#and then zenix only ever made that joke around me
phoenix-drop-guard · 6 months
What's your opinion of Garroth's unmasked face? Have you ever seen it before?
What's your opinion of Garroth and Aphmau (cause apparently, they're raising the chest baby together?) Do you think he has a thing for her?
Also- WHERE TF IS DALE?? Why isn't he helping patrol?
Were going backwards order on this:
Dale started doing my patrols back when Garroth had gotten better.
I had no idea aphmau and him were raising levin together? Me and zoey are watching the kid so I never heard any of this from Garroth.
Speaking of him, I wrote awhile back about a 3 am tea incident where I heard something and immediately turned around to a helm-less Garroth. Was kinda funny because we both wear our helmets unless alone so that situation was awkward on both ends.
We kinda look alike.
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garrothromeave · 3 years
I personally believe that the reason Mystreet Garroth is more well adjusted and goofier than Diaries Garroth is because their problems are different. At face value they’re the same, both are heirs and love Aphmau. But the most noticeable difference is upbringing. Diaries Garroth does not have a good relationship with Garte, at all, whereas in Mystreet he’s the favourite. Diaries Garroth had a lot of pressure growing up and Garte didn’t really provide him with independence or why else would he look for a constant escape like the abandoned house while he was growing up or the guard academy, which Garte disowns him for purely because it was against his wishes and Garroth did have the intent of returning home after, he just needed a break. Him joining the guard academy seemed to be a way to try to get some agency, some control over his own life but not giving up what was expected of him (to become Lord). Also, Garte had always favored Zane, wanting to make him Lord instead, which probably only strained their relationship with both of them more, trying to aspire to be what someone else wants you to be all the while that someone prefers another couldn’t have been healthy nor would it build the confidence he’d need to become Lord. Aside from his mother, Garroth didn’t have anyone after Vylad died, so as much as a forced engagement sucks on its own, it was also probably the last straw for him to realize that his life there was miserable and lonely and wasn’t going to get better, it was only going to get worse. Just like with the guard academy, he tries to assert agency but fails however, his one decision that he did make (the guard academy) has given him a solution (Phoenix Drop). Running away is an immature decision however, Zenix in Rebirth said to him that “people do crazy things when they’re desperate”. Garroth was desperate and although his decisions were immature they were made out of desperation to get out of a bad situation. I’d also like to point out that usually teenagers run away because of abuse of any kind because they’ve hit a breaking point. I don’t see why this would be different for a grown man who has been stuck there his whole life. He hasn’t had the chance to actually grow and to learn to handle things differently, he just knows he’s stuck and that he wants out because that’s all he’s ever really known. However, Garroth is able to grow and learn from reckless decisions, Jess said he’s a character whose able to reflect on what he’s done and learn from his mistakes like with the Irene Dimension, so there’s hope for him. If I could rewrite season 3 of Diaries, I’d have him be the Lord or become the Lord of O’khasis, because it would be the responsible and right thing for him to do and I would like to think that he’s grown from season 1 and that the Tu’la problem of season 2 would get him to smarten up and lead his people after his father’s disappearance (he does want to go back and help them fight but Zianna stops him, but this does show a loyalty to O’khasis that we haven’t seen from him before). He would also have no fear of being in O’khasis because his main threat, his father, is gone. Unlike his Diaries counterpart, Mystreet Garroth has support and can make his own choices and has a good relationship with his family, so it makes sense that he’s more well adjusted than someone who didn’t get that. They’re so different because their lives are different. Sorry, I know this is long and messy but I just wanted to add to your comparison because I really liked it.
oh absolutely! yeah, i know that mystreet garroth + mcd garroth ofc are raised differently and it would definitely lead to them turning out different, i just found it interesting how different everything really turned out. i just this it’s cool how jess made his childhood different enough to make garroth in mystreet turn out so differently - she could have easily made it to where he still strongly resembles his mcd self (in more the reserved/serious kind of approach) in mystreet, but she chose to leave that correlation with his highschool self. 
