#and they didnt choose tbe one i thought they would
glove23 · 1 year
what dnd actual play shows don't show u are just the long stretches of silence while ur players take notes/look through their things and the DM just stares off into space contemplating how little they prepared for the session
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simplygyuu · 2 years
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Teddy Bear - 26 : i don't like lily, i like you!
*⁀➷synopsis ! : on your birthday one of your best friends, soobin, gifts you an adorable teddy bear. you keep it all day once he gave it to you, carrying the adorable thing around for your entire birthday day and going to sleep with it that night. the next morning you wake up with.. a man in the place of your precious bear?! he doesn't have a name and he looks at you like you hung all the stars and.. did he just say he WAS the bear?
wc : (1.0k)
Beomgyu couldnt help his continued glances in your direction, he was worried and well could you really blame him? You'd never been so distant and after his talk with Lily he was even more nervous. Have you really misunderstood? He never meant for it to seem that way after all. But how could he bring it up to you?
So for the rest of the movie Beomgyu sat there quietly, giving you the space you seemed to want as he tried to come up with a plan. He isnt very good with emotions or serious talks but it was understandable, he's only had about two, maybe three months to even get used to having true emotions. So he didnt really know how to approach tbe topic.
Should he just jump in and say, ‘Do you think i'm dating Lily?’ or would that be too blunt? Should he frame it as a question, like he doesn't know what you may be upset about? Something along the lines of ‘Did I do something wrong?’ and then he could just hope and pray that you'd be truthful? It was hard to choose, both seemed bad.
“I'm going to bed, ‘kay?” Forced him out of his thoughts and he snapped his head towards you as you began to stand up. He needed to be quick before you left, hed lose his mind if he dwelled over this any longer.
“Wait!” Beomgyu exclaimed, a bit too loudly which caused you to stop and face him. “Are you like.. mad at me? Or upset?” He decided on asking, not thinking of much in the moment besides keeping you here to talk. Maybe he was seeing things, but it almost looked like your eyes softened a bit at his question.
“No, what made you think that?” You asked, moving to sit back down on the couch. No matter how much you were overthinking and how jealous you felt, Beomgyu still came first. If you thought he seemed upset then you would drop everything to comfort him.
“It's just.. uh.. you've been more distant recently.” Beomgyu explained hesitantly, fiddling with his fingers as he sent a quick glance your way before looking down. His nervous fidgeting was a bit endearing. “Is it like.. because I've been hanging out with Lily too much? Does it seem like I'm replacing you?”
Beomgyus beginnings of a ramble caused your eyes to widen just a bit. How could he already pinpoint the cause in your change of attitude? What now? Was he going to get mad at you for being jealous of his girlfriend? No. That wouldn't happen, Beomgyu seems more nervous than upset now.
“Me and Lily.. were just friends, yknow? You're much more important to me.” Beomgyu continued on softly, “If.. if it makes you feel better I could stop seeing her so often. Would that help? Would you stop being distant if I did that?”
And if you said that didn't make you feel horrible, you'd really be lying. Did Beomgyu really feel that bad about all of this to the point of him sacrificing his friendship(?)/relationship(?) for you? You could never ask him to do that, especially since you could tell how close he was with Lily. It made you feel like some possessive, over controlling partner and the two of you weren't even dating!
“No, no Beomgyu dont do that. Just.. keep doing what you're doing. You like her, don't you? It'll work out if you keep it up.” You forced out a small smile as you spoke, even if each word pained you to say. You wanted him to be happy even if it meant being with Lily.
“But I don't like her, yn. I swear I don't.” Beomgyu argued back softly, frowning.
“No need to pretend, Beom. I see how you two act, it's normal!” You continued despite his protest. Maybe he was just shy about it since it's his first crush after all.
“No, yn you don't understand! I don't like Lily, I like you!” Beomgyu suddenly exclaimed louder than before, seeming almost fed up with how you kept dismissing him.
As soon as the words left Beomgyus mouth, he knew he had fucked up. He's heard all of the stories, all the people who tell their best friends they like them before everything is ruined because of it. Even Soobin mentioned it having happened with an old friend of his. Beomgyu didn't want you twos relationship to be ruined, that's the last thing he ever wanted! Yet here he was, big mouth blurting out everything.
