#and there's 17 different genes
kedreeva · 2 years
Do you think you could give your opinions on the recessive / lethal yellow genes in mice? Do you think you'd ever consider breeding recessive yellow? (If you haven't already.) I'm just super curious about your thoughts on them as I don't really know a lot about genetics. Do you think it's possible to breed a consistently healthy line of yellow mice? I'm just super curious to hear your thoughts as a breeder
Well, this is a kind of long answer and I'll warn it discusses animal death, so I'll put it behind a cut.
Personally, I wouldn't, but not because of ethics concerns; I just don't like any of the colors made with RY/AY. They're just not visually appealing to me. I had a couple RY pop up from the Taylor black line when I first got it, and they were just enh. A good, rich red, esp a satin red, can be a really perfect looking mouse... but by god that's years of work and it never ends because Red is such a hard phenotype to maintain and I'm just not that determined. I'm convinced that people breed for red because seeing it opens all the ferret cages in their brain, not because they can be normal about it. If you want good reds, it's like you dedicate your life (and mousery) to it or you don't do it, and my life's already dedicated to the peafowl. My mousery is already dedicated to blacks and tricolors.
As for the AY gene itself, it's a "lethal" gene in that homozygosity is lethal but it's lethal at the blastocyst stage so it's not really an ethical problem imo. If it was lethal as in the pups deteriorate and die post partum, or if it caused well developed pups to die/be stillborn such that it caused the dam health risks, then it would be a problem. But, it doesn't. You just get smaller litters because some cells die way early on and get reabsorbed. I don't really have any problems with that. Show breeders cull litters down to 4-6 pups (for dam and pup health reasons), so it's not like all of them would be turning into adults anyway.
As for the genetic issues with the adult mice, there are three major health issues. The first is obesity (sort of), and the major problem there is keeping them in breeding shape (meaning, capable of doing the do at all). Curiously, in at least one study I remember seeing, there's a difference between an obese mouse of X color mutation and an AY that's considered obese because of its natural body type; for example, an obese black mouse will likely have a shortened lifespan, whereas an AY mouse doesn't (at least not less than any other mouse color mutation) unless it's obese for an AY. So this isn't really a problem as long as the breeder is watching their diet and ensuring they stay fit for their body type.
The other two genetic problems actually are health issues related directly to the AY gene, and that's being prone to diabetes and to tumors. However, these are both things that (any good) breeders would notice, cull, and therefore not breed forward, in order to keep the line as free from them as possible. Which really isn't any different than any other line that develops health problems of any sort. People don't keep health problems. A good breeder should be and usually is aware of the potential health problems in the lines they are breeding, particularly if it's a genetic one that can't be avoided (like you can't avoid AY if you're breeding AY), and will know what to look for and intervene as soon as possible. Diabetic mice urinate excessively so it's REALLY noticeable, and tumors... well. Hard to miss. And tumors of various sorts is a fairly common "select away from/cull" problem in any mutation, it's just slightly higher risk in AY.
So the short answer, in my opinion, AY isn't really an unethical gene to work with. It's not one I'd choose to work with, but I don't think the people who do are doing anything wrong just for working with the gene at all. It comes down to the same ethics as any other mutation; working to maintain body condition and selecting for health.
Honestly, out of all the animals I've seen bred and bred myself, I think mouse breeders in general have proven themselves to be the most concerned with what's best for the animal, not the breeder. The show clubs like FMBA and AFRMA etc won't recognize standards for things like snub noses or manx tails or anything else that would potentially seriously impact QoL by nature of existing at all, and at least in the groups I'm in, the members are not shy about recognizing when health problems mean no breeding for a mouse regardless of how pretty or sweet. When someone newer asks what to do, I've never seen anyone support trying to breed a mouse with issues, or usually even keep one whose QoL would be poor. They are very familiar with the kindest thing you can do is let them go. It's a breath of fresh air from the goddamn chicken groups, who will limp along any bird that's still breathing regardless of what's best for the bird.
I think the only morph I've seen that I have an ethical problem with is the X-brindle gene, which is a "brindle" gene on the X chromosome that causes the mouse to be unable to absorb copper. This means that the males DO founder and die after birth (which means most people just humanely euthanize the male pups, they aren't out here letting them suffer that I've seen), and females get a strange coat color and curled whiskers from low copper absorption. Does have a second X gene that's clean so they still can, but it's really an unnecessary mutation to continue imo. It hasn't been recognized by the show clubs that I know of, but idk if they can be shown under normal brindle or if you can tell at a glance, as I don't really know as much about them or any of the AY gene specifics. I have basic knowledge but since i don't breed them myself it's very in passing knowledge. I know it's rarely bred or worked with in the first place, and I hope it stays that way or disappears entirely.
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furious-blueberry0 · 5 months
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Satine Kryze in the All Is Well AU
More info under the cut
If you don’t know how Mandalore works is this AU here is the post that explains it, if you do know then here we go:
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Young Lady of House Kryze (9 y.o.)
Her mother was half Diathim, making Satine and Bo-Katan 1/4 Diathim.
Bo got the less genes and inherited none of the powers, while Satine not only looked just like her mother, but also got the natural bio-luminescence of the specie.
She had some troubles controlling it, but as she got older she managed to have it under control.
It's not a huge glow, barely noticeable in the sun, but in a dim place as the Assembly Hall it sure is eye-catching.
Her and Bo have a 17 years difference between them, so the only company she had in her childhood were her parents and some cousins.
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Member of the Assembly of the People (17 y.o.)
After completing her Verd’goten at 13, she decided to start her political career as soon as possible, getting her place as Member of the Assembly of the People as representative of House Kryze at the age of 15, making her the youngest member in over 70 years.
For years she proudly wore the colours and crest of her House on her armour.
She got the scar on her cheek form a fight with Obi-Wan when they were 15.
Basically when she became member of the Assembly and the new Governors were elected, the Republic sent some Jedi ambassadors to meet them, some arguments started to happen, and then the Mandos and the Jedi started to fight, and in the middle of that mess Satine and Obi beat the shit out of each other.
Obi has a matching scar on his other cheek.
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Governor of the Unified Children of Mandalore (38 y.o.)
She became Governor alongside Arla Fett at the age of 35, after compliting her 20 years tenure as member of the Assembly.
When one becomes Governor they have to strip the paint off their beskar'gam, so to keep her House colours in some way, Satine started to wear the clothing under it with those exact colours.
Arla does the same thing.
For the ten years she and Arla governed they managed to give more free will to the Mandalorian colonies, such as Concord Dawn or Ordo, giving them more space and voice in the Assembly.
They formed commercial alliances with pacific planets such as Naboo and Theret, who always looked with some suspicion towards Mandalore.
They strengthened the thin friendship between the Mandalorians and the Jedi.
Overall it was a prosperous decade.
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shakespeareanwannabe · 2 months
As You Wish, Chapter 17
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, angst (so much angst I made myself cry), panic attack, drinking, sadness, reference to divorce, kids breaking your heart, references to babies, swearing, references to the military, fighting and marital strife, PPD, references to sex (but nothing explicit)
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Seresin Residence, Miramar, 12 years ago
Jake sighed as he pulled his truck into the driveway of the little beach bungalow he had scrimped and saved to buy for his family. Normally, he was excited to get home after a long day of training, but lately? Lately, it seemed like all they did was fight. Some days, it was him fighting and Buttercup sitting there, taking it. Others, it was all out warfare, each of them screaming at each other. And after the fight they had had that morning, Jake wasn’t too pleased to be home.
The fight had worn on him all day. He had been absolute shit in the cockpit because of it, and he’d already had a verbal dressing down by just about everyone. Cyclone and Warlock had ripped into him pretty good. Rooster and Phoenix had taken pleasure in seeing him knocked down a peg or five. Maverick had only shaken his head at him in disappointment, and that had probably hurt the most.
With a groan, Jake got out of his truck and grabbed his duffle, heading to the front door. Three months ago, he would have kicked his boots off with a playful, “Honey, I’m home!” before racing to snuggle his daughters, pecking his wife on the lips as he went. But not today. Today, he toed his boots off and tossed his duffle into the laundry room.
It was quiet. Too quiet. Maybe they were all asleep. He wouldn’t be mad about it if they were. Maybe if Buttercup got some quality sleep, she’d be in a better mood.
Jake sighed and flipped on the light in the living room, startled when he spotted Buttercup sitting in her preferred armchair.
“Hey,” he drawled. “You surprised me. I thought you were asleep. Where are the girls?”
“Asleep,” she murmured, eyes tracking him as he grabbed a beer from the kitchen.
“Good. They eat okay today?”
“Charlie doesn’t like not breastfeeding, but she’s getting used to it. Abby’s still not eating enough.”
Jake ignored her cold, indifferent tone. “She’ll get there.” He flopped onto the couch and reached for the remote.
“Buttercup, it’s been a long day,” he groaned. “I really don’t want to fight tonight. The girls are asleep. Go have a bath or something, let me watch TV, and I’ll order us a pizza for dinner. Okay?”
“So, that’s it then?” Finally, her voice had a touch of a bite to it. “No comment, no nothing from you? You said no and that’s that? Your word is law?”
Jake groaned and let his hand flop back onto the sofa. “I don’t know what else you expected me to say. I’m part of the U.S. Navy. Meaning I have to be in the United States. I can’t move to England just because you got a job interview for a publishing job. There are dozens of publishers that are stateside. Why not go for one of them? I’m sure they’d let you work remotely. I don’t see why you want to move to a different continent.”
“They’re the only ones who have offered to take a look at my writing on top of my publishing responsibilities,” she hissed. “Which you would know if you paid any attention to me.”
“Okay, so you can do your whole writing thing from anywhere, can’t you? Skip the whole publisher thing and focus on writing! When you’re done writing or whatever, you can send it to a publisher! You’d at least get to stay with me that way!”
“How am I supposed to focus on my writing, Jake? I barely get a chance to breathe, let alone sit down at a computer and write!” Buttercup’s voice was weak and desperate, and grating on Jake’s nerves. He hated it when she sounded like that, and she’d been sounding like it more and more. He would’ve done anything to make it better, but he was too tired to try. “You’re not around during the day, so you don’t know what its like! One of them always needs me, and Charlie is fussy, and Abby’s not eating enough, and I can barely breathe! And you want me to what? Follow you around from base to base, taking care of our daughters on my own while you’re on deployment after deployment?”
“That is what you signed up for when you married me!” Jake shouted, his frustration and exhaustion finally bubbling over. “I thought you would’ve known that based on how often your brother gets to go home! This is what it means to be in a military family! This is what you signed up for!”
“I signed up for you!” she shouted. “I signed up for a man who loves me, who is home to share the load with me! Not a man who has his head shoved so far up Uncle Sam’s ass that he can’t see the sun!”
“Don’t you dare!” Jake stood. “Everything I do is for the safety of this country and for you and our daughters. Don’t you want our girls to grow up in a country that is safe?”
“I would rather our daughters grow up knowing their father! They barely see you anymore! And it’s only going to get worse as they get older!”
“I’ll be promoted by the time that they’re older! That means less time deployed!”
Buttercup was shaking her head, shrinking back in her seat. “You’ll never give up flying, Jake. You wouldn’t take a promotion that meant you were grounded. It’s not who you are.” Buttercup’s voice shook. “Just like sitting at home, waiting for my husband to come back while I take care of our home and children isn’t who I am. I need more.”
Jake scoffed, red creeping into the edges of his vision. He felt like he was running on autopilot, unable to stop himself or control his anger. “So, what? We’re not enough for you?”
“Don’t do that!” Buttercup snapped. “Our family is everything to me, but I need more! I need something outside of just being a mom and your wife!”
“Okay, so London is that then? Will London be enough for you?” Jake was wrangling every ounce of his strength to pull himself back, to not do this. They were both tired, both stressed. She hadn’t been herself since the babies were born, and it didn’t help that he had been deployed when they had sworn to him that he would be grounded for his first few months of fatherhood. If they could just get on the same page again, everything would be okay. But that would only happen if he could get Hangman to take a backseat and let Jake handle this.
Buttercup’s eyes flooded at his mocking tone. “Fuck you, Jake.”
Loud cries echoed through the house and Jake huffed before heading down the hall. “Go take a bath, Buttercup. I’ll take care of the girls.”
In the nursery, Jake pulled Charlie into his arms and sighed, rocking his red-faced baby girl in his arms. It would all be okay. The first year was always going to be the hardest. If they could make it through that, they would be stronger than ever.
It didn’t hit Jake that it was too late until a few days later, when he came home to find a teary-eyed Buttercup standing in the kitchen, handing him a pile of divorce papers.
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Seresin Ranch, Clifton, Texas, Now
Early morning sunshine danced across her eyelids, and she tried to bury her face in the pillow beside her. It was way too freaking early to be conscious after the night she’d had, she was bone tired, and she was sore in a deeply satisfying way. The dull ache in her muscles and the muted throbbing between her thighs were better than any soreness she had ever gotten from an extended workout. It was an ache that she hadn’t felt in years.
