#(its a very longwinded situation.................)
lunarpleurodon · 2 years
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COR concept art log #1 🥰🥰
theme song is arandano by niru kajitsu (specifically 𓆑 ‘s cover)
i went a little heavy on the ajin references....... it’s been a big inspiration in my art and writing and i think grace and kei are very similar as people lol
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abyssalzones · 17 days
can you tell us about your interpretation of the better world universe!!!! especially curious how stan/mystery trio works into it
hell yesssss I definitely can. ABW is maybe my favorite niche gf thing and probably the only "AU" I care about but that may be due to the fact that it's an AU that exists in the canon and we know so little about it. so it has an established foundation that you're left to fill in the details with yourself... it's like a poke bowl to me. you can put anything in there
and since I felt like it here's a bonus pic of them living their best lives pestering ford
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[explanation-y stuff under ze cut because I got very longwinded]
as for specifics of how I see everything working out, there's a few key points that establish why things happened differently from canon, the most important being:
Stan agrees to hide journal #3 somewhere
Ford reunites with fiddleford and they begin working together again
both of these are already confirmed in canon, the first being the most obvious "schism" between timelines. literally everything in ABW is the way it is because stan made a different decision. kind of crazy in terms of its implications: I feel like that moment in the basement is a really good example of how stan gets so few opportunities to shape her own life (while ford is in the picture...) because of her role as the 'black sheep' twin. it's not exactly a premeditated decision to push ford into the portal, it's her acting on feelings that have been bubbling unaddressed under the surface for 10-something years at that point, and only then does she have any sort of power over the "narrative" of both her life and the story itself, something that from her pov has been ford's story. and in the canon timeline, she says no.
so like, what the hell made her say yes in ABW's timeline? this question kind of haunts me because I feel like it has to be entirely dependent on what the inside of stan's head looked like at the time. it's possible something influenced her, but overall I think it's more interesting if ford did and said all the exact same things up until this point and it really was entirely dependent on stan's decision internally.
so stan says yes, goes on a big trip to the other side of the world somehow, and buries journal 3 somewhere probably never to be found again. yay! but, uh, going on a trip like ford was suggesting would... take weeks. that would leave ford alone again. and not to have my established thoughts informed by new material or anything but bill did give him 72 hours.
so, next order of business: how in the fuck would ford convince fiddleford to rejoin him??? I'm unsure between journal 3 and tbob's information how ford may have tried to reach out to him but it seems like fiddleford was pretty adamant about staying away from that guy, out of guilt or fear of bill/the portal or both. I don't think logically it would just be a matter of ford calling him enough times or finding out where he lives- and I think that's kind of getting away from the point of why ABW is the way it is too. if stan is suddenly making decisions that are influencing ford's life, I think it would be similarly interesting if fiddleford also possessed some unique autonomy in this scenario.
aka I think ford got fucked up badly (possibly involving losing an eye) and fiddleford found him half-dead while trying to burn his house down. [mabel voice] romance!
to clarify: I don't think fiddleford is obligated to take care of ford. a major part of him leaving the project was finally making the decision to leave a situation that was hurting him, that he'd been staying in entirely because he still cared about ford and felt on some level he could still help him (which gets broken with "I don't need you!") and I think that's a very reasonable decision on his part. but I also do have to think about all the times ford has been "the hero" in situations where fiddleford ends up hurt and helpless because of something traumatizing. I think it'd be fascinating to see that reversed and have fiddleford actively making the difficult, messy decision to take care of that guy even when they're on miserable terms. and so begins like a solid week of these two desperately trying to look out for eachother in a nightmare scenario where one of them probably needs to go to a hospital + keeps getting possessed off and on and the other is going through the worst addiction/withdrawal cycle of his life irt the memory gun. yay! (part of the reason this even works To Me also is heavily informed by the lack of secrets: if fiddleford is actively dressing that guy's wounds he can't really keep it all to himself anymore. crushingly intimate perhaps...)
stan gets back eventually. such is the context of this pic
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from there it's a nebulous grab-bag of things I think could happen up to the foundation of the institute.
how do all three of these incredibly fucked up individuals get along? well they don't but then they do.
how do they get bill out of ford's head without performing amateur brain surgery? idk. my best guess is a fiddleford and stan bonding trip into ford's mindscape that potentially helps answer the first question. possibly utilizing the memory gun. shrugs.
what's up with that one picture you drew of parallel fidds holding the memory gun up to ford's head? well. okay that one might or might not be something that actually happened but the idea was just that ford is coping badly with a few specific things and I liked the idea of fiddleford "holding onto" something for him to remember and work through later when he's ready to deal with it, it's an interesting reversal of how he's normally more of a memory sink.
from the point in canon about them stabilizing the portal so that bill can't use it to get into their dimension anymore onward, I think it just becomes a matter of them living the lives they could've always had in canon without realizing it. hence "a better world." some cool tidbits I like to think about:
stan gets to transition much earlier (late 1990's perhaps?) and probably starts going by "lee" instead
she's also the institute's CMO and is mostly in it for going on business trips abroad with ford. and the money. obviously.
the institute probably also legitimately changes the world on a sociopolitical scale outside of just interdimensional travel since their research renders them uniquely untouchable and all three of them are trans (I'm cartoon logic-ing a little bit here just let me have this one)
ford is the eccentric bill nye esque face of the company, fiddleford is the backbone. that isn't to say ford doesn't do anything as I think he'd always moreso be in it for the science than the fame (though it is nice to be more than comfortable financially) but it's an open secret fiddleford keeps tabs on literally everything, he's still very security-oriented.
the northwest family now has a more prominent ongoing rivalry with the pines family that could be very funny to think about. they've taken all the LOGGING JOBS with their damn SCIENCE
part of the reason I thought ford should lose an eye is because I think having him wear an eyepatch would be a neat way to parallel stan's "role" as mr. mystery visually! stan wears an eyepatch for no legitimate reason to keep up appearances as a schlocky tourist trap host, but it also alludes to her being more than she seems under the surface. ford's eyepatch does sort of have a legitimate reason to exist, but he also could just wear his glass eye and it would probably be less "conspicuous." he chooses the eyepatch instead because it's part of his image as Stanford Pines, Founder of Oddology, and because it keeps him safe. there's also a little residual scarring there from damage to his eyelid/tarsal plate which could easily represent him hiding the more "damaged" aspects of himself under his successes. ouch.
