#and then whumper pulls away and whumpee just collapses
whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
what are ur fav tropes for stoic whumpees? love da blog
stoic whumpee tropes that are a 100/10:
"I'm fine" and then immediately collapsing in front of their loved ones in a bleeding pile, revealing a hidden injury that has festered for far too long
silent, muffled crying with shaking shoulders and a bloody hand clamped over their mouth because they view crying as weak and beneath them and they're stronger than this, they're stronger, they can take it--
the moment they close their eyes in defeat and it's all over and they fucking know it, and when they open their eyes again all that remains is a glassy-dead stare
adamantly refusing medical treatment even when they need it. Shoving away everyone who comes close to them, a choked sound in their throat, fighting back with everything that's left in them.
when they kneel at Whumper's feet, eyes on the ground, white-lipped and tense. The only betrayal of emotion is their clenched fists and tight breathing. In every other way, they're compliant.
refusing to talk about what they endured at Whumper's hands after they're rescued, but the scars tell the story for them. They don't have to say a word, but their team's pitying gaze follows them wherever they go
normally unaffectionate and distant but exhausted and defeated they rest their head on Caretaker's shoulder or Whumper's lap, just finally admitting--nonverbally-- that they can't take it
reversely, more willing to be tortured than to ask for help-- If I'm breathing, I'm fine
stitching their own wounds back up with an unsteady hand, painful stitch after painful stitch. Deep breath and pull. Working in a dimly lit apartment with bleeding clothes on the floor around them and the bed unmade
sacrificing themself for their team. "Take me! Do what you want to me. Not them." And their team watching as the torture takes its slow toll and Whumpee-- the one they look up-- falls apart.
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jordanstrophe · 8 months
Abandoned whumpee
CW: Whumper turned caretaker, injured whumpee, defiant, restrained, angst
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Whumpee awoke in their enemies infirmary.
An IV was pricking their arm and the lights were dimmed. They twitched as their wrist ached from the handcuff binding them to the bed.
"You're awake? I was getting worried about you." Whumper hummed, sitting by their bedside with a large cup of coffee. Whumpee shakily rose their hand as the handcuff clinked.
"This isn't necessary." Whumpee tiredly mumbled.
"My my, you've been awake for ten seconds and already making demands." Whumper chuckled. "But I'm afraid we're not on that level of trust yet, I can get you something for the bruise."
Whumpee tried to sit up, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. 
"I'm a w-wounded prisoner. It's not like I know my w-way around here-" Their voice hitched as their arm gave in as they collapsed. Whumper was quick to pull them up and put a pillow behind their back.
"Easy now, you're still healing. -And don't downgrade yourself, you could still pack a punch, I know how you were trained." Whumper scolded, fixing the blanket around them.
"How could you possibly know that." Whumpee squinted. Whumper ignored their question and waved someone over; they were handed something whumpee couldn't see from the bed. Whumper moved towards them whumpee tried to scamper as far as the handcuff could go.
"Hey! Hey, calm down. It's not going to hurt you." Whumper lulled, placing a plate with a full meal on their lap. "Look, it's just a peace offering."
Whumpee's face flushed with a hint of pink as they lowered their shoulders. Hospitality was the least they expected from their enemy's leader. "You're feeding me?" Whumpee tilted their head.
"Of course I'm feeding you. I saved your life, I'm not going to waste it all by starving you. Gracious, eat your dinner." Whumper scoffed. 
"This is dinner? How long did you sedate me?" Whumpee suddenly perked up.
"I didn't sedate you, you were exhausted. That's just how long you slept. Now eat, you'll feel better." They nudged, taking their wrist and putting a plastic fork in whumpee's hand.
"If I didn't know any better," Whumper chuckled, "I would guess your beloved team wasn't feeding you either-"
Whumper felt movement and grabbed whumpee's arm before they attempted to plummet the fork into whumper's neck. They glared at each other as Whumpee was panting and pouring with sweat.
"Sweetheart, that is a plastic fork you're holding." Whumper glared.
"I know. But it's got three sh-sharp points and that's good enough f-for me." Whumpee grunted, still attempting to stab them. Whumper grabbed their collar and yanked them mere inches away. Whumpee pushed and tried to back-peddle as whumper held their collar.
"That was a cute try." Whumper whispered in their ear. "But you don't have the strength to fight just yet, little lamb. Should have eaten first." They plucked the fork out of Whumpee's hand and released them. Whumpee fell back and winced, holding their wound as it pulsed. They could feel the stitches underneath their shirt, staying intact at least...
"You honestly can't believe you'll keep me here like this! I don't want to be here- I'm not your pet to tease!" Whumpee shouted at them.
"You're not my pet. If you want to be that way, then sure; you're like a lamb running for the cliffs that I have to keep pulling you away from." Whumper straightened their jacket and rubbed their neck.
"You're only keeping me alive so you can torture me later, I've told you from the start I won't ever give up my team-"
"-No." Whumper cut them off.
Whumpee suddenly quieted and closed their lips. "... What do you mean no?" They quietly asked.
"I'm not gonna hurt you, your head is so full of lies it sickens me to know what they've taught you! You want to know why I stayed by your side all day? You woke up throughout the night and cried yourself right back to sleep!"
"I wasn't crying!" Whumpee sobbed, covering their face and fell silent. Whumper shut their mouth and leaned back, realizing they had corned them. "I'm sorry. I uh ... I'll give you some space. I'll come check on you later." Whumper quickly stood. They craned their head back to see whumpee was now curled on their side facing away from them.
Whumpee flinched when they heard a "clink" as the handcuff fell off their wrist. It was a feeling of pure light and relief. It was a surprising gesture, even for the stunt they pulled with the now-revoked plastic fork.
This wasn't the ruthless enemy whumpee was expecting; whumper speaks as if they know more about their own team than whumpee does. If they got trusted enough to freely walk around, they would get to find their own answers deep in the core of their enemies base. 
 Perhaps this was an opportunity.
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@parasitebunny @starzabove @frog-hat-fa-ggot @morning-star-whump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @mommymarichatfurever​  @isita-torrrres @tobiaslut
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whumpy-wyrms · 10 days
Blood Runs Cold #2: You Poor Thing
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content: captivity, cold whump, starvation, dehydration, begging, strangulation, mind control, blood drinking, non permanent death, defiant immortal whumpee, creepy vampire whumper
IT’S BACK!!! finally gonna start writing this series again, sorry for the long wait!!
Aspen slowly opened his eyes, and once again, the first thing he noticed was how cold he was. But unlike being trapped in a thin metal freezer, Aspen was laying on a small mattress.
He curled into himself, shivering violently. After realizing there were no blankets to keep him warm, he sat up, but immediately felt the dizziness hit him. He groaned in pain, his head pounding and his body aching from his last death. His last death.
Everything that had happened the last day came flooding back to him like a punch to the gut.
He died. Twice— no, three times, apparently, though he didn’t remember the first time—
And he came back.
It hurt to think about— what any of this could possibly mean. Nobody could just die and come back to life! …But here he was. Alive and well. Aspen almost thought it could all have been one bad dream, if not for the dull pain in his neck. He traced his fingers over his throat, and felt two small scars from where the vampire had drank from. The vampire.
That thing was what had killed him- bit into him- tore him apart. And it said it would do it again. Aspen had to get out of here. He couldn’t stand the thought of being around that monster again, he couldn’t.
He took a deep breath and decided to start looking around the room he found himself in, though that didn’t help much since all around him was complete darkness, not a window or flicker of light in sight. The mattress beneath him felt rough and grimey; it definitely hadn’t been cleaned in a long time. Aspen put his hand to the wall to steady himself as he stood, feeling the chill and cracks of the cement on his fingertips.
He took a step, but heard a rattle of metal coming from the floor. He took another step, feeling a heavy weight and cold chill on his left ankle and he realized that he was chained to the wall. Shit.
Aspen tugged on the chain a bit, to no use. So he started walking anyway, wanting to see the furthest he could go. He walked around the room and held his hands out in front of him, trying to see if he could feel anything in the darkness. He eventually found a staircase, but could only get a few steps up until he reached the farthest the chain would allow him. He went around the other side of the room and felt a small drain in the concrete floor. Startled by the new texture under his bare feet, he jumped away, the chain pulling taut on his ankle and causing him to trip and scrape his knees on the concrete. He staggered up and collapsed back on the mattress in defeat.
And that was it. Nothing else in the room offered him much help, and he was stuck waiting in horrible anticipation. It was hopeless; there was no way out of here and he was going to be hurt by that vampire again.
He shook those thoughts away and decided to be smart about this. Sure, Aspen couldn’t actually die— for some reason— but vampires could. All he had to do was find… what was it? Silver? A wooden stake? Aspen never really had been too interested in vampires; he was more of a werewolf type of guy. And he didn’t even know they were real until now, whatever he’d heard about them in the past might not even be true. But nonetheless, he’d find a way to kill that bastard and reunite with Lyle again- wherever she was. He wouldn’t just give up.
. . .
Aspen didn’t know how long it had been since he’d woken up, or how long he had been waiting in the dark, laying curled up on that mattress. He realized soon enough that he was hungry; he hadn’t eaten in who knows how long, and definitely hadn’t drank any water. Oddly enough, he didn’t have to go to the bathroom. After all those deaths, he probably had nothing left in his system.
He also realized, after hours of laying on that mattress with nothing but his anxious thoughts, that the vampire hadn’t given him his glasses. It wasn’t like he needed them in this dark, but he still could hardly see normally without them. He also hadn’t given him his chest binder. He was just wearing his jeans and hoodie, not even a shirt underneath! That asshole. He didn’t know whether it was to humiliate him, give him less warmth, or both, or some other reason, but Aspen had never felt so vulnerable and defenseless.
The vampire had broken his phone, so he obviously couldn’t use that to call for help. Like the corpse that he was, he had nothing. Absolutely nothing that could help him. The only thing he could do was wait.
And after what felt like forever of waiting, stomach aching with unbearable hunger, Aspen heard the thud of footsteps coming from the ceiling above him. They walked slowly until they stopped by the stairs. The click of a lock echoed through the basement, and light finally flooded into the place.
Aspen sat up on the mattress, heart thumping rapidly through his chest as he stared ahead.
Finally, the vampire was back.
The vampire walked down the stairs, taking slow, deliberate steps that echoed in the silence. His wavy black hair fell down in his ghostly pale face. He wore a dark red dress shirt, the first few buttons undone, and a black suit coat hanging messily over his shoulders. Aspen gulped and hugged his knees to his chest, noticing the blood-red eyes peeking through the strands of hair and staring directly at him.
His captor reached the bottom of the stairs and stared down at Aspen, watching him tremble in fear.
“Hello, little corpse,” the vampire said, his voice sending a shiver down his spine.
Despite Aspen having so many things he wanted to say and ask— like let me go, I’m hungry, don’t hurt me— his words went dry in his throat. He felt acutely aware of his position; held captive, frozen in place under the vampire’s intense gaze, afraid that any movement or noise would cause the vampire to pounce and tear him apart again.
“What? Got nothing to say?” The vampire hummed, tilting his head.
Aspen swallowed and tore his eyes away from his captor, deciding to get a look around the now visible room.
The basement was not much larger than he had originally thought. Most of it was empty, but against the left far wall was a large metal table. It was hard to see without his glasses, but squinting his eyes, he could make out various dangerous looking tools and weapons hanging on the wall above it. The sharp blades were all covered in faded, dried blood. Higher on that wall, in the corner by the ceiling, was a small window, boarded up with wood that had looked like it’d been there for ages. Hanging down from the ceiling in the middle of the room were various hooks and chains. Dried blood faintly painted the floor by the drain.
That was it. It looked like everything in this place was just made to cause pain, to hurt him.
He looked back at the tools. They were too far away to get to with the chain around his ankle, but if he could somehow get his hands on them, he could defend himself.
Unless… somebody else got his hands on them first.
His eyes flickered back to the vampire, who had been following his gaze to the wall. He smirked.
Aspen’s heart plummeted.
“I see you’ve noticed my—”
“Don’t hurt me!” Aspen said, body trembling. “Please let me go, I- I—”
“Begging already?” The vampire mused, and started walking closer. “I haven’t even done anything yet.”
“N-no, stay away from me,” Aspen said, backing up against the wall.
