#to join their crew to take down the big bad
glove23 · 1 year
what dnd actual play shows don't show u are just the long stretches of silence while ur players take notes/look through their things and the DM just stares off into space contemplating how little they prepared for the session
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inu-mxki · 1 year
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roronoa zoro x gn!reader
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reader gives praise + pet names / slightly steamy / zoros a simp
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“missed you today,” you mumble against his mouth.
zoro thinks you’re heaven bottled, straddling his waist, kissing him like you’ve been starved. he sits back, enjoying your undivided attention and flurry of soft, deep kisses. his large hands gently squeeze at your sides, then move to your thighs, kneading the soft, plush skin.
he’s in love with you. zoro is completely and unequivocally in love with you. he’s drunk on your lips, your body, your voice. everything. you fill his senses and bewitch his mind. even the scent of your hair left on his pillow has him burying his nose into the plushness to get more of it. he’s obsessed. he’s so sure of it, and yet it’s so foreign and strange for him.
zoro is no stranger to desire. he knows how it feels to want something so badly you’d kill for it, but never has he felt a desire quite like this one. it’s not a desire to win, or to be the greatest, or to serve. it’s vulnerable and fragile. it’s consuming and overwhelming. it’s more more more.
and that’s all he can think when your lips finally part, your eyes looking down at him like he’s never done a bad thing in his life. like he’s precious. innocent. loved. missed. wanted.
“i love you,” you whisper to him, tracing the sharp edge of his jaw before pressing a gentle kiss there. he pulls you closer, if possible, his strong hands gliding up your t-shirt to rest on your bare back. he presses his lips to your neck, earning a satisfying sigh from you, so he sucks lightly.
“i love you,” he mutters into your skin, goosebumps forming along his defined arms as your nails begin to scratch at his scalp. close just isn’t enough. he buries his face into your shoulder, nuzzling there.
such a big man and yet, for you, he’s melted butter.
“you worked so hard today,” you tell him, kissing the shell of his ear, “you’re so good, baby. so good.”
he relishes in the praise. he wants it so bad. from the moment you joined the crew, he’d been jealous of any praise you gave to anyone else. especially the idiot cook. how he longed to have you tell him he’s done well, that he’s good, that you’re proud.
zoro doesn’t know when he turned into such a melt, but you just have that affect on him. you make him feel like he can be vulnerable in your presence.
“thank you,” he breathes, squeezing you tighter.
“do you want me to rub your shoulders?” you ask him softly, pressing little kisses to the side of his head. he could stay here forever and a day.
“you don’t have to,” he says, voice rough from how tired he is. you chuckle lightly.
“i want to,” you tell him honestly, pushing him off with great difficulty, “let me take of you, ‘ro.”
he’s so thankful to whatever fate bought you to him, shuffling around so he’s sitting between your dangling legs, your hands rubbing gentle but firm circles into his muscles. he groans when you hit a certain spot, so you stay there, every now and then kissing the crown of his head.
he’s just not worthy. he doesn’t understand how he managed to get this hallelujah. how, out of everyone, he’s the one you devote your time to. he’s the one you drunkly confessed to one night after a successful fight, kissing him before pulling yourself away and mumbling how sorry you were and that you understand if he didn’t feel the same.
how ludicrous.
it was his bed you clambered into and never left. it’s his mouth you kiss good morning and kiss goodnight. it’s his hand you squeeze under the table. it’s his face you search for in the crowd.
and he’s so fucking thankful. there’s a God. there must be.
“never leave me,” he finds himself saying out loud, your movements stopping, hands resting against his shoulders. he feels you move, and then your lips against his ear.
“what a silly thing to say,” you speak softly, sending a shiver down his spine as your hands begin working at his tired muscles again, “i’m not going anywhere, ‘ro. please don’t worry about that.”
he closes his eye. trusting you. relaxing back into your embrace. if you’re destined to always be at his side, always sleep beside him, to rub his shoulders and kiss his skin, then he’s sure, more than ever, there’s someone Holy looking down on him. he should be more accommodating to that thought. maybe it’s time he actually thank whoever they are.
hell, he might even start praying.
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i do not own one piece or anything associated with it
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bweeeb · 3 months
Carmen Berzatto x Reader
Notes: I started watching the third season of The Bear and my love for Carmen returned.
Summary: When Carmen compares Y/n to Claire on a stressful day, he almost ruins everything with the woman in his life.
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Carmen Berzatto was never a kid with many friends. In fact, he didn't have any for a big part of his life, until you came along. The principal and teachers thought you were too advanced for your grade and bumped you up a year, where Carmen was. Berzatto never imagined a girl as pretty as you would be his friend. He thought you’d hang out with Claire or the cool kids, but no, you obviously became friends with everyone, especially Claire, but mostly with him. It was you and Carmen. After school ended, your friendship lasted six years until he moved to New York and came back when Michael committed suicide. At first, things started off well again. You worked in your family’s marketing business, filming and promoting restaurants with creative and interesting videos. Carmen needed you to promote The Bear. You two started getting close again. Suddenly, you were helping him late at the restaurant, joining him and the crew for family meals, and then he asked you out, thanks to Richie pushing him to do it, and that’s how you got to where you are now. Maybe it was a bit early, but after a few long months, your lease ended, and without thinking much about it, you ended up moving in with Carmen. He was always working, so you didn’t get in his way, and he didn’t get in the way of your editing work. You didn’t have much to complain about. Every night, Carmen would come home, you two would shower together, helping him relax, and fall asleep watching something. Until it wasn’t like that anymore. You were always a clingy person since childhood. Your parents told you that, but never in a bad way. You always thought it was okay to show love through touch and words of affirmation, until Carmen seemed bothered by it. He started showering alone, saying he’d be with you soon. He’d let go of your hand on the couch and sit farther away than usual. The messages you used to send, which he said he loved because they relaxed his mind when the restaurant was chaotic, he no longer seemed to appreciate. You tried to make sure he was okay with all your emotions before starting a relationship, and Carmen assured you he was, even saying your touch calmed him and he’d never felt that way with Claire. Claire was never a tough subject between you two, but it was inevitable for you not to feel a pang of jealousy knowing Carmen sought her out before you.
It was almost eight in the morning, and that morning Carmen had left in a rush after oversleeping. While you were organizing things at home, his chef's coat appeared in front of you, and without much doubt, you realized he had left without it, which was almost unacceptable. You grabbed the coat and drove to the restaurant, not knowing that Carmen was having a bad day and taking it out on everyone in the kitchen. Entering through the back doors, your eyes widened at the commotion coming from the kitchen. You passed Marcus, who smiled and raised his eyebrows at you.— You need to calm your man down. He said, handing you a small bag and letting you pass. Walking through the kitchen, you passed by Sydney, who shook her head in disapproval, with Richie right behind her, clapping his hands.
— S/n, the cousin's losing it. If I were you, I wouldn’t go in there, but I think you’re our only hope.
Richie said, hugging you tight and lifting your feet off the ground, causing you to let out a low laugh that made Carmen look out of his office, seeing you in Richie’s arms. Carmen's neck vein popped out for no reason, feeling jealous of your friendship with Richie, which had never happened in the fourteen years of friendship. Now, his already bad day seemed worse. Carmen, without thinking, walked over to you both, and as Richie let go of you, he grabbed his coat from your hand roughly, turned his back, and ran his fingers through his oily hair that hadn’t been washed properly, unlike when you washed it. Yesterday, he had skipped your shower together. — Maybe a thank you would be great. You said, following him through the kitchen with Richie behind you like a loyal puppy.
— She brought it for you, cousin.
— Yeah, big deal. He muttered, and you stopped in your tracks, tensing at his harsh tone.
— Leave this to me, Richie, thanks. You turned to the older man, who nodded and stepped away, ensuring that if you called for help, he’d come running.
You slowly approached Carmen, who was at the counter cutting vegetables, and leaned on one arm to look at him. — Hey, babe, what’s wrong?
Your soft, calm voice, which usually soothed Carmen, made him swallow hard in irritation.
When you got no response or even a glance, your smile fell into a disappointed sigh. — Are you okay?
— Yeah, I’m fine, Y/n. Another robotic response.
— Okay, are you mad because you woke up late?
— Your hair’s gonna fall into the ingredients. His voice raised rudely, and you widened your eyes, taking a hair clip from your bag strap and tying your hair up. — There, better? Your voice stayed calm and low, not letting the others in the kitchen hear what you were saying, always the opposite of Carmen in bad moments. — Can you at least look at me when you talk to me, please?
You asked, and the knife in Carmen’s hand stopped. His fiery gaze landed on you, and you didn’t know if you’d ever felt such a strong urge to cry from a look before. — I don’t wanna talk to you, Y/n. I didn’t ask you to come here. Carmen’s harsh words escaped, and you frowned. You knew he hadn’t called you, but you knew him well enough to know he was freaking out about not having a coat.
— Excuse me? Why are you acting like a child? I know you didn’t call me here, you jerk, but all your coats were at home, and I brought one for you.
— I don’t care what you say. I don’t want you here. Didn’t you notice that? I don’t even know if I want you in my bed anymore. Carmen’s words gradually softened until his last words came out as a confession that made your eyes fill with tears. — Stop being so clingy, for fuck’s sake. Claire was never like that. Carmen exploded, causing the kitchen to fall into an awkward silence.
— Well, maybe you should call Claire then, Carmen. You said, biting the inside of your cheek, feeling like you were being stabbed in the chest. And you couldn’t stop thinking that Claire had always been the center of Carmen’s attention as teenagers, why wouldn’t she be now?
— Maybe I will, maybe I’ll call her and say my annoying girlfriend is being a pain in the ass at my fucking job. At least Claire didn’t stick to me like glue when I got home and knew how to respect my space. She did something useful at work, for fuck’s sake. Carmen yelled, and your throat formed a huge lump, knowing you’d either cry like a baby in front of him or outside, and you preferred to do it away from his eyes.
— Go fuck yourself, Carmen. You said, turning your back on your boyfriend, refusing to look at him with tear-filled eyes again. Walking through the kitchen, Richie came up to you with wide eyes, stopping you midway, but you just pushed him aside, making him run to Carmen with his hands on his head.
— What the FUCK did you just do, cousin? FUCK. That woman is the love of your life, damn it. Look at what you just said to her, you idiot. Richie yelled in Carmen’s face, who looked at his friend with his hands on his face as regret hit him. It was like while he was saying all those nasty things to the girl he loved most, his mind was clouded with adrenaline and anger, not at her, but at the pressure he was feeling that ended up being dumped on her. Running out of the restaurant, trying to catch up with you, but it was too late, and you had already disappeared.
When night came, Carmen walked into the house, and immediately when the emptiness greeted him, his chest felt heavy with regret again. There were no warm kisses, whispered caresses in his oily curls from spending all day at the restaurant, and no you, tiny and eager to try the food he’d brought for you to taste. He approached your shared bedroom and saw you curled up under the covers, hugging a pillow that used to be him. You never slept before he got home, and immediately, the fear of losing you hit Carmen, who got in the shower and felt his tears fall as he thought about how stupid he’d been to treat the person who made him feel safe and good after Michael left so badly.
After he got out of the shower, Carmen knelt by your side of the bed and gently caressed your cheek with his thumb, making you stir briefly and open your eyes quickly. Your usually bright eyes were red from crying so much, and it was impossible for Carmen not to notice. In a leap, you pulled away from his touch and sat up in bed, avoiding his gaze.
— I brought food for you. Carmen said, and you just shook your head, lying back down, unable to really sleep again.
— I’m not hungry, thanks. You murmured weakly, and Carmen wanted to slap himself for treating his sweet girl so badly. Even after hurting you, you thanked him when he couldn’t even properly apologize.
— I… I’m sorry, sweetheart. Carmen said, looking at your back and only receiving a nod. You knew your voice would crack from the tears starting to fall again, and you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry anymore. Carmen's heart sank at your lack of response, feeling the weight of his words crushing him. — I didn't mean it, any of it. I was just... I'm an idiot, and I took everything out on you. You didn't deserve that. You never do.
He whispered, his voice trembling with genuine regret. You stayed silent, trying to process his words. You wanted to forgive him, but the pain was still fresh. — Please, look at me, Y/n. I can't stand seeing you like this.
Carmen pleaded, his hand reaching out to touch you again, but stopping midway, unsure if it was welcome.
— Do you know how much it hurts to hear that from the person you love the most? You finally spoke, your voice breaking, making Carmen wince at the raw emotion in your words.
— I know, and I'm so, so sorry. I don't know how to make it right, but I'll do anything. Just don't leave me, please. Carmen's desperation was evident, and you slowly turned to face him, seeing the genuine remorse in his eyes. It was hard to stay mad at someone who looked so broken.
— I just need you to be honest with me. If you need space, say it. If something's wrong, tell me...— You stopped for a second, apprehensive — Can I ask you something? Do you see her in the back of your mind all the time wishing I were her? You asked, sniffling, and immediately Carmen shook his head. — Because I see her, and I can't keep on someone's place.
— Claire and I didn't work out because she couldn't stand me, and I couldn't stand her. You're the reason I wake up every day, knowing I'm going to come back from the restaurant to here and you'll be here is what makes me want to keep going, Y/n. Claire didn't do that, she never did. I'm sorry. He whispered pulling you into his arms in a hug. — I love you, Y/n. I'm sorry for making you doubt that.
— I love you too, Carmy. But I swear if you make me feel this shit again, I'll leave you forever, that's your only chance to do the right things, Carmen
— I promise. I'll be better. I don't ever want to lose you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. He confessed, his eyes filled with tears. You sighed. and Carmen hugged you tighter as he mumbled several apologies in a row.
— Can we take a nap now, please? I can't sleep without you.
— But what about the restaurant?
— They can handle lunch without me. He said, picking you up and carrying you to the neatly made bed.
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joi-me-hoi-me-noi · 9 months
Winning against them in a fight - OP!
This includes: Shanks, Luffy and Zoro
TW: blood... only a bit but still including this!
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You watch as he wipes the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. He was smiling, adjusting the hat on his head. Why the fuck was this man smiling at you?