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I'm unsure if ford and stan would ever feel comfortable getting back in touch with their parents. I know a lot of people go that route with fan material but I don't think they should have to. I think they're much happier now having healed the rift between them on their own and getting to live successful lives for themselves, rather than to prove something to their father.
that being said I do think fiddleford gets in touch with emma-may and his son again and they end up on better terms with time and a Lot of effort. tate's family is now composed of his father, mother, "uncle" ford (in the ye olde gay closeted sense of referring to your dad's partner as an uncle), and auntie lee, and I like to think they go out on trips to the lake together often :]
also ford and fiddleford tie the knot unofficially (in the eyes of the government anyway) in 1990. owed to stan somehow getting "ordained" as a rabbi. don't ask me how.
the pines twins start visiting the institute from a younger age than they do irt visiting stan in the show-- but they're only permitted to come along on heavily-supervised interdimensional excursions once they turn 12. cue antics!
anyway, hopefully this extremely longwinded and loosely structured mess helped answer your question. I like ABW sooo so so much you guys
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see-arcane · 1 year
I think the issue with Renfield is that Dracula primarily hunts for young blood. Every single older person, like Mr Swales or [redacted] and [redacted] he simply murders conventionally.
I'd say he does prefer young blood as a matter of either taste and/or preference in collection, but Renfield's situation--specifically wanting to join Dracula in his condition with all its promise of immortality and power--probably rubs the Count's hackles the wrong way for a more specific reason.
We've seen him inhale a ship's crew without any mind games reserved for anyone but the final unlucky survivors, the First Mate and the Captain. However old or young the sailors were, they all got slaughtered. The First Mate may have been intended as a conscripted party; just for the pleasure of inflicting the condition on a victim who knows and fears exactly what that state entails. Hence the First Mate committing suicide by the sea rather than risk Dracula's 'welcome.' We never learn the First Mate's age; only that he chose death rather than risk whatever Dracula intended for him.
We've also seen him work with willing laborers in the form of the men who came to fill and move the earth boxes at the castle. Be it for pay, or under duress, or both, these hired men did the work the Count asked of them and laughed at the sight of a victim of their employer begging for help. However happily or grudgingly, these guys were on the Count's team. Dracula can function in a symbiotic relationship with others when he needs/wishes to...
...but none of those men were vampires. Which brings us back to Renfield.
Renfield is a middle-aged man bound to an asylum cell who promises fealty to the Count as his master in exchange for Dracula's accepting/turning him. As yet, there's no immediate benefit to be gained by acknowledging him. Certainly none to be gained by turning him. Specifically because Renfield wants it.
How old is Dracula? How many times do you think he's encountered those like Renfield, pulling at his cloak like a child at mother's aprons strings, begging for a share of his power without realizing the tradeoff? Or worse, knowing and not caring?
We're going to see exactly what Dracula's version of vampirism does to a turned victim in this book. It's not pretty. It is, as some folks have suggested, a turning up of impulse and id to the highest power, with all the violent carelessness that entails. It turns good, virtuous, self-sacrificing souls into vicious funhouse mirror versions of themselves, enslaved to Dracula, but ultimately as blithely focused on What I Want Right Now as the Brides were in the castle.
Now consider what would happen if Dracula went around turning, say, business moguls. Hedonistic aristos. Gluttons. Cutthroats. Individuals hungry for power at the cost of others' lives, regardless of species. Renfield is thankfully not striking too high on the food chain as of yet.
But Dracula can scent what Renfield has the potential for as surely as Renfield detected his arrival. He will never risk turning said potential into its worst possible form by way of vampirism. If he did, his little binge on the Demeter would look like a mere cheat day compared to what a full-blown vampiric Renfield would do to an entire dock's worth of bodies.
We've seen already that Dracula has a hell of a time just keeping the Weird Sisters in line, and those are just three girls who we can assume he's had a hold of for potentially centuries. Regardless of any oaths of loyalty from the living man, Renfield would be a bottomless pit the moment he turned, taking up all of Dracula's focus in trying to stop him from devouring the countryside in a spree.
And that would just be Renfield. What would he do with a whole colony made from the foundation of less-than-sterling individuals? Even as the biggest fish in the pond, Dracula's would-be conquest would turn into a massacre of merely non-saintly parties turned into outright demons.
All of which is a very longwinded way of saying Dracula is choosy over more than youth, pretty faces, and the fun of a good mind game. He has to be choosy about a prospective new vampire's spiritual status too.
If Jonathan had just been some asshole, or even just a flatly ordinary man, not only would he not have lasted the two months in the castle, he'd never have been targeted for turning. If Lucy was just some snobbish beauty with a lucrative medical condition, she'd have been dead the first night Dracula called her to him. But they were and are good people; and they were and are afraid of him, consciously or subconsciously. They do not want what he means to give them.
And for cruelty, coveting, conquest, and caution's sake, that's exactly why Dracula forces it on them.
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
He doesn't really need a tag partner (I'm sure there are people he trusts enough to team with) but if Chuck is out forever can we have Kip step in and be a person for OC to lean on? I mean we could get him on TV possibly weekly (win win in my book) plus maybe we can get OC corrupted and boom it helps push the storyline with Trent? IF Chuck is able to come back, maybe he uncorrupts him? Thoughts?
SO. im sorry ahead of time that this will get longwinded and probably not gonna make a lot of sense but i have A LOT of thoughts regarding this whole situation
so this has been a very common thing to discuss in my dms ever since the shades of the best friends betrayal started when trent and oc entered into the tag team tournament (also shoutout to bugs for dealing with my shit constantly cause i know i can be unhinged ough), and what we dubbed as savior!kip has become a very intense hope in this storyline so... yeah ive been thinking about this possibility a lot ngl
im gonna put the rest of this under the cut cause lmao yeah. im gonna go off the rails
i wanna start this by saying that while i do want chuck to come back, im specifically hoping that he'll come back to team with trent again and to torment oc, that all of this has been one big ruse to see if oc really is their best friend or not (spoilers: hes not. trent is right about everything he said dont @ me). and oc is slowly starting to lack friends; seeing how things are going, things with kris arent that great. shibata and hook have their hands full with so many other things. rocky is obviously siding with trent, even if he doesnt say it directly out loud but roppongi vice forever basically, and the rest of chaos is mostly in japan (and okada is evil now so...). danhausen basically doesnt exist anymore. everyone oc has had around him has slowly disappeared, for one reason or another
so where does that leave us, exactly? you turn to the other side (or more in this case, the other side turns towards you to help out)
kip has been critical on twitter about the don callis family, and basically saying he would never join them due to disrespect from don. and we all know how much kip loves and cares about oc (i dont have to proof this to you you have seen all the sweet tweets and other stuff. this man used to use the kissy face emoji frequently while tweeting at or about oc come on now), so seeing these two words colliding would probably not sit very well with him, i'd imagine. while someone could argue that kip has lost interest in oc since he has dropped the title and thats all that was ever about...
