#and they're touchy abt their backstories
eyeofthechasm · 6 months
points a mic at you. odile realizing renzo is hiding something from her
Lorenzo’s always been one to hold secrets. (Odile looping AU belongs to @tealgoat ) (& spoilers for like. Act 3 technically? Yeah.)
You’ve known that the entirety of your time in this party. He’s…selective, let’s say, on what information he shares with you all. He hasn’t really shared much about his earlier years.
Like Siffrin, in a way.
Except Siffrin, as you learned with your newfound abilities, doesn’t remember a lot of his life. Lorenzo…seems to keep it barred intentionally. All of his answers to the questions you’ve tried to ask are too vague for anything to be gathered from them.
You remember yourself asking, “Where did your last name come from?” a while ago; far before any of this...looping business.
You watched him think. Think long and hard. Far too hard for something as simple as his shattering last name.
Eventually, he settled on, “My mother. Where else?” and essentially refused to say anything else.
It’s…frustrating. You can’t fully trust him when he’s so uncooperative. You had the same situation with Siffrin, though he ended up proving he could be trusted eventually.
Lorenzo hasn't.
You see movement from the corner of your eye, interrupting your thoughts. Looking up, you see Lorenzo, the one and only, turning over in his sleeping bag.
Right. You nearly forgot you're still in the clocktower. How late is it now? Everyone’s still sleeping, so it can't be...
Everyone's still sleeping.
You have an idea. A terrible idea, you feel, but an idea that may ease your suspicions.
You climb out of bed as caefully as possible and creep across the cold floor, down the stairs. They creak, though there's a small chance anyone will hear you. If they do, there won't be any consequences anyway.
You feel sick for thinking like that. But it is true.
Reaching the bottom, you go straight for where you all ate. Lorenzo always leaves his bag here. You see it every loop.
You grab the bag, but freeze there. Going through other peoples belongings was never something you saw yourself doing. Were you really doing the right thing? Even if you suspected him of something, it's a low point to stoop to...
You shake your head and yank the frayed handle up. It doesn't matter. It's for a good reason. You're sure everyone else would understand.
Inside the bag is a pleathora of items. Personal, mostly. A sharpener for his knives, various hair ties scattered by the bottom, hygene products...
A journal. Perfect.
You grab it. Its cover is mostly a dark grey, with silvery raised designs: dots connected with lines, comletely nonsensical to you. It's held together with a worn, leather buckle. The text on the front is illegible. Trying to make sense of it hurts your head.
Carefully, you undo the buckle and open the book.
The entire thing is written in the same manner as the front. You can't make heads or tails of any of it. It all hurts your head in the same way the title did. You only recognize faint bits of Vaugardian placed between the pages. Most of the legible text is assortments of letters, like those learning sheets little kids get in school.
One part sticks out to you, though. It's incredibly messy, almost chicken scratch, but you can read it well enough.
"My name is:Lorenzo Silvana Halloran
My dad's name is: Peadar Halloran
I am 10."
Your breath catches. That's his name. And his...father's? He said he didn't have a father. Only a mother.
You hear the floor creak and slam the book shut, returning it to its original place. Someone must be awake. No more snooping.
This only confirmed your suspicions, though. He's hiding something. He's hiding something, and you're more determined than ever to figure out what it is.
You have all the time in the world, now, after all.
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brainrot-stitch · 7 months
AHAAA I FINISHED IT WOAHHH i usually don't finish art things omg...
Anyways current sabre design!!! (It will probably change bc I can NEVER make up my mind on any design ever sob)
Tumblr media
Anyways some headcanons below cuz I feel like yapping :3
-rainbow totally would have gotten him and sabre friendship necklaces (yk the matching kind with magnets that come together n all) and after knowing lucas for a bit he woulda made friendship bracelets !!
-like that one person I reblogged said, he's such a mad scientist he's so silly omgg
-i love the reincarnation au SO MUCH its literally fire but in normal headcanons I think he used to be part of the creed and an assasin and ermm
Basically I headcanon his whole assassins creed series was basically his backstory before starting to do research on these 'steve' entities
-when nervous/anxious his footsteps will be completely silent out of habit from the whole assassin thing, and he'd obviously do it when purposefully trying to sneak (he has probably scared rainbow or Lucas multiple times by doing this..)
