#and they have higher np levels
transandrobroism · 27 days
“Acktually, trans men oppress cis women on account of them being men” okay. Who was the last trans man doctor you had. The last trans man nurse, PA, NP? The last trans man professor. Teacher. Senator. Governor. Idk about you but I know a LOT more cis women cops than trans man cops. The last trans man lawyer. Judge. Scientist. Engineer. Author. Artist. Millionaire. Billionaire.
The two trans men in ‘positions of power’ over others I’ve ever seen have been bottom tier management positions, AKA the “first line of defense” and the person who’s supposed to absorb all the shitty behavior of everyone while having no real power themselves without consulting someone higher up on the management ladder. So much institutional power we just OOZE privilege.
yeah i think the key thing here is that trans people in general are a marginalised minority group. none of us have unfettered access to institutional power. all of us are blocked from full access to societal power structures because we are trans. this is why it's important to talk about intra-community issues in terms of lateral aggression rather than systems of oppression.
i think it's important to acknowledge that on an interpersonal level, all of us can sometimes find ourselves in positions where we have some power over other people. and when that happens we need to be mindful of how we use that power, and not let prejudice or bias lead us to abusing that power to harm people. but that goes for everyone regardless of gender (or any other aspect of their identity). having the power at a micro-level to make someone's life difficult is very different to having access to institutional power structures.
but i do think this "trans men are oppressing cis women because they're men" idea trades on a very radfem worldview that sees misogynistic oppression as an inevitable consequence of men existing. therefore it's never necessary to substantiate that claim with evidence - the statement is considered self-evidently true. you are a man, therefore you oppress women. it's an attitude that views the oppression of women as a core part of masculinity. therefore there's no need to prove it with specifics. you can just shove all men into the "Oppressor Class" and call it a day. acting like trans men oppress cis women just by existing as men is transradfeminism and it's just as flawed and reductive as the terfy rad-feminism that came before it.
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macgyvermedical · 4 months
What's the difference between a nurse and nurse practitioner?
They are two different "levels" in the nursing hierarchy.
Here's how that hierarchy works in the USA:
At the very beginning rung you have STNAs, or State Tested Nursing Assistants. STNAs have taken a class that lasts in the weeks-months range of time and received a certificate. They have then taken a test to prove that they understand the material. In a job context, STNAs do a lot of the direct patient care- they bathe and feed patients, take vitals, turn patients who cannot move for themselves, etc...
The next rung up is an LPN, or Licensed Practical Nurse. LPNs have gone to a nursing program lasting usually between 1 and 2 years, have received a diploma, and have taken a test called the NCLEX-PN. In a job context, LPNs can do everything an STNA can do, plus they can gather information about a patient's condition, pass medications (except some IV medications) and do many nursing interventions like wound care, placing IVs and catheters, etc... An LPN must work under the license of an RN.
The next rung up is an RN, or Registered Nurse. RNs have either an associates' degree (2-3 years) or a bachelor's degree (4 years) in nursing, which has allowed them to sit for a test called the NCLEX-RN. No matter which education route the nurse takes to get their RN the license is the same and they are allowed to do the same things in a clinical context. In a job context, an RN can do everything an LPN can do, but can give all medications (including IV) and are allowed to also make care decisions LPNs cannot. They also hold an independent license, meaning they can provide nursing level care without needing to be supervised by a higher license-holder.
The next maybe half rung up is a Certified Registered Nurse. These are nurses who have worked in a particular area of nursing (med-surg, psych, ICU, etc...) for a certain number of years and taken classes and a test to say they know a lot about that area of nursing. Now, unlike the nursing license itself, this certification is usually through a private organization instead of the state of practice. Certified Registered Nurses don't have any additional skills they can do, but they do act as a resource for other nurses and may get paid more depending on the organization they work for.
The next rung up is an APRN, or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. An APRN is a nurse who has a masters degree or higher in nursing, and who, again, has taken a test. Here is where things get complicated. Because 4 different licenses fall under APRN:
Nurse Practitioner (NP). An NP is an APRN who works under a physician's license in some states and hold independent licenses in others. They are able to do a lot of things that doctors can do, including diagnose, treat, and prescribe (what they are able to prescribe depends on the state they are in). NPs specialize in a specific patient population, and they can only work with the type of patient they have specialized in.
Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). A CNS is an APRN who acts as a consulting nurse. Basically, they have gotten specific education in a specific area of nursing for a specific population, and they consult with the multidisciplinary team, generally at a hospital, about the nursing care for that type of patient. CNSs typically cannot prescribe medications, but may prescribe nursing interventions.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). A CRNA is an APRN who works as an extension of an anesthesiologist. They provide anesthesia during surgery and procedures.
Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM). A CNM is an APRN who delivers babies and helps mothers and children through the entire maternity and birth process. They may also do things like women's health exams, nutritional counseling, and the like.
