#Garroth likeing aphmau may be in the books
phoenix-drop-guard · 6 months
What's your opinion of Garroth's unmasked face? Have you ever seen it before?
What's your opinion of Garroth and Aphmau (cause apparently, they're raising the chest baby together?) Do you think he has a thing for her?
Also- WHERE TF IS DALE?? Why isn't he helping patrol?
Were going backwards order on this:
Dale started doing my patrols back when Garroth had gotten better.
I had no idea aphmau and him were raising levin together? Me and zoey are watching the kid so I never heard any of this from Garroth.
Speaking of him, I wrote awhile back about a 3 am tea incident where I heard something and immediately turned around to a helm-less Garroth. Was kinda funny because we both wear our helmets unless alone so that situation was awkward on both ends.
We kinda look alike.
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stellisketches · 7 months
why? please explain the soldier, port, king in excruciating detail PLEASE
EDIT: ITS FINALLY DONE i'm so sorry this took me like six months I got really busy with school work and I wanted to make sure I wasn't half-assing this anyway thank you for asking please enjoy
For reference I will be quoting the “Poet Soldier King” test on uQuiz as I feel they summarize each role most succinctly.
"You wonder, sometimes, if anger is the only thing you can feel. Remember: love is passion too. You made your own rules and will follow them to death. You try and forget that there is only one rule, and that it is "FIGHT". You are tired of fighting. You try to forget that, too, and keep going. You dream of quiet. Your love is where you heal." -Soldier
It's a subtle element but Vylad’s entire character/existence is about enduring conflict. It's an easy thing to forget due to his calm demeanor, but Vylad has been fighting since the moment he was born (hell, even before). Fighting the ill-contrived gossip of being a bastard son, fighting to prove himself a genuine Ro’Meave, and fighting against Garte and Zane’s abuse over his childhood. It’s a subtler form of conflict, but it’s very interesting to imagine how he was able to put up with all of it (I’ve planned so many prequel fics about the Ro’Meaves you guys). Then there’s the whole shadowknight topic that really is indicative of itself. Vylad's whole arc was based upon leaving behind the violence of his past as a literal soldier within the Shadow Lord's army. Again it’s really easy to forget but this is someone who was revived to burn the world to the ground and slaughter any and every man, woman, and child that got in the way of it. He told Aphmau himself in season 2: “One good deed does not fix a thousand wrongs done. I'm not a good person, let's just leave it at that. Please.” We may not have seen it on screen, but who knows how long Vylad was traveling with Sasha and Gene. I doubt Phoenix Drop was the first village they targeted, and I doubt Gene or Sasha or even Zenix were ever like “oh yeah you can wait outside while we commit atrocities on this Lord and his family and burn the whole village to the ground.” Vylad has a very practical mindset (another trait indicative of a good soldier), and it wouldn’t surprise me if he was purposefully good at his job so it would land him more opportunities to get out of the nether now and again. He enacted violence well enough that he was trusted to be sent outside the nether to go fuck up the overworld. Vylad is a man thoroughly haunted by war and the violence he’s committed against others in a way his brothers just… aren't. Sure, Garroth knows fighting and violence as a means of protection and ensuring the safety of others, but he doesn’t know war. He’s never had someone he cared about die in his arms. He’s never seen a whole village burn to the ground and see innocent people slaughtered left and right. He’s never seen a child screaming at their dead mother to get up. He may use violence, but he was never a violent person. Zane, on the other hand, most definitely was, however, but he hardly ever enacted any of the violence himself. 90% of the time it was jurors or guards he’d given orders to. And while he was more than happy to get his hands dirty every once in a while, he never felt genuine consequence from it. 
Continuing on Vylad’s inner psyche, we see after he still keeps a very practical, soldier-like mindset out of the nether in company with Aph and Co: He gets annoyed at Aphmau when she puts off telling everyone about the Tuu’la invasion. He surveys Laurance from a distance and does not interfere even in danger because he’s aware of the long term effect of distrust it would cause him. Upon the chaos in Narhaka, he immediately goes to burn books that have important locations the enemy could use against them. This is actually one of my favorite scenes because of how subtly status-quo breaking it is. Tell me right now of any scene involving book burnings done by a guy the audience is supposed to root for. Vylad’s view of the world makes him incredibly pragmatic and able to calculate the win-loss ratio of his actions and let that decide whether or not he will go through with it.
Vylad may not have the typical surface-level look of the characters often put into the category, but if you really dive into his past, his mindset, and the way he views the world, he easily fits into the role of soldier; with the final line “Your love is where you heal” setting him on the path of redemption we see throughout the whole series.
"Loneliness. Strength. Joy. You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough. Here's the truth : you are. You sing songs and hope they carry faith, because you have run out of it, and yet you still throw your heart out to the world and hope it makes it through. You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create. You are tired of stumbling through life. You dream of a ground you can stand on. One day, you will dance. Your love is where you feel - without fear." -Poet
Now I admit for Zane it does require a more particular perspective to place him as poet, but I’ll start simple and slowly transition to red string and corkboard. Firstly, from the original song lyrics, “He will slay you with his tongue” applies in at least two different ways. The first being obvious: Zane is incredibly charismatic- you don’t just make it to High Priest without a certain degree of people skills included but not limited to negotiating, preaching, and being able to reason your way through any theological question a questioning sinner could ask you. It’s a shame we don’t see it put into use very often throughout the series, but I think his position gives enough testament to his people skills. The second way this line applied is a bit more literal and a bit more dark, which would be the sheer amount of people who were murdered not by his hands directly, but on mere orders. He can quite literally have people slain in just a few words to the right people. Moving to the more esoteric; the line “You are powerful, but struggle believing it. You think you're not enough.” seems like it be a hitch to his characterization, as it first invokes the idea of someone who lacks self-confidence, which is FAR from what we see Zane characterized as in the story. However I see this from the lense of artists becoming blind to the depth of their own skill. Zane is powerful, but it’s not enough for him. He’s become so accustomed to the level of influence he holds he’s become desensitized to it, like how you stop feeling the cold of the water once you stay in it long enough.The power he’s been swimming in his entire life no longer brings that vitalic shudder of control he craves. Thus he seeks power that goes beyond mortal influence to raw, unchanneled divinity, as that’s the only thing that he has ever been told is above him. He hungers the same as any artist— to be something greater than they already are.
“You convince yourself that pain is art because at least then, you will always have something to create.” The idea of creation draws back to Zane’s relationship with control and divinity. I think it's highly debatable as to whether or not Zane has actual “faith” in the divine (i.e, seeing them as gods he wishes to emulate or simply as extremely powerful beings minus the religious element), but in either case it again leads back to desire for more. (sidenote: Zane’s fatal flaw being lust is such a delicious piece of irony and I could make an essay of its own on it). Anyway, back to the point I was originally trying to make: Zane sows pain and destruction as a means of asserting his power/importance both to others and himself. The “pain” spoken of would normally belong to the poet themself— but this is no ordinary poet, and there is no specific indication where said pain emerges from. 
"Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will. You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture ? You don't know. You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs. Your love is where you breathe." -King
God where do I start. “Duty. Strength. Resignation” It’s like someone just said ‘describe Garroth in three words’. Duty has been his entire life, wanted or not, which leads directly into resignation. “You were told to do things and you did them.The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will.” He learned his history. He learned the politics. He followed the dogma. He believed in Irene and his father and the glory of O’Khasis and his divine duty to lord over its people. His people. He said it himself in episode 68 he wanted to be exactly like his father, and that he thought to be lord was an honor and a privilege. To him, the weight of the world has rested upon his shoulders for so long that he becomes accustomed to each additional hardship quickly and quietly, never kicking up a fuss about his growing stress and dissatisfaction, like a frog in a pool of water that is steadily increasing in temperature. He locks his festering disdain for glorification of leadership away from his father, his family, and the rest of the world because he cannot show that he is anything but the Atlas of duty he was born to be. 