-I'm not sure weather to headcanon that his wings were damaged by a steve really early on in the steve saga (like before rainbow could speak or maybe when dark was still pretending to be blue) or if it was smth that happened when he was still an assassin but it's one of those!!!
-hes an avian.. heh... if u couldn't tell from the ref sheet.. but NOT a chicken!! The chicken jokes are just bc of the hoodie and bc his feathers look a lil similar :3
-he has like 2 of the same chicken hoodie he'll wear most often but still has some normal outfits AND assassins outfits and weapons he keeps away (most are green or have some sort of green in them heh.. I might draw that later)
-ok ok ok I have so many eye headcanons it's so hrggrrrrh the main one tho is one I snatched from the reincarnation au and that's that he doesn't have eyes!! Bc of an injury or sum and he js says he has sensitive eyes and the bandana fabric is see through up close.. but he can still see bc he's a player and the way players work is weird. Other headcanon, green eyes. Other headcanon, brown eyes. Other headcanon, heterachromia green and brown eyes. Other headcanon pure white eyes. Other headcanon code eyes. Other headcanon (gets hit by a bus)
-if we r going with the reincarnation au for the eyes, I feel like only rainbow and Lucas would know, if we're going with the others, I'd say rainbow, Lucas, Alex, galaxy, and maybe the guardian (I forgot if that's what he was called or not) would know. If we're going with the code eyes, then only lucas would know
-not sabre specifically but I feel like steves in general wouldn't be very used to or know but about blood/gore stuff, bc they're more used to being destroyed/poofing, and later on being destroyed through a machine. Being actually killed by a sword or something of the sort they are not used to seeing, and are very touchy on the subject
-on that note I imagine if there's like a steve that's immune to most or all other steve powers and or machines that they're trying to get rid of and arguing on what to so abt I imagine sabre being like "oh 1 sec I got this" and boom that mf DEAD 😭
-and they'd b like 😰
"Guess we're gonna have to kill this guy sabre" "damn"
-ermmm silly billy activity...
-I feel like he'd know a lot more than the other steves on things like the nether and end (not end city tho that's a whole other mc headcanon I don't feel like yapping abt rn) bc those are the dimensions players have access too and steves usually dont.. so they'd b like "WTF SABRE WHAT R U DOING THAT IS A LITERAL HELLSCAPE WITH LAKES OF FIRE AND MONSTERS WEVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE FYM U CAN GET 'NETHERITE' THERE" and he'd b like "well don't go in the fire then and it anything attacks u kill it ig" (not actually sob.. I feel like only he and Lucas would go there bc most steves r hindered greatly by lava and the only ones we've seen that aren't are bad guys if my memory is correct)
Ermm I have more but I'm eepy and can't remember so those r for another day!!!
Don't post my art to other platforms without my permission pls x3
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mxuki · 2 years
Is encanto really as good as everyone thinks?
i know it may seem like im a bit late to the party but the truth is when i saw encanto first getting popular it felt strange.
it felt like i watched a completely different movie ngl and i kept my mouth shut back then because i didnt wanna ruin the fun for everyone else lol
but tbh im pissed off at disney and i cant keep my mouth shut for any longer now.
let me just, get to the point-
Encanto is a terrible movie that fails at the fundamentals of story telling
you see, if u manage to see through the tears and actually pay attention to the plot of the film, it is so b a d
now i'll give them credit where credit is due, they had a really interesting concept and very good ideas
but they executed it so poorly its laughable.
you see, this film isnt a film
its a cash grab on the name of nostalgia and emotions
idk abt other peope but to me, encanto felt very empty. From the way i see it, disney just wanted to make the next frozen with touchy feely themes about family and love and healing and runions but it sort of failed.
the characters in encanto seem extremely shallow. the "development" they get (.i.e. isabella, luisa, abuela etc) dosn't really feel like true development. it seemed extremely artificial and almost felt like an act disney was putting on to fool everyone else into thinking that they're actually good in writing characters. i mean sure, they have distinct personality traits, trauma, backstories and everything a character needs to have depth but what undermines this imo is the plot.
now idk if i just have a taste for suspenseful thriller movies or something but i enjoy a nice touchy feely movie alright (for instance Up) but encanto really lacked the substance it needed for it to truely shine.
Im gonna use Up as an example to explain what i mean
in the beginning of up, in the very first few minutes carl and ellie's characters have light years more personality then mirabel or luisa for example. The plot itself enhances it.
