovation.
You drove up the winding drive and around the back. Classified as a member of the help, you weren’t permitted to park with the Bentley and the Rolls. You didn’t recognize the Aston Martin but you assumed it was another of Mr. Forrest’s associates. You climbed out, locked your car, and dropped your keys in your pocket.
There was a backdoor, formerly the entrance to the servants’ quarters, and you ducked through the arched doorway. The old corridor had recently been remodelled with a couple guestrooms, a modified laundry room, and a wine cellar. Paintings left by the former owners had been reframed and hung. Stacey couldn’t decide if she wanted to be old aristocracy or the new age elite.
You found Stacey in the kitchen. Her assistant, Deanna, was making her a green smoothie. She greeted you with a smile and flicked her finger across her tablet.
“Just in time,” She beckoned you over as Deanna set the glass down beside her. “I was thinking this lamp would be perfect for the master.”
You looked at the image. The clear glass body of the lamp was filled with large round sequins; a fishtank of tackiness with a feather shade. You had to hide your distaste.
“It could work,” You allowed, “But we would have to revert a few other choices.”
“Revert?” Her voice went deep and she sipped noisily through her straw.
“The curtains. You want sheen or lace. Not both.”
“Hmm,” She pressed her lips together. “I suppose. We could still have the curtains, they would be cute in the loo.”
“Cute,” You repeated as you resisted a laugh. “Well, as long as we keep to that theme in there.”
“I was talking to Paul,” She batted her lashes as she always did when she spoke of her husband; you suspected she held more affection for his last name and wallet than his person. “He did mentioned he wouldn’t mind a hint of snakeskin in his office. He doesn’t want anything too stuffy or old.”
“Oh yes, he is one for the… younger tastes,” You intoned. “We could probably work it in subtly. We don’t want it to be overbearing.”
“I suppose…” She rolled her eyes and took another long drink. “Well, I’ve tracked down those lamps in the city. I say we go and have a look around the boutique while we pick them up. Perhaps we can muster some inspiration, maybe even some imagination.”
You smiled and accepted the rebuke in stride. “At your leisure, Mrs. Forrest.”
“Stacey,” She corrected. “You know that makes me feel old.”
“Stacey,” You repeated and leaned on the counter.
“I’ll just finish this and then I’ll have Stuart drive us into the city.”
“I have a car,” You offered. 
“And so do I. It’s much nicer,” She insisted. “And we will discuss ideas on the w--” 
She turned completely in the tall chair and stood. “Paul,” She greeted her husband in a sing song. 
You watched her and angled yourself to keep your eye on her. Paul’s silver hair was thinning and still wore hints of the black dye he’d used to reclaim his youth upon his wedding day. His wrinkles deepened as he grinned and welcomed her against him. She wore stilettos and a skirt so tight it looked painful. 
Your amusement dwindled as another figure appeared behind him. You recognised the man immediately. It hadn’t been two days since your first and last encounter. As you remembered him, you were sure he remembered you. You were convinced of it as his green eyes sparkled and he smirked in your direction.
“Sweetheart, I thought you’d be off already,” Paul’s arm held Stacey around her waist. “I was just discussing our renovations with Mr. Laufeyson on his way out and was about to show him the east wing.”
“We were just on our way,” She announced. “We’ve some items to pick up for the master and soon enough we’ll move onto the rest of guest rooms.”
“Mr. Laufeyson,” Paul turned back to his visitor, his arm still around his young wife, “Pardon my negligence, this is Stacey’s designer.” He introduced you kindly. He might have been an easy dupe but he was nice enough. “They go back a ways. To university I believe.”
“Oh yes, I was in fashion and she was in interior, and so we ran into each other a couple times a year,” Stacey explained. “She always did have a good eye.”
“Ah,” Laufeyson neared and held out his hand cordially. You eyed it and the scene of you crashing into him replayed in your head. “Nice to meet you.”
“You too,” You shook his hand awkwardly and prayed Stacey would not stay too long to boast.
“Actually,” He let go slowly, “If you’re not too tied up at the moment, I have a place not far from here that needs a breath of fresh air. You see, it was my father’s and it still bears much of his tastes. Not very akin to my own but I am terribly obtuse at these things.”
“Hmm, well,” You swallowed and looked to Stacey, “My roster is rather full at the moment. How many rooms did you say there were in this place, Mrs. Forrest?”
“Oh, but she is not that burdened, Mr. Laufeyson.” Stacey insisted. “We have sorted plans for most of the rooms. You might take her on the odd days, if you wish?”
Your nostrils flared. She acted as if she owned you. As if you were to be lent out like one of her designer dresses.
“I do have a waiting list--”
“We are old friends,” She interjected, “As a favour from me, Mr. Laufeyson, as a thank you for your wonderful wedding gift, you might have a consultation upon us. Right, Paul?”
“Oh, yes,” He seemed to have awoken from a trance at the mention of his name. “That old place your father kept, it could use a good dusting.”
