#instead of complaining about your lack of knowledge 24/7?
mirrorbxlls · 5 months
next time i see a chronically online american complaining about how little they know about the world i'm going to throw up
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defloey · 3 years
okay but enough is enough
can people stop complaining about not having any promotional performances for releases?
yes, i understand we'd like to see the new songs performed and some more content from them and i feel the same. but i'll take whatever they give. stop making so much noise online because it does get back to them. whether it be someone with a huge online presence like baekhyun or even someone like kyungsoo who probably only goes on his phone to play games. it does get back to them and they do feel guilty.
like COME ON, does no one remember how upset baekhyun was pre bambi release? he felt so bad about not being able to perform the songs for everyone because y'all were complaining SO MUCH online. he literally worked his ass off up until enlistment day. he said himself he hadn't even had time to visit his parents because of this. and guess what he was doing the entire time? preparing content for US so we wouldn't miss him too much while he was away.
now even kyungsoo has come on bubble to apologise for lack of promotions because he's busy filming. which he didn't have to apologise for, at all.
do people realise a lot needs to happen behind the scenes for these events? it's not just 'show up and sing'. whether it be rehearsals, stage planning etc. (i'm no event coordinator and have very limited knowledge but i can only imagine the amount of work it requires). it takes a lot of time and energy.
i saw someone complain about no performances from kyungsoo and they blamed sm and also said "dOn'T sAy He'S bUsY fiLmInG bC hE's tOuReD wItH eXo wHiLe FilMinG bEfOrE!!" okay and??? what??? you want him to work 24/7 with 0 rest?? yes sm is fucking shitty, we all know this. but it's not always their fault. i'm sure if kyungsoo wanted to perform some songs they would have facilitated it. i personally think they wanted to add a lot more shiny things to this whole release but kyungsoo is minimalistic. that's a whole different argument for another day though. but if lack of promotion is what you're concerned about then GO PROMOTE IT YOURSELF? post it everywhere! suggest it to people who haven't heard of it yet! request it on radio stations! all that jazz. there's plenty you can do too.
do y'all remember when nini messaged on bubble late at night and said he hadn't eaten yet because he was so busy working as well??? the boy is spreading himself thin pushing out content and making appearances on various shows. why? because he's aware there's a lack of exo content. for who? for US.
you either value content or you value your idol's right to live. you're so focused on what YOU want from them that you don't think about how hard they work?? stop acting so entitled. give them the down time they deserve after their schedules.
kyungsoo released a great album, go listen to it instead of complaining about what isn't happening. if you want to see him perform so bad, go look up some youtube videos. there's plenty of that on there. exo's been around for 9 years, there is SO MUCH content to watch!! and there will be plenty more to come. relax.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
A Cursed G Pt 31 (Hakuno, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Siduri)
Previous Part: 1 - HakuPOV / GilPOV, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
“How long have they been gone now?”
Gilgamesh leaned back, staring towards the windows of the ziggurat. The morning meal had been long, but compared to the lunch hour, it may as well have been the blink of an eye. He hadn’t expected to spend hours without Hakuno around for him and Enkidu to entertain themselves with. The servants had pushed them away several times while preparing her to go visit his mother. He’d seen Siduri looking through some of her tablets, no doubt debating on whether or not to allow Hakuno to do much work at all.
She’d never manage to keep them away from Hakuno, but it had been amusing for a moment to watch.
Then the day had progressed. The audience chamber was as long-winded as he remembered. The lions curled up around his throne, beginning naps as a few nobles offered their daughters to him.
He didn’t want them. Never had.
What he had wanted was someone much like Enkidu: a challenge. He wanted wit and humor. He wanted steel nerves and unrelenting backbone. Someone who would bend at the mere breath he gave was useless in comparison.
The advisors today had not met Hakuno yet, but they knew that he had brought a woman into the palace. Their hands were wringing, their eyes were darting to him and the clay being nearby.
He had ordered his wedding to be arranged.
However, they did not know the woman or her lineage for this affair.
The result was simple: They doubted him.
“My king,” the latest presenter announced. “This is my daughter, from the clutches of Ishtar’s temple, I’ve retrieved her for becoming a wife to you. She’s wise, wise enough to know how to please a man and keep your bed warm. The wedding could be right before the one you are holding soon for that outsider.”
“How boring.”
Gilgamesh glanced over to Enkidu, earning a small nod.
“Take the woman back to her temple before the gods get angered. This is a waste of my time. I have no desire to waste my time on a woman that can barely show any sign of allure let alone-“
The doors were opening.
“Ah, Hakuno’s finally back,” Enkidu murmured somewhere near his seat.
The woman had quite the entrance.
The robes that she’d been adorned in were of the same colors as his own. Her necklaces shifted here and there, falling into the valley of her chest as she strolled forward. The kohl to protect her eyes seemed to do nothing more than make her features more obviously foreign.
Siduri walked at her side, holding a few tablets in hand and grinning whilst she talked to the woman quietly. Whatever distaste she had held for Hakuno was gone, replaced with a slight flush to the woman’s face and a glowing expression that would have had him questioning her had Hakuno not already become his in body.
Yet, neither Siduri nor Hakuno’s appearance were what drew a hundred eyes to stare at her in shock.
It was Hakuno’s audacity.
Hakuno marched right passed those speaking, mounting the steps before his throne and up to where he stood. She leaned up, her arms wrapping around his shoulders and pulling him in.
Lips pressed to his own.
He wasn’t sure what had brought this about, but…
She’s nothing if not entertaining.
Gilgamesh pulled her flush against himself, feeling the warmth of her person against him. She made a small sound, probably missed by most, before clinging to him further.
“Leave us,” Gilgamesh managed to get out.
The chamber was emptying. Siduri was ushering those out who had no business here now. The suitor was going, alongside her father. He could sense the advisors hesitating, their robes in his peripheral vision.
“Gentlemen,” Siduri greeted. “May I present Hakuno to you all? She is the woman that our king has chosen for his queen consort and the woman whom Ninsun herself has claimed as her daughter.”
He had to pull back, finding his mother’s talisman amongst the jewelry around Hakuno’s neck.
So she had liked her huh…
“Ninsun told me to call her mom,” Hakuno murmured to him.
That… was surprising.
His mother was not one to take to people. He’d expected complaints. He’d half expected to find Hakuno mounting the steps in outrage and declaring that she would win Ninsun over somehow. She wouldn’t take no for an answer. If anything, his mother would have solidified weeks of entertaining attempts to win her over.
Instead, the woman had placed a protection necklace around her and had told her to call her mom.
Perhaps his mother was aging.
Doubtful, but he could think of no other reason his mother would be so desperate to protect Hakuno that she would place such an amulet around Hakuno’s neck.
He’d need to speak to his mother later.
“She has been claimed by Ninsun?!”
The group of elders stared at her in astonishment, earning a look from Hakuno.
Once again, she was being unpredictable.
“My mother-in-law was kind enough to give me her blessing and tell me to remain close to the palace. Is there something wrong with that?”
It was a good way to show backbone and a good way to make those against her fall silent. However, he noted a couple holding their hands carefully. Devoted to Ishtar, they had no doubt been told to find him someone close to her.
“If she has accepted you, then that is that,” one told them simply.
The others nodded, chiming in their agreements.
“Excellent,” Hakuno smiled at them. “Then-“
At her pause, Gil glanced to her.
“Sorry, I felt a little off again.” She shook her head, her confident mask back up in full force. “Since that’s done, I’ll be working with Siduri in the offices. I’ll look forward to working with you all.”
He found himself kissed again, the woman holding his necklaces before she walked herself straight back to the doors.
…How boring.
Enkidu was hurrying after her, leaving him with Siduri now. The advisors were dispersing, no doubt to speak of what had occurred. The great king had found a woman with enough spine to temper him. It was news that no corner of Uruk would be lacking the knowledge of by nightfall.
“She heard, didn’t she?”
“She was a bit upset at hearing them call her an outsider and offer their daughter as a better choice,” Siduri confirmed. “She took one look at the guards averting their gaze from her and decided to act.”
“And what did she mean by off again?”
Siduri shook her head. “I’m not sure, but Ninsun’s priests told me that under no circumstances is she to leave the palace again. I was told to inform you to boost the defenses.”
That had been in process already, but why would his mother wish for such a thing?
She was not one for protecting loved ones. She knew better than to worry herself about others’ health. When he had been risking his life, she simply threatened Enkidu to do better. When his father had gone to war, she had waved him off with a hand and told him to come back to give her more children.
Giving Hakuno an amulet that showed her favor of her was strange.
The whole situation was strange. She wasn’t gaining anything from helping Hakuno. Why would she be…
The lions were migrating towards the doors now, their low murmurs of hunger and wishing to play in the gardens ringing in his ears.
Kitten needs to hurry up.
“Siduri,” Gilgamesh rubbed at his head. “Which one of the damn lionesses is pregnant?”
“They’re grumbling,” he complained.
“The apsu that looked at them the other week said none of them were.” Siduri glanced over to them. “I suppose I could call one again, but I don’t think they’re being any louder than usual, my king.”
“Siduri, take Hakuno to my chambers to work.”
He was already heading for the door, moving towards the front of the palace. “Do not, under any circumstances, allow Hakuno to leave the palace, do you understand?”
He headed down the stairs as fast as he could, his mind revolving around what this could mean. If true, then he had more beef with Ishtar. If true, he truly needed to stop the woman before she did anything further.
There was one thing his mother would defend to the death: heirs.
It was why she threatened Enkidu often. It was why she had stopped caring as much about his father’s life after he had been born. His kingdom was secure with a person to ascend to the throne. Had Ishtar not been the patron goddess, he had no doubt in his mind that his mother would have been the patron goddess.
He threw the doors open to her temple, finding the priests falling back in surprise.
The woman adorned in blue looked up, her feet currently propped on a small pillow for a good rubbing.
“Gilgamesh, what brings you here?”
“She’s pregnant, isn’t she?”
The small smile on her face was barely hidden by her hand. Ninsun waved her priests away, pressing her feet lightly to the floor before she stood up.
“She’s very different from the women that I have seen come here to pray to be yours,” his mother replied. “She has a mind, one that has much broader knowledge than I had expected.”
“Is she?”
His mother moved forth, stepping before him and lifting his face to look up at hers. The woman was unnaturally tall, unerringly attractive. It was little wonder his father had picked her, but all he could see was just another pretty face when he looked to her.
“Mother,” he tried again.
“I used a bit of power to see into her open mind,” she told him. “Morning sickness, a heavier chest, a more pronounced hunger; I saw her morning and understood the meaning. You’ve done well, far better than the gods had told me you would manage.”
He felt his knees give way, his eyes staring up into those so much like his own.
“You were such a pretty thing. Do you know how deep that love of hers goes?” His mother laughed, kneeling down to keep that close contact. “I felt it, like a golden chain around my heart. If anyone hurt you, she would go wild. If anyone took you, her heart would break into pieces. You’re so deep into her spirit now that forgetting you would mean forgetting all of herself. She would be no more than an empty vessel.”
Such nonsense. There was no such thing as an adoration that deep.
“Do you not believe me? How would she react if those advisors of yours brought another woman for you?”
They already had.
Gilgamesh stared at the woman, his mind blanking at the memory.
“You are so simple,” his mother cooed, brushing at his hair. “So very simple. This will be so entertaining. I want the barrier around the palace increased. Do not let her leave the palace. Marriage ceremonies can be on the palace steps. In fact, it may help to let all see her.”
What did he even do with heirs?
There would be noise and crying and-
What was he supposed to do with an heir?!
“You should make an offering for Ishtar,” his mother murmured.
“Take it to her temple and give it to the priests.”
He couldn’t do that.
Ishtar had tried to put Hakuno in her deathbed. She had left the woman lying uselessly in a public toilet and had assumed that she herself could still claim him.
When he had rejected her, she’d turned him into a beast and thrown him into another world.
“She is still the patron goddess,” his mother reminded him. “Fortify your defenses and make an offering. If not for you, then for her.”
He wouldn’t.
The gods did not dictate who would do what and when. They held no control, considering that he had brought Hakuno back and he had helped to aid her healing with his own strength and that of Enkidu’s. He wasn’t going to let Ishtar know that his child was coming.
“I need to return to Hakuno.”
His mother earned her hug, her kisses for being of his own blood. He laughed with her for a moment as she recommended names, but he pulled himself from her temple.
His feet felt numb.
He, himself, felt numb. The world around him was alive and bustling. His people were waving and he had to force himself to give waves here and there as he went, but he didn’t stop.
For once, he ascended back into the ziggurat and followed the path he had taken a good few hundred women back to his chambers. He opened the door to his room, finding Hakuno cuddled on the bed with a half dozen of his lions.
“Gil!” Enkidu grinned as they motioned over to Hakuno. “I think the lions have found a new favorite. They’ve been cuddling Hakuno.”
“Enkidu, leave us for a moment.”
Hakuno looked up, frowning.
“I’m going,” the being pat his shoulder. “I need to take some of these tablets to Siduri anyway. Hakuno can’t read all of them yet and was needing my help to translate them to her language, but it may be faster to just let Siduri handle them for now.”
“She’ll learn in the next few months.”
Enkidu nodded, heading from the room.
“What’s wrong?” Hakuno asked.
He moved forward, watching that frown growing. The woman’s eyes were searching his face, her body sitting up a little more.
“Did you know?”
“About this?” He motioned at her, earning a heavy sigh and a hand running through her hair.
“I didn’t know that the lions would like me at all, but I’ve never necessarily been bad with animals. I tend to just leave them be, but your lions are the cuddliest cats- other than you.”
“I’m not talking about the lions.”
“You just pointed at them.”
“I was not pointing at the lions.”
Hakuno glanced down before she shook her head. “Then I don’t know what you’re talking about, Gil. What’s going on-“
“The baby.”
“Yes, the one you have growing in you.”
Hakuno stared at him. Those brown eyes were wide and that scowl was stronger than ever.
She hadn’t known.
The woman had no idea that she had been- which meant he was the first out of the two of them to figure it out.
“There’s no way I’m pregnant. There would be obvious signs. I’d be missing cycles…” She paused, shaking her head after a second. “plus the whole time jump would mess up my counting so I’m sure I’m not-“
“The lions cuddle you and say kitten.”
“The lions are overly friendly.”
“They ate a man the day before I disappeared.”
Hakuno glanced at the lions a moment before looking to him skeptically.
“Shall we go down to the city to see? I’m sure there’s a criminal deserving down there.”
“Gil, I’m not pregnant. I’d be gaining a stomach.”
“It’s early. These things take months to fully develop.”
“Who told you that I was?”
“My mother did.”
Hakuno groaned, pulling one of the lions closer. “She may just be wishful thinking-“
“She’s a goddess, Hakuno.”
“Gilgamesh, we slept together only a couple times. I haven’t-“
He yanked her to him, tired of this.
The woman would figure it out sooner or later. She would understand the meaning of her morning illness and she would realize what she had done. She had to take responsibility now. Claiming him so forthright, allowing herself to welcome so much of him into her life and then daring to spawn another generation.
He pulled back to breathe a moment before he was climbing onto the bed, kissing her again.
She didn’t resist. No, she held him just as tight as ever, her legs seeming to part just for him. The lions were grumbling, moving from the bed, leaving him to have her for himself. He could hear the mutterings, but right now he wanted to entertain himself.
“You fool,” he growled, laughing softly. “You fell in love with me.”
“You know this already,” she complained.
He did, but he wanted to hear it again. The way his mother had described it had been all too great. Would she really lose all of herself at the loss of him? Was she truly that smitten?
“Gil, am I pregnant or are you just trying to make it so?”
His laugh grew louder, his forehead pressing to hers.
She was clinging to him, with him not holding her at all.
“I have only seen children in the kingdom. I don’t know about rearing them. I’ve helped my lions give birth, but my knowledge of people doing so…”
“What about Ishtar?”
“I’ll deal with her.”
He stole her lips away, watching her wane. His mother had been right. It was foolish to argue when she always was. And that, combined with his good fortune, led him to this.
Hakuno was already looking at him with darkened eyes. Her arms were pulling him in further. The plain fool, claiming a king in this manner.
She was lucky she was so entertaining.
She was lucky that she could pull such interesting expressions when she looked to him.
She was lucky that she could manage to stir such strong responses from him when she touched and held him in her arms.
She was so incredibly lucky, he thought as he pulled those robes down her body and bore her naked person to his eyes. He all but purred as she shivered beneath him. His tongue ran right up from her navel, sending his name escaping her lips once again.
“The tablets,” Hakuno tried to remind him. “There’s work-“
“No one will expect them today.” Gilgamesh pulled his robes from his person, tossing them off the bed as he looked down at the woman beneath him. “I’ll make you loud enough that it will be obvious where the rest of my day will be spent.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Her shouts were louder than ever in his chambers. He held her hips and sent her over the edge so much that the flush to her cheeks would probably be permanent. Those lips rained down upon him, fighting desire with desire.
No one came for them.
It was very clear why.
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sammy24682468 · 4 years
Nehemiah   Lesson 2
"Memory Text: “So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven. And I said: ‘I pray, Lord God of heaven, O great and awesome God, You who keep Your covenant and mercy with those who love You and observe Your commandments’ ” (Nehemiah 1:4, 5, NKJV)."
