#and this timeline eventually leads into copper red
lunarpleurodon · 2 years
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COR concept art log #1 🥰🥰
theme song is arandano by niru kajitsu (specifically 𓆑 ‘s cover)
i went a little heavy on the ajin references....... it’s been a big inspiration in my art and writing and i think grace and kei are very similar as people lol
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hesthermay · 1 year
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PAIRING: obi-wan kenobi x fem!oc reader
SUMMARY: the shrill sound of blaster fire, red and blue shots of light cutting through the deep fog. the call of a trooper to his general, voice almost blending in with the chaos filling her ears. a blue lightsaber, illuminating the form of a quick and nimble jedi. copper hair, soft and somehow still shiny, as her fingers carded through the strands in the dead of night. flashes, these were—visions and dreams plaguing the goddess of the sun; the sun witch; whatever she may be called. viarruh finnall, the queen of orret, knew she was meant to do more for the galaxy, meant to be out there and meant to be with someone, and with the help of a dear friend that is exactly what will happen.
RATINGS + WARNINGS: general audiences, mature themes, slight angst? female oc, use of she/her, mentions of death, soulmate trope, eventual fix it fic. the clone wars time period.
NOTES: this oc and story has been living in my head for actual months. i love viarruh, and i sincerely hope you all do too! her and obi <3 ugh <3 there will be more to this story, i can’t say how many parts bc i’m honestly just winging it but it will follow the clone wars timeline, but it should be alright if you haven’t seen the show. also! i am planning on posting this story to my wattpad! if there are any inaccuracies or things that aren’t quite right, i’m doing my best! but i’m also flying by the seat of my pants so! oops! anyways feedback is always appreciated love u pookies
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It was quiet in the Jedi Temple, the long corridor leading to the council room almost deserted; save for the four occupants huddled together.
Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala stood side by side as they attempted to offer small comforts to the pair before them. Time seemed to drag on as they all waited, tucked away next to a large column to retain as much privacy as possible, and nerves were understandably growing stronger.
“Just don’t look at him,” the Jedi Knight offered, holding his hands up as if the answer was so simple. He could not be faulted much, however, because he stuck around even when he had no reason to.
“Don’t look at him? I dream about him every night and you expect me not to look at him?” The woman across from him questioned, incredulous words filling the small space of their circle as her sculpted brows furrowed.
“Ani,” Padme sighed, shooting him a small smile nonetheless.
“I think what the General means,” the last member of the group interjected, his low voice easing his companion’s nerves ever so slightly. “Is that when you give your speech, do not focus on him too much. It will only distract you, and…” he drawled, words sounding like a question.
“...it’s something we can unpack later,” the woman finished with a nod, filling her lungs with air before exhaling.
“Good, very good, my dear.” Aged hands squeezed her shoulders before her attention was drawn elsewhere. Her eyes landed on the form approaching them from afar, and it was familiar to her, but it was not the man she was stressing over.
It was a Kel Dorian, a Jedi the woman had seen more than once in her visions. When he was within earshot, the woman hesitated before she opened her mouth. “Koh-to-yah, Master,” she greeted, attempting a small smile. A small effort, a metaphorical hand outstretched to make a good impression, and the man stopped in his tracks upon hearing her. It was difficult to read him due to the mask covering his face, but he bowed his head in return. A choice, to accept the hand.
“Koh-to-yah, Your Majesty,” his deep voice replied, before he continued the short trek to the council room.
“Okay, it shouldn’t be too long now that Master Plo is here,” Anakin explained. “I promise, it won’t be as bad as you think.”
There was no time to reply to him, for the doors opened and the Jedi from before, Master Plo, stepped out. “You may enter, Your Majesty. I do apologize for the wait.” He held out one arm clad in armor, and the woman detached herself from her support group with one last glance.
“Oh, no apology needed, Master,” she assured, voice soft as she passed him and crossed the threshold into the large room. Before her sat every member of the Jedi Council, some in person, some over holocall, but they all gazed upon her in a daunting semi-circle.
Her eyes zeroed in on him immediately, breath catching in her throat and heart freezing in her chest. Obi-Wan Kenobi, with his copper hair that shone in the sunlight that streamed through the many windows, was somehow even more perfect in person than in her dreams, and she did not know how that was possible.
She hoped that her face didn’t give her away, cursing herself for the falter in her stride when they made eye contact. She dismissed it, told herself to give no thought to the way it looked as if the man struggled just as much upon seeing her. That was impossible, a trick of the mind; for she was only human after all.
The young woman was suddenly aware of every aspect of herself, from the way her dress lay as she stood in the middle of the room to how heavy the crown she often wore felt on that day.
“A pleasure to see you, it is, Viarruh Finnall,” came the croaky voice of Master Yoda, and so that was where she chose to focus her eyes as she forced herself to remain calm.  
“The pleasure is all mine, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to hear me out,” she smiled, as polite as ever in a formal meeting. She did not have much experience with Jedi, but she did have some when it came to being a Queen.
“Of course,” the man sat next to Yoda replied, his hands clasped before him. “What can we help you with, Your Majesty?”
Viarruh took another deep breath, gathering her bearings before she dove into the explanation she could only hope she delivered in a clear and concise way. Her hands reached down and fluffed her dress slightly as her lips parted, nerves shoved to the back of her mind. “How much do you know of my planet’s culture?”
A moment passed in silence, her eyes flitting from one Jedi to the next, before she continued. “Or, more specifically, how much do you know about my family?” Another beat of silence, and she began her little walk around the circle she stood in, movement helping to disperse the nerves buzzing throughout her. “In my family, the crown is passed down from Queen to Queen, traditionally mother to daughter; and that is because we possess something that I understand to be somewhat similar to the Force,” she paused, eyes landing on Obi-Wan subconsciously. He was stoic as ever, hand raised to cover his chin as he listened, and was little comfort in the moment.
“It’s ancient, older than old, and it’s…” she laughed slightly, arms moving about as she spoke. “It’s magic. That’s the only word for it. Some have called us goddesses of the sun, others have called us sun witches; regardless of that, we are capable of things normal humans cannot do. We have a connection to the sun and possess abilities that aid us in protecting our planet, our people. Traditionally,” she sighed, “mother would teach daughter how to use and strengthen these abilities, but I have been without my teacher for quite some time. I haven’t had my master to help me, I’ve been on my own with only the light to guide me in the right direction, and I will not lie to you all. There are things I still don’t know about myself, things I’m still learning. This magic, it only grows stronger as time passes, just as I do, and I have not mastered much yet.”
“Magic?” Someone questioned from behind Viarruh, and she twirled around to face the man. “I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but magic is not real.”
This reaction was not one Viarruh was unfamiliar with. The condescending tone in the Cerean’s voice did nothing but roll off her back like water. Just as she was about to respond, someone beat her to it. A few seats away, a Togrutan woman illuminated in blue as she called from wherever she resided, addressed her colleague. “Master Mundi, perhaps we should keep an open mind, this galaxy is bigger than you might think.”
The man, Mundi, as it turned out, grumbled to himself but settled into his seat nonetheless. A small smile stretched across the queen’s face, and she lit up with an idea. “On the contrary, Master Mundi,” she raised a finger, and spun around to find the beams of light trickling into the circular room. “Magic is real, and I can show you.”
She stepped forward, hand outstretched before it was enveloped in the streams of warmth. Not a moment later, the light began to shimmer around her hand, golden sparkles covering her skin even after she pulled away. She held it up to show everyone, eyes flitting down the line of people before they settled on Master Plo. The grin she shot him was, all things considered, tame compared to her usual mischievous smirk, but the man did not know that. As the woman floated towards him, all he could think of was Ahsoka Tano, and how she must be a copycat for she looked almost the same when a plan formed in her mind.  
When she finally stood before him, slender fingers were placed on his forehead and the still glittering light showered down and covered his entire body. Warmth filled him to the brim, as if the sun itself was beating down on a summer’s afternoon, and his eyes shut momentarily. When they opened again, Viarruh was still standing before him, hands at her sides but giving him a hopeful look. “Fascinating,” he mused, and the woman chuckled before bowing her head and returning to her spot. Behind her back, Plo made eye contact with Yoda before he nodded just once.
“That,” Viarruh began again, “was only a simple trick, but I feel a good example of how real my connection with the sun is. Recently, it seems I have…unlocked something. A new ability, something I had seen my mother deal with but not something she ever had the chance to help me with. I have been having visions and dreams,” she explained, face serious as she grew closer to the heart of her speech, the real reason she had called upon the Council.