You glared at Stacey. If she wasn’t paying twice your hourly rate, you might have walked out. You quickly wiped away your chagrin as the attention turned back to you.
“Well, I suppose if Mrs. Forrest can spare me…”
“Tomorrow,” Stacey affirmed. “Leave the address with Paul and she’ll meet with you in the morning. I can survive the day without her. The contractors will be back for the west wing.”
The next morning, you left early to make sure you arrived on time, all so that you could eventually leave on time. Mr. Laufeyson’s house was not far from the Forrests’. You pulled up to the tall gates and rolled down your window to push the buzzer. A voice rose from the crackly speaker and you called out your purpose several times before you were understood.
The wrought iron gates finally opened and you pulled through slowly. The drive was even longer than Stacey’s and the house grander. It was indeed old-fashioned. You pulled up before the large garage off the side of the house and stepped out onto the cobblestone. Your thick heel skidded over them and you nearly tripped. You locked your car and carefully walked along to the front steps.
You climbed them carefully but stumbled up the last. As you fell and scraped your hands on the stone porch, you heard the door open. You looked up and cringed as Mr. Laufeyson looked down at you. He stepped out onto the porch and you dragged yourself up by the column at the top of the railing.
“You okay?” He touched your elbow gently as you dusted your hands off on your jacket.
“Fine,” You assured him. “You know, gotta make an entrance.
“You’re early,” He said.
“Shall I wait?” You asked.
He chuckled and waved you ahead of him to the door. “Not at all. I’ve been eagerly awaiting you.”
You were silent as you neared the open door and entered the large foyer. He was close behind as he pulled the door closed and you tried not to flinch as he brushed close to you. You looked up at the grand chandelier and the towering portraits of ancestors.
“Where shall we start?” He asked.
“Well, I usually begin with a walk through and then we can go over my notes at the end. Discuss what you want to change, what you’d like to keep,” You took out your notebook as you spoke. “You’ll have a copy of it all. Should you choose to carry out the plans with another designer, you’ll still have them as reference.”
“Very well,” He nodded and you waited for him to lead you; up the stairs, through the door to your left or to your right. Just to start the whole awkward day. 
“Mr. Laufeyson?” You glanced over at him and he smirked.
“Loki,” He said. “We can go without the formalities for the day, I think.”
“Loki, where should we start?”
“I know you remember me,” He ignored your question. “And I certainly remember you.”
“I did appreciate the drink,” You said evenly. “And again, I do apologise for my carelessness.”
He considered you a moment. He didn’t move.
“And you know who I am?” He asked.
“Who doesn’t?” You answered as you looked around tensely. Heat began to crawl up your neck. 
“A thug, no?” He wondered. You blanched at the word you’d used only days before.
“It was a joke…”
“I do not deny it,” He assured you. “Or take offence. I’ve been called worse.”
You took a deep breath and tapped your pen on your notebook. Your turned to look at him directly.
“Did you bring me here to reprimand me?” You asked.
His smirk remained and he buttoned his jacket.
“I brought you here to rid this place of my father’s stench,” He said coolly. “And because this universe has a peculiar way of aligning the stars.”
“Left, right, or up,” You pointed to each door and then the broad stairway. “We should begin before the time gets ahead of us.”
“We should,” He agreed. “The left, dear.”
It took you all day to get through every room of the house. As you explored, you pieced together the story of the old place. A family property passed down through the generations. Nobles until the Great War, criminals in its aftermath and since. They hid their delinquency beneath their titles.
Loki seemed to have little love for his late father. His words were resentful. He explained that this was the lesser of two houses; the other was bequeathed to his brother. Expected but still a thorn.
He talked more than you expected, as if to fill the silence as you jotted down notes. Perhaps to loosen your own tongue. A man used to charming others. His words were as useful a weapon as a gun. You found it hard not to let them sway you. It was easy to see him as pleasant when his task was not so odious.
You caught yourself several times. He followed a bit too closely, leaned in a bit too much to look over your shoulders, held doors for you, brushed against you a little too conspicuously. You sensed him closing in the further you delved into the old family stead. Felt him looming around you as you tried to focus on the peeling wallpaper and golden candlesticks.
You were on the third floor. The walls were lined with geometric sconces of the art deco era. They could be restored easily and once more stylish even a century later. You reached the end of the hall and tucked your notebook under your arm as he pushed open the door there. He stepped back and waited for you to enter. You did, cautiously.
You walked the perimeter of the room, around the armoire and the bed, the standing lamp, the curled feet of the night tables. An extravagant fireplace with statues of lions on its mantle gaped back at you. You stopped before it as you scribbled on the paper. You turned and looked around once more.
“Are you set on the bed frame?” You asked. “An antique but clunky.”
“Hmmm,” He thought as he neared the foot of the bed. “I’m not sure.”
