#and throughout the day my minds been nudging me towards drop dead fred so I was like fuck it I’ll watch it
slimylayne · 2 years
Just watched drop dead fred for the first time since I was like 14 having many feelings
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boxofbadaddiction · 4 years
Gotta Get Me Some
Fred Weasley x Reader
Warnings: Umbridge Detention, Swearing, Implied Pot Smoking, Heavy Duty Make-Out Sesh.
Note: This is my first ever fanfic. I'm aware I'm pretty rubbish and OMG! WHY IS IT SO LONG??? But I'm sure I'll get better in time.
Inspired by Nickelbacks "Gotta Get Me Some" which is linked to the title.
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The arrival of Winter, typically, meant the castle of Hogwarts were filled with the shivering and cheerful voices of students and staff anxiously awaiting the beginning of the Holiday festivities. However, with Delores Jane Umbridge set rampant upon the school there was little room for joy in the lives of any of the Hogwarts occupants.
"The bloody bitch is a menace!" Came the familiar drawling voice of Ronald Weasley.
It was breakfast and the Great Hall was filled to the brim with complaints following the latest set of 'Educational Decrees' which saw the students, already slim, range of freedom lessened still.
"No loud music. No groups larger than 3. Gryffindor as good as dead in the Quidditch finals-"
"HEY!" Ginny had taken Ron's remark against her teams performance rather personally, still he carried on as if uninterrupted.
"What's there left for that pink, old, Toad to take away?" He questioned to the equally disgruntled group of teens hundled around their morning pumpkin juice.
"I know, it's just dreadful isn't it?" Answered Lee Jordan. "I can't wait to be shot of this place for the holidays! I mean..." he glanced sorrowfully over his shoulder toward the Ravenclaw table, a look which did not go unnoticed by the rest of the group, "there's just nothing left to be cheerful for" he stared glumly back to his breakfast where he poked and prodded a cold piece of sausage across his plate.
"Oh give it a rest, Lee." Snapped the impatient voice of Fred Weasley.
"Just because you've no longer got someone to snog under the mistletoe." Continued George.
Their attitude caused Lee to slouch somewhat ashamedly in his seat.
"Don't be so insensitive!" Defended Hermiome, noting the further drop in his mood. "What is the matter with you two!? Your best friend is upset, the least you could do is be supportive!
"You're right, Hermione. I'm sorry Lee." Said George.
"Yeah, our bad mate. Just a bit out of it this morning...had detention with Umbridge late last night." Fred straightened himself from leaning on his elbows as he cletched his left hand, lowering it below the table.
"What'd she have you carve this time?" Lee asked concernedly.
"The same," responded George, showing the fresh scar upon his hand which read 'I must obey the rules', "she's got it out for us honestly."
The group grimaced at the sight.
"Has she said anything to you, since it happened, Lee?" Spoke Ginny, eager for a change of topic.
"Nothing new. Just the same everytime I try to talk to her; 'I don't see this going anywhere. I need someone more serious. I have my future to think about.' As if I'm the reason she's flunking potions." He rolled his eyes.
The group couldn't stand to see their friend so upset. He'd been, understandably, moping for days since the sudden termination of his eighth month long relationship with a fellow Seventh Year, Ravenclaw.
"Forget about her, mate." Fred stated abruptly, "you'll find someone better in no time."
"Someone who doesn't try to change everything about you." Chimed George.
Fred had never much cared for Lee's partner of choice. Her feelings were mutual, toward not only the devil-may-care redhead, but also his equally chaotic twin. Following the boys words of encouragement a wave of compliments and support erupted from the mouths of everyone else currently involved in the conversation, which crashed upon Lee. Seemingly having the desired effect as his mood greatly improved over the remainder of their meal, until came time for everyone to depart for their various classes.
Several tiresome hours later found most of the group, minus the Twins and Lee, lounging comfortably about the Gryffindor common room. Everyone was quietly enjoying the time to themselves. Everyone that is except for Ron who, per usual, had countless complaints to share on the topic of the 'Hogwarts High Enquizitor'.
"Did you hear her today before Defense Against the Dark Arts?"