“Why would I do that?” His captor walked closer, boots thumping against the concrete. Aspen pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them, trying to hide as much of his body as he could, trying to make himself small. The vampire crouched down in front of Aspen and put a hand in his curly hair, gently scritching the top of his head as if he were nothing but a spooked animal. “You’re much cuter up close.”
Aspen trembled under the vampire’s touch, pulling away ever so slightly but being fully backed into the wall, there was nowhere to hide.
“How’re you doin’? You making yourself at home?”
Aspen just stared ahead, mouth agape, words caught in his throat.
“I asked you a question, Aspen,” the vampire hummed in a light tone, though his hand gripped tighter in his hair— a warning.
Aspen swallowed thickly, and said in a quiet, shaky voice, “I-I don’t wanna be here. Let me go.”
“Aw, is it really that bad? I even gave you a mattress and everything.”
Aspen frowned, shivering into his hoodie and wrapping his arms around himself. “It-it’s so- so cold down here. Just let me go.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” the vampire cooed, wiping Aspen’s tears with his thumb. He didn’t even realize he started crying. “I don’t care.”
Aspen sniffled. “I don’t even have my glasses.”
“Oh, of course. You need them to see?” The vampire’s voice was laced in mock sympathy.
Aspen nodded his head, looking up at him through his curls.
“Well, I kinda like it when you look all disoriented and confused. I might just keep you like this forever.”
Aspen’s heart dropped, his despair plastered all over his face. “Why are you doing this?”
“Aw, did you forget already? You exist only for me to drink that delectable blood of yours. You’re nothing but my food. You’re mine. I can do whatever I want to you.”
“B-but- but…” He was speechless. As he struggled to come up with something to say while his captor played with his hair, he saw the vampire’s eyes light up, smiling that horrible grin that showed his deathly sharp fangs.
“Oh, you’re going to be so much fun to break.”
“W-what?” He squeaked.
“We’re going to have so much fun together, Aspen. Just you and I. It’s been so long since I’ve had a human of my own, this place hasn’t had much use in ages, but not anymore. And since you can’t die permanently, I won’t ever have to hold back.”
The vampire’s gaze wandered back to the tools hanging from the wall and the chains hanging from the ceiling. Horrible visions racked Aspen’s mind. Visions of pain. Of agony. Torture. Death. It hadn’t happened to him yet, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it. He couldn’t do it.
He squeezed his eyes shut, unable to stifle a sob. The vampire was too close. It and its fangs and claws were too close and it was touching him and he didn’t want to be here and why wouldn’t it just let him go?
“Open your eyes, Aspen,” the vampire said in a sing-song tone.
“Huh?” Aspen opened his eyes.
“I like to see the fear in my prey’s eyes as I feed. Makes the blood all the more intoxicating.”
“Did I bash your skull in a little too hard last time?” Silas flicked Aspen’s head roughly with his finger. “Every night I am going to feed from you. And every morning, you will come back to life fully healed and regenerating more blood. The process will repeat itself. It’s simple. No more questions.”
“But I don’t- I don’t want this. I wanna go h-home.” He looked up at the vampire through his curly hair with tears in his wide, terrified eyes. His lips wobbled as he spoke so quietly that it was barely a whisper. “Please.”
“Oh, Aspen. You still think you have a choice. You’re so cute, it’s unbearable. It makes me just want to squeeze the life out of you.” The vampire thought to himself for a moment, before a mischievous grin crossed his face. “And I guess… I can do that, can’t I.” It was more of an observation to himself than a question.
“Oh, I will.” The vampire broke out into a wide, maniacal grin, fangs looking sharper than ever. “Whenever the fuck I want to. How about now?”
Before Aspen could say anything, the vampire pounced. Inhumanly strong hands wrapped around his neck and shoved him against the wall. His nails dug into Aspen’s delicate skin, causing blood to drip down his throat.
“Ow!” Aspen gasped. “Stop- stop stop stop- please stop.”
The vampire suddenly squeezed his hands tighter around Aspen’s throat, crushing his windpipe. Aspen gasped for breath, but could no longer get any air.
“L-et g-o,” Aspen choked out, a whimper soon broken by his lack of oxygen.
He clawed at his neck, at the vampire’s hands tightening his grip on him, at the blood spilling from the small cuts, desperately doing all he could to get air. But his captor’s hands didn’t budge, they only pressed down harder on his throat.
Aspen’s mouth opened and closed, trying and failing to suck air back into his lungs. He tried to plead, to beg, but no sound came out. Dark spots filled his vision as his lungs screamed for air.
The vampire leaned in and started drinking the blood trickling down his skin. Aspen felt his hands squeezing tighter to get more to spill out, as if he were nothing but a living ketchup packet.
Tears fell down Aspen’s cheeks as he went limp in the vampire’s hold, finally losing strength. He struggled to keep his eyes open, to keep his head from lolling to the side and into the vampire’s grasp, to keep himself from slipping away into unconsciousness, into death.
The vampire squeezed his neck again, this time harder. A horrible crunching sound filled Aspen’s ears, and everything finally went black.
. . .
Aspen gasped awake, hands instinctively flying to his neck to get air- to stop the bleeding—
…That wasn’t there. There was no puncture wound, no blood, not even a scab. Just smooth scars over his skin from where the vampire had scratched him and drank from.
He took a deep, long breath, closing his eyes as sweet refreshing air filled his lungs. He breathed out, and in, and out again. A steady pace to calm his racing heart.
The room was dark again, and the vampire didn’t seem to be in there anymore. He must’ve left after Aspen… died. Maybe that was a good thing. Though, he was still incredibly hungry. And thirsty. And his captor was the only one who could give him that necessity.
He cringed thinking about the last thing he remembered, that moment with the vampire. He shouldn’t be so scared of him. He had to stand up for himself and fight back, that’s what Lyle would have told him if she were there.
He didn’t know what time it was or how long he waited for, but when the basement door opened again, Aspen swallowed his nerves and ran towards the stairs, wasting no time in going as far as the chain would allow him. He was standing on the second step and holding on to the railing, his left leg held out in the air a little bit due to the chain pulling on it.
“H-hey,” Aspen said, looking up at the vampire. “Let me out, I’m so hungry!” He pulled against the chain, not caring about the cold metal digging into his skin, and pushed his arms against the railing as if trying to heave himself up the stairs. “I can’t- can’t take it anymore! Let me go!”
The vampire was standing at the top of the stairs, his entire body cast in a haunting shadow from the light behind him, making him nothing but a looming silhouette. He took a silent step down the stairs, and another.
“Brave little corpse today, huh?” The vampire growled, his two red eyes glowing bright in the darkness. He seemed to be in a different mood today, one that sent a shiver down Aspen’s spine.
“I’m starving. I don’t care what you do to me, I just need food! Please!” Aspen cried.
He didn’t even see it coming.
The vampire pounced, leaping down the stairs and slamming his body straight into Aspen, sending both of them tumbling into the hard concrete floor. Aspen cried out in pain, his entire body hurting from the inhuman force pinning him to the ground. The vampire quickly stepped back and shoved Aspen into the wall by his mattress. After struggling to catch his breath, Aspen’s eyes went wide when he noticed the vampire walking towards him.
“W-Wait!” Aspen exclaimed. “Please don’t hurt me—” He squeezed his eyes shut, anticipating another blow to the head. When that didn’t come, he blinked and saw the vampire crouched down next to him, inspecting the chain around his ankle.
“This chain is much too long.” Before Aspen could do anything, the vampire wrenched it through what had it fastened to the wall, effectively shortening the length Aspen was allowed to walk, leaving the chain only a few feet long now. Aspen could only move around the mattress, and that was it. “Much better.”
He was about to curl into a ball, but he remembered his goal. He needed to stand up for himself. He needed to show him that he wasn’t weak. He blinked back his tears and stared at his captor. “L-let me go!” he demanded. “I’m hungry! Really really hungry. I need food. You can’t just keep me down here!”
“Aspen,” Silas growled, turning to face him. “Are you really making me repeat myself again? You’re mine. My food, to do with as I please.”
His mind raced, frantically trying to come up with anything at all that could change his mind. “If you’re going to- to keep me here, you need to feed me! You can’t just k-keep me starving forever! It hurts! Please!”
“You haven’t died from starvation yet, so why would I waste time and resources letting you eat if you don’t need to? Seems like a big fucking waste to me.”
Aspen looked up, pleading with his eyes that were filled with anger and confusion. his breath hitched in his throat. It was getting harder and harder to be brave. “You ca-can’t do this. You can’t!”
“I can do whatever I want to you.”
Tears fell down his cheeks. “P-please!” he sobbed. “I’m begging you, is that what you want? Please. I’m starving, I—”
“Stop screaming. Holy shit, you’re insufferable. Did you know that?” The vampire turned away from him and started walking towards the other side of the room. “I usually love hearing the horrified screams of my prey, but today isn’t one of those days.”
“Wh-where are you going? —Wait!”
In a flash, the vampire was back to kneeling in front of him, shoving a piece of cloth into his mouth and tying it around his head, effectively gagging him. Aspen reached up to pull it out, but winced when his captor grabbed his wrist and roughly twisted his arms behind his back. The vampire tied his hands together with rope, and pulled it tight. Aspen whimpered as it dug into his skin.
He screamed through the gag, and his captor slapped him roughly across the face, shutting him up. His head shot to the side, and he whimpered as his cheek stung in pain.
Cold, inhumanly strong hands grasped at his shoulders as the monster bit down into his neck, ripping and tearing the flesh away like a deranged animal. He cried out, but there was nothing he could do to stop this. It wasn’t long after that Aspen’s world went dark yet again.
. . .
Time seemed to stretch on in one big blur. The vampire came to the basement to feed, to kill, and throw any and all kinds of hurt or pain into the mix that he wanted. No matter how much Aspen pleaded for it to stop, that only seemed to fuel the vampire’s cruelty. He mocked him for being weak, for being unable to do anything against him. His captor would either kill him or leave him alone in the basement until he came back hours later, alive but in no way living.
It was always dark, and Aspen didn’t know how many days were spent down there. He thought that if the vampire fed once a day, he’d been in the basement for at least five. Five days without food or water. Five days trapped in a cold, dark room with nothing but his worried, anxious thoughts to distract him from the agonizing pain. Not to mention however long he’d been in the morgue before this, however long ago he’d died the first time.
But he could be wrong; he really didn’t know how long he’d been trapped here for. It could have been a few days or a few months and he’d have no way to tell. He wondered if anyone was looking for him, or where Lyle was, or if he’d ever be able to see the sun again. Surely, he’d be rescued in no time. He was going to get out of here, he just had to wait.
He laid his cheek against the rough mattress, arms still tied behind his back and gag stuck firmly in his mouth. Even though he tried to stay optimistic, sometimes, he couldn’t help but wonder if this was his life now. Cursed to be trapped starving in a basement and used as a vampire’s bloodbag for all of eternity— and killed, over and over, that too.
He found the actual death to be somewhat… peaceful, as grim as that sounded. It was the only escape he got from the pain before he was forced back into the cold cruelty of the basement— of his life. It was an unwelcome distraction, but it was at least something. He always hated having nothing to do, being bored out of his mind. At least now he got a break every now and again.
Then, for the first time in days, he heard something new. Aspen’s ears perked up, listening closely to the faint, muffled noises coming from above him. Voices. Multiple voices upstairs. He stood up, despite his weak and starved body begging him to rest, and stumbled towards however far the chain would let him.
He shook his head vigorously, rubbing his chin against his shoulder and finally, finally getting that disgusting gag out of his mouth.
And then, he screamed. His throat was sore and raspy, dry from the lack of water, but that didn’t stop him. He called for help as loud as he could, hoping to get the attention of whoever was up there.
The voices suddenly stopped as Aspen’s frantic pleas rang through the air. There was a loud sigh, and the snap of someone’s fingers. Eerie silence filled the air except for the all-too-familiar footsteps walking towards the basement.
The door swung open violently, and Aspen flinched back at the noise, chain rattling behind him.
“What do you want?” The vampire hissed, flicking the lightswitch on and slamming the door shut behind him. Aspen had never seen someone look so angry. He cowered away as primal terror flooded through his veins.
“I- I, th-the people! There are people up there! Help, help! HELP!”