Stretching like a cat, Buttercup slowly sat up against the headboard and blinked against the sun streaming through the grey curtains, and three things hit her in quick succession.
She was not in her bedroom. Her curtains were not grey, and her window did not face east.
She was naked. Her usual t-shirt and shorts were absent as the cool cotton sheets kissed her skin.
The soreness she was feeling was accompanied by a series of hickies and bruises that decorated her body like confetti. Her neck, her chest, her breasts, her stomach, and her inner thighs were littered with the dark purple marks, leaving her feeling like a teenager the night after prom.
Buttercup felt her stomach roil as the memories from the previous night washed over her like a tidal wave. The barbecue, fighting with Jake, dancing with Jake, having 3 a.m. grilled cheese with Jake and splitting a beer with him before giving him permission to kiss her…Jake carrying her to his bedroom and making love to her sweetly and gently, then rolling her over and fucking her hard, then taking her again in the softest, tenderest way as the sun slowly began to rise.
What had she done? What had she done? This wasn’t who she was. She had never been the type of person who just fell into bed with a guy, and certainly not when that guy was her ex-husband. But then, she had always been helpless against him. Back before things had soured between them, she had been almost as good as Maverick at keeping all of the Daggers in line, but one flash of those bright green eyes and those dimples, and she was basically Jello. She had never been able to tell him ‘no’, except for once.
Buttercup pulled her legs up tight against her chest and pressed the heels of her palms into her closed eyes until she saw stars. She was so stupid. So weak. She had put in over a decade of work to make herself stronger, strong enough to withstand being alone, strong enough to be a single mother, strong enough to hold her ground against him. And yet, like a teenage girl, she caved at the sight of gleaming abs and a cocky grin, and the sound of sweet nothings he had whispered in her ear.
What would the girls think if they found out? Would they think they were getting back together? Of course they would, that had been their plan since the beginning. But a one-night stand did not a relationship make, and neither did attraction. Attraction and chemistry had never been their problem. Communication had been, and, though they had clearly gotten better at it over the past decade, it didn’t solve all the problems that still remained between them. Past hurts and past histories and words that had been said that couldn’t be taken back.
God, how she wished she could take them back. She had been sick in the head and sick in the heart when she had uttered those poisoned words to him, wanting him to feel like she did in the most toxic way. She was toxic to him, not the other way around like so many had thought would happen. Her own brother had warned her away from Jake Seresin the minute they met, cautioning her that he would ruin her life, but he hadn’t. He had given her the greatest year and a half of her life and two daughters that she wouldn’t trade for the world. She was the one who ruined him. Just like her nickname, she was a poison, and she would only destroy him more if she stuck around.
Tears began to well in her eyes, but Buttercup quickly dashed them away as she scrambled from Jake’s bed and began searching for her clothes, which she found neatly folded on the antique wingback chair in the corner of the room. Her heart ached at the sweetness of this man, who had opened his home to her for a week so they could both get quality time with their daughters, who had ended his engagement because his fiancée had been cruel to their girls. He didn’t deserve this. Maybe the old Hangman had been cocky and brash and bold, maybe Hangman had left a trail of broken hearts behind him, but her Jake didn’t deserve to have his heart broken because she was so weak and selfish. Her heart ached at the thought of leaving him, of only seeing him at events for the girls, of eventually seeing him engaged to a woman who did deserve him. But she didn’t deserve him. She wasn’t strong enough to be his reason for living once the girls graduated.
The realization had her slowly pulling her clothes on, choking back sobs and dashing her tears away. He needed more than her. He needed someone who was strong enough to hold him up while he figured out what he wanted to do with his life once the girls had moved on. He needed someone who wouldn’t panic at the very suggestion of him going back to the Navy. She needed to walk away so that he could find that person. Despite the pain lancing through her heart and the heaviness in her limbs, she had to. She wouldn’t poison him anymore. Not when she…
More tears streamed down her face as she stumbled into his ensuite and desperately tried to make herself look like less of a heartbroken mess. He would be okay and, eventually, so would she. The girls would struggle, but she would fight like hell to make sure her girls still had so much love and support from both of their parents, even if they lived on opposite sides of the globe. They wouldn’t suffer just because their mother was toxic.
A deep wash of her face and multiple splashes of cool water later, Buttercup, resolved and heartbroken, strolled out of the bedroom and made her way back to the kitchen, finding her daughters sitting at the island while Jake flipped pancakes.
“Morning, Mom!”
“Morning, Mum!”
“Hey, darlin’,” Jake followed up the sweet chorus of their daughters’ voices with a shy grin, so unlike him but still so fitting that it made the ache in her chest deepen. “Did you sleep okay?”
Buttercup fought to keep her face straight as she regarded him with as much cool indifference as she could muster. “Yes, thank you. And good thing too. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”
Plates clattered as Charlie set the island for breakfast. “What are we doing tomorrow?”
Buttercup fought the pain and panic rising in her throat as she looked at the smiling figures of her broken family. “A-Abby and I are going home tomorrow,” she croaked out. “Our flight leaves at 9 p.m.”
Silence fell like a heavy, suffocating fog over the kitchen. Abby had frozen in her seat, a juicy red grape dangling almost comically from her fingers halfway between the bowl and her mouth. Charlie wasn’t doing much better, a plate suspended in midair while her face flushed. And Jake? She couldn’t bring herself to look at him, to see the anger or pity or fury that was undoubtedly marring his handsome features.
It was Charlie who broke the silence first. “What?”
The question was so simple, but Buttercup had to brace herself before answering. “We promised you a week together, and it’s been a week. Our flight has always been leaving tomorrow.” She managed a weak smile at her daughters. “I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun.”
“Mum…” Buttercup’s heart nearly shattered at the broken, pleading sound of her baby’s voice. “Couldn’t we stay? Please?”
For the time being, Buttercup was winning the losing battle against the tears that were clogging her throat and flooding her eyes. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but we can’t. You start school next week and I have deadlines to meet. Uncle Bob and Auntie Nat have to go back to work too. But your dad and I have figured out a good schedule for visiting. You get more school vacation than Charlie does, so you’ll get to come here for a few breaks, and Charlie will get to come visit us when she has breaks, and then we’re going to split the summer in half, okay? I—” Buttercup’s voice cracked, and she turned her eyes skyward to prevent the tears from falling again. “I know it’s not what you want, but it’s the best we can do.”
“That’s BULLSHIT!” Charlie’s cry was loud and harsh. “That’s complete bullshit! You could both stay! Everyone should stay!”
Buttercup’s breath stuttered in her chest as she looked at her daughter, so full of pain and anger. “I know that you wish we could, sweetheart, but we can’t. I’m sorry!”
“You’re sorry?” Charlie was crying now, hot tears running down her red cheeks. “I only get two weeks with you after 12 years and now you’re leaving and you’re sorry? That’s bullshit!”
“Charlie…” Jake’s voice was a soft warning.
“What?” She whirled on her dad. “It is! She could stay here if she really wanted to! But she doesn’t! She doesn’t care. Not about you or me or anyone! If she cared, she wouldn’t have left us in the first place!”
“Charlie…” Buttercup couldn’t stand the way her voice crackled with tears. “Charlie, I—”
“I hate you!” Charlie turned on her, green eyes full of anguish. “I hate you!”
“That’s enough!” Jake didn’t yell, but his voice held that military tone that immediately silenced everyone in the kitchen, save for Charlie’s ragged breathing and Abby’s soft sniffles. “You do not get to talk to your mother that way. You can be angry all you want, but this is a joint decision between your mother and I, so if you hate her then you hate me too. And no matter how you feel about us, I know that I taught you respect. We do not lash out at other people because of the way we are feeling in this family. We talk it out, and if we can’t manage how we’re feeling then we take a beat before we have a calm conversation. So, go take a beat. Take a lap of the ranch and cool off, Charlie.” Jake’s tone was no-nonsense and left no room for argument. Chest heaving, Charlie stomped away and let the door slam behind her. Jake sighed and looked at his oldest daughter, sniffling quietly in her seat. “Why don’t you go with her, Abby?” His voice was gentler now. “I think maybe some fresh air and a walk will do you both some good.”
Not saying anything, Abby nodded meekly and shuffled out of the kitchen, the front door barely clicking shut in comparison to the slam that had rocked everyone to their very foundations.
Buttercup stood stock still in the kitchen doorway, hand wrapped around her throat as she fought the tears that were falling slowly.
“Buttercup…” She flinched violently away from Jake’s gentle hand on her elbow, and he held his hands up. “Buttercup, it’s alright. It’s all gonna be alright.”
She shook her head, clutching at her throat to get the words out. “She’s right. It’s all my fault.”
“Now, I thought I told you I didn’t want to hear any of that anymore,” Jake said, gently but with a hint of stern resolve. “Now, why don’t we sit down and talk about this?”
“There’s really nothing to talk about, Jake.” Buttercup’s sigh was bone-weary as she sank into one of the island stools. “We have to go home. Abby’s got school, Bob and Nat have work, I have deadlines that I’m already behind on and signings I promised to do months ago and they want me to do edits for a script for one of my novels…We promised them a week together, and that’s what they got.” She shrugged helplessly. “There’s nothing we can do to change that.”
“I get where you’re coming from, darlin’, I do…” Jake leaned against the island across from her. “But…it wouldn’t be too difficult to get Abby signed up for school here, and Bob and Phoenix are grown ups, they don’t need you to take them home. And you…” He sighed heavily. “You can write from anywhere, so why can’t you write here with us?”
Buttercup’s heart cracked wide open, years of heartbreak and loneliness and anger pouring out of her like hot lava. “I can’t believe you’re asking me that again! What about the life I’ve built for myself? My professional reputation? My friends? Abby’s friends? I have a life in London! I like my life in London!”
“I know that.” Jake kept his voice even and calm, even as he wanted to reach out and calm her. “I know I fucked it up the first time. I know I didn’t get it the first time, how much the job and the move and everything meant to you back then. But you’re an award-winning author now, Buttercup. You’re like…number one draft pick in the NFL. You would have dozens of publishers falling all over themselves and each other to publish your stories now. Hell, with the way technology has improved in the last decade, nothing would stop you from keeping your publisher in London and Zooming into meetings with them from here. Isn’t it at least an option?”
Everything he was saying made perfect sense. It was all logical and well thought out, and, for a moment, she could picture it. Staying in Clifton, on the ranch. Turning the guest bedroom into an office for her to write out of while staring out at the pretty scenery, waking every morning in the cradle of Jake’s arms and cuddling with him until their daughters dragged them from bed. Giving them a real shot.
But a real shot meant the possibility of real pain. Pain that she had barely healed from the first time. Pain that she had put him through. Pain that he didn’t deserve. He didn’t deserve any of it, but to protect him, she would have to hurt him.
“I can’t just give up my job, my life because of a one-night stand.” Her voice was cold, belying the white-hot pain that was shooting through her heart, her very soul.
“I thought I meant more to you than that?”
She could hear the pain in his voice and ducked her head, refusing to meet his eyes. “You do…” she whispered, so quiet that he wouldn’t be able to hear her. The words “You did” came at a louder volume. “But I worked too hard to get to where I am now, and so did you.” She gulped down air, feeling like the walls were closing in on her. “I…I finally healed from everything we put each other through, and we can’t just fall back together again because it’s easy.”
Jake scrubbed a hand over his face. He knew what she was talking about. They had put each other through a lot, and it had taken over a decade to even start to heal from that, but they had healed. Wasn’t he worth giving it another go? Weren’t the girls worth trying for? He tamped down the anger he felt growing in his gut and asked, “When have we ever been easy?”
“You know what I mean, Jake.” Her sigh was heavy, bowing her shoulders like she was carrying the weight of the world. “We’re familiar. We’ve been living in the same house for a week, and, in a moment of weakness, we let ourselves fall back into old habits. And it felt good. But we’ve been down this road before. We know what lies at the end of it.” Tears pricked her eyes again and she blinked them back. “Besides, you were just engaged to another woman. You were planning on going back to the Navy. I…I can’t be the thing you hold onto just because you’re afraid of what your life will look like in six years.”
Jake felt the anger within him rise, and he relied on every ounce of his military training to remain composed, to not let the anger seep into his voice. “I don’t think I’m the one who is afraid here. You’re running.”
Despite the way she was shaking her head, hands covering her face, Jake moved around the island and gently put his hands on her shoulders, turning her to face him. “I know you felt something last night. I felt it too. Just because we didn’t work out the first time, doesn’t mean we won’t work out this time. You don’t have to be afraid of what might happen either, sweetheart.” His voice was filled with so much warmth and passion that Buttercup felt the tears fall faster and harder down her cheeks. This sweet man. She had never deserved him. His hands stroked her upper arms as he continued. “You’ve done such a good job on your own. Abby is incredible and your books…” Jake shook his head in amazement. “You’re incredible. But you don’t have to be strong and do it all on your own anymore. I know you can, but you don’t have to. Let me help. Just stay and let me help.” He was begging and he knew it, but he couldn’t help the tightness in his chest that told him that he had to convince her to stay. That he couldn’t lose her again. “I know you felt it last night,” he ended in a murmur.
