#and there's an expectation for actors to understand and uphold this
I mean... I don't understand why y'all are mad. I actually like this it makes the show feel more real and lived in. Just like all the fights with the parents and everything. It feels so relatable and REAL. Also, just because y'all watched Queen Of Tears, doesn't mean everyone else did too. There is a portion of viewers who didn't watch that show so to go " QOT did it why them too?" Is kinda dumb. Not everyone watches all kdramas that come out like our kdrama community does. To a lot of people, this is THEIR QOT so pipe down the comparisons.
Also, I mean... this is a Jung Hae In show. I've been saying this from episode 1, if you've followed me, you'd seen me. Even in the tags I've been very loud. Long time kdrama watcher, and a massive Jung Hae In STAN. He is a dramatic actor. Everything he's EVER done has been heavy acting, serious, mature, modramatic, and depressing. This is his first romcom ever, after a decade. Track record alone, it WAS gonna have some depressing elements going in. Like I said, he's a drama actor he wasn't just gonna goof around without anything serious for 16 episodes. He has a reputation to uphold, a very respectable and mature one at that, so he will have to show his very popular mature dramatic acting chops as well.
Having said all this, I don't think this is gonna end badly cause they did very heavily market this as his first ever romcom. So it'll probably end fine. But it WILL have depressing scenarios along the way, cause he is a drama actor and he wants to ACT. Not clown around for 16 entire episodes. I don't know what y'all were expecting tbh given that he's the male lead character.
In conclusion, calm down people! 🤣
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ajwamiju · 10 months
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Scene 1: 'The Queen of Modern Horror'
CW: Demons, fake blood, nothing much yet tbh
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The sky is beautiful tonight.
You stare blankly at the starless night sky, the moon hiding behind the dark grey clouds as raindrops harshly pelt your face and body, doing little to wash the blood from your body. You sigh, both in relief and exhaustion as you glance a little off to your side to see the disfigured face of the murderer of your friends, unresponsive and not breathing.
Slowly sitting up, you stare the demon that had been possessing the murderer in the face, his hand extended towards you with a grin of satisfaction and anticipation. “For thee bihofþe bæ ablæ bihofþe defeaÞ mīn vessel meanſ thee art worthī bihofþe becomæ mīn.”
You stare blankly at the demon speaking in a language you can’t understand, yet somehow you understand clearly what he is speaking. ‘For you to be able to defeat my vessel means you are worthy to become mine.’. Your gaze slowly trails to his outstretched hand and a compelling force for you to take it overwhelms you.
You look back up to the demon, your eyes unfocused and dull as if you have nothing else to live for. Before your decision can be documented, the end credits roll, leaving the ending open to the interpretation of the viewers as well as a sequel to showcase your decision.
“God, that was great,” Kasumi, your good friend and manager compliments as she leans back on the sofa and places her arm over her eyes to re-adjust from watching the movie for two whole hours. “When your and Masaki’s characters thought it was over but the movie still had half an hour left was actually a good plot twist.”
“Well, Director Ukai Senior is well-known for plot twists like that.” You comment as you stand up to turn the lights back on. “You said the critics were impressed by this movie?”
“Yeah, the movie critics were absolutely STUNNED by your acting and storyline, it’s a box office hit.” Kasumi answers as she groans from the lights turning on, readjusting her vision to the new lighting. “Director Ukai Senior wants to make a sequel, it’s going to be tough to live up to people’s expectations.”
“No, no, Kasumi. Not the professional movie critics.” You clarify as you head back to the sofa. “The online critics.”
“Oh, you mean the horror junkies making movie reviews on the internet? Loved it. Said it’s a gem in the midst of the mediocre horror movies these days.”
Your lips tug into a smile of satisfaction, when Kasumi gave you the job, you were a bit skeptical and weren’t as enthusiastic as you have a reputation to uphold as being the ‘Queen of Modern Horror’. You’re glad you trusted your gut and did the job anyway. Ukai Ikkei was a bit tough to work with since he’s strict and a bit of a perfectionist, but he seemed to have favoured you and your experience as he listened to any input you gave to the script to make it less cheesy and better.
“I’ve got to give it to Yamasaki, most script writers take offense when the actors make suggestions to the storyline to make it better but she actually took time to consider and stuff. She’ll make it far in the script writing industry.” You comment as you remind yourself of the meek girl who wrote the fantastic movie script.
“Oh yeah! The online critics also complimented her again and again for her unique storyline. They say it’s a cliche that’s made fresh.” Kasumi says with a grin. “I think she’s starting the sequel for the movie as we speak.”
“Excellent, I hope to work with her again soon.” You say as you stretch your long legs on the sofa. “What else has the internet been saying?”
“Um… most are complimenting the movie… but I guess some are kind of comparing to Ukai Junior’s new movie.” Kasumi answers, thinking back to what she’s read. “The one starring Suna Rintarou.”
“Oh, you mean the thriller-gore fiasco of a movie, ‘The Crypts’? That’s also a great movie, the genius horror director genes run in the Ukai family.” You say with a nod of approval. “Suna’s acting is also great in the movie, his role as the killer in the movie looked so realistic even I was spooked.”
“You know, you and Suna are dubbed the ‘King and Queen of Modern Horror’, it’s weird that you’ve never acted in a movie together.” Kasumi comments absentmindedly as she opens her phone to look at the incoming reviews. “I think it would be one of the best movies of the generation if you two starred in the movie together.”
“I was wondering that as well, actually. I’d love for an opportunity to act with him, like I don’t even care if I end up covering my face for the role of the antagonist, I just want to star in a movie with him.”
“I’ll try to find a role for you that also stars him. I think it’d be a good opportunity for you both.” Kasumi says with a grin.
“I will literally bow at your feet if you ever manage to do that.” You say with a laugh. “I know damn well that movie will be the talk of all media if we star in the same movie.”
“Count on me, girlie. I’ve got your back.”
That was what you said to Kasumi about three months ago, thinking that the movie you’d star in with Suna Rintarou was going to be a horror movie, as you expected. But to your horror and confusion, the script in your hand is the farthest thing from a horror movie script.
“‘Sumi… when I said I want to star in a movie with Suna Rintarou, I didn’t mean a romance drama. And a series at that!” You mutter as you re-read the script your friend handed to you.
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Taglist: @mirophobic @atrashsith @lilith412426 (Drop it here to be included in the taglist!)
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cycat4077 · 8 months
Good stories have 3 types of characters. The characters who represent what we should strive to be. The characters who represent the people who are incapable of change. And the characters with the potential to change.
This literary device has fascinated me since I was a high school student reading "In the Heat of the Night". It was then that I realized that some characters are like "Sam Wood"; they start life off with prejudices but have the potential to change their way of thinking and become better individuals.
I have carried this with me ever since, trying to see the humanity in everyone and trying to first understand the cause of someone's actions before jumping to conclusions. 
This does not mean that I condone crimes or racism or prejudices of any sort. People should be held accountable for their actions. Period. However, I also try to uphold an optimistic view of the world and hope that with proper information and facts, those with that potential are able to change in time.
Part of why I enjoyed Fargo season 5 so much was because the characters were complex. No one was perfect. Everyone was fallable.
More specifically, we had several characters who represented the values we should strive for in ourselves: Dot, Witt, Wayne, and Indira. These characters showed us their humanity and willingness to put others before themselves.
We also had characters who represented those who cannot change: Roy and Odin are but two examples. These characters represent those whose view of the world is so twisted that they do not possess the humanity to ever change.