The vampire did nothing but stand there silently, staring at him with that creepy smile on his face. “Keep screaming, Aspen. See where that gets you.”
“But there’s… What…what did you do to them?”
“Mind control. Their dumb little minds don’t belong to them right now, and they certainly won’t rescue you.”
“You can… control people’s minds?”
“Of course I can,” his captor hissed. “And the next time you try to ask other humans for help, I won’t be so merciful to them.”
“Were they looking for me?”
The vampire couldn’t help but laugh. “No, they weren’t looking for you. They were looking for directions.”
“Yes. We are in the middle of fucking nowhere, by the way.” The vampire took a step down the stairs. “And nobody will come looking for you. You’re dead to the world, already buried six feet under. And scream all you want, there’s no civilization in miles. That gag was just there to keep you from annoying me all night and day with your incessant whining. I almost never see people out here unrelated to my business.”
“But when I do,“ the vampire continued, “oh, you have no idea how hard it is to resist feeding on them. I’m glad you’re awake now. I deserve a snack for having to deal with those insufferable morons.”
“And you,” the vampire drawled, walking closer and causing Aspen to flinch back in fear, stumbling onto the mattress behind him, “deserve a punishment for spitting that gag out and trying to call for help. You’re mine. You do not try to call for help. You are not getting out of this. Get that through your thick skull before I bash it in.”
Aspen breathed heavily. The vampire was standing a few feet from him, but was more menacing than ever before.
“Say it, little corpse. Tell me you’re mine. I wanna hear it from you.”
Tears pricked in Aspen’s eyes, cheeks going red. “I-I’m, I’m y-yours.”
“And you’ll never try calling for help again?”
“N-No,” he said, shaking his head and sniffling.
“Good. Now enough chit-chat. C’mere.”
Aspen let out a sob and crawled forward, palms and knees aching against the cold stone floor. He crumbled in despair as Silas leaned down to feed again. Sharp fangs sank into the same spot on his neck, blood started flowing out and into the mouth of his captor. He grew even more lightheaded, squeezing his eyes shut and silently begging for unconsciousness.
…Only, death didn’t come this time. The vampire pulled away early, licking his lips and stepping back with a sour expression.
Aspen dared to peek an eye open and look up at him. “W-wh-what are—”
“Your blood. It’s not as good as it was before. What happened?”
“I-I don’t- I don’t know.” When the vampire yanked a hand to his hair, Aspen sputtered frantically to get his words out, wracking his mind for what it could possibly be. “M-maybe it’s- maybe it’s because I haven’t- haven’t eaten anything?”
The vampire stared at him for a moment in consideration. Then, his hand let up, and he stepped away. “Hm. I guess that makes sense.”
“Y-yeah, p-please, I really need food. I need it.”
“…I don’t have any human food here. I’ll have to get some the next time I go to town.”
“...Oh,” Aspen said quietly. “B-but you’ll still feed me? Th-thank you.” He looked up at his captor with hope in his eyes for the first time, and finally let his body relax, as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders. He’d finally get to be fed.
“Yeah. Holy shit, you’re pathetic.”
“C-can I at least ha-have a blanket in the meantime?”
“No. Can’t let you get too comfortable, can I? Or you’ll forget your place.” The vampire chuckled, patting his head in mock affection.
“But it- It’s so cold here…”
“If you’re suffering so much, why don’t I just kill you now and make the pain stop?”
“N-no, please don’t kill me,” Aspen whispered.
“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
But he had already put the gag in place, and tied it tightly around his head, more so than before. Aspen let out a muffled whimper as the vampire walked up the stairs and out of the basement. The light was turned out, the door slammed shut, leaving Aspen in suffocating darkness once again. All alone.
His stomach growled. The cold bit at his bare skin. His throat ached with thirst and the lingering pain of the bite.
Maybe he should’ve accepted the offer.
i’m not like super proud of this one but i think it’s as good as i’m gonna get it so here u go :3 future chapters will be better (and probably shorter), i’ve written a whoooole bunch of this recently and i’m realllyy gonna try to get regular updates now!! yayyyy
taglist: @inkwell-and-dagger @vidawhump @taterswhump @toyybox @andithewhumper
@creppersfunpalooza @bottlecapreader @whumpsday @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @kisa-writes
@mintflavouredwhump @fleur-a-whump @starfields08000
let me know if you want to be removed or added to the taglist!
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jumpywhumpywriter · 3 months
Drugged Hero Whumpee used as Party Favor at Villain's Party part 1
Warnings: drugged sedation, torture, blood, severe whump/intimate whump, restraints
Man, I just love the idea of a dazed- out Whumpee, drugged-beyond-comprehension, sprawled out vulnerable and unprotected on the couch as Whumper's party guests interact around them. I love the idea of Whumpee being a party favor; a cheap little bit of entertainment. Conscious, but barely. Alert, but subdued and drugged enough that they can't fight back.
Do the guests pull Whumpee's limp form into their laps, caressing their face and hair and chuckling at their incomprehensible mumbling? Do they tilt their chin up and pour alcohol through the parted, un- protesting lips? Does Whumpee sputter and choke, causing the party-goers to laugh cruelly, shoving their head between their knees so they don't suffocate? Do they blow their smoke into Whumpee's face, mouth, or eyes?
Do they hurt Whumpee, or mishandle. them, or assault them? Do they take pictures or videos? How do they react when Whumpee reaches out a limp, sluggish arm in a futile attempt to push their tormentors away?
Do the party-goers mock the Whumpee, forcing them to their knees, making them crawl across the floor just to watch them struggle? Do they scoff at the way Whumpee is too dizzy to move without collapsing? Do they tell Whumpee to "sit" and "speak" like a dog, punishing them for slurred mumbling and rewarding them if they can somehow manage an intelligible word or phrase?
Does the Whumpee, in their delirious state, call out unintelligibly for Whumper? Does Whumper hold them, wiping away their tears, reassuring them that they're doing great and that they'll feel better soon?
Or does Whumper simply let them cry, watching from afar as their guests do whatever they want to the victim?
For context "Shadow" is my main Hero character, she/her pronouns, a rare human-like creature thought to have gone extinct centuries ago that was captured and is now held captive, being shown off/flaunted as a prize for her rarity at Villain's party. She has regenerative powers and ice magic, but the heavy drugs she was given is wreaking havoc on her systems so she can't easily access that power. She used to be the city's Hero until Villain finally took her down. All right now on to the story!
Shadow was standing chained up in the dreadful, dark cell when Villain entered, flanked by two muscular henchmen. Her wrists had metal cuffs with magic-blocking properties that prevented her from lashing out or acting up, and the chains attached to them were pinned to the wall on either side of her, forcing her to stay standing upright with her arms spread to the sides. She lifted her head, and despite her haggard, battered appearance she still managed a fierce glare.
"...Come to rub your victory in my face again?" She rasped hoarsely, her throat dry from dehydration and raw from screaming as she had been tortured for hours upon hours. Villain hadn't given her proper food or water in days, and her bones were starting to show.
"Not today," Villain said in his typical arrogant voice as always. "I have something far more... exciting planned for this evening."
Shadow didn't like the sound of that. She forced herself not to flinch as Villain stepped up to her, bringing a loaded syringe to her neck.
"Wait--what is--" Shadow couldn't help the surprised gasp that escaped her as the needle plunged in, delivering something unknown. Almost immediately, a slow, stretching pain started spreading through her body, latching on to every last muscle and nerve.
"What... did you give me...?" She slurred, head lolling forward, as her body slumped against the restraints against her will. The world had an odd tilt as her vision grew hazy and disoriented, hard to focus on anything.
"It's something to make you a bit more... docile," Villain hissed venomously into her ear with a dark chuckle. "We're going to have so. Much. Fun together."
Shadow felt the two henchmen fiddling with the chains holding her up... unlocking them? The magic-blocking cuffs remained, but Shadow felt a small wave of relief as the tension on her aching and over-strained arms was let up for the first time in days, even though she knew the freedom was limited. She tried to catch her balance as the chains no longer held her weight, but her weak legs buckled under her almost instantly.
The two henchmen grabbed her arms and practically dragged her out of the room, toward an unknown place with... voices. Strange voices. Lots of them. Where on earth was Villain taking her?
Shadow was left to wonder until Villain pushed open a giant door in his mansion, and Shadow was hit with a blast of bright colors and loud sounds. It looked like... a party? Why would Villain be bringing her to a party?
Villain's voice sounded warped and distant to her as he addressed his party guests, introducing her as the Hero he'd single-handedly conquered. The one with unique abilities unlike any other.
Shadow felt herself being carried and then dumped rather ungracefully onto one of Villain's giant lavish couches. She immediately made a move to escape, trying to spring to her feet and get ready to fight with her fists, her strong suit, but it ended up being more like a rather humiliating drunken lurch from the couch as she struggled to coordinate her heavy limbs to obey her will. The world swam dizzyingly in front of her eyes, and she could barely balance, swaying unsteadily on shaky legs.
"Oooh, I've heard so much about you!" An unfamiliar female voice sounded, and Shadow felt a hand grab her shoulder, easily shoving her back to trip onto the couch in an undignified heap. She landed on the soft surface with a grunt, before stubbornly trying to get up again. She was no quitter.
"Oh dear... trying to leave so soon? But we haven't even gotten to have fun with you yet!" A lively, sing-songy voice giggled darkly, and something about the sound made Shadow bristle from head-to-toe with dread. A hand pressed firmly into her collarbone, pushing her down into the couch and keeping her pinned so she couldn't give another attempt at rising.
Next ⏩️
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serickswrites · 4 months
Broken Promises
Warnings: hidden injury, blood, stabbing, wound, unconsciousness, caretaker and whumpee
Smallest Teammate looked back at Team Leader, their eyes narrowing. The team had been walking back through the woods, after a chance encounter with Whumper had been a failure. They hadn't captured Whumper, but they had all walked away, so perhaps it was a success. But Team Leader had been quiet.
"Are you ok, Team Leader?" Smallest Teammate asked, slowing their pace a little so Team Leader could catch them up.
Team Leader's face was grim, but they nodded. "I'm fine, Smallest Teammate. We've got a long way back to the car. Let's keep going."
Team Leader nodded towards the rapidly retreating backs of Teammate One and Teammate Two. "Keep up. I'm right behind you."
"You wouldn't be just saying that so I go away and stop worrying, would you? You wouldn't be hiding something from me, right? You promised."
Team Leader gave a wan smile. "I'm fine. Keep going."
Smallest Teammate reluctantly faced forward again. They kept their pace slower to keep Team Leader near them. Smallest Teammate could hear a hitch in Team Leader's breath with each step they took, but couldn't see any visible injuries. Perhaps they had pulled a muscle in the fight.
Just as Smallest Teammate settled into their pace, shaking the doubts they had about Team Leader's well being, they heard Team Leader stumble.
"Careful," Smallest Teammate said as they turned towards Team Leader.
Team Leader dropped to their knees, sweat beaded on their brow. "I....I....I just need a moment," they gasped.
"Team Leader, you promised you wouldn't hide being hurt. You promised," Smallest Teammate muttered under their breath as they hurried forward to catch Team Leader as they collapsed forward.
"Where are you hurt, Team Leader? I can't help you if you don't tell me," Smallest Teammate said urgently as they tried to keep Team Leader upright. "HELP!" They shouted to the rest of the team.
"'m s'ry," Team Leader muttered as they blinked heavily. They grabbed Smallest Teammate's wrist with sticky hands.
Smallest Teammate chanced a glance down, their mouth going dry. Team Leader's hands were coated in blood. "Where is the blood from? Where are you bleeding? Team Leader!"
Teammate One was the first to arrive. "Shit!" They said as they knelt down. "What?"
"Find the bleeding. We have to find it so we can stop it!" Smallest Teammate ordered as they shook Team Leader. "Keep your eyes open, Team Leader."
Teammate One ran their hand down Team Leader's back as they shouted to Teammate Two. "GET THE CAR! BRING IT HERE! NOW!"
"Team Leader, keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes on me. You promised you would be ok. You promised you would tell me. You promised you would let me help you. You can't break your promise."
Team Leader's eyes fluttered closed at Smallest Teammate's words. "'mmmmmmm sssss'ryyyy," they muttered as they went limp in Smallest Teammate's arms.
