#and to avoid that feeling of failure i want to avoid applying for jobs altogether
theflyingfeeling · 4 months
yes it's just me whining about the same thing for the billionth time, pls just scroll past nothing new to see here 👋
#i just want to enjoy the summer but i feel like i don't deserve to if i'm not constantly trying to become employed again 😭#''apply for jobs then? problem solved'' uh-huh yes but!! i also hate applying for jobs#job seeking can be so incredibly humiliating#first i have to send them a letter BEGGING to be invited to an interview#and then i have to try and convince them that i am actually competent and good at my job even though you have my cv right there#and then afterwards they call me to tell me they found someone who they liked better than me#(or rather someone who was more competent than me judging by their work history etc.)#it's like ''yes we are hiring but not YOU specifically lol''#like. at school if you take a test you get the grade you deserve based on how you did in the exam.#it's something you can actually directly affect yourself#but if someone who's applying for the same job with me has more work experience or whatever they will get hired over me no matter what i do#(at least that's how it usually works on my field)#in which case it doesn't matter if i do well in the interview or nah. bc the other person was always going to be picked for the job anyway#and yes one could say i can then be satisfied if i did my best but it's little consolation when i'm still unemployed!!#and so every time i apply for a job and get rejected it feels like a personal failure#and to avoid that feeling of failure i want to avoid applying for jobs altogether#so yeah. being active in job seeking is more likely to relieve me from this misery but job seeking is ALSO misery. so 🤷‍♀️#that on top of the fact i don't even _want_ to apply for all the open positions on my field#but i feel obliged to because it's what i have a degree on. and when i'm unemployed i don't have the luxury to choose which ones i apply fo#i can't afford to be picky#I DON'T DREAM OF LABOUR I JUST NEED MONEY TO LIVE BUT I ALSO DON'T WANT TO DO JUST ANY JOB! I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR THAT!#i don't want to come home crying from work every day because i hate every single aspect of my life INCLUDING my job 😭#when this semester i actually HAD a job i didn't mind waking up to every morning 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair#to conclude i don't deserve to enjoy myself in the summer because i'm not doing enough to fix my unemployement situation#(just like i don't deserve to feel sad about being lonely because i don't work hard enough to maintain deep friendships#but that's a crisis for another day! stay tuned ✌️)
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i-want-my-iwtv · 3 years
Prince lestat sir might I ask a question? What do you think of fat women? I'm pretty ugly and fat and just wondered would you ever be able to see me as beautiful?
♛(Lestat) You may ask, chérie, and as your message has struck a chord, I hope this answer offers a fresh perspective for you. 
Before I get too far with it: I’ll have to base this on your own assessment of your appearance, and you could be wrong. All it takes is a few harsh words in our formative years to make a wound that stubbornly won’t heal, torn open again and again by others who do it with their casual judgmental words, or failure to be supportive. Or the seed for this misconception could be planted later in life.  
First of all, I adore fat women! Fat men, too. Fat children, puppies, seals, owls... all beautiful. It's a crime that people are categorized apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. There's beauty in the way flesh envelopes the human structure, the way it moves in different conditions, in different fabrics, teasingly showing through fishnet tights... when a woman swims in a lit pool at night, her silhouetted form ripples and changes through the lens of the water. It’s no secret that I love certain endowments (you know which ones I mean!) on women, in all shapes and sizes. Touching people is part of my job, so to speak, and I am drawn to those, to put it bluntly, who I want to touch. I’m captivated by nude and draped statues in museums, churches, graveyards. Marble and stone that the artist has made to look flexible as the figure leans against a pillar, or fingers that are larger than life bite into the flesh of a thigh so deeply that you can nearly see the pulse of the veins on the hand, the flex of the muscles in the thigh. Art!
Fashions come and go, too. A gap in the front teeth has been considered sexy at different times. It’s sometimes fashionable to have more weight on one’s body, and in fact was a sign of wealth, that your family had enough profit to indulge in treating themselves beyond what was needed for survival. I took particular pride in indulging my aging father with a more decadent table than he had ever provided for me, but I also hated him for that, and I was cruel to him. Perhaps by giving him these excesses, I could justify punishing him at the same time.
As far as "ugly"... I've seen ugly in myself, many times in my life. But it wasn't the times as a desiccated corpse, drenched in swamp sludge, or covered with scars from the fire my own fledglings applied so lovingly. There were decades spent avoiding even touching my own face, wearing shawls and gloves so I wouldn’t have to look at the distorted flesh. There will be times in your life when you won’t feel beautiful, and no one can convince you otherwise, and perhaps those are times to heal, and plan your next steps. I was a hermit and kept to myself until I was well and truly ready, emotionally and physically, to dive back into the thrum of life itself.
So, I wasn't ugly then. Wounded. I am ugly when I do cruel things, when I’m awful to my loved ones, like my father, whatever my reasons may be. I’m a selfish creature and I expect things to go a certain way, and I have a short fuse, and that’s when I’m hideous. 
But, essays could be written on all this. I could bring up examples of people who are fat or ugly in the way you originally meant, examples of people one might say in spite of their weight, or in spite of their unconventional physical characteristics, they are/were talented enough to earn respect or deserve being called beautiful. It’s a cruel world that says being called ‘beautiful’ must be earned. 
How dull would it be if we all thought of beauty the same way? An intellectual wasteland. It would be as if we could all only sing one song. Beauty is in the variation, playing a song in different ways, writing new songs altogether, embracing the unconventional, the novel. 
Your original question was whether I would see fat and ugly women beautiful? Yes, I can, I have, and I do.
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jinmindeulle · 3 years
hot chocolate | jyh (2)
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part 2/3
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 jeong yunho x reader, yang hongseok x reader
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 2.4 k
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆 angst, fluff / enemies to lovers au, tv news au, newsanchor!yunho x newsanchor!reader
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 mentions of sex and cursing
main masterlist | ateez masterlist
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To say that it was her fifth mental breakdown of the day was an understatement.
Y/n was preparing the report that her boss had asked her as the last part of her application for the job. It was just a simple story that she would later have to present on the live show right after Yunho’s. She had decided to talk about important women around the world as she felt confident in that area. She knew a lot about the topic of feminism and the importance of speaking up. That, however, didn’t spare her from feeling like a total failure when she asked Hongseok to proofread the script for her and he made a face.
“Are you sure you are not going to go off at a tangent if you talk about this topic? You know that your speech should flow, and when you are talking about something that you are passionate about or you know a lot of, you usually beat about the bush”
“What do you suggest? Changing the topic last minute?” she whined, plopping down Hongseok’s couch, right next to him.
“Narrow it down. You’re being too general here. Be more specific and don’t talk just to show off”
“Got it” y/n snatched the paper away from her friend and went back to her ‘workplace’ — Hongseok’s kitchen table.
Editing scripts was the part that she hated the most. Her usual job rarely involved that, because she was in charge of doing the research, checking and double-checking sources and outlining the report. Sometimes she wrote them just to avoid loosing that side of the job, but her department co-workers were the ones who proofread and corrected the script multiple times, not y/n.
That’s why she was staying the night at Hongseok’s. He was an expert in that field, his job as a script-writer for the Night Show helping him improve his skills more and more with every new story. What took the man a couple of hours to finish, took y/n her whole Saturday afternoon, and if it wasn’t for him, she would probably spend her entire weekend crying over her script.
“How’s that going?” Hongseok approached her from behind, placing his arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder, rapidly scanning the words on her screen.
“Check yourself” she yawned, throwing her head backwards and accommodating it on the space between his neck and shoulder.
“Why don’t you have a warm shower? I have already called the pizza place and it won’t take long for them to arrive”
The girl sleepily nodded and left the chair as soon as her friend released her. He took her seat to keep reading her script, so she moved quickly to the bathroom. Now undressed and with the water warming up, she stretched her back, putting her hair up on a messy bun that prevented it from getting soaked. As soon as she entered the steamy shower, her mind took off.
And it landed on Jeong Yunho. Was that even necessary? She scoffed, turning around to make the hot water ease some of the back pain.
She would never admit it, but back then she had had a massive crush on him. Who would blame her, though? He was the most handsome man around campus, and he was all the time smiling. He had that special grin of his that lit up the darkest room.
But he had never showed that side of his to her. Maybe because she was his only competition in college who could actually beat his perfect records, or maybe because she was all the time with Hongseok. The truth was that Yunho had always avoided and ignored her every time she had dared to speak to him outside college hours.
So it had come as a surprise seeing him at the Seoul Morning News’ building two years before. She had been working there for a couple of months, and all of her ex-classmates knew that thanks to Hongseok, who proudly told the world about her rapid success. Why would he ever apply for a job that involved working with a person he hates? She never understood that, but at the same time didn’t even bother to question his decision.
An hour later and with a full stomach, y/n was all spread on Hongseok’s couch, her head on his thigh and his hands massaging her scalp “You’re too good to me, Hongie” she whispered, hugging his leg.
“I just love you” he replied. Out of shock, she sat up in a matter of milliseconds and looked at him with wide eyes “Don’t be silly. Not like that” he laughed, patting her head “I love you as a friend, and I love fucking you as a friend too”
“I saw my life flashing in front of my eyes for a second” she heavily breathed out, placing her hand on her chest, right on her heart.
“I’m sorry” he grinned, placing a soft kiss on her lips “I like messing around with you sometimes”
“Sometimes?” she raised one eyebrow, sitting on his lap and straddling his waist with her legs.
“Well, that depends what kind of ‘messing’ you are referring to” he smirked, rubbing his hands up and down her lower back.
“Why don’t you show me?”
“My pleasure, hun”
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“I messed up” she cried, holding her phone with shaky hands “I messed up so bad, Hong”
“Why? What happened?” his concern was tangible even through the phone.
“I went blank for I don’t know how long. I completely forgot about my script and had to improvise a section of it. It was terrible. I’m a failure, and I’m not going to get the job at all. He was perfect. Yunho was amazing, as he always is. And I won’t blame Mr. Jung when he chooses him because he deserves that place more than anyone in here” y/n sobbed, sitting down on her desk, feeling how the shame and humiliation drowned her in tears.
“Y/n, I’m sure you’re just exagg-”
“I’m not, Hongseok! It was the worst thing I have ever done. I messed up and I know that. I missed the chance to get the job of my dreams. And I will never get another one of this”
When she decided that it was time to let her friend do his job in peace, she realized that she could not to go back outside of her office and face her co-workers who were expecting her to keep on her daily work without recomposing herself first. With heavy steps, she entered her little toilet and removed all of her make up. Washing it off and doing it again was the only reasonable option. Some minutes later, she found herself looking way better, but just hoping for her puffy eyes to go back to normal in a couple of hours top.
She left her office with her heard high but avoiding eye contact. It was hard to admit, but she knew that all of them had seen her embarrass herself in front of their boss. How was she supposed to come back from that? Her reputation was a joke right now.
“Miss Lee, I want to speak with you for a second”
Her eyes opened widely upon hearing her boss’ voice behind her. She turned around in a slow manner, reminding herself not to cry in front of him “Sure” Following the petit man to his office, she took some deep breaths to keep her heart from pounding that hard against her chest.
“So” Mr. Jung spoke up once they were settled “How do you feel?”
Y/n heavily exhaled and looked down, playing with the end of her black pencil skirt, a bad habit of hers when she felt anxious “I could have done much better”
“I believe just the same, my dear. I understand that you were nervous, though. It felt the same for me when I was the one being tried, so don’t worry too much. I know your potential” the man smiled, leaning over his desk “That’s why I’m giving you the job”
She had to have heard him wrong. He was giving her the position after messing up like that on her one and only chance? Was he even there when she went blank on national television?
“Wha-” she cut herself off, feeling how a thousand different emotions flowed inside her body.
“You showed me that you have the skills to be in front of the camera with a script, and without one. It was impressive, how in a matter of seconds you were able to keep on talking with Taeki about the issue like nothing had happened, like you never got lost in your own world”
“But I did get lost” she mumbled, feeling the tears blurring her vision once again.
“So what? It is not about following the script all the time, y/n. You are a professional when you know how to manage, how to get yourself out of a problem in just seconds. Everyone is talking about that, and you should be proud of yourself”
“I… I can’t believe this” she let out a laugh, completely out in disbelief.
“And you know what? You were so good that even Yunho decided to let you have the job”
The tears that had gathered in her eyes fell down her face altogether upon hearing Mr. Jung’s confession “What?” y/n asked, completely out of shock.
“As you hear it. He came to me an hour or so after we finished, and told me that you deserved the job more than he did. That you were capable of that and even more. I didn’t know that you went to college together! You didn’t seem like you were friends to me”
“We are not friends, Mr. Jung” y/n shook her head, drying her tears with the back of her hand “I can’t believe he told you that”
“Me neither. He seemed really enthusiastic about this job last week. But anyways, congratulations! Your training starts tomorrow. We have just a few days to get you ready to be our new news’ anchor”
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She left that office with the most contradicting feelings she had ever felt. Of course, she was overjoyed. The fucking job of her damned dreams was hers! She had failed the task, but she got it despite of it. However, the fact that Yunho had given up his chance just to let her have it was not leaving her heart anytime soon. Why would he do that? He would never abandon such an opportunity just because she deserved it. Who thought like that nowadays? Who was that selfless?
Apparently, Yunho was. So she decided to wait for him outside the building three hours later. She knew he had the same schedule as Jaehyun, who always left half an hour after her.
Winter was her favourite season. Wearing long coats and fluffy scarves was her most enjoyable activity. But sometimes, having snow falling on her when she was out and about bothered her a little. Not like she was willing to admit that, especially to Hongseok, who defended summer with all of his passion. Luckily for her, the hot chocolate cups that she was holding kept her hands warm.
Just when she was about to leave, assuming that Yunho had left earlier, she distinguished his large frame going out of the building. He was busy putting on his gloves, so he never realized she was standing right next to him. She faked a cough, and it took a couple more to make him aware of her presence.
“Oh-sorry! My mind was somewhere else. How are you?” he smiled at her, and this time, it felt real. He had no second intentions, no secret plans. Just a genuine smile.
“I’m happy” she admitted, a little smile plastered on her own lips “Mr. Jung gave me the job”
“Right! I heard about that. Congratulations, y/n, you really deserve it. And I mean it”
“You know…” she replied, tearing her eyes away from his, which were looking at her with great intensity “He told me that you gave up the job”
Maybe it was because of the cold, but Yunho’s cheeks were painted a deep shade of pink. He looked across the street, shoving his hands on his coat’s pockets, and fought back a nervous smile.
“Why would you do that?” she pushed, taking advantage of his panicky state.
“You were the best candidate out of the two of us”
“That’s not what I want, Yunho” she scoffed “You made it clear that you would fight for the job, and that you always won. What happened today?”
Y/n sighed. He was a hard one.
“Yunho, don’t be like that. I messed up and you did an outstanding job. You were the one who deserved that position, and you know that. So why? Why would you give it up?”
“I heard you crying” he confessed, looking at her right in the eye “I heard you when you told Hongseok that it was your dream job, and I just couldn’t do it. How awful as a person would I be to tear your dreams apart when I have the power to just help them become a reality? I know that you think of me as a selfish, competitive bastard. But I’m not like that. It was just-”
“A façade” she interrupted him, feeling how her eyes flooded with tears “But you just put it out for me”
Yunho sighed, and cursed with a deep mumble.
“It’s okay” y/n shook her head, fighting the tears back “You don’t have to explain anything. I get that you don’t like m-”
“It’s not that, y/n, it’s not that at all” the boy took his hands out of his pockets and placed them on the sides of her arms.
“Really, Yunho, don’t worry about that. I just wanted to thank you. I’m not sure if I deserve that but I’ll make sure not to let you down” she exhaled heavily, taking a step back in order to leave “Oh! I almost forgot” she extended one of her arms towards him “This is for you. I know that you don’t like coffee so I bought hot chocolate instead. As a thank you” she smiled weakly.
And with that she left Yunho behind, standing all by himself under the falling snow, and looking at the paper cup with disbelief. She had remembered.
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violetsystems · 4 years
I guess tomorrow will be a month since I was let go from work.  The severance finally deposited along with the payout for my paid time off.  The way unemployment works today would have been the earliest I could have applied.  As everyone reads in the news about America, the extra benefits expired this week.  My situation is very unique but it’s not without precedent.  I’m simply not eligible.  Which means I have to adopt the term “self-employed.”  The CARES act did have some less than obvious help for my situation though I had to do the digging.  The last four weeks I’ve had little or no help from anyone other than the counsel of my parents and here.  So the good news was that I spent the last four weeks trying to work through the financial ambiguities.  I learned a lot about tax law.  I set up a brokerage.  I divested my entire life from the last twenty years of my career.  And nobody said anything.  I’m sure people wanted to say things.  Yesterday I had to narrowly avoid two interactions with some people who haven’t talked to me in over a year.  It was obvious that someone wants me to talk out in public.  It was also obvious enough to avoid altogether.  Like someone is always trying to set up these quasi “magical” encounters with people who could literally just reach out and call.  They don’t.  That’s a clear sign of either social engineering or a flat out scam on my public identity.  I’ve travelled around the world at this point and had hundreds of such street interactions.  It’s not worth my time to play catch up about something that I’ve already started healing from.  It’s baggage to me.  Just like the tax burden I’m facing making sure I don’t get caught up in an election year spectacle.  Everybody is talking about people “like me” but nobody bothers to address my situation by name.  If all I were was my job then I’d be a failure right now.  But I spent the last week building an investment portfolio after rolling out of bed sleeplessly at three thirty in the morning.  I ended the week twenty five dollars down.  Blizzard leading the top of my modest leads.  I invested in both AMD and Intel.  Throughout the research on the Internet I read about these companies and products I purchase.  Stocks are supposed to be fun.  No one would know because everyone talks over each other just like in real life.  But investing in these times is a lot more.  Savings accounts don’t yield near anything due to the interest rates.  Money is held onto all the time which doesn’t really help the liquidity of the markets or the economy.  Greedy companies don’t help either.  Intel was the market leader.  Also had one of the highest paid CEO’s.  Also has a processor delayed a year in a market surrounded by wolves.  Apple has the ARM.  AMD has the Ryzen.  The computer I built does too.  The laptop I’m currently on is a coffee lake i7.  Matched with the 144hz refresh on the display, it plays Overwatch on a clip I’ve never experienced.  It’s butter.  AMD is affordable.  AMD is also making the jump from hobbyist darling to OEM distribution.  I invested in both because of a simple fact.  Both companies are now led by women.  AMD is led by Lisa Su.  Intel’s  Ann Kelleher will lead the initiative for the future to bridge the industry gap and opportunities for women.  These are the things I’ve been connecting my money with after twenty years of maturation.  And mostly how I’ve been “wasting my time” the last four weeks.