But we also had characters who represented those with the potential to change: Gator, Lorraine, and even Ole Munch. Each started the season set in their ways. They only had one goal in mind but through the events that happened, either to them or to someone close to them, they found it inside themselves to see their world differently; to consider the world from someone else's point of view and how their actions could affect it. In Ole Munch's case, it was the kindness and forgiveness offered by Dot that gives him his path forward. For Lorraine, it was the solidarity of being a woman, and seeing the abuse Dot suffered that allowed her a change of heart. And for Gator, it was his blindness that finally set him free of trying to be like his father.
These characterizations were intentional and, matter-of-factly, a product of excellent writing. 
In my Tumblr world, I like to dive deeper than the good vs evil we see on the surface and try to understand the characters' motivations and trajectories. It just so happened that an actor that I respect was playing one of these morally gray characters. This is why my focus on Gator was so heavy. I enjoyed trying to understand his character and appreciated the way Joe Keery was able to depict it on screen.
I have been raised to see the world from others' point of view before I make conclusions about who they are and how they act. I try to look for the humanity in everyone, even if it may not be immediately apparent.
Tumblr is also my safe space. It is a place I have turned to for 13 years to express my love of fandom and to connect with others who share this excitement. If I have ever made anyone uncomfortable on here, I apologize. It was never my intention. Politics has no place on my blog, and it never will. This is my safe space for enjoying fandom away from real life. I will not judge other Tumblr users, and I expect the same in return. After all, every single one of us is fallable in some way. We can all grow and be better, and my choices, both online and in real life, will always be made with others in mind. 
Tumblr is not a place for judgment before we get to know others. It is a place to respectfully share our love of fandoms without the fear of that judgment or of being labeled. It is a place to support one another. This is how I have, and always will, conduct myself while on this site, and I appreciate all the lovely people I have met along the way. ❤️
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alipeeps · 3 months
Revolver dropped character stills of Ji Chang Wook, who plays the eccentric character Andy, also known as the "Mad Dog", in the K-movie.  
Revolver tells the story of Soo Young, a former police officer who takes the fall for someone else's crimes and ends up in prison, only to be betrayed. Upon her release, she charges forward with the sole purpose of reclaiming what she thinks is rightfully hers.  
Andy lives a reckless life and does not take responsibility for his actions or words. Even when Soo Young tells him to uphold the promise he made to her in the past of taking the fall for someone else's crime in return for a handsome price, he dismisses her completely.
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Ji Chang Wook remarked, "The character of Andy was interesting, and I felt I could make it even more enjoyable. I also had expectations that director Oh Seung Uk would bring another dimension to it." 
Ji Chang Wook revealed he meticulously prepared the character, focusing on understanding the narrative between Andy's past and present. The actor also revealed to have tried various costumes to fit his character.
Director Oh Seung Uk expressed satisfaction, stating, "He did a good job of expressing the complex character, like a sick emperor," while Jeon Do Yeon praised Ji Chang Wook for enabling her to perform boldly.
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lol-jackles · 2 years
Diff Anon with another random Ask. What do you think of Prince Harry and doing all these interviews and writing a Tell All book basically dissing his own family? I feel that I like Harry but I don't understand why he's doing what he's doing. Surely it's not for the money because I thought he inherited a lot of it from his mother.
What Harry (and Meghan) are doing with their interviews and documentaries and tell-all books is an Exit Strategy from the cruel game of image currency.
One thing you don't see in The Crown is the how members of the Royal Family use image as currency with the tabloids, and that means throwing people under the bus in order to look better for themselves. Come on it's how Hollywood also functions except there's no one single royal family - actors, agents, publicists, assistants, etc give the tabloids other people’s dirt in order to make themselves look better. At least Hollywood celebrities work for a living. What do you think the royal families do all day?
Like other royal family members, Harry was told that despite all the money and privilege he has, public image is everything. And it’s not just his image, but his family too. The Firm. So Harry tried to do his part upholding the family image by being on his best behavior and doing public service. But as he got older he saw that the family image is also currency everybody uses by trading family gossip with the tabloids as bargaining chips for better personal image for themselves. And the British public ate it up for decades.
Sure it's all fun and games until it killed his mother, Princess Diana. He watched for years his mother being vilified and chased by paparazzi. But worse of all, he watched his own family do nothing to protect his mother as they fed her to the wolves so they can come out looking slightly better.
Not helped that his own father spread rumors about him not being a true born when he knows full well that Harry is 100% genetically his. You notice that only 2nd born sons have this rumor, Prince Andrew had the same rumors dodging him in his youth.
I think Harry didn't want to play this game since he was a kid, using image as currency to put down others in order to elevate himself.  But he tried to play along. He went into the military and thrived. Until the tabloids were told (likely by a RF insider) where he was and outed him, putting himself and his team in danger so he had to quit the one thing where he could be himself.
Then Harry met Meghen, who made a good will effort to be part of the royal family. She tried to make herself smaller and smaller to be less of a target. Kate Middletown literally shrank herself, going from a slender girl to an unnaturally thin woman. Harry feared both of them would either be dead inside, or end up like Charles and Camila, who threw their own children under the bus so they could rehabilitate their image.
When Meghan got pregnant I think it was the last straw for Harry. He had to get his wife and unborn child out of the image currency game because he does not want his family to go through what he did. So they came up with a plan; quite their jobs as senior royals, fled across the fucking ocean, and remove all of Harry's "chips", the gossip and rumors his family used to trade. Because that's what they threaten him with all this time: Harry, remember that one time you did this thing? Behave or else I'll tell the "royal experts" and the world will know! Expect Harry said, You know what, I'm going to air my own dirty laundry and I'm going to take you all with me.
So that is my long rambling answer to your question. Harry is trying to remove the blackmails and control his own narrative and remove the hold the royal family and British tabloids had over them.
I recall years ago coming across frustrations of "royal expects" unable to figure out what Harry and Meghan are up to. Well yeah that's because they severed themselves from the royal gossip grapevines. So whatever Harry is doing to secure a future for his family away from the toxic elements of the royal family, I think it's working.
With all that said, I'm not against the royal family, in Britain and in other counties.  I’m actually lean towards being pro-royal family because at best you'll always going to have that family with too much money, at worse you'll always have an oligarchy. At least the British royal family is relatively transparent compared to other constitutional monarchies.
For Harry:
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adarlingwrites · 2 years
A Devilish Distraction
Fortune needs an escape from the world's madness, and Raphael is more than happy to distract her.
Words: 2409
Relationships: Raphael x OC/Raphael x Tav
Date of Original Publication (AO3): January 21, 2023
Tags/Warnings: Adult content, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot (Okay there is a plot if you squint hard enough), Brat taming, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Begging, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Love/Hate, Master/Servant, Emotional Manipulation, Fluffy Ending (if you squint hard enough), Not Beta Read, One Shot
Author's Notes:
Something short and self-indulgent that I wrote in one sitting because *I* needed to get my mind off of things. Enjoy the filth!
Right, so, after some digging I managed to figure out who Raphael's voice actor is, and apparently, he narrates audiobooks. Lots of them, including game novels. The ending might've been a small nod to that, and my desire to hear him narrate old D&D novels and publications. The book in the end is from the first page of Cormyr: A Novel, seeing how Raphael's dialogue has references to it, hihi
Today, Raphael is taking things slow, befitting of a slow week.