first of all, the "sweet little clementine" nickname has been used multiple times throughout the timeline. this wasnt just a mind game trick to get into ocs head during the title feud, it was in there way way before that ever happened (i believe we are talking about full gear 2020 if i recall my timelines right [its around 3 hours and 9 minutes]); he has always been affectionate about oc in a really weird way (hes british tho so thats probably why). second, how many times has kip been after anyone else between ocs title reigns and after? exactly zero. when mox and fenix were champs, he didnt say a peep (he did, whoever, put out my favorite tweet of all time when oc lost the title to mox). after oc gained the title, he started tweeting again about it. and again when oc lost it, not a word. kip hasnt said anything about the international title or rodney since then; the only time he did post, he told rodney to fuck off cause clementine was his. and since then? kip has been keeping an eye on the best friends feud so... do whatever you wish with that information (1, 2, 3)
the point is, the obsession was NOT with the title; hes just always been affectionate about and towards oc, but in a really weird and obsessive, kind of a destructive way
why is this necessary to bring up? well...
do you really think he would stand idly to the side to watch oc align himself with someone like don callis when all his other friends have abandoned him, all these things considered?
do i need to remind you of something? cause i will remind you of my favorite post
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throughout this entire time, kip never gave up (im aware this is technically non-canon as this is a quote from stream but. if you know their history over on twitch, it counts. the feud bled over there during its prime too). yes this technically had everything to do with him tearing ocs friends away from him when this was posted, but.. dont you think its fitting tho? considering the situation oc is in now? and while yes it might seem that kip is taking the side of trent in this whole thing, this was specifically before don callis inserted himself into the situation by whispering whatever the hell into ocs ear
and what better time and way for kip to insert himself back into ocs life as the one person he can still rely on than right here and right now, when oc is so desperate for a connection and friendship that he'll take don callis of all people?
if we want to dig more into my personal observations, kip has never felt as respected or perceived as he did/does when hes across the ring from oc. this feud was the highlight of his career since the comeback (and arguably, his [and miros] feud with the best friends ending with arcade anarchy was the other, so these two have always been connected more or less), its the one thing people keep talking about in reference to him apart from the box; how he should have been the one taking the title from him, how kip should have been elevated from that point forward too. how people talk about him almost only when he has faced oc in the ring afterwards (which has been at least three times if i recall right from the top of my head) or had a chance to challenge again for that title before oc lost it entirely
so what is the conclusion i wanna draw from this? kip keeps bringing him up. he keeps on leeching on him. he wants that attention off of oc, but also from oc. and what better way to do that than to now befriend him, show him support, be there for him when everyone else has abandoned him?
except its not entirely malicious. it might start as such, but its definitely mutually beneficial, more so than intended; sure maybe kip takes the chance to get to oc when hes down and vulnerable, but theres also that high chance that he'll see he can actually help. kip can help pull oc back up and help rebuild him. kip can be useful and important in this equation too, not just oc (which.. its gonna show kips true colors tbh. considering how kip treats oc as a whole, but he was taking trents side earlier about everything when best friends broke apart so...)
i think this is enough of me rambling, so im gonna get to the point of the ask lmao; but yeah, while i'd love for chuck to come back, i dont think he needs to be the one to uncorrupt oc from under kips spell. cause there wont be a spell to begin with. while yes it might start more or less as a corrupting relationship if they got to tag together with oc, i dont think ultimately it would be harmful to him. just like kip would be there to be supportive of oc, eventually he would return the favor by helping kip flourish, like he has done more indirectly in the past. they are mutually beneficial to one another, for better or worse maybe, but its not going to lead oc down a dark path in my opinion. if anything, oc is uncorruptable at this point (especially without the belt but i feel like that story has completely died by now with roddy holding the title so im not going to touch that rn), and him getting love and support from someone genuine, although surprising in this case, it would just make him more likely to return that favor than to turn against it. what i mean is, oc would be the one to uncorrupt kip, if anything
thank you for coming to my tedtalk and im soooooo sorry for all of this
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loveletterworm · 8 months
i was about to make a joke about something specific but then it got kind of longwinded and boring and then i got distracted just reading a list of things that are in the public domain. Some trivias i learned:
the original Little Shop of Horrors was actually a movie from 1960, which is public domain, but the musical isn't (and neither is the other movie based on the musical but that probably is obvious)...This kind of feels like something I should have logically known already and not really trivia at all but for some reason I never put together before. Maybe I was just vaguely aware that musicals are usually based on things but didn't care enough to investigate
Peter Pan is currently public domain everywhere except for the United Kingdom, as the right to it was gifted to Great Ormond Street Hospital by J. M. Barrie in his will, with a specific clause in UK copyright law that the hospital maintain the right to its royalties in perpetuity. However the hospital has no creative control over the intellectual property and can't refuse to allow people to use it. This was a bit confusing to research because it's a very odd and specific situation so if I explained it incorrectly then that would be unfortunate. If that is the case then nobody get mad at me ever.
the 1968 Night of the Living Dead film was made public domain on release literally by mistake, because they changed the title of the film before it was released and forgot to add the copyright notice on the new title card (which was at the time required by US law for a film to have to secure copyright), and that's just kind of a funny situation
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candysharkart · 1 year
thank u for your interest :)! sorry this got kinda longwinded i think. i never write stuff down lol…….
okay sooo i basically wanted an excuse to think about jack being alive post-canon, but i figured if u bring back the guy who had it coming its only fair to bring back other characters who should not have beefed it. and so! the best option seemed like the new-U system! i know they're just a game mechanic thats not supposed to be taken literally but if they're not gonna use it i am lol.
(putting all this under a cut)
roland not respawning after jack kills him in bl2 is kinda weird since he defs uses new-Us in bl1, but i could see jack using a jammer or some chump shit to interrupt the process. maya n lilith's deaths happen in ways were i……. get that they wouldnt respawn but their data could be still in the system somewhere. i also think non-vault hunter npc like scooter would have at least fast traveled once (most of the fast travels are also hyperion? i think? they feel like the same tech) so they might also have digistruct data. sometimes the system trips up, or u cant pay the fee ect ect, and u dont respawn, but ur up there! backed up in the damn cloud or some nonsense.
wilhelm, nisha, n aurelia are all perma-killed in canon, but are replayable fights, so TECHNICALLY they kind of are respawning they're just………… stuck. the new-U puts them back together but they cant move on for some reason. some goes for a lot of the other infinitely respawning bosses/enemies.
so the catalyst for this au now that bl3 is out is that post-canon, tannis is training her siren powers by shifting thru hyperion's systems, she decides familiarizing herself with the new-U system might be useful when she uncovers all these backed up and malfunctioning respawns, and realizes that if she just like. refreshes the system, all these people might come back. she consults with the other raiders about her findings, n that she probably COULD pick and choose profiles to revive their friends but not their enemies, but tannis is trying to AVOID playing god these days thank u very much.
ultimately they all want their friends back too much to pass up the opportunity and have tannis go thru with it. everybody respawns!! everybody gets a lot of confused echo-messages!! everybody cries!! the crimson raiders are reunited!!!