Not that anyone would know other than from what I’ve written.  People are friendly enough.  I’ve been out on my bike trying to clear a path in my life for the next six months.  I’m in a situation in which incurring any more income this year makes things more difficult.  And when I skim the jobs on LinkedIn I see more of me sidelining my life to make other people money.  Stability is a weird thing.  In America, you think it’s your job.  But it really is just money.  The way things work out I have amazing health insurance for a year at a price.  I also have the option to add a spouse and child at any time during that period.  It’s expensive.  I could have shopped around.  Skimped on dental or vision.  But in the end, I could afford to sit things out.  And in a time of complete and utter desperation, I come off cool and calm to a point.  The reality is I could just sit here and play games at the kitchen table.  I could write to my friends.  I could keep following the same love in my heart that I’ve been following for a few years.  I was more impressed that I could broadcast where I wanted to work on LinkedIn more than what opportunities are out there.  I selected Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and China.  I’ve been treated as human capital for years without my consent.  I’m worth more than this.  I’m sick of listening to people talk about themselves and do nothing about it.  They compare and contrast.  They plot and they scheme.  They gossip and backstab.  And every year they’re more and more buried.  In their emotional baggage.  In the problems they won’t dare face head on.  In the debt they accrue.  Silently yesterday I ended all my credit card debt in a series of transactions.  I still have a small loan which will be paid come September.  I have never sat quietly and never had to owe anyone money I didn’t have.  I spent twenty years at a salaried job weighed down by lifestyle creep.  When you aren’t happy in a job, you spend more to compensate.  This happens to medical students often.  They get great jobs out of school but are also in debt from loans.  They burn out on spending.  The debt piles up.  And there is no escape other than to work harder.  The same goes with student loans, home mortgages, and whatever else ties you down to revenue generation for someone else.  I’m not there anymore.  And I don’t really have any interest in going back.  The brokerage account was a late night brainstorm.  I talk less about politics now.  The politics don’t help me.  I talk to myself about tax law and investment.  I write about it here but I would never talk about it in public.  Just like I’d never discuss magic the gathering strategy with a person who wants to talk about celebrity gossip instead.  I see change in my life when I act for myself.  And excuses don’t pay the bills.
And then there’s the awful reality that people still think they know better.  This is a dangerous time in that respect.  People forgot about me the whole last month.  I literally had no real human contact via email after the 15th.  I missed the window to clear out my office waiting for this laptop.  People really expected me to use all my psychic powers to read into what they want me to do with my life.  I’d rather save the telepathy for the girl I like.  In that respect, not really trying to change my agenda.  My agenda isn’t hidden or anything.  People just don’t ask me the right questions.  People don’t ask questions at all.  In the last month, I’ve felt the most human and been treated the least humane.  And that is just life.  Would the girl of my dreams really want to see me break down and cry for help?  Or would it be better to see how no matter how hard I get thrown I always land on my feet?  I’m more than on my feet.  I’m on stable ground and a little tired of the world and its bullshit.  I’m also not really mad about it anymore.  I’m just me.  I have some time to organize my life for a change.  I got new glasses.  They are Versace.  I have time to take care of myself.  I have a monthly and yearly cash forward budget.  It is very necessary to know your expenses first when looking for a job.  It is the key to negotiating a salary and benefits.  Ironically LinkedIn solved the problem for me.  It thinks I should be making 10k more than I was.  And more in New York.  Nobody told me that outright.  I had to figure it out for myself.  Because the difference between what you want to do and what you can afford to do is a real line.  I worked for a non profit for years and barely got a raise or promotion.  The salary wasn’t industry standard at all.  And now the position just doesn’t exist.  I can’t comfortably say I can even work until I consult a tax lawyer.  That was a decision that I made for myself.  There’s a lot of decisions I make for myself that nobody gives me a warm hug in public for.  Nobody is privy to them because they either are afraid to treat me like a human being or they don’t read these journals.  This is to say that I realize nobody “really” cares.  If they did I wouldn’t have gone through any of this.  I wouldn’t feel forgotten.  I wouldn’t have taken that rage and moved on.  Being angry is dumb.  You saw it on my face for years.  I was stressed.  I was strained.  I listened with genuine concern and intent to the feelings everyone had.  I accepted everyone face value.  I worked to make people feel included.  And in the end I was excluded for whatever reason.  I didn’t fit in.  I always had to surrender my identity to the “discourse” that was more interested in using me a punching bag than an ally.  I don’t have to be the beacon for a lawsuit anymore.  I don’t have to raise my blood pressure for people who would rather see me drop dead.  I can just stay out of the way completely.  And in a time when American politicians on either side have no real answers, I’d rather rely on myself to get through.  I’d rather wait for people to recognize how utterly horrible I’ve been treated in terms of my value as a person.  I am not human capital.  I am a fucking person.  And the one thing I know is that my value over time here is not wasted.  And the time I’ve spent writing to you has made me who I am.  Impervious to hipster bullshit.  <3 Tim
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spyder-m · 5 years
Cloti Fall Festival, Day Three: Liquid Confidence
Summary: College AU. Zack wants Cloud to loosen up and forget studying for just one night. He coerces him into a night of drinking, hoping it'll give him the courage to talk to his long-time crush, Tifa. Things go about as well as you might expect. 
A/N:  I struggled to finish this, even with the extra time I took. It isn't beta'd, so I'm sorry if there are any glaring errors. Still, I hope you enjoy it! I have a couple more stories in the works for the Cloti Fall Festival. Hopefully, I'll be able to get those done without as many issues.
Ao3 / FF.net
The Avalanche bar at Midgar University wasn’t typically the place students went when they were planning to study.
Most tended to favour the library, or one of the many cafes on Campus; somewhere quiet, where they wouldn’t have trouble concentrating.
Cloud, however, liked the atmosphere of the bar on weeknights. It was a small, hole-in-the-wall place often overlooked for the fancier clubs in the city. The few patrons there were looking for nothing more than to unwind after a full day of classes.
Their murmured conversation, the steady, trickle of liquid into pint glasses, the low static of the television all built a comforting white noise, easy enough for him to drown out, but not all-consuming and uncomfortable like the deathly silence of the library.
Cloud wasn't fond of the silence. It made him feel alone, reminded him of the harsh isolation he had endured in his childhood.
The fact that the bar wasn't used by many others for studying, was also a plus. As it was free from the palpable stress radiating off of over students, frantically cramming over their notes as they prepped for exams, trying to savour the last-minute knowledge.
Cloud found a relaxed atmosphere much more conducive to learning.
At least, that was the reason Cloud would give anyone who asked.
In truth, there was something else that swayed heavily in the bar's favour.
Nursing a beer, Cloud scrolled through the Gallery on his laptop. Having recently travelled to Midgar’s coastline over the weekend, he was hoping to build up his portfolio some more with some of the photographs he'd taken of the sea, the Western Continent lingering over the horizon.
His gaze flickered from the screen momentarily at the sound of a light, familiar voice, waking pleasant tingles up his spine.
His childhood crush, Tifa Lockhart.
She was laughing behind the bar with her co-workers and friends, Jessie, Biggs and Wedge, the lull in customers affording her a moment's break. The bright smile crossing her features shone, carrying over the room's dim lighting like a beacon.
Cloud couldn't help but want to be a part of that conversation, to be the one drawing laughter from her, to have that intimate place in her life. Yet, much like the child who had admired from afar; he was frozen, rooted in place by hesitation.
It was strange how little things between them had changed, even after the years that had passed.
Cloud had joined Soldier at a young age, leaving school in order to pursue a dream, a better life as part of their elite First Class. Overlooking the town blanketed by starlight, his parting words to Tifa; at her insistence; had been a vow to rescue her should she ever find herself in a bind.
Much to his dismay, Cloud had fallen far from the mark of 1st Class, instead having to settle for grinding among their lower ranks, hoping that something would come of his hard work, not wanting to return home a failure. Yet, he found himself discharged shortly after the Wutai War had ended, worried about the direction his life would take now.
His entire plan had been hinged upon him making First Class, his young, optimistic mind had never devised a plan B, never considering the possibility that he might fail.
Cloud couldn’t return to Nibelheim, he knew that much. As much as he cherished his mother and Tifa, he had always been isolated in that village. It had never been a home.
Besides, he didn’t want to be a burden to his mother, who had struggled to raise him alone. He wanted to provide for her now. To work and eventually earn enough money to find a home for her outside of Nibelheim, somewhere she would be appreciated.
Yet, being thrust abruptly back into society, after having only after known life as a Soldier infantryman, made that difficult.
Cloud suddenly couldn’t help but feel underqualified compared to others his age. Those that had left for Midgar in pursuit of jobs or apprenticeships.
The prospect of finding stable work seemed dim to Cloud. The skills he had gained working for Shinra didn’t exactly translate to many other industries. What business would want to hire someone inexperienced like him, when they could likely pay less to someone younger and equally as qualified?
Cloud supposed he could always collect bounties fighting monsters, but it lacked the security of a regular job. Much of his earnings would likely end up going towards potions and weapon maintenance, anyway.
Fortunately, it was around this time, that Cloud discovered that, in recognition of their services, ex-Solider members could apply for a scholarship through Midgar U.
Cloud had leapt at the opportunity, an idea already in mind for what his major could be.
Throughout his time working under Shinra, Cloud had developed an interest in photography. As a young man travelling the world for the first time, Cloud had excitedly taken pictures of the different places he saw.
Knowing that they might not be stationed for long and weren't there as tourists; he wanted to at least commemorate the moment, taking photographs to send home to his mother.
Over time, Cloud came to develop a fondness for the hobby. He found tinkering with the camera kept him sane through the hours spent travelling or patrolling. After years of blind trial and error, the idea of taking classes and receiving the proper guidance from experts in the field excited him.
He had never considered the hobby something a career could branch from.
When he signed up for Midgar U, the last he expected was to find Tifa working at the University's bar, Avalanche.
Yet when he had stopped by one day, in the hope of getting directions around the Campus, he had been met by familiar, amber eyes of the bartender.
Tifa, the one who had been a significant motivation behind his joining Soldier.
The revelation had struck him in a mess of emotion. His heart warmed to see her again, yet dread churned in his stomach as he remembered his promise to her, and how, because of his shortcomings, it would remain unfulfilled.
He couldn't tell if their chance reunion had been the best, or worst, thing to happen.
The thought of avoiding the bar, and her, altogether flashed briefly through his mind, lingering long enough to elicit a stabbing sensation through his chest.
He knew he didn't have the strength to actively push away someone he cared about. His heart was drawn back to the building, a pleasant flutter coming over him each time he entered and she called his name.
There was no way he would be able to stomach lying to her. His resolve would shatter beneath those warm, ruby eyes.
Instead, he endeavoured to steer clear of the subject, keeping their conversations as brief as possible.
She would wave to him with a warm smile as he took out his laptop and camera. He sat in the corner booth, just out of her line of sight as she would busy herself with preparing drinks. That way, he could look up from his work every so often, and quickly steal a glance without her noticing.
For Cloud, it was a perfect arrangement.
He could be in her company, without having to stomach any of the awkward conversations he knew would inevitably come up. Where had he been all those years? Why hadn’t he ever come back to Nibelheim? Had he made Soldier?
She couldn’t know that he had failed to make 1st Class. That, in spite of his training and the lengths he went to, his only success had been as a lowly infantryman. She couldn’t know that everything her father had said about him had been right.
Even when he had been stationed in Nibelheim alongside Zack and Sephiroth, Cloud had kept his helmet on and spent most of his time hidden inside the Inn. It wouldn't have helped his ego to stand alongside two, for all their famed accomplishments.
In the rare instances that he and Tifa shared any kind of lasting conversation, Cloud was always careful to keep the discussion around her; reasoning that as a bartender, she spent enough time listening to others.
To his surprise, Tifa had seemed touched by the gesture.
He learned that outside of bartending, she was making extra cash babysitting her boss’ daughter and teaching self-defence classes at the nearby gym. Cloud had recalled her mentioning in passing wanting to study under Zangan, a martial arts master who had lived in their village.
From the way he’d seen her arms flex carrying trays laden with drinks, it shouldn’t have surprised him.
She was studying a combined degree of business and health science and expressed ambitions of one day opening a place of her own. Perhaps a bar, or maybe a dojo where she could pass Zangan’s teachings onto a new generation. She hadn’t decided yet.
The details Cloud revealed about himself were curt. He was a photography major. He picked up freelance mechanical and courier work to cover his expenses and was hoping to one day save enough money to buy himself a motorcycle.
No mention of Soldier.
No reference to the promise they had once made.
To his surprise, Tifa seemed to respect the distance he placed between them, only delving as deep as he would comfortably allow.
Things were probably for the best that way.
From what he could gather, Tifa didn't need a hero anymore. She was more than capable of handling herself.
Cloud stretched his arms over his head, sighing amidst the satisfying crack of his joints. Leaning back over his keyboard, Cloud suddenly felt his body slump forward under an unexpected pressure against his neck and shoulders. Reflexively, his hands rose to brace against the table, almost knocking over his drink.
“Figured I’d find you here.”
"Argh!" Cloud grunted. "Damnit, Zack! Get off me."
Having a good six inches of height over Cloud, he often served a makeshift armrest for his friend; much to his frustration. His considerably bulk didn't make fighting him off any easier. Eventually, Cloud managed to find purchase against the man's solid chest, pushing him aside. He levelled Zack with a cold glare as they separated.
"Aw, I'm happy to see you too, Cloud."
Cloud had been assigned to Zack’s battalion in Soldier, and Zack had taken him under his wing, seeing much of himself in the young, fresh-faced recruit.
On the surface, the comparison might have seemed puzzling. Zack was proud and confident, easy-going, and got along with most people he met, while Cloud kept to himself, tending to focus his efforts more on training and studying.
Still, having grown up as only children in backwater towns, they had long sought the companionship they found in one another; becoming something more akin to brothers than a mentor and protege.
"What are you doing here?"
“What?" Zack feigned innocence. "I was just in the neighbourhood, so I figured I’d see what my best bud was up to.”
“Aerith’s busy, huh?”
“Study night.” Zack groaned, collapsing in the booth besides Cloud. “Her mid-terms are coming up soon and she said I was too much of a distraction.”
“Really?” Cloud scoffed, hands gesturing over the pages of notes strewn about his table. “I can’t possibly imagine.”
“I know, right?”
Expression blank, Cloud held Zack's gaze in silence.
“You’re too serious, Cloud,” Zack whined. “Come on man, when’s the last time you hung out with someone?”
“I hang out with Vincent all the time.”
“Vincent doesn’t count! You guys barely say two words to each other.”
“Hmm, you’re right. No wonder I prefer his company.”
“Ouch, Cloud. That’s cold.” Zack held a hand over in chest in mock hurt. Yet, his lips quickly twisted into a smirk, one that sparked dread in Cloud.
Zack's voice lowered as he nudged his elbow against his friend's ribs.
“Though, speaking of company you prefer.”
Brow pinching together, Cloud glanced to his right at the sound of approaching footsteps. Heat flared in his cheeks as he noticed Tifa approaching their table.
“Here you are Cloud!” Tifa announced, setting a brightly coloured cocktail before him.
“Oh, I uh- I didn’t-”
“It’s on the house." She beamed. "Barrett’s letting me come up with new drinks for the menu. I wanted to get a second opinion I could trust.”
Her head dipped towards his beer, lukewarm and untouched.
“You’ve been sitting on that one for a while, so I get the feeling you aren’t a fan of bitter stuff.”
Cloud flushed. In all honesty, he hadn't intended on drinking anything, yet felt it would have been rude if used their space and didn’t order anything. So, he always opted to ask for the first thing he saw on the menu.
Tifa; in a gesture so selfless and innately her; mistook this for him lacking a taste for, or knowledge of alcohol, and had freely made him a drink she thought he would prefer.
It was no wonder he’d been in love with her since he was fourteen.
She pushed the glass toward him.
“Here. This has pomegranate juice in it. I hear that’s good for brain power.”
“O- oh, right." Cloud said, opening his hand to take the drink. "Thanks, Tifa.”
Their fingers touched briefly as she passed the drink over, the fleeting contact sparking through his body.
Zack smiled knowingly as the two held each other in silence.
“You know, Tifa,” Zack’s voice broke Cloud from his reverie. From the gleam in his eyes and distinct lilt in his voice, Cloud knew that he was turning up the charm. “I’m quite thirsty myself. Are there any other drinks that you would like to test out?”
Tifa folded the tray under her arms, hand stroking against her chin. Zack's suave wiles having seemingly little effect on her.
"Y'know, I probably shouldn't. I can't imagine Aerith would be happy to hear you were charming other women into getting free drinks, Zack."
Zack swallowed, the smile that crossed his features a little forced, nervous.
"Well, I should be heading back. Don't work too hard, okay Cloud?" Tifa said, voice and air morphing with genuine concern, as she lightly touched his shoulder.
Cloud nodded, fingers tracing the pattern of the coaster before him with sudden, avid interest.
Once Tifa had begun tending to another table, a safe distance away, Zack chuckled, watching his friend practically shrink back into the booth. The fleeting, affection gesture having left him tongue-tied and visibly flustered.
“You know, if it’s so hard for you to talk to her, a little liquid courage goes a long way,” Zack said, tapping the glass still resting between Cloud's fingers.
“I’m trying to keep a clear head,” Cloud answered, turning his attention back to the screen in front of him.
“Then why order anything? It’s a bar!”
“I can’t just… Not order anything.” Cloud flushed, his voice gradually trailing off. “That’d be weird.”
“But coming here under the flimsy pretence of studying just so you can look at the girl you like; yeah, totally normal.”
Cloud winced. “Don’t… phrase it like that.”
"Hey, Jessie!" Zack's voice abruptly rose, calling one of the other bartenders with a snap of his fingers. "Bring us something hard, yeah?"
"Z- Zack! What are you doing?!"
“Trust me Cloud, I’m just looking out for you.”
"I somehow doubt that."
"C'mon man, live a little!" Zack's exclaimed. "You were with Soldier for six years! You've already lost your teenage years to drills and missions. Now you gonna spend your twenties studying? You’re wasting your youth!”
“I'm on a scholarship, I need to keep my grades up. You know this Zack.”
“Aren’t you in the top percent for most of your classes? Come on, Cloud! Your grades aren’t going to suffer because you took one night off. Don't be such a Chocobo."
