#explains why he let me night sit levin
phoenix-drop-guard · 6 months
What's your opinion of Garroth's unmasked face? Have you ever seen it before?
What's your opinion of Garroth and Aphmau (cause apparently, they're raising the chest baby together?) Do you think he has a thing for her?
Also- WHERE TF IS DALE?? Why isn't he helping patrol?
Were going backwards order on this:
Dale started doing my patrols back when Garroth had gotten better.
I had no idea aphmau and him were raising levin together? Me and zoey are watching the kid so I never heard any of this from Garroth.
Speaking of him, I wrote awhile back about a 3 am tea incident where I heard something and immediately turned around to a helm-less Garroth. Was kinda funny because we both wear our helmets unless alone so that situation was awkward on both ends.
We kinda look alike.
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littleperilstories · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: #4 :: Dead On Your Feet
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Whumpee: Ash Levin
Whumper: Douglas Heminworth
@whumptober-archive / @whumptober
CW: noncon drugging, abduction/captivity/kidnapping, restraints (still the curtain ties), force feeding (liquid/drink)
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The Curiosity Collector
Ah, ah, ah. I need you awake. Come on. Eyes open.
“That’s it,” said a soft voice above him. “That’s right. Open your eyes.”
Ash’s eyelids fluttered. How strange he felt—exhausted even though he was only just waking, hot and cold at the same time, muscles tight yet weak at once.
And that voice—that voice—unfamiliar and oily, sickeningly sweet—
Ash forced his eyes open.
“What the—”
Memories like shards of glass shattered on the floor of his mind.
There had been witch hunters, trappers as the humans liked to call them.
But the man before him did not look like a witch hunter—no, he looked like a lord, some soft, pampered member of the human gentry.
His eyes drifted closed again.
“Ah, ah, ah.” The lord slapped his cheek, none too gently but not forceful enough to sting. I need you awake. Come on. Eyes open.”
Why, why did everything hurt?
Why was his mind full of mud?
“Help me,” he mumbled, and the lord chuckled.
“I’m trying, boy, but you must keep your eyes open.”
The air in this room, it smelled of human bodies and dust, it was so stale, he needed fresh air, the sweet scent of a moonlit night—
“Hold his head up,” the lord commanded. “Make sure he doesn’t fall asleep.
A hand fisted into Ash’s hair, forcing his head up, drawing his chin away from his chest
Something is wrong, terribly wrong.
Ash compelled his eyes to open again and tried to stand.
He could not.
More alertness, but not an ounce more clarity, coursed through him. “What’s going on?”
He was sitting upright in a wooden chair, arms bound behind him, rope securing his wrists to the slats of the chair’s back. He began to tug at the rope, but the knots were tight. “What did you do to me?”
Ash managed to wrench his head away from the fingers grasping his hair, his torso thrown forward at the sudden burst of freedom. He caught sight of the odd yellow-gold. rope binding his ankles. A new memory, cracked and jagged, came to mind.
He’d been crying out in pain as fire spread over his skin, lying across a table. That same golden rope had bound his hands and feet.
“What is this?” The silent figure behind him grabbed his hair again. “Where am I? Who are you?”
Humans—vile, disgusting, violent creatures.
“All in good time.” The lord poured a clear liquid into a glass. “ I will explain, but you must drink this first.”
Ash would do no such thing.
“Untie me, you human bastard!”
Ash thrashed again. The ropes held.
The lord sighed. “Now, boy, let’s not be difficult. I have every intention of untying you. But you must do as I say. And I’m telling you to drink this.”
“I’m not going to let you poison me, human scum.”
The lord answered—too quickly, too smoothly, voice dripping with honey
“It is no poison, dear boy. You require medicine for that awful rash on your skin. Don’t you want to feel better?”
Ash clamped his teeth together and shook his head.
Out—there had to be a way out. Humans were weak, breakable—if Ash could only free his hands, he could wield a spell—
Ash froze as he realized a familiar weight was gone from his right hand.
“Where is it?” he breathed, his eyes now fixed on his bare finger.
“What? This?” The lord reached into his shirt, tugging out a gleaming silver chain. Hanging from it was a nauseating collection of trinkets, baubles, and jewels—and, Ash realized, more than one ring hewn from black stone. The kind that could only be taken from a witch.
And there was his own ring—strung onto the lord’s chain like a bead in a string of pearls, glittering in the torchlight. Calling to him. Thrumming with power Ash could not wield.
“Give that back to me.” Ash had never heard his own voice sound like this before: low, menacing, brimming with the savagery that humans liked to accuse witches of possessing. “It is mine. You have no use for it.”
“On the contrary, my dear boy.”
His scalp was beginning to sting from the death grip on his hair. “A human cannot command a witch’s power. That ring is useless to you.”
“It is of use to me as long as it is out of your hands, Ash Levin of the Coven of the Moon.”
The way the lord said Ash’s name and coven made a shiver run down his spine. The very sound of it was vulgar, each syllable boorishly pronounced and cumbersome upon his human tongue.
“Give me back my ring.”
The lord smiled. “Let’s make a bargain, shall we? I will give you your ring if you drink the tonic I’ve made for you.”
Every part of Ash howled at him not to touch whatever foul poison glistened in that glass.
“Then I’d rather die,” he spat.
Faces swirled in the mists of his memory: his family, the coven, his sister. And Laramie.
“That is simply unacceptable to me,” the lord said. “I’m afraid you must drink.”
The person behind him yanked harder on his hair, their free arm curling around his throat until Ash could not move his head. His breaths came faster now, panicked, control slipping from his grasp like brittle leaves on the autumn equinox.
The lord stepped forward, one hand gripping the glass of liquid, the other coming to seize the side of Ash’s face.
He grunted as a fresh wave of pain shot through him, resonating outward from behind his ear.
“What’s this?” the lord asked, frowning, exploring the area with his fingers. Ash grimaced again. “You’ve a wound there I didn’t see before. Small, and it’s scabbed nicely, but still.” He looked down at Ash with repugnant delight. “You must have really put up a fight against those trappers.”
He yanked his fingers away from the scab in one swift motion and pinched Ash’s nose.
Ash began to gasp, his mouth dropping open, but the person behind him was digging their arm into his throat, cutting of his air—
“I’ll tell Conri to stop,” the lord said quietly, “and you will be able to breathe. You will drink from the glass, and you will not spit it out. Do you understand?”
Air, air, he needed air, his lungs were on fire, he needed to breathe—
Tears burning his eyes, Ash nodded, and the pressure on his nostrils and windpipe was released.
As he gasped for breath, the lord tipped the liquid into Ash’s mouth, forcing his jaw upwards the moment the glass left his lips. He clamped his hand over this mouth. As Ash tried to wrench his mouth open to expel whatever dreadful poison he was supposed to drink…
He couldn’t.
The liquid slipped down his throat, and the mistiness returned.
“I am Lord Douglas Heminworth,” the lord breathed in his ear.
 I am Ash Levin of the Coven of the Moon.
I am Ash Levin. I am a witch.
I am Ash.
I am…
“And now, little witch, you belong to me.”
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tetsuro-wulf · 2 years
The Wulf's Eye: RP Journal #111 | Disappearances & Dumbass Fathers
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Writing before I curl up with Li for the night, supposed I'd get my thoughts out instead of letting it sit jumbled in my head.
At this point, I'm quite thankful decorating headquarters, moving, and so forth is done with. The place.. I'm proud of. And we had quite a busy turnout at Bounty Call's first opening since we fully furnished the place. I'm sure they'll all get used to the layout in no time. I wonder if anyone will take advantage of the open dojo and onsen..
Though, as before, once one operation is complete, another arises.. let alone the issue with Ishgard. But this operation in particular is a Vault operation. Disappearences, starting with Kugane. We had been called to an investigation of a suspected yokai behind the sudden disappearances of three individuals, though upon our investigation.. things didn't add up. We met up with an individual named Toki, who explained the disappearances of this people that she seemed to personally know, offering us details surrounding the suspected yokai-affairs. I paired with Aioux and Kayah to question the neighbors of the victims, surely they must've noticed something, right?
But when we got there, well, Aioux was dealing with the old hags of mean girls giggling and shooing him away while mentioning some.. Thavnairian Perfurmes. Which, ends up being a damn clue later. But Kayah and I noticed an old man. We asked him a few questions, but the only thing he could bring up would be hearing footsteps at night. One set of footsteps. Yet, when the rest of the Vault joined us, things did not.. add up. We learned these disappearances weren't just Kugane. Something similar happened in Ul'dah. And while it'd be fun to name a yokai responsible, literally any and every yokai are more than capable of spiriting away mortals. Spiriting away.. I'll have to keep that in mind.
But some connections led us to questioning other regions, as that has become our next step. Things continued to not add up though, which is off.. my biggest concern is the fact that it has started to amount to cities and small towns and villages outside of the main citystates. We're going to be covering.. a lot. It seems.
I should get into the fact that Li has been on edge lately for one reason; his father has made an appearance. The man that reminds me of my own father, based on what Li and Nishikar have told me. Which gives me reason to be on my guard. Scilla felt him at the markets near our home.. and Skadi told me he was around, perhaps 'attempting' to make amends or something. So I've been offering to go out to the markets for him lately.
Though, this led to our FATEFUL encounter. The man, who I quite clearly felt to be a Nobuyuki, lurked right in my vicinity while I was buying some leaves for my kiseru. He seemed to walk in a way where he expected me to follow, and follow I did. All the way to the shores of Shirogane. I questioned him proper, and he revealed an attempt to 'understand why his sons came to live in this world' supposedly. By.. lurking. He lacks tact. I mean, the guy stared at me for a while as I made my purchase. As expected, though. I wanted to feel him out. Know his intenstions. Seems he wanted to moreso leave it in his kids' hands to decide if they want to rebuild bridges. I gave him my thoughts.. I barely held back. But.. I know I can't just keep comparing him to my father. Perhaps he can stray away from that path. I mean, he already is by making an effort. My father wouldn't have given a fuck. He tried to kill my people. But.. Inigo offered to spar. He said it was better we learned more about one another through the sword. And of course, I agreed. But not this same night. That in itself, had to be seperated from the words we exchanged that evening.
To end on a lighter note, I've begun my next element. Born of fire, cursed by levin, and now.. Earth. Earth was always a connection that felt.. present within me. Not that I could wield it, but I've always felt the existence of Qi within the land itself. And by how Li was describing it, it connected with the Book of Earth, one of the Five Rings I connect to the most. The Book of Earth mentioned disciplining the mind to see all in one. 'From one thing, know ten thousand things. When you attain the Way of strategy there will not be one thing you cannot see.' And Li stated to truly wield the land, you must open your mind to what the land has to offer. Not just rock itself. But minerals, flowers, soil, grass.. everything. I feel.. mastering Earth is the most destined amongst all other elements, spare for fire. Connecting to the Earth through meditative means was natural.
Thus, I look forward to our next session..
02.05.2023 - 02.07.2022
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bradleysweets · 2 years
Hot Chocolate made with Water.... Why?
The dialysis unit has been a hotbed of pop culture conversation the last two weeks especially. You got Adam Levine cheating but claiming he didn’t just flirted, and you got Ned Mr. “My Wife”  from the Try Guys admitting he had a Consensual Relationship with an employee. Just a bunch of bullshit really, and while I can go on an entire tangent about that, I won’t do it here. But maybe I will do a fun tik tok about it.  Any whose it, I was sitting there just lost in my own thoughts about the weather. Autumn has definitely shown up and brought the chilly nights which means they are back. You know what i’m talking about. Everyone wants to have something warm to sip on and love it to be sweet and maybe find it to be exciting.  Yep, we have entered Coco Bomb Season.
We make them, we love them. Lord Little Man gets so excited watching them melt and find out what secret goodies are gonna come bursting out.  He is 6, still at that age where everything amuses him, you should see him with bath bombs.   Anyway this got me thinking on something that has always just burned my butter.  And it’s gonna be a quick rant, but it’s powerful.  Can someone please explain to me why the obsession with using Hot Water for Hot Chocolate or Coco Bombs?
To get the full deliciousness of the chocolatey richness you should be using milk , ( or if you are lactose intolerant that special milk they sell that is not that bad). Can someone out there please, please tell me why on earth you think the after taste that comes with Hot Chocolate is delicious? Comment below and let me know. Let’s argue this one out, cause this is a debate. Go ahead try to convince me otherwise. You won’t…..
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lockedstuck · 3 years
moving your mouth to pull out all your miracles
April 2021 - Gamzee Makara
You don’t like the way your thoughts proceed on halo, helldog, or haloperidol, or whatever Karbro calls it. After you take it, the world feels blunt, impersonal, and grayscale, like you’re a motherfucking puppet with a head full of straw. Your brother used to love a poem about that, about some guys with straw heads, but mostly about the world ending.
Kurloz liked a lot of motherfucking things before he did nine months in Rikers for cocaine distribution. Originally it was only supposed to be six months, but he got into a fight and got three months added on. When he got out, he was thoughtful and quiet, even a word of acknowledgment seemingly beyond him. You’ll be damned if that ever happens to you, if you let the system hollow you out until you can’t express the simplest serendipity.
Right now you’re sketching your friends, quick sketches with the charcoal set Dr. Levin brought you. One of Karkat having a rare smile for June, one of Sollux and Roxy talking about programming, one of Dr. V addressing the group about healthy coping mechanisms, and one of Porrim braiding Calliope’s hair. You always feel more like yourself when you’re sketching or painting. Fewer thoughts in your head to get jangle-tangled together and create nonsense. You can keep your miracles straight this way.
You’re cool. You’re easy. You’re loose. No snapped strings, heads full of straw, or blasphemies here, no motherfucking way. The ativan caravan marches through your head, sings your sharp edges to sleep. Nurse Dolores knows what’s up, she only makes you take the medications you want to take. Your cognition flies free, like birds in a breeze, a calm going on between your ears.
Roxy turns and grins at you, her face pale as the moon against her dark hoodie and darker lipstick. She has a smile all her own, a knowing smile like the two of you are in on the greatest secret in the world. You wish you knew precisely what that was about, but everyone has their own internal workings. You can’t know and fix everything about everyone all the time. That’s what you were trying to explain to Sollux last night.
He’s a good guy, but he takes too much on. Same for Karkat. They take on everyone’s issues and make them their own. Only the mirthful messiahs should be able to do so much; humans like trying that hard is a minor sacrilege. If the pair of them would just stick to themselves, maybe they wouldn’t be so sick. You’ll fold more flowers for them - paper flowers that banish repetitive, ruminating thoughts.
You like Roxy a lot, though. She dances through each emotion in its totality, riding the waves of her feelings without fear. Okay, maybe not fearlessly, but with more abandon than you would expect. When she looks at you, you feel warmth all the way to your core, the way you are when you’re about to fall asleep all curled up in your sheets.
Speaking of sleep, Dr. V says that if you keep sleeping through the night, and keep what he calls “disruptive outbursts” about the Dark Carnival to a minimum, maybe you’ll get discharged in a couple of weeks. You’re not exactly in any rush to go home. Home means having to fend for yourself, and fewer friends to keep you in good spirits. Besides, Kurloz is home, and for all that he may be your brother, he gives off bad motherfucking vibes. You wish he’d be easy, like old times, but those days are a long way off.
You remember when you used to be able to relax at home. Relax, smoke a joint, sell an eighth or two, and have dinner without having to fend off your brother’s brooding.
Karkat takes the seat next to you, and you clap him on the back. Physical contact may be discouraged here, but there’re no narcs around to encourage law and order at the moment. You think a support team got dispatched to address Feferi wandering around with no clothes on again.
“What’s up?” Karkat asks.
He nevertheless looks preoccupied and far away. That’s unfortunate.
You take another folded flower out of your pocket and hand it to him.
“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray, love, remember; and there is pansies, that’s for thoughts,” you recall from a play you had to read in AP English a couple years ago. You can’t exactly remember what the play’s about, but stray lines here and there stick out to you like a sore thumb. Except neither of your actual thumbs are sore.