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ohsalome · 1 year
It would be intentionally dishonest to say that the Chornobyl Disaster of 1986 was an accident, as official party line stated. According to the nuclear scientists who analyzed the event, not only was it inevitable, but "it was just a matter of time and which power unit that would not withstand the first". The problems were present on every single level - starting from the materials used for the plant, and ending with the work protocols.
The higher-ups at Moscow not only knew that the Chornobyl Nuclear Plant was one of the most dangerous NP in ussr, and that "the radioactive danger of a potential disaster is 60 times than that of Hirosima and Nagasaki" - according to the results of the official KGB investigation; at the moment of the disaster the project managers had reports of at least 29 emergency shutdowns, 9 accidents and 68 key equipment failures that had already happened on the Chornobyl NP. The real number could be much higher but is currently unknown due to many KGB archives remaining classified.
For example:
On September th 9th 1982 at 18:18 during a trial run of the reactor of the first power unit there was a significant release of radioactive substances into the environment. The total activity of beta-emitting radionuclides exceeded natural levels by dozens of times, and in the area of Chystohalivka village, located 5 kilometres from the Chornobyl power plant, the figure was exceeded by hundreds of times. The investigation team found about 20 gross violations in the operation of the power unit. Instead of following the protocol of alerting the civillians and declaring the village a "temporarily contaminated territory", KGB implemented measures to hide the fact of an accident ever happening.
Every report of the KGB investagative teams that we have access to ended the same: taking measures to conceal the very fact of the accident occurence. It came to the absurd situations when the workers were unaware of the fact that the previous shift's team had encountered an emergency situation.
Source: The KGB dossier on Chornobyl - from construction to accident
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
if its not to much trouble can you share what power level you had to clear case 42 in debunker im stuck 😭😭😭
np bbg i got you
Right now my total power is 467,248. My recommendations are to: 1) level up you first SR card and any other you might have. That goes for warding cards too.
2) check your SRs skills by tapping the skill button to see what stat they need gems for. You can buy gems from this tab here:
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I'm not exactly a theory/guide crafter nor can I do math, but I think the best ones are Attack, followed by either P attack or S attack depending on if their skills are P or S attacks, idk about the rest I am so sorry.
3) Make sure to camp and increase your affinity for tickets for those stupid fucking spirits that shouldn't be a part of the game and to equip them to character cards you are using. I haven't fucked around or leveled them yet I have just been equipping them. AS A HEADS UP it seems like you can only get rewards from characters from the first three dorms for now as the only ones with texts. Unless I have missed another place to check affinity at (notice me zenji pls)
4) level your R cards when you can and make sure you have filled up all of your teams. Higher levels let you bring more squads, so make sure you have them prepped. You would be surprised at how much of a difference that apparently makes.
hope this helps, i'm not really doing much other than this. I wish you all luck!
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 years
Of late people been calling Tezcatlipoca the divine spirit that felt most like a god.
Rather than asking whether you believe it is true or not, which Nasuverse god(s) do you believe best reflect the concept of them?
That's a funny anecdote because a month before Nahui Mictlan, people were saying the same thing about Ishtar's emanation in Fate/strange Fake.
Anyways, that's a question that requires defining "god-like". That's a word that can mean dozens of different things. What defines a god?
If a god is defined by being powerful, we have Kukulcan being able to one-shot Grand Foreigner with her NP and Amaterasu has the big energy number. Zeus can also do big stuff if all his boasting is real, but all of Olympus's subtext paint the picture that it isn't. Or if you prefer them feeling powerful on-screen rather than irrelevant level statements, we have Cernunnos being a real terror to fight against and Tiamat not dying to anything. Ishtar, again, is very god-like in that sense, but that's because her power is posed only in comparison to the Fate/strange Fake cast.
If a god is defined by viewing humanity from a higher standpoint, we have the whole Buddha pantheon being a layer above Earth itself. For a more directly involved example, we have Odin's meta-dimensional eye observing compiled and pruned timelines alike and providing the characters with solutions (in the cases of Fragments and Grand Order) or extra challenges (in the case of Lost Einherjar) to the characters involved.
If a god is defined by their role of being a helpful tool to the growth of mankind, we have Quirinus, the human god of humanity, so chained to Human Order that he gets the crown of Grand Lancer without the need of bullshit like "uh... Grand Assassin ran out of candidates". If you're feeling generous, you peg Zeus here too despite his really misguided idea of help. Cernunnos can count if you assume the benevolence he extended to the fae is equally extended to humans.
If a god is defined by being a living embodiment of the concepts they represent, with context to what people prayed to them for and why, that's where you get to Ishtar and Tezcatlipoca. Koyanskaya is also an excellent example of prayer shaping character.