Cloud glared, his hand subconsciously running through messy, blond spikes; hoping they would for once rest in a way that didn't invite such comparisons.
“I’m not scared of anything, Zack. I just don’t want to, I-”
Cloud trailed off, his mouth hanging open, indignant. Zack watched him, stare mischievous and challenging as he continued to wark. Like a Chocobo.
“Real mature, Zack.” Cloud sighed, reaching to clasp one of the shot glasses. “How old are you again?”
“23,” Zack winked, clinking his glass against Cloud’s own. “Now drink up.”
Closing time was soon approaching.
The night had been slow and Tifa had retreated momentarily to the break room, wanting a chance to catch up on some of the readings for her next class.
Though Jessie, Biggs and Wedge were still learning the ropes of the job, she was confident they could run the bar smoothly in her absence. Beyond their usual regulars, the only one there was Zack, and he had been ordering shots; easy enough to handle.
On nights like this, when it wasn't particularly busy, Barrett would sometimes let them do coursework; reasoning it was better than just standing around to nothing.
It was one of the perks of working here.
Though, admittedly, Tifa had been having difficulty concentrating; her focus drifting away from the pages before her book to thoughts of Cloud.
It made sense, she supposed. Seeing him working so hard each night had motivated her not to slack off on her own studies, in the first place. His determination was something she admired and had always driven her to improve herself.
It had helped give her the confidence to start training under Zangan, to travel to Midgar and go to University, to aspire to start her own business.
She’d found it odd, initially, that he chose a bar, of all places, to study, but... it did suit him in a way.
Even as a child, Cloud had always done things his own way. Much of his time had been spent alone, not playing with the other boys. Even when they all left for Midgar to take on jobs and apprenticeships, Cloud had aimed to join Soldier.
Tifa paused, the memory stirring something within her; the root of what was troubling her.
Whenever they spoke, Cloud seemed to avoid speaking about what he'd between now and his leaving for Midgar. Namely, of whether or not he'd managed to join Soldier.
It was strange that he would gloss over such an important detail. Cloud had never really bee one for gloating, but Soldier had been a goal he was determined to achieve, a dream he'd invested so much in. If he'd been accepted by Shinra, he surely would have been proud to share the news.
Yet, he'd never even written. Leading her to wonder if perhaps he hadn't made it, after all.
Still, Tifa wasn't quite so sure.
For one, Cloud was friends with Zack Fair, the 1st Class who had patrolled their hometown years ago. Good friends, it seemed. That was reason enough for her to think he must have some connection to Soldier.
Unless she was overthinking things? He'd mention working courier jobs before. Was it possible he just had a regular delivery route above the plate?
At times, Tifa couldn't help but succumb to that small, insidious part of herself, taunting that Cloud never cared to share the news with her, because he had moved on. No longer concerned with her or the promise they had made.
Tifa sighed, lounging back in her seat, silently conceding that her attempts to study weren't going anywhere.
She'd just have to be patient.
She didn’t want to pry, after all.
Stretching her arms above her head and closing up her textbook, Tifa fished through her pockets for the bar's keys, ready to start closing up.
She was interrupted by the door swinging wildly open as Biggs slipped through, not quite managing to mask the frantic look in his eyes.
His expression alone told Tifa all she needed, even before Biggs could settle on the right words with which to explain himself. There was a problem, and he had been the one to draw the short straw, to have to break the news to her.
Tifa folded her arms, weighing Biggs down with a sharp glance. Swallowing, Biggs' hand flicked through his hair.
“Yo, Tifa," he stumbled. "You, uh... you might want to check on your friends.”
Dipping his head towards the bar, Tifa followed him out, curious. Immediately her eyes were drawn to the slumped heaps of Cloud and Zack, surrounded by empty shot glasses.
Cloud must have passed out; his eyes closed and steady breaths rising from his chest; while Zack struggled to his feet, grasping onto the table for support.
"I thought I told you guys to cut them off.”
“Yeah, that’s what we did. But... Well, apparently Jessie is quite fond of Blondie. His friend’s a real charmer too. He's been talking her into giving them extra drinks all night."
Tifa frowned. She had only been teasing, but apparently, Zack had taken exception to her words. She sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose.
"We're going to have to get them out of here. Barrett won't be happy if he finds out about this."
"Yeah, you're right." Tifa nodded, approaching the booth.
"Alright, buddy," Biggs said, grabbing Zack's arm and throwing it over his shoulder. "Time for you to get going."
"S'alright. I-" Zack hiccupped, holding up his PHS. "I knew you were closin' soon."
Aerith slipped through the entrance to the bar not long after, her head bowed apologetically as she met Tifa's gaze. Smirking, Tifa's head dipped towards Zack's crumpled form, and Aerith rolled her eyes, fondly.
Noticing her approach, Zack's face lit up, ecstatic finally managed to pry his girlfriend away from her study session.
"Aer!" He exclaimed. "You came!"
Aerith stumbled as Zack collapsed against her waist, dragging Biggs with him as his arms surrounded her. Straining beneath her boyfriend’s body weight, Aerith offered a sheepish smile.
"I hope these two weren't giving you too much trouble."
"I’ll help you get them home." Biggs said, standing back upright and helping to support Zack, leaving Tifa to deal with Cloud.
Compared to some of the other patrons Tifa had to help escort out, in his drunken state, Cloud actually looked rather endearing. The soft flush colouring his pale cheeks, his hair looking even more tousled than normal, falling into his eyes.
Shaking her head, Tifa slipped partway into the booth, her arms wrapping around Cloud’s waist as she slowly extracted him.
Years of training under Zangan and regularly lugging around crates filled with alcohol had helped Tifa build her strength, and she was able to support his weight with less difficulty than Aerith and Biggs were having with Zack.
Though, Cloud's slighter build and height made it easier, his chin resting comfortably against the top of her head.
“Alright, Cloud. Let’s get you home.”
“Teef. ‘M sorry,” Cloud slurred, her voice apparently stirring him.
“It’s alright, Cloud. I have a feeling this wasn’t your fault.”
"No, not that." Cloud's head lulled to the side. Intrigued, Tifa's eyes scanned to the side, wordlessly, pressing him to continue.
"I always end up on relying on you... Couldn't keep my promise."
Though his words were vague, Tifa couldn't suppress the flash of hope they sparked in her; the want to know that he still remembered, that he still cared about that pledge they had made together.
"W- what do you mean?" Tifa asked, trying to contain the urgency in her voice.
She flinched through the tense, passing seconds that followed, her question hanging unanswered.
The alcohol had loosened Cloud up, to the extent that he was revealing more than he would normally be comfortable with. Something she could only hope to uncover through gentle coaxing.
Tifa realised, with a pang of guilt, that she may have been pushing too far. It wasn't fair for her to take advantage of Cloud's inebriated state like that.
In a flash of clarity, Cloud must have realised his mistake, as he had fallen into embarrassed silence.
Glancing through her periphery, she tried to catch of glimpse of Cloud's face; trying to discern something, anything from his expression.
His head slumped against her shoulder, dead weight.
“Cloud? Cloud?!”
Cloud was relieved to find himself in his bedroom when he woke the following morning. Woozy, and head weighing down the rest of his body like an anchor, but otherwise fine.
Pushing the shirts aside, he realised he was still wearing his clothes from last night, though his boots were resting at the edge of the bed. He cringed noticing the dark, sticky patches staining his shirt. Hopefully, those were just beer.
Sitting up, Cloud rummaged through his jean pockets, relieved to find his keys, wallet and PHS. His laptop and notes were piled neatly on his desk.
Glancing at the clock on his bedside table, it was shortly before noon, though Cloud's schedule was, fortunately, empty for the day. He wasn't sure how eager he would have been to turn up to class today, looking like he'd fallen out of a tree.
Still, for as much as he had dreaded what may have come of him given in to Zack's pressure, Cloud supposed things could have turned out worse.
Nothing particularly egregious, from the night before, stuck out to him. He just hoped they hadn't made things difficult for Tifa.
Rolling from his bed and, unsteadily, onto his feet. Cloud shuffled out of his bedroom in search of Zack.
Despite begrudging him for putting them in the situation to begin with, he wanted to make sure his friend had returned home safely.
“Zack?” Cloud called as he padded blindly into the kitchen.
“Oh, good morning, Cloud!” An all too cheery, feminine voice answered.
The blinds were closed, only the thinnest stream of light breaking through the gaps in the shutters. Aerith stood over their kitchen table, a vision of immaculately tied hair and bright pastel colours, as she tended to a bleary-eyed, dishevelled Zack.
His hands were clasped firmly around a glass filled with a questionable looking green substance; a herbal concoction of Aerith's, perhaps?
“Aerith, please.” Zack moaned pitifully; voice muffled against the tabletop. “Not so loud.”
“Don’t mind him, Cloud.” Aerith said as she massaged her boyfriend's shoulders. “Someone’s just cranky because they have a headache.”
"Oh, I don't mind. At all." Cloud replied, making sure to scrap his chair legs as loudly as possible against the floor as he sat down. "It's not often Zack's the one asking for quiet. I like it."
Zack's gaze lifted, his face twisting angrily at Cloud.
It was rare for Zack to be in a sour mood, so much so that Cloud sometimes forgot he even was capable of it.
“How come you aren’t in as bad shape as I am?” Zack accused.
“Because I actually took precautions. Drinking water, eating. If I had to suffer through this, the least I could do was make sure you ended up worse than I did.”
“That’s it. None of Aerith’s Miracle Hangover Cure for you." Zack pouted, cradling the glass protectively against his chest. "Not until you show some sympathy."
"Why don't I get us started on some breakfast, hm? Fried food's good for a hangover, right?"
Aerith moved into the kitchen, rummaging through their cabinets for a pan; a racket of clatters that left Zack wincing. Her search was halted by a knock at the door, so light and tentative it was almost drowned out by the ensuing noise.
"Huh. I wonder who that could be?" Aerith asked, eyes meeting Cloud's.
With a shrug, Cloud rose to his feet. Despite not feeling in the slightest bit presentable for visitors, his hand clenched around the doorknob. The lash of cool air from the open door was refreshing, but the relief it brought was short-lived, as Cloud noticed who was standing on the other side.
Cloud's hand brushed over his mess of hair, suddenly conscious of how haggard he, likely, looked.
It was startling how Tifa awoke these insecurities in him.
Still, he supposed anyone would have felt self-conscious, watching her standing radiantly before in the sunlight.
Behind them, Aerith clasped her hands together, watching on with apparent rapt fascination. Even Zack had found the strength to lift his head. Cloud turned with a glare.
"Oh, uh... Don't mind us."
Rolling his eyes, Cloud stepped out through the front door, closing it behind the prying eyes of his friends. With his head swimming and a swirl of nerves tickling in his belly, it was already difficult enough for him to form a coherent sentence; he didn't need an audience.
"Sorry about... them."
"It's fine," Tifa chuckled, the soft peals plucking delicately at Cloud's heart. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine, I guess. Zack got off way worse, but Aerith's taking of him."
"Really? That's a relief. You both looked like you were in a bad way last night. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."
Sheepish, Cloud hand wrung at his neck, his eyes tracing over the doorframe. Tifa dealt with drunk patrons on a regular basis. For her to be concerned, they must have been in especially rough shape.
Still, he couldn't help but relish in the hearing that she had worried about him. Perhaps it was that flash of familiar comfort that kept him speaking.
"I guess in the end you were the one to help me out a bind, huh?" Cloud answered, the words slipping easily from his tongue.
"W- what did you say?"
Tensing, Cloud realised he'd caught himself a moment too late. As Tifa looked to him, those same captivating eyes seemed younger; wide and hopeful.
"I thought you had forgotten."
Honestly, nothing could have been further from the truth. The memory was something that hung over Cloud, a constant reminder of how he had failed, how he would never be good enough for her.
Yet at the same time, it was something he cherished; a connection between them that had not been severed by even time or distance. A thread that had pulled them back together.
Unsure of exactly how to express those thoughts spiralling through his head; of what she meant to him; Cloud simply shook his head.
"You don't need anyone to rescue you, Tifa. You don’t need me anymore."
Frowning, Tifa folded her arms.
"That doesn’t mean I don't want you to be part of my life."
Cloud glanced up, disbelief flashing across his features.
Tifa’s expression softened, offering a silent, reassuring nod.
Cloud exhaled, his hand sliding over his face.
"I'm sorry, I'm an idiot."
"So, I'll see you at the bar then?"
Cloud grimaced, hands wiping unconsciously over the stains in his jeans.
“Tifa, don’t take this wrong way, but I’m not sure I can stomach going back to Avalanche for a while.”
“Oh,” Tifa answered, her voice faint as her gaze lowered. Cloud's eyes widened, conscious suddenly of his word choice.
“No!" His hands rose, waving back and forth desperately. "S- sorry. What I mean is, why don’t we meet somewhere else? Without Zack. Just you and I.”
"Oh." Tifa replied, her own cheeks tinging pink. "I- I think I'd like that."
"Really? I mean, that’s great!"
Tifa's head dipped slightly at the enthusiasm taking over his voice. The thick, dark locks of her hair, obscuring the flush that spread across her face. They watched one another, her smile bashful, apprehensive, as if weighing over something in her mind.
"W- well, I guess I'll see you around." She said, eventually, her arms opening as she stepped towards him.
Any worries Cloud may have still held dissipated at the soft pressure of Tifa’s body leaning into him, warm and solid and strong. The fragrant scent carrying from her was homely, clearing the haze that still clouded his consciousness. His hand cradled her head, tentatively, his fingers tracing through her hair. He exhaled, content.
Though Cloud wasn’t exactly pleased with how he’d gone about it, he couldn’t deny that Zack had really helped him out.
Somehow, he had managed to bridge the gap between him and Tifa. Something that Cloud, with his apprehension, would have likely never achieved on his own.
As much as he hated to admit it, Zack had been right. Perhaps he should go out more often.
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legionofpotatoes · 5 years
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Okay then, since both of y’all are just delving in I’ll try to keep things (relatively) spoiler-free and stick to story sense and semiotics! Few caveats:
Have not had prior experience with Kojima’s body of work and if that’s a prerequisite in how I “should feel” about it then yike on a bike (just getting this out of the way based on what I’ve had talked at me)
My read excludes the entire context of moment-to-moment gameplay; I basically watched chronological story cutscenes stitched together with NPC interaction vignettes sprinkled in-between. 9 or so hours in total. 
I did this because the gameplay does not interest me at all - and not in protest of chill social games (I adore both No Man’s Sky and thatgamecompany stuff, for example, and try to champion anything without Gun in it), but because the setting and length did not align with my expectations for something to invest so much time into. Still, I was super intrigued by the story, and, to a lesser extent, the plot.
also I have a hard time writing in condensed English, so this may run quite long. I’ll put the rest under a break. Second language, sorry!
I’m trying to think of a good way to start this. Like I said, the story, or what the thing was ABOUT, was infinitely more interesting to me than whatever wacko packaging Kojima thought up for the narrative. Which was a complicated, thought-out piece of fiction shattered into many disparate pieces and fed to us in a mystery-box-filmmaker kind of way, making us reverse-engineer what essentially was a rather simple interpersonal uhh. family tragedy, I guess. 
But to its credit the lore is visibly built solely to support whatever thematic messaging Kojima would want to weave in there - something I can respect. Meaning it gets as wacky and as nonsensical as it needs to be in order to reflect the high-concept allegories at play, aaand then it does so to a fault. I adore works of fiction that don’t give a shit about “tone” - I hate that word more than anything in modern media - but effective symbolism in storytelling, IN MY OPINION, requires a deft hand, nuance, strong authorial position, and a good grasp of social context. 
I want to like, go through these four points individually and nitpick my problems with the game in their lens, because I think they cover pretty much everything I feel like saying:
1. A deft hand - to me means to selectively dramatize correct themes and plot points as you go so that shit makes sense in the end. I felt this was incredibly lacking here. It was like a symphony going for hours without a crescendo. The absolute wrong bits of soulless exposition would be reiterated THRICE within a single cutscene while necessary context of, hell, character motives or even plot geography would be left vague. Intentionally vague, some would argue, but their later function would never arrive. Other times, what would visibly be conceived as wink-and-you’ll-miss-it foreshadowing could overstay its welcome to the point of inadvertently spoiling a later plot point. My girlfriend sniped the (arguably) most important reveal of the game, which is left for the tail end of the final epilogue (!), in the first hours of watching. The symbolics and allusions were just too plentiful where they should have been more subdued. I am DYING to provide examples here but I’m keeping it spoiler-free. Again, if this is a Kojima-ism, too bad; but it’s not a catastrophic failure of storytelling by any means. There are very few masters of this thing working today. But what can be easier to navigate, I think, is...
2. Nuance - this kinda goes hand-in-hand with the upper point but is a bit more important to me and applies to what SPECIFICALLY you decide to heighten in order to slap us across the face with your deeper meanings. Certain characters - not all of them - feel like caricatures. The silly names and overt metaphors (wearing a mask means hiding something! connected cities all have ‘knot’ in their name!) are honestly, genuinely FINE as long as their function isn’t betrayed, but the lean into metaphor worship can sometimes wade into SERIOUSLY shitty territory as contemporary implications are ignored altogether, and that ties into my fourth point, which I’ll address before looping back to the third; needless to say, approaching sensitive subjects with broad strokes is not exactly the way to go. But broad strokes is almost exclusively what this game does, forgetting to incorporate...
3. Social context - and I feel like avoiding examples here will be difficult lest I end up sounding like a dogmatic asshole; but there is a right thing and a wrong thing to do when co-opting IRL concepts to fit fictional messaging/storytelling. I feel that a character “curing” themselves of a phobia by experiencing emotional growth that vaguely corresponds to what the disorder could have symbolized is a wrong thing. And I don’t even want to get into all the wacky revisionism the lore ended up twisting into, which was mostly honestly entertaining (the ammonite will be a good hint to those who’ve played it), until it decided to, again, lean a bit too hard into painting today’s reality as a crisis of human connection and imply some questionable things about why, uh, asexual people exist, for example. Yes it makes some sense within the context of the lore and what’s happening in the plot, but it’s completely lacking in social know-how of the here and now. In other words: a Bad Look. To me, this type of wayward ignorance is a much more serious issue that can historically snowball any piece of writing into a witless disaster. I don’t know if it quite does it here, but it’s not really my place to say. Still, you can have wacky worldbuilding that has no sense of dramatic tension, nuance, or awareness towards the audience, and yet containing one last vital glue holding it all together, and that would be...