"What's so funny?" You walk toward him, cracking your knuckles with a slight upturn in your lips.
He stands, his build towering over your smaller one. He spits on the ground and tilts his head at you.
"Nothing's funny, I'm just happy a pretty little thing like you is taking the time out of your day to fight little ol' me."
Heat makes its way to your facial features as you place your hand over your mouth to hide your smile. He sure as hell knew how to make you flustered.
"Shut it! Do you yield?" You ready your staff for another attack, eying his movements.
His crew watches from a distance, shocked that a 'pipsqueak like you' could take down their captain.
"I'll yield if you go on a date with me." He holds out his hand to you.
"Deal." You place your hand in his and put your staff back on your back.
You feel his hat sit on top of your hair as you adjust it to not block your sight. He throws you over his shoulder and walks back toward his crew of men.
"Alright men! Drinks on me tonight!"
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"Damn, did you eat a devil fruit too or something?"
Your eyes widened but then you laugh out loud. "You ate a devil fruit, I thought I'd be dead by now...you're pretty weak."
He tries again to hit you. You dodge yet again and smirk.
"You have bad aim too." You click your tongue and shake your head, smile still etched on your face.
He then shoots himself forward, screaming as loudly as humanly possible. You hold out your hand, gripping his neck as he struggles against you.
"Tap out." He doesn't listen to you, he's fading.
"Tap out before you die." He squeezes his eyes shut and then opens them, tapping quickly on your forearm.
You let him go and watch him fall to the ground, taking big gulps of air with tears in his eyes.
"You're not worthy to have me on your crew, small one. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll take my lea-" You look out to the ocean and your boat is sailing away...without you.
"WHATTHEFUCK!" Your hands cover your face and you let out a loud groan.
Luffy puts his hand on your shoulder and smiles at you. "You gonna join my crew now?"
"Yes captain, I will." A soft smile graces your face as he jumps up and down with happiness.
He then groans in pain and you hold out your hands, telling him to sit down. "Dawg, I hit you pretty damn hard in the ribs...do you want me to carry you?"
He tries again to get up and then just sits on the ground still.
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"What the-" Your heel connects to the underside of his face.
He groans and doesn't go down.
You hum and smile at him. "That usually messes people up. Just a little bit of blood for you, cutie."
You point to your nose and he rubs underneath it, red liquid stains his knuckles. "Nice hit, but it won't happen again."
You smile and raise a eyebrow at the man in front of you. "Oh really? Let's see if you can keep up."
You rush toward him and sweep under his feet, causing him to fall. The katana in his hand presses against your neck as you straddle his waist and hold his wrist, pinning it to the ground. Your blood drips down his katana and you hum yet again.
"Very good. You got me but you put your guard down too quickly."
You pry both katanas out of his hands, deflecting the one in his mouth and holding the other up in the air, preparing yourself to stab him. Zoro tries to deflect it but misses entirely then the sword goes into the ground a few inches from his ear.
Still holding the sword, you lean down and whisper into his ear.
"We'll meet again. Don't let this happen again, I won't hesitate next time."
You remove yourself from him and walk away from him, not turning back.
He stays on the ground for a while before collecting himself and sheathing his katanas. He was utterly speechless at his performance with fighting you. You almost killed him.
"Definitely not letting that happen again."
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totalswag · 17 days
a day to remember — DREW STARKEY
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authors note just take a moment to appreciate how good this man looks. i’m so proud of him and cannot wait to see the movie. he’s come so far in his career. ALSO seeing these pictures i NEDDED to write about him.
join my taglist ⇛ if you would like to be notified anytime i post click this link and you’ll be all set to go.
summary attending the first premiere for drew’s upcoming movie, queer, and supporting him with all love.
warning(s) NONE
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You could feel the buzz of excitement from outside as you carefully stepped out the vehicle. The soft fabric of your white dress complimented Drew dark blue suit perfectly. With his perfectly groomed hair, tailored dark blue suit, and a smile tugging at his lips as he extended his hand to you, he looked very attractive.
Today is the premier for the upcoming movie, Queer. Everyone is going to be there to promote the movie. Drew has been talking about it for days. You couldn’t wait to be by his side.
This is your second trip to Venice in support of Drew. When Tatum was three months old, you two went to Drew for a month and began shooting. Tatum just turned five months old and is staying with your parents at home while you are here.
Drew invited you to accompany him as a support person— you were looking forward to attending the premiere and staying by his side the entire time. You can't express how proud you are of Drew and watching him accomplish what he loves. He has come so far in his career.
First Drew walked onto the red carpet— immediately posing for the flashing cameras around him. He turns into your direction, taking his shades off, signaling you to come over.
Happily walking over to your man with a big smile on your face, waving in the direction of paparazzi and fans. Drew carefully placed his right hand on your lower back while your hand rested on his stomach.
Drew looked over at you, his smile warm and comforting. "You look incredible," he said, barely loud enough to be heard over the shouting. 
You smiled back and squeezed his hand. "You don't look so bad yourself."
There was a moment where you looked him up in down processing how good he looks— paparazzi and fans definitely got that on camera.
You proceeded up the carpet together, pausing for photos. It was overpowering yet thrilling, and Drew never let go of your hand, his presence constant and soothing.
As the premiere continued, Drew took multiple pictures and alongside his casting crew. You knew his inner child is jumping up and down for his older self right now.
On the red carpet, a young man stood behind a camera, holding a microphone and ready to interview Drew. The young man grinned as he motioned you both over. 
He starts off by asking how you are both doing and compliments your outfits for the premiere. He’s keeping his questions professional and not over the top.
“Drew what was it like shooting this film?” The interviewer asked curiously.
"Working on this film was fantastic. Drew responds calmly, "Given the opportunity to work with such great people like Daniel Greg was truly remarkable.”
The conversation for a bit was about the movie, you were asked a few questions, then the interviewer asked about Tatum. You both miss her so much.
“So, how’s parenthood treating you guys?” he asked, his tone genuinely curious and light. “And how’s Tatum doing?”
You shared a short gaze with Drew, who spoke with a warm smile on his face. "Parenthood is amazing," he exclaimed, his voice warm. "Tatum's wonderful—she's growing up so quickly. It's wild, but we're enjoying every moment."
You nodded, adding, “She’s the light of our lives, honestly. Every day with her is an adventure.”
Eventually it was time to end the interview. Drew and you thanked the young man— shaking his hand. Drew’s manager pointed towards the fans waiting anxiously to meet him.
“They look so happy to see you” you smirk, playfully nudging his side that makes him giggle a bit.
Interacting with Drew’s fans is always exciting— you always look forward seeing them because they’re so nice. Their squeals grew sharp when you two stopped walking.
“Y/N you look so good!” A young fan said with the biggest smile on her face and complete shock she’s experiencing this moment.
"You are too sweet, thank you gorgeous" you gasp before giving her a warm hug.
Drew signed autographs, pictures, had small conversations with fans for a while until it was time for everyone headed inside for the movie.
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The movie was unbelievable. The whole time you were stunned by the acting from the cast— so amazing. The production did a fantastic job getting this done along with the cast.
After the movie, everyone proceeded to this restaurant for dinner. You'd had a few cocktails by now—Drew and Oplo were standing up, arms around each other, talking on the phone. You sat behind the phone, eyes fixed on Drew.
He looked so lovely with his shirt unbuttoned, revealing a little of his chest. Everything about him was addictive.
He walked towards you laughing at something Oplo said. Scoots his chair closer to yours— knees touching.
"I could feel your eyes on me over there," he asked, caressing your thigh. "Is everything okay?" 
"I'm admiring how good my man looks," you say, tracing a heart on his chest, "and thinking how proud of him for never giving up on his dream." You feel yourself choking on your words but maintain your composure.
Drew maintains constant eye contact with you. He slowly closed his eyes while biting his lip. His hand grips yours and squeezes lightly. His actions provided you with an answer.
"I love you so much, darling, I'm not sure what I did to earn you. Thank you for everything and for making me Tatum's dad."
You lean in for a brief kiss on the lips.
"And I love you more than you even know."
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my taglist!
@drewstarkeys-world @chenslucy @starkeyvhs @rosezza @rafeyslamb @runningfrom2am @diqldrunks
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eelnoise · 8 months
zoro x afab!reader an: just some lovesick drabble because im weak in the knees for my big stinky boy. he's so cute and i wanna just snuggle w him so bad 🥺 cw: fluff :) wc: 1.1k @bby-deerling @kaizokuniichan @themushroomofdeath
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The flash of the morning sun hits Zoro’s face like a white-hot light as he descends from the crow’s nest, freshly exhausted from training. Squinting in the daylight, he looks upon the deck below as it comes into clearer view – silhouettes of the crew fade into focus, and quickly does he scan the scene for a brief headcount. A slight warmth fills his chest, and not from the tide of day washing over the ship.
You’re not among them. You’re still asleep.
Zoro’s boots hit the deck with an audible thud, and heads turn to greet him. He offers a sleepy ‘good morning’ nod before heading right in the direction of the women’s quarters. No one stops him, nor are any words exchanged. They all know where he’s headed, just as they know why you tend to sleep in.
It isn’t often that he gets this opportunity – to join you for a nap. Most days he retires from the watch far earlier than any of the women awake, sometimes avoiding his own bed all together and simply napping in the nest. The odds are in his favor this time, and he means to take full advantage of the very limited time he can have with you. Only you.
No sooner does he creak the wooden door open that his heart skips a beat beneath his ribs. You’re there, just as he hoped you would be, softly snoozing beneath the sheets. Your hair is folded wildly about your face and the pillow beneath your head, and your lips are slightly parted with just a speck of drool glistening down your chin. Zoro can’t help but find you endearing, and seeing you in a deep, restful sleep does something to soften his stoicism. 
He almost can’t bring himself to wake you, as the sudden shift on the mattress always causes you to stir – though you’re never soured by it. Never once do you make him feel unwanted or loathsome, always welcoming into your arms or by your side when he needs you most.
And, while not the most affectionate man, Zoro relishes in the love you give him. The good-willed and honest devotion that you deem him worthy enough to receive makes his head spin. Somehow you had latched onto his sin-soaked soul, cleansing it in your soft, practiced hands and invigorating him in ways long forgotten.
Memories that ache - that wear him down with the weight of the past, present and beyond - they all seem to slip away when he’s next to you. You’re his anchor, reeling him back from the somber reverie that so frequently plays in his mind. A light that burns bright even in the darkest of places, and somehow he always finds his way back to you. Zoro knows that real worth is wordless, actions speaking emphatically over all else.
And you show him that worth.
His worth.
Zoro kicks off his boots, practically tiptoeing his way around the bed to it’s open side – and though he knows it’s fruitless, he does make an attempt to slide in next to you as carefully as he can manage to. And you stir – as if right on cue, the sudden weight pressing into the mattress that rolls you against his chest. 
A sleepy hum of acknowledgement befalls your lips, a small - yet simple - gesture of welcome to the man now aside you.
A hint of a smile etches into the cooks of his mouth as he returns the gesture with a hum of his own before curling his arm around your middle and burying his face into your hair and breathing in deeply. Your body is warm to the touch, and with it comes elation. Oftentimes he appreciates that you had cast the first stone, releasing him from the nigh-torturous, unknown feelings that he couldn’t possibly have navigated alone.
Zoro clings to you, as if magnetically attached around your body. His thumb drags along your tummy, up and down in a soothing yet natural response to being with you. He murmurs a throaty “Good mornin’” against your ear that makes you shiver with longing. Far too little do you get to indulge in his embrace, and though you’re not as tired as he is, you aim to enjoy the time regardless.
“Morning,” You reply, twisting your head just enough to see him and allowing your hand to fall atop his and entwining your fingers together. “How was watch?”
“Same as ever.” He whispers into you, feeling that familiar tranquil serenity blossoming within him. Zoro squeezes your body against him and moves some of your hair out of your face to place a series of pecks to your cheek before trailing up to give you a soft, tender kiss to your lips. 
It hadn’t been easy, learning to love – but with you there, ready and willing to guide him at his chosen pace the whole way through his strained emotions. Not once in his life did he expect to feel this way, a man of action and ruthlessly devoted to his dream and to his course upon it. Zoro once saw life as just that – his own. A narrow pathway in hindsight, one fit enough for just himself at the end of all things.
Though now, the path had forked, widened, and along it do you walk beside him. Every decision, every step, every pinch of ash left in his wake has your name written upon it in dark, permanent ink. Zoro thinks with you in mind, acts with your face at the very forefront of his synapses. He’s grown to adore you, both body and soul.
Part of it terrifies him still. The thought of losing something more precious than words can explain dives deep into his core. In love, there is fear. Fear of loss, fear of weakness in life’s most pivotal moments, fear of losing one's sense of perception. 
Though, there’s also hope. Hope and happiness and support and all else that comes with devoting your very essence to another. Seeing you smile or laugh brings him a peace that borders on inexplicable. The feeling of your hand on his bids him well wishes, each kiss a reminder of sanctuary. Every tangle between the sheets when he makes love to you renders him spellbound - the saccharine, honeyed taste of your skin on his tongue mixed in with those sighs and coos of pleasure that only he can hear, a song that only he can make you belt, it makes Zoro’s head spin with just the thought.
To Zoro, you’re beyond compare. No single person in his life comes even toe-to-toe with you, and as you snuggle against him, he allows himself to feel vulnerable. You’re his safehaven, a blessing in disguise that nabs him by the heart and never fails to lull him into a rejuvenating respite. 
You’re home.
You’re his.
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mutedstarss · 9 months
Summary: Luffy stumbles across you in a forest and it's love at first sight
cw: All fluff
“We’re lost, aren’t we?” Luffy deadpans, looking around the forest Zoro led them to. They were supposed to be looking for food since they ran out but of course, Zoro being the leader, they got lost. 
Zoro lets out a surprised grunt and raises an eyebrow, “We’re not lost. We’re taking a shortcut.” Luffy just hums and folds his arms, nodding his head with closed eyes.
“Let’s look around while we try to find our way out.” Luffy says, a huge smile on his face as he clutches the straps of his bookbag and turns toward the endless forest. “To the beetles!” He points forward, trying to move ahead before Zoro grabs ahold of the top handle of his bag.