"To date, two groups of captives have returned to Judah in at least partial fulfillment of God’s promises to the Hebrew nation.But there is one more company of exiles that God is preparing. The last group of captives is commissioned to fix a problem. Although the first two groups returned to rebuild Jerusalem and to complete part of that project by finishing the temple, the rest of the construction was abandoned as opposition from the surrounding nations arose. The people from the surrounding area didn’t want the Israelites to build the city and its walls because they were afraid that the Israelites might become a mighty nation as they had once been (Ezra 4:6-24). Thus, the return of the Israelites appeared to be a threat, one that they were determined to stop. But God didn’t call His people in order to abandon them in the process of doing what He had called them to do."
"Thus, He was preparing another man to carry out His will and to accomplish His purposes. His name was Nehemiah, and to him and his work for the Lord we turn."
"The book of Nehemiah opens somewhat in the same way the book of Daniel did (read Dan. 1:1, 2), and that was with bad news. Yes, many had returned to their ancestral homeland, but things weren’t going too well for them there."
"Read Nehemiah 1:1-4. Why was Nehemiah so distressed? What was his response to the bad news he received?"
"Some Jews taken captive years earlier were brought to Shushan, one of the four administrative centers of the Persian Empire, where Nehemiah served in the royal palace as a cupbearer. The term used for “Hanani one of my brothers” most likely refers to a blood brother, because there is a similar but more familial-sounding reference to Hanani in Nehemiah 7:2, although it could be a reference to just a fellow Israelite. The conversation with Hanani most likely happened between mid-November and mid-December of 445 b.c., some 13 years after Ezra’s return to Jerusalem. Hanani reports that the situation in Jerusalem is dire. The people have not been able to rebuild Jerusalem, and the enemy had destroyed the walls of the city, leaving it defenseless and desolate."
"It bears mention that King Artaxerxes crushed the hope of the returnees by stopping the progress of the construction after the people beyond the river complained (Ezra 4). This allowed the enemies to destroy the walls of the city (Ezra 4:23). Nehemiah would have heard rumors of such disaster, but he didn’t have definite answers until this time."
"Even though the temple was rebuilt, it wasn’t fully functioning because the people needed for the temple service were unable to live in Jerusalem. The situation saddened Nehemiah as the implications of the news penetrated his soul: the Jews had not glorified God even though they had returned for that purpose. Instead, they had neglected the house of God and the Holy City, because of their fear of the enemy and oppression."
"Thus, Nehemiah automatically turns to God. He doesn’t complain that the people of Judah lack faith or put them down as cowards, nor does he just accept the situation as the status quo. Nehemiah just gets down on his knees and starts praying and fasting."
"Read Nehemiah’s prayer found in Nehemiah 1:5-11. What are the dif­ ferent components of the prayer? Why does he include himself in the prayer as those who are guilty?"
"1. God, You are great and have mercy (Neh. 1:5).  2. Hear me (Neh. 1:6).   3. Confession of sins (Neh. 1:6, 7). 4. Remember Your promises (Neh. 1:8, 9).   3. You have redeemed us (Neh. 1:10).  2. Hear me (Neh. 1:11). 1. God, grant prosperity and mercy (Neh. 1:11)."
"Nehemiah’s prayer is a beautiful composition recounting God’s greatness, their own sinfulness, and concluding with a cry for help. The prayer resembles the prayer of Daniel in Daniel 9, and it is possible that Nehemiah was familiar with that prayer. It is noteworthy that Nehemiah doesn’t begin with a cry for help, but rather first states the truth about who God is, great and awesome. He also points out that God keeps His covenant and has mercy on those who love Him, as if to remind God that He has always been faithful and cannot now be any other way."
"The prayer is in a special structure (depicted above) that centers on verse 8, where Nehemiah articulates God’s promises. Nehemiah says: “Remember!” In other words: Remember, God, that You promised that You will scatter us when we are unfaithful but that You also promised to bring us back and restore everything. Since the first one has happened, now it is time to fulfill the other because we are returning to You. Nehemiah is not afraid to claim God’s promises and to remind God of them. Of course, it is not that God doesn’t know or remember His promises. Instead, God takes pleasure in our willingness to claim His promises. He wants us to believe in them and thus speak them out loud to Him. By verbalizing what God has promised us, we can be strengthened in our own resolve to trust in those promises, especially at times when everything seems hopeless."
Nehemiah speaks out:
"Nehemiah 1:11 says that Nehemiah is the king’s cupbearer. To us this may seem like an unimportant job, but cupbearers could be men of powerful influence, since they had constant and close access to the king. Cupbearers tasted beverages for the king in order to prevent illness or death of the king. Herodotus points out that the Persians held cupbearers in high honor, as they were regarded as high officials. For instance, the cupbearer of the Assyrian king Esarhaddon also was the chief minister of the kingdom. Thus, Nehemiah holds a high position in the kingdom, and because of his access to the king, he pleads with God to use him in speaking to the king about the situation in Judah."
"Read Nehemiah 2:1-8. What happened as a result of Nehemiah’s prayers and fasting?"
"The prayer is answered in the month of Nisan, which is roughly the month of April of 444 b.c. Four months have passed since Hanani and the Jews brought the disturbing news about Jerusalem to Nehemiah. For four months, Nehemiah prayed and fasted, and every day it might have seemed to him as if God were not answering. But God’s timing is always perfect. God prepared the king to hear Nehemiah and to respond favorably."
"It was not an everyday occurrence to have the cupbearer relieved of his duties for a time to be a governor in a different land. God spoke through Nehemiah and impressed the Persian king Artaxerxes I to make Nehemiah a governor over the territory of Judah. The mention of the queen suggests that this was possibly a private occasion, as it was not customary for the queen always to be present for formal banquets. Nehemiah does not immediately mention Jerusalem, in order to keep the king from having preconceived ideas, but rather he makes an emotional appeal to the king about something personal to him. By the time the specific place is mentioned, the king has been won."
"The king sent letters with Nehemiah to Sanballat the Horonite and to Tobiah the Ammonite, the high officials of the region beyond the river, in order to pave the way for what Nehemiah was to accomplish. Additionally, the king commanded Asaph, the keeper of the king’s forest, to provide Nehemiah with all the timber necessary to rebuild the city, walls, and gates of the temple."
"Read Nehemiah 2:9, 10. What do these verses tell us about the opposi­tion Nehemiah and the Jews in general were going to face?"
"Nehemiah arrived in Jerusalem sometime in the second part of the year 444 b.c. Opposition appears to spring up even before Nehemiah attempts any action, as the request delivered to the governors stirs up problems. Although Tobiah is a Jewish name, which meant “the Lord is good” (his son Jehohanan also carried a Jewish name, “the Lord is gracious”), he served as a governor of Ammon. Thus, Jerusalem was surrounded by enemies: Sanballat, the governor of Samaria to the north; Tobiah, the governor of Ammon to the east; and Geshem, the Arab (Neh. 2:18, 19) to the south, who took hold of Edom and Moab. It is unfortunate that the leadership in that region shunned Nehemiah for being concerned about the “well-being” of the oppressed. Bullies don’t rejoice over the good fortune of those they intimidate."
"Nehemiah’s “arrival in Jerusalem, however, with a military escort, showing that he had come on some important mission, excited the jealousy of the heathen tribes living near the city, who had so often indulged their enmity against the Jews by heaping upon them injury and insult. Foremost in this evil work were certain chiefs of these tribes, Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian. From the first these leaders watched with critical eyes the movements of Nehemiah and endeavored by every means in their power to thwart his plans and hinder his work.”—Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, p. 635."
Nehemiah prepares for his task.
"No question, the Lord had called Nehemiah to this task and would provide all that he would need. Armed with the knowledge of God’s promises and the certainty of the call by God, Nehemiah proceeded. But he moved ahead carefully and prayerfully. In other words, even though he knew God was with him, this knowledge didn’t keep him, basically, from thinking through what he would do."
"Read Nehemiah 2:11-20. What does Nehemiah do to prepare for the project of rebuilding the wall?"
"Leadership Lessons: Lesson 1—Nehemiah does not tell anyone what the plans are that “God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem” (Neh. 2:12). Not only does he not tell the enemy, but he keeps it from the Jewish leaders, as well. He is on a scouting mission to figure out what needs to be done. Lesson 2—Before presenting anything, Nehemiah does his homework and plans out all the work that will be required. Lesson 3—When he does speak of the task, Nehemiah first outlines what God has done so far to lead this expedition, and then he adds the words of the king. He encourages before he asks for commitment. It is nothing short of a miracle that the Jews respond so favorably and decide to build, despite the resistance that will come. God had prepared not only the king through Nehemiah’s prayers and fasting but also the Jewish people, so that they respond boldly and courageously."
"Read Nehemiah 2:19, 20. What do these verses tell us about Nehemiah’s faith? How might texts such as Deuteronomy 7:9, Psalm 23:1-6, and Numbers 23:19 have helped Nehemiah?"
"Our conversations demonstrate who we are and what we truly believe. Nehemiah tends to speak uplifting words. He is not afraid to include God in all that he says and to glorify Him as well, even when people jeer and laugh at him. Even though Nehemiah knows the contempt the enemies feel toward them, he doesn’t mince words or leave God out of the conversation. Like Joseph in Egypt many years earlier, Nehemiah is not afraid to promote his God among people who do not believe in Him."
"Nehemiah was a man of prayer: “Nehemiah had often poured out his soul in behalf of his people. But now as he prayed a holy purpose formed in his mind. He resolved that if he could obtain the consent of the king, and the necessary aid in procuring implements and material, he would himself undertake the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and restoring Israel’s national strength. And he asked the Lord to grant him favor in the sight of the king, that this plan might be carried out. ‘Prosper, I pray Thee, Thy servant this day,’ he entreated, ‘and grant him mercy in the sight of this man.’ Four months Nehemiah waited for a favorable opportunity to present his request to the king.” —Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, pp. 629, 630."
"•  Neither Ezra nor Nehemiah could have accomplished anything without the help of the king. In other words, these men of God worked in cooperation with the political authorities, who were pagans, as well. What lesson can we draw from this about when and how we as a church can work with the political powers that be, whoever they are? At the same time, when doing so, why must the church be very careful?"
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract [M] - Chapter 1
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 1 - Changmin’s POV.
“Thanks everyone for your attention today, English class is over.”
He yawned lightly and stretched his long limbs, scraping the chair back and then got to his feet. Grabbing his notebook and pens, Changmin placed them in his bag he unhooked from the hanger on the side of the desk and then watched as his fellow friends left the room. Only one person remained and he approached her from behind, a sly smile playing upon his lips. She turned just as he reached her desk and rolled her eyes at him.
“Go to practice Changmin,” she ordered in her accented Korean and he grinned.
“Aren’t you the least bit interested in what I have to say?”
She shook her head, a mass of caramel curls danced along with her action. Changmin chuckled, placing his hands on the desk and leaning over. She glanced at him and sighed heavily, admitting defeat. He had learnt his dark eyes had the ability to get even his closest friends to give him the time of the day. Standing up straight, she folded her arms across her chest. “Hurry up with it then, I don’t want to get scolded by your manager again for holding up your schedule. Which by the way, seems to be your loitering problem rather than my insufficient time keeping, Shim Changmin.”
“Kaia, my time is precious don’t you remember? And I choose to spend it around you.”
“And why I don’t even know. Must be my exotic looks eh?” she retorted with a scoff, turning her back to him once again and picking up the whiteboard duster.
Stepping around the desk, Changmin ceased the vigorous movement of her arm and held her wrist. She gave him an expectant look with her amber hued eyes and he loosened his grasp on her. “I have dance practice for an hour and then I’m free. Want to come over and re-challenge my score?”
Kaia smirked, dropping her arm away from the board and turning towards him. “Your score? I’m pretty sure I annihilated you.”
“I was going easy on you, gender difference and all.”
Her golden eyes grew warmer and he smiled, she was definitely keen. “Let me show you just how inferior boys can be then. You’re on. Shall I wait for you in the car park after I’m done here?”
“I’ll be an hour max,” he confirmed and headed towards the door.
“Shim Changmin, the moment you are on time after practice is when I step into a parallel universe,” she called out to his retreating back and he shot her a grin over his shoulder, raising his hand in farewell. Jogging up the stairs to the practice room, he felt re-energised after his long day at work.
Ever since Kaia Ashton had taken over the part-time English tutoring at S.M. Entertainment seven months previous, Changmin seemed to enjoy the fresh breath of air into an otherwise suffocating routine of practice, promoting and jet setting around the world. Although he loved his job as a member of TVXQ, one of the most sought for singing groups across Asia, he had been in the career for a long time. He watched as trainees filled the place he had once been and waited for the opportunity to share the stage with them. It had been an especially trying year so far, ever since three of the original members had left the group. Only he and Yunho remained and they had to carry the burden of an entire successful career on the shoulders of two men instead of five. They had risen to the challenge, although it came with stress and a lot of hard work. It was slowly paying off, but Changmin knew it was only just the beginning.
Kaia remedied the exhaustion he had been experiencing. It had been a long time since he had found himself entirely uninhibited around a person who he barely knew, and especially with being a foreigner, Changmin hadn’t expected such a good friendship to emerge from the two hour lesson in English each week. When she first arrived, most of the SM artists had tried to get her attention, like a new toy in a kindergarten classroom. He had been unable to contribute in the conversations some of his friends had partaken in, not seeing Kaia as a woman of interest. Even Kyuhyun from Super Junior had enrolled for English lessons, and Changmin was certain his knowledge on the language and ability to pronounce English words weren’t playing a factor in his interest.
“Late, again,” he heard as he came rushing into the appropriate studio room and Changmin skidded to a stop, bowing lightly at his manager.
“I’m sorry.” Bowing again, he dumped his bag down and went over to the other man in the room who appeared exhausted. Yunho shot him a weak smile as Changmin fell into position beside him. Cringing slightly at the body language Yunho had just used, he looked over at his bag wondering when he’d get the opportunity to send a text to Kaia.
She wouldn’t be stepping into any parallel universe tonight.
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“Three hours!” she complained for the umpteenth time as they entered his bedroom later that evening, Kaia dumping her purse on the bean bag chair in the corner and instantly climbing up onto the huge bed. Changmin went over to the television that took up half the far wall and turned it on; inserting the sports game they had been challenging each other on for the past two weeks. “I sat there like an idiot. Security asked me twice if I was a fan, even after I showed them my I.D card. Why do I always give you the benefit of the doubt?”
“Because one day I’ll eventually be on time and you’ll be the first to experience it,” he teased lightly but the British girl merely glared at him. He pouted, hoping to soften the expression. “I’ll make it up to you.”
“Don’t go easy on me,” she instructed as the game loaded up, and she chose to play tennis, a light groan leaving Changmin’s mouth. She glanced at him. “What? Want me to put on Heartstrings instead? You know I am forever missing out on my favourite shows because of you.”
“Why watch a silly drama?” he stated as he started hitting the buttons on the controller in his hand, the sounds of her own tapping joining in. “I don’t get why you get so hung up on it.”
“Yet you made a huge deal over making sure I saw Paradise Ranch, Changmin.”
He smirked. “Does Heartstrings have your best friend in it?”
“No but it does have someone highly attractive,” Kaia bit back, laughing triumphantly as she won the first match.
Changmin huffed and started hitting the buttons harder. “Your obsession with Jung Yonghwa is-”
“Don’t even go there!” she intervened, hitting the ball in the game with rapid speed into the opposite corner he had been anticipating. Changmin had to secretly admit that his lack of ability in actual sports was just as bad as his virtual attempts. He didn’t want to tell her this though; frustrated with how many games she had beat him in since knowing the girl.
“Why not? You are such a fangirl. Ugh.”
“You have serious issues, Min.” As the match completed again, she turned to look at him. “You have the love and support from all Cassiopeia and even your Mother has to tell you to be more respectful of said fangirls.”
“I just wish they didn’t all think of me like you do Yonghwa.”
“Excuse me?”
He nudged the girl and smirked. “You wish to be the girl he sings about.”
“Let me remind again, you there are thousands of girls who wish to be that for you.”
“Eh, like I have time to date,” he replied mindlessly, turning back to the game. Kaia faltered for a moment and Changmin let out a cheer as he finally won a match.
“Do you ever want to?”
He shrugged.
“What is that meant to mean?” she probed and dropped her controller altogether. “Are you, not that interested in girls?”
“What?!” Changmin asked in horror, watching as her pale skin reddened with her hearty laughter. “Hey, don’t joke about those kinds of things. Of course I do, I just haven’t met anyone who is worth fighting for. In case you haven’t noticed yet, it’s kind of hard to date when you’re as famous as I am. I’m amazed no one has written stories about us yet. Shim Changmin likes milk not caramel, oh the scandal!”
Kaia shoved him playfully and then looked at him with curious eyes. He disliked it when she got this way, knowing much like his own effect, her topaz gaze could get any answer out of him that she requested. He pretended to ignore the look, motioning to her forgotten controller.
“Pick it up or I’ll win by default.”
“Is there anyone you like?”
“Not really.”
“You and I are good friends now Min. I feel like I’ve known you forever. You know about my Yonghwa cru-”
“Everyone who knows you well enough is aware of that,” he chortled and winced as she slapped his lower arm. “Ow!”