“That’s from Hamlet, isn’t it?” Karkat asks, shaking his head at you. “What’re you, the bard of 3 East?”
Now you’re not certain about that, but you’ll take it.
“Someone’s gotta be, ain’t they? I got more poetry if you want it.”
Karkat sighs. “Yeah, lay it on me, Makara. Dr. Vandayar told me I’m not getting discharged next week so I’m not feeling great at the moment.”
Poor Karbro looks like he’s full of thunderstorms. Maybe a calm vista will quiet him down. You pull a few lines of poetry free from your memory.
“I shall wear white flannel trousers and walk upon the beach... I have heard the mermaids singing each to each... I do not think that they will sing to me.”
“Go on,” Karkat says, looking all at once pensive and a little sad.
I have seen them riding seaward on the waves... Combing the white hair of the waves blown back... When the wind blows the water white and black,” you recite. Now, Roxy, Calliope, and Porrim have stopped to listen to you. You go on, establishing a proper rhythm.
“We have lingered in the chambers of the sea... by sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown... ‘till human voices wake us, and we drown.” When no one says anything, you interject, “That’s the end of the fuckin’ poem, y’all.”
“It’s beautiful,” Porrim whispers. “Did you write that?”
You shake your head in the negative. “Naw, that’s some other motherfucker’s ideas outta my mouth. I wrote a couple of my own lines last night if you wanna hear ‘em, though.”
“Sure,” Calliope says, smiling and clapping her hands once.
“My muse distills my melancholy, pins it to the corkboard with a tack. She presses down upon the pigments, bleeds my blues into the boldest black.”
Even Karkat looks surprised. He narrows his eyes at you.
“If you don’t go study art or literature, or something along that line, I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Ain’t no need to resort to murder, brother,” you reply. “And while I’d like to go sit in a motherfucking college somewhere, I ain’t got shit for tuition.”
“If I have to take up a goddamn collection, I am sending your ass to college. Tout-suite.”
You guess now is not the time to inform him that you straight up flunked outta college after you kept forgetting to go to class. You sat in the grass memorizing poetry and sketching the first dandelions of March, which got in the way of your learning anything or taking your exams, or any of the shit college students are supposed to do. You didn’t mean to forget, but you’ve never been great at any routine shit.
And you’ve always had a knack for going where your thoughts take you. When you were a kid, you would leave the house and walk up and down the streets of Harlem unattended. Your grandmother used to read you the riot act for doing something so reckless and nonsensical. Later, during your hospitalizations, you learned that the way your thoughts stuttered and tangled was called schizophrenia, and doctors medicated you accordingly. They called your prophecies delusion, and you beg(ged) to differ.
The medications ground your thought process to a stuttering halt. You hated it. You hated being cut off from yourself. So you stopped taking your meds. And here you are again, with your strange thoughts and remembrances.
“Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio,” Karkat murmurs.
You grin at him. He understands more than he lets on.
June winks at you, and then walks away to the women’s side of the unit, presumably to call her father. She calls him every day at 8 am and 3 pm, like clockwork. Karkat gazes at her as she walks away, the back of her short dress fluttering behind her.
“June looks nice today,” you say to him.
 He stops staring and glances at you for a moment.
“Yeah, um, she looks nice every day,” he replies. “Not that I make it my business to notice.”
You point to the delicate paper flower he has in his hand. “Sometimes the most miraculous thing you can fuckin’ do is give another person a taste of serendipity.”
Roxy smiles her cheshire cat smile from her seat by the television.
“That’s right, Crabby. Dontcha think June deserves her very own miracle?”
Karkat reddens, looks at the flower in his hand, and takes off for the women’s side.
“Hey, Egbert!” he shouts. “I have something for you.”
By the time you see June again, she’s wearing the small red flower in her hair. Roxy gives you a satisfied little nod, then asks you if you’d like her to put your hair in braids.
“I’m not as good as Pomary with hair, but I’m alright, I guess. Your hair looks like some birds took up residence in it, dude.”
“Why, thank you,” you reply. You take a seat at her feet, after she grabs her comb, brush, hair grease, and spray bottle out of sharps.
She’s right. She’s not a thing like Pomary when it comes to braiding. You’re used to the gentle motions of Porrim’s hands as she manipulates flowers into your hair, but Roxy tugs great fistfuls of your hair into twists. It feels nice, like she’s tethering you to the present, to the here and now.
You tell her that, thank her for bringing you back, and she blushes crimson.
“Aw, I’m not tryna do all of that,” she responds. “Just tryna work through my anxiety. Dolores gave me an ativan an hour ago, and I don’t feel it yet.”
Roxy bends low, and plants a kiss on your forehead, right where your skin meets your greasepaint. Her lips are the softest thing you’ve ever felt.
She keeps braiding, manipulating your hair into cornrows. With Roxy near you, you don’t necessarily have to be a prophet or an apostate of the mirthful messiahs. You don’t have to deliver special messages to special people. You can just be Gamzee Motherfucking Makara, doing you as per usual.
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petrosapian · 5 years
Dialing It Up To 11: A Homoerotic Murder Story
stolen title from tumblr user @kariachi
Michael Morningstar/Kevin Levin/Gwen Tennyson murder drama set to the music of the Hit Album by the Killers Hot Fuss ft where the white boys dance and where is she
its corny! its bad! im tired! but im done and that is a win in my book! i may edit if the mood strikes me.
to any killers fans who stumble into this: im sorry. any ben 10 fans: enjoy it or fuck u. all songs belong to the killers, yes we know this disclaimer blah. graciously put under a read more.
The Ballad of Michael Valentine
And I said hold tight Can't you see it's hurting me But I've got the buzz Like Marlon Brando Michael Valentine, can't we unite?
An introduction of sorts. As Michael takes the stage with legendary charm and determined to win at this game.
Somebody Told Me
Breaking my back just to know your name Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game I'm breaking my back just to know your name But heaven ain't close in a place like this
Never thought I’d let a rumour ruin my moonlight
Michael sees Kevin for the first time at a local club. He recognize him as someone his old highschool girlfriend seems to hang out a lot back then and even now. Michael is interested.
Andy You’re A Star
On the field I remember you were incredible Hey shut up, hey shut up, yeah On the field I remember you were incredible Hey shut up, hey shut up, yeah On the match with the boys, you think you're alone With the pain that you drain from love In a car with a girl, promise me she's not your world Cause Andy, you're a star
While Gwen dates both Kevin and Michael they start to see each other as the pass by. Weird feelings ensue but the nature of them is yet to be determined. Disgust. Disdain. Desire. 
Mr. Brightside 
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick And it's all in my head but she's touching his chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, let me go
Michael’s jealousy gets out of control as he suspects more and more about what goes on behind closed doors between Kevin and Gwen. He starts planning his next steps to ensure he isn’t the one left alone.
Change Your Mind
Help me through the hopeless haze But my oh my Tragic eyes I can't even recognize myself behind So if the answer is no Can I change your mind
Kevin and Gwen argue over the role Michael plays in both of their lives. Kevin fears that Michael’s possessive nature may get the best of him and may be a danger, especially to Gwen as Michael goads Kevin to take a more domineering approach towards Gwen, saying she should be more possession than partner. Gwen trusts Michael.
Everything Will Be Alright
I believe in you and me I'm coming to find you If it takes me all night Wrong until you make it right And I won't forget you At least I'll try And run, and run tonight Everything will be alright
Gwen comforts Kevin, as he rests his head her lap as she strokes his hair.
Midnight Show
I got a blanket in the back seat on my mind And a little place that sits beneath the sky She turned her face to speak But no-one heard her cry Drive faster, boy Drive faster, boy
Oh crashing tide can't hide a guilty girl
With jealous hearts that start with gloss and curls
I took my baby's breath beneath the chandelier
Of stars in atmosphere
And watch her disappear
Into the midnight show...
After Kevin and Gwen’s talk, Michael insists that they take a drive, the three of them. Michael sits in the back with Gwen while Kevin drives. By the end of the night Gwen was gone.
Jenny was a Friend of Mine
We took a walk that night, but it wasn't the same We had a fight on the promenade out in the rain She said she loved me, but she had somewhere to go She couldn't scream while I held her close I swore I'd never let her go
There ain’t no motive for this crime ‘cause Gwennie was a friend of mine
Kevin is questioned by the police. This is it. He was the last one seen with Gwen and her mother has told the cops all they need to know about how their relationship seemed. Eye and ear witnesses say him grip her to tightly as she yelled at him and the evidence is too damning. 
Kevin’s call down at the station is Michael. He doesn’t answer.
Believe Me Natalie
You left the station now to the floor With speculation, what was it for? In that old hallway Mom says why don't you stay You've been away for a long time
Kevin tries to explain to Gwen’s mother but in desperation shifts some of the blame of Gwen’s fate on to Natalie. 
All These Things I’ve Done
Another head aches Another heart breaks I'm so much older Than I can take
Both men reflect on their actions.
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House Party
* * * The Art of Loving Thomas Hunt Fan Fiction Masterlist * * *
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Characters: Alex (MC), Thomas Hunt, Chazz Javellana, Seth Levine, Chris Winters, Victoria Fontaine, Matt Rodriguez, Teja Desai, Addison Sinclair, Holly Chang
Setting: A week or so after deciding to start dating, Thomas and Alex are joining all their friends at Chazz’s house for a party to celebrate the upcoming release of The Last Duchess. They haven’t told anyone about their relationship. This takes place during the last chapter of RCD Book 2. It is after the Duchess party but before the public Hollywood premiere. 
Rating: PG
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Alex pulled up to Chazz’s house, enjoying the last sip of her vanilla bean coffee before heading in. Alex barely got in the door before being hugged tightly by Teja. 
“You look amazing Alex,” Teja smiled. “You must absolutely be thrilled to have The Last Duchess premiering next week.”
“I’m actually kind of nervous,” Alex admitted. “After all it is only my second film!”
“You and Chris are fantastic,” Teja promised. “You have nothing to be worried about. The movie is going to be spectacular!”
“Thanks, Teja!” Alex said lightly. 
“Let’s get you a drink to stop you from worrying so much!” Teja declared. “Seth has decided to attempt bartending.”
Alex raised an eyebrow. 
“He is really excited about it… Just go with it,” Teja explained. 
“Of course he is,” Alex laughed.
Alex took a look around. She noticed Matt, Josh, and Chazz drinking on the patio outside. Addison and Holly were sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine in their hands. Victoria and Ryan chatted together. Alex’s eyes continued to wander until they landed on Thomas who stood with Chris. Alex’s gaze met Thomas’s for a second before each of them turned away.
“Good evening barkeep,” Alex teased.
“What can I get you?” Seth asked. 
“What do you recommend?” Alex inquired.
“Well, I just invented a new cocktail. I'm calling it a Midwestern.” Seth explained.
“What’s in it?” Alex questioned curiously.
“It’s a secret!” Seth teased. “The base is whiskey, but there are some hidden flavors. Can I tempt you?”
Seth offered Alex a glass. Before she could take it, someone grabbed the drink from her hand. Alex turned to see Chris take the glass and put it down on the bar countertop.
“Trust me,” Chris began. “I’m doing you a favor.”
“Hey!” Seth interjected.
“Stick to writing, man,” Chris teased. 
“That’s what I’m trying to do!” Seth explained. “I’m working on a new script about a down-on-his-luck bartender who creates a new mysterious cocktail and goes from backwoods bartender to Vegas’s hottest mixologist overnight.”
Chris walked behind the bar and grabbed a bottle off the shelf, refilling his glass. “Well, I suggest focusing on the story and leaving the recipe for the mysterious cocktail to an actual professional. I can hook you up with a friend of mine… as long as you quit making us your guinea pigs!”
“Deal,” Seth agreed.
“Thanks for the save, I guess,” Alex expressed. “I’ll just have a glass of Reisling.” 
Seth poured Alex a glass and slid it toward her. “I guess you’re my last customer. Time to throw in the metaphorical towel!” Seth took a sip of his mysterious cocktail. His face cringed as it met his lips. “Ughh. That actually is awful.”
Seth grabbed a bottle of whiskey and headed off. Alex remained at the bar, swirling her wine. 
A few moments later, Thomas walked up behind her. “You’re late.”
Alex smiled as she watched Thomas in the mirror on the wall in front of her.
Thomas walked around the bar and helped himself to the bottle of scotch.
“Well, you didn’t want us to show up at the same time,” Alex started. “I knew you’d be on time, so the best way to avoid arriving together was to come late.” 
“Did you need to be 45 minutes late?” Thomas pressed, looking out to see if anyone was watching.
“Did you miss me?” Alex teased. 
He looked at her momentarily. His lips didn’t change, but his eyes betrayed him. She could see his smile in them.  
“I may have stopped for coffee along the way,” Alex grinned.
“It astonishes me that your blood is not at least 80% coffee,” Thomas quipped.
“Only 80?” Alex joked.
Thomas and Alex stared wordlessly at each other. Their fingertips moved steadily across the bar to one another, like magnets finding their way together. Just as Alex’s hand brushed Thomas’s, Addison came over. Thomas’s hand quickly recoiled back. 
“There you are!” Addison hugged Alex. “Look at you two sculking over here. Thomas I understand, but Alex we can’t have that! This is a party! Let’s go dance.”
Before Alex could protest, Addison dragged Alex out onto the patio where music played. The sun dipped leaving layers of breathtaking colors across the sky. 
As the evening continued to descend on the party, Alex checked her phone and noticed a series of texts from Chazz. Alex looked toward him puzzled, holding up her phone. He smiled and gave her a slight nod. She started reading the texts….
Chazz: You two really need to do a better job at not staring at each other if you don’t want anyone to know.
Chazz: I can’t believe it! I witnessed a rare Thomas Hunt smile. I should record it in the history books.
Chazz: If you were wondering, yes, he was looking at you. 😉
Chazz: Can I just say how much I admire how you just casually brushed by him, making sure your fingers interlaced long enough for it not to have been an accident, but not long enough to draw attention. Teach me your ways!
Chazz: You two seriously need to get a room. 
Alex texted back: 1. You’re being dramatic. It is not that bad. 2. Stop watching us. It’s weird!
Chazz replied: To be fair. I did try to ignore it, but then it sort of became a game of I spy. How many times can the two of you find ways to be near each other without actually talking.
Alex smiled to herself.
Chazz texted her again: I can see you blushing from here!!!
Alex replied: Why are you even texting me? Just get over here.
Chazz: Then I couldn’t tease you about you-know-who 😉
Alex: What’s Voldemort got to do with anything? 😛
Chazz: 🙄
Chazz: Everyone seems engaged at the moment… Chazz: maybe now would be a good time to get some fresh air… Chazz: on the back terrace... Chazz: where no one else is Chazz: ….
Alex looked across the room to Chazz who was grinning to himself. She shook her head at him, but all he did was point his head in the direction of the terrace. Then his eyes wandered to Thomas standing alone at the bar. 
Alex texted back: Cover for us?
Chazz replied: GO ALREADY!
Alex made her way to the bar. She tried to avoid Thomas’s gaze for too long but held it momentarily as she motioned him to follow her. Alex led Thomas through Chazz’s house to the other side and out on the terrace. Alex stood against the banister looking out. 
Thomas walked behind her wrapping his arms around her. “You don’t know how much you tempt me.”
Alex smiled, turning into his arms, savoring the warmth his arms brought. “I imagine, only as much as you tempt me.”
Alex lifted her hand, brushing his cheek with her fingertips. “Now that we’re alone,” Alex whispered. “I was thinking there might be something we could do about all this tempting.” 
Thomas lifted Alex’s chin up. He kissed her softly at first. He relished the warmth of her lips in the cool night air. 
Alex put her arms around his neck pulling him closer to her. She could feel his heart beating faster in his chest. 
Thomas admitted defeat in keeping his distance. He let himself succumb to her. Kissing her more earnestly now. His hands held her face, caressing her cheeking. 
