#and this is all your 8th grade teacher's fault?
mirrorbxlls · 5 months
next time i see a chronically online american complaining about how little they know about the world i'm going to throw up
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mymarifae · 2 years
i will always advocate for skipping classes btw. to all the high schoolers following me: don't sweat having a perfect attendance record it quite literally does not matter. if anyone tells you good attendance is important for being considered for scholarships they're lying to you. my attendance was fucking abysmal and i was offered several full-ride scholarships because my grades were still solid and that's all 90% of colleges care about.
and besides. taking care of yourself - whether you need a mental health break or you're tired or you just frankly don't want to go to that fucking class - should always take priority! now don't take a page from my book and skip a month and a half's worth of pe classes because you ditched One Time because the coach said he was going to make everyone run a mile that day and then he kept trying to get you to "make up" the mile that you missed so you kinda just stopped showing up until he gave up on you forever like please know that you should go to class regularly BUT.
i think taking time off and leaving early and such needs to be normalized. for school and work. i don't think it's fair to punish people for needing breaks. the human brain is literally not made to sit in the same stifling environments for 8 hours almost every day and just focus on "working" or "studying" and "learning." it's very cruel to deprive young, still developing minds especially of proper breaks and time to Play (not that it's not cruel to do the same to adults)
if the system won't give them to you freely though... well. break the rules a little. you know your limits better than anyone. don't try to work to an impossible standard. rest when you need to!! it's very, very easy to burn yourself out, but it's very, very, very, very difficult to recover from it
#i believe all teachers should have flexible due dates on their assignments and should accept late work without penalty#like. i can't fathom the purpose of strict due dates and no late work policies. the only Real deadline is when grades have to be submitted#maybe a week or a week and a half before that hard deadline can be the last call for turning in missing work#because obviously if 15 students turn in All of their missing assignments the day before their teacher has to finalize grades like#that's not going to end well for anybody. but outside of That#there's no fucking point in no late work policies. some hs teachers are idiots man like your kids have 6-8 other classes yknow.#and a life outside of school. jobs. sports. clubs. friends. time for themselves so they can unwind and recharge#do you want them to rush through your assignments and get everything wrong? or copy all the answers off of google?#or do you want them to learn what you're teaching them? if you want your kids to learn you have to be flexible and open#i believe there should always be an alternative to taking tests. they work for some students but not everybody#if you cater to only one style of learning and only 1/8th of your class learns and retains the material like.#that's not the kids' fault. it's not their failure. it's Your failure for not being an actual fucking teacher#ugh. can you tell i'm extremely passionate about this Lol#sometimes when i tell people i want to be a teacher they're like are you sure...?#and then at some point we might have a conversation about the education system and i'll go on a tirade and they're like i understand now.#starts punching walls and stuff
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natashaslesbian · 28 days
Birthday Cake
Summary: Clint comes to watch your end of semester show, but there’s someone missing
Word Count: 522
A/N: I’m sorry this one hurts
“Well done Amanda that was a beautiful poem” your grade school teacher said as she guided the audience in applause. Today was your schools end of semester assembly, in which they asked a number of the kids to perform poems and songs of sorts to their family members. “Next up we have y/n Romanoff reading ‘my hero’ “ you had been picked to read out something you had written in class a few weeks ago and you were rather nervous. The audience welcomed you up with small applause as you came up to the microphone at the front of the stage. You coughed quietly before beginning. “My hero is my mommy, and my mommy is an angel” you shyly said. There were a few quiet gasps as people put two and two together. You were the black widows daughter, Natasha Romanoffs daughter.
You fiddled with your crumpled paper as you continued to read “my mommy is my hero because she saved the world. She gave me the best cuddles and told the best stories. My mommy is my hero because she was funny and pretty.” The room was silent as you spoke and the air felt heavy. You had sobbed so much that you were numb now, which is why you were confused when you saw Clint quietly crying in the audience. “My…my mommy is my hero because…uncle Clint?” You mumbled as a silent tear escaped your eye. You quickly wiped it away as you looked around the room, watching strangers sobbing at your misery. All those sad looks, all the pity, suddenly it all came back.
You pushed the microphone over as you ran down off the stage. “Leave me alone!” You cried as your teacher reached for you. She stood in sorrow as Clint ran down the hallway after you. Your little feet kept moving until your uncle caught up. “Y/n stop sweetheart” Clint said as he gently grabbed your arm “no!” You screamed as you tried to twist out of his hold. “I want mama not you!” You sobbed. Clint knew you didn’t mean it, but he couldn’t help the feeling of guilt that washed over him. If he could bring Natasha to you he would, and he tried. “I know you do” he said as he pulled you into his arms “but she’s not here y/n, I’m sorry” the archer cried, feeling responsible for all of your pain.
You flung your tiny fists about as Clint held you close “I’m sorry” he kept repeating. “Why did you leave her there?” You sobbed into Clint’s arms “why didn’t you bring her back to me?” You desperately asked. “I’m sorry y/n, I’m so sorry” Clint cried, wishing more than anything he could fulfil your wishes. He knew it was his fault, it was his fault that Natasha wasn’t there to watch your performance, his fault that she wouldn’t ever see you go to high school. Clint knew it was his fault that Natasha wouldn’t be making your 8th birthday cake - the one she baked every year. Little did you know that the last one, would be the last one.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904 / @strange-night-owl / @kkreader78o / @hatergirl-69 / @asv-xx
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ciaomarie · 6 months
Chapter 2: Getting to Know You
I recently wrote a post-season 2 story about Carmy helping with Sydney's apartment search. I wanted to back track a little to get into his head space just after the Friends and Family almost disaster, but prior to the apartment hunt, during which he is hopelessly crushing on Sydney. Mostly, it's backstory and gives more context to why Carmen is who he is :)
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When Carmy stumbled frozen and broken out of the walk-in the night of Friends and Family, Sydney was waiting for him. However, something in his eyes made her reconsider whatever she had been planning to say. She pointed him to sit on floor against a stove she had turned on and made him hot tea. Wordlessly she sat on the floor next to him until he finished. When he tried to speak, nothing came out. His icy mottled fist began to circle his chest, but Sydney closed her hand over his.
"We'll start over again tomorrow."
Weeks later Carmen asked her why she hadn't quit that night. She said "Your face…it looked like mine did when I lost Sheridan."
In return she had asked him what happened with Claire and if it had been her fault.
"No. She thought she knew me, but she didn't and honestly, we didn't have anything in common."
The more Carm thought about Claire the sorrier he felt about how he'd behaved and the less he regretted the break-up. Claire was his high school dream girl. She was always kind to him, despite being able to mingle in nearly every clique at school. She was as comfortable with the student government club, as she was with the skaters. Everyone liked her and for no apparent reason she frequently stopped at his locker to ask if he had gum or invite him to study. So he always kept a pack of gum for her, but was too shy to join her study group. Once she and two of her friends ambushed him after school and convinced him to come to a party the night prior to graduation. He decided he might as well not end his high school career without ever having gone to one. The party was held in woods behind one of the football player's homes. There was a bonfire, cheap beer, too few cups, and couples making out or swaying to "Die in Your Arms".
Claire found a clean Solo cup and they shared a drink as she gazed into his eyes.
"I love this song"
"Yeah…it's popular".
Natalie had been playing Justin Bieber non-stop for the last few years and Carm was almost willing to give up all music if he never had to listen to him sing another note.
He didn't remember the rest of the conversation, but at some point Claire kissed him. 12 years later when they began dating she brought up the night of the party and how he looked so surprised and blushed.
"You were so cute. I bet it was your first kiss!"
"No, but almost" he said a little taken aback. As pleased as he was that Claire was interested, he felt like her project. Something about their relationship reminded him of a cheesy 80's teen movie. Too sweet. Not enough acid.
He could have saved them both a lot of trouble if he'd not given her any number, much less a fake one. But it was Claire, the brilliant, fearless, beautiful girl he'd used to sketch over and over again and she wanted HIM. He liked her so much back then. She went off to Michigan State and he began peeling mushrooms at a restaurant eventually becoming Carmen Berzatto "the most excellent CDC at the most excellent restaurant in the entire United States of America."