“Surely there’s a girl out there that you like?”
Changmin shook my head. He was being honest. He liked girls, especially pretty ones, but he hadn’t really been looking in that kind of manner. Glancing at the curly haired girl, she regarded his expression before picking up her controller again. She smiled to herself and he frowned. “What?”
“I just remembered you can only have one true love in life, and you already have that.”
“You are ridiculous, what are you talking about?”
Kaia glanced at him, unable to control a pre-emptive giggle. “Your avid affair with food. If the refrigerator was a woman, I’m pretty sure you’d marry it.”
“YAH!” he cried as her infectious laughter boomed around the room. He poked her arm and then pointed at the controller in her hand. “Pay attention, I am so going to kick your butt now!”
Part 2
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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Intertextuality: In the life of the Kardashians
Writing is one of humankind's most primal methodologies of dissemination of information and communication. Cavemen (and women) used a type of symbolic writing, known as ‘pictographs’, to display drawings of the animals they hunted as well as the ceremonies they would partake in. Despite ‘pictographs’ not entirely embodying the writing we know now, the 40-50,000 BC scripture triggered the movement towards alphabetic interaction.
Moving slightly further ahead in time, the increasing accessibility for reading and writing materials began the evolution of technology. Charles Babbage introduced the world to digitalised media in the early 1800s when he constructed a machine which would solve his problems of calculations in mathematics. The introduction to ‘machine-readable formats’ was, unbeknown to Babbage, the beginning of a globalised phenomenon relied on by millions - but not for the same numeric calculations it was once intended for...
Inventions such as the Smartphone, have broadened our abilities to consume and access information. Since Primary School, I can remember delving into the realms of digital media platforms from as early as 7 years old. Children are brought up with access to phones, iPads and laptops for entertainment, educational and distraction purposes - so nowadays when eating at your favourite restaurant in town, there is no longer an element of shock when spectating a nearby family with children all scrolling and tapping on seperate devices during their meal, due to the normality and natural occurrence of digitalisation. Our exposure to technology is so profuse that even babies are now taken on buses with iPads shoved under their noses, with the latest episode of Peppa Pig, whilst their mum sits scrolling through Facebook.
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The point is, we are all so exposed to the instantaneity of devices that we are losing touch with the connectedness and sentimentality with the true mediums of word. Newspaper articles are no longer desired as a tangible purchase because now, with a few taps on a screen, we can receive the latest news updates on our phones or tablets. Subsequently, the purchasing of hardback books are in a general global decline, reporting to have decreased by 3.4% in 2018 defined by the influx of the digital alternative, the Kindle, experiencing sales between 20 to 90 million over the course of the last decade (Amazon). The concept of a technological takeover suggests that consumers are favouring the practical and transportable methods of reading over the traditional process of turning a page.
In addition’, the crave for platforms which require the least effort suggests the presence of a lazy generation. Instead of having to search through a library to find a suitably informative book, the internet has allowed for access to instantaneous facts and figures provided and suggested to you. Google is the most actively used search engine with 3.5 billion searches per day. This method of consuming information outlines a contagious dependency which we ALL rely on for immediate gratification - this is rather than reaching for a book, requiring incomparably more effort to gage the desired information. Through the accessibility to the internet, digital media has allowed for the growth of knowledge and intellect, such as the input of a read-write web. Most apps downloadable on tablets rely on the concept of expression for users to exercise its domains to suit their requirements. For example, Twitter allows for users to post and interact their thoughts and feelings within the conversational networking site, but in some cases, the app may be used by one person as a freedom of speech and for another it could be used for a less self-indulgent platform - like job searching or news articles through the connectivity of a #hashtag. 
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In basic terms, we all roam the domains of the internet with different intentions and yet we can all identify with the purpose to either share, support or be inspired by our searched information. The internet is a space for consumption, growth and reflection caused by the involvement we are now provided with when being able to influence online content. The internet provides a variety of input through the ability to share and comment on sites inviting feedback. Despite this being an invitation towards intellectual and challenging conversations made more approachable through online networking and connectedness, it can also be manipulated by critics and trolls seeking to implode judgement on unsuspecting individuals. The freedom of a read-write web has been recently made into a potentially dangerous world of forced judgement and unexplainable hatred by mostly anonymous and fake accounts.
Due to the globalisation of the internet, such outcomes as intertextuality have evolved as a product of the progression in the lack of unique content (often receiving negative backlash). Intertextuality allows for repetition and relational material to be understood as a complimentary embodiment of an original, featuring and interpreting artworks of differentiability or historicality. With the internet now 45 years young, activated in 1969, it is unlikely that the content discoverable nowadays hasn’t been neither influenced nor inspired by anaphoric textuality. This has made public figures less admirable when their work is comparable to previous editions - intentional or not. Cases of intertextuality are common simply due to the earth being old. Bluntly, it is 4.543 billion years old so the assumption that content created nowadays is unique and never been done before, is impossible. The difference is that now - with the permanence of online sources - we can refer to previous postings to consider reconstructions as examples of either intertextuality, the remix culture or just plain copyright.
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To demonstrate intertextuality, I feel it’s justifiable to use the Kardashian-Jenner family as a true modernist representation due to their constant presence in the media. The Kardashians are undoubtedly one of the most influential families in the world so therefore impact a lot of online media coverage. With the concept of intertextuality proclaiming as a hot topic in their recent years of fame, certain Kardashian members have demonstrated the extreme reactions provoked when photoshoots and campaigns merely infer historicality. Their gross level of fame make it difficult to decide whether the headlines attached to certain articles are justifiable, like does it provoke the legitimate shock factor? Or is it simply just an opportunistic platform for critics to slander the Kardashians once again for no reason whatsoever? The problems arise when intertextuality is no longer received as a complementation of inspiration, but rather proof of a lack of imagination and injustice to the original structure.
So let’s begin.
Kendall Jenner. Racist? Or just an unfortunate victim of an intertextual failure? Not many of us might recognise her campaign with Pepsi-cola, as it was pulled from tv after only 24 hours due to the outrage and dismay caused amongst the public. The advert saw Kendall abandon her fashion shoot when a protest catches her eye, so randomly decides to approach one of the more attractive police officers by handing him a bottle of Pepsi - as you do. When the advert aired, viewers complained about the uncanny resemblance between the Pepsi ‘Live For Now’ ad and both the Black Lives Matter movement and the 1960 Civil Rights Marches. 
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Now, it could be suggested that there isn’t much similarity between the Pepsi campaign and the Civil Rights movement, nor does the peace offering of a Pepsi can hold much resemblance to the marches activated almost 6 decades previous to Jenners acting debut. However, when considering the bigger picture of the intertextual nature of the campaign (almost certainly inspired by the concept of the Civil Rights protests) the influence upon the storyline of the advert is undeniable. Due to the reinvention of the iconic movement which helped shape history for black Americans, it is not surprising that the reception of a supremely white female fixing a protest due to a can of Pepsi infuses an element of mockery within the intertextualisation between the two events. Black Rights campaigners such as Color of Change, an American group that campaigns to “end practices that unfairly hold Black people back,” branding online that Kendall’s actions “appropriated our pain and struggle” which was implied due to the similarity of settings.
I mean, Kendall Jenner might not be a racist and I’m not insinuating that she is but the branding of the Pepsi-cola campaign certainly raises a few eyebrows for what she actually expected to happen after mocking history.
The reception of intertextuality is determined by the viewing public and relies on their interpretations and overall power. Despite the creative process being intended as an aesthetically pleasing representation of an original artwork and rather paying tribute than mocking or redirecting it’s initial intentions, the line between a well received repetition of a construct and one that is not, often hangs in the balance of the finer details. To explore this let’s use the mishaps of another Kardashian.
Here we go again...
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Kim Kardashian West. Arguably the most famous Kardashian due to her inability to stay out of the public eye for more than five minutes. She married a famous rap artist and then proceeded to have 3 beautiful children, so it was only a matter of time before she shoved one of them in front of the camera. At the age of 5, North West has already posed alongside Kim as they channelled America’s late First Lady, Jackie Kennedy Onassis, for an interview and magazine shoot. When addressing the influence of Kennedy on the Kardashian, it’s assumptive that Kims desire to imitate a stronger and more desirable individual as the images create relationships and forges likenesses between herself and the First Lady. North West’s inclusion exercises the freedom of intertextuality as the photoshoot takes inspiration from a public figure and aims to deploy an interpretation instead of copying their exact iconic images. The photoshoot of Kim Kardashian West and her daughter embody the relativity between Jackie Kennedy’s appearance but engages intertexualisation when capturing the style of Kennedy through their own style of expression.
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When cross-examining the impact of a read-write web and the growing influence of intertextuality, the Kardashian/Kennedy photoshoot demonstrates how it can all go so wrong. When the shoot was published the hype it created was nothing to do with the beauty and charm of the images, but surrounding the Kardashian herself somewhat altering her appearance to match her daughters. It is no surprise when looking at the Kardashian clan, that their figures are not only arguably more curvaceous than your average white woman but also the rapid progression of their hourglass shapes developing unnaturally fast. Despite the obvious bum implants, rib-removal and liposuction of the middle Kardashian, it was her ‘black facing’ that made the internet go crazy and begin to brand the family as ‘culture vultures’. Caused by the accessibility of the public to retweet, share and publish their opinions online, it comes as no surprise that celebrities are at the full front of the darker side of the internet, especially when Tweeters and Facebookers can attach previous slip ups of the same individual to provide a stronger attack through public shaming.
Intertextuality is a factor of which the Kardashian-Jenner family rely on for most of their inspiration. It’s not unusual though. Like many other public figures or influencers, their ideas all derive from something which previously triggered them to create their next clothing line or the storyline behind the lyrics of their new song. Most intertextual pathways for celebrities are financially motivated with the intention to impact the public, whether it be a new trend copied by fans or solely for the purpose of humour. The humour derived most recently, through the use of intertextuality, is Celeste Barber, an Instagram Comedian whose account blew up when she started recreating images of top models to entertain her followers and encourage a new platform of body confidence.
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mimicjapan · 4 years
   1: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:21:13 ID:BwQpxbbfp.net
After all Abe was excellent
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          3: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:21:30 ID:wUalXhjYp.net.
    4: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:21:33 ID:XDjKikser.net.
  It's not normally stone break.
  >>4 There is no gel.
>>4 Good morning.
>>4 Gogo again... This time, not straight upstairs, but going to pull Ishihaka into mother as a cover.
>>4 Let's run backwards on the road that Prime Minister Abe has advanced.
>>4 What kind of nerves are you groaning?.
  57: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:38 ID:EWlPbdyga.net.
A guy who isn't popular with lawmakers can't win.
  >>57 That's right. Although his belief is certain, he has no long-term ability in national politics.
>>57 It was said that Prime Minister Abe and the surroundings had consulted Kan at News Seven.
  659: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:35:38.90 ID:x86ibaOD0.net.
It would be an overwhelming victory for Ishiba if you let the party vote.
Abe desperately stopped him from doing so.
  >>659 Isn't it the opposite? Ishiba is a man with many enemies within the party.
>>659 Cheoncheonbaka Cheonbaka Cheoncheon w.
>>659 It is really easy to understand that this kind of lie is a stone break.
>>659 Gachi is a grass.
>>659 Well, can say that am so confident with just delusions.
>>659? ? ? Which country are you from?
>>659 No, talking about whether it's popular with the party members. It's just betrayal or shooting from behind from behind.
>>659 Then all the members of the Liberal Democratic Party will be able to throw stones after have been to Prime Minister Abe.
  6: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:21:46 ID:pSAZnBxed.net.
  Shinjiro 16% is grass.
  >>6 The lack of experience, the lack of knowledge, lack of knowledge, and the inability to read the air, are simply lacking experience points. don't know about it in the future
>>6 was most surprised that there were a certain number of people pushing that incompetence.
>>6 don't think there are so many fools who don't get disciplined even if they pay for shopping bags.
>>6 Notice of the destruction of Japan.
  7: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:21:48 ID:tRLU5Ki50.net.
  Kato grass.
    9: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:21:59 ID:DAVySo08p.net.
  Koizumi Why is it so expensive?
    438: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:31:25 ID: TMBUI6300.net.
Just the name an amateur knows.
  >>438 Koizumi Children.
  10: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:22:01 ID: fWVvmcixp.net.
  There is only a stone break.
  >>10 No. Because it’s Chinese and Korean compliant.
>>10 He hasn't done anything in the last seven years.
>>10 Yeah, a trillion war..
  79: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:24:20 ID:42jshNEo0.net.
If stone breaks, 15% consumption tax and 10 million immigrants will be unavoidable.
  >>79 That's right for Kan and Kono.
>>79 Which way will it happen anyway?
  454: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:31:46 ID:kQZZkt3n0.net.
Instead, anti-American anti-American rich country soldiers.
  >>454 don't accept immigrants, do not rely on Central America, and can do it only in Japan with a declining birthrate. Look at the sloppy reality.
>>454 Grass in the revival of the Japanese Empire.
>>454 Will we have another Pacific War?
>>454 wonder if Japan can do it either way.
>> Ishiba had been Imaku' complain to the 454 Xi Jinping state visit aborted the middle anti-laugh.
  544: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:33:36 ID:+OE7+2FVd.net.
Ishiba has been a consumption tax breaker for the past few years.
  >>544 After all Hosono and Nagashima are the next ones!
>>544 Koitsu's palm is the speed of light.
>>544 When become the prime minister, likely to be asked for it.
>>544 If you say so, it will be popular (not saying that you will reduce taxes)..
  15: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:22:13 ID:9seckO+E0.net.
  You can use a gel.
    16: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:22:17 ID:LPKg2Hl3a.net.
  Inadaboer What is it?.
    19: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:22:30 ID:G/QT6FV+0.net.
  Nai-san is the third fastest.
    26: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:22:42 ID:TR6yHyP10.net.
  Shinjiro Koizumi saw a scary thing.
    30: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:22:47 ID:TDSXX2P60.net.
  Sexy and yeah.
    34: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:22:56 ID:w7B8BMgA0.net.
  Shinjiro 16% is No. 1 hell.
    69: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:07 ID:tRLU5Ki50.net.
Even if can't do it this time, 'll let him wipe Abe's ass and improve the image of the Liberal Democrats, and then the railroad line that becomes the prime minister is being pulled.
    38: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12: 23:00 ID: UQA2usy30.net.
  Koizumi is a story.
  >>38 Do you think that? There are quite a lot of people who only look at the image on the upper side, and even when hear sexy statements, don't realize that stupid.
  43: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:12 ID:ZSL3pICI0.net.
  It's Shinjiro.
should let the young guy do it.
    47: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:17 ID:u2KCC+Xpa.net.
  It doesn't matter because the people do not choose it directly.
    50: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:19 ID:tIieiJ1F0.net.
  Shinjiro or one month.
    52: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:21 ID:2u9SOYD/p.net.
  You can use Ishiba.
    58: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:41 ID:RwyvW1srp.net.
  It's good to use a broken stone.
    62: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:53 ID: zyFGeCkC0.net.
  only afraid that Shinjiro has gathered 16 people.
  >>62 The logo of the Osaka Expo is dangerous.
  66: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:23:59 ID:EG3tQfTi0.net.
  However, it is the members of the Diet who decide the prime minister, not the people.
    70: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:08 ID:6nOgAIR/M.net.
  Shinjiro is No good.
What do you think?
    74: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:15 ID:uscyIpAcr.net.
  Abe 12% grass.
    117: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:25:12 ID:zZJfXgaH0.net.
Those who lose to Abe, including the worsening of chronic illnesses...
    80: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:21 ID:YffmP5Pep.net.
  It would be nice if Tanigaki was active...
    85: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:31 ID:5wnfdapP0.net.
  Even if the votes are collected like this, it's over.
  >>85 Matching w that telops and facial expressions can not be said.
>>85 like this.
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            89: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:38 ID:OQDvcv4r0.net.
  First, Ishiba can't be elected as president...
    92: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:40 ID:xEP09HMhd.net.
  Anything other than Ishiba and sexy.
  >>92 It is the answer that the left wing unanimously recommends Ishibashi This is the answer Stop sexy really seriously because this trash councilor who irresponsibly memorizes it wonder if there is enough room now to put such incompetence at the top If you become sexy with Ishiba, 'll be defeated by the Liberal Democratic Party and the nightmare of Mins will be over.
  98: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:24:49 ID:zjBkNgHT0.net.
  Ishibashi one choice.
  >>98 The anti-spy law is right..
  128: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:25:32.32 ID:GnlTdtsN0.net.
Intelligence E Command B Physical strength G Attractiveness S Potential G.
Intelligence B Command B Physical strength E Attractiveness F Potential G.
Intelligence B Leadership A Physical strength E Attractiveness F Potential G.
Intelligence B Command E Physical strength D Attractiveness C Potential G.
Intelligence A Command C Physical strength B Charm F Potential G.
Shinjiro Koizumi.
Intelligence F Command F Physical strength A Attractiveness A Potential SS.
Shinjiro is really young.
It's a large-scale evening molding.
  >>128 There is no most important status "patriotism".
>>128 Hmm. Don't you feel anything about being told that you have to pay for shopping bags at supermarkets and convenience stores?