If I have to call Tezcatlipoca "the most something", he's the god that feels most mechanical. Much more so than any of the actual robots. Tezca is very flexible in how he presents himself. His looks are modern, his language is modern, and his weapon of choice is modern. But at his core, his every decision is dictated by the most unbending set of rules imaginable. Circumstance means nothing to the system. Tenochtitlan offers advice he perfectly agrees with and gets shot for it because the rules say that happens to those offering unsolicited opinions to Tezcatlipoca. Izcalli gets shot to death for standing his ground but his decision not to get fed to ORT is respected, because the rules say a warrior's wish deserves it.
I think the most interesting thing to do with this question is compare Tezcatlipoca and Quirinus on how they can be considered godlike for directly opposite reasons. Tezcatlipoca is an approachable bro on the surface, but on the inside, he's an impartial system who is nobody's friend and bends to nobody's will. Quirinus is a serious, solemn figure who is all business 100% of the time on the surface, but on the inside, he's the all-loving force of Human Order that will allow every rule to be broken and rewritten for the sake of his humans.
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quaranmine · 4 months
I know it's a /ga-zillion/ elements that go into how quickly an area recovers after a wildfire, namely the types of plants that once grew in the burned area. Here in SoCal, it's mostly bushes and shrubs that get torched up so very quickly those areas grow back in like 2 years or so, but fir a tree area, you think like 5-6 years is enough for some saplings to appear/become young trees? A few reddit posts suggest it takes about 5+ years
Based off pure vibes, yes that sounds correct. The grasses will appear first so the area will be fairly green quickly, but the shrubs and trees will take longer. Assuming normal germination after the fire, the trees would grow normally. A lot of pine trees are fairly fast growing, too.
But there is an if.
You're very correct about a gazillion elements influencing this. It is also not just the type of plant life native to the area, but also the climate as well. More and more we are seeing areas that were fire-adapted ecosystems that are now no longer to recover normally from wildfire due to climate change (specifically drought induced by climate change.) An area might be theoretically able to withstand fire, but if it rains less than it did 100 years ago, those trees will not grow back as they should. If the area gets struck with multiple high-intensity wildfires in a short amount of time, it will also be longer before it grows back. The elevation and original soil composition probably also contributes. Maybe even the geographic placement—southern slopes normally have more trees than northern facing slopes. Wildlife can also impact this if deer or elk eat baby saplings when they sprout.
A lot of areas of Yellowstone and ecosystems like it (so, Shoshone included) have very clear and unique post-fire looks because of the fallen trees. These trees do not just all rot and disappear immediately. Many dry out. I read in an article that some dead snags can stand for over a century. I've seen a lot of photos from Yellowstone where they just lie around the forest like matchsticks:
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^ Ice Lake trail, Yellowstone NP, in an area that burned in 1988.
The article above is very useful for a specific answer to your question using the right ecosystem and time frame, though! This is an article published 10 years after the Yellowstone fires of 1988 that explores how quickly the forest restablished itself. It seems like in general the trees were anywhere from knee-height to above a person's head in one photo (after 10 years, not 5-6.) The Douglas Fir trees grew more slowly than the lodgepole pines, but were about knee-height 10 years later and dense.
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Above are two screenshots from the article. The first comparison shows the forest one year later versus 10 years later. The second shows a different part of the forest right after the fire, and then one year later. I also found a separate article that said that most of the locations in Yellowstone that burned in 1988 reported resprouting seedlings within the first 3 years.
Soooo basically yeah I think 5-6 years is a good amount of time for there to be saplings! Probably not higher than waist height on a person though.
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shuttershocky · 1 year
I really do appreciate arknight's system of pot tokens pretty much being overkill for a majority of ops compared to fgo (which I stayed with for 6+ years before dipping) that locks big dmg behind np levels.
Honestly even FGO's system is pretty tame compared to some of the other mobage I've tried. The biggest upgrade is always NP2 since it lets you overcharge (mostly relevant for Arts servants) and has the biggest damage upgrade, then the rest are diminishing returns.
It's not ideal (well technically the most ideal is no gacha mechanics at all), but it's still way better than something like Genshin where some characters get whole new features unlocked with higher Constellations, like Zhongli letting him apply shield to allies on his burst (pointless in singleplayer but an actual godtier upgrade when playing co-op) at Constellation 2. That's some unforgivable stuff imo.
Arknights giving only very tiny upgrades with potentials is on the better end for sure, the only time potentials actually matter is if they make a mistake like with Bagpipe (+ 2 starting SP seems small but is actually way too good) or with fast redeploys who want their DP cost and redeploy cooldown to be as low as possible.
The best version would have been Punishing Gray Raven's which actually let you farm for "copies" by letting you actually farm character tokens on a game mode, but SSR units have a limited number of tokens on the shop so you're still capped at how "high" you can push them (SR units can be farmed to their maximum), and since certain game modes have a time attack vs other players, you can't stand against the very top no matter how skilled you are if you also don't whale due to the stat disadvantage you are on, which sucks.