Buttercup buried her head in her hands and sobbed. He was saying all the right words and she could feel the warmth and kindness pouring out of him, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that she would ruin it all again. “I…I can’t,” she cried. “We have to be the adults here. I can’t just leave my life behind and stay with you. Not again. We tried that once and it didn’t work, and we owe it to our girls to be better this time. We have to be better this time. For them. What we want doesn’t matter.”
Breath whooshed out of Jake’s lungs as he took her in. His Buttercup looked so small and broken, sobbing at his kitchen island. He had done that to her. He had broken his strong, independent, fiercely loyal and kind woman. No matter how badly he wanted to keep her, he couldn’t hold her back again. “This…this is really what you want?”
With doubt clogging her throat, she murmured, “It is.”
Jake’s shoulders bowed, and he grunted to clear the tingling in his throat and in the bridge of his nose. “Then…as you wish, I guess.”
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Buttercup nearly ran down the path towards the dude ranch cabins. After a tense breakfast, one where no one said anything to each other, Buttercup got changed and got out of the ranch house as quickly as she possibly could. She felt like she couldn’t breathe with the weight of Jake’s disappointed gaze upon her and Charlie’s hate-filled words hanging in the air around them. Not even her sweet Abby had been able to look her in the eye, so she fled the moment it was acceptable to do so.
Now, she was marching to her brother’s cabin to talk to him and his best friend, to get some sort of reassurance that she was doing the right thing. She quickly climbed the two steps up and came up short when the door swung open, Javy emerging in his jeans, carrying his shirt from last night.
“Oh…” They both froze and stared at each other. “Hey Buttercup.”
“Hey Javy…”
“You, uh…” Javy shuffled his feet. “You good?”
“Not really,” she admitted, staring down at her toes. “Is Nat in there? Or Bob?”
“Bob spent the night in Mickey’s cabin with him and Yale. But Nat…” A shy smile pulled at Javy’s lips as he shrugged. “She’s asleep upstairs. I’ve gotta run to practice though. Can you tell her I said goodbye? And that I’ll see her for dinner tonight?”
Despite her own broken heart, Buttercup found herself smiling. “I’m glad you two were able to work it out. I’ll let her know.”
“Thanks, Buttercup.” He grinned and placed a light jab against her shoulder as he passed. “And hey? I’m sure whatever’s bugging you will work itself out in the end.”
“I don’t think so, Javy. But thanks.”
Buttercup let herself into the quaint little cabin and headed straight for the bedroom, where her friend was just waking up. Buttercup thanked whatever not-completely-evil god that was out there that her friend was wearing a t-shirt. After the morning she’d had, the last thing she wanted was to have her friend flash her by accident.
“Hey…” Natasha yawned as she stretched her arms over her head. “What’re you doin’ here? Where’s—” Natasha cut herself off, looking away from Buttercup.
“Javy had football practice. He says he’ll see you for dinner.” That was all Buttercup managed to get out before flopping onto the bed and sobbing.
“Jesus Christ, B!” Natasha scrambled up and pulled her crying friend into her lap. “What the hell?” A gentle hand ran up and down the length of Buttercup’s spine. “You’re alright, girl. C’mon.”
“J-Jake and I hooked up last night,” Buttercup blubbered, burying her face into the plaid comforter that covered her friend’s lap.
“And…was it…not good?” Try as she might, Natasha was struggling to see the problem.
“It was great!”
Both ladies were surprised at the strength of Buttercup’s sobs. It was unlike her to cry so much, but clearly, she had to exorcise some demons, and crying seemed to be the best way to get them out.
Natasha sighed and patted her friend on the back. “Then I am confused.”
“Join the fucking club…” Buttercup muttered, wiping her face on the bedspread before sitting up, her tear ducts seemingly empty. “We…we’re going home tomorrow. I can’t believe I was so stupid as to hook up with my ex-husband right before we’re going back home.”
“Not gonna lie, lady, but you were basically eye-fucking him all night. I’m not surprised that you two fell into bed together. The sexual tension was too great.” Natasha propped herself up against the oak headboard and stared at her friend. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you know. Lots of couples do one last fuck fest after a breakup or divorce.”
“Is that what you and Javy were doing last night?” Buttercup bit out, no malice in her voice, only exhaustion.
Natasha bit her lip. “Actually…it was more of a ‘lets try this thing again’ than a ‘lets get this thing out of our systems’.”
Buttercup blinked her bloodshot eyes. “How are you two going to try it again when our flight leaves tomorrow?”
One of Natasha’s calloused fingers gently traced the scar that ran over her eye, something that she only did on the rare occasion that she was nervous. “That’s the thing…I’m not getting on that flight. Bob said that he could get me a refund with the airline since it’s, y’know, his airline.”
“You’re staying?” Of all the things she expected her best friend to say, it certainly wasn’t that. “What about your classes? Your friends?”
Natasha shrugged. “One of the other instructors can take over until they hire someone else. And there’s a gym in town that needs a new female personal trainer. Javy’s pretty sure they’d take me on the spot. And honestly, B? What friends? I had work friends that I only hung out with occasionally off the clock, and I had you and Bob. I lived in your home, ate your food, and hung out with you. No offence, because you know I love you, but not going back isn’t that big of a deal to me.”
Buttercup nodded as she looked at her friend. “I hate that you’re leaving me,” she mumbled, pulling Natasha into a fierce hug. “But I’m proud of you for giving him another shot. You just make sure he knows that if he hurts you, I’m only one transatlantic flight away from kicking his ass.”
“Or…you could always stay too and be just a walk down the road away from kicking his ass.” Natasha’s voice was gentle and kind, but Buttercup was already shaking her head. “Why not?”
“Because we tried, and we failed.”
“So did me and Javy,” Natasha nudged her.
“But you don’t have kids who will suffer if you try again and it still falls apart.”
“Fair point…” Natasha hummed and turned towards her. “What if it doesn’t fall apart?”
“I can’t risk it, Nat,” Buttercup murmured, tears welling in her eyes again. “I can’t hurt Abby and Charlie like that. They have to come first.”
“I get that.” Natasha reached out and squeezed her friend’s hand comfortingly. “But you have spent over a decade putting Abby first. You have been an amazing mother to that girl. Maybe it’s time to start putting yourself first instead.”
Buttercup squeezed back, snuggling down in her friend’s bed and sighing. If only it was that easy.
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The next 24 hours passed in a blur of emotion. Charlie still wasn’t speaking to Buttercup, despite Jake’s private talk with her when she returned to the ranch house after her walk. Abby wasn’t faring much better, quiet but not angry the way her sister was. More…resigned. And Jake…well, Jake did what Jake always did. He walled up everything he was feeling behind thick, military issue shields and pretended. It was what he was trained to do. Compartmentalize and prioritize. His priority was making sure that his girls didn’t leave the ranch sad.
Buttercup’s eyes remained bloodshot for the rest of the day, and it broke Jake’s heart to see his girl so distraught. Part of him wanted to ask her to reconsider, to ask if her decision to leave was what was making her so miserable, but he didn’t. His Buttercup had only made one rash decision in her entire life: staying with him in Miramar. Every other decision had been meticulously thought out, including going to London to start over. He couldn’t blame her for that, and he couldn’t blame her for wanting to return to her life abroad, no matter how much it felt like it was killing him to let her go again.
So, Jake pushed it all down and tried to make it the best 24 hours he possibly could. He took his three girls on a trail ride after having a small goodbye lunch for their remaining guests. Fanboy, Yale, Payback and his family all enjoyed a small gathering despite the tense atmosphere. That atmosphere remained throughout the trail ride, though Jake had hoped it would help cool Charlie down. Dinner was similarly quiet, the five of them eating their spaghetti and meatballs in relative silence, though it seemed that both Rooster and Charlie were cheered to hear that Phoenix would be staying. Jake couldn’t help the glance he spared at Buttercup when that news was shared before Javy swept Phoenix out the door to keep their dinner reservation in town. He knew he couldn’t question why Phoenix was brave enough to stay and try to work things out, not when he knew why Buttercup was doing the brave thing by leaving. She was doing it so that the girls wouldn’t suffer from the fallout if they couldn’t keep their shit together a second time, and Jake couldn’t blame her. He would do anything to make sure Charlie was happy. Problem was that this decision didn’t seem to be making anyone happy.
Nobody got much sleep that night, the tension growing over the house like a big black storm cloud, what ifs and maybes swirling like a tornado. Day dawned without sun; the metaphorical storm having grown into a real one that had rain lashing at the windows. Breakfast was a silent affair, and Jake could barely choke down any lunch, one final meal before he had to say goodbye to his girls.
Bags were piled at the front door, waiting for the airport limo Bob had called for, complimentary because of his position with the airline. Six adults and two children stood in the doorway of the ranch house, waiting for the telltale sound of tire on gravel to signal the end. When Jake caught sight of headlights bouncing through the darkened sky, he sighed and gathered Abby into his arms.
“I love you, baby,” he murmured into her hair, and his heart broke as she clutched him tighter. “I’ll see you at Thanksgiving, okay?”
“I love you too, daddy.”
Jake opened his eyes and saw Buttercup ringing her hands as she approached Charlie, who had her arms crossed stiffly across her chest.
“I…I’m sorry, Charlie,” he heard her soft words and his chest ached for her. For both of them. His two girls were so strong and so stubborn, and they were both in so much pain. “I love you, sweet girl. I hope you remember that.” When it became clear that Charlie was not going to embrace her mother, Buttercup sighed and pressed a kiss to her hair instead. “I love you, darling.”
Buttercup turned to Rooster, who wrapped her in a tight hug. “You take care of yourself, alright, Buttercup?” he gravelled.
“I will. You take care of them for me, okay?”
“You know I will.”
A similar exchange happened with Javy, though Jake was sure that it included some sort of threat about treating Phoenix well, based on the slight grimace on Javy’s face as Buttercup turned and hugged her friend.
It was at that point that the car pulled up to the front door and Jake forced himself to release his daughter.
“Go say goodbye to everyone while I take your bags out,” he whispered to her, trying his best not to crumble at her tear-stained face.
She nodded and ran over to Phoenix, almost knocking her over. “I love you, Auntie Nat.”
“I love you too, kid.”
She squeezed Rooster next, the two of them having a whispered conversation as Jake passed, taking the bags out to the limo. He didn’t care that his white t-shirt was becoming see-through. He didn’t much care for anything at the moment. He was completely numb, just like he had been when he watched Buttercup and Abby walk out his front door the first time. He took his time loading the bags into the trunk before heading back into the house, feeling like he was walking to his execution.
When he stepped into the foyer, his eyes went straight to Abby and Charlie, embracing by the stairs. He sighed and turned to Bob, shaking his ex-brother-in-law’s hand before turning to Buttercup, who was watching her daughters with a sad sort of smile.
A gentle hand on her shoulder pulled her attention to him right as he pulled her into a hug. She folded into him the same way she always had, like she belonged there. Jake told himself that her trembling was because he was soaked to the bone, and if he felt moisture soaking into the front of his shirt, he told himself that was just the rain too.
She pulled away a few moments later, surreptitiously wiping at her eyes as she murmured, “It’s time to go, Abby.” She met his eyes for a fleeting second. “Thank you, Jake.”
“As you wish, sweetheart,” he murmured and escorted them onto the covered porch, where he gave Abby one more hug before pulling Charlie into his arms as they watched Bob, Buttercup and Abby make a run for the limo.
Bob held the door open as Abby slid in. Buttercup glanced over her shoulder at Jake and Charlie, standing like statues on the porch. She waved a sad goodbye before sliding in beside her daughter. Bob gave him an understanding nod before joining them and slamming the door shut. The limo roared to life and started down the dirt drive, rain and wind whipping at the windshield as they went. Abby and Buttercup huddled together on the leather seats as Bob gave instructions to the driver, and then they were silent.
Jake’s chest heaved as he watched them go, watched two-thirds of his heart walk away from him again.
“Wait!” Charlie cried, throwing off his hold and taking off down the wet and muddy driveway. “Mom, wait!” Jake lunged after her, grabbing her up in a hug as the limo disappeared between the trees, the falling rain too loud for them to hear her pleas.
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Tags List: @jessicab1991
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kxi14 · 2 months
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feel free to add cause WTF WAS THAT
*how did fives book GET under that station platform
edit 1 (09.08. 8am cet):
- where is sloan like what happened to her
- why was abigail (i think thats her name?) on the moon and how did she inject jennifer with durango
- how were there so many people that had dreams about other timelines, how did the dreams look like, where did they get the artifacts
- how can abigail make those masks, did she inject herself with the durango considering she was also some sort of squid thing when killine Gene?