“I suppose if you removed the canopy and replaced the duvet it might…” You glanced at him and your eyes strayed behind him. The door was closed. You hadn’t heard it shut. You shook off the tremor and looked back to the tasseled canopy. “It might work but you could free up a lot of space, make it a little more open with something less… imposing.”
He rounded to your side of the bed slowly. He dragged his fingers along the bedding and stopped beside you. 
“I think I know what might make it look a little nicer,” He said.
“Oh?” You kept your eyes on your notebook as you scribbled down nonsense.
“Yes,” He lifted his hand from the bed and grabbed your notebook. “I think you might look rather striking in it.”
He dislodged the book from your hand and you tried to catch it before he flung it across the room. You stared up at him in shock and he ripped the pen from your hand in kind. You stepped back, startled.
“Loki,” You gasped. “What are--”
“You knew the kind of man I was back in that restaurant,” He blocked you as you tried to skirt past him. “You knew it at the Forrests’, and yet you came here.”
“I came to work.” You insisted. “I came because another said I would.”
You tried to push past him but he caught you around your waist. He swept you off your feet and swung you onto the bed. You bounced on the mattress and sat up quickly.
“Loki,” You tried to shimmy off the bed. “I don’t--”
He was on top of you before you could get your feet over the edge. He shoved you back down and straddled you beneath him. You tried to wriggle out, tried to push him off, bat him away, but he caught your hands and pinned them to the bed.
“You knew that night who I was and what I can do.” He purred. “And I knew what I would do. Sooner or later.” He leaned over you until his nose almost touched yours. “I knew I would find you again.”
“Please,” You breathed shakily. “Please, you can stop and we can both forget--”
“I can’t forget,” He sneered. “I won’t.”
“Let me go,” You begged. “I didn’t… I didn’t mean for any of it. I said sorry, I--”
“Oh, dear, this isn’t about that,” He rubbed his nose against yours cloyingly. “This is about the way that ass looks in those pants.”
You whined and kicked helplessly beneath him. “Help!” You yelled. “Someone, please!”
“I dismissed the help when you showed up. It’s an empty house, dear,” He rocked his pelvis against yours. “In the middle of the country.”
You grunted in frustration. He sat back and released your hands. He pushed your jacket open. He barely noticed as you slapped his arms and chest. He chuckled even. He tore your blouse and his hands cupped your bra. He squeezed and rocked his hips. He groaned as he groped you.
He slid his body down over yours until he was draped over you. He bent his head to your chest and kissed along your cleavage. You pulled his hair roughly as you tried to wrench him away. A hand slithered up and closed around your throat. He squeezed as his teeth pinched your flesh. You cried out from the pain.
Slowly, he raised his head. A black strand fell across his forehead. “My dear, it means nothing for me to hurt you.” His grip tightened. “So if you insist upon it, I will.”
You grasped at his hand as you tried to breathe. Your eyes watered and you nodded frantically. Your head was starting to throb. He let go and once more buried his head in your chest. His hand crawled back down as he held him over you, he flicked your fly open with one hand and pushed the zipper down slowly.
You were paralysed. Shock, fear, mortification washed over you. You were stupid enough to come hear. Weak enough to go along with Stacey’s demands. And desperate enough to be inflamed by his touch.
His fingers hooked beneath the waist of your pants and the elastic of your panties. He tore them down. He jolted your entire body and backed off of you as he forced them down your legs and over your boots. You tried to sit up but he was quick to shove you back down. He put his arm across your throat and held you there as he pushed his knees between your legs.
You shook and clung to his arm as he leaned on your windpipe.
“Loki…” You pleaded.
He tickled along your thigh and slipped two fingers between your lips. You gulped as he flicked your clit and your thighs tingled. You bit down and he did it again. He delved between your folds and your arousal was soon obvious. He returned to your bud and rubbed until your thighs were tensed against his.
“You can try to resist me, dear,” He snarled. “But know, I’ll always find a way to get to you.”
He shoved his fingers inside and you cried out. He pressed his thumb to your clit as he drew his fingers in and out. You slapped his shoulder and latched onto it as he kept on. You could feel your ascent and he urged you to your tipping point. You moaned and closed your eyes as your body quaked in betrayal. You came on his fingers. You could feel it, hear it.
You tried to catch his breath as he left you empty. He slipped his arm off your throat and leaned on his elbow as he unzipped his trousers. You squirmed and he grabbed a hank of your hair and pulled. You whimpered and he rolled his pants down to his thighs. He dragged his tip along your wet folds and you spread your hands over his chest.
You shook your head and tried to beg with your eyes. You pushed on his chest and he lined himself up with your entrance. He slammed his hips down and you yelped as he impaled you to his limit. Your fingers clawed at the lapels of his jacket as he began to rock. You went limp beneath him as your body buzzed. You were repulsed by how good it felt.