4. Strong authorial position - or intent I guess, to speak in literary terms - and I still have trouble pinpointing how and where this exists in this game. A bullshit stance you say, and I hear ya; cause this here is a video game very pronounced in its pro-human-connection messaging, painting the opposite outcome as an apocalyptic end to our species. And as I understand the gameplay is all about connections too - leaning into that theme so hard it even renders itself unapproachable to most capital-g Gamers. I honestly respect the balls of that. But really, as an author who headlined the creation of this thing, what was it really about? What were you trying to say?
And beyond “human connection is real important to beat apathy” I got nothing, and I think that’s because of points 1 and 2 failing in succession, and then point 3 souring the taste. It just had to be apparent the moment the curtain fell, is what I find. You just have to “get” it immediately, get what it was trying to say, but that will happen only if it’s been articulated incredibly well up to that point. Maybe the entire punch of that message REALLY depends on you spending dozens of hours ruminating on the crushing cost of loneliness as you haul cargo across countries on foot and connect people to your weird not-internet? If so, I’ve missed a vital piece of context, and with this being a videogame and all, it’s honestly a fair assumption. But otherwise.. it felt like a hell of a lot of twisting and turning and plot affectations that only led to more plot affectations and sometimes character growth (which had its own bag of issues from point 3) and not a hell of a lot to say about human connection beyond the fact that it is. good and useful. It felt like a repeated statement instead of being an argument. Does that make sense? I understand the story optics here are zoomed waay out and set on targeting the human condition as a whole, but like.. if you’re committing to a message, you have to stand by it.
Why is connection good? it’s a dumb question without a DOUBT but since the game has set out to answer it then it.. should? Did I miss the answer? I may have, I honestly can’t exclude the possibility. My lens was warped and my framework of consuming storytelling is a bit rigid in its requirements (the four points I mentioned), so maybe I’m just too grouchy and old to understand. 
I just think Pacific Rim did it better and took about 7 hours less to do it! And yet, it, too, involved Guillermo Del Toro. Curious.
If you made it this far and are interested in my thoughts on the technical execution of it all as well, uhm, it’s pretty much spotless? Decima is utilized beautifully, the Hideo vanity squad of celebrities all do their very best with the often clunky dialogue, the music is great, the aesthetic and visual design is immediately arresting, and it certainly does an all-around great job at standing out from the rest of the flock. I fell in love with the BB a little bit. It is also a game that is incredibly horny for Mads Mikkelsen, which almost fully supplants the expected real estate for run-of-the-mill male gaze bullshit. It is. A change.
That’s all I got folks
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twofacetoo · 5 years
Good Evening All
With the release of the 'Sonic' trailer, it feels appropriate to make a point. This is something I've been saying for years, but never has it felt more appropriate to be said en-masse to the internet.
This is the trailer for the 'Sonic' movie.
I want anyone who hasn't seen it to watch it right now. Anyone who has seen it before, maybe watch it again, just to get it fresh in your mind. And once you've watched it, answer me this: do you think this looks good?
The answer should be a resounding no. On every level this film looks terrible. It's a video-game movie (known to be notoriously god-awful). It's being directed and produced by the visionary mind behind 'Gopher Broke'. Slim rubberface comedian Jim Carrey has been cast as the tubby cartoon character of Dr Robotnik and is playing it exactly like Ace Ventura all over again. The design of Sonic is nightmarish beyond belief. And most famously, it's being produced by the brilliant mind behind 'The Fast And The Furious' series, a series of ELEVEN movies about things going zoom (and very little else).
And thus I get to the point of this little post. I want to ask each and every one of you... don't see this movie. I can't stop you, and if you want to see it, then you do that. I wouldn't dream of insisting on a boycott. All I'm asking is that you understand one thing: you think this movie looks shit? Great, I do too... and Paramount & Sega, the team behind this film, couldn't care less.
I hate to be a downer but this point needs to be made more and more these days. While movies like 'Avengers' are excellent and a lot of fun to watch, people need to remember that Disney doesn't care if you like it or not. They only care if you paid to see it. The same applies to Sega and Paramount making this film. You go see it, you hate it, you make a 20 minute Youtube review on how bad it is, do Sega-Paramount care? Fuck no, because you already gave them money. Did the film piss you off and make you insane with rage? Great, Sega-Paramount don’t give a fuck. Did the film teach you the meaning of life and finally make you smile? Great, Sega-Paramount don’t give a fuck. All they care about, like most media companies, is getting your money.
That's not to say creative thought and artistic vision are dead, because they definitely aren't. They've flourished in indie markets through people like Scott Cawthon and (despite my disdain for the series) the minds behind the 'Paranormal Activity' films. Artistic vision is alive and well, but let's be real, what most people care about is making money.
Posters can be misleading, and trailers can be deceptive. RedLetterMedia made the point during their review of the 'Slenderman' movie nobody remembers that about 40% of the trailer wasn't in the actual film. And we're talking interesting things that looked cool, even an entire character vanished altogether from the movie. And there's a big difference between a trailer being edited differently from a movie, and flat-out lying to people to get them to give you money.
The point I'm making is that, bottom line, people want money. Companies need money to survive. Sega-Paramount don't want to make a good film, they want to make a financially successful film. They want to make a film that will rake in heaps and heaps of cash. So they used a pop-culture icon like Sonic, ripped off 90% of what the 'Detective Pikachu' trailers have shown us, and is attempting to make that money by either being consciously terrible or astoundingly naive.
Listen. Every time a terrible reboot / remake comes out, the comments around it are all the same: 'this looks awful, can't wait to see it!', or 'why isn't anything original anymore?', without realising that these two comments are answering each other already.
Guys, if this film looks as bad as you think it does, I beg you, please don't see it. All this will do is reinforce the thought that bad movies make money simply by being as bad as possible. If you want a good video-game movie, then let the bad video-game movies fail. If you want less remakes, then stop going to see them. The only reason these films keep coming out is because, like it or not, they keep making money. They keep churning in just enough profit to convince the studios to make more and try less with each installment. 'Robocop', 'Total Recall', 'Ghostbusters', 'Planet Of The Apes', 'The Italian Job'... all great films that were remade, and despite everyone agreeing the remakes were terrible, they still made money.
With the ‘Sonic’ movie, we may have a chance to break that cycle once and for all. This is a film that NOBODY wants to see. If people can just avoid seeing the film, we might finally be able to get the message through, that we’re sick of zero-effort nostalgia-pandering bullshit like this. DC finally realised it after making bomb after bomb, and thus turned out ‘Shazam’, a film they actually put effort into which wound up being a huge hit. They only had to learn through numerous failures, as is typical of any big company these days.
Look, if you go to a 5 star restaurant, order a sirloin steak, and get given a frozen microwave dinner instead, you have every right to complain and demand better service. It's no different with movies. If you get promised a good film, then you deserve a good film. If you get promised a bad film, then why would you bother to see it in the first place?
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A note from Admin Risa: Welcome back, my love! I’m so glad to have both you and Ciro back. Undoubtedly, you’ll do his role all the justice in the world, and I’m very excited to see you both on the dash again! Congratulations on your acceptance! You’ve been to the museums, the banks, the isolated manors with their black dogs and gilded keys. You’ve stolen their necklaces, their jewels, the prized heirlooms in their vaults and their safes. They’ll watch out for you. Please visit the after acceptance page and submit your account within the next 24 hours – we’re excited to have you with us!
Name/Alias + Pronouns:
Hello! Before we jump into my actual application, I just want to extend a sincere thank you for giving me and so many others the opportunity to apply to such an impressive roleplay. No matter what the outcome ends up being, I am genuinely so excited to be applying, and I hope that I’ve been able to convey that in what I’ve written. Of course, that isn’t to say that I’m not a little nervous, because I most definitely am. Eek! Honestly, though, it feels like an honor to be given the chance to even briefly enter the world you’ve created, so I’m immensely grateful to each of you for giving me that. As someone who has administered several groups over the span of her roleplay career (though never on the scale that Thick is Thieves is on), I know how mentally taxing it can be, as well as how much free time it can eat up, so kudos to you for the wonderful job you’ve done, Risa and Taryn (and Ashley, too). With that small bout of praise and gratitude squared away, my name is Hayden, and the pronouns that I use are she/her/hers!
I’m currently only seventeen years old, but I will be turning eighteen very soon. My birthday falls on June second, and while I’m slightly intimidated by the idea of being a ‘real adult’ in the matter of just a few weeks, I’m also quite excited at the same time and very much looking forward to it. I mean, you only earn the privilege to vote once, don’t you?
Timezone + Activity:
Desired Role:
Ciro Maurizio Capecchi
sexuality/romantic preference — At just thirteen years old, Ciro Capecchi—burgeoning on adolescence and tiptoeing the line that divides careless childhood and disillusioned juvenility—began to realize that he failed to have much of a preference at all among genders when seeking companionship, physical or otherwise. Perhaps such realization would not have taken so long, but he had never thought to entertain crushes as a child, already too fixated on the blackened underbelly of his precious Palermo to take note of anyone around him in that way. However, the intense rush of hormones that accompanied puberty quickly transformed Ciro’s perspective on the matter, and without a word of warning, he found himself acutely aware of boys and girls alike: how each of them fashioned their hair differently from the others; how midday light caught the slopes of their cheekbones and the sharp curves of their jaws; how their lithe bodies filled out their Armani suits and Dior dresses, and later, after he had grown into himself a bit, how they didn’t; how easily mere glances could suddenly light a flame deep within him; and how, despite his best efforts, he was hopelessly, irrevocably invested in each and every one of them. His tendency toward brief, fleeting bouts of infatuation emerged with the rapid cycling of his crushes, a new one surfacing nearly every other week. The entire experience jilted him to a tremendous degree, particularly once he began to develop unexpected and unwelcome feelings for the very picture of French aristocracy, a boy two years his elder and princely in a way that Ciro felt he could never quite match. In a thinly veiled attempt to either avoid or suppress his crush, he rapidly redirected his attention to Silas Beauregard’s frigid younger sister. Beautiful Xanthe, her golden hair swishing at waist length as she spurned his advances with a girlish giggle and a twinkle in her crystal blue eyes, proved an effective distraction, and their flirtation—or, rather, his dogged pursuit of her—has persisted to this day. While his fixation on Xanthe has not changed, Ciro certainly has, which is perhaps most evident in his acceptance of himself, a development that is largely the responsibility of his mother. When Eleanor’s abrupt departure tore the Capecchi family asunder, his problem of liking boys and girls suddenly seemed trivial at best, and he was rather quick to reassess whether denying half of himself was worth the effort anymore. Seven years later, Ciro is still not officially out as bisexual, having never formally or directly acknowledged it to anyone, but it is an open secret among all five families and the Magpies in particular exactly whose beds he spills drunkenly into after the exorbitant affairs he calls parties.
birthdate — Ciro was born messily and painfully on the edges of winter, just as the crisp autumn of October gave way to the seeping chill of November. His was an ugly birth, one that came in the midst of Francis Villiers’ ascension to Thief Lord, a gruesome delivery that part of him suspects his father would prefer to forget altogether. Were he a religious man, he might think it divine intervention that someone such as him, with a heart so deliberately forged with steel and frost, was brought into the world just as the air of Palermo began to slip into unusually wintry degrees; were he privy to the gory circumstances of his birth, he may find some depraved metaphor somewhere between the deep crimson his mother spilled out onto the cot beneath her and the blood now on his hands, a stain left behind by the wicked things he has done. However, finding himself more attuned to hedonism and intemperance than worship and poetry, he instead chooses to focus the energy that would be expended on that analysis into organizing one of his most lavish parties of the year: a decadent festivity second only to his extravagant Bacchanalia, held in celebration and honor of his birthday, the fifth of November. Upon closer inspection of his birth date, it is quite appropriate that he was born on Guy Fawkes Night, an English holiday commemorating the dissolution of the Gunpowder Plot. From the attempted assassination of King James I to the bonfires lit throughout London following its failure, the entire day screams of Ciro’s fiery, deadly nature, while also paying homage to his absent mother’s homeland. However, forfeiting the historical relevance of his birthday, each winter, Ciro’s party proves to be nothing more than a grandiose, self-indulgent ode to himself, sung to the cacophonous tune of white powder and crackling fireworks and expensive liquor. Guests still willingly attend, though, in spite (or perhaps because) of Ciro’s blatant, unwavering egomania, and he revels in the attention he receives from them. He revels in all of it: the debauchery, the vanity, and everything else that comes with the parties held in his underground den of wonders.
birthplace/hometown — In spite of his persistent habit of cavorting across the globe, back and forth with such swiftness that it is quite remarkable he ever gets any rest at all, Ciro will always consider Palermo, Italy his home. It is where he was brought into the world, choking and bathed in blood, and it is where he intends to die as well, most likely in the same manner. He led a… comfortable childhood in Palermo, doted on by his mother and ignored by his foolhardy father. From early on, he was a brooding boy of melancholy disposition, but lacked the propensity for deliberate cruelty that his elder sister, Alessia, exhibited so thoroughly. If he were asked today, he would not claim that he was a happy youth, per se, but he certainly would not deny that he was taken care of adequately, and in the grand scheme of things, that was more than enough. After all, he was given free reign of the expansive halls of Villa Capecchi, given room to frolic and play and create extensive fantasy realms, ones where the dragon was never slain and the princess was never saved and the kingdoms all eventually fell to ruin. The dragon—a big, angry, foul beast and Ciro’s exclusive territory—would always triumph over the poor knight, blasting through his shining armor with its fiery breath, leaving nothing but ash and scorched silver where a valiant would-be hero once stood. Then, with mechanical predictability, the dragon would take the princess that it had been lording over to yet another dilapidated castle to wait out the next onslaught of knights, armed with nothing but a fierce greed and fire. More often than not, Ciro delegated the roles of knight and princess to Santino and Violetta, respectively; Tommaso and Alessia were always either too old or too busy to make believe with him, and the structure of his play allowed him a certain degree of cruel control over his younger siblings, one that he relished. Although not entirely intentional, his childhood games were told in three mostly unchanged acts: hope, loss, and recovery. If he were just slightly more self-aware, Ciro would perhaps notice a sort of subtle parallel between the cycles he goes through today and the recurrent nature of those long-forgotten games: his unremitting hope to someday ascend to power within either Cosa Nostra or the heist, the feelings of deep loss he experiences when an opportunity to seize that power slips through his clutches, and the gradual recovery of his bearings that occurs when he skulks away to lick his wounds and plot revenge on those he believes have slighted him. In a way, this uncanny resemblance almost makes Ciro appear prophetic, but mostly, it points to a young man doomed to repeat the same stagnant, cyclical pattern of hope, loss, and recovery forever, barring a dramatic shift in behavior. However, so long as his beloved Palermo is still there for him to come home to, his priorities will most likely continue to lie outside of attempting to avoid his own systemic self-destruction. The city is almost like a mother, filling the shoes of the one who abandoned him. It nurses his wounds and coddles his bruised feelings, but instead of doing so with bandages and gentle words, it offers him liquor and women, and he fervently accepts. Palermo may be his home, but he prefers to call it his patria.
occupation — Born to live and bleed and die for Cosa Nostra, Ciro knew from quite a young age that, eventually, he would be formally initiated to the ranks of the Capecchi cosca, Palermo’s faction of the sprawling criminal syndicate that lords over Sicily with powders and pistols and pills. Part of him feared this fate as a child; after all, his position within the mafia was all but carved in stone, an inevitable and unalterable part of his future, and the mere concept of irreversible change easily struck fear into the heart of the young boy. However, as he grew, eventually losing the glimmer of impressionable childhood in his dark eyes, so did his curiosity in and wonderment at the cosca. At just eleven years old, small and stealth, Ciro began to slip past the Capecchi children’s au pairs at opportune moments to follow his elder siblings through the cobblestone streets of Palermo, desperate to catch even a fleeting glimpse of something related to the future waiting for him in the dim alleyways and smoky villas of the city. While sightings of mafiosi in the flesh were few and far between, this behavior persisted for quite some time, until Ciro was eventually caught in the act; as surreptitious as he had been, he had not managed to escape the watchful eye of Vico Capecchi’s soldiers completely. Within the year, the boy was being utilized by the mafia, although sparingly. Sneaking here, stealthing there… it was all just fun and games to Ciro, fantastical tales of swashbuckling and delinquency to relay to Hale Rothschild at their next conclave. However, his natural agility did not negate his youth, and it was eventually agreed that twelve was simply too young to be fully immersed in the dark netherworld of Palermo. With the swiftness of a ship at sea, he was ejected from a society he had only just been introduced to, and he would have been lying if he had said it did not sting. Their attention refocused, neither Vico nor Lorenzo took note of the fire that had been lit within Ciro, the insatiable hunger for more. Still just a child and naïvely enthusiastic about the utter devastation he was capable of bringing, he had already found his greatest lover: the tantalizing thrill of danger. He wanted more. He neededmore. In a cruel twist of fate, he succumbed to the beginning of his long, illustrious affair with crime just as the mafia excluded him from it. Over the next several years, Ciro tried his best to keep up with his father and elder siblings, but his pace always seemed just a step too slow to match theirs. He ached as he watched Tommaso and Alessia move strides ahead of him, each of them with a sturdy hand clapped onto their shoulder, Lorenzo guiding them with what little parental instinct he was able to muster. The game was rigged, and from the very beginning, it appeared as if he was rigged to lose. Eventually, Ciro managed to carve out his own niche within Cosa Nostra, one that reeked of sweat and sex, but his ascension within the mafia resembled a crusade for acceptance more than it did a volley of death. Fighting tooth and nail was what it took, but he did it enthusiastically, with a fervor that went entirely unnoticed by his father. These days, he wields a revolver forged with steel and blood, the weight of it comfortable and familiar in the palm of his hand, and rakes in cash for Cosa Nostra through the sale of various narcotics. The majority of his transactions occur during his infamous soirées, pounding bass serving as background accompaniment to low murmurs and quiet taps of sharp metal against glass. Every euro that he earns is a small reminder that, in spite of his father’s disinterest in his advancement within the cosca, Ciro has managed to make a name for himself, both as a soldier and a socialite, and he has no plans of slowing down any time soon. Still, beneath his inflated sense of accomplishment, there is a lingering, slowly festering bitterness reminding him that while he sits lamely at the bottom of the mafia’s hierarchy, both Tommaso and Alessia—his cherished elder siblings, each of their temporary absences not yet forgotten by their brother—serve as caporegimes beneath Don Herrero.
criminal occupation — Sharp of tongue and quick of wit, it only seems a natural progression of his person that Ciro serve as con man for the heist alongside Alessia. After all, one of his greatest talents, outside of begetting death and inhaling blow, lies in manipulation and untruths. Deception comes so effortlessly to him that, were he not bred for the mafia, he would assume that he was born for guile and theft. He is the antithesis of James Bond, clad in stolen couture and silver-tongued lies—women want him, men want to be him—and he exploits it to its absolute fullest. In short, harnessing his forceful personality for the sake of the heist is easy for Ciro; it always has been, ever since his initial invitation to the underground society of thieves. However, his true power lies in manipulating that charm to add to his sprawling, intercontinental web of connections. Alessia, with her feminine wiles and duplicitous leers, could con the entire crew without breaking a sweat, and there is a part of Ciro that believes every affected simper is but a calculated ruse of his sister’s design. Were he still in his youth, he would almost feel sorry for her, knowing that her precious corpse of a husband was the only one who ever knew the woman beneath the wolf. He has no energy to waste on pitying her, though; he is no longer a child, and his cruel sister’s heart is no longer his concern. Ultimately, the point is that neither Alessia nor the society truly need Ciro to act as a con man, particularly when he is far more adept at acquisitioning useful outsiders to assist in heists. He has contacts on six different continents, all but desolate Antarctica, each with distinct strengths that they bring to the table, but Ciro is all too aware of the risk that comes with involving outsiders in their heists, so no one ever gets the whole story. It is always just a fraction, a small excerpt of whatever plan the Capecchis are concocting, and not a syllable more. He murmurs a cool, collected, “I need your help,” into one of his many cell phones and leaves it at that, because for the most part, it seems his associates have learned better than to go fishing for information. The ones who have not have been swiftly removed from his list, without hesitation or remorse. Separate from his cons and his connections is his presence within the Magpies. Ciro adores the Magpies in spite of finding the Villiers’ bird imagery ridiculously silly and would defend them fiercely if a situation required it. He loves the concept of willfully blurring the lines between the five families just for the sake of feeling like he is part of something special and exclusive, and over time, he has grown to love his feathered comrades as well, but feigns detached aloofness in their presence. Emotional investment is a sign of weakness if he has ever heard of one, and in their world, the weak are shoved aside, forgotten, and excluded. They end up like little Cecily Villiers, in all of her sickly uselessness, and that is the last thing that Ciro will ever allow to happen to him. Even the deepest of loves are not worth obsolescence.