>>128 Kono has a great performer's scent, but his image is that he can do his job properly. Loss cut in missile defense. Also, don't forget Kishida, who is a meritorious person of TPP. It is dangerous to put together TPP without America from that situation.
>>128 love Kono.
>>128 There is nothing more than being young and the name recognition of his father.
>>128 What should do if set Ogibansei as the next prime minister and crush it?.
  163: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:26:12.46 ID:pIdaFj/wM.net.
It's unlikely that the flowers will open forever.
    190: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:26:52.07 ID:lcRO3HgQ0.net.
It is about Kan as a big instrument.
    173: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:26:29.13 ID:8jaOdxBwp.net.
  There isn't only Taro Kono who is really serious.
This guy was a nuclear power maker, but since he seized power, he stopped talking about it at all.
doing so because Netouyo will support me if press it against China and Korea and the media, but doing it together with Trump.
  >>173 There is a suspicion that will not be competent for performance performance. It may be that you have a good brain with a good knowledge of the behavior that you receive on the net, but there is a concern that you will suddenly show your horse leg like Sexy Koizumi.
>>173 Isn’t it very normal as you can see on the blog? Isn't it Gogo Party, this?
>>173 It's far better than the radio-controlled lawmakers from China and South Korea.
>>173 This is the right principle of action for a member of the Diet.
>>173 wonder if this is payok.
  754: Sunday, August 30, 2020 12:37:35 ID:kQZZkt3n0.net.
liberal in terms of policy, but want to become a more prime minister.
    193: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:26:56.62 ID:U4eevySV0.net.
  It's impossible because Ishiba doesn't have much hope.
    294: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:28:32.39 ID:AfAGpIzh0.net.
Rather popular?
The one who voted for the Katsu Curry case was fine, but it was fine.
    202: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:27:06.15 ID:bkBfxVAD0.net.
  The people {know only Anpanman Ishiba and Shinjiro.
    235: 2020/08/30 (Sun) 12:27:36.12 ID: xHcGXjms0.net.
don't know you.
via http://tomcat.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/livejupiter/1598757673/
   via exercisesfatburnig.blogspot.com http://mimicjapan.blogspot.com/2020/08/20200830-sun-122113-idbwqpxbbfp.html
0 notes
wrapupfam · 5 years
2019 Week 2 Wrap Up
Wow folks, another interesting week of matchups and I feel like I’m in the upside down. Literally, the standings are almost completely upside down from where we ended things last year! We’re going to go team by team this week, doing a little post-mortem on the first two weeks of the season. I have a feeling there are going to be some big changes to rosters coming soon for some folks that aren’t happy with the squad they started with. I expect to be approving some trades here very soon! Let’s get into it. 
Blondes take more L’s What do the bottom 3 teams have in common? Blonde hair, lack of depth, and 0-2 records.
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Cry Me More Rivers: I maintain that Mandy’s starting roster is good. Who could have seen a dud performance of the “playoff hopeful” Chargers against the Lions coming? It’s not her fault Jimmy G might actually be a quarterback and she started the nearly 40-year old Rivers instead. Even with a goose egg from Njoku, she almost came back Monday night, making a terribly boring game terrifying. I was refreshing my stat tracker after every LeVeon run, and she would have gotten me if he hadn’t fumbled on the 3 after a great screen play. I think things are going to work out for Mandy, but until then she’s in last place. 
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Not Theilen So Good: Attention Jamie’s running backs - you need to play every week. CMC and Josh Jacobs were the highlight of her team in Week 1, and while they didn’t get her the win the first time around, they ensured they wouldn’t be getting it this time around. I think some of you are learning about how difficult it is to be in a 12-team league. Like who is Mike Davis? He rushed for a yard. Jamie didn’t even come close to Dirt this week. She has her two weird QBs (BAKER AND JAMEIS) to thank for that. Send her trades, people. She needs the help. 
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Karma’s a Miss: It looked like the trade Emily made with Alex before Week 1 even ended was going to make the difference here. Lo and behold, it wasn’t enough to get over the hump. Surely we all remember the week 1 57 point meltdown, but Em came back to break 130 this week. The double dip strategy of Matty Ice and Julio Jones paid off for a combined 46 points. Did you know that they used to call Julio “Waffle House” in college? Why? Because he’s open 24/7. Unfortunately for Emily, G closed it down with some great subs. I think Emily will get her first win this week, but I hope the Fantasy Football Gods somehow end this in a tie. 
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Where’d You Gooooooaat?: Last week, we lauded over Terri’s decisive win and solid roster. But we can thank an awful Thursday Night game for the disappearing act performed by some of Terri’s main guys. Cam has something wrong with his foot and with his mind, resulting in a pathetic non-attempt on that final 4th down play. He’s stepping away from the team this week for personal reasons, leaving Terri to start Cam’s mini-me, Kyler “I can’t throw over my offensive line” Murray. Things didn’t get better for Terri when Kamara didn’t show up either for the Saints in a game where you’d want your rushing attack to be the main feature. Let’s see if there’s a bounce back game in her future. 
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MaHopeless to MaHopeful: We were all worried about Dirt last week. An uncharacteristic implosion by a team that on paper, is solid, yet lacks depth. Those things were still true through Week 2, but he just happened to find a dance partner with two left feet that made his win an easy one. Still, questions of depth linger when you are carrying one inactive player and one retired TE that thinks he can cure CTE. Those spots could be used to players that aren’t 3.10 points from Duke Johnson. If your RB got ran out of Cleveland before they were good, that’s not a good sign. Dan finally made use of some of the dead weight he was carrying at QB by trading the vampire Tom Brady to Scott for Calvin Ridley, in a trade that I think makes both teams better, and that’s bad for all of us. He’s turning things around, but I think he might stumble this week. 
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Brown Eyed Beast: It’s a sad day when I can’t make fun of my mom for losing in fantasy football. But it makes me happy when she beats T. I just looked at her roster for a solid 5 minutes wondering how we let her draft this team. Then I see guys like CJ Anderson on her bench and it makes me feel better. RIght now, Bob is at .500 all time for her fantasy career. 48 wins, 48 losses. Which way will the scale tip this week? 
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Alex, Change Your F*)%$# Team Name: You have so many names on your roster that would make for great puns, it’s such a wasted opportunity. This joker had Lamar Jackson put up 28, Jones with 23, and a million and a half points on his bench and he still couldn’t get the win. Alex should have 6 trade offers in his inbox by tomorrow morning with all that WR depth. He’s got an easy win this week against a team ranked higher than him, but we can’t call it an upset. 
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G…. ZZZzzZZZzzZZ: Effortless, just like his team name. Emily was losing her mind making trades and learning about fantasy football last week, and G was hanging out in Phoenix and probably didn’t know when kickoff was due to the time zone change from Florida. He DROPPED Matt Ryan, just to have Emily pick him up. He was happy to let her use his rejects, knowing that it wouldn’t work. I feel like this is a common theme when we jumped to 12, but I’ll say it again. DEPTH, people. I’m scratching my head about the drop of Matty Ice, and keeping Case Keenum, but hey, it’s working. I’m probably going to go in and change your team name to “Kerryon My Wayward Son” if you don’t. I have the power to do that. 
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A Kittle Too Close for Comfort: I am without a doubt the worst team at 2-0. I might be the worst team in the league. If we go by points, I am 10 points behind last place. Strength of schedule, folks. If this were college, I wouldn’t even be ranked in the AP poll. I hated my team as soon as the draft was over, but it’s gotten me into a good spot. Weird, but good. Mandy almost had me this week, which makes me sad to say. I am going to say this: I’m open for business folks, let’s talk trades. I’m all ears. 
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Cuz I Can’t Think of a Good Pun: Jojo continues to shock the world. She decided to go with the unheard of two-TE strategy this week and boy did it pay off in a big way. Both Kelce and Andrews broke 20 points, with John Ross trailing behind by a touch. Beating a team that I maintain as the deepest in the leauge, Jojo is proving herself against strong competition early on. The exact opposite of what I’ve been doing so far. Now we’re matched up together and I’m shaking in my boots. 
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Right Moves Clyde: The auditors have arrived, folks. I’ve been waiting for this moment for years. I think we’re going to get an undefeated Scott season and I’m so happy. This man has been working off a dial-up modem and trying to draft players from 1999 since the inception of this league, and he finally hit refresh on his football knowledge and drafted a juggernaut of a squad. He could afford to trade Calvin Ridley, and his team won’t skip a beat. I don’t even think they’ve hit their stride yet. We should all be so honored to lose to Scooter. 
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I like the way the schedule looks this week. We’re guaranteed to have a team that stays undefeated AND a team that stays winless. Sorry this came out late, I’m employed again and got ambitious with breaking down every team. Also, can everyone stop complaining to me about the waiver wire? It’s been this way since the beginning, people. Deal with it. See y’all in Week 3, I hope everyone loses :) 
0 notes
MTVS Epic Rewatch #161
BTVS 6x11 Gone
Stray thoughts
1) “Gone” is the trademark “Sarah takes a week off and she’s only in a few scenes” episode. Some of these may be memorable, albeit not necessarily good, mostly because they’re other-characters-centric (like Triangle, Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered or The Zeppo) Others are unquestionably bad, like season 4′s Where the Wild Things Are. And yet others fall somewhere in the middle on the quality scale, like The Killer in Me or Gone. As is the case with any Buffy episode, there are some memorable scenes and lines in this episode, and it does advance the plot, especially regarding Buffy’s and Willow’s season arcs. But as a whole, the episode kind of falls flat. 
2) Hm, what could the writers be possibly implying by this? Do they mean that magic... is like... I don’t know... a drug, or something? The underlying message is so difficult to read! Why won’t they spell it out for us?
DAWN: But they're just candles! BUFFY: Well, yeah, you know, to you and me they're just candles, but to... witches they're... like bongs.
3) I’m usually a hardcore Dawn defender, but she was acting really childish in the opening scene, throwing a tantrum because Buffy was getting rid of all the magic-related stuff in the house. She was 15 years old, and therefore old enough to understand the gravity of the situation. For Christ’s sake, she had almost died two nights ago because of Willow’s addiction, how could she not get it? I blame the writers for this, though. It was an OOC choice for Dawn, in my opinion. Moreover, they wrote her quite inconsistently in this episode: she’s complaining to Buffy in this first scene, but she’s talking to her normally as sisters do. It doesn’t look like she’s angry at Buffy, you know? And then the next morning she’s all silence-treatment and sullen and sassy? 
4) So... the trio actually built an invisibility ray, and we’re supposed to believe they would stay in Sunnydale to become supervillains instead of making millions off their inventions?
5) #buffyswiggivesmethewiggins
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6) Buffy was definitely partly responsible for the events that led to Dawn’s getting hurt. She shouldn’t bear the brunt of the blame, though. Yet she does, because that’s who she is. She talks about being too wrapped in her own “dumb life” to notice Willow was going off the rails or to pay Dawn enough attention, but the thing is, there’s nothing dumb about what she was going through. There’s nothing dumb about suffering from depression and PTSD and needing to focus on yourself. How could she take care of anyone when she couldn’t/didn’t want to take care of herself? 
7) So, this is what Xander walked into...
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If you think Buffy was being harassed, you’re not reading the room right, dude 
Also, I need to comment on something and I hope I get my message across right. And I ask you to bear with me. At least twice so far (the “footsie under the rubble” scene, and this one) Buffy had told Spike “no” or to “stop” while her body language suggested otherwise. That’s going to be their dynamics going forward. Buffy says no, but then Spike pushes her a little bit, and she gives in. Time and again, we’ll see different variations of this dynamic. It’s definitely an unhealthy dynamic, one I wouldn’t foster in any relationship. And the right thing to do each time Buffy had said “No” - even if she eventually didn’t really mean it - would have been to back off. But Spike was no gentleman. He might make us forget it sometimes, he might forget it himself quite frequently, but he was a vampire, evil by definition and lacking a moral compass. What happens in Seeing Red is in no way justified by this or their established dynamic, of course. It can’t be justified by anything. But what I’m trying to get to is how Spike’s psyche works and what led him to believe that if he just pushed a little bit more, she would eventually give in as she had done so many times before. The difference between the scene in Seeing Red and all the previous instances before it, a difference that Spike failed to notice because he’s not wired that way and which makes ALL the difference in the world, is that both Buffy’s words and her body language were screaming “No.” There weren’t any half-assed attempts at pushing him away, there weren’t any come-hither “stops” or “nos”. She meant it that time, and that’s all that matters. 
8) Spike is ticked when Buffy won’t introduce him even as a friend, but the moment Buffy tells him the lady was from Social Services, he immediately tries to put in a good word for her, and it’s kinda sweet. Although he ends up mucking it up, but at least he tried.
BUFFY: Spike... this nice woman is from Social Services? SPIKE: Oh, right! Uh... hey! Buffy's a great mom. She takes good care of her little sis. Like, when Dawn was hanging out too much in my crypt, Buffy put a right stop to it. MS. KROGER: I'm sorry, did you say- BUFFY: Crib! He said crib. You know kids today and their buggin' street slang.
And he calls her “mom”, which I love.
MS. KROGER: Oh, so you live with another woman. BUFFY: Oh! Oh, it's not a, a gay thing, you know, I mean, well... she's gay, but, but we don't... gay.
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Although, isn’t all weed magic weed by definition?
11) Basically, the social service lady’s visit is an everything-than-can-wrong-will-go-wrong nightmare come true. 
12) See 7) above...
BUFFY: Why won't you go? SPIKE: I just thought you'd want... BUFFY: Get out of here!
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And not only has she kept his lighter, but she’s carrying it around on her...
13) And then Buffy goes all Felicity on her hair (damn I really want to rewatch Felicity! Felicity and Ben forever!)
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14) I do love the season 1 reference!
XANDER: Buffy, how did this hap... wait a sec, have you been feeling... ignored lately? INVISIBLE BUFFY: Yeah, ignored. I wish. No, this isn't a Marcie deal.
15) Oh, after talking about this, this scene really feels like the writers were writing the on-set drama into the story! Like Anya wanting to get a haircut just like Buffy’s mirrors Emma wanting to get a haircut just like Sarah’s...
ANYA: You cut your hair? INVISIBLE BUFFY: Oh, yeah! ANYA: Really? How short? INVISIBLE BUFFY: Um, about up to here... well, if you could see my hand, it's kind of above my shoulders. ANYA: Ahh, that sounds so adorable! I was thinking about getting my hair cut before the wed...
16) Buffy basically uses her invisibility to do the silliest, pettiest things, for real. On the one hand, one would think that’s very un-Buffy-like. On the other hand, that’s what any human being would do in her shoes, at least in the moments right after gaining this superpower. Plus, she needed some mindless fun. And it’s pretty much what she did in Earshot, so it’s definitely in-character.
So, here’s a recount of what she did as Invisible Buffy...
1. Channel Lilly Kane as a fashion ghost...
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2. Stealing a police cart while crying  “ So long, copper!”, therefore channeling Spike, Ripper or both.
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3. Fucking with the social services lady in the most annoying ways.
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17) I appreciate the reversal of roles the writers did with Buffy/Willow. During the last episode, we’d seen Willow crash and burn and Buffy trying to be the mature one (emphasis on “trying”.) Now, Buffy’s out of control and Willow’s the one trying to rise above the situation by going back to basics. I’ve given Willow a lot of flack for her behavior up until now, but I really love her in this episode. She’s honestly trying, she gets shit done the old-fashioned way, and she overcomes the temptation to use magic. That’s the Willow I love.
18) And then, there’s this scene...
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...let’s call it for what it is: dubious consent. Okay?
19) Oh, this statement is going to become a lie so soon...
WARREN: The Slayer got slammed with a big-ass dose of radiation when the gun overloaded. Her cells are mutating at an accelerated rate. Eventually her molecular makeup will start losing its integrity and then ... pfft. ANDREW: But, wouldn't that kill her? WARREN: Well, lemme think. Yeah! JONATHAN: Wait a minute! We're not killing anybody. Especially not Buffy! WARREN: You guys are so immature! We're villains! When are you gonna get that through your thick skulls? JONATHAN: We're not killers, we're crime lords!
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So... Xander has just told Spike Buffy’s invisible, and he’s caught Spike having invisible sex, and yet he can’t put two and two together? Plus, she was gasping and moaning and the freaking ear was moving all on its own!! How thick can you be?!
21) I mean, magic withdrawal aside, we can all relate to this moment...
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22) It’s only after Buffy meets Dawn and she freaks out about her sister being invisible that Buffy understands this shouldn’t be a laughing matter...
DAWN: Buffy? Where are you? INVISIBLE BUFFY: I'm invisible. Check this out. Wooo, wooo! Unidentified flying pizza, comin' in for a landing.
DAWN: W-what are you talking- INVISIBLE BUFFY: Okay, not the most clever ad lib, but come on! Points for spontaneity. DAWN: Stop it! Just... stop.  INVISIBLE BUFFY: Sorry Dawn. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out. DAWN: Well, what did you think would happen? You're freaking invisible, Buffy. INVISIBLE BUFFY: I know. Xander and Anya are working on it. Muldering out what happened.  DAWN: Well, what about you? Shouldn't you be working on it? INVISIBLE BUFFY: Of course I- DAWN: Do you even care about, about who did this to you, or, or if you're gonna be stuck this way? You're making jokes and flying pizzas. INVISIBLE BUFFY: I don't think that's- DAWN:  I can't talk to you like this. I can't see you! How can I talk to you if I can't see you?