Until, one day, he has enough. He saw what happens to his dear little brother, likely the only person he felt he could truly bond with, and despite everything he still dealt with it, for the sake of the people around him, but when his father commands him to marry a girl he has never met (likely while he is still processing his grief) in the name of ‘duty’, it is the straw that breaks the camel's back. He sees that everything he has worked towards is meaningless as he will never reach a point where his father will be satisfied with him. That his father will continue to take and take from him until there is nothing left but a soulless puppet that will continue to speak his words even after his reign has ended. Every burden he has carried, every grievance he has hidden, every struggle he’s overcome and the hard work he’s put into building himself a true heir of O’Khasis— it all amounts to nothing.
So he leaves. 
Now, let me ask you: what would you do if you were a runaway prince escaping the crushing weight of expectation? Take a bunch of money from your no-good dad? Buy a boat ticket and live a new life in luxury on the other side of the world? Never work a day again and dive head first into careless relaxation? Surely, you wouldn’t look twice at a dilapidated little village on the coast. Wouldn’t bother to stop by and lift a finger to help it. You're free, you have a whole life of sweet exemption to look forward to. You wouldn’t give it the time of day.
“You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture?”
Garroth finds himself in Phoenix Drop— a rickety dead-end little town as far away from home as possible. He stays, and he helps. He keeps the village running, he helps the Lord wherever he can. He takes in the broken, starved boy he finds in the woods. He does whatever he can to improve the lives of the people around him. Why? He owes them nothing, he’s spent a lifetime crushed under the weight of people's expectations and he turns around just to find himself carrying the weight of more lives on his shoulders. He is doing everything he was taught and everything he ran away from. 
But this time it’s different. This time, he sees how he’s helping. There’s no more grating voice telling him none of the effort matters. He has a rigid back and steady hands, metaphorically and physically. For the first time in his life, he can see with his own two eyes that his effort is worth it. There isn’t doubt and lies and corruption floating in and out of his mind. Just the warm, honest smiles of the people he helps. He feels it and it is real. The question “Is it nature or nurture?” is genuine: Is Garroth helping these people out of the kindness of his heart or because it was what he was always told to do, and now that he is without the purpose he was assigned he’s leaning on something familiar? Personally, I think that’s for the audience to decide. I myself would say a mixture of both, leaning more so towards nature. But I digress. 
It’s better then, when he helps and can see that he is doing good, but of course, that peace is not to last him. With the Lord’s death and impending turmoil of Phoenix Drop, Garroth’s role in the village shifts drastically to closer resembling the role he ran away from. People are treating him with near as much kindness anymore, no. The most forgiving are losing faith and the least are blaming him. Blaming him for failing to meet their expectations. Now, as things are deteriorating, he has more than enough reason to leave. He gave it the good ol’ college try, and he failed. With the sentiments of the village becoming scarily familiar to that of his father, he should just say “fuck it” and head on off to that faraway land where no one will know his name.
But still, he doesn’t. We see him in Rebirth and how desperate he is to fix the village, to make it work. Even when everyone else is telling him to give up, he refuses. Even sinking, a captain stays on his ship. (Side note: it’s scenes like this that cause me to start tearing up people’s lawns whenever I see takes that label Garroth as having a “fear of responsibility”). And he is completely ready to either make things work or die trying, regardless of what stands in his way. 
‘You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs.’
Aphmau wasn’t the first person he saved. Zenix had likely been around for at least a year beforehand. However Zenix was a hothead teenager in need of guidance, which simply made him become another responsibility Garroth set upon himself. Don’t get me wrong, he definitely cares for him, but their relationship is far different than the one he has with Aphmau. 
With Aphmau, he finally has someone who shares the burden. Not only that, but sharing it willingly and with a smile on her face. He’s not used to having a person who presents themselves as an equal sharer of responsibility. Much less, someone who is willing and wanting for him to put his burdens on her (At least, that’s how he sees it). He can’t remember the last time he truly allowed himself to be vulnerable with someone. All the desires he’s pushed down start to bubble back up again, and he starts to imagine things he’d long tried to do away with. He sees Aphmau as a strong leader, one whose idealism is a strength and not a weakness, and how she accomplishes things he never quite got around to doing. An admiration grows for her, yes, but that’s not what makes her different. The difference, he sees, is her vulnerability. How she allows herself to be vulnerable around him. How despite the brave face she puts on, she has just as much fear that she isn’t enough. And she tells him this, directly, because she trusts him. And all of a sudden he realizes that if she can be strong to the rest of the world, and yet still let him see her weakness, her softness, then maybe, just maybe
“Your love is where you breathe.”
He can take his armor off, too.
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Okay I do genuinely think I was right in my extreme Brendan reach, proven by how HARD jesson is going AGAINST it in episode 24.
I haven’t finished episode 24, but I’m gonna make my point either way.
Episode 22, Brendan implies he has an interest in Pursuing a romantic relationship with someone, but is denying this, (“not that I’m looking for a woman to marry or anything like that! I mean… unless someone wanted to… (Brendan mumbles nonsense under his breath)”), and with how it’s generally framed I do think Jesson was kind of playing around with the idea of him being interested in Aphmau.
Jess’s response to this was, more or less: ‘Take a chill pill there Mister Brendan. You can date Sean Connery if you’re into dating hamsters or whatever.’
Which is kinda defensive. So… I just take that as Jess at least taking that to be aimed at her.
And I think this was very shortly scrapped, and instead replaced in episode 23 with Garroth (Dale saying: ‘hey ever think of hooking up with garroth? He’s a fine man.’ and the dialogue options for Aph all leaving it open to interpretation that she is interested in him. Even the no option says that she’s just too busy, nothing about her actual feelings towards him)
Jesson wanted romance, played with Brendan, realised it wasn’t working, scrapped it, moved onto Garroth. And that’s fair, that’s the writing process, making decisions and then deciding they don’t work.
The next Brendan dialogue is also in episode 23, with him progressing on an earlier bit he started about girls loving guys who carry babies. Namely in an attempt to impress Sasha, who has only just arrived. I also think it’s funny that he brings up Hamsters when talking to her, considering in the Potential Romance line with Aph, she brings up Hamsters. But. Whatever.
I think they wanted to quickly move on from any idea of him being interested in her and used the Sasha Showing Up plot as a guise. He is now interested in Sasha. Any previous interest in Aph is discarded either way.
And then, in Episode 24, he obviously is a little creepy to Sasha, and namely states ‘she’s the first girl I ever… liked’ which… feels false considering his dialogue in episode 22.
He’s already shown an interest in romance, and with his overall trend of falling for girls throughout MCD, it doesn’t really align that he has only suddenly found a girl he’s interested in. Especially since Phoenix Drop isn’t the only place he’s ever lived, we know that him and Kiki grew up in Brightport.
I think it’s genuinely just to cover up, fully, any implication of him liking Aph. And that’s funny to me. But alas. Brenmau death May 1st 2015.
If anyone wants screenshots of the dialogue I can find it for you, I’m taking all of this from the notes in my little book so I don’t have all of them right now.
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Laurance’s Choice
Chapter 3: The Note
Everything since that night was a blur. She remembered Dante and Levin practically having to carry her home. She remembered their hushed conversation behind the door, the breaks in their voices. She remembered them saying ‘How they should have seen it coming.’ She remembered fainting from stress and jolting awake in the middle of the night due to nightmares.