He sat up and grabbed your thighs. He held your legs against him as he watched his cock slide in and out of you. Each thrust came sooner than last, harder than the last, deeper than the last. You reached out and balled the duvet in your fists as you tried to breathe away the mixture of agony and ecstasy. It didn’t work.
You came again. This time you shook even more and exclaimed louder than before. He let go of your left leg and reached to pulled your bra down beneath your tits. He kneaded as he tilted into you.
“Say my name,” He commanded. You shook your head and he pinched your nipple. “Say it!”
“Loki,” You whimpered.
“Again.” He growled.
“Loki,” You repeated.
“Keep going.” 
His name tumbled from your lips over and over. Each time he pounded into you, you recited the syllables. You came a third time and covered your face in shame. You were dizzy and confused. He sank into as deep as he could and the bed stilled. You felt him spill inside of you, his cock twitched as he groaned.
You went quiet and all strength drained from your body. He sighed and eased himself out of you. His cum leaked down onto the duvet between your legs as he crawled backward off the bed. You drew your legs together as he stood. He bent to grab your pants from the floor and tossed them over you.
He tucked his cock away and zipped up his fly. He pushed his shoulders back and let out another deep breath. He watched you smugly as you shakily sat up and grasped your pants. His eye brow crooked and he felt around in his jacket as it began to buzz. He pulled out his phone and read the screen.
“That’s the wife,” He said. “Shit. I’ll have to let her know I’m running late.”
You blinked as he turned and answered the phone. Your eyes were wide and your heart seemed to stop as he opened the door and disappeared into the hall. His wife. You hadn’t thought you could feel worse but like many things, you were wrong.
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gerec · 3 years
hopefully it’s okay to share this even though it’s not sleepover saturday but can I just say that I really don’t like in some fics how erik and raven are so mutant and proud with everyone but charles? and it’s just never addressed it’s just supposed to be normal that charles has to suppress such a big part of himself around them? I don’t know maybe this is an unpopular opinion because maybe most people wouldn’t want a telepath reading their thoughts but it’s charles would he really read anything other than their surface thoughts! would love to know what you think :)
Hi Anon! Apologies for not answering sooner; this week was a little crazy and I was tied up with finishing Rare Pairs stuff :D 
I’ve gone back and forth about this topic over the years, and while I’m still annoyed with Raven’s attitude (and just Raven in general), I’ve mellowed when it comes to Erik. If I recall correctly, the only time Erik explicitly tells Charles to stay out of his head is just after they meet (and before they really become partners), and given how justifiably prickly and cautious he is at the time it makes total sense. After that, Erik really only puts the helmet on when he knows he’s about to do something Charles won’t like, so Charles can’t stop him - which i guess is no different than say...taking Cap’s shield from him during a fight, yeah? And if you think about it, there’s reason to believe that Charles has been in Erik’s head quite a lot, considering they recognize each other in XMA solely through Charles’ telepathy. :D Anyway I guess my thought is that Erik probably doesn’t object to Charles’ mutation per se (he’s probably pretty proud/impressed by his power), he just doesn’t want Charles to have the ability to stop him from doing stupid things executing his super strategic plans. 
Talking about Raven makes my blood boil so I won’t, except to say that yes, telepathy is frightening, and most people would have an issue with their thoughts being read without their permission (and their minds/actions controlled by someone else). I mean, we didn’t see Charles use it in nefarious ways in the X-Men movies but the potential has always been there and we saw in WandaVision what that might look like. BUT Raven’s mutation isn’t that much better, in that she uses it to mimic and impersonate people, which can be just as much a violation of personhood as telepathy. Therefore you would THINK that she of all people would be more understanding and sympathetic towards Charles, but apparently not. :D 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Lilo and Stitch Crossovers: “Morpholomew” (American Dragon Long): Stop Trying to Make Am Drag a Thing (Commisson Done For WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome to a brand new retrospective/story arc/thing from yours truly, comissoned directly by WeirdKev27. If you’d like to comission your own review or set of reviews like this one, it’s 5 bucks. Just contact me via my ask box or direct messages on this very blog or my discord technicolormuk#6550.
With Shadow Into Light in the books, Kev decided he wanted to comission something not duck related and a bit smaller as a buffer before the next big arc, ALL of three arcs from season 2 of Ducktales, and decided to go with something he suggested to be a while back as a possible future retrospective: The Lilo and Stitch Crossover episodes! 
That’s right for the next three weeks, with TWO reviews this week since I had a spot open up and Kev paid for this one in full and way in advance, we’ll be taking a trip to Hawaii to visit everyone’s faviorte little girl, her best friend/pet/killing machine as they try to find homes for his 625 cousins. 
I loved Lilo and Stitch when I was a kid: Disney admitely got their hooks in me on that one with their cool prequel comics in disney adventures. These comics set up the movie, showing Jumba creating Stitch and the events leading up to both getting captured. The movie did not disapoint with cool character designs, a drop dead gorgeous recreation of Hawaii, and a really heartfelt, heartbreaking and heartpumping story of loss, family, and ving rahmes voicing one of the few heroic child services workers i’ve seen in a medium, a refreshing change of pace. The film is a masterpiece and I really do need to watch it again sometime. 