"What happened?" Ginny asked, only partially interested in the conversation.
"She gave him a serve for standing too close to Hermione." Sniggered Harry who, quite frankly, found the whole situation rather amusing.
"Boys and Girls are not permitted to be within eight inches of each other!" Ron mocked in his best impression of Umbridge.
"What's she expect to walk around a corner and catch me snogging?"
"Well, not you snogging anyone" George had just entered through the portrait hole, followed closely by Fred and Lee.
"You've got about as much chance being caught with a girl as George and I do being caught doing homework" Fred teased as the room broke into laughter.
A scowl plastered itself across Rons face. Insulted, he tightly folded his arms across his chest and slumped back between the cushions of the armchair he'd perched himself on.
"Awe, come on now Ronniekins. Mind the attitude", Fred goaded while roughing Rons hair. This earned him a rather hard slap across the arm, as he attempted to bat away the unwanted contact.
"Yeah," George began resting on the arm of Rons seat, "it's not all that bad."
"What's got you three in such a good mood?" Hermione questioned noting the new found spring held in the boys step as they strutted about the room disturbing the previously content group of teens.
"Just had a good day is all" Lee smirked, eyes flicking toward the Twins.
"You've planned some ridiculous prank on Lee's ex haven't you?" Ginny groaned with a look of you'd-better-fucking-not etched across her freckled features.
"No, nothing like that." Lee assured her, clearing the resounding tension from the air with a wave of his hand.
"Well, what then? You all looked ropeable at breakfast this morning. Now it's like you've won 100 galleons." Piped Harry, intrigued by the boys sudden optimism.
"We just got some good news, that's all." commented George vaguely, as Fred and Lee chuckled.
"What good news?" asked Ron.
"None ya business." Chorused the Twins.
"Oh come on you three! Just tell us!" Ginny and Harry were on the edge of their seats while Ron continued to scowl and Hermione remained utterly indifferent, immersed in yet another book. Good news was scarce these days and if it was enough to get the Twins excited this news was obviously well worth their time and pestering.
"Alright, fine then." Lee propped himself up straightly in his chair, ignoring the sounds of protest from the Twins as he leant forward to whisper to the eager group of ears. "What's it matter, really?" He shrugged.
The group was now huddled closely together around a small coffee by the fire on their knees. Everyone's attention fixed directly on Lee as he spoke.
"There's a scheme in action throughout Hogwarts. Someone is planning an end of year party right under the nose of that great, Toad."
Hermiones face showed no interest. "Really. That's all, a party?" Everyone promptly began shushing her.
"When is it!?" Asked Ginny, excitedly.
"No idea" replied the three seventh years at once.
"Well then, where is it?" Harry attempted to carry on the conversation.
"No idea." Came the chorus again.
Harry, Ron and Ginny eyed each other confusedly. Unable to see how a party with no location or time could have got the boys so happy.
"Who's planning it?" Hermione broke the silence.
"No idea."
"I'm missing dinner for this?" Ginny huffed as she slouched back against the bottom of the couch.
Harry could not have been anymore confused at this point. "So tell me, how exactly has this lifted your spirits?"
"Because it's going to be the party!" Lee answered.
"There's this tradition you see..." said George.
"Every year the graduating class holds a secret party under the noses of the staff. Obviously this year will be the best because no prior year had Satan at the helm." Fred explained. "But it's more than that. This year has already gone further than any before."
"How so?" Sighed Ron.
"It's a complete secret to everyone." Said Lee.
"No one's going to know when" smiled George.
"And no ones going to know where, until the day of." Fred smirked reclining with his feet up on the couch, hands nestled comfortably at the back of his neck.
"But then how do you know about it?" Piped Hermione.
"The group involved in it's planning has begun spreading rumours to get the word out. Only those invited are being told." Nodded Lee.
Ron was smiling now "I'm so going - OW!" Fred had reached and slapped the back of Ron's head again.
"No can do Ronniekins." He stood.
"Strictly seventh years only." George and Lee followed suit as the boys headed toward the portrait hole.
"Why tell us then??" Complained Ginny.
"Because you asked!" Lee laughed.