of course, as i said, i doubt this was intentional in the slightest, but my mind likes to make odd connections with things. 
and yes, i’d agree with you - the whole, garroth learning to grow thing. i was mainly referring to the earlier bits in his life and even the end of season 1, but i can definitely say by the time season 2 rolls around garroth changes quite a bit. he’s a bit more confident, tends to joke around more, and is less reserved - because, of course, he grew. so that was on me - i probably should have been more specific with the timeline in which i was referring, which would be season 1. if i rewrote that, i’d say that garroth in pdh is more so a reflection of season 1 mcd garroth, for sure. it was in my mind, but i didn’t voice it properly lmao, apologies. 
also thank you for the ask! it was awesome hearing your take on what i had to say, it really makes me think about things. great observations!
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undercovermcdfan · 7 years
title: melting point
summary: this just in: local delinquent befriends a very punny science nerd; chemistry calls it attraction, but Sasha is calling for help. Tasha. Modern AU/HS AU.
a/n: I haven’t written Tasha yet and…. Wow… I really fall for this pairing? Then again, I’m always weak for delinquents/nerds pairing. I wish I could’ve made this longer but I felt good where I stopped it ;;
dedicated to: @gay-for-sasha-png, I wish you a very happy birthday sweetie
warning(s): high school crushes, dorks, Teony being… the absolute gem we know her as
It’s funny—not in a haha way, but a very this is just my luck self-deprecating way.
Local delinquent befriends Honor Roll Slash Science Dweeb; a no-good basket case who often gets chase by teachers seen (not too enthusiastically) greeting Golden girl of their oh so great school, almost beauty meets beast except beast happens to a too cool, high-topping junior.
Well, to those on the outside see this strangeness.
Reality, it’s even more hilarious—that very same delinquent, neurotic on the inside and passive fire starter on the outside, didn’t just see Miss Always Smiling as a friend…
“I think I’m in love,” she announces out loud.
Zenix looks at her, deadpans. Laurance’s mouth goes agape—then shuts.
Synchronize “What” fell from both, genuine surprise and twinge of horror from her best friend.
She didn’t quite laugh, fiddling with her lighter as she looks onto the soccer field; sometimes after school, her and Zenix would hang around Laurance’s practice (he’s on some strange kick to straighten out his life—his sophomore year is all about joining clubs, pulling up his grades, hanging less and less with them but never turning them away when they appear). Frankly, she didn’t feel all too well; almost queasy, like after taking a bite out of Cadenza’s cooking.
On the Brightside, she didn’t need to say the name of who—Zenix and Laurance immediately realize, then a flash of sympathy from Laurance getting her dilemma.
She, Sasha no last-name needed, might be falling for Teony, also no last-name needed.
“I don’t whine,” Sasha says, shooting Teony a ‘would you give it up’ expression as she leans over the textbook, double checking the steps if in case they were doing them correctly, “I’m not that bad.”
Teony snickers, tipping over the vial in her right hand into the beaker. “A second ago you said you wanted to die because of my hilarious joke.”
“Hilarious,” Sasha shakes her head, “Torture isn’t hilarious.”
“You have a terrible sense of humor.”
“Even Lily has a better sense than you,” Teony nods, turning the dial on burner, “And I only ever see her laughing at other people’s expense.”
“This tutorship is over, done,” Sasha peers at the breaker, watching the liquid change color and makes a note, “I do not take insults sitting down.”
“Good thing you’re standing?” And then comes the laugh, Teony shielding herself behind her note book, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’m just in a teasing mood. Sasha, c’mon.”
Her lips twitch, which she tries to hide but Teony knows her too well. She didn’t need to look directly at her to know how wide and brightly she’s smiling.
Reaching out for her hand, Teony squeezes her fingers and gives a giggle as she whispers, “Can I see that smile?”