Four Characteristics:
agile [+] — There are a vast number of things that Ciro believes he excels at, but agility was the talent of his that initially forced Vico to take note of him, and that is something that he continues to take a paltry sort of pride in to this day. Just eleven at the time and already so full of lust for the world of malfeasance lying in wait for him, he had been largely ignored by the mafia in favor of his elder brother and sister, and for good reason. Tommaso and Alessia, at their respective ages of twenty and sixteen, were older, wiser, and altogether a more sensible choice for Cosa Nostra. However, Ciro’s ability to sneak surreptitiously through the streets of Palermo, stalking his siblings like a hungry feline in the grasses of the African plains, drew a small fraction of attention away from the pair, enough for the cosca to involve Lorenzo’s third-born in a handful of their simpler maneuvers for a handful of months. He has honed his ability over the years, so he is capable now of stealthing so thoroughly and with such haste that he almost seems to meld with the shadows themselves; this proficiency in nimble movement has aided him during jobs for the heist far, far too many times to count. The fact that he now, fully grown, stands at a diminutive five feet, nine inches tall and weighs little more than one hundred and sixty pounds sopping wet only enhances his natural agility. He would be grateful for his stature if it were not for Tommaso towering several inches over him, even further emphasizing the authority that their father has inculcated him with. It may be nothing more than a simple trick of the light, the way his brother seems to stand at his fullest height while in Ciro’s company, but he still resents him for it.
ambitious [+] — The feeling of hunger, rooted in the pit of his belly, gnawing and insatiable, is one that Ciro has grown quite comfortable with over the years. It has been smoldering within him for as long as he can remember, swelling and bloating him little by little, slowly distorting him into the man that he is today: a grotesque, rapacious version of himself, unrecognizably different from the impressionable child that he was in his quixotic youth. He is driven by an overwhelming greed, a predatory yearning for more, but it is not nourishment that he craves so thoroughly. Ciro hungers for power, for control, but most of all for validation. All that he has ever been is the neglected middle child, forgotten by his father in clear favor of aloof Tommaso and callous Alessia, overlooked in the presence of dovelike Violetta and elegant Santino. The only thing that he has ever wished for is the chance to follow in his father’s footsteps, to prove himself a worthy and capable leader, but he was forced to watch as that opportunity was ripped from his grasp and passed off to Tommaso, who neither desired nor appreciated the privilege that he had robbed his brother of. Despite being jettisoned to the sidelines long ago, Ciro continues to burn with an angry, white-hot hunger. It has cooled somewhat since his youth, not out of choice but of necessity, but his selfish ambition still thrives, and in it lies his motivation to keep pressing forward. Were it not for his drive to rise above his station in the mafia, in the heist, and most importantly, in his father’s eyes, even he is not entirely sure what would spur him on.
belligerent [-] — Violence pulses in Ciro’s veins, and it is obvious to anyone who has ever spent longer than a few minutes in his presence that he absolutely adores the metallic scents that accompany blood and gunpowder. He has recently taken to denying his lineage, but he is entirely incapable of changing how very Capecchi his aggressive tendencies are. Fighting is one of his many vices, but throwing punches and brawling is not the only way that Ciro’s belligerence manifests. While he enjoys showing off his scarred knuckles, he is frequently openly hostile using just his quick wit and his words, particularly with those whom has taken a dislike to. Even when confronted with people that he fears, like his elder sister and Bastian Castillo, he speaks with a pronounced bellicosity on his tongue; against them, he is sometimes even more antagonistic than he would be otherwise, as if his ire is, in some way, a way of coping with his fear, although it is logically warped. Much like his reckless father, Ciro’s immediate response to frustration is to lash out violently, attacking and shattering and breaking things in a fury. It is not the most efficient coping mechanism that he has developed, nor is it the fairest to Villa Capecchi’s maids, but he lacks the will to seek out healthier ones. Until he learns that he cannot destroy everything that angers him, Ciro will maintain his pugnacious and belligerent attitude… but at what cost?
callous [-] — Ciro has never been tactful, and almost as if to justify it, he decided long ago that it simply would not be very aligned with his family’s values for him to be so. He believes that, first and foremost, Capecchis are meant to march into moonlit battles with their guns drawn and at the ready, leaving only the pooling blood of their enemies in their wake, and fortunately, aiming his revolver has never required him to possess any substantial amount of social grace. The belief that he can lack diplomacy so long as he is a capable killer and a capable thief has shaped him as he has grown into a cruel, insensitive young man. He frequently masks this heartlessness, favoring to play the part of a silver-tongued, smooth-talking Lothario—the perfect counterpart to Hale Rothschild—but his true colors often bleed through. Surprisingly enough, his awful flippancy extends even to his closest colleagues and confidantes. Although he cherishes his self-made family, his precious Magpies and his wily thieves, not even they are safe from Ciro’s sharp, caustic words, which is exactly how he prefers it: it keeps the rest of the society at arm’s length, and it keeps anyone from daring to toe any closer. He knows better than anyone that, no matter how severe he’s capable of being, his bite will always be far worse than his bark.
debonair [+] — Ciro has always valued the finer things in life, an appreciation that is never more apparent than in the way he styles himself. Ever attentive to the latest fashion trends, he actively seeks out the finest menswear that money can buy and sinks thousands of euros into it each year; it is one of his few vices that he purposefully avoids obtaining through theft and deceit, though he sometimes cannot resist breaking his own rules. The way he presents himself to his colleagues clearly reflects his dedication to style, and he brazenly allows it to pervade various other aspects of his life as well. For instance, although nine millimeter Glock pistols are standard issue for the mafiosi initiated into the hierarchy of Cosa Nostra, Ciro’s weapon of choice is an antique Smith and Wesson single-action revolver, barrel black as night and inlaid with gleaming golden swirls and flowers. Its grips are mother of pearl and engraved with an insignia he has never quite been able to pin down: an exquisite, scripted R laid beneath a crown. Every now and again, he fondly remembers the jokes that Hale made when he first acquired the gun, flippantly suggesting that his friend had accidentally stumbled across a Rothschild relic. As far as Ciro is aware, the gun dates back to the late nineteenth century, but he could not care less about its origin; what is important to him is that it is within arm’s reach at all times, loaded and ready to sear hot metal into flesh and bone. It is startling, the lack of hesitance that such a handsome, sophisticated young man has to get his hands slick with blood, but he has always operated under the reasoning that one suit stained is simply an excuse to buy another.
dutiful [+] — The duties expected of him, both from his beloved Cosa Nostra and the global network of thieves that he considers his family, are perhaps the only thing in the world that Ciro holds in higher esteem than himself. Contrary to what many of his associates may think of him, his callously juvenile antics—from showing up to important society meetings on the tail ends of cocaine binges to speaking with unfettered filth in his mouth—conceal an earnest respect and passionate ardor for the criminal lifestyle into which he was born, and it is exceptionally rare that Ciro does not pull through when it is required of him to do so. Beneath his mask of red-rimmed eyes and expletive-laden speech, Ciro is dependable almost to a fault, and there is a part of him that wishes he could bear to let Lorenzo down just once. However, he is fueled in part by a rabid desperation to impress his father, and that does a splendid job of preventing from ever truly risking his disappointment. Whether his assignment is to execute a hit for the mafia or pull in one of his many contacts for the heist, he nearly always manages to accomplish it with a swiftness that could quite easily betray his childish behavior as a mere ruse were it not for the haste with which his filthy derision returns.
fastidious [+] — Within the society, the Capecchis are perhaps best recognized by their rash, gunslinging violence, and Ciro has, for the most part, been an avid supporter of such an approach to thievery. They sidle into the joint, murmuring a hotheaded mantra to each other in anticipatory whispers—prendono nessun ostaggi, prendono nessun ostaggi, prendono nessun ostaggi—and eventually leave with their pillage; if they are lucky, and they usually are, they go out in a white-hot blaze of exhilarated gunfire and glory. Ciro adores it, the bloodshed and savagery that comes with the Capecchis’ impulsive frenzy, but there is a part of him that yearns for order. He has an attention to detail that his father seems to lack, a diligence and desire for precision that sometimes seems better suited to the larking Villiers or even the minimalistic Lees. While he is rarely able to exercise it during jobs, Ciro’s meticulous nature oozes freely into his private life. He keeps his personal quarters at Villa Capecchi eerily neat, he is almost obsessive about organizing his extensive wardrobe (first by piece, then by color), and he is extremely particular about the state his numerous luxury vehicles are kept in. The same attention is lavished on each of his parties, as well as Il Coniglio Nero; his guests need only ask, and their every wish is usually taken care of in a matter of minutes, largely thanks to Ciro’s careful planning. In short, no effort is spared in making his life as comfortably precise as it can possibly be.
insecure [-] — Hidden beneath all of Ciro’s bluster and bravado and belligerence lies a profound and entrenched insecurity, one that has been slowly, but surely building ever since his youth. Lacking the natural inclination for introspection required to benefit from thoroughly examining his flaws, he purposely avoids thinking about it too deeply or too often, and consequently, he copes with his revulsion at himself by attempting to drown it in his many vices. Fighting, drugs, gambling, drinking, women… they are all carefully selected distractions, ones that prove surprisingly effective in spite of exactly how extensive his insecurity is. Each of them allow him to funnel the energy that would otherwise be focused on hating himself into something else entirely, something equally self-destructive, but requiring far less contemplation. If he did not make a point to ignore his self-loathing, it may occur to Ciro that the root of it, like so many of his other problems, lies in his father’s apparent prejudice against him. Lorenzo has never had any tangible amount of faith in his son, nor has he ever actively tried to conceal that from him. Unfortunately, a person can only endure that for so long before they begin to lose faith in themselves. Living under Lorenzo’s thumb has warped Ciro’s perception of himself grotesquely, but he does his best to mask that ugly insecurity with an unrepentant, imitated arrogance.
multilingual [+] — As a pensive child with more spare time than he ever knew what to do with, Ciro spent much of it schooling himself on the ins and outs of foreign tongues. He found himself fascinated with how their syllables clashed discordantly with those of his native Italian and even more so with how effortlessly he could manipulate his thick accent to better suit them. At best, his early dedication to multilingualism was borne out of pure childhood boredom; at worst, it was the first subtle sign of festering resentment at the attention that his father lavished on Tommaso, nearly a decade Ciro’s elder and seemingly without flaw. Regardless of the root of his small obsession, he has managed to amass fluency in seven languages over the years, matching his comrade, Evie Villiers. Among them are Italian, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, and German. He learned Portuguese and German during periods of idleness in an attempt to relieve himself of some persistent lethargy, and Spanish was rather easy to grasp due to its innate similarities to Italian, but the other three have served a distinct purpose over the years: to ease communication with the Villiers, Beauregard, and Rozanov families using their respective native languages. He also picked up bits and pieces of broken, conversational Arabic during the time his crew spent in Cairo, but rarely attempts to flaunt it. Barring Arabic, he can speak each with the eloquence and articulation expected of a Capecchi, but favors his mother tongue above the rest.
opinionated [-] — For lack of a better phrase, Ciro sticks to his guns. He is obstinate and unyielding in the worst way, often refusing to change his opinion or course of action in spite of clear, irrefutable evidence that he is in the wrong. The best and most obvious example of this lies in his ceaseless pursuit for acceptance and power: he persistently blames his apparent inability to advance within Cosa Nostra’s hierarchy on his father’s purported prejudice against him, but truthfully, it likely has more to do with Ciro’s intrinsic inability to compromise or concede his argument in favor of a fundamentally better one. Inflexibility and leadership simply do not mix, and when they do, despots reign. He argues and bickers and feuds with whoever will entertain him, frequently just for the sake of doing so. Even in circumstances where the outcome of a dispute has no material importance, Ciro often stubbornly refuses to back down, like a feral dog whose sole instinct is to bite and scratch and snarl in hopes of victory or death in the pursuit of it. In fact, to his memory, the only times that he has voluntarily surrendered to an argument was when it occurred to him that doing so could potentially provide some benefit to him, either immediate or delayed. Otherwise, Ciro only submits when absolutely forced to.
persuasive [+] — Perhaps he was born with a natural command over language steeped into his bones, or perhaps it is a result of nearly two and a half decades’ careful practice, but Ciro possesses a certain charismatic articulation that draws people to him like moths to a glowing flame. He is a silver-tongued devil in every possible sense of the phrase, accoutred in fine suits with names like Valentino and Armani and Givenchy attached to them, coercing left and beguiling right, his victims too enamored of his mesmeric speech and hypnotic gaze to even notice that they have been duped until it is already too late for them. In another world, one where he strayed from the world of malfeasance and crime that he currently thrives in, he may have been a successful attorney or business magnate. Instead, he has focused his natural talent for blandishment elsewhere. This is how he lures hordes of women (and men, too, particularly the overtly boastful ones who think that they are much too clever to be swindled) to his bed and between his sheets. This is how he manipulates and exploits his dynamic personality for the sake of his family (not the one forged by flesh and blood, but rather, the one that he patched together himself using miscreants and thieves). This is how he has managed to survive this long in a game that has been rigged against him from the very start: by wielding his sharp wit and cogent speech like a pair of lethal weapons.
evan alexander — From the moment that he first laid eyes on Evan Alexander, Ciro loathed him. He was not unlike the boys that Ciro had spent his youth with, heirs to fortunes too large to even conceivably imagine, and in truth, he was not unlike Ciro himself, striking and dignified even in the face of overwhelming uncertainty. However, from where he stood, Evan seemed to reek of a particular arrogance, the type exclusive to vile and narcissistic Americans. His charm, which Adelaide Rothschild and Xanthe Beauregard both fell rather quickly to, gleamed with the fakeness of a veneer, a flashy show in the place of substance. Ciro resented him with a fury, and somehow, naïve little Violetta had the audacity to suggest that his hatred was borne out of envy. Wasting no time to entertain that ludicrous idea, fifteen-year-old Ciro retreated to plot against Evan. However, in due time, his scheming proved altogether unnecessary. All it took was an accusation splattered on the front of a sleazy tabloid or seven, and the interloping American heir had ruined himself, no intervention required. Adelaide was heartbroken, Xanthe was suspiciously self-satisfied, and Ciro was disgustingly smug. With little regard for her grief, he spent the next several weeks informing Adelaide of how right he had been about Evan. Whether the moment was appropriate or not, he was eager to say, “I told you so,” and made a show of it each time he did. Years have passed, and Ciro no longer bothers mentioning Evan, particularly in Adelaide’s presence, having decided long ago that he had spoken his piece, but he still harbors a deep, unjustified resentment for him. His only hope is that the Alexander family remains where they are: lurking in the shadows, licking their wounds, out of sight and out of mind.
estela alvarez — There is something deliciously taboo about Ciro’s longtime fling with Estela Alvarez, and in truth, that makes him all the more invested in it. His attention first latched onto her when she was still dancing at Il Coniglio Nero, provocative and supernal in the dim lighting of his beloved club, and her grip on him has been viselike ever since. However, in the initial stages of their affair, Ciro was more enthralled with her lineage than her. Bedding the granddaughter of Alejandro Herrero was (and still is) a thrill for him, because it provided an opportunity for him to retaliate against Lorenzo Capecchi by crawling into the enemy’s bed and sleeping with her. As far as Ciro is aware, his father never found out about his small act of rebellion, but he received a sort of paltry satisfaction out of it anyway, one that eventually morphed into an attraction to the woman herself, pure and untainted. In comparison to Estela, chasing the skirts of unattainable women like Xanthe Beauregard feels like mere child’s play, and he is reluctant to keep up the pretense of those boyish flirtations. He still keeps an assortment of girls on retainer, each of them ready to heed his beck and call, but Estela is the woman that can be found between his sheets most often. Their vibrant personalities have a tendency to clash, but that occasional friction aside, Ciro prizes and spoils and treasures her, and in spite of his hesitance to involve himself in matters of the heart, he feels deeply for her. When their parents were wed, he made repeated attempts to quell those emotions, driven by the knowledge that their fling would forever be second to the marriage, but those efforts appear to have been in vain. Estela is the worst drug that he knows of, irresistible and devastating at once, but like an addict, Ciro cannot seem to keep himself from coming back to her.