Save for collecting from one client who was overdue his payment, there wasn’t much excitement during the day. Raphael went on to toy around with his lanceboard set, pondering moves the entire afternoon, then he went to have a light supper alone. It’s already several hours past sundown, and stars glitter in the black skies above. A brief look outside his window reminds the cambion of his favorite client… and favorite lover.
He takes a moment to remember the night they shared together- truly a delightful time he won’t forget any time soon.
The morning after that night of pleasure wasn’t so pleasant.
The tiefling was incensed to have found herself branded with hellfire, and tricked into a verbal contract. Raphael was intentionally vague when he goaded her into saying that she is his; it could mean several things. If it makes Fortune his servant, gives him access to her delightful body for all of his carnal needs, or if it gives him ownership of her soul… it all depends on interpretation, and it works in his favor as always.
Then, she ran off. It seems that the act hasn’t broken the contract, though.
Has she come to accept that she does belong to me now?
She’ll be back. Right?
Before he can lose his entire evening in either decadent fantasies or spiraling thoughts, he busies himself with a book to take his mind off of her.
Reading did work. Raphael found himself lost in the intricacies of the novel’s plot, engrossed and invested in the story, the memory of the tiefling woman pushed aside.
A knock interrupts Raphael’s reading. With slight annoyance, he calls out. “Yes?”
Korrilla answers. “Master, Miss Fortune is back.”
Raphael’s annoyance is swiftly replaced with smug satisfaction. “Ah, it was only a matter of time.”
“I have to warn you sir, she’s not in the best spirits.”
“I see she’s still upset about the contract.”
“That, I am unsure of. Perhaps it’s best that you see her for yourself, master.”
The devil raises an eyebrow. He places a bookmark between the pages and closes the book shut. He puts on his perfume, and straightens his jerkin on his way to meet his guest.
Raphael had expected to meet Fortune the way they parted: fuming, and spitting hellfire with that saucy mouth of hers. Instead, puffy eyes and a twitching mouth greet him. Fortune’s careworn features shift into a pathetic attempt to restrain the trepidation she no doubt feels right now.
“Ah, Fortune my dear girl, I knew you’d be back! A pleasant evening to you,” he greets her, arms extended and palms open. “What brings you back to the House of Hope? I take you’re still willing to uphold your end of the bargain?”
The tiefling’s posture is much more reserved, her arms around herself. “I wanted to be alone.”
Raphael chuckles. “You’re hardly alone with me, my dear.”
“No, you don’t understand. I need time away from my compatriots, else I might go mad.”
“The pressures of leadership getting to your head?”
“Look, don’t make me regret coming here. I just want a moment to myself, to get away from things, from the tadpole, from making sure Gale doesn’t blow up and leave a crater the size of a city, from making sure Shadowheart and Lae’zel doesn’t kill each other, from making sure Astarion keeps his hunger in check- “
“Ah, you don’t want to be alone then. You want a distraction.”
“I- well, fine, yes. And you’re the only one I can come to. You said you’d give me what I want and more, when you tricked me into agreeing to that verbal contract while we were… in the throes of passion.”
Both of them paused for a moment, remembering that night. Without saying another word, Raphael and Fortune’s bodies collided, their basest instincts inflamed. The devil laughs in amusement against the tiefling’s mouth as she hungrily sought him out, all her frustration going into the torrid lock of lips. Tongues dance, and the fires inside them burn brighter.
With ease, Raphael sweeps Fortune off her feet, and she wraps her legs around his waist. He carries her to his study, articles of clothing flying off as she practically tore them away from her body, and his. Raphael will need to send his doublet to a tailor to have the buttons mended, but he doesn’t care to think of it right now. Right now, this was just the excitement that he needed after that languid afternoon.
“You said I can have what my heart desires, right?” Fortune hisses as Raphael sets her on the desk, breathless. “Then fuck me hard. Hurt me. Make me forget my troubles.”
“Such coarse language,” Raphael teases, his mouth pressed against her cheek, near her ear. “If you want this, love, you have to ask nicer than that.”
“Is this how you address your master?” Raphael asks, pulling away and gripping Fortune by the jaw with his clawed hand. The gooseflesh rippling on her bare skin gives away that she’s enjoying it.
“I don’t have time for your games! I just need it raw and rough right now- “
“But I have plenty of time for them. Remember,” Raphael pauses to lean in close, and he growls into her ear.
“You’re mine. And what’s mine is something I will enjoy on my terms.”
Fiendish hands manhandle the rogue’s petite form, and Fortune finds her cheek pressed against the polished hardwood of Raphael’s desk. The same hands pull away at her smallclothes, leaving her bare. Cloth shifts from behind her, and her thighs rub together in anticipation.
With a few swift tugs, Raphael’s manhood grows into its full size, and he poises it just outside of Fortune’s entrance, already glistening with arousal.
“Beg for it,” Raphael demands, rubbing the head against her folds teasingly, intentionally avoiding the swelling bud of pleasurable nerves.
“Damn you,” Fortune snaps, trying to push herself against him, but a hand swiftly smacks her behind as discipline, then keeps her firm against the table.
“We can do this all night, sweet cherry. I can watch you squirm and cry underneath me as I leave you empty and wanting,” he casually teases, almost in a sing-song manner. Then, he presses chest against Fortune’s back, and one clawed hand snakes around her neck, nails digging into the thin, sensitive flesh.
Voice dropping to a growl, he commands. “Or, you could do as I say. Beg. For. It.”
With a defeated moan, Fortune obliges. “Raphael, fuck me.”
Another smack on her behind leaves her breathless and wailing.
“You can do better than that.”
“Raphael, please, I need you.”
“Gods damn it I- Raphael please, I need you inside me.”
“I need your cock inside me! Please, please, fuck me already- “
“Raphael, master, please, I need you, I need your cock- “
Raphael’s hand soothes the maroon marks blooming on her skin. “There, you’re learning,” he croons. Then, his voice is hard and stern again. “Beg harder, little brat. Show me how much you need me.”
“Master! Please! I need you, I need you! You’re the only one I need!”
The tiefling babbled and whined until tears were streaming down her face, her derriere thoroughly abused by Raphael’s spanking. The sound of his palm hitting her flesh resounded in the study in conjunction with her pitiful cries. As he heard her sniffles, only then did Raphael relent.
“You speak like a beast in your master’s presence, then you shall be taken like one.”
Without giving her a moment to prepare, Raphael enters her. The pull her grip has on his skin despite her ample lubrication makes him hiss, and she cries out underneath him- in ecstasy or in pain, it did not matter.
The hard edges of the cambion’s hips snapped and slapped against the soft flesh as they rutted away, gruff moans and growls rumbling from his chest as he took her like a bitch in heat. Fortune is barely coherent as she surrenders to her master’s cruel, delightful ministrations, one hand going between her legs to desperately rub her neglected bud of nerves.
“Yes! Faster, harder, please master, I need it!”
From her hips, Raphael’s hands fly to his lover’s breasts, and he proceeds to toy with them, rolling her nipples, tugging at them, and cruelly squeezing enough to hurt. With his lips, Raphael begins to assault that spot between her neck and ear where he had branded her, and Fortune’s vocabulary ceases to exist. All that is left from her mouth are various sounds of strained pleasure.
Raphael is nothing short of amused at her reactions. Fortune looks up to him with a feverish grin. It only spurred him on.
“Oh my, you’re thoroughly enjoying this! You want this, Fortune? You love acting like a brat so you can have your bottom spanked and be at the mercy of your master?”
A wicked grin sweeps across the cambion’s face as she nods several times.
“You know just how to bring the beast out of a man, don’t you?”