But before Claire, in 7th grade summer school, there was Kyla Branson. Carmy needed to take 7th grade math again before they'd pass him to 8th grade and Kyla was a transfer student. She had just finished 6th grade, and was taking 7th grade math and English early, because she was a pianist. A whole freakin' prodigy that would be touring with Eric Clapton later that fall. The math teacher had told the class, much to Kyla's obvious discomfort.
On the third day the class split into pairs to do an assignment and Carmy and Kyla were paired. He could barely look at her. Kyla had thick curly eyelashes which framed her large black brown eyes, her hair was usually brushed up into a soft coily bun like a ballerina, she wore small white diamond earrings in her shockingly small ears, and she had an heart-breakingly cute overbite that showed whenever she smiled. Carmy was gone over this little black girl. She was very shy too, but an overachiever so she persevered in making him talk enough to get the work done.
Once she saw his sketches on the back of his notebook and said he was artist. Using his best charcoal pencils he drew a portrait of her in the privacy of the attic at home. On the last day of summer school he gave it to her when class dismissed and dashed out of the room, his face redder than Heinz ketchup. Kyla caught up with him outside and grabbed his hand leading him out of the view of the car pick-up line.
"Thank you Carmen. I think you're beautiful too" Kyla whispered and kissed him full on the mouth. For three seconds. Then she ran back to the car pick up line, got into her parent's car and Carmen never saw her again.
Once he thought he saw her. The eyes and overbite were startling familiar, but the name was different. It was the day that Sydney Adamu walked into The Beef. It was the day that someone saw who he really was again.
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queenofmistresses · 5 months
If you have time:
Zekina - timeless
A/n hope you like it!! This took me so long and it was so worth it!!
It was in 6th grade the Zeke fell in love with Tina. He was new, and scared out of his goddamn mind about a new school (again) and just wanted to fit in. Being a hall monitor (as she proudly told him) she gave him a tour around wagstaff, looking after him the whole day, she was very attentive the entire day. She introduced him to Jimmy Junior and both her siblings, and spent the whole day being sweet and kind in a way he didn’t experience before. Other schools never bothered showing him around with any kind of dedication, knowing that he could be moving again any time soon, but even when Zeke tried to insist it was necessary because of this, Tina just brushed him off, telling him how much she enjoyed her hall monitor duties and proceeded to what he still refers to as the best tour ever.
In 8th grade things got increasingly complicated and he squashed his feelings down deep. After her birthday party, he got an excited call from Jimmy Junior about his first ever kiss. With Tina Belcher. He could tell how happy J-Ju was about it, and he was never the type to go after his best mate’s girl, so he tried to forget it. Unfortunately it wasn’t that easy.
The mad pooper incident? He didn’t like to talk about it, but everyone remembers that. Then there was the day of his Grandmother’s surgery. He swears he’s never loved her more than that moment. So much so he practically confessed it, by telling her how determined he is for them to be married. Then the science fair incident. Not his first kiss (to his disappointment) but definitely the best kiss he had had so far in his life. He spent many years thinking about that kiss. Asking himself so many questions. Why had she kissed him? Him of all people? Yes she’d kissed J-Ju as well, but she hadn’t kissed anyone else. Did it mean something?
It wasn’t until a couple years into high school that Tina saw Zeke differently. She had decided she finally has enough of the on and off again relationship with Jimmy Junior and broke up with him for the last time, making that point very clear to him. After that she lost some friends, realising they only hung out with her because of Jimmy Junior. Some of them she was glad to be gone, the likes of Tammy and Jocelyn, but others she missed. And honestly? She missed being friends with Jimmy Junior. It was weird.
But one day her science teacher paired her up with Zeke, and she felt awful. Her mind was riddled with thoughts of regret and humiliation. Knowing he was friends with Jimmy Junior and hating that he was put into this position. But she played nice and invited him to her house to do the work.
They sat down on her bedroom floor with various pieces of paper and stationary surrounding them, an awkward silence filling the air.
“Okay look I’m just gonna say it now so it’s out there otherwise I’m not going to be able to think about anything else. I’m so sorry that you got paired with me, I know I’m the last person you want to work with. I-if we separate the work out to things we have to do then we don’t even really have to work together and I can just put it all together at the last minute and you’ll never have to speak to me again! And then you won’t have to deal with me.” She blurts out in one breath, desperately avoiding eye contact with him.
He’s just confused. “You- what? Why wouldn’t I want to be around you?!” He looks at her in shock, having spent the last few months missing her like hell.
“Because Jimmy Junior’s your best friend. And I broke up with him. And I’m… horrible?” She whispers the last part out, not entirely sure she’s getting her point across.
He sighs and brings a hand to his face, trying to rub the worry out of his features. “T-bird, you’re not horrible. And yeah J-Ju’s my best friend, but he wasn’t good to you. I don’t know why, he doesn’t like to talk about it, but the point is that’s not your fault. You deserve better, I don’t blame you for breaking up with him.” He admits, desperate to show her that he wants to be friends again.
But that just confuses Tina more, “Then why did you stop talking to me?”
“I thought you didn’t want to talk to me! I mean come on girl I let it happen! I watched him treat you like garbage and I didn’t do anything!” He looks away from her. “I couldn’t blame you for not wanting to hang around me anymore.”
Tina blinks. And blinks again. And just for good measure, to make sure she had really processed what he’s just said to her, she blinks once more. “So we both blamed ourselves but wanted to keep hanging out?” She asks slowly, still wrapping her head around the new information herself. He looks up at her and she can’t read his face for a moment. But then he laughs. And it’s the most beautiful, kind, relieved laugh she has ever heard. She starts laughing too, just as relieved.
When they calm down they look at each other just smiling for a small moment before Zeke finally speaks again, “So… friends again? I’ve missed you T-bird. It’s not the same without you.” He says and she blushes, feeling incredibly embarrassed and confused as to why she does, but she nods, and sees as even more relief fills his eyes and watches how his entire body relaxes.
Eventually they manage to start some work, after a long overdue catch up on each other’s lives. It’s one of Tina’s favourite days to think back to.
Much to both of their strain, they don’t do anything about their obvious-to-everyone-but-themselves crushes on each other for another year. Tina’s affections for Zeke grow stronger and stronger every day and she finds herself quickly falling harder than she ever did for any of her other boy obsessions in the past. Certainly more than Jimmy Junior.
And Zeke, well he’s as whipped as day 1. He spends every moment he can with her, helping her with school work, taking her to the movies any time she mentions a film she wants to watch, taking her to the aquarium after school at least once a week, driving her to and from school.
Jimmy Junior can’t even find himself to be upset at the fact that Zeke spent so much time with her than him, not once he’d finally seen them interact in person, and watched how much genuine love and affection was in his best friends eyes when looking at her. And seeing how much more love was in Tina’s eyes than he had ever seen, it stung a little but he couldn’t help but smile and tell Tammy to shut up when she tried to make a comment.
Thanks to this Tina and Jimmy Junior even managed to find a way to feel comfortable around each other again, even feeling like friends for the first time in a long time.
They finally made it official when Zeke got offered a scholarship at one of the best culinary schools in the state. He had made it! He was able to go to his dream school and he finally had a chance to make his dreams come true.
To absolutely no-one’s surprise, the first thing he did when he found it was race to Tina’s house. She opened the door and tackled him into the tightest hug she could, the moment he told her the news. “I’m so proud of you Zeke. You did it!!” She breathed out, squeezing him impossibly tighter.
He pulls back slightly to look her in her eyes, his big grin fading into something softer when he could see how happy she was for him. “T, I-” He begins but she cuts him off, a surge of bravery coursing through her as she presses her lips against his in a searing kiss. She desperately tried to pour every emotion, every word she had tried to say so many times, into this one act of affection. Zeke felt it all and took everything she was giving him with no hesitation. They both felt as though they were drowning. Forgetting everything else in the world around them but each other.
When they finally come up for air they just look at each other, their breaths mixing with each other in an almost suffocating but enticing way. “I love you Zeke.” She whispers, watching his face grow into an even happier grin than when he first arrived, before he whispers back the same thing, softer and more heartfelt than anything she imagined in her dreams.
They kiss again, with even more passion and if Jimmy Junior feels himself tearing up a little from his position in his restaurant, he certainly won’t tell them that.
When they both go off to college they’re sad to not be as close, but they call every day, text basically 24/7 and they visit each other as often as they can. Neither of them have a moment of doubt through it all. They talk about the future a lot, their from their greatest ambitions to the small moments they’re looking forward to.