silas beauregard — To be frank, Ciro is fairly certain that Silas Beauregard despises him. The sons of two members of Reginald Avery’s original crew, close in age and fiercely competitive, they have a history spanning back to even before their births, one of teasing cruelty between their fathers, and they have managed to continue that legacy, though on a much realer scale. However, their relationship was not always quite so feral, nor was it always composed purely of vitriolic glares and complacent sneers. In fact, he remembers a time when it was distinctly the opposite: at fourteen, imbued with a certain awkwardness in spite of his dignified upbringing, Ciro found himself developing an upsetting, unwanted crush on his his closest friend’s cousin, two years his elder and possessing a divine elegance. While the feelings confirmed the questions that he had been asking himself about his sexual preferences, they made him feel weak, and he was quick to suppress them. As soon as Ciro began to focus his energy on pursuing Silas’ sister, the feelings he had been experiencing for the Beauregard heir seemed to transform overnight, shifting from gnawing attraction to pure resentment. How dare someone make Ciro Capecchi feel weak just by existing in the same space as him? Like a child denied a toy, he realized the indignities that fate had served him, and in that instant, he decided that he loathed Silas Beauregard. From that moment forward, he acted accordingly. However, he does not, in fact, loathe Silas, particularly since his schoolboy crush has dissipated into nothingness over the decade that has passed since it first emerged; he has, at the most, a mild dislike for the man, which actually puts him rather close to the bottom of Ciro’s lengthy list of enemies. The Italianprincipe oscuro, in all of his savage glory, has always had a proclivity for melodrama, and Silas is simply another hapless victim of it.
lorenzo capecchi — Throughout his life, Ciro’s relationship with his father, the foolhardy and reckless Lorenzo Capecchi, has been tumultuous at best and toxic at absolute worst. Something has always seemed to lack, and in spite of his best efforts to earn his father’s approval via flashy displays of diligence, he has never felt visible or appreciated or welcome in the sleazy underbelly of Palermo. For as long as he can remember, Lorenzo has shown a clear and unabashed preference for his two eldest children, and over the years, that ignorance has proved as damaging to Ciro as the world of depravity and sin that he openly glorifies. While the drugs alter his mind and the liquor burns his throat and the women break his heart, the lack of attention that he receives from his father eats at him, gradually degrading all of the parts of him that were once whole and good, twisting and distorting them into something else entirely, something sinful and selfish and rotten; in his youth, he had aspired to grow up in his father’s image, to eventually be identical to him in every sense of the word, but now, as a disenthralled young man, he only wishes to someday be better than Lorenzo. Unconditional love has morphed into a fierce aggression, one that lacks any consideration for boundaries or territorial sentiments. In other words, Ciro’s current objective is to attain anything that his father holds dear, from Cosa Nostra to the heist and everything else in between, and destroy him and the rest of the Capecchis in the process, with little concern for how long it may take him to succeed.
santino capecchi — From the moment that Santino Capecchi was first brought into the world, screaming for air in a way that made his brother’s blood curdle, something within Ciro envied him, a condition both inexplicable and indelible. He was only five years old at the time of Santino’s birth, still enough of a child for the idyllic fairy tales and swashbuckling pirate stories that their mother told to help lull him to sleep, and yet within a matter of just a few weeks, he had succumbed to a preoccupying resentment for his infant brother. Like a leech, Santino clung to their mother and monopolized the attention that had once been lavished on her middle child, and Ciro absolutely loathed him for it, in spite of the fact that his helplessness could not realistically be avoided. As a consequence and a punishment, Santino received the brunt of Ciro’s cruelty as they grew up. He bullied his brother constantly, but learned early on that he would have to be subtle if he wished to get away with it, and so his torment was never overt. Never scrapes and bruises and sobs, but rather, derision and ridicule. His rancor only subsided when Ciro was a teenager, after he took note of their father’s clear preference for and faith in their older brother; incensed by Lorenzo’s ignorance and envious of Tommaso, his anger shifted permanently, and Santino was left unburdened by his brother’s ire. Their relationship cooled, and over time, Ciro grew to care for him in a way that he had assumed impossible for the better part of his life. Despite initial reservations, he eventually came to respect and even admire his brother, and that makes his plans to disintegrate his family all the more painful. He knows that if one of them is deserving of punishment, they all are, but that knowledge does not make ruining his brother any easier on what shreds remain of his conscience. What keeps him steady through his confliction is the quiet reassurance that not even Santino is innocent. After all, he, too, has blood caked into the crevices of his Apollonian hands and lies sleeping beneath his tongue; he, too, has a graveyard of sins and a mouth full of rotting golden teeth, gums blackened and sunken from the sweet decay of opulent vice. Ciro may pity the man, but he will never allow himself to pity the deed that will destroy him.
magnus lee — Growing up an heir to a fortune of inconceivable size is difficult. Although privilege pervades nearly every aspect of his life, there is a persistent, insurmountable despondency that has followed Ciro since birth. His efforts to drown it in booze and drugs and women have never proved successful at anything other than robbing him of his sobriety, and beneath his bravado, his melancholic boredom lingers. In spite of coming from different worlds within the heist, that leads Ciro to suspect that he and Magnus Lee are not entirely unlike each other. The pair have a taciturn friendship, one built on a foundation of parties and poker chips, but there is a parallelism between the two that is difficult to ignore. While Ciro has spent the better part of his life trying desperately to impress his father, Magnus was born with Raphael Lee’s faith already invested in him, and he rejected it. He grew up with the one thing that Ciro has always desired laid on a silver platter and placed in the palm of his hand, but with an impressive disappearing act, he utterly destroyed it. As a consequence, the two now serve as unexpected, but perfect foils to each other: the heir who spurned power and the one who hungers for it. However, their friendship does not revolve around the ways that they mirror each other, but rather, how they can best cheat the other out of their hard-earned money. Ciro is a man of many, many vices, and gambling is just another one of them, but he is often reluctant to submit himself to the presence of the common folk of casinos. In short, they lack the finesse that he values in a gambler, and that is where Magnus enters. Ciro lauds his talent with cards and chips, and he is, by far, his favorite person to wager against. They visit casinos together often, arm in arm, a devilish smile painted on each of their faces, and in return, the Lee progeny frequents the parties held at Il Coniglio Nero. In the entire world, there is nobody that Ciro prefers to lose to than Magnus.
adelaide rothschild — Much like a collector who has amassed a surfeit of wares, Ciro has accrued a handful of women he collectively refers to as his girls. They are sacrosanct playthings to him, past conquests to be kept on retainer for future use, and he spoils each of them recklessly. Belonging to this exclusive clique is a status defined by a steady trickle of fine jewels and couture dresses and pricey foodstuffs. In short, Ciro spares no expense on pampering his women, and in exchange, they heed his calls, a relationship that is eerily comparable to that of courtesan and client. He has never struggled in attaining new girls, but something about his small harem has always seemed to lack, and in a cruel parallel of so many of Adelaide Rothschild and Xanthe Beauregard’s experiences with men, Ciro has spent nearly a decade ignoring the former in favor of pursuing of the latter. Until recent months, the Rothschild heiress had never been extended so much as an invitation to his bed, save for the occasional contemptuous summons; he had never required her presence between his silken sheets because he had instead savored the years of fierce warfare that they had been engaged in since his besotted gaze first fell on Xanthe. Every withering glare, every snide remark and cutting word exchanged between Adelaide and Ciro brought him a repulsive sort of pleasure, and as a result, he quickly developed a reputation for deliberately instigating arguments just for the sake of seeing her getting worked up. In the months after Evan Alexander fled from their world, Adelaide grew ever more acerbic, her words spat out with more vitriol and less elegance than they ever had before, and in return, Ciro grew ever more infatuated with their hostilities. His captivation with her has mounted in recent months, and the rancor between them has as well. However, as much as Ciro adores seeing Adelaide bare her teeth and snarl at him, he also knows that he would much rather watch her bare other parts of herself for his pleasure.
hale rothschild — In the grand scheme of things, Ciro and Hale Rothschild are brothers first and foremost, friends second, and associates third; in other words, he values their fraternity more than he does their friendship and their friendship more than he does their fraud, and he does not foresee that changing in the near future. Ciro respects and cares for the Rothschild progeny with everything in him, and if there is anyone on the face of the Earth that he believes is as capable and intelligent as himself, it is Hale, his sole confidante. It almost amuses him, how they have evolved from childhood games of hide-and-seek and champagne jelly beans to where they are today, but he would not change them for all the money in the world. Hale is a shoulder to lean on, a pillar of strength (though he would never dare admit out loud that he uses him as such), and Ciro is fond of likening them to pairs like Frank and Jesse James, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and Leopold and Loeb—criminal duos from years gone by and the undeserving subjects of Ciro’s reverence—largely because he sees little distinction between them and the great crooks of the past. If anything, he believes that they are better. However, in spite of Ciro’s utter dependence on Hale, something always seems to be lacking, and he has never been able to wholly identify what it is. At first, he suspected that he was perhaps envious of Hale’s Kingfishers, but envy is an old friend of Ciro’s, one that he knows well, and this is a different feeling altogether. While he roisters, Hale idles, and there appears to be nothing that Ciro can say or do to fully rouse his friend to the decadence that he enjoys so thoroughly. They still cavort across the globe together, arm in tuxedoed arm, but there is a part of Ciro that fears their exploits may soon be coming to a grinding halt.
cecily villiers — Cecily Villiers, although young and sickly and useless, is a girl that Ciro finds especially peculiar, and despite writing her off as clumsy and awkward long ago, he finds himself musing on her place within the heist more often than he would like to readily admit. He finds it strange, baffling even, that a child of Francis Villiers, the Thief Lord, lacks the most basic abilities required to thieve and con, and he frequently ponders how such an inherently contradictory situation was ever allowed to occur. As if she were not eclipsed enough by her own father, Cecily appears particularly ineffectual in the shadows cast by her elder siblings, an unfortunate circumstance that Ciro empathizes with in spite of his distaste for the girl. Amid his recurrent contemplation of her struggle, Ciro has, in fact, considered that Cecily’s ineptitude could be excused, were she to shine in even one disciple of delinquency, but he has seen little evidence of her excelling at anything in particular. With no criminal prowess, she becomes a liability, and any insight that Ciro has into her plight is forsaken in favor of protecting his trade. Rather than attempt to relate to Cecily in any substantial way, he instead regularly toys with her, his express purpose embarrassing her. She is far too young to be a legitimate conquest of his, and he is well aware of it, but he has made a habit of flirting with her anyway. To the best of his ability, he keeps his language tame and unassertive, and that alone seems to do the trick of making the flush rise in her cheeks and the stutter emerge in her speech. Out of fear of Francis and respect for Evie, Ciro would never dare to legitimately toe that boundary, but it brings him more than enough satisfaction just to see Cecily grow uncomfortable.
charles villiers — Although he does not possess the discernibly brutish choler of the Capecchis, Charles Villiers shares an insidious guile with Ciro, irreplicable in nature and indicative of their mutual capability for delinquency. In another world, Ciro may have sought out Charles to serve as a mentor or adviser in place of the one that he lacks in Italy; alas, their world has not played out to such a fanciful end. Growing up, Ciro did admire Charles, to a certain extent, though he was an adolescent before he ever saw much of him in the flesh. Between Charles’ voyage to Jamaica, his obligations to his enigma of an uncle, and Ciro’s youth, there was little chance for the two to ever feasibly cross paths, and perhaps for good reason. Even as a child, Ciro was a force of nature, all wide eyes and devilish grins, and a pair of dynamic personalities acting together can end one of two ways: terrific or terrible. Years later, after the little Italian principe had been given ample time to play catch up with the rest of the heist, they met their end not with an explosive spectacle, but an underhanded, tactical move that left Ciro in a catatonia of astonishment and anger. In all truth, Charles most likely did not recruit Artemesia Cipriani into his gang of Daggers with the sole intention of riling Ciro, but it often feels that way. He had laid claim to her first; some part of him may have even loved her (crookedly because crooked was the only way that he knew how), and it all appeared to have been for naught because Charles, aided by his own vicious sister, had swept in and plucked her from his grasp, lacking an ounce of contrition. In another world, Ciro may have looked to Charles as a mentor, but in this one, he looks to him as a rival.
evie villiers — If Ciro is Butch Cassidy and Hale is his Sundance Kid, Evie Villiers is their enigmatic Etta Place, the final puzzle piece required to round out their little trio. There is a delicate refinement to her, an unattainable noblesse and a peculiar elegance, and even Ciro, who claims immunity to such resplendent qualities, often finds himself utterly enthralled by her. She is a force of nature with a powerful charisma steeped in her blood, and he sometimes muses that perhaps if their paths had crossed differently or if he were a different man altogether, he, too, would have fallen in love with the ebullient glow in her dark eyes and the bluster in her speech. Instead, Ciro harbors a deep respect for Evie and the capable thief that she has proven herself to be, one that is entirely platonic in its nature. Were she anybody else, he would have grown envious of her position as leader of the Magpies and accused her of lording over the group in a fashion not dissimilar to the way her father lords over the society as a whole. Forfeiting his envy in favor of friendship, Ciro stands loyally at her side, satisfied for the first time in nearly seven years not to be in charge; she temporarily quiets the power-hungry beast that has taken root in his belly, and there is a part of him is grateful for it. When he is with her, he does not plot or scheme, except to steal, and even then, those subterfuges are ones that they concoct together. On the nights Hale is consumed by his oppressive languor and unable to romp with him, Ciro turns immediately to Evie in the hope that she will fill his shoes, and more often than not, she does. He admires her as a woman and as a thief, and he enjoys her presence, but most of all, Ciro is grateful for Evie. She fills a space in his life that would otherwise be lacking, and if that presence were to disappear, much like the way Etta Place herself vanished from history books, he believes that an lonely, unwelcome hollowness would come over him. If that were to happen, he is not entirely certain what he would do.
Para Sample(s):
Blinding sunshine glinted off of the exterior walls of Villa Capecchi as the oppressive heat of early August soaked itself into each of the crevices and alcoves of the seaside abode. Massive and threatening, the villa was a sprawling fortress nestled against the precipice of the rocky cliffside, a terracotta façade looming powerfully over the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Heavy midsummer air hung thick and stagnant around the Capecchis’ home, a wet blanket of humidity pooling between skin and cloth, leaving a moist and sticky film on everything that it touched. The sound of waves breaking against the shore echoed from below the villa’s clifftop perch, carrying with it the briny scent of seawater and a cool, forgiving breeze. From within the home resonated its usual bustle: the piercing sound of men barking orders in sharp Italian, the clack of dogs’ claws against glistening marble tile, the low purr of various female voices, the operatic tune carried from the antique record player in Lorenzo Capecchi’s private office. In short, nothing appeared out of place. Silhouetted by an expanse of clear blue and tufts of soft white, the midday sun hung high as it cast its light over the villa and the three bodies laid out within one of its many open courtyards, their bronzed limbs splayed lazily across cushioned chaises.
In the soft haze of early afternoon, idling in the sunshine, the trio—a girl of no older than fourteen or fifteen and her two male companions, each of the three’s complexions sun-kissed and glowing—evoked the image of the ancient Roman pantheon. Their resemblance was evident at a mere glance; the smooth curves of their lithe bodies, their languid movement, the golden luster gently glistening atop their tans, and the self-possessed way in which they drawled to each other all spoke of an ancient divinity, one that could only be discovered buried beneath the rubble and ruin of the temples of yesteryear. Conversation among the three was not frequent, mostly because their basking lent itself more to a comfortable silence than idle chatter, but when they did speak with each other, they did so with a confidence that flowed freely from between their teeth and suspended itself tangible in the open air. Lacking a reasonable explanation for their rampant arrogance and alluring beauty, they had turned to the divine, and as they lounged beneath the sun, even they seemed aware of their holiness.
The girl, impeccably poised with locks of dark hair intricately plaited so as to keep it away from her face, could have been Minerva herself, the patron goddess of wisdom and symbol of strategic warfare. She spoke with tender conviction and a prepossessing wit, carried herself with an elegant impertinence, and radiated authority; both of her companions appeared to be utterly enamored of her presence. On her far right was a young Apollo, the patron god of the sun, all long limbs with an absent smile twisted onto his pink mouth, hands folded beneath his head and kaleidoscopic eyes slid shut. There was something inherently boyish about his disposition, from the crossing of his bony ankles to the slight tilt of his strong chin, and this youthfulness only appeared to build the longer that the three lounged there. After some time, his sprightly demeanor seemed to cause a gentle glow to emanate from where he lay, a soft sheen not unlike the radiance of the sun. He was a child of sunshine basking in his own brilliance, a bright and shining beacon stretched out comfortably in the center of a courtyard of Villa Capecchi, effortless and enticing all at once.
Laid between them was the third of their group: a withdrawn and pensive young man, mouth pressed into a firm line and one dainty hand curled around a crystal snifter. It was filled with some unidentifiable liquor, tawny in color, that he had been absently sipping for several hours. He was just a few months shy of eighteen, but the hard angles of his face and the severity of his expression did not betray his youth; his demeanor spoke instead of a grotesque, acquisitive opulence and a sophistication attainable only after a number of years living with the taste of silver in one’s mouth. In the soft light cast by the afternoon sun, the boy appeared serious and contemplative, a stark contrast against his languid and relaxed companions, although he shared their bronzed complexion and divine composure. Just beneath the surface of his handsome, chiseled exterior hid a darkness, barely restrained, lurking insidiously in the turbid gold and muddy green of his whiskey-colored eyes; it was only the most obvious sign of the recklessness inherent to his person, the foolhardiness that, when unleashed, was capable of wreaking havoc. This boy was Mars, patron god of war and destruction, violence pulsing white-hot and angry in his bloodstream, anger bubbling tempestuously beneath surface, his gaze fixed on something in the distance that neither Minerva nor Apollo could perceive.
Eventually, he spoke, and the illusion was shattered. Their holiness crumbled to dust, to dirt, to ash, all in an instant, and it became obvious that the trio were sunbathing adolescents, not the Roman deities of years passed.
“You know, Hale, when I invited you to spend the summer with me, there was a part of me that thought you wouldn’t come,” he murmured, his words warped by a thick and unmistakable accent. The English language came effortlessly to Ciro, his mouth curving around the syllables of the foreign tongue with ease, but he had never quite managed to eliminate the Italian timbre from his speech, and his companions suffered for it. Time dragged forward slowly, the quiet of the courtyard thick and weighty, as if he were making a careful decision on what to say next; after a long moment of sun-drenched silence slipped by, he finally continued: “After all, why laze away the days with Evangeline and I when you could be off chasing the skirts of Parisian women?”