"What a bloody waste of time." She shook her head heading for dinner.
"What do you reckon, Harry?" Nudged Ron. But Harry didn't get the chance to answer as Hermione sprang into a lecture.
"Does it matter? One, you can't go - it's seventh years only. Two, this whole thing is terribly thought out! You can't hold a party that no one knows any details for. Not to mention the fact there is no where in the castle that a party could take place without detection. Not enough people know of the Room Of Requirement for it to be used. Lastly, even if by some miracle this plan does go ahead can you just imagine the punishment those who attended will receive when Umbridge finds out? And she will find out! Besides, Ronald. As school prefects we could not allow for such an event to take place. It goes against at least 30 school rules. Ones not set by Delores mind you. It won't go ahead so there's no point discussing it any further." Hermione was short of breath when she finally finished.
Given her friends deadpan expressions her lecture, per usual, had little effect. Frustrated she collected her belongings and left for dinner also.
"Sucks the fun out of everything, doesn't she?" Whispered Ron, as they followed. Neither game to admit just how much they wanted an invite to the mystery party. Not around Hermione at least.
Two weeks had passed since news broke of the Party and school spirits had lifted substantially as a result. Amongst the seniors at least. Although, it may also have had something to do with the approaching Quidditch match, between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, set to take place shortly after classes concluded in the afternoon. Students hastened themselves in storing their possessions before hurrying off to the stadium.
Halfway toward the pitch the Twins were deep in conversation over new product ideas when the sudden call of their names caused them to turn. Lee had been attempting to gain their attention from some distance behind. He looked far too excited for someone so out of breath as he ran up to his awaiting friends.
"Nice of you to finally join us." George laughed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're so funny, whatever. Listen!" He pulled the boys aside of the walking track to avoid being over heard. "The party's happening tonight! That's why I was late, a Ravenclaw was talking to me and -"
"Which Ravenclaw?" Asked the Twins, excited about the news.
"Doesn't matter."
"Given that tone, I'd say it does." Fred raised his brow. But Lee remained quiet.
"Which Ravenclaw?" They demanded.
"Oh fine! Alright, my ex. We were snogging in Moanies bathroom when the bell rang and she told me. Are you happy?" Groans and eye rolls came from the redheads as they processed the information.
"You'd just gotten over her mate" said George as they began walking, now running late for the game.
"Hadn't spoken to, or about her in weeks!" Fred spoke.
"Yes. And snogging was my reward! Now, you're sort of missing the important information here!! The party is on for tonight! Word has it, there's a deal between the teams seekers to push today's match back as late as possible. So Umbitch has to extend tonights curfew. That will draw some of the suspicion away from students wandering the halls late. Since they begin play at five, and curfews at nine, we're hoping for a three and a half hour match at least."
"Where's it happening?" Asked George.
"Some room in the Dungeons. There's going to be a marker set up to let us know where to go."
"What's the marker?"
"Haven't the foggiest."
"Well that's handy" Fred sighed. "Still no idea who's planning this?"
"Nah, but when she told me, she did happen to mention it's a friend of hers."
"What about the time?"
"Now that, I do know something about. Everyone's been given an individual time to arrive. To avoid a build up of students roaming toward the Dungeons past curfew. Our time is 10:45."
As they reached the stadium entrance the boys opted for a change of subject, as they took their place within the commentary box.
A total of 3 hours and 52 minutes later saw Hufflepuff victorious.
Time seemed to move agonisingly slow from that point as the boys waited in their near empty common room, keen for the night ahead.
"It's happening tonight isn't it? That's why you're all down here dressed up!" Ron had been pestering the boys for the past 40 minutes at least having noticed them wearing what you'd consider their best jeans and shirts.
"Give it a rest Ron!" Ginny snapped. Evidently even those uninvited few who knew of the party had grown tired of Rons relentless begging. She huffed as she changed position on the common room sofa.
"Like you aren't itching for an invite." He hissed back.
"We aren't going to tell you so just stop being such a nagging little prat, and leave us alone!" Fred growled.
"You weren't invited and we're not taking you!" George glared at his younger brother, and spoke with such a tone of finality that Ron reluctantly admitted defeat. Sulking in a neighbouring armchair.