Everytime she closed her eyes, all she could see was him. Laurance. Her closest friend and maybe more. She couldn’t believe he was gone. Really gone. His sword was all that survived the explosion. His sword and… Garroth. He was home, safe. And for that she was grateful. But she cursed Laurance for doing this. She meant to sacrifice herself, but he beat her to it. Maybe he knew of her plans.
For days, Aphmau shut herself in, barely eating, barely sleeping, hardly moving, hardly even breathing. Her eyes burned and her head ached from crying for days on end. But now she could cry no more. Aphmau cursed herself for allowing her friends and family to see her so weak but she couldn’t help it. Laurance.. He was gone. And he wouldn’t be coming back this time. Selfishly, Aphmau wished for his immortality. She knew what that would mean, but she didn’t care. If it meant he’d be able to come home and sit safely in her arms she didn’t care.
Katelyn had come by to drop off some tea and talk. She thought it might help, but if anything Aphmau thought it made it worse. Laurance would know how to comfort her.. But he’s gone.
After a week and a half, Aphmau grew restless. She wandered weakly down the stairs of her home, into the room where Laurance stayed when he first came to Phoenix Drop. The bed was still there, though dusty and dingy now. She stepped to the window where he’d sat when his vision was taken from him. She closed her eyes and felt the cool air that came from it. ‘Huh. Laurance was right.’ She stayed there for a while, watching the birds outside, when a soft knock rapped on the door. So soft that she could hardly hear it.
She climbed the stairs and open the door to find a tired looking Garroth. She hadn’t seen him since that night. She couldn’t really blame him but.. She missed him. A lot. “M’lady..” He started “How.. How have you been.?” His voice shook. He wasn’t ready for this, she could tell. “Ok.” Her voice was hoarse, she hadn’t had much to drink and was most likely dehydrated. “The um.. The memorial was nice.. There’s a stone near his wyvern’s grave…” Oh Irene was going horribly. Aphmau nodded, keeping her eyes trained on the floor. “Look um.. Lor- Aphmau.. I uhm I-“ “I’ve missed you.” She interrupted. “Yeah… I’ve missed you as well.” They stood there for a moment, silent and tense, before Garroth turned and left back through the door. “Good night, Aphmau.” He said before softly shutting the door and trudging back down the hill.
Aphmau turned and sat on her makeshift bed. “I… I should do something.” She thought aloud. Then she remembered her diary, “I should write.. But I just..” As she lifted the book a slip of paper fell out from its pages. Aphmau furrowed her brows and tilted her head, confused. She lifted the paper and slowly unfolded it. It was a letter..
“Aphmau, M’lady.. I am so sorry for what I am about to do. I know of your plan to sacrifice yourself for Garroth should no other option make itself known and I cannot allow that. Not as your guard nor as your friend. And I know that he would be unable to forgive himself. It’s better this way, trust me. This way Garroth will be home and I will no longer be a threat to you. I have not told you of this, but the Nether. It calls to me. I fear should I stay here with you that I may lose control again and hurt you. I cannot allow myself to do that. I’m sorry if this hurts you, though selfishly part of me hopes it does. Merely so I might know that you truly did care for me. Know that though I am scared, I am ready. Please, be with Garroth. I know how you feel about him and he about you. You can tell him he won you fair and square haha! But now I fear I must take my leave. I love you Aphmau. So much. But please, don’t mourn for me. I should’ve died long ago.
Aphmau held a trembling hand to her mouth as the hot tears fell to the ground. And just as she was beginning to think she could cry no more.
After a while of sitting and crying, Aphmau found the courage to get up. She found a change of clothes and ate some of the bread Nana had left for her. She was about to head out the door when Garroth found himself knocking on it. “Good morning Garroth.” She answered, a sad half smile worn on her face. “Good morning M’lady. Are you feeling any better?” “..I am.” She replied shakily. “I’m glad,” Garroth now wore the same sad smile as Aphmau, “care to take a walk?” “I’d love to.” She closed the door behind herself and together they headed down the hill. Laurance wouldn’t want them to linger or dwell on this. And so, she’d pull herself together a million times again and again if she had to. She’d be stronger. For him.
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forestcat000 · 2 years
for the ship thing,
donna helping logan keep track of his wares
aphmau taking the day off from being lord to give zoey a break
brian and zenix helping patch eachother up after sparring
janus picking up flowers for zane, knowing he hates dandelions and calls them weeds, but they both still like eachother :) it's like an inside joke
aaron and lily spending the day with their son jacob
dante getting nekoette-tan to help nana with baking
laurence messing with garroth over the day to reveal a suprise later that night
emmalyn and kenmur taking turns reading out loud
kiki and bodolf taking a nap together
hope you like these, you don't have to do all of them but if there's one you like go ahead :) {tried to pick popular-ish ships, ill happily send in some mys ones too!}
First of all this all sounds so cute and i will try to do as many as possible second of all thank you but be warned i didn't watch much of diaries but i did finish rebirth. so a lot of what i know about mcd characters is from wikis so some of what i write may not make sense. also i would love mystreet ones since that's what I'm most familiar with
zenix and Brian prompt
Zenix pov
me and Brian where sparring and i may or may or may not have gotten a bit rough....okay i got pretty nasty. Brian was lying on the ground bleeding from some cuts on his hand and head.
i went to get a med kit and came back brain was now conscious and sitting up.
i bent down to him and started cleaning his wounds he looked surprised when i did this sorta cute to. "um what are you doing" he said with a blush as i was cleaning his wounds. i rolled my eyes at this and "Fixing you DUH" after i said that there was a pause it was sorta unsettling "you don't have to help me i could fix myself up" he said breaking the silence. i took out some disinfectant and said "yes i do now shut up this is gonna hurt"
he winced as i pored it on him. after his wounds stopped fizzing i put the bandages on "there how do you feel?" i asked. he smiled at me and said "i feel much better, thank you zen" then he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek. after a few seconds Brian got up and ran away leaving me alone and confused
laurence and garroth prompt
garroth pov
it was a beautiful day the sky was clear birds were singing people were happy everything was amazing except for the shadow knight who was hovering over my shoulder and poking me whenever i was trying to do something. i was talking to Brian and telling him where to patrol all the while laurence was poking and tugging at me after i finished talking to Brian i turned to laurence and said "do you mind?" he looked at while grinning wide and said "nope i got all day"
the day continued like this laurence poking and being a brat and me glaring at him.
the day was almost at an end when laurence grabbed my hand and started running towards the edge of the village "LAURENCE WHERE THE CREAMPUFFS ARE WE GOING?" i yelled. laurence did not answer instead running faster
once we reached a clearing laurence stopped. i looked around and saw a blanket on the ground surrounded with candles there was a little basket. laurence looked at me smiling and said "i thought maybe we could watch the sun set and look at the stars" i looked at him pausing for a moment before saying "that sounds wonderful".
we spent the rest off the day and night there cuddling and watching the stars
it was a beautiful day
zane and janus prompt
janus pov
i was sitting in the okasis gardens with zane. we were outside because zane just got over his most recent sickness and after being confined to his room for 2 months he wanted some fresh air. zane was sitting on a bench reading a book.
i was sitting next to him until i saw something, something that made me smile.
i walked over to the bushes and starting picking the dandelions smiling. i made sure i only picked the prettiest ones. ones without petals missing ones without tears on the leaves. after a few minutes i had 12 PERFECT dandelions so i put them together and walked back over to MY prince and handed him the bouquet of dandelions he picked up the bouquet smelled them, then said in the softest voice ever....."disgusting"
even with his answer i could see his dimples poking out from behind his mask i could tell he was smiling.
and i started smiling
i love my prince.
sorry i didn't do all of them but since i did not know some of the other characters i didn't do them but i hope you like the ones i did do. thanks for the requests.