“We’re supposed to find food, not… insects.” He clicks his tongue before dragging Luffy the opposite way.
“Well, I’m the captain and I say we should find beetles.” Luffy argues back, his feet dragging against the leaves and dirt. 
Zoro sighs and stops abruptly making Luffy bump against his back and let out a confused groan. “If you stop complaining, I’ll let you have my food when we get back.” Zoro tries to negotiate.
At that, Luffy’s mouth is shut and a new smile is on his face as he thinks of the food he’s going to eat. He rubs his now grumbling stomach and pats it. “You’ll be fed later.” He tries to whisper, but Zoro only furrows his brows at the weird action.
With a shake of his head, they move forward on their journey to find food and to get out of this forest that seems to be infinite.
“Will you cut it out?!” Zoro yells as he turns around to see Luffy’s tongue hanging out of his mouth from the heat. The scorching rays of the sun was already irritating enough, but to have Luffy whining and complaining was making it more unbearable.
“No, I’m hungry! And it’s your fault we got lost in the first place!” Luffy yells, pointing a finger at Zoro. Zoro growls and opens his mouth to say something but gets cut off by an arm dragging the both of them into a nearby bush.
“What the–” Luffy starts with furrowed brows but you slap a hand over his mouth and glare at him, his brows furrowing even more in confusion.
You point to the big boar that was currently eating grass and Luffy followed your finger. The boar's tail was swaying back and forth as it minded its own business. Too bad you were about to mind its business as well. You were hungry and well, that’s food. You pulled out your bow you had tucked behind your back, pulling out an arrow from your pouch and loaded it onto the string. 
Luffy looked back at you, ready to bombard you with multiple questions but the words got caught in his throat, eyes widening and sparkling as it would when a plate of meat is shoved in his face. Luffy’s lips parted on its own accord when he finally took in your appearance. The way the sun shone down on you causing your skin to take on a glow along with the arrow. You looked out of this world in his words. Your eyes squinted and your tongue poking out in concentration. The way the muscles in your arms flex as you stretch the arrow back like a pro; almost like you’ve been doing this for years and to Luffy, that’s the coolest thing ever. 
Luffy’s stomach soared with raging butterflies, a feeling he wasn’t used to as he looked at you. He swallowed the lump in his throat as his eyes traveled down your figure. You had on a white bodycon, ruched mini skirt that hugged your thighs perfectly. An off yellow bikini top and sandals. His eyes traveled back up slowly just in time to see you release the arrow with a pretty smile, striking the boar in the head flawlessly. His heart leaped and excitement rushed through him. He’s never felt like this with someone before. He wasn’t sure if it was good or bad, but he knew he wanted more of it. So, when he grabbed your arm and gave you a big smile saying, 
“Join my crew!” 
You couldn’t be mad at him. 
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animekpopsimp · 1 year
The Strawhats React to You Being Shy but Very Strong
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Luffy first met you when you were just trying to go about your day
He was in the middle of a fight and he had accidentally bumped into you
Normally, you didn't like confrontation but you were getting annoyed
Luffy was shocked when you ended up punching one of the pirates who was trying to attack him
You sent the man flying, and he was amazed
When the fight was finally over, Luffy begged you to join his crew
Though, as soon as things calmed down, you were embarrassed that you had drawn attention to yourself
At first, you refused his offer, just wanting to live a peaceful life
Though, deep down you did want to explore what was beyond the island you called home
Luffy kept asking you to Join him, impressed by your strength
Finally, you gave in, admittedly tired of the mundane existence you had gotten used to for so long
Luffy would keep asking how you got so strong, but was surprised when you told him you were born with it
You admitted that people treated you poorly because of it, so you learned to keep to yourself
You can bet he's encouraging you to open up and always reminding you that your strength isn't a bad thing
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He doesn't notice your strength when you first join the crew
He notices how shy you are, but he doesn't question Luffy's decision to have you be a part of their group
However, when the two of you are surrounded one day, he finds out why his captain was so impressed by you
He watched in shock as you helped him take down the men surrounding you, not even using a weapon
It didn't take long for the both of you to win the fight
He wanted to say something about your fighting skills, but decided to wait until you got back to the ship
He thanked you for helping him, and complimented you on your abilities
You were touched since most people feared you because of your strength
You found a new friend in Zoro, and he respected you
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Nami admittedly didn't think much of you at first
She didn't know what you were capable of, but that didn't matter
The two of you became fast frieds
Though, one day when the two of you were exploring the newest island the crew had found, you encountered some marines
Nami was worried since she wasn't sure how well you could handle yourself in a fight
However, she was surprised when you started beating up the marines
They could barely manage to get a hit in on you
Once the fight was over, you both ran back to the ship
She told you how cool you looked when fighting
You were honestly a little embarrassed by all the compliments she was giving you, but appreciated them none the less
Nami asked you to train her since she wanted to improve
The two of you became close and you helped her out a lot
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He %100 looks up to you
Ussop tries to make up stories to impress you
You listen, even if you know they aren't true
He asks you to train him, hoping he can be as tough as you
Also, he will hide behind you during fights, begging you to protect him against stronger enemies
You're often the one encouraging him to be brave, even if he doesn't want to
He tries his best so you won't be disappointed in him
You're like a big sister to him in a way
For that reason, he feels really close with you, especially since he doesn't have any family he's close with
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This man thinks you're the coolest woman in the world
He thinks you're beautiful and on top of that you're strong
He's simping hard
Compliments you all the time, he just thinks you should know how highly he thinks of you
When it comes to social situations, he's always there to back you up
When it comes to fighting, he knows you're more than capable of handling yourself
Though he will keep an eye on you during fights, just in case
If you do get injured, he always makes sure you get treated, no matter how small of an injury it is
Sanji's in love
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Chopper already looks up to pirates
And in his opinion, you're one of the coolest ones he's met
He watches you fight with an awestruck look in his eyes
He's amazed that someone so shy can be so strong
He'll ask how you got that strong, and is surprised to hear that you were just born that way
He's upset when he learns that people treated you differently because of it
In his eyes you're just a normal person who happens to be super strong
He relates to being treated badly by people around him, so the two of you bond over that
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suhkusa · 2 months
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PAIRING. Atsumu Miya x f!Reader
CW. plot, angst, smut, very much uh-oh-moment
A/N. ruh roh
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The morning goes by in a blur, and before you know it you’re on the bus on the way to the big stadium. Atsumu didn’t even have to ask, opting to just take the seat. 
Unlike the last time, you two chatted the whole way down. You guys had to be shushed by a couple other players who were trying to nap, to which the two of you snickered.
Once you guys arrive, the Coach sends you on errands. Taking final notes on the Adlers, meeting with camera crews, grabbing schedules. You nearly broke out in a sweat by how much you were running around. The arena was huge. You definitely got your steps in for the day.
By the time you make it back to the team’s locker room, everyone is already ready. 
“Y/N, go ahead and fix yourself up and meet us out there for the pre-game interviews,” Foster tells you.
The rest of the guys trickle out and you can hear as they chatter with the interviewers outside of the room. Quickly, you grab your brush and fix your hair. Grabbing your oil blotting sheets, you dab them on your face before finishing up with some lip oil.
You join the rest of the outside before a woman with a “PRESS” lanyard walks up to you. The microphone is shoved in your face before you know it.
“How is it being the Jackal’s manager?”
“Not bad, I love being able to be apart of this team and the players make it easy,”
She nods at your response, “Do you think they’re gonna manage this Championships? Last year they lost against the Adlers,”
Your eyes widen a bit but you manage to put your best poker face, “Of course! They’ve been doing tons of practicing and have improved immensely over this past season,”
She nods once more, “Alright, thank you for your time!”
Once she walks away you can feel yourself become self conscious. Did you look okay?
A hand on your shoulder shakes you out of your thoughts, “How’d it go?”
“Atsumu! I didn’t know I was going to be interviewed,” you sigh, “I think it went okay,”
“Yeah, I’m sure you did fine,” he smiles, “the coach wants you, we’re about to walk out to the court,” 
You spare him a nod before walking away to find Foster.
You can hear all the announcers and fans from where you and the team stood. They were just finishing up announcing Adler's team. You peek out and see the light colors change as the announcers call the “MSBY Jackals” out to the court.
All the players run out, you wish them the best of luck as they pass by you. Atsumu spares you a wink as he rushes by, causing you to roll your eyes.
You and the coach Foster follow shortly behind as you two find the team’s benches. You cheer as they introduce the starting line up. 
With a blow of a whistle, the game commences.
Bokuto starts the match off with a strong serve, earning the Jackal’s the first point of the game. You go wild along with the crowd. 
With all the hardcore practicing the men have been put through, they easily take the first two sets. It’s a tug of war for the next two sets, the Adler’s pulling out their star player Hoshiumi from the benches, boosting their team’s morale and offense.
You're on your toes by the 5th set. Your inner cheek is chewed raw with how badly you were anxiously gnawing at it. It’s so scary, especially with how the Adlers manage a 5 point lead from the get-go. 
Fosters chooses to call for a timeout, leading you to stand up and help the boys cool down. You hand them towels, water, and any words of encouragement you’re able to get out. 
“Y/N,” Atsumu calls from behind you, and you can tell from his face alone that he's heated.
“Calm down, you were doing good, don’t let them shake you,” you take the towel wrapped around his neck and wipe his forehead. “Drink more water, the timeouts about to end,”
Atsumu nods before taking the bottle out of your hand, chugging it down before nodding at you and making his way back to the court.
After multiple grueling rallies, the Jackal’s manage to finally catch up, 10-9. 
There’s people booing and cheering, it’s all overwhelming. You just want them to take it home.
The Jackals continue to score, point after point. The Adlers are on their tail, but still can’t catch up to them.
With the slam of a ball, the stadium roars. 15-13, the Jackals have finally ended this match, crowning them the Champions of this volleyball season.
The men are screaming and yelling, bumping against each other as they cheer. Some are in tears and some are smiling so hard their cheeks might fall off. You don’t realize you’re crying until the Coach slaps you on the back, pulling you in for a hug. 
He releases you as a cameraman approaches him, allowing you to grab your bag from under the benches.
You’re in the air before you know it, “Hey- Atsumu!”
You’re smiling as you look down at him. 
“You did it!”
There’s no words spoken before he pulls you in for a hug. A big, warm, sweaty hug. Despite all that, it’s comforting. You hug him back, face buried in his uniform as you congratulate him.
You’re caught off guard when a warm kiss is placed on the crown of your head. You look up at him, confusion hinted in your eyes, before he releases you to join Sakusa and Meian in their interviews.
“Y/N, let’s go to the locker room while we wait,” Foster catches your attention.
“Yes, sir,” you smile.
Once the boys finish their interviews, the locker room is loud. There’s music, champagne being popped, cheers. Cameramen and their crew are shoved in there trying to get postgame footage.
You’re caught up in the fun of it all when Sakusa catches your attention,
“You with Miya?” he questions, a small smile tugging the side of his mouth.
“Ah-” you’re not sure why you’re surprised, it’s not like you guys hid it, “Sort of, we’re just talking,”
“I see,” he nods in understanding, “you should hop on the game, the other guys miss you,”
You smile back up at him and nod before you join in with the cheers once again.
The guys decide to not to hit the usual spot, all of them being tuckered out and ready to sleep. Meian decided that there will be a party at a later date, which you don’t complain about. You were ready to knock out.
“Y/N,” Atsumu catches you before you get into your car, “you want to come over?”
“It’s late,” you whine, “Maybe tomorrow?”
“C’mon my house is closer, it’s literally down the street,”
You felt yourself being dragged along to Atsumu’s shenanigans once again, collapsing onto his bed as soon as you got the chance.
“Sooo tired,” Atsumu mocks before he collapses on top of you, nearly squashing you to death.
“F-uck,” you squeal, “I can’t breathe you pig,”
He laughs as you struggle to get him off of you. When he finally decides you’ve had enough, he rolls off of you, allowing the two of you to be side to side.
“Whew,” he breathes out, “I deserve an award,” he turns his head to you, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
“Ugh,” you shove him, “in your wildest dreams,”
“At least a kiss,” he pouts.
You laugh, “You’re so ugly,” you smile before leaning into a smooshed kiss. It’s messy but it’s warm.  
It’s just a kiss, until it’s not. And once again, you find yourself falling into Atsumu’s trap again. He’s on top of you, and weirdly enough, you want more.
You’ll blame it on your stupid hormones and adrenaline but it feels like you need him. You’re tugging him closer and closer until you’re essentially one.
Your shirt is guided off, “Fuck, you’re perfect,” you hear him mutter as a hand sneaks under your bra to thumb at the nipple. 
You’re gasping into his mouth, hips rising into his as a plea for more. And he gives in. Lifting your hips, he tugs your bottoms off before tugging his dick from his briefs.
You’ve felt how big he was but you never saw his actual length before, and big it was. It almost made you want to back out, but the ache in your cunt begged for otherwise.
“Please,” you moan as his hand hovers over your pussy, “‘Tsumu,”
“So impatient,” he chuckles, “whatever you want,”
He slowly works a lengthy finger into your hole, curling it inside of you and watching as your face contorts with pleasure. 
Another one is added, stretching you out in preparation for himself. He works them in and out of you, cooing words of praise into your ear. 
You’re practically riding his fingers, hips moving on their accord as you fuck yourself on his girthy digits. Your relief is pulled from underneath you as he tugs his fingers from out of you. 
You whine at the emptiness, “please,” you’re tugging at tufts of hair on the back of his head. 
“Yeah, yeah, just you wait,” he mumbles as he lines himself up to your entrance, hissing as his tip slowly squeezes into your tight cunt.
Tears prod at your eyes as you begin to feel full of him. You grasp onto his back as he thrusts into you, dick plummeting your insides as you moan into his ear.
“So good,” you sob, “Want you,”
You can see him hide a smile through your wet eyes before he pulls your chin to face him for another sloppy kiss. Your bodies are in harmony as he fucks you through your tears. You’re babbling nonsense as he groans from the grip your cunt has on him.