Tina starts looking at houses and dreaming of sharing it with him every day. Her writing improves tenfold thanks to how head over heels in love she is, and she takes inspiration from her devoted boyfriend to stream it into every piece of work she does.
The next big moment in their lives is when they both graduate. Zeke graduates with an offer to work at an extremely high end restaurant- thanks to many glowing reviews from professors, and Tina graduates with an offer to publish a book of hers, they couldn’t be more happy with their lives. Especially once they find an apartment for them to live in together. They truly make the place their own and they’re favourite parts of the day are waking up in each others arms, and when Zeke comes home from work and they can see each other again.
After a year of living together, Zeke proposes. He prepares Tina’s favourite meal, lights her favourite scented candles, wears a suit, buys her a new dress, and plays her favourite songs. Just them. In their first home. Years after Tina fell in love with him, and even longer after Zeke fell in love with him. He tries to do a whole speech, but he splutters as tears fill his eyes and his voice breaks. Tina cries too. At first she can’t get the words out, nodding furiously, until she’s finally able to squeak out a small, “yes”, and Zeke slides the ring onto her finger.
10 months later they both cry again as they desperately try to get their wedding vows out. There isn’t a single dry in the house then either. Even louise doesn’t bother hiding it.
2 years later, Tina gives birth to 2 beautiful girls. Zeke says she has never looked as beautiful as when she held those girls in her arms for the first time. There are tears in everyone’s eyes then as well.
Zeke is the best girl dad ever. His entire life is devoted to his girls, and he is not afraid for everyone to know it. He makes sure that all of his girls always feel how strongly and ferociously he loves them all, and how much he would sacrifice for them all if it would just make them smile.
At 89 years old Zeke goes to bed, lying next to his adoring wife, and passes away in his sleep. When Tina calls the ambulance, almost hysterically, they tell her that she died with no pain and in peace. She cries more then, than she ever has before. Their children cry when they hear the news, and so do their grandchildren. Their great-grandchildren don’t quite understand but they cry as well.
His funeral is filled with nothing but loving stories from everyone who ever knew him.
6 months later and it’s Tina’s turn. She swears she can feel it coming that day, and wonders if he knew too. Thinking back to that day. She’s convinced he hugged her just that little bit tighter, loved her that little bit louder. And maybe he didn’t but spending her last day thinking about every beautiful moment spent with her love is exactly what she wants to be doing.
Her death is peaceful and painless. There’s even a small smile on her face as she closes her eyes and lets sleep consume her one last time
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muthafuckinaro · 16 hours
hey. so what if i make a report that ive had 49 panic attacks from the middle-endish of 7th grade to 8th grade RIGHT to the school?
because its all either students' faults, or the shitty teachers.
do your job.
you give us everything but safety.
dont starve me and i wont complain.
dont touch me and i wont complain.
dont ask about why i do things and i wont complain.
dont choose my religion for me and i wont complain.
sit me with my friends instead of my literal bullies and i wont complain.
dont fire the only adult i trusted for doing her job too well and i wont complain.
i wont complain if you listen to us for one god damn minute.
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heuhuewaves · 2 years
show me how|chapter 8
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Content warnings: cursing, mild fluff, angst, arguing, steve being jealous, Billy and Steve fighting again, Billy’s home life
Word count: 2.0K
song for this chapter: Brazil by Declan Mckenna
Song link: https://open.spotify.com/track/4sNG6zQBmtq7M8aeeKJRMQ?si=2611f8eee03d408d
January 15th, 2022
It was complicated. Not so much between you and Billy anymore. Figuring stuff out with him became way easier. More of it was with Steve. He hadn’t said a word to you since you and Billy started spending more time with each other. Over 2 months ago. While you admired his level of pettiness, you were irritated and sad. You missed your friend. You thought that he would've at least asked you to hangout over winter break or called you to say “Merry Christmas.” But alas, you go nothing. 
You were currently in your English class. Eddie sat right next to you which meant it was almost impossible to get anything done. Once a conversation sprung up he would not let it go.
“Has Steve spoken to you at all?” Eddie questioned.
“No. I didn’t even do anything. He even walks away when I try to come and talk to you and Robin.” You answered. 
Eddie looked out the window that was right next to his desk. “Maybe it has to deal with Billy and not so much you. He told us that they also haven’t spoken since they fought at the basketball game.” 
“How is that my fault though? He needs to take it up with Billy instead of taking it out on me.” You couldn’t wrap your head around it. In all honesty, you thought it was stupid that instead of being the bigger person and mature, Steve had decided to handle this like he was in 7th grade again. Dumb and irrational. But, you didn’t want to lose one of the closest friends you made ever since moving to Hawkins. “Is he at school today?” 
“I mean, he’s skipping math right now. But if you catch him during passing period I say you try to talk with him.” Eddie suggested. It was one of his few ideas where he didn’t sound completely brain-dead. 
Class went on per usual. You were so focused on what you were gonna say to Steve that you barely got halfway through the worksheet your teacher handed out. You told yourself you would do it later as “homework.” Class ended and you made your way out of the door. Scouting the hallways for Steve. Your eyes wandered back and forth until you spotted him coming out of the boys bathroom. You rushed over to him through the crowd of teens and began to walk with him. It was convenient that the two of you had classes in the same direction.
As you joined him, he looked to the side and exhaled, giving off a “Why are they here” look. 
“Hey Steve.”
“Hi.” He responded flatly. You ignored the shitty tone in his voice and continued the conversation.
“Listen, I don’t know why you won’t speak to me but it sucks. I miss us being close. Can you just tell me why you’re mad?” You questioned. Steve laughed. You were puzzled. How could he be laughing when you were trying to fix the strain between the both of you? “Asshole” you thought.
“I’m not gonna have this conversation with you right now. Especially in front of all these people. The fact that you don’t even have a clue about the reason I’m pissed when it’s right in front of your face is insane.” He walked away, leaving you in a state of irritation and confusion. If you really felt like it, you could breakdown and cry in front of the entire student body. Right in front of you face... No matter how many times you thought about it, It never made sense. 
The rest of the day went by in a blur. You were barely able to concentrate during your 7th period. What Steve said never left your mind. It was eating you alive.
You found yourself at your locker getting whatever you needed for 8th period. Billy immediately found you and walked over to you. He noticed the miserable look that hadn’t left your face since the confrontation with Steve.
“Woah, you look like shit.” He said smirking to you. You turned to him, no form of amusement on your face. Billy backed off once he figured out something was up. “My bad. What’s wrong gorgeous?” 
“It’s Steve. I tried asking him about why he hasn’t been talking to me and he made a fool out of me. He basically told me to fuck off and that I don’t have a clue.” You said in a defeated tone. A response didn’t follow your sentence. Just quiet yet aggressive breaths. You didn’t even wanna look Billy face to face because you knew what you would be met with. The look. The look that read “I’m gonna beat someone’s ass.”
“Go to class. I have shit I need to do.” Billy said, no emotion to his tone.
“What shit?” You questioned.
Billy began to walk towards the direction of the doors that led to the parking lot. “You’ll see.” You knew you wouldn’t be able to stop Billy. It sucked. His answer to everything was fighting.
8th period was miserable. It was like you couldn’t catch a break today. Whatever was in the air had everything falling apart for only you it seemed. 
The bell that signaled the end of the day rang and you sluggishly made your way out of the classroom. You were trying to occupy as much time as possible moving from your locker and then to your car outside. Anything to miss Billy beat Steve’s ass again. You knew he was gonna do it and you knew nothing you did or say was gonna change his mind. Putting away everything that you didn’t need from your locker, you grabbed your backpack and went to the direction of the parking lot. 
As you opened the exit doors, Billy was already on top of Steve, landing punch after punch. Blood had already began to leak out of Steve’s nose. Billy wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. This fight was different. Steve wasn’t fighting back like last time. He was defenseless on the ground taking hit after hit. Billy must’ve caught him by surprise. Everyone gathered around shared looks of worry and entertainment. 
Soon enough, a few teachers came by to break up the fight. Billy looked proud of himself, smirking at what he did to Steve. Harrington laid there for a second then sat up. Tears beginning to flow out of his eyes. Though, they weren’t too visible under the forming bruises and blood. The two boys were ordered to the office and you followed behind. Once you entered the school, you went off.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You said, almost yelling at Billy. Steve turned around. He wasn’t aware that you were following the two of them.