- (11:48am cet) does klaus know how ben died? like did ben tell him in the earlier seasons? DOES BEN EVEN KNOW HOW HE DIED? like no one told klaus when they got their memory back
- (8:39pm cet, lol help me) HOW DOES THE KLAUS PLOT THIS SEASON NOT MATTER TO ANYONE AT ALL, he was sober for three years, was forced to take the marigold so he wouldnt die, is obsessed with his family AND NO ONE SEEMS TO CARE HE WALKED ALL THE WAY BACK HOME! then gets killed and kidnapped to do seances, escapes and is buried alive while living through an endless loop of suffocation and revival before claire and allison found him AND NO ONE BATS A FUCKING EYE WHEN HES BACK? im not mad at all never
(august 16th)
- how did they let a guy that looks 17 at max into the cia without any questions
- considering lila can mirror all the powers i feel like she only mirrors five and viktor, like imagine her having tentacles or seeing dead people
- everything about the metro station, why were the promo posters with all of them when only lila and five went, what about the teaser with ben and multiple others in the metro, how does it work and how does the map work with the different stations so that they didn’t get home for 7 years, how many different timelines are there and which did they see, why was apocalyptic five shooting at them when after multiple years he was completely alone and then just shoots someone that looks exactly like him?
- no i cannot move on from this i’m not ok
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hanszoe · 1 month
i guess i had a longer post before but since i'm working on it now, a quick summary of hans' muscle composition
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first is that they have a lot of explosive strength. their height and weight was confirmed as 170cm/5'7" 60kg/132lbs even before the anime adaptation, so it's true to how isayama imagined them. in the above scene that compares to pastor nick's height and weight of 192cm/6'3.5" 72kg/159lbs.
in the anime adaptation this action lasts a total of 1m14s.
35s - bearing initial weight. nick is still supporting himself and hans is not holding him that far from their combined center of mass. 22s - hans pushes him further over the ledge, increasing the distance of their center of mass from their body. this increases the amount of force that they must exert in order to hold him up. at this point hans' arm begins to shake, caused by their muscles beginning to alternate between fibers to distribute demand 17s - nick stops supporting his own weight, further increasing the amount of force hans has to exert to hold him up. killing him should not only be a mental question but also a physical one at this point
they then use the last of their strength to throw him back over the ledge. their entire body is shaking when they sit down.
the situation is somewhat unrealistic, especially hans' pose as regardless of their muscle strength they are at a major mass disadvantage and would absolutely have to place more of their own weight away from the ledge (this would naturally occur by widening their stance and lifting their unused arm on the opposite side) to avoid falling, but overall within the realm of possibility. regardless, it takes a lot of explosive strength to do something like this.
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hans also has similar explosive strength on a few other occasions, notably when they kick over this table.
however in contrast, they don't seem to have much endurance
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they're so exhausted from running presumably just a short distance from their horse to tell erwin that they drop to the floor lol. as if it were a regular occurrence, erwin just gets them a glass of water
so hans' endurance definitely doesn't compare to their explosive strength. which actually makes sense, considering two totally different types of muscle fibers control these types of movements.
the first type, which hans definitely has a large distribution of, are fast twitch muscle fibers. those ones use an anaerobic process to generate energy, which is also why they aren't breathing heavily after holding nick over the ledge, as their muscles used almost entirely anaerobic glycolysis to generate the energy required for the action.
the second are slow twitch fibers, used over longer durations. they use aerobic metabolism to generate energy, so this is why hans is breathing so heavily after running.
based on the disparity in their respective areas of strength, hans most likely has a higher distribution of fast twitch fibers. there is a certain gene which controls this, the ACTN3 gene. that one encodes alpha-actinin-3, which is a protein only expressed in fast twitch muscle fibers. allele variations control whether alpha-actinin-3 is actually encoded at all. individuals with a CC genotype have full expression of the gene, whereas CT or TT result in reduced production up to no production at all in individuals with a TT genotype. this is called ACTN3 deficiency. without alpha-actinin-3, muscles are shifted towards aerobic metabolism and fast twitch fibers work less efficiently.
it's actually very cool that hans' physical strength is so consistent in this way that we can even speculate on their muscle composition, up to them likely having a CC ACTN3 genotype. i haven't read much of isayama's blog but he used to post a lot about sports up to betting and predictions, so it seems like his particular athletic knowledge came into use here to depict them.
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Every umbrella academy character ranked (seasons 1-4)
After that shitshow of a fourth season, i felt it necessary to redo this.
#36 -The Sparrows (Jayme, Alphonso, Fae etc.)
The show had no clue what to do with these characters. They sit around being evil for a little while only to promptly die within four episodes. Also one of them is a fucking cube?!? Whats up with that?
#35 - Sloane
How come she disappears in season 4 but not sparrow Ben? So much of this makes no sense.
#34 -Sparrow Ben
I hate this character with my whole being. He goes around calling people emo as if HE DOESNT WAKE UP EVERY MORNING WITH A SCOWL ON HIS STUPID FACE AND EMO HAIR ON HIS STUPID FOREHEAD. He's so rude and awful and i'm given no reason by the show to give a shit where he ends up.
#33 -Carl Cooper
This one speaks for itself.
#32 -Reggie's wife
The two of them annoyed me so much.
#31 -Viktor
Moochy emo sod. Elliott Page's acting got progressively worse throughout the series (and i like Elliott Page, but this wasnt his best work.)- season 1 Vanya was tolerable, beyond that i couldn't stand this character. All his jokes land flat and he has the charisma of a piece of cardboard.
#30 -Season 4 Five
For the sake of this ranking, i am treating seasons 1-3 Five and season 4 Five as seperate characters. Seems like the writers were doing the same. What the fuck, guys? How do you bulldoze a character this badly?
Season 4 Five was unfunny, selfish, cowardly, and most of all on a different plane of being from the Five we all knew and loved. Screw you, season 4 Five, you're not canon.
#29 -Season 4 Lila
I'm treating Lila the same way. Season 4 Lila was an injustice to seasons 2-3 Lila.
#28 -Harlan
Couldn't care less about him. He represents to me when the umbrella academy started going to shit in season 3.
#27 -Jennifer
Again, we are given no reason to care about her.
#26 -Pogo
He was just there for the exposition. They never explained why Reggie was doing experiments on monkeys??
#25 -Reggie
He was quite a good villain but i still hate him. Really goofy at times, too.
#24 -Jean and Gene
They were quite good actually. If season 4 wasn't a dumpster fire, i reckon they'd have been able to really shine.
#23 -Cha Cha
This is getting into better territory. I liked Cha Cha, she was badass, but not well developed.
#22 -Detective Patch
Again, i liked her, but she wasn't given much time to develop as a character.
#21 -The Swedes
They were funny, whimsical villains that were fun to watch on screen. Funny and whimsical are two adjectives that TUA used to embody.
#20 -Elliott
My guy just wanted to eat fish and be a conspiracy theorist 😔
#19 -Sissy
Welcome back, Sheldon's mum.
In all seriousness, she was well acted despite Viktor's actor giving her nothing to work with, so props to her.
#18 -Dave
#17 -Destiny's children
I am in fact an active member
#16 -Luther
I have bumped Luther up my list because in seasons 3-4 he sort of embraces his goofiness, but in seasons 1-2 he is an insufferable, incestuous moron. He is up here for good character development and i wished he could have ended up with Sloane.
#15 -Agnes
She was really cute and sweet, i liked her a lot. RIP season 1, you were peak.
#14 -Herb and Dot
They were sweet and funny too, and i miss the whole idea of the time commission.
#13 -Kenny's mum
An honourable mention
#12 -Grace
Grace was super well performed and poignant. I have no issues with Grace.
#11 -Stan
Live, laugh, love Stan. I hate that the trauma of losing him was never mentioned in season 4 for Diego or Lila.
My top 10
#10 -Lenoard Peabody/ Harold Jenkins
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I stand by him being one of the best-acted and most cleverly written villains of all time. He is not only a well-executed surprise villain, but a scarily accurate one, and the actor plays him to perfection. We even start to like him before the cracks show. Also he looks like a creepy version of Lin Manuel Miranda.
#9 -Ray
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Season 4 did Ray DIRTY. It was completely out of character for him to just walk out. They could have at least have him die in a tragic accident or something. Season 2 Ray is the perfect, most charismatic, ideal man and i hold him in my heart forever and in my head Alison and Ray ended up together.
#8 -Hazel
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He had one of the best arcs on the show, period. Continues to represent everything good about the first two seasons of TUA. He was flawed, he was human, he was loveable.
#7 -Umbrella Ben
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He seemed like he could have been a brilliant character with more screen time. His sacrifice in season 2 was a genuinely moving moment. The backstreet boys moment is SO FUNNY and his and Klaus's dynamic is something i really miss.
#6 -The Handler
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We don't appreciate The Handler enough. The show started rolling downhill as soon as The Handler was gone. She was the glue that held the show together, one of the best villains/antagonists in TV history.
#5 -Allison
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Yes, season 3 Allison made some stupid choices and did some terrible things, but a lot of it came from grief and she redeemed herself in season 4 imo. Seasons 1-2 Allison was one of the most charismatic, endearing and empathetic characters on the show.
#4 -Seasons 1-2 Lila
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I love you. I miss you. Come back to me.
#3 -Diego
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Bumped up the list for being a CONSISTENTLY good character who is flawdd but still extremely loveable and hilarious.
#2 -Seasons 1-3 Five
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Seasons 1-3 Five would shoot season 4 Five in the face. He is the daddy here, and season 4 Five is the creepy uncle.
Original Five is a masterfully crafted, hilarious, unique, intelligent character and i will not let season 4 ruin it for me.
#1 -Klaus
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This needs no justification.
What do you think? How far do you agree?
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lilblucat · 5 months
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(sorry for any grammatical errors, I'm bad at English so I use the translator)
How fast does Akita grow?
Because she is not human, she is her own lump of meat, I thought she would have a relatively rapid development, growing her actual appearance in a couple of Months/ years (which looks about 10-12 human years for me).
I like that girl, I'm sending you this cortadillo I hope you can digest it, I don't know how your digestive system works, or if you even have one.
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She actually ages similarly to a human. Her body consumes organic matter and adds it her own, it is just a slow process. She must also consciously add features to her body not in her genes (extra eyes, tail). I depict her around 15 years old, Colt would be 17, and Chloe 18 (possibly younger, not sure). She is not done with growing yet, and an adult Akita would look differently.
Also, this means she can eat your offering.
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mamuzzy · 2 months
Hey dear :D can you tell us about your headcanons on Jango training the Alphas ? :D
I finally got here to answer this ask. <3
And ooooh boy do I have??? Only angsty ones, love.
I use RepComm lore as a base of my headcanons, just to make clear in what continuity I'm creating in. And that means: NO INHIBITOR CHIPS.
The whole idea of the Clone Army revolves around one thing ultimately: to completely exterminate the jedi. To create an army that is ready for the decisive moment of taking down the enemies of the Sith without the jedi even noticing what is coming at them.
The trainers of course didn't know that this is the ultimate goal of the army, but they knew they had to train a whole army for a future war that who knows when will come. They had be loyal. And they had to be effective.
Every trainer had different approach:
Kal Skirata used love and insisted on the importance of comradeship which ultimately didn't necesserily made his commandos loyal to the Republic, but to each other.
Walon Vau used harsh discipline and insisted on the importance to make his commandos remember: they are superior than others and they have the most important mission in their life. Nothing awaits them outside because they have everything they need: their duty. Vau's trainees remained loyal even after the regime change.
And then we have the Alpha ARC Troopers trained by Jango Fett.
The Alpha ARCs in their mind are the unaltered version of Jango Fett. 100 copy of Jango Fett with their brain remained untouched (compared to the Nulls who's brain was tampered with). Meaning, the Alpha's undying loyalty to the Republic is not pre-programmed, it is not in their genes. It is conditioned with traditional methods: And that is FEAR.
More under the cut
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Jango Fett didn't care about the clones and I will sparta-kick everyone from this hill who tries to fight me. I don't have a single worldbuilding where Jango was a "good daddy" for the Clones. He was a great, loving and caring father to Boba and Boba alone.
For him, the clones are products, but also they are part of his agenda: Even he dies, there will be millions of Jango Fetts who will fulfill his revenge of killing off all the Jedi.
The books often mention that Jango was a sociopath (meaning he is on the spectrum of ASPD), and this template was able to make the clones to be so effective. His brain is just built different and wasn't cluttered with moral based inhibitions. That's why I think that Jango wasn't actually a sadist who enjoyed tormenting his trainees - The Alphas - out of joy and personal amusement. It served the purpose, it was all pragmatic.
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There wasn't any more description what was Alpha's training like on Kamino but these little snippets of lores made my brain go brrrrrrr about the theories. If the Alphas - THE ALPHAS!!!! - were scared of Jango it could mean that their training included something that gave a reason to fear him.
We know that he installed his own commands into the Alphas such us destroying the Clone Facility in case of Separatist attack on Kamino which Alpha-17 almost fulfilled. But also, being unquestionably loyal to the Jedi. For me, these commands weren't installed. I truly love the unaltered brain-Alphas.
-- Physical pain --
When you are in the military and under training, the line between educational violence and actual physical abuse is very thin. Insubordination had to be punished. Jango had to make sure that the Alphas remain loyal despite not having the same inhibitions like the rest of the clones, so there must have been exercises where he tested how far the Alphas would go to fullfill their duties, achieve victory, enforce an order, AT ALL COST.