Smallest Teammate stayed upright, completely supporting Team Leader's weight. Had it been any other team member, Smallest Teammate would have struggled. But Team Leader was their size, so they managed. "Come on, Team Leader. Open your eyes. Stay with me."
"Found it!" Teammate One said as they ripped off their jacket, pressing it into Team Leader's back. "Stab wound, right flank. It's...It's bleeding a lot."
Smallest Teammate felt tears prick at their eyes. "No. Team Leader, listen to me. You have to hang on. We are getting you help. But you need to hold on. You promised me!"
"HURRY UP!" Teammate One roared at Teammate Two.
"Please, stay with us, Team Leader," Smallest Teammate whispered into Team Leader's ear as they held Team Leader tightly. They watched Teammate One frantically keep pressure on the wound while searching for anything that could help them keep Team Leader alive. "Please. I need you. Please, stay."
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 22: "You weren't meant to be there,"
Content warning: held at knifepoint
“What’s going on?! Caretaker, what the hell is–”
“You weren’t–you weren’t supposed to be there when this happened. I didn’t know they were even in the city!” There was an edge of disbelief in Caretaker’s voice, a strange mix of anger and giddy surprise. Their grip on Whumpee was unrelenting, pulling them along at a pace Whumpee could barely match. “Just–just trust me, alright?”
Whumpee didn’t know what was going on. Things had been fine moments ago; the pair had been walking home after a long night, chatting away. It’d been perfectly normal evening before Caretaker’s face had gone pale, before they’d grabbed Whumpee without explanation and broke into a dead sprint.
Whumpee’s legs burned from the exertion, a thousand questions running through their mind. Still, the memory of the look of fear that had flashed across Caretaker’s face was enough to keep them arguing. Something was wrong, and Whumpee trusted Caretaker enough not to pull away. They weren’t sure they could have even if they wanted to.
It felt like an eternity of running, the streets blurring as Caretaker turned seemingly at random. By the time they stopped, stumbling into a small, overgrown park at the edge of town, Whumpee felt ready to collapse. Caretaker released Whumpee’s hand, and Whumpee instantly folded into themselves, gasping for breath.
Caretaker seemed unfazed. They stood at attention, eyes scanning the area. After a moment, their posture straightened, eyes intense as they stared at something Whumpee couldn’t see through the trees.
“Whatever happens, just go along with it. Everything’s going to be fine.”
Whumpee swallowed thickly. “What– what does that even mean–?!”
They both went silent at the sound of approaching footsteps.
From the darkness, a stranger walked intently towards them. Their eyes, cold and filled with so much anger that Whumpee couldn’t breathe from fear, were locked squarely on Caretaker.
“You really thought you could hide forever?” Only the slightest hint of breathlessness betrayed the effort the stranger had made to pursue them. They scowled. “You’re getting sloppy, Whumper.”
They didn’t have the breath to speak it, but a question rang out in Whumpee’s mind. Who the hell was Whumper?
Caretaker, it seemed, wasn’t surprised by the accusation. “Who said anything about hiding? I’m right here, aren’t I?”
Caretaker’s words were thick with mockery, a tone so foreign on their tongue that Whumpee was shocked into silence. Whumpee turned, and suddenly the familiar face beside them looked like a total stranger. The tension in Caretaker’s posture was gone. They stood almost lazily now, hands tucked into their pockets, shoulders relaxed.
Caretaker smiled. An ugly, smug smirk that looked nothing like the person Whumpee knew. “If you missed my company so much, you could’ve simply called.”
“You think this is a game!?” The stranger took another step forward, something wild in their eyes. “You lost. I finally found you, and I’m not letting you get away with the shit you pulled.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I’ve lost,”
Like a coiled snake, Caretaker suddenly sprang into movement. Whumpee yelped as they were dragged back. A hand wrapped its way around their torso, pulling them in until their back was flush against Caretaker’s chest.
They felt something press hard against their chin, forcing their head upward. A cold nip, an edge that felt so sharp that it could cut them open with the flick of the wrist.
It was a knife. Caretaker was holding a knife to their throat.
Every cell in Whumpee’s body froze. The stranger stopped dead in their tracks, hand frozen where it’d been reaching towards their belt.
“Let me introduce you to Whumpee. A real sweetheart, a total nobody. I’m sure they’re very confused over this entire situation,” Caretaker’s tone was full of mock pity. Their blade did not move from Whumpee’s throat, not an inch. It was pressed firmly to their skin, a movement away from drawing blood.
“Now, if you want to cut down this poor little thing to get to me, be my guest,” Caretaker smiled, all teeth. “But we both know you’re not the type for that, don’t we?”
Caretaker’s grip wasn’t tight enough to restrict their airflow, and yet Whumpee couldn’t breathe. Caretaker—sweet, gentle, kind Caretaker— had a knife pressed against their neck. It was so utterly bizarre that Whumpee couldn’t hardly comprehend it.
Tears, panicked and terrified, began to drip from Whumpee’s eyes. They didn’t dare sob. “W-what–,”
“You–you're a damn liar. I bet they're one of your friends,” the stranger hissed the accusation. And yet they didn’t move. Their eyes had flicked over to stare at Whumpee, widening. A different sort of anger entered their eyes, subdued by a hint of fear. It was like they were looking at Whumpee with pity.
Caretaker only hummed. They leaned forward, breath brushing the shell of Whumpee’s ear. “Whumpee darling, answer a question for me,” they asked, loud enough for the stranger to hear. The blade pulled back only slightly, the pressure releasing enough for Whumpee to speak without cutting themselves on the edge. “What’s my name?”
Whumpee opened their mouth to answer, but a panicked sob tore through instead. Their body shook with terror, as if they’d just realized what sort of danger they were in. Whumpee tried to control the tears coming to their eyes. They swallowed wetly, all too aware of the knife still so, so close to their neck.
They felt Caretaker’s hold on them relax slightly, and Whumpee decided to take it as an act of silent comfort.
“C-caretaker?” they forced the words out, terrified of the consequences of staying silent. Their answer came out like a question. “I don’t–please, I don’t know what’s happening-!”
The stranger flinched at Whumpee’s terrified words, eyes softening. Caretaker’s hold did not falter.
“You hear that? Caretaker,” Caretaker hummed their own name like it was the first time they’d heard it. “What a nice name…”
Tears dripped freely from Whumpee’s eyes. Their fingers gripped uselessly at the arm around their middle. They didn’t know if they wanted to pull Caretaker away, or pull them closer. They didn’t know if Caretaker or the stranger was more dangerous.
The stranger’s face shifted with a look of horror “You’re a monster,”
“As if you didn’t know that already. So,” Caretaker smiled, all teeth, eyes squarely on their opponent. “What are you going to do?”
It seemed like they were going to do nothing. They stood frozen, their once hard glare weakened with uncertainty. Their shoulders had slumped, hands moving to flench angrily at their sides, furious but non threatening. They were shaking with anger, but they did not move.
Caretaker moved. They took a step back, dragging Whumpee back with them. When the stranger didn’t react, they took another, then another, sending them further into the darkness. The blade didn’t move from Whumpee’s throat.
Finally, the blade left Whumpee’s throat. Caretaker’s hold shifted on them, releasing their torso and catching Whumpee’s hand once more.
Caretaker pulled them into a run. Whumpee had no choice but to follow.
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deckofaces · 2 years
Step Out of Line
Tw: whump, stabbing, blood, near death experience, dagger mention, Supervillain whumper, Hero whumpee, sadistic whumper (guys I swear it sounds bad but there is caretaking at the end)
@epiclamer I saw your plea in the gc for hero whumpee and villain caretaker. So I was inspired and wrote this, pls accept my offering
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Hero groaned as they crashed hard into the concrete. They practically tasted it with how close their head came to smashing into it. Their open cuts and wounds screamed as they hit the floor. The rough concrete scraped against them, each second laying there felt like daggers poking their skin. 
Hero laid there dizzily, coughing for a few seconds. Was that blood that just came out of their mouth? Their vision started blurring together. They slowly looked up, two pairs of feet stood in front of them, who else joined the fight? 
They blinked a couple times at the figures, struggling to keep their head up. After another few seconds of this, the two pairs of feet merged into one. No one else joined the fight, it was just their vision lying to them. 
Hero shakily started to stand up, despite every part of their body just telling them to give up. They were a hero, they could not lay there in defeat. Supervillain stood in front of them and if they could just get one really good punch in, they might just be able to defeat them-
They felt their legs collapse out from under them, and Hero landed back on their stomach. The cool, rugged pavement greeted them once more. They could hear maniacal laughter echoing off the brick alleyway walls behind them. 
Hero breathed heavily, they pushed off the ground, oh they could see the dark red blood now. They slowly turned over to lay on their back so they could actually see. More laughing filled their ears, Supervillain crouched down next to their fallen form. 
Out of the corner of their eye, they could see something in the evil doer’s hand. Despite the darkness of the alley, Hero could see the almost blinding flash of metal. A dagger, their vision focused just enough to see the outline of a small blade. 
Their heartbeat raced, it must have been out of fear. Was Supervillain going to finish the job right there? They didn’t want to die that way. Dying to the filthy hands of Supervillain like so many others before them. Just add them to the list of fallen heroes. Hero would be just like the others, nothing special. 
Supervillain held an evil glint in their eye, grinning as they took pleasure in putting the blade directly in their face so Hero could see. “Given up yet Hero? It does not matter, you do not have a choice anyways. You will be dead in a minute.”
“N-no-“ Hero whimpered, oh so desperately trying to back away in their weakened state. 
Supervillain only cackled more, grabbing their feet and dragging them back over, which only made Hero cry out in pain. 
Without warning, they elicited a scream as Supervillain took their blade and stabbed Hero.
They couldn’t tell where, but the pain felt absolutely horrible. Another thing they knew is that they passed out soon after.
. . .
Hero stirred on something.. soft? Were they hallucinating the comfortable surface to escape the feeling of the wretched concrete? 
They opened their eyes but they were impaled by light, which confused them, wasn’t it still night time?
Hero took a minute to adjust to the light, blinking rapidly until it felt like the light no longer hurt them. They looked around the room, this clearly was not the alley, their mind had not been playing tricks on them either.
They were laying on a worn in couch, a soft blanket had been pulled all the way up to their chin. They looked under the blanket and saw bandages wrapped around their stomach, arms, and a cast on their leg. They also noticed bandages around their hands too when lifting the blanket. None of them felt too tight either, whoever did it must have taken great care.
The living room the couch sat in appeared to be small, but it was neat and tidy. They wonder what civilian rescued them, at least they hoped a civilian saved them and they were not with Supervillain. That would be so very cruel, they would rather have died on the pavement than see their face after they had given Hero a false sense of safety. 
While scanning their surroundings, their eyes drifted over to the doorway that led to the kitchen. Their eyes widened in shock. Standing there staring at them was not a civilian at all or Supervillain, it was Villain. And they were holding a bowl of chicken noodle soup?
Villain must of been bad news, they started to sit up and pull the blanket off them, but they stopped halfway through, hissing in pain. 
Villain rushed over and set the soup on the coffee table in front of the couch. They immediately pushed Hero to lay back down on the couch. “What are you thinking?? If you opened any of your wounds because of this- I swear to gods-“ They groaned thinking about it, shaking their head. 
Hero hesitated, they did not move or say anything. That only caused Villain to sigh as they gently helped them into sitting position. They grabbed the bowl of soup directly after, pulling a chair up to sit next to the couch Hero sat on. 
Hero looked at the soup with unease. They could not deny that it smelled absolutely delicious and their stomach had definitely been growling, but what if Villain put something in it? “Is that poisoned?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course not,” Villain scoffed. “You are in my home, I plan on taking care of you.”
Hero still looked at the bowl in their nemesis’s hands, unsure. Which in turn only drew out a long sigh from the villain.
“Why would I poison you after taking the time to bandage you up, if you haven’t noticed them already. Let me tell you that it took forever.” Villain gestured to Hero’s hand for reference. “I’m a villain, but if you think I’m cruel enough to bandage you all up just to kill you- I’m offended,” they rolled their eyes dramatically.
“Now watch, Hero.” They took a spoonful of the soup that they made and ate it. They swallowed and gave them an “I told you so” sort of expression. Hero looked sheepish after, letting out a small “oh.”