“Don’t tell me you’re actually about to defend this shit head.” Billy responded, side eyeing Steve.
“I might as well. Your answer to everything is picking a fight with someone.”
Billy rolled his eyes. He had no idea why you were mad at him. In his eyes, he was defending you.
“I still don’t understand why the fuck you’re so mad. After you told me what Steve did to you, I did something about it. Got rid of the problem.” Billy explained.
“Wait, you told him about what I told you?” Steve chimed in, getting visibly irritated. “So you caused all of this..”
“I didn’t expect Billy to go and beat your ass. How was I supposed to know what he was gonna do?” 
“Well maybe if you actually took a look at what you were doing wrong instead of running your mouth we wouldn’t be stuck in this situation.” All three of you were irate. 
“Watch your mouth Harrington.” Billy said, stepping up to Steve.
“Or what?” 
You immediately got in between the two boys. You were so stressed it was hard to have one coherent thought.
“The both of you are so fucking stupid it blows my mind. I’m going home.” You said shifting your tone from expressive to emotionless. Billy knew you didn’t mean that, but it still stung regardless.
Hours later~
Billy didn’t get home till at least 5pm. He was already aware that the school called Neil and was aware of his suspension. He wasn’t aware of how Neil was gonna react. Billy was scared. He knew how his father was when he was angry. Billy had gotten in trouble plenty of time at school. Never suspended though. The chance of death was at least 50%. Billy hesitantly opened up the front door of his house and was met with the beast himself. Neil Hargrove. His eyes were dark and his face, still.
“Your school called me. You’re suspended” Was all the grown man said. This time, Billy couldn’t think of a sly remark. He was petrified of Neil. No matter how hard he tried to suppress it.
“I know but I can explain-.” Billy stopped speaking once Neil got closer to him. There was a moment of silent. Billy tried keeping his composure as best as he could but couldn’t keep his hands from trembling. A sudden punch from Neil hit Billy right in the left side of his face. The sudden nature of the hit caused Billy to hit the floor.
“You wanna punch people at school? Well then you’re gonna fucking get it at home.” Neil Spoke, aggressiveness being added to his tone. Billy didn’t make a sound. The tears that began to flow out of Billy’s eyes were enough to Neil. He knew he put his son in his place.
“Get the fuck out of my house. I don’t wanna see you for the rest of the night.” Billy got up and stormed out of the house and to his car, tears continuing to stream out of his eyes. He knew where he could go when he needed someone. It was you. He started his car and immediately began his commute to your house.
It only took him about 15 minutes until he reached your home. He parked in front of your lawn and made his way up to the front door. He rung the doorbell. Billy was praying that you would be the one to answer. He really didn’t wanna have to explain the bruise on his face to anyone else. To his relief it was in fact you who answered his call.
“Billy?” You stopped and immediately noticed his left cheek. “Again? I told you-”
“It was Neil.” Billy had cut you off. Your heart sunk. You knew about his father’s temper but, never knew the extent of it.
“Oh my god. Billy get in here.” You ushered him inside and immediately took him to the bathroom. Leaning him up against the counter, you got out the first aid kit that was placed under the sink and began to work at his bruise. “What even happened?”
“The school called Neil and told him about the fight and about me being suspended.” Billy explained. “I could tell he was pissed as soon as I walked in the house. Then he just... hit me.” Billy looked down. He wish he could’ve avoided all of this. “Y/N I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have went and did all of this.”
“Billy I forgive you. Neil’s temper isn’t your fault.” You said as you began to clean up his face.
“Also, I don’t wanna add to all of this but.. I was kicked out for the night. I need somewhere to stay.”
You smiled at the boy. “Yes of course.”
Eventually, you got Billy’s face clean, got him a change of clothes, and cared for him the rest of the night. He had a short temper and a fighter mentality, but you always knew he cared for you.
@flvneurss @this-gave-pidge-further-shock @zzokks @xuckduck @aworm-onastring  @kaylee444  @lily-sinclair-2006 @tagakalat @sunshinee0-0  @overthewhiteclouds @loadivine @mxltifxnd0m @queenofstarsanddarkness @youcantbesirius @offical-bee @m-rae23 @hqtetsurou @mushy-mushroom04 @tayhar811​ @mvrylee​
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Here’s a sneak peek at my single dad Eric au.
March 1995
Heavy footsteps made their way into the small house. A loud dramatic huff was made by 14 year-old Clara Forman. 
As Eric shut the door behind him, Clara threw her book bag to the side, sitting on the couch, arms crossed, and with a notable pout on her face.
“Clara, get that look off your face.” Eric stood above his daughter, staring at her with a stern expression.
“I didn’t do anything.” She mumbled, arms still crossed.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t I just get called down to the principal's office because you hit another kid? And on top of that, I find out you might not make it to the 9th grade.”
“It’s not my fault you haven’t been paying attention.” Clara replied snarkily 
“Clara,” Eric’s voice was deadly serious. “Watch it.”
“Fine. But I don’t get what the big deal is. Jared’s the one who made fun of me for not having a mom.”
“I understand that, but you can’t go around assaulting people because they made nasty comments.”
“Then what am I supposed to do then?”
“Come to me, I would have taken care of it.”
“Oh yeah,” Clara raised her eyebrow. “How?”
“I would have gone to your principal.” Eric replied.
Clara rolled her eyes, at her dad’s naive suggestion. “Like he’d do anything.  Mr. Marin is an asshole,” Clara ignored Eric’s warning look that told her she needed to shut up.  “He knows about Jared and does nothing.” 
“At least he didn’t expel you.” Eric pointed out.
“Well, aren’t I lucky.” Clara said sarcastically.
“Clara,” Eric held his hands together. “I don’t think you realize how fortunate you are, that you only got in school suspension.”
“And why is that?” 
“Because if you were expelled, you would definitely be repeating the  8th grade. Which leads me to question, when were you going to tell me you were failing?”
“I wasn’t.” Clara admitted.
“Then what was the plan? You were going to repeat the 8th grade hoping I wouldn’t notice?” Eric asked.
“Why are you so mad at me? You’re the parent, shouldn't you be checking my report card? Or I don’t know, talking to my teachers.”
“Clara, I-” Eric didn’t know what to say. Clara was right.
“You’re too busy with work, I get it.”
“I know I’m not home all the time. And that I need to be more active in your life, but I’m trying. So please tell me these things so I can help.”
Clara didn’t respond, all she could was shake her head.
“Is it that you’re struggling with your school work? Cause I can help you if that’s the case.”
“Dad.” Clara sighed.
“Or is it that you just don’t want to do the work?”
“What difference does it make?” She shrugged him off.
Eric moved closer to his daughter with a desperate look on his face. “Clara, I’m begging you, please work with me here.”
After a few moments of silence, Clara responded. “I just don’t get why I’m the one in trouble. He started all this.” 
Eric rubbed his temples. “Unfortunately life isn’t fair.” 
“Trust me, I know that.” Clara said, more harshly than she intended.
“Go to your room,” Eric ordered.  “We'll discuss this later.”
“Whatever.” Clara whispered, getting up from the couch making her way to her room.
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violetskies65 · 1 year
Appalachian Spotlight: Dayla <3
Growing up in Appalachia, I had what I always viewed as a normal upbringing. Little did I know, there is a lot of things native and specific to my upbringing and small culture that I have experienced or been through. I did not grow up particularly impoverished, but I know a lot of people who did, Some days, when I sit and think of how many people I know struggling, or are on drugs, or having constant issues that seem to raise to prominence daily, I sit down and think of the generational poverty social studies fair project I did, and view it as a precedent to my inquiries into how old friends are doing, and what I can do to help them better themselves.
But enough about me, and more about Dayla Toney. I am writing this, because when I think of her story, it represents to me a perfect chain of cause and events, and attempts to disrupt a circle of poverty, drug usage, and overall hard-times with mental illnesses that we face more and more everyday,
Dayla is a good friend of mine, whom I met in 6th grade. We've had our good times, and our bad times, but the bad times are always kin to her previous struggles with mental illness. A mental illness that was giving her problems, even when she was in 6th grade. I always thought she was tired, as she always looked like she was on the verge of sleep, but her hair was always waist length, straight, and brushed. We simply just started talking, and even now I realize she is the type of introvert to make my extroverted tendencies prevail, like a yin & yang scenario.