Pushing the tiefling against the polished hardwood, Raphael angles his hips.
Raphael’s pace was already cruel. Now, it’s almost inhuman.
A scream ripping from her lungs, Fortune throws her head back, dark curls bouncing as she did. Raphael coils those around his free hand, pulling on her locks. The only word he could discern from her incoherent cries is a long, drawn out “Yes!”
“Then take it like a beast, take it, take it! Cheeky little brat, you came here just to feel me inside you again, didn’t you? You want my seed dripping down your thighs after I breed you, is that it? To be reduced to a squirming, quivering mess of a whore?”
Fortune nods several times, but the lack of a verbal response earns her a vicious tug on her locks.
“Yes! Master, please, breed me, I need you!”
“Then earn it,” Raphael grunts, the new angle of his hips hitting that spot inside of her that brings so much ecstasy and agony. Raphael pulls Fortune to his chest, and looks into the void of her eyes.
“Come for me.”
Raphael puts the command on repeat, voice gruff and strained from his own pleasure as he held off his own high until he gets exactly what he wanted from her. His knuckles are turning white as he gripped her hips, sweat drenching his body and mingling with his perfume. His hair, normally slicked back immaculately against his horned head, is tousled from their activities, and the look of agonized pleasure distorts his infernal features. Dark, heavy desire swirls in his hellfire eyes.
Seeing him like this sent Fortune over the edge.
Her long drawn out cry echoes in the study as her release seizes her. Her quivering flesh almost sends Raphael to his own release, but he holds back for a few more moments.
“Say that you love your master,” he groans into her ear, almost desperately. “Tell me you love me.”
Voice broken, Fortune whispers it like a shameful secret. “I love you.”
It’s just what Raphael needed.
The devil groans and roars as he spends himself inside his lover, and he reaches down to the bags of flesh that hung behind his length, squeezing himself as he emptied every last drop of his seed into her. Body slumping forward, he breathes heavily into Fortune’s skin, planting adoring kisses all over her cherry complexion. Both of them stayed like that for a moment, basking in the elated silence.
Raphael is the first to break it.
“I’ll have your chambers ready. I’ll be staying up to read tonight.”
After sending Fortune away and tending to himself, the devil sits in the armchair of his study once more, ready to continue where he left off. Peckish, he tucks into a late-night snack tray of bread, cheese, deli meats, and of course, cherries, alongside cognac for a nightcap, set up by Korrilla while he was cleaning up.
It wasn’t long until he heard another knock on his door.
Sighing, he just gave up on reading altogether. “Come in.”
It’s Fortune, looking drowsy, skin freshly scrubbed, and in her nightgown.
“Haven’t I… distracted you enough, my dear?”
“I actually came here to thank you for that.”
“Hmm. None needed. I’m just upholding my end of the bargain, sweet one.”
Wordlessly, Fortune toddles up to him, and curls up in his lap. She helps herself to the assortment of food on his table, feeling peckish from their activities too.
“You said you were reading,” she said after a few bites.
“Yes, darling. I was.”
“If it doesn’t trouble you, can you start from the beginning and read to me?”
Raphael chortles. “You want a bedtime story? I’m your lover, not your father.”
“You told me you’d give me anything I want...”
“Clever girl. I expected that you’ll milk our agreement for all its worth.”
“I could milk something else…” Fortune purrs, shifting her hips slightly to brush against his manhood.
“Such a tease… Insatiable, aren’t you?”
“Only for you. But right now, I just want to hear your voice. Please?”
Fortune plants a row of sweet, chaste kisses along his jawline. Raphael doesn’t question it, nor does he stop her, but that unsettling feeling of foreign tenderness stirs in his chest once more.
The devil gives his clients material things, influence, and fiendish powers. He gives his mistresses petty trinkets, decadent dinners, and bouquets of flowers that will wilt in a few days. Raphael could provide it all… almost all.
Fortune was right in her doubt that he can give her what she really wanted. Had he known that little intimacies and stolen moments of tenderness are the things she craved deeply, he would have thought twice. He would have been more careful with his wording.
“I’ll give you the things you desire, and more.” What was I thinking? What if the girl asks for- Hells. This might be a contract I might have to render void later…
However, right now, he’s keeping true to his word.
And so, after taking a sip of his cognac, he picks up the book, and opens it on the first page.
“Prologue: The Dragon's Land. A Time Before the Years Were Named, -400 DR. Thauglor, King of the Forest Country, turned in a low, banking dive…”
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sdhamann · 1 year
Multimedia Journal #1, Never Have I Ever
The main topic of my selected media 'Never Have I Ever', is showing the life of an Indian-American teenager, Devi Vishwakumar, following her father's sudden death. As she navigates the highs and lows of high school in America, she encounters may hardships such as struggles with social status, relationships with friends and family, and her own self-awareness. First, her struggle for social status, is a never-ending scuffle throughout the series. She constantly is seeking approval and validation from her fellow students. She goes for the hottest guy in the show right away, but also dates the smartest guy at the same time to keep her high status in that regard. Second, the struggle with her friends and family. She has hesitation about telling her friends things like how she really feels about Paxton (her bf), and throughout the show has a resentment towards arranged marriage, as Pati, her grandmother, attempts find her a "suitable Partner". Back to her friends, she really doesn't value them, and puts her eggs in the wrong places, often ditching her friends to hang out with boys. Third, Devi's struggles with self-identity are clearly evident throughout the show, this is first seen with her constantly questioning how much she really identifies with Indian culture and beliefs. Which leads into her next dilemma, the "challenger" or other Indian girl at the school. She feels insecure about who she is, and thus takes it out on the off-brand version of herself, despite thinking she is better initially, the do end up befriending one another after they realize they have more in common then she may have thought.
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Devi is lacking the confidence in her Indian roots, unlike her mother.
As mentioned above throughout the selection summary, Devi the main character has many struggles in regard to her race and ethnic identity. She feels the need to seek social status, while trying to uphold two cultures that differ drastically. This goes deeper into reflecting Indian culture and furthermore, women's roles in that culture. Similar to the Chinees women, they are expected to wait on their husbands, and arranged marriages are normal, this is one of the things Devi apposes as she is searching for her identity.
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Bollywood dance, symbolizes a coming of age and self-understanding
Bollywood | History, Movies, Actors, Actresses, & Facts | Britannica
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
movie may RANKED worst to best i think is more fun so let’s go <3 ok there’s only 30 because i didn’t feel like including the comedy special in the ranking. anyway.
30. starting off DEAD LAST NO CONTEST. not another teen movie (day 16 pt 1). it was bad. movie that claims to critique misogynistic tropes in teen movies while upholding a worse more disgusting misogyny. wow. also i didn’t laugh once. however i do think chris evans should have been contained to this genre instead of superhero movies this is literally where he belongs. anyway. movie was bad
29. friday night lights (day 5). listen the show isn’t the best thing ever but truly this movie made it look genuinely groundbreakingly progressive. i don’t really even remember this movie but i remember that it sucked
28. after ever happy (day 15). easily the second worst after movie.
27. all the wilderness (day 27). frankly. i don’t know why i watched this it wasn’t on my list it just has a guy in it. anyway it wasn’t that good but it wasn’t the worst thing i’ve ever seen
26. naked singularity (day 24). movie based on a book i didn’t read and i feel like the book is probably much better and makes way more sense. but john boyega is kinda fine soo…. also my buddy bill skarsgard was there. and olivia cooke. and she was hot. there are worse ways to spend 90 minutes. see number 30.
