#and then the lampshade IS sus
echotunes · 4 months
VERY much recommend cellbit's immortality VOD btw I am HOOKED. fascinating game. and also it's a funny playthrough. highlight so far has been him getting so exasperated at the constant talk about boobs that he had to go get a glass of wine
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faelapis · 1 year
the SU theory posts i’ve made that have “aged the worst” are definitely the ones where i confidently assert that steven has the individual choice to forgive people you wouldn’t forgive, so don’t shame him for that, and that he would never shatter someone. because steven doesn’t want to just “kill the bad guys” as a solution.
thing is though, i’m not wrong in spirit. because what i really mean is that the show doesn’t think it’s bad to forgive. the show doesn’t think it’s good to shatter.
what makes those posts age poorly is that i did something i’ve since come to complain about - people conflating steven’s morality with the show’s morality. these are separate things.
in my defense, i think these two things were more aligned in the OG show. SU future still retains the original show’s morality, for the most part. the main thing it does differently is to just lampshade that steven himself is a flawed character. he isn’t always going to perfectly live up to the show’s ideals.
which is a good thing btw! i think a show about flawed people learning to be better is incomplete without allowing its main character to be similarly flawed. he shouldn’t always be stuck helping others + asserting his identity more based on who he’s not (his mom) rather than who he is.
so yeah. i’m not sorry about those posts - i think a lot of my old theoryposting still holds up when you see them from the pov of the show’s overall morality rather than being about steven’s feelings. but i definitely misjudged steven as living up to those moral ideals more than he did.
still, that’s something i’m happy to be wrong about. i like that steven is as flawed as everyone else.
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hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches The Spirealm - Ep 26
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Or he didn't tell you because he's sus
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Why would you leave that behind? Isn't that lampshade what shows you which lamps are safe?
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Ling Jiushi: I really think I'm connected to this game somehow Everyone else: Nah you're just nervous/tired/overthinking it
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Oh, I guess he did take it with him. Or all the rooms have the same lampshade
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Oh look he wasn't make it up
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Honestly amazed it's taken him this long to figure that out
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This may be because I'm a very light sleeper but how have the other two slept through the wind blowing the door open and then a bunch of pig children trying to smash their way in. Poor Ling Jiushi having to deal with all this by himself while they nap
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I love that he gets to be a bit more devious when Ruan Lanzhu isn't there to do it for him
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Wow he's a dick
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Ooh another kaleidoscope
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Well those two have got cuddly all of a sudden
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Ah, there we go. They were drugged which is why they slept through all the nonsense
This is all fine but I miss Ruan Lanzhu. I'm assuming this door is almost over. They seem to be getting close to figuring it out
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whetstonefires · 6 months
10 and 29 for the ask game?
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I try not to have expectations, so I'm sure it's happened a lot and I didn't remark upon it enough to remember.
I do recall that All the Roofs of Uncertainty was originally a one-shot that was much better-liked than I expected, so I wrote into the what-happens-next and changed the original open ending into a whole plotline, that consisted almost entirely of Jason Todd talking to people in a hospital.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Oh gosh I have so many fics that lie unfinished because the work necessary to complete them exceeded my interest in the premise. I could do this for weeks and not run out. Let's see.
Okay, the funniest fic that I will never ever finish is the one that was me trying to draw up a plausible background scenario for an AU (which I couldn't decide if it ought to be modern or not) where Su She was dating Wei Wuxian.
(This in turn was inspired by the fact that I kept reading modern AUs where various canon villains were cast as wwx's shitty boyfriend or ex and it was never Su She, aka the bargain bin version of Lan Wangji, who seemed to me to be the least improbable option on offer. Like if you feel the need to lampshade repeatedly within your fic that it's incomprehensible that Wei Wuxian would ever voluntarily date Jin Zixun, maybe that's a sign you should change that bit.)
The plot of the story that Su-She-uses-his-words-and-pulls-wwx embedded itself in would have revolved around Lan Wangji subsequently agreeing to a date with ten-years-younger Mo Xuanyu, presumably in an attempt to move on, and Su She picking up on his hopeless pining when both couples happened to be in the same room, as dates to the same function or something, and then following a characteristically self-destructive course where he got so wrapped up in rubbing it in Lan Wangji's face that he finally had something the Lan scion wanted and couldn't get that he wound up entirely destroying his own relationship.
Wei Wuxian is a very good judge of people who also attracts strong personal loyalty once people get attached to him in the first place, and notably something that simply never happens to him is someone betraying him who he trusted not to do that. (Jiang Cheng does not count; Wei Wuxian maneuvered him into most of it, he wasn't taken by surprise.) So it could be really neat to finesse the character work of him understanding Su She's basic character flaws, but not expecting them to manifest or affect him quite the way they end up doing.