(this is the part where i talk abt jack and angel's respawns bc they're. specific.)
jack not respawning at a new-U is kinda weird with the context that he like. owns them? it tracks that he thought he was too good to need them, but hes also very paranoid, so what if he had his set up different? a failsafe in the Very Unlikely Event something happens to him, where instead of the nearest new-U, he's respawned at a station in a saferoom somewhere where he can be in immediate control of the situation again. it also tracks that he was very confident he could keep angel safe, but again. what if the very very worst happens? angel's respawn is set to be something only jack can activate, but he has to do it manually so no one else can get to her first. his ego was too big to see any flaws with this!
he doesnt think about the chance that something happening to angel while she's so deeply ingrained in hyperion's systems might mess stuff up. so when she dies, the saferoom goes dark, and jack's too far gone to notice. he's going to win the day and revive his daughter into the better, safer world he's going to build. this does not happen, he dies and his data has no new-U to go to so it just sits there. until tannis resets the system, which powers his saferoom up and spits him out. a new-U glitch he didnt care enough about to have anyone patch interrupts the reconstruction process and he loses his arm to it. he manages enough first aid to not just die again, and finally respawns angel, hoping she'll help him.
after respawning, once angel is able to get her bearings, she's devastated by the idea that jack won, but quickly realizes he DIDNT and he's very hurt and weak right now and this is her CHANCE. but she cant bring herself to kill him she wants to so badly but she just. cant go through with it. but she sure as shit can pistol whip him, collar him, and march him straight to the crimson raiders. once she finds them.
(there are some other specifics we have about this au, and lots we havent figured out yet but this post is already so long im sorry……..)
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bloodgulchblog · 2 years
PLEASE tell us your thoughts about whatever the hell is going on with Chief's hallucinations(?) in Halo 3 and Arbiter's perspective on the matter. please. please.
Alright I have two things to talk about and I'm putting it under a readmore bc I got longwinded like I always do.
We actually know what the hell is going on with the Cortana moments.
Here's a mention of them in one of the Halo crate data drops because of course that's where they revisited this:
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The earlier explanation for them (courtesy of "Human Weakness" by a certain Halo author you all know I have problems. No, not that one, the other one) was that they're messages that the Gravemind used its increasing infiltration of Cortana's systems to send to convince the Chief that she was too far gone in rampancy to recover. (Basically. Through a couple layers of interpretation probably, I was using the Internet to refresh my memory because I don't feel like reading that again.)
I'm not actually super invested either way in the interpretation of what the Cortana moments are in literal terms myself.
But my thoughts about the Arbiter's perspective (which is, to be entirely honest, very colored by my own fanfiction bullshit) are:
It's funny to read the Chief and the Arbiter's interactions as Chief just ignoring him, and that's definitely how it feels when running through. The obvious answer for why Chief doesn't respond is because it's how they usually handle the Chief in Halo, especially earlier Halo: he's the player's avatar and they have him say very little so it's easier for people to project onto him.
But, my personal read really is that the Chief says nothing in those spots. It's consistent with his characterization and the situation. So, that raises a question for me:
Why does the Arbiter tolerate the Master Chief not answering him?
And I was thinking about this because I've been thinking a lot about how do we know these characters actually became friends when we get so very little of the process?
The Arbiter was an important man for many years, and he is used to immediate response and compliance. He has to notice and feel something about this, but we never see him pursue the Chief for an answer when the Chief is silent. It doesn't piss him off, and all his later appearances indicate he thinks incredibly highly of the Chief.
He's not the only character who has interactions with John like this. Johnson also isn't bothered when the Chief doesn't talk back to him, and the Chief frequently doesn't respond verbally to Cortana either.
A critical thing for other characters coming to understand John is being able to read his silences. This is personal character read stuff here, but I really think a lot of the Chief's quiet is a line of self defense because talking opens him up in ways he doesn't like and/or wastes time. He's bad at talking and doesn't have a "good" response to a lot of things, and has learned that he can often get away with not responding at all.
John is weird, but a person can get used to how he communicates without taking his weirdness personally.
When dealing with the Cortana moments, John is already distracted and not in a good place to even explain what he's responding to. When the Arbiter asks him what he sees, he doesn't say "don't worry about it" but he communicates "don't worry about it" by moving on without comment.
That Thel 1) understands and 2) accepts this answer is, if you want to overengineer a red string conspiracy diagram based on video game nonsense with me, readable as evidence that Thel has gotten to know the Chief a little over the course of the weeks they've had to work together. We see John and Thel look at one another and silently coordinate in I think at least a couple cutscenes.
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Also... Thel knows that the Master Chief is not doing great. He's seen how the Chief responded to the message from Cortana. He's seen Johnson, who does absolutely know the Chief, talk to the Chief about the situation with her.
They're in deep shit, the Arbiter knows the Chief is not doing particularly great, and he understands how the Chief communicates (in his stupid weird Spartan way) about the situational information he asked for. It's not worth pressing him to reply like someone else would, it would be a waste of time and needlessly antagonistic in this shitty situation they're trying to survive.
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Get To Know The Author
name : Kay
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : Honestly I have a huge preference for discord. I don't trust tumblr IM to actually alert me. Ive recently learned tumblr has been eating my asks too. If I don't reply to an ask or DM me PLEAS reach out to me. I will NEVE outright ignore something. If I don't think something is going to work for our muses I will reach out to you. 
most active muse :  Kat is my loudest and most demanding. After that would be Her brother Kass, Feyre, and then our spotty maybe I'm here maybe I'm not - Emmett.  
experience / how many years : Ohhh boy. I've been doing the rp thing off and on since 2010. There was a five year chunk in recent years where I disappeared for a bit but the lovely @sharpayevcns pulled me back in a few months ago and I am so appreciative that she did. <3 
best experience : Discovering the people here that make me feel safe enough to obsess over threads. You guys have absolutely made my return to tumblr. If I were to delete my blog with nothing but my connection with you guys to show for it - Well I would be absolutely fine with that. You guys are amazing and will absolutely be tagged in this. 
rp pet peeves : I keep running into situations where I get heavily invested in plotting something (Drawing, writing head cannons, making playlists, planning cannon events. . .I literrally brushed up on a whole ass language for a plot) Only to have those people completely leave me on read. I am not a pushy partner in the least. I would be more than happy to wait a month for a reply. But I need communication. I need feedback if something doesn't sit right for you. I need reciprocated enthusiasm. You don't have to show It the same way I do but I need some show of enthusiasm otherwise it just feels uncomfortable and I feel annoying and restrained. That's not what I'm here for. I've honestly made the decision to start unfollowing people based on a three strikes basis. No hard feelings. I just don't want to follow anyone who doesn't bring the same energy I do. 