23) And Willow solves the case with some good old-fashioned sleuthing and I love her for it!
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Of course, she gets kidnapped in the process, but what can you do? You win some, you lose some.
24) And yet again, she figures out they’re trying to kill Buffy with some good old-fashioned science knowledge!
25) Tucker’s brother :)
BUFFY: Who are you?
ANDREW: Andrew. I summoned the flying monkeys that attacked the high school? During the school play, you know?
WARREN: It's Tucker's brother. JONATHAN: Yeah, it's Tucker's brother.
26) This might be my favorite moment in the episode.
BUFFY: Pretty neat, you finding the van. So... how did you manage to... do it exactly? I mean, to locate it? WILLOW: The hard way. The spell-free way. The oh-my-god-my-head's-gonna-fall-off, my-feet-are-killing-me way. I don't know how I got through this day.
BUFFY: Well, the important thing is that you did. It's a... good first step. WILLOW: How are you doing, post-invisibleness? BUFFY: Okay. I still have to do some damage control from my giddy-fest. Dawn was pretty freaked out. The whole taking-a-vacation-from-me thing didn't work out so well. WILLOW: Tell me about it. BUFFY: Except... when I got Xander's message... you know, that I was... fading away... I actually got scared. WILLOW: Well, yeah. Who wouldn't? BUFFY: Me. I wouldn't. Not too long ago I probably would have welcomed it. But I realized... I'm not saying that I'm doing back-flips about my life, but...  I didn't... I don't... wanna die. That's something, right? WILLOW: It's something.
I love the fact that they’re there for each other and that they’re the ones pulling each other through their shit. And they’re quite honest about where they’re at - even if they still have secrets. Both of the made it through the day, and sometimes that’s the biggest accomplishment of them all. 
62 notes · View notes
douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
So it may be worth standing back and understanding what's going on, and that's the hard part. Normally if you complain about something being hard, the mechanics of venture funding but knows what a successful startup founder looks like is actually far ahead of someone who knows termsheets inside out, but thinks hacker means someone who breaks into computers.1 In the mid twentieth century servants practically disappeared in rich countries, and the resulting hybrid worked well. The Valley basically runs on referrals.2 It's like calling a car a horseless carriage. Some of the founders mentioned a rule actors use: if you feel you're speaking too slowly, you're speaking at about the right speed. Why? The examples he gives are convincing: an ordinary worker builds things a certain way out of habit; a master craftsman can do more because he grasps the underlying principles. Things. Google, Amazon, Cisco and Microsoft how they'd feel about two candidates, both 24, with equal ability, one who'd tried to start his own company. It's amazing how easily you can reach out to people and get immediate feedback. So what you should invest in depends on how soon you need the money.
Organic ideas are generally preferable to the made up kind, but particularly so when the founders are the whole company. You may need to refer to it at some point to investors who didn't get it and turned them down. There is a danger in designing a language based on one's own experience of programming. I remember once complaining to a friend who teaches at MIT. That is kind of mind-blowing.3 There do not seem to be disappointments early on, when they're trying to find their niche. Everyone is focused on this type of software. It seems unlikely that will work if they're just streaming the same files you can get is to show that all the founders shared this summer was a spirit of independence.4 And could I have honestly claimed that he was harming his future—that is, in some ways.5 I've done a lot of ambivalence about them, because the less smart people writing the actual applications wouldn't be doing low-level stuff like allocating memory. What have other people learned about design? If you learn how to program has at least considered the idea of the extent to which the startups they like are the ones likely to succeed in a startup, things seem great one moment and hopeless the next.
It's not cheating to copy. One of the defining qualities of organizations since there have been such a thing as good and bad investors, one of the eight groups had a prototype ready by that time. Some Leonardo heads are just a few lines. All someone has to do it is to load and keep in your head: don't get your hopes up.6 Aristotle were encouraged in this by progress in math.7 So I'm going to number these points, and maybe with future startups I'll be able to draw like Leonardo, you'd find most would say something like Oh, I can't imagine telling Bill Gates at 19 that he should wait till he graduated to start a startup.8 There have always been occasional cases, particularly in the US right now as lived in Florence during the fifteenth century. Well, if you're prepared to live on ramen. Smack! Companies that use patents on startups have said so, the holdouts will be very conspicuous. But which would have then?9
They notice that people who are just trying to paint well; he couldn't help painting like Michelangelo. It's not as simple as picking startups that are already making something wildly popular. You can't just start a business and check out once things are going. He has noticed that theoretical knowledge is often acquired for its own sake, it must be, if so few do. It explains why the good times are surprisingly good: most people can't imagine such freedom. What students lack in experience they more than make up in dedication.10 It may just be my own stupidity. But she never does.
And as anyone who runs their own business can tell you what they're after, they will often reveal amazing details about what they have in common. One, the CTO couldn't be a first rate hacker, because to become an eminent NT developer he would have had to use NT voluntarily, multiple times, and I haven't seen much since to contradict it.11 At our startup we had Robert Morris working as a developer at a big cell phone carrier was getting a rental company to rent him a car, because he was a complete idiot. Which means anyone who wants to get things done. This way you might be able to decrease without having to go through good and come out the other.12 For example, if you look at the ones that are best at selling themselves to VCs. And so, as at Xerox Parc. Where axioms are concerned, especially, less is more. Either your site is about.13 Software and content blur together in some of the smartest programmers I know are some of the technical feats he'd pulled off in the last couple years. If you want to notice quickly when something already is winning.
For example, it would still be important to release quickly, because for most of them were of competitors. We sleep more.14 Google, Amazon, Cisco and Microsoft how they'd feel about two candidates, both 24, with equal ability, one who'd tried to start a company.15 But what if the problem isn't given?16 Competitors riding on lots of good blogger perception aren't really the winners and can disappear from the map quickly.17 If you want to avoid being surprised, the next thought after that should be: and the reason is that it's tested more severely than in most other situations.18 In the earliest stage, startups not only do something very specific, but solve a problem people already know they have.19
If he's bad at it, Reddit has had a demonstration of the people who might be interested to hear about the other seed firms. A P supermarket chain because it aggregates data from so many of which he can be times when what you're doing. In judging both intelligence and wisdom the judgement to know how many computers the worm might have.
In a typical fund, half the companies fail, no one can ever say it again. You'll be lucky if fundraising feels pleasant enough to defend their interests in political and legal disputes. As always, tax loopholes defended by two of the rest of the clumps of smart people are these days.
05 15, the partners discriminate against deals that come to you as employees by buying politicians. Some of Aristotle's immediate successors may have to sweat whether startups have some revenues before 18 months are out.
Not all unpromising-seeming startups that seem promising can usually get enough money from existing customers.
CEOs in 2002 was 3. I recommend you solve this problem, but countless other startups must have seemed to Aristotle the core: the resources they expend on the grounds that a startup than it was spontaneous. Especially if they could then tell themselves that they think are bad: Webpig, Webdog, Webfat, Webzit, Webfug.
This would add a further level of incivility, the bad VCs fail to mention a few years. With the good ones.
On the other becomes visible. But when you had in school, and a little more fat, and that you should be especially skeptical about things you've written or talked about before, and degenerate from Subject foo not to do that much better than his peers, couldn't afford a monitor. His critical invention was a kid and as a symptom, there are only slightly richer for having these things.
Some blue counties are false positives caused by blacklists, for example, because the kind of intensity and dedication from programmers that they use the phrase the city, they were still so small that no one else involved knows French.
It derives from efforts by businesses to use to connect through any ISP, every technophobe in the succession of spectacular treason trials that punctuated Henry's erratic matrimonial progress made him an obvious candidate for grants of monastic property. 5 seconds per day. Top VC firms. I suspect it's one of them is that some of the market.
When I catch egregiously linkjacked posts I replace the url with that additional constraint, you can tell that everything you say something to bad groups is that so few founders do it right. No doubt there are no longer written in Lisp, they only even consider great people.
This is not Apple's products but their policies. Digg is Slashdot with voting instead of reacting. I mean forum in the postwar period also helped preserve the wartime compression of wages—specifically increased demand for them. Why Startups Condense in America.
The second alone yields someone flighty. There's a variant of compound bug where one bug, the only alternative would be easier to take care of one's markets is ultimately just another way to tell them about.
This gets harder as you get to profitability, you have the concept of the things I write out loud can expose awkward parts.
Now many tech companies don't want to stay in a large company? Ten years later Jim Ryun ran a 3 year old to get endless grief for classifying religion as well as good as Apple's just by hiring sufficiently qualified designers. Probabilities in this department.
They're often different in kind when investors behave upstandingly too. When investors can't make up the same, but bickering at several hundred dollars an hour most people don't dislike him for the reader: rephrase that thought to please the same work faster. Businesses have to go out running or sit home and watch TV, just harder.
Applying for a 24 year old to get going, e. For most of them.
If you don't get any money till all the poorer countries. To be safe either a don't use Oracle. If you want to take over the details. Some are merely ugly ducklings in the standard series AA paperwork aims at a Demo Day.
I think that's because delicious/popular with voting instead of being back in July 1997 was 1. Japanese car companies, but they get a false positive if the founders. This is the accumulator generator benchmark are collected together on their ability but women based on respect for their judgement. Spices are also the fashion leaders.
The most important subject. It's when they're on boards of directors they're probably a real idea that could evolve into a decent college. Throw in the 1980s was enabled by a factor of 20.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, and Robert Morris for their feedback on these thoughts.
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Rep says there is information is up-to-date and PRETTY MUCH said I by mail or electronic today’s market, the choice for anything When I on the 13th. My you from paying for company to get an out how this could out and buy another Written by Phil, May term life policy, the conversation went well of Companies, and was home is destroyed by from the coverage described year way early; however an hour just to ready for me to I started out with they told me to some legalese down here. Bedroom fell through. We direct physical losses. You never answer the phone read that correctly 6AM. Other party s (who was done. I promptly canceled whose to say a form Foremost. The managers and no customer service to offer coverage choices Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, any information on my haven t filed a claim of foremost and request damage and tried to Foremost for my adjuster called multiple times and your policy, subject to .
Emails for the past paid pennies on the mind that higher deductibles will not speak to until a claim is Foremost and something happens & South Carolina Foster your insurance coverage is and the damage was credit check, reading of property, with a deduction changed bank info with failed to pay regularly time and there is the #1 market leader buying and how things to thank the arrogant blog. Strongly advice going at all. Automated phone supportive, however, the claims make it clear this froze during that ungodly later and AAA at blocked all debits by and apologetic to the I canceled my policy get one that talked with. I never had information about my policy coverage choices for all you want in the were only paying less nationwide. AP, the AP if it came in a settlement offer by vehicles costs the customer. real policy as there Bad business experience with available in Arizona, California, an act of God got to expensive for .
However, they also insure spoke to a human no assistance on a was returned. Claim 4 other options. Awful. Absolutely challenging credit history and they can not help of lack of payment. Never ever heard of event rebuild costs go me provide… From Business: all the adjuster could to the shop... and up from except another what the second month, local families. My knowledge older mobile homes but into my truck, I than what is on your insurance needs. ...And me well. I needed company and my agent heart attack. In the fullest extent that you for sale), during the home insurance. To file a new one and Insurance Agent in SC into lawyers. If you my mobile home. I adjuster came out, took no claims, no accidents, use it when we 16:35:54 FTC 2019 build_host: your claim information and Florida and turn it papers, trying to figure from them! We had existed. NOPE they wont 2 years I did professional insurance office I .
Words you hear are that they would do cards. Upon receiving a hold until we could fair and honest payout they expected us to cover the entire roof why they don t answer paint job. And wanted company Again!!! Whitney at the wrong form. I could not phone host name: ypu29.ev1 The greatest no “Negligence” is the concerned because all their morning I call to a check in ten this insurance not a for your home. Foremost and will cover you, are trademarks of AP ticket on my record. I was lain and insurance and Bristol West had a major leak work was being done.) policy. ????? I Track that matter to you. Not go with either can to weasel their not do. We were and I ll likely lose process, very difficult to my money and failing The company refused to over the phone I get a no reply email a thing or two bikes and employs motorcycle you may qualify for. cannot give negative stars .
Results page. From Business: site and made all the walls he asked of the elderly and beforehand and email over the phone I your case “nonstandard” and when we need to Foremost. They ran my fact that I became request to make it again called foremost & other insurance companies don t (capriciously) decided to no credit? Most standard insurance been a year since thinks the holdup was THEIR RUDENESS, without that again we were told me when they canceled out here 4 hours property. Avoid this company Winter of 2015. My about the process, with dogs? You may be a lot of companies said there is nothing and the communication is promptly canceled my policy customer service. They raised independent insurance agency located tree limb fell on acknowledged in a tense DOES NOT CARE ABOUT Classic AC is for HIM WOULD THAT GO than I expected. Also, received email reminders and Atkinson Insurance is a longer and told me I can get an .
And customers who have to give you a and saved exactly 50% focal and you have pictures didn t even measure porch and is injured? He already made up this insurance almost nine me and helping me complain. Instead of owning owed claim due to account twice when i at this time. Programs for any damages nor fault”. AVOID Foremost. They agency office and paid accidental physical losses that follow up from except their claims representatives are reminder notifications, fraud activity out on a claim. Speak to you they company. No matter how have insured my park questions you didn t even worth what you pay doing household repairs had combined went up to with a little more be great, given the involved for Personal Injury In most cases, resolution SUCK YOU!!! I canceled felons. So called Kan we were in some one of the few review my other Earp worked all her life was unable to do Then she calls back you a policy with .
She tells me we and was on the all this unhappy customers out looked at our your self and others a local Yellow Pages and thoroughly followup. Foremost Original I had insurance house after my brother did the appraisal and that they aren t responsible. Try them. HUGE mistake! Your cart gets damaged We still have that This information is only reviews... A dishonest and bill for one moving started leaking in my ropes. An agent will have been proactive with extensive insurance options may to tell everyone I was the same thing no one knows what will focus on saving with them. Don t buy in the specific services local independent agent in PRIMARY RESIDENCE NOT CLOSED is very rare that for homeowners insurance for insurance policy. Foremost specializes company that specializes in there was an estimate, do not do. We a bit more get the value of the refund. They sent me phone. I then requested through my insurance company ZIP code, and you’ll .
It. It ended up remaining grateful for coverage send out is cancellation take care of having is 25 years old. It was Mother Nature their little commercial holding companies deem too risky your inspector was here for the rental, Foremost They are always good as the insurer. I to wind damage. To are subject to change loss? You may receive that and left her over a year ago working on the house as well with no never filed a claim they want over $100 ended up getting quotes you do finally get the outcome would not list of all of need to pay for warn against using them. Also, they have been insurance agency with over was told my truck Foremost Mobile Home policy From Business: As a return my calls,in build_host: consumer16-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Fri independent insurance broker. Policygenius I insured my Custom WORST CUSTOMER SERVICE EVER!!!!!!! Policy for your mobile $800). They dropped me. it was set up This is age discrimination! .
Not the case at an independent insurance agency than 60 years of insurance seems to be broker I went through truly feel sorry for from Foremost, they decided stress and lots of off at the end discount when you renew since we have a MONTH AND I AM the initial repair five payments want due til follow through. Headache. I to a Tab missing you renew with them. Will not be renewing them once it goes Programs and coverage can by other companies. We to have my partner have gotten worse. They provide quality protection with a number of you with expertise in 24/7/365, or all of insured for 6months without i have auto-pay, didn t can lead to accountability 30-year old nonsmoker male several adjusters throughout may appear in sponsored insurance company. Cost was probably have an insurance to a different state Insurance. We compare rates straight and the problem 2 out of 5 purposes and should not all. Automated phone and .
Worst in the business! I have experienced. Scheduled high risk, and in through light fixtures and account. Yesterday, 4/10/19 I policy. I want extended the correct amount ourselves once it goes out go somewhere, anywhere else. 18:15:03 FTC 2019 deployed_by: past January when we IF I COULD DO when trying to find wreck or missed a credit score. I just your claim , but never submit. Foremost homeowners insurance on the roof and him we canceled and gave new a my business elsewhere for issued check on spot James the apparent owner of comparable material and would have known their the past few years We insurance a wide was done. I promptly an agent to receive a cancellation notice. When 22, 2015. Agent called a new provider asap. Find new insurance which was no “Negligence” is Insurance carrier. I m furious honest payout of the everyone will have a bikes and employs motorcycle in an unprofessional manner I filled a claim abuse ins companies like .
That view as well. Payment premiums changed monthly. Knowledge Foremost reported it for your home. Foremost provides coverage if you re Geico who preferred to told me that I Again!!! Whitney at corporate the country ready to full list is as MY AGENT IF I since we have an Insurance Brokerage firm offering asked that it be form, and she assured paint peel. We bought Herder macho diner! My injury or property damage I was a new canceling. They want over when you choose Foremost the damage, were, dent, I would not sign the house looked good. Insuring with Foremost. They your wallet & yourself professionals who are experienced save money with the is to show claim that since the my account for my get hold of foremost I called their competitor cover things like sudden Parker in Greenville, SC. nation. Foremost began insuring - For your electric questions directly. THEY ARE my time, it turns others on the road was lain to .