“And they are only getting stronger and more persistent. Every day, now multiple times each, my mind is taken over and my eyes glow golden and all I can see is this war. I have seen it all,” she stressed, nodding her head a few times at the disbelief on some of the master’s faces. “The assassination attempts on Senator Amidala’s life, the Battle on Geonosis,” she listed, eyes wide. “I’ve seen a handful of you fight in battles, seen you risk your lives against swarms of droids. And I see myself, too; fighting with you, helping you and your men bring this closer to an end one day at a time.”
The room was so silent, one could’ve heard a pin drop, if anyone dared to move a muscle, that is. Every Jedi sat frozen in their seats, eyes all trained on the woman in the center of the room, and for a moment she felt like prey being stalked by predators. But she could not afford to let that get to her, let it throw her off her game because she was in too deep now to back out, to lose.
“I know, I know it sounds absurd, but it’s the truth. I have never been so certain about anything in my entire life, as I am about the fact that I am meant to do something in this war. I can feel it in my bones,” her fists clenched to emphasize her words, eyes boring into each and every person they landed on. “I believe that every person in this galaxy has a purpose, something they are meant to do, either for themselves or someone else; and I know in my heart of hearts, in every crevice of my mind, that I am meant to fight with you. My entire life, I have always had an intuition that rivaled anyone around me; sometimes I just know things and I am seldom wrong. I have never been led to believe I cannot trust my emotions, and that is how I know these visions mean something. I see with more than eyes.”
Her feet stopped moving, planting themselves in the dead center of the circle she had been pacing with toes pointed right at Master Kenobi. “Please,” she breathed. “You have to believe me, have to trust me that this is meant to happen.” His blue eyes bore into her, and she could not find it in herself to look away from them. If anyone in this room believed her, it had to be Obi-Wan. He had to know that she saw things beyond herself, that she thought of him every day and maybe, just maybe, she could tell him that she also dreamt of him every night. During the day, it was battles and clones, lightsabers and blaster fire; but at night, it was him. Moments of sneaking affection, fingertips brushing fingertips, late night conversations where no prying eyes could catch them, kisses, soft and sweet and sacred in their secrecy.
When she finally did break contact, flashes of his laughing face being pushed to the side, she looked to Master Yoda. “I love my job, and I love my people, but it eats away at me sitting in that castle instead of being out there.” Her voice shook under the severity of her emotions, the weight of her words and what they meant too heavy to hold steady in front of the audience. “I am absolutely riddled with guilt every time I see a clone fall, or a Jedi get cut down, and I know I can’t save everyone but I know I could do something.”
It had been a long while of Viarruh being the only one speaking, everyone else sitting in silence as she spilled everything that had been occupying her mind for months, so when she finally concluded her speech there was a pregnant pause, a swallowing quiet that left a pit in her stomach. This was it, she had nothing left to add to change their minds, should they send her away with her insane claims and delirious visions. She knew full well how crazy her request was, to want to fight in a war when her days consisted of royalty and sunshine, but it was about doing what was right, not what was easy.
A croaky voice broke the silence, bringing all eyes to a green Jedi huddled in his chair. “Thank you, I do, for coming forward with your visions. Frightening, it is, to share something unknown.” His head bowed slightly, ears moving with him. “Some time, we will need, to discuss things. From the temple, stray not, please.”
Relief, in its purest form, washed over her when his words registered. She was not being sent away with no thought to what she had to say, she was not laughed at for the emotion she showed.
“Of course,” she answered, bowing her head as well. “Thank you for your time. I shall be with General Skywalker in the meantime.” With that, she turned to make her exit, eyes lingering on a copper haired Jedi just a moment longer than they should have before her feet carried her across the room and over the threshold. Behind her, the doors shut and her shoulders slumped, closing her eyes while the sounds of shuffling feet filled her ears.
“Well?” Padme urged, unsatisfied with the lack of information being given.
“They listened to you, didn’t they?” Anakin fired immediately after, and Viarruh was struck with how similar they could be. Two peas in a pod, they were.
The young woman nodded her head, careful to mind the headpiece she wore once it bumped on the wall behind her. “Yes, they listened. No, Obi-Wan didn’t speak to me,” she answered, already knowing those were the two hot questions burning on everyone's minds. “Master Yoda said they would need time to discuss things, and not to stray from the temple.”
“Well, that’s good,” the eldest member of the group pointed out, aged face displaying a hopeful expression. “They could have said no and sent you home, but they’re considering.”
“Ellman’s right,” Padme interjected, face serious now that the first step of their plan was completed. It was only just a day ago that they wondered if they would even be able to do it, and here they were with one foot out the door already. “Now, should they say yes we need to have all of our points laid out for when we speak to the Chancellor. I have everything in my office in the Senate building.”
“I shall accompany you,” Ellman offered, his role as the queen’s main advisor ever present.
“Perfect. Ani, you stay here with Vi while we’re gone, and comm me when they bring her back in.”
“You got it,” he grinned down at her, and her business face melted for just a moment before she had to look away.
“And don’t get into any trouble, you two,” she warned, finger pointed at her husband before going to her best friend.
“Pads, we’re in a sacred temple, what kind of trouble could we possibly find?”
-: ✧
“Is that all you’ve got, Your Majesty?”
Although Viarruh had seen him in her visions, she had never met the young man who had captured her friend’s heart, and so she was not yet prepared for how arrogantly taunting Anakin Skywalker could be. He was caring, that much she could see; he had done his best to help with her pre-meeting jitters and now, was occupying her during her wait at the Jedi Temple. And yet, his voice carried across the sparring room with a challenging lilt curling around the words, solely meant to egg her on.  
“Be careful what you wish for, General,” she warned, eyes bright and sharp and lips pulled into a smirk that only screamed trouble. Her hand shot out and in it formed a staff, appearing in a flash of light right before Anakin’s very eyes, though he still blinked a couple times as his mind attempted to catch up with what had happened. When he finally brought his attention back to the present, he only had moments to duck before the staff made contact with his face. Whatever it was made of, it did not appear to weigh her down as she moved with a frightening grace; and it stood up against a sword meant to cut through anything. She was capable, challenging, even, but she would need more training if she wanted to join them in battle. This was made clear to them both when the match ended with Viarruh’s staff on the ground some feet away from her and the blue blade of a lightsaber pointed right at her throat.
“I suppose you win this round, Skywalker,” she conceded, hands raising in surrender. Just as her opponent went to reply, most likely another boast, he was interrupted by the sound of clapping. Their heads turned in unison, and their eyes widened together just the same. The blade disappeared into the hilt of the saber and the heat fled from her neck, though it returned not a moment later as she registered who she was looking at.
Stood by the entrance was Obi-Wan Kenobi, hands coming down to clasp behind his back. “Impressive,” he mused, and the sound of his voice meeting her ears in person nearly knocked her over, but she remained steady as he started moving towards them. “It seems I taught my padawan well.”
“Yes,” she replied after realizing that Anakin’s silence was a push for her to speak up. “It seems so.” Her eyes cut to the man beside her, and he knew he would be in trouble later.
“And you, Your Majesty, are quite the fighter. I didn’t realize how frightening you could be.” By now, Obi-Wan was in front of the pair, looking at them with crystalline eyes. Viarruh tried not to think about how she looked at the moment; their fight had been long and was easy by no means, and she could feel the sweat gathered on her brow all the more under his gaze. She knew her hair was a mess on her head, having been knotted when she hastily removed the crown, and she didn’t dare look down to see if her dress was crumpled and crooked. She only prayed to Maker that it wasn’t as she stared right back at him.
“It comes in handy,” she quipped, heart skipping a beat in her chest when his smile widened.
The moment, if it could even be called that, was shattered when Anakin finally decided to make his presence known once again. “So, Master, what can we do for you?”
Obi-Wan’s eyes didn’t seem to want to leave the woman before him, but they eventually flicked to his former student, and he had to clear his throat before speaking. “Ah, yes, the Council wishes to speak with you again, Your Majesty.”
“Of course, just let me grab my things and we’ll be on our way,” she smiled, before turning to her new friend. “General, would you please comm Senator Amidala and Advisor Ellman while I speak with the Council?” She had already started to walk away from the men when the answer came, and she did not have to look at him to know he was grinning at her.
“Yes, yes, I can do that, Your Majesty.” She turned to squint at him, hands running through her long strands when, to her horror, he started to walk towards the exit. “I will go do that right now.”
Her fingers forced themselves to resume their movements as she turned away again. She found herself alone with the man she believed to be her soulmate, as if her nerves needed anything else to buzz over. When she did spin around to face him, he was already looking at her. Her cheeks burned even more, but in spite of it she held her hands out, gesturing vaguely to the crown now on her head as she made her way back to him. “Look good?”