The years in middle school went on. While I spent my summers trolling on the internet, (insert extreme attention whoring), she was spending hers struggling inside of her own mind, or just living her normal days with her (now deceased) grandmother Jan. To some, she was a "background character", but even now I feel she just liked to live that way. Out of sight and out of mind. I always saw her as the typical emo kid, of my generation. 8th grade year she chopped all her hair off, and wore her usual emo-rock tees with bracelets climbing up her wrists. She always stood out to me, even in high school.
We both attended a high school that we look back on as being just bizarre; perhaps due to the constant fights, drama, and other big events & scandals, some even between teachers, and some even between teachers & students...
We of course remained friends, albeit not the closest, due to class seperations. I always thought she had a difficult time trusting or making friends, but it was just her introverted ways, and what she was going through in her mind and potentially her home. Her brother passed away her 8th grade year, and a mere conversation about this the other night had inspired her to find a biographer to write a book for her, as she said that event was traumatic for her, but that I did not even know the beginning.
I really didn't, as I sat there, somewhat in the clouds, and waited for her to find her words to piece together some sort of story, without letting her past hinder her or her initial progress. In my heart, I think she knows. She knows her roots and where she came from, and the growing culture of drug usage and mental illness is not something to shy away from when telling your story, along the themes of abuse, whether it be mentally physically or sometimes, even emotionally. These themes faced throughout her life can allude to why I always thought of her as "tired". She was not tired, as she was numb. Seeing her true smile is always a blessing as well, and nothing has helped brighten her smile than her son, Evan.
Evan was conceived and born during the harsh pandemic times we all faced. I was working, and Dayla and I had stopped talking, and ended on somewhat harsh terms, due to her new, and seemingly controlled lifestyle. I have came to terms with this and forgave her, but everyday, I hope she forgives herself, as I feel nothing relates to it being her fault, everyone had basically abandoned her, causing a large abandonment period in her life to occur again, or she had to abandon them, due to no fault of her own. However, she had her son now, and I believe he truly might be the only person to help banish those lonely thoughts, those bad thoughts, and is the one key motivator to help her "get her shit together" as she continues to bluntly put it.
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He is now 2, and she thinks of him everyday. I mean, I assume anyone would with their child, but constant thoughts of him and his personal well-being has fueled her to change her situation. From the outside looking in, I think she is making the aforementioned good progress. Not only that, but in a way, has surpassed previous family members and generations by making simple moves. Instead of a straight time line or progression chart, I'd say her life is more like a puzzle though, with connecting pieces seemingly assembled out of order. Especially due to us just now healing from the long pandemic that placed everybody apart, and left many in solitude with their thoughts, herself included.
I am going to end this by saying yes, I am proud of Dayla, and that like others, i wish things were different. Most importantly. she should be proud of herself, for trying to break the usual poverty cycles that run rampant in all of Appalachia, and notably our region, West Virginia.
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it-was-yxu · 1 year
Was going through some suuuper old notebooks from when I was in 8th grade (12-14) and hoooollly shit I am.. so glad I got therapy??
PSA don't let your kids have unsupervised internet access at 11-14, it definitely damaged me like a LOT lmfao Also wouldn't recommend letting your kids under 12 watch horror movies 🫡
I had so much anger and trauma in me and I didn't know why and despite all of my art and writing being frankly disturbing back then, it's all just really sad to look back on tbh cuz I didn't know why I was so angry a(nd sad) all the time and I hated it and myself so much :( Like I didn't remember my trauma at the time, had no idea just how mentally ill I was, still figuring out my sexuality and gender all while being screamed at or neglected at home and bullied by my peers and harassed by teachers who didn't understand me and why I couldn't pay attention even when I didn't have a phone or anything to doodle on in front of me because it was my thoughts that were the distraction, the doodling actually helped me focus uggghhhh
Idk it's 3 am and I'm thinking sooo much about teenage me, wanna hug that lil fucker it's not they're fault they acted the way they did, they didn't know any better and so much shit was normalized by the fandom spaces they were in and soooo many people took advantage of them or treated them like shit because of it :(
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spn-in-2021 · 3 years
anyway i think its all jeromes fault
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keypaa · 2 years
Astrology Observation No.2
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Keep in mind that there always will be some exceptions ;)
Saturn in 12th house possibly visiting an asylum once in yo life time especially if your 12th house is in one of the water signs—> 12th house (asylums…) and Saturn is standing for hardships etc…
Golddiggggggerrrr? a lot of Taurus placements combined with taurus degrees (2,14,26) and some 8th house or scorpio energy I‘m sorry babes
Capricorn men with sag placements 😩
Sun-Pluto hard aspects have some toxic traits (as we all have) Ego/death| Sun-Pluto
Blunts just for leo moons why you may ask¿. Irrelevant which sun sign ppl I’ve met had if they were a leo moon they always had a history with blunts lak wha?!?!!?!!
Mercury-Neptune using your phone or doing everyday chores etc… without realising you are constantly dreaming & tings like that til it‘s night and you wonder why the time went by soooo fast
Just observed my aquarius teachers talk a lot but it’s adorable
Virgo mars gets shit done they are sooo hardworking and freakyy
My grandfather, dad and ... have saggitarius venuses and they all have a passion for the outside especially for going on walks etc... tHaT cAn‘T bE a coincidence
Mars in pisces yeah nah nah they are not innocent. They would kill you if they just would not have that huge feeling of regret yeah they would throw your dead body overseas but honestly if you are dead because of them hon hon than it WAS your fault
Gemini venuses are the ones you think are bad guys/girls (I know a lot of people myself included that have the reputation to be a player and I don’t mean inside the astro community) like why I just breathed
Lilith in scorpio are good at hiding their dark side and trust me you would in no way be capable of standing still if you knew what they hideeeeeee
Mars in gem VoCaL during that shingzzelingg trust me bro (and I also talk about the boyzz)
Theory: Hard mercury-saturn aspected people think about being successful in school a lot but it‘s really really hard for them to just sit down and learn Mercury: school, thinking, learning…. Saturn: responsibility, discipline, restricting planets aspected
Aries mars or mars in aries degrees possibly thought about going to war, they were soldiers or are just obsessed with the idea of war while playing war games. (war is ruled by mars and aries is also ruled by mars)
9th house mercury always talk and think about school stuff (even if you don‘t like school) like oh God "I need to do soooo much homework. How should I do that do get this grade?" it‘s just so awful so it‘s constantly on your mind
Scorpio mars can be quite and go unnoticed but you can just feel the freak inside of them ( I also attract a whole bunch of scorpio mars but I am more than glad about it)
Lilith-Saturn in mens chart indicates serious problems with accepting a woman being more successful than themselves 
all the comments *cry cry kinda adorable but I CAAANANNNNNNNN‘T ANSWER THEM
Luuuuuv muah
04:30 AM
© 2022 the content is subject to the copyright and responsibility of the author
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itsravenbitch · 2 years
hii, how do i ignore the fact that in the 3D that my school life is shitty as hell. like i have no friends so sitting in the bathroom by myself became normal to me. like it would be so bad to the point whenever teachers would ask us to get into groups i would start having anxiety and would overthinking. I always get anxiety whenever i aw the “popular” kids who I knew and are friends with my cousin (my cousin was rude as hell to me when i was in 8th grade and now pretends i don’t exist in school). months ago, i liked this guy and i knew he liked me back because he wouldn’t stop staring🙄but never ended up to get the chance to actually talk to him that much and the times we did, he would only ask me about work and i was just to shy to talk to him because of my low self esteem issues which led him to be with another girl and now i started school again and have no classes with him in it. like although i’ve been through shit (like being the only kid in my class bullied and picked on from when i was 3 to 11 years old which is like 8 years + being the sibling who’s always left out when hanging out with family members) unfortunately it’s my fault that all those things happened because of the shitty things i’ve went through when i was young. the thing is that the law is always in the back of my mind, but because of the circumstances that’s happening around me, it can be hard for me to know how powerful i am. sometimes i would even question if the law is real and if i can get whatever i want and manifest all. (sorry if you seen this twice, must’ve been by accident)
feel your emotions. you wanna cry? cry. you wanna be frustrated? be frustrated. don’t submerge your emotions. it’s ok:)
but as i’m sure you know, everything is up to you. so when you decide you’re ready to be in better circumstances, take that responsibility, that initiative and just do it. what does your dream life look like? whatever you come up with is your 4D, that’s where you need to live, that’s what you need to focus on. if something in the 3D bothers you, don’t go back to your old thinking ways. immediately go to the 4D and remind yourself of what you’re true reality is. if you don’t believe or understand the intensity of your power, of your I AMness, that’s ok. just keep affirming you’re powerful and eventually you will believe it. but you cannot let the 3D have that power over you. that’s where discipline comes in. discipline your mind and the more you do it the easier it’ll get. and as always, persist. no matter what, no matter who!