Yes, you’ve had your own fair share of fucks, but it’s never been this good. His hands move down to your ass, gripping the flesh there as he continues to fuck you. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” Atsumu grunts, breath heavy from the force he’s using.
His words push you closer to edge until you’re gasping as you cum around his cock, twitching as your orgasm rips through your body.
“Holy shit,” Atsumu nearly struggles to pull himself from inside you, until white ropes of cum spill from his tip onto your stomach, the warmth of it on your skin spreading through your body.
Your head feels fuzzy, as the aftermath of your relief washes over you. 
Through wet lashes you can see him smirk down at you, “Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
Atsumu’s gentle, compared to earlier, when he wipes you down. A soft, warm rag makes its way from your head down to your sensitive heat as he cleans you. 
“You’re beautiful, Y/N,” Atsumu whispers as he works one his shirts onto your body, “I love you,”
After cleaning himself up, he finds a space on the bed next to you, tucking the both of you in. At the feeling of his presence, you move closer to him and tuck your head near the crevice of his neck. 
“I like you, too,” is all you are able to mumble out before the feeling of slumber takes you away.
Atsumu smiles as you fall asleep in his arms. He’s about to join you when a ping on his phone catches his attention.
Osamu [2:43AM]: yo have you seen this? {link attachment}
Atsumu clicks the link before it takes him to Twitter, and his jaw nearly drops out of its socket. 
It’s a picture of you and Sakusa walking out of the bar and into a car with the caption, “MSBY MANAGER SLEEPING AROUND WITH FELLOW PLAYERS? Learn more…”.
It wasn’t just any picture. It was one that Atsumu took.
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© all writings belongs to suhkusa 2024. do not repost or change.
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0mg-bird · 22 days
Sister’s Mister ~ B. Bradshaw x Seresin Sister Reader
Summary: When Jake’s little sister pays a visit, Bradley gets himself into a sneaky situation where he might want to be the sister’s mister.
Warning: 18+ content ahead, language.
A/n: Very Nickelback coded, argue with the wall.
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There was a feeling of uncertainty among the men in the locker room as they showered and cleaned up. Jake left early to pick up a package, that package being his dearest little sister. You.
“He’s bringing her to Payback’s birthday party.” Fanboy states and he pulls a clean shirt on.
The rest groan, asking Payback why he’s allowing it. He just shrugs. “Dude, I felt bad, alright? She’s coming to stay for a month, I don’t want to start off on a bad foot.”
Bob, who was currently pulling his civilian shoes on, shook his head. “Hangman’s enough, what are we gonna do when a second him is going to be hangin’ around?”
They moan about that, all making claims about what you must be like. Things like spoiled, arrogant, and self centered all came up.
Bradley runs his hands through his hair a few times. “Which sister is this anyway? He’s got about five of them.” He asks.
“Big families are common in the south.” Bob reminds.
Coyote is there to answer his question. “I think it’s the one born after him? They’re the closest ones out of the seven kids.”
“Seven!” They all exclaim, cursing with wide eyes.
Bradley shuts his locker. “Six siblings might be the reason Hangman’s a head case.” He claims, making the others laugh.
“Yeah, let’s just hope the sisters not the same way.” Omaha chuckles.
At the airport, you look for the tall head of blonde hair that is your brother. Suitcase rolling along behind you, you pass security and immediately see him.
Jake leans against a pillar, looking rather bored until he sees you approaching. Then, he’s walking to you with a smile.
“I was hoping you’d accidentally board a flight to Mexico instead.” He teases as you hug him.
“Oh c’mon now, don’t act like you haven’t missed me.” You smile, air getting squeezed out of your lungs as his strong arms grip you.
He pulls away and takes your suitcase and backpack. “Hard to miss someone whose face is plastered on magazine issues. But it’s good to see ‘ya, sis.”
The two of you leave to get a bite to eat, then Jake drops you off at the small house you rented.
“We’re going to my buddies birthday party tomorrow night.” He tells you as he checks the place.
You roll your eyes at his effort to make sure no crazy people are hiding behind the curtains, then open up your backpack to unpack some things.
“Which buddy is this?” You question.
“Just someone on my squad.” Jake explains.
You let out a heavy sigh. “Yay, a barbecue in the park.”
Jake glares at your fake enthusiasm. “It’s not a barbecue, and I feel personally victimized by that stereotypical statement.”
“Ooh, Jakey’s using big words.” You fake gasp.
He isn’t amused.
“We’re going to a club, okay? You know all about those, huh?” He teases, making your brows furrow.
“Is that what you think I do all day? Go to clubs with rich people?” You ask, to which he shrugs and nods. You scoff. “I do have an actual job, I just happen to know how to party.”
Jake sits at the kitchen counter. “So do we. Look, it’ll be fun and you can meet the crew.” He says, making you give in.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
He hums. “You never had a choice but I appreciate your cooperation.”
You roll your eyes. “Get out of my house, Seresin.”
“Where’s Hangman?” Phoenix asks as she greets everyone in the parking lot.
They all wait to go inside the club, ready to get drinks down and watch Payback get wasted, but the only problem was they were waiting for the last two to join.
“Fashionably late.” Bradley huffs, checking the time. They agreed to meet at ten, but the minutes continue to tick by.
“Hey, what’s this chick’s name?” Phoenix asks, looking down at her phone with a face of confusion.
They all rattle off names until one clicks.
“Yeah! That’s it.” Coyote agrees, looking at the faces of surprise. “Why?”
She shrugs. “I’m Facebook stalking her.”
Though they want to call her crazy, they huddle around the phone as she scrolls through the profile. Bradley rolls his eyes at the antics.
“You guys are being ridiculous.” He states.
“Holy shit…” Fanboy exclaims.
“She’s gorgeous…like insanely gorgeous.” Payback finishes the thought.
Just as Bradley turns to look, Jake’s truck rolls into a parking spot. Phoenix scrambles to put her phone away, trying to act natural as Jake gets out. He walks around the truck and opens the passenger side door.
Two long legs step out, they all watch with anticipation. The door is shut to reveal you in full.
Long, curled hair, a short black dress. You smile as you approach, it reflects in your blue eyes.
Bradley stands in a daze as you get introduced to everyone. He’s trying to think of a time when he’s seen someone more beautiful than you but he just can’t.
“This is Rooster.” Jake finally gets to him.
Bradley snaps out of it and smiles, shaking your perfectly soft hand.
You let your eyes rise from his shoes, all the way up his jeans and white tank top under his unbuttoned shirt. When they meet his eye, you take in a small breath at the way he gazes at you.
“Hi, Rooster.” You speak with a subtle southern accent, introducing yourself.
Then, you’re pulling away from him, his hand falls back at his side and he sees you turn to Payback.
“Happy birthday.” You say and hand him a small gift bag. “Jake helped me pick it out.”
He reaches into the bag, thanking you and saying that you really didn’t need to get him anything. He takes out a velvet box and opens it to reveal an expensive looking watch. The crew lowly whistles at it.
“Damn…my birthday’s next month by the way.” Coyote tells you, making you laugh.
Inside the club, the group of you gather in the reserved booth with a first round of drinks. Bradley sits directly across from you, watching you intently as you answer different questions.
“What do you do for work?” Phoenix asks, making Jake cut in.
“Stripping.” He says with a serious face, making you slap his arm.
“Stop telling people that.” You scold before looking back at Phoenix. “I model.”
That sparks a roar of interest, the whole time Bradley just watches your movements. Your fingers toy with the skinny straw in your glass as you tell a story about being in a rock music video or of doing an issue for Vogue two months ago. He sees your pouty bottom lip get caught between your pearly teeth when you laugh at something and his mind is flooded with thoughts he cannot speak out loud.
Here he was, worried you’d be a stone cold bitch when he should have been worried that you were gonna make him grip the table to ground himself. All you were doing was sitting there and he was already getting pulled in.
You’re Jake’s sister.
He has to remind himself of that as you are dragged into the swarm of clubbers by Phoenix and Halo.
“So…we’re just going to ignore the fact that she was a bunny?” Coyote mentions, making Jake cringe.
“Hey, asshole, let’s not talk about that when I’m sitting right here. Besides, it was like one issue, and she wasn’t buck naked.” He corrects, chugging his beer at the odd topic this has come to.
“You seen it?” Fanboy cringes.
“Our mom sent it to the family group chat! I was horrified.” Jake gags.
Bradley laughs at his reaction, then shifts his eyes to Coyote who finishes his drink. He sees the smirk he has and knows that there’s gonna be a comment to follow.
“She was hot, dude. I feel a little star struck, actually.” Coyote chuckles.
Jake points an angry finger at his friend. “I love you man, but say anything like that again and I’m putting you through this table. Got it?” He spits.
Bradley looks at his glass.
He better just keep his mouth shut, because if Jake hears the things he’s thinking, he’s as good as dead.
“What do you mean she was a bunny?” Bob questions, defusing the tension. “I thought she was Jake’s sister?”
The guys let out a sigh, Jake races off as it has to be explained to the pilot.
Lights and music pulse and as you dance along, Bradley’s jaw is ticking back and forth. You appear like a phantom, arms up as you laugh with Phoenix.
“I’ll be back.” He tells the guys before heading for the bathroom.
He locks the door behind him and leans on the sink, trying to get himself together. Then, he pulls out his phone and Googles your name.
Hundreds and hundreds of photos appear on the screen, all in which you look sinfully good.
How could he not know of you before? He feels like he’s lived in darkness this whole time.
Bradley splashes water on his face and tells his reflection to get it together. With a deep breath, he goes to the bar, trying to get his head straight.
Things with Jake were finally fine, there was a truce made. The last thing that Bradley needs is to start another war by getting too close to the miniature Seresin.
Leaning on the bar, waiting for the bartender to get to him, he’s suddenly joined.
“You weren’t gonna offer me a drink?” You ask with a playful smile.
He turns his head, looking down at you and he internally curses. Of course you’d find him, life was never easy for him.
“I figured you were a big girl and could get yourself something if you were thirsty.” He states, swallowing hard.
You let out a small chuckle, then wave the bartender over.
“Whatcha’ need sweetheart?” The bartender asks, leaning forward with a wink.
“Vodka with a diet redbull, if you wouldn’t mind.” You order, then turn to Rooster with an expectant look.
“Oh, uh, just whiskey on the rocks.” He mutters.
The bartender gets right on it, leaving the two of you alone once more.
You run a manicured hand through your hair and look up at him. “So, Rooster, you got a real name?” You ask.
He nods, avoiding eye contact. His fingers flex into fists and back out again because you smell like cherry and vanilla, it makes him feel woozy.
You laugh. “Yeah? What is it?”
Blowing out a breath, he tells himself he’s stronger than this and looks to you.
“Bradley.” He says, aching as you hum and try the name out for yourself.
“Bradley. I like that.” You nod, taking your drink as it is given to you.
Your lips wrap around the straw and slowly sip as he drinks his whiskey, focusing on the taste of it washing down his throat.
You watch the veins in his arms and the way his adams apple bobs. He’s the perfect picture of fine, the wheels are turning in your head as you establish that he’s what you want.
“You want to dance with me, Bradley?” You ask as he finishes the drink in silence.
He shoots his brown eyes down at you, but doesn’t answer. Your straw slurps as you reach the bottom of your glass. “It’s a simple question.” You state.
“No.” He shutters.
“No?” You clarify.
“I do but no, I won’t.” He says weakly.
“And why is that?” You question, lips pursing.
The way you squint your eyes makes him want to drop dead. He clears his throat. “You’re off limits, sweetheart. The last thing I need is your brother ripping my head off.”
You smile. “I’m a big girl, I can make my own decisions.”
He turns to fully face you now. “I don’t think that matters to Hangman.”
You let out a dramatic sigh. “Well, I’m standing here talking to you and he hasn’t come found me. I don’t know about you but to me, that seems like it’s okay for you to continue talking to me.”
You were being extremely difficult.
He sits on the chair behind him, motioning for you to do the same. Slowly, you sit, crossing one leg over the other. Your thumb nail gets caught between your teeth for a moment before he reaches out to pull it away. You lightly gasp at the action, then fold your hands together in your lap. “Wanna talk? Let’s talk.”
The two of you exchange friendly chatter, both very aware of the space shrinking between you. The sound of your voice is addicting, the longer you talk, the longer he adores it. All those silly things they guys assumed about you were entirely false. You were smart and kind, you were actually hilarious.
“You still don’t want to dance with me?” You ask after a breath, your fingers running over his thigh.
He sucks in a breath. “You just want me to be killed, don’t you?”
You look at the mass of people. “If I know one thing, it’s that my brother is probably all over some little blonde right now and way too distracted to worry about me.” You state, moving your fingers now to the back of his hand, slowly tracing shapes on his skin.
“What about the others?” He asks.
You shrug. “There’s a swarm of people, I doubt they’ll notice.”
He fights his inhibitions, then decides he’s aching to feel the silk of your dress under his hands way more than he is scared of getting caught.
Bradley grabs your hand, it’s strong as it guides you off the seat. You smirk to yourself as you follow behind him. He strategically places the two of you in the crowd, the lack of space makes you press yourself to him. Your arms hook around his neck, you feel the warmth of his palms on your lower back.
The different colored lights make the silhouette of you sharp and enticing. Though the two of you start out calm, your movements aren’t subtle. One hand in his hair, the other smooths up his chest. You’re hot, blame it on the people around you but the way he’s looking at you isn’t helping. The size of his hands on you, the way his hair gets messy, it has your knees feeling wobbly.
One movement forward, you’re pressed right against him, giving a delicious contact to the crotch of his jeans. His fingers grip your hips tightly, he leans down to press his lips to your ear. Your eyes widen as the heat of his breath washes down your neck.
“Don’t.” Is the only word he utters.
And you aren’t used to being told no.
You do it again, creating that aching friction as you rub against him. “Why not?” You whisper back.
Bradley shuts his eyes, trying to stay strong in the war he is not winning. “Don’t start something, sweetheart.”
You reach down to grab both his hands and slide them behind you. He grabs your ass instinctively.
“What if I want to?” You ask, anything but innocent.