“Alex,” Thomas said breathlessly, pulling away eventually. 
Alex kissed him once more, before resting her head in the crook of his neck. Thomas held her close, letting his fingers meander up and down her back.
“Do we have to go back?” Alex asked, looking up at Thomas wantingly.
Thomas kissed her forehead. “I think this party can only afford one malcontent and unfortunately, I already filled that position.”
“Oh, really?” Alex teased. “You look quite content now.”
“Only because I finally have you all to myself,” Thomas admitted. 
Alex brought her lips to his and kissed him gently, letting her lip pull his. 
“I wish we could stay here, just us,” Alex confessed. “I don’t want this moment to end.”
“Perhaps we can continue it this weekend? I have a meeting about a potential screenplay in Lake Tahoe. I find hotels to be contemptible; a friend said I could stay at his lake house. He won’t be home…” Thomas explained suggestively. “I will be working, but I can’t say I would mind the company, if you wanted to come... I understand if you have other plans to go out this weekend already.”
Alex smiled, “I'd like that.”
“You would?” Thomas stammered.
“Of course,” Alex confirmed. “There is nowhere else I would rather be.” 
Thomas kissed Alex again. “To be continued, then.”
“Not soon enough,” Alex teased. 
Thomas and Alex made their way back to the party. Across the room, only Chazz seemed to notice them sneak back in. Alex smiled to Chazz as she made her way over to Victoria. Thomas went back to standing off to the side looking pensive. Thomas and Alex continued to treasure stolen glances of each other throughout the evening.
– – –
Thomas Hunt Tags: @alleksa16 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @mfackenthal ; @alj4890 ; @the-soot-sprite
let me know if you would like to be added :)
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dukereviewsmovies · 5 years
Duke Reviews: The Fast And The Furious
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews, Where I Realize That It's Been A While, I Know I Haven't Done Anything With This Page In A While (Mainly Because Of My Other Tumblr Pages And For Those I Suggest You Check Out Power Rangers/Sentai Reviews (prreviews) Duke Reviews TV (dukereviewstv) Oncer Reviews (oncerreviews) And Arrowverse Reviews (arrowversereviews)) But I Hope To Do More Because As Of Today I Am Back With New Reviews On The Fast And Furious Movies...
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I Say The Fast And Furious Movies As I'm Going To Be Going Over All Of Them And Not Just Do 4 Movies And Make A Month Out Of It, That Made Me Feel Compressed For Time And I Really Don't Want To Feel Like That When Doing This, I'm Gonna Do This The Way I Want To. So, The Fast And The Furious...
Starring Vin Diesel And The Late Paul Walker This Film...Well, I Would Talk About The Plot But That Would Spoil Some Twists That Happens In The Movie So, No Plot For This Episode...
But Instead Let's Get Right To The Fast And The Furious...
The Film Starts As Some People With Helmets And Fast Cars Hijack A Truck Full Of Electronic Goods...
The Next Morning, We Meet Brian Spillner (Played By The Late Paul Walker) Who Stops By Toretto's Market And Cafe Where Mia (Played By Dallas' Jordana Brewster) Works With Her Brother, Dom (Played By Vin Diesel) But When Dom's Crew (Which Includes Dom's Longtime Girlfriend, Letty (Played By Lost's Michelle Rodriguez) Vince (Played By Matt Shultze) Who Is Sort Of The Muscle, Jesse (Played By Chad Lindberg) Who's The Brains And Leon (Played By Johnny Strong) Who's Just There, He's Not The Brains Or The Muscle, He's Just There) Arrives On The Scene, Vince Gets Into A Fight With Brian (When He Doesn't Like Brian Flirting With Mia) Which Forces Dom To Get Involved...
What Kind Of Fight Song Is That?
That's Got To Be The Worst Song I've Ever Heard In A Fight Scene...
Telling Brian To Never Come Back Here, Brian Says That That's Bull But Knowing That Brian Works An Autoshop With A Friend Of His Named Harry, Dom Tells Brian That He's Fired. Going Down To Harry's, He's Mad At Brian, Saying That He's Messing Around With His Buisness...
He's Good, Man! Really Good...
Telling Harry, He Needs Nos...
Nos? What's Nos?
Researching This I Discovered That Nos Is Another Word For Nitrous Oxide Otherwise Known As Laughing Gas...
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However, It Is Used In This And Other Motor Sports As A Rocket Propellant...
However, Harry Knows That Brian Is A Amateur And Isn't Ready For Nos Just Yet But Needing It Now Brian Tells Harry To Place 2 Containers In His Vehicle. That Night, Brian Goes To A Street Race That He Knows That Dom And His Crew Will Be At There He Meets Edwin (Played By Rapper Ja Rule) And Hector (Played By That One Guy Who's Known For Playing Mexican Gangsters In Movies) I'm Serious That's All He's Known For, But I Guess It's Better Than Saying The Guy That Got A Monkey Out Of His Ass In Bruce Almighty...
(Start Video At 1:06)
When Dom Arrives, Everyone Places Their Cash In Except For Brian Who Places The Pink Slip To His Car, Stating That If He Wins He Takes The Cash And The Respect...
Looking At His Car, Dom Accepts His Terms As They All Drive To Where The Race Is At.
With All The Racers At The Starting Line, The Race Begins!..
Activating The First Nos Canister, Brian Passes Edwin And Another Racer But When He Activates The Second Canister, He Loses The Bottom Of The Back Of His Car As He Passes Dom, But Dom Gets The Better Of Brian By Activating His Nos Canister...
But As Brian Finally Makes It To The Finish Line, The Police Start Showing Up Which Causes Everyone To Get The Hell Outta There, Ditching His Car, Dom Is Nearly Arrested By Police, However He Is Saved By Brian Who Says He Only Saved Him In An Effort To Keep His Car...
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Losing The Police, Dom Tells Brian He Had Jesse Do Research On Him Discovering That Brian Did 2 Years In Juvie For Boosting Cars...
But They're Soon Followed By A Rival Gang On Motorbikes With Machine Guns That Is Led ByJohnny Tran (Played By Rick Yune) And His Cousin, Lance (Played By Grimm's Reggie Lee)
Saying That They Just Got Lost, Tran Lets Dom Go However...
They Place Bullets In Brian's Car, Setting The Nos On Fire And Causing The Car To Blow Up...
With A Long Walk Home, Dom Explains His History With Tran To Brian, As It Turns Out That It Was A Buisness Deal That Went Sour, Plus He Slept With Tran's Sister
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Arriving At Dom's House, Dom Tells Brian To Come In For A Drink Before He Gets Mad At His Crew For Not Going Out And Finding Him...
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With Dom Going Upstairs With Letty To Give Her A Massage Which Is Code For...
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Saving Brian From Another Fight With Vince, Mia Talks With Brian In The Kitchen...
The Next Day, Brian Is Arrested By Police And Is Taken Back To A Safehouse Where It's Revealed That Everything We Know About Brian Is A Lie!
Turns Out His Real Name Is Brian O'Connor And He Is An LAPD Officer Who Is Involved In A Joint Mission Between The LAPD And The FBI To Find Out Who The Gang That Has Been Stealing Electronic Goods Is And To Arrest Them
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The Officer That Arrested Him Is Sergeant Tanner (Played By Ted Levine Who Played The...
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Guy In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom) And Is The LAPD Officer In Charge Of The Mission And The Black Guy Is The FBI Agent Bilkins (Played By Thom Barry) Who I Suggest You Get Used To Seeing As He's In The Next Movie As Well...
They Go Over A Bit Of Exposition Stating That People That Are Good With Precision Driving With Three Honda Civics With Green Neon Glow Beneath The Chassis And Have Mashimoto Z-X Tires Have Done 4 Truck Hijackings In 2 Months And If They Don't Have Something Soon They'll Have A Revolt Of Truckers On Their Hands...
But Despite Knowing That The Street Racing World Revolves Around Dom, Brian Doesn't Think That He's The One Behind These Attacks But He May Know Who Does All He Needs Is Time...
But Bilkins Says That Brian Doesn't Have Time...
Before Brian Leaves, Tanner Warns Brian To Be Careful Around Dom As He Nearly Beat A Guy To Death...
Getting Another Car From Tanner..,
And A Shitty One At That...
He Gives It To Dom Saying It's His Car...
Telling Jesse To Pop The Hood, Shows Dom To Not Judge A Book By It's Cover...
Dom Tells Brian That When He's Not Working At Harry's, He's Working At His Garage...
We Get A Brief Montage Of Dom And The Crew Buying Stuff From Harry's For The Car, While Jesse Shows Brian What The Car Will Look Like When The Car Is Finished...
Going To A Barbecue At Dom's House, Vince Takes Off The Minute He Sees Brian But Let's Not Put A Damper On This Scene As Everyone Sits Down To Eat We See One Of Dom's Traditions Which Is Whenever Somebody Grabs Food First That Somebody Has To Say Grace...
Just They Eat, Vince Arrives Mainly Because He's Hungry And Not Because He's Dropped His Beef With Brian...
Helping Mia With The Kitchen, Brian Asks Mia Out But Despite Her Saying She Doesn't Go Out With Her Brother's Friends She Does This When Vince Bosses Around Brian Again...
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The Next Day, Hector Visits Harry's Shop For Equipment For 3 Honda Civics...
This Is Starting To Get Suspicious...
That Night, Brian Sneaks To Hector's Hangout Over Near The El Gato But Unfortunately The Cars Don't Match The Description. Getting Out, He Is Caught By Vince Who Takes Him To Dom Who Demands An Explanation Which Is Where Brian Tells Him That He Was Only In Hector's Garage To Analyze The Competition For The Upcoming Race Wars...
Despite Vince Believing He's A Cop, Dom Takes Both Brian And Vince To Johnny Tran's Where Dom And Vince Look At Tran's Car To See That It Has No Engine But Brian Is More Interested In All The Electronics That Tran Has...
But They Get A Call From Jesse Who Says That Tran And His Gang Are On Their Way Back A Fence Named Ted Who Was Supposed To Get Them An Engine For Their Car But He Didn't So They Decide To Torture Him...
Telling Tanner And Billkins What He Saw, Billkins Wants To Move On Tran Believing That They Have Enough But Brian Wants Hard Evidence Before They Do...
He Also Mentions That Hector's A Dead End And Dom Is Too Controlled For This, Vince Maybe But Not Dom, This Leads Tanner To Show Brian A Picture Of The Guy Dom Beat Up Years Ago...
That Afternoon, Brian Works At The Garage With Dom As He Tells Him That Tonight Is His Date With Mia...
Wow, Not One For Subtlety, Are You Dom?
Taking Brian To His Garage At His House, Dom Shows Brian A 1970 Dodge Charger That He Worked On With His Father When He Was A Kid, It's Here We Learn That Dominic's Father (Who Was A Pro Stock Racer) Was Killed By A Fellow Racer Named Kenny Linder Who Knocked Into A Wall (Which Set His Car On Fire) And That The Man That Dom Attacked Was Linder Which Leads To The Best Line Of The Entire Movie...
Taking Mia Out, She Tells Brian The Story How How Dom And The Gang Met, Saying That Vince Knew Dom Since They Were Kids And Letty Was Basically The Girl Next Door Who Was Interested In Car But Could Never Get Dom's Attention But Then She Turned 16...
So, Their Relationship Is Basically Like Phineas And Isabella's...
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And Jesse And Leon Just Showed Up One Night And Never Ever Left. Mia Then Compares Her Brother To Gravity Stating That Everyone Who Comes Around Him Gets Pulled In, But Brian Tells Mia That The Only Thing That Pulled Him In Was Her...
Meanwhile, Another Heist Goes Down Which Makes Bilkins Decide To Move On Tran In 1700 Hours, And They Let Brian Know About This As He's Screwing Mia...
Bad Timing, Guys...
The Arrest Of Tran And His Boys Looks Similar To The Baptism Scene In The Godfather To The Point That All That's Missing Is The Murders And It Could Use A Guy With A Horse Head On His Bed...
And If You Thought Brian Having Sex With Mia Was Hot During The Raid We Get Scenes Of Dom Having Sex With Letty, She Was Hot In Girlfight So Why Not?
However, Tran And His Boys Are Innocent, Turns Out The Electronics Are Legal And All They Got On Them Is Low Rent Weapons Charges And Outstanding Speeding Tickets, Bilkins Tells Brian To Bring Toretto In In 36 Hours Or He Can Get A New Job.
Knowing That Brian Can't Look Past Dom Because Of Mia, Brian Tells Tanner That Knows Dom Won't Go Back To Jail Easy...
With The Car Ready And Raring To Go, Dom And Brian To A Test Run Down To The Coast Where They Stop By This Restaurant Called Neptune's Her Where Brian Tells Dom That He Knows He's Doing Something On The Side To Pay For Everything And He Wants In, Dom Tells Brian To Win Race Wars Then They'll Talk...
And What Can I Say About Race Wars? It's A Mix Of Woodstock And Coachella Except No Music Just Racing...
With Letty Racing First, She Beats The Hell Out Of This Ass That Tried To Hit On Her...
You Just Got Owned, Pal...
Meeting With Brian, Jesse Tells Him That He's Up Next In A Pink Slip Race, That Is The Good News, The Bad News Is That He's Driving His Jailbird Dad's Jetta And That His Competitor Is Johnny Tran....
Can't Wait To See How This Goes Down...
Yep, Jesse Loses But He's Like No Way In Hell I'm Giving Up My Dad's Car And Drives Off Til He's Out Of Fuel...
I Have A Feeling We Won't Be Seeing Him For A While...
Telling Dom To Get Jesse's Car For Him, Dom Tells Tran To Watch Who He's Talking To Which Is When Tran Tells Him That S.W.A.T Raided His House...
Shermar Moore Was At Your House, Boy, I Wish I Was There...
Thinking That Dom Was Behind It, Dom Gets Into A Fight With Tran...
That Night, Brian Watches Dom And The Others Take Off To Go On Another Heist Which Leads Brian To Confront Mia On It Forcing Him To Tell Her That He's A Cop..
(Start At 3:41 And End At 3:44)
Despite Telling Her That Everything He Felt For Mia Was Real, Brian Tells Her That The Truckers Aren't Laying Down Anymore And That If She Cares About Dom And The Crew She'll Help Him...
Mia Tells Brian Where The Cats Are Stashed But Brian Knows That The Highway Where They Are Is Too Well Patrolled So, He Decides To Do A Cell Phone Trace...
Driving Up To The Cars, Dom's Ready To Go But The Others Don't Feel Right Doing This Without Jesse But Dom Doesn't Want To Give Up On This One Saying That It's The Motherlode That They've Been Waiting For. So, Getting In The Cars They Ride Off...
But As They Go To Pull Their Heist, The Driver Tries To Shoot Vince With A Shotgun Vince Tries To Untether But He's Just Stuck...
Eventually Though Vince Gets Tossed To The Side Where His Arm Gets Stuck, Dom And Letty Try To Save Him But Dom Loses A Tire And Letty Gets Sideswiped Off The Road With Dom Telling Leon To Go Check On Her...
Dom's Engine Gets Hit Causing Him To Pull Off The Road But Luckily Brian Arrives With Mia To Save Vince...
With Dom Arriving, Letty And Leon Drive Out Of This Movie And With Only Letty And Vince Returning For Sequels We Say Goodbye To Leon. We Hardly Knew Ye...
With Vince Bleeding Out, Brian Calls The Police To Bring An Ambulance While Also Blowing His Cover. Returning To Dom's House, Brian Confronts Dom Saying There's Nowhere To Run But Dom Tells Him That He's Not Running Because He Has To Find Jesse Before Tran Does But Luckily Jesse Finds Them...
With Tran And Lance Closing In, Dom, Brian And Mia Take Cover While Tran Kills Jesse...
With Both Dom And Brian Going After Tran, Tran And Brian Both Shoot At Each Other As Lance Goes Behind Brian To Shoot Him But Dom Stops Lance From Doing So By Causing Him To Jump Into A Field...