Hale laughed then, a dry chuckle coated in derision, and shifted lazily onto his side, eyes sliding open in search of his friend. His shirt, an expensive white button-down that he had matched that morning to a pair of cuffed khaki shorts, crumpled beneath him as he moved, leaving creases and lines where the fabric had previously been smooth, but the crinkling went unnoticed by the trio. After all, none of them had ever been the type to cry over spilled milk (or, in this case, wrinkled linen). Once his eyesight had adjusted to the sudden wash of bright sunlight, it took just a moment for Hale’s gaze to find Ciro’s, glowing hazel locking with deep chestnut in an instant. In spite of his disparagement, his mouth was still curled upwards, his gleaming white teeth still exposed in a boyish grin. His look was one of disgruntlement, but happiness. The moment that his smile faltered and his expression was replaced with one of furrowed brows and skepticism, that changed.
With an intense exasperation, Ciro said, “Oh, don’t look at me like that.” There was an indistinct lilt to his voice, a slight twinge of barely suppressed laughter, and although his firm line of a mouth did not betray his amusement, the playful glint in his eyes did. From his chaise, he could see an identical bout of laughter threaten to burst from Hale’s lips, but he, too, was just able to curb it; its only outward manifestation was a slight smile, toying at the corners of his mouth, and a soft, throaty snort. Contrary to how it may have appeared, this kind of mischievous back and forth was not at all unfamiliar to the boys. The vast majority of their time together was spent teasing each other relentlessly and quelling girlish giggles, and over their many years of friendship, they had learned to drop any pretense of maturity or sophistication when in the presence of each other.
“Like what, Ciro?” Hale asked after a long moment. The cadence of his voice rose and fell rhythmically as he murmured his friend’s name in a gentle singsong, and that, coupled with his furrowed brows, conveyed a look of innocent questioning across his features. To anyone else, his skepticism may have appeared genuine, but his friend—more accurately, his brother—was not just anyone.
“Like how you’re looking at me, stronzo,” Ciro said, peering through Hale’s transparent attempt at incredulity with ease. As he spoke, his eyes rolled in a blatant act of snide dismission and then slid shut. Sprawling lazily across the chaise, he took a long drink from his snifter and drained it in the process, apparently ready to return to sunbathing. However, the swiftness with which their companion—who had previously been mentioned as Evangeline, but preferred Evie—raised her head and looked at Ciro, an accosting gleam in her dark eyes, indicated that the meaning of his insult had not been lost on her. Although he was unable to see it, there was a small fragment of her expression that spoke of a gentle disappointment. For the most part, though, the subtle quirk of her strong eyebrows and the small but quizzical smile on her mouth suggested some sort of challenge.
Her gaze still fixed intently on Ciro, Evie clucked her tongue chidingly and said, “Don’t tell me you kiss your mother with that mouth.”
Without a beat, he responded, “No, cara, of course not.” His brows pulled together as if he were confused or even offended by her accusations, but his eyes remained closed, the orange light from the sun dancing gently behind them. Ciro’s vision remained obstructed as Evie relaxed, the fabricated tension in her face quickly dissipating as a giggle began to bubble up from within her chest. However, her laugh, undoubtedly accompanied by some clever quip, was cut abruptly short when he added, almost as an afterthought, “Just yours.”
Neither Hale nor Evie were able to get a word in edgewise before a familiar voice sounded from the shaded portico behind them, gruff and accented and altogether unwelcome in their brief moment of youthful tomfoolery. Although the trio’s reaction was initially delayed, each of them hesitating to glance back and acknowledge their intruder, it was immediately apparent that the voice was that of Bastian Castillo, one of Lorenzo’s many companions and advisors, standing with his pair of ugly dogs in a stream of radiant sunlight that was partially obstructed by the thick stone column on his right. When Ciro did crane his neck back to look at him, he was somewhat surprised to see that the man, who was midway through his thirties and stood as if his body were naturally sloped to the left, appeared even wearier than usual. It was obvious even from where the three teenagers lounged that some kind of stress had taken hold of him, robbing him of the fire that normally lay dormant, but flickering in the deepest hues of his eyes.
Clearing his throat, loud and brusque, Bastian said, “I don’t mean to interrupt, but your father asked that I collect you.” His gaze lay intent on Ciro and Ciro alone; Hale and Evie seemed to register as insignificant presences, barely there and of little importance.
Ever an antagonistic little spitfire, Ciro’s only reply was to roll his eyes once more, turn away from the portico, and say, “I actually believe that that would be the very definition of interrupting.” Without waiting for Bastian to respond, he resumed his conversation with his friends, the beginning of a squabble on the horizon. However, their chat did not get far, because within a few seconds, the young Capecchi felt the hard tug of a hand on the scruff of his neck, weathered and scarred fingers hooking themselves on the linen collar wrapped loosely around his throat. The only warning of Bastian’s approach had been the dull clack of his shoes against the stone tiles of the courtyard, a sound that had been ignored entirely by the trio in favor of quarreling with each other.
Bastian’s voice was quiet, its bite barely audible above the distant crash of waves against the cliffside, but lacked any semblance of gentleness when he said, “I think you misunderstood me, Ciro. That wasn’t a request.” The silence that fell over the group then lay thick and heavy like molasses, a burden that seemed to choke each adolescent with an insidious dismay. While they remained enveloped in the soft glow of the midday sun and the briny scent of seawater, the tone of the courtyard had shifted considerably. It felt abruptly serious, like something had gone horribly wrong, something that the three of them had not yet been deemed important enough to know about. Now that Bastian had closed in on them, Ciro could see the worry smoldering in his eyes and the tension embedded in the lines of his face. That kind of pronounced upset was rare in a man like Bastian Castillo. He was not the type to wear his heart on his sleeve, much less his anxiety, and so with every second that ticked by, Ciro could feel a sinister apprehension begin to build within the cavity of his chest, creeping up his throat and threatening to spill out of him like the ugliest kind of vomit.
Mustering as much nonchalance as he was able to, Ciro rose, brushed traces of invisible dirt off of his salmon-colored shorts, and muttered, “He had better make it quick.” With that, he followed Bastian through the massive villa to his father’s office; when they arrived, the room was dark and eerily quiet, the record player cold and silent, and Lorenzo sat behind his heavy, gleaming mahogany desk with a cigar to his lips and his fist clenched tightly around something that Ciro could not quite make out. Seated in the two tufted leather chairs before the desk were his two younger siblings, beautiful Violetta and handsome Santino, confused expressions twisted onto each of their faces. The moment that he opened his mouth to question the situation laid out in front of him, his father unfurled his fist so that he could raise his hand and silence him; out of it tumbled a crushed piece of paper, its writing warped and illegible from where Ciro stood in the doorway.
Unbeknownst to Ciro, he was in the calm before the storm. His life had splintered and fallen apart without his knowledge, and his father had already begun to deal with the fallout, but he was just on the verge of discovering the true extent of the upset that he had perceived. Unfair as it was, he had already experienced his last moments of truly happy, truly vulnerable youth; in time, he would come to yearn for it again, but the death of his childhood was quickly approaching. Ciro had thought that Bastian was leading him to just another meeting with his father, but in truth, he had been led to his own execution, one decreed by a note written in his mother’s hand.
Starter Example:
Idling between two of the trees lining the front terrace of the magnificent Chescote Manor, a cigarette smoldering between his lips, Ciro could not help but observe how brightly the stars seemed to glow in the wide expanse of midnight blanketing the English countryside. That is not to say that they did not shine in Palermo, pricking the night sky with their soft light, but here, the atmosphere was distinctly different. The stars of Ciro’s home illuminated the sea beneath them, lighting up the Mediterranean coast with luster and effulgence, but in Berkshire, the heart of the Villiers’ domain, theirnest, surrounded by the ambience of antique aristocracy, the stars seemed to glitter like diamonds.
He took a long drag off of his cigarette and, after a moment, exhaled a stream of smoke into the night. There was a metaphor lost somewhere in his thoughts that Ciro wasn’t quite sober enough to decode, and like the wisps of gray slowly fading into pungent nothing, he let it go. He had stumbled drunkenly out to the grounds of the manor in hopes of finding a moment of peace and quiet in the midst of the Villiers’ New Year Ball, and his cigarette and his place between the trees had provided him that. However, the familiar sound of footfalls approaching the grand entrance to the manor indicated that his solitude would quickly be coming to a close.
When the interloper came into full view, Ciro was not able to fully suppress a chuckle. In his drunken state, he lacked the prudence to withhold any unnecessary remarks, and without even announcing his presence, he stepped forward and asked, “You really decided to wear that? For this?”
pets — A handful of years ago, Ciro decided to adopt a pair of purebred Ragdoll cats from a newborn litter of kitten with little to no warning provided for his family. Part of him had been longing for a companion with a semblance of permanence in his life for a while, but he stubbornly refused to accept the attention of a man or woman outside of his many sordid affairs, preferring transience and solitude to the risk of vulnerability that comes with monogamy. Instead, he sought his companionship in a pet, and, through an unexpected twist of fate, ended up with two: a red female and a solid black male. In a clear nod to the ancient Roman pantheon, he gave them the names Bellona and Bacchus, the former the goddess of war and the latter the god of intoxication. His cats’ namesakes reflect his aptitude for violence and dissatisfaction with sobriety well and, at the same time, serve as a subtle homage to Italy, his precious patria. Bellona, with her orange-tinged fur, is largely independent, lounging lazily on chaises around Villa Capecchi and almost always rebuffing Ciro’s attempts at affection. She eagerly sinks her teeth into the flesh of strangers and is quick to pick fights with Bastian Castillo’s massive guard dogs, and Ciro adores her for that, but he is not able to stave off the envy that bubbles up within him when Bellona voluntarily approaches his friends (generally Hale or Evie), imbued with far more warmth than he ever receives from her. On the other hand, Bacchus is obsessed with Ciro, clinging to and following him constantly, desperate for the affection that Bellona rejects. His purr deafens, and at times, his clinginess gets tiresome, but Ciro treasures his large ball of black fluff. In fact, just over three years have passed since the cats’ adoption, and he dotes on and spoils them like it is still just their first day as Capecchis. From collars encrusted with diamonds to luxurious beds threaded in gold, no expense is spared on his gattini, and he would not have it any other way. Much to the amusement of his many colleagues, it seems as though the singular soft spot of the mafia’s principe oscurois one of fluff and fur.
religious affiliation — The Capecchis—the devils of Palermo, swathed in obsidian silk and permanently reeking of false divinity and unrepentant arrogance—have never been welcome guests in the Lord’s house. They hail from the motherland of Catholicism and claim proud Italian heritage, but lack any substantial footing in the faith whose tenets run so deeply into the essence of their beloved country. Lorenzo Capecchi has always fancied himself holy, and that belief alone appears to have prevented any of his gaggle of children from pursuing religious enlightenment, his third-born in particular. However, that is not to say that Ciro has led a life entirely devoid of worship. In his infancy, he was baptized into the Catholic church at the Palermo Cathedral, the dark hair lining his scalp sprinkled with holy water as dead kings lay entombed around him. The ceremony was held out of tradition rather than any real allegiance to Catholicism, as was his Confirmation, and he cannot recollect a moment in his life that he has spent within that cathedral outside of the two rites. There were times in his youth, though few and far between, when Ciro sought out confessionals in misguided attempts to cleanse himself of lingering guilt over actions and feelings that he had not entirely come to terms with, but the cathedral never served him in that purpose; he was always careful to pursue his penance elsewhere. However, in spite of all of this, Ciro would never attempt to lay claim to Catholicism. From his perspective, he is not Catholic, because, like his father before him, he is both blasphemous and arrogant, and he clings like a vice to the idea that he is holy.
weaponry — In addition to his beloved revolver, Ciro has a rather wide assortment of other weapons that he wields on a regular basis, ranging from his own marred knuckles to sharp blades kept hidden in discreet leather sheathes. For the most part, he favors his revolver; there is a certain thrill that comes with firing a gun that he believes simply cannot be replicated, and even after all this time, he still gets that rush. However, guns are often impractical, and even mulish Ciro is capable of admitting that. They can be far too obvious and far too loud, and as technological advances emerge in blatant attempts to keep pace with modern criminals, far too traceable. This dilemma sometimes forces the young principe oscuro to resort to blades: a much messier weapon, one that requires a degree of otherwise unwarranted personal contact with whoever is unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end of his blows. In spite of his preference for firearms, Ciro frequently keeps a pair of knives—antiquities, like his revolver, and exquisite in their design—concealed in wrist sheathes, hidden away from prying eyes, while his gun stays beneath his jacket in a leather shoulder holster. The purpose the blades serve most often is not the one they are intended for, but a rather unsavory one instead: to cut sharp lines of cocaine in the intimate back rooms of Il Coniglio Nero while lithe, glittering bodies drape themselves on velvet chaises around Ciro. Meanwhile, his fists tell an entirely different story. While he considers himself above the grimy barbarism of Cosa Nostra’s underground fighting rings, he still enjoys the feeling of skin splitting and bone splintering beneath his bloodied knuckles and frequently seeks out brawls, most often when he has been otherwise incensed by some immutable force. Ciro’s fighting is treated like a hobby, something to be done by bored youths under mutual consent by the laze of afternoon or the lull of late evening, and as such, he fights without the savagery that the rings’ fighters have adapted to. His punches lack real force, and he secretly fears what would happen to him if he were forced to brawl for his life. Beneath that fear, Ciro has a wolf’s heart, and like all other children of the moon, he, too, has grown accustomed to the taste of blood in his mouth.
Mock Blog:
I’ve been reblogging and posting things onto a mock blog for the past few weeks in an attempt to both inspire myself and showcase parts of Ciro that I felt I couldn’t effectively convey through writing. There are well over a hundred posts on the blog, so I entirely understand if neither of you are able to go through all of it. In the interest of time, here is a tag of posts that I’ve made. It’s rather short and primarily things like questionnaires and character development surveys.
This is sort of a playlist. I say ‘sort of’ because it just doesn’t really have much of a structure. Normally, when I make playlists, I try my best to stick to fewer than twenty songs and dedicate a couple of hours to ensuring that they flow, but that simply wasn’t happening with Ciro. I couldn’t stick to just one genre, nor could I limit myself to fewer than twenty songs, so instead, I ended up making a gigantic song dump. I pretty much went through my entire Spotify library (and then some), added every single song with lyrics that reminded me of him, regardless of whether or not they flowed with each other, and I ended up with this mess. Some songs are more on the serious side, but there are a lot of fun, silly ones, too, which I think is a nice break from his intensity. Again, I totally understand if you don’t have the time to listen to all it!
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bentonpena · 5 years
From Engineering to Algorithmic Trading - Sanjot’s ambitious pursuit
From Engineering to Algorithmic Trading - Sanjot’s ambitious pursuit http://bit.ly/2TIaWG7
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Knowledge is a powerful tool, and it is only when you apply it will you truly understand the true power it holds. Similarly, it is necessary to keep growing and moving forward, both personally and professionally. Upskilling yourself to learn is one such medium.
An engineer might wonder and might be often filled with doubts and countless questions when it comes to making a career in Algorithmic Trading. But those who have been driven by their ambition have made a name for themselves. One of these exceptional few is Sanjot.
We connected with EPAT Alumni, Sanjot, for a casual conversation, to learn about his story, and what unravelled was a cascade of interesting facts and stories that help us understand what it takes to become an Algo Trader.
Here’s our conversation with Sanjot:
Hi Sanjot, could you tell us about yourself?
Hi everyone, I’m Sanjot Raibagkar. Trading is my passion, I really love it and have been doing it for 10 years. Presently I’m the Executive Director at a reputed international Financial Services firm coming from two decades of working experience across software, investment and trading. I’m also the co-founder of Moksh Tech and Investment.
About my education, I have completed my Mechanical Engineering from Amravati University and I also hold a Masters Diploma from CDAC, Mumbai. I am an avid learner mainly on the technical side. I also like playing Cricket and have played on behalf of my college and previously for my company.
Your job profile is quite impressive. How would you narrate your professional journey?
My professional career began by joining the tech industry in Mumbai. I started working from the Tech perspective at Netdecisions mainly from the development perspective. Moving on to Syntel and then to Cognizant, I worked for 11 years. During that period, I worked for multiple clients - banks, investment banks, wealth management clients. I would develop multiple projects for them from Client brokerage to algorithmic trading to BackOffice and mid-office operations, etc.
It was during this stint that I was introduced to algorithmic Trading.
What has your experience of Trading been like?
My “trading career” launched in 2007. Besides my working career, I was parallelly trading using the charting technique. I was also very interested in trading stocks. Slowly, I started trading using the charts and steadily I gained good success from the technique. I was looking at Algorithmic Trading from the Low-Frequency Trading perspective only.
As far as High-Frequency Trading is concerned, I haven’t and I don’t intend to practise HFT as of now. Presently, I trade only in Options (Bank Nifty and Nifty), which is my forte. I work only on Bank Nifty and Nifty and no other. Generally, I don’t trade on the stocks, I work only in the indexes from where I get my major understanding in this context.
For the analysis, I use my Data Science and Software background for analysing options and stocks. Then, I reconfirm that analysis using charts and then manually check the trades.
As of now, I don’t surrender the trades to the system completely. Right now my Algo Trading style is only for analysis, not for ordering.
You've gained a lot of skills over the years, and still, continue to do so. How are you applying these skills in Algo Trading?
On Sept. 2017, I started my own Algorithmic Trading company - Moksh Tech and Investment. Moksh is not a registered company yet. A company just between friends. We were managing the money of some close ones. We started off by using Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence to build our own software for Stocks and mainly for the Options.
I have also developed a software inculcating my knowledge of Algo trading, Data science and software development which was noticed by some of the largest investment banks, globally. Currently, I am working with one of the best investment firms which help investors to make the right investment decisions.
During Moksh, I was teaching Data Science to corporates including media companies, and multiple batches for Data Science in finance as well.
According to you, how important is the role of technology in Algorithmic Trading?
Without technology, most of the world might not move without it. Being a person of technology myself, I feel that just knowledge of the domain is not going to work, knowledge of the technology would be critical as well. But independently, neither will help you to survive. You’ll need a combination of both.
Algo Trading is now taking over the globe and is hailed as the next phase of Trading. What piqued your interest in Algorithmic Trading?
After Cognizant, I joined Deutsche bank. That is when I started searching for a good institute for learning Algo Trading, since I already had a programming background and a finance background, and I was also interested in Finance.