He pulls away from your ear, shaking his head at you like it’ll change the situation. He’s saying no because it’s the smart thing, but really all he wants to do is slide his hand under your dress.
Your hand braces one side of his neck while you lean to the other. Slowly, like you aren’t sure if he’ll push you off or not, your lips press to his skin.
Bradley wants to curse, the way your tongue tastes the salt on his skin has him grinding you against him on his own accord. You make your way up to his jaw, then pull back. His eyes are entirely dark, you open your mouth to speak but he’s kissing you roughly.
You sigh contently as you start to feel like you’re buzzing on more than just alcohol. It only lasts a few seconds, like he just needed a taste. Bradley pulls away with a huff, you feel like you’re going to fall over.
“Still scared of Jake?” You ask him.
He shakes his head. “This isn’t smart.”
“But you want it.” You say, hand sliding up his chest.
He wants it, fuck he wants it. You can see it in his eyes, that’s why you take his hand and pull him out of the crowd.
In the secluded hallway of the bathrooms, in the low red lighting, you’re grinning as you’re backing him into the wall. You inhale deeply, fighting with his lips as he holds your waist. It’s feverish as you kiss, the way you gently press against his waist has Bradley biting back moans. Suddenly, he’s pushing you back, walking you until you hit the opposite wall.
“Don’t be a tease.” He warns lowly, hand gently squeezing your jaw.
Your smirk is victorious. “I won’t be a tease if you take me back to your place.”
He tightens his grip slightly before swooping down and devouring your lips. His strained jeans rub against you. “That’s what you want?” He asks, pulling away again.
You bite your bottom lip, nodding. “I’m up for anything you want to do, actually.”
His thumb pulls that lip down. He looks at it in awe as he makes his final decision.
“Text your brother, tell him that you called an Uber home.” He says.
“Jake already said he was taking a girl home and sent me the cash for a ride.” You breathe.
It’s all a sudden blur, the way Bradley’s dragging you out to the parking lot, helping you into the passenger seat of his Bronco. He’s definitely breaking traffic laws as he races to his one bedroom house.
He struggles to get the door open as you suck at his neck. Once he does get it open, he’s tugging you inside and slamming it shut.
Down the hall, you’re shredding his layers. His button shirt is thrown over the couch in the living room, his belt lands on the coffee table. As you pull his white tank off, your breath catches.
“Fuck.” Is all you can say, looking at how toned his upper body is. His biceps make you want to wrap your hands around them and squeeze.
Bradley smirks, feeling good about himself. “This is what gets you to shut that mouth of yours?” He asks.
You run your eyes over his abs. “You’re like…insanely hot.”
He grips your waist, then backs you up into the kitchen counter. “Says the one with the million dollar body.”
Your fingers dance over his bare skin. “Art appreciates art.” You shrug before devouring his kiss again.
At this point your lipstick is gone, Bradley wears some of it on his skin like you’ve branded him. His hands brace under your thighs, easily lifting you to sit on the smooth kitchen counter. You sit with a huff, spreading your legs wide enough for him to slot between them. The smooth material of your dress bunches on your hips, giving him a perfect view of the pretty pink thong you wear.
He breathes heavy in excitement, gazing down at the lace like it’s a prize. That’s before he’s tilting your head back and kissing down the column of your throat. You mewl softly at the feeling, how he dances down the tops of your breasts that threaten to spill out of the dress.
Then he’s sinking further down, you watch him slowly lower himself to become eye level with your core. You gasp softly as he grips your thighs and places warm kisses to them. It stimulates you, the way his lips feel. His hot breath fans over your aching center, he’s kissing the lace fabric like he’s praising it before he grips the top of it.
“You still sure you want this?” He checks one last time. “Because I don’t know if I can stop after I start.”
You grow impatient, flexing your hips to move your heat closer to him. “Bradley, I don’t want you to stop.”
That was enough for him to yank the panties down your legs, letting them hang on one ankle. He keeps your heels on, enjoying the way they press against his upper back as your legs drape over his shoulders.
His tongue comes to run up your center, you take in a sharp breath. He tastes your arousal, immediately becoming intoxicated off of it. Fingers pressing into the flesh of your thighs, he keeps you spread open for him as he dives in, eating you out in a way you haven’t experienced before.
Your head falls back, hand wringing in his hair, holding him close to you. A moan tumbles free from your throat. “Oh fuck, you’re good at this. Fuck! Like that.”
He can’t help but grin wildly, stimulating your erected clit before stretching two fingers inside of you. Your hips buck at the feeling, you’re humming out, panting at the feeling. He eats it so good, you don’t even think to muffle the sounds you make.
“Ah, Bradley.” You breathe, making his cock twitch in his jeans.
“You like it, pretty girl?” He vibrates against you, making you cry out.
His eyes lift to look up at you writhe. You’re perfect, open mouthed and grinding against his tongue, reacting when he curls his fingers.
“Yes.” You encourage.
The sound is wet and lewd as he sucks on your sensitive skin, your eyes widen as you feel your finish coming on.
“Rooster, I’m close.” You whine slightly, it only makes him focus more and get you closer.
“You want to cum? Do it, finish for me.” He encourages.
Your chest heaves, you tighten your grip in his hair as you clench around his fingers. You curse loudly, feeling the orgasm build and build until you finally snap. You shudder, your thighs clench around Bradley’s head as you feel the wave wash over you. He’s there through it, cleaning you up with his tongue, sucking his fingers clean.
You lick his lips, tasting yourself on him before kissing him.
“Come on, pretty girl.” He coos, helping you off the counter, chuckling at your uneasy legs as he guides you to his bedroom.
The door is clicked shut behind you and Bradley’s pulling you against him, cradling your face in his hands as he clashes his tongue with yours. His pants are pushed off by your greedy hands, then he’s watching you crawl onto his perfectly made bed. Your eyelashes fan perfectly as you stare at him, slowly pulling your dress off and dropping it to the floor.
You’re perfect.
Sitting pretty for him, he lets his eyes roam over your perfect skin, how great you look in his bed.
He’s in trouble.
Your leg extends out, lifting your foot up expectantly. With a pleased smile, he comes forward to the foot of the bed, unbuckling the heel, then the other. He tosses them carelessly behind him, they hit the floor with a clatter.
“Those are expensive.” You warn as he tugs at your ankles, making you gasp and fall onto your back.
“Yeah? I’m sure you have five more pairs just like them.” He states, crawling up the bed to hover over you.
Slowly, the two of you share the same air. You lay, looking up at him. “Come on, Bradley, I won’t tell if you won’t.” You tease.
He could devour you.
“You do this often? Target your brother’s friends?” He jokes back.
Your nails run down his scalp. “I can’t stand my brother’s friends. You on the other hand, you’re different.”
Tongue in your mouth, he’s moaning, sitting up to pull open his nightstand drawer. The foil of the condom is cool in his fingers, he pulls back to sit on his knees as you sit up. You pull his boxer briefs down his toned legs, breathing heavy as his full erection is freed. It aches against his stomach, the tip dripping with precum. You swipe your thumb over it, making him groan.
Completely infatuated, you pump your hand over his length as he rips open the condom package.
“I’ll cum if you keep doing that.” He grunts out, pulling your hand away so he can roll the rubber on. “Get on your stomach.”
The direct tone of his voice has you a mess between your legs, you roll over, legs spread, yelping in surprise as he tugs your hips, positioning your ass in the air.
“Is this okay?” He asks, warmly rubbing your back.
Hair falls in your eyes, he moves it away. You look back at him and nod. “It’s more than okay.”
His dark eyes gleam, then he’s positioning himself at your entrance. You feel the tip of him run down your folds, nudging your clit, making you mewl lowly and grab the pillow.
He pushes halfway in before you gasp, he slowly enters your walls to make sure you’re relaxed enough for him. The pressure his size gives you has you breathing hard already.
“I’m almost there, sweetheart.” He says lowly, letting his head fall back as he finally bottoms out.
Adjusting, you can feel how good he fills you. “Oh god.” You pant, squeezing your eyes shut as he slowly pulls back and pushes into you again.
“You sound so perfect.” Bradley says, slack jawed.
He kneads your ass, gripping it as he sets a pace. The way you lay out on front of him, arched back and taking him so good, he wants to cum inside of you in that moment.
“Mm, like that.” You guid. “You’re so fucking deep.”
Hearing those dirty words from your perfect lips, his vision threatens to go blurry.
“Yeah? Is this what you wanted the whole night, my cock buried inside you. Fuck, you’re so tight, it’s amazing.” He says through gritted teeth.
Pulling your hips, he fucks you back into him. As you meet his thrusts, broken sounds are coming from your throat.
You’re picture perfect, he’s going to be getting off to this image for weeks.
Mind completely cloudy, you mutter your words, they slur together. His fingers snake down to rub your clit and it has you choking on a sob, burying your face into the pillow at the build up inside of you.
“There you go, baby.” He breathes, picking up his pace. His hand stretches to gently tangle in your hair, his thrusts are hard, jolting you.
His name is muffled as you chant it, warning him that you’re oh-so close. You can’t even turn your head to look back at him, you just lean your head back and cry out as you clench around him.
“Holy shit- I’m almost there, hang on.” He grunts, edging himself closer and closer.
Your body shakes. “Bradley.” You whimper out, then you’re coming all over him.
The shout of him is what makes him push fully inside of you one last time and release. He bucks against you, riding his high out.
You’re collapsed onto the mattress now as he pulls out of you, mouth open as you pant, face and hair a mess.
“Holy fuck…” He runs a hand over his face, moving to lean back against his headboard.
He looks down at you, thinking you’re utterly spent. His gentle hands pull you up to him, slowly kissing you, trying to comb your hair down.
You learn how affectionate he can be. Especially after another round, where you’re watching him fuck up into you as you ride him, and genuine tiredness overcomes the two of you. You both clean up, then you try to decide what your next move is.
Hookups weren’t something you were too familiar with, you’ve only ever slept with your previous boyfriends.
Were you supposed to go back to your house? Did he expect you to leave?
The answer is decided when he shifts to his worn side of the bed.
“Come back to bed.” He says, watching you stand in the doorway, looking at your shoes.
Your eyes lift back up to him and his heart stops for a moment, you’re wearing a genuine grin.
Tangled in his sheets, not bothering to get dressed, the two of you talk until you eventually are lulled to sleep. You tried to fight it, but he’s so warm as he holds you, his voice is such a perfect tone, he’s rubbing your head and doing everything a hookup doesn’t do.
He’s well aware of this.
And when you’re snoozing peacefully, tucked against his chest, he curses and looks up at the ceiling.
He was already in too deep.
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aphrogeneias · 2 months
can we please hear more about rockstar!eddie and assistant!reader if you’re up to writing about them? how would she (and everyone else!) react when he dedicates a love song for her on stage? is he really obvious that it’s for her or does he try and be subtle for her sake and so rick etc don’t know?
author's note: a follow up to this valentine's blurb.
“You’re gonna want to see this.”
Dustin Henderson was one of a kind.
You had little time to reminisce as the boy pulled you by the hand through the narrow corridors behind the stage — but you remembered the day he joined the crew as if it were yesterday.
The funny thing was that, when you were officially introduced, that wasn't the first time you'd seen him. He'd been around a lot, sneaking out backstage after multiple shows, despite being dragged out by security every time. The guys liked him though, especially Eddie, who'd taken a liking to the smart mouthed boy.
Reminded him of someone he knew.
After a full run of midwestern cities and smaller venues across different towns, through Eddie’s approval and promise he'd look after him, Dustin joined the crew as a roadie. The kid seemed right at home in the midst of all the chaos, and though you worried about him, you knew they got his back.
Dustin was smart, and knew what he wanted. If life on the road was what he wanted, then you'd have let him have it. You also knew Eddie wouldn't let anything happen to him, in the same way he looked out for you.
Anyone who had Eddie Munson on their corner could consider themselves lucky.
“What's going on?” You laughed, completely out of nervousness. He was taking you down the path you knew led to the stage, and you wouldn't be needed there until the end of the concert. You'd been looking at some spare equipment, taking note of what needed to be replaced, when Dustin called for you.
“You'll see!” He looked back at you, his youthful smile a beacon. “C’mon.”
He pushed you up front until you stood at the side of the stage, where Rick was already waiting for you. Your boss nodded at you, a bored look in his eyes. Your heart felt like it would pound right out of your chest, sweaty hands grabbing onto your notebook.
“What's going on, Rick?”
“I know just as much as you, kid.” He said, unamused. “No fucking idea.”
The band had just finished the second third of their set, and as the crowd roared for more, Eddie — your boyfriend, in all his glory, glowing under the attention he soaked like a sponge — addressed them.
One of the roadies came from the other side, taking his loyal Warlock away, handing him his black acoustic guitar. The machine that slayed dragons.
He'd thanked them, first, before launching into an introduction. “Uh, this one is a new one. Straight from the next album, you'll be the first to hear it. A little slower than usual, I hope you crazy motherfuckers can forgive us for that.”
The crowd reacted with a cheer, regardless.
“If you can't, well, too fucking bad.” He'd laughed, earning a cackle from Jeff right beside him. He continued, then, unexpectedly. “This one's for you, you know who you are.”
Eddie looked to the side for just one second, meeting your eyes. His own were expectant, big and bright under the spotlights, while yours remained glued to him, too shocked to form a proper reaction.
With no time to lose, the band followed into the song. A ballad, for the very first time. The lyrics were ambiguous enough, not obviously romantic, but they hit you like a bullet.
You knew. He knew you, and you knew him. There was nothing else to be said.
You'd forgotten how to breathe. Midway through the song, trembling on your feet, you looked back at Dustin, and he sheepishly looked back.
You whispered, “Did he put you to that?”
He nodded. “You're welcome.”
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
i spent literally an hour analyzing this trailer at 0.5 speed. this post is long af and these thoughts are in no particular order and are poorly organized:
-there's a big storm (which I think was already confirmed), and ed gets swept overboard by a bucket on a rope:
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he then crawls up out of the water onto the beach
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then goes into the forest, creates a hut, has a journey of healing and self-discovery, meets hornigold (or his ghost??)