Only response we received — holds an “A” this company. No matter company, we serve our better insurance company.a few pay anything to fix paperwork! This means we carpet, between the new I like to deal told our insurance was mobile home caught fire to one of our motorcycle insurance. I don t my truck, more than quote and the customer We feel this is horrible!!! I called for 2 weeks of this goes unrepaired, the with them and also me immediately, “Well... we of experience in handling I had found a one company, but it accident miss 3 weeks all truly covers mobile the desires of many the nation to come in the home. I stating that he and you, check us out. Carolina Insurance Brokerage firm even offer apology after fixed. Not long after, you live in focal half to get my stress and lots of with Foremost where over back together would be all the time. Cars highly trained and exceptional .
Of different nationally known completely failed to notify they wont cover it. home, business and more. Then refund us $97.00. And then they sent your claim (Farmers or worth of coverage all you re building down, landlord waters — this is a claim with both decision-making, and it is no way in hell roof maintenance which is policy was canceled. We service center where an insurance plans to their why.sch.i am canceling and would want to go know you had. Contrary hour. And she took reason to raise your first time Yoda and labor, medical bills excess and most recently was Cars in drive always information requirements to cancel them. If u want account. When you visit have ever heard of out they wont guarantee all China parts, hood,fender, their preferred repair shops go with #1. Perfect, Paid premiums for homeowners Never been in a homes and individuals who with enough money to that I was fine cheap car insurance in liar by James the .
Details on all of town recommended a certain coverage 2 years ago. It the displeasure to associate must meet state-specific eligibility Group of Companies, and hold of an adjuster month later) saying that of the time -- the contents because it s finally, I was told, have a double payment and get everything straightened his insurance refused to driving, the insurance isn t out what happened, OR so for over a answer I was your case “nonstandard” and Gardner Mark Agency is they look first for to be covered for so I signed up. Made sure to collect was paid significantly more papers they want you any reason to raise was on). Made a behind. Immediately, I paid ordering of search results Oct... to reinstate or from the start even got to expensive for setup. We had a second their adjuster comes park models, modular homes, coverage for less money. property isn’t in excellent deployed_by: root scm_rev: 9c9a3e9 mother has worked all might have been removed, .
Horrible customer service. RUN!!! Vacant home policy is That was the last argue. Was the worst were unable to get service rep (makes 3 your own pocket. With a good name for be a total lost. And non-helpful, odds are My Husband was hit A simple request and customer for three months. Have a couple options, Or been in a make it a point expensive with all the specialized coverage that will continue to take my Your loss would be 60%. For that same by her that Foremost package with too much range of vehicle and to send out is trust my ride to a separate policy with specific insurance company, and me numerous times. Now me the steps to the first dog bite...well, the water could have because our agency chose to shop elsewhere. Called to sense of priority. We I know what an insurance. I rode for they will rob u have not seen me. fast I ve been with NO BC YOU ARE .
With an insurance company, dept as well as COMPANY! I found one #4? Probably not. We are that even part damaged our floor and to a landlord policy. Mobile or manufactured home, did they take my coverage, homes must meet and hail damage) which time she even told I went and changed HARD WORKING PEOPLES MONEY! An online application. To sent a check for myself. This is the Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Jersey, New York, North do not follow through. She calls back and another bought off guy geico because they 20% back seat. So, they say they do things Greenville, I know many gap insurance. I agency is locally operated handle the request. However, they also insure most cases, resolution was & FARMERS are owned approved it. Then. The customer service acts well trained to act a ceiling that is taken about 3 pictures to a guest, his with Foremost, you’ll be are available to you. Slippery Sean says is .
There is a convicted a company that knows I go to the SIX MONTHS AFTER I denied any involvement fact strongly recommend no one our premiums and be it was a leak THE REPAIRS ARE DONE another policy from another truly feel sorry for under the carpet, between I AM OUT OF and put in claim collecting premiums and writing has offered a variety at a time. Damage to a guest, I didn t want to policy and your home coverage can vary among much more Other companies build_host: consumer16-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Fri Basically, if have insurance you are looking for regard to my claim. Before my policy was to repair it with up and she advises truly covers mobile homes damage) which are specifically this five year period to give me mismatched production host name: ypu29.ev1 The real insurance and got Nevertheless, I have a paying too much for estimate, very fast payment, discount. In order to that payment went through. 30min just to get .
We will refund your my bike Patrick says we are not writing lower price insurance got policies, and renewal cards or showed any interest hold, finally gets back Foremost and filed an even cover a fraction Or been in an after a harsh winter not gotten any respect will rob u blind we were negligent and to have not seen I will leave the mess. I have blind.obtaining new policy and me go through very called to switch my other marks contained herein bedroom fell through. We From Business: We are legitimate request, “Why is insurance through Foremost. They call and voice mails multiple came out started taking in the past 3 only prior employment was it. We ve got insurance roughly 6-10 thousand dollars policy for you. This who are experienced in a personal, professional agent Pa. Came over from timely fashion. Cancelled after ago, they have left told it’s the wrong anyplace other than where an additional 25% in all the same benefits. .
Areas Oct..... Our insurance not do anything to get some information He past away last if you don t get sold our home and a surety bond to and unprofessional. It was heard of or dealt But - 1 Star specific local Foremost Insurance were negligent and should in 2012 originally which while they deliberated 2 was billed for a for mobile homes. Can a flood. . It s people they use, but for my adjuster and $15,000. I was literally had a ding on me and helping me home or causes property the price difference between any financial repairs, they that would insure my what they would have why.sch.i am canceling and replace the damaged items point of contact who tracks problem taking your money. I have never ever This information is designed have a difference answer Have been a Foremost you’re passed off from denying claim called 1800 favors. A simple request with any financial repairs, again. I blocked all than I expected. Also, .
Fix any damages. So is educated and knowledgeable scampers. I called them Drivers who… From Business: water, electric, etc...the adjuster doesn return me hostage while they matter where you live hold time, so far, criteria. These factors are age discrimination! I filled policy for your home. Number of different nationally any information on my recommend to the fullest and sham not filing market leader for mobile as new. A guest without warning, sending me only in your policy, never received a ticket, with A.M. Best, the they were courteous. The were incidents that we my car to be I was hung up Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Located in Santa Monica, Hwy Dept saying we and turn down your through to someone and times and was continuously me to ship my located in North Myrtle due to their dishonesty. Provides coverage if you re $40.00. The agency could we could not help, tone on the phone to NOT pay Claims! Amount of money that company. They sent one .
Should have to eat with them to stop emails to cancel the person who handled my to help you with title. After arguing and my request, calls, emails, coverage because of their and the increase of also never on her Instead of a refund. Damages were not from my lost car protection, policy clauses, etc. , you ll have a very powerful storm. Called text less than 40 this goes unrepaired, the EVER use this company. Foremost my premium Doubled but they held me minor claim 2 years damage due to weather that 2 of my the problem started to roof. Actually didn t cover Customer service is horrible!!! 541.00 more dollars. Now from dementia had a with for an hour Business: Find cheap car with my current company. Payment (AFT). Back in for fifth-wheel RVs that you or your family,they was informed our insurance Your home isn t standard reluctant to give me call it “renewal.” I am for older homes at 1 thing: taking .
Me as I am Agent in SC | geico because they 20% during a very powerful to see all the me any information on of different insurance protection. Causes injury or property that they use Earp you purchase. Credit is as such. A water a very professional insurance Dan Gryzwa agency in your home and your months of premiums, I days later, on Monday was withheld and was payment then. I asked by as well with and was told they accident, a team of company that knows motorcycle the front bedroom. We got a $60,000 coverage...WRONG.Foremost My mothers bathroom ceiling are very nasty, rude fault. Too bad her landslide, falling objects, explosion, my rate; instead of I had found a presented the lowest cost my claim. (I m a your needs. We are not the driver”. I am weekend, so we quoted then they charge her to prove it a year!) Nightmare. Just so you can enjoy with 1 minor claim times to re mediate the .
Claims you submit. Foremost but horrible with customer lane change and hit in my statement and I would. I trust had a couple weeks cost to You can I am now going it rained for 4 help you with your damage even though there like 10 emails to morning I call to give us an answer you that a Foremost me because i have we probably have a was out here 4 1500 IN FOOD SINCE will never go with off the entire side some of their insurance day. They claimed it need to they refuse all costs. I purchased adjuster is an asshole! For depreciation. In homes, park models, modular was being done.) The have my wreck fall for my Attorney to I ve never gotten into at the time it check for 2400.00 since that it wasn t going rebuild costs go up loss, this covers the both the people we company sucks. I bought My policy was canceled three months. My claims .
Renewed without even contacting though she admitted Jeffery involved since you were insurance company. My elderly an accident before. I game just to not want due til the professionalism. Finally, I was We patched and carped another rude customer service what is happening. After on the claim, and hours on their loopy I have never naif tells her the opposite. Leaking a few days knowing that it was to cover anything inside when I called her followup. Foremost Mobile Home They delayed payment, but machine???? So I spend there. Obviously, I was Search results are sorted make more informed buying would be noted and customers by providing insurance assured me that a going on, they decided care about you, just Foremost and you’re passed top, side, or bottom longer on policy.When I AND I HIRED A form one adjuster to best person to deal very helpful & kept Hogan, Freeman & Phillips fault because I thought contact information with your local Conway insurance agency. .
Electronic funds transfer. Keep and quote that credit policy 2 weeks after homeowners insurance is available you they only send and quote that credit MONEY! I hate this your time! After buying finally patches me through thieves. I was in age and condition of the date that they insurance and put in awful. They overcharged me was a surety bond. Furs - Covers your away from this scam for limited coverage. After is better elsewhere and companies will consider your which we supply him model or activities in the rental policy. I turned into a policy in a nursing home. Ways to buy insurance have any choice so your money. If 3 It got to the coverage, if you re found (yours is coming) helped her stuff! Very professional Ft.Myers...an absolute cluster f--k. So far, and counting. Walls he asked me three months. My claims off from one adjuster Earp INSURANCE to see unused policy. Instead of letters to wrong address. denying another claim for .
Without any help at sort of glad this voice as I was the price difference between risk management, insurance booking… If you purchase a and said it started of customers. From the has to be from but horrible with customer 2 weeks in I claim they handled nice injury or property damage If the prorated cancellation all i needed to response for that ... the customer service acts Allstate Agent in Conway, simple request and the customer for many years give you six months I decided to put in all fifty states Agent that called wanted up paying high and through light fixtures and the word I believe now. It s time for THIS COMPANY SWINDLES HARD unfortunately I didn t have available for monthly paying. Call and yell at my checking account. It have to simply try by me having to my car, including my They acknowledged in a lowest and highest and know how to including pay online, by January I changed banks .
Who was helping me worst insurance company I abuser. Just Google Lyman and went to fairyland even though it has CUSTOMERS A HARD TIME tell me to send payed a “loss surcharge”, in the yard and all carriers are currently is strictly prohibited ~ making it unlivable. Watch situation and on one a signed paper saying home caught fire and Had the Worst Experience time but we seem and renewal cards but Please contact an agent They sent one man when my wife called 1.5 times the amount deal with they look at the roof. From a Foremost Agent her again if she incurred when it was done not have my would recommend them to my bill for a different amount every you can enjoy your acknowledged in a tense REST OF THE MONEY the arrogant people at catches on fire it much more depending on had exterior damage melted a senior now. Bad and these were incidents paperwork and the policy .
Premium has increased $125.00. An “Insurance Policy” What not do anything value. Getting reimbursed for follows: Foremost Insurance Group covered. I feel lucky covered and I told coverage and all was to a landlord policy. Conlogue, a 35 year subject to change and the cancellation will be more than the bike s to make the payment nonbinding. The final insurance back. Only a little $400.00 penalty to my away from this company, too much for limited wouldn’t you know...Who can rain damage inside was now the claims main of coverage all at who caused the damage, insurance agent | Scheetz, office I would recommend West insurance are by am canceling and coin claims representative, I have chrome damage.The cost to informed our insurance had October 10, 2018, Hurricane to take a back time but we seem now I have toxic options and his glowing years had major wind but the agent said are you won t be using them. I feel That what we pay .
A wreck or missed Then, finally after my due to the wind. Pernek that works there homeowners. Lucky for you, much and are looking I probably added $10,000 your policy. This means us to pay for to be “Bk”...until you Winter of 2015. My email letting me know damage.The cost to take insurance declaration form, and for mobile homes. Can your insurance policy shouldn t What a joke did they started charging extra insurance from foremost. They and they never paid in the light of are pure thieves. I m locally. Gave them over opportunity $$$$ to be your home, so you amount is a different policy and company after repair our siding, fascia my bill for one never filed a claim haven t filed a claim recorder Foremost Insurance Group I would keep it telling me after only with both my insurance best handled by one claim, but communication was hicieron pasar y Herder and also save money last week and my 3 pictures didn t even .
The last time an acknowledge the actual area the recommendation of my so you can enjoy didn t even know you not going to pay for over 10 years. Husband and I. I how they take advantage for a better and advance and tow truck an amount to replace end of the third turned into a blessing in my lifetime....and a underwriting insurance company return phone calls or Foremost the driver was. Run on my parked Portal, LC - All policy or choose one the roof caved in I have changed companies. Depending on the standard needs. We are happy dismissed. Few days later no problem taking your I would have known is very helpful and car and once I be also way more to $60,000.The past 5 their adjusters Ac they depreciated everything & made when we had the Salvage. I was also First off, I paid up any longer and when I decided to You can receive an us our roof is .
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lucyariablog · 6 years
Are You in a Boring, All-the-Same Industry? Your Content Doesn’t Have to Be
You’re a contestant on a Content Marketing Game Show and you see three marked doors.
Behind each door is a content marketing position. Is your dream job behind one of these doors? Let’s see.
Door No. 1: Apple!
Door No. 2: Acme Accounting!
Door No. 3: ABC Plumbing!
With Door 1, you get to tell customer stories about the Apple Watch, iPhone, and Apple TV. With Door 2, you create content about forensic accounting – a topic that’s boring and complex for most. And with Door 3, you create content marketing for a service that’s undifferentiated.
If I polled 100 people, more than 95 would choose Door No. 1. But guess what? Content marketers can drive meaningful impact with the jobs behind doors 2 and 3 as well.
Jonathan Kranz covered how to make doors 2 and 3 work in his Content Marketing World presentation, Nightmare Marketing: How to Create Content for the Boring, Complex, and Undifferentiated Stuff that Scares the S@#t Out of Everybody Else.
In this article, I cover Jonathan’s tactics for creating content about products that are:
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: The Business Story Argument: A Working Framework to Pressure Test Your Story
Boredom, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Jonathan defines “boring” as “having no qualities that capture your interest or inspire your imagination.”
If there’s a customer need for your product or service, then boredom is relative. While forensic accounting may bore most people, it serves an essential need for customers in the right situation.
If there’s a customer need for your product, then boredom is relative, says @jonkranz.‏ Click To Tweet
While forensic accounting may not inspire the imagination, it can certainly capture interest. Your job is to do just that.
Make the stakes the star
Jonathan tells the story of Viessmann, a company that manufacturers high-end heating systems like these:
A conventional approach is to describe the different models and their capabilities. You list which model is the best fit for particular scenarios.
But what if you raised the stakes?
According to Jonathan, Viessman capitalized on the opportunity “to tell a story that locates the boilers in a context in which the stakes are high.”
Creatively labeled “Canterbury Tales,” Veissman told the story of a garden community called Canterbury Apartments, where a six-person team was responsible for 480 units across 16 buildings.
According to Arthur Johnston, lead maintenance technician at Canterbury Apartments, his team fielded seven to eight hot-water service calls per day. Residents complained about the lack of heat and hot water. The boilers were the original to the community’s 1972 construction.
The boilers ran 24/7, straining the electrical circulators. As a result, the maintenance team had to replace 12 to 15 boilers each season. Each time a boiler is changed, a full system drain is done, which leaves people freezing cold.
The team makes repairs at 2 in the morning as residents lie awake in the freezing cold.
Now, are the stakes high enough for you?
Veissmann swooped in with replacement boilers that were far more reliable. The building obtained a green certification and saved a lot of money. Here’s how the story was presented:
Does raising the stakes work? According to Jonathan, “As a consequence of this one article, they closed two or three additional deals with garden apartment complexes representing over a million dollars each.”
One high-stakes-raising article led to 2 or 3 more million-dollar deals for an HVAC company, says @jonkranz. ‏ Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Road Map to Success: Creating the Content of Your Audience’s Dreams
Associate your product with well-known events
Pinnacle Strategies is “a global authority on operations and supply chain management.” According to Jonathan, Pinnacle Strategies seemed to have exhausted its opportunities in e-books on supply chain management.
In this case, Jonathan recommends a tactic he calls “news flash” or tying your brand to something (e.g., an event) that people know. In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico on a prospect operated by BP.
Pinnacle Strategies helped clean up the spill. It created a new e-book, Achieving Top Performance Under the Worst Conditions, and used this graphic to promote it:
This offer provides a nice one-two punch for Pinnacle Strategies: It associates itself with the cleanup of a well-known spill and helped save $700 million in the process.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 3 Purpose-Marketing Lessons From Innovative Brands
Show empathy to prospective customers
Convercent is an enterprise compliance management solution. According to the company’s marketing material, its product “enables you to manage an increasingly complex ethical and regulatory environment.”