Once again, words seemed to stick in Obi-Wan’s throat when her eyes were on him. He stuttered slightly in his reply, and cursed himself silently. “Yes. Looks good,” he nodded, suddenly shy in front of the queen. “To the council room?”
Viarruh was intuitive, and on top of this particularly beneficial trait, she also read people for what they were. Not much got past the Queen of Orret, and so she dared to let herself believe that what she saw was, indeed, true.
Obi-Wan was nervous.
“Lead the way, Master,” she smiled, swallowing her chuckle when she noticed the shade of pink dusting over his cheeks as he led her out of the room.
The corridor was long and dimly lit, the evening sun casting a golden hue across the walls and floors, and though her shoes were the only noise for the beginning of their walk, Viarruh had started to settle into herself; muscles relaxing and mind easing as she felt the warmth of the man next to her. They were not touching, not even close enough to brush arms, but she still felt him. For a moment she wondered if this would only make her miss him more when he was no longer around her, but a small voice in the back of her mind told her she was a fool to think it wouldn’t.
“Your Majesty?”
Her heart still skipped a beat when his accent rang in her ears, but she was no longer fighting for breath and composure. He was comfortable to be around, she had decided.
“Oh, please, Viarruh is fine,” she assured, smiling at him in an attempt to prove to him that it really was fine.
He hesitated for a moment, but not a second later did he nod his head before flicking his eyes over to meet hers. “Viarruh,” he corrected, and oh, Maker, her name had never sounded so pretty. “May I ask you something about your visions? I know you are to speak with the Council about them, but I was wondering if you could tell me when they started?”
“Uhm,” she stalled, remembering back to the first vision she ever had.
She had just settled down in the plush and intricate chair sat at her desk, fully intending to complete some work in the late hours of the night, for something had been nagging her though she could not figure it out. It had kept her awake when she laid down to sleep, and so she had eventually wandered her way around the castle and ended up in her office. But as she reached for the holopad she felt…funny. A feeling washed over her, starting at the crown of her head and showering down to the tips of her toes, and it had happened so fast she hadn’t had any time to react before breath stuck to the back of her throat and eyes glowed bright like the sun that hung in the sky. Her lips were parted but only quiet choking sounds escaped her as her head fell backwards, face pointed to the high ceiling but she was not really looking.
No, her mind was taken over and it was like she wasn’t even in her office anymore. Instead, she was on Coruscant, stood in the darkened bedroom of her best friend. She could not move, she could not speak, only watch as insect-like creatures crawled towards Padme’s sleeping figure. Could only watch as two Jedi burst into the room, blue blade illuminating the darkness as one of them cut the creatures in half.
It ended there, whatever it was that had happened to her. Her eyes slammed shut before snapping open, air rushing into her lungs as she gasped, almost falling forward onto the desk in front of her. With a heaving chest she did her best to push herself up from her seat on shaky arms before she dashed out of the room. Bare feet carried her to the meeting room where she punched in Padme’s comm code, and she anxiously waited for her face to appear in blue, but cried out in frustration when there was no answer.
Worry prickled at every nerve and dread had settled in her feet, making it hard to even move her legs as she rushed to the only room she could think of; Ellman’s. She couldn’t move fast enough, tripping on the ends of her sleep gown numerous times, and she practically flew into his door. She was gasping, mind racing over every possibility as her fists bangs on the door, and she didn’t know how she was still standing by the time the man answered the door.
His eyes were squinted as he tried to make out who was in front of him, and in her frenzy Viarruh almost yelled at him, but there was no time to raise her voice as words spilled out with no end. They were frantic and jumbled together, and it was the alarm bells it set off in his mind that fully awoke him. “Viarruh? Viarruh! What is it?”
His questions fell on deaf ears, and strong hands tightly grasped her shoulders. “Viarruh, calm down! I need you to breathe!” He shook her a few good times, successfully putting an end to the stream of panic falling from the woman’s lips. Her eyes were wide as they finally focused on him, and she was slightly trembling in his hold.
It was a rarity for the queen to get so startled, handling her nerves well on any other day despite the horrors of her childhood, but that was not the case on this particular night. “Vi, what happened?”
“It’s Padme, I—I saw something and when I commed her, she didn’t answer, and—”
“Slow down,” he urged. “What do you mean you saw something?”
“I was in my office, and s—something happened, it was,” she stuttered, shaking her head as she struggled for words. “Do you remember when I told you I had a weird feeling earlier today? I couldn’t sleep, so I went to my office.”
“Was someone in there with you?” He interjected, but she shook her head again.
“No, no, it was just me; but I did see something. It was like…like a vision. I got this funny feeling and then I couldn’t breathe, it was like I was choking on nothing and then I couldn’t see.” Her hands fisted the front of his shirt, words speeding up again the more she spoke.
“You couldn’t see, but you saw something?”
“I’m being serious! It was like—like a vision! I was staring at the ceiling and then something happened to me and it was all gone, all I could see was the vision and I saw Padme!”
Viarruh did not catch on in the moment, perceptiveness dialed down in her vulnerable state, but Ellman seemed to be paying more attention now that she had revealed what she had experienced. His brows were furrowed as her words bounced around in his head, thoughts zooming this way and that as he thought back to when he was working for her mother, and all the things he’d witnessed her do and he remembered visions being one of them.
“What happened to her in this vision?” His voice was low and as serious as could be, no longer high pitched in worry, and in the darkness of the corridor his face was almost grave.
“There was something in her room, and it was crawling towards her while she slept and then two Jedi burst into the room! I tried to comm her when it ended but she didn’t answer, and that only  makes me think something bad really did happen to her! Ellman, what if she’s in trouble? What’s happening?”
“Listen, listen,” he soothed, taking a half step closer. “This is because of your powers. Your mother had visions, but I can only imagine how frightening it was when so unexpected.”
“My mom had them?” she mumbled, wide eyes staring up at the closest thing to a parent she had.
“She did. I don’t know much, unfortunately, but I do know that this was going to happen eventually; you’re far too perceptive and just plain lucky to have it skip you. What it is, well, to my understanding it could be a number of things. The past, things that have already happened revealed to you; the present, seeing things as they happen in real life; and the future, though that is never a certainty. Things change, but you can see these things. Now, what you saw with Padme could be any of those things, I’m afraid I have no answers to give with that, but we will investigate more in the morning. More people are likely to answer our calls, and we will be of sound minds,” he assured, one hand coming up to smooth over the back of her head. “Please, My Lady, let me escort you back to bed.”
“With the assassination attempt on Padme’s life. The one you and Anakin were around for,” she answered, keeping it short and sweet.
“You saw it?”
“I did,” she nodded, fingers playing with the fabric of her dress. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason,” he dismissed, looking away from her and she had a creeping suspicion that he was not telling the truth. Nonetheless, she nodded her head before allowing herself a moment to take him in. He wore the plastoid armor similar to that of the clone troopers over the top half of his robes, and his lightsaber hung off his waist, shining and magnificent. He was more handsome than any man she’d ever seen in all her life of travels and meetings, negotiations and balls. Stuffy princes didn’t hold a candle to him.
“I see,” she mused, voice verging on playfulness. It was nice speaking to him, actual conversations instead of snippets of exchanges captured in dreams. “Well, let me ask you, do you ever see things?” She glanced over him, brows raised and lips curling upwards.
Her question settled into Obi-Wan’s mind and debated how truthful he wanted to be with his response. All his time and energy went into the Jedi Order, and fighting this war. He was strong with the force and worked to keep his balance, and he was a clever and impressive General in the GAR; but from time to time he saw her. Not often, not as often as she had visions, it seemed, but when he got the rare moment of rest, he could hear her voice and almost make out her face. When in battle, surrounded by blaster fire and chaos, he sometimes felt her presence next to him, swearing he saw her and a warm glow in his peripheral, yet when he risked a glance she was nowhere to be seen. It had started when he overheard her speaking to Padme the morning after the attempt on the senator’s life, voice slightly distorted over the holocall but still ringing pleasantly in his ears.
But was this something he wanted to admit to? Something he wanted to reveal in the corridor of a Temple that frowned upon attachments? But to lie to her, the thought of it made his stomach churn for some reason.
“Yes, I suppose I do,” he settled, voice almost far away. Viarruh tilted her head slightly, contemplating the thoughts behind his eyes before he cleared his throat, seeming to come back to her. “The Force works in mysterious ways,” he nodded, grinning when the woman chuckled.