25. romeo and juliet 2013 (day 17). julian fellowes tries to ruin romeo and juliet. fortunately there was enough slay in the flop that it didn’t suck that bad. my friend benvolio :)
24. the lost girls (day 30). like if the sisterhood of the traveling pants was about wendy darling. and bad. but bad with a Vision. feminism win also. love it when women can’t act
23. three months (day 8). not good but made me cry so. and troye sivan was there
22. 80 for brady (day 11 pt 1). LOVE comedies about old women!! who are WEIRD about that man!! (tom brady). yeah it was as bad as you expect it to be but it was fun <3
21. footloose (day 19). there was so much flop in this movie. and yet there was enough slay to even it out in the end. i loved ren and willard’s gay little dance lesson montage so much…
20. shakespeare in love (day 29 pt 1) if a good movie was bad. if a bad movie was good. yeah
19. the count of monte cristo 2002 (day 22) some would call this movie bad. they’re right of course but also WRONG AS HELL. you had to be there. teenage henry cavill is there and that’s not even the weirdest part
18. merlin’s apprentice (day 13). HATERS will hate this two part three hour miniseries. they did not understand it though. first of all the two romantic leads of this got real life married after they met here and now have three kids. and one of them is meghan ory of abc’s once upon a time fame. so love is real jot that down
17. game night (day 4) FUN movie. and rachel mcadams was there
16. the beguiled (day 18). i liked the part where they killed him :) also i think sofia coppola slayed the aesthetics of this so i will never be watching the original peace and love xoxo
15. murder mystery 2 (day 23). i had SO much fun at the adam sandler jennifer anniston murder mystery sequel….
14. moxie (day 16 pt 2). very good movie for what it is, i think it should be required viewing for all teenage girls. however if you expect it to be really deep and a Perfect representation of feminism… you’re asking too much lmao.
13. the craft (day 3). loved it however i think those girls should have lezzed out wayyyy more also i hated the boyfriend stuff
12. dating amber (day 9). movie made me cry like a little baby so fuck this movie but also yes it was very very good and i WOULD recommend
11. the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society (day 11 pt 2). too many downton abbey actors but it’s pretty good anyway! sad though. however the primary reason i’m ranking it so high is because of how they did the end credits. some movies have a post credits scene, THIS movie has the characters talking and laughing over the credits instead of music it’s so slay seriously watch it it’s so good
10. promising young woman (day 28). well you all were there when i watched this. it was. an experience. some thing i didn’t mention however that i liked was how we never see nina at all but her presence hangs over the entire narrative and informs everything. her seymour slaughterhouse rulez swag. her laura palmer realness
9. palm springs (day 14). it was just cute! and it made me cry. and my buddy was there. can’t divulge more info than that i don’t like to talk about that but. well. always fun to hang with the old pals!
8. cyrano (day 29 pt 2). MASSIVE SLAY. what if there was a movie like 2017 beauty and the beast but it was really actually good and didn’t have an over abundance of cgi. sorry i keep making that comparison it’s just real yk. except that the beast kind of sucks and cyrano would literally never. he’s a feminist
7. not okay (day 12). caroline calloway was in this. the movie about an influencer scammer with depression… also it’s insane
6. crazy rich asians (day 25). yeah i’ve seen this movie before so maybe i shouldn’t have put it in my ranking but i just like it <3 THE movie to watch with your mom this summer! for the 5th year in a row!! god my mom loves this movie, you would not believe…
5. the map of tiny perfect things (day 31). goes so crazy…. like. what if we broke the time loop with love…… holy shit….
4. practical magic (day 2). LOVED the witch movie about men dying!! ty and livvy could do this also. that’s not relevant to the movie being good though. i LOVE you sandra bullock and nicole kidman!!!!
3. freaky (day 1). literally an insane slay. whoever thought of this concept needs their shit sucked so serious. sorry for saying that in that way i just really believe in it… and kathryn slayed… and also, and i didn’t even expect him to, vince vaughn slayed really hard as well…. also i loved the love interest boy soooo much he literally wanted to kiss her so bad he did it WHILE SHE WAS IN THE KILLER’S BODY. ok freak.
2. moonrise kingdom (day 21). i loveddddd this one…. this is the only movie may movie i’ve already started rewatching i just want to hang out with it…. i want to eat this movie like a buttery flaky perfect croissant. i also want to swim in it. it’s complicated. i loved it though <3 also it was soooo emma and jules core
1. the secret of moonacre (day 6). GIRLFANTASY WIN!!!!! this was a perfect film for me… it has EVERYTHING. AND the protagonist has a gay boyfriend. AND it was directed by my close friend gábor csupó. of jess fame…. it’s so good it’s so everything to me. i need to acquire it on dvd immediately but i haven’t yet… i can’t recommend it because if any of you watched it and didn’t feel this passionate about it i would kill myself. but i loved it for me <3
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biblioflyer · 1 year
The Map is Not the Terrain: Institutional Power vs Individual Action in Star Trek Picard
In terms of its depiction of the Federation and the setting’s overall understanding of human nature and human rights, Star Trek Picard has continued the tradition of storytelling about the Federation as a place with an expansive state that is ready to free people from want and need, but is extremely cautious when it comes to violations of individual autonomy.
Yet while it is upholding this vision of the Federation, the series is also interrogating whether or not an expansive state is capable of the omniscience and omnipotence needed to guarantee a good life for every citizen and of empowering individual actors on the bridges of starships to know with absolute certainty what the morally righteous choice is.
This is part of a series of essays reevaluating Star Trek Picard and interrogating the widely held fandom criticism that Picard made the Federation into a Dystopia.
As discussed previously, I think the best interpretation of Raffi is that if we are to judge the circumstances we meet her in, the Federation has looked at the history of earlier states and their people and made a determination that it does not have the wisdom to know what’s best for Raffi. Trying to impose its view of what’s best on her is a moral hazard. As such the Federation is content to let Raffi figure this out on her own or until she affirmatively seeks assistance.
I’ve also written before about the challenges Picard likely faced in understanding the power of admiralship and using it correctly. Namely that the scope of the information available to you becomes more expansive but the finer grained resolution takes on limits. If you spend too much time on minutiae, you lose sight of the big picture. 
As an Admiral, it's the big picture Picard was responsible for. And a big picture is ultimately numbers. Ship numbers, timetables, manpower: all numbers to be plugged into equations to try to make the “good things happening” numbers go up: Romulans resettled, industrial replicators brought online. This isn’t being divorced from reality, it's a different, more impersonal relationship with reality where an individual has tremendous power to move resources around for the better of billions of lives, but a more limited capacity to see what that power is actually doing beyond making good numbers go up and bad numbers go down.
The dark side of abstaining from all acts that may inadvertently cause harm
Ultimately Picard’s Federation is a place where a Raffi can sit and stew for 14 years in her anger while still being afforded basic necessities. Through this, the state is also providing her as much dignity and autonomy as I think we can reasonably expect from a Federation that didn’t see a prestigious use for her worldview and could not supply an alternate means for her to obtain the validation she craved. 
Yet Picard’s Federation is a place that is extremely wary of bestowing its largess upon out groups. And let's be clear: it's always been this way. The Prime Directive is simultaneously an anti-imperialist mandate but also a means by which the Federation can duck responsibility for the galaxy outside its borders if it doesn’t feel like it. On a good day, it's more anti-imperialist than Social Darwinist, but sometimes when fear or suspicion are in the driver’s seat, it definitely has Social Darwinist outcomes, see also: Tasha Yar’s homeworld.