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mountrainiernps · 2 years
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Volcano Week
Be Geohazard Aware! Eruptions on volcanoes like Mount Rainier are complicated by the glaciers covering them. During an eruption, glacial ice can melt and mix with rock, ash, and other volcanic materials to form powerful flows of mud and debris. Lahars (volcanic mudflows), post-lahar sedimentation, and flooding can have greater effects on downstream populations than the eruptions themselves, and these hazards can persist for years after the eruption is over. These geohazards can occur during eruptions, after large landslides, even without an active volcanic eruption.
Smaller seasonal debris flows can also be caused by sudden outbursts of glacial water, by intense precipitation, or embankment failure. While detection and warning models are improving, it is important to always be aware of your surroundings. Remember, if you notice a sudden change in water levels, feel the ground rumble, or hear a loud roaring sound, move to higher ground immediately! If you see signs of a debris flow or other geohazard activity, please report it to a ranger.
Mount Rainier is an active volcano with the potential for future eruptions, but eruptions do not happen without warning. The USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO) carefully monitors Mount Rainier and other Cascade Range volcanoes. Follow the link for Current Alerts for U.S. Volcanos and click the "CVO" tab for Cascade Range volcano updates.
NPS Photo, 2011. A ranger leans against one of the massive boulders left behind from a debris flow along Tahoma Creek. ~kl
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cakesexuality · 5 months
Weight gain/loss (no specific numbers) discussion, vague mention of caloric intake, medication discussion, eating disorder discussion
I've been gaining weight and I know I'm not imagining it bc the scale reads higher
The only 2 other times I've been this weight have been when my ED was at its worst so my metabolism slowed down to conserve energy, and then again when I was at too high a dose of the wrong antipsychotic (and at first I thought I had PCOS which was causing weight gain -- turns out I don't have PCOS and it was just the Seroquel), so this is a sign to me that something is wrong
I was only able to lose the weight from those times bc I went into recovery so my body knew it would be getting consistent fuel and then bc I suddenly cut back on my dose one night, causing an episode that lasted for most of 2022
Even though I've been saying positive things about the medication, I think this weight gain from the last few months might be caused by Abilify, which is the AP least likely to cause these issues
My weight gain may also be from Alysena, which I've been saying good things about as well, and it's hard to tell bc I wasn't regularly weighing myself until very recently so it's hard to pinpoint when the weight gain began and I started Abilify not too long before starting Alysena so it's hard to say which drug is the problem
You guys were there when Latuda didn't pan out (despite being really good for my mood) bc I was getting tingling, burning, cramping, twitching, and hallucinations from it, so that's 3 for 3 APs I've tried that I'm not happy with
Someone in a mental health Discord told me to consider not taking APs anymore after reading what I had to say about this, bc they had a similar story, and I know lithium was a suggestion from the 2nd CAMH doctor and we haven't explored anticonvulsants very far (which weren't a suggestion from the CAMH doctor but I've tried Lyrica which caused an episode of some kind and I haven't tried any others) although idk how I would fare without an AP since I've been on them consistently since February of 2017 when I was having my big psychotic episode and any attempt to lower my dose beyond a certain threshold results in the resurfacing of symptoms like irritability, anxiety, and hallucinations
But there comes a few problems with asking a doctor about changing my medications to avoid weight gain
First problem is, when I gained all that weight from Seroquel and went to my nurse practitioner at the time, she insisted I was in relapse bc I said I was eating fewer than 2000 calories a day (which, at my height and activity level, is warranted even to just maintain weight... a bitch is 5'5" and sedentary), thought that I was lying about the scale reading higher (when she could have weighed me herself or asked a nurse to weigh me to make sure I was telling the truth), and said I needed a psychiatrist instead of any examination or labs to see if I had a physical ailment (bc again, I thought I had PCOS), so I'm afraid of that happening again -- although, this NP was really shitty at her job bc she wasn't willing to make sure I wouldn't go into anaphylaxis until I yelled and swore at her (something to the effect of "What the FUCK do Wellbutrin and depression have to do with my eyes being itchy and my nose being stuffy?!" and she jumped and gave a sort of "Oh, I guess youre right 😶" response and referred me to an allergist on the condition I also saw a psychiatrist, who I didn't go to see bc nobody can make me), and she had to leave the room to get out an entire book to flip through to DESPERATELY come up with the excuse of "your acne might get worse" when I pushed her to put me on Depo-Provera bc that was the only downside she could apparently find (news flash: my acne stayed the same the entire time I was on Depo)
Second problem is, like I said, it's hard to tell which medication this is from, so idk if I should ask the psychiatrist or the gynecologist or both
Third problem is, as I think I've said before, my GP is currently reluctantly in charge of my psych meds so she may not want to take me off Abilify herself and may make me wait until I see the psychiatrist, and I know she especially won't want to try me on lithium right before I'm handed off to the psychiatrist
Fourth problem is that I'm not seeing the GP until June, the psychiatrist until July, or the gynecologist until August, so it'll be a lot of simply waiting to be able to have this conversation with any prescribers
And I wouldn't be so concerned about gaining weight if it wasn't so physically uncomfortable for me to be this size
So that's where I'm at with my body and my medications 🤷‍♀️
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sonderwrit · 11 months
C112: There's a kitty!