“That, I can understand. Perhaps you see with more than eyes, just as I do, Master Kenobi.”
“Perhaps,” he agreed, looking straight ahead as he prepared himself for his next comment. “Though I don’t think there is anyone quite like you out there.”
Obi-Wan, while pleasant to be around, was becoming almost flirty. His voice was smooth and his accent curled his words nicely, as sweet as honey. Her heart fluttered in her chest and she could not stop it, could not prevent a full on, toothy smile growing on her face. The doors to the council room were in sight, just up ahead, and she looked as unserious as she could possibly be.
“I think you’re right,” she whispered, turning to face him when they were only a few feet before the doors. “But the same could be said about you.” She cleared her throat, wiggling her arms a little to reset, now looking at her companion with determination. “Wish me luck, I’ve got to speak with the Jedi Council.”
“Now that you mention it, I have a meeting to attend. Good luck, Your Majesty.”
With that, the doors slid open and Viarruh made her way inside the large room once again, the presence of Obi-Wan Kenobi following her. When she reached the middle of the circle, he passed her and settled into his seat, and the added distance between them lessened the ease she had previously felt. Nerves began to settle into her again, as even Obi-Wan’s demeanor changed to that of a more stoic man, a Jedi wise beyond his years sitting amongst the council.
“Your Majesty, we’d like to thank you again for coming to us to speak,” the bald man sat next to Master Yoda began, voice just as serious as it was before. It was difficult to read him as he spoke and she found little comfort in the way his face remained stoney. “The information you presented to us is much appreciated, and has caused lots of discussion within the Council. If you don’t mind, we’d like to ask you some questions.”
“Of course, I don’t mind at all, Master…?”
“Windu, Your Majesty,” he answered, bowing his head.
“Master Windu,” she repeated, nodding her head at him with a small smile. “Ask away.”
“What is your goal?”
Vague. A broad question asked simply and to the point, and it caused the woman to tilt her head ever so slightly. “My goal?”
“Yes. What is your goal in all of this?”
“Well,” she sighed. “Short term, I suppose it’s to convince you all to help me do what I can to join the war,” she gestured vaguely with one arm, holding the other out as she spoke again. “Long term, to do what’s right. To make a difference. To help people. Is that not everyone in this room's goal?”
“We are bound by oath,” came the voice of Master Mundi, interjecting and almost cold. “We are warriors of peace and fight to bring balance back to the galaxy, per our oath to the Jedi Order.”
“I am also bound by oath,” she countered lowly. “I was born into a position of power. I’ve held it all my life, and when I was just fourteen standard years old I obtained the highest rank you could possibly get on most planets. The responsibility may not be the same as yours, but it is a great one nonetheless; to keep people safe, to represent them, to protect them, that is what I do. And the oath I made was to always do what is right, what I need to do regardless of whether it is easy or not, whether it makes sense or not. And the Clone Wars are hurting people, and the Republic’s enemy stands for things that I would rather die fighting than let become the status quo in our galaxy. We may live different lives, Master Mundi, but our goals are very much the same.”
“You are very dedicated to this,” a male Nautolan observed, and all eyes turned to him. “It’s easy to see that this means something to you. I believe you when you say that our goals are the same, but this is still a very unusual situation, Your Majesty,” he explained, frowning slightly towards the end of his sentence.
“It is, I know that,” Viarruh assured sincerely. “But as unusual as it is for you, it is the same for me.”
“Your visions, hear more about them, may we?” Yoda questioned, pointing a clawed finger in her direction.
“What would you like to know?”
“Are they of the future?” Someone else questioned.
“Not entirely,” she answered, shaking her head. “My understanding is that they are things revealed to me because they need to be. It could be something from the past, I can see things as they are happening, and sometimes I do see the future, but you all know as well as I do that the future is never set in stone. Prophecies and destinies aside, seeing a vision of something that should happen doesn’t always mean it will happen.”
“What is the extent of your powers? What can you do, exactly?”
“I can do lots of things,” she chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. “But I already told you that they’re still developing, I still don’t know what the extent is.”
“I saw a demonstration of Her Majesty’s abilities in the sparring room, and it was most impressive,” a familiar voice entered the conversation, backing her up as she stood under the eyes of the disbelieving. Her chest warmed as she caught his eye before they flicked to the next person to speak.
“Sparring room?”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan answered smugly. “Her Majesty sparred with Anakin, and held her own for quite some time. I could only imagine what she would be like with just some formal training.”
Murmurs filled the room, soft and blended together, but she gathered that Anakin being her opponent was the hot topic. “Impressive, that is,” Yoda confirmed. “Needed, a demonstration is, perhaps.”
“I can give you a demonstration,” she promised, hand already coming up to point at the copper haired Jedi. Her palm faced upward, slender fingers curling slightly as she made miniscule movements. At first, no one was aware of what was happening, Obi-Wan being most confused of all, but then he felt a little tug at his belt. He looked down to see his lightsaber moving here and there, before it eventually lifted off his thigh and unhooked from his waist.
His mouth opened in shock, and he didn’t need to look to know he was not the only one, as they all watched his lightsaber float through the air, right into the hand of Viarruh Finnall. She ignited the weapon, blue blade shooting out from the hilt and bathing her in the cool hue. And because she lived for the dramatics, she twirled it around, a move that was like muscle memory to her, the whirring sounds of the energy blade filling the room. When she finished, she retracted the blade and her hand fell to her side.
“While I did lose my fight with Anakin Skywalker, I have won many more. I am not helpless, and I do not give up easily.” Her eyes bore into the council members one by one. “And I am not afraid, I was not built to be and cannot afford to be.” She continued to spin around, intending to make an impression on every person she looked at, and she knew it was successful from the look in each of their eyes. “Sometimes it is not enough to just be against darkness. If you have the ability to, should you not use the light?”
The severity of her tone and words had lodged itself in the chest’s of the Jedi Council, and before them stood not the naive queen they thought was coming to their planet. No, stood before them was Viarruh Finnall, Goddess of the Sun, the Sun Witch, Queen of Orret, in all her wisdom and confidence. She was passionate and unyielding, she was caring, and she was strong. This young woman, whatever she had gone through in her lifetime had made her tough enough to bear the weight of leadership, to dive head first into a war that she was never obligated to join, to look an evil in the face and stand steady against it.  
“If we were to say yes,” Master Windu broke the silence, sharing glances with those around him. “What would be your next course of action?”
It took her a moment to calm herself, dispelling some of the intensity in her words as she turned to look at the man. “Well, should you say yes, I would need to speak with Chancellor Palpatine next. I chose to meet with you first because, although the Chancellor makes the final decisions, having you all to back me up would speak louder to him than I ever could on my own. You, of course, are not obligated to, but it would be most appreciated if I had someone to accompany me to speak with him; and depending on his answer, I will head home,” she explained with a note of finality, clasping her hands in front of her.
“Home?” Master Mundi interjected, leaning forward in his seat.
“Yes,” she answered simply, looking right at him.
“And what do you plan to do about your status as Queen while you fight in this war? You cannot do both.”
“I would give it up.” She stated, in such a way that it seemed the answer was obvious. It did not weigh heavy on her tongue as she spoke matter of factly, though it did put pressure on her chest, bones feeling as if they could cave in. “My birthday is in a matter of weeks, and though it may seem frivolous, celebrations are quite the talk back home,” she explained, flicking some hair over her shoulder as she resumed her movements around the center of the room. “I will use it as my opportunity to announce my retirement from the throne, and present who I have chosen to replace me; her coronation will come only days after. Then,” she shrugged. “I’ll go wherever you tell me to, and I’ll do whatever I can.”
It seemed, for a frightening moment, that she was unable to get through to them. They all stared at her, mouths closed with no intention of opening to speak to her, and her shoulders grew heavy, fighting to slouch forward as the feeling of defeat tickled at her bones. She held her breath, eyes flickering between the men in front of her. Obi-Wan held contact before he looked away, seemingly speaking to Master Yoda without using words, and she clutched the hilt of his lightsaber a little tighter, the metal warm from her hold on it throughout her speech.
As she glanced towards Master Plo, a frown almost dipping the corner of her lips downwards, she missed the nod Obi-Wan sent his elder, and the one following from Mace Windu. Her attention snapped back as a throat was cleared, and eyes had returned to her, though the tone had shifted ever so slightly. Almost indiscernible, it was, but she saw it and dared to let hope bloom in her chest.