It All Eventually Ends When Tran Is Shot By Brian Killing Him Instantly. With Tran Dead, Brian Sets His Sights On Dom Who He Follows To A Railroad Track Where Dom Tells Him That He Used To Drag Race Here In High School And That On Green He's Going So, The 2 Decide To Race Each Other One Last Time Or Until Fast And Furious But That's A Different Story...
Jumping At The Track As The Train Is About To Cross, Dom's Charger Gets Hit By An Oncoming Truck Causing To Flip Out Of Control...
Surviving, Brian Lets Dom Take His Car Saying That He Owes Him A 10 Second Car And So Dom Rides Off To Fight Another Day...
And That's The Fast And The Furious And It's A Good Film....
The Cast And Story Are Great, The Stunts Are Fantastic, The Car Designs Are Amazing I Just Love This Series. A lot Of People Around My Mom's Age Say That These Films Are Just Violence , Sex Basically Stuff You Would Find In A Grand Theft Auto Game And While It Does Have Some Violence And A Few Sexy Scenes It's Not Just That Throughout The Entire Movie It's Much More Than That, So, I Say See It And Give It A Chance...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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annak47hq · 6 years
when you love someone’  anam
Who: Adam Levine and Anna Kendrick @alcvinehf
What: The couple is on a vacation in the French Alps, however when Anna cant sleep because shes worried about Adam thinking that somethings wrong, he wakes up so they could talk about whats on his mind. 
Where: Their hotel room in the French, Alps 
When: February 18th, 2019 (sometime at night) 
Trigger Warnings: slight nsfw 
Mentions: his daughter Dusty 
Anna: They were in the French Alps on one last vacation before the twins arrive, Anna loved traveling with Adam and even though they were in a different timezone and sound asleep the brunette could tell that something was bothering him. It was 4am, 4am in the alps and the brunette couldn’t sleep. She was lying in bed, watching as her belly moved, feeling her twins kick like crazy. Smiling softly to herself, Anna let out a breath and licked her lips “Hi babies, it’s okay. I’m sorry I can’t sleep, try sleeping, please?” She questioned, the actress never thought she’d be one of those moms who talked to her stomach, but here she was, talking to the twins in her belly. Looking at Adam, she sighed “I’m worried about daddy you know? He’s overworking himself.”
Adam: Adam would have been fine with this French Alps vacation if it one, hadn’t cut in on his time with Dusty considering his week with her would have started tomorrow, or two—if he and Behati had enough notice to bring her along with them. Since she had been dealing with things of her own, they didn’t gather enough time to bring Dusty along and now Adam was upset about that as well as missing a complete and full week with her. He was laying on his side, awake himself as the tears fell steadily down his face and he wiped them away as he listened to Anna talk to her baby bump. “Daddy’s fine,” He mumbles, clearing his throat.
Anna: Didn’t know if Adam was sleeping or not, she figured he was since it was 4am and there was bound to be jetlag and exhaustion. Closing her eyes for a few moments, the brunette took a breath and placed her hands on her belly, feeling her twins kick. “Woah, that was a big one.” Anna said quietly, but then swallowed hard as she heard Adam speak. Turing on her side to face him now, Anna moved in closer and pressed her body against his “Did I wake you?” She questioned, and then leaned in to kiss him softly “I can’t sleep.”
Adam: “No,” Adam says, sniffling slightly now. He doesn’t kiss her back the way that he should but his lips gently graze over her own before he pulls back. Wiping his eyes once more, he shifts and then turns over again, this time so his back is facing her. “You should sleep though. It’s probably not good for the babies.”
Anna: Knew that something was off, he wasnt acting like himself and now she was really worried when he didn’t kiss her back. Pushing her hair out of her face, the actress looked at him and took a breath, furrowing her eyebrows “Adam, what’s wrong?” She questioned, noticing that he was sniffling.
Adam: “Babe, really—it’s late. You should…” His voice tampers off and Adam sighs, figuring that there’s really no use in trying to play it off, considering it was his girlfriend of almost a full year now that he had been laying next to in that hotel room. Another sigh falls from his lips and he turns to lay on his back now, running a hand through his hair. “This was supposed to be my week with Dusty, okay? Now I miss the week and Behati gets her again when we get back.”
Anna: Listening as he tries to put it off, Anna bit the inside of her cheeks while leaving her hand on her growing belly. Hearing the sound in his voice, Anna closes her eyes as soon as he mentions Dusty. Chewing her lips, the brunette cleared her throat “Maybe Behati won’t get her next week, what if you explain to her that this was supposed to be your week, and if you can get her when we get back?” Anna questioned, scooting in to be even more closer to him.
Adam: “I’m not in the mood to fight with Behati, if you haven’t noticed. Why bother trying to rock the boat if I know it won’t get me anywhere?” Adam asks, still staring up at the ceiling. Tears are still falling down his face but they’ve slowed down, and he’s still rubbing them away with his hand. “I just miss her, and this whole week to week switch off gets old.”
Anna: “What if I talk to her?” Anna questioned, and then continued to chew her lips. Feeling the babies kick once again, Anna smiled softly but then sighed when she saw Adam rubbing his eyes “I know you miss her babe.”
Adam: He goes quiet, as if he’s pondering the idea of Anna talking to Behati instead. However, he clears his throat and shakes his head as he finally turns back over onto his side, this time to face her. “Sorry. I’m sorry.” He whispers, letting out a sigh. “Don’t…you shouldn’t have to be worrying about me.”
Anna: When he goes quiet, the brunette swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, and sighed “Adam, I.., I can talk to her. We’re slowly getting along and becoming friends, so maybe if I bring it up?” She questioned, stopping herself but then looked at him “I’m always going to worry about you, I love you.” Anna whispered, as he turned on his side to face her. “They’ve been kicking like crazy lately.” Anna laughed a little as she felt them kick once again
Adam: “No. Baby, please don’t…” He’s quietly begging her in that whisper, wanting to seemingly forget this conversation before it even goes any further. He looks at her, bringing his hand up to rest on top of her own. When he feels the kicking that she’s talking about against his palm, he lets out a small laugh. “Maybe they’re wondering why you said that you’re worried about me.”
Anna: As he begs her not too, Anna holds onto his face and presses her forehead against his “Okay” She whispers and continues with “Okay, I won’t.” Anna said quietly, and then kissed him deeply as he feels his hand ontop of hers. When he laughs however, Anna smiles softly “Well, I’m worried about you because I love you. You’re overworking yourself I feel like babe, take a breather you know?”
Adam: Letting out a soft sigh, Adam finally only nods when Anna says that she won’t talk to Behati after all. For Adam, all the man could see from that happening was drama that he didn’t need right now, especially while everyone was on this trip in the French Alps. Kissing her back, he moves his hand from her baby bump and then sighs, but brings both of his hands up to her face instead to hold her own face, the same thing she had done to him a few moments ago—something that he always loved to do when it came to Anna. “Baby, I…I love you too, but I’m not overworking myself.” He says, shaking his head. “I’m just…stressed.”
Anna: Wished that he would let her talk to Behati, maybe she’ll react differently, but the women wasn’t going to push on it and cause drama for him and his ex wife. Chewing on her lips again, as he kisses her back Anna smiles within the kiss. Once his hands are holding onto her face however, the brunette swallowed hard and cleared her throat “You’re stressed?” She questioned, and then sighed “Adam, I don’t want you to be stressed. Why are you stressed?”
Adam: “This trip came at the worst time. Work is crazy, you’re almost due, I’m trying not to overcrowd you and be…around you so much that you’ll eventually end up resenting me for being so overbearing.” Adam frowns at the thought, moving his hands away from her face now before letting out a heavy sigh. “We’re still filming more stuff for the show right now…”
Anna: Listening to Adam speak, the brunette shook her head “Baby, you aren’t being overbearing. I love how you crowd around me, it’s a little reminder for me that you’re here and you aren’t going anywhere. I like that.” She whispered, and then continued with “What are you filming? Maybe you can take just a small brake, will Carson and the producers allow that?” Anna questioned again, but then leaned in to kiss him softly.
Adam: “It’s not just that, I just…” Adam’s frown deepens more and this time, he sits up. Sitting against the headboard of the bed, he clears his throat and runs his hand through his hair before shrugging his shoulders. “I just want to be the best I can be, you know?” He finally admits, still whispering to her. “I’m not trying to be like that, I just love you and I want you and the babies to be safe.” Shaking his head, he sighs once more. “No, they won’t. I have to be there. We’re still filming knockout rounds.”
Anna: As Adam’s frown deepens, and as he starts to sit up against the headboard Anna sighs and becomes nervous. She’s worried about him, and the brunette can’t help it. Taking a breath, she sat up too, and pushed her hair out of her face “Baby, you’re so amazing. You have been so good throughout this whole process, even when we were doing the IVF you were so amazing.” She whispered, and then looked at him, using her free hand to rub the back of his head softly “I love you, so much. We’re safe, me and the babies are safe. I promise” She whispered once more, and leaned in to kiss his cheek softly “I love you.” Sighing when he said no, the brunette shook her head “I don’t want you to be stressed.”
Adam: A small and slight smile creeps up against the corners of Adam’s lips as she attempts to make him feel better. He doesn’t know what’s gotten over him, it’s past four in the morning there in the Alps and he was exhausted, stressed over these things and over the amount that he had missed Dusty. Leaning his head back against her hand as she rubbed him, he sighs. “I love you, Anna. I love you so much. We just…we’ve been through so much to get here and I just don’t want you to wake up one day and think that it wasn’t worth it.” He continues to frown, rubbing at his own eyes now.
Anna: When she notices his smile, Anna smiles too and then continues to run her fingers through his hair. Taking a deep breath, Anna swallowed hard and nodded “I love you, more than anything. I love these babies more than anything, this is all worth it. It’ll all be worth it once they get here.” Anna whispered, and kissed him deeply “I love you so much.”
Adam: Finally, Adam looks back over to Anna with a small sigh. It’s just in time to meet her lips with his own, and he kisses her back. After a moment or two of letting the kiss linger, he breaks away and finally teases. “…You sure you’re not just saying all that to make me feel better?” He grins.
Anna: When he finally looks at her, Anna could feel her own eyes getting filled with water. Taking a breath, she smiles within the kiss and shakes her head while he brakes away “I’m 100% sure.” Anna whispered, and leaned in to press her forehead against his.
Adam: When he finally looks at her for a few moments and the smile stays across his lips, it suddenly drops back into a frown after a few moments when he realizes that Anna’s eyes are filling with water too. “Baby,” He whispers, his frown deepening as he leans his head against her own. “Why are you crying?”
Anna: With his frown deepening, the brunette took a breath “Cause I don’t want you to be stressed. I love you, so much. You’re so amazing and I just.., I love you.” Anna whispered, and leaned in to kiss him softly.
Adam: “Stop. Please don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine. Alright? I’ll be fine.” He assures Anna, gently kissing her back for a moment. He breaks away shortly after, bringing his hand back up to gently rub the tears away from her eyes. “I love you too, just don’t…don’t cry. I hate it when you cry.”
Anna: As he reassures her, Anna took a breath and nodded her head. Chewing her lips, Anna swallowed hard but then cleared her throat “I know, but I just.. I can’t help it.” Anna whispered, and turned to face him, now holding his face, rubbing her thumb across his cheek
Adam: Letting out a breath, Adam moves both of his hands down and gently rubs them over her arms. He sits up carefully against the headboard, reaching out for her to sit on his lap. “Come here,” He whispers.
Anna: Watching him move positions, Anna bit her lips and closes her eyes as he rubs over her arms. Finally moving to sit on his lap, Anna wraps her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck, pressing her forehead against his. “This would be more romantic if there wasn’t a big bump in the way.” Anna said, laughing a little, but kissed him deeply. “I love you.”
Adam: “You act like I’m totally put off by the bump.” Adam teases, whispering to her as he leans in and kisses her back. He lets out a small breath, his hands still gently rubbing up and down her sides. “I love you too, baby…” He whispers. “I love you so much.”
Anna: When he kisses her back, she moans a little within the kiss and Anna closes her eyes again once he starts rubbing up and down her sides “Are you telling me youre turned on right now?” Anna questioned, laughing a little and then smiled softly “I love you too.”
Adam: “If you think you’re gonna moan like that and I /won’t/ be turned on, then I can’t tell you that I’m not turned on right now.” Tilting his head, Adam grins up in her direction before letting out a small laugh. He kisses her lips once more, his hands gently pressing against the fabric of her shirt.
Anna: “You always get turned on when I moan though.” Anna said, and as he tilts his head the brunette smiles softly and kisses him deeply. As his hands gently presses against the fabric of her shirt, Anna moaned a little once again
Adam: “Mmhm…” He leans against her for a moment, and although the bump is there, it doesn’t stop him much, if at all. He kisses her back but pulls away just enough to lift her shirt up and over her head, his lips pressing back into hers to kiss her once more.
Anna: Anna helps him take her shirt off, and continues to kiss him. Moaning within the kisses, this was the first time the brunette didn’t feel uncomfortable with her big bump in the way. “I love you.” She whispered, and presses her forehead against his.
Adam: He had become more and more accustomed to Anna being on top when they were intimate during her pregnancy, since it had been the safest way and she wasn’t uncomfortable the whole time. That had been one of Adam’s main concerns, considering how far along she had been. “I love you,” He whispers back, his eyes meeting hers. His bottom lip grazes over her own and he begins to smile a little. “I’m gonna be okay.”
Anna: Moving her hair out of the way, Anna pushed him back to lay down, as she would be ontop of him. Smiling at him, the brunette looked him in the eyes and nodded “I know, I just worry about you and I can’t help it.” Anna said, and then kissed him once more, and moaned within the kiss.
Adam: He would be lying if he said that he didn’t like it when Anna took charge like this. If she were pregnant or not, he loved it and it showed. He leans up slightly to press his lips back into her own once more, letting out a small laugh against her lips. “You’re cute when you worry about me.” He whispers, matching her small moan with one of his own as he kisses her lips once more.
Anna: Not even realizing she took charge, the brunette was starting to get turned back on and Anna smiled when he called her cute. Pressing her lips to his, Anna moaned but then started to laugh “Okay, see this is why I cant do this. They’re kicking.” Anna laughed while sitting ontop of him. 
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yidquotes · 6 years
Happy Passover From the Wicked Son by Moshe Daniel Levine
For the past 2000 years, my question on Seder night has been misunderstood.  And rather than answer me, you tell me that if I had been in Egypt I wouldn’t have been redeemed.  But you are missing the point. See, I don’t believe that the Exodus story in the Bible is literal history. I don’t care if I hypothetically wouldn’t have been redeemed in a narrative that I know to be fiction. But I could have been doing anything else tonight instead of coming to the Seder. I could have spent the night at a party, watching a movie, or on a weekend camping trip. But I decided to show up unlike the hordes of other absent sons that the Haggadah doesn’t mention. Blunt my teeth and you can be assured that I will not attend the coming year. So, why am I here? Well, as the Wicked Son, I am skeptical regarding the inherent meaning of many of the Seder rituals. Just like my question in the Haggadah reflects, I want to ask the other Seder guests what this service means to them. How is an ancient religious ritual, one based on a faulty history and out of date theology, meaningful for anyone in the modern world? My question isn’t one rooted in mockery, rather curiosity. I am not purposely “excluding myself from the community”, rather I am interested in learning more about the community. If anything my presence tonight underscores that I want nothing more than to be a part of this community. However, unlike the other sons in the Haggadah, I am not ignorant. For all the “wisdom” of the Wise Son, he doesn’t even seem to have any knowledge of the various laws surrounding the Passover offering, let alone any understanding of the world at large. Ditto, and even more so, for the last two.  My question doesn’t arise from a dearth of knowledge about what is going on tonight. I know all of the laws of the Passover offering. I know the verses about the Exodus and the germane rabbinic commentary inside out. I do not need to sit at the Seder and have these things explained to me in an overly simplified manner like my “haggadic” brothers.  What my question is about, and what I am interested in learning about, is the meaning that individuals find in their stories and communities. Clearly, there is something buried within the context of the Seder night, past all of the superficial, archaic and dull details of the Passover offering, that is captivating enough for Jews of all types around the world to gather round and discuss.  Perhaps, if my question is answered in a civil and thoughtful way, I will one day take the role of the parent, answering the next generation of Wicked Sons.  So please, without “blunting my teeth” and telling me that I “would not have been redeemed,” try to answer my question.  “What does this service mean to you?”