In the same way he mostly gets Lan Wangji as a person from the start but, lacking insight into certain things he's hiding, is unable to reliably reconstruct his perspective. To an increasingly noticeable degree, as lwj acts on that aspect of his motivations more openly.
I am never going to write that though, because I just don't care enough about that kind of story, although concept free to a good home.
I did write out a little of the backstory to how Su She could have wound up in a position of wanting to date Wei Wuxian on his own merits, which was a fun bit of character study because Su She is basically Jin Guangyao's Wen Ning, you know? Evil Wen Ning.
His understanding of Jin Guangyao as someone who respects and values him earned an insane amount of personal loyalty from a basically very selfish guy--like sure, it's clear he got a steady stream of favors out of the bargain, but he also puts himself on the line way in excess of the practical value Jin Guangyao has provided and is likely to provide; the real inducement was the validation.
So, if Wei Wuxian had happened to be carelessly kind and supportive to Su She the way he was to Wen Ning, having met him in a weak moment before Su She had had a chance to make an impression as a petty asshole rather than just a bit of a dumbass (not that he actually in canon managed to make any personal impression even by shooting him in the arm) you could probably arrange for him to glom onto Wei Wuxian instead, as someone like him, who didn't get the respect he deserved because of his birth station.
And Wei Wuxian would be perfectly willing to reciprocate that friendship, even though (as with Wen Ning) if Su She didn't reach out promptly he'd have totally forgotten he existed until prompted lmao. Su She would never forgive that insult.
You can see in the passage here where I still kind of wanted it to be a modern AU so they're texting, but the setup I'd written previously worked as a clean canon divergence because that's my usual preference, and I really wasn't interested enough in a plot that's entirely about romantic relationships to figure that out and write the rest.
But I did enjoy doing this study of how Su She could have gotten stuck on Wei Wuxian, only to later go on to fuck himself over with his Lan Wangji complex.
It was nice to have someone to complain to who got it. When Su Minshan talked about having no family to turn to, about owing everything to the Sect that had raised him when, to the Lan, everything came down to the clan and he would never have a chance to truly distinguish himself— Sometimes I think about just leaving, Su Minshan wrote, because Wei Wuxian wouldn’t scold him for being ungrateful. You can, if you want, Wei Wuxian wrote, as if it was that easy. Only if you came too, Su Minshan had written back, shaken by his own daring. Of course, Wei Wuxian refused. Jiang Cheng would never forgive me if I ran off. Because he’s counting on you to run his Sect for him. He absolutely is not. Jiang Cheng will work himself into the ground before he lets me do his job for him. He didn’t admit that of course the Sect Heir was counting on him, but he didn’t disagree, which was basically the same thing. Wei Wuxian worked very hard and was rewarded for it, but Su Minshan knew that even in Jiang the equal opportunity only went so far—he was the Sect Leader’s pet for personal reasons, not just on merit, and even so he could never rise to be the equal of the blood heir. It was infuriating sometimes how that didn’t bother him. Have more ambition! You’re so lucky, Su Minshan wrote, because he was jealous, he was so so jealous. I am! <3 But let’s see, outside the main family how important can a person get in Lan Sect? You can make a plan. Weeks of effort did not produce any particularly good plans. The most realistic one took forty years to show results. Maybe I should just kill Lan Wangji and use a spell to disguise myself and take his place, Su Minshan joked. Haha! Minshan-xiong, I’m sorry, you couldn’t pull off being Lan Zhan. That hurt, an unexpected cold dagger to the ribs. Wei Wuxian was his friend! Why not! he typed angrily. Was his playing too weak, his swordsmanship, his deportment? Would even Wei Wuxian tell him he was just not good enough? Because you could never resist saying something bitchy when you had the chance, and he keeps all the bitching inside his head. Su Minshan put his head down and laughed until he thought he might cry.
I have the sneaking suspicion I already shared this one for one of these games, because it really is by far the funniest thing I'm definitely never going to finish, so I'll reblog this post later with another offering.
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randomnameless · 9 months
I don't think Douses is really church bad. Or at least it's not religion bad. The church gets reformed but its fine after that.
Are you talking about FE16, Nopes or in general anon?
I wouldn't say it's BaD "BaD "as if it was a game written by someone who is member or r/atheism -
Sure, Pat also Pat'd things here and there (remember that NPC whose entire family was destroyed at the whims of a noble, in the jp version she says something like even the Church couldn't do a thing, but in the Pat version, she says something like the Church "especially" didn't do a thing...) -
But the game itself, for all of the red herring nonsense it throws at the CoS/KoS, sometimes doesn't commit, and we end up with Seteth's solo ending where he reforms the Church and adopts a more tolerant stance :
Doing away with his old strictness, he adopted a tolerant stance toward all. His encouragement of believers to respect those of other faiths helped the people of Fódlan to find common ground with others
But we know the CoS already encouraged believers to respect people who have other faiths (this is legit one of the first things Seteth says in FEH, and in Nopes, Rhea reminds Catherine - someone who's not religious at all - of this fact).