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nevess · 3 years
— How you met him;
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[ the overwhelming feeling of having so many creative ideas at once and not having enough time to do them. ]
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🌱… description: you met Shinichiro by accident while trying to get to the art room.
🍵 … warnings: language, other than that, nothing.  
🧳 … character/s: Sano Shinichiro.
☕️ … word count: 1.70k ; | date: February, 21th 2022
part 1, part 2, part 3…
a/n: this is the second partttt. It’s not proof read :)) i Tell me what other character you would like to me to write about?? <3
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You were late, again. Running through the halls of your school, trying to get to the first period. You stopped and looked up at the ceiling for a second and as you inhale air you curse at the same time. Not only did you carry your school bag, you also brought your art supplies; which had a lot of weight on your shoulders. As if the universe wanted to fuck with you, your first class was on the third floor and soon to begin.
A sigh escaped your lips before you went back on your way. School went like usual and thankfully the teacher didn’t scold you for being a couple minutes late. It was time for the students to go to their extracurricular activities. Yours was art; at the other side of the building.
While trying to get your materials from one floor to another, you didn’t notice a tall figure colliding with your body. Both of you minding your own business, so the impact was a surprise. Apologies came out of your mouths until you spotted who it was.
Black hair slid back, dark eyes like the night looking at you with confusion and shame for what just happened. “My bad. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You said to Shinichiro Sano, the boy who was standing right it front of you.
“It was my fault, don’t worry…” He kept adding apologies until he noticed what you were carrying. “Do you need help with that?” He asked while getting on the same stair, followed by a shy smile.
You nodded with your head in defeat. You were not weak physically, but everything you had done this week had you burned out on a another level. The dark haired boy in front of you send your way a polite smile before taking the bag you carried with your art supplies as both of you headed to the art room.
Your small talk was kinda rusty, since you don’t have time to socialize much with all the exams and preparations you have to go through in your last year of school. You had the same friends since 8th grade and this last few weeks you had been living under a rock filled with projects and assignments. Shinichiro-kun was the one who asked the questions even if the redness in his cheeks was quite palpable.
It surprised you how charming his personality was. You found him kinda intimidating since he had his reputation of gang leader, but he showed you a side of him that was totally different, leaving you curious to all the rumores that went around about him.
Once in the classroom he said his goodbyes and a comment he made, left you with a smile that you didn’t notice. ‘Hope to do this again, see you around’. Days went by and you saw him on the halls but didn’t cross words.
This felling that he left in you was something that you tried to minimize and ignore, since it was just one encounter. It didn’t have any meaning, right? You didn’t even know the guy!
There was no reason for you to be overthinking or daydreaming about romantic stuff with a guy like him… Not that you mind, but there were important things you had to do before redirecting your energy into romance.
The school year ended and you only crossed paths once, with an interchange of smiles being shared. For a couple weeks you focused on your own things while still being aware of him and his gang. You were getting ready for your daily sketch, while putting away your art supplies and deciding with ones to take.
Close to the cafe you frequent there was a bike, an image invaded your head: Shinichiro Sano. The guy you haven’t thought about in probably months came to mind in a flash. A soft smile was drawn on your face, as you remembered the gesture he did the last time you interacted with each-other.
You entered the shop and order the usual. After paying you sat close to the window so you could sketch the bike with a calm environment surrounding you. The smell of fresh coffee being served, the machines working to make that delightful and tasty fluid.
People interacting with eachother while their voices echoed in your ears. You loved it here.
Halfway your sketch you saw the owner of the bike get ready to hop on it. You couldn’t believe it, it was almost cliche and you had to take a second to recognize him; it made you laugh. You left your things and took your shot, taking the first step with took a lot of courage since it was hard for you.
You used many excuses to run from good things, the fear of messing up important relationships often let you paralyzed to the option of meeting new people. What if you get attached to them an then they leave? What if they never really appreciate you and end up hurting you even more? You had your own reasons as to why not dating while studying… Fear being one of them, yet, you felt currents through your body, pulling you towards the desire to want to share the silliest and most romantic things with someone.
You had done your job and made most of your last year goals come true… It was time to consider wether you were ready or not. The impulse that lure you to make this stupid decision, is the one you are grateful the most. Looking back you wish you’d done it sooner, since there was nothing be be afraid of. It was Shinichiro you were talking about, after all.
The man today is looking at you with love in his eyes, totally dumbfounded and enraptured by what he says is your beauty and charm. Who touches you with eager and shyness at the same time, while demonstrating how much he desires you and wants you. Both of you have learned to let go, to be more spontaneous and to maintain good communication. Who with his kisses calms any storm and steals away any doubt.
The black haired man who is standing in one knee, telling you a speech while tears of joy run through both of your cheeks. You can’t help it but say yes to his question ‘… Will you paint the skies with me and marry me?’.
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© Nevess 2022. My original posts are not allowed to be edited, translated and/or re-uploaded on another account or platform without my permission, nevertheless, re-blogs are accepted and very appreciated.
tag: @txrttarus @sukunasbabymama @satmitsuplanet @the2ndl
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ughsimpp · 3 years
girlyyyyy can you please write a Jongho oneshot?? Okay you and Jongho grew up together and is your neighbor but y’all grew apart bc he got popular and kinda pushed you to the shadows. After a while he realized that he likes you but was unsure if you felt the same bc yall both lost touch. thank you and i love you writing!!! keep it up ❤️
Let’s start over
Words // 3.5k
Genre // Smut
Paring // dom/soft!jongho x f!reader
Disclaimer ⚠️ // childhood bestfriends to lovers, bullying, confession, thick cock, marking, missionary, hard thrust, fingering
FINALLY A JONGHO STORY!!!✨ I’ve been wanting to write one but i needed an idea so here you go!! 💚 and y’all i made it to 200+ followers!!! thanks you guys!! ❤️
Senior year....people would say to make your last year in high school memorable and to have fun, but not in your case. School was hell. Every time you walked down the halls as you saw people look at you and gave you weird looks like as if you wore your shirt inside out or if you had ketchup on your face. You noticed these things ever since Freshman year but after a while, it didn’t bother you anymore. You only had one year left then it was off to college. At the end of every year, you always had a 4.0 gpa. You applied early to a university and luckily for you, you got accepted to your dream college which was miles away from this shitty town.
Some of your teachers have asked you if you can help tutor some students who had trouble learning. You didn’t mind but it was the fact that it was all mainly Seniors who needed the help for them to graduate. There were a few freshmen’s and sophomores but half of the students you helped were Seniors.
You didn’t have many friends besides Lily, who you became friends with in Art class during freshmen year. She was really open to talk to and the sweetest person to talk to. She moved to a different school but you two still kept in touch. You missed having her around at school, but after graduation you both planned on going to the same university and be roommates.
You made your ways through the hall as the bell ranged. You saw a group of guys coming your way as you tried to ignore them but you failed on not getting noticed. You were stopped by Matthew who was the “leader” of the group. He was team captain of the soccer team and huge dick to so many people. He blocked your way and bend down to look at you. He had that ugly smug face on and pushed your shoulder.
“Where you going dork? I saw you trying to get away from me, well that’s not gonna happen.”
You saw them surround you and began picking at your stuff. They messed up your hair, glasses, threw your books onto the floor and took everything out of your bag. They laughed as they looked down on your trying to pick you things up. The group of guys started to leave as the bell rings. You were busy grabbing your stuff as you noticed someone was still standing in front of you. It was Jongho, Choi Jongho.
He was about to bend down and help you but you quickly stood up. You gave him one more glare and walked to class. You and Jongho used to be good friends when ya'll were kids. Ever since high school started, he became distant and didn’t talk or come over anymore. Whenever Matthew and the other guys would pick on you, he would watch and say nothing. As if he didn’t feel bad about how they treated you.