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kcookendrick · 6 years
wrap me in your arms
Who: Adam Levine and Anna Kendrick (anam) @hfamelevine
Location: Adams home in LA, California 
When: July 19th, 2018 
About: Adam and Anna open up to one another about their ex’s but it leads them into another fight. 
Adam started the chat 7 minutes ago
Adam: He was conflicted–incredibly conflicted. He had spent most of his day today ignoring most people who tried to talk to him, and then dropped everything to go and see Lizzie. She had told him that things were crazy and that shit had happened regarding her new daughter and the father, and of course he had dropped everything for Lizzie considering how close they were. Then, he had went to see Behati after she texted him about a toy that she had forgot to pack in a bag for Dusty for the little over a week that she’d be staying with Adam, and emotional for their visit was an understatement. Now, Anna was coming over and Adam was exhausted. He spent the rest of his day rehearsing with the guys of the band and Cardi for the festival tomorrow where they were all flying out to New York in the morning, and the exhaustion was starting to wear on him. He was upstairs in Dusty’s room when he texted Anna, telling her to just come inside when she got there and that he was upstairs trying to put his daughter to sleep. Rocking in the chair with the toddler, Adam let out a breath as he ran his hand over her head and hummed gently to soothe her from the bad dream that she had just woken up from.
Anna entered for the first time
Anna: Anna couldn’t tell if he was tired, or if he was annoyed. With Adam leaving short answers for their texts, the women was a little nervous. Things were going okay right now, they weren’t fighting which was always a good thing. They talked more about her IVF treatments on their vacation, but there were parts when Anna was wondering if Adam /really/ wanted this with her. After going to Kristen’s today, whom she hasn’t seen in a while Anna headed over to Adam’s. Telling her Dusty was falling asleep, Anna opened the door and walked in quietly. Walking up the stairs, Anna got to Dusty’s room and stood in the door frame. Folding her arms across her chest, Anna took a breath and smiled softly to herself. She loved seeing him with Dusty, and Anna walked in wrapping her arms around his stomach, while pressing her lips to his back “Hi.” She whispered and reseted her head there for a few moments 
Adam: “Hi,” Adam says in a soft breath, before letting out a full blown sigh afterwards. He had kept Anna completely in the dark about what today was, about the fact that it was his and Behati’s wedding day, their forth wedding anniversary. He didn’t want them to fight, they had just gotten back home from their mini vacation in Atlantic City and seemed to be doing well, talking more about the IVF process and even moving in together, and he wanted to take two steps forward rather than two steps back. Looking down at Dusty for a few more moments, he stops his humming and then looks back at Anna. “We, uh…” He pauses, clearing his throat. “When she falls back to sleep, we…need to talk.”
Adam joined the chat
Anna: When he lets out a breath, Anna takes one in and sighs then looks at him “Okay.” Was all she can say, swallowing hard her stomach began to twist and turn into knots. Maybe this was it, maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he /did’t/ want more kids, and this was going to be his way of telling her. Or maybe he /didn’t/ want to move in with her, or be with her. A million thoughts were running through her mind, and Anna couldn’t help but fell a big lump in her throat “I uh, I’ll go in your bedroom.”
Adam: He’s not looking at her, because he’s trying to figure out how to piece his words together for what he needed to tell her. She had been jealous of Behati before, and he was sure that this wasn’t going to be any different. “Alright. I’ll be in, in a second.” Getting up from the rocking chair, he runs his hand over Dusty’s back and kisses her forehead.
Anna: Once getting into Adam’s room, she didn’t know weather or not to sit on the bed or the chair. Taking a breath, Anna felt the lump in her throat getting bigger and bigger. Trying to calm herself down, the brunette began to chew her lips and play with her hands. Swallowing hard, the actress sighed and decided to sit in his chair, getting lost within her thoughts
Adam: He’s gone for a few more minutes due to Dusty being fussy about not wanting to fall asleep, but once he gets her to fall back into a sleep, he puts her carefully back into bed. Making his way back down the hall from her bedroom after somewhat shutting the door of Dusty’s room behind him, he walks into his room and raises an eyebrow when he sees Anna on the chair. “Babe,” He says, “You could’ve sat on the bed. He says, before sitting on the edge of the bed himself.
Anna: Getting lost within her thoughts, Anna jumped a little when she heard his voice but then looked up at him “No, it’s fine. You kind of wore me out the last few nights so I figured the chair was the better option.” Anna said, smiling softly “Is she asleep again?” Anna questioned, and continued to chew her lis
Adam: Scooting up to the edge of the bed now, he can’t help but to smile slightly at her words. Another reason he had been exhausted was because he was trying constantly to get her alone and when he did—he didn’t want to stop. It explained their vacation and his sudden spike of wanting to try and take advantage of the “slim” chance that she had in getting pregnant. Nodding his head to her question, he sighs and looks down at his lap. “I need to tell you something.”
Anna: Taking a breath, Anna nodded her head softly and looked at him “I…, okay.”
Adam: “…It’s…today’s Bee and I’s wedding day.” He says, and for those few moments he’s relieved but scared that the words fell from his lips. “Anniversary, whatever you want to call it.” Running a hand through his hair, he’s still not looking at her as he’s looking down at his lap and frowning. “She…we haven’t been talking, and she texted me today a while after we got back from the beach, and after I saw Lizzie earlier and asked me to come over so I could grab Dusty’s…little giraffe animal that she forgot to pack in the bag that she gave me while I have her. So, I…” He pauses, clearing his throat. “I went,”
Anna: Letting out a shaky breath, Anna felt a little relieved. Chewing her lips, Anna listened to him talk and then women closed her eyes for a few moments. Swallowing hard, Anna looked at him “How’d, how’d it go?” She questioned, trying to listen and not get upset with him like she usually did. “I.., why didn’t you tell me that it was today? We could’ve gotten drunk…” Joking a little, Anna bit her tongue and shook her head at herself
Adam: “Fine, I…I guess.” His frown is deepening as he shrugs his shoulders, and while the joke that she had tried to make, made him feel a little better, there was no indication of it on the outside of him. “We…talked. Mostly about…her and Chace, and I…I told her I can’t be happy that she’s spending all this time with him right now.” He’s still frowning, “Babe, nothing…nothing happened, I just…”
Anna: Hearing him talk about how he isn’t happy that his ex wife is with someone new, Anna closed her eyes and took a breath. Swallowing hard, the brunette looked at him when he said that nothing happened. Bitting hard on her lips, Anna let out another shaky breath and sighed “Just tell me, please?”
Adam: “Nothing happened,” He reiterated, almost with a pleading tone in his voice. “She told me that I don’t have to like it but I have to respect it, and I…I do, but it’s…not something that I can be happy with right away, the same way she was when you and I started dating.” He looks away for a moment, now running a hand over his face. “We talked about our wedding video, and that…that was…it, we had some weird…closure shit.”
Anna: Hearing the tone in his voice, Anna just simply nodded. Still sitting on the couch, she curled up to get comfortable and then looked at him “It’s never easy, watching someone you once were madly in love with become a stranger and start their life over with someone else.” Taking a breath, Anna looked at him “Are, are you okay?” Anna asked quietly, and sighed looking down. She didn’t want to tell him that Ben was coming over in a couple of days, but he just told her about him and Behati so she felt weird keeping it from him.
Adam: He suddenly felt cold without her near him, they were too far from each other having a conversation like this in his bedroom and he didn’t like it. His frown is continuing to deepen at her words and all he does is shrug his shoulders. “I don’t want to fight with you, but I…” He pauses for a moment. “I’m…I’m trying to understand how you feel when I see her, but I…please, don’t leave me.” His voice is the same as he continues to look down, and he shrugs his shoulders once more. “I don’t know.”
Anna: Still sitting on the couch in his room, Anna just simply listened to him. Hearing the tone in his voice once again, the brunette felt another big lump in her throat. Getting up now, she walked over to him where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and held his face in her hands. Kissing him softly, Anna ended up sitting next to him. “I’m not leaving you.” She whispered, and then swallowed hard. “I um, I know… I know /now/ isn’t the time but I…” resting her head on his shoulder now, Anna sighed “I want you to hear this from me before anyone else…, it’s not.. it’s not that big of a deal.”
Adam: He breaths out a sigh of relief when she finally moved off of the chair and sat down on the bed beside him. He doesn’t move much, barely even kisses her back because ultimately he feels terrible for the way that he had acted today and gone about the entire situation by keeping her in the dark for most of it. He looks down at his lap again, his hands linking together before he nods his head, but slowly. Bracing himself for whatever it was, he clears his throat. “…What?”
Anna: Closing her eyes, Anna’s breathing started to become a bit heavy. She didn’t know why she was so nervous to tell him, bitting down on her lips Anna looked at him “I um, Ben is…” Stopping herself, she let out a breath and licked her lips “Ben is coming over in a few days, he…” Swallowing hard, Anna sighed “He wants to talk, I… I want to talk. He’s been leaving me drunk voice mails for a while now, and I figured that I should just get his over with. I can’t avoid and hate him forever you know?” She questioned, and sighed
Adam: Ben. The one name, or well, the one other name that he didn’t really want to hear in a situation like this one, and the mention of the name makes his body go still. He turns his head slightly and looks at her for a few moments, but then lets out a sigh and shakes his head. “Yeah,” Is all that he can say, before shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah.”
Anna: She didn’t want to fight, not tonight. They were doing good, but Anna could tell he wasn’t happy about this. Taking a breath again, Anna got up and stood in front of him to face him “Adam..”
Adam: “Don’t,” Adam says suddenly, and he’s turning his body away from her as he shakes his head. He doesn’t want to look at her—not right now at least. He stares at the headboard of his bed for a moment and then sighs. “Just…don’t, alright?”
Anna: Walking back to the couch, Anna picked up her purse and sighed “Do you want me to go?” She questioned, and then looked down “I have to see him Adam, I can’t…” Stopping herself, Anna looked down again “I can’t say no to him.” The brunette whispered and held onto her purse
Adam: At first he doesn’t answer, because the truth of the matter was that he didn’t want her to go. However, as he continues to listen, his eyes widen and he finally turns back to look at her, staring at her this time. “Are you fucking kidding me?” He says, “Okay. Cool. Do whatever you want, Anna. I’ll remember that the next time I know I can’t say no to Behati.” He snaps.
Anna: When he snaps at her, Anna looks down and sighs. Getting choked up now, Anna looked at him “That’s.., that’s different.” Not really knowing how, Anna shook her head and sighed again “I’m sorry.” She said quietly, and looked down
Adam: “I was sitting here debating with myself, because I’m not a hypocrite.” He says, expression hardening now as he shakes his head. “Y’know why? I get it—you were with him for five years. At no point in this conversation though, did I say that I can’t say no to Behati.” His breath is heavier, his tone becoming a little more angrier. “How is that different, Anna? That’s not fucking different at all. That’s fine though, do whatever you have to do.”
Anna: “But I am right?” She questioned, now annoyed and remembered the night he called her a hypocrite. Taking a breath, she listened to him and sighed “I was with him for five years, yes.” Anna said, and then looked down “I..” Stopping herself, the brunette looked at him
Adam: “…Are you…are you /right/?” Adam repeated, expression hardening on his face once more. There went that chuckle again, the one that he gave out when he wasn’t amused by something, he was annoyed and completely and utterly irritated. He listens to her as she speaks and then stops herself, and then turns so he doesn’t have to look at her. “This dude…has called you fucked up, and damaged, and basically made you feel like you were…worthless, by saying those things to you, and you can’t…” His tone is becoming angrier as he places the words, because he’s upset with her now. “You can’t say no to him?” He says suddenly, “That’s…you know what? Do it. Go ahead. Don’t come crying to me when he starts telling you all that shit again—and you don’t care about it because you /wanted/ to talk. You /want/ to talk. No. You /like/ it, you must like that. Being called all those names and being degraded into something you’re not.” He glares at her for a few moments, then gets up from his bed and heads for the door to head back downstairs.
Anna: She knew that laugh, and Anna took a breath. Maybe she shouldn’t of told him, but she didn’t want to keep anything from him. Chewing her lips, the brunette listened to him talk and Anna couldn’t help but get choked up. He was right, her ex did say those things to her and made her feel that way at some point, but Anna needed to get closure with him. Swallowing hard, Anna looked at him “I didn’t want to tell you that he was coming over, but I don’t want to keep things from you. I can’t, it’s just.., he…” Bitting down hard on her lips, Anna sighed “I need closure from him Adam, I don’t want to do this but I have too.” She snapped herself, and then looked at him again “What…” Following him downstairs, Anna looked at him “I like it?” She questioned “I hate it, I’m.. I’m only doing this to tell him to stop leaving me drunk voice mails. ”
Adam: “I sit here–and I treat you like a queen because that’s how you’re supposed to be treated. You’re worth that, you’ve been worth that to me and you’ll always be worth that to me. But you? You don’t care, because you’ll go right back to the person who made you feel worthless.” He shakes his head as he listens to her and then makes his way down the stairs, expression still the same on his face although he knows that Anna is following him after she snaps too. He’s pacing, because if he turns to her, his anger will settle in. “So what? You’ll go–and he’ll sit there next to you, he’ll play it cool because he knew you’d come back, and what? When he starts to hit on you, or starts to bring up memories, you’ll sit there and you’ll let him do it until you end up fucking him, because…right–you can’t say no to him.”
Anna: Listening to him talk, Anna could already feel the fresh water filling her eyes. This isn’t what she wanted to do tonight, they were doing so well. Here she goes again, fucking something up that was so perfect. With her lips quivering, Anna just stood there with her arms folded across her chest. “I’m /not/ going to fuck him Adam.” Anna snapped, and then looked down “I’m telling you, I /don’t/ want to do this. But I have too, it’ll be the only way that he’ll leave me alone.” Anna sad all choked up, and then finally looked at him “I’m /not/ going to fuck him.”
Adam: “You’re telling me that because you’re not with him right now. Don’t sit there and tell me that you can’t say no to him and then tell me that you won’t do something if he asks you to.” He snaps back, and as he stands in the living room with her, with his back still facing her because he doesn’t want to look at her, he looks down and his voice cracks as he shakes his head. “Get out.”
Anna: Anna really didn’t know that he was going to react this way, she thought that he’d understand her point of view. With her lips quivering, Anna looked at him with tears in her eyes “I…” When he told her to get out, Anna swallowed hard and nodded “Fine.” She said all choked up, and grabbed her purse. Once getting out of his house, she sat back in her car and a bunch of thoughts ran through her head at once. Sitting in the car, she covered her eyes with her hand and couldn’t help but let the tears fall.
Adam: He was so torn with himself. He’d never want anyone to think that he wouldn’t be okay with something like this–because Anna was right and he knew that. She had been with him for five years, and if she wanted closure from him then she should be able to get it. However, it didn’t sit well with him and it garnered his reaction, especially after everything that Anna had told him that Ben put her through to begin with him. His mouth opens to say something else, but no words come out as he feels the tears gathering up in his own eyes now. Squeezing his eyes closed, he bits down on his lower lip until he hears the door shut behind Anna and they fall as he lets out an irritated groan and turns back to the stairs.