They had to put through physical hell, pushed over their limits, pushed over their thresholds and beyond. If caught crying, if caught showing pain, if caught showing the single muscle of questioning Jango's orders, they had to be punished. They weren't made to compete with each other, but they also couldn't protect each other publicly when Jango punished the Alphas for insubordination. They had to watch. They had to learn from it.
The Alphas found secret ways to communicate with each other. To find comfort in each other in one way or another. Oh they knew the concept of love and caring. They watched Jango and Boba from the distance. The reassuring words. The caring touches of a father. They watched how the Nulls were running to their precious sergeant for comfort when hurt. They were very much aware that this is not something they would get.
The Alphas needed only one case of serious insubordination to learn their places and that was Alpha-Ø2. He was truly an independent mind and free-thinker, a true inspiration to thrive for individualism in the sea of Jango Fetts. Spar refused to comply and refused to sworn loyalty to "a republic" which he didn't knew.
And one day Alpha-Ø2 disappeared. Only to return without his memories. Returning without his fiery temper, without his free-spirit... and without any knowledge of how he used to love his Alpha-brothers dearly.
The brainwashing of the Alphas were so much successful later in time, when Alpha-Ø2 - called now Spar - actually deserted at age 8, two years before Geonosis, most of the Alphas felt disgust just by thinking about him - they had to.
Alphas had to believe that Spar was the utter disgrace to the Republic, otherwise it would mean, that they were actually treated wrong.
They had no idea that Spar's desertion was orchestrated by Mij Gilamar and Jango Fett himself after Spar regained his memories - probably the only mercy Jango showed for a clone.
-- Jango had to find the perfect balance --
The Kaminoans wanted soldiers who are independent thinkers but still loyal. Completely supressing their individualism wasn't an option, learned from Spar's case.
What the Alphas did in their non-existent freetime wasn't his business. But the Alphas had to drop everything that is them, when Jango ordered them to do so.
Jango hated every form of authority and realized that the Alphas inherited this trait for his disdain. So he used this train in them to be more effective as advisors for the Jedi. The Alphas had to make sure the Jedi survive until the critical point after all.
Alpha-17 is the smartest of them and the closest thing they had for Spar, which made him always walking on thin ice.
Tavo and Sull, lovebirds.
Maze had knowledge of wide variety of things due to reading forbidden literature that wasn't their in their curriculum.
Fordo communicated only through sign language due to trauma, and his closest friends learned too so they can speak to each other. He only spoke when Jango ordered him to do so.
They were smart enough to know what is was truly considered disobedience. And that was going against the Republic and Jango. If they comply to these rules, they will be safe.
-- ALPHA vs NULL conflict --
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Jango always had to remind the Alphas that they were expected to be better than their precedessors, the Nulls. If they fail to meet with the standards, they won't have "a kal skirata" to save them from recondition.
Alpha-Ø2 sure didn't have.
The Alphas after a while didn't need outside motivation to be obedient and loyal. Because they were meant to be everything the Nulls couldn't be. Seeing the examples with their own eyes, how chaotic the Nulls were, how the Nulls as children were actually unruly and sadistic toward the kaminoan technicians, how they disobeyed everyone who was not Kal Skirata, they finally saw what is expected from them: BE BETTER THAN THEM.
And they finally found their positive reassurance on their own. How to take pride in being the true servants of the Republic. Only the Nulls didn't give a shit about this rivalry. They didn't care about Jango or the Alphas or being better than the Alphas.
Being obedient without question was totally against he Alphas nature but they tried. They tried fucking hard.
Alphas: We are the perfect soldiers of the Republic because we are obedient, well-behaved, and we don't cause trouble to our trainers unlike you.
Nulls: We are perfect soldiers because Kal'buir said so, nyenyenyeeeee!!!
Indeed. That Alpha's didn't have "a kal skirata" in their life to tell them they are enough. That they are perfect. That they do the best. Because their best was never enough.
And they weren't enough.
The Alpha ARCs deemed to be failure in the end and their template genes weren't put in to mass-production. When the deployment to Geonosis began, they realized that they weren't meant to be used in the battle and it almost broke them.
Despite their effort and hard work, the Alphas still deemed a failure. Unpredictable, unruly, and because they didn't have any inhibition in them, the Kaminoan didn't trust that they would fulfill their roles. Alphas had to watch the Nulls leave to Geonosis while they were put into stasis.
They didn't have "a kal skirata" to save them from this fate. They didn't have Jango Fett, he wasn't there at all.
They were all alone.
-- Did Jango's approach work? --
My answer is: no.
Despite the conditioning, the Alphas had wide-variety of reactions to the Republic, to the Jedi, and Order 66.
Some were able to shake down the effects of the conditioning, and realized that this dead man won't come after them from the grave to punish them for disobedience.
Some Alpha deserted and died by the hands of Clone Assassins sent after them during the Clone Wars.
Some Alpha remained loyal to Jango's orders, the Republic and then the Empire, training the new generation of soldiers.
Some Alpha went into hiding and became bounty hunters.
Ultimately, how they interacted with the world around them as individual and how the environment treated them decided their own fate.
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squiiq · 20 days
It pleases me a bunch to see that my last post was received really well, So I'm gonna drop the wack ass family tree I made today and explain some things
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Okay, so this is the tree, obviously, you can click it and zoom in to read everything, but i'll explain most of it below.
I'll explain the connections first and then go into more detail.
Edgeshot and Kurono
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Now, there's actually a really good thread that someone already made under the #edgeshot tag, but I don't have the link to it copied right now, so you'll probably have to search for it yourself, but basically
They have very similar quirks and appearances, from the hair to their resting faces, its eerily similar. Their quirks both required some sort of distortion of their body to work properly.
I feel like they are brothers, and I feel like its possible that Kurono ran away from their family early on because he couldn't handle the stress of the lineage.
Next up,
This guy (He's unnamed as far as I know)
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So, as far as I'm aware, we have no solid name for this guy nor do we know what kind of quirk he has, or if he even has one to begin with based on the way he talks about quirks changing people's perception of things, so it could be he doesn't have one at all.
I feel like he's the brother of Kurono and Shinya's mother, which makes him their uncle
On that subject, Seiji, its heavily implied that he's this man's son, so if that's the case, that makes him Shinya and Kurono's cousin.
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Still on this note, I'll continue further.
Seiji's potential father could've possibly been married to a woman who had a sister that married another woman after a fling with a guy and results in the creation of Setsuna
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It feels right since Setsuna and Seiji have extremely similar quirks that may be a result of their mother's genetics.
I'll finally come back to Edgeshot and Jeanist's part of the tree.
So, Edgeshot and Jeanist, right ?
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We know they've known each other and been at least friends since their UA days, but possibly more of course and in this sense, they were more.
Tatami is 17 at the end of the final war, which makes her the perfect age to have been born when Edgeshot was about 18, and Jeanist 19, which would make her a teen baby.
In this idea, obviously I perceive Edgeshot as a trans man, which makes her 100% their biological daughter. Obviously, they wouldn't want it known they had a daughter publicly, but they didn't desire to give her up, which leads to her completely different name from both of them.
The reason I think she's their daughter and not possibly another sibling to Edgeshot is because her quirk isn't exactly close enough to Edgeshot and Chronostsis's to be that closely related, but its possible that the combination of Edgeshot and Jeanist's genes gave her an extra boost and made her quirk the way it was.
Jeanist's quirk is fibermaster, so he controls the fibers in clothing and can make it constrict and loosen at will.
Edgeshot's quirk is Foldabody, which makes him able to stretch his body out to be spindly and thin like a thread.
Tatami's quirk is Telescopic, giving her the ability to pull her limbs into her torso like a turtle.
The combination of Edgeshot and Jeanist's quirks could reasonably lead to the mutation that is her quirk. It makes sense to me but if i need to elaborate more, don't be afraid to ask !
Now, obviously, you probably see Mt. Lady up there in the righthand corner, and I'll explain.
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I feel like she's probably got a distant relationship to Jeanist, obviously somehow connected through his mother's cousin or something. They both come off as very haughty, and from their interactions, she definitely holds respect for him, more so I feel in a familial way, rather than a coworker or elder way.
Idk I'm running out of things to say, I'm gonna end this rant here, ask any questions if you can think of any ❗
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
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Technically Corvid is still a part of an au, i really like everyone's designs so i guess its just like a weird little au that are also kinda ocs?? Idk. Im still tagging it as the animatronicfication au and using the other ccs names but im completely separating wilbur from Corvid.
The one that probably changed the most is simp LMAO i just went back to his old design that was inspired by Luna (@starrixle's transfem simpbur turned oc) and Spencer is such a fitting name in my mind i literally can not imagine him with a different name *bwomp*
Also I'm working on refs for the other characters associated with the respective critters! I wanna finish them all and dump them into one post and I'll link it here when I'm done.
Before we go into individual characters i want to say that this is absolutely Minecraft. Like. The world is built off of Minecraft lore yk !!!! The overworld will still be called the overworld but it's basically just earth, with more magic and humanoid species! Along with supernatural creatures and cryptids n stuff :D also with more advanced tech considering Corvid exists pFF
Spencer for the most part kinda was like he is in canon or whatever. She used to lean more towards incel ideology because she was REALLY insecure and uncomfortable with herself for the longest time. Despite that, Spencer and Adrianne (egirl) started dating when they were 17, his unhealthy obsession with her was only fueled by her unhealthy attachment to him. They needed each other and it wasn't good for either of them. Spencer had developed horrible separation anxiety which only made things worse. Over time Adrianne became suffocated by his constant neediness, overwhelming insecurity, short temper and lack of contribution to household chores. It pained her to leave, but things needed to change. It wasn't until the breakup that Spencer met Shepard, who was his first irl friend in a long time. They met when they were around 22/23, at first Spencer just used Shepard as a distraction from Adrianne, especially since he was surprised that they wanted to even be his friend in the first place. But after a while he genuinely started to enjoy their company, plus they offered him really good advice and helped him through a gender/sexuality crisis. Eventually they became partners! Maybe not romantically, as they're both aromantic, but life partners nonetheless.
OH and i did make Spencer white/Salvadoran. Her mom is the first generation from immigrant parents while her dad is British; And her dad's younger brother is Adam's dad! He's also an ex-christian, he left due to religious trauma and moved to America to escape his family hA
Spencer's also a no sabo kid LMAO (he knows some words/phrases but other than that he cant speak Spanish to save his life)
ALSO ALSO. Oh my god i could talk about Spence all day LMAO but i made him a werewolf !!!! Hes SOO jealous of Adam because she wanted the cat genes but instead got bitten and turned into a werewolf as a teenager. She's done a pretty good job at hiding it from her family so Shepard's the only one who knows.
I already dumped everything about Adam into that other post, so I don't really have much else to add. HOWEVER !! Him and Spence are cousins now :3 Adam doesn't get to meet Spencer in person until he moves to America with Charlie & co, but he does follow her socials with his secret accounts that his parents don't know about. The only reason they know they're cousins is because Spencer's dad told her so and she reached out! Much to the dismay of Adam's parents but they've secretly kept in touch online.
Keith's pretty much stayed the same apart from a slight design revamp. Although I've made him a little older since originally i made him look young. But then I decided hes a dad so i started drawing him older for the asks pFF he also has a hooked nose now! In case it's not obvious. Keith got married to Jean VERY young, they were maybe 17/18 in human years. It was an arranged marriage and their only goal was to have an heir to the throne. Well they did, they had two kids, the eldest being a boy named Lune and the youngest being a girl named Sunny, who's the would be heir. Until Jean took both the kids and left. It was completely unprompted and left everyone in the kingdom confused, especially Keith. Sure, they had a loveless marriage and maybe he was insufferable at times, but he wanted to make it work if not for the kids then for the kingdom! But its been almost a year since she left, he's lost hope in ever finding her. Keith desperately wants his kids back, not because Sunny is the rightful heir— though that is part of it—but he loves them both dearly. He misses them the most.
Wilfred has pretty much stayed the same as well! I did give him a grey tshirt and darker hair to further distance his design from wilbur though. Hes just as unhinged and immoral as he used to be !!!! Nothing has changed aside from appearance actually.
Tobi also pretty much stayed the same except for its now got an orange jumper and lighter brown hair pFF although i do now have a story for him! Tobi was found by Alejandro in a storage auction, he managed to sell a lot of pretty valuable things from there but Tobi stood out, obviously, so he kept it. Alejandro is a travel vlogger and lives in an RV with his friends: Tomas, Philip and Charles. His friends just call him Alex. Anyway, they go from town to town trying local food, visiting tourists traps and vlogging the journey! While doing that they also try to find out how to get Tobi's memories back and possibly turn him human again, if they even can. So far they haven't had much luck but maybe one day...