The bad part was that he was also your neighbor. You and Jongho grew up close together but as soon as 8th grade year ended and freshmen year came, that’s where things all changed. You were treated like trash until Lily came but when she moved away, they began picking on you again. They would flip your books that were in your hands and would say that it was an accident or that it was your fault for being in their way. What really sucked was that Jongho became part of that group. He was in the soccer team and he was really good at playing. You remembered him coming over to your house and showed you his soccer skills. You made your way to class and turned in you homework that was assigned last night.
“Oh y/n, I have a request for you.”
“Yes? What is it?”
“I need you to help out a student of mine that’s failing my class.”
“Oh..who is it?
“Choi Jongho.”
“Mhm? Choi Jongho?”
“Yes...He’s failing History. I’m not suppose to say but he has a 54 in my class and if he don’t get his grade up he won’t be able to play soccer or keep his scholarship.”
“Why don’t he just come to tutoring when I’m helping other students?”
“I’ve been telling him to go but he never shows up. Mid-terms are coming up soon and if he don’t at least make a 80 on it, he’ll fail. So I’m asking you if you can help him out.”
You took a while to think about what she said. Helping or at least talking to him again was the last thing you wanted to do.
“I’ll see what I can do..”
“Thank you y/n! You are seriously a lifer saver! I’ll email you what he needs to work on.”
You gave her a soft smile and thought on how you were going to talk to him. It wasn’t like you and Jongho ended on bad term but it just awkward for you both now and since he hanged out with Matthew and his gang now, there was no way you can talk to him after years of not talking.
You received the emails that the teacher sent you and now you had to decided whether when to approach him. After school ended you headed home. You walked passed his house slowly before turning into your driveway. Stopping half way to your house, you walked down the steps and walked to Jongho’s house. You were about to ring the door until you heard your voice being called from behind.
You turned around and saw Jongho standing there with his soccer uniform on. He gave you a confused look and set down his duffle bag.
“What brings you here?”
“Oh uhm Ms. Jeon asked me to help...never mind I don’t know why I’m here...”
You were about to leave until he spoke out again.
“Wait, Ms. Jeon asked you to help me for history, didn’t she?”
You nodded a yes.
“I told her that I don’t need help..god damn”
“You have a 54 percent...”
“She even told you? Fuck...”
Jongho groans at the fact that you knew what his grade was and how embarrassing it was. He crouched down and sat on the steps. You walked down and looked at him.
“I can help you...”
“I-..I can help you get your grade up..if you want...”
“Really? You wouldn’t mind?”
“It should be fine, I mean you got to graduate right? And keep that scholarship, I think you’ll be able to pass if you focus more.”
“I’ll appreciate that y/n...just let me-”
“Y/n? is that you?!”
You both looked up behind you and saw Jongho’s mom at the door.
“Oh my it is you! Gosh how many years has it been? We live right next door but I barely see you anymore. You must be busy with school but that’s good. You are a smart girl after all, and this one right here is only focus on soccer.”
Mrs. Choi ruffled through Jongho’s hair,
“ahh Mom my hair.”
“Oh gosh what am I gonna do with you. Anyways y/n what are you doing here?”
“Oh..I uh was wondering if Jongho wanted to study together...Mid-terms are coming up and you know it is senior year haha...”
“That wonderful!! It’ll be nice for you both to hangout again.”
“Yes...looking forward to it, so uhm...I’ll see you around Jongho...”
You waved bye to them and went to your house. You rushed upstairs and laid down on the bed. It was nice to see Mrs. Choi again, she still looks the same after 3 years. She was always super sweet to you and would say how much she wanted a daughter like you.
Your phone buzzed as you rolled over and looked at it.
Jongho: “Hey, I still have your number. Uhm let me know when you wanna stop by...”
You: “Okay.”
You threw your phone to the side and thought of how things were gonna be for you and Jongho now.
The next day after school, you went to Jongho’s place as his mom let you in. You sent him a message that you were already at his place. His mom offered you some snacks and led you to the dining table as you waited for him to come home. 
An hour later he came home and saw you sitting at the table. He went upstairs to put his stuff away and grabbed his homework. He came back down and sat next to you. He cleared his throat and glanced at you.
“Have you been here long?”
You shook your head,
“No, your mom came and gave us snacks then she left to the store..”
“Ah okay...”
There was a moment of silence that filled the room.
“Ehem, so shall we get started?”
You said as he opened his book. After a few hours of studying and helping on his homework. You gave yourself a big stretch and looked at him. He was focused on the problem that he didn’t noticed you looking at him. He still had those squishy cheeks and pouty lips when ya'll were kids.
“Hey is this right?”
He snapped you out of your thoughts and handed you his paper. You looked through them and saw that he got a few wrong.
“You need to fix these answers just a bit then you’ll be fine.”
“Oh okay, but I don’t understand the history from this question...Like it seems like a basic question but it just hard to understand and remember what happened.”
You adjusted yourself closer to him. You took a look at the paper and thought of a way on how to explain it. Jongho on the other hand looked at you as you tried to explain the problem. He watched you as you brushed your hair behind you ear and pointed at the question. He listened to you talk and got lost in your gaze at the paper. You looked at him to see if he was listening, he turned away and scratched the back of his head. You turned back and looked at the paper and continued to talk. 
After a few hours it was dark out. You decided to head home and packed your things.
“Do you wanna stay for dinner?”
You heard Mrs. Choi say as you were about to leave out the door. 
“I’m okay, I should head home just in case my mom worries.”
“Mhmm, come back soon!”
You smiled at her and left. You made it home and made a sandwich to bring it up to your bedroom. Luckily as you help Jongho with his homework, you didn’t have much let to do for your homework. You ate your sandwich as you scrolled through your phone. Checking your twitter feed and facebook.
You suddenly received a text message from Jongho.
Jongho: “Hey thanks for helping me out.”
You looked at the message and replied back.
You: “No problem, if you have any questions just ask. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Jongho saw your message and laid down on his bed. He though about how much you helped him today. He appreciated your help and liked how detailed you were on explaining the problem.
He also thought about that moment when he looked at you. How different you looked after years of not talking to you and much you changed. You were always smart and open to talk about anything. Jongho also noticed how pretty you gotten, you became more mature too.
A few weeks of helping him study, you noticed how much he improved in his studies. He came home after mid-terms and showed you his score. He made a 82% on it.
“Yay!!! Good job I told you that you can do it!!”
You were so proud of him that you hugged him without thinking. You realized on what you were doing until you backed away. Looking away and cleared your throat.
“Ehem. So I guess this means our study sessions are over...”
You said and you looked down.
“Yea I guess it is....but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends right?...”
You looked at him as he looked away saying that. You noticed a slight pink tint on his cheeks.
“We can still be friends.”
You looked at him and smiled. Jongho smiled back at you as there was a awkward moment of silence that filled the room.
“Well..we should hangout again sometime..if you want...”
he sys, hopefully you’ll agree.
“Sure. Like old times we can hangout.”
“Okay cool.”
“Well I guess I should go then...I’ll see you later Jongho...”
You left and looked back at him, you smiled and left out the door. You made it home and got ready for bed. With mid-terms over it was spring break. You sat at your vanity table and did your skincare.
The next morning you decided to go shopping with your mom for some groceries. You wore a cute blue dress and put on some makeup. You never wore makeup in school but you thought of putting someone since it is spring break. You made your way down the aisle and picked out some snacks. You suddenly bumped into someone, causing you to drop the snacks you had in your hands.
“Oops sorry about that-...”
“Well well...is that Y/n? You look slightly different....”
“Yea she looks cute.”
You looked up and saw Matthew and his group. They surrounded you as you were stuck between the shelf and them.
“Why don’t we have some fun? Yea? You look insanely cute right now.”
Matthew began to touch your shoulder as his other hand touched your thigh. You felt him move higher up your ass. You were shocked that you slapped him across the face. He palmed his cheek where you hit him as he raised his other hand.
“You bitch!”
You closed your eyes as you prepared yourself for the hit until someone stopped Matthew’s hand from coming closer. 
“Stop it bro.”
You looked up and saw Jongho holding his wrist, restricting him from hitting you. You saw Jongho yes were furious. 
“Tch. What the hell are you Jongho? Don’t you see I’m busy here?”
“Yea right, you were about to hit her.”