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bloodunderthebridge · 7 years
The Magic of Postmodernism in How I Met Your Mother
We all know (and if you don’t, you should know) that How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) is a comical t.v series that went off the air after its ninth and final season in 2014. But, for those of you who have not enjoyed the future storytelling plot that is HIMYM, here is a quick recap of what takes place in the t.v show composed of nine amusing seasons. The first main character is Ted. Ted is the guy who narrates the entire story to his teenage kids of how he met their mother. Ted tells the story of his journey to finding a wife in 2030 and each season takes the audience through another year of Ted trying to find his wife with his best friends/sidekicks adding to the drama prior to 2030. For the second, third, fourth and fifth characters, you’ve got Lily and Marshall who have been together since college, but have their ups and downs that result in marriage and a baby. You have Barney who has a sketchy job that makes an absurd amount of money and spends most of his time dating as many girls as possible while asking them out in extreme, impossible ways and then you have Robin. Robin brings her daddy issues, t.v broadcasting skills and rough Canadian lifestyle to the streets of New York City. Combined, these characters date each other, date an uncountable number of other people, succeed along with tons of failure and in the end, create a t.v show that reaches a large audience with its sarcastic tone and unrealistic, but relatable circumstances.
So now that I’ve throughly discussed the characters and their role in HIMYM (for those of you who have watched HIMYM and for those of you who's my detailed description is good enough), what comes to mind when we think of the show? Perhaps how uneventful and upsetting the end of the series was or how Barney and Robin should have never broken up and like why did Tracy have to die? Whatever the reason, it probably wasn’t the postmodern aspects of the t.v show. In-between Barney’s multiple conquests, Robin’s foreign Canadian phrases, Lily and Marshall’s never ending relationship and Ted’s seemingly forever lasting search for love are techniques typically used in postmodern works of literature and in this case, good t.v. But since there is a handful of ways in which HIMYM can be looked at through a postmodern lens, I’m going to focus on three specific techniques, metafiction, magical realism and intertextuality. Now although metafiction and intertextuality may sound boring in comparison to watching t.v and even though magical realism seems to entail more fun, each technique adds a level of depth to HIMYM.
T.V, I’m pretty sure everyone has watched it at least once, but what happens when we’ve watched all the shows that interest us, do we exit our box and try a new show or do we watch a series over again? I’m voting for the latter. Whenever I watch something for a second or third and sometimes a fourth time, I notice different things about the show or whatever episode I’ve re-watched. “I could have sworn that storm trooper wasn’t there before”, I notice the smaller details when I re-watch shows and that’s why looking at HIMYM while keeping the postmodern techniques in the back of my mind, helps understand the t.v series more accurately. It’s an underlying layer that you don’t notice at first, but contributes to how the show is perceived by the audience. Imagine HIMYM having modern aspects, rather than postmodern, would more or less people watch it? Would the meaning and perception change? My guess is yes, of course it would change because even though it’s only a small number of aspects that I am looking at, those small parts are what make up the whole and changing enough of those small parts will eventually change the whole.
Okay, so now that I’ve convinced you that looking at HIMYM through a postmodern lens is important, what specifically does metafiction, magical realism and intertextuality mean? Meta fiction is the act of writing about writing or making readers aware of the fictional nature of the very fiction they're reading, or in the case of HIMYM, when the characters know they are in a t.v show. This is commonly know as “breaking the fourth wall”. Magical realism is the introduction of impossible or unrealistic events into a narrative that is otherwise realistic which is pretty explanatory and an easy definition. And lastly, intertextuality is the acknowledgment of previous literary works within another literary work or when a t.v show references a movie or book or vice versa. Each of these three techniques are actively used in HIMYM and now that you know what they mean, time to dive into a close viewing of HIMYM.
Metafiction, breaking the fourth wall, if you will, is not something I am typically a fan of. I think some shows use it well, like Jane the Virgin, but than shows like House of Cards, I can’t stand, but then again, the majority of people I know like House of Cards, so maybe thats just me. Anyways, Jane the Virgin and House of Cards use metafiction many times throughout each episode, but that’s not the case in HIMYM. There are only a number of instances in the entire series of HIMYM where metafiction is used, it is a technique that is used in addition to many other techniques, but not alone. Okay so to give an example so everyone can see what I'm blabbing on about, I’ve looked at season eight, episode four titled “Who Wants to be a Godparent?”. In this episode, Lily and Marshal, now married and pregnant, are hosting a game-show-like competition between Ted, Barney and Robin to see who should be the Godparent of their first child. Towards the end of the scene, when the game is almost over, Marshall looks directly at the screen and says “we will be right back after a message from our sponsors” (00:11:40 - 00:11:50). This was a clear cut, easy example of meta fiction. Another example just for good measure, but not as obvious as my first example is in season seven, episode six, “Mystery vs. History”. Barney, Ted and Robin are all sitting on the couch in Ted’s apartment and Ted is rambling on about breaking the fourth wall in Annie Hall (this is also intertextuality, but that’s for later) and then, out of nowhere, Robin turns to the camera and says “can you believe this guy?” and motions her thumb in Ted’s direction. Personally, Robin breaking the fourth wall is my favourite out of the two just because it was less expected in that scene than in the other one, you know. Okay well, I think that’s enough about metafiction for now… on to magic……al realism!
When I first heard of magical realism, I thought, yes finally some magic being taught in university. This is not the case, but also it sort of is the case. Let me explain. Magical realism is when events and stuff happening in a t.v show or movie or whatever are unrealistic, but they are shown in a realistic setting, therefore making it somewhat believable to some people (maybe?). Now, magical realism is so important that even Oprah talked about in her book club. On Oprah’s website an article is posted saying “magical realism sets magical events in realistic contexts, thus requiring us to question what is "real," and how we can tell” (Parkinson Zamora), which is my opinion, nicely summarises why magical realism is like magic. So thank you Oprah for also seeing the importance of magical realism and talking about it, but now to bring the magic to life in HIMYM, we need to look at season seven, episode seven titled “Noretta”. I know I’ve already explained a bit about Barney’s role in the t.v show and if you’ve watched HIMYM, you already know for yourself, but Barney is addicted to asking as many women out as possible. Like I’m pretty sure that’s all he does, it is his life mission to sleep with a record number of people. Not the most attractive quality in a person/character, but it does make for good t.v. “Noretta” is a prime example of far Barney will go and magical realism all in one! Background: Barney is on a date with an attractive British women he has been dating. They have not slept together yet, but in episode seven, Barney was determined to change that. While skating, Barney’s date fell down on the ice and completely lost a tooth, but somehow Barney managed to convince his date to not give up on the night. After his date fell, Barney also looked up to the roof (aka the sky, aka God, aka magic) and said “I can turn this around” (00:05:40 - 00:06:11). Magical realism? Yes, an extreme example of it? No, but the saga continues, finally back at Barney’s apartment, they go on the balcony where Barney and his date witness a man jumping from a roof committing suicide. Barney again says, “I can turn this around” and despite his date crying “I want to go home”, he manages to win her over (00:09:30 - 00:10:12). What makes this magical realism, if it isn’t clear enough, is that Barney still managed to sleep with his date despite her losing a tooth (which must have been insanely painful and ugly to look at) and that she witnessed death. Those two things happening don’t really set the mood for most people. That is one example of an episode of HIMYM where there is magical realism, but you could find magical realism in probably more than half of the episodes of HIMYM because the technique is used too often when it comes to Barney’s character.
Now finally, we get to discuss intertextuality, my personal favourite. You may be thinking, why is intertextuality my favourite? Especially compared to a technique that is magic adjacent, but when I understand a reference to another movie or book, I just feel like I know more, you know. The important thing to note about intertextuality though is that “much of the show’s humour relies on the reader’s recognition of common tropes” (Levine 67). This directly relates to HIMYM because if the viewer doesn’t understand the reference, they may also miss the humour which would be unfortunate and HIMYM uses intertextuality as humour more often than not. To illustrate intertextuality in HIMYM, I am going to use Star Wars as an example. Star Wars is my all time favourite movie series and therefore I like to take every opportunity to force my obsession upon everyone else and lucky for me, it seems that the characters of HIMYM love Star Wars the same as me!! So here we go, example number one, season nine, episode seventeen, “Sunrise”, Ted argues with his fiancé about what CP30 is made of and he also mocks her by saying “You know what’s weird? Not seeing Star Wars until you’re thirty” (00:03:15  - 00:03:47). Example number two, season nine, episode fifteen, “Unpause”, Barney gets so drunk the night before his wedding he mimics Jabba the Hutt. Example number three, season nine, episode two, “Coming Back”, Barney speaks like Yoda to Marshall, “there is no try” (00:16:18 - 00:16:26). Example number four, just kidding, I won’t keep going with the Star Wars intertextuality references because if you don’t get the point by now, you probably won’t ever get it. That was rude, if you didn’t get the point though, its that if you don’t understand or know Star Wars, HIMYM won’t make any sense. Just kidding, but it definitely won’t be as funny.
We all know now that How I Met Your Mother is a comical t.v series that went off the air after its ninth season and that the producers of this t.v show employ the use of the postmodern techniques metafiction, magical realism and intertextuality. So if anyone ever asks you for examples of magical realism in HIMYM, hopefully now you will be able to give them at least one answer. But in all seriousness, looking at pop culture or anything with a certain lens in mind (in my case, postmodernism) helps read between the lines of whats going on. I find that closely viewing movies and t.v shows or even literature gives a different perspective and shows the layers that can be hidden and I encourage everyone to stop watching HIMYM for a good laugh, but to really learn from the show.
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ahouseoflies · 5 years
The Best Films of 2019, Part IV
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62. Shazam! (David F. Sandberg)- One of the most comic-booky movies to come around in a while in the sense that it seems to be in fast forward for the first third, using shorthands because it has too much story to tell. I am sad to report that Shazam! has no Movie Stars in it, and I didn't realize how essential those were to the superhero genre. There is a cagey standalone quality to its modest bets though. I like that it's anchored in a real place and isn't afraid to be a little too scary for kids. I would see it mostly as a product of potential though, for a funny Jack Dylan Grazer, for the filmmakers, and for the studio. As a student of weird billing, I have so many questions about Adam Brody getting awarded fifth lead for a bit part.
61. Fighting with My Family (Stephen Merchant)- Dwayne Johnson as producer feels like the auteur here, since the formulaic story has more to do with his combed-over, please-everyone persona than with Stephen Merchant's more messy, improvisatory style. I couldn't care less about the time spent on Jack Lowden's brother character, but I was impressed with the physical part of Florence Pugh's performance. This is a movie you've seen a hundred times, but it hits most of its marks skillfully. 60. Spider-Man: Far From Home (Jon Watts)- This is a movie in which a spurned tech innovator uses drone projectors to stage a battle in which he defeats an elemental water monster to save Venice. The best sequence is one in which a boy tries to trick his friends into letting him sit next to the girl he likes on a flight.  59. John Wick: Chapter 3- Parabellum (Chad Stahelski)- What a criticism it is to claim that the filmmakers give in too much to fanservice, especially since I don't know what that word means anymore if something like this is the monoculture. So they gave us, the audience, what we wanted, and I was upset that it was two hours and ten minutes? Seriously though, have you ever eaten too much ice cream? 58. Fyre (Chris Smith)- An interesting yarn that gets at the foolishness of Internet influencing better than anything else that I've seen. I was surprised by how distant many of the subjects seemed, as if only the Big Bad Billy was responsible for any misleading. And I was grateful that, despite the level of criminality on display, it was still as funny as the tweets were at the time. The film lacks shape though, and it would be nice to have somebody smart on hand to answer questions. Can someone explain to me why it's so important that the island used to be Pablo Escobar's? Why should I want to be like Pablo Escobar? 57. Leaving Neverland (Dan Reed)- Part 1 works because of the striking similarities in the parallel stories, as well as the subjects' perspicacious understanding of their own emotions and childhood psychology. So Part 2 gets extremely frustrating when these men, who have already proven how articulate they are, seem puzzled by the obvious psychological problems they have as adults. 56. Diane (Kent Jones)- This movie is kind of good when it's purely slice-of-life, before it declares what it is. It's very good once it declares itself as a routine of self-flagellation, a sort of Raging Bull for women with multiple recipes for tater tot hotdish. It's a little less good when it speeds up and goes back on that thesis near the end. For the record, I think Mary Kay Place is fine. I don't get the critical adoration.
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55. Rocketman (Dexter Fletcher)- If the choice is Bohemian Rhapsody or this, then I'll take this every time. Unlike the former, Elton John's life doesn't present an obvious high point in the second half or easy conflict for the first half. As a result, the relationships within John's family seem broad with manufactured conflict. (His birth father's hardness isn't that far off from Walk Hard's "wrong kid died.") But there's an authenticity here that's refreshing, a respect to the unique friendship between Elton and Bernie and a respect for the transformative power of the music. That sincerity extends to Egerton's generous performance, which nails the self-effacing Elton John smile. So there are some biopic structural problems that can't be helped, but if only to admire the '80s fits that Elton gets off, attention must be paid. 54. Triple Frontier (J.C. Chandor)- A useful example for differentiating between tropes and cliches of the action drama genre. For someone who gets less amped than I do for dudes meeting in a shipping container to have a conversation about how "now is the time to get out," it's probably full of cliches. For fans of hyper-masculine parables about getting a team together (that are also sort of meta-commentaries on their lead actor's fallen star), it's full of tropes. 53. The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (Mike Mitchell)- The plot is nearly incoherent, and the sequel isn't really satirizing anything like the first one was. But the jokes come at a Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker clip. A character in a car chase saying, "It's like she knows my every move" before a cut reveals he's been using turn signals? That's some Frank Drebin stuff. 52. Long Shot (Jonathan Levine)- Jonathan Levine has carved out an interesting directorial space for himself, with a career far different from what I imagined when I saw and loved The Wackness, a film to which I'm a little afraid to return. Levine is making, at the highest level possible ($40 million budget?), the types of movies that we claim don't get made anymore. A one-crazy-night Christmas comedy, an adventure comedy, and now a political romantic comedy, all with top flight Movie Stars. Long Shot seems like a rare opportunity to put Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron together and do something special, and what we come out with is...cute. For every good decision the film makes--what a supporting cast, all playing rounded characters--it makes a bad one--leaning too heavily into Rogen's patented "I don't really know what we're yelling about" delivery. The music is uninspired, but the presidential satire is pretty clever. The rhythm of the film is jagged and doesn't really cut together, but the script is very fair to the Theron character. Even in the general tone of the film's politics, it declares a few ideals, but those positions are still too neutral and obvious. I had a good time, but in a more capable director's hands, this experience wouldn't feel like math. 51. Isn’t It Romantic (Todd Strauss-Schulson)- So frothy that it almost doesn't believe in itself, especially near the end, but I found myself laughing a lot. Regarding the gay best friend, I'm very interested in the space of politically incorrect humor that is acceptable only because the work has built up self-awareness in other areas. That's a difficult negotiation, but this movie balances it. 50. Yesterday (Danny Boyle)- There's one twist that stretches the moral center of the film, and two minutes later there's a twist that's probably just a bridge too far in good taste. Other than that, this is a really cute Richard Curtis script, and it's nice to hear "Hey Jude" on movie speakers. 49. Ready or Not (Radio Silence)- Short and spicy, despite one or two too many twists. I'm in the front row of the Adam Brody Revival, but I appreciated the movie more as an exercise in the paranoid misery built into wealth. I wish I could have written the line down, but Alex says something like, "I didn't realize how much you could do just because your family said that it was okay," and that's the whole film. If you can, see it without watching the trailer first.
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48. The Laundromat (Steven Soderbergh)- Mary Ann Bernard is a Steven Soderbergh pseudonym, but what if he did hire an outside editor? What if someone saved him from himself? It's hard to believe that Meryl Streep is the heart of the film--if the film's thesis is "The meek will inherit the Earth?"--if we go on a twenty-minute detour to an African family and a ten-minute detour to China. I laughed quite a bit, and I admire the audacity of the ending. But this is a movie that knows what it's about without knowing how to be about it.