"It's time" interrupted Lee, standing from his seat. "If we leave now that should give us plenty of time should we run into any obstacles along the way."
Indeed, the thought of stumbling upon Filch, or his cat, a rogue professor or prefect patrolling the halls, perhaps even the big bitch herself put a certain extra degree of temptation over the excitement for the night. At least it did for the Twins. Lee was slightly more apprehensive as he was not quite as adept in late night adventures compared to his prankster best friends. Fred and George could sense Lee's nerves in his voice and assured him that it would be "no more than a walk in the park".
Making use of their extensive knowledge of hidden passages and corridors the Twins had memorised, the boys met few speed bumps along their way. Aside from one encounter with Peeves the Poltergeist, whom they convinced to keep their whereabouts a secret on the word they were off to Prank Umbridge. Peeves gave them no such grief as a result.
"Right." Whispered Fred as they entered the Dungeons. "What's this signal we're meant to wait for?"
"If I were to hazzard a guess Freddie, I'd have to say...that." George pointed.
As if summoned by their presence a neon green ball of light appeared before them, glowing brightly against the pitch black corridor.
"Shall we gents?" Lee gestured for the Weasleys to move forward.
As they approached the ball began to move slowly throughout the space. Gliding ominously down the long empty hall and turned right down a passage which they knew led to the potions classroom.
"I swear, if this is a joke and we're about to be dumped on Snapes doorstep I'm pushing you both over to make my escape." Fred joked.
After a few more minutes walking the Gryffindors had passed their potions class and, while holding their breaths, the office of one Severus Snape. The orb led them directly to an unused classroom at the very end of the hall.
"Here?" Asked George. "Last I saw of this room, it were no bigger than Hagrids hut and stacked high with crap!"
The green orb flowed seamlessly through the old wooden door, coaxing them to continue onward.
"Here goes nothing, I guess." Lee shrugged as he placed a tentative grip on the doors handle and swung it open.
Whatever they had been expecting it sure wasn't this. The room had obviously been cleaned and made subject to an expansion charm as the ceiling was considerably higher than they recalled. However, what stood before them was not the hustle and bustle of a raging party - but two glistening white sheers with a note attached.
"Please shut the door before parting the curtains." It read. Confused but obediently the boys ensured the door was closed securely before passing through the thin fabric.
Immediately the scene changed. Their ears were met with the deafening sound of alternative rock music and the laughter of what was surely the entire cohort of seventh years. Tables lined the walls with an assortment of food and drink, as well as allowing areas for seating. The atmosphere was warm and inviting and they couldn't help but smile as they admired the amount of effort which must have been placed into making this a reality. Casting their eyes toward the ceiling they noticed an array of multicoloured orbs - similar to the one which lead them to the room, glowing brightly above the centre of the floor which lit the party like 70s disco.
"You made it!" Called the voice of Angelina Johnson as she ran to embrace the new comers. She was clutching a drink firmly in her left hand and swaying considerably, indicating she had indeed been here for quite some time and that was in no way her first drink.
"You're clearly having a ball." Fred chuckled, near having to yell over the noise of the place.
"I've been here since 9.30. That was my time. GEORGE!" She startled him before pulling him down by the neck to speak into his ear, "that girl you fancy from Hufflepuff is here. She's been asking about you! By the drinks last I saw." She pointed.
"Well. I mustn't keep her waiting much longer, must I?" He winked at his brother signalling his departure. Angelina mumbled something about needing a new drink and followed as she drained her cups last drop.
Lee and Fred set off into the crowd to enjoy the night.
Two hours and too many firewhiskeys later found George shamelessly snogging and wrapped tight within the arms of said Hufflepuff, and Angelina presumably with her head buried deep within a toilet somewhere.
Lee and Fred were having the time of their lives, drinking and dancing the night away. That was until Lee found more issues for himself in the form of his ex dancing and kissing someone who wasn't him. All his hopes of rekindling their relationship were decimated. Fred noticed his sudden drop in emotion and promptly shifted his gaze to meet the object of Lee's loss of enthusiasm. Had he not been met with the most beautiful shade of [y/c] eyes he'd ever seen, he probably would have noticed Lee excuse himself from the floor.