Villain hummed and held up another spoonful of the chicken noodle soup. “Open your mouth.”
Hero gave them a confused look again, “Are you going to try to feed me?”
Villain still held the utensil in front of the crime-stopper. “Yes,” they said simply.
“But that is embarrassing-! Please just let me feed myself,” Hero complained. They weren’t injured so much so that they could not eat the soup themself.
“Not as embarrassing as trying to challenge someone as powerful as Supervillain. I found you left for dead in that alleyway, and goodness knows you could have died if I didn’t save you. Now open up.” This time Villain did not sound like they were joking. They were stern, but they also held a touch of worry in their voice.
Hero lowered their gaze to the blanket on their lap out of shame and embarrassment. Villain had immediately shut down their complaints just with that explanation alone. 
“Why did you help me?” Hero asked quietly. “I’m a hero, I try to arrest you. This goes against what villains sort of well.. do.”
Villain let the spoon fall back into the bowl. They shook their head at Hero. “No, villains break rules and accepted norms dearest Hero, and saving you did just that. I did not step out of line if I was not following a line to begin with.”
Hero only stared at Villain. When they held the spoon up to them once again, this time they reluctantly opened their mouth and accepted the food. And consequently, Villain’s help.
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mj-iza-writer · 9 months
Whumper arrived home from work a little earlier than normal, so they waited for Whumpee to come to the front door to help take her shoes off.
They tapped their nails against the stair's railing, it was taking Whumpee longer than necessary to come.
Whumper kicked her shoes off in frustration and stormed off to find Whumpee.
Finally Whumper walked into the kitchen and found Whumpee sprawled out on the floor.
"Did you fall asleep while doing chores? You useless...", Whumper nudged Whumpee's head with her foot, "wake up you."
Whumpee made a disturbed snore before weakly looking up.
"Mis-mistress, you're home", Whumpee whispered then realized. They hurried to bow and kiss her feet, "I-I'm sorry miss."
Whumper crouched down and slapped Whumpee's cheek, hard enough to sting.
"Why are you sleeping when you're supposed to be working", Whumper stood back up, "and on the kitchen floor of all places."
Whumpee looked down, "I-I'm sorry miss, the floor w-was cold. It fe-felt good", they rubbed their cheek.
"Cold?", Whumper raised an eyebrow, "it's not hot."
Whumpee fidgeted shyly and kept looking at the floor.
Whumper reached down and grabbed Whumpee's chin. She lifted their face to look at them.
"Are you feeling alright?", Whumper sighed as they looked over Whumpee's appearance, "your skin is pale, and you look flushed. Plus, your eyes are glossy, never a good sign with you."
Whumper waited a minute as they felt Whumpee's warm skin.
Whumpee seemed to tiredly sink into Whumper's hand, ignoring her nails digging into their skin.
"Whumpee are you about to fall asleep like this?", Whumper questioned worriedly.
Whumpee quickly wiped away a tear and looked up, "I'm sorry mistress."
Whumper sighed as all frustration melted away, her momma bear was kicking in.
"Okay come on, get up. Out to the couch with you", Whumper waved their hand to shew them away.
Whumpee quickly got up and rushed to the couch.
When Whumper walked into the living room they looked at the couch but didn't see Whumpee on it.
"Whumpee... oh! What are you doing?", Whumper looked down to see Whumpee on the floor in a crawling position.
"I-I'm ready for my punishment. My behavior has been.... very... ba... hmm", Whumpee started to fall forward, "I'm dizzy."
"Okay, come on, I meant I wanted you to lay on the couch", Whumper reached down and pulled Whumpee up, "you're not in trouble. I want to take your temperature, and have you take this medicine."
"Mistress.... couch... ar-are you sure?", Whumpee tried to wriggle out of Whumper's grip but was too weak.
"Yes, now lay down", Whumper commanded as they gave a gentle push to Whumpee.
Whumpee collapsed onto the couch.
"Mmph", Whumpee grunted when Whumper stuck the thermometer into their mouth. Whumpee looked up awkwardly.
"Don't look at me like that", Whumper crossed their arms and waited for the ding.
"I'm sorry, I'm not use to, um, this ma'am", Whumpee looked down.
"Don't get use to it either, I do have a heart though", Whumper sighed at the temperature, "quite a fever, have you felt like this all day? Why wasn't I made aware?"
"I started feeling bad after lunch, and I got really tired", Whumpee whispered, "I'm sorry."
Whumper sighed, "okay scooch over."
Whumper sat down beside Whumpee and wrapped an arm around them.
Whumpee stiffened as Whumper pulled them close.
"Just relax. You're okay", Whumper layed their hand against Whumpee's head.
Whumpee thought for a second before leaning into the hug and touch.
"Hmmm", Whumpee moaned, as Whumper rested her chin on their forehead to take in the fever.
Whumper held Whumpee's head up as they felt their body going limp. She lowered Whumpee's head until they laid down and rested their head on her lap.
Whumper scratched along Whumpee's head and ear until she heard snores.
"How dare you get sick on me", Whumper sighed at their slave, "make me have to care for you. You're hopeless without me. I hope you are aware of that."
After a few more minutes, Whumper rested their hand on Whumpee's head, "I hate how much I love you", Whumper sighed.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109
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bltzgore · 1 year
Tw: blood mention, powers, multiple whumpers, character death (not whumpee or caretaker), broken leg, young whumpee
I want a young hero whumpee. They're fighting a group of villian whumpers, getting tossed around like a toy, completely out numbered, out gunned, and bleeding...
Whumpee is tossed in front of a new villian, one that the others have been giving a healthy amount of space and respect. While they haven't been leading the group, but there is no doubt this is the one they're all scared of.
Whumpee trembles as they approach, just barely managing to pull themselves to their knees. Tears in their eyes from the pain and the fear. Their breath hitches as villian reaches down, getting a grip on their shirt and pulling them up to their eye line.
Villian is ready to finish this, that's what they were recruited to do after all. But as villian finally gets their first good look at Whumpee's face their eyes soften. Whumpee is young. Villian doubts they are even old enough to drink.
Whumpee whimpers, trying to get a grip on villian's wrist, rasping as blood runs down from their nose, "Just- G-get it over with."
God. They're a child. They're patched in blooming bruises, oozing blood from at least five places, and trying to break free and stand on their broken leg. How the hell did they get mixed up in this?
Whumpee can't take this. They're squirming under Villian gaze. They can't read it, but they stare back because it's the only part of villian they can see. Everything else is covered by mask, or cloth, or armor. Whumpee feels like they're eye to eye with death. They're terrified, they don't want to die! Will it hurt? How is Villian going to kill them?
Whumpee has a moment of self awareness, they must look so pathetic. They don't want to die a pathetic sniveling mess. Whumpee growls weakly and snarls, "Get it over with!" They scream, tears running down their face. "IF YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME, THEN KILL ME!" They seem to fall weak after that, spent, and shut their eyes tight.
Whumpee trembles in silence until...
They feel the ground against their legs. Is villian putting them down?
Whumpee opens their eyes the second they no longer feel Villan's grip on their clothes. They try to stand but their broken leg screams, and so do they. They stumble back against an alley wall, and managed to steady themselves. When they dare to look up villian has their back to them, facing the other members of their group.
One of them approaches villian, "What's up Villian. You gonna kill 'em or not?"
"Well if you're not gonna do it, I've always want to make that miserable runt scream until it can't-"
"I. Said. No."
Whumper 1 started to argue, but whumpee noticed that up and down villians arms ancient markings started to glow and twist through painfully bright neon oranges, yellows, pinks, and greens.
Whumper 1 didn't seem to notice, but the others sure did, beginning to back away, one or two even running.
Whumpee feels their skin prickle, and leans into the wall, guarding their head with the less mangled of their two arms.
"You won't lay a hand them ever again."
Even behind whumpee's eyelids, the light is impossibly bright.
Whumpee isn't sure how long they waited braced against the wall. Their protective stance is only broken by the arrival of a strangely gentle hand on their back.
"Easy now, you need to give that leg a rest."
Whumpee half collapses, half scrambles to the ground, trying to guard against any attacks. "Get the hell away from me!" They snap, taking a blind swipe as their eyes readjust, "T-touch me, and I'll break your goddamn arms!"
Villian withdraws, giving whumpee some space. "I'm sure you will. But before you do, please. Let me help you."
Whumpee shakes their head, showing their teeth in an attempt to hide a wince, "You were about t-t- to kill me."
Villian seems to curl inwards, looking away, "I was."
After a few moments of waiting for something else, and not getting it, whumpee asks, "Why didn't you?"
Villian takes their time on this one, trying to figure out how best to answer, ultimately sighing and shrugging, "Because I couldn't."
The silence returns, and again whumpee gets frustrated with it first.
"R-real talkative- aren't 'cha?"
Villian huffs a quite laugh that reflects in their eyes. "I suppose not. Now, will you let me patch you up?"
"Long as you don't incinerate me, yeah. I guess."
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Midsummer Nightmare
AI-less Whumptober Day 1: Drugging
TW: human whumpee, fae whumper, drugging (duh), hmm hunting mention? not really sure what else, but enjoy!
Stopping to wipe his sweat-damp forehead with the back of his wrist, Arne squinted his eyes against the sun. It was starting to set, but he figured he still has a couple hours before nightfall.
Frowning down at his meager bounty for the day—two rather skinny rabbits and a half dozen unbroken eggs he’d found amongst a fallen nest—Arne considered: he could head home now, but he could already picture his mother and sisters’ faces, already too thin with hunger, sun-beaten and weary. 
He knew that they’d say it was fine, that he had done the best he could, that all the animals worth hunting had already fled north in an attempt to escape the oppressive heat of summer. He knew this, and yet, he couldn’t help the disappointment sinking and settling deep in his gut.
As he turned to head back to their cottage with a heavy-hearted sigh, a flash of movement caught the corner of his eye. Spinning around, bow at the ready, he nearly gasped as his eyes landed on what, for a moment, he thought might simply be a trick of the heat: a beautiful, plump doe, grazing peacefully just a few yards from him.
Notching an arrow—the feathers of which his youngest sister, Lucia, has carefully attached—Arne drew his arm back, keeping his aim steady as he took deep, stabilizing breaths.
On the exhale, he let the arrow fly loose, but, as it barrelled straight towards the doe, it seemed to almost wiggle in the air, veering enough off-course to fly over the doe’s head. To Arne’s astonishment, the doe merely glanced up before meandering off, away from Arne.
Unable to allow his prey to escape so easily, he pulled another arrow from his quiver as he followed the beautiful beast on light, near silent feet. This time, when the doe settled, Arne allowed himself to creep even closer to her, making sure he wouldn’t miss again.
The second shot hit the doe right in the heart, causing her to collapse with an eerie quietness. As Arne stepped forward to claim his prey, he suddenly became aware of another presence. Kneeling next to the still beast, he looked around, settling one hand lightly on the hilt of the knife he kept at his side at all times.
“Good shot.” The voice was soft, smooth, like warm honeyed tea sliding down your throat.
Arne spun around, fingers tightening around his blade, as he located the figure.
At first appearance, the stranger looked so out of place, it was borderline absurd to the point that Arne had to resist the urge to laugh.
They were tall, with pale golden hair that barely brushed the nape of their neck. Even with the stranger in the shadows of the trees, Arne could see their unnatural golden eyes glinting with curiosity. Even the stranger’s clothes were off-putting: finely made black cloth with golden threads adorning it, fitted closely and precisely to the stranger’s frame, as if it had been made specifically for them. Nobody in Arne’s village could afford to purchase or make fabric like that, even if they could spare the time and energy it would take to travel to the nearest town to acquire it—which they couldn’t.
“Who are you?” Arne asked, attempting to keep his voice flat and even, not threatening but not allowing any nerves to show, either.
The stranger smiled, showing off pearly white teeth that seemed a bit too sharp- Arne blinked and the stranger’s smile looked normal.
“My name is Ikalos,” the stranger said, in a subtle foreign lilt. They weren’t difficult to understand; in fact, their voice had a melodic cadence to it. “I apologize if I startled you. I’m unfamiliar with this area, and I seem to have gotten myself turned around. Would you mind pointing me to the nearest town or village? Anywhere I could find a meal and lodging for the night, really.”