Given the series was a huge hit and that thsi was before the big lull in the late 2000′s and early 2010′s where Disney refused to make any tv shows based on their movies, a series followed, given a lead in by the direct to video movie Stitch.
The movie set up the basic premise; 624 capsules containing Jumba’s previous experiments, cousins as Stitch calls them, ended up raining over Kauai, awakening when dropped into water or any other liquid. Lilo and Stitch, with help from Jumba, his live in boyfriend Pleakley, her tought but fair sister Nani, and her boyfriend David, who dosen’t show up as much as i’d like but is my boy so he gets a mention here. But anyways our heroes try to reform the various engines of distructoin who all have unique powers and find them their one place they truly belong. 
So yes the show was a Mons-type show clearly captalizing off pokemon.. but the slice of life setting as opposed to the shonen style of most shows following in pokemon’s wake, gave it it’s own unique feel: while our heroes did fight, it was more about shenanigans, adventures and what not with these unique creatures and the purpose is very heartflet: Lilo simply wants to give these guys the same kind of love and support she’s given Stitch and a chance to do good. 
Opposing them is Gantu, the shark bounty hunter from the first film who, now out of a job, is working for Dr. Hamstervile, an imprisoned sceintest and a character I really don’t like that much as he’s not funny or a genuine threat or both and feels like a waste of time. Thankfully he’s not the focus and Gantu is instead partnered with 625, my faviorite Lilo and Stitch character. 625, as the name suggests, is stitch’s immediate prototype.. but unlike Stitch is too lazy and peaceful to be a real threat and isn’t even really a villian despite being on Gantu’s side. He’s busy making samwitches, his calling to the point when he gets a name in the finale movie it’s naturally Ruben, and snarking at gantu. He’s sadly not in this one but hopefully it’s JUST this one. 
As you can tell I liked this show a LOT at the time. I haven’t watched it since, mostly because disney scarely replayed it after it’s run, but it was vibrant, fun and intresting and a nicely laidback and creative take. The fact I came into the franchise with the comics and thus 625, who was introduced there in fact, and had a hunger to know more about the other experiments certainly helped. It was great fun. 
But while I grew up with the show and the four shows it teamed up with, i’ve never seen these episodes before these reviews. I wondered why for years as I caught the tail end of the kim possible one and saw images ocasionally, but never saw them. 
Turns out it’s because in general Season 2 got screwed over. While Season 1 was pushed out the door fast and aired at a rapid pace Season 2.. was portioned out over several years, and the Recess crossover one, the last one aired and the last one i’ll be covering never even got to Disney channel, only airing on ABC kids, DIsney’s saturday morning block at the time I rarely watched. I did watch it’s predecessor one saturday morning though. Good stuff. 
Since I couldn’t find any making of stuff for why these episodes happened, my best guess is DIsney wanted some cross promotion, and the shows used were chosen because they were the most popular at the time and honestly all 4 represent some of disney’s best, with Recess being in heavy reruns at the time, hence i’ts conclusion despite the show being finished before Lilo And Stitch the movie came out, let alone the series. 
So yeah i’m taking this ride for the first time.. but I was happy to. While Kev pays for a lot of my work, I still have to accept the idea.. and this was a great one. It allows me to cover 5 amazing series and gage how much people would want to see reviews of said series on this blog in one fell swoop.
So to kick us off we have American Dragon: Jake Long, a series I waited forever to come to Disney + as I loved it at the time, badly need to rewatch it (Been busy ), and find it genuinely great: It’s a great teen superhero story about the magical protector of new york, with a charming lead, a great setting and horrifcally great villians in the violently racist magic creature hunting huntsclan.. and their top agent who happens to be jake’s love intrest Rose. It’s really excellent and i’m glad it’s now widely avaliable for all to see. I will say ahead that all four shows in this crossover arc are excellent, and were fine choices for this. 
So what happens when an action comedy about a hip hop teenage dragon meets a slice of life show about aliens? Find out under the cut. 
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So we open at a fancy hotel where Lilo’s bringing lunch to her sister Nani when she runs into.. Keoni Jameson. 
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The second I remembered this kid all the hate just came flooding back, coursing through my veigns. Just pure liquid hatred for this little perosnalitiless little punk. Keoni is Lilo’s crush and local “stupid white audience stand in”. He has no real personality other than “generic cool kid” and “likes skating”, and just sucks the air out of the room anytime he’s in an episode. Keoni is part of a recurring problem in cartoons across the ages, one that’s slowly going away: the bland love intrest. Intorducing a character whose only traits are being cool for the lead to fawn over with usually no intent of either getting the two togehter or just ending it. IT’s annoying, it was in a good chunk of my childhood, I wish it’d stop. I cannot tell you how many shows used this trope. There were exceptions, American Dragon Jake Long actually used it well by not only making Rose a fleshed out character..  but making her jake’s nemisis in their other lives, and thus making things increidbly difficult on both once the truth comes out, with Jake grappling with if he can trust her or not and Rose grappling with the slow relization eveyrthing she was taught her whole life was wrong.