Fred's heart began to race and it was like everyone in the room disappeared except for you. Mesmerised by the way you smiled and moved in time with the music he couldn't look away if he tried. He knew he recognised you from around school, you were in his grade after all, but surely you'd never been this breathtaking.
You were huddled close to Lee's ex, stealing her from the arms of the boy she'd wrapped herself around, smiling so bright the lights were dull in comparison. You clung to one another instead as you danced, bodies intertwined in a way that made Fred jealous. He could have watched you all night, and probably well would have had it not been from the sudden sharp blow of an elbow to his ribs.
George had appeared, lips swollen and hair dishevelled, with a drink for his brother.
"Interrupting an important thought am I?" He smirked handing his brother the beverage. "You know, Freddie. If you fancy someone talking to them usually accomplishes more than just staring at the poor girl." He laughed.
"Oh, suddenly so wise now that you've come up for air, are you?" Fred teased, sipping some of the purple concoction he was sure he shouldn't be drinking. "Who is she?" He turned back to look at you.
"Who?" George asked trying to peer over the mass of heads. But you'd vanished.
Fred's face sank. Chugging his drink and rushing through the tight group of bodies jumping and laughing together. As he reached the place where you'd been dancing he searched for you but even standing at his full height he was unable to catch so much as a glimpse of your [H/L + H/C] hair.
Disappointed he removed himself from the crowd, to the outskirts of the room, where he leaned against a table with his hands in his pockets. Desperate for a hint of your figure but nothing. Seconds turned to minutes as his heart began to race and he panicked slightly. Had you left? He began to fear the thought he'd never get to see you again tonight when suddenly...
"Hey" a drink appeared infront of his chest, "you look like you could use a drink." He turned to see you smiling sweetly at him. Shocked his lips parted slightly while he stared at you awestruck. He lost himself in your eyes. Merlin! They were so much better up close.
"It's okay" your words snapped him out of his daze, "it's just firewhiskey." You tilted your head a little, raising the cup further infront of him.
"Thanks." He hastily reached for the drink, fingertips brushing your own. He felt goosebumps rise up his body. How could a girl he's never spoken to before have such an effect on him? Smiling his eyes raked your body as he took a sip. Noting your tight leather jeans and lose black top that sat off your shoulders. The outfit reminded him of a muggle rockstar.
You stared deeply back into his eyes as they met yours again. Never breaking the stare as you downed you entire drink in a mouthful without even batting an eyelid. To say he was impressed was a vast understatement. Firewhiskey was by no means a weak drink. His eyes widened and he laughed watching you place your now empty cup the the table next to you, raising a curious eyebrow at his reaction.
Fred turned his head back to face the crowd on the dancefloor, raising his cup to his lips once more. "Nothing", he said with a twitch of his lips and a small shake of his head. He drained his cup before looking back down to you, "I get the feeling you can really handle your alcohol."
"What can I say? I like the taste" he laughed at your comment. "So, which one are you?"
"Fred" he held his hand out to you, shaking it you never let your eyes leave each other for a second. "I must say, you have me at a loss. You know who I am, but what's your name, lovely?" He stepped closer to you and turned his body to face you fully.
"[Y/F/N + Y/L/N]"
"How is it I've never met a beautiful girl like you before?
"I'm pretty easy to miss, if you're not looking for me."
His eyes scanned your body again, running his tongue slowly over his bottom lip before pulling it gently between his teeth, as he did so. It was probably the hottest thing you'd ever seen. Making your knees weak. You'd always considered the Twins handsome, how could someone not? They were tall, confident, charming, smarter than you knew they'd care to admit, fiercely loyal, and it'd be a lie if you said you hadn't noticed how Quidditch sculpted their bodies over the years. They were like fucking Gods around Hogwarts.
"Well..." Fred spoke as you both admired each other. "I'm sure now, I'll never be able to stop myself looking for you." He smirked inching ever so closer.