Corvid was created as the backup singer and lead guitarist of the first all animatronic band! Brought to you by Beloved Entertainment! The other members include lead singer Ranboo Beloved, keytarist Tommy Raccoon, and bassist James Tomcat. Located in Ranboo's Mega Pizzaplex, the only location in the world (so far). Corvid adopts a showman personality while on stage, hes charismatic and such a heartthrob, very popular with the ladies. Off stage he's very calm and soft spoken, he's rather shy but still manages to be a flirt and a tease. Lightly poking fun at his bandmates, coworkers and even guests at times. He's definitely a fan favorite for a reason!
This was so fun to write and i cant wait to share more !!!! Stay tuned !!!!!!
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aphmaumystreetmemes · 2 months
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Day 755 of posting Aphmau MyStreet memes till it returns in late 2025 | Know the Difference: Gene [Originally Posted: December 17, 2023]
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mcdgarroth · 11 months
Minecraft Diaries Focus Questions
Please respond within 150-500 words and reply to at least two of your peers (jk)
These are some questions I have about people’s opinions/predictions/interpretations that I’m really curious about!! Feel free to answer only one, a few, or all if that’s what you want, and answer in any way (reblog, reply, in the tags)
1. Do you think Laurance would have survived till the end of the series? What do you think his fate would have been if Jess continued? What would you want his fate to be?
2. Do you think Zane is Leona’s father? Would you think it’s a good plot point if he was?
3. Was Irene a good person? Do you think she was justified with her actions?
4. Do you think Shad is as evil as he is believed to be in the series? Do you think he is justified?
5. Do you think the Divine Warriors are gods or just humans with godlike powers? Are they humans who become gods?
6. Do you think Gene would have been redeemed if Jess continued? Would Dante forgive him? Would he forgive Dante? What do you think his fate would have been?
7. Is Zane capable of redemption in some way in your eyes? What do you think his fate would have been?
8. What characters do you think is the relic holder of each Divine Warrior, apart from the known ones? Would you have a different arrangement?
9. Was it a good idea to connect Mystreet and MCD together? Would you have preferred if they stayed separate universes?
10. Why do you think Zenix betrayed Phoenix Drop, was it the Calling? What would Zenix’s fate have been, and what would you have liked it to be? What do you think Garroth and his reunion would have been like?
11. Do you think Jeffory would have come back as a Shadow Knight at some point? Would you have liked it if he did?
12. What do you think would happen to the Shadow Knights after Shad is defeated? Would there be a difference between those that are immortal and those that aren’t?
13. What non-canon ship would you have loved to see, no matter how outlandish or obscure the character(s) are?
14. Is there any major character(s) that you feel is unnecessary to the plot? Is there any minor character(s) that you feel should have played a bigger role?
15. What do you think of the relationships between the Ro’meave brothers? What dynamic would you have liked to see between Vylad and Zane?
16. Do you think Garte is alive? What would you like his fate to be?
17. Do you think Kenmur’s death was a good plot point? Would you have preferred if he stayed alive?
18. What do you think of the personality changes from MCD to Mystreet?
19. They mention Cadenza has magicks that relates to the Nether portals but never really utilize this. What do you wish they had done with this information?
20. Many people have well established rewrites for MCD. Because of this, would you still want Jess to continue MCD, even though it will most likely go in a direction we wouldn’t like? For example, she would most likely focus more on the relationship between Aaron and Aphmau in her rewrite. Would this still be something worth seeing or have you grown content with the unfinished series?
Thank you so much to anyone who answers!
Edit: my dumb butt mixed up the numbering and had put 11 twice lol. I fixed it by combining the Zenix questions together, so I’m sorry if question 10 is very wordy :)
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matttgirlies · 5 months
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Matt & Me🎀
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
a story heavily based on Priscilla Presley’s Book “Elvis & Me” based in the 1950’s - 1970’s.
fem! reader x singer! matt
disclaimer!! - in no way am i saying matt would ever support or do these kind of things, for the sake of the book certain unethical things do happen at times.
warnings - small mention of drug use
y/nn = your nickname in case your confused🩷
Chapter 6
It was after three o’clock the next afternoon when Matt called. “Alan’s on his way to pick you up,” he said. Alan Smith was another of his employees.
When we arrived at Matt’s house, I found him upstairs dressing. As soon as he saw me, he kissed me and asked, “How would you like to go to Las Vegas? We could really have fun and I could show you around my favorite places.” Not understanding his contradiction regarding my staying with the Barrises the night before, and feeling uneasy asking any questions, I answered, “I’d love to. When?”
“Tonight. We’ll load up the bus and head out about midnight, arrive in the morning, sleep all day, and see the shows and party all night.”
Excitement was in the air—Las Vegas. I’d never dreamed of going there and I really didn’t know what to expect. Actually, I really didn’t care where we went as long as I was with him.
I had two immediate concerns. One, I didn’t know if I could afford—or at my age should even wear—the glamorous clothes suitable for Vegas, but Matt said not to worry, Alan would take me shopping that afternoon.
It was a strange experience, shopping with someone I barely knew, particularly a man. He seemed as uncomfortable as I but assured me we would find something. He was familiar with all of the boutiques and took me to Saks Fifth Avenue as well.
As I selected a couple of outfits I worried about my other concern: the promised daily letter to my parents. How would I explain Las Vegas postmarks? I couldn’t. But I could prewrite letters for the time we were gone, number them one through seven, and have Arnold mail them from Los Angeles daily. My problems were solved. On to Las Vegas!
That evening Matt’s front lawn was alive with activity. There seemed to be people everywhere. The huge bus that George Barris had custom-designed for Matt stood in the driveway. The guys streamed in and out of it, loading suitcases, records, a stereo system, and cases of Pepsi-Cola. All the preparations and excitement made it look as if Matt were moving out, but in fact he always traveled this way. He was still uneasy about flying—a fear he later conquered—and felt much more relaxed driving. Because we didn’t know how long we’d stay, Alan and Gene Smith brought along whatever Matt enjoyed, so he would feel as comfortable as if he were at home. I was happy. It was the first time we’d be together without restrictions or curfews.
Just before midnight, they all gathered around the big bus; it was time to say goodbye to any visitors the regulars were leaving behind.
Matt was dressed in a white shirt, black pants, black racing gloves, and his everpresent yachting cap. As we pulled away, he yelled out the window, “We shall return,” and we hit the highway for Las Vegas, Nevada. I didn’t know what I was headed for, but I loved the idea of adventure.
And I felt proud; there was Gene to my right, me in the center, and Matt driving. I learned that Matt always preferred driving at night; it was cooler and there was less traffic. He came alive at night. There was a big difference between the daytime Matt and the nocturnal Matt. When the sun went down another personality took over, and on this particular night he was in great form. On a break between films, away from Colonel William, free of pressures and responsibilities, he could relax and play.
On the way to Vegas we all listened to music, nibbled on snacks, and drank Pepsis. In the front seat, Matt and Gene joked in their own language. Matt would say something and Gene would reply with completely made up words. When conversation lagged, they engaged in surprise attacks, punching each other. If Gene thought he’d landed a good one, he’d take off running toward the back of the bus, aware that Matt could always pull over and chase him.
These antics continued throughout most of the exhausting drive across the desert. I felt out of sync with the private jokes and crazy high jinks. It was quite obvious that the boys picked up on Matt’s every mood. I did not yet fit in.
Las Vegas
We arrived in Las Vegas around seven in the morning. I was tired and falling asleep when Matt called out, “We’re comin’ into Vegas. Look around—all you see is hotels. It’s called Sin City. Isn’t that right, Smiff?” Gene mumbled one of his silly replies and Matt laughed as usual.
The Strip looked quiet. There were a lot of taxis, some cars, and a few tired people strolling along the streets. I noticed it was extremely hot for 7 a.m., especially since it was only June.
We checked into the Sahara Hotel and to my amazement, despite the early hour, people were everywhere. Matt pointed to the casino, noisy with the rhythmic sounds of the slot machines, the sporadic ringing of bells, and an occasional yell from the craps tables.
“Is this normal?” I asked Matt.
“Honey, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Wait till tonight,” he replied.
That wouldn’t be easy. Despite being tired, I stood fascinated, watching the gamblers clustered at the various tables and the slot machines. Matt took my arm. “Come on, Baby. Let’s go up to the room. There’ll be plenty of time for this later. We better get some rest.”
We followed the bellboy to the suite, and the entourage efficiently began arranging the rooms to Matt’s liking. They unpacked his clothes, placing them neatly in his closet, lining up his shoes by color, and setting out his toiletries in the bathroom. In the living room, they set up his record player and speakers, lowered the lights to create the right atmosphere, and turned on all the television sets.
“Why do you always have the TV on?” I asked Matt.
“It keeps me company,” he said. “When it’s on, I feel like there are people around.”
He despised entering a quiet room, and soon I too adopted the habit of automatically turning on the TV whenever I walked into a room.
An hour later the assistants had the suite looking lived in, with everything in its proper place. Matt said good night to the boys and cautioned them not to wake us too early. He locked the bedroom door and got undressed and into bed. As I climbed in beside him, I noticed that he was taking a number of prescribed sleeping pills, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I wasn’t knowledgeable enough even to suspect any potential threat.
I lay there blissfully happy: Finally we were able to spend an entire night sleeping together.
Matt was looking at me. “Do you believe this, Baby? After all this time, here you are. Who’d ever have thought we’d pull this off? Let’s not even think about you going back. We’ll have a good time. We’ll think about the other when the time comes.”
His words were starting to slur. His reactions slowed down. He pulled me closer and told me, again and again, “I’m glad you’re here  . . .” And then—silence. I looked over at the bottles of pills near the bed and realized I still had competition.
When I awoke the next afternoon, I looked over at Matt and snuggled against him as closely as I could. He put his arms around me, holding me as he slept. I studied his eyebrows, his long black eyelashes, his perfect nose, and his beautiful, full mouth. After a while I ached from lying in the same position but I didn’t move; it might wake him.
I thought about the pills he had taken earlier. They mystified me but I felt Matt must know what was best for him and I decided to put the matter out of my mind.
He must have sensed that I was staring at him; he suddenly opened his eyes and started to laugh. “What are you doing? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were putting a hex on me.”
“I couldn’t sleep,” I said, embarrassed that he’d caught me studying him. “I guess I’m too excited.”
Sitting up, he said, “Well, Little Girl, the first thing I need is a cup of black coffee. Press number four on the intercom and tell Billy to order us some breakfast. He knows what I like and just tell him what you want. Tell him to have it here in half an hour and to make sure the coffee’s hot.”
Getting out of bed, he flipped on the TV and walked into the bathroom. A moment later he stuck out his head and grinned. “Get dressed, Little One, I want to show you off a little.”
That was all I needed to hear. I jumped out of bed and ran into my bathroom to get ready. As I dressed in a casual summer outfit I could hear music coming from the living room. I cracked open the adjoining door and was surprised to see all the boys up and dressed, with breakfast set up on the dining-room table.
I finished combing my hair and walked out to the living room, where the guys greeted me with friendly smiles and hellos. Matt wasn’t there yet, so no one had begun eating. Everyone was pretty quiet. Although it was after four in the afternoon, it seemed like early morning.
About fifteen minutes later, Matt came into the room, all dressed up in a three-piece suit, and I realized that nothing in my wardrobe was suitable. He walked over to the stereo and put on his latest record, saying he’d just finished a recording session and wanted me to hear the songs. Then we all sat down for breakfast.
It was fun hearing his recordings before they were released to the public. He asked me what I thought of each song, and since I knew what the kids back in Europe were listening to, I felt my comments might be helpful. At least I wanted to believe they were. “I really like the fast-paced ones,” I said, “like ‘Jailhouse Rock.’ Why don’t you record more songs like that? These don’t seem as much like rock and roll as your earlier records.”
Matt shot me a look of such pure disgust that I was petrified. “Goddamn it,” he snapped. “I didn’t ask for your opinion on what style I should sing. I asked if you like the songs, that’s all—yes or no. I get enough amateur opinions as it is. I don’t need another one.” He got up and stalked into the bedroom and slammed the door. Trying to regain my composure, I fought back tears. I was embarrassed and confused. What was wrong with what I’d said? How could that upset him so?
Luckily, the boys had already left the table and were all doing odd jobs or were in another room. I didn’t know if any of them had heard Matt’s tirade, but I didn’t want to face them. I knew Matt had a temper—I had witnessed it in Germany—but never before had he directed it at me.
Slowly I rose from the table, wondering where to go. Matt’s bedroom door was still tightly shut and, although I was sharing his room, I hesitated to go in for fear he’d start yelling. Not knowing what else to do, I sat down next to the albums and started going through them, pretending to look interested. Soon I heard the bedroom door open and saw Matt standing in the doorway. He motioned to me to come over. Reluctantly, I put back the records and walked into the room, fearful of what he was going to say. He closed the door, sat me down on the edge of the bed, and—to my surprise—began to apologize: “I’m sorry, Baby. What happened before really had nothing to do with you. I just finished that recording session and it’s pretty damn good compared to what they usually want me to do for these movies.”