Save for Mark the Nopes NPC, religion BaD from the Fodlan games comes in two forms : the script shitting on the CoS despite the games showing otherwise, and no one calls out the script or the words they're told to be nonsense (save for Mark and, iirc, another NPC in AG? The one who says he thought the CoS was a steaming piece of garbage, but when he interacted with them, he reconsidered?) + the fact the CoS itself, or its members, cannot even counter those accusations or nonsense because they don't have any screentime - special mention to Nopes!Seteth who says this in an expedition line :
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What are the tenets he, a Saint who most likely was around during the CoS's creation, Rhea's right hand man and most likely her older brother, cannot defend?
It's the general writing of telling us some things are "sus", but we don't see what those "sus" things are. They just exist, so remember, Church not GoOd, or not entirely GoOd, and it needs to be reformed.
And the second form is obviously the way the CoS (and Faerghus, to an extent) is much more developed than the other entities - so yes, we learn how people of Faerghus targeted and tried to eradicate Duscur, much like the Serenes Forest incident from FE Tellius - but we will not hear with the same focal point anything about Adrestia's campaign against Brigid and Dagda, or how people from Brigid are treated in Adrestia - Cyril exists, but even FEH realised you can't really talk too much about Leicester, the less religious place in the continent, keeping slaves.
Adrestia and Leicester are treated with kiddies gloves and their "default" are relegated to a footnote, when Duscur is put at the forefront of the game, or at least some routes. As for the Church, it's sort of the same thing, the game(s) make a big show/event out of Rhea executing members of her organisation who tried to kill her (and killed students), or, Nopes wise, we see her sending assassins against Supreme Sailor Fuku -
While Claude terminating minor Leicester Nobles who are pissed at his power grab and the regime change is just a line thrown here (and used to diss the CoS/Kingdom who wanted to welcome them), and Supreme Sailor Fuku starting a war against the allies who helped her kick out the death cult who took root in her Empire is... never lampshaded. Ditto for sacking villages, monasteries, orphanages or, just, in general sending thousands to death to conquer the continent.
As for Religion BaD...
Well, while Supreme Leader, surprisingly, gets a meaningful support with Manu about this, I always thought the "mindless followers" thing or the "leaving Fate in the hands of a higher being insstead of relying on yourself" things were the "easy/first" arguments of people arguing, in obviously bad faith, on, say, r/atheism as to why religion BaD, as if being religious means you have no free will...
Granted, this topic teeters a bit too close to RL issues, so I'll drop it at that.
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systemic-dreams · 9 months
I made a playlist for Elliot Krangsdt! it's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it. I hope you enjoy :)
I've been listening to this all day. what a jam. it's so different to what i usually listen to. like walking into a room with brightly coloured walls.
"sometimes the only road to take is the darkest" really hits. i think Evan only ever took that road and Elliot is still confused about having other options. like, there's a fork in the road now but the light side is unfamiliar, so he needs to be dragged in and told it's okay, it's not a trick
literally all of momento mori gets it. but it's so upbeat and almost playful in tone. i get an insomnia/insanity vibe. staying up way too long and going a little crazy. or a lot crazy.
hollow moon was very acoustic and folksy. i had to look up the lyrics because i was missing them with all the flourishes but damn. "if I made my bed, did I make the demons in it?" ummm. yes. I think as much as Evan had actual demons, Elliot is creating phantom demons to fill the holes the horrors have left in his psyche. and his decisions absolutely created the demons that plague him now. spot on.
lampshades' "fear makes us really really run around" is 100% Elliot but also Evan. whenever he was afraid or uncomfortable, Brennan would try to move him out of the scene or just leave the space. but the pilot program would follow instead of letting him go alone. which made the exits seem like transitions instead of escapes. Even Evan's exit from the school which the pilots stop in the series, is Evan removing himself from the area because he's afraid of what he will do to do people close to him. Elliot has a different problem, in that, dangerous things are happening to people he cares about and he runs around trying to fix them out of fear they will be hurt or killed.