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and kills him thus killing the part of himself that he hated the most (his violence) as a parallel to stede finally getting rid of nigel's ghost by accepting and believing in himself
-in the stede/ed split screen, the stede shot is from the first ep of s2 right after stede finds the marooned crew at the end of ep 10 in s1 (you can tell bc his hair and clothes are still clean, there's no gay bandana around his neck, and that's his lil dinghy buttons is rowing)
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-they go to shore and wind up at the merchants shop where "susan" overhears they're tracking down blackbeard
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and she invites stede's crew onto her ship, cue the outfit change in the BTS photos:
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-the way stede makes that little swishy turn in the red coat -
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makes me think this may be first time he's been in fine clothes since his "death" and i hope we get a moment of him reflecting on how he gave up everything for ed only to have him hate him :( but then obviously realizing that ed is worth it and he'd do it all again in a heartbeat if it meant getting a chance at spending the rest of his life with him
-izzy and stede team up, and izzy is clearly training either himself or stede on the revenge (?)
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soooooo many questions: what caused him to leave ed and join stede's crew? is he fighting with ed and is training to take him out or is he just done having his love be unrequited so he leaves and just so happens to stumble into stede? is izzy thinking that if he can't cut out the longing he has for ed he has to kill him instead so the pain will go away? what, pray tell, the fuck is going on in here on this day
-wee john in the mermaid costume (and olu in a bunny or donkey costume?):
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a fuckery? or just a weird acid trip? OR IS IT THE TALENT SHOW THEY NEVER GOT TO HAVE??
-ed really does force everyone on his crew to wear war paint
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-all the tally marks scratched into the walls - is that the number of days since stede bonnet broke ed's heart?
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-ed in the forest in PEARL NECKLACE HELLOW????????
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-the tear in ed's eye as he moves the cake toppers closer together which he also painted to make the lady look more like him he literlaly is in love wiht stede so bad wht the FUCJ
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-ed's crew is murdering SO MANY PEOPLE at the wedding wtf (pic not included bc scary)
-delusional moment but i hope anne bonny on stede's lap is looking at calico jack off screen
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-stede and ed are running towards each other on the black sand beach (thank you @sluterastede for pointing this out to me wtf!!!!!!)
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which evolves my theory that ed in the forest goes through his healing journey and realizes he wants to openly love stede again but then the navy attack and stede just so happens to have found ed at the same time and they're fighting to get to each other and taking out everyone in their way (what if that was okracoke lmao)
-the swede and spanish jackie hooking up in the trailer
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makes me think the bts shot of ed and jackie is them looking at stede and the swede, and ed being SO in love with stede obvi but jackie is watching the swede do some weirdly hot shit so she's gotta have him (what if they got married and he became her umpteenth husband in a drunken vegas-like shotgun wedding where she wakes up the next day to realize what has happened lmao)
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-also this pic is DEF from the reunited/make up era bc ed's half-up hair, no makeup, soft eyes, and buttons' clothing. i am weeping
-stede in pain - is it an injury or a tattoo? or torture as @sluterastede posits?? he looks down at his lower body before screaming so maybe he knows what's about to happen to him??
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-ed in the forest wearing the pearl necklace (see above), ed saying "fuck you stede bonnet" wearing the pearl necklace (see below)
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does he pick it up at the wedding??? (theory credit to @sluterastede!!!! can u tell we watched the trailer together 400 times) i can't tell if he's wearing it in the one wide shot of him in that scene:
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but regardless of when he acquires it, does he take it bc he remembers stede said he wears fine things well???? and he starts to believe he may deserve them??
-side note about a LACK of something: ed isn't wearing the cravat at all in the trailer near as i can tell, and he's not wearing the pearl necklace when throwing knives at the wall (at least from what I can see, which is not much) which leads me to believe that scene is in the earlier part of the season
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-lastly, the most important song lyrics from the trailer (the beautiful ones by prince):
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and that's my dissertation on the ofmd season 2 teaser trailer thank you
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bugclot · 9 months
Ten Steps Ahead
You've found yourself in a stucky sticky situation after getting caught snooping in Bucky's drawers after he took your favorite thong as a punishment for teasing him and Steve with it on, so the two best pals decide to take it in their own heroic hands.
content: 18+, dubcon, dom!bucky barnes x dom!steve rogers x sub reader, spanking, choking, sort of angst, bucky & steve punishing brat reader, humiliation, hair pulling, edging, bj, cucky bucky, fuck just read all my kinks and have fUn.
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"Manners, darling. Now, what do you say to Steve?"
"Thank you, Captain."
Bucky and Steve both just love to find different ways to gain control of you. Even when you think for a second that you're ahead, they just always seem to be ten steps further. Shit. This time, you had gotten in minor trouble with Buck, earning yourself basically a "time-out" in your room at the base while the rest of the crew went out for bowling (or so you thought), also resulting in him taking yet your new favorite lace panties—asshole. Too bad you're too much of a pain in the ass to just stay put, you're gonna go get them back.
You've found yourself walking down to his apartment-suite which was just down the hall from yours, you made sure to check around to make sure the coast was clear—little did you know you missed a few spots. You used your key that Bucky had given you back when you two, well, three, have started your interesting little friendship. Being the fairly new and quite stubborn avenger you were, the two men took it upon themselves to put you in your place whenever needed be. I'll save you the lore. You softly shut the door and slink your way through his cozy yet humble apartment to the bedroom, you head straight for the dresser and begin to rummage.
It isn't long before you're joined by someone else. You hear an "Aha." and it startles you, you turn and boom.
"Ten steps further I see." you say in your mind, feeling defeated once more, staring at the blonde broad. Of fucking course Bucky sent Steve. His right hand man, just to check in on your activities. Steve wasn't really your favorite person to work with, you always hated his captain-savior complex he seemed to always have trailing behind him, at least that's what it seemed like to you. Many times Tony and you enjoyed playfully jabbing at Steve, just to tease him and share your mutual annoyance with the super soldier, with Bucky eyeing you down with a warning look every time.
"Y/N." Steve announces, his voice laced with sternness. "What do you think you're doing?" This tone attempted to pierce through your ego, but you didn't let it. You eye your stolen garment, it's hanging off of his index finger and you scoff, "Did Bucky send you to watch me or something?" you ask while crossing your arms. "Buck had a hunch you'd be out of your room, as did I." He looks down at your undergarment, toying with it and speaks again, "You're definitely not getting these back."
The nerve.
You roll your eyes and walk towards him, he looks up upon hearing your movement, shifts his weight, ready for anything. You stop in front of him—toe to toe, looking up at him, confidence tattooed all over you. "Steve—" "That's Cap to you." He interrupted you, fixed on your stature. Right. Captain and Sergeant when they're in control over you. But, who does he think he is? Playing big and bad with you? You see, it was easy to be such a brat to Steve, he wasn't as harsh as Bucky, that's who truly humbled you when need be. "Aye aye, Captain Rogers," you mockingly salute him, "Give me my shit back. Don't make this harder than it has to be." Steve furrows his eyebrows, "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" he purses, "Do you know what year it is? Shut the fuck up." You spat and make a sudden reach for his hand, he quickly and swiftly grabs your arm, stopping you in your tracks and lets out a huff, "That language back in my day would earn you a good old fashioned punishment. Haven't Bucky and I taught you that yet?" Your heart rate begins to pick up from adrenaline as you try to break from his grip upon him putting his hands on you, "Let me-" you stop yourself as you notice someone behind him—standing tall, buff, and in full tactical gear, not an outfit he'd go bowling in.
Goddamn, does he have to look so menacing? He seems to be burning a hole through you with his icy stare, arms crossed showcasing the definition of his build even more. "Y/N." He says, nothing else.
He paralyzes you, you've been caught.
Steve turns his head to look at his best pal, as he tosses your garment to him, and Bucky gives him a nod. Steve returns the gesture and turns back to you, he chuckles slightly under his breath as he brings you to the side of the bed facing the drawer and sits down, he attempts to bend you over his knee but you put on a struggle, no way he's about to take the reins,
"Wh-" you start,
You remember your other dear dominant friend is watching you. Knowing what he'd do to you, you comply. All of a sudden you feel the sharp sting of Steve's hand make contact with your backside through your Nike Pros, the ones that Bucky loves to see you prance around and train in. You hesitate to protest knowing this is all his doing until Steve makes contact again. "Fuck." You slip out. He lands another three smacks before responding to you, "Language." You try to claw at Steve's pant leg in protest, "Okay, okay, fine! You win." You chirp out as Steve starts up again—hard. Your cheeks on your face begin to heat from embarrassment, and unfortunately slight pleasure from this, along with feelings of defeat striking along with Steve's rhythm. Knowing that Bucky is simply watching, facilitating this, drives you up the wall. This is the ideal punishment for you.
Always ten steps ahead.
What feels like twenty counts later, you feel a nosy hand glide down to your helplessly soaked snatch, you close your eyes and labor your breathing as he slightly thumbs your clit through your pants, causing you to accidentally whine out. That sensation stops as Steve continues to rain down on your backside.
After five more minutes of fighting to get up from Steve and him effortlessly pinning your arm against your lower back, which seems like forever, Bucky's voice surprises you, "Stand up."
Immediately you hop off Steve's lap and step away from him, trying not to meet that look on his face. "Take off your clothes." Bucky growls, his request sent aches straight through your already ruined core, you wrinkle your eyebrows at him and motion to Steve. As if this wasn't enough? He's sitting in victory on the bed. You squeak out, "Buck—" He uncrosses his arms and cuts you off, "Sarge." He corrects. Ah, yeah. You look down nervously and he speaks up again, "You just don't listen, do you? How many times have we gone through this, doll?" Doll. You slowly strip in front of the two fully clothed super soldiers, feeling powerless and humiliated. Ironically, you're not wearing any panties, huh, thanks a lot to Bucky! The weight of the room was heavy, similar to the feeling of a predator stalking its' prey, you knew that if you made one wrong move, you'd be pounced on.
The drift from the room and the eyes from the two men cause goosebumps to form all over. Steve looks at the mess between and on your inner thighs and laughs, him and his old pal exchange looks as if they're speaking in their own language telepathically. Your breathing pattern changes, anticipating the next move from either one of these devils. Your breathing catches Bucky's attention and he smirks seeing his precious little brat being humbled by him and his own best friend, he motions Steve to grab you once again, which he does with ease and pulls you on the bed with him.
Bucky, leaning against the nightstand against the wall facing the foot of the bed, his hands on the stand holding his weight behind him. "So you're enjoying this, huh?" He asks as Steve leans back on the headboard as he positions you leaning against him, head back on his shoulder with your legs spread and womanhood drooling for attention. He has your left arm held with his, with his right arm over your other, giving him perfect access. His right hand clawing agonizingly lightly on your upper thigh. "Not so talkative now, Y/N." He says with rasp in his voice. You wiggle around to try to give your abused backside room to breathe. "Steve, shut the fuck up." You grunt out. Oh, how you hated to be belittled, as stubborn as you are. Without hesitation, he slaps your inner thigh, causing you to quietly cry out. He then says, "You're in the wrong position to be this bold, Y/N." The tone of his voice makes your nipples jump, you know that your body belongs to Steve and Bucky, but your mind has a mind of its' own. Steve lets out a "tsk, tsk, tsk," as he punishes your thigh in the same place again, you flinch, your arm tired from the position Steve has it in. Bucky speaks up at you with a demanding tone, "Y/N, look me in the eyes." You hesitate, then look at the metal armed soldier, "What have I told you about teasing Daddy like that?" he coos, you part your lips to respond but you're cut off with a set of fingers teasing at your clit, agonizingly slow. You have no choice but to moan out in response to this sudden action from Steve, and the exacting tone from Bucky which made you so goddamn sensitive. You try your best to keep your eye contact with Bucky, his emotionless brooding against your drooling, pretty little face. "Prancing around in these?" He holds up the laced, revealing underwear that had gotten you into this, Bucky continues, "Teasing me and Steve like that? You're such a mindless little hot mess. Look at you." He was right. Absolutely right. Naked, hot and bothered under these two, legs spread for the world to see, showcasing your soaked center, sweat dribbled on your face along with the drool coming from your mouth from your mouth being ajar. Steve picks up his pace, driving your heart rate to pick up, causing you to lose your eye contact with Bucky, letting your head fall back into Steve's built shoulder. "Look at me." Bucky snarls, you pick your head up with the little strength you have and your eyes start to water, "I'm sorry, Sarge." You feebly apologize. Steve looks at you, watching your flushed face as you play staring contest with Buck. Steve lets his middle and ring finger slip to your entrance, not going in completely but keeping them there, while he allows his thumb to press down on your center, causing your back to arch and for you to near,
"Hmm," He sings to your ear, "I think I want you to cum for me, Y/N." Those words alone could have sent you over the edge if it wasn't for Bucky to immediately shoot that chance down by opposing to you, "Y/N, not until I say so. You know your place." You let your eyes roll to the ceiling. The opposing sides drives you insane. Listening to Steve would earn you another punishment from Bucky, and listening to Bucky would earn you--well, more of this relentless teasing from Steve.
Bucky glides to the foot of the bed, not breaking his eye contact, "Hey, eyes on me." He snaps and you immediately look back at him, "Don't you dare. You hear me?" His words doing a number on you, he knows exactly what he's doing.
Bucky held the panties that caused all of this with his right hand and climbs on the bed shuffling closer to you, he then shoves them over your mouth, holding them there and holds himself up on your thigh with his metal hand. Your eyes roll back as you use everything in you to follow his orders. Steve looks down at you as well, as you're still leaning back on his shoulder,
"Don't you dare fucking cum." Bucky growls over you, while Steve is telling you the opposite.
"Cum for me, honey,"
"Don't even think about it, doll."
"It feels so good, doesn't it?"
"Don't give me a reason to punish you again."
Overstimulation tears come from your eyes. Embarrassment from this forced submission, pleasure, and irritation sends electric shocks down to your core, you breathe unevenly through your nose, looking Bucky straight in the eyes as he gags you. The cold yet satisfying touch of his metal hand on your thigh not helping at all as the hefty pit in your stomach only grows by the minute. You shake under Steve and Bucky's touch.