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someartistsammy · 4 years
Hi here’s a masterpost of Lillian in the og MCD.
This includes when she appears, what episodes, what she says, etc.
Apologies if any of this seems like rambling/ if it’s slightly messy. Looking at the date on the notepad document this was all originally kept in, the date is that of 7/8/19, so a little over a year ago.
First Appearance:
Episode 90 of S1, "Mask in the Trees"
Time Stamp: 12:40
Lillian is hidden in the trees near where Kiki's baby shower is taking place, she's noticed by Garroth who leaves his stance to quickly follow her. He rushes after her through the trees and out the gates of Phoenix drop, She's fast and loses Garroth quickly- but not before they both run towards the forest and into it, Garroth rounds some trees before finding Aphmau and Laurance kissing, to which he turns back around and runs away, after Garroth has left, it's shown that this is not Aphmau and Laurance, but rather an illusion or shape-shifting illusion that Lillian has created, (It's more likely to have been a shape-shifting illusion as this is shown to be what Lillian is good at- altering her appearance). She laughs after morphing back, before the screen fades to black. Aphmau is left to wonder where Garroth disappeared to.
Second Appearance/ not a physical appearance:
Episode 91 of S1, "Respect for Irene"
Time Stamp: 1:15
After the murder of Jeffory, Zane is standing at his window before his communication amulet starts going off, we can only hear whispers coming from it, but it's heavily implied that it's Lillian. We can hear Zane say "She's there with her? Katelyn mentioned nothing of this.. hm.." before more whispers come through the amulet. Zane quickly replies with "No, leave it be. This is much better" some more whispers before Zane picks up with "He would be perfect to fill the new role that just opened up." as the scene ends off with Zane laughing.
In this scene it's pretty implied that Lillian was well using her abilities as a spy to look around Phoenix drop- and in this case, realized that Katelyn was staying there with Aphmau, and docked there, without having told Zane. It can also be assumed that the next whispers are asking if Lillian should do anything about it, before Zane's replying to leave it be- and it being better. It can also be inferred that Lillian is next talking about Garroth and how he ran away- probably feeling betrayed- and that is confirmed as we learn in later episodes. Probably asking if she should do something about it- or maybe bring him back to O'Khasis, with this we hear Zane reply about how he would be perfect to fill the new role that had opened up- in this case becoming the ninth Jury of Nine member after he had killed Jeffory not moments before- which had dropped the Jury down to eight members.
Third Appearance
Episode 92 of S1, "Gate of Phoenix Drop"
Time Stamp: 22:15
Lillian is waiting on the inside of the gate, she is in her civilian appearance, she seems to be chatting with Cadenza as Aphmau approaches Brian and talks to him while trying to figure out who Lillian is. Brian lets her inside the gate after he questions her multiple times and checks her travel items. He says that she's a very sweet gal and that she's introduced herself as a fortune teller. Text time babey
Lillian: "Oh! A good day to you! I'm sorry I didn't notice you before, Ms. Cadenza here had been talking the world to me, hehe. Um, my name is Lillian. May I ask your name? Aphmau: "Good day Lillian, my name is Aphmau"
Lillian: "Aphmau, what a lovely--- Aphmau!? You mean the LORD of the village!?"
Aphmau: "How do you know that?"
Lillian: "Cadenza here has been talking so much about you! I'm honored to be in the presence of a woman such as yourself... your endeavors have reached the ears of many villages near and far. //She bows to Aphmau//
Aphmau/Jess rambling a bit: "If you're talking about the thing in Brightport, yeah that was a while ago and I guess I have helped other villages too but, Brian tells me your a fortune teller?
Lillian: "Fortune Teller...? Gah! That sounds so... merchant-y, no, no... I am not a "fortune teller" I am a recognized prophet. I've had visions come to me multiple times of which have come true. You can ask many a Lord, I have predicted famines, drought, love... you name it."
Aphmau: "Wow- I-is that a magicks?"
Lillian: "A kind yes, though it's also not in a way... it's a little difficult to explain. I still don't quite understand it myself but here I am! I'm just traveling the world right now, so... if you don't mind Lord Aphmau, may I please request sanctuary in your village? I'm just passing through and I won't be any trouble at all I swear! In fact I plan to help while I'm here, Cadenza is telling me of someone named Garroth and how he's sick, I happen to be a herb specialist as well- I can help make something to nurse him back to health. So, would you have me...?
Aphmau: "//whispering// after all that's happened here.... //audibly// yes, just try to stay out of trouble Lillian, please."
Lillian: "Yes mam'! I sure will! Thank you, thank you so much!"
//Aphmau then turns to look at Cadenza.//
Cadenza: "Aphmau! I was out picking some herbs to try to make a potion I was reading in a book that might make Garroth better when i saw Brian talking to this lovely woman with this BEAUTIFUL outfit. I just had to come say "Hi" to her and she's such a sweetheart! I've asked her to help with Garroth so hopefully we'll have Garroth back by tomorrow! Thank you so much for allowing her to stay here! I'm so worried about Garroth."
The episode ends off with Cadenza leading Lillian into the guard station, followed by Cookie.
Fourth & Fifth Appearance
Episode 93 of S1, "At Our Doors"
Time Stamp: 0:00
The episode starts off with Garroth walking/ sneaking out of his ??"room??" in the guard station (maybe bunk is a better word) to grab some breakfast left outside his door before Lillian comes up the ladder and asks "Garroth?"
Garroth: "Uhh.. who are you?"
Lillian: "My name is Lillian and I'm new in town and I'm a medicine specialist, I'm so sorry for intruding on you like this, but Cadenza isn't here and the herb medicine I made for you is ready. Your friends wanted me to help you get better."
Garroth: "I see.. if you're a friend of Cadenza, you are welcomed, but I really just want to be alone."
Lillian: "So what exactly is wrong with you?"
Garroth: "It's really nothing, I'm not actually sick."
Lillian: "So.. you're pretending?"
Garroth: "No I really don't feel well.. well."
Lillian: "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
Garroth: "I'm sorry but.. a broken heart isn't something anyone can help me with.."
Lillian: "Sometimes.. talking about it helps."
//there's a large jump in time to the end of the episode//
Time Stamp: 22:22
We see Lillian leave the guard station before going around to the back of it and pulling out the communication amulet before altering her appearance into her masked appearance.
Sixth Appearance
Episode 94 of S1, "The Stranger"
Time Stamp: 16:20
Aphmau has just walked into her house, followed by Laurance, the camera then switches to Garroth and Lillian out on the patio of the guard station, the training dummy behind them. Garroth slowly lowers his head followed by Lillian who looks to him lightly before stepping closer to him. Garroth then turns around to look at her and they share a glance but then Garroth turns around and walks into the guard station.
Seventh Appearance
Episode 95 of S1, "Call to Arms"
Time Stamp: 16:20
Aphmau is startled awake by Aaron who is at her bedside, he's snuck into her house and woken her up to have her look outside.
Aphmau: "wh.. what are you doing here."
Aaron: "Shh, not a word... I need you to get out of bed and look out the window. Now."
Aphmau stumbles out of her bed confused but looks out to see Lillian walking down the path to Katelyn's boat, looking around to see if anyone has spotted her.
Aphmau: "Wh.. what? That looks like Lillian.."
Aaron: "She's been avoiding the guards all night and acting suspicious... we should follow her."
Aphmau: "Okay.. we can do that. Let's go."
Aphmau and Aaron are in the next scene sneaking down the hill by the docks and hiding in the trees. We're greeted to a cut scene of Katelyn and Lillian staring each other down.
Aphmau: "I don't understand.. why is she?"
//it cuts to the others//
Lillian: "So... tell me Katelyn... what exactly have you been doing here this whole time?"