"i'd give an arm and a leg, just to go, just to be on my own, but i need to stay and fend for myself." definitely an adult Elliot feeling. I think younger Elliot tried to leave the Krangsdts multiple times. just because of past experience with foster families either treating Evan poorly or getting eaten by monsters. and he doesn't remember, but the feeling of being in a house with people in it is not a comfortable one. I think he eventually learned he cant just go AWOL but he still couldnt live in a house with people in it. the excuse he made to himself would be: he needed somewhere to stash his vampire hunting gear and crash when he gets beat up so he doesnt look sus or worry anyone. but its more than that.
cicada days really got me with lines like "it just feels inhuman to lose this much" i mean, fr. I don't think Evan is human or considers himself human. no one can go through that much trauma and come out sane. it's a miracle or some form of magic that keeps a spark of naivety and hope and goodness alive in him. even if he's super broken. there's cynicism in his personality but it's more of a healthy scientific skepticism. it isn't despair. there's a lot of pain that comes from keeping that spark of good alive within incalculable darkness. and you get hit with "now it feels damn inhumane to get all i've dreamt of" which i think is more applicable to the later chapters i havent published. but there is massive guilt there. like, 'it's too good to be true', 'what's the catch?', why? how? waiting for it all to come crashing down because it couldnt all possibly be happening.
also, "cause when you leave you know you take more than your love" i feel hits more with K. because it's unsaid between them. there's not enough time to process feelings. they barely confess and suddenly it's time to part. and you cant say 'i love you' yet. but you want to. but it's just too much and its probably not true. and when Evan leaves, he does take that love with him and also their futures.
moonsickness is so raw with "I'm the worst mistake your god has ever made". it's too bad i don't like penelope scott's voice or tone. she might as well be ordering a pizza over the phone lol. great lyrics though. i would love to hear a cover that does them justice. i think early Elliot does feel like a mistake and that plagues him for a while. my plan was to have the pilot program flip the switch eventually and turn it into "I'm the worst mistake your god has ever made and I'm gonna make it your problem." but i don't know if i'll ever get there. writing hard hurr durr
this was so fun! thank you for sharing! I've never made a playlist for Elliot because in my mind he was always a caricature of every popular emo song i could think of. stuff that K and Cody Walsh would think is cool but in reality would be a nightmare. when i put them in a playlist, it became clear why he is my blorbo lol.
please find attached: my emo son - the playlist
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brucebocchi · 1 year
i’m watching toradora and there’s yet another copyright-friendly starbucks knockoff you see in anime all the time but ryuji lampshading it with “why hasn’t this place been sued yet” got a laugh out of me
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Hai anne, regarding of the met gala rumour why im being worry about it. I know the news might be fake but I mean she followed schiaparelli around the time she follow mirror palais. We taught she was trolling but it turn out she is following that brand cause she gonna wear that to the premiere. Schiaparelli is a known brand that alot of celeb wear it to the met. What if she following that brand because she gonna wear it to the met. If it didn't for the met it could be for her next appareance. It sus, after we thougt she following mirror palais for trolling but its not, now she is following schiaparelli and i think it has some purpose not only trolling. Maybe for the next PR move
We really have to wait, I really don't hope she will be there. But in my opinion Schiaparelli and MirrorPalais are two different levels. But if it's her trolling, it's actually working quite good. Her first move with MirrorPalais was real and now everyone thinks she's going to the Met Gala because of her following a brand again. Should we also expect something from her following the lampshades? 😁
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shaftking · 9 months
Same anon who sent the ask about kids cartoons- I also wanted to mention that the person who included the addition you reblogged added this. Since their username is foolforshera, I’m pretty sure they had SPOP in mind, not SU. Regarding their reblogs, I have admittedly seen some weirdly puritanical takes from people wishing that Catra either died or rotted in jail forever, and I don’t agree with those. Like I said in my previous ask, I have no issue with Catra being redeemed, but the main issue is that she hooked up with Adora in the way that she did, THAT’S why SPOP is being accused of abuse apologism and bad writing. I know you’re aware of this already, but again I wanted to point this out.
No you’re right. It was never really about not wanting Catra to be redeemed at all for most critics. I think most of us just wished that her redemption, if it were to happen, would not have solely relied on convenient character amnesia and her getting to kiss the girl she supposedly likes.
Like I didn’t even want Hordak to be killed off and I’m glad they didn’t but they handled him just as shittily as they did Catra. There was absolutely no standard in the writing for any character who did objectively bad shit to just suddenly start being friendly with the good guys. The show even lampshaded this issue with Hordak in the finale!
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daisyachain · 2 years
The ambiguity of Koizumi’s position in the story is lampshaded from Melancholy with Kyon commenting ‘two guys drinking coffee at a table is kinda sus but I guess we’ve got to keep this secret.’ His role is exactly 100% in line with Asahina and Nagato from gimmick ability through romantic tension with Kyon. Sigh through Disappearance back off slightly by emphasizing Koizumi’s feelings for Haruhi. So it’s kind of phased out, right?
No. The point at which the simmering wink wink nudge nudge subtext fades out is the point at which the explicit hints kick in. No longer is Kyon eyeing up his wardrobe, no, by Rampage Koizumi is pledging loyalty to Kyon after an implied sex dream and by Wavering Kyon feels compelled to say that he definitely 100% would not accept a confession from Koizumi. Tanigawa sniping at his fangirls? Sure, maybe, the fan translation and official translation are split on whether Kyon’s honest or in denial, but it’s still fun(ny) how little Koizumi’s undeniable something is downplayed in a series whose mission is to downplay
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darthkvznblogs · 2 years
I made that list you suggested. Surprisingly there are not many methods of memory erasing, but I managed to scrounge up as I could.