You whine out the best little, "Please, daddy," you could against the cloth, your breathing getting heavier, to which Bucky responds to you with a "What was that?" And squeezing your thigh, obviously knowing what you said. The clit stimulation, the teasing at your entrance, the asphyxiation, and slight fear of Bucky's next moves, as well as the back and forth, sends you into overdrive. Your throat is raw from the whining and moaning done. Your eyes flicker as you reach the summit—giving into Steve's soft dominant request, going against Bucky's. Steve smirks down at you and he sighs against your ear, "That's my good girl." You struggle to breathe as you recover from your high. When you seem to be barely caught up on your breathing, Bucky removes his hands and scoots to the edge of the bed, taking you with him by gripping your thighs and sliding you against him. "Trembling under daddies' touches." He growled to himself. The fury in his eyes give you a mix of angst and more pleasurable aches shaking through you once again.
Bucky keeps your right leg up over his shoulder, securing you with his metal arm, he slaps your soaked pussy and you cry out a very pornographic cry, "So, so disobedient. I thought I told you not to cum?" His voice booms through your dizzy head as you apologize meekly. His hand comes down again and again, causing you to arch and wiggle around, "Buc- Sergeant, I'm sorry! Please," You whimper out as he punishes your swollen core, he says nothing as he rubs your slit in between his strikes.
He then takes his arm holding you and places his hand around your neck, restricting your breathing in a more grizzly manner. You don't dare move your leg from his shoulder as you just take everything given to you, not wanting to further press the two —especially Bucky. "You like that, don't you?" He mocks you as you start to see stars, with your poor womanhood crying onto the bed, your shaky hands rise to his metal arm to clutch him, wanting to breathe. Your vision grows blurry and Bucky lets you go, yet still keeping a protective hand on your collarbone.
You bite your lip to hold your tongue when you realize that whining will get you nowhere, you start to regret teasing your nighttime superiors like how you did the night before, you being told to stop, but you, being the stubborn brat you are to them, you kept going. Bucky stops and grabs your face, you felt the wetness from yourself on his hand, he looks at you hungrily. His metal hand slowly guides down your body, finally going over places you craved touch in, a pit stop at your nipples and your lower stomach. His hand never left your face as he begins to tease at your clit with his other, his pace picking up quickly as you liked, he then slips one finger in to fuck you, then his second. You loved when he used his metal hand because of how it felt inside of you. Bucky shocked you by a small slap to your face with his right hand, "Have you learned your lesson?" He asks, not letting up with his busy fingers, you nod your head quickly and he slaps you again, "Gonna pull that stunt again, Y/N?" You feel that same heavy pit once again causing you to tighten around his fingers, "Mmm, n- no sir, sergeant." You practically yell out.
Bucky then flips you over to your stomach and claws both his hands down your back to your warmed ass. "I would have turned this beautiful little ass raw." He chuckles and looks up at his pal. Steve laughs in response, "No appreciation for my work done?" He teases. Bucky—using his metal hand, smacks your backside, you give him a shaky moan, he then grabs hold of your hair and forcefully lifts your head up to face Steve. He was rubbing over his bulge in his pants and looking down at you, raising an eyebrow. "Y/N? What do we say to Steve?" Bucky says with chaff in his voice, you didn't respond, Bucky loosened his grip to allow you to lift yourself onto your elbows and knees and aligned yourself with his groin, arching your back, he tightens his grip once more, waiting for your response, you look to the side as you start quietly, "Th–thank you—" Bucky slaps your ass again sharply and leans down into you,
"Manners, darling. Now, what do you say to Steve?"
"Thank you, Captain." you chirp out, clear as day and attentive.
Steve shifts himself as he slowly reaches down into his pants, obviously rubbing himself, "What was that, Y/N?"
Bucky spanks you again.
"Thank you, Captain." Your face fills with heat again as the words come out of your mouth, 'I'm never gonna live this down.', you think to yourself as you suddenly feel a familiar feeling against your womanhood. You close your eyes as Bucky's tip brushes at your clit, "Fuuuck, doll, you're so..." You hear him groan out, trailing off, he slowly moves himself up and down your slit making you want to grind yourself against him, he takes his time teasing you before he pushes himself inside of you. You croak out upon impact and he growls animalistically as he thrusts himself into you.
This is all what you craved.
Every ridge, every vein, every detail about Bucky's cock always made you into a weak little mess. You grip the sheets in front of you, surely causing them to rip as Bucky doesn't let up from his grip on your hair as he pounds into you, your mouth hangs wide open as you lose control of yourself, drool creating a pool before you. You're certain that the sounds of him smacking into your sensitive skin echoed throughout the entire base--thank fuck it was just the three of you. The moans spilling from you were unreal, especially when Bucky reached his free hand down to play with your core, saying things breathlessly like: "You take my cock so well," and "You're gonna tease me like that again? Hm?"...and, "You deserve every single second of this.", to which you would reply in broken cries, "Yes sir, Sarge." and "I'm sorry, Sarge,"...and, "Thank you, Sarge.".
Steve was enjoying the scene in front of him as he now had his manhood fully out, stroking it and moaning down at you. Bucky takes his hand from under you and once again slaps your ass, he grunts out, "Tell him thank you, doll," you obliged, "Thank you, Captain!" You whimper when he repeats his action and says, "Say it like you fucking mean it." I definitely meant it. "Hmm! Thank you, Cap—" You were then cut off by Steve setting up on his knees and shoving himself inside your mouth out of nowhere, Bucky lets go of your hair and grabs hold of your hips to truly drill into you, surely making more marks against your abused ass, which made you tighten around him. You choke around the red, white, and blue cladded man as he places his hand on the side of your face, bucking his hips into your mouth. Steve uses his left hand to grasp your hair for a better angle, while he moves his right from your face to gather both your arms to pin them on your back. Both men grunt into you as they use you. Control you. Exactly how they like it. You feel powerless against the two super soldiers as they completely wear you out, tears of pain and pleasure stinging in your eyes once again.
Next time, you'll definitely be sure to tease them both harder. Though, always know they'll be ten steps ahead.
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Hello Alexa! Hope your doing well as always seems like your not lacking requests so put the other requests before my own ♡
An idea came to me last night when I failed a test for the third time- and need to redo it, when I'm sad or something bad happens I go hide in my closet with blankets and pillows, like a child- so how would the whitebeard pirates or mihawk react to child dokusha hiding when their sad? Like their because they got in trouble or isn't allowed to go with the crew on an island and instead has to stay on the ship?
As someone who had gone through a lot in their early childhood I find these stories so comforting and sweet. I often find myself only opening Tumblr to see if you've posted. Remember to take care of yourself, because someone really cares about you♡
Solace and Comfort (Whitebeard pirates, Mihawk x gn!child!reader)
A/N Hey hey Holo! I absolutely love when you request and as a a ghank you for being such a sweetheart I went ahead and did both :) I also do the same thing, when im upset I like to find a closed or cozy space and just huddle up and hug my plushies. Your words really mean a lot, I appreciate them and it makes me so giddy.
Reader is replaced by Dokucha as a placeholder which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Thatch found himself in his kitchen, preparing the next meal for his Captain. He made sure to take into account his current condition and choose the right ingredients to alleviate it.
"Hm, should I use kale or broccoli for this one?" he inquired to Izou, who had joined him earlier to escape the rowdiness of the crew as he completed maintenance in his pistols.
"I'm hardly the person you should ask Thatch."
"Kale it is," he exclaimed, beginning to chop down said vegetable, the tapping of the knife hitting the cupboard echoing around the otherwise quiet room
"Regardless, it is about time we addressed it, isn't it?" Izou spoke, pushing the lock back in his flintlock, a snap resounding across the kitchen
The chef stops chopping the kale at the comment, glancing up at his brother and letting out a sigh, putting the knife down
“I suppose so.”
“How about it, Dokucha? Want to come out and talk about it?” The sniper called out, walking around the counter to stand next to Thatch
A few beats of silence filled the room after that statement until the sound of ruffling came from one of the cabinets in the kitchen as Dokucha slowly crawled out of it, a stuffed bird held tightly in their arms
“How did you know I was here?” They mumbled, drying their teary eyes
“You usually hide here when something happens,” Thatch answered, kneeling down
"You should consider branching out," added Izou with a smile
"Would you like a hug?" Thatch offered
They nod, running into his arms, cries escaping them as he crashes into him
Thatch hummed, wrapping his arms around them and picking them up, swinging them from side to side for a few minutes until their cries lessened
"What's going on?" Izou questioned, glancing at the child, who by this point had positioned their head on Thatch's shoulder and looking back at Izou
"I wanted to go with Ace," they sniffled
"I know you do, but he had a risky mission he had to go on," Izou replies gently
"Why?" they cried
“They had something of ours, so Ace had to get it back.”
“I wanted to go with Big Brother too!” They cried, beginning to struggle against Thatch’s embrace
“Let me go!” They scream, beginning to throw punches his way
“Hey, Hey, it’s okay,” the man reassured them, tightening their hold, ignoring the shrill screams that now escaped them
“Hey, Hey, Dokucha, he always comes back, just like he came back from his previous mission and the one before. Just like I come back, just like Izou, and everyone will come back. But we need to calm down so we can welcome them back.”
“We would love to take you with us, Dokucha, but we want to keep you safe even more; we couldn’t bear something happening to you,” Izou continues, rubbing the child’s head
They sniffle, relaxing in their hold
“Hey, how about we go see Pops?” Thatch suggests
“Yeah, I’m almost finished with his meal; how about you come with us to deliver it?”
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“Pops, food is ready; we had special help today.” thatch announced approaching the man
Whitebeard glances down at the two commanders, about to ask what they mean, until he spots the ‘special help’ running towards him
He grins, lifting the child up
“Gurararara, what brings you here, Dokucha?” he questions, glancing down at his sixteenth commander as he spoke
“We were having a hard time earlier wanted to go with Ace.”
“Gurarara, why would you be upset about such a thing brat?”
They shrug
“Has the boy ever broken his promise to come back?”
“Has he ever lied to you?”
“Then why were you throwing a fit?”
“I didn’t throw a fit!”
“Sounds like you did”
“You’re mean, Papaw!”
“It’s called tough love.”
“It’s being mean!”
“If that’s the case, are you not coming to the celebration when he does return?”
“I want to!”
“Are we done with the fits?”
“Did someone say celebration? I could use some grub,” a voice joins in
Dokucha beams, jumping off Whitebeard's hand and crashing into Ace
“Ace! You’re back!”
“Just like I promised.”
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“Where are they?”
The human drills look at each other nervously and turn back to the swordsman, letting out a string of hoots and sneers.
Mihawk narrows his eyes at this
“Is that the answer you wish to go with?” He said, pulling out Yoru from his back and pointing it against the apes
“I will allow you to try again; where are they? I am well aware this is where they run to when they grow upset.”
In response, the human drills sounds escalate as they pull out their own weapons, only to stop as a small voice joins in
“It’s okay, Ezra, Enrique.” A small child wrapped in a blanket spoke, patting the apes, effectively calming them Down as they slowly lowered their weapons
“Don’t hurt them, Papa,” they mumble, hugging their blanket closer to them
He sighs, sheathing Yoru once again and extending his hand toward the child
The child wobbles their way to their father, taking hold of their hand and looking back at the human drills, sending a wave their way
As they walked on, the only sound that could be heard was the sounds of the forest around them as insects and birds chirped together, the sound of the human drills still reaching their ears, and the sound of Dokucha’s blanket being dragged as they walked next to the warlord.
“Are you going to tell me why you ran off?” he spoke, breaking the silence between them
He sighs at the silence that followed, pausing to pick up the child and place them on his hip, in turn the child leans their head against his shoulder
“Is this about the sword practice you were doing before?” He inquired, letting out a hum as the child nodded their head against his shoulder
“Can you tell me about it?”
“I can’t do it,” he mumbles
“Do what?”
“I can’t make the sword cut like Papa’s.”
“Is that what this is about?”
“That kind of precision takes practice, it takes time,” he explains
“But I want to be strong like you!” They cried, leaning back and glancing up at him
His eyes soften at this, halting his walking as he puts all his attention on the child
“I know you do,” he said, wiping the tears that began falling from their eyes
“But one cannot simply master the sword overnight.”
“Not even Papa?.”
“No, I am not an exception to the statement. I had to train for years to be able to reach my current state, and I don’t doubt you will one day surpass me; that day is just not today.”
They frown at that, lying their head on their shoulder again
“How about we begin with the move you were attempting before?”
“Papa will teach me?” They exclaimed, shooting up
He chuckles
“You should have asked; I am never below teaching you the way of the sword.”
They grin, hugging his neck tightly
“I love you, Papa.”
“I love you too, dearest.”
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Here we go! Two for two!! These are really cozy ones, loved how the Mihawk one turned out
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cokou · 3 months
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𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚊 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚘 + 𝙰𝚌𝚎 × 𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
sum. Forcing your boyfriend to adopt a new fuzzy friend into the household, maybe you've spent too much time with the fuzzy. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tw. Fluff. Jealousy. Law's and Ace's a bit longer cause, favoritism. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n. New writing style! We could never go wrong with loving fuzzy and cute animals!! Dont transfer or translate in any platforms,this is my only account, will not be cross posted anywhere! masterlist♡
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After joining the Heart Pirates and dating their captain, your number one entertainment is to soend time with Bepo and Law. While Bepo does feel embarrassed for your acts to him, you absolutely felt like he's a huge cuddly bear more than a scary one.
He even complained to Law himself that he should get you your very own fuzzy friend since you've bothered Bepo so much he couldn't face you anymore without getting embarrassed! Law, the asshole he is, refused to get you one.
You very much enjoyed the idea and pestered Law into getting you one yourself and have some dignity for Bepo, then, he finally agreed. You both visited a pet shop, and just with it's entrance you couldn't leave anymore. Inside were full of cute animals waiting to be adopted, you just wanted to take them all.
"(Name)-Ya, what about this guy?" He pointed and peeked into the small cage, and there, was a white fluffy kitty who has just woken up from its slumber. Yes, perfect! It looked so cute and cuddly! You already fell inlove with it just by looking! "Awh, look at how much she resembles Bepo!"