And again I have seen GOOD storylines using this as a tool: Dipper and Wendy ended with her having been aware teh whole time, but simply not knowing how to let him down given the age gap, and Regular Show rebounded the best from it: it turned the stop and start relatoinshpi of Mordecai and Margret’s relationship into a character flaw for him, openly explored it.. and ended up having him work past it and actually date her for a bit. Before she moved away, he got an even better love interest, then they destoryed the relationship in the worst way posisble and I wil lbe getting to that at some point. Some point. 
So yeah even at the time it was done better, hindsight haas only made it worse and it made watching the first few minutes tough because I had to keep pasuing because I hate him so damn much. He just adds NOTHING to the show and is a blank yanwing void from which no good came out of and I was terrified he’d be in the rest of the episode. Thankfully while he drives the plot he’s only in this scene.. but it’s still one more scene than both 625 and Pleakly got. yeah both are missing, as is nani. 
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I did uncover one fun fact that made things a bit easier though: The crew ALSO hated Keoni. No really. Disney forced the character on them as they wanted an audience surrogate, and this abomination is what popped out. They DID NOT want him here and likely only used him as mcuh as they did because Disney forced it on them. And Disney would NOT learn from this as Star Vs got saddled with Alphonso and Ferguson soley because of network mandate. The two aren’t TERRIBLE characters but they aren’t great and feel as tacked on as they were. And part of this does fall on the crew: you CAN twist a stupid mandate like this to work well: Joe Murray was asked to add “A female character with a hook”, as in some sort of dumb gimmick to Rocko. He used those words, meant to create a superfical girl power cardboard cutout.. and created the wonderful Dr. Hutchenson, a bright cheery doctor, the series best sidecharacter.. and someone with a hook hand. But I won’t go too hard on them: they probably didn’t have as much room to manuver and the fact Keoni was sitll being shoved into episodes in season 2 tells me they likely had a set number of episodes he had to show up. I’m suprised they didn’t demand they have characters ask “Where’s Keonie?” any time he wasn’t in an episode. He was unecessary and it comes across with a massive chunk of unforutnate implications: that they didn’t think a series with a mostly hawaiann cast would work, that they wanted at least one other “nice” white character to offset myrtle instead of having the only major white character be a bully and antagonist, and that they thought tehir mostly white audience coudln’t enjoy a series without a white character, which as someone who was in the target demo at the time, I call bullshit on. As I said I hated him then, I hate him now and his involvement is the worst aspect of this episode. 
So after Lilo fawns over him for a bit we find out this chonk of wood’s purpose in the episode: to set up the plot. There’s a massive Skate Competition coming to town with the prize being a really cool skateboard.  This plot point itself.. I don’t mind. Jake is a skater, it’s part of his character and one of the things he loves doing in what minsicule spare time he has. And while it was a common trope at the time having a character skateboard really dosen’t harm most works. We’ve gotten great characters like Jake, Jackie Lynn Thomas, Branwen and Ronnie Anne Santiago out of it, and it feels like natural parts of the character, and frankly An Extremley Goofy Movie wouldn’t be NEARLY as awesome without having skateboarding bizzarley attached to the plot via the college x-games. Granted somtimes you get Rocket Power out of the deal but that’s the price you pay for the good stuff. I only regret it’s involved because Keoni has to be there and I had to pause multiple times to get through his scene. He’s just a sampler platter of terrible decisions made in 2000′s cartoons and he irritates me more than this guy. 
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And anyone whose read my Loud House reviews can tell you that is a high bar to clear. 
So naturally Lilo wants to enter the Hawiann X-Games to get the board for Keoni. Though I will give the writers credit for having Stitch voice their thoughts and the audiences thoughts by having him take Keoni’s picture and throw it in the garbage. Where he belongs. 
Lilo’s not great at it as they practice.. and said practice naturally ends up waking up a new experiment, 316.. who i’m just going to go ahead and call Morpholomew. Stitch eventually catches him though like many of the experiments he’s not actively malevelolent and is easy enough to get home. 
Jumba gets to his schitck of breaking down what the experiment of the week does: In this case Morpholomew is  a shapeshifter though he has a VERY intresting twist on those powers: while he can naturally morph himself into anything he’s seen or has a picture of, he can do the same to anyone he touches. It dosen’t effect their voices, but otherwise it’s a perfect recreation. 
So Lilo instead of finding him a home right away.. decides to wait until after the compettition because we need him for the plot. 