fluff, angst, or smut :ALL OF IT! While I'm becoming more and more selective about who I write smut with I LOVE writing smut ESPECIALLY if its born of post Angst fluff. Actually almost exclusively. There is nothing that gets my muses motor going like post Angst Fluff! 
plots or memes : Augh! Don't make me pick. I love Plotting but sometimes nothing really gets the juices flowing like memes do. I cant tell you how many times a simple meme interaction help set a pivotal point in a plot. ALSO- Memes are usually what help me forego my shy nature. While my muse outwardly gives NONE of the Ducks. . .I do . I give all of the Ducks so memes help  me loosen up. I'm not responsible for the haphazard neuroSpicy creature you meet once the shyness has fallen away. You've been warned.
long or short replies : It depends on my mood and attention span. There is a Adderall shortage right now so I have only been taking my Adderall on work days so Ive had a VERY hard time focusing o replies as of late. When Im on top of my Game I am LONGWINDED AF .Please don't ever feel like you have to match me because there are times where I will write you a novel and we were only supposed to be writing a sentence or two. It just happens and Im sorry.  time to write : Ha! um . . . Well I work Graveyard  Thursday- Saturday from 8PM-9:30ish AM (PST)  On slow nights I do write here and there but for the most part I can be found here pretty sporadically. If I have something going on during my weekend that I have to be a daytime person for then ill be up during the day time. OTHERWISE- Mostly evening and spooky hours . 
are you like your muses : I could draw some parallels with each of them but I dont think I am like any of them. 
tagged by: The Alluring  @wynterlanding ~<3
@grimmusings @sharpayevcns @godccmplex <3
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I've waited two hours to talk about Doctor Who because I was so blown away by tonight that I had no idea what to say. I still have no idea what to say, but I think I ought to comment by now.
So: it was brilliant. It was very weird, very creepy, and had plenty of very grim themes to it. And I loved it.
I wasn't a big fan of "The Star Beast" - it's not that I actively hated it or anything, I'd say it was maybe a 6 and a half out of 10 or a 7 out of 10 for me, I'm glad other people enjoyed it and there are plenty of things I could compliment about it. Yasmin Finney's performance as Rose was very good. I liked Shirley a lot. Plus, I don't think I could hate an episode that had the Meep in it if I tried. The episode just wasn't particularly to my taste, that's all, and I felt like it made the sonic screwdriver too overpowered lol.
However, "Wild Blue Yonder" was far more my preferred type of Doctor Who episode. The Twelfth Doctor era is my favourite, as it happens, and this reminded me so much of some of the intense, high-concept episodes of his era, particularly "Listen" - well, at least for the first half, obviously this episode became quite different once the shapeshifters appeared.
I will say, it didn't have much of an anniversary special feel to it, but I thought it was so well done that I'm fine with that. And there wasn't a majorly complicated storyline or anything, I can sum it up in one paragraph: The Doctor and Donna got stranded on a spaceship at the edge of the universe, were chased by shapeshifting creatures copying them, ran down some corridors and then eventually got back to safety.
But sometimes simplicity is all you need - I know, I know, perhaps it's hypocritical of me saying that as a 12 era fan lol - and the story resulted in some great character-based moments. I thought the special effects were great, too. The spaceship itself was absolutely beautiful.
I also thought there were some very well-played dramatic scenes when the Doctor and Donna couldn't tell if they were really talking to each other, or to the copies, and sometimes even I couldn't tell. It reminded me somewhat of the "Almost People" two-parter, which I always thought under-used a lot of its concepts, so it was nice to see some similar things used in this episode.
I liked the scene at the beginning when the Doctor and Donna encountered Isaac Newton, as well - the "I'm sure you can appreciate the gravity of the situation!" line was great.
And I appreciated how the episode discussed stories from 13's era, that was nice to see!
Now, maybe none of what I've just said was coherent commentary on the episode. It was all just a very longwinded way of saying I thought it was a very well-done story. Using several paragraphs to say "what a good story" instead of just saying "what a good story" is basically the norm for me, though, I just tend to be generally longwinded at talking about things.
And of course, much like the episode itself did, I've kept the best for last: Wilf appeared and I almost cried. It was just wonderful to see him once more, and his reunion with the Doctor and Donna was so lovely.
So, all in all, I'd give this story an 8 or maybe even a 9 out of 10. I hope next week will be as good as this, and I'm very excited to see Ncuti Gatwa as the Doctor!
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ghoulodont · 1 year
ok i was planning to make an unnecessary & longwinded post about my personal experiences (or lack thereof) that i used for the last fic i wrote so here it is
my understanding is that the two general categories of wisdom teeth extractions are if they are erupted you can pop them right out and any dentist can do it, or if they are impacted and/or unerupted its more of a surgical situation. mine was definitely in the second category (they were unerupted and i went specifically to an oral surgeon). and ive gathered that in the second category there is generally some sedation involved.
there is a significant split between these two experiences by location depending on how strict the recommendation is that you should not remove teeth that havent caused any problems yet. this is what they recommend in any place that has socialized healthcare because they can use evidence based (for better or worse) guidelines rather than a consumer based you just buy whatever healthcare you want or can afford type of situation.
anyway, in my case, the second category, sedation was involved, yes. however. im not sure what the intention was but i had nitrous oxide and my experience was simultaneously being way too high and way too aware. i definitely could feel & hear them crunching around in there WAY more than i needed to. like i was blasting off into outer space but i took the surgeon with me. also i remember the local anesthetic wearing off at one point, but i was too fucked up to communicate this effectively, leading to this exchange:
me: ow surgeon: are you feeling pain or just pressure me: i dont know surgeon: ok well pressure is this (he presses on my shoulder) and pain is like when someone is cutting you with a knife (i assume he was recently cutting me with a knife and i said ow) me: i dont know
it was so unpleasant. then he gave me more local anesthetic and i said ow again about that which frustrated him. and i remember all this. everything i read about sedation was talking about how much you would not remember. what was the point?
i didnt subject rain to that exactly because 1. nitrous oxide seems less common especially outside of the usa and 2. i had a better and more fun experience to use:
when i had surgery, like real surgery about organs kind of surgery, im convinced they gave me the same medication used for conscious sedation (midazolam) right beforehand and honestly it was great. good vibes all around.
in my experience, which yes you already read but: i truly did not give a fuck what they were doing to me. and they really did very little to me then and nothing at all distressing so its kind of a moot point? the more interesting thing was i went in there thinking i would probably die (unrealistic, it was a very safe procedure. however i did almost get hit by a train on my way to the hospital) and when they gave me this drug i was like... ok goodbye world, its been fun. i still thought i was going to die but i did not care at all. this is the feeling i channeled. highly recommend it.