1. The rejuvenator (SU):
2. Mnemokinesis (Percy J)
3. Reality gauntlet (DP)
4. Temporal parasites (Ben10) not sure if this one counts
5. Hord Primes reprogramming (She-ra)
6. Memory suppressing machine (mcu) wow, such an imaginative name😒
7. Dr stranger’s spell
8. Information creep (TF) again, not sure this one counts either
8. Burning memory photos (TOH)
P.s. could you give your reasons for rating each as so?
Oh wow, I didn't actually expect you to! Let's see here:
Gem Rejuvenator: I think this one is definitely on the lower scale. All those affected in the movie eventually regain their memories, though it is something of an ordeal and I imagine it'd be significantly more effective in the context of regular Homeworld proceedings, where you aren't very likely to have a friend emotionally try to pull you back from memory oblivion. I lampshaded this in the SU x Voltron fic - Moonstone mentions that they were discontinued for being a bit unreliable in the long term.
Mnemokinesis: this one depends; in most cases it's been used, it's actually an aspect of the Mist, so while it's very effective against mortals, most demigods (and similarly powered people) are fairly resistant to it. This is especially true if the caster is a demigod themselves - if a goddess like Hecate or the Titaness Mnemosyne used this power, it'd be a whole heck of a lot more potent.
The Reality Gauntlet: probably on the higher end? It's like baby's first Infinity Gauntlet so I imagine the magic would be pretty permanent in this case. It did erase Danny's identity from the minds of the public and the spell wasn't affected by the Gauntlet's destruction so, yeah, pretty powerful.
Temporal Parasites (?): I don't know/remember these and I couldn't find them on the wiki, sorry.
Horde Prime's reprogramming: also probably on the lower end of the scale? It can clearly be overcome by strong emotion and the removal of the chips, or by crashing the neural network. Very potent, especially in the Horde clones, but also quite vulnerable.
HYDRA's Memory Suppressing machine: similar to the above. It's strong, but the fact that it needs to be reused fairly regularly and that rekindling old memories and bonds actively disrupts its effects gives you diminishing returns.
The Runes of Kof-Kol: extremely powerful and dangerous. There may be some remembrance and echoes of memory left over after all's said and done, but this spell reaches out throughout the entire universe and can affect every living entity, not just erasing memories but recontextualizing existing ones so that reality makes sense without them. Probably just a tier below using the Reality Stone with a fully powered Gauntlet to literally change reality.
Information creep: from what I understand, this is less an illness and more just a natural consequence of a Transformer living thousands or millions of years, so I don't think it counts.
Damaging Memory Photos: dangerous, but clearly not untreatable. I assume that without intervention, the condition becomes permanent and unsalvageable, but you can definitely reverse this if you're on the ball.
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autisticlilith · 11 months
After like five yrs I finally watched SU:Future and the last episode of Steven Universe myself— turns out I actually stopped right before the last episode, which is weird cuz I thought I had missed a whole season, but yh.
But anyways I wasn't blessed enough to not see all the socmed posts abt it— in fact I watched it cuz of the sort of SU renaissance last month —but why did everyone make it out that the memes making fun of the ending were wrong? The plot was exactly as what was claimed. Now I'm getting flashbacks to the LandlordCap diskhorse, cuz it feels like ppl are claiming that detractor's reading of the text is wrong when said reading is flatly correct & the actual unspoken objections are whether the text is enjoyable as an audience member or not
Like with the amount of posts being like "Steven actually HATES the diamonds and fantasizes and even attempts to murder White!" I thought that the sunshine boy protagonist somehow underwent a drastic change, but no he's still sunshine boy— and to be clear, He should still be sunshine boy, that's not a problem at all! —but when I watched the actual arc, the context got totally erased by ppl who think they were "defending" the show but we're actually mischaracterizing it severely. Steven's anger get framed as a mixture of trauma and superpowered pubescent identity crisis that— in the most literal sense —turns him into a raging monster and gets heals through the power of his family's love, which includes the Diamonds hugging him until they all cry and go back to normal. But the way ppl acted, I though Steven was gonna get revenge— for himself or others —but no it's framed as a horrific impulse that was a sign of his descent into madness that he needed help with.
Idk why there were sm many posts misrepresenting the arc when there could be posts wondering why tf the series puts sm onus into Rose/Pink— and that's not to say she didn't do things ppl should be mad at her for, but if we're gonna play relativity games.. then why did the other Diamonds get a series of quirky fun cutesy hobbies while the mere mention of Rose puts the characters on their toes? —And also why did SU: Future completely flatten every non-Steven character? In the main series the "side" characters often had the most personality and growth, but in SU:F they're so flat and dull and effectively lampshaded for Steven crying hour redux. I can see why SU:F wasn't really a hit.