He talked more about his last film, the story line, the songs, the dialogue, all of which he thought were inane. _ I was beginning to understand some of his frustrations and dissatisfaction. I remembered our talks in Germany. Matt had been proud of his film accomplishments before entering the Army. He had talked hopefully about doing movies with more substance and fewer songs.
“y/nn, from now on I plan to keep my singing career and my acting career strictly separate.” He believed he was capable of performing more demanding roles than he was getting, and to prepare himself, he still studied certain actors whom he admired, such as James Dean in Giant and Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront and The Wild One.
“But I keep getting offered the same musicals, same story lines,” he complained, “and they’re getting worse and worse.”
His biggest problem was that these films and their soundtrack albums were always huge hits.
Shaking off his serious mood, he grabbed my hand and said, “Come on, Baby, we’re goin’ shopping.” This was Matt’s way of making up for his outburst, but it took me a little while to get over it. Forcing an enthusiastic smile, I went along. I was beginning to understand how everyone’s mood played off Matt.
Taking Gene and Alan with us, we jumped into a waiting limo and rode around until Matt spotted a boutique where glamorous gowns made of sequins, lace, and frills graced the beautiful mannequins in the window. He called out to the driver, “Let’s stop here.”
Taking my hand, he led me inside, followed by the entire entourage, surely the most unlikely band of characters ever to invade an elegant dress shop. The salesgirl was speechless.
“Hello, ma’am. I’m Matt Sturniolo and we’re just looking around. Maybe you could show us something that might interest my little friend over there.”
They both looked over at me. The look on the clerk’s face told me we were thinking the same thing: These clothes were far too sophisticated for such a young girl. But when Matt saw something he liked, he didn’t think in terms of age. While the saleswoman went to the back to rummage around for whatever she had in sizes six and four, Matt was rifling through the racks, pulling out a number of dazzling creations, asking me which ones I liked.
“They’re all beautiful,” I said. “I just don’t know how I’d look in them.”
“You let me be the judge of that,” he said, winking at Gene, who mumbled one of his made up words. We all dissolved into fits of laughter that brought the shopgirl rushing back with a huge selection of dresses. Matt designated his preferences and said, “Try them on. And pick out any others you like.”
Thrilled, I chose a half-dozen gowns with matching shoes and headed for the dressing room. The salesgirl followed. Away from Matt’s eyes she treated me like a little kid, but I was so enchanted with the clothes that I didn’t care.
As I posed in front of the mirror in a long black jersey gown and a pair of gold highheeled sandals, I hardly recognized myself. I definitely appeared older, very sexy and very sophisticated.
As I stepped out of the dressing room, the salesgirl mumbled, “Not bad for a kid.” Matt took one look and said, “Hot damn, we’ll take it.”
We stayed for over two hours, while Matt bought me not only the black sheath, but also a midnight blue satin, several lovely silks and chiffons, and a beautiful baby-blue brocade gown, all accented by matching capes and bags and shoes.
When we left the shop we found a crowd had gathered. Matt glanced at Alan, who immediately disappeared. Then he gave a number of people his autograph, said goodbye, and Gene quickly led us through the back of the shop and out the door, where Alan was waiting with the car ready to take us to the hotel.
Back at our suite, Matt said, “I’m hungry. Nate, order me a steak, but make sure you tell them well done. What do you want, Honey?”
“Hell, M,” Matt said, “I always tell them well done.”
“Well, tell them again,” Matt shot back. “I’ll be goddamned if it doesn’t always come back half raw.”
To Matt, raw was slightly pink. Everyone specified “burnt” when ordering for him.
Matt turned to Alan and said, “Hog Ears” (he had pet names for all his employees), “make arrangements for Red Skelton’s midnight show, and see if there’s anyone in the hotel who can do y/nn hair and makeup.”
“Hair and makeup?” I said. “What’s wrong with my hair?”
It was long and y/hc, casually combed. But beyond feeling he didn’t like my hair, now I began to think he didn’t like my looks.
“There’s nothing wrong with it, honey. It’s just that this is Las Vegas. Everyone has their hair done. You need to apply more makeup around your eyes. Make them stand out more. They’re too plain naturally. I like a lot of makeup. It defines your features.”
Defines your features? At that time it made a lot of sense—and Matt knew best.
While we waited for dinner, Matt put one of his records on the stereo and sat next to me, singing along with his own voice on the record. In that moment I fell in love all over again. When he sang about lost love or a life lived out in grief and pain, he delivered the lyrics with such conviction that I’d feel the hurt. He’d been a fan of country music since long before it became popular and was always impressed by the raw emotion in those recordings.
After dinner we got ready for the evening. At Matt’s request, Armond, a hairdresser at the hotel, came in and spent nearly two hours creating my new look. He teased and twisted up my hair with one long curl falling in front of my left shoulder. Then he applied my makeup so heavily that you couldn’t tell if my eyes were black, blue, or black and blue. It was that look of the sixties, only more extreme. That was what Matt wanted.
When I put on my brand-new brocade gown, my transformation from an innocent sixteen-year-old to a sophisticated siren was complete. I looked like one of the lead dancers in the Folies-Bergère.
“Goddamn, what happened to Little y/nn,” Matt said when he saw me. “You look beautiful. Nate, come here. Look what I found.”
Nate walked in and did a double take.
“Sure doesn’t look like the same girl we met in Germany, wearing a sailor dress,” Nate said.
Everyone laughed, and we left to see Red Skelton’s midnight show.
We arrived just after the lights went down, and the maître d’, using a flashlight, quickly led us to our table. Matt always tried to arrive unnoticed so he wouldn’t distract attention from the headlining star. But word always spread throughout the audience that he was there and within a few seconds, the whispering would start and heads would turn.
At the end of a show Matt would try to exit just before the house lights went up, but on that night we didn’t make it. The lights came on and suddenly we were surrounded by an enthusiastic crowd of people pushing and shoving, hoping to get an autograph.
Being just under five foot five, I was engulfed in the crush and I began to feel faint. I reached out for Matt as I started to panic and said, “I can’t breathe. I have to get out.”
At first he grinned, then his look turned to concern as he saw my desperation. Still smiling and signing autographs, he said to Alan, “Get y/nn out quick. I’ll be along as soon as I can.”
Alan took one look at me, grabbed my hand, and pushed his way through the crowd, out of the hotel. Once in the fresh air, I regained my composure. From that experience I learned to scout out the exits whenever Matt and I entered a crowded room.
When we came out a few minutes later, like clockwork, the limo was waiting. We jumped in and sped off to the Sahara Hotel for my first adventure in gambling. Matt wasn’t a serious player—it didn’t matter if he won or lost. He played for the fun of it. A cigar jutting impressively from his mouth, a drink in one hand, and his eyes squinting suspiciously at the cards, he gave a flawless impersonation of Clark Gable as Rhett Butler. I sat proudly beside him, his very own Scarlett O’Hara.
I’d never played blackjack before, but after a few hands, Matt thought I had the hang of it. He handed me five hundred dollars and jokingly said, “You’re on your own, kid. What you win is yours, and what you lose  . . . well, we’ll have to discuss that later.”
I smiled and called for the dealer to include me in the game. I looked at my hand, counting on my fingers under the table. Nine plus eight is seventeen, then a five makes  . . .
“Twenty-one!” I shouted. Throwing down my cards, I looked over to Matt for his approval.
“Let’s see,” he said, slowly scooping up the cards. Squinting one eye, he counted them. Then, leaning over to me, he grinned and whispered, “Sorry, Baby. It’s twenty-two.”
I was so embarrassed that I excused myself and took refuge in the ladies’ room. When I gathered up the courage to return, I tried again, and luckily ended up winning two hundred dollars.
For the next two weeks, we slept during the day and played at night. If there was a show, we saw it; if there was a casino, we played it. To help me adapt to this fast-paced life-style and unusual hours I would join Matt and the others in taking amphetamines and sleeping pills. Despite whatever misgivings I had about pills, I took them. In order for me to keep up, they became essential.
I was adapting. My inhibitions were dropping away and I became more assertive, especially after taking the pills. I liked the feeling. Even though it was an escape from reality, we were in sync and to me I was fitting more into his world. We were learning all about each other and using this trip to make up for the two years we had been apart. Both of us were falling more in love—and avoiding any thought of the moment when we’d have to part again.
Excerpt from: "Elvis and Me" by Priscilla Beaulieu Presley. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.
a/n - long long chapter todayyy🎀
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pawborough · 3 months
June 2024 Check In
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Hello everyone! Happy update day! 
First off, Alpha news! 
We are closing applications Monday 06/17 at midnight EST! We will be taking the time then to sort through applications and hand out acceptance emails. 
Currently we are working on player markets and forums. We’ll describe more on those in the Development section of this update! But here is what we have left before the full loop is complete:
Site Markets (very similar to player markets.)
Cooking / Crafting 
Item Seeding (inputting item gains with the how and where) 
And then that's it for a full loop! We are very close to finished! No date yet, as we're hesitant to overpromise in case anything goes wrong, but we’re on track to wrap up with a start date by the end of this month. 
There have been a lot of bumps and unexpected new challenges during our development. Particularly, different team members being infected by Covid at different times. But we’re all very excited for how close things are going! We’ve come a long way, and the game sports many things we can say that we're proud of! 
FAQ Update 
We posted a small sub-update in the form of an updated FAQ! Kickstarter does not let us edit the FAQ tab on this page, but backers may read our new and improved FAQ: 
Update on Moontails: 
So far, Moontails are completely done save for a single gene illustration and glow colors. 
Moontails were a heavier task because we dedicated ourselves to five different wing colors per palette. This meant that we had to hand pick over 1100 more hex codes! However, those are done!
Here are some examples of palettes we made with this five-color system: 
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Nutmeg, Ocean, Oak, Chameleon, Wolfsbane, Arctic, Vanilla
We call these palettes the "appendage palette." This means that, in the future, these colors will sometimes accentuate custom mystic traits. For example: a fish tail, horns, or wings!
We don't know when these will be completed, but we’re starting file formatting now! To be clear, Longhairs started file formatting about two weeks before they went on the site. 
And when Moontails go up, any errors of the other breeds should be fixed. We’ve been slowly updating the queue, including writing a script for catching and fixing white coverage problems, and our next push should have everything covered! 
Asset Updates
Users have noticed little tweaks to the mystic breeds. This is true! We've slightly updated the Bovines and Fyrets before allowing them to enter the queue. 
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+ previews on experimental eye coloring!
These breeds have entered the queue!
New Backdrops!
New backdrops! 
The Metropolis Outskirts 
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Illustration by Giulia (@giuliabiazus on Instagram)
(That's Cogwheel in the back!) 
Cogwheel Outskirts 
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Illustration by Kzart
Cogwheel and Metropolis, being right next to each other and cross-sharing the majority of their populations, have largely similar architectural, color, and cultural aesthetics. We're excited to explore the differences as we render out more inner-location backdrops. 👁️⚙️
And with that, that's all our Outskirts backdrops! We’ll be working on a few more individual backdrops, then move onto the inner locations! 
We’ve completed icons for all seven of our incense items! 
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Illustration by Tybaxel
As a reminder, incense is the method of obtaining an instant generation 1 cat. There is a separate incense item for every Borough. 
Incense items will be rare craft-ables, made with different plant items! I'm particularly tickled by just how much personality having scents associated with each Borough adds. 
Accessory Recolors
We are beginning to make a dent in accessory recolors! 
All accessories will have 12 standard recolors. Here is the official list: 
White, grey, black, red, orange, yellow, green, teal, blue, purple, pink, and brown
Below are finished recolors for the Jute set and the Sweetheart set! 
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Flea Market
We have updates on the Flea Market: the player-ran marketplace! 
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Our MVP will start with two listing types! Flat Sales and Bundles! 
Flat Sales will allow users to sell stacks of items at a price per item, while buyers can choose how many to buy at a time.
Bundles are a set amount of several different items for a single price, which users can only purchase all at once.
Listings will have user comments, which can help provide extra context, especially for cat listings!
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We're especially excited to show off our Price History feature! 
Price history will show up whenever you list a single item. This history will give you the lowest price listed for the item, the highest, and a median of the two! But, we know this data can be messed with. And inflation effects these numbers on a holistic scale. So, price history can be searched in a timeframe of your choosing. You can choose to look at the history for just last week, or for the entirety of the site! 
Note: These are mockups! Sizes may differ on your screen when browsing the game. 
Forums and Forum Boards
Next, we want to show off our forum designs! 
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Users will have access to a host of official boards which will cover the majority of game-relevant topics. 
Users will be able to create boards which may foster more unique topics. For example, perhaps you want a board dedicated to fancats! Or a board dedicated to collecting odd cat IDs. A board dedicated to a hyper-specific cat breeding program? You can make it! 
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Lastly, we've implemented a reply and "upvote" system as a way for threads to feel more like engaging conversations! 
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We want to stress that downvotes will never be visible, as we're hyper-aware that visibility can lead to bullying and dogpiling. We may choose to remove them all together, depending on player opinion and feedback during testing. Right now, our intention is to make forums more entertaining to read through by allowing players to uplift discussion, art, or community contributions that they deem worth recognition. You may also choose to filter by most recent or oldest comment instead. 