the painkiller that made rain fall off the bed was also taken not from my wisdom teeth experience but from this surgery/hospital experience. i was not falling off the bed because they put you in a bed with rails like a toddler but i do remember holding onto said rail for dear life. i dont even know what they gave me because i was in a foreign country and all the drugs were called different things. they sent me home with some after surgery and i did NOT take it thank you very much.
anyway i think it turned out logically sound at least, despite my sort of making it up. it was fun hearing little bits of other peoples experiences in the comments too, thank you :)
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Hello, 👋
I hope you're doing well ❤️
I'm writing to you with a heavy heart and an urgent request for help. My family is in a very dangerous situation due to the ongoing war, and I've launched a GoFundMe campaign to save them 🥲
Could you please share my campaign post from my profile? Each share could be a lifelinefor my family 🙏
Our campaign has been verified
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you in advance for all your support and kindness 🌹❤️
Do the thing, donate if you can, if not, share it around, you know the drill.
Hate that it is a drill, though. The fact that it's so bad in the world that people have to look for ANYONE willing to help even just spread the word. The fact it's so commonplace that people are concerned about scams. The fact that it's not fucking over. The fact that, unless the world experiences like, 25 miracles in a day, it won't be over until people fucking force it to stop.
In a perfect world, I'd be a nobody, messaged only rarely by people I already knew, and yet, here, I'm somebody. And that's fucking horrible. I'm someone who is one of a scarily small amount willing to fucking talk about shit this far in, all because some fuckers want land and make a lot of things. All because people saw what they'd have to give up, and dipped.
This may be a case where "Pull yourself up by the bootstraps" NEEDS its original meaning: to do the impossible. Because it feels like all they're doing is tightening up, and yet, slowly, the boots are coming out of the mud.
Sorry for getting longwinded. And I'm sorry that this is all I can do. But it's still more than a lot of people are willing to do, and I hate that that's a fact.
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Botanical expressions in Spanish A few days ago, walking back from work, I started thinking about some expressions based on plants and thought I would share them here on Tumblr.
As always, keep in mind that I speak castilian Spanish, particularly the variant that's spoken in Catalonia (which means it's influenced by Catalan), so it's possible some of these don't exist or are used differently outside of this area!
You may speak on the importance of surrounding yourself with good friends by saying "Those who get near to a good tree are sheltered by a good shadow" ("A quien a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra le cobija") There's a much more direct connection between friends and trees: You may call your friends "trunks"! "Hey, what's up, trunk?" ("¡Ey, qué pasa, tronco!").
You may also speak of someone as a particular tree (an elm) in a situation where somebody expects something impossible from somebody else, generally something made impossible beacuse of their personality or skills. As it's a little convoluted as an abstract explanation, let me use an example: if somebody is expecting somebody else -who is known to be always late- to be very punctual for an important event and they end up not getting there on time, you may tell them "Well, you can't ask the elm for pears" ("Bueno, no se pueden pedir peras al olmo").
It's a very useful expression, because you are criticizing both parties involved, one for expecting something you know won't happen and the other for being unable to provide it. Great! (?)
If somebody tends to explain themselves in a very longwinded way, or loses track of what they are talking about -or are deliberately trying to avoid a topic by speaking of something vaguely related to the topic (in English you could use the also botannical concept of "beating around the bush")- you may say that they "go away/get away through the branches" ("se va por las ramas").
If something you have to do or experience is boring or unpleasant, you may describe it as "a stick". "This teacher is a stick". "This film is a stick". ("Este profesor es un palo". "Esta película es un palo") It can also be used with the same meaning by itself, as an expression, without its article. "What stick!" ("Qué palo!"). You may also express your displeasure at doing a boring or unpleasant task by saying that "it gives you stick" ("te da palo")
Sticks can also be used to say something is similar to something else, of the same style. "This book is classic sci-fi, of the Asimov stick" ("Este libro es ciencia ficción clásica, del palo Asimov"). It can be simplified ("Classic sci-fi, Asimov stick" - "Ciencia ficción clásica, palo Asimov")
It can also be used to say that what you are saying is imprecise, but similar ("It's an Asimov stick book" - "Es un libro palo Asimov"), which lends itself to another use: meaning you are paraphrasing and while your words may not be exactly what was said, the spirit is ("They told me, stick, what are you reading?" - "Me dijo, palo, qué lees?")
The final evolution of this meaning makes the word "stick" work as an interjection, similar to "like" in the valley girl vernacular, even with similar connotations about the speaker. "I was, stick, totally down" ("Estaba, palo, tope dispuesta")
Finally (I think I've written enough), let's get away from trees for a minute. If you want to describe somebody as very ugly, you could say "they are a thistle". ("es un cardo"). And, if you want to comment on the persistance (or prosperity) of somebody you disapprove of, you could say, "a weed never dies" ("mala hierba nunca muere")
What a stick, most of these expressions are mean or negative... It's a little, stick, depressing. But I'll stop writing before I get away through the branches even more. See you, trunks!
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wait adderall helps keep you awake??? i have hypersomnia and i average like 16 hours of sleep each day and even when im awake im lethargic and sleepy. does adderall really help with that? :0 if so. gary i NEED adderall.
Okay so, take this explanation with a grain of salt because im not a medical professional by any means, but I do have my personal lived experince of what ive heard from my doctors as well as my own research.
How it keeps me awake is because Adderall is a stimulant, specifically an amphetamine, that works to stimulate your dopamine system. Its mainly prescribed to people with ADHD and Narcolepsy (which is really being used as an umbrella term for sleep disorders here, which is a different conversation). Now what those 2 disorders have in common is that the individual is constantly understimulated. People with ADHD seek out stimulation to compensate, hence the hyperactive component. People with sleep disorders, well, sleep. Thats my simple understanding of it at least.
My personal situation (for reference and to see if it applies to you) is that i have delayed sleep phase syndrome (a circadian rhythm disorder that means your circadian clock is set to a later time than the average person, go to bed late wake up late) and speculated hypersomnia, as well as some other parasomnias. So essentially an unmedication schedule for me looks like going to bed at 3 am and waking up at 5 pm, next day maybe 4 am and 7 pm, then 6 am and 9 pm, and so forth. I also am bipolar so i might be awake for 48 hours because im manic then sleep for 24 straight. I am also very lethargic when awake most of the time.
Now, with all that, i still needed a job and landed one where i have to wake up at 7:30 am everyday. Without adderall, i routinely fall asleep at my desk throughout the day and can barely focus, constantly nodding off and distracted. But with adderall? I am doing amazing. I legitimately wouldnt be able to work if it wasnt for adderall and my mom waking me up in the mornings. I personally take some of extended and immediate release as well. So if any of that resonates with your experience, i would highly recommend talking to your doctor about possibly trying stimulants.