Shoulders relaxing, Arne offered the man—for, now that he got a better look at him, Ikalos was quite masculine, despite the strange beauty he had—a tentative smile. “Sorry for my rudeness, I’m just not used to seeing people this far out. A lot of them fear the forest, even if they say they don’t. My village is the closest to here, only a mile or so hike, and then another half mile to my family’s home. We have plenty of room if you would care to stay the night.” Arne hesitated. “Not a lot of people in my village are all that welcoming to strangers, if you know what I mean.”
Ikalos nodded, clarity glinting in his eyes. “I do understand, yes. Well, if you do not mind, I would like to join you on your walk back, if only to ensure I don’t get myself twisted back up in this damned forest.” He paused, licking his lips. “I can even help you carry this doe back, since it seems you have enough you’re already carrying,” eyeing Arne’s bow and quiver, the rest of his bounty for the day, and the belt slung low across his hips, where his knife and waterskin hung.
Arne smiled. “That would be great, actually, now that you mention it, it is pretty hot outside.” Unfastening his waterskin, he held it out. “Would you care for a drink? I can’t promise how cold it is, but it’s fresh at least.”
Ikalos pulled his own skin from somewhere that Arne hadn’t noticed before. “I appreciate your offer, but I’ve been staying plenty hydrated. This is a delightful fruity wine that has been passed down in my family for generations. Light and refreshing, without the alcohol being overpowering. Would you like a taste? It truly is the least I could do.” He held it out between them.
Shrugging, noticing the sandpaper-like texture of his lips, Arne accepted the skin gratefully, noticing in the back of his mind how soft and supple the skin was. Uncorking it, he took a tentative sip, marveling at the airiness of the drink, how he felt rejuvenated almost immediately. “This is delicious!” he exclaimed, attempting to pass it back but Ikalos waved him off. 
“Please, drink your fill. I’ve had plenty of the stuff over the years,” he said. “By the way, I didn’t catch who you said you were. May I have your name?”
After another, deeper gulp of the wine, Arne held his hand out to shake Ikalos’. “Oh, yeah, sorry about that. My name is Arne. It’s wonderful to meet you.”
“It truly was a fortunate twist of fate that you caught my nose— I mean, my ear. I heard your footsteps and had to try to find you myself. This really is quite ideal timing for myself, but, well, that’s a long story.” Ikalos grinned, this time his teeth definitely looked too sharp.
Blinking away the sudden blurriness in his vision, Arne frowned. “I’m sorry, I think you lost me.” Shaking his clouded head, Arne turned away. “Anyways, we should probably head back now, if we want to reach the village before total nightfall.”
As he turned, though, the air seemed to shimmer and warp before him, and his limbs seem to stop obeying him, becoming impossibly heavy. “Woah,” he murmured. “I- uh, I’m not feeling too- um, too well.”
Too-cold hands gently guided him onto the forest floor, making him sit down rather harder than he was expecting. Those strange—inhuman, Arne was realizing, too late—golden eyes stared deep into him. “It’s alright now, Arne, everything will be perfectly okay, my dear,” Ikalos said softly, gently. “But for now, Arne, go to sleep.”
At those words, Arne’s eyes slipped closed and his consciousness left him.
Taglist: @ailesswhumptober @thelazywitchphotographer @whither-wander-whump @theelvishcowgirl @deckofaces @badluck990 @whumperofworlds @cupcakes-and-pain @misspelledwitch
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
prompt idea: Whumpee with daddy issues accidentally calling Whumper ‘Dad’ which leads Whumper to mock them for it.
okay so this one was hard to write but here it is
cw: implied parental abuse, implied abuse of a minor, beating with a belt, manhandling, kidnapping, implied torture and some actual torture, implied forced captivity, begging, creepy/intimate whumper, failed escape attempt
The basement door swung open and a swath of light fell down the stairs.
Whumpee threw their arms up to shield their face, curling up against the wall, desperate for any semblance of protection.
Whumper's footsteps dragged down the concrete steps and stopped a few feet away from the pile of limbs and bruises that made up Whumpee.
Whumpee trembled. The cold seeped through the wall and from the floor, pulsing against their skin. Their comfortable clothes had been taken and traded for thin basketball shorts and a shirt that belonged to Whumper, and it did little to keep out the cold. They glanced through the gap in their arms at Whumper.
Whumper stood above them, arms folded, dark hair pulled back in a low-swinging braid. They frowned, their mouth cinched in a downward expression.
Whumpee recognized this look. They were far too familiar with it. A deep pit opened inside them, a threatening hole that gaped in wrenching fear.
Oh fuck.
"I'm-- I'm sorry," Whumpee started to apologize, their teeth chattering.
Whumper lifted a hand, silencing them. "Shut. Up."
Whumpee ducked their head, swallowing hard.
"You thought you could escape? Really, Whumpee? I knew you were stupid, I just didn't think you would fuck up this badly." Whumper was calm, their voice measured as if they were talking to a child. If anything they sounded disappointed.
Whumpee's hands spasmed, head suddenly spinning.
And Whumper went on, "Are you unhappy here? Is that what this is? Do you think you have it badly? I have been nothing but kind to you."
Whumpee stiffened, something flashing in their eyes. "You-- you kidnapped me! You took my clothes, you sick fuck--" Their hands flew to the metal collar around their throat and yanked on it. "What the hell-- you chained me in your basement-"
Before they could get any further, Whumper slapped them across the face. The blow left them dazed, ears ringing. Whumper grabbed their chin, forcing Whumpee to look at them. They crouched next to them to hiss, "So you do think this is bad. Ungrateful, tsk." Whumper's grip relented, only to stroke Whumpee's smarting cheek with calloused fingers.
Whumpee's skin crawled under Whumper's touch.
Still, in that soft voice, they whispered, "I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson, won't I?" Their breath was hot against Whumpee's face. "And you're going to thank me for it."
Whumpee flinched back. "No, no, no! I'm sorry, I am!"
Whumper straightened, "Yes, you will be."
A wave of nausea enveloped Whumpee, induced by spur-of-the-moment terror. They fell onto their hands and knees, shaking. Half-formed words fell out of their mouth and onto that cold concrete. "Please--"
They heard the soft clink of Whumper undoing their belt and dry-heaved, a gut reaction they had no control over. They begged, half-senseless and desperate. "Please, please, nonono-- don't-- please no--"
Whumper wrapped the soft part of the belt around their hand and snapped the buckle over Whumpee's shoulders.
"Sorry! I said sorry--"
The belt buckle cracked against their hand and they yelped, collapsing in on themself. One of their nails had been ripped loose from its bed and dangled, barely attached. Whumpee sobbed, holding it tight even as blood squeezed its way out of their hand.
Whumpee looked up at Whumper through tear-stained vision, distorted and fractured into a hundred pieces. "Please," they begged, voice cracking, "Dad, please--I'm sorry--"
Whumper exhaled a breathless laugh, pausing with their arm still in mid-air. "What?"
Whumpee shrank back.
Oh fuck.
"Aw, does this hit a little too close to home, Whumpee?"
Whumpee looked away, flushing a brilliant red. Not ashamed, not ashamed, not ashamed--
Another thwack of the belt against skin.
Whumpee bit back a scream, squeezing their eyes shut. They clenched their jaw until they tasted iron blood pooling in their mouth.
"I asked you a question."
The belt flicked through the air.
Another flinch.
"Yes," Whumpee spat out. "Yes! Happy now?" Silent tears still blurred their vision.
Whumper smiled slowly. "Very much." They wiped off the belt and put it back on with slow, exaggerated movements. They bent over Whumpee, who trembled at their touch. Whumper yanked their head up by their hair, throat exposed and vulnerable.
With their free hand, Whumper spun a small knife. They traced its tip down Whumpee's jugular, watching how their Adam's apple bobbed in apprehension.
Silver blade tickled Whumpee's throat.
Whumpee inhaled shallowly, eyes locked on the ceiling, even as Whumper smiled down at them in their canine-sharp way.
"No more escape attempts, alright?"
Whumpee swallowed, something dying inside them. The light drained from their eyes. Empty blue, aching with dilated pupils. "Yes."
"What do you say?" Whumper prodded, the blade moving in small circles up and down Whumpee's throat.
"Thank...thank you," Whumpee whispered.
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jordanstrophe · 6 months
Abandoned Whumpee, 2/2 Final
[Masterlist] CW: Whumper turned caretaker, team whump, betrayal, angst
Blood was dripping from whumpee's chest. The blood pooled at their feet and their hands shook.
"Are you sure you aren't hurt?" Whumper asked.
"I'm - I'm sure." Whumpee looked down, knowing the blood wasn't theirs, but their mind kept thinking it was. Their pulse was beating so hard it pounded in their head, drowning their thoughts.
Whumper pulled them out of the room away from where the body where their teammate laid. Whumpee felt numb and blank, their only focus was to stay on their feet as they were led back to the infirmary.
Whumper sat them on the bed and rooted out clean clothes. They knew whumpee wouldn't like wearing something with whumper's logo on it, but it was better than wearing a bloodstained shirt.
"Get changed quickly, sitting in that can't be good for you." Whumper said. Whumpee didn't hesitate to pull their shirt over their head and change. Their hands fumbled as they folded them on their lap when they were done.
Whumpee exhaled, calming their shaken voice. "I have questions."
"I know you do," Whumper pulled up a chair and sat across from them. "I'll answer anything. Any question you have." They opened their arms.
"Who are you really?" Whumpee asked, pulling out the journal. "Why do you have one of our field guides? Does this belong to you, or did you take it from one of us?"
Whumper laughed for a moment, but seeing whumpee's face not change they took a deep breath. "I didn't grave rob it, if that's what you're asking. It was mine, when I was working for your team-leader. I see they're still sacrificing recruits in order to save their own skins, are they?" Whumper tilted their head.
Whumpee swallowed past the pit in their throat, "But I told them to run. I willingly stayed behind."
"Of course you did." Whumper smiled sadly. "But I didn't. And neither did the person before me. Or you, for that matter. That's why I said you were rare when we first met. You're the first person I found that did it willingly."
Whumpee's skin crawled, coldness spread from their chest down to their feet. They shook their head and anxiously bobbed their leg. "But they told me- ... The ones that didn't come back were either missing or traitors."
"That's probably what they said happened to you, too."
Whumpee sighed and dragged a hand down their face. How could they not have seen it... How could they have been fooled for so long? When they returned from missions, sometimes they would be one less person. The team-leader always had an explanation, but the reality was they were left behind as bait.
"What happened to those who were abandoned? Did you kill them?" Whumpee asked hesitantly.
"No," Whumper smiled and leaned back, "Just like you, I took them here. Of course, you were different; you stayed behind willingly, naturally you were a lot harder to convince. Your teammates are safe and deployed out of this zone. It wouldn't be good for them to be seen after being presumed dead. You've seen first hand what they'll do the moment they find you alive."
Whumpee nodded as tears welled in their eyes. All this time, people they grieved and mourned over, were alive and well. Better off, even.
"I can take you to them," Whumper added softly. They got up and sat next to whumpee. "Most of them joined our side, you would probably recognize a few of them. Would you like to come with me?" They wrapped their arm around whumpee's shoulder as they collapsed against whumper's side. Silent tears streamed down their face.
"Y-yes... Yeah I would." Whumpee sniffed and wiped their face. "I-I'm sorry for trying to st-stab you, earlier."
Whumper chuckled and held them tighter. "You almost got me good with that plastic fork. But I understand I was too hard on you when we brought you in, I didn't know if I could trust you yet." Whumper turned whumpee towards them and cupped their face. "You know none of this is your fault, right? Not a single part of it."
Whumpee leaned up and nodded, finishing wiping the rest of the tears. "If you won't accept my apology, then at least accept my thanks." They smiled. They looked down at the journal, their old team's logo branded on the front. Whumpee set it face-down so they wouldn't have to see it anymore.
"I'll stay." Whumpee murmured.
"I want to stop them. I want them to know what they've done" Whumper looked up with a hint of surprise, but nodded as they understood.
"I want to join you."
[Previous] - [Masterlist]
[If you made it this far in the series, thank you for sticking with me to the end. Hope you enjoyed reading!]