It was your turn to bite your lip now. He was so close you could smell him, and fuck did he smell good. You felt your body warm as you took in his scent. The sensation reminded you of fresh Butterbeer on a brisk Winter's day. Completely intoxicating.
"I think it's time for a refill" you said grabbing your wand to summon a bottle of Whiskey from the table down from you. You filled both cups before turning back to face him.
"If I didn't know any better" he took the drink from the table, "I'd say you were trying to get me drunk." He drank slowly from the cup.
"Just trying to see if you can keep up with me." You said with an innocent expression, "anyway. It's good for you." You drank.
"It's good for you now, but it won't be easy tomorrow."
"I'm a big girl. Reckon I can handle it."
He laughed, looking back over the room briefly. He caught a glimpse of George with a girl who Fred was sure wasn't his same kissing partner from earlier, dancing up against him. He raised an impressed brow to his brother, which earned himself a shrug and nod in your direction. Fred knew exactly what he meant by that. He was telling him to get a move on, not that he needed any goading.
His attention back on you, he watched as you drank more of your whiskey. All he wanted to do right now was push you against the nearest wall and have at you. However, he figured that may be a tad forward of him so he decided not to mention the fact.
"So tell me, [Y/N], what house are you?"
"Take a guess." You teased.
He titled his head, taking his time to look you over. Starting at your eyes and travelling slowly down to your lips, to your neck and they paused for a moment longer as they reached your exposed collarbone. Mind drifting to imagine how soft the skin would feel under his lips as he left hickies across it. He examined your whole body in what he felt could have been hours. Really though it was just enough for you to refill your drink, having finished it again moments ago.
"Well, you're clearly not Gryffindor." He began. "Otherwise, I'd absolutely have spoken to you before now."
"Clearly" you mocked.
"Certainly not Hufflepuff."
"And what makes you say that?" You asked curiously.
"Because Hufflepuff is the most innocent house in the school. And I can tell you are anything but."
"Oh you can tell can you?" Raising your eyebrows in surprise at his comment.
"Absolutely" he nodded.
"What gave me away?" You pouted, feigning dejection.
"Well, Darling, if it weren't for that devishly wicked smile you wear so well, that's been driving me crazy all night." You averted your gaze, smiling, trying to hide the blush that threatened to form on your cheeks. Slowly casting your eyes back up to meet his that'd never left you. "Then I'd say it's in the way you drink Fire Whiskey like it's pumpkin juice. Or from the red in the whites of your eyes which, naturally, is from..." he took a step into you and leant his head down to your neck. His nose grazed your skin and you could feel his breath on you as he inhaled your scent deeply. He lifted his lips to your ear where he whispered "-that's hardly the smell of tobacco now is it?" Turning his head enough to stare into your eyes, smiling proud and somewhat cheekily.
"Quite perceptive, aren't you?" You whispered back to him. He shrugged stepping back to sip his drink. "You know I saw you watching me earlier. Dancing."
"Couldn't take my eyes off you, love. I've never seen somebody move that way." He was grinning at you, far too content for your liking.
"Well." You finished your drink and set aside the cup, "what do you say you replace my previous partner?" You grabbed his right hand and began making your way to the dance floor which, although still bustling with life didn't house nearly as many sweaty bodies as before. You flashed him that same devilish grin you now knew he loved so much.
Chugging his drink and casting aside the cup he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, nestling his chin in your neck "lead the way."
Never letting his hand leave your grip you brought him to the middle of the floor where you pulled him into you slowly. Once you were flush against one another you began to move. Shamelessly enjoying the touch of each other's body. He spun you, and you were swaying and grinding against him when he pulled you back. You stayed like that till you were both sweating and panting quite heavily. Unable to contain the smiles that graced your faces.
You couldn't take it anymore, the look in his eyes and the grip on your waist was sending you crazy, reaching a hand up and around his neck you pulled his face dangerously close to yours "want to get out of here?"
His grip on you tightened as he responded "absolutely" and with that dragged you toward the exist.
George caught Fred's attention momentarily, he had a curious expression on his face. He simply smiled and winked back at his Twin. George laughed sending up a mock, celebratory fist pump.