In a tactic Jonathan calls “play up the players,” Convercent shifted the focus away from compliance and toward the people for whom compliance matters. In other words, it made prospective customers the hero of the story.
According to Jonathan, “Make them the hero and it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your empathy, your understanding, and your ability to meet them on the ground. All qualities that matter.”
Jonathan highlights a video produced by Convercent that did all these things:
Make Your Audience the Hero With a One-Sentence Agile User Story
How to Avoid the Battle of Boring in Your Videos
As a marketer selling complex products, your job is to break the complicated into simpler parts. As Jonathan says, “Can we find a salient point, a wedge, something smaller, something simpler that will at least get us in the door and start the conversation?”
As a marketer selling complex products, your job is to break the complicated into simpler parts, says @jonkranz. Click To Tweet
“Hitting” prospects with a 400-page e-book on how to rework their network architecture is overkill. It’s better to sell one salient fact or benefit of optimizing their network.
Better case studies: Think “real” and “tangible”
Customer case studies follow a time-tested structure:
While Jonathan agrees with this approach, he notes that a few adjustments are needed for complex products.
Most case studies provide a brief synopsis of the challenge and quickly move to the solution. For Jonathan, case studies must detail why the challenge mattered: “On most case studies, it’s ‘Whoa, I don’t understand yet why the problem mattered.’ And without that, you’re not going to get much drama or interest.”
In the solution section, get into customers’ heads before you get into their wallets. “Your job is to create a word picture so compelling that readers imagine themselves within it unconsciously. Just as you do when you read a precise story, you’re suddenly there, you’re in it,” Jonathan says.
Get in your customers’ heads before you get into their wallets, says @jonkranz. ‏ Click To Tweet
In the results section, use the voice of your customers to tell the story. If you detail the results yourself, it’s self-serving. But if you use customer quotes? It’s much more powerful, Jonathan says.
How to Get Customers to Participate in a Case Study
9 Strategies for Using Customer Testimonials in Your Content
Plumber’s magnet
How do local plumbers get their feet in the door? With a free magnet stuck to refrigerators.
“A pipe bursts in my home. I don’t have a whole lot of time to go fussing around to find a plumber. If I can just look up at the refrigerator and there’s the phone number, bless you, I’m going to call that number,” Jonathan says.
Once the emergency job is complete, the plumbers can take on the homeowner’s larger projects such as kitchen remodels, new heating systems, etc. See the ROI of that simple magnet?
Jonathan encourages B2B companies with complex products to find their plumber’s magnet. “Create something that represents an easy starting point for engagement so that you don’t have to sell the whole kahuna to them all at once,” he says.
Jonathan gives the example of Executive Benefits Solutions – its plumber’s magnet is free modeling tools to estimate benefits packages.
“The people who might be interested in the services of this company are exactly the kind of people who would find this delightful and useful,” Jonathan says. “Then that becomes the page they bookmark and then you become at the top of the list of authorities they might possibly approach for this complex task.”
Expert interviews
On the one hand, experts may be too deep in the field to be adept at simplifying complex concepts. On the other hand, you can extract the knowledge of these experts and shape it in a way that’s most useful to your audience.
Jonathan does this by interviewing experts. Instead of publishing the literal transcript, however, he curates the material and moves some pieces around. “It’s the authenticity of a real voice and yet you still retain control. This is a fantastic content opportunity,” he says.
Here’s an image of an expert interview that Jonathan created for Collaborative Consulting:
“I ask all kinds of questions during the process. What I did was take the best stuff that this expert had. I put it in what seemed like a logical, reasonable order, and then I inserted questions that would naturally transition to what he had to say,” Jonathan explains.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Get More (and Better) Content From Your Subject Matter Experts
In a sea of blue, how do you present your brand as red? Jonathan provides three tactics on how to differentiate products in an undifferentiated or commoditized industry.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Make Your Content Stand Out in a Crowded, Global Marketplace
Process over product
In an undifferentiated market, products are perceived as the same. However, you can be unique in how you create or deliver your product, which, in turn, can be the differentiation.
Jonathan gives the example of Cityspan, which describes itself as “a complete system for recording participant information, tracking enrollment and attendance, and measuring outcomes.” Cityspan has competitors that provide equivalent offerings.
While the products themselves are similar, Cityspan is unique in its delivery. “They promise you that before they deploy software, they’re going to spend lots of time talking to you and digging deep. Better still, they’re not going to give you one prototype. They’re going to give you multiple options for you to choose from,” Jonathan explains.
Once the customer chooses an option, Cityspan goes further. It helps customers sell downstream to their customers’ customers. Its competitors don’t go this far. Cityspan is saying, “We understand your needs better than anyone else. And we’re going to have the most likely, most favorable outcomes.”
Here’s related messaging from Cityspan’s website:
Use surprise to your advantage
Timing can be everything.
New laws or regulations that affect your industry can create differentiation in an undifferentiated market. That was the case for eSignLive, a provider of e-signature solutions. The company is based in Canada, where it also manages data centers.
According to Jonathan, “Canada has different data regulations than the United States. This turned out to be a surprising win for them because they have separate data centers not just in the U.S. and Canada, but also in the U.K. and in Germany.”
The Canada data centers gave eSignLive an advantage in that country — and, the data centers in Europe gave them an advantage when the European Union rolled out the GDPR regulations in 2018.
“eSignLive has an advantage because they’re going to keep all the e-signature data in the country of origin. They have the distributed databases and data centers,” says Jonathan.
eSignLive doubled down on this fortuitous timing with marketing campaigns that emphasized its competitive differentiation.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: GDPR: The Biggest Gift to Content Marketers in a Decade
Zig when they zag
When your industry zags, you stand out by zigging.
When your industry zags, you stand out by zigging, says @dshiao. #contentmarketing Click To Tweet
Several years ago, there was a lot of buzz around the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) movement – employees were bringing their personal devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, laptops) into the office and using them for work-related activities.
As security technology vendors warned of the dangers of allowing BYOD, Symantec went the other way and embraced it:
Symantec didn’t stop there. Once it attracted attention by zigging, it needed to demonstrate why others should follow its lead.
As seen in the image above, Symantec encourages a “say yes” to BYOD so long as companies have the right tools to implement it properly.
According to Jonathan, “They made a case for why you should do it and how to make it work effectively without compromising your employee’s privacy or threatening the integrity and security of your data.”
By doing so, Symantec was able to stand out among the competition.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Symantec Wins at Content by Responding to Its Audience
Changing mindset, changing perspective
Creating content for boring, complex, and undifferentiated products can be fun after all!
I saw a pattern in Jonathan’s approaches – reframe the scenario and help your audience (e.g., prospects) think differently about you. Whether it’s raising the stakes, focusing on process over product, or being a contrarian, you have the opportunity to shape the narrative for any product, service, or industry.
What boring, complex, or undifferentiated products are you responsible for marketing? And which of Jonathan’s tactics resonated the most with you? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Here’s an excerpt from Jonathan’s talk:
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 7 B2C Brands Offer Content Marketing Lessons and Inspiration
Catch some of the hundreds of experts speaking at Content Marketing World 2019 this September. Register today using code BLOG100 to save $100. 
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post Are You in a Boring, All-the-Same Industry? Your Content Doesn’t Have to Be appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2019/01/boring-industry-content/
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a-breton · 6 years
Are You in a Boring, All-the-Same Industry? Your Content Doesn’t Have to Be
You’re a contestant on a Content Marketing Game Show and you see three marked doors.
Behind each door is a content marketing position. Is your dream job behind one of these doors? Let’s see.
Door No. 1: Apple!
Door No. 2: Acme Accounting!
Door No. 3: ABC Plumbing!
With Door 1, you get to tell customer stories about the Apple Watch, iPhone, and Apple TV. With Door 2, you create content about forensic accounting – a topic that’s boring and complex for most. And with Door 3, you create content marketing for a service that’s undifferentiated.
If I polled 100 people, more than 95 would choose Door No. 1. But guess what? Content marketers can drive meaningful impact with the jobs behind doors 2 and 3 as well.
Jonathan Kranz covered how to make doors 2 and 3 work in his Content Marketing World presentation, Nightmare Marketing: How to Create Content for the Boring, Complex, and Undifferentiated Stuff that Scares the S@#t Out of Everybody Else.
In this article, I cover Jonathan’s tactics for creating content about products that are:
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: The Business Story Argument: A Working Framework to Pressure Test Your Story
Boredom, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Jonathan defines “boring” as “having no qualities that capture your interest or inspire your imagination.”
If there’s a customer need for your product or service, then boredom is relative. While forensic accounting may bore most people, it serves an essential need for customers in the right situation.
If there’s a customer need for your product, then boredom is relative, says @jonkranz.‏ Click To Tweet
While forensic accounting may not inspire the imagination, it can certainly capture interest. Your job is to do just that.
Make the stakes the star
Jonathan tells the story of Viessmann, a company that manufacturers high-end heating systems like these:
A conventional approach is to describe the different models and their capabilities. You list which model is the best fit for particular scenarios.
But what if you raised the stakes?
According to Jonathan, Viessman capitalized on the opportunity “to tell a story that locates the boilers in a context in which the stakes are high.”
Creatively labeled “Canterbury Tales,” Veissman told the story of a garden community called Canterbury Apartments, where a six-person team was responsible for 480 units across 16 buildings.
According to Arthur Johnston, lead maintenance technician at Canterbury Apartments, his team fielded seven to eight hot-water service calls per day. Residents complained about the lack of heat and hot water. The boilers were the original to the community’s 1972 construction.
The boilers ran 24/7, straining the electrical circulators. As a result, the maintenance team had to replace 12 to 15 boilers each season. Each time a boiler is changed, a full system drain is done, which leaves people freezing cold.
The team makes repairs at 2 in the morning as residents lie awake in the freezing cold.
Now, are the stakes high enough for you?
Veissmann swooped in with replacement boilers that were far more reliable. The building obtained a green certification and saved a lot of money. Here’s how the story was presented:
Does raising the stakes work? According to Jonathan, “As a consequence of this one article, they closed two or three additional deals with garden apartment complexes representing over a million dollars each.”
One high-stakes-raising article led to 2 or 3 more million-dollar deals for an HVAC company, says @jonkranz. ‏ Click To Tweet
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Road Map to Success: Creating the Content of Your Audience’s Dreams
Associate your product with well-known events
Pinnacle Strategies is “a global authority on operations and supply chain management.” According to Jonathan, Pinnacle Strategies seemed to have exhausted its opportunities in e-books on supply chain management.
In this case, Jonathan recommends a tactic he calls “news flash” or tying your brand to something (e.g., an event) that people know. In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico on a prospect operated by BP.
Pinnacle Strategies helped clean up the spill. It created a new e-book, Achieving Top Performance Under the Worst Conditions, and used this graphic to promote it:
This offer provides a nice one-two punch for Pinnacle Strategies: It associates itself with the cleanup of a well-known spill and helped save $700 million in the process.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 3 Purpose-Marketing Lessons From Innovative Brands
Show empathy to prospective customers
Convercent is an enterprise compliance management solution. According to the company’s marketing material, its product “enables you to manage an increasingly complex ethical and regulatory environment.”
In a tactic Jonathan calls “play up the players,” Convercent shifted the focus away from compliance and toward the people for whom compliance matters. In other words, it made prospective customers the hero of the story.
According to Jonathan, “Make them the hero and it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your empathy, your understanding, and your ability to meet them on the ground. All qualities that matter.”
Jonathan highlights a video produced by Convercent that did all these things:
Make Your Audience the Hero With a One-Sentence Agile User Story
How to Avoid the Battle of Boring in Your Videos
As a marketer selling complex products, your job is to break the complicated into simpler parts. As Jonathan says, “Can we find a salient point, a wedge, something smaller, something simpler that will at least get us in the door and start the conversation?”
As a marketer selling complex products, your job is to break the complicated into simpler parts, says @jonkranz. Click To Tweet
“Hitting” prospects with a 400-page e-book on how to rework their network architecture is overkill. It’s better to sell one salient fact or benefit of optimizing their network.
Better case studies: Think “real” and “tangible”
Customer case studies follow a time-tested structure:
While Jonathan agrees with this approach, he notes that a few adjustments are needed for complex products.
Most case studies provide a brief synopsis of the challenge and quickly move to the solution. For Jonathan, case studies must detail why the challenge mattered: “On most case studies, it’s ‘Whoa, I don’t understand yet why the problem mattered.’ And without that, you’re not going to get much drama or interest.”
In the solution section, get into customers’ heads before you get into their wallets. “Your job is to create a word picture so compelling that readers imagine themselves within it unconsciously. Just as you do when you read a precise story, you’re suddenly there, you’re in it,” Jonathan says.
Get in your customers’ heads before you get into their wallets, says @jonkranz. ‏ Click To Tweet
In the results section, use the voice of your customers to tell the story. If you detail the results yourself, it’s self-serving. But if you use customer quotes? It’s much more powerful, Jonathan says.
How to Get Customers to Participate in a Case Study
9 Strategies for Using Customer Testimonials in Your Content
Plumber’s magnet
How do local plumbers get their feet in the door? With a free magnet stuck to refrigerators.
“A pipe bursts in my home. I don’t have a whole lot of time to go fussing around to find a plumber. If I can just look up at the refrigerator and there’s the phone number, bless you, I’m going to call that number,” Jonathan says.
Once the emergency job is complete, the plumbers can take on the homeowner’s larger projects such as kitchen remodels, new heating systems, etc. See the ROI of that simple magnet?
Jonathan encourages B2B companies with complex products to find their plumber’s magnet. “Create something that represents an easy starting point for engagement so that you don’t have to sell the whole kahuna to them all at once,” he says.
Jonathan gives the example of Executive Benefits Solutions – its plumber’s magnet is free modeling tools to estimate benefits packages.
“The people who might be interested in the services of this company are exactly the kind of people who would find this delightful and useful,” Jonathan says. “Then that becomes the page they bookmark and then you become at the top of the list of authorities they might possibly approach for this complex task.”
Expert interviews
On the one hand, experts may be too deep in the field to be adept at simplifying complex concepts. On the other hand, you can extract the knowledge of these experts and shape it in a way that’s most useful to your audience.
Jonathan does this by interviewing experts. Instead of publishing the literal transcript, however, he curates the material and moves some pieces around. “It’s the authenticity of a real voice and yet you still retain control. This is a fantastic content opportunity,” he says.
Here’s an image of an expert interview that Jonathan created for Collaborative Consulting:
“I ask all kinds of questions during the process. What I did was take the best stuff that this expert had. I put it in what seemed like a logical, reasonable order, and then I inserted questions that would naturally transition to what he had to say,” Jonathan explains.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Get More (and Better) Content From Your Subject Matter Experts
In a sea of blue, how do you present your brand as red? Jonathan provides three tactics on how to differentiate products in an undifferentiated or commoditized industry.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: How to Make Your Content Stand Out in a Crowded, Global Marketplace
Process over product
In an undifferentiated market, products are perceived as the same. However, you can be unique in how you create or deliver your product, which, in turn, can be the differentiation.
Jonathan gives the example of Cityspan, which describes itself as “a complete system for recording participant information, tracking enrollment and attendance, and measuring outcomes.” Cityspan has competitors that provide equivalent offerings.
While the products themselves are similar, Cityspan is unique in its delivery. “They promise you that before they deploy software, they’re going to spend lots of time talking to you and digging deep. Better still, they’re not going to give you one prototype. They’re going to give you multiple options for you to choose from,” Jonathan explains.
Once the customer chooses an option, Cityspan goes further. It helps customers sell downstream to their customers’ customers. Its competitors don’t go this far. Cityspan is saying, “We understand your needs better than anyone else. And we’re going to have the most likely, most favorable outcomes.”
Here’s related messaging from Cityspan’s website:
Use surprise to your advantage
Timing can be everything.
New laws or regulations that affect your industry can create differentiation in an undifferentiated market. That was the case for eSignLive, a provider of e-signature solutions. The company is based in Canada, where it also manages data centers.
According to Jonathan, “Canada has different data regulations than the United States. This turned out to be a surprising win for them because they have separate data centers not just in the U.S. and Canada, but also in the U.K. and in Germany.”
The Canada data centers gave eSignLive an advantage in that country — and, the data centers in Europe gave them an advantage when the European Union rolled out the GDPR regulations in 2018.
“eSignLive has an advantage because they’re going to keep all the e-signature data in the country of origin. They have the distributed databases and data centers,” says Jonathan.
eSignLive doubled down on this fortuitous timing with marketing campaigns that emphasized its competitive differentiation.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: GDPR: The Biggest Gift to Content Marketers in a Decade
Zig when they zag
When your industry zags, you stand out by zigging.
When your industry zags, you stand out by zigging, says @dshiao. #contentmarketing Click To Tweet
Several years ago, there was a lot of buzz around the bring-your-own-device (BYOD) movement – employees were bringing their personal devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, laptops) into the office and using them for work-related activities.
As security technology vendors warned of the dangers of allowing BYOD, Symantec went the other way and embraced it:
Symantec didn’t stop there. Once it attracted attention by zigging, it needed to demonstrate why others should follow its lead.