Katelyn: "I've been standing my guard just like I was commanded to do."
Lillian: "Hm, you're a woman of great power..."
Katelyn: "My thanks, as to you as well Lillian."
Lillian: "Only difference is... I'm a woman of greater power."
//Lillian then grabs out her scythe and holds it up to Katelyn, part of it resting barely inches from her chest while the actual scythe bit rests almost gently against Katelyn's shoulder//
//Aphmau quietly gasps//
Lillian: "Katelyn... Zane mentioned you failed to report that Nicole was here in Phoenix Drop... tell me why is that...?"
Katelyn: "I did not see her. My job was to check up on the Lord of Phoenix Drop. Nicole would have been a good way to win Zane's favor, so if I knew she was here... why would I pass an opportunity like that up?"
Lillian: "Unflinching as ever Katelyn... you members of the Jury of Nine never fail to impress me."
Katelyn: "We don't need to impress a woman like you."
Lillian: "Fine. ...I'll make sure Zane knows you've been wasting time here. Until then Phoenix Drop is under your patrol, my job here is done."
//there's what sounds like a gunshot/ thunder/ the firing of a canon, etc.//
Katelyn: "Lillian"
//It then cuts to a first person pov of Katelyn staring down Lillian and her scythe before Katelyn moves at an insane speed through Lillian as another sound crackles in the distance//
//part of the stairs and the ground where Katelyn has moved to on the hillside has been completely destroyed//
//The next scene is Katelyn standing with her gauntlents out, back to back with Lillian. Lillian has her Scythe resting in front of her while Katelyn has a leg posed back, almost resting it on Lillian.//
//Lillian looks stunned as her arms are lightly spread and she's looking up, as where Katelyn is slightly looking down.//
//Aphmau gasps, again//
Katelyn: "Next time you threaten me. I won't miss."
Lillian: "Heh, heh, heh... duly noted."
//Lillian then runs up what's left of the stairs while Katelyn runs back to her boat//
//Aphmau is panting//
Aphmau: "I don't think.. we should be letting her.. get.. what do you think?"
Aaron: "We need to apprehend Lillian... let's move!"
Aphmau: "Agreed! Let's go!"
//it fades to black and then back as Aphmau and Aaron sprint the direction that Lillian went, they then split directions to search for her. Aphmau heads to the plaza but you can see the camera shaking as it follows Aphmau's movements as she draws her sword, camera movements similar to a figure catching their breath if it was first person pov.//
//The camera then reveals that it's Lillian watching Aphmau, Lillian is hiding in the part of the Plaza that has the most trees and is blending in with the darkness. She then takes her chance after Aphmau wanders away to book it out of there//
Eighth Appearance Episode 100 of S1, "The Amulet's Secret" Time Stamp: 18:48
The scene begins with Garroth handing the amulet over to Zane as Aphmau rushes into the clearing in the trees. Lillian is resting slightly behind Zane as Aphmau panics over Garroth handing it over as Zane begins to chuckle.
Zane: "You're too late, Lord Aphmau. Garroth is now a member of the Jury of Nine, he faithfully serves me."
Aphmau: "WHAT!?"
Laurance: "You obviously have him under some spell! Let him go! Now!"
//Laurance and Garroth clash swords//
Garroth: "Zane does not control my actions, he guides me down the right path, my loyalties lie with him now."
Laurance: "Garroth? You have to be kidding me... what happened to you?"
//Zane laughs//
Zane: "Can't you tell, little Laurance? Garroth has become a faithful member of the Jury of Nine, my devoted guard."
Aphmau: "N- NO! YOU'RE LYING."
Zane: "It was so easy to corrupt my poor poor big brother here, after all, the one thing he cared for in his life was suddenly ripped from him, by someone he considered to be his loyal friend. The one person he loved, and the one person he trusted, having a relationship, right behind his back. How pathetic, big brother, I can't believe you ever loved such a back-stabbing woman in the first place, now Lillian here? She's a woman of great loyalty to me, I'm glad she was there to talk to you when you needed someone Garroth, of course, I sent her to check on my beloved brother."
Garroth: "Lillian was able to talk me out of being foolish and trusting Lord Aphmau with my heart, I know better now."
Zane: "Then show them exactly what you are."
//Garroth morphs into his Jury form before taking down Laurance//
//Aphmau is close to sobbing at this point//
Aphmau: "Garroth, Why?"
Zane: "This is the form members of the Jury of Nine take when they unleash their full potential. Can't you feel the darkness radiating from his heart?"
//Katelyn then morphs into her Jury form as well//
Zane: "Look what we have here, another traitor, Garroth, relinquish her of her Jury title, now."
//Garroth then proceeds to do such,, u know,, how u do//
Zane: "You don't deserve this power. I know you, like Jeffory, are not truly loyal to me."
Laurance: "You won't get away with this you coward! Come here and fight me yourself!"
Zane: "I would love to, I truly would, however, with this amulet in my hands, I don't need to waste my time with the likes of you."
//Cut to Zane warping them all into the Irene Dimension as thunder cracks in the background with u know,, the irene dimension music yeehaw//
//cue everyone freaking out for a fair portion of time which was.. understandable//
Time Stamp: 24:52
Zane: "Finally.. it's mine.. Irene's relic.. with this added to my strength I will-"
//The relic vanishes from in front of Zane only to reappear in front of Aphmau and be absorbed into her.//
Aphmau: "Wh- What the!?"
Zane: "Wh- this- this is impossible! You can't be her! No no no no no! I've worked too hard and killed too many useless pawns for this to happen to me now! That relic will be mine even if I have to rip you appart to get it's power!"
//Zane morphs into his Jury form before laughing//
Zane: "Ripping you apart is something I've wanted to do for for so long! It's a shame you have to die, really. We could've been something special together."
Aphmau: "You know that would never happen."
//Lillian and Garroth then rush down from their spots at the top of the stairs next to Zane, with Garroth charging Laurance and Lillian charging Katelyn. both duos clash weapons//
//Zane jumps down from the top in the middle before continuing//
Zane: "What a shame!"
//He then proceeds to charge Aphmau only to clash swords with Aaron//
Zane: "You.."
Aaron: "You won't get out of here this time."
Zane: "Hahaha.. funny, I was about to say that to you as well."
//Cut to Garroth and Laurance//
Laurance: "Garroth! Why are you doing this!?"
Garroth: "Zane is the only who cares for me like a true brother!"
Laurance: "Are you even listening to yourself right now!? He tried to hurt the people you are sworn to protect!"
Garroth: "How can I protect when my heart gets ripped to shreds by the woman I loved, and the so-called brother I trusted!"
Laurance: "Garroth snap out of it! If this is about Aphmau and love, then why!?"
Garroth: "What do you mean why!? You know DAMN well why!"
Laurance: "Garroth, I understand that you love Aphmau, however, you have to be willing to accept the fact she might not return those feelings, can't you see how corrupt this has made you become?"
//Garroth tsks//
Laurance: "Look at me! You are not defined by the person you love, you are Garroth, protector of the innocent, sworn to love and care for those in need. When did the Garroth I know allow himself to be consumed by one person's love, you cannot be jealous of every man she meets forever. You'll just drive her away from you. You have to let go before you can truly be Garroth, a Garroth worthy to protect others!"
//Garroth removes his helmet as Zane strikes Aaron to the ground//
Zane: "hahahaha what a pathetic fool.. I should've killed you along with your entire village the day the amulet cursed you. Now for you.."
Aphmau: "Ugh.. when I get my hands on you Zane.."
Zane: "Don't worry, I'm losing my fiance remember? You promised your hand to me at the wall. This will hurt you more than it hurts me."