What if you were so weirded out, so uncomfortable that you kicked him out? Where would he stay? How would he even function without you? You're all he's ever known as sad as it may sound. He's almost like a small duckling, imprinting on the first thing it sees which happened to be you.
You had yet to respond, sitting there in silent disbelief. Beomgyu really liked you? He actually reciprocated your feelings? You were struggling to process the information, especially after preparing yourself for the heartbreak of him having a girlfriend. Unfortunately, Beomgyu took your silence the wrong way. Quickly he stood and grabbed his phone, scurrying over to the front door. That seemed to snap you out of your trance.
“Wait, Gyu!” You called out, also standing but before you reached him he was out the door. Eyes wide you ran over to follow him out, it was way too late for him to be outside alone. Where would he even go? But by the time you opened the door he was gone and it was much too dark to see anything.
“Shit… shit, shit, shit.” You muttered, anxiety skyrocketing. It wouldn't be smart to just run after him in this dark late at night, especially not as a woman. He was a tall guy who managed to look intimidating if he tried, he could handle himself, you told yourself for some semblance of comfort.
Instead, you hesitantly closed the door again before running over to pick up your phone. Maybe the others would know where he was going, he'd have to at least tell them. Right?
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notes ! : theres only one or two chapters of teddy bear left now... </3
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im like the chicken or the egg argument but theres no way to prove i was trans before my traumaaaaaaa (said in a gay way) because i was like. in foster home at 5 when i first stsrted habing dreams about being sexually abused. dreams that would repeat over and over again. and i wet the bed so much and didnt stop until i was more scared of my mom leaving me than being fucked against my will. but all i remember now is the dreams. but also, none of this ever happened and im making it all up because their is no proof. and the one person i bonded with while in foster home who was my brother, just tuened around and did the same thing to me later. and he only ever acknowledged it by trying to make some valiant speech to me while we were attempting to reconnect about how "hes done horrible things but we need to look past that because hes changed". hes changed so much he still deflects the blame. and my mom expects me to choose between my father and her everyday, my dad who left his phone unlocked on his dick pic and left out for me to see when i cisit him while i was 14 and constantly made jokes and reminded me that when we went out that his friends, neighbors, and wven strangers thought i was his girlfriend, and he would stand behind me and make weird vaguely sexual comments wjile i was washing tbe dishes. my mom at least taught me by that point to put ny foot down and i finally did. he stopped when he realixed i knee what he was doing. ive forgiven him for this as fucked up as that soudns, byt my mom doesnt know that. my mom only vaguely knows about my brother but she knows it happened while i was sleeping (and most of it never did, only the last instance did). and she told me "hes my son and youre my child". she cant call me her daughter because when i actually was her daughter, she wasnt my mom. she was some junkie alcoholic who took care of me by putting me in the room upstairs at her friends town house where all the smoke was and i lost mh voice and i slept in a room full of smoke while she had the itme of her life downstairs with her friends who didnt know i was there.
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trash-writing · 4 years
An elvens tale, chapter one
Millie: elven, and somehow get lost in the forrst that her tribe has been taught to stay away from. Fightimg through the branches for what feels like years, the small creature funaly finds a water source, a lake so calm she can see her own reflection, and the shadows dancing behind her.
As the priestess submerged her face below the icy portal infront of her, she could feel her features freezing and the mud thats been caked apon it dissapearing bit by bit, until our damsel is back to her natural mint skin tone.
Our princess thought nothing of this for much like our own country, her land was much prone to the white candyfloss that adorns the sky, smothering our veiw of tge sun, keeping it to itself. And she very much knows that it will blow away eventually, so she continues fixing her crown, all whilst humming a simple folk song, and she was at peace until she noticed her reflection, and tbe beings silohette cloacked over her own
As she sits a front the shore, fixing the crown bestown upon her locks, she pays more attention to the shadows of the vines in her myst. Watching the paterns move upon the lush grass much like stained glass beneath the suns Etherley gase.
Until it... stopped. Another step the stranger took. A step back millie took was a deep mistake she would regret instantly, for the feeling of the cold hitting her legs allerted her to the surroundings.