Amd also with the surviving CG's (especially Bismuth) making such a big desk about their friends and comrades lost in the war, you'd think uncorrupting the Crystal Gems would introduce a wide and expansive cast for SU:Future, but they have no character either and the surviving CGs act like they're just acquaintences at best. Seems like a waste of a Future spinoff, and that's saying smth bc the mainline show— in light of getting cut 40 episodes short —wasted a whole episode of their limited schedule just for Watermelon Steven making a phone call from prison.
And— now I'm just thinking about other potential content —you know what else could make for like a flashback or something, smth abt Who made the Diamonds. Or at least White Diamond cuz maybe she made Blue and Yellow. I always headcanon'ed that an advanced organic civilization invention the gem lifeform and created White, but either their civ died out or she killed them or White's creation drained their entire planet's resources and accidentally self-destructed them, and then White perhaps created the others by draining entire other planets for one gem. Whatever the case, I'm sure it's canon that Pink was a later creation cuz she was entirely unfamiliar with organic life, but it would've been cool to see confirmation about White's origins and who made her.
who is this. why are you sending me a whole novel
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armatofu · 1 year
El bigote revolucionario
El primero de esta lista de 10 tipos de bigote según el rostro es el bigote revolucionario, que se caracteriza por ser muy espeso, con volumen, es largo por los lados y se curva hacia arriba, siendo más fino en las puntas. Uno de los rostros más conocidos que lo han llevado han sido Pancho Villa (revolucionario mejicano de principios del siglo XX), por esto también es conocido como bigote mexicano. Otro hombre que lució este espeso bigote en su rostro fue el actor Daniel Day-Lawis en la película de Gangs of New York, en su papel de Bill Cutting.
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Bigote imperial
Siguiendo con los tipos de bigote según el rostro, el bigote imperial es sin duda alguna uno de los más impresionantes, pues es uno de los más anchos que hay y, sobre todo, se caracteriza por cubrir parte de las mejillas. Por lo tanto, es un bigote que presenta el vello más corto que el bigote revolucionario, pero que cubre una zona más amplia de la cara del hombre que lo luce. Este bigote ha sido siempre muy utilizado por generales militares y personajes históricos.
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Walrus o morsa
El bigote morsa también conocido en ingles como walrus moustache, es uno de los bigotes más difíciles de conseguir si tienes poco vello facial, puesto que este es uno de los tipos de bigotes más densos que hay. La característica principal de este es que a la par que espeso es largo, pero en la medida justa para cubrir del todo el labio superior por lo que, de frente, es imposible ver el labio. Por los costados suele dejarse crecer hasta máximo debajo de la comisura de los labios. Por todo esto, requiere de un buen cuidado diario y ser recortado a menudo con material especial para el cuidado de bigotes. Un personaje por todos conocido que lucía este bigote tan imponente fue el filósofo Nietzsche.
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Bigote herradura o horseshoe
Otro de los 10 tipos de bigote según el rostro más vistos es el bigote herradura o también conocido en inglés como horseshoe mosutache. Cómo se puede imaginar por su nombre, este bigote tiene forma de U invertida, es decir de herradura. No sólo se caracteriza por curvarse hacia abajo, y por lo tanto por cubrir buena parte del rostro, sino que también debe ser muy espeso y con el vello algo largo. El luchador profesional Hulk Hogan es uno de los hombres que prefirió decantarse por el bigote walrus entre todos bigotes que hay.
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El bigote inglés o handlebar
Uno de los bigotes más reconocidos por todo el mundo es el típico bigote inglés, muy visto a lo largo de la historia de Inglaterra. Si quieres lucir como un verdadero gentleman deberás dejarte crecer el bigote solo desde la nariz hasta las comisuras de la boca dejando el resto del rostro sin vello facial, además deberás dejarlo crecer bien para que quede largo en los extremos, lo cuales debes procurar inclinar un poco hacia arriba.
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El bigote lápiz
El bigote lápiz es probablemente el bigote más fácil de conseguir, se trata de un bigote simple y recto que cubre el espacio entre el labio superior y la nariz. Este bigote también es conocido como bigote lámpara o lampshade y está formado por vello corto que llega solo hasta la comisura de los labios. Existe una versión en que el centro del bigote queda sin vello, viéndose dos partes bien diferenciadas en el bigote, que se conoce como bigote piramidal o bigote pirámide.
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El chevron
En esta lista de 10 tipos de bigote según el rostro, no podía faltar el bigote chevron puesto que es un clásico. Se caracteriza por ser denso y muy ancho, aunque si que deja el labio superior visible, de hecho, esto último es lo que lo diferencia de un bigote morsa o walrus. El famoso músico Freddie Mercury y el reconocido actor Tom Selleck son dos hombres que lo han lucido muy bien durante muchos años en sus carreras artísticas.