“Speak to the Chancellor, we will. Tomorrow,” Master Yoda decided, sliding down from his chair, beginning to make his way towards the woman. “To your home, I will go with you. Train you, I will.” When he stood before her, large eyes gazing into hers, he placed one hand over the other on top of his staff as it stood in front of him and he was the picture of wisdom.
For a moment, she did not have any words. She had said so much since she’d arrived at the Jedi Temple, but now that she finally had an answer from them, she had nothing to offer the Council. She was frozen in her stare with the green Jedi, lips parting ever so slightly as his words rang in her ears. “Thank you,” she breathed, relief making her feel so light it almost lifted her off the ground below. She blinked a few times, gathering her bearings as reality began to set in that she had done it.
“Easy, it will not be, Viarruh Finnall,” he promised, shaking his head.
“The things worth doing usually aren’t, Master,” she replied, when the hole burning into her became too much and she looked up, meeting blue eyes already looking. Obi-Wan smiled at her, blowing his head in a silent congratulations, and she smiled. It was similar to the one he had managed to get from her in the corridor, and her success coupled with just knowing him now made it impossible to stop it.
Master Windu was the next to rise, the others following suit, and the tall man joined them in the middle of the room. “When we speak to the Chancellor tomorrow, you will have our full support. All we ask in return, is that you follow through with your word,” he explained, holding his hand out for her to shake.
When her hand slipped into his, enveloped by the gloved and armored one, a familiar feeling washed over her quicker than ever, and she gasped loudly, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. Obi-Wan pushed his way to the front, almost overwhelmed from how loud everyone’s voices were once they blended together in panic, before standing beside the woman but she was not seeing him. Her muscles tensed and her back straightened as she went rigid, fingers clamping around Windu’s hand tightly, and he attempted to pull away in alarm; it was a struggle, but he was eventually able to pry himself out of her hold as her eyes glowed brightly. Her brows were furrowed and breath was stuck in her throat and she looked almost pained, and it made Obi-wan���s heart clench in his chest. It alarmed him, how seeing her like this affected him, but there was no time to think about it as his hands grasped her shoulders.
“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” he called, shaking her slightly but she remained frozen, golden eyes staring past him. Even when he grasped her face in his large hands because the choking sounds escaping her as air tried to fight its way to her lungs were scaring him more, she didn’t see him. His thumbs pressed into her cheeks as he turned her head to face him, almost yelling at her. “Viarruh! Breathe!”
When this very thing happened at home, no one could get through to the woman after her eyes lit up and she stopped breathing; screams and yells falling on deaf ears as her mind was taken over, but as she watched herself creep through the forest with a squad of clones and Mace Windu at her side, a voice echoed from somewhere. Who it belonged to, she could not tell, but it was comforting in its familiarity and lifted the pressure from her chest; everything became clearer as if a layer of dirt and grime had been wiped away, the plastoid armor glinting in the sunlight of the trooper who passed her. Outside of the vision, the blockage was removed from her throat, ripped away as oxygen rushed into her, and light burst out of her.
It was as if they were no longer in the council room, the group of people huddled together now standing in the same forest of her vision. She did not know they were there, could not feel them still, but they saw everything she did as it projected from her. They watched as everyone trekked on, the only sounds being the crunching and rustling of foliage and the sounds of wildlife in the distance; as Viarruh faltered in her step, causing the soldier behind her to bump into her, pushing her forward a few steps. Though, it looked as if she had paid it no mind, instead holding her hands out as if to steady herself, eyes flickering around before landing on the Jedi ahead of her.
And they could only stare as Windu continued on, having not noticed the absence to his left, and Viarruh lurched forward to reach him quicker. “Mace, no!” she yelled, grasping his shoulder to throw his body backwards, pushing him and their squad away from the pressure bomb cleverly disguised; but that also meant she was the closest to the explosion. The onlookers flinched as they were surrounded by heat and light and the deafening blow, watching in horror as the queen flew through the air, rolling backwards when she collided with the ground. She didn’t move much after her body settled, but Obi-Wan could see the way her eyes were blown wide, not seeming to focus on anything as she blinked. She didn’t respond to the calls of her name, not even noticing the people slowly searching for her, the ringing in her ears blocking out everything around her.
It was Windu who found her, shaking his head and rubbing his eyes as he walked up to her. “Viarruh,” he called, and it wasn’t until he saw movement to the side, and turned to see her leg poking through the tall grass. When he stood over her, he cringed slightly at the injuries he could see, and so did everyone else. Blood covered her face, dripping down from her hairline and smearing across her cheeks; parts of her shirt and vest were singed, still smoking, telling them she had burns as well. “Viarruh,” he tried again, and she only looked at him with wide eyes, giving him no indication that she heard him. He reached down with both hands, placing a couple fingers on her cheeks to move her head side to side, inspecting for anything else, and Obi-Wan was relieved to see nothing.
“Come on,” Windu grunted, picking her up and placing her on her feet, slinging an arm over his shoulder as he supported most of her weight. Then, the scene shifted, the same light as before filling the room before it all zapped into Viarruh, hitting her with a force strong enough to push her back a few steps when it collided with her chest, causing her to gasp loudly. Hands reached out to keep her upright, holding her steady on her feet as her eyes snapped shut before reopening, back to normal.
She was panting, gulping air down like she had been drowning, and the first thing she heard when she returned to the present was the worried voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi, his hands on her arms, having been the one to reach out to catch her. “Viarruh, are you alright?”
“That one was different,” she responded, shaking her head as her mind ran a mile a minute.
“Was that a vision?” Windu questioned, leaning closer to the woman.
“Yes,” she nodded, eyes finally raising to meet those of the man that still cradled her. “But it was different, this one wasn’t the same as others.”
“Viarruh,” Obi-Wan called softly. “What do you mean by ‘it was different’?”
“Stronger, it was stronger,” she answered as the group of Jedi began to back away from her, giving her space now that she was back with them. “And I…could hear someone.” It confused her, left her wondering, because she had never heard anyone in her visions like that, never felt anything but alone as she lost control of herself.
“We didn’t hear anyone,” Mundi noted, looking around at the others. “Other than yourself and Master Windu.”
“Wait,” she jerked around, confusion growing more and more by the second. “Did you…did you all see that too?” She was met with nods from everyone, and she could only stand there in a stunned silence as her thoughts ran a mile a minute.
“Viarruh?” Obi-Wan questioned softly after there was still no response from the queen, and turned back around to face him.
“It…projected?” Her face was still twisted in disbelief, the events taking place sprouting question after question in her mind. The man nodded his head to answer her, raising his brows at her tone.
“Is that also newly unlocked?”
She had again looked away from him, eyes staring down at the floor as the dots began to connect, as the answers became clearer. “Yes,” she answered in a dazed voice. “It is.” It was the only reaction she could give him as realization dawned on her, showering over her as her gaze shifted upwards; it focused on the busy planet on the other side of the large windows, the sky turning a pleasant rosy orange as the day settled and plans were now in motion.
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all works on this blog belong to hesthermay.tumblr.com: do not copy, repost onto other sites, or claim my content as your own.
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starsapphirecorpss · 7 months
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I really should update these but!!! These are my guys!!!
So I was an Undertale/CoDZ kid so AU's are a part of the inspiration (in the sense of I don't have to create a new character from scratch, I made Ari before I gave DmC a chance, and only made Zona after that fact).
Here comes a wall of text so have fun with that :))
Arizona - Small spring/Great Oak
Armani - Warrior
Ambrosi - Immortal
I liked the idea of having an alliterative name, and I like to keep my names for demons Italian/Latin due to works like The Divine Comedy, as well as the sheer amount of religious talk in the cultures.
Ari is a goofball, he likes to play and hop and frolic. He's protective of the people close to him. He only really causes mischief, and pranks. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, only cause them a small amount of inconvenience. If a joke goes too far, you'll often find that he's the first to jump in to help resolve the problem. He often steals pens from Dante, spare Devil Breakers from Nero, and tools from Nico. He's sweet, and he's kind, playful, and dumb. While his Demon Form is much stronger, he often uses it to help people feel better. He's a huge fluffy boi, and that makes it easy for others to calm down and feel safe around him.