"Whose there," she called out again, this time much more frantically, her worry being set by the tremor in her voice. "i-i-im not afraid of you! Show yourself!". The hooded figure steped out of the shadows a bit more, so millie could finaly see there body. To the naive princess, they seemed like some sort of tall, mysterious being out of one of her grandmothers stories. This other being was dressed in a beige cloak that covered most aspects of there being, letting a lot be up to her imagination. A crossbow was slung along the strangers back, somehow making them have a persona of danger, but a beaitifull danger. A danger that was longed for in the mistd of her safe tribe, although she'd never admit it. This game was kept on playing, until our damsel was knee deep with water. "please, just show yourself" she begged for the last time "im not going to hurt you. " With that the creature stopoed, cocked its head, and simply looked at her.
Now, she was already confused, why would someone be wearing a cloak in the amajiki reagon? They were known for being the most open minded and gentle of our elven, and their appearances shown so with lush hair and skin in every pleasant shade of green to grace this planet, soft round faces and large colored eyes that could perswade anyone to do just about anything. And what she could already see of her stalker was hair the color of the moon at its peak in the sky, skin as blue as the legendary passion flower, and elongated nails, which could be easily mistaken for a well groomed pair of claws. She was startled, as you would be if you caught someone in the forrest you were forbiden to go. Rushing to the edge of the lake, millie called out, "whose there?" into the fernary, and a hooded figure stepped out. And don't you know by now in theise stories they always choose heart? "prommise?" it asked in a supprisingly high pitched voice, seemingly debating the options they had. Number one is to show themselves , and let this beautifull being see who they really were. Number two was to run, run as far as they can, run as deep into the forrest as possible. Now, our beings brain was screaming at them to flee, she'd hurt them, but there heart was wanting to stay. So, with one last push forward, our stubborn elf unwillingly came closer to our damsel, seemingly being hypnotised by her eyes. At this moment, both elven were standing in the lake, one being merly anckle deep, whilst the other being up to her waist. And for some reason, she liked it. The being gripped there hood with three fingers, debating for a moment wither they should do this or not. The whole outer cloak was removed from the elven, and simply lashed in the lakeside behind her, leaving them in only there underclither, which consisted of some brown form-fitting pants and a short white shirt, a dagger hanging from each of her hips. But this wasnt what intrigued millie, no, it was her face. So, with one pull they revealed themselves. In millies opinion she was very pretty, albeit a few inches taller than herself, but she was different. Her ears, much pointier than millies own, emerged from within her mass of hair, piercings embedded within each. Two eyes the coulor of molten silver stared back at her, framed by the thjck locks surroundimg her face, which were a color only the moon could dream of. Engraved in a color similar to her eyes, runes were drawn around her face in a seemingly endless and unpredictable pattern, but she didnt wear them shamefully like scars, no, she wore them with pride like a badge on an oficers chest. Looking up at this being, millie soon reilised there was no means of escape afyer trying every manoever she was ever taught, and it just left her soaking wet and cold. She tried to just sidestep and run, tripped over some sort of rock that plauged the lake bed. Tried tacking, but odviously her apponent was multiple times stronger and taller than herself, so it was inevitably a failed attempt. The next step was to try and run the other way, but she couldn't, due to the abyss within her vision. So there was one final option she hadn't tried, and one tgat she doesn't want to, But tough times call for tough decisions. She'd have to swim it, but somehow without the maden spotting her doing so. Her name was still unknown, but that didn't matter now. After all, they'd never have to meet again. As the elder girl turned her back, the greenette pushed against the water. Seemingly still, the liquid felt like wights pooling around her limbs, with wispers to try and perswade her to stop and rest, but she knows if this happens, she will drown for sure. She pushed, hopefully traveling south towards her colony, but her vision was obstructed by the minor disturbance she had caused. All that she knew is that if she didn't get to the shore quickly, it would be the end of her days. Taking a risk, she decided to look above the surface to check how much distance was trecked, we had to only be a few metres from the pathway to home now.
But when she looked up, she was not. When millie looked up she was geeted with the smug face of her captor, and it'd seemed shed move closer to her captor then before her struggle began.
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