//Zane goes to strike down Aphmau before Garroth interrupts, this scene proceeds how we been knew//
//Zoey appears with the portal as Katelyn whirls around, leaving Lillian's dead body on the floor, closing this entire thing and GOD SHE DID NOT GET ENOUGH STORYLINE AND SCREENTIME WHAT THE HELL//
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
Despair Street (An Aphmau/Danganronpa Crossover)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gkKJpn
by StoryWarrior
18 people wake up in what looks to be their old high school; Pheonix Drop High. Spoken to by a strange robotic imp like demon, they are told that they are the stars of a killing game, where they either kill to survive, or die...
[ This is a fanfiction crossover of the minecraft roleplay series Mystreet by Aphmau and the famous games/anime Danganronpa (I don't know if there is manga leave me alone please). Please do not read if you are underage as this is going to be a very dark book, the warnings should be enough hopefully. This is still in the process of being written, I will try to update it fortnightly as I have chapters pre-written. ]
Words: 2630, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Aphmau/Danganronpa Cross-Over
Fandoms: mystreet, aphmau - Fandom, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Aphmau (Mystreet), Aaron Lycan (Mystreet), Garroth Ro'Meave, Zane Ro'Meave, Vylad Ro'Meave, Dante (Mystreet), Cadenza (Mystreet), Laurence (Mystreet), Gene (Mystreet), Kawaii~Chan (MyStreet), Ein (Mystreet), Travis Valkrum, Katelyn (Mystreet), Nicole (Mystreet), Kim (Mystreet), Blaze (Mystreet), Emmalyn (Mystreet), Teony (Mystreet), Kenmur (Mystreet), Lucinda (Mystreet), Ivy (Mystreet), Daniel (Mystreet), Michi (Mystreet)
Relationships: Aphmau/Aaron Lycan, Garroth Ro'Meave/Laurance Zvahl, All character friendships, Kawaii~Chan/Zane Ro'Meave, Blaze/Ein
Additional Tags: Angst, some characters may be OOC im sorry, its been so long since ive watched these series, Swearing, Angst and Fluff, only some fluff then boom more pain, Fluff, Death, Murder, i used headcanons and the fandom wiki for some of this, a murder disguised as a suicide, mentions of suicide in two later chapters, Blood, Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gkKJpn
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blog-in-a-corner · 5 years
TSOTBL - Sorrows of the Past PT:2
"Garroth? Gaaarrrroooooth?" Aphmau shouted, keeping up her pace.
Her words just bounced off the walls and echoed back at her. "Damn it where are you, you better be okay!" Aphmau thought, her mouth had become much too dry for her to talk to herself, the ice cold air entering her lungs made it harder and harder to run let alone talk. "Aph! Wait up!" Zane panted, finally catching up to her. He obviously wasn't used to running so far so fast. "Z..Zane…." Aphmau stopped for a moment, to take deep breaths of hair. "A-Aphmau...you-you shouldn't have...have r-run off like that!" Zane scolded her between breaths, he was far more tired than she was from the run they just took. "What choice did I have?! We were taking way too long!" Aphmau yelled, regaining her composure. "The smarter thing to do would have been for all of us to stay together!" Zane lectured her. "Well…well sometimes the smart thing to do isn't the best thing to do!" Aphmau retorted. "Wh-what is that even supposed to mean?!" Zane asked in confusion. "It doesn't have to mean anything, I just need to find Garroth!" "Why is finding him this important to you?!" "Because! I need to talk to him!" Aphmau yelled, as she proceeded to continue running forward. "About what?!" Zane shouted, as he struggled to keep up with her.
Zane ran after Aphmau until she came to a screeching stop, she appeared to be staring at something. He nearly tripped trying to slow down.
"A.. Aphmau…!" Zane panted, struggling to stand up. "Shhh..!" Aphmau whisper-shouted. "Why are you shushing me? It's not like we're in a library-" Before Zane could finish his sentence, he noticed what Aphmau was staring at. "-What the hell?"
Garroth stood in the center of the dead-end of where the path lead to. He held the book close to himself.
"I-I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do.Y-You said... you said…" Garroth sobbed quietly into the book. "I-I never thought…" he trailed off, holding it tighter. "Is-is he talking to it?" Aphmau whispered, continuing to stare at the bizarre sight of her friend. "Lucinda did say the book was possessed, didn't she?" Zane whispered back, starring alongside Aphmau. "I-I…." Garroth stuttered, as he lowered the book. "Garroth?" Aphmau spoke aloud, catching Garroth's attention. "Y-you two…!" Garroth stammered in surprise, stepping back. "Garroth I just want to talk with you." Aphmau stated softly, attempting to calm down her friend. She took a step forward. "N-No! Stay away from me!" Garroth yelled defensively, taking a few more steps back, holding the book closer to himself. "Garroth I'm not here to hurt you, I'm your friend!" Aphmau tried to assure him, taking a step back. "Y-you're not my friend! You're not a friend at all!" Garroth shouted angrily. "You're just a taker! You take what you need from people, you have your good times, but when times get tough, you scram! You don't really care about anyone!" "Garroth, what are you talking about?!" Aphmau yelled in concern. "You call me names, you call me stupid all the time! In front of my face and behind my back! You don't take my emotions seriously-none of you do! All you do is laugh at me and treat me like an idiot all the time! But no, it's all fine because surely Garroth isn't affected by it at all! You call that being a friend?! No wonder you and Aaron broke up!" Garroth hissed, clenching his fists. "I….Garroth…." Aphmau started to tear up, it was bad enough that Garroth was talking to her in such a way, but bringing problems with Aaron into it too? "Garroth...Garroth, listen to me, my relationship with Aaron isn't a part of this. I know that I've never been the greatest friend, or the best person, and some of these things you brought up just now, I never knew they bothered you! But-" "You didn't think that calling someone an idiot all the time wouldn’t bother them?" "I'm sorry for that! I should've known better than to do that kind of crap, but Garroth, I am your friend! We've been through everything together, thick and thin! Our childhoods, highschool, the Jury, college! If we weren't friends then why would we still be here? We've done our fair share of crappy things to each other, but we've had so many more good times! We've made our mistakes and grown from them, and we'll still make more mistakes along the road and we'll grow from those too! Garroth, I've always been grateful to have you as a friend, you're one of the best friends I could have ever asked for, and I don't want to lose all of our years of friendship, not like this, not ever!"
Garroth stood silent for a moment, staring at Aphmau and Zane.