Zona, however, is much colder. Yes, he wants humans to be free of such a, shall I say, abusive ruler in Mundus, but Zona used to be something of a feral Demon. (I can't personally decide if this part of his Backstory is that Vergil tamed the feral Zona, or if Zona was injured and became indebted to Vergil after the Nephilim helped him.) But he is Vergil's Right Hand Man, hanging just behind the blue Nephilim and waiting to do his boss's dirty work. He enjoys playing with the creatures Vergil needs dead, and the fact that Dante is Vergil's twin does NOT save the red Nephilim. Throughout the course of DmC: Devil May Cry, Zona is curt with Dante after Vergil invites him to help The Order, and is polite with Kat, Vergil's Right Hand Mystic. However, after the twins fight at the end of the game and Vergil disappears into his portal, Zona turned tail and ran off, meeting back up with Vergil after the events of Vergil's Downfall. At this point, Vergil has become the Demon King, and he formally appoints Zona as his Second In Command, his confidant. (ALSO ZONA IS SOOOOOOOOO GAY FOR VERGIL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️)
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this is my OG timeline Oc! her name is Asmara and she is Nero’s mom! (the quality is FUCKED BC TUMBLR HATES ME)
She’s a succubus and Vergils VERY ESTRANGED ex-gf.
She’s 400~ years old and from Indonesia. She was the firstborn of a king and queen in Indonesia, making her a princess. She is the oldest sibling and sister to 3 brothers.
She was turned into a succubus in her 20’s.
She was hiding in Fortuna when she met Vergil. At first they didn’t get along, but the two eventually begin to care for eachother as time goes on, which leads to them jumping into a relationship.
Vergil breaks it off because he thinks she’s weak and making him soft, and leaves her, telling her he never loved her. (He’s lying).
She’s forced to abandon Nero, as she’s being hunted down by the King Asmodeus, and since everyone in Fortuna fucking hated her, they told Nero how much of a whore his mother was.
Since she’s been turned succubus, she still technically has Human DNA, which is recessive to Vergil’s dominant genes, making Nero look almost nothing like her.
She is really kind and motherly, but more of a mama bear character. If you mess with her son, or her loved ones, she’s hunting you down.
Her weapon is a copper whip that is embedded with the spirits of her ancestors. She also has the ability to produce sparks from her palm (which are rather weak but become MUCH stronger when channeled through her whip)
She was eventually captured by Asmodeus and was trapped until (in my AU) Urizen killed him, which set her free. Not knowing who Urizen truly was, she ran away, not looking back, searching for her son.
Reuniting with everyone is definitely… an experience.
She keeps her distance with Vergil. She (unfortunately) still loves him but knows better than to fall for him a second time. They don’t go out of their way to interact, and every conversation they have is extremely awkward.
With Nero, she is a great mother, supportive and caring and just wants to make sure he’s happy, but she doesn’t seem to understand that it’s gonna take some time for him to process everything he’s going through.
She’s cool with Dante! She enjoys his quips and finds him funny.
She helps out at the orphanage and all the children call her “Mama Mara”. She is extremely proud of all of them and loves them all as if they were her own
now for my trainwreck; Ángel
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(i never properly drew them lmfao)
Ángel is my DmC OC, and as their name suggests they are an angel!
Their full name is Virtue Ángel Amare de Pluma, but since Dante didn’t bother trying, it’s just Ángel.
(He still pronounces it as Angel, too)
Ángel is a Virtue angel, and their job specifically is to save the souls of every from Limbo City, since the demon menace has been cleansed. They are rather stubborn and close minded, and truly unknowing of the Human world, or what humans are forced to live through, making them come off as a huge bitch, but they truly do have only the best intentions in mind. Due to how they were raised as an angel, they view themselves above humans, and sees it as a simple fact, though they are kind to them, they are quick to cast out or judge those who aren’t believers. Their personal ‘pet project’ is saving Dante’s soul.
Dante, of course tells them to fuck off, but realizes that Ángel is really the only person who can somewhat relate to him.
Their relationship starts off really rocky. Imagine the Jehova’s Witness knocking at your door every 4 AM and telling you all your sins. Yeah.
Ángel finds Dante’s overall horniness abhorrent and repulsive. Dante keeps flirting with them because he finds it hilarious how flustered he’s able to make them. The two warm up to each other slowly. Ángel does become a more accepting of Dante’s nature even though they deny it vehemently, they refuse to have anyone believe that they enjoy his sin. And Dante learns more of what it is to be a Nephilim, and about being an angel. Like how everyone gets along in this universe; its mostly trauma dumping until the become friends.
Ángel’s relationship with Kat is much better! They are always kind to her and the two get close rather quickly. Ángel is always there to protect and support Kat, no matter what. Kat is actually the person to make Ángel realize the beauty, rather than responsibility, that humanity is.
all three end up in a poly relationship teehee
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frostysprinklez · 4 years
When Star Vs. The Forces of Evil meets Cyberpunk
Summary Overview of Cyberpunk
This is an upcoming fan-fictional story of The Cyberpunk Chronicles: Project Maximus based on Star Vs. The Forces of Evil and Cyberpunk tabletop RPG game created by Mike Pondsmith's vision of a dystopian American future.
This fictional story takes place in an alternate timeline where America was once a great superpower has fallen from grace; leaving millions of Americans to defend themselves. They were either perished during a state of emergency, or were forced to join with a group of tribes calling themselves the Nomads. The rest of the world like China, Japan, and Europe maintain their economic status as they began to thrive for technology and cybernetic augmentations.
The bad news is half of the country became a desolate wasteland due to the lack of resources and decimating towns and cities of what's left of America. The New United States America (NUCA) was established after the collapse; under the dictatorship rule by President Elizabeth Kress. A former military officer who's been serving more than six consecutive terms while the government ignores the president's terms as long as she remains in power. The good news is some states like Alaska, North California, South California, Utah, Nevada, and The Republic of Texas have made a decision to exceed the NUSA to become independent and run their own governed state. In the year 1995, a new civilization has sprung up from America's ashes located in the Northern State of California called "Conorado City," which the city has changed to "Night City" after its predecessor Richard Night was assassinated from his newly constructed penthouse.
His vision was to create Night City into a place of sanctuary and establish law and order to keep people safe; hoping one day that humanity will thrive to rebuild the old world. However his vision was slipped away only to be snatched by a bullet. In the year 2021, Militech and Arasaka have declared war. The war was split into two factions and fought tooth and nail to obtain corporate's assets in order to become the toughest Megacorp in the century. This war has costed millions of lives and the world was ravaged by two powerful megacorporations; tearing the planet itself apart. They began deploying mercenary troops, tanks, aerodyne assault drop ships, armored vehicles, edge runners, and solos who are on the edge of cyberp psychosis. A mental illness caused by too many cybernetic implants after they were driven insane and went on a killing spree, which this mental illness was discovered by it's true nature for someone to loose their sense of human identity and costed their lives to become a psychotic killing machine.
The Fourth Corporate Wars lasted for four years until Night City was decimated by a pocket nuke after the Arasaka twin towers were obliterated. This city has become another bloody chapter of Night City's grim past and costed thousands and thousands of augmented souls. Their human civilization has proved themselves to show pure ignorance for their flaws and failed to repeat the same mistakes. Life goes on.
Decades have passed after The Fourth Corporate Wars, a rockerboy name Marco M. Kojima and his posergang members are trying to survive in a dystopian society of Night City's most dangerous city in America, against corporate cops, booster gangs, cultists, mercenaries, and cyber psychos.
Main Story & Focus on Marco's Posergang
The story focuses on Marco's lifepath before he became a Rockerboy and the events took place in Night City. Marco was adopted by a corpo family living in Tokyo, Japan. They raised him as their son for years until they were eventually murdered by corporate mercenaries. He ended up living in Night City for most of his life, but he also used to be part of a Nomad Clan and Valentino's gang.
He's also the lead singer musician and the leader of a booster gang calling themselves The Sons of Hellfire (Reference tv show of Sons of Anarchy) after performing his first gig at Night City High School. His gang's logo is a demon girl with a shape of a flaming heart that surrounds her (Hekapoo). Her appearance has pale skin (white) with fangs on her teeth and her forearms has spikes and claws on her hands. She has orange pupils and dark yellow sclera eyes, which she also has red hair and wears a fancy dress that matches her eyes. The demon girl also wields a pair of scissors, which Marco has on his possession. Marco's posergang members will cosplay as greasers from an 80s film, which they prefer with hair pomade and apply their hairstyle to pose someone who's famous. Many members will wear leather jackets modified with kevlar armor linen on the interior, and shoulder plates on the exterior, but sometimes they'll have a red collar around the back of the neck which protects them from getting hacked by netrunners. Some of Marco's gang are former booster gangs, solos, techies, Nomads, smugglers, and former corporate mercenaries. His members are consistent at least 30+ members for a relatively small group. Their list of gang activities mostly involves neighborhood watch (guardians), muscle-for-hire, street racing (either on road or off road), burgarly, and game activities (like poker, caravan, dominoes, five finger fillet, and blackjack).