Only downside is stimulants are an abused substance, on top of as you probably already know sleep disorders being stigmatized, so asking for it can look bad (which is so sad because i literally need this to function) so tread carefully.
Anyways sorry this is so longwinded, im really passionate about the topic and honestly have never interacted with someone similar, so I got a bit excited haha. I hope this explanation helped and you find something that works for you <3
0 notes
jungkxook · 3 years
Love that you ignore messages about the fact you create explicit pornography about people without their consent <3 since there will never be valid justification, maybe you should reconsider creating and distributing porn about real life people, whether they are celebrity or not, they deserve to be respected.
Do you ever feel guilty for consuming/producing porn about real ppl (Jungkook) without his consent?
i assume both asks i got were from you. i don’t suspect you want to hear any sort of rebuttal to this as an argument but, for the sake of it, and to clarify why i write smut, here goes it:
in general when it comes to fic writing, i don’t actually perceive the bts members or any idol as the characters that i write. for me, i’ve disassociated them so much from the writing that they become a placeholder, with their actual physical attributes and names attached to said character but a personality that i create and establish that is entirely different and that i don’t associate with them at all for obvious reasons (#1 being that i don’t know them personally).
that being said, i can see why and how that would come across as distasteful to some but, at the same time, smut has a massive history of being on the internet and being favoured and enjoyed by a vast majority. erotic novels and erotic content in general has skyrocketed to mainstream popularity in the last few years too (some examples being, whether you consider them good or bad, 50 shades, 365 days, a court of thorn and roses by sarah j. maas targeted towards young adults). i only mention that because i think it’s unfair to a certain degree to blame and/or shame people who write/read smut, when smut at its base core is a way for people to explore their sexuality.
i also think it’s normal for someone to be physically attracted to a celebrity if it’s expressed in a harmless way. i think it’s especially important for young people to explore the topic of sex and physical attraction (when they’re ready and at their own time) when sex has always been seen as a taboo in the public eye. experiencing sexual thoughts is normal, and at the same time it’s perfectly normal not to experience anything sexual at all - but i feel like for some people it may be helpful to explore that topic first through written smut before experiencing it in the real world. and while, yes, smut can be very exaggerated and not at all like real sex, there are some aspects of it that someone might read and apply to a real life situation.
but that’s a longwinded rant that you probably won’t read. if the smut is being written on a site that bts and any other group aren’t on and they aren’t being explicitly tagged in that content and have no chance of seeing it (and if that content is tagged accordingly as smut/hidden under a read more/marked as nsfw), i don’t see the harm in having it exist.
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sooibian · 5 years
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Flambé | F | Complete
Description: pull up a chair. take a taste. come join us. life is so endlessly delicious. - ruth reichl
Notes: Chef!Soo 
Chapters: One | Two
Moodboard by the amazing @pororodks​
Niche memes by the hilarious @changshapatrol​
Reference notes:  yt channels: maangchi, one meal a day, bore.d, honeykki; netflix shows: midnight diner, street food: asia, chef’s table
Word count: + 20.1k 
Between a Rock and a Hard Place | F / M |
Description: It’s Sehun’s wedding party. Kyungsoo knew these couple of hours with you were going to be anything but pleasant, however, he didn’t expect things to spiral so quickly. 
Notes: Established Relationship AU, Fluff, Crack, Loosely inspired by the anime Horimiya, sexual themes, themes of sadism and masochism (nothing explicit), slight swearing.
Word Count: ~ 2.7k
So Let's Runaway | F / A | Ongoing
Description: A bachelors trip turns into a soul-searching journey when an unlikely group of three travels through the scenic landscapes of Spain. Their experiences present them with opportunities to mend bridges, face their fears and fall back in love with the true essence of life.
Notes: Fluff, angst, humour, travel AU, road trip through Spain, travel buddies Chansoo, Grief, loss, heartache, toxic relationships, mildly explicit language.
Chapters: Prologue >> Costa Brava >> Seville >> Cuéllar
Word Count: 8.3k so far
Tempting Fate  | A | On hold
Description: You’re forced to make a choice between a present that you didn’t choose and the idea of what could have been.
Notes: Arranged Marriage AU / Exes AU Ft. Minseok
Chapters: One | Two | 
Moodboard by my dear friend @pororodks​
Word Count: ~7.6k and counting 
Dittany | F | Collab
Description: broken bones and a tedious detention - can I still say that this is the best christmas i’ve ever had? it’s because I found magic in him - the big eyed, dark haired, hufflepuff boy. funny I say that as a witch! but sadly, good things don’t last forever.
Notes: Slow burn, young love
Word Count: ~ 16.5k
Edit by @jaeyoonurl​
Twist of Fate | A |
Description: Much against your wishes, you are back in your hometown to write about the murders of two young women - your only ticket out is the criminal psychologist who has been assisting Superintendent Kim Minseok with offender profiling.
Notes: Serial killer AU - angst, grief, loss, murders, descriptions of anxiety, reactive and attentive immobility, asphyxiation, indicative of humiliation, explicit and graphic situations.
Word Count: +3.7k
Twice As Much | F | 
Description: Of kitchen disasters and little savants
Notes: Dad!Soo
Word Count: ~1.1k
Moodboard by the loveliest @kyoonqs​
Quiet Like Love | A |
Description: The end was always so close in sight.
Notes: Exes to lovers AU
Word Count: ~ 1k
Edit by @jaeyoonurl​
An Eye For An Eye | A |
Notes: Experimental work, Ambiguous AU, mildly triggering
Word Count: ~ 1.2k
Palette | F |
Waiting | F / A |
Deviant | M / F |
Play Date | F | 
Untitled | F |
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The Spy Who Loved Me | A |
Description: An obsessive cat and mouse chase
Notes: Assassin Reader, Spy Baekhyun, dark comedy, angst, heavily inspired by season one of Killing Eve
Niche Memes by the hilarious @changshapatrol​ : one | two
Word Count: ~ 2.8k
My Lovable Curse | A | Complete
Description: Not even in his wildest dreams had Baekhyun thought he’d have to team up with you to take down one of the most notorious criminal masterminds, CEO of tech company Stratio, Doh Kyungsoo.
Notes: Spy AU, Assassin AU, angst, dark humour, thriller, inspired by Killing Eve. Sexual themes, indicative of depression and anxiety, blood, weapons, violence, language. This fic is continuation to The Spy Who Loved Me but it can be read as a standalone two-shot. 
Chapters: One | Two
Word Count: ~ 12.5k 
Moodboards: Baekhyun | Minseok by bestie @his-mochi-cheeks​
Like Father, Like Daughter | F |
Description:  Your three year old is growing up to be just like her father - Byun Baekhyun. Can you handle it?