This is as good a time as any to talk about the philosophy of law. The central tension in the idealized version of the Federation hinted at by TNG and the more human “utopia is a process, not a destination” version that Picard is centering is that those of us who are more sensitive to disorder and untidiness in our systems crave utopia as a thing to be achieved. A final era of perfect law enacted by wise and fair administrators. A time in which the law itself would really and truly be just.
At varying times though, such as the “Drumhead” and gradually ratcheting up in DS9, what we start realizing is that even in the Federation the law is not justice. Federation law is usually just, but the law is not, has never been, and never will be justice itself. Justice is a condition, maybe it's even a Platonic form: a thing apart from reality that we are trying to reproduce out of the imperfect matter of a world forever distant from Source. 
What justice is not, is law. Law is a tool to try to create conditions of justice. In its most perfected form, law is a thing that provides a blueprint for justice to be followed by those who lack the inner purity and unlimited wisdom to do it on their own. Which, unless you’re a Bodhisattva, is most of us. Also if you are a Bodhisattva, DM me with some tips on how to start and sustain a good meditation practice because boy howdy am I bad at that.
In one of the earliest TNG episodes, Picard saves Wesley from execution for trampling some flowers. I can’t really think of another time where we see how law is not justice in its rawest form. It’s almost a strawman in how extreme the situation is, but it is useful in illustrating the broader point. The Edo and their maximalist approach to capital punishment is almost as far from justice as the law can get, but let's keep in mind going forward that laws that more closely resemble our internal Platonic Ideals of justice are still not justice itself.
Laws may not be real but that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful
Minor spoilers, but Captain Shaw in season three is a perfect example of someone who is joined at the hip to laws because he himself does not feel confident in his own wisdom. He’s also an example of a type of personality that I think we would be wise to recognize more widely as existing as a default template for humanity.
Shaw is someone who is more sensitive to disruption of the status quo and the violation of rules. We owe the Shaws compassion not because they’re intrinsically right or more deserving of not being discomforted than anyone else, but because they are people too. Those of us who are a bit more inclined to look beyond the status quo and see unlimited potential owe it to ourselves to put a little effort into trying to talk the Shaws off the ledge when we suggest an update to the EULA for civilization. Assuming we can do so from a place of safety.
Admiral Clancy too makes extremely compelling arguments as well for why the Federation had to mind its own knitting after Mars. “The needs of the many” and all that.
When the Federation acts, sometimes it wagers entire ships and their crews, entire planets, entire civilizations. This was acutely felt every time Picard was in a standoff with a Romulan, especially Tomalak, who was in some sense also trapped in a standoff with Picard, having to calculate whether or not everything he had been told all his life about the Federation was true and when might he need to shoot first to save his crew but perhaps condemn his Star Empire to a war in which billions will suffer even if it wins.
This is where the Fenris Rangers and other independent actors (ahem, season three spoilers) come into play. Because they can operate outside the Federation’s rules and can react nimbly and more precisely to small problems.
Okay sure, but what does this have to do with episode four?
Herein I think is where I think we start seeing Picard get a taste of what true freedom of action might be like. The ability to represent only himself means he gets to follow his conscience and he alone owns the consequences. Was there a sort of giddiness in episode three where he tells Rios he’s not in the habit of consulting lawyers before he does something? On reflection, that’s obviously a half truth. As a Starfleet Officer, he was bound to a set of rules he dared not break lightly. Although generally he thought those rules were in the right, except when he broke them.
Picard is also being asked to confront the consequences of myopically focusing on Starfleet as the only valid mechanism through which positive change can be implemented in the universe. Something that he still seems to be grappling with in Season Three.
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howtobreakvpn · 5 months
is vpn legal in switzerland
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is vpn legal in switzerland
Legality of VPN services in Switzerland
In Switzerland, the use of VPN services is legal, and there are no specific laws that prohibit their use. VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, allow users to enhance their online privacy, security, and anonymity by masking their IP address and encrypting their internet connection.
Switzerland is known for its strong data protection laws and commitment to privacy rights. The Swiss Federal Data Protection Act and the Swiss Federal Data Protection Ordinance regulate the processing of personal data and ensure that individuals have control over their own information. VPN services are commonly used in Switzerland to protect personal data from hackers, government surveillance, and other malicious actors.
While the use of VPN services is legal in Switzerland, it's worth noting that using VPNs for illegal activities is still prohibited. Engaging in activities such as copyright infringement, fraud, or other illegal activities while using a VPN is not protected by Swiss law and can lead to legal consequences.
Overall, VPN services play a crucial role in safeguarding online privacy and security in Switzerland. By using a VPN, Swiss residents can protect their personal data, access restricted content, and browse the internet with peace of mind. As long as VPNs are used responsibly and in compliance with the law, individuals in Switzerland can enjoy the benefits of a safer and more secure online experience.
Swiss regulations on VPN usage
Switzerland, known for its neutrality and privacy-friendly policies, also regulates the usage of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) within its borders. While VPNs are commonly used to enhance online privacy and security by encrypting internet traffic and masking IP addresses, their use is subject to certain regulations in Switzerland.
Firstly, it's important to note that Switzerland has a strong tradition of privacy protection, enshrined in its Federal Constitution. This commitment to privacy extends to online activities, including the use of VPNs. However, Swiss law prohibits the use of VPNs for illegal activities, such as cybercrime or copyright infringement. Users are expected to comply with Swiss laws and regulations even when using VPNs.
Additionally, Switzerland is part of international agreements and treaties that address cybercrime and terrorism. As such, authorities may request information from VPN providers if necessary for criminal investigations or national security purposes. While VPN providers based in Switzerland are subject to Swiss law, those based abroad may still be subject to requests for information under international cooperation agreements.
Moreover, Swiss ISPs (Internet Service Providers) are required to retain certain user data for a limited period, as mandated by the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act. This data retention requirement applies regardless of whether users are using a VPN or not. However, VPNs can still provide an added layer of privacy by encrypting internet traffic and preventing ISPs from monitoring browsing activity.
In conclusion, while Switzerland upholds a strong commitment to privacy, the use of VPNs is not exempt from regulation. Users should ensure that they use VPNs responsibly and comply with Swiss laws and regulations, understanding that authorities may still access information from VPN providers under certain circumstances.
Legal implications of using VPN in Switzerland
Using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in Switzerland presents several legal considerations that users should be aware of. While VPNs offer enhanced privacy and security by encrypting internet traffic and masking IP addresses, their usage may still be subject to laws and regulations in Switzerland.
Firstly, it's important to note that Switzerland is known for its strong commitment to privacy rights. The Swiss Federal Constitution guarantees a right to privacy, and the country has robust data protection laws in place. However, this doesn't mean that VPN usage is completely unrestricted.
One legal implication to consider is the potential conflict between VPN usage and copyright laws. While VPNs can be used to access content from other countries that may not be available in Switzerland due to licensing restrictions, circumventing copyright protection measures could still be considered illegal.
Another concern is related to online activities conducted through VPNs. While VPNs can provide anonymity, they are not a license to engage in illegal activities. Users should be mindful of Swiss laws regarding defamation, hate speech, and other forms of online misconduct, as they can still be held accountable for their actions.
Additionally, Switzerland is known for its cooperation with international law enforcement agencies. Authorities may request user data from VPN providers under certain circumstances, especially if the user is suspected of criminal activity.