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Child!Wang Yi is a menace to my heartstrings in the cultivation world...
S-0: The protagonist shou in Defying the Gods is an extremely "unlucky" person.
S-0: Ever since he was born, he was disliked by his poor family for his meager talents.
S-0: Fortunately, with the guidance of a passerby immortal, he ascended the immortal mountain and passed the trial.
S-0: His cultivation path thus begun.
S-0: He wanted to take the passerby immortal as his master, but "unluckily" discovered—
S-0: That the immortal sovereign already had a direct disciple.
S-0: Moreover, because of his excellent background and spirit roots, this disciple was extremely domineering.
Disciple: You want to be a direct disciple with skills like that?
S-0: And [the disciple] always targeted him.
S-0: Luckily—
???: From this day forward,
???: You will be my direct disciple.
S-0: Because of his down-to-earth, hard-working, and kind nature, he was accepted as a disciple by the young new sect leader.
S-0: And was also "unlucky" enough to get in trouble with the demon lord when gaining experience outside.
Demon Lord: Very good, you've caught the interest of this seat.*
*this seat 本座 - literal translation, basically a formal way of referring to oneself, like the royal We or "this exalted one"
S-0: Thus he was entangled—
Wang Yi: WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT!! What are you saying!
WY: Although I'm generally clear on my role as a villain, is this protagonist actually unlucky? (Why do all his encounters sound so fortuitous? He always gets what he wants?)
S-0: Aish~ it's just the settings.
S-0: After all, this is a thrilling danmei novel with a high-level of NP, so there's always tropes like these.
*high-level of NP (NP高嗨) - NP = numerous pairings = numerous couples
WY: N what….? High what….?
S-0: All right already, even if you memorize the plot, Host will forget it soon enough. Don't panic.
S-0: Since a cultivation world contains many special rules and abilities, Host needs to transmigrate in advance as a child to get used to the settings, or else it'll be hard for you to use your cultivation skills smoothly.
S-0: The longer you stay in this world, the higher your probability of meeting Mr. Qin. To prevent mind-reading abilities from ruining the plot, S-0 will completely seal your memories.
S-0: For a couple of decades, you'll believe that you're really (the character) [Silkpants Senior Brother - Immortal Wan Yi].*
纨绔师兄 - 万亿仙君 - a silkpants is literally a dandy/fop, and instead of Wang Yi this time they went to Wan Yi which literally means "trillion" hahahha
S-0: Once "it" leaves, your memories will be unsealed so nothing gets delayed.
[Specification: Using the time to cultivate immortality, have the Main System observe the two people with amnesia and restore their memories after it leaves the Main Quest.]
WY: Childhood stage…
WY: Then do you know who Qin will transmigrate into?
S-0: Uncertain.
S-0: Host may need to explore the rest—on your own.
[Yunshan Sect]
Redhead Disciple: Hey guys, look.
Redhead: That's Sword Saint Qin's new disciple, right?
Redhead: I heard he's a genius with a special spiritual root.
Redhead: But it seems like…
Redhead: His brains aren't all that great.
Girl: Shhh—stop talking!
Girl: Yunshan Sect's elders think the Sword Saint has the best chance at ascension. He's only taken this one disciple after thousands of years.
Bun Disicple: It doesn't matter, everyone knows Sword Saint Qin's ice cold heart only cares about the Way.
Girl: Even this disciple seems to have been pushed onto him by the sect leader out of worry for his lack of successors.
Girl: He definitely won't teach him seriously.
Redhead: Oh? So it's like that.
Girl: Sigh, pity the child who has to stay with a giant iceberg like the Sword Saint, no wonder he doesn't know how to smile…
Redhead: *shock* AHHHHHhhhHHHh WHAT IS HE DOING!
Redhead: STOP—!
Wan Yi: Kitty? Just then kitty was right here…
Bun: (This child is too young, he only has spiritual roots but isn't old enough to practice incantations/spells/magic. He'll be a goner if he falls.)
WY: ?
WY: !
3 Disciples: (AHHHhhHHHHHH! ! ! ! IT'S OVER!)
*rustling sound*
Disciples: (This is…Lotus Blooming Steps?)
Disciples: (There's only one person in the world who can change the air currents into such a shape with his steps—)
Disciple: (The Sword Saint, Qin Xian*)
*Qin Xian (秦献) - this time the Xian is the 4th tone [haha, for the 4th world?] and means "offer/present/dedicate
WY: ?