@parasitebunny @starzabove @frog-hat-fa-ggot @morning-star-whump @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog @mommymarichatfurever​  @isita-torrrres @tobiaslut @anonintrovert @sausages-things @briars7 @ms-awesome52 @haesium @painfulplots @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94 @sausages-things @icarusignite
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montammil · 3 months
June of Doom Day 26 - "Don't lie to me."
| Rage | Choke | Paranoia |
Characters: Lawrence, Sadie
CW: Female whumpee, male whumper, parental whumper, physical abuse, bruises, strangling, infantilization, brief misogyny (also not by Lawrence)
Lawrence started growing more worried than usual when Sadie started talking to him less. She wasn't constantly sending him funny images (that he found more confusing than humorous), she wasn't responding to any of his messages, and she rarely answered his phone calls.
At first, he assumed it was nothing, maybe she was just busy and forgot to contact him, but then a week had passed without a single text.
That's when he knew something was up. That was too unlike the Sadie he knew.
The thought of something bad happening to her only made his chest tighten uncomfortably. He sat on the edge of the bed, phone in his hand, his thumb hovering over the call button.
He contemplated leaving another message on her voicemail, but he didn't want to annoy her if that's what the reason for the radio silence was.
Maybe she just didn't want to talk to him.
He rubbed his temples with his forefinger and thumb. That thought stung him. Had he done something wrong?
He did try to stop himself from acting like a father figure to her, but he couldn't help it. He loved her like a daughter and he wasn't going to hide that from her. She needed to know he cared and wanted the best for her.
Lawrence's phone buzzed, and he nearly dropped it. He caught it just in time, letting out a sigh of relief when he read the name on the screen.
Almost immediately, he answered it. "Hey, kiddo! How're things over there?"
There was a pause, followed by a quiet, "I decided to not do the audition in Lewiston."
Lawrence raised a brow. She sounded so soft-spoken, nothing like he'd expect from her. "What? Why? I thought you really wanted it. Is something wrong?" He didn't bother hiding the worry in his voice.
"Yeah, no. It's just--I can't really go into it right now, but..." He waited for her to continue, his hand clenched into a fist. "Is it okay if I come over? I don't really feel like being alone right now."
She was acting so strangely. He didn't like that. Something was very, very wrong here. He sighed. "Of course you can. You know you're always welcome here, Sadie. Do you want me to pick you up?"
"No! It's okay. I have a ride. I'll see you soon."
Before he could even say goodbye, the line went dead. He frowned.
Lawrence spent the entire afternoon pacing around the house and fidgeting with his sleeves. He had no idea what was wrong with Sadie, but he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in his gut. His paranoia always got the best of him, but he couldn't help but think this was more than just that.
Half an hour later, the front door opened, revealing Sadie with a black duffel bag slung over her shoulder. She was wearing a thin sweater and shorts despite the weather, and Lawrence almost scolded her for it, but bit his tongue. That wasn't what mattered right now.
She had a forced smile on her face, but it was evident from the look in her eyes that she'd been crying. Her nose was red, as were the whites of her eyes.
Lawrence ran to her and pulled her into his arms before she could protest. He heard her sniffle into his chest. He guided her inside and closed the door behind him.
"You're not hurt, are you?" Lawrence asked, pulling away so he could check her for any injuries. When Sadie shook her head, his shoulders slumped with relief. His arms wrapped around her again, but looser this time. He cradled the back of her head and rocked her back and forth. "Good. You'll always be safe here. Now let's get you all comfy. I have some snacks and a movie ready in the living room with your name on them."
"Thanks," she croaked.
They went over to the couch where Lawrence had everything set up. He didn't normally allow snacks to be eaten on the furniture, but he would make an exception today. Sadie practically collapsed against the couch cushions.
As he was about to offer a bowl of popcorn and a blanket to her, he noticed the large bruise on her wrist. It was the size of a circle, and dark purple.
He snatched her arm in his hand and inspected it, his frown deepening. "How did you get that bruise?" he asked, his voice much harsher than he intended.
Sadie flushed. "It's nothing, I promise. I was just being clumsy and ran into the door, you know how I am!"
Lawrence narrowed his eyes. "Don't lie to me."
She shrunk under his gaze, trying to tug her arm free from his hold. "It's really nothing, Lawrence. Just drop it." Lawrence opened his mouth to protest, but Sadie cut him off. "I came here to get away from all the chaos, not to get interrogated by you!"
He released his hold on her, sitting back against the cushions. He could feel the anger bubbling up, but he contained himself. Lawrence had to keep it together for her sake.
Sadie huffed and started the movie, but Lawrence made no move to start eating the snacks he set out for the both of them. His thoughts were racing as he kept stealing glances at the bruise.
He kept trying to tell himself he was overthinking it, but his mind wouldn't stop imagining the worst.
Was someone hurting her? He couldn't remember seeing that on her before. Did it happen last time she visited? And what was she getting away from? He could barely pay attention to the movie playing, he was too busy staring at the bruise.
Why wouldn't she just tell him? He could help her, if only he knew the truth.
Lawrence was too caught up in his worry to notice Sadie had fallen asleep until he felt something press against his shoulder. He jumped slightly at the feeling, then realized it was only her. He looked down at her with a small smile. She had a habit of falling asleep on him. He brought an arm around her.
He'd find out the cause of Sadie's unusual behavior no matter what, and he had a feeling the bruise had something to do with it.
The next day, Lawrence insisted on dropping Sadie off at the studio and picking her up. Sadie only accepted so she could get Lawrence off of her back.
Dropping her off, Lawrence didn't go inside, but he arrived early to pick her up so he could rule out the potential someone on the cast was mistreating her. He arrived fifteen minutes earlier than planned and strutted inside the building.
He got a couple of confused glances, and even more surprised ones. Though he wasn't the most popular guy to the younger generation, he was very respected in the acting industry and knew how to use it to his advantage.
Lawrence leaned against the reception desk. "I'm picking up Sadie. Sadie Mills? I know she has rehearsal right now, but I wanted to ask if I could talk to the director about something important real quick."
The receptionist gave a polite smile. "I don't know where she is, but Mr. Decker is in his office, the third room on the left down that hallway." She pointed to the corridor beside him. "Can't miss it."
Lawrence gave her a nod in thanks and headed straight there. He doubted he'd know anything about what was going on, but he just wanted to get a feeling of what kind of guy he was.
As he neared the door, the sound of yelling got closer.
"--only reason you haven't been replaced yet is because of me! You're gonna go out into the real world and realize a pretty face won't get you everything you want! That's the way the world works, not whatever little fantasy world you've created. I could take away everything just as fast as you got it."
"Fine! Then take it! I'm done with this! You--"
The voice Lawrence recognized as Sadie, was cut off by a slap and a cry. He growled and stormed inside, letting the door slam open.
Decker didn't have time to process, Lawrence already had him against the wall by his throat. The man coughed and weakly tried to push him off.
Lawrence's eyes were blown wide, his expression feral. "You disgusting piece of shit, who do you think you are?" he yelled, his fingers digging into the flesh of his throat. Decker clawed at his hand. The older man squeezed even harder, forcing a pained gurgle from Decker. "Come near her again and I'll fucking kill you."
Decker couldn't breathe, let alone form coherent words. Lawrence released him.
He fell to the floor, coughing and sputtering, trying to suck in as much oxygen as he could. He pressed a palm to his throat, flinching at the sharp pain there. He wheezed out, "Th-the cops--I'm going to have you arrested! How dare you come onto my set, barge into my office--"
"The cops have tried before, so let them try again! I'd be worrying about the lawsuit that's coming your way if I were you." Lawrence put an arm around Sadie's shoulders.
He dragged her out of the room and pushed through the crowd of curious onlookers who had gathered. He made his way to his car, never releasing his firm hold on her. Sadie made a small noise of pain, and Lawrence eased his grip a bit.
He unlocked the doors with his other hand and opened the passenger side for her. He waited until they were both seated to start ranting.
"Don't worry, honey, he's gonna rot in prison. I'll make sure of it," he assured. Lawrence turned the key in the ignition. "You won't have to go back there."
Sadie avoided his gaze by staring out the window. "You didn't need to do that. I could've handled it myself."
"Handled it yourself?" He scoffed. "That son of a bitch laid his hands on you, you think you can just 'handle it yourself'? I'm not gonna sit back and watch some asshole do that to you." Sadie sighed, causing Lawrence's expression to soften. "Look... I've been acting since I was just about your age. I've met my fair share of sleazy men like that. No one had my back like I have yours. So please, trust me. Let me do this for you."
"I just wanted to prove I can do it on my own, without you babying me."
"Babying you? I don't baby you!" He stopped at a red light. "I'm just... overprotective. But it's because I care about you, I love you like my own daughter." Lawrence placed a hand on her shoulder.
She glared at him, but there was no bite to it. "This is why I didn't say anything! I know you, and you're exactly how I thought you'd be. I'm grateful for you defending me when I actually need it, but you can't handle everything for me. And I don't want to be defined by the people in my life, you included."
"Just drop me off at home. Not yours, mine."
"Are you seriously angry about this?" Lawrence's mouth opened and closed like a fish. He was about to retort, but it died in his throat when he saw the determined look on Sadie's face. He felt like a rug was pulled from underneath him. "Fine. But I think you aren't being very fair with me or yourself."
Sadie huffed. "It's not just this. You always swoop in even when I'm not being slapped. Situations I can handle myself. You act like I can't do anything on my own."
Lawrence was tired of denying things that were true. He really did baby her, and he did believe she couldn't do anything on her own. He felt his temper spike at her words. "Well, then go ahead. I don't care. Get yourself into dangerous situations and see how far that gets you."
They stopped in front of her house, and Sadie got out of the car without giving him a second glance.
Lawrence started driving home, trying to convince himself Sadie would come to her senses soon. She'd apologize for her tantrum and Lawrence would apologize for his overbearing attitude (and not mean it). They'd put this behind them and everything would be okay again.
That's what he kept telling himself.
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whumping-valentine · 10 months
🦌 Fawn and Hunter - Part 1 🦌
(Inspired by my post from last night)
Content: hunter whumper, captured whumpee in bear trap, rural setting, injuries, creepy whumper, environmental whump (kinda)
1,500 Words (so nice to write something short for once)
I plan to make this series progressively more and more creepy and paranormal as it goes on (introducing ghosts, demons, vampires, etc.) which even begin to freak whumper out. I came up with an entire plot while I was trying (and failing) to sleep last night. I told myself I was going to write something not fantasy and actually grounded in reality for once but noooo I just had to have my cryptids. And complex plots. I'm incapable of making something simple, I really tried, guys. But trust me, y'all have no idea how crazy things are gonna get.
I'll tag this series as #fawn and hunter so you can use that to search my profile for it (which will be their "names" going forward). Apologies if the writing isn't the best, I wrote this in like 2 hours. Btw they're both nonbinary because I've decided I hate gender. Fellow genderqueers rise up.
Anyways, enjoy!
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       The woods were Whumpee's favorite place to be. The way the winds rustled through the leaves, and birds sang from their nests up high in the trees. They loved nature, they always had since they were a child. And today was a day just like any other.
       They were new to this area in particular, and were eager to take a walk through a brand new set of woodland. They were heavily geared and excited, taking their steps into a small, secluded nature trail early in the morning.
       They lost themself among the trees, the crunching autumnal leaves beneath their feet, the wind against their face. They hiked through the rocky paths, stomped down steep hills, and rested against the trees. They were an adventurer at heart. One who loved nature, and animals, and the outdoors. They respected it, thanked it, and appreciated it. 
       They hadn't even realized they had ventured off the path, far too amazed by the rushing river and fall scenery. They snapped so many photos on their camera, it was all so beautiful. They had been in the area for about a week now, and locals have called the woods haunted and dangerous. How ridiculous! Whumpee thought. They were really missing out.
       A few hours into their hike, they relaxed in the leaves against a tree near the river, kicking their bare feet in the cold water. It didn't bother them much. They took a drink from their cantine, feeling high and happy on these simple joys of life. This is what it was all about. This was living.
       Whumpee dried off their feet and continued their hike away from the rushing waters, where they spotted a white-tailed deer. A doe, to be exact. She was beautiful, and whumpee was careful to remain hidden and quiet as they peered from behind a tree. They took notice of a heart shape among her white spots, quietly snapping photos of the unique pattern. When she spotted the human, both looked like deer caught in headlights.