“Why do you care? She’s so fucking useless and she hit me first.”
“You were touching her, of course she’ll hit you. It was your fault.”
“What did you say? You wanna play smart with me? Do you wanna get kicked off the team?”
You saw things were getting intense between them. You tried to stop them but got pushed onto the ground.
“Stay out this bitch! If you wouldn’t have make a scene there wouldn’t have been a problem!”
Jongho saw him about to hit you and punched him. Matthew fell onto the ground, blood was dripping from his nose. Jongho grabbed your hand and ran outside of the store. You both were running as you heard Matthew yelling out to run after you.
You both ran until you lost sight of them. You made it home, trying to catch your breath. You looked at Jongho who was also out of breath. He looked at you and began laughing. 
“Why are you laughing?...”
“Ah sorry, It’s just that it reminded me of that one time when we were running from those people when we sneak into that concert.”
“oh haha yea I remember that.”
You were laughing as he noticed the red mark on your cheek.
“Does it hurt?”
“Your cheek, it’s red.”
“Oh...yea it’s fine.”
“Come on, I’ll give you an ice pack.”
You followed him as he led you inside.
“...yea mom I know, I’ll see you soon.”
Jongho came back with an ice pack and handed it you. He sat next to you ad you put it on your cheek. The cool feeling cooled down the burning sting.
“What did your mom say?”
“Oh she wondered where I went and told me that she had an issus at work and would come home late.”
“Oh okay.”
“Is your mom home?”
“Oh my mom went to go visit my grandparents for the week, she’s coming home Wednesday.”
You and Jongho talked for hours and talked about what you both did as kids. Fun memorable memories. You both laughed and cracked jokes like old times.
“What happened to us? We use to be close..”
You asked him. Jongho became quiet and looked down.
“I don’t know...I was the one who left you...I’m sorry...”
“No need to apologize.”
“No I need to, I was the one who stopped talking to you and never once helped you when Matthew was picking on you..”
“It’s okay...I forgive you, it wasn’t your fault but what about soccer and your-..mhm..”
You felt Jongho kissed you. You were shocked at the kissed but kisses him back. He pulled back and looked away.
“Sorry..I-Y/n...I liked you ever since we were kids and didn’t have the courage to tell you back then. Forget about soccer, I wanna focus on you right now...I like you Y/n.”
You blushed away and thought of his confession. You got the courage and started the first move. You slowly pushed him back on the couch. You straddled him and kissed him. You palmed his face kissed down his neck.
You felt him picked you up and headed to the bedroom. He laid you down on his bed as his eyes filled with lust. He removed his shirt, revealing his muscles. Jongho always wore clothes that covered up his body so you never imagined him to be so muscular. (oh to see that sight🤤) He bend down closer to you and kissed your neck. His eyes gazed at yours for permission to continue. You sat up and took off your dress. He admire your figure. You were about to cover yourself up until you were stopped.
“Don’t cover yourself.”
He took off your bra as your boobs were exposed. He laid you back down and left kisses on your chest down, leaving light red marks and kissed down your stomach. You felt butterflies fill your stomach as he left wet kisses. You felt him palming your heated core as he removed your panites.
“You’re soaking wet y/n.”
You blushed as he inserted a finger slowly as you moaned out. Your walls pulsed around his finger as he pumped in. The feeling was new and arousing that you wanted more. 
You were close on coming and he picked up the pace. Coming all over his finger and the sheets. Jongho bit his lips and removed his pants. You saw him pull out his thick cock and wondered if it was gonna fit. He grabbed a condom for his side table and slipped it on.
“I’m gonna go in okay?”
You nodded as he positioned himself. He slid in, stretching you out as he filled you up. Jongho groans out as he felt your wall pulsing around his cock. He looked down as you covered your face. He kissed your lips and waited until you adjusted a bit before moving. You nodded for him to move. He’s thrust was slow but powerful. The bed squeaked as he thrusted in. You moaned out as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close. You wanted more and wanted him to go faster.
“Jongho..please go fas-faster ah!”
He did was you were told and moved faster than before. You gripped onto the sheets and as he thrusted in harder. You left out soft moans near his ear. Clawing his back as he hit your sweet spot. He sat up, holding onto your hips as he went even faster.
“Ah fuck! Jo-Jongho!!”
Jongho bit his lip as he angled in a deeper position. You gasped at how deep he was. Your eyes rolled back at the feeling, catching your breath.
“You look cute when you make that face y/n.”
“Jongho! I’m-I’m close...”
“Ah shit..fuck you’re so tight...”
You moaned out as you tightened around him. His cock rapidly moved inside your core, bringing you to your high. You kissed him as you came all over his cock. You moaned out as you tried to grab onto something. You shuttered beneath him as you held his hand. Jongho threw his head back as he came inside the condom. Sweat drip down his forehead as he bend down kissing you.
“Fuck that was hot.”
Jongho whispered and smiled at you. You giggled at him and pecked his lips. You looked into his eyes and kissed him one last time. He lend his forehead on yours and gave you his gummy smile. Jongho laid next to you and brushed your hair away from your face.
You hesitated at what you were gonna say. You heart thumped loudly.
“I..I like you too.’
Jongho flashed his gummy smile once more and held you in close. He kissed your forehead and looked at you. You saw him slowly drift to sleep as you began tracing circled on his chest. Jongho smiled at what you were doing. Even though his eyes were close, he can felt how much you kept rubbing your thighs together. He looked at you and smirked.
“You wanna go again?”
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kaayxshay · 2 years
hii, how do i ignore the fact that in the 3D that my school life is shitty as hell. like i have no friends so sitting in the bathroom by myself became normal to me. like it would be so bad to the point whenever teachers would ask us to get into groups i would start having anxiety and would overthinking. I always get anxiety whenever i aw the “popular” kids who I knew and are friends with my cousin (my cousin was rude as hell to me when i was in 8th grade and now pretends i don’t exist in school). months ago, i liked this guy and i knew he liked me back because he wouldn’t stop staring🙄but never ended up to get the chance to actually talk to him that much and the times we did, he would only ask me about work and i was just to shy to talk to him because of my low self esteem issues which led him to be with another girl and now i started school again and have no classes with him in it. like although i’ve been through shit (like being the only kid in my class bullied and picked on from when i was 3 to 11 years old which is like 8 years + being the sibling who’s always left out when hanging out with family members) unfortunately it’s my fault that all those things happened because of the shitty things i’ve went through when i was young. the thing is that the law is always in the back of my mind, but because of the circumstances that’s happening around me, it can be hard for me to know how powerful i am. sometimes i would even question if the law is real and if i can get whatever i want and manifest all.
damn this is long, i like reading but damnnn reading long messages be killing me 😭, cuz i be already having too much to say and i just kno ima probably have a lot to type.
you already kno to live in the 4D right ? your 3D reflects your 4D (your thoughts, assumptions/beliefs) which creates your 3D reality.
don’t focus on the shitty school life. if you know about the law of ASSUMPTION then you know what you assume is true.
so if yk about law of assumption you kno affirming or whatever other ways u wanna manifest (visualizing and all that) u do those to change your thoughts and mindset.
so why are you still affirming the old story ? why are u persisting in not having friends instead of saying “i have a lot of genuine friends” and etc you’re doing it to yourself love.
i understand overthinking, i use to be a overthinker, don’t overthink it. always assume the best for yourself.
manifest him being in your class, and just stuff associating yourself as that person this school year you are “*your name* 2.0”
i kno it’s easier said than done, im sorry you were bullied. you can revise your whole life honestly.
and i understand it does get hard dealing with your circumstances that’s literally right in your face BUT YOU GOTTA BE FCKN STRONG AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE SO FCKN POWERFUL AND U CAN LITERALLY TURN YOUR LIFE AROUND RIGHT THIS INSTANT IF U WANTED TO.
i’ve had times when i thought the law wasn’t real honestly i pretty sure everyone has, but it is 100% real, bc all these hundreds of people will not be coming on social media or online lying about these success stories (that’s what i’ve always told myself when i started doubting if the law was even real)
change your thoughts, change your life 💗💗
i really hope when u see this, that u take a turn and change your life around cuz ik it’s no fun living the way you are rn in the 3D. affirm and persist in your new assumptions. if you do decide pls come back tell me.
you can go from having no friends today to having new friends tomorrow. it all depends on you.
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