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El bigote Dalí
El bigote Dalí, llamado porqué fue el artista que lo llevó y lo convirtió en un sello propio. Se trata de un bigote que no presenta vello en el centro y que crece solo en las puntas. Dalí lo convirtió en aún más característico por llevarlo al extremo y dejarlo crecer muy largo pero llevándole la contraria a la gravedad, curvándolo hacia arriba.
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Bigote Chaplin o toothbrush
El bigote Chaplin también es conocido en inglés como toothbrush debido a que su aspecto recuerda a un cepillo de dientes. Se trata de un tipo de bigote corto que cubre solo el ancho de la nariz o un poco más y es espeso pero debe mantenerse bien corto. A lo largo de la historia lo han llevado muchos hombres y quizá uno de los más famosos fue Charlie Chaplin y de ahí que también se le conozca con el nombre del actor y humorista.
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El bigote Cantinflas
El bigote Cantinflas, llamado así por ser muy uno de los rasgos más distintivos en el actor que le dio el nombre, es un bigote simple y con poco vello. Se diferencia de los demás por tener solo vello en las puntas, es decir, en un tramo muy corto que termina en la comisura de los labios, dejando toda la parte central sin nada de vello. Además, si decides lucir este bigote y quieres dejarlo más largo, conseguirás un bigote asiático como el que llevaba Fu Manchu.
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Imagen: emaze.com
Cuidarse el bigote
Para cuidar el bigote vas a necesitar productos especiales como un peine y unas tijeras para bigotes. Además de recortarlo regularmente con la forma que desees darle y de peinarlo cada día, deberás también proporcionarle una hidratación adecuada a tu tipo de piel. Te recomendamos que acudas a un barbero profesional para mantenerlo en perfectas condiciones y lucir siempre impresionante.
Si te ha gustado conocer 10 tipos de bigote según el rostro, seguramente te interesará también este artículo sobre los mejores tipos de barba para tu cara.
Si deseas leer más artículos parecidos a 10 tipos de bigote según el rostro, te recomendamos que entres en nuestra categoría de Peso e imagen corporal.
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knicks-knacks · 1 year
In reference to your tags on the furry post: Personally find it weird that the consensus is 'any negative thought about furries is queerphobia/ableist' like, damn, there is a middle ground where people's lived experience, with some but not all furries, is just straight negative which then leads into an attitude of wariness overall.
The same furries that point out many furries are neurodivergent will turn around and ignore the fact that sometimes that neurodivergence can mean furries don't notice or just overstep the boundaries of those around them. An especially charged issue when many furries are also kinky as hell. I've personally been in discords with seperate n-s-f-w chats only to have random and intense content being suddenly dropped into gen chats by an overzealous furry, as like an example of the lack of boundary stuff. Idk I think people get very defensive about it due to the hate the furry community gets over actual bullshit reasons and so when a legitimate gripe comes up it goes full black and white thinking on it. "Many people do bad faith takes thus all takes that aren't positive about the community are always in bad faith" kinda vibes.
Also like in regards to the uh, animal abusing furries. Defo don't think all furries are like that but I think it's the vibe that people like that can get shielded and supported because of the all or nothing vibe of the community that's come as a response to getting flack for being different that's the issue, at least for me.
The response is usually 'we're not all like that' and 'actually the furry community hates people like that' it can all be very no true scottsman-like. You can even see it in the tags/reblogs of that post you reblogged even.
If the response was more like 'yeah I think maybe being in an overly supportive and reactive community gave them a bit too much freedom and space to be sus without examination and that's a thing we need to discuss going forward to avoid having/keeping people like this in the community' then I think it'd be less of a contentious issue. You gotta be shown to actively trying to root out bad actors instead of getting defensive, ya know? That's the frustration for me at least.
Absolutely right anon, and absolutely agreed!
I completely understand that the furry community gets a lot of undue hate - and yes, a lot of that hate is from ableism or queerphobia. I'm not denying that. But to discount everyone who might have a problem with the community as either easily manipulated and unaware, or a straight-up bigot, is incredibly unreasonable and unfair. It also ignores that yes, the fur community has huge issues - that you've very succinctly pointed out.
That is absolutely where I take issue, because it discounts the fact that people can just have negative experiences with that community. It pops a lampshade right over everything - everyone who dislikes the furry community is a bigot actually, and there are no other possible explanations for that. No other reason people could possibly dislike furries.
Like, sorry to say it, but the majority of the experiences I've had directly with the furry community have been negative. They've done some gross shit and disrespected my boundaries. No, I don't really appreciate being shown furry porn out in the open unprompted on three separate occasions. With different furries. That is not something I, or anyone, can change. So yeah, it's put a bad taste in my mouth. With the bullshit I've encountered, I'm justified in not really wanting to associate with that community. I really don't appreciate that the general consensus when someone dislikes them is that clearly that person is just an ableist asshole who hates neurodivergent people. It completely ignores the fact that the furry community is far from fucking perfect. Which is also honestly very telling on it's own about how much they refuse to acknowledge those issues. It is always deflections or hand waves.