       Whumpee slowly, and carefully, pulled out a granola bar from their bag, kneeling down on the ground as they offered it to the cautious creature. The doe slowly approached them, as if she could sense something positive about the small human. She sniffed the oats and began to munch. When there was nothing left the two made eye contact before the doe galloped off into the woods, hoof steps disappearing off into the distance. Whumpee was stunned by the encounter. It felt magical.
       Whumpee continued on through the woods, where the peaceful tranquility was interrupted by a loud, metal clank, followed by a pained scream that echoed through the trees. Whumpee collapsed to their knees in the dirt in a state of shock. They looked to their legs and saw a massive, heavy bear trap clung to their right ankle. It dug straight through their thick boots, going all the way down to the bone.
       As the adrenaline and shock wore off, an unbearable agony coursed all throughout their leg, followed by an aching throb. Any slight movement they'd make with their leg would cause a spike of horrendous, sharp pain. They tried their best to fight through it and pry the contraption off of them, but it was no use, and just caused more turmoil to their vessel. Even if they could get it off, they weren't sure they'd even be able to walk.
       They pulled their phone out of their bag to call for help, but to their dismay they had no signal. How far out did they venture from the path? It couldn't have been that far… yet by the look of the sky, night was approaching. They had been walking all day. How could they have gotten so lost?
       They shut off their phone and their hand fell limp to the ground in defeat. Pure dread took a hold of them as their racing heart dropped to their stomach. All they could do was lie back in the dirt and leaves, control their breathing, and pray to god someone finds them. 
       When they calmed down enough, all that was left was that throbbing ache. They squeezed their eyes shut as tears leaked from them. They felt so stupid. How could they have gotten so lost? How could they have allowed themself to get caught in such a large trap?
       They packed plenty of snacks and water, but would it even be worth it to stay alive? Maybe they should just accept defeat and let the Earth reclaim their bones. They had made a foolish mistake, and this was how things shall end. Taken down by the very thing they love. Ironic, isn't it?
       Night approached quickly, and along with it came the autumnal chill. It was freezing, and there was nothing they could do. They tried their best to relax and rest, but it was difficult. They had been camping many times before, but never without a blanket, in the dirt, with a bear trap around their ankle.
       The cold wind blew the decaying leaves off the trees, rustling as they tumbled around the ground. At least whumpee had the comforting sound of the crickets and owls to keep them company. Even the distant howling of wolves and bats flying overhead helped put them at ease. At least they weren't alone.
       Somehow they managed to fall asleep. They were awoken by the morning sun shining down on them, greeted by the chirp of birds who still had yet to fly south. The sun didn't stay for long, quickly passing behind thick clouds, casting a grey darkness over the land. Whumpee sighed, and stared up at the sky, getting lost in their thoughts of death and decay, trying to accept their fate.
       They were snapped out of their macabre thoughts by the sound of crunching leaves. They firstly assumed it to be a deer, but quickly noticed— it was a person!
       "H— hey!" Whumpee called out, sitting up, "Help me, please, I need help!"
       The person was dressed in thick, layered clothing. They wore a trapper hat with a mask that covered everything but their eyes, gripping an old, dirty, wooden shotgun in both their hands. The hunter looked between them and the trap, surprise in their brown eyes. They walked over to them.
        "Help?" Whumper questions, pulling down their mask, and a slow smile begins to cross their face, "Oh, yes. So sorry about the trap."
       "This… is your trap?" Whumpee questioned in disgust, "I don't hate hunters, but these kinds of traps are cruel and illegal! I've been stuck here all night, and I'm in so much pain, and I'm cold, and— and— stop smiling, you sicko, you caught a person!"
       "I did." Whumper said, sounding almost proud, kneeling down in front of their capture. "But who's fault is that? What's a pretty fawn like you doing this deep into the woods? It's not like there's a trail anywhere around here. I would know. I've never run into another person out here before. Not until now."
       "Don't— don't blame me! You shouldn't even have these kinds of traps to begin with!"
       "Stop yelling, you'll ruin that pretty voice of yours." Whumper grabbed their chin and inspected their face. They had big, green eyes that were only made larger by their circular glasses. Their face was freckled and covered with dirt, "Are you hurt anywhere else?"
        Whumpee roughly pushed their hand away, "Don't touch me! I'm fine except for my ankle, all thanks to you. Help me get it off, and I'll leave, and— and won't report you for possessing illegal traps. Is that so hard to do?"
       "Mm, it's not that it's hard..."
       "Then what is it?! Just— just take it off! It hurts! And I'm hungry, and tired, and getting sick, just— help me!" They cried.
      "If you want me to help then you can stop yelling at me. You can do that, can't you?"
       "Yeah, sure, whatever, just make it stop."
       "I don't appreciate your attitude, but I'll let it slide for now." Whumper stood back up.
       "For now?! What do you—!"
       "Shut it." Whumper cut them off, pointing their gun towards them. They then stuck out their hands, looking at whumpee with a blank yet firm expression, "Come. I'll fix you up."
      Whumpee stared at them and their outstretched hands. They didn't trust this person one bit.
       But it isn't like they had a choice.
       Reluctantly, whumpee took their hands, and was helped to their feet. Well, at least their good foot. They leaned against the hunter for support, letting out a groan and scream of pain. Their ankle was still throbbing as the sharp metal teeth cut through flesh and bone.
       Whumper picked them up and threw them over their shoulder, causing a surprised and pained yelp to escape their prey.
       As whumper carried them off through the forest, it was then where whumpee noticed the woodland chatter had fallen completely silent...
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( If you want more of Fawn whumpee and Hunter whumper please let me know!! I will be writing more regardless though lol )
Edit: More can be found on my profile by searching Fawn and Hunter 👍 Thanks guys
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serickswrites · 8 months
Bite Down
Warnings: field med, blood, wounds, crossbow, crossbow bolt, gore, unconsciousness
Whumpee screamed as the bolt pierced the skin of their right leg. Screamed as they collapsed forward, their leg no longer able to bear their weight. And they screamed as they landed, further pushing the bolt into their leg.
"Whumpee!" Caretaker called out as they turned around to face Whumpee.
"Go....go after Whumper," Whumpee called weakly. This was bad. They knew it was bad, but they couldn't let Whumper get away. They tried to avoid jostling the bolt as they turned over. Whumpee felt nauseous as they looked as the bolt poking through their skin. Looked at the blood flowing from the wound. Looked at the injury that could cripple them. "Caretaker, just....just go."
Caretaker shook their head. "I'm not leaving you behind."
"But Whumper--"
"The rest of the team can handle it. Let me help you." Caretaker dropped to their knees next to Whumpee. "How bad is the pain?"
Whumpee swallowed against the nausea before answering. "Pretty......pretty bad." How were they going to walk out of these woods? How was the med team going to get to them.
Caretaker surveyed the wound with a cold, calculating gaze. "Can you walk?"
Whumpee shook their head. "I don't think so." The forest spun around them. Whumpee closed their eyes against the pain, against the dizziness.
"Mhmm. Thought so." Caretaker patted their pockets a moment. "Whumpee. Whumpee! Open your eyes. Are you with me?" Caretaker's voice was urgent, but soft.
Whumpee opened their eyes. "'m 'ere, Caretaker."
"I don't like this. I don't like this at all, but it's the only thing I can come up with. If I pick you up now, it's just going to jostle the bolt even more." Whumpee winced at the thought. "So I'm not going to do that." Whumpee sighed with relief. "We need to pull it out and wrap your leg. Then I can carry you."
Whumpee's mouth went dry. "There has to be something--"
"Whumpee, we are in the woods. The car is half a mile away from here. You can't walk there. You can't crawl. I can't bring the car here. This seems like the only option to me."
Whumpee nodded. "Do it."
Caretaker pulled off their belt and held it to Whumpee's mouth. "Bite down on this." They tore the bottom part of their shirt off and into strips while Whumpee put the belt in their mouth and bit down.
"Ready, Whumpee?" Caretaker's eyes softened for a moment. They didn't want to hurt Whumpee any more than Whumpee wanted to hurt them. But this was the only way.
Whumpee nodded again. They looked up at the canopy of branches above them. They couldn't watch the bolt go through their leg. Couldn't watch Caretaker work. Couldn't watch any of it. But they could watch the sky. Could watch and hope that it would be quick.
"On the count of three then." Whumpee felt Caretaker put a hand on their thigh. "One," and Caretaker pulled on the bolt. Whumpee's world whited out with pain and then they knew no more.
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
Whumptember day 28
“I never should have let it come this far” Failed hero | Hospital stay | Begging for help
Content warning: Some of Whumpee’s dialogue could sound like suicidal ideation. Self-harm in the form of overworking. 
Whumpee couldn’t sleep. They rarely could, but it was especially bad when they were stuck in the hospital. They felt useless, desperate to claw their way from underneath the covers and get something done. More than that however, Whumpee was being kept awake by an overwhelming feeling of dread. Though they knew it was childish, they felt like a little kid waiting for a scolding.
They tried not to flinch when Caretaker walked in.
“Oh thank god–,” Caretaker rushed to their side, falling into the bedside chair and grabbing their hand. They were panting slightly, as if they’d run all the way to the hospital. “I came as soon as I could; I was so worried when they said you collapsed. What happened?!”
It was the question Whumpee had dreaded hearing. Not that it mattered, because Caretaker already knew the answer. As soon as their brain caught up, as soon as they noticed the bags under Whumpee’s eyes and the ink stains on their fingers, they’d realize. Whumpee averted their gaze.
Sure enough, Caretaker’s expression fell. “Whumpee–,”
“I know, alright? I overdid it. We don’t need to have this argument again,” Whumpee cut them off, pulling their arm away.
Caretaker didn’t look convinced. “We clearly do. You’re supposed to be in recovery Whumpee, not spending all day running yourself ragged. When was the last time you got a full night’s sleep? The last time you ate an actual meal?”
“I’m fine. I can do all that once this is over, and it won’t be until Whumper is caught.”
Caretaker sighed, some of the frustration in their expression fading. “We all want to see them caught, but we don’t know when that’s going to happen. You can’t put your recovery on hold for something that could take years.”
Whumpee squeezed their eyes shut, cursing themselves were the spike of terror that ran through them at the thought. Years. It could take years to find Whumper. What if Whumper found them first?
The beeping of Whumpee’s heart monitor sped up. Caretaker was kind enough not to mention it.
“You’re hurting yourself, and I can’t just watch you do it.” Caretaker’s voice wavered. “Do you know how scared I was when the hospital called me? Terrified. I thought,–I was so scared that something horrible had happened to you. You have to understand how much it hurts me to see you like this.”
Whumpee did understand, and they hated it. They hated making Caretaker worry, hated being the reason for their tears. It gnawed at Whumpee, making them feel guilt for something they had to do. They had to find Whumper.
Whumpee’s eyes stung, a shiver running down their spine. They bit their lip. “I should have never let it come this far. The reason I have to do this is because–,” because they’d been a coward. They’d been so terrified of Whumper, so terrified of everything, that they couldn’t bring themselves to leave the comfort of their bed. They’d wasted so much time. “--because I was being lazy. If I’d acted sooner, Whumper wouldn’t have had the chance to get so far. Now I have to catch up.”
“Lazy? Whumpee, you were recovering! You should still be recovering. You went through something horrible; nobody expects you to just be fine afterwards,” They could hear the tears in Caretaker’s voice. Caretaker grabbed their hand again, and this time Whumpee didn’t pull away. “Just–look at me.”
Whumpee did. Tears dripped down Caretaker’s face, their expression pleading. Whumpee could feel them shaking. “You’re killing yourself Whumpee, and I can’t watch it happen!” Caretaker shouted, choking back tears. “I can’t lose you again, not after everything that’s happened!”
Whumpee couldn’t stand to see them like this. “I’m right here, you’re not losing anything.
Caretaker shook their head. They held Whumpee tighter, as if terrified that they’d vanish right before them. “Please Whumpee, you have to stop this.”
But Whumpee knew they couldn’t stop. Not yet, maybe not ever.
At least if they were dead, Whumpee thought as Caretaker sobbed, they wouldn’t have to be so afraid of Whumper anymore.
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