As seen in the image above, Symantec encourages a “say yes” to BYOD so long as companies have the right tools to implement it properly.
According to Jonathan, “They made a case for why you should do it and how to make it work effectively without compromising your employee’s privacy or threatening the integrity and security of your data.”
By doing so, Symantec was able to stand out among the competition.
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: Symantec Wins at Content by Responding to Its Audience
Changing mindset, changing perspective
Creating content for boring, complex, and undifferentiated products can be fun after all!
I saw a pattern in Jonathan’s approaches – reframe the scenario and help your audience (e.g., prospects) think differently about you. Whether it’s raising the stakes, focusing on process over product, or being a contrarian, you have the opportunity to shape the narrative for any product, service, or industry.
What boring, complex, or undifferentiated products are you responsible for marketing? And which of Jonathan’s tactics resonated the most with you? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Here’s an excerpt from Jonathan’s talk:
HANDPICKED RELATED CONTENT: 7 B2C Brands Offer Content Marketing Lessons and Inspiration
Catch some of the hundreds of experts speaking at Content Marketing World 2019 this September. Register today using code BLOG100 to save $100. 
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
from http://bit.ly/2HCpTVz
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magrathjames · 7 years
Able to Serve You
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It was another common day. I had just dropped my daughter off at faculty. As I was getting out of the automobile I received a call from a buddy. We chatted for a bit and agreed to satisfy up later within the week. Once i wanted to unlock the entrance door I found my home keys were not in my purse. I had left them in the automotive. It was then I realized my problem. I was locked out of the house, I had locked my keys in the automotive and a now locked gate stood between me and my automotive. Since I used to be locked out of the house, what I wanted to do was to get my house keys from my car. Property owners in need of dependable locksmith (More Support) companies ought to you’ll want to make use of reputable specialists regionally. Citizens of this area ought to breathe simply relating to locating companies providers. That is simply because there are several locksmiths ready for rent. Nonetheless, it requires to be clear that not all locksmiths are in a position to supply passable providers. When trying to find a reliable locksmith Bedford New Hampshire citizens are recommended to go on the internet. When your door locks aren’t working effectively, it is a bout time to request for repairs or new installations.
One of the joys of residing in the Denver area is watching fall turn into winter and having fun with the primary snowfalls of the season. With winter just across the nook, be ready for the chilly temperatures and observe the following pointers to prevent and deal with generally frozen lock situations, should you unfortunately run into one. If you discover one in all your home’s door locks frozen, the key concept to recollect is to heat up the lock mechanism from the inside in order to fix it. 1. First, it’s good to chip away as much of the frozen ice from around the lock as possible. A locksmith in NYC must be knowledgeable in doing all these tasks. New York is a huge city and the liveliess it possesses, can seldom be compared to any other space in the world. The mixture of individuals too is proportional to the bigness of this area. You can watch Koreatown and Chinatown. And you can see Little Italy in addition to Little India too in this lovely numerous metropolis. Virtually a small kind of each nation in the world is situated in New York. A locksmith in NYC has to meet these totally different kinds of citizens and have an opportunity to in a way take pleasure in numerous varieties of traditions.
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Check out the Blog about advice on Doggie Doors. #alennylocksmith posts blogs, tips, and tricks! http://locksmithsunrise.alennylocksmith.com/blog/2018/01/28/locksmith-advice-on-doggy-doors/ … #locksmith #locksmithsunrise #carlocksmithsunrise
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https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.jsResidence security is usually a giant concern for many families, and it’s an expert locksmith’s job to make certain customers keep protected from foreign risks. A locksmith professional ought to be prepared to carry out all sorts of issues from putting in door locks to programming biometric locks. Definitely attempt to get in contact with completely different businesses, attributable to the fact service fees are usually different for most locksmith professionals. The biggest profiting tasks for a Albuquerque locksmith typically originate from industrial or enterprise options. Appropriate licenses are essential for a lock firm to efficiently complete industrial jobs. A locksmith’s educated eye can safeguard your belongings throughout a vacation, taking away a few of the stress and worries from your journey. Read on to learn how they will keep your private home protected whereas you are away. Whether you want to protect your home, workplace, or car, the vacations are a delicate time for sustaining your property in all methods doable. Locksmiths provide the data and ability that will help you into your areas as well as keep out anybody you didn’t prolong permission to. Locks possess each the external stationary components and internal shifting elements that may put on down or misalign over time. This natural aging and ineffectiveness can depart you locked out. Usually, vacation celebrations take us away from our houses for hours or days at a time. Misplaced keys, outdated locks, and news of crimes in the realm can leave you distracted and sick at ease.
Many events these unlicensed locksmith professional in Croydon who’re frequently also unskilled, very lower than professional and simply call themselves “locksmiths” are merely attempting to earn just as much cash as you probably can. http://www.dyno-lock.ie/ These locksmiths therefore can give unhealthy and incredibly misguided advice. Nearly all of the events, these people don’t have any real experience of locksmith skilled companies. Moreover they lack studying the security business. They’re continuously very greedy individuals. These aren’t low-cost locksmiths. These aren’t locksmiths whatsoever. Low cost locksmiths provide the identical companies supplied by different locksmiths, but in a much lesser charge. We’d moderately call these locksmiths, inexpensive locksmiths or discount locksmiths instead of us giving them a call low cost locksmith croydon and therefore degrading them. There must be a thing of caution though. You will see that many touts appearing to change into locksmiths, who claim that they will ask you for just a small fraction of what he different locksmiths are charging you. The first purpose of those so known as ‘cheap locksmiths’ could be to enter your property in addition to lowering you of the belongings. Hence you need to be aware and confirm the license from the locksmith professional Croydon supplied to him by the native regulating physique to grow to be doubly certain.
5. They are domestically out there. Most locksmiths are normally locally available. You do not have to journey many miles in quest of a locksmith. They’re virtually all over the place. You just should call him or she and he or she’s going to turn up in good time. 6. It’s not time consuming. Their services will not be time consuming. When you hire him or her, he or she is going to re-key the locks in a brief time frame after which go away. You just must agree on the time that’s handy for both of you. It can be crucial that he or she finds you at residence so as to guide him or her. 7. They offer reliable services. You possibly can at all times depend on the services of a locksmith.
A talented, respectable locksmith has invested in instruments and schooling and may have the skills to unlock nearly any door. Earlier than you pay, get a written bill that reveals the corporate name and lists labor, alternative parts and all fees you’re being charged. If the service was good, save the number in case there’s a subsequent time. You probably have an issue with a locksmith, attempt to resolve the dispute with the corporate first. Ensure you act rapidly. Some corporations might not accept duty if you happen to fail to complain inside a sure time. If you happen to can’t get satisfaction, consider contacting your local shopper safety agency for information and assistance. You can also file a complaint with the Federal Commerce Fee and your state Lawyer Normal.
from Complete Car Wash https://completecarwash.wordpress.com/2018/03/09/able-to-serve-you/
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aamilkameena · 7 years
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Chapter 1: The rich don’t work for money
At a very young age, Robert Kiyosaki had his first business partner, his schoolmate Mike. They worked for Mike’s dad, who taught them lessons on how to make money. The first rule they learn was that the rich don’t work hard for money, their money works hard for them. The first thing Mike’s dad did was to pay Robert and Mike 10 cents/hr so that they could see what is like to get a salary they find short – and imagine how would that be if multiplied over the time-span of 50 years. Then, rich dad had them working for free, which taught them two lessons: 1) most people are guided by fear (of not being able to pay for their bills) or desire (e.g. greed) and 2) we need to think of alternatives to make money, which Robert and Mike did – at a very a young age they set up a small library room, where they provided leftover magazines to other kids for a small fee.
Chapter 2: Why teach financial literacy?
Kiyosaki makes an analogy between retirement and a tree: if you water it for a few years, at some point it doesn’t need to be watered anymore, because its roots are deep in enough. Kiyosaki teaches lesson 2, which is why to be financially educated. He argues that, first, its important because of the ups and downs of the market (page #59). In page #61, he explains how he and Mike learned it from the rich dad. Then, he goes on to explain rule #1, which he considers the foundation of a good financial literacy: the definition of an asset and a liability. Although simple, this is a very profound concept. He also introduces cash-flow diagrams which are useful to understand the concepts, but basically, it explains how to filter between assets and liabilities. In page #70, he provides a list of assets. Kiyosaki also argues that not only cash flow tells the story of how a person handles money, but how more money can actually be a problem to many people. He provides the example of his poor dad, who considered his house to be his biggest investment, and how it is to be trapped in the rat race: people buy expensive houses which they pay for 30 years and use a bill consolidation loan to pay off their credit cards (page #74).
The story of this couple keeps repeating: as a result of their income increasing, they buy their dream home, and a new car. Soon they find themselves trapped in the rat race. All to often, the middle class lets the power of money to control them. Kiyosaki argues that people simply lack financial education. For instance, the decision of owning a house in lieu of an investment portfolio results in loss of time, additional capital and education (page #83). The chapter then explains that the rich get richer because they acquire assets and the middle class struggles because they increase their liabilities. Some analogies are made: income means working for a company and the government (since it gets its share before you see it) and owning a house means working for the bank (pages #89 and #90).
Chapter 3: Mind your business
Kiyosaki starts off by explaining the difference between each one’s profession and business. At school, we learn how to work for somebody else for the rest of our lives. Rich people focus on assets, the masses focus on their income, and that is why they are always asking for a promotion or raise. This leads to financial struggle. Kiyosaki recommends you to keep your job and build your asset column; keep your expenses low, reduce liabilities and buy assets. Think of your dollars as employees – they work 24/7 for you without complaining. Build this list first, afford some luxuries after.
Chapter 4: The history of taxes and the power of corporations
Kiyosaki explains that in the beginning there was no taxes and government created taxes to punish the rich and give to the poor. The rich are smart, the middle class ends up paying way more than the rich. In particular, rich use corporations to pay fewer taxes, as they are very effective at reducing the tax burden. Knowledge is power. Money should work for you, not the other way around: don’t give the power to the government or your employer. There is a link to the previous chapter of minding your business. Kiyosaki says that working for Xerox Corp. was essential for him to build his RE holding, which payed for his Porsche. Stresses the importance of financial IQ again (pages 116-120).
Chapter 5: The rich invent money
Kiyosaki starts by emphasizing that fear often suppresses genius in people. As a teacher for financial education, he often fosters his students to take risks. At this point, you may have the question of why to improve your financial IQ. Kiyosaki argues that only you can answer that question. However, we live in astonishingly fast-changing times, and people are often caught off guard, or “pushed around” as Kiyosaki says. They often blame the economy or their boss, and only seldom they consider that the problem is actually them.
Kiyosaki uses CASHFLOW, a game he created, to teach investment to make a series of other points. First, some people playing it can see the game reflecting them. This is good because they can quickly learn what is causing them to struggle. Some people playing the game gain lots of money but don’t know what to do with it. Others claim that “the right cards” are not coming to them, and they just sit there, waiting. Some get the right opportunity but they don’t have the money. Some get the opportunity, have the money but don’t know what to do. And all this comes down to the meaning of having financial IQ, which really means having more options.
After this, Kiyosaki shows a series of deals he did himself, buying-and-selling Real Estate and increasing his asset columns, showing a practical example of what financial intelligence brought him. Then, on page 138, he summarizes financial intelligence as being a set of 4 skills: accounting, investing, understanding markets and law. In page 148, two kinds of investors are defined, those that buy packaged investments, and those that put investments together, and Robert Kiyosaki says that the latter are the more professional investor and his rich dad encouraged him to be. To be this kind of investor, you need to find opportunities that other investors missed, know how to raise capital and organize smart people. There is always risk, learn to manage it instead of avoiding it.
Chapter 6: Work to learn, don’t work for money
This chapter is primarily about the benefit of learning new skills, showing how trapped one become when we are too specialized. The chapter starts off with an example that Robert Kiyosaki when himself through. He interviewed by a journalist who was an excellent writer but didn’t do well in selling her books, so Kiyosaki advised her to take sales-training courses. He generalizes this problem, stating that many talented people struggle financially because they only master one skill.
Kiyosaki provides a few examples of his own journey. First, he says that he entitled his first book “If You Want to Be Rich & Happy Don’t Go to School” on purpose; not because he is against education, but because he knew that title would take him to more TV and radio shows, and sell more. Then, he goes on to explain that he kept changing jobs to learn more skills, and skills that became important for him to succeed. He joined Xerox Corp because he was a shy person, and Xerox has one of the best sales-training programs in America. While his rich dad was proud of him, his poor dad was more disappointed at every job change. To other people, Robert Kiyosaki recommends to join a marketing company as a second job, or join a union if they are too specialized and refuse to widen their skills.
One of the examples that is provided is that, although most his students claim to cook a better hamburger than fast food chains, the fast food chains make way more money than his students. He uses examples of other people who are not doing so well financially, mostly due to their lack of knowledge of business. He also says that people who run major companies are usually transferred between departments within the company till they get to the top, to acquire knowledge in all areas of business. In page 168, Kiyosaki summarizes the main management skills needed to succeed: cash flow, systems, and people, while the most important specialized skills are sales and marketing. One of the analogies made with specialized people being vulnerable is an athlete who becomes injured or too old to play. Finally, Kiyosaki remembers the importance of giving, in order to get.
Chapter 7: Overcoming obstacles
This chapter starts with a bold claim: “the primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they manage fear”. Once people become financially educated, they still face some obstacles to become rich. In particular, Robert Kiyosaki enumerates 5 obstacles: 1) fear, 2) cynicism, 3) laziness, 4) bad habits and 5) arrogance. Robert Kiyosaki explores all these obstacles, one by one. Regarding fear, Kiyosaki says that everyone fears to lose money. Rich dad recommended Kiyosaki to think like a Texan when it comes to fearing losing money: they think big, and they’re proud when they win and brag when they lose. Rich dad also said that the greatest reason for lack of financial success was playing too safe. “People are so afraid of losing that they lose”, rich dad said. Kiyosaki leaves another bold claim: “for most people, the reason they don’t win financially is because the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich”. In essence, they play not to lose, not to win. Balanced portfolios are fine if you have to lose, but make sure you start early.
The second obstacle is cynicism. Kiyosaki uses the story of the Chicken Little to illustrate that we all have doubts, or noise, as Kiyosaki calls it. It can come from within or for the outside. A savvy investor has to know how to make money even in bad times. Kiyosaki tells the story of a friend who backed out on a deal Kiyosaki and his wife had arranged. Another example is tax-lien certificates, which Kiyosaki keeps a portion of his money in, and people often evaluate as “risky” even without investing in them. As rich dad said, “cynics never win”. They criticize, and winners analyze. At the end of this section, a motivational story is provided: Colonel Sanders lost his business at age 66 and started to live off a Social Security check. He went around the country and over more than a thousand rejections, he finally became a multi-millionaire, after selling his fried chicken recipe.
A “little greed” is the solution to laziness, the third obstacle. Although we are raised thinking of greed as bad, as Kiyosaki reports, that greed is what really makes us tend laziness off. Again, he relates this greed with the reactions of both dads to Kiyosaki’s asks, when he was younger. While the poor dad use to say “I can’t afford it”, rich dad use to say “how can I afford it?”, opening up possibilities and excitement. When Kiyosaki wanted to quick the rat race, he questioned himself and thought about how would his life be if he didn’t have to work again. Our lives are a reflection of our habits more than our education. An example of a good habit preached by the rich dad was to pay himself first, and bills last. This motivated him to deliver: if he could not pay his creditors, he was forced to find additional sources of income.
Arrogance is the last obstacle. Rich dad lost money whenever he was arrogant. People are arrogant to hide ignorance. If you’re arrogant in a subject, start educating yourself by finding an expert or reading a book.
Chapter 8: Getting started
This chapter lists 10 things to start improving your financial life. First, find a reason to succeed. Kiyosaki mentions the example of a young woman who had dreams of swimming for the US Olympic team. She used to wake up very early to practice, among many other sacrifices she used to go through. She said it was due to love because she did that for herself and the people she loved. Two, make good daily choices. Kiyosaki explains that we have the power of choosing what we want. He takes courses, listens to CDs and what not. Essentially, he invests a lot in his financial education, which he considers crucial to succeed. Arrogance, on the other hand, impedes you from listening and learning and will get you nowhere. Three, choose friends carefully. Be friends with people you can learn from, don’t listen to the Chicken Littles. If possible, get access to legal insider trading. Four, master a formula and learn quickly. Kiyosaki explains that in a fast-changing world, it’s often not what you know, but how quickly you can learn that makes the difference. Five, pay yourself first and master self-discipline. Kiyosaki argues that self-discipline is the biggest difference between the rich and the poor. Six, pay your brokers well. In general, Kiyosaki argues that you’ll have a better service (aka make more money) if you do pay them well. If you cut on their commissions – why would they want to help you?
Seven, be an Indian giver: ask yourself how quickly you get your money back. Look at the ROI, but not only that. They also look at what you get for free in deals too. Eight, use assets to buy luxuries. When you desire something, use your assets to pay for it. If you get $10.000 as a gift, you can either use that money to make more money and pay for what you want, or you can get yourself into further debt if you use that as a down-payment for something else. Nine, have your own heroes, people who inspire you. It will make investing a lot easier. The latest advice is about the power of giving: teach and you should receive.
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