Overall, while VPNs can offer privacy benefits, users in Switzerland should be aware of the legal landscape surrounding their usage. It's essential to use VPNs responsibly and in compliance with applicable laws to avoid potential legal consequences.
Compliance with Swiss laws regarding VPNs
Ensuring compliance with Swiss laws regarding Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) is essential for both individuals and businesses operating within Switzerland or providing VPN services to Swiss residents. Switzerland boasts a robust legal framework that governs the use of VPNs, balancing privacy rights with regulatory requirements.
One of the primary laws governing VPNs in Switzerland is the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP), which outlines strict guidelines for the collection, processing, and storage of personal data. VPN providers must adhere to these regulations to safeguard user privacy and maintain compliance. Additionally, the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) oversees compliance with the FADP, ensuring that VPN providers adhere to established standards.
Furthermore, Switzerland is renowned for its commitment to privacy rights, as enshrined in its Federal Constitution. Article 13 of the Swiss Constitution guarantees the right to privacy, including the protection of personal data. As such, VPN providers must uphold the principles of data protection and user privacy in accordance with Swiss law.
Moreover, Swiss laws promote transparency and accountability in the use of VPN services. Providers are required to disclose their data handling practices and any potential risks associated with using their services. Additionally, they must obtain explicit consent from users before collecting or processing their personal information.
In conclusion, compliance with Swiss laws regarding VPNs is crucial for maintaining user trust, protecting privacy rights, and avoiding legal repercussions. By adhering to the Federal Act on Data Protection and other relevant regulations, VPN providers can ensure that their services remain lawful, transparent, and secure for users in Switzerland.
Permissibility of VPN usage under Swiss jurisdiction
Under Swiss jurisdiction, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) is generally permissible. VPNs are commonly used in Switzerland by individuals, businesses, and organizations for various reasons, including enhancing online security, protecting privacy, and accessing content not available in the country.
Switzerland is known for its strong protection of privacy rights and data security. As a country that values individual privacy, Swiss laws provide a favorable environment for the use of VPNs. The Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DPA) governs the protection of personal data and establishes strict guidelines for its processing and transfer. The use of VPNs can help individuals safeguard their online communications and data from potential threats and unauthorized access.
Additionally, VPN usage in Switzerland is not explicitly prohibited or restricted by law. Internet users in Switzerland are free to connect to VPN servers located in other countries to access region-restricted content or bypass censorship. However, it is essential to note that the use of VPNs for illegal activities, such as cybercrime or copyright infringement, is not condoned under Swiss law and can lead to legal consequences.
In conclusion, the permissibility of VPN usage under Swiss jurisdiction provides individuals with a valuable tool to enhance their online privacy and security. By utilizing VPN services responsibly and in compliance with the law, individuals in Switzerland can enjoy a safer and more secure online experience.
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melatcnin · 9 months
"If you slit my throat tonight I'm gonna have a hard time forgiving you for that."
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HE UNDERSTANDS WHERE THE OTHER IS COMING FROM, the lack of sunshine attitude from him is noticeable when he has a coworker that is practically dripping glitter from head to toe. letting out a particularly long sigh at his words, it doesn't seem as if he is enthralled by the idea of an extra set of hands. ❝ and if i don't, then you'll just be considered one of the lucky few who survived their first day on the job. don't take it too seriously, the kids can SMELL fear. ❞ he passes a broom to him, expecting that they split the task for the time - being. no use in having an extra set of hands if they were not working. ❝ as long as you keep your wits about you, this'll go as easy as any other job. ❞ grabbing a smaller broom for himself, they had to clean up before the third attendant returned with the bustle of children. it meant that they were working against the clock here. any idle chatter had to be done will they were brooming up remnants of the arts & crafts session from earlier.
❝ of course, it's not really like any other job. charismatic, charming and stern. those are the traits you need to uphold when working here. make sure that you're friendly with the children, but you're not their friend. you're their guardian. seeming too casual with them can find you a bit of trouble - you don't want them not to listen to you. ❞ sweeping at a brisk pace as he speaks, moondrop knew the drill as well as anyone else. at his core, he was an actor. someone who could pull up a million and one facades if he must. on the outside, he remained generally apathetic. it was difficult to tell when he would flip a switch and start to smile. he was capable of such, even if his demeanor didn't seem to hint that at the moment.
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holyarbitermaker · 1 year
Your Imagination, Our Creation: Best Production House in Delhi
In the dynamic world of entertainment, where creativity knows no bounds, Forever Big Entertainment emerges as the beacon of innovation and excellence. As a Best Production House in Delhi, we are committed to turning your wildest dreams into cinematic masterpieces. With a passion for storytelling and a dedication to quality, we have carved a niche for ourselves in the bustling film industry of the capital city.
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A Legacy of Creativity
Our journey as a production house began with a simple yet profound vision - to create captivating stories that resonate with the masses. Over the years, we have worked tirelessly to build a legacy of creativity, producing films that leave an indelible mark on the hearts of our audiences.
The Power of Imagination
At Forever Big Entertainment, we firmly believe that imagination knows no bounds. It is the driving force behind every great film, every memorable character, and every iconic scene. Our team of passionate filmmakers, writers, directors, and technicians understands the power of imagination like no other. We thrive on turning your imaginative concepts into awe-inspiring realities.
Diverse Expertise
What sets us apart from the rest is our diverse expertise. From heartwarming family dramas to high-octane action thrillers, we have the skillset and experience to handle a wide spectrum of genres. Our ability to adapt and excel in different genres has made us the go-to production house for filmmakers with ambitious and unconventional ideas.
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In the world of filmmaking, staying ahead of the technological curve is crucial. We understand this and invest heavily in cutting-edge technology to ensure that our productions are of the highest quality. Our state-of-the-art equipment and post-production facilities enable us to deliver films that meet and exceed industry standards.
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Forever Big Entertainment is not just a production house; it's a platform for budding talent to shine. We believe in nurturing new talent and providing them with opportunities to showcase their creativity. Many aspiring actors, writers, and directors have found their footing in the industry through our productions.
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Our success is intertwined with the success of our clients. We take a client-centric approach, working closely with you to understand your vision and bring it to life. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal, and we go the extra mile to ensure that every project we undertake exceeds your expectations.
A Bright Future
As we look to the future, Forever Big Entertainment remains committed to pushing the boundaries of creativity and storytelling. We are determined to continue our journey as the best production house in Delhi, creating films that not only entertain but also inspire.
Join Us on the Journey
In the world of entertainment, where innovation knows no bounds, Forever Big Entertainment is your trusted partner. Your imagination is our canvas, and together, we can create cinematic wonders that will stand the test of time. Join us on this extraordinary journey of storytelling, where your dreams become our creations. Together, we will continue to make magic happen on the silver screen.
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Thoughts to Ponder #1
The fraction of international humanitarian law and peace studies concern politics and international relations between states especially in a post-conflict society. Political science and IHL is a dichotomy that takes place in the global stage, as a study between resolution of conflicts, policymaking, and as an institution that governs. The political actors—the government, the international communities—play a pivotal role in shaping the fundamental structures of humanitarian law and in international politics. It is therefore, a no-brainer, that political science majors had to have a comprehensive understanding of peace studies and international humanitarian law. I will be explaining why a political science major’s perspective and viewpoint can ultimately contribute to global citizenship through learning IHL and peace studies.
In political science, students are expected to comprehend and understand the complexities of global conflicts and peacebuilding drawn from the histories, policies, and other related studies they learned. In global conflicts, lives are constantly harmed both the combatants and the non-combatants, it ultimately resides in ensuring for the welfare of everyone therefore it encourages polsci majors to make informed decisions that contribute to the common good of the society such as advocating for human rights and genuine policy changes. 