Slightly impatient, you pulled Fred by the front of his shirt out past the curtains. You had no idea how loud the party had been until you were faced with the eery silence of the empty Dungeon corridors. The muffling charm placed on the sheers working perfectly.
"Come with me, I know a place" Fred said taking your hand.
Quietly manoeuvring through the castle halls, he pulled you into a hidden passage behind a tapestry, through to an empty classroom away from prying eyes. With a quick glance through the crack of the door to ensure you weren't spotted Fred was surprised, and satisfied to say the least, when he turned from closing the door to be immediately met with your lips on his.
You pushed him back against the wall. The kiss was passionate and so full of need you wondered how either of you lasted this long. His hand cupped your face as he deepened the kiss. Your hands on his chest began to snake their way over his body, one resting on the back of his neck to tug on his soft hair, the other wrapping around to his lower back where you pulled yourself against him. Causing him to groan at the sensation.
Soft moans and light gasps for air were the only sounds to penertrate the nights silence. Both of you were desperate for one anothers touch. An intense need to have you built within Fred like a fire. Mirroring your movements from earlier he grabbed a fist full of your hair as his other hand clung to the small of your back.
He spun around so it was you pressed against the wall. Hunching his body so he could lean fully into you, your tongue traced his bottom lip and he responded.
He tasted like Whiskey and Chocolate. You, undoubtedly, like Whiskey and Smoke. He ran his hands down below your ass and lifted your legs to wrap around his waist. You giggled slightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck to support yourself.
He walked blindly over to the centre of the room, lips never leaving yours as he placed you on top of the nearest desk. He pulled himself tight between your legs, arms now firm on your lower back.
Pulling away from your lips he moved to place love bites and kisses along any bare skin he could reach. From your neck, to behind your ear, to your shoulder, he wanted all of you. Lightly tracing his mouth along your soft skin he ducked his head down further to your collarbone to make true his earlier fantasy. Leaving countless hickies across the bone. Chest heaving against him as you threw your head back in pleasure, running a hand through his hair once more.
Gently moaning his name, he hummed in response sending vibrations through your skin. You could have stayed like that forever.
Unfortunately for you however, you found yourself interrupted by the sudden opening of the classroom door.
"Ugh, Fuck." You groaned in frustration, letting go of the redhaired boy who was practically lying on top of you. Fred parted from you and turned to face the door.
"Mr Weasley. Miss [Y/L/N]. Detention. Two weeks. Hope this late night rendezvous was well worth the 50 points you've just cost Gryffindor, Weasley. And [L/N]...20 from you."
"Ahhh..." Fred spoke as realisation began to dawn on him "so you're a Slytherin." He laughed to himself. "It seems so obvious now."
"Return to your houses immediately." Snape growled as you hopped down off the desk top and walked past him trying to contain your giddy smile.
"Was worth the punishment" Fred leant to whisper in your ear as you both walked. "Best night I've had in a while."
"Glad you liked my party then" you looked up at him. He froze. Watching as you kept walking and turned through a hidden passage.
"Yours!?" He asked astonished jogging to catch up with you.
You nodded. "mine."
"God. You've got everything I want, all rolled into one."
You reached your parting point. Looking up to see the clock on the wall you hadn't realised how late it was till now. Although, it's not like you were worried about the time while you were busy wrapped up in Fred.
"I take it you won't miss me passing by in the halls from now on." You joked.
"Not a chance, love."
You reached up to place one final kiss to his lips. Just as passionate as the ones before, only far softer and slower. He felt like he was melting. His whole body went warm and all he could think in this moment was; did he really have to leave you? Why couldn't you be a Gryffindor?
"What do you say about meeting me here tomorrow night?" You asked, breaking the kiss and resting your forehead against his.
"Not even Snape, could stop me." He grinned, making you smile as you began to walk off. "What time?"
"How's 10:45?" You threw your hand up in a lame wave.
He continued to watch you walk away with a wide smile on his face, "it's a date." He called after you, finally walking towards his house.
When he arrived at the common room he hadn't expected to be greeted by the smiling, smug face of George. He stood with folded arms across his chest.
"So. Tell me...How was your night?"
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