So at the Skateboard Competittion Lilo tries to enter, but finds she’s too young.. but since she has a picture of Keoni, which is a nice way to use her photo hobby from the movie for plot reasons and thus dosen’t feel like an ass pull. Why Keoni’s not in town to skate is as his dad left because it’d be too crowded.. even though the event is at the resort he owns. 
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So while Lilo commits identtity theft, our guest star appears. He’s cool, he’s hot like a frozen son, he’s young and fast he’s the chosen one, people i’m not braggin, i’ts the American Dragon. Jake is here for two reasons: the first is that Grandpa Long got reports of magical creatures out in the open, so naturally they need to look into that. It’s a clever way to get him, along with Grandpa, Fu, Trixie and Spud, over to Hawaii. The Dragon Council would defintely be suspcious hearing about this, and my guess to why they hadn’t sent another dragon over is they simply dont’ have one on the islands. As for why the Huntsclan didn’t get involved in any way, it’s simply too public for them.  With the magical community in new york, they don’t have to worry about exposure because neither side wants it, so neither side can out the other. Here with a bunch of creatures out in the open it runs the risk of the Hunstclan being dragged into the light.. and given the populace dosne’t care about the “magical creatures” alongside them, it would make them look like the monsters they are. 
Spud and Trixie tagging along also makes sense besides “they needed them for the plot”: While they’d obviously want to come to Hawaii, the skate competition is likely Jake’s cover for why he’s there, as well as one for why it’s just him and grandpa going with a couple of his friends so they don’t have to deal with manuvering around jake’s dad. That sad them never TELLING jake’s Dad is it’s own can of worms as it feels cruel, made things harder for jake and there was no real reason not to. At worst he’d want Jake to stop for his own saftey but given ther’es an active threat in  the huntsclan for the first season and a half, NOT helping people would be the right thing and I feel he’s a sensible enough man to understand eventually. 
And it’s stuff like this that already makes this crossover really work for me: they don’t really have to strain to get Jake over there or tell the audience heavily, the blanks fill in themslves. Or I am but that’s because it’s my job and I love doin it. 
So everyone goes off to their corners; Jake to do a few practice runs, Foo Dog to bet on his friend because of course, Trixie and Spud to go to the beach (even though Spud’s terrified of sharks so I question why Trixie needs him for this), and in a delightfully adorable subplot, finds a lady to woo: local fruit stand vendoer and crankly old lady Mrs. Hasagawa. 
I am here for this subplot: While Grandpa not focusing on the mission is weird for him that’s the entire point.. and their just really cute together. He’s smitten with her entirely because he sees her chewing out one of the people running the contest for making her sign too small. And he performs one hell of a romantic gesture by, while everyone’s back is turned, using his dragon fire to make an add for her on the skate ramp itself, and they have a lovely montage of their time together.. which also weirdly includes grandpa using his dragon fire on stage inf ront of everyone which makes no sense for his charcter but is so cute and does feature david I really don’t care. The writers of Lilo and Stitch probably weren’t deeply familiar with the show and likely just wanted a fun gag. Could be wrong there but it’s cute. He continues to act grossly out of character by trying to avoid going home at the end.. but again I find it simply because he’s in love, they have genuine chemstiry and I like to think they stayed in touch and he retired out there at some point once Jake was old enough to handle things himself. This may not be a ship I expected to support going in but I will die for it going out. 
So back to the main plot, Lilo uses Keoni’s body to imitate him which... she’s only loosely called out on and realizes is bad by the end only because she gets stuck in another body. And that’s not even getting into the fact she BREAKS UP WITH KEONI’S GIRLFRIEND. Yes really.. she just does that to get her out of the way. She comes around and realizes she was wrong and tries to fix it which would be fine.. if hte episode didn’t try to cop it out by revealing “Oh she’s not his girlfriend, she’s just someone who keeps telling people that”. It just feels lazy and dumb and a way to keep Lilo’s crush on Keoni for reasons I DO. NOT. GET. But the identity theft is just brushed aside by everyone: Keoni never finds out, and Jake just brushes it off. The real issue is more her trying to bribe keoni into likng her which while something kids need to learn is not the only thing she did wrong here. It feels like they didn’t think all the implications out here and it hampers the episode
Speaking of which as Gantu captures Jake, he sees him transform into dragon mode and assumes he’s the experiment, Jake’s charactization is pretty shallow.  And why yes it DOES feel weird writing sentences about a character with the same name thank you for asking. I wasn’t expecting a deep character piece or anything: This is a guest spot, the writers here are not the same normal ones for American Dragon. That’s fine. The problem.. is that they clearly did not get Jake. Grandpa being partly out of character is half the joke, Trixie actually gets a really nice moment towards the end, and Spud.. is eh. But out of them Jake just feels like a basic character description: He likes hip hop, he likes skateboards, he calls himself Am Drag despite that sounding like a good name for a drag act but a terrible name to shorten your title, he fights.. that’s it. 