QX: What, are you doing? *coldly*
WY: ….! Kitty…
QX: Master, there was a kitty…
QX: ?
QX: So you wanted to jump down just to see a cat?
WY: (How could that be.)
Disciples: (Ahhhh sorry! It was us who startled him!)
WY: ………
Disciples: (Sorry, sorry, sorry)
WY: Mhm.
WY: It was a kitty I'd never seen before.
QX: …….
Disciples: (UWWWAHHHHH)
Bun: That um, senior Sword Saint, the truth of the matter is…
Disciples: ?!
Disciples: …..
Redhead: W, what now?
Redhead: The Sword Saint is really scary, he must have been annoyed by little junior brother, right….? Will there be punishment?
Bun: That's not something we can determine. Let's go, it's not like we'll die.
Girl: I plea for the ascended immortal to protect little junior brother.
[Sword Peak]
[Specification: The main hall of Yunshan Sect is located on the main peak, while the various elders live on their own personal peaks.]
[Currently, the little junior brother that everyone's worried about—]
*sniff* *sniff*
WY: ?
WY: (Kitty…nuzzling?)*
*吸猫 - it's not literally sniffing or nuzzling, it's just a literal term to express one's love of cats, such as kissing or hugging them. 
#The S-0 who's in the cliffside cave#
S-0: (Help! So this is what Host is like as a child!) [Isn't he too easy to trick?]
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300iqprower · 2 years
Hypothetical Rank Ups No. 78-81: James Moriarty
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Special thanks to @switch for the massive helping hand they gave in both deciding which effects best fit the flavor I wanted to go for, as well as balancing said effects! Really can't stress enough how helpful it was to, ya know, have someone who actually regularly uses Moriarty weigh in on his balancing. Why didn't Grandpa come home for me :( he really is evil...
The Freeshooter EX -> 'EX'
Apply Ignore Invincible to self (1 turn). Apply Ignore DEF to self (1 turn). Increase own Critical Star Gather Rate (1 turn). Increase own NP Gain (3 turns). Gain Class Affinity advantage against [Ruler] class (5 turns). Gain Critical Stars. [NP Gain Up scales from 10-40%.]
In the first of many changes following a certain pattern, Moriarty gets anti-Ruler on a near permanent basis, being 5 turns on a 5 turn cooldown skill. This both gives him a much needed extra-class niche in the incredibly overcrowded role of ST Archer, and it fits his role in lore as a being antithetical to order and virtue. We're also giving a MASSIVE np gain buff to make up for his low natural gain and his Buster NP. Through the power of the Freikugeln and its ability to grant one's desires, Moriarty can channel a pseudo-golden rule much as he can use the bullets to grant crit stars. While not granting him battery immediately like it does crit stars, his triple arts deck and 4 hit arts cards mean the buff on its own clears a path for him the ability to gain that NP with ease. Paired with his existing massive battery, even with a buster NP looping becomes possible. The skills main tradeoff is that these two long term abilities designed for passive use are still attached to his most dynamic skill, with the star bomb/gather and ignore invincible/def remaining 1 turn in duration.
End of the Spider's Web A+++ -> ‘A+++’
(Can only be used with 10 critical stars or more.) Increase own NP Gauge. Applies [Evil Alignment] to other party members (5^ turns). Increases own NP Strength by 20% (3 times, 5 turns^). Depending on Crit Stars add the following effects: - (20+ Crit Stars) Decrease NP Strength for all [Good] enemies (1 turn). - (30+ Crit Stars) Inflict Nullify Buff to all enemies (1 turn; at skill level 8+ stacks with and takes priority over similar effects). [NP Strength Down scales from 30-70%.]
Have i ever mentioned we need more skills that have crit star based effects? Especially when it comes to servants who are known for their ability to plan ahead? We're also buffing the evil alignment duration, giving much more flexibility that is very much deserved. You'd really think a character meant to be the embodiment of "evil for heroism's sake" would be the defacto changer of good-to-evil. rather than have to worry about there being so much cooldown time. This extended duration boosts said uptime to a much more comfortable 5 out of 8/7/6 turns. Similarly, for flexibility's sake the NP buff is now 3 times across 5 turns, making it much easier with Moriarty's finicky deck to get good use out of the buff. While the buff itself isn't increased, his NP's defense down means that it still pairs incredibly well with repeated use.
Meanwhile, while we arent getting rid of the crit star requirement (see what I said about good planning being the point), we are adding more crit star effects. If you have 10, the effects remain the same. If you have 20, there's a [potentially] crippling NP debuff on all Good enemies. If you have 30 or more, even support NPs get crippled with a nullify buff stack that at higher levels has the unique ability to stack on top of other nullify buffs. Because both these debuffs are 1 turn though, they require you to weigh your options and timing of use between the need for that 50% battery and/or evil alignment, timing it just before an enemy servant tries to unleash their NP, and even having the crit stars to do any of those things in the first place. Truly a skill only a mastermind can make full use of.