Their headquarters is located somewhere in Night City where they live closer to the combat zone and they usually hangout at a local junkyard at a fancy 80s restaurant called "Johnny Rockets." The owner who runs the bar is Danse and they mostly serve alcohol, soft drinks, and milkshakes. They mostly rely with switchblades and armed with pre-war weapons, sometimes they prefer to carry heavy pistols and assault rifles, or shotguns. Their cyber bikes are customized that represents their gang logo, which they prefer to travel in large packs at least six-12 members and use highways to get around in Night City.
They're currently into conflict with the Malstrom gang since they don't appreciate their hostility for treating one of their members for being an "inferior human" and The Valentino's gang also has beef with Marco. A long time ago, Marco was once an initiate after his roommate Miguel encoueaged him to join their gang. Its not because he was concerned about choosing a side, but he also has a secret crush with Vaggie (Valentine Guerrero) despite she can be "gruff" with the boys sometimes. He stayed with them for over a year until Carlos and his friends caught a teenage straggler named Luke after stealing money from their gang. He handed the pistol to Marco and ordered him to kill Luke. He had two choices: He can become part of a gang member, or be left in the streets to fend for himself. Marco couldn't pull the trigger, but Carlos had no patience for pu#%$#s like him, so he decided to do it for himself. Marco decided to pull the trigger and shot Carlos in the leg. He didn't want to hurt anyone but he didn't want to become a murderer either, so Miguel told him to run and they escape.
The Valentino's gang and The Sons of Hellfire have been tearing each other's throats since day one, but none of them decided to start a gang war. Marco didn't want that, so the two factions mostly settle a dispute with street fights. One day, Marco was in a school cafeteria until he got into someone's face who didn't appreciate showing his face around here. They got into a fight while everyone was chanting the word "fight." When the fight was over. Marco didn't know that was Vaggie's girlfriend and she witnessed what happened. He pleaded Vaggie that it was an "accident" after breaking her friend's ribcage, but her response was "you're done."
Marco's History
Marco has no memory of who he is or where'd he come from. The only few mementos he had on him was two pairs of fancy scissors and an ancient samurai sword after his adopted parents discovered a baby crib sitting outside of their patio front door. Marco's scissors bows had a shape of a hear with a dark-purple color, a golden blade that looks rusted for decades, and the middle of the bolt has a logo of a fireball. The other scissors bows also has a shape of a fireball colored in red, similar to Marco's, the middle of the bolt is also shaded in yellow, and the end of the white blade has a shape of a dagger that looks sheathed.
The samurai sword he had in his possession was made out of copper and steel: On the collar it had holes that look like it had shapes of fins, the guard was a shape of a dragon that spews out a fireball, and the handle was decorated with skulls vertically. Although, the steel blade has been rusted overtime and hasn't been cleaned for ages, which there was no point of attempting to repair it. His father was kind enough to reconstruct his sword from the ground up and hired a blacksmith who knows him well. Marco now carries his father's sword that was recently been melted down from his old samurai sword. The sword itself has a Red, blood-like, Damascus blade with a copper plated collar of a dragon. The handle's linen exterior was black and red; decorated and shape like diamonds with a four-part symbol vertically.
His father decided to give him the name Marco because of the scissors he carried that was rusted has a signature that says "MARCO" engraved on his name, and gave him the middle name "Maximus," which comes from a latin greek name that means "Greatest" or "Largest." His father passed onto his adopted son's last name Kojima, named after his father before him, and the Kojima family has been working for Arasaka since World War II.
Marco's Personality & Estrange Powers
His personality has a combination of Berserk (brave, but emotionless), Nathan Drake (from Uncharted: funny, but can be a sarcastic jerk sometimes), and Ponyboy (The Outsiders: Cares about his friends and his loved ones). He can be a sarcastic jerk sometimes when he greets with his peers, even his sworn enemies. His life caused him to go through a tough depression after losing his adopted parents, but he had someone who gives him love and support. The only thing that fears him the most is his last name. If anyone found out that Marco was raised by a corpo family working for Arasaka. Many of his members and fans will shunned him. He didn't want everyone to know who he is, so he mostly keeps his secrets to himself except his girlfriend. His love of Johnny Silverhand's music inspired him to become part of a rebellion against Arasaka. He utilizes his musical lyrics to voice his anger and manipulates his fans to gain leverage and go against a specific group or person.
During Marco's early childhood, he had some kind of entity living inside of him. Whenever he feels agitated or angry, his orange pupils will glow brighter as a sun and his fangs will pop out from his teeth as a sign of anger. Marco has never lost control of himself since it's common to deal with local street punks and wannabe gangsters. His adopted parents have treated him with love and respect no matter how he looks different than the other humans.
If someone tries to harm him or his friends that puts them in danger. He'll beat them senseless and shows no mercy until they're either knocked out unconscious or they'll loses a tooth with a few broken bones. Many Night City residents and booster gangsters refer to him as: Hell Boy, El Diablo, Lucifer, Morningstar, and Mad Max.
Is SVTFOE a Crossover of Cyberpunk?
Yes, this is part of a fan-fiction story portrayed by some characters featured in Cyberpunk from Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil. There's also going to be some familiar faces added on my story, new enemies, and different scenarios. This story will focus on the main characters, including the gangs of Night City, Nomad Clans, and Megacorporations.
I never watched the show of SVTFOE, but I have read some fictional comic books made by independent authors and so as the creators who made this show.
What is Cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk is an old-fashioned genre that appeared in the 1950s or 60s by a group of RPG game fanatics who had a vision idea of a dystopian society: The difference between "dystopia" and "dystopian" have two different meanings, but they sound similar. The word "Dystopia" is a place or a community society under a utopia illusion that looks more frightening and unstable ruled by a powerful government or entity; which is inspired by Thomas More published from his book in the 1500s called: Utopia. Another word of "Dystopian" is a prediction that foresees a person's perspective of what our society will look like in the grim future (or The Dark Future).
The word "Cyber" is part of a metal gimmick or amputee of a cybernetic augmentation that's replaced with an artificial limb that looks fake, except it's manufactured by a company who makes them. In the world of cyberpunk, many war veterans have lost their limbs before the collapse. Many Megacorporations have began manufacturing cybernetic limbs that were in high demand, and benefited many disabled people to replace their lost limbs for cybernetics.
However this game didn't featured with interface plugs to connect with computers or machines back then until Mike Pondsmith released his first tabletop game of Cyberpunk 2020 in the late 80s. The word "Punk" is an old fashion style that people will wear flashy weird-looking clothes, leather jackets, metal piercings, crazy hairstyles, colors, boots, chains, and testosterone. Most people will design their own fashion clothing with many, many styles of their own design. When you see a posergang wearing flashy clothes, they'll dressed and match with weird-looking accessories, sometimes you'll noticed their facial and body features will not resemble as human. They can depict someone as a conehead, a furry animal, or a mythical creature.
In the world of cyberpunk, many solos and booster gangs will upgrade their implants and become superhumans to push their limits in order to survive, or to prove themselves worthy, but due to their mental illness of Cyberpsychosis. Their mental health has slowly deteriorated and became unstable. They will stop their daily routines (like eat, sleep, socialize, sex, or love interest) and become distant with friends and family. Soon, they'll see themselves more like a machine as they loose their human identity. And later afterwards, they'll become aggressive and see humans as "weaker" and "inferior." As a result, their psychotic rampage will caused them to go insane and lost the ability to reason.
Night City has become a dangerous place to live in America for decades, and Cyberpsychosis has become a big problem since the 2000s. Most state-sponsored organizations offer patients for treatment to recover from their mental illness, but it has become increasingly difficult to transfer patients to become a stable human being. The Night City Police Department has created a new division department called: NCPD Psycho Squad or Maximum Force Tactical Division (MAX-TAC). They have the best gear and equipment they need with heavily combats vehicles and AV-9s, with at least six highly trained SWAT members and one Officer in the field, but they sometimes do require to be cybernetically enhanced before deployment. They're mostly referred to as C-SWAT (Cybernetic Special Weapons & Tactical Squad) and are extremely aggressive when dealing with these cyber psycho threats. They will sent C-SWAT to kill or subdue cyber psychos if possible. If a SWAT unit fails, then they'll dispatch MAX-TAC units to take care of it.
What's it like Living in Night City?
Night City was an inspiration to rebuild a utopia city; free from government corruption and lawlessness. Richard Night's goal was to establish an independent City where everyone can live freely, but he was mysteriously murdered by a monster family. Megacorporations and private military like Militech and Arasaka have taken Richard Night's place and began expanding their business across Night City districts. The Night City Police Department is established and are divided into seven divisions, which they're privately funded by Megacorporations and are sent to patrol in each district zone "only to the highest bidder."