While jake is all of that in the main series, he’s also a kind young man who while sometimes irresponsible does the right thing when the chips are down.  He’s someone weighed down by a responsiblity he didn’t ask for, often makes his life more difficult and often finds himself in trouble because his mother and grandfather won’t bother to tell his dad he’s a dragon. Yes that part still bothers me, and I don’t see why we couldn’t just have a superhero show where both parents know. But regardless this just dosen’t feel like Jake , like they just watched the intro and that was it. Jake feels more like a plot device in his own crossover. 
That being said there is some good stuff: The minute Jake realizes some Sci Fi stuff is going on instead of hte normal magic stuff he tells him “The am drag’s show isn’t about sci fi” a nice meta bit and then breaks out. Meanwhile Lilo takes on his form.. and ends up stuck after badly botching her run again, as Gantu finds the real shapeshifter. 
We get the best stretch of the episode from here though: Lilo awkardly tries to play jake and like jake we get a nice meta nod to how diffrent their show is as she’s worried about his belief in magical creatures.. and is startled out of her charade when Foo Dog talks, a really nice bit especially since it’s tame compared to the weirdness he deals with. Spud and Trixie have questions... only for Jake to show up and his agressive behavior leads to the best bit of the episode: Jake Vs Stitch. The catlyst is understandable: jake has no idea why Lilo’s taken his identity and Sttich is just protecting his best friend from harm. The animation is fluid, the fight is fun and quick and uses both’s powers stellarl. Whle “two heroes get into a misunderstanding and then fight” is a well worn cliche at this point, it’s moments like this that show why: you get to see two heroes who in this case never have interacted before or sense, duke it out, why each is special and it’s fun to watch. 
Lilo breaks it up, and admits to the whole thing.. including the whole give Keani the board stuff. While Jake and Spud, being awkard with girls and a loveable moron don’t see the problem with that Trixie gets a moment to shine. As far as I can remember she really didn’t get much on the show proper so it was a nice suprise to see her mentor lilo her, telling her trying to give someone gifts to love you is not okay, she should just be herself all that good stuff. It’s a nice character stuff and tha’ts the kind of character interaction this episode needed more of. 
With the misunderstandings washed away our heroes team up and storm gantu’s ship leading to another great sequence as Stitch rides on Jake’s back while the two keep him busy and Lilo gets turned back, Trixie complimenting her dress “Thanks I have 10 just like it at home”. It’s such a sweet and genuine moment” They head back out and gantu semeingly grabs morpholmew from where they hide.. only to find out when he gets back it’s spud, our adorable little blob monster transforming Gantu into a bunny and our heroes leaving. How does Gantu get out of being a bunny?
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But it’s a nice enough gag. So we end the episode. We get another nice gag as grandpa had himself and his lady transformed to try and avoid going home, and Jake is fine with having lost out on the board what matters is he made a friend. Sadly we did not get a followup in ADJL., but spud does name our experiment, Morpholomew. 
We end on Morph getting his home: a costume shop where he gets paid in fried chicken, he was shown to enjoy it throughtout the episode and changes people into things. It’s a nice little button to the episode and one of the funnest parts of the show was figuring out where the experiment would end up at the end. 
Final Thoughts:
This episode is a really mixed bag. There is some good character interactions, two tremendous fight scens and Trixie gets a chance to shine for once if only for a scene or two, and the clashing genres end up making for some great jokes> The shows do go well together as while Lilo and Stitch is more laid back both have slice of life elements. And hasgawa X Grandpa is just oto cute for words. 
The episode is held back by Jake and Lilo’s lackluster characterizatons: Jake is simply the theme song as a character, which in theory is awesome because that theme song slaps but in practice is pretty lame, and Lilo is selfish and irresponsible even for her in a way that dosen’t feel at all convincing. It drags down what’s otherwise a fun crossover and Morpholomew is truly a unique and wonderful experiment. Still if you like either show it’s worth a watch even if you have to suffer through Keoni for it. It’s worth it.. I just wish it was better and hopefully the next 3 will keep the good parts but take out the bad. Granted this was produced last so I could be wrong, but here’s hoping.  Oh this episode also featured Miranda Cosgrove as the girl who claims to be Keoni’s girlfriend. This is also Keoni’s last episode meaning I do NOT have to worry about accidently running into him. Thank fucking christ. 
Next Time On American Dragon Jake Long: Jake’s dad drags him and his friends on a camping trip and Jake ends up encountering the Jersey Devil. Now all they need is a sexy lady devil cake to lure it out... what it worked for the Cake Boss. And yes that happened, Allison Pregler did an episode on that episode. Check it out. 
Next Time On Lilo and Stitch Crossovers: It’s the family, the family, proud familllyyy as the Prouds take a vacation at Peakly and Jumbas bed but not breakfast and we get some kind of squirrel demon for our experiment of the week. We also get Wizard Kelly appearing...
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See you at the next rainbow. 
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