"...So you really care about me that much?" Garroth mumbled, not breaking eye contact with Aphmau. "Of course I do! I'd fight anyone who tried to speak bad about you, or any one of my friends for that matter!" Aphmau assured, giving Garroth a light smile. "So…So why didn't you defend me when Zane said all of those horrible things about me...?" Garroth asked, choking back tears. "I-I...y-you heard all of that?!" Aphmau said in shock. "That's it I've had enough of this!" Zane yelled angrily. "Y-You wanna know why she didn't defend you?! Because everything I fucking said was true! You're nothing but a selfish fucking idiot with the iq of a lint ball! You really think it's any wonder at all why you're friends treat you the way like dogshit?" "Zane stop!-" "A-All your damn life everyone has-has catered to your stupid ass hand and foot! Everything you've ever had has been handed to you on a silver platter, you never had to work hard for what you wanted!" Zane ignored Aphmau, continuing to yell at Garroth. "Zane you're making it worse!-" "Nothing but-Nothing but the best for the oh-so-perfect Ro'meave! You got all of the attention from everyone! Teachers, peers, complete strangers, mom, and dad. But even everything dad gave to you just isn't enough huh? You stupid fucking selfish asshole. But oh no! We mustn't displease Garte Ro'meave's favorite son, the golden child!" "Zane!" Aphmau yelled, trying to stop Zane from continuing. "What? I'm right and you know it!" Zane hissed. "Being….being the "golden child" wasn't as grand as you think it was Zane...I...I always…" Garroth muttered weakly, tears strolling down his cheeks. "Oh? What, you didn't get the toy you wanted for Christmas when you were eight? Wow, being the golden child must've been horrible huh!" Zane replied sarcastically. "I ALWAYS FUCKING HATED IT!" Garroth yelled at the top of his lungs, catching Aphmau and Zane off guard. "Being Garte's ~favorite son~ wasn't all sunshine and rainbows Zane, my entire home life leading up until I finished college was a fucking nightmare! You think father always gave me everything I wanted? Well guess fucking what! It was the other way around! My entire life was carved around what he wanted me to be! The people he allowed me to be friends with, he barely even let me see Vylad let alone talk to him! The hobbies he let me have, the extracurriculars and all of my classes, the ones he wanted me to do! I had to be absolutely perfect for HIM!" "Garroth...I never realized…" Aphmau quietly trailed off, shocked at everything he had to say. "I never wanted to play stupid fucking baseball, but he wanted me to be on some kind of sports team! For three fucking summers straight I went to that stupid baseball camp because he wanted me to be "the best of the best!" I was in that horrible etiquette school up in Skystead for three years before I went to high school! And then, for my last year of high school I had to go to FUCKING, MILITARY SCHOOL, BECAUSE I TOOK THE FUCKING FALL FOR YOUR DUMBASS AFTER YOU FUCKED UP ALL OF YOUR PLANS UP WITH THE JURY! FATHER WANTED TO "FIX" ME SO THAT I WOULD BE THE SAME, "PROPER, ELOQUENT YOUNG MAN I WAS" BEFORE I SUPPOSEDLY DID ALL OF THAT SHIT. AND THEN RIGHT AFTER I JUMPED INTO COLLEGE, TO TAKE THE DAMN MAJORS HE WANTED ME TO TAKE SO THAT I COULD ONE DAY OWN THAT STUPID FUCKING COMPANY OF HIS." Garroth screamed full of rage, letting his book a bit looser from his grip. "Irene I regret not letting Vylad tell mother and father about all the shit you did! That probably would have done more good for everyone! Even for father. All. Of. My life. Zane. All of my life I've had to do nothing but please that bastard, that fuck is nothing but a control freak, you can't even begin to imagine the fucking hell he'd put me through if I fell short of the expectations he had for me. But noo~ let's feel bad for poor Zaney-waney! He's sooo miserable having the freedom to do whatever he wants! Everyone let's stop what we're doing and come hear Zane whine about how he didn't get enough attention, about how he was so alone! Totally not like a certain younger brother of ours had it way worse in that aspect! About how people just didn't give him a chance! The fucker manipulated and hurt people but it's their fault because the world hurt him! He was so hurt and alone! It's not like his older brother, younger brother, and his mom always tried to reach out to him! It's not like he was so fucking hell-bent on gaining approval from his father because of his small little fragile ego, that he didn't notice the people who tried to be there for him! No everything he's ever done is justified! He has no reason to, dare I say it? Apologize to those he's wronged! Even Vylad had more of a reason to do the half the crap you did. Fucking face it Zane, I may be a bad brother, but you're even worse." "You….you!" Zane stammered in anger. "G-Guys let's just calm down..!" Aphmau stuttered, trying to play peacemaker. "Y-You're the worse brother! You're the-the damn reason I can't even see out of my right eye! You never bother to acknowledge other people's feelings, you just try to make them as good and perfect~ as you want them to be! You're just as bad as dad! I never opened up to you because someone with your fucking puny intellect would never understand me! All you would have tried to do is fix me in your image! All you've done is make me miserable my entire fucking life!" Zane screeched, holding back tears. "Good. I'm glad I made you miserable. It's what a piece of shit like you deserves." Garroth hissed, the poison in his voice hit Zane harder than anything ever has. "You...you…" Zane cried in anger. "Guys!" Lucinda cried, entering alongside Aaron and Kim. "Lucinda, Aaron, Kim!" Aphmau yelled in shock. "You!!!" Garroth shouted in surprise. "Alright Garroth." Lucinda muttered, pulling out her wand.
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"Zane! Zane stay with me please!" Aphmau yelled, tears pouring down her cheeks." "Come on guys we have to take Zane back inside now!" Aaron stated, picking Zane up.
// Heya! I’m gonna be on a two week hiatus because this took me a looooong time and I’m big tired. Regular posting will return September 9!//
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queen-ofsunflowers · 7 years
I didn’t have computer access this weekend, so I’m going to give my commentary on Aphmau’s Year Ep. 2 now.
So, five months total. Almost halfway through the year, my girl.
Sweet it’s Halloween.
She’s still wearing the jacket around her waist and the bandana around her wrist. It’s sweet, but I am hoping she washed it. Even a little bit.
OH YEAH. MAGIC LESSONS. Lucinda wanted to make it special. ^-^
I LOVE LUCINDA’S COSTUME. She looks more Diaries than MyStreet now that I think about it.
I just noticed Aphmau’s kitty stockings. It’s cute.
Her motivation is Aaron.
Called it.
How is healing magic dangerous?
OH shit. She better be careful with this stuff.
The thought of learning healing magic fills you with DETERMINATION.
Love is the emotion of healing. I am not surprised.
That was kinda funny.
Aura sounds like something out of RWBY. But, aura is also used in a lot more stuff, so I’m gonna back off on this. I may have just been listening to the soundtrack way too much.
Two hours later… The flower has not moved.
The tired eyes are back.
A wild Travis has appeared. He looks good.
She’s excited. I wonder why.
Oh shit. This can’t be good. Someone knows. SOMEONE KNOWS THE TRUTH. OH NO.
Just… I understand why they can’t tell them. Zane handled it rather well last episode. Why can’t they just tell them Aaron was in an accident and got really hurt? It’s not a total lie.
Oh, it’s her study.
Travis is fangirling over potions.
Travis don’t go near the book. What the duck is that voice. TRAVIS?! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?! I’m with Lucinda. I’m a little creeped out.
Melissa! Her hair looks different.
I love these future sisters in law.
The Lycan family is smart. So, I’m guessing only the males are Ultimas? That’s what is sounds like.
I am loving Melissa more and more.
So, is this what happened after Aph found out about Aaron being FC? I don’t think they ever touched up on that until now. Huh.
So Aaron’s awake?! HE’S AWAKE?! YAY!
Ooo box. Gift for the bae. I wonder what it is. She was excite.
The wolf plush is back. I’m waiting for Melissa to walk in on this.
The letter is making me cry. But Aaron is like Team Dad. He’s worried about everyone and his girlfriend. There is sweetness all over the letter and package. Just sugar everywhere.
Aaron… I can’t imagine having to go through something like that.
Just let her call him or something! Is that possible? Just let Aaron hear her voice.
Goshdangit. Melissa has to be the middle man. Middle woman?
She’s gonna send him the Wolf plush. Or not…
Voice recorder. So they can send each other voice messages from it? Aw! That’s so sweet!
I get the thing about food between Garroth and Zane. My sister and I do the same thing.
“I will always be your healer”. I SMELL FORESHADOWING.
That was a good episode. Not to bad, it didn’t hurt a lot. But it was like they dumped a bunch of sugar on the episode. It was so sweet! Sweetness everywhere!
But I feel like the magic and the thing about Travis and his creepy voice will come into play soon. I still haven’t forgotten about his eyes being a different color in the finale of The Emerald Secret. Does that have anything to do with it?
Three more episodes left until season 5! I can wait for the reunion. I will wait an actual year if I have to.