47. High Flying Bird (Steven Soderbergh)- As a person who can cite most NBA players' cap figures off the top of my head, I should love High Flying Bird, a movie about a sports agent who tries to topple the system during an NBA lockout. Instead I liked it okay. It takes an hour to kick into high gear, but once it does, some self-contained scenes are powerhouses, and the writer of Moonlight was always going to provide an emotional kick that is sometimes absent from Soderbergh's work. Like Soderbergh's Unsane from last year, High Flying Bird is shot on an iPhone, an appropriate form given that the execution is a do-it-yourself parable that takes place mostly inside. Soderbergh is a man who has always tried to trade the ossified system of moviemaking for experimentation, so most reviews have pointed toward the meta quality of capturing a character doing that same thing in another medium. Like most of his post-retirement work, however, I find myself asking one question: "Would anyone care if this were made by another director?" 46. Piercing (Nicolas Pesce)- Good sick fun with a taste for the theatrical. I saw twist one and twist three coming, but twist two was ingenious. It ends the only way it can, which is okay. 45. Booksmart (Olivia Wilde)- At first the film is hard to acclimate to, stylized as it is into a very specific but absurd setting, counteracted by a very specific and realistic relationship. The music cues are all awful until the Perfume Genius one, which is so perfect that it erases the half-dozen clunkers.But it's smartly funny, funnily warm, and warmly smart. The screenplay does some clever things with swapping the protagonists' wants and needs at crucial times. Molly will have an obvious drive that overrides Amy's fear, and then a few scenes later, there will be an organic reversal. 44. Joker (Todd Phillips)- Joker presents more ideas than it cogently lands. I don't disagree with Amanda Dobbins's burn that it feels more like a vision board than a coherent story. Still, its success kind of fascinates me. This dark provocation, shot on real locations, has way more in common with Phoenix entries like You Were Never Really Here than it does with the DCEU. In fact, the comic book shoehorns feel like intrusions into a story about a guy who likes to Jame Gumb skinny-dance. Dunk on me if you want, but I think it's most eerie and affecting as a portrait of mental illness. Whereas Joker is a criminal mastermind in Batman lore, this is a guy helpless enough to scrawl into a notebook, "The worst part about having a mental illness is pretending to people that you don't." And that idea gets borne out in a scene in which he's pausing and rewinding a tape to study how a talk show guest sits and waves like a regular person. It's rare enough to see a person this mentally ill depicted on screen; it's even rarer to see someone this aware of his own isolation and otherness.
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thewalkingtriangle · 7 years
Momentum, the nega-Media Trump's speech to The Boy Scouts Of America
Let's be clear on this: Politics is part of the scouts world. Anything that helps shaping the future is part of the scouts world, that's how they grow. But that was not the place, and in my opinion, regardless of his position, he was not the person. A Jamboree represents the will to reach other scouts, to share experiences, music, games, stories. He is a president, he serves the country, and in respect to the spirit of scouting, and of that event, he should have had more Countenance.
Yes, I do not believe the scouts had what they deserved with their president's speech.
And in all these news against Trump I do not believe they are getting it either.
Media mentions Obama's absence only because it can use it against trump.
They do not show the immense crowd of young people willing to act on the scouts honor. Nope. The good will they have. Nothing. "But, think of the children!" - to play that card like this over and over again for political and clickbait reasons is low, scouts are not victims, they are children and young adults, but never victims, they should grow to become strong and reject the values that go against their experiences. Against the rudeness of their president if need be (who is the honorary chief of the scouts), and also against accepting being placed as the victim that, in this era of information, will be brainwashed just by a speech.
 But The Boy Scouts deserved more, they deserved a good speech from THEIR president, which is for the time being Trump.
 In a modest wish of mine, I took the liberty of cutting out all that shows little countenance from the original, or as I call it:
The nega-Media Trump's speech to The Boy Scouts Of America
to be noted that the bold parts are the one’s actually interesting for the speech in the view of a story telling and good message for scouts. And I say nega, cause common, open any news article beside fox news all other things besides him being egoistical and political are forgotten.
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Thank you everybody, thank you very much, I am thrilled to be here, thrilled.
And if you think that was an easy trip you are wrong, I am thrilled. xix(?) Jamboree Boy Scout Jamboree wow and to address such a tremendous group, boy you have a lot of people here (...) it looks like 45 000 people, you set a record today, you set a record. That's a great honor believe me. Tonight, we put aside all the policy fights (...), and instead we are going to talk about success about how all of you amazing young scouts can achieve your dreams, what to think about, what I have been thinking about. (...)
There are many great honors that come with the job of being president of the United States but looking out at this incredible gathering of mostly young Patriots, mostly young. I am especially proud to speak to you as the honorary president of the boy scouts of America.
You are the young people of character and integrity that will serve as leaders in our communities and uphold the sacred values of our nation. I want to thank Boy Scouts president Randall Stephenson, chief scout executive Michael Servo, Jamboree chairman Ralph de la Vega and the thousands of volunteers who have made this a life-changing experience for all of you and when they asked me to be here I said absolutely yes. Finally, and we can't forget these people I especially want to salute the moms and the dads and troop leaders who are here tonight. Thank you for making scouting possible. thank you mom and dad. Troop leaders, when you volunteer for the boy scouts, you are not only shaping young lives, you are shaping the future of America. The United States has no better citizens then its Boy Scouts, no better.
The values, traditions, and skills you learn here, will serve you throughout your lives and just as importantly, they will serve your families, your cities and, in the future and in the present, will serve your country. The scouts believe in putting America first. (...) I'll tell you, the reason I love this and the reason I really wanted to be here is, as president, I rely on former Boy Scouts every single day and so do the American people. It's amazing how many Boy Scouts we have at the highest level of our great government, many of my top advisors in the White House were scouts. Ten members of my cabinet were scouts. Can you believe that? Ten. (...[1]...) (...) (...)
 A lot of love in this beautiful place, a lot of love and a lot of love for our Country. (...)(...[2]...) (...) (...) (...) (...[3]...) (...) As we can see, just by looking at our government in America scouts lead the way and another thing I notice and I noticed all my life, there is a tremendous spirit in being a scout, more so than almost anything I can think of, so whatever's going on keep doing it, its incredible to watch, believe me.
 Each of this ladies will tell you that the road to American success([4]), and you have to understand their American success and they are a great, great story was paved with the patriotic American values and traditions they learned in the Boy Scouts and someday, many years from now when you look back on all of the adventures in your lives you will be able to say the same: I got my start as a Scout. Just like these incredibly great people that are doing such a good job for our country, so that's gonna happen. Boy scout values are American values and great Boy Scouts become great, great Americans. Has the scout law says a Scout is trustworthy, loyal (...). (...)
 But here you learn the rewards of hard work and perseverance, never ever give up, never quit. Persevere, never ever quit. You'll earn the satisfaction of building a roaring campfire, reaching a mountain summit or earning a merit badge after mastering a certain skill. There is no better feeling then an achievement that your earned with your own sweat, tears, resolve, hard work. There is nothing like it. Do you agree with that?
 I am waving to people so small, I can't even see them. Damn,(...) that is so incredible (...) (...) (...) Thank you, I am honored by that, by the way all of you people I can't even see you so thank you. I hope you can hear.
 Through scouting you also learn to believe in yourself, so important, to have confidence in your ability and to take responsibility for your own life, when you face down new challenges, and you will have plenty of them, develop talents you never thought possible, and lead your teammates through dare and trials, you discover that you can handle anything, and you learn it by being a scout, and its great. You can do anything, you can be anything you wanna be, but in order to succeed you must find out, what you love to do, you have to find your passion, and you know what? No matter what they tell you (...)
  In life, in order to be successful, and you people are well on the road to success, you have to find out what makes you excited, what makes you wanna get up each morning and  go to work, you have to find it. If you love what you do, and dedicate yourself to your work, then you will gain momentum, and look you have to, you need the word Momentum, you will gain that momentum, and each success will create another success.
The word Momentum. I'll tell you a story that's very interesting to me. When I was young there was a man named William Levvitt, Levingtton's you have some here (...) and he was a very successful man. Became unbelievably (he has a homebuilder), became an unbelievable success and got more and more successful. He built homes and at night he went to these major sites with teams of people and he'd scour the sites for nails and sawdust and small pieces of wood and they cleaned the site so when the workers came in the next morning the sites would be spotless and cleaned and he did it properly. And he did this for 20 years and then he was offered a lot of money for his company and he sold his company for a tremendous amount of money, at the time especially. This was a long time ago (...) and he had a very interesting life. (...) Oh, you're Boy scouts but you know life, you know life. So, look at you, who would think this is the Boy Scouts.
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So he had a very, very interesting life and the company that bought his company was a big conglomerate so they didn't know anything about building homes, they didn't know anything about picking nails and the sawdust and selling it and the scraps of wood. This was a big conglomerate based in New York city, and after about a 10-year period they were losing a lot with it, and it didn't mean anything to them, and they couldn't sell it so they called William Levin up and they said, would you like to buy your company and he said yes I would. So badly he wanted it, he got bored with this life (...) you won't get bored right? Know, truthfully, you are workers. You'll get bored too, believe me. Of course having a few good years like that isn't so bad, but what happened is he bought back his company and he bought back a lot of empty lands and he worked hard on getting at zoning and he worked hard on starting to developed, and in the end he failed, he failed badly (...).
 And he was now he was much older, and I saw him at a (...) party and it was very sad (...) I see, sitting in the corner was a little old man who is all by himself, nobody was talking to him (...) so I went over and talked to him and I said (...) Mr. Levitt, how are you doing? Not well, not well at all (...) and he explained what was happening and how bad it’s been and how hard its been, and I said what exactly happened? Why did this happened to you? You are one of the greats ever in our industry? Why did this happen to you? and he said, Donald I lost my momentum, I lost my momentum.
 A word you never hear when you're talking about success, when some of these guys that never made ten cents, they're on television giving things about how you're gonna be successful and the only thing they ever did was a book in a tape but I'll tell you, I'll tell you it was very sad, and I'll never forget that moment and I thought about it and it's exactly true. He lost his momentum meaning he took this period of time off, long years, and then when he got back he didn't have that same momentum.
 In life, I always tell this to people, you have to know whether or not you continue to have the momentum, and if you don't have it that's ok, because you are going to go on, you are going to learn to do things that are great. But you have to know about the word momentum. But the big thing, never quit, never give up. Do something you love, when you do something you love as a scout, I see that you love it. But when you do something you love you will never fail.  What you are going to do is to give it a shot again, and again, and again. You are ultimately going to be successful. And remember this you are not working. Because when you do something that you love, like I do (...[6]...) But when you do something you love, remember this, its not work. So you'll work 24/7, you are going to work all the time and at the end of the year, you are not really working, your don't think of it as work. When you are not doing something that you like or when you force yourself in to do something that you really don't like that's called work and it's hard work, and it's tedious work so as much as you can do something that you love, work hard and never ever give up and you're going to be tremendously successful, tremendously.
 With that, I have to tell you, (...) (...) (...[7]....)
 We are indeed making America great again, what is going on is incredible (...[8]...).
In the boy scouts you learn right from wrong, correct? You learn to contribute in your community, to take pride in your nation and to seek out opportunities to serve, you pledge to help other people at all times. In the scout Oath you pledge on your honor to do your best and to do your duty do God and your country.
 (...) But the words duty, country and God are beautiful words. Basically you are pledging to be a great American patriot. For more then a century, that is exactly what our Boy Scouts have been. Last year you gave more then 15 million hours of service to helping people in your communities. Incredible. All of you here tonight will contribute with more than 100,000 hours of service by the end of this Jamboree. One hundred thousand.
When natural disaster strikes, when people face hardships, when the beauty and glory of our outdoor spaces must be restored and taken care of, America turns to the Boy Scouts because we know that the Boy Scouts never, ever, ever lets us down. (...) We know we can count on you, because we know the values that you live by. Your values are the same values that have always kept America strong, proud and free. (...) (...) (.......) American hearts are warmed every year when we read about Boy Scouts placing thousands and thousands of flags next to veterans’ grave sites all across the country. By honoring our heroes, you helped to ensure that their memory never ever dies. You should take great pride in the example you set for every citizen of our country to follow.
 Generations of American of Boy Scouts have sworn the same oath and lived according to the same law you inherit a noble American tradition and as you walk through your lives never cease to be proud of who you are and the principle you hold dear and stand by. Wear your values as your badge of honor. What you have done is incredible, what you done is admired by all. So I want to congratulate you Boy Scouts.
 Let your scouting oath guide your path from this day forward. Remember your duty. Honor your history. Take care of the people God put into your life and love and cherish your great country.
 You are very special people, your are special in the life of America, you are special to me. But if you do what we say, I promise you will live scouting’s adventure every single day of your life. And you will win(...) and help people in doing so. Your lives will have meaning and purpose and joy, you will become leaders. And you will inspire others to achieve the dreams they once thought were totally impossible. Things that you said could never, ever happen are already happening for you. And if you do these things and if you refuse to give out to doubt or to fear then you will help to make America great again. You will be proud of yourself, be proud of the uniform you wear and be proud of the country you love.
 And never ever forget: America is proud of you.
 This is a very, very special occasion for me (...[9]....) but this is very special to me, and I just want to end by saying very importantly, God bless you, God bless the Boy Scouts, God bless the United States of America, go out have a great time in life, compete and go out and show me that there is nobody, nobody like a Boy Scout! Thank you very much everybody. Thank you very much.
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[1] mentioning who from his cabinet is/was a scout
[2] not sure about this bit but alas make it more about the community, or the actions of each individual less about the individuals themselves(unless it's BP)
[3] really sure about this part though ... common, Obamacare....?
[4] let’s say he said success instead of sex
[5] oh the Obama remark.
[6] reference to he loves what he does
[7] things about his win, common, fast-forwarding this part. not the place. not the place
[9] talking about himself too much again
All would have been great to the scouts if he had done just this, it would have been, personally, even better than Obama’s 2 minutes speech via webcam. This speech would encourage young people and not lose them with concepts they are far to young to understand and to make decisions upon. It would not draw the attention of the media to the Jamboree for all the wrong reasons.
I do not care of who Trump is or what he has said in other ocasions, today he, as the president of the USA, did not perform well his duty to the young ones.