Like you said, it's all a bunch of no true Scotsman fallacies. You worded it really well in the last paragraph because it's the same frustration I feel. No, not all furries are like that. Of course they're not. Yes, the vast majority of the furry community hate those people. I'm not saying that all furries condone that sort of behavior and that they should be persecuted, my stance is just "Furries are cool but I've had nothing but very negative experiences with that community so it's not something I want to interact with." That's it. I don't know why I have to be labeled a bigot for that.
I get it, it sucks to have those sorts of people putting a fucking stain on your community that is otherwise very fun and supportive (if prone to drama). There is also no way to truly control the community from having those kinds of people. But the solution to that problem isn't "but not all furries are like that so you're not allowed to dislike furries!!!" That completely ignores the problem and is disrespectful towards people who find the existence of those people a deal breaker.
I know for a fact two of the people who bragged to me about abusing their dogs are still fully accepted in their part of the community. Considering I was just some random outsider that happened to be there when they bragged about it, I HIGHLY doubt that people just aren't aware of it. That's not something that I can look past. Sorry.
(this post is a bit of a mess and I didn't address everything I wanted to but I'm at work in my defense lol)
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wordappreciation · 1 year
there's so many layers of irony draped in this word. it's like saying "i'm not racist but" or "not to be rude," because it's one of those few things where the literal meaning of the word (not suspicious) is the exact opposite of what you immediately think of when you see it (very, very suspicious.) to make matters EVEN BETTER, there's ANOTHER layer of irony: when you see "not suspicious," what do you immediately feel? suspicion. it's playing meta games with your own perception of it. beautiful.
the way you would use it is like that too. the circumstance is that you are doing/saying something that is pretty sus, so you're lampshading it, in an attempt to show the person that you know it's sus, so you can move on. (example: i want to ask you a non-suspicious question.) strangely, though, instead of just saying "i want to ask you a suspicious question" you are adding a NEW layer of irony? by using the word that means "suspicious" but cheekily wears the clothes of a word that means "non-suspicious."
anyways i love this word. that's all
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
Johnny Depp’s testimony, part 6.
Before we start, I shoud point out why he sued Amber Heard. It was because of the Oped in Washington Post,  which was written and published in December 2018 by Amber Heard where  she talked about domestic and sexual violence. She never named him in an article.
Johnny Depp cross examined by AH team.
The lawyer then puts it to Depp that he lied to the insurance company insuring him for Pirates Of The Caribbean 5.
Depp claims Amber ruined his relationship with Disney regarding Pirates of the Caribbean. However, Depp’s text to Deuters whilst working on Pirates 5 in Australia “Honestly, I will not again be doing anything……having whored for all these wasted pieces of shit….every cunting fight…every fucking time….I held my rage down” Depp was angry about the Pirates 5 screenplay.
Depp denied he had used any drugs other than marijuana before Amber arrived in Australia. But Depp was having Nathan Holmes (personal assistant) do a drug run of cocaine to Depp.
Here's a string of texts written by Depp, including the phrases: -I am a grown f****** man and I will NOT BE JUDGED -And I will NEVER / EVER / LIVE / IN THIS WORLD CAGE ANY LONGER -I don't want to depend on others for things -I am insane
The actor told the court the tip of his finger was severed when Amber Heard threw a vodka bottle, which shattered. She is yet to give her testimony in this trial, but will dispute this and say her ex-husband caused the injury himself.
Heard's lawyer Ben Rottenborn asks Depp if any other part of his hand was injured by the smashed bottle he says was thrown by the actress. Depp says his middle finger bore the "brunt" of it and agrees none of his other fingers was "severed".
Johnny Depp admits cutting his own finger in text messages.
Amber Heard's lawyer Ben Rottenborn says that Depp, with his severed finger and in a mixture of paint and blood, wrote "Starring Billy Bob and Easy Amber."
Mr Rottenborn then presents another mirror picture and a lampshade, on which Depp wrote: "Good luck and be careful at top."
The court now hears an audio clip of Depp and Heard, in which Mr Rottenborn says Depp refers to "the day that I chopped my finger off ‘‘
Rottenborn says Depp defaced a painting by drawing a penis on it.
The court is now hearing the audio recording:  Johnny Depp can be heard shouting: "What you are and who you are and how you f***** me over... and make me feel sick."
Another audio clip is now being played. "I become irrational when you're doing movies. I become jealous and f****** crazy and weird, you know, we fight a lot more," Depp can be heard saying. 
All about Australia incident(March 2015).
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