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bryancroidragon · 7 years
Meeting New People: Chapter One
Okay, so this is basically my MyStreet/Monsters Among Us crossover fan fiction. “Monsters Among Us” is an MC RP on my YT channel, which is set in modern day. My character is basically in this as a plot device since I’ll be employing some head canons of mine, which you may have seen on MyStreetHeadcanons. Also, if you have any ideas for what other characters should be bringing to the potluck or even what Garroth’s mystery contribution should be, I’d love to hear it. Enjoy.
Garroth Ro’Meave had once met a guy by name of Bryan Carthach at the mall. The former was older the latter was younger. It all began with Garroth saying Bryan would look great with a bowtie. Garroth took Bryan to get a bowtie and it all continued from there. They didn’t see each other often since the latter didn’t have a driver’s license and relied more on public transportation and his own legs to get around. Sometimes it was just Garroth coming to get Bryan.
Bryan was three year younger than Aphmau, five foot five, red haired, long haired to some extent with that extent being it going down to the back of his neck, had a brown left eye and a green right eye, a scar on his right cheek and was of a thin build. His attire consisted of a golf shirt, blue jeans, sneakers, a bowtie and silver glasses, transitions to be precise because they cut time on having to put on sunglasses. One person had said he looked like Bela Lugosi but Lugosi was six foot one, had slicked back hair, a prominent widow’s peak and a pale complexion, all of which Bryan was lacking.
Driving his car to his Aphmau and Aaron’s, Garroth spoke with Bryan who sat in the passenger seat reading a book. Garroth focused on the driving but he still chatted.
“So, what are you reading?” asked Garroth.
“’The Pioneers, or the Sources of the Susquehanna; a Descriptive Tale.” Replied Bryan. “It is the fourth of the Leatherstocking Tales chronologically but the first in publishing order.”
“Sounds confusing.” Commented Garroth. “What is it about?”
“The series or the book?” asked Bryan.
“On second thought, I’ll just look it up on Wikipedia.” Garroth cleared his throat. “So, anyway, all of my friends will be there: Aphmau, Aaron, Dante, Kawaii~Chan, Nicole, my brother Zane, Katelyn… Okay, maybe not all of them but a large enough amount. We’ll take it easy, hang out by the pool.”
“Hang out by the pool? This is the first I’m hearing about this!”
“Invite you, tell you it is potluck… Tell you to bring your swimsuit!” Garroth mentally face-palmed. “I knew I forgot something! Well, at least you made the fruit salad.”
“Can we turn back so I can get my trunks?”
“No, we are too close to Aaron and Aphmau’s.”
“Can we stop somewhere so I can pick one up?”
“Bryan, you remember when I said we are too close?”
“I should have said we are on our street now.” Garroth gave a small chuckle. “Its okay. You can borrow one of mine.” 
Bryan rolled his eyes, put his bookmark in his book, got out of Garroth’s car and grabbed the fruit salad from the back seat. “Garroth, what exactly did you make?”
“It’s a surprise.” Stated Garroth.
“Why is it a surprise?”
“Because it is.” Replied Garroth.
“I’m scared.” Confessed Bryan.
“If Garroth has prepared a surprise meal, then I share your fear.”
Bryan turned to see a crimson haired woman with grey eyes. “Aphmau?” he asked.
“No, I’m Nicole. Nicole Von Rosenburg.”
“That’s funny. A friend of mine dragged me to a… ‘swimsuit’ contest and the winner had that exact name.” commented Bryan, complete with finger quotes when he said “swimsuit.”
Garroth and Nicole both just stared at Bryan, trying to figure out why he had used finger quotes. Bryan was staring at the container of pasta in Nicole’s hand. 
They then realized why he used the finger quotes. “Oh!” Bryan just continued to stare at the pasta.
“Uh, Nicole, how about you show Bryan in and I’ll go get one of my other swimsuits.” Suggested Garroth.
“Okay, Bryan, just come with me and maybe you can tell me about this other Nicole Von Rosenburg you saw at the ‘swimsuit’ contest.” Nicole took Bryan by the arm and led him to Aphmau and Aaron’s door. “Did she look anything like me?”
“No, she actually had pink hair and a pale complexion… That is all I could see from where I was… Oh, and she was wearing some cat ears headband.”
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spare zane hcs?
I got halfway through this and the app crashed :(((
This is mostly MyS though some may be applicable to MCD too.
He has stretched ears. A few gauges of his were painted by aphmau to be bright colours and have cutesy designs. He loves them.
He’s fat. Like both him and Garroth are naturally pretty heavy because Garte’s a pretty big man, but he also eats loads of junk and his meds cause him to gain weight, so he’s fat. He’s p insecure that he’s not got muscle tho, because both Garroth and Garte are pretty buff, but he also doesn’t work out so it’s kind of his own fault he’s not muscly.
He’s often found petsitting for his friends. Animals love him.
He has earplugs with him all the time, he’s got sensory issues and noises really bug him. Plus he lives with Garroth, who’s a pretty loud guy, so he likes just blocking everything out. Aphmaus the only person allowed to remove his ear plugs if she needs to talk to him, other people have to tap his arm or like give hand gestures to ask for him to remove them.
He uses a cane and knee braces, it’s just easier on his joints bc those bitches hurt. (I stole this from @blockgamejournals on the MCD brainrot discord, with consent.) he also wears elbow braces occasionally but not often.
He’s part mermaid on Zianna’s side but has all of the negatives and none of the positives of it.
He used to have a crush on Aphmau in highschool, which Garroth would tease him about a lot. It big hurted when Garroth started dating aphmau, because he knew Zane used to like her and it’s just sort of rude.
He’s got really sharp teeth, and he cuts up the inside of his mouth a lot because of it.
His face is scarred up. He got hit by a normal snowball as a kid, but it hit the back of his head, and he fell forwards onto a sharp rock. It sort of messed his face up and he had to have a few surgeries to fix it up, but even with the surgeries he’s still got really prominent scars and they make him really insecure.
Zane wears his mask both because of his insecurity and also because he has a very weak immune system and so face masks help minimise the risk he has of catching anything. He also has disposable gloves that he almost always wears, never touches his face, and remains as far away from people as he can.
He’s unnecessarily good at solving Rubik’s cubes.
He’s blind in the eye he covers.
His joint pain is due to arthritis. His body is better suited for living in water, and living on land causes extra pressure to be put on his joints. It’s worst in his legs but his other joints are also affected.
He wears eyeliner.
He has the most gorgeous, silky black hair ever. And also an undercut. Because he’s emo.
He doesn’t know what his gender is but he knows he’s not cis. He just uses he/him pronouns for now because he’s not sure what pronouns do actually work for him.
He’s got a few tattoos, all emo. However he does have a minimalistic cat tattoo on his wrist which he has matching with Aphmau.
He puts his hair in a bun usually. But aphmau and nana constantly beg for him to let it down because they think it’s so pretty.
He occasionally smokes weed when his joints really hurt because it makes them hurt a little less. He hates the smell though.
Don’t know how to explain it, MCD Zane likes red wine, MyS Zane drinks beer. Not elaborating further.
He did coding in school and now does it as a job because it’s work that he can do laid in bed.
He first told Nana he loved her when he was loopy on pain meds.
Frankenstein was his favourite book when he was 14 and it’s still up there for him.
He’s got a daughter, he just doesn’t see her often because she lives with her mother in the north. He goes up to see her occasionally, sometimes she comes down and spends the day with him, but they don’t see eachother often enough. She also has joint problems, though hers are worse than his were at her age, so he’s worried about her. But she seems pretty cheery regardless
He took pottery classes for a while. Then Dante found out and he quit.
He sometimes likes to spend time watching really bad Middle Aged women shows with aphmau and Katelyn, though he likes to watch them to pick on them whilst the girls genuinely enjoy them.
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