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A letter to his new girlfriend
I know you probably won’t ask me for advice. But I keep making up the scenario in my head, if you came up to me and asked, “Is there anything I should know?” I could probably hit you in the face, spit on your shoes, call you a bitch. But in all honesty, I guess there are some things you should know, since it’s all useless information to me now. He’s not a morning person, but he’s not lazy either. Once he’s up, he’s up, and if that means sitting in a chair watching The Blacklist all day, at least he’s doing something. He likes blueberry bagels with strawberry cream cheese. He wants to eat healthy but never goes through with it. He even wants to have that healthy gym lifestyle, get in shape, meal prep. But we all know he would rather just go through a drive thru. He only likes ketchup and mustard on his cheeseburgers, he doesn’t like lettuce. Not even on his tacos. He’s an aspiring chef that just wants to cook and is dying to hear that you love it, even if you don’t. He will beat himself up when something isn’t made right, but just smile and eat it anyway. I remember one time he tried making steaks. It was horrible, but I told him I loved it anyway. He knew I was lying but he still took it. Speaking of telling him things, don’t forget to ask him questions. Questions about absolutely anything, because he loves to hear himself talk. Sometimes it will annoy you, he may even make you feel dumber than a bag of rocks, but he loves explaining things and trying to sound right. He loves talking about the history of things and telling bullshit stories about him and his friends, he loves talking about guns and the military and politics, he really is someone that could have a beer with your dad at a BBQ. He secretly loves watching child stars on America’s Got Talent, but I’m sure he wouldn’t mind watching them on any singing show. His mom loves The Voice, and I’m sure he has a weird man crush on Blake Shelton and Adam Levine, but his real crush is Ryan Reynolds. (Tell him Ryan has an alien head, he gets so worked up about it. It’s hilarious.) He’s not a pretty boy but he cares about his appearance. He takes forever picking out what he wants to wear on a night out, he gives himself manicures, and he likes keeping his hair trimmed even if he goes a long time without a hair cut (I personally like his hair a little long). His smile will always be the best thing about him, hands down, and you can’t argue with me on this. Small things annoy him even if he doesn’t admit it. He wants things to be in order, clean, he wants everything to be prompt, even if he’s not all the time. Don’t let him nerd out alone. He really is a big geek and loves comics and video games (what boy doesn’t). Don’t let him do it alone, because he feels like it’s something you look down on him for. Buy him a video game. Play it with him. Watch anime with him even if you don’t want to. I’m sure he does things for you that he doesn’t want to. He loves Bleach and Naruto, and Dragon Ball Z. His favorite character on Mortal Kombat is Scorpion and he will choose it almost every time, and he also won’t let you win unless you tell him to. He will teach you how to play by beating you, and that’s at every game, not just ones you play on tv. He’s competitive, cocky at times, and usually hides his true feelings because it’s hard for him to explain them. Give him time. Let him figure out his words. When he does, you won’t regret it, because he really can be the sweetest person in the world. You also have to tell him what’s bothering you and why, because even though he can probably read you like a book, he’s still a man, and not a mind reader. He will want to take care of himself when he’s sick. His mom is a nurse so I’m sure he feels like he knows what he’s doing. Don’t listen to him and take care of him anyway. He will be a big baby about it but he will give in. He secretly loves it. His back hurts sometimes, I bought this shit called Goats Milk Lotion for him. It’s a funny name, I know, but it works for the most part and it makes his joints feel a little better. He’s not a coffee person. Or a turkey person, he likes ham. He’s not an “American cheese” kinda guy, he likes to look for different stuff. He’s a whiskey man, but will also drink beer. Lots of it. When he goes out and gets drunk, too drunk, no matter what time it is or how mad you are, go get him. No matter where he is, go get him. He will thank you later for it and he will remember who came and got him. I can’t say it’s fun sleeping next to someone so wasted, but at least he’s home and he’s safe. And something else for you, my dear, when he’s in that state, his phone is usually in his boot, if not under his pillow in his hand. His pass code is his birthday, the day before Halloween. If you get to his phone, don’t unlock it. Don’t read his messages. Because you will break your own heart at the things you will read and see, about his other women, the other girls he serenades and asks on dates, the other girls he talks to about their hookups, because at that point he’s so drunk and passed out you can’t move him off the damn bed and you have to wait until the next afternoon when he decides to wake up to confront him about it, and even when you do he will be looking dazed and confused, every time. He smokes Southern Cuts. Marlboro. He is emotionally attached to his truck. He wants children and to be the dad his never was (they are close,though) , and he secretly just wants to make his family proud of him, even though he says he doesn’t care what they think. His dad is a pure joy to be around. You really should lay on the hammock on his back porch. He also makes some awesome orange rolls. They may sound gross but taste them, trust me, they’re delicious. He will also make love to you in a way no one else has before. He takes your whole body into consideration, and if he’s feeling sweet, will tell you he loves you over and over again until you both fall asleep in each other’s arms. Even if it’s a lie, it’s a damn good one, I assure you. He likes people his age but I’m pretty positive he would rather hang out with someone older, wiser than him, relaxing and talking about anything. He also plays guitar and sings. Tell him his voice is good. And tell him he will play on stage someday, that’s his dream, if he didn’t already tell you. I’m sure I have more useless information somewhere in this head of mine, but that’s all I can think of for now. Good luck.
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Aussi ressemblant que différent
Sören était resté silencieux aux côtés de Taehyung, les deux se baladant dans la galerie d'art quand Taehyung s'étonna qu'un de ses clichés exposé n'y était qu'en double. La gérante de la galerie expliqua a Taehyung que le cliché avait été vendu a un homme suédois. Sören s'approcha d'eux et cligna légèrement des yeux. Oh. Il comprenait mieux pourquoi tout à coup Malia l'avait envoyé ici. Une fois la gérante hors de leur vue Sören afficha un léger sourire.
« C'est moi qui l'ait. » avait-t-il murmurer
« Wow ! Tu parles !! » s'extasia Taehyung
« En effet. » dit Sören calmement. « Il est dans ma chambre en Suède. » dit-il
« C'est vraiment toi qui l'a ? » demanda Taehyung
Sören sortit son téléphone et montra l'endroit ou était accroché le cliché original. Taehyung sourit et leva les yeux vers le géant suédois avec ce grand sourire niais.  Quand le bord d'un cadre sur le cliché attira son attention.
« C'est quoi l'autre tableau ? » marmonna Taehyung
« Un héritage. » dit Sören en montrant le tableau
« Tu … as un … Van Gogh …. » marmonna Taehyung
« Hérité. » nota Sören. 
« Tu aimes l'art ? » demanda Taehyung
« Hm » Sören hocha la tête et Taehyung sourit
« Dis... je peux te prendre en photo ? » demanda Taehyung
Sören haussa les épaules c'était son boulot, alors il prit la pose et Taehyung arqua un sourcil devant le professionnalisme du suédois. Le plus jeune embarqua son nouvel ami dans la rue et le tira avec lui vers un endroit caché des paparazzi, un petit parc privé ou il fallait un badge pour rentrer. Taehyung y entra et fixa Sören qui laissa la brise fraîche jouer dans ses cheveux désormais décoiffé. Taehyung le photographia sous tous les angles quand le suédois enleva ses lunettes et leva le menton pour inspirer profondément un léger sourire aux lèvres... Le coréen resta sans voix devant la beauté brute de cet homme...
« Waaw hyung... t'es vraiment beau. » dit Taehyung doucement
« Hyung ? C'est pour plus âgé... » remarqua Sören
« T'es pas plus vieux que moi ? » demanda Taehyung
Sören secoua la tête en riant. Offrant a Taehyung un nouveau cliché...
« J'aurais 20 ans samedi. » dit Sören
« QUOI ?!!! » Taehyung baissa son appareil et fixa le suédois incrédule « Mais... alors je suis ton hyung ? »
« Exact. » Sören sourit et s'assit sur un banc « Chouette endroit »
« C'est privé, y faut un badge pour passer la sécurité... et puis c'est un bel endroit pour faire des sublimes photos... surtout quand le modèle s'y prête. » dit Taehyung
« C'est ce qu'on fait quand on chante et qu'on a une belle gueule... des photos... » nota Sören « Mais je ne t'apprends rien. »
« Non c'est vrai. » Taehyung posa sa tête contre l'épaule de Sören « On est bien là... » Puis il se redressa d'un coup « Je voulais te remercier.... pour la proposition de Jazz »
« J'ai proposer... parce que ça fait partie de mes genres préféré... » nota Sören
« MOI AUSSI !!! » hurla Taehyung « Euhm... Mec... t'es gay ? »
« Hmhm. » Sören hocha la tête en douceur
Taehyung s'assit sur les cuisses de Sören et plaqua ses lèvres sur celles du suédois... avant que celui-ci arqua un sourcil, mais approfondit le baiser. Certes il était jeune, mais a en juger par le baiser Taehyung avait très peu d'expérience. Pas qu'il embrassait mal.. c'était plus maladroit. Ils restèrent  au final dans ce parc plus d'une heure a parler. Se découvrant certains points communs comme leurs passages dans des films et séries historiques allant à leurs couleurs préférées. Taehyung sourit, oh oui, il pourrait aimer ce viking au sang froid et au cœur d'or passionnément, si déjà maintenant son cœur s'emballait... le temps ne ferait que grandir cet amour, Taehyung en était persuadé.
Revenu aux studios le nouveau couple découvrit les paroles et Sören leva les yeux vers Ewan.
« La chanson celte reflète le scénario d'Un Chant pour mon Âme ... » marmonna le suédois assez timidement
« J'avoue.. » Ewan sourit « Inspiration volontaire Jack ? »
« Volontaire oui et non... » Jack sourit tendrement « Un Chant pour mon Âme retrace la légende de l'histoire d'amour la plus belle des légendes. Tu faisais un Tristan très convainquant.»
« M'rci... » Sören se gratta nerveusement le cou « J'vais une bonne partenaire.. »
Lily se pencha sur le suédois et lui embrassa la joue en souriant avant de s'asseoir, entre Yoongi et Jack. Elle sourit quand Namjoon lui demanda simplement si c'était elle.
« C'était moi Iseult oui » dit Lily e souriant « On a eu beaucoup de moments très sympathique sur le  tournage. » dit-elle en souriant « Sören est un acteur formidable. » dit-elle doucement « D'ailleurs il me semble que tu incarneras un personnage dans une future série coréenne. »
« Hmhm... » Sören hocha la tête calmement
« Oh quelle série ? Moi aussi j'ai un rôle dans pas longtemps ! » dit Taehyung avec le sourire
« Entre Ciel et Enfer il y a la terre. » dit Sören
« … Tu plaisantes !!? » s'écria Taehyung en sautillant assis
« Non. » Sören haussa un sourcil
« Je vais incarner Haneul, un des Princes maudit ! » dit Taehyung
« Oh. » Sören sourit « Nous aurons de nombreuses occasions de nous fréquenter alors. » dit Sören « J'incarne Mahasaihas... » dit-il doucement
« T'es... ma malédiction !! » fit Taehyung en lui sautant dessus.
Malia donna un coup de coude a Jimin et fixa son amant avec le sourire. Elle n'allait pas s'en vanter de trop, mais elle estimait qu'il pourraient reconnaître qu'elle avait eu raison de les présenter. Soudain, Jack se leva...
« Mon mari a besoin de moi. » dit-il rapidement
« T'es marié toi ? » s'étonna Lily
« Depuis le temps. » fit Elrick en s'étirant « d'ailleurs tu m'le ramène quand ? »
« Probablement très bientôt. » fit Jack en sortant.
« J'ignorais que Jack était marié ... » fit Yoongi
« Comme 99% de la planète. » dit Elrick
« Mais si c'est pas indiscret … pourquoi personne ne sait ? » demanda Namjoon
« Parce que son mari est un chanteur de Kpop, tout simplement » nota Elrick
« Oh sérieusement ? » Namjoon arqua un sourcil « Mais qui ? »
« J'en sais rien mon gars. » nota Elrick calmement
Quelques heures plus tard Jack arriva dans le dortoir de BTS ou ils résidaient tous le temps de la collaboration, avec son mari. Elrick se leva d'un coup et se posta dans le couloir.
« Elrick Weissmuller. Ravi. » siffla Elrick en plissant les yeux
« J-jiyong Kwon » fit-il assez effrayé
« Move Levine. » fit Jack en soupirant
« Fine, fine... » Elrick se poussa « But nonetheless, my sweet welshy you're gonna tell me how the fuck.. »
« Internet, Cardiff » dit Jack calmement « Y a rien de plus ... »
« Okay... et donc c'est quoi le soucis ? » demanda Elrick
« Scandale again. Mais disons que là j'en aie ma claque » fit Jack avec un sourire « Dude we still own a Youtube channel right ? »
« Eeyup mate we have one on which you should vlog sometimes too. » Elrick haussa un sourcil. « What are you gonna do ? »
Jack sourit et fixa son mari avant de dégainer son téléphone.
« I'm gonna vlog. » fit Jack
« Okay soo technically I'm live right ? » on entendit dans le fond un gars dire oui « All right. A few of you had pointed at my ring. » il leva sa main gauche « And I'm here to confirm all the rumors since three freaking years. Yup I got married. » Il rit doucement « Aaand let me tell you why I did tell you now... I got married to a Kpop Idol who's name got slandered by some person I'll call an attention prostitute that kinda messed with the wrong one. I'm sick off it. I'm clearly pissed and tired of her nonsense. Now. Ladies, gents and fellow genderfluid and trans people, may I introduce you too, my husband. Jiyong. » dit il en tirant la chaise a roulettes de Jiyong vers lui, il l'embrassa avec tendresse et sourit « My love.. » il était tellement doux... Jiyong plaça une main en douceur sur sa cuisses « Sooo to get things straight, which we are not, we have been dating since 2012, been married since 2016. We've hidden our relationship and mariage for our own selfs, me being very sick, him being an Idol. But now, things have gone too far. I've sit through all the scandals watching from afar, i've been nice and stayed away from your career cause you asked me. » Jack embrassa la main de Jiyong avant de soupirer « But now. Let's start the bloody murder. That woman, got into the press slandering my man, about an alleged relationship that happened in the summer of 2017.  Now for the record, darling, in the summer of 2017 from june to october he was on world tour and I was behind the scenes every day. » Jack embrassa la joue de son amant « I was every day and every night by his side, never have I left him, so how do you explain your alleged affair when the one who was sleeping with him was me ? How do you explain an affair in Seoul when we were at that time in Thailand drinking weird cocktails ? How do you explain a former alleged affair with him in 2016 at a time where, excuse me for those wearing earbuds or headphones, it is now time to lower your sound but, WE WERE GETTING MARRIED YA BLOODY DUMBASS !!! » La voix de basse baryton du rockeur très grave résonna dans le studio, alors qu'il inspira calmement « So please, if you want to write fanfiction, get on AO3, Wattpad, Fanfic dot com or even Tumblr. There you'll have an audience, but never, ever again, slander my man's name, cause darling ripping you to shreds is simply delightfull for a metalhead like me. That was Jack Lincoln for a very wholesome rant. I'll try to really vlog some time... Stay healthy, listen to metal and rock on ! »
Jiyong observa son mari avec un sourire fatigué. Il était sortit de l'armée brisé mais il avait retrouver ces bras surs et solide avec tant de joie, il avait retrouver son mari, avec bonheur, et grâce à lui il restait debout malgré les scandales qui entachaient son groupe et certains membres. Il se colla un peu plus contre le torse de son gallois et se laissa bercer par sa respiration lente. Pendant des années Taeyang lui avait dit que sortir avec un métaleux comme Jack était un mauvais choix... que Jack le ferait sombrer dans bien des mauvaises choses... Et si ces tentations avaient faite surface, c'était bel et bien son héros gallois qui l'avait raisonner. Et Taeyang avait dut admettre que l'éthique de vie de Jack était d'une excellente influence sur son ami. Jack avait toujours su convaincre Jiyong de faire des choix raisonnables et Taeyang avait eut vraiment très peur quand Jack avait été touché par la leucémie. Si Jack y succombait, Jiyong risquait de le suivre, car Taeyang avait toujours su a quel point le plus jeune était fou amoureux de son héros gallois... Il l'aimait a perdre la raison, et pendant le combat contre la maladie, le plus malheureux avait été Jiyong, effrayé de perdre son grand-amour.
« A quoi tu penses ? » fit Jack amusé
« Au grand-amour. » fit Jiyong r��veur
« Ah … J'espère que c'est moi. » dit Jack doucement
« Tu en doutes ? » demanda Jiyong
« Mh tu ne serais pas rester avec un malade si je ne l'étais pas. » remarqua Jack
« C'est... » Jiyong voulut rétorquer qu'il avait tort mais
« L'ancien Jiyong m'aurait quitter. » dit Jack
« C'est vrai... » Jiyong secoua la tête « Mais l'ancien Jiyong était un gamin idiot »
« C'est sur. » fit Jack en embrassant Jiyong « et il serait passer à côté de biens des choses merveilleuses, si un petit gallois ne l'avait pas secouer. »
« Comme quoi ? » murmura Jiyong
« Des nuits de folies a s'aimer jusqu'au matin » Jack mordit son cou « des torrents de plaisir jusqu'à s'y noyer. » Il caressa ses hanches «  et surtout un amour inconditionnel... »
« On peut revenir aux nuits de folies ... » marmonna Jiyong « J'ai pas suivi... »
« Oh no love we are not having sex. » fit Jack en se rasseyant « You need rest. »
« Aah Jack ! » Jiyong couina « Why.... ? »
« Doctor said so. » fit Jack avec un sourire sadique
« I knew you would take revenge …. » Jiyong ronchonna en se couchant contre son mari « Bad welsh. Very bad. »
« Oh you have no idea. » Jack sourit amusé .
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