We'll potentially be experimenting with emoji interactions and general size formatting to make things feel more cohesive. 
We want to stress that this is incredibly experimental. We don't expect it to immediately appeal to all players. And what we're doing here may change as we test and recieve feedback. 
Forums as they have been historically done in our genre have been on the decline in usage for some time, and this is in part due to modern UI setups having more sleek and easier to navigate methods of interaction and discussion. We're not blind to these statistics, and we're trying to combat the issue at the source. We understand that there are pros and cons to a system like this and that it's very new. 
However, we're setting out to push the envelope and create something invigorating for our genre of game. This first and foremost means a refreshment of old systems. We feel it's worth a shot!
We've heard discussion on the plans to close our Discord, and how little traditional forum formats tend to keep player engagement in comparison to modern socials. We stand by that we will not rely on a third party to officially host our community, but we hope that we can provide more tools from the start to foster and nurture the community in our game. 
Please note that while this does look modernized, we will never be incorporating ads into these threads, nor scrape data. The often predatory practices of modern social medias are practices we are actively avoiding. We're just trying something different that seems to work this day and age!
Also note that this does not replace traditional posting. We are working on a notebook system which would allow players to post longform, customized "notes," and for other players to comment on said notes in a more traditional format. We believe a system like this will better accommodate things such as status updates, user lore hubs, and anything which a user wants to store on their page for a long time. Think traditional web journal systems! 
To summarize: We shared our expectations for Alpha in the coming days, Moontail progress, Bovine and Fyret adjustments, new backdrops, incense icons, and UIs for the market and forums!
What to expect next month: Functionality updates, further UI and asset renderings, general meaty beginnings to letting players on the site! 
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getvalentined · 3 months
may i ask about the very specific vincent headcanon :D from the baby onesie post LOL
This is pretty long, so I'm gonna put it under a cut because it's all headcanon stuff so I don't wanna clutter up the dash or tags for anyone who isn't interested. I explained this in a discord server the same day as that post, so a lot of this is just copypasted from there and thus isn't written in the same tone as my usual explanations, so my apologies for that.
First, some establishing context: my Vincent's mother was named Sayoko (Sayo to her friends) and she was a Summoner out of Wutai. Her family is particularly important to the culture, to the point that they still head up the one remaining summoner temple in the world, because they're the only family that presents with what's colloquially referred to as "aeon matching." This means that sometimes when one of them is born, an aeon is born with them, connected to the summoner in question at birth. The summoner sort of serves as a living materia, and at the point of their death the juvenile aeon disconnects and joins the rest of their kind in the ether between the Lifestream and the Void.
This is referred to as a personal aeon—most summoners even in Sayo's family don't have them, but those that do are almost terrifyingly gifted, and also highly at risk of things like…brain aneurysms. They're also at risk of uncontrolled incarnate summoning, where the aeon takes control of the summoner's body and uses it without their permission, so it's super important that summoners with personal aeons be heavily trained starting quite young, usually around 5-7 years old. (This is around the age it's possible to even tell if the kid has the gift in the first place.) Personal aeons are occasionally picked up on sooner, but it's pretty rare due to the inability for small children to understand the individuality of the mind. Little kids assume everyone knows what they know until they're about 4-5, and it's within a couple years of this that summoning and/or personal aeons present.
Sayo was very rebellious and ran away from the temple when she was 17, crossed the ocean, got an education, got married, and left that whole life behind her—and she had a personal aeon, but because she was fully trained it didn't impact her life very much. It's very very rare for a summoner with a personal aeon to have children who also possess personal aeons, because while summoning is genetic, the binding of an aeon is strictly based on the flow of energy through the planet at the time. Vincent is biracial, since my Grimoire is Junonese, so Sayoko wasn't worried about him at all—the gene responsible for summoning presents equally among different ethnicities, but it's recessive, so the likelihood of it presenting in Vincent at all was slim to none.
Sayo died when Vincent was seven years old, and his personal aeon (a particularly unpleasant creature going by the name of Hellmasker) fronted for the first time when Vincent was eight.
It was just a juvenile, and Vincent was a skinny, bookish, untrained child, so it couldn't do much. But it could essentially "take the wheel" and put Vincent's personality into temporary stasis while causing all kinds of trouble because it's like an untrained and overly energetic dog that's been locked inside for its entire life. This…basically set the stage for the rest of Vincent's life in some way or another.
Vincent being a summoner from a line with the issue of incarnate summoning is where the transformations come from. He has the ability to channel an aeon through his body, and as an adult he could have done it physically rather than just via personality, but doing that is always fatal. The process of reshaping the body to house the energy of what is essentially a demigod, regardless of age, will always kill the host at the point that the demigod withdraws.
…Vincent can't die. Meaning he can just do that. And he will survive. He's untrained so he can't control it, and he doesn't actually have any clue that that's what it is, but that's why it presented that way in Hojo's experimentation.
That's why the personalities of his monsters are so different from his own, while the only other character who had anything close to this ability (Azul) was still in line with himself when transformed. One of the other characters turned into the vessel of a Weapon (Weiss) also doesn't lose himself in the process. This is because they didn't perform incarnate summoning, they utilized controlled mutation.
Hellmasker is a whole aeon to himself, and Chaos is a bigger fish even than that, but neither of them are Vincent.
The other two are. Technically. Sort of.
Galian Beast and Death Gigas are mentally mostly just Vincent with bits of his personality sliced off, because they're not actually aeons so much as…the possibility of eventual aeons? They latched onto Vincent automatically due to a combination of what he is and what was done to him, but they're concepts that were still "cooking" in the Lifestream and are thus neither complete nor unique.
Unlike Hellmasker and Chaos, Vincent's first two monsters are physically based on creatures that already exist in the world, and mentally based on Vincent's experiences under Hojo. Galian Beast is desperation to escape and a thirst for revenge, the feelings of being treated like an animal, and presents similarly to a scary creature that actually exists and Vincent had fought in the past—a behemoth. Death Gigas is pain and trauma and frustration, the feeling of being defeated and defiled, and presents similarly to a scary creature that Vincent had only ever heard stories about—a gigas, which you can find near the Northern Crater in the OG. Galian Beast is too small to be a real behemoth, because Vincent was too weak to get out; Death Gigas is all piecemeal and broken, because Vincent had been taken apart and put back together and he knew it.
Galian is Vincent if Vincent were a wild animal that was backed into a corner, and Death Gigas is Vincent if Vincent were as undead and monstrous as he thinks he is. Both were very much shaped by Hojo's treatment of Vincent in the experiments.
Like...you know how you can use human stem cells and specific stimuli on a rat to grow human ears and noses and stuff? Vincent is the rat, the proto-aeons were stem cells and Hojo provided the stimuli.
And that's what I meant when I say that Vincent looks like his father but inherited his mothers insane powers.
(This is also why Sephiroth was able to fuse with Jenova instead of being consumed by her entirely. In this regard, he takes after his sire more than any of his other parents.)
Also I feel like I gotta explain that in headcanon-land, "aeon" is a term that's rarely used outside Wutai—the common term is "eidolon," but that actually means something different! An aeon is literally anything that can be summoned from the ether (this term is not appropriate to use in describing Weapons, which have physical, tangible forms on the human plane of existence; aeons are energy capable of manifesting physically), while an eidolon is an aeon with a functional summoning materia. Odin is an eidolon, Hellmasker is not, but they're both aeons.
As a note, Fuhito technically performed incarnate summoning, but it was a unique variation because Zirconiade had a semi-functional materia—Fuhito would have died when Zirconiade withdrew regardless, but because it was a Weapon rather than an aeon, the withdrawal process would have taken significantly longer without intervention. Likewise, the materia helped to prime Fuhito to receive Zirconiade by turning it into a summoning process rather than a hosting process as seen in Vincent and Weiss. His whole situation is just a very different animal.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
Blanket Thief
So I decided to do something different today, and I found a prompt for this particular writing practice. And, thank you@starrrgazingbunny for giving me a list of clones to write for.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x Reader
Word Count: 1035
Songs: None
Warnings: None
Prompt: "I wondered why I was freezing, turns out you stole the whole blanket."
The War was supposed to be over. ‘Supposed’ being the keyword in that sentence. It wasn’t, of course. You are clever enough to know that the death of Palpatine isn’t going to really change anything.
And you are smart enough to recognize that this war was probably going to happen even if Palpatine hadn’t been pulling the strings in the background. 
You roll over in your bed, pulling your fleece blanket up tighter around your neck. You had come to Kamino several years ago, at the bequest of your uncle.
“Come on, kid.” He had said at the time, “It’ll be good experience for your career. And you’ll be well paid.” 
So you came to Kamino. Following those sweet, sweet credits that you were promised.
And now here you are, several years later, still on Kamino, still getting paid a lot of money…though now you remain because Master Shaak Ti made the request that you stay to help with the de-chipping and the gene therapy for the cadets…well, and the adult clones.
Of course, you’re pretty sure she made the request that you remain because you’re one of a handful of people that Alpha-17 actually trusts with the Cadets. The other people being your fellow natborn medics.
You bury yourself deeper into your blankets as your mind drifts to Alpha-17. One of the oldest clones, a trainer for the cadets, and the most stubborn and bullheaded man you’ve ever had the pleasure, or displeasure, of meeting.
He towers over everyone, and is the most dangerous person on Kamino.
He drives you completely insane, challenging your expertise on a daily basis, butting heads with you over the way you taught the medic bound cadets. And you challenge him back, having full blown fights in the hallways over how the cadets are, or had been, treated.
Jango used to tell you that there’s no point in fighting with Alpha-17, that he was just a human looking droid. He stopped saying that the first time you verbally eviscerated him for having the gall to compare Alpha-17 to a droid.
The night was the first night, of many, that Alpha-17 made himself at home in your room. And your bed.
You had earned his respect with your desire to protect the cadets. And you had earned his affection with your desire to protect him.
At this point in time, Alpha-17 is living with you. Much to the amusement of the cadets in your care. And the vod’e who couldn’t help but make suggestive comments to you when Alpha-17 isn’t within earshot. They think it’s hilarious that Alpha can’t help but leave marks where everyone will see them.
But it’s late, and so is he. Stuck doing paperwork for the tubies who will have normal childhoods, unlike the rest of their vod’e.
You grumble under your breath, and eye the empty space next to you. It’s fine, you suppose. You can sleep without him, it is just so much colder when he’s not in bed with you.
Frustrated, you roll over to his side of the bed and bury your face in his pillow, and try to fall asleep.
It must have worked, because the next thing you know, you’re being moved back to the cold side of the bed, your side of the bed, and the blanket is getting adjusted around you. “Mm…Alpha?”
“Go back to sleep, cyar’ika.” His voice is low, more of a rumble that you feel than words you can hear. You feel the bed dip and you instinctively bury yourself against his side. You feel him shift, and his arm drapes securely around your waist, and you release a happy sigh as you press your face against his chest.
You swiftly drift back to sleep, secure with the knowledge that you’re safe because Alpha is with you.
The next time you wake up, it’s because Alpha is prodding you awake, “Cyar’ika, wake up.”
You whine and bury your face into your pillow, “Go ‘way. ‘s early.”
You hear him laugh quietly, “Absolutely not. Wake up, cyare.”
You huff and turn your head to squint at the chrono next to the bed, “Why? It’s…5 am? Alpha…” You whine.
“Don’t you ‘Alpha’ me,” He smooths his hand across your head, “I woke up freezing,”
You turn and squint at him, finally noticing that he’s not covered in a blanket, “Well, maybe you wouldn’t be cold if you were using a blanket.” You snark.
He raises a single brow, and he reaches over to lightly tug the blanket you’ve cocooned yourself in, “I wondered why I was freezing, and then I realized that you stole the whole blanket.”
You look down at your cocoon, and then blink up at him, “...sorry.”
He shook his head, and a laugh fell from his lips, “Don’t worry about it, cyar’ika. It’s time for me to get up anyway.” Surprisingly nimble fingers untuck the blanket from under you, and then effortlessly untangle you from your cocoon, and he smirks as he smoothly ripped the blanket off of you.
You weakly gripped the hem of the blanket as you release a noise of unhappiness, but he is strong enough to just tug it out of your grip and throw it at the end of the bed. “Alpha! It’s cold!”
“Hm. I can fix that,” Alpha says with a slow smirk.
You squeak as he rolls over you, effortlessly pinning your hands over your head with one hand, and his other hand dips under your loose tank top, tracing random shapes against the bare skin over your ribs. “I thought you said you needed to get ready for the day?” You ask, a small grin playing on your lips.
He glances at the chrono, and then leans down and bumps his forehead against yours, his eyes locked on your lips, “I have 90 minutes. I bet I can warm you up in that time.”
You squeak, and giggle, as he crashes his lips against yours, silently demanding that you submit to him.
Coincidentally, you’re both late for work that morning. And, when you finally show your face, you have several new marks on your neck that your uniform isn’t quite high enough to cover.
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