Evil Charisma A -> Rogue's Gallerist A+
Increase ATK for all allies (3 turns). Further increase ATK for all [Evil] allies^ (3 turns). Increase Critical Star Drop Rate for all [Villain] allies (3 turns). Apply Target Focus to all other [Phantom Spirit] and [Villain] allies (1 turn) (2 turns at skill level 8+). [Star Drop Rate Up scales from 30-50%]
I get why Moriarty's charisma doesn't double up on himself, he's a professor and all that...but they made him a dedicated ST DPS servant and an archer at that, so yeah i'm giving him the double up. Definitely chalk this one up to the sort of thing I'd need to test more firsthand to know if it's really needed, something friend supports only let me do so much. In the meanwhile I'm just gonna take the approval of a certified Moriarty User as reason enough.
We're also introducing 2 new servant traits at once! Villains will get critical star drop increased for 3 turns by quite a bit. Even with his high hit counts thought, Moriarty's relatively low generation and triple arts deck means he's much more reliant on allies than himself for generating stars through normal attacks. Lastly to finally give him some hard survival, we're doing it in a fittingly schemer sort of way. Rather than shield himself, Moriarty gets others to do it for him, applying target focus to all his fellow villains and the phantom spirits he's taken command of, with the effect applied for an additional turn at its highest levels. While this may seem conditional, the sheer number of villainous figures in Chaldea's roster at this point means it's very easy to ensure at least one ally can take hits for Moriarty.
[Phantom Spirit allies include: Robin Hood, Gilles De Rais (Caster), Hans Christian Andersen, Summer Kiara, Sakaki Kojirou, Phantom of the Opera, Nursery Rhyme, Henry Jekyll, Edmond Dantes, Mephistopheles, James Moriarty, Hessian-Lobo, Yan Qing, Sherlock Holmes, Paul Bunyan, Antonio Salieri, Red Hare, Salome, Van Gogh, Ashiya Douman, Barghest, Baobhan Sith, Melusine, Oberon, Don Quixote, Huyan Zhuo, Huang Feihu, CinderEli.]
[Villain allies include: Saber Alter, Altera, Emiya, Gilgamesh, Elisabeth Bathory, Blackbeard, Medea, Caster Gilles, Shakespeare, Mephistopheles, Hassan of the Cursed Arm, Carmilla, Lancelot, Vlad III (Extra), Caligula, Jack the Ripper, Hyde, Amakusa Shirou, Cu Alter, Jalter, Angra Mainyu, EMIYA (Assassin), Shuten-Douji, Ibaraki-Douji, Ozymandias, Lartoria, Enkidu, Gorgon, MHXA, James Moriarty, Emiya Alter, Hessian-Lobo, Meltryllis, Passionlip, Kingprotea, BB, Summer BB, Kiara Sessyoin, Scherezade, Wu Zeitan, Columbus, Yagyu Munenori, Mecha Eli MKII, Circe, Abigail, Semiramis, Anastasia, Avicebron, Ivan, Scathach-Skadi, Xiang Yu, Qin Shi Huang, Yu Mei Ren, Kama, Arjuna Alter, Maou Nobu, Spishtar (1st form or Costume only), Dioscuri, Caeneus, Van Gogh, Ashiya Douman, Ibuki-Douji, Vritra, Taira no Kagekiyo, Morgan, Barghest, Baobhan, Oberon (3rd ascension), Jacques de Molay, Kriemhild, Xu Fu, Moriarty (Ruler), Koyanskaya (all), Sen no Rikyu, Archetype Earth, Super Bunyan (3rd ascension), Kirei Kotomine.]
"Heroic" Spirits, everybody
The Dynamics of an Asteroid A+ -> A++
Deals damage to a single enemy.^ Deals 160% extra Special Attack damage to a single [Star] Attribute enemy. <Overcharge> Decreases DEF for a single enemy (3 turns).^ [Activates First] [DEF down scaling increased to 20/30/40/50/60%.]
Okay okay I think it's obvious what the theme here is by now. Actually it was probably obvious the moment I brought up Ruler-advantage but now it definitely couldn't be more obvious where there's only a dozen or so star attribute servants. Oh and uh... Apologies to Jeanne for getting caught in the Holmesian-Crossfire. Who knew there were multiple Lawful-Good Ruler Star servants-
So, all in all, Moriarty should be in a good place. He should be, but he sorta isn't for reasons beyond his control. With servants like Tametomo, Edgyia, Kintoki, Orion, and many others cluttering the same niche he has for DPS, he also has to match up unfavorably with the likes of Douman and color-based supports in his other niche. All in all he's too conditional without enough reward compared to his peers for filling those conditions. That's why rather than directly buff him, I mainly relied on keeping those conditions in place but making his support much more fulfilling, and against "certain" enemies making his DPS unmatched. All in all we have a servant who is MUCH more useful to the masters willing to think as far ahead as the criminal mastermind himself.