It is necessary that political science students are able to look into what constitutes good governance, especially on a global scale. As we operate under the alliances and diplomacy between state to state, and state to organization, we are able to look inside the structure and processes of the international political actors and institutions. In international humanitarian law, good global governance means putting the interests of the collective public all across states above personal interests and these are embodied in how policies and laws are propagated to exemplify welfare and shared responsibility among the actors in the global stage.
Lastly, the international humanitarian law provides the tenets that protects the dignity and rights of every individual regardless of what role they play in global conflicts. In political science, policies play a major role that safeguards these interests. It creates various networks and linkages between the two which contains a central theme: to protect and uphold rights. Political science students, in the eyes of policy formulation and implementation, are able to understand why certain and particular policies are put up in the first place. Why peace processes and dialogue are provided in the first place to ensure that there is a harmonious reconciliation between two or more conflicting parties. 
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Dive into an enlightening tarot reading, drawing on the strategic intellect of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. Learn how the VI of Wands (reversed), VI of Swords, and VII of Wands mirror life's triumphs, transitions, and tests, all while guided by Athena's unyielding spirit.
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oldsoulobjective · 2 years
A Think Piece: What role do you play?
The concept of of your own individuality is a constantly evolving idea. Every person has their own story and perspective that has shaped the way they view the world, whether that be cynical, or optimistic. These views effect how we operate through life, experiences, and conflict. I'm a student, and while taking a class called Intercultural and Cross Cultural Conflict, we analyze the concept of self and how they correlates to conflict. While further trying to understand these ideologies and theories, I've realized it can be more than just conflict with others that can become misinterpreted because of peoples individual origins. Additionally, I've found that we often misunderstand ourselves, for the same exact reason. Questioning, and contemplating decisions a past, or future, self made or has yet to make.
Often, peoples concept of self has been influenced by the their families decisions or experiences they've had growing up. For example, growing up I had a lot of friends whose parents were first generation and had immigrated her from another country. This made this more eager to choose career fields that would primarily financially benefit them. Who knows whether they have truly ever felt conflicted about this, my point is a lot of the internal conflict I face comes from the fact the person I'm evolving into, doesn't necessarily align with the expectations I grew up being required to uphold. Referring back to what I've learned in my class, a concept we broke down is role interpretation. What role do people play in their own life? Is it a role they actually want to play?
People are multifaceted beings, I've often found the role I expect myself to play is what everyone else expects me to play. The role people play influences the way we communicate with them, the role your friend plays in your life versus the role your parents, or other authority figures, may play in your life differs greatly. So lately, the question I've been asking myself, is what role do I want to play? Actor often get to become whatever character they need for whatever script they're given, but what script has already been written for us that we can begin to change.
Establishing self hood is one of the most quintessential parts of life. With this think piece, I simply am encouraging others and myself to develop their own self hood outside of the role that's been given to them. Personally, humans play so many roles, we play doctors, students, the therapist friend, teacher. But, what I'm focused on right now is who are you outside of the role you play?
Whatever the answer, use this as a reminder to remain authentic to whoever that is. The internal conflict that is created between who you are on the inside, and who we feel like we have to be in our daily life, is simply a role. A role that is constantly changing and evolving, and doesn't always stay the same, don't let it define you. Let the things you do define you, only if you're proud to do them.
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julies-butterflies · 4 years
I've been wondering this since the whole tiktok thing this morning. I'm not trying to offend here- I'm genuinely curious. Why is Charlie interacting with those fans a bad thing? How is it different from any other artist talking with people who have viewed/read their work? Idk if that convo was real, but I don’t think Charlie would ask a fan what smut was and then, once he found out, continue to talk about it (not that we know whether that happened, because we do not). (1/4)
But, Isn't it normal for somebody to reach out with people who've enjoyed their work, to connect with them about it? Is it only because they were minors? I’ve also seen something about how Charlie supposedly “confirmed” lalex but from what I’ve seen he said “lalex is a yes” which could also just mean that he’d be cool with it if it /was/ confirmed, not that he was confirming it himself. But regardless, Charlie had some involvement in the creation of the character of Luke. (2/4)
It was written for him to portray how he saw fit, and the creators of the show liked his interpretation enough to cast him. So, if Charlie wants to make Lalex an aspect of his character (obviously past Lalex, because Alex is involved with Willie now, and Luke with Julie) why is that so bad? (3/4)
If he takes that into account when he’s acting, that’s his choice as an actor, you know? If I’m incorrect about any of this please let me know. I’m just trying to understand why this is all such a big issue. Thank you so much for explaining this because I honestly just want to understand !! :) (4/4)
Okay, first of all, thank you so much for formulating your thoughts like this and sharing, because it’s totally a discussion that needs to be had!!  You definitely make great points.  An actor’s portrayal is up the the actor  ---  so if Charlie and Owen want to play their characters as exes, that’s up to them, and totally cool.  People can also ships whatever fictional couples they want, and rock it  ---  that’s the beauty of fandom!
Part of the fun of fandom also comes with interacting with the cast and crew. I get that, believe me. But all actors need to set boundaries with their fans; fans cannot be friends, and it’s important to remember that. 
To put it in context... okay, I come from a lot of Broadway fandoms, and Broadway fans are very familiar with interacting with actors. On Broadway, there’s something called a stage door  ---  after shows, fans can line up, and the actors will come out to sign autographs, take pictures, and chat with fans for a few minutes. Hugs are given out, gifts are exchanged...  it’s an amazing, interactive experience for the fans, and hopefully fun for the actors too.
But some actors don’t like to stage door. Some actors aren’t comfortable giving out hugs to strangers, or receiving gifts from people they don’t know. Sometimes, actors just have really rough days, and don’t feel like stagedooring. These are their boundaries. Most of the time, Broadway fans are really good at respecting them.
But you don’t give fanfiction to the actors at stage door. You don’t ask them inappropriate questions about ships and headcanons. You definitely don’t ask them about their relationships with their fellow actors. Interactions between fans and actors should be kept mutually respectful, always always always; they can be friendly, it’s fine to chat with them, but there are some things you just don’t do. It can make the actors uncomfortable, and puts everyone in an awkward situation. Also, it’s cringe. Super cringe.
The issue with Charlie in these groupchats isn’t that he’s saying he’s cool with Lalex to fans, and definitely not whether he ships it himself; it’s that they’re asking him about it, and putting him in a situation where he’s obligated to talk about it. It’s that minors are asking him about smut, and automatically putting him in a situation where he could be called predatory. It’s that he’s put himself in this situation anyways, by being in these group chats and engaging with them in the first place.
Fans are not friends. Actors have a responsibility in how they engage with fandom and interact with their fanbases. It’s not just “don’t be creepy”, it’s “don’t act like you’re a normal person”  ---  because to fans, you’re not. You’re a public figure, and that power dynamic will never be equal.
And it puts Charlie in a dangerous situation that could potentially damage his career and public image. All it takes is one groupchat with one minor, where someone brings up smut fanfic, and suddenly people are like “who’s this 22-year old actor talking about smut with 16 year old girls??”  A Very Bad Look, and dangerous for his career as a whole. 
That’s why this is a big deal. The fans need to learn to respect boundaries, and Charlie needs to learn to set them. If he wants a successful career as an actor, he needs to. For fans’ safety, and his own.
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