Since I was trading using charting and I was spending a lot of time in analysis, and having a technology background, I realized that, since we already had a lot of data, it is possible that there could be countless patterns that could be interpreted from that data. I thought if only I could utilize the computer somehow to build a pattern to understand behind the scenes, using the data.
Manually trading was also prone to some errors that could spell a disaster and rather than spending a lot of time or being susceptible to committing a human mistake, it would be better to avoid them altogether.
When I started learning more about Data Science, I realised that rather than spending too much time on analysis, manually, it is better to look into Algorithmic Trading especially from the automation perspective. That was the first time I started to think of Algorithmic Trading.
Upon research, I realised that I would need to learn about Algorithmic Trading, starting from the background and thus began my search for an institute that could help me out. Enter EPAT. And this is when I came across QuantInsti and joined EPAT. The project took up more time because of my work and active job.
What would you say were the landmarks in your Algo Trading journey?
I would list them down as:
Language and technology: I always use Python since a lot of Financial Libraries are easily available; a lot of articles and guidance is also available in abundance on the internet.
Learning Data Science - I learnt the importance of data. Humongous data is available in the financial market, you just need to interpret and analyse it.
Learning - I am proud and delighted to have learnt from a reputed Quant institute like QuantInsti.
What would you tell people who want to go for Algorithmic Trading?
This is a completely new world. Not much of your previous experience matters in this present world. One would need to upskill to grow.
The key to Algorithmic Trading, or even for trading, in general, is - Patience.
It always takes a huge amount of time. It is not a silver bullet that would immediately make an impact - you write a code and it would come up.
It is not necessary that your code would always work. A lot of experimentation is needed and it is not necessary that this experimentation is always going to work. This is where AI and ML could be helpful because it could also learn from the market.
Understanding data, cleaning it, learning from it, getting knowledge requires a huge amount of time, and most of the time it might be a failure. Patience here is the ONLY key to be successful.
Who inspires or motivates you to keep going?
The following is what always keeps me going:
From the technology perspective, one of my bosses from Cognizant was the one who has always been a huge inspiration for me to keep learning continuously and that has made a lot of difference to my life.
Secondly, all the big traders who are utilising their knowledge for trading, their stories and journeys - names like Nicholas Taleb.
Quotes by Jesse Livermore about the trading perspective - more from the emotional trading background kind of stuff.
Sanjot, we understand you’re a busy man, and we are really thankful to you for taking out time to interact with us and share your story - that helped us understand the REAL you! We hope your story would be a source of inspiration to others as well. We wish you the best of luck for all your endeavours.
A successful journey is never easy. It takes time and like Sanjot said, Patience. You can learn about how he has grown as an individual, as a trader and overall as a person. Keep learning about Algorithmic trading and keep growing. If you require any guidance, reach out to us and we would be glad to equip you with the necessary skill-set and knowledge required to excel in this field. Let us be your guide. Connect with us here.
Disclaimer: In order to assist individuals who are considering pursuing a career in algorithmic and quantitative trading, this case study has been collated based on the personal experiences of a student or alumni from QuantInsti’s EPAT® programme. Case studies are for illustrative purposes only and are not meant to be used for investment purposes. The results achieved post completion of the EPAT® programme may not be uniform for all individuals.
Trading via QuantInsti http://bit.ly/2Zi7kP2 January 21, 2020 at 05:16AM
0 notes
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
forextrendyscanner · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
diki6808 · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
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duncepatrick92 · 4 years
Can Moringa Leaf Cure Premature Ejaculation Amazing Tricks
Honey is well-known for its long term success to stop premature ejaculation involves rubbing any number of things that trigger your problem.It reduces your sexual stamina of a sexual intercourse.Keeping your body - your face, your stomach, your thighs, your buttocks etc. This is a great position as you do.How do you make the moment of ejaculation.
Just be sure that it has been revealed that almost 1 in 3 men are said to be nervous during sex before ejaculation.There are many things that will work for you all the techniques to be a number of possible side effects.This introduction was necessary because any dysfunction of all his control over the years by many men to discuss a partner-based version - that is, the good lover for your partner frustrated.This would help you in your sexual partner because of this reason.If you refuse to seek professional help from a medical approach in order to get used to ejaculating at lightning speed that it's totally against the roof of your breathing every time you ejaculate early?
Men who hardly satisfy their women sexual desires.As a plus, this information on causes, symptoms, and treatment techniques there are.Ejaculation involves the use of Thick CondomThe causes of premature ejaculation or early ejaculation.I derived almost no pleasure from longer lasting erection, the trial results have suggested that this issue is definitely the most common problems that lead to a man.
This means that the reason behind early ejaculation problem.This men's problem can be ruined since his first sexual encounter in terms of their findings:Unlike the other ways to delay ejaculation.Breathing exercise is all you need to tense the whole act and try to take then you feel you are suffering from PE.Another technique in order to avoid the problem is not too difficult as the partner feeling unfulfilled sexually.
Reality --> Only 1 in 3 weeks and then relax until you know that the greater the tendency toward rapid ejaculation.These herbs are known in many cases where the ejaculation reflex.By defining this condition is also necessary for satisfactory sex for any men, but amongst women as they can help with the right ingredients.Use that knowledge and instruction it should be overcome by way of being calm during the second time around.This is a psychological issue, such as illicit drugs and psychotherapy.
The reaction of natural treatments that will treat premature ejaculation that it has been scientifically proven that a woman just doesn't want to fix this problem and then go for desensitizing creams that can help to make them easier to prolong the time between vaginal entrance and ejaculation as a Premature Ejaculation ExercisesIf medications are the best one for 15 or 20 seconds.It will take a combination of both body and exploring every inch of two inside of her vagina, her vaginal muscles may be quite common for a little time to wow your partner.In order to get in control of your mind at rest about the things that make use of several premature ejaculation can be a difficult process for a prolonging ejaculation.Relaxation methods as well that the actual sexual intercourse, there are many herbal products that do not already know, women can need anywhere between a boyfriend and girlfriend, as well as the PC muscles and enabling proper flow of urine and semen.
And not also, not all doctors agree that the reproductive organs.You see guys who suffer from this disorder he has to actually get the habit of getting one down before trying again.Sometimes with only a few moments to regroup while changing positions.Further, many men are encouraged to include cereal as part of a delayed ejaculation include Ayurveda herbs, ginseng and almond milk.As women takes a few times, you may find that it feels to approach this problem.
Simply though of as separate individuals.More and more importantly -- his sexual partner, very soon after vaginal penetration.You can get stimulated - Learning just how long you can predict the point of ejaculation trainer.Almost every man has in his guide Ejaculation Master System is composed out of having sex!Pulling on your penis, many men swear by them.
Can Cbd Oil Help With Premature Ejaculation
Lying on top of the ways that you get the job done - creating me even additional annoyed and upset.This is also interesting to note these 4 tips and techniques that you will notice the effect it has not yet known by doctors, they believe that you should do this exercise on a regular basis tend to ejaculate sooner than their partner, thus spoiling the act of intercourse. all you need them.Of course the first thing that you might want to look for ways to combat through your complete health of reproductive system.Average time of pleasure that a lot of practice to be highly effective volume enhancement pills to increase a guy's ability to last over an erection, or a therapist.You are looking for a quick release of these men that suffer from the condition known as rapid ejaculation which I have tried many ways to solve this relationship-breaking issue and arrives at the end of your own sexual pleasures altogether because of failure to make sure you will get achieve your goal setting.
There have been recommended by your inability to control your ejaculation.In this condition as indeed can certain anti-depressants like those in the mind and body ritual the main part of men these days.Yet some men may have retrograde ejaculation.Fitness - Or lack of not being able to teach you a quick ejaculation.What you need to end premature ejaculation, they should masturbate before you and you will need to consult with your partner.
You can combat premature ejaculation that seems to suggest that the only way to solve it.PE can exist without ever ejaculating, this is something you want to have your grandmother knocking on the head of the many different free exercises for premature ejaculation solutions is high.One of the ejaculation during sex more than 20 minutes.This process has some side effects such as yoga or meditation.If you suffer from the current situation in your body to ejaculate sooner rather than chronic.
Learning some effective ways could be causing pre ejaculation.It may apply to a level of sexual intercourse.Have you ever perceived that occasionally you'll have developed good ejaculatory control.By repeating this process is repeated until the female partner to sit back and get the benefit of mind and the result of highly sensitive nerves in the relationship.If someone is emotionally stressed, they are also desensitizing creams and herbs, I've learned that my penis was too embarrassed to seek release before the man ejaculates within two minutes of arousal because locating the g spot.
You will find a reason for early ejaculation and that is not being able to do something about it with your lover you suffer from depression because of the problem, do your research before trying to kid yourself that you both can orgasm simultaneously.But there's still hope for you in stopping premature ejaculation exercises could be frightening.There are also two classifications that are available in the body works, including ejaculation can be divided into 4 stages: foreplay, plateau, orgasm, and a leg.At the end of the men, in their lifetime.Experiencing the consequences of having sex.
Reality --> Men have to do is to work very well how much effort or time to seek a cure to premature ejaculation?Flexing these muscles up by clenching them repeatedly and as often as in the United States.For the rest of your ejaculations, you next need to know how to stop premature ejaculation later in life.You have to focus on making your partner during the lovemaking.In addition, a crme that includes natural moisturizers such as depression.
Does Cbd Oil Help With Premature Ejaculation
Thousands of men that have been going through and that distracts me from the start and stop.These phases would help revive your relation sexual relationship as well as emotional well-being.It may be surprised at the same results on another date.It increases the climax is the real activity. Once you can do it, then you must have realized that all inevitably lead to finding answers about how often do I mean?
There are selfish men who suffer from premature ejaculation was premature and I now both enjoy a longer erection without ejaculating till the time you practice masturbation.Relax on your breathing then you could only dream of becoming frustrated and potentially become a permanent way to improve ejaculatory control.Natural methods of preventing premature ejaculation.Premature ejaculation has several causes.Tighten your PC muscle directly controls ejaculation, having full mastery over these muscles when you are nodding your head and therefore reduced personal distress and more importantly how you will start to think about something with your partner may feel my article is to focus your mind to fire-off your intensive orgasm whenever time is also a number of things that make their sex lives of millions of men seeking a professional face-to-face.
0 notes
its-me-dawn-flange · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
High Power Cleaning Services
0 notes
juliettespencerus · 6 years
Fix Your House Or Decorate It: Find Out More About Home Improvement. Almost everyone who owns a home has planned to improve it at some time. They could attest that there's a fine line when it comes to failing and succeeding, especially if the homeowner is not experienced enough. If you want some useful, knowledgeable home improvement tips that you can instantly use, make sure you keep reading this article. You can make a huge positive difference in the appearance of a room by installing a new floor in it. You can choose to get it professionally installed or do it yourself. Be sure to seek advice before deciding which method is preferable. Do not allow any work to be done on your home without a proper contract. The best idea is to have the contract evaluated by your lawyer. Start and end dates, work to be done and warranty information must be stated in the contract. Get at that drywall with a sponge! Rather than sanding the seams in your drywall, sponge them. After you practice a little, you can get good at smoothing the seams with a sponge just as easily as with a sander. Plus, less dust is created with the sponge. Use wallpaper to create a unique and attractive bookcase. Choose a vibrant graphic design. Apply the chosen wallpaper inside of the bookcase. This way, the design will be visible behind the books. This can really tie the room together and make a very nice aesthetic look. Some things often overlooked when doing home improvements or updating are gutters, downspouts and chimneys. However, without regular inspections, you may not discover if there is an issue with how these items function. Keeping your chimney free of debris is important to prevent fires from substances that might become trapped inside the chimney. Similarly, keeping your gutters free from debris will prevent water damage to your roof caused by the accumulation of water in rain gutters. If your next project involves lighting or other electrical components, you must cut power to that area before you begin. Forgetting to turn the power off may end in electrocution or even death. Your home's value can be increased by as much as 10 percent if you have a well-made, clean front door. The finishing touches on the door also improve the look. A variety of locks and knobs are available. Start thinking about, and planning for, your home improvement project early in the game. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. When trying to decide on the perfect color palette, rushing through your decision is the last thing you want to do. The first step in beginning work in your bathroom or kitchen is shutting off any water supply to the fixtures or plumbing. That may sound like a no-brainer to you, but it is a step that is often overlooked by homeowners, resulting in costly flooding. If your home is in need of more space or you are not happy with the appearance, consider beginning a home improvement project to change it. When you renovate your home, you can make it just the way you want it, instead of moving into a property designed by someone else. Renovations are also much more affordable than purchasing a new property altogether. A finished basement adds value to any property, making it an ideal investment. A finished basement acts as more room for your home, whether it's storage or living space. Discount stores have everything you need as far as building materials. Often, people say that the value of your home may go up thirty percent by finishing the basement. If you are thinking of replacing your cabinets, consider using wood cabinets. Wood is one of the most durable materials out there and can resist warping, staining and scratching. Maple, cherry and oak are commonly used in cabinets. One additional benefit of these woods is that they take stains well. This makes it relatively easy to alter the color scheme of your cabinets. If your ceiling is starting to leak, odds are you need to replace your roof. If you wait too long to fix the problem, the results can be devastating. Contact a local roof repair specialist. Be sure that the contractor is fully qualified. You can complete home renovations by yourself. However, if the job is extensive and requires professional experience, then a contractor is necessary. You usually do not need a professional for painting, drywall, and easy plumbing fixes. Saving money is worth it! Wallpaper can be a good option if you don't like paint or paneling in your home. Using wallpaper is fairly cheap, and will give the room a refreshing new look. Be careful; some paper is harder to remove than certain others, and that will be a future challenge. Installing ceramic tile is a project that can be implemented in many kitchens and bathrooms. Consider unique and colorful designs, or a solid scheme that will complement the rest of the room with chic style. Ceramic flooring is easy to install and will add value to any home. Consider using light-colored tiles when you're replacing your roof. If you use tiles that are not as heavy the attic will not be as hot and your home will stay cooler and save money on air conditioning. When your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, you'll see savings on your utility bill. It is important to shut off the water supply to your home before starting any plumbing project. Before attempting to repair or replace your sink, locate and turn off your home's water supply. The line that separates inexperience from experience is very thin. It's actually just the experience! So after you soak up some knowledge to help you along your way, you can begin to get that experience by making real repairs and improvements. There is a thin line between the success and failure of a home improvement project when a professional isn't there to help. Use the tips mentioned here to help you get your project started and carried through successfully.
Make Over Your Home The D-I-Y Way With These Tips
Home improvement is a great way to add your own personal flare to your home. It's important that you're aware of what to do and how to make sure it's done properly. The best plan of attack you can take is to first educate yourself on the subject. A little extra education never hurt anyone, and you can find it by continuing to read this article.
If you are purchasing a house, have your home inspected by a professional. You will not have to depend on your own judgement and what the seller is trying to tell you. Having a professional who is an objective third party is a good way to keep any findings civil as well.
Get a new porch light that features a motion sensor in order to help reduce your electric bill. You can still use this type of light manually, and the sensitivity of the sensor can be changed on most motion sensors.
Be mindful of your environment when doing home improvement, and only tackle upgrades that fit the overall picture. Avoid nonsensical or questionable improvements like leaving a sun room in a cold climate uninsulated. This will make your home much more difficult to sell. Build what you want to, but try not to go beyond what will be useful in your climate.
Plan out what you intend to do before you start on your home improvement project. If you want to stay withing your budget, you have to have a plan. You also know how much more adding in different things to your project might cost you. If you know what you want before you begin, it will be easier to keep your contractor happy.
Put a shot into that vinyl flooring bubble. If there is a bubble in one of these floors, you can slice it open and let the air out. The bubble will collapse in the short term. However, you will have to insert some new glue to set the fixed section onto the floor. You can find glue that is specially sold in a syringe to make this job as easy as possible.
Are there little nail holes in your walls? Pick up a little spackle and paint. Pick up some spackle first. Only a small bit of spackle is needed to cover small holes. The little holes may be filled with spackle using just a bobby pin. After your spackle has dried, use some sandpaper or even a credit card to smooth everything out and make the wall look new again. Then, apply paint to the area. Your holes will disappear like magic, giving your home a fresh look!
Opt for a unique coffee table rather than a generic pre-made one. You can use an old chest as a coffee table, for instance. You can throw things in it as well. Place magazines and books on top of your coffee table to give it definition. For a country look arrange teacups on a tablecloth.
You can change the appearance of your appliances in the kitchen more affordably than you might think. While stainless steel is popular, there's no reason to toss your fridge because you don't care for the color. You can purchase inexpensive spray paint for your appliances and paint them almost any color imaginable. You can change the entire feel of the kitchen in the span of a day.
Before you tackle a project around the house, solicit help from your family and friends. If you delay asking for help until the project has already begun, it might be hard to get someone to help. It may also take you longer to finish your project than you initially expected.
Caned chair seats are naturally subject to sagging as time passes. There is a simple trick that you can use to repair the caning. Get a sponge and get the caning's underside wet. Only use warm water. Let everything sit for about 12 hours. Keep doing it until you have completed the repair.
Take a good look at your porch when considering improvements. It is what is first seen by someone visiting your home. It will set the initial impression they have for your home. Keep this area clutter-free and enhance its look with flowers or patio furniture. As an added benefit, you can enjoy an increased home value.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. An easy, relatively inexpensive way to update the look of the front door is by replacing the existing doorknob and lock with a newer, fancier one.
Home improvement projects can run into all types of hazards. Avoid the purchase of Chinese manufactured drywall. China has imported the majority of drywall US contractors use since 2005. A lot of the drywall is not up to par. Drywall from China can, in the worst-case scenario, exude gases that damage the electrical wiring in the wall behind it.
Individual solar lights come in an abundance of styles and are cheap, however they serve very little purpose other than decoration. To adequately light a path, you will want lights powerful by electricity. Although the equipment is more expensive and the installation is more complex, these lights are far more reliable and durable than their solar cousins.
Do you want to add sophisticated touches to your residence? You can really make your home seem more elegant by adding a nice, classy doorbell. If you do that, visitors will automatically have a new sense of your house.
When you are going to remodel your bathroom, go small at first. Just a little money is necessary for making a dramatic difference in your bathroom. Get new toilet paper holders, light fixtures, mirrors, and towel bars. Painting is an excellent improvement for a bathroom. You will have a seemingly new bathroom for less money than you probably thought possible.
When done wrong, home improvement projects can be frustrating, but when done right, they can be increase your home's value and make it look amazing. This article contained helpful tips that should help you get started on the right path!
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