You both took her back, and upon your arrival you set her free in her new home, the sub.
For the past few weeks, your attention had been glued to your new friend, not wanting anything on your path. It was so bad you had more pictures of her than you and Law combined! And the way you trip because you watch her instead of where you were going.
Law on the other hand, was definitely not feeling it, he felt like the white furball just replaced him with everything! You shared a bed with her, she gets your attention, she gets to be with you all day! If he were honest, he would blurt out how jealous he was for the furball.
In which, you suspected him for. "Law, are you really okay? You've been quiet and only staring since you sat down."
"I told you I am okay, don't worry." He finally let out a sigh after realizing you weren't with the kitten anymore, that was until he heard meow, and behind you was the kitten. You picked her up and setted her into your lap, receiving a piercing glance from Law.
"Are you okay? You're doing the stare aga— ohhhh..." You had finally realized that he was jealous, not by anyone, but the kitty that you've been giving attention to.
"What?" "Don't tell me you're jealous of our little furball!" You laugh at him. "What?! W-why the hell would you think that?"
"Law, it's quite obvious...come here, lay with us." You invited him with open arms and he jumped right into you.
Ever since Chopper had joined the Straw Hats, you couldn't take your hands off his cheeks and head, continuesly patting and hugging him from his cuteness. Even your boyfriend, Luffy had agreed!
Chopper was definitely nice to have around, when you're stressed? You pat him. When you need to let it out? Hug him. He's just so cute and fuzzy! The way you'd kill people when you hear them talk bad about Chopper, because you refuse to let people think that he was a monster.
Eventually Luffy thought that you and Chopper became best friends of how you two always chatter about everything, at first he taught it's what makes the crew more unique.
But eventually, after a month, he noticed how you'd been glued with the reindeer all the time. He taught it was normal since you two were best friends but, this time you might have crossed the line.
"(Name)!! I'm hungry, can you cook meat?" He asked you with the usual big smile on his face. "Oh no Luffy, could you ask Sanji? I'm hanging out with Chopper today.." Bad Idea, you never refused to cook him meat even if you were busy. He knew you enough to just refuse to cook meat for him. The way he frowned as you waved him and went into the dock with Chopper.
Later that night, when everyone was asleep, you felt someone tugging your clothes. "Pst, (Name)." It was Luffy.
"Eh? Luffy? Why are you awake at a time like this.." you groggily whispered. "Just come here" You spproach his area and he pulled you with him.
"Finally some peace between us" He gave you a big grin and placed his hand on your back. "It's been a while you know— you've always been with Chopper."
"Luffy, wh— are you jealous of Chopper?" You came with a conclusion that maybe, just maybe he got jealous of your constant hanging out eith Chopper.
"Hmm...is that how you name it, (Name)? If so then yes!" You plopped your hands on his chest and gave him a giggle. "You could've said so earlier, i would've spent more time with you, Lu"
It was 100% your idea, you had convinced Eustass to bring company of an animal into the Victoria Punk. Not only because you had no one to talk to other than Killer or Kidd himself, but simply because it was boring out in the ship.
Lucky for you, Kidd agreed to get you one of your choice, in exchange of...things. So you decided to get a Cat of your choice, simply after declaring it's recruitment into the Kidd Pirates. You gave every ounce of your attention to it, even if it means opening the door of the bathroom when you take a shower just incase the furball could come inside and pet itself across your legs.
Well that only happened twice, what DID happen was Eustass peeking at you while taking a shower, which happened about 90% of the time. You didn't mind though.
Back to our fur friend, it bothered the cleaners of the ship on how they'd find furry hair on every furniture they clean. Kidd even complained that your shared bed was full of cat fur and that it was sticking onto his skin! But you couldn't careless.
Everytime you had a chance to sit, the cat eould latch itself into your lap, preventing you from standing up and doing business. Because standing would mean disrespectful!
Now we have an angry Eustass, whenever he wants you to be around him your excuse would always be 'But theyre on my lap' and 'im playing with them give me a while' He was getting fed up with both you and the cat itself.
So you're at the comfort place in the ship, with Kidd having a staring contest with the animal on your lap, whilst you read a book a chill. Then suddenly he spoke up, "Okay that's enough." He stood up, took the cat and placed it outside the room.
"Why'd you do that for?!"
"Oh please, you have all your attention on that animal since it stepped foot into the ship, give it a break." He scoffed.
"Or you're just jealous because i give it more attention than you?" Oh, NOW you're dead. "JEALOUS?? Why would i be jealous over a stupid furry?!" He was. He was 100% jealous.
"Okay first of all, it's not a stupid furry! And second of all, you seem pretty defensive, if you're jealous just say it."
"WHAT?! No im n—"
"—Which, you definitely are, come here you big baby. I'll give you the attention you deserve." You cutted him off, now you're gonna be in big trouble.
"And i expect the attention to be filled, get on the bed fucker." It would definitely be a longggg night.
He IS the one who suggested to get a furry friend. He'd definitely be the type to adopt a puppy, and then proceed to name it one of the most basic names ever. You could see the disappointment in Marco's face when he found out he named the precious puppy 'Oreo' because it's fur was Black AND White.
He had gotten you the precious puppy as a gift for your birthday as he found out you're into having pets, and your reason? They were CUTE as hell. He had gotten you a puppy who's fur is at the brownish side.
"Hmm, what should we name him?!" "OH! OH! I know! Brownie!"..."Are you being serious, Ace?" You looked at him, praying that the name he suggested was only for sarcasm, but you were taken aback from his response. "What do you mean babe? Of course i am! It's such a perfect name for him!"
"It's... one of the most basic names I've ever heard. " You spared him a straight face, sending shivers down his spine. "Okay, okay I'll think of another name! Hm..how about Cookie?" Yeah he doesn't have naming privileges anymore.
In the end you both sticked into the name you had chosen for the puppy. Everything was going great for the first week, you buying him all the stuff he needed, the most high qualited dog food, and even his own supplies had beaten yours! With an average of spending atleast thoudands of Berries a week.
The second week hadn't been different at all, except for the fact that now that the puppy was growing, it became even more plsyful towards you. Meaning you, had soent almost all your time with it. On the other hand, your boyfriend Ace, ended up getting bitten at the hand for trying to take away it's toy that you gave.
"Babe! Do you see those eyes that's looking at me right now?! It looks like it's gonna KILL me!" Ace climbed up on a chair when he entered the house unannounced and the dog had decided to chase him for dear life.
"Come one Bae, he won't hurt you like at all! He's an angel!" You petted the dog, causing him to sit. "Yeah if it was opposite day I would've believed you! look at him, it looks like it's gonna bite my limbs of one by one!"
"Come on Ace! He won't bite you!" As soon as you reassured Ace thst nothing eould happen if he stepped down, he tried lowering his left foot down, causing the dog the fully bark at him. "SEE?!" Ace's voice was almost crying.
"Bad dog! You know he's the one who brought you to me right?! He's basically your dad! Go to your bed!" The dog whimpers then climbs it's bed.
"You know, after this i expect a full week of attention all mine! Okay?!" Ace pouts and settles himself down from the chair. You gave him a reassuring kiss, "I promise,"
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©Cokou 2024, all works made by me.
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portagas-chan · 4 months
Yours Forever and Ever : Part 4
Yandere Katakuri x Isekai Reader
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Everyone was staring at her and Katakuri. After all, who wouldn't? The strongest sweet commander of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Katakuri was known for his stoic and cold demeanor. That same Katakuri came to the wedding with [Y/n] from the Strawhat Crew holding her hand.
"I wonder if they are going to announce another wedding soon! This is big news!" Big News Morgan laughed as he snapped pictures.
Katakuri walked towards where Big Mom sat and pulled a chair for [Y/n] to sit. After he saw that [Y/n] was seated, he sat beside her with Vinsmoke Judge between him and Big Mom.
"Mamama! I'm happy to see the two of you together!" Big Mom laughed and I forced a smile.
"[Y/n], I want to see that ring on your finger," Big Mom leaned down and waited.
She showed her the ring and smiled, "Is this what you wanted to see?"
"Yes! It's so pretty, Mamama! So this means you quit the Strawhats and joined our crew, right?" Big Mom gave her a menacing look.
[Y/n] furrowed her eyebrows at her words. She looked down at her thigh when she felt Katakuri placed his hand on it and squeezed it.
'Don't do anything stupid.'
She wanted to refuse her so bad but knew that if she did she would just ruin the plan and it would be her fault. She didn't want that. It was okay. She didn't mean what she said after all.
"Yes," [Y/n] forced the word out of her mouth. Big Mom happily laughed, "Good, good! Then I will announce your engagement with Katakuri to everyone."
Big Mom stood up from her chair and cleared her throat. Her actions caught the attention of all the guests present as they turned to look at her.
"I have an announcement to make. As you all may be confused when you saw my favorite son Katakuri walking in holding hands with [Y/n] here, I will explain what's happening. My son Katakuri is engaged with [Y/n] from the Strawhats. However, as of today, she is no longer apart of the Strawhat crew. Their wedding will be held three days after Pudding's wedding! I hope everyone look forward to it! Mamama!"
The guests erupted into cheers and congrats.
"Congratulations Katakuri-sama!"
"I can't wait to attend your wedding, Katakuri-sama!"
"You are a lucky woman, [Y/n]-sama!"
Although [Y/n] kept a smile on her face, she was very annoyed inside. Everything was done without her say. It was like her opinion and feelings were not important. It didn't matter to them at all. She couldn't believe Katakuri would force her into marrying her. She thought he would at least be considerate but that wasn't the case.
Katakuri leaned down and whispered to her, "Are you enjoying the wedding?"
[Y/n] frowned glancing at him from the corner of her eye, "No!" She said as she angrily munched away the cake on the table.
Katakuri smiled under his scarf, 'She's cute even when pouting.'
[Y/n] noticed that Sanji was going to make his entrance when the sky suddenly went dark and fireworks exploded.
'Sanji is a good actor,' She thought when she his expression.
Chaos everywhere. Everyone was distracted. Big Mom finally started screaming and I put on my earplugs. I quickly ran to where Luffy and the others were.
Bege and his crewmembers launched the KX launcher but just when it was about to hit Big Mom, her scream got stronger and it exploded.
Katakuri made earplugs from mochi for his siblings.
Bege looked at his allies, 'Everyone, retreat to the mirror.'
We all nodded and just as I expected, the mirror shattered into pieces.
We looked back at the Charlottes with Katakuri at the front marching towards us with an intent to kill.
'This is honestly more terrifying in real life.'
Bege built a huge castle with his devil fruit ability to which he call it 'Big Father'. I was running together with Nami and Chopper to get to the entrance.
"[Y/n]! Nami! Hurry up!" Luffy shouted.
[Y/n] ran as fast as her legs could take to get to the entrance. Luffy extended his hand towards her to which she quickly grabbed.
However, when Luffy was about to pull her back, he couldn't. [Y/n] wouldn't budge.
She looked down to see mochi? It was Katakuri.
[Y/n] looked at Luffy in shock. She was this close to being together with her captain again and now she was going to be separated by him again.
"Luffy!" she shouted.
Luffy tried to pull her but right now, Katakuri was stronger. Katakuri retracted his hand and she was met with Katakuri who looked down at her.
"Katakuri, let go of me," [Y/n] glared at him.
Katakuri ignored her and wrapped her with mochi so she wouldn't be able to move.
"[Y/n]!" She heard Luffy shout from a far.
"Luffy! Don't worry about me! He won't hurt me! I will meet with you later!" [Y/n] shouted back as she tried to reassure her worried captain.
"You better promise me then!" Luffy said.
"Yes! I promise!" She shouted, a small smile curling up her lips.
Katakuri noticed this and glared at Luffy in jealousy. Why is he making you smile? What's so good about him?
It took quite some time for them to finally come out as Bege shrinks with Germa 66 protecting the Strawhats. Katakuri had no choice but to let me out of his sight as he stopped Ceaser from leaving the castle. But before he could leave, [Y/n] stopped him.
"Katakuri! Get rid of your mochi, please!" She pleaded but he shook his head.
"If I did that then you would run away from me. That can't happen," Katakuri said before walking away.
Sanji took this opportunity to splash water on the mochi melting it.
"Thank you, Sanji-kun!" She smiled at him to which he returned. "No problem, [Y/n]-chan!"
They were interrupted by Big Mom who got in the way. Luffy being Luffy, he didn't back down and decided to fight her.
"[Y/n]-chan, you should go ahead," Sanji said telling her to run away while the Charlottes were not paying attention to her. [Y/n] nodded and did as he said.
Suddenly, there was an explosion which made the Whole Cake Chateau collapse. [Y/n] widened her eyes when she felt herself slowly getting dragged to the edge close to falling.
She held on tight to whatever she could grab on but they weren't strong enough as she fell off the Chateau.
[Y/n] lost hope. There was no way Sanji or Luffy could help her. Or did they even know that she was falling? Maybe not. They probably thought she caught up with Bege and was safe again.
She was going to die.
Instead of falling to her doom, she felt herself freeze mid-air. She snapped her eyes open to be met with a pair of familiar crimson eyes. "Katakuri?!"
Katakuri had one of his hands stretched holding onto the Whole Cake Chateau while his free hand caught [Y/n] so she wouldn't fall. His eyebrows were knitted together as he looked at [Y/n] in his arm.
"[Y/n], I will never let you die. Never! And you know why?"
[Y/n] looked at him surprised but stayed silent as she waited for him to continue.
"It's because I love you. And I will never let you leave me even if I have to use force."
[Y/n] was shocked because she never thought he would say those words to her. She knew he was feeling that way towards her but he never openly confessed to her.
He continued, "[Y/n], even if you may not have such feelings for me, I will make it happen. I will make you fall for me so please don't leave me. I don't think I can live without you."
"Katakuri..." She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to say except for his name. She didn't know what to do. Why was she hesitating now? She was sure she made her decision to leave him and stay with the strawhats so why?
Why was she hesitating?
What was it about Katakuri that made her hesitate?
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