In the beginning of up, its very clear that carl is intorverted and uncertain, he wants more from life. he wants to go on adventures but he needs someone to be there for him. he needs someone to provide certainty and comfort even in chaos.
and ellie does exactly that. Her very first impression on carl and the audience makes it clear that she's very much into adventure and is the sun to carl's moon.
now what about isabella and mirabel?
they uh
have sister....problems...
isabellla is a people pleaser i guess?
and what does the plot do to enchance this?
they make the dinner go wrong becuase of bruno's rats and mirabel gets blamed for it so isabella doubles down on her inner flaws???
like i get what they were trying to do with mira and isa's characters and what theme they were going for but it just fell really flat. the writing really failed in making me care about them or their issues. they seem like caricatures of real people who probably exist but they seem very one dimensional and flat.
honestly i think encanto would've been a lot better if it was a show as that would give the writers more time to flesh out these characters and make them loveable.
And this brings me to the most saddening part of this whole thing....
Disney dosn't care
they dont care that their ip would've benefited from being a show instead of a film, or that the final product is trash. All the care about is make touchy feely movies with the same theme and the same messed up message about love and boundaries over and over again with the same highly merchandisable characters that'll have the dolls and dresses flying off of the shelves because that's what it ultimately comes down to.
They don't care because they don't have to
Its simple really. they dont care because they're so absurdly big that it dosnt matter if they keep making terrible movie after terrible movie, uninspired sequel after uninspired sequel (lookin at u, frozen 2) because so many people are attached to the walt disney brand that they'll watch it regardless and buy the terrible quality merch without a second thought for their kids to play with so they can grow up and do the same thing to their kids.
Its tragic that this is what the beautiful medium of animation and film has come down to.
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whumpshaped · 2 years
thought of the choked guy's backstory
So he’s going to be the youngest of maybe 4 siblings and his family is poor. His older siblings had to drop out and he was the one they are depending on to finish school etc so he can get a good job. And all this pressure ways up on him because although he understands his families problems and the sacrifices they did so he can study well he feels like it’s too much to put on him and he hates how he always has to have guilt of everything they’ve done for him.
and he hates how it’s used against him when his family is being toxic because he didn’t ask for them to do any of that. They just randomly decided that he has to study while his other siblings work to support him etc. And that’s where the fighting comes in, he takes out his anger by bullying and beating up his classmates etc. But he doesn’t notice idk what word to use like he doesn’t know that when he bullies and beats up people it’s him taking out his anger and not just him wanting to find a strong opponent. You get me
so this is abt the magic school story and this is the guy the MC choked
so he has always been the strongest and most powerful person he knows out of everyone he’s met so he decided to just challenge anyone and everyone because he wants to know what defeat feels like sure he's felt defeat when he didn’t get the highest score in a test etc but he wants to feel the defeat of his power, knowing he wasn’t prepared enough or did enough etc he wants to feel that and becos of that
he became ike this bully who just wants to keep fighting people whether they want to or not so that one day he can feel defeat
and when he finally did because of the mc he didn’t get mad or be sad etc he was happy defeat felt great and he felt admiration towards her and became like a sort of puppy following her around because he wants to help her grow stronger
her not himlike he became her fan and wants to see and help her grow her power because he knows she can do great things and that scar she gave him?
He wears it like a badge of pride never hiding it and always letting it be seen
like he's happy that she's the first person she showed her strength to
and ofc there's going to be this dark moment somewhere where some people criticize and make fun of him for being that way saying that's not how being defeated should feel like
saying that defeats is dishonor etc and that makes him sad but after some things he finds out that there's nothing wrong with processing defeat the way he did and continues being himself
she acknowledges him because he literally stalks her for a while ;_; because idk like he can't contain his admiration to her that he wants to know everything about her, like he's clingy and touchy acting like they're friends even though she knows literally nothing abt him just that he was bothering her so she beat him up and now he's following her for some reason, she is uncomfortable about him at first but after maybe a few eps/chapters they become official friends ^^
also thoughts on the third eye guy being suspicious of the guy MC chocked, like he's wondering why he became like that and doesn't understand how he's so happy and admires her
he's kind of protective to the MC about him because he knows about the chocked guys history of beating people up and bullying so he can't believe the 180 turn of events
I LOVE STUPID LITTLE PUPPY GUY i swear third eye guy i will slap him to the fucking moon and back dont ruin this sweet little thing they have going on
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