Notes: Dad!Baek, easily the most popular story on this blog 
Word Count: ~ 1.1k
Moodboard by the loveliest @kyoonqs​
Little Miss Byun | F |
Description: Miss Byun is not so little anymore and dad!Baek is trying to do his best to…adapt.
Notes: Dad!Baek again!
Word Count: ~1.6k
“Clay”-doh | F |
Description:  "When was the last time we did something together as a family?" you ask Baekhyun and...it backfires.
Notes: Dad!Baek...yet again!
Word Count: 1.4k
Star-Crossed | A / F | Collab
Description: In his struggle with his inner demons and the outside world, will Baekhyun succeed in saving the one he loves?
Notes: Romani AU, magical realism, fluff, angst, mildly explicit, implied smut, secret relationship, knife related superstitions
Word Count: ~8.2k
The Daisy Oracle | F |
Description:  In the days leading up to Baekhyun’s enlistment, you find yourself dissecting every word of his and he’s been saying...all the wrong things.
Notes: Fluff, soft angst, a hint of spice, established relationship.  To accommodate this anon request, the story does not take the “BBH public service worker” route.
Word Count: ~2k
Catch These Hands | F |
Description: Living with Baekhyun comes with its own challenges
Notes: Fluff (surprise!!!!), established relationship, make up artist and masseur Byun, a little bit of byuntae, and one (1) Eminem reference lol  
Word Count: ~1.7k
Trespassing is Prohibited! | F |
Description:  Byun Baekhyun has had enough. He finally wants to ‘man up’ and make you his. But things continue to spiral out of control all thanks to his friend, philosopher, and guide (a.k.a. The Worst Wingman Ever) Park Chanyeol.
Notes: Fluff! Fluff! Fluff! Crack. Friends to Lovers AU, University AU (ish), a very rambly Baek and a longwinded confession!
Word Count: ~ 3k 
Homebodies | F |
Description: when you get comfortable with each other…a little too comfortable
Notes: Gamer boyfriend Baek
Word Count: ~ 1.1k
Stranger Things | F | Completed
Description:  While waiting to receive Kyungsoo at the airport you run into an insufferable someone - Byun Baekhyun. Despite yourself, you are unable to resist his charms. 
Notes: Meet cute. lawyer!Baek, farmer!Soo
Chapters: One | Two | Three | Four
Word Count: ~9k
Freed | A |
Description: Dedicated to smol bby @vampwrrr ’s magnificent mistresspiece Sweet Lies. A headcanon exploring SL OC’s thoughts after Baekhyun’s confession.
Notes: Dark themes, destructive thoughts, Ambiguous AU
Word Count: ~1.3k
Hands Where I Can See Them | F |
Description: Minseok is protective of you to say the least and has only just begun to accept your relationship with Baekhyun. But all hell breaks loose when he witnesses something he shouldn’t have.
Notes: Overprotective hyung Minseok, byuntae Baekhyun 
Word Count: ~1k
Forget Me (Not) | A |
Description: …only his smile will set you free
Notes: Loss, Ambiguous AU, Late!Reader
Word Count: ~ 1.1k
Untitled | F | first fic!!
Tangled | F |
Walk on Memories | F / A |
Talk To Me | F |
Who Cares | F / M |
Light | A |
The Swear Jar Equivalent | F |
Untitled | F |
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Tempting Fate  | A | On hold
Description: You’re forced to make a choice between a present that you didn’t choose and the idea of what could have been.
Notes: Arranged Marriage AU / Exes AU Ft. Kyungsoo
Chapters: One | Two | Three
Moodboard by my dear friend @pororodks​
Word Count: ~7.6k and counting
IRS and Prejudice | F |
Description: In which Kim Minseok is nothing like other bosses. Nothing.
Notes: Fluff!!! Frenemies to (maybe) Lovers? Office AU with some references to ‘The Office’, flirtatious, cat-whisperer, Aries Minseok vs Aries reader!
Word Count: ~ 2.7k
Allow Me To | F |
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Wherever You Are | A / F |  Collab
Description: When you least expect it, love, quite literally, sweeps you off your feet.
Notes: Romani AU, magical realism, romance, angst, drama ™ (i grew up on a healthy dose of Bollywood and it! shows!), secret relationship, heavily influenced by Mmmh Kai
Word Count: 9.5k
Heal | A |
Description: You don’t need his heart, for it belongs to another. All you need is for him to tolerate you.
Notes: Arranged Marriage AU
Chapters: One | Two | Three
Word Count: ~4.1k
Untitled | F |
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Mortal Combat | F |
Description: It’s you vs Chanyeol in the Muay Thai arena
Notes: Park Passion Alert!!
Word Count: ~1k
Haven | A |
Wedding Crashers | A |
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Tell Me You’ll Stay | A |
The Man Of My Dreams | A |
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Resolution | F |
Untitled | F |
Paragons of Virtue | Childhood AU |
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Untitled | F |
Beginner’s Luck | Sci-Fi |
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Mine | F |
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389 notes · View notes
calamitys-child · 3 years
are you part of your uni’s theatre society?? i’m starting uni in august and i want to join the theatre society to work in tech but i don’t really have any previous experience and i was wondering if you had any advice on how to get into it? if i’ve totally misjudged the situation just ignore this lmao
I unfortunately have been in exactly your position, in which I tried to get into the theatre society for a tech role and they were kinda like "uh.... Well do the acting workshops anyway and we'll introduce you to our tech team at the end of the session" and then they didn't and also some of them were quite casually racist so I decided not to hang out with them anyway HOWEVER there's a fair chance that's just my bad luck because most theatre groups are full of super cool people.
My personal experience with theatre is I was props and set tech in high school, then for a few years I've worked front of house and box office for a theatre and befriended the techies (they're a friendly bunch if usually a wee bitty odd) - they were literally just about to start letting me pick up extra shifts shadowing them and being generally a spare pair of hands so I could learn the ropes a bit more when covid closed us down and almost all of us were made redundant. I'm hoping to follow a similar trajectory again now I've graduated and things are opening up - I'm really experienced in the box office, front of house etc stuff, I'm bar trained if anyone needs cover, and I'm excellent at being a runner and I pick up stuff easily (this is starting to read like my CV lmao anyone want to hire me xoxo) so it should be an area I can wiggle my way into again
This is a very longwinded way to say that in my experience the best way to get into tech is to just sort of make yourself useful wherever possible, and all areas of theatre allow you to work with other areas and get a bit of experience wherever possible if you ask nicely and always pour an extra cup of coffee. Anyone who follows me and has any more useful or practical advice for you is welcome to add on!!! Good luck with it, its great fun and you'll do grand
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