Although, some district zones where there's constant battles between factions and are crawling with booster gangs, cultist maniacs, cyber psychos, and street scum are called "Combat Zones." A combat zone is part of Night City's district located at the Pacifica district sector. Combat zones is a lawless place and are a no go. Law enforcement is limited or non-existent, and no emergency services to call for help. Traveling through the combat zone is not recommended and are controlled by a heavily armed booster gang running the district. If you happen to live near the combat zone where it's close to home. Many corporate cops and business executives tend to avoid that area and would not risk collecting tax money from residents who reside there. Sometimes booster gangsters will offer protection money for landlords and neighborhood tenants in case if there's trouble on the homefront. Some sponsored programs do offer licensing to work as police freelancers, neighborhood watchers, and bodyguards. Although there are some limitations to use some utilization of authority.
Night City's life of crime has two working class citizens: You have the higher-class rich family living in high-end corporate zones with corporate security and private militia, and you have the lower-class losers living in low-end district slums surrounded by booster gangs and violent crime in the streets. The middle-class is non-existent in Night City. It's not everyone's favorite choice, but people have decided live in those city slums these days. It's also a common routine for Night City resident to carry with weapons and firearms, and sometimes they'll modify their clothing to add kevlar and armor plates for body protection. Some cybernetic augs will also have implants to carry their weapon concealed like the mantis blades or a plasma cannon. The problem with Night City's lack of infrastructure and protection for their citizens only cared about "corporate interests" and can care less about their citizens unless their corporate business puts them on jeopardy. They're equally as evil and corrupt compare to some business executives.
Is This Story Starco related?
Actually, no. This story is related to a Markapoo timeline when Hekapoo falls in love with Marco. I read one of the creator's fan-fiction comic books from his patreon page (Zaicomaster14) and was interested about their love story. Marco is a reincarnation of Hekapoo, but his powers are limited in an alternate timeline because of his human form.
What Inspired You to Create a Fictional Story of Cyberpunk?
I first watch the trailer of Cyberpunk 2077's E3 trailer back in 2013 when they featured a video by CDProjekt Red. They're a small conservative polish company located in Europe and they're a big fan of Mike Pondsmith's work, so they offer him to turn his life's work into a video game that inspires people who play RPG games.
I have watched films that are based on science fiction and fantasy, and I have read a few books like Altered Life. If you have watched the movie Blade Runner and Altered Carbon (Netflix Series) that's based on cyberpunk. You'll get a clear painting picture of Night City's dystopian society where violence and oppression are the norm. A city being controlled by a powerful government or megacorporation that shares a common goal only for themselves, but not for the people who want a brighter future.
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dragonwithgoggles · 7 years
Aercus Windforger
Aercus Windforger (aka the Dragon with Goggles)
Plane of Origin: Old-Timeline Tarkir
Race: Dragon/Humanoid
First Planeswalk: Kaladesh
Colors: Red/Blue
Backstory: On the old timeline of Tarkir, few dragons were born in a traditional sense, with most simply spawning fully-formed from the dragonstorm. Aercus was one such exception. The product of a likely forbidden union, Aercus hatched alone amidst a small trove of trinkets and treasures. Being an easy target for the Khans and generating much disdain from the Dragonlords, he learned early on to use artifice to even the odds. Without any friends on either side, he often only fought when his own life was on the line, and preferred fleeing whenever possible.
He was no more than two decades old when the dragonstorm lifted. Soon, his kind was being wiped out in a war of attrition they could no longer sustain. As the last of his kin continued to fight to the death, Aercus hastily scavenged the now-abandoned hoards of the dead Dragonlords. Barely evading the droves of mortals who moved in to plunder the treasures, he managed to acquire a particular set of powerful artifacts that he used to change his physical form. In a jarring blast of polymorphic magic, he warped his draconic body into that of a human- mostly. His transformation was incomplete, leaving reptilian eyes and copper scales along his face and down his back.
For a time, he concealed these features with human clothing as he moved to the snow-capped mountains to eke out an existence as the last dragon on Tarkir- if he could even be considered one anymore. He remained amidst the Temur, who valued his survivability and cunning knowledge of artifice. It was there he made his first friends, humans and orcs who preferred the more subtle, clever ways to survive in the wild apart from ferocity. He remained among them for several years, and lost track of time.
Eventually, his apparent lack of physical change over the course of time was brought into question, and the rise of a new Khan led to Aercus's draconic features being forcefully revealed. He tried to escape but ended up only with spears in his back, hunted by those who he called friend. Backed against a wall, desperate and hopelessly alone, he fell to the ground, expecting the final blow- and sparked.
A very confused (but grateful) Aercus emerged on Kaladesh, wounded but not dead. He was soon found by a group of rebels, who mistook him as a fellow rebel wounded by the Consulate. After getting several nervous looks when asking about Tarkir, he simply listened to the rebels discuss the nature of things on Kaladesh. While Aercus didn't know what had happened, he welcomed the chance to start afresh in a realm that didn't want him dead solely based on his lineage.
He spent another couple of years on Kaladesh, thoroughly interested in all the workings of the plane. He slowly gathered renown among the crafters and inventors of the plane, both as a critic and a resource for rare materials. His gathering years on Tarkir made him uniquely equipped to delve into the wilder parts of the plane, retrieving things that would normally have costed a great deal of money and potentially lives to find.
His critiques often came with softer words and more encouragement than could be expected from other scrutinous eyes, and he was known for offering advice and even some ideas of his own. While he watched the rising conflict escalate between the Consulate and the Rebels, he remained non-confrontational. But he did not forget the kindness shown to him by the rebels, so he occasionally deviated his path to hinder the Consulate when he could.
Aercus loved his time on Kaladesh- he had even earned a bit of a reputation, as well as a place to call his own- but it soon came to an end. A Consulate airship had caught wind of his involvement with the Rebels and chased him down. When attempting to flee, he turned a corner and bolted, only to find himself tumbling through the Multiverse once more. He ended up in a lonely alley in Ravnica now, once again alone.
Aercus now seeks to discover the secrets behind this strange ability that keeps pulling him to different worlds, and hopes to return to Kaladesh and find his life there intact.
Personality: Having been on the run from some threat or another for the majority of his life, Aercus is skittish, hesitant and slow to trust. He finds little strength in numbers and largely prefers his own company over that of others. He is perceptive and honest, sometimes blatantly straightforward with others, but always taking the time to be kind. He has a veneer of suaveness that comes from engaging with others on a shallow level on a regular basis.
Once truly opened up to someone, or sometimes approaching a situation or topic for the first time, he loses his sense of confidence. He does not have a terribly high self-esteem, but does believe that he can make a difference- he just thinks has to work a lot and will probably fail and step on a lot of toes doing it. He stutters on occasion and has difficulty looking people in the eye, and often feels vulnerable.
He buries himself in his craft when creating artifacts or scavenging. He also enjoys scenic views, especially from very high up; it reminds him of the days when he could fly. In these moments of calm he can be heard humming a favorite tune, but rarely speaks, simply working with a content smile on his face.
Preferred Magic: Artifice, lightning, aether
Strengths: He can scavenge, identify and repurpose metal and artifacts of any type, particularly to siphon the power they inherently possess. While he prefers to build up energy over time to release in an unbeatable (and satisfying) blast, he can summon a storm of lightning in a flash to end a quarrel quickly or escape to live another day.
Flaws: He prefers to flee over any kind of conflict, and often passes up high reward opportunities due to avoiding risk. Despite this, he is almost purely driven by emotion, seeking to make others happy and improve their lives. This can sometimes lead to him getting into trouble that causes him to be stressed and anxious, and leaves him nearly penniless from supplying the needy with sustenance.
Aercus's only home is on Kaladesh
Despite now residing on Ravnica, he continues to wear his clothes from Kaladesh. This includes an ornate royal blue cloak rimmed with gold filigree, a well-fastened champagne overshirt that covers a thick weave dark blue undertunic, a large leather belt that contains many tools for shaping, tweaking and inspecting the intricate artifacts of Kaladesh, high-cuff boots and a pair of well-crafted goggles with pale blue lenses that obscure his draconic eyes
His goggles are the only magical artifact that he keeps on him at all times. It creates a magical diversion field around him, causing others to perceive him as bland or uninteresting. Powerful beings, such as other planeswalkers, can see through this
His favorite foods are pastries, particularly fruity ones
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