Heart palpitations, this sophomore gives her. Her cheek warms and she turns her head even further, muttering “Buzz off. I only smile for friends who tell good jokes.”
“You wound me, Miss Sasha,” Teony laughs, letting go of her hand—an act Sasha is sourly didn’t want to happen, “I’ll see that smile one of these days. A real smile.”
She shrugs. I want you to see it.
Sasha spots her before she sees Sasha.
Her hair bounces with every pace, mumbling softly to herself, oblivious to all around.
It’s kinda cute how she squeaks suddenly, bumping into her head first into her—Sasha smirks, her hands stuff into her jacket pockets. “Am I late?”
Teony glares for a moment, then deflates, her gaze going soft and she shakes her head.
“…Thank you for coming last minute.”
She sounds pretty subdue—and for the months she known the sophomore now junior, Sasha knows this means Teony is…. plotting something.
Getting an emergency text of “do you think you can help me gift shop today?” didn’t seem too big of a deal; Sasha didn’t know which friend Teony must have been gift hunting for, maybe that sprightful Aphmau who doesn’t seem to know the phrase ‘mind your business’ or loud-mouth Ivy who always pick fights.
Sasha shakes her head. They gone a long way from her tutoring Sasha AP chemistry; though Sasha wouldn’t say they were the best of friends, much less the girlfriends she’d sometime fantasies about, Teony wrapping her hands around Sasha’s offered hand makes those thought not matter in the moment. She can mope about her girlfriend-less ass later.
Shopping isn’t her favorite activity but she didn’t dislike it. Cadenza’s tendencies numb her to tolerating it, hell, maybe enjoy it a little. She takes pride in the fact she been told by Caddy of her good eye in things… when things were in pinks, purples, greys, whites or blacks.
She isn’t the most talkative but Teony always seems to draw it out of people; gift idea after gift idea, she always glance at Sasha to see her opinion. They walk around the mall, chuckling over a funny story or indulging on a particular sweet or treat or free samples from makeup/lush stores.
It’s a few hours and some change later, does Teony finally let her know who’s the present for:
“I’m so sorry,” she starts, handing the package she has in hand—it’s a scarf, purple and white, perfect for the December weather, “You never told me your birthday was last week.”
Sasha blinks. “What?”
“Heh,” Teony scratches her head, looking a little sheepish, “I was told the other day—when I got back—your birthday was last week on Thursday.”
“And you didn’t know what to get me?”
“Well I did, but… um… I wanted it to be more special than me just handing you a scarf?” Teony reaches for her hand, leaning a little closer, “What’s better than giving a gift? A date and letting you exactly pick out what you want, since I kno—”
“What. A what?”
“Um, what do you mean what.”
“What you just said right now—this is a date,” Sasha says, her voice hushed because of the crowd but also because she didn’t trust her voice, “Since when?”
“….I thought you gotten my hint? U-Um, my text said.”
“I… well shit. That explains the heart emojis,” then a smile dawns on Sasha, as she sounds touch more alive, “So this is a date? An actual date?” Her eyes meet with Teony but Teony stares.
A moment past, then a few more.
Then laughter.
She leans in, giving a small kiss on her lips.
“I love you.”
Teony pulls away, immediately gives her a suspicious look. “What did you do?”
“Shh,” Sasha leans her head against Teony’s shoulder, then whispers: “I might’ve cause another explosion in chemistry lab. Now hide me—they’re on the search for me.”
“You what,” she whispers back, then laughs. “Why do you always feel the need to wreck everything you’re good at?”
Sasha rolls her eyes. “You’re in one piece.”
“Well mmm,” Teony rests her cheek against Sasha’s head, murmuring, “You stole my heart, so not exactly in one piece.”
There’s a pause. Then a sound that suspiciously sounds like a snort comes from Sasha.
“Terrible,” a quick press of lips to her cheek, “I love you, Miss Know It all.”
“I love you too, Miss trouble maker.”
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