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neotrances · 11 months
OOHHH i never even considered spd as an option before!!!! I'm not bothered by blood at all and I love cleaning so like :3 (ty for bringing this to my attention mwah)
np!! u can also just look up health care certifications for other routes if you want bc theirs a lot of them some are slightly longer but have a way higher pay grade i’m just going for two that are within my skill level and will be quick to do!
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switch · 1 year
I just want vlad to be good and the way I can seek them doing that is similar to how they do mash where certain ascensions offer different skills. With one for vlad that allows the true power of the vampire with all the lore they’ve built up, because that 30% atk defense boost is bullshit and should be higher, and his bond ce should also be overhauled to be more accurate
a separate Dracula form would be sick and i’d absolutely love it, but like i said, Vlad is already S-tier. he is good, he’s extremely good. the only unit better than him at his job in sheer numbers is Kriem, and that’s because she’s part of the new “trend” of high SE damage mod units. but she’s also storylocked, and the absolute requirement of using georgios’ NP for her does cause difficulty to arise in the scenarios of fights where full command card chains are needed as the result of some gimmick (e.g. cernnunos), which both leaves Vlad with more flexibility and more freedom to get copies of him. his bond CE absolutely needs to be overhauled, yeah. 98% of the other servants’ do as well, unfortunately.
30% defense mods are the standard for 3 turns, no one’s broken that as far as i’m aware unless they’re a defensive unit who gets two separate defense buffs. the only higher defense mods are on 1 turns, or 3 times, which i don’t think he needs in conjunction with his double guts and heavy castoria (and therefore invuln) usage. now, melusine does have a 40% attack on 3 turns, so you could argue about bumping vlad’s to that as well.
in terms of lore, i do think the main thing vlad needs at this point is pierce invuln/defense. it’s silly that he still doesn’t have it, and none of his primary supports can give it to him. in terms of gameplay synergy, he objectively does not synergize with his own NP’s starbomb due to not having a star absorb, which is sort of a glaring omission and makes the starbomb awkward to use.
now, i’m being kind of pedantic, but i do get what you’re ultimately saying. Vlad is very good, but he’s not Stupid 2020’s Era Levels of Busted like melu, kriemhild, draco, etc etc. he’s S tier, but he’s not S++ tier, and dracula vlad has an excuse to be and it’s fun to think about.
the best way to go about making Vlad modern FGO levels of busted would be giving him SE damage like his lancer form has. i don’t think alignment or attribute-based SE necessarily makes sense for him, but i think you could do two things with that:
1. make his Vampirism skill apply a trait onto the enemy that he deals 50% SE damage to and ignores defense against (referencing how his bite works)
2. give Vlad an on-attack effect that applies a trait on attack, which his NP deals 150% SE damage to and pierces invuln against (referencing the effects of being hit by his spear in apoc)
this is admittedly basically just a minor reskin of Kriem’s two SE mods, but it’s an example. it would admittedly have some difficulty in timing it out because of the hit requirement (and needing to use vampirism instantly might be awkward), but it would synergize with Vlad’s tendency to use BNPxE chains and maybe give this…. some semblance of balance. that would inflate his numbers a lot. otherwise, he could benefit from buff removal resistance, crit absorb up, and crit damage up somewhere, but galatea already took most of those.
you could also give him either an AOE-ST NP switcher or an Arts-Buster NP switcher, because fuck it.
it’s a fun kit to think about, but ultimately gameplay is the one facet of vlad that i think got off overall very well even if some lore pieces are missing. just as long as galatea or some other clone doesn’t powercreep him again. if that happens i will immediately become discontent.
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sassyshin · 1 year
Resisting that incoming Drake banner… Hard. That’s a chara I’ve liked for so many years now
I don’t have nearly enough sqs tho and god it’s probably just me but those last banners have been getting 4 stars that are so unappealing
Nevermind the Ilya banner because that one is a no no in general but
I really don’t care for the Yuri Pirates at all. Calamity Jane would be okay to have due to her fun gimmick tho
But I like Drake a lot ever since Okeanos. I think that would annihilate any chance for np2 Achilles but idk man I’m the kinda person that prefers to have more servants than many copies of the same. I know it’s actually better to have servants at higher np levels but I just like having them in the first place
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colorintermediate · 2 years
idk if i said this on here already but i remembered i had a dream that i was hugged by emiya alter
it was very quick but it was warm ..
i need him to have a higher np level jfhudhhhhrfnfh
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Day 800
Quetz's Valentine's banner is up on NA!!!! All of you who don't have her yet should most definitely roll for her! She's an amazing Rider and one of the best powerhouses in FGO!
And if you already have her, why not keep going? Try for a higher NP level.
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